#Cereal Milk Latte
quotes-clinic · 1 year
15 Easy and Delicious Cereal Recipes to Start Your Day
Are you tired of the same old breakfast every day? Look no further than cereal! Not only is it a quick and easy meal, but it’s also versatile and can be used in a variety of recipes. From sweet to savory, there’s a cereal recipe for everyone. In this article, we’ll share 15 delicious and easy cereal recipes to help you start your day off right. 15 Easy and Delicious Cereal Recipes 1. Homemade…
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silver-survey · 5 months
The definitive poll
Feel free to suggest any poll you would like to see via chat or comment or ask :)
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dollelujah · 1 year
incredibly serious about that last post, I made this video about an hour ago for my accutane-centric tiktok account- I end most videos with whatever lip balm I'm using that day
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
i got here yesterday and didn't go shopping today and ngl. the milk withdrawal symptoms are starting to show
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icarusredwings · 22 days
What things smell like according to Logan Howlett/ The Wolverine. A series of smell based headcanons. Do with these whatever you want :)
Ororo: burnt marshmellows, rain, chunky chocolate chip cookies, protien shakes, spansih rice, chillies, and cocoa butter. She always smells great.
Scott: cucumber shampoo, the remaints of a bonfire the next day, fresh dry cleaning, axe shower gel, lavender sheets
Jean: caramel latte, lavender sheets, vanilla spiced chai, books, mint ice cream, fruit smoothies, stinky hair product, lemon poppy seed muffins, sassafras
Hank: Books, sanatizer, various chemicals, a very specifc fur dander, kinda musky but in a 'im covered in fur and sweaty' kind of way.
Rouge: "Dolly Parton", brick and concrete dust, cherry blossoms body spray, freshly engraved wood, strawberries and milk conditioner, spicy gaucamole and freshly sizzled sausages.
Gambit: tv static, a fresh deck of cards at the casino, spicy jumbo, gin, lime jello, hair gel, "suprisingly good actually"
Kurt: brimstone, smoke from franckinsense, myrrh, a less smelling dander then hank, Holy chrism oil (olive oil and Balsam made by catholic priests), metal, and blue raspberry. Fur/ beard pomade sometimes for special ocassions.
Morph: even when changed he can smell is sandlewood shampoo, he smells like how "Jack Outta smell", latex, pine and cedar, clear nail polish, "that ugly quilt that your grandma kept on the back of her couch that was the warmest, softest thing you've ever slept with."
Charles: Old man fart, metal, chalk, shoe polish, nutmeg, wool, "a trusting hug", books, mahogany, expensive champagne.
Laura: "teen spirit", a shitty cheap "girl power" deodorant that doesn't do well hiding the sweat, apples and peaches, kinda woodsy.
Wade: Cancer, gun smoke, citrus dish soap, blood, oranges, taco sauce, infected skin once in awhile, red dye 40, slight over cooked and crispy apple pie, sugary cereal
Puppins: wet dog, dog dander, oatmeal senstive skin puppy shampoo, chicken, "the dirtest trash she can find to roll in on her walk"
Althea: Old lady, way too strong perfumes, butter biscuits, tea, peppermint candies, more cocaine, "baby powder", lanvender linens, cotton and daisy's Landry detergent.
Big/serious lies: smell like Gasoline and salty sand near the sea.
Small fibs/playful/ teasing lies: smell like Anise
Lies with decent intentions/are bent truths: smell like honey
Those two are easily mixed up.
Innocent (the person truly believes it. Ex. A child saying dinos are real) truth: smells like thick vanilla creamer.
Filling, whole truths (the person knows for a fact its a truth) smells: like fresh baked rolls/buns
Cancer smells vary like: urine, nail polish remover, some people have a pungent semi sweet smell like rotting fruit, and tar is another smell, depending on which part of the body. If already in late stages, one can smell like cadavers. Even spicy almost.
Pregnant people vary in scent but he can smell the rise of different hormones: Some hormones sweeter then other. If you asked him he would say cinnamon or dying roses. If you're later in your term the scents are more soft like lotion or custard. Lemon ussually.
Serotonin; cheese, lemon cakes, fruity, a bit light, and flakey like a pastry. Marshmellow fluff.
Dopamine; sweet fresh coffee, doritos(?), cocaine. Don't ask why he knows what cocaine smells like. He was alive during coke cocaine.
Endorphins; Sweaty Sex, mint, dark chocolate, violets, chemicals, varies by persons pheromones
Oxytocin; "playful cherries", freshly washed cotton pillows, the warmth of a bath, skin on skin hugs, strawberries
Joy/relaxation/relief: Jasmine, vanilla sugar cookies, fresh soup.
Anger/disapproval/hurt: smoke, the back end of a cigarette, spicy curry, iron, blood, "spoiled raw chicken left out too long"
Fear/excitment/anxiousness: Adrenaline smells like oil, paint, salty pretzels almost.
Tears: Oceans, lillies, fresh water lakes
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chaengluva · 6 months
Massive Deal [4]
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Regina George X Fem!Reader: 3.9k words: Part 4: Chapter Index
Themes of Janis I'mi'ike x Fem!Reader
Things start to heat up after this chapter, end is kind of boring but I hope you like it! Longest Part yet!
It was finally the day you have been having mixed feelings about all week, It was Friday and you didn’t know whether you were excited for the party or you just wanted to find out why Regina would invite you, I mean, you have never interacted with her, she has never looked you way and suddenly she is inviting you to her party. The whole situation was confusing and you decided to not think about it until after school because you have a chemistry exam today, a group task, you didn’t know the groups until you got there, you just prayed you wouldn’t be with Janis because she still wasn’t talking to you, even though it’s almost been over a week. 
You decided just to wear something comfortable, throwing on whatever you could find out of your closet, you ended up wearing some grey baggy tracksuit pants and a blue singlet, shrugging your shoulders and walking down stairs to get some breakfast, Grtechen walked downstairs with the biggest smile on her face, you looked at her with a smirk, pouring the cereal into your bowl. “What made you so happy?” you ask, she didn’t answer, she just opened the fridge and grabbed some milk, making herself an iced latte, “Gretchen!” You said loudly, making the girl jump and look up. 
She Didn’t say anything for a few seconds, it took her a while for her to finally realise what you asked her, “It’s none of your business.” You roll your eyes, starting to eat your dry cereal because she had the last of the milk, “So you can ask be questions but I can’t ask you anything,” Sitting down at the table, you look at her with an annoyed expression, the brunette giggles, nodding her head, “Yes, because I’m older.”  She said with a smug look on her face, her answer made you roll your eyes.
