#A literal collection of TERFs
asinajar · 4 months
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chaoticsoulsword · 1 year
saying people should die over a fictional ship is terminally online mentality. plz speak to real queer people instead of basing your entire personality on an amazon show that doesnt show queer pda because of homophobia.
If this is about that post exposing those two transphobic and aroacephobic Good Omens blogs, then lemme make myself clear to you. I never said people should d word because of a ship. I said those two accounts are extremely transphobic and exclusionist. And for being shitty TERFs, they should definitely d word :)
More than that, I don't feel like going holier-than-thou christian guilt when a hate group is against the entire existence of minorities, thanks.
On top of that, If you're mad about the tv show's DELIBERATE lack of queer representation (to you), there's always OFDM and WWDITS. That is, if you're not mad about Jim being non-binary but not saying it with all the letters, or the fact that it took three seasons for Guillermo to come out as gay despite the deliberate sexual tension between him and Nandor. Ah, and the fact that Jemaine stated all the vampires are pansexual but I don't think it's good enough for you, is it? I was also going to recommend Sandman but you think Neil is homophobic despite 90% of the characters being queer :/
In conclusion: you're hilarious. "Speak to real queer people."
I'm a real queer person myself and I definitely talk to people who touch grass. Not a single of them is mad about pda in Good Omens. Actually, we all love it and see ourselves in Azi and Crowley and the kind of relationship they have 💜 That's a you problem, actually.
Happy second season! It looks so promising, I can't wait 💜
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lastoneout · 16 hours
I really do miss back when it was considered fucking weird to ask trans people(or anyone who is even a little gnc/has a label you don't understand/is giving you queer vibes)* what their assigned sex at birth is. Like we literally used to roast cis people for this shit, that's legit why the "what's in your pants" meme exists, but somehow we've reached a point where a very vocal portion of the online trans community genuinely thinks you owe people this information so they can make insane generalizations about you and your life and if you refuse that's cause for suspicion and I really shouldn't have to explain how fucked that is.
Interrogating people about what's in their pants is transphobe/terf/transmed shit. "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" is fed shit. Tbh "you owe me personal information about your body and medical history" is ableist and intersexist shit. Sex and/or gender tells you literally nothing concrete about a person and there is no world where you are owed this information. Can we cut this shit out and go back to judging people by their words and actions instead of what some random doctor decided their body looks like when they were a squishy baby, you know, like normal people? Please??
*It's also wildly intersexist but unfortunately I don't think we've ever reached a point of collectively accepting that it's horrid to ask intersex people unprompted questions about their bodies and medical histories. You are absolutely not owed any of that information for any reason, especially given that medical history typically goes hand in hand with profound trauma due to how normalized medical abuse against intersex people is, and everyone needs to get that through their heads yesterday. If they want to share they can and will, aside from that it's none-ya.
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doberbutts · 2 years
Okay. So. Longass post while I eat dinner and wait for my controller to charge and then I’m going back to my game.
The problem is it’s never actually been about the word itself.
We tried transandrophobia. Transmisandry. Isomisogyny. Transmascphobia. Anti-transmasculinity. People fought about literally all of them, saying they don’t exist, that they legitimize incel and terf language, that they’re some power grab, that they’re inherently transmisogynistic.
We tried transmisogyny and were told it was just for trans women and that we couldn’t use it.
We tried “transphobia specific to trans mascs”. We were told there is no such thing. That other demographics experience it and thus it’s actually theirs and not ours to discuss. We brought up trans mascs with genders marked M or X being denied abortions, pap smears, and other reproductive care. Trans mascs correctively raped by their significant others and spouses they were forced by their families to marry. Trans mascs who were targeted specifically because they were trans mascs, often buried as women under their dead names to be forever misgendered by history. We were told we were making it up and that we were weaponizing our womanhood by discussing these lived experiences.
We tried “just” misogyny. We were told that as men, we weren’t allowed to say that we experienced misogyny because trans men are men and men never experience misogyny and thus our very real experiences weren’t really ours and they weren’t that bad.
We tried “just” transphobia. We were told that as trans men, we don’t really experience transphobia because any transphobia we do experience is actually transphobia about trans women and thus our very real experiences weren’t really ours and they weren’t that bad.
You don’t have to take my word for it. You can go into the tags of any of those words and see exactly that being discussed in real time right now in 2023. I’ve even got screenshots from @baeddel-txt if you want to give yourself psychic damage by reading truly the worst takes ever from 2014 onwards.
At some point, one has to admit what it’s actually about is stopping trans mascs from discussing the way they’ve been treated by society, and stopping others from considering that maybe the way they’ve been treating us is a problem.
And make no mistake- while some of it is coming from trans fems and it’s impossible to say it’s not, just as there’s shit-flinging in reverse from trans mascs to trans fems as well, because for some reason we prefer to blame each other rather than working together to solve our problems as a collective- if you take a scroll through these tags a lot of it is coming from cis people and fellow trans mascs. A lot of it is coming from other LGBT or otherwise queer-identified people and a lot of it matches previous attempts at killing the ace, bi, and pansexual communities using the same arguments that the internet likes to cycle through every couple of years and has been doing since online communities began to exist.
So, I ask you, if you got through this and still want to write a witty retort, what have you done to help us fix the staggering amounts of suicide, sexual assault, and beatings we face? What have you done to help us fix the staggering amounts of us being denied necessary healthcare? What is your solution to all this, besides to sit at your computer or scroll through your phone and quibble about whether or not the specific word is allowed to be used this week?
