#((BUT THAT'S WHAT'S IN MY HEAD. they look like they could be related dammit and i just think that's Cute))
zonecode · 8 months
@scumbag-the-hedgehog Liked for a Starter!
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     ...What, was this some sort of cosmic joke? Since when did the shattered reflection have a mirror image?
     The tenrec's default was a burbling stew of rage and violence, but those trace cases of confusion were the first to flitter over the face. Eyes pinch, their glance is askew with the natural chaos of bewilderment. Who was this guy? And why did he look so much like her? If she had some shoddy dumpster-diving older brother, it was certainly news to the doppelganger.
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     Though, it didn't take long for that aforementioned default of hers to kick in. It's the crunching of teeth, pointed teeth flashing as a lip caught itself in a sneer.
     "I know what they say about imitation bein' the sincerest form'a flattery, but c'mon. This is kinda ridiculous, isn't it? I've been makin' a name for myself, sure, but I didn't think fan clubs would be the thing poppin' up. I thought my reward for beatin' on that blue rat's bundle'a tag-alongs would be more of a..."
     —Hm. The words are lost while her thoughts take a moment to catch up. Her head tilts, thumb and middle finger connect to snap in the meantime.
     Jolts of high voltage jump and shutter in sparks with each quick motion. "...A head hunt for me? A real battle royale situation, I guess. Guess those schmucks in their ivory towers don't care when one'a their friends get beat to an inch'a their life."
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ellecdc · 2 months
Can we get a James potter pregnancy fic like the moon water one? I just on ow he’d be so sweet and doting and wouldn’t let you lift a finger.
it's so true though - he would be a master coddler, & sorry to leave you waiting since April, this fic gave me a run for my money 🥺
James Potter x pregnant wife!reader who interrupts game night
CW: mentions of pregnancy, gambling?
Sirius was not too proud to admit that he felt immediately guilty when he realised the mistake he had made.
As you got further along in your pregnancy, James had become increasingly less inclined to leave your side for any extended amount of time.
It got to the point that James actually took a leave of absence from work, and was now debating whether or not he’d ever go back once the baby was born. 
Remus, Sirius, and Peter all had bets on how long that was going to last, knowing how…involved James could be, not withstanding the potential pregnancy hormone related fits of anger and exhaustion. 
So, this week's game night (and likely every remaining one until perhaps your child went to Hogwarts) was being hosted at James’.
“Sorry boys, I just don’t want to risk not being here in case she needs anything, you know?” He had said. 
And they did know; and quite frankly, Sirius was looking forward to not having to clean up after his sodding friends, so there were no complaints from him or Moony. And your place was closer to Peter’s flat, so he was happy for an excuse to take an evening stroll.
So when the four friends were sitting around a circular dining table, bickering over whose turn it was in their game of muggle poker and you were - what was only now very clear to Sirius - tiptoeing down the stairs of your townhouse, Sirius really shouldn’t have made your presence known. 
“What are you doing up?” James asked as he quickly dropped his cards - face down, dammit - onto the table to make his way over to you after being alerted to your presence by Sirius’ traitorous smile and wave.
“I just wanted a snack, Jamie.” You admitted, half bashful and half frustrated at the fussing, though you accepted James' embrace willingly.
Sirius thought the hug looked awkward, seeing as how the two of you needed to leave so much room for your belly. 
“You should’ve told me, angel; I would have gotten it for you.” He chided gently as he ushered you (forced you) into his seat with a gentle hand on your back.
You smiled apologetically at the boys as you sat in James’ seat with only a small groan and a hand on your belly.
“Sorry, Trouble.” Sirius apologised quickly. But you - the sweet ‘angel’ that you were - simply waved him off. 
“Even if I had made it to the kitchen, he would have heard me rummaging in the fridge.” You said simply, picking up James’ cards and reorganising them.
“Has he got anything good?” Peter asked quickly, causing you to shake your head no before putting the cards back down.
“Damn sod’s been bluffing; he was always such a terrible liar at Hogwarts when he was the lookout for our pranks, how on earth can he bluff?” Remus asked incredulously as he dropped his own hand down on the table (face down, damnit). 
“He’s not bluffing; I don’t think he has a clue how to play this game.” You explained simply.
“You should come to all of our game nights.” Sirius chuckled as he gently nudged your arm with his elbow. 
You chuckled and looked towards the kitchen. “The point of gamenights was for you four to get together, and for me to have a quiet house.”
“Please.” James called as he made his way out of the kitchen with a tray of various treats in one hand and a large cup of ice water in the other. “You gave up having a quiet house the second you said ‘I do’.” 
You accepted a loving kiss to your temple as he handed the cup of water to you and placed the tray in front of you on top of his cards. 
If Sirius didn’t get a peak at someone’s cards really fucking soon-
“How many more weeks do you have?” Remus asked you then; probably a polite thing to ask a pregnant couple but Sirius was a little preoccupied wondering if there was an X-ray vision spell he could use to see through Peter’s cards. 
“Too many.” You responded as James offered a jovial “It’s gone by so quickly!” 
“Jamie, I really don’t think you get to say that.” You admonished him, though Sirius could tell the furrow of your brows was all for show. 
“What? Why? I feel like this pregnancy has just flown by!” 
“Oh, well I’m very glad you feel that way.” You sneered. “But you’re not the one who had to stretch and grow and carry around a bowling ball.”
Sirius felt himself swallow nervously in James’ honour, but the dumb sod simply beamed at you lovingly and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s because you’ve done it so beautifully, angel; you made it look easy.”
And damn James and his smoothness; he had even Sirius blushing.  
“Alright, I’m in.” Remus announced then as he pushed a pile of chips towards the centre of the table.
“Me too.” Peter agreed as he followed in suit.
Sirius felt like he was grasping at billywigs, but he felt he had a better chance than James, so he, too, bet a couple of chips. 
“What say you, Prongs?” Peter asked then.
James turned back to the game, looking surprised as if he’d forgotten they’d been playing at all.
“Oh, I fold.” He said simply.
“What!?” Sirius screeched as he threw his cards down on the table. 
Remus made an exasperated groaning sound as he also placed his cards face up.
“Yeah, I had nothing.” James responded with a casual shrug.
“Nice.” Peter murmured quietly as he took in the state of Remus and Sirius’ cards before placing his own down on the table and pulling the chips towards himself.
“For fucks sake!” Sirius shouted.
“Pads! Little ears!” James chided.
“Are they even fully developed yet?” Sirius muttered back, earning him a swat up the back of the head from his boyfriend. 
“Oh yes.” You said solemnly. “Babe has been very active everytime Uncle Pads talks.”
Sirius paused in his tussle with Moony to whip his head towards you. “Really!?”
You smiled and nodded, holding your hand out for his which he took willingly and allowed you to place it to a particularly hard spot on your stomach.
“Say something.” You instructed.
“I solemnly swear I am up to no good!” He chanted, the end of his sentence rising an octave (or two, if you asked Moony) when he felt a little kick right underneath his hand. “Oh my godric!”
“I wanna feel.” Remus murmured as he reached over his boyfriend to swap places.
“Mischief managed.” Sirius continued, feeling the slight jump of excitement in Remus’ body at the movement he obviously felt beneath his hand. 
“Oh gods, you’re gonna have a trouble maker.” Peter remarked with a shake of his head, though his smile let you know the comment was made in jest. 
“Oh, there was never any doubt about that, considering who the father is.” You quipped back, smiling lovingly up at James who simply beamed down at you in turn. 
“Well, I’ll get out of your hair, boys.” You said as you made to stand. “Let you get back to your games.” 
Your sentence was met with a round of dissent. 
“No, no mama. We’ll leave.” Sirius argued as he too stood. 
“What? Why are we leaving!?” Pete asked then.
“Peter, you already took all our money, leave the expecting parents to their evening, yeah?” Remus reprimanded, causing the three of them to look over only to see James blanketed over you from behind with both of his hands resting on your stomach as he murmured softly into your ear.
Your eyes were closed as you allowed James to rock the two of you back and forth with a soft smile spread across your face. 
“Come on Petey, we’re officially intruding.” Sirius added as he tossed another chip at his friend. “Take this for the road - I’ll be winning it all back at our next game night.”
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secretly-dum · 2 years
Could I get a Joel miller x reader fic where the reader gets her period and her past partners always made her sleep on the couch bc they thought it was gross and Joel is just like wtf at someone treating his daeling like that?
Come Back to Bed, Please?
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pairing: joel miller x AFAB!reader
genre: romantic fluff <3
summary: you get your period and freak out over what Joel’s reaction could be.
warning/contents: reader has a period, blood mentions(obv), Y/N is used, AFAB reader, mentions of past relationships, it gets a tad bit angsty.
additional notes: ty for the request!! Im actually AFAB(I identify as agender btw) so I can relate to this 😭
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Your stomach starts to hurt and you immediately realize what time of the month it is. You rush to the bathroom and grab your stash of pads underneath the cold sink.
Knock, knock.
You completely forgot about Joel..
“Uh..Y/N? You..you alright…?” Joel questions worryingly, thinking the worst that could possibly happen to you.
“I’m alright…I’m just on period!” You yell out nervously, hoping that he wouldn’t make a snarky remark or say you’re disgusting.
“Alright, just tell me if you need anything.” He says and you hear him walk away. Fear washes off of you, but confusion starts to settle in when he didn’t give you the reaction you thought we was going to give you. Cleaning yourself up, a cold darkness settles outside, indicating that you should start to go to rest.
“Took Ellie to sleep, she told me to tell you ‘goodnight’” Joel says chuckling softly and you smile.
“Well, I’m tired too. Think I’m gonna head to bed now.” You say as you pick up your pillow and a blanket from you and Joel’s shared bed.
“Woah woah woah! The hell are ya’ doing?”
“Picking up my stuff…?”
“‘Cause I’m on my period, dummy.” You nonchalantly reply, and lay down on the couch. Joel looks at you with the most confused expression ever and realization hits you like a truck.
“That don’t mean you have to sleep on the couch.” His southern deep accent breaks the short silence between the two of you. Opening your mouth, your voice seemingly disappears from your throat, and now you’re the one confused.
“But that doesn’t…that doesn’t make you disgusted? Or something? Doesn’t that bother you?” You say, barely above a whisper.
“No…? Y/N…god dammit.” He pinches the bridge of his nose making you even more confused.
“I’ve dealt with all sorts of blood before. I’ve seen clickers in front of me, and those shits are nasty. You really think blood like that is gonna bother me?”
Now that he says it, that really doesn’t make sense. His statement lingers in your head for a while before you say something.
“Well- I guess that’s just a reaction I get a lot. My past partners didn’t like the fact that I naturally bled, so they usually made me sleep on the couch.” You admit, looking down at the floor to avoid looking at Joel’s face. He stays silent longer than usual and you look up to see him being shocked.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You giggle.
“That’s fucking absurd? No one should treat you like that, ever. They’re lucky I don’t know who they are.” He says walking to you and pressing his forehead against yours, pinning you down on the couch. A warm, fuzzy feeling enters your heart and you let your left hand trail up to his cheek. Moonlight hits the floor, brightening the living room.
“It’s not that serious Joel.” You say, playfully rolling your eyes.
“It’s that serious to me, you’re…you’re human. It’s something that happens naturally, if they don’t like that then you should’ve left them.”
Your gaze at him starts to turn blurry as tears show up in your eyes, you kiss him and he unexpectedly picks you up bridal-style. You squeal out his name and he tells you to ‘shush up’. He gently places you down on the bed.
“Get yourself comfortable, I’ll be back in a minute.” The covers of the bed get on top of you and Joel leaves the room.
A few minutes passed, where is this man? you thought, and he walks in the moment you stop thinking.
“U-Uh..H-Here..” you grab a mug out of his hands and embrace the warmth of it.
“What is it?”
“Tea…it’s from a uh..tip that Tess told me that would help with cramps..” Red tints his face, but luckily from the darkness it’s not visible.
“Aww Joel, you didn’t have to do that!” You say as he steps in bed, you take a few sips from the tea and place it down on the table next to the bed. Joel slips more under the bed and fully gets comfortable, and you position to be the big spoon. You arm wraps around his back and you feel Joel kissing your shoulder.
“I love you, don’t let anybody tell you different.”
I love you too.”
