#(but ill still do it every once in a while to put something super specific i want into existence)
gifti3 · 10 months
I need people to start writing the stuff they wanna see instead of getting upset about other people not writing it...
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mikalame · 1 year
Date me... please
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'yes tom ill be down there in like 5 minutes, just let me finish my make up okay' you type into your phone. Tom was BLOWING it up nervous about the whole ordeal,
Ever since you had asked for his number he was texting you ever miniute, of every hour all day long, you found it quite cute tho, for him to be thinking of you that much, it made you kick your feet like a little school girl.
You rush down the stairs, quickly grabbing your heels as you hop to put them on, you look at your self in the hallway mirror, flatting your dress and making sure your lipstick wouldn't smudge you open the door.
Seeing Tom right there was a bit of a shock but it still made you blush, he had his phone in his hand 'he was probably going to text me to see how much longer i would be' you think.
Tom fumbles to put his phone in his dark jean pants, lifting his black and red top, that unknowing matched well with the little dress you had on aswell.
"___, you look.... stunning" he mumbles his eyes tracing over every inch of you outfit, "why thank you tom, you dress up nice as well" you giggle adjusting your handbag.
Tom takes you hand and escorts you to his car, as he hops in the drivers side, starting the car he exsplains about what you two would be doing for the night.
"So what i was thinking was that we go walk around the park and visit the arcarde store, then we can go to restaurant, how does that sound" looking at you before eyes flicking back to the road.
"Arcade store?" you ask "Yeah i mean we could do somthing else it just kinda what i thought in the moment you know" his words faluter as he speaks, his eyes pinned to the road wondering if you thought i was a stupid idea.
"No i think it will be fun, i havent been to an arcade store in years, oooo i wonder if they still have donkey kong, i LOVED that game when i was younger" you rant, you start telling tom all the games you loved as a kid getting side tracked if one had a specific memory you remembered.
By the time your finished your at the park, you can see the neon lights to the store from here, you look down at your outfit now feeling like you dressed up a bit much for an arcade store.
"Hey ___ its kinda chilly do ya want my jacket" Tom asks seeing you look at the outfit your wearing, "hmm oh yeah please tom, thank you" you mutter as you shrug it on.
As you two walk to enjoy the evening light and the nice cool breeze washing over your selfs, you stop and take a small amount of time to stop and watch the family of swans wading through the water.
Once getting to the arcade store after you dared tom to a game of how could get there faster tom only winning because you had a hard time running with heels on, but that didnt stop tom from bragging for the next 5 minutes.
The first game you visited was... donkey Kong of course after you two had got the pass you practically DRAGGED him over there holding on to his hand, playing a few rounds then moving to a game tom wanted to play, then switching back and fourth between games you or him wanted to play.
Walking back to the car goodies in hand you tried to stuff the majortiy of what you one in you handbag but that didn't really hold much, tom had decided to just use his top as a bag and place all his goodies inside, shortly followed by you placing your goods with his, tom held the rest of his top close to him so they didnt fall out.
Tom chucked all the treats onto the dash before speeding off to the restaurant, cracking jokes, and eating a few of the lollies you won.
Once arriving tom opens your door, holding it like you were some queen or something, before placing your hand in his walking to the big glass double doors.
You to get escorted to your reserved table and get handed these wood print menus with 4 different panels showing you the drinks, the food and the deserts, the majority of them had super fancy names that you and tom tried to pronounce to each other but failed miserably.
While waiting for you food to arrive you and tom were given your chosen drink of coke in a nice tall cold glass with a fancy little straw with a lemon on the side, tom decided to challenge you with a contest of who could stay the most calm while eating the slice of lemon.
Half way through your little contest you food had arrived, they had seen you and tom trying to keep your composure then freeze and turn slowly to face the poor waiter who had both of your food in hand.
Once she left you two busted out laughing, "The look on the poor ladys face ahahha" tom chuckles wiping a fake tear from his eye "i know that was so stupid tom" you giggle before taking your first bite of food.
When you both had finished tom went up to pay talking bout how he has to because hes just manly like that, but stumbling when his pants got caught on his shoe making him trip a bit.
You walk to the car with tom he was showing you how many of the free mints he got while paying he seemed very proud of this saying how you could have to but not anymore because you 'didnt help get this'.
You two sit in the car remisising about the night laughing at the race you didnt win, tom getting mad saying the arcade game scammed him and how he wanted hi money back, the face on the lady when she saw your little competition at dinner and when you guys had so much lollies they were dropping out all over the place.
The drive back to your home was calm, no awkwardness around just tom and you enjoying eachothers company, his hand placed on your inner thigh only moving when he has to change gears but putting his hand back before the area could even get cold again.
Toms car pulls up to your home opening your door just like he did at the restaurant walking you to your door. "Oh wait i forgot somthing" he says running back to his car, grabbing somthing beofre running back to you.
"Here, i remember you saying how these were you favorite flower, so i got some for you, i didnt give them to you before cause i forgot" he laughs running the back of his neck before holding them out for you.
"Wow tom these are beautiful im so glad you remembered i liked these" you say smelling the sweetness waft off the flower "i had a really great night tonight tom" you whisper you eyes flicking from his brown eyes to his pierced lip.
Tom caught on knowing what you wanted as well he whispers back to you "I had a great night aswell ___ i hope to do this again" taking his hand out holding you jawline and slowing bringing you in for a kiss.
You felt as if you were in a movie the porch light shining down on you, tom hand on your jaw, you and around his neck, it made you feel amazing like you were on cloud-9.
Your lips separating and you pull in air to your lungs you look at tom again before wishing him a goodnight kissing his cheek and closing the door softly behind your self.
Tom looks back at where you were standing just progressing the fact you kissed his back, he walks back to his car he looks at the lollies on the dash eating one of the blue ones a small smile on his lips,
ready to spill all of this to the band when he gets back he cant wait for you next date.
HEYYY GUYS sorry this took awhile and its quite long to read but i hope you all enjoyed, wasnt going to make a PT2 but so many of you liked the first one so here you gooo
taglist @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley@saumspam@adissonsss
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jovenshires · 9 months
wait smosh taskmaster would be SUCH a massive slay wow. immediately my mind went to shayne as alex horne ! but greg i could see as diff options bc i don’t think any cast members embody that archetype personality wise as is but i could def see them put their own spins on em as a character if that makes sense ? would love to see what damien or chanse could come up with (bonus pts for being tall). but i also just realized arasha would be good too lmaoo. OH and that tommy as greg and spencer as alex would be SO good. and then for contestants would love to have angela, two that don’t end up in the above roles, keith, and than a rando crew member that we don’t see that often to shake it up - maybe vida bc they killed it in tntl and they do improv? wait also loved patrick making a reappearance so him as well. obvi would love to see most of the cast /crew participate as contestants if it’s like a recurring series ! ok clearly this show is perf for smosh considering i included a bajillion people in this ask pls kiana i’m begging 🙏 - spencersagnew
@spencersagnew YOU. YOU GET ME. i love your takes,,,, shayne as alex and arasha as greg specifically is everything to me. i'll put my cast out there but your takes are incredible and you've never been wrong.
tommy as the taskmaster. i think he just has that dry humor and can lean into the antagonistic nature really well while still being a fair judge and interacting well with the contestants. he's also just one of my favorite hosts of anything ever so ill let him do whatever he wants
garrett as the taskmaster's assistant. LISTEN. LISTEN. we need someone pathetic. someone who can be a punching bag. someone who's a little unhinged. someone who will get bullied by the cast and just take it, but also someone who has the Audacity. and That's Garrett. he fits the bill. i'll say honorable mention to shayne bc i think he would do this really well too but there's something about garrett that i think people would just take to using him as a puppet, a prop, whatever they needed for their tasks. and then get shit from him as soon as they're in the studio.
ian as contestant number one (The Grumpy Old Man). look, i have the taskmaster casting system boiled down to a science. i truly believe almost every cast can fit into these categories (almost! almost all!) and so i'm going by the same metric for smoshmaster. and we're starting off strong with the grumpy old man archetype. i think he'll be generally annoyed by everything. tommy, garrett, the other contestants, the tasks, whatever. he has a really dry sense of humor that'll balance everybody else out, and an above-it-all attitude that you can't help but respect. examples of this include julian clary, frankie boyle, and dara o briain.
angela as contestant number two (The World's Strangest Woman). every season needs one woman who just goes about the tasks in The Most Insane Way, and that's angela. point blank period. is she gonna win? probably not! but who knows! she's a wild card! she's the one who says her legs are basically just arms without fingers, you know. i think she'd just panic and do. whatever. no planning, go with her gut instinct. she'd also be super competitive and her reactions when she realized just how bad she fucked up.... incredible. examples include lucy beaumont, jenny eclair, and fern brady.
spencer as contestant number three (The Loveable Goofball). look. LOOK. you know him. you love him. he probably won't win. but god is it fun to watch. he's generally kind of pathetic, and while he fails miserably, you can't help but root for him, feel bad for him, and point and laugh at him all at once. he's going about the tasks either half-heartedly or putting his whole soul into it with absolutely no in-between. he might win an episode, but it's because the edit is throwing him a bone. spencer's really good at putting on that character of. miserable dude. the heel of it all. but also balancing that out with his quick wit and intelligence. he's perfect for this. some examples are susan wokoma, ivo graham, and john kearns
chanse as contestant number four (The Fan Favorite). he's hot. he's smart. he's funny. everybody likes him. he is the People's Champion. everyone wants him to win - even the taskmaster is a Little biased. he has electric chemistry with everyone, somehow, you can't really figure out how. he absolutely kills ALL the tasks but especially the prize tasks. i also think chanse would just have the funniest reactions to what everyone Else is doing. like i think he'd stand by what he did until the bitter end (even if he did something fucking insane) but everyone else he would relentlessly make fun of. god i want him on this show so bad. anyway, my examples for this are sam campbell, kiell smith-bynoe, and munya chawawa.
courtney as contestant number five (The Only Competent One on the Board). everyone else is fucking insane, but courtney is holding down the fort. she's always handling the tasks in a smart, efficient way that seems like the most logical way to go about it. they frequently outsmart the prompts and the competition. whether or not they win it all, they just seem like they deserve it most. her humor also brings a really nice balance of riding that line of silly goofy and smart and quick. i think courtney rounds out this cast really well (and is my personal pick to win <3). examples of this are sue perkins, mae martin, and sarah milican.
im flexible on the teams, although i think my personal pick is spencer / courtney / angela and ian / chanse bc. comedy to me. also i will say i think i could go on for like. at least two more seasons building different casts truly this is not the Only combo. anyway kiana call me i've got big plans
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legendarybelmont · 1 year
OK. idk whether the last ask sent just without links, or it didnt send at all, so im gonna retype it. if you got it feel free to ignore this lol. links are at the end IF you want to listen to these to see what the hell in talking about, but absolutely no requirement/expectation/pressure to listen, its just for ease of access in the case you do
so basically for arikado’s whole arc for this story its him becoming his father, right? ill revisit that thought later
so first of all, alucard has a theme. we already have a basis of characters which sort of turn against everything they once stood for for one reason (possessed by evil wizard) or another, having motifs of their main theme sort of used in a way that almost bastardizes the main theme, so i think for phase 1 of the fight, that would work rlly well for arikado. his main theme is dracula’s castle, and his secondary is tragic prince, so we would take that and sort of bastardize it, make it sound unnerving and uncomfortable to the listener on a subconscious level. so lets look at how to do that in the first place.
with richter’s theme, divine bloodlines, the main motif is taken from that and put against a backdrop of much more unnerving music. blood relations, which keeps parts of divine bloodlines, sounds much darker, because it takes the piece and puts it in a very unusual signature that has less of a sense of innate balance to the listener (5/4) to kind of throw you off and make you feel wrong-footed. it also uses the percussion to sort of drive this unnatural beat a bit, so already it sounds sort of… wrong. on top of that, you transcribe the motifs used to a minor key, transforming it from a more heroic, triumphant piece, to one of more of a… sad and upsetting feeling. almost like a hero disgraced. it also changes the instrumentation a bit to more eerie sounding instruments, or instruments that can purvey the eerier sound better. It changes some of the chords slightly to add discord, and adds some quick and staccato harmonies, which utilize chords that, if all notes were played at once, would sound very uncomfortable. some of the scale (for lack of a better term) sequences are also used to build tension and add to the pervading sense of wrongness, ending in a way that doesn’t quite Sound right or complete
theres also other ways of making songs that sound uncomfortable or unnerving, as are utilized in songs like pagoda of the misty moon, which, yes, still utilizes the discordant chords of course, but it also utilizes the very, very deep piano part to add to the atmosphere, and utilizes what sounds to be runs with accidentals, as well as the timpani, and the tremolo on the violins, as well as, while being in what sounds like 3/4, uses percussion to make it SOUND like an abnormal time signature. so there are a lot of different ways to go about creating that type of atmosphere, and what youd utilize depends on the vibe youre going for, plus also the personality of the character themselves. for example, the deep piano part i think COULD work very well for arikado personally, but its up to debate.