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pastadoughie · 3 months
can non intersex trans people please stop putting intersexism and bio essentialism shit on my dash like??? all the time???
whenever i try to talk about nuance in transphobia and point out blatant intersexism i am simultaneously made out to be a stupid naive little bitch woman who doesnt know what shes talking about and an evil misogynistic man when i am neither. its textbook erasure and dehumanization no matter how polite and understanding i try to be. and i am talking SPECIFICALLY about trans people. often because perisex trans people are WORSE at recognizing and correcting their intersexism because they view themselves as "above" bioessentialism for their transness,,, its honestly tiring
the way sexism presents is the fundamental idea that :
women by default have LESS agency
and men by default have MORE agency
i feel like i shouldnt have to tell you that this is dehumanization of BOTH, but ill do it anyway. someones agency in a given situation depends on a VARIETY of different factors, like class / race / disability / location / & the political views of the community they are in
moreover "man" and "woman" are not actually defined terms. for example, being a victim of misogyny has ZERO correlation to whether or not you are a woman, in BOTH ways that people categorize womanhood. either as a biological trait (or a collection of traits) or as an identity label
if you get catcalled on the street that is not because you ARE a woman but because you are PERCEIVED AS ONE by the catcaller. someones profiling of you as a woman being accurate DOESNT MEAN IT ISNT PROFILING. literally NOBODY has a chromosome detector 3000.
so many forms of gender based discrimination perpetrated in the queer community COMPLETELY skip over these nuances in discrimination and often get EXTREMELY ANGRY when you try to point them out! this is often because people have this inherent belief that they are somehow transcendent and that they DO magically have a chromosome detector 3000, that their profiling is magically always correct, and this belief is tied to their ego.
moreover people mischaracterize sexism as just "hating women" and NOT actually as "sorting people arbitrarily into boxes for their perceived genders", if you are a TERF you are EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF SEXIST as someone who believes women shouldnt be allowed to vote. they still hold the fundamental idea of men by default having more agency.
i think TERFism is a wonderful example of how people can be sexist against men and the harm that it causes, because that is the ideological core of radfem politics.
people perceived as "male" when placed in a community full of people seen as "female" are automatically seen as predatory for their perceived privilege (regardless of if those privileges actually apply in that setting at all! look at transfemmes! they get literally zero benefits from their perceived manhood, and yet are still seen as predatory because of it ). when i speak about "misandry" however loaded the word is- this is what i am referring to, the assumptions and discrimination that comes from being arbitrarily placed in a gender category seen as having universally more agency.
because agency isnt innate or biological this sorting into categories is ALWAYS sexism even if they benefit the person!!
this is why i think phrases like "TME" are inherently harmful, because weather or not someone is seen as a "man" or a "woman" is completely arbitrary and can differ wildly depending on not only the person doing the profiling, but also the context of the situation. trans-misogyny, being seen as a "man" trying to "invade" a "womans space" is not exclusive to transfemmes nor even universally applies TO transfemmes.
moreover its why i hate the word "trans-androphobia" because its not even descriptive of the perception of being a "girl" trying to be a "man"
i think in general the shorthand the trans community uses lacks so much fucking nuance and is baked in with intersexism and bio essentialism  pretty much as a rule.. i think it's infinitely more clear to use words corresponding to what exactly the profiling of whoever is being bigoted is far more helpful and clear, but in order for something like that to be clear it needs to actually be used with nuance and keeping in mind the fact that discrimination is based on PROFILING and not off of any kind of objective reality. In which words that just mean "the type of discrimination transmen go through" is ambiguous and unhelpful on every level.
if you wanna be less intersexist YOU NEED TO LET GO of the idea that certain people universally have more/less agency AS WELL AS THE IDEA that you are universally exempt from or included in any kind of gender based discrimination
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no-song-so-sweet · 4 months
I want to talk about Harry Potter.
Well. Sort of. I want to talk about Harry Potter in a roundabout way, in that, I want to talk about the reaction my friend group had when shit started really going down with That Bitch Rowling.
Because Rowling is a horrible person. She’s a TERF, a denier of Nazi Crimes, homophobic, anti-Semitic, the list goes on and on (and most recently, has been attacking a trans soccer manager, if my dash is to be believed? Somehow, she just seems more cartoonishly evil with each passing day). But this isn’t about That Bitch Rowling, not really. Or if it is, she’s merely a footnote in the story.
Harry Potter was, and I think this is true for many of us, a large part of my childhood. While the writing may be mediocre at best, it was wildly influential. I didn’t know a single kid that wasn’t hoping for a letter to Hogwarts. It was a Big Deal for a lot of people, and that included my friend group. My friend group, which is made up of members of the LGBTQ+ community. My friend group, which includes a young lady who we didn’t always know was a lady. I’m sure you can see where this might be going.
The day I got a tear filled phone call about That Bitch Rowling was, frankly, heartbreaking. She was mad because a woman she had respected up until now didn’t respect her. She wanted to get rid of her copies of the books, but didn’t want to donate them. I never want to hear her cry like that again. So I made a decision.
I told her to hold onto her books for just a little while longer. I phoned the group. I figured out when everyone could get together for a weekend, and when I had hammered out dates, I packed up my car, and drove the six hundred miles back to my childhood home.
In the passenger’s seat, was my set of Harry Potter books.
Excluding my trans friend, there were seven of us. I had made a plan, and my father had the space to enact it - I grew up on acres of land; complete with 200 year old oak tree, creek in the woods in the backyard, and a massive fire pit.
Nostalgia and youth, I find, paint everything with a rose tinted hue; if Rowling had just kept her mouth shut, I’m sure many of us would have looked back on the Harry Potter series with some amount of shame. But I don’t think it would have suffered the sort of fall from grace that led us to this point.
