#cod but ice hockey
sun-roach · 6 months
Because i am still thinking about a cod ice hockey fic here is the NHL team: TF141
Short disclaimer i am new to ice hockey so I am sorry if it's not accurate nfndndnkkdkdn
Coach: Hershel Shepherd
Manager/co-coach: Kate Laswell, Nikolai (co-coach to Laswell later)
Captain: John Price
Alternate Captain 1: John "Soap" MacTavish
Alternate Captain 2: Simon "Ghost" Riley
Goalie: Yuri
Forwards: Gary "Roach" Sanderson (right wing), Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (left wing), Soap (center)
Defensemen: Ghost, Price
Dusters: Joseph Allen (in hospital after a bad game against Konni group), Rook, Archer, Worm, Ozone, Rocket, Meat, Royce, Merlin, Toad
After Roach gets "fired", Rocket gets his spot
SingleDad!Roach is occupying my mind. Yes i am mentally unwell as always. But just imagine Roach with his kid visiting his old team's game and getting the backstage tickets to congratulate or comfort them. And the kid also joining the TF141 bambi league or smth kfkdkkdn
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chomchomcherrybomb · 1 year
I'm begging
Someone please make a Hockey player! Ghost x Ice skater! Soap au long fic. I'm begging you.
I had to make my own content 😭
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3khaos · 5 months
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Prompt List
Fan Fiction Recommendations
F1 Masterlist
Ice Hockey Masterlist
Ted Lasso Masterlist
ACOTAR Masterlist
COD Masterlist
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so-you-melted-22 · 1 year
apparently i really will never escape the ice skating AUs
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moralesispunk · 5 months
COD masterlist
Simon Riley Masterlist
Simon as an ice hockey goalie
Simon is home safe with you
Simon loves a Friday night chippy tea
Simon needs you close
Taking care of Simon
Simon keeping you secret from the 141
Simon is a tummy man
Simon being all cuddly
Girl dad! Simon Riley
Simon blushing
Simon versus your teddy
Simon and Valentine's day
Dad simon managing his kids football team
Simon x chubby! reader
Retired Simon who loves a long lie
Simon coming home on leave
Massaging Simon's hands part one / part two
John Price x Wife x Simon Riley
How it starts / John teasing you both / Simon versus John's sex drive
Simon getting you pregnant when John can't (additional alternative ending)
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jazminrhode1 · 8 months
Hi Jaz!! I was wonder if you could write something where the reader and triplets and nate had been friends maybe they have another friend as well that's a girl and the three become super close when the triplets move and they go some time without speaking? And then the reader reunites with the triplets and realises that she was angry at them for no real reason and they become close again? Idk if that makes sense but, you can really write whatever! I love your writing!!
I've Really Missed You Sturniolo Triplets x Reader One Shot
Summary: Just a story about the seasons of friendship.
Words: 1206 words
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The six of you had always been friends since you met on the play mat at daycare. Since the triplets left for LA you, Nate, and Lexi had become inseparable.
You had never pictured yourself leaving the east coast. When the triplets spoke about their dream of moving to LA and Nate spoke of playing sport at some Ivy League school interstate, you pictured yourself staying right here in Boston. When you started looking at colleges, your parents took you to visit their alma mater’s but, those schools never appealed to you. You wanted to stay close to your parents, you wanted to be there to see your little brothers grow up and you wanted to enjoy time with your grandparents before age took it’s toll.
Turns out, after applying to almost every half-decent school in the country, Nate and Lexi decided to stay home in Boston too. You had promised each other on a late-night drive back home from a weekend in New Hampshire that, no matter what, you’d always stay together.
In middle school, you never thought that it’d be just the three of you after graduation. The thought of not having the triplets around seemed unimaginable when you were 12 years old but, time proved you wrong in the end.
When they first left, it felt a lot like a breakup. You, Nate, and Lexi drove around to all the places you’d hang out like lost puppies looking for a home. You realized that you would never be completely at home again because three pieces of your heart would always be somewhere else. 
When you started college, you found yourself leaving them out of the stories you told of growing up. It hurt too much to talk about them in past tense. 
In that first year of college, you and Lexi shared a dorm. It was like one long sleepover that your parents would have never allowed. You stayed up every night talking about cute boys in your classes and cute outfits that girls wore that you swore you could never pull off. Nate’s roommate drove him up the walls and he ended up spending most nights sleeping on the floor between you both.
It felt strangely like betrayal making new memories and new friends without the triplets. Like getting a new puppy after your childhood dog passed away.
On the weekends, you three would pack up the car and drive to the beach or the mountains. You started taking your friends from interstate to all of the places you went when you were young. You showed them your high school, your childhood homes and the parking lot you’d sneak out to when you were teenagers.
You took them to the Taco Bell where you had your first job and the ice rink where Nate used to play ice hockey. You snuck them into the theatre where you had your 10th birthday party and took them to your parent's old shack at the Cod. In one year, you had replaced old memories with new ones. Like recording over an old mixtape that an ex-flame left in your car.
As Christmas came around and you packed up your things to go home, Nate mentioned that the triplets had come back to Boston. As you made the short drive from campus back to your old neighborhood, you contemplated if you’d ever go to see them. You hadn’t spoken for months and you didn’t know if things were better left alone.
Sometimes you argued with them in your head and made them feel guilty for leaving you behind. Other times you pictured that you all moved to LA and then blamed them for you missing home. You couldn’t think a single scenario where they got to do what they had always dreamed of and you were ok with it. Maybe that meant that everything happened in the exact way that it should have.
As hard as it was to reconcile, maybe you loved and missed them in equal measure. Maybe it wasn’t the distance or lack of communication pulling you apart that really mattered but, it was the love that would inevitably bring you back together.
As Nate pulled into your driveway before you jumped out to get your things, you asked, “Do y’all want to stay the night?” Nate promised he’d go home and Lexi wanted to see her Dad before he left.
As you truged through the snow up to your front door, Nate made sure you were safe inside before he drove away.
The next morning, you got up early and headed out for a run. That was the only way you knew how to clear your head. It was only a 20-minute jog around the lake once you got to the park and as your music began to blare in your headphones, you escaped into your own little world.
You remembered MaryLou bringing you down to the lake when you were younger so you could feed the ducks. One time, Matt fell in and when she turned back around all she saw was his little hand sticking out of the water.
Two years after that Chris was learning to ride a bike. He was racing down the hill one afternoon and crashed into a pine tree. He had grazes on the side his face for weeks but, he thought it made him look tough.
You and Nick would always trail behind the group, lost in your own little world. You’d dream of fairies dancing in flowerbeds and knights in shining armor that would race to save you from the monsters hidden in the shadows of the willow tree. Times were a lot simpler then.
As you stopped by the gate on the east side lawn, you knelt down to tie your shoe. Your heart stopped when a small dog ran over to you.
“Trevor! Leave that girl alone,” Nick called as his footsteps grew louder.
Before you could get up and continue on your jog, Nick knelt down before you to pick Trevor up. Your eyes locked as you stood at the same time. “Y/n?” he asked in disbelief.
Matt and Chris appeared behind him, the same look on their faces. Matt was first to pull you into a hug, followed by his brothers.
“I didn’t know you were back,” you lied. “Nate didn’t tell you?” Chris asked.
You ignored him and said, “How are you?”
“We have so much to catch up on,” Matt replied.
You felt guilty that for the past 2 years, you left their messages unread and watched the phone ring as they tried to call. The truth was that you missed them. As you all grew older and life took you in different directions, time passed by like a hand waving from a train that you wanted to be on. You didn't want to miss what was happening in their lives anymore. You didn't want them to miss what was happening in yours.
As walked down your street with Trevor pulling at the lead, Nick turned to you and said "I've really missed you, y/n."
You linked an arm through his and rested your head on his shoulder, "I've really missed you, too."
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
Highscool AU CoD Pt1
1 September 1990
"Your son will never be anything proper if he keeps going to that snob school," my father screamed at my mother as usual. It wasn’t like I wanted to go to that damn boarding school anyway; I didn't want to leave Tommy alone with my dad.
"He's got a full ride scholarship. Do you know how much money we're saving?" No costs for food for me, no hockey equipment, nothing; it was all paid for just so I could play hockey at this damn school.
