#Ambrose Lockwood
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
For Lazarus 👀
Lazarus is actually like, scarily quiet (unless he pissed off at something), when by himself.
What’s the point of wasting energy on trying to be his usual loud self if nobody is there?
He doesn’t truly deal with the loneliness though, and he does feel VERY lonely.
He rules an entire empire as an emperor, and has people who work directly with him and such, but nobody who willing goes out of their way to be around him.
And he gets used to it, tells himself it never bothered him, says that he’s been that way since he was a kid.
But not even that is true. He still had Constance and Ambrose when he was younger.
And now he has no one. But isn’t that a good thing? It gives him less weaknesses, nobody he cares that much about that people could use against him (which is also a lie, he still cares about his siblings and is saddened by the fact that he’s ruling this empire without them).
When he’s by himself, he thinks a lot.
About his position, his siblings, his power and magic.
Hell, he even occasionally thinks about Pandora and the De La Dáinn family, wondering how they’re doing.
Wondering if Pandora will be willing to actually fight next time they meet or if she’ll just let him win again.
And figuring that she’ll probably be his downfall. How ironic, he thinks.
But he probably wouldn’t have it any other way.
Which is why he’s so surprised when Pandora DOESN’T kill him.
When Pandora goes out of her way to meet with him at the prison, to talk to him with only a set of bars separating them.
Hell, even Noah and Lazarus’s siblings start visiting him too. Sometimes, on the rare occasional, the entirety of The Crux visits him.
Even rarer, Diana or Victor will visit.
But Pandora always has someone there to talk to him, even if she’s not in town.
And it just boggles his mind. He doesn’t understand at all.
But maybe he doesn’t need to understand it.
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bowl-of-shortness · 9 months
Well, ig I’ll just do The Crux members in order then, give you guys something to work with? Idk, anyways here’s some descriptions of each of The Crux members:
Pandora De La Dáinn:
Pandora De La Dáinn, the youngest in the next generation of the noble family of Morgana, has lived in the post of her relatives’ massacre her entire life. But the tragedy doesn’t stop there.
At eight years old, her eldest brother, Victor, suddenly disappears into the depths of the night after saying goodnight to Pandora, and is never seen again.
At fourteen, she is stolen in the dead of night and murdered by the woman known as Alice Ripper. Alice working under a man named Lazarus’s orders. She awakens in the Neverwhere, a place full of souls of the deceased, and finds herself in front of the god of death himself. She pleads with the god, asking him to give her one more chance as she hasn’t done what she feels she must do. The god agrees, under one condition, she become the champion of death for him, and she will gain one more chance. She awakens in front of her family’s ancestral mansion, her hair white and her limbs a transparent navy blue, only her bones showing.
At eighteen, she finds one of Victor’s many journals and discovers where he went next. She then hastily writes a letter, telling her family what she expects from them when she gets back and why she’s leaving. Ending the letter in:
“If I return without Victor, it will be bad news, or, it means something more important than Victor has happened”
She sets off to find out what happened to her brother, and through these journals scattered around Selcouth, will learn why he left to begin with. All the while finding who she is outside of her family, who she will become as Champion of Death, and what she stands for as an individual.
Noah Ripper:
The finished project of two people’s genius, Noah is an android who was created to be nothing more than a weapon to the cruel and self absorbed Alice Ripper.
Running away at fourteen after seeing his mother murder a girl his age, he finds himself in the heart of the Agrona Branches, in the kingdom of Morgana. He takes in this new world after being hidden from it for so long, and eventually meets two tiefling kids whom he befriends.
The three travel together throughout the kingdom, until eventually, Alice finds him and attempts to dismantle him. Saved only by a girl his age with white hair and a knack for engineering and tinkering, he and his two friends promise to repay her for her kindness.
After the incident regarding his near dismantling, he vows to seek revenge on his mother and anyone involved in the horrible abuse he endured growing up. And finds his opportunity to do so when Pandora asks him, Ambrose, and Constance to travel with him.
They agree, and he sets out with a thirst for blood, a gun, and a handful of ideas on how to murder those who hurt him.
Ambrose & Constance Lockwood:
As two of the three children of the terrifying and dangerous Lockwood couple, Ambrose and Constance are born into a life of destruction and conquest. They are set to inherit their parents’ fortune and the countless kingdoms they ruled over as dictators. However, once the two were forced to take up a contract with two demons, they begin to question the righteousness of their family’s actions.
Seeing their eldest brother, Lazarus, fall further and further into torment, anger, pride, and violence, calls this into question even further.
After overhearing a plan to attack another noble family’s daughter and kill her, the two decide to run away that night. They quickly escape at fourteen and twelve years old without incident and make their way to the one kingdom they know Lazarus and their parents’ cult won’t want to touch, Morgana.
They meet an android boy their age, and quickly become friends due to their similar situations. But when the boy, named Noah, is attacked and nearly dismantled, they find a noble girl and beg for her help.
She fixes Noah up, and they learn her name is Pandora. They vow to her that they will find a way to repay her some day, and that day would come soon enough.
When Pandora asks for them to travel with her, the two plus Noah agree.
Ambrose and Constance make a promise to each other that they would do as much good in the world as possible, and that they will learn the details of what atrocities their family has committed and right those wrongs.
Little do they know what Lazarus is planning…
Nathaniel, Nico, and Natasha Woodwhisper:
Growing up the children of the Last Hunt Tribe’s chieftess, Dawn Woodwhisper, they lacked any knowledge of their father until age fifteen. Their mother begins telling them stories of their father, how he was a strong warrior and the Champion of Death.
Nathaniel despises him, seeing as he left their mother alone with triplets, and never once came to visit the family.
Natasha idolizes him, and does everything in her power to be just like him.
