#ACK im so excited for him to be in game
littlestpetship · 2 years
sooorrys for not posting much today... i had to catch up on some schoolwork 0_0 and ive been having trouble forming coherent thoughts about f/os :,( my brain is just mush!!! hoyoverse i need kuni content again Pretty plz.....
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howlingday · 10 months
Juniper Belladina
I would like to preface this by apologizing for the... less than stellar recreation you'll read. The chapter of Bond in the Spy x Family story is so very, VERY long and there's so much going on that I don't think I could effectively redo it with RWBY characters. If any of you want to give it a shot, go for it. Learn from my failures. Anywho, here's the story of Bond starring Juniper as Bond.
Jaune: Oh, wow! Look at this adoption fair! It's a shame Blake couldn't take us here herself.
Penny: Papa! Don't blame Mama! She can't help it if she has to take big- DOGGIES! OOH! AND KITTIES! BUNNIES!
Jaune: Penny! Don't run off! I don't want to lose you in the crowd! ...Again!
Jaune: Penny, I want you to give me your word.
Penny: Huh? How do I do that?
Jaune: Make me a promise. Promise me you won't run out of my sight.
Penny: Okay, Papa. I promise.
Penny: Huh?
Juniper: (Sniffs)
Penny: Whoa... You're a big bunny...
Juniper: (Flicks ear)
Jaune: (Laughs)
Blake: (Titters)
Penny: (Giggles)
Penny: (Thinking) Huh? Was... Was that us? Did I just read your mind?.
Juniper: (Flinches, Gallops off)
Penny: (Looks at distracted Jaune) Maybe... Maybe it'll be okay to leave... just for a few minutes.
Penny: (Riding on top of Juniper) That- That was so scary! I didn't think we would be able to get out of there! But... how did you know that would happen? Can... Can you see the future?
Juniper: (Huffs)
Penny: She's just like me. She has a super-power, too!. And she... She's running so fast! This is so exciting!.
Roman: Huh?
Penny: ...
Roman: ...Well, that was easy.
Roman: Alright, kid. Game's over. Neo, take care of her, (Raises leash) I've got the jackalope.
Neo: (Reaches for Penny)
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Neo: (Spins into the ground)
Roman: Wha..?
Roman: What the hell are you- Forget it! (Snaps fingers) Sic 'im!
Jaune: (Dog growls at him)
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Jaune: (Dog yipes away)
Penny: P-PAPA!
Jaune: Don't cry, Penny. The mean doggy ran away now.
Penny: (Crying because scared of Papa)
Roman: (Dragging Neo away) Forget it! I'm done with you people! Keep the jackalope!
Blake: What... is that?
Penny: It's a rabbit!
Jaune: A jackalope, to be specific. They're a very rare breed.
Blake: ...It's the size of a horse. I don't think we can- Ack!
Juniper: (Nuzzling Blake)
Blake: Fine! Fine! Just get off me! (Sighs) How did you even find this thing?
Blake: Ugh... Sounds like such a mess... I'm sorry I couldn't have been there to help you, considering my... condition.
Jaune: It's no problem, really! Everything worked out just fine!
Blake: Maybe, but that wouldn't have happened if Penny didn't wander off on her own again. Speaking of, PENNY!
Penny: (Flinches)
Blake: I've already warned you about wandering off! You could have hurt, or even killed!
Penny: (About to cry)
Blake: (Hugs Penny) They didn't hurt you, did they?
Penny: No, because the bunny protected me!
Blake: (Thinking) This rabbit clearly isn't normal, but...
Blake: (Strokes Juniper's neck) Thank you for keeping my family safe.
Blake: Penny, it's time to go home.
Penny: Okay~!
Jaune: Where are your gloves?
Penny: I... I don't know, (Glove falls by her) Huh?
Juniper: (Looking down at Penny)
Penny: Thank you~! (Picks up glove) Where's my other glove?
Juniper: (Runs off, Comes back carrying an entire bush)
Blake: What in the-?!
Juniper: (Shakes bush in antlers, Glove falls out)
Jaune: I never thought I'd see a rabbit carrying an entire juniper bush!
Blake: Saying it's a rabbit is already a bit of a stretch.
Penny: Joo-Nih-Per... Juniper! I'll name you Juniper!
Penny: (Dumps rabbit feed into bowl) Okay, Juniper! Time to eat!
Juniper: (Eats food)
Penny: (Takes pellet of food, Eats it) ...Eh. I've had better, and I've had worse.
Juniper: (Groans)
Penny: Oh! Do you have to potty? You can go pee over here! But only here. Papa likes it neat, so he'll get mad if you- Oh, you're pooping.
Penny: Okay, it's time for cartoons!
Blake: You're supposed to be studying, Penny. You better be ready by the time I'm done in the bathroom.
One bathtime later...
Jaune: (Whispering) Blake! Blake, come look!
Blake: Hm?
Jaune: They're so tired from playing all day, they fell asleep like this!
Penny: (Snuggled into Juniper)
Juniper: (Curled around Penny)
Blake: ...Maybe I'll give her a pass for tonight.
Jaune: Please, could you~?.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Tickletober day #6: Chase
WOOO FIRST NANBAKA FIC BABYYY (wrote this prior to the other one)
I rlly struggle so hard to write ler Hajime im so sorry 😭 So I went with ler Upa instead cause I just LOVE his dynamic with Nico 💖💖💖💖💖
Hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing this :3
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Nico x Upa (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Nico
Ler: Upa
Warnings: Tickles!
“You’ll have to catch me first!” were Nico’s last words before dashing on out of the room. Was Upa really about to indulge in this childish display, yes, yes he was.
Prior to that, Nico had been up to his usual shenanigans, trying to get his “master” to teach him his sick moves. Of course, Upa couldn’t do that with the potential harm it could cause, but nothing he said could deteer away the stubborn greenette. When all hope felt lost, he remembered something that Nico’s cellmates shared with him. Something that would surely tire out this bundle of joy. It was a silly plan, but Upa had no other choice.
“Nico” spoke up the blue haired male sternly. But that didn’t last long as his voice started to waver. “This is so stupid…” he muttered under his breath before speaking up once more. “If you don’t stop, I’ll uhh… t-tickle you…”. His cheeks slowly went up in flames, although the talisman smacked dead center in his forehead did a good job of hiding his evergrowing blush.
Nico felt taken aback at the sudden threat, but it didn’t last long as his face lit up with excitement “Haha! You’ll have to catch me first~”.
And thus we go back to their current predicament. I mean, Upa kinda brought this upon himself. With no other choice, he chased after Nico down the halls of Nanba prison (surely they’ll get scolded later but whatever).
Nico’s cheerful laugh echoed all over the place, while Upa had the most determined look on his face. Nico might’ve been fast, but Upa had a plan. Taking a detour, he managed to catch up to Nico. Ungraciously tackling him, causing botj of them to roll across the ground, until Upa managed to straddle Nico’s hips.
“Hyahaha! You’re too good at this game, master. You’ll have to teach me your strategy later~”.
“We’ll see about that” Upa’s hands quickly latched onto Nico’s sides. Albeit, he wasn’t sure what he was doing, something as silly as tickling wasn’t something he was used to. Seeing his uncertainty, Nico decided to help him out. He softly grabbed Upa’s hands and guided them towards his tummy.
“Try here instead!” spoke out the greenette with a bright smile.
“Erm… like this?” Upa started to slowly wiggle his fingers along the spot, a bit clumsily at that.
“Ehehehe! Yeheah just like thahat!” Nico playfully kicked his legs out from bejinf like a puppy.
Seeing the cute reactions from his friend underneath him, Upa started to gain s bit more confidence and sped up his fingers. Enjoying watching Nico wriggling all over the place.
“What about here? This tickle too?~” he’s not sure where this teasing came from, but I guess we’re rolling with it. Upa moved his hands up to Nico’s ribs, gently massaging between each bone.
“aCK! AHAHAHA! YEHEHES! IT REHEHEALLY TICKLES!!!” Nico squealed and threw his head back in boisterous laughter. Upa couldn’t help but giggle along, his laugh was so happy and carefree, so contagious.
“Let’s see… maybe here??~” the blue haired male gave a soft squeeze to Nico’s hips, almost getting bucked off in the process. “Oh? Bad spot?~” Upa started rubbing his thumbs along the sensitive hipbones, causing Nico to shriek in ticklish glee.
“WAHH! HYAHAHAHA! I-I CAHAHAN’T! I GIHIHIVE!!!” Nico shrieked out as he wheezed in laughter. His long, green hair having become a complete mess with all his squirming.
Seeing how Nico’s body stopped reacting so vividly, Upa decided to cut him some slack and got off of him. He looked down at the panting inmate, feeling a sense of pride in being able to wear him out. He’d never admit it out loud, but Upa had the time of his life playing this silly game with Nico. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad having him around.
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Sup bitches im back
Very excited bout this fic, it's a favorite concept of mine that I haven't written before (I don't think)
havent had the best day but hopefully this will help both you and me
So yeah enjoy
It was a peaceful, warm (at least inside the common room it was), quiet evening in the gryfinndor common room.
Remus was curled up in his favorite armchair by the fire, reading.
For once it was a book he wanted to read to relax not for studying or school work.
He looked up after about half an hour of quietly reading. It was too quiet.
Something was wrong the small voice in his head told him. Maybe not wrong just missing.
Ah, gryfinndor's two resident trouble makers must be currently terrorizing someone else in the castle instead of making the common room as loud as a amusement park.
He shrugged and turned his focus back to his book, he had the feeling the common room wouldn't stay quiet for long so better make the best of it.
After another half an hour his prediction came true (you don't have to be a seer to know that James and Sirius wouldn't stay away for very long) as James and Sirius crashed through the portrait hole.
They hopped through, gigging like misbehaving little kids.Remus spared them a glance but then ignored them.
They walked over still in the heat of a post prank conversation and sat down, James on the edge of the couch and Sirius on the floor a few feet in front of Moony.
"Oi Remus," Sirius said, grinning like a mad-man. "Do you wanna hear about the prank me and James just pulled?" He giggled.
Remus responded with silence, his eyes still gliding down the page.
"Remus?" Sirius asked a little louder. "Helloooo!"
He waved he hands in front of Remus but still got no response. When you lived with three trouble-making idiots you got pretty skilled in the art of ignoring people.
Remus did respond with an surprised "Hey!" when Sirius snatched the book out of his hands.
