#(she tries to hide the fact she’s a ghost as long as possible if she gets attached to someone)
Stealth in All Forms
Ghost is a stealthy man.
He can blend into the shadows quickly, and use them to his advantage to be anywhere he wants to be. He's quick and silent.
This is the most known fact about him.
What isn't known is that he can use his stealth in more ways than just blending in with others or the shadows.
What no one sees, is that on leave, Ghost will wear weird outfits and stand out as much as possible, simply because when someone looks and acts like they don't belong there, like they're from another planet, like they're a tourist, they get ignored. Looked over. They blend in by standing out.
Soap finds this out the hard way.
The first time Johnny goes home with Simon, he sees a side of his partner he never would have put near his vision of Simon "Ghost" Riley.
They get ready to go shopping for groceries, having arrived at the Manchester flat late last night and finding it devoid of anything due to his long absence from the place.
While getting ready, and waiting for Simon to get ready in his usual black-on-black with a balaclava, Johnny wanders around the home. Finding comfy afghan throws on the couch and armchair, red blackout curtains on every large window and sliding glass door, and even a funky tie-dye shower curtain in the bathroom with a matching bathmat. Ok, so his partner likes some color outside of his job, noted.
What he does not expect is for his boyfriend to come out of the room with a black baseball cap with a cartoon ghost on it, a tight red Henley t-shirt, faded blue bootcut jeans, the ugliest pair of pink Crocs he thinks he's ever seen, and no facemask in sight.
While he takes the time to catch his breath after laughing so hard in surprise that his knees nearly give out, Simon grabs his wallet, keys, and a backpack filled with produce bags.
With the glare he receives right as he's about to comment, Johnny wisely shuts up and simply kisses Simon on the nose as they exit the flat.
They walk hand-in-hand for a few blocks, no words coming to mind as they take in the cool weather and quiet within their own little bubble of space.
This bubble pops when they hear a woman yelling at someone to let her go, she didn't do anything wrong.
Simon's steps become rushed as they head towards the noise, Johnny following in his wake as they round the corner to see two police leering at a woman in front of a small cafe, one holding her right arm with one hand and a half-full cup of coffee in the other, puddle near his feet and splashes on the woman's shoes.
Without warning, Simon hands Johnny the backpack, grunts "Watch this," and goes over to the confrontation in quick strides, leaving his very confused partner behind.
On the way, he grabs a cup of coffee from another patron, who doesn't notice due to watching the confrontation behind their table.
Walking up to the trio, Simon gets out his phone and pretends to speak into it in a heavy American accent, one that would blend in with a fraternity party, voice higher pitched than he would normally speak in.
When he gets there, he bumps into the cop not holding the woman, spilling the hot coffee all over his neck and back, splashing a little onto the other cop during the "accident."
As he profusely apologizes and stutters his way through an attempt at an explanation, he puts his phone in his back pocket, spills more coffee on the other cop who had let go of the woman, pretends to try to wipe it off both of them only to spill more and hand the now empty cup to the woman.
As he tries to "wipe off" the first cop he spilled coffee on, he sticks his foot out to trip the other one as he takes a step forward to stop the havoc, ending in him going to "help" him up, only to accidentally "bump" both of their heads into a nearby stair railing leading to the raised coffee shop.
By this point he's put himself between the cops and the woman, hiding her with his height as he apologizes profusely and looks to be on the verge of tears, pouting as the cops call him a blundering fool and tell him to leave them alone "[they] don't need help."
As the cops leave, complaining about how the cafe didn't get their order right and then suddenly they're drenched in coffee, Johnny walks up to Simon in awe and the woman starts asking if he's ok after the bump on his head.
As she asks this, Johnny starts laughing incredulously. At the weird look he gets from her, he just gestures to Simon.
"He didn't get a drop of coffee on him, is all, I doubt he actually hit his head." This is supported by Simon grinning slightly and looking away with a nod.
At the dumbstruck look on the woman's face, Simon decides to get out of there as soon as possible, handing her money to replace the coffee he took from the other person, apologizes to that patron, and grabs Johnny's arm to drag him to the grocery store.
One quick shopping trip later, Johnny demands an explanation for what that was and gets told that stealth comes in all sorts of forms.
Gaz doesn't believe him when he recounts the story back on base 3 weeks later. Price just looks resigned.
Here you go @spottlessspectre
Hope you like it lmao.
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hyperactively-me · 1 year
king!ghost x reader -- the wedding
You hated your wedding dress.
As you stood there in front of the mirror, your heart sank at the sight of yourself drowning in ornate and thick fabric, embroidery, and jewelry.
The veil was long and thin yet adorned with embroidery, slightly obscuring your vision. The corset was too constricting against your figure. The train of the dress seemed to stretch for miles, making movement a cumbersome ordeal. A dainty tiara sits atop your head. It would soon be replaced by a bigger tiara, one more fit for a queen. Ghost’s queen.
You sit still as the maids apply make-up to your face and style your hair, leaving yourself to your thoughts. At this moment, there was no possible alternative for you but to face him at the altar. You had to utter falsehoods about your affection for him, til death do you part. You had to slip wedding rings onto each other’s fingers, symbols of connection and eternal love. Of course, the public had no idea of your true feelings towards their king. You had to hide behind this facade, this act, that you truly liked this man. You internally roll your eyes as the maids straighten out your dress and veil, adding final touches to your wedding outfit.
A quick knock rapped against the door and the head maid, who introduced herself, came in to help you slip on your shoes.
“It’s time to go out there. Do you have your vows ready?”
Unfortunately is what you really wanted to say, but you bite your tongue.
“Good. Guests are arriving. Your family is here, your highness.”
You perk up a little at that statement, but you pretend not to care. You still hadn’t forgiven your parents, but you would be overjoyed to see your siblings.
“Diplomats and royalty from other kingdoms will be present,” the head maid continues. “They’re here to bear witness to his majesty’s wedding. They want to show their support of your union. It’s a great thing, your kingdom and Kastron creating peaceful relations. It provides more…stability and protection.”
You nod your head knowingly. You weren’t completely clueless. You knew Kastron has a history of starting battles and wars. You knew they always won. And you knew other territories, kingdoms, and rogue militias who tried to pick fights with Kastron always ended up defeated. Kastron also tended to fight unnecessary wars, burning down villages with no remorse. You supposed you had to keep track of all this, now that you were about to become the queen of Kastron. More recently, you had been thinking about asking Ghost for political lessons…
Which, speaking of, your thoughts begin to drift towards him. Where is he? What is he doing right now? What is he thinking? What is he wearing? Is he dreading this as much as I am?
You would find out soon enough.
Each passing minute brought you closer to the life with him that you didn’t want.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a gentle voice beckoning you. “It’s time to go, your highness.”
You nod, taking one last look at yourself in the mirror. You don’t recognize yourself. Yes, you look beautiful, but it’s not…you, per se. The wedding dress is just a facade, a wall of innocence to hide the fact that you’re marrying a murderer.
You turn, the motion causing the heavy fabric of your dress to brush against the floor. The head maid reaches behind your head, moving the veil in front of your face. She takes your hand, helping you move down the imposing wooden doors in front of you. Everyone from Kastron was in there, royalty from far away lands were in there, your family was in there, he was in there. All waiting for the blushing bride to be married to a killer.
The head maid quickly shoves your bouquet in your hands, and you grip onto the flowers like it’s a lifeline.
This was your reality.
On cue, the doors swing open, heads turn, and the orchestra plays the wedding march. It sounds like a death march to you. (speak now by taylor swift, anyone?)
You fix your gaze on the man you detested, waiting for you at the top of the altar. He was still wearing a stupid mask, his face covered. His body was adorned in the same black regalia he had worn when asking your parents for your hand in marriage. His cape flowed down his back, pooling at the stairs. An anxiety you’ve never experienced before swallowed you whole as you dragged your feet down the aisle, hundreds of eyes picking you apart.
Ghost was looking straight at you, his form unmoving as you approached him.
You had to force yourself to keep going, this time a little faster. You wanted to get this over with. The grip you held on your bouquet made the flowers quiver. God, the feeling of hundreds of scrutinizing eyes on your back made you want to throw up.
You were almost there. Almost there. You look down at the steps in front of you, climbing up to the altar, making sure not to trip on your trailing dress.
You wondered what he thought of you at this very moment. You wondered if he understood how truly scared you were to marry him, a killer, a creator of wars and bloodshed. You hoped you made him feel guilty.
You come to a stop on the top of the stairs, turning to face him. The music stops.
The wedding officiant starts speaking, talking about love, and this and that. It bores you half to death. Every last word he says is a drag.
“Now, for the vows.”
Oh God, the fun part.
You look down at his feet, trying to tune Ghost out as he talks about “steadfast loyalty,” “honor,” “privilege,” and “responsibility.” You want to scream at him to stop.
When he’s done, he looks at you expectantly. You just know that there’s a smirk under that stupid mask of his. You clear your throat, and begin to speak lies.
Meaningless, empty vows of how you would be “patient,” “honest,” “poised,” and “loyal.” The image of a perfect wife. The moment you concluded your words, your vows ceased to exist.
The officiate turned to grab the pillow holding your wedding rings, presenting them to you. He motions for you to grab Ghost’s wedding band. Your fingers tremble as you pick it up.
“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness, and as I place it on your hand, I commit my very heart and soul to you,” you practically spit out, sliding the ring on his calloused hand.
You watch as Ghost grabs your ring, a rather large diamond sitting on the band. He grasps your hand gently in his own, and he repeats the same: “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness, and as I place it on your hand, I commit my very heart and soul to you,” slipping the ring onto your finger. He squeezes your hand gently before pulling away.
You had nearly forgotten about this part. The kiss. The final nail on the coffin.
He reaches towards your face, pulling your veil up and over your head gently. He stepped close to you, closer than ever before. You reach up to his own mask, pushing up the top to reveal his lips. He lets you, watching you intently. You wanted to rip the mask off his face, but something deep within you stopped yourself.
His hand comes around to the small of your back, pulling you right up against him. He angles his back to the crowd, allowing only you to see, suddenly pulling his mask higher and higher, until it completely slipped off his face.
God, he’s gorgeous.
He bends down to your height, breath tickling your skin. You try to memorize his face before he eventually covers it back up. He pulls you impossibly closer, his other hand coming up to press against your cheek as he kisses you deeply.
The breath is knocked from your lungs as his lips press against yours, hard.
He slowly pulls away after another beat, and surprisingly you find yourself not wanting it to end. He methodically pulls his mask back down, concealing his face once more. He turns back to face the crowd, hand not leaving the small of your back, now cheering loudly for the happy couple. His hand gently pushes you towards the crowd, beckoning you to move. You turn, putting on a shaky smile as you spot your family in the crowd.
Ghost pulls his hand from your back, extending the crook of his arm out for you to take. You clutch onto his arm like it’s a lifeline, wrapping your hand around his bicep.
The orchestra is deafening as you both make your way down the aisle as a couple. The double doors open and shut quickly behind you two, and you let out a shuddered gasp, pulling your hand away from his arm.
This is your life.
- - - - -
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ponyosmom35 · 9 months
first time
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Liability chapter twenty seven
synopsis: reader goes out with her friends and Simon is worried about her going out without him.
warnings: smut, cursing, angst, mentions of PTSD, oral (f & m receiving)
Liability series:
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“Where were you?” 
“Oh shit, I forgot to tell you I went to brunch with the girls, then we went to world market, wanna see the cute stuff I got?” she asks excitedly 
“Uh... sure. Yeah... sure go ahead” He forces a smile 
“So this rug is gonna be for the entryway, I also found these cute candles to add to the shelf in the living room. I also got a basket for some of the blankets and this really pretty mirror that I may need help mounting later” she smiles 
“The rug's fine and the candles are great... and... the basket and mirror are good too. But the real question is... how long were you gone?”
“Few hours why?” she asks 
“Yeah... I missed you, is all” he responds, trying to avoid an argument. She notices his change in behavior and narrows her eyes, she sets down the candles and crosses her arms. 
“Why are you upset with me?”
He pauses before he speaks “I was worried about you... that's all. But you're back now... and you're fine... So forget it” 
“Why would you worry about me?” she asks in annoyance “I was just with the girls”
“Forget it alright? Lets put up this mirror” he tries to change the subject 
“No tell me” 
“I don’t like the idea of you being out on your own”
“Is there something you’re not telling me? Should I be worried?” she asks 
“No, baby... of course not. you're my girl and I worry about you”
“I can’t bring you everywhere with me Simon”
He can't help but raise his voice as he replies. I know you can't bring me everywhere... but you are my girl, aren't you? So you've gotta understand where I'm coming from” 
“No I don’t understand because you aren’t making any fucking sense! Tell me why you’re worried about me going out without you! Stop dancing around the fucking point!” He grimaces as she raises her voice. He takes a deep breath before speaking slowly and calmly. He's not doing a very good job of concealing the fact that he's angry. 
“When you're out without me there are all kinds of things that could happen to you”
“Simon if this is about Las Almas then I’m sorry but you can’t let that worry you! We’re safe here! I’ve grown up with these people, there’s nowhere safer for us in the world! I can’t put my life on hold just because you’re overprotective about possible threats that don’t exist!”
“Don't tell me that those threats don't exist! There are all kinds of people in the city who might want to harm you... what if I wasn't here to protect you? Do you have any idea what kind of shit I’ve seen? I’ve seen the absolute worst form of humanity, forgive me for wanting to keep you safe” 
“ Do you have any idea what kind of shit I’ve seen? I’ve seen the absolute worst form of humanity, forgive me for wanting to keep you safe” 
He sighs “I never want you to lock yourself away, or hide from the world. All I’m saying is that... that..”He searches for the right words that will get through to her. “That you shouldn’t put yourself in danger unnecessarily. You want to go for a walk? Go shopping? Go to the library? That’s fine. But going out without me is something I can’t afford to let you-”
“Let me? I’m sorry since when did I need to ask your permission?” she asks angrily 
“ Don't do that... don't twist my words like that... you know damn well that’s not what I meant”
“I can’t do this toxic shit Simon, I’ve dealt with it before I won’t do it again” she says picking up her keys and walking towards the door. “For the record I survived on my own for 26 years without you, I think I’m okay to go to lunch with my fucking friends!”
Before she can make it out of the door, he grabs her arm. “Listen to me baby.”
“What?!” she asks 
He lets go of her arm and gets close to her. He speaks softly as he tries to calm things down. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I reacted like that. Things have been so good between us, I’ve never been happier. I guess I’m just waiting for the other show to drop and I can’t let anything happen to you. I love you more than anything in this world, please don’t walk out that door lets just figure this out together”
She looks up at him, all of her previous anger disappearing instantly. Her eyes filling with tears as happiness swells in her heart  “That’s the first time you’ve said you love me” 
He looks down at her realizing that she was right, he’d alluded it before, however the three words were never said. They’d been taking things slow, for both of their sakes. Simon was not used to sharing himself with another, his trauma and PTSD was very real and they dealt with it together. Having been able to read each other without needing to say the words. 
“I love you too” she cries, launching herself into his arms, he lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. He kisses her hair and moves it, placing gentle kisses on her neck and cheek. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long to say it”
“I’m not” she responds kissing him gently. 
leaning up and kissing her softly, her hands tangle in his hair while his find her waist. After a few moments it gets heated and she tugs on the ends of his hair earning a groan of delight making her smirk against his lips. She allows her hands to fall from his hair and down his chest to the end of his shirt lifting it. He takes it off and reconnects their lips while he works on the shirt she'd stolen from him. Once he gets it over her head she blushes at the realization that it was finally happening. He carries her up to the bedroom and places her on the ground. Kissing her like she was the air he needed to breathe. 
 He backs them to the bed and she sits down scooting herself back and laying on her back before he crawls on top her and begins kissing down her neck, she gasps in pleasure. She smiles and reconnects their lips once again while getting to work on trying to get his pants off, he groans and pulls away slipping off his black pants quickly and throws them behind him carelessly. He then looks down at her breathing heavy but rather than kissing her again he just stares 
    "you're just so beautiful" he says moving a stray piece of hair out of her face, she giggles and hides her face against his arm
    "we should probably stop" 
    "why?" she asks in confusion, had she done something wrong? His head perks up and he looks at her in surprise
    "I mean unless you don't want to stop"
    "no I don't want to stop" she says pulling him back down to into a kiss
"I love you so much" he says against her lips, he pulls away and places a kiss on her cheek before moving down to her neck where he sucked and licked until he was satisfied with the mark he had created on her, her breath quickens as he lowers himself and moves his hands behind her back unclipping her bra before placing short kisses against her right nipple. She gasps and reaches for his hair, he smirks and moves over to the other giving her even more pleasure. Simon moves back and places more open mouthed kisses down her stomach stopping at the hem of her leggings 
"we definitely don't need these" he comments, taking the black stretchy material off of her, he discards it behind him and gets back to his previous actions. Simon places kisses on her thighs and she squeezes them together unconsciously, he smirks bringing his mouth to the hem of her panties and pulling them down with his teeth before discarding them as well. He places a hand on her thigh rubbing it while the other gently begins to massage her clit, she gasps loudly causing Simon to smirk at her from his position 
"what do you want me to do?" he asks in a low voice
"I - I want"
"what baby?"
"your mouth" she cries, Simon smirks and kisses her thighs before swiping his tongue against her, she arches her back in pleasure as he continues going faster and more aggressively. Her hands reach down and find his hair pulling at it as he brings her closer to her high, suddenly his mouth pulls away from her and she frowns in disappointment. He quickly goes back to rubbing her clit with his thumb skillfully smiling as she writhes underneath him, he switches from rubbing and inserts his finger inside of her sensitive vagina, he pumps in and out a few times before adding another. She whimpers as pleasure begins building in her stomach, Simon then moves his mouth back over her and begins to work his magic with his tongue. By now she was a moaning mess as she gripped Simon's hair desperately trying to ride out her high. The pleasure rushes over her and she sighs happily as Simon brings himself back up to her. She grabs his face and kisses him with passion, he was the only person who could make her feel this way and she wanted to make him feel the same. She then pulls away and gets off of the bed, Simon watches her with confusion but she ignores it and kisses his cheek before dropping to the ground. He instantly reaches forward and grabs her arms causing her to look up at him
"you don't have to do this"
"I want to make you feel good" she responds, he nods and she smirks reaching her hand up and placing it on his hardened penis, she looks up at him and smiles as his head tipped back and his eyes closed. She reaches up and pulls down his boxers watching as it springs out with curiosity, she'd never seen one before. she moves closer to him and takes it into her hand moving it up and down his large member slowly, she had no clue what to do but she figured she was doing ok as a string of curses left his mouth. She moves her hand faster before placing as much as she could into her mouth, Simon curses loudly and grabs onto her arm as she moves up and down making sure to work the rest of it with her hand. After a few moments she takes it out and focuses on the tip swirling her tongue around it smirking as Simon moans lowly. She then places him back in her mouth and does her best as she brings him to his edge 
"I'm close" he says, she removes her mouth and continues moving her hand up and down him until he finishes. He breathes heavily staring at her in awe before grabbing her arms and helping her up, he pushes her back on the bed before disappearing into the bathroom. When he returns his member is cleaned off and he had a happy smile on his face
    "that was incredible" he says crawling back over to her, she nods and pulls his face to hers kissing him passionately once again. His hands explore her body, after a few moments he pulls away and stares at her with a smile 
    "what?" she asks
    "I'm just so in love with you its unreal" he says softly with a smile 
    "I'm in love with you too Simon"
    "are you sure about this? we can stop" he reassures brushing hair out of her face 
    "you're my person, I want be with you in every way possible"
    "if I'm hurting you please just tell me and I'll stop ok?"
