#Easily one of my favorite coatings in the game
skullssy · 4 months
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The animal I will become when CW and this coating drops in global
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goldicthehedgefox · 1 year
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also hello dragon ball community, I've only played Dragon Ball Legends for about 2 months and I'm having a blast
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flamingpudding · 1 year
DPxDC Family Week June 24 (Day 7)
Prompts: Distant Relatives | Engrave
A/N: This is what I believe some would call straight up crack :D
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
How do you tell your great great great great great (how many greats do you add when the child is the x-generation after about… how many years again? Danny had lost count) grand nephew that the ghost king, he just summoned, with an old family heirloom is his granduncle of many generations?
"Batman. Why does the pendant you gave me summon the fucking Ghost King?" Danny heard a familiar man in a trench coat say next to his nephew (he decided he needed to keep it simple there were too many greats to count)
The batman grunted glaring at the man, Danny blinked finally recognising the guy.
"Aren't you the guy who sold like a tenth of your soul to Ellie's spouse? I am sure I also heard Lucifer complaining that Mammon got more parts of your soul than he has." Danny mused as he looked down at them in his eldritch form. Noting how his nephew tensed as he got past that pathetic wall of protection.
Honestly all the protective engravings he had gifted his nephew and nieces through out generations were a hundred times better. How else would a place like Gotham survive on only Lady Gotham as spiritual protection from ghosts of the Ghost Zone and his former rogues that still liked to mess with his children, nephews and nieces? At least Jazz's branch of the family was safe from them this way. He had baby proofed the entire town or better every town a part of his branch family lived in.
"So, trading game, why did you summon me?" He would have liked to stay hidden, you know? The branch family had long forgotten their relation to the Ghost King and Danny had easily accepted that. His own child of chaos had not so much and preferred to play with the earth family branch but that's besides the point. They had used the pendant to summon him, with his own personal engraving. Did that mean they remembered or did his son let something slip to his cousin?
"Trading game." Someone snorted and for the first time since he got summoned Danny noticed the audience around him. His eldritch form did the equivalent to stunt blinking as he straightened up and took count of the children of his nephew. Baby Ghost, Baby Menace, Baby Stalker and Baby Stabby were there.
A gasp left his lips. A Baby Ghost was sick! In a puff of greenish smoke his eldritch form was dismissed and he changed to his favorite 20 years old Phantom form, rushing past his nephew and trading game.
"You poor baby! I didn't realize you were this sick! If I had known I would have done something way sooner!" He fretted as he inspected one of his nephew's babies, hovering around the boy poking and prodding the little guy, well little to him anyway.
"Who are you calling a baby?! Get your fucking hands of me!" Danny only hummed, patting the baby's head, only a little sad that he couldn't look at his face as Baby Ghost was wearing his favorite red explosive helmet and was on duty.
But on second thought seeing their cute little uniforms live was way better than when he had watched them through his ice mirrors. "Don't worry little Red Hood. You will be feeling a whole lot better soon. Your Uncle Danny will make sure of it."
"The fuck?" The sick baby probably looked at Danny like he had gone insane and the ghost king could only laugh. Good had it been long since he interacted with the earth branch family let alone humans. Maybe he should start accompanying his youngest to his visits to earth.
"Constantine! I thought the sigils were supposed to contain him!" He heard his nephew grunt and Danny grinned over his shoulder at them.
"My little nephew. I granted you way better engravings than this pathetic wall of protection." As if to prove a point he flew around the babies, stopping by the youngest and pulling his sword from him. There were gasps of shock as well as complaints and he couldn't help the laugh as little Baby Stabby tried to lunge at him but got held back by the eldest Baby Menace. He just held the sword towards his nephew and trading game as he held his palm against it and let his power flow. Soon the sigils he had placed on the sword as a homecoming present to the youngest baby, when he started living with his nephew, started to appear, glowing and shining.
"You… you engraved your sigils on things the bats own?!" Disbelieve clearly coloring the trench coats' voice as the man paled. His nephew appeared to be close to start brooding like he had seen him do a couple of times through the ice mirrors. Danny returned the sword, huffing amused how little Robin instantly inspected the sword again, the engravings no longer visible.
"Of course I did. I promised my sister a long time ago that I would always protect her children. Though the engravings were certainly hard to hide from one of your babies."
"Sister? Babies?" Baby Stalker aka Red Robin aka little Tim asked and Danny coed. This baby always reminded him of his best friend Tucker and he was glad to have a technology adept child in the family again.
"Yes your great great great uh…" he stopped thinking how many greats he needed to add and ended up sighing compromising with: "...your grandmother many generations ago."
"How many of our things did you engrave?" His nephew finally grunted out, trench coat guy definitely looking like he was having an aneurysm by now.
"Don't remember, decorations, jewelry, toys, weapons, I think I even engraved your belt buckle." The ghost king shrugged, he honestly didn't. Ellie liked to joke that he was way too protective of the earth branch with the amount of protective engravings and sigils he had put up for them without them even knowing. She was still a little cross with them when they started forgetting about their ghostly part of the family after Jazz died.
There was a distinctive frustrated sigh and for a second Danny did feel bad for his nephew. Maybe he should not have just simply spewed everything but he couldn't hold himself back when he saw the sick baby. He was protective of his family, sue him. At least he hadn't given any of his nephews potential mates a shovel talk yet, not like he had with Ellie's spouse anyway. Jazz had banned him from using Fright Knight's Soul Shredder on humans after he had mentally scared and traumatized her first boyfriend with it. Apparently the guy had been too weak to handle it and lay sick in bed for a while after his return from the nightmare realm.
That reminded him! Turning around he flew up to the sick baby again who flinched back from his touch. He ignored that and only made a calming thrilling noise, calling out to the baby's sick core.
"Get the fuck away-"
Poor baby must be suffering badly from uncontrolled anger and ghostly intermittent explosive disorder. No wonder he hadn't developed any of his powers yet. That Disorder tended to be violent, especially the ghostly kind. Carefully letting his power wash over the baby, Danny coaxed out the little underdeveloped core. Usually he would make sure to do these kinds of things for any of his children, nieces and nephews in a safe environment but this was an exception. It was a sick baby core that would receive long lasting damage if not treated.
Gasp resounded as the tiny core came out of the baby's chest, not wasting any time Danny refresh the ectoplasm in it and removed the corrupted one. He then sent the core back into the baby's chest patting him where it sunk back into the body.
"There you go! Should be all good now!" A second after he said it Danny blinked at all the weapons that were pointed at him. He flinched a little as Baby Menace let electricity spark near him.
"WAIT THAT IS THE GHOST KING YOU IDIOTS!" Trading game screamed, apparently finally waking up from whatever stupor he had been in.
"So? He did something to Todd. Who knows what that was." Danny cooed, he knew Baby Stabby cared, his own youngest was similar in that way, just more chaotic in his display of affection, which also earned him his title. Little Damian was also the most intune with ghostly etiquette next to Baby Ghost, considering the reason for the nickname Danny gave him.
"And he can destroy entire dimensions! Do you guys want to doom us all?!" Trench coat countered very much insistent that the babies pull back their weapons.
Danny in return only huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes. Like he would destroy the home of the earth branch. That man was talking rather rudely to them and he was also stopping him from bonding with his nephews' babies. "Buzz of trading game. This is a family matter and if the babies want to bond then we will bond."
After a moment of consideration he added. "Also don't talk to them like that. They are royalty and I will not have you disrespect them."
With a wave of his hand a green portal opened below the man swallowing him. Being nice Danny decided to drop the man off in his own home. He was the one that taught his nephew how to use the pendant again after all. But he wanted to be left alone with his family. Before his nephew or the babies could panic he smiled brightly and said. "Don't worry I sent him home to his house of mysteries or whatever he calls it. So we can have some family time! Besides, my In-law wouldn't be happy if I harmed his contract even if his soul is a trading game among the demons…"
They all shared a look and seemed to take the ghost king's words for it. Especially as litte Jason finally got out of his shock, patting at his own chest and mentioning that he indeed did feel better. Saying that there was no Pit Madness in his mind anymore, huh so that's what the Disorder got called on earth.
They instantly questioned Danny of what he did to which their ghostly uncle only smiled at the once sick baby without answering. He would have Frostbite to take a second look soon though, just to be safe.
"You mentioned us to be royalty?" The gruff voice his nephew put on when on duty resounded and a warm smile spread across the ghost kings face to the wonder of the bat-clan present.
"I thought that information got passed down through all the generations like the summoning pendant." The ghost king tilted his head. "You do know your part of the Infinite Realms Royalty right?"
"We… are royalty? For real?" One of the babies slowly asked and Danny grinned at them.
"Of course you are. In fact, the little Baby Ghost here-" He flew up to Jason, the once sick baby and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Is the fifth in line should neither my children, nore Ellie or her children want to take over the throne when I don't want it anymore and don't feel like bothering on waiting for someone to beat me in a succession battle."
"Red Hood is? Shouldn't it be like Batman or Robin?" Little Tim asked and Danny sadly shook his head.
"By earth standards, sure. Not by Ghost Zone standards though. They don't have a core, it would be different if they develop a core after death but right now? It's baby Hood here who is in line."
"So… to sum it up." The oldest baby started packing his weapons away and Danny felt just a little bit disappointed but the youngest had his sword out. So maybe a bit of bonding would still happen now that the earth branche knew about their relationship again.
"B is a descendant of your sister which makes him royalty and in turn all his children, blood and adopted equally? And Red Hood is even in line for the throne of another dimension because he has, what you call a core?"
"Yup." Danny popped the 'p', he was about to explain more considering his nephew had adopted quite the stoic look and the babies did appear to become slowly a little too overwhelmed. When a red portal opened and his own son decided to join the family reunion.
"Dad! What is taking you so long? Aunt Ellie is sending me to fetch you cause she thinks you're skipping your meeting with the observants again!"
"KLARION?!" Baby Stalker shouted and Danny blinked. Oh right, his own baby boy liked to bond with his cousin's babies. When was the last time his baby boy visited earth? Oh the babies were taking on fighting stances. How sweet of them! Even his nephew was tensing up and looked ready to fight.
"Baby Spook, are you here to bond with your cousin's again?" Sue him, he couldn't help the excitement. His little chaos was the most interested in playing with his earth branch family compared to everyone else in the ghost branch, including Ellie's children. They liked to mess with entire dimensions though and nearly caused at least three wars in the last ten years. They had also inherited Ellie's ire in regards to the earth branch forgetting their existence. That's why his youngest son had taken it upon himself to teach and bond with the little ones here.
"Bond?" Little Tim questioned while his son sighed.
"Beings of the Infinite Realms bond via fighting. How else are we going to teach babies how to protect themselves and become stronger?" The Lord of Chaos explained in exasperation like he was talking to a toddler. Considering their age differences he kind of was, Danny mused.
"Hold on, does that mean all the times you spent attacking was…?"
"Me bonding with you babies, yes. My siblings as well as older cousins aren't interested so of course that leaves me, the heir and superior cousin, to take care of our earth bound family."
"Even when you messed with the watchtower?"
Klarion arched an eyebrow at Batman. "Just because you are the oldest among the earthly doesn't mean you're any less of a toddler."
"Klarion." Danny warned, his cousins might be babies by ghost terms but that didn't mean he could act all arrogantly with them. Danny might have spoiled the boy since he was his youngest child but he surely had raised him better than that.
"No bonding today, Dad, you do have a meeting scheduled." A sigh left his lips, he guessed it was time to return. The disappointment must have been written all over the ghost king's face as his son huffed in amusement. "Maybe next time, Dad. You can come alone… if you get away from the observants."
"Alright, alright." Agreeing, Danny flew over to the summoning cycle and picked up the pentant before floating to his nephew.
The boy took a step back from him but Danny just smiled and continued forward, placing the pendant around Batman's neck. "My calling card, little nephew. We don't exactly have phones in the Infinite Realms. So use that to call me any time, though now that you guys got reminded about your relation to me I will make sure to come visit more often and not just watch and protect you from the other side."
"See you later Amadillos"
"Bye Bye Baby Bats!"
With that he didn't leave his nephew and the babies time to respond as he opened a portal and he and his son returned to the Infinite Realms, where an angry Ellie was waiting for him. Oh boy…
Meanwhile the bat clan exchanged looks slowly digesting the information dump that had just happened. They had just wanted to have Constantine check on the engraving they had on a family heirloom that happened to be similar to one that was found on an ancient egyptian summon plate and had caused some rather dangerous events.
Who would have thought that the Ghost King himself would tell them that they were apparently related and royalty in another dimension?
"I am so going to rub it in Roy's face that I am Royalty." Red Hood broke the silence.
"I always knew I was of royal descent." Robin added holding himself even prouder than before.
"Am i the only one losing my shit here that B and Robin are apparently blood related to Klarion? Also… just a warning I am going to start digging into the Family tree now." Red Robin informed with a glint in his eyes hidden behind his mask. He was definitely not asking for permission to do so.
"The Ghost King kept calling us babies though." Nightwing sounded amused, watching at how his brothers were taking the news and wondered how the rest of the family would react.
While Batman on the other hand was brooding and appeared to be severely constipated, probably thinking of all the worst case scenarios and most likely trying to figure if he needed a contingency plan for their newly discovered interdimensional family or not.
John Constantine on the other hand awoke back in his home and let out a long and suffering groan with the new knowledge he gained. Apparently the ghost king's in-law had a contract with him and now he also couldn't even be rude to the bats anymore because they were royalty and he would be screwed and potentially risk his entire existence should the Ghost King take offense. He was fucked the next time he had to deal with the bat-clan again.
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satoru-is-the-way · 4 months
HI I SAW YOUR POST! Can I request a Alastor x reader where reader is easily flustered and Alastor just loves that. so every chance he gets he will do some flirty stuff (twirling, ear whispers, ect) bonuses points if reader gets backed up against the wall... K THANKS BYE!
HH/HB Master List
Information Page
A/N: MY FIRST Hazbin request!! Oh I love Alastor so much!! I hope you like it! I have more requests to come with him and more characters!!
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Prompt: Can I request a Alastor x reader where reader is easily flustered and Alastor just loves that. so every chance he gets he will do some flirty stuff (twirling, ear whispers, ect) bonuses points if reader gets backed up against the wall...
Warning: Suggestive Themes
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The Radio Demon had many hobbies he enjoyed beyond the regularly scheduled broadcasts. A new one developed meeting (Y/n) (L/n). It was his little game now teasing this little demon. She had decided to visit the hotel after the previous extermination day. The fight between heaven and this odd bunch of sinners sparked an interest in the overall vision of redemption.
The first few days (Y/n) caught glimpses of the famous Overlord who managed the Hazbin Hotel. She could not deny her curiosity about Alastor was more than an innocent one. His power attracted (Y/n) and Alastor is no fool noticing her attention in the first few interactions. It thrilled Alastor in his ability to fluster this sinner with a simple glance.
As time passed more physical contact was added to his teasing. A brush of his hand, a whisper in her ear, or more boldly gripping (Y/n)’s hips making the excuse she is in the way of his path. Today he decided to visit the lobby where his favorite toy is ordering a mixed drink at the bar.
(Y/n) took a seat leaning against the bar speaking with Husk about random things when she noticed a tall figure heading towards her. (Y/n)’s eyes slowly tranced up Alastor’s body from head to toe. A noticeable dust of red coats the demon's cheeks.
