#Core strengthening Pilates
ascendancepyb · 3 months
Website: https://www.ascendance-pyb.com/
Address: 1726 S. 8 Street, Fernandina Beach, Florida, United States
Ascendance - Pilates, Yoga, & Barre is your premier boutique fitness studio in Fernandina Beach, offering a diverse range of classes including Reformer Pilates, Yoga, and Barre. Our vision focuses on whole-health and well-being through innovative, collaborative programming. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to elevate your practice, our experienced instructors and state-of-the-art equipment are here to guide you on your fitness journey.
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/ascedance-pilates-yoga-and-barre-fernandina-beach
Keywords : pilates studio yoga classes barre workouts near me pilates studio near me fitness studio near me reformer pilates near me group fitness near me group fitness classes fitness coaching near me mindful breathing exercises barre fitness near me barre fitness class health and wellness near me boutique fitness studio holistic health programs core strengthening pilates strength and flexibility training holistic wellness near me wellness community personalized fitness coaching total body conditioning functional movement training mindfulness meditation classes energy boosting workouts boutique fitness near me barre workouts dynamic workout routines body positive fitness state of the art fitness equipment holistic wellness programs innovative wellness solutions wellness community near me health and wellness studio mindful movement practices mindful physical activity unlimited yoga membership zen yoga practice mind body classes near me fitness studio amelia island private fitness sessions introductory pilates package pilates equipment session rhythmic barre exercise innovative fitness programming collaborative wellness community mind body fitness center balanced living classes mindful exercise sessions integrative wellness approach fitness for all levels mindful movement sessions strengthening body and mind holistic fitness experiences mindful stretching classes body mind connection workouts energizing fitness classes mindful living practices transformational fitness journeys mindful nutrition workshops empowering fitness experiences mindful stress relief transformative wellness programs body awareness classes mindful relaxation sessions comprehensive wellness approach mindful self care practices wholistic fitness experiences mindful lifestyle coaching progressive fitness programs mind body connection workshops wholesome wellness community fernandina beach fitness center amelia island wellness studio yoga classes in fernandina beach barre workouts amelia island pilates studio fernandina beach fitness community amelia island wellness studio in fernandina beach boutique fitness amelia island yoga and pilates in fernandina beach amelia island health center reformer pilates fernandina beach group fitness amelia island private fitness sessions fernandina beach amelia island yoga classes health and wellness fernandina beach amelia island boutique fitness fitness classes in fernandina beach amelia island pilates and yoga fernandina beach barre workouts wellness community amelia island private fitness sessions near me mindful exercise near me studio for holistic fitness near me
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keep catching myself in reflective surfaces when i walk by and 😳 not cute. straighten your back queen or you'll look like some sort of wretched beast in 20 years ✋🏼
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realpilatesonline · 1 year
Real Pilates Online is an online platform that offers virtual Pilates classes taught by experienced instructors. Our classes are designed to help you improve your posture, increase your flexibility and strength, and achieve a toned and lean body. We offer a variety of classes for different levels of experience, so whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you'll find a class that suits your needs.
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bodylove-mamas · 1 year
BodyLove Mamas Approach to Postnatal Workout Plan
BodyLove Mamas postnatal workout plan is an effective way for busy moms to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. The program takes a holistic approach to postpartum recovery, focusing on physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The plan is designed to be convenient and time-efficient, with workouts that can be tailored to individual needs and preferences. Additionally, the program offers a supportive community of like-minded moms who can provide encouragement and motivation. By following BodyLove Mamas',  moms can regain strength, improve posture, boost energy levels, and promote overall well-being.
