sysig · 13 days
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Sizing chart of cute: One Size Fits All (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#Spider Bites#Have some cutes to pull you up and out! Finally out from under the Big Bads!#One of the things I've been trying to more often is fullbodies - I default to busts soooo much#They're great for expression work! But they're samey and don't stretch me to work on anything below the chest#Fullbodies are good! I like seeing the whole of my characters! And luckily Charm is cute from head to toe so drawing all of her is fun :)#If anything I still struggle with her hair so the upper half of her is probably easier to cut off generally lol#1/3rd hair type design lol#I love her shoes sm ahhh she's so cute <3#Ballet-style pose! I finally added Princess Tutu to my breakfast anime and it was quite cute I enjoyed it :D#Definitely very much a fairytale - wish Ahiru had gotten a slightly happier ending!#I think it would've shaped me a lot at my formative first-anime-engagement age haha but I still enjoyed it as an adult :)#Lots of very pretty poses of course! Fun there as well#More Marshmallow Fluff and Wafer yayy <3 <3 They're the cutes#Love the themst#And the trio's pets again! I gotta give Lemon Squares a pet so I can have all my faves gathered in earnest lol#I think I was speculating about what pet she'd have recently.....a powdered sugar fawn? I can't recall#Oh I have her with a Canary in my notes that's extremely cute haha - she could do with a lemon drop bunny too! Gah too many cutes to choose#It's always that way with the pets haha - but for these three here they're all chatting in their sleep hehe <3#Chirping and yipping and baaing hehe the cutes! Love the lads#And a bonus spider bite and Spider Bites! Truly singular and double there that's funny lol#Worried little guy just a small and lonesome lad! Not very intimidating in singular haha#I wonder what their Battle form would look like hm :)#Couple'a Spider Bites checking in with herselves - one Charm was worried but being together makes it better!#They're cute wahh#Self-confidence self-assuredness better alone together - remember to rely on others too!
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absolutebl · 1 day
This Week in BL - So Many GREAT Kisses!
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
(Please notice I am now using 6 dots in all ellipses because according to Taiwanese BL that's how we queers roll. Who am I to argue?)
Sept 2024 Week 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Jack & Joker (Thai Mon IQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - A most excellent glow up. And it’s still a great show. And I cannot wait to see the many different faces of War. Bring on the Leverage of One action-packed mess. I'm waiting.  
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Monster Next Door (Thai Thurs Gaga ) ep 9 of 12 - I’m gonna say this because it drives me crazy. Why are boys in BL, when out and about the countryside, always dressed inappropriately for Thailand? If it’s hot, takeoff your damn jacket. I don’t mean to be crass or crazy or whatever. But don’t wear a jacket when it’s 90° with 90% humidity. In Thailand, jackets are for malls. Meanwhile, I’m an extrovert and that still seemed like an exhausting trip. Although, I suppose they didn’t show all the drive time in the van, when everyone is asleep.
Meanwhile, why are the sides so frustrating in this show? Authentic friends-to-lovers is always a slog. Finally a kiss! And a decent one.
New character? Aw! Hi Yu!!!! Gosh Putter is so cute.
Where were we? Oh yes, Beer is now heartbroken. Always the great fear in F2L that the friendship will be destroyed as a result. And it’s a decent fear. 
On a completely different note, I cannot help but wonder when somebody’s chue len is Beer, if that is because beer was involved in their conception. Like, it’s the name you give your "oops baby" from that drunken night at the club. Don’t mind me. I’m just over here in the corner being crass.
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Battle of the Writers (Sun YT) ep 8 of 12 - That was one of the cutest wake up sequences ever depicted. Utterly adorable. And now he’s blind again? Oh my God this is such a soap opera, I can’t even. Meanwhile, wicked ice prince finally made his move. Gah! Why aren’t we getting more of this couple? I always love the sides best with this production house.
I Saw You in My Dream (Weds Gaga) ep 10 of 12 - I love a hard fraught game of badminton. Even though we actually didn’t see play. YoIng claiming was so cute!!! And their shower kiss was v hot. Yay little show! Also cute use of the punishment trope!
Kidnap (Fri YT) ep 3 of 12 - The weight upon the shoulders of our idiot good guy kidnapper continues to pile up. So does the affection. The dude playing Q has sanpaku eyes. Cool. He’s not a particularly good actor though. Rough because everyone around him is giving their very best.
The problem is. I'm noticing. I shouldn't be noticing all the talent trying so hard. That usually means there is something wrong with the story, or there was something wrong on the set.
I don't know what to say at this juncture except I have the sinking suspicion this might not actually be a good show. (Covers head and cowers. Don't hate me.) I'd loved to be proved wrong, but my faith is GMMTV is only about 50% these days. And it probably should be lower.
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Addicted Heroin (Thai Tues WeTV) ep 6 of 10 - I was so confused by how we suddenly got on a trip together, that I went back and re-watched the previous installment. And it still isn’t explained. So I have no idea why our leads are on a trip but apparently that’s the next trope to hit. I also have no idea how they're suddenly boyfriends. I’m just generally confused by this episode. It’s like an alt reality. We skipped over all of the stuff where they actually got into a relationship. In general I wasn’t wild about this episode.
The Trainee (Sun YT) ep 12fin - The most realistic thing about this show is that everybody is everybody else’s ex on any given set. I feel that in my bones. Or do I mean boner?
Frankly, both actors look better after a glow up and I guess pretending to be more their actual ages suits them? Considering what was actually done to invoke youth (a lot of the shine and gloss) aging them was an anti-glow up. A great mattification? Well...... this was a somewhat lackluster finale. (Thank you, thank you, the pun was unplanned. It's a gift.)
I don’t know. I guess I wanted to see Jane suffer? Work HARD to get the kid he abandoned back? I would’ve liked to have seen Ryan a little bit more competent and capable and his job. Maybe dating someone else. But I also do not want any more episodes. This was more than enough. So instead no separation, just boyfriends and a montage of their lives together, getting new and better jobs, moving in together, being supportive and sweet, etc... LOOK: It’s never a good sign when I immediately want to rewrite the show that I just saw.
In conclusion:
A story about a group of interns at a commercial video production company. While I genuinely love OffGun, I’m not convinced this was a good vehicle for them. Is it terrible for me to say, I miss their PickRome days? I don’t think they’ve ever had rolls that suited them better. Still, theirs was the best storyline in this ensemble piece masquerading as a BL, although they still fumbled the ending. Thus, I enjoyed about a 1/3 of it as much as possible, and 2/3 of it less than conceivable. 7/10 and I seriously considered dropping it to a 6/10 so don't push me.
Love Sick 2024 (Thai Sun iQIYI) ep 1 of 15 - Not gonna lie I was very skeptical. But I like it fine. Better than I expected because it’s been changed just enough. But it does need to stay changed. I don’t know what I’m trying to articulate here but…... I guess we’ll see.
Live in Love (Sun Gaga) ep 3 of 5 - It’s cute in a weird disjointed way. I’m enjoying it enough, I guess. I do like how forthright and direct Kla is. 
Bad Guy My Boss (Thai Sun Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Ah. Bully romance. My old frenemy. Of course making this office based means +10 for workplace harassment. Well well well. This will be red flag party town I see. How VERY old school yaoi. It’s all very Cdrama CEO = dudes in suits walking on parquet (minus all the gay sex of course.) The jumping around between times and unfinished scenes is very strange. Is this Starhunter chaos only applied to a timeline?
Imma say this so they hear it at the back. YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE HAIR. If you do time jumps: change. the. hair. It's the easiest and best clue if you aren't going to apply a filter or other cinematography tricks. JUST CHANGE THE DAMN HAIR STYLE.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The On1y One (Taiwan Thurs Gaga) eps 9-10 of 12 - And now we all start using six dots in our……? A new coded way to indicate that one is into BL? I did think we were in a slight mire with ep 9, too much teacher filler. Not enough time spent with our boys. Meanwhile, sports day. Pouty Baby utilizing the power of Ge, in front of all of the classmates who do not realize how hard he is flirting and activating babygirl = one of the greatest things ever to happen on my screen. Essentially this was a version of the claiming trope, only nobody knew it but the two of them. Fucking genius. Yes, I watched it multiple times. Then babygirl is injured, the carrying and the flirting!!!! Gah!
I don’t mean to trivialize the show, but this is me and I can trivialize everything even something as brilliant as this. But that conversation about history at the beginning of ep 10...... Was that about topping and bottoming? Because it sure seemed that way.
And then...... Possibly the best only one bed trope twist ever?
This show is so fucking amazing.
And I am so worried about the end.
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Sugar Dog Life (Japan Sun grey) ep 7 of 10 - I love the kinkyness of our baby boy’s fantasy. Where he is the gift and his boyfriend is in uniform. Very nice. Thank you Japan. Never one to let kinky dogs lie. Also, the premise continues: one half thinks that they are already boyfriends and acts like it, and the other half is still trying to become a boyfriend. It’s absurd in that way that only Japanese miscommunication extraordinaire can be absurd. Also could Kyosuke be any more under his boy’s thumb? 
Love is Like a Poison AKA Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Japan Tues Netflix?) 1-2 of 10 eps - Shiba is a top lawyer, angular aggressive bespectacled workaholic cat-type (Kitten? Babygirl? Tsundere? Some unholy combination of all 3?) I am reminded I should be more considerate of my potted plants. OMG the teasing and the little tongue sticking out. Haruto is such a flirt. I love this dynamic. What fun! Manic pixie dream boy but MAKE HIM EVIL! Or very high? Or a grifter? I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. But I’m enjoying it. It’s very...... very
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First Note Of Love (Taiwan Mon Gaga) ep 7 of 12 - Oh! Good kiss. Smart to have the younger character initiate. I also like that he put a stop to it and then went and had a long conversation with a friend about it. Cautious boy. Also shows how in control of the situation Sea is becoming. It works for this BL since he has the stronger personality. I don't care what the characters say, this is about Sea becoming a rock for Neil.
But the secondary couple is actually winning this show. I want so much more of them. 
Seoul Blues (Korea Fri? YouTube) ep 8fin - I’m not sure that blackmailing and entrapment, especially of your ex, necessarily justifies cheating. Plus I never like it when it’s gays against gays. But what did I expect from this show? This whole series was basically Korea’s version of messy gay. If you liked Only Friends you’ll probably enjoy this bullshit. And they were quite pretty. I, however, am monumentally displeased. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED but still, basically, BL, however…... do we want to support this kind of behavior?
It's like now they discovered boys can kiss they can't be happy.
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It's airing but...
The Hidden Moon (Sat WeTV) ep 1 of 10 - This is a supernatural romance (my ghost boyfriend trope) by Violet Rain (I Feel You Linger). A man is hired to write an article about an old mansion in Chiang Mai being converted into a café. He sees the ghosts of people who died at the mansion, falls in love with one of them. Was substantially recast. I loved IFYLITA except the ending so I think I'll let this one run it's course you can tell me if it's work tracking down... if they managed to land it. I have my doubts.
Happy of the End (Japan Tues Gaga) - A boy is disowned for being gay, dumped by his boyfriend, and ends up in a dysfunctional co-dependant relationship with his would-be kidnapper. We were due for another messy JBL and it's exactly as expected. I do not like it at all. And ya know what? There is plenty airing. DNF 
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In case you missed it
I FINISHED Meet You at the Blossom (China). I ate crow, binged the fucker, and live blogged the experience. I enjoyed it a lot and got quite witty (I think) there are also puns (warning). But if you don't wanna slog though it, here are my final thoughts:
This was undeniably a wuxia and most definitely a BL. Evil stunning princely Cheekbones meets and falls in love with the bisexual disaster Dimples of his dreams. There’s a lot of floaty fighting, tangled plot, and overworked emotions. From start to finish it is exactly as it claims to be, including more than the expected amount of sexual claiming (dubious conscent to the point of rape). I’m not wild about the wuxia genre, but I will tell you what I do like: Very pretty men in flowing robes + eye makeup + hair ribbons wafting about stabbing and kissing each other plus ridiculous soap opera machinations. I also like cheekbones and dimples. AND I love a stupid gay sleeve, okay? There was also truly epic levels of stink-eye, and that too is to be lauded. This show left me grinning like crazy. Was it great? Not really, but it was a great experience and I enjoyed it immensely. 8/10
4 Minutes (Gaga) Ended - Spies reported in to say the ending was not-exactly-unhappy and mostly lackluster. I'm torn over whether to watch. My natural disinclination to binge, meets my dissatisfaction with wishy-washy, is going up against my love of high heat and pretty men. Oh the age old struggle between art and lust.