"ok" He then reconnects their mouths together once again and her stomach fills with excitement and nerves, she was ready for this. She loved Simon more than anything and she wanted to be with him. She stares at him in awe wondering how she got so lucky. He sends her one last look and she kisses him again to show him that she wanted this more than anything. Simon moves himself over her and spreads her legs giving him full access, she gasps as she feels the tip rub against her core and moans quietly. He then slowly pushes himself inside of her and she clenches around him gasping in pain, she grips onto his arms trying to lessen the pain. 
"are you ok? am I hurting you?" he asks with a panicked expression, the girl cannot bring herself to speak but shakes her head. She wanted to do this. He moves himself in fully and she moves her head against his, he kisses her neck trying to comfort her and make it better. He dips his head and kisses her cheek before moving over to her nose
"is it better now?" he asks, she nods and he begins to pull back out slowly, he sends her another look before moving back in a bit faster this time and she sighs as the pain had lessened. They continue slowly and with each passing minute the girl begins to feel better and better. She began to arch her back and move with him as he went faster, her small moans were driving Simon crazy. Simon moves her legs up and she wraps them around his waist crying out as he hits her g spot every time she moves her head to his neck and pulls at his hair. She begins to kiss his neck. She had no idea how long had passed when she began feeling that familiar build-up
"I'm close" she mumbles holding onto his hair
"me too" he responds as his strokes begin to grow sloppy and she cries out as pleasure washes over her body panting and trying to catch her breath. Simon continues going in and out before finishing himself moaning loudly in her ear, he collapses on her chest and she reaches up brushing her fingers through his slightly damp hair. He then lifts himself up and pulls out of her before rolling over, she turns to her side and he instantly pulls her into his arms gently stroking her skin. It was nice being alone, just the two of them, this was not a gift they got often as her brother still hates his guts. But right now nothing could ruin this moment for her, it was perfect, she had her first time with the man she loved and planned to spend the rest of her life with. She looks at him and admires every detail of his face and smiles as he jokingly covers it. she reaches her hand up and traces from his nose down to his lips and finishes it off with a soft kiss which makes him smile brightly.
    "so was it everything you ever dreamed of?" Simon jokes causing her to blush and hit his chest before covering her face in embarrassment, he reaches up and moves her hands from her face so he can see her. Her mind wandered back to the sex dream she had about him after they first met. 
    "did I hurt you?" 
    "no you didn't" 
    " I love you, I don't know how you did it but you made me feel whole again. I want spend the rest of eternity with you, even then It wouldn’t be enough"
    "we can have forever" Simon stares at her with sadness as he knew that his words would not ring true, their forever wouldn’t be as long as she hoped and it was his fault. Simon shakes the negative thoughts of the future out of his head and smiles wondering to himself how in the holy hell he got her. She had the purest heart and he was far from the same, they were complete opposites yet they worked. They both respected each other and never dared to change the latter, they worked well as a team.
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
Kinda request
hi! I just wanted to ask if u could write a fic of any fandom and character of ur choosing! I enjoy reading your fics so much and I would love to read one of your own liking! Thank you and have a great day <333
i love you guys so much i literally would eat a baby for you guys PLS 😭😭 decided to write a gta v fic with micheal because GYATT damn do I love him, also sorry this took so long, I have like, a trillion fics to write 🥲
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Wedding Ring
You knew Micheal was married with a wife and kids, and that he went through hell and back to keep them safe and alive. When he goes off this crazy adventure and he has to hide from the cops, where does he go? That's right, the woman who he has been sharing a bed with the last four years.
Fem!Reader: She/Her pronouns and descriptions
TW!: NSFW, cheating, ghosting, manipulation
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It was a nice and sunny day, something that was usual for a city like Los Santos. Still, you took advantage of this fact. You were lounging in your backyard with nothing but a swimsuit on, trying to suntan in peace with your music playing loud as possible, enjoying the feeling of the sun's hot rays on your skin. 
That peace was quickly disrupted.
"Why the fuck are you playing music so god damn loud?" A familiar gruff voice barked from behind you. You snapped your eyes open, quickly sitting up to see the offender who disrupted your peace and broke into your house.
"Oh Michael." You groaned, laying back down on the white pool chair. The separated plastic part of the white chair dug in a satisfying way into your back.
"Seriously, Jesus it's eleven in the morning." Michael stumbled over to your phone, angrily smashing the side buttons.
"Damn who shit in your cereal? Or maybe drink would be better." You scoffed, pissed that he was even here. The old man hadn't contacted you in months, ghosting you after he fucked you in some shitty motel near sandy shores. 
"An old friend of mine and my whole fuckin' family." Michael mumbled, and you watched him behind your black sunglasses approach the bottom of your sunbleached chair, resting his hands on your ankles. He looked down, light green eyes watching his hands trave circles in your ankles. With his motions, his gold wedding ring glittered in the California sun.
"Why are you here?" You asked, not bothering to move from your position hands resting on your stomach. Your fingers suddenly felt very bare.
"I just wanted to see you, is that such a crime?" He shrugged, but his hands started to trail higher, now rubbing on your calfs. 
"Well, aside from the fact you haven't spoken to me in months, let a lone texted me. No, I guess not." You pulled your legs away, sitting on the side of the long chair. You still watched him, hands grabbing tightly on the metal, burning the palms of your hands.
"You know how it is, life gets in the way." He tried to wave you off, shrugging his shoulders. Michael had already taken off his suit jacket, white shirt looking grey with your vision. So he expected you to just hop on his dick right away?
"Yeah, I'm sure it does. With your wife and family keeping you busy." You got up, walking over to grab your phone and speaker.
Michael didn't say anything to that, instead he just watched you. He silently followed you inside, stopping you from closing the sliding glass door on him.
"Seriously Michael, why are you here?" You growled at him, not bothering to spare a glance back at him. You stopped at your sink, resting your knuckles on the metal appliance. His heavy footsteps followed you, and through the window above the sink you saw him come up behind you, watching you.
"I just have a lot of stress, and my therapy is always telling me to get rid of it." Michael's large hands rested on your hips, still watching your face.
"Then go to your wife. I'm obviously not anybody to you." You looked down, unable to meet his watchful gaze. Instead, you regrettable made eye contact with his ring. "Go home, go to your fuckin' over priced shitty therapist and your shitty family that your always whining about." You snapped, but you made no motion to move away from his hands.
"They left me." He admitted lowly, and that made you look up. Michael was not an honest man, he was a lying hypocrite who constantly cheated on his wife. He was always the type to skirt around the truth when it harmed him and constantly complained when he could. The man had left a life of crime, that much you knew, and ever since had regretted it.
"Why?" You asked softly, making eye contact with him again in the window. It was hard to see him, with your glasses and the bright sun outside, so you opted to take them off, making the appeal of Michael much clearer. Though, you couldn't stand stand look at him.  Michael loved making eye contact with you, for a reason you never knew. But it absolutely pained you to watch his eyes fill with want and desperation. 
"I'm not a good man. I chase things that I'll never get, things I can never keep." He leaned over your back, breathing into your neck. He pushed your hips back, pulling you flush against him. His hands wormed their way under the elastic of your bottom, rubbing and pinching the fat there. He pressed gentle kisses into your neck, lightly nipping the skin that was presented to him.
"Is that right? What about the things you have?" You knew for Michael no matter what he did, no matter what he got, nothing would ever be good enough for him. The perfect life he could have in his own expensive mansion is ruined by his own self hate and incompetence. 
He just scoffed at that, like the very notion of his luxury car and permanent retirement from life was so hard, something to just be brushed off like nothing.
"What about me? When will I stop being enough? Or have I already?" You asked, stopping his movements. He had already gotten the strings halfway down your ass, reaching just the top part of your bottom. Michael stilled, unmoving against your warm body.
"No, I can never get enough of you. I had to work on my marriage, but I never stopped thinking about you." Michael admitted, and that made your head hung low. You knew he was prone to just saying whatever would get him into your pants. He always knew what to say the exact words that would make you drop to your knees.
"Or maybe because I'm some pretty young thing who won't give you crabs." You tried to lighten the mood, tried to tease to cover up the aching hole the older man had unknowingly made inside you. He had created a Michael shaped hole in your heart that made you mourn during random hours of the day, and when he would fill it in the late hours of the night it soothed your bleeding heart.
"Hah, maybe." That made you tear up, eyes fluttering while he slipped off your bottoms, groping you fully. You could feel his hard on pressing into you, demanding its way onto you.
He slipped two calloused fingers down, tracing up and down your slit, gathering the wetness that has accrued.
"You act so fucking bratty, but you're so god damn wet." He barked in your ear, mocking you as he slipped a finger in. You sighed, rocking back against his fingers, wanting, needing more. Who knows when the next time he'll come back? 
If ever.
"Come on, you know I can handle way more than that." You rushed, wanting to just get this over with and never wanting this to end.
He tugged on your hair, pulling at your scalp.
"Don't rush me, just shut up and look pretty." Michael's past actions would attest to that, he loved it when you argued, when you threw fits and pouted, he loved every minute of it. Because he knew that if he pushed you for enough, you'd beg for his cock, you'd be crying and whining for it, you'd be crying for him.
Michael never was the one to love a submissive woman, would he like to have one? Sure, any man would. But after a while it would get boring, there'd be no angry sex, no makeup sex, there'd be no back talk for him to shut up. Plus, it would be like speaking to a void, nothing important would actually be said, just a blank woman who agreed to everything and anything.
"Then fuck me silly, hey, that rhymed!" You laughed, before a moan got caught in your throat. Two more fingers shoved themselves into you, stretching you out quickly. It would've hurt more if you weren't already wet and near painfully horny. In truth, Michael was the only man you've slept with in a while. You've had flings with other people, maybe one or two serious relationships thrown in, but when you met Michael, an old depressed angry father, right up your alley might you add, at that disgusting old bar, well, everything and everyone else was thrown out the window. Then, you started seeing each other regularly, you dropped all the people you were talking to, even the sweet girl who had really taken an interest in you, and he had stopped going to cheap hookers, instead going to you solely to satisfy his sins.
He said nothing in response, merely just resuming his harsh treatment of your body, curling his fingers inside you beautifully, his memorization of your body never once faded. Your moans grew louder, curling into your counter until your stomach pressed painfully into the sharp edge.
"Just put it in me already, you old fuck." You spat, trying to push back against him. Michael pulled his fingers out, slapping your ass painfully.
"Watch your mouth when you're begging for my cock." He growled, nonetheless, he pulled down his zipper dutifully and fished himself out. He slid himself up and down your slit  wetting himself with your juices, bumbling and pressing into your clit over and over again. It drove you absolutely crazy, unable to buck and finally just put himself into you. You arched, trying to entice him as much as you could, white knuckle gripping the sink. 
Finally, finally he slowly slid into you, and you both let out a low groan. Michael must've been impatient, since he thrusted his way fully into you, filling you so fast it felt like he was in your ribs.
"Fuh-fuck Micky." You whined, and he wrapped his arms around your middle section and boobs, holding you tight while he absolutely rammed into you. Usually, because of his age and inactivity, he preferred to be on the bottom, let you do all the work. But he must've missed you, maybe he was pent up, or maybe he was taking his anger out on you. Either way, it felt heavenly, his thick cock ramming into you, feeling him drag inside you in and out at a brutal pace, not allowing you to think. 
"Of course you like that, huh? Like my cock inside you, treating you like some cheap slut." He growled in your ear, and it would've made you wetter than you already were if you couldn't feel the cool metal digging into your boob. The reminder of what it meant searing into your soul. You hummed lowly, darting your eyes away from him, finding the counter suddenly interesting. Michael seemed to sense your mood shift, and slowed down, but he never stopped. Instead taking to shallow thrusts inside you.
"What's wrong?" He asked, more annoyance in his voice than care.
"Nothing, why'd you slow down?" You lied through your teeth, trying to buck your hips and resume his pace. But he held you tight and close, even if Michael never really worked out, and was closer to fifty than forty, he still had years worth of muscles underneath.
"Because your poutin', now tell me what's wrong?" He asked again, tone sharp and asking to be tested.
"Your ring." You spat out, feeling slightly ashamed.
"What about my ring?" Michael snapped at you, fully stopping his movements.
"It's digging into me." You knew that wasn't the only thing that bothered you, it haunted you almost everyday knowing you were technically a homewrecker. He had two kids and a wife waiting at home for him, and even if he complained about them, even if both him and his wife cheated on each other constantly, it was still wrong. Usually when you complained about his ring he moved his hand, or set it down gently to the side. But not this time.
Michael groaned, and in one swift movement he threw the ring across the house, and you heard it cling! loudly behind you.
"Michael-" You started to reprimand him, but he bent you over fully on your counter, and let you go. He placed his hands on the counter, using it to slam into you again.
"Oh fuck!" You yelled, eyes nearly rolling into your skull.
"Told you." He was breathless, and you could feel the warmth radiating off of him. 
"To-told me wh-what?" You squealed when he pressed that delicate spongy spot inside you, making you see stars.
"I needed you, all I can think of is you. All your annoying remarks, the way you feel around me, how you look at me like I'm not an absolute piece of shit." Michael leaned down, pressing his head into your neck, nuzzling into you.
"Then why'd you leave?" You managed to gasp out, feeling your orgasm steadily appeared. That wave of pleasure was slowly crashing closer, it made the thoughts in your head become less coherent, nothing mattered aside from the way Michael made you feel.
"I didn't have a choice, I didn't want to. Had to. I never stopped thinking about you." He lifted one hand, and trailed it down, circling your aching clit. You keened, clamping down on him while your vision whited out. Michael grunted, fully pressing himself into you, and you could feel him filling you up, painting your soft walls white.
You both took a minute to breath, still connected while you panted. Slowly, slowly he pulled out of your over-sensitive walls, leaving you achingly empty. You and him just stood there, panting, unmoving.
“So, you gonna dip, or are you going to hang out here for a bit?” You asked, still a little breathless. There was that bitterness again because no matter what Michael said, he’d end up leaving one way or another.
“I think I’ll hang out here for a little bit.” He shrugged, and as you spared him a glance you watched him tuck himself away, not bothering to clean himself. 
You sighed, hobbling over to your bathroom to grab a wet wipe to clean yourself up.
“Whatever.” You called out. “You know where the door is.”
Michae did end up staying for a week or two, sleeping in the same bed as you and spending any time he could with you. For a second you believed he really did change, that he really did want you, instead of what you could offer.
But one day, when you came home from work and called out to no response, you realized he was gone. You sighed, split between wanting to check under the couch or living your life with as little damage to your psyche as possible. 
The former side of you won, your heart pounding in your ribcage. A new wave of sadness ushered over you, your heart aching as your stomach turned, pain overtaking your whole body.
He took the ring with him.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
Jpm x reader who find the hidden hallways and rooms and takes the chance to murder a hobo, James (whether they are close or not) catches her and she replies 'Just a hobo, do you disprove' just like he did with the countess
A Well-Respected Man
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note: been so busy recently. i still luv u all! taking liberties with this request (aka i know you didn't ask for smut but i wanna write it)
warnings: quick sm*t, wall f*cking, murder, violence, blood, stabbing, misogynistic stuff
I floated through the halls of the third floor in a dream. I couldn't tell if I liked being dead yet. There were no more consequences to my actions. I didn't have to choose to live every day. The lavishly decorated hallway felt different now.
When you're alive, you rush. You want to experience as much as possible before your time runs out. Eternal life in death is far different. I walked slowly through the hallway, examining each and every door, bumps in the carpet, and water stains on the ceiling.
I ran my hand along the wall and felt the texture of the orate wallpaper. The patterns were raised and felt rough against my fingertips.
Out of sheer curiosity, I began trying doorknobs. The doors were not locked. Each one opened with ease and to my surprise, led nowhere. I raised an eyebrow at the revelation. I suppose one doesn't usually try the doors to suites in a hotel out of respect for other guests, hence the lack of regard for locking these decoys.
One door stood out to me, nestled quietly at the very end of the hallway. The others were outset from the wall, accented by wood molding around their edges. This door was flush with the wall. A feeble attempt at hiding it in plain sight. I tried the knob and it was, in fact, locked.
Fuck, I said inwardly. Under the impression that my exploration has been thwarted, I spun on my heel and began walking away. It hadn't yet dawned on me that being a ghost meant locked doors and keys had become antiquated items.
It took my inclination to simply appear upstairs, rather than take the elevator, to remind me of my new abilities. Within a moment, I was standing in front of the enticing door, ready to see what was inside.
Behind its decorative facade, the entrance housed a dreary, dark hallway. One that led back in the direction from which I came. This was what those pointless doors were hiding. I wandered down the corridor. It was cold and unwelcoming. It sounded as if the hotel's pipes ran through along the ceiling. Sounds of rushing water washed over my head sporadically.
At the very end of the long passage was something in the wall akin to a trash or laundry chute. I opened the metal door and soft light came streaming through. It was jarring to be afforded that much visibility so unexpectedly. I squinted and peered through, finding it was a multi-story drop down to what looked like a basement.
The cement floor was spattered with what I could only assume was blood, and I thought I could spot a body part of some sort. It was a body chute. I shrugged and closed the opening, bored with my attempt at exploration.
Days later, my need for fun had not been satisfied. Being a ghost was frankly, a bore. The building was full of secret passageways and doors, all of which led to essentially nothing. I was hoping to find cult activities or a blood sacrifice within these hidden places, not empty hallways.
James was giving me space and time to adjust, but instead, I simply felt insane boredom. On this particular day, I spent my time in the bar overlooking the lobby, trying to spot any new blood that took the misstep of entering The Cortez. It seemed on this day, the hotel was not going to provide me with entertainment.
That was, until, I heard a male voice speaking loudly in the empty, near-silent lobby. I hopped down from my bar stool and rushed to the railing of the balcony, hanging over it to see what the commotion was about.
'Careful, Y/N, you could fall,' Liz quipped with a wink. 'You wouldn't want to get hurt.' I looked back at her over my shoulder and smiled. She thought she was oh-so-funny.
'Hello?' the male voice shouted. I turned my head once again in the direction of the sound.
'Oh, just go down there,' Liz sighed. 'I don't feel like dealing with that.'
With her permission, I practically flew down to the lobby and across its geometric carpeting. A man with long, stringy grey hair and a dirty beard stood just in front of the hotel's entrance. He stood hunched, wearing a large coat, stained jeans, and a tattered backpack. he stared off at one of the art pieces we had hanging on the wall.
I cleared my throat to announce my presence. 'Can I help you?' I asked politely.
'I don't know, can you?' the man replied sarcastically.
'Do you need a room?' I tried.
'Only if it's free,' he laughed, looking right through me. 'I obviously can't afford to pay.' He gestured grandly at his appearance.
'We don't do free rooms,' I replied bluntly.
'Can I at least get something to eat?' he questioned with an impatient tone.
'You'll have to go somewhere else, sir. We don't do charity here,' I crossed my arms and popped my hip.
'Excuse me?'
'You heard me. No handouts,' I stated.
'Well then, I'll stand here until someone more qualified comes to talk to me,' he huffed. 'Preferably a man.'
'A man?' I scoffed.
'You women have no understanding of how things work. Get me your superior,' he declared. I chewed my lip in annoyance. How dare he insult my gender? How dare he be picky when he so obviously needed help?
'You know what,' I began, 'I do believe we have somewhere you can stay.'
'Don't be fucking with me, girl,' he spat.
'Follow me,' I instructed. He did as told, remaining on my heels as I passed over to reception, grabbing the key to a special room on the third floor from the hook behind the desk. I also made sure to slide Iris' emergency switchblade she kept under the desk into my sleeve.
The man and I took the elevator to the third floor, standing in awkward silence as we went up. The ornate hallways of the third floor flew by in a wash, my periphery blurred by blind rage toward this person. He walked behind me down the long hallway, all the way to the inset locked door. I slid the key into the lock slowly and turned it.
Just as the lock clicked open, though, the man broke the silence. 'Anyone tell you you got a tight ass?' he remarked as his open palm smacked my rear end.
'What?' I replied, shocked, contorting my expression to one of disgust.
