#GAD meme
genderdoe-sly · 10 months
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liskysun · 2 years
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teenagers defraud an African village except for the one who can’t let go of the concept of Florida
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phierecycled · 2 years
Fuck it im inventing Andrew Rannells goofy dance Monday
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itsallchemical · 2 years
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Credit: Androgynous Moonlight
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billchip-prompts · 1 year
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immushymellow · 5 months
Gold shark crackers: the snack that bites back(by pepperidge harms)
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revon-aurora-borealis · 6 months
guys i literally cannot take how braindead r/Emkay is anymore im fucking leaving
also whoever started that stupid skinwalker meme needs to never cook again, nothing like scrolling reddit and then having a mini anxiety attack over seeing that stupid ass meme with a scary monster that basically says "repost this or i say you die" and so you do because you have severe gad and a somewhat superstitious side because of it
like im suicidal as well and that meme is so fucking triggering, and no i dont mean like "oh i just saw an mpreg anime character meme" """"triggering"""" I MEAN LIKE ACTUALLY TRIGGERING, LIKE I ACTUALLY BECOME ANXIOUS AND SCARED BECAUSE OF IT, LIKE I ACTUALLY END UP HAVING EXISTENTIAL DREAD AND SOMEWHAT FEARING FOR MY LIFE
like its like being sent a desth threat but "oh haha its just a meme why are you so scared it snot tuat serious" like bitch that was obviously going to trigger some people you literally are using all the pressure you can to get someone to repost it
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The Cook's wife: just a year ago he was barely walking. This year he's running riot
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ray-just-ray-thanks · 2 years
Yo, ma è la prima volta in tutta la mia vita in cui sto riuscendo a gestire l'ansia.
Cioè, volete dirmi che le persone possono vivere così tranquillamente e non morire ad ogni singolo problema/imprevisto???
Ma che cos'è questo nuovo mondo di pace?
Mi sembra di essere passato da essere un reduce del Vietnam al semplice atto di lavorare e studiare. Volete dirmi che è così che si vive?
Oh, mio Dio, il mio cervello mi ha mentito da quando sono nato.
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genderdoe-sly · 1 year
So good at being anxious they made me a general
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urfriendlywriter · 1 year
25 small but comforting gestures for your otp:
( feel free to use <3 )
squeezing their hand reassuringly
hugs from behind :(
taking a photo of your lover when they're beaming ♡
forehead kisses while hugging !!
rubbing their thumb over your knuckle
exchanging smiles from across the room
"my love" <33333 AHHHHH
them peppering kisses all over your face.
winking at them, or sending them flying kisses and seeing them fluster :))
sending them memes throughout the day-"this reminded me of you"
pulling their legs onto theirs whenever you sit close to them > <
draping a blanket over ur sleepy lover :(
"come here, and give me a kiss" :)
"i think i might be in love with you."
smiling into kisses ( or booping noses after a kiss )
sinking into your arms whenever they gad a long day
kissing your shoulder while they spoon you in cuddles <3
when they laugh at your messy hair in the morning >>
when they leave notes for you around the house
painting their nails while they fake-protest
tugging a flower onto the side of their head and oh god, are they pretty
complimenting the features they love the most about you :/
watching rain together while cuddling!
roasting each other for their embarrassing moments late at night!!
when your loves likes to drape their arms around yours while walking together :]
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
Debunking the antisemitic  Talmud quotes meme promoted by @DanBilzerian and boosted by @RealCandaceO and her ilk
A thread.
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Preface: None of this is new; most of these fake quotes originate from a couple of antisemitic German books that are over a hundred years old and they've been debunked over and over in many places. Sadly, most of them are not so accessible so I'll go over them myself. 
As far as my credentials, I'm a Rabbi who is in his second decade teaching Talmud for a living. This is something that occupies a large part of my day.
It's truly an eye-rolling moment whenever I see these quoted. Let me show you why:
1) Soferim 15
Mistranslation + taken out of context. 
In a discussion about generalities, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai said that even the best members of your enemy nation, you should kill in a time of war instead of having mercy on them. This is rooted in the exodus from Egypt:
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It says that after the plagues, when the Jews were in the midst of the sea, they were pursued by Pharoh and the rest of the egyptians on chariots. Now, how could they have chariots if all of their animals died in a plague?
