#Authentic Success
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(Art: Photograph by Lissy Elle Laricchia)
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Beware of Destination Addiction – a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, or with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are. 
~Robert Holden
(Book: Authentic Success)
[Philo Thoughts]
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billa-billa007 · 10 months
Are you being an Authentic Entrepreneur | Darryl Omar
Authenticity is the cornerstone of entrepreneurial success. Learn how to embrace vulnerability, embrace your strengths, and overcome challenges while staying true to yourself. Harness the power of authenticity to create a business that not only thrives financially but also makes a meaningful difference in the world
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thekidsarentalright · 2 months
patrick saying his we made it moment is seeing people stay for saturday is making me feel sooo insanely emotional because it’s like. such a personal metric of success?? like. saturday was never a big hit, but they chose to end every show with it years ago anyways. even when they could see people leaving during it, they chose to keep playing it. because it meant something to Him and to Them, and to the diehard fans too. and just imagining, as time goes on, seeing people choosing to stay. actively seeing peoples opinions and hearts change over time and decide that its worth it to stay, to feel the love and importance that song holds for the band. it’s beyond just a symbolic show that your music is resonating with people and making it into their hearts- people staying Literally shows that. all us believers still believe everytime we sing two more weeks, y’know? and with every show, maybe they’re picking up more believers. and That is how patrick measures his success— in how many people are choosing to believe and to stay.
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cowboysmp3 · 1 year
ok not to be insane but the whole tom putting the bidding sticker on greg situ is SO indicative of their entire relationship bc its all about Tom’s desire for control and ownership over something (due to him feeling powerless and out of control in his relationship with shiv). Him putting that sticker on Greg wasnt just a hehe ill look after you way it was much more ‘I own you. You are reliant on me now and I OWN you’. Which is a sentiment that is the very FABRIC of their relationship, calling back to the ‘I will not let go of what is mine’ water bottle scene. Obsessed actually
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enigmatic-97 · 2 months
Holding onto me. Forcing myself out of the need to please. Other people's plans are not my loss. They wanted me to suffer till the added up the cost. Organic by nature. They drowned in their pesstic side. Going for my glory. I'm ready to leave you all behind. ~ BX
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loving-jack-kelly · 5 months
the more i listen to merrily the more convinced I am that my personal interpretation is the only one that is correct and that I understand everything about it
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pochapal · 5 months
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"the endgame had never been finished" meaning......kinzo died before he could put this plan of his into motion?
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vintagemadmoiselle · 11 months
GROWTH: Discipline
I haven't decided whether this post would be venting session or just a general post but I'm leaning towards venting session because it feels more honest.
I struggle with discipline. Like a lot. So much I feel shameful.
I have been on this femininity/growth journey for what feels like forever and I've only seen small changes (which I do appreciate) like in my mindset and (some) of my clothing choices. The advice is there in order to help me reach the woman I want to be, it's just my inability to stick to the plan that's hindering me. I'd commit to something like working out for a couple days, two weeks max and something always happens that throws me off and out my "groove".
As of recent, I learned that the devil isn't always attacking you, he just puts you in a continuous cycle and leaves you to your own demise while he bothers someone else. After hearing this message, I can say that this is most definitely my case. I'll get the motivation, start towards it, but then motivation will get lost or something happens that messes up my routine.
But I'm tired of it. I want to be HER. And I will be, I just have to hold myself accountable and really be on top go myself.
Hence why I'm making this post. I've been on tumbler for a while now, and I enjoy looking at the timeline that I have curated, with the visuals and advice that reflects the life that I want to live. I've been contemplating making my own tumbler posts and creating my own community and finalized that I will last week. Something was keeping me from doing it but today I had to make my post.
So please, if you can, stay with me on this journey! We could do this together!
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kdramakitty · 1 year
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lovebites-posts · 4 months
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That look was a forever slay
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metanarrates · 10 months
Ah man i was thinking about the genshin ask you got the other day because it reminded me of my experience playing it for maybe a year? Definitely less + only played regularly for a portion of that duration + never managed to catch up with the main story. Long ask coming up ahead 😭
Anyway this is related because while i haven't played a hoyoverse game since then, i have been somewhat familiar with the lore surrounding their little multiverse and it is insane the disparity in quality between the Honkai titles and Genshin. Better writing, better game design, better art, the whole shebang (i believe honkai impact is centered around the story of a bunch of of tragic subtextual lesbians who in attempting to defy fate beome gods of destruction or whatever. Yippee). Interestingly, or perhaps not so interestingly depending on who you talk to, ive found that genshin's developmemt has an extreme emphasis on commercialism where the Honkai games do not. And of course with that commercial emphasis you end up with what's essentially a glorified vehicle for escapism, as you have to appeal to as broad of an audience as possible and that means advertising to concepts they find palatable and comforting. But even within the genre, hoyoverse is a unique outlier for the narrative precedent of escapism that it sets. There is an overarching theme concerning the nature of destiny and defiance of it, and this clashes with the end of the writing necessarily needing to refuse to challenge audience expectations. If you want to tell a story of how a lone hero transcends the clause of narrative inevitability as a stand-in for self discovery or triumph over inequitabilities, then you sort of. Have to??? Make complex multidimensional characters with their own agency and fleshed out internal conflict. However, the story then must serve itself, prioritize itself, over the quandary of status quo. This clashing of creative goals and economic means results in a product that at its core feels incredibly confused, like it cant decide what it wants to be. Honkai titles, by contrast, arent intended to be a mild fantasy for the player to lose themselves in. It's still ultimately just a chess piece in the corporate game Hoyo is playing, but at the very least, it chooses a direction and sticks with it, framing marketing decisions around an established narrative appeal. Something to chew on, i suppose. Definitely fuel to consider the relationship between capitalism and fiction
that's so interesting! I always find it fascinating when the need for wide audience appeal clashes with the seeming goal of a story. I'm interested in the conditions around the development of a work in general (ive read a LOT of stuff about rgu's development, for example) but in works like this I'm always very curious about what happened in those game studios. was it a case where the writers wanted to do something but the studio shot it down? or was it literally the writers having to deal with those conflicting needs without consciously acknowledging it and created a work that shoots itself in the foot? doesn't matter either way, I guess, but I would like to know.
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fat-fem-and-asian · 2 months
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a tiny little morsel of tgirl karolina to get me thru the day. just a little nibble
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i know this is me being way too sentimental but i keep thinking about roman finally cracking and breaking down (probably at/around logan’s funeral) and gerri comforting him, send help
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rdlain · 9 months
@sailor-moon-rage doesn't understand the sex appeal of a stick nd poke covered never-went-to-college woman selling shrooms out of her basement and I pity her for it
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wisterianwoman · 10 months
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How can you challenge yourself to be brave today?
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
i find this obsession with stealth wealth that's been brought about in the wake of succession so funny bc ........... as a lady myself i found the female characters' outfits so monumentally boring like i wouldn't be caught dead wearing whatever dull lifeless arid pieces they put on no matter how expensive. also the ugliest fucking jewelry i've seen in my life
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