#Cereal Smoothie Bowl
quotes-clinic · 1 year
Cereal Smoothie Bowl: A Delicious and Nutritious Breakfast Option
Are you tired of having the same old boring breakfast every morning? If so, why not switch things up and try a cereal smoothie bowl? Not only is it a delicious and refreshing way to start your day, but it’s also packed with nutrients and can help you maintain a healthy and balanced diet. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about cereal smoothie bowls, from their health…
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keineahnungwerdasistt · 3 months
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breakfast at 4pm
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Cinnamon Crunch Frosty Smoothie Bowl (Vegan)
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teamisc · 2 years
Mousey time :T
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bloomzone · 6 months
(with idea)
- inspired by Korean idols !
By: ★﹕byeolgιrᥣ﹒
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"Take care of yourself, That's the priority, You can only recieve love if you love yourself, I hope you think of yourself as a priority, Then people around you will love you"
- Jang Wonyoung
1. Overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds, sliced banana, and a drizzle of honey.
2. Whole grain cereal with skim milk, topped with mixed berries and a sprinkle of flaxseeds.
3. Veggie omelette made with bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms, served with whole grain toast.
4. Smoothie bowl with blended spinach, frozen mixed berries, Greek yogurt, and a handful of granola.
Mid-Morning Snack:
1. Sliced cucumber and cherry tomatoes with hummus.
2. Rice cakes with avocado mash and a sprinkle of black pepper.
3. Cottage cheese with sliced strawberries and a drizzle of balsamic glaze.
4. Whole grain crackers with tuna salad (made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo) and cucumber slices.
1. Quinoa salad with diced mango, black beans, diced bell peppers, and a lime vinaigrette dressing.
2. Whole wheat wrap filled with grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and mustard.
3. Lentil soup with a side of mixed greens salad and a whole grain roll.
4. Brown rice bowl with stir-fried tofu, broccoli, carrots, and a teriyaki sauce.
Afternoon Snack:
1. Sliced apple with a spread of almond butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
2. Edamame beans sprinkled with sea salt.
3. Greek yogurt parfait with layers of granola, mixed berries, and a drizzle of honey.
4. Air-popped popcorn seasoned with nutritional yeast and smoked paprika.
1. Grilled shrimp skewers with quinoa pilaf and roasted Brussels sprouts.
2. Baked cod fillet with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed green beans.
3. Turkey chili served over baked sweet potatoes and topped with diced avocado.
4. Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce, lean ground turkey, and sautéed spinach.
Evening Snack (optional):
1. Sliced pear with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a few squares of dark chocolate.
2. Celery sticks filled with almond butter and topped with raisins.
3. A small handful of mixed nuts (such as almonds, cashews, and pistachios).
4. Herbal tea with a squeeze of lemon and a small piece of cheese.
These meal ideas offer a variety of nutrients while keeping the overall calorie intake in check for a healthy and balanced diet.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Wrong Number 1
Eddie kept up a texting chain with Steve while making himself a breakfast of coffee and cereal. He hadn't felt like this in a long time. Not since, well, when he thought of it when he was a teenager up all night in chat rooms and forums. When you found someone who you just clicked with.
[11:30] Any advice on how to fry an egg with a perfectly runny yolk?
(11:32) You like runny yolks??? 🤢 (11:33) It's scrambled or nothing for me (11:33) Cant help ya even if I wanted to
[11:35] I just want an egg on my avo toast
Normally Robin fried the eggs for breakfast. Her yolks were always perfect. But unlike Steve, she'd actually scored last night and was still with whoever she'd gone home with last night.
Eddie couldn't help but roll his eyes at the cliche. A guy who jogged and then came back home for some avocado toast with an egg on top? He just had to let his stance be known.
(11:35) Next ur gonna tell me bout your acai smoothie bowl rite? (11:36) Avo toast? Really???
Steve realized how he was coming off and had to quickly amend it.
[11:38] It's not what you think! We only got the avocados to make some guac the other day. There was one left and I wanted to use it before it went bad. And I'm all guac'd out. Hence the toast.
(11:39) At least you didn't use the avocado to make like ice cream or some shit
Finished with his own, normal, regular, average citizen breakfast, Eddie cleared his place and started to actually get ready for the day. His shift went from 2 to 10 tonight, so he needed to prepare for the long haul.
While brushing his teeth, getting dressed, and making something for his lunch later, he and Steve kept up the texts. Through their conversation he found out Steve's favorite ice cream (peanut butter), that he could cook eggs just about any way except sunny side up, and that he lived with a roommate named Robin.
Eddie got to his place of work and in a place like that you need to have some semblance of focus and attention, so he told Steve he had to get to work. He realized he was basically saying 'busy now, text you later?' to a stranger he'd only started talking to last night. Steve was completely in his rights to end the conversation there.
He could've ended it at any time really. What obligation did he have to keep on talking to him?
[2:01] Okay. Talk to you later
Steve stared at the message, already in the middle of agonizing over it when Robin finally came through the door of their apartment.
"Good afternoon. I wanna feel offended that I didn't get any texts or calls asking if I'm okay but I'm gonna choose to think it means you trust me and are a great judge of character."
For the first time in a while, Steve checked the time and actually realized how long it had been.
"Shit, Robs, I'm sorry." It had been over 12 hours and he hadn't checked in on her. All because he'd been texting a random number. "So you had a good time?"
Steve had been sitting on the couch and Robin plopped right down, laying her head in his lap.
"It was magical. Like something out of a movie."
"Aren't you glad I made you go and talk to her?", Steve smiled smug.