"He's still with all these trust fund brats. These kids grow up with a silver spoon in their lives, he gets messed up and thinks he can study and do other crap."
"Jim, fuck off. Your son is going to be a hockey player, for fuck's sake."
I left the kitchen, walking back to my room, packing the last things I needed before taking the train to Exeter. The uniform mom bought me was two sizes too big. She said I would fit into it soon, but it wouldn't help my case that no one in this school wanted to talk to the scholarship boy. I just wanted to go to a normal school in Manchester, hang out with my mates, watch football with them, and not do hockey. I didn't want to become a professional ice hockey player, but I also didn’t want to disappoint mom, so hockey it is.
The train would leave in 10 minutes. My family and I already stood at the rail.
"I'm going to write you, Tommy, and I'll come back most weekends." Tommy clung to my legs, desperate for me not to leave again like last time. I knew dad would probably beat Tommy up again for being so emotional.
We only nodded at each other, and then mom hugged me tight, not wanting to let go of me. I walked inside the train, searching for an empty compartment. Hopefully, there was no one from my school on this train. I needed this time to prepare myself for the hell I would endure for the next year.
I arrived at Exeter. The bus took me to my home for the next year: Northbridge Academy.
Around the gate stood all sorts of cars. Most students got driven here instead of taking the train like I did. Their cars would make dad fuss again about how posh this place is. Ferraris, Porsches, and Bugattis were the cars of the poorer students. They would probably laugh about Dad's Honda Civic.
My stomach growled. I knew it wouldn’t get food until the evening today in the mess hall. It was like a sort of ritual welcoming the first years, introducing them, mostly telling what their parents did for a living and which sport they would do in this school. I remembered last year when I was introduced: "Simon Riley. Mom's a nurse, and Dad's unemployed. He will join the ice hockey team."
At that point, I knew I would get bullied after hearing all the things about the other students in my year. There was one scholarship boy too, Johnny. I thought we would be friends, but because of him being the goalie of our football team, everyone loved him despite his parents only being farmers. Of course, he befriended Kyle, the most popular guy around. He was filthy rich and posh. The girls all fancied him. He played as a striker, and rumors said that he would, after graduating his A levels, play for Arsenal.
"Sod off, Riley. Go back to where you belong, mud," Tiffany said as she spat on me. Tiffany was the most popular girl, but rather than Kyle, she wasn’t nice. She was mean and hated my guts, always telling me their family worked hard to achieve this place at Northbridge Academy, while I got it gifted. So she made me deserve it in other ways by bullying me with her little girls squad. But who cared?
A giant approached me, giving me a handkerchief and speaking in the most broken English I've ever heard. "Are you okay, little one?"
"Yes, it's okay, mate." He only nodded and went away.
I sat back in my class and listened to Ms. Lawson, our class teacher, telling us all about this year's classes.
"Let me introduce you to a new girl in the class. Come on, Ms. König," she smiled at a girl who shyly walked in front of the whole class with a batch of red velvet cookies in her hand.
She is incredibly beautiful, but she is a trust fund baby like everyone else. I could already see it; she wore a Chanel bow wrapped inside her blonde curly hair. She was taller than me by several inches; she was at least 5'3" while I only reached 4'11". But I'll be tall like my Dad someday, hopefully. She was a bit different than the other rich girls, though.
She wasn’t as skinny as them; she was a bit chubby. I never saw the problem in being chubby, but my classmates always made fun of chubby girls. Poor girl won't survive a second in this hell. The teacher told us that her Dad was the founder and CEO of Kortac. I didn’t know what this was, but judging by the way my classmates gasped, she must be filthy rich.
"Hello, I'm Elisabeth. Um, I moved to Cardiff with my brother and my mom. I was born in Vienna, Austria. I do ballet, gymnastics, and I like to bake," she smiled.
"Well, we see that she likes baking," Tiffany whispered to Laurie, both of the girls giggling.
"You should probably be nice to her, Tiff. Mom told me about Kortac," Jilian said, and Tiffany nodded. I didn’t know what Kortac was, but it sounded like something not good.
Elisabeth walked towards the back of the class, sitting at the table next to me. What just happened? She smiled at me, reaching out with her hands towards me. It took two minutes till I grabbed it and shook it. "I'm Simon."
"I'm Elisabeth. Do you want a cookie?" She smiled and almost stuffed the red velvet cookie in my mouth. It was delicious, like an explosion in my mouth. This was so nice from her; she probably didn’t know that it would be her social ruin being friends with me. Slow fantasies about having a friend in this school crept up inside my head. It was unrealistic, but a nice thought; even if she was a girl, better than nothing, right? She was nice, and her cookies were good.
"Thank you for the cookies."
"I'll always feed everyone."
"You should never feed a stray dog," I joked. If she only knew her cookie was the first thing I ate in two days.
"Hm, but I like collecting stray dogs," she laughed. A friend. I had a friend. I couldn’t mess this up.
The girls' squad approached us; they probably would humiliate me, and then she starts to laugh at me.
"König? You should probably reconsider your taste in friends; this mutt here is on a scholarship basis here." God, how I hated Tiffany.
"Oh, I think I'll have great taste in friends. I mean, I'm not friends with you," Elisabeth smiled. She looked so sweet, and now she was protecting me in front of Tiffany. My new friend was a feisty one.
"He is poor, don’t you understand?" Tiffany scoffed, disgusted.
"What do your parents do, Tiffany?" and for a second, I was afraid she is now influenced by the 5'5 tall skinny Louis Vuitton-wearing cunt.
"My father is a plastic surgeon, and my mother is a lawyer," Tiffany chimed proudly, only earning a laugh from Elisabeth.
"This explains why you can only afford Louis Vuitton. So, Tiffany, my Dad is richer four times than your family, so I'm more than rich enough for Simon and me together. So please leave before I punch your smug face." Her eyelashes fluttered, and a mischievous grin spread across her face. While Tiffany walked away furious, earning us the glances of Kyle's squad.
"Sorry about that. I'm normally nicer; I just don’t like bullies."
"Don’t apologize; that was bloody brilliant."
"So, Simon, which sport do you do?"
"Ice hockey."
"Wow, I loved ice skating as a kid."
"Why ballet then and not figure skating?" I asked her, curious. She would make a great figure skater; she walks so elegantly and doesn’t slop.
"School provides only partner figure skating, and I'm a bit too heavy for that," I didn’t want to agree with her; I would probably struggle picking her up. But I couldn’t even carry 25 pounds. Coach told me I need to work on my strength this month, before I could react and try to say something nice, something weird happened.
"Awright, I'm John Mactavish, mah loue," John never associated with me, and now he comes to my table to speak with my new friend.
"I'm sorry, John; my English, I don’t understand you," she looks at him with apologetic puppy eyes.
"Ah, sorry, I'm Scottish, but if you’d like some tutoring, I'd be available, Ellie?"
“Don’t listen to MacTavish; he almost failed English last year,” I remarked snarky. Normally, I tried to down my sarcasm at this school, make myself as small as possible, but alone, her laugh was worth making myself noticeable.
"Shut up, mate, you're destroying my chances with Ellie."
"I hate nicknames," she grumbled.
"We'll see about that, Bonnie."
"Elisabeth, not Bonnie."
Sure, here's the corrected version:
"You're funny, hen," he laughed before walking away.
"Is everyone so intense here?"
"You don’t talk much, do you?"
"Not really."
"So, I think we will have a great friendship," she smiled at me, and maybe this year won't be hell after all.
"How come you can call me 'Si' but don’t allow nicknames?"
"Because I'm pretty and funny, Si," she pointed her tongue at me playfully.
"Pretty, yes, funny, no, Lizzie," she blushed as I called her pretty; the pink on her cheeks looked cute. Wait, what am I thinking?
"Really, Lizzie?"
"Yes, Lizzie."
After the feast and for the first time in this school not sitting alone eating, I went to the male dorms. Last year, I shared my dorm with a bunch of older guys from the team; this year, I got new dorm partners. I walked into dorm 13B and read the paper on top of it.
Garrick - Perfect. Kyle the jock was in the room.
MacTavish - Even worse than Kyle.
König- Wait, isn’t that Lizzy's last name? But she is a girl, right? She looked like a girl, at least.