The fire pit is important for several reasons. For example, it had been the popular gathering place for my friend group of literal decades at this point. Small towns mean that you know everyone from a very early age. We lived right beside the woods, so we used the fire pit to burn the leaves, and the branches storms took down, of which there were many. And when the first six of my friends rolled down the half mile driveway that day, I had already collect enough wood to get a decent fire going.
Six of my friends. We told the seventh a later time. We wanted to be prepared, and anyway, we all had the same cargo (six sets of seven books joined mine on a rickety folding table). I put them to work collecting more firewood (is it really a good bonfire if you’re not risking setting the barn on fire?).
By the time our last member rolled up, I had a fire going.
She had her set of those damn books too.
(There is a visceral grief that comes from being let down by your childhood heroes, and I fully believe that That Bitch Rowling embodies the phrase “never meet your heroes,” because folks, as a general rule, I am not a fan of burning books. But I was prepared to make an exception.)
We burned our copies of the Harry Potter books that day, all eight of us. They were well read, beaten to hell and back, with cracked spines, and dents in corners, and pieces of the pages missing where we had bent down the corners one too many times. And I won’t lie to anyone. We cried. Tears of sorrow and rage, for the piece of our childhood that we were choosing to give up, because to keep it would be to disrespect the woman we had known and loved for longer than we’d ever had those books.
Letting go sucked. But it was the right thing to do.
When they were gone, we put out the fire, went inside, and built the pillow fort of our dreams. We marathoned Star Wars, and ordered too many pizzas, and had way too much soda. We fell asleep playing Risk, because that’s what our friend choose, and in the morning, I made waffles with chocolate chips and too much maple syrup.
I wanted to talk about this, not just because this is a fond memory for me (even though it is), but because one of my coworkers confessed to me that they hated Rowling, and everything she stood for, and they refused to have anything else to do with the Harry Potter franchise, but they just couldn’t bring themselves to get rid of the books.
I said I was happy to host another book burning.
But I wanted to write this down because I know that sometimes it’s hard to take that final step, to leave behind that last thing. So for anyone who needs to hear it, it’s okay to grieve the things we loose when we grow up. Letting go can be hard, but I promise you’ll end up better off. It’s been awhile since things really went downhill, but I maintain that, in this case, death of the author is nonexistent, and it is better to have loved and then lost, than to hold on too tight.
Don’t hurt yourself on the shattered remains of your childhood magic.
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andreablog2 · 2 months
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I love the framing of this sort of uk specific hyper surveillance as unique to progressive values when …not only was the monitoring of citizens worse during the Mark Duggan protests in 2011, the technology was worse and they still managed to arrest people the next day. London is basically untouched w the civil unrest this year despite there being so much panic. Not only that but 5 civilians died in 2011. Surveillance is a hallmark of English culture (absolute monarchies, theocratic totalitarian regimes, countless religious civil wars) that predates utilitarianism/the invention of the literal panopticon….by a British philosopher, the most iconic works of dystopian “speculative fiction” are all essentially based on English culture….black mirror, Huxley, 1985…..the uk always gets brought up at this like horribly woke place that spies on its own citizens when it’s also kind of the birthplace of terf extremism…which is what I believe have way for this modern anti woke reverse psychology implementation of fascism…era we are collectively in. To take these facts and twist them to push your own agenda when you could be at the beach some where is seriously deranged. And the thing is yes Elon musk, you’re a total dork and foolish but you’re aware of these contradictions bc these are all basic facts and this is why you chose to buy a public free speech platform so you could promote gross exaggerations and scapegoat any minority activist group. I truly hope your iPhone does and you get locked in your car as the battery catches on fire, essentially cooking you in an oven.
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(header art by @haycoat and @canadianlucifer <3)
(We also punt people into the Sun at @would-you-punt-them if you've got the bloodlust)
I feel as if this tournament must exist somewhere, but I looked for two hours and couldn't find it. So I've decided to be the change I want to see in the world and subject all of you to it.
Do you have a red-hot take that you know most people wouldn't agree with, but are still absolutely willing to fight for it? This is the place where it belongs. Let's pit them against each other in a fight for validation!
All submissions are anonymous.
Your take can be about literally anything at all, as long as you feel the vast majority of people would disagree. Even though you're right. And they're just afraid to admit it.
Basically, if it's a hill you're willing die on - even if you have to do it alone - then it belongs right here.
Oh, and it kinda goes without saying, but terfs and bigots stay away.
You can submit all your scalding takes right here:
Feel free to submit as many as you like!
Once all the submissions have been collected, we'll run preliminaries for the most contested topics, and most controversial takes will qualify for the bracket.
Then, I'll take all the remaining submissions and put them into a randomiser. It will be in fate's hands after that.
Whatever submissions the randomiser picks, no matter what they are, will fill out the rest of the bracket. No re-rolls.
After that, all of the matchups will be shuffled again, so the resulting bracket will be completely random. No seeding, no creator bias.
All we can do then is pray.
RULES FOR VOTING (updated, edited on request x3):
Everyone will vote for the take they most agree with, and the most validated take will advance.
The last take standing will then graduate from "hot take" and be crowned MOST OBJECTIVE FACT OF ALL TIME FOREVER.
Please do vote and reblog if you can! It does really help spread the word!
Propaganda is encouraged - fight for your cause!
(Inspirations under the cut)
@arrowtossingtournament @fictional-musician-competition @videogamedogbracket @moon-swag-tourney @dialogueless-duel @pinkhairswagtourney @hauntthenarrative @look-how-they-massacred-them @unlikely-adversaries-bracket @goodforher-showdown @tournament-winners-tournament (and too many more to mention!)