Mitsuya-sensei no keimakutekina ezuke finished and it’s reported to be solid. Age gap treated with respect. I'm curious, so I'll check it out if I can get hold of non-G-drive subs.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Still Coming Sept 2024:
9/28 Teenager Judge (Vietnam Sat YouTube) ?? eps - oh I don't know just Ba Vinh doing his thing with pretty boys again.
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I love love love this execution of the punishment trope. What's Ai going to do to you, Yu? Ride you to death?
I Saw You in My Dream indeed.
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Sigh. This show. (Addicted Heroin)
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All praise one of BL's best-in-show glow-ups. Nicely done, Jack.
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James, on the other hand. Never needs a glow-up. Still the prettiest. Has been since Oxygen. (Battle of the Writers)
He's playing the role of Saint in this show, thank you very much. Speaking of which, wouldn’t that be just the most gorgeous pairing in the entire universe? Saint and James? I’ll be in my bunk. 
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Taiwan giving us a boop! Reminds me of Be Loved In House I Do, right up there with TharnType as chronic boopers.
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Why is he SO GOOD in this show?
All Frist Note.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in its infinite wisdom doesn't like too many at-ings.
134 notes · View notes
spideysbruh · 9 months
happy holidays LOL
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liked by y/n, tomholland and 4,836,287 others
tchalamet Paris with my love
view all 326,727 comments
y/n in my French era 🤭🥖
liked by tchalamet
timmytimstan yall are so cute imma kms
laurieslaurence OMGGG if I run into yall it will be the best day of my life
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liked by tchalamet, melissabarrera, and 2,827,782 others
y/n what is love besides two souls trying to heal each other
view all 51,286 comments
ynssocks she's so in love omg.
tchalamet my pretty girl.
y/n oui oui
ynandtimstan I love how different their music taste is 💀 he probably thinks she's weird
yn he does. he calls me emo 😔 🤧
tchalamet BRUH
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- don't be fooled he's actually very nice
@yn just tweeted- merry christmas!!! i'm so grateful for everything this year has bought me, good and bad, i've learned and grown so much 💕
@realchalamet liked and replied- you've made me such a better person this year I love you.
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liked by y/n, zendaya and 3,298,484 more
view all 89,298 comments
zendaya yall are too funny
yntimmy they're so cute 🥺🥺😭😭😭
rodrigoyn the matching pj's 🥺🫶
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liked by tchalamet, sabrinacarpenter and 1,726,161
y/n santa doesn't know you like i do
view all 76,726 comments
atreidespaul bros excited 💀
hellatightkyle all those gah damn marshmallows
guilbertyn I love my parents
tchalamet I LOVE YOU
513 notes · View notes
luckylzclerc · 1 year
Hello!! I saw that your request was open so I wanted to request an instagram au where Charles gf who is a model gets caught wearing Charles clothes and accessories which some eagle eyed fans recognise and piece it together that you're dating. Thanks💗
unexpected | cl16 x model!reader
notes: hii tysm for requesting!! my first ever request so its a lil bad :((🤍 hope u liked it, this is my first time writing abt charles whoao😵‍💫 anyways ENJOYY🤭🩷
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liked by francisca.cgomes , charles_leclerc , pierregasly and 870,563 others
yourusername thanks @.nba for having me! and THANK U @francisca.cgomes for ditching me for ur bf 🫤🫤 couldn't have asked for a better partner 🤞 (jokes aside ily!!)
tagged : francisca.cgomes , nba
view all 790,612 comments •
francisca.cgomes LIAR!!! I only left you for a while to ask pierre about the game 👎👎
yourusername sureeeee
charles_leclerc I thought you enjoyed my company while she was gone??
yourusername i lied
liked by pierregasly
hotbot.1010 i want their friendship so bad.
333ella_ real😔🫂
beachgirlguide so real!! they're adorbs
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liked by pierregasly , yourusername , lewishamilton and 512,720 others
charles_leclerc Let's just say I better stick to driving. Had a great time though @.nba 🏀
view all 401,628 comments •
lewishamilton Let's play
pierregasly La garde rapprochée ⚔️😂
yourusername u suck lol 😵‍💫
charles_leclerc why are u hating?? i did nothing
yourusername ok
charles_leclerc ???
henah1._f1 never thought I'd see the day y/n and charles interact ngl
ayrt0nsenz forreal and im loving EVERY second of it soo whos complaining (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
a few months passed!
yourusername added to their story!
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seen by charles_leclerc , francisca.cgomes and many other
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liked by charles_leclerc , pierregasly and francisca.cgomes and 729,271 others
yourusername happy birthday to ME! and my birthday twin @.pierregasly !!! had such a great time w u guys 😘🥰 Thank you so much for coming guys🫶🏻
📸 @.landonorris
tagged : francisca.cgomes , charles_leclerc , landonorris , danielricciardo ..see more
view all 621,920 comments •
landonorris I should get paid for this y/n!!
landonorris happy birthday though 🤣❤️
yourusername grazie lando 🤣🤭
francisca.cgomes HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👭👭🩷🩷
pierregasly are you talking to me?
fransisca.gomes no, i was obviously talking about y/n
yourusername graziee kika🫶🏻🫶🏻 my loml😘
pierregasly happy birthday to my birthday twin!! 🥳🥳🥳
yourusername GRAZIE!! happy birthday to you too mr.tripod 😂😂🥳🎂
charles_leclerc tanti auguriiii y/n 😘 hope u enjoyed your birthday day!! wishing u all the best and thank u for the invitation🥳
yourusername grazieee charles🙏🙏 thank u for the birthday gifts i love them all🥰🤍
emmy.lovesfashion GIFTS?? PLURAL?? gah damn im jealous 😀😭
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liked by lilymhe , francisca.cgomes , pierregasly and 821,620 others
yourusername summer in paris 🫶🏻🫶🏻
view all 271,920 comments •
estabanocon You should visit Elena and I soon!!
itselenaberri Yes!! A cute double date😘
yourusername would totally love to!!
jjynri are we missing smth???? HUH?????
fwphoe check twitter babes
charles_leclerc bwoahh
lclrvslvrss hes so real for this
yourusername 🥰🙏 missing u !!
pierregasly kika????
yourusername ily😘😘😘😘
pierregasly ooh merci y/n
yourusername huh?? it was for kika.. 🥰🥰🥰 love u kika
liked by francisca.cgomes
lando.norisssie88 LMAOOO THIS IS SO FUNNY I CAN'T-
sainzlovebot 😭😭😭
summer break! (ending)
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liked by charles_leclerc , arthur_leclerc , f1 and 937,920 others
yourusername what a weekend⭐🏎️💨
tagged : franciaca.cgomes , luisinhaoliveira99 , charles_leclerc , f1
view all 811,901 comments •
charles_leclerc cute shirt and cute girl😂❤️
f1.loverr7 😦 are u saying that delulu sia bitch on twitter might be correct??
sialovestheseaa I MIGHT.
luisinhaoliveira99 lovely meeting you y/n🫶🏻
yourusername miss youuu
notes : IM SO SORRY IT HAD TO END LIKE THIS. tumblr only allow 10 pics max on one post and i guess i went a little overboard 😭.. but don't you guys worry! part 2 is posted and you can read it hereee 👇
part 2 !! | unexpected ii
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13keithxpidge13 · 1 year
OH OH ! and miles wanting to count all of hobies piercings because hobie didnt remember how many he had (or even miles didnt ask and just started counting out of nowhere and surprises hobie hehehe) .. getting up really close to his face and noticing how pink hobie got . realising that he gets pink like that when he gets close to miles ....
"Have you noticed it at all?" Gwen asks him and Miles hums as he colors in his sketchbook.
They're sitting on top of one of the ledges in the Spider-Society HQ, chilling and relaxing as they wait for another mission to be announced. For now, Miles is biding his time by sketching.
Beside him, Gwen huffs and jostles his shoulder and Miles curses as he messes up his newest drawing.
"Gwen!" He shouts.
"I'm asking you a question," She laughs as he erases the imperfect line. "Have you noticed how Hobie changes colors?"
"Yeah," He gruffs out. "Why does it matter?"
"It doesn't," She says. "But...haven't you noticed how he changes color based on how he's feeling and that he goes pink around, well, /you/? And, /only/ you?"
"What are you talking about?" Miles glances at her with a raised eyebrow. "No he doesn't."
Gwen scoffs. "Yeah. He does."
"no he doesn't."
"he does."
"Gweeennn," Miles whines and slaps his hands over his face as his cheeks darken at the implications of what she's saying. "Don't give me hope."
"I'm just saying," Gwen laughs. "It's pretty obvious."
Miles grumbles and glances away from her as he crosses his arms over his chest. "...I guess..." He mumbles and Gwen leans closer, humming. Miles puffs out his cheeks. "I suppose I /have/ noticed-"
"aHA!" Gwen shakes him and Miles breaks out into giggles. "I knew it! He sooooo has a crush on you! He likes you back, Miles, it's soooo obvious!"
"It's not!" He protests. "He's so indifferent I can never tell!"
"Well," Gwen smiles. "Why don't you try to catch him in the act? Make him bend to your cuteness and charm!" She teases as she pulls at his cheeks. "C'mon, I'll even help you!"
"But, how would we even do that in the first place?" Miles laughs at her poking. "It's not like I can just go up and /ask him/, he'll probably deny it! And, oh, maybe that will make him realize that /I/ like him! Gah! I can't!"
"You won't have too," Gwen reassures. "Just make him turn pink around you, do something that'll get him flustered and confront him about why he turns pink whenever you're around! Surely that'll lead to a love confession!"
Miles huffs in embarrassment and scratches at his sore cheeks that were whining from being pulled. "Oh, alright," He sighs. "But, /you/ have to help set up a time to do this!"
Gwen grins cheekily and pulls out her watch to message Hobie.
"Already on it."
"Uhm, thanks for coming over, man."
"Yeah, no problem, mate. Needed an excuse to leave my dimension fo' awhile anyhow."
Miles chuckles and tries to hide his nervousness as they both enter his room through the window he left open, being careful not to make too much noise as his parents were probably cooking dinner and he didn't want to disturb them.
They sit on his bed and a few moments of awkward silence passes by before Hobie bumps their shoulders together.
"somethin' you needed from me personally? Or did ya' just wan' hang out?"
"uh," Miles coughs and laughs nervously. "Well, uhm, I guess, uh-" He tries to come up with an excuse other than /I wanted to see you turn pink/, and then it hits him. "I, uh, I wanted to draw you!" He shouts and immediately curses himself for it.
Hobie blinks at him largely before laughing. "Ah, I see," He nods. "Ya' wanted a reference for ya' sketches? Well, all ya' had to do was ask, babe."
Miles laughs awkwardly and blindly grabs for his sketchbook which is on his bed.
"Uhm, okay," He brags as he holds his pencil shakily. "Can you uhm, can you turn so I can see your face? I need, uh, I need to get your facial structure right."
Hobie grins. "Sure, honey," He says and turns according to how Miles wants him too.
A few minutes pass while miles glances up and down, looking back up and down at him to make sure he's getting his face as accurate as possible. He gets so into drawing him that, when he glances up and sees the piercings on his face, he blinks.
"Oh," Miles deadpans and Hobie tilts his head.
"Oh, uhm, well," Miles flushes. "I just, I noticed that you have a lot of piercings...I noticed it before but uh...you have a lot more than I thought."
Hobie grins cheekily.
"Ya' wanna count 'em?" He asks and Miles giggles nervously.