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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beenbaanbuun · 7 months
stress w/ jongho
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words - maybe the word count is the friends we made along the way…
genre - fluff, smut
warnings - p in v, cumming inside, unprotected sex, fingering, riding, kind of dumbification but without the degrading, reader is just stressed and doesn’t want to think anymore, jongho is a cutie patootie as usual
you’re stressed
everything is piling up to the point where if you finish one thing, two more get added, and then something else for good luck
it’s no fun, having to spend all this time practically chained to your desk instead of with your boyfriend, but you tell yourself it’ll get better soon
except soon doesn’t come as soon as you’d like, and your work keeps piling up and how long has it been since you last slept? last ate?? last thought about anything that wasn’t work related???
you’re barrelling your way towards a burnout, and yet there’s nothing you can do about it except push through
but god, you wish you could just take a break…
it’s the end of the week when jongho finally decided enough is enough and shows up at your apartment
he practically breaks the door down with how hard he’s knocking, but he hasn’t heard from you in a couple of days
and yeah, he knows you’re working and he isn’t your number one priority right now, but let him be clingy in peace, dammit…
he’s missed you!
and it shows when you swing open the door and immediately get a pair of arms slung tightly around you, and a face pressed tight into your neck
he kisses at the sensitive skin a few times and you can’t help but giggle as he uses to strength to lift you up into his arms
the door gets kicked shut behind him, and before you know it, the two of you are tangled up on the couch
“jongho,” you smile as he nuzzles your neck, “i’ve missed you.”
he pulls away briefly to look you in the eyes
“maybe you should answer my texts then,” he says, only half joking, “i thought you might’ve died or something.”
you roll your eyes at his dramatics, pressing your lips to his to shut him up
“i’ve been busy,” you say as reality sinks in a little. you sigh, “i’m still busy…”
jongho frowns as he watches your face sink, and it’s only then that he really has chance to study you
the bags under your eyes are concerningly deep, and your frown lines have definitely become more prominent since he last saw you
your lips are chapped and bleeding from where he knows you’ve been chewing on them, and he doesn’t even need to look at your fingers to know your nails have received the same treatment
“you can’t take a break?” he asks with a gentle voice
“not really,” you reply with a pout, “i have double the workload that i started the week with, and that’s with me working around the clock!”
he doesn’t miss the way your voice strains as you explain your predicament
“i’ve barely fucking slept trying to get all this done,” you look fragile in his arms, so he holds you as such, “and my head hurts from how much i’m having to think.”
all he can do is watch as the tears gather along your lash line, dancing in the light until one finally falls
he’s quick to wipe it away
“baby,” he whispers, not knowing what else to say, “is there anything i can do? anything at all?”
you shake your head before desperately rubbing your hands over the fragile skin to wipe away any evidence of your upset
he pulls your hands away and holds them in his own
“i need to get back to work,” you speak through your tears, “i cant get behind.”
“baby,” he sighs
“jongho,” you interrupt
he looks at you exasperated, and you can’t help but to shrink back
“baby, this isn’t healthy,” you know he’s right, but even so you shake your head, “you’re hurting yourself and i won’t let you do that. not to my baby.”
you try and look away, but he’s quick to grab your chin and bring your gaze back to his
“i need you to tell me what i can do to make this better,” his voice is stern, and you know for a fact that there’s no way you’ll be getting any work done for the rest of the day
you’re quicker to accept that fact than you’d like to admit, letting the relief sink in as you try and ignore just how much you’ll have to catch up on tomorrow
perhaps you could ask your boss for an extension, you tell yourself
if you claim a sudden illness then he can hardly deny you one, right?
knowing him, he’d want you to work through your illness
you’d have to work on a different excuse before you-
“you’re thinking about work,” jongho snaps, “stop thinking about work.”
you try and look down again, but this time his grip against your jaw is harsher as he brings you back to him
“or so help me god, i’ll make you stop thinking about work.”
you gulp, and for the first time in weeks your mind goes blank
his face is set in stone, jaw clenching and unclenching as he holds your own firmly in place with an iron grip
his dark eyes stare into yours, almost daring you to argue
but you can’t; you don’t want to
whilst normally the idea of pushing him to ‘make you’ do anything tempted you, all you wanted now was to be good for him
and for the first time in what feels like forever, you want to feel something other than stress
“can you?” you ask, voice meek, “can you make me stop thinking?”
jongho freezes for a second or two before a kind smile takes over his expression and he nods
and where normally he would tease, call you dumb or some other degrading name, now all he can do is coo
“of course, baby,” his voice is sweet, “thank you for asking so nicely.”
his hand drops from your chin, knowing full well that he doesn’t need to force you to look at him anymore; you’ll do it because you’re good
“want to ride me?” he asks, and you respond with a nod, “yeah? does that sounds good, baby?”
you rest your hands on his shoulders for reassurance, and grind down once against the semi he’s sporting
he lets out a low moan, but still shakes his head and grabs your hips to keep them from doing it again
and when you open your mouth to complain, all he has to do it give you a look of disapproval before you’re closing it again
“let me do all the work, alright?”
before you can argue, his hand is shifting, dragging itself away from your hip, across your tummy, and down the the waistband of your shorts
it stays there for a few seconds, just dancing back and forth over the material until finally, he lets his fingers dip inside
they settle on your clit pretty quickly, honing in on it like it’s a beacon
you let out a satisfied sigh when he begins to draw circles on the sensitive bud, fingers toying with it mindlessly as he watches your face scrunch up in the cutest way
“so pretty for me,” he whispers as he begins to swipe his fingers up and down your folds, “getting so wet for me too, baby.”
you nod as he spreads your own juices around your folds, dipping his finger tips into your core every so often, just to tease you
and when he finally slips them in for real, pushing until his knuckles brush against your folds, you can’t help but let out a moan
your head falls against his shoulder as he scissors them inside of you to stretch you out, nice and ready for him to slip inside
jongho works with efficiency
because as much as he loves to tease you and reduce you down to nothing more than a moaning mess, that isn’t what you need right now
that’s why he pulls his fingers out the moment he knows you’re ready to take him, and uses them to pull his cock free from his sweats
the hand that’s on your hip let’s go for just a second to pull your shorts to the side, and before you know it he’s slipping his leaking head inside
“sit for me,” he says as he grips your hips once again, “sit nice and pretty on my dick.”
and you do, pleased to find little resistance as you push his member deeper and deeper into your heat
the two of you let out a synchronised moan as you bottom out, feeling his head kiss your cervix ever so slightly
but you barely have time to rest before his hands are picking you up and sliding you back down again
you keen as he picks up the pace, doing most of the work for you, whilst still letting you feel that tiring burn in your thighs
it’s nice, having jongho there to play with your body the way that only he knows how
to hold you in his hands so carefully as he fucks himself into you at the pace he knows you love
it doesn’t take long for you to topple into a trance of ‘jongho, jongho, jongho’ but you don’t mind it
in fact, it’s exactly what he promised you; you can’t think of anything other than him and that is perfect
his eyes flicker to where you rest on his shoulder, mouth open and panting and eyes half lidded as though you’re about to fall asleep
you turns his head to kiss your nose before using his hands to still your hips
you’re about to let out a whine of complaint until you feel his own hips thrust up to meet yours, and the complaint turns to pleasure in your throat
you realise just how much better it is this way once his dick brushes up against your g-spot a few times, turning you into a whimpering mess
he just chuckles
“see?” he grunts as he thrusts up into you, “this is where you’re supposed to be; all tired and brainless on my cock.”
you nod into his neck
“my pretty baby shouldn’t be working so hard,” his fingers find your clit once more, rubbing feverishly against it, “should be getting loved by me instead.”
he turns his head enough to press his lips to yours, capturing the moans that spill from them as he pushes you over the edge
he lets you ride it out on his fingers before he spills into you with a muffled groan
then the room turns to silence, the sound of skin hitting skin gone and replaced by heavy breathing as you pant into one another’s mouths
he pulls away first and opens his eyes just in time to see you pout and nuzzle your face into the sweater he has on
he hums out of amusement before wrapping you up in his arms
“tired baby?” he asks and you nod, “want me to slip out and get you clean?”
and you have to think about that, because on one hand it would probably be for the best, but on the other you’re just so cosy
so you shrug, and he just laughs as he squeezes you
“how about i do it for you?” he says, “then you won’t have to think, anymore.”
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mrsshabana · 9 months
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𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐲 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
꒦꒷‧₊ Summary You meet the mantis' sister, learn more about his past, and get to see a completely different side to him. You get to witness how affectionate he can be but also get a front-row seat to his violent nature. And you take on a task that will change your life, and his, forever. ꒦꒷‧₊ Content Mantis!Gyutaro x female!reader, insects, blood, gore, violence, death ꒦꒷‧₊ Note 3k words
✧:・゚→ Chapter 1
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“What?! The mantis is your brother?!” you say in disbelief. Taking a step back to get a good look at the woman that claims to be related to the creature that almost killed you.
She sighs, “Yes, that’s my brother. How do you know of him?”
“He attacked me and tried to kill me a few nights ago.”
“Yeah, he’ll do that,” she scoffs, “I’m surprised that you’re still alive. As far as I know, I’m the only human he hasn’t tried to kill.”
As you follow her through the thicket she goes on to tell you that she comes to check on her brother every weekend. She’s a university student so she’s only available to see him once a week. He doesn’t need her to visit him, she knows that he can take care of himself. But he always gets so happy to see her.
The moment that the two of you enter the familiar clearing, the mantis jumps down from a tree, pouncing on his sister. She’s pushed to the ground with a huff, “Dammit Onii-chan, you’re gonna ruin my clothes!”
Completely ignoring her comment, he purrs and holds her close to his chest, affectionately rubbing his face in her hair. The mantis then begins to aggressively sniff through her hair and down to her face. 
“No… Don’t you dare,” she says sternly.
The mantis smirks and unfurls his long black tongue, swiping it across her cheeks, spreading his saliva all over her face.
“Stop Onii-chan, stop!” she giggles, “You’re ruining my makeup!”
This is a stark contrast from the behavior you’ve seen him exhibit when you first met him. Before this, you only saw him as a vicious predator. But seeing how affectionate and playful he is with his sister is making your heart swell up in your chest.
After a few minutes of her struggling, he finally calms down. Laying his head on her lap as she pets his wings.
“Sorry about that, he gets really excited when I come to visit,” she laughs nervously. Hoping you won’t judge her for the strange relationship she has with the mantis, “I never got to introduce myself. I’m Ume.”
You introduce yourself in return. Maybe Ume will be able to answer some of your questions about the mantis. “Does he have a name?”
“His name is Gyutaro,” looking down at her brother resting in her lap, she smiles.
“Gyutaro…” you say to yourself. An interesting name, fitting for a unique creature like him. “Does Gyutaro speak? I’ve tried to talk to him, but he only makes strange sounds.”
Ume sighs, “Yeah he can speak. Very rarely though, and he only knows a few words. Sometimes he will just repeat what you say even if he doesn’t fully understand what it means.”
“Oh… I see. Sorry I have so many questions, I’ve never seen anything like him before.”
“It’s ok. You’re the first person that I’ve been able to talk about him to, so I’m happy to share… you’re probably wondering what he is.”
You nod eagerly. She read your mind.
Ume shrugs, “Sorry to disappoint but I don’t know what he is either. Hell, I don’t even know if we are actually related.”
She goes on to explain to you how she came to know this creature as her brother. 
Ume never met her parents. Her earliest memories are from when she was a toddler, and all she remembers is living in the forest with Gyutaro. Her memories are spotty, but she vaguely remembers when Gyutaro gave her away to a human family. She only knows about this because there were newspaper articles about a little girl found on a family's doorstep in the woods. No one was ever able to figure out who she was or where she came from. But the family ended up keeping her and raising her as their own. Since they lived in the woods, she could sneak out at night to visit her brother anytime. And that’s how they maintained their strong bond.
When she tried to ask Gyutaro why he gave her away, he tried his best to explain. Ume has a difficult time understanding her brother but she interpreted it as he thought that she wasn’t fit to live in the forest. He thought she was too weak and could get hurt. So he thought it best that she be raised by other humans instead. That way, she’d be safer and in an environment she could thrive in. Ume wasn’t built for the forest like Gyutaro was. She accepted his response and never held it against him. She’s actually happy that he made that decision, because if he hadn’t who knows what kind of life she’d be living.
And that’s how she got here. She’s a young college student but she still loves her brother and makes sure to visit him every weekend. It has been hard on her though, and she wishes that she could live closer to him but that isn’t an option for her.
“I worry about him a lot… I know he’s strong enough to protect himself but what if a human finds him? What if he were to get taken away and put in a cage somewhere!” Ume wipes a tear from her eye before continuing, “That’s why I think it’d be best if I drop out so I can look after him… If something bad were to happen to him I’d never forgive myself.”
“What if I took care of him?”
“What?” she gasps, “I could never ask you to do something like that.”
“I’m an entomologist, it’s my job to study insects. So I’d be more than happy to do it! I can keep an eye on him, make sure he’s safe, and give you updates whenever you want! You can still visit too, but whenever is convenient for you. You’re so young and you deserve to live your own life… so please, let me do this for you.”
Ume stands up and runs over to you, embracing you in a tight hug, “Thank you so much. This means so much to me. You’d be the perfect person to watch over him too.”
Gyutaro slowly stands up from his spot on the ground, curiously watching you embrace his sister. He doesn’t quite understand what is going on, and usually anyone that lays a finger on Ume would be dead, but he can sense that his sister is happy.
Ume turns around to see the curiosity in her brother’s eyes, she chuckles.
“Onii-chan, I want you to be nice to Miss Y/N from now on, ok?” 
Gyutaro cocks his head to the side, wide eyes staring at you.
Ume continues, “She’s a friend. So, no killing her!”