'Hey, don't act all grossed out,' he asserted, throwing his hands up. 'You're asking for it, dressed like that and all.' I practically kicked the door open and gestured for the man to enter. He sauntered past me cockily and paused at the entrance. 'It's dark in here.'
I pushed his back with force, causing him to stumble further into the darkness. I slammed the door behind me and rounded on him.
'Hey, what the fuck?' he shouted, panic creeping into his tone. I pushed him again, knocking him onto his ass. 'Hey! Stop!'
'Not so cocky now, huh?' I teased. He scrambled backward down the corridor, trying to make it back up onto his feet. I kicked his chest, causing him to crash down onto his back. 'Fucking apologize.'
'F-for what?' the man stammered, panting in fear. I pulled the switchblade out of my sleeve and flicked it open. Its sharp edge glinted beautifully.
'You fucking pig,' I spat. He began to scream in terror, still trying to clamor away from me.
'Help!' he screamed, still unable to make it onto his feet. I continued to back him toward the end of the corridor. 'HELP!'
'You can scream as loud as you want. In fact, I prefer it,' I smiled. 'Beg for your life.'
'P-please! Let me go! I'm sorry!' he pleaded. I stooped down to his level and grabbed his shirt collar, holding him firmly in place. I pressed the blade to his neck and smirked.
'Too late,' I whispered. I slid the cold metal across his flesh and watched as dark red blood spilled out. It was much more blood than I was expecting. For fun, I continued stabbing the man. I slashed at his skin repeatedly, grunting and screaming as I went. His blood spattered all over my body. I reveled in how it felt.
When I was sure he was gone, I grabbed the hood of his thick coat and began pulling his body to the chute. Unfortunately for me, it didn't occur to me that this man would be heavy and that his dead weight would be nearly impossible to move. I tugged and pulled, moving him only slightly with each exertion.
'Fuck!' I yelled. 'You're even more fucking annoying when you're dead!'
'Darling?' a familiar voice spoke. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I spun on my heel to find James suddenly behind me. It must have been quite a sight to take in. 'Who is that?'
'Just a homeless man,' I said plainly. James took a moment to process, smoothing his mustache with two fingers. 'Do you disapprove?'
'No, no,' James contended. 'I've just, never seen you like this.' He took my cheek in his hand and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I sighed in relief at the gesture.
'Can you give me a hand, then?' I asked. laughing a bit.
'Gladly, my little hummingbird,' he cooed. We both worked to hoist the man up and through the chute. His body landed with a sickening smack on the concrete below. I hopped to the front of the door to look down at the carnage. James' arms snaked around me, one hand resting on my chest, the other on my tummy.
'Thank you,' I breathed, resting my head back on his body. 'He was a piece of shit.'
'Mmm?' James vocalized into my ear. 'How so?'
'He assaulted me as I was doing him a kindness. Smacked my backside,' I answered. James spun me around and held me by my shoulders.
'A well-respected man would never treat a woman like that,' he gasped. 'You did the world a service in killing that animal.'
'I know,' I grinned.
'A well-respected man treats women like this,' James said lowly, pulling me in close. His lips met mine tenderly. I backed up to rest my body on the wall. We made out passionately. With his body pressed up against mine, I could feel a bulge grow in his trousers. He peppered his lips along my collarbones and breasts. I shrugged the cardigan I was wearing off my arms.
While James continued to kiss every square inch of exposed skin on my upper body, my hands wandered to the hook and zipper on his pants. I undid each and let the fabric slide smoothly off his legs. His briefs exposed just how turned on he was. I tugged his underpants off, letting his erection spring loose.
He wasted no time and tore my panties off from under my skirt, then proceeded to hoist me up the wall. He sat me on his dick. The length went in roughly. I gasped at how deep it truly went. His strong arms held me against the cold wall as he fucked me senseless.
James came inside me within minutes. My back arched as I felt his hot load spill into me. He grunted and whimpered, breathing raggedly. He slid out of me and guided me back onto the ground carefully, before tugging his pants back on. I smoothed my skirt down and cleared my throat.
'You have no idea how much of a revelation that was, Y/N. My little hummingbird...killing people.' James grabbed my face in both of his hands. 'Now, that was just the appetizer,' he growled. 'We must venture upstairs for the main course.'
I'm watching Hotel right now and man I missed James so much. That sexy bastard.
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astarionfreak · 9 months
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The lick of poison
// Astarion x Named Fem!Tav
The spores burst into Naenia’s face, clouded her vision, and without thinking — she breathed them in. The first thing she felt was fear. The next thing she felt was warmth. Desire.
She grabbed Astarion, covered his nose and mouth with her hand, and warned him not to breathe. It was too late for her, but maybe he could be spared.
She hadn’t recognized the mushroom by sight. But now she recognized it by sensation. A powerful, and often deadly aphrodisiac. She had a long night ahead of her. If she were to survive . . .
18+ • NSFW • 4.9K words (1/1) • Read on AO3 (or below)
Tags: Sex Pollen, Fuck Or Die, Dubious Consent, Vaginal Fingering, Penis In Vagina Sex, Overstimulation, Forced Orgasm, Multiple Orgasms, Consent Issues
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“Remind me why we had to return to this vile place?” Astarion gestured to the halls of the Arcane Tower with a flourish.
“Timmask Spores and Tongue of Madness. For Omeluum,” Naenia said. “I’m certain I saw some here. We won’t be long.”
“Mm. Right.” Astarion followed close behind her. “And why did you decide to drag me along and not the wizard?”
She glanced over her shoulder and flashed him a smile. “What? Maybe I just enjoy your company?”
Astarion scoffed. “There’s always an ulterior motive with you. Which, in all honesty, I respect.”
“No ulterior motive this time, Astarion. I just thought it would be more efficient with just the two of us.”
“A shame. And here I was hoping you were looking for an excuse to get me all to yourself,” he teased.
Naenia laughed softly and spun around to face him. “There are easier ways for me to get you alone, Astarion. Besides, if I wanted something from you I’d just ask.”
Astarion locked his eyes with hers and stepped forward, closing the gap between them. 
Naenia caught a glimpse of his fangs when he smiled. A perfectly composed smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Too perfect.
“Oh, but, darling, you do want something from me, don’t you?” Astarion stepped past her and Naenia’s body instinctively turned to continue facing him.
“What makes you think —”
He grabbed her hips and pushed her back, trapping her between his body and the cold wall.
“You can’t hide anything from me,” he purred. “Your heart gives you away. It’s always racing. In fact, it’s racing right now.”
Naenia stared up at him and licked her lips. “What could I possibly want from you?”
His grip on her hips tightened, fingers digging into her flesh. “Have you already forgotten, dear? I’ve been privy to your fantasies. I know exactly what you want.”
“And what exactly is that?”
Astarion trailed gentle kisses along her jawline and down to her neck. Naenia tilted her head to offer him more space.
He laughed, lips ghosting against her skin. “You want to be well, and truly taken.”
Naenia choked back a moan, grabbed the front of his shirt, and pulled his body closer to hers. “We really shouldn’t linger here. The others will worry.”
“Ah, I doubt it.” Astarion nipped at her neck and dragged his fangs across her skin. “If we’re too long they’ll just assume you’re on your knees for me.”
“Other way around, darling,” Naenia teased. “Surely they’d know that it’s you on your knees for me.” Naenia tried to roll her hips, but his grip kept her tight against the wall. 
Astarion leaned back to meet her eyes. “I can be versatile. If that’s what you want?” He released his grip on her hips and in one quick, fluid motion he undid her pants. 
Naenia smirked. “Oh, can you now?”
He nodded and gracefully dropped to his knees. He tugged her pants down ever so slightly, exposing her hips and some of her stomach.
This view of him was positively exquisite. Naenia bit down on her lower lip and watched as he pressed a soft kiss to her hip.
Her heart thrummed quickly against her chest. She knew he could hear it and wondered how it made him feel. He was right, her heart seemed to do that every time she looked at him lately.
She sighed and let her head fall back against the wall. She didn’t have time to bother with feelings. Not hers. Especially not his.
She could let him bring her to ecstasy time and time again, but it would only make things worse. She was falling for him, and that was completely unacceptable. Naenia had no room in her heart for love.
“Astarion,” she whispered his name and stared up at the ceiling.
He kissed his way across her body and to her other hip. He was starting to tug her pants down even further when she made the decision to stop him.
She grabbed his chin and tilted his head up to look at her. “As much as we’d both enjoy this, I do think we should focus on the task at hand.”
Weak. Bringing him here, alone, of all things was a mistake. He made her weak. What had she been thinking?
“Are you sure?” Astarion asked.
Naenia nodded. “Yes.”
He didn’t mask the hurt in his eyes — but it almost didn’t look real. Before the hurt, she’d seen a flash of something else in his expression — frustration and then fear? Naenia wasn’t sure what that meant.
Astarion stood, tugging her pants back up as he did. “Very well. Another time, eh?” He buttoned her pants and then took a step back. “So, where are these mushrooms we need to find?”
Naenia took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing heart. “They should be somewhere over —”
Her eyes scanned the room until she found what she was looking for. “Yes. Right there.”
Naenia steadied herself before she leaned away from the wall and walked toward the mushrooms. She reached for the Tongue of Madness when something caught her eye.
It was a mushroom the likes of which she’d never seen before. Naenia was familiar with many species, but this one — this one she didn’t recognize.
“What’s wrong?” Astarion asked.
“Nothing. It’s just —”
It was the most beautiful mushroom she’d ever seen. Completely captivating.
Purple and violet danced across the skin. The edges of the cap were stamped with gold. The colors twisted and shimmered — almost like it was calling out to her.”
“It’s just what?” Astarion asked. He stood right behind her, but his voice was so distant.
Naenia knew she shouldn’t touch the mushroom, but she couldn’t help herself. She leaned in closer to get a better look. The colors continued to swirl.
She reached out towards the mushroom and as soon as her fingers graced the skin she knew she’d made a mistake.
It exploded.
Spores from the unfamiliar mushroom burst up into her face, clouded her vision, and without thinking — she breathed them in.
The first thing she felt was fear.
The next thing she felt was a rush of warmth as the spores infiltrated her lungs. Heat branched out through her body, followed by a pleasant buzzing.
She hadn’t recognized the mushroom by sight. But now she recognized it by sensation. She’d heard others call it Saranae’s Kiss. A powerful, and often deadly aphrodisiac.
Naenia spun on her heels, grabbed Astarion, and covered his mouth and nose with her hand. Maybe she was fast enough. Maybe he would be spared.
He curled his fingers around her wrist in protest and tried to pull her away, but she held steady.
“Don’t breathe,” Naenia hissed.
Astarion’s eyes narrowed.
Then she felt that familiar squirm in her head as their tadpoles formed a connection.
What about you?
“It’s too late for me,” Naenia said.
His concern was touching, if, a bit out of place. Her feelings for him ran deep, but she’d never admit that. And if he felt the same, he kept that to himself as well.
What was it?
She heard his question in her head but ignored it. Just another minute and the spores should settle and then —
Gods. Her skin burned. No, not just her skin, but everything just beneath it. That pleasant buzzing sensation had been replaced with more heat and the temperature was rapidly rising.
A fever was settling in. That shouldn’t happen this fast. She should have had more time.
But Astarion. He felt nice. Cold even. She leaned against him and got as close as she could with her hand still covering his mouth.
It wasn’t enough. Naenia stood on her tiptoes and pressed her forehead against his. She sighed and closed her eyes. His cold skin brought much-needed relief. She would kiss him if she didn’t have her hand firmly clasped against his mouth.
Ahem. Do you mind?
“Hm? What?” Naenia slowly opened her eyes.
I know I don’t need to breathe, but this is still unpleasant.
Too close. She was too close.
Naenia pulled away from him and looked around one final time to make sure the spores had dissipated. Once satisfied, she removed her hand from his face and took two steps back.
“Well? What was that?” Astarion asked.
Gods. He was just so beautiful, wasn’t he? She could admire him for hours. His angular features took her breath away, especially in the dim light of this tower.
Why had she told him to stop earlier? That was stupid. She imagined pushing him onto the floor and straddling him. She could use his body to chase her pleasure. Rutting against his thigh like a bitch in heat.
Was he still in her head? Could he hear all that? She tried to check, but her control over herself was weak. She couldn’t tell.
“Naenia. I asked you a question.”
Had he? Naenia couldn’t remember. She was too busy drifting into the memory of the night they’d shared. One night of life-changing sex. Now she wanted to beg him for more. He’d like that, wouldn’t he? He liked it when she begged.
“Naenia.” Her name was a warning. Astarion’s voice was sharp, pointed, angry.
Angry? Why was he angry? What had she done? She didn’t know. But she could make him happy. She knew how to do that. She was good at that.
Naenia brushed her hair to the side and tilted her head, exposing her neck to him. Surely he wouldn’t be angry if he was well-fed.
His eyes flitted to her neck, only momentarily before locking onto hers. She’d hoped for a bigger reaction.
“What’s happening to you?” he asked.
Oh. The mushroom. The spores. Poison. Oh, right. This was bad.
Her stomach lurched. For a second she was back in her body. Then she slipped back into her fantasies.
Naenia stepped closer to him. In a daze, she stroked his jawline with the back of her hand.
He snatched her wrist and pinned it to her side. That’s fine. She had two hands.
Her other hand tugged at the bottom of his shirt, loosening it so she could feel the cool skin hidden beneath the fabric.
That didn’t last long. Astarion grabbed that hand and pinned it to her side as well.
“Something is very, very wrong with you, darling,” Astarion said. “I need you to tell me what to do.” His voice remained even, low. She was used to flirting, a playful lilt. This was serious. The danger was real.
The fear in his eyes was enough to snap her out of the fog, at least for a moment. But escaping the fog came with a cost.
A sharp pain drove through her stomach. Ice cut through the fire that was burning her from the inside. Her body’s way of demanding she succumb to her desires.
“It’s the spores,” she said. “Do you feel any different?”
“Obviously it’s the spores. I’m not an idiot,” Astarion said. “I’m fine. Tell me what’s happening to you.”
Another wave of pain, this round nearly doubled her over. Astarion released her wrists and placed a hand on her hip and another on her shoulder to help her remain steady.
“I’ll get you to camp. Shadowheart, or Gale, they’ll be able to help.” There was a hint of disgust in his voice when he said Gale’s name.
Naenia shook her head. “No. There’s nothing they can do. What happens next — I don’t want them to see.”
“And what is it that happens next?” Astarion asked.
“The spores were toxic. An aphrodisiac. Incredibly rare. Fun at large parties in very small doses. Exploding in your face — well, I will spend the next few hours feverish, delusional, and insatiable. Orgasms will keep me alive.”
“I’m taking you to camp,” Astarion growled.
Desperation. Fear. Panic. “No. Please, Astarion. Please. I don’t want the others to see me like this. They’ll lose all respect for me.”
“That must be the delusions speaking, darling. We both know they lost all respect for you the night you came crawling to my bedroll.” Astarion started walking her toward the exit.
“Hilarious,” Naenia said. She didn’t have the energy for their usual banter. “Just tie me up here and leave me. I’ll get through this.”
“I’m not leaving you, Naenia. We’re going back to camp. Both of us,” Astarion said.
“Fine,” Naenia whimpered. Maybe it was the right decision.
She thought of her companions waiting at camp. Heat pooled between her legs. Yes, yes, camp was the right choice. Surely one of them would help bring her temperature down.
“Do you think Gale would fuck me?” Naenia asked, almost absentmindedly.
She was starting to drift again. Losing her mind to the desire burning under her skin.
“What?” Astarion growled.
“I know Lae’zel won’t. She would have, but she sees me as tainted after I let you have me. I’m certain Shadowheart is a good kisser, but I don’t think she’d fuck me. Not while I’m in this state. But, Gale. I might be able to convince him to fuck me. A pity fuck.”
“Is that what you want, Naenia? Do you want Gale to fuck you?” He sounded so angry again. Naenia liked that. Maybe he’d punish her.
“Would it make you jealous?” she asked.
Naenia placed her hand on his chest and curled her fingers around the fabric of his shirt. “Then why did we stop walking?”
“I didn’t . . . We . . . Fine. We’ll stay here.”
“Thank you. Thank you,” she mumbled. Her vision started to swim. Her legs threatened to give out.
Astarion held her upright and shifted to look her directly in the eyes. She struggled to hold eye contact.
“Naenia. Stay with me. I need to know how bad this is going to get. You said orgasms will keep you alive. Will you need my help?”
Naenia tried to kiss him, but he leaned away from her. “Need. Want. Need. Want. Maybe, maybe not,” she mumbled incoherently.
Astarion sighed. “There was a bed. We’ll get you there.”
Then, her legs did give out. Astarion scooped her up with an amount of ease that surprised her. She threw her arms around his neck. “You would fuck me, right?”
“If that’s what you want.” Even through the fog, she could tell he didn’t sound like himself. It made her stomach hurt.
“Don’t want to die,” she whispered.
“You won’t die. I won’t let you,” Astarion said.
Then she blacked out.
Naenia came to her senses in a dusty bed, with one hand tied to the bedpost. She’d been stripped down to her underwear, which had been pushed halfway down her thighs. The hand that wasn’t tied to the bed was lying limp between her legs.
She had clearly been masturbating. Sweat clung to her body, her thighs were slick and sticky with desire.
Her limbs were heavy, her skin still burned. She had only vague memories of being dropped onto the bed, begging Astarion to tie her up — and then violent orgasms crashing over her. Pleasure and pain so tightly intertwined.
How long had it been since her last climax? Heat coiled up in her core like a snake prepared to strike. An unbearable tension.
Her fever was rising once again. She inhaled sharply and braced herself to continue. She found her clit with two fingers, but the moment she made contact she wretched and her body shuddered.
Oversensitive. Swollen. Wet. So fucking wet.
She managed a few slow, light circles around her clit, but it was too much. It hurt. Her hand was too hot. Her entire body was too hot.
Her underwear should come off. Yes. Yes, that would help. She began to squirm, trying to push her underwear off the rest of the way. She turned her head and caught a glimpse of Astarion.
How had she forgotten he was there? Just sitting in a chair just a few feet from the bed. Staring down at the floor. He should be so much closer. She needed him to be closer.
His fingers. Fuck. His fingers would feel so good against her clit, inside her. He was the solution.
“Astarion.” His name fell from her lips like a prayer. “I need your help.”
“What do you need?” Astarion asked. His voice low. On edge.
“I’m too hot. My underwear. I need them off. Please,” Naenia said with a whimper.
He lifted his gaze to meet hers. Something was wrong.
He shouldn’t be here. What had she been thinking? Asking him to watch over her like this? Selfish.
She pushed back against her desires and the shard of ice in her stomach lashed out, twisting, causing the most intense pain she’d ever felt in her life.
“Astarion. If this is —”
She whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment. Her heart beat out of control. She inhaled sharply and then tried to speak again. “If this is too much. You can go.”
It felt like an eternity before he spoke.
Naenia’s body moved, part of her trying to adjust to the pain — the other part trying to lure her back into the haze.
“It gets worse when you fight it, doesn’t it?” Astarion asked.
Naenia nodded. She struggled to remain lucid.
“Sex would help, yes?” Astarion asked.
Yes. Her body was furious. She didn’t just need sex, her body demanded it.
The pain was too much. She couldn’t get the words out. She could only nod.
Astarion could ease the stress, soothe her fever, and save her life. But knowing his past, how could she ask that of him?
For the first time in a long time, she felt true fear. She needed to orgasm to keep the fever down, but she couldn’t do it herself. It was all too much. She would certainly die if he didn’t help her.
“Do you need me?” Astarion asked.
Yes, please, Gods, yes. I need you, Astarion. Please. I want you to. But only if you want to. Only if it won’t hurt you. But those words wouldn’t come. Instead, all she managed was a small whimper and a final nod.