(theres also the underlying theme of boss themes in general having weird time signatures, specifically BECAUSE while you subconsciously seek out cues from music, its much harder to do that with weird time signatures. 5/4 with richter, and, with other franchises, 13/7 or something like that for ganondorf from oot, and for marx in kirby’s games, the time signature changes every measure. thats not SUPER important, i just think its very neat :) )
so effectively, in writing an arrangement of this, you might utilize some of those ideas (and maybe do further research on other themes in music that make the viewer uncomfortable). THAT would be the best way to create a bastardization of the song.
there might be other aspects to consider, to give the song a feeling of repetition, as if repeating the past, but not SO repetitious that it bores the listener. this being a boss battle song already lends itself to repetition as that is the nature of boss battle themes, so ill skip that.
this may be difficult to do bc, as is the nature of boss battles being that you can transition to the 2nd phase at any time, BUT i do think itd be VERY interesting to have a very seamless transition into the 2nd phase theme, which would be dance of illusions, which. as you may or may not know. is draculas main and most iconic boss battle theme :) . id probably give it 4 repeats instead of the 2 that tends(?) to be more typical with that song, to add to the building tension and sense of dread, ESPECIALLY for those that recognize the song, either consciously or subconsciously, as they realize what song is playing. theres a few versions of that song but most likely itd take a lot more inspiration from the sotn & dos versions more than anything. of course it would utilize the more uneven sound of the intro, which would then lead into the much more balanced, march-like time signature the majority of the song is in. this theme combined with the song of the previous phase, which would utilize the more unnatural rhythm of a time signature like 5/4, COULD also kind of give the impression of like, the turbulence arikado initially feels as he sort of realizes hes becoming his father, transitioning to him accepting and embracing that role, or even more of SOMAS pov of this whole thing, of the discord btw how THEY view arikado vs who he rlly is, with the 2nd phase be more soma accepting who arikado truly is/has become, but thats more of a choose-how-to-interpret-it thing that would be more up to the listener, and would depend more on how you want to develop the story and arikado’s feelings regarding everything. more importantly the use of doi, ESP an arrangement more similar to the sotn doi, symbolizes how much arikado HAS become his father at this point.
these next 2 sections are more… optional.
first would be the prelude, the part that plays during the dialogue leading up to the boss fight. for this i would say it would be best to have a music of slower tempo, with an air of uncertainty, and yet weight and inevitability. not a song from the cv series, but there are two parts of sealed vessel that do this in different ways; first is thw first few seconds of the song, as you have long, tremolo notes held, building up into a chord as you slowly prepare for the actual fight itself. theres also latter half of sealed vessel (2:16-4:34) is a very good example of this. it opens with a slow section where there are two parts playing in a minor chord, playing a very melancholy harmony, which then adds the long, legato, meandering violin run, which repeats itself, slowly adding instruments in a way that makes it sound almost like the piece is slowing down, until it begins a run DOWN the scale into the last either one of these make a good example of how you could build up the emotion to the fight, but that would depend on whether that would be included at all or not.
the second optional part would be something that COULD play at the end of the piece IF you get the good ending. itd be best if the note that doi ends on on its own were one that feels unfinished, unresolved, which works for both endings; in the bad ending, it IS left unfinished, as the cycle continues anew, and never finds a real sarisfying end, it just keeps. going. but with the GOOD ending, you instead have this section added on to the end. revisiting sealed vessel, the very end (starting at about 4:34), there is an ending to the piece that feels tragic, mournful, but complete, which, if mimicked, could symbolize a few things, but i like the idea that its adrian actually being like. allowing himself to truly mourn his father, and feel remorse for his own actions. i think the best thing for this would be to utilize the original, unbastardized, version of dracula’s castle, but in a much slower and more mournful and weighted rendition, to symbolize both his allowing himself to mourn and his regret, but also him potentionally resolving to attempt to return to who he once was, to the version of himself he forgot?
anyways um. i DO want to write an arrangement of this but well see how much energy i have to do that.
also absolutely no expectation of you to listen to All Of These but here are the links if youre curious and want to listen :)
dc: https://youtu.be/cyWTgLf-piE?si=i1yGDRVDe8xuddhe
ttp: https://youtu.be/hGUJcqxbRLo?si=dO_EGAw_ALrxejcR
db: https://youtu.be/XoGCokTDSyA?si=dAUfT1AGm9NgDhGU
br: https://youtu.be/PZZfQoxxeD0?si=B3ZyxOv47QEqjvUq
potmm: https://youtu.be/0v8nlnmT6Hw?si=ZB5YIYu0jKQBKEHU
doi sotn vers: https://youtu.be/_PPEZxVEgjk?si=pOrUR1PJIQiqhl49
doi dos vers jic you want to hear how that ones different: https://youtu.be/8cda69EXFRs?si=vV0oXvm6KQ2Kk1uI
sv from hk: https://youtu.be/ze0Rk-m0w2A?si=1FfwQKwBaHFoh53U (2:16-4:34) (4:34-end)
okay fair warning i dont have much to add because i dont know much about music and also youve laid everything out very nicely already but this is very interesting and i am paying lots of attention! dance of illusions isnt my favourite dracula theme but as the one thats most iconic and also the one that tends to appear most, it would be a bit silly if it wasnt used even though id also love to be able to jam dracula appears from loi into things somewhere just for the thrill of things, especially if the end goal is to emphasise a transition between alucard and dracula similar to the one that was already kind of happening in the background
i know even less about how any of it would actually function in practice, but some other themes ive also been hemming and hawing about are the alucard battle theme from legends (a deep cut, but hey) and encounter or big battle from cviii: one because itd be a nasty twist on things (new game new alucard yada yada but also im just a passionate cviii stan in general) and the other because its chronologically speaking sort of the first dracula battle theme and i think that. fits. as i said though, dance of illusions is iconic, so not really replaceable.
im writing this in a bit of a rush (busy but i passed out for 8 hours and feel bad leaving you waiting too long) but i think an important part of all this would be having soma slap some sense into him, seeing as soma is both the one who keeps trying to break draculas own cycle, is the one arikado has arguably used the most, and is also arikados theoretical foil -- personally i feel like soma and arikado are more acquaintances than anything before this, and getting alucard to talk about anything ever was like pulling teeth and im sure arikado is far worse so i couldnt see them really bonding at that point, but in a situation like this maybe it would be more feasible for them to form an actual connection? which ties into the idea of arikado, too, finally letting go of the cycle slash dracula and whatnot.
in the good ending, anyway
that said, julius and yoko are also obviously important, julius for what are probably pretty obvious reasons and yoko as both The Belnades (which is actually detrimental considering, their roles as the belmont and the belnades inherently force them to sort of 'adhere' to the cycular nature of this mess), but also as the one person who, throughout the games, arikado is shown to have the closest relationship with. she knows his identity before anyone else, they may or may not have been cooperating in aos, shes the first to defend his character to soma, etc etc, he even goes and visits her shop to give her the hot gossip in dos lmao. so bring them too ofc
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lotus-btas · 1 year
BTaS Update: May-July 2023 - Pages of Lotus
Back again after a VERY long while without an update. Sorry for that, I'm forgetful.
Let me catch you up to speed on how the progress for Beyond Time and Space has been going these past few months, where we are now, and how we'll do things moving into the future.
Starting with the past, I'm gonna be fully honest: I haven't made a lot of progress with episode 2. Towards the end of May and the entire month of June, I've been suffering some serious burnout, to the point where interacting with my work would make my physically ill and exhausted. For a while I thought about skipping episode 2 entirely and moving on to 3, but then remembered that I stopped working on ep 3 because of my dissatisfaction/change of ideas with ep 2 that mentally stopped me from moving into the next arc. I'm still semi trying to get over it, but every day I can feel my creative drive starting to kick back in. I just need to sit down, focus, and get to work, which is a lot harder these days than ever before.
I also mentioned in the past how I was gonna host a beta reading for the first episode of Beyond Time and Space on the 20th of May. That also didn't happen. Not only was I sick with a headache on the 19th of that month, but I was rushed to the hospital for treatment, and spend the 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd recovering. Plus, that post got little to no interest or attraction, so making a sign up that no one would bother to mess with seemed kind of pointless.
As of the present, right now I'm working on trying to balance my energy between BTaS and my other projects and interest, to make sure that my burnout doesn't get as dangerously bad as it did in May and June. It seems to be working. None of them are making much sound progress, as I keep getting distracted by my own thoughts, but it's keeping my energy in check, which is all I need.
I also decided to start working on a pilot for Beyond Time and Space! Yeah! The one thing that I should've started with, especially because this is an animated series, I'm doing now, a full year after I wrote the first episode! Kinda ironic! I find a huge benefit of this being that I know my characters super well now, but the big disadvantage is finding something for them to do; how they can interact with this new environment that I'm putting them in for a single short episode. That's also been a little draining. Might need to brainstorm some more.
And, last but not least, going forward. My plans from this point on is to hopefully have a more consistent update schedule (every or every other Saturday, if I can remember), maybe create and show off some art made specifically for the updates, like a visual summary. I'm also working on a twitter account for Beyond Time and Space that is currently up, but probably won't have anything on it for quite a while. I'm a full believer that it's never too early to share your work, but I'm an anxious gun that needs some sort of visual content to back it up, if that makes sense.
Anyways this is really long. Apologies for that. I would add a TL;DR, but I'm kinda in a rush now because I gotta cook dinner. Just getting this out of the way beforehand (and because the time it took to write this was the same amount of time I had left before the time to cook dinner struck, so it kind of just fell in my lap). Maybe I'll include one once I reblog with the tag list.
Thanks for spending your time reading this update! Your eyes are a blessing :D
- Yors Truly
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
War & the Jedi
This will be a long meta rant, FYI.
The Jedi Order, specifically the Prequel era Jedi Order, gets a lot of hate these days particularly regarding their involvement in the Clone Wars. Accusations are tossed at their feet constantly ranging from corruption all the way up to warmongering. 
Let’s first look at the Oxford English Dictionary definition of these two accusations, shall we?
Corruption - having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
Warmonger - a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups.
The definitions of these two words are so very misunderstood when it comes to relation to the Jedi. If the Jedi are truly “corrupt” then where are the examples of their dishonesty for wealth or personal gain? In fact, I’d argue that canon (and Legends) makes a point to show us that it is the Sith who are in it for personal gain, not the Jedi. The Jedi have absolutely NOTHING to gain from this war on a personal level, in fact they are losing members in terrifying numbers.
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The Jedi are also not advocating aggression towards the Separatists, in fact what we see instead is the Jedi DEFENDING against the Separatists. I have yet to see in either canon or legends an instance where the Republic forces invade a Separatist planet who doesn’t have an army or some military involvement (i.e. weapon factories). However, time after time we see the Separatists forcing peaceful planets who want nothing to do with them to either bow to their cause or die (i.e. Ryloth, Lurmen planet, Kiros, Mandalore) the Jedi and Republic Troops will then follow the Separatists to these planets, but they try to do what they can to liberate the planet from the Separaist invasion and then they give the planet the OPTION to join the Republic for safety and economic reasons, but they never force them, as is super evident with Mandalore.
Yet people don’t seem to see this and continue to drag the Jedi through the mud. 
Here are the top 5 other “woke” takes I hear - 
Jedi are peacekeepers and should not have gotten involved:
 First things first, let’s look at the definition of Peacekeeper - a soldier, military force, etc., deployed to maintain or restore peace. 
I’d argue by that definition the Jedi were still peacekeepers, it’s true that they weren’t a 3rd party as they normally were before the war, but their position was trying to maintain or restore peace. Peacekeeper is not the same thing as a Pacifist, the Jedi were skilled warriors (training from childhood to wield a lightsaber), the difference is Jedi used their skills for defense not attack which is what we constantly saw throughout the Clone Wars. 
With regards to the idea that Jedi “should not have gotten involved” I ask you then what exactly were they supposed to do instead?
 We see at the beginning of Attack of the Clones that the Jedi are worried things will escalate to war, they have obviously gone to the Chancellor hoping that a diplomatic solution can be presented to avoid bloodshed. Or if that isn’t possible then that the Republic have some way to defend themselves other than relying solely on the Jedi (i.e. an army). The Separatists are the ones pushing them to a breaking point, were the Jedi just supposed to stand back and let innocent people be invaded/killed because they didn’t want to get involved? The Jedi were “Guardians of Peace and Justice” which means it was their duty to help bring about peace in the galaxy while also enacting justice. 
Then after Geonosis (where they lost approx. 187 members mind you) they learned that the Sith are leading the Separatist army - the Jedi are duty bound by their code to fight the Sith, they had no choice but to join the war. 
So, I ask again...what were they supposed to do instead?
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2.  Jedi used a slave army for their own purposes:
 Okay, I can (and probably will) write a whole argument based on just this accusation alone. There are so many fallacies I don’t even know where to begin but I’ll try. 
I guess my first question is the same as #1, what were the Jedi supposed to do instead with regards to the Clones? 
Technically speaking the Clones didn’t “belong” to the Jedi, they were “property” of the Republic (as stated by Lama Su in Attack of the Clones). In fact, the Jedi Council not only didn’t know about the order, they had vehemently denied Syfo Dias’ earlier request to raise an army in the first place. The Sith KNEW the Jedi would be against it, this was all part of their plan to trap the Jedi (as was EVERYTHING about the war) - they clouded the Force, they literally deleted Kamino from the Archives so the Jedi wouldn’t discover it until the Sith WANTED them to (i.e. Jango just happened to use a Kamino dart?? Come on people). Yoda even states “blind we are if creation of this clone army we could not see” he fully admits they missed it because the Dark Side was clouding their vision. 
Regardless, the army was created, there was no changing that fact. Had the Jedi not taken command of the army do you think the Clones wouldn’t have had to go to war? Do  you actually believe that the Republic who couldn’t get their citizens to give 2 craps about the war would’ve taken up the mantle and fought instead? Do you think if the Jedi were like “thanks, but we didn’t order this” that the Kamioans would’ve just let the Clones go free? 
The answer you’re looking for is...no. 
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So, like absolutely everything about the Clone Wars the Jedi did the best they could with the cards they had been dealt. They chose to lead the army on the front lines, putting themselves in just as much mortal danger as the men they were leading. They even sent a member of the Jedi Council to oversee the creation of future clones/training to ensure they were being treated humanely (something the Kamioans thought was ridiculous). They were the first to tell the clones that they were individuals, they constantly put themselves in front of their men to protect them (i.e. season 7 Obi-Wan deflecting the rocket from blowing up his men). The Jedi did what they could, just because we didn’t see on screen Jedi stopping to grieve every time a clone died did not mean that they didn’t care - real life Generals can’t stop in the middle of a battle to grieve over their fallen soldiers either, so why is it we consider it a moral crime if the Jedi don’t?
Another thing I’ll add is once the Jedi had evidence that the Clones were actually ordered by Dooku, did they immediately stop and say “oh hell no, these flesh droids can’t be trusted, we should just have them decommissioned”?? NO! They defended the Clones, stating that they were good men and should be trusted (and look where that trust got them in the end).
The Jedi were forced/coerced to fight this war as much as the Clones were!! Why are we willing to forgive the Clones, but not the Jedi???
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3. Ki-Adi-Mundi killing Geonosians was the same as Anakin’s slaughter at the Tusken camp: 
This is another moment where context is everything because there is a HUGE difference between Ki-Adi-Mundi on Geonosis and Anakin in the Tusken camp. The fact that I have to even spell it out makes me wonder how people can even dress themselves in the morning. 
The Geonosians were an opposing military force, attacking Ki-Adi and his troops. Anakin slaughtered unarmed women and children out of vengeance. 
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Now, had Ki-Adi turned to his men and screamed “to the catacombs!” brandishing his lightsaber with a murderous glint in his eyes and proceeded to cut down the unarmed bugs below the battle then you’d have an accurate comparison on your hands and I’d be appalled right there with you.
But, as it stands this is not the same thing...not even close.
4. The Jedi sent children to war: 
So, this is a tougher one and I can even understand the concerns behind it, and I even share some of those concerns. The thing I will say to this is, given what we see throughout Star Wars, what constitutes a “child” seems to be different than our own real world definition. 
Padme, for example, was 14 when she was elected Queen, and she wasn’t even the youngest ever elected. She (and her handmaids) were trained as children to defend themselves and their people both politically and in battle (much like Jedi), but you don’t hear people condemning the people/traditions of Naboo the way we see the Jedi being condemned for theirs.
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Jedi children arguably mature faster than your standard person, and with regards to Star Wars there are also species’ age ranges to keep in mind. Grogu for example is still a baby at age 50, could it be possible that Ahsoka at age 14 is on the same maturity level as a human in their early twenties due to her Togruta DNA?? We don’t know, it’s never stated other than Anakin saying something about because of her advanced skills he forgets how young she is. 
Obviously Boba Fett is treated like an adult by other Bounty Hunters - no one even questions when he picks up a job and is placed in charge of a group at age 12 or 13 (and he is placed in an adult prison without anyone questioning it). It could be that by law according to Star Wars that 13 is actually considered an adult. Throughout history (and in many different cultures) 13 was when people were considered to be “coming of age”, So, once again we’re placing our cultural biases onto a fictional space fantasy world without realizing it might not even be an issue in that world.  
But even beyond all of that I ask you again - what else should the Jedi have done? 
