#Dad said he's not angry with my partner and i said then why do you and mom treat her like she's cancer???
ginnsbaker · 1 month
My missionary parents just came to my room to tell me that while they are away on a mission trip, my girlfriend can't sleep over at our house while im house-sitting it... The house that I bought with my own money....for them.
That's Christianity for you folks.
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robintherobiner · 4 months
i know the fandom likes to make Jack out to be a terrible dad but i personally enjoy to imagine him as a man who's just not that smart, but tries his best.
Tim, like six years old, angry that he wasn't allowed desert before dinner: I hate you! I wish lived on my own and never saw you or Mommy again!
Jack, tearing up and booking flight tickets: Okay kiddo, love you.
Jack, tearing up and booking gender reassignment surgery: Okay darling, love you.
Nurse, glancing at his phone: You.. you know that surgery wont make you able to carry a child right?
Jack: Yes it will, it gives me a vagina!
Nurse: ...you know you need a uterus to actually carry the baby right?
Tim, age 15: Dad, i'm glad you're trying to be better now but... Why did you and mom neglect me for so long?
Jack: You told us too! I wanted to raise you, i was a stay at home dad, but you said i was horrible and that you wanted to live on your own!
Tim: ...
Jack: Obviously that was irresponsible so we sent you to boarding school, but we only visited a few times a year to respect your boundaries. I would send you back, but I was in a coma so i'm allowed to be a little selfish and spend time with my baby.
Dick: Didn't your dad just wake up from a coma? And he's already got a girlfriend? No offense but-
Tim: My mom told him to.
Dick: Timmy, sometimes men lie-
Tim: No, literally, it was in her will. She literally told him that if she died first, he had to get a new partner, because she knew he'd die alone without her.
Dick: What...
Tim: Also, i was the one who chose Dana. She's great! Mom said I had to pick a blonde because yellow is his favourite colour.
Tim: Dad, why is the only picture of Mom you have framed one of her in a bikini? Do you not have any others?
Jack: I do, i have hundreds! But this was taken on the day she proposed to me! Well, i have more from that day, but they're not safe for little eyes.
Tim: Thats both the most romantic and disgusting thing i've ever heard.
Jack, puling out a picture of Janet sobbing and very obviously screaming: I have this picture of her on my bedside table though, its from when she found out she was pregnant with you! Two of the best days of my life!
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bunniehrtz · 1 month
parents!abby & reader having to go to a mommy and me class n abby has insane beef with one of the dads :3 - 🪰
f that guy all my homies hate that guy
cw: douchebag alert !!!!!!, arguing, MEN 😢, abby’s hot when she’s angry xxxx
“i don’t know why we’re going to these classes. we’re already good mothers,” abby says, closing the car door, and coming around to the passenger side, opening the door for you. you scoff, holding your belly as you begin to waddle to the building. “so cocky. this’ll be good for us. this class was recommended to me by, like, five people,” you say, holding onto abby’s arm. abby sighs, pressing a kiss to your temple.
you sit down in a circle with the other expecting couples. you and abby were the only gay couple, but you didn’t feel uncomfortable. the instructor mainly focuses on the “fathers” in the couples, this obviously being abby, too. abby answered every question, even helping other parents in the class, which seemed to rub this specific father the wrong way. every answer abby said would end in a scoff coming from the other side of the room. you noticed abby’s jaw clench, her biceps tense as she glances over him. “hey, don’t let that dick get to you. ignore him,” you whisper, planting a kiss on her freckled shoulder. she nods, getting back to putting a diaper on a baby doll.
“done!” abby exclaims, like a child in class. she holds the doll up, showing the instructor. she receives praise, from the instructor and other parents. and one scoff. this time, abby stands up, making her way over to him before you could stop her. “what the hell is your problem?” she says loudly, your legs standing you up before you could think. “abby! leave it,” you say, standing behind her. “i mean, who are you? shouldn’t the dad of the kid be here?” he spits, causing you to scoff at him. “excuse me? you have no idea what you’re talking about,” you slightly push abby behind you, pointing up at the man. he laughs, looking at his partner, who looks mortified. the class is silent, uncomfortably so. the instructor walks over, pointing at the door. the mother awkwardly packing her stuff up, out of the door first.
“why are we being kicked out? we didn’t do anything wrong!” he mutters. abby gets a second wind. “are you fucking kidding me? you’ve been giving us these fuckin’ dirty looks, you’ve been scoffing and laughing at everything we say. who the fuck do you think you are?” abby gets in his face, he has to look up at her. you go to step in, but your cheeks feel hot, and you’re smirking up at her. “i think you should leave. don’t come back,” the instructor says from behind you. he rolls his eyes and leaves.
abby turns around, laughing with her face in her hands. “i’m sorry for making a scene,” she says.
“don’t apologise! it’s all good! he’s been getting on my nerves for a while actually, but that’ll stay between us,” the instructor says, smiling at you apologetically, rubbing your shoulder, quickly nodding at abby. she walks back to the front of the class, trying to pick up from where she left off.
“get that smirk off your face. i see it,” abby whispers into your neck. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
taglist: @queenofmistresses @abigails-gf @bambishaven @abbysprettygiiirl @dykeanderson @aouiaa <3
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embrosegraves · 5 months
𝕎𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕀𝕥 𝔹𝕖 𝕆𝕜𝕒𝕪?
Arthur Leclerc x Reader In which after the reader has an unwanted interaction, Reader’s 6-year-old daughter has a serious talk with Arthur “Would it be okay if I called you dad?”
Warnings/Notes: Google Translated French and Italian. unnamed ex-boyfriend.
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You had never imagined ever becoming a teen mum. You hadn’t given any thought to getting pregnant with your boyfriend. There was no need to think about stuff like that, the two of you were only 16. That’s why you were so shocked to find out a month before you turned 17, that you would be having your first child. 
Of course, after you eventually got over the shock, you immediately told your boyfriend. H was less than pleased with the situation. He didn’t outright say that he didn’t want it, but the way he treated you afterwards made that pretty clear to you. He was not going to help you. You had sat him down the night before your birthday to talk about what you were going to do. That night, he said that didn’t want to be a parent. That he didn’t want to be your boyfriend any longer. 
Most people would become hysterical. Most people would start crying and begging for their partner to stay with them. That they could make it work. But not you. Your response to his words had stunned him. 
“If you don’t want to be with me, that’s fine. If you don’t want to be a father, that’s fine too. After today I don’t want you near me or my baby, so once they’re born I want you to sign your rights away.” You were stone-faced with anger when you spoke to him. “No matter what you say or do from here on out, I will have full custody of my child and you will have nothing to do with them. Am I clear?”
He looked almost angry at your words, but he gritted his teeth and agreed to your demands. That was the last night you ever saw him. Either his family had moved away, or he had suddenly stopped frequenting the places you used to go together but whatever the reason you were strangely satisfied that you never ran into him for the remainder of your surprise pregnancy. 
Your parents were your biggest supporters throughout the whole ordeal. You could still remember the day your parents found out you were pregnant. It was the day you yourself had found out. Your father had found you in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet lid in shock with tears streaming down your face. He rushed to you, worried out of his mind. Your father’s arms had wrapped around you protectively and your crying got louder as you tried to explain the news to him. 
Your mother had come up the stairs when she heard you sobbing hysterically, only to find you clutching to your father as if he had told you he was dying tomorrow. He never loosened his hold on you as he explained to your mother what the issue was. She was equal parts worried and elated. Your mother took no time to join you and your father in the embrace. It had taken you almost an hour to come to terms with what you were about to go through, but knowing that you had your parents’ support and assistance made it all that much easier to deal with. 
7 and a half months later, you had given birth to a daughter. That was the first and last day that your ex-boyfriend saw your daughter. You had texted him to come to hospital as you had the paperwork he needed to sign so that he could give his rights away. Being in no state to follow him and make sure that he signed what was necessary, your father had followed and stood opposite to him so he could make sure he wasn’t going to rip up the paperwork. 
At some point in your pregnancy, you had expressed to your parents that while he had agreed to sign them away, you were worried that he would try something when the day came. Your father said that he would need a witness in order for the papers to be legal anyway, so he would be there to make sure your ex couldn’t try anything nefarious. 
Despite countless nights sat with your parents on the couch in your living room, you still hadn’t come up with a name for your daughter. Your mother’s family hailed from France and your father’s family hailed from Italy, so you wanted something that had both ethnic backgrounds. 
As soon as you laid eyes on your baby, after hours of labour, you knew instantly what her name would be. 
Colette Vincenza L/n
You were always thankful that she was a well behaved baby, she had only really started acting like the stories you’d heard when she was teething. But once she had all her teeth, she was a kindhearted angel for you and your parents. That’s how she was, even as she continued growing. 
When Colette was just over a year old, you had met someone while going about your day in the French markets. The stroller was in front of you as you browsed the stalls. You had been so absorbed in your daughter that you had failed to notice someone walking the opposite direction and had accidentally bumped into them. Because of the impact, the man had spilled some of his hot drink in front of him, and consequently onto your daughter’s stroller. You quickly grabbed Colette out and started to sooth her, as she had been shocked and started to cry. Amidst you trying to sooth your daughter and double check that none of the hot liquid had fallen on her, the man had started apologising profusely. 
