#EPIC joker and batman kiss!
mrmosseater · 1 year
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going to draw a lot more but have this for now
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Headcanons of what's like to date Bruce, Dick, Jason, Martian, Wally, and Clark?
Hi, sorry for taking so long, but I am very grateful for your patience!
Here you go...
Headcanons of what's like to date Bruce, Dick, Jason, Martian, Wally, and Clark?
I would like to state that I’m assuming you meant Martian Manhunter and not Miss Martian, but in the case that I am wrong and you meant Miss Martian let me know and I’ll add her to this or write a super-long essay of your guy’s relationship or something!
As always please do not copy my work in any way, shape, or form. Thanks!
Warnings: none i think... not spell checked...
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Bruce Wayne
Dating Bruce Wayne? Gotham’s favorite Billionaire and the Batman? Wow, good luck.
There is a lot of angsty shit in your relationship. Keep in mind it’s not like you guys have like crazy issues or anything, not to say that the Joker isn’t a crazy issue, but I mean that you don’t actually fight with each other a lot. 
You disagree quite a bit considering you watch him on monitors and he goes out and actually gets hurt, but all of that frustration and worry comes from a place of care.
However, you didn’t talk to him for days when he decided to let Dick join him in the field. You were beyond upset, especially since you knew the dangers of crime-fighting yourself, seeing as you used to be a vigilante. 
Regardless of that, it was Dick that convinced you to cut Bruce some slack. Eventually, you came to agree with the teenager, but only after you kicked Bruce where the sun doesn’t shine.
On a nicer note, definitely lots of gifts coming from his end even though he is called the dark knight.
Even when you were both playing hero and he didn’t know who you were under the mask he gave you little gadgets. You two had also met outside of hero-ing and in your real lives where he constantly graced you with the treat of coffee and/or donuts. 
He likes to get you nice treats and sweets. He knows you don’t care for expensive gifts, especially since you work for a lot of nonprofits.
As for PDA on a scale, I will give you a 7.5/10. A solid 2.5 for physical affection such as hand holding, forehead kisses, whispering in each other's ears, and being a little too close to each other but not so close that you freak out everyone else around you.
As for that leftover 5 on the scale, holy shit do you guys never shut up. The constant flirting is where most of this score comes from. Saying embarrassing and inappropriate shit anywhere and everywhere is common with you. You tease each other relentlessly and enjoy seeing the other squirm. It can be quite uncomfortable for others around you, but you tend to keep the more spicy comments quieter, which leads to all of your odd whisperings.
You sort of live with him…? You guys are most often at his place, but you did decide to keep your own just because you wanted something that you paid for and could afford unlike his gigantic fucking manor.
Bruce cares for you deeply and understands why you want to keep your independence and have at least something of your own, especially considering that you guys work together often.
You are close with all of his family, including each kid he adopts, takes in, or has under his proverbial wing. In fact, you kind of think they prefer you over him, or at the very least Jason definitely does. 
It might also be common sense now that Alfred also likes you more than Bruce because, in your guys' relationship, you have all of the brain cells and are logical. 
You both can be impulsive and rude. You both can come across as very blunt and private people. You work well together despite everything.
You were very glad in the end that you both found someone so supportive and understanding. 
You both were also glad that you had the guts to kiss him because, honestly, he was never going to make the first move without it being an epic disaster.
Dick Grayson
Yay! Okay, this guy and you wow. May I just say couple goals here. Like yes, wonderful, perfect together.
Will you go off on someone for hurting his feelings? Count on it. Whether it is physically fighting or verbally berating someone, you also support everyone’s favorite Blue Bird.
Cute nicknames? Yes, as I stated previously, Blue-Bird, you know because he had been Robin and then he became Nightwing, and Nightwing’s suit is black and blue. Also, his eyes are blue and they look so pretty you could stare at them all day. Also, often used but none as creative as Blue-Bird, sweetheart, darling, cutey, and love.
His pet names for you, are Darling, beautiful, sweetie, bundle of too much adorableness, most wonderful human being to ever exist, my reason for getting out of bed every morning, and love. It is obviously a wonderful mixture of names, and yes, sometimes you do worry about him.
I mean how could you not, you were there since he became Robin, you comforted him through every phase, from being a rebellious teen by denouncing Bruce, becoming Nightwing, forming his own group of heroes, and making the obvious mistake of wearing tights as a part of his costume (that one was particularly hard for you).
I will now rate your PDA, congrats you have received a 6/10. You guys like to give small face kisses (forehead, top of the head, cheek, nose, temple, etc.), you guys give each other small pecks on occasion, and always say ‘I love you’ when one of you has to leave. You hold each other's hands a lot. You guys are very sweet and very wholesome. The only time you aren’t is when you get reunited after a long time (2+ weeks) or a life-threatening thing happens (which is pretty often, I’m not going to lie). 
When you reunite do you share that time slowed down and you are running to each other with the wind in your hair moment before frantically grasping one another to share a passionate kiss. 
Sometimes he will tickle you and pick you up just to spin with you. This happens quite a lot and the two of you often have tickle fights.
You get along with his family, but you have no trouble standing up to them for him. You will fist fight with Jason and tell Tim to ‘shut up and go to sleep’. If Damian starts talking crap you won’t physically hit the child, but you will steal away his pets with treats, which annoys him because food > him.
You will scream at Bruce if necessary. Dick and his adoptive siblings will have to physically pick you up to get you away from the situation.
You guys never fight, except when you eat the last of each other’s ice cream. 
Jeez, you two are so cute together.
Jason Todd
You met early on but got together a few years after his death.
He used to annoy the shit out of you, but the events involving the Joker led you both in the same direction.
You both have a better understanding of each other than anyone else. You are field partners and the only real anti-heroes of Gotham.
You were quick to share an apartment once you both learned each other’s civilian names.
It is easier than you both expected to fall into a rhythm, which only made it easier to go from something platonic to something romantically domestic.
You never seemed to get in each other's way and could somehow calm the other down when the world became a little too quiet or loud. You both rarely slept in the separate beds you had brought and maneuvered into the one bedroom. In fact, neither of you really slept on a bed. 
Most nights you stayed up as late as you could and either returned home and passed out on the couch or watched tv till 3 am, cuddling, and passed out on the couch.
You guys are a little different than others. PDA is more of healthy ways to deal with trauma mixed with a little codependency (but nothing terrible, sometimes shit just gets hard for you both and you have some really off days). Hand holding, back rubs, hugs, and playing with each other's hair and hands are just ways to calm each other.
But back to PDA. Yes. 9/10. You will both totally make out in front of other people spontaneously without a care in the world. He tends to initiate it, but you certainly never have an issue with it.
After all of the shit you two have been through you don’t really care about other people’s comfort around you because you feel safe with each other and are each other's security blankets.
Pet names are definitely common. It is probably the most annoying thing he does when you work together fighting crime. You always hated how he was so arrogant and acted childish when he was Robin. Now he just calls you pet names and flirts ceaselessly with you while you fight together. He will call you sweetheart, darling, beautiful, gorgeous, love, my love, love of my life, and more when you are in the field. He calls you them outside of your night shift too, but that does not annoy you at all. 
You tend to use many of the back, if not all of them, because he means just as much to you. 
He always makes the most adorable face when you cradle his head and call him beautiful. Like this is the softest he will ever be with someone else and he just looks so small and cute and in need of a hug.
If he annoys you, expect gifts in the form of food and drinks. If you annoy him, expect to give him extra hugs and books. 
Yes, you read together, cuddling. Typically different books, but he acts as your personal heater and you love it.
Coffee shop dates, take-out-stay-in dates, and video game dates are to be expected. Also, pastries on top of buildings in the middle of the night are a great pastime.
Also, one last thing, just to mention, you are the only one allowed to use or even touch his guns.
Martian Manhunter
Telepathically communicating, yayyyyyyyy! Okay maybe too soon with that one. But really, expect to be snorting in a silent room as everyone looks at you like you're crazy except for him because he’s smiling fondly at your reaction. 
You two are very sweet together. You help the Justice League with PR stuff, so you talk with the group of heroes all the time.
You often work with the big names and more controversial people in the League, but you work with everyone when you need to.
Also, J’onn can fly so expect to be carried in his arms all the time. He won’t even think about it twice because why would he take you somewhere in a car when he can literally swoop you off your feet bridal style and fly off as you look up at him in complete adoration.
For the moment you’ve all been waiting for, PDA rating. I would say 3/10 in public and 6/10 in private. By that I mean outside world public and the justice hall, mount olympus, etc. as private. In your guy’s place he’s just a cuddle bug or a second cat because yes he bought you a cat for one of your anniversaries.
He cooks you dinner. You join him often, but like he loves to cook you dinner. You think it is really sweet, but he also loves to learn different earthly activities. That and M’gann sends him recipes she thinks you’ll like (and you always love them).
