#Anti wattpad
sk1fanfiction · 4 months
seriously not trying to be elitist about fanfiction sites, but can someone who actually uses wattpad please explain why every fic i click on forces me to scroll through fancasts and moodboards and sassy things the characters say and people explaining that inspiration for the fic before i get to the first chapter. i’m guessing the site doesn’t give people a space on their profile to put non-writing stuff. or maybe it’s just the culture there. i don’t mind extras in the A/N’s but the first chapter almost never being the first chapter is just annoying.
i’ve tried to read on that damn site for years but every time i rage quit. and the search functionality is trash tier.
again, not trying to be elitist but it’s very annoying when i just want to read fanfiction and end up being assaulted with pictures. ao3 allows you to put pictures, but people don’t abuse it.
and then, the ui is horrible and seems to force writers into doing tiny chapters because the text box is a third of the screen for absolutely no reason. it also doesn’t put the date the first and last chapters were posted so i can tell if it’s been abandoned, finished, or still updating. infuriating.
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gayashawol · 5 months
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i just fucking HAD it with wattpad. it’s constantly broken, they added crap features such as the offline stories just so users would buy their stupid premium to read more than 2 stories at a time, and now they’ve deleted a story that i’ve been working on for literally 4 years.
this is the type of shit users would quit writing over. BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING DISCOURAGING! how would you like it if you spend 4+ years writing stories up to 200 chapters, just for them to disappear in a flash with no warning whatsoever.
this is fucking disgraceful. i never want to use this app again, not even for fun. this is why i prefer to use ao3 where i could feel free to do whatever the fuck i want. fuck wattpad. fuck this shitty app.
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blueclearcloud · 1 year
It's genuinely fucked we live in a time where fanfic movies are supposedly everywhere and ppl love complaining about the the scurge of fanfic but all of them are the worst white cis het things ive ever seen in my life.
And weirdly passively rich. Like these characters will live in a hipsters mcmansion or beach houses and never acknowledge it.
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hunnyy-bunnyyy · 8 days
The dissonance between era inspiration in ACoTaR is one of the more brushed over flaws in the book series. Looking at the Inner Circle's fashion alone, we jump between "literal scraps of fabric" (Under the Mountain, Court of Nightmares) to "orientalist painter's imaginings of the Ottoman Harem" (clothing described during Feyre's first few visits to the Night Court) to "modern 'corset' dress" (Feyre's Starfall dress, majority of Mor's clothing, most of the clothes drawn in fan art) to "modern -- almost sci-fi style -- skin-tight leather armor" to "sweater and leggings combo".
Then, between courts, we have Helion wearing Spirit Halloween's take on the ancient Grecian tunic; Feyre's Spring Court wedding dress looking like an 1830s fashion plate; and Dawn heavily implied to have traditional East Asain clothing (e.g. kimono, hanfu, hanbok).
On top of all of that, some of the Dawn Court's small cities ". . . specialized in tinkering and clockwork and clever things. . ." which -- combined with Lucien's metal eye and Nuan's mechanical hand -- implies a sort of post-industrial revolution time period. However, a decent chunk of the fandom says that ACoTaR is medieval; which, yeah, it's medieval themed in the first book -- sans the "dress" Rhysand forces Feyre to wear UTM.
The wild inconsistencies in ACoTaR's inspiration leads, not to a rich and diverse world, but a world that seems ramshackle and haphazard -- like it's creator simply threw together a board on Pinterest and called it a day. This is a major part of why the world building is so abysmal, it relies on convenience to the plot and whatever pleases the aesthetic whims of the author. Cultures deemed "pretty" or "badass" are thrown together, irregardless of how far apart they actually are. This is not only disrespectful to the narrative, but to the readers and the cultures used as inspiration.
All of this to say: Sarah J Maas is a bad author, not just because of the way she handles serious topics like power dynamics and abuse, but also because she cannot put together a world that is even the slightest bit cohesive.