“It’s alright, really. I should have been more aware of the surroundings.” As you continued to rock Colette, you finally looked up at whoever you had bumped into. He was very handsome, looked to be around your age, and was clearly worried that he had unknowingly hurt the small baby with you. 
“No no, it’s my fault as well. I wasn’t paying attention at all. Please let me repay you, I would never forgive myself if I didn’t help you somehow.” He sounded so sincere you couldn’t help but take a bit of pity on him. 
“I promise you, you don’t need to do anything. But if it would make you feel better, and if you don’t have anywhere to be right now, you could tag along with me while I finish my shopping.” He didn’t hesitate to agree, feeling bad enough as it was. 
Noticing that Colette had calmed down now, you ran your hand down the back of her head and spoke to her as you put her back in the stroller. 
“Tu vas bien maintenant Lette, Maman t'a eu.” (You’re okay now, Lette. Mummy’s got you.)
“Tu parles français?”  (You speak French?)
You looked at him as you resumed walking through the markets. “Oui. En plus de l'italien et de l'anglais, j'ai parlé français toute ma vie.” (Yes. Along with Italian and English, I have spoken French all my life)
“Abbiamo già due cose in comune.” His smile when he spoke in his mother tongue was gorgeous, but it had nothing on his smile when he spoke Italian. You couldn’t help but grin back at him. (We already have two things in common)
You continued talking with each other and by the end of the day you had learnt two very important things about him. His name was Arthur Leclerc and he was a Formula 2 racing driver for Ferarri’s Driver Academy. Eventually you had noticed it was getting late so you exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch and went back home. 
That was almost five years ago and since then, Arthur had taken you on many dates, some alone and some with your daughter. He was there for almost all of her firsts. Her first words, first steps and even her first loose tooth. Eventually he asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend and, though you had hesitated at first, you had become official with him. 
Arthur was over at your place playing with Colette when you heard someone knock on your door. You looked at each other confused as you weren’t expecting anyone tonight, your parents would’ve called ahead if they were going to come by. Getting up from your seat, you gave Arthur a kiss and kissed Colette’s head before going to answer your door. 
The person standing behind it was very impatient as they kept knocking on the hardwood door. 
“Arrivo subito, calmati.” You called as you unlocked the door and opened it. Seeing who it was, you almost closed it straight away if he hadn’t put his foot in the way to stop it. (I’ll be right there, calm down.)
“Cosa stai facendo qui?” You tried to keep your anger in check as you looked at him expectantly. (What are you doing here?)
“You know I don’t speak Spanish.” 
“C'était italien, connard. What do you want?” Your patience was wearing thin. (That was Italian, asshole)
“I think you already know.” The bastard had the nerve to smirk when he spoke to you. 
“You have no right to her. You signed those damn papers. Even if you hadn’t, you had six years to see her. Why now?” 
“I was in the area. Thought I’d stop by.” 
“Well, you stopped. Now you can go.” You kicked his foot none too gently and closed the door before he could continue. Locking the door, you turned and walked back to where your boyfriend and daughter were still playing. Taking note of the time, you gently ushered Colette to bed before you and Arthur also began getting ready to sleep. 
There was no need to tell Arthur who was at your door, as your house was very open plan so he could hear the entire conversation from the living room. As you both laid down, he held you close and comforted you until you both fell asleep. 
The next morning, you woke up before Arthur, seeing as you had to begin working. You were glad that you had started a home business because it meant that you didn’t need to make the commute to work through morning traffic. All you had to do was get dressed and sit down in your home office so you could start answering emails from customers about their packages arriving damaged. 
Arthur had slept in a little that morning meaning that he was awoken by Colette climbing into your bed to lay next to him. When she saw he was awake, she nuzzled her face into his neck and he wrapped his arms around her gently.
“Can I talk to you?” She asked him. “Without Maman?” 
Arthur was a little worried about what she wanted to talk about, as she hadn’t ever come to speak with him alone. 
“But of course, Petit, what’s wrong?” 
“I heard Maman talking to that man yesterday, and I know I’m still little and that Maman doesn’t talk about my Papa, but I know that was him.” 
Arthur felt entirely out of his depth. He knew Colette was smart, he praised her constantly for it, but he hadn’t expected her to understand what happened the night before. 
“Did it bother you that he came here?” Arthur was ready to hunt him down and tell him to never even think about you or Colette ever again. 
“Not really. I know he helped Maman make me, but he’s not my real papa. It just made me think about something.” 
“And what did you think about, Petit?” 
“Would it be okay if I called you Papa? Je vois comment Grand-père rend Grand-mère heureuse, et tu rends Maman heureuse, alors je voulais te demander.” (I see how Grandpa makes Grandma happy, and you make Mummy happy, so I wanted to ask.)
Because the walls inside your home were very thin, you could hear the entire conversation between your daughter and your boyfriend. You were a little shocked at what she said but your heart swelled with more love than you thought possible when Arthur replied. 
“I would be honoured for you to call me Papa.”
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hehehehehehe I love this so much
The poll was VERY clear that people wanted this asap so here it is!
I hope you enjoyed reading!
likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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professor-beaker · 22 days
(Warning: very long rant about growing up religious and aroace. Might delete this in an hour. Idk)
Dear mom and dad,
Do you remember when i was 14, and had my first kiss? You probably dont- for you, it was just another sunday. He was one of my only church friends, and he pulled me, alone, into one of the music rooms after sacrament meeting. You encouraged me to go with him, because you could read the signs i couldnt. He was very polite, but when we kissed and he grabbed my hand on the way out, it felt more wrong than anything id experienced before. I ran back to you, crying, and you walked me through rejecting him. You basically told me that i was just too young, that it would get better, but it certainly didnt feel that way at the time. Every time youve reminisced on it since, it was only to laugh at my expense. At my naievety.
I tried to take your words to heart. I tried to listen each time our church would preach about how essential families were and each time you told me how happy you two were. It didnt work.
Do you remember when i was 15, and i told you, mom, that adopting sounded way better than having biological kids? You got so offended, and i had no idea why. I still dont. You told me it was a natural part of life, that we were supposed to bring children into this world. I tried to explain my reasoning- why would i want my own children when there are those who are suffering on their own? When the thought of procreation made me sick?- but you dismissed it. It was just another day.
Do you remember the brief period when i was 15, when i dated a girl? I assume you dont, because you never found out. I lived in constant fear, because the comments you would make at the dinner table described lgbtq+ as an affront to God, as unnatural. I had thought that men were the problem, and she was my first real partner. But nothing changed, it still felt wrong, and we fell back into only being friends. I hadnt told you about that until today, because i knew exactly what youd say about it. I knew exactly what youd say about me.
Do you remember the boy i met when i was 16? The one with the curly hair and the kind smile. You were always pushing me toward him, because you saw how he looked at me (i saw, too- and i didnt like it). He took me to homecoming, and prom, and danced too close to me for my liking. You always asked if we were a thing yet- and when i said no, you smiled knowingly. I hated that smile. And you smiled that smile for years.
I reconnected with him when i was home over winter break. We hung out once, i told him my sexuality, and he barely reacted. When you asked how it went, i told you i rejected him romantically, but we were still friends. Do you remember what you said, mom? You said, "so you broke his heart and left." I cried that night.
Do you remember when you found my aroace pins a month ago? Im at college in a different state- a religious college you wanted me to go to- and you still made it your priority to berate me for it. I dont know if you could tell how angry i was over the phone, but when you said "asexual and things are just looking for attention", it broke my heart.
Because i figured it out when i was 17. Because it took me two years to finally accept it in a religion that very strongly emphasized the family unit. Because i finally felt accepted, i felt heard, i wasnt being dismissed at every corner. Because i had something to explain why i was like this.
Because i finally didnt feel broken.
I never doubted that you loved me- not once, ever, in my life. Not until you started degrading me for something i couldnt control. Not until you started pressuring me to date people i would much rather be friends with. If youre not going to love all of me, then do you even love me at all?
I hope you know that i still love you, despite everything. But i hate the way you talk to me now, the way you talk to others about me. And i hope that one day, you, too, will realize that im not broken, or affronting God, or unnatural. I hope you realize that im still your child.
I hope you realize im still human.
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greenunoreversecard · 4 months
Kai,llyod, and Cole hc of them with a s/o that's kinda like a child of aphrodite from pjo? A bit more like piper though, they hate their gift and have to deal with cat callers alot?
I got cat called by way older men on the way home so this would be really comforting.
A/N:sorry it took so long to get this out for you. Ik my words can't offer much, but I'm sorry you get catcalled, it's not a fun feeling.
Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader
individual headcanons of kai, cole and lloyd with a stunning S/O
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Kai, despite being extremely similar to his element in a multitude of ways, is an utter gentleman.
Hes always respectful of you, and makes sure to ask before he touches you in anyway, and is respectful with his eyes as well
With this said, as you guys grow close and start dating, he becomes uber protective of you.