"Aha! He lives." Sirius exclaimed triumphantly.
"Welcome back to the world of the living, Remus." James grinned at Remus' eye roll.
"Give me my book back." Remus demanded before Sirius could start on his epic story of James' and his' shenanigans.
"What this book?" Sirius wiggled the book and Remus nodded.
"Come and get it," Sirius stood up and held the book close to his side, protecting it from Remus grabbing it.
Remus sighed in 6'3 to Sirius' 5'10 and stood up as well, instantly reaching to take his book back.
Sirius moved it out of his reach doing it a second time when Remus went to grab it again.
"Sirius, stohop." Remus couldn't help but laugh at Sirius' antics sometimes.
"No! Ack-!" He shouted in surprise when Remus almost tore the book from his clutches before throwing it to James.
James grinned and jumped over the couch to escape Remus.
A game of monkey in the middle started, Remus against Sirius and James.
It was decently hard for James and Sirius to throw it over Remus' head because of his height but they managed.
"Come on, just grab the book." Sirius held it teasingly out in front of him but when Remus went to take it threw it back to James.
"Oh my god," Remus muttered as Sirius and James laughed.
When Sirius held it out in front of him again Remus didn't fall for that trick and instead tackled him to the floor.
The two immediately started wrestling for the book, rolling across the floor in front of the fire.
"Give it back!!" Remus shouted, crawling over to where the book lay.
"No!!" Sirius laughed, reaching it first and curling up with it in his arms.
Remus tried to pry Sirius open but to no avail.
He frantically moved his hands around Sirius' torso to see if there was an opening somewhere where he could worm his hands.
Instead he only managed to get Sirius to yelp and giggle a bit.
"H-hey! Nohoho tickling!" He said through some soft giggles.
"Tickling? What?" Remus asked before an idea struck him. It was his turn to grin before he wiggled his fingers and dug into Sirius' belly.
"Wait, hold on- Remus, nohoho!!" He laughed.
Remus reveled in his childish laughter, his hands tickling where ever they could reach to make Sirius laugh the hardest.
His fingers slipped under his shirt and softly fluttered around his belly button making Sirius' laughter to silent.
It came back with full force when Remhs switched back to kneeding tickles.
"Jahahames!!" Sirius yelled, getting his attention.
Sirius threw the book at James who caught it. James and Remus looked at each other before Remus got up and started chasing him.
James didn't get far before Remus tackled him to the ground too.
James was laying on the book with Remus sitting on his back to pin him.
Without hesitation he dug his fingers into James' ribs causing James to instantly start cackling.
"Not the rihihibs!!" He groaned.
Jamss flopped around uselessly before attempting to push himself up.
Sirius whom had been watching from a far, jumped in to help Remus.
He grabbed James arms and pulled them above his head. Remus let Sirius roll him over so that James was now lying on his back.
Remus took the book and layed it aside so that it wouldn't get further damaged.
Remus once again dug into James' ribs, wiggling his finders in-between the bones making his friend throw his head back and kick his feet.
"This is what you get for taking my shit!" He said to James' hysterics. He leaned down quickly and blew a raspberry on his ribs to see James' reaction.
He squealed and laughed harder, squirming relentlessly.
"He started it!" James nodded up at Sirius.
Remus and Sirius made eye contact for a good ten seconds before Sirius let go of James and ran with Remus right on his tail.
He grabbed Sirius around the middle, holding him in a trapping hug.
Sirius attempted to escape but was grabbed by James who had caught his breath enough to help Remus with Sirius.
Remus sat on his waist and James sat on his arms so that Sirius was rendered useless.
"What's wrong Padfoot?" Remus asked while Sirius giggled in anticipation. "Scared I'm gonna do this?"
He dug his hands into Sirius' thighs and grinned at Sirius' reaction.
"Oh, you though I was gonna go for your belly didn't you?" Sirius flushed red, hiding his face with James' leg.
"Don't worry, I'll tickle your belly Padfoot." James said digging into the sides of Sirius' belly, grinning when Sirius howled with laughter.
"Rehehemus hasn't been tickled yehehet!!" Sirius shouted before falling back into high pitched laughter.
Now it was Remus' turn to look scared as James grinned at him.
"Noooo.. no, James!! Dohon't- don't touch mE-!" He shrieked when James pulled him by his foot so now Remus was on the floor, on his back with James sitting on his waist.
James squeezed his sides and, using his thumb, kneeded into Remus' stomach.
Remus frantically giggled and latched onto James' wrists, pulling them away from his sensative torso.
"Oho no you don't," Sirius hoped up and grabbed Remus' hands, pulling them above his head.
Remus looked up at a grinning Sirius before Sirius dove down to kiss his neck, which Remus thought shouldn't have tickled but it did.
James moved spots to Remus' hips, squeezing them once to hear Moony yelp and let him now what was coming.
He was too busy gigging at Sirius' hands or lips to notice much.
James smirked and circled his thumbs into his hips, digging into the ticklish bundle of nerves.
Remus threw his head back and cackled which wasn't very smart of him because it opened up more places for Sirius to tickle.
"I give, i gihihive! You guys wihihin!!" James and Sirius immediately let go and high fived.
Sirius leaned down and actually kissed him this time but it was a little awkward because they had never kissed each other upside-down.
James and Sirius lay down next to panting Remus and stared up at the ceiling.
"You okay?" James asked Remus when he huffed out a little batch of giggles.
"Yeheheah, it still tihickles." They all chuckled at that.
"Go ahead and tehell me about the prank yohu two pulled.." Remus said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
Sirius instantly jumped right into the story of how he and James set up glittery dung bombs to go off at the slytherin table at breakfast of the next day, James adding along adds the story went on.
Quiet was nice, Remus could admit that. But he could deal with the noise these two brought along with them.
Hope you liked
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Random shit I had or others had said as prompts.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of sus, dark humor(probably), dark themes(also probably), Sensitive topics
"Motherfucker is high on cat nip at the top."
"Imma just kick this fish then-"
"Let me sleep with you!"
"Let me throw your child!"
"I smacked a bad guy's booty."
"That was a good ass slap!"
"Give me all these delicious batteries!"
"Everybody died in this family!"
"I got stuff on my neck!"
"Be honest, am I hot?" "I'M GAY-"
"Not the duckussy"
"Already sus gonna hide in the ooc"
"Okay I got my happiness, bye"
"I like me some Among Us"
"Can someone hold me please"
"[Name] stop searching. I wanna search something up to on him!"
"You're more grosser than I am."
"Ohh~ Hee got the rizz~"
"I love dying screaming"
"I will slap myself if I say something sus"
"Let her scream lmao."
"Being force to talk by a 14 year old"
"Such a beautiful break up"
"Anyway does anyone want to get slap by me?"
"Damn she hot"
"Actually *SHITTING* himself would be pooping. *PISSING* himself would be peeing."
"Why did you eat mah stick?"
"I think u just pissed him up even more"
"And why are you creaming [Name]?" "Damn tell me how you really feel about the cream jesus"
"One of them is: What the fuck is going on at this point and why am I still here for it?"
"I just love killing people!"
"I want to fuck Optimus Prime."
"Allergies are kicking me ass"
"I would've given you some but you didn't talk fast enough /j"
"Why is [Name] robbing [Name2]"
"Enjoy your last peaceful moments"
"You were the chosen one"
"Then speak it"
"And [Name] just set himself on fire"
"I feel like I am being judged now,,,,,bye." *disappears*
"The shame has already been done there is no going back"
"My mom used to buy me robux before she mcfucking died"
"My gaydar told me"
"What the fuck are smiley fries."
"Rice with beef broth because we have no chicken"
"Anime cat girls are canon within Spongebob now."
"The Cat Has Ingested The Wall"
"Split dat chicken wingg"
"Oeuur... digs chicken wing out of the carpet"
"They have been bestowed the name [New name]"
"I love the fumbling with the remote"
"Literally vibrating in my chair, I’m really excited for the game"
"That's so sad imagine someone hated you so much they wouldn't even spend more than 5 bucks to hire a hitman"
"Bro's gonna be willing to die after that"
"I wanna invite them for tea and crumpets
The best type of relationship"
"Like damn dude you don't need THAT much eye liner"
"This is so emo"
"My dude needs to look fabulous"
"They got a little too silly"
"They just need to put some ice on it"
"Aww noo they spilled the cranberry juice" :(
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nifreti-ii · 8 months
BEEN SUPER EXCITED FOR THE demo to come out, I’ve been following the blog for some time and I am very invested
So have my thoughts as I played the game :>
(posting this a weeks after the game released SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS)
When you get saved by the call. I did start laughing when I heard the ringtone though
The red texts, I love it omg eheheheh
My ass do be panicking if I'm late, even by a minute T-T
VIX VIVI BABY BOY ugh am ded
Ash in the back acting like a cool kid~ (i wanna smack him, I dont care If I die)
My brain is whirling alarms looking at ash, the bad mojo is baaaaad
Ill think about ash later, I wanna look at my pookie
Im loving these sprites omg
Awww reese is a bubbly ray of sunshine (must protecc at all costs)
Ooo so many people aCK, I would be so frazzled 
Ooooh yaaaaaa ash is really good at pretending, poor fools
Lilac caring but also being so done, I love it
OH i wanna pinch vix’s cheeks UGH
Bruh vix freaking out and when we make eye contact warms my cold soul
Awww their so cute
Im grabbing my chest I feel so awful wtf
Why did I have to choose the ‘be a dick’ route, I COULD BE NICE AND CALL IT A DAAAAY
WAAA i wanna hold them, vixie poo my loooove
TBH I HATE concerts, but vix gives such pookie vibes that I would go purely for him. I’ll wear my headphones and be miserable but seeing them makes it so WORTH IT UGH
In the end, IM DOWN BAAAAAAAD. I cant with the fact the vix turns towards you, the most disinterested look on his face till he sees you, AND THEN BLUSHES WHILE TURNING AWAY. They saw us and I could hear the flushed screaming in their head. I saw that shit and just thought ‘hmm, yes. I wish to keep that.’ Akjdgalhw 
Ash is a bitch. I have an aggressive need and want to annoy the fuck out of him. My mind drifts to giving him a shit-eating grin when no one is looking and pretending I never did it :>
I also love the group, They all seem so lovely!!!! I really wanna squeeze them all from how precious they seem to be T_T (i probably missed some thing, tis be the story of my life)
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
HELLO ODUEGRFBYEICEO; You started twst?? omg thats so cool ahah
frick so your gonna write for twst now right? wow your a blessing yes another twst content for male readers;; ack im so excited! i've been following you in wattpad before so i wanna tell you, your writing is wonderful<33
so hah i cant think of what to request.. lets start simple i guess how about Ruggie? can i request fluff and angst, where ruggie is pining for his chilhood best friend(m/n) but he just cant fcking cross the line between friends to lovers, so he just pins and pins but deny it everytime m/n seems to reciprocate his feelings(which he does). and when a potential love rival occurs ruggie is determined to confess before m/n even thinks about being in a relationship other than him.
you can remove some stuff if you want but thank you!
have a good day or evening to ya! <3
Ruggie is so cute 🥺, must protect the little hyena.