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rjalker · 1 year
if anyone tell you pap smears don't hurt they're a gods damned liar
next time I'm going to ask them to just give me fucking laughing gas or something.
Edit two days later:
For the fucking record to ward off jackass, this post is being made by a nonbinary trans person. My pronouns are it/its. Any TERFs or other transmisics who touch this post will be fucking vaporized.
For a damn preface, for those unaware, a pap smear is a procedure done on people with vaginas to test for cervical cancer or other health problems. It involves sticking a medical device into the vagina and using it to widen the walls of the vagina so the doctor can stick a tiny brush into the cervix to collect cells for testing.
And if you try to look up whether or not this procedure can hurt, every where you look will tell you it doesn’t.
And I'm still fucking infuriated by this. Because it’s a fucking lie. Everywhere I looked beforehand said it wouldn't hurt, I might just feel some pressure. Every single fucking website and blog post and video said "It won't hurt! It doesn't hurt!"
Even now when I am specifically trying to find other people talking about how it hurts, 99% of the results are saying it doesn't hurt, and if it does, it's just because you're nervous and anxious and causing yourself problems.
Except every where I fucking looked told me it wouldn't hurt. The doctor said it wouldn't hurt. My fucking mom said it wouldn't hurt.
I was not tense. I was not anxious. I was told it wouldn't hurt and I believed all the people who'd said so.
And then it felt like having a knife shoved inside my body.
And I was told to just do some fucking breathing exorcises and relax.
Even though I'd been fucking relaxed until it started hurting, because everyone fucking old me it was painless, just mildly uncomfortable.
And I am not talking about pain like "a little pinch", I mean fucking pain like being stabbed with a needle or having a knife twisted inside you. And it just got worse the longer it went on. They had to fucking stop early and might not have even been able to collect the fucking cells they were supposed to be testing.
And when this was finally over the doctor told me that the only reason it hurt was because my hymen was intact (So what about all the fucking shit going around for years about how that breaks for everyone in fucking gym class???? More fucking lies!!), as though that had anything to do with the pain inside.
And now every fucking thing I try to look up for reasons why it can hurt is literally just fucking repeating the same shit about how it doesn’t hurt, and if it does, it’s only because you were nervous and anxious and embarassed and all the fucking things I WASN’T. BECAUSE I WAS TOLD IT WOULDN’T HURT.
Every where I fucking look, I’m told that these things don’t hurt, and it’s just anxiety, and blah fuckity blah.
For fuck’s sake, this is real fucking medical gaslighting going on on a fucking absurd level.
These fucking websites and videos and blog posts and articles may as well just fucking call my hysterical at this point for all they fucking give a shit about people who are hurt by this procedure.
Everyone’s too fucking busy insisting that it doesn’t hurt and you have to get one and if you avoid getting one then you’re a bad person and you’re going to get cancer and die.
I’ve literally found exactly one (1) article talking about how it does hurt for some people, but that this gets constantly brushed under the rug and shouted down, and how this is a fucking problem. One fucking short article out of almost a hundred that I checked.
If you are so hellbent on getting people to get pap smears that you will literally fucking lie about the fact that not only can it hurt, it can hurt extremely, then you are not fucking helping anyone! If no one’s allowed to fucking talk about how painful this procedure is, no one can actually fucking give informed consent, because all of society is apparently too damn busy lying and saying it doesn’t hurt!!!!!!
This is blatant fucking medical misogyny and medical gaslighting everywhere you look and I’d have to be fucking knocked unconcious or given fucking laughing gas before I ever agree to do that again.
There’s even a fucking tiktok someone put on youtube where the original person was talking about offering anesthesia for pap smears, and then a fucking gynecologist comes in to say that’s stupid and useless and absurd and pretends that the only reason it can hurt is because people aren’t relaxed enough.
This is literal fucking society-wide misogynistic lying and gaslighting and it is pure fucking evil.
So pro fucking tip, for people who need to get pap smears: It can in fact hurt. Do not fucking let anyone tell you that you’re imagining it or you’re immature or you’re causing it yourself by being anxious. Do not fucking let them gaslight you and victim blame.
Pap smears can hurt, a lot, and anyone who tells you they don’t or can’t is just straight up fucking lying to your face.
So does this fucking mean I have endometriosis? Vaginismus? Some other fucking horrible thing I haven't heard of yet??? I don't fucking know! And it's gonna take three weeks to fucking find out the test results, assuming they even got to collect any of the gods damned cells in the first place!
Either fucking way, the fact that no one is allowed to talk about how this procedure can be excruciatingly painful because everyone else is just shouting at the top of their lungs that it doesn't hurt and you need to be a Big Girl™ and stop being embarrassed and go get one is fucking evil and I am fucking enraged.
(Edit again for the anon: Yes, you can reblog this, I am not embarrassed, more people need to talk about this so people can at least have some fucking warning. Feel free to copy and paste to other sites too.)
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ghxst-system · 6 months
Welcome - We're the Forest Collective
This post contains our Do Not Follow , Before You Follow and some extra info about us bellow the cut
Collective Terms + Identities:
Forest , Xi/They/Wolf/Howl , Transmasculine
Therian + Otherkin (Primarily Wolfkin + Wolf theriotype , but we also identify with ragdoll cats, bunnies, and several others)
Punk , Cripplepunk / Cpunk
Collectively we are situational mute (do NOT call us selective mute) and predominantly semiverbal
(we have several masked verbal alters who communicate for us verbally when necessary, but we are considered semiverbal)
We interchangeably use parts , headmates and alter language and mainly use We/Us when talking about us.