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pastel-charm-14 · 4 months
a beginners guide to pilates
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pilates is a low-impact exercise method that focuses on strengthening the body, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall fitness. it's suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, making it an excellent choice for beginners who are looking to start a new exercise routine. in this guide, we'll cover the basics of pilates and provide tips for getting started.
what is pilates?
pilates was developed by joseph pilates in the early 20th century as a system of exercises designed to improve strength, flexibility, and body awareness. it incorporates a series of controlled movements that target the core muscles, as well as other muscle groups throughout the body. pilates emphasizes proper alignment, breathing, and concentration, making it a holistic approach to fitness.
benefits of pilates
strengthens core muscles: pilates focuses on strengthening the muscles of the core, including the abdominals, lower back, and pelvic floor, which can improve posture and stability.
improves flexibility: pilates exercises promote flexibility and range of motion in the muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall mobility.
enhances body awareness: pilates encourages mindful movement and body awareness, helping individuals develop a deeper connection between mind and body.
promotes relaxation: pilates incorporates breathing techniques and relaxation exercises, which can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and well-being.
increases muscular endurance: pilates exercises are performed in a slow and controlled manner, which helps build muscular endurance over time, allowing individuals to perform daily activities with greater ease.
getting started with pilates
find a qualified instructor: if you're new to pilates, consider taking a class with a certified pilates instructor who can guide you through the exercises and ensure proper form and technique.
start with the basics: begin with beginner-level pilates exercises that focus on building core strength, such as the hundred, pelvic tilts, and leg circles. gradually progress to more challenging exercises as you gain strength and confidence.
focus on proper alignment: pay attention to your alignment during pilates exercises, keeping your spine neutral and your shoulders relaxed. engage your core muscles to stabilize your body and prevent injury.
breathe deeply: practice diaphragmatic breathing during pilates exercises, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling fully through your mouth. coordinate your breath with your movements to promote relaxation and enhance concentration.
listen to your body: listen to your body and work at your own pace during pilates workouts. if an exercise feels too challenging or causes discomfort, modify it or take a break as needed.
be consistent: aim to practice pilates regularly to experience the full benefits of the method. start with two to three sessions per week and gradually increase the frequency and duration of your workouts as you progress.
remember that pilates is a journey, and progress takes time and dedication. be patient with yourself as you learn and grow in your practice, and enjoy the many benefits that pilates has to offer for your mind, body, and spirit.
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lcvemiyuki · 9 days
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pilates workout | ushijima, hq
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content: ushijima asks you for help on improving his core and balance
warnings: timeskip!ushijima x reader, established relationship, just a tad suggestive, fluff
characters: ushijima
word count: 502
a/n: you can tell how much i've been thinking about this😅...ushijima’s muscles go brrrrrr
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“Toshi—no, you have to tighten your core more.”
You were determined to support your boyfriend, so when he asked for advice on strengthening his core and enhancing his balance, you took it as your mission. You were aware of Ushijima’s resolve and aimed to match it.
“Mm,” he grumbled, acknowledging your guidance as he adjusted his arms, moving back into the planking position.
Despite his incredible strength, the strain in his muscles was visible as he struggled to maintain his posture. His wide shoulders trembled slightly, and sweat trickled down his temple.
Circling him, you focused on making sure his workout was effective. “C’mon, just thirty more seconds. Keep your arms straight.”
As his hips began to sag again, you sighed lightly and crouched beside him. Gently, you placed your hands on his waist, feeling the warmth of his skin. “Here, like this,” you said softly, guiding his hips back into position.
His quietness was telling, the occasional nod indicated he was taking in your instructions. You could sense the effort in his muscles.
“I should add this to my workout schedule,” he stated, his voice steady despite the exertion.
“To spend more time with you,” he added sincerely.
Leaning in, you whispered, “I’d like that.” His words pulling on your heartstrings.
Your hands stayed on him a little longer as you looked into his olive-green eyes.
The sound of your phone alarm shattered the moment. Yet, the warm feeling lingered even after you turned it off.
Ushijima gently reclined on the yoga mat, the fabric sticking to his sweaty skin. He lay flat on his back, drawing deep, steady breaths. His powerful arms moved behind his head, veins bulging as he began to cool down.
You brought him a small, white towel and crouched near his head. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, you leaned in closer, pressing a quick, affectionate kiss on his forehead.
“Your reward,” you whispered, smiling at him.
His eyes opened slowly, meeting yours with an intensity that quickened your pulse. His gaze traced your features, saying more than words could.
His chest rose and fell rhythmically, his body glistening under the soft light. The sight was mesmerizing as your peripheral vision caught a glimpse of his waistband, which hung low enough to reveal the two sculpted grooves that trailed even deeper down.
Ushijima reached up, the back of his hand brushing against your cheek. “Thank you,” he murmured.