Astarion stood and walked to the edge of the bed. A thrill ran up her spine at the image of him towering over her.
“Touch yourself for me, Naenia.”
She swallowed thickly and stared up at him with wide, pleading eyes. “I’m so hot. My underwear. Take them off me, please.”
“You know that’s not why you’re hot, darling. Do this for me, and then I’ll help you. Understand?” He crouched down beside the bed and positioned his face just inches from hers. She squirmed, unable to move closer to him with her wrist tied to the bed.
Naenia sucked in a breath through clenched teeth and began running small circles around her clit.
“That’s it. That’s a good girl,” Astarion purred.
It didn’t take much to bring her to the cusp of another orgasm. Her toes curled, her muscles tensed as she leaned over the edge — and then her fingers stopped moving. “I can’t,” she whimpered. “I can’t do it.”
“Yes. Yes, you can. Let go. Come for me,” Astarion demanded.
She ground her teeth, threw her head back, and circled her swollen clit again — harder this time.
Her ministrations pulled a soft sob from her throat. She whimpered and squirmed. “I can’t.”
Then Astarion captured her mouth in a kiss so sweet and soft it made her head spin. The feel of him sent electric sparks across her body. Enough to help her over the edge.
She moaned up into his mouth. Her back arched and her body shook as she found her release. “F-fuck. Gods. Fuck. It hurts,” she whimpered.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Astarion whispered against her mouth. “You’re doing so good.”
When the orgasm passed she noted how much cooler she felt. How much easier it was to think.
She sank into the bed, exhausted. “H-how long before I have to go again?”
“Not long. I do believe you’re through the worst of it though,” Astarion said.
She took a deep breath and turned to meet his eyes. “I can’t do it myself anymore, Astarion. Please help me.”
“I will. I just need to know you’re okay with this. That it isn’t the poison talking.”
“I’m okay. I trust you. Just take care of me, please.” Naenia felt her mind start to slip again. Whether or not that was the truth was irrelevant. She just hoped it was enough to convince him.
“Okay,” Astarion said.
He wouldn’t meet her eyes anymore. He pulled her underwear off her body and dropped it to the floor. Then he crawled onto the bed, the old mattress groaned under his weight.
“Untie me?” Naenia asked.
He nodded and leaned across her to undo the fabric holding her wrist to the bed.
Naenia shifted on the bed, positioning herself directly underneath him. “Kiss me again, please? Like before?”
His lips found hers with saccharine reverence. Naenia wasn’t used to kisses that were so kind, gentle.
All the times she’d given into her most base desires had been rough, unforgiving — detached. She thought she preferred it that way. But this, this was nice.
Her body remained mostly limp, exhausted as they kissed. While the contact brought some relief, she could feel the heat twisting in her core again — demanding more.
“Astarion,” she whispered his name between kisses.
“I know. The fever’s returning,” he said.
She felt complete panic when he pulled away from her. He must have seen the panic in her eyes because he pressed his hands to her skin as he moved toward the foot of the bed.
“I’m not going anywhere. Just breathe,” he reassured her.
Naenia melted back into the mattress and closed her eyes. He dragged his hands along her sides, squeezed her hips, and then settled himself between her legs.
She watched with rapt attention as he placed one hand on her stomach to pin her to the bed.
“Ready, darling?” Astarion murmured. His other hand settled at the apex of her thighs.
Naenia nodded. Every time he lay his hands on her brought relief. She needed this.
He slid two fingers through her slick and entered her weeping cunt.
“Gods. Oh —”
Naenia panted, her chest heaving as the intrusion pulled a strangled moan from her throat. He was pure relief, but it wasn’t enough.
“That’s a good girl,” Astarion cooed.
As if sensing her need he slid a third finger in and curled them. He worked his fingers in and out of her in slow, thoughtful motions.
Her breaths came in ragged, hot bursts as she drew closer to another orgasm. Her clit throbbed and begged for attention. She used what little strength she had left, groaning as she found her clit with two fingers.
Astarion pulled out of her. Fear. She began to reach for his hand. He couldn’t stop. It would hurt if he stopped. “Please —”
“Hush, dear. Let me take care of you,” he murmured. He kissed her stomach before he settled further down on the mattress and nestled his face between her thighs.
“Oh —”
Naenia moaned and rolled her hips up against his face. He licked up through her slit, tongue teasing her entrance before moving up and settling on her clit. He found the perfect pace -- sucking and licking — pulling her right up to the edge.
Then his fingers entered her again. No warning this time. She cried out, back arching as bliss and agony danced over every inch of her worn-out body.
She carded her fingers through Astarion’s hair and felt him moan against her cunt. “I’m close,” she whimpered. “Don’t stop.”
She ran her fingers through his hair again. This was normally when she would grab, pull, demand — but not this time. Now she just wanted to feel him. Her heart ached in an unfamiliar way.
Her orgasm claimed her. Unforgiving. Her expression twisted into one of agony, her body shook and trembled with desperate ecstasy. Wave after wave of pleasure and pain crashed over her.
Astarion continued his work with absolute devotion. He carried her through not one, not two, not three —
Naenia lost count after three orgasms. Tears welled in her eyes and burned as they rolled down her face. “Please —”
Please stop. Is what she wanted to say. But somewhere, the logical side of her knew he couldn’t. Her fever hadn’t broken. The more times he brought her to the edge and sent her crashing over the safer she would be.
Finally, when Naenia knew she could take no more — he stopped to look up at her. She met his eyes, dizzy and disoriented. His chin and lips were wet with her slick.
“One more, Naenia. I need you to come again for me.” He curled his fingers again.
“No,” she whimpered. “Please. No. I can’t. Please.”
He pushed his fingers deeper inside of her and continued his slow, agonizing rhythm.
“Yes. You can and you will,” he murmured.
Naenia shook her head, looking at him with wide, pleading eyes. “It’s too much. It’s all too much.”
She tried to squirm away from him, but he kept her pressed against the mattress. She was too weak to fight him.
“Please. Please, no more. I can’t. I don’t want to —”
Pain flashed across his face. True pain. “I’m sorry,” Astarion murmured before his mouth found her clit again.
Naenia thought she’d experienced the most violent orgasm of her life earlier in the night. She was wrong.
This one shook her to her core. Blinded her. She came screaming his name, clenched around his fingers. Her body twitched and spasmed. Ecstasy and agony battled for superiority.
Then, for the second time that night, she blacked out.
This time, when Naenia came to she was still naked, sweaty — but she was being held tight in Astarion’s arms. His fingers traced lazy circles on her shoulder.
“Astarion.” She stumbled over his name. Her throat raw from screaming, body still so fucking weak. Her mind though, at least that was clear.
She turned her head and met his eyes. He was watching her with so much concern. It felt — strange. “I need water,” she rasped.
He pressed a kiss to her temple and slipped her out of his arms. If she wasn’t so tired, she might have found it odd that he was still fully clothed after everything.
He found his bag and dug out water for her. She had just enough energy to take it from him. She downed a few slow, careful sips and then handed it back. That’s when she noticed his erection straining against his pants.
“Ah, that. Don’t worry your pretty little head about that,” he said. Astarion put the water down on the floor. “It should resolve itself soon.”
“Fuck me,” she whispered. Naenia didn’t want to come again. But she wanted to feel him. Needed him inside her.
Astarion furrowed his brow. “Your fever is gone. Do you still —”
“I’m fine,” Naenia whispered. “I’m me. I just want to feel you.”
She watched with quiet approval as he removed his pants and underwear, freeing his cock. His shirt stayed on as he crawled over her.
He pressed a kiss to her stomach, her chest, and the top of her breast before nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.
“Are you sure?” Astarion whispered into her ear.
Naenia nodded. “I want to. Do you want to?”
“Yes.” Astarion ghosted kisses across her neck as his hips settled over hers.
“Astarion?” she whispered his name shyly. So unlike her.
“Yes?” He kissed her jaw and then pressed himself up to meet her eyes.
“Will you kiss me? Like you did before.” She trembled with anticipation, heart racing. Only calming when his lips met hers. He captivated her with practiced kisses so calm, and sweet.
“Fuck me, Astarion,” she pleaded.
He obliged. His cock entered her slowly, stretching her out in the most delicious way.
Astarion moaned into her mouth as he set a slow, languid pace. “Is this okay?” he whispered.
“Yes. Yes. It’s perfect,” she hummed.
She placed her hands on either side of his face, cradling him as gently as he had held her before.
Naenia didn’t do gentle sex. So, that on its own was a strange sensation. But even stranger than that was getting fucked and not chasing her own release.
She couldn’t come again, even if she wanted to. All she could do was feel him, inside her, on top of her — and breathe him in.
It almost made the agony worth it. She wondered if she’d ever experience anything like this again.
Astarion nipped at her lower lip and pressed a final kiss to her lips. “Naenia. I’m close. Where do you want me?”
“Inside,” she whispered, letting her hands fall away from his face.
The pace quickened, and then his hips stuttered. Astarion pressed his face into the crook of her neck. Almost instinctively she wrapped her arms around him, holding him so close as he found his release inside her.
He groaned against her hot skin. She loosely ran her fingers through his hair, cradling the back of his head. There was that unfamiliar ache again in her chest. She didn’t like that feeling, but she liked this.
Slow movements. He pulled out and collapsed on his side next to her. Naenia turned her head to study him.
Naenia often found people easy to read, but not him. Astarion kept so much hidden behind that mask of his. It rarely broke, and when it did, she could only catch glimpses of truths she couldn’t quite understand.
What Naenia said next. She hadn’t meant to say it out loud. “Is this what people in love feel like all the time?”
Astarion studied her face. “I wouldn’t know anything about that.”
“Yeah,” she sighed. “Me neither.”
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mandoriana · 2 months
The case of the mad king
sorry for my english
I don't know what I'm doing, but I recently watched "Dead Boy Detectives" and now I'm unable to stop thinking about them, so I decided to create a brief eight-chapter plot for a fanfic that i most won't write, but would love to share with everyone.
I'll start with the structure of how it will all work. Firstly, the story would take place after the first season and each season would have a special focus on one character at a time, for example:
First season - Crystal
Second season - Niko Sasaki
Third season - Thomas/King Cat and Edwin
Fourth season - Charles and Edwin
Fifth season - Crystal and Niko
Anyway, each of these sequences that I thought about writing would have a focus on a different character and the development of each of them as well, for the Crystal/Charles fans I'm sorry, but they won't be a couple for long, the Same goes for the Cat King/Edwin shipp, the main couple will be Charles/Edwin, but it will be a slow burn.
London, England
The story would begin just a month after the events of the series. Crystal continues to live with her parents in their chic apartment, but plans to move into Jenny's apartment as soon as the woman opens her new butcher's shop in London. It's another normal day when Crystal intends to go on an adventure with the boys in a new investigation, everyone is focused on working and trying not to suffer from the loss of Niko, Crystal and Edwin are the most affected in this situation and Crystal continues to learn to be someone better. Just as Crystal is finishing packing her backpack to spend another night up investigating, her parents come home looking genuinely angry with her. They bring a newspaper in hand and show her the news on the cover, which alerted the people of the city about a suspicious girl breaking into houses (It wasn't an invasion if the ghost who lived there gave her permission to enter), Crystal tries to explain that she was just helping a lady who needed her help (hiding the fact that the lady is already dead), but her parents don't believe her and decide to put an end to her "mischief", taking Crystal against will to Reddam House Berkshire school. She leaves Jenny a voicemail, but her parents confiscate her cell phone before she can send a message to the office computer (Edwin doesn't use the laptop, but Charles does).
Unable to communicate with Crystal, the boys are not informed about her going to school and begin investigating her disappearance. Charles begins his search at Crystal's parents' apartment, there he finds her phone but doesn't see his friend anywhere. Her suitcases and bags are also in the apartment and Crystal doesn't seem to have left, just disappeared suddenly (Her parents forbade her to take anything other than her school uniform and some clothes chosen by them, the rest of her belongings would be handed over in the schoolroom, when classes started)
Edwin investigates the disappearance of his friend in Jenny's apartment who lives an hour away from the boys' office, he questions Jenny, and she explains about the end of the vacation and Crystal's parents took her to a school where he would spend his days until the end of the year.
The boys gather in the office to gather information and begin a search plan, but Charles let the office laptop run out of juice and without Crystal they don't know how to recharge it. Out of options and wanting to help, Jenny lets the boys use her laptop, on the condition that Charles doesn't touch the device (no one knows what Charles did to make Jenny so suspicious, but Jenny doesn't comment and neither does Charles.)
During the search for schools where Crystal could be, the Night Nurse appears with a new case, something for them to deal with as quickly as possible and not bother her until everything is over. Left with no choice, they stop their search for Crystal and prepare for a new investigation.
The new case
The case seems simple, three boys died on a nightclub, but since the police closed the place there still seems to be supernatural activity in the nightclub. The living continues to complain to the authorities about the loud noise that continues even when the party should have ended, but the police have already gone to the scene and even though they are able to hear music playing, when they enter the club there is nothing inside. Edwin and Charles go to the nightclub and soon discover that the place is not just inhabited by ghosts, but by many supernatural beings. Edwin tries to investigate by asking questions to a vampire, a skinwalker and a witch, but everyone seems too drunk to understand what he is saying. When Edwin is about to tell Charles what he discovered, he is surrounded by the other ghost boys, who end up getting involved with him rudely. Charles is not around after he got distracted by some girls dancing, he tries to find Edwin, but ends up going to stairs and meeting a giant man who calls himself “King of the Mad”.
Edwin manages to escape the other ghosts with the help of a black cat who takes him to the bar where Edwin meets the Cat King and his sister the Cat Queen of London. Upon seeing the teenager uncomfortable, Thomas takes him to a less chaotic place (a place similar to the one where he takes Edwin to talk in the first season). Thomas changes into his cat form and allows Edwin to stroke his fur until he can calm down. When he manages to recover from the overload of emotions, Edwin takes advantage of company to question whether the Cat King knew what was happening and Thomas explains that Dionísio had been throwing parties since 1960 when the first disco appeared, as a way of getting more and more worshipers, but things got out of control in the last few days, as two humans managed to enter the party and die there. Thomas explains that Dionysus would get supernatural creatures drunk and strengthened by their worship, then he would free them and go to other places to get more worshipers. As Dionisio needed constant adoration, he only ended his parties when the last guest left, but thanks to the ghost boys he had already been having the same party for two whole weeks and couldn't leave until they left.
While Edwin is with Thomas, Charles and the King of the Mad talk about what was happening at the party and Charles discovers the same thing as Edwin and promises to help with the situation as soon as he finds his partner, in exchange the King of the Mad would pay for the detectives' services, giving something of value to each of the boys.
Reddam House Berkshire
Crystal gets a room of her own at the boarding school, at first everything seems fine with the place, but things go wrong as soon as she introduces herself to her new class and notices four girls looking at her threateningly. When Crystal sits down next to one of them, a shiver runs down her spine, and she feels the same strange feeling she had when she first met Esther.
To be continue...
Okay, so… that was it, this is just one of eight chapters, they're just ideas, but I think it would be interesting to write a fanfic about it, I'll keep posting more and maybe I'll decide to write it, in case someone likes this idea.
Charles was banned from using Jenny's laptop after unintentionally accessing 18+ websites, he was just playing some online games when advertisements appeared offering "a fun night", Charles innocently believed it was another type of fun, when he clicked ended up coming to a website full of naked women AND men. Jenny arrived at the wrong time and saw the terrified teenager staring at his computer screen.
She has a long, awkward conversation with Charles afterward, but neither of them brings it up after it's over.)
Parte 2, Part 3
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sunlightmurdock · 6 months
Okay. Angst Alert.
Dbf!Jake's best friend runs into their camp one day and he is so glad to have found more people and then he sees Jake alive and at first they are just staring at each other, the dad in disbelief and relief to see his best friend (he didn't notice his daughter yet), while for Jake it's just utter shock and disbelief and dread and guilt mixing with also relief, because that's his neighbour best friend and also because she will have his dad back, but "oh my god, that's his daughter he is finally admittedly in love with and in a relationship with, my goodness, he will find out and he will hate both his daughter and him". And then she comes around, and breaks the two men out of their stupor and it's a whole awkward and just strange reunion.
Jake and his love manage to hide their relationship well enough that the dad doesn't find out - he sees they are close, but he supposes that's normal in this situation.
Cut to, Jake and dad go out for supplies and they are attacked. There is so many of the affected that they barely get out of the underground parking lot, which they manage to blow up. They are running to camp, but one of the affected follows them and it launches at the dad. Jake is doing everything he possibly could but the dad doesn't make it. Everyone at camp is running to help, but they are too late, they barely manage to save Jake.
Cut to, Jake and his love mourning and Jake waking up from a nightmare and he just breaks down completely, because "what if he didn't do everything he could because his subconscious didn't want the dad to ruin the best thing Jake ever had happen to him - being with his love", which is a ridiculous thing to think, because she saw the fight Jake put up to save her dad and she saw he put everything into it and it's not his fault. But Jake still balming himself for a very long time
Sorry, this turned bloody long... Don't feel pressured to read it!!!!
Okay first of all I’m so sorry this sat in my inbox for so long too, but omggg! Jake would be frozen, completely white and looking like he had just seen a ghost if he ever came across reader’s dad ever again. It would have been so long, Jake had kind of made peace (somewhat) with the idea that some people just didn’t make it.
But there he is, standing about five feet away, bloodied and bruised but fine. Staring back at Jake in total disbelief, and like you said, he wouldn’t have spotted you at first. The two of them would just be completely frozen, staring at each other. Jake’s mind would be absolutely reeling, wondering what this means for you.
And then you come running, your mind blank about anything other than the fact that he’s alive. Jake just watches, frozen in place as you hug him and he breaks down crying.
This complicates things instantly, because suddenly Jake won’t lay a finger on you. He’s sleeping on a couch down the hall and he gets all squirmy every time your dad tries to ask for details on how the two of you survived. It complicates things around camp too, as everyone realises how Jake met you, and that your poor father has no idea how your relationship has developed.
Jake’s acting weird and he won’t say why. You’re angry at Jake (because he will barely look at you), and you won’t say why. Of course, your father knows that something is up. But no one around camp wants to be the idiot who says something.
Jake wants to tell him himself, and finally do the right thing — and explain that it’s not as bad as it sounds, that he really does love you. He just can’t find the right moment. The supply run had to happen, and your old man volunteered. Jake had figured it would be easy. He figured he’d tell him out there.
And then it all goes wrong. The dead just come out of nowhere and Jake just… can’t get there in time. He’s colourless, even when streaked with blood, as he stumbles back to camp, injured and alone.
Jake never gets to explain himself, and even worse you don’t get to say goodbye.
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hearts4youz · 10 months
The Captains Daughter- Chapter 14
A/N: UGHHHHHH long wait again, im sorry!! just been so busy. I hope to get to publishing faster soon. this one is half assed. im not proud of it at all :( Enjoy chapter 14 yalls!!!
Taglist: @abbiesxox @n30n-j3lly @weird-katthing @kayoyamamegame @kroowonderemporium @astro-ghoul99
Word count: 800
Ghost pov:
Somehow, even deep inside the woods, covered in mud and grime, exhausted and sweaty, Y/N is still the most beautiful woman i've ever seen. Her face when she gets frustrated when we make a wrong turn is so adorable, I think i'm smitten.
There's no denying it at this point, i'm way too far down the rabbit hole.
I've recovered now after being sick last week. Y/N sure helped a lot. I think it was her presence that seemed to magically cure me. I can't stop picturing the hour we spent together, us talking, her taking care of me. It was just so domestic, so far from the violence and horror of the military. I've never pictured myself involved in anything besides the SAS, let alone romance.
Fucking hell, this girl has me wrapped around her finger.
And she doesn't even know it.
Because i'm a cold, composed soldier.
Romance and feelings have no place in my heart.
Well... maybe just for Y/N they do.