He knows your very stunning.
And he knows others know that as well.
But alot of times, these people are creepy and go about saying: "hi, your outfit is cool" weirdly
And so he won't hesitate to punt a bitch into the sun
Most likely to throw a punch before a word leaves the creeps mouth.
And if your ever feeling gross and icky bc of the creeps?
Bros pulling out every stop.
Hes getting Zane to make a 10 course Michelin star meal, he's getting your comfort items, a hoodie (yours or his, doesn't matter) and he's becoming a 10/10 massager
Hes getting self care items, and a bath along with movies and cuddles with a side of shoulder to cry on
But if you get angry about the creeps??
He eggs you on. Agrees with you"YEAH BABE, FUCK THOSE ASSWIPES"
he will actively encourage any fist fights fights want to start with them
Hes your number 1 hype man, as well as comforter
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This man worships the ground you walk on. Just generally
Also drinks the respect tea (all of them do)
Hes always telling you how amazing you look, and even gives advice for anything you may need
Clothes? Food? Whatever hobby your working on?
He just has a eye for style of all categories
Hes generally also more down to earth, and realizes its much more than looks that makes a person
Which is why it takes him a bit longer to confess, as he wanted to get to know you better first (this man is demiromantic and demisexual)
Hes also fucking oblivious
So when people are more... sly about their intentions, like wording and such, he prolly won't notice
But the second he gets wind of what they are tryna pull
Hes super passive aggressive
And he slings a arm around your shoulder, or hides you behind him
Trys to talk it out first, and if they don't catch the hint they will catch his hands
Hes not... great with comfort tbh
His mom's dead and his dad's lowkey emotionally unavailable so he's not good at it
But he will rub your back when you cry, and buy takeout
He'll also prolly ask kai or Jay about how to comfort you better, bc both had either a sibling or parent.
He would ask Nia buts she's a younger sibling with a emotional brick wall of a brother so it's next to never she did some comforting.
Hes a little confused when it comes to comfort but Hes got spirit
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He has always been a little silly
So expect to bark at your aggressors
Idk why I just see him barking at your catcallers
Besides that
Hes always relied more on personality for if he likes someone, like cole
Not that kai doesn't care for personality he does, but looks plays a bigger factor for kai than they do cole and lloyd
Off topic
Lloyd doesn't make a big deal how you look. Like doesn't comment on your outfits like cole.
Doesnt mean he doesn't think you don't look nice, bc he thinks you look lovely always
But moreso doesn't give a fuck
Wear a potato sack, or go naked, he doesn't give a fuck he just wants to get to the mall before it closes to he can check out the anime shops
He Def has a idrc additude, especially in dragon rising i feel, so I think if you want compliments you'd have to be outright about it, whereas the other two just kinda;"aww my partner is lovely🥰🥰"
And he's like;"babe, love you to bits and pieces but hurry the fucketh upeth I wanna get there before the fucking store closes"
And bc of that he's also the worst at comfort
Like he's always been told to suck it up so he kinda just is like... cool you done? And stands there awkwardly. He will get better with time, but please explain how to help better for future moments bc he was a Lil scared when you started crying.
Anyways back to the beginning about when mfs are being creepy
Barks at them
Fr barks
Bc it weird them out and he thinks it's funny
Or just tries to be as weird as possible
Like starts acting possessed
Crawls backwards on all fours like the lady from the ring or smth
If generally weirdness doesn't work he fights them
Though he tries to scare them off first
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y0ur-loca1-lyr3 · 3 months
Alastor when falling in love/dating headcanons
A/N; my first time trying headcanons lol, hope I did well!
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Falling in love
Let’s be honest, Alastor rarely actually likes most beings as a friend, let alone as a romantic partner
But when he does for either scenario, he has to notice that person as more than just some pawn for entertainment
Maybe you’re more socially intelligent, maybe you have more power, maybe you’re closer to Charlie, maybe all of those
But there has to be something that makes him see you as a threat to his power, or his control
Because of this when you first enter the hotel, he’s going to try to upstage you
If he can find a flaw about you, he’ll utilize that to the max
Think how he acted around Lucifer in ‘Dad beat Dad’
But when he notices you’re not going to be intimidated by him he starts to grow angry
If you really wanna ruffle his feathers just ask “uhm…who are you..?”
Not even in a polite way, just in a rude judgmental way
Oh, that makes his blood boil
When he’s not around you, at first he’s trying to get rid of you, take away the threat
But then you leave for a long period of time without notice to anyone but husk
And not even sober husk
So basically nobody really knows where the hell you went (pun intended)
The first maybe hour or two Alastor was like “good riddance”
But then for some damn reason he started to miss you
If you’re gone for more than one day, his mood actually visibly changes
Sure he’s still smiling, but he’s still a bit less motivated to do things
And he’s probably having troubles with coming up with ideas for his radio broadcast
Then you come back and he’s back to normal
It’s like his subconscious went “oh, cool :D”
But now that brings up another obstacle for him
As established before he wants any threats out of his way, but he somehow has grown attached to you?
This wasn’t what he wanted, no not at all
Now what was he supposed to do?
Even worse is the realization that he still has humanity
Humanity is weakness
And if some like say… Vox found out about this?
He’d be royally fucked
It takes a looong while for him to figure out that A. It was love, and B. Come to terms with that
Lots of avoidance and back handed comments
If you sat at the bar? He’d leave
If you tried to compliment him, you’d only get a short “Hm.”
If you invited him to talk with you, even just to get to know him he’d make an excuse
And if Charlie attempts to force him he will refuse/ escape in some way
Blowing up and asking him what his problem is won’t help either
He’ll sit there with a patient smile with petty thoughts, and justifications for his actions running through his head as he tried to appear unfazed
Until someone interrupts/ ends the conversation or you just give up and leave
He’ll leave while rolling his eyes slightly, muttering about how sensitive people are these days
Once he does finally come to terms with it, he’s less hostile around you
Don’t get me wrong he still avoids you like the plague because you’re his only weakness
But he’s kinder to you when he does interact with you
Maybe he’ll offer to pay for your drink before leaving
He might even leave a little box of homemade chocolates at your door, or give you some ‘leftover’ Jambalaya he made specifically for you to try
Little favors like that
It’s never really said aloud that the two of you are dating
It just was sort of agreed upon silently between the two of you
One day he invited you via letter to come skygaze with him at his radio tower
At first you’re kind of suspicious that he has an ulterior motive
But when you get there and you’re invited to sit beside Alastor, you realize he just wanted to see you. Why? You didn’t know, but at least his intentions weren’t ill
Then he crossed his pinky with yours
Nothing grand like kissing, he’s not too fond of physical affection
But just a small bit of contact
If you choose to interlock your pinky with his, internally he’ll lose his mind
It’s like confirmation that you feel the same way without verbally saying it
Since then everyone just sort of knew at the very least he cared a bit more about you
He’d frequently talk with you
Like how most people would interact with good friends
Except he gets a little more protective of you
There’ll be a shadow that follows you everywhere
Sometimes the shadow will tease a bit
Maybe pick up a piece of hair and then put back in place quick, or maybe brush against your arm, nothing harmful, really
Since he doesn’t really show his love through physical affection, he shows it through gifts or acts of service
Mainly acts of service
You’ll often go back to your room after a hard day to find your bed made and your pillows fluffed with a new stuffed animal on your bed
His favorite way to show his affection physically is by your hand
He won’t really hold your hand outright, but he’ll usually gently kiss it after saying something romantic
Maybe if your sitting at the bar, talking with Husk he will
When he’s feeling especially happy, or romantic, or he somehow got wasted, he’ll give you a peck on the lips, but that’s about the only time you two really kiss
He will cuddle if you ask to but otherwise he doesn’t really do cuddling
The first time you tell him you love him, even just as a quick goodbye, he’ll melt on the inside
If you look close enough you can see his eyes soften a tad bit
He’ll probably say “you too” if the both of you are in public, or something along those lines, but if you’re in private, maybe cuddling or as he’s comforting you for some reason
He’ll say it softly, and then most likely give you a small head pat, or if he’s getting really sentimental, he’ll give you a peck on the forehead
All in all, he does love you, he just sort of shows it in his own way that he’s comfortable with <3
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sehodreams · 3 months
Could I request ways Riize members are toxic and possive and how utterly turns into sex
I hope I understood the request, toxic!riize is so interesting, maybe I lost myself a little bit, and sadly I couldn't imagine everyone. Also, Sungchan one is based on a few headcanons I've read before in the platform, I kind of almost wrote a full fic there and with Eunseok hahahaha
TW and tags: toxic!riize, dark!riize, manipulation, lying, a touch of verbal abuse, sexual content.