You once made him chocolate cake by the way and now he has a new favorite thing. He loves it and didn’t stop talking about it for months. 
He likes to hold your hands a lot. Sometimes when one of you is stressed the other reaches out in hopes of grounding them before they overthink. It’s very sweet and you both love the gesture.
You sort of also took M’gann under your wing when she first arrived and it melted yours and J’onn’s hearts when she first called you her aunt/uncle. At this point you're like the mom of the YJ and the go to friend for the league. It’s all very sweet but sometimes J’onn feels like the League is hogging you and ‘has to’ drag you away from everyone quite literally, which goes a little something like this:
“Oh, but J’onn, I was having a lovely conversation with Bruce.” “Oh, I’m very sorry, Y/n, but we really have to go,” as he starts to pull you out of the room. “Alright, sorry Bruce we can talk, more some other time?” Once you both make it out of the room you release a breath, “Dinner?” “Yes.” “Great because I’m hungry and Bruce was gnawing my ear off.” After that you both just laugh.
Dinner goes great by the way and you share chocolate cake at the end before going home to cuddle with your cat and watch baking and cooking shows.
Wally West
Just to get it out there, you show your guys affection through food and physical touch 
You make Wally whatever you can cook and make a lot of it for his boosted metabolism. You also order extra pizza for him.
He tries to bake you your favorite desserts but sometimes lacks the patience and other times he eats half of it.
He typically just always buys you your favorite snacks and desserts. Even then he always ‘sneaks’ a bite.
Your PDA is surprisingly low, but as he matures it definitely increases. Like Dick had told you all those years ago it took a while to get used to Wally eating.
I would rate you a 2/10 at the beginning of your relationship and an 8/10 when at your best. (basically Young Justice S1 Wally compared to S2)
You are always touching each other. I don’t mean in an inappropriate way, but considering it is Wally that isn’t unheard of, just not often done in public.
On top of that, he will carry you everywhere, superspeed, normal speed it does not matter. Hand holding always, hugging always. He just wants physical contact. And piggy backs.
But like also, his pickup lines. I repeat his pickup lines. They are so cheesy and corny and you find them endearing somehow. I mean I do too, he is a sweetheart so yeah.
He treats you so well too. Your well-being matters so much to him and if you need something, he will be there in like 3 seconds regardless of where he is.
Nicknames should be expected: whatever you do, whatever you like he finds a way to make it a nickname. He does use babe a lot, but it feels a little basic so he comes up with new one's all the time. Sometimes they stick and other times you choke on air, but the scientific method says that you will fail and retry so it doesn’t phase him.
For the record though, he is Wally so a lot of his nicknames are food based: honey, cupcake, sugar cube, sweet potato, and more.
If you nerd out with him he will never, I repeat, never let you go. 
Also if you wear his merch he will be all over you. Depending on the situation and the place it might get a little spicy, but in most cases he will wrap his arms around your middle and just hold you tightly as he falls back into a chair or couch or something. He will not let you go and will nuzzle his face into your neck for hours. For someone that is so fast and gets bored so easily, he will never want any of this to end. 
Clark Kent
Yeah, you know. You knew. You were well aware of who he was. One single pair of glasses did not fool you. I mean, you didn’t say anything until like the seventh date, but you knew.
Yay, lucky you are normal, in fact, you do not play hero in your free time, but you do have some abilities.
You blame the particle accelerator explosion that occurred in your last home for your abilities. But they were easy to hide and really helped with your job.
You are a psychologist/part-time therapist. You met Clark through an interview you did about the effects of the most recent attack in Metropolis on the citizens' mental health. You had to fight for this article to even exist, but you did so because you could feel the fear that radiated throughout it. 
You did everything you could to provide as much help and information as you could on the topic. Clark had been the photographer for the interview and you both immediately hit it off.
He asked you out to dinner when you stopped by his office to discuss doing another article. Clark said that to celebrate the occasion he could take you out if you wanted.
You said yes because free dinner was nice and he seemed like a good guy, so you thought why the heck not?
Of course, the date went well and you highly enjoyed his company. He asked you out again and said yes.
On your third date, he had to leave early for whatever reason, and then a minute later Superman flew by and started to stop a robbery a block away. Interested, you got as close as you could and were very shocked when you saw Superman’s face. 
You didn’t mention it, but he had the same aura with the slightest bit of guilt that you thought was likely toward leaving you mid-date.
Once he knew you knew he eased up a lot and told you all about his past and Krypton and his powers and his hero-ing. 
You guys have great communication, which is in part due to your empathic abilities. You can always tell when something bothers him and he is more than willing to talk through whatever troubles him. You do the same understanding that you both thrive off of honesty with each other.
Conversation always comes easy. 
Some activities you like to do together are going out for dinner, movie nights, baking, picnic dates, and annoying Bruce Wayne.
Your PDA scale would be like a 4/10 at most. You are very sweet with each other, but sometimes you both find it odd being extra coupley with others around you. Since Clark has super hearing he can tell when people are uncomfortable and since you have your empath abilities you can feel it too. Other people’s moods also affect yours in general so the more people there are the more overwhelmed you feel so you try to avoid anything more than a quick peck on the cheek. 
However, it is still very obvious you two are together because you spend a lot of time with each other and go to lunch together basically every day.
Around the Justice League, you can be a little more open with your affections but you both still prefer privacy.
Nicknames: yes. There are some of the basics: darling, dear, love, etc. Clark particularly likes calling you my dear and you enjoy calling him sweetheart. Sometimes you joke around when he enters a room and you say, “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s my boyfriend, Clark Kent.”
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rubydubydoo122 · 4 months
Season 1 > Next Ok, so I got an anon about a Batfam Actor AU and now I can't get it out of my head. I'll probably make this multiple parts or something, but I'll go season by season probably.
The first season is basically The Batman 2022, except it's in series form and features an actor in his mid 20s. It also explores more of Bruce's training (in flashbacks probably), and the first season is more about Bruce becoming Batman. There's also a lot of noob epic fails, because he's literally a Baby Batman.
I also think they should go the Christopher Nolan route of having Bruce train with the LOA, that way they could introduce Talia and Ra's earlier. Give all three of them more of a history together, but the main villains would be the smaller ones, like the Riddler, the original Red Hood (so a goofy Joker), Clayface, Penguin and Catwoman (but there;s a lot of sexual tension and bantering between the two)
The cast of the first season would be Bruce, Alfred, Commisioner Gordon, Harvey Dent, Talia, Ra's, and obviously the rogues gallery.
What makes the show so popular are the ship wars. Brutalia and Brulena shippers are basically getting into fistfights, while Bruharvey fans are in their own world because the actor who plays Bruce kissed the actor who plays Harvey in an interview. The interviews with all four of them get so many view because the sheer amount of sexual tension between ALL FOUR OF THEM IS INSANE.
Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, and Ra's always have a tea interview every press season where they spill the tea on things that happened on set. (Bruce ripping the pants of the batman suit while doing a stunt goes viral)
Though a lot of fans felt like there was a character archetype that was missing....
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greatrunawaysong · 5 days
Epic Joker and Batman Kiss xD
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shiranui7 · 1 year
Harley's last Friday night (parody)
Two hyenas in my bed
There's a clown hat on my head
Stray cats all over the room
Killer Croc is in the pool
I smell like Flannegan's rat
Joker's passed out in the yard
Man-Bat's hanging down the roof
This a party or a zoo?
Pictures of last night ended up online, we're screwed
Oh, well
They're all bad and blurred, but I'm pretty sure I'm nude
Last Friday night
Edward danced on tabletops, then he slipped on a tea spot
Jervis kissed Jon and got shot last Friday night
Penguin maxed our credit cards, Harv got kicked out of the bar
'Cause he trashed half of the pub last Friday night
Gotham Sirens in the park, skinny-dipping in the dark
We had a ménage à trois last Friday night
Yeah, I think we broke the law, but who cares since we're all Rou-o-gues whoa
But this Friday night
Do it all again
But this Friday night
Do it all again
Trying to connect the dots
Bane and Ra's are playing box
Ragdoll's dancing to the beat
Baby Doll is off the shit
Firefly scorched my party dress
Batman's out for our arrest
Zsasz and Roman just got bailed
So they missed this epic fail
Pictures of last night ended up online, we're screwed
Oh, well
They're all bad and blurred, but I'm pretty sure I'm nude
Last Friday night
Talia came with her old Pop, to say hi and have some scotch
Think we kissed, but I forgot last Friday night
Mr. Freeze came to get drunk, and then froze all of our cars
Killer Moth fried on a lamp last Friday night
Ivy bonding with the plants, 'Lina purring like a cat
Clock king couldn't come at last this Friday night
Yeah, I think we broke the law, but who cares since we're all Rou-o-gues whoa
But this Friday night
Do it all again (do it all again)
But this Friday night
Do it all again (do it all again)
But this Friday night
We are all mad...