Price - He once punched a bully in the face, so he was nice, I guess.
I walked inside the room, seeing that everyone was already unpacking their stuff in the bunk.
Kyle's corner was full of his football trophy and posters of Arsenal London; he took the most place in the closet he shared with Johnny. Of course, he was one of the wealthiest kids in this school; his parents owned several newspapers, shops, and his mother was the heiress of British Petroleum.
Johnny's corner was messy, the wall full of little doodles. I never knew he'd like to draw so much; most of his normal clothes were full of paint stains. It kinda made him more sympathetic.
Nik and Price shared a bunk, like I'd thought; their side was full of posters from Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, and Metallica. Nik's father was the CEO of Aeroflot, so the little plane model didn’t surprise me. John's parents were a curse; his father was on the way to becoming the Prime Minister of England, making the press watch every move of him.
I decorated my room with some ice hockey posters and a picture of me and Tommy; I needed to write him a letter, or else he thinks I've forgotten him. The door opened, and the nice giant from earlier walked inside; this must have been Lizzy's brother and my bunkmate now.
"Hallo," he said awkwardly, ducking his head under the frame. He must be over 6ft tall; I wondered how old he is.
"That's König, mates. He isn’t very good with his English, so fuck off if you complain about his accent," Price commanded; he was like his dad, a natural leader.
"Man, how tall are you?" Johnny asked, curious and, of course, he didn’t know any social clues, idiot.
"1.88 meters."
"That's 6'2" Nikolai explained, knowing the metric system because of his Russian heritage.
I just closed my eyes, ignoring the banter of my roommates, finally falling asleep in that uncomfortable bed.
I woke up in the middle of the night by a cry from under me; that's awkward. I never knew how to react in this situation, especially if a 6'2" guy cries.
"Shh, Elli, es ist nur ein Traum. Ich passe auf dich auf. Sie finden dich nicht; du bist sicher, okay?" (It's just a dream; I'll protect you. They won't find you; you're safe.) It wasn’t his cry; it was Lizzy's. That made it only worse; I didn’t know if I could say or do anything, so I only listened to her sobs, like the weak boy I was. Dad was right; I am useless. I have a friend for one day, but when she is upset, I'm hiding in my bed, listening to her cry like a bloody coward.
The next morning, I went to the mess hall, sitting down next to Lizzie. I had a table now; I was finally inside of it.
"Ach du scheiße—what are you eating?"
"Uh, beans with toast and hash browns."
"That's disgusting," she sniffed.
"Did you even try it?"
"So why do you think it's disgusting?"
"It looks funky, and breakfast should be a hot roll with some homemade jam or maybe a butter pretzel."
"That sounds German."
"So why are you eating cereal then?"
"They looked funny," she gestured at her fruit loops and smiled at the bright colors, giving me the spoon so I could taste it. It was an unfamiliar gesture, and she kinda behaved differently than the other rich girls; she behaved carelessly.
"Aye, scoot over, Simon," Johnny sat down at our table with his tray full of sausages and eggs, taking Kyle with him. Both sat down next to us; I felt like I was stuck in a parallel universe.
It got even worse when König, Nik, and John joined the table, making our table completely full. I didn’t like the new size of our friend group. Yesterday, I had only Lizzie, and now I'm stuck with five blokes.
"I'm John Price, by the way," he took Lizzie's hand and gave her a handkiss, making her blush and giggle, while König gave him a death glare. "No touching my sister."
"So, König, which football club do you like?" Kyle asked.
"FC Bayern München, you?" the giant answered.
"Arsenal will play for it someday," Kyle said proudly.
"Manchester United."
"Aye, Celtic FC."
"Of course, a Scottish club," I muttered.
"They're great."
"Tottenham Hotspur," John said proudly, and everyone besides Lizzie started to laugh.
"Mate, no, that's embarrassing."
"Shut it, Garrick."
"If I play for Arsenal, I'll beat Tottenham every day."
"You sure will," John rolled his eyes.
"Elli? Do you fancy a club?"
"I don’t like football."
"What the fuck?" everyone shouted at once.
"It's not hard; it's boring. Try gymnastics or ballet; that's a real sport, and not something where you whine because someone crossed you, stealing your ball," Johnny's and Kyle's faces fell down; how dare she insult their precious sport. It was actually funny how she had all her opinions and was never afraid to spit them out.
"You can come and watch my next rugby game; that's a real sport," John winked at her.
"No flirting with my sister, no touching my sister, no dating my sister until 18," König looked at John with his intimidating facial expression, ready to tower over all of us.
"Eighteen is a bit too early. Oh no, I never date at all; I'll grow old with a bunch of kittens," she smiled while fiddling with her bow in her hand.
"That's a loss for me, hen," poor Johnny will probably get beaten up by the end of the year if he doesn’t stop flirting.
"Why is your bow not in your hair, Lizzie?"
"Tiffany made fun of it, and she was right; it's childish."
"Du liebst deine Schleife?" (You love your bow?) Without a word, I stood up and took her bow and placed it on top of her head. This bow was probably more worth than my mom's paycheck, but still. She is my friend, so I need to be there for her like she protected me yesterday.
"Tiffany is a cunt; you want that bow, you wear that bow." The table agreed with my comment and enjoyed their food.
"What's your next subject, Si?"
"Me too," she said and grabbed my hand, pulling me with her to the next class.
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toasttt11 · 27 days
carter: she does wish she could play with connor and macklin but she is happy to be playing in the playoffs with the canucks ! she is watching her boys from home and jack is staying with her and quinn until their season is over
lex: she joined worlds right after the islanders got out of the playoffs and is excited to play with her best friend and brother, she does miss rutger a lot but he’s going on vacation with friends at the moment and they both are not ready for their long distance next season
kensington: she is really really happy to play in worlds especially because she’s gets to play with luke and also trevor, cole and matt. she is pretty bumped that gabe isn’t playing but happy will and ryan are.
octavia: she should not be playing and be letting her wrist heal more but is stubborn and wants to play with her twin brother again, she bugged matthew into playing too so they left toronto right after the last play off game and met the team at worlds
clementine: once she knew connor was playing she accepted, she loves getting the opportunity to be able to play with her brother, something she would be getting all the time next season. she’s looking forward to playing against alex.
maddox: he’s enjoying it because he always loves being able to play with luke. alex and trevor are also playing with him so it’s gonna be a fun time as they are playing against connor.
brinley: she’s captian of the usa team and is so damn happy to be playing with brady again and of course she was ecstatic hearing she was playing with luke too. cole was pouting at how excited she was to play with brady and luke and not him as if they don’t play together ever season.
carina: carina declined the invitation staying in toronto to watch matthew and joseph in the playoffs until they got out in the first round so she is now being a nice girlfriend and sister and comforting them.
gemma: so so happy! she has always adored luke and really happy to play with him. she’s pretty excited to play against her brother and boyfriend. a little nervous because so many eyes are on her specifically because of her upcoming draft.
willa: willa is always happy to play more hockey and she’s happy she gets to play with ryan even if they both are bumped gabe isn’t playing with them but he’s coming out to watch them so they both are waiting for that.
phoenix: jamie managed to convince him to join worlds as jamie knows phoenix would be upset missing the chance to play with trevor. jamie is happy being a wag for the tournament.
viola: she was going to decline because both her boyfriend and brother is recovering from a surgery but they both told her to go play. viola is really looking forward to being able to play with luke and cole.
livia: she cant play this year as she is currently still in playoffs heading into the second round with her team.
sebastian: is looking forward for the tournament because he gets to play with his brother which has barely happened for the two ever. sebastian doesn’t really care what he’s playing in as long as luke is with him.
lucia: she spent a good amount of time in cape cod with john after having gotten together right at the end of the season and then she went home right before heading to worlds. lucia does always enjoy playing for team usa and couldn’t turn down the offer to play at worlds even if she just wanted to sleep for years.
cameron: she was looking forward to the chance to play with her dad but was not surprised that he declined, sidney just wanted to spend the whole tournament specifically being cameron’s father not sidney crosby. cameron is really happy to be able to play with connor again.
asher: asher won’t be going to worlds as he is playing with the rangers in their second round of playoffs. he was curious when he saw the list of players on the team and why gabe wasn’t on there.