Robin smushed his face with her hands with a groan. "Don't look at me like that. You were right, okay? Me and her hit it off like, like uh, one of your sports metaphors."
"Robin you were in a soccer league just last year, stop acting like you don't know sports."
"Anyway, something grand must've kept your attention off me. Things go well with that girl you were talking to?"
"Umm, yeah."
Robin sat up, eyes narrowing. "And you came back here with her? Gross! Steve! Did you do it on the couch?!" She shot up immediately.
"I didn't", Steve rolled his eyes.
It was one of their main rules. No sex in the common areas of the apartment. Steve wasn't gonna tell her about the wrong number given to him. And he especially wasn't going to tell her he kept talking to it. The following lecture would have been unbearable.
"She gave me her number and we've just been texting back and forth."
Robin slowly sat back down on the couch. "Just texting? That's all you did?"
"That's all."
"Wow. You usually move faster than that."
"Well, I want something a little more this time. But enough about my snail pace romance. Let's talk about you and that girl, what was her name?"
He and Robin sat a long while, talking about her night, eventually going out for lunch together too. Not-Misty had said they were at work, but Steve couldn't help himself when he saw that Robin had ordered a burger with avocado on it and Steve had gotten a taco salad that came with, you guessed it, avocado.
[3:14] image.jpeg [314] Okay me and Robin might have a problem. But I swear it's not on purpose!
"Did you just send a picture of our lunch to someone?", Robin asked.
"Yeah to uh, to Misty. We were talking about avocados earlier and I figured she'd get a kick out of it."
Robin smiled through her chewing. She teased but she was glad that her friend had made a connection last night.
Meanwhile, Eddie saw the message, but didn't have a chance to reply, even on his lunch break. Through all the texting, he had forgotten to charge his phone, so it was on the plug and he was leaving it alone for now while he talked to his co-worker, Grant. He went through the rest of his shift, thinking about Steve.
What did he look like? How old was he? Where did he live?
He got off and made his way back home, stopping off somewhere to get dinner. It was a sandwich shop and he honestly contemplated getting avocado on his just to see Steve's reaction but he resisted.
'I can't be that down bad that I'm overthinking food now', he thought to himself.
When he got back home, he turned the tv on and took out his phone to reply to Steve right away.
(10:31) Back at home now (10:32) Work was crazy (10:34) And the 1st step to recovery is admitting u have a problem (10:36) But thru hard work we can get you addicted to a sensible veggie (10:37) Like broccoli
He thought since he kept Steve waiting for so long it might take some time for a reply to come, but his phone pinged almost immediately.
[10:39] First of all, avocado is a fruit. Second, I eat plenty of other vegetables. And third, what happened at work?
(10:41) It may be a fruit but I dont want it in my smoothie (10:42) And some guy came in and started throwing axes at the wall
Sunday evenings were usually more relaxed. It was why Eddie typically didn't work Friday or Saturday nights unless he needed some extra cash or they needed someone on deck.
[10:44] Hold the duck up someone was throwing axes!! [10:44] *duck [10:45] *FUCK
Eddie snickered through his eating and had to take a moment to swallow before something came up. He always enjoyed telling people what he did for a living.
(10:46) Cool your jets man (10:47) I work at an axe throwing range (10:48) The problem with this dude was he didn't have an appointment (10:48) Just came in and started throwing an axe at the wall
[10:50] Are you okay? That sounds dangerous
(10:50) My uncle handled it (10:51) Eventually the dude left
[10:52] Oh wow. Well I'm glad you're okay. Axe throwing tho. What an interesting job for someone of your age? 🤷
Steve was lying in bed and he buried his face into his pillow as he sent it with the shrug emoji. It was so transparent, he knew it. But he needed to have a better idea of who he was talking to. That way when Robin did eventually find out, he'd be able to tell her something, anything.
(10:53) Smooth (10:53) I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours
Eddie knew now was the time to be cautious. But he was also curious as to how much Steve would tell him and just what he wanted to know. He wasn't disappointed.
[10:54] Male, 23, 5'11
It was like the bare minimum of information and yet Eddie was already aggressively tamping down any hope that he might have a chance. Without his permission, hope bubbled up anyway
(10:55) Male, 24 going on 25, also 5'11
Steve stared at the text with the mystery person, mystery man's information. It seemed like so little and yet so much. He still hadn't an idea of what he looked like. But now he could at least get a general silhouette.
(10:56) Ur not one of those guys who lies about his height are you?
[10:57] Robin says my hair gives me two inches but she has no idea what she's talking about.
Eddie was thinking about how Steve must wear his hair. It could be in a sizeable pompadour, or maybe a nice afro. Maybe it was in a bun all the time? That was not what he typed out however.
(10:59) You know what they say (10:59) It's not the size but what u do with it
Okay this was it. This was where Steve stopped texting him. You can't just say that to guys you don't know-ping!
Eddie bit his lip and only had one eye open as he looked at Steve reply, preparing for the worst.
[11:01] Oh I know how to use my inches
Eddie dropped his phone onto the table and had to get up and pace, touch his face, his hair, throwing his hands in the air. Was this flirting? This felt like flirting. He wished he knew for sure. Maybe it was the lack of emoji. Had Steve put a winking face, he'd know for certain. Eddie leaned against his fridge, staring at his phone, sitting innocently on the table.
On the other side, Steve was burying his face into his pillow, pretending he didn't just say that. Would it come off as playful? As flirty? As casual? Should he have sent a wink? The seconds ticked and it felt too late. Like coughing after saying something awkward.