Their young Padawans would eventually have to grow into Jedi Knights, even before the war by the time they are teenagers they usually followed their Masters on missions (often very dangerous missions) in order to get real world experience. At the time of the Clone Wars the real world they were living in was one at war. If they hadn’t brought their Padawans onto the battlefield how else would they have learned how to strategize, or how to cope with the emotions of battle? They would’ve been ill prepared if the war had continued on for years and years as it had looked like it was going to do...once again, the Jedi had no real choice in this. 
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5. The Jedi lost their way because of the war: 
Did they though?? I’d argue they actually didn’t. We first have to ask ourselves what is a Jedi - well, according to the very first time we hear any type of a description about a Jedi they are introduced as the “Guardians of Peace and Justice for the Republic” I don’t see how the war took that away from them. 
The Oxford definition of Guardian is a defender, protector, or keeper. I fail to see how the Jedi stopped being any of these things because of the war.
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Here’s the bottom line, the Jedi’s biggest mistake was that they fell for a plot 1,000 years in the making. The Sith spent over a millenia perfecting/hatching this plan, there was nothing the Jedi could’ve done to prevent the war by the time the trap was sprung. As always, I’m not saying the Jedi were perfect (I hate that I have to always specify that when I argue that the Jedi were good), all I’m saying is they tried to do the most good that they could with the situation they fell into - few groups/characters can claim the same thing.
Everyone seems to forget that the Sith controlled BOTH SIDES to that war, there was nothing - absolutely NOTHING the Jedi could’ve done that would’ve changed or won that war. So, instead they saved as many innocent lives as they could and to me, that’s very Jedi. 
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
Asmo comforting a Chubby!Mc who is self-conscious about their body
Request by @theorriginalolivejar​
“...I present to you a chubby GN mc x Asmo where MC is self conscious about their body and Asmo comforts them over it. You could even make it so they've been self conscious for a while and started wearing baggier/looser clothes that Asmo can't stand...or something along those lines... The main things I want is fluff/comfort, a chubby GN Reader, and the same vibe as the last mc you had...”
Yet another glorious request. I hope I once again did you justice!!! I love me a chaotic Mc and just HAD to write another! You played right into my hand! >:) This is a bit different from the Body Image Series, but still in the same realm, so I will link to that HERE if anyone wants some more comfort-type stuff relating to body image!
Genre: comfort, fluff,
Mc characteristics: Gender neutral (they/them pronouns), chubby, slightly chaotic
WC: ~1.7k
Cw: poor body image, negative self talk, swearing
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The past week at RAD had been very hard for you. The insecurities that would sometimes bubble up in your subconscious have started haunting you again, and it’s been really hard to stay focused on anything other than how much you hate the way you look. You’ve been distancing yourself from everyone, and they’ve definitely all noticed some changes in your demeanor. 
It all started when a pair of your favorite jeans ripped right in the damn crotch (If you had one Grimm for every time this happened, Mammon would probably be begging you for money more often). Then, a bunch of your clothes shrunk in the wash when that stupid sorcerer decided to play a prank on you by switching your laundry-detergent with an Elixir of Downsizing. You were so frustrated in the moment that you just threw the clothes away, not thinking that the spell could just be undone. Now, you were left only with some of the clothes that hide in the back of your closet because you never wear them- many of them you don’t feel the most confident in. 
You often go shopping for clothes alone, so you don’t really change that habit in Devildom. After all, you dont want 7 super-hot men standing outside a fitting room while you changed, waiting for you to show off your body.
Or, Well...maybe you do...but not with how you felt in your skin right at this moment. 
As you were trying on new pants in Majolish, you find yourself feeling defeated with all the options that just weren’t working. You found some that fit, but you didn’t like how they looked on you...
This one came down too far below your feet...That one makes you look like you’re going to pick your kids up from soccer practice...Ah shit, this one wont even button up over your tummy because its a hip-riding style...This one- oh! this one looks good- wait. no. it has a weird floral pattern on the ass pockets...god dammit!
Nothing was working! UGH!
You kicked off the pants and put back on the stuff you walked in with. Maybe you’ll just get some clothes that are baggy to just hide your figure...yeah, that will do for now. You were tired of shopping anyway, so you just resided yourself to get some athleisure pants that stretch in the waist, and some shirts that are very clearly meant for someone at least 3 sizes bigger than you. 
You checked out at the register with a way-too-bubbly employee who was determined to get you to join their platinum membership program. You knew she was just doing her job, but for Christ's sake you didn’t want the damn rewards card!
You sulked home in your new ill-fitting clothes. You felt like shit, but you felt better than you would if you’d have kept trying on clothes. It really tanked your self-esteem to try on so many things and have NOTHING work. This happened in the human world too, but at least there were stores specifically dedicated to bigger bodies that had things you knew you liked- even if they were pricy as hell.
Upon entering the House of Lamentation, you were greeted by a squealing Asmo throwing his entire body into your arms. 
You were barely able to catch him with the Majolish bags in your hands. “Ack- Asmo! Warn me next time, will ya?” 
He noticed the bags in your hands and scrunched his face at you- almost like a 5 year old who had been told they can’t have ice cream for dinner. “Mc! Did you seriously go shopping without me!?”
You sighed and dropped him out of your arms. He barely caught himself, clearly not expecting you to let go. This was a bad move though, because now he started whining at you in that tone...you know, the one that just pushed every single one of your buttons at the same time...which was something you really didn’t need right now. 
“uuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhhh.” He groaned dramatically. “Mc!! Why don’t you ever take me with when you go shoppinnnngggg.” 
You sighed in frustration. “Asmo, I have told you a bajillion times that I don’t like shopping for clothes with other people.” 
He crossed his arms and pouted at you, continuing the child-like attitude. “Bajillion isn’t even a number.” 
You rolled your eyes and pushed past him. Despite his brattiness, you did really love Asmo to pieces...But right now you just wanted to be alone. 
Asmo was only pretending to be mad at you, but he noticed how short you were with him and he grew worried. Did something happen? He tailed you up the stairs, following you to your room. As he followed, he noticed what you were wearing. Why on earth were you wearing such unflattering clothing? It was so huge on you??? You definitely would look better in something he would pick out...if you’d just take him with.
“Mc, wait! is this what you bought from the store?” He pulled at the back of your shirt causing you to stop and turn to him. 
“Yes, it is. I couldn’t find anything that fit me so...” You stretched the shirt out in your hands as you spoke, a sadness evident on your face
Asmo scrunched his face again and shook his head. “This is why you need to take me with you. I would find the perfect outfits.” 
You sighed and started walking again. You really weren’t in the mood. 
“Seriously!” He jogged to your side to keep pace with your quick movements. “I just want to help!”
“What if I don’t want your help?!” you snapped at him, stopping outside your bedroom door.
Asmo was taken aback by your sharp words. You usually weren’t this irritable...what was going on with you? And besides, who wouldn’t want his help? He was the most fashionable demon in all of Devildom after all. 
You rolled your eyes once more and entered your room.  Asmo caught your door right as you were about to shut it in his face and barged his way into your room. You groaned. “Asmo, I really just want to go to sleep. Can you please just leave me alone?”
He plopped down on your bed and crossed his legs, the familiar playful pout sprouted on his face. “Make me."
You pinched the bridge of your nose. He truly was insufferable sometimes. Finally you caved.
“Fine, you can stay, but I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” You flipped off your light and curled up into yourself under your covers.
Asmo remained seated at the edge of your bed. He glared at your lump your body made out of the bed sheets. he didn't understand why you were acting this way, but figured it had something to do with how crappy you've been feeling the whole week. He had caught you hiding your body more than usual in blankets or by using your arms to shield your tummy when you were lounging around the house. Maybe you were just feeling insecure...
Then, a light bulb seemed to appear over his head. Oooo he had the perfect idea.  
Asmo flew out your door in a rush. He needed to get to Majolish before they close!
You awoke early the next morning to Asmodeus pile-driving onto you.
“Oof-” He knocked the breath right out of you. You knew he probably was mad that you didn’t hang out with him last night, but fuck. "Asmo, for the love-"
“Goooood morninnnggg.” He cooed, twisting a strand of your hair with his index finger. A wide mischievous smile spread across his lips. “I have a surprise for my favorite-est most beautiful-est human!” 
You stared at him, deadpan, with your eyebrows raised. “What the heck are you talking about? And why are you talking to me like that?”
“Well!” He smiled even wider. “I figured that if you didn’t want me to go to the store with you, I’d bring the store to us!” 
Your eyes widened. What the fuck was he going on about, now?? 
He leaped off of your bed and pulled you by the arm, trying to get you up to come to his room. you sighed and decided to humor him. You did really miss spending time with him last night, after all.
As you entered his room, you gasped at the sheer amount of clothing that was...well, frankly it was everywhere.
"Asmo, what...why?!" You spun to face him, awestruck.
He let out a high-pitch giggle. "Isn't it glorious!!! We can have a shopping day all to ourselves! Anything you don't like, I'll go return. Don't worry, I got some stuff for me too!"
You finally shook yourself out of your daze. "Jesus Asmo, you really have lost it haven't you?"
He clicked his tongue and pulled you onto his bed by your hand. He looked deeply into your eyes and spoke with complete sincerity. "Mc, I am truly worried about you. You don't look happy, and you've had this sour mood all week. I heard about Solomon's shitty prank and I know that you have a hard time shopping for clothes because you feel bad about yourself."
You tensed. "It's fine Asmo, really." What a lie.
He shook his head. "Its not. And I want to help you feel good about yourself. So I took the liberty of blocking out your whole day to try on clothes with me. Just us two. No one else!"
You hesitated, hiding your stomach with your arms. "I don't know Asmo...I really don't like trying on clothes in front of other people...besides, how did you know what size to get?"
He sighed and seemed to ponder for a moment. "Ok, how about this! You try one outfit. And if I can't convince you that you're the most beautiful thing in the whole world, then we can stop."
You eyed him. He had a genuine smile on his face, and a desperate plea was evident behind his eyes. You finally gave him a smirk back. "Are you gonna try to make me join a reward program if I lose?"
He cackled at your joke. Asmo was elated to see that your usual light-hearted self was back. He ushered you to his bathroom, where he had set up a curtain rod for easy access. He told you to wait while he dug through some of the clothes in his room. He tapped his chin thoughtfully before finally picking out a purple blouse and a pair of black skinny jeans to go with it.
"Here!" He announced, shoving the garments into your hands.
You eyed them suspiciously. "I dont know..."
"Just try 'em!" he winked at you before turning and closing the curtains behind him. He plopped down on his bed and excitedly fidgeted with his scarf while he waited for you.
You were surprised at how much you liked the blouse. It was flowy, but it didn't drown you...and wow...how was it that the jeans hugged your curves in the just the way you wanted them too?? You had spent so long looking for high rise skinnies at Majolish- how the hell did Asmo find them?!
You looked at yourself in the mirror for a bit before nervously turning toward the curtain. You took a deep breath before stepping out sheepishly.
Asmo jumped up and ran to you, having you do all sorts of turns, lifting your arms, and stretching out your legs. He stepped back with his fingers over his mouth and a puzzled look on his face, as if he was calculating something in his head.
"Hmm...thats odd." He muttered to himself, pretending to furrow his brow, but clearly hiding a smirk.
You felt yourself grow nervous at his behavior. "Wh-what is it?"
He then moved his hands from his face, and replaced his expression with one of pure joy. "I can't seem to find a single thing wrong with the way you look in this outfit. Wanna know why?"
You stared at him blankly.
He giggled at your confused reaction. "Because you're perfect, Silly!" He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a tight hug. Suddenly, you felt yourself lifted off the floor as he twirled you around in his arms.
He set you down, giggling like an idiot. "I almost couldn't keep a straight face when you came out. You look absolutely stunning! Please tell me you like it!!"
You blushed. "I...yeah. I do like it."
He clapped his hands rapidly and jumped up and down. "Does this mean you'll try on more?!"
You smiled at him. "Well...Maybe you had a slight point about me needing your help."
He hugged you again, and immediately went searching for more clothes to give you. By far, it was the best shopping experience you've ever had. There were few- if any- things you didn't like out of the clothing Asmo picked out for you. And every time you stepped out to show him a new outfit, he gushed about how good you looked in it. Your confidence was boosted by 100%.
Your day couldn't have started off any better, and when you finally picked the outfits you were keeping for your new wardrobe, Asmo was satisfied. You both ended you day just as good. In order to prank Solomon back, Asmo put cursed hot-pink hair dye in his shampoo that wouldn't come out unless he gave you an apology.
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Hello! I was wondering if you could please write something about how the Fellowship (+ Thorin?) Would help a s/o who's Disabled and Chronically ill. Like she has a lot of symptoms like chronic pain, chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, difficulty breathing at times, difficulty walking at times, higher sensitivity to the cold, difficulty talking at times, and anxiety, depression and executive dysfunction?
I've been really struggling with my chronic illnesses lately, namely my Autism, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea, a really bad Overbite, Raynaud's Syndrome, Asthma, etc, so I'd really appreciate an Imagine like this. I have a really weird disorder where one of my legs is longer than the other, and it's been causing me a lot of pain and difficulty walking lately, and people have been bullying me for it a lot too, so I could really use a Comfort Imagine right now. Thanks so much hun!!
It's no problem! I'm glad I can provide some comfort!! For each character, I'll use a specific struggling area, to make it a bit easier!! I hope I got these accurate enough, and of there are any mistakes, feel free to point them out!! You are strong, beautiful and so, so amazing!! Keep being you!! ❤❤
Help (The Fellowship// Thorin x Fem!Reader)
Aragorn (Autism)
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Aragorn has known you for a long time, so helping with your autism is not new for him
He's particularly experienced in reading your emotions and meeting your needs, whether it's helping you out of stressful situations or calming you down, he's there 🥺
If there are large and boisterous gatherings in Rivendell, its almost guaranteed that you can become over-stimulated quickly, and Aragorn immediately senses this (spidey senses õoõ)
He's fast to find your hand and give it a gentle squeeze of reassurance
If that doesn't seem to help, he'll instantly stop what he's doing and take you out of the room
If you're someone who prefers lots of space and little physical contact, he is 100% respectful of this and asks if you'll let him touch or hug you (very much gentleman 😌)
If ever you're confronted by someone of importance, Aragorn is right by your side to ease some of the tension
Sometimes there are things you find difficult to say or get out of your system
The king seems to know exactly what it is and will help you out by saying it or asking you simple questions that you can easily answer
And he always reminds you, no matter WHAT
You may struggle with some parts of your life, but every day, he's constantly telling you that you're very intelligent and kind
His patience is unending and he'll never let you think down on yourself
Overall, Aragorn is always someone and reminding you that it's all going to be okay ❤❤
Legolas (Anxiety)
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Most nights, Legolas keeps watch (since elves don't require much sleep) and notices that you jolt awake out of the random
Now, most of the Fellowship notices that you're usually awake and ready to go before anyone else
But Legolas is really the one to address you first
You were a bit nervous to explain, since you didn't want to worry him or the great of the fellowship, amount the other disadvantages you have
He gently encouraged you, and finally, you explained to him your sleep apnea
Yeah, he was very concerned
I mean, his blue eyes widened with terror when you told him that you could basically die in your sleep if you weren't attentive enough 🙃
Legolas, from now on, sleeps directly next to you, or keeps extra careful watch over you at night
Because he could NEVER see his precious mortal friend become injured... Or worse 🥺🥺❤
The other members had noticed a change in his behaviors towards you as well...