“Fr…frie-nd?” the word travels unnaturally from his mouth. Raspy and drawn out. His voice is quite unusual, the sound of it gives you goosebumps.
“Yes! Exactly, she’s our friend,” Ume stands on her tip-toes and reaches towards her brother’s face. He leans forward into her touch. Ume tenderly holds her brother’s cheeks in her palms and kisses his forehead, “I love you brother, please be good while I’m away.”
Gyutaro chirps and rubs his face against his sister’s palm, “Love… y-ou.”
Ume thanks you again and leaves you her phone number before she departs. A huge weight was lifted off her shoulders tonight. She can rest easy knowing that someone more qualified than her will be able to give her brother a more comfortable life.
The atmosphere changes when Ume leaves. Now that she’s gone, you are completely at Gyutaro’s mercy. Will he obey his sister’s words? You hope that he will as you watch him walk towards you, antennae twitching rapidly. You stay completely still as he prods at your face with his antennae, his face mere inches away from yours. The scent of blood wafting from his mouth as he pants in your face.
With a swift movement, Gyutaro forces you to the ground, trapping your body beneath him.
“H-hey! What’re you-”
He cuts you off with a sharp hiss. Ripping the backpack off your shoulder and scurrying off of you. You watch as he tears through the thin fabric to get to the bag of snacks that you brought for him. Shoving the bugs into his mouth, effortlessly crunching them with his mandibles.
With a sigh, you walk over to him and pick up your ripped backpack.
“I guess I’ll leave you be then,” you pat his head, “Goodnight Gyutaro.”
He pays you no mind, attention focused solely on his food. That is, until he finishes and notices that you have already left.
His sister said that you are a friend, so why did you leave already? His tummy begins to rumble, hungry for more food. Gyutaro is feeling lazy tonight, and you are an easy source of food. So he decides to follow you through the forest. Silently stalking you from afar, you never notice him. He’s confused as to why you have been feeding him, but he doesn’t really care about the reason. He only cares about the source, figuring that if he follows you then he may find where you are getting such tasty snacks from.
︶ ︶꒷ ₊˚ ︶ ︶꒷ ₊˚
You thought that you’d have a peaceful night, that is, until you heard scratching at the door. 
Opening the door reveals the 7-foot-tall mantis, staring at you with a lazy expression.
“Gyutaro?!” you whisper, “You can’t be here! Why did you follow me?” you start to panic, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him inside your camper. He has to hunch over in order to fit into the small space.
Gyutaro mumbles, “Food…” looking around curiously.
Hearing his voice directed towards you makes your breath hitch. This is the first time that he’s answered one of your questions.
“You want food?” you sigh, “I don’t have any more food for you. You need to go hunting outside.”
This is a bold faced lie, and Gyutaro knows it. He can smell the insects that you are hiding. With a growl, he begins rummaging through your cabinets, finding the specimens that you have tucked away for research purposes.
“Hey! No!” you yell, and attempt to take the specimens away from him, but his grip is strong. He starts hissing and thrashing around, fluttering his wings, knocking things out of place and shaking the entire camper.
“Bad!” you take a rolled up newspaper, swatting him on the head with it.
He doesn’t let up and the struggle continues until the sound of someone knocking on your door makes both of you freeze.
Oh no, this isn’t good. One of your colleagues must’ve heard all of the commotion. “H-hold on!” You yell to the person outside the door.
You can’t risk Gyutaro being seen so you need to act fast. You still have a small jar of honey in your backpack, so you decide to use that to coax him. “Gyutaro, look here. I have some honey for you,” you whisper, holding the jar in front of him, he follows. Moving the jar down beside you, he sits on the ground next to you, licking the sweet nectar from the jar. Hoping that he’ll behave himself and stay distracted, you open the door.
You stand right in front of the doorway to block the view of your wrecked camper, and Gyutaro is just out of view. 
“Hey, everything alright? I heard some commotion,” your colleague says.
“Oh haha, yeah. Um, everything’s fine. Some of my specimens got loose, I was just trying to catch them,” laughing nervously, you pray that Gyutaro will stay distracted. Because you can only imagine what he does to humans, and it’s not something that you want to see any time soon.
“Oh, ok. Do you need any help?” he tries to look past you, leaning slightly into the doorway.
“No! I’m ok!” you move abruptly, stopping him from coming closer, but moving the jar in the process.
Gyutaro growls in annoyance and his attention is diverted to the male human getting too close for comfort. 
It’s over the moment Gyutaro makes eye contact with your colleague. In the blink of an eye you find yourself knocked to the floor, watching helplessly as Gyutaro lunges at him. Impaling him with his tibial spines, holding him down. Wasting no time as he begins to chew at the man’s neck with his mandibles, quickly decapitating him.
You’ve seen how mantids attack their prey, but seeing it done on a human is a whole different thing. It’s gory enough with bugs, but this makes your stomach churn. Enough so, that the sight and the smell of blood spewing about makes you vomit. On all fours, you barely manage to crawl out of the camper enough to vomit on the grass.
The crunching sound of Gyutaro’s mandibles tearing through the man’s flesh and cartilage momentarily stops. Your other colleague, the only other person you came on this expedition with, was coming back from gathering specimens. She drops the crickets she had collected when she lays her eyes on Gyutaro.
“Run!” you yell in a fruitless attempt to save her. The word ends up coming out as a desperate whimper, and it doesn’t even matter if she heard you or not. Because Gyutaro is quick to put her to an end as well.
You watch helplessly as Gyutaro bites through her skull, eating her alive.
After throwing up a few more times, until you’re left gasping for air with nothing left in your stomach, you crawl back into the safety of your camper.
That could’ve been me… You think to yourself, recalling the first time you met Gyutaro. 
Your body starts to tremble. Unable to watch the horrific sight outside, you lock the door and close the blinds. There are no more members left on your team, he killed the only two other entomologists that were sent here with you.
How will you explain this to your organization? You have no idea, but it's too late for them. They’re already dead, corpses half eaten. All you can do is curl up on yourself and cry. The sounds of the approaching thunderstorm drowning out the carnage taking place outside your door.
︶ ︶꒷ ₊˚ ︶ ︶꒷ ₊˚
After a couple of hours, you are awoken by scratching at your door. You try to ignore it but it gets louder, more desperate, accompanied by faint whimpers.
You open the door, standing in front of you is a soaked Gyutaro. Most of the blood from his feast has been washed away by the ongoing storm.
“You’re a very bad boy. I should leave you outside,” you cross your arms and look at him sternly. You’re very upset with him, but even though he just brutally murdered two people, you still decide to let him in. His sister did trust you to take care of him after all.
He’s shivering when he enters your camper, skin ice cold when you touch him. It reminds you that mantids are cold blooded, so it makes sense that he would be too. With a sigh, you guide him to sit on the floor, grabbing a towel to dry him off. He behaves for you as you wipe away the water droplets from his skin and ruffle his hair until it’s fluffy.
Gyutaro doesn’t understand that what he did was wrong, and he doesn’t realize that you are upset with him. You try not to be because you understand that it's in his nature to kill, but you can’t help but feel angry with him.
His pants are still wet even after you try your best to dry them. Though you don’t feel like trying to undress him as he’ll probably give you a difficult time. Whatever, it’s fine. You crawl into your small bed, and watch him as he remains sitting on the floor. Licking his tibial spines in a cat like manner. He uses his long tongue to clean himself, the sound of his slurping is loud as he licks all over his arms, hands, and even his feet. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t kind of cute…
Watching him clean himself is strangely soothing. You decide to take some notes in your journal, while the sounds of thunder echo in the distance.
Day 2
I searched for the mantis man, and came across his sister. She is unlike him, seeming pure human. Who knows if or how they are siblings. But the mantis man, who I learned is named Gyutaro, has a strong emotional bond with his sister, Ume. He shows his human side when it comes to his sister. Maybe he is more human than I thought?
She entrusted me with his care, and he followed me to camp. Killing and devouring all of my colleagues. His bloodlust is too strong. He has no reason. I need to be careful with him in the future. 
I took him into my trailer for the night, until the storm passes. He lays here licking himself like a cat. How peculiar. I will figure out what to do with him in the morning.
The feeling of something crawling into bed with you disturbs your note taking. Your bed is a twin size, far too small to fit you and a large man at the same time. You’re squished against the wall as Gyutaro crawls underneath the blankets, pressing his body against you for warmth.
“What’re you doing?” you whine, lifting up the blanket to see Gyutaro’s face snuggled against your chest.
With an annoyed expression he looks up at you, “Warm…”
You sigh and bring the blanket back over his head. He’s still shivering and you are the only source of warmth for this cold blooded creature. That’s how you rationalize letting him stay in bed with you. 
Bringing your hand up to his head, he lets you pet him. Purring and leaning into your touch. How can a man-eating mantis hybrid be so sweet and adorable? 
“Goodnight, Gyutaro,” you say, eyelids getting heavy.
He chirps softly in response, letting you know that he’s just as sleepy as you are.
Gyutaro warms up quickly from your body heat. This is the most comfortable he’s been in a very long time. A big meal and a warm place to sleep. What else could he ask for?
Maybe sparing you was a good idea after all. He might just decide to stick by your side for a bit longer.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 5 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 20
wooo we hit chapter 20!! yeaahhh
Beautiful, sunlit beaches blanketed the coastline underneath the street level where colourful tiles crisscrossed. An umbrella kept the heat away from the rustic wooden table at which the Fenton family, minus their youngest, and Bruce Wayne sat. The SAV sat peacefully by the pier where they had disembarked.
They had been sailing for the better part of the afternoon, finally stopping to pick up lunch at Jazz’s insistence. Mr Wayne’s insisted on paying, ever the rich philanthropist.
Jazz Fenton couldn’t be more worried, although she had to hide it. Sitting opposite her, Mr Wayne idly chatted with her parents about their college days. Once she knew what she was looking for, it was painfully obvious that he was interrogating them for information on Vlad Masters, another billionaire thorn in the family’s side (not that her parents knew).
She fidgeted. Her foot tapped repeatedly on the stop, arched to not make sounds that would give her state of general anxiety away. Once she told Tucker what was happening, the boy had gotten to work right away. It would take some time to locate the files containing the specs for the newest inventions, and then more time to analyse them and pinpoint what damage she could do.
She’d need to call Sam next. Tucker had given her the number for Sam’s spare, although there was no guarantee she’d be able to answer soon.
Until then, Jazz was on her own. She picked at her sweet and sour fish broth soup, rolling the tomato chunks around. If she gave herself food poisoning somehow, that might give the boys potentially a week to get away. Then again, there was an equal chance one of her parents would stay with her while the other went with Bruce.
As it was, she could definitely malinger a stomach issue, and delay them for maybe half an hour. Sirens swam quickly, so that time could be valuable for them.
“What about you, Jasmine? What got you interested in psychology?” Came Bruce Wayne’s baritone. Shit.
Jazz was startled out of her thoughts. Before she could open her mouth, she did an awareness check. A mental checklist of where she was and what she needed to do and not do appeared in her head. If she tipped off this man, then it could very lead to her brother underneath a scalpel. No pressure at all.
“Uhm, well. Mr Wa- Bruce.” Jazz found herself stuttering when talking about psychology for the first time in her life. Dammit. She looked to the side, where her father nodded like an excited puppy. Not helping, dad.
“Well I’ve always been interested in people, you see.” Jazz kept a close eye on Bruce Wayne’s posture, studying him. “What makes them upset. What makes them happy.”
She side-eyed her parents. On one side, her mother glared viciously at her fried fish. On the other, her father arranged fries into smiling faces.
“With this family, I’ve had a lot to think about.” That was a good start, right? With any luck, he would be the one to give something away, something she could use against him.
Bruce Wayne chuckled, an easy (fake?) smile worn like a mask. “I can certainly relate. Many times my boys have left me pulling my hair out. It’s a chaotic house most days.”
That was right! Jazz recalled the preliminary research she had done earlier in the day. Bruce Wayne was known to be an endlessly kind man, but suffered several interpersonal issues over the years. One was the notorious apparent teenage tantrum thrown by an 18-year-old Dick Grayson, shortly before his second son, Jason was adopted.
The less said about Jason’s unfortunate fate, the better. Although he may have been brought back, somehow??
She wasn’t sure whether to envy his therapist or not.
It had been exhausting teasing the truth out of the myriad gossip articles on the Wayne family. If Danny were here, he’d bully her relentlessly for going back on her noted disdain towards the ‘shallow and vapid celebrity news industry dedicated to turning private interpersonal conflicts into products to be consumed.’ Oh how the mighty have fallen.
What she could be reasonably sure of was that the present-day family dynamics of the Waynes were testy, to say the least. Apparently their youngest, the Damian who had disappeared into the waves just two days ago, had been dealing with violent tendencies for some time and had no patience for entertaining the elites like his brothers used to. And that was just the public stuff.
Right. She could work with this.
“Was it difficult? In the early days, with your first son.” Jazz said, putting on tones of sympathy and empathetic connection, the kind she would use when she’d try to get Danny to open up.
