#Definitely did spook me the first time i saw it
quikyu · 1 year
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savanir · 3 months
DP x DC ficlet
is it even a ficlet anymore, this thing has gotten incredibly out of hand...
So a while back I saw this
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and I picked the Green Lantern one and then just kinda wrote a full fic so...
It had been a good party, official yes but despite that still festive enough and with just a bittersweet hint. as all good meaningful parties should be like, unless you’re looking to get absolutely shitfaced.
But hey Rowan deserved a proper sendoff for making it to this point and not dying in the process. Hal is going to miss the old pilot though.
"Hal, I got something for you, before I forget"
"Hm, what is it"
The old man puts a small intricate glass model of a f16 fighter in his hand.
"Back when I started I was given this for good luck and protection"
Rowan presses it down firmly and stands there all official like "may it grant you both as it did for me"
They both stand there for a second before laughing.
“Feel free to shelf the whole luck thing, what’s really important is skill and experience. Still, knowing you, you can definitely use the protection ”
Hal grins, "Thanks, I'll keep close"
"You better, the sentimental value is sky high" Rowan slaps his shoulder with another laugh.
Good lord what a dork.
The old retiring pilot wasn't paying attention, too caught up in everything else but Hal saw the faint and brief green hue coming from his hand.
In a panic he slammed his other hand over top. Completely missing the quietly whispered "protect"
Too busy cussing out his ring in his head, he swears that thing is trying to out him on purpose sometimes.
This time it wasn't the ring though, so it's a good thing it's an inanimate object and can't be upset at how wrong Hal is being right now.
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah! Let's get back to the others"
The evening ends uneventfully.
It's really only until quite a bit later that things start to happen.
"Green lantern" its batman's business voice.
Both Hal and John look up.
"Jordan" ah shit.
"I'll catch you up later" and he leaves Hal behind, traitor.
"What's up spooky"
"You need to update your file, it is missing critical information, and on that note I wasn’t aware that the lantern suits grant you intangibility now"
"I... what..? It doesn't? What are you talking about spooks"
"Hrn" Batman pulls up a screen and shows him footage of the latest fight, in it you can clearly see something was supposed to hit Hal but went right through him "You're telling me you didn't know or notice this?"
Hal just looks kinda sick. That would have been a bad hit and he just straight up didn't even notice.
Batman just kind of silently looks at him and he must have come to some conclusion because the next thing Hal knows this comes out of his mouth.
"I've already ran your blood through the lab, it's not a sudden emergence of a meta gene so it's either from the lantern corps or you've otherwise externally been affected by something that's causing this"
Hal closes his eyes and internally counts to ten, it doesn't help.
Batman takes his silence to mean he can keep talking. The man is on an unusual roll. Hal would have been ecstatic if he didn't hate the topic quite so much.
"It would have been best if it had something to do with your ring however you seem to be completely unaware and I've also noted that the green of your ring and the green glow that comes with the density shifting are different"
He has examples with corresponding color codes, Hal is so tired.
“let's set a time frame…” Batman pulls up some documents and graph on the screen “seeing as you are unaware of this development I will set the starting point of this potential change as of now to right after the last time you have been known to be hit in a fight and before the first known instance of you being able to density shift, that leaves us with a full month.”
Hal really, really does not want to be here anymore.
“In this month you have not gone off planet so whatever caused this is on Earth” Batman pauses for a moment, “has anything significant happened during that time that springs to mind now?”
“no, nothing significant has happened during that time, frankly it’s been a very pleasant uneventful four weeks in which I finally managed to catch a break and it figures something crazy has apparently happened anyway”
Hal rubs his face with both hands, “but right now I couldn’t tell you what, anyway, does this have to be a bad thing? I for one am very glad that hit didn’t actually land”
“So far only Superman has had the privilege of having sudden emergence of new powers work out for him” Batman huffs, “it would be best to monitor this carefully, if anything springs to mind do not hesitate to inform me, the sooner this is figured out the better”
“awww you do care” Hal is using humor cope, sadly it’s Batman, so it’s not very effective.
“Jordan” now Batman sounds tired, he’s not the one with random surprise density shifting, Hal understand that Spooky’s crippling chronic paranoia must be exhausting but right now he’s the one freaking out considering this is apparently not a meta gene related development, it would have been so much easier if it was, oh and about that, just how and when did Batman get his blood exactly? he would like to know now.
sadly he does not get to know now. or anytime soon (or ever). it’s chaos right after, because of course it is.
knocked out of the sky and lying amongst the rubble, if their enemy spots him he’s in bigger shit than he already is, but he can’t fucking move and the next thing he knows he’s invisible.
and there is just nothing enjoyable about it.
Barry doesn’t know that though, “that was something else, just one moment and schwup and you were just gone, some sort of green lantern light bending? he looked right through you, thank god he did too” 
shit shit, “no that was..." it was like he just ceased to exist, movies and books and whatever other media always depicts it as such a cool thing but frankly it was terrifying. And he would prefer things that are terrifying not to happen to him, for obvious reasons, “honestly actually it’s complicated, stealth tech” Grade A bullshit.
“well it’s awesome”
“it was useful just now but not really my style you know” 
Barry slings his arm over Hal’s shoulder and gives him a one armed hug, “everything worked out” Hal can feel some tension flow out of his friend, “well! better get busy cleaning this mess up” and with a blink he’s gone.
Hal does not want to talk about this with Batman, but knowing him, he probably already knows anyway, it would be less of a headache to go to him than have him go to Hal. 
Hal wants to enjoy whatever this is, he really does, but he doesn’t know what caused this, he doesn’t know what triggers the new abilities or whatever they are, he doesn’t know what effects this shit is going to have in the future, he just doesn’t know anything, normally he doesn’t mind not knowing some things, he’s fine leaving the knowing to the people better suited for the more complicated knowing, but he would very much like to know more about this please.
Then they face off against an enemy and in the process Hal drains his ring completely and the next hit is going to be bad, so what will happen? Will he somehow go intangible again? Turn invisible and use the confusion to evade and attack?
Apparently this time he just gets a glowing green dome shield. Something very normal for him to have and use, if only it came out of his ring that is.
Nobody notices that something is wrong, nobody besides Batman that is.
"That's three new abilities that only appear during life threatening situations"
Hal has actually seriously gone over that month by now, but nothing, no answers. He's physically fine, mentally a little damaged but nothing new there, they all are. Every test he begrudgingly went through answered nothing. He was fine. Whatever was going on actually had nothing to do with him.
And at the same time it had everything to do with him because this is only happening to him.
As usual (by now) he takes out his little glass fighter jet and runs his thumb over the wings. It is soothing strangely enough. Like a stim toy.
"The last thing to try is a thorough examination by someone from the justice league dark"
Hal groans, magic, ok then, "Alright let's get this over with. Who knows maybe I'm just haunted"
It turns out he’s not haunted, this is a good thing... supposedly, Well let’s just say that Hal would have not minded being haunted or something if that meant it could be fixed, or just explained.
It doesn’t really need to be fixed, whatever this is has been very helpful after all, but he would do basically anything for an explanation right about now.
“you are not haunted or otherwise magically compromised, but I do sense faint traces of energy from the infinite realms” Zatanna is a godsent, finally something to work with.
“from the who whats?” Hal is worried, the occult field is definitely not his area of expertise. He's a space cop, not a space demonhunter… oh that would be pretty cool though, with like a hood and twin cyber crossbows, maybe he should incorporate that somehow.
“the infinite realms… have you recently been in touch with any death related realities?”
Well there was that time when he got booted to the death universe and he died and then he was a black lantern but he got better, that’s all very much very behind him.
She better not be about to tell him that stuff still has lingering consequences.
oh god dammit that’s exactly what is going on isn’t it?
"How recently?"
"In the past week?"
"Oh, no" Hal would have known if that was the case, death stuff tends to be hard to ignore.
Zatanna frowns, that's probably not a good sign.
"But you said I'm not compromised right?" Right now what Hal wants to know the most is if this is changing him. Cause it tends to be bad for him when that's the case.
"No this is just lingering traces of something or someone else using their powers near you"
"What are the infinite realms?" oh hey there Batman, was wondering when you would show up again.
"It's the afterlife, or... more like a collection of all afterlives. The infinite realms is very literal in their naming. It is home to powerful dead entities. As a general rule magic users are discouraged from interacting with it.
"What did you say happened to you so far Hal?"
"Uhm, density shifting, invisibility and then a green dome-like shield, a lot like my own energy constructs"
"that sounds like pretty standard stuff for a realms being"
"Soooo what, did one leave the afterlife and decide to follow me around or something?"
"I cannot conclusively say, I can only say that you've been close to one using its abilities"
Batman folds his arms over his chest, "We shouldn’t form theories on these findings alone, Zatanna are these realm beings dangerous?"
"Hard to say, they come in all manner of forms, some small and harmless and others on the level of world destroying gods."
Great great great, awesome, well it’s probably safe to say that whatever decided to stick around Hal isn’t small and harmless, cause small and harmless doesn’t sound strong enough to casually turn him intangible or invisible… he could be wrong though.
“I do advise caution, beings from the infinite realms also have the ability to possess someone, they call it overshadowing”
Batman’s lips thin and Hal tenses up, mind control of any kind is always awful.
“I’ll place a ward on you, as a precaution” energy starts to gather in her hands.
Batman moves for the door, “we might need to look into a way to force this being to reveal itself, it would be best if we could convince it to return to their realm”
“Well I mean-” Hal starts, “like I get that, but they have been a great help so far” 
“they are a security risk”
“I’m just saying, I am grateful that they kept me from being confined to the medical wing for who even knows how long, who knows they might just be shy, wouldn’t it be better to convince them to become our ally, like Deadman. instead of telling them to leave. just cause we don’t understand how they work yet doesn’t mean they are bad and should be booted out of our reality”
Batman narrows his eyes at Hal and turns to Zatanna who is finished with placing the ward on Hal, “Zatanna please send me all you have on the infinite realms, I will do my own research” and with that he sweeps out of the room, very dramatic.
“Ass” Hal whispers under his breath.
“He’s worried”
“well he’s being a dick about it, as usual” Hal’s fingers find his little plane once again “... hey do you think they could communicate through one of those oejah boards?”
Zatanna snorts, “it’s Ouija- and please don’t”
No information from the JLD has been useful so far in coaxing the realms being to reveal themselves and for the most part things just go on as usual.
“Whoever they are, they followed me when I went off planet and it might just be my imagination but I had a feeling that their stuff was a lot more… potent? out there? I don’t know it was kinda strange, it just felt stronger”
“but they didn’t reveal themselves to you?”
“nope, they must know that I know now too, so they have decided to just… go on as they always have I guess”
“hrn” Batman is leafing through files, because of this whole mess he’s uncovered hidden government organizations targeting occult entities as well as inhumane laws that stand directly opposed to the meta protection acts.
Why is he working with paper regarding this matter? Well it turns out there is a infinite realms being that can possess electronica and it was only because of the protections the JLD had put in place on the Watchtower that the entity didn’t overtake it in its entirety.
Watching Constantine freak out had been mildly entertaining but Zatanna had once again reminded Batman to be very careful, Batman had begrudgingly admitted he had made a slight misstep while digging for answers… in his head, not out loud, god forbid.
“this whole thing is turning out a lot bigger than we thought huh, good thing we are dealing with it now” Hal stretches his arms above his head, “anyway I am going to go grab something to eat”
“the rapport-” Batman doesn’t bother looking at him.
“yeah yeah” Hal doesn’t either while walking out of the room, dismissively flicking his hand, “don’t worry about it spooky”
Hal takes his little plane out on the way to the cafeteria and fiddles with it in his hand, once there he puts it on the table next to Barry before getting himself something to eat.
They catch up, Hal complains (bitches) about Batman, others come and go, Zatanna quickly checks up on the ward she placed which makes Barry raise an eyebrow at Hal, “Ghost protection”
“... no such thing”
Zatanna glares.
Hal can see them both gearing up to start the magic is just science we haven’t fully scienced out yet argument again, “alright! I’m full” he stands up, “if you need me I’ll be writing that rapport, later” and gets the hell out of there.
It’s when he has just reached his preferred spot to work on the boring paperwork stuff when the alarms go off throughout what he can only imagine must probably be the entire Watchtower.
It seems like something triggered all of the JLD’s defenses in one go.
Impressive, but also very worrying.
The rapport is going to have to wait.
People are gathering in the meeting room and Batman is already taking the lead, “status”
“as of a couple minutes ago there was a build up of as of yet unknown energy which then burst in the cafeteria knocking out Flash” Martian Manhunter says, “Zatanna says we are most likely dealing with another being from the infinite realms”
Superman groans, this means he’s out.
It’s a good thing they now have defenses against overshadowing though. Being effectively trapped in a space station (because currently the thing is on lockdown) where literally anyone could suddenly actually be the enemy is the kind of situation a whole slew of horror movies like to be about.
“We will need to be extremely careful while finding and then dealing with this entity”
It has certainly been quite some time since the Watchtower got directly hit like this.
Hal pulls out his little plane.
or, he would, if he still had it.
thoroughly distracted now he suddenly realizes it’s no longer on his person.
Spooky is probably not going to like it if during the infinite realms attacker hunt he takes the opportunity to look around for his missing little fighter jet.
well what he doesn’t know won’t harm him.
His plan of looking for the plane while looking for the ghost is working out well enough.
In fact it is working out so good that he finds both at the same time.
At that point Hal had started wondering if maybe Barry had picked it up for him at the cafeteria before the attack happened and that the little thing was now in the medical wing with him. 
That turned out to clearly not be the case once he found the tiny thing glowing green and floating in the middle of the hallway.
“alright ghosty, that’s really important to me and I would like it back undamaged”
the tiny plane turned to now point directly at him, hmm, yeah that's not creepy at all.
 “... please don’t launch yourself at me” he foolishly says which of course means that’s exactly what it does next.
He uses his ring to construct a net with a pillow inside to catch the tiny jet, completely forgetting that it’s overshadowed and can thus easily just go intangible and right through his creations.
Instead it hits him square in the chest, rather painfully he might add and then just stops glowing and drops, making Hal scramble to not have it fall and shatter in a million tiny pieces on the ground.
immediately all the sensors stop detecting the presence of a realms being and the alarms die down.
Whatever was in the Watchtower has left the building.
Hal looks down at the tiny plane in his hands, his talisman of protection and has a sinking feeling in his gut.
“Hey there little guy, might want to explain yourself?” he says to the tiny jet.
It vibrates in his hands.
“... yeah I figured, shit”
“I say just smash the bloody thing and be done with it, preferably that takes care of it once and for all” Constantine glares down at the tiny jet.
Hal is almost halfway over the table to shield the little thing, covering it from Constantine’s sight with his hand, “don’t you dare” he growls.
“it would be best for everyone involved, for all we known you could have gone full liminal what with how long you’ve been carrying the blasted thing around”
Zatanna is going over the little thing with her own magic, “it’s trapped”
“In that case just straight up trying to murder it would be the worst thing to do” Hal glares at Constantine some more. Who clearly doesn’t give a shit, figures, all stressed out about dealing with things from the infinite realms but whenever he feels he has the upper hand he’s more than happy to go full nuclear.
“it would be best if we had a way of figuring out their intentions” Batman looks down at the tiny jet impassively.
“Well, another reason to just carefully release this creature instead” Hal responds.
Zatanna’s magic fades away, “I would say that the fact it’s been protecting Hal for as long as he has it is a positive sign”
“hrn, but now it has gone and knocked Flash out, so what does that say” Batman huffs, “it’s too risky”
“Constantine and I will set up everything we can so it won’t be able to escape or try anything dangerous” Zatanna stops looking at Batman and turns back to the tiny plane, “if it turns out to be malicious we could simply banish it back to the realms, killing it would be rather stupid, we do not know what kind of connections it might have within the realms, we might accidentally anger something far worse with such a rash act”
Constantine groans but accepts Zatanna’s reasoning, Batman nods as well.
It’s only then that Hal moves out of the way.
Any plans of attack or banishment fly right out of the window once the two magic users are done and a young boy manifests from the tiny fighter jet.
Hal pushes Constantine aside to get to the boy’s side.
“Jordan, are you insane! Get back here!” 
“Hey, kid, can you hear me? please open your eyes, slowly, take your time” 
Batman has also moved forward much to Constantine’s frustration. Don't these two morons get that their protections won’t do shit if you just casually stroll into the circle?
Batman is mostly concerned in being able to step in should the boy prove to be a hostile entity anyway, but at the same time… well, that’s a child.
The boy kind of dazedly opens his eyes, looks at Hal and then seems to become aware of his own arms and hands, after opening and closing those a couple times he looks back at Hal and lets out a breath that can only be described as relieved and promptly passes out into him.
Well, Hal figures that settles it then. He doesn’t know shit about looking after a kid, and definitely not one who is probably quite dead, but this one is his, back off Batman.
they all startle rather violently when rings of blinding white light pass over the boy and suddenly the kid in Hal’s arms is a bit warmer and seems to have a sluggish pulse and also his clothes are different and his hair is now black and-
Hal is up and moving towards the medical wing before his mind catches back up with him. He can hear Batman behind him, it seems like Constantine and Zatanna aren’t moving after him as fast.
Well anyway his life is already so goddamn weird, this might as well happen.
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fangirl-dot-com · 9 months
Daniel Ricciardo - Y/n.JPG
Second to last one of this series! I have been so bless to be able to write these and have enjoyed every minute of it. Now, this one might be shorter, but it’s because the title goes hand in hand with the content. Daniel and reader both bond over a shared love of photography and Danny helps her out before the Australian GP. Lots of feel good things and comfort here. 
Some posts will be from future races and thing like that! It’s not so much spoilers for future chapters, but it might have a few key details (example – Lando’s first race win, Reader’s first race win [I already hinted at that in Reader-Lore], possible teammate swaps, other driver’s wins, soft launch? Hard launch?) – we will see hehehehe 
I'm trying something new! Please let me know if y'all like this set up better for Instagram posts!
