#Fuck the government
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Don't talk to me I'm officially in mourning
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shyloverrr · 8 months
KOSA is coming back and it has gotten more support than ever. The bill has recently gained support from companies such as Twitter, Snapchat, and Microsoft. If this bill continues to gain more and more bipartisan support, the chances of it passing are going to increase. If this bill passes, everyone’s private information is going to be at a high risk and, depending on which state you’re in, very important topics are going to be wiped off of the face of the internet and free speech won’t be an option.
Please, call your senators, send your senators an email, or send a physical letter to your senators. We need to continue fighting and put an end to this dogshit bill.
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hella-val · 1 year
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 3 months
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They destroyed a memorial garden. A fucking memorial garden growing flowers and food crops.
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cryinginmelodrama · 1 month
i hope the women know that they can be angry and optimistic both. i hope they know that joy is militant and political too. please keep your spirits up and cheer up one another. they view us as one dimensional but we are not. we will hurt, cry, scream but also smile and laugh. we should remember that. today i saw girls younger than me hurting and hopeless and it broke my heart. they should not be able to snatch our faith. we should remember that the anger rooted in revenge dissipates over time and it'll be another one time story. we need joy we need faith we need perseverance. as this is not a revenge fight it's a moral and ideological battle that has to last generations. we might not see the end of it but hopefully the girls in the future will.
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
*Peter in Medbay and extremely concussed*
Peter: What is a hero without a villain? Useless. What is a villain without a hero? Successful.
Tony: ...Okay?
Peter: We should all be villains.
Tony: I hate to break it to you Pete, but you're actually a superhero
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suikasweetheart · 5 months
Hind's Hall
Woah! Yeah, the people, they won't leave What is threatenin’ about divesting and wanting peace? The problem isn't the protests, it’s what they're protesting It goes against what our country is funding (Hey) Block the barricade until Palestine is free (Hey) Block the barricade until Palestine is free When I was seven, I learned a lesson from Cube and Eazy-E What was it again? Oh yeah, f**k the police (Woo)
Actors in badges protecting property And a system that was designed by white supremacy (Brrt) But the people are in the streets You can pay off Meta, you can't pay off me Politicians who serve by any means AIPAC, CUFI, and all the companies You see, we sell fear around the land of the free But this generation here is about to cut the strings You can ban TikTok, take us out the algorithm But it's too late, we've seen the truth, we bear witness Seen the rubble, the buildings, the mothers and the children And all the men that you murdered and then we see how you spin it Who gets the right to defend and who gets the right of resistance Has always been about dollars and the color of your pigment, but White supremacy is finally on blast Screaming "Free Palestine" ’til they’re home at last (Woo)
We see the lies in them, claiming it’s antisemitic to be anti-Zionist I've seen Jewish brothers and sisters out there and riding in Solidarity and screaming "Free Palestine" with them Organizin’, unlearning and finally cutting ties with A state that's gotta rely on an apartheid system to uphold an occupying violent History been repeating for the last seventy-five The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied (Woo) If students in tents posted on the lawn Occupying the quad is really against the law And a reason to call in the police and their squad Where does genocide land in your definition, huh? (Hey; hey) Destroying every college in Gaza and every mosque Pushing everyone into Rafah and dropping bombs The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all And f**k no, I'm not voting for you in the fall (Woo) Undecided, you can't twist the truth, the people out here united Never be defeated when freedom's on the horizon Yet the music industry's quiet, complicit in their platform of silence (Hey, woo)
What happened to the artist? What do you got to say? If I was on a label, you could drop me today I'd be fine with it 'cause the heart fed my page I want a ceasefire, f**k a response from Drake (Woo) What you willing to risk? What you willing to give? What if you were in Gaza? What if those were your kids? If the West was pretending that you didn't exist You'd want the world to stand up and the students finally did, let's get it (Woo)
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trans-girl-azzi · 8 months
A friendly reminder! Politicians houses are flammable and are publicly listed!
Have a good day :3
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budgethecat · 7 months
long post warning sorry
So I hope everyone knows about KOSA. If you don’t, its basically a bill that will let the US government censor a shitload of stuff like LGBTQ communities, wars, etc. from minors among other harmful things. If this passes, I will probably be making a new account and/or not having one permanently. I just want to say for the past few months, I have had a fucking blast on this platform. It has made me much more comfortable with myself, and let me meet some really awesome people. I love all of my moots, and wish you all luck in the coming months.