Those who feared G-d brought them inside as per Moshe. 
So, they believed in the words of Moshe, they believed that G-d was sending those plagues on Egypt, and yet they still decided after seeing everything all the miracles they saw and knowing what they put the Jewish people through, to pursue them at sea in order to kill them. 
This is why Rabbi Shimon says that, in a time of war, don't have mercy on 'the best' of your enemies but rather kill them. We can see from this that they might have been the best members of their society but they still ultimately wanted to go through with their murderous intents. 
 Yevamot 98a
Fake translation, and out of context. 
There's a discussion about what happens when identical twin brothers converted, one marries a Jewish woman and he dies without having an heir: does his existing brother perform levirate marriage, or give her a form of divorce. 
There's a whole debate about whether or not he's permitted to do a levirate marriage.
One of the arguments that is brought is that since there's so much licentiousness in the non-Jewishness nation at the time, we don't know who is anyone's father as such, we don't allow it. 
To back this opinion, a verse from Ezekiel about the licentiousness of the Egyptians that compares their views on relationships with the way animals mate with each others without caring about who they mate with. 
So, in no way does it say that "children of non-Jews are animals." 
3) Bava Metzia 114b
Fake translation, and completely out of context. 
In short, there's a discussion about the idea of ritual purity, and whether the corpse of a non-Jew renders you impure if you touch their grave or not. According to Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel, no. Here's why: 
He quotes a verse in relation to ritual purity that says that only Jews are called "Adam." 
Now, antisemites translate this as meaning man. Except, there are four terms that define man: Adam, Ish, Enosh and Gever. They all have different spiritual meanings.
So, Rabbi Shimon is not saying here that "non-Jews are not human", there's nothing about how non-Jews are beast at all mentioned there. In fact, the ones being compared to animals here are Jews (sheep). 
4) Gad Shas 2:2 
This is a fake quote. There's no such thing as Gad Shas.
In fact, both the Bible &  Talmud prescribe lashes for a Jewish man who engages in relations with a non-Jewish girl whether for pleasure or "marriage" (such unions are not legally recognized as marriage). 
5) Avodah Zara 36b
Fake translation and out of context.
Yes, non-Jewish girls are considered niddah from birth. So is the status of any non-Jewish woman who is unmarried as well. And married women for nearly half a month. 
It has nothing to do with "filth" at all. 
In fact, the reason why the Rabbis decreed that non-Jewish women are considered to be in a state of niddah from birth is to make it an even worse punishment if a Jew were to stay and have relations with one of them.
The Torah is really big into not intermarriage. Lots of verses. 
6) Sanhedrin 54b
Fake translation & wildly out of context.
This is a discussion specifically about *forbidden relationships* and whether it makes you susceptible to the death penalty. What's debated here is whether a person who engages in such horrible actions is put to death. 
The Sages determined that before the age of 9, children are completely unaware & don't understand what relations are. Between the ages of 9 & 13, while they do understand, they are not considered guilty whether passive or active. 
The whole discussion is about their victimizer. 
So here, the Jewish that is codified is that if a man forces someone between the ages of 9 & 13 to engage with him, that person gets the death penalty (and his victim does not) and under the age of 9, he does not get the death penalty but rather he gets lashes in public. 
The fact that he gets lashes for it instead of the death penalty doesn't mean that it's less than a crime. It's because it's considered something other than having relations, because a child that age is unable to understand what is happening and as such it's a different crime. 
For the record, Halacha also permits you to straight up kill this victmizer if you catch him in the act and it's necessary to stop, so it's not like he's being protected or we don't believe his crime is not something heinous. 
7) Sanhedrin 58b
Fake translation
The opinion of Rabbi Chanina is that if a non-Jew strikes a Jew, he is worthy of receiving the death penalty, as we saw when an Egyptian struck a Jew and Moshe killed him. 
Jewish law, however, says that a non-Jew is not executed for this. 
This is why so many of these are infuriating. This is one opinion talking about how someone "ought to" get something for doing something, but somehow it becomes transformed as "This is what Judaism believes." 