Last Friday night
Maxie Zeus took 13 shots and proclaimed himself a god
Scareface dissed him and got drowned last Friday night
Deathstroke stole Wayne's credit card and we bought some shit for fun
Then we hit the boulevard last Friday night
Grundy got worse so he packed, Clayface asked to have a part
So we turned him into a car last Friday night
Yeah, I think we broke the law, but who cares since we're all Rou-o-gues whoa
But this Friday night
Do it all again
@acapelladitty @voiceboss you usually make me smile with your content, I hope to return the favour! :)
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Please, Boug, won't you share some batjokes headcanons?
My headcanons are still marinating! Some of these are a bit unpolished, as a result.
I will say, I flipflop greatly between loving the unhinged main-comics-canon Joker who is utterly amoral and irredeemable and will gladly blow up a bus of schoolkids to catch his darling's attention (so long as the set up’s funny), and preferring the way-more-redeemable and fuckable versions in Telltale & White Knight, etc. The fandom feels pretty divided in terms of preference there, so some of my headcanons might not be everyone's cup of tea!
With Joker from the main comics, he and Batsy EITHER never fuck and their entire relationship is built on intense sexual repression and Batman only realizes how much he wanted to fuck this ridiculous clown AFTER Joker dies and then broods about that for the rest of his life
OR they both jerk off furiously after every fight, in their respective hideouts
UNTIL one time after a long battle that had a lot of collateral - enough to push Batman into his trademark cold, brutal (and, if you ask Joker, sexy) fury - Batman slams Joker up against the wall. Joker pulls his usual flirt-chicken routine, puckering up, asking if he gets a kiss now. He expects to be clapped in irons while his darling's lips twist in a sneer. Not to be rammed back against the wall, Batman's mouth crashing into his so hard it might as well have been his fist.
The resultant sex is violent and ugly. Bloody and raw. Batman is horrified at the monster Joker can bring out in him, repulsed by Joker himself, disgusted at how much he enjoyed it. As for Joker, he almost dies because Batman gets so rough - which is to say, he has a whale of a time From there, you have a bunch of fun directions you can go in!
Joker taunts Batman about this for the rest of forever but they never fuck again because Batman is in such epic denial, and Joker eventually gets so mad he blows up the entire city in recompense
Batman remains in epic denial, but they absolutely fuck again. Bruce tells himself he keeps fucking the clown precisely to prevent fate following that first route. Maybe he's right. But Joker doesn't believe him, and somewhere deep down, neither does Bruce.
They start properly going at it after every fight but Batman is sure to keep it impartial, dispassionate, just a physical release. Joker's content with that for a while, but eventually he starts feeling kinda used and hurt. He tries loads of 'couples therapy' (talking to Batsy, shooting him with various weapons, then when all else fails, blowing shit up). Nothing works. Eventually he hits the point where he does that whole dynamite double-suicide with Batman from the Catwoman comic, telling Bruce in his last words that he's tired of laughing. Batman has a chance to get away before Joker blows himself up, but chooses to go out with him.
Telltale John Doe and Bruce stay friends while John's in Arkham (following the vigilante ending). Bruce comes to visit every week, bringing chocolate milkshakes with lots of sprinkles once he's assured by the docs that it won't mess with John's medication.
John eventually gets let out on good behaviour to have full run of the grounds, etc. On that first day, he's so ridiculously touch-starved he almost starts crying when Bruce claps his shoulder (in a friendly, bro-like way) to congratulate him on how well he’s doing. They spend the entire hour with John piled on Bruce's lap, face buried in Bruce's neck, arms and legs wrapped around his 'friend', begging for Bruce to give him a big full-body hug.
Cue Bruce having a very awkward flush of feelings.
Only - fuck. John's not the most stable guy. Now Harley's out of the picture, Bruce is the person he's closest to in the entire world - he's literally his only friend. John is obviously kinda attached to him, but as he's still shut in the asylum and doesn't really have much choice of a dating pool, the last thing Bruce wants is to take advantage.
Meanwhile, John, who has slowly been falling in love since the day he first met Bruce, is trying to keep his cool around Bruce and not act like a lovesuck puppy whenever he's near. Or at least, no more like a lovesuck puppy than usual. After all, Bruce is Bruce! He's awesome and rich and handsome! He's gotta have people - girls, pretty girls - hanging off both arms. Hell, in half the pictures, he does. Why would he ever be interested in a weird, gawky Arkham inmate?
In any universe, Joker gets kinda sick of seeing Bruce with girls all over him in the paper. And as killing people to get his attention doesn’t go well, he instead very blatantly hooks up with some other guys - like Lex, or Harvey, or even Killer Croc - to make Batman jealous.
And despite Bruce’s fervent wishes otherwise... it absolutely works.
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mandoreviews · 2 years
📽️ The Dark Knight (2008)
This is by far the best movie in this trilogy. Heath Ledger’s performance was obviously amazing and basically carried the entire movie. I honestly don’t know anyone who would disagree with me when I say that Heath Ledger is the best Joker that ever was or ever will be. Heath Ledger’s Joker is complemented by Christian Bale’s epic performance as Batman. Besides the greatest villain ever, Joker, there’s also Harvey Dent, another great hero-turned-villain. It may seem too ambitious to have more than one villain per movie — look what happened with Spider-Man Three — but this movie did it so well, and it worked. I have to be honest, the Batman voice is a bit annoying at times; I may not like that, but I will never stop liking this movie. There is a reason it has 9/10 stars on IMDb.
Sex/nudity: 2/10 (bikinis, kissing, low cut dresses, one very quick sexual reference)
Language: 2/10 (you would normally expect more from a superhero movie, but mild language is part of what makes this trilogy great — they don’t need language to spice up the movie)
Violence: 8/10 (I’m not even going to try to list it all 😂)
Overall rating: 9/10
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gothamsfinestdummy · 2 years
Anybody remember Batman: Duty? That two-parter from Legends of the Dark Knight?
‘Cause it’s friggin awesome.
The comic centers around the fact that (oh no!) Batman isn’t present to protect Gotham City at the moment, so it is up to Gordon to deal with Joker’s BS now.
Honestly my favorite part of the comic is Joker himself and his “oh Romeo, where art thou?” attitude. Some of it is funny and other parts made me think “dang he’s got it bad.”
(It also incorporates J’s belief that everyone except for he and Batman isn’t real. Which I think is super interesting. This was also explored in Joker’s Apprentice)
Here are some highlights:
Joker: “No one can stop me. No one! Except, of course, for the Batman. And he’s… he’s… Oh, say it again. Say it again.”
(Saying this^ as he’s hugging himself lmao)
Joker, looking up at the sky through a window: “It’s all so out of sync… I don’t know what’s wrong. Where are you, Batman? I’ve done my part. You can’t say I haven’t. You can’t!
“I’ve blown things up, I’ve killed policemen, dropped buildings on them… You should have been here by now.
“There is no reality in this world except for you and me. You’ll come—You have to come. Those are the rules. Please come, Batman. Please?”
He’s so dramatic. We love him.
Joker: “With no Batman… Who needs this dump?”
Joker: “Well, Frenchie… You want revenge, and that’s fine. But me, I just wanna dance with my man. I simply can’t understand why he’s not here.”
Joker, posing dramatically with his hand above his eyes: “Batman! Where are you? I set it all up so beautifully. It’s all so perfect… so classic! So epic! This was supposed to be the moment of our deaths.
“I know you’re out there somewhere, but you’re supposed to be here… now… with me! Don’t you love me anymore?”
I do declare, that is GAY.
And this is where I lost my MIND. Both from Joker’s commentary and the situation itself. Gordon is about to confront Joker but he IGNORES HIM and keeps up with his “oh Romeo, where art thou Romeo?” pleading.
Like, this:
Gordon: “All right, Joker… it’s all over.”
Joker: “Oh, Batman…”
Gordon: “Put the device down—now!
Joker: “Not even the charm of a goodbye kiss?”
IM GOING TO SLAM MY HEAD INTO THE TABLE. This line right here absolutely slayed me, may I request an open-casket funeral?
Joker: “No apologies? No explanations?”
Gordon: “On the deck—put it down!”
Joker, finally turning to face Gordon: “Just a brutish lackey dispatched to deliver your message of rejection?”
This isn’t really Batjokes, just Joker being an ass to Jim (it’s kinda funny too, I’m so sorry):
Joker: “You…? A mere dream? You think to contest with me? ME?! I don’t bother with my lessers—Errand boy!”
That line is SO funny to me, I lost my mind reading that.
But anyway, Gordon beats up J like a boss and grabs the detonator, preventing the explosion, but takes a pretty hard fall. Joker escapes and that’s the end.
But yeah this comic was WILD. Had a fun time reading it.
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Epic Joker and Batman Kiss
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initiumseries · 3 years
Can we get the Batman review ?