riley: mainly looking forward to play more hockey and chirp players on the ice, was pretty grumpy about the fact gabe was playing but doesn’t mind watching him being a wag the whole time.
connie: immediately agreed to play for worlds as summer break is her least favorite part of the year because hockey season is over. also was very happy seeing alex’s name on the usa team.
spencer: spencer won’t be playing as he still is in the playoffs and is about to start the second series against the oilers.
oscar: jack joined oscar and oscar is really excited to spend a lot of time with his little brother and also his best friend during the tournament. he always enjoys being able to play on the same team as connor.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Okay, I wanted to ask this from my side blog where I put cod stuff but tumblr doesn't let me switch accounts >_<
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Okay, but I'm doing headcanons because I don't think I could fit this into a one-shot
They meet on the ice as kids
Both love ice skating, but Rodolfo likes gliding around and Alejandro likes going super fast and slamming into people
They quickly find out they go to the ice rink at the same time every week, so they start to meet up more
Alejandro doesn't know much about his feelings toward boys, yet, but he does know he likes the way Rodolfo glides around the ice
Rodolfo thinks the control and speed Alejandro can get is cool, even if Alejandro is using it to slam into people
They end up drifting apart as they reach their teens. Rodolfo turns to Olympic figure skating, so he has to change when he goes to the ice
Alejandro joins a hockey team, and also changes
They keep in touch as best they can, but they have different lives, and it gets difficult, so they just stop
Alejandro ends up signing to a hockey team in the US and moving there (this is purely an excuse to add the other characters, tbh)
Rodolfo becomes an actual Olympic figure skater
Alejandro recognizes his childhood friend on the TV and is like "ahhhh, he made it!" and none of his teammates believe him that the Rodolfo Parra used to be best friends with him. Ghost and Alex rib on him over it
Rodolfo visits a friend in the US and goes to see a hockey team and immediately recognizes Alejandro. He makes the mistake of telling his friend, Gaz, who is like "then let's go talk to them!"
Rodolfo tries to explain that he doubts Alejandro even remembers him, but Gaz is like "sure, but let's see, anyway"
Gaz drags him down to the rink and just immediately Alejandro is over to the side, yelling "Rudy!"
Cue Ghost and Alex mouth drop
Rodolfo melts because "oh, he does remember me"
They end up talking until Price, Alejandro's coach, comes over and breaks them up.
Alejandro smugly going "see, we were friends"
Rodolfo comes to every game and they get close again
Romance <3
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zepuckinghockey · 8 months
Matty Beniers KAN Interview Transcript -
Matty's radio interview with Mike Benton from the Kraken Media Day has been released! Full transcript below the cut but some of my favorite bits of up here.
INTERVIEWER: [Borgen] says Call of Duty is up there. He says Mario Kart is up there as far as being competitive. Which one’s your favorite, your go-to against him, and who’s better?
MATTY: [no hesitation] I’m better at both of them. Not even a question. If he said differently, that’s so false. And… that’s a tough one because I like—I play more Call of Duty when I’m home and have a little bit more free time, but we play Mario Kart on the plane, so. But yeah, I’ll—1v1, no doubt I’m beating him. He probably said he thinks he can beat me in COD but he can’t.
INTERVIEWER: [Hakstol] is at the forefront of culture, and that culture is a team that has grown together. So jumping off-ice here with this, which Kraken teammate would throw the best birthday party?
MATTY: Schwartzy, no doubt.
INTERVIEWER: Why is that?
MATTY: Schwartzy’s just the guy—you need anything done, he’s your man. He sets things up, he jut gets things done. He’s such a people person, has so many connections, and I think that him or… or Vince Dunn. Those are the two guys that I would say.
Seattle Kraken Audio Network – released on 10/11 – recorded at Kraken Media Day on September 21, 2023.
INTERVIEWER: There are good summers and then there are rewarding summers. How about you, my man? What was the best part of it?
MATTY: Yeah, it was a fun summer. Definitely good to be back in Seattle, for sure, but yeah definitely relaxing.  First couple weeks after, I went on vacation with my family, so that was nice. And then y’know a couple weeks after that, started getting back into working out and skating and y’know kinda just went from there for the rest of the summer.
INTERVIEWER: When you mention all that objective as far as your skating, the working out, how much does life change—how much does your summer change or your goals change after having the season you just had?
MATTY: Yeah, I mean it was basically just the same summers y’know the last couple summers. I like to try to work on as much as I can, and for me, it’s always [sheepish laugh] it’s basically been getting bigger the last couple summers, and then on ice, just y’know keep working on your shot, your edges, your skating, your stickhandling, like basically the main stuff.
INTERVIEWER: It was around this time last year where we asked you if you got your place picked out. What’s the best part of it now that you’re all settled in here and still with Will Borgen?
MATTY: Yeah, it’s great. It’s great having everything set up like you said. Last year was a little bit more hectic, going—doing all the hockey stuff, and then going right home, and you gotta unpack, you gotta set things up, so now it’s been a lot easier. We’re all moved in. Still looking for a kitchen table. [sheepish laugh] But uh--
INTERVIEWER: We’re doing Craigslist. We’ll go right here to radio.
MATTY: Yeah, Facebook Marketplace.
INTERVIEWER: What’s the best part of about having Will as a roommate and as a friend as well?
MATTY: Yeah, I mean he’s great, all around—especially, obviously last year, helping me out being a young guy, just little things, asking him… Making sure I’m up in the morning to get to the rink. But no, he’s been great. He’s been a great friend. I think we have a lot of fun together, especially at the house. And, y’know, I love being with someone because I don’t know how I would be if I was all alone out here. [laugh]
INTERVIEWER: He says Call of Duty is up there. He says Mario Kart is up there as far as being competitive. Which one’s your favorite, your go-to against him, and who’s better?
MATTY: [no hesitation] I’m better at both of them. Not even a question. If he said differently, that’s so false. And… that’s a tough one because I like—I play more Call of Duty when I’m home and have a little bit more free time, but we play Mario Kart on the plane, so. But yeah, I’ll—1v1, no doubt I’m beating him. He probably said he thinks he can beat me in COD but he can’t.
INTERVIEWER: What’s the one game that you would love to relive all over again in this jersey?
MATTY: My first home game was pretty amazing. I would love to relive that one. Maybe the Colorado game when we won in overtime, Ebs scored that goal, that was a really fun game.
INTERVIEWER: He almost won the Jack Adams last year. What is it about Dave Hakstol, your head coach, his best qualities that you love about him as a coach?
MATTY: Yeah, he’s a great coach. I think for me, and I know for—y’know I can’t speak for everyone but for a lot of guys—I think just being a good person goes a long way, and that’s exactly what he is. He’s a great person off the ice, and y’know just a normal guy, someone you can chat with off the ice and then when you get on the ice, y’know he gets more serious, he tries to push the best out of you, so I think a lot of our success was due to him last year, and he’s done a great job.
INTERVIEWER: He is at the forefront of culture, and that culture is a team that has grown together. So jumping off-ice here with this, which Kraken teammate would throw the best birthday party?
MATTY: Schwartzy, no doubt.
INTERVIEWER: Why is that?
MATTY: Schwartzy’s just the guy—you need anything done, he’s your man. He sets things up, he jut gets things done. He’s such a people person, has so many connections, and I think that him or… or Vince Dunn. Those are the two guys that I would say.
INTERVIEWER: Matty, as this day gets closer, what does playing outside on New Year’s Day in the Winter Classic at the home of the Mariners mean to you?
MATTY: Yeah, it’s gonna be really exciting. I mean, we grew up playing outside, playing on the pond—or I did at least. And being able to play an NHL game outside, it’s gonna be special. I remember going to all the Winter Classics in Boston and it’ll be really fun.
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sun-roach · 6 months
Something like a fic idea I will never write, because I currently don’t have the patience
141 but they are an ice hockey team and Roach is a single dad, who had to retire, because his coach (Shepherd) "fired" him (and Ghost, but Ghost fans were angry so he was able to stay in the team). Roach still goes to every game together with his kid to support his team and Shepherd has to go trough a trial because of tax evasion. Laswell takes over as the coach and offers Roach to be part of the team again, which Roach tho refuses because of an injury
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dylan-duke · 1 month
Because it’s almost summer maybe like them and all the BC hockey boys + the gfs go up to a lake house and like Ryan and Brooklyn like refuse to separate and are just being cute.
