#Back 2 Tha Hood
jasonsutekh · 10 months
Leprechaun films: 1 (1992), 2 (1994), 3 (1995), 4 In Space (1996), 5 in the Hood (2000), 6 Back 2 Tha Hood (2003), Origins (2014), and Returns (2018)
A magical being is inadvertently summoned to wreak havoc until he can retrieve his gold, no matter how much slaughter it takes.
Most of the films in this franchise have a decent balance between the comedy and gore elements which contrast nicely while varying the style of entertainment. They aren’t all the same as the third one twists the narrative into a more interesting dynamic by making the protagonist more powerful. There’s also some inventive magical lore involved and developed at times.
Some of it is inconsistent to say the least. The fourth film in particular is so bizarre that it’s irrelevant and the leprechaun is played out as an alien in it, despite still being Irish and cliché. It’s not the only sequel to get a little too silly to take seriously as a horror, or even a comedy horror, but others compensate in the opposite way by becoming too blood reliant.
Warwick Davis is the main actor for most of the title role and he has an odd kind of charisma about him, as some of the other great horror monsters do, the ones that can talk at least. What is occasionally a surprise is that some of the jokes, gags, and even limericks are actually pretty good, though they’re peppered into the general one-liners.
Despite the niche comedy in some sequels, Origins is probably the weakest as it doesn’t chronicle the actual origins as the title suggests, it relies entirely on the horror genre, but the leprechaun doesn’t talk so it may as well be any monster. In each film the characters are very variable in their reactions or inventiveness, even the smarter ones can show a profound lack of insight or sense.
Leprechaun: 5/10 -Can’t find a better example of average-
Leprechaun 2: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
Leprechaun 3: 5/10 -Can’t find a better example of average-
Leprechaun in Space: 3/10 -This one’s bad but there’s some good in it, just there-
Leprechaun in the Hood: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
Leprechaun Back 2 Tha Hood: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
Leprechaun Origins: 3/10 -This one’s bad but there’s some good in it, just there-
Leprechaun Returns: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
-The sorority house in Returns is named AU, the chemical symbol for gold, however the Greek symbol for u is Upsilon, the upper case of which is a capital y (Y).
-The clover patch in the original was planted on set and lit with green light. The four-leaf clover was so rare, a three-leaf one had to have an extra leaf glued on.
-In the third one Davis can briefly be seen without the horror make-up playing on one of the slot machines.
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fanofspooky · 3 months
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Your luck just ran out!
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SUMMARY: When Emily Woodrow and her friends happen on a treasure chest full of gold coins, they fail to heed the warnings of a wise old psychic, who had foretold that they would encounter trouble with a very nasty and protective Leprechaun.
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Yay another public fiasco where a woman has to fight to be believed about an assault!! As a society we are so good at growing and learning from our mistakes
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horrororman · 1 year
Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood was released on December 30, 2003.
#horror #slasher #comedy #fantasy
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wondersinwaynemanor · 12 days
imagine some Gothamites pretending to be in trouble or hurt and calling for a specific bat just because they have a crush on them, but the batkids purposely mess it up by sending another bat.
they also do this because they're little shits.
[i told myself i won't make this too long, but oh well]
scenario 1:
a woman, who's not even in trouble, she mostly wants to see Nightwing's new suit because.. oh.. the new suit causes his behind to form well.
Woman: Nightwing, Nightwing! Where are you? I need help.
Robin! Tim, hops down from the tall building and mind you, his skateboard tucked under his arm: Hi, Ma'am! Sorry, Nightwing is unavailable tonight. I, Robin, will help you.
Woman, judges the skateboard before looking at Tim: Uh. Thank you, Robin, but I was specifically asking for Nightwing. Is he- he around?
Robin! Tim, cheeks red from the cold, shakes his head: No, Ma'am. Sorry.
Woman: That's... That's okay. I'll figure out my problem on my own. Thank you again, kid.
Robin! Tim nods at her way before climbing back up the building.
Nightwing appears from the darkness, laughing his ass off. Tim joins his older brother until their stomach ache from the laughing session.
scenerio 2:
young teenage girl with pink highlights on her hair bikes through the neighborhood and out of nowhere, just falls down on the side of the road, on the grass. but gently. purposely.
Teenager, holds her ankle: Ow, ow. Is The-The Signal around? I kind of.. Uh... Fell.
Robin, comes out from the trees and he looks even brighter than ever with the sun still out: That was kind of careless of you.
Teenager, a bit annoyed: Robin? Don't you only patrol at night? Where's The Signal?
Robin, adjusts his katana and shrugs: You'd be surprised that I happen to do this at morning too. Well. Occasionally.
Teenager, skeptical: Uhuh.
Robin just stares at her, not even answering about The Signal. it makes the teenager a bit uncomfortable.
Teenager, manages to stand: Anyways... I think I feel better now. I'll head home.
Robin, lips twitching to a smirk: Stay safe.
behind the trees, Duke and Tim giggle like little children.
Robin: I must admit.. That was quite hilarious.
scenario 3:
two loud men exit the bar. they've been talking about Spoiler and Black Bat inside, fangirling like teenagers about their crushes.
little did they know, Red Hood was inside that bar as well.
Man 1: Fuck, I'm too drunk. Is Spoiler there? I need help to go home.
they are not even drunk.
Man 2, hides a smile behind his hand: How about Black Bat? We poor men need some saving.
before they can even lift their mouths to laugh, Red Hood apprears from the alley, gun on his hand.
Red Hood, voice so deep from the helmet: Need a lift, boys? There's enough room for both of you on my bike.
Man 1 gulps and Man 2 nearly passes out.
Red Hood, smirks: Not the person you wanted to see, huh?
Man 1: Uh.... You are a sight to see, Red Hood. Uh, Sir.
Man 2: But no, tha-thank you.
Man 1: We can manage. Right, dude?
Man 2: Right. Of course.
Red Hood, wants to laugh so bad but he has to keep this persona first: Well, let me know if you need anything.
both men run to the other direction. one of them even trips.
Red Hood hears Steph and Cass' lively laughs through the comms.
scenario 4:
a young adult man steps outside his building, doesn't mind the drizzle from the Gotham sky.
Man: Shit. I forgot my keys.
Man, looks up at the building: Is Red Robin out there? I need help in finding the keys to my apartment.
there's no sign of the vigilante so the man decides to just re enter his building.
out of nowhere, a sound of someone landing behind him makes him turn around and he is faced with Black Bat, holding his keys around her gloved hand.
Man, shocked: Um.. Hey. You found- you found my keys.
Black Bat doesn't respond, just lifts the keys higher.
Man: Tha-thank you.
Black Bat nods before grappling to the darkness.
the young man feels stupid for doing what he did, which is throw his keys behind the dumpster. and he didn't even get to see Red Robin.
somewhere, Black Bat joins Spoiler and Red Robin on top of a building to share some laughs and enjoy some Batburgers.
scenario 5:
a couple of bestfriends, woman and man, stop by at the side of the road. they were gossiping about Red Hood's arms, modulated voice and height, saying how sexy he looks.
out of stupidity, the man stabs his switchblade on one of the wheels of his car.