"Uhm, I might need too..." He says. "I wanna uh, I wanna get everything as accurate as possible."
"Mhm," Hobie hums. "I'm sure. Go ahead, love."
He had multiple piercings on his ears, on his eyebrows, on his nose...
Miles gets in closer even though his heart is racing and reaches up to touch his chin. "You've got one on your bottom lip, too?" He asks, tilting his head and attempting to remain calm. "It's big. Doesn't it hurt?"
Hobie's breathing echoes throughout his ear. "Nah, babe," Hobie laughs but it seems a little off. "Hurt at first but, uh, goes away after a lil' time."
"Yeah?" Miles brushes his fingers against his bottom lip and Hobie nearly jumps out of his skin.
Instead, his body goes /bright pink/ and Miles twitches.
"Fuck-" Hobie curses and stands up from the bed. "Sorry, fuck, sorry," He brushes his hands down his vest as though he were trying to brush away the color. "Sorry, mate. I don't know why it fuckin' does that shit, gods-"
"You don't?" Miles asks innocently. "Gwen said it was because your body changes colors based off your emotions like everything else does in your universe."
"That's-" Hobie stops and turns, mumbling something about Gwen being a snitch before he sighs. "Yeah. It does. It's fuckin' weird like that."
"Sooo..." Miles stands beside him and tilts his body closer to him. "What does pink mean? Because you go pink around me a /lot/, I've noticed. What is it? I won't make fun of you, dude."
Hobie's quiet, exhaling loudly through his mouth as he turns away and his cheeks seem to darken even further.
Miles' brows furrow. Come on. He has to /know/-
Hobie leans his head back and sighs once more.
"It's 'cause..." He swallows and scratches the back of his neck. "It's 'cause...I like ya', mate. Not in the bullshit platonic way either. Like, in the I kinda wanna kiss ya' and take ya' out to dates and hold ya' hand and shit."
Miles feels the breath punched out of him. "You-" He can't stop the wide smile that etches across his face. "Really?"
Hobie runs a hand down his face and mumbles; "Well, yeah..."
Miles almost jumps and down with joy until Hobie continues;
"I'm sorry, mate," He says. "I know it's prolly weird, ain't it? I don't wanna make ya' uncomfortable, love. If ya' want me gone, I'll leave, y'know? Just say the word, mate, and I'll be gone-"
"No!" Miles grabs onto him instinctively and Hobie jumps at it. "Don't go! You misunderstood me!"
"Wha-what?" Hobie stutters. "What're you talkin' 'bout?"
"You-I-" Miles felt his cheeks darken. He sputters for a moment and nearly lets go of Hobie's hand before the elder teen grasps at his fingers again so he couldn't get very far. Miles licks his lips and feels impossibly flustered.
"Miles?" Hobie leans forward, obviously concerned and curious. "What did you mean?"
"I just-" Miles turns his head away and Hobie shakes his head. "It's nothing-"
"nuh, uh, sweetheart," Hobie's smiling now. He's grinning from ear to ear and gently turns Miles to face him again and the younger teen is impossibly red. "Somethin' ya' wanna tell me? Like how I told you?"
Miles licks his lips and their eyes meet. Suddenly, a surge of confidence overtakes him and Miles grins.
"You wanna know what I meant?" He stands on his tip toes. "I'll show you."
He locks lips with Hobie and the punk grunts with it.
Miles grabs a hold of the back of his neck so he can force the elder teen to dip forward so Miles can get a better grip on him and he hums as Hobie licks at his lips
Hands grab at his waist and Miles squeals when he realizes how /big/ Hobie's hands are, how perfect they fit around him and his small hips. It makes shivers run up his spine like electricity and Hobie chuckles against his tongue as their muscles dances together.
Then, their lips part and a string of slick saliva is all that connects them.
Miles pants for air and knows his cheeks are flushed impossibly dark. Hobie leans forward again and kisses both cheeks, peppering his skin with soft slick kisses that have his breath hitching.
"Finally," Hobie murmurs. "Yer so fuckin' cute, love. So cute to kiss me like that."
Miles pouts. "It wasn't meant to be /cute/, man! It was supposed to be hot! I wasn't cute, I was /hot/," He whines and Hobie kisses his nose with a chuckle.
"Yes, yes, of course," He coos and Miles scoffs.
"Agree with me!"
"I am!"
"You're not!"
Hobie merely laughs and kisses him again, successfully silencing him.
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iznsfw · 1 year
I'm glad the waterbomb festival doesn't have a mascot, or else I fear we would get IZ writing Eunbi sexy time with it 🤐
All the dirty water canon puns that would be in the fic 🙀:yerivamp:
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We've already lost to a Mcdonald's clown, you can't hurt us with a waterbomb mascot😣(Thankfully there isn't one)
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That's Eunbi cleansing our thoughts with her face of disapproval
That Mcdonald Xiaoting fic has 400 notes by the way so... I guess when horny strikes even Ronald McDonald gets a pass🙊
Have you considered....
It Takes Two to Take On Big and Heavy Things
Kwon Eunbi x Bikini Cups
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Eunbi fixes the cardigan over her body. It can't be called one when it's literally see-through, especially when it gets wet, but it has to be there. To contain them. No, not her tits, but the ones who hold them, the ones who—
"Feeling yourself, Eunbi-ya?"
The left cup of the bra presses to her breast. It molds perfectly to her nipple, almost squeezing too hard. Too sensitive to be surprised, Eunbi muffles a whine.
Are they... speaking?
"Bet you feel so sexy right now," a voice from the right says. Immediately, the fabric of the right cup of the bikini slides up and down the curved slopes of her tit. "You want us to slip down, don't you? So everybody could see what you were hiding all along?"
"No!" she denies. What's there to lie about when her legs already squirm together under her white skirt? "I'm... I don't—"
She shuts up. Wait, why is she following orders from a blue bikini? She doesn't know. It just feels right. Somehow.
"Good girl," the Left says, tightening its hold so that she's forced to press herself against the wall, "stay quiet. No more talking. We only want to hear those pretty moans."
The Right's fabric twists around her nipple. She lets out a sharp cry. She begins to shiver—alright, alright, she deserves this. She should be following orders.
"G-gah... please," Eunbi says, biting on her lip. She puts her hand under her skirt for she can't take it anymore. She needs it now. "Please, please, please, please—"
"Alright, you've learned your lesson." Intertwined voices reach her ears and send a plummet of lust through her body. "Touch yourself. We'll do the rest."
The fabric twists and caresses her sensitive, perky tits just as her fingers enter herself. Eunbi's large breasts heave at the stimulation and her fingers tend to their speed, accompanying the pleasure with another kind.
Her breath's tangled in a knot. She can't breathe. Her boobs feel too good, drunk in a high of bikini-induced euphoria. Her hand's in on the fun as it plunges and pulls.
From the Left: "You like feeling cloth pull and tweak your cute nipples, Eunbi?"
"Bet she does." Right. "They're so fucking big it should be illegal. But look at this slut enjoying it all. Go harder, I want to see her cum."
See? They have eyes?!
Her clit practically struggles to keep up with her rubbing as she fiddles it to orgasm. Her shouts echo in the dressing room. The bikini cups are undefeatable with their moves that fondle her chest and suck at all the right places. Her thighs curl together while her head throws back into the wall heavily.
"Good girl. Just keep cumming for us."
"I wonder if Bikini Bottom over— I mean, under there is doing a good job sucking her clit."
"Mind your own business!"
198 notes · View notes
violetlunette · 8 months
Actually, Yuu can make use of little trips outside of school (i.e. in events) in which Lilia does not show up to woo Silver ethically 😂 Glorious Masquerade? Dude, they're going to a school that has a magical resounding bell, isn't that their perfect wedding chime? And they both (ignoring virtually everyone else) have to fight a teenage arsonist? Legendary "how your fathers fall in love" story to tell the kids. They might even have danced together, you know, which totally makes it a Phillip and Aurora moment.
And Deuce's hometown? They're preparing a clock to wake Silver up for their domestic life, isn't this the loveliest idea of a honeymoon? And Silver's wearing bunny suit? Yuu could just pass out for how cute Silver looks. The first-years are rightfully concerned and Silver is blissfully unaware. What a perfect opportunity to get close to his Moonshine-
(At this rate Lilia might as well just tag along to stop Yuu. Being attacked mid-confession by a colony of bats is definitely not on Yuu's checklist 🦇🦇🦇)
(part of this series)
I love the idea of Yuu reacting the scene from The Birds with bats, lol. Anyway, Yuu and you underestimate Lilia (and Yuu's bad luck).
Masquerade; Yuu: Yes! God has smiled upon me at last as I go to the city of love-- Grim: I thought it was something to do with Flowers? Yuu—to the city of LOVE without Batman to get in the way! Yuu: Now, just t slide over and— Sebek; Cockblocker: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, HUMAN. Yuu: Gahh! The barking puppy! What do you want! Sebek: To keep you in line! Master Lilia ordered me to watch you and make sure you don’t do anything untoward towards Silver! Yuu: But everything I want to do is towards Silver! Sebek: You know what I mean! ~*~ Yuu: Ha! The Puppy’s no longer here. Now’s my chance to cast my spell of love. *Tries to dance over with a flower in his mouth* Moonshi—aiie! Trien: *Grabbing Yuu by the collar* Don’t wander off! And don’t distract the students while they’re working! Yuu: Oh, come on! ~*~ Yuu: Okay. Puppy’s arguing with randos, Trien’s drinking, now’s my chance! I can ask for a dance and we can fall in love! Silver will you-- Rollo: *Unleashes hellfire plan* Yuu: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! ~*~ Yuu: Okay, okay! The bell’s been rung, the party’s back on and no one I care about is dead. So maybe now-- Malleus: Yuu. Yuu: Oh, hey Hornton. Malleus, holding out a hand: Would you like to dance? *Totally innocent and sincere offer* Yuu: *GUILT* Sure! I’d love to.
Bunnyfest: Yuu: YES! Fate has smiled upon me once more! And this time there is no one to get in my way! Silver: *Steps out in adorable costume with a bunny tail* How do I look? ~Hours Later~ Yuu: *Wakes up* Gah! What happened?! Ortho: You saw Silver in his outfit and had a heart attack from how cute he looked. Yuu: Dammit!
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bronx-bomber87 · 7 months
Happy Saturday Lovely Fandom. We've reached the second to last ep of this series rewatch. Unreal. God I LOVE this ep. So so good. Tim being her handler. Reminds me of Alias. Which was my first love for tv show/ship. If you ever watched Alias you’d know why I love this asset and handler situation so much. Let us start.
5x21 Going Under
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Start out strong Lucy is going UC. Has to do with the last episode. Frank Teska has been released from prison. He killed his brother for the attack on his daughter Dara. He is back in business. Looking to get into the Ghost Gun trade. You need specific polymer to make them. Metro raided and took his supplier out. Which is where Lucy comes in. She will pose as someone at Southland Chemicals. Be his new supplier.
We join our ship talking about the OP. Tim mentioning he’s using Hard Luck as his CI. Lucy not trusting this guy as far as she can throw him. Tim’s reply is the best. The fact that his CI knows how important Lucy is to him *squee* Then telling her as such. That this guy knows Lucy is special to him That if he messes up Tim will hunt him down. Gah I love this. Calling in favors for his girl. Work version of romantic ha
Lucy’s sweet expression when he tells her this. Basically saying he loves her in not so many words. Lucy being Lucy calling it 'Undercover love.' hehe Tim isn't even fighting it anymore. Just smiles shakes his head and rolls with her antics. We all know he loves her for it. Damn they cute. Actions always speaking louder than words with these two. Lucy couldn’t be cuter as Tim walks away. Her smile saying more than words ever could about how she feels about this man.
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Then we get these GLORIOUS phone calls. Like rom-com goodies up in this episode. Love me some protective Tim. Asking her if he needs to talk to her boss? Lucy waves him off. Says she's got it. Tim looking mighty fine Phew lord Scruffy, his sweater and his eyes popping in this lighting. Mmm. Lucy of course checking in on him next. I love this so very much. He won't tell her he's struggling.