“Find my body interesting?” Alastor grins unable to hold such flirtatious comments back since it pulled a delicious reaction from (Y/n). The poor woman became a stuttering mess being caught shamelessly undressing the Radio Demon with her eyes. “I would let you take a picture but we both know this face was made for radio only.” He sat down waving Husk to make the usual drink.
“I-I was not looking at you, Alastor. You are getting a little cocky aren't you?” She replied weakly. Alastor chuckled leaning closer and brushing a few strands of hair out of (Y/n)'s face. He pressed his fingers under her chin and lifted her head.
“We both know that's a lie. You love what I have to offer.” He leans in feeling her body tense. “Oh calm down, darling. You are more than welcome to touch me. Anywhere your naughty little fingers can grasp. But some areas may require two hands being...extra large.”
She gulps feeling her entire body temperature rise, her heart wildly thumps against her chest, and the poor sinner's face matches Alastor’s crimson-red theme. “S-Shut up. I…How big are-” (Y/n) quickly stood her imagination running ramped with thoughts of Alastor’s body and what exactly he meant by some parts are larger… “I-I have to go! I think I hear Charlie calling me.” She made a quick dash towards the hall planning to take the elevator to her room.
Unfortunately Alastor did not plan on letting that happen. A squeal escaped her lips suddenly being spun around pressed against the wall. “A-Alastor.” She whispered her back pressed against the wall his chest pressed against hers. There was no escape from him. Alastor placed both hands on either side of (Y/n)’s head. He grinned those eyes held such a lustful gaze.
“Yes? Can I help you with something cutie?” He purres bitting at (Y/n)’s ear pulling a whine of pleasure out. “Oh, what an exquisite sound. Let's see how many more I can earn.” He purred kissing up her neck.
“F-Fuck.” She groaned and gripped his arm. Alastor earned many more sounds from her all night long…
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bunnysbrainrot · 8 months
Bunny's Masterlist
Hi everybody! I think it's about time for a masterlist to make my writings more easily accessible for everyone. Below you can find the links to my works based on the characters!
Supernatural: Dean Winchester: If You Change Your Mind - Ch. 1 If You Change Your Mind - Ch. 2 If You Change Your Mind - Ch. 3 Back Seat Guessing Game (ft. Sam) He Wants To Watch (ft. Sam) Discreet
Sam Winchester: Keep Watching No Vacancy - Day One No Vacancy - Day Two No Vacancy - Day Three Guessing Game (ft. Dean) He Wants To Watch (ft. Dean) Size Matters Research Sinners (Teaser)
Crowley: Your Rightful Place Fitting Room Vices and Virtues
Castiel: Obedience at Its Finest (Lucifer!Cas) Vices and Virtues
The Last of Us: Joel Miller But I'm Better (Series, DBF!Joel) Blood Flow Daddy's Girl The Real Thing Our Little Secret
Too Sweet (Series, Jackson!AU) Bourbon and Mead Unspoken Rules
The Walking Dead: Negan Smith: Easy Access
Other: Pedro Pascal: Sway Coat Check
Thank you for all of your support, as always. It means so much more than you know! If you have a request or simply want to say hi, my inbox is open for you!
Also, check this link to see who I write for, and this link if you'd like to be tagged in future posts! I'm still editing old works and adding names to let users know when their favorite character is posted.
Here's to our lil family, and to more fanfiction!
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My overworld team is Diluc, Kaeya, Venti, and Zhongli. I love all of them equally, but as a tiny goldfish player, my primogems are limited. Still, I bought Diluc his Red Dead Night skin (he's carrying the giant tuna but I swear he'll get Wolf's Gravestone the instant it comes home) and both Kaeya and Zhongli have the BP weapons. And my beloved.... DPS Venti with R5 Stringless but 35k tap e. This team is a full DPS team,,, ehe?
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♥ Kaeya and Zhongli just stare at the person they don't like getting more attention from the Almighty God. Diluc is just blushing at the new outfit he got from you. You dressed him up like a doll, will he say anything against it? N o. Venti is frolicking around Monstadt as he flexes his artifacts and bow. Because of this, there is a lot of bad blood around the team since neither of them like the other. Kaeya and Venti as well as Diluc and Zhongli may tolerate one another, they still have their guard up.
♥ Diluc is flustered about his new clothing, you really went on your way to buy this for him? Very well, he will cherish this and do his best to maintain the cloth for as long as he exists. He gets frustrated whenever he gets hit by a charged arrow, inspecting his coat and tunic to check if it has left a burn mark or tear. Sighing in relief that there is no such thing. He ignores how Kaeya rolls his eyes or scoffs whenever Diluc combs his hair back into a neat ponytail. He needs to look his best for the Almighty God, he can't waste how much money you spent to make him look like this. When he's participating in challenges he makes sure to kill the enemy as swiftly as possible, he needs to prove his worth. He has to pay back the kindness that you've shown him!
♥ Kaeya likes his new sword, when he does his idle animations he realizes how light and sharp the BP sword is. But still, he hungers for more. He doesn't mind that you didn't give him a new fancy outfit (that's a lie he really wants a new fancy outfit-) but if you focus more on the other team members he would turn salty and snarky towards them. It's a challenge since he is only a 4-star character and the rest are 5 stars, but does that really matter? Honestly, he never understood why vision holders are ranked. Everyone has just as much potential to overpower one another. And he is willing to prove that.
♥ Venti is so smug. Everyone! Move out of the way, the favorite has arrived. He doesn't outright say it but he makes sure everyone knows just how insignificant they are compared to him. Zhongli was tempted on multiple occasions to squish the green bard with a meteor if he doesn't learn to shut the fuck up. But he couldn't, even if he wanted to because of ✨Game mechanics✨. Venti does his best to prove just how great of a DPS he is, killing opponents with one charged arrow and forcing his HP to be high. He is the most envied teammate (what a surprise) and he loves it. He revels in their jealousy with a smile on his face. He doesn't care if Diluc has a shiny new outfit, it's not like his looks will be useful in challenges.
♥ Zhongli is just sitting over there, holding back the jealousy that threatens to spill over. He adores the spear you handed him, and he makes sure to polish it every day so it still shines as bright as the first time you gave it to him. He's ashamed to say that...he is jealous., of Venti. He does appreciate all that you do him, but...why not him? He knows he shouldn't be questioning your actions but he can't help but wonder about the possibility that it was him that you chose as your main DPS.
♥ Arguments are frequent, but the fights aren't physical. Venti would commonly be drunk which makes him easily irritable and as a result, would commonly start verbal fights with the other team members. Kaeya and Diluc have a little contest going on to see who would do more damage than the other. And Zhongli is just there sighing at his team's immaturity. But deep down Zhongli knows he's just as immature as all of them when it comes to your attention.
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luvrsux · 8 months
"Movie Night"
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word count: 3.6k
summary: ace invited you to watch horror movies on halloween even though you’re terrified of horror movies. ace tries to relax you after being scared of noises coming from his home
cw: NSFW !! oral (receiving), fingering
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“Hi baby!”
Ace’s enthusiastic voice hugged your body before he did. He pulled you into his chest with a warm, tight embrace. Of course, all you felt was bare skin since the man never heard of wearing shirts but it was fine—his body was a sight for sore eyes after all. You sprouted in giggles when Ace pulled you indoors with his toned arms like you hadn’t seen each other in eons.
Ace kissed your face until he left a long-lasting one on your lips. Your cheeks were on fire from how hard you were smiling. Ace was like a puppy waiting for his owner to get back home; his reaction once you did was priceless.
“Love, It’s only been a few weeks since we last saw each other” You reminded as soon as his clingy hands detached from you. You slid off your coat to hang it up with the family of coats on a coat rack.
“I know, and they were the most agonizing weeks of my life” Ace, now much calmer, wrapped his arms at the hook of your back to gently pull you to his chest. You smile sheepishly as his freckled face lowers to kiss your lips.
“How dramatic of you” You coo, receiving a hearty chuckle from your boyfriend. You two shared kisses until you finally broke the hold to get the date started.
Ace loved Halloween. He only loved it for one sole reason; to scare you. You were easily frightened by horror movies or games, but with a single promise, you gave in. Ace begged you to have a horror movie date since the last time you came over to his place. The thought gave you anxiety, but how could you resist a boy like him? When he heard you agree, his eyes glistened and he had a bright smile. He beamed like a dork and you even told him to put on one of his favorites.
Ace didn’t hesitate to prepare snacks and beverages for you. They were all set up and ready to be devoured all night long innocently on the table. You loved your sunshine of a boyfriend, but the anxiety of watching a horror movie was vastly more powerful. Considering this was one of Ace’s favorites, it could be gruesome. His touch, pulling you closer to his torso and wrapping a skull-patterned, fuzzy, throw blanket onto you made your anxiety vanish in an instant though.
“Marco is out, so we have the entire place to ourselves, hun” Ace smirked. That grin was speaking for itself. As bubbly and dorky as he is, he loves pleasing you in ways you can’t even fathom. It’s his specialty.
“Where is he?” You say, watching your boyfriend's arm switch his TV on to display the horrors of a movie to you. You pulled the plump bowl of popcorn towards you.
“Halloween party. He left ages ago, but I was asleep so I couldn’t say bye” Ace shrugged. His slumber might as well be a coma to Ace. No one could wake him up, aside from maybe the fresh scent of food.
“This’ll be a fun sleepover, I hope” You giggle, tugging the hem of your blanket to your face to snuggle. You heard a chuckle from Ace and felt his touch grow tenderly.
“You bet, baby” With that, Ace began the movie from the start. His smug grin was enough to say that he was excited to hear your shrieks of terror but comfort you after. You took in one deep breath and prepared to suffer for the next hour or so.
A scene of a door slamming open to display a dead body was enough to make you jolt. You let out a sharp gasp while Ace seemed unfazed by the jump scare. He felt your body jump and it caused a snicker to erupt. The difference between you two was apparent, and you hated it. Ace, though, rubbed your shoulder comfortably, reassuring you that it’s just fiction.
“It’s okay, hun. ‘Just a movie” He said with a smile. While his words were genuine, he was still finding you humorous. That singular jumpscare had you shaking like a leaf under the warmth of the blanket.
You wished the movie would conclude. Not even halfway, another jumpscare nearly made your body pass out. You shrieked, causing a small fit of laughter to come from Ace. Your lungs hadn’t stopped grasping for air as your heart pumped out of your throat.
“Not funny, Ace! This movie is horrifying!” You punch his exposed chest playfully before he gives you a chaste kiss on your forehead. The kiss tranquillized your hyperventilating body and you grew much calmer.
“It’s okay, it’s all fake,” He says, while the most graphic scene of a girl getting her body chomped off by a creature that could say otherwise. You gave your boyfriend a side-eye in a way of saying ‘Yeah, right'
Just then, the creeping floorboards could be heard from above. Your heart began to sink, but to avoid your horror-loving boyfriend from making fun of you more, you stayed shut. That is until you heard rustling. As if someone, or something, was upstairs. You separate your eyes from the gruesome movie to the ceiling, which is arguably a better sight.
“Everything alright, hun?” Ace asked from beside you. The rumble of his voice startled you, which was becoming a frequent occurrence all night. You flicker your eyes from the ceiling to his freckled face that would always make everything better.
“I heard something. Upstairs” You murmur. Ace hummed and raised an eyebrow, opening an ear to hear what you heard. The movie was chattering nonsense you could care less about in front. Ace then shrugged nonchalantly.
“I hear nothin’. It’s probably your pussy-nerves” Ace chuckled, wriggling his fingers devilishly to tease you along with that menacing grin. You pushed his face with your palm to save yourself the embarrassment.
Ace tugged you into a warm embrace once again to finish the movie you dreaded. The noises would occur more frequently, you’d even hear slight chatter but it was so muffled and faint, that it was practically gibberish. Ace never commented on his house being cursed or haunted, and you’ve visited countless times before. Did someone break in? Your mind was spinning circles, ricocheting with possibilities that the movie didn’t make any better for you. You lost it when you heard a very audible thump.
“Okay, that’s it” You huff, breaking yourself free from Ace’s loving restraints. You nearly choke out the TV remote to pause the movie on a rather bloody scene. Ace sighed, wondering what your cowardly antics were up to now. “Did you not hear that?” Your finger pointed upward to the ceiling above.
“(F/N), it was probably an animal outside. You’re fine, baby” Ace sat up perfectly straight to face you, to stare deep in your eyes. He knew you were beyond petrified, so with a touch of his hand on yours, he knew his loving care could make you feel better.
“No, no. Ace, what if someone’s inside here?” You frantically say, your voice cracking. You tried to speak in a low tone so whatever that was upstairs lurking couldn’t hear you. You didn’t want to be the main character of a homemade horror movie.
“Oh, baby, c’mon. There’s no way” Ace chuckles. He shakes his head, looking the other way before facing you. He notices your genuinely scared expression, so his more humorous one softened.
“Look, I promise, if anyone were to be here. I’d be here to protect you” You felt his warm hand cup the side of your cheek. Your eyes, still filled with horror and anxiety, stared into his dark ones. He could feel your body jitter and tremble beneath his touch.
“Ace, I’m so fucking scared” You laugh nervously. That smile made one crack at his lips. You watched his face inch closer until his lips met yours. It was slow, but rich and tender. You two synced your lips together like it was muscle memory. His hand traveled from your cheek to the back of your head.
“Lemme help you relax, sugar” Ace murmurs in between your lips. As soon as your back was met with the couch and your boyfriend’s lips scavenged your neck, you mewled.
“But the… Movie” You whisper, having a hand rub his dark locks while he leaves marks of purples and pinks all over your neck. You saw his face rise from the nook of your neck to face you.
“Fuck the movie” He grins. You felt his lips peck your lips until they flowed down your face to your chest. You watched in awe, not even daring to object to the magical talents Ace had against you.
His warm hand snaked from under your shirt to crunch it up, too hasty to take the time to throw it off, not to mention the brisk temperature of the house. As soon as he was presented with your breasts, he felt like a kid on Christmas. You whimpered when his hands kneaded them with care. Ace would flicker his eyes from your chest to your flustered face, your mouth shaped as an ‘oh’ with furrowed eyebrows by his simple touch.
His lips planted loving kisses on the tops of your chest, his teeth slightly nibbling them out of excitement making you hitch your breath. He hooked one out of the grasp of your bra and didn’t hesitate to attach his mouth to your nub. You squirmed and stroked his hair, which he loved. Your body felt the vibrations of his small groan by your touch, only feeding you more pleasure. As his lips separated, he wiped his lips with his thumb. His dark eyes looked up at your submissive ones with half lids.
“Feel better, hm?” He hummed with that same grin that’d make your knees weak. After his buttery smooth words, his teeth hooked his bottom lip to tease you even more. This man could get you aroused with a single look.
“I think I’m still oh-so petrified” You giggle. You watch Ace creep up from below your chest to tower over your face. His toned, muscular arms barricaded you from side to side. It didn’t help that he was already half naked by not having a shirt on.
“Yeah?” He hummed. Once again, his teeth bit his lower lip while his hand moved like it had a mind of his own. You nodded accordingly while you felt his fingers glaze your exposed chest, your stomach, and the heat of your sex. You wore loose, Halloween-themed, pajama shorts, so access was more than easy enough. Ace maintained direct eye contact with you while his fingers caressed your lips through your shorts.
