#Hershel shepherd
blue2black · 6 months
COD incorrect quotes, but their from TikToks I saw and are now buried somewhere deep in my likes:
*in an Uber pt 3*
Soap: Is it that big of a deal?
Gaz: YES!
Soap: It’s just two people who love each other.
Soap: “Love Is Love”, that’s what the gay people say.
Gaz: Well, fuck them homosexuals because love and love is not the same thing in this situation.
Makarov, holding out a gun: Put your hands up!
Price: No.
Makarov: …what?
Price: I said no.
Makarov: Why not?
Price: I don’t want to. 😒
Makarov: But I’ve got a gun.
Price: I don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Makarov: But…doesn’t make any sense! (Ō👄Ō)
Price: Too bad!
Ghost, holding in his laughter: Johnny, I have something really important to tell you…
Soap, looking up from his sketch book: What’s up, love?
Ghost, smiling: I wanna get a job cleaning mirrors…
Soap: … *realizes this is a dad joke*
Ghost, still holding a laugh: It’s something I can really-
Soap, getting up and walking away: NO.
Ghost: -can really SEE myself doing… *breaks off into wheezing laughter*
*Soap as soon as Price takes his eyes off of him*
Soap: Eureka! That’s it! 😃
Soap: I’ll run away! 🏃🏻‍♂️💨
Gaz: We're an interracial couple; I let him drive just in case we get pulled over.
Alex: We're an interracial couple; everybody thinks his credit score is good 'cause of me.
Gaz: We're an interracial couple; I can wear bonnets and he can't, 'cause he'll get cancelled.
Alex: We're an interracial couple; every time we go out to eat the old people stare at us.
Gaz: We're an interracial couple; every time you see me take a family picture, people scream "get out".
Alex: We're an interracial couple; every night he leaves the stove light on, and I think it's raising our electricity bill.
Gaz: We're an interracial couple; I can say certain words that he can't, like: NI-
Price: Are you stuck?
Gaz, hanging from a bloody rope once again: ...I AM. 😭
Ghost: What the hell were you thinking?!
Soap: You told me not to think!
Ghost: … (Ô_Ô)
Soap: … (Û~Û)💅🏻
Ghost: … (Ō_Ō) *this bitch…*
(Alejandro and Rudy making fun of Graves)
Rudy, laughing: PARECE ZORRILLO— 🤣
*Alejandro and Rudy fall on the ground laughing their asses off*
Laswell: Wow, a surprisingly peaceful, domestic moment.
Laswell: When will it be ruined?
Soap, Gaz, Price, Ghost: LASWELL!! 😫😫😫😫
Laswell: There it is! -_-💢
Laswell, who’s been hearing them flirt over coms for 50 minutes: Why don’t you two cut the horse shit, and get to the part where you admit you have sexual feelings for one another.
Ghost and Soap: WOAH-!
(Laswell asking why they all joined the army)
Ghost: NO- *buries face into a pillow*
Laswell: Ghost, why’d you join the army? 😆
Ghost, whining into the pillow: I don’t know… 😭
Laswell: Soap, why’d you join the army?
Soap: So I can fire guns! 😃
Laswell: Why’d you join the army?
Gaz: … 😐
Gaz: I’ll answer that question with another question…
Gaz: Why the fuck did think this was a good idea? 🥲
Laswell: Why’d you join the army, John?
Price: Because I had nothing better to do.
Laswell: Why’d you join the army?
Rudy: …’cause I’m a fucking idiot. 😐 *spanish rage*
Laswell: Why’d you join the army?
Alejandro: Why’d I join the army?
Alejandro: For money.
Laswell: What money? 🤨
Laswell: Why’d you join the army?
Alex: To find a battle boo. 😂
Laswell: 😂
Laswell: Farah, why’d you-
Farah: Wait- *takes off headphones*
Farah: Okay, what?
Laswell, chuckling: Why’d you join the army?
Farah: Shit…
Farah: I don’t know my guy.
Laswell: Cream? 🙂
Farah: Cream. 😌
Ghost, smiling: Knock knock.
Soap, already so over it: Who’s there? 😒
Ghost: I eat mop.
Soap: I eat mop who?-
Soap: Ugh, Simon! *walking away*
*Ghost wheezes in pure bliss*
*in an Uber pt 4*
Gaz: I’m not open to this. At all.
Soap: Why you not open—GET open to it.
Gaz: The only thing that was open here was..your mom’s damn legs.
Gaz: And she should’ve kept them closed for her brother.
Soap: 😧
Shepherd: Here we go…
Shepherd: 15 years and 14 hours later…
Shepherd: Best brisket in Texas.
Graves, who purposely gave Shepherd the wrong recipe: 😏 (GRAVES, YOU EVIL BI-)
Farah: How did you know that you always wanted to be a professional Drug Cartel Leader?
Valeria: I just wanted to be a star in any way I got it.
Valeria: I said if I didn't become a star by thirty-five I was just gonna become a serial killer.
Farah: ...well, girl, how old are you? I'm getting nervous... 😨
Gaz: Hi! I'm the witch that won't turn you into a frog because amphibians are people too!
Gaz: Kyle Garrick! *pulls out a frog and lets it hop away*
Ghost: ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ᴅɪᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ.
Gaz: ...
Ghost: I'm Simon.
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witchhourly · 7 months
MW3 Spoilers
when I tell you I fucking cried when soap died that shit almost fucking broke me especially when Ghost called his name and checked his pulse I did not like that part but I was happy when Price killed Shepherd in the post credit scene, I also was happy when they brought Yuri back and the little smirk Nik had when Laswell said Yuri's name made my heart warm up
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doodling-doodle · 7 months
You know, after playing MWIII yesterday, I am very glad that I had a full story pre-written that was already Canon-divergent so I don't exactly have to write about the Aftermath/during this time around
At least not for ao3
But if the people want it, I could make something about MWIII
To be clear, I absolutely loved MWIII and don't get the hate for it, however, seeing Soap die was... shocking. On so many levels.
So in short, I won't write about the death itself, but I will write about the Aftermath of MWIII, during it, and about zombies once I get to playing it
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cowyolks · 1 year
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Chapter One. Midsummers Masterlist
Pairing: God! Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Female Reader
Prompt: A prophecy written long ago stated of a human that would become the God’s wife and live in his domain for the rest of eternity.
A/n: This series is heavily influenced by Hades and Persephone, while I will not exactly state if this is Greek Mythology, I want to add lots of folklore and myths into this series! So let me know if you like it so far!
“Daughter!” The chilling voice of your mother startled you from your book, the passage had managed to suck you in and away from your current reality. Oh how you wished you could stay there.
It was Midsummer, a time of the year that you truly despised.
It met you had to be under the watching eye of your mother, who searched far and low for a suitor for you.
She was the chieftess of your clan, something she made sure to remind you of every waking hour. To put it simply, you were a trainee, a soldier, in her quest of power.
You were not her daughter, but a pawn.
“I’m coming, Mother.” You announced as you carefully put the bookmark down against the paper, hoping you’d return to the pages sooner rather than later.
You left your room reluctantly, taking a glance at the setting sun outside of the window. It was nearly nightfall already, which meant it was time to leave.
“Oh Gods, look at you! Did you fall asleep?” Your mother bounced around you, yanking the uncomfortable corset tighter around your waist and pulling your hair away from your ears to make you look more sophisticated and older.
“I was just reading.” You mumbled, hands gripping the flowing train of your dress, specifically tailored for the Midsummer feast. The color was a crimson red, fading into a soft blush as it reached your ankles– it was the color of your clan.
“You should have been cleaning up, I’ve got three potential suitors coming to visit tonight. You need to be on your best behavior.”
“Yes ma’am.” You sighed, eyes watering at the thought of losing your freedom to a man twice your age. Clans around you didn’t have suitors your age, so it was likely you were to be married off to a man full grown, who would force you to have heirs. It was enough to make you shudder.
A loud caw shook you from your thoughts. Your eyes travelled to the window, where a large crow sat perched upon the sill, it’s beady eyes glancing at you as it always had. It was common to find the bird near you. Something your mother detested, which made it much more interestingto have the crow return to you. You’d read that offering the bird trinkets or food was a way to build trust. So in the springtime at dusk you’d set coins and seeds out for the crow.
It would return with its own gifts, so much more extravagant than the ones you’d given. Golden brooches, silver earrings, and necklaces of stunning ruby; one that you wore on your neck now.
“Shoo!” Your mother cried, as she attempted to smack the bird out of the sill and into the night, and reluctantly the bird left, not without bringing its beady eyes to you first. With a flap, it flew into the night.
“Damn that bird, it’s a wonder people don’t think of you as a witch.”
Sometimes you wished you were one.
It was later in the evening when you saw the bird again. He didn’t make a loud caw as he usually did, instead he perched on the rafters of the pavilion, beady eyes flashing against the gold goblets and lanterns being paraded around.
You jumped, not noticing the looming presence behind you until he spoke. You wheeled around with a hand upon your chest, startled.
“I did not mean to startle you…” he started.
“No sir, it’s quite alright. It seems I was only lost in my mind.” You brushed off, instead searching over his features. He was old, at least older than you, with a clean shaven face and head, and violent eyes that swirled in the light. It seemed to come as a great effort to keep his rage at bay.
“Hershel Shepherd.” He introduced, holding a large hand out to you. Hesitantly you placed your palm in his hand, his grip tight and uncomfortable. You bit back a wince, faintly hearing the crow caw indifferently.
You turned to the bird slightly, instead catching your mother’s stern stare, she vaguely made a gesture to the man that had spoke to you.
A suitor.
He was so old.
With a gulp, you turned back to the man known as Shepherd, plastering a fake smile upon your lips. With careful words you introduced yourself, watching as his eyes fired again at the greeting. Was that flames?
“Care to dance?”
As if your mother would allow you to say no.
You looped your hand in his, settling the other gracefully on his shoulder, just as you were taught.
“I’m surprised someone hasn’t swooped to marry you yet.” His tone made the hairs on the back of your neck stand. There was something off about this man, and it made your throat tighten in wary.
“All the suitors say I’m too strong-minded.”
“An easy fix. You just need some discipline.”
You stopped dancing, feeling how tight his grip was upon your waist and hand. It hurt, but you didn’t want to let him know that.
“Excuse me?” You asked incredulously, now actually seeing the flames burn in his irises.
“I think you’ve heard perfectly clear, little bird. I plan to propose to you this fortnight. I already have your mother’s blessing.”
The crow cawed loudly.
You felt like puking.
“If you’ll excuse me.” You squeaked, hating how shaky your legs felt as you forcibly ripped his hands from your body. Your heels clicked upon the marble, your dress whisking in the nightly summer breeze. Dodging through people, you made your way to the opposite side of the pavilion, trying to calm your nerves as much as you could.
“What the hell was that?” The irritated voice of your mother made you shrink down in stance, even though you were several inches taller.
“He disrespected me, I wasn’t going to stand by and let him insult me.” Your voice was uncharacteristically small– you blamed it on Shepherd.
“You will let him do as he pleases.” She snapped through gritted teeth. Your mouth opened slightly in shock, never before had she been so bluntly angered. It made frustrated tears well into your eyes.
“I won’t marry him.”
“That’s not your decision. It’s the clan’s, and they’ve already concluded their vote. You’re to be married at dawn. Betrothed.”
“No…” you whimpered, now wishing more than anything that you could run far away. Possibly sailing the seas by your lonesome, or climbing trees in the jungles, or hiking mountains larger than the skyline.
“Yes. Now go catch some air, gather yourself and come back a woman. Not some whimpering child.” With a small shove, she pushed you out of the pavilion and into the dark night.