Nico is stuck in the middle, he understands Nathaniel’s position, but also understands Natasha’s. He is trying to balance his opinions.
One day, a group of strange people attack the tribe, setting the forest it’s in on fire and burning the entire forest to the ground. They are left without knowledge of where their mother is at or their tribe, the last words they heard from Dawn were:
“No matter what happens or how you feel about it, please go find your father, tell him what happened, please.”
And thus, the three set off with a group of four to find their dad, and figure out their familial mysteries.
Josiah & Lilith Mantlebar:
Josiah and Lilith Mantlebar are the children of a renowned cleric and bard. Lilith herself is a bard, playing the guitar, while Josiah is a paladin.
When Josiah was sixteen, he was chosen by the Thunder God Asterope to be their paladin and made an oath with them.
Lilith has had her dream since she was younger, that she would try to become the best bard there was out there.
One day, while the duo is out and about in a neighboring village, they return home to find their village in ruins. Their parents and neighbors nowhere to be found.
They stay in the ruined village for a few weeks, before they decide that in order to find their parents, they have to travel. And maybe they could achieve their goals along the way.
So the two set off, to find their parents, one to be the best bard in Selcouth, the other to learn his role as a paladin.
Karissa Jester:
Karissa grew up in a small village with her parents, she was a small tiefling girl and was happy for a long time, until her parents decided that the best option for her, was to give her up for adoption. She never knew the reason, but she knew it wasn’t a decision they wanted to make.
Going through dozens of different adoptive families and ultimately being put up for adoption every single time in the end, she decides to run away from the orphanage she was staying at and find somewhere she fit in at.
She’s finds that place eventually in Magnus Wanderlust, a traveling circus. She felt unconfident and afraid, but decided to try and see if she could join. The ringmaster, a lovely changeling woman, known for her changing in appearances, took Karissa in and decided that she would train her in the ways of the circus.
Karissa soon mastered her fire magic and proceeded to be a fan favorite by many, eventually becoming one of the highest paying acts the circus had.
But she wanted more, she’d seen some of the world, but only the small populated areas, never the unpopulated areas or the big kingdoms. And she wanted to learn who she was and where she came from. Lastly, she was ultimately lonely, she knew nobody her age who she was friends with, she didn’t mind being friends with all of the older members of the circus, but she wanted to experience true life as a young adult in Selcouth.
She brings this concerns to the ringmaster who nods and agrees that she has most likely outgrown the circus, and gives her some necessities and trinkets before she leaves.
And then, she’s off into the world, eventually meeting a pair of halfling siblings, one named Josiah, one named Lilith.
Lilith introduce Karissa into the world of music, and she never went back since, playing the guitar alongside her. Josiah taught her how to use her fire in a variety of different ways as well.
And thus the three became inseparable, traveling the world to find themselves and to explore.
Chance Boone:
Chance Boone was a famous cowboy out in The Restless Borderlands. He was known for his work with sheriffs, helping people out, and riding off into the sunset at the end of the day.
However, he was also known to be a violent man, destroying an entire town from his childhood who abandoned and ostracized him.
He loved the life he lived, but over time he became bored with the constant struggle of finding food or getting gold. And something kept gnawing at him.
He’d been kidnapped as a child and managed to escape, and his family had been murdered by these people. It was one night when he decided he would find the people who did that, and make sure they would be served justice.
And thus he hopped on his horse, and rode into the dawn, on a mission.
Barbara Monroe:
Barbara Monroe was known for being the outlaw of The Restless Borderlands. And her track record with Chance is certainly one to behold in the amount of times the two had met. She led her life, stealing, killing, and on the occasion finding a partner who’d inevitably stab her in the back and end up dead.
She always wondered what the rest of the world had in store. But knew she’d never leave The Restless Borderlands. That is, until her band of outlaws attempted to get rid of her under orders from a new outlaw king. Limping out into the desert with a gunshot wound in her side, she found the place Chance was staying at, and stumbled inside.
Chance was surprised to find his rival and nemesis asking for his help, he could’ve let her die, he should’ve let her die, but for whatever reason he chose to help.
The two talk for a while, until the topic of Chance’s family comes up, Barbara had a similar story about her family, and mentions the fact that she was put in the outlaw group to begin with because of that incident.
And with that, the two make a deal. They’d work together to get back at the outlaw group, and then they’d help each other with anything else.
For Chance that means exploring the world, for Barbara that means escaping her past.
Amelia Hayes:
Amelia was a noblewoman from the kingdom of Eudaemonia, she wasn’t from the noble family of Eudaemonia, but she was a noble nonetheless.
She would travel out to The Restless Borderlands in order to provide medicine and other sorts of technology to the people there, as they were behind on the times.
That is until she comes across a town that labels her a witch, and proceeds to try to burn her to death. Until, a pair of cowboys shows up and fights the ones attempting to kill her. One was a woman, the other a man.
They scare the rest of the townsfolk into leaving her alone, and then begin talking to her.
She explains her want to give medicine and other forms of technology and science to the world, and the two explain their wanting to explore the world.
And thus, after that, she began traveling with the two.
Owen Cogwright:
Owen, or, the second mind in the making of Noah, is a troubled man. Cursed with the heirloom curse given to his family by the god of souls, he is forced to work on the project for the god lest he be in an immense amount of pain.
He locked himself away like so many do, attempting to do the project on his own. That’s until Alice weasels her way into his life, and promises more than she can offer.
Owen works with her, creating the first 5 blueprints for Noah, ages 5-10 years old. However, Alice one night threatens Owen with his life if he didn’t leave the project with her and that he would have to deal with her taking credit.
Scared for his life, he unwillingly left, heartbroken for having to leave the one creation he saw as his own son behind.