Gretchen's eyes shot up when she heard the loud honk of Regina’s car, she started to leave but then she looked back, “You coming?” You were about to shake your head but then you felt your phone vibrate, you looked down and saw it was a message from Bella, opening it assuming it was her saying she was on her way but she was actually saying that she won’t be coming because she was sick. So you not your head at Gretchen, she slightly smirks and waits for you to leave so she can close the door behind. 
Everytime you see the girls drive, Grtetchen was always in the passenger seat, so you move to sit in the back seat on the opposite side of Karen but Gretchen beats you to it, you spend a few seconds looking at the car in confusion, you didn’t know whether Greatchen was going to move over or you could sit in the front so you just awkwardly stood there and waited for something to happen. Regina was getting annoyed, she turned around to make eye contact with you and said, “Get in, Loser.”
You put your hand over the back door handle and she shakes her head rapidly, “God no, sit in the front.” You don’t bother arguing with the Queen Bee, so you just nod and quickly walk around the car and hop in the front seat. When you were pulling up into the parking lot, you saw Janis and Damien get out of the bus, your heart stopped beating and you just prayed they wouldn’t see you. They were crossing the road as Regina was about to park, she beeped the horn which made them look at the car, Janis made eye contact with you and you have never seen her this mad before, you gulped and drank some water, hoping it would make you feel better. 
Spoiler Alert, it didn’t and you spent the whole day worrying about you and Janis, luckily, you weren’t paired with her in the chemistry assessment but you were paired with some himbo who never shows up to class and had no idea what he was doing so you had to do all the work, a part of you wanted to speak to the teacher about it because it would be unfair if the both of you got the same grade but then the other part didn’t want to be that bitch. The whole day went extremely quickly, and you were just getting more and more nervous for this party. Luckily for you, your sister is plastic and she promised to help you get ready. 
Gretchen kept to her promise, she started helping you get ready the second she got home, she was so excited for you to go to your first high school party, she got you a new outfit and everything, it was quite revealing, it was shorter than the dress she got you for the date with Oliver, but you felt pretty, you were starting to feel less nervous and more excited for the party, and Grtechen was very excited for you, she decided to take you a little earlier because she needed to help Regina set up.
When you got to her house, no one was there because it was way too early. Regina's mom was getting drinks and putting speakers around the house. You felt a little awkward as the only people currently there were people really close with Regina, people like Karen, Gretchen of course and Aaron Samules.
A few hours later, people finally started showing up, the music was loud and there were a lot of people. You felt slightly overwhelmed but everything else was okay. The only bad thing was Oliver never showed up, which made you look really bad to Regina, but she didn’t seem to mind.
“Let’s play truth or dare!” Someone yelled, a few people came around, sitting down in a circle in Regina’s backyard. There was Regina, Karen, Gretchen, Aaron, and a few others that you can’t remember because you were slightly intoxicated. “Regina!” Karen exclaimed first, the people turned to look at the blonde and back at Karen, waiting for her to speak up, “I dare you to take your shirt off.” 
Regina didn’t even hesitate, she took it off and exposed her black lace bra. You tried your hardest not to stare because you were loyal to Janis but they were right in front of your face, How could you not? “Y/n.” You heard the thick harsh voice of the Queen Bee, you looked up, the tall blonde girl licked her lips, “I dare you to kiss Aaron.” There was a moment of silence in the group of people, you nervously played with your fingers, “Uh..” 
Regina pulled her chin up to make you look into her eyes, turning your face to the side so you could face Aaron. “Oliver isn’t here, It’s all okay.” 
Before you could say anything, you felt his lips on yours, and a gasp from a few people and the sound of someone taking a picture, you pushed him off and looked towards where that sound came from, you saw jessica, who was giggling and your heart dropped and you started to breath heavily, you stood up, leaving and didn’t hear what went on after you left. 
“Oh my god! Delete that!” Gretchen yelled, Jessica rolled her eyes and shook her head, “No way,” She stopped laughing when she felt the blondes glare on her, nervously, she looked up, when she made eye contact with Regina, goosebumps formed on her arms and her blood ran cold. “Leave.”
That was all she had to say for Jessica to run up and leave.
You were currently in a taxi, you asked for him to take you to Janis’ house, hoping to break the ice between the two of you, and to tell her what happened at the party.
You knocked on her door, she opened not long after and she looked mad, “Janis.” You start but the other girl cuts you off, “Save it. I know what you did.” You looked at the shorter girl with a look of confusion, before asking, “What do you mean?” Janis rolled her eyes, taking her phone out and showing you the picture of you and Aaron kissing.
“No, Janis, He kissed me!” You yelled, defending yourself but Janis rolled her eyes again, “Save it. I knew you were just pretending to be lesbian, I mean, look at you.” You looked at her in shock, tears were fighting to fall out of your eyes, you wanted to say something but Janis beat you to it, “I guess it’s just because you’re no better than your sister.”
You didn’t even want to defend yourself, you felt hurt by her words, you just stood there and looked at her with tears in your eyes. “I’m not even mad about you cheating, I’m mad about the fact that you lied to me.” You were surprised, you thought she was mad, even though you didn’t cheat and you weren’t lying, if you were her, you would be mad about the kiss.
“First of all, I didn’t cheat.” Janis rolled her eyes which made your blood boil, “Second of all, Why aren’t you mad?” 
Janis opened her mouth to say something but then you heard another voice coming from inside her house, “Baby? Who is at the door?”
You stayed in your spot, staring at Janis and her in pure shock, stepping back in shock when you saw the face of the girl standing in Janis' house, you see the girl you thought was your best friend, the girl you spent your childhood with, one of the only people that knew about your relationship with Janis was there, in her house, calling her baby.
"Bella?" You ask, tears forming in your eyes, you reach up to wipe, you used to feel hurt from Janis but know you only feel pain from Bella, you made eye contact with her and you couldn't even see a slight look of regret on her face in fact, she had a smug look on her face.
You turned around, crying your eyes out, you reached into your bag, looking at it for a second but then you realised you didn't want to go come, you just wanted some time alone, so you put it back inside. 
You walked for 30 minutes and you had no Idea where you were walking, you found a park and sat down, no one was out of their house because it was quite late, you felt a vibration from your bag, reaching inside and pulling it out, frowning when you saw the text from Oliver. You had so many questions.
Oli: Sorry I couldn’t come, I was at the hospital, I still am but it’s all good.
Y/n: Oh my god?? Are you okay? What happened
Oli: I’m fine! You should visit me later, I can tell you everything
Y/n: Okay! I’ll come later, I also have a lot of things to talk about
You put your phone away and realise that you should head home, you still feel sad but you were sure everyone in the house was asleep so you could sneak past and cry yourself to sleep  in your room.
You called a taxi, you prayed that it was one of those people who didn't say anything for the whole drive because you didn’t feel like speaking at all. Luckily, he didn’t speak much, probably because he could tell you were having a rough night.