Anyway! Enjoy! 
Like always: comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated! 
You looked down at the rectangular item. Max had gotten you this as a Christmas present, but he forgot one key detail. You didn’t know how to use it. 
You had been carrying around the nice camera since Christmas, and rarely left anywhere without it. However, you knew nothing about how to take good pictures. You thought about leaving it in your apartment. That thought flew out the window once you found out how much Max had spent on the thing. A whopping 6 grand was apparently not a big deal as a Christmas present. Especially when Max had found out that you had never really celebrated the holiday properly. 
So, you carefully took it with you wherever you went. Most of the time, it stayed in your bag, not being used. 
What you didn’t realize was that a certain Aussie had accidentally taken your backpack, instead of his own. 
Daniel was currently looking down in the black backpack. The contents showed that he had definitely had taken the wrong one from the Red Bull garage. Curse Max for hurrying him. He just saw the familiar logo and went with it. 
He shrugged as he started to pull out different items, trying to find out whose backpack this was, so that he could return it. A few stuck out to him. Most were female products that he knew none of the drivers used. Well, maybe Lando would use Billie Eilish’s new perfume in travel size. But, one of the items at the bottom caught his eye.
He carefully lifted the familiar Lecia Q2 camera. It had been well protected by clothes that were strategically placed around it, as to deter things from bumping into it. 
Maybe this bag was Lando’s. 
A knock on his driver’s door took him out of his thought spiral of how he was supposed to approach Lando now knowing he used feminine perfume. There was definitely nothing wrong, but he knew how Lando got about situations that might be a bit embarrassing. 
He placed the camera in the middle of his desk so that if it did get knocked over, it wouldn’t fall off. He opened the door and was met with the sight of you, holding his backpack. 
“Hey kid,” he almost mumbled, still a bit in chock. Your face was flushed as you stared at the Aussie. It would have been better to take Lando or Oscar’s backpack, since you knew them a bit better. But no. You had to accidentally take Daniel Joseph Ricciardo’s backpack, the man who was everything to you growing up. 
“Hi,” you scratched you neck, a movement that you often did when nervous. “I think this might be yours. I apologize for taking it.” You all but shoved the backpack into his arms. Daniel’s arms flailed, trying to catch the bag. You looked as if a loud noise would spook you. 
Daniel shifted enough to show you your backpack that was lying on his chair. Your eyes lit up at the familiar bag. “I think we just got ours mixed up.” 
You nodded and stepped inside to grab your bag. You almost left after that, but your backpack felt lighter that it had been that morning. You had failed to see the camera sitting on the desk. You looked back up at Daniel before looking into the backpack that was void of you beloved camera. 
Tears welled quickly in your eyes. Daniel, who had been watching, was confused as to why you suddenly started to cry. 
“Hey, what’s the matter?” he asked, accent thick with concern. 
You unzipped the backpack a bit more to show him the empty bottom. “I think someone stole my camera. Max got it for me for Christmas, but I don’t know how to use it. I carry it everywhere and had it this morning, but now it’s gone and I don’t know what to do.” 
You were now on the verge of a breakdown. Daniel almost wanted to coo, before realizing that he was the source of your troubles. 
“Ah kid. It’s over on the table. I took it out to maybe see whose backpack it was. Thought it might have been Lando, but I don’t think he uses that kind of perfume.” 
You let out a light laugh at the idea of Lando Norris secretly using a bottle of the stuff. You wouldn’t put it past him. You looked around at Danny to see him holding the camera. It looked almost natural to see it in his hands. 
You sheepishly grinned, “I don’t know how to use it. So there aren’t any pictures on the SIM card.” 
Daniel looked over the camera, almost weighing the object and the thoughts in his head. He looked at you, face flushed and cheeks wet with leftover tears. You really looked like a kid. No wonder Max felt as though he needed to watch out for you. 
Daniel had spoken just a few words to you, but he’d do anything to make you smile. 
He raised the camera in his hands. “I can help you if you’d like? I don’t have plans for the rest of the day!” He shot you a big smile, which helped your own grow. 
You looked down shyly. “Only if you’re ok with it. I don’t have plans and Kelly is here so Max is a little occupied.” 
Don’t get it wrong, you loved it when Kelly could make it to the races to support Max. It was definitely better than his scary, angry dad who showed up too many times and reminded you too much of your own father. You wanted to shiver at the thought. 
Daniel let out a laugh, “Kid, I’m good to go! You wanna take my car? There’s a nice beach we can go to and practice.” 
You liked that idea. “I can’t remember the last time I went to a beach.” 
Daniel looked at you strangely. “But you live in Monaco? Basically an island.” 
You nodded, “Yeah, but I’m busy. And Arthur is normally with Charles on his yacht. Max is on his simulator most of the time, and when he isn’t, he’s at Kelly’s. Lando works on his Quadrant stuff a lot. I know they like to joke that I have no friends, but I legit have no friends outside of this.” 
Your hands gestured to the empty paddock where the two of you were walking. It was true. Friends would just let you down. You had enough family here. 
You continued, “And I like being alone. I’ve done it most of my life and it’d be a bit weird to not be alone sometimes.” You shrugged. 
Daniel was a bit silent before he spoke, “Well, everyone deserves to have good friends.” He smirked. “Good friends that take you to the beaches. So, I will be that friend for you.” 
The two of you stopped in front of his car. You flashed him a grin that, again like everyone says, rivaled the sun. 
You pulled yourself into the passenger seat of Danny’s car. He started it, and gave you full aux privileges. You took the opportunity to play some good country music. Daniel started to smile as the music played. 
The ride quickly passed by: the beach wasn’t very far away to begin with. 
The moment you stepped out of the car, the smell of salt water hit your nose. It was very therapeutic, along with the sounds of the waves. Daniel beckoned you to follow him down a path that had already been worn down by visitors. The sand stuck in between your toes, your feet feeling everything. 
You stepped in Daniel’s footsteps as you walked behind him. The sand was flat and a tad wet when the two of you finally stopped. You also had failed to noticed that Daniel had grabbed a towel and was placing it down near the waves. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. 
You gingerly squatted, trying not to fling sand everywhere. Once the two of you were settled, you just sat in silence, enjoying the noise from the wind and waves. 
You carefully brought the camera in between your bodies. 
You quietly spoke as to not interrupt the calming noises. “Can you help me take a picture of the ocean?” 
Daniel nodded with a fond look on his face. He quickly showed you what buttons to use and how to aim the lens. Handing it back to you, he watched as you squinted one eye to look through the view finder. The minute click of the camera let him know that you managed to take a photo. 
You handed the camera to him with a shy smile. Inwardly, you were looking for some type of praise from the man you admired throughout your childhood and teenage years. 
Daniel was surprised at the photo. To put it simply, it was amazing: much better than he might have been able to take it. 
“Well kid, you definitely have an eye for something like this. I mean, this picture is incredible.” 
Although you were looking for it, you flushed under his kind words. “Can you take a couple as well? I was thinking about making a photography account along with my main one.” You looked down at the sand. 
“Sure kid. Anything you want. You can join Lando and I’s JPG club if you want to,” he said half-mindedly, taking a couple of shots. 
What he didn’t notice was a look of excitement and content on your face. Maybe, this friendship would work out amazingly. 
You just continued to wonder to yourself. 
How many couples am I getting in replacement of my family? 
Christian and Gerri, Max and Kelly, Alex and Lily, Charles and Alex, now Daniel and Heidi?
You were set for life. 
Y/n.89 has created a new account
Y/n.jpg has requested to follow you
Request has been accepted
Y/n.jpg has posted
March 25, 2024
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let's go to the beach, beach
tagged: daniel3.jpg
liked by landonorris, arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri, and 13,937 others
oscarpiastri you went to the beach, without ME?!
Y/n.jpg you weren't around, you snooze you lose
y/n_updates yessss now we can see unposted photos of the grid
lando.jpg welcome to the club (I can teach you how to use the camera better than that muppet)
danielricciardo hey! this muppet is a fine teacher by the way y/n.jpg thanks lanno, but I think I got it from here :)
May 2, 2024
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Logan didn't take me fishing, so I made a seashell crown instead!
liked by maxverstappen1, kellypiquet, and 15,836 others
kellypiquet P was wondering if you could make her one the next time we go to the beach when you and maxverstappen1 get home
y/n.jpg uh, of course! tell her I say hi and that I love her! maxverstappen1 can you make me one as well?
iamred_iamyellow so this is how I find out that max, Kelly, y/n, and p are legit a family family?
y/n.lover you are so behind
logansargeant I would have taken you fishing, but you said and I quote "does the bug spray come in any different smell?" NO IT DOESN'T
y/n.jpg calm down shawty, you're Americanness is showing arthur_leclerc he's not beating those American allegations smh logansargeant maybe it's because I AM AMERICAN!?
May 20, 2024
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monaco has my heart and soul
tagged: charles_leclerc and arthur_leclerc
liked by alexalbon, arthur_leclerc, and 17,382 others
y/n_fan alright boo, I see what you did there
user2 what did she do? y/n_fan heart and soul = Charles and Arthur user3 maybe it's just that, hmmmm, she might live there? and her "adoptive family" also lives there? y/n_fan let me be delulu
maxverstappen1 w o w - love you too kid
charles_leclerc you can be first on the track, but the leclercs come first in everything else arthur_leclerc he did not mean that, sir
charles_leclerc je t'aime gosse also, maman wants to know when you're coming over for dinner again
y/n.jpg aw je t'aime charlie! tell her that I'll come over this weekend! landonorris can this invitation be open to other drivers as well?
July 1, 2024
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I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this
liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, and 25,283 others
y/n_updates uh, EXCUSE ME?!
box_box_express I have predicted things before, but I never would have thought about this
user3 does maxverstappen1 know about this?
maxverstappen1 now I do
taylorswift aww love this! two tickets headed your way for you and they <3
y/n.jpg thank you! he says thank you as well!
change-ur-f_car alright, cast your votes in, who do we think it is?
emotional-support_rivals I think its Lando! they seemed super close during the Monaco GP maxiel-lover is it bad I want to say Daniel? lastlapLando uh the age gap is TOO unsettling, plus I don't think max would like that very much y/n-lover2 I personally think that that is Arthur champagne-without-the_cham I think the delulu is really hitting hard
July 7, 2024
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this muppet got his first win! (and before me, such a misogynist)
tagged: landonorris
liked by arthur_leclerc, landonorris, carlossainz55, and 30,283 others
emotional-support_rivals this is really giving - hard launch? especially after the last post
y/n.jpg yes landonorris very well
lnfournation that's our muppet!
y/n-fans could this be y/n l/n's boyfriend?
y/n.jpg as IF he could pull me - especially when he's looking like crash from ice age (lando NORIZZ) landonorris HEY
August 20, 2024
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tagged: maxverstappen1
liked by redbullracing, oscarpiastri, and 22,901 others
user1 love to see max wearing something other than an RB polo
max_max_super kelly or y/n probs packed his suitcase y/n.jpg we did :D
landonorris pls bring me back a stroopwaffle
danielricciardo and me too oscarpiastri me three
y/n_updates her captions never fail
maxverstappen1 that is not my good angle
y/n.jpg didn't know Sid the Sloth had one?? maxverstappen1 I will leave you christianhorner please do not
redbullracing best duo is BACK
September 1, 2024
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liked by georgerussell66, redbullracing, and 59,283 others
y/n_updates and everybody liked that
landonorris she's still crying
box_box_update our girl out there making history
suderiaferrari if there was anyone else to win here, we are honored that it was you
carlossainz55 proud of you chica
maxverstappen1 words cannot express how proud I am of you kleintje landonorris keep at it bug, you're doing what you were born to do fernandoalo_oficial felicidades nina! kellypiquet can't wait to have you home honey! you drove amazingly charles_leclerc maman says that she is so proud of you and I'm so proud of you gosse danielricciardo welcome to the group of Monza winners darl' y/n-addict the amount of nicknames that she has is melting my heart
christianhorner proud to have you as one of my drivers kid
October 17, 2024
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you know what they say?
tagged: danielricciardo
liked by arthur_leclerc, ollibearman, and 45,204 others
maxverstappen1 kid take this down
y/n.jpg that's not very girl boss of you to say Maxie
georgerussell66 yeehaw
y/n-lover5 this is very suspicious
user6 if you think that beanpole russell george is her bf, you must truly be gone maxiel-lover I think this is just fueling Daniel being her boyfriend y/n_updates alright grandma, let's get you back to bed
November 23, 2023
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always bet on red and navy
liked by redbullracing, lewishamilton, tomholland and 49,294 others
box_box_updates chiillllll, y/n he and zendaya got close when they had to shadow Red Bull for Tom's upcoming F1 movie
christianhorner can't believe it's been a year since you've been with us - you're going on to do great things kids
y/n-lover what do you mean it's been a WHOLE YEAR since y/n was introduced as a driver for the 2024 lineup
maxverstappen1 kid you're diving me out a job
y/n.jpg keep up old man, the children are taking over landonorris amen to that oscarpiastri the trio are now all race winners
redbullracing what she said - after party on us
y/n.jpg please do not go over the cost cap AGAIN
change-ur-f_car I'm still patiently waiting to know who her boyfriend is
user7 that overtake on the last lap was mega, glad for her second win
December 13, 2024
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isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me
tagged: arthur_leclerc
y/n_updates I was NOT ready for this to be on my page first thing this morning
emotional_support-rivals I just want to know if Max or Charles knew
maxverstappen1 oh we knew charles_leclerc how do you think they got away with it for so long??
taylorswift my favorite birthday present
max_max_super she knew what she was doing by hard launching with a Taylor Swift lyric on Taylor Swift's birthday
olliebearman parents
y/n.jpg son arthur_leclerc SON?
landonorris you're telling me I had to find out through INSTAGRAM
logansargeant I did as well oscarpiastri you're both blind if you didn't know y/n.jpg YOU KNEW?
y/nxarthur this is the best day of my life
AN: Guys this was so much fun to write!!! I hope you like it cause it took me forever! I love you all! Last chapter and Christmas chapter out soon!
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost @misartymis @boiohboii @alexander-hamilhoe @jayda12 @indesicivelyconfuzzled @fangirl125reader @itscrzy @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fionaschicken @torchbearerkyle @ineedafictionalman @loaksmuntxa @classiclitfreak @sarcasm-ismy-onlydefense @luisie @jayda12 @comfortzonequeen @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @inejghafawifesblog @treehouse-mouse @leptitlu
903 notes · View notes
cutielando · 1 year
it’s going to be okay | j.m.
synopsis: in which you give JJ hope that things are going to get better
my masterlist
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When you received a call from JJ asking you to pick him up from his place at 1 in the morning, you couldn't help but panic.
Getting into your car and speeding down there, your mind was racing and your palms were sweating. This was definitely not the first time you had received this kind of call from JJ, but you couldn't help but panic every single time.
You didn't know what to expect when you pulled into his driveway, but once you saw him sitting on the porch with his head in his hands, you knew it was nothing good.
"Babe, what's wrong?" you asked once you had exited the car and stopped in front of him.
He was still silent, his breathing deep and harsh.
"JJ, you're scaring me. What happened?" you asked again, this time in a much lower voice.
You crouched down in front of him, softly putting your hand on his shoulder. He tensed at the feeling of you touching him, but relaxed soon after once his body registered your soft touch.
When he looked up at you and you saw his bloody nose and the bruises already forming on the side of his jaw and under his eye, you gasped in shock.
"It's not as bad as it looks like" he commented, trying to shrug the whole thing off and downplay the entire situation.
"Who did this to you?" your voice was no louder than a whisper, the words getting stuck in your throat.
You couldn't believe that someone could hurt him like this, how someone could even think about laying a hand on him. He had such a big heart, he was so special to everyone around him, seeing him like this made your blood boil.
"It was nobody, don't worry about it" you could tell from his voice that he was holding back tears, something he tended to do a lot.
You were about to put up a fight and insist, but seeing his broken expression was enough to make you let it go. You had learned over the years that it was never a wise decision to pressure JJ into talking about what he had on his mind.
He would eventually come to you, and you just had to be patient.
"Come on, let's go home and get you cleaned up" you helped him get into your car, your heart breaking when you heard him hiss and clutch his ribs.
The ride to your house was silent, neither of you daring to speak. Your mind was racing as hell, adrenaline pumping through your veins when you thought about your boyfriend being hurt by someone.
You didn't even realize you had made it home until you were faced with your garage, which was empty. Your parents weren't home, thankfully.
It wouldn't be the first time they would see JJ in this state, but you knew JJ didn't want them seeing him like that, seeing him vulnerable. He was supposed to be the strong one, not the other way around.
"Come on" your voice was soft as you looked at JJ, who was not making eye contact with you. He was staring straight ahead, his lip wobbling as he tried to keep his feelings inside.
You got out of the car and helped him walk up the stairs to your room, going slowly as to not cause him any more pain.
The door to your bathroom was open, so JJ silently walked over and sat on the edge of the bathtub, patiently waiting for you to come back with your first aid kit.
Just like you always did for him.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" you asked once you appeared and took out a cloth and some betadine. Your voice was still small, not wanting to spook him or make him uncomfortable.
You dabbed the cloth in the little bottle and stood between his legs, your hand hovering over his cuts.
"I..." he started but stopped as soon as the cloth made contact with his skin. He hissed loudly, the sting of his cuts making the words die out in his throat.
He should have been used to it, you would patch him up at least once a week or every 2 weeks. But this time, his father really did a number on him.
"I'm sorry, I promise I'll be quick" you said and proceeded to clean his cuts as quickly and painlessly as possible.
"It was my dad" he spoke after you finished, his voice so quiet you almost didn't hear him.
"What? Your dad did this to you?" you were in disbelief. You couldn't believe his own father could hurt him like that.