With a cloudy brain, you began to walk down the stone path to the gardens, far from any lingering people. Here, the only sound was the croaking of frogs, scent of flowers, and singing of crickets.
As if a string was cut, your eyes began to water, tears falling freely down your cheeks in hot trails. Hastily, you wiped the droplets, approaching the briar of winter roses. The petals bloomed full year, having the resilience you only yearned of having.
Your fingertips brushed over the soft petals, hardly taking note to the small fluttering of wings upon the top of the briar, until the bird cooed as it fluttered down to your eye-line.
“At least I’ll have you, huh?”
You felt ridiculous talking to a crow, but the bird was the only one that did not shun you. It gave you time to be yourself, without protesting and interference.
With a hesitant hand, you reached for the bird, gently enough for it to know you didn’t mean any harm. When it made no move to fly away you brushed a hand to its feathers, watching with amusement as it cawed softly, before playfully nipping your finger.
“I wish I could fly away with you.” You whispered into the night air. Not noticing the man hidden in the shadows, watching on with a curious spark in his eye.
Finally. You were here.
“Then why don’t you.” His deep voice cut through the balmy night.
Chapter Two
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pernadette · 1 month
Phillips Graves: Don't make me do this
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You found yourself chained to a cold metal chair in a dimly lit room.  “I don’t want to do this,” Phillip Graves was pacing in front of you like an agitated lion. He was no stranger to following orders. He had been following orders practically his whole life. But this time, he found his personal feelings in conflict with what he was ordered by General Hershel Von Shepherd to do.
“Then don’t,” you rasped out, voice a scrape of a whisper. When the Shadows turned on you earlier, you had not exactly gone down quietly. Though you were fierce, you were also small and soft, made perfectly for stealth. Close combat with seasoned mercenaries you had no hope of beating had taken its toll. “Phill…”
He turned sharply at that and took a heavy step towards you. “Don’t.” He jabbed a finger at you in warning, blue eyes narrowed. “Do not do that. You don’t get to do that.” Running a hand roughly through his dark blonde hair, he began to pace once more.  “All you had to do was comply. All you had to do was come in quietly. But no, you had to fight. Well, you can’t fight your way out of this one, sweetheart. Shepherd is pissed.”
A single tear escaped your left eye, leaving a traitorous path as it made its way down your badly bruised cheek. Stopping once more in front of you, Graves leaned down and placed a hand loosely against your injured cheek, thumb wiping the tear trail away. If you ignored the pain from your wounds, ignored the harsh cold of the chains, you could almost pretend this was your lover Phillip in front of you, and not the ruthless Commander Graves. “Just talk. Just tell me what he wants to know. C’mon, just tell me where it is.”
More tears threatened to come. You closed your eyes and shook your head. “I’m not one of your Shadows, Phill. I have my own orders, and I can’t tell you what you want to know. You know that.”
He did know this. He knew you were loyal, to a fault. He knew you would never betray your boss Kate Laswell, nor would you betray your own orders.
This would have been so much easier if he did not start sleeping with you so many months ago, if he did not start loving you in the only way he knew how.
But he was loyal as well, to his Shadow Company and to Shepherd. 
And right now you were the enemy.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
It Takes Two
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Part 2 to “It Takes a Village” • Rick Grimes’ Sister!Reader • You have always been a curious kid. Now so is your kid…and with a certain resident in Alexandria. Who everyone didn’t expect to have a soft side for the young Grimes • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Anxiety Attacks / Nightmares / Injuries / Mentions of Canon Violence / Mentions of Pregnancy / Depression / Past Abuse • Re-Writing Canon
Requested by: Anon
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Winter has started, and Alexandria was fuller than ever. They may not know exactly when the holidays were but it was enough to have their families in the Kingdom and Hilltop come to Alexandria. Meaning a lot of kids. But it was perfect…especially the snow.
A small groan escapes the waking child as he lifts his head from his pillow to look out the window and notice the falling snow. That alone ignited the energy he needed to get out of bed and wake up his mom.
His mom who would much rather stay in bed during a cold morning, but her excited four year old alerted not only the Mal living in the house…but the five year old that belonged to the Hilltop residents taking up her guest room.
“Mama!” Shepherd practically yells but Dog jumped on the bed when he got the door open.
“Shep…it’s early”
“It’s snowing!” He smiles running to her side of the bed gripping her blankets and tugging at them until the tired Y/N sat up. Her playful scowl appearing when Dog started to lick her face to help her wake up. “Dog wants to go too!”
“Let me guess…you woke up Hershel too?”
“He’s getting his mommy and daddy right now!” His face lights up with even more excitement as he knows the second he gets his snow gear on he was going to get his cousins next door.
“Get dressed baby and I’ll meet you downstairs” Y/N smiles watching her happy boy run out and Dog following him. “Don’t forget the gloves and beanie!” She adds hearing an ok yelled back before rolling over to the other side of the bed to address the archer that rolled off once he heard Dog’s collar jingling. “I’m gonna get dressed…and head out with Shep. That’ll give you your window”
Daryl groans upon sitting up from the floor feeling Y/N’s lips meet his temple when she leaned over. “He’s startin’ to get up before me”
“He’s going to find out before we even tell him…”
“I promise yea. We’ll get our day” The archer leaned into her kissing her before letting Y/N get dressed and ready.
The two have always had a bond with one another. But it wasn’t until Shep turned 3 that they took the risk. Daryl always loved her and would’ve waited til the end of his life for her. For her to be ready on her terms, but all she needed was for her small family of two to be secure. Safe. And Y/N knew she was safe with the archer and so was her son. Daryl loves her son as if he was his own even if Shepherd doesn’t know their relationship.
For now they kept it between them, and the priority was always going to be Shepherd.
Glenn was the fastest in getting ready next to the kids as he chases Hershel Jr and Shepherd through the snow for a bit while the rest of the Grimes got dressed for the snow day. Maggie stayed on the porch waiting for Y/N while she got Dog in a sweater before letting him join in the chaos.
“Where’s Daryl?” Maggie asks once Y/N stepped out while getting her gloves on.
“I just told him what we were doing so he should be joining us soon. But he’ll be getting Carol and her family, then Aaron and his daughter”
“Can you believe it?” Maggie smiles looking out to the small crowd for now. “We survived and thrived after all that happened”
“It’s surreal for sure” Y/N smiles watching her son gather a snow ball and pelt Dog making the Mal get excited to play ball.
As Shep made his way more down the street running away from the snowballs that were coming from the Rhees then his cousins, he stopped to hear someone curse because of how cold it was. He made his way to the little vent that looked into the room finding their resident prisoner shivering his ass off.
Y/N immediately turns to her son seeing his frustrated expression which started to worry her.
“What’s wrong baby?” She walks away from the crowd of adults on Rick’s porch to kneel before her son as he struggled to get his words out.
“Th—uh. Uhm. I’m cold”
“Uncle Rick has the fireplace going, the adults were gonna go inside while Carl watches you little ones out here…you wanna come warm up a bit?”
“No! It’s…uhm. Mama…” Shep’s frustration came out in a whine making Y/N sigh a bit before standing up and extending her hand to the small child.
“Lead the way to what you need”
Shep immediately took her hand and pulled her back to their house. Then upstairs to the hall closet that Y/N kept spare blankets in.
“You can’t bring a blanket out in the snow, baby”
“No! It’s for…” Then the little one held a guilty expression which only confused his mother more.
Daryl steps out of the Grimes’ residence when he didn’t find Y/N in there. Then he spotted her carrying blankets while following her son toward the cell. He quickly picked up his crossbow off the porch and ran over to the two.
“Hey, what’s wrong what are y’all doing?” Daryl stops Y/N while Shepherd proceeded.
“Shep heard Negan complaining that he was cold”
“So what?”
“Daryl. I’m not doing anything outside of the council’s guidelines regarding Negan. I’m simply doing what my son wants” Y/N states, and that want being kind toward their prisoner and giving him extra blankets during the winter. “He’s not going to hurt Shep…or me”
“I’m comin’ then”
“If it makes you less helicopter-y” She jokes making her way downstairs and helping Shepherd with the door.
Their presence sort of startled Negan given the door leading outside was never the quietest and the looming archer on the steps made him feel uneasy. But his attention locked onto the Grimes sister handing the blankets to this small child he’s never met before, and for good reason. Negan wanted to stand up and approach the bars but the way Daryl was glaring at him. He stayed put, until the small child approached the bars holding up the blankets.
“You don’t have to”
Shepherd frowns looking up at his mom while hugging the blankets tightly. “But mama I want to…” he said in a hush whisper as Y/N gently pets his head.
“You tell him, baby. Not me”
The little one went back to the bars of the cell looking up at Negan who approached the bars when he looked at his mother.
“But I want to” Now how can anybody ever be mad at that adorable face of his? Negan extended his hands taking the blankets through the bars watching the little one light up.
“Thanks kid…appreciate it”
The young grimes smiles happily before heading back out and instantly running into Daryl. The archer knew what was bound to happen with the child and that was Shep wanting to be picked up by him.
“Can’t say no to him” Y/N smiles receiving a look from the archer indicating that he’d never say no to him wanting to be picked up. Even if the man groaned picking up Shepherd. “Go on ahead. I’ll be a minute”
“Just go. Please”
Daryl can’t say no to the puppy dog eyes, especially when Shepherd gets it from his mother. He nods before carrying Shep out of there leaving Y/N with Negan for a moment.
“You’ve got a nice kid…”
“I really do huh?” Y/N smiles approaching the bars to Negan’s cell as he suddenly started to feel anxious when her smile remained hit her eyes said it all. “So let me make it clear to you, Negan. If you hurt my boy. With your words or even physically, I’ll be doing everyone a favor and ending your life” She hissed glaring at the man watching him nod before leaving the cell.
All the kids were inside warming up and all the little ones were watching Henry show them how to play cards. Go Fish to be exact. While the adults had a drink and catch up.
“Your turn Shepherd” Henry’s voice snapped the kid out of his thoughts as Shep looks at his cards before setting all his cards down to show that he’s been hogging pairs but more specifically to leave the small table to go to his mom.
“He’s a card shark” Judith states not knowing exactly what that means.
“That’s…used in a different game? But I guess that works here” Henry laughs collecting the cards and shuffling the deck.
“Mama…” Shep whispers to get Y/N’s attention while Rick was telling Maggie about how he and Michonne were thinking of taking a trip. Y/N sets her glass down turning to her son and his upset expression. “I wanna go home…”
“Are you okay?” She whispers back not wanting to cause alarm or interrupt the on going conversation.
“No…” He whines in his whisper hugging Y/N’s leg. He relaxed a little when his mother rubbed circles on his back. “Can we go?”
“Yes, go get your shoes and coat on” Y/N got up from her seat once Shep ran over to where all the shoes were. “I’m turning in guys”
“Really?” Rick frowns, it wasn’t that late. Even for the kids.
“Yeah, Shep’s gettin’ tired and the alcohol isn’t sitting right with me.” Y/N left after saying such to get her coat on and pick up her son who instantly latched onto her.
“We’ll be quiet when we turn in” Maggie makes one last comment watching Y/N smile before stepping out with Dog also joining the two.
While the three made their way home, Shep tugged at Y/N’s coat when her attention was already on him.
“Forget somethi—-“
“Why is he down there, mama?” Shep frowns watching her face soften but also worry for she doesn’t know how to approach that conversation without going too far.
“He did something bad, Shepherd…that’s why he’s down there”
“But I do bad things too…like leave my shoes out for Dog to chew and you get mad…”
“It’s…uh” Y/N frowns setting Shepherd down on their porch to sit as she sat beside him. “You’re too young to understand the kind of bad things he did before you were born…”
“…can you try?”