Sure, guess I might as well do it here:
So basically I just thought it was fine. I don't think it deserved 3 hours, but it also didn't FEEL like omg 3 hours. I did at some point be like...oh this isn't the end yet? I feel like the themes were quite pedestrian. We've seen Batman be over obsessed and isolate himself in his own mental machinations, we've seen him learn to let people in blah blah. They weren't really saying anything new. It was basically a repackaging of all the other batman movies with a new score and I just...don't feel like we needed that. I think, if we're gonna have so many batman movies in such rapid succession...there needs to be something different.
I find that all these movies focus so heavily on Batman and ignore Bruce Wayne, and I know this movie felt like, because Pattison (I am physically incapable of associating Edward with Bruce fucking Wayne but anyway) is meant to confront his father/parents being imperfect people, that they felt like they were dealing with Bruce Wayne, but they didn't because they keep leaning into this "Batman is his real face." which is FINE, but ONLY if they lean into how Bruce is the mask. Like LEAN INTO IT. Instead of making me want to throw myself off something high with lines like "these late nights have turned me into some nocturnal animal" (jesus christ you're called THE BATMAN. The nocturnal animal...IS A BAT), show the contrast with how he turns Bruce on. He's the eccentric rich bad boy *deliberately* to throw heat off of him ever being the batman in the first place. He wouldn't neglect that. They establish that even in Batman Year One. 
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Pattison just...does not possess the presence to be Batman. Batman is supposed to be threatening, his mere presence very literally terrifies people, that's why that moment when he helps those people in Gotham Square Garden is supposed to be poignant, because they think he's scary, then at the end they don't.
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Except....Pattison lacks presence and gravitas, so all it gives is...Edward Cullen in tactical gear which is just...such a letdown when the score is SO intense, these footsteps are echoing, and it's this big epic moment and then...pouty edward. lol. Let down. And then he's just a sickly pouty edward as Bruce? It's just...unimpressive.
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Zoe and Pattison...I mean I grew up on Batman the Animated series and the chemistry between Catwoman and Batman is supposed to be...out of this world, electric, fire, constantly flirty. Even Batman will say a flirty one liner. And instead they were so focused on having their virtue signal-y tragic arrangement situation with the interracial shit and focusing A LOT OF ENERGY on Zoe's sexiness and not how sexy they were together...made their scenes like...ok well I guess that happened. Not sure why she keeps kissing him but I'm suspending my disbelief...
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This is just...not it
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Pattison was a DICK to Alfred. Alfred nearly died, for HIM, and the second dude opens his eyes, this ungrateful bitch just lights into him. He just isn't at all...charismatic isn't really the right word...but it is because, if he could muster up a fucking emotion lol, he could've executed that scene with nuance instead of just coming off as a brat harassing the only father figure he has while he's trying to fight for his life lol.
The Riddler was like...okay I actually like that we didn't fall back on the Joker, but obviously they introduced him in the end. I...just...wasn't really impressed. He embodied the Riddler in physicality but then he started having his breakdown and just was...yelling, then Pattison wasn't getting the that Batman level hysteria, so it was just 2 white men not committed to their breakdowns yelling on screen and I was just cringing the whole time haha.
Otherwise I thought some of the ideas were fine, like, really addressing the corruption in Gotham, how pervasive it is, and the mythos of Batman, but the casting was honestly, probably the biggest letdown. The score, the mood (so fucking dark, can we have a fucking light source please?), the ideas (although basic) and fight scenes would have been quite elevated with a stronger main cast.
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lavenders-writing · 2 years
my epic and official review of FMN by @sipsteainanxiety below the cut <33
okay starting off with ch 27:
the eye contact through the mirror,, good shit right there
this is random but i keep thinking about the baby and i feel so :(((( and DDDDD: PLEASE they gotta be a family again i am beggingsgfhgf
"you could still pull up. i'll sure she'll understand" okay i pull up--
"gotta get that quality time in with your girl" amen sero, amen
"cowabummer, dude" HJDFK SERO I LOVE YOU he's really coming in here with some hit lines isnt he
he;s so nervous :(((( just wanna wrap him in a big hug he deserves one
the thought that bakugou, who's extremely calculated, is willing to just risk it all just to be with the person he loves means SO much my heart is aching but like in a good way
the art AWWWWWshfgfddsk he is SO. yeah love him
Dr BitchAss McGee better step back alright im not playing around this time bc katsuki is sad again and that is NOT allowed in this household
if this man doesnt stop clicking at me i swear im gonna click him into the next dimension
this bitch is keeping me in a WAREHOUSE??? didnt your mother teach you how to treat a lady smh
this woman sounding like the Joker by talking about society like get your clown ass away from me im not batman
lady im sorry your partner died but i literally barely remember that incident because SOMEONE took my memory so why tf am i here i mean i understand that youre trauma dumping but find a better outlet, sis <3
oh heres bitchass mcgee in the corner okay lemme at him
"you bounced back though, didn't you?" okay untie me and then say that to my face
YEAHHHH WOOOOO KATSUKI COME IN AND KICK SOME ASS WITH ME love how this violence will hopefully bring us together <3
AAAHHH i didn't think i'd be in the notes!!! tysm ily <333333 !!!!!! i wanna draw this lady now sjfhdg i have a mental image of her already
okay time for ch 28 hgskdghasghsdf
these two bitches with one needle trying to beat us like just accept defeat, sweaty <3
i should go back and take his wallet and socks; wallet bc it's funny and i can give it to the police and socks bc then he'll be very unconfrotable and thatll ALSO be funny
this lady has rabies or something omg
bitch stop playing with me like im a puppet this isn't some wack version of coraline where youre the other mother okay put me down i'll bite you
when i said to put me down i did NOT mean like that
YEAHHH WOOOHOOOO IM A BADASS what a power couple omg
AAAHHHHGHH YES this friendship with eijirou is EVERYTHING
mother and father, please give me my child back immediately :) (threat)
YES uncle ei awwwww my HEART omg
kissed sunsets awwwww PLEASE thats so cute
the fact that he kept everything where is was, like the SNEAKERS, im,,,, my heart hurts he missed yn so muchAND TH EBOOK AND THE MUG AND THE NOTES HNMNGMHNFHMNHMFNNFH IM IN PAIN!!! ABSOLUTE AGONY!!!!!!!!!
amazing job AS ALWAYS this had me absolutely captivated omg <33333
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leonicscorpio · 4 years
Y'all, I'm so excited for Gotham Knights.
Both as a batman and bat family fan. This game is looking to offer a lot in terms of both gameplay and add an extreme amount of story. I especially am excited to see what they end up doing with Jason.
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Right off the bat (lol) I love his design. They show that he's large and imposing. Physically intimidating. As well as bringing back his white streak with a clean short haircut and s scar that extends from his mouth all the way up his head. His design is just *chefs kiss*
However upon looking at his promotional information I was immediately grabbed by his bio. They mention something very specific about this universe's Jason that is very unique and peculiar.
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The top text pretty much establishes what is already canon and what we know about Jason to be true. The death, Lazarus Pit, his anger, etc. This also poses the fact that we will probably see a Jason in-game that is very volitile and easy to anger. (That's hot) but what's most interesting is the bottom text. "After reconciling with the Batman Family, he's embraced Batman's non-lethal combat methods" what's so striking to me is that Jason and Bruce seemingly made up prior to the events of Bruce's death. As Jason got the message of Bruce's death, and as seen in the image prior (the one with Jason's face) we see Jason is visibly hurt and shocked. He's taken aback by the announcement. While I think any iteration of Jason (Pre-New 52 straight up-villain Jason or New 52 Anti-Hero who is half trying to get Bruce to love him, half telling Bruce to fuck off) would be shocked of Bruce's death announcement. We get to see Jason's reaction first and foremost and it's very personal and emotional. This brings up a point that's been bugging me ever since I saw the announcement of Gotham Knights.
What happened to Jason that made him reconcile with Bruce?
This post is speculation as to what I think may have happened to Jason to cause him to turn around and be welcomed back into the Bat Family.
I think that the events of Under The Red Hood still happen but either Bruce or Jason kill the Joker.
It's a stretch. But hear me out. We know the most defining moment in Bruce's and Jason's joint story is the confrontation between Bruce and Jason over the Joker and Jason trying to force Bruce to kill the Joker.
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Bruce decides he cannot kill the Joker. Now the movie and the comic differs on how they handle the ending. In the comics, right as Jason is about to pull the trigger, Bruce reacts and throws a Batarang at Jason. Slicing him in the neck. Severely injuring him but not killing him. In the Under the Red Hood movie, Bruce, when faced with the option of having to chose between killing the Joker and just letting Jason kill him. Bruce turns and walks away. He readies a Batarang because he predicts (correctly) that Jason will retaliate out of confusion because he sees Bruce as rejecting him again. Not understanding that Bruce is simply chosing not to be involved in the situation.