Eunseok, like I've said before, is really controlling. He wants to know where you are, who you are with and why you are even out, being capable of flooding your phone with texts demanding your location and, if you don't answer, going straight for your friends. This is pretty much based on how possessive he's with you, even before he starts courting you, he sees you as a potential partner only if he sees you're willing to obey him, for example, watching you for some time and how you talk to your parents, "yes dad, I'm here at school, I'll call you when I get back home", "dad but I want to stay, please... 'kay, I'll be waiting for you outside", and finding that you're a good girl easy to manage, he'll go for it. So, throughout the whole relationship, he won't have a hard time telling you to come back home, sometimes he did with nice words and little bribes like gifts and desserts, and in worst cases, lies about him not feeling well and hurting. The last one, of course, he only used it when you made things difficult for him, and it's not hard to convince you to come back, but it's hard to make you stay when you're so angry you can't stop crying while you say how preoccupied you were, you're honest, you say that only because you really were like that, so to stop you from leaving him, he'll apologize with that sweet voice he has, pushing you until he has you under him, and after that he would treat you as good as never before to make you forget why you were even mad, whispering exactly what you want to hear, all the praises you wished you had heard before, "such a good girl, listening to me so well'', and filling you with love remarks to make you remember that there's no one who loves you more than him, ''my pretty baby, crying for me because you were preoccupied, there's no one as good as you for me out there, my perfect girl.''
Sungchan is a really jealous boy, he loves his smart girl, he loves that whenever he says the name of your university everyone's impressed with the catch you are. Pretty, smart, kind, you're just perfect, which sounds amazing when he shows you off, but always makes him paranoid when he's not with you. He doesn't study with you, he's pretty, but he's not smart, so he lives in the gym and does his best to live as a trainer, and he knows he shouldn't bother you when you're so busy, but he can't stop himself. He calls you ten times a day and needs to meet every one of your friends, to feel calm and check that none of them put his position as your boyfriend in danger. He goes for you when you finish class to walk you home, and if you have a party, he's going with you. He's so fucking afraid of losing you that he can't even sleep well, and he's usually nice in bed, but if he sees you talking to a man or about a man too much, he gets lost when he touches you, leaving his nice side and pretty smile aside, he touches you until you can't talk anymore, a mess after so many orgasms, "so smart and pretty at the same time, I'm the only one who can make you this dumb, right?", because he believes that, if you can't even walk out of his apartment, of course you'll never leave him behind.
Sohee is extremely insecure, he wants to trust you, but he just can't. He tries to be good and contain himself, but before he notices it, he's already doing everything he knows he shouldn't, like checking your phone when you go to the bathroom, creating a fake profile to watch your social media and your friends, and watching all your and their stories to see if you told him the truth or not. He has tried numerous times to stop, he knows he shouldn't do it, that if he wants to have a healthy relationship with you he should trust you, but he can't, so when he sees you start suspecting he checks your phone and you take it to the bathroom with you, he decides he needs to do anything to see what you're hiding. So he fucks you even better than normal, the fire inside him pushing him to continue and continue thrusting inside you, "I'm sorry baby, I'll change, just feel how much I love you, you trust me right?", the insecurity giving him the strength to make you cum until you pass out, and once you're just like he wanted, deep asleep after everything he has done to you, he finds himself finally relaxing when he sees your phone as much as he wants, because that's a cycle that has no end.
Wonbin feels he has the right to control you and your decisions, what you eat, where you go, and especially, what you wear, so he's always judging how you look, sometimes even choosing your outfits himself because you really can't do anything well, and he can't let himself be seeing beside you if you're not looking your best. Like he says, he has a reputation to maintain. And doing all that, of course he decides when to fuck and where too. If you're in public and he feels the need to have you, you don't really have an option, whether you're on a reunion, a public place, even if you're extremely busy, if he wants to slip his hand under the skirt he chose, make you lie down and push to the side your pretty shorts or order you to go to your knees and suck him good, you'll do it, after all, he chose your outfits with the aim of getting what he wants fast and easy, and if you're good, he'll talk to you with a hint of affection and pride "shit baby, you'll have to redo your makeup, just look how you're crying all your eyeliner, but you look so good like that too", but if you don't leave him satisfied, he'll talk to you without an ounce of care, almost hurting you, ''Don't you dare come out looking like that, I don't need my girlfriend to look like a slut.''
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gl1tter-claire · 5 months
𝓣 𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆!!✦
𝓓𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬!!🕸
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When you first started dating her, she was a little cold trying to make sure if she could really trust you, until one day she just came to your house after an argument with her father and you listened so carefully and hugged her and comforted her. so affectionately that you made her feel so safe with you, after that day she was much more affectionate alone with you
She's really so obsessed with giving you cute nicknames in Italian
She thinks you are the most beautiful person in the universe
Once during a sexual moment that you were having with her, she grabbed your neck out of lust and the heat of the environment. The problem was that she grabbed your neck more than she should and left the mark of her hand on your neck (and you didn't you wanted to tell her that she was taking your breath away because you didn't want to ruin the moment) and when you went to sleep after that she saw the mark on your neck and the mark on your neck reminded her of when her father was trying to kill her mother with her hands and began to cry on your shoulder while asking for forgiveness, you woke up and automatically asked her why she was crying while you hugged her and well, she told you what was happening to her while desperately asking for your forgiveness (my little baby thought that night that he had become his father😭😭)
When she's jealous, she puts her hand in one of the back pockets of your pants and gives you a kiss in front of the guy who's flirting with you just to make it clear to him that you already have a partner and it's her (if that doesn't work, she might start telling him to the guy who leaves you alone but with insults like that
“Hey idiot, don't you see that she already has a partner, leave her alone if you don't want her to break your fucking nose”
When she loses a match she feels super angry and yells or speaks badly to everyone who tries to tell her to calm down or who tries to talk to her, except you, <3
I think you are the only person capable of calming her down (help, I can't stop laughing, this reminded me of a scene from the kissing booth😭😭 look at me, Noah look at me!)
She thinks you look so cute in any type of clothes
Sometimes when she is stressed and it is not yet time to leave class she throws you a piece of paper in the middle of class telling you to meet in the locker room, when the two of them get to the locker room Natalie simply starts kissing you until she forgets why she was stressed
Natalie just loves having you on her lap while she kisses you
When she is depressed or angry the only thing she likes to do is go to your house and lay her head on your chest while you caress her head or play with her hair while a Nirvana song plays in the background
She really loves to tell you things and teach you songs from her favorite bands or soloists
She also loves it when you tell her about your tastes too and she will always listen very carefully
I feel like she would have been terrified when you told her you wanted her to meet your parents
until she finally comes to your house for dinner and sees that your parents aren't as bad as she thought, your dad asked her some questions but that's it, your parents absolutely like Nat
I think he really loves every part of your body but his favorite part of your body would be your thighsis
her loves to put his hand on your thigh and also lay his head on your thighs
You once gave him a Nirvana CD and he couldn't stop kissing you that day
She loves it when you steal her clothes and wear them, she thinks you look so cute with her things
you love the way her rings look on her hand and you're obsessed with always grabbing her hand and seeing her rings
“you really like my rings love”her said making fun of you a little
Oh, shut up,” you said laughing blushing
“Admit it” her said, grabbing you by the waist while giving you small kisses all over your face
Sometimes she gets very insecure and you have to remind her that you only love her and that you are not going to abandon her
She has a mixtape full of songs that remind her of you and she listens to it when you're not with her
when they kiss she likes to whisper I love you between kisses
You were the first to say I love you of the two, although she says it to you more often
Her loves to flirt with you just to see your blushing face
she dedicates many songs to you
For Natalie, you are the most beautiful woman in the world and it hurts her so much that you don't think the same
Every imperfection you see in yourself is something she loves
“baby you know you're too beautiful right?”
One day you told her about all your insecurities and she kissed all the imperfections you saw in yourself
n/a: hii, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language, I'm sorry,and if you are reading this, I just want to tell you that you are surely a wonderful and truly beautiful person, even if you don't see it for yourself and if you ever feel too bad with your physique or you are having a bad time in your life. I'm always attentive to my messages so write to me and I will try to help you <3
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holylulusworld · 25 days
Designed by pain (10)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, past break-up, arguments, daddy Dean
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (9)
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“What has gotten into you two?” You scream loud enough to make Sam flinch. “Did you realize that Michael heard what you said? He’s a child and that was the worst way to find out that Dean is his father! How could you do this to him?”
You throw your hands up as the men prefer to push each other around instead of listening to you.
“Dean, stop this. Y/N is right,” Sam tries to help you, but Dean is out of his mind. 
“He—he tried to get into your pants. I know it,” Dean grunts and pushes Ketch away. “I saw the way he looked at you when during our meetings, and not moments ago.”
“He’s my friend.”
“No,” Dean steps toward you, “he’s not. All he has in mind is to get into your pants, sweetheart. You’re just too blinded by the lies he fed you to see clearly.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Winchester!” You slap Dean across the face, leaving an angry handprint on his left cheek. “Not all men are pigs or assholes like you.”
“I saw what I saw, Y/N,” Dean huffs, and rubs his burning cheek. “A wolf recognizes another wolf sniffing around his territory. That bastard came to claim what’s mine.”
“What’s yours? Dream on, Winchester,” Ketch laughs in Dean’s face. “For years I played the good guy, her friend, and confidant to make her see that I’m the man she should long for, not the guy leaving her all alone when she needed him the most. Do you have the slightest idea how hard it is to not make a move while you’re longing for the woman you can’t have?”
