#Drake got violated
3rainrot · 5 months
Kendrick Lamar back to back to back
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verymuchablog42 · 2 years
i do not care what nora says, there is no way andrew minyard is misoginistic
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DPxDC Prompt: Who's Child Is This?
Inspired by an ICarly Clip. "Mr. Wayne, we have your son here."
Bruce blinked, then checked the number on the phone. It was from the police station. He then looked around the table which had fallen silent when Alfred had brought him the phone.
Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke, and Damian were all accounted for. Even Jon was there so they couldn't have misidentified him as his kid.
"Which one?" Bruce chose to ask.
"Tim Drake."
Bruce looked at Tim specifically as he tilted his head confused. "Are you sure?"
"Oh yeah, Mr. Wayne, we know your boys by now."
"Right... alright, I'll be there in a couple of minutes. Can I ask on why Tim has been taken into custody?"
Tim tilted his head even further while some of the others around the table started chuckling.
"He was found trespassing near the new Axion Labs at the edge of the city. The owner chose not to press charges so we're sending him home in your custody."
"I see, I'll be there soon. Thank you for the call."
"Of course, Mr. Wayne, we'll see you soon."
Bruce ended the call then looked at his kids. "Apparently, Tim has been arrested for trespassing near the Axion Labs construction site."
"And you didn't even invite me?" Dick chuckled at Tim, "We could have had so much fun together."
Tim scrunched his nose at the idea. "No way, that whole area is an OSHA violation. If I went there it wouldn't be out of costume, whoever that kid is was risking his life just walking within a block of it."
"Well, I'm going to go down there and see what 'Tim' was thinking." Bruce got out of his seat, "I'll be back soon."
"New brother?" Cass asked as Damian growled.
"We're going to assume no for now, but we may have another for dinner depending on what's going on."
"I will prepare another seat while you are gone, Master Bruce."
"Thanks, Alfred. I'll be back soon."
When Bruce walked into the police station he immediately noticed 'Tim' sitting in front of one of the officers desks. It was a newer officer and it was clear that neither Detective Montoya or Commissioner Gordon were in or somebody would have noticed that this kid definitely wasn't Tim.
Yes, the kid had black hair which was on the shorter side but his hair fell in front of his face more than Tim would wear it, and his eyes were unnaturally blue. He was pale in an old hoodie, blue jeans, and red shoes. The biggest difference though was that this kid looked like he was only pushing 15, not 17. Yes, he looked quite a bit like Tim but anybody who had spent more than five minutes with Tim Drake would know they weren't the same person.
"Mr. Wayne." The officer called as Bruce walked over, looking at the kid.
He was thin and pale, which a tired look on his face. He also shrunk away from Bruce when he walked over.
Bruce knew what a kid in trouble looked like. So he smiled down at the kid. "You know, Tim, when I said you could go to the lab to do your science homework I didn't expect you to go all the way to Axion Labs."
The kid looked at him, surprised then seemed to quickly catch on. "What can I say, I had to see what terrible science looked like. Sorry for making you come down here."
"It's fine, but are you okay?"
"Y-yeah, totally." He said, his hand subconsciously moving to his ribs as though he was hurt.
"Alright then you are grounded."
"What?!" 'Tim' squeaked, "Come on-"
"Nope. You are ground... for... 'til... college."
"For 'til college!"
The officer cleared his throat then held out a clipboard. "If you sign the red x's you can take your son and leave, Mr. Wayne."
Bruce took the papers, quickly looking over it and signing it. It was strange to see that all of the handwriting on the paperwork was adult writing. Had they even asked this kid his name? Once everything was signed he passed it back over to the officer who nodded.
"Looks good. Thanks Mr. Wayne and you stay out of trouble. The whole city knows your face. You're just lucky Mr. Masters didn't want to press charges."
"Yeah, so lucky." The kid rolled his eyes, then stood up and looked up at Bruce. "Can we go now?"
"Sure thing, chum. Come on." Bruce said, leading the kid out of the station and to the car. The kid seemed hesitant as he looked around, his eyes narrowing when they landed on a gentlemen with silver hair in a ponytail, only when the man smiled at 'Tim' did the kid speak up again.
"Come on, Dad, let's get out of here before the stalkers find us." He said, climbing in the front seat and closing the door, much to the annoyance of the silver haired man.
Bruce climbed in the front seat, buckling in and driving away from the station. "So... 'not Tim' what's your name?"
"Danny. Just Danny... sorry about all of that Mr. Wayne. That guy took one look at me and started calling me 'Tim' and when I tried to explain that I wasn't 'Tim' hey called me a liar. But if I gave them my real name then... somebody else was going to come collect me and I didn't want that. So... I let them call me Tim. I'm sorry, I hope it didn't put you out..."
"Not at all. But... are you okay? Why were you at Axion Labs?"
Danny seemed hesitant, "I... it sounds crazy."
"It's Gotham, kid. Crazy things happen all the time..."
"Right... well um... I-I was kidnapped from my home and taken to Axion Labs. I-I escaped and when I was trying to leave the grounds the police saw me and thought I was trespassing. Since the cops were I decided to play along with it..."
Bruce frowned, "Kidnapped? Is... is there somebody I can call?"