My thoughts are shaken by Price giving orders.
"A pilot just radioed, there's enemy choppers on his radar, it's not safe for us all to stick together. Gaz, Ghost, and I will walk east. Soap and Y/N to the north. Keep your eyes peeled for combatants in the area. Remember the goal, find the store of hidden weapons."
A chorus of 'copies' and 'affirmatives' ring through the air. Everyone is calm, but I feel distressed.
Y/N and I are in opposite groups.
How will I protect her?
What if something happens to her?
She'll be with Soap... she should be fine, right?
She'll be with soap.
Alone. Just him and her. In the woods. On a mission.
Jealousy corrupts my mind.
She's not into him... is she?
I take a breath, thankful once again for the mask to hide my pissed expression as our groups spread apart. I resist taking one last glance at Y/N as she walks in the other direction with Soap. I still have to maintain my reserved image. No one can know about this little... crush.
The word makes me feel the need to wash my mouth out.
It just sounds so unlike me, so soft and boyish. I am a soldier, a big, tough killing machine.
"What's on your mind, Ghost?" Gaz quizzes.
"Ah...um...nothing," I lie.
"Bullshit, you took a day off last week for the first time EVER, and you've been way quieter than normal ever since."
"M' just recovering, bad flu I guess" I say sheepishly.
Gaz sighs. "The Simon Riley I know doesn't take time for recovery, unless hes been SHOT" Gaz rebuttles.
I stay silent.
"I think you've got Y/N on the brain," Gaz says quieter, so the captain wouldn't here us discussing my crush on his daughter.
"What the hell Gaz, that's ludicrous," I try to defend myself.
Gaz continues to talk about my supposed crush on Y/N, I do all I can to deny it, until finally, I give in.
"Okay! Okay! yeah, fine. I'm interested in her." I say quiet enough to not capture the attention of Price, who walks ahead, blissfully unaware of the fact that we are discussing his myself as a possible love interest for his daughter.
Gaz smirks "We all know, by the way."
"Everyone!? even price?"
"Oh hell no, not price. He'd skin you alive."
"I don't blame him, i'm older than Y/N, I look kinda... edgy. I'm not the guy you want around your daughter."
"Hey, maybe he'll come around. He knows you already, you're a protector, a provider. I think that's exactly the kind of guy you want your daughter to date," Gaz tries to reassure me.
"Eh... maybe your right"
"You've just got to ask her out first."
I forgot about that.
Hours later, we continue to trudge through the woods. Our radios begin to crackle.
Soap's voice comes through the communication device.
"Weapons secured. Send your coordinates, we've radioed for an exfil."
The three of us sigh in relief.
"Alright, were out of here boys." Price says with a smile.
The helicopter touches down in the distance, we jog over to it and hop into the cab. As I hop inside, Y/N offers me a kind smile and moves to sit next to me. I feel my face heat up, thankfully covered by my mask. Soap wiggles his eyebrows at me and gestures towards Y/N while making kissy faces.
but then I look over at her, taking in her (hair color) hair as she gazes at the woods below us. It looks so soft and silky, well maintained and clean. A rarity in the military.
Fucking hell, i've fallen hard.
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satansapostle6 · 3 months
Lovers and Liars | Draco Malfoy
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Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott, both determined and resourceful from reputable houses, find themselves at odds in the name of love.
Warning: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six: Hiding In Plain Sight
Lorelei hated History of Magic. Not because she hated the subject, but because Professor Binns was incredibly boring. She almost always either ended up talking for the entire class while paying one of the smarter students to do her work for her, or she ended up falling asleep herself, just like the ghost professor.
Today, neither happened. Lorelei was sitting in her seat beside Daphne, bored and agitated, as she tried to finish her work. Theo was a few rows behind them, sitting next to Blaise Zabini. Lorelei felt she had no one to talk to, but was also far too irritated to engage in conversation at all that afternoon.
“Are you almost done with your essay?” Daphne Greengrass said as she looked up.
“Yeah,” Lorelei muttered, not acknowledging her much.
Daphne huffed hopelessly as she looked down at her own parchment. “I’ve barely started,” she whined.
“Best get on with it, then,” Lorelei said quietly.
Daphne looked at her best friend in disbelief.
“What’s got your wand in a knot?!”
“Nothing,” Lorelei huffed. “I’m just tired.”
“Well, you’re being a real bitch about it,” Daphne complained.
“Ooh! Is that a cat fight I hear?” Draco Malfoy sat forward in his seat behind Daphne, with Goyle sitting beside him.
Both girls seemed particularly annoyed at him.
“Fuck off, Draco,” Daphne scoffed.
“Oh, yeah?” Malfoy challenged her.
“Yeah,” Daphne nodded, unsure of as to how he thought she would react.
Draco scowled as he pulled an apple he’d saved from breakfast from his bag, tossing it straight at Daphne. Daphne moved aside, dodging the projectile as it whizzed past her, loudly thudding on Professor Binns’ desk instead. Draco gasped silently as the old ghost twitched in his sleep. Everyone was dead silent, sitting perfectly still in their seats as they all waited to see whether he would wake up or not.
Eventually, he was still again. Daphne and Lorelei both laughed as Draco sighed with relief after successfully avoiding detention.
“Like I said,” Daphne smirked, “Fuck off.”
She turned back around, perfectly satisfied with the outcome as she returned to her long, boring essay assignment, leaving Draco to turn his attention to Lorelei.
“You’re awfully quiet today, Morrigan,” he observed pointedly.
“I suppose I have nothing to say today, Malfoy,” Lorelei responded.
“Nothing at all?” Draco raised an eyebrow.
“Why’s that?” he asked cockily, “You don’t like me?”
Lorelei heard this and chuckled, leading him to believe that his side of the interaction had been successful.
“No,” she replied simply, “I don’t.”
“Why’s that?” Draco wondered, an amused expression on his pale face. “You think I’m mean?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“Then what?” he asked, as it slowly became more apparent that he wasn’t joking as much anymore.
Lorelei smiled, a look of genuine pity in her blue eyes as she spoke. She leaned in in confidence, looking forward to his reaction as she spoke.
“You bore me,” she stated, turning around as Draco was left flabbergasted.
To anyone else, this insult would’ve seemed common and hardly severe, but to Draco Lucius Malfoy, this was the most scathing insult anyone could have delivered. Draco would’ve rather died than been boring. To him, being boring was failing at life. Goyle began laughing before Draco shot him a sharp warning look.
“I bore you?!” Draco demanded angrily. “How could I possibly bore you?!”
Lorelei just shrugged, not even turning around. Draco scoffed, simply unable to believe the fact that someone found him boring.
“My parents are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy! I’m the sole heir to the Malfoy name!” Draco cried in defense of himself.
“Doesn’t make you any less boring,” Lorelei chided him gently.
“And what, exactly, makes a person boring in your eyes?” he questioned impatiently.
“Well, for starters,” she provided, “When a person has to ask if they’re boring, that’s usually a good indicator that they are.”
“Don’t be like that, Morrigan,” Draco persisted stubbornly. “You know I’m not boring.”
“I can wholeheartedly disagree,” she promised him.
“I’m Seeker of the Quidditch team! I’m worth more than most people’s entire bloodlines!” he argued.
“Yes, and any shock or excitement elicited by those statements has already dissipated,” Lorelei pointed out, unimpressed. “That’s really all you have. But don’t fret. That’s still more than most people have,” she offered her consolation before returning to her work once again.
Lorelei walked the castle grounds with Pansy and Daphne once classes had ended for the day, as the three girls eagerly discussed the girls in their year, specifically the other Slytherin girls.
“Leah’s fucking insane,” Pansy snarled.
“I don't think she’s the problem,” Daphne said considerately.
Their conversation was cut short by a loud disturbance. Lorelei and the other girls looked as a commotion started where a bunch of Gryffindors were standing in the courtyard. Upon looking more closely, Lorelei realized that among them was Harry Potter, who seemed absolutely livid.
Lorelei stared as Harry practically charged at someone, while Ron Weasley and his twin brothers tried to hold him back. She eventually saw that the person Harry was so angry at was Malfoy, his nemesis. Lorelei turned to Pansy and Daphne as they all watched the conflict go down, confused as to what had sparked it even if Draco and Harry naturally hated one another.
“Give it back, Malfoy!” Harry roared, absolutely seething.
Lorelei still had no idea what was happening. She looked more closely at Draco, obviously noticing the broomstick in his hand. Upon further examination, she realized that it wasn’t just any broomstick in his hand; it was a Firebolt. More specifically, it was the only Firebolt at Hogwarts, owned by none other than the famous Harry Potter.
Lorelei and Pansy both watched intently as Draco held the broomstick out behind him, taunting him rudely.
“Mmm, I don’t think I feel like it, Potter,” Draco decided coyly, holding the broomstick out in front of him.
He slowly mounted the broom, gradually levitating as Harry violently grabbed at him. Draco flew up above the entire courtyard, as everyone just watched curiously from below. Crabbe and Goyle laughed as he flew in tight loops and circles around the courtyard, in a childish demonstration of power.
Harry and the other Gryffindors all yelled angrily as Draco made a spectacle of the affair. Students all over from all different houses gathered in the middle of the courtyard just to watch him as he taunted Harry. Harry, who was full of rage at this point, drew his wand and pointed it up at Draco.
“Arresto Momentum!”
Harry tried to slow Draco’s trajectory, but failed. Everyone watched as he failed to think of another way to get his broomstick back. Draco laughed triumphantly as he soared up above, circling like some sort of mad vulture. Draco eventually flew back down after dodging spell after spell, landing expertly as his yes men all congratulated him with various laughs and handshakes.
Lorelei and her friends were still watching as he was received by his friends and other acquaintances. Draco eventually threw the broomstick aside and walked away from them and toward the girls, with Crabbe and Goyle at his sides.
“So, Lorelei,” he said arrogantly. “Am I still boring to you?” he sneered.
Pansy and Daphne both looked at her in surprise, not understanding the context to this at all.
“That was an amusing little show,” Lorelei remarked, “But did you forget, that’s almost exactly what you did our first year? With Longbottom’s Remembrall?”
The smugness on Draco’s face slowly turned to fear as he realized that she was, in fact, right.
“Sorry, Malfoy,” Lorelei frowned sarcastically. “Effort doesn’t make you any less boring.”
Draco stammered awkwardly, unable to form a sentence for once in his life. He babbled awkwardly as Lorelei just laughed lightly, taking pleasure in the part she’d had in humbling him. Having completely made a fool of himself, Draco ran off to somehow save face, as Crabbe and Goyle were forced to run after him.
Lorelei chuckled and turned to her friends, expecting amusement, but receiving something else entirely.
“What?” she questioned, as Pansy and Daphne just exchanged looks.
Daphne said nothing, but Pansy, on the other hand, had a lot to say.
“Malfoy stole Potter’s broomstick for you?!” Pansy demanded, sounding appalled.
Lorelei looked at her strangely, not understanding her sense of indignation.
“How should I know?” she demanded defensively.
Pansy stared at her in disbelief, furious with her for some reason she wasn’t aware of.
“Why would Malfoy do all that for you?!”
“I don’t know!” Lorelei yelled at her, disgusted by her obvious jealousy. “I didn’t tell him to do it!”
“Well, it sounds like you did!” Pansy spat, her face contorting with rage. “Were you flirting with him?!”
“‘Flirting with him’?!” Lorelei screamed. “Have you lost your fucking mind?!”
“Don’t take that tone with me!” Pansy shrieked. “You knew Draco was mine, and you still went after him, like the slag you are!”
“What the hell are you even talking about, you conniving cunt?!” Lorelei demanded. “I’m dating Theo! You know this!”
“Like that matters to you,” she guffawed, “You’d do half the school just for fun!”
“Me?!” Lorelei cried. “Looks like someone’s projecting!”
Almost everyone in the courtyard who’d been watching the exchange between Draco and Harry was now watching the fight between Pansy and Lorelei.
“You’re trying to steal Draco from me!” Pansy wailed, “You’re trying to steal Draco, and everything else from me because you’re jealous, but I won’t let you! Draco is mine!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, no longer fully aware of all the people surrounding her.
Everyone watched with wide eyes, laughing as Pansy Parkinson, Slytherin’s princess, broke down in front of everyone in the school courtyard. Seeing this, Lorelei stopped for a moment as she just chuckled, realizing how absurd Pansy’s behavior really was.
“Is he really yours, Pansy?” she asked quietly, as people began to mumble and whisper. “Is he really yours if you have to ask me not to take him?”
A few sudden laughs broke out as Pansy’s face fell in shock. Her lip quivered as she tried her best not to allow her vision to go black.
“Trust me, Pansy,” Lorelei stepped in front of her, tired of her antics, “You have nothing I want.”
A small, guttural noise escaped Pansy’s throat as Lorelei stared down at her, stepping aside and walking away as she left her standing on her own in the courtyard. Pansy Parkinson, furious and humiliated, looked to Daphne for reassurance as she angrily decided she needed to begin planning her downfall immediately.
***** Lorelei found herself and Theo alone in his dormitory at last, enjoying their shared solitude. She smiled softly as she and Theodore Nott shared a gentle, comforting kiss, thinking of nothing but themselves and each other. Theo eventually spoke up, out of concern for his girlfriend.
“I heard about what Pansy did today,” he shared with her.
“I have nothing to say about her,” Lorelei promised him.
Theo smiled gladly, nodding with an understanding.
“I figured as much,” he admitted. “But, I had to at least ask…”
“I’m okay,” Lorelei assured him appreciatively.
Theo smiled. “That wasn’t what I was going to ask.”
She looked at him curiously.
“Would you like to plot our revenge?” he offered.
“To ruin Pansy’s life?” Lorelei laughed. “She’s perfectly capable of doing so on her own. Why lift a finger when I can just sit back and watch?”
“Absolutely,” he agreed, carrying on with their business together. “So… I think I’ve found us a potential lead. On the plan,” he clarified.
“Really?” she asked subsequently.
“Indeed,” Theo confirmed. “I think I know how they plan to deliver Harry Potter to the Dark Lord.”
Lorelei raised an eyebrow. “Your father’s heard new information?” she assumed.
He shook his head. “No. No, I put the rest of the pieces together for myself,” he explained. “My father said he heard they had someone in the castle; a double agent. At first, I thought this meant Karkaroff, or even Snape. But then I realized, there could very well be someone else here loyal to the Dark Lord that we don’t know about,” he concluded.
She frowned. “You think someone else here is working for him?”
“Yes,” Theodore agreed. “Someone hiding under the guise of being someone else.”
Lorelei waited for him to elaborate, not yet seeing what he was saying.
“This year, we so conveniently have two different entire schools of foreign strangers living under our roof,” he reasoned, “So naturally, I looked into all of them, and their backgrounds. Apart from Karkaroff being a former Death Eater, and Durmstrang students being Durmstrang students, no one else looks suspicious.”
“But?” Lorelei asked inquisitively.
Theo grinned at his own cleverness. “But, what if that’s the point? What if no one else is supposed to look suspicious?” he hypothesized.
“So, what?”
“So, I’m saying maybe there’s an imposter in our midst,” he proposed. “Maybe someone in this castle is disguising themselves to carry out the plan?”
“Well, who could it be, then?” Lorelei wondered.
“I don’t know,” Theo confessed, “I have no idea. Could be quite literally anyone. That’s the point. It could be one of our guests, because it’d he easier for them not to arouse our suspicion, but that’d also make them too easy to suspect.”
“Is there any way we could find out who it is?” she asked. “If we knew who it was, we could try and get in on their plan.”
“I don’t know how we’d figure it out,” he thought aloud, “I don’t know of any discrete ways to find someone using Polyjuice potion, or any other enchantment. And there’s just too many people. I don’t know of any sort of discrete magic that would tell us if something’s off…”
Lorelei looked at Theo strangely as his sentence trailed off, a far away look in his eyes as he seemed to be lost in thought.
“What? What is it?” Lorelei questioned.
“That’s it, Lorelei,” Theo realized, laughing in surprise. “Of course! I should’ve thought of it before!”
“Still waiting,” she reminded him.
“Yes, yes…” he nodded, still distracted. “That’s it. ‘Discrete magic that’ll tell us if something’s off’. The sky in the Great Hall,” he began.
“Really?” Lorelei responded.
“Yeah… Many people don’t know this, but it’s bewitched to rain or storm if the mood in the room was off, or if there was something unsettled going on in the room.”
“The ceiling started to rain the night we all arrived here in September,” Lorelei recalled sharply.
“Right. Which makes sense, because it probably would’ve been the same night whoever is working for the Dark Lord arrived, too,” Theo calculated.
“Did anything specific happen just before it started to rain?” Lorelei asked smartly.
Theo paused, before his eyes widened with shock. “One person came late to dinner. I remember because Professor Dumbledore announced him immediately after.”
“Alastor Moody,” she realized, as everything slowly began to make sense. “Our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.”
Theo let out a tiny exhale, realizing the progress they’d just made.
Chapter Seven
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laugtherhyena · 10 days
I don't know what LINUJ was thinking when he chose to make Yoruko's upperclassman and Minako two separate characters but personally I don't really mind it? Mostly cause when I see background characters that don't officially appear beyond a few mentions, I go, "A character that barely has a skeleton of a personality that I can mold to my whims?! WOOO!!" and then proceed to squeeze them like a stress ball. I don't think about Amane (the upperclassman) a lot, especially in comparison to Kojiro, but I think it'd be fun to explore her character as I do have a project idea with her as part of the cast but it's kinda on the backburner of my brain cause I'm trying not to make too many projects at once cause I'm already struggling to juggle a bunch of other stuff at the same time. That being said, on the topic of Amane's pink hair, I actually think it's dyed?? Not sure cause I only just got passed the second bad end with my friend in Chapter 6 so we haven't seen the context of Yoruko's CG where she's in her fantasy, so take this with a grain of salt, but for some reason the wiki labels the CG as Yoruko talking to Minako??? And the woman shown has her hair having faded pink tips, revealing that her roots are actually brown. Ngl, the idea that Minako (still) dyes her hair to the color she has today is really funny but I think that's just the wiki editors messing up on whos who. Sometimes wikis aren't the most reliable source of information when you want to quickly review something without replaying the game and stuff, and I think it makes more sense that in Yoruko's fantasy, she'd be reunited with who she believes is her upperclassman, even if she cares about Minako. And if we take her appearance in the fantasy as truth from what little we can see of her, that means that both Amane and Yoruko dyed their hair for their hostess job (although Yoruko did it to mimic Amane specifically), lmao.
But yeah, I think the sequel cast having connections to the characters of the previous game is a really neat tie-in, even if it's not very strong and it's interesting to explore their connections with each other in fanon. My headcanon with Setsuka and Teruya being sibling figures to each other could be interesting since they actually reunite through their work, and probably spent a lot of time catching up and getting to know each other again. Which makes it hurt even more when Setsuka goes missing. Like, Teruya probably freaked out when he realized he hasn't heard from Setsuka in a long time and tried to push for an investigation to search for her which Kinjo put a stop to due to his own plans with Syobai. Poor guy was probably torn between disobeying orders to find Setsuka since he didn't want to lose another important person in his life or falling in line to Kinjo due to his loyalty to him. But if Kinjo were to suggest that she might've been kidnapped for the killing game, possibly to "fill in space," Teruya probably chose to fall in line since stopping Mikado's killing game would probably be the closest way to save Setsuka, even if he wanted to do more. And we all know how that worked out...
On a much lighter note, in a Non-Despair AU where Setsuka and Kojiro cross paths again after many years, I like to think that they reignite their friendship since I see Kojiro being more upset over Setsuka ghosting him (and Teruya) for years without an explanation than the fact that she cheated and got herself banned in billiards, which probably caused some controversy with his sponsorship for her. Hell, he probably thought she was dead or something with how long he didn't hear from her. That's kinda what happens when you go into hiding instead of confronting the consequences of your actions, Setsuka. But once they get pass the initial awkwardness, Setsuka and Kojiro becomes best buds again. They also become drinking buddies with Teruya (as an adult) chaperoning them, much to his (affectionate) annoyance.