Years and years passed and Owen never made another project, suffering with the pain and agony he endured from not working on it.
Until one day, he meets a group of people in the tavern he worked at, who he tells his story to. The short half elf girl with white hair asks him if he’d like to travel with them. And Owen, seeing as his time was running out in life due to the curse, decided to go with them. To see the world before he died.
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cr3zynotf0und · 3 months
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al-ghvl · 8 months
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zoya nazyalensky & nikolai lantsov. kaz brekker & inej ghafa. jude duarte & cardan greenbriar. anthony lockwood & lucy carlyle. wally west & artemis crock. (+ josh chen & jules ambrose)
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lightaphorism · 1 year
Wish I looked like them part IV - Intelligent, sometimes charismatic, sometimes asshole-y guys with sweet outfits:
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[Percy de Rolo - Critical Role]
[Varian - Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure]
[Jim Hawkins - Treasure Planet]
[Five Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy]
[Robin - Teen Titans Robin]
[Anthony Lockwood - Lockwood & Co.]
[Ambrose Spellman - The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina]
[The Detective - Escape the Night season 3]
[Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides]
[Riz Gukgak - Fantasy High]
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Newly Named OCs
thank you thank you thank you @cecexwrites for talking me off the edge of a metaphorical cliff and helping me figure all of this out let's go
Upcoming Plot Bunnies (not going to share details now bc I'll post their asks once I make headers)
Vanya Baker – Gilmore Girls, x Max
Lillie Ledger – Bridgerton
Theodosia Byrd – Bridgerton, x Benedict
Samira Devlin – Supernatural
Archie Quinton – Doctor Who
Zenais Rosier – Harry Potter, x Pansy
The Society
Claire Tomkins ( Olivia Holt ) — Elle’s twin sister, thinks Campbell is a sketchy ass bitch
Luca Clarke ( Froy Gutierrez ) – poly Sam & Grizz OC, chaotic rich football player and leads the guard after Grizz goes on the expedition, hates Campbell
Camryn Clarke ( Madelyn Cline ) – poly Hallie OC, Luca's step sister and best friend, also Harry's best friend, rich bitch wild child
Jurassic World (blame Cece)
Joss Murphy ( Madelyn Cline ) – Lex's daughter, head empty
Courtney Krill ( Kristine Froseth ) – Vivian's younger sister, waitress on the island, x Matthew Steele
Matthew Steele ( Tom Holland ) – bar tender on the island but wants to one day work in the research & development department, x Courtney Krill
Miles Shepherd ( Chris Evans ) – runs security on whichever exhibit Devon runs, x Devon Grady
Elijah Lewis ( Dylan O'Brien ) – head 100% empty, x Raegan Mitchell
Everest Ledger ( Tom Hiddleston ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Tanner Kane ( Brenton Thwaites ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Kai Forrest ( Josh Hutcherson ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Decker Haynes ( Dwayne Johnson ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Ariana Galanis / Ariadne Bayern ( Nicola Coulghan ) – Bluebeard's final wife, but Bluebeard is Peter Pan. Hook rescued her from being the latest sacrifice and hid her in the Enchanted Forest, but then the curse happens
Marigold "Goldie" Thistle / Thumbelina ( Sabrina Carpenter ) – Thumbelina, fairy princess, just vibes
Kieran Iverson / Ambrose Morvan ( Aaron Tveit ) – in the Enchanted Forest he was a travelling musician/writer but Regina killed his first love, he ended up leading a band of rebels fighting against her reign, tbd what he's doing in Storybrooke, x Pearl Gale
Hermione Bridgerton ( Millie Bobby Brown ) – Hyacinth's twin, just vibes
Callum Linfield ( Henry Goulding ) – head empty just vibes, x Euphemia Bridgerton
Thomasin Elkins ( Anne Hathaway ) – widow in the ton, friends with Violet & Agatha (and Charlotte?), ends up starting a flirtation with Jon Lockwood which soon turns into more
Molly Pevensie ( Millie Bobby Brown ) – Lucy's twin, ends up back in Narnia before them in Prince Caspian, has to survive alone when there are no Narnians to help or protect her and ends up befriending Caspian
Recasts / Updates
Eulalia Rosier ( Kacey Rohl ) – Carissa Rosier's new name
Lea Aldrich ( Grace Van Dien ) – Zoe Aldrich's new name / face
Mandy Holbrook ( Olivia Scott Welch ) – Mandy Holbrook's new face
Eilwony ( Kiernan Shipka ) – Eilwony's new face
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horror102 · 1 year
Things I do and don’t.
Things I do write for
Student X teacher- Just because it’s a weird fantasy and only high school 18 X teacher I’ve gotten a request many times and I refuse to do any 16 year old students or 17 only the age above legal law.
Fictional Serial killer X reader- Only fictional serial killers I will not be writing a fan fiction of Ted bunch, jeffery Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, or anything’s real serial killer wise.
Any type of fandoms!
Undertale fandom, WWE fandom, Horror fandom, supernatural fandom, Dc fandom, Marvel fandom, Game fandom, Movie fandom, Peoples oc’s X a certain character. Just anything! Anime fandom, Cartoon fandom, Greek gods, ANYTHING! <3 red dead redemption, Cod , YouTubers only ones who allow, TWD, TVD, GTA, Fast food, fnaf , Disney , the avatar,
Things I don’t and won’t do.
Abusive relationships with a character that’s the love interest.
Warnings I do
Fandoms I won’t write for.
Harry Potter- It’s mostly just a bunch of weird adults crushing on teenagers
YouTubers who’ve stated they don’t want smut written about them, only ones that don’t care. But if it’s fluff it’s fine
Scooby doo- Only when it’s the live action it’s okay but when there supposedly teens nah. unless it’s fluff.