8) Sanhedrin 57a
Fake translation, plus out of context. 
Here, there is a whole discussion about the 7 Laws of Noach and whether a non-Jew who transgresses them is liable to the death penalty or not. 
Here  the Talmud states that laws against murder are stronger for non-Jews. 
As is codified in Halacha, a non-Jew who kills a fetus for example is going to be put to death, while it might not be the case for a Jew depending on the case. Same if he killed someone who was dying, or put them in a situation where they died indirectly because of him. 
So, if a non-Jew hired a hitman, locked someone and left them to starve to death or pushed them in front of a lion, they will be put to death while a Jew might not be in this situation.
That doesn't mean that a Jew is allowed to do such a thing; the Jew will in fact be punished. 
The only distinction here is that "7 mitsvot you can't violate, you can do whatever you want but otherwise you deserve the death penalty if you violate them."
Think of it like Adam in the Garden being told he has one thing to do, and one thing only. Breaking it is much worse. 
Since for Jews there are 613, there are more punishments than just the death penalty/nothing, which means that in certain cases, a Jew might be punished with lashes or spend the rest of his life in prison versus being put to death. Doesn't mean that non-Jewish lives don't matter. 
9) Tosfot  Yevamot 84b
Fake quote. 
I mean, I went through the Tosafot on that page twice and there's absolutely nothing even close. 
It's also confusing, because why with a dog specifically? That has no meaning to us, dogs aren't seen as particularly bad in Judaism. 
10) Bava Metzia 24a
Out of context. 
This is the closest one to being accurate, and yet at the same time wildly out of context. We start by discussing a case where a man saves a lost object from a wild animal, at sea, the flooding of a river, or finds it in a public place. 
There's a debate: did the owner despair of finding the object and, as a result, it is considered ownerless so the person who saved it is permitted to keep it, or does it still belong to his original owner who still hopes to retrieve it eventually. 
"Is the item owned or ownerless?" is the basic gist, and the answer is that if you find it in a place where it's a majority of non-Jewish inhabitants, it is considered ownerless (even if it belonged to a Jew in the first place) because it is not the way of people to get them back 
So it has nothing to do whether the owner of the object isn't Jewish (so you can keep it) but if he was Jewish you'd give it back. 
It has to do with whether the majority there are likely to give back such lost items or not, and it simply was not the case in those societies. 
11) Bava Kamma 113a
Fake quote, and out of context. 
This is a discussion that has to do with tax collectors who were ripping off people at the time and enriching themselves on the back of citizens by claiming taxes that didn't belong to them. Doesn't matter if Jewish or not. 
So there is a discussion about whether you are allowed to lie in order to protect yourself and your money from those thieves. 
The same way you'd be allowed to lie to "circumvent" a non-Jew about whether you were hiding a Jew in your attic during the Second World War. 
12) Avodah Zara 22a-22b
Mistranslation, and out of context. 
Basically, it says that you're not allowed to leave your animals alone in the inns of non-Jews at the time since you're putting a stumbling block in front of the blind as they commonly engaged in bestiality back then. 
I mean I don't think there's much to say about this, it's clear that in many places in the world this is just as common today as it was back then, and even in the more rural areas of the "developed" world it's still something that happens. 
The less said, the better. 
This wraps up this ridiculous piece of propaganda. None of the quotes were 1) accurate, 2) complete and 3) in context. Some of them, straight up lies. 
Don't learn theology from memes, people. 
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phierecycled · 2 years
@ascendance-stan has requested the take on me video
There is a better quality version out there but I cannot for the life of me find it but this is still alright
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itsallchemical · 2 years
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Credit: clevelandreaper
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losergendered · 4 months
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Honey/Miss Hailey from Ribbon Rabbit Daycare is an autistic, verbal, transneu, demigirl, girlflux, canon lesbian, demisexual, hyperromantic, beegender, honeycoric, honeyjamgender, apigender, genderbumble, honeyan, mushroomgender, biogender, naturecoric, naturecollector, flowergender woman with OCD, canon depression and arthritis who uses she/it/they/ve/ae/bee/honey/pollen/bumble/ buzz/sting/flower/honeycomb/hive/api/🐝/🍯/🌸/💐/🌼 pronouns!