Woman, nods at him before calling for help: Someone help us! We don't have a spare tire.
Man, heart beating so fast: Red Hood, can you please help us? Red Hood!
after a few minutes of longing, Nightwing, Spoiler and The Signal appear from behind their car, startling the two of them.
Nightwing, grins cheekily: Good evening.
Signal, smiles: You called for help?
Spoiler, huge smile on her face with a spare tire on her hand: Glad we saw this lying around.
it's actually a spare tire at the back of the man's car.
the woman and man exchange glances, slightly nervous.
Man, touches his chest: Oh, thank goodness.
Woman, pretends to be in relief as well: Thank God for you, guys. We appreciate it.
Signal and Spoiler help each other in putting the tire.
Nightwing, grin hasn't faded: Sorry, the Red Hood is a bit busy tonight.
Signal: Maybe try calling out for him some other time?
Spoiler: We would give his number to you, but he's kind of a private person.
both the woman and man blush, embarassment creeping on them.
by the alley, Red Hood watches the rest of the batkids, a low chuckle on his lips.
a bonus:
a bunch of teenagers play around under the rain, splashing mud on their clothes. one of the blonde girls call out, "Robin, come play with us!" then the rest of her playmates giggle at that. they idolize the young hero.
and who comes out of the darkness? the rest of the batkids except for Robin. they make sure that the children are able to go home and are safe.
meanwhile, Damian is at the Manor with a stuffy nose as he is sick due to playing with his pets under the rain last weekend.
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thecapricunt1616 · 29 days
Dad!Carmy X Chalk drawings blurb
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I was outside today enjoying the beautiful spring weather as one does - and at the clubhouse I live next door to at the basketball court there was this young mom & her daughter just tossing a ball back and forth the daughter looks to be about one. So I ran inside and got my chalk bc when I was little I loved drawing - and I offered it to them.
It A) gave me baby fever the way the little girl went ‘OOOOOOO’ in the baby way, and toddled up to me clapping her hands and reaching for the box.
And B) got me thinking how much Carmy would ADORE drawing chalk with his babies. Like - he LOVES drawing it’s his reprieve - has been since childhood (or at least teen hood but his talent says he’s been doing it lifelong) and how SWEET IT WOULD BE to watch your hubs and baby draw together on warm sunny days.
Walk with me - it’s around 11:45/noon time, you’re in the kitchen making up pb&j’s (no crust for your daughter, of course) while Carmy and your daughter are outside since 9:30 after breakfast, your entire driveway was a canvas from the moment the weather hit 55 and there was no more snow caking your driveway.
You walk out there, 2 plates in hand with pretzels and sandwiches cut into triangles to see an absolutely gorgeous piece of work that would be washed away by the following morning since that nights forecast was rain, rain, and more rain. “Wow daddy - that should be in The Louvre huh?” You muse, setting the plates on the deck table, pulling out 4 baby wipes and walking up to them
“Mama, see!” Your daughter points to the beautiful butterfly adorned with little yellow squiggles randomly. “Flu-er-fwy!” She jumps excitedly, squatting next to Carmy.
“Thas’ right- who’s the smartest girl eh’? Tell mama, what kind of butterfly that is mm?” He points and she looks up at you proudly
“Mark mama!! Mark flu-er-fwy!” She jumps up and down excitedly. 
“Isn’t that right honey! A monarch butterfly!” You said proudly, helping Carmy wipe down her other hand.
Your parents had never shown you love or interest in anything you did, nor did Carmys. So you both made a huge deal whenever your little did something new. “I eat faster” she held the railing as she toddled up the steps to the deck table to grab her sandwich.
“Ohhh no ya’ don’t!!” Carm got up, picking her up and swinging her around adorably, kissing her cheeks. “Who’s the prettiest girl?” He coo’s and held her on his hip as he made it to the table.
“Me!!!” She giggled happily
“That’s right babygirl “ you mused, following them to the table.
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graycomfort · 7 months
Simon Henriksson x gn reader - Leende - Part 1
Synopsis: You just started learning Swedish.
Masterlist (coming soon) Part 1 Part 2
A/N: Hello! This is my first ever finished fanfiction. It includes two cheesy tropes, but since it's my first one and there aren't many fics for him I didn't care. If there are any mistakes in the Swedish parts, please tell me and I will fix them!
They/Them is used like three times, the rest of it refers to you as you. Hope you enjoy! : ]
Word Count: 1.8 k
"God morgon, uhhh miss?" [Good morning]
Simon raised his hooded head slightly from his pillow at the sound of broken Swedish coming from the front door. It was followed by his mother's subtle laughter.
"Åh! God morgon! Komma in, tack!" [Oh! Good morning! come in, please!] There was a slight pause before he heard the door close as if the person standing in the hall hesitated. Perhaps processing what was said to them.
Was his mother having guests? That's weird since she always told him when she plans to have guests. Mainly so he gets his shit together beforehand, so he doesn't make her look bad, he thought. Simon also couldn't remember any of her friends being from overseas, at least that's what Simon assumed from the accent. Could be a new friend of hers, which doesn't make him happy.
New people usually meant being forced by his mother to at least introduce himself to the said new person and being shown off by her to them. Simon didn't see anything worth showing off about himself, but he guessed that she just wanted to make herself look better. As in "Oh look, I raised a boy, aren't I so cool and hard-working?"
He didn't feel like doing all of that at the moment. Actually, he doesn't want to do it at all, ever. Simon buried his head back into the pillow, smushing his face down to it. Praying that it was in fact not a new friend of hers but some tourist getting lost or something. He didn't really care who, just leave him alone.
"Simon! Kom hit, snälla!" [Simon! Come here, please!]
Skit… Simon dragged his legs over the edge of his bed and groaned out a loud "Jag kommer!" [I'm coming!] Without getting up from his bed, he leaned down to grab his pants. Which he lazily discarded onto the floor before he got into his bed. After quickly putting his pants on, he lifted the blanket at the foot of his bed to find his socks. After finally being fully clothed, he fixed his hair a bit by skimming his hand through it and finally left his room.
As he met his mother in the corridor, he was surprised at who stood beside her. Simon subconsciously fixed the hem of his hoodie as his closest friend, y/n, stood before him. "Åh, Hej, I didn't expect you." His eyes were fixed on you, not even paying attention to his mother who just made her leave. "I know, I should have texted you, to warn you I would be coming but I wanted to surprise you. I brought snacks and drinks!" You said with a joyous tone. The bag you had with you was now in your hand as you shook it. This confirmed your words as the sounds of snacks hitting each other filled the hallway they stood in. "No, no! Don't worry about it. I was just surprised, I thought I heard Swedish and I remembered you said you don't know Swedish."
"Well, Yeah I don't quite do yet… but after living here for quite a bit, I thought I might as well learn it. I also thought it would be pretty cool if we knew each other's languages." You said proudly while straightening your back. "Since you already know mine, it's my turn to learn yours." You pointed accordingly to yourself and Simon as you spoke.