“Want me to help you s’more?”
You let out a soft, gentle moan while Ace’s fingers stroked up and down to feel you. At this rate, you’d think Ace could feel your sleek wetness through the clothing. Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull his face closer until your foreheads were touching. He could feel your hungry breath on his lips.
“Please, Ace… Feel me” You begged, which was more than enough for him to dig his hand into your clothes to finally feel your wetness, all while giving you a devilish grin. His thick fingers drew circles on your drenched clit that caused a fire to burn in your womb. Your moans became more audible but that wasn’t a problem. Ace’s roommate was gone after all—now you can fill the entire house with your lustful noises.
“That feel good?” He breathes, seemingly just as excited as you are. You gave a quick smile of euphoria, feeling the warmth and shockwaves coming from your clit. You buck your hips every now and then into his hands as if you were begging for more.
“Mhmmmph…” You whimper. Your noises were bliss to Ace’s ears. Despite him nearly bursting through his pants since the start, him making you feel so much better was a priority.
Finally, you feel Ace burry his middle and ring digit into your hole, causing you to slightly gasp. Ace gave a small chuckle while he felt your sleek walls wrap around his fingers tightly. One moan was enough for him to curl his fingers into jamming your g-spot lovingly. Your expressions; the sweet, lustful ones you’d make from his own hands made him hum and groan. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you while you had yours shut tight.
“Fuck, Ace…” You breathe. You heard him chuckle while your body delated as he exited his fingers out of your entrance. He presented the dewed digits in front of you only to slide them past his lips. Ace licked his fingers with a groan, loving each drop of your taste.
“Damn, you taste so fuckin’ good” He smiled. All you could do was sheepishly laugh at his compliment. You knew Ace couldn’t get enough of you and your body, especially how it tasted. He’d devour you like a full-course meal if he wanted.
“Take these off f’me” Ace wipes his lips, similarly to before, and tugs on your shorts. He departs his green god of a body away from yours to give you space to undress. Your clothing flew in a corner that only god knew while you spread your legs in front of your boyfriend, who’d gaze upon your entrance like it was a statue.
“God, you’re gorgeous” He ran his fingers through his locks, the strands of hair falling downward to go back to its previous shape. You giggle, loving his lovey side when he is trying to be sexy.
“Ya ready?” He asked. You had never happily nodded so fast in your life before but here you were. Ace bent downward to kiss your inner thighs, occasionally trailing his tongue across your skin. You watched in anticipation, waiting for his tongue to graze upon your cunt instead. You let out a small whimper.
Ace knew what he was doing. He’s been dating you this long to know, so with one smug smile and a wink, he slowly traveled his drenched tongue from the bottom of your cunt to the throbbing clit. You threw your head back to let out a confident moan. His lips latched onto your bud to lick it and give all his attention to it to have you squirming and moaning beneath him. Ace didn’t leave an inch of your cunt untouched. His tongue explored each crevice and made sure you were a mess by his mouth. As soon as he pushed his index and middle digit into your hole, you were gone. Your back arched and your hips bucked into his face to the point you’d be suffocating him. His tongue flicked as fast as it could on your bud while his fingers jammed into your sweet spot flawlessly.
“Oh, fuck fuck fuck~!” You cry, signaling your euphoric climax is about to rise. Your noises were uncontrollable, filling each room and wall with your lustful noises that the neighbors might as well faintly hear it. You didn’t care, though. Ace knew how to please you to the point you could see the cloud gates of heaven above.
“C‘mon, baby. You can do it” Ace mumbles on your cunt, not stopping for a second for you. The sheer pleasure caused your hand to move on its own to push him further into your cunt. Your fingers clamp his locks and tug on them. You felt the grumbling vibrations of his voice in return. "You taste so good..."
“Ace, baby, I’m gonna cum~!” You shriek. Ace stared at you with eyes completely washed with lust. Your back rose and your head was cocked back with a hearty scream.
You spurted your juices to glaze his face. Ace hissed in pleasure and savored every drop. Your chest heaved in your breathing and your eyes were clouded, Ace still riding your high out. He’d give your cunt a few kitten licks before crawling up to your worn-out face. His wrist cleansed his dewed lips.
“Now ya feel better?” He smiled like he just earned a gold star for doing such a great job. You cracked a weak smile before pressing your lips on his own, tasting a bit of yourself from his lips.
“Much better, baby… Thank you” You whisper. Ace chuckled and placed kisses alongside your cheek lovingly. You couldn’t help but giggle at his affectionate love. That is, until, he bit the lobe of your ear. You gasped.
“We’re not finished yet, though, doll” He whispered in your ear. You took a quick glance at the peeking wood sticking from his pants and you couldn’t agree more. He’d been restraining himself since he kissed you. You immediately sat up to tear off your shirt completely.
Ace cupped your face to clamp his lips on yours which caused excited groans and moans to emit from the both of you. By the looks of it, you two would rock each other's brains out for the entire night until dawn, knowing Ace’s endurance. That would be the case until footsteps, loud and hard, began to rumble towards the stairs. You two parted lips to stare at each other, all lust and arousal completely vanishing.
“Who is that?” You whisper ever so lowly. Ace stares back at you and you swear you’ve never seen the boy so horrified in his life. He’d usually make fun of you or laugh, but he looked like he meant business.
Footsteps crept toward the couch you two were sinfully “relaxing” on and your body felt stiff. You knew it, someone was upstairs. Now that “someone” was ready to attack you and your boyfriend on Halloween night. Your body began to tremble and Ace was ready to sock whoever intruded the house in the jaw. The steps finally reached the doorway of the living room and a blood-curdling scream was building a knot in your throat. Ace never glared at a doorway in his life until the lights flickered on. The brightness were darts to your eyes as well as Ace. You both unanimously winced and shielded your eyes.
“Can you guys fuck quieter”
The familiarity of the voice caused you to yelp and quickly cover your exposed body with the blanket you and Ace innocently cuddled with. The man wasn’t a creature, or an intruder, rather an unexpected roommate your boyfriend swore was gone. Your cheeks flushed in redness and you never felt more embarrassed in your life.
“Marco?” Ace squinted. Marco, the guy that was supposed to be away partying, stood at the doorway with a rather agitated expression. He wore casual, comfortable clothing as if he’d been here all day. If your heart wasn’t pounding drums into your ears, you’d scold both of them.
“Did you forget I’ve been your roommate for years now?” Marco asked, crossing his arms. In all honesty, you’d be upset too if you had to hear your best friend have sex with his partner at full volume. You couldn’t help but internally apologize profusely.
“I thought you went to Izou’s party, dude” Ace stood up straight, not even caring that his bare chest was out. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the bright light considering he’d been in dark, pitch-black lighting for hours now.
“Party got canceled, man. I came back home while you were knocked out, dead asleep” Marco explained, which answered the biggest question in your head. As said before, Ace’s naps might as well be comas of how hard he sleeps. All the man did was chuckle.
“Oh, that makes sense. My bad, dude” He acts as if Marco hadn’t been violated from his ears. He blinked in disbelief and swore that if you hadn’t been there eating away at your own shame, he’d punch the freckled brunette in his mouth. You mouth ‘Sorry’ to the blonde to receive a reassuring smile in return.
“And you wonder why I hate you” Marco rolls his eyes back at Ace, exiting the living room to let you two continue where you had left off—not like you were even in the mood for it anyway.
“I’m gonna spend the night at Izou’s if (F/N) is staying the night so you two can have fun,” Marco says before trotting up back upstairs to hide away. You exhaled and rubbed your temple.
“That was so embarrassing, Ace…” You murmur. You felt hands tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear to grab your attention. Your eyes trailed to his face and you counted the freckles sprinkled alongside his cheeks.
“Yeah, well, at least we know now there aren’t any monsters” Ace smiled. His dorkiness was enough to make you snicker and laugh, forgetting all about your embarrassment.
“Yeah, yeah” You roll your eyes. You saw Ace flicker his eyes down to your lips from your eyes, anticipating whether or not he should go in to kiss you or not. You caught on almost immediately and took the first initiative. Ace pulled your body close, not daring to separate the connection you two created.
“What do you wanna do now?” You say in between pecks of kisses on each other's lips. The clicking of the front door echoed throughout the house, indicating that Marco gave you two the privacy you actually needed.
“Whatever you want, baby” Ace chuckled, forming a smile on your lips. You giggled and continued to sync your lips onto Ace’s with ease and collapsed on the couch.
A night that typically had screams of horror and bloodshed ultimately ended with screams of pleasure and lust from you. Ace didn’t stop until his body did, collapsing on top of your own in a deep slumber right before daybreak. It was now a new month, a month that wasn’t so terrifying and you didn’t thank time enough.
Happy Halloween
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pix3lplays · 6 months
Ok I have like 3 Dr.Ratio related request
1/3 Dr.Ratio and S/O with senku ishigamis personality and then competing to see who's smarter because S/O is competitive like that
Okay okay I hear you >:)
Made this really cheesy and full of romantic tension since that just SCREAMS Dr. Ratio to me.
Cw inappropriate workplace shenanigans lol
-Dr. Ratio x reader who’s really smart-
Ohhh he loves that he’s finally found a partner who can challenge him in every aspect of the word. You’re both constantly at each other’s throats, as academic rivals, and oooh your students can just SENSE the romantic tension between the two of you when you’re in the same classroom together, and you’re frantically looking over what he’s written on the whiteboard, scanning for mistakes while he sits back smugly with his arms crossed, knowing you won’t find one. And OH the way his heart rate picks up when you suddenly stop, point at a tiny section of the whiteboard. “You forgot to carry the one,” you say. “WHAT?” he rips off that mask of his and stands very, very close to you. “Right. Here,” you say, tapping at a small portion. He squints, both of you leaning in close. So close your shoulders are brushing, your students are losing their minds just waiting for the two of you to kiss already. “Unbelievable,” he murmurs under his breath. He forgot to carry the one. You both reach for the marker to correct the mistake, your hands bumping each other making both of your faces heat up but you’re both too focused on ragging each other to notice the tension. After a way too long stare down, he backs off and lets you take the marker, and he watches as you correct the mistake, feeling a hint of embarrassment. And a hint of attraction towards you for finding such a tiny mistake in his meticulous calculations. If he wasn’t in front of a classroom full of students right now he would- “There, done,” you pull back to admire your work, and you feel his presence behind you, his eyes scanning over your new calculations, and he nods in approval. “You, my dear, have bested me…I concede. This once,” he says, letting you know the same mistake will not happen again. He gives your calculations one final check before he shrugs his pretty shoulders, admitting defeat. You can’t take this game anymore. “Doctor.” “Yes?” “Just kiss me.” Truthfully he Was having the same thought, but…right here, right now? In front of all his students? “Professor l/n…in this moment? My…students are watching…” he whispers to you. “Maybe next time?” “Who said anything about a next time?” you challenge, warning him this was his last opportunity to kiss his personal favorite academic rival. “I-well-“ One student shouts: “JUST KISS ALREADY.” He sends the offender a sharp glare before turning back to you with a flustered look on his pretty face. “I mean…okay then if that’s what-“ You don’t let him finish. You grab him by the shirt collar, and pull his lips against yours. A few students clap. Someone goes “yeahhh, get it, teach!” When you pull away he’s gasping for breath, and desperately trying to press his lips back up against yours again, like the pathetic, desperate man he was. “Oh my, look at the time…my seminar is about to begin,” you say, glancing at your watch. “I’ll have to see you later, Doctor.” He doesn’t want you to go. He reaches out pathetically for you, not even able to speak, and you easily push his hand away. “Sorry,” you say, not sounding very sorry at all. “Duty calls!” And with that you swish your lab coat as you turn around, abandoning your poor Doctor, leaving him with just the smallest taste of you, to make sure he was distracted for the rest of the day, and liable to make even more mistakes for you to come in and correct. He stares at the door where you disappear, as if you might change your mind and come back and kiss him again, and when you don’t return he does his absolute best to returning his attention to his classroom, sliding his mask on and beginning the instruction anew, with the Correct calculations this time.
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ghostfacesvalentine · 8 months
HALLOWEEN DAY 5: Spooky parties - Multi!Muse x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Multi!muse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of drug use, alcohol, pretty much anything messy at parties. A little bit of nsfw but nothing severe
Type: Blurbs
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: Spooky parties with them
Notes: I have no hopes for my own doing of these things.
Jason Voorhees: Doesn’t really like parties, but is always dragged to them by you. Loves Halloween ones though, so there’s not much pouting coming from you. He’d let you dress him up to match costumes with him. Jason keeps himself occupied at the sweets table while you’re around saying hi to everyone. Terribly shy when you would introduce him to your friends, but would try to smile with a mouthful of cupcakes. He kind of becomes a favorite at the parties, participating in games from time to time. 
Michael Myers: Also not a fan of parties, but would follow you to them. It’s usually how it goes though, everywhere. He kind of just sulks everywhere behind you, turning his head to stare at whoever is staring at you both. Everyone tries to avoid you two the most they can, but you seem to be too fun to be around, so you’re still invited. You are at least, you and your plus one. After all, Michael does add onto the spooky aura of the party though. The plus side is that if anyone is causing trouble at the party, Michael easily takes up the security roll.
Tiffany Valentine: LOVES Halloween/spooky parties. Always wants to dress up for them and is even willing to dress you up as well. Tiffany always wants to match with you, whatever you want to be, whatever she wants to be, you always come down to an agreement. The more parties there are, the more costumes/outfits you both can put together. Getting ready is one of Tiffany’s most favorite activities. She’s so fun at the party, drinking, singing and keeping her arms around you, she’s definitely a crowd favorite.
Billy Loomis: Also kind of loves Halloween parties, he’d go to every single one he knows is available, always dragging you with him of course. Billy would drag you to every house party, drinking and smoking with you by his side. Sometimes things get a little too hot between you two. Billy would drag you into a room with him “just to make out” but most of the time it escalates. Either way, parties can be fun with Billy, though if you’re always needy for his attention, perhaps parties wouldn’t be so fun. Billy would keep you on his lap, but maybe pay more attention to the current topic at hand.
Stu Macher: Also loves Halloween parties and becomes a crowd favorite within time. Sometimes he even hosts the parties, bringing in all kinds of alcohol, allowing all sorts of drugs and whatever kept the party going and happy. Sometimes Stu would be a little blind to the way things work, not able to pick up directly on your discomfort. Still, Stu is always drunk, always singing at the top of his lungs and dancing lazily across the room. You’ll never be bored with him and his foolery often at times. 
Patrick Bateman: Kind of a fan of parties, just maybe not the house ones. His coworkers would host events celebrating the Halloween vibe to the atmosphere. You’d insist on going in costumes, but Patrick wouldn’t be exactly too thrilled about the idea. Shockingly though, he manages to get some blood splatter on his coat to which then he decided to just keep it, then go to your room telling you to “fix it” but then deciding the would be the perfect costume and no matter what you say,  he thinks this would be the best costume. To those who love to talk, Patrick definitely would be a favorite to them.
Leatherface: Also has fun at the party like Jason, he’s very innocent with what he likes and what he tends to enjoy. More childlike than anything; he is prone to being timid as much as possible, but when he discovers the sweet, he becomes a child. There’s chocolate all over his lips and fingertips, he looks at you with a mouthful, smiling and waving from afar. Bubba doesn’t talk to anyone, instead just keeps his head down and waits for you to come back from your karaoke session.