God, he was so desperate. Why was he even still texting? He had work in the morning. He should start preparing for bed so he had any hope of getting up on time. Steve pushed off the bed and went to his closet when he heard the notification sound and instantly returned.
(11:05) Let's get out the measuring tape (11:05) image.jpeg
Steve felt his heart skip a beat. The picture attached was of the very top of mystery man's head. He was holding up a lock of long, curly hair into the air. Steve studied the picture like he was getting paid to do it. He couldn't see any lower than the bangs on his forehead but there was still plenty to see.
The rings on his fingers for one, how his curls went this way and that. Steve quickly saved it and then replied with a similar pose, holding some hair by the fingers as far as it would go above his head.
[11:07] image.jpeg [11:08] I think you have me beat
They texted for about an hour more before Steve finally decided to be an adult and put himself to sleep, bidding mystery man good night.
Part 3
Fun fact, years ago I worked at an axe throwing place and yes, what happened to Eddie did in fact happen to me! On like my first week too I think
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houseofanticipation · 1 month
Her name is Sunny Skies. Or at least, that's the name she uses online. Her Pornhub account is about a year old, and she posts every week or so. Mostly she uses it to post clips from her OnlyFans, but she's shared a few full-length videos too. In one she's on the floor of her room, moaning and pouting at the camera as she rides an oversized dildo. In another she's staring out of the screen, eyes wide and sultry as she sucks the cock of the man holding the camera. You never see more than his cock and his right hand, but he grunts and moans with pleasure, and in the end he finishes himself off into her open, eager mouth.
The OnlyFans previews are mostly of her masturbating, plus a 30 second clip of her face pressed against a mattress, her eyes rolling as someone fucks her from behind. You've never subscribed to an OnlyFans before; you always figured there's enough porn out there for free, you can't justify spending money on it. But for Sunny Skies you had to make an exception.
Because she looks exactly like you.
This isn't just someone with a similar face to yours. This woman is you, down to the mole on your hip, the divots in your earlobes where your old piercings healed over, the scar on your elbow from when you fell out of a tree in second grade. She has your eyes, your mannerisms, your smile. You can always tell when she cums for real, because you know exactly how you fake an orgasm.
It isn't just her, either. The room she films in is your room. Her vibrator is your vibrator. That oversized dildo isn't yours, but you know where she got it; you considered buying it yourself, but couldn't justify the price. Really the only things you don't recognize in her public videos are the men. None of them appear in more than one video, and you never see their faces, but none of their voices or bodies are familiar.
You discovered her by accident. You opened Pornhub and there she was, right there in your suggested videos, staring out of the thumbnail with your eyes. You devoured her entire library in a haze of grim fascination, a fist of fear gripping ever tighter in your chest as each new video refused to conform to any rational explanation you could imagine. The last video you watched was the first one she ever posted: a grainy, 8 minute clip of her in your previous apartment, keeping her face out of frame as she circles her clit with her fingers. Her nails are painted with the blue and purple pattern you got at Lauren's bachelorette party last year.
Her OnlyFans is only a little older than her Pornhub, but there's a lot more to see. in addition to the more explicitly sexual stuff, she posts a vlog almost every day. Sometimes it gets dirty, other times she's just going about her day. Or rather, she's going about your day. Because every one of her vlogs covers a day in your actual life.
The one from last Sunday, for example, sees her start the day with breakfast in your kitchen, and a run in the park near your apartment. She takes a shower, then goes to run some errands. She picks up groceries, goes to the post office to collect a package that couldn't be delivered, and stops by an antique store to pick up a gift for your mother. Something about that disturbs you more than anything else; Sunny Skies has a mother, and that mother will no doubt enjoy the vintage copper kettle just as much as yours did.
There are differences, too. Sunny's breakfast is a fresh fruit smoothie, not your usual bowl of cereal or cold leftovers. When Sunny showers, she bounces and fondles her soapy tits for the camera. On her errands, Sunny makes a stop in the post office bathroom to quickly rub one out. And then, of course, there's the lunch.
After her errands, like you, Sunny goes to a little cafe for lunch with Mark and Carol. The camera sits on the table, carefully positioned so that hers is the only face visible, but you recognize their voices, and the pattern on Mark's shirt as he sits next to her. They talk for a bit—she edits most of it out of the video, cutting only to a few funny or interesting moments. Then Carol, laughing, can be heard to say, "oh my god, are you serious?"
Sunny has just let out a soft moan, and grins bashfully at Carol's comment. Someone, presumably Carol, picks up the camera and lowers it below the table to reveal that Mark has two fingers deep in your pussy. Sunny's pussy. Your panties are pulled to the side, and your lips and upper thighs are wet with your own juices. You can hear Carol panting with laughter as she raises the camera again to show you, or rather, Sunny, obscuring her face with her hand as her back arches and her shoulders heave. Below the table again, Mark withdraws his fingers and Carol presses playfully on your swollen clit with the pointed toe of her shoe. At that point you closed your laptop.
There was a violation to it, to the whole thing; this woman was using your body, your life, your image, to do things you would never do, behave in ways you would never dream of. But that wasn't what scared you, not really. What scared you is how much it turned you on.
Ignoring the growing wet spot on your panties, you opened your laptop again and sent Sunny Skies a message: "Who are you? Why do you look like me?"
The response came back almost immediately. "Aw, hi cutie 💕 I was wondering when I'd hear from you! Are you enjoying my content? Now that I know you're watching, maybe I'll start to ramp it up a bit! 😉"
"What do you mean?" you said. "Answer my question!" but there was no response.