Tears started forming in the corner of your eyes, the information having hit you like a ton of bricks. How could a father do hat to his own child?
How did you fail to see it? See how broken JJ truly was, how uncomfortable he seemed to get whenever someone mentioned his home. How could you have missed all the signs?
"Hey, don't cry, I'm okay" he tried to get up and comfort you, but the pain in his ribs and stomach prevented him from doing that.
You didn't say anything but closed the gap between you and hugged him tightly to your body, making sure not to squeeze him too tightly.
You silently cried into his shoulder, one of your hands in his hair and the other rubbing soothing circles on his back. He hugged you weakly, trying to hold in a pained moan that was threatening to leave his throat.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I should've realized he was hurting you sooner, I didn't know. I'm so sorry you had to go through this" you whispered over and over again, tears continuously falling down your cheeks.
"Hey, shhh, it's okay. I didn't want you to know, it's my fault" he comforted you, placing a kiss under your ear.
It amazed you how selfless he was. Even now, when he was hurting and he just needed someone there, he still tried to comfort you and make sure you're okay.
"You're okay now, baby. He's not going to hurt you anymore because you're not going to that house again, do you hear me?" you slightly pulled away from the hug, instead holding his face in your hands to make sure he was listening to you.
"I can't, I don't have anywhere to go. John B needs his space, I can't hang out there all the time" his voice is so quiet, like he is afraid of speaking any louder.
"You're going to stay here with me, okay? My parents adore you, they will be over the moon of having you here all the time, and you'll be keeping me company when they're not home. Please?" you pulled your best puppy dog face you could muster, knowing that he won't be able to resist you.
Just as expected, he nodded and manages to crack a small smile, a sight which warmed your heart.
"I don't deserve you" he spoke next, making your stare harden.
"You do, stop saying that. You deserve me and everything good that life has to offer. You're perfect, JJ, and anyone who doesn't think that is not worth it"
He chewed the inside of his lip while looking at you, trying not to break in front of you because of how grateful he was.
"Okay" he finally said, squeezing your waist in his hands. "I love you"
"I love you too"
You closes the gap between you, your lips finding home with each other.
Nothing was alright right now. The bruises and cuts covering JJ's body were proof of that. But with time, everything was going to be okay.
You were both going to be okay.
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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fluffansmut · 1 year
Eddie and crybaby!fairy!reader is back again for a part three!
This time featuring a special guest!
(Thanks for the idea, @hellfirefiend)
Part one & part two
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You and Eddie was sat on the sofa, sharing a cookie, (with you picking crumbsized bits of his fingertips as he tenderly crumbled the cookie bit by bit for you), when there was a knock at the door…
You looked up at Eddie from your spot on the armrest, non verbally asking if he knew who it was…
”stay there baby” he said, and got up from the sofa to get the door.
You watched from your spot as the door flew open and how an excited voice instantly began chatting to Eddie, throwing his arms around him.
The stranger at the door spooked you a bit, cause you still were unsure about humans.. surely not all could be as kind as Eddie right?
You watched the two closely, hoping that the guy at the door would leave quickly, but when Eddie invited the guy into the trailer, your did what your instincts told you to.
You hid.
“Wait here a sec, imma have you meet someone but they need a minute” Eddie said.
But when he turned around to talk to you, you were gone, nothing but crumbs left at your spot on the armrest.
“Where did she go?” He muttered to himself, lifting a pillow, checking underneath it.
“Who?” You heard the guest ask.
“Okay, well, first off, can you promise me that you won’t freak out?”
“Eddie, your being weird… what’s going on?” The guest asked.
“Just promise okay?” Eddie insisted, whilst checking random hiding spots, trying to find you.
“Jeez, Kay I promise, you know I’ve seen a lot of weird shit, I’m sure I can handle it whatever pet you’ve adopted” he said.
“Well, uh, it’s not a pet, definitely not a pet…” Eddie began, scratching his neck. “It’s a.. she is a fairy”
“A what now?!”
“You promised you wouldn’t!” Eddie reminded.
The he guest paused for a second, before he glanced back at Eddie,
“So..a fairy?”
“Yes.” Eddie confirmed. “And she’s not super used to hanging out with humans, she has just about gotten used to Wayne… so my guess is that she’s hidden, and now we gotta find her.”
He agreed to help Eddie and they began turning over almost everything in search of you.
You watched them over the edge of the Garfield mug that you sat inside. They looked quite funny, as they rummaged around, just funny enough for you to let out a giggle.
The guest did react to it, but Eddie could recognise that sound anywhere.
“Hey Dustin? Could you check my desk? It’s a popular hiding spot..” Eddie lied, trying to get a moment alone with you.
Fortunately he agreed and stomped off towards the bedroom, and soon enough you felt the mug being lifted, and when you glanced up you saw a familiar face.
Eddie smiled down at you, instantly calming some of your nerves.
“Grew to nervous?” He guessed.
You nodded, shamefully admitting that you were.
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s okay, totally fine.” Eddie said, soothing your nerves. “It just my friend, he’s totally harmless, and he is looking forward to meeting you. Do you want to meet him?”
You pondered the question for a minute, but in the end you decided to trust Eddie and said.
“Okay, Eddie”
Eddie smiled down at you again, as he clutched the mug tenderly in both his hands.
“Hey Dustin! I found her” he called out, not taking his eyes of you.
The one who you now presumed was Dustin returned.
“Now, take it easy, she’s quite a shy little one.” He said, before holding out the mug and letting Dustin look down into it.
“Oh my god,” Dustin mumbled as you felt his gaze fall upon you. “This is awesome.”
You didn’t dare to look up at him, and instead stayed curled up in the mug.
Eddie could feel the apprehension and anxiety radiating off you, so he slipped his little finger into the mug. It took mere seconds until he felt you cling to it. He continued to talk to Dustin whilst he drafted a plan to get you to come out of your shell a bit more.
“Don’t you think you would’ve been more comfy in my hand, baby?” He asked.
“Yes please, Eddie” you said, taking him up on the suggestion instantly.
He plucked you out the mug by the wings and set you down in the palm of his hand, where you got to work with the activity you invented a couple of day before, spinning Eddies rings round his fingers. (Which was quite a task for someone your size)
The boys continued on with their conversation and you kind of zoned out.
“I know that I put an other dimensional monster in my tortious tank, but this, this is a new kind of weird.” Dustin said.
This made you look up, Eddie had promised that he was nice and now he called you weird…
You crossed your arms and huffed in his general direction.
“What’s got you all grumpy?” Eddie asked.
You didn’t answer, instead you shot Dustin a dirty look.
Eddie put the tip of his pointer finger under your chin, turning you to meet his eyes.
“I know you and somethings up, so can you please tell me so I can make it better?” Eddie asked.
You eyed Dustin who watched you in confusion and total awe, you didn’t want him to hear that the comment got to you. So instead of telling Eddie straight up you fluttered away and hid in the crook of Eddie’s neck.
“Sweetheart” Eddie said with a sigh.
Your eyes got all teary as you sat there clinging with both your arms around a strand of his hair.
“He called me weird” you mumbled.
“Oh, baby” Eddie said, picking you up, “ he didn’t mean it like that, right Dustin?”
You let your gaze slide between Eddie and Dustin.
There was some ruckus beneath that table and then Dustin exclaimed;
“Ow why did you kick …” he began before he made eye contact with Eddie, who lead his gaze to you. “I’m sorry, that true, it’s not you that’s weird, it’s the situation, you are truly the coolest thing I’ve ever seen”
You gave Eddie a look, as if to check if he was telling the truth, and when Eddie gave you a reassuring nod you smiled widely at Dustin.
“You should really come with Eddie to hellfire”Dustin suggested. “The others would go crazy”
“Now let’s take one thing at the time” Eddie said with a chuckle.
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hazbinhotelxreader · 7 months
Hello, could you do an Emily X cat!reader? Romantic, sfw? Please?
Also I love your stuff, it is so good! I will eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
A/n: thanks! Air is on my plate rn🍽️. So I’m suspecting the readers sorta anamorphic? That’s probably the case. I did headcannons since I don’t have an idea for a oneshot!
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Emily x GN cat reader!
-The first time you too met was when you first arrived to Heaven. Since it’s Emily’s job to keep everyone happy in Heaven, she greets every person who comes through the gates of heaven.
-When she saw you, she was overjoyed by your cuteness. She wanted to pet and touch your soft fur so bad, but had to hold herself back to not be rude. So she stuck to complimenting you, which you appreciated.
-You couldn’t help but admire how she’s always able to stay positive and happy, it’s a struggle in humans. She was also adorable in your case too, you were a but insecure at first by your new appearance, being a cat anamorphic now, it was strange. But Emily helped you grow comfortable in your new skin.
-Now, she started to check in with you much more often than she regularly does with other ‘winners’, so you two got to know each other along the way, and later start crushing on each other like a highschool romance movie.
-She’s definitely going to be physically affectionate with you once your close friends. Expect many unexpected hugs. She loves the feeling of your soft fur, so she’ll hug you as often as she can. You don’t mind, most of the time at least.
-I’d say you two would date in private at first, since she is a high member seraphim and is expected to act a certain way. Her job is to make other feel joy, not be in a relationship all the time.
-You let her do her job in the day time, and act like your friends only around others. But when you get to her room, instant cuddles. Or more like you literally climb on top of her and snuggle into her like an actual cat does.
-Even if her job is too just keep everyone happy in heaven, it’s stressful. Imagine having to keep millions or more of people happy around hell, it’s difficult. So she always loves to snuggle with you in bed, your fur is so warm and your purring always calms her down.
-Speaking of purring, she loves making you pur! Her job is to literally make others happy, and hearing you pur is proof she’s doing well.
-Since your a cat, you love pets, you can’t deny it. So she’ll definitely be petting you behind the ears, under your chin or on your back.
-She knows which spots she shouldn’t touch too. Like your tail, or your underbelly. She learned the hard way, unfortunately. Once time she was petting you and she just wanted to touch your tail, so so bad. So she grabbed it which sorta spooked you, and you scratched her out of defense. You were apologizing like crazy to her that day, and she just said it’s fine.
-Definitely has a couch near the window for you. You probably like sunlight and warmth, so she makes sure to put the couch right under the window that lets in the most sunlight.
-She’d find it hilarious if you like playing with cat toys or pet like objects. If you do, she’ll be throwing a yarn ball across the house for at least an hour.
-And if you like yarn, you like lasers. On nights when she’s bored and can’t fall asleep, she’ll take out the laser pointer, and then she’s got free entertainment with you trying to catch that red dot.
-Overall she’s pretty much a perfect girl for a cat like you, trust me she’ll adore you like your god himself
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captain-mj · 1 year
Trials of Change
Ghost overhears Soap and a couple of recruits complaining about him and decides maybe he does need to be fixed.
Ghost had never been happier honestly. Really. He and Soap had been dating for… two months, four days and, he checked the time, six glorious hours. 
Maybe that happiness made him blind. Foolish or even just stuipd. 
Ghost slipped into the room where the other people were. It wasn’t on purpose that he was undetectable. His natural state of being was… well… Ghost. 
So he heard the conversation.
Price hummed. “How’s it going with him?”
Soap smiled. “Oh, he’s great.”
“Is he planning on wearing the mask less?” 
Ghost internally winced. He understood Price was just asking out of concern. Price was one of the first people to understand that Ghost and Simon were both different people and the exact same. 
Soap shrugged. “Don’t know. I wish he would.” 
Ghost knew that was true so he didn’t mind it, but he decided to wait a second and not announce his presence. He just sat back to listen. 
“Thank God.” One of the rookies piped up. Ghost tensed and glared at them, though they couldn’t feel it unfortunately. “Tired of him walking around all scary. We were all hoping he’d get better when you guys started dating.” 
Ghost didn’t understand.
Better? What did they mean better? He was happier. Wasn’t that enough?
Soap looked rueful. “Yeah. I’d like that too. He spooks me sometimes.” 
Ghost felt his heart just drop. He was sure if he strained he could hear the sound of it snapping. Ice shards being sent off everywhere. After a moment, he decided to stay where he was. Safe and sound. 
As everyone seemed to list off his transgressions. 
Did they know he was there and deciding to mess with him? It was right up Soap’s alley, but the rookies usually feared him enough to stay quiet. He doubted they would pick up on what was going on fast enough. 
“Please make him wear something with color.”
Soap shrugged. “His closet is nothing but black.”
“Tell him to put something besides his music on.”
Soap rebutted that one too. “He hates my music and you guys don’t get a vote.” 
Then the complaints came a bit faster. 
“Make him actually talk to people.” 
“And stop hiding in his room. It’s a bit creepy at this point.”
“Also why can’t he ever make friends on base?”
“Anger issues. He’s constantly getting pissed for no reason.”
“Please make him take off the mask.” 
“And stop staring.” 
“And also please stop letting him out at night.”
“Why are you breaking curfew to see him out at night?” Soap remarked, crossing his arms. The recruits cringed and quickly found something interesting in the room to stare at. That’s when Ghost made his escape. 
He wasn’t an idiot. He knew people wanted him to change. Always something off putting. It had been like that since he started wearing long sleeves at all time to hide bruises and sleeping through class because his dad kept him awake all night. 
But this was new. Did Soap want him to change?
Of course he did. 
What did better mean?
Soap had been asking him questions lately. Simple things. How was your day? How are you feeling? What do you feel like doing? And Ghost would answer honestly. The bad days had definitely decreased. Ghost enjoyed being around the 141 more. He thought he had been talking more. Just to the 141, Alex, Farah, Alejandro and Rodolfo, but really who else did he need? They all saw him as he was and he thought that was enough. 
Apparently not. 
Apparently that was not better.
Well, he had a list of things that he could be better at now. Ghost felt stupid. A silly teen trying to keep their boyfriend around. 
For a moment, he thought of forgetting this conversation happened. Of taking what Soap would give him and waiting to be abandoned when Soap realized that Ghost was incapable of being what he wanted. But already, he knew this would poison everything. Anytime Soap put his scarf around Ghost because he ran so much colder than his angry Scott or when he asked him to take his mask off when they were alone or every time he introduced him to someone new, he’d wonder if it was somehow a way to change him. 
Could he just break up with him? It was the smartest and easiest thing. Shove Soap out of his life and stay exactly where he is. But that meant not having Soap. No more late night tea trips with someone by his side. He’d no longer be there to put hickeys on his neck that he’d grumble about and then secretly like. All the jokes and stolen clothes and the touch. He had forgotten how nice it was to have someone touch him. To put his head on someone’s chest (he hated weight on him because it reminded him of the dirt from the coffin) and hear their heartbeat. Nice and steady and sweet. 
Fuck, Ghost couldn’t give that up. He’d also never be able to drink enough of it in to get his fill. So he’d have to be… better. 
Maybe he could start small. It was silly, but color was probably the easiest. Wear something besides black. 
He didn’t own anything not black. 
Fucking hell. 
Ghost took a deep breath. Maybe he could start with… music? When did they even play music? During exfil occasionally if Nik was driving? But he didn’t have a mission with Soap for the next few weeks so he could see it regardless. 
Anger issues? Yeah, Ghost had them but he didn’t think he ever blew up for no reason. Maybe his reactions were occasionally over the top, but he never hit anyone. Never hit objects near them to show he could either. His last meltdown was months ago and he had, with shockingly no protest but still with a very hurt pride, apologized to the person.
Goddamnit, he just needed a starting place. That’s all. So color it fucking was. 
Ghost went to Gaz, hesitant and nervous, but he was the only person he could really ask about this without it being suspicious since he wasn’t there. 
“Hey, Garrick.”
Gaz looked up from what he was reading. “Riley!” He liked that about Gaz. When he had first referred to him as Kyle, Gaz had called him Simon. If he used his rank, Gaz responded with his rank. Ghost had learned to stick to last name or callsign with him. They felt more like equals than most of the other people on base. 
“Can you help me with something?”
Gaz sat up. “A mission?”
“Where can I get… clothing?”
Gaz paused. “You… The Ghost… want me to help you with shopping?��
Ghost nodded awkwardly. “Yeah… Can we go… shopping?”
Gaz slowly stood up. “Why?”
“I’m going to try changing my style.”
“Just… want to try something… different?”
Gaz frowned and Simon remembered why he didn’t usually go to Gaz for assistance. They could see straight through him. Every time. “You want to try something… different? Why? You’ve never changed in the years I’ve known you.”
Ghost just shrugged awkwardly. 
“Alright. Let’s go.” Gaz stood up and pulled his shoes on. “What are you searching for?”
“Something with… color?” 
Gaz frowned but obliged. He couldn’t bring Ghost to a mall, worried the people would get him worked up. So instead, he brought him to a strip of stores and picked the most abandoned one. Gaz didn’t really do much, having a feeling he was more playing moral support for whatever breakdown this was. It wasn’t… completely uncommon for Ghost to get the urge to do things. Almost like a mania. However it was never something as simple as this. 
He gave Ghost’s a thumbs up when the man grabbed a blue hoodie. Dark blue, so still in theme. Then he grabbed a camo green and ruby red. Nothing but hoodies. 
“You going to stick with your normal dark color scheme?” It was a genuine question from Gaz, who was worried about him. Also, depending the answer, it would be easier to help him find things. 
Ghost wondered if this was… different enough. “Can you pick something that… isn’t?”
Gaz tilted his head and looked around. He found a polo shirt in a softer green color. “Do you want to try it on before buying it? Make sure you’re comfortable.”
Ghost bounced between his feet, debating. “Yeah.” He found a dressing room and slowly slipped off his black hoodie. The mirror was there. His arm tattoos covered the scars there, but he still felt nervous. 
Now his shirt. 
Just… take off the shirt. 
Take it off. 
Ghost pulled it over his head in a rush but he still caught himself in the stupid mirror. 
Ugly scarring. 