We are intersex.
Get blocked (DNI):
Antisemitic, homophobic / transphobic, TERFs/SWERFs, racist, ableist, fatphobic, zionists etc
Non-traumagen "systems" + supporters/neutrals (endo, willo, etc) OR culturally appropriate closed practices
Pro/neu contact paras, radqueers and transIDs fuck off
If you reduce introjects to their source / blacklist certain sourced introjects (wtf is wrong with you)
If you don't know how to actually tag and TW things you're getting blocked
If you don't follow your own DNI
Anti contradictory labels - you are literally so intersexist and transphobic.
If you cannot tell the difference between real values and FICTION
Before You Follow:
If you stigmatise cluster B PDs by promoting the myth of "narcissist abuse"
Perisex but use Intergender or think you can transition to be intersex
Do not use complexity labels on us
We are physically disabled and use mobility aids
We often lose the ability to speak or communicate coherently as well as the ability to advocate for ourselves
We will block you if you actively post / reblog about our triggers
We are bodily intersex and will not tolerate intersexism of any kind.
Posts / reblogs tagged with: "dir post 🧂" or "dir reblog 🧂" are directed at our syspartner
Anons and asks will be tagged with:
"🌳 forest.chats"
Random rambles unrelated to our usual posts will be tagged with:
"🌳forest rambles.exe"
We have survived RAMCOA , Programming and TBMC and post about it (tagged with appropriate warnings)
Our Disorders:
AuDHD , Dyslexia , Speech disorders (stutter, situational mute, semiverbal), Tourettes
Agoraphobia, C-PTSD, Polyfrag DID
Cluster B PDs: BPD, HPD, NPD
Cluster C PD: DPD
OCD, DPDR, Pica, ARFID, Anxiety + Depression
We are visually impaired with VSS (currently looking for more Dx that may explain our vision)
POTS, FND, Hypermobile EDS, Fibro
Our Collective Pronouns page:
(this also contains links to other headmates pronouns pages)
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All The Young Dudes is NOT CANON COMPLIANT
Wolfstar fics can be canon compliant, but that one isn't, and NOW
There is a big difference between "What if this happened, wouldn't that be fun, I'll write a fic" and the collective hivemind delusion some fans are under where they LITERALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. AS FAR AS THEY KNOW WE HAVE ZERO INFO ON ANY OF THE CHARACTERS, so apparently ANYTHING IS CANON
I'm sure a lot of Regulus stans know that he didn't think twice about his devotion to Voldemort most of his life, but EVEN MORE OF THEM DON'T KNOW, AND THEY LEGITIMATELY BELIEVE THAT FANON INFO IS CANON INFO.
I'm not saying you have to love the TERF who must not be named, I'm just saying that you should really have basic knowledge of what is fact and what is misconception and popular headcanon if it's a series you love so much. You don't have to write canon compliant, but you should at least stop pretending it's canon when it's the furthest thing from it.
this blog is cool, sorry about the rant, hope u have a good day :)
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Us-the-voices intro card!
this is a work in progress but currently it will house the tags we use, our DNI, and alter intros and a couple other fun things!
Link to resource page, filled with many resources. LINK
-------- DC text post series ----------------
superfam being confusing and half clones:
part 1 luthor and Conner reconciliation arc
batfamily stuff: (note this is not in order this is parts of a series each part contains more than 10 posts)
part 1 introducing the batfam along with funny stuff
Part 2 actual batfam serious stuff
part 3 red hood oneshots about various things and how he reacted
part 4 Thomas Wayne being himself, a collection of previous posts
part 5
firestorm being 3 guys:
part 1 the origin + the first couple episodes.
random head cannons important to the series:
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 3 part 4
——————⭐️🦀SIDE BLOGS🦀⭐️————
A blog for all things blinkies, xenogenders and pixel art
you want awful. awful advice? send it in here!
this blog talks about mature topics! Such as Sexual abuse, death, trauma, child abuse, ableism, sexism, racism, police brutality, some really depressing environmental issues, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia, gore, capitalism, and MORE!
so please consider this your warning!
———————⚠️ DNI ⚠️—————————
Terfs/radfems, transphobes/queerphobes, (I have had enough of you. Why do you have to be so awful Jesus, it’s not like awful people don’t come in all shapes, sizes, races, and genders. I ain’t defending awful people. But trans people just exist and I believe in judging people on a person to person basis. I don’t think you are bad I just want you to shut up about it, I’ll always be loudly supportive of trans people and loudly a feminist too. So deal with it! Also I don’t hate men, why would i??? So shush)
ableists/sanists (like the people who discriminate against mentally ill people),
Tankies/marxist-lennists/maoists/north-korean socialist supporters (please fuck off I hate facists, and you are the types to argue that disabled people should all die for the glorious revolution but again fuck you we are 15% of the fucking world’s population and guess what I wanna live)
animal abusers/people who spread misinformation about animals and animal care, (I hope you stub your toes)
syscourse (yeah I don’t ever want to engage in it idc shut up this blog is about literally everything else BUT that.),
bad faith gender/other Identities (E.G BLM gender, transabled, ect.)
racists/xenophobes/antisemites, misogynists.
non-binary exclusionists.
pro-censorship people.
anti-therians/otherkin, (if you are it’s not a deal breaker lol, it’s just some of us are therian/otherkin due to plurality)
only NSFW blogs (like if you occasionally post NSFW your okay, if it’s less than 50% nsfw your fine on this blog lol),
MAP’s AND PEDO’s and people who like l*licon/sh**tacon (fuck off and stay off) (sorry I am actually anti censorship but following our most recent ban I’m being more “careful” when mentioning these topics so sorry)
Dream Stans (yeah I fucking hate that guy, I like MCYT but dream and co can stay off of here REAL) (I have always hated him and I will continue to, fuck off dream Stan’s),
anti-good faith xenogenders (yeah so what if the term xeno-identities is more the “right” term idgaf! I literally have no qualms nor problems with xenogenders, in my mind it makes sense because gender is a social construct and so why not have fun with it?)