Also... How is this so cute, what?
Ruggie Bucchi x Male!Reader [Fluff]
Game; Twisted Wonderland
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Ruggie and (M/n) have known each other for a long time, pretty much since childhood, so they've been best friends for at least ten years.
(M/n) and his family moved to his neighborhood when he was six, and not having any kind of animalistic traits made them stand out quite a lot, and kids used to avoid (M/n) when the rumor of his parents being powerful magic users got out. But Ruggie didn't care about that.
He was the first and only one to talk to the boy, who was always by himself during school break and walked home alone, ignored by the rest of the kids.
They became friends really quickly, becoming almost inseparable.
And together, they were attending Night Raven College. Well, the problem was that (M/n) wasn't in the Savanaclaw dorm with him, so Ruggie only saw him during class and at the cafeteria... well, sometimes, since his senpai, Leona, always sent him over to bring him his lunch. It was difficult, they couldn't spend as much time together, since their dorms were kinda against other dorm students staying over for the night.
And some Savanaclaw third years have tried to fight (M/n), even if fighting is prohibited on campus, with or without magic, unless it has been officially announced.
To Ruggie was a little stressful, the judging stares of everyone from (M/n)'s dorm, his instincts told him to leave immediately, which would make him feel tense and anxious, and that made him stay less and less every time it happened.
He was sad, a little heartbroken too, not being able to see his best friend as much as he used to, not being able to spend time with the person he loves...
Yes, Ruggie is deeply in love with (M/n), but he was never able to do anything about it, the fear of rejection, and the anxiety it gave him when he thought that (M/n) might hate him too. It was too much, so he just kept quiet about it, watching how he started to get along with his classmates and dorm mates.
He was pining for the other male, reminiscing the times they spent together all those years ago as he rested his cheek on his hand, his bright blue eyes staring into the distance as he dozed off at the memories. He felt goosebumps on his body whenever a memory of (M/n)'s body pressed against his flashed through his mind.
Ruggie always denied it, to him it was obvious that (M/n) didn't have feelings for him, and yet, his hugs seemed to last longer, leaving a lingering feeling on the spots where they touch, and a flustered reaction whenever they would stare into the other's eyes for too long.
It was impossible, (M/n) never showed clear signs of liking him back -of course, whenever they were visible, Ruggie would just deny them and convince himself that he was reading into it too much-.
However, one day, Ruggie witnessed something that left him with a sour taste.
Someone, another guy, was sitting a little too close to (M/n) in class, clinging to his arm like a bitch. Damn dude was even flirting with him, completely ignoring what Crewel-sensei was teaching, therefore, distracting (M/n) too.
The (h/c) haired male seemed a little uncomfortable with how close this guy was, and he would attempt to back away every once in a while, showing an awkward smile.
This kept repeating itself, and whenever Ruggie would sit with (M/n) during class, at the cafeteria, or come and stay a little while at his dorm, he always felt a threatening stare on the back of his neck. Seeing Ruggie and (M/n) so close to each other made this mob character pissed, resulting in dragging (M/n) away from the hyena every chance he got.
Ruggie wasn't happy with that, and the week after, when he was coming back from bringing Leona his lunch, he overheard a conversation ahead of him. Mob-kun was talking to mob-two and mob-three, who seemed to be staring at mob-kun expectantly.
"Are you ever gonna confess?" Mob-2 said, and Mob-3 nodded.
Mob-kun only sighed and smiled brightly, "I'll do it today, since we're in the same dorm I'll just go to his room and ask him to be my boyfriend," both mobs started an early celebration for the new couple on campus, without noticing the twitchy ears hiding around the corner.
Ruggie felt his heart beating loud in his ears as his body felt heavy and cold with anger and anxiety. He had to do something, he couldn't risk it.
He didn't want (M/n) to date Mob-kun, not now, not ever!
Ruggie started running his way back to their classroom, since (M/n) had to stay behind for something Trein-sensei told him to do, so he was hoping he would still be there.
And he was.
Walking into the classroom with loud steps, Ruggie's breath was heavy and ragged, his mind fuzzy and cloudy, not really planning what he was gonna do, he just did it.
(M/n) looked up from the pile of books he had to bring over, and he took a few steps closer to his best friend.
"Ruggie? What-?"
"Mob-kun is gonna confess to you later today and I can't allow that! You were my crush first, I fell in love with you first, I've known you for way longer than he, and, and..." With his (e/c) eyes opened wide in shock, (M/n) was only able to stare at Ruggie as his face flushed red, his blue eyes getting teary as he moved his arms around frantically, as if trying to get his point across, which he did but not because of his exaggerated, rapid movements, "I won't let him take you away from me! You're... You're mine and I should've done something to prevent this from happening but-"
Feeling his body getting covered with goosebumps as he processed what was being said to him, (M/n) started calling out Ruggie's name over and over again to no avail, he wasn't even paying attention anymore, spilling out all the words and feelings he had been bottling up for many years now. His small body was shaking, whether it was from adrenaline, anger, or anxiety, he wasn't too sure.
"Ruggie..." Sighing as he realized his attempts at getting his attention were futile, (M/n) stepped close enough to bring him closer by his waist, his other hand cupping Ruggie's face as he leaned down to kiss him.
Wide, bright blue eyes stared at him in surprise, and the moment their kiss broke the eye contact was inevitable, a darker red blush colored Ruggie's face as he snapped back to reality, realizing what just happened and everything he said without thinking.
His first instinct was to press his face against (M/n)'s chest instead of running away. He felt safe in his arms and it had been so long since the last time they hugged.
"Are you done now? I wanted to say something too, y'know?" Gently holding Ruggie's face, (M/n) made him stare up at him, the glossy look in his beautiful blue eyes made his heart pound faster and louder. He leaned down, pressing their foreheads together, and softly whispered, "I love you, Ruggie, I've always loved you... Since that day when you talked to me and asked me if I wanted to play with you."
Ruggie blinked, baffled at the confession. Has (M/n) really been in love with him for that long? Yes, he's always loved him, unconditionally, but he was too scared to say something earlier.
"And I'm... beyond happy to know that you like me back," hugging his smaller body, (M/n) hid his face in Ruggie's neck, even if he had to bend down a little further.
Smiling wide as happy tears ran down his face, Ruggie hugged (M/n) back, tighter than he's ever hugged him before.
"I'll never stop loving you, (M/n), so... we'll be happy forever."
Extended ending
"...Who's Mob-kun, by the way?" Ruggie blinked a few times before pulling away from their hug with a small chuckle.
"No one, now," holding onto (M/n)'s hand, Ruggie started heading to the door, "Let's go to the cafeteria before lunch break is over."
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empress-simps · 4 years
Hi I saw your post about haikyuu and you taking request, can I request an angst to fluff poly with kuroo and kenma, where kuroo and reader are dating and kenma really like reader so he confess then there's fluff,,,,, if you're not comfortable that's ok, thank you tho!
Ack im so excited for this- THANKS FOR REQUESTING! This is also my first ever poly fic and it might be a pretty long one since I kinda got carried away oop- I hope this is what you had in mind!👉👈
Kenma x Gn!Reader x Kuroo (Poly)
Warnings: Angst with a fluff at the end to make up for it
Synopsis: Kenma tried to hide his feelings as he saw the two people he cares about is dating one another, but his pent up feelings made itself known.
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Kenma heard your voice echoing through the gym, he was just about to warm up as he puts his switch in his bag when he felt your presence.
"How many times have I told you to take a break!? You're sick!" You scolded their Captain, already changed from your uniformq into the Nekoma Volleyball Club's tracksuit as you pulled him by the ear.
"Im fine! I can totally play! Kenma tell Y/n!" He shouted for his friend, desperately trying to participate in the club activities.
Kenma couldn't really focus on what his friend was saying as his eyes were transfixed to you, taking in your features and just basking in your presence. All he managed to muster up is a nod and hum.
You sighed, shaking your head "Go home. Don't drag Kenma in this. I want you to rest, the sooner you get better the sooner you can play volleyball. Understand?" You spoke, voice laced with authority as you being their manager kicked in.
"Ughh, im so jealouuus! I want someone to care for me like that too!" Yamamoto sighed as they all looked at yours and kuroo's bantering frame. "Seeing how sweet they are makes me wanna throw up." He added as they saw their captain trying to woo you into making him play.
"Then who's gonna take you home? Just come with me-" Kuroo persisted but you just merely cut him off. "No. I'm not here just as your s/o but also the manager for the team. I need to perform my managerial duties as well as check up on them too, you know. I'll just go home with Kenma." You said, still not backing down. The entire Nekoma team still watching you both. Kuroo let out a huff and raised his hands. "Fine fine.. you win.." he grumbles as he grabs his bag.
You shot him a cute smile and waved as he left the gymnasium, "Love you tooo!" Once you made sure he already left, you turned towards what was left of the Nekoma Team.
"Now, have you all finished doing your warm- ups?"
Volleyball practice has come to an end as you found yourself walking alongside Kenma who was busy playing a game. The sound effects of the game fills the deafening silence between you two.
You glanced over him, taking in his features while he was completely unaware. Too focused in his game to even care about his surroundings, you sometimes even have to pull him when he was getting dangerously close to the lamp post or was about to trip over something.
Unbeknowst to you, Kenma was far from being focused. His mind was in shambles, thoughts darting back and forth in his head making him loose focus and actually getting defeated in the game. He tried his best to calm his nerves by gripping on his nintendo switch as he weighed the pros and cons if he was going to confess to you right now.
"Uh.. Y/n".
He called out softly, his eyes widened slightly. He was not meant to say that out loud. You stopped humming as you turned to your side "What is it Kenma?"