How do you go telling a four year old about the abuse his mother endured done by that terrible man? Or the abuse Daryl, someone he looks up to, has gone through…the horrors of the Saviors threatening to kill members of their family…
You just. Don’t.
“He hurt people, Shep. In a way I can’t tell you…”
Shepherd frowns bringing himself closer to his mom leaning against her.
“Did he hurt you, mama…?”
Y/N didn’t say another word as she was fighting back tears when thinking about it. All she did was bring her son into his embrace holding onto him like her light depended on it. And part of him knew. Even if he didn’t understand.
Once it was late enough, Daryl came upstairs to check on Y/N thinking Shepherd would be in his room but entering the room he noticed the little one curled up in his mother’s embrace. He still brought himself to sit on the edge of the bed resting his hand on her shoulder watching her turn slowly to him revealing tears in her eyes.
“What happened?” He whispers watching her turn back to her son as Shepherd unconsciously scooted closer in her embrace.
“…I’m triggered D. It’s hard to sleep” She whispers back feeling Shep shift once more, enough to pull away from her and star fish on the rest of her bed. Giving her enough space to turn onto her back looking up at Daryl as he carefully wipes away her tears. “I know they don’t stay little and overwhelmingly kind forever…but I don’t want him taking that away from my baby”
“He won’t. I promise yea” Daryl frowns giving her enough space to sit up and hug him. He held her for as long as she needed.
“Remember, listen to Uncle Rick and stay out of trouble” Y/N tells Shep who didn’t want his mom to go on the hunting trip with Daryl and Carol. “I’ll be back before you know it”
“Why can’t I go with you?”
“You will buddy, when you’re a bit older” Daryl ruffle his hair a bit before Shep latched onto his leg. “Aw come on, bud”
“Please don’t go…”
It was spring, which meant more hunting trips. Shepherd didn’t mind when it was one of the two leaving, but they both were going on this one and he didn’t like it one bit.
“We’ll be back before you know it, Shep. I promise” Y/N knelt down for her son to hug her tightly once more.
Before watching the three go from Rick’s porch.
The agenda for the first day was boring. Or to Shepherd a bit boring. He loves helping when given the chance to but he doesn’t like working on the farm unless it was with his mom. Because they would play “I Spy” while collecting the crops and help him with his counting when putting in new seeds. Rick knew about this and was trying to do it with Shep, but that’s another thing. He only likes doing it with his mom. Otherwise he just helps tug the basket along while Rick cleans up the dead plants and getting the soil ready for new seeds.
“You okay Shep?”
“Can I go get water?”
Rick sighs nodding with a smile. “Be back quick. And get me a glass too”
Shepherd smiles setting the basket down by his uncle before leaving the farm and heading back toward the houses. Except after he got his uncle a canteen instead of a glass, because Michonne stopped him in the middle of her conversation with Siddiq and Gabriel to switch the glass with a canteen since the kid can be clumsy, Shepherd was given a second one for himself but instead of using it for himself.
Negan froze to the sound of said canteen falling onto the concrete floor. It’s sturdy so it didn’t crack or anything. He looks up through the vents to see Shepherd looking back at him before running back to his uncle.
Once the chores Rick had were done and the help of tidying up done by both him and Shepherd, the two made their way back to Rick’s place for dinner and then turning in. Shepherd was set up in the spare in their place which had a grown ups bed and not his low toddler one.
Shep couldn’t sleep, and can’t ever when his mom wasn’t home in any way. She could be standing somewhere else in Alexandria and he’d be able to sleep. He pushed his blankets off of him and maneuvered his body on the edge of the bed so his feet were first to hit the floor but it was still a bit too high that he fell anyway. The little one didn’t want to alert anyone given he went to bed around the same time as his cousins, but the adults could still be awake.
The little one has been spending a lot of time with Daryl.
Because Shepherd managed to get out of the house through the doggy door in the kitchen while the adults (Rick and Michonne) were in the living room. Thank god he was small enough or that would be a very uncomfortable conversation telling Y/N her son got stuck in the doggy door.
The resident prisoner heard footsteps draw closer, followed by a whine that Negan can only connect to Dog. So it must’ve been Daryl but when Shepherd came into view by the vent sitting beside it and Dog laying next to him, Negan only grew more confused.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“How do you know when bedtime is?” Shepherd looks at him confused leaving the man stumped.
“Forget it. Your mom will kill me if she finds you here. Hell even your uncle or whatever Daryl is to yea”
“He uh…uhm. Just Daryl?” The confusion in his tone made Negan a bit curious about the two’s relationship since he thinks Shep probably doesn’t know that his mom and Daryl are seeing each other. He wasn’t about to put them in any way.
“Are you close with Daryl? Like how you are with your uncle Rick?”
“I don’t know”
“What do you mean?” Negan brought himself to sit on the floor against the wall where the vent was as Shepherd sat on the small grass patch by the vent with Dog surrounding him.
“I used to call him Uncle Daryl…but something happened” Shep tugged at the grass while he spoke. “He was there for me when I’m sad. Helped me with my shoelaces. Get my sippy cups from the high shelves. Patch my boo boos. Let me sit with him while he works on his bike. Other things that Uncle Rick doesn’t do with me”
“You see him as a dad?” Negan’s question was met with silence. “What would your old man think?”
“I don’t have a dad”
If he starts crying, better start digging your grave Negan thought as he was prepared for tears but was met with a sigh instead.
“Mama says I never had one. But I always saw Daryl as one” Shepherd frowns as he stops tugging at the grass seeing the damage he has done. “Is that bad?”
“What? Seeing Daryl as your dad?”
“Well. He helps with your boo boos. I think that’s pretty much dad material…when I taught PE which was just watching a bunch of kids in a yard to get rid of the energy in’em, some kids would stumble. Cry. Get banged up by either concrete or a plastic bat. I wouldn’t know what to do and pull a teacher move with the whole “go to the nurse” when most nurses in schools back in my day didn’t do a very good job”
“That’s bad”
“Real bad. But I just pawned the problem off to somebody else. Daryl? He takes care of yea. Would do about anythin’ for yea. I don’t see a problem in calling him dad.” Negan shrugs. “But that’s a conversation for your mom. And then Daryl”
Shepherd was about to ask another question when he heard his name being called. Negan heard it as well and rose to his feet going toward the vent to look at Shep.
“You better go back before he gets worried”
“ok, goodnight”
“Night kid” Negan states hearing the tussle of his footsteps and the dog getting up with him before it faded away.
The next morning came and Negan woke to the sound of the outside door opening. Maybe it was confessional day but to his surprise he saw Shepherd coming down the steps with Michonne. Michonne came down for other business while Shepherd carried drawing supplies to distract him from their conversation. But some part of him knew that Negan enjoyed the company.
“Well good mornin’ to y’all”
“Good morning” Shepherd instantly replies back before sitting on the ground and dropping all of his supplies while Michonne took the chair bringing it to the bars of his cell.
“The council is holding a meeting about you soon”
“Oh wonderful” Negan frowns sitting back on his bed leaning against the wall. “What about?”
“Well. One, Y/N thought you should have warmer items in here for the future winters.” Michonne pointed with her eyes to Shepherd as it was really his idea being told through his mom. “Second, we were thinking you could actually do stuff around Alexandria. It won’t mean you’re instantly free. More so—-“
“Community service and I come back here once I’m done for the day? You’re really trustin’ me with that?”
“Why not?” Shepherd chimes in seeing confused looks as Michonne gave Negan a warning one mainly for his words.
“Nobody trusts me, Shep. Which in this case makes sense…but imagine being untrustworthy and being given chores around the other residents” Negan states while approaching the cell bars and sitting on his side across from Shepherd.
“Mama doesn’t trust me around Daryl’s crossbow. Is it like that?”
“Sort of. But your mama must’ve said I’m a bad dude”
“That’s why I’m questioning if Michonne here trusts me enough to do chores around the place without causing trouble”
“Can’t he just be watched when he’s not locked up, auntie?” Shep looks up at his aunt with a small smile as Michonne took note of that because it’s not a bad idea.
“You’re not manipulating him to say these things right?” Michonne questions Negan as she watches Shepherd bring himself close with a piece of paper and a few crayons handing one to Negan to play tic tac toe with him. Negan kept a distance but did play with the kid through the bars.
“From the time Y/N lived at the Sanctuary, yeah she was defensive to me but to everybody else who weren’t part of my troop. More like the other residents…she was overwhelmingly kind. Stood up for those who needed it, even if there were consequences…but just. She was too damn kind to everybody in that shitshow—-“
“Language” Both Shepherd and Michonne state hearing Negan apologize before letting Shep win the game.
“This boy has her kind side. It’s all him”
The council decided to let Negan work around Alexandria with a handful of chores each day and at least one day where he’s remaining in his cell. The one watching him changes every day, like it used to be. Unlike when he would be checked in on every other hour when he remained in his cell.
His help was much needed during the summer. And not just for chores.
Judith was playing with Gracie in the gardens while their dads were working on the nearby walls to do the yearly maintenance on the structures. While Shepherd’s mom helped in the actual gardens with Negan, meaning Y/N was on Negan duty and Shep was also around helping. But once he told his mom he was going to ask his cousin if he could play with them, her line of sight was no longer on him for a short time.
“You’re cutting too close to the main stem”
“My bad, hey where’s that rugrat? He said he’d help separate the tomatoes with the good and bad ones”
“He wanted to play with his cousin. I’ll separate them when I wash them once we’re done” Y/N states picking up the full basket and setting it on the table Daryl placed for them.
“Judith his cousin right?” Negan asks hearing a ‘yes’ from the boy’s mom as he turns around to where he knew the girls were playing when they first started harvesting. “Then where is he?”
“What?” Her tone changed instantly as she turns around to look at the two girls. “Where could he have gone…” she tried to remain calm hopefully when she got closer to the two girls that Shepherd would appear in her line of sight but he hasn’t.
“Aunt Y/N?” Judith questions her presence and a sense of regret rose in her. “Uhm. Where’s Shepherd?”
“I should be asking you that Judith.” The sternness made those working around them come to a slow stop. “Shepherd wanted to play with you, but he’s not here. So what did you say to my son?”
“Y/N. Woah, tone it back”
“I’m sorry Rick but I’m not.” Y/N bites. “It’s only been ten minutes and my son hasn’t turned up to my voice. He could’ve gotten out and be lost out there. Or got stuck somewhere here. While you’re handling dangerous stuff.”
“He’ll turn up, sis. He couldn’t have gotten far”
“He wouldn’t have wandered off if your daughter wasn’t mean and told my son he couldn’t play with her!”
“Don’t blame this on Jude. You’re too busy keeping an eye and being nice with the prisoner that it’s your own damn fault for losing sight of your son” Rick snaps back and the regret didn’t set in until Y/N retracted herself away with that same anxious sad look on her face when she was taken by the Saviors. “Shit…”
“Dad…” Judith frowns looking up at her dad. “I told him he couldn’t play with us. I-I didn’t think he would run away”
“He didn’t run away, hun. He’ll turn up” Rick frowns about to ask Aaron to watch the girls when he watched him take his gloves off.
“I’m gonna grab Daryl and help Y/N find Shepherd, Gracie…” Aaron kneels to his daughter. “Stay with these Grimes. Okay?” He smiles when she nods before getting up and heading off.
“Aaron I—-“
“I think you need to sit with what you said to your sister. You’ve done plenty” Aaron gave him a pity smile before going to help his sister.