Going angst someone’s religion or adding satanism in a story.- only because it goes against some characters I write like Jacob Goodnight
Specific characters I do.
Michael myers
Jason voorhees
Jacob goodnight
Patrick Bateman
Hannibal Lecter
Leather face
Candy man
Jennifer Tilly
Freddy Krueger
Pyramid head
Art the clown
Harry warden
Gabriel may
Norman Bates
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Sally face
Sally face
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikealson
Klaus Mikealson
Mason Lockwood
Kai Parker
Simon Riley
Captain America
Dick Grayson
The flash
Beast boy
Spider noir
Roman reigns
Dolph Zigger
Randy Orton
Razor Ramon
Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Shawn Michaels 
Triple H
Naruto uzumaki
Kakashi Hatake
Asuma sensei
Erwin smith
Reiner Braun
Connie springer
Coach Ukai
Asahi- Haikyu
Sniper mask
The hand- Wednesday
Freaky Fred
Ronald mc Donald
Burger King
Jack in the box
Fast food
Spring trap
Freddy faze bear
Michael afton
Prince neaven
Any Disney prince fr <3
Anything on my list, or in the fandoms I write for I forgot I couple if there’s any you think I might like hit me up! <3
Tags I do
Daddy issues
Older men
Sugar daddy
Sugar mommy
Age gap
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bonniebird · 6 months
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This is a list of current requests I have pending: 
This list will be updated as / when fics are queued.
Requesting information here
1. “Are you wearing my (Hoodie)?”
 Allison Argent x Male!Reader
- Requested by: @ab1nsur​
- Notes: Smut
2. “You're a vampire! I knew it!”
 Kol Mikaelson x Fem!reader
- Requested by: ​@thatweirdoleigh
- Notes:
3. “What will this alliance cost me?”
 Lucien castle x witch fem reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: Frenimes to lovers
Full Requests:
1. John agrees to help Dean find you after you’re taken by vampires during a hunt
Dean Winchester x Reader
- Requested by: @ellobruv
- Notes:
2. Stiles doesn’t trust Peter to protect you when you go with the other werewolves to help protect Beacon Hills
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
- Requested by: @ellobruv
- Notes: 
3. your brother Lucifer teams up with Mazikeen after they find out you have fallen for Chloe Decker
Chloe Decker x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
4. Lydia confesses her feelings to you when Magnus interrupts the wedding
Lydia Branwell x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Meeting and falling in love with Freya when you visit New Orleans
Freya Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. The Mikaelsons are shocked to find out tat you, their childhood friend, are still alive
Rebekah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Your brother Sweets accidentally reveals your private relationship with Cam
Camille Saroyan x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Your childhood best friend Derek finds out that you and Emily Prentiss are dating
Emily x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
6. Confessing to your childhood friend that you're in love with them
Tyler Lockwood x female reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
7. Hotch begins to panic when you're late for work
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Requested by Anon
8. You and Bill work together to keep each other safe during the Hogwarts battle
Bill x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
9. Finally meeting your pen pal, Ambrose Spellman, after your house arrest is up (Part three)
Ambrose x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Part One
Part Two
10. Alicent Hightower arranges for you, the daughter or Rhaenyra's closest ally to wed Aemond Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Face claim requested - Jodie Cormer
11. You and Rhaenyra Targaryen spend the night together after an argument
Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Oneshot format, smut
13. Aemond Targaryen finds himself in competition for his crushes attention when his cousin from Essos arrives at Kinglanding
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Face claim requested - Jodie Cormer, Viserys GOT
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halsteadssneakylink · 2 years
character list
everything is x f!reader unless specified otherwise
if you want gn! or m!reader be sure mention it when you ask
the age of the characters determine the age of the reader (i won’t write anything with an illegal age gap)
the boys
mothers milk
billy butcher
starlight (annie january)
simon basset
anthony bridgerton
benedict bridgerton
kathani sharma
chicago fire
kelly severide
stella kidd
matt casey
sylvie brett
brian “otis” zvonecek
leslie shay
peter mills
chicago med
connor rhodes
will halstead
ethan choi
maggie lockwood
april sexton
chicago pd
jay halstead
erin lindsay
hailey upton
kevin atwater
adam ruzek
antonio dawson
full house
jesse katsopolis
greys anatomy
meredith grey
christina yang
jackson avery
derek shepherd
addison montgomery
mark sloane
lexi grey
callie torres
hawaii five-0
steve mcgarrett
danny williams
chin ho kelly
kono kalakaua
adam noshimuri
kickin it
jack brewer
jerry martinez
kim crawford
steve rogers
tony stark
natasha romanoff
bruce banner
bucky barnes
sam wilson
wanda maximoff
stephen strange
yelena belova
carol danvers (pre & post powers)
mission impossible
ethan hunt
ilsa faust
benji dunn
august walker
peter pevensie
susan pevensie
edmund pevensie
outer banks
john b
sarah cameron
the punisher
frank castle
billy russo
dinah madani
olivia pope
fitzgerald grant
abby whelan
harrison wright
shadow and bone
alina starkov
aleksander morozova (general kirigan/the darkling)
kaz brekker
nina zenik
jesper fahey
inej gafa
star trek (aos)
james tiberius “jim” kirk
leonard “bones” mccoy
s’chn t’gai spock
nyota uhura
montgomery scott
hikaru sulu
dean winchester
sam winchester
dad!bobby singer x child!reader
olivia benson
rafael barba
nick amaro
dominick “sonny” carisi
to all the boys
lara jean
john ambrose
peter kavinsky
top gun
pete “maverick” mitchell
nick “goose” bradshaw
tom “iceman” kazansky
charlotte blackwood
penny benjamin
bradley “rooster” bradshaw
jake “hangman” seresin
javy “coyote” machado
natasha “phoenix” trace
robert “bob” floyd
the witcher
geralt of rivia
yennefer of vengerberg
ben barnes
chris evans
glen powell
jared padalecki
jensen ackles
karl urban
leo howard
noah centineo
oscar issac
scarlett johansson
sebastian stan
sophia bush
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storyranger · 2 months
Got tagged by @solarprominence so let's do this.