Kenma's eyes darting back and forth at his surroundings, trying to find the words to say as his voice got caught in his throat. You looked at him more closely, leaning to observe his features. "Kenma.. are you okay?" You said worriedly, putting a hand on the underside of his jaw to check the temperature.
Before Kenma could even stop himself, those words that he wants to tell you throughout the years you've known each other made it's way out of his mouth.
"I like you a lot."
It was like time has stopped, your hands went stiff as your eyes widened, you tried to play off your iitial shock with a laugh "Kenma, you wouldn't have stuck by me and tetsu's side if you didn't like us." You teased, trying to ease the akward tension between you.
"No, I love you."
At this point, Kenma wants to bash his head against a concrete wall. Since when did he ever got the balls to be bold?
Your hand found its way to your sides as your mouth opened and closed, trying to find the words to say, meanwhile he just stared at the luminescent light his game was giving off.
You started, unsure of what to say to the setter "I-i didn't know you felt that way.." You said softly, the feelings you had for him that is tucked away slowly resurfacing.
"It's fine.. You're dating Kuroo anyways.. I just.. felt the need to get it out of my chest." He waved it off, trying to act indifferent about it but what you didn't know was his heart was shattering as the uncomfortable silence grew between you both..
You took in a sharp breath as you stared up at the sky, trying to find the word to say between the setter and you. "Does Kuroo know about this?" You asked him, still looking up and avoiding his gaze.
You can't fall for him again, you already have the most caring and amazing boyfriend that happens to be his bestfriend.
"No. I don't know what will happen if I ever told him.." His voice growing softer by second, you finally grabbed his shoulders and looked at him.
"Kenma.. I don't want things changing between us, you already know im dating Kuroo and.. you're a great friend. I love you to bits okay?"
Kenma looked down as he tried to hide his tears, the words displayed on the device mocking him.
You sat in your bed, on the phone with Kuroo.
"Kenma.. He said something to me earlier." You started as you heard the shuffling of sheets from the other line. "And that is?" He asked a bit intrigued.
"He said he liked me." You dropped the bomb on the unsuspecting Kuroo, the line went silent for a few seconds before he spoke up. "You told me you liked him right?"
You looked down as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt, "Yes." . Kuroo asked again, "Do you still have feelings for him?" You sighed "Tetsuroo.. I'm dating you now-"
"Just answer me."
The three of you grew up in the same neighbourhood, you became bestfriends with both and initially fell for Kenma. You didn't plan to tell anyone but Kuroo found out and pratically forced you to spill. A few years later you began dating Kuroo, him confessing and you accepting it. You thought your feelings for Kenma were long gone but here you are, back to square one.
"I thought I got over it.. but it resurfaced.." You mumbled, tearing up and hoping that a fight wouldn't ensue.
Kuroo sighed, "Okay."
You looked at your phone then pressed it up again on your ear. "Okay what?" Your voice laced with a little bit of panic.
"What do you mean okay Kuroo Tetsuroo!?" You asked him frantically, afraid he was going to end it with you over the phone.
"I just need time to think." He said as the line went dead. You dropped your phone beside your bed as you let a few tears fall.
The next few days had been rough, Kuroo wouldn't answer your calls and avoided you as you have been trying to avoid Kenma who is in the same class as you.
"Still not okay Y/n-chan?" Yaku walked alongside you as he checked over you. You sighed as you shook your head, eyes puffy from crying sessions you partake in the evening
"Kuroo didn't broke up with you over the phone did he? I'll wrangle hi-"
"I didn't, no reason to beat me up." The voice you know all too well spoked up as your posture stiffened, not looking back.
You felt him grab your wrist and lead you outside "Let's talk." Your breath hitched as you saw Kenma outside, by the looks of it, he was waiting for you and kuroo to show up.
"Now that we're all here, let's make things clear." Kuroo started, "Kenma and I have talked about it. Don't worry, we didn't fight or somethibg like that." He chuckled
"Since you both like us we came up with a solution.." Kenma said softly, eyes still not meeting yours. You kinda felt guilty for avoidibg him.
"Why don't you date both of us?" Kuroo asked, his hands finding it's way to Kenma's which definetly didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Do you guys like each other..?" You asked, still looking at their intertwined hands. "Yea, we talked about it and realized our feelings." Kuroo said as he held your haid and waited for a reaction.
You smiled and squeezed his hand "Good. I don't think I can date you both knowing you'll probably compete over my gorgeus self."
Kuroo laughed while Kenma has a small smile on his face "Kenma.. I'm sorry for ignoring you for the past days..please forgive me?" You asked, taking his hands to yours. What you didn't expect was a light kiss on the cheek, "I think you know the answer."
"Oya? What about me?" Kuroo pouted, asking for a kiss, Kenma complied but you just ran away, laughter echoing in the now empty halls.
"Y/n my kisseeeees!" Kuroo yelled after you, as you relentlessly teased him while running.
Kenma looked at his boyfriend and s/o while sighing, a small smile plastered on his face. What a bunch of idiots.
His idiots.
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sainadazai · 3 years
Ack hello! Can I request 10+13 prompt drabble for dazai? Thank you in advance! ><
10 . "I-i think we should go to dinner first."
13. "I love you more than coffee." *distant gasps*
More than coffee?
"But y/nnn, work can wait til later, don't you wanna stay and cuddle with meee!?" A whine sounded fro mbehind you, as two arms wrapped around your waist to pull you back into bed.
You wouldn't lie and say that his warm, bare chest on your back didn't feel soothing in all too many ways, but you had to go to work and get out of his house. Last night wasn't something you necessarily regret, but it for sure was a one time thing.
Dating Dazai isn't something women can just do. He doesn't settle, or compromise, and to be honest, his addiction to making life harder for people around him is bothersome. The man was a player, sweet talking and sleeping around, it was his thing.
There was no judgment from you, his life, his choices, it just was a big mess you weren't ready to get into.
"Last night, was a One. Time. Thing." You anounce, getting off of the naked man's lap, not looking back because you know he will look too good to resist when he is draped in only a black silk sheet. The bastard.
You don't see his face turn to a pout, but you can practically hear it through his childish whine.
"But it was so fuun!! And might I add you are surprisingly submissive~"
That sentence earns him a bonk in the head with the shoe you were putting on. "Watch it, Dazai." There's a faint fluster in your tone, despite the glare on your face. Then you're gone, off to the agency to pretend like nothing happened.
Yet as he watches you work all day, Dazai can't help but feel conflicted, because he didn't want any one night things with you. Not anymore at least.
Sure, getting into a heated game of strip poker was a good one time thing, but the afterwards. When he couldn't resist your body any longer? The heat flowing through you both as you satiated a craving neither of you knew you had? Those are things he wants every night.
So he decides to test a boundary. If you sat stop, he'll always stop, but he can see in the your eyes linger a bit when he walks past you, that you want more. Dazai knows his own reputation well, and he won't deny it, he sleeps around. Finds some strange thrill in being able to pick up women left and right, knowing the lengths girls would go for him. It's an ego boost if anything.
He doesn't blame you not wanting to dive into the depths of his complex emotional structure. However he also doesn't understand why he is drawn to you like a moth to flame, knowing you could easily kill him, but he'd honestly be willing to die for another taste.
"Oh, y/n~" He wraps an arm over your shoulder while entering the coffee shop downstairs.
You send him a dry glare, knowing that tone of voice all too well. "Yes, dazai?"
He smirks a bit, "Do you know that your the greatest?" A tingle flies through you at the sensation of his hand gliding lower along your back. Until you catch it with your hand and quickly throw it off of you. "One. Time. Thing."
The man just chuckles at how you have to shove your face in your hands to hide the embarassed expression. Your just so cute, even when you try to act all though in battle.
"You know you don't have to be scared of me, I'd never treat you like I treat other women." He speaks out of no where, taking you fully by surprise. You didn't know that, nor did you believe it. He's met so many beautiful and kind women, granted most of them think he is a bit insane, but he still never takes any of them seriously. What in the world could make you different?
However, to Dazai there were a million little things that made you better than the rest. He loved the glint in your eyes you have during fights, excitement pouring through you as you slash your blades.
He loves the stoic face you use to seem unbothered, the way you'll never admit to being shy or vulnerable. Even the little stutter you developed when your uncomfortable, or stressed. It frustrates the hell out you, but he thinks it's a beautiful reminder that even though you are perfect, you are human.
"What? You're saying you would love me better than all the other women you've been with? Do you even remember their names?" You raise your brows, trying to act confident.
"I loved tea more than I loved those women, and I'm honestly a coffee guy, y/n."
"So your saying it's actually an insult to them..not a compliment to me." You deadpan.
He widens his eyes, "no I love you way more!"
Now that takes you by surprise, because, yeah you've known Dazai for a long time, but never have you ever heard him say that he loves you.You haven't heard him say he loved anyone.
Yes, you loved him, but it was always the kind of love you pretend is platonic, for his safety, and yours. It was never supposed to be reciprocated. Nor expected to be so.
With your silence and awestruck expression, though, Dazai realized that he had actually said it out loud. The L word, to you, HIS GIRL, whatever that means.
He was freaking out inside wondering what on earth could be going on up in that head of yours. Until a smirk grew on your lips.
"You love me more than coffee?"
And he didn't even laugh, because he was serious about coffee, but more serious about you.
"I love you more than coffee." When he says it out loud though, you let a out a little gasp. Dazai really likes coffee, you know.
"Oh...haha, tch, cool." You play off the excitement bubbling inside of you.
Dazai simply laughs, and reaches his hand to your thigh, trailing up slowly as he whispers. "Dont act to tough, y/n, im sure I can easy wipe that look off your face~"
"I-i think we should go to dinner first."
His hand finally reaches the line of your panties and snaps em against you, "I have a better idea for dinner."
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kkgbutsane · 3 years
The First Day of School
It was a dewy morning. Not too hot, not too cold, far too humid. It was the usual for Hyakkou High School, where students came to learn and excel in their studies while maintaining good social relationships. The school was usually filled with many different students. Any stereotype you could think of, Hyakkou had it. 
The students usually had fun. The Principal was quite lax when it came to certain things. All he asked of the students was to respect each other and respect the building. And to keep their grades up of course. They would be failing as a school if the students weren’t receiving the proper education!
And this is where their story begins.
“Ack. Hey! Mary!” Ryota called out from behind the blonde, who was currently looking down on her phone. The boy ran up to his best friend, hooking his arm around the back of her neck to bring her into a headlock. “Hey! Don’t mess up my hair you dork!” Mary growled, trying to wrestle her way out of Ryota’s lock.