Harley Quinn: The queen of Halloween parties, can always whip up the best last minute Halloween costumes. It’s settled that no Halloween party is complete without the one and only Harley Quinn. She kind of overshadows you, but when does she never? Still, she always does her best to keep you included, bringing you on stage with her or to the center if you were having a dancing session or a karaoke session. Harley would for sure wear you down to the bone during these nights. Not to mention, she would be the type to go party to party to party back to back, so it’s best you keep up!
Poison Ivy: Not entirely fond of any kind of party. Ivy would gather socially with her beloved villainous friends, but nothing too extreme. Still, if you really wanted to go, she wouldn’t fight you. She’d throw on her best red silk dress and big Hollywood curls, elegant as always, even if it was a costume party. “I’m a rose-” She’d explain as she would click on her last earring, fixing her dress as she’d turn to you. Ivy would drink a glass of wine or whiskey while you dance along or sing along, admiring you from a far, just as when she first met you.
Bruce Wayne: This man was notorious for parties, though not the kind you were going to in order to actually enjoy yourself and have fun. While he would prefer to keep the night to yourselves, if you insisted, he’d deliver. Bruce rather be by your side more than anything, plus seeing you in costume could be fun. No matter where you two would end up, Bruce’s hands and eyes just can’t stay away from you. Not in a sexual or possessive manner but in a way where he truly is enjoying himself.
Jason Todd: Similar to Bruce, though he’d rather keep the party between you two, Jason would love to go out with you. Halloween parties downtown at different bars and house parties of friends of his would be such a great time. You knew you could truly have fun and let your guard down around Jason. Lots of watching you dance, drinking and letting loose to loud music and neon lights. Wouldn’t leave you for a second, even if you had to take a piss.
Billy Hargrove: So excited for any kind of party, ever. Not the kind to dress up though, but would encourage you to if you wanted. “No Billy, I can’t go dressed up if you don’t.” You’d shy away as you took off the bunny ears, but he’d insist you looked cute in a bunny costume, kissing your cheek and pushing your hair behind your ear. Whether you wanted to keep your costume or not, he wouldn’t mind, after all, most of the time, he’d want to go home early with you. Billy kind of grew out of parties when he fell in love with you.
Steve Harrington: Loved all kinds of parties before, would even host half of them, but it’s no fun when he keeps getting pulled away from you or interrupted by others while he’s with you. Of course there would be times where you two could hide, but then what’s the point of even hosting a party? Like Billy when he fell in love with you, Steve also kind of grew out of parties. Still, one or two Halloween themed parties wouldn’t kill you two, he does agree to match your costume after all. Maybe nothing too out there for him, but anything subtle, he’d be down for. And of course, all his attention is on you throughout the whole night.
Steve Rogers: Also not the biggest fan of parties, big ones at least, but he would be willing to go if all his teammates were going or if you insisted on going with him. You wouldn’t have to beg, the second time he’d bring it up, he wouldn’t hesitate. Also would go dressed up with you if you wanted. Steve’s shoulders would kind of drop when he’d see the costumes you picked out for you both. Your immediate pout would change his mind instantly. “No no, sweetheart, I love it. I’ll wear it! It just looks a little uncomfortable, but anything for you, you know that.” Steve wouldn’t stray away from you once, talking with his teammates and mingling with others as he’d drink and have his arm around you. If you wanted to sing or dance, there he went with you.
Bucky Barnes: Not a huge fan of parties either, the only reason he’d go at all is because you wanted to go or Steve did. He’d be a little bit more reserved with costumes, but he’d accommodate with you. Bucky would even give you suggestions, helping you put outfits together and even helps you with your makeup before the party. Like Ivy, he stays in the back, watching you from afar, drinking and with eyes locked on you and only you. Bucky would agree to taking pictures with you to add to your scrapbook and they’re probably the cutest ones from all year.
Wanda Maximoff: Depending on her social mood would depend on how she would react at the party and how much she’d dress up. Of course Wanda would match you, being genderbent versions of certain costumes to match the couple costumes. Without question would help you with your makeup. Her favorite couples costume would be the vampires, sultry and fun, intimidating but so enticing. No matter her mood, she’d dance with you if you wanted, letting you take pictures of you both. LOTS of bathroom pictures and overall she reflects with you on how much fun she actually had that night.
Loki Laufeyson: You’d have to be the one to invite him to even have him consider going to any party, spooky party or not. Either way, like Wanda, he’d help you with your makeup, wiping off the excess and making sure your eyeliner is sharp and ready to strike fear into the hearts of those around you. For sure would go as the vampire couple as well or even a Victorian ghost costume. Hands down you both would be the most stunning at the party, which doesn’t help Loki’s ego at all. He’d watch you from afar, not really one to be dancing too much, maybe he’d join you for a dance or two, but would rather watch you sing in amusement and awe.
Cloud Strife: Not another event you’re dragging him to again. Still, this kind of seems a little bit more fun to him than anything else you’ve made him do before. Doesn’t really want to dress up in any costume. MAYBE will go as the matrix with you but that’s about all. Cloud would be too shy for anyone that would come up to him trying to talk to him, instead looking for you. You said you were only going to be gone a couple of minutes. Still, would drink with you, keep himself from getting drunk so he could keep an eye on you. After all he was the one taking you home.
Aerith Gainsborough: Has honestly never been to a Halloween party before, but is super interested in them. Kind of excited to dress up for it too. She’d go as a fairy or an elf of some sort and would love for you to match with her. You two would hands down win the cutest couples costume. Aerith would have so much fun meeting new people and singing and dancing with them as well as her best friends that she already knew. Pictures of this night would be perfect to keep them in a scrapbook for memories. Honestly kind of the most fun to go to a Halloween party with.
Sebastian Michaelis: It’s kind of routine to have the Phantomhive household either host or participate in some sort of Halloween party themselves. Even if you insisted Sebastian would refrain from dressing up in costume at the own household. “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m still the butler and dressing up as a rabbit would not seem appropriate-” Only to be interrupted by Ciel who would ask him to follow through with your request. Well, there goes that.
Spencer Reid: Always down for any kind of Halloween party, anywhere. Him and Penelope would be the first ones in, planning out costumes, what they were going to bring, there would be too much excitement for one person to handle. Of course Spencer would constantly brainstorm what costumes you two were going to wear, no matter how ridiculous it may seem for others, it would be thrilling for him. Spencer always wants to appreciate the holiday as much as possible and that includes Halloween parties. Would do drunk karaoke and swing around as his excuse for dancing. Lots of videos of these moments would keep his embarrassment immortal.
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eating-plastic · 10 months
Carnival Lights: Henry Barrow x Reader
Warnings: mentions of murder (come on, it's Henry), swearing, some mean!Henry, naive!reader, sunshine!reader x grumpy!Henry (my favorite dynamic lol), some fluff, probably grammatical errors
Word Count: 3434 words
A/N: This is for that anon that asked me if I wrote for Henry Barrow (assuming that they wanted me to write something for him lol). I know I said I was going to take a break from Killer Frequency, but the “people pleaser” in me wanted to get something done. So yeah, I hope this isn't too disappointing. I also hope that my interpretation of Henry is to your liking (you gotta get creative when given a blank slate like him 😆). As such, I also hope anyone else that is a fan of this skrunkly also enjoys this as well. Oh, also, this takes place before the events of the game during Marie and Henry's "national murder tour" leading up to Gallows Creek. Just thought you should know that. Bye!
Sparkling lights and the sound of upbeat music and screams of excitement flood your senses as you skip through the crowds attending your hometown's yearly carnival. You had always partaken in the festivities ever since you were a child, and the event still filled you with joy. Some of the older booth vendors and ride operators even knew you by name.
You had originally shown up with two of your friends, promising that they wouldn't get too "lovey-dovey" with each other since they were a couple, but that was broken about 15 minutes into your arrival. Feeling like a third-wheel, you broke off from them, not really caring too much. You could easily enjoy yourself here without them.
After you finished playing a game where you had to try and hit cartoon sea creatures with a water gun (and failing since your aim wasn't the best), you decided to head to something you knew you were good at: the funhouse maze.
You knew the maze like the back of your hand, and could easily make it from the entrance to the exit, so you decided to see how many combinations of routes you could go. You wanted to know every nook and cranny that these dark, black light lighten halls had to offer.
Once you got bored, you began to make your way to the exit. Once at a crossroad where you needed to turn right, you stopped when you heard a man let out a shout of frustration. Worried that they were lost, you made your way towards the noise to help them out.
'God fucking damnit,' Henry thought. He was so fucking close to getting the man his mother told him to kill. He was right on his tail and then...he was gone. Now he was lost in this Goddamn maze and it was all his stupid fault because he knew he wasn't good with mazes. It was a good idea in theory, since the man would be all alone with no one would hear him scream. But of course in practice it had to bite him in the ass.
He tore his mask off and shoved it into his large duffle bag at his side. God, was it making it hard to breathe in this stuffy prison. Not to mention how that man was probably long gone by now.
'Augh, what am I gonna tell mom?' worry began to flood his mind. She was no doubt going to be pissed at him.
Luckily for Henry, his unaware savior was approaching.
As soon as you rounded the corner, you were now facing a man of decent stature, with long hair, a black trench coat, and a large duffle bag at his side. It was quite odd attire to be wearing in the middle of summer, but maybe he was just a worker at the haunted house who wanted to try out the maze on his break. He also seems to be oblivious to your presence, muttering to himself.
"Hi!" you chirp, causing the man to jump and spin around.
"The hell are you doing, here?" he hisses.
"Uh, it's a maze at a carnival. I'm here having fun," his harsh tone was completely lost on you. "You're lost, right?"
"What do you think?" he snarls, but you just laugh.
"Yep! I thought so! Come on, I'll show you the way out," you grab his hand, noting that he was wearing black leather gloves. Also odd, but once again that could've been just another part of the haunted house attire.
The man rips his hand from your grip as if yours had burnt his. You look back at him confused, but just shrug and begin to run off towards the exit.
"Hey, wait!" the man shouts and begins to chase after you, making sure to be on your tail so he could leave.
Eventually, you and him were able to taste the fresh air of the carnival, with the added smell of fair foods. You turn to look at the man, only to be taken aback a bit.
He looked to be a boy about your age, with piercing eyes but a very handsome face. You also noticed that he was unfamiliar to you.
"Huh, I don't think I've seen you around before. Are you new?" you smile at him, but he just turns to walk back towards the crowded rows of booths. "Hey, wait up!"
You decide to follow him. If he was new, you didn't want him to be overwhelmed or lonely.
"I'm Y/N!" you grin, but he just continues walking forwards. His eyes scanning the crowds and his jaw tight.
"Oh, you don't talk much, huh? That's okay! What do you wanna do? Do you wanna get something to eat? Oh! Or we co-"
"Look, don't you have friends or something that you can go hang out with?" he asks sharply. Unfortunately for Henry, the tone was once again lost on you.
"I do, but they'd rather make out in the tunnel of love than hang out with me," your tone drops slightly which makes Henry's eyebrow quirk up. After a couple of seconds though, just shake your head and smile back at him. "It's okay though, because I met you! I love meeting new people!"
'Jesus, what was your deal?' Henry thought. You were like a Care Bear in human shape. So sickeningly sweet that it was making him feel weird. How could someone like you exist in the cruel world his mom had told him so much about? Has it not broken you, yet?
"Oh, look! Bumper cars! You wanna go do those?" you beam up at him. Henry sighed. If he put up with this, maybe you would leave him alone. Besides, you provided him good cover. A new face like him dressed the way he was all by himself may drive suspicion. So he turned his head to look at your eager face and uttered one word.
You weren't bad at bumper cars, but you also didn't win. Not that you cared though, especially since your mystery man had won. You were surprised at his skills and made sure to tell him.
Henry listening to you gush over him was odd. Not used to getting such praise from someone who wasn't his mother. And like with his mother, it made him feel good.
You continue to skip through the crowds with him at your side. He was still scanning all of the people around you, but his jaw wasn't tight anymore. That elated you, as you took it as him finally enjoying himself. You both stop when you hear someone call your name.
"Is that you, Y/N?" the voice of an older man called from a game booth. Your face brightens and you run to him, Henry following after you.
"Frank! I haven't seen you in ages!" you hug him over the booth's countertop. Henry tenses up and watches the man closely.
"You're one to talk! I haven't seen you since you were just 'this' tall," Frank levels his hand to show just how small you were when he had last seen you. He opens his mouth to speak again, but stops when his eyes fall on Henry. "Hey, Y/N, who's your friend?"
"He's new in town! I saved him from the maze!" you chirp.
"Ah, okay," he drawls, looking at Henry suspiciously. Upon seeing you look at him fondly though, he puts on his best "friendly face" and holds his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you, son."
Henry looks at Frank's hand before shaking it, still analyzing the older man. You are completely oblivious to the tension, as you look at the milk bottles that are stacked up in the booth.
"Hey, Frank! Care if we play?" you pull some tickets out from your back pocket. Frank's mood changes at the sound of your voice and smiles at you.
"Of course! You and your friend here get three shots," he kneels down to hand you three baseballs first.
You throw all three and only get three of the six bottles down.
"Oh, well! Your turn!" you turn to smile at Henry and move out of his way. Frank hands him three baseballs just as he did with you. He takes the ball, pulls his arm back, and....
All six bottles tumble down with a force that startles both you and Frank.
"Well I'll be damned! I have never seen anyone knock those bottles down like that! You play baseball, son?" the older man asks Henry, amazed.
"No," he says, shortly.
The older man clears his throat at the awkward silence before looking towards the stuffed animals that hung around the booth.
"Well, you won. Pick out your prize."
Henry wanted to just walk away, but looked at you in his peripheral. You were staring longingly at a pink elephant plush that had a cute, cartoony face. He points to that one.
"This one right here?" Frank asks, taking the elephant down. Henry nods. "Alright! Here ya go."
Henry takes the stuffed animal and nods at him.
"Bye, Frank!" you call as Henry begins to walk away from the booth.
"Bye, Y/N! See you next year!"
As soon as you both are five feet away from the booth, Henry practically shoves the plush at you.
"You wanted it. I got it. Now take it," he says shortly. You look up at him, confused, but he still continues to walk forward and scan the crowd. You take the plushie and smile at it. It was the cutest thing you had ever seen, with the softest fur you ever felt.
You squeal and pull Henry into a hug, thanking him. He tenses up and pushes you off.
"What the hell are you doing?" he scowls.
"I-I'm sorry, I-I just w-wanted to...," you trail off, hurt evident in your voice and eyes.
Your change in demeanor causes Henry to feel guilty, and the couple of eyes he could sense on him only added to that feeling. He sighs and rests his hand on your shoulder.
"Look, I'm...I'm sorry, okay. Just...just warn me before you do that again...please," his voice is now soft as he looks at you, wanting you to know that he did really feel sorry.
"Okay," you whisper, still feeling miserable about making him uncomfortable.
"Hey, why don't...," Henry thinks for a second. "Why don't we go on a ride, huh?"
"Okay," a smile forms on your face. "Which one do you wanna go on?"
"Whichever one you'd like," Henry gives you the first genuine smile you had seen that night. This causes your own smile to grow and you take his hand to lead to one of the more thrilling rides. Henry doesn't rip his hand away this time, allowing you to drag him to where you wanted to take him.