5 things I could give an hour long talk about with no preparation:
English Renaissance theatre
Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley and professional wrestling as a storytelling medium
Netflix shows that were killed too soon (Lockwood & Co, Shadow and Bone, Half Bad, The Order...) and then more generally, how streaming services optioning beloved book franchises and then pulling the plug in the middle of the story is harming every subsequent show they make by emotionally exhausting the fans and making them afraid to let themselves feel hope
Britain's sins
Why traditional staple kids organizations are dying (eg: Girl Guides, Boy Scouts) and maybe how to fix it but mostly pointing out all the problems.
tagging @childoffantasy @logicstates12 @shes-a-voodoo-child @beautypasseslikeadream and @gendzl
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OMG I'm so excited to see the drawings of all the characters!!!! For a prompt for the group;
"Where the hell did you come from?"
The Crux (Pt. 2)
In which a group of odd individuals meets another group of odd individuals.
The group of seven had been traveling together for a few weeks now, and they had gotten to know each other, for better or worse.
Natasha and Nico had grown quite accustomed to the other four, however Nathaniel was not as open to becoming friends.
Nathaniel stops walking alongside the group, “Seriously?! Pandora, we can’t stop and help every single village we see!”
The others stop and look at Nathan. As much as he hated to admit agreeing with the prick, Noah agreed that he had a point. He puts a hand on Pandora’s shoulder.
“He’s right, Pan. We’re going to waste all of the energy we need if we keep doing this.”
She swats his hand off of her shoulder, looking over at the others with a stern and frustrated look.
“Fine, if you all don’t want to help me, then fine. But I am never going to turn my back on the people that need me.”
She continued walking without the others, Noah begins following her at first, and reaches out, but draws his hand back and stops.
“Dumbass.” Nathan mumbles.
Noah turns and gives him a look that could’ve killed.
“What? You know I’m right. She’s wasting her time.”
“She may not know how the world works, but she’s not stupid.”
“She is if she thinks that everyone is going to sing her praises.”
“You both are wrong.” Natasha intervenes.
Nathan scoffs “How?!”
“Because she doesn’t want people to sing her praises Nathan. If you had actually spent the time to get to know her, you would’ve known that she hates attention and shies away from it.”
He rolls his eyes.
“And Noah, she does know how the world works, you know that better than I do. Just because she has a good heart, good intentions, and the most compassion I’ve ever seen in a person, doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how things in the world work.”
“But she is naive.”
“I’m not arguing that she’s not! I’m arguing that you both are making her out to be someone she isn’t! Now then, are we all just going to sit here and let her kill herself or are we going to help?”
Ambrose and Constance look at each other before nodding, Nico also nods, Noah reluctantly agrees, and Nathaniel says no.
“Fine, suit yourself, but do us a favor and keep watch over the outer area of the town.”
“Fine. Just go.”
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Several shots are heard by the civilians, as they see a young woman helping them to kill the monsters.
After some time, all of the monsters have long since died or fled the area.
Pandora hears some slow clapping from behind her. As she turns around, she sees an old woman, dressed in black cowboy attire, with bright yellow eyes peering back at her.
“You’re not too bad with your gun, toots.” The woman says.
“Oh… yeah I’m not nearly as good as my siblings though-“
“Take the compliment.”
“Anyways, with what you just said, I’m assuming guns are a family affair with y’all?”
“Well of course, my mother is the one who made them after all.” She smiles.
“Ohh, you’re Lady Diana’s daughter. I was wonderin’ why you looked so noblely. Well then, needless to say I’ve got a lot of respect for y’all up in Morgana.”
“Really? But you’re-“
“From the borderlands? Yes ma’am. But I’ve always had respect for y’all because Morganians are the originals. The borderlands wouldn’t have guns without y’all.”
“Oh, I guess that’s right.”
“That being said.” The woman approaches her and holds out her hand.
“Name’s Barbara Monroe, it’s a pleasure to meet you hon.”
Pandora shakes her hand.
“I’m Pandora, Pandora De La Dáinn.”
“Ah you’re the youngest. So tell me, what’s little miss noble gal doin’ all the way out here?” She jokes.
“Well, I’m not sure if you keep up with Morganian news, but I’m looking for my brother.”
“Oh damn, He’s still missing?”
Pandora nods solemnly.
“Well, maybe I… could see about helping you out. I know people all over the place. Besides, me and my partners are trying to find some purpose and that could maybe help.”
“Thank you very much Barbara, I think I’d appreciate that greatly. So… who are your partners?”
Barbara smiles, and then turns around and yells for someone. Two similarly dressed people to her step out from behind a house. One is also in typical cowboy attire while the other looks more like a southern belle.
“Lookit what I found Chance!���
“What? A noble?”
“No you dumbass, a purpose. This young lady is on an adventure of her own, and she’s okay with us traveling with her.”
“Honey are you sure? I mean these two argue till they’re blue in the face.” The southern belle mumbles to her.
“It’s okay. I already have a bit of that myself with two of my traveling companions…”
“Ah… I see, anyways, my name is Amelia Hayes (or Boone), you can just call me Amy.”
“A pleasure to meet you! I’m Pandora.”
Barbara elbows the man next to her, he sputters out an apology and introduces himself, “I’m Chance, Chance Boone.”