A pained look came over Bruce. That was good!
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to poke any sensitive issues.” She added with false franticness. The longer the ball was in Bruce Wayne’s court, the better.
Mr Wayne waved her off. “No, it’s fine. Just old memories.”
“Are they fond memories?”
“Yes. It was the happiest time of my life. There was a lot of adjustment. I was a bachelor in my twenties, and suddenly I had an entire child in my hands. Dick had me running around like a headless chicken half the time.”
“Did it get easier?” Jazz asked. The billionaire’s eyes almost glazed over.
“Not particularly. If anything, things got harder. I learned very quickly that experience raising one child does not entirely transfer to another.”
Oh, that was good. Jazz filed this information into her mental notebook.
“But enough about me and my old man troubles.” With that endlessly disarming smile, she could tell why people fell for the playboy turned beleaguered father. “If you’re looking for a good psycho-analysis, I’m afraid I’m a bit basic compared to what Gotham has to offer.”
Drat. Was she that obvious? No, he’d just talked about her psychology interest. She could handle this easily. She just needed to be careful what she said, and didn’t say.
“I guess you could say I’m interested in non-traditional family dynamics. My parents have always been… eccentric.”
“That’s the Fenton way!” Her father shouted. Several other patrons looked at them scathingly. “Too bad Jazzpants hates siren hunting almost as much as… as…” Her father’s expression sank.
That calculating look came back in full force. Dammit dad! She needed to salvage this.
“My feelings towards my parents’ profession aside, the evidence points very strongly to Phantom being connected to my brother’s disappearance. I may not enjoy the siren hunts, but my brother comes first. What else can I do? Sit home and do nothing?”
Her father clapped her back, grinning proudly. “You wouldn’t be doing nothing, sweetie! You’d be keeping Vladdie company!”
Yeah… Jazz mustered all her will power to hide the cringe.
 “And besides, have you seen my parents when they’re at work? Yesterday they spent like 36 hours straight preparing the SAV with only one single break.” Jazz’s head fell back. “They’d probably forget to eat if I weren’t here.”
“Hey that’s not true, Jazz! Your mother and I are excellent at this work-life balance you always babble about. Yesterday we took two breaks instead of one. Progress!”
Jazz gestured to her father with an exasperated sigh. “See what I mean?”
Bruce Wayne hummed. His head tilted in thought as he sampled his mackerel. “Have you always been this responsible, Jasmine?”
“Of course! Look, I may be sixteen, but I very much possess the maturity of an adult. If it’s my job to wrangle this family into healthy habits, then so be it.”
Bruce Wayne appeared to have something to say about that. Jazz’s phone buzzed at that moment, having been turned silent earlier. It was Tucker, you miracle worker.
She shot up from her chair, twisting her expression into an agonisied grimace. “Sorry I think I’m having a bathroom emergency. I’ll be right back!”
Jazz dashed away, feeling perfectly fine in the stomach, except for her nerves.
“I have questions.” Damian told him. They were well on their way south now, Danny’s tail swishing away at top speed. Mostly the boys stayed silent, enjoying each other’s company and the rushing of water.
“Shoot.” Danny said.
“Are you a male? Or is this merely an assumption that others have made?”
Danny sputtered. The question almost knocked him off course with how sudden it was. “W-What? Why would that be a question?”
Damian hummed. “My brothers have taught me not to make assumptions. In addition, siren biology seems heavily based off of fish, many of whom are hermaphroditic in some way.”
“Which leaves us with the question. What am I to call you? For most of time together, I have been thinking of you as a male. Was that incorrect of me to do so?”
Danny’s eyes subconsciously drifted to his navel. Was he actually biologically male anymore? He’d always assumed so, but being a half-siren in a siren-hating down didn’t leave much time to learn siren anatomy in and out.
Had he been a girl this entire time? No way… No, he always acted the same as he always acted. If he was a boy before being turned, and acted the same, he could be a boy now, right?
“Uhhh yes. I think I’m a boy. Maybe.”
“For that matter, I would like to inquire how sirens reproduce. Surely the turning of humans is not the only way your species increases its numbers?”
Danny’s face heated to boiling. Blue blushes crept down his cheeks and covered his neck. “Maybe you could ask your dad about human reproduction first?” He squeaked.
“I am already aware!” Damian grouched. “I believe I deserve to know the specifics of the body which I have been forced into.”
“What if I told you I didn’t even know where siren babies came from?” Which was a sad, sad lie, bullshit that Damian clearly saw through.
Danny threw his hands up, which threw off his balance for a moment. “You’re tiny. Can you guarantee your dad won’t sell me to the GiW for telling you this stuff?”
“I absolutely can.”
“Not the point! Please ask something else. You ain’t getting crap out of me on that front. I am like Davy Jones’ locker. Zip. Shut. Tight. Not happening.”
Damian seethed. This close, Danny could feel the kid’s chest vibrate with growling sounds.
“Very well. What are sirens classed as?”
“Inhuman non-sentient sea monsters bent on the destruction of humans.”
His back stung as Damian slapped him with his tailfin. “Biologically!”
“I dunno! Do I look like I have a marine biology degree?” Danny shrugged.
Damian lowered his head. “So you are uneducated.”
“Hey, rude!” Biology was never Danny’s strong suit. His mother was the one with the however many PhDs. And Sam was the one campaigning for animal rights every other week. He was more of a space guy! This was not new information to Damian! “You tell me! You’re the kid with the animal obsession.”
“I shall lay out the evidence. On the one hand, we possess scales, gills and fins, like all fish do. However, the heat your blood, despite the cold water suggests warm-bloodedness. Furthermore, I have paid very close attention to you, and the female sirens we met in your cave.”
“And what did you see?” Danny tilted his head back.
“The nipples.” Damian ground out. “Which suggests breastfeeding, which is a mammalian trait. However, I am not sure if my own are because of my former status as a human. That is why I must ask you this.”
This was definitely going to be awkward. Danny preemptively suppressed the cringe reflex.
“Do sirens breastfeed?” Damian asked. Danny blanked at that one. Yeah. That question was a hard no clue. “Have you ever breastfed?”
Damian. Oh Damian. Kids just say the darnedest things. Damian. Danny’s cheeks heated up again. He squeaked out an answer. “N-no! I’ve been on my own in the ocean.”
Damian narrowed his eyes at him. Did suspicion have a smell? Because Danny felt like it did, and he was smelling it.
“Do siren parents not take care of their children?” Damian finally asked.
Danny thought back to Youngblood, how Ember basically made him her younger brother (which made her teasing of him for having Damian around totally hypocritical). It was in this moment that he realised he didn’t know any sirens outside his normal enemies. 99% of all times he had interacted with another siren. Hell, any other sea person, was when he was fighting them.
“Danny? Danny?” Damian’s voice raised.
Danny shook his head. “Sorry, I’m just thinking…”
He sounded so pitifully sad in that moment. When a series of familiar whale calls breached the surface, he eagerly welcomed the distraction.
“We’ve caught up to the whale pod!”
Damian gasped, attention turned fully away from his interrogation. “Where are they?”
Danny carried him forward, surging to greet Damian’s new friends again. However, what he saw chilled him.
About a hundred feet away there was a small boat with a flat open deck, a dingy vessel with barnacles coating its hull, and men carrying harpoons and operating cranes, pulling in a net that thrashed violently. And on the deck, tied up by rope and netting, was a baby whale.
Damian swore in a language he didn’t understand. Danny swore too.
Damian’s fins shot ramrod straight. His teeth bared with an inhuman growl. His hand went to the sword sheathed at his waist. He itched to sink it into the bodies of these treacherous men.
“Wait.” Danny said. Wait!? What a preposterous thought. They needed to save Dorothea and her pod now.
“Are you insane!?”
His companion’s voice lowered dangerously. “You realise if we attack them, then the GiW will know, right? The whalers will call for help, or get to shore and it’ll be on the news. We’ll be hunted again.”
Damian did not hesitate. “Do you intend to prioritise our own safety over that of an endangered species being poached illegally?”
Danny shook his head. “Nah. Let’s go fuck them up.”
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kakashiislut · 1 year
You didn’t mean to literally tame the man. No no. Yet, Everytime before you’d give ghost the most jaw dropping, heavenly, sloppy and wet Head, you always seemed to put your hair up right into a pony tail. You didn’t think about it, of course! Why would you, you have to keep your hair out of your face (and mouth) if you’re gonna go down on him.
You and ghost have been…messing around, you could say. Whether it was quickly in his office, or a blind spot the camera didn’t pick up, or even back in your own place.
“Woah woah, Y/N with her hair down! What’s happening” soap rose from his seat quickly, reaching over to gently touch your locks of hair. “Ah, ya, all those constant buns and crap have been making my head ACHEEE!” You spoke dramatically, letting Johnny run his fingers through your hair.
“Well, better be carful,” Gaz cut in “if cap sees you with your hair down, he might scold you” you quirked a small smile. “We aren’t even doing anything, and I bet he’d understand why”
“Understand what?” Price pushed himself right into the convo, coming into the kitchen from the door that seemed too small for men like him (and ghost).
“Oh! Morning cap!” You kept your chill. “Is it fine if I keep my hair down?-“
“your hair is down” oh shit, you didn’t even notice ghost slip in…or even start brewing some water in the kettle for some tea.
“Dammit, L.T!” Soap huffed, hand over his heart. “How many times have I told you to STOP sneaking up on us”
Ghost almost chuckled, “don’t keep your guard down.”
“I’d rather you keep it in a low pony tail” Price went back to your question, giving you a small smile. “No hair down, just incase”
“Okay! That’s fine” Y/N brightly smiled at the older man, making his heart race. Price would do anything for his little girl. (Not at all related, she just reminds him of the daughter he never had)
Slipping your hair tie off your wrist, you placed your hair in a low pony tail. “How do I look, Simon” you Said, acting like a hair stylist as you showed off your new (slightly sloppy, but funny) look.
He just stared.
Just stared.
For a min or two, you watched as his shifted uncomfortably, untucked his shirt under his vest.
“I-it’s Fine” he turned right back around.
“I think it looks totally fabulous, Dawling” Gaz exaggerated a “fashionista” accent, placing the back of his hand over his forehead.
Meanwhile, ghost slipped out as fast as he could. Fuck fuck fuck, was all that was running through his head. “Why am I hard” he whispered, going towards a one stall bathroom. Locking the door, he lifted up his shirt to stare down at his hard on.
“All she did was put her hair up…that’s all…why am I bugging rn” he mumbled, placing his palm over his cock and starting to lightly massage it to ease the “pain”.
“Simon…” a sweat, yet malicious, voice spoke behind the door “are you okay? Simon…let me in.”
“Oh thank god….”
I was thinking about this one story where this girl accidentally ”tamed” her bf, by putting her hair up Everytime before she gave him head. He would always get hair when she’d put her hair up casually.
As soon as Y/N put her hair up, Simon was ROCK SOILD. Oh and sweet, evil Y/N knew what was up when he left. :)
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neonbrutalism · 1 year
Jefferson really saw some guy in his 20s going through it and struggling with adulting but also acting like an older brother/mentor to Miles and said "I guess I have two kids now"
Jefferson thought those two idiot kids should have guessed he'd be waiting for them, and yet when Miles and Miguel swung on to the roof of their apartment, they seemed surprised to see him. As if he wasn't a cop with access to the police scanner. As if he didn't have a TV and could watch the BREAKING NEWS, SHOTS FIRED AT SCENE OF ATTEMPTED ASSAULT IN CENTRAL PARK, SPIDER-MEN SEEN IN VICINITY. As if he couldn't connect two dots between the radio chatter of somebody saying they "shot the big guy but he just kept going".
"So," Jefferson, crossing him arms over his chest, "You had an interesting night."
"Did ... we?" said Miles.
Miguel just shrugged.
Jefferson's done that move before, back when he and Aaron had been up to some bullshit and were trying desperately to avoid consequences.
"So - nobody shot either you?"
"Okay, what were we - " Miles started. Miguel cut him off.
"Everything is fine, Mr. Morales. Miles isn't hurt, the woman in the park is safe, the two headed rat-man is back in his mother's custody."
"And nobody shot you four times?"
The dark lenses on Miguel's mask narrowed a little.
"My suit can't be penetrated by bullets of this time period."
Jefferson glared. It didn't seem to do much to Miguel - dammit, he should have brought a chair to stand on so he could do the dad-glare, it didn't work on somebody so tall.
"Miles, go downstairs and get changed before your mother catches you," Jefferson said. Miles nodded without saying anything and scrambled over the edge of the building to his bedroom, eager to get away from this confrontation.
"... I have a police scanner. I know you got shot."
Miguel's stiff postured relaxed with Miles gone - Jefferson got that, there was a certain pressure of trying to remain an Adult-Mode-Adult around a kid, "And Miles didn't."
"And you did!"
"I'm not hurt."
"You could have been!"
"Look - even if I'm ... Miles will be fine on his own too. He's good at this."
Jefferson grabbed his head with his hands and groaned, "That isn't what I'm talking about! I don't want you to get shot because I don't want you to get shot, kid! I'm worried about both of you!"
