#Earlier Stories Are Really Just Soft To Make Up For The Reason I Started Writing This Series
wardog-of-the-endless · 10 months
Snippet Game (KimChay)
@polizwrites tagged me in a WIP Snippet Game! Thank you so much my darling. I might do more than one of these because I don’t think this is really your fandom BUT since it’s my Birthday I am DELIGHTFULLY answering this using a fic I am SO excited about. Backstory: I JUST WANTED TO SHOOT A MAN. But I played myself and have to write like 3 fluffy backstory/get shit together stories to take place in the verse before I get to shoot a man share what made me start writing in the first place.
It's My Birthday! Presents For You! Definitely don't send me a prompt or an ask or a game to get me to share more writing. Don't do that.
SNIPPET: That's Not How This Works (Under the Cut)!
There’s silence on the line, but Chay saw the phone, he knows. Knows there’s only one person that could possibly be calling him from this number, and the fact that they’re silent just seems to reinforce that knowledge. Isn’t that messed up? That he knows it’s his Phi by the silence?
Somehow it feels weighty, but not judgemental. There’s always been a presence to Kim’s regard, a significance. Chay can remember how it felt to have Kim’s eyes on him, the weight and the warmth and the press of something strange and magnificent and immense. Chay isn’t sure what to do with the fact that Kim is calling him just to sit in silence, can’t help but shift nervously in his seat as he comes to a decision.
"P'Kim?" Chay whispers, and it's all Kim can do not to sob at the gentle utterance of his name.
His hand tenses, further pressure on the wound at his ribs, clenching blood-soaked cotton over tender flesh. Tears spring to his eyes, though whether from that gentle greeting or the pain, he couldn't say. Somehow, Chay answering the phone felt more impactful than recalling the fact that he was swiftly bleeding out on a warehouse floor. "Chay."
"P'Kim," Chay repeated, less tentative but still gentle, hesitant. "Y-you called."
(( You can't walk away Then come back to what we were ))
It’s Kim that did that to him, that taught Chay cautiousness. Chay used to be so enthusiastic with him, so raw and unfiltered, impetuous and trusting. Now he’s been burned by Kim, he’s been hurt, and he’s reluctant to uncurl from the defensive posture Kim knocked him into… reluctant to bloom as sweet and open as he had the first time, to Kim’s everlasting shame.
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Soft Dom Bangchan x Female Reader Sub!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: This is strictly 18+ MDNI fan fiction.
Summary: A sub needs a dom, a dom wants a sub but what happens when feelings overlap with contracts and love creeps in? Will a contract remain only a contract? Or are emotions like love too hard to keep in check?
A/N: would also like to dedicate this story to @daceydeath​ , thank you for always putting up with my deluluness, also thank you for putting up with my drama fill life honestly. I wouldn’t be still writing if it wasn’t for you encouraging me. Also thank you so much for writing my summary xx
You walked into the living room, relieved to be out of that uncomfortable outfit. The shower helped you relax, but you were still uneasy about the situation. Chan smiled at you from the couch, gesturing for you to join him. "Come, Princess."
You snuggle into his warm embrace, nestling your head on his chest. His strong yet gentle arms wrap around you, making you feel safe and cared for. As you listen to the steady beating of his heart, he leans down and places a tender kiss on the top of your head.
"I uh want to talk to you about something," he said, adjusting his body and causing you to sit up straight. 
"Sure, what about?" You say, getting comfortable on the couch, turning to face him and crossing your legs.
"Last night….I ah," he was really struggling to get the words out. You grab his hands in yours, hoping it will help him get them out, lightly stroking your thumb over his knuckles. 
He takes a deep breath before saying, "I heard you crying. . . because of me." You smile lightly but think to yourself that's only half true. Chan had yelled, and that's what started the tears at first. But really, you were mostly mad at yourself.
You take a deep breath. "It wasn't your fault. I was disappointed in myself for not being honest." Your gaze falls to the ground as you speak. You never wanted Chan to feel guilty for expressing his feelings.
Chan looks at you with soft eyes. "All I want is for you to trust me. That's been my goal this whole time." He gently lifts your chin up so you're looking at him. You notice his gaze drift down to your lips briefly before returning to your eyes.
You looked at him, unsure of what to say. "I don't know why I didn't tell you earlier."
He softly caressed your lips with his thumb and whispered, "It's okay. I just want you to know I'm sorry." 
Leaning in, placing his lips on yours, time seems to stand still. Chan's soft lips press against yours, consumed by the intoxicating feeling of his hands caressing your hips. His tender kiss leaves you breathless. 
Your eyes remain shut as he pulls away, giggling cutely as he realises you are chasing his kiss. 
"I have to go", you said, trying to grab your bag from Chan's hands. 
In an effort to keep you there longer, he pulls it away from you playfully as you attempt to grab it. "Chan," you say, pouting as he laughs, "I really have to go. I have to pack. The movers are coming next week." 
"Oh, that reminds me." He placed your bag and did a light jog to the main bedroom.
"This is not how I wanted this weekend to go….but I was supposed to give you this last night." He came down the hallway with a jewellery box, running his fingers through his hair.
"Open it", he smiled as he handed it to you. You snap open the box, and inside is a key. Your head shoots up to look at Chan as you blush. "It's the house key….I wanted to give this to you last night at dinner, but….we got rudely interrupted." 
He was right. This weekend did not go according to plan at all. The fact that you may not see each other for a couple weeks while Chan goes to Japan for his dome tour, resulting in you having to pack up your apartment alone, makes you sad. You thought this weekend was going to be some sort of sex-filled dream. However, that did not end up happening for obvious reasons. "I may not see you for two weeks", you pout as you suddenly become in no rush to leave. 
"Mmm," he hummed as he pulled you closer to his body. "See, you should stay," he smiled as his nose brushed your cheek, giving you goosebumps. "I have a lot of other things I was planning this weekend that we didn't get to do." He placed a light kiss just below your earlobe.
"We can't. You have a flight at 6 am tomorrow….and I have the movers coming at 9," you said, placing my hand on his chest, trying to put some space between the both of you. 
"But 2 weeks without you may just kill me." There he goes again, being all sweet. 
"But when you return, I'll be fully moved in." You smile, kissing his lips with a light peck. 
He glides his hand down your back, realising you're not wearing a bra. He pulls you in closer, lightly brushing his thumb over your nipple, instantly making it hard. 
"When I come back, I want to take you out on a real date," he said out of breath.
"I'd love that" you smiled, gripping your bag and stepping out of his reach, his hands falling to his sides. "Bye, Channie," you say sweetly.
"About to leave for the plane… I'll text you when I land." 
You send him a picture of the live YouTube video you are watching of the airport. 
“Are you watching me 😳…..are you sure you are not a stalker 😉” 
"Fine, I'll turn it off." 
"No, I find it adorable." 
"Safe flight, sir." 
"I'll call you tonight." 
It was only a short time before the YouTube live you had streaming on the TV went active, showing the guys rocking up to the airport. 
The camera zoomed in on Chan, making a heart shape with his hands. "Dork", you laughed, shaking your head. 
As they walked through the airport, you couldn't help but be nervous for them as people started swarming around them to get any sort of photos or even a quick touch from them. 
Your heart beats so fast in your chest as one of the members falls; you can visibly see the frustration in Chan's face as he struggles to keep himself calm. Eventually, they push through the crowd and head to security clearance. 
"Omg….are you all okay?" 
"I'm fine" 
"Is it always that hectic?" 
His short answer makes you believe he is indeed angry. You decided to call him.
"Hello," he must be in professional mode.
"I know you said you're fine….but you're texting like you're angry." You just came out with it. 
"Guys, I just have to take this. I'll be back…order me something," he excused himself from the group. 
"Did you see the way they just swarmed us?" He snapped. "They could have hurt Ji", he growled.
"It's okay…just breathe." You could hear him take a deep breath in. 
"Thank you," he said, breathing out. 
"Okay, good….now have a safe flight," you said, about to hang up. 
"Wait…" He said quickly. "Did you see my heart? I did it for you?" Even through the phone, you could see him blushing. 
"Mmmmm….I did…. You're a dork," you laughed. "I better let you go. Text me when you land", you smile.
"What… you're not going to watch YouTube live", he chuckled.
"I ah…think I'll give it a miss….it made me nervous," you said 
"Cute, you worried about me." You could tell by how he said that sentence that he was grinning. 
"Bye, Channie," you said before hanging up. 
But you couldn't help yourself; when the video of the boys arrived in Japan, you ran to the TV; this time, it was a much calmer arrival.
They looked so happy and excited to be there. Chan even smiled and waved at the camera, almost like he knew you were watching. Chan pulls out his phone as they walk outside and into the car.
"I made it, princess….in the car on the way to the hotel." 
Before you could reply, your doorbell went off. "Coming," you said, running to the door. 
You had been so busy moving that a week and a half had gone by in no time, and it was finally time to move your stuff into channies officially. Well, the things you took with you. 
When you arrive at his house, Chan calls you to meet the small moving van you hired. 
"Hello," you say sweetly.
"How's the moving going?" You know he is watching you on the camera. He has them everywhere. 
"Are you watching me?" You laughed. 
"I'm always watching you… it's my favourite pastime." 
"That's creepy, Chan," you say as he laughs. "But while I have you…where would you like the couch you requested me to bring?"
"In the living room," he laughed.
"Chan, don't we should just get a new couch? Mine is so old." 
"I love that couch..." 
"It's ugly," you say, rolling your eyes. 
"It's not ugly… it's perfect." 
"Whatever?" you mumble. "I have to go….. they're here." 
"Okay, I'll see you in a couple of days", he said before he hung up. 
Ting Ting
I open my eyes to check my phone. "Fuuuckkk", I growl as tears begin to form in my eyes from the light's rays. 
"Unknown number", I whisper to myself. I don't want to wake Minho up from his sleep. 
Unknown number
"Don't worry, buddy…. I've been looking after her."
My heart races as I re-read the message, desperately hoping it wasn't meant for me. As I clumsily grab my phone, almost hitting myself in the process, I frantically open the camera app with shaking hands. Scrolling through the outdoor security feeds, my blood runs cold when I don't see her bedroom light on. Dear God, where could she have gone? The house sits empty as I plead for her to be safe inside. I feel a sense of dread wash over me - where is she? Please let her be here. 
I flick the camera into the master suite, and my panic subsides. "Oh, thank God," I breathe. She's curled up all cozy under my silk sheets. I watched her breathing so calmly and peacefully for a few minutes. Her chest rose and fell with such grace; she was simply stunning with her lips pressed together in the cutest sleepy pout. If I were there right now, I would not be able to control myself from planting the biggest kiss on those beautiful lips. My body gets all tingly just thinking about it, and I can't help but push those thoughts aside for now. The worst part about sharing rooms on tour is honestly not being able to care for myself whenever the urge hits. But now that I know she's safe and sound asleep, I continue to check the house for signs that she is alone. I don't care if I have to watch these cameras night and day; I will not let anyone touch her.
Morning finally arrives, and I open my eyes to find that Y/N has left our bed. This is the first time I've even had a thought like that about a woman… "Ours," I say softly, still staring at my phone screen. It's such a strange concept to me. The thought of sharing with a person makes me so happy. I look over at Minho, who is still asleep. Thank God…the last thing I need is for him to wake up and find me staring at my security cameras like a possessive monster. 
But that's what I am, a man obsessed with her, and after last night's text message, I need to hear her voice. Seeing her on my house camera is not enough. 
I step into the hallway as the phone rings. Minho is still sleeping but shouldn't hear me if I keep my voice low. 
"Hey you", her sweet voice was like music to my ears.
"Hey," I say back, and my nervousness vanishes. 
"What's up?….why are you calling so early?" I can hear her talking with her mouth full. 
"Is now a good time to talk?" I say, and I'm hoping she agrees to continue this conversation because now that I have her, I don't want to let her go. 
"Sorry…. I'm just eating breakfast….is everything okay?" I can see her now in my kitchen, eating toast and frowning. 
"Yeah…..I just ah," fuck how do I say this without seeming like an utterly love-sick puppy? "I ah", I keep choking on my words. Why can't I just say it? 
"I miss you too, Channie." I can hear her giggling on the other end, and it makes me smile to know she misses me just as much. 
"That obvious, huh?" I look at the floor as I kick my foot out. 
"That, and I figured you'd call me after I heard you snoring through the camera system this morning" My eyes widened…..could she really hear me snoring FUCK. 
"I ah….I can explain," I panic, fuck, who am I going to explain this without her thinking I'm an absolute creep.
"I'm just joking, sir….When I woke up this morning, I saw the red light and figured you were just checking in." The strain in my chest subsides as I relax my muscles. 
"I hope it's okay that I slept in your bed last night." I want to correct her and say our bed inside. I chuckle.
"Of course….keep it warm for me." I smile and hear what sounds like Minho walking towards the door.
"I have to go, but I'll call you later, okay?" I hang up the phone before she can answer me, and just in time as well….because as I place my hand on the door handle and open it, Minho practically falls out. 
"Spying on me…are we?" I laugh as Minho groans on the floor.
"Who are you even talking to this early?" He squints his eyes as he looks up from the ground. 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say, stepping over him and back into the room. 
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Minho gets up off the floor as I charge my phone. 
"I'm going to take a shower", I say, grabbing my towel and heading into the bathroom. 