“Pandora!” A familiar voice yells. She looks behind her to see almost all of her group behind her.
“Ah… and that’s my group…”
“You don’t sound too thrilled about it.” Barbara mentions.
“We had an argument just before I got here, so…”
Constance runs up to Pandora, “Are you okay? I know you can handle yourself but that was a lot of monsters!”
“I’m okay Connie. Um… do you guys care if we add some more members to the group?” She smiles nervously.
After a brief explanation of who the three borderlands dwellers are and why they’re here, the group agrees with the acceptance of them into the group.
Natasha shifts uncomfortably, “Nathan probably won’t be happy…”
“Who cares what Nathan thinks, he’s a dick.”
“Noah.” Ambrose looks at him.
He sighs, “You haven’t exactly been non dickish either.”
He scoffs before looking away and crossing his arms.
Pandora leans over to Amy, “About that “I already have a bit of that in my own group” thing…”
“Definitely see what you mean…”
The group grabs a quick bite to eat at one of the local taverns, and then sets off to begin traveling once more.
And no.
Nathan was not happy.
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bowl-of-shortness · 9 months
The Crux (pt. 1)
While exploring a burnt forest, Pandora, Noah, Ambrose, and Constance find themselves face to face with three individuals.
A loud slice was heard throughout the forest as Ambrose cut the smaller branches off of the burnt trees. Constance and Noah were searching diligently for any enemies that may appear, while Pandora uncomfortably walked in silence.
“Pandora.” Ambrose speaks.
“What is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re uncomfortable about something, what is it?”
She looks around at what she could only assume was a once thriving forest.
“Is it really a good idea to be cutting down those branches? It feels disrespectful…”
“They’re already dead.”
“I know but need we disrespect them any more than they already have been? It could upset someone.”
“Nobody is here Pan.”
She pinches the bridge of her nose, “You don’t know that. The forest spirits and dwellers are probably displaced among the ashes at the moment, I’d like to not ruin their home further than all that has already happened.”
Ambrose sighs in irritation, “Fine. If it makes you happy, I’ll stop.” Just as he desummons his swords, an arrow comes flying towards his head. He manages to grab it before it pierces his skull.
The four draw their weapons, preparing for the worst, when three people walk out from behind the burnt trees. They look scared and uncomfortable, one looks down right angry, and is presumably the one who shot the arrow judging by the longbow in his hand.
Pandora sighs, “What did I say? I knew we were going to make someone mad by doing that.”
“Who are you?” The young man with the longbow demands.
“Hm… I’m Pandora, these three are Ambrose, Constance, and Noah.”
A short young man peeks out from behind the taller, first one, “You… you guys don’t look like you’re from here.”
“Ah, we aren’t.”
“So then what do you guys want?”
“Hm? We… don’t want anything?”
“Usually whenever someone comes into the forest it’s because they want something.”
“Is that how…” She looks at the trees.
Tears prick the shorter boy’s eyes as his presumably sister hugs him. She stares with distrust at them,
“Yeah. It is. And we’ve got nowhere to go now.”
Pandora’s expression sorrows, the other three seem disinterested. She thinks for a moment before deciding on an option.
“You guys could travel with us? See if you’re able to find another place to settle down for the time being while the forest regrows?”
“Pan—“ Noah begins to protest, she quickly shoots him a look and he stops speaking.
She turns back and smiles gently, “It’s up to you guys.”
The three siblings look between each other before looking back, the taller boy comments,
“What other choice do we have?”
“Ah… well then, I’ll make this clear. You guys don’t have to like us, you can simply just travel with us and decide on a place you want to stay.”
“Not a problem.”
“What’re your names?”
The shorter one pipes up, “R-right! I’m Nico.”
The taller one puts away his bow, “Nathaniel Woodwhisper, you can just call me Nathan”
“And I’m Natasha Woodwhisper, Nat or Tash works fine.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
With that, the group of now seven head off out of the burnt forest, Pandora smiles to herself, maybe this is the start of something.
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tinyshe · 8 months
The Douai Martyrs is a name applied by the Catholic Church to 158 Catholic priests trained in the English College at Douai, France, who were executed by the English state between 1577 and 1680.[2]
Having completed their training at Douai, many returned to England and Wales with the intent to minister to the Catholic population. Under the Jesuits, etc. Act 1584 the presence of a priest within the realm was considered high treason. Missionaries from Douai were looked upon as a papal agents intent on overthrowing the queen. Many were arrested under charges of treason and conspiracy, resulting in torture and execution. In total, 158 members of Douai College were martyred between the years 1577 and 1680.[1] The first was Cuthbert Mayne, executed at Launceston, Cornwall on the 29 November 1577. [3] The last was Thomas Thwing, hanged, drawn, and quartered at York in October 1680.[4] Each time the news of another execution reached the College, a Solemn Mass of thanksgiving was sung.