"...Why?" said Miguel.
"Because you - you - you're 27! BARELY 27, I know, because that orange lady mentioned you were born in September and it's November - and you have nothing in your kitchen but old yogurt and coffee! You have cat t-shirts and apparently pass out on your floor often enough that it's described as good-for-convalescing!"
Jefferson started a little when he realized Miguel had taken a step back, his posture oddly guarded and defensive, the dark lenses on the mask wide. ... He should calm down - he'd seen people react like this enough to know the yelling was probably triggering something in the kid's brain that was processing badly.
"Kid - Miguel," Jefferson conceded, "Do you ... uh, do you want me to get you a coffee or something? A granola bar? Rio made some Arroz con Pollo, I could put some in a tupperware -"
"That's ... not necessary, Mr. Morales," said Miguel, the fight-or-flight leaving his posture.
"I feel like you probably don't have any food -"
"I'm fine, Mr. Morales, I can -"
"I would really feel better if you'd please take some goddamn chicken."
"... Okay. Thank you," Miguel said, his voice suggesting he was at like a peak stress level. Jefferson could relate.
"Okay, just - wait here - uh, Layla? Orange lady? Don't let him open a portal while I'm, uh."
"Okay, Jefferson," LYLA said from Miguel's watch. Miguel glared down at it and Jefferson hustled downstairs. He gave silent thanks that Rio was working an overnight shift so he wouldn't need to explain why he was packing food up at 11pm.
"You can bring the container back, uh, next time you're here," Jefferson said, handing the container over.
"Sure. Thank you, Mr. Morales."
Miguel turned stiffly and opened a portal back to his home dimension.
"You can call me Je -" Jefferson called as the portal snapped shut.
Stupid goddamn kid.
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cheesesoda · 1 year
Hii I’m sorry if my request ideas aren’t good but I figured I’d offer you up something! Maybe something where Sanji meets a girl who even though she identifies as a girl she’s very Tom boyish and averse to feminine things not because she doesn’t like them but because growing up in an environment with a bunch of strong male pirates she didn’t want to be seen as weak or lesser. But basically this all leading to Sanji helping to show her that it’s okay to indulge in her feminine interests and not have to try and look and act like a boy as a defense mechanism?
a/n: OKAY THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD y/n out here being a lil relatable ngl 🧍‍♀️lol thank you sm for the req! i hope u like it bae 🫶
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sanji x tomboy!reader
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
cw: some internalized misogyny, language
“they’ve been arguing for hours! ugh, would they just be quiet?” nami groans, laying back in her deck chair next to robin. “oh, my dearest nami-swannnnn~ robin-chwannnnnn~ i’ve brought you some drinks!” sanji spins onto the deck with a tray holding 2 tropical drinks. “thank you, sanji-kun!” nami smiles as she takes her drink. suddenly, a loud crash and some incoherent yelling is heard from the crow’s nest. sanji, nami, and robin all turn their attention to the source of the noise. “what’s going on up there?” sanji asks. “y/n and zoro are arguing again about who’s stronger.” robin explains, taking her drink from the tray too. “i’m not sure why she cares so much about being the strongest. i mean, her determination is admirable but why?” robin queries.
later that night…
it’s the middle of the night and sanji is cleaning up his kitchen. everybody has gone to bed. well, almost everyone. as he’s putting away the last dish, he hears some distant mumbles. he frowns and goes to investigate the noise. he finds that it is once again coming from the crows nest. he creeps up the ladder cautiously and is met with the sight of you. you’re lifting the heaviest weights you could find. he’s about to ask you what you’re doing up so late since you hadn’t realized his presence, but for some reason, he just watches. you grunt in exhaustion and drop the weight. “fuck!” you pant, burying your head in your hands. “i’m so weak. dammit! they were right, i should’ve been born a man. then i wouldn’t be so damn useless. i need to be stronger! stronger than zoro! or luffy or sanji or any other man!” you cry out in frustration. sanji decides not to say anything, knowing that you’d breakdown if anyone saw you so vulnerable, so he leaves you in the crows nest and heads to his room, still thinking about your words.
the next morning…
sanji gets up at 4AM to start prepping and making breakfast for the crew and luffy’s endless stomach when memories of what you said last night flood his mind. “i’m so weak. dammit! they were right, i should’ve been born a man. then i wouldn’t be so damn useless. i need to be stronger!” his heart churned at the thought of you thinking that way. as if on cue, you come into the kitchen to accompany sanji while he makes breakfast (as you usually do). “good morning, my lovely y/n-chwannnn~” he swoons. “morning, sanji.” she smiles tiredly. “are you alright, y/n-chan? did you not sleep last night?” he asks, when he notices the grey circles underneath your tired eyes. “i’m fine.” she responds.
later that day — 1PM
“okay so two people are keeping watch on the ship. it’s usopp and franky’s turn today so the rest of us will go explore the island. got it?” nami explains to the crew as they dock on an island. everyone agrees and begins to wander around the island. “oh y/n-chwannnn~ may i accompany you as you shop?” sanji asks. “sure.” she says. after walking around a bit, they walk past a dress shop. “nami-swan would look beautiful in that orange dress!” sanji exclaims as he rushes into the store, you reluctantly following behind him. once he finishes buying the dress, he finds you admiring a beautiful (and very feminine) f/c dress. “you’ll look stunning in that dress, y/n-chwan! you already look like a goddess though!” he says as he approaches you. “huh?! what? i wasn’t looking at it! why the hell would i be looking at a dress? what do you think i am—some girly girl? and stop calling me y/n-chan like i’m just some weak girl! don’t treat me like i’m a woman!” she stammers in embarrassment. before storming out of the store.
later that evening — 5PM
after searching for you all day, sanji finds you sitting alone on top of a hill overlooking the sea. he walks up to you silently. without turning around, you can tell he’s there. “don’t just stand there. say something. don’t treat me like i’m some fragile thing that might break.” you groan. after a moment of silence, he sits next to you. “y/n-cha- … y/n, why don’t you cry?” he asks. “what?” she frowns, snapping her head to him. “why don’t you cry? in the entire time i’ve known you, you have never cried in front of me, or any of us. why?” he clarifies. “what do you think i am? weak? crying is for the weak. crying never helped me when i was sad, so what’s the point? it just makes you look pathetic.” she scoffs. “…why do you care so much about strength?” he follows up. she looks at him in disbelief before closing her eyes and laying her head on her knees. “you’re the strongest person i know. and yes, you’re stronger than the marimo. but there’s so much more to you. why does it matter so much?” he says. there’s a brief silence before you take a deep breath. “before i joined the straw-hats, i was part of another pirate crew. the jack pirates.” [a/n: help idfk what to name it lmao] “i was with them since before i can remember. i was the only girl on the ship and that made them think of me as less. as if i could never be taken as seriously as them. they’d tell me i should’ve been born a boy, that i would’ve been useful. i would’ve been strong. but no, i was born a girl. useless. annoying. weak. i guess that’s why… i just wish i was equal to them. i wish i could be as strong as them.” you explain. you’d never told anyone any of that before. “is that why you act more masculine than nami and robin?” he asks. “i guess…” you mumble. being this vulnerable made you uncomfortable. “i see…” he whispers. “follow me.”
“where are you taking me?” you protest. “don’t worry, my love! it’s a surprise.” he smiles back at you, holding your hand. the pet name makes you blush but you brush it off. finally, you reach the ship again. “why couldn’t you just tell me we were going to the ship?” you ask. “i have a surprise for you on the ship.” he grins.
he leads you to his room and hands you a bag. “what’s this?” you raise an eyebrow. “just open it.” he urges you. sighing, you pull out the item from within the bag. it’s the f/c dress you were gawking at earlier. “sanji, you don’t seriously think i can wear this-“ you groan. “being feminine doesn’t make you any less strong, y/n. everyone else is still gone and brook and usopp fell asleep. please, try it on.” he says softly. you contemplate what to do until you get up silently and walk into bathroom. after a few minutes (a few = 10) you come out of the bathroom nervously. sanji’s jaw literally hits the floor, but he composes himself. gorgeous was practically an insult if he were to describe you. you were more beautiful than a goddess. “for lack of better words: you look beautiful, y/n.” he whispers as you both look at you in the mirror. “beautiful…” you repeat under you breath. the compliment was one you hated to hear, but for some reason, you didn’t hate it as much anymore. “you’re beautiful in this dress and without it, just like how you can lift the heaviest weights on this ship whether you’re wearing a dress or not. you’re so beautiful and strong. you’re a goddess, my love. if only you could see that.” he says genuinely. you turn around and face him. you had always had a massive tiny crush on the cook, but you’d never say it because love is for the weak. “call me y/n-chan…” you breathe. “y/n-chan…” he smiles, matching your soft tone. “my perfect, strong, beautiful y/n-chan… my love…” he whispers so softly that nobody could hear it except you because of how close you were. he brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear and cradles your cheek. ever so slowly, you inch towards each other more, glancing at each other’s lips every few seconds. your lips meet in the softest of kisses but filled with so much love. when you pull away, his hand stays on your face and somehow your hands made their way on his chest. “i love you, y/n-chan, i love you so much. just as you are.” he whispers to you. and then it happens. a tear rolls down your cheek. a part of you that you never were allowed to embrace was finally released at the hands of the man you love. you wrap your arms around him as you softly cry into his dress shirt. he reciprocates the hug. “i love you too, sanji. i love you so much.”
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thelampisaflashlight · 11 months
*sitting cross legged on your floor and hands you a cup of tea*
The ghouls working in agriculture/farm and ranch supply
Mountain is your seed agronomist/soil sciences expert. He's gonna tell you exactly what type of grass mix you want and when to plant it. You want to plant orchard grass in a fast draining sandy soil? No ma'am you need something hardier than that.
Dew and Swiss are in the back working the loading bay and the forklifts. Dew got teased and shit on for being so small and not being strong enough until he loaded an entire trailer bed with alfalfa bales by hand.
Rain is your irrigation expert. He can definitely tell you if you need center pivot irrigation or if you can get away with wheel lines. For the love of God, don't talk to him about over watering your lawn. Conserve water dammit!
Phantom is the new associate they put in charge of the rabbits, ducks and chicks during Chick Days. He's so sweet with them but he's had to be told multiple times that no, the kids cannot reach in to hold the animals.
Aether is in charge of the animal husbandry/veterinary supply section. He also helps with the quarterly spay/neuter pop up clinics that they host in the store.
Cumulus and Sunshine are in charge of the clothing section. They can tell you for sure what brands are more affordable but still just has sturdy as Carhartt. And no, that cut of boot cut jeans does not work for your body shape but we will find you something that makes you feel great and your ass look fabulous.
Aurora is in charge of the nursery section. Her plants are the healthiest and come with a life guarantee. She and Mountain work...very close together.
Cirrus is the store manager. She's fair, she runs a tight ship, but you better be respectful to her employees or she will ban your ass.
*takes the tea and slides you a plate of pastries*
Dew getting teased/people not thinking he's strong enough to do his job is highkey relatable, but also him hauling ass and getting shit done is very satisfying. (I have The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy stuck in my head, and you just have to imagine Dew flipping Swiss off on the truck.)
He's probably also had to answer the question, "Is this first cut or second cut hay?" but no one has told him, and, hell, it could be third cut his late in the season-
His intuits it, and he's always right.
Also the image of Aether helping with the pop up clinics; How many times has he looked at the other guys passing by and joked, "That one's not up on his rabies shot, so look out!" and it's Mountain, who's busy carrying flowerpots, so he nudges Aurora to flip him off for him.
I feel like they all wind up dirty somehow, it just happens, but it's a gradient of filth.
On that note, today's one of my long day at the barn; It's seed restock day.
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harveybwabbit92 · 10 months
Geed: Who is Domi?
Zoffy, Looks at Geed startled: How do you know that name?
Geed: I heard my dad mumbled it while he was scolding R/n for putting herself in danger, he said something like "Dammit, I'm starting to sound like Domi..." or something like that.
[Zoffy paused he seem to be thinking it over, before putting his tablet down and searching his desk and pulled out a photo showing younger a Zoffy, Belial, father of ultra and an unknown couple standing together with an older Ultra who was patting an annoyed Belial on the head.]
Zoffy: Domi was our captain during the war, he was in charge of Father of Ultra, Belial and myself and Ace's parents.
Geed: Were he and Belial close?
Zoffy: Very close, Captain Domi really cared for Belial, had he lived through the war I'm sure he would've had you calling him uncle.
Geed: Uhm, Would I even exist in a world where my dad never went bad?
Geed: Er, never mind, continue.
Zoffy: Right, In fact they were so close that there were rumors that he and Belial were father and son. I won't deny it, I thought the same thing; aside from Domi's mutton chops, he and Belial really did look alike. But the logical side of me realized how ridiculous that was. There was 3,300 year age difference between them; Domi would've been no younger then Ultraboy when Belial was conceived. So that rumor didn't hold any water, the secondary rumor of them being half-brothers was much more believable.