"Oh, and Minho," I say, peeking my head out and catching him red-handed, looking at my phone. 
"No peeking, yeah", I laugh as I turn back into the bathroom; he could try to get into my phone; however, I changed the code as soon as Y/N and I got together. 
For the first time, I think I actually miss someone. All the boys have gone out to eat and walk around Tokyo sitting, and I can't help but lay here in my shared hotel room and watch CCTV footage of y/n in my house. 
I wish I was there to help her; it's not like I can go home early, either. We have our show tonight. However, after our last show in Tokyo, the boys decided to stay for a couple of days. Still, I was reluctant to because everything I needed was at home. 
I've been sitting on the Korean Air website, deciding if a 6am flight back home is going to piss the boys off or not. They would be supportive if they knew why, but it's too early to let them know I'm seeing y/n. Especially when they only know her as a JYPE staff member.  
"What are you doing?" Minho said, coming out of the bathroom.
"Do you think the guys would be offended if I left tomorrow?" A question I only trust Minho to answer.
"Want to get home that fast?" 
"I just have so much I need to do….I just really don't have time for a holiday right now." A few days off with the boys would be fun; a few days off with y/n is my priority. After we had that huge fight before I left, I felt I needed to make it up to her. 
"I think they won't mind", he said, drying his hair with the towel. 
"Okay, I'll book this ticket then," I said, moving my hand to click the checkout button. 
Minho smiles. I know he's onto me, but he will never immediately ask me. That's not what Minho does. 
"This wouldn't have anything to do with a girl, would it?" He grins.
"No, Minho", I say, pretending to be annoyed and rolling my eyes. 
"Because we will support you 100% if it is?" 
"I know…but it's not." I smile, knowing it has everything to do with a girl. 
Master list: @bellamuerte1987 @nightrayseishina @9900z @armystay89 @dreamstarsandskz @fosfopirite @neyangi @princesspanda16 @krishastumblernow @agnes-king @bangtanmix73 @khemrose @fawnpeaks @missrobyn81 @dreambelieveinme @umbreonwolfy @jisungiexx @scarletrosesposts @choisoorin @izzathequeen @binnies-minsung-fanclub @jetblackbelle @bunnyxoxodarling @berryberrytan @sky-outta @zerefdragn33l @shiningnono @tinys0ftie @zinnichong @tuggybug @nokacchan @amaranth-writing @seungbinis @jisunglover3409 @kimseungminsprincess @goblin-waifu @skzswife @uwuitsjungwoo @marrivmel
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teyammybeloved · 7 months
miguel o’hara
summary: reader has never been good at talking about emotions, always dealing with the guilt and feeling as if a burden so it often leads to pushing people away… but miguel wants to know.
warnings: mentions of mental health, mentions of depression and depressive episodes, pushing away, self sabotage etc
I HATE the end of this, it was so rushed im so sorry
an/ i want to start a series where i write different characters comforting readers or characters with certain mental illnesses because i know a lot of people don’t get that sort of comfort and recognition and i know theres a lot that isn’t talked about and i really want to bring awareness to it. this touches on a few topics but im happy to write individual works, and they can be about any character.
PLEASE if there is anything you want to see written about in this series send me a message and tell me whatever it is, and any certain details you want included. it would be so so deeply appreciated.
the kiss was soft, so soft you wouldn’t have felt it if you weren’t already half awake, despite your eyes being closed. you knew it was miguel, leaving for work.
you could feel the way he lingered in the door way after whispering that he loved you. you could almost sense the worry in his posture, not even having to look at him.
you stay still, eyes closed. it was early, you had no reason to be awake, yet you were. you waited until you heard the front door close to open your eyes and stir in your position on the bed.
you missed miguel, you were asleep when he got home, from late hours, and you were asleep when he left in the morning. you no longer visited him at the HQ like you use to, purely just not having the energy to even leave the bed most days.
it seemed as if every moment, that should shine in golden colours, had been replaced by grey. the days blended together, you couldn’t remember what day it was or what time it was.
you held it well though, the house was always cleaned by the time miguel got home, his food was ready in the fridge, for when he got home. he had no idea about the constant overwhelming fear of day to day life.
you wanted to tell him, but he was dealing with so much as it was, and the last thing you wanted to do was put more pressure on him then necessary. you grew up in a house hold where talking and showing your feelings was seen as weak, and it had just stuck with you.
it wasn’t that you didn’t trust miguel, you did, more then anything. but you didn’t think it was important, of course you had gone through things like this before, you could get through it.
the day went on, eventually you got out of bed, showering, no matter how shit you felt, you’d shower, if it was just you there, you probably wouldn’t but there was that fear that if miguel saw how bad you were effected by this, he would leave.
the house didn’t need to be cleaned, miguel had cleaned his dish when he finished eating. it was late noon, miguel wouldn’t be home till later, but you preferred ered to cook earlier so you could go back to bed and wallow in self deprecation.
halfway through cooking, just basic spaghetti bolognaise, you heard keys, the front door. you furrow your eyebrows, wondering who it could be since miguel wasn’t supposed to be home till later.
until you heard his voice.
“amor, i got off early” he yelled out, you squeeze your eyes shut, as he yells out your name, eventually finding you in the kitchen, body turned to face the stove where you were making the meat.
“baby- it’s early. why are you cooking so early” he asked, walking up to stand next to you. you just shrug, not saying anything. your mind now linking with your stomach, a bubble of anxiety filling it.
“hey- talk to me” miguel said, grabbing your wrist to stop you from mixing, which was just an excuse to avoid the conversation- he knew you.
“wanted to get it done so i could finish cleaning” you mutter, miguel looks around at the already spotless house. “baby- its clean already”
you just shrug, still not looking at him. he turns the stove off. “miguel” you sigh. you were burnt out, completely burnt out, tired of everything lately, waking up, everything being so repetitive.
“talk to me” he says, his tone wasn’t quite begging yet, but wasn’t demanding either. “what am i meant to talk to you about” you run a hand through your hair as you walk away from the stove, leaning against the counter.
“whats going on with you” he says, tilting his head softly, you squint your eyes. “nothing, miguel” you say.
“obviously it’s something, its like i haven’t see you awake in days, you don’t come to the hq, the house has been spotless lately, which is a massive indication of something being up since you only clean when you’re stressed, just talk to me”
you feel anger, but you aren’t angry, youre so insanely tired and drained that everything is just pissing you off. “can you just drop it, oh my gosh” you say, leaning off of the counter to walk away, miguel only follows.
“i just want to help you, baby.”
you audibly groan. “god!! miguel you’re a superhero, you help people who are being attacked or are in danger!”
“i think you are in danger” he says softly. you scoff, miguel doesn’t take it to heart. he knows something is up, and he knows its bad. you aren’t one to yell or get angry like this.
you cant really explain how your feeling besides wanting to smash your head into a brick wall.
“miguel, can you just leave it alone!”
you walk away this time, miguel doesn’t follow. he runs a hand through his hair, beating himself up on the way he approached the situation.
you sigh as you walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind you, you slide down against it, pulling your knees to your chest, guilt eating you alive at how you reacted.
you hated how your hurt always came out in anger, it was like you had no control over it. this is why you just deal with it alone.
you don’t realise you’re crying until you open your mouth to take a shakey breath, the taste of salt filling your mouth from your tears. you know miguel deserves an explanation, he deserves better.
you want to be better, but you have never been close to anybody like you are with miguel.
its insanely scary, the fear he will leave if he finds out how truely fucked you are.
you didn’t know how to cope with having people close to you, and having people who genuinely care, it had always been a challenge to open to.
you run your hands over your face as you hear a soft knock on the door, “princessa.” miguel says softly, probably the softest you’ve ever heard him talk.
you stay silent on the other side. “you don’t have to talk to me about it, and im sorry i pushed, i just care” miguel said, you could tell he had his head against the door, because of how close his voice was.
“just come out” he says softly. you pause for a moment as you hear the slight crack in his voice, you were shocked that he hadn’t already left, your outburst was embarrassing and you shouldn’t have taken it out on him like that.
you shuffle, miguel hears it, then he hears the click of the lock, he steps back as you open the door.
“im sorry”
“im sorry”
you smile softly as you and miguel talk at the same time, “i am sorry, i shouldn’t take my feelings out on you.” you say softly.
he shakes his head, opening his arms, you shuffle towards him, letting his arms wrap around you tightly. “just want to make sure you’re okay, baby”
you frown, “im sorry-“
“i know baby, ive noticed” he cuts you off, he could sense you didn’t want to talk about everything that was going on, but he wanted you to know he was there.
“im going to have tomorrow off, an us day. lets lay in bed and cuddle all day, do whatever you need to do,” he says.
you look up at him.
“thank you”
“course, cuddles and kisses can almost fix anything” miguel says softly, kissing your forehead.
“not dead, kisses wont fix dead” you say, smiling up at him from his arms.
“yeah, but you aren’t dead, so i can kiss you till youre all better”
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ljnsdump · 11 months
Everything in Time (Lee Jeno x F!reader)
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Jeno x Female reader
Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.
Genre: M/F, best friends to lovers, fluff, smut, tiny angst, late 20s established career setting
Warnings: Smut hehe, light edging, daddy kink and everything but no borderline mean and abusive tings, heart break
Word Count: 4,573
This is my nth story, excited for you to read this just because! I loooooove Jeno and I was really excited when I started writing this in my notepad. Hope you enjoy reding it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Read at your own risk!
Jeno had just ended a relationship. It was bad, well not so much for him but for his ex. He loved her so much and they've been together for 2 years but Jeno just can't see his future with her. And by future meaning making a family with her, growing old together.
He's overworked himself for this exact reason. He just wants to forget the fact that the pressure of having a family of his own is eating him alive. Jeno spent his nights finishing his papers in his company building. It would just be him who'll be left and the security guards, not even his own assistant. He's constantly being reminded that he's almost 30 now and he's still in young, playful relationships.
That's the time his best friends came in. Jaemin and Y/N.
Jaemin is a surgeon in the making, he's just finishing up his internship as of the moment. He contacted Y/N who was outside the country because he knew that Jeno just needed to relieve his stress.
The three have been best friends ever since grade school up until now and they're the strongest trio everyone has ever seen. At some point in high school the three tied in top 1, their teachers had to verify it again and again to make sure.
"I'm gonna be arriving at around 2 PM on Friday. I have no one to pick me up, can you?" She asks Jaemin on the phone.
He frowns. "That's unfortunately within my shift. I'll just tell Jeno to pick you up. He should be available, he's the only one forcing himself with those schedules trying to be busy."
"Alright. I'll try to call him too."
Y/N packed two large suitcases for this two-day weekend vacation. They rented a small island that has a villa, and of course an amazing beach.
While she's boarding the plane, she calls up Jeno. Oh, and they didn't tell him yet about this vacation nor about her going back home.
He picks up after three rings. "Jeno-ya." She calls him.
"I need you to pick me up at the airport at 2 PM. I'm already boarding right now."
Jeno stops everything he's doing. "You're coming here?"
"Yeah, me and Jaem planned a weekend getaway for us. I don't want you to decline because I rarely go home."
"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've helped out with the preparations. You know how busy and stressful Jaemin's work can be."
She just loves how her friends are concerned with each other and they always offer each other help without hesitations. "Well, this is somewhat of a surprise for you, you've been MIA and now you're heartbroken. And also a break for Jaemin, you know his work and his fiancee can be bitches sometimes. Don't tell him that I told you that."
Jeno just laughs. "Alright, I'll pick you up. See you soon."
"Thanks, bye."
As soon as the plane lands, she can't contain her excitement. She immediately restarts her phone to refresh the service then texts Jeno.
To: The Unfunny Lee
Plane just landed, can't wait to see you!
She chuckles as she reads the name she saved for his contact number. They used to tease Jeno as the unfunny one before because he gets sulky and pouty right away.
From: The Unfunny Lee
I'm already here waiting for you. See you soon.
And did she ever mention that she's always had the attraction towards him. Jeno always made her feel like a woman. The way he smiles, the lingering stares, the way he talks, it's just different. He's so soft and could never resist her. That's why the attraction just builds up.
Soon enough she got out of the plane and already got her stuff done, she pushes the big baggage cart as she tries to look for Jeno.
She sees her phone ring and Jeno's face pops up on the screen. "Jeno-ya."
"You look smaller than the cart you're pushing." He teases and she immediately turns around to look for him.
"Where are you?" Y/N sees a familiar tall guy wearing black jeans and white pullover walking towards her with his phone on his ear. "Oh, there. Found you." She said and hung up the phone before running to give him a hug. She definitely feels his hard chest and strong arms wrapping around her.
He pats her and says, "Welcome back, shorty. You've grown but not the height." Laughing and pinching her cheek. "How are you? You haven't contacted me for so long." He goes to push her cart for her going out.
"Well, I'm doing good. Business is also good. I kinda distanced myself from you guys because I know you had girlfriends and we wouldn't want them to misunderstand, right?"
Jeno admiringly glances at her. She's always been so considerate and respectful. "Right. But how about you? Relationships?"
She snorts. "I could only wish."
"Why not?"
"They're not for me."
Jeno offered his place for her which she gladly accepted. She hasn't booked any hotel yet actually just because she was lowkey hoping that Jeno would just let her crash for a night before they depart early in the morning.