So she's going to check on in him since he won't do as such. Tim knowing exactly what she means. Asking if that means he misses her? We all know he does but he deflects in the cutest way. Saying no. His smile when she calls him a jerk. But he's YOUR jerk Lucy haha. He is so damn smitten with her. Loves teasing and messing with her. Just as much as she does for him. One of their love languages shining through in this moment. My damn heart.
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She asks if Tim can check in on Tamara? Tim doesn’t hesitate for one second. Of course he’ll check in on their daughter. Doesn’t want her to lose any focus on the job. We then delve into the cute snippet conversations that have my shipper heart fluttering. Lucy telling Tim not to watch 'Top Chef' without her. I love that they have a show they watch together. Makes me giddy. Such a couples thing to have that. Tim giving her crap saying he can’t make any promises.
Lucy asking Tim if he ever wished he had a normal job? Tim says without people shooting at him? Not once. Lucy replying me either. These tidbits are just fantastic. They both love their line of work so much. This whole talking about everything and nothing at all just shows the deep bond they have. Comes from riding together for years 12 hours at a time. Her being UC is isolating but they get to have these moments despite that. Little pockets of joy before this OP heats up.
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Tim asking if she’s making any friends? Lucy going on about a lady in her office. It’s so cute I can’t stand it. Talking about his grandkids and such. I love this is so very much. They did a really good job with these shots and the VO's. I saw a lot of people saying felt like rom-com and it really does in the best way. Just being on the phone whole time. Even though they're physically apart they still find a way to connect and be together. It’s so sweet imma get a cavity.
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Day 4 rolls around and Tim ask if the monotony is getting to her? Lucy tells him no as long as it’s not for nothing. I mean she had two weeks of it in 3x14. 4 days is nothing but now she has Tim so she's got more to miss this time around. I adore the voice overs in this scene. Tim reassuring her it’s probably cause Frank is double checking her story. I love this shot of Tim in the side mirror. Fierce protector reporting for duty.
Frank has finally surfaced and approached Lucy. Her cover story of being a wanted felon has worked out. Frank thinks she’s an easy target because of it. Lucy playing the fresh start card with him. Not wanting to get into business with him. She does this so well. He tells her not an option. That he needs certain plastics and she needs to not go to jail. Telling her it’s low risk.
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Gah I love Tim watching over the situation from across the way. Looking fine af BTW. My god I'll never be over how tall he is and I love it. Tall drink of yum. Look at him in his civvies, the hat, the glasses, the intense way he's watching her. Listening in to their convo. Trying to keep his protectiveness in check. Doing his best not to step in. Especially when Frank threatens her. Which causes Lucy to say yes. Frank says they’ll have dinner tonight then. He’ll come get her from her place. They can hammer out the details of this new partnership.
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Lucy meets up with Wesley, Harper, Grey and her man. They’re going over this date for her. Tim looks like he’s going to crawl out of his skin. He hates the idea of this guy possibly thinking it’s a date. He hates this entire conversation really. Keeping his hands in his pockets. Looks at the ground trying to settle his protective nature.
I love Grey checking in with Tim. Minute he hears the word 'romantically and date.' He immediately looks at Tim. Knowing he hates this on so many levels. Tim isn’t being at all discreet with how he feels about this situation. He's basically squirming in front of all of them. Tim continuing to try to put on a brave face. Not well but sure trying. His whole body language screaming his immense discomfort.
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Tim is being the least subtle he’s ever been in this moment. Hating the idea she needs a good wire in case he’s handsy. You can see him take a deep breath and clench his jaw at the thought of this. This conversation is killing him softly. Some angsty goodness though. The check in's these two have above getting me in the feels before she sets to leave. That silent communication of their's prominent af. I LOVE him walking Lucy to the door. The intense looks they share on the way.
They both look amazing btw. He keeps constant eye contact with her till he can’t any longer. The intense longing in his stare as he watches her go. *heart clutch* His entire world just walked out the door and it shows. Eric crushing it with the longing look. This is the type of angst I eat up. It’s so so good. Worried Tim is lovely to behold. And that man is insanely worried. He is an open book as she walks away from him. Trying to keep himself from losing his damn mind over this man possibly touching her.
Grey immediately checking in with him. Man wasn't exactly subtle during that whole conversation. Asking Tim if he’s ok? Tim lying saying he’s 5x5. Such a detached military reply. When he is anything but detached in this moment. Wade knowing he’s lying. Their friendship is underrated. Grey saying he has to treat this like any other OP. Any other UC. Sure he'll get right on that. Thanks to Lucy his emotions aren't so easy to turn off anymore. Also not like it’s the love of his life he’s watching over or anything…
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Lucy goes to dinner with Frank all wired up. Tim watching intently outside. Fierce protector at the ready. The intense look on his face as he watches over her is doing things to me. *fans self* Like a lion pacing back and forth in it's cage waiting to be let out. Ready to attack at the slightest provocation against her. It's insanely hot tbh. He would gladly throttle this man if given the chance to. All he needs is to be given a reason.
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Lucy almost gets Frank to admit to his brothers death when bullets start flying. We watch Tim in an absolute panic call this in. Desperately searching for her in the wreckage from his car. Trying to find her as he rattles off their address. I love her jumping up and looking his way so he knew she was ok. His giant sigh of relief when her head pops up. Feel like we all did that with him. Went from all out panic to instant relief. I said in the hospital scene she is his whole world. That just got shot at and he was paralyzed until she popped up.
He couldn’t breathe until he knew she was alright. His whole body slumping against his seat in relief. Eric crushing it out here with his expressions getting me all emotional. I love how his eyes dart back to her once more before he takes off after the shooters. Double checking she really is there. He couldn’t even be in pursuit of them until he knew she was ok. You can see he wants to stay but can’t. Having an internal battle but knows he has to go after them.
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His cop brain in a delay due to this. This delay in reaction definitely affects him in his pursuit of the shooters. Don't think he was fully there mentally. Tim's head was most definitely not in the game when he went after them. Taking us back to 5x01 when Tim told Lucy if her head isn't the game 100 percent it'll get her killed. He is the living embodiment of that line in this moment. This dude almost killed him. Even when the gun is in his face his reaction time is slower.
That is not the Tim Bradford we know and love in the field. He was clouded his emotions running rampant. He had not compartmentalized at all. When Jan shows up it really hits him what almost happened to him. Saying he got lucky it was empty. Otherwise…ugh I don’t even wanna think about it. He’s panting his adrenaline waning and it showing. Looking over where the guy was knowing this could've been far worse. Knowing what it would've done to Lucy.
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I love the minute she’s done dealing with Frank Lucy calls Tim. Anxiously awaiting him to answer her call. Both so worried about one another. Gah this episode is fantastic. Never seen Tim this panicky or shaken up. This is a UC OP he’s involved in I can’t imagine how he’d be if he wasn’t.
He just loves her so much. Having a legit meltdown till he knows she’s ok. It’s all over his face as he talks to her on the phone. Eric killing me softly in this one. Lucy isn’t pulling any punches with her worry either. Both making me emotional as hell. Tim replying ‘Yeah I am now.’ *internal screaming* Wasn’t ok till he knew she was.
The love they have for each other is all over this moment. I’m not crying you are…You can see all the tension leave his body when he hears her voice. The neediness in both their voices when he says they should meet up. Gah yes you do. They needed to hear each others voice to calm down after that adrenaline fest.
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Then we come to THE laundry scene. One that broke my damn brain. Pretty much broke the entire fandom's brain. I love how she rushes to him and clings on. Wanting zero space between them. Tim leaning into her arms. Rubbing his hand up and down her back. I’m sure both their hearts were racing. They are each other’s safe space and this hug shows that.
So scared and only finding comfort in each others arms. So much emotion surging through them in this hug. I love me a good hug and this one is fantastic one. Trying to ground one another with it. Speaking their concerns about what they just went through. The swaying gets me too. I love everything about this hug.
Lucy basically launches herself at him. He catches her effortlessly and holds her so tightly to him. The remaining tension melting out of of their bodies. Because they were running on adrenaline and anxiety until this hug. Tim holding her so close making sure she’s real. There with him. I’ll never be over this moment and how lovely it is.
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This next portion just proves why Lucy is his person. Tim is losing his mind with worry over this guy. Over him trying something. His anxiety coming off him in waves. Lucy wants to soothe him because it's her natural instinct. Tim looks like he wants to cry or punch a wall or both when he ask if he’s tried something? Lucy reassuring him he hasn’t but even if he did she’s got this. The fierce protector coming out strong right now. He can barely contain it. Tim deflecting a little saying ‘I know.’
Lucy knows this man so damn well. Telling him knowing and feeling ok are two different things. She's so right. I love the way she grabs his jacket trying to comfort him. Tim is being so soft and vulnerable in this moment. She wants him to know it’s ok. She’s ok and it’s very ok if he isn’t. Eric killing this episode left and right with his expressions. His heart is hurting it’s all over his face and Lucy is reaching out with a reassuring touch. I love her for validating his feelings. Not judging him for them.
But also knowing he’s being very vulnerable right now and she’s being wonderfully receptive to that. Tim gets a little defensive saying. Not his first time. Lucy is SO good with him. Doesn’t shame him for being bristly about this. Knowing it’s his PTSD in full swing. So soft in her reply and expression. Letting him know probably what’s making this so much worse for him. This is why she’s his person. Never shames him for his feelings only loves him through. Gah they’re making me so emotional. I love this couple so much.
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Before Tim gets anymore emotional he tells her he has to go. Now isn’t the time to talk about this. That he knows if she doesn’t feel safe she will bail. If she’s good he’s good. Lucy confirms she’s good. Tim says he has to get back to the station then. Grey is waiting for a status update. Lucy stops him before he can go. Not ready to be apart from him just yet.
Grabbing his arm keeping him from leaving. I love the way she is looking at him landing on his lips. Then she says the 4 words that made us all collectively lose our minds. ‘Lock the door first.’ Is this real life? Did we really get this moment? Adrenaline fueled we made it out alive laundry room sex? Oh my damn lord.
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The way he looks at her when she says this. *fans self* Tim is definitely not treating her like any other UC…I remember gasping at her saying this. Needing to be with him in this moment. Tim’s smile realizing what she’s saying. My god. Laundry room sex is now canon for them. We got shower sex last ep and now laundry room post-op sex. My god the writers were good to us. I like being pandered too LOL Also you know there is a damn good chance highly likely really this was unprotected too.
Lucy couldn’t let him walk away yet until she had him. Hot damn. Tim not one to deny her anything is easily roped into her naughty plans. I’m still not over the risks they took to have this heated moment together. They had a frenzied hookup while she was on assignment. I’m dead. They’ve actually killed me in the best way. S5 truly is a fic come to life. I love every minute of it. Clearly missing and craving sexy time with her man. Also probably still hopped up on adrenaline as well. Undercover hookup phew lord we are blessed haha
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Lucy calls Tim after she gets away with Frank from the warehouse. Saying the OP is done. Frank has nothing left to build. Tim is flirty af in his reply. With a shit eating grin to go with it. Saying that’s too bad... Lucy is confused and says why? Tim referring to their hookup in the laundry room. Bummed he wasn't going to get another. Timothy Bradford I never haha This man is so different when he is truly loved and happy my goodness. I couldn't love it more.
Hard to believe this entire episode is canon. Tim is definitely loving his sex life with Lucy and proud to let her know about it. Hell so are we haha Horny Tim is hilarious and I love him so. They could find another laundry room for a repeat performance if he would like LOL Fanfic come to life this season swear to god. We live in a world where this scene happened and I’m dying.
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They return home because at this point it’s their home. Gah love how Tim looks at Lucy as he approaches her. Man is so insanely in love with her. Lucy saying she needs a big meal, hot bath and quality sexy time. Heh. Then to sleep for 24 hours straight. I love how Tim encases her hands in his caressing them as they speak. Running his hands up and down hers. Needing this connection.