Danny shook his head. "I have an older sister who is probably going crazy looking for me but other than her and a couple of friends there wouldn't be anybody. My parents... they were kind of involved. They... they found out something about me and tried to hurt me, I ran to somebody I knew I couldn't trust because I thought maybe he would get his head out of his ass but I was just being an idiot." Danny hugged himself. "You can drop me off anywhere though, you don't have to bother yourself with me or my shit."
Bruce pulled to a stoplight and reached over to the kid who flinched, Bruce waited until he relaxed before Bruce patted his head. "I'm not going to just leave you on the street. Besides, it's late and by now my butler has already dished you some dinner. So at least for tonight you're welcome to stay with me and my kids. We'll get some food in your belly, make sure you're not wounded, let you call your sister, and find a way to get you home. Sound good?" He asked, moving his hand away.
Danny looked at Bruce, seeming a bit untrusting for a moment before he glanced at something near Bruce and relaxed. There was nothing with Bruce, he wasn't carrying anything, but whatever Danny was seeing was enough to put his mind at ease. "Okay... but if anybody tries anything be warned, I bite."
Bruce chuckled, "So do most of the others. You'll fit right in."
'But just what the hell is going on with this kid? Does it have anything to do with that man outside the police station? I've got to get to the bottom of this before this kid leaves, especially if he's still a target.'
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Bruce Wayne is used to ransom calls. They happen often enough despite his children's training, though it doesn't help that they sometimes purposely get themselves captured to later mock the kidnappers but he digressed.
This call was different. "We have Tim Drakes children" what did that even mean? Did they kidnap some random infants with black wisps of hair and blue eyes and just hope that Tim miiight have had a night of indiscretion in the last year or so to be concerned about?
Spoiler was the first on scene, actively teasing Red Robin about the whole fiasco. He swears they couldn't possibly be his and this had to be a scam of some kind. They had been assessing the situation from the rafters of the warehouse when another guy who looked like prime Batman Adoption Bait stormed the place and beat the crap out of the guys before zooming over to the infants.
The pair nodded at eachother and leaped down from the rafters and landed behind the man. He whirled around, holding the kids protectively to his chest, careful to support thier heads.
They asked him to confirm if he's the father which he did so readily. Red Robin got a wierd feeling though and asked to get a swab for testing, just to be sure.
The guy refused. That wasn't overly suspicious but the defensive way he acted was. Were these not his children? The bats chose to try a different tactic and asked him to wait for the police to arrive so they could confirm he was the twins father.
He ran.
Danny was having one of the worst days of his afterlife, and trust him, he's had some rough days. Being chased through Gotham at night by its local terrifying vigilantes while trying not to drop or harm the babies was hard, especially since he was trying to hide his powers. But really, what was he supposed to do?
He can't exactly just say "a ghost with genie powers overheard my mom wish for grandbabies from me and granted that wish but screwed us by making the other half of the babies DNA that of some random rich guy from another reality?" Cause thats going to go over soooo well.
Why do they care so much anyway? He doubts they're going to make the guy pay child support, not that Danny needs it. Then again its probably better to stay in this world where no one knows who he is and his children are safer...from his parents OSHA violations if nothing else.
Vlad couldn't enter this universe cause he couldn't get past the "source wall" whatever that was, but Danny and his babies had no problems so meh.
The bats had him cornered and hiding invisibly inside an abandoned arcade (why were so many places in this city abandoned???) the bats kept combing through the place looking for him. He knew they were about ready to give up looking for him when one of the babies sneezed.
The next thing he knew the littlest bat, Robin was right next to him, "Found you." Then he was knocked out.
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reaperlight · 7 months
Last line game!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Thanks @krisseratops for the tag! Oops, instructions unclear, I just plopped in a recent piece of wip I was working on (and added to it without thinking 😅
[Context: A scene of dramatic irony of Eddie, while drinking, getting righteous about Anne working for Drake post-breakup and ranting to Cletus (who in this au was never caught, is Eddie's friend, and Eddie does not yet know is an ACTUAL killer...)]
Eddie: She lied to me. Honestly fuck her for protecting him. I might as well welcome a *murderer* into my life.
Cletus, [looking uncomfortable]: Maybe she thought she had a good reason to keep it from you? It was her job wasn't it? Eddie, she trusted you. Even if you felt you had good cause that's not the point. She most likely felt like you violated that trust.
Eddie: God, I miss her so much. I want her back--
Cletus: Do you really want her back? Or do you want the idea of her? It sounds like you couldn't accept her. Her profession. Why would that change if you got back together? Relationships are about compromise--
Eddie: Like you'd know-- [instant regret] Shit I'm so sorry. That was a low blow and completely out of line.
Cletus: Yes it was. [sighs] Look Eddie, I know because I've read every self help book out there. Because I know I'm fucked up. But I want to be ready and capable of being the man she needs and deserves when I find her again. It doesn't matter how fucked up you are, what you've done in the past. You can do better moving forward. I've gotta believe that. I do believe that. For me, and for you.
Eddie: Okay... yeah, okay.
Cletus: I know you thought you were doing the right thing. And honestly, you were. In a just world you would have been rewarded instead of getting fucked over for trying to help people. But the world ain't just and also you gotta see it from her perspective. From Anne's point of view whatever your reasons you still violated her trust and, as far as she's concerned, you got yourself and her fired for nothing. You really should apologize to her if you wanna have any kind of relationship with her in the future.