The next day was the first day of the new semester. You rode the bus to campus, and when your last class was over you decided you'd walk home. it's about a 30 minute walk, but it was a nice day and you weren't ready to go back inside yet.
About halfway home, you were rounding a corner when you saw a skinny redheaded man a block behind you. You'd seen him earlier, close to campus, and thought nothing of it, but seeing him again after 15 minutes made you nervous. Your fears were confirmed a minute later, when he turned the same corner you just had and stayed on your trail. He didn't appear to be getting any closer, though it wouldn't have been hard for him to close the distance if you turned onto a more secluded street. What really troubled you was the prospect of him finding you where you live. You would have to lose him.
You turned again at the end of the block, onto a busier street that actually took you away from your building. Then, while you were obscured from his view, you ducked into a dimly lit bar and waited. A minute later, you watched through the window as he passed, craning his head to catch a glimpse, probably assuming he'd lost you in the crowd. When he was gone, you slunk back onto the street and made it back home without him spotting you again.
It's evening now. You've eaten dinner, started your laundry, cleaned the kitchen. Now, as you do every night, you kick off your shorts, lay back in bed, and open OnlyFans.
Tonight's vlog starts with Sunny Skies on the bus, talking about the start of the semester, and how excited she is to get back into her studies. She doesn't film during lectures, but she chats to the camera for a few minutes between classes. "God, look at this," she says, sticking the camera under her skirt. "I'm all wet for no reason. I don't know why I've been so horny lately."
It's true, you have been unusually horny recently. But you know why it is. Your other self has been awakening things in you, urges you don't know how to act on, desires with no object. You're afraid of what she's doing to you, but a part of you doesn't want it to stop.
There's a hard cut from Sunny's wet panties to her face, lightly flushed from activity. The camera bobs as she walks, and she holds it down by her waist, as if trying to be discreet.
"You guys will not believe this," she says without looking down at the camera, "but I think there's legit someone following me." The camera leans around her side to show the sidewalk behind her. "See that guy with the red hair? He's been behind me for fifteen minutes. Watch this, I'm gonna turn here, and he's gonna turn too." You can see by the buildings in the background that she's decided to turn in exactly the place you did. "See that? I have a fucking stalker or something! What do you think I should do? Do I confront him?" She winks at the camera. "I'm gonna confront him!" She turns again, but this time you don't recognize the background. It's not storefronts, or apartment buildings, or anything really; just bare bricks and concrete. Your stomach drops. She's turned into an alley.
She rests the camera on something chest height, probably a dumpster, and drops your bookbag on the ground. She assumes a relaxed sort of pose, and stands confidently in the middle of the alley. Moments later a shadow appears on the ground, and then the top half of a head of red hair peeks into frame.
"Why are you following me?" The question is phrased more like a statement. A challenge.
"I'm not," says a man's voice, more tentative than you'd have expected. "I mean, I saw you back there and I'm a big fan..."
"Oh, and that makes it okay to follow me home?" She takes a step forward, and so does he. "Like some kind of creep?"
"I'm sorry," he says, taking another step toward her. "I swear it wasn't like that. I was just going to say hello, and then I was working up the courage..." his arms are outstretched, placating but not nonthreatening. Like someone trying to catch a cat before it runs away.
The other you doesn't seem to sense the danger, or else willfully ignores it. "You think just because you pay to see my tits you're entitled to my time?" They're almost nose to nose now. "Am I supposed to be impressed that you've rubbed your tiny little dick to me a couple times?" She goes to shove him, but she's barely touched his chest before his hands are clamped around her wrists.
"You're being awfully rude to someone who's just trying to be nice." The tremor in his voice is gone, replaced by cold steel. "Especially to someone who could break you over his knee if he wanted." In one fluid movement, he drops your wrists and wraps his hands around her throat. Your throat. Her throat. She yelps and tries to loosen his grip by beating at his arms, but he must be stronger than he looks. Unphased by her fists, he drags her to the brick wall nearer to the camera and slams her up against it. "You want to call my dick small? Maybe you should find out for yourself."
Her eyes are bulging, but Sunny just purses your lips and spits in his face. With a howl of rage, he lifts her up by the neck, holding her against the wall while her legs kick uselessly.
"Are you gonna be a good girl? Are you gonna do as I say?" After a few seconds of gurgling like a goldfish, Sunny gives an affirmative grunt and the man lets her down again, gasping and wheezing. "Good. Now unbutton my pants."
You watch as she fumbles with his belt, heart pounding in your chest, blood rushing in your ears. When she pulls out his cock, almost comically large in proportion to his body, you clench your thighs together in fear and need. When he begins to fuck her, you finally give in.
She moans as he rapes her. Rapes you. Rapes her. Your eyes roll back in her head and she bucks your hips into him, even as he continues to hold her by your neck. Your breath comes in halting gasps, your fingers desperate and shaky on your clit, your soaked panties around your ankles. You cum as she does, as he pushes all the way inside you and lifts you against the wall again, supported only by his hands on your neck and his hips against yours.
The video ends with Sunny alone in the alley, panting, cum running down her leg and staining your favorite thigh-highs. She catches her breath and comes to collect the camera, flashing you a wink and a sideways smile before it cuts to black.
As you lay there, basking in the sick, sweaty aftermath of your own orgasm, a comment appears below the video. "What the fuck is this??? i followed you like you said but you ditched me!! who is this guy? how did you get him to look like me?"
And then, seconds later, it disappears.
There's a message waiting for you in your inbox.
"Did you like that one??? I've never been raped before but it was sooo hot 😩😭 Too bad you didn't join me though"
Your fingers fly across the keyboard. "Why are you doing this? what do you want??"