@azuriewillow005 @a-feral-coffee-enthusiast @amateur-air-guitarist @certainchopshopcheesecake @dyke420-69 @depressedraven9 @drowninginredink @elliedafish @fawna12 @foxtail1311 @guess-ill-dye @im-not-a-virgo-im-a-lesbo @j-snapdragon @krismckrismckris @lord-hunkyhair @littlebookworm69 @lightblueglazeddiaryonthewall @little-blurry-stars5 @lepetitfruit @mckiwi @nico-di-angelo-aaaaa @nervoustoastthing @noodle-shenaniganery @papercranesandpride @returnofthecabbageman @tybalt-you-saucy-boi @tam-song-the-shade
Also if you want to stay private online,
2) Use a private browser like firefox or librewolf
3) Do not put your phone number in anything
4) Dont use google (I suggest duck duck go)
5) Do not let things access your location, camera, microphone, hhtml canvas data, anything
6) If you have an android phone that has an unlockable bootloader (ddg it) look into grapheneOS
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ang31ey3s-d3mons3edz · 7 months
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slopmasc · 2 months
Hi everyone!
KOSA is facing a serious senate state THIS TUESDAY. THIS VERY TUESDAY. This is the END GAME.
So, what does this mean? Well, given that on the 25th we saw an 86-1 vote for it to move past the debate stage and straight to voting, it means that if it passes senate ITS GOING TO HOUSE.
KOSA is a genuinely dangerous bill. For everyone. I mean, posting your ID if you wanna access anything on the internet? That’s DATA THEFT, STRAIGHT UP!!!
Do NOT lose hope.
You can do something.
https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1llqEDTn3WcTB4-KBZy58SD575jOmce2zjPQ2LUXY2ik/mobilebasic?pli=1 This is a megadoc of senator contact info. Call every last number. Email everyone. Not once, not twice. As many times as you can. Make them SICK of you. TELL THEM NO TO KOSA. TELL THEM TO TAKE THEIR BILL AND SHOVE IT!!! Queer people exist and if this bill will be passed, we will not disappear. We will carve a space for us in every surface of the internet.
Tomorrow, using the call script located on https://www.stopkosa.com you should call every last senator on that list REPEATEDLY. You should make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that you ARE AGAINST KOSA. Call MANY times. Leave MANY voicemails. We can all do our part. If you can’t call, email. But by all means, do NOT be complacent. Do not be silent. Blow their phones up. But above all, stay safe.
Drink water, fuck KOSA
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ablogofcourage · 4 months
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maladapted-druid · 9 months
BBC News: Transgender guidance: Schools to keep parents informed
BBC News - Transgender guidance: Schools to keep parents informed
So the British Government has banned transitioning for children in all but name:
Schools do not have to accept a child's request to socially transition
Teachers or pupils should not be pressured into using different pronouns
Teachers do not have a general duty to allow pupils to socially transition...ensuring parents are fully consented before any decision is taken
Changes should be carried out sensitively without implying contested views around gender identity are fact
Teaching staff, pupils and parents will also be told they do not have to observe a child's chosen name or pronouns if they hold protected religious or other beliefs
Toilets, changing rooms and some sports should be separated based a child's birth sex
Must not allow a child aged 11 or older to change or wash in front of a child of the opposite sex
Primary school children (11 and under) should not have different pronouns to their sex
Hold gender questioning children to the same uniform standard as other children of their sex
Record the name and biological sex of every pupil in the admissions register
What the actual fuck? What are these kids allowed to do? They can't use pronouns, names or clothing and if they're under 11 they can't even admit to being transgender! What is this government's problem with trans people? There's so few of them!
And why are we recording the contents of everyone's pants in the register? In case we forget? Seriously what purpose does that serve?
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chronicallyuniconic · 5 months
The dystopian establishment says "keep people in work as part of their recovery"
When did work, ever, aid, or benefit a person's recovery.
Going back to work, left me out of a job forever onward. I never recovered.
They are saying these phrases as if we're all one and the same. We're not.
For example, about 40% of people in the UK have blue eyes. Do they think all those eyes are the same? Just because they're blue?
The Department for Work & Pensions are purposefully driving this narrative.
They can't get people angry enough about immigration and stopping the boats, because we value human lives, they don't want to talk about pumping shit in our seas, rivers & beaches, because we can see money means more to them than any human life, they can't get people angry enough about Ukraine/Russia, because that means admitting their oligarch ties, they can't get people on their side about Israeli genocide in Gaza, because we see that it's genocide and they are funding it, a part of it, they want people to look away from DRC, Sudan, Yemen, because we are aware that what they are doing could happen to us at any time.
Now it's the long term sick, disabled, unpaid and non paid full time carers, and even doctors & GPs to some degree, that are taking the hit. Hate is created. This is by design. Don't let them trick you anymore. Read between every line 3 or 4 times. It unravels so quickly.
We are not the problem, it is not our fault. The tax dodging, money laundering, wants-to-strip-you-of-your-human-rights government, is.
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*I know working does wonders for some, but this isn't what will happen*
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foogseart · 4 months
one piece fans that support israel are so stupid, like, did we watch the same thing? did we read the same thing? they be cheering luffy for his freedom and for the way he fights against fake ahh and unjust government.
but then they support the same government irl? are y'all blind?
one piece is political, and if you say it is not it means that you just want to be blind. because you can't watch luffy literally being the god of freedom and stand against freedom irl.
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grumpy-old-patriot · 7 months
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