Gimli teased him whenever he caught Legolas giving you some extra lembas bread or offered to carry you 👉👈
You really tried to assure Legolas that it wasn't a big deal when you were awake, since you're aware of your breathing situation
But still 😤
Legolas will always bring you comfort and take great care of you, and that will NEVER CHANGE
Because he loves you very much ❤🦋
Frodo (Anxiety)
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Frodo is familiar with the feeling of great anxiety, seeing he had a stress-free life while living in the Shire and suddenly was forced to carry a piece of jewelry all the way to giant ass volcano
It's easy for you two to comfort each other and seek refuge in thoughts and feelings ❤
He's not super comfortable with the thought of you having a panic attack though...
Only because he's never had one
It starts to give him a panic attack whenever you have one around him the first time 😳-
Any time you begin to breathe heavy or hyperventilate, halfling boy is hot at your heels, rubbing your back and reminding you to breathe gently
(So many hugs, if you're up for it)
After you calm down, he's constantly checking on you, asking if you need anything etc.
Really, he just wants to know if he can help 🥺
And even with the weight and stress of carrying the ring, Frodo manages to cheer you up somehow
Samwise (Asthma)
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Sam has never had to deal with asthma once in his life
He's very nervous when the subject is brought, afraid it might trigger something inside of you 🥺👉👈
But you just chuckle, assure him that it's alright, and you have ways of keeping it under control
And now, he wants to know everything about it, just to have the awareness in case something happens
Sam just wants to protect you forever, and this was a great way for him to start
He constantly reminds Aragorn that you'll need breathing breaks and will convince Gandalf to let you ride on his horse
He'll scold Pip and Merry if they are trying to drag you around and be silly, because as he says
"You'll rouse him/her/them up! We can't have Y/N gettin injured!" 🤨😠
Sam is MOM
As always, he's very kind and always makes sure your needs are met ❤🥺
Pippin and Merry (Raynaud's Syndrome)
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Very confused halfings 🤔
Also extremely concerned!
You were eating one of the lesser pleasurable nights
It was cold and rainy, and a fire couldn't be started, not to mention the quiet arguments of Aragorn and Gandalf in the nearby woods
And Pip's eyes widened when he saw the tips of your petite fingers begin to pale upon hearing Aragorn mention Orcs
"What's wrong with your hands?!" He squeaked, pointing towards your now white-colored fingertips
You hadn't even noticed, nor felt, considering they were numb anyways
Merry looked over his cousin's shoulder and his eyes also widened, not with fright, but wonder
They were both fascinated with your condition, convinced that you were casting some spell Gandalf showed you
Although you reassured them it was just an extremely frustrating inconvenience that you had, among other things
So from then on, the disastrobus duo did their best to keep you out of the cold (and stressful situations!!)
As a distraction, the pair will tell you great stories of the shire, doing little dances and skits that always cheer you up 🥴
Sometimes, they can be a little rambunctious though...
Merry will pick up on this fact quickly, and nudge Pippin to get him to calm down
Even though it may not feel the best
They find your syndrome absolutely fascinating!! 🤔🤔
All in all, these two are always up for keeping your beautiful smile on your face and your spirits high!! ❤🌺
Boromir (Depression)
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Throughout the journey, Boromir has always found an easy way to make you smile
After all, he himself has a fascinating way of brightening anyone's spirits
Yours included ❤
Boromir may not have great stories from The Shire, like Pip and Merry, but he sure has a lot of positive things to say
He'll often suggest sparring with the two troublemaking halflings, just so you can see him goof up and get knocked over 🥺
If the nights become cold and weary, he'll give you a warm hug or a nudge on the shoulder
And a few words of helpful encouragement along the lines of;
"Don't fret Y/N. You have more strength than you'll ever know."
"Let our spirits never dampen! We've come this far!" 😊
He's also an incredible listener
Boromir wants to hear what you have to say if you ever need to rant or get something off of your chest
And don't think for a second that he would ever judge you 😤
Son of Gondor sees past all of your insecurities and knows you for your beautiful, amazing self ❤❤
Gimli (Walking disadvantages)
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As you travel across great plains and mountains, your limp doesn't go unnoticed by Gimli
It may take him a while to open up about it, since he's afraid he might offend you in some way
And once he asks you, you inform him that it's a difficulty that unfortunately cannot be changed any time soon
And where you come from, lots of people tease and bully you about it
He did NOT handle it well 😳
Although this Dwarf is short and a bit slow at times
He's fascinatingly strong 😳
And so, he makes it his duty to be your designated carrier 🥺
At first, your a tad skeptical...
I mean, he's only around 4 feet tall...
Gimli will happily carry you great distances when you need a break, and even longer
(Sometimes it's just to show off around the others-)
"Gimli, are you sure you don't want a break?"
"Aye lass! The strength of Dwarves is unending!" 😌
*struggling to breathe*
11/10, fantastic dwarf, will never let you down!!
Thorin (Executive Dysfunction)
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Another Dwarf??
Thorin himself has trouble keeping composure with his time management (and sense of direction 🙄)
This means that he'll have an undying amount of patience for you and you only
There's just something about you that he fond of, and it fills in that little sassy, brooding place in his heart
Can also relate to you whenever you grow frustrated at the setback of your journey or lack of sleep
Is 100% willing to help you find your lost belongings (and once again, ONLY YOU)
Thorin will literally make the whole traveling party stop so that you can put something in your bag and make sure that you put it somewhere you'll remember
Always happy to give you extra gentle reminders of keeping your pack closed
The company is utterly SHOCKED with how he treats you
I mean, this man has always been extremely stubborn and hard headed
But when you show up, it's another person he can easily relate and share frustrations with
Also a master at organization?!? 🤔
The one thing he could do successfully was organizing the damn journey and traveling company, so ofc he's gonna be good at that 😂
Yeah, Thorin definitely has a soft spot for you
King under the mountain will never run out of patience and kindness for you 😌💙
Sorry these took so long!! I hope you like them!! ❤❤
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softprincesso · 4 years
PT.2: Overview to understanding different saving/retirement methods, investments, and forms of income
Pt. 2.2 Overview of Investments
Welcome lovelies to (what I hope will be) a helpful series on gaining wealth and becoming financially literate and independent!
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Disclaimer: Check other posts. It's too long to keep typing out.
Now comes (what I believe) is the fun part of money. Making it grow.
Investments are defined as “an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation.” Essentially, anything you purchase with the belief that in time it will be worth more. This includes the entire stock market, cryptocurrencies, art, real estate, jewelry, vintage coins, designer bags, etc. Of course, some of these take more time and each comes with some amount of risk. These variables change according to your strategy as an investor.
Begin as a Beginner
Do not overwhelm yourself during your financial literacy journey by trying to learn everything, all at once, while also trying it all out. The thing that creates the most confusion when learning is believing the lie that you can multitask well. Yes, start with a brief overview of the systems and institutions (what we are currently doing in the series) but literally all you need to start is definitions and a gist so that you can comprehend how they connect later on. Learning an entire world that has never been taught to you is going to take time, and I’m talking years. And then, when you think you have something down your going to mess up or read an article about how the stock you saw yesterday for $6 is now $1000 and you’re going to be frustrated (this happens a lot). But, If you want to learn about the stock market, focus on the stock market. Retirement still scares you, focus on that until you master it and have a plan. And for Christ’s (or whatever deity/person/universe you believe in) if you do not have a steady stream of income do not put your last pennies trying to get into crypto (or any investing truly). This is something to start after you have income, a savings, a retirement, and have paid off at least most debts.
Recommended sources to learn more:
Netflix has a great series called “Explained” where (you guessed it) they explain things. While I recommend every episode because you can never learn too much, there are ones specifically dedicated to the stock market, cryptocurrencies, and billionaires each that helps to uncomplicate the history and purpose of each of these things.
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✨Let’s get started✨
The Stock Market
“Stock markets are real and electronic exchanges that enable the buying and selling of securities. The most popular include the NYSE, Nasdaq MarketSite, and Tokyo Stock Exchange.” Let me, let you, in on a little secret-the stock market is essentially fantasy football (sorry, my American is showing) but with companies. When you buy a security, you are betting that (in the long run or short run, depending on your strategy) that a certain company will perform well and gain profits, which in turn will gain you money on what you bet. There are two categories of players in the market which include the assets (the football players) and the investors (the betting public). Of the assets you can categorize further by what position they play on the field…
Most well-known, but the riskiest. The “star” player that everyone hypes up and takes all the credit. Stocks are fractional pieces of publicly traded companies, and by buying a stock you own a relative size of that company. They are either “paying you” through growth (when their stock price rises) or through dividends (when they send you a piece of their profits directly).
Mutual Funds
Less known but a safer bet than single stocks. Popular among those in middle age. “Mutual funds are baskets of stocks or bonds. They come in all different shapes and sizes, from covering broad stock market indexes to focusing on specific sectors.” When you buy a mutual fund, you are saying that you believe on average that pile of stocks/bonds are going to do well, instead of betting on a single player. Usually they are actively managed by people who are trying to “beat” the market for you. Statistically good for the short term, long term are less effective than ETFs.
Index Funds: a subset of mutual funds that are passively managed and track indexes like an ETF but trade like a mutual fund (once at the end of the day and without reliance of supply and demand)
Exchange traded funds. The up-and-coming underdog that’s gaining popularity. These are passively managed baskets of stocks and bonds that track over a specific index like the S&P 500. They work like stocks, being traded throughout the day, relying on supply and demand, while giving a lot of the advantages that mutual funds do. They also come with their own set of disadvantages but are still a great way to diversify a portfolio inexpensively.
The reliable bench players you know you can put in to save a game. Great safe bets that can generate a steady income. Bonds work like a loan for a regular person, except for a company. You can loan your money to a company which will pay you a principal plus a fixed interest back every specified period. There are different types which come with different advantages and strategies, so make sure to read the fine print.
Tangible goods that go into manufacturing-Gold, oil, metals, corn, soybeans, etc. A good defensive team to have in the game for a hedge against inflation or economic troubles. They trade in a commodity exchange. You can still access them through most brokers.
Source to look into for deeper understanding and questions: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/investment.asp
Easy way to get started quickly:
1. Create a brokerage account: There are lots of accounts to choose from, but I would go for accounts that have zero fees and no minimum, this is starting to become the norm but once upon a time you had to give a minimum investment of $5000 to get started. I personally use Charles Schwab and Robinhood. I love all of the tools and accounts Schwab has and Robinhood is just easy to use.
2. Sign up: this may take a day or two to finalize, especially with banks but it shouldn’t be a big deal
3. Connect a card or account to transfer funds
4. Buy your first security: I would start off with simply looking up beginner investments on google. I recommend either an ETF, index fund, or choose a company that you have an interest in because you will be more likely to keep up on their news
5. Tip: think long term as a beginner. Sure, once you start learning and understanding you can change your strategy to gain more in a shorter time, but this comes with much more risk. Do not be an idiot and sell all of your stock when you see your investment plummet nor sell as soon as you see it go up a little. The best advice for a beginner: Buy a stock and leave it alone (for YEARS)
Property/Real Estate
There are many ways to invest in real estate-you can buy a property, you can invest in a property fund, you can become a landlord,or you can flip a property. Again, depending on the strategy, will change the risk and reward you have taken on. All of these options are usually on the more cash heavy side but can reap a lot of rewards if done right.
Source to look into:
Easy way to get started quickly:
1. Buy a real estate ETF or fund, you can just look this up on google or through your brokerage
2. OR you could look into buying a property near you and renting it out if you have that much cash (Make sure to do your research, this can get pretty complicated)
Also considered property but until recently it was incredibly hard to invest in art without significant cash and contacts available. Now, there are platforms like Masterworks where you can buy a fraction of a piece like a stock of Monet and you get the rise in appreciation. However, it still is for those with money already available, I believe you have to invest a minimum of $2500 to get started on MW.
Sources to look into: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/08/fine-art.asp
Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are not backed by real or tangible assets or goods, but on the trust and value of the people that use them, and supply and demand. They can be traded like stocks on an exchange and are tracked with a digital ledger on the blockchain. The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin and the rest that have followed are categorized as altcoins (alternative coins).
The stage of cryptocurrencies we are in is likened to the early 90s with the internet. Not a lot people truly understand the blockchain (the vast ledger space which contains every transaction made securely in encrypted “blocks” that are then “chained” together so that if one block is compromised the whole chain shuts it down.) It is decentralized and written simultaneously on thousands of super computers. The beauty of it is that if one ledger on one computer is somehow hacked or wrong the rest of the computers storing the ledger interrupt and either fix it or shut it down. A way to understand it is blockchain is to the internet as bitcoin is to a website, but the internet runs off people trusting the system, blockchain runs off trusting no one.
The currencies that run on blockchain can have a multitude of purposes, but bitcoin was really just the starting solution to fix the problem of trust on the internet. People wanted a secure, anonymous, untraceable way to spend money online, like cash is in the real world. And while for the most part it is just that, it isn’t completely anonymous. Like in the real world if you buy something from Mcd*nalds with cash that transaction is still recorded in their system and through a receipt. Your crypto transactions are recorded in the blockchain, but most people don’t even know how to access the ledger so for now any ill*cit purchases you make are pretty safe.
I HIGHLY recommend looking into a cryptocurrency course or training just because there is so much that goes into it and lots of details that can help you. This investment is incredibly risky and volatile! I only would suggest investing an amount you are completely comfortable to lose ALL of.
Sources to learn more:
Easy to get started quickly (Please dear lord do your research first):
1. Sign up on a crypto exchange like Coinbase or Binance, some brokers (like Robinhood) also allow you to trade crypto but it’s a very limited selection
2. Do lots of research!! (I’m going to say it until you get it, and I don’t think you get it yet)
3. Think of it like stocks, if you read up on the coin and its purpose, and think that it’s going to be useful soon or in the future, then invest
4. Tip: the crypto market moves MUCH faster than the stock market and is much more sensitive. In just these last few days (literally hours) bitcoin was trading at $40,000+, the following day, for whatever reason (people got scared, people wanted to sell to get profits, etc.) it will barely hold $33,000. So, invest wisely!
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This is very brief list of the main investments. There is still a lot of depth each of these goes into and especially with things like crypto, information changes 24/7. I hope you have learned by now that you should be continually learning as well. Instead of spending your morning looking at your Instagram feed of bum friends, dusty men, and “models” spend it reading the paper and catching up on the market. Follow investors and billionaires like you follow celebrities and see how much smarter you become. At the end of the day winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners.
With love,
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Hello, I hope you are well, can I ask Yandere Akutagawa who probably hates you for how you make us feel? I may degrade you but get mad if someone else does
I hope this is good and is what you wanted! I'm a little rusty with Yandere content, so it might be a bit subtle here. I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
As a new low ranking mafia goon you had expected some harsh bullying from your coworkers, but that didn't mean you couldn't despise them for it, or have the occassional breakdown in the headquarters bathroom or something. That was actually how you'd met your first friend-like person in the organization, Higuchi had found you fighting to not cry in the bathroom one day, and instead of belittling you for the moment of weakness, she gave you a paper towel to dab the tears from your (s/c) cheeks and assured you that she understood your predicament.
