miradelletarot · 5 months
B/c I'm still in the mood for it... Gale/Tav (or Gale/Caleb!), the laziest, quietest day at home, whatever home looks like for them.
Ohhh, I've been thinking of this a lot lately. I hope it's ok that I set this as Gale x Reader so it could be anyone! Tav, Caleb (bc I imagine him curling up like a cat in this tbh,) or literally anyone else who sees themselves in this moment.
The scene is this:
It's a cool day in Waterdeep, the doors to the terrace are open, welcoming in the sounds of the rolling waves against the shore, the sails unfurling from merchant ships heading out to sea, and the faint smell of ozone mixed with the salty air that sends the promise of a gentle rain.
Gale tosses a couple of logs on the fire, and fluffs up the blanket for you both to cuddle in on the couch.
You emerge with a hot beverage in hand for each of you, and he accepts his with a kiss. "Gods, this is divine," he muses as he takes a careful sip. "Thank you, my love."
He ushers you to the settee where you curl up immediately, appreciating not only the warmth of the fire, but that of the blanket Gale just fanned out over you. Once he joins you, you flit one side of the blanket across his lap, and snuggle yourself into him as he drapes an arm across your body, his free hand reaching for the book he's been reading to you every night.
The crackle of the nearby fire is the perfect accompaniment to Gale's warm tones as he recites every word. It's enough to lull you to sleep despite how eager you are to hear what he's reading. There's something magical about the way he speaks that makes you melt, makes you feel content, and at peace.
While he uses a mage hand to help hold the book and turn the pages, his other hand is spent tracing slow, idle patterns across your skin.
You finally relent as your lids become heavy and you stir, nuzzling yourself into Gale's body as he leans over to kiss the top of your head.
And you smile as the soft pitter patter of rain adds yet another lovely sound to this sweetest of symphonies as sleep finally takes you in the safety of your lovers' arms.
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What about our favorite tiefling wizard, Rolan, and Tav having ended up in a 'friends with benefits' arrangement with each other, but then- Whoops! Rolan has since fallen hard for Tav! Now what? (Tav would be open to pursuing something romantic with Rolan, too, but they were also convinced that the archwizard was not interested in them that way—especially considering the rather rocky start they had—so they didn't dwell on it or get their hopes up, just learned to be content with what they did have with him)
Rolan isn’t sure what convinced him to start this relationship in the first place - he’s hardly a casual man. He has the sinking realisation that these feelings - undeniable now, as Tav’s hands slip over him for a morning cuddle - were there all along. There in the moment when after a sudden, wild burst of spontaneity in the post-Absolute celebrations, their eyes slipped from their drink to his mouth and suddenly he was beneath them on the floor of the Elfsong basement. And there again, afterwards, when after a long pause they asked if he’d like to do it again some time and all he could say was yes. He felt his heart nipped by their nonchalance, a sharp twinge of pain he attributed only to pride.
It wasn’t pride. Of course he wants to do this again, and again, and again; but he wants more than that, and is afraid to tell them so. If he lost them - the only person in so long who he has trusted and wanted enough to invite into his bed, who sees him at his most vulnerable and yet keeps coming back for more - he doesn’t know what he’d do.
Tav’s hand rubs tenderly over his chest. Rolan freezes - but they cuddle closer in, apparently unaware of his inner turmoil, and suddenly he is throwing himself out of bed like he’s been Thunderwaved.
‘I have to leave,’ he mutters hastily, shoving his shirt and trousers back on.
It’s their turn to sit bolt upright, asking him what’s wrong in equal confusion and concern. That was a poor excuse, after all; they’re in his tower. In his bedroom.
Their face folds with a familiar look; their frustration. Rolan knows he frustrates them, and that only makes it worse. They had so many sharp words for each other before Baldur’s Gate that he fears the scars will never fade, even though they long since healed for him.
But the thing about their arguments is that they always come back. Always persevere.
‘We can stop doing this if you want,’ they say quietly.
‘Is that what you want?’ Rolan asks, trying to conceal the harsh note in his voice. Of course this had to end.
Tav gets up and pulls their shirt back on, and the gesture makes him bite his lip until it bleeds. His eyes sting. He should never have taken their hand on that night; should have known it would lead to this.
But then they sit right back down, shaking their head.
Rolan paces; he can’t help it. If his feet are moving, perhaps it can distract from the fact his mouth is too.
‘Then what do you want?’ he mutters. There’s a slight crack in his voice, one that makes him wince and turn his face from Tav.
Bare feet patter softly on the floor, as they steal forward to touch his arm.
‘You, Rolan.’
Vexingly, maddeningly vague. They have him - don’t they know that? He feels like it must drip from him, every time he gasps their name in their arms and buries his head into their shoulder when they stroke his hair. But of course, he has to be the one that humiliates himself with the admission.
He can’t bring himself to do it.
‘What about me?’ he asks instead, crossing his arms.
They groan, and half-laugh, and groan again.
‘All of you.’
Of all the poetic nonsense - that could mean anything. He scowls.
‘So…?’ they ask tentatively.
‘How should I bloody know? I don’t know what you mean.’
Their face crumples. ‘Fine. Sorry. Bad idea. I thought maybe - ’
Rolan’s insides twist. Gods, he can’t help himself - and now they’re putting the rest of their clothes on and heading for the door, and at last it’s the one brutal shove he needs, afraid that when they close that door behind them they’ll be gone forever.
He reaches out and snatches their wrist, letting it go almost as fast.
