#Comics FR
mebssann · 9 months
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local old man finally gets new clothes
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lambment · 3 months
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thinking about beating narinder with a gun in game, and immediatley marrying him, a shotgun wedding.
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ashrayus · 1 month
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got possessed. drew this. bon appetit
dont tag as ship!
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aviolettrose · 3 months
A fanfic idea:
Bruce was able to rescue Jason before he died, and after this experience, Jason stopped being Robin.
He became afterwards the golden child, he goes to college (with a scholarship), helps out in the city library, teaches children (helps with their homeworks and helps them to study), works part time in a car garage in crime alley, and is a supportive brother.
And it pisses his siblings off.
Because there has to be something fishy because no one, really no one, is that perfect.
And there is something fishy.
He is also Red Hood.
No one knows, and the vigilantes never talk to Jason about "the family business" because he needs to concentrate on his studies and other stuff.
So imagine, Batmans suprise when the JL was able to catch Red Hood.
Someone takes Jasons helmet off in front of Batman, Nightwing, and other members
And Jason, who wears also a domino mask, doesn't look Batman in the face even as he says :
"Hey Dad. I can explain."
And Dick loses his shit, he laughs so hard because, Jason, The golden child, the one who gave up on being a vigilante, who reads to children in the library, is a goddamn crimelord.
Bruce just stands there frozen because wtf Jason?!
And Dick takes selfies with Jason being tied up and calles the other Batkids in because they should definitely not be left out of it.
(Edit: As someone who doesn't really write (or can write good stories), I want to say, feel free to use this prompt for a fanfiction. Just please give credits to me (because I don't know if someone else had also this idea and posted it) and please inform me if you publish something (because I want to read a fanfiction like this too))
(Edit: people we got a link, pls leave some love there for @radioactivepigeons, https://archiveofourown.org/works/55499164
And for those who have struggles with the link, the fanfiction is called Prodigal by Carbon65, and you only have access to it with an ao3 account, BUT I pinned the tumblr version)
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Can’t spell “Five nights at Freddy’s” without GAY
(Based off @/flashcs5 post)
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savagegood · 10 months
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his best running gag
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enduracarrotchips · 1 year
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devastated abt champions tunic upgrade materials
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triona-tribblescore · 4 months
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I thoroughly enjoy the stage of huskerdust where they have yet to fully admit their feelings to each other uvu <3
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evasive-anon · 6 months
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Superman meeting Santa is actually the cutest thing I've ever seen.
[ID: Pages from the Batman- Santa Claus: Silent Knight comic series. Superman has his laser vision activated and looks furious as he says, "You never said-- that you knew." His laser eyes disappear as he says with a stunned, almost stricken expression: "Santa."
A dragon can be seen in the background as he begins to float down and says, "Hi, sir, I'm--" Santa Claus says, "Kent. Rural route 38, Smallsville. You wrote me when you were six." Superman, surprised, asks, "Wow-- You remember that?" Santa replies, "You asked for 'a new coffee maker for Ma and Pa.' And something about how you thought coffee was yucky, but they love it."
Superman, touched, says, "I can't believe you read my letter..." In the background, the dragon is looking at them menacingly, and Blue Beetle shouts, "¡Eyyy! Supes! ¡Hola! Back here!" End ID]
Credit to @princess-of-purple-prose for the description. Thanks for writing this up! I didn’t think to add something like this but if it makes it more inclusive I’m happy to add it! Everyone deserves to see Supes being a cutie pie.
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ssalballoon · 7 months
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rot and ruin
this was heavily inspired by thatkorka's lovely fic! please check it out, it's such a good take on Gale's arc :')
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birdmanbirdplan · 3 months
Did a part two to this comic
Turns out Edgeworth just likes to see a more vulnerable side to Phoenix
It doesn’t translate well
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plutonicbees · 1 year
I've been totally fixated on the fact that gwen stays with hobie when she's not on spider-team missions so here's some fun notes
gwen says that hobie lets her crash in his universe- not "house" or "place" or "apartment", because hobie is homeless
she wears his chucks (how is she fitting into his shoes?) which is funny because hobie's original spider-punk costume included him wearing chucks, but in the movie he only wears boots
in the comics, the gwen stacy of earth-138 was, in hobie's words, "the greatest artist of [their] generation" who died a punk-rock legend, and hobie was/is a big fan of hers. gwen thinks his universe is cool and thinks it's extra cool that she's famous there, so his universe is probably something of a comfort place for her
gwen is apparently in his band (possibly his friend group which he calls the spider-band despite the fact that they're not actually a band and the others are not spideys), though gwen once rejected hobie's proposal of making an album together because his singing voice is awful (still, this was after they saved the world by playing punk rock together)
also, it's interesting to read "coming out as a superhero" as a queer allegory and it works in this situation as it parallels queer kids being kicked out of their homophobic homes and staying with friends in the aftermath
anyways. support the gwen and hobie besties agenda <3
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lambment · 4 months
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was just thinking about how Narinder probably hasnt experienced rain in centuries and Heket thought she never would again. fictional tragic siblings...
bonus leshy- because u know his ass would be out there
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spicy-apple-pie · 7 months
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I think that Damian and Duke need to have more bonding moments
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the holy trinity of Xmen 97 glowups
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Vanessa TOTALLY got those Tapes for the FNAF lore..
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