"I want what's best for you, silly! I want you to feel as good as I do💕 You may resist it now, but i know you'll thank me eventually.
Next time I send someone your way, I'll make sure you don't see them coming 😘 You'll see how much better it can be."
You slam your laptop shut, heart pounding, staring at every shadowy corner of your apartment. A car passes outside. The refrigerator hums in the kitchen. You'd been worried about the possibility of someone from real life seeing her, thinking she was you, but you should have been worried about her reaching out to them. She could consent to anything, with anyone, on your behalf. She could tell them where you live.
"Next time I send someone your way," she said. You wonder when that will be, who it will be. You rack your brain for ways to anticipate it, avoid it. And you try to ignore the wet, aching need between your legs.
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myhrtbrkr · 1 year
my summer meal plan! 🥒🥚🍵
// on a boring day at home:
—breakfast • choose between:
oatmeal (no toppings): 160 cals
fruit bowl: 50-70 cals
iced coffee: 40-60 cals
yogurt bowl: 130-150 cals
smoothie bowl: 100 cals
cheerios w/ almond milk: 140-160 cals (eat w/ caution, as it is easy to b!nge with cereals)
—lunch • choose between:
plain rice cake w/ hummus & cucumber: 110 cals
shirataki ramen: 20-80 cals (depending on toppings)
iced coffee: 40-60 cals
spicy cucumber salad: 10-80 cals (depending on sauces)
HALF tuna fish sandwich: (not sure on cals but good for protein and feeling full)
—snacks • choose between:
rice cake: 40-60 cals
yogurt rice cake: 80 cals
tea: 0 cals
diet soda: 0 cals
airpopped/organic popcorn: 35 cals per cup
mini pretzels: 100-120 cals (my favs)
pickles: 5 cals
HOME COOKING : small portions!!
EATING OUT : have both veggies & protein and have full knowledge of what you are taking in
avoid ice cream & dairy at all costs
always go for the lowest cal option
~ tips :
* just because everyone else is, doesn’t mean you have to either. stand out because you’re doing what they don’t have the courage to do
* never let free, open food be the opportunity to b!nge.
* overate in public? no worries! make up for it tomorrow with sweat and tears in the gym.
* keep the sweet treats as TREATS. bad dogs don’t get treats remember? don’t be spoiled either.
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relentlessly-tired · 5 months
Reasons for me to get skinny/rewards/plans+anti binge.
To motivate/trigger myself :)
To look good in all clothes
Skinny legs
Smaller boobs
Pretty face
For my (gymbro) boyfriend
To be carried easily
Bikini's in summer
To look better than the other girls
To be happy
To be more comfortable running/working out in public
To be seen as "small" and "petite"
To be as skinny as my sister
55kg: Hair and skincare stuff
52kg: bikini
50kg: septum peircing
48kg: new clothes
Do some form of intense enough cardio everyday e.g. running, cycling, stairmaster.
Keep steps up AS WELL as cardio, minimum 10k, but aim for 15k
Bodyweight workout every-push ups, planks, pull up progressions
Weight training in the gym 2-3 times weekly
NEVER eat school lunch
Avoid eating out
MEAL PREP!! (Chickpea salads, chicken breast, soup, porridge, cut up carrots, etc.)
DRINK A SHIT TON OF WATER (when I wake up, before eating, during eating, after)
Big cup of tea every after school and then after dinner.
Utilise coffee, gum, mints
No fizzy drinks
NEVER finish dinner
NEVER eat anything after dinner
NO SWEETS OR JUNK FOOD UNLESS PLANNED IN ADVANCE (only junk acceptable is a) pastries from bakery or b) chocolate on occasion.
AVOID bread, pasta, noodles etc.
Eat breakfast and eat throughout the day TINY small portions.
OMAD on occasion
yogurt- especially the protein kind. Good if craving something sweet.
fruit- avoid bananas (binge food)
Vegetables- carrots as snacks, incorporate other veg throughout day e.g. salads
eggs- specifically boiled
lean meats
Protein yogurt (may add sprinkle of cereal and fruit if extra hungry)
Boiled eggs
Carrots and hummus
Little bowl of cereal
Fruit smoothie
Chickpea salad
Boiled eggs
Carrots and hummus
Protein yogurt
Boiled veg and chicken
Fruit- apples, oranges, berries specifically
Ham slices
Chicken slices
Mini mini bowl of cereal
Think about everything. Think about how unhappy you are with your life. Think about how long you've been doing the same old shut for? Don't you want it to be over? Don't you want to finally get what you want and be happy? Don't you want to finally be able to move on? Think about how long ago you could've gotten there if you hadn't binged all those times?
Think about where you could be so soon if you just stick to it, for a short while. Food is always there. Food is around you all the time in abundance. You ALWAYS have the choice to eat. So CHOOSE not to.
Don't make excuses. NEVER make excuses. There are no reasons that you binge other than the fact you want to. You are in control. You are always in control. Every time you binge, that is your choice. Your doing. Every time you reach for that bread, you could just as easily remove yourself from the situation. Walk away.
Hunger is only temporary. You will always get to eat again. Remember your reasons. Think about your future. Think about your rewards. Not binging will always be worth it.
You have the ability to be skinny and lose the weight so do it! I know you can!!