“Anytime,” you replied softly, your heart racing as you hoped the warmth blossoming on your cheeks matched the heat of his hands.
There was a certain part of you, a hidden, daring side, that wanted to push him even further, just to see more of the sight of him now— sprawled out on the floor taking deep, heavy breaths.
A playful smirk crossed your face.
“What’s with the face, my love?” Ushijima’s deep voice pierced your bubble of thought.
“Oh! Nothing,” you assured him. “Now,” you clasped your hands together, “let’s continue, shall we?” you suggest, blinking innocently.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
want more?
⤷ masterlist.
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bigshymen · 1 month
summary : sam, your boyfriend, is always out filming workout videos for his viewers and you begin to miss him. naturally, you drag him to a pilates class with you.
fit reader , oneshot , established relationship , suggestive topics , no smut
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As a bodybuilding influencer, your boyfriend, Sam, was on top of it and as a result always going to events and busy filming things from his meals to his car rides and of course, getting his pump on at the gym. And as much as you’d like to get on top of him, that doesn’t last very long. While you’re proud of his success, you missed your oversized-care bear dearly.
This gave you the idea to surprise him by dragging him to a pilates class - something you’d been doing for years that you knew he’d never tried. It didn’t bother you that he had no interest in it, but what did was his underestimation of pilates. That was going to change today.
“Hurry up Sam! Don’t make us late.” You whinned, practically hauling him out the door as he grumbled unenthusiastically about not wanting to pay more for essentially “bending and stretching.”
The sight of someone as tiny as you pulling a giant like him inside the studio, and succeeding, was a comical display for the women already present in class, earning a few whispers. His massive frame towered over the pilates enthusiasts who were petite in comparison.
Sam reluctantly followed you hand-in-hand and as you two settled onto your respective mats, you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of him slightly looking out of place admist the sea of colorful Alo bottoms and tank tops.
“Good evening everyone!” The instructor chirped before introducing herself to any newcomers as Alexis. She began to lead the class through a series of movements, explaining each one with precision in a soothing voice. You glanced over at Sam, who was already struggling to keep up with the intricate poses.
Despite his strength and overwhelming size, the graceful movements of pilates proved to be quite challenging for him. You tried to stifle your laughter as he wobbled during the balance exercises and grunted loudly through the core strengthening sequences, earning side looks from the women on neighboring mats.
But Sam was determined to prove you wrong, pushing himself to keep pace with the rest of the class. Sweat dripped down his brow as he tried to retain focus on Alexis’s instructions, his muscles trembling with exertion.
As the class progressed you couldn’t help but feel pride watching Sam be bested. He may have been a powerhouse in the gym, but pilates was a whole different ballgame - one that required flexibility and control rather than sheer brute strength.
Though you had to admit, you enjoyed seeing him like this a lot more then you probably should. Sam in motion is… distracting. You stopped pretending to pose and your eyes linger to his curly locks, wet with sweat and cradling his pink face. It’s a rare occurrence when you see his hair without the cap obscuring it. Simplified, his face can best be described as masculine. But not the overbearing hypermasculinity bodybuilders often seem to have.
Sam’s profile is delightfully male. Despite his skin being almost completely littered with acne scars and wearing a seemingly permanent flushed-color, there’s no denying he’s handsome, facial wise. The shorts he wore were always obscenely short and suddenly you’re hyper aware of the ladies around the two of you. You hoped they weren’t having any ideas, unless they fancied one inchers.
After what seemed like eternity of stretching and contorting, at least for Sam, the class came to a close. He flopped onto his mat with a dramatic sigh, the sound startling you and a few of the women but he seemed too tired to be embarrassed.
“That was tough,” He finally admitted after he gave up on sitting upright, panting deeply as his muscles throughly protest. The sheepish grin spreading across his face betrayed his body language.
You felt a smile forming on your own lips. Leaning over to give him a kiss on his scarlet cheek, you linger for a moment. It’s accompanied with a gentle pat against his solid chest. “You did great, hun. I’m happy you joined me.”
One of the young women peering discreetly from the left side of the room cringed.