The two continued their conundrum until they reached the gates of the school, where Mary finally got a good grip and threw her friend over her shoulder, thus leading to him falling on his backpack. “Ow…,” he muttered, smiling like an idiot.
Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui had been friends since childhood. They were even neighbors, and she often came over to his house to play on his Wii with him. Their friendship had blossomed into a relationship.
Until they realized they were better off as best friends. In fact, after they had broken up and continued to be platonic, it seemed as though their friendship grew stronger.
“Hi guys!” The two heard a familiar voice, registering it as their other best friend, Yumeko Jabami. Yumeko had met them all in middle school, when she had moved here with her sister. The ravenette was one to take risks, and found pleasure in dangerous things. Of course, only in moderation. In reality, the only things she had taken much risk for was a move in a fighting game. Or a board game.
Her bubbly exterior was often in place of her mellow interior. She tended to keep to herself truly, unless with her friends.
“Yumeko!” Ryota yelled happily, jogging over and scooping the girl in a tight hug. Much to his delight, Yumeko returned the hug tenfold.
“ShiT, I can’t breaTHE-,” he barely managed, his face turning purple. He should have known, the girl was a strong hugger. “Oi, calm down you two, before I separate you guys for 10 minutes straight, and I know that will be a pain since you usually do homework together in the mornings,” Mary stated, crossing her arms. Yumeko finally relented, giving Ryota’s respiratory system some reprieve. Yumeko looked quite meek, but she could give hugs like no other.
“Mary!” Yumeko giggled, giving the blonde another one of her bone crushing hugs. “Sup, dumbass,” Mary replied, smiling softly at her friend’s gestures of affection. “Are you all ready for your first days of school!?” 
It was the start of junior year for the three, and boy were their classes packed. Ryota was taking a few classes on science and health, as well as a gym class to exercise and get fit. He wanted to be a firefighter, and such education was necessary to ensure he was a good candidate for the job.
“I have… Anatomy first period. Woohoo,” Mary sighed. She was actually quite excited, but decided not to show it in order to keep her cool exterior. The path she had chosen was Emergency Medical Services, and taking anatomy was the first step in her opinion.
“Oh? That’s so wonderful! I have Calculus for my first period. I wonder if Sayaka is going to be in that class!” Yumeko said eagerly. Sayaka was one of the other kids attending this school. The girl mainly kept to herself, but she had recently started acquainting herself with the ravenette.
“Gah! Sorry I’m late guys! I kinda missed my bus…” A ginger voice panted, revealed to be none other than Itsuki Sumeragi. The strawberry blonde had met the three last year when she was a sophomore. After transferring from a private school to Hyakkou, the tight-knit group had taken her in, welcoming her as one of their own. “Hey! I heard there’s gonna be a pair of new students! I hear they’re seniors,” Itsuki gossiped, taking out her Nintendo Switch and turning it on.
“Ooh, Smash? Let’s do this!” Ryota declared, taking his controller and setting it to his button map.
“So what about these new students? Do they seem weird or anything?” Mary inquired, picking her character, King K. Rool, and setting her button map. “Oh come on, why do you ALWAYS play heavies!?” Ryota complained, picking Marth as his character. “Because heavies are fucking goated, why else?” the blonde snarked back, a sly smirk on her face.
“I don’t know. But I heard they’re twins!” Itsuki giggled, sitting down to watch them play.
“Heya guys,” a shrill voice came out of nowhere. “You playin’ Smash? I’ll join!” it giggled. Runa had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in her oversized jacket. “Oh no…,” The entire group groaned.
“Runa, you’re cool and all, but whenever we play with you, you find a way to resize our assholes every match in different ways. I really don’t want to get 0-to-deathed consecutively while you stay on three stocks. Seriously, how the fuck do you even do it!?” Mary spoke, seemingly for the entire group. “I dunno, just practice TBH,” was all Runa said, picking up a controller. “And fuck you, I’m playing anyway.” 
The sound of groans could be heard around the courtyard after that statement.
Sayaka Igarashi, resident Valedictorian-to-be, had come over to the table with Midari Ikishima, who was dragging along a seemingly sleepy senior. “C’mon Yuriko. I know you have senioritis but our friends are here!” Midari grumbled, literally dragging Yuriko. Yuriko Nishinotounin had gotten a severe case of Senioritis, especially since most of her classes were a breeze this year. 
“Would you both calm down please!? They’re playing a game, and I’m trying to read!” Sayaka chided, mentally swearing at the rebel. “Chill out, Sayaka, Yuriko is already falling asleep on me and it’s not even 7:30!” Midari grumbled.
“I can’t wait for senior year to be over,” Yuriko yawned, sitting on the table everyone was at basically falling asleep.
“What the fu- NO!” Mary yelled, distracted by Yuriko long enough for Runa to get a move on her, resulting in her virtual demise. “Fuuuuck!” she sighed, hitting her head against the wooden table. “FUCK!” she repeated, after feeling the pain that came along with it. Ryota had already fallen out of the competition.
Please nerf Lucas.
Yumeko hummed happily to herself, reading some random tabloid article on her phone. As the bell rang, they all dispersed into their classes.
“See you guys later!” Ryota called, jogging over to the weight room for his first period.
The three girls had made their way over to the Portables, then separating into their classrooms. 
Sayaka practically dragged her two friends to their classes and then her own, all while keeping to the schedule. Anatomy was her first period, and she sat next to Mary. 
It wouldn’t be too bad of a year. Mary was a good student and wasn’t too hard to talk to. She just mostly liked to keep to herself.
“Good morning class! Welcome to Anatomy! You guys are obviously gonna be learning about the body, it’s functions, what is where and what goes where and woop dee dah, all the good stuff! Hopefully I can make learning about how food passes through the body actually entertaining for y’all, but first we have two new students with us today! They’ve recently transferred over, so let’s give ‘em a warm welcome to Hyakkou!” The teacher, Mrs. Murray, announced. She looked a bit older, with a tall figure and ginger hair in her face. Her glasses looked odd, but it added to her look.
People like Mrs. Murray because she was actually a good teacher. She cared about her students and actually helped them if they needed it.
“Ladies, if you would please introduce yourselves!” 
The entire class looked at the two, and for a moment they thought they saw double.
“Hello. My name is Kirari Momobami. I’m a senior here, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can get along,” The girl, now known as Kirari, had stated.
It seemed her sister’s turn was up next.
“Er.. I’m Ririka Momobami. We’re twins. I hope we can… have a good time!” Ririka muttered, almost too quietly for the class to hear.
Mrs. Murray smiled and beckoned them to take their seats.
Their seats were in front of both Sayaka and Mary, who seemed to be in a state of both ‘gay’ and ‘panic’.
The two twins looked vastly different, with Kirari’s hair done in twin loop braids and dressed in a rather classy manner, while Ririka’s hair was free to fall.
Did Ririka have a sweatshirt that had the Poggers Man on it?
Mary internally laughed at that. It was adorable.
When class had dispersed to work in groups, Mary and Sayaka had picked each other on instinct, then looking for two more partners to start their work on.
“Sayaka!” Mary whisper-yelled, a small blush on her face. She then gestured to her phone to text the girl.
Sayaka I: I am too. Which one are you gay for?
Mary S: Ririka.
Sayaka I: Oh. I like her too.
Mary glared at Sayaka for a moment.
Mary S: The one with the adorable hair and clothing?
The blonde mentally facepalmed, of course Sayaka would think that. No matter the twin.
Sayaka I: Yes. I love how her hair is done. Plus her shirt looks nice.
Mary S: Oh. So the one with the weird braids?
Sayaka I: Don’t call them weird.
Mary S: ok but dont worry cause im crushing on the other twin. I swear her sweatshirt is adorable.
Sayaka I: .
Sayaka I: poggers
Sayaka I: Be my guest.
The two had reluctantly come up to the twins.
“Hello! I am Sayaka Igarashi, and this is Mary Saotome. It seems you both don’t have another pair, so if you’d like, we can work with you,” Sayaka stated, trying to sound as polite as possible. Nothing could hide the blush on her face though.
“Sure, I would love to work with you both,” Kirari replied, a small smirk forming on her face.
Ririka just nodded with a small smile.
It was going to be a long year.
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Part One
Happy birthday Bokuto 💕
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It was the first day of the Volleyball Tournament and the Black Jackals were in the middle of a set against a powerhouse team. Everyone was very tired from the game going on longer than anybody intended it too. But this was the last set and determined the winner of the first day. Hinata was at his limit along with everyone else on the team, Miya had a bored look on his face with sweat dripping down the side of his cheek, Sakusa was irritated that he was all sweaty. Everyone was ready for this to be over, the only one who still had energy to spare was Bokuto, you would never know from his sweaty face and tired appearance though. He loved volleyball and was having the time of his life.
You were sitting on a bench next to the manager watching and taking notes. You started off as a volunteer for the team, handing out waters and drinks when needed and sponging up as much information you could get. The manager noticed your attitude and determination and decided to take you under his wing as Manager in Training. He told you that he would retire someday and the team would need a new, fresh manager one day.
A whistle blew and everyone cheered, the Black Jackals won the winning point confirming that they won the first day. You jumped up excited and everyone on the team jumped but fell on their backs from exhaustion.
“Line up!!!!!” Yelled the Coach
While the team was lining up to say thank you you were getting bottles and towels ready. Everyone rushed to you and nearly fell on you groaning.
“Ack guys.. cmonnnnn”
“ be easy with her” the Manager said leaving the gym. “If she gets crushed you'll have no one to hand you towels.”
The men groaned standing up straight so you could compose yourself around these sweaty giants (except for Hinata) and pass out towels.
Hinata screamed into his towel and Sakusa gave him a disgusted look. Bokuto leaned on you again and you laughed putting your arm around his back to support him.
“Congratulations” you told him, handing him a water bottle.
Bokuto took the bottle and drank half of it and grinned at you standing up straight. “Thank you!!! We couldn't do it without you !”
“Oh pft, “ you waved off his praise and Sakusa grabbed both your hands, scaring you, he stared right into your eyes hunched over. “Thank you , y/n. Without your guidance and helpful attitude I would have crashed.”
“Uh.. sure Sakusa..”
He let go and Hinata and Miya hugged you squeezing a little too tight.
“Guuuuyyyssss please…” you whined unable to breath till they let go.