At night, Jeno, Jaemin, Y.N and Winter, Jaemin's fiance, just decided to meet up at Jeno's place. They ordered a lot of take-outs and bought a couple bottles of beer.
Y/N walks around Jeno's house while waiting for the two. It's just him and a security guard on the compound actually and it's pretty big. She stops by the pool, watching the reflection of the stars on the water.
"How's my place so far?" Jeno asks.
She nods. "Pretty cool. Can't believe it's just you living in a house this big."
"Well, it makes me feel good, you know. It makes me feel that I've succeeded and I can get whatever I want, well most of them."
"Why not all?"
He sighs and stares at her a little longer before saying, "Some are just too hard to reach."
She pretends like she didn't just feel hopeful for a second that she's who he's pertaining to. Jeno just received a text from Jaemin saying they're there already.
"They're here." He says.
"Let's go." They walk together back to the dining area. "You okay? I heard a lot, you know." She asks.
He just crosses his arms and shrugs. "I'm okay."
"I hope you know that it's okay to still be confused and unsure at this age we are in right now. There's really no need to rush, Jeno."
"I wish I could say that to my parents."
"I'll say that to your parents if you can't."
And she's always been strong-minded, and firm. She always knows what she's doing.
When they see Jaemin and Winter in the kitchen preparing the food they bought, Y/N runs to them and gives both a hug. "Hi! OMG, I'm finally seeing you both!"
Jaemin hugs her back. "How was the flight?"
"Tiring. I can't wait to pass out."
"Then just stay here for good so you don't have to fly back and forth."
Her lips purse as her eyes squints in doubt. "There's a lot to consider, not to mention the amount of work. But I've been thinking of it."
"Jeno-ya, talk to her about it. You're the one who knows more about business than me."
Jeno just sits on the table before them. "If she wants to stay, she'll stay."
She turns to him with a knowing smile. "You want me to stay?" But he just shrugs.
"When is this thick cloud of sexual tension between you two ever gonna end?" Jaemin shakes his head.
The night got deeper and it was time to go for Jaemin and Winter. They watched the two get in their car before they head in.
"You wanna watch a movie?" Jeno asks invitingly.
Y/N smiles and looks up to him. "With wine and chocolates?"
"Hell, yeah."
While Y/N picks the movie, Jeno goes to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses then he gathers different kinds of chocolates on a board and brings all of them to the center table in the living room.
She runs to her room and grabs her blanket then goes back to the couch with Jeno. She puts it over both of them and leans to him as the movie starts.
"Thought you were tired?" He asks with a low voice.
"I am." She replies. "I'm probably gonna sleep before the movie ends."
Just a few minutes in, silence filled the room. But it's a tense silence, it's like they're just waiting for each other to say something.
Jeno sighs. "Are you not gonna tell me why you stopped contacting me?"
"You know me, Jeno. I distanced myself from you and Jaem because you guys were already in your own relationships. I just don't want your girlfriends to misunderstand." She explains.
"Why would you lie?"
She turns to him. "What do you mean?"
"You never stopped your contact with Jaemin. I asked multiple times."
Busted. She knows she's busted. "Okay, fine. I stopped contacting you like 4 years ago? That was when you started that casual relationship you had even before Lia." She pauses trying to remember the name. "That girl, was that Karina? Because I knew you'd never see me like how you see her or any other girls in your life. I was so into you and you were too dumb and oblivious to notice. Maybe you were blinded by her or whatever but it doesn't matter anymore. I don't feel that way for you anymore." Her voice shakes at her last statement. That's a lie.
His jaw clenches. "Why didn't you tell me? Everyone fucking knew that I had a thing for you. I was just waiting for you to tell me that you wanted me too."
"I-- I thought that was a joke! You never made it clear, you always smiled or laughed whenever someone mentions it, how am I supposed to know?! You were always flirty with everyone."
"It was true. I was only into you and I only started seeing Karina when you stopped replying or answering my calls."
Her breathing is ragged. She doesn't know what to do, and she's very upset. Why didn't he tell her before? "Whatever."
"Can you feel that it's still you though?" He asks all of a sudden.
But Y/N shakes her head. "It's not that simple anymore, Jeno. I've got someone waiting for my answer in Chicago, I agreed for this vacation because I needed space. I needed time to think."
Jeno couldn't get past the part where she said she has someone waiting for her answer in Chicago. Is he too late? "Y--You have a boyfriend?"
Y/N sighs. "Let's stop talking about this."
They stopped talking but Jeno can't stop thinking about it. He suddenly got so nervous, what if her boyfriend is already proposing to her? What if she says yes? He always thought that his endgame would be her because he honestly can't imagine life with a family without her. Jeno fills his glass with wine and drinks all of it at once.
She slept in his arms, and he just watched her unsure of what to do. He was not able to focus on the movie, all he thought about was her and the missed opportunities. He could've had her without a doubt. He could've.
"Fuck my life." He murmured before picking her up bridal style to bring her to her room. He didn't want to close the door but he had to.
Y/N wears a pair of denim shorts and her dark blue bikini top while Jeno wears white muscle tanks and board shorts. A van comes to pick them up early in the morning, Jaemin is already there.
"Hi!" Y/N greets him excitedly when she enters the vehicle and he fist bumps with Jeno.
They had to travel for 2 hours going to the dock because they had to stop to get groceries and it just felt like minutes because they were just talking and jamming the whole time.
Jeno set his feelings aside because he knew the two set this up for him.
They then ride a speedboat going to the island and it just took them like 10 minutes to get there. Their guide did his job, walking them around, guiding and telling them about some things and guidelines about the island that they have to know.
It's a good thing that they did their shopping because it's literally just them on the island but of course, they can still call if they need something.
"Hey!" Y/N calls the two from the beach. "Let's swim! The water is so pretty! I wanna cry! Ahhh! Ya! Na Jaemin! Lee Jeno!"
The two were arranging their things inside the villa but just laughed, so done while looking at each other when they heard her yell. When they came out, she's already climbing the rocks because there's a big slide on it going to the waters.
"Hey, be careful." Jeno calls out to her.
"Don't worry." She yells at him. Then sat on the edge of the slide, sliding her way down, screaming and waving her hands up high. She splashed on the waters and she's never felt so alive. "Oh my god, what are you two doing, just standing there?!"
Jaemin runs to the waters right away while Jeno took off his shirt first, exposing his let me just say fucking gorgeous, unbelievably hot body that made Y/N look away and blush. But of course they didn't notice.
They just float on their backs for several minutes as they talk and watch the clear skies.
"Can we buy this island so that we can just come here whenever we want?" Y/N jokes.
The sun is setting, they're also preparing for their outdoor barbeque. Y/N is inside, preparing the meats, Jaemin is preparing the fire while Jeno is digging the sand to form a round table and seats for them.
Jeno eventually goes into the kitchen where Y/N is. "You good?"
"Yeah, can you put iced water on the cooler then add the bottle of beer so it'll cool?"
"We have ice?"
"There's a big freezer at the back, they have a lot here."
When Jeno came back he was in a hurry. "Y/N! Y/n, the sky outside is really beautiful because of the sunset, wanna see?"
"Yeah." She immediately washes her hands on the sink before wiping it on her apron. "Lemme grab my phone and camera first."
"Jaemin-ah! We're going to the other side to watch the sunset! Let's go!" Jeno yells at his other friend.
"Yup, coming!"
Y/N sets up her tripod and they take a couple of shots together. "Let's stay for a few minutes." She sits on the sand and the two follow.
"We don't see this everyday." Jaemin says.
"We could." Jeno rebels. "But we're too busy."
Night came, they're a little tipsy, cheeks flushed and they're laughing their asses off as they eat and cook at the same time because of Jaemin's antics.
"We've always been a trio." He says. "Jeno plays the guitar, you sing, and I dance."
"A trio with different talents."
"Yeah, so while you both are doing your things, I just dance beside you. Even interpretative dance if needed." He flares his hands out mimicking a ballerina.
"Remember when we signed up for the homecoming party committee just so we can get free food?" Jeno looks back, laughing. "Y/N ate a lot."
Y/N slaps his bare arm. "Ya! It's not like you didn't. It's not my fault they had so much food."
"And during graduation practice, do you remember? Y/N fell--" Jaemin couldn't continue what he's saying because Y/N tackles him.
"Shut up!" Trying to cover his mouth. "Don't talk about that."
"You rolled down the stairs." Jeno continues while laughing. "Good thing it was just us."
"We just finished lunch and they kept texting us saying the practice had already started. We were in a hurry!" She tries to defend herself.
"It was so funny but we didn't have time to laugh enough."
Later on, Jeno's playing the guitar and they're singing to old songs that they used to play together. He looks at her fondly as she tries to reach the high note and does it flawlessly.
"You've gotten so good." He says and she just smiles in response.
It's past midnight, Jeno and Y/N are cleaning up because Jaemin passed out. His alcohol tolerance really decreased after a long time since he hasn't drank a lot.
"Jeno-ya." Y/N calls Jeno from outside.
He goes out to her. "Hmm?"
"How about Jaemin?"
"I'll help him through the stairs later." He reassures her. "How about you, are you good?"
"Yup, pretty good. Happy. Sleepy."
"Don't forget to change, brush your teeth, wash off the sea water."
She nods. "Yeah, I'll do that right now."
When she was done in the bathroom, she went upstairs to their shared bedroom. It's a big room with a big customized bed for an entire family, it can fit up to 6 people. Jaemin is already sleeping on it while Jeno is on his phone, waiting for her to finish so he could use the bathroom too.
"I'm done, Jen."
He looks up cutely like a puppy, obviously looks sleepy already. He goes downstairs with his things. Later on, when he comes back, Y/N and Jaemin are on each side of the bed which means he has to be in the center. He crawls in slowly, Y/N turns to look at him.
"I thought you were sleeping already." He whisper-yells.
She whispers back to him, "You look like a puppy."
"What does that mean?"
"You look cute." She notices that he's so far from her. Not that she minds, the bed is big so they get to sleep however they want but he's really far. "Why are you so far away? Wouldn't Winter be jealous to see you too close to Jaemin?" She jokes.
He just shrugs. "If we're close together, I may not stop myself from cuddling with you."
"I wanna cuddle with you though." She pouts.
"Stop that." He says authoritatively.
She whines, "Why?"
"You said you have a boyfriend."
Her eyebrows furrow. "I never said that."
"Yesterday, you said you have someone in Chicago waiting for your answer."
Y/N laughs. "Idiot. He's just a casual partner, just like how you and Karina were." Indirectly explaining that they're fuckbuddies. "He said he's developing feelings for me, I can't reciprocate that."
And suddenly his chest loosens up. He was able to breathe a little better now. "Casual partners? For how long?"
"Two years. I have needs too, Jeno Lee."
"Well, you made it sound like he's proposing to you so that's why I thought about it."
"Stop talking and just cuddle with me." His warmth hovers over her and she smiled when she felt his arm scoop her close to him. "You've been waiting for this, haven't you?" She mumbles and she snuggles as well.
Jeno buries his head on her neck. "Since fucking high school."
"Stop lying."
But he tickles her tummy lightly making her giggle and squirm. Jaemin who was sleeping mumbles, "Can you two fuck somewhere else? I want to sleep."
"Ya! We're just talking!" Y/N immediately defends.
"He's asleep, he doesn't know what he's saying." Jeno whispers, holding her down. "Sleep, Aya."
Her eyes beamed. He's never called her that ever since she left for Chicago. She turns around to see him with excitement on her face. "You're calling me Aya again." She mentions.
Jeno looks down at her sparkling eyes, holding the urge to kiss her forehead. "You've always been my ligaya."
"You keep saying those things but you actually had other girls before me."
"Remember during college, I don't ever allow you to enter my room."
"Yes, because you hid your drugs there?" She grumpily whines but he just smiled.
"I never wanted you in my room because when I saw you once sitting on the edge of my bed like an innocent girl, I almost couldn't stop myself." He groaned in her ear that gave her goosebumps. "Seeing you in my bed, fuck I'd die for that."
She nibbles on her lip as her eyes widen. "I'll sleep." Then she turns her back on him, now feeling his hard on against her ass.
Jaemin was the one to wake up first, he sees the two spooning and quickly snaps a pic and sends it to their own group chat before he leaves the room and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Jeno was the first one to wake up, he just let his arm drape around her, hugging her like a pillow. And just minutes later, she wakes up too.
"Do you like that guy from Chicago?" He asks half-asleep.
Y/N rubs her eyes and looks at him with squinted eyes to make sure he's not sleep talking only to find out that the man beside her is topless.
Then sighs. "I can't. I could never imagine myself being his girlfriend, but I am just scared to reject him. We've been in that kind of casual, non-committal relationship for a long time and he's always there when I need him."
She chuckles. "Why?"
"You said you have needs, right?" He whispers. "I'm pretty sure I can satisfy you better than anyone else."
"You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?" Jeno didn't say anything. He just stood up and went to lock the door. "I was just kidding." She laughs and stands up immediately but he grabs her before she could run away.
He held her with both her arms tightly, planting feathery kisses on her jaw. "You smell so good, baby." Then his kisses go down to her neck and she just wants to melt into a puddle.
She just loves how his warmth wraps around her. "Jaemin might come."
"You'll tell him." Jeno picks her up and traps her against the wall as their lips crash with each other, turning and twisting their tongues together. His kisses then left her mouth, to her cheeks, then to her ear. "I'm gonna satisfy the fuck out of your needs, baby." She feels the smirk on his face that gives her chills.