Hw: 68kg
Sw April 2024: 60kg
Cw may 2024: 57kg
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paper-mario-wiki · 4 months
PLEASE share the pancake recipe!!!
ingredients (eyeballed measurements, you can do this):
pancake mix (buttermilk mix bought from farmer Bob who has a corn maze outside of seattle)
1 or 2 egg whites per serving (you can determine what that means, i trust your judgement)
i preheat my stove to a little over medium. like in the 5-7 range.
pour the milk into the buttermilk mix until it's like, as thick as a smoothie. it doesnt have to be perfectly smooth, and actually wouldn't benefit from it either.
crack an egg but open it upward so that the contents dont spill out. then, over the bowl, pour the yolk back and forth between the two pieces of shell. after a few times, the yolk will separate from the whites, which will fall out and into the bowl.
then you feed the yolk to Scarlet, my dog, with her breakfast kibble.
i whip the egg whites in a cereal bowl with a fork. the whole point of whipping the whites is to trap air in them, until they basically turn into a foam. keep that in mind while you're mixing, and try to trap air in the mixture. imagine you're a taffy puller. ya know, pulling taffy. same principle. use the arm you jerk off with, as it's probably stronger and has the same basic muscle memory for this task.
after they're nice n foamy, add them to the batter, but don't mix or whip it in. as much as you can, gently fold the two concoctions together. you don't wanna pop all those bubbles you just made.
i like to hold a stick of butter and draw all over the pan to coat it in a semi-generous amount of butter, which will make the skin super crispy as it sorta fries in it.
the old "wait until the bubbles on the back of the pancake pop to flip it" rule doesnt really work here, since the thing is basically gonna be bubbling and foaming and popping IMMEDIATELY, so INSTEAD:
wait until the batter is only 40% shiny on top, as a lot of the pancake is going to cook through very quick since the batter is basically a dense network of very thin bubble walls.
after flipping, give it about 70% of the time you gave it on the first side to properly finish up the bottom.
i suggest pairing with bacon and hashbrowns.
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konigsblog · 1 year
what i think the 141 + vaqueros, könig eat for breakfast
price 🥃: a cigar. sits outside on the small balcony outside his flat, taking drags from his lit cigar before having another. maybe, he'll make some bacon, usually something salty and bitter.
soap 🧼: scrambled eggs on toast. i don't know why, but he probably does. catch him burning the toast and getting pissed off, angrily eating it. he'll have some orange juice or a lucozade with it. definitely drinks a lot of energy and carbonated drinks.
ghost 💀: everyone knows it, he has a cigarette and some tea. sugary tea. true believer he drinks tea with 2-3tsp of sugar and some milk, it's only one cup — till it's not and he's drinking his third today... opens his window and stands by it while watching people walk in the streets. definitely lives in a flat/apartment, finds it comforting knowing there's people around, and appreciates the sounds of cars driving past.
gaz 🧢: either eats something healthy, or something super unhealthy. like, açai bowl or nutella on a toast. definitely likes bananas, mangos and strawberries. or maybe he'll have a smoothie or something, otherwise he's eating peanut butter and chocolate on a sandwich...
alejandro: savoury breakfast bowl and dark coffee. probably doesn't enjoy sweet stuff very often, but loves stuff salty and bitter, especially black coffee. he won't admit that it tastes bad, drinks multiple cups a day and feels energised. doesn't understand the people thet eat chocolate cereal.
rudy: greek yogurt, i'm not sure why, but maybe something with strawberries in it — something alejandro would gag at. also enjoys dark coffee and will gladly drink it, just not as religiously as ale. rodolfo adores yogurt and fruit.
könig: something salty and a home dish. i done some research, and couldn't find a lot but i saw tiroler gröstl on a list and i think it might be something he'd enjoy. i can definitely see könig enjoying salty/savoury food more than sweet, although he does enjoy it a lot. he likes potato, bacon, onion and eggs and would eat it every now and then he can while on leave... probably enjoys eating leftovers from dinner or a takeaway.
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quotes-clinic · 1 year
15 Easy and Delicious Cereal Recipes to Start Your Day
Are you tired of the same old breakfast every day? Look no further than cereal! Not only is it a quick and easy meal, but it’s also versatile and can be used in a variety of recipes. From sweet to savory, there’s a cereal recipe for everyone. In this article, we’ll share 15 delicious and easy cereal recipes to help you start your day off right. 15 Easy and Delicious Cereal Recipes 1. Homemade…
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pidgotto · 3 months
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Hello, my friends. Welcome to part 5 of TBB but in the Sims because Pidge still hasn't gotten over the fact that the show ended over a month ago and so has decided to play out a silly modern AU where they're in control of the going-ons and shenanigans which ensue!
I hope you enjoy the nonsense and gooey cuteness that I captured during gameplay!
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He's telling Crosshair about the fact that ketchup and tomato soup are two variants of tomato smoothies.
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Batcher is the best-est girl in the entire galaxy, your honor. I will hear nothing else of it.
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I know in fanon Wrecker is either an outstanding chef or the type of person to burn a bowl of cereal. Wrecker is the former in my save file. He makes the most bomb meals for this household, it's actually kind of wild.
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"Goodnight, kid." ❤️
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Batcher side eyeing Echo and Omega is the funniest thing to me.
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Omega's started her own club for her friends! They're favorite activities are swinging on the swing set and busting it down to the stereo in Tech and Phee's living room.
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Bro is glaring HARD and it cracks me up.
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The boogie-woogie-bugle-boys. It's actually insane how obsessed everyone is with dancing in my game. Like literally, this is all they do for the majority of days if they're not at work. Everyone single one of them has developed "likes dancing" for their likes and dislikes from dancing like 24/7.
Until next time!
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z0mbi3k1d · 5 months
Romanticizing life Part 4
Food ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
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This is just gonna be abt healthy food swaps and things different foods can do for you, I'm not promoting Ed at all!!