“Hah, I told you,” Dean wildly gestures toward Ketch. “He’s nothing but a dog wanting to sniff at your pussy.”
You try to fathom that your friend, the man you consider family tricked you only to get into your pants. 
That’s all you’ve been to him. A love interest. Not a friend. Not a business partner. Not the person he cares for.
Ketch is a liar, just like all the other men trying to charm their way into your bed over the years. You didn’t let any man get close to you, afraid to get hurt again. 
A few sexual encounters with faceless men you forgot about the morning after were all you allowed yourself. Your son always came first. This will never change.
“Dean!” Sam warns. “Someone should check on the kid before things get out of hand. He just got to know about his father. Can you postpone your pissing contest for now?”
You give Sam a weak smile. Dean is not the kind of guy who gives up so easily. You know that. For now, you will leave Ketch, Dean, and all the shit they pulled behind and try to soothe your child. The only important man in your life.
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“You lied,” Michael sniffs when you enter your bedroom. You sigh, relieved that you finally found him. You were searching for your son for half an hour. Finding him here, in your arms is comforting. He was seeking your closeness while being angry at you.
“Baby boy,” you crouch down to look under your bed. “I’m sorry.”
“You said my dad is overseas, and that he can’t be with us because he’s…always busy,” he sniffles. “Why did you lie to me, mommy?”
“Sometimes adults lie to not hurt someone they love, baby,” you lie on the ground, and touch his hand. “Dean,” you sigh, “your dad didn’t know about you. We ended our relationship, and I left to live here, and give you the life you deserve.”
“Why did you never tell him about me?” Michael asks. “Mommy? I asked about my dad, and you never told me about him.”
“I was scared,” you reluctantly admit. “Dean hurt me back then, and I ran away like a scared child. Almost like you now.”
“You were scared?” Michael scoots a little closer to curl in your side. “Why? Did he hurt you? I’ll kick him if he hurt you.”
“Not like that, baby,” you softly say, and smile at your son. “People hurt you each other differently, you know. Just like Ketch and Dean did with you. They hurt your heart with their words.”
Michael nods. He always was smart for his age. “Words can hurt. In here.” He points at his chest. “I believed you hate me, Mommy. I…I’m sorry.”
“Shhh…I’m sorry,” you move closer to wrap your son in your arms. “I love you, baby. The reason for not telling you about Dean was that I didn’t know if he wanted to get to know you. I was scared and unsure what to do.”
“But…he came here for me,” Michael sniffles. “Right? Dean came here to get to know me. He brought me the car his brother gave him. This means he…likes me.”
You remain silent. “He got on a plane for you. I can tell, Dean hates flying.”
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“Let me go, Sammy. That bastard won’t put his hands on my woman!” Dean fights his brother’s hold on him. “I will kill him!”
“You degenerated worm,” Ketch pushes his hair back and laughs about Dean. “Do you honestly believe she will choose you over me?” He huffs. “You had your chance and fucked up big time. I was there the whole time. Y/N will choose me after you attacked me without a reason.”
“She won’t,” Dean bares his teeth. “Y/N is smart and knows that you lied to her. She won’t let you near her or Michael ever again.”
“We will see, Kansas boy,” Ketch spits on the ground. “You’re nothing but a bad memory. I’m a gentleman and know how to treat a lady.”
“I think that is enough,” you snap at Ketch. “Dean, Sam, get inside. I got to talk to my…friend.” You jerk your head toward the door. “Dean, I hope you have a speech prepared because now, you’ll explain to your son why you came here.”
“Uh-sure,” Dean looks at Ketch and then at you. He smirks, knowing he at least won this battle. “Sorry for the mess.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get inside and shut up,” you brush past Dean. “Arthur,” you exhale sharply and steel yourself. “I quit.” 
“What? You can’t give everything up for that man!”
“I don’t give up anything for Dean,” you cross your arms over your chest. “But I will no longer work with a man pretending to be a friend to get in my pants. I believed our friendship was special, now I know better.”
“Y/N,” he tries to touch your shoulder, but you slap his hand away. “You can’t believe his lies.”
“Save it, Arthur,” you shake your head. “I needed a friend, not another lover. I will clean out my office on Monday.”
You turn around and take a deep breath. One fight is done, another awaits you…
Part 11
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ghenry · 2 months
Rewatched the Avatar TLA series with my partner recently, and fell in love with the world and characters all over again. I especially love the journey Zuko goes through the show as a character.
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Zuko, son of Fire Lord Ozai. He seems pretty by-the-books at first as this angry villain, but something that makes him immediately unique for this kind of setting is his young age. He's barely older than Aang, our child protagonist.
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"You're just a child." "Well, you're just a teenager!"
Although early on you start getting the idea that there's more nuance to him than this villain trying to incapacitate our protag, he shows some depth in his character here and there, usually through his uncle Iroh, a wise warrior that's there to aid and comfort his nephew, joining his banished trip on his own accord. While he's on the villain's side, it's worth noting he never hurts or intimidates innocent people, only ever fighting those already attacking or threatening him.
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Even so, Zuko made it blatantly clear what his intents were. "I must capture the avatar to regain my honor." And he barely changed his mind about this throughout the entire first season, even when the two helped each-other out of hopeless circumstances, hinting that they're not meant to be sworn enemies.
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"If we knew each-other back then, do you think we could've been friends too?"
Knowing the show and how it transpires across all 3 seasons, it's interesting seeing the intent the writers and showrunners had for these characters, and their hidden depth, all the way back in this first season. One of the finest examples would be Iroh sharing Zuko's history with fellow soldiers. A history which helps said soldiers --and in turn, the audience-- empathize with him.
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Behind Zuko's scarred face is a story about a boy already feeling lost and unsure of himself, stumbling into a tragedy where his father --in sheer arrogance-- abused his son to a high degree in front of all his subordinates, in a heinous act he would call punishment.
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Ever since then, he was banished to travel across the world to search for the avatar, a task his father felt was worthless, but was the same as leaving him out to die. This isn't the origin of a villain, but a downtrodden individual who couldn't find his place in life.
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What Zuko called "honor" over and over again wasn't that, but his father's love. He already lost his mother, and instead yearned for his father's approval and affection. This culminated to his ultimate betrayal, siding with his sister and turning his back on his uncle, which lead to his imprisonment. During a crossroad and moment of insecurity, he threw his uncle Iroh to the wolves because he thought he would regain his honor and earn his right to be a part of his family once again.
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Zuko would be welcomed back into his family, he retrieved what he thought was his honor --and what he thought was genuine love from his father.
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"You have redeemed yourself, my son."
But even then, he still felt lost, alone, and without a sense of direction. Nothing changed, his soul still felt incomplete.
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"For so long, I thought that if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy. My dad talks to me, he even thinks I'm a hero! Everything should be perfect, right? I should be happy now, but I'm not! I'm angrier than ever, and I don't know why!"
It took him a long time (about 2 and a half seasons) to realize he didn't need this sense of "honor" and what he was chasing was just a farce. His father only showed Zuko "love" when he seemed useful, an asset that was helping his fascist conquering of multiple nations by killing the Avatar.
All of this drew to an enthralling, terrifying, heart-wrenching moment between him and his father during the day of the eclipse. He used the minutes they could not fire bend as an opportunity to let out the truth and his own epiphany. He admitted that he never killed Aang --didn't even try, for that matter-- and that he's going to help him defeat his father's regime. Ozai immediately despised Zuko for this, proving his 'love' was conditional and hollow. And at that moment, as soon as the eclipse ceased, he attempted to kill his own son right then and there in a moment that never fails to draw tears out of me as soon as it happens.
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Zuko survived his father's lethal attack, only by sheer will, and a lighting-redirection technique his uncle happened to teach him a while back, emphasizing how important Iroh is to him. Iroh is the father figure that truly loved Zuko unconditionally. Ozai, his biological father, could only grant him death. His uncle Iroh, at that moment, inadvertently granted him life.
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And Zuko's story (mostly) ends in the middle of the 4-part finale. With the help of his friends, he tracked down Iroh who escaped from prison. The moment he sees his uncle, he breaks down as he's horribly ashamed of his actions, expecting Iroh to shun him as he feels he does not deserve his uncle's love after what he did to him.
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"I was never angry with you . . . I was sad, because I was afraid you lost your way."
But Iroh doesn't hesitate to embrace him. Like I said, his love is unconditional. He knew Zuko wasn't evil, he was only being manipulated by the likes of his father and sister. He knew Zuko would find the right path, restore his own honor, and come back to him. It's such a beautiful moment and the soul-piercing conclusion to Zuko's story, a story they were building up since the literal first episode.
Of course, there's also Azula, his sister. She was considered a prodigy with her amazing fire bending abilities, mastering the skill of bending lightning, something only her father and uncle were able to do before her.
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She was a spitting image of her father; fierce, manipulative, wrathful, the only thing she shared with her brother Zuko was their sense of determination. But we don't learn what really drives Azula until the finale. It's similar to Zuko. He felt incomplete without his father's love. While this was implied before the finale, Azula felt she was missing her mother's love.