Then he brings her to the bed. She takes off her top revealing her perked up mounds. Y/N looks up to him, batting her eyelashes like an innocent girl and it drives him crazy. His neck is all red, he's so ready to ruin her but just holding himself back. She slowly removes her pajama shorts and cotton thongs as well. Y/N lays back with her arms supporting her weight while not breaking their eye contact. "All yours, Lee."
He could've sworn his cock throbbed after hearing that. Jeno's jaw twitched a little as he ran his fingers through his locks. "Good." He replies then grabs her ankle pushing her to turn and now she's on her back, ass up. Jeno is getting the best view of her ass and glistening pussy. His hand caresses her inner thigh for a few seconds before redirecting his fingers to her very wet core making her squirm and whimper in pleasure.
Rubbing circles, now she's helpless. He feels how needy she is because he hasn't even done anything aside from rubbing her and now she's looking so fucked out and a moaning mess for him, rubbing herself against his fingers too. "I-- I need y--your fingers. Please. Jeno. Please." He can't help but lick his bottom lip, he just wants to devour her right now, he wants to own her, he wants to be in her, he wants to feel her, he wants to be the only one who can make her feel this way.
"As you wish, love." He inserts two fingers, pumping it fast in her and she's moaning uncontrollably. "Shh. Jaemin might hear." Y/N tries to bite her bottom lip to suppress the moans. She pulls her own hair and massages her tits.
Jaemin goes up the stairs, trying the door knob a couple of times but it's locked. "Jeno-ya, Y/N, breakfast is ready."
"Answer him." He growls on to her ears without stopping his fingers from fucking her. Y/N's eyes widen, Jaemin will know for sure. But he stops. "I said, answer him."
"Jae--" His cock suddenly slips into her, making her moan and Jaemin definitely heard it. "Jaem, I-- we-- you can eat ahead!" Then she dunks her face on to the soft pillows biting them hard.  "Jeno, please." Consecutive moans came out from her lips and that was Jaemin's cue to leave.
"You're so fucking warm, Aya." He pulls her hair hard, making her lookup as he pounds hard into her. "No one will ever satisfy you the way that I do. Not even your Chicago boy."
It was too much for her, he was relentless and powerful. All the sexual frustrations that were pent up for years are finally revealed. And he's literally tearing her in half with his size.
"I've been imagining this day, me drilling into your dripping pussy and it's even better than what I have imagined."
She couldn't respond or say anything, she likes how he's fucking her dumb.
"Jen, cumming. I'm cumming." She pants, grasping into the sheets tighter while he rubs her clit with his free hand.
"Not until I cum. Fuck--- Aya, you're so fucking gorgeous."
"Please. Please. Please. Fill me up, daddy. I need you to fill me up." It's like Jeno got possessed with some kind of devil, he's pounding into her harder than before like she pushed a button.
"I'm gonna fuck you full of my cum. Let go, babygirl." Strings of white liquid spurts out from his tip in her as her orgasm also washes through her. And when he pulled out, white liquid came flowing out of her pussy. "Next time I'm buying you a plug."
Y/N drops to the bed, tired and weak. Her cheeks are flushed, sweating and breathless, just like how Jeno imagined and it gave him an assurance that he definitely fucked her real good.
Jeno plops on the bed beside her, she smiles weakly at him, covering her body with the sheets. They stay looking at each other's eyes.
"Stay." He mumbles. "I want you to stay. I don't want to keep missing you." She feels her heart inflating and her stomach being filled with butterflies. The fact that he's being vocal about this right now and not just staying quiet like how he usually is when it comes to his feelings. "But if you don't want t--"
"I'll do everything I can so I can stay." She cuts him off. "You're gonna be mine this time." She promises.
Jeno smiles and pulls himself close to her then plants a kiss on her forehead. "I'm all yours, Aya. You know how obsessed I am with you, I'm going nowhere without you."
"Jaemin is never talking to us again."
"He'll just need a night with Winter."
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axailslink · 1 year
Shuri Udaku x Jabari tribe FEM reader
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Warning: Vulgur language, fingering, and a bit of original character personality from the first movie.
A/n: You all can thank my geeky side for this fic I found the second pic and just made some shit up.
Summary: Truthfully not really story based I just needed a reason to practice writing smut on my own accord.
Snippet from the fic: “ "Speak. Up." Shuri fidgets reaching for your hand but you glare at her daring her to touch and see what happens. "Please touch me" you hum in satisfaction but you wonder just how much more you can make her say ”
Your eyes are on Shuri the whole time she speaks with M'Baku she's a beautiful woman one who when you first met was full of vengeance and truth be told she definitely had your attention then so much that your waking nights were just thoughts of her and what you'd allow her to do to you. Truthfully it's a little sad how a woman you've only seen every so often can just run free in your mind like this without a key, card or permission. You're so in your mind that you don't notice M'baku giving you your orders "Y/n I hope your ears are working fine" you nod "yes they are" he bites on his carrot of course to drag this embarrassment out but you truly don't mind he gets a light laugh out of it and honestly the man needs one after putting up with Shuri's always serious attitude. "Then why are you not following her?" You quickly catch up to an already disappearing Shuri who seems to be walking rather fast when you're used to a normal paced stride. "Prince-" she doesn't even let you finish because of how wrong you are "queen" you do love a woman that'll correct you but good Hanuman she's a bit much. You take the safest bet and call her "panther if you do not mind my question I have to ask what is my assignment?" She stops walking and stares at you in the dark hall "are you all just this incompetent and forgettable?" You can't help but take this to heart because who in the hell does she think she's talking to? Definitely not you. Surely not. You bite your tongue "no I'm a bit out of my head my apologies" Shuri seems surprised seeing that you don't argue with her even though what she said was a bit much and bitchy but you know better than to argue with the queen of Wakanda especially with how heartless she's become.
The path that you and Shuri take is one completely familiar to you from the trees to the way the ice thickens on the ground it's only when you're there that you realize it's your home. "Oh?" Shuri turns to you and finally states your orders that you would have known if you weren't so zoned out by her threatening beauty earlier "there's no more room for people there and M'baku being the dear friend he is has asked you to provide shelter for me while we work to restore the beauty of Wakanda." You gawk for a moment because how in the hell did you miss such an order!? The queen is going to be living in your house you can't help but feel nervous now your house is never nasty or dirty but now nothing seems fine now you're wondering if the curtains have dust on them or if you washed those last dishes good enough but Shuri pulls you out of those thoughts just as quickly as they arose when her soft voice starts to shake from the cold biting air "are you going to invite me in?" You quickly open the door and invite her in offering her something warm when you both get settled she's on the couch and she's almost cute as she holds her cup of warm herbs to her lips with both hands but you block those thoughts out of your mind as you walk up the stairs to find her something of warmth. That suit looks swell but you can tell it was made in a hurry and from her voice wavering earlier she surely didn't make it with thoughts of being in the mountains. You grab what you hope she can fit and come back downstairs "you seemed cold earlier this may be warmer would you like a blanket too?" Shuri isn't surprised to see someone worry about her that's all everyone's been doing since Namor started the war but now that it's over and people are still seeing her as weak it can get a bit irritating. "I don't need them" you look at the furs in your hands and then her suit "you obviously do vibranium does a lot of things and protects a lot of people however I don't remember it being able to keep you warm. You are in my home and I will not be responsible if you die of frostbite but please be my guest." You gently toss the furs on the couch beside her and walk back upstairs Shuri is of course taken back by such lack of care when you speak to her. You're not afraid to say what you really want to and she likes that because with anyone else they just say what she wants to hear or what they know won't upset her. You don't she likes that. This prompts her to glance at the furs and then her suit before she places the glass in her hands down.
Shuri undresses herself slowly unzipping the suit of hers and she's careful as if a tug with too much strength might rip it. You're doing the same in the privacy of your room except you cover yourself in a blanket instead of a robe since you gifted Shuri your handmade robes. Finally undressed and comfortable a loud knock makes your heart pound "yes?" Shuri opens the door taking this as an invite inside but thankfully you're already covered with your blankets when she does the only thing her pretty eyes can see are the dips of your collarbones and a bit of your exposed leg. While on her you can see a lot more the robe is heavy on her you can tell she's not used to carrying that much weight so she's holding most of it in her hands while the rest wraps around her. The fur looks beautiful against her skin it's wrapped around her neck but then it takes a swooning dip in-between her breasts you honestly can't help but stare but as quickly as you do you look away. "Thank you" you nod but Shuri doesn't leave she's staring at you too admiring your scars "how many of those do you have?" You furrow your brows unsure of what she's talking about "oh I have many furs and they're all ha-" "-scars how many scars do you have?" You nod and look down at your body before turning around and showing her the ones on your back.
You don't notice Shuri's moved from her place until you feel a cold finger trace over the scars on your back you let out a quiet gasp but Shuri's intrigued she moves your hair to better see them now. "They're beautiful" you smile as you grab your blanket and pull it over your chest "thank you" Shuri hums as her hands rub down your sides "my queen" you can't deal with this kind of touching from anyone especially not Shuri Udaku. "My apologies you're just so beautiful to me" she pulls her hands away and you swear your warmth goes with her "I don't think you should touch me like that." Shuri nods while you continue to stare at the wall "I once again apologize for over stepping boundaries you offer me your home and your furs and I just take advantage of that I'm sorry." You nod as you feel your bed lighten a bit. You're ridiculous her touch is something you've craved yet when you get just a bit of it you allow her to stop you swallow trying to push away your nerves "I'm beautiful to you?" You ask as she makes her way to your door barefoot "yes... I think so but it's possible I could just be missing home and... Other things." You nod pulling the blanket over your shoulders "I'm sure there's no woman like me at home." Shuri smiles to herself "you are so right about that."
"I know because no woman you know would do or risk what I'm about to" you turn towards her now your feet dangle off the edge of your bed as you let the fur blanket pool around your waist exposing your naked body to Shuri who doesn't let her eyes leave you. You can feel that stare of hers looking at every part of you from your round breasts to your bare feet her stare is one you can't avoid one that makes you warm without even trying. To even the air now Shuri drops her furs at her feet exposing her naked body she walks closer to you now and it's your turn to admire. You stand in front of her and take the time to just look for a moment and to your surprise your stare has the same effect hers does on you and you can tell as her chest rises and falls as her body silently begs you to touch it but you don't not right away. You let the cold air bite at her as you size her up glancing at every piece of ink upon her skin. You've seen the hand one and the one on her neck but never have you noticed these new ones but you always imagined what lay beneath that suit of hers and to finally see it you're amazed.
The tattoos paint her skin they're beautiful.
Finally you trail your fingers from the tattoo curling around her shoulder to the one wrapping around her waist she shivers from your touch you're not sure why so you come to a stop whispering to not ruin the moment "do you want me to stop?" She shakes her head "no." You continue letting your hands gently caress her skin and moment after moment you get more comfortable and so does she as you start to leave kisses on her tattoos. You find your way to your knees in front of her and she watches expectantly but you tease because you want her to beg or ask nicely. You kiss your way around her pussy avoiding it as if it's not staring at you begging to be touched screaming at you as it drips from nothing but the soft touches of your lips and hands against her body. You're convinced she hasn't been touched like this in a while because she's so needy you can see it on her face but breaking that face of hers proves to be a bit more complex than you would think. The room being filled with nothing but gasps and light moans finally changes when you mumble against her skin "do you want me to touch you?" Shuri nods but that's not the answer you want you want words and you're going to get them. These sweet whimpers and gasps are pretty but nothing compares to begging and crying. Especially with Shuri's pretty eyes you just know she'd look amazing crying before you and begging you to touch her. Crying goodness maybe one day but you won't go that far... No. Not today. You give what you consider to be a light tap on Shuri's ass but it doesn't prove to be as light as you thought when Shuri cries out "shit." "I'm sorry baby but I want to hear you. Can you speak up or can you only use that pretty voice of yours when you're commanding someone else to do something?" Shuri mumbles "I want you to touch me."
Just to be a bitch you say "I'm sorry?" Shuri speaks up repeating herself but it's still not enough for you so you use two fingers to tease her wet cunt gently patting it letting your fingers get covered in her liquids and letting her get riled up. "Speak. Up." Shuri fidgets reaching for your hand but you glare at her daring her to touch it and see what happens. "Please touch me" you hum in satisfaction but you wonder just how much more you can make her say "touch you how my queen?" You keep your fingers still now gently but firmly pressing onto her clitoris "I want you..." She pauses as if to muster up the courage before finishing her sentence "I want you to touch every part of me I want you to do whatever you want to me." You're the one at a loss for words now but you don't stay like this. You pull her to your bed and make her sit down on the edge propping her legs up "I want to hear everything I want to hear your moans your gasps and your cries can we do that? If I see you thinking about covering your mouth I'll leave you just like this needy and craving an orgasm. Uyaqonda? (Do you understand?) Shuri nods earning a hard smack on her thigh "yes."