It's crazy to me how he just made this random ass character instead of making Minako herself be the upperclassmen, like that would have led to a much stronger connection between Yoruko and the first killing game's class than Minako just so happening to be the boss at the bar her and Amane worked at.
Slight tangent here but, seriously, Amane Kaira? Two letters away from Akane Taira? I know Linuj has a track record of having characters with similar names in the another series, but this ridiculous. How were we seriously meant to believe this was a real person? Because for the longest time i just assumed that "Amane Kaira" was the fake ID Minako used when she worked at the bar with Yoruko since she mentioned both of them had it because they were minors back then.
As for the wiki, i believe it really is just flat out wrong when it says that's Yoruko talking to Minako (which generated this whole misconception) because those CGs were first uploaded there just a little after Ch6 came out so we didn't had everything properly translated back then and it just never got fixed + just from the little we see of this girl you can tell she's not meant to be Minako
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In addition, the hair color of the girl in the Cg is a soft pink whereas Minako's is a pink closer to a purple-ish (violet-ish, whatever you wanna call it) tone + from both of her sprite galleries Minako's hair really doesn't seem to be dyed when you compare it to characters we know have dyed hair in the series (Emma has visible brown streaks in her blonde hair and Hajime's is really really light at the top for some reason)
And if this isn't enough, Linuj straight up adresses her as her own person in Yoruko's character sheet (translation by ToastCat333)
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So yeah, Amane, the totally real person who is not Minako Tomori! As much as this stuff annoys me, I can't say I'm not a fan of picking minor characters and making up ocs out of them, I'm curious to see what you'll make up of this character.
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pandorasword · 2 years
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
A love interests' timeline
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Lets take a closer look at each of these points
❐ Cha Eun-Woo
჻ They met by chance on a small forum whose members were trainees and emerging idols of the time.
჻ He left a comment under a meme posted by her
჻ They first started talking to each other in the forum's private chat and then exchanged numbers
჻ Their conversations were almost entirely an endless sending of memes to each other
჻ The first time they had a conversation on the phone Chaeri had to hide in Taehyung, Jimin and Hobi's room, as she was sharing a room with Namjoon and Jungkook ჻ If Namjoon knew she was on the phone with a boy he would have asked her questions immediately afterwards
჻ In any case, she couldn't hide it from him for too long because a few months later Eunwoo asked her out on a date and she was forced to ask permission to hyung line
჻ Generally, when she was a teenager, the hardest approval to get was Namjoon's.
჻ In fact, he told her that she was too young to go out with guys she met online.
჻ Oh, she sulked at him for a whole week.
჻ Of course, as time went by, the messages between the two became less and less.
჻ To this day, they are good friends who fans often see interacting with each other at public events
჻ Chaeri refers to him, in private conversations, jokingly, as "the missed husband"
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❐ Hoshi (Seventeen)
჻ Not much to say about them
჻ Chaeri became very familiar with the members of SEVENTEEN during the ISAC days
჻ Especially, she was impressed by Mingyu, The8 and Vernon who, to this day, are some of her closest friends
჻ Hoshi, noticing how well they got along with the youngest of the BTS, tried to approach them in any way he could
჻ He was always very kind and respectful towards her
჻ After ISAC ended, he waited a full year before getting up the courage to confess
჻ He told her just before the end of the last athletic activity day
჻ Chaeri told him he was very cute but that she wasn't interested
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❐ Dean
჻ Dean noticed Chaeri walking behind Taehyung's back during one of their video calls
჻ It's a ritual for them - he and Tae - to call each other at least once a month to chat and congratulate mutually on their successes.
჻ Seeing the girl, however, made him want to promise his friend that he would visit him as soon as possible.
჻ And so he did
჻ His relaxed nature and ability to feel at ease with everyone did not make him feel the slightest shame in making his intentions clear right away
჻ "You don't even know me and you want to ask me out?" "Ever heard of love at first sight?"
჻ Chaeri told him not to take it the wrong way but he was too old for her, besides the fact that she had no intention of dating him
჻ Taehyung teases him about it as often as he sees him, he also call him 'old' at every good opportunity
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❐ Jungkook
჻ Actually, their first kiss was not just before they became a couple, nor was it during that time
჻ Chaeri asked Jungkook to kiss her when she was 17.
჻ There were several factors that led her to that request (she should have known it was only the first of a very long series of times she would ask him to kiss her)
჻ The first reason was her love for one of the most watched kdramas of the time: Oh my Ghostess
჻ To put it in a nutshell, a ghost returns to earth to have at least one love experience before going to the afterlife for good
჻ The second was that all the girls she met spent time opening up about their relationships/love affairs.
჻ For them, girl-only groups, it was definitely easier to interact with a love interest
჻ She, instead, always so busy and surrounded by seven wonderful and protective boys, had never been able to have any relevant experience.
჻ She felt she was lagging behind the others but having to admit made her feel terribly shy about it
჻ Which says a lot because Chaeri is NEVER shy
჻ One day in the small living room of their dorms Chaeri was sitting on the floor in front of the TV watching the kdrama mentioned earlier. Behind her Jungkook and Taehyung on the sofa
჻ "Even ghosts have a better love life than me!"
჻ "It's not such a big deal you know"
჻ The girl turned around and sent him a glare "You say that because no one has ever denied you a date"
჻ The two boys barely held back their laughter "Would you've kissed that friend of yours on the first date? Because otherwise nothing would've changed from the way it is now"
჻ "Yes" "Yes?" "Yes, totally" "You can't kiss someone you don't actually know"
჻ "Then why don't you kiss me since we've lived together for years"
჻ The first proper kiss, however, was not preceded by any requests
჻ It is very common for the boys to make clips in which they dance to choreographies created by Chaeri, along with her
჻ Many of these are even uploaded to the company's official channels
჻ One in particular was never uploaded, fortunately I might add
჻ The footage was promptly taken away by the two guys who still jealously treasure the camera card
჻ That month it was Jungkook's turn. Chaeri had chosen him to dance with her
჻ It took them very little to learn the choreography. A single minute of dance that would surely guarantee millions of views.
჻ Plus, they always loved dancing together
჻ Many choreographers have them interact during dances because, according to them, the two are very compatible physically
჻ Anyway, Chaeri expressly asked for them to be left alone with the camera, which, no matter what, it could be placed on a tripod without requiring movement
჻ If the choreography could be explained in one word that would be Intense
჻ And it definitely shouldn't have ended with Chaeri between his legs and her lips pressed to his, but that variance was clearly enjoyed more by them both
჻ That something in them had slowly changed over time was evident to all
჻ The eyes in constant search of each other, the casual but not so much touches, the chatting late into the night despite the fact that they would have to work the next morning..
჻ It was all a natural and gradual process that led Chaeri to kiss him that day
჻ And it was even more natural to become a couple, as if they were meant to be from the first moment they met
- the choreo ⬊
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❐ Jinwoo Yoon
჻ It may sound strange to hear for a star as famous as Chaeri but, between the two of them, she is definitely more of a fan of his than vice versa.
჻ Having a passion for dance, she finds it absolutely inspiring to seek out new talent on platforms such as YouTube
჻ Jinwoo Yoon, even with an already well-established career, was not easy to track down
჻ Back then, Big Hit was looking to hire new people to fill the roles of choreographers and she was desperate for him to apply for the job
჻ So, with all the scandal that such exposure could create if he didn't keep their interactions confidential, she decided to personally text him to congratulate and make him aware of the job position in her company
჻ Jinwoo Yoon certainly didn't ask for it twice
჻ At the casting, she, Hobi and Namjoon were also present (as almost every time their team had to expand and the dance department was involved. Namjoon, instead, was there as leader of course)
჻ Jinwoo Yoon, reserved, talented and extremely humble felt honoured from the first moment he heard that Chaeri had considered him
჻ It was not too difficult to join the crew, unexpectedly
჻ The two immediately seemed to understand each other very well
჻ So well that, unfortunately, not too long after, the choreographer started to have feelings for her
჻ You could see it from the way he looked at her every time he saw her moving according to his directions in the room
჻ He wasn't great at hiding it, all the members were aware of it
჻ To avoid misunderstandings he decided to speak to her clearly at the cafeteria of the building one morning
჻ It often happened that they had breakfast together, always the first ones to arrive in the practice room
჻ Chaeri's eyes were so sorry when she had to tell him that she was not interested but that she hoped it would not affect their professional partnership
჻ Luckily, to this day, Jinwoo Yoon is happily engaged and the professional ties with the boys and Chaeri continue to flow peacefully
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❐ Hongjoong
჻ First met at MAMAs 2019, where ATEEZ appeared for the first time at the awards event
჻ In their performance they also included a tribute to the very famous BTS song, Blood sweat and tears
჻ This was so unexpected for Chaeri, who until then had been distracted greeting fans, that her reaction was broadcast on the big screen
჻ Pleasantly surprised at how much they were honouring the iconic song, she didn't take her eyes off them until the end of their performance
჻ Her first thought about ATEEZ was that they were talented and captivating to watch
჻ Only when they returned to their seats Chaeri realised that they were actually only a little further ahead than where she and her group had been positioned
჻ And everyone knows Chaeri and her 'act before you think' philosophy of life, do you think she missed the opportunity to go and congratulate them in person?
჻ So in theory there should be nothing wrong with that. But the fact that they were live and everyone could see her actions could, surely, lead to speculation about favouritism on their part for the neo-group. Add to that the fact that local newspapers would have taken the opportunity to add the words 'Chaeri' and 'Love at first sight' to the headlines of their articles.
჻ Precisely to alleviate all this, Jimin ran after her in order to make it seem as if the idea of approaching the boys came from both of them
჻ All ATEEZ members bowed gratefully, honoured to receive attention from their seniors at work
჻ Chaeri, more than Jimin, said she was impressed by their performance and would certainly look them up on the net
჻ Hongioong, as the leader/captain of the group, took the floor to thank them
჻ He, himself, believes he fell in love at that very moment. The moment she stood in front of them and, with great humility, congratulated them enthusiastically
჻ That the only BTS girl was a very nice person he already knew. As the fan he was, this detail had not escaped him but, in person, she was even more so.
჻ The conversation seemed to go on far too long for Namjoon's eyes, who was always observant of everything his members were doing
჻ Chaeri was so caught up in it that she was even about to sit next to the group of young men except that Jimin, after receiving a warning glare from his leader, gently told her it was time to return to their seats
჻ They didn't see each other for a long time but, shortly after the mentioned event, Hongioong wrote on his social profile that he was particularly excited about the new single Chaeri had released
჻ In response, the girl thanked him privately but the interactions between them stopped at that, for a long time
჻ The great thing about being an idol is that, most of the time, people were convinced they could follow their every move but actually had no idea how many ways they could cover their tracks and look like they were each in a different place when together, instead
჻ And stunt doubles spotted in passing, pre-recorded videos aired at the time, hints on their social networks, allowed EVERY YEAR all the 98' line idols to have a party in one of the most beautiful, exclusive and private hotels in Seoul.
჻ Chaeri has no memory of a year when she was not there. In fact she was one of the main host of the event
჻ Nor does she have any memory of a year where at least half the members of her group asked her to bring them along
჻ "You are too old to be at this party. I don't sneak into yours... well, most of the time."
჻ "And also, I have a date there"
჻ It wasn't true, she just wanted to make Jungkook pay (irrationally, of course) for making her jealous after something he did (not that she could blame him for it, they were forced not to be together but still her personality kept her from acting otherwise)
჻ What she didn't imagine was finding Jk and V at the party, after a matter of time
჻ To say she was angry would be understating it 
჻ "Pretend to be my date" Was what she said to Hongjoong when she approached him, without even waving at him first
჻ "What?" "Pretend to be my date" "Sure, I can... I can do that. But why?" " Does it matter?"
჻ Everything began that way
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[JK and V's iconic appearance at the 98' line party ↴ ]
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credits to medias owners
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sgt-scottymoreau · 26 days
Only Fan
Summary: The domino effect of accidently sending the wrong link to Ghost lead to a whole adventure and secret being revealed. No one was supposed to know she had an Only Fan account.
Warning: 18+ MDNI, a lot of smut in this one there's still plot tho, implied public sex, multiple partners in a sense
Word: 6.9k // Masterlist
A/N: This fic was inspired by this post a year and half ago. This was really written for the giggle and smut. Probably feels a little OOC for some, or at least not how I usually write the characters in there. But bare with me, when I wrote it I needed to take everything out of the system lol No thoughts only smut! Alright to time to yeet myself by the window!
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When she realized what she just sent her lieutenant, she prayed to all the possible known gods in the universe that he wasn't fast enough to have opened the link. 
A prayer that reached no one. Because Ghost was already on his phone expecting the answer. So when the link came through he saw it in a matter of milliseconds. The time Scotty needed to hold the message so the option to delete it showed up, then press said delete, it was too long. Add the fact that he also didn't pay attention too much to what was written, it was only once the link opened in his browser that he realized what it was. The link to her Only Fan page. He should have closed it right away and he actually did. Especially after receiving 5 messages in a row from her apologizing and sending the actual link that was supposed to be in the first place and to please ignore the first one. Ghost closed it and tried to pretend it never happened. What Scotty was doing in her free time was her problem, he wouldn't judge. But… That… was not something he expected.
After the incident, Ghost never mentioned this, nor acted differently. Or so he thought. Scotty felt that his gaze was different. Not judgemental, but more like he tried to decipher something. As if he was still trying to figure out how she had been able to hide it from him. Obviously, Ghost wasn't stupid. She could be professional at work. It was just… She didn't give him the feelings to be this kind of person. Scotty looked innocent and shy. 
To her defense, she was not innocent or shy. She had her fair share of activities. It was simply that Ghost was intimidating, hence why she might look shy around him. But it was even more since the slip up. On missions, all was fine because work demanded focus. But around base or when the team would go out for drinks… It was so different.
 It was precisely after one of these nights that Ghost returned to the link. As much as he tried to forget it, it haunted him. That night at the bar, Scotty wore a tank top that molded her body so much, his throat went dry every time he glanced at her. Her jeans, not different than usual, looked more shaped to her legs… or maybe it was him. The thoughts that crossed his mind at the moment made him frustrated at himself for even thinking about them. She was his colleague and a sergeant, he owed her more respect than those sinfuls thought. Although, she was the one doing sinful things that were available to everyone… He lay down in his bed, in the dark with only light from his phone and the bright page he was on. His eyes were glued on her profile and cover pictures. There was nothing revealing in both. Well maybe a nice butt shot on the cover, still dressed. But it was the eyes in her profile picture. So inviting, so captivating. His thumb pressed the subscribe button. To his relief, Scotty didn't seem to sell herself for cheap. That was nice. She valued herself and he couldn't agree more. If this was the relief, the world that opened to him once he was officially a subscriber was anything but relieving. 
He knew so bad he should have only checked one or two pictures, just to put his curious mind at ease and then leave to never 
come back again. But… as if the picture of Scotty with spread legs, squeezing her breast together, the selfie angle where he could see her fuck herself with a toy were not enough, he saw the videos. A bulge was already forming in his sweatpants, god he was glad to wear these because his regular pants would have been so painful. Ghost wanted to ignore the video so badly. But his brain was too deep and needed more. His grip on his phone tightened as the other one instinctively went to his underwear. His thumb pressed the play button. The first few words she spoke already had him completely hard. She barely had done anything, only presenting the toy she will be using, but in such a soft manner! His hand wrapped around his dick and stroked it slowly. The video went on: her applying lube in the toy, then on herself, pushing her fingers inside as a warmup and finally she fucked herself with said toy. She wasn't too vocal but the small whimpers and few little moans she made while Scotty was pushing the fake dick inside, faster and faster till her cunt made such sloppy noise, that made him twitch so bad. His heart was pounding in his chest, his eyes glued on the video. He even tried to match her speed, thinking it was him inside her. He came as soon as he heard her whimpers of her own climax. As he calmed down from his high, Ghost realized what just happened, what his mind just thought of. Him inside her. How could he face her again after this?
It has been almost a week and half since the incident. Scotty noticed that Ghost was a little less creepy, yet he seemed more tense when she would talk to him or be a little too close. That one time they were in the car, she was squeezed between him and Gaz. A normal thing. But he was so tense, always avoiding her gaze. She didn't mind much as honestly for her Ghost had brushed this whole incident away and his current behavior was in no way connected to that. Yet, if she was out of trouble with Ghost, Soap on the other hand. She couldn't quite read him, but something felt different with him. He was always the same goofy person with her, always the same easy going. It was the lingering look she caught a few times here and there. The way he would stare. Beside that nothing much, Scotty could live with that. The truth was, Soap was also a subscriber. 
He found her page by accident… or well not completely by accident. He found himself on Only Fan after wanting to see more of someone else when Scotty's page showed up in recommendation. At first, he couldn't believe his eyes, he had been so close to text her about it and tease. Instead, just for fun he decided to check. Maybe she had only dumb pictures, trolling people. Not exactly. Soap should also have closed everything, look away. She was his best friend and no matter how close you are, seeing them in such a compromising position was something anyone would have looked away from. Either from respect or embarrassment. But he didn't. He couldn't. He tried to not linger too long on the pictures, despite a growing pressure in his jeans. One picture though… He was glued on. Her leg spread, in some purple lingerie, her hair down, flowing down her shoulders in small waves. Nonetheless to say that what he did was in the same category as Ghost. He felt dirty for doing so, but… it hadn't been the last time he went to her page. 
Ghost found out that Soap also was in on the secret by accident. Then again, it was Soap's fault for not being careful. They were both in the gym, training when Soap checked his phone. He made sure that no one could see him, or so he thought, and checked his notification. Scotty had posted a new picture. He knew it was risky to open it here, but she hadn't posted in days. Obviously because she was on a mission. So either this meant she was back home or… That was why he had to check! When the picture fully loaded in front of his eyes, his throat went dry. She was still in the fields taking pictures. "Steaming fucking jesus…" He breathed, mostly because it took guts to do this. It wasn't much. Just her with her jacket half way down, revealing her shoulder and her bra.
Ghost walked behind him at the same time that Soap completely forgot his surroundings. He glanced over his shoulders. His water bottle slipped through his hand, splashing the floor. "Fuck!" He cursed loudly. Soap jumped from his seat, shoving his phone away quickly. 
"Hey Lt! Didn't see you there!" He nervously laughed. "Need a hand with this?"
"No." Ghost took the towel around his neck to clean. "The fuck are you looking at during work you idiot?"
"Don't play dumb with me MacTavish, that was clearly her Only Fan." Ghost froze. He just sold himself to the sergeant. They both looked at each other, cheeks pink from embarrassment. "Let's pretend nothing happened and let's not talk about this ever again… We know nothing and most importantly she knows nothing."
They held the tongues. Till they started talking about her latest post like it was the latest biggest news. 
A few days later, while Ghost was staying late at work, he received a text from Soap asking if he saw the latest video. The lieutenant made sure his door was locked, returned to his desk and looked up his phone. The title: Met a girl at the bar and let her fuck me stupid. He was surprised to learn that apparently Scotty was going both ways, she still had secrets within her secret. His eyes glanced at the reports. They were almost done, he could take a break right? He gulped and pressed the play button. The volume of his phone was just high enough that he would be the only one to hear. The other girl's face was blurred, not that it mattered much to him. The only face he wanted to focus on was Scotty. The girl was fucking her doggystyle, pulling Scotty's hair and slamming in her so hard the noise of her hips on Scotty's butt was as loud as the sergeant's moans. She wasn't kidding when she said fucked stupid. Never he heard Scotty stutter with her words or be unable to speak. Right now, she was being a mess. 
"F-fuck… me! H-harder!.... Aaaahh fuck yes!"