Eddie: So you think I was wrong to try and go against Drake?
Cletus: No. Hell no, you weren't wrong. In fact I'm proud of you. Few people would have the guts. But you just need to be more strategic about these things, you know? Gotta remember the consequences. What is my objective here, what might it cost me? Or the people close to me? Like hypothetically if I strangled everyone that annoyed me I would be in jail right now. You gotta at least make sure they can't trace it back to you.
Tagging, if you wanna do it...
@galadhir @ruindunburnit @pulchrasilva @pyreneese @symbiotic-slime @hell-if-i-know-dudette @rodeokid @harperhug @purple-slimy @frankenbolt
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locustsend · 5 months
drake got on his response and fucked around that's why kendrick had to violate him two times in the same day
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lesb0 · 5 months
when you say porn is filming rape and trafficking what do you mean or where did you learn that? i almost got into the industry when i was dating a girl who was up & coming in the industry, but as i met more and more women i was startled by how many of us are survivors of childhood sexual abuse! and i am one too. the only time i’ve met that many survivors in one place is literally in support groups. there were also a couple instances i heard where women would say their consent was violated in some way with a popular male actor and not much happens, sometimes the male actor is dropped from that production company but then makes his own or moves to a different one. it isn’t always like that, i’ve met many women who said they enjoyed their job a lot and i did know women who were self sufficient away from professional porn, they would do pro shoots when they wanted (but didn’t necessarily need) more money. i think most of them would say they enjoyed what they do.
i’ve also met full service sex workers and all of them said they wanted to be able to stop doing that and hopefully get into porn instead. the two aren’t mutually exclusive though. when i asked “if you felt that you could do something else with your career, would you?” sometimes they seemed hesitant to answer, and sometimes they would say “nope, i like what i’m doing!” i think it would be offensive if i didn’t believe them so i did, i believed they had agency as women and i don’t want to patronize or infantilize them. but i was aware the choice to stay in the career is a choice made under patriarchy. i worried for my reputation because you can only do the job for so long, and i didn’t know many women 50+ or what they do after their career slows. i knew one over 40 who has her own production company.
all that was enough for me to steer myself away from porn. there’s something called The Whorearchy and what I wanted to do was be at the top where cam girls, only fans, and amateur self-owned productions were - and then sometimes choose to do professional porn with my girlfriend and a female producer. i knew many women who were happy doing it this way. still, i felt it really wasn’t worth it. i’d rather be poor now and wealthy in old age than the other way around.i was told saying they film rape and trafficking is a popular “swerf” talking point, and i’ve heard conservatives say it too. the statement conjures an image of women on drugs in dank and dirty rooms being told what to do by their pimps. the majority of the women in the porn industry i did know were seriously offended by people saying that, especially those in their amateur productions or doing cam work. however the truth was that they and i knew that once you were famous it would make it difficult to do anything else outside of adult industries. some would say we are all coerced to do work and the industry is abusive not because it’s sex work but because it’s under capitalism. i support decriminalization laws and destigmatization that make life harder for sex workers and increase violence against them.
so when you say that statement do you mean it’s because women can’t leave the industry without serious financial hardship so their consent is not full consent? i’m wondering if there is something i don’t already know.
thank you so much terra!
Yeah I mean porn and sex work as an industrial complex has a systemic structure in which women are tricked into accepting large sums of money, trips, vacations, gifts, drugs, etc on high profile "dates" and then told she will need to "work it off". Sometimes it's filmed, that's how the porn industry thrives now. it's become much easier via influencers and only fans to facilitate this kind of "glamour" trafficking and rape. It's not that they'll leave with a big debt, it's more that they'll make her murder look like a suicide.
Celebrities like prince, drake, diddy, have made money from these kinds of yachting trafficking rings for decades. My ex was in this lifestyle as a dominatrix and stripper before she became trans masc, has to change her name and identity and address every few years. it was all extremely traumatic. I have nothing against girls who stay in the industry but it is absolutely not "just a job".
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
My Experience at SPNNC 2023 Con
Hello, my name is Ellie. If you're not already familiar with my blog, I write a lot about things like my divination with tarot and a pendulum, the show Supernatural and the former cast, deities, various experiences of my own, dreams, etc. I went to the SPNNC 2023 aka CE Charcon 2023 as some here on Tumblr call it. I still don't know what the deal with the spatulas is at this con, I guess I wasn't one of the cool kids who was in the know about this "trend" per the usual ha ha.
Friday, Aug 18- Didn't go
Saturday, Aug 19
I arrived around 10:15am because I thought the line to register would be long and that it'd take ages to park. Nope, it took a couple minutes for me to find parking and the line to register empty. Someone told me however that on Saturday the line was over an hour long Friday. I guess that what they mean by priority registration for Thursday and Friday is that only people with weekend packages could register for the first hour and a half or so of registration on those 2 days, so they don't wait in line as long. I guess my not being able to make it on Friday was for good reason ha ha. In-between panels and photo-ops I went exploring the hotel, talked to some other people at the con, looked at the vendors tables, sometimes observed the actors and actresses interacting with each other or other fans.