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While I think the argument could be made that this was just her own projection, it's important that this shows how --despite her more respected place in their family and nation-- she was just as broken and spiritually lost as Zuko. While Ozai showered his daughter with praise for all of her life, Azula felt her mother didn't love her, which ate away at her, deep inside. Much like Zuko, who felt he was fighting to earn his father's love.
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Azula, to me, represents Zuko's future if he let his father manipulate him, just like Azula did to him. Would he have become this tyrannical fire lord if he just listened to his father, abandoned his inhibitions, and ensured his nation's regime? Maybe. But like Azula's interrupted crowning, it would have been shallow, lonely, and without any real sense of self-worth. Nothing to show for it but a broken mind.
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Instead, Zuko became the fire lord on his own terms, and with the entire world in support of him, as he helped this quest for peace and balance across the nations. He earned his place in life through his own will, his own actions, and his amazing uncle who only wanted the best for him. He restored his honor himself, with lifelong friends by his side.
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That's it, that's all I wanted to write about. This show rules.
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lieutenant-teach · 4 months
Meeting Cyare’s father (or Anakin Skywalker doesn’t like his new son-in-law very much)
(Anakin doesn’t go Dark, everyone lives, everyone’s happy. No Sequels, rehashed Heir to the Empire instead of the OT. DinLuke, minor Anidala, CodyWan, HanLeia)
Din was really relieved about his helmet on, but then he remembered that the Jedi can feel other people’s emotions. No luck, then.
His cyare’s father’s eyes were trying to burn a hole in his head.
– Let me get it straight, Luke. A Mandalorian bounty hunter. – The voice could cut the stone better than a lightsaber.
– Mum likes him, – Luke was smiling, but Din saw him tensing for a fight. A cybernetic hand squeezed his.
– I didn’t raise my only children to give them away to some criminals, - Skywalker-senior stood up from the couch and started walking back and forth. – First I have to agree to allow my princess marry some smuggler…
– Han did help us to stop Thrawn.
– … and then my son wants to partner a bounty hunter, - Luke’s father wasn’t listening to him, anger coming off him like waves – Din was certain he wasn’t Force-sensitive, but one may not be to feel the Dark Side emanating from Anakin Skywalker at that moment.
Din remembered Luke’s words before ‘meeting with father’s half of the family’: ‘My Dad will become angry, I’m sure – he didn’t react to Han well, too – but don’t worry, he’ll cool down’. The warning rang in his ears when he saw Skywalker-senior for the first time: tall, with a rich mane of greying curls, but still very handsome former Jedi assessed him and made up him mind immediately. ‘Not worthy’. Now they were sitting on the softest couch Din’s ass had ever been on, in the richest living room Din’s eyes ever seen, and ‘officially’ letting Din into a very branchy Skywalker family tree. Or, trying.
– Dad, I’m almost thirty, I can decide for myself. And Din’s a hero of his own – he kept Grogu save and sound, stopped Moff Gideon, and also saved the town of Mos Pelgo from the krayt dragon…
– But a bounty hunter! – Skywalker-senior cried exasperatedly. – And, to add to it, a Mandalorian! It is all your fault, Obi-Wan! – he suddenly turned to Luke’s uncle, quietly watching all this until this moment.
– Wait, why? – the man was older than Luke’s father, gray hair and beard and mischievous twinkle in the eyes. So far he hadn’t said anything, but Luke had said his uncle would be supportive. Now it was time to find out. – My fault Luke fell in love?
– With a Mando! – Skywalker raised his voice. – Who in this family has a thing for Mandos?
– Do not speak about Satine like this, – Obi-Wan’s voice became steely, – and anyway, Cody is not a Mandalorian.
– He is a clone of a Mandalorian!
Din started to lose the thread of the conversation. He even wished he had a Jedi ability to speak telepathically and could ask Luke what the kark was going on. He shifted his head, trying not to be very obvious in his confusion, Luke caught his gaze and shrugged.
– Do you really think I taught Luke… - Luke’s uncle sighed. – We have been here before, Anakin. Luke is an adult, he can think for himself. If he brought young Din Djarin here, then he is certain in him and his own feelings. Did your fits of reality rejection change Leia’s mind?
Luke’s father breathed in and out heavily, clearly holding himself from harsher words, but reluctantly accepting the truth.
– Maybe, you should just talk to Din? – Luke’s uncle didn’t look happy, but so wasn’t Din hearing this suggestion.
‘Let me talk, – Din remembered Luke’s words. – When Dad started being… um… not very nice to Han – critical of sorts – Han started talking back. It escalated, some chairs were flying around, Dad and Leia exchanging angry remarks – Dad said she deserved better, Leia insisted she loved Han – and Han himself wasn’t making everything easier. It took two professional negotiators – Mum and Uncle Obi-Wan – to calm them down. Still, Leia and Han are happily married and have a son. So it’s just an unpleasant procedure you have to endure’.
– Maybe, he would take the helmet off for starters? – Poison in Skywalker’s voice could kill a bantha. No, a herd of banthas.
– I cannot, - Din was glad his voice didn’t tremble. He wasn’t afraid of the man, but watching a family drama, and, worse, being the reason of it didn’t feel well. He didn’t want to cause a rift in Luke’s relationship with his father. – My Creed prohibits me to.
– Veery convenient, - Skywalker smiled a tight and unpleasant smile, ignoring pleading and exasperated eyes of his son. – We’re a family now, you don’t show your face even to your family? Luke, have you seen his face?
– Dad, now it’s rude. Of course, I did. – It was obvious Luke was holding well, but his patience wasn’t infinite, too. – It’s only for immediate members.
Technically, after realizing the existence of different Mandalorian Ways, Din wasn’t sure he couldn’t do that. After all, taking off helmets didn’t make Bo-Katan Kryze or Sabine Wren less Mandalorians. But even if he would – not for this man.
The door slid open, a man quietly entered the room and stood behind Luke’s uncle’s armchair, resting his elbows on the chair back. Could he be Boba Fett’s relative? Because he was a carbon copy of Din’s friend, albeit much older. An intricate scar was winding its way from his temple down around his left eye.
– I am being quite nice! – Skywalker protested, dragging all attention to himself. – I can’t believe Padmé actually said ‘I like this guy, let’s take him in’.
– You know, I agree with you, - the probably-Boba’s-relative suddenly said. Luke’s uncle turned to him with puzzled expression. Luke looked disappointed. – The kids take after their mother in their bad choice of life partners.
Skywalker seemed about to blow up. He grabbed something from his belt that appeared to be a black respiratory mask and pressed it to his nose and mouth. The mechanical labored breathing sounds filled the room, Skywalker was drilling the man with burning eyes.
– Now, Cody, that was harsh, - frankly, to Din’s mind, Luke’s uncle didn’t look apologetic a lot. Luke sighed, his shoulders relaxed.
– I thought you were serious! – he even laughed a little, then gather himself again. – Dad, you do realize your approval or disapproval won’t change anything?
– Unfortunately, - Skywalker’s voice also sounded mechanical. – I believe no one in the galaxy or farther is worthy of my children. – He signed. – I guess I have to work with what we have here. – He shot a look at Cody, who smiled in return, and this smile was ‘I know you know I’m right, and I unashamedly love it’.
– Very well, - Obi-Wan clapped his hands. – Now as everything is settled, - Din clearly heard ‘Anakin is settled’, - we can share some stories and know each other better, right, Din?
Luke looked at Din with shining eyes. Din signed quietly. This look was worth all these awkward minutes.
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fcthots · 9 months
HAIIIIII IT'S ME the one who requested the angry sex fic 🎶 and I LOVED it but I'm here with a new request about- *ahem ahem* drum roll pleaseeeee
Can you make a fic where the reader has never met Bruce YET(but he knows the reader of course OBVIE)and he's just visiting Jason at ya'll shared apartment and he's screaming at Gus saying ''TRAITOR,YEAH GO RUN TO YOUR MOTHER'' (the line's already in one of the fics that you wrote about Jason and Gus and I legit can not stop laughing at that line,it's my favourite) and like how would B react?
You can skip this,it kinda lame
You also asked “Can I request the reader giving a bow to Gus one day to see how Jason'll react and they'll just keep dressing up Gus in different ways//how would Jason react?”
Jason didn’t think to tell you that his dad was coming over today. To be honest, he forgot that Bruce was coming. Bruce texted him a couple hours ago saying he was going to stop by to pick up some paperwork for a case. Normal things.
Jason walks in the house to see a large bow around Gus’s head, covering his ears. You were laying on the ground taking pictures.
“What are you doing?” Jason walked into your field of vision, waiting for an answer.
“He’s so handsome!” You couldn’t stop laughing… and maybe that why neither of you heard Bruce walk in. Bruce just watched the two of you staying silent, yet to notice him.
“Take that off.” Jason apparently did not find it as amusing as you.
Bruce flicked his eyes over to you when you spoke. “Why?”
“You’re torturing him!”
“He looks distinguished!”
“He looks miserable! Look at his sad little face!” Jason walked over to Gus and took the bow off while Gus hissed at him.
Finally Bruce cut in. “Ahem.”