"Who's a good bitch?"
"Fucking hell." He groaned, his pants lifting in his crotch area. Scotty was being so noisy, in a good way. Her moans, her cries when the girl would slam hard or pinch her nipples. Any logical thought took vacations. His hand reached for his belt to slip inside, taking a hold of his now fully erect cock. His eyes closed savoring the new sounds Scotty was making. If only it was him making her screams that way. 
"Who's a little slut?"
"M-me… please… use..my pussy! Choke me!" 
His eyes flung open at this. The girl did so, closing her fingers around Scotty's throat. The smile of pleasure that drew on her lips sent him even closer to his climax. "You are such a minx, Scotty. Fuck." He moaned, stroking harder. The video was 20 minutes long and at half time, he came hard. Head against his desk he tried to catch his breath. He will watch the rest later. He had to clean the small mess he made. It might be under the desk, but it was still a workspace. As he threw the tissues in the garbage can, someone knocked at the door. His heart jumped in his chest. 
"Who is it?" He asked with a shaky breath. 
"It's Scotty, I got some papers from Price for you." He cursed internally, that couldn't be worse timing! He went to open the door, sweat still rolling down his forehead into his eyes. There she was standing like an innocent, professional officer. A huge contrast to what he witnessed a few minutes prior. "Everything is alright sir?"
"Yes." He gulped. "You said papers?"
"Oh yes. Here you go. Price also told me to remind you to not stay up too late and catch some sleep."
"Thanks for the advice." On this she left. His eyes watched walk away, not even trying to hide the stare on her butt. "Fuck me, she is going to be the end of me…"
The next posts gave him mixed feelings. He started to question if it was only lust that he was having for her. When she posted a short clip of her titled, I met a fan at the mall and let him play with my tits, he hated it. Why wasn't it him? He should be the one to be touching her like that. However he mentally slapped himself for having such possessive thoughts. "Come on Simon, you can’t blame her for this!" He told himself while looking in the mirror. "Isn't like you are her boyfriend or something." But did he wish that? Maybe… 
An opportunity presented itself though. Scotty did enjoy meeting a fan, even if it was out of the blue. Well she was lucky he had been a nice guy, not too creepy. But she kind of wanted to try it again. So she held a live where she announced that anyone of her Tier 1 subs will be randomly chosen to have a special date with her. With one condition, they had to be in England. Not like she wanted to travel or have someone traveling all the way here. 
Of course both Soap and Ghost were watching with eagerness. How convenient that there were both in her Tier 1. It was only a question of luck. Lots of luck! She was wearing a pretty laced brat and her hair was pulled in a messy bun. It gave a very relaxed yet sexy vibe. "Ok lovelies. Time to spin the wheel and see who is gonna be the lucky one… Or what if…" She bit her lip. "What if I invited two of you? Depending on the winners, maybe we could have a little fun together. I always wanted to try a threeway." 
Ghost groaned in frustration. If he was the winner, he wanted her for himself. Well that is if she didn't turn him down… But at the same time, how he could deny her something she wanted. Scotty impatiently waited for the result of the spinning, when she clapped her hands with a huge grin. "Alright, the first winner is O'MalleyB7-1! Time to slide in my dm sweetie." 
On his side, Soap was laughing. That was him! What were the odds! He couldn't wait to text Ghost about it. Hopefully his lieutenant wouldn't be too jealous. "And for the second…. Hoemoans! You know the drill." God that name sounded like the worst username. Well Scotty knew she could handle anything, if this one turned out to be a creep, no problem. She can take care of that.
Ghost's jaw almost dropped. Faith and luck were a blessing. A minute later, Soap texted him the news. Ghost felt some relief to know that it was both of them who won. He hated the idea of some weirdos getting close to her. They kept their identity a secret till the end of the meeting.
The day, or more evening, finally showed up. Scotty dressed as her usual. No need for an overly sexy outfit, especially when she might not keep any clothes for long anyway. This was such a risk, but she was still excited. If she brought home people she met at the bar one time, this was sort of the same thing. The pub she chose for the meeting was as she expected busy. Not overly busy, but enough that it would be stupid to attempt something in front of so many witnesses. She double checked her message about what the two men would be wearing to be recognizable. Once she was sure, she sent them a message to say she will be there in five minutes. Make sure she could eye them from far and assess the situation. From the corner, her eyes searched for the two men. Her heart skipped a beat when she was sure to recognize someone. Tall and squared, with a mask? "It can’t be!" Scotty whispered to herself. Panicking, she checked again the description the two men gave and eyed the familiar figure. Till he moved slightly aside revealing another familiar figure who marched the description of one user. 
Panic switched to fear and embarrassment. Soap and Ghost were the one who won the random encounter? They were her subs? How long have they been? They did not jerk off to her did they? "Oh fuck, oh nonononono!" She had to get out of here before they noticed her. How could she sleep with them! Soap, maybe. There were good friends and he was good looking. But Ghost? He was her superior! A superior who was watching her when she would be posting nudes and videos. Her face was burning hot. She needed fresh air now! Back against the wall, she crawled out of there, heading back to the train station. 
"Think she will show up?" Soap asked, finishing his glass. 
"I doubt it. Or if yes, she most likely saw us and ran away." It broke his heart a little that she would but it was understandable. Part of him started to feel really dirty about that. It felt like such a huge disrespect to her. Although their plan in the end, would have just to pay her some drinks and have a good laugh. Definitely not pressure to do something she didn't want to do. Their phones bipped at the same time, both receiving the same message from her. Sorry I can't make it, I got a last minute call from work, I'll be out of town for a few days. Sorry, lovelies. The last part, Scotty wrote it to make sure that they never figured out that she knew.
Another week has passed since this. Neither Soap or Ghost commented negatively on her page. It was mostly assumed, she had a great time but did not share it at the request of the fans. The other thing was that she stopped posting for a whole week. She would usually do at least a few pictures a day or every two days, depending if she was on a mission or not. Now it was radio silent. Scotty hoped that it was all a fever dream that she never saw them at the pub. And she sort of started to believe it. Till Soap came clean. He admitted all from the very beginning, without mentioning Ghost. Even pretend that whoever she saw at the pub with him was not the lieutenant. Back against the wall, Scotty groaned, face hidden in her hands. "That's fucking great…. Ugggh!"
"Is that so bad?" It was a little awkward and difficult to find the right words. 
"Not bad, just embarrassing. Fuck, you saw things I didn't want anyone from work to see. Like how are we supposed to work together now?"
"Come on Scotty, I have been following you for a few months now and did you notice any change. Don't we still kickass together?"
She smiled shyly. That was true. Nothing drastic happened in between. Maybe she was a little too dramatic. "Fair enough. It's just so strange that I'm fine with complete strangers, but with you it's like why am I so embarrassed by this?"
"Because we are friends. Don't sweat it, it's not like you also had fantasies about me." He laughed, but stopped death when he saw her face turning red and her eyes avoiding him. "No fucking way? You do?"
"Go fuck yourself, Soap!" 
"Only if you help." He teased getting slightly closer to her. His chest pressing on her arm. Her hand was dangerously close to his crotch. She swore he did that on purpose, so she could feel the small hardness. 
"You really get worked up with nothing, MacTavish." She purred. 
"Well I'm curious to know what I was doing in your fantasies now. After everything I saw, there's many options. Choking you?"
"No, that with someone else." He was taken aback by this answer. But her grabbing his balls through his pants gave him a reality check. "Although, having sex while at work is one of them. You know the fear of being caught by Price… or Ghost. Wouldn't it be terrible if they found you ball deep inside me?"
"Fucking hell, how the fuck did I never knew this side of you!" By now Soap was so hard, his cock was begging for space. Scotty winked at him and dragged him to a storage room. They were in one of the least used parts of the base, if anyone caught them it was only because they needed to access this very specific storage room. Which was in itself barely used. Door barely closed behind her, Soap was already all over her. Kissing her lips as if he would never taste them ever again, his hands holding her against him, running everywhere under her shirt. His hips humping on her. If he could fuck her without wasting time removing clothes he would. But these damn pieces of clothes were in the way. His breath was heavy and warm against her neck when he finally broke the kiss. 
"Someone is more excited about this than I expected." She chuckled. Her hands grabbed his shirt and pulled him off revealing his bare chest, warm to the touch. She ran her fingers over him, his muscles twitching at the soft lingering. 
"Like a dream come true." Soap hoped that Ghost would forgive him for apparently being the first one to get her. Scotty kneeled in front of him, hands caressing his tight from down up to release his cock. It flipped out so hard and ready to be used. Soap moaned softly in relief. She smiled amused. Scotty then reached for her pocket and handed him her phone. He looked surprised. 
"I won't ask you to be part of this, but…" She bit her lip. Soap was so weak to this that he was ready to say yes to whatever she wanted. "Can you at least take some pictures or videos of me? That's gonna make some good content." 
"Yes!" The word got lost in a groan as she started to stroke him, slow and steady. She licked the tip, pressing her lips on it before taking half of his cock in her mouth. "Oh fuck!" He let out holding himself to the shelves next to them. She knew exactly what to do, he was scared to come too fast. He had to control himself because there was so much more he wanted. He didn't have to wonder how far she could go, she showed her throat capability in the past, but how did it feel? He craved that so bad. His grip let go of the shelves to hold the back of her head and pushed Scotty even deeper on him. Her nails dug in the fabrics of his pants as she allowed herself to relax to take him till her nose touched his skin. That deserved a picture. As much as he enjoyed this, he pulled back.
"Don't want to spoil the fun time yet. Get these pants off. Now."
The spark of lust that glimmered in her eyes when he said that. To wonder how she kept it so straight when she was getting orders from her superiors. Scotty did as told. Soap handed her back the camera so he could get a hold of her thighs. She didn't have to ask what he would do, it was far obvious when kneeled and plunged his face in her cunt. He ate her out with so much greediness. She could barely keep her voice down as his tongue worked around her clit, pushing in and out. Going slow and fast the next seconds. Scotty had to hold herself on the shelves as her body was sinking down overwhelmed by his work. "Aahh..  fuck Soap! So good." 
"Say my name. Real name." He said between two gasps of air. 
"Hmmm… Johnny, please don't stop!" His name sounded like a blessing coming from her. Holy shit he never thought that he would enjoy this that much. Soap had heard her moans before in videos, but live? In person? He couldn't get harder than he was! His cock twitched every time his name crossed her lips. Scotty reached her climax, almost letting herself fall from her body releasing the tension that builded. Soap grabbed her by the legs lifting her up and keeping her in place against the cold metal shelves. He took the phone back from her hand. 
Scotty didn't have time to complain, he pushed his cock inside her still sensitive cunt. A loud moan echoed in the room. "I'm sure your fans will enjoy that view." Soap smirked. After a few snaps, he threw the phone on the shelves, held her with both hands and roughly pounded her. Scotty wrapped her legs around him for more support but she still had to hold into the shelves to not fall on the ground from his hard fucking. The shelves creaked under their weights: some of the boxes moved from the initial position, papers fell to the floor. They had no care in the world, someone might as well walk in they wouldn't have flinched. They were both too drunk on each other to think about anything else. Soap buried his face in the crook of her neck, panting hard. He was so close. "Come on Scotty, say my name one more time!" 
"Johnny!" She moaned. She grabbed into him as she felt her own climax about to release. "Harder Johnny, I'm so close! Johnny!"
That is all it took for him to spill himself inside her. That was the best fuck he had in long time. They stayed in each other's arms the time their heartbeat would come down. Sweat rolling down their back, they looked at each other before laughing. None of them could believe they just fucked their best friend. 
Later that day, Ghost was back home. After a quick meal and a shower, he was lazily watching tv. Another boring night. He caught himself checking his phone quite often for any notifications. Nothing new. Not that he desperately wanted more, but he hoped that the fact that Soap and him knew her secret wouldn't stop her from doing what she seemed to love. Maybe after her next post he should quit. Just make sure she was still up to do it. It was close to midnight when he heard the notification. She had posted! Ghost was a little happier than expected. Before looking at it, he promised himself that this would be the last time. 
He read the post. Sorry for the wait, work was in the way. And so was my workmate ;). He frowned. What workmate? Ghost carefully looked at the pictures attached to the post. God, she looked gorgeous in it. But, it was the whole workmate thing that did not sit well with him. It had to be someone from the military but who? The base was so big, it could be anyone. At first, he recognized the location, which meant she had no fear of doing this at work. Of course the man getting all the best of her wasn't shown. Not his face. But his forearms were… Ghost was on the edge of his seat. "Fucking bastard…" He raged. He would recognize this tattoo anywhere! The lieutenant never dialed Soap's phone this fast before. 
"Hey Gho-"
"What the fuck Johnny!" He cut him off. It was rare to hear the lieutenant yell or lose his cool. "You and Scotty fucked at the base?!"
"Oh shit you saw the pictures…"
"Yes you fucking dumbass! Didn't you think I would? How could to do this!"
"Hey easy Lt! You are acting weird now. Come on, a week ago you would have been totally fine with this and now you all worked up. The hell."
"Shut up Soap! You know I have a crush on her and you go play with her in my back."
"Wait what? You what now?" Ghost's words rang back in his head when he realized what he just confessed to Soap. He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. That was why he always tried to keep his emotions in check. The things that could be said under the influence of anything… "Ghost, did I really hear that right? You fancy Scotty!"
"Soap, you keep this for yourself or I swear you will regret this."
The next morning, Ghost was rather silent with both Scotty and Soap. Not that Scotty saw much different than usual. Soap on the other hand, was a little awkward. He was just having a casual normal conversation with her and he would see Ghost in the back eyeing him. The death glare through his mask, it was bone chilling. Scotty never noticed any of this and went on with her regular schedule. She hit the gym around the afternoon. It wasn't busy. Only a few people there. She did her usual reps for two hours before allowing herself a quick break. She scrolled on her phone, catching up on some comments. After posting not so revealing pictures of her flexing in the mirror, she got some requests for a more naughty setup around the gym. Maybe she could try? Looking around, she was almost alone, the storage room was barely used by anyone. The open gym was ok enough that when she had a chance she took a few selfies, emphasizing on her cleavage. Hard to get anything with a sports bra. 
As soon as the coast was clear, she nonchalantly made her way to the storage room. It was filled with some extra weights that were not used and some towels. Leaving the door just slightly open, her phone still could snap pictures without flash. Her tank top rolled up revealing her stomach, the zipper of her short open and pulled down so slightly you could see her v line. Whatever was sexy enough for her fans. Would she dare to go even more than? Her hand slided down to her cunt. She started to record. 
"Apparently working out doesn't stop the horniness." She chuckled, filming her fingers rubbing herself. Focused on what she was doing she didn't notice the door opening behind her. 
"Are you fucking serious!" A familiar voice made her jump. She held down a scream, but she still dropped her phone. She scrambled to get it back and stop everything. Her heart was pounding fast in fear. Ghost was standing there, with an expression she couldn't tell with his mask. Sending him the link to her OnlyFan had been embarrassing, finding out he was a subs and was about to meet her had been mortifying. But him catching her in the act of touching herself? Where was Death to take you when you needed it the most! Ghost closed the door behind him, plunging them in the dark till he turned on his flashlight from his phone. The atmosphere felt scary. "Because being fuck by Soap wasn't enough, you have to have to touch yourself at work. Fucking hell." 
"Y-you saw… Oh fuck right…" How could she have forgotten! Ghost closed the little distance between them. Scotty was now stuck between the wall and him. He towered over her in such a menacing way… Why was she so turned on by this! "It was just a fling with him. Nothing serious! We just blew some steam, that's it!" 
"I don't give a shite about it." He pressed himself even more against her, her breasts squeezed on his chest. 
"L-lieutenant… you are a little too close." She bit her lip. Her hips instinctively rolled. His hand grabbed into her waist to keep her in place. His forehead rested on hers. Ghost was trying so hard to keep control of himself. 
"Why did it have to be him and not me? Won't you give your lieutenant a chance?" He held her up with his knee raising between her legs, his other hand cupping her cheek like he was about to kiss her. His thumb brushed close to her throat making up her whimper involuntarily. Ghost chuckled and pushed his knee even more. Scotty grinded on it, her body being sparked up. It was not that she didn't want to give him a chance, she simply wasn't sure that he would truly be up for this. But she also feared that giving in to him would… mix up her feelings more than they were. She could finally get close to him, touch him. He was only wearing a t-shirt, his arms naked and muscles tensing under touch as she grabbed into him. He was probably on his way to train when he noticed the door and went to check. 
"Maybe I gave him a chance because he doesn't intimidate me." She moaned.
"Is that so? I won't bite you know. Unless you want me too." That was the thing about following her account. He got to know all the secrets that would get worked up. She could try to hide it, but he knew. All of it. "I wonder if I could also fuck you stupid. I bet Johnny did not." 
Scotty imagined this situation. Many times. And none were as close as this! Nothing could compare to the real thing and she was about to give in even easier than she gave in with Soap. "I bet you won't either." The sergeant taunted him.
She was playing with fire. Ghost took her challenge on. "You like being choked, don't you?" He said this more as an affirmation than a question. His fingers wrapped around her neck, slightly pressing. His hand that was resting on her waist ran down to plunge in her shorts. She was already so wet he easily pushed two fingers in. Scotty squirmed under his touch with a weak moan. "Keep it low sergeant, you don't want anyone else to show up." 
His fingers pumped carefully out first, he savored to be able to touch like this at last. All these videos where he watched doing the work, it was now his turn. Her cunt was so dripping he had no choice but to go faster. He could feel her clenching on him as if she wanted to keep him inside. "Would you be kind enough to give me a hand, love?" 
She nodded, her hand searching for an access to the inside of his sweatpants. After a little struggle, she had her grip on him. She stroked slowly but firmly. Ghost grunted. He wanted more, but he also wanted her to cum as much as she could. A difficult task. He wanted to fill her up, stretch her with his cock, and hear her sweet moan in real life. "Come on Scotty, be a good girl and come for me. Now."
"C-can you use my name?" Her gaze avoided him. So many times she dreamed of how her name would sound rolling out his tongue.
"Come for me, Camille." Her body twitched. The way he emphasized her name! It took only a few more thrusts for her to reach her orgasm. She held her moan down. Ghost's hand never moved from her cunt, the one around her throat let go. He lifted his mask just enough to free his lips and then lifted her top and bra to have access to her breasts. He sucked on her nipple and massaged the other tit. His fingers started to move again inside her. 
"Fuck Ghost." Scotty breathed. He hummed on her skin giving her the chill down her spine. She bucked her hips on him. "More please!" 
He didn't wait, Ghost went two steps faster, filling her with four fingers while his thumb circled her clit. She grabbed his shoulder. He was glad he still had his shirt on because she would have dug in his skin otherwise. Scotty came around him, muffling her moan in his shoulder. His hands moved away and she let herself slide slightly on the wall. He looked at her for a moment. It was strange to think she was beautiful at this moment; she was beautiful all the time to be fair. But it was how close he was, how he could make up all the details of her face, her voice… her everything. He wanted her. More than sexually, Ghost wanted her for himself. Even though this sounds bad. But it was true, all the sudden this moment who should have been a one time thing turned into more. Ghost didn't want this to be one time. He wanted it all the time, to be close to her all the time. 
He grabbed on her leg, lifting it up so he could have access to her cunt. Ghost positioned the tip at the entrance, teasing her. Scotty squirmed, wanting more than that. He smiled, before his lips pressed against hers and he pushed himself inside. She moaned silently in their kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck just like her legs around his waist. He started to pound her slowly to find his anchor. "You have no idea how much I love you." He breathed after the kiss. 