11:30- Drake Rodger Photo-Op
I walked into this photo op and curiously my mind went quiet. For those who read my posts or know me personally, you know this NEVER happens. I almost always have many trains of thought happening at one time. A couple days before I went to this convention I was told by one of my guides Loki to buy a photo op ticket for Drake. I thought this was rather interesting but I decided okay let's do it. I saw Drake do the so called "Teletubby hole violation" when in line. I believe there were 3 people in line before me when I saw that. Pretty cooI stuff I got to see it in person, not gonna lie. I thought it was totally perfect ha ha. I'm afraid I didn't make the cut in that IG video as I didn't do a crazy pose. I will say however that as crazy as this might sound, I swear I thought he was going to pull me in closer but felt himself stop O.O When the photo was taken and therefore my photo op was done, he said "Thank you" in his soft spoken voice. Meg Donnelly his girlfriend was in the room and smiled at me as I walked off, which I thought was interesting to say the least. I walked out of this photo op a fan of his.
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2:30- Cosplay Costume Contest
I chose to dress as Hela from Thor: Ragnarok the Norse Goddess of Death for my costume. The winners were chosen based on whoever got the loudest cheers when the host stood behind them. I can see why not that many people chose to participate in this contest. A lot of the contestants wore the Castiel trench coat (not photographed here). The winner was "Pudding Dean" who got $150 and a certificate. Donna and Gabriel were the runner ups. I believe they got $75 and $25 along with the certificates. The rest of us got a red Supernatural lanyard for participating. Even though I did not win this contest, I am glad I was able to go onstage and not get stage fright while being asked my name and who I'm dressing up as let alone panic standing in front of that crowd. It shows to me I've grown a lot over the years and am overcoming some anxiety issues I have at times. Also, the fact I got plenty of compliments on my costume and even someone wanting a selfie with me because they loved my outfit so much made it all worth it even more in my opinion. By the way, I totally think Hela should've been a Supernatural character and could've made a GREAT villain or an anti hero, just saying...
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4:50- Rich Speight Jr Photo-Op
Okay, being dressed as Hela from Thor: Ragnarok and taking a photo with Loki from Supernatural was at this point a given. I was nudged to buy a ticket while at the convention at this point. Naturally, a Loki nudge which totally makes sense ha ha. The Jared photo ops were running 20 min or so behind naturally, so therefore this photo op was running behind too. I ended up waiting by an empty security desk to charge my phone while waiting for the photo op to come up. I talked to a couple people while waiting but also where I was happened to be by where Meg, Drake and Jojo's autograph tables were set up (couldn't really see Jojo so much as his table was across the hall and not in a good line of sight where I was).
I ended up watching them over the course of most of my waiting time. Drake seemed pleasant while waiting around for autographs and such talking to the person he was sitting with. Jojo at one point threw a pen at him and Drake had to get up to get it off the floor. Meg barely spoke to the person she was with. At one point she started to tap her pen while looking around and not talking. When someone came up to her to say something she had that "friendly" voice she uses on stage and talking to fans. Talk about an awkward silence mostly between her and the person she was sitting with. I felt bad for Jojo and Drake because they clearly were hoping for more autographs and getting bored sitting there. After seeing Meg behave the way she did and having a tense tone with the person she was sitting with for the short bit they did talk, I did not feel so bad for her.
As for Rich, he seems like a really cool guy. I told him "yes" at first when he asked me if I made my costume and said he loves it. I ended up saying I'm just kidding I bought it online but "I thought you'd be happy to see me". He said "I am very happy to see you", dunno if he caught this Thor: Ragnarok reference or not when Hela said "I thought you'd be happy to see me" before she defeated the Asgardian Army. I certainly walked out of my photo op with him a fan of his.
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9:00- Concert (Or should I say more like 9:30)
Nothing much to discuss here. I was aware many people were speculating that Jensen would sing on this night. Something kept telling me however that he was not going to sing but couldn't explain it. Mark Sheppard did show up to play the drums for apparently the first time since 2010 when he last played drums onstage. This is curious because it was his higher self who set me up coming to this convention to begin with. When Mark showed up, something told me "Jensen is not showing up to this concert because people were criticizing his looks online like crazy". A friend of mine had some similar feelings while this concert was going on. Of course, people must've been mindblown he didn't show up with how many were expecting him to show up but didn't ha ha. The microphones were very loud here, I walked out a little after 11pm when the concert was done with a headache.
Before Gold Panel/Before I went back to Convention
The same friend of mine who had the same feelings I did about why Jensen didn't show up to the concert dreamwalked to the very same room Jensen and Jared were in. Virtually EVERYTHING they talked about when she dreamwalked (mind you, for the first time ever!) to them manifested in the Gold Panel. I didn't get to go to this panel because I only had the copper package. Jensen said things to Jared like [I'm only paraphrasing in this section mind you] "do people actually want to meet me or do they only care about my looks?", mentioned how upset he was people were making fun of his mustache this weekend, and Jared at one point said "no matter what people are saying about you, you're an awesome person. I want you to know that". Jared even made a strange remark about how "Gen asked me to babysit the kids a couple weeks ago". Around 10:20am before I left for the convention, I picked up my pendulum and said to Hermes "Is there any truth to this dream my friend had?" and he said "Yes, LOTS of it".