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touchoffleece · 3 months
Why Ao3 is the way works and runs is so important to fandom
We got ourselves a new fanfiction purge in fanfiction website going on. Wattpad (which unlike Ao3) makes it's money via selling fanfiction via Ads and thus have to work (and to an extent were already working under before this) under Capitalism ideals of what is "profitable" and "unproblematic" introduced an AI flagging system and has flagged, shadow banned, and deleted some works over there the last few days. In other words increased moderation tools has caused a purge on fanfictions over on Wattpad due to being labeled "problematic". Masterpost on the summary of things from the r/Wattpad subreddit
If there's anything people take away from this is 1.) This is why and Ao3 was made. To preserve fanfictions no matter if they are labeled "problematic". 2.) Ao3 Donation Drives aren't the evil certain people make them out to be and help sites run free from a worry of money and censorship letting writers and readers focus on the art of writing. 3.) AI tools as they are now are too unrefined to use en masse, and come off more as lazy and cutting corners for corporations, business owners, and individuals who want to save money.
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emmeliamathews · 4 months
The amount of times I've had to say this on Reddit is insane.
AI writing is theft. The use of AI in writing is plagiarism. You don't have to use AI in order to come up with ideas--that's what writing prompts are for. It's actually better not to use AI, especially since famous authors have sued Open AI because it was using their work to train their AI.
So stop it. Knock it off. Don't use AI, don't encourage others to use it.
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can we talk about how cringy this scene was?
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yeah i'm sorry, i'm sure this was written as the Angsty Villain Monologue™, but it just comes off as an edgy teenager trying to be intimidating.
"some people have a bad day, i've had a bad life" you're not special, catra. you've had a bad life and you decide to make that everyone else's problem. other people has had a bad life because of you.
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well since the sir pentious dying and Niffty killing Adam leaks were true does that mean octavia killing Stella and stolas joining I.m.p are also going to be true 😬
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armpirate · 25 days
Anti-romantic || JJk | Ch. 19
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Pairings: Boxer!Jungkook x fem!reader || Enemies to lovers, neighbors
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, curse, illegal boxing, violence
Warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook x reader, smut, dirty talk, curse, mention of tarot and fate
Summary: Jungkook had always been carefree when it came to love. He always believed he was worth sharing himself with everyone, and thought it was selfish of him to ever think of keeping himself exclusive to just one person.
And maybe that was exactly what got him into the big problem he was in.
A curse that kept him away from love didn't seem an issue for him. The fact that his ex-girlfriend thought he'd be affected by the idea of the girls he slept with running away from him after sex was ridiculous. She actually did him a favor, and took a burden away from him.
At least that was what he thought at first.
He had never found himself thinking of the possibility of repeating with neither of his hook ups, because they disappeared before he was able to even think about it. But when he makes the mistake of sleeping with the sexy neighbor that lives in front of him, he finds himself hoping to get the chance for a second round every time their paths cross.
Y/n hated him the second he set foot inside the building by the way he started making her life a miserable mess for no reason. Sleeping with him was a big mistake she wasn't thinking of repeating. At least not until he came up with the excuse that she rejected him for a curse. Not only she thought he was annoying, but she was also convinced he was crazy. 
There was no way she could take him seriously.
Aprox. time of reading: 13 minutes
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Those four days were like hell.
It didn't matter how many times they came across each other on the common landing, or how he tried to smile at her every time their eyes met. Her answer was always the same: silence. Putting all of her strength to simply ignore him and just be as friendly as she could, while trying to fight that side of her that was urging her to make a comment that'd unchain the bickering between them like it had been happening since he moved into the building.
She was convinced she needed to get out more. It could be that sudden need only came from the fact that she could be feeling lonely, which was a relief for her. At least that was better than even thinking of her liking Jungkook somehow.
Her steps were stopped as she approached Donna, Alma and Jackie, regretting her decision on getting closer to them as soon as she was getting herself to do it. She had already tried many times before, and it was always the same thing. It wasn't that she didn't like them, she just wasn't able to click with them, there wasn't anything they could have in common. But being fair with herself, there was nothing she had in common with the group of friends she hung out with when they were able to.
—Oh, Y/n —Donna called her from afar, lifting her hand to motion her to walk to them—. Come sit with us. We're taking a sip of coffee.
As usual...
One thing about Donna, Y/n would never find her at her desk, she was always in the cafeteria or somewhere in the resting areas of the office -which made her wonder how she managed to write her articles, and do her research when she never worked in her workplace.
Not like it mattered, but it just made her curious.
—Look who's joining our dark side —Jackie giggled, smiling so wide that she could see her light pink gums.