Scotty opened her mouth to ask what he meant, but any words were dissolved in moans that she tried to keep down. He held her with a firm grip forcing himself deeper inside her. Thrusting hard till her wetness overflowed on them, making the most lustful noise. Even with the door closed, someone would still be able to make out what was going on in there. His legs could barely hold both of them anymore. He slowly let themselves fall on the floor, never removing his cock from her warmth nor pouding. When he had her lay down on the cold floor, his hands grabbed on her breasts, squeezing them, playing with them, pinching her nipples. Ghost had his hands full. So soft and warm. Even better than all he could ever imagine. He fucked her even harder in the more relaxed position. Till he came inside her, grunting in her neck. 
They remained like this for a minute. No move, coming down from the high of their orgasm and panting hard. That was some workout. "Ghost?"
"What do you mean by how much you love me?" Scotty felt him tensing. It was inevitable that she would ask him this. He hated that he used these words in such a situation. Because of course it raised the question. What is her or her body? Was it only the sex or more? 
"I don't think now is the good time to talk about feelings. Maybe later, around the table with a drink."
Thankfully it was almost the end of the day by then and the wait hadn't been so much of a torture. It also gave enough time to Ghost to try to figure out what he should say, how to explain himself. Expressing himself was not his forte. Scotty on her side didn't try to think too much of it, but  as per her usual the way he proposed to talk felt like… perhaps there was a chance. They met at the pub after work. The ambiance was relaxed, it would be another hour or two before it would pack up. They sat at a corner table, a fake sense of intimacy. They had their fair share of drinks before, but never the two alone. And never after all that unfolded. One of them would have to speak up. "So… what now?" She said after a shot. "What's the deal Lieutenant?"
"Deal is, it's much easier to shoot people then to talk to them." He fidgeted with his glass, avoiding looking at her. A rare thing from him who was never afraid to keep eye contact. 
"Should I give you a gun?"
"Hell no!" She could see the smile on his face despite the mask. "Ugh I don't know where to start." 
"I know where. What about why the fuck did you even hang around my OnlyFan? I didn't think that was something you were interested in."
"I'm not. I was just in you." She was surprised by the answer. "Alright, you know I'm direct, no need to twist everything. So here's the deal. I fancy you. That was even before you slipped up with that link. I ignored it at first but… I got curious."
"Next thing you knew you were down the rabbit hole. I get it. Now what if…. I… also fancy you?" His eyes sparked open. 
"You better not fucking with me."
"We kind of already did." He chuckled. That was true. "But no seriously Ghost. I do like you too. A lot. However…. If we ever do something out of this, should I… you know stop my outside of work activities?"
"No. If you like this, please keep doing it. But, if you are to be mine, no more shagging around with strangers. Or Soap."
"Yeah I can work with that, sir." Not exactly the most romantic thing, but they didn't need more. This was enough. And in the end, they both got what they wanted.
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starsfic · 8 months
Medding Mother-In-Law
Summary: Marinette has thoughts about her relationship with Adrien and her mother-in-law. Alya is supportive.
Notes: I subscribe to the theory that Emilie is just as much of a shit parent Gabriel is, but Adrien and Gabriel have rose-colored glasses.
"I don't think I want to marry Adrien."
Marinette's voice was low, as if she was realizing something that had been nagging at her for a long while. Alya looked away from the movie to stare at her best friend. Marinette was staring at the floor, eyes hooded in shadow and sinking realization.
"What?" Her first instinct was to deny it, say that wasn't possible. Marinette and Adrien had been together for years after Marinette had finally got herself together. However, that felt more like the voice of the teenage her. And Alya, twenty-five now, was older and wiser and had worked with Marinette to improve their friendship. So, instead, she paused the movie and focused on the important questions. "Why?"
"...Emilie." That was almost enough to explain it. Alya didn't speak to the woman often, but she knew enough that Emilie Agreste wasn't the perfect mother like Adrien claimed. "I...today, Adrien and I were talking about wedding cakes."
"Right." Marinette had claimed that she always wanted a small cake for her and Adrien to cut and a larger "wedding cake" made of cupcakes for the guests. "Adrien liked the cupcakes, didn't he?"
Marinette nodded, her features pale in the blue light of the TV. "He did. We were discussing what flavor, and then Emilie pipes up and says she and Gabriel had this big fancy wedding cake and that would look so much nicer and-" She gestured widely with her hands. "She said that she had already contracted a bakery to start working on it." Alya felt her jaw drop, and her bestie kept going. "Never mind the fact that Adrien and I had plans of our own! Never mind that my parents called dibs on making my wedding cake! She just said that she preferred that over the "cute cupcakes" and-" Marinette's hand slammed down on her face to muffle her groan.
"Want some wine?" Alya offered, grabbing the remote and turning the TV off entirely to switch on a lamp instead. She had a feeling of what the next part was. Alcohol wouldn't change anything, but it might help soothe the feeling for tonight.
Marinette shook her head. "No, otherwise, I'm going to start crying."
Alya hummed. "Crying might be good."
"Give me a second." Marinette took a deep breath in, deep breath out. "Adrien immediately said that was nice of her and when I tried to point out that we had a plan he..." She hissed. It was just as she guessed. "He said that we were just spitballing ideas and it would be fine!" Marinette let out a bark of laughter that sounded more like a sob. "He told me to not make a scene."
Alya passed over tissues.
"It's always: don't make a scene. Don't make a fuss. They'll soon realize how ridiculous they're being. And it's over and over again." Marinette yanked out a tissue with a ferocity that Alya had only seen in Ladybug mode. "I'm sick of it. If Emilie gets controlling over this, what else will she get controlling over?"
It was a good question and one, Alya realized, that she didn't want to find out.
"I don't want to marry Adrien. I don't want that level of control over my life." Marinette dabbed at her eyes, barely hiding a sniffle. "God, remember what his dad was like? Somehow Emilie is worse."
"I believe you." Alya straightened up, grabbed Marinette's glass, and poured some more wine in. "So, what do you want to do? Do you want to cancel everything and ghost him?" It was a dumb question, Adrien had way too many connections in their life, but it was enough to make Marinette snort.
"No. I want to sit down with him and explain what I'm doing. If Emilie wants to be there, fine." Marinette pulled out another tissue, blew her nose, and nodded to herself. "Once he understands why I'm doing this, then I'll cancel everything. I'll pay for it all so he doesn't have to deal with it and then..." She pause, her blue eyes seeming to freeze.
She didn't know what to do next.
To be fair, neither did Alya.
"...go on a vacation?" she offered. "Didn't Emilie refuse to go on that one Mediterranean cruise because she got seasick?" Marinette's eyes brightened. Alya nodded to her words as she thought. "We could round up the girls and go." Not to mention, that cruise stopped in Athens, where a certain guitarist was going to be next playing at.
Hey, Alya had pushed Marinette into this. It made sense that she should help her get a guy she knew was supportive.
"That sounds nice." Marinette grabbed her phone and Alya couldn't help a smile. "Now, come help me draft this. I need your support."
And her support Alya would give.
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Gift from the human world
A/N:This piece is part of a collab for Mammon's birthday ^-^
For those who don't know, Mammon rescued a little girl from the human world and sends money to the witches to take care of her. For the sake of simplicity the little girl is called Lyra in this fic.
Two pairs of footsteps could be heard through the hallway of the House of Lamentation. One of them was running for their life while the other was simply pursuing them slowly. It was normal for Mammon to be running away from someone, be it one of his brothers or some debt collectors, but this time was different.
Taking a sharp corner, Mammon barges into MC's room and closes the door as quietly as he could manage under all of his stress.
"You look like you've just seen a ghost. Who is chasing you this time?" Turning around, the second born could see that MC and Levi were playing video games in the corner of the room.
"I bet it's Lucifer, you don't see him looking so scared just from being chased by anyone." Levi snickered to himself.
Making his way towards the corner of the room, Mammon makes a point of sitting between the two of them, glaring at his younger brother, "Will ya shut up already? It's not Lucifer..." Mumbling the last words, he looks anywhere but at the two of them.
"Don't tell me...did you manage to piss of Barbatos?! LMFAO you as good as dead." Leviathan teases him, not bothering to hide his laughter while doing so.
"Even worse, one of the witches came into the house." At the mention of the witch, the room fell silent. MC finally decided to break the silence, hoping that the situation wasn't as bad as they thought.
"Did you forget to pay them by chance?" Putting the game aside, they turn all of their attention to Mammon.
"I've actually given them the money recently; I don't know why she came here, and I didn't stay around for long enough to ask." Just thinking of her sent a shiver down his spine.
Looking towards the door, all too aware of the situation, Leviathan asks, unsure if he wants to hear the answear. "Does she know that you're in this room?" Sure, the witches may only be after Mammon, but anyone could be caught in the crossfire, and the last thing anyone wanted was to run into an angry witch.
"I made sure that she didn't see me enter this room, but it's only a matter of time before she comes here too." Letting out a frustrated grunt, he leans against the wall.
The peace didn't last for long when the door burst open and a tall woman, nearly the same height as Beelzebub, entered the room. She looked like a stereotypical witch, with a pointed hat and a simple black dress. Maybe if they stayed and looked closer, they would have been able to really notice all the accessories, but alas, everyone got up and made a run for the door.
Mammon and MC were the first and only ones to make it out of the room, not bothering to look back. Leviathan was close behind them but got grabbed by a magic hand that the witch controlled. As both Mammon and MC were running, they could hear Leviathan's screams. They knew he wouldn't die, but they were also aware about the fact that they would never hear the end of the rant he would have in the future about 'being left behind'.
They tried to hide in more corners of the house, but they were found each time, getting some of the other demon brothers caught in the crossfire. The only time the witch seemed to slow down was when Satan started to chat with her about magic and cats and when Asmodeus was charming her. She didn't even bother to do anything to Belphegor, she just stepped over his sleeping body and continued to chase after the demon of greed and the human.
As much as they tried to hide, they never made it out of the house before the witch cornered them.
"Finally decided to stop running?" Making her way towards them, she reaches into her bag for something.
"What do ya want with me? I've already given you the money for this month!" Mammon screamed, terrified, at what the witch could possibly be taking out of her bag.
Closing his eyes, he prepares for the worst—a curse or more debt.
"Would you open your eyes? I am not trying to kill you or anything."
Slowly opening his eyes, Mammon sees that she took out a weirdly shaped crow plushie.
" Lyra made it for you for your birthday. She has been working on it the whole week." Finally understanding what happened, Mammon starts looking around the room.
"Did you say that Lyra made it for me? You didn't bring her with you here, did you?"
Rolling her eyes, the witch just hands him the plushie. "Of course not! She somehow still doesn't know that we are witches."
Seeing the look of confusion on MC's face, she starts to explain how everyone decided to hide the existence of magic for a little while longer so she could have a normal childhood. Once she reaches 15, they will start revealing things bit by bit. After explaining anything, she turns with a look of disdain towards Mammon.
"I still don't know why that kid looks up to you so much, but it doesn't matter, after I leave, you better call her and thank her for the gift, or I will curse you to hell and back!" Shooting Mammon a last glance, she takes her leave. Looking down at the crow plushie in his hand, the avatar of greed turns to MC.
"Would you mind helping me find a gift for her after we are done with my party? Since he can't really invite the kid to his party, unlike Luke, he has to make it up to her in some way.
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EarthSpark: When the script is not your strong suit. Part 1.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
I will say in advance that I do not hate this series, but I have a lot of questions and complaints about some plot points. These posts are also an invitation to discussion, but first I recommend reading to the end (if someone is interested, of course).
let's get started. It's going to be a long song.…
1. The unevenness of the narrative, forgotten moments, strange plot twists.
Many people, including me, have already talked about this, there are many moments in the series when events develop too quickly and occur without prior construction and prerequisites. This is especially noticeable in the filler series, which had no consequences for the narrative, despite the fact that events predisposed to this. For example, the episodes "Traditions", "Bear Necessities", "Decoy", "Friends and Family". In the first of these episodes, Alex recognized the signs of his colleague's inventions. Has anyone remembered this and tried to find out where Arachnamechs came from? No.
The mutant bear didn't surprise anyone at all. Why did the GHOST throw waste in the forest at all? There's no point in doing it so openly, and if there was a goal, what was it? We never found out. This is an extremely cheap way to show how much the GHOST is an evil organization that spoils nature. This is a militarized organization, where do they get hazardous waste, in principle, if specifically they are not part of military production and their base is obviously not some kind of factory? If this is waste from scientific research, then again, from where? It was not shown that the GHOST was studying or inventing anything until Meridian returned to them. And even if that's the case, what's the point of Croft throwing away evidence of some dark business of the organization where they can be found by the person whom Croft herself lured here to work? The only thing that helped the whole situation was that Dot and everyone else just forgot about this meeting with the mutant bear and did not start an investigation. And anyway, how long has this been going on? It would be a good move to show at the end of the episode "Traditions" a hint of these mutants, which the locals mistook for cryptids. By the way, is Dot a good ranger if she's not interested in what happened to that bear in the woods?
What about "Prime Time"? Apart from all the oddities, no one tried to figure out what kind of ship it was, is it really in orbit, what happened at all? Where did the Meridian go? Isn't anyone interested? Okay. By the way, it turns out that Robby alone could be enough to create Twitch and Thrash? Why? By what logic does the creation of Terrans work at all?! What's going on in this episode, help!
The entire episode of "Decoy" turned out to be useless because the beginning of the episode " Warzone" was cut out. And how would it be, how did it happen that the creators of the series cut out the plot outcome of another episode? At least they would have said that everything that happened was the work of Soundwave and Ravage.
Or an episode of "Friends and Family"? Did Bumblebee forget about the inscription and the drawing, did the whole family forget to get a supply of this water? Considering that this resource eventually disappeared! What did the Terrans eat after the episode "What Dwells Within"?! And if they had to hide for a long time, wouldn't it be worth having a supply of this water?
I'll just leave it without comment that for a long time the children did not even think about telling how the Terrans were born.
And that's not even the whole list. I do not know how it was possible to overlook such inconsistencies and nonsense.
2. Parents do not receive attention in the plot and because of this they look negligent.
The series, which began and is mainly positioned as focusing on the family, decided very early to sideline the parents, Dot and Alex, reducing their role and significance, but most importantly, the logic of the plot. That is, attentive and caring parents do not try to protect their children from getting into various fights and dangerous situations? I understand that the plot should be happening, but they could have expressed their fears, tried unsuccessfully to stop the children or talk to the Cybertronians about it, at least with Arcee, who instead of looking after the children went with them to fight with Soundwave! Are parents satisfied with such "babysitters"? Fine.
How considerate is Dot as a mother if, knowing that a free-roaming Decepticon has appeared in the area, which has already attacked people in the city, she did not think to call home and warn her family about it? This is "House Rules", and we remember how it could have ended for Mo and Thrash.
How considerate are Dot and Alex if, knowing that one of their children may be constantly connected to the Internet, they don't do anything about it? No attempt to control what exactly the Hashtag can see there? No explanation of the rules of behavior on the Internet and possible dangers? This is a show for kids, it could make a good educational episode or part of it, but so, are they waiting for this to become a problem to solve it next season?
One of your children has built a whole bunker out of materials that came from nowhere and constructs often dangerous inventions. What should parents do about it? Probably nothing, they don't need to ask questions, they don't need to control and supervise the safety of this child and the rest of the children, they don't need to look for a teacher, at least a Wheeljack. Why, because in "Bear Necessities" we were not shown the consequences.
Alex is our historian, but it doesn't affect anything beyond the first episode. Did he discover the similarity of Arachnamechs to his colleague's inventions? No, it's not worth investigating. Any historical information is told by one of the transformers, but not by him, although he could tell both his children and us some historical facts important to the plot. Information about Primes and artifacts? No, he didn't tell it, although he could have started with the basics, and the Cybertronians would have completed it. The battle at the space bridge? No, Megatron told about it. What's the point of making a character a historian if you don't give him the opportunity to use his knowledge?
Besides, Alex, by hints, had some kind of connection with the Meridian. This can be understood from the remarks from both Alex and Meridian, which were supported by the acting of the voice actors. But what did it lead to? How did this fact affect their meeting? How did it help to defeat Meridian? Did this give a backstory to either of them? The answer to all questions is no. Then why was this connection added?
Because of all this, Dot and Alex seem to be very neglectful parents who either don't understand what's going on or don't consider it serious. And this is very strange, because they were not originally written like that, and all these situations could have been solved by a couple of lines in the script, but the authors did not think of it.
3. Dads-2 don't make sense.
Well, the main theme of the series is family. And it seems like it is. And then, starting from the second part of the first season, the authors began to conveniently push the parents to the second and third plan, as mentioned in the paragraph above.
But the family doesn't end only with Malto, because this also applies to Cybertronians, who are mentors for Terrans or, as the fandom prefers to call them, dads-2. And it seems like the idea is clear, the Terrans are a bridge between humanity and the cybertronians, they have a human family and there must be someone who will provide connection with the Cybertronians. In addition, the show should show as many recognizable characters as possible in order to attract viewers familiar with the franchise, this is understandable. So how does the plot handle this?
Twitch and Wheeljack. Okay, he created a drone that she scanned and showed her which set of weapons she had. And after that, he disappeared from the plot, although he had several opportunities to help the Terrans, especially Nightshade. If it's expensive to invite a voice actor and add model to an episode, then authors could at least mention him.
Nightshade and Tarantulas. Okay, Tarantulas didn't teach Nightshade anything, because Nightshade already knows everything, he didn't teach any moral lesson, he was going to hurt Dot and Alex. A great dad-2, but apparently the fandom knows better. Nightshade even acquired an altmod in response to the danger posed by the Tarantulas, and this cannot be called a help, if you replace it with any other threat, nothing will change. Well, yes, an excellent dad-2 of a possible war criminal scientist, but more on that later.
Hashtag and Starscream. This is more of a fandom declaring Starscream the dad-2 for the Hashtag, but still. Everything is simple here, Hashtag serves as a plot justificator for Starscream's behavior, which will be discussed later, and no more.
Jawbreaker and Grimlock. It's not that bad here, and Grimlock has a lot to teach Jawbreaker. But do parents not care about the fact that one of their children will be taught by someone with serious PTSD and a problem with anger control?
And for some reason, the fandom appoints Swindle as the dad-2 for Trash. Should I remind you that Swindle used Trash and Mo and later threatened them, maybe even could have killed them? Is everything okay, a good role model?
In the end, this is another thing that the authors wrote into the plot and did not develop.
4. Terrans lose their features and look just like young cybertronians.
The question arises that we are constantly being pointed out that Terrans are important for the future of transformers, that they are unique in their nature. But how is it shown, what does it mean and what does it affect? They are techno-organic, but what exactly distinguishes them from Cybertronians? Do they drink some kind of unusual water instead of energon and can scan fossilized bones? Seriously, what else? Did they appear in an unusual way? And how do we know how ordinary Cybertronians appear, maybe in the same way, but with the help of another artifact and another water. Why would add a technoorganicity characteristic and not really do anything about it? Everything the Cybertronians teach them works, although we should have expected some differences in their functioning and the work of their bodies.
I don't think the situation will change in the second season, but we'll see.
5. The development of Robby and Mo is not consistent.
Why did such a remark from Mo appear in a conversation with Jawbreaker about the fact that no one takes her seriously because she is a girl? This never happened in the series, no one told her that, on the contrary, she was always on a par with Robby. Besides, her mom is a former soldier, how could there be such conversations in such a family? And everything is simple, it was added at the last moment for the sake of something unclear.
In general, their whole development is strange, the viewer seems to be told that both Robbie and Mo are important for some kind of "prophecy", but is it implied that Mo is more important, especially with his healing powers? What does that even mean? Why was the prophecy introduced? For some reason, the authors completely abandoned Robby's arch that he wants to be a defender of his family and is trying to be a leader? He should have had this arch on a par with Twitch, but Twitch took over the whole role. In addition, the final phrase of the parents in the episode "Prime Time" looks very strange when they say that Mo is special. They have a recently dying son sitting next to them! Which, as the episode showed, is also special on a par with Mo! Why was this phrase only about Mo, if it contradicts the whole morality of the episode?
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
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