Did Soap not like those? Ghost had tried things to make them fade. Balms and creams and keeping them clean. They were still there. Dark, thick lines. Giant pieces of flesh that were marred for one reason or another. 
What if Soap hated those too? Ghost certainly did. It’s why he stayed covered up. 
He pulled the new shirt on and didn’t look at himself. The fabric was… fine. Not the best, but fine. The color looked weird against his pale skin. 
This was stupid. Again, the feeling of being a teen girl appeared. Was this childish? Of course it was. 
He bought the clothing anyway, even though it made his skin crawl. 
Gaz smiled at him once they were back in the car. “I’m proud of you.”
Ghost nodded. “Thanks, Gaz.”
“No problem, Ghost.”
Ghost grabbed food and hid in his room to eat. He perched on his desk. 
Soap arrived moments later and smiled, sitting on Ghost’s desk chair so they were right next to each other. “Hey, haven’t seen you today.”
“Went out.”
“You went out? By yourself?” Soap sounded so shocked. 
Ghost shrugged. “I had Gaz with me.”
“That’s nice! I’m glad you’re doing that.” Soap smiled at him. “Have fun?”
Ghost thought about it. Honestly, when he wasn’t focused on what they were doing, it wasn’t too bad. Hanging out with Gaz, even if they didn’t really talk much, was pretty fun. 
“Get anything?”
“More hoodies since you keep stealing mine.”
Soap smiled. “Hell yeah. It’s not my fault you have better taste in hoodies. They’re always so soft and big and smell like you.”
“They’re big because they’re meant to fit me.”
Soap leaned up and kissed his cheek. After having to deal with the people at the store, Soap’s presence was honestly a bit of a balm to his frayed nerves. 
Until he thought of why he had gone out. 
“Are you content with me?”
Soap paused, looking a bit confused. “Simon, I’m happy with you. Why do you ask?”
“Nothing. Just wondering.”
Johnny hummed. “Take your mask off for me.”
Simon did. He wanted to be what Johnny expected. To change how he was supposed to. Callused fingers ran over his cheekbones. Touching his jaw. 
“Did something happen?” Soap was too perceptive. 
Soap frowned and leaned up, kissing him more. “Alright. Ye won’t talk to me. I won’t push ya.” He cupped his face. “Just talk to me when you’re ready then.” 
Ghost frowned. “Nothing wrong. But I will if anything comes up.”
Soap smiled. “All I ask.” 
The next time they were in the car, Ghost put on some pop music. It wasn’t what he’d normally listen to. It was just a random list of the top 100 hits. Soap noticed and looked at him oddly. “Where’s your normal rock music?” 
Ghost normally made a radio each time they were going to do something together. All of it heavy rock music or metalcore. That was… bad though. Price called it his angry mix and he was trying to not do that. Not to be like that.
Be different. 
“Wanted to change it up?” It came out too much like a question. 
Soap frowned. He liked all types of music just fine, but Ghost didn’t. Ghost was predictable. Ghost only “Changed it up” when on leave when he listened to classical music. A fact only Soap got to know.
“You’re acting different.”  
Ghost shrugged and focused on driving. The other guys seemed on edge now Something was clearly off about him now. It made everyone nervous. 
It was exacerbated when Ghost wore colors at the next taskforce meeting. Even Gaz, who had been there when he bought it, looked very uncomfortable when he wore a soft shade of red hoodie and medical mask instead of his balaclava. They all kept glancing over and… looking confused. 
Ghost looked at Soap. He ignored that his skin prickled at the attention and the change. That the fabric was itchy against his skin. Or that being so exposed made him want to die right there. None of that quite mattered as much as Soap’s expression. He didn’t look pleased at all. No excitement that Ghost tried to be different. Just… a strange look. 
Ghost felt sick. He felt nauseous. 
Soap cornered him after the meeting and took him to his bedroom. 
Ghost felt like a kid, just sitting on his bed as Soap stared at him. 
“I was just trying to be what you wanted.” Simon admitted, yanking the hoodie off. “I heard you and the recruits complaining about me. I just… wanted you to like me.”
Johnny paused and softened. “Simon. I’m sorry. I was letting them complain because you’re their boss. Which I shouldn’t have. Gotta so caught up in you being Ghost, my Lt, I let them disrespect Simon, my boyfriend.” He sank down, getting on his knees in front of him. “All of this… Making yourself so uncomfortable and forcing yourself to change… You tried to do for me?”
Ghost winced. “It’s pathetic. I know. Just…”
Johnny laughed and pulled the medical mask down to kiss him. “Mo chroí. It’s not pathetic. I’m so sorry. If I had known, I would’ve cleared it up for you.” He kissed him a few more times. “I love your angry music and your dark clothing and the fact you only casually show your face to me. And I wouldn’t change you for the world.”
Simon relaxed a little. “Keep going.”
Johnny laughed. “Alright. I like that you’re mean to recruits because you want them to toughen up. You don’t listen when anyone suggests anything because you know you’re going to ignore it and I find it fun. Especially because you listen to me. I like that you’re a little pretentious about your music and that I get to wear your black hoodies. That you have two pairs of pants and that’s all you wear. On leave, I love that you wear a ton of rings. That you’re grouchy in the mornings even though you get up at 5 am when working. I love you, Simon.”
Simon pulled them back so they were laying in bed and Soap continued without a beat. “I love that you wake up at 2 am and make you tea and me a cup of coffee. Love that you sneak into my room all the time and that you steal the blankets. I-”
Simon kissed him. “Alright. You can stop now. I get it.”
“I can keep going. Anytime you want me to.” Johnny promised. “Also, I tore into them later. I wanted you to know. Made fun of all of them.”
Simon laughed and relaxed more into the bed, feeling Johnny pepper kisses on him. “Love you too.” 
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obitos-whore · 8 months
Can you do more Gaara relationship HC's- except this time with the reader as his adoptive mother? Please? 🥺 @aurorafandomblog
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A/N: I read your second ask and I greatly appreciate the clarification. You really had me spooked for a sec lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
• You were walking through the streets of Sunagakure when a soft crying caught your attention
• Concerned, you looked for the source of it and that's when you saw a little boy sitting all by himself crying his little heart out
• "Hey, what's wrong little one?"
• When Gaara hears your voice, he looks up. His eyes all red and puffy from the tears he had shed
• "Everyone hates me and calls me a monster and I don't know why. I just want someone to like me."
• Your heart shatters into a million pieces upon hearing and seeing how desperate that little boy is. The pain and loneliness in his eyes palpable
• You try to console the little boy and ask for his name, which he tells you between soul-crushing sobs
• That's when the realisation hits you. But instead of backing away and calling him names like the other villagers, you decide to sit with him and offer him comfort. Something no one, aside from Yashamaru, had ever done for him
• Gaara, desperate for someone to be there for him, immediately accepts and after a while, calms down enough to hold a proper conversation in which he practically blurts out everything that is on his heart and mind, causing you to feel even more sympathy for that poor child
• After learning about his mother's death and how his own family, especially his own father, treats him, you decide then and there to take that poor boy under your wing and be the mother he never had but definitely deserves
• Gaara is a little reluctant at first. After all, you could be playing a cruel prank on him and rub more salt into his already stinging wounds. But after you assured him that you are a 100% sincere, he accepts and even asks you for a hug, which, of course, will be given to him
• Under your care, Gaara will finally get to see what it feels like to receive a mother's love and he will make sure that you always know how grateful he is for that
• The first thing he does in the morning after waking up is give you a hug. Sometimes he'll cling to you while you are making breakfast
• Gaara will give you flowers he finds when he's outside as a gift. When you put them in a vase, he will bring you more until you have a whole bouquet of wild flowers
• Whenever he struggles with his insomnia, or when Shukaku is tormenting him again, he comes to your room crying and completely devastated, seeking comfort within the warmth of your arms
• You would often stay up the whole night just to keep him company and make sure he's distracted so that Shukaku's tormenting can't get to him
• Of course you taking care of Gaara doesn't go unnoticed by the villagers. They would often call you names as well, because how dare you take care of a literal child that is hated by everyone for something he had no control over and, most importantly, never even asked for
• And while Gaara feels guilty for being the reason people shun you as well, you know how to put them in their place and fiercely defend that little boy. Even physically if necessary
• On his birthdays, you always make sure to make him feel extra cherished and get him wonderful toys. Something that took him completely by suprise the very first time you did that. Because it was the first time he wasn't bombarded with scornful glances
• He's pretty much a mama's boy and tends to get anxious when he's separated from you for too long, asking himself all sorts of questions and overthinking things in a quite drastic way
• Thanks to your love and care, Gaara manages to handle Shukaku's torments and his abilities a lot better, resulting in a much more mentally stable personality
• You're not only his mother, but also his best friend. He trusts you completely and knows he can come to you at all times when something is troubling him
• As Gaara got older, he of course became more independent. However, he still finds comfort in your presence and makes sure to give you a hug and tells you how much he loves you and how grateful he is for everything you've done for him
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
Perfect Anyway
Request from anon: ‘you flinched’ with Reid x Reader plsss
Spencer Reid x GN!reader
Summary: Wounds don’t always heal perfect, but Spencer makes sure you know just how perfect you are.
A/N: Thank you for the request! This could be platonic or romantic depending on how you read it. I hope you like it either way!
CW: reader is held by an unsub, gunshots, cuts and scars, Spencer helps reader change their bandages because its is my favorite display of affection in fiction whether it’s platonic or romantic
You looked down at the crime scene photos in front of you, hoping to find a pattern. There were a few you had already spotted- the victims were all high risk, all dumped in similar locations, and the killer used the same method every time.
Having worked at the BAU for over a year now, you were used to seeing these types of things. Photos of bodies, detailed files on murders, and horrifying signatures weren’t accompanied by the same churn in your stomach that you’d had during your first few cases. Everyone on the team had been upfront about how working this job could cause you to become desensitized to the worst of humanity- and how that sometimes felt as if you were being deprived of a bit of your humanity as well.
But this case brought all your humanity back to you as you saw a pattern you couldn’t ignore- all of the victims looked like you. From their hair color and skin tone, all the way down to body shape, you fit the unsubs type like a glove. Victim type, of course, was one of the first things the team identified when the case came in, but no one on the team had the courage to verbalize that all the victims looked as though they could be related to you.
It was well known throughout the team that you weren’t an easy person to spook, but the steady rhythm of your heart was beginning to speed and sputter. Adrenaline pitched you forward in your seat and you had to catch yourself from biting at your nails or twirling your pen.
“(Y/L/N),” Hotch said. “When I say that the entire team needs to go to the hotel and get some sleep, that means you too.”
“Yes, sir,” you said. “I’ll clean up and be right out.”
“Don’t keep us waiting too long,” he warned. It was a fair warning- if he hadn’t come to get you, you probably would have been staring at the photos all night trying to piece something together. You gathered your files and shoved them in your bag, taking one last long look at the evidence board.
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice came from behind you, causing you to jump and turn.
Yeah, this case was definitely spooking you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” the officer said. He was taller than you and buffer than you, but his face and haircut showed his young age. “I just wanted to know if you have found anything yet. I’m just a beat cop, so they don’t tell me anything.”
He approached you slowly and easily, so slow and easy that if you weren’t a profiler you probably wouldn’t have noticed. You felt the pressure of his nearness and his gaze coming down on you.
“Nothing yet,” you said, though that wasn’t true. Over half the profile was finished, but there was a small voice in your head telling you that something wasn’t right about the situation happening. “Sorry. Hopefully the team will have something by tomorrow. Goodnight.”
You turned to leave no faster than you normally would so as not to cause suspicion- so far everything the unsub did was controlled and organized with no sign of falling into disevolution any time soon. Even if the officer was the unsub he wouldn’t dare stray from that control unless he was in the position where his psyche would snap.
And it did.
He seized you from behind, bringing a knife towards your throat to control you. With the other hand he yanked your gun from its holster and tossed it away, though you wouldn’t have been able to grab it anyways. You yelped as the blade grazed your skin just enough to draw blood from a cut across your collarbone.
“I’ve been sitting here all day,” the man whispered in your ear, his breath hot on the side of your face. You wanted to turn away from him, but the knife pressed against your throat kept your head still. “I’ve been watching you work… going over those photos again and again. I didn’t know whether you were testing me or whether it was a gift to see such a beautiful specimen examine the art I would turn it into.” He caressed your face. “The other ones weren’t so lucky.”
“Drop the knife.” You had never been so damn thankful that your boss was a stickler for punctuality. Hotch stood in front of you, gun drawn. Reid was next to him, his revolver in his hand as he slowly moved around so they had the unsub trapped at two angles.
Hotch moved forward. “You heard me,” he said sternly. “Drop the knife and let Agent (Y/L/N) go. You’re not getting out of this.”
“But I’d get to see them.” The hand that the unsub was holding the knife in was shaking now, causing the blade to bite into your skin. Hot blood ran from the cut it was creating. You only hoped now that you’d live long enough for that cut to become a scar. “I’d get to see them as artwork one last time.”
“They’re already artwork,” Reid said. You gazed towards him, but his eyes were locked on the unsub. “You see- there’s already blood drawn on their collar. Look.”
The unsub looked down at the shallow cut that he never intended to make, but was a result of his haste.
 Reid made eye contact with you as if he was trying to silently communicate something. “They aren’t a blank canvas anymore. You can’t make them look perfect.” He looked back at the unsub. “You messed up.”
In the shock of the statement the unsub faltered in his hold on you. You slipped sideways out of his grasp and fell to the floor.
There were one, two, three shots and a body hit the floor behind you.
You scrambled to get away from the unsub, even though he was dead, needing to get as far away from him as possible. Suddenly someone else was grabbing you. You went to pull away but-
“(Y/N)- (Y/N) it’s me.” The softness of Reid’s voice helped calm you and turned to look into his hazel eyes. They were wide with worry and concern.
You threw your arms around him, pulling him against you as you felt your body shake with the fear that paralyzed it before. Reid held you tight, rubbing a gentle hand on your back to soothe your nerves. “You’re safe (Y/N). You’re safe.”
You got on the jet the next morning and opted to sit alone on the couch instead of at the table with the others. There were bandages over the cuts on your skin. They didn’t hurt, but they needed to be re-dressed with cream and fresh gauze every few hours to promote proper healing. Hopefully, they would scar over into thin lines, just a shade lighter than your skin, hardly noticeable unless you knew they were there- but the chance of the skin healing darker, or with wrinkling, or bulging was far higher.
The clatter of something hitting the floor caused you to flinch away from the sound, looking up from the book you were reading in an attempt to distract yourself. Rossi’s pen had rolled off the table. He leaned over and grabbed it without a second thought, but someone was looking at you.
It was Reid.
You averted your eyes from him and back towards your book, but it was too late- he had already seen that your shell had a crack. He walked over to you, his gait long and lanky as always.
“I thought you were playing cards.” You glanced at him.
“You looked like you could use some company,” he said.
“I’m fine, Reid.”
“You flinched.”
The pause that filled the air wasn’t any more still or any more quiet than how the jet was before, but it felt like it.
“And I came to remind you to change your bandages.” He changed the topic, breaking the tension.
“If it’s a few hours late it won’t kill me,” you said back, trying not to look up at him. “I need a bigger mirror than the one in the bathroom anyways.”
“I can do it,” he said. You didn’t even have time to argue before he was opening your bag and pulling all the supplies out. He carefully removed the old bandages and pulled wipes out to clean the sites. “I didn’t mean it, you know.” He pulled an alcohol wipe from a disposable packet and began to carefully sterilize your wounds.
“Didn’t mean what?”
“The thing about you not looking perfect.”
You snorted. “It was true for the unsub. And it’s true now. These could scar over really ugly.”
“Or they could scar over beautiful.” He carefully dabbed healing cream over the site.
“And if they don’t?”
Spencer placed a clean bandage on top of the dressing before looking you in the eye. “You’ll look perfect, anyways.”
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vickyvicarious · 5 months
Dracula's actions today were interesting. His attack on Jonathan definitely was not what he intended on going in to his room. I think he wanted to make him jump, yeah, to spook him a little. He wanted to touch him more, continue being creepy in that way also. But I think he intended to spend more time in his company, continue to play the social manipulation game. I wonder if he wanted to be around when Jonathan discovered the locked doors... watching him panic at the realization that he's a prisoner but be forced to try and hide it because Dracula is right there would be absolutely the sort of thing he'd love. (I just can't picture why Jonathan would be trying different doors with Dracula right there. Maybe if he was 'working' in the library and encouraged him to walk around/explore as Dracula was too busy to be good company, then snuck up on him again as he's in the middle of learning how many/which doors are locked? But I dunno.)
Regardless, either Dracula's very thirsty or Jonathan looks very tasty (I suspect both) because he lost all control the second he saw his blood:
When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away, and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there.
I don't even think this means Dracula didn't know about the crucifix. Probably not before now (and probably Jonathan just made some general statement about receiving gifts from the local people rather than naming the innkeeper lady), but not necessarily. After all, if Jonathan was still shaving he probably wasn't fully dressed yet, and anything worn about his neck should probably have been at least somewhat visible. I think Dracula just got tunnel vision at the sight of blood, and that could go whether he knew the crucifix was there or not. The instant he touches it though, he comes back to himself, and puts on the friendly host mask again.
His first instinct is to get rid of the evidence, and he does so in a way that once again is subtly insulting to Jonathan (implying he's vain here, before implying he was stupid) as well as some larger group of other people (men in general here, before it was 'peasants'). But it's also really over the top and I think despite the jolt of the crucifix, he's really struggling to maintain his control over himself. Hence flinging the mirror out the freaking window and then fleeing. Not just the room, either - the entire castle. This becomes apparent when he returns some time later through the front door: "I heard the great door below shut, and knew that the Count had returned." I really wonder where he went, what he did while gone, and exactly how long he was gone... Even after his return, he keeps his distance from Jonathan initially. Jonathan has to seek him out, or maybe waits until mealtime to talk to him.