Geed: But were they though? related I mean.
Zoffy: Can't say for sure, Domi never really confirmed or denied the rumors, My honest opinion? I think they were brothers, Domi's father was a bit of a ladies man.
Geed: Oh... So how so did Domi die?
Zoffy: A mission went wrong, we got some bad intel. There was an ambush waiting. We were surrounded on all sides; Captain Domi sacrificed himself so we could get away, after that Belial changed he became distant and aggressive; showed little to no mercy in battle, Father of Ultra tried to be there be there for him but...*sigh* we all know how that turned out.
Zoffy: Sorry if I've made you uncomfortable.
Geed: No, you didn't upset me, it's just odd hearing these stories about my dad, I just wish he'd tell me about his past himself.
Zoffy: Maybe he will one day, but for now? Just take it one day at a time.
{Note: I know the kid ultra's name is Ultraman Boy but I keep calling him 'Ultraboy' because what he is!}
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woodelf68 · 11 months
LOKI 2.4
I don't see why they can't keep Dox in Holding forever; they had no problem pruning Lokis into the Void for forever. >.>
Dammit, Sylvie, it would have taken OB and Victor five seconds to sign each other's copies of the TVA Guidebook; could you not let them have their brief moment of fanboying joy?
OB's explanation of the Loom is very helpful here; it reminds me of the Doctor on Doctor Who explaining sciencey things to his companions on screen so that the kiddies (and adults, lol) at home could understand what was going on. (Okay, so the TVA as a TARDIS, discuss. Look at all those long corridors its got for running in!) I loved OB's "...the backlog of branches that was created when someone...*looks accusingly at Sylvie* ...killed He Who Remains and released all those branches and ruined my life." (Aw, come on, OB, you're out of the basement now! You're making friends and meeting admirers of your work!)
Loki claiming that the little figure in the model was clearly not him so why did he have to be the one to 'hoof it' and lob the throughput multiplier into the Loom? Well, Loki, you have very long legs and can run fast, also tradition has been established that your character is the one who gets sent to do the hard jobs for others; just be glad you're not being asked to steal Surtur's flame and doom Asgard this time around. (Of course, your decision to abscond with the Tesseract has already caused the TVA to erase the Asgard of your timeline, people and realm both, so...uh, never mind, pretend I never said anything.)
MOBIUS AND HIS PIE AGAIN. I SWEAR TO GOD THAT THE TVA LACES THE PIE WITH DRUGS TO KEEP ITS WORKERS DOCILE AND HAPPY WITH HAVING NO LIFE OUTSIDE OF WORK AND POSSIBLY ACTS AS A CONTINUAL DOSAGE OF SOMETHING THAT KEEPS THEM FROM REGAINING THEIR MEMORIES? MOBIUS CAN'T GO TOO LONG WITHOUT ANOTHER SLICE OF PIE BECAUSE HE'S EXPERIENCING THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS OF AN ADDICT. I was so happy to hear Sylvie call him out on his pie-seeking habits and his refusal to try to find out any information about the timeline he was pulled from. Like sure it might hurt to remember a family whom he'd lost, but I'd rather honour the memories of loved ones by remembering them than being too cowardly to do so.
I have to agree with the point I saw raised in another post of 'WHY do they have to fix the Loom? Surely all the multiple timelines managed to exist just fine on their own before it was created?' Also, hoo boy, did Loki's speech about how you can't free a people and then leave them to look after themselves remind anyone else of Asgard's justification of being the ruler of the Nine Realms? Keeping a military presence on those conquered worlds? AND NO, LOKI, YOU'RE NOT A GOD, YOUR DAD TOLD ME SO IN A BIT OF THE SACRED TIMELINE YOU DIDN'T GET TO EXPERIENCE. Although this time at the TVA is Loki's post-Thanos period when he was claiming the same thing in the Sacred Timeline, wanting to be a 'benevolent god'. So...that actually ties in.
Um -- do we all agree that Miss Minutes looked orgasmic watching everyone (except Brad) be crushed in the cube thingie?
(Was Loki pruning himself related back to the time slipping thing? I still don't really understand what the point of that was.)
OB: But if I reboot Miss Minutes, we'll lose the magic dampeners in the TVA!
Oh hell yeah, Bradley, prune that bitch! I HOPE YOU END UP IN THE VOID WITH A HUNGRY ALLIGATOR, RAVONNA.
Kudos to Timely for sensibly asking if it's safe before sticking his head inside some alien machinery and not just blindly following instructions.
LIGHT! BEAUTIFUL LIGHT IN THE TVA! I don't care what this means as long as I can properly see what's going on!
Oh. Oh shit. Spaghettification is what's going on, huh. *Salutes Victor Timely* May you get the afterlife you hoped for, sir, you died a noble death. Guys. Guys, stop staring into the blinding radioactive light; I'm sure that's not good for your eyes.
And...what a cliffhanger; it's like FINALLY all the pieces are falling into place and the story is getting to someplace exciting. That was a good episode; I hope it keeps up this pace next week and something good happens if the Loom is going pear-shaped. I gotta try to remember to watch this on Thursday for a change.
@delyth88 -- finally felt inspired to make a long reaction post! (And my stupid computer glitched about 2/3 of the way through and I had to rewatch what I'd already seen to remember what I had been commenting on! I blame the TVA.)
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beelzebuddy-catan · 11 months
The Not Entirely Human-Human Exchange Student pt. 13
Summary: I think we all know what what happens after Belphie is released at this point. Cass and the brothers deal with the aftermath of Belphie being released. Once again, Cass has to call out the avoidant to a fault conflict resolution style of the brothers. Warnings: Swearing, major character death, mentions of other deaths, PTSD/Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorder symptoms Spoilers: Up through Lesson 16 Characters: Cass (OC), Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, and Lilith. Notes: I know not everyone uses humor as a coping mechanism, but Cass definitely does. Forewarning as I know that doesn't sit right with some people, but we all have different experiences and responses to those. Previous Part • Next Part
“Please, please don’t die. I can’t lose you,” Mammon whispered. 
Someone slipped their hand behind her head, supporting it enough so her head was no longer at the painful angle. “You have to support her head you idiot. Humans are fragile.” 
“Are you fuckin’ serious right now, Levi? There ain’t no way she's human!”  
Wait, what? Cass hadn’t told them she was a Nephilim. Had Diavolo told them at the castle when she left? Wait, no, these were the brothers from the past. It was only now that her breath was returning to normal. That sentence was going to make her start hyperventilating again. 
“We don’t know that!” 
“She’s got antlers stickin’ out of her head!” 
The shock of that statement gave Cass enough energy to open her eyes in a panic. She stared up at Mammon. His eyes were glassy, and his shaking hadn’t stopped. Mammon didn’t look away, as if she would die if he did.  
“Cass?” Lucifer called, still in shock. 
“What the fuck? How are you still alive?” 
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“Cass? Cass!” Lilith’s voice pierced through the air. “I’m so, so sorry. I knew he was different, I never thought he’d...” Her words faded in and out. “You need to focus. You can’t give up.” 
What did Lilith mean? She was dying, she’d already fought so hard. Why wasn’t she allowed to have a break? Besides, they’d find the letters Lilith had written in her pocket. The brothers would finally be able to heal. And the Nephs at least would know what happened to her this time. 
“I was able to give you my grace. It should be enough to stop you from dying,” Lilith spoke again. “I, I don’t have much time left.” Cass wanted to protest but couldn’t find the words. “Don’t worry about me, I’m happy. I lived the life I wanted. Thank you, for everything.” 
When she finished speaking, Cass plunged back into dark icy waters. Her lungs were on fire, begging for air. Somewhere above her, she saw lights, as if reflecting on top of a lake. Fighting with the little energy she had left she broke through, only to be met with chaos. 
Voices. They were so loud. Cass tried to figure out where they were coming from or who was talking, but it was all just noise. Had she hit her head when she fell? The ground beneath her was moving, but it didn’t feel like the attic floor she’d been on. 
Her head was heavy. Too heavy to even lift. Not that it mattered. She didn’t even have enough energy to open her eyes. It felt like something was pulling her head down. Oh, the ground was moving because someone was holding her. How long had she been unconscious? 
Satan’s voice was one of the first she recognized. He was yelling. Even half unconscious she could feel his anger. Why wasn’t Lucifer stepping in? Even during his worsts outburst, Lucifer could get him away from others to cool off. 
“DAMMIT, CASS,” Mammon shouted, his voice raw and desperate. “YA CAN’T DIE ON ME.” 
The laugh she’d heard moments before passing out followed. If she had the energy, she probably would have flinched. Somehow the sound felt colder than the air around her did. Mammon trembled in response to Belphie. 
“You look like such a fool, Mammon. It’s just some human. You’re panicking like her death is the end of the world.” 
“Belphie, you...” Lucifer’s voice trailed off, unable to speak. 
“What have you done?” Beel’s voice was oddly hallow. Cass couldn’t begin to imagine the conflicting emotions he was feeling at the moment. 
“With injuries this bad, the chances of survival for a human are...” Satan didn’t finish the thought.  
“Lucifer,” Asmo screamed, “do something! We have to do something.” 
He didn’t answer. Instead, Belphie laughed again. “That’s the exact look I hoped to see on your face, Lucifer. It’s all too perfect.” 
Cass only wished she could say something, do something to ease the pain and horror she sensed around her. It felt like she was being lowered, but Mammon didn’t let her go. He only pulled her closer as he knelt on the ground. 
“Please, please don’t die. I can’t lose you,” Mammon whispered. 
Someone slipped their hand behind her head, supporting it enough so her head was no longer at the painful angle. “You have to support her head you idiot. Humans are fragile.” 
“Are you fuckin’ serious right now, Levi? There ain’t no way she's human!”  
Wait, what? Cass hadn’t told them she was a Nephilim. Had Diavolo told them at the castle when she left? Wait, no, these were the brothers from the past. It was only now that her breath was returning to normal. That sentence was going to make her start hyperventilating again. 
“We don’t know that!” 
“She’s got antlers stickin’ out of her head!” 
The shock of that statement gave Cass enough energy to open her eyes in a panic. She stared up at Mammon. His eyes were glassy, and his shaking hadn’t stopped. Mammon didn’t look away, as if she would die if he did.  
“Cass?” Lucifer called, still in shock. 
“What the fuck? How are you still alive?” 
Belphie lunged at her. Fortunately, Beel caught him before he got too far. He pulled his twin back, an iron grip around the youngest brother. He was seething as he fought against the hold, determined to kill her. 
“Lilith, survived, Lucifer–” was all Cass could say, pain shooting through her throat. 
“Don’t you dare say her name,” Belphie hissed. 
“Did she just say survived?” Asmo asked at the same time. 
Satan lifted a cup of some kind of liquid to her lips. He muttered a spell while she drank the contents. After a minute the pain subsided to a dull ache, and she was able to move and speak. Mammon refused to let her go though, arms tight enough to provide comfort, but not so strong she couldn’t get out if she really wanted to.  
“How did you know about Lilith?” Lucifer asked.  
Cass recounted the same story they’d discussed only hours ago. “I promise, she was happy.”  
Belphie thrashed against Beel’s hold again. “You’re lying! LIES, it’s all lies! Are you all really going to trust the word of some human? Do you not remember what they did to Lilith?”  
“It’s true,” Lucifer said. “I, I’m sorry. But how did you know that?”  
“She told me.” Cass didn’t have enough energy to process their reactions. Instead, she reached into her jacket pocket. “Remember I said I had one more secret?” She asked Mammon. When he nodded, she pulled out the letters. “I think these will explain everything better than I could.”  
Now that the pain had subsided and she wasn’t afraid of dying, Cass stopped fighting the exhaustion taking over her body. The last thing she heard as she drifted asleep was Mammon saying her name and Satan telling him to let her rest.  
When Cass woke up, she was lying in her bed. An eerie silence hung in the air. It was oddly lonely waking up in the empty room. Last time she’d almost died, Beel had been there. Cass hadn’t known what to expect after they read the letters from Lilith. Maybe they hated her for keeping it secret.  
She’s got antlers stickin’ out of her head! Mammon’s words popped into her thoughts. Cass threw the blankets off, stumbling to the closest mirror. There were no antlers in her reflection though. She ran her hands through her hair, confirming the lack of appendages.  
The memories after going back in time were foggy. Cass glanced at the door to her room. Were it not for the bruises on her neck, she might have thought it was all a nightmare. But there they were, angry purple and black reminders of Belphie’s hatred.  
Cass took the blanket from her bed, pulling it around her shoulders, seeking any kind of comfort. The last thing she wanted was to be alone right now. The darkness reminding her of the death she’d almost accepted. 
Cass started shaking, her thoughts slipping back. She scratched at her throat, suddenly unable to breathe. Find someone, anyone. She stumbled away from the mirror and down the stairs. A broken sob fell from her lips, unable to make it to the door before her fear took over. Cass curled up, hiding underneath the blanket, waiting for the sound of Belphie’s laughter to subside.  