You quietly walked inside the house and luckily, no one was awake. You walk into your room, changing into something more comfy, you barely had any energy left inside, as soon as you changed into something, you flopped into bed, pulling the covers over you and closing your eyes.
Not even a minute later, you heard the door open, you quickly wiped your eyes but you stopped once you saw Gretchen. “Y/n.” She said, walking in and sitting at the end of the bed, “Are you crying about Jessica? Trust me, Regina made sure she won’t be at any other parties.” 
You shook your head as the tears continued to fall, Gretchen gave you a puzzled look before reaching into hold your hand, “Then what is wrong?” She asks, you sit up and look in her eyes, “Relationship issues.” Was all you said and the brunette gasps, “Oh my god! Did Oliver do something, I will put that guy in hospital .”
You smile for the first time in hours, shaking your head and returning back to the sad and trapped feeling you have been experiencing, “No, I was actually never dating him.” You say as you feel more tears coming though, Gretchen sighs, gently squeezing your hands and leaning closer, “Y/n, whoever it was, he doesn’t deserve you.”
You shake your head, you knew she didn’t know that’s why she said “He.” But it still hurts to hear and it made you cry more, which made you shake your head. “Don’t cry! He’s not worth it.” You make eye contact with her and you haven’t seen her like this before, “It wasn’t a guy, It was a girl, I’m gay.”
Her hands were still holding yours, and you felt her hold onto them tighter, “Oh..Y/n.” She gasped, pulling you in for a tighter hug, “Gretchen, I’m so scared, I hate this I just wish I was normal.” You exclaim while sobbing and Grtechen swore her heart broke, “Y/n please don’t say that, you deserve to be loved just as much as anyone, and if that love is from a girl, then I don’t mind.” 
You tighten your grip on her and stay in silence for a little bit, you wanted to speak but you didn’t know what to say, so Grtechen spoke instead, “Does anyone else know?” You nod your head in response, “Bella.” Grtechen smiles, “Well I’m sure she has been a good friend about it.” You start to cry again, getting flashbacks of that feeling, “Y/n?” Grtechen says, slightly confused.
“She was.” You start, taking a deep breath to stop the tears from coming through, “But then I found out that the girl I was seeing was cheating and It was her, and she knew we were dating.” Grtechens face went from sympathetic to extremely mad, “Who was your girlfriend?” She asks with pure hatred in her voice, “Janis.”
She stands up, looking as if she was going to beat someone up, resting on her face but before she could move anywhere, you pulled her back down, “Please don’t do anything, Can you just say with me.”
You saw how her face softened up and she nodded, hopping in bed next to you and comforting you as you fell asleep. When you woke up, Grtehcen was still asleep, you reached out to grab your phone and say it was around midday, you sighed and decided that it would be a perfect time to visit Oliver. 
You get changed and head off on your bike to the hospital, you were very curious as to why he was in there, you go to the reputation and tell them his name, they start typing away on their computer and after a few minutes, they shake their head, you were confused because you thought this was the hospital he told you. 
You pull out your phone, ready to text him but before you could type anything, you hear him call out your name, “Dino!” 
You turn and smile at him, walking to him and giving him a hug, you were confused and Oliver could sense this so he jumped in before you could ask anything, “I was here because of my mom.” You nod your head, “Oh my god is she okay?” You gasp, “Yeah, she just broke her leg.” He says. You hit him in the stomach, you roll your eyes and say “You made it seem like you were in hospital.” 
Oliver giggled for a few seconds then looked into your eyes as he started to slowly stop, “You said there was something you wanted to tell me.” 
Oh shit you forgot you told him that, you were okay now that you spoke to Gretchen and you weren’t in the mood to let more people know so you shake your head, “I’m okay now.” he nods, grabbing your hand and taking you out for a walk to the park. 
While you were at the park you could see him scrolling on his phone and laughing, you were confused with what he was laughing so much about so you glance over at his phone and see instagram. “What are you laughing about?” You ask, he turns to look at you and gaps, ‘You don’t know? Someone made a North Shore Memes account.”
He shows you the phone and a meme that only people that go to North Shore would understand, you giggle and look up the account on your phone, “Oh they added a new story!” You exclaim, pressing the profile picture with a smile on your face, your heart rate started to increase as you read the white text placed on the all black background.
“Y/n Wieners Is a Lesbian.”
You’re heartbroken. There are only three people in the school who have known this before, and those are Bella, Gretchen, and Janis. You felt arms wrap around you, pulling you in for a hug. You wanted to push them away, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. You were feeling too heartbroken.
He whispers soft things in your ear, telling you everything is going to be okay and he is here for you. Shaking your head, you stand up and walk back to the hospital; you get on your bike and head to Bella’s house; you knock on the door; and you don’t stop knocking until she answers.
You shove the phone in her face; she looks confused and surprised. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” She asks, and you roll your eyes, knowing she is avoiding your point. "Did you post this?" You ask, and she quickly shakes her head, stepping back as you step closer. 
"I don't believe you."  You say, Bella, grab your hand, but you quickly pull it away, looking at her in shock, turning around to leave because you were sick of her behaviour. She rapidly shakes her head in self defence. "Y/N, you need to trust me." She says you turn to make eye contact with her, showing betrayal and hurt in your expression as you step closer to her.
"I trusted you before, Bella," you say, your voice filled with disappointment. "But you keep lying to me." Bella's eyes widen with realisation, and she reaches out to grab your arm. "Please, Y/N, I swear I didn't do it," she pleads, her voice cracking with emotion. You pause, torn between wanting to believe her and the nagging doubt in the back of your mind. "I need some time to think," you finally say, pulling away from her grasp and walking away, leaving Bella standing there, looking heartbroken but with a hint of hope in her eyes.
"Acutally, fuck that; I don't want you in my life." You say, walking away, that you slammed the door behind you, leaving Bella there. As you ride away from Bella's house, all the memories come flashing back to you, and tears fall down your eyes as you think back on your friendship.
You mainly remember the days when you and Bella were inseparable as kids, playing in the backyard and sharing secrets under the stars. It's hard to believe that things have come to this, with doubts clouding your once unbreakable bond. But as you ride away, you can't shake the feeling that maybe it's time to let go and move on from the past.
But there was a certain memory that remained in your brain, and it hurt the most to think about.
It was the day you came out to Bella.
You remember the fear you had inside you, revealing a part of yourself that you had kept hidden for so long.
Bella was sitting on your bed, scrolling through her phone as she looked at the guys she was trying to match you with. "I think you and your brain would be cute." All you could do was nod at whatever she was saying; the limited feedback you gave her made her annoyed. "Y/n, I am trying to help you.