—Well, I'm quite busy usually —Y/n answered, carefully sitting on the free chair in front of Donna—. I'm currently working on some coverages, I'm also still working on my article...
—Oh right, the one you couldn't tell anyone about? —Donna interrupted her, smiling.
—Yeah, that one —Y/n nodded.
—How long has it been since you started working on it? I guess they should be hurrying you up to publish it —of course she was going to drop that type of comment.
—Well, I'm taking my time. I've had some problems getting inside the biggest issue...
—Maybe you should change it and write about something else —Y/n's tongue was trapped between her lips when she was interrupted by Donna's advice filled with poison—. It's just an advice from a more experienced colleague —she tried to justify when the other two glanced at her.
—Don't drop it —Alma encouraged her—. Were you given a due date?
—No, no —her head shook—. I was even told to take my time to make it as perfect as possible.
—Then that's it! —Jackie clapped— Take it easy. And if you need help, just tell us. I'm good with photographs, so if you ever need a good shot, just let me know.
As much as Y/n was grateful for Jackie's kindness, she couldn't imagine her and her colorful clothes among the type of crowd that was formed by those boxing parties.
—Yeah, we're here to help —Alma seconded—. I know we didn't get close, but we love to help and enlighten you whenever you need it —she assured, placing her hand over Y/n's—. And Donna can also help you, right?
—Right —she forced a smile—. Of course.
There was no lie in admitting Donna was forced to say she was going to help, when at first she just wanted to mock Y/n -for some reason she didn't care about-, but there also was no point in focusing on that when two people she never gave a chance to were being so nice and good to her after barely spending any time together, despite sitting two desks away.
After that, she was able to look at the rest of the day in a different way, she felt happy, her mood went through a high boost after talking with Jackie and Alma, and not only because they encouraged her to go on with the article -which she had no idea how she'd continue writing after she dumped Jungkook. She also felt like a whole new possibility was opened after speaking to them, like she had a new place to go to whenever she felt like work was getting to the best side of her. It made her feel like she drew a safe line between them and her because she felt attacked, when they both were accepting and friendly.
It was amazing the effect one small detail could have on the other things. She didn't care about how crowded the subway was, or how tired she felt to walk back home, she just didn't mind it.
Just like she didn't mind finding Jungkook waiting for her in front of her door, while he stared at her doormat.
He was going insane.
Jungkook couldn't understand what was happening, but he was sure he couldn't go on that way. If anyone else had told him before that he'd be looking for someone else's attention, waiting for the exact time to meet up with her, he'd have cackled in the loudest way possible.
It was so bad that even Jimin noticed the change in him.
Normally, his attitude was chill and careless. Their dynamic worked because his friend was too emotional, and Jungkook was the one that lacked that sense. His nickname as they both grew closer together was Iron Man, but those few days he walked around like he was missing something.
He kept checking his phone, for no logical reason -because the only times Y/n had texted him was to tell him to lower the volume or shut up. But he still looked every once in a while, thinking her message would find its way into his device.
He was missing her, and he just couldn't accept it. Jungkook needed to solve it all out before it went worse, and the only way to sort it out was to have her going back to her petty responses and bad looks. He was convinced the only real problem was the fact that he wasn't the one rejecting her. That was it.
—What are you doing there? —she sounded tired, dropping the smile that adorned her face the second she set foot outside of the lift.
—I need to talk with you.
—Again? —she sighed— What is it now? They'll come to check your router? Will the plumber show up?
—Seriously? I come to speak with you and you only think that I want something from you? What image do you have of me?
—The image that you earned with passion —she answered immediately after.
Jungkook looked away, tilting his head as he tried to find the words to speak. Sentences were mixing together, the sounds were rolling around his tongue, and he was sure that he wasn't going to be able to form a proper phrase while she looked at him that way.
—Okay, then —she finished, turning to her door to open it.
Jungkook stopped her from closing the door behind her by speaking again, placing his palm on the exterior door knob, earning another exhausted sigh from her.
—You can't ignore me.
—Excuse me? —she chuckled, raising both of her eyebrows at the order.
—We're neighbors, you just can't act like I'm not living next to you.
—Unfortunately, it's a reality. That's why I have no other choice but to pretend you aren't there.