In all honesty, the harassment wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for one specific man. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke.
Akutagawa was a violent, hostile, rabid dog of a man who took any possible chance to insult you without mercy. It didn't even have to be anything that would get you into trouble or annoy him, he would belittle anything he could about you as a person, not just your work for the mafia. It had quickly lost all of the leeway you had for newbie-hazing. At least now you had a reason to blame for the prickly mafioso hating your guts. Turns out he isn't a fan of his fashion being labelled 'hot topic tween goth.' After that, you just avoided him as best you could, which seemed near impossible with how much he continued to pop up in your life, even after you'd insulted him.
Of course, Mori would pair you with the goth pretty frequently despite your reluctance, Akutagawa had a pretty variable set of jobs he could be assigned to and thus would be a good on-the-job teacher for a newbie such as yourself, but after you'd insulted the goth he didn't leave you alone like you might've thought he would. Instead, he seemed to pop up a lot more frequently, even outside of the jobs you were paired with him on. Of course, you would see the pale vampire at the headquarters when you weren't working with him, but now you had gone from seeing him maybe once a week for a task or to retrieve or deliver ill-gotten cash, to seeing him a distance behind you in the hallway of the headquarters almost every other day, or in one of the spare sitting rooms the goons had overtaken and claimed as a sort of 'break room' on nights when you'd stay super late into the night and should've been alone.
However, you couldn't really accuse the hostile man of stalking you just to glare at you or spit insults. After all, Higuchi had always had a very valid point as to why you were running into him when you brought the occurrences up, and you'd be labelled a loon for thinking he'd been trailing you just because you had spotted him in the grocery store. So, you opted to keep your mouth shut and just ignored him whenever you could get away with it.
Though, every once in a while a snide remark or two slipped out, like one had on the day he limped into the headquarters after another spat with his rival, Atsushi Nakajima.           "You look like a cat's half digested dinner," you snorted, watching the wheezing vampire flop into one of the fancy velvet chairs in the empty break room. He was still glowing a pretty vibrant red, with his coat ribbon lashing like the tail of an angry cat, but he ignored your comment and instead focused on wrapping his slashed up arm and leg in bandages. Then, just as you were beginning to leave the room to find your own place to do some paperwork, you felt fabric slither around your neck to tighten into a razor-wire choke-collar and yank you none-too-gently over to the chair Akutagawa sat in.
You weren't likely to cut an impressive figure with your (e/c) eyes wide with shock at the sudden attack, and fear at the feeling of Rashoumon's sharp edges biting into your (s/c) skin to draw blood under your bully's cold, humiliation-filled glare,          "I think you're beginning to forget your place here, newbie." He spat, his raspy growl dripping with venom, "Not only do I outrank you, but I am much stronger than you. You are nowhere near Jinko's strength, fucking Higuchi is more of a threat to me than you are, so the next time you want to feel more significant than you are and insult me, I suggest you have a fucking grave dug beforehand." He got right in your face as he spoke, barring his teeth at you with sin-worthy wrath in his grey eyes, but, just for a moment before the lethal ribbon threw you away as easily as he would a gum wrapper, he hesitated. It was brief, only a few seconds, but Akutagawa's anger lessened, and instead he leaned forward just a hair. Just as quickly as it appeared though, the moment was gone. His fury returned with a vengeance and the ribbon that held you captive launched you across the room, sending you sliding across the floor and into the wall hard enough to crack it just a bit.
You took the hint and scrambled to your feet as soon as you got some air into your lungs, coughing and wheezing as you fled the room before Rashoumon could be sent through your spine next.
Admittedly, being snippy with the vampire after he'd already been embarrassed like that hadn't been a shining example of your best timing, but you tried to move past it, and that weird moment of hesitation, and label it a learning experience. Your fellow goons however, caught wind of your confrontation and did not give you such kindness. They instead turned it into more ammunition for snide remarks about how intelligent you were.
          "Hey! Look who just walked in!" A goon you had yet to learn the name of almost crowed one day when you were eating lunch in the breakroom, just trying to watch some tv before your next job when Akutagawa had come in. "Hey, (y/n), wanna try and see if he'll knock your braincells back into place?" You just glared at the man while he continued to call you stupid and just try to instigate whatever fight he could it seemed. You didn't fall for his trap though, keeping your mouth firmly shut and not responding to his insults or assumptions of how masochistic you were. No, you instead simply returned your attention to the tv and blocked out Akutagawa's existence until you finished your lunch and left for your job.
Thankfully, it was a solo mission, a new extension of trust from Mori, and a prime chance to not only prove yourself, but to get away from the assholes you worked with. So, by the time you returned to the mafia headquarters, you were feeling pretty good and had almost completely forgotten your earlier run-in with that asshole of a goon around your lunch time.
Of course, the sky was dark by the time you returned from the job, so on top of your improved mood, you were also spared further heckling since everyone else had finished their work and gone home for the night. So, you were gratefully able to fly through the report you had to write about the mission, and cataloging of the goods you'd distributed without issue. It wasn't until you stopped by the bathroom to change out of your clothing and into some more comfortable, not-dirty clothes before your walk home that you smelled the stench of blood.
It hit you like a brick as soon as you had opened the bathroom door. The whole bathroom reeked of the dizzying smell of iron and death so badly that it poured out into the empty hallway. All it took was a few steps inside to investigate for you to spot the source of such a strong stench. A corpse huddled into the far corner across from the stalls.
Through your stinging tears, you could see that it was likely one of the other mafia goons, and judging by the one bloody tuft of hair you could see amongst the chunks of flayed flesh...it was the same goon that was messing with you earlier. Since your only identifier was the shredded and blood soaked suit that the heap of shredded flesh and spilled entrails somewhat wore and a bit of hair, you couldn't say for certain, but something in your gut told you it was the same man.
      "You know, you should really grow a spine." You whirled around to face the doorway as soon as the raspy voice spoke, (e/c) eyes wide and your hand instantly falling to the small pistol you had at your hip. But, instead of some demented intruder out to murder any mafia goons they found, you were instead met with Akutagawa. Your worst bully.
For a moment, all you could do was stare in shock, your brain frantically scrambling to recollect its composure under the pressure of an almost primal terror, just letting you stammer out a shakey,         "What?" before your legs began to turn to jello, the thick blanket of coppery blood in the air making your stomach want to escape out of your mouth. However, you put your hand on the cool glass of the sink and bit back the urge to vomit. The last thing you wanted was to give the sadistic mafioso more ammo against you in his harassment, and if he was the goon-slaughtering-psycho, you didn't want to go out because you were too busy retching to defend yourself. However, he didn't attack you. He just stood in the doorway and glared at the mutilated pile of flesh as if it had insulted his family for a moment before speaking again,         "You're supposed to be a mafia member, (y/n), you can't just let people use you as a doormat, it reflects poorly on the organization." he chided with a derisive sniff, "Grow a damned spine and begin to stand up for yourself. No one's going to 'defend your honor' like this..." He trailed off, fixing you with a cold, irritated look for a long moment before he turned on his heel with a huff, "Clean that bastard up, before he stains the linoleum anymore than he already has."
With that, Akutagawa stomped off back to wherever he'd come from. Leaving you to deal with the bloody carnage you'd discovered, and to ask yourself why he had even been here. It was the middle of the night, most everyone should be home by now, but the goth had appeared only a moment after you'd entered the bathroom, how had he shown up so quickly? He didn't bring Mori or anyone else, so it wasn't like he'd discovered the body first...
You got a sick feeling that he'd been the one to leave such a nightmarish scene. And that he'd been waiting for you to find it or something.
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Hashira Headcanons
ahhh I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now!! finally getting around to it hehe so I hope everyone enjoys these! I had a lot of fun with them~ They’re also pretty long so they’re under the cut! I’m still working through headcanon requests I’ve just been really into demon slayer lately and wanted to get something quick out~
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Giyuu Tomioka
he’s surprisingly ticklish?? like not screaming at a poke ticklish but more ticklish than one would expect
He’s also good at hiding it so not many people find out
That is, not many people knew until Shinobu found out and decided to point it out in front of all the other Hashira
When he was still training, he got tickled by Urokodaki a lot when he was training, and then by Sabito and Makomo when they were resting
He would always tickle Makomo and Sabito back (even though he ended up losing the eventual tickle fight anyway) but now he doesn’t really tickle people
He’s seen a lot and doesn’t laugh much, let alone smile
That said, some of the other Hashira tickle him sometimes, though it’s mostly Shinobu and Uzui, occassionally a poke from Mitsuri
It’s normally not enough to get him laughing, just enough to embarrass him though
Shinobu has gotten him to chuckle once and she’s never let him live it down
His most ticklish spots are probably his knees, sides, and his ribs
He almost never tickles other people, like he’s tickled Tanjiro once and it was very brief and accidental
I think he needs to laugh more though so like,,, get him Shinobu >:)
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Shinobu Kochou
She’s really ticklish omfg 
She also has the prettiest laugh? it’s so elegant waaaa
Her tickle spots are her tummy, sides and waist!
Not many people know she’s ticklish, aside from Mitsuri and a few people at the Butterfly Estate
When Kanao found out she was ticklish she flipped her coin and it was tails, so she decided to tickle Shinobu a little bit and she just let it happen because she knew that Kanao didn’t have any ill intent with it
Giyuu tickled her once because she was tickling him and she wasn’t expecting it and squeaked it was pretty funny
She has the MEANEST teases omggg
“Surely this doesn’t tickle, hmm? It does? Oh my... but you’re a demon slayer right? What if a tickle demon came after you~?”
She’s just,,, ruthless man
She also love love lovesss those gentle tickles when she’s dishing out on people
She can find peoples bad spots easily and just go after them with her NAILS
She and Mitsuri get into tickle fights on occassion, but Shinobu normally wins because she can fluster Mitsuri easily and combined with the gentle nail tickles, Mitsuri’s a goner
She has lost sometimes though because Mitsuri’s really damn strong and when she gets on Shinobu’s sides her chances of winning go down dramatically
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Kyojuro Rengoku
Rengoku, my beloved
He’s really not that ticklish, like he can get laughing or chuckling but it’s not easy
He only has a few spots, and I feel like one of them would definitely be his underarms
Like some of the other Hashira like Mitsuri or Shinobu have come up behind him and tried to tickle him and he’s like “Oh? A tickle fight? Cool!” and just pounces on them lmao
He’s definitely more of a ler than a lee, and he’s a really nice ler!
He compliments his lee, teasing on rare occassion and is just overall really fun and gentle too
Sometimes he can get a little rough but he always knows when to tone it back a little
He’s tickled the trio a little bit, especially Tanjiro who’s basically like his apprentice since he uses a similar breathing technique
He also tickles the other Hashira sometimes, mostly accidentally but other times just because he wants to
When he tickles people it’s mostly Mitsuri (which he gets glares from Obanai because of) and Shinobu, Obanai on occassion because of said glaring and just generally wanting to hear him laugh
He’s super playful in general but he’ll stop when asked to because he respects peoples limits
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Tengen Uzui
Okay another one that’s not very ticklish unless you get really specific spots lol
He’s ruthless as a ler, and he’s seldom the lee so he doesn’t understand peoples limits and stuff
He has the LOUDEST laugh once you get him going though, part of it is just him being overdramatic though
His tickle spots are his hips and his ears, two spots that are harder to get oof
Similar to Rengoku he’s pretty playful, but most of that is because he’s just generally flamboyant
He doesn’t tickle people too often, but he has definitely put a target on people like Giyuu and Sanemi lol rip them
He’ll tickle people until they’re hiccuping or in silent hysterics, he’s one of the people that doesn’t really register the word “stop”
That said he’s nicer with people he likes, such as Mitsuri or Rengoku because of their upbeat nature
He likes people he deems flamboyant enough, and since those two meet the requirements he’s nicer to them when it comes to tickling
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Muichiro Tokito
okay so he’s actually really ticklish?? it’s so cute pls
He deserves gentle, sweet, and loving tickles, not the evil rough ones from Uzui lmao
Lighter tickles get him better than rough tickles anyway and he prefers when people are more gentle with him because he’s not a huge fan of being touched unless he really trusts the person
He’s ticklish pretty much everywhere, but some of his worse spots are his ribs, underarms and his neck
Teases don’t work on him, he’s completely oblivious to them lmao
He has the sweetest little giggle awww the other Hashira love to tickle him every so often just because he’s so cute and his face gets a little red too
He doesn’t really like being tickled unless it’s his friends or the other Hashira because he has respect for people closer to him
Mitsuri and Rengoku tickle him the most often, sometimes even together just to make him at least smile
He doesn’t tickle people very often because he knows if he initiates it with any of the other Hashira he’ll end up getting wrecked lol
He’s tried it before with Rengoku, never again
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Mitsuri Kanroji
Super ticklish, absolute baby, deserves it just for being so cute
Her tickle spots are her tummy, hips, and her ribs!
She’s generally very ticklish and just loves tickling, both dishing it and taking
She likes to tickle Obanai and Muichiro especially, but she’s tickled pretty much every pillar or at least tried to
She has the CUTEST laugh it’s like,, a bit squeaky and snorty but in the most endearing and adorable way? idk maybe i’m biased because I love her but she’s definitely got a cute laugh
She’s really teasy and she doesn’t even mean to be, she just loves to laugh along with her lee and watch their face go red
She’s very squirmy and giggly when people tickle her and she’s the type to start laughing when people just wiggle their fingers at her
her favorite person to tickle is probably Obanai because she just thinks his reactions are really cute and she loves his laugh, but Muichiro and Shinobu are also people she likes to tickle hehe
If she has access and is close enough with the person she’s definitely the type to give people raspberries
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Obanai Iguro
grrr this is gonna be so biased i love him too much
He’s very ticklish but he’s really good at controlling his reactions as long as he’s not caught off-guard 
His most ticklish spots are his hips, thighs, and his knees ouuGH
He has a really raspy laugh if anyone manages to get him to that point, for the most part he just gasps and chuckles occasionally
He’s not tickled very often and not even all the Hashira know he’s ticklish, only Mitsuri, Rengoku, and Gyomei really know that he’s ticklish and even then only Mitsuri and Rengoku actively tickle him when they’re not around the other Hashira
He’s really embarrassed with how ticklish he is so he doesn’t like people knowing, and the three that know respect that and don’t tell others
He doesn’t like being tickled either but he doesn’t seem to mind when Mitsuri does it but you definitely didn’t hear that from me hehe
Kaburamaru doesn’t mean to but sometimes he will like slither on Obanai’s neck and DAMN that tickles more than it should but he’s gotten a little bit more used to it as time has gone on
that said he still jumps a little bit if Kaburamaru does it really suddenly or quickly, or flicks his tongue near his ear or neck
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Gyomei Himejima
He’s not very ticklish and doesn’t tickle people very often, so he’s left out most of the time when it comes to tickle stuff :(
There was one rare occassion, it was probably because Muichiro had been tired from a mission but Gyomei picked him up to help him to bed and accidentally tickled the poor boy 
Of course, that led to a few gentle tickles as well, not enough to make him hysterical but just enough to make him giggle a little bit before falling asleep
Gyomei’s probably ticklish on his feet and his knees, spots that others normally don’t tickle and he probably doesn’t even know he’s ticklish
Mitsuri and Rengoku, even Uzui have tried tickling him before but they don’t get much of a reaction so they’ve kinda given up on tickling him
Of course they invite him to help tickle someone else, like if they’re ganging up on Giyuu or Sanemi, and every now and then he’ll join in
He’s very gentle, he’s almost over concious of whether or not he’s hurting someone so his touches are very soft and people hardly ever feel them sometimes
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
Not ticklish. at all
Even after he’s been tickled to tears by multiple people, he’ll never admit it
He hates it, he’s never liked it and definitely doesn’t like it now
He never initiates it and doesn’t tickle other people very often, but he’s like a toddler when he gets tickled he just turns into putty
He kicks and flails and throws threats out left and right, but he never acts on them because he’s too tired afterwards from kicking and screaming and laughing to actually enact any of his threats
His spots are under his arms and his ribs, specifically his upper ribs
He falls into hysterics pretty quickly just because he’s a drama queen but we still love him lol
He’s a bit,,, vengeful, but he doesn’t like to tickle other people that much
That said, the demon slayer code says that you can’t attack another demon slayer so he kinda has to tickle to get back
He’s a really hard tickler, he’s not good at it and it kinda hurts sometimes and he’s picky and choosy with who he actually gets revenge with
sometimes he’s really mean and gets revenge on someone who was walking by and is like “This is what you get for not helping me!” and its like what did they do?? literally nothing chill out Sanemi pls
He does target Giyuu sometimes though just because he’s an asshole lmao and he has like a vendetta against Giyuu for, again, literally no reason
That’s all I have for now, thanks for reading! 
pspsp if you wanna request any other demon slayer headcanons my requests for headcanons are open heheh~
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
For the ask game: Regina, Emma, and Killian from Once Upon a Time?