Turns out, in this particular panel someone asked them if they ever experienced bullying and their children (around the 6:05 mark). Around 14:10, Jensen also brought up how his daughter said "it's not babysitting" when Jensen is with his kids. "She's just mom and he's just dad". Hmmm, were Poseidon and Hermes telling them both the night before or so what kinds of things they will be asked during the panels? Very interesting dreamwalking experience, let alone the fact everything she heard ended up manifesting the next day at the Gold Panel (and that Hermes said there's lots of truth to her dream with me curiously asking him this 10 or so min before the panel was scheduled to start at 10:30).
Sun, Aug 20
I came back to the convention around 11:15 or so. I mostly hung around the vendors area and explored the hotel and talked to some people before I went to the Mark Sheppard panel.
1:15- Mark Sheppard Panel
Mark's panel was an absolute joy for me to be in the room for. He said things like "if you have a panic attack this is the safest place you can be", "who wants to be king of a country", and asking someone "is that the best you can do" when they started to ask him "if you could be any animal [what would it be and why]?" and cut them off saying "oh Jesus". It was 100% worth going to this convention to sit in this panel. Mark's authentic, sarcastic, and speaks his mind but also has a very caring heart despite having a tough love approach at times. I enjoyed his walking around the theater for his panel instead of sitting up there like others do. At one point he was walking through the row 3 rows in front of mine when he was looking at someone's Moose doll, which I thought was pretty cool. Very close!
J2 Main Panel
No, I didn't get to go to the Gold Panel because I only had a copper package. It's interesting because I felt my lie detector alarm go off many times when Jensen was speaking in this panel. It was hard to hear some of what was being said at times during this panel because I wasn't exactly front row and did tune out some here and there. Jensen I believe is trying very hard to keep up with a happy family life at home. His passive aggressive tone speaking about Danneel was very apparent at least to me. The car story? Jensen please hun, you should've just driven with her. I know you were aggravated about the car problems but that doesn't mean behave this way. It does show a very concerning mindset that Hermes spoke of that he's in right now. Those who are not seeing it at this point do not have their eyes or hearts open to receiving this information...
I found his answer about reading a book he'd like to revisit to be very off putting. I myself had reading struggles as a kid and essentially taught myself how to read when I was going to enter 5th grade (long story here). He did an absolutely terrible job talking about his dislike of reading here. Don't like to read? Fine but the way he used a book his wife reads a lot, come on! You never read 1 book in your life Jensen? Sheesh...Someone was kind enough to point out to me that when Jensen was speaking of the book Danneel reads that's by her when she sleeps, she says "HER bed" not "THE bed" around the 40:35 mark (put some earbuds or headphones in and you'll hear it). Jared was a great pleasure to be in the same room as. I feel that Jensen also would've been more pleasant if he was not on the downward spiral he seems to be very much on lately.
I've spoken a lot about Jensen and Jared and others in past posts regarding divination and deities and other topics. Poseidon and Hermes both used Jared and Jensen to speak through them. Just about everything that was said in this panel they have talked about many times to me recently. I expected many of the things that were discussed to be discussed, very few surprises. Heck, even the ridiculous questions that made it through weren't totally surprising on a divine blueprints level. Jensen very much needs guidance, as Hermes has told me plenty of times before and I could see it in his eyes.
Some of the things I knew about them I discussed with only a few via PM and even they were surprised at some of the things that came about in this panel vs what I told them. I will say this, I was not surprised by the house purchase Jensen made in CT based on things I do know, nor was I surprised at Jared talking about how as he gets older he is becoming less able to tolerate 100 plus degree weather for a month at a time. Him talking about liking the mountains, NC even and Asheville and such was interesting and mentioning Idaho (when Gen made a trip there with their kids no more than a couple weeks beforehand).
I went home after this panel was done. There was at one point a golden sticker on someone's chair behind another sticker and the prize was apparently a gold ticket to another con. Of course... the winner was in a gold seat NATURALLY. Quite annoying but I know enough about Creation Entertainment to know this was 100% to be expected. Would I go again? Absolutely. It was a joy being in the room for all these panels, meeting the actors and fans I did, and being able to say I actually went to one of these things.
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oldhabitsdiescrming · 3 months
drake got fuckin' VIOLATED. good riddance bitch !!
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mycroftrh · 11 months
Whumptober 2023 Masterpost
For the first time ever, I'm a completionist!!! Links to all fics are below the cut. (There are fewer than 31 because I combined a lot of prompts.) All works are General Audiences. Fandoms are Batfamily, Moon Knight, Loki (TV), Thor (MCU), and Avengers (MCU, 2012 era).
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Eyes, 1,709 words, Hurt/Comfort, Mind Control, Dick & Bruce
The Batmobile pulled into the Cave accompanied by more of Dick’s happy chatter. Bruce got out first, Dick bounding out the passenger door to his side. Bruce pulled down his cowl. “Good job, today, Dick,” he said, and Dick looked up at him, grinning widely - And froze. He felt like a baby rabbit under the gaze of a wolf, prey looking at a predator, flashing teeth longer than his limbs - there was something wrong with Bruce’s eyes - his eyes, they - And then it was gone.
like crying out in empty rooms, with no one there except the moon, 661 words, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters
Tim was 10 when he figured out Batman and Robin’s second secret: they were monsters. It was a secret that wasn’t a secret; everyone said that Batman was a vampire. Few knew it was actually true. Everyone said Robin was fey, was impish. But those were just adjectives, weren’t they? It was when Tim was 12 that he realized that the Second Secret was a problem. Jason was the first human who had ever been a hero in Gotham - Tim didn’t know yet what Batwoman and Batgirl were, but they were certainly not human - and Jason had died. And Batman would never accept another human as Robin.