Many people risked their lives during this period by assisting them, which was also prohibited under the Act. A number of the "seminary priests" from Douai were executed at a three-sided gallows at Tyburn near the present-day Marble Arch. A plaque to the "Catholic martyrs" executed at Tyburn in the period 1535 - 1681 is located at 8 Hyde Park Place, the site of Tyburn convent.[5]
They were beatified between 1886, 1929 and 1987, and only 20 were canonized in 1970. Today, British Catholic dioceses celebrate their feast day on 29 October.[1]
Bl Alexander Crow
Bl Anthony Middleton
Bl Antony Page
Bl Christopher Bales
Bl Christopher Buxton
Bl Christopher Robinson
Bl Christopher Wharton
Bl Edmund Catherick
Bl Edmund Duke
Bl Edmund Sykes
Bl Edward Bamber
Bl Edward Burden
Bl Edward James
Bl Edward Jones
Bl Edward Osbaldeston
Bl Edward Stransham
Bl Edward Thwing
Bl Edward Waterson
Bl Everald Hanse
Bl Francis Ingleby
Bl Francis Page
Bl George Beesley
Bl George Gervase
Bl George Haydock
Bl George Napper
Bl George Nichols
Bl Henry Heath
Bl Hugh Green
Bl Hugh More
Bl Hugh Taylor
Bl James Claxton
Bl James Fenn
Bl James Thompson
Bl John Adams
Bl John Amias
Bl John Bodey
Bl John Cornelius
Bl John Duckett
Bl John Hambley
Bl John Hogg
Bl John Ingram
Bl John Lockwood
Bl John Lowe
Bl John Munden
Bl John Nelson
Bl John Nutter
Bl John Pibush
Bl John Robinson
Bl John Sandys
Bl John Shert
Bl John Slade
Bl John Sugar
Bl John Thules
Bl Joseph Lambton
Bl Lawrence Richardson
Bl Mark Barkworth
Bl Matthew Flathers
Bl Montfort Scott
Bl Nicholas Garlick
Bl Nicholas Postgate
Bl Nicholas Woodfen
Bl Peter Snow
Bl Ralph Crockett
Bl Richard Hill
Bl Richard Holiday
Bl Richard Kirkman
Bl Richard Newport
Bl Richard Sergeant
Bl Richard Simpson
Bl Richard Thirkeld
Bl Richard Yaxley
Bl Robert Anderton
Bl Robert Dalby
Bl Robert Dibdale
Bl Robert Drury
Bl Robert Johnson
Bl Robert Ludlam
Bl Robert Nutter
Bl Robert Sutton
Bl Robert Thorpe
Bl Robert Wilcox
Bl Roger Cadwallador
Bl Roger Filcock
Bl Stephen Rowsham
Bl Thomas Alfield
Bl Thomas Atkinson
Bl Thomas Belson
Bl Thomas Cottam
Bl Thomas Maxfield
Bl Thomas Palaser
Bl Thomas Pilchard
Bl Thomas Pormort
Bl Thomas Reynolds
Bl Thomas Sherwood
Bl Thomas Somers
Bl Thomas Sprott
Bl Thomas Thwing
Bl Thomas Tunstal
Bl Thurstan Hunt
Bl William Andleby
Bl William Davies
Bl William Filby
Bl William Harrington
Bl William Hart
Bl William Hartley
Bl William Lacey
Bl William Marsden
Bl William Patenson
Bl William Southerne
Bl William Spenser
Bl William Thomson
Bl William Ward
Bl William Way
St Alban Bartholomew Roe
St Alexander Briant
St Ambrose Edward Barlow
St Cuthbert Mayne
St Edmund Arrowsmith
St Edmund Campion
St Edmund Gennings
St Eustace White
St Henry Morse
St Henry Walpole
St John Almond
St John Boste
St John Kemble
St John Payne
St John Southworth
St John Wall
St Luke Kirby
St Ralph Sherwin
St Robert Southwell
Ven Edward Morgan
Ven Thomas Tichborne
Bl Alexander Rawlins
Bl Edward Campion
Francis Dickinson
James Bird
James Harrison
John Finglow
John Goodman
John Hewitt
Matthias Harrison
Miles Gerard
St Polydore Plasden
Richard Horner
Robert Leigh
Robert Morton
Robert Watkinson
Roger Dickinson
Bl Thomas Felton
Bl Thomas Ford
Thomas Hemerford
Thomas Holford
William Dean
William Freeman
Bl William Gunter
Bl William Richardson
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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Wanted Characters to write with!
This list is long, but it’s not extensive, there is likely ones I’ve missed!
This list is for all kinds of ships - familiar, platonic and romantic
If you want to know which of my muses I have in mind for each let me know and I will let you know who I’d like to write against the below muses!
***Edited to add - this is just canons, but I’m always down for writing with/shipping with OC’s!
Wanted Canon Male muses 
Daemon Targaryen / HotD
Aemond Targaryen / HotD
Nick Goode / Fear Street
Tommy Slater / Fear Street
Adil of Tarim / Fort Salem
Walter Bishop / Fringe
Morpheus/Dream / The Sandman
Ed Mercer / The Orville
Isaac / The Orville
Kalabar Junior / Halloweentown
From Blood and Ash
Casteel Da’Neer 
Kieran Contou
Folk of Air
Cardan Greenbriar
Fourth Wing
Xaden Riorson
Liam Mairi
Tairn (the Dragon)
Dain Aetos
Teen Wolf
Peter Hale
Derek Hale
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall 
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Garreth Weasley
Amit Thakkar
Aesop Sharp
Eleazar Fig
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Cedric Diggory
Godric Gryffindor
Salazar Slytherin
Scorpius Malfoy
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Jacob Black
Carlisle Cullen
Alexei Shostakov
Pietro Maximoff
Foggy Nelson
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker (any iteration)
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
Doctor Strange
Lost Girl
Hale Santiago
Dyson Thornwood
Jace Wayland
Simon Lewis
Alec Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Luke Garroway
Nick Scratch
Ambrose Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Fate: The Winx Saga
Saul Silva
Agents of SHIELD
Grant Ward
Leo Fitz
Phil Coulson
Lance Hunter
Alphonso Mackenzie
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Tyler Lockwood
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Kai Parker
Killian Jones
Neal Cassidy
David Nolan
Henry Mills  (platonic/familial only due to character age)
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia 
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Lucifer Morningstar
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Eddie Munson
Dustin Henderson (platonic/familial only due to character age)
Jim Hopper
The Quarry
Max Brinly
Dylan Lenivy
Nick Furcillo
Charmed (1997)
Chris Halliwell
Wyatt Halliwell
Leo Wyatt
Julie and the Phantoms