💐s girlfriend Tonn/Tahlia is an autistic, semiverbal, bigender, bigender woman, canon lesbian, asexual, caedromantic, femme, medigender, nursething, medipuppic, medicattic, medibunnic, nursecoric, nursewinged, nursyricgender, cloudcoric, foggender woman with DPD, amnesia and muscular dystrophy who uses she/they/it/ve/ae/nurse/med/hospi/bandaid/ pill/doc/iv/cloud/rain/haze/fog/☁️/🌧️/🌫️/💊/💉/🩹 pronouns!
Trixi is a canon autistic, hyperverbal, canon transfem, demigirl, canon panromantic, pan lesbian, canon asexual, demiromantic, femme, autigender, traumacoric, traumafem, cutecoric, cutegender, catgender, bungender, kitgender, bunnygender, eepygender, catbungender, rainbowbunian, marshybungender, bunnytix, cutecollector girl with ADHD, GAD, depression and obsessive dream disorder who uses she/they/it/xe/bun/bunny/rabbit/hop/soft/ fuzzy/cute/kit/cat/kitty/mew/purr/paw/flop/fluff/hugz/🐰/🐇/🥕/🌸/🐾/🧃/🌈 pronouns!
Flops boyfriend Momo is an autistic, semiverbal, transmasc, demiboy, polypan, gay, asexual, canon demiromantic, queerplatonic, peachigender, fruitgender, berrygender, citrusgender, fruitcoric, strawbgender, cherrygender, blueberrygender, plumgender, peargender, sourcandygender, orangegender, naturecoric boy with GAD, PTSD, PPD, dyslexia and depression who uses he/they/it/ae/vir/peach/cherry/plum/lych/mango/nectar/apri/🍑/🍓/🍒/🍉/🍊/🍬 pronouns!
Trixis friend Sky is an autistic, verbal, transmasc, genderfluid, canon panromantic, canon asexual, canon aromantic, autigender, scenecoric, scenegender, webcoric, memegender, memecoric, skillissuephrasic, memecollector, kandiravermeane, nyancatgender, kandigender, nyancatic, noobgender, robloxgender, cringecoric, tacnaynic, catnipgender furry with ADHD, BPD, NPD and asthma who uses he/she/it/they/xe/zey/zhe/sh3/h3/th3y/1t/meme/cringe/roblo/noob/nya/nyan/cat/kit/ k1tty/k1ttenz/zoom/stim/🌈/😈/any pronouns!
Trixis adoptive mom Susie is an autistic, verbal, canon biromantic, canon asexual, demiromantic, bakerygender, bakerycoric, cakegender, dessertic, cookiegender, muffingender, beysgender, pastromic, bakephoric, croissantgender, lovebakean woman with PTSD and depression who uses she/love/bake/heart/cake/pie/sweetie/🍰/🥮 pronouns!
Unknown/Amélie Finch is an autistic, nonverbal, canon transfem, transfemmasc, biromantic, canon asexual, canon aromantic, intersex, butch, uncannyvalleyic, neurogender, hoodiegender, borderix, bordergender, creepgender, losergirl, gendercreep girl with BPD, NPD, PTSD, dejected narcissism, depression and muscular dystrophy who uses she/they/xe pronouns!
Axel is an autistic, semiverbal, transneumasc, transfem questioning, bi gay, canon gay, demisexual, canon akioromantic, polymonoflux, intersex, sciencegender, sciencecoric, chemgender, chemistrygender, simulthing, madscien, doggender, pupgender, alienpupgender, slimepupgender man with OCD, canon germaphobia, tourettes, and epilepsy who uses he/it/xe/they/sci/pup/dog/woof/doggy/puppy/bark/arf/chem/chemical/test/experi/🧪/🐾/🦴/💉 pronouns!