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elicathebunny · 9 months
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Good posture is important to your overall health and offers a variety of benefits including reduced back pain, increased energy, and greater confidence. A posture is a form of body language. It signals to others that you are open, engaged, and in control of the situation. This can enhance your social interactions and professional relationships. Having good posture is important to your overall health, as it can help you avoid muscle tension, pain, fatigue, and many other common ailments and medical conditions.
- People often associate posture with status. I've been told I sit posh because I sit upright!
MISCONCEPTIONS: "Many people believe that you need to constantly hold onto a perfectly straight and symmetrical posture, but this can actually do more harm than good. Good posture is all about developing an awareness of your natural body positions and shapes rather than forcing it into an artificially constructed one. " "When people think of sitting up straight, they often think of an unmoving, unrelenting hold involving a stiff back and tight shoulders. However, because the body is naturally dynamic and meant to move, it’s important that your posture reflects this." "Posture, even in the beginning, shouldn’t be something that occupies your mind constantly. People who are trying to sit straight without moving may find themselves concentrating on keeping their bodies in these uncomfortable positions instead of really experiencing life. It can also become irritating if you find yourself relaxing when your mind wanders and the relief of slouching at the end of a long day is enough to make people give up on good posture forever." -BODYMINDED
Awareness: The first step is to become aware of your current posture. Pay attention to how you sit, stand, and walk throughout the day. Notice if you tend to slouch or hunch your shoulders.
Core Strengthening exercises
Back and Neck Exercises
Ergonomic Workspace: If you work at a desk, ensure that your workspace is ergonomic. Adjust your chair, keyboard, and monitor to promote good posture. Your feet should be flat on the floor, and your computer screen should be at eye level.
Stretching: Regularly stretch your chest, shoulders, and hip flexors to counteract the effects of sitting for long periods. Yoga and Pilates can be excellent for improving flexibility and posture.
Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness and body awareness. Throughout the day, remind yourself to check your posture and make corrections when necessary.
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shetalkspretty · 5 months
Workout Plan for 2024
My current Workout plan :
Pilates (1 hr session, 5 days a week)
HIIT (20 minute session, 3 times a week)
Back sculpting workout (15 minutes, 3 times a week)
Stomach Vacuums
Cool down stretches
Foam Rolling
Explanation and Suggestions below :
Pilates : I have been practising a lot of Pilates to improve my posture and core strength. But the improvement in my mood coupled with the goodness I felt in my body came as a pleasant surprise! You need to get on it ASAP! Just start by doing 15 minutes a day, and then build up from there! I'd recommend moving mango for beginners and Move with Nicole for intermediate levels (both on youtube)
HIIT sessions : I usually jump rope for my HIIT sessions. Beside giving my body a good exercise, it makes me sweat buckets which clears my skin and makes it SO GLOWY! Best investment of my time and energy.
Targeted Weighted Workouts : I try to target different muscle groups to strengthen every month. Pilates helps me with keeping my overall body toned, so I don't have to bother too much thinking about losing my tone. These days I'm focusing on building a stronger back. Madfit has amazing video on back sculpting on youtube, it has made my Lats stronger!
Stomach Vacuums : These are amazing for getting a flatter stomach and a tighter core! I do them twice a day (follow Lena Snow's stomach vacuum routine on youtube. It's just 5 minutes a day)
Cool down : Many people slack on this one. But cooling down after a workout session is extremely important! it removes waste from muscles, relieving soreness and stops your blood from pooling. If it feels boring, just try the 5 minutes cool down by Madfit on youtube, it improved my flexibility a lot!
Foam Rolling : Foam rollers are the saviors that have given me excellent results with post-workout soreness! I've always held a lot of tension in my shoulders but foam rolling twice a day made the tight feeling disappear! Highly recommend.
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chrisdoeslife · 1 year
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My back hurts pretty badly again 😫 I have to assume it’s our (fairly new and very firm) mattress. I slept on a memory foam topper while I was visiting friends this past weekend and that made my back feel so much better. Ugh. So I went for another walk and did some easy core-strengthening Pilates instead of a hardcore workout.