You screamed, Gus ran, and Jason shot out in front of you before he realized who it was.
You flicked your eyes between them, still on the floor as Jason spoke. “Oh my God, Bruce! Fucking knock!”
“I’m sorry. I was unaware your partner was home-”
“You should still fucking knock,” Jason interrupted him.
Finally you got up and walked around Jason so you could hold out your hand for Bruce to shake. If anyone said you were bad at first impressions, they were a liar.
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rlqfpdl · 3 months
How not to lose a brother, no glue no borax
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Hermes!fem!reader x Hermes cabin
Summary: luke betrays camp and you don’t know what to do or how to feel anymore. Luckily your siblings seem to be there for you.
Contains: pure angst!!, hermes sibling dynamics, SPOILERS for last Olympian, takes place during the titans curse/battle of the labyrinth. Not really a happy ending? Character death.
A/N: hi guys this is my first ff on tumblr hope you like it. Slightly (or mostly) inspired by the ‘no glue no borax trend’ on tik tok.
Word count: 1.2K
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You would think that a cabin like cabin 11 always felt alive and full of people, yet you couldn't help but feel like the loneliest girl in that there. The dull brown walls felt suffocating, but the thought of leaving them seemed even more terrifying.
 “Come on sis you’ve got to leave your bed someday,” said Connor, carrying a tray of food. He sat on the footer of the bed and looked up at the girl. Being the closest in age–just one year apart– Connor was your rock and your partner in crime. 
You slowly sat up and grabbed the small bowl of strawberries from the tray. “Maybe Hypnos is my dad,” you said sarcastically while wrapping a blanket around yourself. Maybe Connor was right. It was time to touch the grass and wash up a bit. 
“That would be a shame, I can't afford to lose another–'' he cut himself off before messing up big time. You shifted in your seat uncomfortably, eyes getting watery with the thought of him again. The old Hermes cabin counselor. 
You were there that day when the iris message arrived in camp. Luke, your older brother, confessing to poisoning Thalia's tree and betraying camp. It wasn't as if the news only affected you; every single one of your half-siblings couldn't believe it. It had explained why he didn't arrive at camp that year or why Chris wasn't there to annoy you like always. Oh wait, that meant Chris also left. You were never the same again.
you were merely 10 years old when you first arrived, being claimed by your father as soon as you stepped foot into camp. Connecting with your other siblings in an instant, especially with Luke. You looked up to him; he was the older brother you never had growing up as an only child. He taught you how to use a sword and how to utilize your abilities to their full potential. It was fun to steal the camp store with your siblings, a weird bonding experience for sure.  Being a year-rounder also meant spending more time at camp, which also meant getting to know Luke better than most of your other siblings. 
Truly, nothing prepared you for such a harsh reality check. You blame yourself for not seeing the signs after his quest; the constant waking up in the middle of the night screaming in fear. the sudden harshness towards others, slowly disconnecting from camp. Sadly, you started to blame your father for everything–how he treated Luke, how he treated you, and how he seemed to not care for the pain you felt. 
“Y/N Travis told me not to tell you but they found Chris, He's alive.” Your eyes widened with shock, you knew Chris wasn't dead, but the thought that he was no longer with Luke made you worry even more. At least if he was with the enemy, he was still with his brother. 
“Where is he?” you said, getting up, ready to travel to the depths of Tartarus just to see him again. 
“Wooh, hold your horses, he was brought back to camp but, he's not in the condition you want to see him in,” Connor said, a slight shakiness to his words as if he had seen Chris, as if he was hiding something. 
“What do you mean by that? I don't care about that I just want to see him again” You were starting to get angry. You weren't the same immature 10-year-old from before. You could handle this, or at least you wanted to believe you could. 
Connor got annoyed. He knew better than to go against his brother's wishes, but he thought this news could bring a smile to your face, a smile long forgotten. “Travis was right; I shouldn't have told you,” He said, getting up from your bed, about to leave the cabin. He couldn't afford to dwell on these things. He now had to be head counselor, thinking about the course of action the camp would take.
 But you ran, catching up to him, grabbing his arm. You felt compelled to know this information; he was your brother. “You and Travis can't keep hiding things from me. I am not a child anymore. Don't you think it hurts me every day how I lost my brothers or how I might lose more in war " Tears were threatening to spill out your eyes, your legs felt weak from not walking in such a long time and your emotions could no longer be contained.
"See Y/N, that's the thing. You're so blinded by your pain. Don't you see the rest of us grieving? Don't you see how Julia and Alice have stopped with their pranks? How me and Travis have to be in charge of this damn cabin with no guidance.” you had never seen Connor actually get angry before, He was the camp clown he played pranks on people, he made people laugh, he didn't make them cry. 
“You're not the only one hurting, Y/N, Understand that '' he finished off pulling his arm away from your grip. The tears you held on to finally started to spill, It was true you could be selfish at times, but you couldn't afford to fight with your siblings; it was the only thing left in your life. Alexa, one of your sisters was the one to bring you food that night, not seeing Connor until after the campfire, very clearly annoyed and avoiding you after your little spat. 
You knew tension was high in the cabin but you didn't stop to think it was this bad. You were so caught up in your own agenda that you didn't see how you could all fight at a time like this. You had to have each other's backs. Everybody a camp loved Luke; that was a fact, but nobody felt the true betrayal of a sibling like you guys did.
It had been a year now, and you and your siblings found yourselves on Mount Olympus embracing each other and sobbing as you saw your poor brother die. “He died a hero,'' they said but that still didn't stop the pain. It was enough to see him betray camp, witness so many demigods die in battle, see Chris go mad from his days in the labyrinth, see camp slowly dying. Now there was a dagger still inside of Luke. 
You missed the times you played poker in cabin 11 or made chocolate chip cookies (his and your favorite), sword fighting, everything. You've only met your father a few times; you couldn't help but blame him for so much. Yet here he was with you guys equally as sad, Travis swore he saw the old man shed a tear or two. It made you laugh slightly when he told you that, not that it was something to laugh at,  just the thought of a god showing emotions seemed foreign. 
It was funny how grief brought you all together, more united than before. But still, that didn't mean you could look past Luke's actions and the pain you felt. Maybe someday in the future, you would understand where he was coming from, but for now, you couldn't help but cry those feelings and thoughts away. 
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the0doreslover · 1 year
Cooking class | t.n x fem!reader
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“Miss mcgonagall you cannot fail me!” You protested walking into her class which, unfortunately for you was full of students. “Oh, hi Hermione”
“Miss y/l/n maybe instead of interrupting my class you can come up to my desk and speak to me quietly” she sighed
“Sorry” you said walking up to her desk ignoring the eyes and laughs of the gryfindors and slytherins
“Right what have I failed you in?” She asked
“This one” you pointed to the subject called “clubs and activities”
“Miss y/l/n I’m not sure if you are aware but that’s not a subject more so an option”
“My fifth year report card is almost perfect I just need anything but an F in this” you said
“I see, well the first year cooking club is probably the only club accepting new members at the moment. If by the end of the month you show great effects in cooking club I’ll see what I can do” she smiled
“Thank you miss! This is why your my favourite” you said hugging her before making your way out the classroom and waving bye to Hermione.
“We’re sorry sir!” Draco said to a very angry mr flitwick
“You should of thought about that before you boys thought it would be funny to play a cruel prank on me!” The man replied angrily
“You’re not going to tell our parents right?” Blaise asked
“That is exactly what I’m going to do”
“Please sir, we won’t do it again my dad will kill me if you tell him” theodore begged
“I see” the teacher sighed
“How about you let us go with a warning?” Draco said with a smirk
“You’re pushing your luck mister malfoy… actually I have just the right punishment for you boys” flitwick said making the boys share a confused look
“Cooking club! My father will hear about this. Isn’t that for girls” Draco huffed as they walked towards the classroom they were told to be at.
“Believe it or not I’m a great chef” theodore laughed as they neared the door to the cooking club
“Well at least it’s only for three days” blaise sighed pushing open the door.
As they walked inside they noticed all the first years plus you looking up at them
“We thought you were the teacher” you said going back to writing on your hands
“Where is she anyway?” Draco asked annoyed
“It’s a He actually and i don’t know” you replied
“Well I guess it a free period” theodore said High fiving blaise
“why are you three here anway?” You asked them
“Punishment from flitwick” blaise replied
“Why are you here?” Draco asked
“Extra credit” Theodore answered for you “you should of seen the way she came into the room this morning” he laughed making you roll your eyes
“i didn’t know you spoke” you raised your eyebrows “i don’t think i’ve ever seen you even open your mouth”
“well you’ve caught me on a good day” he grinned
“Um excuse me” you looked next to you and saw a little girl tapping you “the teacher is terribly late and we’ve already wasted 20 minutes do you know if he’s coming?” She asked
“Oh um I’m not sure sorry”
“Oh” she looked down with sad eyes
“Oi theo didn’t you say you were a great cook?” Blaise asked
“No I didn’t” he lied
“Yes you did, if i remember correctly your exact words were, Believe it or not I’m a great chef” Blaise smirked
“Well y/n is a girl who probably should know how to cook why don’t you teach the class” Draco said
“would you do that?” The little girl said looking at you with her soft eyes
“come on l/n have a heart” draco smirked
you kissed your teeth before lifting yourself from your chair. You went to the teachers desk and read the recipe “banana bread muffins” before levitating the ingredients onto all the desks
“If you lot aren’t going to do anything move to the back” you said to the three boys who moved straight away
“Um I think your meant to partner up” you said watching all the kids go into pairs “okay so um first I think you add vanilla extract?” you questioned yourself aloud
“no you don’t” theodore said watching you with an amused expression on his face.