I think Jason turning around to Bruce could happen most likely because the events of Under the Red Hood transpired differently. We know Joker still exists in this universe because Jason's death and resurrection is implied to be the same. But we also know that Barbara Gordon's paralysis during the events of The Killing Joke are still canon in this universe.
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What if this universe follows the canon of the movie in that when Bruce turned away from Jason, either Bruce verbalized to Jason that he doesn't care what happens to the Joker, right now, he's chosing Jason, and although he doesn't want Jason to kill the Joker, he's letting Jason decide.
What if Bruce still throws a Batarang at Jason and instead of staying still, Jason brings the joker up and uses him as a shield? Killing the Joker or severely injuring him as a muscle reaction to protect himself from the Batarang. We know that the reason why Jason is so antagonistic towards Bruce is because Bruce didn't kill the Joker and let him continue to kill and injure people after Jason's death. And that inaction is directly what happens
The WB Montreal team (the team making Arkham Knights) hasn't confirmed if The Joker is in thw game. We know the confirmed villains are The Court of Owls and Mister Freeze. With Two Face being hinted at through promotional material. But there is no direct references that The Joker will be in the game.
I may be looking too deep into this. Jason may have just turned around as a result of Bruce's demise. But I like to think of the potential character interactions we could see in Gotham Knights. I want to see a Jason that has properly reconciled with Bruce and is trying to make amends. Only for him to lose Bruce and run the risk of falling back on bad habits. Is Jason still antagonistic towards Dick and Tim even if Bruce accepts Jason as The Red Hood and is able to help reform him? Is Jason still the bitter, almost acidiccly snarky and biting character his in Scott Lobdell's characterization of Jason if he reconciles with Bruce? Does he still call Tim "replacement" and such if he's accepted and recognized and given the support he needs? How does the rest of the family react to Jason? Are they apprehensive?
There's so much to look forward to with Gotham Knights and I'd love to know what other people think. With an exciting new take on Jason's character (as well as being able to play as Jason in an RPG based setting) we get to have an extremely diverse cast. All of the Robins are played by Asian American voice actors and Barbara is played by a Latin-American voice actress. Stephen Oyoung is a fantastic casting for Jason because he already has a lot of exposure as a VA who plays villains. Christopher Sean is going to bring so much fun as Dick (for those who don't know he voiced Kazuda Xiono in Star Wars Resistance and Ludwig in Epic 7) America Young is the current voice of BARBIE and is also going to bring so much to the role of Barbara Gordon. And while Sloane Morgan Siegal is the new face of the bunch, from what we saw from the promo he's bringing a great new take on Tim Drake that's going to be refreshing and exciting.
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Let me know you're thoughts!
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kittidot · 4 years
The Joker
@kingkassam ... here’s your ‘Trick or Treat’ prize ...an LITG drabble with Tim. I hope you like it 🎃🧡
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Tim looked around the old barn and smiled. Inviting everyone to spend Halloween in an old barn in the middle of the Cornish countryside had been a risky move, but they’d all agreed. Three seasons of love islanders were currently making their way to Tim’s ‘Spookfest’ and he was buzzing with excitement at the thought of them all seeing what he’d created. 
Well, there was one person he really wanted to see react to it, but he wasn’t about to admit that to himself.
“Do you want to do a sound test?” a tall guy dressed like a Zombie asked and Tim bounced over to his decks without an answer. He’d carefully planned the spooky playlist for tonight, and as ‘Dragula’ blasted out through the speakers he stuck his thumb up at the zombie, who was bouncing his head up and down in seconds.
From the DJ podium Tim could get a good view of everything he’d set up. He wanted it to be the perfect night. He wanted them all to remember it as the most epic Halloween party of all time. 
He wanted to remember it as the night where he erased the mistakes of that summer, which now seemed like so long ago. He couldn’t believe another two seasons of islanders had come and gone in that time. Bringing their own drama. Creating their own mistakes.
But he was fairly sure none of them had been as big as his, in the regret stakes.
And so he took a deep breath, the nerves in his stomach feeling quite alien to him and looked around the barn.
A line of zombies were waiting behind the bar, waiting to mix halloween themed cocktails. The barn had been transformed into a graveyard, complete with hands coming out of the ground, and a crypt photobooth where the islanders could go and get their photos taken with any number of gruesome props. 
A giant lamp was acting like the moon, casting light over part of the room and over to the main door. He imagined a moment where she’d walk through the doors, lit in the light of the moon and would catch his eye before running to him. He’d take her in his arms and tell her he loved her, and they’d kiss.
‘Fuckin’ ‘ell bro’ he muttered under his breath. He needed to get a grip. This wasn’t like him. He needed to focus on the party. 
He straightened his costume. He’d decided to be the Joker for tonight. The press had labelled him ‘the joker of the pack’ when he’d been in the villa, and so he decided he might as well live up to it. That was his role, after all, to make people laugh. Keep people upbeat. No need to show any cracks in his persona. 
The door to the barn opened. Tai and Ciaran were the first to walk in, dressed as characters from Game of Thrones. Tim waved at them and pointed to the bar. They smiled and walked over to it, hands linked, still the perfect couple.
Tim felt another pang. Why hadn’t that been him? 
The door opened again and there stood the girl he’d ended Season 1 with. Jen. Dressed as a cat, her arm linked with her new man, Lucas, who had opted for Batman.
The irony wasn’t lost on Tim and he waved, a little less enthusiastically this time. 
Luckily more people started arriving, and Tim focussed his attention on the music. Things hadn’t ended well with Jen. She’d decided he was in love with another girl. A friend of theirs. 
She wasn’t wrong.
And so the party continued, and the barn was full of laughing, drinking, dancing. But there was one person he hadn’t seen. 
He put on some pre-mixed tracks and stepped away from the podium, wanting to catch up with Jake. But before he could get to him, the barn door creaked open and there she was. 
Allegra was stood to one side of her, Talia to the other. They’d obviously decided on a group theme for their costumes...the Birds of Prey...and of course the girl he couldn’t stop thinking about was dressed as Harley Quinn. 
She stopped when she saw him, a smile playing on her lips when she realised he was dressed as the Joker.
“Mate!” he shouted to her, a little part of him dying inside because that wasn’t what he wanted to be calling her “what are the chances? Lucas has come as Batman...should we gang up on him?”.
She laughed and walked over to him, wrapping him in a hug “let me get good and drunk first, and then I will absolutely kick his ass with you”.
“It’s a date” he said, cringing even more at himself “I mean, uh, the bar is over there”.
“Great she replied” before bouncing in the direction of the bar, getting hugged by everyone she walked by. They all loved her. Of course they did. We watched as Bobby swept her into his arms and spun her around. Tim felt a pang of jealousy at that. He knew Bobby was her type. She liked the funny boys. 
That's what she’d told him in the villa, the night they’d been drunkenly lying on the astroturf and staring at the stars. She’d also told him that she was falling for him.
He’d laughed it off, of course he had. He was with Jen. She was with Levi. He knew it was the Prosecco talking. Although since then he hadn’t been able to shake off the feeling that he could have been wrong about that. But he’d missed his chance, and she’d never spoken about it again, not even the night when she’d been consoling him over the split with Jen and he’d asked if he could kiss her. She’d laughed and quickly walked into the kitchen to make him a coffee instead.
And so he’d taken the hint. It wasn’t going to happen. He’d missed his moment with her three years ago. 
He shook his head, trying to shake off the sadness that was threatening to arrive. He was at the most amazing Halloween party ever, at least four other people had already verified that for him tonight. It was time to enjoy it.
So he danced, he DJ’d, he rapped with his old rap crew, he laughed, chatted, drank and joked. He did all the things that were expected of Tim the Joker. 
Until he felt a hand in his, linking with his fingers, warmth radiating through him. He turned to look at her and she smiled, nodding her head towards the photo booth. 
“Crypt?” she asked.
Tim smiled and nodded, suddenly shy. 
The sounds of the party faded away as she led him to the booth. They opened the door and found Lottie and Gary kissing inside.
“Alright mate?” Gary asked as he looked at them, flushed. He clearly read something in Tim’s face as he quickly looked back at Lottie “I think it’s our time to leave, babe”.
And then the booth was empty and she led him inside. They sat down on the bench and faced the camera “Fancy a photo?” she asked, reaching forward to press the button before he’d responded. As the screen counted down she put her arm around his waist, bringing him close. He reciprocated with an arm around her shoulder.
The camera flashed. 
But they didn’t move. Sat frozen, both looking forward. Hardly breathing. The weight of something significant hanging between them.
“Tim…” she broke the silence.
He turned his head to look at her “Yes?”
She turned her face to his, so close that her breath tickled his skin. 
The two were frozen in time again. The camera flashed.
He looked into her eyes and saw something flashing in them that was new to him.