B: Coffee with creamer and Greek yogurt
L: Homemade chicken salad eaten with baby carrots and pretzel chips
D: Air fried chicken tenders and tater tots
Deficit: 500 calories
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
hate is a strong word but i definitely feel uncomfortable in my body. because of my chest, i feel like it is too big and i feel sexualized just grocery shopping in a baggy shirt. i’ve tried to come to terms with it and accept my body but whenever anyone so much as glances at my breasts i want to peel of my skin. i also experience some back pain but the main reason is discomfort. do you know how i can get a smaller chest? if i go down a couple cups it’ll probably be the highlight of my summer.
(to be specific i’m looking for exercises/diet/lifestyle changes to implant to get smaller boobs)
thank you
Hi love. Having a large chest sounds very inconvenient and painful at times (I'm very flat-chested and don't have first-hand experience with this issue, lol), so I sympathize with you here. I would say to consider the following suggestions:
Look for a well-fitting, comfortable minimizer bra (I've heard that Lively and Bali make great options!)
Consider wearing darker tops with a v-neck, square neck, or off-the-shoulder neckline with a lighter color pair of pants/shorts/skirt to draw attention away from your bust for a more balanced look
Try exercises that strengthen your diaphragm (the area right under your bust), upper back, and core to help alleviate some of the pain. Pushups, wall pushups, leg raises, chest presses, and front/side raises with dumbells are known to be potentially effective for reducing breast size/firming the area. You can also try gentle movement exercises like yoga and pilates in addition to more intense strength/targeted weight training
If you're overweight or eat a lot of junk food, consider cutting out as much processed food/sugary drinks as you can and make progress toward incorporating more WFPB meals into your week/drink plenty of water every day. Getting in 10K steps daily is another great way to relieve stress/incorporate more movement into your day that can help with weight loss (walking's impact on your overall health and physique is so underrated!)
Hope this helps xx
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umlewis · 1 year
lewis hamilton is interviewed on media day [part 1], miami, florida, u.s. - may 4, 2023 (transcription under the cut)
Interviewer: "From where you are right now, how do you compare, on track, this season compared to last season at this point?" Lewis: "Much more enjoyable. Last year we had a car that was bouncing like crazy, so my back and my neck, and my filings were coming out. They weren't really, but you know, it was bouncing so much last year. So we're in a better position, in that sense, but I think, performance-wise, we're not where we wanna be. But I think the team has a really great mentality right now. We're just keeping our heads down, we're chasing. We know we're not the fastest at the moment and we can't fight for wins at the moment, but we're working towards it." Interviewer: "How is your back? We can joke about it, but your back took a beating last season. How is it now, after time?" Lewis: "It's good." Interviewer: "Is it fine now?" Lewis: "It's good, yeah. I've been doing a lot of yoga and pilates, and I did a lot of recovery last year and just strengthening up those areas, and I feel amazing. Honestly, I feel the best I've felt that I can remember feeling, so..." Interviewer: "At 38 you can say that you feel the best now that you've felt in a long time?" Lewis: "Yeah." Interviewer: "What's your secret?" Lewis: "I would imagine part of that is just, year on year, being plant-based, as well, you just get better at understanding the foods, and diet is just better than ever, as well, so that's why you see it in my skin." Interviewer: "Skin is amazing." Lewis: [laughs] Interviewer: "We'll go with that. I was gonna say, what's your secret? What's the skincare line? Tell me all your secrets.” Lewis: "No, I can't tell you my secrets." Interviewer: "Fine. Be that way. Be mean." Lewis: "But I do moisturize. I have the whole ritual in the morning of cleaning my skin, moisturizing before I go to bed, and naturally I'm training up to twice a day, so I'm having to do that multiple times in the day. [laughs] But just I drink a lot of water, I drink four liters a day because I'm training. I won't say if I wasn't training that I would have four liters. And then I eat a lot of greens. Yeah, I have a lot of protein shakes and..." Interviewer: "The whole thing." Lewis: "Yeah." Interviewer: "When you do train twice a day, how do you break up what it is that you're doing and when?" Lewis: "It really depends on the schedule. So, for example, Monday was my day off after the last race, but I didn't really use it as a day off. I did a 12K run in the morning, and then was on the Zooms all afternoon, and then in the evening did another hour-and-a-half workout in the gym, and that was strength work. As where today, for example, I was running at 6:30 this morning, like a 10K run, and then I got back. I had the summit that we did as soon as I got back, then it was all core strengthening-glutes and hip flexors- all that kind of work around the middle area, and yeah, it just really depends what you've got coming up. I wouldn't wanna do leg day two days before I get in the car, 'cause then you've got noodle legs." Interviewer: "No one wants noodle legs."