Three, huh? All right, can do. I’ve done this game for at least Emma and Killian before, a long time ago... hopefully I won’t be repeating anything!
(Once again, these are based on pre-Camelot, since I stopped watching fairly early on into that arc.)
Adding a readmore partway through Regina since this got long...
Headcanon A:  realistic
Being Mayor of Storybrooke was a really good learning experience for her. Sure, she had been a queen for a while before that, but based on the flashbacks I would say she was not paying much attention to the day-to-day duties of being a ruler. No trade deals, no study of the law of her country, no effort put in to learning what kind of taxes might be reasonable, or coordinating aid efforts to help with that drought/illness/bad crops, etc. She was very focused on herself at the time, and just didn’t pay much attention.
But in Storybrooke, while everything came pre-set in the way she wanted, she was still Mayor of an actual town for a long time. Not only was it more expected in this world, but there’s also just upkeep that has to happen. The magic kept people from getting older, but not Henry’s playcastle on the beach, for example. Regina had to be in charge of keeping the town functioning, and there’s only so much magic could do. So she actually learned how to do the right paperwork, a bit of how to allocate a budget, etc.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Regina was all ominously proud of her apple turnover in S1. Obviously, this was actually about the poison apple thing, but I think it would be really funny if she’d made that joke before. Like, Storybrooke probably got kind of boring at times when she was the only one who remembered. Add in the fact that it’s definitely the kind of place that had an annual baking competition or something...
Regina got the idea once to make an apple-based dessert and submit it to the competition, after ensuring Mary-Margaret was a judge. It wasn’t poisonous, but it made her very amused to see her once again just willingly eating the apple, so to speak... however, Regina lost the competition horribly that first year. Her dessert did not taste good at all. This did not sit well with her, and so she practiced and practiced (full on training montage) until she has pretty much mastered several apple-themed desserts, specifically to win the competition every time and make Mary-Margaret have to eat them for her own private amusement. She also definitely did the “give an apple to your child’s teacher” thing multiple times as well.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
When she was a little girl, Regina used to write letters to an imaginary friend. She couldn’t send them to anyone, since she didn’t actually have any close friends (closest she had were polite acquaintance of similar social class or nice servants/staff in whom she knew better than to confide), so she just collected them. They were a sort of diary for her. At first, she was really friendly and optimistic about her home life, but this soon devolved into lying fantasies about what it would be like if she had a happy family. She wrote about a mother who loved her deeply and wanted to spend time with her, about messing something up and no one scolding her, about her father defending her from some mean lady who’s clearly a stand-in for Cora (since letter-Cora is perfect), and all that sort of thing. It wasn’t all about her family, letter-Regina also had a super special horse who she rode to win a race, and the cook always made her favorite treats, etc., but the family stuff was the majority of it.
Her father found the letters one day, and thought they were sweet. Meaning well and absolutely missing the context, he showed them to Cora. She called Regina in to watch as she burned them, scolding her for wasting time daydreaming when she should be focusing on bettering herself in order to make a good match down the line.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Regina was not able to give Henry a TLK. I have talked about this in the past (here’s the link to the TL;DR, which itself has a link to the longer rambly thoughts), but I don’t think their relationship was such that she could, despite wanting to. And that’s not even taking into consideration that she lacked a heart at the time.
In my ideal world, Regina secretly hoped to be able to give him a TLK, and her failure to do so was kind of a wake-up call. It could easily go the other way into feeling like the whole world is against her, but this time it didn’t. She thought about her relationship with Henry and when he was saved (through whatever other reason), she realized just how badly she never wanted this to happen again. She wanted to change - and this time, she was willing to put in the work. Of course, it took time and there were probably backslides and stuff, but Regina began to really put in the effort to repair her relationship with Henry, to actually treat him as important and to value him outside of herself. This didn’t magically repair her relationship with anyone else (the whole point of this headcanon is effort vs magical change!) but treating Henry with respect and care meant not starting stuff with the other people he loves, and in general it became easier over time. Emma supported Regina a lot too, mostly for Henry’s sake in the beginning, but it did help.
Basically, the failed TLK led to a more realistic ‘redemption arc’ where Regina was kind of shocked out of being selfish or taking Henry for granted, and this eventually led to a much healthier outlook on her part where she felt less persecuted and accepted her responsibility for her actions, without feeling too overwhelmed to keep on trying for a better future even if not everyone can/does forgive her. She and Henry would be so much happier, despite it taking a while, and it would feel earned to me. Plus, it means that she wouldn’t succumb to the temptation to blame everything on the Author, a storyline I really hated.
Headcanon A:  realistic
She’s very smart, got a good sense for when people are lying, and is good at noticing and following up on relevant details. Emma never finished high school, though she did later get her GED, and definitely never went to college. While she was doing pretty well for herself as a bail bondsperson, she actually had been thinking about getting a private investigator’s license and starting her own business. There’s a fair bit of overlap between the two careers, and Emma liked the idea of not having to work for anyone else, and also being able to hopefully be a little more choosy about the clients she chose.
She was still in the process of researching the requirements and debating over taking some local college courses in that field before trying to actually make any big changes, when Henry showed up at her door.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
I really love the idea of Emma bipiddy-boppedy-booing about once she gets better with her magic. Just using it for little, silly things that no one else really uses magic for. (Maybe the reason is that most people don’t have that much magic to use for frivolous stuff, or the magic always has a price makes them way of depending on it too much.) But Emma doesn’t depend on it, she only just kind of plays with her magic, pretty much only in private, but she finds it really fun. So she will sneakily change the color of her dress while spinning in the mirror, or she will animate all the socks to race one another into the laundry machine, or whatever. Just small things, only sometimes, but it’s really cute and she always gets a little giddy/silly about it.
At one point, Killian catches her pretending to have an argument about dishes that don’t want to be washed because they’re scared of the overzealous sponge, and he can’t help laughing. Emma is super embarrassed and makes him swear never to ever tell or even hint to anyone, ever. He eventually agrees but teases her about it, saying he’s rooting for the sponge, or whatever. It’s just fun and cute and very silly. :)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Emma’s first memory is of her first ‘parents’ giving her back. They were the Swans, they took her in when she was very cute and small, but then when they had their own kid they basically said they couldn’t support multiple kids and couldn’t keep Emma. Either they had already finished adopting her, and now gave her up for adoption again, or they were still in the middle of the process and just stopped it. But they kept her until their child was born a healthy baby, because they had already had multiple miscarriages or something. Emma obviously doesn’t remember all the details of this, but she has a vague first memory of the parents she loved leaving her behind and never coming back, which for a long time she secretly thought might be about her bio parents despite knowing she was a literal newborn when she was abandoned.
As an adult she researched her own past, and learned about this whole situation as well as the ‘left on the side of the road’ thing. She visited the Swans secretly/looked them up, and they were living happily with their biological kid, showing all signs of being great parents and having a close-knit family. Emma never confronted them, and doesn’t like to admit her complicated feelings about them, or even that this ever happened to her. But she absolutely has conflated her issues with them/her birth parents, and yet she’s clung to the last name ‘Swan’ since it indicates someone loved her enough to make her theirs, even if only for a little while.
I wrote a short little ficlet about something this once and ever since it’s been my headcanon.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Probably some of the others already contradict various moments in canon, but whatever. Here’s the one I’m going with:
I firmly believe in bisexual Emma who absolutely fell in puppy love with Lily, please and thank you. (I wrote a fic about it, even.) Also, I quite like the idea of her wanting to have a one-night stand with Ruby to stop thinking about could-have-beens and feelings after Graham died. However, things were happening pretty quickly, and in such a small town she didn’t want to get involved in anything else potentially messy at this point. Add in that she saw Ruby almost every day so there would be no avoiding her, and fearing Mary-Margaret would try to either help her find love or give her some kind of intervention about Graham if she found out, and Emma never went beyond thinking about it. (After the curse was broken and she learned that Ruby had been her mother’s close friend, she was pretty glad about that choice.)
Headcanon A:  realistic
Killian gets phantom pains sometimes in his missing hand. He’s been missing it for much longer than he ever actually had two hands, but that doesn’t make a difference as far as those go. (It also doesn’t change the way he sometimes forgets he only has one hand when he is half-asleep. Only ever for a moment, but long enough to reach for something and not be able to pick it up.) He has various things that tend to trigger the pain (when he’s thinking too much about the time he lost it, it always pulses with a strong pain that he just determinedly ignores whenever he’s around Rumple; heavy rain can trigger it; if he does too much work with his left arm, like carrying something heavy with his hook or something, often that night or the next day will hurt), though sometimes it seems to come on randomly. Likewise, he has a few different methods to deal with it, from painkillers to getting drunk to putting the stump in a warm bath to trying to imagine stretching out his hand, that all help sometimes. Other times, though, he just kind of has to wait it out because nothing works.
One time, Emma notices he’s bothered and finally gets him to tell her what’s going on. At the moment, there’s nothing she can do (it’s a ‘wait it out’ day), but she looks up other methods of helping, and the next time she notices Killian going through it, she gives the mirror box a try since it is relatively easy to do in the moment. It actually helps, and after that she and Killian are able to figure out a couple other ways that can help reduce his pain.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Killian gets motionsickness on long car rides or roller coasters. He’s perfectly fine on a boat that is swaying all over the place in the harshest of storms, but for some reason riding in the Bug for more than thirty minutes will make him feel sick to his stomach. He finds this deeply ridiculous and does not like to acknowledge it in any way. Emma find this deeply ridiculous and loves to tease him about it.
The issue with roller coasters was a complete surprise - again, because he’s usually fine with high-adrenaline activities, they both thought it was only cars that bothered him. When Emma first took him and Henry to a roller coaster park, he was actually most interested in all the fast rides, only to be disappointed and have to sit down in the sun and drink some water while Emma and Henry were completely fine.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Killian has been alive for a long time, and most of the people he loves have been dead for the vast majority of that time. Even as a child, he could barely remember his mother - a vague impression of her voice, of the way her hair would sway... After Liam died, Killian was left without any kind of memento of what he looked like. When they were together, Milah drew several portraits of herself and Killian bother separately and together. She also drew her son, determined to keep him with her and not forget what he looked like. Killian thought about asked her to draw Liam for him as well, but he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to describe him well enough and that the portrait being only a half-likeness or something would just bother him more, so he never did.
He deeply regretted this later, when after nearly two hundred years in Neverland he realized that he could no longer remember what his older brother looked like. Sometimes, kind of, but nothing clear or reliable. He still remembered how much Liam meant to him, what they did together, of course all of that - but he couldn’t recall exactly what his brother’s voice sounded like when he was angry, or the particular shade of his hair, or whether he ever had freckles. Over time, Killian forgot most concrete details about Liam, no matter how much he tried to cling to them. He was terrified of losing Milah’s memory in the same way, or Emma during the year apart, and would often try to think of them as clearly as possible, to linger on specific memories and indelibly etch them into his mind. Still, he couldn’t help but notice that (particularly with Milah) some things were slipping away despite hims best efforts. Small things, like not remembering how Milah took her coffee, but he is still terrified of losing even the smallest of memories.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
My mind is blanking for some reason. Maybe I’ve just been doing this too long... How about, Rumple was lying when he said Killian’s briefly restored hand was never cursed. I can’t remember if that was implied to be a lie or not, but I’ve always thought it was. Maybe not a deliberate “curse” exactly but I have always liked this idea that the hand is frozen in time in more ways than one (and Rumple would’ve known that).
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true-blue-megamind · 2 years
FAN THEORY THURSDAY – Why Does Megamind Wear Black?
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No, your eyes do not deceive you! This is today’s second Megamind fan theory post! After skipping last week due to illness—as explained in the previous blog article—I’ve decided to make up for lost time by writing and publishing two Fan Theory Thursdays! You’re welcome! LOL!
If you haven't seen it yet, you can read today's first Fan Theory post, concerning why Megamind didn't notice Hal was a terrible choice for a here, HERE.
Although Minion threatens to sew everything out of super-itchy 1970’s polyester every time I say this, here it is anyway: SPOILER WARNING!
As you can see, this fan theory topic was suggested to me by a fellow Megamind fan. Thank you very much to Big-Dick-Garfield for asking about this! Keep being epic!
Like many imagined sci-fi races, Megamind’s people seemed to have something like a cultural uniform, in this case form-fitting, high-collared white with blue accents. Furthermore, the blue man likely knows it. Despite having been days old, he is clearly able to recall his early life as he recounts the destruction of his home world at the beginning of the film. And yet he chose to reject this evident norm of his original society, opting for black instead. Is there something significant about that color choice? Let’s find out!
At first glance, the answer may appear simple: Metroman dresses in white and Megamind dons black as befits a hero and a villain. It’s quite possible, however, that there is more to it than that. Is it possible that there is some basis for Big-Dick-Garfield’s suggestion that this was a rejection of the overall goodness and light in Megamind’s home world? Does he feel he is the opposite of his demonstratively upstanding parents? And are there clues in the original film that might help us discern an answer?
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Let me begin by saying that I love this supposition. It’s creative, interesting, and insightful. While researching this question, I did find some solid information concerning why the former supervillain chose his color scheme. Here’s what we know for certain.