Simon's face felt warm at the thought that you thought about him while making that decision. "Yeah. Yeah, that would be cool" He smiled warmly at you. "Well c'mon, we still got Spyro to finish" He let you go first. "I thought we finished that one already!" You whined and went the way his room was. He decided to take a jab at you. "We would have already finished, if you didn't die so much" You quickly turned around "I don't- I don't die that much!" "Ja, det gör du." [Yes, you do.] "Nej, det gör jag… inte!" [ No, I do… not!]
In his room, Simon made his way to his PlayStation 2 to turn it on. As the console buzzed, he leaned down to grab one of the few boxes of PS2 games lying scattered in front of the TV. He looked for the one that had Spyro in it. Because it's definitely not the box that it was designed to be kept in. In the meantime, Y/n looked around, even though you have been in his sorry excuse of a room many times before. "En säng, en fönster, en TV" "ETT fönster" He corrected you without stopping his previous task. "shit. That's embarrassing." "Nah, don't worry. You just started learning, you're bound to make mistakes." You raised your eyebrow and stared at his turned back. "You will still make fun of me." "I will still make fun of you, yes" He nodded as he spoke. "fan" Simon snorted at the attempt of swearing.
He finally found the disk he was looking for and popped it into the console. He grabbed both of the controllers and passed your favorite one to you. The one you always fought for if he gave you the wrong one. While the game loaded, you grabbed your bag from the bed and dumped all the snacks and drinks in front of them. Simon immediately went for an energy drink. As soon as he cracked it open, he took a big swing of it. Scrunching his face at the carbonated drink. "Thank fuck, I needed that." "Knew you would like that one, eboy." You teased. "Oh shut, I have not slept much today… And I need to stay awake while waiting for you to finish your segments" He shrugged and took another sip. At that comment, you playfully pulled the hood of his hoodie.
Simon caught himself, trying not to let any drop of his energy drink spill onto the floorboards. "I was drinking! That was foul!" "Oops" Y/n said with a happy tone.
He was about to get back on you but the game already loaded. You cut him off before he could do anything. "C'mon, you said you will be the one waiting for me. So far it's the other way around." You said as you spammed the X button. He scoffed and joined you. He will just die in the game out of spite later.
After many tries to defeat the ending boss, they finally finished the game. Wrappers of what used to be snacks now lay empty in front of them. So did a plate they ate a frozen pizza from, that Simon's mother made for them. Which you thanked her for in her mother tongue. His mother seemed to like you, which Simon was pleased about. Hearing you speak Swedish made his mom so happy, Simon wondered why.
After screaming for about two hours, which you will definitely apologize to his mother for. And eating tons of their favorite snacks, you were exhausted. Resting your head against his bed was enough to make you pass out. Simon stood up only for a moment, to turn his ps2 off and switch to the cable. But as he turned back around he realised you were already asleep.
He knew he wasn't the strongest, so he debated on picking you up and putting you in a more comfortable position. He didn't want to risk dropping you, yet he didn't want you to wake up with a sore neck. He took all of the stuff from his bed, which isn't much, and placed it around you. Lifting your head slightly to put a pillow under it. After he was satisfied with his creation, he left the room.
Coming into the kitchen, he spotted his mother sitting at the table standing next to the window. "De verkar sova, ska jag väcka dem eller får de stanna över natten?" [They seem to be sleeping, should I wake them up or can they stay overnight?] Simon's mother smiled "Självklart kan de det, men var inte för högljudda!" [of course, they can, just don't be too loud!] Simon sent her a deadpan yet slightly glaring look. "Vi är int-" [We are no-] He paused and sighed. He knew it was pointless to argue, knowing full well she was just taking the piss out of him.
Before leaving, he took a quick peek into the fridge and grabbed the last energy drink left. Now he was ready to come back to his room. Seeing what her son took from the fridge, she quiped in. "Du borde också sova" [You should also sleep] "Ja, mama" [Yes, mama] He said without even turning back to her.
He opened the can before entering his room, to not disturb the sleeping you. Speaking of you. As he entered his room, you seemed to have made yourself comfortable. Taking a way more comfortable position. He just stood there, watching. You never slept at his place. For you to just pass out like that, you must trust him a lot. Looking back on today, he realized how content he felt. The way he could just let go when you were around. He felt happy.
That didn't last long, his mind began to spiral. He felt slight regret that he had shown his emotions, he usually hides the positive ones deep inside. But with you, it's just hard to do so. You just make him want to live, make him want to smile. The toothy grin that made him feel terrible every time he looked in a mirror. The crinkles near his eyes that the outside world doesn't get to see that often, and if they do it's usually because of anger. He has anger issues, what if he lashes out at you for no reason whatsoever? Would a person like you prefer if he was a happy guy? Or would you not like him anymore if he showed emotions?
Every thought suddenly stopped. His eyes no longer stared into the void, as he looked down to see your hand weakly pulling his pant leg. He stared at you again. But this time instead of overthinking, he spoke to himself quietly. 'You're right, y/n'. He gently removed your hand and moved to the now-empty bed. He placed the can that he held, on the floor. He didn't care about a pillow or blankets, he knew he would do anything to assure your safety and comfort.
He laid with his head next to your sitting position, so he didn't kick you while he was asleep. Simon grabbed a strand of your hair with his left hand and started playing with it. His eyes now closing shut, ready to pass out any second.
"God natt, y/n. Jag tycker om dig" [Good night, y/n. I like you (romantically)]
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new-revenant · 21 days
Ghost-ish for the WIP ask game
oh this one is pretty interesting looking back on it. The title is based on the sone “God-ish,” and I named it and all the chapter titles that way because I was listening to Trickle, a cover artist, quite a lot. Still do now, although he unfortunately took the God-ish cover down :(. Anyways, here are some snippets of the fic! It’s about the Fentons going to Gotham, stuff happens.
Here’s the funniest part of Chapter 1, To Prepare and to Go to Gotham City(only chapter not based on a song):
“But-but what about Batman?” Jazz stammered. Everyone looked at her quizzically. “You know, I don’t think he’ll like some random ghost hunters shooting bazookas-“ she side eyed Sam, who was currently giving Tucker a Fenton Bazooka, “-in, or near Gotham City, don’t you think? We could end up wanted by the Justice League!”
“You’re right Jazzy-pants,” Jack put his hand on her shoulder, “So get your goggles everyone, we’re going vigilante!” Everyone now looked at Jack, absolutely bewildered.
“Jack, how did you come to the conclusion tha-Danny!” Maddie tried to reason with Jack while Danny rushed out of the vehicle. Sam put on a spare pair of goggles that was just lying around as she and Tucker followed him.
“YOU PICKED THE WORST PEOPLE TO MESS WITH GHOST FU-“ Danny yelled, rushing to the front of the GAV, facing the ghost before tripping on his cloak and falling onto his face.