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elinaline · 2 months
What's your workout routine? Because I badly want a bigger ass.
It's all physio exercises with some amount of control on my joints to avoid popping something out, that I don't take very long to do, it's like easy movements I do while I put my lotion before bed or brush my teeth. Also I have to warn you my ass does not look bigger since my thighs grew with it. Anyways
In all of these, posture is extremely important, you want to keep a straight back, you want to maintain your balance so hold yourself and always keep your feet flat on the ground.
While standing, grab one of your knees and hold yourself for balance. Bring the knee as close to your chest as you can, without moving your hips to the side, you need to keep a straight back, then try to keep your leg up without holding it. Don't do it until it hurts, this one is especially tiring at first so maybe do it by shots of a few seconds. Be especially wary of your balance, if it feels like you might buckle over do not do it, there's other exercise to strengthen around the knees and ankles.
To strengthen leg joints and your core, you just put a knee on the ground, while holding something to keep balance, keep your back straight so essentially it should feel like you're pushing to the front from your lower back. Slowly ! You don't want to bruise your knee. If it's too hard to go very slow, put a pillow down under your knee. Then go back up slowly. Depending on if you put your weight on your front or back leg while doing it you're working different muscles. This one is truly exhausting and can hurt easily so no more than five time on each side, and you have to stretch afterwards !
While lying down, shoulders flat on the ground, feet flat on the ground, you want to push your hips up, while keeping your back flat so you will have to push your pelvis to the front again. This one I do while hydrating my arms, it's a classic pilates exercise that works the glutes, quads, and a bit of your core.
While sitting, lift both of your legs slightly while keeping them straight, and work your abs to stay upright. You don't need to force on your legs to go up, the point is to maintain balance with your core. Mind your back.
Wile sitting again. One leg down like normal, back straight, pull your other leg as straight as possible towards you. This one works out the quads.
If you want a fat ass, the most efficient way would be to do squats. Once again I know them the physio way, so making sure you don't break joints: feet flat on the ground, spread about the width of your pelvis to stand upright with good balance. You want to squat while keeping your back perfectly straight, so it should feel like you are pushing your ass up, rather than letting yourself go down if that makes sense. You don't have to go as low as possible, that's bullshit, what you want is consistency to strengthen the muscles without hurting yourself.
For any of those exercises, if you ever feel them being painful at any point you have to stop. Workout is done for health and aesthetic reasons you don't want to tear something while doing it, and pain is the sign of a high risk of tear.
I might try to find the videos again but this will take time
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
🌟 Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra 🌟
✨ Are you looking to boost your personal power and confidence? The solar plexus chakra is the key! Here are some tips to help you heal and balance this energy center:
1️⃣ Meditate: Close your eyes, focus on your upper abdomen, and visualize a golden light radiating from within. Breathe deeply, letting go of any self-doubt. Feel your personal power growing with each breath.
2️⃣ Affirmations: Repeat empowering phrases like “I am confident,” “I embrace my personal power,” and “I deserve success.” Speak these words with conviction and believe in your own abilities.
3️⃣ Crystals: Try using citrine, yellow calcite, or tiger’s eye crystals. Place them on your solar plexus area during meditation or carry them with you as a reminder of your strength and self-worth.
4️⃣ Self-Care: Nourish your body and mind with a healthy diet, incorporating yellow foods like bananas and ginger. Engage in physical activities that strengthen your core, like yoga or Pilates.
5️⃣ Release Control: Let go of the need to control everything around you. Trust in the flow of life and surrender to the opportunities that come your way. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and open to new experiences.
Remember, healing takes time and self-compassion. Embrace your unique journey and trust in your inner power. You are capable of achieving great things! 💛✨
#SolarPlexusHealing #ChakraBalancing #SelfEmpowerment #InnerStrength
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bodylove-mamas · 1 year
Effective Postnatal Core Strengthening Exercises for New Mothers
Discover the best postnatal core strengthening exercises to help new mothers regain their strength and tone their abs after childbirth. These exercises are safe, easy to perform, and can be done at home with little to no equipment. Start your postnatal fitness journey today and feel confident and strong!