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer
Luke Patterson
Mass Effect
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Commander Shepard (Male)
Oliver Queen
William Clayton
Barry Allan
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Raymond Holt
Terry Jeffords
Charles Boyle
Major Lilywhite
Blaine DeBeers
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Sheriff Galpin
Gomez Addams
Shadow and Bone
Kaz Brekker
Jesper Fahey
Aleksander Morozova
Mal Oretsev
Tolkien World
Thorin Oakenshield
Bilbo Baggins
The Covenant
Caleb Danvers
Reid Garwin
Tyler Simms
Pogue Parry
Chase Collins
Night World
James Rasmussen
Ash Redfern
John Quinn
One Piece
Monkey D Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Wanted Canon Female muses
Vonetta Contou / From Blood and Ash
Taryn Duarte / The Cruel Prince
Tris Prior / Divergent
Olivia Dunham / Fringe
Kelly Grayson / The Orville
Claire Finn / The Orville
Alara Kitan / The Orville
Vanessa Afron / FNAF Movie
Marnie Piper / Halloweentown
Nesta Archeron
Catrin Berdara
Lady of Autumn
Marlene McKinnon
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Pansy Parkinson
Rowena Ravenclaw
Lily Evans/Potter
Marlene McKinnon
Female MC of Hogwarts Legacy
Poppy Sweeting
Natsai Onai
Imelda Reyes
Mirabel Garlick
Matilda Weasley
Dinah Hecat
Sirona Ryan
Victoire Weasley
Fourth Wing
Violet Sorrengail
Rhiannon Matthias
Mira Sorrengail
Sloane Mairi
Sgyael (the Dragon)
Evie Grimhilde
Mal Bertha
Audrey Rose
Fear Street
Deena Johnson
Ziggy Berman
Bella Swan
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Melina Vostokoff
Wanda Maximoff
Jane Foster
Darcy Lewis
Monica Rambeau
Karen Page
Jennifer Walters
Sylvie Laufeydottir
The Hunger Games
Annie Cresta
Katniss Everdeen
Johanna Mason
Clary Fray
Isabelle Lightwood
Teen Wolf
Malia Tate
Lydia Martin
Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent
Melissa McCall
Laura Hale
Kate Argent
Lost Girl
Bo Dennis
Kenzi Malikov
Lauren Lewis
Sabrina Spellman
Rosalind Walker
Prudence Blackwood
Agatha Night
Dorcas Night
Hilda Spellman
Zelda Spellman
Fate: The Winx Saga
Bloom Peters
Terra Harvey
Agents of SHIELD
Skye / Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Bobbi Morse
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Petrova
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Emma Swan
Snow White
Alice Jones
Regina Mills
The Witcher
Francesca Findabair
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Violet Bridgerton
Queen Charlotte
Chloe Decker
Mazikeen Smith
Linda Martin
Ella Lopez
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Eleven / Jane Hopper (no ship as kid muse)
Max Mayfield (no ship as kid muse)
Joyce Byers
Elsa of Arendelle
Anna of Arendelle
Fort Salem
Abigail Bellweather
Raelle Collar
The Quarry
Abigail Blyg
Emma Mountebank
Laura Kearney
Kaitlyn Ka
Charmed (1997)
Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Halliwell
Mass Effect
Tali’Zorah Nar Rayya
Commander Shepard (female)
Jack / Subject Zero
The Sandman
Johanna Constantine
Rose Walker
Lyta Hall
Felicity Smoak
Kara Danvers
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Gina Linetti
Liv Moore
Peyton Charles
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Morticia Addams
Larissa Weems
Marilyn THornhill
Shadow and Bone
Alina Starkov
Inej Ghafa
NIna Zenik
Zoya Nazyalensky
Genya Safin
Tolkien World
Night World
Poppy North
Mary-Lynnette Carter
Rowan Redfern
Kestrel Redfern
Jade Redfern
One Piece
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welcometonevermore · 1 year
Hello, tags. It’s time for a new pinned post. So for those curious onlookers, this is a 21+ open fandom supernatural open town rp that follows an original plot based on the Wednesday series. We accept canon characters and ocs related to canon characters/fandoms. If you’re looking to join, we’d love characters from Wednesday like Bianca Barclay, Yoko Tinaka, Eugene Otinger, and Enid Sinclair or characters from Elite like Ander Munoz, the Commerford-Blancos, Polo Villada, Valerio Montesino, Guzman Nunier, Nadia Shanaa, and Iván Carvalho or characters from Glee like Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Frannie Fabray, Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce, Jake Puckerman, and Unique Adams or characters from Teen Wolf like Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Malia Tate, Erica Reyes, Mason Hewitt, and Cora Hale or characters from The Vampire Diaries like Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennet, Tyler Lockwood, and Hayley Marshall or characters from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina like Ambrose Spellman, Prudence, Dorcas, Harvey Kinkle, Theo Putnam, Nicholas Scratch, and Robin Goodfellow. 
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black-dhalias · 2 years
THIS OR THAT •volume one•
The infamous love triangle—staring my greatest loves
Damon Salvatore -vs- Stefan Salvatore
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Peeta Mellark -vs- Gale Hawthorne
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Jacob Black -vs- Edward Cullen
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Nicholas Scratch -vs- Harvey Kinkle
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Sebastian De Poitiers -vs- Francis Valois
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Tyler Lockwood -vs- Klaus Mikaelson
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Peter Kavinsky -vs- John Ambrose
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Eric Northman -vs- Bill Compton
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Steve Harrington -vs- Jonathan Byers
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Comment your thoughts—who would you pick?👀
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