Part of Chapter 3, Trickle Down, Ghost Town(I didn’t write chapter 2 lol):
“Jason, why are trying to put five people into a dumpster?” Tim sighed. Jason Todd, the Red Hood, cackled.
“Oh, they’re all from rival gangs that hate each other, and I’m thinking that if I put their unconscious bodies in a locked dumpster they’ll all blame each other’s gangs and start a gang war,” Jason explained, putting in the third body inside the dumpster.
Tim groaned, “And then you’ll swoop in and defeat them all, right? This is the most…creative idea you’ve had so far, I’ll give you that.”
“Yep, but I’ll only take out their leaders, so you don’t have worry about a thing,” Jason patted Tim’s head before setting out to chain up the dumpster.
“You know what? I highly doubt that. At least you haven’t killed anyone yet.”
“I haven’t killed anyone that you know of,” Jason joked as he finished putting on an absurd amount of locks on the chains, then kicked the dumpster and clasped his hands, “Anyways, I’m going to go raid a storage area that I’m pretty sure some of the Joker’s goons are in, you coming?”
“You already know that I’m going along with you, whether you like it or not.”
“Thanks for being my babysitter for what, the third time this week?”
“Well it’s less than last week!” Tim laughed and punched Jason in the arm, “Now let’s go beat up some goons!”
And the only stuff I wrote for Chapter 5:
“So, er uh, Danny, right? What made you think I was a Ghost?” It was a simple question, really. Jason thought-if just for a moment-that he would get a simple answer.
To his credit, the answer was simple. It simply led to many more questions.
“Well, I can sense ghosts, and I sensed you,” Danny said with a steady tone, kicking his feet from the chair that was just a bit too tall for him.
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just-a-space-rabbit · 1 month
Super Chase
TW: miscommunication, murder, blood, dagger, death. Mood: Light, humorous
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Civilian stood motionless and scared in the dark alleyway. Their breath came out in short, rapid bursts, they struggled to hear their surroundings over their own beating heart. Their eyes darted around the scene in front of them, as their own mind refusering to accept what just happened. “You… You murdered Hero!!!” Civilian yelled before they could stop themself and cover their own mouth, even though it was already too late.
Immediately Villain wiped around startled at the sound of someone else in the alley. Their black mask and hood hid most of their face, while they still held the bloodied knife in their hand as they stood over the lifeless body.
Villain took a silent step towards them, before Cicilian’s scenes kicked in and they bolted in the other direction screaming. As they ran, Civilian heard the villain yelling at them. “Wait, it’s not what it looks like!” 
But Civilian did not believe that for a second and kept running as the villain took off after them.
Superhero lunged forward to attack, only to hit the wall shattering it into pieces as Supervillain effortlessly dodged them. 
“Are you done with that little dance of yours yet?” Supervillain mocked them as Superhero got back up. “you know you're too slow to hit me!”
“I’m only done when you're behind bars, and the ruby is returned to its rightful owner!” Superhero snapped back.
“Oh come on…” Supervillain said mockingly as they again dodged Superhero’s attack. “It's so pretty, can’t you just let me keep it?” they asked innocently before holding the gem in front of them letting it glow like fire in their hand.
Superhero was just about to say something when they were startled as Civilian bolted around the corner, before they crashed into Supervillain's arm sending the gem flying into the air. 
“What tha-” was all Superhero could get out as the Civilian stubbled forward before catching themself, only to look at the super’s they were now next to in terror. 
‘Oh, god, they are both looking mad at me!’ they thought and ran off not even realizing that the ruby had landed in the hood of their jacket.
 Before the two supers could even react to what happend, Villain came around the corner and ran past them both. “Coming through!” they yelled, showing Supervillain to the side.
“Villain!” Superhero yelled before they gave chase after them. 
“The Ruby!” Supervillain yelled and followed.
As Civilian ran they glanced behind them seeing that now both Villain and the Super were running after them. “Why did this have to happen to me? I just wanted to go out for dinner!” They yelled out to the universe, who seemed to then give them the answer of crashing into Right Hand who fell down into a muddy puddle. 
“OI!” Right hand snapped at them.
“SORRY!” Civilian screamed as they kept running. 
“Right hand!” Supervillain bellowed “catch that civilian!”
Right hand did not have to be asked twice as they set off with the ever growing group “On it! Sir.”  
“There is only one way to settle this!” Villain sidekick said as they and Hero Sidekick kept circling each other in the small street. There was a small crowd that stood nearby looking at them intensely. 
“You know that you don’t want to go there” Hero sidekick smirked “I’ll win this time, just like last time.”
“We’ll see about that!” Villain grinned as the two of them readied themself.
“3, 2, 1, Let It Rip!” they both said together as they unleashed their beyblades. The crowd cheered them on. But the two of them were to foucued on the battle to let the crowd distract them, and to foucued to hear the oncoming chase.
“Passing though!” Civilian yelled as they bolted in the middle of everything, barely missing the spinning blades. 
“Watch it!” Villain sidekick yelled, only to stop when Villain and Right hand passed them knocking out both beyblades at the same time. “NO!” they yelled defeatedly as they fell down on their knees.
“This is outrageous!” Hero Sidekick was now the one that yelled, only for them to also stop when Superhero and Supervillain came in behind the others and vanished down the alleyway.
“Um… do we follow?” Villain sidekick asked.
“Come on!” Hero sidekick yelled as they ran off. 
And the crowd also followed.
“Tonight was fun” Henchman said blushing, as they held Other hero’s hand. “I hope we can go out again some other day” They had wanted this for so long, it felt strange that this was real. Part of Henchman still waited for the moment they would wake up.
Other hero smiled gently as they leaned into Henchman “Well, maybe? If that boss of your’s won't get in the way.” they let their head gently rest on Henchman's shoulder.
“I don’t think Villain would mind,” Henchman chuckled as they brought Other Hero closer staring into their beautiful brown eyes. 
“Oh why is that?” Other Hero asked teasingly.  
“Well, because…  WATCH OUT!” Henchman suddenly yelled as he grabbed Other Hero and held them close just as Civilian whipped past only to be quickly followed by everyone else. 
Before the two could fully figure out what happend, Villain sidekicks yelled a “Hi Henchman!”  as they whipped past. Henchman immediately felt the blush growing.
“Hope your date is going well, Other Hero!” Hero sidekick yelled as they caught up and ran past the now embarrassed couple.
As the group got further away the two of them looked at each other before agreeing that they needed to follow, just in case it went wrong.
At this point Civilian was panting heavily, their vision had started to get blurred, but they still kept the pace. 
Of all things to think about, they thought back to high school and how much they hated that their father forced them to do cross country running. But now it seems that their endurance might finally pay off.  ‘If I survive this, then I’ll tell dad that I’m eternally thankful!’
But just after they thought that, they could feel that they were losing speed, and the sound of the ensuing group grew close and closer.
Civilian did not want to know what would happen when they caught up to them, so they narrowed their eyes as they bolted with all their remaining might. They were going to out run them or die trying!