Only do these if you want to, you should enjoy your life. That means don't do food swaps all the time, treat yourself! To be honest I probably won't do any of these because I'm happy with my body and don't have too, you should be happy with yourself too!
Eating Healthy 🍓
It is important to eat healthy! It can do lots for your body, skin, and mood, I'm going to give you some healthy food swaps and tasty snacks to help!
Toxic things to get out of your head 🐇
Before I'm going to share these it's important to me that you don't use this unhealthy, stop telling yourself these things
"I need to eat healthy to loose weight"
No, you don't. All bodies are shaped different and process food differently, allergies for example. Not everyone has allergies so what makes you think everyone processes all food the same? You can still be healthy without 'looking healthy'
"I'll only eat for energy, not taste"
Man just enjoy your life 😭 I see ppl say this a lot but it doesn't make sense. Break your shell and try more foods and flavors, enjoy yourself
"I have to look like them"
Nuh uh! You're hotter 💋
Remember if you wouldn't say it to a bunny DO NOT SAY IT TO YOUR SELF‼️‼️
Food swaps 🍡
Here's some food swaps for you!
Sugary cereal ~ Oats with fruit
Ice cream ~ acai bowl
Coffee ~ matcha/Chai
Chips ~ Popcorn
White bread ~ sourdough
My personal favorite healthy foods 🧁
I'd consider myself a pretty picky eater so when it comes to healthy foods this is what I eat
I love all fruits strawberries, blueberries, bananas ect. Fruits are great bc you can do lots with them, you can make smoothies, put them in yogurt or just eat them normally
Peanut butter, okay so I'm not a huge fan but there's a lot you can do with peanut butter and you an make really healthy stuff with it
Granola, guys granola is soooo good I used to eat the bars and they had honey on them too it was so good
Honey is also good but yk
Hummus.. Lowkey feel like a nerd for saying I like it but I do. If you wanna be healthy with it you could use cucumbers!
Cucumbers>>> squash (I hate squash it's so disgusting :p)
Tuna, it has like Idk it's good for you in some ways I wasn't really listening to my father when he was talking abt it
I love nuts!! I think they're a good quick snack
I'd you don't like water get some of the flavors things, they have energy and low cal ones
Apparently dark chocolate is gold for you too sooo
Salmon is also healthy hehe >:)
Chia seeds barley taste like anything so put them in your yogurt or something
Things foods can do for you 🍮
Idk how much of this is true but I'm not gonna gatekeep just in case
Dark chocolate can
Holy crap apparently it can protect against UV rays?? 😭😭
It fights tooth decay
And it's a brain food
More brain food
Chia seeds
I'm telling you fruits are good for anything and they're sweet!!! They are perfect!!! (If you don't like fruit consider yourself an opp)
Thanks for reading!! 🩷🩷
Thanks for reading!! Have a great day, remember to eat what you want and stay happy!! I love you my sweet angels!! 🩷🩷
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Hi! Love the writing. Could I please request Joel with teenage twins. I just think him being caught in the middle of two teenagers fighting about who stole who’s shirt and being scared for his life is hilarious and kind of sweet.
Holy shit i love this
Salad Days
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author's note: you know that video of Dave Grohl where he's talking about being a dad and the best part and he goes, "Having children that don't fucking care that you're a rockstar. My kids don't give a shit if I'm in the Foo Fighters. They're like 'Daddy, I need a smoothie 🙄 NOW." That's what this gives.
Summary: The T-Shirt Coup [1.2k]
Warnings: the girls are sixteen in this, that's literally it
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"Sophia Parker and Violet Isabelle Miller! If you're not down here in five minutes, I'm leavin' without you!" You yell up the stairs. Joel chuckles from his place at the kitchen counter, shoveling cereal into his mouth like it's his last meal, and you give him a look. "What?"
"You had an accent when you yelled at them." He says. You scoff and walk over to him, stealing a sip of coffee from his mug. 
"I did not."
"You totally did."
"Even if I did, which I didn't, you should take it as a compliment." You say, busying yourself with some mail left on the counter. You feel him raise his eyebrows before you see it, and he puts down his bowl to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into his chest until your shoulder presses into his sternum. You ignore him and his stupid Laker's shirt he knows you love and read the same letter from the girls' school over and over again.
"Yeah? Why's that?" 
"I've been married to you for twenty-two years, and you're just now finally rubbing off on me. It's something to celebrate, really." You snark, and he laughs. It's one of his big, full laughs that makes him throw his head back. The sight makes your heart shine.
"You're an asshole." He says lovingly, taking the mail he knows you don't care about out of your hand and turning you so he can have your full attention.
"Yeah, yeah," you laugh as you lock your arms around his shoulders. "What do you have planned for today, Mr. Miller?" You ask, and he sighs.
"I gotta go into the studio. We just signed a new band, and we're havin' a meeting to talk about the next album," he says. Despite the annoyed tone he's adopted, you can see how excited he is about this new venture. He loves allowing new, young bands to make something fresh. He says it keeps him young. You know it's what he was meant to do all along. "What bout you? What're you doin' today, Mrs. Miller?"
"One of my old students has a project they want to pitch for me to produce. She's brilliant and an amazing writer, so I'm sure I'll say yes and shell out all our money."
"For the children," he says dramatically, and you laugh. "She's lucky to have you in her corner. I'm sure it'll be great." His words hit right where they need to, and you press yourself closer to him.
"You're a sap." Your words ghost over his lips, and his hand slides into your back pocket like always.