You take the time to admire her pretty pussy everything about her is pretty her lips her eyes her hair her thighs but this... What sits in front of you waiting to be touched as it leaks holds a beauty that the goddess Aphrodite herself must have gifted. you rub her thigh and she sighs but seeing her obviously irritated only makes you smile as you suck on her clitorus causing her body to hitch not expecting that so suddenly but you only hum loving the way she's currently trying to stay still. Yeah you've got to get rid of this whole not doing what she so obviously wants to do thing it's holding her back and can ruin this moment for her you don't want that so you give her a little motivation slipping two digits inside of her wet pussy causing her to let out a sweet whimper. Pulling away from her clit for just a moment you tell her "don't be shy you can ride out your orgasm reach your high as you please shit you can grab my hair but I want to see that you're enjoying this too... Okay?" Shuri nods "yeah I...yeah." you're not rough with her from the get go no you ease into it starting off gentle massaging the inside of her walls occasionally curling your fingers causing them to hit the right spot just where she seems to love it because she gets louder when you do this and her body lifts off the bed trying to fuck herself on your hand. It's cute seeing how when she's near she doesn't run away from the feeling instead she runs to it head first. That's good it lets you know that she's comfortable now but letting her be comfortable for too long can be boring so you of course have to change it up getting faster and rough with her using your free arm to keep her in place as she gets louder and finds it hard to be still fucking herself on your hand. The sounds coming from both of her lips are sinful and just like you imagined her moans are beautiful and remind you of a melody but the rasp behind them itches your brain just right and the lewd wet sounds coming from soaking pussy only encourages you to continue.
You watch with a smile on your face as she bucks her hips into your hand "mhm c'mon baby" your encouraging words bring Shuri to her climax. When she looks at you her expression immediately reads embarrassed but you lick your hand clean watching her as you do to show that none of that matters right now and she surely has nothing to be embarrassed about. "You want me to run you a bath?" Shuri nods and you get up dusting your knees off "princess" earlier she corrected you and you wonder will she do it again? "Queen" you hum as you run her some hot bath water and she follows behind you. "You seem embarrassed" Shuri shrugs "maybe... it's just been intimate in a while and I don't think one time did enough for me." Oh... You're surprised but not all too much you knew from the start she could go rounds and that's great because you have a box of toys with her name on it. "So what? You already staying the night we could let this water cool hm" Shuri nods as she glances at your lips just for a moment she hopes you didn't see her but you did and you smile "you want to kiss me?" Shuri stares at your lips now licking her own at the thought of yours on hers. "Can I?" "No. Not if this is casual I don't kiss hookups. They don't deserve it." Shuri nods as you turn on your heel to walk out of the bathroom but Shuri's voice cutting through the air makes you pause in your steps.
"So what if it's not casual?" Did you just touch your way into a relationship with the queen of Wakanda? Yes. Yes you did.
A/n: gentle reminder I do not write smut so please be respectful and think of that before you comment. 😀
Taglist: @verachii @mocha-aya @shuriszn @lolas-bunny @lucillele @shuri-lover @quintessencewrites @yamsthoughts @saintwrld @rxcently @lunax0654 @karimwillia @adeola-the-explorer @garbagesleepschedule @bratydoll @trixielwt @6-noir @annoyingtidalwavequeen @atssukoo @shuri-my-love @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @rxcently @iwillbiteabitch
@malltake12 @mxyx-rx444 @kiwidreamersstuff
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
pretend this isn't the fourth thing i've posted in the past like... two hours
but this is so cool! Thank you @zerokrox-blog for tagging me!
So this is a Soulmate AU that has been in my head for YEARS, and I've finally started writing it down so... here's the first chapter or maybe only part of it? I'm not sure yet. But here it is :)
A few weeks earlier… 
Steve sprints to the window, unlatching it easily and jumping through just to tuck and roll onto the soft carpet of Robin’s bedroom. 
“What the-” Robin starts to yell until she catches sight of Steve who holds a finger to his lips. He signals for her to close the windows and curtains quickly while he lays on the ground wiping the rain water mixed with blood out of his eyes. 
Robin quietly freaks out as she locks the window and pulls the curtain tight. She flicks on a lamp then digs under her bed for a first aid kit that makes Steve want to squirm away, but he can’t deny the need for some type of treatment for his wounds. As she’s carefully putting bandaids on what he assumes to be a large cut on his forehead, she whispers out, “What the hell happened?” 
Steve breathes out and does a quick assessment of himself. Nothing appears to be broken at the moment, but his vision is slightly swimming as the adrenaline wears off. He lets his eyes close as he leans into Robin. “Turns out I’m going to college with you after all.” 
He doesn’t have to open his eyes to know that she’s giving him a weird look, but he opens them to let her know he’s serious about this. “Robin, promise to never call me ‘Steve’ again, okay?” 
Robin freezes and lets her hand fall from where it was smoothing out a bandaid. “What?” 
“Please,” Steve pleads and looks around frantically. “Call me… call me…” his head is pounding and his stomach slightly churns, so he relies on the last thing he saw, a name too unique to belong to any soul, “Call me Keys.” 
“Okay… Keys,” Robin says testing out the name as Steve’s eyes lull shut. “Now tell me everything.” 
Moving in sucks. Well, moving Robin in sucks. Steve had told her that she didn’t need to pack her entire room, but she insisted, “Keys, I will not be returning home after my first twenty-four hours away from it! And maybe I’ll need the whistle I got in elementary school! You never know.” 
Steve just sighs and hefts up yet another box from his car, carefully glancing around for anyone familiar before heading up to Robin’s dorm. He curses the broken elevator but realizes it likely wouldn’t have been much help since everyone else is moving in at the same time. He swerves just at the last second as some hyper dude with long hair runs down the stairs past him and Robin. For some reason, he feels a weird draw to them, but they probably just remind him of Dustin who he would’ve yelled at to slow the hell down. He misses that kid. 
Steve huffs as he makes his way to the third story of the building and spots the door to Robin’s room slightly ajar. Robin shoots him a look and they rush over to it only to slow down as they approach. Steve sets down the box and riffles through it settling on grabbing a random plaque from... “Your fourth-grade spelling bee, really?” 
“It’s one of my greatest accomplishments!” Robin whisper yells at him and nudges his shoulder. 
Steve rolls his eyes but takes the plaque and holds it up. He holds up his hand signaling three... two... one... 
Steve shoves the door open and yells as a blonde girl starts to scream. Steve quickly realizes his mistake and puts the plaque down on a nearby table and holds his hands up. “Woah! Oh, shit. Sorry. You must be Robin’s roommate. I’m Steve,” he introduces himself cautiously holding his hand out. 
Only, the girl doesn’t take it. Instead, she seems frozen as she glances over Steve’s shoulder. 
Steve’s hand drops and he looks over his shoulder to see what's happening but he’s only met with the sight of Robin staring longingly at the other girl. Steve looks back at the girl and sees it. “You must be Chrissy,” Steve breathes out. 
The girl nods slightly, and happiness alongside jealousy churns in Steve’s stomach. “Well, it’s been great meeting you. And I’ll just... see myself out. Robin, we can get the rest of your stuff later. I’m just going to head to my dorm.” 
Robin slightly nods, mirroring Chrissy’s same nod from earlier, and Steve is almost positive that neither of them are getting any of what he’s saying. Damn soulmates. 
Steve heaves Robin’s box through the doorway and lightly shoves her in before closing the behind her. This is certainly not how he wanted his college experience to start. 
He rushes down the stairs and tries not to think too hard about the whole Robin finding her soulmate thing. Like, yes, it’s great. He’s glad she has the perfect roommate and a soulmate who clearly just by first looks is crazy about her. But this means... fuck. 
Steve might be abandoned. He knows it’s unlike Robin, but he’s heard the soulmate stories. Christ, they’re literally a person’s other half, so of course they’re going to want to spend all their time with them which leaves Steve... alone. Or awkwardly third wheeling, but the sight of happy couples makes him irrationally angry. 
Well, with everything, Robin says that he should be reasonably angry about the whole soulmate thing, but... 
Steve shakes his head as he climbs into his car and watches that same long-haired boy heave a box up towards the building. Eddie. A voice in his head unhelpfully supplies, and Steve shakes it away because that would be impossible. 
He forces himself to tear his eyes away and look at the campus map. Sadly, he and Robin aren’t living in the same residence hall, but the buildings should be about a five-minute walk away. He spots his building and takes a deep breath as he thinks about dealing with parking. Luckily, he only has about one trip worth of things with him. 
He finds parking and curses under his breath as he rechecks his dorm number and pockets the key they gave him a few hours earlier. He pushes around the few boxes Robin has left so he can get out his one box and old backpack. Hopefully his roommate doesn’t judge him too much. 
The trek to the building isn’t horrible from the parking lot, but Steve is definitely thankful that he lives on the first floor. 
He finds his room fairly easily and digs his key out of his pocket so he can unlock the door. He sighs when he finds it’s already unlocked and prepares to meet his roommate. He tries to appear pleasant as possible and even tightly smiles as he enters the room. Half of it is filled with weird shit like posters and drawings that Steve thinks that Dustin would like. And he’s definitely gotta ask why the hell he has a giant sign that says “Corroded Coffin.” He whistles low when he spots the guitar propped in the corner of the room. He knows nothing about instruments, but he can tell it’s well taken care of. 
The only thing that he finds odd is the lack of a roommate in the room, but maybe he’s in the bathroom or something. 
Steve doesn’t think too hard about it because he’s filled with relief of finally being alone so he can breathe. It’s not that he isn’t a social person it’s just... he needs time to process the whole Chrissy and Robin thing. More than anything he wants to rant to someone about it, but his options of ranting are: Robin. 
But there’s probably a landline in the common area and definitely pay phones nearby so he can call Dustin eventually. 
He tugs at the leather band around his right wrist for a few minutes as he thinks before realizing the anxious tick and trying to stop. He needs Robin to go back to flicking him in the head every time he does it. Soulmarks don’t like being suffocated he guesses. 
He unpacks the few things he has, stuffing the few pairs of clothes he has in the supplied dresser and slipping sheets over his mattress and making up the thin comforter (curtesy of Robin’s mom) and pillow (also Robin’s mom) to make the place look somewhat like a home. He gets a framed picture of him and Robin out of his box and puts it on his desk lastly before turning around and walking towards his door. 
He stops and takes a breath before turning around and taking in his sad display of a room, but he can’t help but smile. Nothing can be worse than his room from a few weeks ago. 
All the sudden, the door swings open and collides with Steve’s back causing him to stumble forward and curse. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were...” the man trails off as Steve turns around. 
It’s the same long-haired guy he saw before, but close up he’s absolutely... 
Eddie. Soulmate. 
Steve’s entire being feels drawn to him, and it’s like he understands what all the soulmates mean when they say as soon as they saw them they just knew. And it feels so right. He’s somehow everything that Steve had always dreamed of since he first got his mark, and nothing at all like what he expected. He’s about to finally say that it’s him, it’s Steve, when he finally shakes himself out of it. 
No, it’s not him. It’s not possible. He’s already met Eddie. 
So, Steve sticks his hand out and says, “I’m Keys.” 
And something about his name must falter whatever is going on in the man’s head as he reaches out and replies, “Kas. Uh, you must be my s- roommate.” 
Steve smiles tightly as the label doesn’t rest well with him. He shakes his hand and can’t help but notice the way his hand feels right in his, but he’s also wearing a band around his wrist that kind of jostles with Steve’s and it feels so wrong like he needs to pry them both off- 
“My roommate who I just hit with the door. Shit, I’m sorry, man, I just got some crazy news that my best friend found her soulmate. At least, I think that’s what I was witnessing because she was just making out with this other girl, and I don’t know, I just kind of ran like hell. And I wasn’t thinking and bam hit you with the door,” Kas rambles out and it’s overwhelmingly endearing to Steve especially when he pulls his hair in front of his face and continues, “Sorry, man, I’m just kind of freaking out.” 
And Steve knows exactly what he means. “I can’t blame you. I just had the same sort of shit happen. My best friend just found her soulmate, and I’m at a loss. I know I should feel happy for her, but I can’t help but think I’m going to be abandoned or some shit.” Steve stops and wonders why the hell he’s talking so much and basically spewing his soul to a stranger. “Sorry,” Steve apologizes and shakes his head, “I don’t usually open up so easily.” 
“Neither do I, but that’s just because I have to keep up my dark and mysterious persona,” Kas says with a bright smile as he raises his hands and wiggles his fingers. 
Steve can’t help but laugh. 
Kas’s smile falls, but more in a dramatic way than a hurt way. “What? Do you not think I’m all dark and mysterious?” 
This makes Steve laugh even harder. He has no idea how this man with the energy of a hyper puppy and the biggest brown doe eyes he’s ever seen has ever appeared threatening or rather “dark and mysterious.” 
Kas sighs and frowns at him, but that just further drives home the point. Steve can’t help but try to stifle his laughter and reply as seriously as he can, “Oh, you’re dark and mysterious alright.” 
Kas lightly shoves him as a blush comes to his cheeks, and Steve doesn’t remember ever feeling so connected to someone as soon as he met them. He can’t help but think that Kas is thinking the same thing as they stare at each other, both smiling as something like hope stirs in Steve. 
He wishes more than anything that soulmates didn’t exist. 
“Hey, Kas!” 
Kas and Steve jump back as they stare at the two girls in their doorway who glance back at each other. “No way,” Robin and Chrissy both say together and laugh. 
It takes Steve a moment longer than everyone, but then he’s looking at Kas with wide eyes as he realizes how cruel and kind the universe really is. 
