#Difficulty: max /j
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The skelly bros shouldn’t be in monster hunter world iceborne!
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anyataylorjoys · 7 months
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Someone asked me how I created the fade transition in this gifset which I’ll try to explain in the most comprehensive way that I can. If you've never done something like this before, I suggest reading through the full tutorial before attempting it so you know what you'll need to plan for.
To follow, you should have:
basic knowledge of how to make gifs in photoshop
some familiarity with the concept of how keyframes work
Difficulty level: Moderate/advanced
Prep + overview
First and foremost, make the two gifs you'll be using. Both will need to have about the same amount of frames.
For ref the gif in my example is 540x540.
I recommend around 60-70 frames max total for a big gif, which can be pushing it if both are in color, then I would aim for 50-60. My gif has a total of 74 frames which I finessed using lossy and this will be explained in Part 4.
⚠️ IMPORTANT: when overlaying two or more gifs and when using key frames, you MUST set your frame delay to 0.03 fps for each gif, which can be changed to 0.05 fps or anything else that you want after converting the combined canvas back into frames. But both gifs have to be set to 0.03 before you convert them to timeline to avoid duplicated frames that don't match up, resulting in an unpleasantly choppy finish.
Part 1: Getting Started
Drag one of your gifs onto the other so they're both on the same canvas.
The gif that your canvas is fading FROM (Gif 1) should be on top of the gif it is fading INTO (Gif 2).
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And here's a visual of the order in which your layers should appear by the end of this tutorial, so you know what you're working toward achieving:
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Part 2: Creating the grid
Go to: View > Guides > New guide layout
I chose 5 columns and 5 rows to get the result of 25 squares.
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The more rows and columns you choose, the more work you'll have to do, and the faster your squares will have to fade out so keep that in mind. I wouldn't recommend any more than 25 squares for this type of transition.
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To save time, duplicate the line you've created 3 more times, or as many times as needed (key shortcut: CMD +J) and move each one to align with the guides both horizontally and vertically. You won't need to recreate the lines on the edges of the canvas, only the ones that will show.
After you complete this step, you will no longer need the guides so you can go back in and clear them.
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Follow the same duplicating process for the squares with the rectangle tool using the lines you've created.
Align the squares inside the grid lines. The squares should not overlap the lines but fit precisely inside them.
This might take a few tries for each because although to the eye, the squares look all exactly the same size, you'll notice that if you try to use the same duplicated square for every single one without alterations, many of them will be a few pixels off and you'll have to transform the paths to fit.
To do this go to edit > transform path and hold down the command key with the control key as you move one edge to fill the space.
Once you're done, put all the squares in their separate group, which needs to be sandwiched between Gif 1 and Gif 2.
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Right click Gif 1 and choose "create clipping mask" from the drop down to mask it to the squares group. This step is super important.
After this point, I also took the opacity of the line groups down to about 40% so the lines wouldn't be so bold. Doing this revealed some squares that needed fixing so even if you aren't going dim the lines, I recommend clicking off the visibility of the lines for a moment to make sure everything is covered properly.
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Part 3A: Prep For Key framing
I wanted my squares to fade out in a random-like fashion and if you want the same effect, you will have to decide which squares you want to fade out first, or reversely, which parts of Gif 2 you want to be revealed first.
In order to see what's going on underneath, I made Gif 1 invisible and turned down the opacity of the squares group.
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If you want text underneath to be revealed when the squares fade away, I would add that now, and place the text group above Gif 2, but under the squares group.
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Make a mental note that where your text is placed and the order in which it will be revealed is also something you will have to plan for.
With the move tool, click on the first square you want to fade out. Every time you click on a square, it will reveal itself in your layers.
I chose A3 to be the first square to fade and I'm gonna move this one to the very top of all the other square layers.
So if I click on D2 next, that layer would need to be moved under the A3 layer and so on. You'll go back and forth between doing this and adding key frames to each one. As you go along, it's crucial that you put them in order from top to bottom and highly suggested that you rename the layers (numerically for example) which will make it easier to see where you've left off as your dragging the layers into place.
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Part 3B: Adding the Keyframes
This is where we enter the gates of hell things become tedious.
Open up the squares group in the timeline panel so you can see all the clips.
Here is my example of the general pattern that's followed and its corresponding layers of what you want to achieve when you're finished:
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So let’s try it!
Expand the control time magnification all the way to the right so you can see every frame per second.
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As shown in Part 3A, select your first chosen square.
Where you place the time-indicator on the panel will indicate the placement of the keyframe. Click on the clock next to opacity to place your first keyframe.
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Move the time-indicator over 3 frames and place the next key frame.
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Things to consider before moving forward:
Where you place your very first keyframe will be detrimental. If you're using a lot of squares like I did, you may have to start the transition sooner than preferred.
If you're doing 25 squares, the key frames will have to be more condensed which means more overlapping because more frames are required to finish the transition, verses if you're only using a 9-squared grid. See Part 4 for more detailed examples of this.
The opacity will remain at 100% for every initial key frame, and the second one will be at 0%.
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Instead of creating two keyframes like this and changing the opacities for every single clip, you can copy the keyframes and paste them onto the other clips by click-dragging your mouse over both of them and they'll both turn yellow. Then right click one of the keyframes and hit copy.
Now drop down to your next clip, move your time-indicator if necessary to the spot where the first keyframe will start and click the clock to create one. Then right click it and hit "paste".
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Tip: When you have both keyframes selected, you can also move them side to side by click-dragging one of them while both are highlighted.
Your full repetitive process in steps will go as follows:
click on square of choice on the canvas
drag that square layer to the top under the last renamed
in timeline panel: drop down to next clip, move time-indicator tick to your chosen spot for the next keyframe
create new keyframe
right click new keyframe & paste copied keyframes
repeat until you've done this with every square in the group
Now you can change the opacity of your squares layer group back to 100% and turn on the visibility of Gif 1. Then hit play to see the magic happen.
PART 4: Finished examples
Example 1
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the transition starts too soon Cause: initial keyframe was placed at frame 0
the squares fade away too quickly Cause: overlapping keyframes, seen below. (this may be the ideal way to go with more squares, but for only 9, it's too fast)
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Example 2
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more frame time for first gif
transition wraps up at a good point Cause: in this instance, the first keyframe was placed 9 frames in, and the keyframes are not overlapping. The sequential pair starts where the last pair ended, creating a slower fade of each square.
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Part 5: Final Tips and Saving
You can dl my save action here which will convert everything back into frames, change the frame rate to 0.05 and open the export window so you can see the size of the gif immediately.
If it's over 10gb, one way to finesse this is by use of lossy. By definition, lossy “compresses by removing background data” and therefore quality can be lost when pushed too far. But for most gifs, I have not noticed a deterioration in quality at all when saving with lossy until you start getting into 15-20 or higher, then it will start eating away at your gif so keep it minimal.
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If you've done this and your gif is losing a noticeable amount of quality and you still haven’t gotten it below 10gb, you will have no choice but to start deleting frames.
When it comes to transitions like this one, sometimes you can't spare a single frame and if this is the case, you will have to return to the timeline state in your history and condense the key frames to fade out quicker so you can shorten the gif. You should always save a history point before converting so you have a bookmark to go back to in case this happens.
That's pretty much it, free to shoot me an ask on here or on @jugheadjones with any questions.
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moonshine-82 · 1 year
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Max Verstappen x Female driver reader
Warnings - angst, j*s verstappen (ewww i know but he’s too good for angst), swearing, also my first ever fic so woo.
Info - ~ writing ~ means flash back. Also sort of based on lyrics from Taylor swifts out of the woods
Summary - you and max have always raced against each other, but now you are both teammates together at red bull. Untold feelings remain however will they be exposed before the pressure get too much
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As you trudge away from the wreckage and through the gravel, you can’t help be look back.
~ Max Verstappen was the one name you would always be able to pick out from childhood. As a girl in karting you faced a lot of obstacles; mostly boys and their fathers telling you you weren’t good enough. Max wasn’t one of them. Surprisingly his father wasn’t either, well not outwardly at least. No the year older Dutch boy always treated you the same as everyone else. It did mean he acted like a spoiled little brat who wouldn’t take anything less than a win but that was what everybody got.
This lack of sexism continued as you progressed through the ranks together. As such a friendship began to bloom. Both of you had your difficulties and critics, one the patriarchy and the other their own father, which helped a bond form. You would regularly be seen talking shop before the race and guiding each other through the emotions after. It was a rare occasion that your pair were spotted apart. In that time, Max learnt just how harsh the world was to a girl in motorsport, that no amount of victories will be enough. You learnt that Verstappen’s sore loser nature came from his father, more specifically the way he treated him.
As you grew up together the connection only got stronger, heading up to the higher levels didn’t change that…~
A now painfully familiar voice snapped you out of your day dreaming. Looking up, the only thing in view was the furious stature of your teammate marching towards you. Not the crash of the two highly expensive red bull cars. Not the marshals trying to get you over the barrier. Not even the stand of fans all rendered silent by the events. No, all that you eyes were willing to see was your childhood best friend and love of your life (though you had never expressed that) on a murder path.
Your comment only seemed to make Max even angrier. The second it happened you knew the crash was your fault, but you couldn’t just let him shout at you at by way. As he stalked closer and closer, your original strength vanished. So much so your heart began yo face. You knew Max was capable of a destructive rampage. It was something that you had to witness numerous times. The only difference is that you were never the destination before. Not to say he was never annoyed by you, and especially with the rising tension this season, but never like this. It forced the little girl deep inside of you to be reminded of someone else. A memory that you wished to forget came flooding in.
~ You were staying at Max’s house for what you didn’t know would be the last time. As the two of you sat in his room talking of your latest double podium, a shatter of glass was heard. The second it did you saw the young boys face fall. It wasn’t until the screams were heard you understood why.
The overbearing words of an enraged man echoed though the house. As you looked over at Max, it only confirmed what you suspected. Even at such a much younger age you knew his father wasn’t the nicest man, however this was the first time you saw his true side. As the curiosity got the better of you, you opened Max’s door to go look at the damage. Any attempt he made to stop you were useless as you sat on the stairs staring into the kitchen.
The look on Jos Verstappen’s face was one that you would never forget. It was the look of a crazed, mad man who was willing to kill the next person that dared to even breath next to him.