Once at the ride you wanted to go on, you handed your elephant to the ride operator and Henry hesitantly gives up his bag, before you enter the ride.
By the time the ride had ended, you and Henry were wobbling in the best way possible. Henry let out a shaky laugh. He had never felt so alive. Where had this been his whole life? You let out your own laugh at Henry's reaction, before you and him collect your belongings and go on to do more rides and games. While walking, and even making some small talk with your mystery man, he stops when he spots a phone booth.
Henry thinks about his mother, about his mission. He had to call her, to tell her about how he couldn't get a good opening. He wouldn't mention how he was getting distracted or how he was having fun with a living ray of sunshine. He knew how she would probably react if he was honest.
"Hey, uh, Y/N?"
"Yeah?" you look up at him, beaming.
"I, uh...I have to make a phone call. I-I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay! I'll wait right here!" you chirp.
He nods and gives you a small smile, before walking to the booth.
Henry enters the booth and sighs. He rummages around in his pocket before finding some quarters and inserting them into the machine. He lifts the phone and inserts the number to the motel room he and his mother were staying in. He waits, tapping his foot nervously as he waits. Then it stops, and a familiar voice speaks from the other end.
"Yes?" his mother says.
"H-Hi, mom."
"Oh, Henry!" her voice is cheerful. "Did you finish your 'assignment'?"
"No, I haven't. I can't get a good opening," he doesn't mention that he had lost the man to begin with. "Besides, this one person won't leave me alone. They're constantly following me around and bothering me."
His mom sighs on the other end and thinks.
"I'll be over there in a bit. Keep trying, dear. And remember, if you do find your opening, do what you must. Poor kid," she mutters towards the end of the statement.
Henry's stomach drops. He knows instantly what she meant. He didn't want to hurt you. You had nothing to do with...with all of this. You were an innocent, sweet person in this miserable world. Why get rid of someone like you?
"Henry, sweetie, you there?" his mother questions.
"Y-Yeah, yeah, I, uh...I was just looking around. Look, don't worry about coming over. I got this, I promise. I'll call you if I need you, okay?"
"Hm...okay," she pauses, clearly skeptical at her son's words. "Please just stay safe, okay? I love you."
"I love you too, mom. Bye."
There is a click, and then the line goes dead. Henry lets out a shaky breath and sets the phone back on its cradle. A knock at the booth startles him out of his thoughts. He turns around to see you looking at him, concerned.
He opens the door to the booth and steps out.
"Sorry," you apologize. "I just wanted to know if you wanted something to eat. Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, yeah...don't worry about it, okay? Food, uh...food sounds great."
"Okay. What would you like?" Henry thinks for a moment before cracking a smile at you.
"Surprise me!"
You nod and walk off to find a food booth. You knew exactly what you wanted to get. You had been craving it ever since you entered the carnival grounds.
Henry followed behind you, curious as to what you were going to get as you passed booth after booth. Then you stop, just what you were looking for.
"I was wondering when you were gonna show up," a woman greets you.
"Hi, Pam!" you smile at her and hand her some dollar bills. "Two candied apples, please!"
"Two?" Pam cocks her head to the side until her eyes fall on Henry. "Oh, I see."
She smirks, interpreting the mystery man besides you and how you were lovingly holding your elephant plush as a date.
A few moments later, Pam turns back to you and Henry with two candied apples in her hands.
"Enjoy, you two!" she winks at you when you and Henry take your treats. The two of you walk once more, while Henry investigates the sweet in his hand. You look over at him and laugh.
"What? Have you never had a candied apple before?"
"Uh, no actually. Are...are they your favorite?" he asks.
"Uh huh!" you nod eagerly. "I have to have at least one when the carnival's up!"
It was true. Ever since you had the teeth to eat them, candied apples had been your favorite treat, even with all of the cavities you had gotten over the years because of them.
Henry slowly raises the apple to his lips and bites down. The taste causes him to pause. He had never tasted something so sweet. It seemed fitting that they were your favorite.
"You like it?" you ask.
He nods his head, before he takes another bite.
"So you really aren't gonna leave tomorrow?" you look at Henry sadly.
"Yeah, I-I'm, um...I'm afraid so."
You had learned that Henry was just visiting your hometown on a road trip with his mom. You thought that was fun, because your family always goes on road trips every summer, and yet you were going to miss your new mystery friend.
"Oh, Y/N! There you are!"
You and Henry turn around, seeing your two friends running towards you.
"Yeah, we were really worried!"
That causes Henry to stare daggers at them. They were worried? If they were so Goddamned worried about your safety, then they wouldn't have abandoned you.
"Uh, Y/N...who's this?" they both look at the man beside you that was making them feel uncomfortable under his stare.
'Good,' Henry thought.
"Oh, this is just my friend I made who kept me company this whole time," your voice is still cheerful, but you were still trying to guilt them. Henry smirks at that.
"Oh, well, uh...it's-it's getting late. We should start heading home."
Your eyes widen at that and you look down at your watch. It was almost midnight. God, your parents were gonna kill you.
"Yeah, you guys head to the entrance. I'll catch up!" your friends look at the boy besides you. Despite being the same age as them, something about him didn't seem right. They slowly turn around and do as you told them. As you watch them go, you hear a certain someone mutter something behind you.
"What?" you turn to look up at him.
"That's my name," Henry says.
You try the name out and smile. The sound of you saying his name made his chest feel weird.
"You look like a 'Henry'," you quip.
"That a bad thing?" he quirked an eyebrow at you.
"Nope!" you giggle and shake your head. Your demeanor changes and you awkwardly fiddle for something in your back pocket.
"Here," you hand him a small slip of paper.
Henry takes the paper and unravels it, a phone number revealing itself to him.
"Just in case you wanna keep in touch, o-or you know...just letting me know if you're gonna be in town again," you sheepishly state, squeezing the elephant in your arms. You had written your number down when he went off to make his phone call. You felt silly since you didn’t even know his name yet, but you knew you liked him either way.
"I, uh...I think I'll do just that," he smiles at you and puts the paper in his pocket. You smile back.
"I'm gonna hug you. Is that okay?"
Henry laughs, before opening his arms to you. You wrap one of your arms around him and he wraps his arms around your waist. Neither of you want to pull away, knowing that it would mean the end of your night together and who knows how long until you see each other again.
Unfortunately, your friends were waiting for you and he had a mission that you were unaware of. You pull away first.
"Goodbye, Henry," you quickly press a peck to his cheek. He tenses, but then looks at you shyly.
"Y-Yeah...goodbye, Y/N," a shade of pink crosses his face. He then clears his throat before pointing to your plushie. "You take good care of him."
You giggle and nod your head, before turning and walking away from him. Not even five feet away from him, you turn back and wave both your hand and your elephant's arm goodbye. Henry shakes his head and smiles, lifting his hand up to give a small wave of his own.
He stood there, watching your figure get smaller and smaller, until you disappeared into the crowd entirely.
The man was killed swiftly in the haunted house of all places. No one suspected a thing, believing that the body was just a prop and the screams just sound effects.
Now Henry was laying down on his bed in the motel room his mother had rented. She was in the bathroom washing his knife and mask.
He could still hear the noises of the crowds cheering, feel the shakiness in his limbs after a thrill ride, taste the candied apple on his tongue, and feel your kiss on his cheek.
Perhaps when he and his mother got into the next town and had to split up again, he would see if that number you gave him was real.
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kendrene · 1 year
"Can you ask me if it hurt when I fell from heaven?"
When Ava says it, half-leant out of her seat and tilted toward Beatrice, what she’s aiming for is smooth. What actually happens is that her elbow, precariously planted on the table in front of them, skids across a patch of unidentifiable liquid (it’s probably beer) and she tumbles straight out of the chair. Right at Beatrice’s feet.
“Uhm.” How is it possible for Beatrice to be this pretty from any and all angles? Is it a skill? Does it come naturally? Ava doesn’t know, but it shouldn’t be allowed. It shouldn’t even be legal. “Did it hurt now?”
“Oh my fucking God, do not encourage her.” A strong set of hands slides under her armpits and Ava is hoisted back onto her seat. “Worst. Pick. Up. Line. Ever.” Mary jabs a finger into her sternum as punctuation for each word. “Like, seriously. Do better.”
“Excuse me, that was a very good pick up line. The best pick up line that ever was.”
“Only if you want your audience’s ears to bleed.”
“Well, clearly, you’re not the target audience, are you?” Ava reaches for the bottle she’d been drinking from, but it’s already empty. She could up her game if Mary gave her pointers. She’s seen old videos of her with Shannon — how easily Mary could make her laugh. Their chemistry was off the fucking charts.
As for her and Beatrice — Ava has no clue where they stand. Sometimes it feels that they’re a spark away from deflagration in the best possible way, but then she’ll say or do something stupid and end up like a character in one of those old cartoons she and Diego were sometimes allowed to watch on VHS on Sunday mornings; lab coat burned to kingdom come and eyebrows singed right off.
“Did you say pick up line?” Beatrice interjects, and there’s an odd lilt to the words, as if something far too big to be contained got stuck inside her throat.
“Christ.” Mary rolls her eyes. “I can’t do this sober.”
“Do? Do what?”
“This— whatever you two have going on, that you’ve not been talking about.” Mary waves a hand in the empty space between them, but her eyes are scanning the bottles strewn all over the table for more booze. There’s probably some rule against drinking in a convent, and Ava is pretty certain Mother Superion would enforce it if she knew how the six of them have been spending their evening, but Mother Superion has been called away to help elect another Pope (do they ever run out of those?), and Camila — the only person with a lick of sense left in the group — forgot to bring any.
“What—” No mistake, this time. Beatrice is trying and failing to swallow. “What do you think we have going on?”
“Don’t ask me — ah!” Mary holds up an unopened bottle of vodka, triumphant. “Ask her.”
“Oh.” Lilith crows from the shadows. “This is going to be good.”
“This is going to be private.” A small riot breaks out at the announcement, but Mary rounds the others up with quick efficiency and herds them for the door. “Come on all of you. No, Camila, you can’t stay and watch. I don’t care about posterity.” Camila argues back something. “Ava can write her own damn warrior nun journal. Yasmine, quit staring or I’ll—”
The rest of the threat is lost down the hallway and it doesn’t take long for their steps to recede.
Everything is quiet. The late evening fills with unspoken undercurrents. There’s a thickness to the air that is not due to the lingering heat of summer. It presses down on them with the beloved weight of a favorite blanket wrapped around the body a bit too tight.
All of a sudden, Ava is stone cold sober. She really really really wishes Mary had left the bottle behind.
Sounds are supposed to break a prolonged silence, but Bea’s voice, small against the vastness of the night, only enhances it. When Ava dares look, Bea is leaning forward, her cheeks suffused a lovely red as though she’s just sat down after a run. Only one of the overhead lights is still on, and they exist in its tight circle, the darkness beyond alive with the things Ava knows that she already should have said. “Ava, what did Mary mean? What — what does she think is between us?”
Bea wets her lips, and Ava’s gaze is instantly drawn to the motion. Something molten pulses outward from the halo, pooling in her gut. Lower, like the glimpse she inadvertently got of Bea’s tongue somehow directly interlaced with her nerve endings — open flame to tinder — and set everything alight.
She’s faced dozens of demons, held her own against a fallen angel hell bent on world dominion — she’s been to a whole different realm, goddammit — but she doesn’t have the guts to simply bridge the gap and kiss Beatrice again.  
With difficulty, Ava drops her eyes to where Bea’s hands are resting. They’re so familiar now. The callouses from training. The array of small scars across the knuckles where flesh has been torn and healed so many times it is pale, almost translucent, against the darker canvas of Beatrice’s sun-kissed skin. Reaching out, Ava takes Bea’s right hand in both of her own, traces from scar to scar with the tip of a finger as if drawing constellations. Under her touch, Beatrice is shaking badly, or maybe it is her.
She doesn’t think it matters.
“Ava?” Beatrice says her name the way she’s said it hundreds of other times. Sweetly, a bit uncertain. More than a little scared. Expectant.
Ava takes one big breath and —
— she wants to kick herself.
First because she’s never meant to say it now. Second because she’s never meant to rush it out in such a way. Barebones. No preamble. She had given a much better speech when she’d said what she’d supposed where her goodbyes inside of Adriel’s inverted church. That moving line about the warrior nun duty, and Beatrice living her life, all tied neatly together with that final in the next that Ava had managed to force out despite the well of tears inside her. It was all very romantic in a tragic sort of way.
Shit. What if she can be romantic only when she’s dying? That would fucking suck.
But she can’t take it back now. The sentence just burst out of her in a single breath, the same way power blasts from her when she overexerts the halo. And Ava may have made a grab for Beatrice’s hand to have something to hold on to, but now Bea, too, is gripping her fingers tight, and they’re two ships caught in the same storm, fighting not to let the other slip away from sight.
“I love you.” Ava repeats, slower this time. “And I’ve loved you since the Vatican. I’ve loved you since before that, actually. Since I got my stupid foot stuck inside the stupid wall in Mother Superion’s stupid office and you talked me out of it.”
“And that’s why I’m always acting like a fool. Otherwise I’d have to stop and self-analyze, you know? And then, I’d have to talk to you about it, and what if you don’t love me back? I mean, I know you do, friend-like, but if you didn’t love me love me I think I would be really sad and—” Her shoulders sag. “But I guess the cat is on the table now, uh? It’s okay if you don’t love me, by the way. Like I said, I’m just going to mope for a while but I’ll--”
“Ava, stop.”
“—  be okay, you don’t have to worry — oh.” Did Beatrice say stop? “Did you say, stop?”
Crap. Beatrice doesn’t want to hear more of her hastily crafted (held together by a hail mary, a safety pin and hope) love confession. Double crap. Beatrice is smiling, so bright and wide that it reaches all the way to her eyes, crinkling them at the edges.
“You’re smiling.” Ava points out, utterly invested in her role as captain obvious.
“Is it a good thing?”
“I’d say.”
“Oh.” Beatrice gives her hand a gentle squeeze. “So this means—”
“That I feel the way you feel. And I guess I didn’t say where you could hear for pretty much the same reasons.”
“But you said it? Before, I mean?”
“Yes.” A cloud settles over Beatrice’s face, and Ava regrets asking. “After you went through the portal. It took a while for the others to get to me so I sat there and I said it, over and over.” Beatrice draws in a steadying breath that seems to go on forever. “I was hoping you could hear me.” Her smile returns, but tempered. “So, you see, you’re not the only fool around here.”
“I can hear it now.” Ava’s heart is thumping so hard and fast against her ribcage she wonders whether the halo will have to heal a bruise. “You know, if you wanted to say it.”
Beatrice closes her eyes. Opens them, and an army of Tarasks could march through the refectory this second, Ava would not give them the time of day.
“Ava Silva,” Beatrice begins, incredibly steady. “I’m in love with you, too.”
“So,” Beatrice asks her later, in what Ava is sure is the best interest of open and healthy communication. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
“No.” Ava nuzzles into Bea’s naked shoulder, arm draped loosely around her waist. “Because you were already there to catch me.”
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chronic-ghost · 11 months
Tumblr media
title: nose as long as a telephone wire
rating: M (just for language)
pairing: javier peña x f!reader
word count: 4412
summary: you get too caught up in a phone call with your favorite DEA agent and accidentally let slip something very personal.
warnings: light angst, language, mentions of the cartel, mentions of drinking, obnoxious intros, comedy? i think i’m funny, part of a series but you can read alone
a/n: song lyrics come from Bad, Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce, and the last ones come from Tom Waits’ Yesterday is Here. Hope the anon who requested the series likes this - sequel to Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
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Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
A girl walks into a poker hall in Florida. 