And for a moment they were doing it, each turn the sound of the group got smaller and smaller. For a split second Civilian thought they might actually lose them. 
Then there was a sudden sound in front of them as someone dropped down in front of them, before they yelled “STOP!” Civilian did not react in time as they crashed head first into said person and fell down. 
The last thing Civilian saw as they lost consciousness was Hero’s concerned face.
“They are waking up!” Hero sidekick yelled, as they removed the ice brick they had made to cool Civilian head down. 
It felt like the whole world was spinning as a group of blurry figures slowly came into view.
“Lay still,” Supervillain said calmly, holding his hand on Civilain’s head to heal it. “I think you might have gotten a concussion”
“How long was I out?” Civilian said in a weak voice.
“Just two minutes,” Hero sidekick answered. “So everything is still chaotic… unfortunately”
Then like a light switch went on, everything that had happened came back to them. “HERO!” Civilian suddenly yelled.
“Yes?” Hero just after they sent the group of civilians away.
“You're alive?” Civilian yelled as they sat up only for Hero sidekick and Supervillain having to catch them as they almost fell back. “I thought Villain killed you!” 
“So that's why you were running from Villain?” Hero asked them. Looking at Villain who looked visibly stressed.
“Yes! I saw you! I saw them!” Civilian continued almost in tears. “They had a knife and blood and everything!”
“Is that why you were chasing them?” Hero snapped suddenly as they turned to Villain. 
“I just tried to stop them from running, so I could tell them that there was a misunderstanding!” Villain said defensively though they were not meeting anyones eyes. 
“Villain! What did you do?” Everyone, except Civilian groaned. While Civilian looked confused.
“I killed the robot that Scientist made after it began to run rampant! I’m sorry for helping! It was dark. The robot was made to look like Hero. I totally understand where Civilian took the conclusion that I had murdered you.” villain said clearly flustered.
“What I want to know is why everyone else joined in?” Villain added pointing to the rest of the group. “I mean come on! Hero Sidekick and Villain sidekick dragged a whole crowd with them!”
“We just came along because you ruined me and Hero sidekick’s weekly beyblade match!” Villain sidekick said grumpily “and!” they added “you bent my favorite beyblade when you stepped on it! Look!” They said as they held out the broken beyblade close to Villain’s face for proof.
“Sorry, about that… I’ll buy you a new one” Villain said. 
Civilian could hear villain sidekick mumble something close to ‘you better’ as they sat back down.
“And how about you two?” Hero said smugly as they looked at Other Hero and Henchman who upon everyone turning their head towards them immediately moved further away from each other, “why did you two chase after everyone?”
“Well…” Henchman said “just wanted to help in case things went south” to which the Other Hero nodded. “About you Right hand?”
“I was ordered to by my boss” Right hand said crossing their hand. 
“Wait a minute… supervillain?” Superhero yelled suddenly as they remembered the fight had been in the middle of. “The ruby in Civilian's jacket!”
Civilian “The WHAT?” 
But it was too late, by the time they noticed Supervillain was in a mad laughter as they ran away ruby in hand. Right Hand quickly took the hint and followed suit.
“Get back here!” Superhero yelled as they bolted after them, only to be followed by not only Other Hero, Hero sidekick, and Hero, but also by Villain sidekick and Henchman who wanted to try and steal the gem for themself.
Leaving a very confused Civilian and Villain behind.
Villain made a loud sigh, as they looked down at Civilian. “Come on, I know Supervillain healed you, but just for safety sake let’s get you to a hospital”
“Is your job always like this?” Civilian asked.
To which the Villain only answered with laughter.
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fanofspooky · 5 months
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Leprechaun 6: Back 2 Tha Hood
2003 • R • 1h27m
When Emily Woodrow and her friends happen on a treasure chest full of gold coins, they fail to heed the warnings of a wise old psych.
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le3lyntv · 8 months
Cloud Strife x Reader(oc): Part 2
Warnings: Bit of angst, fluff, maybe a bit suggestive? Idk, not proofread. I wrote this at 2am lol. I have school at 7am 🥲, part two of cloud strife x reader(oc)
Probly the longest fic I wrote lol, I'm dying;*;
Modern au| my au
Part 1
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As they were all in fighting stances, they couldn't help but glance at each other. Some of the enemies thought of attacking her friends, but they knew they didn't have time for that. She was under the control of her father, and the person Genesis, Zack, and Sephiroth. Her green eyes glow as her grip on the katana tightens, glaring at them as her eyes quickly scan the room and them as she looks for an opening. She grunts, running towards sephiroth as he blocks her by his sword from her hit of the katana. He knows how powerful she is if she really tried fighting. Which, unfortunately isn't the case right now.
Sighing deeply as she makes her way back home after a long day of restless training, her body sore and in pain from all the work cloud had put her in today. Whining softly when she falls flat on her bed, she shares a dorm room with Sephiroth, Genesis, Cloud, and Zack. Not the best combination for a guy group to be stuck with. Her body hurts in the worst ways one could ever dream of. There's a soft knock on the door, which makes her hum softly, letting them enter as her 'team' enters the room.
"Your father wants to see you."
She hums, already knowing who his voice is and who he is. Cloud strife. A close childhood friend of hers, and also her father's right-hand man.
"I can't get up...my body's numb..."
She speaks out, cheeks flushing from just how hot and sweaty her body feels. He sighs, shaking his head. He'd been a bit too aggressive on her recently, feeling guilty about it, and maybe he should treat her, a reward.
"I'm sure you can walk a bit more. You should also shower too. You smell."
He's teasing her, and she whines stuffing her face further into her pillows and screaming into them, which makes him jump a bit. He frowns. Yeah, he's definitely been too harsh on her. As she stops screaming, she gets up. It's not long before her head feels dizzy and too hot for her own liking. It just turned September, and a few locals have been getting the flu or fever. Her eyes are hooded as she tries breathing in deeply, her cheeks flushed red she's about to pass out before Cloud rushes over to her quickly making sure she doesn't hurt herself if she were to pass out on the floor. She grunts, her body laying limp in his arms as she tries to stay awake.
'I pushed her too hard... Did she have this fever during training....?'
He thinks to himself, worried for her health and self being. She grunts, turning her head away as she tries to stay awake, a soft smile on her lips which make him frown even deeper.
"Sorry... I've been sick for a while, I didn't think it would get this worse...."
She coughs, shuddering softly as she huddles herself further into his warmth. He quickly indulges her, keeping her warm, not wanting her to feel cold as he rests the back of his hand on her forehead, checking her temperature.
'It's warm... too warm, she has a fever..'
He thinks, now getting worried as he picks her up bridal style and lays her in bed, he pushed her too far. Letting his anger out on her, making him feel extremely guilty. The least he could do to redeem himself is take care of her when she needs it the most. She deserves rest, and someone being able to take care of her.