While the commotion was happening, Negan knew he had to go back to his cell if his watcher wasn’t going to watch him. But to his surprise, he found the currently sobbing child in his open cell knowing it would be the last place his mom would look for him.
“Hey kiddo…” Negan frowns moving to sit on the cot of his bed as Shepherd hid under a blanket right beside it. His little grass stained shoes peeking out gave him away. “Want to tell me what happened up there?”
“Mm. You’re gonna have to tell your ma regardless. Just thought you’d want a friend” He states watching the blanket move to show his crying face as he looks over to him.
“Jude told me I couldn’t play with her cause I’m a baby” Shep frowns sniffling. “I’m not a baby, I’m four”
“Practically an adult” Negan states leaning against the wall. “She wasn’t thinkin’”
“She never thinks…Uncle Rick doesn’t either”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Of course there was more to it…
“He talks about mama behind her back…when she’s on her trips that aren’t safe for me” Shepherd frowns curling up as much as he could. “How she was stupid…to have me grow up without a dad…that she shouldn’t do anything without me cause she signed up for that…” the tears kept coming as his lip wobbles. “Am I a mistake…? Did mama make a mistake in having me? Not letting me have a dad?”
“Woah” Negan brought himself up and off the cot bringing himself to sit beside the kid. “I’m gonna be honest with you. If your mama didn’t want you, you wouldn’t be here. And your uncle was only thinking of himself when he said that. Cuz if you were my nephew, I would be stoked to hang out with yea. And this whole dad crap? Is bullshit”
“Whatever. Because you have a village. A huge family. You don’t need a dad. But you have one and we had this discussion before. Besides. Your mom? Loves you so much, hell enough for two parents, even beyond that. When she’d be walking the streets on a late return home, you’re the only thing she’s talking about to whoever she went on the trip with. And hell! You’re one of the greatest things to happen to her that it would have to take knocking her out to have her shut up about how much she loves yea.”
The little one continued to cry but he was smiling and felt a bit better to his words.
“Plus. The whole dad thing? Those guys hover a lot when they’re worried about their kid.”
“Yeah and I KNOW. FOR A FACT” Negan yells emphasizing who’s eavesdropping. “THAT HES NOT LETTING HIMSELF BE KNOWN RIGHT NOW.”
The sigh didn’t go unnoticed when Daryl made his way down the steps with a worried look on his face. But he also wasn’t accompanied by Y/N, so he heard everything Shepherd said including the part about Rick.
“See? A dad. Don’t matter if he’s blood or not. And between you and me” Negan started to whisper to Shepherd as he leaned in. “You scored on the dad front, already scored with the mom. So double points” his words got a giggle out of the child that rose to his feet ditching the blanket and making his way to Daryl who knelt to be his level. But Shepherd stopped a second turning to Negan.
“Thanks Negan…”
“Anytime kid. Now go find your mom, before she flips Alexandria over just to find yea”
“He’s right on that. She will” Daryl smiles warmly and the warmth grew in his chest when Shepherd wrapped his arms around him making the archer instinctively pick him up. “…thanks” he tells Negan receiving a thumbs up from the guy before heading out with his son.
As the two made their way toward the running worried filled mother that came their way. Y/N started sobbing on sight instantly taking Shepherd into her embrace giving Daryl a thankful look.
“I’m sorry mama”
“No baby it’s okay…you just scared me a little” Y/N cries holding him close as Shep pushes back a bit so that he could wipe away her tears. “You care too much about me, baby”
“I wanna, mama” Shepherd gave a small smile when she kissed his cheek. “Can we go home?”
“Yes, yes we can…we can go home and hang out. Just you and me”
“And dad” Shepherd pointed to Daryl as that was the first time he referred to the archer as such that he tried to compose himself even if Y/N didn’t he bother trying to compose herself.
“Yeah” Y/N smiles through the tears extending her free hand, holding Shep up with her other arm, feeling Daryl instantly take it into his.
And dad.
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izgnanik-a · 1 month
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MerMay GhostSoap 1
// MDNI // read at your own risk //
The camera flashed in and out of focus; a ship tossing and turning over dangerous waters, fishermen reeling heavy nets full of fish and creatures alike — a whole boil of eels, seaweed, and crab. Scraped from the deepest depths of the shallow water below, they prevailed through the torrents of wind and rain.
The camera fell out of focus with their final lucky pull. And within the confines of their net, held prisoner to human hands — lied a beast no single fisherman would begin to describe that day.
John MacTavish was in need of a job, and his resume was lumped full of references; he’d been in the military for the beginning of his legal life. Left before boarding military school, and became a farmhand. From then he became a fisherman, then left the seas to be stranded back on land as a delivery driver soon after.
And now?
“It says here you were in the military?” The interviewer before him was no means young nor spry. He was an older American fellow with a rough personality, one who didn’t crack a smile to a single one of Johnny’s jokes. So he stopped making them.
With his hands tucked between his thighs, he nodded. “Yes sir. I did my obligatory six month boot camp training.”
“Was there a reason you didn’t further pursue that field?”
“Wasn’t cut out for me. Wasn’t,” Johnny couldn’t search for the correct word but all he could think of was ‘volatile’ or ‘stimulating’ enough. “-The right fit.” He said in the end.
The man, who identified himself as Hershel Shepherd at the beginning of the bland interview, flipped through the collected pages of John MacTavish’s life. It seemed, for someone hardly climbing his late 20’s, that there was a lot to flip through.
To be fair, Johnny had been through hell and back with the choices he’d made to be in this exact spot. But that was for God to decide whether it was a good outcome in the end.
Shepherd gave a deep sigh. “This is a demanding job. Long hours of surveillance, as well as high security. I understand you’ve stepped out from being a soldier, but are you willing to take back the responsibility of one?”
When Johnny saw the ad for this job, the original description was vague to say the least. What he had expected of the job was nothing but a security outpost, with no location stated, Johnny was left to imagine a bank, or a hotel security post.
Johnny nodded. “I hope that I can be of service to you. I’m willing to do whatever it is that you need. I’m a quick learner.”
Shepherd gave Johnny a once over before shutting his file. “How quick can you be on the job?”
“As soon as you’d like me.”
“How about tonight?”
Johnny pursed his lips together, somewhat relieved to have a job but unwilling to say that ‘tonight wasn’t going to work because my roommate is making pasta’. “I can do tonight.”
“Uniform is black slacks and a collared shirt. We’ll see about your hair, but usual uniform is a shorter shave.” Shepherd stated. “The shift is 21:00 to 5:00.”
Johnny’s hair hadn’t grown to an unreasonable length, just longer around the neck and ears. He’d been in need of a trim, he thought honestly, but also enjoyed the hair on his head. “I’ll have it situated before tonight, sir.”
Shepherd nodded once before standing, palms pressed into the desk as he stood with a slight grimace. His leg aching. A storm was coming. He could feel it in his joints.
“Come in earlier than 21:00 so we can have you situated and tagged with an ID card.”
“Yes sir.”
“I’ll be seeing you.” Shepherd held his hand out, the only form of appreciation given the entire interview.
“Thank you sir. I’ll do my absolute best.”
He gave a wry look, a suspicious gaze of distrust. As if he’d been crossed before with those exact words. “We’ll see.”
“So, tell me again, why you’re doing this?” Johnny’s roommate, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, watched him standing shirtless in front of the mirror, electric clippers in hand.
“The job has a mandatory requirement.” Johnny said, making a pass through his hair, disposing of the hair in the razor, and starting over again.
“Usually jobs require a close shave, not short hair. And your hair was fine before.”
“You should’ve seen the guy who was interviewing me, didn’t even crack, a smile or a single wink. American too.”
“Oh no, no, no, no.” Said his roommate with unexpected discouragement. “The last American to come through here was an absolute dickhead.”
“You can’t base your experience of one person off of a whole group of people. That’s prejudice.” Johnny mocked.
“No. It’s called behavioral learning; you said the guy didn’t even crack a joke or a smile at your jokes, granted your jokes are shit, but someone would at least make a comment about it.“
Johnny wasn’t even going to begin to dissect that comment. Everyone loves his jokes, no matter how horribly rancid they were. “The point is — that I have a job, and you don’t have to be digging into your savings in order to help out the both of us anymore.”
“It’s not like I’m your friend or anything. It kind of comes with the package deal.”
“Which I am eternally grateful for. Speaking of our friendship, I do have some unfortunate news.” Johnny grimaced through the mirror towards his roommate.
“Oh God. What did you do this time?”
“Nothing horrible. I just.. I won’t be able to make it to dinner tonight because I actually picked up a shift?”
“You’re starting work tonight?”
“He offered.”
“And you agreed?”
“He asked me when I could start working, and I said that I could start working as soon as possible, and that just so happened to be tonight. So I will be missing out on pasta tonight.” By the time Johnny had finished speaking, his shoulders were up near his ears. “But I’d be more than willing to take a plate to go?“
“So you thought that you could come in here, get dressed and shave your head awfully, can I just say, and then take a plate of my pasta to go to a job that you had an interview today, and start today?”
“You’ve got a lot of nerve.”
His roommate stepped out of the doorway and out of sight into the living room, where Johnny was able to track them based on movement of the creaking floorboards. He smiled himself in the bathroom when he could hear the floorboard creek in the kitchen.
“So is that a yes?” Johnny asked, a smirk plastered on his face.
Dressed in uniform, and newly shaved with a indistinguishable mohawk, that was scrutinized by his roommate the moment he had showered, Johnny was standing in front of the building, where he was set to work for the unforeseeable future. A container of pasta for his late dinner in hand.
He had been greeted at the end of the road, before the building, by a pair of unfriendly faces that matched those of security guards. They both were equipped with concealed weapons, and walkie-talkies. they had called someone within the main building, confiscating Johnny’s drivers license until he was waved through.
From there, he was escorted into the building by a another security guard with an authorized ID card. The walls and the floors reflected similar brightnesses of the whitewashed marble, both polished and sanitized, while the overhead lights were obnoxious LEDs. there was not a single smell perforating through the hallways, everything felt sterilized and medical.
Johnny felt out of place. He felt the need to run, but he didn’t know what from, not yet. He kept thinking to himself, among the silence and emptiness of each hallway as he navigated behind the security guard, that he should’ve turned away the moment he saw the gates before the building.
He should’ve turned away when he saw the outline of a concealed weapon within the security guard’s belt at the gates. Though he wasn’t a stranger to gun ownership, being a soldier at the beginning of his legal life, it was an uncanny experience to be surrounded by so many armed civilians. And that said a lot as a Scottish Catholic, growing up in the Scottish Highlands, who migrated to the UK.
Johnny was escorted to room that looked more like a medical setting, then an inviting environment where he was supposed to stand guard. The man who’d been guiding him throughout the building turned to him suddenly, giving him a look over, and then spoke.
“This is the temporary personal lounge. This is where you will leave your personal belongings, as well as your phone inside of the lockers, preferably turned off until you leave location. You are responsible for your belongings, as well as the cleanliness of your locker. And if anything is misplaced or left out, we are not liable to replace anything.”
What Johnny had neglected to notice was a row of tall lockers lined against the wall alongside the doorway. Some already had their own combination locks on them, and others were left wide open and empty. Failing to realize the guard before him was actually telling him to empty out his pockets and put everything in a locker led to an awkward stare off before the light clicked on in Johnny’s head.
“All right.” Johnny began patting down his own pockets, emptying them out, as well as setting his container of pasta on the top shelf in the locker before reaching for his phone. He stared at the time before holding the power button, sliding the phone off, and turned back to the guard.