Someone said her name. The blanket was pushed back just enough, not taken away completely. A hand clasped hers as their thumb rubbed comforting circles against her wrist. It took a moment for her to feel safe enough to look out.  
“I’m here, it’s gonna be okay,” Mammon stated firmly. “I’m not gonna leave, ya. Got it? You’ve always got the great Mammon to count on. For however long ya need.”  
Once her breathing returned to normal, Cass sat up, letting the blanket fall from her shoulders. She could tell Mammon was trying not to pull her into a hug, not wanting to overwhelm her. Cass wrapped her arms around him, pressing her ear to his chest to listen to his heartbeat. After a moment, he returned the hug.  
“Do you hate me?”  
Mammon sputtered. “What kinda question is that? Why would I?”  
“I didn’t tell you about Lilith, any of it.”  
Mammon’s arms dropped. Cass leaned back just enough to look up at him. There was no trace of anger or distaste in his expression. He rubbed the back of his head in thought, trying to figure out the best phrasing.  
“We promised not to hide how we felt any more, right? So, I’m gonna be honest with ya, I’m still not sure how I feel about it. Probably a lot of things and they come and go. I was angry, confused, frustrated, whatever, but hate? I could never hate ya.”  
Cass hung her head, unable to look him in the eyes. “I also don’t blame ya, Cass. Look what happened when we found out that she had lived. Imagine how it’d have been if we thought we could talk to her again. ‘Sides, Lilith didn’t give ya much of a choice. She made that much clear in the letters, right?”  
“I don’t really know what she said,” Cass answered. “I know I wrote them, but I was trying not to focus too much since it was something private.” 
Mammon stayed quiet. His eyes fell to the bruises on her neck. She could only begin to imagine what was running through his mind. Cass held her hands up to block his view. He didn’t look away from the spot though. 
“I didn’t let anyone else save me,” Cass smiled, trying to break the tension. Mammon glanced up, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “You said if it wasn’t you saving me, then no one should be.”  
Mammon pulled her into another hug, taking a deep breath. “That’s not a funny joke, ya idiot,” he mumbled into her hair.  
“Um, you said something earlier.”  
“Ya heard that?” Mammon’s eyes widened in horror, and he blushed. “Look I don’t know what ya think I meant, but just forget about it, okay?  
“Okay, so you said two things earlier and we’re definitely talking about them both.” Mammon groaned, realizing his mistake. “You said there’s no way I was human because I had antlers?”  
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that with everything else going on. How’d ya do that anyways?” He asked, hands feeling her head where the supposed antlers must have been. “Did Solomon teach you the trick when you were in the human world?”  
Cass swatted his hands away, fixing her hair and glaring at him. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”  
“Ah, Cass, you’re awake.”  
She and Mammon looked at the door at Lucifer’s voice. Relief washed over his features at the realization. His smile disappeared when his eyes landed on her neck before he caught himself, forcing another smile. Cass moved her hands back down to rest her chin on, covering the bruises once again.  
“Did you say Cass was awake?” Asmo asked, leaning around Lucifer to peer into the room.  
Satan and Levi’s voices followed as all of them tried to enter the room. Mammon moved to block her from view, already sensing her panic. That didn’t stop the others from complaining about him and Lucifer.  
“Knock it the hell off, you’re freakin’ her out.”  
“You’re not the only one who was worried, Mammon,” Satan snapped.  
“Asmo, may I see your scarf?” Lucifer asked.  
Asmo gave him a skeptical look but didn’t question it. Lucifer tossed the scarf to Mammon. Cass peaked over Mammon’s shoulder to meet Lucifer’s concerned eyes. He turned around, pushing the others out of the room.  
“We’ll be in the living room if you’d like to join us,” Lucifer said. “If you’re not ready, that’s completely understandable. But we’ll be waiting whenever you are.”  
With that, he closed Cass’s door behind him. Mammon handed her the scarf, refusing to look at her. “Sorry, I’m not that good at healin’ magic. If ya don’t want to wear something around your...I can get Satan. I’m sure he can heal the...or Asmo can show ya some makeup tricks.”  
Cass put on the scarf, checking that it was situated the right way before standing. She grabbed Mammon’s hand, helping him up. She fought the unease in her stomach about seeing the others by reminding herself they wouldn’t have come to her room if they didn’t want to see her.  
“Hey.” Cass squeezed Mammon’s hand, not ready to let go. “Don’t think I forgot what we were talking about. I’m still waiting to hear what you were blushing about.” The blush returned to Mammon’s face, and he groaned at the thought.  
Over a week had passed since the incident. Satan had been able to heal Cass’s bruises enough that they were barely visible. At times, it felt like the yellowish marks were the only thing acknowledging what had happened.  
The brothers, except Beel and Belphie, would always change the topic when Cass brought up what happened. They trailed off and refused to look at Cass when Belphie came up in conversation. After everything, it felt like they were right where they had started, refusing to talk to each other.  
Beel had been keeping Belphie away from the house. Or, at the very least, he was keeping Belphie away from Cass. Not only was that not what she wanted, Cass was starting to miss Beel more and more. Which is what led her to her current plan.  
After the house fell silent and she was sure everyone had retired for the night, Cass made her way to the twin’s room. The last few nights, she had figured out their pattern. Beel must have been talking to one of the others and coming home when they thought Cass had fallen asleep.  
Cass was going to try her damnedest to talk to Belphie one way or another. Her next option was to wait for him in the attic. Although, she’d prefer to avoid that room for a while longer. At least she had more control of the situation here.  
Even when he was trying to be quiet, Cass would recognize Beel’s steps anywhere. She didn’t miss the hushed whispers of the twins as they made their way through the halls. Beel opened the door, his eyes widening when he saw her.  
“Cass?” Beel said her name with a mixture of happiness and surprise. “What are you doing here?”  
He glanced to his side down the hall at the question, not entering the room. Cass already knew he was checking that Belphie didn’t continue walking. While she appreciated that Beel was being cautious, she was getting sick of everyone deciding how she needed to handle this.  
“I wanted to see you. Also, I need to speak with Belphie.”  
“I don’t know if that’s–” 
“I know you’re trying to help, but I can’t keep doing this. All of you refusing to acknowledge that he exists around me isn’t helping. I, I’m never going to be able to heal from this if I can’t face it. I decide what's best for me, okay? If Belphie doesn’t want to talk to me, that’s his choice and his alone.”  
Beel turned his head, looking back to the same spot in the hall. After a second, he nodded and stepped back. Belphie stepped into her line of vision.  
“So, you do exist.”  
Belphie gave her a weak smile. “Can Beel stay?”  
Cass was relieved he asked. While she wanted to talk to him, she wasn’t quite sure she was ready to be alone with Belphie. “I’m assuming you’ll tell him everything anyways?” 
Belphie entered their room, and Cass took an unconscious step back. Beel followed but didn’t stop as he crossed to Cass. He searched her eyes before slowly going to hug her. Cass laughed softly as he gave her the gentlest hug she may have ever received.  
“I really missed you,” she whispered.  
“Me too,” he answered before stepping back. He stayed close to her side.  
Belphie shifted uncomfortably, eyes darting around the room. Cass flinched at the movement. Beel glanced down at her. She could tell he was debating if he should interrupt or not. Cass wrapped her arms around herself, trying to slow her breathing.  
“I don’t want to hurt you,” she started. Both Beel and Belphie looked shocked at her words. “But there’s something I think you deserve to know. It wasn’t me who let you out, not really. Before going up to the attic, I asked Lilith’s ghost to possess me. She was with me until I woke up in the entry way with Mammon.”  
Belphie took a shaky breath. “You mean, she was there when...”  
“When you were seconds away from successfully killing me? Yeah,” Cass answered. The twins flinched at the directness of her words. She didn’t care though. Pretending it didn’t happen or sugar coating it wasn’t going to change the past. “I think, I think that’s the only reason I’m still alive.” 
“What do you mean?” Beel asked.  
“Apparently, she had some of her grace still and I guess that’s what saved me.” Cass looked between the two. “I obviously don’t know you all that well, Belphie, but I’d like to think I know Beel enough to know you also blame yourself for what happened to Lilith. She wouldn’t have wanted that.” 
“Why do you care?”  
Cass shrugged, shaking her head. “It’s not for you, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m just the messenger. She never blamed you and until the very end she loved you so much. The last thing she said to me was that she was happy. Whatever regrets you may have, don’t, because she wouldn’t have lived the life she wanted.” 
“She’d still be alive though if–” 
“Maybe,” Cass interrupted, “maybe not. But it doesn’t matter now, it happened, and you have to accept that. If not for yourself, for her. Maybe you’ll have to learn to be happy knowing she was happy. Anyways, that’s all I came here to say.”  
Cass went to leave, giving Beel’s arm a squeeze as she passed him. Before closing the door behind her, she turned back to say one last thing. “You know, I think one of the hardest things about loving someone is accepting that sometimes the life we want for them isn’t really what they need or even deserve. It may not have been what you expected, but it still may have been best.”  
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emmyfairy · 2 years
The Concert Eddie Munson x Reader
Eddie Munson did not think of you as a friend. 
Not in a bad way, you were always civil to one another and whatnot, but your paths did not often cross socially. 
You had a few shared classes when you were both in high school, but while he stayed after for Hellfire, you had stayed for book club. 
Same solar system, different planets. 
Once he had finally graduated and gotten a job at the new music store in town, he was pleasantly surprised to see you cross his path more often. 
You were a frequent costumer, buying records and tapes, often from the sale bin which he could relate to, and if he snuck in his employee discount what was the hurt? 
Eddie was glad the two of you were growing into acquaintances, having multiple mutual friends helped, and Eddie hoped- into friends. 
He always knew you were the quiet type, rarely raising your hand in class, and even now, shy greetings whenever you see him in the shop or the grocery store, or at the library you worked at when he just had to reread The Silmarillion. 
But, it was getting better. He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face whenever he thought about it, how much more open you were getting with him- and him with you. You never made him feel judged, he really liked spending time with you. More than he let himself admit. 
The blossoming friendship he thought was forming began to cloud with doubt one Wednesday morning as he watched you make your way into the shop, and up to the counter he was leaning behind. 
“Hey sweetheart.”
“Morning Eddie.”
You didn’t look at him when you greeted him, and while it gave him a chance to admire your chosen outfit for the day and the way the sunlight helped you glow, he didn’t like the nervous twirling of your hands. 
Narrowing his eyes at you and pushing himself off of the wall he encroached you, 
“Everything all right sweetheart? We got a new shipment of Queen, you wanna take a look?” 
Your eyes were darting around, weight shifting from one foot to the other, still not looking at him and damn Eddie hated it. A sinking feeling started to pit in his stomach. 
Were you mad at him? Did he do something wrong? Say something wrong? Did he-
You finally spoke up, cutting off his thoughts, 
“I have some tickets to a show…”
Trailing off you seemed to be digging for some courage, 
“They’re to Iron Maiden, I really want to go. I loved that tape you made me but I can’t go on my own. And-and I know you like them so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? Together? Ya’know if you’re not busy or,”
It was Eddie’s turn to cut you off, 
“Dammit princess you had me scared there.”
He sighs out in overly dramatic relief, leaning back and placing a hand over his chest,
“Of course I’ll go with you, don’t know what you’re so nervous about. I love Iron Maiden and I love y- hanging out with you.”
Good save idiot
The relieved smile that spreads across your face makes his heart skip a few beats, mouth drying, 
“Really? That’s great Eddie! The venue is a bit far, I’ll pay for gas but I was hoping…”
“I’ll drive sweetheart no issue there, and don’t worry your little head about gas.”
He knew you got nervous driving in unfamiliar areas, and he’d drive you to the end of the earth if you asked. 
Afterwards, having given him the needed information and whatnot the two of you had listened to the new records the store had recently gotten in. 
Eddie watched you, head bobbing along, internally cursing every customer that came in and interrupted your time together. 
He couldn’t wait for the concert. 
Eddie Munson didn’t do nervous, at least that’s what he was chanting to himself in his head. In reality the boy had changed outfits all of thirty times, attempted to tame his frazzled hair, and cleaned his boots off to the best of his ability. 
So, not his usual pre-concert routine. 
He was on his way to your house, his stomach threatening to drop out of his ass the entire ride. 
Why the hell am I so fucking nervous? 
Oh, he knew why, he just wouldn’t admit it. 
Eddie was planning on going up to your door all gentlemanly, but as soon as he had pulled up, you were bounding down the pathway towards his van. 
Thankful that he had left the windows open a few hours to get rid of as much of the smoke and fumes as he could, he watched as you paused before the door. Gently tugging it open and peering up at him. 
God damn it you’re so fucking cute. 
Eddie cleared his throat, cheeks betraying him and pinking,
“Ready sweetheart?”
You climbed into his passenger seat, 
A throne for m’lady, he thought. 
Here we go.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to reblog and comment! Part 2? 🤔
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flaray25 · 1 year
A Therapy Friend By Your Side
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<probably take this from your point of view on how you see negativity and positivity of life :)>
From the saddest moments of Squidward's life, had pressured him down to his knees. Falling hard from depression as he pressumed. Crying harder and harder from second by second, he was lonely.