Mayday, 498 words, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Songfic
“Red Robin to the Justice League. Can anyone hear me? I’m - I’ve been - it’s been five hours, if anyone can hear me, please respond. Please.”
Experience, 779 words, Abuse Recovery, Dick & Tim
Damian fears the consequences of failure. Tim has some experience with that, and tries to help.
Just a Few More Days, 2,668 words, Bipolar Tim Drake, Good Parent Bruce Wayne
Tim can keep this hidden, for just a few more days. It's fine. He's fine. He just needs to keep Batman from noticing anything for a few more days, and then he'll be back in top condition.
These Days, 2,839 words, Bipolar Tim Drake, Dick & Tim
“Are you on something?” Tim froze in place for a moment, then whirled around. “What the fuck?” “I don’t know! You’re acting so off! You just cussed at me twice for no reason, you’re being sloppy - ” “I cussed at you because you’re being an ass, and I’m not sloppy!” (Tim has a hypomanic/mixed episode.)
Getting Better, 1,112 words, Self-Harm, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Dick & Tim
Dick glanced over from where he was warming up on some rings and his eyes widened ever so slightly. “Tim,” he said carefully, “when did you get injured?” Tim’s stomach sank abruptly. He dropped out of the backbend, his shirt falling back down over his side. “Hm? Oh, that’s just from - “ Tim paused and furrowed his eyebrows. He looked down at the floor and took a deep breath. “I was going to lie, but that wouldn’t do anyone any good,” he said. “It’s, um. I did it. It’s fine, I - the cuts aren’t bad.” “Oh, Tim,” Dick sighed. He dropped down to the ground. “Can I see?”
Is There Room For One More Son?, 372 words, Angst, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Tim’s always the one left on the edge, left out, left behind.
Moon Knight
The Broken, The Beaten, & The Damned, 1,241 words, Angst with a Happy Ending, Steven & Marc & Jake
Will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, & the damned? Steven, Marc, and Jake all save each other.
Loki (TV)
Ethical Violations, 1,081 words, Torture
Mobius raised his eyebrows. “Have we been dabbling in ethical violations, Ravonna?” “For far longer than you know,” Ravonna answered, and pushed a button. And Loki screamed.
Avengers (2012 MCU era)
The Flashback Blanket, 1,936 words, Panic Attack/Flashback, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Loki/Tony
Loki was pressed against a wall, green flickering sickeningly around his hands, eyes tinged red. Thor threw himself towards him as Steve grabbed for the shield. “Wait, hang on! Back off!” Tony, armorless, darted in between them, hand held out warningly not to Loki but to Thor and Steve, gesturing them back. “Give him some room, for fuck’s sake - “ he said as he all but shoved them away from Loki. “Stand away, Anthony, he will harm you.”
Thor (MCU)
Pray, 245 words, Canonical Character Death, Suicide
The first time Loki died, he was a young child. He fell into an iced-over pond and froze to death. He was brought back by healers, he was told, although later in life he wondered if that was true.
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scarlethood · 3 months
Your post about Tim thinking the worst of people reminds me of in Young Justice when Tim had an internal monologue about how he didn't trust Kon and wasn't sure who he could trust.
Then promptly had it revealed that Kon (he got in a fight with Kon) didn't 100% trust him and some of his other teammates (including Bart and Cassie) didn't 100% trust him either and was so upset he quit the team for a bit.
Tim is untrusting and judgemental but literally cannot seem take it the other way round sometimes.
Yes exactly! He can be incredibly harsh to the people around him and at times even to himself but acts like it's an indicator of a moral failing when other people don't fall at his feet. It's incredibly hypocritical. He does this to Steph and his Brentwood companions as well during his Robin run. He'll be violating their privacy and autonomy, but as soon as they get mad at him he just can't understand why and they're being really aggressive about it!
And don't get me wrong I do like it as part of his character!! It can be fun to watch his thought process knowing he's being completely delusional... But it can also be straight up infuriating... I have mixed feelings about Tim Drake.
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presidentialsims · 2 years
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Beginning | Previous | Next
Transcript below the cut.
Bethany: Ma’am.
Sigolène: Mm-hmm?
Bethany: Sorry to interrupt. Agent Dryer is outside and apparently needs to speak to you.  She’s insisting.
Sigolène: Well then, if she’s insisting, show her in.
Bethany: Yes, Ma’am.
Agent Dryer: Madam First Lady.
Sigolène: You can relax Agent Dryer, I’m not your Commander-in-chief. Beth said you have something you want to discuss?
Agent: Yes Ma’am. As you may know, it’s secret service protocol to review any security camera footage after an event where a member of the first family is present.
Agent: With the footage from the Oskar ceremony, we found something - something that I should be reporting directly to my superior.
Sigolène: And as I’m not your superior officer, I assume there is a reason why you are speaking with me?