She grunts, her green eyes glaring at clouds bright blue eyes. There's a glint that he barely misses as he pushes her back, the weight of his sword almost making her lose balance as she yelps. It's not long before they finally manage to defeat her. Her body is limp against the floor as her eyes stay closed. Her eyebrows furrowed, lips turned into a straight line. Her ender necklace resting against her neck as it shines, a small glowing spirit light shines bright above her. It's a small fairy, a fairy that has kept her protected. They all watch as the small glowing fairy comes out of her necklace in awe, not knowing it had a little friend inside. Her eyes flutter open softly, her baby blue eyes returning once more. The fairy speaks in a language they can't understand, only she can as she speaks back.
"謝謝你,即使你沒能對我父親做任何事。 謝謝你讓我活著,我的朋友。"
It's a sacred language she was able to learn, and cloud also learned it too, so he understands everything they're saying. The fairy continues to glow in a bright light, almost blinding them. The fairy chirps at Ryo, returning its rightful place in the necklace as the light vanishes and almost like it was before the dark tames returns.
"I'm sorry...I didn't think he'd go this far..."
Her words are mumbled when she's pulled into an embrace, one that feels all too familiar. Her cheeks flush when she doesn't receive any words back. Sighing happily as she lays in her best friends arms, and maybe just maybe there's a hint of romance in between this fateful life they share.
AN: Just wanted to say, that was one of the longest fics I wrote in a while lol, it also feels weird to be back writing. I'm not used to posting on tunblr so here's part two😅 I didn't finish this on the same day I started writing. But I somehow managed to finish at 2am lol. Hopefully you guys enjoyed:), please send in some requests and I'll try my best:D
Have a wonderful day/night! <3
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horizon-verizon · 7 months
At the end of the day, Rhaenyra went down in history as a traitor and dismissed as nothing more than a usurper and a pretender. Even her own sons didn’t move a finger to give her a place as ruler of the Seven Kingdoms in history. In The World of Ice and Fire, Yandel doesn’t give Rhaenyra a chapter for her short-lived reign while he does give one to the similarly short-reigning Aegon II. In The Princess And The Queen, Maester Gyldayn exalts the Blacks and her children’s qualities (even the Velaryons) while still disliking her. And no other Targaryen that we know of has been called ‘Rhaenyra’ because the infamy she gained has tainted the name for future generations. Planning lavish feasts for herself and her son while King’s Landing suffered under her crippling taxes. A cartoonish villain with staggering, jaw-dropping incompetence and stupidity.
You: "At the end of the day, Rhaenyra went down in history as a traitor and dismissed as nothing more than a usurper and a pretender."
LINK AS ANSWER (merely one of many posts I wrote regarding biased maesters, unreliable narrators defined by misogyny and ambition; how Viserys failed her; men and women who wanted to seize power for themselves and used Rhaenyra's social disadvantages being a woman in a patriarchal world; etc.....each post is linked to another, earlier post regarding this topic)
You: "Even her own sons didn’t move a finger to give her a place as ruler of the Seven Kingdoms in history"
You: "In The World of Ice and Fire, Yandel doesn’t give Rhaenyra a chapter for her short-lived reign while he does give one to the similarly short-reigning Aegon II. In The Princess And The Queen, Maester Gyldayn exalts the Blacks and her children’s qualities (even the Velaryons) while still disliking her."
Other than me already giving the links to other posts above to my answers to these thoughts (bc you're just that unoriginal)...
that was decided by a group of mostly men who do not and never would have cared to inspect a woman's trials and tribulations, esp after seeing how they "reasoned" out Baela being Aegon III's heir by basically saying she is too disobedient and nonconforming of sexually-and-psychologically constraining gender norms used against women so men like these can more easily control them ("The Hooded Hand"):
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and clearly:
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All the reasons they listed out had more to do with how much of a hand they themselves could have in how the dynasty would look for their own interests rather than anything that reflects on Baela's character...which was actually very solutions and clever as well as brave and self-determined without being oppressive towards the little guy. Stuff very good in a ruler. Baela had all the makings of a good ruler...but she is passed over for superficial and sexist reasons hinting they wanted her to act "like a good girl". So that means that Rhaenyra was not hated or excluded from some lists of Westerosi rulers for her personality, not competency or performance as a ruler. She's excluded bc the maesters and lords and septons all agreed that they must maintain the primacy of male primogeniture.
Now Rhaenyra towards the end became a tyrant, but she wasn't always that way as I already said in many posts. Yes, she was already likely elitist but 1) this doesn't mark her as different from most everyone (nobles) around her, so why do people single her out esp when Alicent, Aemond, and Aegon all performed heinous deeds themselves unprovoked? 2) She became the worst version of herself after losing several things AND trying to "get her lick back" in trying for her throne.
In lieu of all these, it is very clear that the main problem Rhaenyra had & why she found so much trouble and tragedy just trying to become queen was bc people took advantage of the fact that she, as a woman, was not given the grace nor confidence of leadership as men get. Men like Maegor I, Jaehaerys I, Aegon the son of Aenys, Aenys I, Aegon IV, etc.
You: "And no other Targaryen that we know of has been called ‘Rhaenyra’ because the infamy she gained has tainted the name for future generations."
Basically already answered this.
You: "Planning lavish feasts for herself and her son while King’s Landing suffered under her crippling taxes."
LINK AS ANSWER (Scroll down to where I requote "Rhaenyra instead planned a lavish induction")
Also, Aegon built two golden statues...in wartime...this also took money.
You: "A cartoonish villain with staggering, jaw-dropping incompetence and stupidity."
Well, that honor more goes to Aemond, who literally decides to kill both grown men and children in the open yard of their former castle to make a point about his own strength and later takes one of their bastard relatives as his war prize/sex slave despite him killing another of their (alleged and who he thinks bc Harwin is told to be the parent) relatives for being a bastard...Lucerys. Also for not going down to fight with Criston when Criston advised him to join Daeron & the Hightower host, joining strengths so they could then retake KL. Aemond openly refused, saying he saw that as the "coward's" way and that he didn't want to share the glory with either of his brothers. So he just stayed back at Harrenhal with Alys until he flamed down several riverland towns and villages hoping to draw any black out to meet him in a "glorious" battle. Also, the same guy who got tricked easily by Daemon into leaving KL and making the greens lose KL.