She joins the game.
She wins. Everyone asks, ‘well, how’d that happen?’
Girl says, ‘I got magic powers that tell me when you’re lying.’
Wide-eyed, they all ask, ‘really?’
She says, ‘yep, and now you owe me fifty grand.’
They all laugh and easily hand over the money.
And then they try to kill her. 
Okay, sorry, that one isn’t all that funny. 
What about this one?
A girl walks into a diner in Texas at two in the morning. 
She’s scared, tired, and hungry. She solves most of these problems by ordering the biggest burger on the menu and pouring five shots of Crown Royal in her milkshake. And because she’s a lie detector and a lightweight, it all goes straight to her head. 
She starts to tell the guy next to her about her little situation in the poker hall. Guy’s nice, sympathetic, asks enough follow up questions to make him appear interested. 
And then he goes and lies to her. 
Girl says, ‘please don’t kill me, sir!’
And the guy says, in a gruff and very serious voice, ‘I’m not gonna kill you, I’m DEA.’
Oh, and, like, this guy is smokin’ hot. Like just come off the grill hot. Like you pick him up and you burn your fingers – ay, caliente! Like danger and sex all wrapped up into one. Oof, Mama Mia and the rest of the cast in Greece, y’know what I’m saying?
So, DEA agent wants to help. 
They flirt, they fight, and just as it seems, this one thing is going well, this only bright light in her life may actually hold a candle, she knows what she has to do.
She TASERS his ass. And all six feet of hotness drops, like a sack of potatoes. 
Girl drives off, knowing he’s better off without her.
. . . oh, you were expecting a punchline? 
Sorry, folks, this ain’t that kinda story. That girl just ain’t that kind of girl. 
Truth is . . . 
Funny little word, truth. It’s implicit that truth and trust come in the same bag. When you tell someone you trust them, you expect them to tell you the truth. Is it possible to have one without the other? If the truth is what we believe it to be, then how fragile is our trust? 
If you taser someone and leave them literally by the side of the road, what have you broken? Their trust or their understanding about the truth of who you are?
But what about –
“Okay, that’s enough philosophizing to my ten-year-old. I gotta get her ready for school then I gotta vacuum this rug before the day rush. Scoot.” Maria knocks your boots off the end of the bright red couch in the lobby of the Motel 6 on route 22 and you grin sheepishly up at her.
“Aw, c’mon, Mare, this is good for the kid. She’s learning so much.” You glance over at Maria’s daughter, Rio, ready to have her defend your proselytizing – when you meet her heated and leveled glare. You’ve never seen such a small child radiate such annoyance.
“Your jokes suck.” 
With a scowl, she stomps to her feet and lets her mother lead her off down the hall to one of the other empty hotel rooms, glaring at you over her shoulder. 
You wave a hand to her as you go, smiling flatly. “Thank you, Mare! I owe you one! And thank you so much, little girl, I’ll be here all week.” You dig into your coat pocket and pull out your half-way empty packet of smokes. “Everyone’s a friggin’ critic.” 
“Hey, you there! You can’t be smoking in here!” 
Birdie, another maid whom you promised to stay out of her way if she kept your “hideout” in one of the second floor empty rooms a secret, snaps at you over the counter. The hotel phone at the front desk rings and she answers it with one hand as she shoos you off. “Go on, take it outside!” 
Groaning, your body aching from the toll of driving forty-eight hours straight, you stand up, the unlit smoke between your lips. “Alright, alright, I’m going. Might die before I get there, but I’m going.”
But the other maid barks at you again, asking your name. 
“Monologue McQueen, that’s you, right?” She has the red handle pressed against her shoulder. “You’ve got a phone call.” 
The toll of outrunning the law and the cartel had taken its turn on Baby as well and the call is no doubt the mechanic calling with an update. You could have kissed Maria all over her face when she let you in at midnight and slipped you a key to a room at the end of the complex. She did owe you one after you proved her brother didn’t kill his boss – but that’s a story for another time. 
“Just send it up to my room, alright, Birdie? I’ll take it there. Thank you.”
You trudge out of the hotel lobby in the bright Colorado sunlight and take a deep breath. Colorado is markedly different from Texas. More mountains. More green. Less roads . . . and even less mouth-watering DEA agents. 
You stretch till you hear something crack and you shake out your head. Things had been going pretty well since Texas too. Made some money here and there – legally this time. You still hadn’t decided what to do with the fifty grand in your trunk (which had since been removed while Baby went to the doctor’s) but having it nearby was nice. A parachute if things got bad – or worse-r than they had been. But, counting no more run-ins with any government men or better yet, a complete lack of presence from the cartel – it seemed like everything that had happened since Florida was finally fading into the background. 
You light the cigarette as you bounce up the concrete steps. Using Maria’s master key, you let yourself into the small dark room that looked heaven-sent after days on the road. Dark wood paneled walls, orange carpet, a lime-green tiled bathroom, a rug that could make you dizzy if you stared at it for too long. Perfect. And you can smoke all you want. You breathe out into the low sunlit room and smoke wavered white then gray as it swam through the shadows. 
Sighing and realizing you should probably eat soon if you were going to pick up Baby, you toss off your jacket onto the bed. There’s a blinking red light over the phone as you pick up the receiver and sit down on the mattress. 
“Yellow.” You slip your cigarette into the ashtray and wait.
“Hey there,” the deep masculine voice drawls, “it’s Baby Cow Eyes. How’ve ya been?”
Either your knees buckled or the mattress dropped you but you hit the ground with a thump. 
“What was that?” 
Eyes level with the window, the glass covered by a gauzy white curtain, you inch down to the floor, one vertebrae at a time, the plastic phone shoved tightly against your ear. You think you can hear him breathing on the other line but that might be your own frantic panting. Shitshitshit. 
“Nothing,” you mutter. If you can get underneath the window, he might pass your room by. “Nothing at all.” 
“Why are you whispering? I’m not literally in the room.” 
The phone cradled by your shoulder, you slither, one arm at a time along that nauseating carpet, as far as the cord will allow. This is perfectly normal behavior for an adult woman. 
“And what room would that be?” You breathe, softly. “Huh, Agent Pena?” You think you see a flutter of movement on the other side of the window and you jerk back against the door, toes clenched, eyes shut, and bottom lip bitten to the point of pain. 
“I don’t know.” 
Your eyes pop open. “What?” 
The bastard actually laughs. 
“If you know what hotel I’m at,” you hiss, jerking the curtain to the side from your protected corner to peer out into the open hallway, “why aren’t you kicking down doors and swinging around that big, thick badge?” 
“Why do you think?” You think you can hear the chunk of a gas pump turning off. 
“Psychological warfare. You’re gonna nuke the motel from space. Who knows?
You had to drop off Baby at the mechanics and one of his crew gave you a ride back to the motel. That was this morning and since then, not another car had pulled into the motel’s parking lot. Crouching on your knees, you spare a glance into the parking lot below. Still empty. 
Over the phone, Javi’s sigh is garbled. “That sounds like a lot of work, sweetheart.” 
Your fingers tightened around the plastic. “But you are coming for me, right?”
He inhales and, in the space, you hear the car door slam shut. “That’s right.” 
You put the receiver against your chest and, as silent as a church mouse, you mouth:
“You still there?” The vibrations are muffled in your shirt. 
“Where are you?” you ask, shoving the phone back against your ear. You scan the parking lot one more time just in case of a surprise attack. “At least do the sporting thing and give me a head start.” 
Javi huffs over the rumble of the engine as it overturns. “Oh, hell no. You got your one and only head start two days ago. When you tased me.”
“Okay, see, you sound mad about that. My concern about psychological warfare doesn’t seem so crazy now, does it?” 
“I’m not mad.” You could almost picture the frown, dark eyebrows drawn in, glaring at the phone like it had personally offended him.
You grimace. “How’s your face?”
There’s a pause, as if he wasn’t expecting that question. 
“It’s fine. Had worse,” he grumbles. “Barely even feel it any more.”
“When you growl like that, it makes me feel like you’re still mad.” 
“I’m not –,” He cuts himself off and you grin. If you were keeping a tally, which you definitely weren’t, then you just got a little tick next to Javi’s zero. “What are you doing out in Colorado?” 
“This feels like entrapment.” 
“I’ve got about eight hours ahead of me,” he sighs and you can see his broad fingers tighten over the steering wheel. “This isn’t entrapment, it’s conversation.” 
Eight hours. That gave you enough time to get Baby back and . . .
Unless he is . . .
See, there’s one little problem with your gift and the government goon is toeing dangerously close to finding it out. Shitdumb, bad fucking luck. 
“A conversation, huh?” You rub your forehead with your fingers. This is going to end so badly. “Alright. You start. How did you find me?” 
“Mhmm, I was hoping we’d play twenty questions.” 
You pull back and stare at the holes in the receiver. Was he flirting with you?
But he continues, “After I came to and found my phone shattered, another thoughtful parting gift from you, I think it was safe to say you were spooked. Route 22 was the closest highway. Giving your headstart, I had a guess where you might be.” 
“So, what, you started calling all the motels along route 22?”
“You mentioned you liked places with pools. Started with those first.” 
Parts of that night were very clear in your mind – the way he looked at you at the counter, the way he chuckled, his hands on you when he hauled you off the back of Baby’s hood. 
When he said you were smart, funny, resourceful. 
However, there were other things that were decidedly not as clear. 
“I never said that.”
“Yes, you did. You talked about pools when you held me hostage for an hour relaying your life’s story.”
You scowl and stand up, uneasily convinced he wasn’t about to burst your door down. You loop the cord through your fingers. “I said I stayed in places with pools because they needed a maid, not because I liked going there.” 
Again, Javi laughs, deep and relaxed, and the world flares brightly for a minute. 
“Sweetheart, you and I both know there isn’t a goddamn thing on this earth that could make you do something you didn’t want to do.” 
For a second you could see it. Clear in your mind. Bright, gold sunlight. Open road, warm desert sand, the roar of Baby’s engine –
– his hand over your knee and he laughs – 
“You know, I don’t think I ever said sorry about your face.” You swallow, sitting back on the bed and taking up your cigarette again. You take three long puffs in the silence, appreciative that there is quiet to steady your nerves. The room smells like clean cotton and ash. “And . . . I’m sorry for tasing you. You were nothing but nice to me and I . . . I shouldn’t have done that.”
Leather squeaks as if he’s adjusting in his seat, the engine humming over the line. 
“I got close to a woman with a history of cutting and running. You wouldn’t be alive right now if you weren’t a little bit . . . shifty.” 
Despite his familiar teasing, you glance at the window, fearing something else scarier than your DEA shadow. From the beginning, he said he wasn’t going to hurt you or kill you and he hadn’t lied about that. 
It had been too long since you felt the barbs of that night in Florida but now you can feel them prickle under your skin. 
“S-s-shifty, huh?” You can’t fight the sting in the back of your throat. You wrap an arm over your waist and clutch the phone tighter. “The way you say it, it sounds like a compliment.”
“It is.” 
“So you’re not mad about your face?”
He sighs and you swear you can hear his teeth grinding.
“I’m not mad about my face, I’m mad you got the drop on me, alright? Shoulda seen that comin’ a mile away.”
You scoff. “Hey, pal, that shit’s original. No one expects the secret taser.”
“How many of those do you have?”
“Why? Planning on making them standard issue?”
“No, sweetheart, we have actual guns for that. I just need to know how many to search for.” 
“And give up my one defense? Now that wouldn’t be very shifty of me.”
He chuckles again, the sound pulling a smile from you. “Smart, babygirl, smart.” 
With the cigarette between your fingers, you kick off your boots and they land with two loud thuds.
“What was that? Sounds like you’re moving.” 
“Darn, you caught me.” You lean back, your spine propped up by the scratchy pillows, your feet stretched out in front of you. With the hum of Javi’s car, as tinny and distant as it might be, you can almost picture yourself in the seat next to him. He’d have the windows down, enjoying the air in the late afternoon. Maybe the radio is on. And he's bad, bad Leroy Brown
The baddest man in the whole damn town. You flex your toes, enjoying the warmth of the sun on your arm, your thigh. “I’m sneaking out the back right now. I’m hunkering down and slipping into the night.” 
“Ah, I’ve been thinking of all the ways I can say this to you: bullshit. It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Try again.” 
Your heart squeezes, but in a good way, like you’ve swallowed bubbles and they’re making your lungs all jittery. 
You glance at the empty spot next to you, looking for his jeans, his wide hands. 
“You’ve been thinking about me?” It’s breathless, surprised. You don’t mean to sound so pleased. You realize the cigarette has been burning untouched and is in danger of collapsing. Cursing to yourself, you reach over and tap it out. 
“Just how to be one step ahead of you, sweetheart.” His words slow you down. The half-smoked cigarette, burnt and ashen, tumbles from your fingers as you let it fall into the ashtray. You pull your legs up to your chest. 
“But things are getting serious out in Florida, in Bogota,” he continues, the teasing lilt from his voice gone. “We really need your testimony. Could save a lot of people’s lives.”
You watch his sunglasses slip down over his nose, just enough to catch yours and really stick in the knife. The engine roars as he guns the gas.
“Javi,” you begin slowly. “I’ve made a lot of enemies. Not just in the cartel. I mean, those are probably the baddest, but I can’t show my face in certain places. You can’t protect me every second of every day.”
“What makes you think I can’t?” 
He won’t look at you now and you stare blankly. How many times were you going to hurt this man?
“You couldn’t see me coming, for one.”
You grimace, eyes squeezing shut. “I’m sorry, Javi, I–,”
“You’re right.” He visibly swallows, and he switches his grip on the steering wheel. “I broke your trust.”
You try to smile to comfort him, but know he wouldn’t appreciate your pity. You pick at the torn thread on your jeans. “If it makes you feel any better, I don’t trust anyone.” 
“Well, I guess for someone who – how did you phrase it? ‘Gives trouble a little wink and blows a kiss as you drive by’ – you’ve got to be a little paranoid.” 
Your mouth falls open and he smirks, his aviators back high on his face. 
“I did not say that.” 
“You definitely did, sweetheart. From your lips to my ears. Gotta make up for the fact that I got accused of not listening last time.” 
His hand is on the gear shift. The light hair on the back of his wrist and forearm glows in the late evening sun. You think about what it would be like to touch it. 
“How’s Steve, by the way?”
Javi snorts and rolls his eyes. “That dumbass? He’s fine. Been duck hunting while on leave. Goddamn Deliverance shit.”
“An activity he shares with Mrs. Steve, I’m assuming?”
“Nah, Connie’s too good for that. Too good for him, as I like to remind him.” 
“What’s he like? What’s Connie like?”
He pauses, thoughtful. “Connie likes cats. Blonde. They both are. He’s a good agent. They’ve got a little girl, actually. Adopted her, in Bogota.”
“That’s nice. They sound like good people.” 
“They are. Steve’s lucky to have her.”
The car slows, the ringing warning of an oncoming train has him stop before a long stretch of railroad tracks. He taps the wheel with his fingers. The wind comes in and ruffles his hair. He’s handsome in a way that is almost overwhelming. Like you wouldn’t know what to do if he actually looks at you with intention. 
