#Calling Teen Titans
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Art Credit to W. Scott Forbes
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foolsocracy · 27 days
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identity reveals are always fun
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milesofstars · 12 days
dick grayson in fanon: sweet silly older brother, pretty but stupid, favourite child, happy robin, basically batman 2.0 but a nice person, his brothers are more skilled and could outpace him but they love him anyways, goody-two-shoes, good relationship with batman, responsible eldest child, mentally stable and supportive
dick grayson in canon:
became robin so he wouldnt commit first degree murder
like all of his appearances young justice season 1 are about how hes a maniac and a genius
leader and strategist of the teen titans
actually Murdered the joker
considered an equal by the worlds most dangerous and deadly mercenary
was literally fired by batman and only really continued working w him because of jason and babs
managed to keep up with angsty new-to-the-job batman
has had so many arguments with bruce its a miracle he hasnt cut him off forever (hes tried though)
can take down the entire teen titans if he wanted despite being the only one of them with no superpowers/abilities
was the definition of angsty teenager
inherits his insane paranoia from bruce
a thread away from breaking the no-kill rule, give him a rest
hes literally feral guys i mean cmon
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Aw, no. No, sweetie, no.
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Garth. Baby boy. You are so stupid. Incredibly sweet but stupid. I can guarantee you that Roy would be better with an absentee Oliver Queen then he would be with RUDY AND MARY WEST.
Whooooo boy. This isn't- this isn't even, like, a writer just not knowing Wally's lore or whatever, this is MARK FUCKING WAID writing this. Do you comprehend what that means?? DO YOU?!?
That man in that kitchen is two seconds away at all times from going full Ted Bundy. I'm not even fucking joking. It is so insane how much I am not joking.
Wally's father is dangerous. He ran a work camp for children and planned on using land mines on them! He sold his son to a death cult!!! He hired a hitman to kill his wife!!!!!
But he's also really fucking good at playing the part of the 'normal suburban Dad' and that's what Waid is showing REALLY FUCKING WELL HERE. Rudy is playing his part and he's playing it well. Don't think I didn't notice Rudy dropping the coffee pot in front of Wally and fucking smirking when it 'magically' popped back up on the counter. This is a man who knows about his son's powers and is playing along. This man is a problem.
And I'm super excited to see how Waid plans for this story to progress.
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alexandriaellisart · 2 months
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robraeinnevermore · 2 months
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he started as a joke but now he can’t stop
(pt 2 I guess)
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mylifeingotham · 3 months
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heroesriseandfall · 9 months
The more time that passes since Dick stopped wearing his original Robin costume and Vic and Roy still call him “short pants,” the funnier it gets.
Here is the last time Vic got to call Dick short pants while he was still in “short pants”:
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New Teen Titans Vol. 1 #39 (Feb 1984) — even in this same issue it’s shown as a leotard, not literal shorts, yet the nickname remains!
But Vic doesn’t let the fully-leg-covering Nightwing suits stop him (and neither does Roy):
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New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #37 (Nov 1987) — IRL almost 4 years since Dick became Nightwing, in-universe at least over 1 year
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Titans Vol. 1 #1 (Mar 1999) — IRL 15 years since Dick became Nightwing, in-universe ~3-4 years later
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Titans Vol. 2 #44 (Oct 2002) — IRL over 18 years since Dick became Nightwing, in-universe ~5 years later
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Titans East Special #1 (Jan 2008) — IRL almost 24 years later, in-universe over 6 years later
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Titans Vol. 2 #7 (Jan 2009) — IRL almost 25 years later, in-universe over 6 years later
This is what you lose when you try to pretend Dick had pants as Robin :(
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Titans Vol. 4 #2 (Aug 2023) —these pants are a lie! they should just keep calling him short pants. to be fun and silly, because I like it.
Other characters have called him it before, too, but I couldn’t find any of the rest of them continuing to do it years later. Also if anyone can find more panels calling Nightwing “short pants,” please do share because I find them very amusing.
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
Started reading the NTT comics after reading some of your posts about the titans and wow. I finally see how different they are from comics of today. People were not exaggerating when they said their characterizations and relationships were significantly altered
im so glad i inspired u to read ntt!! it’s a foundational series for a reason. marv wolfman is by no means an incredible writer (his terry long crimes shall never be forgiven) and his depictions of wally and dick can be…… questionable, but like u said — when ntt is so influential in modern comics, it sure doesn’t seem like most modern writers have actually read it. raven is a functionally different character in every capacity and only exists to be gar’s goth girlfriend (a dynamic that does not exist in the comics). joey is literally never mentioned. the group dynamics are all wrong. kory + dick are essentially black listed. i miss them!!
the 90s titans series are also worth a read cause there’s a lot more fab 5 interactions, and even then it becomes very stark that so many of their relationships are just fucking absent in the 2020s. where’s the dick+roy+donna trio? roy harpers army of children? wally “wifeguy” west? donnas actual relationships with kyle and cassie and the amazons? garths complicated feelings about fatherhood? it’s such a bummer!
the core 4 generation has it worse in terms of visibility, obviously, but id say that the og titans are so transparently different from where they started that it makes me sad. i want them to hang out and maybe kiss
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hood-ex · 5 months
I just know Dick was scared out of his mind when Tim called up the Outsiders all crying and bloody. He still had Donna and Lilith's deaths festering inside of him, and now Tim was distressed and crying out for him, and all he could probably think was please don't take Tim from me too.
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Art Credit to Chris Samnee
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ghurab-alzilal · 6 days
Batman, on the phone, ascertaining how Damian is doing in his first week with the Titans : Hi, Robin, what are you doing?
Raven, panting : Ahm... Your son is busy...
Batman: How? Who are you? What is my child doing?
Raven, with suffocated voice : Well... Your son is on top of me right now.
Batman: *internal panic screams *
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madcapberry · 2 months
Great Frog is such an accurate indie band name. I feel like the writers were trying to come up with a really silly name and maybe it was actually ridiculous for the time but this could be the name of a local band from my midwestern hometown 100%
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ivymess · 8 months
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when 💖 there’s 👽 trouble 🗡️
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covertblizzard · 3 months
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Such assholes I love them
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artbychromo · 2 years
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briefly came down with a case of "loving the OTP you had in 5th grade"... absolutely wild that it's been almost 2 decades 🙃
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