The goitre in the surrounding area implies Dracula has been feeding, but everything about his actions today really suggests he has been starving himself recently. Based on other stuff in the book, I don't think it can be possible that vampires always lose control of themself so much around the sight of blood. Also, his face immediately becoming angry... maybe part of that is just his hunting expression, but I wonder if a part of it is Dracula's frustration that once again things aren't going to plan with Jonathan. I wouldn't be surprised if he felt angry at him (how dare he bleed at me and ruin my suave game?!) and a little part of the way he throws the mirror away so violently is to punish him for being so 'provoking' or whatever.
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𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝
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pairings: chris evans x vet!reader
warnings: a whole bunch of fluff
summary: an ordinary day at the shelter turns into something... unexpected
a/n: trust chris to get me out of writers block. also holy fuck that outfit has a fucking chokehold on me ithinkiforgothowtobreathelohmygod
You weren't told about this. Well... you were told someone was coming in for a collaborative video linked to the dogs... but you definitely weren't expecting this.
You watched as he walked in, his broad figure hugged by a too-tight shirt, a small chain peeking through the collar, his hair messy under his cap and his blue eyes sparkling through his glasses. A large grin adored his face as he clapped his hands excitedly. You couldn't help discretely looking him up and down and your thoughts took over, momentarily distracting you. You took a deep breath and walked into your treatment room.
You were the resident vet at the shelter, looking after all the dogs that were brought in. You loved your job, being able to hang out with the dogs all day, it was both fun and rewarding. You knew them all at this point and made it your habit to see all of them first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
You had actually adopted your pup, Buzz, from the shelter, a beautiful baby chocolate lab. To be fair, you would've gladly adopted them all if your landlord hadn't forbade you and you had enough money and space. Now you just brought him into work, letting him run around and socialise as you did your thing.
You were doing a checkup on a dalmatian that had been brought in the week before when the camera crew came in, Chris-fucking-Evans tailing along behind them with a large smile. You momentarily paused, your eyes widening slightly before you put on a smile and made more room. You introduced yourself and the dog, Coco and they asked you a couple questions then let you work, filming you doing the checkup. Chris stood to the side watching intently as you worked with the dalmatian, wearing the scrubs and gloves you had leant him. You were glad Coco was calm throughout the checkup, not getting spooked by the amount of people in the room.
You smiled as you deemed everything fine with her and stepped aside as Chris came forward to give her a treat. Your heart almost burst when you saw how soft he was with her, raising his voice a couple octaves higher as he pet her gently. Once your piece was over, the crew left as you got ready to take Coco back to her room. You clipped on the leash as you looked for anything you had maybe left, when you saw Chris standing by your equipment, a smile still on his face.
"Uh hey! Hey. I'm Chris." He looked at you and stepped forward, extending his hand for a handshake. You took his hand in yours as you smiled shyly.
"Yeah, I know. It's really nice to meet you sir."
Chris gave out a breathy laugh as his cheeks became dusted with a slight pink.
"Please no need for that, just call me Chris."
"Okay... Chris. Was there anything you needed?"
"Nah, I just wanted to say that's it's great y'know... what you do for the dogs here."
Your cheeks heated at the compliment as you smiled wider.
"Thank you! But honestly, it's not much. I love what I do."
"Still, it's exceptional.... hey... i was wondering if you're free after this?"
You froze slightly as your eyes widened a fraction. Your jaw almost dropped as you took in the man in front of you. He couldn't possibly want to go out with you..? You mentally shook the thought off and heat rose to your cheeks as you realise you kept him waiting.
"Y-yep! I'm free."
"Great! What time do you get off?"
"I'll be waiting..."
He winked and walked out of the room, leaving you slightly flustered and confused, but it a good way. And you couldn't help thinking that was something... unexpected.
*********************************************************************** first time writing in a long time, guys. don't judge lol x
tagging: @xioriae @chrisevansdaughter @newgirlintheneighborhood @boredum7865 @hulkstacos @dhoruwolfie @scorpiolystoned @smoothdogsgirl @bubblessunshinehoney @youralphawolf72 @littlebluestone @friskyfisher @hallecarey1 @nana1000night
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q-gorgeous · 5 months
tech hunter, more like friend hunter amiright?
word count: 5930
Tucker's best friend has gone missing. At least Phantom's been defeated by the Tech Hunter and the ghosts have fled Amity Park. @lavendarlily
been sitting on this one all month
Tucker walked into the school feeling the best he had in a long time. 
He wasn’t woken up last night by his equipment going off all night long. He’d gotten a full night’s sleep for what felt like the first time in forever. All thanks to his victory he’d had over Phantom. 
He’d finally been able to corner Phantom the night before. He’d been distracted by a ghost he was talking to. Tucker walked up behind and landed the best hit he’d ever gotten on Phantom before. It punctured a hole straight through his back and chest and caused Phantom to stumble forward. The ghost he’d been talking to flew away before Tucker could even look at him. 
Phantom turned around to look at him. His eyes widened ever so slightly. 
“Checkmate, ghost.”
Tucker didn’t stay to see what happened. He knew he’d gotten him that time. He pulled his hoverboard out as Phantom fell to the ground and flew away. Phantom didn’t deserve anything more, the ghost scum that he was. 
Heading down the hallway, Tucker saw Sam at her locker.
“Hey, Sam!” He shouted, speeding up in her direction.
When he called her name she looked up as if she had been spooked. Her eyes were wide as they scanned the hallway and finally landed on him. She tried smiling at him but Tucker could see that it was tight. That it was fake.
“Hi, Tucker.” 
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked. “You look like you’ve a ghost. Or something equally terrifying.”
She pushed her locker closed. “I’m fine. I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”
“Oh?” Tucker smirked at her. “Did you finally get some alone time with Danny?”
She shoved him. “Gross, Tucker. No. I just couldn’t sleep. I kept having nightmares.”
He frowned. “That sucks. What were they about?”
The look she gave him was haunting. What could she possibly have dreamt about that was having this kind of effect on her?
“I don’t want to talk about it. It doesn’t matter. It really wasn’t even that bad anyways.” Sam smiled another tight smile at him. “Let’s not be late to class.”
He followed behind her. “Have you seen Danny?”
She shook her head and kept her eyes ahead of her, not looking at him. “No. Not yet.”
Tucker pouted. “He didn’t tell me he was sick today. Unless he’s just sleeping in again. Have you figured out what’s been up with him lately? Why he’s always late and skipping class all the time?”
She shook her head again. “Not a clue.”
Tucker watched as she walked ahead of him into their class. That was weird. She wasn’t quite being standoffish but… She was definitely being avoidant. What was that about?
He followed in behind her and walked to his seat. The bell rang and Mr. Lancer started calling names. 
“Dash Baxter?”
“Danny Fenton?”
Tucker took another look around the classroom. Danny wasn’t in here either. He hoped he wasn’t getting sick. But knowing Danny and his sudden change in attendance, he wasn’t very confident that he was sick anyways. 
The day passed slowly. With Sam acting strange and Danny missing, there was nothing to keep him occupied. 
He was starting to get worried though. Danny didn’t normally skip the whole day if he was going to be late or skip classes. Maybe he was just sick. He couldn’t shake the feeling that was starting to creep up on him though. 
He was glad that the ghosts had disappeared with Phantom’s defeat. It meant that his attendance wasn’t so bad, even if it wasn’t nearly as bad as Danny’s. He wondered where all the ghosts were. It was odd that he hadn’t picked up a single ghost on his scanner yet today. 
He walked into the lunch room and grabbed his food from the lunch line. When he was done, he looked around the cafeteria and saw Sam sitting at their normal table. With Jazz?
They looked to be talking in hushed whispers. He started walking towards them with his lunch tray in hand. Jazz looked up past Sam’s shoulder and whispered one more thing before she smiled at Tucker.
“Hi, Tucker.”
“Hey, Jazz. Is Danny home sick today?”
Jazz shot a look at Sam before her eyes darted back to Tucker. “I’m not sure. I actually haven’t seen him since school got out yesterday.”
Tucker frowned. “Oh. That’s weird.” He placed his tray on the table and sat down to Sam’s right. Her backpack was in her lap and she shuffled it to the left a little bit. “Has he ever done that before?” 
Jazz shook her head. “No. I thought maybe he’d gone to one of your guy’s houses. I was expecting to see him at school today. I’m starting to get worried.” 
“Yeah.” Tucker rested his chest in one of his hands and started picking at his food. “Me too.” 
Sam didn’t know what to do.
She’d been walking around with the thermos containing Danny in it all day. She’d been taking her backpack with her everywhere. Even to the bathroom with her. She couldn’t just leave it somewhere. Not with him inside of it, at risk of bleeding to death if he got let out. 
She especially couldn’t let Tucker see it. Couldn’t let him see the contents screen. Couldn’t even let him know she had it.
He knew she didn’t carry the Fenton’s ghost weapons with her. She didn’t endorse them. The ghosts were still beings. She didn’t think it was right to hurt them. It would be suspicious for him to find a partially full thermos in her bag.
She didn’t know what she was going to do, though. Who could she go to? Who could help her? She thought about talking to the Fenton’s. They were the leading ghost experts. Surely they would know what to do.
But she’s heard what they’ve said about Phantom. How they wanted to tear him apart molecule by molecule. Her only saving grace would be that Danny was in his human form when she sucked him up. Would that be enough to convince them that it truly was their son inside of the thermos? She wasn’t sure.
She sat in class, Tucker right behind her, gripping her backpack. She hadn’t been able to focus at all and this was only her first class of the day. She could only imagine how the rest of the day would go. 
She lay her head down on her desk, still clutching her bag close to her. 
Sam had been tailing Phantom for the last couple of minutes. She had a few questions about ghosts that she wanted to ask him and was hidden around the corner while he talked to another ghost. She was hoping she could wait until the other ghost left. She didn’t want to risk getting mauled. 
But before her or the other ghost could do anything, the Tech Hunter flew down into the alleyway Phantom was in. 
She’d never been this close to Tech Hunter before. She always wondered who it was under that mask.
She peeked around the corner just in time to see Tech Hunter’s weapon go off, shooting a hole into Phantom’s back all the way through his chest. 
Phantom stumbled and slowly turned around, clutching the new hole in his chest with his hand.
“Checkmate ghost.”
Sam’s heart stopped. 
No. No no no. It couldn’t be.
She didn’t want it to be true, but his voice was too recognizable. She’d heard it everyday since they met in elementary school. There was no denying this. 
That was Tucker.
Tucker, a cold blooded hunter. A murderer if Phantom’s expression was anything to go by. 
He jumped into the sky on his hoverboard and flew away. Phantom fell to the ground. She finally rounded the corner and walked up to him.
“Phantom!” She shouted and she ran over and knelt on the ground next to him.
His eyes opened slowly and he turned to look at her. “Sam…” 
She stopped for a moment. “You know my name?”
He tried to sit up but she stopped him. “Don’t move. That’s a nasty injury.”
“Sam…” He struggled to lift his arm around to his other side and grabbed the Fenton thermos that he carried around with him. He placed it in her hand that she extended to him.
“Phantom?” She asked quietly. 
“Put me in the thermos.” 
“What? You want me to capture you?”
He took a deep breath. “I’ll… bleed out if I stay here like this. Put me in the thermos. It’ll act as a… stasis of sorts.”
A bright ring appeared around Phantom’s waist. It was like nothing she’s ever seen before.
“Put.. me in… the thermos.”
The rings separated and Sam covered her mouth with her free hand.
“Get help.”
The rings disappeared and before her sat her best friend, bleeding out. She stumbled with the thermos in her hand and pressed hard on the button. It sucked him up into it and she pulled it against her chest. 
Shaking, she leaned back against the wall. What was she supposed to do? What if the thermos didn’t actually keep him in a stasis? What if he just bled out inside the thermos instead? She didn’t know how to fix this. 
How did she fix this? 
A hand grabbed her shoulder and she shot up in her seat. She whipped her head to the side and saw Tucker pulling his hand back. 
“Are you okay?” He asked her, a concerned expression crossing his face. 
She shook her head to try and clear and took a deep breath. “Yeah. I just- I must’ve fallen asleep. I had another nightmare.” 
She stood up and he moved to let her by.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? Maybe it’ll help you make sense of why you’re having nightmares.” 
Checkmate, ghost. 
She shook her head again. She knew why she was having nightmares. “No, it’s fine. I’m okay. I’m sure they’ll stop happening soon.” 
He stopped prodding at her after that and they made their way to their next class. 
Sam felt like she couldn’t breathe and like she was suffocating all through class until their third hour came around. They separated and walked opposite directions down the hallway and she finally felt like she could relax. Like she wasn’t in danger. 
She was still tired and was still nodding off in class but without Tucker sitting behind her she was able to focus on class a little more. She still held her backpack in her lap for safe keeping though. 
She was on her way to lunch when she bumped into Jazz in the hallway. 
“Hey, Sam, have you seen Danny?”
Sam’s heart jumped into her throat and she tried to swallow back the tremble in her voice. “Danny?”
“Yeah. He never came home last night. I’m worried. I was hoping you or Tucker had seen him today.” 
Sam swallowed and swung her backpack around to her front. “I have to tell you something.”
Jazz frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t do this alone. Maybe you’ll have some ideas.”
Sam opened her backpack and pulled the thermos out a little. Jazz’s eyes opened wider. 
“Yesterday- yesterday I saw something. Tech Hunter had ambushed Phantom and hurt him real bad. Phantom told me to pull him into the thermos but he transformed before I could do that.”
Jazz raised a hand to cover her mouth. 
“When he transformed back, he turned into-”
“Danny.” Jazz whispered. Sam looked up at her, shocked. 
“He told you?”
Jazz shook her head and met Sam’s eyes. “I found out during the whole Spectra thing. He doesn’t know I figured it out.” 
Sam nodded. “But there’s something else.” She looked around them and pushed the thermos back into her backpack. “Tucker is Tech Hunter.” 
Jazz pulled back, her eyes wide and a hand over her chest. “Are you sure? Tucker didn’t really seem like the type to-”
Sam nodded again more vigorously. “I’m sure. He had a helmet on but I’d recognize his voice anywhere. I’m sure it was him.” 
Jazz started walking towards the cafeteria. Sam followed beside her. “What are we going to do? Did Danny say anything to you besides to get him into the thermos?”
“No.” Sam shook her head. “Just that it would put him into a stasis and to get help. There wasn’t time for him to say anything else. He was too badly hurt.” 
They got to the cafeteria just as Jazz closed her eyes and took a deep breath. They paused outside the doors for a moment before Jazz pushed her way in. 
“What do we do?” 
They walked to the food line and grabbed trays and grabbed food to set on it. Jazz sighed. “I don’t know. We might have to do some research on some stuff before we decide. This is the most scared I’ve ever felt.”
“Me too.” Sam whispered. 
Sam walked them to her usual table and Jazz followed suit and sat down across the table from her. 
“What about your parents?” Sam asked, leaning across the table. “They might know how to help him.” 
Jazz grimaced. “They might be too biased to see past the fact that he’s Phantom. They talk about what they’d do if they ever got him all the time and I don’t want any of it to become a reality. But worse comes to worse-”
Jazz paused as she looked over Sam’s shoulder. She leaned forward to whisper at her.
“We’ll do our own research first. Then we’ll try my parents. Tucker’s coming.” 
Jazz looked back up and smiled at the boy who was walking up behind Sam. Sam tensed up and she was afraid to look behind her. 
“Hi, Tucker.” 
“Hey, Jazz. Is Danny home sick today?” 
It’d been a week. It’d been a week since Danny went missing. 
No one had seen him since he left school that day. Not a single person. How did no one see him at all? Where could he have gone?
Tucker had even done a few searches of his own. He’d flown around town on his board, looking for any sign of Danny. He was lucky that the ghosts were still gone, otherwise it would pull from him time searching. 
And Sam was still acting weird. He could understand that she was upset about Danny missing but… It was different than that. Any time he saw the haunted look in her eyes he tried to comfort her about Danny. Tell her that they would find him. It  took her a moment to process it, like she had to remember that he was in fact missing. 
School was ending and Tucker had to struggle to find Sam outside in front of the school. He had to look for a few seconds before he saw her already all the way across the grass, walking down the road. 
“Hey, Sam, wait up!” He waved his hand in the air. 
She didn’t turn to face him and Tucker frowned. He jogged up to her and grabbed onto the handle on her backpack and pulled. He must have caught her off guard because her backpack started sliding off her shoulders and she whipped around, pulling it out of his hands and to her chest. 
“Sam, are you okay?” He asked.
“I’m fine.” She said.
He frowned at her again. Then it dawned on him. 
“Are you walking around with contraband in your backpack?” He smirked at her. 
He made grabby motions at her bag again. “What is it? Drugs? Weed?” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Condoms?” 
Sam hugged her backpack close to her.
“Tucker, stop.”
“What?” He smiled at her. “What do you have in there?”
“Then why don’t you want me to look at it so badly?” He raised his eyebrows at her. “Is it a secret? What kind of secret?”
“There’s no secret, Tucker.”
He frowned. “Seriously?” He reached forward and grabbed the front of her backpack and pulled. 
She held on tight and pulled back.
Something was seriously up. He pulled hard and the top of the backpack opened, sending a Fenton thermos rolling across the ground.
Before he could even think about anything beyond the lit up contents screen Sam was shoving him as hard as she could. It knocked him to the ground and she scooped up the thermos and backed away from him.
“What the hell, Sam?” He said as he rubbed his behind. 
“Have you ever heard of respecting someone’s privacy?” She shot back at him as she held the thermos to her chest. 
His mind slowed when he saw how she was holding it. 
“Sam. Why do you have that?”
“Danny gave it to me.”
Tucker shook his head. “His parents offered you one and you refused. Why do you have it?”
“It’s none of your business Tucker.”
He stood back up and took a step toward her.
“Who’s inside the thermos, Sam?”
She took a step back. She looked like she was afraid of him.