And more to be added :)
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Now expanded in our tumblr page!
Pop (hi I’m pop, I’m usually the one on here when it’s not everyone else. If you see me more than usual it means LIFE happened. I’m technically host? But me, Lena, And poppie kinda share that role. They/them he/him)
poppie (cat girl, you see her a lot on here. She’s SUPER into the veganism scene and animal rights and is a cat-therian lol we all love her she’s the best. She/her any cat neopronouns actually.)
Lena (demon, yeah she’s a demon! She’s nonsense hardworking and in the demonkin/otherkin scene. She/her)
belle (psychology nerd, actually knows how to write ANYTHING is honestly the best. She/her)
————————————. Tags ————————————————-
#Anticapitalism stuff (a tag that argues against capitalism, and trashing multinational corporations and a bit of environmental stuff.)
#anarchism stuff (a tag for all things anarchism)
#art stuff (a tag for stuff related to the ethics, discussion, or making of art.)
#music stuff (for all things music and music theory!)
#tv and movie stuff (the tag for film and television, kinda fun kinda sad! It’s good tho)
#anti-censorship stuff (a tag for anti-censorship stuff, and why it’s important!)
#trans stuff (a tag for all things trans! Includes dark topics, mostly happy stuff tho.)
#queer stuff (a tag for all things LGBTQIA+, mostly happy but with triggering and dark topics.)
#mental health stuff (A tag for all things mental health, let it be help or just memes or darker topics.)
#mental illness stuff (a tag for specifically mental illnesses, like anxiety or depression or whatever usually REALLY dark but sometimes happy usually dark tho.)
#veganism stuff (a tag for all things vegan, not recipes just ethics and whatever. I [pop] don’t usually add to it but poppie does ALL THE TIME.)
#disability (for all things disability, let it be activism stuff, vents, information, or just funny stuff! It’s a tag I tend to use for myself because fun fact I [pop] am not okay! Health wise lol.)
#punk stuff (A tag for all things punk, let it be C-punk, madpunk, neuropunk or whatever! It’s a tag for all things punk! Including art, crafts, sewing and punk beliefs and politics I love punks I am not really one due to a whole lotta reasons but I love them so much <3 )
#environmentalism stuff (Climate change, mass extinctions, greedy corporations and politicians, animal rights, and more stuff. Mostly climate/animal related but intersects with disability stuff, anarchism stuff, activism stuff, and veganism and punk stuff. Fun fact these types of things are extremely intersectional but are never presented as such due to infighting!)
#healthcare stuff (The weird tag related to health and healthcare, not a disability tag, not a environmentalism tag literally health and healthcare which is weird. Mostly PSA’s)
#animal care stuff (For all things animal care, I disagree with veganism’s doctrine here. Keeping Some animals and keeping animals can be done well and awesomely and help petstore and wild animals, but people who do animal care just absolutely trash just don’t deserve anything or anyone. It’s a fine line, but I genuinely believe if you take good care of your animals and give them an amazing quality of life I genuinely don’t see a problem with keeping animals.)
#animal abuse stuff (Goes hand in hand with animal care stuff, it’s pretty bad at times, it is what it says on the tin. Mostly also animal care stuff.)
#child abuse stuff (For stories, children’s rights, or experiences. It’s pretty dark.)
#youth liberation (for youth liberation stuff, it’s important honestly.)
#children's rights (A tag for all things children’s rights it’s super cool!)
#homelessness stuff (a tag related to homelessness and just all the things that come with it, it’s a dark tag. Sometimes happy.)
#uhoused stuff (Same same but different, more related to cost of living crisis’s and capitalism then disenfranchisement and outright just the sad reality that is being mentally ill and homeless or a substance abuser and homeless or trans/queer and homeless or any other absolutely insane and awful reason people are homeless.)
#communism stuff (For all things communist, I don’t believe it will fix anything and it is kinda extremely hard to get rid of monetary currency. But communism, socialism, anarchism, and punk theory are all connected in ways and have some BASED ideas and principles. So yeah that’s why it’s tagged on here!
Edit: I do not agree with communism; well Marxist Leninist, or Stalinist, or any variation of fucking facist dictators like North Korean communism/socialism or soviet communism and Maoist communism. Why? Because do I really have to spell it out they were facist DICTATORS, I do not believe a cult of personality is good nor that people instead of being solely valued on their money they are solely valued by their ableness which I think is harmful as shit. A lot of communists are literally tankies and for the death penalty and many other things I’m against including “making prisons torture chambers” “state mandated murder of people against communism” “leaving disabled and mentally ill people to rot because they can’t contribute to the work force and such are useless to the communist state” “stealing shit from people because it now belongs to the state” “forcing people into mandatory labor jobs with no way out of it unless they become disabled or die” and many many more! Communism can be interesting and helpful but in a lot of ways people drunk the “facists aren’t bad they are communists they are for the people!” Drink. And like I don’t believe in that shit, go fucking deconstruct your biases please because otherwise I’m blocking you, talkies fuck off)
#socialism stuff (I actually do believe socialism can work, it’s definitely not the end all be all of ways to govern/live life but I think it’s a good stepping stone to all different wonderful things that can change the world for the better, usually the CIA/FBI/US government appears a lot in this tag due to reasons that will become apparent. But it’s a fun one!)