“There’s no refrigeration unit within the building yet, so you can either leave your food in your locker or you can leave it in one of the cabinets.“
Something told Johnny that if he left his container in the cabinet, that it would not be there when he came back. For a place that held no accountability for missing or stolen things, he had a feeling that this would be a whirlwind of a lawsuit. he took his chances and left his container in the locker.
“All right, I believe that’s it.” Johnny clasped his hands together. “I was also told to come in earlier so that I could be able to get my ID? “
The guard gave him a look, as if to say he had no place to say anything, and started for the door. “Follow me.“
Johnny moved in step behind him again. ”This is a big place.” Though he didn’t feel it was necessary to have a conversation, he felt like it would be more inviting if he could connect with at least one person on the job. “I think the only person I’ve seen in these hallways is you,” he joked.
The guard did not laugh. Nor did he entertain Johnny’s boredom.
“I would understand why you need so much security for such a big place.” Johnny remarked.
The guard turned to him, stopping in the hall. “You have no idea what you’re guarding here, do you?”
It should’ve scared him how much information he didn’t know about this place, or about the job, and how desperate Shepherd seem to want to give him the job only that night. But he’d seen horrors on farmland, even while he was at boot camp. This don’t scare him, not one bit.
So he just shook his head at the man before him, and said, “Not a clue.”
That seemed to make him coy. With that motivation, he continue down the hallway with Johnny in tow. As they turned the final corner, up ahead, there stood another guard beside a set of steel double doors, an electronic keycard scanner blinked red parallel to them.
“Who is this?” Asked the guard.
“New overnighter.”
“Johnny MacTavish.” He held out his hand to introduce himself.
They didn’t shake his hand. “Does he have a keycard?”
Revealed from his inner pocket, the guard who had been leading him through the building, held out a day pass. “For now.”
The way they looked at each other when speaking of Johnny made him feel disconnected. He felt singled out, and targeted, and this was his first shift.
The guard stepped aside, revealing a secondary keycard sensor and scanned their own. Their box turned green, while the other scanned Johnny’s temporary pass. The light turned green, and the steel doors gave a wail before an alarm blared from overhead. There was a red circulating siren light within the room they were entering, giving warning that something was wrong.
But the guard waltzed in, and Johnny followed.
The room was the same as the rest that he’d seen; white, bright, and bland. As he entered, to the right the wall had been swapped for a dark glass. It felt cold under Johnny’s palm as he dragged it along.
“This is where you’ll be staying all night. There’s a unit for you to stay and surveillance the room, as well as a security room with an emergency lock down sequence.” Said the guard ahead of him. “There is a list for you to read and study. You follow the rules on it, you get to go home every morning happy. You don’t,” he turned to Johnny, Johnny’s hand straying from the glass, “you can forget this place ever existed.”
Johnny watched him turned and looked to the darkened glass. Within his own reflection, he could see shapes through it. Not common shapes, odd curves and hills. “Is there a room on the other side of this glass?” Johnny asked.
The guard turned to Johnny from a desk, a few feet from the glass wall. Things had been pulled close to it to make it like-able; an orange electrical cable leading up to it, a desk lamp plugged into it, a single serving coffee maker, and nothing else. Two more sockets were left empty.
The pungent smell of something rotten lingered in the air, as well as the sea, where there hadn’t been a single smell outside of cleanliness moments before.
A snotty sneer appeared on the man’s face before him. “Just fyi, you’re not going to make it long here. So, just keep to yourself and remember the way you came so you can leave.”
Johnny furrowed his brow in disgust. Not going to make it long here? Now who the fuck says that to the new guy?
Johnny was left alone soon after. Nothing but an empty wing to survey, two rooms, and no phone. He stared at the glass wall, a sharp corner opened to a long window and then solid wall. It must’ve been massive within. Cupping his hands over his eyes and peering into the glass, he stared into the dark tint.
Johnny felt the coolness of the glass underneath his hands, it was almost shockingly cold. He couldn’t huff a single breath before it would fog up. Glancing to the desk, he turned on the lamp and turned its head towards the glass to shine it over.
What he hadn’t realized is that flecks of debris floated on the other side of the glass. He wiped his thumb along to clear it only to find it still there, the heat of his hands remained. He furrowed his brow in confusion as he brought the lamp closer.
Staring into the dark tint of the glass, smelling the rotten seaside water, he pressed his hand to the glass again to peer through. His thoughts coming in clearly.
“Steamin’ bloody Jesus.” He stepped back to gaze up at the tall wall of glass. “It’s a fucking fish tank.”
Next chapter
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sun-roach · 6 months
Because i am still thinking about a cod ice hockey fic here is the NHL team: TF141
Short disclaimer i am new to ice hockey so I am sorry if it's not accurate nfndndnkkdkdn
Coach: Hershel Shepherd
Manager/co-coach: Kate Laswell, Nikolai (co-coach to Laswell later)
Captain: John Price
Alternate Captain 1: John "Soap" MacTavish
Alternate Captain 2: Simon "Ghost" Riley
Goalie: Yuri
Forwards: Gary "Roach" Sanderson (right wing), Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (left wing), Soap (center)
Defensemen: Ghost, Price
Dusters: Joseph Allen (in hospital after a bad game against Konni group), Rook, Archer, Worm, Ozone, Rocket, Meat, Royce, Merlin, Toad
After Roach gets "fired", Rocket gets his spot
SingleDad!Roach is occupying my mind. Yes i am mentally unwell as always. But just imagine Roach with his kid visiting his old team's game and getting the backstage tickets to congratulate or comfort them. And the kid also joining the TF141 bambi league or smth kfkdkkdn
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gonnamurdersomeone · 6 months
CoD people as cats? I think so here we go!
Someone better appreciate this I literally took 3 pages from my fucking notebook to write all this shit down
Captain John “Bravo-6” Price
I think John would definitely be an Oriental cat if not that then probably a Burmese. Smart, quick on his feet and pretty loyal seems about right.
Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
I think Simon would be a Norwegian forest cat or a British Short hair.. for obvious reasons dude is a fuckin Brit through and through. I chose NFC becuase they are bigger types of cats and used to harsh climates
Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
For Gaz I chose an Abyssinian cat, they are pretty, usually have pretty eyes (like him) and are pretty smart and playful. Very Gaz coded
Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny boy would be a Scottish Fold or a Siamese cat. They are very vocal, love people and are just a joy to be around honestly. Plus they suffer from pretty boy syndrome so… yeah
Sergeant Gary “Roach” Sanderson
Gary my baby boy, I chose an OciCat cause of his name it’s so random? I thought him being a more exotic and weird cat would fit his aesthetic. Very pretty cats too!
General Hershel Shepherd
Fucking hell I hate this dude and for that I gave him a Sphynx cat, they are mean, bald and bossy as fuck. Sound about right for mister Shepherd no?
I want to kill him
Kate “Watcher-1” Laswell
Kate one of my favorites! She would definitely be an American Curl. Very pretty cats with a unique personality and it just fits her. That or a Bombay cat I couldn’t choose
Nikolai “Gaz fell out of the helicopter again”
Nik our lovable transportation buddy, of course he would get a Russian blue there is no need to elaborate here he would be a Russian blue. Very cool cats ngl
Farah “Kilo Actual” Karim
She is so pretty and such a girl boss istg. But I’m giving the Bengal cat or an Ural Rex very curly hair and just very funny kitties, I think it fits her
Alex “Echo 3-1” Keller (Jr Price fr)
Pretty boy gets a pretty cat!!! He gets to be a Manx cat cause of the no tail (and his one leg) nahh jokes aside very pretty kitties for a very pretty boy
Phillip “Shadow-1” Graves
I hate this dude with all my atoms but he’s tolerable compared to Shepherd.. But I gave Graved an American shorthair. One becuase he’s American and two his hairline makes me wanna cry
Vladimir Makarov
I hate you so so much for what you did in MW3… but you are a character so I’m still giving you a cat. If you were a cat my guy I think you’d be an Peterbald or a Karelian cat
Andre “Alpha 2-1” Nolan
Surprisingly not a bad character imo but he could use some more character development! I’m giving him a Korat cat or a Singapura. I wish he got more development in MW3 honestly :/
Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro! Our favorite Mexican man gotta love him and the cowboys. He’s a petty boy as well so I’m giving him a pretty chill and cool cat as well. A color point shorthair, not necessarily a *breed* per day but still he deserves a petty kitty
Rodolfo Parra
Rudy! Another cowboy we love what a gentleman <3 I’m giving him an Egyptian Mau kitty, it has spots and I think Rudy would be a spotted kitty. Very good boy
Valeria “El-Sin-Nombre” Garza
Mommy issues fr love this women. I support women rights AND wrongs 💪 she gets a Donskoy or a Savannah cat. Both wild kitties to match her wild and unpredictable personality I think it fits very well
Anxious King gotta love them! For obvious reasons he’s a Maine Coon cat, the biggest house cat there is. For being an absolute UNIT of a man he deserves a very loyal, pretty, and big kitty. God I just wanna smother this man
Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin
Toyger need I say more? It’s a literal house tiger, his name is fucking Tiger he gets to be the tiger damnit! 😤
Darnell “Hutch” Hutcherson
Dunno the rest of these guys very well (besides Nikto) but I’m giving Hutch a Chartreux cat. I wish the more obscure characters got more attention, no they may not be apart of the MW part but still they deserve love
I love this man with every fucking atom of my body. My baby boy deserves the best cat in my opinion the Lykoi. Very cool, funny and amazing cats one of the best he’s just a goober I wanna pet him and keep him in my closet away from all the bad things
Mace heard some things about you here and there and decided I couldn’t leave you behind. You my friend would be an Oriental Longhair dunno why but I think it suits him
Idk if this man is even part of the fandom? Either way I’m giving you a cat deal with it. You would be an Highlander cat if not then an Tonkinese kitty.
Keegan P Russ
Oh Keegan my dear boy, you would be a Devon Rex kitty, very smart, mischievous and overall just a joyful cat. You deserve the world my dear
Logan Walker
Ragdoll. You will get a ragdoll take it or leave or my guy. Just know I’m only adding you and everyone else because of Keegan
David “Hesh” walker
Hhhh.. hesh dude idk I’d probably give you a Havanah Brown kitty. Seems like a good fit. Unusual brown kitty for a unusual cool character
Elias T “Scarecrow” Walker
I literally know nothing about you? But I’m still giving you a cat! Uh I think possibly a Javanese cat would fit you my dude.
Alex v “Ajax” Johnson
Same with you like? I have never heard about you either but whatever. I think a Australian Mist or a Khao Manee cat would work
Alright so that’s all the CoD characters I think? I’m not sure if I missed anyone, if I did tell me and I’ll assign them in the comments or whatever.
No I’m not adding the other characters such as Diego or any other unknown Ghost team people or random background people that only have like 2 lines of dialogue or is barely even known within the CoD community.
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blue2black · 5 months
I’m obsessed ngl.
Here’s some more COD incorrect quotes based on the game of Class Of 09. Both of them:
(Also, Cheshire is my COD OC, she only appears once.)
Gaz: You’re a whore.
Graves: Excuse me? I have a girlfriend and a purity ring!
Gaz: For real? How do I get one?
Graves: Little late for you.
Gaz: No, it’s never too late to have your girlfriend fuck every person but you.
Graves: Ugh, I don’t need to take this! I’m on the honor roll, something you’ll never do.
Gaz: Bitch, why don’t you shut the fuck up before I slit your throat and watch the honor roll out?
Graves: Are you threatening me?? 😡
Gaz: No, I’m hitting on you, flash me a titty bitch. 🙄
Soap: Fuck that shit! Do you even know how I got involved with this bitch?!