I love Tim being the physically affectionate one of the two. I always knew once they got together he would be the one who couldn’t keep his hands off her. Touching really is one of their many love languages and I adore it. Never saw them nearly as touchy with their ex’s. Just another reason proving why they’re so right for each other. Gonna be the death of me and I welcome it. Lucy can tell something is up. Asking him what’s going on?
Oh my poor damaged boy. Having a trauma response right now with her saying she needs time to decompress. I love him not deflecting and telling her how he’s feeling instead. That’s not easy for him. I also totally get his response. I still have trauma responses to things as well. Lucy knowing it is telling him it was only a week. That one nights keep will do her just fine. Trying to say without saying she’s not Isabel. Tim accepts her answer.
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Lucy says she has to come clean about some thing though. That she knows she made him promise not to. But she watched 'Top chef' without him. For shame Lucy Chen . For shame LMAO I guess that monotony did get to her since she finished it without him.... Tim is so offended I’m dying. Calling her a 'Bad girlfriend' *screams into a pillow* They’re so friggin cute I am dying. Lucy's 'No, I'm sorry!' It is horrible Tim is right haha Making him promise not to then watching it without him. Every right to be playfully mad at her.
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Lucy wastes no damn time and confronts Tim about the shooter in the alley. I love her so much for always calling him on his shit. Saying how he didn’t tell her he almost died in that alley. Tim brushing it off saying because he didn’t. Oh Timothy. Acting like her losing you wouldn’t completely wreck her. Absolutely devastate and ruin her like it would for you. I think that’s exactly why he did it though. Acting like it’s not a big deal when he knew it was.
Protecting her from that fact. Lucy coming at him saying doesn’t matter who told her. That they’ll set aside the fact he left it out of the report. 2x01 Tim would be appalled ha. Doing it for the same reasons Lucy did then. Insane how this same kind of fight still involves Isabel indirectly. Lucy can’t believe him right now. Acting like it’s nothing. Like she didn’t almost lose him.
We see a little more trauma Tim come out here. Just assuming she's keeping things from him when she's under. I so relate to him reacting this way I do. I misread something my best friend had texted me the other day. I made an assumption like Tim is here. My friend was wonderful texted me back ‘ Your trauma is showing.’ And it knocked me out of it. It’s involuntary when it runs so damn deep. And we know it does for him.
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I’m so glad Lucy is there to knock him back out of it. Saying No you know Isabel did for a fact. Calling him right out for it. These kinds of fights are so good for them. Forces them to face the stuff they’re hiding. Things they didn’t really touch on last episode. This was a much better and more open conversation. Tim didn’t hide behind being ‘fine.’ And Lucy isn’t letting him get away with it. Tim can’t fight that logic and it’s all over his face in the second gif. The way his body slumps in reply.
Lucy making a strong ass point next. Saying if this is going to work between them he has to see the difference. She not wrong. He really does. Tim shooting back of course he can. (Babe you got some work to do...) What I love the most is Lucy said her piece. Put him his place about this. Which was needed and now Tim is saying his. The dialogue in this scene so much more productive than 5x20 was. Airing things out and how they actually feel. Tim voicing his need to know she will listen to him if he sounds the alarm.
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That otherwise all the pain he went through was for nothing. Then he says the line that shows me Lucy is the love of his damn life. ‘I can’t lose you the way I lost her.’ Tears in this man’s beautiful eyes. Imma cry myself. Finally voicing the fear he kept inside last episode. He cannot lose this woman My heart. She is everything to him. Pulled him out of the depths of his pain and hurt. Brought him back to life. He loves her so much and is saying as such in this moment.
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Lucy can see this and reassures him he won’t lose her that way. She would walk away for him if it ever got that close. Ugh my heart. He sounded the alarm earlier and she shut it down. So they both have stuff to work on. I mean it's why he brought it up. He felt like he was sounding the alarm in the laundry room. Lucy brushed it off saying she didn't want to tap out. But them having this conversation hopefully they can be more aware of these things for a future OP and in general really. The need to openly communicate is a must.
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Tim says 'Okay.' Choosing to trust what she is saying. Then we get another glorious hug. The way he clings to her. His hand around her neck pulling her to him is so visceral. He loves her so damn much and it’s shown beautifully in this embrace. How much she means to him. Pulling her in close. Lucy doing the same thing clinging to him like a life raft. Her arms pulling him close to her as well. We see both her hands on his shoulders. *sigh*I'm so proud of them for both speaking their minds in this scene.
Lucy calling Tim out was so needed. He has to see she isn’t Isabel. If not it’ll destroy him. No one gets through to Tim like Lucy. This scene was so raw and honest. Very much needed after all that was left unsaid in 5x20. Never be over them being vulnerable with one another especially Tim. Not only telling her he needs her to listen but sharing he CANNOT lose her. Basically laying any cards she didn’t already have from him on the table. So proud of him. He’s come so far and this scene shows it. I truly love the writers for how real they write them. Phew Lord this was a good ep.
Side notes-non Chenford
Angela calling Aaron from closet about a case hilarious. The entire ep trying to do stuff for her I was laughing so hard.
Also nice to see Celina go out with a nice guy. She deserves it.
Well the next one is the last one holy moly. Thank you forever and always to those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You all have made me so appreciated by doing so. I will see you all in the 5x22 :)
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bunnihoshiki · 1 year
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🐰 . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 ⋆ @milkandcookies-post "I was wondering if I could request a poly with CREEK (tweek + craig) thats full of fluff and silliness yk? Like a small one shot about reader (gender neutral btw!!) where they really like both of the boys but are embarrassed but end up with them. Also maybe the reader is the balance between tweek and Craig"
💭 . . 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐬 ⋆ Creek (tweek and Craig) x Reader
🐰 . . 𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⋆ so you happen to fall in love with the cutest boys in the town? Lets see how it turn out!
💭 . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐬 ⋆ Reader crying but for a happy reason. the headcanons is just filled with silliness! it MAY be a little ooc since shiki tweeked their personality a bit so reader can be with them! Haha get it? Sorry for the bad pun
🐰 . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⋆ this was very cute ty for the req^_^! (don't mind hoshiki using random pictures and sorry if you didn't wanna get tagged;'3) oh and one more thing, ki realized he doesn't know what one-shot meant so he made both headcanons and scenario-y? Sorey he isn't fluent ALSO ALSO he doesn't know if this is angst or not-
Navi | Masterlist
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Lead to a disaster! Well, not really. You're more of a disaster. Not as much as tweek tho. The fact that you're in love with both of them and that they're already a healthy and cute couple AND you don't know if whether they were an open relationship or not makes you overthink and the whole situation is overall overwhelming! Does that mean you'll stop? No! Will it be hard for you? Yes!
Since they're both ussually seen together you would be extra flushed and that certainly didn't help.
Even if they're both already dating you still had a bit of hope blooming inside of you, you were really in love with both of them and you're rather eager to date them. That would lead to you doing small helpful things to them to full on giving them a high-quality gift. On rare occasions you'd have to invite your friends to help.
Your very first step on getting closer to them is talking to them! You knew you shouldn't be direct and straightforward with it but how else are you supposed to get closer to someone?
You'd practice all day infront of the mirror and decided to test it out with your close friends to avoid fucking it up but guess what? You fucked up hard, figuratively.
The first time you tried to have a conversation with them didn't go exactly how you planned it to be, it was rather awkward and you almost always somehow fumble your words.
"gah! O-oh, hey Y/n" Tweek jerked his head to the said. He backed up as soon you appeared behind him. Of course he was beside Craig. Tweek seemed normal as he's just shaking and Craig had his usual poker face.
"oh uh- good morning... Tweek! And Craig..." you chuckled, obviously nervous. Your face started to heat up when both males just stared at you like they're waiting for something else.
"you want something?" Craig questioned in his monotoned voice.
"no..?" you replied confused. Well fuck, you've forgotten what to say.
"uh okay" He simply sighed and went back to getting things from his locker
"..." Tweek seemed to stop his twitching and looked at you. Waiting if you're gonna say something or not. It was dead silent and the only thing you can hear is chatting from the people walking by and lockers clacking.
It was so awkward you couldn't handle it, you didn't want to see them so it seemed that the best choice was to just ran away.
You closed your eyes as you sprint away from the scene, you could feel eyes on you. it was another fail and you're running out of time since summer break is nearing. You need to do something right now— well not now but now and quickly.
You decided went to put your mind at ease at the playground but one thing you hadn't realize was that tweek was running after you, it was—of course— surprising since tweek was always labeled as 'The paranoid' and 'overthinker' but a part of you was overjoyed that one of your crush went after you.
"gah- I'm sorry Y/n! It was just... I just wanted to... UGHH never mind!" Tweek shook at his mistake but was quick to discard it as he immediately went beside you.
"I don't... Really know how to comfort people but I'm sorry it was awkward back there...ahhh how do I say this?!" Tweek struggled with his sentence and rubbed the bridge of his nose, you did admit it was cute seeing tweek all annoyed. "oh right, uh- as I was saying it was kinda awkward back there but I er... Decided to go after you since you seemed like you wanted to say something back there..."
"oh... Well about that.... Er it's kinda embarrassing b-" as you were about to continue your sentence was cut off by Craig "Honey! You ran off without giving a warning what happened?" though the tone hasn't changed— and his expression was left untouched— you could tell Craig was genuinely worried.
"o-oh hey babe! Y/n was about to say something." Tweek signaled the other man to come sit with him. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel jealous when they used pet names with each other.
Now that both of your crushes was beside you. Your face suddenly turned warm, you looked down and fiddled with your fingers. It would be even more awkward to admit your inlove with two people that are dating. The fact that they're beside you was a cherry on top.
"er... I guess...." your voice slowly became quiet. "uhm... How can I say this infront of you two..?" you simply crossed your arms, pretending to think.
"go on..." Craig was patiently waiting for your confession awhile tweek seemed a bit impatient but he tried his hardest to wait.
"I just... Yknow" you let out an exaggerating sigh and slowly turned irritated trying to think of a metaphor.
"fufk! Ok fine I'll admit it! I have feelings for both of you!" you felt overwhelmed that you straight up admit it without realizing. You audibly gasped and covered your mouth as soon those words came out of your mouth.
Both went silent. Tears rolled down your face and you wanted to die right now but then
"actually... We both feel the same way..." Craig broke the silent first. You didn't know how to feel
"What? What do they mean?" Was all you could think
"oh uhm... You see, we both liked you even before the... Yaoi situation, we sort off— didn't like each other since we both liked you and all but because of the Asian girls making fanarts of us we somehow ended up together. That didnt meant our feelings for you disappeared. " Tweek confirmed, his twitching seemed to calm down as he said that and you full on sobbed from happiness.
"it's okay Y/n, let it all out." Craig comforted you with his words and both continued to embraced you. You felt safe around their arms, you felt happy knowing that you weren't weird for liking both of them.
While you all weren't sure about revealing your relationship, you might as well risk it since it isn't the others choice for your relationship! While other thought it was weird they still gave you a nod of approve but some did object to the idea.
At the early stages of your new relationship Tweek seems to be more cautious while Craig was... Craig. But later on tweek seems more honest and a little more laid-back around you but he's still the normal tweek and Craig let's out more of his emotions with you.
Now that you were all together, you also needed to pamper tweek alongside with Craig. You gotta admit it was pretty tiring but you actually loved it.
While you give attention to both men, tweek is aware you were even a little stressed due to him being paranoid all the time do he would give you, Craig or both of you something that would help you calming.
Sometimes the item in question is something very random, mostly rocks since it's common. You would even join tweek into the rock giving ceremony
Ever since you became apart of the relationship you became aware of some things they've kept secret. This would be a weird thing to say but you've been married 20 times now. Apperantly ever since the girls made them marry in 4th grade it became a tradition to pretend marry at a certain time and date. Which you found funny so you played along. They seemed serious about it tho...
Let's just say you compliment each other's personality really well!
© 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢 2023 do not repost, copy or modify without my permission. All rights reserved.
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kandisheek · 4 months
this is the long haul by meidui
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 1,357 Tags: First Dates, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining
Summary: It takes them eleven years to go on a first date.