#fat stuff (A tag about fatphobia, diet culture, ableism and just annoying stuff about being fat lol. Mostly medical negligence and malpractice because holy shit fuck is it bad in this tag. Also Eating disorders are talked about in every post in one way or another, it’s a big problem. Dark tag.)
#religion stuff (A thing for all things religion, it’s basically every criticism and deep cut anyone and everyone has on every single religion, which yk obviously no one literally agrees with anything. It’s mostly everyone going “QUEER/TRANS/DISABLED/WOMEN/“SINNERS” DONT DESERVE THIS TREATMENT IT MAKES NO SENSE!” Other religions “NO THEY DO” and it’s actually very well written and argued for. Also atheism is talked about a lot too, it’s mostly like a deep philosophical and ethical debate that has spanned literally everything and everywhere where it’s all boiled down to “yeah some fuckers deserve prison, but the average normal guy kinda just exists we guess??? Religious or not???? And there’s kinda nothing wrong with it but we would rather them be religious in some way????” And that is still the shittyist summary ever too. But it’s the gist of this tag. Also memes!)
(and where I put all stuff related to religion it’s very much a mixed bag i’m not making fun of anyone actually it’s that there is genuinely too much variety in this tag to accurately tell you what’s in there. It’s everything related to religion all religions!)
#autism stuff (Specifically for autistic stuff, it’s used from time to time.)
#activism stuff (a tag for all things ally posting, and human/animal/land/just everything rights. It’s fun!)
#food stuff (A tag about all things food related, sometimes recipes sometimes diet culture and why it’s bad. Sometimes it’s just cultural things related to food. Food is a big topic LOL)
#comics and book stuff (a tag about all things comics, books, and written works.)
#tv and movie stuff or #film and tv (a tag about all things TV and film, let it be discussion, gifs, or videos or fun facts.)
#neurodivergent stuff (For all things neurodivergent! Fun stuff, kinda happy kinda dark. Intersects with mental health stuff and mental illness stuff and disability tags. Because like why wouldn’t it???)
#animals (yes just for animals, nice calm usually no triggering animal stuff. It’s just cuteness usually! Unless I put something dark in there then sorry.)
#too queue for school (A tag for all queued stuff I remember to tag! Usually wholesome most times not. But it’s just a fun “today’s thing queued!” Thing if I’m not online.)
—————————————- Our post tags —————————————
#us-the-voices Cooks (a tag for recipes, food we make, and random cooking tips???)
#us-the-voices reviews (a tag for all things reviews! Let it be movies, shows, games, art, books, fanfics, whatever!)
#us-the-voices talks (A tag for like personal affairs? Or just “haha update stuff went DOWN in our personal lives” or just general chatting with mutuals who knows I haven’t decided yet.)
#us-the-voices recommends (weird tag for all weird recommendations of shows/books/tv/fanfic/movies it’s there it’s weird and if your bored and want something to do maybe you’ll like it lol.)
#us-the-voices rants (a tag for rants, don’t take them seriously it’s usually momentarily sad/existential/angry/fed up/annoyed/trauma dump RANTS. suggest you just block the tag lol, I will probably make half of these while I’m unwell and sick or just stressed and under all sorts of stress. So honestly it’s just a tag so you guys don’t have to deal with it because I will eventually be stupid on the internet and I’d rather you understand these are nonsense rants that are just a release of information that’s been annoying us.)
#the voices talk (A tag for talking about alters or specific things some alters want to talk about but not all.)
#poppie weblogs (poppies tag for her stuff, it literally has everything in it.)
and more to come!
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below the cut because they strobe!!!!!
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odinsblog · 1 year
CW rape mention
The new hot take I’m seeing is, “OMG! I can’t believe you’re accusing those nice freedom fighters in Hamas of raping Israeli women. You just believe it so quickly because you’re Islamophobic!”
And I’m like, “HA! Are you truly that gullible?”Islamophobia ain’t got shit to do with it. Know who else’s army used rape as a tool of war? The Russian army in Ukraine and other countries they’ve invaded, the US. army in countries America has invaded, the Japanese army in the countries they invaded, the British army, the French army, the army of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and yes, even the Israeli army in Palestine,… I could go on and on
Employing rape as a weapon of war is something that, unfortunately, routinely happens. So why are we required to believe that Hamas is just so uniquely good and pure that they’re above raping women??
Are there racist Islamophobes who will believe anything bad or unflattering about Muslims? Yes. Does that mean Hamas isn’t guilty of committing war crimes? No.
Anyway, look: this sounds like propaganda very specifically designed to make people be wary of criticizing Hamas. But it’s not Islamophobia, it’s acknowledging what has happened before and very likely happened just recently in Gaza
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I want Palestinian freedom. I do not, however, believe that soldiers raping women or killing children and the elderly in cold blood is a necessary part of achieving victory. Stated differently, rape + intentionality killing children is indefensible and inexcusable at all times and under any circumstances, regardless of who is doing it
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And finally, let’s not pretend that Israel hasn’t been committing war crimes against Palestinians literally for decades. The IDF is deadass bragging to the world on international media about committing a massive war crime right now, as they are indiscriminately bombing the hell out of hospitals, schools, mosques, children and noncombatant civilian families in Gaza—and Israel is not even giving innocent people anywhere to go. They’ve closed the borders and escape routes. That’s a fucking war crime too
My daily reminders:
TERFs dni
the Holocaust happened
Antisemitism is real
Hamas ≠ Palestine
Israel is an apartheid state
Collective punishment is a war crime
You can support Palestine without being antisemitic
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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0w0tsuki · 1 year
Didn't you know that TransUnity is when you go around collecting screenshots of trans folks and put them side by side with literal actual fascists and call transwomen who are against this TERFs?