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brightgnosis · 4 months
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
What's the only treatment for Fibromyalgia that experts agree works? Exercise 💪 But do you know where this statistic comes from?
In 2016, experts from 12 countries gathered to debate the evidence for all pharmacological (meds) and non-pharmacological treatments for managing Fibromyalgia. These experts published their findings in the official European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology "Recommendations for the Management of Fibromyalgia". And the only one that every expert agreed actually works? Exercise.
"Undoubtedly, it may be counterintuitive and scary for patients to start physical training, but they should become aware of the literature data confirming that a combination of aerobic and strengthening exercises can improve their pain and physical function".
But what now? Experts and doctors agree that people with Fibromyalgia should exercise. But then they give absolutely no direction or help on HOW to exercise 🤦🏻‍♀️ Which is why I created Fibro Fit Warriors [...] the only science-based fitness and nutrition program for people with Fibromyalgia BACKED BY RESEARCH 🔬
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
Studies show that exercise can improve Fibromyalgia symptoms. However, exercise has many other benefits for those with Fibromyalgia that aren't discussed enough.
😴 Did you know that exercise improves sleep quality? This is true for people with and without Fibromyalgia. But it's essential for those with Fibro because poor-quality sleep is the leading cause of brain fog. Fixing sleep also fixes brain fog.
😫 It's also pretty well known that exercise reduces stress. But why is this important for those with Fibromyalgia? Because stress is the number one trigger for Fibromyalgia flares.
💪 And finally, exercising consistently boosts confidence. I see this in my clients every single day! The longer they exercise consistently, the more confidence they have in their bodies and their ability to feel in control again.
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
I shared a new Fibromyalgia study with my email subscribers. This study analyzed all of the research on exercise and Fibromyalgia to pinpoint what would be most effective.
The study, "Optimal dose and type of exercise to reduce pain, anxiety and increase quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. A systematic review with meta-analysis" concluded that the best workout program would include: 💜 3 workouts per week 💜 30 - 60 minutes per workout 💜 Include strength training 💜 Include Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, or Thai Chi — And that if this routine is followed, patients will start to see results after 21 to 40 sessions, which would be about 2 to 4 months.
Even though this study was published recently, these suggestions are almost exactly what my clients have [already] been doing in Fibro Fit Warriors.
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
I get comments all the time saying "Rachel, I've tried exercise, and it doesn't work for me". 😫 After working with over 100 Fibromyalgia clients, I can tell you that it almost always comes down to these three mistakes:
💜 You're exercising too much. I hear stories from people saying they try to "exercise for 30 minutes every day" or purchased other fitness programs that have them at the gym 5x a week. According to research, 2 times per week is best for Fibromyalgia.
💜 You're focusing on the wrong goals. Most traditional programs are marketed to lose weight or grow a booty. But according to research, you need to focus on core strength, stability, and balance first.
💜 You're walking as exercise. Contrary to what your doctor might have told you, walking is one of the hardest exercises for people with Fibromyalgia. If you've been trying to hit a step goal but wind up in pain afterward, that's why.
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
What's the number one mistake I see EVERYONE make when it comes to exercising with Fibromyalgia? Having an all-or-nothing mentality.
You hear me talk about exercise for Fibromyalgia, so you decide to try. 💪 You work out and things aren't too bad! 🎉 Sure, it's hard, but you knew it would be. You leave the gym feeling hopeful. Motivated. Like maybe this time it's going to be different. When you get home, you're still riding the high of feeling motivated. So you finally clean your kitchen, prep healthy meals for the week, and put away the giant pile of laundry that's been staring at you for days 🧹 🧺
But the next day you're in SO MUCH PAIN 😭 So what do you do? You quit exercising 🤦🏻‍♀️ You kick yourself thinking "How do people work out with Fibromyalgia?!" 😫 What if I told you it wasn't the workout. It's what you did AFTER the workout.
When you have Fibromyalgia, you can "do it all," just not all at once ✋ Learning how to pace yourself is crucial to living with Fibromyalgia. And it's something that I teach in Fibro Fit Warriors 🙏
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