🧪 has a crush on Spector, an autistic, hyperverbal, transneu, nonbinary, agender, canon biromantic, turigirl, aegosexual, aromantic, polyamorous, futch, sciencegender, sciencecoric, genderscientist, virusgender, gooplexic, fouscitze, madscien, madscientistgender, madvialic, toxiccoric, experithing, vilegender, frankengender, acidgender, slimeweirdo, scithing, sevenhundredmillionratsgender, biohazardlexic, pronounhoarding woman with ADHD, OCD, BPD, SzPD and chronic pain who uses it/he/xe/they/she/sh3/th3y/sci/bio/chem/ chemical/hazard/acid/slime/goo/chaos/vile/ experiment/toxic/mad/psych/scien/virus/ electric/lab/test/goggle/mayhem/rainbow/bright/neon/🧪/💉/🌈/💊/🧬/🔭/⚡️/X3 pronouns!
Patty is an autistic, verbal, transfem, girlflux, canon unlabled, sapphic, acespec, butch, burgercatgender, burgerbungender, burgerpupgender, burgerratgender, cowgender, meatgirl, beefgender woman with ADHD and POTS who uses she/he/🥩/🍖/🐮/🍔 pronouns!
🐮s girlfriend Kettle is an autistic, semiverbal, transmasc, nonbinary, canon biromantic, asexual, hyperromantic, femme, muttongender, ewegender, sheepgender, fleecygender, lambgender, popcorngender, genderpopcorn, caramelcornic, circusgender, cottoncandyic, carnimelodic, sillygender girl with ADHD and echolalia with she/it/they/he/pop/lamb/ewe/ram/sheep/baa/horn/fleece/fuzz/treat/circus/🍿/🎪/🎠/🐑/🐏 pronouns!
Ink/Iris is an autistic, nonverbal, canon nonbinary, bi gaybian, apothisexual, canon requiesromantic, GNC, autigender, hoodiegender, ichthyogender, koigender, fishskeletic, ghotigender, fishgender, narwhalgender, oceanic, sharkgender, achegender, cavusgender, depressifem, depressimasc boy with OCD, GAD, SAD, depression, body dysmorphia and bulimia who uses they/it/xe/thing/shark/ocean/sea/wave/kelp/coral/fish/fin/squid/octo/jelly/🌊/🐟/🐠/🐡/🦑/🪼/🪸/🐋 pronouns!
🐟 has a (mutual) crush on Marlon, an autistic, semiverbal, nonbinary, genderfluid, canon unlabled, aegosexual, jesterdesic, jestergender, circusgender, pinkgender, cutecoric, cutegoric, cutehoarder, pastelpinkgender, gendercute, dollcute, pastelgender, pastelpurplegender, delusogender, pinklita, sweetcute, cottoncandyic, kawaiicoric, pinkoric, cutebeing boy with ADHD, schizoaffective disorder, chronic vocal tic disorder and delusions who uses he/it/she/cyute/💕/🌸/🌷/🎀/🍭/🍬/🧸/🐾/🍡/🍮/🍰 pronouns!
Cyute works with Pip, an autistic, hyperverbal, agender, apangender, canon pansexual, apothisexual, apothiromantic, clowngender, clowncoric, circusgender, circuscandyic, clowndollgender, evilclownic, jesterdesic, sillyheehoogender, clownmeatic, gendervillain, evilgender, prankgender thing with ADHD, BPD, NPD, PTSD, manic episodes and anger issues who uses he/xe/zey/xae/zhe/clown/circus/jester/honk/prank/pop/bop/pitter/laugh/rainbow/fool/color/juggle/balloon/trick/🤡/🎪/🎡/🎠/🎈/🌈/🎉/:o)/:o( pronouns!
🌈 used to work with Taffy, an autistic, verbal, girlflux, canon unlabled, sapphic, asexual, demiromantic, kidcoric, rainbowgender, kiddiekitty, neonrainbowgender, neongender, bouncygender, glittergender, nosaebire, kiddieduckic, kiddiepuppic, kiddiebearic, kiddiehamstic, kiddiebunnic, kiddierattic, kiddiesnailic, 🌈emojic girl with ADHD, SPD and ehler danlos syndrome who uses she/it/zhe/🌈/🍭/🍬 pronouns!