The train roars as it passes, the blinking red lights like cosmic stars across his face. You pick at lint on your sock because he can’t be blamed for it, and you should try and make nice. So you open your mouth and ask,
“So is Mrs. Javi still planning on taking me out by the kneecaps? I’ll give her at least two free shots.”
He makes a noise somewhere between a laugh and a groan. He adjusts on the seat and cracks his neck. 
“Oh, yeah, you really got Mrs. Javi all worked up.” 
“Then send her my regards. How should I fill out the card with her flowers?” 
There is silence on the other end. The train whistles and the lights flash. The car rumbles from the force of the train, the weight of gravity. The heavy sun is hovering just above the horizon, going red against the mountains. Like a cracked chicken egg with a smear of blood.
“I can’t tell if you’re fucking with me.” 
You sit up higher on the bed and cross your arms. 
“What do you mean?” 
Javi glances from the train, to you, the red lights hiding any blush on his cheeks. He frowns. 
“I’m– I’m not married. That . . . was a lie. There’s no one waiting for–,” 
Fuck. Fuck fuck shit. Of all the ways for him to find out. Goddamn it. You lean forward onto your knees, groaning, as you wait for it to sink in. He twists in his seat to you, rabid delight on his face.
“Hang on a fuckin’ second, you’re telling me that little trick of yours doesn’t work over the phone?” 
You shake your head. Why, why did you bring up the wife? That’s, like, rule number one. 
“Sorry to disappoint,” you sigh, admitting defeat, and pick at your socks. “Over the phone just isn’t as good as the real thing.” 
He laughs in disbelief. There might be some red in his cheeks after all. “Uh, yeah. I’d have to agree with that.”
He sits back in his seat, mouth agape, as the last of the train cars rumble through. The ticking of the warning signs slows and the barrier raises. Javi distractedly puts the car into drive and it shudders as it goes over the tracks. 
“So what other limitations do you have?”
“I don’t know,” you answer truthfully. “I’ve never put it to the test. As far as I can remember, it only ever makes me money or gets me into trouble.” 
“Really? You’ve never been curious.”
“People like me aren’t afford the luxury of being curious.” You glance out the window, at the darkening farmland rushing by. “We just hope to get by. See one day after the next.”
“I know what that’s like,” he murmurs. “Now knowing if you’ll make till sunrise. It’s a bad way to live.” 
“Yeah,” you agree, eyes shut. “It is.” His spine is straight, gaze forward, but his knuckles around the wheel are white. Sunlight is fading fast. “How’d you live with it?”
“Didn’t. Not well, at least. Dealt with the worst of it by drinking. Met with people I shouldn’t have.”
Your stomach clenches as you try and decipher his meaning. People, being other agents, the cartel itself, or even women –
There’s no one waiting for me, he was going to say.
“It’s lonely,” you say. You see him nod in the silence.
You bite the inside of your inner lip. “You don’t have to agree with me, you know? I really can’t tell if you’re lying or not right now, so you –,”
You don’t have to pretend to care.
“I’m not lying,” he soothes. You wonder if he could be this kind in person. “Someone once told me starting off a conversation with a lie is not a good way to make a friend.”
You smile out of the corner of your mouth. “That’s good advice. You should keep her around, whoever said that.”
“I’m trying.” 
You can feel the shake of the car over the road. Twilight has come, purple and heavy, drawing shadows where there used to be light. Javi takes off his sunglasses and drops them in the clutch of his front shirt, but in the faint light you can’t quite see his eyes.
“I did watch Dr. Pole,” he offers, “had to see what all the fuss was about.”
“You liar.”
He laughs and his fingers bump your knee. “Just making sure.” 
You want to stay here with him, but you know you can’t. You squeeze your eyes shut and open them to the dark, warm hotel room.
“Javi, I – I have to go.”
“I know,” he says, his voice running thin through the phone line. You twist away from the headboard, your feet touching the orange carpet. The street lights outside your window have come on, leeching the color from your room. It feels sterile now, less welcoming. Another moment of peace, gone. Another location burned. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
You huff a laugh, in spite of yourself. “That’s not the comfort you think it is.” 
The car hums, swallowing up anything he might have said. 
“But there is something I wanted to say, before you go. Before you tased me, which was a one time thing by the way, I, uh, actually had a nice time with you. I wouldn’t call it a barrel full of monkeys, but . . . you, uh, surprised me.” 
You can almost picture the way he curls around the plastic handle, broad shoulders folding in on themselves as if to make his joy as small as possible. Protect it from prying eyes. 
“Of course, you did. Chocolate waterslide and all that.” 
You can feel his smile, even if you can’t see it. You slide your shoes back on, and gather up your jacket. It wouldn’t take you that long to walk to the mechanics and you remember seeing a diner on the drive back this morning. You wondered if they’d let you sleep for a few hours in a booth.
“Oh, uh, just one more thing,” you say, the cord around your fingers. “You still haven’t told me your real name. At the diner, you said it was Javi, but that’s just a nickname, right? What’s your name?”
“You gonna frame me for murder or something?”
“Or something, sure.” 
“My name’s Javier. Javier Peña.”
“Nice to meet you, Javier.”
“Call me Javi.” 
You don’t really know how to end it, can’t really speak with the knot in your throat, so you click the receiver back into its cradle. You hope he won’t think you’re rude for not saying goodbye. 
The mountain air has turned cool without the sun, night curling around the motel like a lazy black cat. You lock the door behind you and leave the key on the doorframe, with a note inside on the bedside table thanking Maria for her kindness and explaining why you’re leaving. 
There are still no cars in the parking lot, but the light to the lobby is on behind the closed curtains. You wonder if the maids are playing poker in there.
You begin to whistle, the canvas bag with fifty thousand dollars in cash slung over your shoulder, as you walk down the road, gravel crunching beneath your feet, wondering where he’s going to eat tonight, what music he might like, and if anything he said today was true. You whistle and listen for the sound of his engine. 
And the road is out before me
And the moon is shining bright
What I want you to remember
As I disappear tonight
Today is gray skies
Tomorrow is tears
You'll have to wait
Till yesterday is here
111 notes · View notes
crplpunkklavier · 1 year
thoughts on vongole, and kristoph as a dog owner
DISCLAIMER: i am not a professional in dog care nor training. i have had and trained a dog for many years now, but he is not a retriever. i've studied up on other breeds out of curiosity (and due diligence tbh). if anything i say here is factually wrong and you know more, feel free to reach out!
Kristoph: Ah, yes, she's surprisingly delicate, you know. Requires careful tending. But, she is my "best friend", as they say. Phoenix: "Best"...? Come on, now I'm starting to feel bad for you. Kristoph: Oh? Of course, she's known to bite if handled roughly. Phoenix: Y-Your rose bites? Kristoph: ...... I was speaking of the photo next to the rose. My retriever, Vongole. Cute, but feisty.
this is all we ever learn about vongole. am i going crazy about it? maybe. (also, after this line, phoenix thinks to himself, "every dog has its thorn..." as if that means literally anything. i love him so)
vongole is one of my favorite mysteries about kristoph. she is not at all relevant in aa4, and if she was only ever going to be in this tiny bit of flavor text (so easily missable too!) why put her in at all? was she going to play a bigger role in a later game that shu takumi never got to bless us with? i guess it's possible. that would lift vongole on the same level as those pesky black psyche locks. but either way, we have her here, and that means i get to overanalyze her :)
or more accurately, i get to overanalyze kristoph gavin on the basis that he has a dog who
is a retriever
is "surprisingly delicate"
requires careful tending
is his best friend, as they say
bites if handled roughly
hey. what the fuck does any of that mean, kris?
lets start with the breed. i've mentioned in a post before that many of us seem to have collectively decided that vongole is a golden retriever, which seems fitting, since those are famous blondes, just like the other gavins. however, "retriever" doesn't automatically mean golden retriever! there are a few other retriever breeds. you're probably familiar with labrador retrievers, for instance. i have a curly-coated retriever in my neighborhood who, you guessed it, has a charming curly coat, pitch black, and is a trained service dog!
we often see retrievers as service dogs, because they're pretty fit for the job. the name retriever comes from hunting though. while my own dog is more engaged in actually running ahead and killing prey himself (no i don't let him do that.), retrievers have been bred to go and, well, retrieve prey for the hunters. this of course means that you can also teach them to retrieve other stuff for you fairly easily. like meds, socks, blankets -- stuff a service dog would be helpful for.
apart from that, retrievers are also known to be good family dogs, because they're friendly, affectionate, loyal, and quick to trust. they're also very active, and pretty smart! there are minor differences between the various retriever breeds, but this much goes for all of them to some extent.
why in the world does kristoph have a dog?
i... just..... does he seem like a dog person to you?? i just.... i mean, he doesn't seem like a cat person to me either. or a plant person. maybe he doesn't seem like a person to me. i just really stumble over this sometimes, because it seems wild to me to think that kristoph gavin got himself a retriever just because he.... wanted a retriever?
the guy works what's pretty much an office job. his salary shouldn't be very high, as a defense attorney? but, well, he's implied to like high-profile cases, and he had the money to employ an assistant, so i don't think he's poor. he needs time and space for a retriever, though. vongole isn't a little shih tzu who's happy to just hang out on your lap all day. again, REALLY active. this is a dog who wants AT LEAST an hour of outside time a day. kristoph gavin doesn't even look like he's ever seen the sun. but ok.
one frankly hilarious route i've considered is that he wanted a dog for protection. klavier says he's been "living in fear" ever since zak gramarye disappeared on him, and then he panicked enough to straight up beat him to death the minute he saw him again seven years later. he's paranoid, he's spying on everyone involved. i think kristoph really was very scared. so maybe at some point he figured he'd get himself a dog that would protect him from assailants.
i say this is hilarious because..... a retriever is not the dog you want, man. like, yeah, she'll be loyal to you if she likes you. the problem is she is also really quick to like you, or the intruder in your house, or the guy coming to your office to kill you. if kris got a retriever because he wanted a guard dog, that was a fantastic bit of stupidity, and i personally love it for him.
another angle i like, one that makes him a little less stupid and a little more horrifying, is appearances.
But, she is my "best friend", as they say.
this line really does something to my brain. kristoph gavin talks like a law text book at the best of times, so the somewhat awkward wording of it isn't really what's bothering me. it's the fact that he said it at all. it's that very last part. the "as they say." because, yeah, sure, people say that. yeah yeah, man's best friend, we've all seen it.
and it just... seems so very kristoph to latch onto a truism about human beings, to make himself look like one. look at him! he's got a suit, he's got a job. he's totally on speaking terms with his brother. when the bar association voted to disbar phoenix, he was the only one who voted against that (one more thing i'd love to make a big post about one day lol), he has regular dinner with his good friend phoenix wright, he has an assitant, he has a law office. he probably has a car, because it's LA. he has a savings account. that's not, like, canon, but he does. of course he also has a dog. he's just a regular human guy! he likes poetry and the arts. his best friend is a dog, and more than that, a breed which is known for its gentleness, and for how great they are with..... children :)
let's all sit back and let that chill go down our spine for a sec.
kristoph got a retriever to prove something. kristoph got a retriever for the same reason that he made friends with vera misham before he tried to kill her.
remember what his prison cell looks like? with the books, the arm chair, the violin? he keeps up appearances, even after his arrest. of course he'd put up a framed picture of his beloved dog. like any normal human person would.
but did he treat her well?
well...... well.
here's the thing.
i don't think kristoph gavin is an animal abuser. i don't think he treated her badly. but that's a sliding scale, with dogs, and with most pets, isn't it? if i'm never outright mean or violent to my dog, that's great, but if i never give him enrichment, if i never learn to read his body language, if i never give him what he fundamentally needs as a certain animal of a certain breed, i'm still not treating him well. i'm not treating him right, i'm just not overtly torturing him.
back to kristoph. in this vein, i often think about what we hear of his interactions with young vera. one thing that particularly sticks out to me is how drew misham says that kristoph was one of the very few people who ever made her smile.
kristoph clearly has a way with children, to an extent. he knows to get her that stamp -- he actually understands her childish fascination with magic a little too well and gets her a present that she likes so much it thwarts his whole plan. keep in mind that vera was 12 -- when kristoph's younger brother was 12, kristoph was 19 already, old enough to consciously learn things about the 12-year-old in his household. he knows kids, and he gets through to them.
but never fully, does he? klavier figured out something was off about the way his brother came to his office. and even vera, despite smiling at kristoph so earnestly, despite really loving that stamp, despite being only 12, even vera was so horrified by that little twitch of the devil's hand. there was always something uncanny about kristoph.
why am i bringing that up? i'm not saying everyone who's good with children will be good with dogs, or the other way around. but there is common ground. you're dealing with a living thing that's smaller than you, dependent on you, and you're building a relationship that'll take a lot of calmness, understanding, and reassurance. kids often can't express themselves in ways adults would immediately understand, and neither can dogs.
and i think kristoph got about as far with vongole as he did with vera. i think vongole liked him fine. again, retrievers are quick to like people. he was there, he fed her, he probably gave up trying not to let her up on the couch. sure she liked him. but did she listen to him?
before i ever had a dog, my mom used to tell me that she thought the concept of dog training (the german word is Hundeschule, so literally "dog school") was stupid, that she'd had a dog as a kid, and that dog didn't have to know any tricks, it wasn't a circus animal! well, my mom was also bad with every pet we've ever had, and with all three of her kids. so.
look, it's important that your dog listens to you. i'm just saying. no, it doesn't have to know "circus tricks," although depending on the breed, it might have fun learning them! and it definitely just. it needs the basics. your dog needs to understand what "no" means, and your dog should come when called -- i know we're all tired of alpha terminology and it's constantly used wrong, but, genuinely, your dog needs to know that you're the leader of the pack. your dog needs that, it's good for the dog. turns out i was also using it wrong! this reblog explains what i meant to say better than i could. my point was that you have got to give your dog something, some form of structure. for the dog's own cognitive development, for you to work as a union, and last but not least to make sure you don't bring harm to the outside world!
and, yeah, this is absolutely the part where i think kristoph failed. because no, i don't think he was ever violent with her or anything, but i also don't think he would ever have the patience it takes for solid dog training.
why else does he, unprompted, bring up that she is "surprisingly" delicate, and requires "careful" tending? kris, did you not know? why are you surprised by how delicate a literal living thing is? did you accidentally step on her paw and she acted like it's the end of the world? yeah, they do that. did you come home late from the office one night and there was a pile of poop on your overturned laundry basket? hmm. if only something could be done about that.
the "bite if handled roughly" part is the last one i wanna talk about, because that also gave me a lot of trouble.
i mean... dogs bite. they do! mine bites. especially puppies are happy to play-bite, often into hands, and it's important to get that under control while they're young. this also loops us all the way back around to vongole being a retriever. remember, they're bred to carry stuff in their mouths. it is in this dog's dna to use her mouth for stuff.
this means she might be bite-happy in a very specific way. i've actually read multiple times that retriever bites are "soft", because again, they're just supposed to retrieve game when hunting, not kill it themselves. it's already dead, and a dog actually biting into it would make it yucky for humans to eat. retrievers are good at moderating bite strength for that.
but.... it doesn't sound like that's what kristoph is talking about, is it? she's known to bite if handled roughly. that sounds like she really bites. and of course she does. if handled roughly. hey, what the fuck does that mean, handled roughly? who's handling her roughly?