Shepherd: Language.
Soap: Do you even know how I got involved with this hoe?!
Shepherd: Slightly better.
Laswell: Actually, I may or may not have been covered in baby oil…
Gaz: Ugh…well, I guess racism wins.
Ghost: Can we see the pictures?
Laswell: Get out.
Graves: I’m getting real tired of you picking on me! It won’t be so fun when the shoes on the other foot!
Rudy: Are you threatening me? Are you threatening me in SKETCHERS?
Shepherd: Is there something between the two of you that you may not realize?
Farah: What does any of that even mean?
Valaria: He’s asking if we’re lesbians.
Shepherd: You’re excused, cap’n. But work on that foul language.
Price, under his breath while walking away: Work on getting a fucking therapist, holy shit.
How Ghost’s father could’ve died:
Ghost: And get this!
Ghost: His suicide note was stuck to the fridge with a Cookie Monster magnet.
Ghost: All he wrote on it: SIMON’S FAULT.
Ghost: I’m Simon by the way, hi!—WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO HIM?!
Graves, walking away: I hate talking, talking’s for gay people…
Gaz: What a theory.
Laswell, furiously knocking on Price’s door: Come on, come oon…trying not to get blamed for a hate crime…!
Price, opens the door: I’m watching football, this better be really fucking good.
Laswell: It’s actually really bad!
Price: Oh, well see you later.
Gaz: Dude, we'll look the other way on your minor fetish and get you a pizza, okay?
Cheshire: Does he have a major fetish?
Gaz, looking at Cheshire: No, his major fetish is a minor fetish.
Cheshire: So, what's the fetish?
Gaz: I told you, a minor fetish.
Cheshire: I know it's a minor fetish, what's the fetish for?
Gaz: Minors.
Cheshire: Like, guys that dig coal?
Gaz: Not those minors.
Cheshire: So, shitty baseball players?
Gaz: What? No!
Cheshire: Then what's the fetish??
Gaz: ...
Soap's mom: Excuses, excuses!
Soap: Weren't you supposed to be happy or something?
Soap's mom: Ugh...I'm gonna go up to my room and read up how to fold the pastrami.
Soap's mom, walking away: You better find a way OUT of those remedial classes!
Soap: You better find a real fuckin' job, bitch.
Shepherd: What's your T-cell count?
Gaz: Uh.
Alex: I-I don't get it; we don't take shop.
Shepherd: You don't take shop...?
Alex: Yeah, they use T-cells in shop class, what's that have to do with AIDS?
Gaz: That's a T-square, Alex--FUCK!
Alex: What? No--if you knew why'd you look at me??
Gaz: I didn't know how much we were supposed to say!
Alex: How the fuck would I know?!
Soap's mom, walking in: Ugh, today was hard but still rewarding.
Soap: What was?
Soap's mom: My day working at the Deli?
Soap: Oh...I wasn't asking, but alright.
Soap's mom: You don't wanna hear what happened?
Soap: I think I'm good.
Valeria: There's something I've been wanting to say lately.
Alejandro: Oh, what's that?
Valeria: The n-word.
Valeria: For a week it’d be kinda fun. You wanna be sexed up abusive lesbians?
Farah: Fuck no.
Valeria: Why not?
Farah: ‘Cause you’d be doing all the abusing.
Valeria: Oh like what? 😒
Farah: Just weird shit. You’d like…put a cigarette out on my neck and lick the burn mark.
Valeria: …so, you wanna try it?
Farah: No!
Norris, walking away: Let’s see how the General deals with your abundance of comebacks.
Ghost: Soap, we’re not even a week in and you’re getting sent to the General’s office.
Soap: New record, don’t be jealous.
Gaz: For real, I don’t like how he talks to you, Simon. You’re actually like, really cool and smart and you should be treated as such.
Ghost, flushing: Wow, that’s uh…
Gaz: What’s wrong?
Ghost: People tell me that all the time and I just say “I know”. But now that you are saying it, I forgot how to take an actual compliment.
Gaz: We’re friends, don’t worry about it.
Ghost: Are you trying to have sex with me?
Gaz: Not really.
Ghost: Yeah, I have no idea how to process this.
Gaz: Does the General ever compliment you?
Ghost: No. 🙄
Gaz: ‘Cause he can’t appreciate what he has..and seriously, like, seriously, Ghost…
Gaz: If I ever see him talk to you like that again I will rip his beating heart out and hand it to you on a silver platter.
Ghost: 😳…a-and you don’t wanna have sex with me?
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deputygonebye · 8 months
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@rickgrimesdoingrickthings asked: "Why do you have to make everyone hate you?"
Dark and Angsty Sentence Starters
Charred firewood filled the evening air that cooled Hershel's farm and those upon it. Smoke that rose until it reached the stars above, bright and bold in silver. Flame that burned in orange and red, blood and passion and whatever else was lost to the world presently known, had it not been for Rick, the silence between he and Shane would've stayed. Partnered perfectly with the chirps of crickets, leaves blown from their hold on tree branches, a quietness that was every ounce unnatural. Shane was dubious that any sort of change would've happened. All else within the farm's lines static - invariable to all things except for Shane himself. None viewed him as they once did. Never considered him as they used to; beloved dog dragged to the doghouse and left to wither underneath a leaking roof. Fear was held for Shane in every choice he made. Curious glances, confused faces, not the same that was given onto Rick for he and his decisions. Quite simply, love had turned to hate.
Tossing another stick into the campfire, a loose piece that had fallen from the pile collected earlier by Daryl, an insignificant addition, Shane shook his head. Distrust from the others was not something that he strived for. Never was his personal safety risked for such cause, only ever had he wished for the opposite. But tides had turned for the worse of the two. Loath bloomed where it shouldn't have - soil rich with tears and sweat - gratitude more like dead weeds. But if hate was what was gotten for sacrifice, Shane would not try to sway opinion in his favor. See his ways and welcome life, ignore him and choose death. It was only a matter of picking. And Shane would show everyone, Hershel's family and those that had become family from the Atlanta camp, the realities that they were so clearly blind to. A shepherd for lost sheep.
"I don't make nobody do anythin', brother." Shane said, eyes concentrated on the fire before him, watchful as the wood cracked and crumbled further into the pit. "They just don't like what I have to say. Better yet, they hate that what I have to say is right. Some of these people, Rick, they're clueless. They got no idea what life is really like out here. They think Walkers are still people. They think that the world is just gonna go back to how it was. That world's dead, Rick. It's long gone. Only world to look for now is the one right in front of our eyes. The one we're livin' in today. But these folks, they don't see that."
"They just see me as the asshole who talks too much. The guy that they can hate on when everythin' else around them gets bad. All I've ever tried to do was keep everybody safe. It's what I've done since this thing started. But they don't want me doin' that. They want you."
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annaphoenix1994 · 1 year
Ch.34 - The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie
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Laswell receives information regarding the cattle crime; Kiera makes contact with someone from her past.
The following morning, Simon refused to let Kiera up early as he viewed five a.m. to be too early for anyone to get up to work, in his opinion. "Babe, I need to get up." She sighed, showing no sign of getting up herself, pressing her head against his chest as she turned over, Simon embracing her gesture and rubbing her bare arm.
"It's Saturday, love," He sighed. "You've been up early all week. You need rest."
"I need to find out who killed our cattle."
"And you will, but you can't keep searching unless you don't rest first."
She sighed against his chest, rolling her eyes as she did as she was told, Simon's face holding a smirk with victory as he got up when she did.
Every day.
And he didn't want to get up early on a Saturday unless he was on duty.
A few hours later, Simon awoke to peppered kisses against his bare chest. His favorite way to wake up if he were to be honest. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand, the other gripping her arm as a way to tell her he was awake. "We overslept." She whispered, a giggle following suit.
"Worth it." He mumbled, moving his body to where he was between her legs, his warm skin colliding with her cold stomach, goosebumps erecting on his arms. He nestled his head under her breasts, hearing her heartbeat increase as she giggled, his arms forcing themselves between her body and the bed seeking warmth.
Her fingers splayed through his dirty-blonde hair, her fingernails scratching his scalp comfortingly as they both enjoyed the position. He promised himself he wouldn't stay in the position long due to the worry of crushing her with his weight, but she kept insisting he stay where he was every time he tried to get up, both dozing back off once relaxed.
Kiera's eyes fluttered open to the sound of her phone ringing. Looking to her right, she noticed it was a familiar caller responding to her voicemail. She kept combing her fingers through Simon's hair, unaware that he had woken up the minute he heard her phone vibrating, his position concealing her view to his face. "Hello?" She sighed, putting the phone on speaker and setting it beside her.
"Kiera, I'm sorry I'm just now hearing your voicemail. Have a good Christmas?"
"Oh, yeah, aside from an entire pasture of cattle being killed, it's been good." She scoffed.
Laswell sighed over the other end of the phone, "I'm sorry. How can I help?"
"I need you to run a name through the FAA database."
"I'm in front of my computer now," Laswell replied. "Shoot."
"Look up Hershel Shepherd."
Simon's gaze peered up at her, his eyes connecting to hers as they could distinctly hear Laswell typing on her keyboard on the other end of the phone.
"Seems like he owns a plane," Laswell replied. "He's not a licensed pilot, though."
"He had someone else fly it." Kiera mumbled under her breath.
"Nothing," She replied, sighing. "Where's it being kept at?"
"Looks like it's being held in a private facility just outside of Powell, Wyoming. I'm not seeing any recent flight logs."
"That's only about an hour from here," Kiera said, Simon noticing that her heart rate was increasing. "Are you saying this motherfucker had the balls to "relocate"?"
"It's hard to say. Many people with judicial power have locations all over the map for privately-owned equipment."
"Yeah? Well, this is too much of a coincidence," She raised a brow. "Who's the pilot on the flight logs?"
"Hold on," Laswell replied, intense typing muffling the silence through the phone. "Looks like the most recent flight was performed by a Malcolm Childress. Does that name ring a bell?"
Kiera sighed heavily, "It sure as shit does. How recent was the last flight?"
"I'm seeing a test flight and inspection done on December fourteenth. Nothing after that."
"How many logs is he on?"
"He's on all of them so far."
"Run his name through the FAA, too. Get me current address."
"Sure, give me a few minutes. I'll call you back and let you know."
"Text it to me. I'm going to get ready."
"Okay. Let me know if you need anything else."
Simon watched as Kiera hung up, a sharp glare in her eye - a glare he only recognized when she was on the battlefield.
She was on a warpath.
Kiera pat Simon's bare shoulder, assuming that he was still asleep when he looked up at her, his tired eyes begging her to stay in bed longer instead of conquering the brutal Wyoming weather, but he knew better than to beg her.
She yawned as she forced herself to sit up in the bed, the chilled air kissing her shoulders and causing her to shiver. Simon watched her dress, admiring her battle scars that littered her feminine skin.
She was incredible.
"Care to join me for breakfast?" He asked, coming up behind her to stare at her through the mirror, watching her study the insecurities he saw as beauty.
She nodded, "Always, babe,"
He kissed her neck at the nickname he grew to love as much as her. "Just wish you'd led me cook breakfast for once." She continued.
He shook his head against her neck, "Gotta get up early to cook me breakfast, love."
She scoffed, "I do! You just don't let me get up!"
"I know." He smirked, pressing another kiss to her neck, feeling her sigh.
"You up for a drive today?"
"If you want me to," He replied, looking at her through the mirror, seeing the worry on her face. "What about the guys?"
"Hell they can come too if they want," She snickered. "I shouldn't need another gun today."