As you turned to Max, he was meet with your face in tears. The sight hurt more than any words or actions Jos could ever use. He comforted you, took you back to his room and listened as you shook in fear of his father. In that moment Max held your face, looked you dead in the eyes and promised to you and himself that he would never become the monster that scares the girl he cared for the most. ~
As Max finally towered in front of you, he was shook at what he found. Up until now, you would always stand you ground in an argument. Not even recently when it had began to apply pressure to your friendship had you backed down. However he didn’t see the strong women he had grown to love, but instead a weaker shadow of you in tears. To add to the pitiful scene you stood with your arms up in a form of protection.
Max’s original anger at the race ending collision was all but there. His championship dominating attitude faded and all that was left was regret. It didn’t take long for him to put two and two together, and figure out that you state was due to his behaviour. The only time he had seen you like that before was your last ever sleepover. He also couldn’t ignore how much you had brought up the comparison between the father and son in arguments lately. This all however, was long enough for you to turn and run over to the marshals.
Red bulls number one driver was left by what maybe the resting place of his one true friendship. The very scene that you had just escaped. It had all gotten too much. This was the final straw. Much as Spain was labelled the death of Hamilton and Rosberg’s seemingly ever lasting connection, this would be yours and Max’s. Formula 1 had told the world that no compassion survives between rival teammates before, and it was trying to remind it once again.
The walk to the garage was the longest of your carrier. It wasn’t just because of the looming wrath of Christian Horner but overwhelming more due to that which loomed behind you. Max’s constant presence only made the whole situation worse. He was the years of memories that were still trying to cling on desperately. The dread that it had all gotten too much, and things between the two bulls would never be the same. The crushing wait of a heart beginning to crack at what it had been waiting for for over a decade fading out of view.
Finally getting back to the garage, the next hours flashed by. Your mind was too stimulated with stress and anxiety to process any going on. The one thing that got through was the repeating phrase…
“This is it”
Every warning was right. There was no way that you could beat fate. In the history of the world, no friendship has survived the pressure of true competition. Why did you think you would defeat it? Looking back at the day you two agreed to be teammates, you realise just how naive you were. No not naive, you were foolish and arrogant and stupid. You thought you could win a game against destiny, and now you would face the consequences. It was all o…
“Hey, it’s me, can I come in?”
There it is once again that painfully familiar voice broke your train of thought.
“Yeah sure”
In all honestly you don’t know why you say yes, he is the last person you wish to see right now. The reaction must have been a force of habit. As Max enters the medically room, you are both hit with the true weight of it all. He looks down at your stomach, whose scars from the twenty stitches you had had years a ago were visible. They were from a fishing accident, on a fishing trip the two of you went on. Max’s eyes softened looking at them, the memory coming back like one in the million others in the last feed hours. As you both looked up it was obvious you had both been crying.
This shocked you entirely yet not at all. The world’s young champion Verstappen wasn’t one for crying, and he was the one that you had hit the breaks on too soon causing all this mess. However, you knew that your maxie was a big crier. He cares so much about so much, but has the idiotic tendency to bottle it all up till it got too much and explodes.
That’s exactly what the both of you had done and you both know it. Neither wants to admit that the stress of the rivalry was becoming too much however. Admitting would be admitting you were losing, and the one thing your friendship was built on was not being allowed to lose. The consequence of this silence was hostility. Both of you had become more argumentative. It started small, slowly growing to a seeming hatred that all boiled over in todays race. Now both of you are placed in the medical room, red eyes not wanting to say the first words.
The question of wether you would fight past this and back to the childhoods friends, possibly more or if it truly was the end. You’re hearts are simultaneously asking, are we out of the woods yet?
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Woooooo, well that was painful. Sorry not sorry. If you have read this I would appreciate it greatly if you would like and please do comment with feed back. Especially if you would like a prequel or sequel to this. Once again this was my first ever fic so probably wasn’t fantastic but I definitely enjoyed it. Thanks for reading !!! Please don’t copy this, not even with credit. Also no translations. Do feel free to reblog.
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dconscreen · 2 months
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Superman: Hopeful and Joyous | News/Trailer Reviews
Leading up to SDCC, we have a short news roundup that we recorded on July 21 -- but due to technical difficulties, we didn't get it completed until today. Apologies! Here's what we talked about:
Kite Man: Hell Yeah is Now Available on Max
Producer Discusses Lance Reddick's Posthumous Lex Luthor Role
Matt Oberg Wants to Play Kite Man in Gunn's DCU
First Batman: Caped Crusader Clip Released by DC | https://twitter.com/i/status/1811838084083818833
The Penguin: DC Revives The Batman's Viral Website
The Penguin will premiere exclusively on HBO on September 19th
Superman & Lois Final Season Teaser Trailer Released | https://youtu.be/JkQNzCL9yVU
Superman Movie Logo Unveiled by James Gunn
Superman Wraps Filming In Cleveland With Cast Photo
Superman: James Gunn Teases How Much Filming Is Left
James Gunn Already Knows Which DCU Film He's Writing After Superman
Superman: James Gunn Confirms Timeline With Creature Commandos and Peacemaker Season 2
The Boys Star Jack Quaid Reveals He Auditioned for James Gunn's Superman
J. Michael Straczynski Wrote Script for Animated Adaptation
Watchmen Chapter 1 Animated Movie Trailer Released | https://youtu.be/j-s-cxTnH2
My Adventures With Superman Season 3 Begins Production
Bull Crap Rumor About Kumail Nanjiani Playing Booster Gold
Gunn Says Nothing is in Production Unless It is Greenlit
No, it's Not Canceled.
Join Our Riotous DC Debauch!
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A Special Thanks to BossLogic for this week's show art!
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reggiejworkshop · 1 year
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"The Record Store"
These types of stores are always a neat place to visit if you happen to have any interest in music. While they're probably not as easy to find nowadays since many prefer the digital route when it comes to getting music, they're definitely worth seeking out to take a look. You can find all sorts of records here. A rare cassette bootleg from an indie band, a out of print album that's only available on vinyl,  a famous album that managed to find its way in the bargain bin, or tons upon tons of one dollar soundtrack CDs that are usually ignored. But on top of finding different kinds of records in these stores, you can find all kinds of people too. Music lovers, casual browsers, music collectors, audiophiles, and sometimes musicians. And when you bring all these types together, you get all kinds of conversations too!
Record Collector: "I'm telling you, a Japanese import of this Cars album can go up ten times as much as this used one. The sound quality is amazing compared to this!" Casual Browser: "So I'd be dropping an extra grand just to hear less cracks and pops?" Max Goof: "...oh sure, and Powerline's my older brother!" Grunkle Stan: " No really, I know these guys. Let me tell you how I once got in a slugfest with Henry Rollins at Lollapalooza!" Phillip J Fry: Weird, I thought these things died out before I went to the future. ( looks around)  I am still in the future aren't I?" Wakko Warner: "Hey, Rumplestiltkin! Can I look at that when your done?" Groundskeeper Willie: "Ay. Sure thing, laddie. Just don't call me that again." Seller: "You sure you can't take em? Only half of these skip!" Record Store Guy: "Sir, we only take non warped records here. Begone, record warper!"
This is one of the places I always try to go to whenever I get the chance. One thing I love aside from drawing is collecting and listening to music. And most of my musical tastes were forged from the various finds that caught my attention within these stores. I don't visit these places that often nowadays, one because I rarely have the time, two it gets really expensive. You'd be surprised how much money you can end up burning through just from going through the bargain bin selections week after week. 
So I wanted to do a new crossover fanart piece that's loosely based on my experiences in visiting these stores. While I tend to go for a retro look in my artwork already, I decided to do something different by using a standard comic book color sheet. One that contains only 64 colors.  While I did end up doing a lot of extra color mixing further down line, I mainly kept with colors in the pallete, one so I would have less difficulty in choosing colors, but also so it would have more of an old school look.
Here's a link below to the various comic book color palletes if anyone is interest in trying that out. http://www.madformidcentury.com/2013/10/mid-century-color-palette-in-comics.html#.ZCujJXbMKM8
See how many characters you can spot here! And for a harder challenge, see how many album covers are here as well!
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ooo may i request a sfw alphabet for max >w> lets see all sides of the rainbow boi
hell yeah, max time (one of my more interesting characters, somewhat, imo)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Can be physically affectionate but there's definitely an emotional distance to it that's harder and harder to explain the closer you two get. Generally he's not too affectionate though, and rejects affection when he's not in the mood, especially if he finds it smothering.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's probably one of the worst people in the cast you could have as a best friend. Actually, it would be really, really hard to become a friend in the first place, let alone a best friend. If you do somehow manage to become a best friend, it's extremely one-sided, or has an imbalanced give-and-take.
He's very social, so you could start becoming friends in any way, the difficulty is staying his friend.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Generally isn't a really huge cuddle person. Sometimes he's in the mood, but most of the time doesn't like it. If he does want to, he'll initiate.
Doesn't like feeling the feeling of being held (finds it suffocating, annoying, too warm, etc.) so he prefers to be the one doing the holding. Maybe will be fine if you're on the same "level", facing each other, but likes being the big spoon more.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settling down doesn't have a strong image in his brain. He finds the idea boring ("for old people" to an extent), and also generally doesn't see himself "settling down" with anyone. Even with his s/o, it's hard for him to imagine having a "normal" future (although, that doesn't mean he doesn't want a future with them).
Very, very insistent that he cooks and does his laundry himself, but doesn't want to share chores in that sense. Hires a maid to clean his apartment.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Does it very, very brief, straightforwardly, and coldly. Usually it would happen because he is fed up or upset... or in some cases wants to "punish" his partner.
For past partners, he would do it over text, out of the blue. With his current s/o... he would want to do it in person.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Re : Domestic, finds the idea of marriage very much "old people business", and would rather not think about it. However, he's very committed to his relationship with his s/o (to an extent he finds strange, and would also rather not think about). Does think wedding dresses are pretty, though. Sometimes... extremely rarely, he'll think about a fantasy wedding venue, and outfits, etc.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Not gentle at all, and can be purposefully overly cruel. Not one to walk on eggshells, and strongarms things into going his way. Equally physically rough.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Doesn't like hugs generally, but can tolerate brief ones. Really only initiates/accepts hugs as a greeting.