He darted forward and tried grabbing the device from her hands. She stepped out of the way and kicked out her heavy combat boot, catching his feet and sending him towards the ground again.
He groaned and pushed himself back up. “Give me the thermos.”
“What are you going to do with a ghost anyways?” He turned to face her. “Aren’t you against hurting the ghosts and holding them hostage? What if you let it out and it hurts you? A ghost doesn’t deserve the safety you’re giving it right now.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She leveled him with a cold, hate filled stare. Her expression took Tucker aback. He barked out a laugh.
“What ghost could possibly be in there that you feel this strongly about?” He took another step towards her, followed by her taking a step back. “Ember? An ecto-puss? That dog that ruined Valerie’s life? What ghost is worth this?”
“Why should I tell you?!” Sam shouted at him. “You’re a cold hearted murderer that’s okay with ending a sentient being’s life! How awful do you have to be to want to kill someone?”
Tucker leveled a look at her. How did she get a hold of him? “He’s already dead, Sam.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“You’re right. He doesn’t matter. Give me the thermos.”
“Why are you so insistent on-” Tucker started but pulled back as Sam started screaming at him.
“You didn’t see what I saw!” Tears were streaming down her face now. “I saw you shoot him. One of my best friends became a murderer. And then I went to go help him. All he asked me to do was put him in the thermos. I didn’t understand and he transformed back before I understood.”
“He transformed back?” Tucker asked, confused. That wasn’t something he was aware Phantom could do. Did he have shapeshifting abilities?
“I don’t think Phantom is just a ghost.” Sam whispered. 
“Ha. Yeah, what else would he be?”
“Our best friend.”
Tucker’s heart stuttered in his chest. “No. That can’t be possible.”
“It is.” She nodded her head frantically. “I saw it with my own eyes. He transformed from Phantom to Danny. It was some bright white ring that appeared around his waist. It’s not like anything I’ve seen another ghost do before. He went from bleeding ectoplasm to bleeding blood after he transformed.”
Tucker’s ears were ringing now. “How? How is he both alive and a ghost?”
“I don’t know.” He could hardly hear her whisper. “I don’t know what to do.”
“He’s just in there?” Tucker gestured at the thermos. “Dying?”
“He said he’d be in a stasis if he was in the thermos. That’s why he asked me to put him in there. He asked me to get help. But anyone that could possibly help wants to kill him.”
Tucker’s vision warped and spun. He staggered where he stood and he could feel bile rising up in his throat. 
He tried to kill his best friend. He probably actually killed him. That was the nastiest injury he’s ever seen Phantom get. Phantom never had to go into stasis before. He could always regenerate and heal himself before. 
Tucker leaned to the side and threw up. 
He killed his best friend. His best friend was going to die and it was all his fault. 
“What are we going to do Tucker?” Sam asked him. “You’ve got ghost stuff. Do you know someone who can help him?”
Vlad Masters flashed through his brain. He supplied Tucker with everything he needed to fight ghosts. And for some reason he didn’t understand until now, Danny absolutely despised him. 
“I- No. I don’t have anything that can help him.” Tucker whispered. “I’ve killed him.”
He looked back at her and she was shaking her head as tears welled up in her eyes. “Don’t say that. We have to believe there’s something we can do. If there’s nothing-” 
“He’ll be gone.”
They stood there in silence for a few moments. 
“We need to go talk to Jazz.” She said quietly. 
Sam nodded. “I already told her everything. If we have no one else that can help us, we need to figure out how to talk to their parents. They’re our last option.” 
The pit in Tucker’s stomach grew even bigger. How could he admit to his best friend’s parents that he killed him?
Tucker sat with Sam and Jazz in the Fenton’s living room. They were trying to figure out how to break the news to the Fenton’s about the situation with Danny.
“Do I just walk up to them like ‘hey, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, second parents to me, I killed your son because he’s also that Phantom menace that we both hated?”
Sam shuffled in her spot. “We just need to start with he’s Phantom and injured in the thermos and that we need their help.”
“They don’t need to know it was you, Tucker.” Jazz said softly.
“Danny knew it was me. That whole time. He absolutely knew it was me.” Tucker shook his head. “Shouldn’t I owe it to his parents to tell them the whole truth? I deserve their anger.” 
“You didn’t know it was him, though.” Sam said. “None of us did. None of us would have been able to tell. Who’s gonna think a dead kid is their living best friend?”
“Hey, kids.” Maddie walked into the living. The three of them jumped at the sound. She smiled sadly. “Jumpy today, are we?”
Jazz nodded. “We’re just worried about Danny.”
Maddie’s smile fell. “Me too.” 
Jazz looked up at her mom. “Actually, Mom, can you go get Dad? We have something we need to talk to you guys about?” 
Maddie looked between the three of them concerned, but nodded and went to go get Jack.
“We haven’t figured out what we’re going to say to them yet though!” Tucker whispered. “What are we going to tell them?”
“Just let Sam and I handle it.” Jazz shushed him. “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to, but we need to get it over with. The longer we stall the harder it’ll be.” 
Maddie walked back into the living room with Jack trailing behind her. They sat on the couch that was facing them from the opposite side of the room. 
Jazz took a deep breath. “We know where Danny’s been.”
“What?” Jack and Maddie exclaimed together.
“Why haven’t you told us? Where is he?” Maddie asked. 
“He’s…” Jazz started but petered off.
Sam looked at her and picked up where she left off. “He’s Phantom. He’s somehow a ghost human hybrid. He was shot and he’s hurt really badly.” 
Maddie pulled back. “What do you mean he’s Phantom?” 
“I saw him transform with my very own eyes.” Sam pleaded. “You have to believe us. He’s hurt and we didn’t know who else we could turn to.” 
“Where is he?” Jack asked quietly. 
“He’s in here.” Sam pulled the thermos out of her backpack and held it up in her hands for them to see. 
“He’s in the thermos?” Jack asked, shocked. “How is that possible?” 
“You have Phantom in the thermos?” Maddie stood up.
“It’s Danny in the thermos. Phantom is Danny.” 
“What do you mean that’s Danny? That can’t be Danny.” Maddie stepped forward and reached out a hand. “Give us the thermos.” 
“You have to believe us.” Sam pleaded. 
Tucker raised his arm in front of Sam to stop her. “Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, I didn’t believe Sam at first either. I thought it would be impossible for Danny to be Phantom. But the more I thought about it the more it made sense.”
He took a deep breath. “I’m Tech Hunter. I was the one that shot him.”
Maddie inhaled a sharp breath and pulled her hand back like she’d been burned. 
“I hated him.” Tucker whispered. “I thought ghosts like him were the scum of the earth. But looking back… He never retaliated against me. He always played on the defense and I never thought anything of it. I thought he was a bad shot. He’d joke around with me like he’d known me all his life.”
He stared at the floor, wrapping his arms around himself. “I never thought the reason he’d do that was because he actually had known me all his life. I just thought he was manipulating me.” He choked out a laugh. “It’s like they say. Hindsight is twenty twenty.” 
“If this is true and Danny really is.. In there.” Maddie gestured at the thermos with a shaking hand. “What are we supposed to do? We don’t have anything to help ghosts and an injury of that magnitude might not be able to be helped by us and our medical knowledge.”
“Maybe you could help us find someone in the ghost zone who would know more about how to help him.” Jazz said. “Even if we find someone we’ll need help getting there somehow.” 
Jack and Maddie exchange a glance between them.
“He’s our son, Maddie.” He said quietly. “We have to try, even if he really is Phantom.” 
She turned to look at the thermos in Sam’s hands.
“Okay. We’ll help. Where do we start?”
“I was able to hack into Danny’s computer.” Tucker said. “He has files with information about all the ghosts he knows. There are ghosts in the ghost zone in some place called the far frozen that have a lot of medical know-how. They’ve helped him before. Maybe they’d be willing to help him again.”
Maddie nodded. “That might be our best option. We could try to do all we can here, but if that injury is as big as the two of you described it, there might not be much we can actually do ourselves.” 
Tucker printed out the map Danny had made of the ghost zone and handed it to Maddie.
“He’s got this all mapped out already?” Maddie stared at the map with wide eyes. “We haven’t even made a trip into the ghost zone a single time yet.” 
“This must’ve been what he was doing some of the times I thought he was blowing us off.” Tucker sighed and took his glasses on and rubbed his eyes. “I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me.” 
“We-” Maddie took a deep breath. “If Phantom is really Danny, we’ll both have a lot to make up for.”
Tucker looked up at her. “Are we horrible for not knowing he was Danny?”
Maddie shrugged. “It’s hard to say. I would like to think I’d recognize one of my kids anywhere… That I know them like the back of my hand, but…”
“We just couldn’t see it.”
Maddie nodded. “But getting to his yeti friends is something we can do to make it up to him. Let’s focus on that for now instead.” 
Tucker turned off Danny’s computer and stood up. “I guess you’re right. What do we do now?”
He followed her out of Danny’s room and down the stairs. “We make sure the Specter Speeder is all good for ghost zone travel. Then we’ll prepare for the trip.” 
“I think Danny’s notes said that the far frozen is cold. We should bring our coats and gloves with us.”
Maddie smiled. “That’s good to know. Thank you.” 
They walked into the living room where Sam, Jazz, and Jack were sitting around the table. They were going over what looked like notes from the Fenton’s lab.
“What are you guys working on?” Maddie asked.
“We’re going over your guy’s formula for ecto-dejecto.” Jazz said as she turned over another paper. “That’s one that you guys just kinda scrapped and never fixed. We’re thinking it could help since it made all the ghosts you tested it on get stronger.”
“Once we find the right formula, we’re going to make a couple batches of it.” Jack said. “Aha! Here it is! Did you guys find anything on Danny’s computer?”
“We found some information on a medical center that’s located in the ghost zone somewhere.” Maddie said. “Danny has been mapping out the ghost zone too so we’ll be able to get there without much fuss.” 
“That’s great!” Sam turned to face him. “Way to go, Tucker.”
“Thanks.” he shuffled on his feet. 
“Jack and I are going to go downstairs and work on preparations with the ecto-dejecto and checking the Specter Speeder. You three gather together enough coats, hats, and gloves for everyone. After that you could start preparing some food for the trip.” 
It took them a couple hours to get everything ready, but soon they had gathered enough clothing and food for everyone and made sure the Specter Speeder worked. Jack loaded a crate of ecto-dejecto in the speeder and turned around to face them. 
“We’re ready to go! Let’s get Danny some help!”
They started the Specter Speeder and flew into the green swirl of the ghost portal. 
Danny groaned. Everything hurt. Where was he? He could hear a faint beeping. Was he at the hospital? What happened? The last thing he remembered was-
His eyes shot open and he tried to sit up but his chest hurt too much. 
He was in the hospital. What were the doctors told? Who found him? Did his parents know? Did the GIW? He had to-
“Whoa, hey. Don’t move.” 
He turned his head and there standing to his left was Sam.
“Sam? You’re here? Where- My parents-”
She shushed him and gently laid a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. We’re in the Far Frozen. Tucker found the map on your computer.”
His heart fell and he swallowed. “Tucker?”
She nodded. “He’s been waiting outside. He didn’t want to be in here when you woke up in case you didn’t want to see him.” 
He looked towards the door. “He’s here?”
“Yes. He’s here.” 
How did Tucker find out about him? Why is he even here? Danny thought Tucker wouldn’t want anything to do with him if he ever found out who he was. But he was just waiting outside his room because he was afraid Danny didn’t want to see him? 
“Is anyone else here?” He asked.
“Your parents are talking to Frostbite about all this medical equipment they have here. Jazz is off learning how yeti society works.” 
Danny chuckled, but groaned as it rattled his chest. He laid a hand on top of it gently.
“How long have I been here?” 
Sam’s expression turned sad. “It’s been a little over a month. You were in some pod that Frostbite has in a different room for awhile too. It was supposed to help your ectoplasm repair the hole in your chest. You still have a bit of healing left, but the worst of it is behind you.” 
He let out a deep breath. “Thank you.”
“You saved me. You got me the help I needed. I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you, Sam.”
“Danny, I-”
She stopped at the sound of shuffling outside the door. They both looked towards the doorway and saw Tucker just as he ducked out of the way. Sam looked back at him. 
“Do you want to see him?” She asked softly. 
Danny kept looking at the door. Tucker wouldn’t be here if he was just trying to kill him. He was respecting his boundaries and keeping his distance until Danny asked for him. Would they be able to go back to how things were before? Should Danny want that?
He turned his head back to Sam and nodded. 
“Okay. I’ll go get him.” 
She stood up and walked across the room and through the door. A few moments passed before she walked back in, hand in hand with Tucker as he followed behind her. 
She stopped beside Danny’s bed. Tucker still wasn’t looking at Danny. 
“I can give you two some space to talk. Unless you want me to stay here, Danny.”
Danny looked at Tucker and the shame and guilt in his face. He turned back to Sam and shook his head. “I think we’ll be okay. You should probably let everyone else know that I’m awake.”
She nodded and turned to walk away, shooting one last glance at them before she left. 
His gaze went back to Tucker. He was finally looking at him. Tears were swimming in his eyes and his lips were trembling. 
“Tucker-“ Danny started but Tucker cut him off. 
“No. Don’t forgive me.” Tucker took a shaky breath. “I don’t deserve it. I was so caught up in my hatred with ghosts that I couldn’t see what was right in front of me. I couldn’t tell I was fighting my best friend.” 
Tucker pushed his hands up under glasses and covered his eyes. “You joked around with me. You never tried to hurt me. You were still acting like my best friend and I went and shot you.” 
“Tucker-“ Danny closed his eyes. “No one knew. I didn’t tell anyone and no one could tell it was me.”
“Jazz knew.” Tucker said quietly.
Danny’s eyebrows shot up on his forehead. “She did? How?” 
Tucker shrugged. “She said it had something to do with Ms. Spectra. She didn’t really elaborate much on it because we were focused on getting things figured out with you. 
“Oh.” He looked down at his lap. “I still didn’t tell her though. I didn’t even know she knew.” 
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” Tucker whispered. “You could’ve avoided so many things if we had just known.” 
Danny fiddled with his fingers. “I was scared. I didn’t want you guys to think I was a freak or for my parents to think I was a monster. You had already become Tech Hunter by the time I was considering telling you and Sam but you hated me, so I couldn’t. I didn’t know if your hatred would overshadow our friendship.” Danny looked up at Tucker again. “But I can see it didn’t because you’re here now.” 
A sob finally broke its way out of Tucker’s throat. He leaned his arms on the side of Danny’s bed and lay his head on top of them. His sobs wracked his body. Danny lifted an arm up and slowly brought it down on Tucker’s shoulder. His sobs wracked his body harder. 
“It’s okay. I’m okay.” Danny took a deep breath. “We’re okay.”
63 notes · View notes
sadesluvr · 10 months
Mickey Altieri x Sorority! Reader HC's
A/N: Heyy! This is my first time writing for SCREAM so please be nice :) Mickey is literally babygirl and I wanted more content of him! There's not much smut in this, but I might make these a full fic idk >:3
Tumblr media
Right out the bat Mickey isn’t the biggest fan of sorority girls - We all saw what he did to Cece, but…
You meet the group through Sid and Hallie at a costume party, dressed as a cat
Mickey’s first instinct is to judge you for being basic, but takes an interest once you recognise Randy’s obscure horror movie costume
They both quiz you on movies and even though you can’t answer everything, they definitely like you
He sees Randy taking too much of an interest in you and sends him off to get drinks
He uses the opportunity to get you alone. The liquor is flowing through both of you and you end up having a drunken kiss
Normal stuff for a college party ----
After this he secretly becomes obsessed
Enemies to lovers from here on!!
'Oh Mickey!' is your song
You’re different w/o alcohol, a little more ‘stuck up’, but still nothing like the 'other' girls ™️ (Mickey's thoughts, not mine!)
MICKEY TEASES YOU ABOUT EVERYTHING! - “Come on YN, you’re an adult, why do you still call your dad ‘Daddy’?” / “Maybe we can use YN’s $500 bracelet to help us see in the dark,”
You return the energy right back - “It’s Tiffany’s, and it was only $350,”💅
He rolls his eyes or smirks but loves arguing with you
He dangles the drunk kiss over your head CONSTANTLY 
“You didn’t hate me that night when we —“
You constantly deny it but you’re playing hard to get, really
EVERYBODY can see what’s going on, even if they’re a little bit confused bc you’re from different worlds
He drops in on a your clubs/rallies/parties etc, just to agitate you
He brings you gifts as a ‘joke’, like flowers or coffee to make fun of how high maintenance you are but it’s an act of love
LOVES watching you get ready. He’s proud as fuck to have a hot, rich girlfriend and he’s going to show/tell everyone about it - “Pink is definitely your colour…”
He's a little diva
Lots of giggles and teasing
He may be a psycho but he’s actually rather romantic
When you finally hang out with him in his setting - Either at the movies or his dorm etc, he’s totally different 
He still makes fun of you, but genuinely wants to know you more
Gets you to talk about yourself, (maybe for the wrong reasons) and you only learn basic things about him
He’s kind of a mystery but you like it
He isn't surprised to find out your Dad has a high powered job, but gets REALLY turned on when he finds out you’re the daughter of a lawyer
For obvious reasons, you become more alluring to him then
A cute, peppy sorority girl from a family of lawyers sleeping with a ruthless killer? It’s dangerous, and Mickey LIVES for danger 
He’d even be willing to get caught just to have your Dad defend him
It’s the ultimate power play
Calls you up as Ghostface that night to give you a bit of a spook - “I can tell you’re a Daddy’s girl. I’ve seen you around campus, with your fancy watches and pretty necklaces…Tell me, what does he do? Oh, a lawyer? I don’t like those…”
He cums so hard to the thought of ruining you; tearing off your short skirts and preppy blazers to run his knife over your body whilst your Dad watches, totally defenceless 
Shortly after this he asks you out on an actual date
He’s confident but is somewhat surprised when you say yes 
“You know ‘Daddy’ wouldn’t approve of me, right?” / “He doesn’t have to know…”
The sexual tension is off the roof now
You do it in your bedroom even though boys aren’t allowed in the sorority house, and the danger gets him riled up
That and your expensive lingerie
You don’t GAF when Cece and the other girls vote you out of the sorority 
She doesn’t last long after this anyway
As you date he keeps you in the dark as much as possible about his Ghostface antics, but he’s not hiding himself either. He’s more than prepared for drama should the ‘sick fuck’ be caught.