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jasonsknight3 · 5 months
Announcement: Collage will be starting again here soon. However, I am working ahead to at least have some things lined up for you guys, so I'm not just gone or missing because I still want to create and be active.
Moving on this short story is about the cat I mentioned AK Jason having in my previous head-canons. I really wanted to write how they met, and I did. I hope you enjoy. -Authors note. I cannot draw animals to save my life, but I wanted you guys to see Finnly anyway. Plus this is unedited sorry for any mistakes or odd parts.-
First greetings
The misty rain fell to the ground with no sound. No doubt it would get worse here pretty soon. The rain would become a full on storm. Naturally, rain is good company for a gloomy night in Gotham. Jason pulled his red hood up further over his blue gray ball cap. He had nothing to do tonight. He was feeling lazy anyways and had almost little to no motivation to do anything vigilante related. Not tonight.
As he walked at a steady pace he pulled out his phone to check the time. 3:46 pm. With a sigh he shoved the phone back into his pocket. “What a pain.” He said pulling out a cigarette lighting it. The cigarette illuminated part of his face. The day he didn’t want to do anything of course he couldn’t sleep. No rest for the weary. Just up ahead he swore he heard a tiny voice. Adjusting the volume on his hearing aid he listened a little more and of course there it was. Walking closer the voice became clearer. “Mama said I can’t keep you. I wish I could. I’ll miss you. I hope you grow up to be a happy cat.” Looking around the corner there was a small blonde girl talking to a box. The girl with tears in her eyes puts the box on top of the dumpster. “I promise I still love you.” She said before turning in Jason's direction. Jason moved quickly to rest flat against the uncomfortable brick wall as the little girl ran off crying.
Once the girl was out of sight he rounded the corner into the musty alley way. A soft mewling sound came from the box. Upon his further inspection he discovered there was a kitten. Of course he knew what it was beforehand but this just confirmed it. A small thing. Petite. Its fur was ultimately black with white fur framing its eyes and white patches elsewhere. Its blue eyes looked up at him. Another soft mewl coming from it. After a moment of staring Jason began to walk away. The once soft sounds became desperate causing Jason to come to a halt. In that moment the mist rain turned into a terrifying downpour. The kitten's cries became even more desperate calling out to him. A painful tightness grew in Jason’s chest. With a growl of frustration he walked back over to the box looking in.
The kitten raised up pawing at the edge of the box still crying out to him. Picking it up he brought the small thing to his eyes level. “Just to be clear. I don’t like you. You are an inconvenience if anything. The only reason I’m taking you in is because…” the kitten watched Jason wide eyed making the tightness worsen a little. However, it wasn’t exactly painful. He couldn’t describe it really. Jason set the kitten in the box making it cry. “Oh shut up. I’m not leaving you. Relax.” He said slightly annoyed. Jason turned his red hoodie backwards making the hood part in the front. Picking up the kitten he placed it in the hood. Taking Jason by surprise the kitten immediately settled down nuzzling in and getting comfy. “What I said earlier. About you being an inconvenience. I didn’t really mean that. I just-“Jason sighed. “I have issues. Lots and lots of issues. I promise I won’t hurt you though. Promise.” He cooed as he started to journey home.
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Pertinent to the request I sent earlier; Could you write a scenario where Akashi tells his S/O about his DID and how it came about? And maybe also about the associated negative feelings? I'm sorry that's a bit too specific. xd I'd really like some Akashi angst right now. :'D
It was a calm day and his father had allowed him a free day; that he was using to be with you. He was laying in the garden, his head on your lap as you read his favorite novel out loud to him. He relaxed at hearing your voice. It had became a favorite pasttime of his, to lay back and enjoy you reading to him. He tried to relax, but something was nagging at the back of his mind. His other self. The Emperor inside of him, had a tendency to get restless when he was relaxing. Because the Emperor inside of him hated his free days. It was the antithesis to his existence, to have peace and to have no pressure to do anything. He could relax, most of the time, but sometimes, an irritated grumble from his other self would bubble through his mind and he'd tense up for a moment. Something you noticed. "What's wrong Sei?" You asked softly, closing the book and laid it at the other side of your lap. Knowing better then to lie to you, Akashi sighed. "I don't really know the best way to start." "Take a deep breath, I'll wait for however it takes for you to formulate that answer." You instructed playfully. This, was one of the things he loved best about you. How you could support him and bring a smile to his face with the most beautifully soft expression on your face that showed just how much you loved him. "You remember, my other personality, right?" He asked cautiously. You nodded, stroking his hair. "Is he bothering you?" "Not really, it's just that I feel there's this restless piece in the back of my mind that I'm sure is him. He cannot stand it when I relax." Akashi explained, glad he could talk about it with you. His father was a way different story, but you always listened and would confide any stories of your own regarding the subject in an attempt to make him feel less alone. And you were listening, biting your lip. "I suppose this is the part where I say, why do you think that is?" He took another deep breath, it felt like he had to gather all the energy in his body to answer your question, "It's because of how he was born." "You mean, the reason why you got sick?" You asked, wanting to be absolutely clear. You didn't wanted to be confused by a topic this important. Akashi's feelings mattered deeply to you, and so did his health; in every form. Akashi closed his eyes, not being able to bear the world as he dared to open up for the first time, "It was just after my mother died, you know? My father put me under so much pressure and it was as if I could feel my mind beginning to crack, and split. The Captain duties at Teiko took so much of me too, that when I nearly lost to Murasakibara, he emerged. My mind has created him to protect me against failure, and to always succeed. But he's an Emperor, who always feels like he has to do something. Relaxing like this is something he'd seldomly allow himself to participate in. He cannot handle us just laying about like this." He confessed everything, and it truly felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. "But Sei, that makes total sense. You were pushed to your absolute limit with no remorse, anyone's mind would shatter! Especially someone as vulnerable as a kid. I'm so sorry your dad's such a dick." You said, sincerely angry on his behalf. Akashi let out a small chuckle, feeling grateful he had a wonderful girlfriend who was as understanding as you. "But can I please tell Emperor-tan to let us enjoy our time? If he continues to bother me on our dates, he should better come out right now. I still need to kick his ass for threatening Nana-Chan anyway." You challenged and he grinned weakly in response. "Well, you should know he's not scared of you." "I don't care! He should better bring his A game, because I won't surrender easily! I will not stop until he cowers at my feet and leaves us be." You declared and he laughed softly. Going through grief, trauma and mental illness was a difficult journey and for sure a rollercoaster of emotions but with you that rollercoaster always ended at a positive note. He would thank you for being his rock, until his dying day.
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semi-sketchy · 22 days
Well, that's Sonic X finished. Yes I still really like the show.
Firstly, season 3 is a bit mixed. The first half it struggles a bit to find it's footing with the rhythmic "new planet, Metarex stole the egg but are still there for some reason, fight ensues". It gets pretty tedious. Honestly, at this point I was missing the human characters and their antics. Like Mr. Stewart shadowing everyone as if he was coy, Rouge having Topaz to bounce off of, Ella and Chuck... I wanted something to spice it up.
However, the second half, after the Emeralds get scattered again, it starts being less formulaic, having reveals and turns into some good entertainment.
Although, Eggman stuck out to me as being particularly not great this season. First half when he's causing trouble and such is fine, but then when he becomes a sort-of double agent and starts looking out for Sonic and his friends...I just didn't like that for Eggman. It was framed more as fatherly-oversight instead of Eggman perusing his best interests. It only happened a few times in season 1 and 2, so it was easier to overlook there, but it's prevalent enough in season 3 for me to take issue with it.
On the plus side, Shadow is actually enjoyable! I didn't care for how Shadow (or SA2 in general) were done in season 2, but I liked what they did with him here. He's kinda neutral, clashing with Sonic and trying to kill Cosmo, but at the end of the day his interests are still to stop the Metarex and save the universe. He's cold, but his actions show he does care, he just has his own way of doing things. Plus he is a bit of a showoff.
I still think season 1 overall is my favorite with 3 in the middle and lastly 2. Man the Discotek subtitles made season 2 worse...
I also went into this biased that the changes between the dub and sub were negligible. Perhaps because the dub isn't as fresh in my mind as when I formed that opinion, but the sub is definitely my preferred version now. I prefer the Japanese voice cast (I wish Cream could have an English VA as good as her Japanese X one, high pitched yet so soft spoken...it's so easy on the ears) and the music is so much better.
The biggest difference for me is Chris. I actually liked him. I can't exactly narrow down why, he used to annoy me, but that wasn't an issue this time. Maybe I've grown up, perhaps the writing frames him better in the sub, maybe it's this specific translation, I can't tell.
Are the dialogue changes that huge? No. Don't get me wrong, there is a difference, however the show's plot is still the same and understandable in the dub, which, makes sense. The story has to follow the animation. Like I said earlier, the translations between these two languages is somewhat subjective and sometimes sentences need to be shortened or made longer to fill the space. That's why plenty of lines carry the same or similar meaning but are said in a different way.
Yes, the writing is better in Japanese, hell everything is better in the Japanese version and I think that applies to season 3 the most. Could I recommend it over the dub? Easily. If possible, watch the original version. Although if you really can't stand subtitles and want the audio in English (or only have access to YouTube where the Japanese version doesn't have English subs), is the dub acceptable? Also yes, it'll do.
You do have to deal with the censorship in the dub, though I've been aware of it since I was a kid. The animation censorship is silly and stupid, but aside from Chris getting flung in season 2, I didn't think the cut scenes removed much of value. However, while I didn't like the beginning of an episode reusing the end of a previous one during bingeing, when coming back to watch more after a few days, it was a nice refresher. A reminder of a time when you had to wait a week to see what happened next instead of bingeing an entire season in a day. I liked it even though it isn't necessary in this day and age.
As said before, this was not my first time watching X in Japanese. I saw it several years ago and this series rewatch was moreso an excuse to say I finally used the Blu-rays I spent money on.
If I had to rate it, 8/10, maybe even an 8.5. Solid show where there's some very high highs and the lows are still quite enjoyable while the cast is mostly faithful to their game personalities. There's a reason this show has reigned supreme in the fandom for such a long time.
Coming off of Frontiers, it was a nice reminder that yeah, Sonic is still good.
Anyways, I guess next is Boom, although I rewatched it like a year or so ago when I bought the steelbook. I've seen it so many times, I've practically got the show memorized by now. Spoilers: I like it a lot.
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yes-asil · 3 months
(sorry if this ask goes through multiple times my internet is WACK)
i have!! a ghost boys question!! (absolutely adore these past few pages btw, as a comicfury reader pages 470-473 have been SO cute and im literally crying with joy that theyre reunited ive missed them sm its unbelievable i care them so much ANYWAY)
so i read your fic on ao3 a while back and for no reason in particular, definitely not writing a fic, can i ask for details abt matt and sickness? not like the chronic passing out/near death biz he deals with when hes suffering from ghosts, i know thatll get explained later in the story, but like if he were to get a normal illness. like. say. theres this thing of stress fevers popping up for people who work themselves too hard and you mentioned matt having fever in your ao3 fic which i was rereading earlier because its SO good and i love it but like that fic was focused on the coughing and his lungs giving out lol and i am just wondering if perhaps you would be willing to share how hed deal with being like... aware of being out of commission. being able to feel the fever and physically not being able to be unconscious bc of like the insomnia aspect because i feel like he can be so nonchalant because hes never conscious when hes miserable so just curious on how hed handle having no choice but to acknowledge it. how hed deal with having normal person illness that isnt him about to die. in my head hes ofc going to keep working anyway and make things worse bc thats how he is but i would love to hear your thoughts if you dont mind giving them!!
for no reason in particular. there is definitely not already 1k words of this which will not spiral into something more ahaha wink thank you for all you do this comic makes me so feral(/positive) my friends have learned of the boys through osmosis of me not shutting up every time a new page posts
I'll start this with an: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
So happy you like the comic so much!!! And that you rope other people into it is so fun, I'm glad you like my boys!
As for the question; Matt ignores feeling bad no matter for what reason. In his head he just goes "what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger" before he proceeds to knock himself out. When he wakes up, he continues the cycle until his body is back to normal by sheer force of will. It doesn't matter if it is a week long sniffly nose, a dry cough spell that lasts a month or his funny little ghost powers pulling him under. He WILL work and he WILL make himself useful.
The only times he accepts defeat and goes to bed to rest while actually awake are when Lukas' worries so hard it makes both of them want to cry and when Cathrine starts using her soft "I'm really worried right now I can't even act harsh" voice.
He acts pretty much the same then, just a bit huffy and restless
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
Hey! Could I have prompt 4 with Cyno x reader pls? thx :3
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Life After You
notes: this work is part of my 3k followers event! check out my pinned post for the event masterlist and further info. I also sincerely apologize to the people who requested first for doing these out of order but I gotta write what I'm inspired to atm or else I'll never get started. Also once again, feel free to check out my genshin discord :3
prompt: all that I'm after is a life full of laughter as long as I'm laughing with you, and I'm thinking that all that still matters is love ever after, after the life we've been through; 'cause I know there's no life after you
song these lyrics are from: life after you [daughtry]
contains: cyno x reader, fluff
warnings: none
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"Two Shawarma Wraps please!", you smiled at Lambad as you paid for the food you had ordered. It wasn't hard to notice your good mood. After all, you had enough reason to smile, given that the man you loved was coming home from work earlier today and had promised to spend the rest of his day with his beloved. So since you still had some time to spare until Cyno would return, you had decided to get lunch for the two of you to surprise him.