Tends to go for side hugs rather than actual ones. If he does initiate an actual hug, he doesn't hold it for longer than a minute.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Almost never says it. Generally because he doesn't feel the need to say it if he doesn't mean it, but with his s/o he believes his feelings are obvious/given enough that he doesn't need to say it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Gets jealous pretty easily (although he might not be aware). Whines and pouts, trying to drag his s/o away, and gets a vendetta against the person he's jealous of. Shit-talks the person to his s/o, and generally gets passive aggressive.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Often he likes doing pecks that linger, that aren't very often. Usually as a "reward" or "thank you" for something, usually on the cheeks. Will also do the same lingering kiss on the mouth, but again, they're uncommon. Likes to be kissed anywhere.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Surprisingly ok with children, doesn't like them though. Has 2 younger siblings, so he knows how to deal with them, but also would rather push the responsibility onto someone else. Kids tend to like him because of how sparkly and brightly colored he is, but he doesn't like how they try to touch him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Usually gets up while his s/o is asleep, quickly going through his morning routine to look as presentable as possible by the time they wake up. Makes his own breakfast, and sometimes will make a plate for his s/o. Doesn't really stick around to cuddle, and tends to be awake immediately.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
A lot of it is his night routine, but he'll chat during it. When laying in bed, he expects both him and his s/o to be asleep, or attempting to sleep. Gets annoyed if his s/o is still awake, because then he stays up.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Very willing to complain and rant about things that annoy him, but only around people he believes would agree with him or support him. Doesn't usually talk about his personal life, but mostly because there's nothing really that bothers him (other than finding the doting nature of his parents a little annoying, or his siblings stole his hair curler, etc.)
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Generally not very-- in the sense that whatever little annoyance or anger he feels is immediately brushed off as being trivial enough that it's not worth getting mad about. However, when it comes to his s/o... he begins finding more things to get increasingly more quick to anger over the more he spends time with them.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers mostly smaller, finer detailed things. It's surprising that he remembers anything at all, because usually he ignores anything that isn't himself.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Ultimately mixed feelings but really likes(?) it when his s/o (spoilers? future event in the game) makes him cry for the first time.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Not so much protective but possessive. Not very careful with his things, so protective isn't a very strong feeling.
Does like the feeling of being protective, but usually finds the concept of being protected unnecessary and laughable. Because who would want to hurt him?, and regardless he's plenty capable of protecting himself.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Doesn't really put much effort into these things in his previous relationships... but with his s/o, he put a surprising amount of effort.
Expect anniversary gifts, and while he chooses the date venues, expects to be spoiled. Unexpectedly reciprocates some of those efforts with his s/o.
Tends to do smaller, everyday things, rather than grandiose displays of affection during dates or anniversaries though. Also sometimes casually gives gifts (but doesn't try to make it very direct).
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Aside from the textbook narcissism, he tends to not feel attachment to others, or see people as... well.. people. Because of this, he tends to... objectify others to feel some semblance of connection with others (as he feels attachment to material things)-- but because it's still objectification, he tends to treat others poorly.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Extremely. His looks are very, very important to him....... but I suppose there's a very, very slim possibility of there being scenarios where he becomes less-than-concerned with his appearance.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Would, but wouldn't realize it until the absence happens.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Actually hates sweet foods. Usually buys desserts because the visual tends to match his aesthetics/appearance, but refuses to put any in his mouth (usually passes them off to someone else, if he can). Gags when he eats foods that he doesn't expect to be sweet, and would rather spit it out, or throw it away.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Doesn't like it when others treat themselves as equally or more important than him. With his partner, he'll probably accept them being equally as important, but not more. Otherwise, everyone else is inferior.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sleeps totally still, like a log. Very rarely moves, other than his breathing. Has an anti-snoring mouth-guard. A pretty light sleeper (used to his siblings/family being loud/rambunctious), so he needs complete silence and total darkness to properly sleep. Even the shifting of someone next to him will wake him up.
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art-of-manliness · 5 months
Odds & Ends: April 26, 2024
Why Public Health Should Attend to the Spiritual Side of Life. When analyzing what factors affect health, researchers rarely factor in the influence of religion and spirituality. Tyler J. VanderWeele, professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Harvard’s School of  Public Health, thinks this is a mistake, as this area of life can have a dramatic impact on physical and mental well-being. To wit, while much of the cultural discussion around increases in depression and anxiety, especially among young adults, has centered on smartphones, research has shown “that about 40 percent of the increasing suicide rate in the United States from 1999 to 2014 might be attributed to declines in attendance at religious services during this period. Another study suggested declining attendance from 1991 to 2019 accounted for 28 percent of the increase in depression among adolescents.” There are a lot of benefits to going to church — even when you’re not sure of your beliefs.  The Handbook of Style: A Man’s Guide to Looking Good. Back in the 2000s, Esquire would put out special editions of the magazine called The Big Black Book. My favorite part of these issues was their handsomely illustrated guides on men’s style. Back in 2009, they compiled all these guides in a book, The Handbook of Style. Despite being published over 15 years ago, the advice is still relevant today. My 13-year-old son has a burgeoning interest in upping his style game, and this has become one of his favorite bedtime reads.  Dial M for Murder. Compared to entries like Rear Window and Vertigo, Dial M for Murder is a lesser-known entry in the Hitchcock canon, but it’s still an enjoyable and suspenseful watch. A retired professional tennis player (Ray Milland) plots to kill his cheating wife (Grace Kelly), but his plans go awry. Adapted from a stage play, all the action, such as there is, takes place within the couple’s home, but despite the claustrophobic, dialogue-driven backdrop, the unfolding of the plot and the quality acting (especially from the detective who works the case) draws you in.  KIND Protein MAX Crispy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar. We’re always on the lookout for new protein bars in the McKay household. They’re great for road trips or when you need some extra protein during your day to hit your protein count. The latest bar we’ve been enjoying is from KIND. Sweetened with low-calorie allulose, it doesn’t have the sugar alcohols of many bars that can cause digestional difficulties, nor the weird stevia flavor of bars like Quest. The first ingredient is peanuts, and these filling bars have a pleasant, nutty, almost granola-bar-esque taste. Quote of the Week A good man doubles the length of his existence; to have lived so as to look back with pleasure on our past life is to live twice. —Marcus Valerius Martialis Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T63zF4
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WEEK 04 Weekend
I have thought a lot about more ways for interaction between the player and level. This can increase the player's sense of engagement. My initial thought was to allow the player to grab something by throwing a hook. But it is difficult to fit the beat because there is a time delay between the action throwing and the grabbing. I want to design some actions about that when the player presses the button, the game will give feedback immediately. After taking the lecture, I thought I can use melee attack to clear some obstacles or monsters on the way. Due to the obstacles is for avoiding (jump or duck), the monsters are suitable for attack. I do not want players confused about weather they should jump or attack.
After a lengthy selection of resources, the look of my game has drastically changed.
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Also, I have added a HP bar and a note collection panel. (This screen shot was added a few days later)
The main actions for players are:
Attack (press J to attack the monsters)
Jump (press Space bar to jump over the obstacles)
Duck (hold S to duck the laser)
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The main collection are:
Heart (to recover the player to the max HP)
Big Note (can add 10 note collection)
Note (can add 1 note collection)
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I did want the camera to move when the player is jumping, so I created an invisible object like a ghost player who will run as same speed as the player do but will not jump. Then set the camera on the ghost player, and an offset in order to keep the player at the right side of the screen.
The whole level has 4 parts, corresponding to the 4 parts of music. But the music is too long for the first level, so I only kept half of each part. I used the offset function to control that, triggered when the ghost player hit the music control object.
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Use the “forest” background image and green platform.
Introduce the action of attacking and jumping.
2. First Melody
Use the “grass” background image and the yellow platform.
Dense monsters require players to be proficient in attacking actions.
3. Second Melody
Use the “ice” background image and the blue platform.
Introduce the action of ducking.
4. Climax
Use the “fall trees” background image and the red platform.
The player will speed up to increase the difficulty.
Combine every situation (laser, monster, obstacle) that needs all actions to deal with.
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klysanderelias · 3 years
Okay i'm gonna talk shop about difficulties in games and it's gonna be long because I have Thoughts, so let me save y'all the j key
The older I get, the more I've begun to appreciate insanely granular difficulty settings in video games. Like, most games do 'easy/normal/hard/nightmare' whatever shit, and half the time it takes intense analysis to figure out what the differences actually are (and they're usually just health/damage buffs).
I remember there's a Starcraft 2 challenge run youtuber I watch who has played all the games in a variety of ways, from speedruns to deathless to heavily modded gauntlets, to pacifist (yeah it was nuts) and probably has the single greatest understanding of the SC2 single player game of anyone I can think of, or at least him and his community combined (since there's so many modders who he works with). AND, this guy, who regularly goes into the game to check triggers, still took like a year to figure out that brutal difficulty in SC2 has a damage buff to enemies that's never shown anywhere, and it literally didn't even come up until he was doing a zerglings only run and watching his lings get one-shotted and the math wasn't adding up, which he'd probably never have noticed if he wasn't so laser-focused on a single unit with 35 hp.
And the point is, games like Owlcat's pathfinder RPGs and HBS's Battletech feel so revolutionary sometimes because I can go in and manually decide what is working and what isn't. Like, do I want to buff enemy damage or numbers? What about rewards? What about xp progression? Being able to go in and mess with sliders or toggles about little things can dramatically improve my experience because it gives me so much more focused control over what I'm struggling with.
I genuinely think that pathfinder is the best example of this, but right now I'm playing battletech so I'm gonna talk about that. The big issue I have with battletech is that I tend to lose interest in the game the longer it goes on, because it becomes more and more stable as you get more salvage, own more mechs, and have stronger pilots. I'm a little over halfway through the 1200 day limit in the campaign and already able to do 5-star (skull?) missions because i can reliably target the head slot and kill the pilot with an autocannon round, and since the head slot maxes out at 61 hp... there's no scaling. It's easy to get a discoback and just headchop assault mechs all day long.
Being able to go into the settings and say 'i would like to double the amount of mech parts that I need to assemble a new mech' is HUGE. Being able to say 'i want my pilots to progress more slowly and for it to be harder to find experienced pilots to hire' can dramatically extend the period of time the game is interesting for me. There are actually mods that include fatigue time so you can't just do 5 missions back to back with your A team on the same day, and that's ALSO huge because it means you actually have a reason to keep a full roster of pilots, which means you're incurring higher monthly costs, which means you're less stable than if you're just paying for like 8 pilots max.
And like, there are settings that I've played with for so long that I genuinely have forgotten what it's like to play without them on. I always set my mechs to be unrecoverable if they're destroyed. That way, I have to play more cautiously and if I fuck up, and a mech gets cored out, it's gone. That mech I spent so long getting, that I painstakingly assembled through mission after mission of salvage, I lose. That means that I'm gonna eject more. I'm gonna back off and lose pressure more. It also means that I can't just use the best mech chassis all the time because I may not have it forever. Combine that with the higher parts needed to assemble mechs, and suddenly I'm having to use mechs that are arguably hot garbage (I'm looking at you, SDR-K Spiders D:< ) because that's all I've got, and suddenly I get a greater appreciation for what it can do, and what it can't.