You sat down heaving and Bokuto held out his bottle to you.
“Need a refill?” You asked taking it.
“Nope! You look like you need it though.” He sat down next to you stretching.
Bokuto was an interesting man to you. He was full of energy and excitement and loved having all eyes on him all the time, his volleyball skills were amazing but that was no secret to anyone since he was the Captain in highschool.
Most days back then you watched him from a distance, catching every game, learning everything about how to play hoping it would get you closer to him, watching him practice and making up an excuse that you were there to learn how to be a Manager. You wondered if he ever noticed you or even looked at you. You were quiet, closed off most of the time and never put yourself out there because of nerves.
But after highschool you got word of the Black Jackals looking for volunteers to pass out towels and bottles to the team. Having no idea your Owl Boy was on that very team. The first meeting was awkward for you. All the guys shook your hand (except for Sakusa but he warmed up to you) Bokuto thanked you for wanting to help and it made you realize he did not remember you from highschool. But.. Why would he?
Being a bottle girl was easy enough. They always said thank you and asked politely for more water if they needed it. The first couple games Sakusa ignored you, he stared you down a lot and you always just waved awkwardly at him. He never took a towel or bottle from you, something about germs . So you always folded his towel on the bench pricing his water next to it. It wasn't until one day at practice he thanked you and asked for another bottle.
Hinata was always excited to hear your ideas about what he could improve and the Coach and Manager took note of this. Miya liked to sneak up behind you and pinch your hips whenever Bokuto came over to get a towel. “I know your secret” he would tell you and wander off. It made you a blushing mess every time and he always left way too fast so you couldn't confront him.
Things got easier as you got into the routine of everything. The Manager and Coach even asked you about taking the soon to be open spot and you accepted in a heartbeat, soon enough you put your feelings aside and focused on how you would manage the Black Jackals.
Bokuto leaned on you again, humming in your ear till you looked at him, he had an amused look on his face.
“ yes Bokuto?”
“Are you not drinking the water because you think i have backwash?”
“Uhm.. no?” You took a sip and lowered the bottle squeezing it, fighting off your heart. “You did great, the Nationals will be amazing”
“Oh ho ho ho?” He teased standing up, hands on his hips.
By now the gym was emptying and it was slowly becoming just you and Bokuto.
“ yes? “ you got up to start gathering bags and what not till he grabbed your arm .
You looked over making a fist with your other hand to see his happy face , you wanted to touch it so bad, run your fingers through that crazy hair..be near him.. feel him… was he warm? It wasn't fair…...
“Yes, Bokuto? I won't miss the bus, just gathering things.”
“You know how we stay at that inn?”
“Yes. The one Hinata does not like because its next to a five star hotel and ramen shop.”
“Well maybe w-“
“Bo ku to san!!!!” Hinata yelled jumping
The tall boy looked over his shoulder letting your arm go gently. “Hinataaaaaa” groaned the boy.
“Im comin!!” He looked back to see you picking up bags and going to the Exit. Bokuto looked down at his hand and made his way to the Exit too catching up with Hinata feeling a little down.
@thegirlwhoharnessedthelight @squeaky-ducky
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lexiy-dreyar · 4 years
Mehcanics birthday
charaters: lucy heartfelia, natsu dragneel, xarana,lexiy,star and amaniz drayer, nkita monos and ???, void, chara, gem, frosghen,
Monos walking through the halls of the house when he walked by a calendar he noticed the words may on the top"hmmm.." He looked down at the marker "oh it may second ehehe my birthday is tomorrow!!" He cheers looking back at the calendar to see may 3 marked in stars handwriting he smiles "she remembered" he smiles looking down to see amaniz and nkita marked in may "oh amanizs birthday is 2 days after…." He looks down remembering his cousin "hmm uncle Monos are you ok?" Amaniz asked "huh yeah just remembering somethings...how about you" he chuckles petting the young girls head "your gonna be 6 in a few days…..well technically 16 you excited?" He smiles as her "yeah I guess so…..do you think moms ok?" She fiddled with her hands "yeah her and void woke up and are safe in the hospital your mom will be discharged tomorrow and void will be discharged 3 days be your birthday" he crouched down to match her hight "...and aunty star" she mumbled " well….. Were not sure yet she hasn't woken up yet but im sure shell be awake in time for nkitas birthday" he smiles standing up "now come on its getting late you have some training to do" he picks up the slightly dozing of girl "hmm"
-the next day-
Amaniz and nkita made their way to the hospital"hmmm.." Amaniz fiddled with her hands "hmm is something wrong?" Nkita asked looking down at his side, she shook her head no before slowly holding his hand "hey un-no big brother do you think uncle void will remember me" she asked softly "yeah im sure he wouldn't stop asking about you" he softly squeezed her hand "ama...i know you were scared...you dint have to act tough anymore... you're not like that dont be like your mother be you..ok?" He asked, hearing sniffling coming from her, he sighed softly picking her up "i-im not a kid" she sniffles. The bluentte shook his head no "but your still a child...you were aged up 10 years so you couldn't naturally change...thus your emotions were increased drastically to where you couldn't even control a small bit so dont worry about it ok?" He softly kisses her temple "hmm thank you big brother" she smiled softly "your welcome" he mumbled as they entered the hospital doors and headed up to the 4 floor
-one elevator ride later- 
"Here room 409" amaniz pointed as she was let down "hmm let's see if they're awake" nkita whispered gently knocking in the door "hello?" The two peaked in seeing lex staring out the window with a blank face void rambling to himself and star still under intensive care " mama!" Amaniz cried running over to lex tightly hugging her, crying into her chest "you're ok..' sniff' and your awake" she cried feeling a pair of arms wrap around her "hey there kiddo" lexiy whispered softly pulling her child into the bed leaning back slightly so they were both comfortable "aww that's so cute" void chuckled as he sat up "so babe what's up with you" void winked at nkita making the blue boy blush "iv told you to stop calling me that" nkita grumbled embarrassed "what oh come on you've gotta be kidding your my catch and im yours end of the discussion" void pouts acting like the little kid he is. Nkita shook his head in disappointment before hearing the room door open again "yo!" He heard the voice of his brother "oh hey Monos ho-" "There's the birthday boy!!" Void interrupted nkita "eh eh thanks dude" "no problem bro" the two laughed. 
Monos looked over to star his eyebrows burrowed seeing the wires and needless in her hurt him "hey there starshine how are you, sweetie?" He gently touched her cheek "I know you can here me and I'll be waiting for you ya know" he blushed slightly when her head tilted onto his hand. He smiled seeing a small smile on her face softly kissing her forehead "best present ever" he smiles "creep" nkita jabbed in "As if you have room to talk" Monos glared at his younger brother" are we getting me out of here or what" lex groaned "mom you still se-" "mom?!! No more mama?" Lexiy teared up "what did you do to my baby girl!" Lexiy cried hugging amaniz tighter crying crocodile tears "u-um I did nothing…" nkita void and Monos sweatdropped "nothing happened mom I just grew out of mama its kinda babyis-" the young wizard was interrupted by her wallowing mother "WHHHAAA" she cried making her daughter laugh at her antics "eh eh there we go..i missed your cute little giggles " lexiy smiled happily crushing her child "ack-..mom….cant….breaaathhh"  the brunette struggled her face slowly turning blue "ahh sorry!!" She let go "what no fair wanna go too" void pouted "sorry but your not quite healed yet for you to be up and drinking" nkita chuckled "fine baby you better bring me back cake" void snuggled into his blanket slowly passing out.
Xarna walked down the dark hallways "miss I'll be going now" she bowed "xarna...you remember your mission correct after all you do still want that happily ever after right" she could hear the voice smirk "y-yes I do" she stutters "good 433, gem frosghen go with her and send my happy birthday" the voiced ordered"yes ma'am" the cheery voice of the purple-head cheered "oh god gem stop doing that voice!" The pink frog groaned "oh shut it frosghen!" Gem pouted "we should get moving" 433 suggested as the 4 went on there way.
-scene skip-
"Ughhh can I open my eyes now?!" Monos groaned "nope keep them on bro!" Nkita chuckled as silence took over, only the wheels of the wheelchair could be heard "am I moving to slow mom?" Amaniz asked looking down at her mother as she pushed her around "im quite fine its ok amaniz" lexiy smiled "I hope to god there done by the time we get there" nkita grumbled "it's not to far see its right in front of us" amaniz pointed out "ok cool what is it?" Monos groaned "yoouuuullll see" nkita smirked evilly "creep" "oh shut it!!"
Nkita slowly opened the door and slowly left Monos' side "ehh kiki where are you...dont tell your planning on killing me now" he heard some heald in laughter before taking off his blindfold "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONOS!" his friends cheered "aww you guys I thought I side no big party" he chuckled "as if we would go small" lucy smiled "now lets party!!!" Natsu cheered "yeah!!!" The guild said in unison,
They all laughed, and yelled and parted into the night
The party was slowly starting to die down. Monos went outside for a little fresh air "ahh man thises guys are the best" he chuckled taking a sip of his drink "are you having fun? Big cousin?" A voice asked him "huh whos there?!" He looked around "aww that's cold" the voice whined he continued to look around the frowned...but soon recognized the voice "no way...how your dead" he muttered softly "well I was...but I have been reborn... I will make you pay for what you and cousin nkita did to me! I thought you loved me!!" The voice cried "we do and we regret what we did but it was the only way to save you im sorry" he teared "if you want I'll make you a new body one so realistic no one's notice!!" He cried "we really miss you" he dried his tears "hmmmm no I already have a new body and they're oh so nice to have me in them I will get my revenge you've earned my mercy for now...but she hasn't she will pay for her sins" the voice grew demonic "but iv seem to overstayed my welcome ill see you both soon the game is on~" the voice faltered. Monis looks down at his drink "I hope to god im just tripping the 500-year war is not something that should happen again...ughhhh there goes my party mood...welp time to get dru-eh" he froze seeing a slightly levied chara " so she wishes to kill me as I did her huh...alright then" "chara please dont the last thing we need is all hell to break loose!" Monos warned her "just a few more people Monos-dear then we'll see the time if fate is nit something I can control….but I can ruin it now go enjoy your birthday" she smirked as she disappeared into snow like dust……."good god I need to get drunk" Monos sighed as he heads back in.