In the DVD commentary as well as an interview with Jason Schleifer, who headed up all character animation in the film, the creators clearly state that Megamind’s style and persona were both inspired by heavy metal singer Alice Cooper while Metroman’s character design was significantly influenced by Elvis Presley. (For a more in-depth look at Megamind’s persona, feel free to read Who is the Real Megamind Part Two.) Once considered, it makes sense. A few things both performing artists are known for include larger-than-life stage presences, over-the-top costumes, and massive performances. Indeed, according to Schleifer, both aliens “play the good guy/bad guy game to the crowd like rock stars.” Similar to their musical counterparts, Megamind and Metroman have big personalities, attention-grabbing personas, and knacks for putting on a great show. Clearly, this inspiration for their character designs goes more than skin deep, if you will, and that’s important because it indicates that there may be more than one reason for our favorite blue genius to wear black.
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Firstly, consider the significance of Megamind choosing the aforementioned rock star as a basis for his look along with the specific music he blares during battles—a playlist that includes bands such as Guns n’ Roses and AC/DC. It’s not difficult to deduce that our favorite villain-turned-hero is clearly a Punk Goth Metal Head. Secondly, let’s compare American society’s views concerning each of the previously-mentioned musical artists. While Elvis was an edgy and controversial sex symbol during the 1950’s and 60’s, by the time the film Megamind was made he had become synonymous with older generations and straight-laced conservatives. Many among that same demographic, however, still viewed Alice Cooper as shocking, negative, and even “demonic.” This likely parallels with the images both characters, within their own world, were trying to project. Being the local hero, Metroman wanted to portray himself as a hometown Good Guy while his nemesis was purposefully aiming to stun, offend, and even frighten. Both his hard-rocking Gothic tastes and desire to unsettle those around him are major reasons why Megamind might don black leather and spikes.
That doesn’t mean that these are the only explanations, however. If you’ve read posts like What’s Hidden in the Animation and Are There More Hidden Details, you already know that the DreamWorks’ animation team put a lot of thought and attention into subtle-but-significant minutiae. As such, it seems highly doubtful that the choice to clothe both Metroman and Megamind’s parents in white was accidental. Indeed, the color does seem to symbolize goodness in the film, as Megamind, upon taking up the role of Defender of Metro City, is swathed in a white cape by his love interest, Roxanne. It is therefore likely that the choice to clothe the blue man’s mother and father in the same hue may have been the animators’ way of clearly indicating these were truly good people.
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So is there room to suppose that the former villain’s choice of black clothing represented his rejection of goodness and acceptance of his perceived place as its evil counterpart? Yes, there is. It’s a viable fan theory. Unfortunately, it’s also one for which I have been unable to find any solid proof.
Why do I say that? There is one particular line in the movie, occurring when Megamind has taken over the city and settled himself in the mayor’s office, which calls this idea into question. When the blue genius says that he wishes his parents could witness his success, Minion responds with: “I’m sure they’re smiling down from evil heaven, Sir.” Evil heaven is significant. Keep in mind that the self-proclaimed Criminal Mastermind believed he was, as he stated near the beginning of the film, “destined to be a supervillain.” This means that he believed he was innately evil, his very nature so powerfully predisposed toward badness that it was unavoidable. Given both this and his conviction that his beloved parents had found some sort of odd evil paradise, it seems extremely unlikely that he believed his family had been good.
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There is one more point which ought to be considered. While quite a few fans are not exactly enthralled with the short film Megamind: The Button of Doom—and admittedly there are a few aspects of it that make me cringe a little as well—it is nonetheless considered canon. In that piece, we see Megamind initially dressing himself in a white super-suit built to imitate Metroman’s abilities—essentially trying to become his predecessor rather than his own brand of Defender—but by the end we see him returning to his familiar black uniform and using his previously “evil” inventions to do good. Thus the blue man embraced his own unique style of heroism.
Furthermore, we see that the city has installed a searchlight displaying a blacked-out version of the blue man’s logo, similar to the Bat-Signal. It’s seriously doubtful that the choice was made on a mere whim, and indeed, there are some marked similarities between Batman and Megamind. Neither possess superpowers; instead, they each rely upon advanced technology, awesome gadgets, and intelligence. Both are heroes who wear black clothing—the hems of their cloaks are even similar—and, given the sort of fear Megamind was seen to inspire during the original movie, it’s likely that both, although decidedly Good Guys, strike terror into evildoers. All of that, combined with the fact that the original film was a spoof on DC comic books and Batman is, of course, a DC superhero, renders it likely that this was a very deliberate choice foreshadowing what sort of Defender Megamind will be. Thus, the idea that white equals good while black equals evil is turned on its head.
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So, did Megamind choose to wear black as a reflection of the evil he felt was in his very core? It’s possible, but it’s also possible that his Gothic Rocker look simply matches his personal style. Beyond this, it seems that the blue man may continue wearing black as a hero, reaffirming one of the movie’s major themes: being different does not make a person bad. The rejection supposition is certainly interesting, and one of the marvelous things about fan theories is that we can all choose which ones we wish to believe, but, as I’ve said before, there is no firm evidence that it might be canon. And that might not be such a bad thing; I don’t know about you, but after watching Megamind finally learn to embrace his identity and work toward being the best version of himself possible, I would hate to see him thinking that he has to change his style and tastes in order to fit the role of hero. Let’s hope we all see our favorite blue alien still wearing black leather and spikes in the upcoming series!
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
minecraft endermen are really weird. theyre unnatural and make me feel off.
when i was a small child like seven years ago i would always play minecraft on creative mode and i made an ugly ass enderman "farm" made out of bricks. i had an enderman spawn egg and id just spam it and the enderman couldnt get out (so i thought). anyways having them in this enclosure was probably so i could feel "powerful" over them because to date theyre still the only mob in minecraft that makes me anxious. even above skeletons(which i used to have a horrible fear of (the real life ones not mc ones)) and spiders (which i still have a horrible fear of (again the real life ones not mc)). anyways the endermen just ended up completely teleporting out of the farm and i checked on my world the next day and they were all gone and i didnt appreciate it (this was the same world where my brother blew up my pets but thats a different story).
anyways back to endermen. besides the fact that i just didnt like dying and i did like building ugly structures, one of the main reasons i didnt play survival much for a while, or if i did id put it on peaceful, was because of the enderman. every time i passed one my heart would drop and if i happened to look it in the eye on accident my throat would feel like its closing up and idk why. if it sounds like im bullshitting you or not remembering correctly i swear im not because it still happens actually.
i play survival a ton more now simply because i enjoy it more, it feels like theres actually a goal to achieve, but i never really make efforts toward said goal(ya know, beating the dragon). none of my worlds are really created with the intention of beating the dragon, and therefore i dont have to worry about endermen. if i happen to be outside my house and theres one there, no worries i just wait for it to go away. it may spook me for a sec but im fine.
but recently me and my sister started a world with the sole purpose of beating the dragon. we may have cheated a little (like putting on keep inventory cause honestly we both suck at pvp and have died so many times) but its okay cause thats it. we still have to fight endermen to get pearls for the end portal. and so we were hanging out in the nether and made a little two block tall hidey hole and id stand by the front and taunt endermen to get them to come close so i could kill them without them being able to get to me and it worked really well actually. except for the fact that to get them to come near i had to get them to aggro onto me and to do that i have to look them in the eye and you know where this is going. and so i was like "it has been so long since i looked an enderman in the eye surely i cant still be scared of them" and i turn to my sister like "<sister> you stay in the hole ill get us some pearls"
so i go out and taunt the dudes and guess what bitch got the pit in their stomach from these fuckers!! thats right bestie and my throat started to close up and i started talking to my sister again but i could tell me voice was off from it and i dont know why it happens but it pisses me off. like theyre not even scary looking theyre just a bit odd. and i continue to do this and kill the endermen and it just. doesnt. stop. my throat keeps closing up and im not "in pain" or anything just inconvenienced like what the fuck dude its a bunch of fucking pixels. i dont know its weird.
and now this part is gonna sound super fuckin stupid but ever since i started watching dsmp i immediately got attached to ranboo (cc! and c!) and knowing that c!ranboo was half enderman made me really think "hm endermen arent that bad. granted i havent interacted with one in a while but still not that bad. perhaps my favorite hostile mob" because you know people get attached to characters and think dumb things. and then again ranboo's character straight up existing and also this one specific headcanon i saw that was like "endermen use telepathy to talk so when a player looks at them all their thoughts get projected into them and it hurts their brain :((" makes me feel kinda bad for aggro-ing them and killing them again even though its literally just some pixels dude. my brain is not kind to me about this stuff and its really dumb.
i dont know what about the endermen staring back at me sets off the sort of fight-or-flight that makes me unable to breathe for a second but its something. its not the fact that their jaws basically unhinge when theyre mad because the throat closing up sensation happens before that. it happens when i look at an enderman and it looks back up at me and holds my gaze. i dont know. i dont know why im worked up(even slightly) over a video game. theyre still my favorite hostile mob i think (not just because of ranboo honestly the other hostile mobs just kinda suck).
and also i like the idea of how humanoid they are. not human. humanoid. they have the basic aspects of a minecraft human- square, head, torso, legs, arms, eyes. most mc skins dont even have mouths anyways just eyes. but the endermen have these features differently than us. their eyes are unnatural, legs and arms too long, body all one color, one that can blend in, and you can only see its purple eyes staring you down from a distance. theyre basically just cryptids.
despite skeletons and even zombies looking closer to the player than the endermen, they still seem the most human-like of all of the mobs. they arent aggressive unless provoked. they dont like eye contact(socially awkward). they like picking up stuff and moving it around. theyre curious (i cant explain this one they just are, okay?). even the sounds they make are just phrases like "hey" "hello" "whats up" distorted and in reverse.
i want to know more about them.
i want to know where they came from.
why theyre found in every dimension.
why they sound like us.
i want explanations, i want to know why they scare us.
i want to know if they know.
if they know that we're like them in some way.
that some of us dont mean harm, but for others thats all they want to do to the endermen.
i saw a post once that said "what taught humans to be wary of things that look human, but arent?" i believe the phenomenon is called uncanny valley. what if in the minecraft universe, the thing that taught us that was endermen. or rather, the thing that taught the endermen that was us? because again, the endermen pose no threat to us unless theyre provoked. by one of us. the endermen try to communicate with us- "⊑⟒⊬" "⍙⊑⏃⏁⌇ ⎍⌿?"- but we kill them without reason. thats why they dont like eye contact, its been ingrained in them through evolution that eye contact with a human/player will end in death, and they dont want it to be theirs, so they attack first.
we- or rather, the first minecrafters, maybe (in the lore(?)) people before the game, taught the endermen to fear us. i mean we literally kill them, use their remains to enter their home dimension, and then kill their leader/mother. they do their best to stop us, but we can respawn and they cant. and then, some people even go as far as to make farms, having them all spawn in one place, crowded, cant teleport out- their only defense mechanism gone- and then are slaughtered for their pearls. and due to the mass of these farms there will be chests upon chests full of pearls that no one's using, i saw someone the other day ask what people do with them and someone straight up said they just burn them like god what a waste.
"but izzy, players make mob farms all the time and not just for endermen!!!1!!11! why are the endermen ones so bad why are you only talking about those1!1!1!!!1" 1) because i can, 2) this is an endermen-themed post, and 3) i dont like the other mobs. and of course im not actually mad at the players who like beating the game and making endermen farms and such, i mean thats what it is its all just a game just a bunch of code, 0's and 1's, so why does it matter why bother writing a whole post on it?
because when you look paste the game, when you read in between those ones and zeroes and discover this non-intentional lore, it can make things so much more,, interesting. this is fanfic material. hell, its probably fanart material too. its all for the content to see what the community can create i guess. or maybe i just really like talking about endermen and this has been on my mind for two days now and once i started typing i couldnt stop.
but yeah, thats my final thoughts.
we, humans, experience uncanny valley about the endermen.
but the endermen experience uncanny valley about the players.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
32. Reasons to not be in love with draco malfoy by harry
Prompt used- caressing the other's back | ANGST/FLUFF | UNREQUITED LOVE | HURT/COMFORT | Eighth year harry finds it hard to admit that he infact loves draco ..
" is it so bad harry that you like him ? " Hermione asked as a sad look dawned upon her tanned face
" what-no- yes- i mean- I don't like him. It's just he has changed so much and it seems unrealistic " harry covered up his tinted face by entailed more into his book
" sure harry, we believe you " Ron sarcastically responded.
" Ron- harry, you know it, you're lying to yourself and what if Draco have actually changed so much. I mean he apologized to me for everything he ever did. That has to be something and it was a genuine apology-"
" apologies doesn't change what he's done. And I don't like Malfoy " harry persisted almost agressively.
Hermione sighed looking at Ron, an indication for him to take the lead.
" mate, I hate him just as much as you do but she's right you know. You can ignore your feelings for how long! One day you would have to face them-"
" so what you want me to just go upto him and ask him out on a date? How blinded can you be ? I will prove that he hasn't changed. I will prove it " with that harry stormed out of the common room to the court yard to be under the sun and complete the rest of his work.
The problem was harry was immensely crushing on draco but it was so hard for him to believe that he'd much rather look for his flaws, it was easier as harry would like to put it. But it was so hard for him to actually look for a single flaw in draco after the war because he had changed completely. Long gone were the days when he used slurs like mudblood, in fact he himself was sending letters to the ministry over and over for stop discriminating against werewolves, muggle borns, squibs, and half bloods. It seemed too good to be true but harry knew he was genuinely doing it but his fainting heart didn't wanted to wake up one day and know that draco had not changed at all, so he chose to still finding his flaws.
2 weeks later upon constant teasing by Ron and Hermione about his research to find something suspicious or something flawed about draco, he realised he was standing in front of a lake which was completely dry. There wasn't even a single flaw and his heart could only take so much.
But he didn't wanted to give up, so during one of his charms lessons, harry took his quill and paper and started writing.
" Reasons not to be in love with draco malfoy "
" ugh.. scratch that " harry mumbled to himself unimpressed
" reasons not to be in love with draco malfoy"
" reasons to hate draco malfoy "
" reasons not to like draco malfoy "
Harry frowned to himself watching the paper, then dipping his quill in ink again and continued writing, only he couldn't. Stuck for minutes, harry looked across the room to see Draco smiling Kindly to a broken handed Neville and writing his notes for him. Harry groaned to himself, " bloody perfect git "
And then he wrote,
" draco malfoy - an absolute prat "
Impressed by himself harry closed his eyes and let himself ponder over every flaw he could muster and desperately failing but he needed something. One damn thing.
But found none.
He placed his hand over the paper once again and started
" 1. The prat have the most fucking Adorable smile. And he doesn't deserve it . It's illegal to have such an adorable smile "
Harry almost smiled at what he wrote but considering his circumstances he refused to. He looked up at Draco once again and continued again.
" 2. The idiot have the most beautiful fingers, bet it's stolen. They're the most fucking annoying thing ever and I can't bloody stop staring at it "
And with that Harry's motive unknowingly changed. He started writing about things about draco that annoyed him.
As week went on harry had listed almost 10 things he found annoying about draco.
" they're not flaws harry " Hermione pressed her lips in thin line to keep herself from laughing.
Blushing in embarrassment harry took the paper away " you wouldn't get it "
And as he started leaving he heard Ron laugh.
And he went back to the courtyard and going through the list once again.