“...can I kiss you?” she asked. Using the same question he’d asked her before. Only his response wasn’t to laugh and walk away. 
It was to take her face in his hands and bring his mouth to hers. To kiss her deeply. To pour three years of lost time into a kiss that made them both feel like they were floating. 
The camera flashed one last time, capturing the Joker with the girl that saw him as so much more.
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animlvr04 · 4 years
For all of those wayleska fans out there I have this idea for a fanfic. So I dreamed this idea after watching Justice league dark: apokolips war and the last 2 seasons of gotham. Ok imagine this its a AU of season 5 ep 7 Ace chemicals. This also has a femBruce Wayne. So everything is the same úntil the part in which they are having dinner with the doppelgangers Wayne, úntil Jeremiah says you'll see this is where the changes start. A black purple portal opens in front of them pulling both femBruce and Jeremiah through and they land in front of Raven and John Constantine in their base. (cue freaking out by the part of both) Raven, John and Superman explain the whole Darkseid invasión arc to them, which after seeing the state of the outside world both believe. They were brought because their future selves Batwomen and Joker have been brainwashed and are the most trusted generals in Darkseid army (just like in the movie but instead of just being Batman alone Darkseid uses both, since together they are an unstoppable force that has brought any resistance to its knees).
When femBruce ask if they were brought to stop(kill) their future selves Raven replies not exactly, they were summoned in case plan A doesn't work :which is using Damián Wayne in order to snap both Batwomen and Joker from the brainwashing. After this is said they meet Damien (this part of the movie stays the same, meeting Damien, the league of assasins, seeing a lazarus brought Nightwing). Damien tells femBruce and Jeremiah that he is their son, conceived during an incident with Poison Ivy(flower pollen that made them confess to each other and in the end made them have sex). They managed to convince Damián and they go to meet Lois Lane (everything up úntil this part stays the same as in cannon, the only part is that this Harley is gotham Echo and managed to almost faint when seeing both femBruce and Jeremiah). While Raven and Damián have their romántic confession in the infirmary both femBruce and Jeremiah have their own heart to heart in which they admit their feelings and Jeremiah manages to promise not to kill innocents but criminals are fair game. This femBruce manages to accept that he will kill (just like cannon Batman had to accept that Selina, Jason and Damián have killed).
Damián finds them while they are embracing and talks with them about his childhood (how even though they stayed enemies in públic the Joker was a pretty good Dad, always went to Birthdays, games, spelling bees, etc... and how he received both knowledge of a bat and a clown) that he was happy and loved his childhood and asked them that when they go back to get together and start being happy at this time of their lives and fuck off everybody else that does not like their happiness.
Everything else happen as in cannon apokolips war: they go and fight parademons, suicide squad dies, los lane dies(basically everyone that died is the same) Damián is unable to snap both Batwomen and Joker so epic battle ensues (Batwomen vs femBruce vs Joker vs Jeremiah vs Damián) in which they lose and are on their knees by parademons. Darkseid orders that they both have to torture Damián in front of their past selves, kill him and then kill their past selves. Both Joker and Batwomen can't do it, (they love Damián too much and this snaps them of their brainwashing) and attack Darkseid Instead. Same fight occurs as in cannon and Damián still dies to save both of his parents. (after this everything pretty much follow the movie, trigon released, Raven saves Damián, and Cyborg sacrifaces himself to kill Darkseid and the parademons)
Back on earth they are all in front of the destroyed Titans tower when Batwomen tells them that the earth only has at most 4 months before the planeta collapses. Constantine and Raven with the help of the Flash managed to create a Gate that will take both femBruce and Jeremiah back to the exact time they were taken and since both magic and the speedforce were used there wont be an alternate dimension happening. While they are preparing the Gate Batwomen and Joker have a talk with them about trusting each other and not letting secrets come between them. ( the talk can be either be done with all four of them or either Jeremiah and femBruce being taken by their future selves). After a teary goodbye with Damián they arrive back in the past.
They kiss and hug and vow to stop that a invasión at all cost.
So....... Yeah that is what I dreamed. I am not very good at writing, so if any fanfic writers want to use this idea and turn it into a fanfic be my guest. Just remember to tag me so I can read the fic.
Have fun 😊
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aion-rsa · 4 years
DC FanDome: Schedule, Date, Time, and How to Watch
Fans hoping for major DC news in lieu of an actual San Diego Comic-Con are definitely going to get just that at DC FanDome, a digital event designed to be watched at home like a real con.
Originally set up as one epic night of panels and reveals, DC announced that it will be splitting FanDome into two separate and distinct events: Hall of Heroes, which will be held in late August, and WatchVerse in mid-September.
The August date still holds most of the big-ticket items. It’s billed by DC as “an epic world designed personally by Jim Lee featuring special programming, panels and exclusive reveals from a wide variety of films, TV series, games, comics and more.” Functionally, it’s the Hall H of FanDome.
This DC FanDome trailer gives fans a good glimpse at what they can expect from the event:
Here’s everything else you need to know about DC FanDome:
DC FanDome Date and Time
The first DC FanDome event, Hall of Heroes, kicks off on Saturday, Aug. 22 at 1 pm ET. Sign up to watch here!
DC FanDome Schedule
Here’s a rundown of all the panels happening during DC FanDome: Hall of Heroes. The panel descriptions below are courtesy of DC. All times are ET:
1:00 PM – Wonder Woman 1984 Panel
“Wonder Woman 1984 stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal, and director/co-writer/producer Patty Jenkins join forces with Brazilian hosts Érico Borgo and Aline Diniz to celebrate the fans in a big way. They will answer questions from fans from all over the world, talk fan art and cosplay, and reveal an all-new sneak peek at the upcoming film — plus a few more surprises!”
1:25 PM – WB Games Montreal Announcement
“Gamers! You won’t want to miss this first look at an exciting new game, and Q&A with its developers.”
1:45 PM – The Sandman Universe: Enter the Dreaming Panel
“Neil Gaiman, Dirk Maggs, G. Willow Wilson and Michael Sheen discuss the legacy of The Sandman comic book series and how it has been expanded with new stories, adapted into new mediums, and enthralled audiences around the world.”
2:15 PM – Multiverse 101 Panel
“Get schooled in this engaging refresher course on the creation of the Multiverse with DC Chief Creative Officer/Publisher Jim Lee, Warner Bros. Pictures President of DC-Based Film Production Walter Hamada, and Berlanti Productions founder/DCTV mega-producer Greg Berlanti.”
2:40 PM – Flash Movie Panel
“This 101-style conversation with The Flash filmmakers Andy Muschietti and Barbara Muschietti, star Ezra Miller and screenwriter Christina Hodson will give fans a speedy rundown on the first-ever Flash feature film.”
2:50 PM – Beyond Batman Short
“The Batman of Swinging Sixties culture clashes with the Batman of the far-flung future when Batman Beyond and his mentor, Old Bruce Wayne, intercept a broadcast of the 1966 Batman TV show!”
2:55 PM – The Suicide Squad Panel
“What else would you expect from The Suicide Squad but the ultimate elimination game? First up, writer/director James Gunn takes on fan questions, then brings out Task Force X for a fast-paced, no-holds-barred Squad Showdown that tests every team member’s Squad knowledge — and survival skills!”
3:40 PM – BAWSE Females of Color within the DCU Panel
“What’s a BAWSE? Find out here as some of the hottest actresses across DC television and film sit down with celebrity DJ D-Nice and Grammy-winning singer/actress Estelle to discuss how they use their confidence and vulnerability to navigate their careers in Hollywood. Panelists include Meagan Good (SHAZAM!), Javicia Leslie (Batwoman), Candice Patton (The Flash), Tala Ashe (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), Nafessa Williams and Chantal Thuy (Black Lightning), and Anna Diop and Damaris Lewis (Titans). Catch the entire full-length conversation at McDuffie’s Dakota in the DC WatchVerse.”
4:00 PM – Legacy of the Bat Panel
“Calling all Batman fans! Don’t miss this discussion on the wide scope of the Batman universe, including the Batman Family of characters. Key talent from comics, TV, and games will provide insight into the world of Caped Crusader.”
4:30 PM – Joker: Put on a Happy Face
“Featuring interviews with filmmakers and industry legends, discover the origins and evolution of The Joker, and learn why the Clown Prince of Crime is universally hailed as the greatest comic book Super-Villain of all time.”
4:45 PM – Surprise DC Comics Panel
5:10 PM – I’m Batman: The Voices Behind the Cowl Panel
“Everyone has their favorite Batman. But for audiences around the world, their favorite Batman has a local sound. It’s time to meet the voices behind the cowl. Hear what it’s like to be one of the many global vocal actors portraying the Dark Knight when the Super Dubbers, who lend their talents to the Caped Crusader on screens big and small all over the world, come together for the first time ever.”