You take a deep breath in and look at her in the eyes, only seeing trust and love. "The truth is." You start making eye contact with your best friend. You take another deep breath in and finally let out the words that have been latched inside you for so long. "I'm Lesbain."
There was silence; it was a long period of silence, and you thought she was reacting in a bad way, so you started to cry, thinking that you just lost your best friend, but then you feel arms wrap around you and pull you in for a hug.
"It's going to be okay, Y/N."
End of flashback
"It's going to be okay." You repeat the words your once best friend told you—the same words that have kept you going for all these years. You throw your bike down and walk inside; luckily, your parents or Gretchen weren't home. As you collapse onto the couch, tears streaming down your face, you realise that you are not alone in this difficult moment. A familiar voice whispers, "I'm here for you, Y/N." The comfort of a friend in your time of need brings a sense of relief and hope.
You open your eyes and realise it's just your imagination; you are really alone, you are stuck, and you have to go to school and face everyone that follows the account.
You have already received a few messages from people at the school; mostly people were asking if it was true, and others were saying that you had nothing to worry about.
You were shocked by the message from Jake Smith. He was the popular quarterback—the one everyone wanted to be friends with. His message simply read, "Hey, I heard about the account. Don't worry, I've got your back." The words brought a wave of relief, knowing that at least one person believed in you.
You kept scrolling through all the texts people were sending you.
One message stuck out: it was from Aaron Samules.
You're not lesbian; you are just confused. Come to my house, and I will make sure you get the best of your life. ;)
You gag at the message, and you don't bother responding. You throw your phone away and shove your head into the couch. You can't believe that someone would try to take advantage of your vulnerability in this way. It's a reminder of how important it is to be cautious and protect yourself, especially online.
You hear your phone go off, and you grow loudly, forcing yourself off the couch and crawling to grab it. You gasp when you see that Regina is calling. You didn't remember giving her your number; Gretchen probably gave it to her. You reluctantly answer the call, preparing yourself for a conversation you're not looking forward to. As you listen to Regina's voice on the other end, you feel a sense of unease creeping over you.
"Hey loser." She starts, What a warm greeting! You muffle a soft "Hello." She giggles and starts talking again: "My Halloween party is in a few weeks, and I want you there." You sigh deeply. Deep down, you don't want to go because of what happened at the last party, but you knew she wouldn't take no for an answer, so you sigh deeply and say. "Okay, I'll be there." You try to sound enthusiastic, hoping that this time things will be different.
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toxictigertonic · 30 days
Alright, I've been cursed with new blorbos (don't worry DJ will always be my number one). Outlast trials has me in a chokehold, specifically Franco, but all the prime assets are running around in my brain causing problems. I'm subjecting you to my stupid food headcanons as a result:
- This mother fucker drinks hot sauce. Like. Chugs the shit. You can't take him anywhere without him bringing a bottle of Tabasco.
- Takes his coffee black, but will add a little sugar if no one is looking. Can't let people know that he doesn't like plain black coffee.
- He feels like a big breakfast kinda guy, with all the fixings. If you took him to a diner that'd be what he'd get, no matter the time of day.
- Would he disgusted by energy drinks EXCEPT classic redbull. Now imagine this man hyped up on caffeine.
- Would still eat his scrambled eggs if he got shells in them. Would say some shit like "the shells put hair on your chest"
- Trusting this man to bake anything is a fire hazard, it doesn't matter if it's those pre cut cookie rolls, they're catching fire.
- Says he hates desserts then stares down a slice of pecan pie from across the room like it owes him money.
- The only one I trust to cook tbh, and that's not saying much.
- If you took her to get coffee she'd get the sweetest thing on the menu (and Futterman would bitch and moan about it the whole time) or she'd get a chai latte. Futterman would demand a black coffee.
- I would trust her to make me an apple pie and then she'd put the drill in it bc the crust came out wrong.
- She feels like a woman who really likes jam. Maybe I am projecting but jam is cool.
- She will not touch an energy drink bc they taste bad to her, and bc Futterman would throw a fit about how bad they are for your teeth. No caffeine fueled death sprint for her, but based on her singing and the whole angel dust thing I don't think she needs it.
- I would make her pancakes she seems pretty cool.
- Likes the batter for desserts more than the finished products.
- God help us where do I begin
- On one hand I wanna say he makes some bomb ass Italian food. On the other hand I wanna say he burns cereal.
- Speaking of cereal, he's the kinda guy who let's his cereal turn to paste in the bowl before he eats it.
- Considering what we know about the wolf's milk drink, I'm frightened by this man's palette. Genuinely terrified.
- I think he would die if he tasted hot sauce. I think Coyle is aware of this fact and has plans.
- Give him an energy drink if you wanna see him start doing flips. He thinks they're gross but he's also like "fuck yeah pure sugar I love these"
- Likes his cookies so underdone that they're basically raw (me too chief)
- If you cooked him a homemade meal he'd cry while eating it. Then he'd get pissed because you made him cry.
- He's my little skrunkly doo so I'm feeding him wet plaster ❤️
If I'm wrong about anything bc it's actually stated in the lore I do not care tell Red Barrels to get their facts straight (/J I SWEAR)
I haven't had time to look at Gooseberry's or Coyle's lore so I don't know if they have some super important amazing cooking skills that I'm missing out on. Feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong or have your own ideas about these idiots.
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astroboots · 2 years
Don't they know it's the end of the world
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Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Summary: There are many things Joel would like to forget, you hope you're not one of them.
Rating: Explicit. I just want to fuck old man Joel.
Content: hurt/comfort, explicit sex-town, cowgirl position yee-ha, post-apocalyptic angst and jazz. Mentions of death, blood and gore, but the real warning all along was emotionally unavailable men.
Word Count: 3.5k
Astroboot’s Masterlist 
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The thing that nobody warned you about living in a post-apocalyptic world (to use the dramatic phrase) is that when the world as you know it has ended. When an unprecedented catastrophe transforms the very fabric of your reality. In the midst of abandoned cities, dilapidated high-rise buildings overrun with moss and ivy, and rusted cars forsaken on the highway. This horrific new world of unending horrors, at some point, with enough days gone by, becomes common place.
After the first and second year, you're no longer bothered by the constant aches and how everything hurts, everywhere all the time. The new bruises that spring up overnight to replace old healing, because sleeping on concrete and dirt will do that to you, isn't as overwhelming. You barely mind the constant blunt ache in your lower back from unloading crates anymore. Or the way your feet are always blistering and covered in callouses that crack and split and bleed. It's all background noise.
After the third and the fourth, you're no longer dry-heaving at the burnt metallic smell of charred flesh and human hair that reminds you of melted and burnt plastic when they're tossed into fire. Your sense of smell dull to it.
