#Gold Mining in Alaska
mining-market · 7 months
Unveiling The Gold Mining Market: Trends, Insights, And Key Players
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Gold mining is a critical sector in the global economy, driven by the enduring value and demand for gold as a precious metal. This article delves into the dynamics of the Gold Mining Market, exploring its trends, growth drivers, challenges, and key players shaping the industry landscape.
Understanding the Gold Mining Market
Gold mining involves the extraction of gold from the earth's crust through various methods, including surface mining, underground mining, and placer mining. Gold has been prized for centuries for its intrinsic value, serving as a store of wealth, a hedge against economic uncertainty, and a component of luxury goods and jewelry.
Gold Mining Market Research Reports
Market research reports provide valuable insights into the gold mining industry, offering analyses of market trends, production statistics, exploration activities, and regulatory developments. These reports assist investors, mining companies, and policymakers in making informed decisions regarding investment, expansion, and policy formulation.
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Gold Mining Market Size
The global gold mining market is substantial, with billions of dollars invested annually in exploration, development, and production. According to recent data, The global gold mining industry was valued at approximately USD 353 billion in 2020. Gold production totaled over 3,000 metric tons in the same year, with major gold-producing countries including China, Australia, Russia, and the United States.
The market size is expected to grow steadily in the coming years, driven by factors such as increasing demand for gold in jewelry, investment, and technology sectors.
Gold Mining Market Trends
Several trends are shaping the gold mining market, including:
Technological Innovation: Advances in mining technologies, such as automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics, are enhancing efficiency, safety, and productivity in gold mining operations. Innovative extraction methods and processing techniques are also improving recovery rates and reducing environmental impacts.
Sustainable Practices: There is a growing emphasis on sustainable mining practices in the gold mining industry. Companies are increasingly adopting eco-friendly technologies, implementing biodiversity conservation measures, and engaging with local communities to ensure responsible mining operations.
Exploration and Discovery: Despite being a mature industry, gold mining continues to benefit from ongoing exploration efforts aimed at discovering new gold deposits. Remote sensing technologies, geological modeling, and geochemical analysis are facilitating the identification of prospective areas for gold exploration.
Gold Mining Market Growth
The gold mining market is experiencing steady growth, driven by factors such as:
Safe-Haven Demand: Gold is often perceived as a safe-haven asset during times of economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, and currency fluctuations. As a result, demand for gold tends to increase during periods of market volatility, supporting the growth of the gold mining industry.
Investment Demand: Gold serves as an attractive investment option, offering diversification benefits and hedging against inflation and currency devaluation. Institutional investors, central banks, and retail investors allocate significant capital to gold-backed exchange-traded funds (ETFs), physical gold holdings, and gold mining equities, driving demand for gold and stimulating mining activities.
Gold Mining Market Challenges
Despite its growth prospects, the gold mining industry faces several challenges, including:
Environmental Regulations: Gold mining operations have significant environmental impacts, including habitat destruction, water pollution, and land degradation. Regulatory requirements related to environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, and mine closure are becoming increasingly stringent, posing compliance challenges and increasing operational costs for mining companies.
Cost Pressures: Rising production costs, labor shortages, and fluctuations in energy and commodity prices can exert pressure on the profitability of gold mining operations. Companies must optimize their operations, implement cost-saving measures, and invest in technological innovation to remain competitive in a challenging operating environment.
Social License to Operate: Community relations and stakeholder engagement are critical for obtaining and maintaining a social license to operate in the gold mining industry. Companies must address social and cultural concerns, respect indigenous rights, and mitigate social and environmental impacts to secure community support and regulatory approvals for their mining projects.
Key Players in the Gold Mining Market
The Gold Mining Market is dominated by several major players, including:
Newmont Corporation: Newmont is one of the world's largest gold mining companies, with operations in multiple countries and a diverse portfolio of gold assets.
Barrick Gold Corporation: Barrick Gold is a leading gold producer, with mines located in North and South America, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region.
AngloGold Ashanti Limited: AngloGold Ashanti is a global gold mining company, with operations in Africa, the Americas, and Australia.
Polyus PJSC: Polyus is the largest gold producer in Russia and one of the top gold mining companies globally, with significant reserves and production capacity.
Kinross Gold Corporation: Kinross Gold operates mines in North and South America, West Africa, and Russia, producing gold and silver.
These key players leverage their operational expertise, financial resources, and exploration capabilities to maintain their competitive positions in the global gold mining market.
The gold mining market remains a vital component of the global economy, driven by enduring demand for gold across various sectors. Despite facing challenges such as environmental regulations and cost pressures, the industry continues to grow, supported by technological innovation, investment demand, and exploration efforts. As the industry evolves, collaboration, sustainability, and responsible mining practices will be essential for ensuring the long-term viability and success of the gold mining sector.