Reasons why I love it: They're SO CUTE, oh my god, I can't! Steve, you oblivious fool, you could've had Tony ages ago! But I'm glad they got there in the end. This fic is wonderful, and I highly encourage you to read it, if you haven't already!
To Punch a Nazi by jellybeanforest
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 767 Tags: Politics, Punching Nazis, Humor and Fluff
Summary: “I can’t believe you punched a Neo-Nazi on national television.” “You’re surprised? I can’t believe there are still Nazis left to punch.”
Reasons why I love it: This absolutely feels like something Steve would do. And Tony's response is so very Tony too, it's great. I love the characterizations in this, the dialogue is hilarious, and the ending put the biggest smile on my face. This fic is fantastic, and I hope you give it a shot!
Haven't Met You Yet by JehBeeEh
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,649 Tags: No Powers AU, Domestic Fluff, In-Vitro-Fertilization
Summary: “Hey sweetheart,” Steve called out tiredly as he toed off his shoes. He heard a small sound that he thought might be hey coming from Tony. He threw his jacket on the chair nearest the door and walked towards his husband, who still hadn’t moved a muscle. He looked at the screen with an expression Steve had never quite seen on him. A mixture between the look of delight he got in the lab, when he was deep in some techy binge Steve did not understand, and a fondness that Steve usually saw directed at him. “Tony? Everything okay?” “Yeah,” he whispered, a smile creeping on his face, eyes still locked on the screen. He stretched a hand towards Steve, some slower version of a one-handed grabby hand directed at him. “Com'ere,” he mumbled, and Steve couldn’t help but smile. Steve sat next to him, Tony's arm curling around his waist to pull him as close as could be to him. He gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaning his head against Tony's shoulder, feeling his husband's head drop against his the moment he was settled. “Look at this,” Tony told him as he restarted the video.
Reasons why I love it: You gotta love it when a fic is both entertaining and educational. I don't know a lot about IVF, but after reading this, I definitely want to learn more! This fic just warms my heart, it's so fluffy and sweet, and I hope that Steve and Tony get the happy ending they deserve. Definitely check this one out, it's amazing!
Operation Check Yes or No by avengersandco
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,797 Tags: Getting Together, Flirting, Fluff and Humor
Summary: Steve just wants Tony to notice him, but he’s not sure how. Lucky for him, his friends help him make a plan to capture the attention of the one he wants.
Reasons why I love it: Gah, they are SO CUTE! I love how the rest of the team despairs at their antics while Steve and Tony remain utterly oblivious. And Steve's methods of flirting with Tony are adorable, I love every single scene. This fic is wonderful, and you should definitely read it!
Last Call by antithestral
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,330 Tags: Fluff and Humor, Alcohol, First Kiss
Summary: “Still,” Steve said softly. “You should let me buy you a drink, one of these days.” Tony glanced up at him, puzzled, tense, trying to figure out what that meant, what Steve meant, trying to look past the thing he… wanted it, so desperately, to mean. “Yeah?” Steve slanted a glance at him, from underneath his lashes. His mouth gleamed from the cognac, shiny and wet, and his eyes were dark, fathomless, stunning. “Yeah.”
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, I don't know why I find Steve needing some liquid courage to make a move on Tony so goddamn adorable, but I really do. I also love Tony being the responsible adult in all of this, it's a part of his character that I think really doesn't get explored enough, and this version of him is just perfect. I love this fic, and I bet you will too, so please give it a shot!
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aliceisathome · 4 months
Charming. That's the word I'm using this week for Wandee Goodday. Utterly and completely charming, from Dee mooning over toothbrushes and boxing elephant pants to Yak flicking toothpaste onto the bathroom mirror. Do I want a pair of boxing elephant pants now? Yes. Yes I do. I spend most of the episode just smiling so much my face hurts.
The bet! Shades of Bad Buddy
These two idiots love each other and they seem to be the only ones who don't realise it yet - although they're getting closer! Dee's got the man with the most expressive eyebrows in the world nudging him towards realisation and Yak has Yei doing the same. Kao had better end up with his own faen by the end of the series - I will not accept him being the only one without one. Oooh - or we have a sequel/special just about Kao getting his HEA. Apparently there's already a book about how Yei and Cher get together so yes please to both please GMMtv. *puppy dog eyes*
Oh of course you did a 4 hour round trip with work the next morning just to give him some medicine Dee. So convincing. And yet you're still denying him the lips - gah. JUST KISS DAMMIT.
Am I going to have to tie you down Dee? is Yak going to have to tie you down? I have no objection to this scenario obvously.
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The audacity of Ter - changing the flights without asking because he 'wants to spend some time' with Dee. What an emotionally manipulative weasle.
You CONFUSE Dee? you kick his heart like the football? oh! oh! Jail for Ter! Jail for Ter for One Thousand Years!!!!
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Mooning over Ter/Taem is basically just habit at this point - although I note that even in the fantasy sequence Ter didn't get the kiss on the mouth either. And Dee needs to stop being so selfless - their relationship would have been revealed to Taem and she'd be off the board but now it just reinforced Yak's belief that Dee's not interested in public REAL relationship. Gah.
Family date was cute as fuck. Aww, the ending, running along the Chao Phraya holding hands, wearing their colours. I just love them to bits.
I do not like the preview for ep 7 I BET Dee breaks up with Yak because he's being all noble and shit. And wtf is Dee doing in his Tiny Tiger outfit with Ter? This had better just be Dee imagining how awkward it would be vs how comfortable it is with Yak. I think Yak might lose the fight though - and get his kiss for that rather than winning.
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according2thelore · 6 months
okay so your es/ls verse is making me lose my mind omg!! I check everyday and every little snippet heals a part of my soul I am not even kiddinggg! This last one about es!sam missing was so so so on point, I finally have the courage to send you an ask - what if es!sam or dean or both at the same time see ls!sam and dean uhm...um...doing what they are yearning for, kissing or spooning or straight up boning...what happens then? Does ES!Dean freak out and bolt? Does ES!Sam feel hopeful about the future for the first time since coming? Do ES!Sam&Dean evade each other forever?????? Do they accept it or try to play up their wtf reactions as if they havent been dreaming of this forever???
PS - odd detail but I love how adorably you write "kisses you on both cheeks" - english isnt my first language so forgive me if this comes as weird but this phrase of yours always me laugh because it is so cute haha?! I hope ES!Sam kisses Cas on both cheeks? Did I use it right???
EEK! thank you, anon! MWAH MWAH!
and please send me all the asks in the world! i cradle all of these asks in my hands like a duckling, lol!
OKAY ANON LMAO I TOTALLY READ THIS WHOLE THING COMPLETELY WRONG!!!! i read it as: what if LS!Dean&ES!Sam walk in on LS!Sam&ES!Dean kissing, and wrote this big long terrible thing about it!!!! my mistake!!!!!!! i was about to click publish then read it again and realized my error! if y'all ever want that lesson in angst and torture, lmk lol.
but GAH!!! your BRAIN!!!! i had to write a narrative little thing about it, i hope you enjoy!
sam doesn't know where the hell anyone is.
he checks the kitchen. nope. the armory, no one. the library? empty. he checks everyone's bedrooms, the garage, the war room, the dungeon (still can't believe there's a future where he owns a dungeon), and they're all completely empty.
sam is starting to suspect that they all went out without him, despite the fact that sammy had immediately established the ground rule that no "same" winchesters can go out together without a pretty extensive disguise.
that rule had been established when they all went out to the bar to drink their collective problem away (with the younger winchesters in big-billed trucker hats) and a drunk girl had stumbled straight from older dean's unwilling arms into younger dean's infinitely-more-willing arms and did a double-take. then a triple-take. then she saw The Sams, and they got the hell out of dodge before things could get ugly.
twins exist, for sure, but identical twins separated by 10+ years? not really.
sam's walking down another of the infinite hallways when he spots dean--his dean.
he had given up on finding anyone and gone to do some more archiving work. it was one of the only things that kept him sane in this new reality, and he enjoyed the quiet, satisfying work of logging complicated artifacts in his older self's laptop.
it was outside on of these rooms that he finds dean.
sam is positive there's nothing on these floors but dusty, mostly unopened rooms full of non-sharp, lore-heavy papers and gadgets and pottery, so he's confused why dean is here at all.
(and another, more bitter part of him is surprised to see him here without his precious sammy)
dean's pressed against a door, and sam's steps slow, because he's seen this exact scene in that one movie about the blair witch that terence made him watch at stanford. they had all jumped and laughed and rolled their eyes, but sam had sat straight as a board, beer sweating and unopened in his hand.
dean is clearly not looking at him, face pressed into the doorcrack like he's trying to smell or something. sam creeps forward, listening, but can only dean's quick breathing.
is he hurt? sam picks up his pace.
when he's directly behind him, he leans his head in close. he can smell his own shampoo in dean’s hair.
“dean!” he says suddenly, because it’s his big brother, and sam is legally obligated to be a little shit about it.
dean jumps like he just took a bullet to the kidney, and he slams both hands over his mouth. he whips around with glaring eyes, but he’s clearly shocked by something. something not-sam.
“what the hell?” dean asks, sharply, voice barely above a whisper.
“what are we doing?” sam asks, lowering his voice, too. is something wrong? what’s in the room? sam makes a step forward, but dean reaches a hand out to sam’s chest, keeping him there.
dean raises his other hand to his lips, motioning for sam to be quiet. sam hunches instinctively, and creeps forward quietly.
he and dean are sharing space next to the door, and sam presses even closer so dean’s back brushes his chest with every inhale. there’s a few-centimeter crack in the door, just enough for light to come through, but they can only see a sliver of a shelf from here.
there are voices, sam realizes. behind the door. they’re faint, but one is getting steadily quieter and louder, like they’re pacing back and forth from the door.
"--leave, already?"
a soft laugh. "you don't mean that."
a groan. "yeah, sammy, i kinda do. i don't like this. that we have to hide this."
sam knew it was their older selves, but the confirmation of it shoots a spark of nerves all the way down to his toes. why are they here?
“we’ve hidden this before. we hide literally everywhere. all the time.”
“but it’s us, y’know?”
“even more reason. could you imagine telling dean that this is how we end up?”
“kid’ll wet himself in glee, promise you that.” a silence. “what?”
“nothing. just…”
“d’ah, stop lookin’ at me like that.” dean grumbles. and his voice stops moving back and forth.
“or what?” challengingly. sam flushes, because he knows that tone of voice. he flirts with that voice. keep it together, man, he wants to scream to his older self. dean shifts in front of him.
“or i’ll come over there and make you,” dean says, and sam can feel the dean in front of him tense up.
there’s silence in the room for a second, and sam can feel the ragged inhales of the dean in front of him. sam’s palms are sweating.
“how long have they been here?” sam asks quietly, and if he didn’t know better, he would say dean shudders as his breath hits dean’s scalp.
“i don’t know. i just found them a few minutes ago. they’ve been talking about us.”
sam can feel dean’s voice rumble, and he closes his eyes, tight.
the silence reigns, and sam leans forward even more,
“what are they doing?”
sam reaches forward to push the door open. dean makes a wordless hushed sound of protest, but sam has already knocked the door open an inch. it’s silent on its hinges.
sam leans over dean, and his blood runs cold.
sammy is sitting on a table, facing the door. dean’s waist is pressed between his thighs, and one foot has hooked around dean’s calf to hold them close.
they’re kissing.
they’re kissing.
sam can hear the wet sounds their mouths make as they part and connect. tongues flash in the yellow over-head lights.
the dean in front of him makes a noise, shocked and…and something else.
“hate that i have to have you here, sammy. want to fuck you on the kitchen table, make them watch.”
sam watches his own face contort into a groan, watches older dean bite kisses down his throat. sammy’s lips are swollen and wet, and sam flushes hot because oh my god oh my fucking god—
“you like that idea, don’t you? spread you open for me, make your little favorite hear what a slut his older brother is? make him know you’re mine?”
younger dean’s hand flies to his mouth. sam desperately has to press a hand to his cock, and does so, praying that dean doesn’t turn around.