After the fifth year you think that hollow feeling in your chest of missing home, is no longer a constant. At most it comes to you in glimpses. Because sure, there are a million and one things you still miss. The sweetness of cereal soaked in milk. The lingering smell of peonies from your shampoo after a steaming shower. The way your cat used you as a headrest while watching TV.
You miss cupcakes. You miss the cinema. You miss pumpkin lattes. You miss the forest ground covered in auburn leaves in the fall. You miss your mom. You miss--
You miss a lot of things. Small little things, and you remember each one of them despite the years that passes.
But the mind adapts. It doesn't consume you with a hollowness that makes you burst into tears at any given moment anymore. Humans are nifty like that. Our brains rewire to accept the new realities and life just goes on somehow.
You accept the military surveillance. Of men in vests and gear, wearing blank expressions, with rifles slung across their shoulders like it were backpacks, ready to use them at the slightest provocation if you so much as dared to cough in their presence.
You get used to cracking jokes about priests walking into bars, while burying your dead, not because you're unfeeling, or not understanding of the graveness of what you're doing, but because the human mind cannot be relentlessly scared and sad and depressed and unhappy without reprieve.
Instead like much else, that seems horrific and world-ending at first, it becomes background noise.
"Uno," you announce as you drop the last card in the pile of red, blue and green cards in front of him.
Joel scowls, that furrowed wrinkle between his brow carves deep with displeasure.
"You're cheating. I've never played this game where stacking is allowed. The correct rule is no stacking."
This again. You scoff. This topic of conversation comes up every now and then (everytime he loses in fact) because the two of you has solely been relyng on your memory to reconstruct the rules given that the manual to the pack of cards were lost long ago.
"I'm not having this argument with you again Joel, I've told you. The rules allow stacking, you're misremembering it."
You shake your head at him and smile. He doesn't smile back. He never really does. Instead he folds his arms across his wide chest, leaning back as he appraises you with skepticism.
"What if you've forgotten the rules?"
"I don't forget things, I'm not you" you say lightheartedly.
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He's already passed out when you let yourself in through the front door tonight.
It's a sparse apartment, like all the other accommodations in the area. The mismatched dining chairs and fold up table is not much to look at, but there are still hints of the family who had made this place their home before they had to leave it. The feminine touch of flowery rose wallpapers. Scribbled markers of their children's height year by year. The claw-marks of a dog by the front door.
If Joel left tomorrow, you don't think it would tell much of a story of him or the life you lead together. The only thing that's his besides the radio and music catalog is the blue butterfly sticker that sparkles on the window.
And even with that, you don't quite know what story it is meant to tell or why he'd put it up. You only know it wasn't there when he moved it because it appeared out of nowhere after Tommy left. It clashes with the rest of the decor. Something that belongs to a young girl's bedroom and not a grumpy former veteran addicted to painkillers. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put one plus one together and deduce it's something of sentimental value to him.
It's always confounded you, because that is so unlike the man you know.
Unlike you, Joel forgets. He makes it his mission to forget. Expired opioids from god knows how long, you're surprised they don't crumble into dust when they're exposed into open air.
There are horrors in his memories that Joel wants wiped clean, and he doesn't care if the good memories go with them, as long as he doesn't have to look at them in the broad daylight.
You never said anything about it, don't pry and you don't ask questions. You don't ask him for anything period. You just let him be and take him as he is. You suspect that that's why he's allowed himself to keep you around for so long.
The room is dimly illuminated from the night light has been left on for you, and you try to be quiet as you make your way to him on the bed. He's lying curled up on his side, back turned to you.
Broad shouldered as he is, with a build that reminds you of a bear at times, in this position, there's something vulnerable about him right now that's reserved for your eyes only. His face is no longer tense, against the amber hue that bathes the room. The specks of grey and white in his beard, soft to the touch.
He's half-dragged into consciousness as you dip your knee into the mattress, as he lifts the tattered, moth-eaten quilt and makes space for you.
Reaching behind you, you kill the light. Then you wrap your one arm over his waist, tucking one leg between his thick and firmer ones. He sighs into his pillow and leans into your touch.
There are things that you know Joel wants to forget, you would like to believe that this won't become one of them.
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"Are you awake?" he murmurs against the nape of your neck. His voice is gravelly and worn with sleep.
You open your eyes and the world greets you with darkness. It's too early to be awake at this ungodly time.
His chest is pressed up against your back, warm and firm, and you hum in reply. "Barely."
You nuzzle into the scratchy linen of your pillow, inhaling deeply to relax back into sleep. But Joel isn't turning back around. He's still behind you, almost hovering above you as if he wants to tell you for something, but doesn't.
You raise yourself slightly, reaching over the nightstand to flicker on the small lamp there.
Turning back towards him, you observe him for a moment. The slight sheen of sweat pooled in the hollow of his throat. His eyes wide and alarmed, hands closed into a tight fist into the sheets. His whole body is wired for a fight, even though he's just woken up and it's dead quiet in the still of the night without a threat.
"Did you have a nightmare?" you finally ask.
His jaw tightens at your question, which is as good of an indicator as any that he doesn't want to answer. Also a good indicator that he did have one.
You sigh, reaching your hand back to trail the soft hairs at the back of his neck. Flattening the curly ends with your fingers, and trying to comb it down in a gesture to soothe him the way others used to do for you in a different life and another world. It's a mistake.
He flinches at the touch, and stiffens awkwardly in front of you. Like he's trying to decide what's the right next course of action. To apologize or to turn back around and pretend he didn't do what he just did.
You frown at him, but say nothing. You give him the time to find his words.
"Can we just--" he starts, but his words trail off, eyes barely meeting yours. Silently pleading for you to know what he's asking for so he doesn't have to put them into words.
Joel doesn't really do softness. Doesn't accept comfort. Doesn't trust it.
But there are things that he wants, because he's only human after all. A touch, a warm body to lose himself in, a human connection. It's what everyone of us wants.
But he can't ask for it. Can't say it.
The moment he puts words it, he would have to name it. What this thing is, between the two you that you have. Where at the end of the day you return to his apartment. Where you sleep in his bed. Where he worries if you don't.
If he asks you for this, then he can't pretend there's nothing there anymore.
So you don't say anything. You don't needle him into finishing his sentence. Don't ask him what he means. You don't ask him for anything. Instead you nod.
His face shifts, the stiff crease between his brows smooths in relief and he scoots forward, chest draped flush against your back. He's already hard, the familiar thick girth pressed to your tailbone, like it's trying to carve a permanent dent into you.
"Is it okay?" he asks again, rolling his hips and the newfound pressure against his denim-covered cock has him breaking off with a gasp.
"Yeah Joel. Yes it's okay."