Hanani is an autistic, hyperverbal, genderfluid, pangender, canon bisexual, arofluid, canon polyamorous, eccentrigender, schizic, ghostgender, skhizeingender, ghostcoric, chaoscoric, ghostfem, ghostneu, ghostmasc, phasmaeic, sillygender, tbhgender girl with ADHD, BPD, HPD, schizophrenia, manic episodes, muscular dystrophy and catatonia who uses she/xe/they/ve/silly/stim/weird/chao/ghost/spirit/boo/haunt/spookie/phantom/scary/para/🌈/♾️/👻/💥 pronouns!
Their brother Lazarus is an autistic, verbal, canon bisexual, aromantic, intersex, witchic, witchgender, eyegender, goldoculuminic, scopogender, thirdeyegender, eldritchboy, lovecraftic, lovecrafthing, eldritchthing, unholything man with NPD, ASPD, PTSD, depression, anger issues and muscular dystrophy who uses he/xe/occult/eye/scopo/symbol/rune/mon/eldri/? pronouns!
Symbols adopted daughter Luna is an autistic, semiverbal, agender, unlabled, canon asexual, canon aromantic, queerplatonic, intersex, autigender, witchgender, witchish, covenwitch, stargender, wildwitch, witchgirl, zombiegender, kittengender, zombzgender, wizardic, wizorbic, fantasygender, magicgender, circgender, faegender, magicia, magicoric girl with OCD, dysgraphia and fibromyalgia who uses she/it/they/he/ve/shx/thxy/ae/fae/ae/witch/wiz/sparkle/dazzle/glitter/magic/wand/mage/mana/spell/potion/cast/conjure/charm/hex/zombie/rot/🪄/🧪/🪻/✨/⭐️/🌟/💫/🔮 pronouns! 
Tobi is an autistic, semiverbal, canon transmasc, demiboy, canon bisexual, no lesboy, veldihet, hyperverbal, demiromantic, darklovecoric, romanticreepthing, eatyourheartoutphrasic, romantigorecoric, dissecaregender, hauntmour, needyloverboy, passionconceptic, lovegoreic, lovebodiment, rosegore man with BPD, MasoPD, OLD and SAD who uses he/ve/love/obsess/lover/romance/❤️/🥀/🔪/🩸 pronouns!
Veir girlfriend Vanessa is an autistic, verbal, transfem, canon bisexual, arospec, intersex, polyamorous, rosegender, rosegore, bloodcoric, rosebloodaxean, darklovecoric, lovesickgender, obsesscoric, obsessilovic, deadlovegender, lovegoric, gasperichornic, romancegoric woman with ADHD, BPD, NPD, SadoPD and arthritis who uses she/they/ve/vae/rose/blood/red/kiss/wine/🥀/❤️/🩸/🍷 pronouns!
Riuki is an autistic, semiverbal, transmasc, nonbinary, canon biromantic, canon asexual, grayromantic, transmascject, emocoric, emocatgender, vampbatbloodkissic, emothing, emoboyish, loserboy, emox, emolovecatgender, vampcatgender, killercattic, gorrorslashxic, gothcattic, gothcoric, metallian, sketchgender, lovegoric, genderhoarder boy with ADHD, PTSD, depression and canon insomnia who uses xe/he/they/h3/th3y/ix/hx/thxy/xt/it/emo/spike/meow/purr/maow/loser/blood/vamp/fang/bite/gore/slash/bat/rot/bone/🩸/🥀/🔪/🐾/🦴/💔/🦷/📼 pronouns!
Meows boyfriend Sakira is an autistic, semiverbal, canon transgender, transfem, demiboy, canon biromantic, bi gay, turigirl, asexual, hyperromantic, queerplatonic, intersex, kitsunegender, joygender, foxgender, foxboygender, softfoxgender, vulpisilly, foxberrix, kitsunic, kitsuneboyic, 8-bit_kitsunic, vulamovillian, fuchsgender, konpeitocoric, pandabam therian with ADHD, DPD and dyslexia who uses he/it/she/they/ve/fox/kit/kitsune/vix/viy/fluff/red/silly/ioy/paw/tail/🎍/🎋/🦊/✨/💫/🐲/:D/:P/:)/:} pronouns!