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tonkatsubowl · 1 year
draconian love.
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when you saw dan heng again for the first time—after he had transformed—you were too busy with the current events to even admire the beauty that was laid out before you. phantylia and the stellaron hunters were your top priority during this mission, and after dealing with both of them and finally entering a relaxing stage where you're able to rest after your mission... you had nearly forgotten about his transformation.
returning to the express, you were finally gifted with a rewarding shower and a tray of food that himeko prepared for you all once you've all returned, akin to a welcoming and loving mother greeting her children back home from a rough day at work. adorned in your comfiest of clothes, you sat in your room and spent some lone time for yourself. march was already knocked out, as you can hear her silly little snoring softly echoing from the door to her room (yes, even you can hear it on your end). you began to wonder how dan heng was doing, and if you should swing by to check up on him...
ever since coming to the express, you've developed strong feelings for the man. both himeko and welt could definitely see that you've caught feelings for him, too. march and pom-pom remain oblivious as ever, it seems.
you lay there, pondering alone to your own thoughts as you gazed upon the ceiling. your room was dark, enough for anyone to assume you were asleep if they cracked that door open. it was quiet, besides the soft music that was playing in the orchestrion down the hall by pom-pom. it was relaxing, peaceful—it didn't help that you had a beautiful view of the cosmos outside your window. you could just sleep right now, but you couldn't... not with the thoughts of dan heng on your mind.
as though the aeons were listening to you, your phone buzzes in your hand, sounding off your familiar notification tune,
¦dan heng: hey. are you awake?
you blink, staring at the notification bubble before responding immediately.
¦y/n: yeah. are you okay? is everything well with you?
¦dan heng: yeah, i'm okay, don't worry about me. i just haven't been able to sleep and figured if you were still awake.
¦y/n: ah, okay. well uh, i think my adrenaline is still active after phantylia lmfao i think ill knock out soon 💧
¦dan heng: i see. don't let me disrupt your attempt to rest. i will leave you alone, y/n.
¦y/n: wait
¦dan heng: ?
you paused for a moment... your fingers stiff. you respond anyway, hesitant.
¦y/n: do you want to sit out there in the lobby for a bit? with me? if not that's okay
¦dan heng: yes. i'll meet you there.
¦y/n: okay!
that's when you immediately scrambled up to your feet, and rushed out that door, but quietly as to not wake march up. once you've opened that door, you noticed that dan heng was outside your room already making his way there.
...but he wasn't himself. he was still in his vidyadhara form. his long hair, his bright authoritative eyes. the stars that sparked behind him was an additive to the beauty that was standing before you. you were mesmerized, watching as he practically glowed for you. he was... ethereal. beautiful. you wanted to touch his face, examine his beauty further. you were in love, and this was a reminder.
"ah, y/n," he lowered his voice to a whisper, "sorry. did i spook you?"
you blinked, snapping yourself out of your trance.
"...no. i just... i forgot you were in your form. does it take a while to revert back?" you ask, slowly closing the door behind you, careful not to wake your photogenic companion up.
"ah," dan heng looked away, "it... it doesn't. but i want to embrace this side of me for a moment, as much as i try to shy away from it—hide it, even."
"you want to accept it more? as it's part of you?" you tilt your head, beginning to walk with him.
dan heng blinked, nodding slowly. you read his thoughts well. "yeah. precisely, i suppose."
that's when the two of you began to walk together. the quiet, soft music of the orchestriont that was playing in the lobby was peaceful and welcoming, enough for any visitor of the express to fall asleep. as expected, the lobby was completely empty, welcoming any ghost to wander amongst the halls. pom-pom was nowhere near in sight, possibly asleep in his own room. himeko and welt were nowhere to be seen, and it was only you and dan heng together.
he sat down, and you joined his side immediately. you both were right next to each other comfortably, and at first... there was a long silence that ensued the atmosphere.
the two of you were quiet, but it wasn't awkward in the slightest. his presence was welcoming, and you felt so incredibly safe. for some reason, you were starting to feel tired, and he can see it. he can feel your head comfortably leaning over to rest on his shoulder, your eyes half-lidded.
"is this... okay?" you whisper.
"...yes." he responded, his own head resting against your own.
the two of you sat together briefly, enjoying each other's company. you were warm. safe and sound in his presence and he felt the same with you. he felt like he could be himself around you. he could be who he is.
when you pulled away, his eyes slowly cast over to you. you took this moment to basically admire the beauty that was bestowed before you. how the moon danced at the window behind you both was witnessing this beautiful moment. how the moon witnessed your hand slowly reach up to dan heng's cheek, caressing the side of his smooth face.
"...is this okay?" you whisper.
dan heng didn't respond. he couldn't take it anymore. he leaned in without a warning, stealing a kiss from you—which you reciprocated immediately. your arms slowly throw themselves around his torso, bringing him even further... but you both end up pulling away.
"...sorry. i should've asked you if that was oka—"
"again, dan heng."
he blinked, but he nodded, finally realizing that you've accepted his feelings and that you've returned them—with another kiss, as well.
the both of you shared affection in each other's company; hugging and kissing, but not long before you both nearly proceeded to a round that required the bedroom.
you breathed heavily, brushing away the ebony locks of his hair away from his face as he towered above you as you laid on the crimson cushions of the couch. "wait," you breathe, "we... not here."
dan heng lowered his gaze, eyeing at the subtle bruises on your neck. your heated visage, your dazed and tired eyes. you wanted him. and he wanted you. but you were absolutely right, you both couldn't do it here. not with the possibility of someone walking in.
"...would you be okay sleeping with me tonight, y/n?" dan heng whispered, caressing the pad of his thumb against the corner of your lip.
you nod in silence. taking your response, he slowly scooped you into his arms, escorting you into his room. after that night, both you and dan heng slept in, concerning himeko and welt... but it wasn't long before they realized what had actually occurred. respecting both your privacy and his, they would inform the others that you both were resting still after carrying out the mission. march and pom-pom were oblivious to the situation, luckily. march would spend her entire free day in her own room playing video games, as both you and dan heng remained in his room, asleep—or perhaps enjoying each other's company. like reading books. cuddling. talking to each other all day and night.
and that would never change between the both of you.
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Here I come bringing my obsession your Ask Box!
AUgust Mashup:
Eomer + Enemies to Lovers + “I didn’t know you cared.”
No pressure: Please and thank you! <3
Ahhhh... I know this took me FOREVER, but here you go (and you should know, this is my very first time ever writing Éomer, so I really hope I got him right!)
I hope you like it! 💜💜💜
Fair Enough
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Trope: AUgust Mashup Enemies to Lovers
Quote: “I didn’t know you cared…”
Pairings: Éomer x fem!reader
Warnings: None. Just fluffy fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 4.6k
“Isn’t there some way we could just—you know—knock him from his saddle?”
You bit back a smile at Cynewyn’s suggestion, although it did have merit, and tried instead to focus on the plate you were drying. “The trouble with that would be, we might spook his horse and if it was injured, we’d never forgive us, would we?”
“Well, no. I don’t suppose we would. But, the horse might be just fine. Only Éomer would get no less than he deserves.”
“True, but it’s a risk I’d rather not take. The last thing either us or papa needs is to to pay for replacing his horse.”
“It would be no less than he deserves as well, the snake. I’d like to throw a rock at him right now.”
“Makes two of us, but again—” 
“I know,” Cynewyn sighed, “it’s a risk you’d rather not take.”
“Exactly.” You smiled at your older sister. “We can only hope that one day, he gets his and that we are lucky enough to witness it.”
“Which is not going to happen.” Cynewyn went quiet as she dunked another plate into the washbasin. “Still, why would he do that to you, anyway? What was the point?”
You shrugged, taking the plate to wipe dry. “To make sport of me, I suppose. After all, isn’t it funny when a man pretends he’s interested in you and then when you show up at your agreed upon meeting place, he’s nowhere to be found? And isn’t it funny when he and his friends were just outside of the pub, giggling like children, is just so amusing?”
“Men? Bah! They are but boys. Big boys, but boys just the same.” She passed you another plate.
You said nothing, but dried the plate and then slid it onto its shelf in the cupboard, atop the small stack you’d already dried. In the time it took you to do that, Éomer had moved on down the road that ran before the kitchen windows of your family’s small stone cottage. You should have known he’d been sporting with you when he asked you to meet him at the coffeehouse the previous week. Until that morning, he didn't seem to know you were alive. It was only too bad you could not say the same, because not only did you most definitely know he was alive, you thought he was the most perfect man alive. That afternoon, however, he toppled from that pedestal and shattered at its base as far as you were concerned. 
Of course, that didn't mean his thoughtless actions didn't hurt. Because they did. They most definitely did. 
But, you’d not think about what happened any longer. He’d gotten a good laugh at your expense, but you would rise above it. You had no other choice, really. He was the king’s nephew and you were… well…
You were nobody, really. 
A depressing thought.
You finished drying the dishes and left your sister to whatever it was she was doing. You shared a room and night after night, you would stretch out on your bed and try to read whilst she went through her seemingly bottomless supply of fabric for whatever gown she was going to try to copy from whichever lady she saw in town. She was really quite gifted, so you didn’t mind when she asked you to be her model, as you had no dressmaker’s dummy. But tonight, she did not need your assistance and, claiming a headache, instead she chose to go to bed early. A good night’s sleep was always welcomed, but as you lay there in the dark, sleep mocked you instead. It had been happening more and more often now, as the world grew more unsettled and while you could usually find some way to drift off, tonight was not one of those nights. You were simply too restless and so you slipped from the small stone cottage to go for a walk. 
You tried not think about how disappointed you’d been when Éomer stood you up at the coffeehouse. Perhaps you should have expected it, but it hurt just the same. Of course, you weren’t the only one who imagined catching his eye. Half the women of marriageable age in Edoras dreamed of doing just that and no one could blame a one of you. Not only was he the king’s nephew, but he was so blasted handsome, with his long, wavy dark gold hair and direct hazel eyes. And whenever you saw him on horseback—you melted a little on the inside each time.
Of course, now he knew you fancied him and not only that, but he’d used it against you. Knocking him off his horse wasn't even close to being enough. Still, you couldn't dwell on it forever. In time, everyone who was in that coffeehouse would forget.
Everyone but you, anyway. 
“And that is the last we will think of it,” you muttered, trying instead to focus on something, anything, else as you strolled on. 
It was a peaceful night, hints of the coming autumn in the crisp edge of the breeze that stirred the leaves last night’s storm had pulled from the trees. The best thing about the stone cottage at the end of the road in Edoras? You were the farthest point from the king’s residence, which meant you would most likely not cross paths again with Éomer at this time of night. True, he’d been riding south, which meant that at some point he would pass by here again, but you’d have enough warning, as the road was wide and almost no trees lined it. Sneaking up on you would be almost impossible. 
Not that he would even try. He’d made himself perfectly clear where you were concerned. 
The night sky was clear, spangled with stars and moonlight bathed everything as far as you could see an etherial silver color. There had been rumblings to the east, and you’d heard talk amongst the menfolk about the possibility of war, and you also knew that orcs had been seen on the borders of Rohan. And that was why you did not leave your house without a blade of some sort. Although your father was not overjoyed at the thought, he allowed both you and Cynewyn to carry a small sword, which you were almost never without. You weren’t a master by any stretch of the imagination, but Papa had made certain you and your sister learned how to defend yourselves, should the need ever arise.
Your walks had become your way of remaining sane when it seemed there was so much uncertainty all around. The thought of war was so foreign to you, as your father insulated you and Cynewyn as best he could, and yet you knew it wasn’t far off. The king’s health was failing, and you’d heard rumors that he, Éomer, and the king’s advisor, Grima, had been butting heads of late. 
Perhaps that was why Éomer had gone thundering past the kitchen windows on his horse as he had. One too many cross words with his uncle, maybe? In some ways, you hoped so, for if Éomer was banished, life would become easier for you.
But at the same time, if you were completely honest with yourself, you knew if he left for good, you would miss him terribly. How difficult it was, caring so much for a man you also tried so hard to despise! If only you could forgive him.
If only.
You vowed once more to not think about it. 
Instead, you concentrated on the beauty of the night sky, of how those stars seemed so vast and endless, how the moon managed to bathe things silver although it gave off no light. You listened to the whisper of the wind through the scrub grass and bushes that dotted the landscape seemingly to the edge of Middle Earth. The wind whispered, crickets chirped, and in the distance, an owl hooted. A normal night.
Or so you thought.
You heard the noise before you saw the creature that made it and as those sounds reached your ears, the stench reached your nose. Your heart lurched, your stomach kinked, and a sour taste filled your mouth, brought on both by the stink and the coldest, iciest, most petrifying fear that ever permeated your being.
Papa always told you not to venture too far from the road. One never knew what lurked in the fields sweeping east and west, where twisted trees grew in clumps and provided cover for many things.
Such as the orc now standing over Éomer’s prone body.
You ducked, shifting toward the stand of pine trees twisted by the winds, which thankfully carried any sounds you might have made away from the orc and Éomer. Metal clanged Éomer blocked the orc’s downward swing with his blade. He held fast, his arms trembling from the effort and his heavy glove the only thing keeping the dual-sided blade from slicing into his hand.
The orc appeared to brace harder against his blade, determined to run Éomer through and you couldn't let that happen, no matter how angry or hurt you were because of him. So, you slid your blade free and crept about the pines as silently as you knew how. You’d learned from Papa, who would take you with him when he went hunting, and although you could never bring yourself to kill anything, you learned from him just the same. Besides, an orc wasn’t anywhere near as beautiful as a deer or fox. Quite the opposite, really. They were the ugliest, vilest, most disgusting creatures to walk the earth as far as you were concerned. 
Your soft-skinned boots made no sound as you approached and the orc never knew what hit him when you swung and cleaved his head clean from his shoulders. What was left of him collapsed like a sandbag atop Éomer, who swore softly as the creature’s thick, black blood splattered him. 
Nausea rose in your throat as it spattered you as well, and you tried to ignore it as you grabbed the still-warm shoulder and threw the corpse back. “Are you all right?”
“I’ve had better nights,” Éomer groaned, rolling over and onto his knees, his sword clattering softly in the dust. “What are you doing out here?”
“I was but going for a walk. What is that—” you gestured to the dead orc—“doing here? They do not usually venture so close to our borders.”
“They grow bolder and have been for some time now.” He rocked back on his knees and swept his silver and brass helmet from his head to let it clatter to the ground alongside his sword. “Are you all right?”
“Me? I am fine.” You resheathed your sword and carefully crouched alongside him. His dark blond hair was damp with sweat, pulled away from his face and held back with a small strip of worn leather. “And you?”
“I’ll be fine.”
“What happened?”
“It’s nothing.” He winced as he shifted onto his backside and gingerly prodded at his left thigh.
You looked down, your stomach clenching at the sight of the wound that must’ve bled terribly, for the entire front of his trouser leg was stained with a large wet patch. It looked as if the orc’s blade had sliced through the fabric. Without thinking, you brushed his hands aside to see for yourself and as soon as you had, you wished you hadn’t. 
The wound was ugly and raw, a long slice from just below his hip to his knee, and still bled freely. “We need to get you home.”
“You go on. I need to find my horse.”
“Your horse is not here,” you told him, scanning all around to make certain you weren’t lying. You were’t. There was no sign of a horse anywhere about. “Come, let’s get you up and I will help you.”
“Just leave me…”
“Oh, don’t be a fool!”
He jerked back. “I am serious. Leave me. The last I want is harm befalling you on my behalf. So please, just go. There will be more of them coming, looking for this one,” he nudged the corpse with one boot. “And I am not at all certain I’d be able to protect you.”
“You mean you aren’t certain you’d want to.”
He just stared up at you. “I didn't say that, nor would I.”
“You might as well. Aren’t I only a laugh to you anyway? Ever the fool for you and your friends to chuckle over.”
At least he didn't try to deny his actions or motivations as he said, “Oh… the coffeehouse.”
“Yes,” you nodded, “the coffeehouse. So, you’ll forgive me if I don't believe you would lift a finger to keep an orc away from me. Of course, you would do well to remember that it was I who saved you from an orc regardless. Still, if you wish to be left alone, far be it from me to insist on staying.”
You moved to stand, only to have him catch you by the wrist. “No, please,” he said softly, looking up once more, “don’t go. I—I owe you an apology for that.”
“To save your sorry skin, no doubt.”
To your surprise, he chuckled. “I deserve that.”
“Oh, that’s mighty big of you to admit,” you said dryly. “How very big indeed.”
“Very well, you’re right, you know. About all of it. And I mean that in the most sincere manner possible. Honest.”
That took a bit of wind from your sails and you sighed. “Perhaps we might fight about it later?”
He bobbed his head. “I wholeheartedly agree with that notion. Much, much later. In fact, we should never speak of it again.”
“Once you apologize, you mean.”
“I just did apologize.”
“No,” you shook your head, “you said you owed me one, which you do of course. But admitting it is not an actual apology.”
To your surprise, he burst out laughing. It was cut short by a sharp inhale of pain, but his smile only wavered as he snorted, “You’re joking, right?”
“You mean to tell me you honestly considered that an apology? Those sorry words? Truly?”
“Well…” he nodded. “Yes."