His fingers come to the hemline of your jeans, as he roughly shoves at it in the dark. It catches at the dip of your hips, and you can hear the gruff impatience of the man from behind, as he yanks it down further. As if sheer brutal strength is going to be the solution in here, the way it is outside these walls.
You lift up your hips to help him, long enough for him to slide the jeans off your legs and you can kick them to the floor. Vaguely you try to estimate the distance to where they landed. Because that's where you'll have to pick them up in the early morning before he gets up. But that doesn't matter right now.
There's a scuffle behind you of rustling denim and the metallic clink of a buckle being undone. You reach back with your hand against the softness of his belly, down the sparse trail of fine coarse hairs until you can wrap your hand around his hardened cock.
He shudders in relief. A soft sigh into the back of your neck as he grinds against your back, demanding more. You indulge him, swiping your thumb in a circle over the head of him. There's a sharp intake of breath from him, similar to the sound he makes after taking a swig of shitty whiskey that burns his lungs too sharply.
The indication that it's too much, and therefore just right, because it's only then that it's a relief. An escape from the current reality.
You squeeze down again, fingers wrapped firm around the thickness of his girth not allowing him any reprieve, and he thanks you not in words, but with the way he bares his throat as his head throws back in ecstasy.
For Joel, the old world never ended. Never left. He's still trapped in it. His existence now is a purgatory. He treats it like he's just sitting in a waiting room, as the days and years go by. Everything and everyone in it are transitory. Nothing in the room matters.
His hand shoots out, sliding down the bare skin of your stomach and wedges underneath your panties. One broad thumbs presses down on your clit perfunctory, and still it feels so good. Sharp heat licks your spine at the touch, and your eyes flutter close as you lean back into him.
It's brusque, the way Joel's hand comes to your thighs and spread you open for him. Unrestrained the way his fingers parts your slick folds to collect the wetness he finds there, pressing into you and curls with a familiarity when he knows he's reached that perfect spot that makes your vision whiten. Rough in much the same way he is in every other part of his life.
"Fuck, get up here," he orders gruffly.
You roll over and he wastes no time to roughly grip onto your hipbones and dragging you up his body.
Bracing your arms on his firm chest to steady yourself, you settle yourself with your knees pressed into the sides of his ribs. They're dipped into the worn-out mattress and you think you can feel the springs of the bottom of the bed dig into your kneecaps.
It's a bit uncomfortable, but you don't mind. Because you get to straddle him this way. Get to see all of him, underneath you, on display. His bare skin made golden and soft by the dim light of the night lamp.
He doesn't look like the movie-stars of old. But Joel is handsome. There's no doubt about that.
Despite his rough masculine features, there are details that don't quite match up. His lips are plump and soft, inviting. A deep crease in the curve of his bottom lip that is just begging to be kissed.
Even with the significant grey in his thick hair, and the white in his beard, the weathered look suits him well. As does the fine lines on his forehead, and the ones around his eyes.
Smile lines, an old friend of yours had called them. Does that mean he used to smile? You imagine how he must've looked like in those days. Not constantly frowning or scowling. But smiling so hard that it would make his eyes crinkles. How beautiful and carefree he must've been.
In front of you, there's no trace of that man. His jaw is set, grinding his teeth, with gritted impatience as his hands grips onto your waist and pull you forward, towards and over his cock, positioning you right where he wants you.
His hand reaches behind you, and even though you can't see it from this angle, you've seen it plenty times before to know how good his cock looks fisted in his hand, as he uses your slick, still wet on his fingers to spread it over the length of him. Then you feel it, the fat tip of him nudging against your entrance as he slowly slips inside.
A heady anticipation fills you. It shakes the core of you until it makes your thighs tremor visibly as you straddle him.
Joel is rough. He is unrestrained and brusque, but he is not unkind. Or at least you'd like to think, not to you. He steadies you, one hand still on your hip, the other a flat palm against your lower belly, as he slowly lifts his hips as you sink down on him in unison.
The first thrust always knocks your breath away. Pleasure that warms you inside out in a way that standing in a fire fails to. It fills you anr nourishes.
You drop down the rest of the way until he's as deep as he goes, until he hisses sharply again, in that tell-tale sign that it's, too much and just right.
Your chest glows with pride, and you grind down against him to elicit another noise, this time a chocked grunt that's not nearly as satisfying. But the buzzing warmth that spikes your veins more than makes up for it.
You stay there for a moment, savoring the pleasure that simmers along your spine, until Joel opens his eyes, his fingers digging a bit deeper into the plump flesh of your thighs.
"Fuck," he grumbles, "please move."
You don't deny him, you never do. Not with this, not with anything. Rising on your knees, you feel his cock drag inside you and close your eyes at the sensation until only the tip of him rests inside you. It's a slow, dragged out pace. One that Joel doesn't seem to have any patience for.
His hand around your hip wraps firm and he pushes down at the same time as you can feel him thrust upwards, until he's buried as deep as he goes.
Fuck, you feel like you can't breathe. Didn't know you could fit so much of him.
Your eyes fly open, to the sight of him, thick brows knitted in pleasure. He looks gorgeous like this. Lost in pleasure, no longer buried in a grave of regrets he can never climb out of. Mouth parted as he gasps out at the feel of you wrapped around him. You stare at his spit swollen lips and all you can think of is how you want to kiss this man. Press your lips to his and feel the full weight of intimacy of this shared moment with his arms wrapped around you.
You anchor your arms on his chest, leaning down closer to his face, hovering above his lips and it's like he can sense you. His eyes flutters open as he meets your gaze.
You wonder what it is he sees in your eyes. If the want and depth of your feelings for him are so plain to see. Because he looks at you like he's terrified.
You don't kiss him.
You drop down your hips again, as far as he goes, and his eyes squeezes shut again, both of you choosing to forget what preceded it. An unrestrained moan rips out of him and to your ears, and though he's not saying any words, it's almost like he's thanking you for forgetting.
You ride him and it's rough and there is no rhythm. He meets you with every thrust, deep and fast, like he's racing for the end.
The hand on your belly, pushes down firmer, and the pressure does something to you. The simmer of pleasure turns to an inescapable heat. It climbs up your veins and invades your ribs with it.
You come around his cock and the pleasure is punishing, a slam to your ribs that squeezes down on your very lungs. It flattens your vision, until you're disorientated with it and you nearly fall off. But Joel doesn't stop. Continues to fuck up and into you. Harsh and reckless thrusts.
Pleasure is written over every line of his face, teeth gritted as he keeps his eyes closed to you. You feel him swell thicker in you, and you know he's almost there.
With a harsh hiss, his hand on your waist, lifts you up and off of him. His freed hand comes to his cock and wraps around it. Swollen and glistening with your wetness, as he fists himself with frantic strokes.
The chords of his neck strains, and then he comes. Line after line after line of his release, coating your stomach with the warmth of him.