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roninhunt0987 · 5 years
Krys, Scratch and Aqua meeting their new siblings
Krys, Scratch and Aqua meeting their new siblings By: Roninhunt0987 X3 a cute and adorable story of Krystal, Scratch and Aqua coming home finally after college and such and meeting their new siblings... :3 half of it was by via rp but i've taken the liberty to do the rest of the dialogue for kip... =3 so i suppose this something for me to do for her and such... =3 so yea.. anyways enjoy folks.. X3 this takes place in m.e.g.a chronicles 3 and such hehe Characters©belongs to their rightful owners Melody: -a teenager now excited that Krystal, Scratch and Aqua are coming home- Kotone and Misty: -same- Fuji. Ayame, Chetan and Nipaham: :?| Melody: X3 you'll love them... X3 trust us on that Kotone and Misty: X3 yea Krystal, Scratch, Aqua: -just pulled into the driveway of the house and starts getting out bags and suitcases out of the car- Lyric the fox: -coming out of the kitchen- I think I just heard a car outside. I think the Agons are home finally Merrick:  -opens the door and gets on the front porch smiling- Melody: -smiles ready to glomp krystal- Kotone and Misty: -same- Krystal: -looks over and smiles- Hi Dad! Scratch: -carrying a couple of bags and hops onto the porch- were back!! Aqua: after the longest drive of my entire life. -giggles- Lyric the fox: -walks out onto the porch- hey guys, in sure some certain siblings of yalls are waiting for all of you inside. -he chuckles- Melody, Katone and Misty: -glomps krystal soon as she walked in- X3 hehehe Fuji, Ayame, Chetan and Nipaham: -looking to the reunion there and sees what Krystal, Scratch and Aqua looks like for the very first time- Krystal: gah! -glomped by the girls, giggles and hugs them back- I missed you girls too! Scratch: -pulling bags through the front door- Aqua: -giggles at the girls- well, I'd say they certainly missed you Krys. -looks at at the 4 others, smiling- oh, well who might these 4 be? Fuji. Ayame,  Chetan and Nipaham: -looks to them cutely- Merrick: =3 these are your siblings Fuji, Ayame, Chetan and Nipaham... all 4: -walks up to them and opens arms- Hug?? Flynn: -pokes around the corner and pokes back in- Aqua: oh! Well of course! -she smiles and hugs them- its always good to gain more siblings! I'm Aqua Silver Agon. Krystal: -pulls all the girls up, her being extremely strong as usual, laughing- we have new Siblings?? Scratch: -comes back downstairs- whats going on? Merrick: ^~^ you been away for 3 years and well.. X3 lets just say your mom kimiko gave birth to Fuji and Ayame there... X3 they're 3 now.. X3 however their twin brothers Chetan and Nipaham are adopted... Fuji and Ayame: -smiles cutely to krystal which is the same cute smile melody does when melody was their age- Chetan and Nipaham: -smiles cutely as well- Kimiko: X3 mmhmm Krystal: -giggling- well its nice to meet you new siblings! I'm Krystalia, but just call me Krystal or Krys. -she smiles with her fangs- yall remind me so much of when Melody was little Aqua: -smiling back at them- Scratch: cool! Do any of you like hot sauce??? Oh, sorry, im Scratch by the way! All 4: ^~^ hehe well met Melody: X3 hehe Flynn The Horsefly: -yells in  Krystal's ear- AYHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Krystal: -jumps and then grabs Flynn by the neck, ears flattened- and who is this annoying idiot?? Aqua: oh boy Scratch: welp looks like another soon to be dead man to me Merrick: ahh yes... thats new local idiot of the house now... O.o sonic wised up as well as the wario bros while you were away for a while.. his name is Flynn The Horsefly- Flynn: ACK!!! GAHHH!!!! WHAT THE F**K!!! Fuji: thats a swear Ayame: yea Chetan and Nipaham: mmhmm -smiles as they sit back to watch Krystal and Scratch beat the hell outta flynn- Fuji and Ayame: ^~^ Melody: =3 just watch Krystal even told me by via text message they picked up some new abilities with their powers and were gonna see it first hand Merrick: -smiles as he sits back to watch- Krystal: figures. Well, I guess its time to issue the usual warning, not that you will be smart and listen to it. But we dont play nice, Flynn, so you better watch it, or you might just lose a few organs~ Scratch: let's just say your playing with Fire, Water, and Electricity when it comes to us. Aqua: you got that right. -giggles- Krystal: -throws him to Scratch- would you like to go first little bro? Scratch: smirks sure thing! -his fur flares orange and yelling before trapping Flynn in a fire tornado that's slowly closing in on Flynn- Flynn: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! FIRE FIRE FIRE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Fuji, Ayame, Nipaham and Chetan: OwO cooooooooool Melody: X3 told ya Misty and Kotone: X3 Aqua: -does a water blast on flynn- Flynn: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! -wet and knows whats coming next- oh geeze Krystal: -smirks and fires her lightning blast at Flynn- Flynn: -getting electricuted- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! -on the floor hurt badly and says ow like shrek did on the first movie when he had the arrow yanked from his butt- owwwwwwwwwww Krystal: well whatcha think?? Fuji, Ayame, Chetan and Nipaham: XD THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!!!!!!! Krystal: -giggles- Scratch: -does the peace sign- XD yup Aqua: -giggles- Krystal: -smiles and sees something off from merrick which is his cyber eye and cybernetic arms- whoa... O.o dad.. how Merrick: I guess ya missed a lot so I might as well explain -sits down- -after a long talk of explaining of the current events that has already happened such as meeting with his friend tom and etc- Scratch: Dang... X3 I have to be honest but you look way cooler with those cybernetic enhancements dad Aqua: =3 yea Krystal: =3 though it has to getting used to and such Merrick: -chuckles- I know Lillacia: -comes on in and smiles as she is a teenager now and also same height as she was- X3 Heya Krys Krystal: X3 Lillacia you're all grown up Aqua: X3 hehe Scratch: X3 yea hehe Sans: -walks on in- heh.. good to see you again Papyrus: -comes from the kitchen as he was making pasta and meatballs for dinner- X3 ahh welcome home Krystal: heh thanks guys Lyric: X3 we been making sure we ya bedrooms are well maintained and such Scratch: XD thats good Aqua: so.... where did that horsefly came into the picture Merrick: oi... O.o probably since after the events I been through and such so yea... well.. yea.. he's not the only idiot around Jack: OH MY GOD THEY KILLED FLYNN!!! the other 7 idiots: YOU BASTARD!! Krystal: wait.. 9 idiots... oh boy... -facepalm- figures... Scratch: :3 well more people to toast up Aqua: mmhmm Merrick: yup Jared: -walks on in- X3 Ahh Krys welcome home Krystal: X3 hey Jared thanks hehe Scratch: X3 how the wife and kids Jared: =3 doing very well Kit Prower: X3 heya guys welcome home Krystal: X3 thanks kit Aqua: =3 hehe Scratch: X3 guess for now krystal, aqua and I can get to know our new siblings Merrick: X3 you go ahead and do that k hehe -a lil later after Krystal, scratch and Aqua unpacked- Fuji, Ayame, Nipaham and Chetan: -looking at the photo album of Melody at her age of 3 having time with krystal and etc- X3 hehe krystal: -chuckles and points to the photo where she and melody did an april fools joke on sonic of squirting him with a squirt gun- XD hehehe good times Fuji: -turns page and looks at the photo where Jared and scratch pranked sonic in the shower of pink hair dye- XD hehehehehe Scratch: XD oh god I remember that.. XD jared and I got sonic good on that one Jared: XD yup Ayame: XD hehe I never knew ya were a prankster there Chetan and Nipaham: XD yea Jazz: -walks on in smiling- X3 welcome home Krystal, Scratch and Aqua Krystal: X3 thanks Jazz Aqua: X3 hehe Scratch: XD hehe Jazz: -has made some muffins for the three of them as a welcome home present- X3 hehe Scratch: XP sweet Krystal: =3 awesome Aqua: XD hehe thanks Jazz Fuji: -turns page and sees a pic of Jazz yelling at Scratch of saying stahp eating mah muffins- :? Ayame, Chetan and Nipaham: :? Scratch: XD oh hey I remember that... O.o I was kinda hungry and then I swiped jazz's muffins while she was not looking and she yelled at me Jazz: :3 and ya gave me that look of saying no Scratch: -rolls eyes and chuckles- so how ya been doin Jazz Jazz: =3 been doing well hehe Papyrus: X3 everyone Pasta is now served... XD Bone apitit -realized he did a pun- O_o;;;; Sans: XD hehehehehehehe Papyrus: SAAAAAAAANS ITS NOT FUNNEH!!!! Lillacia: XD yes it is hehe you walked into that one Paps Papyrus: -double facepalms- -later after dinner- Scratch: -in his room snoozing as he needed to sleep after that long trip and never had any sleep- Aqua: -in her room relaxing- Krystal: -watching a movie with Fuji, Ayame, Chetan and Nipaham- X3 enjoying the movie so far all 4: -asleep close to Krystal- Krystal: -noticed and smiles- awww -Flashback- Krystal: -before becoming an adult and watching a movie with melody at age 3- X3 enjoying the movie so far Mel melody(age 3): -asleep on krystal's lap- zzzz Krystal: -smiles- awww -end of flashback- Krystal: -smiles as she relaxes petting all 4 of her siblings and also glad to be home and such after being away for a long time and then falls asleep with them- Merrick: -walks in and also chuckles as he tucks them in with the blanket and then goes to sit down on at his recliner chair and starts playing some Devil May cry 5 with the volume turned down on the x-box one and looks to all 5 and goes into a flashback back when was flesh and bone fully- -flashback- Merrick: -tucks in Melody and Krystal and sits down on his recliner chair and plays some Devil may cry 3 with the volume turned down and looks to both kids- -end flashback- Merrick: -chuckles and also glad that Krystal, Scratch and Aqua are home finally after being away for a good while as he continues to play his game- -later in the night- all 9 idiots: -raiding the kitchen- Lyric the fox: -turns on the lights as he is in his pajamas and etc not amused- =w= all 9 idiots: O_o uh oh Lyric the fox: =w= all 9 idiots: -sheepishly smiles- Lyric The Fox: =w= ya no -presses button- teleport pad: -shows up on all 9 idiots and sends them to the moon- all 9 idiots: -sent to the moon- Lyric The Fox: =w= sigh... darn horseflies and kingdom hearts villans and final fantasy villian and sonic boom villian... geeze -uses her magic to restore the kitchen and sees its no longer a mess- ^^ there we go -turns off lights to the kitchen and heads back upstairs- -on the moon- all 9 idiots: -warps in onto the moon- Astronant: uhhhhh Houston... uhhh we have a problem all 9 idiots: MOTHERFU- Scene: -blacks out in random fart noise- TFS Nappa: .w. the end -XD END XD- -RH0987 PRODUCTIONS 2019-
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hyuukais · 2 years
congratulations on 300 followers!!~ you deserve it and more hehe, sending good vibes to you for the upcoming days :D
may i have a txt and svt matchup please?:3
describing me,,, uhhh,,,,, i’m so loud when im comfortable around people 😭 you’ll see me be silent if i don’t know what to contribute/if im uncomfortable, but if i do know what to say, i can get SO loud and SO out of pocket 😭😭 im so impulsive it’s embarrassing at points. but my friends love to flatter me and say i’m super caring, sweet and kind. i love making people i care about laugh and feel uplifted, and would do anything to make sure they’re happy. some things that make me happy are animals <3 and just in general seeing the ones i love happy. oh i love to create! i love drawing, making music, and writing. i listen to music 24/7 and lately i’ve been a huge fan of playing video games (mostly indie games)!!! they’re so fun and i could sit for hours just playing them. ack but you know what i hate. people who are so negative and pessimistic about life they bring other people down. i hate crowds too </3 and VEGETABLES. they are not my favorite food. boo. overall people scare me. im very comfortable with my circle right now and i focus on them and make sure they’re all doing well !! um um i think that’s it <3
thank you for hosting! and thank u so much if you get to my ask!! wishing the absolute best :3
I Pair You With…
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Lee Seokmin !!