It was a beautiful day, however, if you were honest, you didn't have any plans to leave the house again before the sun set. You were looking forward to just spend a day alone with Cyno, away from the prying eyes who recognized him as the General Mahamatra.
Just as you were fumbling with your keys at the entrance to the house you lived in, you felt two arms wrapping around your waist and a soft kiss on the back of your neck before Cyno nuzzled his face into your neck. "Ah, there you are already", you chuckled and turned around to properly greet your boyfriend with a kiss. "I missed you", Cyno said softly and kissed your cheek gently multiple times. You held up the packaged Shawarma Wraps. "I got us food", you exclaimed triumphantly. Cyno kissed your forehead and held up a finger. "Thank you, love. I got you something too", he seemed more excited than usual and started searching for something in his backpack.
He handed you a book. "It's the newest Genius Invokation TCG novel", he tried to say this calmly but you could see how he was internally ready to jump up and down like a teenage girl who had just gotten a text back from her crush, "they changed back to the original author so now there won't be any controversies regarding the main character fighting with a card that was never even in the game." You had heard him rant about this part of the story multiple times. He was always a little conflicted whether it was still within the rules of the game or not.
Cyno had introduced you to Genius Invokation TCG and he made it sound so interesting, that you agreed to read all the novels he was ready to lend to you and he had taught you how to play the game yourself. Now it was one of your favorite shared activities to engage in.
You remembered how Cyno had asked you for genuine feedback on whether you found his jokes funny. Knowing that he valued honesty, you told him that they weren't always funny, but that you still loved them and they still always lightened your mood. They made you at least chuckle most of the time, not because they were hilarious, but because telling unfunny jokes was so unapologetically Cyno that you couldn't help but feel happiness. You loved the man with all your heart, after all. You always encouraged him to keep making jokes, so he could never be mad that you didn't find them funny quite frequently.
You had followed up your statement with telling Cyno that you also just really enjoyed his voice. "A lot of your jokes sound more like you're telling a story", you remarked, "and quite frankly, you'd be a fantastic storyteller. I'd listen to you read the entire Genius Invokation TCG novel. Hell, I'd listen to you read me an overly specific instruction manual." Cyno had taken that a little too serious. Or rather, he saw this statement as a wonderful opportunity to tease you.
You had recently bought a very simple kitchen shelf that was built together in less than 15 minutes. Nevertheless, the instruction manual was overly complicated, written in 5 different languages and had 20 pages. And Cyno was determined to read all of them to you. You were sitting on the couch, trying to write while Cyno was reading the very detailed description of the process for building a small kitchen shelf. "Cyno, I'm trying to write Tighnari a birthday card, you're distracting me", you pouted as he leaned closer and whispered in your ear with a very serious voice. "Turn the screwdriver 20 times counter-clockwise-", was all he got out before you softly hit his face with a pillow but couldn't help but laugh. "You're impossible", you shook your head seeing that Cyno was laughing too. "Make sure that the board is fixed within the shelf frame before moving on to the next one...."
"Shut up", you grabbed his shoulders and shook him a little, "please...."
You chuckled before continuing with the birthday card. Cyno did fall silent. Instead he was now trailing kisses down your neck and then guided your chin so you'd face him. He kissed you passionately, pulling you into his lap. After the kiss you rolled your eyes at him. "Now I wrote 'I got you this Inazuma from flower. Happy Birth, Tighnari!'", you chucked another pillow at him, "look at what you've done. We're writing a new card and this time you'll be the one writing." "Fine by me", Cyno gave in and let out a soft chuckle before picking up the instruction manual again so you'd shut him up with another kiss. Cyno suggested you could simply add a joke to the card to distract from the mistakes you had made. "I would, but Tighnari would probably strangle both of us."
This was a side of him only you got to see and you felt blessed everytime he showed it to you, even though he was a tease sometimes. But this was how he had promised to read the new Genius Invokation TCG novel with you once it came out. You were looking forward to listening to his soothing voice and being snuggled up to his chest while listening to the story. You were just as excited about discussing the lore and story with him afterwards, coming up with theories for the next edition, which Cyno always loved to hear.
"What are you thinking about?", Cyno asked curiously, snapping you out of your memories as you opened the door. "Just remembered that time you read an instruction manual to me", you snickered. "I can do that again", he gave you a wink as you walked up the stairs.
After a moment of silence, Cyno raised his voice again. "I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something", he was already anticipating your reaction before you laughed at his joke. "Okay that one was actually good", you rewarded him with a kiss before entering your flat with him. "I got a laugh out of you! Win for me!", he proudly exclaimed as you put the Shawarma Wraps on the kitchen counter.
"The food smells amazing", Cyno remarked. "I know right?", you grinned and gave him fingerguns, "it's a meal you simply can't Cyno to." He stared at you for a second before the punchline dawned on him. "You get it, what makes this joke funny is a wordplay of the words 'say no' and your name-", you explained. Cyno was basically wheezing at this point. You grinned, imagining the reactions of the other matra if they saw him like this. "God, I love you", Cyno whispered and pulled you close, kissing you once again. He even let out another chuckle as he was kissing you. You buried a hand in his hair and wrapped the other around his waist, beginning to gently draw circles onto his back with your fingertips which made Cyno sigh into the kiss and melt into your embrace. His tongue circled around yours and his hand held your cheek as he poured all the love he felt for you into his kiss.
You parted from him with a smile on your face. "Cyno, the- mmph", your words were cut off by Cyno once again pressing his lips to yours. You kissed him back for half a minute before pushing him away gently. "The food is going to get cold", you chuckled, "man that joke really landed, huh?" "The archons blessed me with such a wonderful significant other with a fantastic sense of humor", he linked his fingers with yours on the kitchen table as you were getting ready to have lunch. "I'm sure plenty of people would disagree with that, Cyno", you laughed before enjoying your Shawarma Wrap with him in silence.
The first time Cyno heard you make a dad joke was probably the moment he fell for you. It was your very first Genius Invokation TCG game night with Tighnari, Cyno and Kaveh and the four of you had dinner together before playing the game. Tighnari had talked about how legends said, that sometimes due to the Dendro Archons power, when someone in Sumeru was suffering, the forest would be there to comfort them. "The plants in the Apam Woods have actually been shown to respond to their surroundings, including the emotions of peop- y/n what are you laughing about?", Tighnari raised his eyebrows at you snickering across the table, "what's so funny?"
It took you a while to catch your breath before you whispered under your breath: "Oh my god....they photosympathize...."
It was the first time you heard Cyno laugh. Not a polite chuckle, like he usually let out when he was amused, but the General Mahamatra straight up snorted and started wheezing next to you while Tighnari was shaking his head in disappointment. "Out. Both of you. Get out of my house", Tighnari joked and buried his head in his hands. But you hardly registered that, as you were too busy staring at the man next to you, noticing how his laugh was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. Feeling the urge to make him smile everytime you saw him. Up until now, none of that had ever faded. Your love for him only grew with every day you spent with him.
"I love you so much", you told him and put your hand over his after you had finished your Shawarma Wrap. "There's Tahini sauce all over your hands", Cyno commented dryly pulling his hand away to wash it. "It was a gift", you mused and followed him. "Wonderful. I feel so blessed", he replied sarcastically, pulling you back into his arms after you had washed the sauce off your own hands.
You cupped his face with one hand and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?", you smiled at him. "You tell me everyday", he reminded you, but it was evident that it still made him a little flustered, "I believe we have a novel to read." He got a big blanket from the drawer and wrapped it around the two of you as you were sitting on the couch and you were leaning against his chest, closing your eyes as his fingers gently ran up and down your back.
Cyno began reading the new Genius Invokation TCG novel to you and you loved how soft his voice sounded. Occasionally, you would interrupt to discuss several important plot points and express your feelings about the story.
"I can't believe they just killed this character off that early in the story", Cyno was baffled. "I'm an emotional mess", you hid your face in Cyno's neck and he gave you a headpat. "Shh, I'm sure they'll avenge him. Also there's still a chance he might come back with the super rare revival card."
You got through about a quarter of the novel before tiredness settled in and Cyno noticed you slowly falling asleep in his arms. He put the book down and wrapped both of his arms around you, pressing multiple gentle kisses to your forehead. Well, he thought to himself, we can always continue reading the novel some other time.
After all, you had a whole life to share.
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The new chapter of Unspooled Thread was SO GOOD that I couldn't stop myself from rereading it!

The changes you are making to this story are so well done that make all the plot so interesting and compelling! ( I’ve to confess that a few days ago I planned of rewatch bridgerton s1 but I end up rereading the available chapters of your story, ngl I found myself more engaged with it!)
Benelope…I just can’t express how I love their relationship, the bond they’re building is so beautiful and natural, that I can’t stop smiling every time that I read about them!
and omg are we getting jealous Benedict? bc I’m so ready for that!!
You’re making me love more and more the characters Gen, Lucy and Henry, they are becoming so important in Ben and Pen’s lives. I adore that the Granvilles and Gen have a soft spot for Pen! My girl deserves all the love!!
Gen, Henry and Lucy have definitely been my favorites in the new chapter, I just love how they already know how Ben and Pen are destined to fall in love!
How they noticed Ben’s feelings for Pen are changing even though he hasn’t realized it yet!
I just know they will support them in every step of their growing relationship!
The way you handle Marina’s situation was such a good move, honestly I love this idea more that what the series gave us! And El and Phillip meeting earlier omg I didn’t expect that but I love it!
Everything in this story have been absolutely perfection and I can’t wait to read what’s next!❤️
Thank you, friend! That means so much to me!! ♥️♥️♥️
I’m happy you’re liking the changes so far. I hope that will continue going into season 2! I love that you reread the fic and enjoyed it so much you read it over a s1 rewatch ☺️ I had to go over s1 a few times to make sure I was making the correct changes and non-changes lol
Yes! We are starting to get jealous Benedict! Not that he even realizes he’s jealous. Like all Bridgertons, he’s a bit oblivious to his own feelings for a little bit. It’s fun to write, I must admit!
I’m so happy you and others are loving the trio that is Henry, Lucy, and Gen. I was always sad Henry didn’t come back in the show, and wanted a reason to ensure he’s kept in the plot. Haha! So him, Lucy, and Gen are pretty much single handedly determined to pull Benedict’s head out of the sand eventually.
They’re fun to write. An absolute joy, really.
Is it bad to admit that I also prefer Marina marrying Wetherby then what happens in the show? I’ve actually become quite attached to that plot point. @velvetcovered-brick and I have been constructing ways to include Wetherby more in the story. We’ve grown attached to our version of him!
There will be fun with El and Phillip! Phillip being introduced to El at this point in the story is important for what we’re telling and doing over all. That will become more clear as we go along, and I’ll probably rant about it in the author’s notes to explain it 😁
Thank you again for reading!!! ♥️♥️♥️
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moku-youbi · 2 years
Okay Hannigram and Spideypool fam, who will allow me to tempt them over to Klive in The Umbrella Academy fandom? We are way too small, and in need of fresh blood. Let me whisper in your ear about why it's awesome! Just look at this grouchy old murderbaby and his pansexual gnc disaster brother???
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One's a 58 year old time travelling assassin stuck in his 13 year old body, the other's an immortal conduit to the other side and occasional accidental and reluctant cult leader!
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Let's talk about the fact that as soon as Five reappeared after having been missing for 15 years, he takes a break in the middle of his Very Important 'The Apocalypse is Coming' lecture for this exchange: (and how I adore the rest of their siblings being, "wait, can we go back to the whole the apocalypse is happening in a week thing, pls")
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Both have some serious PTSD -- Five from being trapped alone in the apocalypse for 45 years then being forced to be an assassin traveling through time killing innocent people. Klaus for a whole boat load of spoilery reasons, but lets say having ghosties haunting him his entire life is a good starting point, and then accidentally serving in Vietnam and losing his first love in the process is a good starting point, but really only the tip of the iceburg...But that's okay, they deal with it in totally healthy ways--by drinking to excess, doing lots of drugs, and never talking about their trauma!
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But they get up to wacky hijinks, go on road trips, sing romantic duets, and occasionally open up to each other and have a totally adorable tendency to talk at the same time and reaching the same conclusions <3
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Plus, look at these adorable babies!!! Prickly little Five letting baby Klaus hang all over him! Clearly they were crushing hard on each other as kids.
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And now some recs! I haven't read a lot because I am working on a long fic, and I don't like being influenced by similar stories. However, there are some great ones I've come across!
Eta this first link was wrong, sorry 😔😔
Soft Sixties by sarkywoman - Lovely season 2 AU where Klaus and Five stick together when they time travel to the 60s, and end up a few years earlier than most of the rest of the gang (like Klaus in the show). It's sexy and sweet and domestic, with great characterisation.I really love Five's unwillingness to lose what he's got, no matter what lengths he has to go to, and how Klaus is all in with him. (I recommend all their stuff tbh, love how they write this ship!) An Unlikely Pair by Schattenmalerin - Pre-canon teenaged Klive. Sadly unfinished, but what's there is really, really great. They have a great dynamic, with precocious Klaus fully aware of what's going on between them, while genius but innocent Five is a little slower catching on. Takes place when their relationship is starting to go from the innocent puppy love stage to the burgeoning awareness of their sexual attraction to one another. I really wish there was more of this *le sigh*
Easy and impossible by Softestsweetestlove - Super sexy and hot season 3 fic with bed sharing and dirty talk. Make sure to read the follow up, as well as all the rest of their stuff. I simply adore how they write these two, with Klaus desperately horny for Five, and Five feeling safe and comfortable with Klaus.