Riukis friend Soda/Sam is an autistic, verbal, transneufem, agender, canon pansexual, pan lesbian, aromantic, polyamorous, femme, autigender, scenecoric, scenegender, catgender, scenecatgender, sodagender, colagender, sodayic, fizzydrinkic, cherrysodagender, popsodagender, snackgender, rainbowgender, caliadorcakic, cucomlovia, gleepcatgender, creepercatgender, iracodethmic, spacecolagender, musicgender girl with ADHD, BPD, dysgraphia and hyperempathy who uses she/it/he/they/xe/zy/shx/hx/thxy/scene/rainbow/color/bright/music/rock/star/cat/kit/ kitten/kitty/owo/rawr/nya/mew/meow/meorr/ purrr/paw/tail/whisker/game/glep/soda/pop/fizzy/🐱/🐈/🐈‍⬛/🌈/🎸/🎶/🎵/🎧/✨/⭐️/💫/:P/:3 pronouns!
Purrr and 🔪 are also friends with Crawler, an autistic, semiverbal, transneumasc, canon lesbian, queer, canon asexual, canon aromantic, soft butch, intersex, dyke, facecovercomfin, crackedmaskic, maskgender, scenecoric, scemogender, scenegender, cringecoric, musicgender, scenevampiric, metalgoric, metalvamp, vampgender, musicstar, ravegender, grungical, musijoyic, metalfem, metalmasc, musictix, scenezombix enby with ADHD, BPD, OSDD, depression and body dysmorphia who uses she/they/he/xe/zyx/shx/sh#/hx/h#/thxy/th#y/scemo/scene/loud/crash/bam/forensic/bash/bang/music/rock/metal/nightcore/night/kandi/raccoon/💀/🌈/🎵/🎶/🎸/🌙/🦝/🎹/🌌/🌃 pronouns!
🦝s qpp K9 is an autistic, nonverbal, canon transmasc, genderfluid, bxy, canon gay, asexual, apothisexual, aromantic, queerplatonic, faggot, emocoric, scenecoric, scenegender, musicgender, ametalmasc, scenevampiric, vampgender, headphojoyic, musictix, metallian, vamptix, scenix, emox, scemocoric, cartoonspinnic, oldcartoonvampic, puptoongender, hallotoongender boy with inattentive ADHD, SAD, dyslexia, muscular dystrophy and extreme facial scarring who uses he/it/xe/scene/scemo/rawr/vamp/bite/fang/blood/nya/cartoon/animate/silly/hyper/music/metal/toons/monster/plur/XD/X3/🦷/🌈/🎸/🎶/🎵/🦝/🎨/:D/:(/>:)/>:(/:P pronouns!
Ophiuchus is an autistic, verbal, trans woman, canon pansexual, aromantic, polyamorous, intersex, snakedeity, sotosnakeian, snakegender, snakeboy, snakegirl, gorgongender, rosegender, roseboy, rosegirl, victoriangender, rosuerte, gendernoies, roseblood creature with GAD and DID who uses he/it/they/xe/vae/ey/snake/slither/venom/fang/hiss/poison/scale/python/viper/serpent/cobra/rose/blossom/petal/flower/🐍/🌹/🥀 pronouns!
Vipers adoptive daughter Junk is an autistic, nonverbal, gxrl, lesbian, canon asexual, canon aromantic, dyke, depressifem, geweldin, affectugender, depreneu, deprefem, achegender, sikgender, cavusgender, depressintensic, neurogender, trashgender girl with GAD, PTSD, depression, bulimia and chronic dizziness who uses she/it/they/he/xe/worthless/trash/ache/sick/puke/guts/🔪 pronouns!
They’re all controlled by Vilorad Craven, an autistic, verbal, boyfluid, canon unlabled, alicoromantic, godgender, genderdeity, soldiety, angelgender, wargod, wardiety, deangelus, kamigender, theosolic, godboy, obsessumix, celestigender, godbodiment, godcomplexic, theoluxic, seraphgender being with NPD, BPD, OCD, OLD, manic episodes, anger issues and a god complex who uses he/xe/thon/hymm/god/diety/divine/heavenly/seraphim/archangel/entity/ae/ve/thae/deus/numen/angelus/divinitas/caelestia/caelum/entitatem/archangelus/☀️/🌅/🖌️/🎨/🪽 pronouns and has a crush on the Player!
For anon!m
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