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sotragedydefendor · 1 year
Gold Dredge 8 Fairbanks Alaska (Explored) da Jim Munson
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michael-massa-micon · 7 months
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Gold Mine - September 2023 To get to the Salmon Glacier in Hyder, Alaska, you have to drive through an active gold mine. Gone are the huge dredges which discharged tainted water and left huge piles of debris in their wakes. Now the gold mines are a very regulated form of strip mines where the water discharge is treated and the land is restored to its original shape before the mining moves on. MWM
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kirillklipblog · 1 month
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vegetable-soup-wizard · 7 months
Not to sound like a 20 something man but I think the only way to solve my problems is to run away to Alaska
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clickinmy-ear · 2 years
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jewish-vents · 5 months
As a proud Jew and a member of the Iŋalit Iñupiaq people I have never felt as seen as reading a Choctaw Jew's post on here. Christian missionaries hauled my people off of our lands and killed most of us and they didn't even inhabit the land. They didn't even build shit there, they just took it to take it, and I'm supposed to go "ah yes America has no colonizers" and not laugh when these people say "Hebrew is a colonizer language"? Motherfuckers, MY LANGUAGE IS EXTINCT BECAUSE OF YOU! You know who didn't ever try and force a language on anyone? The Ashke Jewish man my great-great grandmother fell for and married. People really expect me to be onboard with their fact-free zero colonialism rewrite of history while my people's lands remain off limits to us, illegal to even visit, the US government holding onto it on the off chance there might be oil there even though they never bothered to even drill for it in over 70 years.
"No other religion acts like this" first of all please read up on Islamic imperialism and get your boot off the neck of my indigenous Middle Eastern brethren and secondly Christian-governed Alaska wouldn't let Native students attend school with "American" children - that is literally how the law phrased it - unless we abandoned our language, our clothes, our songs, our stories, our religion and even traditions as basic as sharing food with poor families in the community. You wanna know how my great-great grandmother met my great-great grandfather? They were both arrested for violating the law and "indoctrinating" children into "Native, anti-European practices" by which I mean THEY WERE BOTH ARRESTED FOR GIVING FOOD TO POOR PEOPLE. They were both arrested by CHRISTIANS!
And people mistake my brown skin for proof of goy status and want to talk shit about how the only good colonizer is a dead colonizer. You're white and you're in ALASKA, you might want to rethink the words coming out of your mouth when most of your ancestors came here to mine gold and get rich and mistreat indigenous people. Even if I accepted the idea that Israel is doing colonialism, which I do not, nobody moved to Israel to get rich and rape indigenous women with impunity to the point where there are words in Inuit languages for gangrape done by white men.
I don't want to hear another thing from a white goy in Alaska about Israel being colonizers when the US bought Alaska from Russia. We were colonized twice for you to get to be here and tell me to my face how colonizers are bad. AND THEN people want to say my Ashke ancestors were colonizers. Fleeing Russia is not colonization, one, and two, WHY DO YOU THINK THEY LEFT?! For fun? What, they heard our weather was nice and wanted to come visit?
I am going to need white goyim to learn US history before they open their mouths.
I'm sorry this is long and I yelled/capslocked but I have had to bite my tongue so many times to not cause a scene because I don't want the university to come up with an excuse not to let me graduate due to poor conduct. It is so tiring. I feel like I'm holding my breath all the time. Graduation is tomorrow. Shabbat shalom.
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wachinyeya · 9 months
“the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the State of Alaska’s bid to fast-track the legal process, overrule the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and gain approval for the Pebble Mine — slated to extract enormous amounts of copper, gold, and molybdenum from the pristine and sensitive ecosystem known as Bristol Bay.
A diverse coalition led by Alaska Natives has consistently fought against the proposed mine for more than two decades. It eventually gained support from the EPA, which ultimately blocked the mine proposal in January 2023 over concerns it would threaten an aquatic ecosystem supporting the world’s most prolific sockeye salmon fishery.
This decision is significant, particularly considering the current High Court’s tendency to support states’ rights, limits on regulation — especially of the environmental variety — and corporate concerns. Alaska’s request, filed in June, was unusual in that it sought to skip lower appeals courts to challenge the EPA’s decision on the basis that it violated Alaska’s state sovereignty.
Under the law, alleged violations of state sovereignty are one of the few categories of cases that grant the Supreme Court original jurisdiction — meaning a state can bypass the usual state/federal court appeals process and file straight with the High Court. The justices could easily have decided to hear the case and decide in favor of the mining company, which has shown no qualms about engaging in some shady business practices over the years.