5:30 PM – The Snyder Cut of Justice League Panel
“Zack Snyder fields questions from fans and a few surprise guests as he discusses his eagerly awaited upcoming cut of the 2017 feature film and the movement that made it happen.”
5:54 PM – The Flash TV Panel
“Executive producer Eric Wallace joins cast members Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Nicolet, Kayla Compton, and Brandon McKnight to discuss all things Flash with Entertainment Weekly’s Chancellor Agard. Team Flash will break down both parts of season six and look ahead at what is to come with an exclusive trailer for season seven. Fans will also get a look at the exclusive black-and-white noir episode ‘Kiss Kiss Breach Breach,’ which will be available on The Flash season six Blu-ray and DVD on August 25.”
6:10 PM – Black Adam Panel
“Star of the first-ever Black Adam feature film Dwayne Johnson sets the stage for the story and tone of the new movie with a fans-first Q&A…and a few surprises.”
6:30 PM – CNN Heroes: Real Life Heroes in the Age of the Coronavirus
“While DC features iconic fictional Super Heroes recognized around the world, CNN Heroes shines a light on real-life, everyday people making a difference in their communities. Now, as the global Covid-19 pandemic has turned all of our worlds upside down, CNN’s Anderson Cooper introduces you to the frontline workers, advocates, neighbors, and friendly strangers who are coming together to help us through this crisis.”
6:50 PM – Titans TV Panel
“’Titans are back, b*tches!’ That phrase kicked off an explosive second season of Titans that culminated with the long-awaited emergence of Nightwing as their leader and the tragic death of one of their own. And as a new mysterious threat looms, season three promises to be the biggest yet! Join executive producer Greg Walker and series stars Brenton Thwaites, Anna Diop, Teagan Croft, Ryan Potter, Conor Leslie, Curran Walters, Joshua Orpin, Damaris Lewis, with Alan Ritchson and Minka Kelly for a preview of the new season as well as a discussion on the ‘Fan Favorite Moments’ of the first two seasons.”
7:05 PM – Aquaman Panel
“Aquaman director James Wan and King Orm himself, Patrick Wilson, take a deep dive into the world of Atlantis that Wan created, revealing their favorite behind-the-scenes moments from the largest DC movie ever!”
7:15 PM – “Ask Harley Quinn”
“She has gone toe-to-toe with Batman and the Justice League, and taken down The Joker and the toughest villains of Gotham City, but at DC FanDome, Harley Quinn faces her toughest challenge yet — answering burning questions from DC’s biggest fans in her own tell it as it is, no-BS style. If you love the Harley Quinn animated series, this is one you cannot f—king miss!”
7:20 PM – Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary Celebration Panel
“As an Amazon and a god, Wonder Woman is truly timeless. So, it’s hard to believe she’s turning 80! Join Wonder Woman 1984 director Patty Jenkins and star Gal Gadot, along with a very special guest, as they reflect on the character’s influence on them personally, and look forward to the 2021 celebrations!”
7:25 – Tomorrow’s Superheroes with Jim Lee
“DC Chief Creative Officer/Publisher Jim Lee joins Bing Chen, founder of the global non-profit collective Gold House, to discuss the important contributions of Asian artists and writers in comics and comic book–inspired entertainment.”
7:40 PM – SHAZAM! Panel
“Zac Levi and the cast can’t tell you s#&t! Sworn to secrecy on the new script for their upcoming movie, Zac and a few of his SHAZAM! castmates talk with the Philippines’ #1 DC fan, Gino Quillamor, about what the next movie might be about, while commenting on everything from panels to the other Zack’s cut — and even have a few surprise guests drop in!”
8:10 PM – Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Panel
“Will Arnett hosts the highly anticipated video game reveal from Rocksteady Studios, creators of the Batman: Arkham franchise.”
8:30 PM – The Batman Panel
“The Batman filmmaker Matt Reeves joins host and self-professed fangirl Aisha Tyler for a discussion of the upcoming film…with a surprise (or two) for the fans!”
You can check out the full DC FanDome schedule here.
DC FanDome Live Stream
While DC FanDome is free for all to enjoy, you will need to create an account on DCFanDome.com in order to watch the event. You’ll then be able to access each panel via the DC FanDome program scheduler.
Following the conclusion of The Batman panel at the end of Hall of Heroes, the Fandome schedule will then cycle back through two more times, giving you three shots to watch in a 24-hour period.
DC FanDome: WatchVerse Date and Time
DC will host a second, on-demand FanDome event called WatchVerse on Saturday, Sept. 12 at 1 pm ET. While viewers will be able to access all content in any order they please, the event will only be available for 24 hours.
This event will include the previously announced panel on the expansion of “DC’s Watchmen Universe” discussion with Damon Lindelof and Tom King talking Rorschach, a Joker War panel with Batman writer James Tynion IV and Batgirl scribe Cecil Castellucci, a Three Jokers panel with Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, a panel on John Ridley’s exciting upcoming The Other History of the DC Universe, and more.
The post DC FanDome: Schedule, Date, Time, and How to Watch appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/34jSTev
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WonderBat vs BatCat: BatCat romance is “Timeless”or “80 years old”. Is that really the Truth ? which one is older ?
Lately I had to read again some comments about BacCat being the better ship because of how “Old” a romance it was. But when did BatCat really start to take a real romantic turn compared to the first WonderBat references ? If we check out the old comics from “Batman #1″  back in 1940, is BatCat really the winner ? or is there another truth ? 
I definitively cannot ignore the chemistry DC tries to put into BatCat till the 80′s even if I’d prefer WonderBat. But to make that romance acceptable they had to change Catwoman into a Hero first, or at least an Anti-Hero. Strong changes similar to that time where Catwoman had been Brainwashed to become a Hero by Zatanna and the JL.
(The following is from DC Comics “JLA (1997)” - Issue 119)
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MM:“A friend ?” - BM:“An Ally of sorts ...I thought she’d changed. but ... maybe it wasn’t her choice.”
Batman had his suspicions so there was never a lot of room for Love but with Selina on the “Good” side it was at least a possibility. This follows all the WonderBat stuff of the JLA’s “obsidian age” and “#90″ of course, so Batman’s heart is rather set on Diana then Selina. As a matter of fact it turns out Bats was right about Zatanna’s mind manipulation.
(The following is from DC Comics “Catwoman (2002)” - Issue 50)
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Selina’s evolution from “Evil” to “Good”, isn’t a first and has been rebooted several times. The fact that it wasn’t her choice isn’t a first either. But how do we end up with the “belief” that BatCat is an “Old” story ? maybe even “80 years old” ?... Superman and Lois ? Yes no doubt... but Batman and Catwoman ? ... Not really
The “New 52″ with the disastrous SuperWonder pairing surely contributed to the illusion of a longer BatCat history. It just send 70 real years of “Lois and Clark” into the trash-bin just as it did to the slowly (but steadily growing) “Wonder woman/Batman” background romance. This helped to erase in the younger generation’s minds what had been slowly build up other several decades.
After the “New 52″ it wasn’t really possible to return to pre-flashpoint status ... DC had first to try to repair the damage done to the trinity and to the duo of the World’s Finest...  You don’t do
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After the “New 52″, I guess DC surely considered that the best way to heal the Trinity’s awkwardness from the SuperWonder “Injustice smell” was to first avoid any relationship within the Trinity and later (as it didn’t work) to erase SuperWonder from continuity, so ... back to : Lois and Clark, Wonder Woman and Trevor, ... Batman and ? ... yeah who? ... Bats had a lot of love interests over the last 80 years ..
Selina was surely one of the numerous candidates and as long as they didn’t restart her “Evil” in DC Rebirth she could even become a good and “spicy” choice. So they didn’t ... this time she was “Good” from the start : In jail but actually taking responsibility for crimes she didn’t commit and facing lethal injection only to protect a friend. A real Hero, Selflessness and Compassion raised to Diana’s level. Better fighting abilities than Talia and the stubbornness needed to stand the ground in front of Batman. DC boosted Diana’s power level to match Superman’s (to fit the needs of “SuperWonder”) and changed her from a magically animated clay figure (”less than human” just like Deilan and thus dreaming to become human) into the daughter of Zeus (who doesn’t really have any reason to lower herself to human status). I think DC doesn’t really know how, or lacks the courage of, to power Diana down again into something more suitable for a human World (Batman’s World) without enraging a legion of hardcore Feminists who need her to be equal with “the most powerful male Hero”... Catwoman, on the other hand, has been given most of Diana’s qualities and switched from “Evil” to “Good”...
Tom King surely did a great job at helping to model Selina for that romance and showed a great skill at fooling the younger readers about BatCat’s real history by “hand picking” just the right pictures out of old comics ... an impressive Work.
For example in DC Rebirth’s Batman (2016) #44 you get the false impression Batman is taking care of Selina’s hurting ankle ...
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While in the real comic, back in 1940, he was just removing the bandage to check out for a precious stolen necklace ... nothing romantic there.