"lean let your girlfriend go we gotta train," will whines standing in the doorway of brooklyns room.
brooklyns mom and dad had let the 19 year old invite a couple of friends up to their cape cod house for a couple of weeks, and although the boys have been taking time off, they still had to train.
"i don't wanna," ryan whines his grip on brooklyn tightening as she giggles,
"ry go train baby. i'm not going anywhere," ryan pouts,
"but i thought we were gonna golf today. just you and me," brooklyn smiles and kisses his forehead,
"we will after you finish on-ice ok?" she says softly, "i forgot you guys were gonna train today so I'll call the club and change out tee time," ryan sighs hiding himself in brooklyns chest for a moment,
"ok, i'll get up," he mumbles into brooklyn. brooklyn chuckles rubbing his back gently,
"the sooner you're up, the sooner you're done,"
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captain-mj · 1 year
Would you be interested in some poor Souls and your liver back in exchange to listening to my Cod Skating idea?
Soap being a new talented Ice Skater Star in the ring, having fought for his place there instead of playing Hockey like many people thought he would.
Ghost being an Ice Skating legend that suddenly disappeared after an accident involving his Leg (or whatever) and left Skating behind. But Price managed to convince him to take a look at his two new skating guys (Gaz and Soap) and the second Ghost caught a look of Soap on the Ice he was back in the old days.
Maybe Ghost slowly comes back into Skating thanks to Soap and they become a pair?
I like this!! If you write it, send me a link Yeah? 🥰
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cgsf · 1 year
Men's Hockey (RPF) fanfiction recs — Travis/Nolan
"how to cherish your own shadow" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 15,525 | Nolan thinks about praying. He thinks about TK, how good it's been to have him here, how easily they move around each other. He thinks about the stretch of days ahead of him once TK heads home. TK looks over and smiles, soft and crooked, and Nolan imagines leaning in to kiss him, pressing their bodies together. He smiles back.
"an illicit divide" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 2,851 | TK unbuttons his shirt, opens his belt. He turns around and Patty's still standing in the doorway, a shoulder against the frame. "You coming over?" "Can't," Patty says, and drags his socked foot along the threshold between their rooms. "Against the rules."
"but i pinky promise i'll try" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 12,152 | Nolan comes across one guy, just a scant two miles away, who actually has his face in his profile picture, which is a refreshing change. He’s cute, longish dark hair with a sneaky smile, and his name is Travis. Nolan has never started a conversation with anyone before, but again: antsy and horny.
"how winning is done" 🔒 (M) by jolach | 8,823 | Travis isn’t buying it. “Nah,” he says. “You’re not good.” He sees Patty whip his head around, ready to start shit, which normally Travis would be into, but– “You’re fucking...” he searches for a word, “awesome.” “Trav–” “You were a fucking monster out there tonight, that call was bullshit–” “Oh my God–” “You’re better at COD than me, I’ll never repeat that–” “–you don’t have to, we both know–” “You’re a goddamn smokeshow, you bagged a fucking NHL captain without even trying–” “Jesus fucking Christ,” Pat says.
"hear the river say your name" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 2,481 | "Howdy's got plans, so." Pat says it like it's a whole explanation, low and easy. It's been a while since they've been in the same room, but the way they talk to each other, the half sentences and shorthand, it's all still there. They're good to go and Pat's leaving it up to him.
"teach me how to cry" 🔒 (NR) by notthequiettype | 693 | TK knows the second he hits the ice his season's done.
"Combative" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 3,517 | "You know you could just fuck me without setting weird little benchmarks for yourself." "Yeah, but like, if I don't have a goal, how do I get better?"
"when i see your light shine" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 4,700 | Patty says, "Hey" and TK pulls him into a hug, lets himself hang on slightly longer than is chill. Patty just spreads his big hand out between TK's shoulderblades and holds on back. When they pull back TK says, "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"this will be our year" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 4,380 | When TK turns back around, there's a tall, handsome guy leaning on his elbow on the bar, two fingers rubbing at his temple under his shaggy hair. "What can I get you?" "What's the least annoying thing to order?" "For real or like how people are always asking bartenders what they like to make?" The corner of the guy's mouth twitches a little. The tops of his cheeks are flushed. "For real."
"absolute ultimate" 🔒 (E) by heroics | 4,669 | It’s a kind of ritual, now, that Travis and Pat spend at least the first night of every road trip at the hotel, bickering over the Discovery Channel.
"dial this lover’s heartache" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 5,219 | TK hits Pat, 21, 7km away and pauses, mostly to size-up the bass hanging from his hand in his profile photo. TK swipes right because he likes Pat's wide, open-mouthed smile, like he's in the middle of a laugh, and the soft curve of belly sitting at his waistband in another shot. TK's not expecting the match to pop and it startles him into dropping his phone on the counter.
"just like this" 🔒 (E) by jesuisgrace | 1,144 | TK plays beautifully. He knows they should wait, but when TK rips his helmet off after the game and flips his disgusting, sweaty hair back, he wants to eat him alive.
"Slow and low" 🔒 (E) by bitter_leaf | 10,451 | “You really gave that girl a lap dance, eh?” “I fucking said I did, didn’t I—” Travis starts, irritated, because he just told Patty not half an hour ago that he did and— his stomach drops through the floor. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh no. No no no.
"take down some summer time" 🔒 (T) by manybumblebees | 2,507 | Summer is lake days and fishing and coolers full of beer, the boat kicking up spray in its wake, and Nolan coming to stand next to him on the deck in his too-short shorts, holding his forearm next to TK’s and complaining about his Irish skin, which burns and freckles but never tans.
"it's hard to look right at you (so here's my number)"🔒 (E) by backseats | 2,914 | “Why’d you, like…” Trav tries to kick his brain back into conversation-mode, momentarily distracted by the way Patty’s flushed all the way past his throat, down to the divot of his collarbone. “Why’d you call me, man?”
"Motivation" 🔒 (E) by connectknee | 4,696 | Kevin knows when to back off, the article said. He knows just when to shut up and leave Patty alone, something Travis has never known how to do.
"Strange Torpedo" 🔒 (E) by connectknee | 31,270 |In which TK is the unconventional first-grade teacher in charge of Nolan’s niece, and Nolan is trying to figure out what to do with his life after crashing out of hockey.
"Dead reckoning" 🔒 (E) by murkya | 10,768 | Patty came over after lunch, one eye hecticly red and his jaw occasionally grinding about as if something was wound too tight inside and he was stuck on trying to work it free.
"History, and other forms of strife" 🔒 (M) by murkya | 16,925 | Summer of ‘26, Nolan got traded to the Flyers. That was fine, just great. Shit happens.
"don't let me fall behind" 🔒 (T) by growlery writes | 2,187 | It happens quickly, too quickly, but this is how it ends: the guy is on the ground. The guy isn’t moving. Nolan is safe. There’s a knife in Travis’s side. Nolan is safe.
"keep it on a high note" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 3,915 | Nolan has never been a particularly tactile person except for with the people he's been closest too. Nobody's expanded those boundaries like TK and Nolan likes the ease of it, that he has someone around all the time who he likes to be close to.
"hold on to your aftertaste" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 8,305 | Kevin stops him at the door. "You are my beautiful, gay, virgin friend. And we are going to go take care of the one part of that description that's bothering you." It's strangely heartening and Nolan follows him in.
"Cheetle" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 7,061 | Nolan made Travis kind of stupid in all these strange, inarticulable ways that didn't really have anything to do with how smart Travis wasn't, but instead were about like, how he felt.
"see you in the depths" 🔒 (E) by eversincewefellapart | 6,718 | "You're a virgin?" TK repeats incredulously.
"my heart is thrilled by the still of your hand" 🔒 (E) by callabang & manybumblebees | 3,139 | Patty tries a lot of shit to help with his migraines, but TK still isn't expecting to hear that he’s doing a “chastity cleanse” because Tazer said it would help him to “reset his mind.”