This surely ISN'T infighting itself and is what's needed to mend the divide in the trans community.
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magicrainbowkitties · 17 days
I might be biased because I'm transmasc and it's somewhat The Goal for me to "look like a man," but it's high time we put a stop to "you look like a man" as an insult towards women. Not just trans women, but cis women too. Most often I hear/see it used by women against other women, usually some gender crit weirdos with an unhealthy obsession with other people's genitalia, and I find it imperative that we wrest any and all power away from such creepy, horrible people. And so, here's my dissection of the phrase.
First of all, masculine-presenting women exist. Some are so masc-presenting that they do in fact get gendered as men in everyday speech, to dismay or pleasure depending on the woman you're dealing with. But. What exactly does spitting "you look like a man" at her do? Congratulations, you have eyes and understand that this woman is gender-nonconforming. What now, asshole? All you've done is either state the obvious or said some bullshit she's heard a billion times before.
Second, some women are simply born with features we collectively decided are "masculine" traits. I know plenty of tall, muscular cis women. I've met cis women with facial hair, with big hands, with broad shoulders. How in the fuck do these features and more suddenly disqualify them from womanhood? And to tell such a woman she "looks like a man" is to join in a chorus of bullying she's been experiencing for a long fuckin time (and in many cases, since she was a child) over something she literally has no control over. But it wouldn't help if she just "decided" to be a man, would it, because now they don't know what they want and need to learn to "accept her womanhood," even though you never did when they said they were.
But this leans into my third point, which gets at the core of the problem:
Why is "looking like a man" a bad thing?
Outside of trans people and misgendering, I mean. Because that's just a weapon for getting at a specific aspect of that type of womanhood. However, when it's said to a trans woman, or a cis woman with traditionally masculine traits, it's usually "you ARE a man." Not "you LOOK LIKE a man."
And the only conclusion I can draw, from both my experience and others, is that this is just a long, drawn out way to call people ugly. Because often in these terfy circles, you will find some of the most vile, disgusting things said about men and their bodies. I mean... They get gross about trans women, sure, but remember... They think trans women ARE men. Monster creepy men with horrible delusions, sure, but still men. And then they discuss cis men as if they're all either sex pests, monsters, or weak-willed idiots with no place in the world.
Now I will not discount the fact that many gender crits/terfs are recruited after severe trauma of several stripes inflicted by men, and that men are encouraged in our society to treat women as objects and tools rather than thinking people with their own needs and feelings, thus causing a feedback loop of neglect and abuse that leaves everyone miserable. Not to mention, most people saying shit like "not all men" when you're talking about women's issues probably don't actually care, they just want you to stop talking.
All of this is true. HOWEVER. It comes to a point where you stop criticizing specific men for their behavior, or society at large for making men that do awful things, and you start mocking men for their appearances, disabilities, weight, body parts, ect. That's just not ok.
To anyone who's been told you "look like a man" to make you feel small and horrible:
You are not ugly. Features that society has decided are grossly masculine are not ugly. Being a feminine person with masculine features does not mean you have failed to perform femininity.
You are gorgeous.
And don't let someone that believes looking like a man is the worst thing one could possibly do tell you otherwise.
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necrogfie · 6 months
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Pinned post ⁓ ♪
⚰️ — Lucas. ( or Sébastian or Shen ) ,, (s) he / it / lace. i'm a gay boy with a weird gender (i'm queer and trans - also aroace, asexual spectrum + reciproromanticflux!) && chrono-minor (15+)
🌈🍖 i'm weird 🌈🍓 ( rq adjacent ++ proshipper ) ( also a commi ).
DNI : none. i know how to use the block button - but i do not take kindly to fascists and terfs :)
rentry 🌱. 💒 partner google form. my fult @thesectofnature . (not centered around nature, the username i wanted was taken so had to improvise) 🌊 con-abuse form.
[ more under the cut bcuz i like to talk! under the cut is my rentry, more infos about me <3 ]
I'm transage ( both OtY + YtO - oh and i'm an age regressor too ( a cg + little ) ) , please perceive me as a 12 years old boy or a 15 years old teenager or a 19 years old adult - depend on what is more attractive to you. And trace ( trans-chinese ++ trans-polish ). And transable too ! ( I collect transids at this point )
i'm a syshost but uhhgg i don't like talking about - but i will mention that i'm a fictive of Luca Balsa ( idv ) ++ i'm literally Shen Qingqiu ( svss ) in the flesh also,, i'm Valentino ( yes, from hazbin hotel - in a fictionkin way ? ) and Shinobu Sengoku ( enstars ) (no i have no shame about it <3 ) ( as well as Amy from I love Amy ) IM ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE SOURCE/MEDIAMATES !!!
i have a toon of transids + labels which you can find in my 🫀 hoard. ( + my paraphilias <3 )
i'm (cis)autistic - BIID - hyperromantic/sexual - dyslexic.
archives of [ not in order ! ++ all of my accounts were not archived ] : necroboyfie (my latest acc) - belovedciel - necrobfgutz [the second one named that]- ciellover - luolvr - necrobfgutz [the first one] - cielbeloved - irltsukasa - luobinghelovr - n3cr0b0yfie
terms i coined ; trans-dom ( archive here ) && trans-sub ( archive here )
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