But the next references were not more accurate either as you will see it ...
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Every sentence is just copied ... but the real comic tried to picture Selina Kyle/Catwoman as having two very different personalities ... some kind of schizophrenic heavy mental illness revealed through a memory loss.
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With this Issue we have already gone from 1940 to January 1951 and to consider any romance in these early comics you’d have to ignore all the sweet pet names used to describe Catwoman : the Arch-enemy, the Princess of Plunder, the Queen of Crime, Batman’s Feline Foe and so on ... Nonetheless this is the first “Evil” to “Good” switch I know of ... Batman’s romantic interest from that time was more Vicky Vale, than Selina.
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In this other “Pick Up” from “Detective Comics #203″ (January 1954), Selina reverts from “Good” to “Evil” just after he warned her of the consequences of resuming her past criminal life
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... and she didn’t need any “hit to the head” this time ... was she faking her “Goodness” ? or is she just ready for Arkam’s Asylum ? ...
The next one in Batman (2016)  #44 ? ... same deception again ...
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As we can see, in the original comic, Batman answers Selina’s question even under the Torture with a “No” to both “Bride” and “Burglar” ... Selina was really a self delusional crazy chick back then, more like a female version of the Joker rather than a real romantic interest and it didn’t get any better in the following years.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Selina’s dominant stance in Batman #44 was a parallel to Diana’s Epic stance in Hiketeia ... of course you never really “dominate” Batman, just like he is never your “captive”, unless he wants you to believe you won.
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Wonder Woman was always the perfect complement to Batman. “Wonder Woman was made to Protect the Innocent, and Batman to Punish the Guilty”. Without either of them there is No Justice. That’s why they work so well together ... So you just copy from Diana to Selina the things you can and worked for WonderBat.
Anyway no consistent BatCat until “Batman (1940) Issue 308″ during February 1979 ... a new evolution from “Evil” to “Good” starts with that Issue and a kiss in November 1979 ... but this time things are different, very different, Selina really wants too turn her back on her crime life ... the road is still long and bumpy but it is a start for a real romance. It is interesting to note that the current Rebirth “Wedding” arc with the Dark Knight enabled the starting of a new “Catwoman (2018)” series,just like the 80′s romance enabled Catwoman her own start. For a time the 80′s “Catwoman” series shared the “Batman(1940)” comic series with Bats. Later she got her own solo comic..
Now if you consider Batman and Wonder Woman’s first kiss of love:
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Considering Wonder Woman is a rather serious Girl and that she already “Heroed” for several years side by side with Batman. If you consider that the owner of the Lasso of truth won’t lie if she says that she really did fall in love with Batman. Plus, two years later (1970) “Diana Prince” encountered billionaire “Bruce Wayne” and agreed to a Date with him ignoring he was Batman. Later again in 1978, Diana and Bruce know each others double identities and agree on a “Late night diner” ... We may consider that this kiss was the starting point of a complicated (secret identities and all) slowly growing romantic relationship between the two.
So a WonderBat romance started at least over a decade before any real BatCat romance.
I bet you didn't expect that ! ... You don’t have to believe me. Just check out the old comics for real ... and make your own opinion once you’ve read them.
Keep in mind that this doesn't really deny anything to the current Batman/Catwoman romance because DC Rebirth’s Selina Kyle is very different from the crazy Psycho of the old comics. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t use its Age as an Argument. You can surely find a lot of other reasons to love them. And of course, Bruce and Diana had both earlier Love interests, but this wasn’t the point of this Post.
This Post only goes thru the Batman (1940) series meaning i didn’t check out every comic series. But I had once a heated exchange about the “80 years old” theory with a Hardcore BatCat shipper whom I told to check out for himself the old comics. I know he checked out all 400 first “Batman” and “Detective Comics” Issues but he never got back to me to prove me wrong ... so I guess that he didn’t find anything useful either.
Hereafter you have a partial list of the early “Batman” comics Issues up to the time of  the WonderBat kiss in 1968, with the names of notable or recurring females found in them, often being Batman’s real love interests. I didn’t mention the Issues if they had no interesting females in it.
Issue#1: Catwoman tries to seduce and bribe him, doesn't work, she flees and he lets her ! ;
Issue#2: the crime Cat flees again;
Issue#3: Cat's usual M.O. kiss (first) to flee, she wishes she could hook up with Bats;
Issue#5:Quennie kisses Bats and dies
Issue#6:Linda Page
Issue#7:Linda Page
Issue#9:Linda Page
Issue#10:Cat roots for Bats, another kiss and flee ...
Issue#11:Canary kisses Bats and leaves
Issue#15:Bruce Wayne is in love with Linda Page but still "proposes" to the "Arch ennemy" Catwoman and gets "engaged" with her ... Now that's funny, so it would'nt be a first ? thinking about Batman(2016) #39-#40 ...this time its Jail for the Cat
Issue#22:Cat goes to Jail again after flirting with Alfred ...
Issue#26:Future Bruce Wayne and Lora Hall
Issue#35:Catwoman tries to gun down Bats
Issue#39:Cat fights Bats then saves him, tries to seduce and bribe him again but goes to jail again ... nothing new...
Issue#42:Cat goes to Jail again
Issue#45:Cat tries to kill Bats and goes to Jail
Issue#47: a disguised Cat gets to kiss Bats, then ... Jail
Issue#49:Vicky Vale
Issue#50:Vicky Vale
Issue#52:Vicky Vale
Issue#56: Vicky Vale
Issue#61: Vicky Vale
Issue#62: Cat becomes amnesic and fights on the good side.
Issue#64: Vicky Vale
Issue#65: Amnesic Selina remains good but no romance
Issue#69: Amnesic Selina has a Brother no romance
Issue#79: Vicky Vale and Batman fake an engagement/wedding
... No Cat ... But during "Detective Comics"#203" Cat turns evil again without any head injury ...
Issue#81: Vicky Vale
Issue#84: Cat goes to Jail again
Issue#85: Vicky Vale
Issue#87: Vicky Vale gets jealous over the kiss Batman shares with Magda Luvescu
Issue#92: Susie Smith
Issue#98: Vicky Vale
Issue#105: Kathy Kane as Batwoman will become a rather constant love interest in the following years (This one is neither lesbian nor Bruce Wayne's cousin and later her niece Betty is gonna be the first BatGirl and fall for Dick Grayson’ Robin)
Issue#110: Vicky Vale
Issue#111: Vicky Vale
Issue#115: Susie Smith ?
Issue#116: Kathy Kane
Issue#119: Kathy Kane and Vicky Vale
Issue#122: The Wedding of Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne ... ;)
Issue#125: Kathy Kane
Issue#126: Kathy Kane
Issue#128: Kathy Kane
Issue#129: Kathy Kane
Issue#131: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#133: Kathy Kane
Issue#135: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#139: Kathy Kane with her niece Betty (as BatGirl)
Issue#140: Kathy Kane
Issue#141: Kathy Kane with her niece Betty (as BatGirl)
Issue#144: Betty (as BatGirl) and Robin ... with Bruce and Kathy.
Issue#145: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#147: Kathy Kane
Issue#150: Kathy Kane vs "Elise"
Issue#151: Kathy Kane
Issue#154: Kathy Kane with her niece Betty (as BatGirl)
Issue#157: Kathy Kane and Vicky Vale
Issue#159: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#162: Kathy Kane
Issue#163: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#165: Patricia Powell
Issue#166: Patricia Powell
Issue#168: Kaye Daye
Issue#176: Cat goes to Jail again
Issue#181 : Poison Ivy and Kaye Daye
Issue#183 : Poison Ivy
Issue#184 : Viola Lance but it was rather Robin’s Interest
Issue#185 : Vera Lovely but again Robin’ Love Interest
Issue#187 : Vicky Vale and “the Sparrow” as Joker’s ennemy ?
Issue#193 : Vicky Vale
Issue#194 : Kaye Daye
Issue#197 (Dec 1967) : Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) and Catwoman fight for Batman but Batgirl isn’t in love with Batman - Containing the “Bride or Burglar” reference used in Batman#44 - Selina thinks she is in love and that you can torture a man into loving her (like I said a crazy psycho)
Issue#198 (Jan-Feb 1968) : Catwoman (still a crazy psycho in love who thinks that hurting him and Robin is the best way to charm Batman ) and Batwoman (Kathy Kane)
1968 : Batman and Wonder Woman first kiss (that I know of) - During that Issue of “the Brave and the Bold”, both Wonder Woman and Batgirl fall in love with Batman. Diana kisses him but it won’t be really revealed, or denied, if Batman had feelings other than Friendship for either one of the Women. But Batman was always kind of good at hiding his feelings for Diana. Based on later evolutions of their relationship, we can only imagine this must have been the beginning of a longtime slow-burner between the two.
I leave it to you to discover the rest for yourself ...
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