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sisilafami · 5 months
Sexyy Red - Hood Hottest Princess & (Deluxe)
Veeze - Ganger
Babyface Ray - Summer's Mine
MarijuanaXO & Joe Pablo - 30 Mil No Deal
BabyDrill - MadMan
SME TaxFree - Standin On Bidness / Im Still Industreets / Just Like Brothers (w/Big Homie Dre Cash)
Lil Yachty - 2023 singles
BandGang Lonnie Bands - Bam Bam / Provisions / Can't Ban the Bandman 2
Wizz Havinn - Super Wizz / Super Wizz_ The Sequel
Paco Panama - The Wire Vol. 1 / The Matrix / Faces of the Hill (w/Deemuney)
Armand Hammer - We Buy Diabetic Test Strips
Niontay - Dontay's Inferno / Demon Muppy
ICYTWAT - Siddhi World (Deluxe) / Final Boss / HAVE MERCY ON US /G4ost 2 / 4 tha Troopz
youngfootsoldier - Life Of A Young Soldier / Most Wanted
LUCKI - s_x m_ney dr_gs
Tae Rackzz - Who is Ju
Smoke Chapo - Over The Counter (Deluxe)
Ken Carson - A Great Chaos
YTB Fatt - Who Is Fatt / Foxes Only
Ethan Uno - Bachata Jersey Youtubes 2023
Mariboy Mula Mar - Effortless / Bitty Breaker / No auto mar 2 / Mula ova errthing
2Sdxrt3all - FUCK SCHOOL / Stop Holdin Nuts / gotta be geeked
Mari Montana - Outstanding Member
Lil 2 Dow - 21 Gun Salute
RRB Duck - Half Man Half Dog / Back In Da K / Scrooge McDuck Vol 1 & 2
Glokk40Spaz - Took The Biggest Risk 
Baby Osamaa - Tank Girl
D30 - Sorry 2 My Fans / Trappers & Scammers
WifiGAWD - Been Bout It / BLOCK MUSIC
OsamaSon - Osama Season / Flex Musix
Mike - Burning Desire
TisaKorean - Let Me Update My Status
CEO Trayle - The Collection Vol. 2
Slimesito - Paid N Full / RSG
454 & SURF GANG - FAST 5
786 Ju - 786 Year
Akai Solo - Verticality/Singularity
Anycia - EXTRA
BabyK turnt - $tack Or Starve / Rich B4 A Deal
Bb Trickz - Trickstar
Bear1Boss - Lil hotsauce / GlacierGuru
Beatking - She Won't Leave Houston
Bigskiis - MR. Ouuweee Scusemee
Billy Woods - Maps
Bucky Malone - DERREN
Cash Cobain - Pretty Girls Love Slizzy / Slizzy Day
Chavo - Chavo's World 3
Che - Crueger / Closed Captions
Chloe Hotline - jouissancé
Chicken P - BussaBrick Vol.3 ReallyRich4eva / Ain’t Lost Shit
Dani Kiyoko - REAL $tREET RUNNA 3
DaeMoney - Slae Season 3
Dai Ballin - 844 pt.3 / 448 Pt. 2
Devstacks - Scriptures
Earl Sweatshirt - VOIR DIRE
El Cousteau - Dirty Harry
Funny $money - Dont Talk 2 Much, Vol. 2 / Trap Money (w/ Trap Baby)
HavinMotion - Bang Music
J Billz - Streetz Hottest Young'n
Ju Swipin - #786FreeBro
L5 - Blood on switch st
Lil Gray - Swipe Renaissance
Lil Tony Official - TKEY / Chasin Pape deluxe (w/PCF Jaey)
Lilqua 50 - Only For The Fans
Los - War On Drugs 2
Lucille Ghatti - BLACK BALLED
ManMan Savage - For Players Only
Moh Baretta - Unorthodox
NBA YoungBoy - Don't Try This At Home
NeedNoName - All Off Backendz 2 Deluxe
Popstar Benny - University!
Raised Round Bosses - Ain't NuN Better Den A Cracking Phone Vol 2
Reace Sosa - Till I Touch The Ground Again
RealYungPhil - Victory Music
Reed - Downtown Chronicles
Rob Lee - Level Up
Rx Papi - Marlo
Rylo Rodriguez - Been One
SCY Jimm - Trench Baby / Highly Favored
Sérane - SGPM
Shaudy Kash - On The Yeah Side 2
SparkHeem - Survivors Guilt
Starlito - LOVE DRUG
Subiibabii - Subiworld / swagg school / WEBB
Super Throwed Dave - Smacking Fire
Talinwya - BiRDMAN & Deluxe
Teeglazedit - The Blueprint
TrapKane - Free My Team
Yung Threat - Se Grim Reaper
Vayda - breeze
Wiki - 14K Figaro
Contemporary : 
Lionel Marchetti - MÉANDRE(S)
Eva-Maria Houben - Toccata et Fuga (celebrating our disorientation)
Ayami Suzuki & Leo Okagawa - while it's warm
Graham Lambkin - No Better No Worse Vol 3
Stephen Yip - By Moonflowers
Jim O'Rourke - Steamroom 61
Atte Elias Kantonen - a path with a name
Natasha Barrett - Reconfiguring the Landscape
Action Pyramid & Jack Greenhalgh - Mardle: Daily Rhythms of a Pond
Véhicule - Aubusson
Antoine Beuger & Anastassis Philippakopoulos - floating by
Mordecoli - Château Mordécoly
Jana Winderen - The Blue Beyond
Kate Carr - on cabbages, salt, bacteria and transformations
MP Hopkins - Misting
Maddalena Comunale Massaro - La Religione Degli Insetti
Zizia - Genera
Sunik Kim - Potential
DDK Trio - A Right to Silence
Damon Smith, Louis Wall & NNN Cook - Fire Point
David Velez - Beta Vulgaris
Digital Beats :
Chuquimamani-Condori - DJ E
Ghost Notes Worldwide with billdifferen_ Funk Special mix 24/08/2023
Nidia - 95 MINDJERES
Tropa do Bruxo - Baile do Bruxo (DELUXE)
Dj Nigga Fox - Gás Natural 2 (Dedicação ao Nagrelha)
Nondi_ - Flood City Trax
Olof Dreijer - Rosa Rugosa EP
DJ Manny - Hypnotized
Maryyx2 - Silent Noise (The Album)
Speaker Music - Techxodus
Emma DJ - g0drm2
DJ Smiley Bobby - Dhol Tasha Drum Exercises from Maharashtra
Dj Wesley Gonzaga - Antidepressivo
Amaarae - Fountain Baby
Brent Faiyaz - Larger Than Life
Lucille Ghatti - Tears from a clown
Jim Legxacy - homeless n_gga pop music
Vontee the Singer - LOVERS & FRIENDS
Other stuff: 
John T. Gast - SINEAD MEMORY TAPE (2015)
Canva6 - Cco2
Model Home - endless spool / SMMR MMRY / 20 / JuJu MineField
Matana Roberts - Coin Coin Chapter Five_ In the garden
Nourished by Time - Erotic Probiotic 2
Jeff Tobias - Music from Milky Way Underground
Aprxel - tapetumlucidum_3
Fever Ray - Radical Romantics
Rắn Cạp Đuôi - *1
Sbatax - Spires
NewJeans - Get Up
Babsy Konate - Tounga
New old :
Black Rob - Life Story 2
Don Cherry & Jean Schwarz - Roundtrip (1977) (Live)
Hiroyuki Onogawa - August in the Water- Music for Film 1995-2005
Jon Hassell - Further Fictions [Rec. 1989]
Lil Kev - Lil Kev Mix 04-18-12 (Full Mixtape) (youtube)
Main Source - The Science
Various Artists - Unruly Records Anthology - 1991-1995 (The Early Years)
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brokehorrorfan · 11 months
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Lionsgate will release five horror Steelbook Blu-ray sets exclusively at Walmart on September 12: Rob Zombie's Halloween set, Firefly Trilogy, Blair Witch set, Leprechaun collection, and Saw collection.