Sigolène: Thank you agent and thank you for coming to me first. This is a family matter. You understand that this must be kept private?
Sigolène: The last thing Fred needs is to have his privacy violated further. I’ll handle this - there is no need to involve the West Wing.
Fred: Mom? What are you doing here?
Sigolène: Oh, just these really. I was passing and saw them. So many memories on this wall. Look how little Teddy was… and how handsome you are. And those Paulis got their mother’s good looks…
Fred: I guess so. Look mom, I don’t know what is happening to you right now, but I gotta get going. Drake is having some of the boys up to his family’s summer cottage - one last hurrah before the wedding.
Fred: I love you mom.
Sigolène: I love you. So very much
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stxrliasfics · 6 months
I wanted to share my takes on the Pod Meets World ep and the new Quiet on Set documentary that is out. This is going to be a long-winded blog post. I'll put a keep reading divider up so that no one will be bombarded while scrolling through their dash. I'd like to have a civil, adult conversation about this so if you decide to join in, please keep it mature.
In light of recent events with the whole Pod Meets World episode and the Quiet on the Set documentary coming out, it really opened my eyes more. I think a lot of fans have parasocial relationships with these stars, holding them on a pedestal, and forgetting that they are still real human beings who are prone to doing shitty human things. This is a reminder for me too. This is something I definitely need to break out of. And I'm mentioning this because it really did hurt to hear Drake Bell's story and how he really didn't get an apology. If what he said was true about Will and Rider only coming out with their episode after being notified about the documentary, then they deserve all the heat that they get. At first, I commended them for telling their stories on that creep Brian Peck and discussing their feelings during the court case. But now it seems disingenuous. I haven't gotten to watch the documentary aside from tidbits because I don't have a streaming service that I could watch it on, unless it comes on cable. And I haven't gotten to see the full Pod Meets World episode apart from the clips of Will talking so I plan on catching up and educating myself as much as I can. The guys apparently weren't told what was going on in the case and were blindsided by this. In no way am I doubting that they were groomed as well. But Drake mentioned that they were told everything by Peck before they wrote the letters and still decided to write them. That's insane in itself. As a CSA survivor and someone who was groomed and sexually harassed by an older "friend", it was disheartening to hear that my favorite actors were pretty much complicit and trying to save themselves when they realized their dirty work was being unsealed. And I didn't want to believe it when I read more on the info last night but it served me a reminder that these were real people outside of the characters. Obviously I know that, but Boy Meets World is one of my comfort shows and obsessions so it hurt to hear that. Although I enjoy the characters, I have to keep reminding myself not to get attached to the actors and actresses who play them. I brought the parasocial relationship thing up because that's what it felt like was radiating from the BMW reddit forum as well. Some of the people there were up in arms to defend them, saying "It was a different time period. They were told that Drake was coming on to Peck." DOES THAT NOT SOUND INSANE?? I’m pretty sure that they were told Drake was underaged, I can't remember too much from the podcast clips. If they knew, how did they not question it more before coming to court and writing the letters?? Not to mention that other people were reached out to write a letter for Brian and many declined. Were they already told about the case?? Were they only given small details just like Will and Rider?? My guess is that they already sensed how weird Peck was and got a bad feeling from his request. I would've thought that Will and Rider would have more common sense in something like this. But again, I don't know these people personally. None of their fans do.
And I will repeat once again, I'm not invalidating the guys' experience with Peck either. I wouldn't put it past Hollywood that the cast of BMW were all groomed and violated when they were younger too. The adults could've even been violated just as easily as well. From the clips that I've seen of Will talking about Peck, he seemed very genuine and remorseful. I’m sure that they were regretful. It's just that after hearing what Drake said about them not apologizing and them making the episode after the doc announcement, it feels off. Will admitted that he would like to apologize to Drake personally and Drake apparently isn't interested in an apology. Who can blame him? Would I accept an apology from anyone who stood up for my abuser? I don't think so. And Will had time to reach out to Drake before. Was it embarrassment that stopped him? And Brian could’ve very well lied to them. My own groomer is still walking around lying and gaining support from others.
The best research I could do was from forums, comment sections, and small clips, so please bear with me. I will educate myself more on the matter. But I felt the pain of every child actor that was affected because it reminded me of my own experiences and I'm upset with this new knowledge. We, of course, know what Drake was convicted of. I'm not mentioning that to take away from his trauma nor side with what he's done. But I've seen some people bring up this point at the mention of his experience with Brian Peck, invalidating him being sexually assaulted by this man. Firstly, I think that's absurd. We can still feel sympathy for Drake even if he isn't a good person.
The fact that Dan Schneider and Brian Peck are able to walk free TO THIS FUCKING DAY MAKES ME SICK!!! How the fuck was Peck only given 16 months in jail?????? They would've both been a bag of fucking bones by now underneath the cement of the jail if they hurt my kid. My next question is, what do we do about the child stars who are apart of these companies now? The ones who are still getting deals with Disney and Nickelodeon?? Just because Schneider and Peck were called out doesn't mean that ALL of the pedos under these companies are gone. All of the children affected deserve justice.
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haven-49-cali · 4 months
I'm adding more lore about my sweet oc femboy Dizzy.
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-His parents were killed "mysteriously" when he was very young yet it's obvious who is responsible.