I've always been salty about difficulties that just increase damage or health, especially because the better you are at a game, the less interesting it becomes. Like, there are games where adding HP to an enemy can do more than make a fight longer, but honestly I can't think of a good example. I've played NG+ dark souls and had a decent experience when the bosses get more health, but I think that's almost always because as a fight extends out, the RNG/AI moveset choices naturally expand out and you can see more of the fight, but that's assuming that there's actually the moveset there to be interesting. Usually, it's just more of the fucking same. FO4 is a good example of this done poorly, where enemies just become bullet sponges and it just drags down every aspect of the game because the only counterplay is having enough ammo.
I also think there's an accessibility discussion to have as well, where you can both make games easier for people without turning it into a cakewalk, as well as many difficulty settings often being intertwined with disability concerns. This is a weird example, but Metro 2033 is a story-based FPS about a guy in the Russian subway tunnels fighting mutants and nazis, and it has robust stealth mechanics. Sound/vision-based detection, silencers for weapons, traps in the environment specifically designed to alert enemies, even an indicator to show when you're hidden safely and when you're able to be seen. One of the mechanics of the game that I think isn't a clear 'mechanic' is that as you sneak through levels, you can eavesdrop on human enemies to reveal hidden information or to hear when it's safe to move. The first time I played through the game, I set my audio to Russian language, with subtitles. A lot of the conversations you can overhear passively AREN'T SUBTITLED. This became very frustrating, and i had to switch back to english language audio because otherwise I was missing key information. I don't know that it's a 'difficulty setting', but it was a change in the game settings that dramatically affected how hard the game was for me, and I had to compromise on my game experience in order to make it easier and enjoyable.
Metro is a good example of weird difficulty settings in a good way, kind of, because Last Light, the sequel, has higher difficulty settings that disable the HUD overlay for the game. I think there's a lot of problems with it, especially because it turns selecting a secondary weapon into a shitshow (partially because I had started last light with no HUD and I was less familiar with the controls, but also because the only way to select/change the secondary weapon is through the HUD and you basically need to input the commands blindly in order to do it), but I overall had much more fun with the setting. I like having no force crosshairs. I like not knowing exactly how much ammo i have (and it shows off specific design choices about the weapons where many of them make the remaining ammo clearly visible, or otherwise communicate information very clearly in a diagetic way). Again, there are some issues, like not being able to clearly tell what is and is not interactable in the environment (although I can't remember a time where it actually affected my playthrough negatively), but in general I think it was a fascinating design choice.
Likewise, the first Crysis game actively weaponized what I mentioned before about language settings. Delta, the hardest difficulty, changed all the enemy audio to Korean (I don't have time to talk about Crysis but look, I'm not sure they shoulda did what they did) and removed indicators like grenade warnings, which increased difficulty in a way that can be hard to quantify. I don't think it was deployed well in Crysis (especially because y'know what happens when you hear someone shout 'grenade' in Korean and then you blow up from a grenade? you learn how to say 'grenade' in Korean very quickly), but it's something I'd love to see more of.
Anyway, I'm all over the place at this point but I'm just always very fascinated by game design and difficulty curves, and especially as someone who's done SL1 runs of dark souls, it's so funny and weird to me to think of how some games are just way too difficult for me, or at least difficult in a way that's not rewarding or fun, and other games are way too easy.
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kingdoms-of-fate · 3 years
Dungeon Encounter 1
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A set of ice stairs leads down into a hall of stone. Snow drifts have seem to collected on the steps and piles of snow have gathered around the base.
Note 1: Anyone passing through will find it slippery with the snow, which comes up to calf height. You can require players to move half distance or some sort of roll to push through the drifts.
Note 2: Getting into the snow drifts triggers the statue B
A ten foot statue of a snow (angel/demon/elemental) stands on a block of ice facing the stairs.
Note: When any player enters the snow drifts upon the stairs in A, the statue will unleash a breath of snowy air. This effect can be anything from cone of cold to a few points of cold damage depending on the level of party.
A wall of translucent ice seems shattered in the middle as if something long ago has broken through.
Note: This should give the players an idea on how to break the ice wall at H.
This is a chamber of blue and gray icy stone floors with ice covered walls. Several pits surround the area, reaching about ten feet down and are filled with rows of sharp ice shards. Your breath hangs in the cold, stinging your throat and lungs and in the center is a block of ice 10x10x10 in size.
Note: Anyone moving across the room will find it very slippery as a thin layer of ice covers the ground. This will require players moving at half speed or require a Dex related check to not fall Of course any checks made should increase in difficulty the faster a character tries to move. A fumbled roll could see the player falling into an ice pit F
This is a block of translucent ice that glows with a faint ambient blue light. The sounds of a swirling snowstorm can be heard as a whisper if one gets close and perhaps words that are muffled by the winds.
Note 1: The block is a transformed Water(ice) elemental. Depending on the difficulty you wish to use, the block of ice can have hit points as per an elemental of a certain size, a block of ice of its size, or stone. As the block of ice is mostly an obstacle encounter, I suggest going with higher hit points so the players are forced to solve the challenges around the room G, H, while avoiding the ice block. Fire should do increased damage. For added challenge, the block can deal cold damage upon contact, regenerate drawing in the cold of the room to heal damage, or even spawn small ice elementals that break off from it to protect the block from players' attacks. Once the block is at 0 hit points, it will shatter.
Note 2: The whispered words are the elemental trying to communicate in its native tongue. It could be for aid in transforming back to its original form, or a warning of the chamber beyond or gibberish, depending on the DM's choice.
Note 3: Once the players have entered the chamber for two full rounds, the block will activate sliding across the ground trying to ram the players into pits or into the walls. You can use an attack score vs their AC, or have them roll a save to dodge. If hit, they take d6 ram damage, are knocked back 5 feet and must roll a DEX related check or fall, with a critical fail being launched into the pit F. They will also fall into the pit if within 5 feet of pit F when failing.
An icy pit that drops 10 feet into a bed of sharp ice shards.
Note 1: Falling into a pit deals fall damage (ten feet but the pit can be deeper) plus d6 damage for the spikes with an added d6 for each ten feet a players falls. Example: 20 feet - 2d6 falling 2d6 spike damage The spikes can do additional cold damage for added difficulty and force the player to roll a freeze check as if hold person, their bodies freezing or becoming stuck to the spikes.
Note 2: Climbing out will require a climb check but the walls are icy so it will be an increased difficulty.
Several chains ending in loops come out of the wall.
Note 1: Pulling on the chain requires a DEX related check to not fall, a fumble of a 1 resulting in falling into a pit F.
Note 2: All four chains must be pulled to open the portcullis at H For an added challenge, all 4 chains may need to pulled at once, or strength checks required to free the chain from the frozen walls
A large wall of translucent ice gives only vague images of the room beyond, a faint aura of blue and orange coming from the other side. Before the wall, a portcullis bars the way.
Note 1: If all 4 chains are pulled G, then the portcullis will rise.
Note 2: The wall of ice can be broken through once the portcullis has been raised. For an added challenge, the ice wall can be impervious or resistant to damage requiring the block E to break. A player can stand in front of the wall trying to get the block E to hit them and then with a successful dodge, the block will slide past them into the wall, breaking it open.
This room sends out a blast of frigid air that stings the skin upon contact. Snow and ice cover the ground and spending more than a few moment within the frozen chamber begins to hurt. Upon an altar of blue ice, an orb of frozen blue pulses with light. Several bodies frosted with snow lay at the base. In the upper part of the room, the remains of a titan lay half buried in the snow, a large two handed sword, its metal glowing a deep red embedded into the rib-cage.
Note: Upon entering the room, anyone not immune to cold begins to take cold damage, the strength of which can be determined by the level of the party. I suggest d6 damage per 3 levels of the party max of 5d6 - saves should be allowed.
An icy sphere hovers inches above a solid cylindrical block of ice. It hum's like the sounds of moving ice-sheets cracking in the far north and slowly spins. Encased inside is the item you have come for (key, magic item, prisoner, etc)
Once the door is opened, the players escape, popping back out the same door they came in.
Note 1: Cold damage to the players should double within 5 feet of the sphere.
Note 2: Touching the sphere will result in the titan corpse K to animate and attack.
Note 3: Using the fire-blade placed in the titans chest can break the sphere allowing the players to get at the item.
Note 4: The bodies are of dead adventures. They should have equipment ice-coated and stuck to the floor. However if thawed, the players could find treasure and magic items. The treasure can be random or geared to the players. (Maybe some solid ice potions of healing, useful once thawed)
Titanic size bones lay frozen in the snowy mounds with a large two handed sword, its metal glowing a bright orange, the end embedded through the rib cage. The blade has a series of runes in ancient script glowing a bright yellow with engravings of flame along the pummel and handle. It stands nearly 10 feet tall and casts a reddish glow on its surroundings
Note 1: When any player touches the orb J, the skeleton will animate and attack. You can use huge skeleton stats for the fight.
Note 2: If the players touch the sword before the orb, the bones will turn to ash. However, the sword is hot to the touch and weighs nearly a 100 pounds. It will deal d6 fire damage to anyone who tries to wield it. The sword cannot be welded in any useful way in combat, however, a STR roll can be used to swing it at the orb J, shattering the magical field encasing the item.
This could be a small encounter or one part of a much larger Ice themed Dungeon.