You're both breathing hard and fast, made louder by the silence of the room at this hour.
Joel doesn't say anything and neither do you. Instead you reach over to the nightstand to kill the light, enveloping you both in the familiar darkness.
You lay back down against the mattress and roll to your side. There's rustling noise besides you and then Joel's hand comes to your stomach, cleaning up the mess he made of you with a corner of the sheets.
You wake up before dawn breaks. When it's no longer dark but the sun has not had time to rise above the skyline.
Dipping your foot onto the grimy wooden floor, you walk towards the very spot your jeans had been tossed aside last night, and put them on, as quietly as you can so as not to wake Joel.
You cast one last look at him where he's lying in the same position you found him when you'd let yourself in last night. On his side, curled up, vulnerable.
Then you gently pad across the length of the living room and let yourself out of the apartment, closing the door slowly until it gently clicks.
Someday, when this version of the world is over and one of you leaves. You hope that you get to miss him.
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a/n: to be notified of new writing updates follow @astroboots-writes and turn on notifs 🤡💖🤡
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tropical-fruit-mx · 2 months
Smith family coffee order HCs, courtesy of yours truly, a former barista
@hazelnut-u-out posted a poll yesterday about whether or not Rick Sanchez is an iced coffee drinker (short answer: yes, but nuance to come) and I realized that I never came up with HCs for the family's coffee orders. I love doing this for fandoms I'm in because I barista-ed for A While and low key miss it sometimes. Anyway, headcanons!!
So in his tough guy-tortured loner-vigilante phase he was obviously an avid black coffee drinker (usually spiked). Being on the run/not having a place to call one's own he develops a taste for practicality and simplicity. Thus, he likes an easy drink you can get anywhere that is impossible to mess up. However, in a post-"Analyze Piss", post-Prime, 'Rick Sanchez is experiencing new levels of DGAF' world we get into the chaotic beverage enjoyer phase. First off, he has 100% tried every single new special drink that Starbucks rolls out. The summer skies boba thing, the oleato, everything. (He's a big fan of the Irish cream flavor when it comes out seasonally and was pissed the first time when he realized it didn't have alcohol in it.) Because Rick is hugely dopamine seeking so fun colored, fun flavored things always catch his eye. I also feel like he would majorly enjoy specialty coffee shops that do elaborate coffee drinks, like this man would fuck up a cereal milk latte. I also will contend that in this phase he has no regular order, he literally gets a different thing every time just to experiment with as many drinks as possible.
Drinks flat whites because she thinks they're classy and it's easier to have a simple coffee order for the intern at the vet to take down. I also think that she generally likes mixing caffeine and alcohol (huge espresso martini fan) and probably lost her mind on vodka red bulls in college. She also definitely had a red bull addiction to get through vet school but now she only drinks them as a guilty pleasure.
Space Beth
In honor of the fact that she's recreating her dad's 30s I think she has the same taste in coffee as a young Rick, which means she drinks it black and strong. She seems like an avid French press user and most likely has sourced fancy beans from somewhere in space (Venusian coffee probably fucks)
Hot caramel macchiato, but he's convinced that this is the traditional way macchiatos are made and despite multiple arguments about the origins of macchiatos he is staunchly of the opinion that the actual drink is an upside down latte with fuck tons of caramel.
Pink drink purist, maybe gets matcha cold foam on top when she's feeling fancy. Although I could also see her getting vanilla iced lattes when she wants more caffeine. And if she's with Rick I can imagine her joining him in ordering crazy coffees just for fun.
Morty Smith is a fourteen year old boy, the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap was basically made for him. It's just a fucking milkshake with caffeine, although I think that when he's with Beth and Jerry they make him get the crème version.
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blossoms-phan · 3 months
i absolutely adore the concept/general feeling of food as a means of bonding/making memories and literally everything they do is the epitome of romance and eternal bonding to me but it makes me soooo emo thinking about how much life and food dnp have shared over 15 years. thinking about the first time(s) dan went to visit him at the lesters and probably shared a slightly awkward meal at their dinner table with his parents. then he went from not knowing how to grocery shop on his own to having phil as a friend and life partner as he entered adulthood for the first time, the origins of their routine of shared bowls of cereal for breakfast and the most basic stir frys to sustain their needs. conversations over toasties and caramel macchiatos. toast and ribena, learning how phil likes his basic nescafe coffee he probably still prefers although he’ll happily listen to dan yap about learning how to make his fancy espresso and drink whatever latte he’s handed, as long as it has a splash of vanilla syrup and a little bit of shakily poured art on top. sharing popcorn at the movies and shakeaway straight after. perfecting their pizza orders. travelling around the world together and trying new foods from new places, already knowing phil is going to order the most sugary stack of pancakes a menu has to offer. seeing each other through fixations and healthy phases (even though dan kinda ruined phil’s one time salad motivation by bringing a goddamn cabbage home). cups of tea silently delivered to each others rooms on bad days. indulging in each others cravings because dan believes that phil doesn’t need to earn his candies and treats, if you want the thing you should just have it. using their rich boi money to occasionally buy the good olive oil and oat milk and hummus from the fancy grocery store because fuck it, they can. a clear appreciation for a well made croissant/pastry which I respect. an alcohol shelf in their forever home that’s grown over the years with the help of wanting to try making that cool drink they tried at the bar on their own, gifts from family and friends, souvenirs from japan and a backup bottle of celebratory champagne just because. their own leftover bakes and birthday cakes and breakfast buffets on vacation and sushi bars in japan and fancy date nights out at dimly lit restaurants and so many takeaways (deliveroo daddies, how great is modern life) and i sincerely hope by this point different varieties of home cooked meals and family dinners in florida and at the lesters except now they’re dan’s chosen family.
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mysticstarlightduck · 18 days
Extra 2.0 OC Favorites!
Let's go with Erin Niemand and Indigo "Indie" Lauriel, from What Lurks In The Hollow!
Erin Niemand
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Color: Forest Green
Season: Winter
Shoe Choice: Knee-high suede boots
Weapon: Box cutter
Food: Potato and sausage chowder
Drink: Blackberry juice
Style: Dark grey band T-shirts, green flannel long-sleeved shirts (button up), black denim pants
Mode of Transportation: Walking
Animal: Dogs, especially pit bulls (she has one named Cooper)
Pastime: Walking around on the wood trails around Vinethorn Grove and hiking
Breakfast: Sugar-coated cinnamon rolls with latte
Personality: Loner, very introverted.
Mockingbird - Enisa
Forgotten - Avril Lavigne
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me - Taylor Swift
Leave Me Alone - Adam Jensen
City Grown Willow - Jensen Ackles
Indigo "Indie" Lauriel
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Color: Mustard Yellow
Seasons: All of Them!!!!