"I'll always be by your side, love. Don't ever think I won't. I'll go get Soap and we'll come with you."
"Okay," She nodded, glancing at him through the mirror before turning to face him. "This is my life, babe. You sure you want to stick around for it?"
"Like I've said before, I don't care what life throws at me. As long as I'm with you."
"I can say the same, baby."
"Was hoping you'd say that." He chuckled, looking down at her to watch her lips get closer to his.
She hummed against his lips, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her fingers toying with the chain of his dog tags.
"You ready?" Simon asked Soap as he slipped on his coat.
"As ever." He nodded.
"Where's everybody else?"
"Down at the ranch. They're dying to help out and live the lifestyle," Soap replied. "Can't blame them. There's not anything like this where we're from."
"I know."
The pair walked from the house, meeting Kiera at the truck, seeing both Lawson and Frankie approaching her on horseback, each carrying a rifle in their scabbard. "How many?" She asked, walking up to them.
Lawson pulled a notepad from his vest pocket, "Two hundred and eighty." He sighed.
"Goddammit," She grumbled, moving a mound of gravel with her boot. "Go up to the lodge and tell dad. I'm making a trip to Powell."
"Okay. Those boys you brought over here are down at the barn helping us today. That boy of Alejandro's is dying to tag a calf."
She chuckled, "Well, let him learn. Run 'em through a chute and let him have at it."
Lawson nodded, "Yes ma'am."
"I'm taking Simon and Johnny with me today. If you see Price, just let him know."
"Sure. They have badges?"
"They don't need one. Just me."
"Then why are they going with you?" Frankie questioned, furrowing his brows.
The drive to Powell was quiet, aside from the sound of Soap eating on his breakfast after he had begged Kiera to stop at the local McDonald's, claiming that their hash browns were "too good to pass up."
"What're we doing here?" Soap asked, oblivious to the point of the trip.
"Looking for someone."
His face held a confused look, "I-I thought we were looking for a plane?"
"Change of plans, Soap." Simon grumbled, looking to his right out the window, admiring the landscape along the road.
Simon watched as Kiera fumbled with her phone, looking at the caller ID before hitting 'accept.' "Yeah?"
"Okay, I have an address for Malcom Childress," Laswell said. "He has an office on Main Street in Powell."
"Figured he'd stay in the military." She scoffed.
"Well, there's something you should know about that."
"And what's that?"
"Graves used to be his superior. He was on Shadow Team with him for the last two tours performed."
"Fucking figures."
"He's a real estate broker in Powell. He got home after Thanksgiving. And Kiera," Laswell sighed. "He survived the raid of Alejandro's HQ."
"That's impossible. We swept the whole thing!"
"Unless he escaped. We don't know for sure, but I confirmed he was there. He was awarded with a Purple Heart recently."
"Shit," Kiera scoffed. "Guess they award the ones who don't need it, huh?"
"I guess so. Be considerate about this, Kiera." Laswell advised.
"Oh, I'm as considerate as the next person." She scoffed, ending her call with Laswell as her grip on the steering wheel tightened.
Simon watched her gaze on the road, her pupils dilating as her anger changed her complexion as she took the exit to Powell.
Once at the location, Kiera parked the truck on the side of the road, informing both Simon and Soap to stay in the vehicle as she approached the gate, a guard stopping her immediately. She removed her badge from behind the confines of her vest before the gate opened. Simon watched with his stark gaze, watching as she disappeared from his line of sight. His palm rested on the pistol that was wedged between the console and the seat.
His leg shook impatiently as twenty minutes passed by, the diesel idling under his weight before the door opened. "Everything okay?" He asked her.
"Looked at everything I could. Need to go into town and pay a visit."
"Where to?" Soap asked.
"That motherfucker's office." She replied, looking at him through the rear view mirror of the truck before putting it in gear.
Oh, shit, Simon huffed to himself, knowing what was to come next.
"You two can come with if you want." She said, parking the truck and removing her vest, tossing it into the backseat before they all exited the truck, both Simon and Soap walking closely behind her as she entered the office.
"Hello," The receptionist smiled at her, her brows furrowing as she recognized the anger on Kiera's face. "How can I help you?"
"Is Malcom Childress here?"
"Um, did you have an appointment?" She asked, looking at her computer.
Kiera looked at her before looking to her right, seeing the man in question dressed in a suit and tie, entering his glass-enclosed office as if he had no problem in the world.
But he was about to.
She glared at him, knowing he was unaware of her presence, "That's not what I asked."
Soap and Simon glanced at each other, following Kiera as she stormed towards Malcom's office, grabbing a bottle of fine wine from the side table that was offered for the representatives working overtime as well as dinners at the office. A guard standing point next to his office, grasped his pistol, removing it from its holster, Kiera beating him to the carnage by using the bottle and disarming him first by slamming the bottle into his armed wrist before bringing it to meet his jaw, causing him to fall to the floor before she stormed into Malcom's office, throwing the bottle at him without any hesitation.
He gasped, ducking down to the floor to avoid the shards of glass, yelling "what the fuck!" before recognizing who was in his office.
She walked around his desk, pointing her finger, "Why in the fuck are you here?"
"I have every right to be here!" He shouted.
"Awful weird coincidence you're here all of a sudden? What happened to staying in Texas? Got tired of laying pipe to your ole lady? Or did she catch you cheating with your military card?"
He stepped closer to her, narrowing his eyes, unaware that Simon had stepped closer after seeing Malcom try to intimidate her. Not on my watch.
"You don't know what you're talking about." He growled.
"If I didn't know what I was talking about, I wouldn't have said it," She hissed. "How much is Shepherd paying you, huh? How much did he pay you to kill our cattle?"
"I plead the fifth."
She pursed her lips, grasping Malcom by the collar and forcing him against the wall. He tried to fight back with his strength, easily overpowering her until Simon stepped in, asserting dominance immediately by keeping Malcom pinned against the wall. "You touch her and that's the last thing you'll ever do." He warned.
"I didn't kill your cows!" He shouted at her. "But I wish I did. I'd kill every head of livestock you had."
"But you flew the plane, huh?" She grumbled, watching his bodyguard stumble into the office. "A little late." She snarked at him, watching Malcom nod his head at him to stand down.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Malcom grumbled at her.
"Bullshit. If you didn't do it, I wouldn't be here, but yet Shepherd has you running his goddamn plane all over the area of our ranch, huh?"
"I haven't flown since the military."
"I'm not going to say this again," She warned, grabbing a shard of broken bottle and holding it to his neck. "Your name is all over the fucking flight logs. All recent flights are within a hundred mile radius of our ranch and I know you're not flying for shits and giggles."
"Then why are you here? Why are you doing this, huh? If you know whose plane it is then why aren't you going after him?"
"Because you're first on my list. I'm going for him after I take out the trash."
"Then you should walk out that door before you play the wrong game."
"Is that a threat, mate?" Simon hissed.
"You know, Malcom, you know as well as I do that's a dance with the devil if you fuck with me." Kiera warned.
"Then let's dance if that's what you want," He grumbled, the vein in his temple tapping at the thin skin of his forehead. "Fucking coming in here thinking you own the place and threatening me for flying a fucking plane."
"By the time I'm done, I'll have the trash taken out and own this place. I'll have your PPL hanging above my fucking toilet."
"It'd look nice, wouldn't it?" He smirked. "So what if I can fly a plane?"
"It's not that you can fly a plane, it's where you've been flying it. Especially considering that it doesn't belong to you."
She nodded for Simon to let him go, watching Malcom hunch over to catch his breath. "Don't make me come back." She warned.
"What happens if you do?" He scoffed.
"If I do, you won't walk out."
Simon and Soap followed behind her, watching the guard glance over her with a sarcastic comment playing at his lips. "Nice move." He said, referring to her technique of disarming him.
"It wasn't a move. I'm just meaner than you."
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doodling-doodle · 6 months
Fluffcember 2023
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It took way too long to format this
Here is your list, folks! Do whatever your heart desires for this!
Just a few quick things
If your doing this on Tumblr, I ask that you @ me and/or Lavender
If your doing this on ao3, I ask that you mention that the list came from me and Lavender, either in the notes or summary
The tag for this is #Doodle and Lav's fluffy fluffcember
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veritcs · 4 months
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it seemed like today was the day that shane walsh had had enough, passing weapons out around the group and soon, two barrettas were put in his hands, the familiar handle of them felt amazing in his hands. his tongue darted out to moisten his lesser lip, his greater one alike as he listened to shane speak, speaking over some who tried to get him to stop.
there were walkers in the barn and it was still dangerous despite the fact that they all lived to see another day after being notified of it the day prior. of course, the first moment glenn had told them, shane wanted to open the barn doors and kill the walkers, but rick had different thoughts, to talk to hershel considering it was the greene farm, not any of the groups'. but today was when shane had enough and wanted to open the barn. shane continued his speech about needing to open that barn when rick grimes came around with hershel at his heels, and two walkers caught and being guided by the two with snare poles. it was a shock but he wasn't surprised with how rick is one to listen to people's reasonings and perhaps rick agreed to hershel's reasonings to a point. but right now, things needed to get done, they needed to be safe and they weren't safe with walkers in the barn. it all happened so fast, both of the walkers that were held in the snare poles were shot, and then shane was breaking the lock open on the barn, releasing the walkers and one by one, they were shot down. he was with the group, shooting the walkers down until the were all down. well, there were more sounds of dragging feet, two pairs to be exact. one pair was small, and one was larger. what he didn't expect was a little girl to come out and carol rushing forward with a cry of the girl's name before daryl had grabbed her and kept her from going any further. one single gunshot was heard and he couldn't help but flinch slightly, the little girl now had a bullet wound in the head. now, with the other pair of feet... he looked over and his breath caught in his throat. his twin brother was stumbling and moaning, making his way towards connor and he could see shane lifting his gun up and he moved forward, placing his hand on the muzzle of shane's gun to push it down slowly, not even looking at the former deputy. he stared his brother's reanimated form and holstered one gun, making his way forward and kicked his brother's reanimated form in the chest before his booted foot came down to pin the walker down. he felt his hands grabbing onto his leg but he paid no mind to it. the walker was clawing, but the nails weren't making contact with skin, so things were fine. ❝ 'm sorry i wasn't t'ere wit' ye, t'keep yer arse safe. ❞ he murmured to his brother and shook his head before he dug out his rosary from beneath his shirt and pointed his gun to his brother's head. ❝ and shepherds we shall be. for thee, my lord, for thee. power hath descended forth from thy hand that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. so we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. in nomine patri, et filli, et spiritus sancti. ❞ he recited the prayer that he, his brother and their father would chant whenever they were taking the scum off the streets. without a second thought, he pulled the trigger, a bullet ceasing his reanimated brother's frame. after a moment, he removed his foot and crouched down, gathering his brother's rosary that still sat around his neck as well as digging into his pockets to pull out the picture that he hadn't seen since the two of them had gotten separated... the picture of the two of them as babies with their smiling mother.
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wintersxani · 2 years
𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘴𝘦 | Beth Greene x fem!reader
Warning(s): fluff, description of death, impacts of death, significant other dying, grief, major character death
Word Count: 2653
Characters: Beth Greene, D*wn Lerner, Noah, Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Dr. Edwards, Carol Peletier, Officer Shepherd, mentions Officer G*rm*n, Maggie & Hershel Greene
Summary: The moment you met Beth, to the end of your time together, when she died.
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The minute the blonde girl was wheeled into Grady Memorial Hospital, you knew you were in trouble. She was one of the prettiest girls you had seen. You didn't know who she was, but you made it your mission to.