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ladykissingfish · 4 years
The Akatsuki as YOUR Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Modern Day) ((Part Two))
Hidan -Energy levels off the charts; you’ll need jogging shoes to keep up with this guy -Gets bored easily so will drag you from one activity to the next -The foulest mouth you’ve ever heard; you’ll have to spend literal hours working with him on censoring himself before you can bring him around your friends/family/children/humans in general -Very handsy; likes to touch you all over (but only with your consent), even when you’re in public -Surprisingly religious, lectures at least once a week on why you should convert to his beliefs -A funny guy most of the time, but terrifying when angry. The thing that makes him angriest? Anybody hurting/saddening YOU. -Protective of you to the absolute max; will even pick you up and carry you over puddles if necessary -Tells you all the time how beautiful you are; actually blushes if you try to compliment him back -You ... don’t get much sleep when he stays over. And you’re not complaining at all. -Lived off of take-out before he met you; was actually flabbergasted to learn of the existence of many types of fruits and vegetables -Surprise animal lover, especially cats Kisame -Tall, dark, and handsome (to you, anyway) -Very calm personality -A lover of swimming, diving, fishing, and pretty much anything to do with water -Can be unintentionally rough when giving you affection; has to be constantly reminded to be more gentle -Loves giving you piggyback rides wherever you go -Has an extensive collection of swords, from many different eras; is somewhat of an amateur expert on them -Rarely calls you by your actual name; has a ton of nicknames and pet names for you -Doesn’t have much of a relationship with his own family, but gets along well with yours -His friends are ... scary. He insists they’re just rough around the edges but still, you’d rather not be left alone around them; “intimidating” doesn’t even begin to cover it. -Likes when you sit with his head in your lap and read or talk to him -Huge seafood lover; all of the staff at any seafood joint within a 20-mile radius knows you two by your first names Pein -This guy has. A LOT. Of piercings. -Always very intense and serious; it takes a lot to get him to crack a smile -Will have observed you for some time before asking you out, so already knows a little bit about your interests/likes & dislikes -Can tell how you’re feeling just by looking at your face -Refers to you as his God/Goddess -Whenever he actually calls you by your name, he says it like it’s the most beautiful word in his language -A wonderful orator; can speak to crowds of any size with ease -Has a lot of ideas for changing the world, and likes to discuss them with you all the time -You are immensely important to him; he can’t properly start his day without either seeing your face or hearing your voice -Travels to a lot of unique places, loves to take you along with him -You’re one of the few people he’ll ask (and take) advice from *Bonus: Team Taka* Sasuke -Endured a lot of personal tragedies in his life; therefore is often very closed-up -Earning his trust takes some time, but once you have it, you’ll never lose it -Thinks you’re beautiful/handsome but doesn’t know how to tell you; you catch him just staring at you a lot -Not much of a sense of humor but will always smile at your jokes -Won’t give much physical affection while you’re awake, but likes to cuddle you/stroke your hair while you sleep -Random periods of anxiety where he needs you to sit next to him and talk to him until he calms down -Travels a lot for his work; has difficulty being away from you for long periods of time but tries hard to hide this -Talks a lot about starting a family someday; makes little off-handed comments about how you’d make a great mother/father -Not much of a people person; will remain quietly beside you in social situations but rarely say anything unless asked a direct question Karin -MAJOR Tsundere alert -Extremely loyal; will be by your side no matter what craziness you suggest -Had a difficult childhood so has trouble trusting others/accepting
people’s intentions at face-value
-Highly intelligent; will debate you over literally anything (and almost always win)
-Has a very nurturing side, and will take care of you better than the finest hospital should you ever get sick or injured
-Not much of a cook so will stick with making the 2-3 dishes that she CAN prepare well
-Doesn’t think she’s attractive so will react with suspicion to any form of a compliment
-Is somewhat of a workaholic and sometimes has to be forced to rest/take a day off and relax once in a while
-Not one to give you PDA around other people, but alone is a VERY different story
-You’ve literally never seen him without a water bottle nearby; even when he’s sleeping there will be 6-7 on his nightstand
-Huge fan of swimming; would spend all day in the lake or at the pool if he could
-Was isolated a lot as a child, therefore doesn’t have the best people skills and can be a little socially awkward
-Timid about showing you affection, but always likes to keep an arm around you in public as a means of protection
-Doesn’t seem like it but is actually a very skilled martial artist fighter; loves when you watch him work out and practice his moves
-His job is stressful, so when he needs to unwind he will always come straight to you
-The type to immediately notice a change in your hairstyle, or if you’re wearing a different scent
-Brings you flowers or a stuffed animal practically every other day
-Your laugh is his absolute favorite thing in the entire world, so will constantly be thinking of new jokes to keep you going
-Gentle giant
-Seriously this man is tall enough to be a tree
-Has worked tirelessly on controlling his anger issues
-Feels more comfortable around animals than people; will spend a whole party just sitting in corner talking to the dog
-Had a difficult past and issues trusting people; takes some time for him to fully trust you
-The more he trusts you, the more he opens up to you
-Can easily pick you up and likes to do so frequently
-Uneasy sleeper; will wake up constantly to check that you’re still there/safe beside him
-A single touch from you can calm him when he’s upset, so he prefers you accompany him to things that he might find stressful
-Works out a lot; likes when you join him but constantly worried that you’ll hurt yourself
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Les Misérables
Les Misérables - 10th Anniversary: The Dream Cast In Concert - October, 1995 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Colm Wilkinson (Jean Valjean), Philip Quast (Javert), Ruthie Henshall (Fantine), Judy Kuhn (Cosette), Michael Ball (Marius), Lea Salonga (Éponine), Michael Maguire (Enjolras), Alun Armstrong (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Adam Searles (Gavroche), Hannah Chick (Little Cosette), Paul F Monaghan (The Bishop), Anthony Crivello (Grantaire), David Bardsley (Combeferre), Matt Cammelle (Feuilly), Jérôme Pradon (Courfeyrac), Peter Polycarpou (Jean Prouvaire), Darryl Knock (Joly), Mike Sterling (Lesgles), Nick Holder (Brujon), Tony Timberlake (Babet), Stephen Matthews (Claquesous), Keith Burns (Montparnasse), Michael McCarthy (Factory Foreman), Jackie Marks (Factory Girl), Gareth Snook (Bamatabois), Andy Reiss (Pimp), Peter Polycarpou (Labourer), Glyn Kerslake (Constables), Beverly Klein (Old Woman), Christopher Howard (Loud Hailer), Halcro Johnston (Farmer), Adrian Beaumont, Alasdair Harvey, Alistair Robins, Allan Hardman, Annette Yeo, Cameron Stewart, Charles Shirvell, Christopher Coleman, Claire Machin, Claudia Bradley, Cliff Brayshaw, Craig Schulman, Danny Coll, David Alder, David Arneil, David Delve, David Malek, David Shannon, Egill Olaffson, Ellen Jackson, Fenton Gray, Gerard Leighton-Duffy, Glenn Carter, Grania Renihan, Gyula Vikidál, Hadrian Delacey, Helen Hobson, Henk Poort, Irene Warren, James Barron, James Head, Jan Ježek, Jeff Leyton, Jerzy Jeszke, Joanne Redman, Jody Crosier, John Barr, John Owen-Jones, Julia Howson, Julia Worsley, Krzysztof Stasierowicz, Kurt Ravn, Linda-Mae Brewer, Lynden Edwards, Mario Frangoulis, Mark Turnbull, Mark White, Martin George, Martin Scott Warden, Matthew Gould, Matthew White, Michael Burgess, Michael Cantwell, Myra Sands, Neil Couperthwaite, Nicholas Pound, Nicola Sloane, Norma Atallah, Paul Baker, Paula Simpson, Peter Ledbury, Phil Cavill, Philip Cox, Rebecca Storm, Rebecca Thornhill, Reinhard Brussmann, Richard Burman, Rob Guest, Robert Marien, Sara West, Sarah Hay, Steve Balsamo, Susie Fenwick, Takeshi Kaga, Tommy Körberg, Tricia Deighton, Øystein Wiik NOTES: Features key performers from the original Broadway and London casts like Colm Wilkinson, Phillip Quast and Lea Salonga. Includes the encore performance featuring 17 Valjeans from various productions. Les Misérables - 25th Anniversary Concert Live At The O2 - October 3, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Katie Hall (Cosette), Nick Jonas (Marius), Samantha Barks (Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Robert Madge (Gavroche), Mia Jenkins (Little Cosette), Earl Carpenter (The Bishop), Hadley Fraser (Grantaire), Jonathan Williams (Combeferre), Owain Williams (Feuilly), Killian Donnelly (Courfeyrac), Alistair Brammer (Jean Prouvaire), Jamie Muscato (Joly), Edward Baruwa (Lesgles), Phil Snowden (Brujon), Stephen Tate (Babet), Tony Timberlake (Claquesous), Keith Burns (Montparnasse), Jeff Nicholson (Factory Foreman), Grainne Renihan (Factory Girl), Valda Aviks (Crone), Cameron Blakely (Bamatabois), Peter Polycarpou (Pimp) Les Misérables - Asia Tour - June 2, 2016 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Simon Gleeson (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Patrice Tipoki (Fantine), Emily Langridge (Cosette), Paul Wilkins (Marius), Kerrie Anne Greenland (Éponine), Chris Durling (Enjolras), David McDonald (Thénardier), Jennifer Butt (Madame Thénardier), Austyn Myers (Gavroche), Rachel Schier (Little Cosette) NOTES: On My Own, Upon These Stones, Bring Him Home and two angles of the same One Day More Les Misérables - Dallas - August 2, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Nehal Joshi (Jean Valjean), Edward Watts (Javert), Allison Blackwell (Fantine), Dorcas Leung (Cosette), Justin Keyes (Marius), Elizabeth Judd (Éponine), John Campione (Enjolras), Steven Michael Walters (Thénardier), Christia Mantzke (Madame Thénardier) NOTES: A great capture of Dallas Theatre Center’s inventively staged production of Les Miserables. The much-talked about production did not disappoint; the modernized visuals create many new layers to the show, and make you think about events and characters in a whole new way. Nehal, Allison, Justin, and Christia were probably my favorites, but the entire cast is so talented, it’s difficult to choose any as standouts. A very nice capture overall. There are a couple quick dropouts in act one, but no major blackouts. There is one head that can be seen occasionally, but it only blocks a small portion of the stage and only affects the action for about 20-30 seconds of the entire show. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent as usual. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. Les Misérables - Duisburg - 1996 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jerzy Jeszke (Jean Valjean), Hardy Rudolz (Javert), Cornelia Drese (Fantine), Deborah Dutcher (Cosette), Felix Martin (Marius), Sanni Luis (Éponine), Martin Berger (Enjolras), Tom Zahner (Thénardier), Anne Welte (Madame Thénardier), Willi Welp (The Bishop) Les Misérables - Dutch Revival - Spring, 2008 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: René van Kooten (Jean Valjean), Wim van den Driessche (Javert), Nurlaila Karim (Fantine), Suzan Seegers (Cosette), Jamai Loman (Marius), Céline Purcell (Éponine), Freek Bartels (Enjolras), Gerben Grimmius (u/s Thénardier), Marjolein Algera (Madame Thénardier) NOTES: Complete show, Amateur capture A, Double dvd Les Misérables - Fifth National Tour - October 5, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Josh Davis (Javert), Mary Kate Moore (Fantine), Jillian Butler (Cosette), Joshua Grosso (Marius), Paige Smallwood (Éponine), Matt Shingledecker (Enjolras), J Anthony Crane (Thénardier), Allison Guinn (Madame Thénardier), Sam Middleton (Gavroche),��Cate Elefante (u/s Little Cosette), Matt Moisey (Grantaire), Monte J Howell (Combeferre), Tim Quartier (s/w Feuilly), Christopher Viljoen (Courfeyrac), Patrick Rooney (Jean Prouvaire), Gabriel Sidney Brown (Joly), Andrew Maughan (Lesgles), Felipe Barbosa Bombonato (Babet), John Ambrosino (Claquesous), Steve Czarnecki (Factory Foreman), Ashley Dawn Mortensen (Factory Girl), John Ambrosino (Bamatabois) Les Misérables - First Broadway Revival - November 11, 2006 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Victor Hawks (u/s Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Éponine), Aaron Lazar (Enjolras), Gary Beach (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Jacob Levine (Gavroche), Drew Sarich (Grantaire) NOTES: A nice capture here of Victor as Valjean. The capture is a little on the dark side, but still enjoyable. Les Misérables - First Broadway Revival - February 17, 2007 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alexander Gemignani (Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Éponine), Drew Sarich (u/s Enjolras), Gary Beach (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Jacob Levine (Gavroche) NOTES: A really nice video of the first broadway revival. Widescreen. Cleaned up nicely in remastering. And it has Sarich. Les Misérables - First Broadway Revival - May 12, 2007 (Matinee) (jstarz's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alexander Gemignani (Jean Valjean), Drew Sarich (u/s Javert), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Mandy Bruno (Éponine), Max von Essen (Enjolras), Gary Beach (Thénardier), Ann Harada (Madame Thénardier), Stephen Trafton (u/s Grantaire) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen (though encoded in 4:3, so there are bars at the top and bottom of the screen), this is a nice capture of some of the new cast members. Drew and Ann give great performances in their roles. The second disc also includes the first 15 minutes of the February 24, 2007 Evening show, filmed from the rear right orchestra. Les Misérables - First Broadway Revival - June 1, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alexander Gemignani (Jean Valjean), Ben Davis (Javert), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Marissa McGowan (Éponine), Max von Essen (Enjolras), Gary Beach (Thénardier), Ann Harada (Madame Thénardier) Les Misérables - First Broadway Revival - August 24, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Jean Valjean), Robert Hunt (Javert), Nikki Renée Daniels (u/s Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Megan McGinnis (Éponine), Max von Essen (Enjolras), Chip Zien (Thénardier), Becca Ayers (u/s Madame Thénardier), Brian D'Addario (Gavroche) NOTES: Some nice closeups/mediums. A nice capture of the new cast. Capture can be dark at times, but mostly in the darker scenes. Includes a technical difficulty when the Barricades first come out, the show is stopped and includes the announcement.. A- Les Misérables - Fourth UK & Ireland Tour - January, 2019 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Killian Donnelly (Jean Valjean), Nic Greenshields (Javert), Katie Hall (Fantine), Bronwen Hanson (Cosette), Harry Apps (Marius), Tegan Bannister (Éponine), Will Richardson (Enjolras), Martin Ball (Thénardier), Sophie-Louise Dann (Madame Thénardier) Les Misérables - Hollywood Bowl - August 9, 2008 FORMAT:  WMV (HD) CAST: J Mark McVey (Jean Valjean), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Javert), Melora Hardin (Fantine), Michele Maika (Cosette), John Lloyd Young (Marius), Lea Michele (Éponine), Tom Lowe (Enjolras), Sage Ryan (Gavroche) NOTES: J. Mark McVey, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Lea Michele, Melora Hardin, John Lloyd Young, Michele Maika, Michael McCormick, Tom Lowe, Ruth Williamson. Juni's master filmed in widescreen and can be a little shakey at times in tight zooms. Nice to see the audience version compared to the Proshot one. A- Les Misérables - Japan - 1997
FORMAT: video |  TRADER'S NOTES: Looking for a replacement link CAST: Yuichiro Yamaguchi (Jean Valjean), Mayo Kawasaki (Javert), Hiromi Iwasaki (Fantine), Yu Hayami (Cosette), Kazukata Ishii (Marius), Minako Honda (Éponine), Kojiro Oka (Enjolras), Yukio Yamagata (Thénardier), Bibari Maeda (Madame Thénardier) NOTES: Yamaguchi’s first of fourteen year as Valjean. Les Misérables - Madrid - 1993 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pedro Ruy Blas (Jean Valjean), Miguel del Arco (Javert), Gema Castaño (Fantine), Luisa Torres (Cosette), Carlos Marín (Marius), Margarita Marbán (Éponine), Enrique R del Portal (Enjolras), Francisco La Hoz (Thénardier), Connie Philip (Madame Thénardier) Les Misérables - Madrid Revival - July 14, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gerónimo Rauch (Jean Valjean), David Ordinas (Javert), Virginia Carmona (Fantine), Talía del Val (Cosette), Guido Balzaretti (Marius), Lydia Fairén (Éponine), Daniel Diges (Enjolras), Enrique R del Portal (Thénardier) NOTES: Multi-Camera proshot Les Misérables - Netherlands - 1991/1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Henk Poort (Jean Valjean), Ernst Daniël Smid (Javert), Pia Douwes (Fantine), Marika Lansen (u/s Cosette), Danny de Munk (Marius), Vera Mann (Éponine), Uwe Kröger (u/s Enjolras), Filip Bolluyt (u/s Thénardier), Simone Kleinsma (Madame Thénardier), Maya Hakvoort, Peter de Smet NOTES: This video starts with the Les Mis flag and the last scene is a close-up. Les Misérables - Paris - 1991 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Robert Marien (Jean Valjean), Patrick Rocca (Javert), Marie Zamora (Cosette), Jérôme Pradon (Marius), Stéphanie Martin (Éponine), Julien Combey (Enjolras), Laurent Gendron (Thénardier), Marie-France Roussel (Madame Thénardier) NOTES: Act 1 + finale of act 2. This is 100% NOT Louise Pitre playing Fantine Les Misérables - Second Broadway Revival - March 1, 2014 (Preview) (Highlights) (where is your red schaaaf's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche) NOTES: First preview. It includes most of the show. Loud excited audience. Blind shot from stage right third row, with no zooms. Keala Settle sprained her ankle at some point between The Robbery and One Day More, resulting in her not being in One Day More and using a cane during Wedding Chorale/Beggars at the Feast. Les Misérables - Second Broadway Revival - March 8, 2014 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche) NOTES: Audience was full of excitement! The last 20 seconds are missing from the very end due to battery issues Les Misérables - Second Broadway Revival - August 21, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nathaniel Hackmann (u/s Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Mia Sinclair Jenness (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Éponine), Adam Monley (The Bishop) NOTES: A fantastic capture of this lavish production. It’s refreshing to see different faces in the lead roles, and both Nathaniel and Earl carry the show well. Nathaniel’s vocals are powerful and he has a great rapport with Caissie and Samantha. A lovely capture overall with no obstruction. Look Down is mostly blacked out and there are a couple quick dropouts during The Bishop scene and Lovely Ladies, but the show is otherwise fully intact. There is also some washout in high contrast wide shots. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. Les Misérables - Second Broadway Revival - July 1, 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), John Rapson (u/s Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Melissa Mitchell (u/s Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Joe Spieldenner (Grantaire), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Combeferre) NOTES: Act I begins at "The Runaway Cart" and nearly complete Act II. Some obstructions, but audio is quite good. Rapson's last Javert. Les Misérables - Spanish Tour - December 21, 2013 (House-Cam's master)
FORMAT: video CAST: Nicholas Martinelli (Jean Valjean), Ignasi Vidal (Javert), Elena Medina (Fantine), Talía del Val (Cosette), Guido Balzeratti (Marius), Lydia Fairén (Éponine), Manu Pilas (u/s Enjolras), Armando Pita (Thénardier), Eva Digo (Madame Thénardier), Samuel Gomez (Grantaire) Les Misérables - Tecklenburg - 2006 (1) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Chris Murray (Jean Valjean), Marc Clear (Javert), Jana Werner (Fantine), Barbara Köhler (Éponine) NOTES: Different from the other video of this production; multicam proshot. Definitely a different performance too.  