As the single most productive sockeye salmon fishery in the world, Bristol Bay contains biodiversity and abundant wild fish populations which present a stark contrast to many other fisheries in the Pacific Northwest (and worldwide). Most have experienced severe depletion over the last few decades. Sockeye salmon — like all Pacific Salmon — are a keystone species, vital to the health of an entire ecosystem. Of course, salmon also provide a sacred food source for Indigenous communities up and down the West Coast.”
-from the Lakota People’s Law Project
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goodeguy · 5 months
humanstuck group :333
yay yaya yah, the meowrails and the seadwellers are here!!!
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humanstuck headcanons: - equi is still a sweaty weird dude who loves making and breaking robots, sadly banned from competing in school sports, he's crazy rich and east asian, the conservative to nepa - nepa is a multifandom shipper and likes "hunting" animals in her backyard and her local zoo, she's west asian (and yea she's muslim too), the liberal to equi - erid lives in alaska and an early pimpler, he's the heir to a rich gold mining + fishing company, former boy scout, he's mixed (white + alaskan native) fefi lives in hawaii and an early glubber, she's the heir to a baking and weapon-manufacturing company (yknow the one), former girl scout, she's mixed (black + hawaiian native)
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creatingnikki · 8 months
at seventeen, I don't think I ever thought about the future in a way that then seemed so distant, a future that in my vision did not exist — ten years later, me at twenty seven.
had I thought about it then, I don't have much clue now as to what I would have pictured. but would it be this:
three days after turning twenty seven listening to the scientist by Coldplay, fetching out my hardbound gold and black edition of looking for alaska by john green on a Saturday evening. wearing a bottle green cropped hoodie, hair in a messy bun, clutching the book to my chest, crying as random snippets of being in high school having such an innocent and unsullied idea of the world and the people in it flash in my head.
grieving. isn't that what this is? life is a labyrinth of suffering — I had read it back at 17 and I didn't realize this in its true essence. so I guess this is me grieving my loss of innocence.
but it's not all so sad and tragic. the answer to how do we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering is not one I yet have but I'm finding moments that have begun to answer it nonetheless.
friday game nights with new friends, post dinner walks where we talk about the films we love and the books that found a place in our hearts and stayed. why else do I come back home on Saturday and go through my book collection to pick this particular book that I haven't touched in a decade?
I used to always get mad at people when they hated on the sitcom how I met your mother's ending because they missed the point — it was never quite about the mother but who Ted had to become in order to meet her. and just in that fashion have I not missed the point of all the books and TV shows and movies I've ever loved:
the point of love and friendship is not to protect you like some guardian angel though often it can have that effect. nor is the point to fulfil you though they are integral in contentment and satisfaction overall. the point of friends and lovers is not to preserve your sanity when it is racing to its death like a burning cigarette though it can many times help.
I do not know what the point is, if I'm being honest. but I know that the point of this life of mine is to be a friend and lover to myself. how? maybe I need to reread my favourite books again to come closer to that answer. maybe I need to face the truth more bravely. at twenty seven, I'm sure I've mustered that much courage, perspective, and compassion for myself.
as I light my favourite candles and end my birthday week, I know this — the seventeen year old me did well, the twenty seven year old me will do better, and the thirty seven year old me will do even more fantastically.
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in a Skagway candy shop a worker named Camilla is more gold rush than girl warm enough to  keep a summer in Alaska she smiles / gives generously  in rays of light / dappling through grey rising suns  bringing new days  suddenly anything is possible  when she laughs / ecstatic shimmery
in port, cold winds blow and the mountains carry  landslide scars, this place  is haunted / plagued by old prospectors / ghosts with empty pockets / stomachs  broken dreams / hearts  wandering aimlessly / lost  the tourists too, all searching for gold 
but I know where it is not in the old mines or  new jewelry stores elusive fortune / treasure untold works in a candy shop in Skagway her name is Camilla
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An Alaska-based coalition of Indigenous governments has applied to be part of a B.C. environmental review process. Representatives of the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission say they're concerned about the environmental impacts of a proposed project that would see work resume at Eskay Creek, a former open-pit gold mine. The mine, which mining company Skeena Resources hopes to revive, lies about 85 kilometres northwest of Stewart, B.C. Skeena's proposal would see workers make use of some of the old mine's existing facilities, extracting up to three million tonnes of gold and silver ore per year. The proposed mine would be in operation for nine years. If the Alaska coalition is successful, it would be the first time in history that U.S.-based tribes are granted the ability to participate this way in Canada.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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sea-salted-wolverine · 11 months
Alaska 🤝Australia
Weather that will kill you
Wildlife that will kill you
you can just drive forever and ever and ever and never get ANYWHERE
gold mining
missionaries + natives = mind-boggling horrors
first contact was just a jaw-dropping shit show resulting in near-immediate wildlife extinctions
suddenly of global importance during WWII and then ignored again
tourists with no brain cells
fantasy setting of libertarian white men
changes in latitude, changes in attitude
oh, when you said desert you meant desert
politicians who inhabit a different reality than the rest of us
kitschy monikers that get used unironically
*waves from the other side of the Pacific* Same hat!