again, this doesn't necessarily scream animal abuse. as @mlmschemes, out of professional experience, has brought up, there are certain things that need to be done during a vet visit that dogs don't always love, especially if they aren't used to it, like nail trims, to state the easiest one. you might have to hold a dog down for that. and if that dog is trained and socialized like ass, yeah, she'll bite if handled roughly.
but, hey, don't worry. she's just feisty. :) cute but feisty, he says.
just like every fucking dog owner i've ever met in the neighborhood who has a half-rabid untrained menace that would probably tear my face from my skull if not for its stupid retractable leash.
kristoph wants to be a dog owner because it's a fun normal human thing to do and makes him look non-threatening, well-adjusted, and generally likeable. but he sucks at dog training. nobody has ever fully believed the guy--fucking, even apollo IMMEDIATELY deserts him in court. kristoph lives a superficial life and vongole probably has zero trouble becoming the best friend of whoever gets her next.
just to bring this already embarrassingly long post to a point and an end, here's some quick tips from me for portraying vongole, and by extension kristoph dealing with her:
retrievers are affectionate, so vongole is probably a cuddler
kristoph probably has fur fucking everywhere. he comes into the office with a briefcase thats just filled with lint rollers
vongole knows exactly zero commands. if you have food in your hand, she will sit down, because sometimes that gets her things, and she will try to use it at every possible opportunity
if sitting down doesn't work, she will become more and more annoying. if my dog felt like i wasn't giving him enough attention, he used to walk up to my desk and nudge my forearm with his nose so strongly that my grip on my computer mouse would slip and i would fuck up whatever i was working on.
kristoph loses patience with her. it'd be interesting to write, because he'd want to save face if it happens in public, too. he can't yell at his dog there, that'd look bad. i imagine a lot of insistent leash tugging, a lot of ill-advised grabbing/holding her (here's where he probably gets bitten too), and a lot of smiling and laughing and being like "ohh, haha, she's just so feisty today, what's going on ooo she's so nice normally haha"
i doubt he played much with her? she probably had toys, but for kristoph to interact with them a lot.... you can play fetch with retrievers pretty well, because, once again, they're retrievers. and that's a pretty classic "look at me i'm a normal dog owner" thing to do, so he probably has some like, tennis balls and stuff that he'd throw for her. but that's probably it.
if you write vongole changing owners to klavier and/or apollo, please please please let her do a full 180. if you're going by what i've theorized here vis à vis kristoph, that dog is DESPERATE to learn. dogs want jobs and she would be SOOO happy to be trained.
forget that thing about old dogs and new tricks. my dog is 8 years old and i'm currently teaching him a new command, for funsies. it's working and he loves it. you can write vongole becoming a model citizen at any age. i implore you to.
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 9 months
Hey there! Can you do some Cole and Seth crushing headcanons pls? (If you don't want that's okay :])
I don't have the seth bundle so unfortunately I don't know a thing abt him and I don't wanna write your pookie wrong cuz I know how infuriating that can be but I'd be happy to write abt cole!! (I'm mentally ill)
falling for you hcs w some of my fav boyz (cole, reece, and cashew)
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he falls fast and he falls HARD. scraped his knee and everything.
he will do anything for you
like literally anything
your shoes untied? he ties em for you. oh you need a ride to work? say no more. you're hungry? let bro cook.
also he is mentally ill. I think he has bpd but I could be wrong
you are easily his favorite person. he is obsessed with you. he gets jealous and upset when you're not around him for too long because he worries you'll forget about him and the other person will steal you away.
he wants to devote his life to you and you only. nothing else matters. no one else matters (lol yandere sim reference)
anyways he's constantly trying to do things for you
helping you run errands, making sure you're eating and drinking enough water, getting you trinkets and doohickies he thinks you'll like, just overall being your number one supporter and your biggest fan
it's implied he has an actual shrine of the player in his closet somewhere in the game so. if you wanna interpret that as him being so fr go ahead
all in all, you are his everything and there's nothing he wouldn't do to make you happy and to hopefully get you to feel the same.
mrrp meow mrrrp mrrp mrow
I love autism representation that doesn't involve harmful stereotypes
anyways. reece is a hopelessly romantic lovebug I think
he doesn't know how to flirt like at all so he just. meows at you and hopes you meow back
and he gets really excited when you do
he doesn't mean to, but he often shows affection by infodumping about his hyperfixations and special interests and then gets really embarrassed and apologizes a bunch later
please reassure his silly ass
also he forgets to drink water and do basic things for himself so if you remind him he's gonna fall head over heels all over again
also if you're neurodivergent he really loves hearing you talk abt your hyperfixations and special interests!!!!!! he loves it a lot!!!!!!!!
he tries to remember all of the little things but he forgets some stuff
but like if you mention that you think you wanna go to italy on a whim one (1, singular) time he's like "okay so we're going to italy" like a day later
also takes you to the renaissance era cuz it's pretty
and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he confessed to you on the titanic
he unintentionally starts picking up stuff you say or do like if you have a stim where you say "yipee!!" like the autism creature he starts doing that
or like if you walk a certain way he starts walking like that without meaning to
long story short his main flirting tactic is being autistic and meowing at you
anyways so you're friends. you are friends
and one day you're in the library helping him pick out a book and your hand brushes against his while you're walking back to the car
except he brushes it off in his head cuz i mean come on. you're best friends.
and then like a day later he finds out the book you guys picked was an erotica or whatever it's called so he gets an absolutely jumpscare when the guy in the story pulls his dick out
like this was his exact reaction
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anyways in his head he's imagining one of the characters is you. like without even realizing it he's just like "oh yeah they've got h/c hair and e/c eyes and oh wait"
and when he realizes he's thinking of you he starts to panic like "WHAT THE FUCK IM IN LOVE WITH THEM. ok" and he comes to terms with it in like 15 minutes
but he starts doing a bunch more favors for you like carrying your stuff for you and offering you his coat
he is not subtle at all
like its so painfully obvious by the way he looks at you that he's head over heels
he doesn't know how to flirt honestly
it doesn't take long for him to just tell you how he feels
sorry this was so short lmfaoo thank you for the request!!!!! <33
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doomed-era · 2 months
..gaffen and zeldas horses pre and post cal (including hylia brainworms)? names + personalities perhabs
hehe oh this might be long. because I . uh
drew all of them.
gaffen has five horses so. full slots in-game yea. non-"special" horses are sneaky, cheese, and epona! the giant horse is named pumpkin, and the white horse is named cloud, however he does not really consider cloud his horse. he also did the epona thing </3 i am taking a little artistic license with the horses because I want there to be different heights + builds for them uh yea. i used to be really into horses growing up so its my right. horse isle 2 babeeyyyy
sneaky -- mare, skewbald, 14.5 hh. I would say she's probably descended from horses that were already running wild around hyrule from before the calamity. I'd say her build is similar to that of an american mustang for that reason (short, very hardy. tho tbf I really dont think a lot of feral horses WOULDNT be like this. im just. messing around) she's gaffen's first horse, and his favorite one.
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she's about seven years old now? gaffen caught her when she was fairly young and very soon after he left the great plateau so she took to him very well. shes very gentle and intelligent, generally speaking doesn't know what to do around monsters. gaffen had to train her to not shy around them because she is not a fan and is kind of a coward </3 she knows a bunch of tricks like shaking hands and standing up on her hind legs, retrieving objects, and other stuff. she's very treat-oriented and will listen to anyone who gives her food. this actually led to a yiga kidnapping? once? yeah the yiga tried to steal her oops. her name is sneaky bc gaffen had to sneak up on her to catch her. very creative
epona -- mare, flaxen chestnut, 13.9 hh, about six years old. also descended from already-feral horses, though she may have a little farm horse that got free in there. she's the second horse gaffen registered!
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epona started just. following gaffen one day. this is presumably because she was bored and smelled food on him. she's a very bold horse, and not afraid of a fight. she also gets bored really easily, so gaffen has taught her several tricks as well. she really likes people, and is the most vocal of gaffen's horses. gaffen named her after a story he heard about chosen heroes naming their horses epona, as he didn't know the story when he found sneaky.
cheese-- stallion, 15hh blue roan. he's descended from horses used by the hyrulean military. he's got a very long, pretty mane and is very well-built, similar to an andalusian.
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cheese was named after his coat color and markings. he's around seven, and is gaffen's fourth horse. gaffen thought he looked like mold but the stable owner he tried to register him at (it was tasseren) said he wouldnt let gaffen name a horse mold. so he settled on cheese. cheese is generally a very sweet horse who loves attacking monsters. he's kind of annoying around people he doesn't know and will nibble on your clothes. but! he is a great jumper and people have asked gaffen if they could breed cheese with their mares once or twice. his favorite treat is apple horse treats that some stables will sell
pumpkin -- 23 hh mare, technically this coloration I dont THINK exists irl but the closest is probably a liver chestnut. she has the build of a shire more or less, and her bloodline is believed to be the result of an abandoned breeding project in the gerudo highlands.
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pumpkin is AGGRESSIVE. towards horses, people, what have you. the problem is she's very attached to gaffen and gaffen as far as hes concerned thinks pumpkin can do no wrong. she runs over things with no remorse. its not like she wants to she just doesnt care. gaffen thinks she was the matriarch of her old herd. she's a very proud horse and refuses to do tricks but she is very affectionate towards gaffen and generally listens to him. her favorite treat is endura carrots. she is the fourth horse gaffen has registered and is around fourteen years old.
cloud-- 14.2 hh white stallion, around nine years old. my god I did not want to make him white I wanted to make him a grey or ivory or perlino but nooo. canonical pink nose which means he's probably white ew ew ew. anyway he is based on an arabian horse, however I gave him feathering, he's kinda fuzzier than an arabian and he probably has a mane more like an andalusian. i love andalusians. but he descended from a special breed of horses called the hyrulean imperial breed! they're a hotblooded breed known for their intelligence and grace.
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cloud is the last horse gaffen registered, probably because it was so frustrating to catch him. unfortunately toffa was a LITTLE bit more picky in this au lets say. and didnt just look for a white horse but something with the breed characteristics of a a hyrulean imperial. so gaffen ended up catching several horses either sired by cloud or part of his herd that were a similar color. cloud, uh, well he hates everyone. he is wild as they come, very difficult to train, even for someone who likes training horses and had quite a bit of experience like gaffen did at the time. this was only exacerbated by hylia having recently popped into gaffen's head and insisting he give the horse to widget and train him properly, which only made him more angry at the horse. gaffen just. didnt really treat him well. to him, that is not his horse. cloud is a big fan of apples but he also likes sugar cubes-- basically anything sweet.
ok pre-calamity horses now
chestnut-- 15 hh mahogany bay gelding, 15 at the time of the calamity.
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chestnut is a horse that gaffen got from his parents when he was thirteen. it took him a bit to get used to riding but once he understood it and began to bond with chestnut he fell in love with horses. they're better than dogs, obviously. chestnut was basically the perfect companion-- he was trained very well for his job before gaffen got him and had a gentle disposition. chestnut, unlike gaffen, seemed to enjoy the company of just about everyone, and most stables gaffen went to complimented him on how well-kept and good-natured chestnut was. when the calamity hit gaffen ordered the boy under him who was responsible for the horses to set chestnut and the other horses free. it's unknown if the horse survived.
lily -- 14.2 hh white mare, around 5 years old at the time of the calamity. I DO NOT KNOW WHY WE CAME UP WITH THE SAME NAME </3 she is a hyrulean imperial
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widget did not like lily at first, and lily did not like her. though she was trained to be ridden without complaint by the royal family specifically the horse had a way of being annoying without technically going outside of the rules she was trained to follow. though some stablehands suggested she take some time to learn better riding habits widget didn't really care to do it as she had made up her mind that she didn't like horses and didn't want to put any effort into learning how to bond with hers. eventually, with some help from gaffen the Horse Obsessed Freak, widget does learn to like and work with lily and they get along fairly well.
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swabian-princess · 1 year
Domestic engineer tales - daily cleaning routine
Hey girlies,
as we all know - I'm a proud domestic engineer (aka SAHGF) and while this life is very soft I still have responsibilities. One of them is cleaning.
I grew up with a mother that wasn't about cleaning all the time. Sure, the basics were always done but she wasn't bothered if some pet hair was on the couch or if the kitchen wasn't cleaned until the next day.
Well, my bf is the direct opposite. He hates dirt, dust, stains, pet hair and the list goes on. Basically - he wants our apartment to look like nobody lives there. He's a perfectionist and he can't relax if he suspects the apartment is not clean. That's when I enter the game - it's my task to tidy the apartment every day, so he can come home and simply relax.
I'm not going to lie - it was really rough in the beginning because it seems like this man can smell a faint stain on a towel ten miles away.
Realize that maintenance is key!
It took some time for me to realize this. Just trust me - it's way easier to clean just a little bit every day than to spend hours cleaning once a week.
1. vacuuming
My first step is always vacuuming the whole apartment. I need roughly 30-45 min to thoroughly vacuum the apartment. My holy grail tip is to invest in a wireless vacuum cleaner. It doesn't have to be the newest dyson! In fact, bf and I have three vacuum cleaners: two dysons, one of them wireless and one Phillips, and I absolutely prefer the Philipps one over both the dysons.
2. dusting
I hate dust. It makes my nose itch and my eyes water - so there is a strong no dust policy in my home! I just grab an good old swiffer and simply dust off all my counters and all the surfaces in the apartment.
3. disinfect
I blame the pandemic for my urge to disinfect everything. I love sagrotan cleaning wipes and I always buy them in bulk when they're on sale. I wipe down my kitchen counters and every other surface in the apartment. I've been doing this for a few months now and I don't see any damage on our furniture that could be caused by the wipes.
I also wipe down my bathrooms - my sink, the water taps and the complete toilet. I also spray down the toilet and my door handles with disinfectantspray for extra protection.
4. polishing
We have quite a few glass surfaces that need to be polished every day because they tend to get grease stains very easily. I take a microfiber towel and a cotton towel and spray those surfaces with a special glass cleaner, rub it in with the microfiber towel and dry with the cotton towel for a streak free finish.
5. couch vacuuming
It was not the best decision to get two white/grey coated cats with long and fine hair while still having a black couch. You. can. see. every. single. hair. I'm very happy that our Philipps vacuum comes with a special attachment for pet hair removal. I use it on both of our couches and the attachment works like a charm. No more hairs!
6. making sure it smells good
A good smelling apartment is mandatory for me because I believe that a good smelling apartment makes living way more enjoyable.
I make sure to clean the cats' litterboxes frequently - I try to scoop the litter out immediately after they finished their business. Nothing is worse than the smell of cat shit or piss and I know way to many people that have their whole apartment smell like their cats litterbox because they neglect cleaning it.
I also spritz our couch and our carpets down with some Febreeze golden orchid cushion cleaner. It smells heavenly and the smell stays for hours! It's also pet safe, so don't worry.
Last but not least - candles. I like to light some scented candles in different rooms of the apartment to make sure that it smells nice everywhere. My current favorites are the yankee candles in vanilla cupcake and sunny daydream!
It takes me around 3hours daily to finish cleaning the apartment and that's only maintenance.
I deep clean different rooms on different days during the week. My daily tasks also include loading and unloading the dish washer, doing laundry, cooking and cleaning the kitchen after cooking.
lots of love
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