"save your first and last dance for me" 🔒 (E) by manybumblebees | 21,374 | They're several hours, a slow dance, and too many bright orange shots that taste of cinnamon and paint thinner into their joke date to G's wedding when TK looks up at Nolan and says, "Marry me." And that's just their first wedding of the summer.
"play with fire till your fingers burn" 🔒 (T) by manybumblebees | 6,048 | Nolan goes through his first NHL camp knowing three things about the guy in the next stall: 1. He talks a lot. 2. He likes to fish. 3. The ducks in his tattoo are named after the Ninja Turtles.
"port stanley is for lovers" 🔒 (T) by manybumblebees | 7,518 | “Imagine–” Nolan chokes out, trying to stop laughing long enough not to totally butcher the delivery on this. “Bro, imagine making a whole town think we’re hooking up because you couldn’t shut up about me.”
"i'm dying, i'm dying to touch" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 2,023 | Patty won't look at him. He's not paying any attention to TK, sitting there shooting the shit with Raff like TK doesn't even fucking exist. Fuck it. Fuck him. Fuck this.
"like home" 🔒 (T) by anonymous | 4,595 | The entire season feels like it’s going on in the next room, like Nolan’s watching it through a one-way mirror. Him on one side, hockey on the other. And then it stops, the whole season, the structure he's been clawing himself along and against, and... It's not a good week.
"if you leave the light on" 🔒 (M) by countthestars | 7,753 | “Do you really want me to come to Winnipeg?” TK doesn’t mean to blurt it out, but he’s not good at being subtle or holding back or thinking through any of the possible terrible consequences for his actions before he’s already done them, so. The question’s just. Out there. Ball in Patty’s court.
"the new three's company" 🔒 (M) by blaahaj | 3,000 | There are probably better ways to seduce your teammate than asking him to have a threesome with you, but this is working out alright for Travis.
"let's get drunk, i’ll pour my heart out through my mouth" 🔒 (M) by anonymous | 7,139 | Holy fuck, did he pick someone up last night? Travis isn’t in the habit of waking up with strangers, not really, but at least he’s in his own bedroom, that doesn’t— Wait. He knows those shoes.
"a line that we can just go cross" 🔒 (M) by whiskey_in_tea | 3,266 | Travis thinks about when he chipped his own tooth: how it felt to run his tongue over the unfamiliar jagged edge of it, over and over and over again. That’s the only reason he got it fixed, is because he cut his tongue on it, worrying at it, and that seemed unnecessary. That seemed, like, bad. He imagines saying to Pats, I’m worried about your tongue.
"I'm Your Wreck" 🔒 (M) by whiskey_in_tea | 7,126 | “If I was gonna,” Nolan says. “With a guy. Why would it be you?” “Because you love me,” Travis says, smug, shit-eating grin on that ratfucker’s face as he walks over to where Nolan’s sitting on the bed. Nolan tries desperately to trace how this night got so out of control so quickly and comes up with only: this is what happens when you make friends with the craziest person on your crazy-ass team.
"wild thoughts" 🔒 (M) by whiskey_in_tea | 6,996 | Nolan watches Travis’ hands, browned from the summer, scarred by fishing hooks and trigger pulls and ice burns and god knows what else, as they finish putting dinner on its plate. That’s the thing about Travis: he understands how to make the life he wants for himself. He’s not stupid, except about the things he’s fucking stupid about.
"working for it all the time" 🔒 (E) by whiskey_in_tea | 8,105 | It’s just, like, Travis thinks, as Patty lets go of his wrists and they walk inside together, Patty saying something about dinner plans. With other guys, there’s this static zone between them. Travis doesn’t think about it because there’s nothing to think about. But with Patty… it could happen. Just technically. It is possible. The door is open, he thinks, for the possibility of something. Not that he wants something to happen. But Travis has to admit that he thinks about it. He does.
"Surveilled" 🔒 (M) by notthequiettype | 639 | The thing about TK is that he doesn't lack impulse control; it’s that his impulse control was getting in the way of his life, so he just kind of learned to suppress it.
"Horseshoe Lake" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 5,386 | "So, what, you just came over in the middle of the night to like, end our lifelong friendship?"
"Eye to Eye" 🔒 (M) by canary | 4,077 | Five times TK asks Nolan to talk about it, and one time he doesn’t.
"never have i ever" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 5,653 | “Never have I ever kissed a guy,” he said, without really thinking about it. Nolan didn’t respond right away, and Travis realized about five seconds too late that that was probably a really weird thing to say.
"same building, different views" 🔒 (E) by atswimtwobros | 5,636 | Patty’s not always easy to read but Travis can tell that he hates this, being held down while Travis just looks at him. He can feel Patty’s pulse thumping in his wrists.
"haven't left your bed since" 🔒 (E) by heroics | 6,002 | "So, is it a rule that all bassists have to be really stoic and hot?" Travis asks.
"second sun came past the glass" 🔒 (E) by heroics | 3,614 | When TK glances at him across the elevator, Nolan leans against the wall and lets himself stare back. They start going up, agonizingly slow, dinging past each level. He really hopes nobody else comes in.
"headed your way with the devil on my fucking shoulder" 🔒 (E) by eversincewefellapart | 5,434 | They've been rooming since September and TK had tried valiantly, in the beginning, to strike up a friendship. When that seemed impossible, he attempted to go for a casual acquaintanceship at the very least. But Nolan consistently and coldly turned his advances down each time, shrugging into his big purple and yellow Laurier sweaters with his snapback pulled low over his eyes. TK has still never seen him hang out with anyone. He apparently runs a one-man show.
"only demons come to mind" 🔒 (T) by manybumblebees | 3,727 | Next to Nolan, TK’s slamming his gear around and swearing, and that, too, is becoming routine.
"sunlight on our clean clothes" 🔒 (E) by sarcangel | 19,923 | “Turns out I have a thing for centers,” Travis started. It came out pretty good, just a little wobble. “Or, um. Mostly one center. A center. Like, 6’2”, born in Winnipeg. Virgo. Likes cabins, dogs, weird music with violins and shit—”
"great expectations" 🔒 (E) by atswimtwobros | 5,287 | It's starting to give Travis a little bit of a complex, is all. or: the small dick fic.
"Close ain't close enough" 🔒 (E) by bitter_leaf | 33,590 | They’ve only got three nights left before they head back to Philly, training camp starting up a little over a week after that. With a heavy heart, Travis realises that he’s gonna head back home and have to deal with this same stupid flickering torch that he’s been carrying since Patty got put on long term IR that just will not go out, no matter how much he tries—and fails—to ignore it.
"Call me out (bring you home)" 🔒 (M) by bitter_leaf | 19,319 | Nolan’s gaze flickers periodically to the rear-view mirror as he barrels down the highway, one shaky hand shoved under his thigh, the other slung over the wheel. The road is quiet now that he's clear of the city but he can’t bear the thought of getting pulled over and having to roll his window down for some bored traffic cop, tell him he’s heading across provincial borders in the middle of a pandemic to get Manitoba’s favourite son to rail the existential angst out of him.
"break my bones" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 3,387 | Nolan’s been here enough times that he heads straight to the counter. He does a double-take when he sees the new barista, then immediately kicks himself for being obvious. It takes a surprising amount of concentration to order coffee while acting like he's never gotten off to videos of the guy getting fucked to within an inch of his life.
"pictures of success" 🔒 (E) by whiskey_in_tea | 16,171 | “The trick,” Travis is saying, “is to get past where the waves are breaking.” He gestures to where the water is rising like a wall in front of them. “See how it comes up and up, then it starts falling in on itself?” The ocean crumbles, collapses, sprays them with spume. It seems angry. What’s it so angry about?
"all candor and style in the crook of your smile" 🔒 (M) by p3trichor | 12,031 | It’s a photo of Nolan on his knees with someones’ fingers in his mouth, lips slick with spit. Travis flicks by it almost too fast and he’s only got seconds to decide if he wants to screenshot it, if he wants to just give up the ghost right then and there.
"but your heart got teeth" 🔒 (M) by countthestars | 6,619 | Patty’s gonna wolf out. Travis has never seen him do it before.
"i saw you in the water" 🔒 (E) by LouLa | 24,944 | “Why are you always collecting my garbage like a weird, violent crow?” Nolan asks, bewildered. Travis doesn’t have an answer for that, he just shoves at Nolan’s face instead.