“no bites.” sammy pants, and tangles his hand in dean’s hair, pulling him away.
sam is shocked by the pure want and adoration on his older self’s face, and aches down to his very bones.
“can’t believe we wasted so much time.” he says, voice rough. his eyes are soft. older dean’s hand bunches in sammy’s shirt, and sam can see the tips of his ears go pink.
younger dean stumbles back, and slams into sam. sam jerks back with a yelp, throwing his hips away because he is terrified that dean is going to feel the hard swell of his dick in his jeans.
dean is panting, and his hand shakes on his mouth.
“oh my god,” dean whines. “they’re—together—they—“
“they’re fucking.” sam confirms, nodding and not knowing why. “they fuck. they fuck each other.”
“stop saying it!” dean whisper shouts, bending at the waist and standing up again, pacing in frantic little circles.
“together,” he’s muttering. “they’re—they—holy shit.”
sam’s heart is pumping in his ears. he can’t help it—he can’t—his eyes fall to dean’s crotch. there’s a bulge in his jeans. sam’s mouth goes dry. his whole body goes hot.
does…does dean—
“i don’t—“ sam says, but he doesn’t know what he’s going to follow that up with.
“yeah, i know.” dean says, laughing breathlessly. then his eyes get wide and he grabs a fist of his hair. “oh fuck. what are we gonna do?”
“pretend we didn’t see anything?” sam suggests.
“we were going to—y’know! to you!!! y’all!” dean says. he’s panicking. sam’s hope starts to curdle.
“say it—fuck. they’re fucking!” sam hisses. dean groans like he’s going to be sick.
dean put his hand over his mouth and starts muttering again. sam catches a few words. “kiss—how could he do that—little brother—we promised—can’t believe—“
something strange shifts in sam’s chest. since he was freshly 11—hell even before that, when he found out his kindergarten teacher was engaged, and sam found out what “marriage” meant, he had grabbed dean’s hand excitedly when he came to get him from the classroom and elatedly told him “we’re gettin’ married! i’m gonna marry you!” dad had later disabused him of that, and dean had crawled into their bed later that night and kissed sam’s tear-streaked cheeks. “it’s okay sammy,” he said, “i’m gonna be at your weddin’ anyway. standin’ right behind you.” sam’s stomach had curdled. “but if you’re really, super old—like 29–and you’re still not married, we can talk about it.”
sam had thought about it when he was 13 and watching dean press the girl of the month against the side of the impala from the motel window. 16 years to go, he had thought with all the tone and life of someone counting down the years of a terminal diagnosis. he had been rotting with this for years.
and they—future they—did it! are doing it? they…they’re together. in all the ways. in every way.
“i gotta go,” dean mutters, and sam catches one look at his overwhelmed expression before dean takes off. sam blinks after him, still processing.
together. he and dean together.
“dean,” sam calls. he’s shocked by how breathless he is, and clears his throat. “wait up!”
he follows his brother, like he’s been doing since he was six.
but for the first time in his life, his chest swells with a tentative, frantic hope. he’s afraid the weight of it—of them—will choke him. he doesn’t know what’s going to happen. dean probably won’t talk to him. but sam—he—it’s starting. this could go either way, but whatever this is—love, family, whatever—is starting.
and he can’t wait to find out.
“do you think they’re talking about it?” sammy asks later, washing his face before bed. dean is sitting on their bed with a cleaning cloth, freshly showered. “do you think it was enough of a kick in the ass?”
“knowing us, not a fucking shot.” dean says blandly, cleaning his gun. “at this rate, i think i will actually have to suck your cock in the library four times a day to get it to sink in.”
sam rolls his eyes, and dryly says, “romantic.” he adjusts his collar and his eyes land on a couple of splotchy bruises on his neck. “hey!” he leans out of the bathroom. “i think you actually left bruises.”
dean looks up, face purposefully placid.
“whoops. let’s hope pipsqueak doesn’t see those.”
sam scowls.
“you’ve got issues.”
dean lifts one shoulder up in a coy shrug and tilts his head.
“aw, baby. only for you.”
“you’re an ass!” sam calls as he steps back into the bathroom. he looks at his and dean’s toothbrushes sitting side-by-side.
he smiles. yeah.
they definitely got them.
PS - aw! thank you so much!!! it’s not weird at all! and yes, that's completely correct, haha! ES!Sam is for sure kissing Cas on both cheeks!
LS!Dean is the guy running up and trying to stop it but the poor fool is too late! they are embracing!
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i am kissing you on both cheeks! so now we're both laughing! thank you for this ask, anon, it made me giggle! have a great day! <3
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forbidding-souda · 1 month
can i request Himiko x Gundham for rarepair imagines? :]
sorry if you're busy or requests are closed!
Gundham Tanaka x Himiko Yumeno rarepair
this post is late sorry but hai anon this is for you
-Mod Souda
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❤ okay so i'm picturing something very specific so let me see if i can explain it correct. you know that one sprite of gundham where he's like ">:O???" which his hands up and he looks like he's gasping like gah?!?!
❤ ^ that sprite when himiko does a magic trick and he's like "wh-what is this sorcery?!" but like unironic even though all she did was an easy card trick.
❤ And imagine Himiko sleeping and the hamsters curl next to her!!!! They would love her so much oh my god.
❤ The height difference too. Gundham is able to pick her up whenever he wants, and carry her any way he wants. Sleepy Himiko resting on Gundhams shoulder as he carries her home.
❤ Instead of Magician, Gundham refers to her as Sorcerous or indeed Mage. Wielder of Dark Magic would work too. "My girlfriend, the SHSL Wielder of Dark Magic" LMFAO.
❤ The amount of respect he holds towards her "master" is inhumane. He is so grateful that there was a mentor to teach Himiko "dark magic". He considers himself cursed, but Himiko's magic is a gift.
❤ There's one specific moment where he knew he was in love. It was when Himiko was doing magic tricks to children, she was smiling at them and their wonder. He watched with wide eyes, his face turning pink. She is so kind, so gentle and sweet. His chest was warm and his gut was fluttery. She's perfect.
❤ They both have a bad time opening up to other people so they're both willing to be patient with each other. It's like that spiderman meme. They're both not irritate by each others emotional unwillingness, for lack of better term.
❤ If she performs the water trick with Gundham in the audience he's gonna start tweaking.
❤ Omg her bonding with one of the black cats Gundham takes care of and she calls it her familiar.
❤ He keeps bringing cats home for her. Gundham plz. Gundham we already have 3. Gundham stop.
❤ Him reading his hamsters to sleep and Himiko is there and ends up falling asleep too.
❤ I think they'd be really cute together. This rarepair is actually pretty valid. It should be more popular. There's like a million of situations that would be cute together.
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mcsm-r0ckz · 20 days
axden and stellivia headcanons for you because you deserve a good day
• Regularly do they go on dates at the top of the Boomtown tower, throwing TNT at anyone who dares challenge Aiden's stupid bf.
• Aiden has insane anger issues, and probably something else wrong with him, so in order to calm him down healthily, they've started a new method called 'squeezing.' Aiden get's mad and tells axel " squeeze me. " Axel hugs him so tight Aiden can't breathe and it calms him down.
• Aiden is insecure about being the smaller dude in the relationship, and Axel makes fun of him for it until he gets genuinely upset. Then Axel finds a way to apologize by building Aiden a tnt canon to shoot him into the air. Why? Because he would.
• Axel pokes at his boyfriend but really loves him. Like it makes him sit back and make fun of Aiden because remember when I wanted to beat you up? And Aiden's like hah!! Remember when I almost DID beat you up? And Axel's like ... uh ... no..? And Aiden's like uh. It was all in my head shut up
• Aiden explaining he was jealous of the order and Axel going " yeah, I'm pretty awesome. But like man I'm trapped in the tower! " and Aiden's like " ... yeah, ... actually...? That's... kinda lame " and then axel makes fun of Aiden cuz they're stuck in here together! You're the king of boomtown's boyfriend!! People have an eye put for Aiden HARD.
• Stella and Olivia live in their own respective cities, but Stella has a habit of ignoring her workers when on a "business call" in her ear piece. She's lying to you, she's calling her girlfriend and twirling her hair!!!
• Olivia makes a specialized ear piece for stella that not only works as a microphone for champion city, but that she can use to directly call her over a specialized redstone line! Isn't Stella's girl so smart.. ♡
• Stella still tries to pull the rivalry thing with Jesse nowadays, but more playful, and Olivia doesn't get it. Stella then begins to pace back and forth, explaining in great detail how they're dramatically sworn rivals that have reconciled with one another! And you, my dear redstone heart, are the only reason Champion city isn't trying to one up Beantown anymore...!!
• Olivia's like... aww..?? That's cute I think???
• Stella's Redstone Heart.... That's olivia... Olivia calls stella by her name. Stella calls olivia: Her Redstone Heart, Darling, Dear, My Love, Sweetie....
• They. Love. Picnic dates. Stella essentially being Olivia's sugar mommy and just being like. HERE. You need this, right? And this? Oh and definitely this. And Olivia, who doesn't really need extravagant things because she works with redstone is like... ahah.. Stella.. Babe, slow down....
That is all I have for now...
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dannystheone · 1 year
Hi!! I absolutely loved the South Park fic you posted recently!! You got their interactions down and it genuinely felt like I was reading the script from an episode. For a request, maybe something where Craig let’s Tweek hold Stripe, and Tweek is kind of nervous but ends up giggling because she’s sniffing at his belly or neck or something. And Craig’s eyes just light up because he didn’t know Tweek was ticklish. And of course he has to tickle Tweek right after- Take all the time you need or feel free to decline. Have a great week 💖
Oh my gosh I have been INSANE for Creek like my phone gallery is filled with fanart, they're just too adorable together. Also thank you for the compliment! I love when people say my fics are like the real thing it makes me happy :)
I have another Creek idea I wanna flesh out but this idea is too cute so I have to do it :)) thank you for the idea! I absolutely love Creek they're so gay and lovely and wonderful
Craig Introduces Stripe To Tweek! (Lee Tweek/Ler Craig)
"Alright Tweek, I'm gonna hand you Stripe now. Just hold your hands out flat-"
"GAH! No! What if I crush him on accident?! I don't wanna hurt him! That is way too much pressure! Ack!!"
Craig had invited Tweek over to his house to meet his infamous guinea pig, Stripe. They were sitting crisscross on Craig's carpet; the LED lights around Craig's room and the glow stars on his ceiling provided a calmer vibe for Tweek. However, Tweek was never calm under any circumstances.
"It's okay, just hold your hands out flat and I'll give you Stripe." Craig gently placed his light brown guinea pig in Tweek's shivering hands. Tweek's eye twitched as his breathing grew heavy.
"I- I don't wanna hurt him, man! You'll hate me!"
"You're not gonna hurt him dude, relax. Look, he likes you." Tweek looked down at the furred animal and took a deep breath.
Stripe started moving around in Tweeks hands, his little feet padding around in Tweek's palms. Tweek twitched at the unfamiliar sensation and watched Stripe as closely as possible.
Tweek didn't mention he also had anxiety about Stripe suddenly biting him out of nowhere, or pissing in his hands unexpectedly. What if it poisoned him? But he didn't want to be rude to Craig and his kind offer.
"You see? He probably prefers your hands over mine, they're always too cold." Craig stayed as optimistic as possible for Tweek, despite his usual blunt nature. Stripe was sniffing around Tweek's hands, possibly smelling the coffee grounds that stained them after years of drinking the beverage.
"C-Craig! He's climbing my arm!" Stripe was ambling up out of Tweek's hands now and padding along his forearm.
"Oh, he's just curious. That means he really likes you, and your shivering doesn't bother him either."
"What? My shivering? I shiver? When do I do that??" Tweek questioned. But he forgot about his questions as Stripe climbed up closer and closer to his face.
"GAH! Craig, can you take him off?! I don't wanna hurt him dude!" Craig sighed as he gently removed Stripe from Tweek's bicep. Craig put Stripe in his usual resting place, on his shoulder.