When she woke up, you learned that her name was Beth Greene. She told you about where she was before all of this, and before the hospital, and you, in return, did too. It didn't take long for you to find interest in one another, maybe two days.
You both knew it was very soon, but there was no label on you two, and it was just nice to have someone to talk to. You took care of patients together, stayed up all night reminiscing on how the world was before everything, conspiring against Dawn, you name it. Her one goal was to get out of the Hospital, and you and Noah wanted to make that happen.
Noah was your other best friend, who quickly became friends with Beth, too. He gave her Lollypops, and you stitched her up when Dawn would hurt her. You swore each time that you would kill Dawn for it, but she made you promise to not do so. She brought out the best in you; she was an angel in disguise, your angel.
"When I get out of here, you're coming with me, y/n. My family, they'll love you. I just know it." She smiled, snuggling into the crevice of your neck as you rubbed her back in your bed. The thought of getting out of Grady Memorial Hospital was a dream, but you were well aware of just how impossible it was. You would do anything to get her home to her family, though, even if it meant dying for it. Strangely, you were so protective and passionate about Beth. Her heart was full of love and light, and had always remained positive, even when there was nothing good about the situation. You were the complete opposite; reserved, angry, and spiteful. She had changed you, and the way you saw things in a matter of two days, and you had no clue how it was even possible.
"We're getting out of here; I just know it. I can feel it. I can't wait for you to meet Maggie." She smiled, looking up into your eyes. "Me too." You said, sadder than you would've liked to. You had hoped she hadn't noticed, but it was clear that she had when she sat herself up in your bed. "What's the matter?" She questioned, eyebrows furrowing. "It's nothing." You replied, shaking your head. "It's not nothing, y/n. What's wrong?" She asked, eyes looking sad as she rubbed your cheek with her thumb. Giving in, you sighed, and began to share your concerns about getting out of here. She explained that her and Noah had already come up with a plan while you had been helping Dawn with a task earlier in the day, and although you had your concerns about the plan, you kept quiet and controlled.
When she had returned to her room that night, you were barely able to sleep, your thoughts and worries overtaking your mind. The more you thought about the plan, the worse it sounded. But it was now, or never. You might not ever get the chance again, so you knew it had to be taken.
The next morning, the three of you took your chances. Only Noah made it out. You had almost made it down the elevator with them, but one of the officers caught the three of you. You knew you had to stall him, so you yelled for them to run as you were beaten by the man. In a split second, you could see the fearful look in Beth's eyes as she watched you get pummeled, but when you mouthed 'go,' she nodded and ran for it. And you were glad she did.
When Dawn had been alerted of everything, she confined you in a room by yourself. You hadn't known if Beth and Noah had made it out or not until Dr. Edwards told you that Beth was still at Grady, partially locked up as you had been. You were expendable to Dawn, only being an officer in training, but Beth on the other hand, she had value. Her dad had taught her a thing or two about taking care of injured people, so she was far more useful than you had been.
Finally, you had been let out a couple days later, and were able to reunite with Beth. The two of you held each other tightly within each other's arms, as you placed a kiss on her forehead. It had turned out that one of her people, who you had learned was named Carol, had been found and put in the same hospital as the two of you.
Although Dawn had assigned Beth to take care of Carol, you would sneak in to be with her as she attended to her friend, anxiously waiting for her to wake up. In the meantime, the both of you pondered if Noah or Beth's group would come to rescue the two of you, or at least Beth. You had hoped more than anything that she would get out of here, now more than ever. She had a family looking for her, and you knew how much they meant to her. All you wanted was for her to be where she would be happiest, and you were aware that it wasn't here.
The staff here were sick in the head, twisted, demented. You made it your mission to protect Beth from the officers like Officer Gormon, who she had eventually succeeded in killing, with the help of one of the old patients who had turned. You were sick to your stomach when she had told you the circumstances that lead to his demise, and all you could do was hold her close and tell her how sorry you were that he had tried to force himself onto her. "It's in the past now." She would remind you, shaking her head.
After Carol finally woke up, you had briefly talked with her as Beth introduced the two of you, and you quickly became friends. She felt like a mother figure right off the bat. Your meeting had been cut short when Dawn had intruded, telling Beth and Carol that a swap was going to be taking place. Their people had come for them after all. As relieved as you were, you knew you would not be going with them. You weren't part of the deal, and Dawn made it clear before exiting the room.
By the next day, Beth's people had been on their way to the hospital, leaving you and Beth sitting alone in her room. "Beth... we have to talk about it." You whispered, placing your hand over hers, which were clasped together in her lap. "I don't wanna-" She replied in a small voice. "We need to, Beth. I can't go with you; you know Dawn won't let me. You know how she is... I'm not a part of the deal." You spoke, voice cracking. Beth's eyes remained focused to her lap, unwilling to meet your own eyes. You let out a little sigh, the pressure building in your chest as you held back the urge to cry. She shook her head for a brief moment, whispering, "we'll find a way."
Even in times like this, she remained hopeful. She was broken inside, you could tell, but you could also sense that she was holding on to hope. You knew you needed to say something now, because her people could arrive at any given moment. "Look at me."
"Beth, look at me." You carefully demanded, using your other hand to lightly tilt her chin to face you. "It's all going to be okay. You'll be okay. You don't need to worry about me when you leave here, okay? I will find a way, and I will find you." You said, a singular tear slipping from your eye and down your cheek. You didn't really believe that you would get out of there, but you needed her to believe it for you.
Her facial expression changed, and she broke into sobs. You had never once seen Beth cry, and she certainly wasn't the type to. She told you that we all had jobs to do, and that she didn't cry anymore. But here your angel was, broken just like you. "I can't do it without you, y/n. I need you to be with me." She cried silently, as you pulled her into your chest, more tears flowing down your wettened cheeks. "You are so strong Beth. Stronger than you know; and I know you can do it." You spoke, kissing her forehead before placing your head on top of hers. "I need you to promise me something, okay?" You probed, heart thudding within your chest. She nodded, and you took a deep breath.
"When you go to be exchanged, don't try anything. Please. I know you Beth, and I know you probably have a half assed plan in your head. I don't know what it involves, but please, please don't try it. Don't do it. For me. Don't say anything, don't look back, just leave with your family." You cried softly, knowing she knew what you were talking about when her posture changed.
The door to the room opened, Dawn walking inside. Her glare burned right through the two of you before she looked to the ground. "They're here. Get what you need Beth- y/n, you're with me." She grunted, motioning her head to the hallway. You nodded in compliance, kissing Beth's forehead one more time.
You stood with the other police officers in the hall; gun aimed downward as Beth wheeled Carol in, accompanied by Dr. Edwards. You could see Beth's people on the other side of the door, and your heart anxiously leaped in anticipation for it to open. When it did, a group of 5, including Noah had appeared in front of you. Your heart stopped beating for a moment at the realization that things would probably play out a lot differently than originally planned now that Noah was with them.
"They haven't been harmed." The man you assumed to be Rick spoke, breaking the silence. "Where's Lamson?" Dawn inquired, head tilting to the left and right to see if he had been with them. "Rotters got him." Shepherd had replied, followed by the other officer saying, "We saw it go down." You could see the tears forming in Dawn's eyes, but you didn't really give two shits. She didn't even care that much about him. "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good guys. One of yours for one of mine." She addressed, Rick nodding in agreement. You wheeled Carol forward along with a male officer, stopping halfway as the man Beth described to be Daryl helped Carol out of the wheelchair. The male officer returned one of the others to where Dawn had been standing, but you stood your ground.
Dawn had then grabbed a hold of Beth's arm harsher than you would have liked, nearing you. Rick and Shepherd stood behind you as Beth approached; she took her chance and slithered her arms around your waist one final time, tucking her head under your chin. As much as you wanted to cry again, you needed to keep your composure. All eyes were on the two of you, but you didn't let that stop you from holding her tightly. When she lifted her head to look into your eyes, the two of you shared a small, sad kiss. A kiss that would be your last. Hugging her one more time, you whispered in her ear, 'I love you more than anything.' When she started to say it back, Dawn cleared her throat, interrupting your moment. Confusion was written on Beth's people's faces, but you could tell that they felt sympathetic, Carol most of all.
You mouthed 'go,' just as you had when she had tried to escape, only this time she'd really make it out. With a nod, she turned around and hugged Rick, walking away from you, giving one glance back. "Glad we could work things out." Dawn spoke as they walked further away. The silence was broken once more, but in a way that you wished it hadn't been. "Now I just need Noah."
The group stopped, and turned to face Dawn, and that's when you realized, things really weren't going to be okay. Rick and Dawn had begun to argue. When Dawn had brought up that Beth took Noah's place, Beth had begun to bring you up, saying that you shouldn't have to stay there. You shook your head at her, warning her to stop. "Y/n can go with you if you give me Noah." Dawn started, surprising you. But you just shook your head; you wouldn't put yourself before one of your own best friends who could still have his family out there. He needed the chance just as much as Beth did. You and Shepherd both had tried to tell Dawn to let Noah go, but she shut both of you down with no hesitation. Noah had eventually complied after more argument.
"Wait!" Beth called out, quickly walking to Noah and embracing him. She looked broken all over again, and it hurt you so much. You had been standing beside Dawn, watching everything. "I knew you'd be back." Dawn said, and you watched as Beth's eyes turned angry and cold, as she broke apart from Noah. Tears formed once again in her delicate eyes as she stood in front of Dawn, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. The silence was so eerie, and your gut screamed at you, telling you something was wrong. "Beth-" you tried, before she held her palm out to stop you from walking forward. Her eyes met yours for a brief moment, and you begged and pleaded with your eyes as you shook your head. Her eyes no longer held compliance, but only spite and sorrow.
Her eyes returned to those of Dawn's, her bottom lip trembling. "I get it now." She finished, and in a split second, one you couldn't process, Beth's body was on the ground, her blood splattering everywhere, the gunshot reverberating down the hallway. You took a painful breath in, eyes trained on your lover's body thrown on the ground, ignoring the pleas of Dawn beside you. You had reached for your gun, but Daryl had been quicker. You now stood between two bodies as another gunshot pierced your ears, deafening you for a split second. Both sides drew their weapons, aiming towards each other as you stood frozen in the middle, in utter shock. The sob that had built up in your throat could no longer stay down as you collapsed to your knees, pulling Beth's lifeless body into your arms. You held her so many times, but this time, she was cold. She was gone.
You couldn't even hear your own screams and pleas as you rocked her body back and forth, head on top of hers. It was silent by the time your sobs had turned into whimpers.
You, along with Noah, became a part of Beth's group. When Rick had offered, you took it. You wouldn't dare stay at the hospital any longer. You knew Beth would have wanted you to go with her family, and help Noah find his family. That was her silent final wish. From then on out, you lived for her. Everything you did, you did for her. Although your angel wasn't physically with you anymore, you knew she was there, somewhere, watching you become a part of Rick's group, just as the two of you had dreamed about together in your days at the hospital.
➺ Masterlist | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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teenytinyapprentice · 3 years
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Furry friends! - I’m a big fan of @dragon-pawz furry designs for Layton and Luke (please go check out their work!) and really wanted to draw them... AND wanted to take my own crack at creating furry designs for these two! Nova’s Luke is a cat and Hershel is a German shepherd mix For my furry designs: Luke is a Maltipoo - gentle, energetic and playful, and highly intelligent! They’re also really tiny, quite yappy and highly devoted to their family and don’t like to be left alone for extended periods Hershel is a Scottish red deer -  noble, highly perceptive and gentle! Stags are associated with confidence and natural leaders. They’re native to England & slightly smaller than common red deer. (The name Hershel also literally means deer)
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