"Nothing to Prove" 🔒 (E) by canary | 42,342 | Nolan picked a college based on two criteria. One: That it didn’t have a hockey program. Two: That it was in some random corner of the southern USA, where the air was thick enough to bite, and football was the only sport anyone talked about in October. He should have known his dumb ass was still going to fuck it up.
"Sugar Honey" 🔒 (T) by canary | 3,904 | TK had always liked color. TK had always liked Patty. TK had always liked it when Patty smiled, and it seemed like he smiled all the fucking time in Winnipeg.
"How the Future Knew" 🔒 (E) by canary | 63,728 | It had been some stupid, throwaway picture from the gym. He’d been shirtless, taken a selfie in the mirror between sets. Nolan hadn’t been thinking about it, really, just like, oh, my abs look pretty good for this late in the season, and he’d thrown it on the gram. It had made some horny Canadian’s “boys next door thirst trap compilation” post on Tumblr. Nolan hadn’t heard of Tumblr before but apparently it was a thing. He’d gotten like, thirty DMs about it.
"the space between your words" 🔒 (E) by TheNorthRemembers | 18,189 | Travis visits Nolan during the offseason and starts spiralling into his insecurities after being told by Nolan's sister that she doesn't like him.
"Things We Missed" 🔒 (T) by makeit_takeit | 4,622 | It was literally, unquestionably, like - the dumbest thing he’s ever done, hooking up with Hallsy. Because Nolan is very - . Like, extremely, super, totally, literal-hours-of-his-life-lost-to- conversations-on-this-topic aware, that Travis Konecny is mad jealous of Taylor Hall.
"Made of Glass" 🔒 (M) by makeit_takeit | 14,689 | Inside the locker room it’s pure chaos, noise and people and Nolan immediately feels overwhelmed by the sheer volume of it all, both literal and metaphorical. His heart lurches and his gut tells him immediately, this is a bad idea, and you don’t belong here.
"Last Ones Standing" 🔒 (E) by makeit_takeit | 22,772 | At the bottom of the ad there’s a link, and Travis finds his finger hovering over the screen, lip still caught between his teeth. “I mean,” he says very reasonably, speaking out loud to his empty apartment like some sort of possibly-crazy person, “just applying doesn’t mean anything. Maybe I just fill it out, and see what happens. It’s not like I’m really gonna get picked to be on TV, come on.”
"Just Getting Started" 🔒 (E) by canary | 10,719 | Several things clicked into place. “Are you trying to court me with Bud Lite Lime?” Nolan asked in disbelief. “Dunno,” Travis said, with his crooked smile. “Is it working?”
"body's in trouble" 🔒 (E) by cloudsandpassingevents | 55,915 | “I don’t know,” Nolan finally mumbles. “I’m not, like, trying to – ” the rest of the sentence gets stuck in his throat. He takes a sip of tea to force it back down. “Like. I wouldn’t do anything drastic. But, like.” He gestures vaguely at the air between them. “If you had a bike that was broken, you wouldn’t just keep it around anymore, you know? Like, it’d just be useless. You’d throw it away. So, like, if your body can’t do stuff that it’s supposed to be able to do, then…” he trails off, chewing on the corner of his lip. “What’s the point, you know,” he finally finishes.
"when the night falls" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 16,519 | In which Travis is strangely fascinated by the moody guy who keeps showing up at his coffee shop right as he’s closing. Well. The dude is hot. It’s not that complicated, actually.
"River for the Sea" 🔒 (E) by LoveLeah | 39,152 | It’s not that Nolan’s, like, hugely fucking into Travis. He literally barely knows him, but obviously he’s hot, tan and athletic with nice hair and pretty eyes and this dark tattoo just dipping out from under the sleeve of his t-shirt, wrapping around the thick muscle of his bicep.
"Bathe with You in the Sea" 🔒 (M) by LoveLeah | 2,549 | “Chase told us something,” his mom says. Travis' body feels fire hot under his parka, sweaty and closed in. “He says he thinks you didn’t come because--Travis, he says you told him you were gay.”
"Breathing Room" 🔒 (E) by makeit_takeit | 16,149 | “I dunno, dude.” Travis chews on the inside of his cheek, rubs his hand over the whiskers on his chin to feel them bend and slide and prickle under his fingers. “You ever just get tired of being in the city all the time? Just seeing like – airport, hotel, arena, bus, airport, and that’s it?”
"faith between our teeth" 🔒 (E) by waytoobright | 10,602 | For Travis, it feels like home. He knows the streets up and down every block, and he’s been working at his family friend’s hot dog stand since he turned fourteen and was legally allowed to work in the state of New Jersey. He’s got friends who work at other restaurants and shops down the boardwalk and everyone still comes back every summer. They all come rolling into town during the first few weeks of sun and sand, and then the summer really begins.
"The Strangest Trip" 🔒 (E) by makeit_takeit | 19,562 | Pat’s at the bar, back turned to the speeches. He looks like always: big, beautiful, perfect in his almost-pink-but-still-technically-taupe suit. Hair slicked back off his face, jaw clenched and trying hard to hide how much he doesn’t want to be here, gripping his wine glass a little too tight. Just looking at him, Travis can feel the almost desperate pull in his chest, the longing.
"Two Halves of a Whole Idiot" 🔒 (E) by littleconnections | 19,089 | Nolan's hair is getting long too, flicking into his eyes and Travis sits on the shore and watches, the pulling in his gut both familiar and not. What if I kiss him, he thinks.
"Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way" 🔒 (E) by Matriaya | 5,519 | Travis knows as soon as Sara suggests a threesome that he's gonna pick Patty. Obviously. Patty’s his best friend, and they see each other’s dicks like every fucking day at the rink, and he’s definitely walked in on Patty boning a chick before, so it will just be like that only… together.
"Hot House Grapes" 🔒 (E) by LoveLeah for Matriaya | 7,636 | Even after TK told him; after he found out he and TK both liked guys, he hadn't thought about TK as anything more than just TK. Like, he hadn't thought he wasn't hot, but he'd just never thought that much about it at all. Then they came back from the summer after their junior year, and Nolan walked into their dorm, and TK was sprawled out shirtless on the bottom bunk, dark tan and smiling, and Nolan took one look at him and was like: oh.
"Twice As Many Stars" 🔒 (E) by TheNorthRemembers | 230,251 | “Told you,” Nolan says, and it’s meant to be teasing but somehow his voice trails off into something softer at the look on Travis’ face. It’s not really surprise or shock like Nolan had expected, not entirely anyway. There’s disappointment there too, mixed with defiance and sadness. “You can’t save everyone.” The character's death screen is still showing, and it feels mocking in a way Nolan didn’t quite see coming. “I had to try, though,” Travis still says, unmoving for another second before he musters up a smile and presses the controller into Nolan’s hand. “You always gotta try.”
"in the name of being honest" 🔒 (E) by coastalhighway | 51,655 | From the moment the Flyers had stepped on the ice, Nolan had tried to catch TK’s eye, tried to make him fucking look at Nolan, but— The entire goddamn time. The entire goddamn game, TK never once met his eyes.
"Coming Undone" (E) by Linsky | 3,184 | For the record: Travis does hook up. A completely normal amount, even. He finds girls on Tinder and totally does go out with them. Just, that’s a lot of work, and sometimes he’s tired from hockey, and it just seems easier to stick to messaging. It’s still sort of like hooking up.
"latibule" (E) by wolver | 40,601 | "You're Nolan Patrick, right?" The guy presses on whether he gets an answer or not (he doesn't), "Bro, it's sweet we get to play together. You're fucking sick; your stick-handling skills are off the charts, my man, this is gonna be so sweet." Nolan can fucking feel the vibrations of Travis stifling a laugh, but of course Travis isn't going to throw him a rescue line like the fucker that he is. All Nolan can really do is stare blankly -- his first choice of words are highly inappropriate and he smothers them into an unintelligible mumble.
"before the wave hits" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 16,477 | It's not really a big deal, is the thing. It's just that Travis thinks it's kind of weird that they've been best friends for three years and he's never seen Patty's dick.
"let's get tangled up together" (E) by wolver | 3,236 | Patty's back. A slice in the life from training camp.