" 3. The git have perfect annoying stormy eyes which makes you dream but also take you somewhere only both us could be "
" 4. He's unbelievably kind to everyone, even filch, how could anyone be this damn kind. Stupid "
" 5. He's got brain. Like actual great brain. He's intellectual, he's fucking smart. Like nobody asked you Smarty pants to be this damn smart "
" 6. He Knows exactly what he's doing. Like the other day in the great hall when he left the tea bag for far too long in his cup of tea, he poured a little of his tea into another cup, added ginger and lemon to his own cup and then some water again. Annoying as fuck "
" 7. He sits by the tree in the courtyard just staring at the damn sky and sometimes even draw it in his little doodle pad covered in leather, with a little blue stone right in the centre. Also half filled. God knows what he draws. Would be pretty fantastic though, considering how much time he spend drawing them and painting it. Hilarious to see him being focused. Idiot "
"8. He visits the professor Dumbledore's grave and just sit there crying. Don't know why I wrote it, just needed to. I understand him.
" 9. He talks with madam pomfrey about potions and their Ill effects. Again trying to be smart. He did help Seamus though after he fell from his broom sometime ago, guess he's got brain afterall "
" 10. He's bloody perfect. His damn face, beautiful as fuck, his nose looks like Micheal Angelo himself carved it on his face, his jawline, fuck, his skin is pale though but the way his skin glows when he's sitting in the courtyard doing something and the way he have a perfect blush. Who's blushing can be perfect ? But damn it, his blush is damn perfect as if something had put on natural flower colour upon his face and the way he have a specific smile for each occassion. The nervous smile, the grin, the quizzical smile, everything just super perfect. Stupid beautiful perfect prat "
Harry sighed understanding Hermione's point but he knew what he had written. This was everything he didn't like about him. Every single one of them, well not everything maybe but most of them.
Harry looked up, keeping the paper in one of his notebooks, to see Draco sitting on one of the pillars seat and reading something.
" prat even looks perfect reading " harry mumbled to him rolling his eyes yet couldn't help his curiosity for what he was reading because he wore probably the most perfect smile harry had seen. He hated to admit but maybe, draco was flawless, at least to him but he didn't wanted to admit. He was determined to find at least one flaw so he could prove them wrong, more him than anyone else. He just needed something flawed in him to convince himself that he wasn't desperately falling for him as his friends liked to say. One flaw, that's all he needed.
Harry kept all of his books inside his rag and decided to just walk around the halls before he'd depart to the common room but just as he had been exiting the courtyard, one thing he didn't wanted it to happen, happened.
" hey, po- harry "
Harry closed his eyes, breathing in before turning around to draco with a warming smile.
" what do you want Malfoy?"
" uh- draco- but nevermind. I wanted to actually ask you something, I mean I shouldn't, considering you still hate me but it's purely theoretical " Draco rambled giving harry a rather nervous smile. Fucking perfect again, harry thought.
" I- I don't hate you Malfoy, old habits die hard kinda thing you know " harry assured himself more than draco.
Draco pressed his lips in a thin line pondering on about what harry had just said.
" you wanted to ask ?" Harry impatiently said
" right- I- I've heard you taught defense in 5th year, including the patronus charm, i- since you've taught a few people I was wondering if you could tell me if people like me can- you know can cast one " draco scratched the back of his neck nervously, the same blush returning to his face again which harry always thought was probably the same shade as that of a cherry blossom..
" what do you mean by people like you ?" Just as the sentence had left his mouth, he realised how wrong had it sounded. Of course he knew what draco had meant but why did he had to ask him and embarrass draco ?
Draco inhaled the air surrounding them, closing his eyes as if he was gaining confidence for what he said next " I meant death eaters "
Harry suddenly felt like his tongue was in knots. He knew the answer but he couldn't reply and while draco looked at harry hopefully, his hope started to die out little by little as he watched harry standing quietly. His eyes suddenly turned from normal grey to something that was clouding him within himself, as if he was now concealing himself, like he was upbraiding himself.
" never mind- think I got my answer. Thank you po- harry. It was great help " draco voice sounded more harsh than it had sounded lately at and harry at once knew had broken draco's heart but before he could've undid his fault, he had scrambled away quickly and harry remained there waiting to get his voice back.
And when it finally did, it had started to rain, harry too scrambled away. Strange how the weather has been perfectly fine when he had first sat down in the courtyard and now it pouring down heavily after the misconception with draco.
Draco's smile was slightly dying out a little bit, and harry knew why but everytime harry ran after draco to correct his mistakes, he was tongue tied. Why was it so hard for harry to simply tell the truth ? Why couldn't he ?
In the mean time After harry had told Hermione and Ron about his faulty interaction with draco, they had stopped teasing and encouraged him to fix it as soon as possible.
It wasn't until during one of the defense classes, things took a better turn.
" now, you all have already learnt about how boggart works. It easily takes shape of what you fear the most but here what we have is pieret, it's a twin of a boggart but it is unusually different. A pieret not only senses your fear but induces in you the pain you'd feel when you're faced with your worst fear. Taking an example, if someone fears death, they would feel nothing Because death feels numb. If someone is afraid of lets say lizards, they'd feel irrational. You must be wondering then if you are faced with a boggart, then Also you'd feel the same thing, the answer is no, we predict what we'd feel, not actually feel while upon being faced with a pieret, it would heavily cast on you the feeling to the point where it may get hard to make sense of anything. However the defense against it is just as simple as that of a boggart,infact it is the same. Riddikulus. Now I would want each of you to clear your head and try not to think of your worst fears and then upon your turn with a blink of an eyes, say the spell and then sit down " the professor explained, not even stopping momentarily for asking students anything, as if he wanted to get done with the lesson. Frankly, everyone wanted the same.
The pieret however turned out to be more stronger than the boggart. Few students had to sit down to relax after their turn. When it finally came down to harry, he cleared his head and tried not to think of his worst fear . He saw the shape twisting and turning into someone very familiar, a scene very familiar. Before harry could cast the spell, the feelings had started to run frantically inside of him. He thought he mumbled something but nothing happened, voldemort was still standing, in his victory. Harry had lost the fight, resulting in huge massacre, everyone disappointed and then suddenly it had gone, now there stood a beautiful pink lily.
Harry immediately collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.
" drink this " the professor commanded and he obliged, feeling the sensation dying out immediately.
" I need to go " harry hoarsely said and ran out of the room to the washrooms. He reached the same washroom moaning myrtle still resides in but somehow absent currently and he was glad.
Not for long. He soon heard the door open and close and someone walking inside. Harry was about to hex whoever had Walked in until he saw draco had appeared, looked devastating.
" it's only me. We don't want Same things to happen twice" draco announced. Harry immediately lowered his wand, still breathing heavily and becoming very aware of what Draco had said.
" I'd never used that spell again. I wouldn't ever "
" i know " draco gave him a small smile. Harry looked at Draco for a few moments before he sat down against one of the toilet doors, draco cautiously making his steps towards harry and sitting down next to him.
" why are you here ?" Harry finally asked, his knees pressed against his chest, looking up at the ceiling.
" wish I knew " draco responsed aligning himself in the same position as harry and staring up.
Harry hummed, not knowing what he should've answered.
" it's weird " draco suddenly said, a small laugh escaping his lips
" what is ?" Harry asked looking at Draco slightly turning his head to him, watching him staring far ahead.
" how both of our fears are the same "
And he finally turned to harry, with a deep pained expression painted in his dream filled eyes.
Harry quizzically stared at Draco " him gaining victory ?"
" yes and always letting people down. Disappointing them. Having no hope "
Harry was rendered speechless. Until he knew he needed to throw up. He immediately bashed through the door in front of him and puking into the toilet, emptying whatever was inside his body. He suddenly felt a hand on his back caressing him and faint encouragements reaching his ears. When harry was finally done, he leant back pressing his head against the door sighing. Draco's hand has left his back but harry still wanted them there, he didn't know why, but he just wanted that.
" any better ?" He asked. Harry nodded.
" here " draco passed him a bottle of water. Harry rinsed off the smell off his mouth, then drank some of it before flushing the waste away and going back to sitting in the middle alley with draco facing him.
" who do you feel you let down ?" Harry asked frowning at Draco.
Draco looked taken a back by Harry's sudden enquiry but soon comforted himself and began speaking " everyone. I just feel like that even after everything I'm trying to do, after trying so hard to be nice, helping everyone, trying to become a better person, I would still let people down. There will always be Someone who would want to look at my flaws and throw them in my face that no matter what I do, I'd still be draco malfoy the death Eater. I'm always afraid of letting them down, my parents, teachers, the ministry, my friends, classmates, you "
Harry stared at Draco long enough, understanding exactly how he must be feeling but feeling guilty at the same time for doing exactly what draco is fearing but once he had spoken it loud, harry wanting to seek his flaws was thrown out of the window, he just to hug draco right now and tell him that he's doing great.
" I don't hate you draco- I never did. I know you think I do, but I see you. You're trying really hard to become the better person and I can see It happening. If I were you I don't think I'd be able to do that but you, you're brave and confident and courageous to do this everyday. I could never "
" you'd never need to do all that. You already are everything you just said. You don't even need to try " draco gave him a little shrug. Harry's lip immediately turned into a sly smile, realising draco see's him that way, even if it was partially true.
" but you're different. Everyone already praise me, they've always done that. You, you're rising.. that's something much more braver than anything I'd ever done in life"
" are we going to sit here and actually assure each other how we're both doing great " draco joked. Harry immediately broke in a small laughter with draco. Being there with Draco right now was the most perfect thing harry could've ever dreamt of. How could he had possibly thought of wanting to hate draco ? It seemed irrational. Harry was driven by his hatred to find something in draco that didn't even exist and it's not because draco was perfect but because he was working on his flaws. Perfection had never been about being flawless, it has always been in redeeming your flaws. Harry laughed for as Long as he wanted with draco, never wanting this to end. It was a therapy and harry was glad to be a part of it.
When finally the laughter died out harry smiled at draco, picking up his wand and casting the patronus charm.
" my mom's patronus was a doe, mine's a stag. Snape's patronus was a doe too " harry told a pained looking draco until he finally reiterated Harry's words in his head and then it hit him
" he was a death Eater "
" he was " harry replied giving him small smile " a patronus isn't based on discrimination. It doesn't segregate between death eaters and wizard or the bad and the good or the rich and the poor. Patronus is based on a happy memory. I suppose why you'd think death Eaters can't cast a patronus is because they've never known true happiness. If you've ever felt true happiness in your life, you can cast one. There's both light and dark inside of us, it is what we chose to act upon, that's who we are. You're not a bad person draco, you never were and i know one day you'll be as to cast it. I'd liked to help if I can in anyways "
Draco stared at harry In surprise, his expressions changing to one filled with hope and turning into a smile.
" I'd like that " draco responded nodding.
" then we'll practice the spells whenever you'd like" harry smiled before he started putting things in his rag, after hearing the bell to finally get up to leave.
" draco "
" yeah"
" thank you . I- this was different- and just thank you " harry smiled hanging his rag on his shoulder.
Draco smiled nodding at him, getting up himself.
With a deep breath harry finally turned around to leave, smiling to himself, thinking of how he could just burn the list now.
" harry- you dropped something "
Harry turned around to see Draco holding a piece of paper.
Draco furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes fell upon the words inked on it. Harry immediately hustled in his bag to look for that one specific sheet. No, no, no,no ...
Draco looked up at harry quizzically " reasons to .... "
PART 2 | Requests open
Day 31 - would you come back to me ? | Day 33- tasting their smile
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lilyharvord · 3 years
Very random question but, what kind of people would the Red queen characters be like in modern day parties. We already know a little bit of Annie's perspective based on her fics but what do you think?
AHAHAHAH I share a very similar opinion with Annie on this matter, but for more specifics, have my head canons:
Mare: modern day femme fatale at parties. She wears an outfit that has men's eyes popping out of their sockets and rolling around on the floor like marbles. She knows what she's got and she flaunts it. When she and Cal are dating during the Modern AU time line, she especially likes to dress like this cause it makes him: 1. squirm 2. become super territorial so that his hands are all over her the rest of the night 3. Feel like she owns him body and soul. She drinks like she has the liver of a Russian. She does straight tequila/vodka/rum/whiskey without a chaser (chasers are for pussies like my boyfriend she says when people offer her one). When she does get drunk (and that can be very quick depending on how easily Cal can slip her shots of water instead of alcohol) she is on the bar or on the table dancing. If Cal gets lucky, she'll climb in his lap and give him a good old fashioned show. He spends most of it trying to keep her shirt on without making it look like he is trying to keep her from taking it off. But she recovers every single morning like a champ.
Cal: Due to personal (familial) reasons, and through choice, he really doesn't drink. But he always has a good time at parties with his friends. And when he goes with Mare, he has a really good time. When he does drink (the few times Mare literally teases him and begs and pleads with her puppy dog eyes) he can get TRASHED very quickly. It takes like five shots or seven beers in very quick succession. But when he does, he's weirdly in control. He becomes a lot more quiet, and sort of just exists. Mare thinks its hysterical. But he's also a fucking bunny rabbit in heat when he gets drunk. He keeps his hands to himself until they get home and before they even get through the door he already has his hands under her shirt or down the front of her shorts. She loves it and thinks it's wonderful. He does not recover as well as Mare, and usually has to lay in bed all morning until his headache goes away while she's prancing around in his t-shirt.
Kilorn: happy drunk. He laughs so much people think there's something wrong. But he loves going with his best friend because he helps her terrorize people at the party. He is the shorts, t-shirt, sun-glasses on at night guy who is holding a beer and smiling in every picture. He has such a good time, and he has only had to help carry Cal out once but he NEVER lets the man forget it. He took a selfie while Cal was hunched over a bush being violently ill to commemorate the night. He will dance on a table with Mare, no questions asked.
Maven: casual drinker, he's not big into the party scene. He prefers being with close friends in a quiet party drinking wine comfortably and maybe smoking a cigarette. Depending on what he feels. If he does go to the loud massive parties Cal and Mare go to, he keeps to himself and stays glued to Thomas's side. His boyfriend smiles and shoos people away when they start getting a little too drunk, and then he takes Maven out and they usually stop at a small cafe for coffee cake and coffee when he takes him home. He NEVER drinks enough to even be tipsy. He sips mostly, people watches.
Farley: She's also a quiet drinker, a beer to two, a game of beer pong maybe that she always wins. She spends most of the night with Shade or her friends discussing politics and sometimes it gets a little intense. Especially when she starts getting a little deeper into her drink. But she's a good time, if she gets really drunk, she'll tease Shade to no end, and he still swears to this day, he saw her on stool and a table dancing. She denies it of course. She usually is the one throwing a party if she wants to. She'll invite her friends, provide the alcohol, and the entertainment/games.
Shade: quiet, fun. He drinks if he feels like it, but does stay lucid enough that he can take care of Farley if he needs to. She hardly needs it, but he still subtly takes care of her (puts aspirin and a glass of water within her reach for when she wakes up, has a yummy, greasy egg and bacon sandwich ready for her when she wakes up too). He'll take hard core shots too with Mare, sometimes egging her on. Neither takes a chaser. As he gets older, he calms down, sips at beer, but can still have a good time with his sister and his friends if he feels like it. Holds his alcohol well though.
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