—I know I've done things wrong, but... let's make it up?
—No —she firmly said, crossing her arms on her chest.
—Is this because of the article? I told you I was going to do it.
—It's not because of the article, it's because of the way you dealt with the whole thing —she confessed—. You just can't ignore people when you don't want to do something, you speak with them. That's what adults do.
—So would you have accepted my decision if I had told you that I didn't want to help you? —he fought back— You mean you wouldn't have acted annoying and petty about it.
—No —she answered again—. I probably would've get mad. But I would have been on the wrong because I can't force people into doing things I want —she explained—. That's not the problem now, because you always find a way to make me mad and make it valid.
—Didn't you want me to leave you alone? —she cut him off— I'm leaving you alone. Live your life, do your things... But don't bother me or I'll make you regret it —she threatened, pointing her index finger at him—. Get lost now.
—How can you tell me to get lost?
—Well, like I've just done it now —she shrugged—. It's a two-word sentence, pretty simple to say and understand.
—Okay, I'll tell you why I didn't want to do the article.
—That's literally not what I said —she mumbled.
—... but you can't judge me.
—Too late —she rested her arm on the door frame.
—This goes back to some time ago —he exaggerated the move of his hand—. An ex, that wasn't really an ex, cursed me. She promised I wouldn't have a stable relationship, and it had been working until now. I went to a tarot reader, and she confirmed everything that was happening, until she told me that a woman would come to break the curse. She said that I'd fall for her after she appeared, and told me that it'd be made through some work. You showed up in the middle of nowhere, you're the only woman who's still in my life when the rest of the flings disappear the morning after, and you're the only one I was going to do some work with.
Y/n completely lost the plot of the story at the mention of a curse. She couldn't believe he really believed she was going to fall for such a lame story. But it was even crazier that he spotted her as his savior, or the person that would break the curse. What fairytale did he escape from?
—So I wanted to avoid you, because I didn't want that change to happen —he continued—. I'm really happy with the way my life is going right now, okay? I don't need anyone to put everything upside down.
—Wow, you're really creative with excuses —she tilted her head—. Ever thought of leaving boxing and becoming a writer?
—I'm telling the truth.
When she was going to speak, he sighed loudly, throwing his head back while causing her eyes to open wide in surprise to the sudden sound coming from him.
—Okay... —she smiled nervously— So how does that curse break? With a real love kiss? Maybe a magic spell? Oh, I know, the power of love!
—It doesn't seem like you're taking it seriously.
—Look, I don't know what excuses you've made up to get girls to forgive you, and I have no idea how they could've worked, but all of this is a bit too much.
—I'm being honest.
—Sure you are —she shrugged.
—And it's also an explanation why you reject me every single time.
—Because your attitude can't be a valid explanation to you —her eyes squinted at his comment.
—It now makes sense!
Y/n just couldn't go past the fact that Jungkook did in fact believe the story he was telling her, and even was able to find some sense in something that seemed to be taken out of the wildest fantasies he could've read about -if he had read any book at all. At first she just thought he was recurring to his long list of excuses to justify his actions, and that only made her angry, with the only wish to crash the door against his face while he spoke. But the longest he went, the more she was convinced that the man in front of her needed psychological help. Urgently.
—You're scaring me a bit —Y/n admitted, looking around for the nearest exit to ask for help in case she'd need it.
—It's weird you slept with me a second time, but I guess the curse works differently since we see each other every day? Now it's one of those moments where I wished Carly didn't block me so I could ask her —he kept thinking out loud, moving his eyes away from her and losing the focus of the conversation.
—That many blows on your head have officially fucked up with your sanity —she mumbled, seeing her neighbor having a full on conversation with himself—. Instead of wasting money on a tarot reader, why don't you pay for a good therapist?
—Y/n, it's serious. My ex-girlfriend went crazy after I cheated on her —Y/n scoffed at that detail—, which isn't relevant now, and she cursed me before leaving my house. What was what she said? —his eyes moved to the top of his head as he tried to bring back the exact words Carly used— Something that I treated people badly, and that I was going to suffer the same thing or something like that.
—Are you hearing yourself? How do you pretend me to believe you, for fuck's sake? —Y/n insisted, controlling her big wish to roll her eyes in front of him.