"he's kinda quiet (but his body ain’t)" 🔒 (E) by thestarsatnight | 2,956 | Nolan is looking at him and with soft, knowing eyes, because he knows exactly how taxing it is sometimes to manage anything past getting up, breathing, and going back to bed.
"Tazete Tazone" 🔒 (M) by soupbowlfulofsins | 7,464 | One drunk kiss does not a bromance make. So obviously, Travis and Nolan step up their bro-kissing game.
"So long, Honey" 🔒 (E) by TheNorthRemembers | 11,649 | Nolan and Travis have been friends since they've been kids and in love almost just as long. Nolan is a hockey player, but Travis isn't, but Nolan still comes home to him every off season.
"wouldn’t know where to start" 🔒 (M) by anonymous | 7,090 | Travis just keeps pressing, keeps touching Nolan the same way he always has, and waits for it to stop feeling normal. It never does.
"what we do when we stop thinkin" 🔒 (E) by Matriaya | 6,687 | Travis leans up and presses a kiss to Nolan’s cheek, right smack in the hollow of it, where the fuzz is starting to creep up. It’s no more than a second, lips on skin, barely a glance, but he can’t quite meet Nolan’s gaze as he pulls away. “For good luck!”
"Good For You" 🔒 (E) by TheNorthRemembers | 40,282 | Travis finds out that Nolan has a big dick and becomes obsessed with it, discovering some stuff about himself along the way. Nolan mostly just enjoys the ride.
"Does Anybody Know" 🔒 (E) by thestarsatnight | 3,509 | Kevin was beaming at him. “Better believe we’re gonna celebrate that hatty once this pandemic’s over, TikiBar.” “Sure, sure,” Travis said, bobbing his head. There was a lot he’d told these guys over the years, a lot that he’d shared with this team, but some things were just for him, even in the jumbled up excitement of his brain. Instead, he said, “Plenty of time for you to catch up, Hayesy,” and Kevin’s answering laugh was enough.
"Rattling Cages" (E) by LoveLeah | 48,562 | Nolan gets ditched, wears short-shorts, and tries to figure out his head. Travis buys a dildo, spends $2000 on Etsy, and makes a folder for all the Nolan pictures on his phone.
"worn but young" 🔒 (E) by grace | 28,525 | Somehow though, with Patty it’s all felt different so far, though he would never have guessed it would in a thousand years. Travis keeps looking back to check how far ahead he’s gotten and every time Patty is right there with him, pacing him quiet and calm. Acting like it’s normal to want the things with a friend that Travis wants, the constant closeness, acting like Travis isn’t bothering or taking from him at all. It makes Travis feel giddy inside, like bubbles fizzing.
"shines when the sunset shifts" 🔒 (E) by grace | 15,391 | Nolan feels all the things he’s been wanting to say to someone and can’t rise up and crowd in; a pressure, a weather system. I thought I was better. I’m not doing well. It is happening again. It will happen forever. Instead he says, “Does that hurt?”
"born to be crazy, born to be wild" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 6,353 | Nolan was not throwing himself a pity party. Was he injured? Yes. Was he injured for the seven-millionth fucking time? Unfortunately. Had he succumbed, under the covers in the wee hours of the morning, to his weakest impulse, searching his name on Twitter? Also yes. Had that sent him into a shame spiral? Obviously.
"if you need me, i'm the same as i was" 🔒 (T) by donderwolk | 4,719 | TK clears his throat, tries to go for sultry again then, but it’s part of the bit now, a little in-joke between the two of them, says, “What are you wearing?”
"i miss this time, last year" 🔒 (M) by donderwolk | 18,048 | Travis calls him about two hours after the news drops, says nothing for a whole ten seconds, then comes out with just a, “Nolan.” It’s less a word, and more a sigh. A strange and desperate thing. They haven’t spoken in eight months.
"stuck in my head, heart, body" 🔒 (E) by donderwolk | 2,434 | God, what would TK even do if he just — showed up? Pretend, Nolan thinks. Knows, really. He’d pretend, at least for a little while, that Nolan standing on his doorstep in fucking Haddonfield unannounced and on Valentine’s Day was the most normal thing a guy could do.
"sing it in my sleep" (M) by fadeastride | 3,954 | It takes three days after leaving the bubble for Travis to check his phone. He deletes most of the texts unread, but there's one from Nolan that just says, "You should come see me."
"the most exciting thing I'd ever known" (T) by fadeastride | 3,072 | The first time Nolan starts to actually think about it, they're in Claude's backyard for some kind of "welcome spring" barbecue that's really an excuse to drink too much cheap beer and cook meat over a fire. Nolan's four, maybe five, beers in when he tells Travis that he's got the balance of one of those goats that walk sideways up mountains and that he could totally walk the fence like a balance beam. "You cannot," Travis says, smashing another bite of hamburger into his mouth.
"any thrill will do"🔒 (E) by hackysack | 8,372 | Pat copes with it the same way he’s been coping with every other part of the Philadelphia break-up: he goes on Grindr.
"hold (me) still" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype & solarperigee | 3,343 | Nolan watches out of the corner of his eye as TK gets more and more jittery, before he finally springs to his feet, presses a kiss to Nolan's cheek, and announces, “I've gotta go jerk it so I'm not sitting here with a boner all game, 'kay?” Nolan doesn't know what drives him to say it, but the words are out before he can stop to think about them. “You can do it here, if you're quick about it.”
"occupying space" 🔒 (E) by toxica939 | 4,278 | Nolan loves him. The thought’s like a bruise. Something better left to poke at later, press down on, see if it hurts.
"I Wish That It Was Easy" 🔒 (E) by littleconnections | 10,393 | Getting stuck in a time loop has never made anyone realise their feelings any quicker.
"Someone Else's Solid Ground" (E) by Linsky | 21,757 | Nolan’s body has never been his friend.
That's 100!
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tojisun · 15 days
i made the mistake of reading your COD hockey au right after watching Shoresy AND watching you liveblog the oilers/canucks game and now i really, really want to get into hockey
dude i cannot even begin how getting into hockey gave me sm serotonin and stress in one seating. but god do i love it. im also v much into their gear, and ice skating has always been an interest of mine—my poor mother signed me up for ice classes when i was young but they got too expensive so i dropped. im selling this so bad but yes pls give hockey a go 😭
also whhebe im glad that my incoherent screaming and liveblogging made it interesting for u bc i swear it rlly is!! (my stress was so peak that the 15-min intermissions were packed w me on a call w my friend to de-stress LMAO!! i also started crocheting a while ago to calm my ass down but i kept waving the hook around that my sister feared id stab myself so back to the shelf it is). but yeah! the players are also good looking, its criminal, so thats a huge plus teehee
i havent watched shoresy yet actually so i’ll do that too!! thank you dearly for sending this in my love :(( id be so glad to talk and ramble to u about anything and everything <33 take care darling and kisses mwaaaah!
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robyzombie · 10 months
UHMMM Im not sure how to introduce myself but I’m gonna try😼
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HI! The name I prefer to go by is AJ, but Robyn is also a name I go by! My pronouns are They/Them and She/Her. I identify as a demi-girl, and I’m bisexual with a more woman-leaning preference!
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You can find more on my carrd!
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A little about me!
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Favorite color: Pink!
Favorite song(s):
“To all the days we were together.”
“Arms, legs, guts, face. All of the things you love but I hate.”
“Hey man, I miss your collarbones. I love the way your skin feels on my collarbones.”
Favorite band/artist(s): Mac Demarco, Radiohead, and Deftones
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Some things I like!
I play guitar! Both electric and acoustic-electric. I play sports— specifically tennis and ice hockey! I love watching anything DC related (my favorite person is Blue Beetle) and I like listening to music! My favorite hockey team is the Vegas Golden Knights! I’m a huge True Crime fan, and also love horror! More specifically, analog horror!
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Fandoms I’m in!
Sally Face
Mandela Catalogue
Walten Files
Gemini Home Entertainment
Analog Horror
Cowboy Bebop
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Best movies/TV shows in my opinion!
Criminal Minds
Young Justice
Spider-Man Movies
Wakanda Forever
The Arrow
The Flash
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Other blog: @analogue-horrorenthusiast
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Thank you for reading!!!
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