“oh you add the eggs”
“not yet” he said
“Okay um, you add apple?”
“That’s not even part of the ingredients” he laughed
“So help me?”
“Only because it’s pathetic seeing you try to cook” he sighed walking towards you
“First you add the bananas” he gave you a pointed look while putting an apron on
“Nice apron, pink is your colour” you said as Draco and blaise started laughing
“Shut up I’m helping you aren’t I?” He groaned
“Fine” you said throwing Draco and blaise aprons too
“This isn’t my job” Draco made a disgusted face
“If I’m doing it your doing it” Theodore said rolling up his sleeves as they complained.
“Okay next melt 1/3 cup of butter” theodore said melting it with his wand “and mix it together”
“I know what’s next!” You grinned “flour”
“Well done, you’re not that clueless then. You can measure 1 and a half cup flour for me then” he smirked
You grabbed the packet of flour and pulled both sides causing it to open everywhere covering you and theodore while all the children laughed
“I take back what I said why would you open flour like that” he said blowing flour off his arm
Once the mixture was made you, theodore and the rest of the pairs were putting it into cupcake cases. While you were filling your last case you noticed some flour on theodore’s shoulder, you reached out to wipe it. As your hand came in contact with him he stopped what he was doing for a minute
“You had flour” you said quietly pointing to his shoulder
“Oh Thank you”
“Your welcome theodore” you smiled
“call me theo… please”
The cupcakes were in the oven and everyone was sitting down waiting, “how comes you can actually cook” you asked breaking the silence between you and theo who were sitting on the floor with your backs against a cupboard
“My mother used to cook for me while i watched, I loved watching her cook so much it was probably the best part about my childhood” he said smiling.
“aww notts a mummys boy” you teased
“yeah i was” he laughed
you both jumped at the sound
“that’s loud” you stood up
“um well take your cakes out of the oven now before they burn” you said awkwardly rolling on the balls on your feet.
Once the cakes were cooked down the kids stuffed them into their pockets, seeing as there weren’t any containers (that they could find)
“Well come back tomorrow” you sighed “hopefully the teacher will show up”
Once all the children left you grabbed your bag and walked towards the door before turning to the three boys at the back of the class
“thank you for helping me today” you smiled as nott stared at you. “i’ll see you tomorrow” you left.
“Are you okay theo?” blaise asked the boy who was still staring at where you were moments ago.
“yeah, yeah she just reminded me of someone for a second”
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apollodrider · 2 months
Hello, sunflower!🌻 I would like to request a headcanons cute of apollo and female human reader with her little daughter.
Apollo x (Fem) Human! reader with their daughter headcanons
— thank you for the request !
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It might not really seem like it, but Apollo is both a good dad and a good partner. In all honesty, most would assume he isn't good with family.
As a partner,
He does his best to care for you. He makes sure he doesn't do anything to make you moody (flirt with other women) which he stopped doing ever since you said you were uncomfortable.
He's the type to spend a lot of quality time with you. He offers to do your makeup and do your each others' hair together. It gets messy but he's always gentle.
He loves to tease you and make playful jokes. When you elbow him, he bursts out laughing.
Sometimes, he randomly stares at you for a while. Usually, when you tell him about your day after he asks — he loves to stare at you with loverboy eyes that you usually make fun of him for. He pouts when you make fun of him.
Of course, as a poet, he loves writing poetry. He'd write you letters often and they'd always be poetry dedicated to you and how much he loves you.
You're a human but he still loves you and appreciates your beauty. He makes sure to tell you how beautiful you are often and complains whenever you make a comment that you aren't. (joke or not)
Apollo does his best to protect you in any way. Usually, he volunteers to cook for you in fear that you'll burn yourself. (He ends up burning the)
Surprisingly, he's good at baking. He'd bake things with you often in his free time, and whenever he forgets to visit you and his child — he bakes you a little something to apologize.
He loves waist hugs and surprising you. He loves you even if you're sad, happy, disgusted, or angry. He thinks every part of you is beautiful and that's why he fell in love with you.
When I said he loves waist hugs, he makes sure to ask before touching you in some way to avoid making you feel discomfort with him. (Specially when you're sad) He wants to make sure you consent to everything and ask for permission 24 / 7
He's the type of guy who would apologize first after every argument but appreciate it whenever you do since he encourages change. His gifts, praise, and touch isn't because he wants something back from you but because he truly wants to make you feel loved and is showing you love because of it.
Apollo is a huge loverboy who makes it a point to tell everyone about you and show you off. He tells his family and almost anyone he talks to about you and his daughter. “It's just a phase” It isn't. He isn't planning to break your heart or let anything bad happen to you.
He loves listening to you talk but ranting or talking to you is good too since he usually sees you laugh when he talks about his day and he finds you gorgeous when you laugh or smile.
Sometimes he likes to sing to you when you're sad and whenever it's sunset, he drags you and tries to convince you to dance with him.
He keeps track of everything. He even notes down when your first date was so he'd never forget when your anniversaries are.
He likes to match outfits but makes sure to ask for permission so he knows you're fine with it. He doesn't like to pick out matching fits on his own and asks you out to go shopping with him instead. (He loves watching you try them out)
Devotional type. He's the ‘May I be your boyfriend?’ type instead of ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’
As a father,
Apollo is pretty chaotic. He's a supportive father who makes it a point to attend every event his daughter joins and help pay the funds.
Although he can't cook, he makes cakes or cupcakes for his daughter's birthday. (with your help)
He comes back home a lot with toys or new clothes but makes sure to ask what kind of clothing style or toys before buying anything so his daughter isn't disappointed.
He's actually a pretty fun dad who acts like a child and often teasingly gets scolded by you which your child laughs at.
Apollo definetly likes singing lullabies. He reads bedtime stories too but the stories he tells are either over the top or true stories (his past travels)
Probably the type of father to encourage fighting back against bullies (he'll take care of it if trouble starts)
Argues with other parents about how his and your child is better than theirs. Definitely disapproves of asking ‘Do you like your mom or your dad better?’
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Apollo stood on the ground that hardly had any grass. Staring at the vivid blue sky, the cold breeze made the trees dance along with it. Smiling gently, he looked over his shoulder as his hair flowed along with the wind.
You stepped into his field of vision, holding your daughter who looked like a combination of the both of you. The child placed it's tiny hands on your face and you bent down to lessen the trouble for her. “Why, dear?” You ask in a soft tone and the child giggles adorably which put a gentle smile on your face.
“Papa,” tour daughter smiles sweetly, pointing at Apollo “—N mama,” she points at you. “Date?”
Apollo instantly laughs, appearing beside the both of you. You facepalm, an annoyed look on your face.
Apollo placed a hand on the child's head, ruffling her hair you frown. “She’s learning,” Apollo said with a cheeky smile. Seeing the smile on Apollo's face, you couldn't stop the light redness on your cheeks from appearing.
You fake a cough and clear your throat. “Why are you teaching her this?” Apollo would turn towards you once he heard your words, focusing his attention on you.
“Alright, I'm sorry, I won't do it again.” Apollo would laugh nervously as he apologized to you. You would only sigh and move to walk past him.
Apollo places a hand on your shoulder to stop you. Facing your back, he spoke up. “You look exhausted, let me carry her for you.” He pointed out and then suddenly made an offer to help you out. He could see your eyebags but he found you beautiful even so. Though he hated seeing you exhausted, you were beautiful in every state you were in.
You eventually give in and let him carry your child. With a smile, Apollo carries her gently. The wind gradually calms down at that moment and he smiled at you. “May I go on a date with you?” He suddenly asked.
You elbow him and he laughs. “Not in front of the child!” You scold and Apollo found you being embarassed adorable.
After a few more moments of you scolding Apollo out of embarassment, you finally calm down and cross your arms. Apollo turns to the child in his arms and caressed her hair softly. “Wanna go to the new restaurant that opened up?”
“...She's allergic to seafood.”
“Oh, I forgot...” You step closer beside them once you heard that and stare at your daughter lovingly. “Why don't we just bake something at home?”
Apollo would chuckle. “Ah, right. Of course, love.” Apollo agreed. “I can do the baking and you can keep our child some company. I know you're tired.”
You would smile at his consideration. “Let's go home before our child becomes allergic to love.” You joked and turned around to walk back home.
Apollo laughs once more and follows you. “I love you both.” He'd murmur. He felt overjoyed with the both of you so he'll protect you both until the end.
The day he met you and had a child with you was the day the sun was most bright — the day where the sun never set even if the sky was already dark.
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