“Fine.” You stood up and brushed dirt and crushed pine needles from your backside. “I’ll bid you good eve then. You should hope you’re mobile once more before they come looking for their friend.”
You had every intention of marching off, of just leaving him there to rot, not caring if any more orcs happened upon him. It would serve him right. Apology. Bah! He could go pound sand, as Papa would say.
However, you only got maybe ten feet away when your conscience got the better of you and you came back to find he hadn’t moved an inch. 
“Come,” you growled, crouching beside him once more to take hold of his left wrist. “Let’s get you back.”
“I didn't know you cared,” he said even as he allowed you to help him up.
“I don’t. I should let you rot.”
“So, why aren’t you?”
“I don’t know. I’m a soft-hearted fool, I suppose.” You gave a not so gentle tug. “We should go. His pack is bound to notice he’s not returned and I do not want to have to explain to your uncle how I let you get butchered by orcs.”
“I’ll be forever grateful,” he replied drolly.
“Do you wish my help or not?”
He draped an arm about your shoulder. “Yes, of course I do. And I appreciate it as well.” He winced. “How far are we from Edoras’ border?”
“It’s better if you don’t know.”
“That far, eh?”
He leaned heavily on your shoulder, and you tried to ignore the stinging along your neck, the dull ache that spread down into your shoulder from bearing the brunt of his weight, as he was considerably taller and heavier than you were. “I’m afraid so, yes.”
For reasons you couldn't begin to explain, the drollness in his deep voice made you laugh. “Yes, I couldn’t agree more.”
You managed to get him back to the road, him leaning hard against you with each step he took on his wounded leg. And with each step, his gait slowed. “Take care,” he said when you stumbled. “It would do us both no good if we fell.”
“I beg your… pardon,” you gritted, hefting him higher on your shoulder once more, “but… you are… not light, you know.”
“I know and I appreciate your help here as well.” He went silent for a long moment, then, drew in a deep breath and added, “And I’m sorry. For what I did at the coffeehouse.”
“All you had to do was come in and tell me you’d changed your mind, you know.” you told him, staring straight ahead, waiting for Edoras’ reassuring lights to come into view. At least then, you knew you’d be close to home and close to safety. 
“The thing of it is, I didn’t change my mind.” The regret in his voice surprised you and you stopped without warning, catching him as he stumbled, then scolded, “Take care, if you wouldn’t mind.”
“I’m sorry, but what? What do you mean, you didn't change your mind? Of course you did. I was there, remember? I was there and you were not.”
“No, I know that, but,” he pulled free, easing his arm from about her shoulders before shifting to settle on a rock, “I need to sit a moment.”
You didn't fight him, happy to be free of his weight, even if only for a few minutes. You rubbed the side of your neck. “Only a few minutes, though. We don’t know how much time we have left.”
“I know.” He looked up at you. “I didn’t change my mind, you know.”
“So you’ve said. What you haven’t said, was why you just left me sitting there like a fool.” Finally, you were able to get that weight off your chest, your eyes stinging the way they had in the coffeehouse, when you realized he was not coming through the door. “Why did you do that to me?”
“I was coming in,” he said slowly, looking up to meet your gaze, “and when I saw you… I got nervous and I know that sounds idiotic, but it’s the truth. It was a stupid, fool thing to do to you and I am ever so sorry I hurt you. If I could but do it over, I would walk through that door and we would not be having this conversation. And for that, I am also sorry.”
You had waited so long for him to assume responsibility for how he’d hurt you. And now that he had, you were at a loss for words. How did you respond to that? What did you say?
“Am I supposed to believe you had an attack of nerves? You, of all people?”
“Is that so hard to believe? I’m only human as human as any other man, you know. And that means that yes, sometimes, I have an attack of nerves. I’m not made of stone, I’ll have you know and you—”
You waited a moment for him to finish, your heart beating erratically now as those words were the last ones she ever thought she’d hear from him. But, when he remained silent, just staring at the ground, you leaned in. “I what?”
He looked up then, his eyes soft, and murmured, “You stole the breath from my lungs.”
You could only stare. Were you but dreaming or perhaps he’d suffered a head injury before you reached him? One of those had to be the truth because there was no other rational explanation for his words, no matter how they set butterflies free in your belly to batter your insides with their wildly-beating wings. 
“Éomer, I—I don’t know what to say,” you finally managed. 
“No, I’m sure you don’t,” he replied softly. “And I cannot fault you. But, if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, I would like another chance. A chance to right things between us.”
“Things between us? Is there a thing between us, never mind more than one?”
To your surprise, a sheepish smile lifted his lips. “I should like there to be.” 
“I don’t even like you, you know.”
His grin widened. “Somehow, I don’t believe that. After all, you came back, didn’t you?”
“Don’t let it go to your head. I could still leave you out here.”
“You could.” He nodded, then shook his head. “But you won’t.”
You stared at him for a long moment, then let out a heavy sigh of resignation. “No. I don't suppose I will.”
His eyes sparkled with mischief. “I knew it.”
You offered up a smile of your own and then, with all the force you could generate, you punched him square in the shoulder. 
He yelped as the blow sent him rocking backwards. “What was that for?”
“Because you, Éomer, are an ass and I should leave you here to suffer whatever fate you deserve.”
“You should, but I wish you wouldn’t.” He reached for your hand, caught it, and linked his fingers with yours. “I am truly sorry, though. You have to believe me.”
“Why should I believe you now?”
Éomer winced as he carefully stood. “Because I would like the chance to right my wrong where you are concerned.”
You looked up at him. “And how do you think you can do such a thing? I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” 
“I’m fairly certain I do.”
He smiled then and bent and before you could say anything, his lips met yours. Despite his wounded leg, he caught your face between his hands, not so much as wavering as his lips moved teasingly and gentle against yours, as his tongue eased between your lips to caress yours, and you shivered at the silken caress. His lips were soft and warm and those butterflies fluttered harder now, with more fury as he kissed you slow and deep and made your head spin as it had never spun before. 
Éomer was slightly breathless when he drew back. “So, will you allow me another chance? A chance to right what I’ve done wrong?”
“By all rights, I should say no.”
“But you won’t.” His hazel eyes sparkled with mischief.
“No,” you shook your head slowly, “I won’t.”
In the distance, came the snarl of wargs and that was enough to spur Éomer to drape his arm about your neck once more and say, “We should go.”
“A wise idea, to be sure.”
You made it back to Edoras without incident and you wasted no time in rousing the healer  from her bed, just as she wasted no time in shooing you from the infirmary. Someone must have alerted Éowyn as well, for she came hurrying down the corridor, her hair bound up away from her face and still in her nightdress.
“What happened?”
“He was set upon by orcs just beyond the border.”
“But what were you doing out there?”
You managed a smile. “I was but going for a walk. I was having trouble sleeping, and sometimes that helps.”
“You need be careful,” she warned. “What if you’d been alone?”
“We won’t think about that.”
The healer came out. “My lady,” she said with a tired smile. “His lordship is resting now and he’d like to see you.” 
Éowyn stepped forward, only to have the healer shake her head. “No, my lady, I’m sorry. He meant you,” she said, looking at you.
You swallowed hard. “M-me?”
The healer nodded now. “He was very clear.”
“I’ll just see what he might want,” you said, feeling no little guilt at Éowyn’s almost hurt expression. “And when he hears you’ve come down to see him, I’m sure he will ask you be brought in.”
Éowyn said nothing, but bobbed her head and you followed the healer into the small, quiet, semi-dark room. 
Éomer was abed, the linens stark even against his pale hair, and your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, as you’d never seen him so informally dressed, his loose tunic left unlaced to offer up an enticing patch of what you were certain was a finely-muscled chest. The image that came to your mind brought those butterflies to life once more deep within your belly. 
His eyes were closed, his enviably thick lashes dark crescents against his pale cheeks, but as you drew near, they opened and a tired smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “I thought perhaps I’d dreamed everything that happened this night,” he said softly, “but the pain is far too real.”
“I assume your healer stitched the wound. It looked fairly ugly.”
He nodded. “She did. I can resume duties in a week, according to her.” He gestured for you to come closer and when you did, he added in a whisper, “and we won’t tell her when I’m gone come morning, will we?”
“You should take her advice.”
“I cannot. Not right now.”
“Éomer, you will be useless with only a few hours’ rest and one leg. You need allow yourself time to heal.”
“Are you taking her side?”
“In this?” You nodded. “Absolutely.”
“But… you’re supposed to take my side.” 
“I would be, if you weren’t talking such foolishness.”
“Ouch. You wound me.” As he spoke, he reached out and caught your hand, and your mouth went dry as he gave a gentle tug. “Come and lay with me.”
“I couldn’t.”
“You could.”
“I don't even like you.”
His eyes glinted with a hint of mischief. “We both know that isn’t true, don’t we?”
“Oh, it’s true.”
“Liar.” He tugged again. “Are you truly going to make a wounded man beg?”
“What?” He brought your hand to his lips, to your surprise, brushed its back with a kiss and murmured, “Please?”
You stared down at him for a long moment. “You are supposed to be injured.”
“I am injured. Nearly twenty stitches are holding that wound closed. But somehow, I don't think I’ll mind being trapped in this bed, if I have someone to share it with.”
Your heart fluttered. “Éomer. You are in an infirmary.”
“I know, but I’m in my own room, as you see.” He smiled. “No one will bother us and I promise to keep my hands to myself.”
With that, his smile grew mischievous. “Unless, of course, you’d rather I didn’t. And then, the next time I see you in the great hall or the yard, I’ll just look across at you and smile and only you will know why.”
You sighed softly and then, after a quick look about, gingerly stretched out alongside him, your heart beating faster as he drew his arm about your shoulders to tug you closer. You peered up at him. “And why will I be smiling?”
His eyes glinted with that same hint of mischief that let loose even more butterflies in your belly. “You’ll see.”
With that, he caught you beneath the chin with one bent finger, lifting your face ever so slightly and as his lips captured yours, you smiled. “You aren’t going anywhere come morning, you know.”
He broke the teasing kiss to gaze down at you. “Is that so?”
“It is,” you nodded, “because you have some very real making up to me to do. And I’m fairly certain it will take longer than a few hours."
“Making up to you, you say?” One dark brow arched and his smile grew wicked with promise. “I think that’s fair enough.”
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loveephia · 1 year
*immediately bolted here as soon as i saw my favourite hq writer open these prompts again >:D*
"i cant get over how a few months ago i wanted to learn your name and now youre having breakfast with me in my sweater" + goshiki 🥹🥹🥹 (stay safe and stay hydrated phia love u <333)
#8'S LOVE STORY | goshiki tsutomu
prompt: "i can't get over how a few months ago, i wanted to learn your name, and now you're having breakfast with me in my sweater."
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, goshiki gushing over you and perhaps getting distracted during practice while thinking about you, you're his upperclassmen (second year), tendō is a wingman and brownie enthusiast, you like baking, quite long.
⚠ warning/s: none.
note: gosh this was so fun to write that it became a one-shot instead of a drabble. i've never gotten a goshiki request so this was a good challenge for me. i really hope that i got him and the rest of shiratorizawa's personalities right! TYSM AND ILY HIKARIII ENJOY READING GIRL!!! :D
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"her name.. what's her name?!" goshiki tsutomu mentally groaned with furrowed brows, peeking out from his classroom door to look at you, his beautiful upperclassmen. you were a responsible girl who did everything at your own pace, hence the clipboard in your hands to check your schedule for the day. if the student council of shiratorizawa accepted second years, you definitely would've at least been the secretary.
goshiki heard your name once from a few of your friends, but he.. just can't remember!
so here he is, irritatedly sipping on his juice box while staring you down. although not on purpose, of course.
"what's up, goshiki! what are we lookin' at?" tendō appears out of nowhere, accidentally spooking the poor wing spiker. goshiki turns his head to look over his shoulder, "huh?! tendō, what are you doing here?! aren't the third year's classrooms all the way on the third floor?"
"what a smart little cookie you are!" tendō ruffled goshiki's hair. "well, y'know how shiratorizawa's annual bake sale is coming up? i'm trying to find y/n because i heard that she's handling the preparations this year. i wanna see if i can get some of her famous two-bite brownies in advance before they sell out again!" tendō hisses at the bitter memory.
tendō can still recall the stinging feeling of how he wasn't able to purchase last year's batch because a volleyball game overlapped on the same day as the sale, so by the time the team got back to shiratorizawa, all of the brownies were gone.
and, hold on..
"y/n!" goshiki rejoices as he was finally able to recollect your name, all thanks to tendō. "yes?" you ask, looking at goshiki with a confused look.
goshiki turns red. "n- nothing!" i forgot that she was in the same hallway!
something in tendō sparks, and he suddenly has the urge to help his underclassmen's love life. he can bring up the brownie topic with you later..
"hey, n/n! what do you think of our up-and-coming ace here? ain't he a real firecracker?" tendō suddenly compliments goshiki, even wrapping his long arm around the young boy's shoulder. goshiki widens his eyes, already wanting to hear more. "hm? oh, i haven't seen him play yet," and just like that, goshiki's ego has been cracked and bruised.
"but i'd love to be invited to the next game if that's okay with you, goshiki." you smile a pearly one at him, and goshiki's mood is turned right back around. "yes! please come, y/n! i won't disappoint you!" he exclaims.
you giggled it off and soon excuse yourself from the two.
"what a cute boy!" you thought with a faint blush on your cheeks.
goshiki looks at tendō, utterly speechless to the core, while the middle blocker only dusts his hands off as if he's just finished some heavy labor. "what can i say! i may not be the first to get married from our team, but i can be a good matchmaker!"
goshiki has never had more respect for tendō than he has right now.
time skip.
"oi! stop standing around like that, number eight! you look like a lost kid at the mall!" coach washijo scolded goshiki, who flinched. i was spacing out again! "s- sorry, coach!"
reon comes up to tendō and shirabu, "what's up with him?" he asks. shirabu sighs, "i don't know. but if he continues to do this, then he'll just drag the whole team down."
"oh, poor little shirabu! i can tell you what's going on in goshiki's head," tendō says, "our future ace has a crush on the sweet and classy y/n!"
"that doesn't matter. can't he just leave his personal feelings out of practice? prelims are around the corner, after all." shirabu stated factually. "it's not like you're capable enough to have crushes anyway, so the least you could do is cut goshiki some slack." semi poked fun at shirabu, as the older setter just so happened to overhear the conversation from a few feet away.
"what did you say?" a visible vein forms on shirabu's forehead.
tendō turns to reon while shirabu and semi bicker, "anyway, the kid is all worried about the upcoming game because y/n is coming to see him play for the first time." tendō whispers. "you think he'll be alright?"
reon looks at goshiki, who's physically trembling. there's even a gloomy aura around him practically screaming, "don't screw this up, don't screw this up, don't screw this up."
just in good timing, ushijima places his palm on goshiki's shoulder. "rest, goshiki. you need to be in good shape to practice." he states. "yeah, exactly! aren't you gonna be ushiwaka's successor? what'll y/n think when she sees you all shaken up on the court!" tendō exclaims.
ushiwaka's.. successor.. y/n..
goshiki's aura quickly shifts into one of fiery determination, ready to take on anything and everything. "you're right, tendō! i'll do my best!"
"it's really easy to get this kid going, huh.." the team thought simultaneously, sweat dropping in the process.
time skip.
it's the day of the prelims, and shiratorizawa was up against ohgiminami high. they're not a powerhouse that goshiki was familiar of, but then again, they're not be underestimated.
the starting line-ups are on court, and there goshiki was standing, being the only first year. that was something you noticed from the stands.
"he must be really talented to have been able to get that far.. i heard that coach washijo is tough on the volleyball club too." you thought.
the coin is flipped and shiratorizawa ends up serving first. ushijima hits the ball and there we go, a service ace. you're impressed to have seen the ball fly by that fast, but then again, it's ushijima. "if i tried receiving that, my arms would fall right off.."
goshiki sees your amused face from the stands, and he huffs. "wait until you see me score a point, y/n!"
a few rounds later, and the rotation is in goshiki's favor. he's up front. he can do a line shot, a move that he specializes in.
"make it a good one, goshiki!" tendō encourages the boy as shirabu sets the ball cleanly toward goshiki. even though he has two blockers against him, he was still able to make a beautiful line shot that granted shiratorizawa another point.
"what was that?!" you were shocked, to say the least. "tendō wasn't kidding when he said he'd be the up-and-coming ace.." you quietly mutter, referring to goshiki.
you watched the way that goshiki shortly celebrated on the court with each of his teammates giving him some heavy pats on the back. the moment was adorable.
goshiki looked up to see you smiling fondly at him. you send him a wave, and he shoots back a smile full of pride; a smile that says, "look at me, y/n! aren't i amazing?"
and only if you knew what it conveyed, you would've replied with a, "yes, goshiki. very."
time skip.
you yawn, clearly drowsy from the lack of sleep. on the table in front of you, was a nice breakfast whipped up by shiratorizawa's patient cooks; one omurice, a small bowl of grapes, and a cup of milk. but besides what was on the table, was what was across from you; goshiki tsutomu, your boyfriend.
it was a cold morning in japan, for spring had finally started. so here you are, all bundled up in goshiki's volleyball jersey.
he's seen smiling at you, and you tilt your head. "what's on your mind, tomu?"
"nothing, it's just.. i can't really get over how a few months ago, i wanted to learn your name, and now you're having breakfast with me in my jersey." goshiki says, "honestly, if it weren't for tendō, i probably wouldn't even be with you right now."
you perk a brow. goshiki panics, "d- don't tell him i said that though!"
"i wouldn't give tendō all the credit, really," you started, "i actually had already taken an interest in you when you were looking at me in the first year's hallway. it was only a matter of time until i'd have mustered enough courage to talk to you myself." you admitted.
is this what a heart attack feels like, because goshiki can feel his chest swelling in both love and pride.
this was a happy ending not only for the two of you, but for tendō too, since he was able to buy all of the two-bite brownies he needed.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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