"See, that was cool, wasn't it? Stripe really likes you."
"Nnn...I guess. I just wish- I wish I wasn't so nervous so I could hold him properly!" Tweek's hands balled into fists as Craig furrowed his brows in confusion.
"But...you were holding him? You were holding him just now."
"No I mean- Ack! I mean I can hold him without worrying if I'm gonna hurt him!" Tweek pulled on his hair to calm himself down. He didn't wanna scare Stripe or be too loud.
"Oh, well, what if I put him in a place where it'll be easier to watch him and you don't have to physically hold him?" Craig suggested.
"Nnnngh, o-okay!" Tweek watched as Craig took Stripe off his shoulder and placed him on Tweek's bent knee. Despite Tweek wearing his usual dark blue jeans, he could still feel Stripe's feet traveling up his thigh.
"NGH! That feels weird!" Tweek's eye twitched as Stripe traveled up his thigh and sniffed around his jeans.
"Oh yeah, I remember my first guinea pig crawling all over me and I had to get used to it. It tickled at first, but I got used to it." Craig said nonchalantly. Tweek was barely listening as he watched Stripe smell and be curious of him.
"H-Hey, I-I'm not hurting him! He's okay!" Tweek looked up at Craig with a radiant smile that lit up the room. Craig's face blushed a deep crimson as he nodded supportively. Tweek's smile was so much nicer than he was expecting. And Tweek had stopped shivering while he was focusing on Stripe.
Tweek was focusing on Stripe, while Craig found himself suddenly focusing on Tweek. His hair went every which way, but it actually framed his face quite well. He had light blue eyes that looked darker under the blue lights, and his breathing grew more gentle as he studied Stripe with a growing adoration. Craig's heart was pounding. What the fuck is this feeling-
"Do you uh, do you wanna try and pet him? He likes having his back scratched." Craig offered gently. Tweek looked at him with a fearful expression.
"N-no no no, that's okay! I'll just watch him! I-I don't wanna-" Tweek sputtered as he felt a new sensation in his belly. He looked down and noticed that Stripe had traveled his way up his leg and to his tummy window, thanks to his inability to ever button his shirt correctly. Stripe was sniffing at his bare tummy, his whiskers brushing over the skin gently.
"H-Hehey! Hehehe's tickling me!" Tweek giggled as Stripe padded closer and poked his head inside of Tweek's shirt window. Stripe's fur fluffed against Tweek's tummy, causing Tweek to snicker.
Craig was about to help the poor boy, but-
Tweek was too cute as he just pulled on his shirt as a nervous tic instead of handling Stripe for fear that he would hurt him, despite Stripe sniffing and tickling his tummy. His eyes were narrowed in his giggles, his whole face alight with his smile. Craig didn't know that Tweek was ticklish, and to be honest he didn't think he would ever care about that fact.
But with these newfound feelings for Tweek that Craig had discovered, he found his eyes lighting up like the glow stars on his ceiling. Tweek's eyes were squeezed shut as he tittered at the soft feel against his tummy.
"Cr-Crahaig cahan you hehelp?!" Tweek cried. Craig snapped out of his thoughts and reached forward to remove Stripe from Tweek's tummy. Tweek breathed in deeply, the soft remnants of brushing still playing over his skin.
"Sorry, Tweek. I didn't think Stripe would do something like that." Craig stood up to put Stripe back in his enclosure while Tweek pulled on his shirt to try and hide his tummy window.
"ERK! I-It's okay! I-I liked meeting him!" Tweek started to gently shiver again, his eyes twitching now that he wasn't focusing on Stripe. Craig sat on the carpet again, closer to Tweek this time.
"Oh, good. Uh, he liked meeting you too." The two boys sat there for a moment, Tweek silently shivering and Craig pulling on his hatstring while he thought. Craig wanted to try something, but it had to be smooth. He didn't want to spring anything onto Tweek that he wouldn't like.
Craig cleared his throat and turned to Tweek. "Hey, Tweek uh...do you want help buttoning your shirt?" Craig pointed to Tweek's tummy window in his shirt. Tweek twitched and pulled on his shirt nervously.
"My shirt? Augh...I guess! I-I can never button it right, my hands tremble too much!" Tweek turned to Craig, his body trembling gently. Craig mustered up his courage and turned towards Tweek, his squared-off fingers buttoning the top button that was done incorrectly.
Craig was so close to Tweek he could feel his breathing down his neck. Tweek's body radiated heat like he was a personal heater. Maybe from the coffee? But Craig delighted in the fact that Tweek trusted him enough to be so close, especially when his belly was right there-
"Sorry Tweek, I didn't mean to swipe you." Craig had 'accidentally' swiped a finger against Tweek's tummy while buttoning his shirt. His reactions were so loud, but Craig didn't mind at all.
"I-It's okay! It surprised me- ERK!" Craig swiped his whole hand over Tweek's tummy now, and just kinda went in for the kill as smoothly as he could manage. Craig took both his hands and started spidering them over Tweek's bare tummy, to which Tweek convulsed and started giggling again.
"C-Crahaig?! Whahat ahahare you dohohoing mahahan?!" Tweek pulled on Craig's wrists to try and pull them away, and it almost worked. Tweek was actually stronger than Craig, they found that out during their first fight, and Tweek was heavier than Craig as well. But with Tweek being distracted by being tickled by all things, it broke through his defenses quite well.
"What are you talking about, Tweek? I'm not doing anything." Craig spoke in that same monotone voice, but the light inside of him couldn't be contained. Tweek was just so adorable when he fell to his back and laughed (rather loudly) and Craig was able to spider up Tweek's open shirt and elicit other reactions.
"ACK! Yehehehes yohohou ahahahare! You're tihihihihickling mehehehe!!" Tweek's hair grew wilder, if that was possible, with him shifting and twisting on Craig's rug. Craig located Tweek's sides and started squeezing in the divets gently.
"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to button your shirt, dude. I don't know why you keep moving around everywhere." Craig could hardly hear himself over the loud reactions of his friend. But he wasn't complaining. Tweek had stopped trying to pull him away and just held Craig's forearms like a lifeline. Tweek's eyes were narrowed in his surprisingly melodic laughter.
"Youhohohou're fuhuhuhuhull of shihihihihit!! NNGH! Crahahaig!" Craig was spidering up and down his sides and scritching over his waistline. For someone who was this ticklish, he certainly wore his clothes loose and carelessly.
"Don't be too loud, you'll scare Stripe. You wouldn't want me to bring him out so he can crawl all over you again, would you?" Craig was having fun. He didn't know he liked to tease people. He also didn't know he was into anxious caffeinated blondes either so he was learning a lot about himself today.
Tweek shook his head as his fists balled into the material of Craig's jacket. Apparently, Craig's teasing was effective against him. "Nohohohoho I dohohohon't! Buhuhuhut I cahahahan't hehehehelp it!!"
Craig smiled down at Tweek; Tweek not noticing of course in his mirth. Tweek's smile was light, yet his laughter was a bit panicked and manic. Craig appreciated that Tweek wasn't fighting him at all actually. Maybe Tweek was having fun too.
Craig grew more adventurous and took both hands to slide them in Tweek's hip divets. He started kneading them gently, which ended in an explosive knee-jerk reaction.
Tweek's knee connected to Craig's ribcage, the instantaneous reaction something that Tweek couldn't control. Tweek's body tried to curl in a ball on instinct, but Craig's body was in the way. Craig took his hands off Tweek and held his side.
"Oh- Oh God! Craig! I- I'm sorry man!! I hurt you!" Tweek bounced to his feet and held his face in panic. "Oh God, oh Jesus I'm so sorry!! Do you need a hospital?! I'll call 911!" Craig reached up and held Tweek's wrist in a calm manner.
"I'm okay, Tweek. You just bumped my side. I guess I shouldn't tickle you too much in the future." Tweek blushed a light red as he sunk back to the floor, his black Converse folding underneath him.
"I uh- errgh- It- It wasn't so bad!" Tweek knitted his hands together as he started his usual twitches and shivers. "It-It actually calmed me down!" Craig smiled at that and did notice that throughout the whole session, Tweek was spazzing out but he never said to stop.
"Well, I'm glad you had fun. I had fun too." Tweek and Craig looked at each other for a moment before Tweek broke their eye contact with a twitch.
"W-Well, I'd better go. My mom is making dinner tonight." Tweek marked. Craig stood up and helped Tweek to his feet. He walked him to his front door to say goodbye.
"H-Hey Craig?"
"Yeah, Tweek?"
"URGH! I uh- I was thinking! M-Maybe I can come over tomorrow and we can look at comic- comic books! I have a bunch of them!" Tweek held his shirt nervously as his eye twitched.
Craig smiled softly and nodded.
"Yeah, you can come over. And I can help you button your shirt again, too." Craig had the pleasure of watching Tweek's cheeks light up with blush.
"Mmph...o-okay! But I won't go down without a fight next time! I'll get you, man!" Tweek promised with balled fists. Now it was Craig's turn to blush, with the thought of Tweek doing the things to him that he had done to Tweek.
"Well, we'll have to see about that tomorrow. Until then..." The moment seemed to draw out as Craig balled his fists in his sleeves and leaned forward to peck Tweek on the cheek.
"Okay Tweek see you tomorrow!" Tweek stood motionless on Craig's doorstep as Craig slammed the door shut, and clenched his chest where his heart pounded underneath his hand.
Holy fuck, dude.
I got a crush.
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snekjoy · 1 year
Fremika hcs because I'm obsessed and there is NO CONTENT ABOUT THEM EVER RAAAGH
Mika's love language is acts of service, he always goes out of his way to ask if Freminet has anything he needs help with at all + he cooks quite a bit and always makes sure to make enough for Freminet to take some with him in a tupperware when he next goes out diving (usually every day)
They r both quite awkward when it comes to pda but if they haven't seen each other in a while they'll find a little corner to hide in and make sure nobody can see before they kiss each other
Also, behind closed doors they're very affectionate, they just both get embarrassed by the attention that gets brought with kissing and stuff in public
They write letters rlly often when they're not in the same country, and both get teased by their respective nuisances (fremi has the twins, mika has bennys adventure team)
Mika talks a lot about this mysterious Fontaine boy he met on the expedition and always has this dreamy look in his eyes when he does. Whenever he realises he was rambling he gets rlly embarrassed and Bennett thinks its the cutest love story he's ever seen
Lyney gives Freminet stupid over the top advice that nobody but Lyney would do. He has tried to teach fremi how to pull a bouquet from his sleeve for when mika next visits but fremi keeps just ignoring him
They love sitting together in a quiet room and whispering a conversation, interrupting themselves to kiss for a moment every so often. It's very soft and very cute
They're both autistic (and t4t) so they love love LOVE infodumping to each other abt their special interests (cartography and diving/automatons respectively)
Mika always pushes Fremi's fringe out of the way when they kiss. Fremi always puts it right back when they're done tho
Transmasc t4t realness ‼️ fremi (they/he) has had top surgery and is on t, mika (he/him) is pre everything and wears a binder. He struggles to remember to take it off tho, not bc he's purposefully pushing himself he just. Forgets he has it on sometimes
Fremi is rlly proud of their little automaton penguin and has had it since they were a kid. Mika thinks it's adorable and if he finds fremi talking to it, he basically melts bc it's so cute
Lyney won't let them sleep in the same room together, he's too overprotective. When he's not in Lynette lets them do whatever they want tho
They both have cold hands, cryo vision things 😋 neither of them mind, but sometimes they use it as an excuse for holding hands
Freminet has resting annoyed face. He always looked pissed, or at least mildly angry at something. Mika used to be intimated but now he knows its just his face
Also mika is constantly anxious about something and frequently gets anxiety attacks, freminet knows all the ways to calm him down and if he can, he always sits with him to make sure he's okay. A good method of comfort is hand holding while they sit on the floor against a wall, Mika can feel the wall against his back and squeeze fremi's hand to ground himself without being overwhelmed by a hug.
Fremi wears such clunky boots because it makes them as tall as Mika's hair tuft. Also they like clunking around it's fun
Gah they're so cute
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