"Yeah, yeah." He breathes. You're less than an inch apart, and it wouldn't take much movement to actually kiss him, but you like being this close to him. You like counting all his freckles and watching him try to decide who will be the first to break. His lips barely graze yours when suddenly stomping feet and a loud argument make their way down the stairs and into the kitchen. You take a deep breath as you and Joel turn to look at the girls, who barely acknowledge how you're wrapped up in each other because they always see you being affectionate with each other. Joel Miller has not gotten more subtle about his PDA in his old age.
"Mom, please tell Violet this is my shirt!" Sophia demands, tugging on the fabric of a worn UT shirt. 
"I literally wore it last week! You commented on it and everything!" Violet looks to you. "Do you remember, Mom? I was wearing it when we went to Trader Joe's on Thursday."
"That's true. You were," you say, making Sophia's jaw drop. Of the two, Sophia has always had a little more flair for the dramatics, something she definitely gets from you. On more than one occasion, Sophia has done or said something ridiculous, and Joel bursts out laughing because he thinks it's something you would do or say. "But Vi, I told you last week that you stole my shirt from my closet, and I wanted it back. I thought you were gonna, at least, wash it first."
"Ew! You didn't wash it?!" Sophia screeches.
"Of course, I did, dipshit! I just... forgot Mom wanted it back." 
"Wait a second," Joel says, finally catching up with the argument. He looks between the shirt and the three of you before tilting his head to give you an are-you-fucking-serious-right-now look. "I've been lookin' for that for weeks! That's my shirt." He says. Suddenly, it all connects. You stole it from Joel. Violet stole it from you. Sophia stole it from Violet. As the realization settles over the room, Sophia walks over to Joel, puts her hand on his shoulder, and squeezes like a disappointed teacher.
"Our shirt." 
"Communism shirt!" Violet yells, making you laugh so hard that you stumble against Joel.
"You can't just yell 'communism shirt' and expect me to not want my shirt back." He tries to argue.
"Dad! You're not listening. It's a community shirt. Get with the times, old man." 
"Old man?!" 
"Hey, I happen to think he's a very hot and sexy old man." You jump in, and the girls groan.
"Thank you, baby," Joel says as he kisses you firmly. The girls boo and pretend to cover their eyes in disgust, making you all laugh. You pull away from Joel, but he chases your lips for a few quick kisses until he finally lets you go.
"We're gonna be late if we keep talking about the communism shirt. Girls get in the car, please," you say, stealing one more sip of coffee from Joel's cup, and the girls groan in protest as they slip on their backpacks and walk to the front door. You smile as you look at Joel, alone again for just a second. "You gotta start hiding your shirts better otherwise, they're all gonna become Marxist property." 
"This is somethin' they should really put in the parenting books," he says, and you laugh. He grabs your purse from the kitchen table for you and kisses you again as he slides it up your arm. "Love you."
"Love you, too. Let me know how the album meeting goes."
"Let me know how the pitch goes." He echoes. This is how much of your life has been together: letting each other go and make creative decisions while supporting them no matter how they play out. Many Hollywood couples get divorced because they can't learn how to give their partner the support and patience they need to create art. You and Joel have always been good about making sure the other feels supported and heard but not weighed down by differing artistic opinions or thoughts. He has his work, and you have yours, and you make it work. It's one of the reasons you love him so much. That and the fact that he still walks you to your car and opens the door for you after more than twenty years together. Granted, he smacks your ass in front of your daughters while you're climbing into the car, but that's par for the course. 
He blows kisses to his teenage daughters in the backseat and waves as you roll down the driveway, standing there until you disappear around the corner. His cologne is imprinted on your shirt collar, and you can still feel his lips on yours when Sophia sits up in her seat.
"I can't believe Dad didn't know about communism shirt."
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tinsyfairy · 7 days
09.16 food diary ! 🍂
* note : this is not intended to encourage anybody or follow my habits i'm just documenting my life and i want to find others who are like me :)
₊⊹ intake limit : 1.3k
₊⊹ water intake : 2L
₊⊹ f4st¡ng time : 20 hrs
⌗ breakfast : yog + brownie 🍪
– choban¡ flip cookie dough (160)
– fiber one choco cookie (70)
> total : 230
⌗ lunch : smoothie bowl 🍓
- frozen strawb + banana (90 there was more strawb than banana slices tho T_T)
– 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (15)
– 6 tbsp choban¡ vanilla yogurt (78)
– 1/2 cup honey comb cereal (65)
> total : 248
⌗ dinner : salad 🥗 (bc im a meal repeater)
– 3 cups of spinach (17)
– 1/3 green bell pepper (10)
– 2 tbsp of feta (35)
– roman tomato (7)
– 10 slices of pepperoni (101)
– 1 boiled egg (72)
> total : 242
other :
– SF jello (5)
– 4 tbsp of chobani yog (65)
> total : 70
☆ total : 800
☆ burned : 555 / 12.5k st-ps / 25 min p¡lates / 10 min y–ga
☆ net : 245
— log :
hi friendsss :) today went well!! i got a lot of stuff done and i was really productive! HOWEVER (a bit tmi) it's the first day of my per¡od meaning my w8ight is gonna be fluctuating a lot so i need to stay off the scale T_T luckily i dont really have an appetite and i was pretty full w my intake today. my mom wants to have tacos tmrw and idk what to do. usually I tell myself i can have those foods to prevent a b¡nge but whenever i do it just TRIGGERS one. i think it's bc i still have the "good foods" and "bad foods" mindset. i'm seriously trying to get out of the 140's and i don't want to trigger a b-nge so i'll just have smth else but idk im super indecisive. i hope everyone else is doing well :) stay safe and hydrated guys!!
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