DK wants someone who can match his energy. Someone bright and determined to make others happy. He’d flatter you just as much as your friends, and every word he speaks is genuine. That your creativity and passion inspire him. That your sunshine smile always makes him feel better. Seokmin is a sucker for animals and all things cute, you included. He certainly couldn’t stand anyone who would call cats evil or dogs bad, he’d much rather prefer the optimistic outlook that both are incredibly adorable. He’d love discussing music with you, sharing bands, or learning your favorite songs on guitar to serenade you. You’d simply light up Dokyeom’s world every time you stepped in the room.
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Choi Beomgyu !!
As a rather loud guy himself, Beomgyu would have no problem embracing someone a little more extroverted. In fact, he’d love having a partner who understands his more excitable nature. Laughs are like a love language for him, to make you laugh is to make him happy as is vice versa. While FPS games are more his forte, Gyu is never opposed to watching you play or having you introduce him to the latest indie game you’ve discovered. A creative partner would be a big thing for him. Beomgyu wants someone who can understand and relate his need to create and laugh and live happily.
Thank you for your submission!
Matchmaker Event
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ellygoesnyooom · 7 years
Rfa with MC forgot her own birthday 😂🍦? Thank you 💖
I had a lot of fun with this one! Yoosung, Zen, and Jaehee are painfully short compared to Jumin and Seven acK. I’m not as good at writing those three as I am with the other two. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
This boy was so excited
He had gifts bought, cake made, and the whole RFA invitedover for a surprise party
He took you out to lunch at a nice restaurant and took youto the park to take a walk
You loved it, but weren’t sure why he was being so nice
Did he do something bad?
Did he want something?
When you got home and everyone jumped out yelling ‘happybirthday, MC!” you were like ?
It’s my birthday?
You pretend that you knew all along lol
He was kinda sad that you didn’t realize all his effortswere for your birthday until then, but don’t worry, he didn’t let that spoilthe fun
He took off for your birthday
When you woke up, he already had breakfast made, and had itbrought to you in bed
He was going to spoil you rotten okay
“Good morning, beautiful”
“Hi? What’s this all about?”
“For your birthday!”
“It’s my birthday?” facepalms
“It is yourbirthday, right? It’s not like, tomorrow or something?” He was starting toworry 
You reassured him that it was your birthday and accepted thefood
He teased you the rest of the day about how you forgot aboutit lol
She was excited about your birthday
She was going to close up the café for the day and dowhatever you wanted to do
When she came to you and told you that she closed the caféfor the day to spend it with you, you were pleasantly surprised but confused
“I’d love to spend the day with you, but why did you takeoff from the café for this? It could have waited…” “No it couldn’t, MC. Thisday only comes once a year.” “What do you mean?” “It’s your birthday! Right?”“…it is?” “did you forget?” “uhhhh…. Yeah.”
She found it funny that you forgot, but didn’t hang on itmuch
Y’all went out and spent the day together, and by the end ofit, you had forgotten that you forgot this morning
He had the whole day planned out
He took the whole day off to be with you sorry jaehee
First, he was going to wake you up to a special breakfast inbed. Then, he would allow you to do anything you wanted for a while with him,and then the two of you would go out to dinner in the restaurant he rented outfor the night so yall could be alone
You were pleasantly surprised with the breakfast
Then, when he said you could do whatever with him, you weres o e x c i t e d
you dressed him up as a cat lolol
When dinner came around, and he had a brand new eveningdress laid out for you on the bed, you were like okay what’s up now
When you walked out ready to go, Jumin was shook by howbeautiful you looked
“Jumin, honey? May I ask why you have done this for me? Ilove it all, but I just want to know why.”
“It’s your birthday, MC, of course I am going to pamper myprecious wife on her special day.” Oh
“Oh, I knew that, whaaat?” “You forgot, didn’t you.”“…Yeah.”
He chuckled and brought you to his chest, giving you a hug“You’re adorable, MC.”
Dinner was absurdly extravagant lovely, and once you gothome he showered you in gifts
This man gets you gifts all the time, but he loves yourbirthday especially because he has an excuse to spend a bunch of money on you 
He is so extra about your birthday it’s ridiculous
He set up a scavenger hunt
You didn’t know why he was doing this so the wholetime you were confused
The final clue was given to you by Saeran, who looked lessthan thrilled to be a part of this
He handed it to you with a sigh, and it said to go to thegarage in a lot of words
He was sitting in his car waiting for youwith a little bow sitting on top of his head
“Happy birthday, MC! Are you ready for the final gift?”
“Birthday?” “Yeah? Did you forget?” “…no.” “yeah you did.Get in loser, we are going for a drive.” I had to im sorry
You climbed in, cheeks burning, and he quickly pulled outand took off down the road, the whole time his hand gripping yours on thegearstick
When you arrived, he blindfolded you and led you for awhile, then sat you down
You felt him sit beside you and take off the blindfold, andyou nearly cried at the sight in front of you
You were in the woods on a little pond. He had set up alittle picnic and strung up fairy lights in the the surrounding trees, whichreflected in the water. And there he was, sitting with his full attention onyou as you took everything in
So basically the game was to keep you distracted while he set this up
“MC, you look beautiful.” “Stop it, you’re going to make meblush harder than I already am”
He just brought you closer to him and kissed you
“I love you, happy birthday.” “Thank you, Saeyoung. I loveyou too”
then he got out the HBC chips and PhD Pepper from the boxof food
Other than that, he was super serious and loving with youthe whole night
The next day though, he teasedyou n o n s t o p about forgetting your own birthday                  
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cerealmonster15 · 5 years
but u are stronger than me by far i just watched conquest online bc i couldnt deal l o l... ;~; Do It For Him w odin though i presume? but yeah same lmao… it really is [playing and enjoying any other FE game] "i miss awakening"… i kept taking breaks from fe7 and fe14 to listen to the fe13 drama cds or read the 4komas or watch warriors intros (OWAINS IS SO GOOD) despite loving those games lol. but YEAH anyway ur cosplay rules sorry this was long and rambly ack
it’s pain in every sense of the word bc a. IT’S REALLY HARD so i play casual and easy mode bc im a baby , ,, sometimes i come out of maps with literally 4 units still standing jklfdslfjksldfj. and b. it’s EMOTIONALLY SO UPSETTING like birthright upset me bc i loved the nohrian sibs and felt bad betraying the family corrin grew up with, but conqeust so far hurts bc not only did i just play birthright and bond with everyone in hoshido first LOL, but also in birthright at least we were revolting against a shitty old man??? and in conquest u still are but it’s like,,, secret and also hoshido has to suffer A Lot for u to succeed and it SUCKS IM UPSET (i just played chapter sakura a few days ago and im still UPSET). also i was kindasorta spoiled on a few things that have yet to happen and idk when or how they happen i just know theyre gonna happen and i am extremely not wanting them to happen. im. sad. dsfjkldsfl. i miss takumi. he doesnt miss me but that’s ok lmao
OH BUT ACTUALLY im saving odin as best for last ;3c bc i intend to play revelations once i finish conquest !!!! i played birthright and married silas :”) gotta love that best friends to lovers trope jfksdljfdsj,,, and then conquest i played a boy and married effie. revelations is 100000% going to be odin. i get so excited every time he pops up on screen fjlsjf i love him and everything he says so much hes so GOOD WHAT A LAD 
oh damn i keep FORGETTING i gotta look up the drama CDs !!!!!!!!!!! i want that good good lore !!!!! 
oh my god dont even get me started on the 4komas i have so many screenshots saved in my drafts of my faves THEYRE SO FUCKING FUNNY FFSFJSLDK and the warriors cutscenes,,,,, the supports in warriors,, theyre s o f u nn y oh my god i still cry thinking about like. all of leo’s. all of frederick’s. leo in a full panic bc frederick is like you have worn ur collar inside out 458734347 times and also went into battle w/ur nightcap on and leos like AND U DIDNT TELL ME???? camilla saying she wants to bathe corrin by hand and frederick immediately, very seriously going “i have failed,,,, it did not occur to me to wash the small of chrom’s back. i must correct this oversight at once!” and then the two planning wild banner support schemes together. niles being a menace to frederick. leo telling that girl whose name i forgot (i dont have warriors fkjlsdjlfs) “you can have xander if you want :D” when she says she wants an older brother. leo asking owain if he sustained in injury in battle and wants to take him to a healer and owain very casually going “why would you think that? i’m fine :D”. takumi not knowing how to function around the chaos that is owain. owain and chrom in general. “UNCLE CHROM!!!?!????!?!?!?!?” “uNCLE????????????” “my phantasmagorical uncle!” “phantasmaHUH”. oh my god. i’m gonna cry just thinking about all of them. 
as u can see u dont ever need to apologize for rambling bc i can and will out ramble you when i am excited, which is always. 
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