Shoe Choice: Boho leather slippers/sandals with stripped knee high socks, especially in earthy tones
Weapon: Custom taser that she DIY-customized with dollar store rhinestones and glitter
Food: Her Ma's Lasagna
Drink: Detox Smoothies
Style: Hipster chic styles, usually in fall tones, with her signature denim jumper, which she also customized with cloth patches and always a cardigan
Mode of Transportation: Vintage Scooter
Hobby: Watching conspiracy theory Youtube, reading about niche topics and doing her own conspiracy theory research, especially about UFOs, ghosts/hauntings and cryptids.
Breakfast: Chocolate Cereal with Milk
Personality: Layback Extrovert
Little Talks - Of Monsters & Men
Seven Devils - Florence & The Machine
Riptide -Vance Joy
Ho Hey - The Lumineer
X Games - Au/Ra
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @wyked-ao3, @topazadine @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @amaiguri
@cherrychiplip @thecomfywriter @thelovelymachinery
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
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gyaru-wish · 9 months
What I think Yandere Simulator Characters would have for breakfast.
Ayano: A toast and coffee.
Taro / Hanako: Scrambled egg with bread and coffee with milk.
Info-chan: Miraculously, a loaf.
Osana: Waffles and yogurt.
Raibaru: Fruit salad and milk.
Sakyu / Inkyu: Freshly baked bread with jam and cheese and cranberry or grape juice.
Kuu: Fried egg and tea.
Horuda: Sandwich.
Toga: It's hard to say. It's something different every day.
Hazu: A bagel and some fruit juice.
Kyuji: Just yogurt.
Otohiko: A muffin and latte.
Amai: Pancakes and Coffee with cream.
Shoku: Fried egg and orange juice.
Seiyo: Bacon, sausage with fried eggs and coffee with orange juice.
Saki: Strawberry crepe with chocolate and coffee with milk.
Kenko: Salad and water.
Ajia: Sashimi.
Kizana: Salad and coffee.
Tsuruzo: Omelet and orange juice.
Riku: Blueberry pie and apple juice.
Kokona: Sandwich and water.
Shozo: Bread with cheese and yogurt.
Tokuko: Toast and lemonade.
Oka: Bread with marmalade.
Shin: Air.
Chojo: Monster Energy.
Supana: Air.
Daku: Apple cinnamon pie and milk.
Kokuma: A bowl of random fruits she finds on her fridge with yogurt.
Geijuu: Air.
Borupen: He angrily smashes some grapes with his bare hand and eats that.
Enpitsu: A croissant and a latte.
Maka: Lucky charms but instead of milk, she uses Orange juice.
Efude: Miyuki cereal and some packed juice.
Miyuji: Scrambled eggs and milk.
Gita: Coffee.
Beshi: Kiwi with honey and water.
Dora: Cheese sandwich and strawberry juice.
Kiba: Sausages with bread and juice.
Budo: 7 boiled eggs and Gatorade.
Sho: The thing he ate on dinner yesrerday.
Juku: Chips.
Mina: Fish, rice, salad, eggs and water.
Shima: Corn Flakes.
Fureddo: Instant ramen.
Rojasu: Large sandwich.
Sukubi: 9 hamburgers.
Dafuni: Pancakes with fruits and coffee.
Beruma: Two toasts and coffee.
Kaga: Some weird ass meal he invented.
Horo: Coke.
Yaku: Miyuki themed cookies and soda.
Meka: Smashed potatoes.
Homu: Air.
Asu: Watermelon slices and Rockstar energy.
Itachi: Nutritionally balanced meal.
Hojiro: The same thing Itachi had for breakfast the day before.
Unagi: Protein shake.
Iruka: Scrambled eggs, an Apple and berry juice.
Mantaro: Two boiled eggs and protein shake.
Uekiya: Water.
Himari: Smashed apples.
Sakura: Egg whites and almond milk.
Sumire: Tea.
Tsubaki: Sandwich and grape juice.
Gema: Air, sometimes some anime themed snack.
Ryuto: Chocolate.
Pippi: Instant ramen.
Midori: Kaga's weird ass meal but make it green.
Mai: Whatever thing a cute anime girl eats.
Osoro: A banana. That's it.
Umeji: Three cupcakes and monster energy.
Hokuto: Gatorade.
Gaku: Two onigiri.
Hayanari: A ciggie.
Dairoku: Meat and smashed potatoes. He eats lunch on breakfast.
Megami: Whatever thing her father orders ti their chef.
Kuroko: Traditional food.
Akane: Cat shaped onigiri and hot chocolate.
Shiromi: ...
Aoi: Burger and milkshake.
Musume: Air.
Kashiko: French fries with Cheese.
Hana: Green drink.
Kokoro: Froot Loops and milk in a Hello Kitty mug.
Hoshiko: Air.
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I missed doing one of these posts 🥹
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Meal Inspo, a day of eating 🍵
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Inspo based recipes
oat matcha latte (60cals, 1g P)
1 tsp matcha powder, 50ml warm water for dissolving the powder, 150ml oat milk (60), sweetener, vanilla aroma
cute brunch plate (290cals, 15.5g P)
2 dates (60) with 1 tbsp pb2 (60), 200g unsweetened soy yoghurt (86) [or other yoghurt variety], 20g cinnamon cereal (84)
-> sprinkle dates with cinnamon & sea salt, add sweetener & cinnamon to the yoghurt
mozzarella tomato salad (209cals, 14.5g P)
100g cherry tomatoes (21), 100g mini mozzarella light (165), 10g balsamic cream (23), tomato mozzarella spice mix, salt, fresh basil leaves
gummy bears (ca. 94cals)
50g low sugar gummies, cals vary with brand
Total: 653cals, 31g P
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-Academia Snacks-
-Caramel popcorn- -Eclairs- -Ice cream- any kind -Coffee- any kind (iced, hot, latte, black, etc.) -Strawberries- -Toast- bonus points if covered in peanut butter, jam, Nutella, etc. and/or cut into triangles or quarters (try putting a different spread on each slice)
-Fruit popsicles- coconut, raspberry and blackberry seem extra academic to me -Smoothies- -Chocolate- -Caramels- -Butterscotch- -Pudding- -Chai- -Bread- buttered or just plain really. Try a nice bread, like French or Italian or sourdough
-Cheese- particularly the hard, crumbly, salty kind (it's so good) -Grapes- -Wine- if you're of age and comfortable with it obviously -Chocolate milk- (chaotic academia? or just an iced chocolate milk in a jar maybe?) -Cereal- I could see a Chaotic Academic eating this on the roof early in the morning and pondering (corn flakes and frosted wheats are best) -Apples- best eaten whole (remember to wash them) -Croissants-
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