Les Misérables - Third UK (25th Anniversary) Tour - June 20, 2010 (thewho's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Owen-Jones (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Madalena Alberto (Fantine), Katie Hall (Cosette), Luke Kempner (u/s Marius), Rosalind James (Éponine), Jon Robyns (Enjolras), Ashley Artus (Thénardier), Lynne Wilmott (Madame Thénardier), Jordi Clark (Gavroche), David Lawrence (The Bishop), Adam Linstead (Grantaire), David Covey (Combeferre), Owain Williams (Feuilly), Christopher Jacobsen (Courfeyrac), Rhidian Marc (Joly), David Lawrence (Lesgles), Carl Mullaney (Claquesous), Carl Mullaney (Bamatabois) NOTES: Act 1 starts at At The End of the Day, Act 2 starts at Drink with me. okay quality though blurry and shaky throughout. Les Misérables - Third UK (25th Anniversary) Tour - September 17, 2010 (thewho's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christopher Jacobsen (u/s Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Madalena Alberto (Fantine), Katie Hall (Cosette), Gareth Gates (Marius), Rosalind James (Éponine), Jon Robyns (Enjolras), Ashley Artus (Thénardier), Lynne Wilmott (Madame Thénardier), David Lawrence (The Bishop), Adam Linstead (Grantaire), David Covey (Combeferre), Owain Williams (Feuilly), Peter Manchester (u/s Courfeyrac), Jamie Muscato (Jean Prouvaire), Rhidian Marc (Joly), David Lawrence (Lesgles), Luke Kempner (Montparnasse) NOTES: Barbican Center Theatre, London. First time in history two same productions of a major musical played in the same city. Les Misérables - West End - May 9, 1987 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Martin Smith (u/s Jean Valjean), Clive Carter (Javert), Kathleen Rowe McAllen (Fantine), Jacinta Mulcahy (Cosette), Maurice Clarke (u/s Marius), Jayne Draper (Éponine), Martin George (Enjolras), David Delve (Thénardier), Myra Sand (Madame Thénardier), Cameron Stewart (u/s Grantaire) NOTES: Commonly mistaken as December 28, 1988! Martin Smith was part of the West End cast for 6 months starting December 1986, and the non-circulated first-generation DVD labels the date as 1987/05/09. Les Misérables - West End - December 28, 1991 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stig Rossen (Jean Valjean), Paul Leonard (Javert), Jenna Russell (Fantine), Sarah Jane Hassell (Cosette), Daryll Winslow (Marius), Meredith Braun (Éponine), Mike Sterling (u/s Enjolras), David Hampshire (u/s The Bishop), Amanda Dainty (u/s Factory Girl) NOTES: Black and white. Audio is nice and clear. A more rare color version does exist. (Proof: https://youtu.be/KI_KHnLwk_k) Les Misérables - West End - May 6, 2006 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tim Godwin (u/s Jean Valjean), Cornell John (Javert), Kerry Ellis (Fantine), Julia Möller (Cosette), Hayden Tee (Marius), AJ Callaghan (u/s Éponine), Nolan Dark (u/s Enjolras), Barry James (Thénardier), Tracie Bennett (Madame Thénardier) NOTES: Taper’s comments: Amanda and Nolan are better than the principles and Tim sounds uncannily like JOJ (Home Counties accent not-withstanding). He first understudied in 1999, when JOJ was the principal, which may explain the similarity. About half of the Chain Gang song missing and filming starts in earnest during Valjean on parole. Other parts missed because of ushers include several random one-second cover-ups, part of the wedding and about half of Finale. Heads in the way sometimes block the action on the lower right of the stage, but they are shot around well. Vantage point provides some interesting views such as of Fantine during Lovely Ladies. Wonderful performances from the entire cast but especially then soon-to-be-Elphaba Kerry Ellis. Les Misérables - West End - September 19, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Daniel Koek (Jean Valjean), James Gant (u/s Javert), Na-Young Jeon (Fantine), Samantha Dorsey (Cosette), Rob Houchen (Marius), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Éponine), Anton Zetterholm (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Wendy Ferguson (Madame Thénardier), Ilan Galkoff (Gavroche), Caoimhe Judd (Little Cosette) Les Misérables - West End - June 14, 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Daniel Koek (Jean Valjean), Tam Mutu (Javert), Na-Young Jeon (Fantine), Samantha Dorsey (Cosette), Dougie Carter (Marius), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Éponine), Anton Zetterholm (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Wendy Ferguson (Madame Thénardier), Carl Mullaney (Grantaire) NOTES: Final performance of the 2013/14 cast Les Misérables - West End - July 9, 2015 (Highlights) (musicalmania123's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Peter Lockyer (Jean Valjean), Jeremy Secomb (Javert), Rachelle Ann Go (Fantine), Zoe Doano (Cosette), Rob Houchen (Marius), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Éponine), Bradley Jaden (Enjolras), Phil Daniels (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier) NOTES: Highlights only. Most of Act 1 and first 20 minutes of Act 2. Les Misérables - West End - May, 2011 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jonathan Williams (u/s Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Rebecca Seale (Fantine), AJ Callaghan (u/s Cosette), Gareth Gates (Marius), Samantha Barks (Éponine), Killian Donnelly (Enjolras), Martin Ball (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier) Les Misérables - West End - Spring, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chris Holland (u/s Jean Valjean), Tam Mutu (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Samantha Dorsey (Cosette), Jamie Ward (Marius), Danielle Hope (Éponine), Christopher Jacobsen (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Vicky Entwistle (Madame Thénardier) NOTES: Please make sure your copy isn't September 19, 2013!
14 notes · View notes
tomorrowusa · 3 years
[T]he Democrats can’t fuck it up. They have to make the Republicans own that insurrection every day. They have to pound it. They have to call bookers on cable news shows. They have to get people to write op-eds. There will be all kinds of investigations and stories dripping out for god knows how long, and the Democrats should spend every day tying all of it to the Republican Party. They can’t sit back and wait for it to happen.   Hell, just imagine if it was a bunch of nonwhite people who stormed the Capitol. Imagine how Republicans would exploit that and make every news cycle about how the Dems are responsible for it. Every political debate would be about that. The Republicans would bludgeon the Democrats with it forever.   So whatever you think Republicans would do to us in that scenario, that’s exactly what the hell we need to do them.
Democratic strategist James Carville at Vox.
Exactly. Democrats can’t let Republicans evade responsibility for the January 6th US Capitol insurrection by pro-Trump terrorists. When you have a message you want to sink in, you keep repeating it.
Advertisers know that repetition works. Republicans have no trouble understanding that. Unfortunately many Democrats have difficulty with this concept. If you have something important to say then you repeat it; and then you repeat it some more. If people start dreaming about your talking point then you have probably repeated it sufficiently.
By coincidence, the first guilty verdict related to the events of last January is in.
New York Man Found Guilty of Threatening Democrats After Capitol Riot
Strictly speaking, pro-Trump loser Brendan Hunt wasn’t at the Capitol on January 6th, but he published videos urging his followers to kill Democratic members of Congress – something the January 6th crowd was unable to do. Hunt declared, “If anybody has a gun, give me it. I’ll go there myself and shoot them and kill them.” He had been making assorted threats since December 6th last year.
Hunt’s choice of reading material included Mein Kampf and the manifesto of white supremacist mass murderer Dylann Roof. This guy is thoroughly fascist.
The Department of Justice put out this statement about the conviction.
Hunt now faces up to ten years in prison. Let’s hope he gets the max and that Trump joins him before long.
Kudos to Assistant United States Attorneys David K. Kessler, Ian C. Richardson, and Francisco J. Navarro who successfully prosecuted Hunt.
5 notes · View notes
akimmito · 4 years
Heroes are made by the path they choose
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Chapter 4
Chloe Bourgeois is not having a good day, the National Assembly has spent the whole morning discussing the mayor's ridiculous decisions regarding the orders given to the MT and, indirectly, to the heroes regarding the danger of the new villain.
She's the youngest member of the 577 deputies that make up The National Assembly of the French Parliament, having the minimum age to enter the elections and having demonstrated her worth, far from the stigma of her father as mayor, she won a position. And she has been doing everything possible for the good of France (especially Paris, with the miraculous butterfly still loose).
The arrival of the first Akuma in seven years shocked the entire country. She knows the senate must be chaos too and not to say the presidency, she can only imagine the Elisha Palace on fire with everyone screaming as they run in all directions… Or, a similar scene, many adults almost yelling in panic while pretending not to panic. It's good that the meeting is held in private.
Which brings it back to the real reason for the whole discussion, since the events with Hawkmoth, the French Government has been more involved in what happens (which should have been from the beginning being because is the capital of the country) and they have been active in trying to laws allow arrest for embezzling the use of a prodigy (leading to a long list of crimes). And when she joined, she did her magic and started talking about a way to prevent someone from using the prodigies to misuse, making the MT an organization recognized by the Government for the protection of Paris (therefore, the heroes also have that faculty to be treated as part of a whole) and of France as a whole; they have access to the government, the MT is above the police in power to enforce the law, but always maintaining its independent character (not that someone should know it and she has said nothing, all to prevent Marinette from giving an attack for that).
The entire process involved each State Institution and lasted four months; it was stressful, but two months later, everything is going smoothly and the news no longer mentions prodigies, evidence of jewel magic and any non-butterfly mentions have been removed. Additionally, anyone posting information about the prodigies will face legal charges accordingly.
The only requirement for this was to provide a list of the official members (they didn't ask for identities knowing that it's dangerous), both teams gave their members and it was recently updated with the inclusion of Thuban.
Everyone is aware of the mayor's request and she's smirking, that inept is worse than her father. Ask the MT not to investigate a dangerous criminal who in just one day of his appearance caused at least a hundred deaths with her first Akuma? That the cure of Rakkīgāru (official name since last night, after making it clear that Ladybug is not a cloak with an immovable name) brings everything to its former state does not exonerate the murder.
France designed a maximum underground security prison protected with safeguards similar to those of the MT headquarters, where the most violent criminals are sent (so that they don't become weapons of the new criminal). Unfortunately the safeguards can't be put in all of Paris or they would start to cancel each other, so they use them for the important thing. Suzaku, who is Marinette's vigilant identity, is in charge of all the processes.
But going back to the important thing, she hopes that a new law will be created or the status of the MT within France will be made public.
She, of course, understands Felix and Marinette's plan. Agreeing not to investigate is another way to investigate while relaxing from active work because they went so far to say that the patrols are canceled for the entire week and if they ask, it was the mayor. And it was the two days of silence that led the vice president of the country that morning to send a message to the MT (something funny, if they ask her, just two days and they worry) and, therefore, to find out that the mayor asked them without giving an explanation (said by Corvus, Felix was very specific with his concerns about it and that they didn't want to cause problems with the government). That generated all the meetings she knows are happening.
At lunchtime, she escapes to the MT in search of Marinette or Felix, to tell her about government disaster they caused, to discover that the demonic blonde is in Romania supervising the recording of a movie and that Marinette went to her country house. Oh well, she can tell they after the chaos comes to an end. The only thing she finds is Kagami being hugged by Luka to appease her anger, a gracefully adorable image in her eyes.
Alizee @AlizeeShin_
In my opinion, the government has reacted well to the return of the butterfly. I lived in Paris nine years ago and the government then did nothing. Good for us!
Elliot Renault @Elliot_Renault
The MT has been silent since the Akuma appeared, they have not been seen on the streets or on the roofs. The Government is treating the matter as the problem that it is, since today the institutions were in full swing and surely we will soon have news about it.
Chloe B. @QueenBourgeois
I need urgent vacations, a break from all this madness would be good. I 'm sure that all of Paris has the same desire.
Michel J. Laforet @LaforetLeGrand_
Such a scandal about a man, perhaps the heroes are not so heroic. They only accumulate failures.
Chloe B. @QueenBourgeois
@LaforetLeGrand Soon, all of Paris will know that it was your father, the ridicule that she asked the MT not to investigate, today at 8:00 pm on the National Chain;) ___________________
As the French Parliament catches fire figuratively and almost literally, Marinette is engaged in her little investigative work on the Mayor of Paris and his son, especially his creepy son, still remembering that he had to deter Damian, five months ago, from assaulting his home and murdering him (using methods intended to cause the greatest physical pain as he dies) for harassing her during a party (which they went to just because Chloe took them). Damian was ready to pounce on Michel with the first sharp thing in hand when he saw him put a hand on her butt; in the end, it was Felix who sent him flying politely with an explicit threat in his words.
"Mother, you are still working..." Damian is not happy, especially when he sees the face of the man who dared to lay hands on his mother without his consent (man who should be dead). He doesn't understand why she investigates them.
"I'm just curious, Pierre Laforet doesn't seem like the type who would want to sabotage our work."
"Yeah, Michel Laforet doesn't seem like a sexual depraved either, and I'm sure he's capable of raping a poor defenseless lady." There is poison in his words, he still wants to see him writhe in agony as life slowly leaves him. No man has the right to approach his mother with such impure thoughts.
"Could be..." She replies distractedly, reading on the surface, if she want to go deeper into them, she must do it from the MT.