—How many times have I lied to you?
—Do you really want me to answer that question? —her ironic tone was challenging, making Jungkook regret that question almost immediately.
—I promise I'm telling the truth.
—Okay, let's say I believe you. What do you want me to do with that information? —her lips puckered, before she continued speaking— Everything's okay, and everything you do is valid, only because you were cursed for not being able to keep your dick in your pants?
—You were cursed because you are a fifteen year old trapped in the body of a twenty six year old, and you aren't able to keep a woman exactly for that reason.
—Well, look who's talking, are you going to call me immature? You?
—Are you going to attack me?
—No, I'm saying that someone that drills a hole in a wall, because of a little noise, can't speak of others.
—A little noise?
—You're just as immature as me, but you disguise it with that serious facade thinking you're fooling anyone. Spoiler alert: you don't.
—Spoiler alert? See how you're a horny teenager? The only reason you don't want to commit to a relationship is because you have the Peter Pan syndrome.
—Here comes the smart ass with her bit of information taken from the short research she does for her articles... And what if I have the Peter Pan syndrome?
—You're nearing thirty, as much as it hurts you.
—I know, and do you know how attractive that is to women? I'll be a bomb when I turn forty.
Y/n rolled her eyes again, almost giving up the argument because there was no way any bit of common sense would kick inside his brain.
—I can't believe I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you right now.
—Because you like me, as much as it hurts you —he mocked her—. And the only reason you're willing to believe the curse thing is because you want to give me a free pass.
—No, the only reason I'm pretending I believe you is because I don't know if you're going to have a psychosis and do something crazy.
—Look who's coming up with an excuse now —he chuckled.
At that point her hand was tickling, reviving how it'd feel if she crashed her palm against his face. She could lie and justify herself by saying she did it in her defense because her neighbor's brain wasn't working right, which at that point wasn't really a lie.
—You could only wish. At the end of the day, I'm not the one scared of falling —she defended herself.
For the first time, Jungkook was the one nervous and speechless, opening his eyes a bit wider and parting his lips to speak, but not letting a word come out from them.
—You're sure because you haven't spent enough time with me.
—That means I'm so attractive that you fell for me barely spending any time together?
—No, that's not what I meant.
—But that's what you said —she rushed to say, keeping him from going on speaking.
—I'm sure that if I spent more time with you, I'd probably end up sick of you.
—Yet you had the chance, and you didn't take it. That's a bit contradicting —she fought back.
She left him stuck, between two options that he couldn't escape. One was a lie, and the other one was the brutal truth, and he was still fighting to confirm what belonged to each one of them.
—Don't worry though. There's no way I'd ever spend any more time with you than what we already did.
Y/n shouldn't have tempted the universe that way, and dragged it to a challenge that she wasn't going to like.
Not even a second after that sentence left her filthy lips, a huge noise interrupted their casual bickering, making them wonder what was happening. 
Taglist: @jk97bam @ttanniett
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genericpuff · 6 months
yeah i don't think this is the kind of advertising rachel needs right now-
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avocado-frog · 10 months
Man I hate being able to read
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gayashawol · 2 months
wow- wattpad is really turning into shit-
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Okay soo I wanna get some things straight because there are people here who still believe in tiktoks' misinformation about respawning. RESPAWNING IS NOT DYING! Respawning is simply shifting to your dr, that you want to become your new cr, and either scripting or making yourself forget your original cr (if you're not scripting, then it's during your shifting attempt, wouldn't recommend trying to forget your og cr while you're just having a normal day in it lol). As you can see, none of this involved death in any sort of way. If you still don't believe me, you can look it up on google and see that I'm telling you what I've researched. Thanks for reading, and have fun shifting, permashifting, or respawning.🫶
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anneeeboleyn · 6 months
i hate to say it but seems like the way selena gomez and taylor swift were characterized in 2010s justin bieber and one direction fanfics was extremely accurate.
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nightwngobssd · 24 days
The only thing Tom Taylor has done was write a Dickbabs fanfic. Literally Wattpad level writing. Fukcing hate him.
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wtccttwwbghaiwhtr · 1 year
I hope antis realize that saying “proship dni” on ao3 will do literally nothing. Ao3 is a proship website. You are walking into our territory, if you dont like us, then go back to wattpad.
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