-His family and relatives from his mama's side, the Blanchets, are Cajun and very loving and supportive but the family on his papa's side, the Stephensons, hate him and the Blanchets.
-"Dizzy" is actually his nickname. His real name is Desmond. He is nicknamed Dizzy because according to his great aunt, when he was born, his parents were so overjoyed that they became dizzy.
-His paternal grandfather Drake Stephenson is a horrible abuser and bigot who is also a Klan leader. He is a racist and a homophobe who tried to make Dizzy "manly" by forcing him to do chores fit for a man. He has older children who are also bigots and who are horrible to Dizzy. Drake is racist but he hates Cajuns the most cause he believes one of them "stole" his son, who is Dizzy's dad. So much he often calls them awful names. His daughters are jealous of Dizzy cause of his beauty and the sons make fun of him for being "too girly". Drake hates him for being half blooded and [insert horrible homophobic slur here] (I want to make the backstory similar to Cinderella) Also Drake used a demonic draconic form of dark sorcery after selling his soul to Satan despite being a "pure God fearing Christian man".
-The physical, mental, and emotional abuse Dizzy went through caused him to constantly say sorry and submissive. He even has PTSD after a witnessing the death of his first ever boyfriend when he was 15 and almost got violated by one of his grandfather's followers as a child. This is why Dizzy prefers every other bedsheets except white because of the memories.
-Dizzy, wanting to be stronger and help people, becomes an apprentice for three Louisiana voodoo priestesses who are good friends of Lucille, Dizzy's mama. They taught him magic spells and potions for self defense, medicinal purposes, and communication with animals and the dead.
-Despite practicing voodoo, Dizzy is a devout Catholic. He believes that voodoo isn't inherently evil. (Louisiana voodoo is made with several beliefs, including Catholicism) In the future, he will become a leader of his own voodoo sect, dedicating to charity and offering helpful advice and remedies.
(Frostbite AU exclusive)
-at the time of the game, Dizzy was trying to get away from his grandfather as far as possible. The men sent to pursue him ended up dead.
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hils79 · 4 months
Hils Watches Only Friends - Ep 1
Right! Time to start a new drama. I've been meaning to watch Only Friends for ages because it's got so many people I like in it. From what I've been told it's about a bunch of people making bad decisions so I guess I'll either enjoy it or get annoyed. At least they're adults and not students for a change.
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Time to play GMM bingo. I definitely know him from something else. OH THAT'S BOOK!
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And there's my beloved First who isn't angsty or crying therefore I'm confused
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Oh but First and Khaotung are bickering after they literally just met. That very much is business as usual.
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And of course where there is Book there is also Force. I'm looking forward to seeing them in a slightly more meaty drama. Both of them were too good for Enchante
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Oh and there's Neo. Wow I didn't realise how many of my favourites are in this.
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Oh, I guess they are students. Still, it does seem to have a more mature vibe. Kind of the same way Not Me did. They were students in that too but it felt more adult.
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I'm not sure opening a legit business just to pass your uni course is the best or most legal idea? Don't you need permits and shit?
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Well it's going to have to be either First or Force since those are the only two who aren't here
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Oh and there's Mark. I wonder if this will finally be the drama where he gets a nice boyfriend. I know technically he got one in My School President but it mostly happened offscreen and I was mad about it.
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Well he's looking at Neo (I'll learn their character names eventually) like this so maybe they will end up together?
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Neo is clearly also into it. I'm half expecting them to just fuck on the counter of this store
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Okay, I am obsessed with this drama already. He just very obviously gave Nick the once over to make his interest known.
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I knew it would be one of them. Also I am loving the soundtrack to this drama.
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You literally just met him
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Oh, and there's Drake. I haven't seen him in anything for a while.
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Harsh, but Khaotung was about drive home while wasted
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Well, I had the wrong couple but someone fucked on a counter
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Okay, you don't need to slut shame your friend to explain why you don't want to lose your viriginity to a dude you just met
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Poor First does not deserve this
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Khaotung has spent a lot of this episode puking
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God, I love him so much. Even when he's playing someone grumpy and annoyed he still manages to look devastatingly yearning
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Okay, we are definitely into mature territory here. Nick is jerking off to nudes on Boston's phone that Boston left with him to fix. I've never seen a Thai BL like this before. I mean I'm probably too ace for the amount of fucking that is happening but it's so interesting to see something different like this
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Everyone else: super horny or too drunk to be super horny Mew: let's get to know each other before we fuck please and thank you
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God, I really top Top doesn't turn out to be an asshole who loses interest once he's had sex with Mew. They are too cute!
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I love them!
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Why has he got a set of gym lockers in his apartment?
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Definitely not because I violated your privacy and jerked off to your private photos
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Duuuuuude! I mean to be fair Boston is probably into a hot guy taking nudes with his phone but still!
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Okay, now they actually are having sex in the store. Called it.
Ah, shit! I've hit the tumblr image limit! I guess to be continued in part 2?
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fearsomeandwretched · 6 months
Yeah yeah Dan Schneider should be under the jail but what about BRIAN PECK who groomed, raped, and sexually violated Drake Bell who was a child in the most disgusting ways imaginable. He got 16 months for that, continued to work in kids TV, and is just walking around a free man now. He does have to register as a sex offender but it isn't enough imo
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