A lonely old person who would die all alone that no one would come even if he died. Much better for him if he was DEAD already. But he couldn't do that either.
Squich came around, she was far off like how childish Spongebob would act. And sometimes she's just like how Squidward acts from time to time, but she's not that mean like him.
Into the space where he-himself alone...
Got down to his knees and cried. He didn't know what he was even doing. He didn't know why he ended up like this. Day by day, penny from penny, bills, bills, loans, bills again, some payments...
He was tired. He was unlucky, a loser, a loner, a sad and stupid ugly-
A plop of footsteps can be heard approached to him.
Squiches Millfenson. What was she doing here? Can't she see how down Squidward is right now? How- disgusting he looks? Why? Would some octopus like her would come up to the likes of him? He was an outcast.
"It's you." His voice deepened the tone, "are you here to also make fun of me?" "No, but I'm here to talk things out." She leaned against the wall right beside to Squidward.
"What could you possibly say anything? You're just like the rest of them- even Spongebob says that- that- stupid- COMFORT TALK!" He slammed his tentacles down to the ground. Anger roared, but sadness ruled over. Tears overflowed his eyes.
He knew he was weak.
"And so what if he still goes on with those comfort talks? Squidward, he cares about you. No matter how much he tried, he always thought about you to!"
"He's insane... he's not my friend! I DONT EVER consider him my friend! Spongebob is... he's..."
The cephalopod grumbled.
"Insufferable and- a doofus- NEPTUNIC- IDIOTIC- MORON! He doesn't know what I'm going through! He doesn't know WHY I'm like this! He-"
"Even tho Spongebob couldn't help dealing with your own pains- atleast he tried... He literally came to you, he hugged you, he made sure you weren't alone from those darkest hours in your entire life. Squidward Tentacles. Have you forgotten? Spongebob may not know what you've been through- but he kept you company, he stayed there and listened to the problems you've dealt with. Your unluckiest moments turns to the luckiest thing when he's there. Call it a luck but- you're lucky to have him."
Squidward's eyes were staring down at his own tentacles, could what have Squich been saying was true? Was he really "Lucky" to consider that SquarePants. Was the only one he needed? A bit of a joy- a positive side. Ray of his sunshine to make those things he kept to him. Fade away?
"You... you... c-can't- be serious... him?" "Trust me on this Squidward but to me honestly, if you didn't have Spongebob with you, what would you be in this situation right now?"
Squich pointed out to his tentacles. The urge of what the cephalopod was saying, was ridiculous to say. He should've thought first before he act.
Until it hit him suddenly..
"You're... you're just like me..." his head rose to look at her, her eyes staring down to the octopus feeling bad.
After he said those words, she stayed silent. Squich is a complicated person but she has the heart to pour it in.
Her gaze looked down to the ground, feeling her own emotions rise tense. That nostalgic yet a pain feeling. The traumatizing days she fought. She kept. Silent.
"God- dammit- You- YOU! You've been through something like this and you turned out- COMPLETELY FINE! I-" He couldn't believe it.
She had it burried down there inside of her.
Sadness and pity.
Empty and hollow.
Burden and lonely.
Like his.
But she turned out just like Spongebob.
Happy and Caring
Kind and sweet
Nice and optimisstic.
Like Spongebob.
... everything turned out fine for her... why... WHY...
Why couldn't Squidward do the same?
"You... son of a- everything worked out fine for you! You're completely stable! How... HOW... WHY..." Squidward looked at Squich who frowned by looking at Squidward.
Such pain Squidward kept inside him.
Squich's loud voice shut him up...
Everything, her expression, her action, her emotion...
She was showing her truth.
That look from her face completely shook Squidward, Squich realize what she was doing. "I- I mean..." she backed away covering her mouth for a moment.
"Someone... once told me... 'crying is for the weak' I don't cry in order to not break my Father's rule. And especially even if how weak I am right now, I come to pretend that I was some strong and brave person even if I'm not."
She slowly sat to the ground, thinking about those darkest days of her life. Gave her a headache just by looking back at it.
"We can relate Squidward, but we're not the same. We can relate to saddest things, darkest past. But they aren't all the same. I changed for the better, because I moved it all. They were all in the past, it may be stuck on your head for that but you had to fight it, ignore them. And think about the bright side of life. Because that's what we're worth of fighting for, worth of surviving for."
"If those darkest memories you have doesn't stop, they really matter. It doesn't mean that if you're a loser then you'll continue to down grade yourself and say that you really 'are' a loser and continuously you'll keep on repeating whatever negative things people say to you then turn out to be the bad and meanest person you are. Then you aren't changing, you're suffering even more."
Squidward also leaned his head from the wall right beside Squich hearing her talk.
"If someone says- you suck. Do you want to believe that you ACTUALLY suck? Suck on something? Talentless? Loser? A nobody? No. No one has the right to intrude to how your brain is interacting with those bad thoughts and process to your heart to cry it all about it. Even if you kept it there for too long. It's not right. If it's pointless to them then SCREW those people."
"You Squidward Tentacles, are a talent and have lack of passion between arts and music. You have your own purpose. And a life. And no one can just say those meanest words for you to think bad stuff. Because once you did, you can never get it out. But you can if you could atleast try. Like how Spongebob did to his own."
"You can't assume someone who seems to live all happy and doesn't care at all- doesn't have these bad things. Some also happen to have this- even for him. For you as well. But you know how Spongebob did it? He bloomed. He changed. He decided to ignore those words away as if like they were just bugs. Like how I did it. And it would be your turn once you have the courage for it.
You must fight. And live."
Squich gets up on her feet, looking down at Squidward once again to lend him a tentacle.
"So I'm asking you this once again- are you gonna let this remain or are you gonna fight it? Because no one atleast you, deserve to deal with it."
His eyes were now staring at Squich's tentacle, he had no idea how Squich had manage to talk atleast all of these things- these feelings- Squidward had dealt with- and just- made him rethink again.
For those words to turn out to be letters all scrambled up from his head like it meant nothing at all.
Spongebob had dealt with it from the past, he faced it back whenever their boss took the spotlight of reminding him he was simple.
And he didn't care about those words after Eugene said that. After the town was saved all again by the poriferan himself with his team.
Squich was empathetic, much to Squidward's greatfulness to have her understand.
"No, I won't think much about it and start looking for the bright side as long as it makes me feel great." He caught her tentacle and gets up from the ground.
"Good, as much as I could tell- Spongebob is probably-" from a distance there was Spongebob waving at her and Squidward.
"Yep he's right there-" "Squich thank you... for speaking out loud... I was... kind of a jerk-" "don't say that to yourself- it was completely your big assumption between of how good a persons life is remains all good with no problems to deal with. Besides from all of that- you don't need to feel sorry for yourself about it."
Squidward wiped his tears before Spongebob could see him close. "Squich! Squidward! I knew it was you two! I could recognice you guys almost clearly far away- anyway- what's up? Why does it look like Squidward was crying?" "No I wasn't crying!" The cephalopod defended himself.
"But it looked like you were... you know what? Nevermind- maybe I was delusional- ahem- I wanted to ask if it's okay for me to invite you two for a 'hang out' this weekend?" Squich looked at Spongebob with a smile, eyeing to her side. Squidward was definitely staring at Spongebob. She could tell.
"Not me- I'm sure Squidward could if he wants to! I have upcoming commissions to finish and especially those hardest details-" a buzz on her phone caught their attention.
She pulled it out to read the front screen that it was from her sister. "Oops- that's my que- gotta go!" Squich purposely pushed Squidward to take the hand of answering his question and leaves.
While running towards the location to her house, she smiled. How lovely the day was, how nice it is outside, more happy she could ever be to know that someday Squidward would change into a better person because someone right there who is mostly right next to him keeps them away.
It's not too late to change. Especially to other people.
Change isn't something to mention about-
It's meant to bloom.
Darkest days fade them away
By a simple person who can talk to you
To let it all out
To have someone there
Atleast for the good.
It's something worth you're fighting for.
A lady dropped her wallet as Squich hurriedly picked it up before a man steals it and kicked his face without making the lady pay attention.
She sneakly puts it back to her bag without her knowing and ran happily.
She was glad to help someone.
Glad to change.
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Recreyo has become my hyperfixation (again) and I can’t stop thinking about the SCP eps. So enjoy some writing!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Curt started asking questions after the second test.
Truth to be told, he’d been having odd feelings about the whole thing from the beginning, but he’d kinda brushed them off. Chilly not being in the cell with the others was something he couldn’t brush off though. The others told him one of the scientists, accompanied by a bunch of guards, had asked her to come with them. Christian had a bad feeling and tried telling them to fuck off, but they reassured them nothing would happen to her.
The biggest reason it was so odd though, is that he hadn’t been informed about any of this.
He had been in charge of the chaotic group for two tests and he had known them for much longer. That they had chosen not to tell him was… kind of weird.
Which is why he flagged down an A-Class personnel.
“Oi, I just heard Chilly was moved elsewhere. What happened?”
The man in front of him raised an eyebrow. Curt sighed.
“Chilly Panda, girl with the panda hat, pretty dumb and loud, you know, the girl I’ve been in charge of?”
“Oh, miss Panda. I had assumed you’d been informed.”
“Well clearly I haven’t. Where is she?”
For a moment, the man was silent. Finally, he clasped his hands behind his back. On the name tag, Curt could read: ‘Jonathan Snee’.
“New evidence has brought to light that miss Panda couldn’t possibly be responsible for the c-18 incident. As such, she was found innocent by the court, and as we only employ death row inmates as D-Class personnel - and we do have morals, unlike what some people might say - we gave her the choice to either continue working for us as C-Class Personnel or leave the Foundation entirely. Evidently, she choose the latter.”
Those words felt like a slap across the face. Or a punch to the gut.
“She… left us?”
Sure, Chilly could be an asshole sometimes, just like all of them, and at first glance abandoning them to save her own skin would be in line with her.
“She didn’t even come to say goodbye…”
Chilly would have informed them. Maybe come back to the cell, mocking them. At the very least send them a letter or call. To just disappear on them felt… wrong.
“I’m sorry Richy, but that is what she choose.”
Curt ran a hand through his hair, underneath his cap, suddenly finding it hard to breathe.
“N-no, she wouldn’t. She’s a jerk but she wouldn’t…”
Snee interrupted him harshly. “Then I guess you didn’t know her as well as you thought.”
That stung, although stung was an understatement. It felt like getting stabbed by Den.
“Now then, are there any more questions you have for me?” Snee asked.
With a deep breath, Curt tried his best to swallow the feelings of betrayal down and looked at Snee.
“Yes, sir. I was wondering… why are my only assignments related to my fr- squad D-45?”
Snee cocked his head slightly. “You have no other tasks?”
“I-I do, but they’re all… paperwork that literally could be done by any C-Class Personnel. I’m B-Class, shouldn’t I be having more responsibilities? Why don’t I get to lead more squads or tests, why—“
He cut himself off upon seeing the dark look in Snee’s eyes. It was accompanied by a threatening, powerful aura, that pressed down on him like a large rock.
“Mr Richy.” Snee began, tone coated with warning. “You should do best to remember that a B-Class Personnel is to take orders from A-Class Personnel without question. A-Class is not obligated to disclose all information, and you should trust that it isn’t without a good reason. Some things are better left unknown, especially in this facility, where even knowledge can be dangerous to your health. Please trust that we know what we are doing and are doing it to protect both humans and SCPs.”
He took a step forward, and Curt had to use every nerve in his body to avoid stepping backwards. Thankfully, Snee’s glare became less harsh.
“You are a valued member of B-Class personnel, Richy. And I’d like to keep it that way. Now, are there any questions left you want to ask?”
The unspoken was clear.
“N-no Sir.”
“Good.” Snee nodded, then took a folder from his jacket, handing it to him. “I have a new assignment from you. Be careful, this assignment involves SCP-173. Be sure to evacuate to your designated area in case of containment breach.”
Curt took the file, flipping through it, noting that it involved his friends again.
“Yes sir.”
Snee almost turned around there and then, but stopped himself.
“Oh, one more thing. I have taken the liberty to replace one of your squad members. Her name is Kristine. Be sure to treat her like you treat the other D-Class in your squad.”
Frowning, Curt flipped a little further to see a photo of a girl with flowers in her hair.
“What’s she in for?” He couldn’t help but ask.
“An incident we believe is related to the C-18 case.”
The tone in Snee’s voice indicated he wasn’t going to reveal much more on the subject, so Curt merely nodded and closed the folder, putting it under his arm. “I will gather a few guards and D-45 and head to the assignment immediately, sir.”
Snee gave a nod. “Excellent. You are doing very well, Richy. I hope the rest of A-Class notices your efforts too and give you a raise.” He complimented, but for whatever reason, it felt empty.
“Thank you, sir.” Curt managed to get out.
Snee turned around and walked away, leaving Curt with his thought. He took a deep breath and headed the other way. Dawdling wouldn’t help him right now. He would deal with this later.
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