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kirillklipblog · 1 month
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abalonetea · 11 months
Coaltown - Release Day !
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Do you know what's out today? Coaltown!
It’s supposed to be the week of a life time: seven days spent in the heart of Alaska, at an old trapper cabin owned by Austin Fielder’s uncle. Austin, his best friend Andrew, and the rest of their motley crew are going to drink, play games, catch up, and film the whole thing! But two days in, they find the opening to an old, old gold mine and they decide that the only thing that could make their week better is exploring inside. No one’s expecting to find anything living within the tunnels, let alone demons with claws like knives and the ability to mimic anything they hear. But then, they aren’t expecting a lot of things that happen on their trip. As their Best Week Ever spirals out into a nightmare straight from the depths of Hell, they find themselves forced to confront the worst, and best, parts of themselves. Even if they make it out alive, they might all still be hell bound. The first entry into this Alaskan Horror trilogy is action packed from start to end, and filled with more mysteries, intrigue, and danger than anyone could expect. Join Andrew and Austin as they confront the worst that the world has to offer. Will they all make it back alive?
Which means you can check it out on Amazon... Right here!
And even if you don't check it out, maybe you can give this post a little boost and spread it around? I would love people to get a chance to check out Coaltown!
The more you know about it, the more fun you'll have hearing about the editing process for Gorehound later this year!
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ofliterarynature · 3 days
TBR TAKEDOWN: Week 17 (September 22)
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TLDR: I have too many unread books, and I’m asking tumblr to help me downsize. Pick one or none - it doesn't have to be something you've read, just the one you think sounds the worst! Comments and reblogs welcome, book descriptions below the cut. See my pinned post for more info.
Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
In the early days of the Civil War, rumors of gold in the frozen Klondike brought hordes of newcomers to the Pacific Northwest. Anxious to compete, Russian prospectors commissioned inventor Leviticus Blue to create a great machine that could mine through Alaska's ice. Thus was Dr. Blue's Incredible Bone-Shaking Drill Engine born.
But on its first test run the Boneshaker went terribly awry, destroying several blocks of downtown Seattle and unearthing a subterranean vein of blight gas that turned anyone who breathed it into the living dead.
Now it is sixteen years later, and a wall has been built to enclose the devastated and toxic city. Just beyond it lives Blue's widow, Briar Wilkes. Life is hard with a ruined reputation and a teenaged boy to support, but she and Ezekiel are managing. Until Ezekiel undertakes a secret crusade to rewrite history.
His quest will take him under the wall and into a city teeming with ravenous undead, air pirates, criminal overlords, and heavily armed refugees. And only Briar can bring him out alive.
A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull
Jason Walker has often wished his life could be a bit less predictable--until a routine day at the zoo ends with Jason suddenly transporting from the hippo tank to a place unlike anything he's ever seen. In the past, the people of Lyrian welcomed visitors from the Beyond, but attitudes have changed since the wizard emperor Maldor rose to power. The brave resistors who opposed the emperor have been bought off or broken, leaving a realm where fear and suspicion prevail.
In his search for a way home, Jason meets Rachel, who was also mysteriously drawn to Lyrian from our world. With the help of a few scattered rebels, Jason and Rachel become entangled in a quest to piece together the word of power that can destroy the emperor, and learn that their best hope to find a way home will be to save this world without heroes.
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
A bold translation of Nobel Prize-winner Herman Hesse's most inspirational and beloved work, which was nominated as one of America's best-loved novels by PBS's The Great American Read
Hesse's famous and influential novel, Siddartha, is perhaps the most important and compelling moral allegory our troubled century has produced. Integrating Eastern and Western spiritual traditions with psychoanalysis and philosophy, this strangely simple tale, written with a deep and moving empathy for humanity, has touched the lives of millions since its original publication in 1922. Set in India, Siddhartha is the story of a young Brahmin's search for ultimate reality after meeting with the Buddha. His quest takes him from a life of decadence to asceticism, through the illusory joys of sensual love with a beautiful courtesan, and of wealth and fame, to the painful struggles with his son and the ultimate wisdom of renunciation.
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