And the couple short fics I've written so far (both for kinktober, so you know, kinky porn):
In the Palm of Your Hands - Post season 3, siblings all living together, Klaus decides to start getting his tattoos done again and is left unable to use his hands for certain things...he and Five have been flirtatiously toeing the line in the next step of their relationship, and Five decides to cross on over and lend a hand. (Kinks - autoerotic asphyxiation, breathplay, body modification, masturbation-ish)
Need to Hear You Say - post season 3 curtain fic with lots of sex. Just wanted to write some fluffy, uncomplicated established relationship with exploring kinks. It was supposed to be short and sweet and got away from me... (Kinks -- all consensual -- dollification, somnophilia, drugged sex, agalmatophilia, slut-shaming, dirty talk, crossdressing but I mean Klaus is GNC anyway...)
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Trust Your Nurse
What do we do when a friend isn’t feeling well? We write fluff, of course!!! Get well soon, @bigblissandlove1! I know this is short, bu your Teddy Bear Romulan Mans is here to save the day!! 💖
Vaebn is a Romulan OC created by @bigblissandlove1 and this story was written/posted with their permission. Go check out their story “Trapped” if you haven’t already done so! That’s where Vaebn came from!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vaebn (OC) x Reader
[A/N: This is just fluff, so enjoy!]
Warnings: Cuddling, fluff, forehead kisses, this is just a sweet little sick fic.
Vaebn should’ve realized something was wrong earlier. Less than a day before, his lover had begun coughing, seemingly for no reason, but she dismissed it as just a tickle in her throat. That evening, she’d begun to sneeze, too, but she claimed that something must’ve been blooming that was stirring up her allergies.
He’d been protective of her and slightly more watchful than usual when they’d gone to bed, of course, but by the time they woke up he could tell she was definitely unwell. The Riov could hear how congested she was every time she breathed, and when he scanned her, he found that her temperature was slightly higher than normal.
“I’m fine, babe, really,” she’d protested, but when she started sneezing not a minute later, Vaebn had carried her back to bed - an easy feat considering the difference in their respective heights. There was nothing so urgent that it couldn’t wait until she was well again. She’d only hesitated for a moment before she got back in bed grumbling about common colds.
Was that what this was? A disease called a cold? Did she actually feel cold? But...she was on the verge of having a fever. From Vaebn’s perspective, there were seemingly no low temperatures involved. The way she described this ailment as common disturbed him, too. How was something like this still common on Earth? How often had she had it before he’d been around to care for her?
Shuddering at the thought of his beautiful girl sniffling and alone, struggling through this on her own, Vaebn had quickly taken stock of the necessary supplies and mentally prepared himself in case he needed to take her to a medical facility. He would much rather expose himself as an alien than allow her to suffer needlessly. When he asked, though, she said there was no cure - a revelation that had horrified him and made him even more determined to care for her in the best way possible. She deserved no less than the most thorough attentiveness from him.
Vaebn may not have been a trained physician or nurse, but he knew several basic procedures that were standard for Romulans. He just hoped that those same principles would be applicable to Human physiology.
Precious little thing. He’d stayed by her side all day, bringing her everything she even hinted at wanting or needing. Extra pillows? He brought her three of the softest ones in the whole house. More tissues? Two more boxes were on her bedside table within seconds. Nothing was too good for his girl. Lounging in bed with her wrapped securely in his arms always brought her comfort, so he made that a priority, as well. From his own experience with illnesses, comfort usually accelerated the healing process, and with the Elements as his witness he would make sure she had all the comfort she could ever want and more.
“Wait, but I might get you sick,” she murmured between sniffles as he coaxed her into using his chest as a pillow. The Riov couldn’t stop a quiet little laugh from spilling out of his throat.
“E’lev, we may be compatible in many ways, but I cannot contract this disease of yours. Romulan physiology is immune,” Vaebn soothed, rubbing his large hands up and down her back. Pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead, he held her close until she fell asleep. They would get through this just as they had so many things since his arrival on Earth. She was more than worth the effort. She accepted him so completely day after day without complaint that caring for her while she was ill was the least he could do. Whispering against her scalp, the Romulan couldn’t help but smile at the intimacy of her trust in him. “Jol-ao au, e’lev.”
Romulan Words:
e’lev = darling
Jol-ao au = I love you
@android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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writeious-hand · 1 year
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Holding Out for a Hero: Part 3
I agree with the comment, the last part got very serious. I have time, here is a little Easter gift for anyone who has liked the story thus far. I've started rolling a die for characters making checks (you'll see later) and using that for writing.
This section is more about Alariel and Xenk's past, do enjoy less angst. Links to earlier parts under the cut.
Xenk X Cleric!OC
No Beta, we die like men.
"If it makes you feel any better, both Edgin AND Doric chewed him out."
Alariel looked up to see the muscle-bound woman, Holga, standing at the entrance to her tent. It had been an hour or so since she had met the barbarian.
"I stand by what I said. I cannot travel with you, not with him. Besides, with him here you really don't need me."
"I didn't come here to ask you to help us again." Alariel looked up at her in confusion. Holga sat down beside her on the cot. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. I know how shitty it can be running into your ex."
"Oh." She didn't know what to say. Maybe it was because she was used to doing all of the looking after. Alariel hadn't had someone to look after her in quite some time.
"So should we be calling you Alariel or Lyra?" Holga offered her one of the rolled calligrapher's tool sets that had been set out to be placed into her bag of holding.
"Either is fine. One of the younger children had some difficulty pronouncing my name, and it sort of stuck with the people of the community. It was sweet." Her hands stilled in packing as she smoothed the leather cover of a journal.
"You don't have to leave since we showed up. Don't wanna chase you out of your home." Holga looked closer at the young woman. She appeared to be younger than her, but it was always hard to tell with elves. If this one knew Xenk, she was at least 100 years older than her.
"No, this just gives me a reason to finally move on. Like I had said, I lingered here too long anyway." She took a stack of her journals in hand and continued her packing.
"If you don't mind me asking, where will you go?"
"I've been heading to the Sword Coast for a while now. I haven't been in a city in some time, so perhaps I will make my next stop in Waterdeep before heading up to Neverwinter. I know I could spend the next century in either place and never hear the same story twice."
"It's funny you mention that..."
And that was how Alariel learned that the odd band of adventurers who were looking for her help were actually the heroes of Neverwinter. By the time Holga had finished telling her version of the story, Alariel had to set out her Orb of Light and had practically filled a scroll with the details.
"This still doesn't make sense..." Lyra's brow was furrowed. "You are still being chased by these assassins?"
"We lost them most recently around the Goldfields. I chopped one up real good and threw the parts in the river." Lyra was both disgusted and impressed at the barbarian's work.
"But why isn't Xenk just smiting them?"
"Doing what?"
"Smiting. You know, holy radiance on the blade... thundering force... banishing fiends?" Holga still gave her a blank stare.
"I mean, his sword-dagger glowed when he was fighting that assassin in the Underdark?" Alariel gave a small shake of her head. Why wasn't Xenk using his paladin abilities? A soft glow to his blade could be compelled duel, but she had seen firsthand the brilliance of his devotion. Why wouldn't he have killed them the first time? Destroying the undead was part of his mission.
"Anyway-" Alariel knew she couldn't get invested in this new mystery, no matter how much she wanted to, "I think I've kept you up late enough as is. Humans need more sleep than elves do, yes? Thank you again for letting me record your story."
"No problem. I was curious after seeing how many books you had in your tent. What the fuck is up with that?"
Lyra shook her head, and laughed at the crude language of her new friend. "No wonder you all are so confident in my abilities to defeat Thay assassins. I'm no war cleric, I am a follower of Deneir."
"The Scribe of Oghma?"
"The God of Glyphs and Images?"
Holga's eyes lit up with recognition. "The candle with the eyeball!"
Lyra deflated and looked at Holga confused and a bit concerned. "How in Oghma's name did you know that, but not his domains?"
"My ex-husband used to frequent this bookstore, and it had a little shrine in the window. I asked one day who it was for."
Not long after their discussion, Holga left to meet with the other members of her makeshift family. They had found a section of the shanty town where they were allowed to pitch a tent. While Simon, Kira, and Doric were trying to get the tent out of the opening in Simon's bag of holding, Edgin still was pacing back and forth in front of Xenk, who looked to be meditating on a bare patch of ground.
"A note!? You left her alone with a note-"
Xenk seemed to be ignoring him at this point, but Edgin had said the same speech about 9 times.
"-You were engaged! How does this not come up in conversation, I mean really you think you know a guy.-"
Holga walked up to the tent-pitching group. "Hey bug, think your old man will run out of steam any time soon?"
"I don't think so." Kira looked between the paladin and her father, "Not only did he royally embarrass himself, but with love you know he's always had this sense of self-righteous honor."
"Well I for one," Simon interrupted, "would love it if he would stop. Maybe then I could finally concentrate on getting these poles to stay up."
Doric rolled their eyes, "Sure like that's the issue."
Suddenly, Xenk turned toward the outside of the village. Standing, he drew in a deep breath. Glancing around, he drew his sword,
"They have found us."
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pogidoow · 9 months
i don’t know if you do one shots but either way, i’d love to know when/how soap learned how frost prefers her coffee :-)
What a sweet request!!! Thank you <3
A/N: For some reason, I always feel like all my one shots lack something, so I don't really write them. But an attempt was made
Type: extra content for Frozen
Summary: Soap takes a liking to his newly arrived teammate. In an effort to get to know her, he observes her morning routine.
Word count: 808
CW: fluff, mention of loss
"We'll get right into it then--" Price's voice slowly muted itself out of Soap's ears as he watched you make yourself coffee on the other side of the room. His eyes followed your hands as you got the coffee out of the cupboard, enjoying the soft movements as if watching an art performance. His mind even played quiet background music that was occasionally interrupted by Price's raspy voice.
Every now and again, he'd look down at the worn-out surface of the table, scribbling in his journal as if taking notes of the meeting, then discretely bring his warm gaze back to your focused form.
Seeing you in such a different element, so off guard and comfortable, made him even more drawn to you than he already was. From the moment you met, he noticed your eyes had an entirely different story to tell than the one everyone heard about. You were a mystery to him, one only he wanted to solve.
He's been shamelessly watching you for three days now and each time, the first thing you'd do was bring the bag of ground coffee close to your face, close your eyes and take in its strong aroma. This part of your coffee-making process quickly became his favorite because each time, without fail, that moment would draw out a tiny smile on your face.
By the fifth day his mindless scribbling turned into a tiny sketch of your favorite coffee mug to which he added a small snowflake symbol. Below it, a short list of instructions followed, including the "smell the coffee first" step at the beginning.
After you lost Bo, for a while, your routine had stopped and you decided that coffee from the vending machine would have to do. Just when Soap finally felt like he was starting to figure you out, you changed again. However, he understood where your change of heart was coming from. Losing Bo in the way you did must've been horrible for you and the only thing that was on his mind was to be there for you in any way you'd let him.
So, on one random morning, he got up earlier than usual, took his journal with him and made his way to the kitchen. Sifting through the many pages of his journal, he stopped at the one that had your favorite mug drawn on it and carefully started following the instructions.
With your coffee burning his palm, he made his way to the vending machine and leaned on it under an angle, awkwardly fixing his position to look as attractive as he could while doing so. A cheeky and risky move, but he was sure it would work.
After about a minute of readjusting himself, the metal double door across from him opened, revealing your tired form that was comfortably drowning in an oversized tracksuit. Finally detaching your gaze from the floor, you noticed him in that silly position and couldn’t help but to smile immediately as you skeptically observed him in a silent stare off.
"What are you doing?" you asked once you approached him, another smile sneaking in-between the words.
He didn't reply, instead he put his open palm out to you with the corners of his lips sneakily lifting.
With furrowed brows, your gaze traveled to his palm then back to his face, "Do you need money for the machine? I'll get it for you. What do you want?"
"Bloody hell." his head bobbed to the side at your cluelessness, his smile turning into a charmed chuckle, "Just give me the money, will ye?"
Acting clueless, you squinted hesitantly before putting a few coins in his hand.
Still rolling his eyes at how oblivious of his joke you were, he sang "Ka-ching!" as he handed you your mug.
You took the mug without taking your eyes off him, "Not sure what just happened but thank you."
"Are you taking the piss right now?" he asked irritably but in a humorous manner then went on a passionate rent explaining the simple brilliance of his plan while you stared at him with a huge smile on your face as the plan of your own worked perfectly.
He immediately stopped once he caught your smile, "You're pulling my leg in? Aren't ye?" he shook his head, looking above you into the distance, amused by your reciprocated antics.
"The coffee is delicious." you complimented teasingly as both of you started walking towards the common room, "Might have to drink it every morning." you alluded as your eyes locked, neither of you paying attention to what was in front of you.
The tension only grew stronger at the moment of unspoken yearning, making him awkwardly laugh and break eye contact.
"Unbelievable, ye are." he chuckled as he opened the door for you, letting you in with another head shake.
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