Priced at $24.96, Rob Zombie's Halloween double feature includes 2007's Halloween and 2009's Halloween II.
Priced at $30.40, Rob Zombie's Firefly Trilogy includes 2002's House of 1000 Corpses, 2005's The Devil’s Rejects, and 2019's 3 from Hell.
Priced at $24.96, the Blair Witch double feature includes 1999's The Blair Witch Project and 2016's Blair Witch.
Priced at $43.30, the Leprechaun collection includes 1993's Leprechaun, 1994's Leprechaun 2, 1995's Leprechaun 3, 1997's Leprechaun 4: In Space, 2000's Leprechaun in the Hood, 2003's Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood, 2014's Leprechaun: Origins, and 2018's Leprechaun Returns.
Priced at $43.30, the Saw collection features 2004's Saw, 2005's Saw II, 2006's Saw III, 2007's Saw IV, 2008's Saw V, 2009's Saw VI, 2010's Saw: The Final Chapter, and 2017's Jigsaw.
Designed by Bond, the full Steelbook artwork for each release can be found below. Existing special features will be included.
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It is, once again, 15 February and that means it's Evil Author Day!
(For those who don't know, this is the day every year that authors share snippets of WIP with no guarantee that they will ever be completed.)
Read at your own risk. DO NOT ask for more.
#1 Untitled Severus Snape/Sirius Black (This isn't set in PC 'verse.)
"I," Sirius gritted out, his gray eyes as hard as diamonds, "am nothing like my family."
Severus sneered, "Keep telling yourself that, Black, and you'll be an even better liar than the Dark Lord."
For the second time, Sirius reeled back and flinched.
"You want a chance to prove me wrong? Fine, Snape," Sirius spat, something thick and haunted in his voice, "why were you studying the Dark Arts, then? What possible reason could you have--?"
"--for learning the counter curses listed in the book, right beneath the curses almost every pureblood in Slytherin grew up learning?" Severus interrupted with a sneer. "I wonder, Black, what possible reason a poor, pathetic half-blood with a Muggle for a father might have to be studying such a book."
Sirius paled whiter than a Malfoy.
"Sod off, Black," Severus spat his name, "back to your little posse of people with perfect little lives and play happy families with them. Some of us don't have that luxury."
#2 Untitled Batman fandom
No matter how Dick Grayson shifts, the Nightwing costume chafes. It's been over 100 degrees all week. Even though it's midnight now, the concrete and steel and glass of Gotham City still radiate the heat absorbed throughout the daylight hours.
He's scrolling on his phone, leaning against a gargoyle in The Bowery. Because, and this is worrying on some level -- someone with power must be planning something huge if the small fries aren't even out and about -- he's bored.
Dick's been on patrol for over two hours now and he hasn't run into a single crime. It's almost ... relaxing.
Which is never how someone should feel while covering Red Hood's patrol route while Jason Todd is injured.
Dick's thumb freezes in his scrolling. He blinks. Blinks again. Lifts the white-outs of his domino mask to be sure. Blinks yet again.
"What the hell?"
His thumb is hovering over an article that's going viral online. The headline is: Police Arrest Superman.
#3 Untitled Batfam
"No comment," Dick replied, not even glancing up from his phone.
Ah, the conversation hadn't gone particularly well, it seemed. Either that, or Jason had asked Dick not to share whatever his response was. It was difficult to keep from pressing, but Bruce managed it. It might have taken years, but he had finally reached a good balance between knowing everything about his children and allowing them privacy at the same time.
"Is it over yet?" Tim asked, staring out the window.
"Not unless you have a time travel device in those trousers, Timmy," Dick teased.
Bruce frowned when Dick and Tim turned to face each other, a mischievous look in their eyes. "No, we're not using a time travel device to skip past the auction," Bruce admonished.
Tim huffed.
"Killjoy," Dick muttered.
#4 Untitled Jason Todd/Tim Drake
That was ... flattering.
Tim had received more than his fair share of odd compliments in his life, usually from business partners wanting a better deal from the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, or from a socialite trying to crawl their way into his bed, and so on. But this one, coming from someone like The Red Hood, had more impact than all the frivolous ones did combined.
"And I think it's admirable you stick to your rules," Tim stated, because it was admirable.
Most vigilantes, crime lords, whatever Hood technically counted as--the answer was both--changed their moods on the flip of a coin, redrew their lines in the sand as easily as breathing. But Tim had never once heard of The Red Hood doing that. His lines were drawn in cement, not sand, and everyone could count on him to abide by them at the end of the day. It was comforting, that steadiness, because there wasn't much in Tim's life that was consistent.
#5 Untitled Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd
It felt like Jason had been punched in the gut by someone wearing brass knuckles. The breath whooshed out of him. He ... he hadn't expected that.
"Why ... why didn't you...?" Jason couldn't even get the words out as he struggled to process what Bruce was saying.
Jason would never get to be a vigilante, never get to be a side kick, never get to be a hero. All the time he had spent thinking of names for his alter ego, all the time he spent surreptitiously designing costumes in a sketch pad with his abysmal art skills were for nothing. Because Bruce never intended to let Jason join him out on patrol.
"It's important that you learn how to protect yourself," B said, squeezing Jason's shoulder comfortingly.
So this ... all this time B was giving him fancy self-defense lessons with no intention of letting Jason fly through the Gotham skyline? It was ... what?
"Then why?" Jason demanded, tears in his eyes. Why did B silently dangle that possibility in front of him all this time if it wasn't even on the table as an option in the first place?
"You're my son, Jason," Bruce said, crouching down to look Jason in the eyes. "And that means you'll be a target for abductors. I want you to be as safe as possible."
#6 Untitled Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (This is not set in PC 'verse.)
Harry Potter shifted into his Animagus form with a smirk on his face. It became wily and menacing as he sprouted a muzzle with ebony fur and needle-like teeth. With a nudge of his snout against the emerald and platinum collar on the floor, it magically appeared around his neck.
His boyfriend, while a right prat and a total snob, was the best.
Of all the places his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in particular, would look for him when he was missing -- was it really too much to ask for a few hours to himself without being interrogated about his whereabouts?! -- they were never going to check to see if he was hanging out with the Slytherins.
To be fair, they didn't have all the information.
He hadn't told them that Sirius had taught him the Animagus Transformation. And, obviously, he hadn't told them he was dating Draco Malfoy either.
It didn't have a single thing to do with him being ashamed of dating a Slytherin. Harry wasn't ashamed. Harry was a Slytherin. He was just hiding out in the lion's tower, like a snake in lion hide.
What he wasn't okay with was the furor that would result if his relationship got out. Harry was sick and tired of being on the cover of every publication in the wizarding world.
Him being in a committed relationship with a pureblood heir, a Malfoy, the son of Voldemort's Right Hand? Yeah, no. He'd pass on that thanks.
Just imagining the headlines made him nauseous.
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