"Mother, let's play with the dogs. They are happy to see you, too. ”Damian tightens her shirt sleeve to get her attention, not that he enjoys acting like the ten-year-old he is, but his mother needs a break from everything that stresses her out.
"Uh, fine." She closes the laptop and agrees to go out and play with the dogs, which are huge and knock her down as soon as she goes out into the yard, as a bonus, they also do it with Damian and the two ofthem are being overwhelmed with doggy love for four adult dogs, two puppies and a black cat (which is like a miniature dog for being raised by the two German Shepherds), Dafne only watches from the bottom in disgust.
Hugo watches everything from the kitchen window, listening slightly to Marinette's laughter and Damian's humorous complaints. The employees whisper beside her about how excitable canines are with their owners.
Those little happy moments are necessary to face the difficulties that arise and enjoy them to the best of your ability.
Violet @SilkenLavanda
There was an explosion in or near the Louvre... I can see the fire from here. I doubt it's an Akuma...
Paris News @ParisNewsTWT
An explosion is reported around the Louvre Museum, people are invited to keep their distance. Authorities confirm that the cause was a bomb, two fatalities and eleven wounded. More information in the 6 o'clock newsletter.
Max K. @ MaxKan_Tech
What was missing…
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nightcoremoon · 3 years
I'm replaying Old World Blues with some mods, and I don't mean any crazy shit like replacing the roboscorpions with thomas the tank engine or fully automatic fatmans with infinite ammo or anything like that, just some skybox & lighting improvements so the nights are actually pitch black with stars overhead, high quality texture packs, the ability to see your own body while in first person, sprint using AP, menus showing more than just 6 items at a time, anti crash, stutter remover, flashlights, higher hardcore tics (so you actually need to sleep eat drink etc at normal times), difficulty readjustments (it's skyrim's legendary, which is 1 step higher than fallout's very hard), more crafting recipes so half the shit you pick up isn't just completely worthless anymore (like literally 75% of food items), inventory sorter (so aid is sorted by what's a food, a drink, a chem, medical, etc, misc is sorted by what's ammo crafting or mods or quest items, etc, ideally I'd have something that separates guns melee and explosives but it's fine), rebelancing tweaks in general, and like a billion extra cool dungeons. anyway I remembered just what makes OWB my favorite DLC and it's the sheer openness and ability to do whatever you want whenever and in whichever order, the incredible writing both in the characters and in the environmental storytelling and tying in with both dead money and lonesome road, the awesome exclusive loot, the location itself, and the presence of an actual boss battle at the end, plus completely different ending sequences based on whether you actually did everything or not incentivizing you to fully explore everything.
of course it's not perfect. three times so far I've been walking with no red tics in sight and then suddenly at 5 & 8 BOOM have 6 nightstalkers 5 cazadooors~ 4 lobotomites 3 pig dogs 2 sentry bots and a partridge in a pear tree inside your ass. a lot of bad collision data, poor geometry, dumb invisible walls, excruciatingly stupid AI, and other bethesdaisms plague the overall experience. and really if I didn't cheat my max carry weight to be 10000 more than it should be (because fuck carry weight, it's such a dumb archaic system that I refuse to take part in in any 3D shooter-RPG; if they wanted me to use a limited inventory system, they'd have an attaché case, like deus ex) it would be worse because I'd have to go back and forth between each dungeon several times just to get all of the scrap metal, duct tape, ammo, and drops for repairs every single time because j sawyer only wanted you to carry 60 lbs TOTAL and only begrudgingly let us have 160 instead. if dark souls got rid of the item burden and it's supposed to be the shining example of RPG realism of the 2010s then I DONT WANNA FUCKIN HEAR IT FROM PEOPLE WHINING I "CHEATED".
however even with what few issues remain after fixing the shit out of it with a million mods it's still one of the most genuinely enjoyable experiences in a video game I've ever had. and I've not even talked to my own brain yet.
and when I'm done with that, now that I've done honest hearts, dead money, lonesome road, and finally old world blues, I can just fast travel back to goodsprings and talk to sunny smiles and start the game from the beginning with one very important detail. I nuked both the NCR and the Legion before even leaving Doc Mithell's house in accordance to the game's canon. I have only ever gone the NCR route, and now they will all shoot me on sight. this is going to be FUN.
I love new vegas, best game ever made 11/10 and if you disagree with me you're wrong
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Churchill “Church” Darling → Michael B. Jordan, Anthony Mackie, Zoe Kravitz, and Alfie Enoch → Human Shifter
→ Basic Information
Age: 298
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: February 28
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Religion: Deism
→ His Personality Churchill has never been one to overshare. He’s got a way with making friends with almost anyone and an ability to talk his way out of any problems, but few reach past that surface and into the well that is Churchill Darling. He holds almost no connections to his past, and has crafted an identity as someone who could 35 or 500. Church gives off an attitude of fearing nothing; and for much of his life it was the truth. He murdered and cheated others for decades in Paris, taking over rich men’s lives to make his fortune. Churchill often felt invincible in those days, which carries into his personality. For the majority of his life he has preferred to remain unattached to both his biological family and to whatever Human Shifter Family he is living with.
That has begun to change somewhat recently. He’s found himself taking younger members of the Family under his wing. He has also begun to make friends with people outside of the family like Max Vanes. This may have something to do with his promotion to 2nd of the Family a few years back. He was initially very hesitant to take it, especially since it cemented him staying in the city for a while. It’s given him a purpose he didn’t have previously and has helped him become less selfish. He still holds a strong cynical streak however and enjoys the aspects of lying and embracing another personality.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: 2nd of the Human Shifters and Forensic Computer Analyst
Scars: Depends on Shifter
Tattoos: Depends on Shifter
Two Likes: Multilingualism and The city at night
Two Dislikes: Bill Gates and Electrocution
Two Fears: Being Harvested and Guillotines
Two Hobbies: People Watching and Computer Science
Three Positive Traits: Headstrong, Dedicated, Fearless
Three Negative Traits: Deceptive, Unobtrusive, Cynical
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Aufondet Leclair (Father): Churchill’s father was a murderous cheat who made a habit of stealing other human shifters’ faces. He managed to find Churchill in Paris despite the numerous face changes, and it was there that Church took him out to avoid having his secret exposed to the residing supernaturals of Paris.
Ermelina De Saint-Pierre (Mother): Churchill’s mother was the oldest human shifter in their Family. They resided primarily in the French countryside and had a village entirely made up of human shifters. Churchill left soon after turning 20, seeking a life far away from any human shifters. Ermelina is apparently still alive, though Church hasn’t spoken to his mother since he left France.
Sibling Names:
Tola De Saint-Pierre (Sister): From what Church has heard throughout the years is that Tola took over much of the roles his mother once had when she decided to retire. He has not spoken to Tola since he left France.
Mahalt De Saint-Pierre (Sister): Mahalt briefly stayed in Chicago during the 1950s. Throughout her time here, Churchill said nothing of who he was or their relation. She married a member of Patch’s original clan and moved away.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
None - None of his previous partners made much of an impact on him.
Platonic Connections:
Jev “Patch” Cipriano (Best Friend): Church and Patch enjoy finding trouble. They have the same relaxed, chilled out attitude and sense of humor. Church trusts Patch completely, and he is one of the few who knows parts of his past. They live together in an apartment downtown.
Robert J. Fischer (Best Friend): Church and Robert clicked as soon as they met unexpectedly. While their histories are nowhere near the same, they both enjoyed taking faces and living as the person they wear. Robert, Churchill, Vincent and Patch all shared one apartment until recently, when Robert was tasked with running for mayor.
Vincent Kane (Best Friend): Vincent and Churchill have known each other for approximately 180 years. They have formed a bond stronger than most people, and he is one of the few who knows parts of Church’s past. They live together in an apartment downtown.
Sirius Cobic (Old Friend):  Churchill has a lot of difficulty being tied down. He ran away from his Family as a young man, and hasn’t ever fully been as connected to other human shifters until recently. Much of that is due to Sirius’s leadership and willingness to let him be who he is. Sirius doesn’t infantilize him and respects the fact that he can protect himself.
Adelaide Blanchett (New Friend): Addie is one of the human shifters Church has found himself taking under his wing. She’s smart and has a way of working a room, however Church sees a similar edge under it all and knows that Addie has a history and wants to know it. He likes her, and hopes to get her to join the IT department after she quits being a lawyer.
Darren Shaw (Friendly): Darren regularly goes out with Winston, Churchill, and Douglas. They aren’t close, but they get along well.
Winston Abioye (Good Friend): Doug, Winston, and Church have formed their own group. All of them willing to go passed the line to do what needs to be done. Church helped take down the Jenkins family with Winston and Doug. Churchill is also the godfather to his son, Tafari.
Douglas Gish (Good Friend): Doug, Winston, and Church have formed their own group. All of them willing to go passed the line to do what needs to be done. Church is one of the few that gets the occasional glimpse behind Douglas’s persona.
Kate Brooks (Friendly): Church works with Kate occasionally, and has been brought in by Patch to hook her up with Ryan. He likes her, but thinks that she’s too smart for her own good; he can easily see her figuring out that her coworkers are not human.
Ryan Cleirigh (Friend): Patch introduced Church and Ryan, and he found that he clicked instantly with him as well. Church is a regular on the podcast, and a part of the scheme to get Ryan a girlfriend.
Max Vanes (Friendly Informant): Church likes Max, but can’t help but be suspicious of her intentions, especially when he’s seen who she goes home to. He’s approaching the idea with an open mind, but is holding her at arms length.
Art Milligan Jr (Friend): Arthur and Church have a shared love of darker nights and activities away from the usual ‘right and wrong’. Church is a judgement free zone and Arthur often comes to him with his problems.
Greta Bow (Good Friend): Churchill has become one of Greta’s secret keepers. She has begun shifting sporadically when emotional and reverting to an old face that seems to have separated from her true personality as a defense mechanism. Patch and Church are trying to help her by befriending this form. Church has a feeling that Sirius has caught on, but he’s not going to expose Greta’s secret unless asked about it directly.
Hostile Connections:
Jaxson Idris (Hates): Church enjoys playing Cat and Mouse with the rats. However, Jaxson takes it past amusement and Church has come much more vicious with his tactics lately.
James Montgomery (Hates): He doesn’t know what Montgomery’s deal is with the Human Shifters and Sirius specifically. By his calculations, it’s the rats that have bullied nearly every other species into submission, not them. If anyone should be taken down it should be the miniature extortionists.
Angel Landyn (Hates): Church has considered making Angel disappear in the past. Greta is the only thing stopping him from doing so.
(you may have as many connections as you wish/connections can be npc/connections can be ‘none’)
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
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