‘Please - wait - I did not mean - ’
They don’t turn, but they do stop. It’s encouragement enough, and now he can’t stop the words pouring from his mouth.
‘You have to understand, I have not - it has been so long - ’
Zurgan - why has he not rehearsed this? -
‘I did not think you would return my feelings - oh!’
Lips crush against his a little too enthusiastically, as Tav spins and he stumbles back against the wall.
‘Oh,’ he murmurs again, wrapping his tail around them, and then, as he grows more conscious, his arms too. They like him - more than like him - how unexpected.
‘I have all day,’ Tav says at last. ‘How about a date?’
Rolan nods, fighting a very stupid smile. ‘Ah - perhaps - reading together in the Tower? The balcony window seat is -’
They laugh, but before he can be affronted, their mouth meets his again, and he can feel the joyful curve of their lips, the sunlight in their kiss.
‘That sounds wonderful. And then I’m taking you out to dinner. Because it is a date.’
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
Can you do a short term list for us in a funny way?
Welcome my dear newcomers aboard HMS Surprise. You have been exclusively selected ( or gently beaten up and dragged here) to join us on our South America tour. I promise you excitement, sleepless nights, beautiful scenery, storms, sunburn, no water and a bloody French…. oops I mean great adventure. To help you find your way around on board, here's a short list of important terms.
Landlubber - you, if you need this list - speak a non-sailor who simply has no idea about being a sailor.
Ship - your new workplace - this wooden lady is now your everything and treat her well, she is your life insurance to get you home safely. But be careful, she is very headstrong and if you want to tell me now that she is just an object, you thought wrong. She is very much a living individual and she will make you feel that.
The rigging - that sort of spider's nest above you - is there to operate the sails. Look forward to getting to know the ropes very well.
Sails - those cloth rags hanging from the thick wooden poles. They are used for locomotion and are not blankets.
Wheel - this strange wooden wheel with spikes on it - no, it is not an instrument of torture, but is used for steering.
Anchor - heavy, made of iron and keeps our lady in place.
Compass - this strange thing that lives in a box and is constantly moving back and forth. To cut a long story short: You know which way is north and you can keep your course. You'll soon know it by heart.
Captain - Boss
1st Lieutenant - Second boss and the one who can really fuck you up if he wants to. Get in good line and please don't suck up to him. But he is the one who puts you in everything, be it ward, mess, hammock, etc.
2.nd. Lieutenant - me and I too can make you uncomfortable.
Master - knows where the sails hang and what course to set. Takes just a little more work off the boss.
Purser - is responsible for your food rations, but will also try to get you to buy something from him to make life on board a little easier. Don't do this, he's quite expensive.
Sailor - Your new colleagues, and depending on their years of service, they will know how to handle that wooden lady, how to set the sails and so on. You'll learn it too.
Old Salt - an experienced old sailor, stick with him if you want to learn and he is willing to share his knowledge.
Surgeon - the name says it all. We have a good one on board, be lucky. And if you're lucky, you'll come home with all your body parts.
Midshipmen - mini officers who still need to learn. They can be quite demanding and annoying, especially when many of them are still very young. But don't be surprised if a 12-year-old gives you orders, he's allowed to.
Mess - the place where you eat
Cannon - heavy, iron, dirty, hot and with a loud bang. Used to stop the enemy or inflict serious damage. Keep your limbs to yourself and only follow the instructions of those who know what to do with them. Otherwise you will only injure yourself unnecessarily.
Cannonball - heavy, made of stone or iron. Come into the cannon and please do not trip over it.
Admiral - comes along sometimes. Is the boss of the boss
Hammock - your bed, but don't get too comfortable in it because you won't get much sleep anyway.
Rum - elixir of life, next to coffee
Powder monkeys - yes, they are children, but they know what to do and you can learn something from them too.
Boatswain - also called Bosun, he whistles the orders and drives you to work. He is also your wake-up call.
Marine - our sea soldiers, there aren't very many of them, but the few that there are are fine. They are there for the safety on board.
Cutlasses, muskets, grenades, axes, etc. - makes autsch, hopefully not with you. You will learn to handle them.
Cook - as the name suggests, and yes, having only one leg is normal.
Quarterdeck - not your dance area, that's the officers' area, you're only allowed there if your duty requires it.
Wardroom - also not your area. This is where we officers live and have some privacy.
Great Cabin - living and working area of the captain (you remember? - boss).
Gun deck - remember those big black things that bang loudly? they live here.
Berth deck - this is where you live, sleep and eat. Don't worry, it doesn't get cold there, you share the space with about 170 men.
Well, there is more, but I think that should be enough to start with. The rest will come naturally later. Don't stress about it and I think you will enjoy next year by the sea so much that you will want to come back.
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Hiii First off I love your writingg so much and have been following them for a while now freaking love them so muchhhajdjw
And secondd pleasee write something where Steve has gotten a tongue piercing and Eddie is so flustered but obsessed with itt when he finds out Pleaseee I read a post by someone (Sorry I forgot their name) but seriously can't get it out of my minddd
Hii !! Thank you so much !! I'm squeezing you into a hug, you're so sweet! And of course I can write about Steve with a tongue piercing.
It was an impulsive decision made while out of town with Robin. They'd gone away for the weekend for a 'girls trip', as Robin called it. Eddie had tried to sneak into the back-seat after Steve kissed him goodbye, but Robin had dragged him out by his feet and dumped him on the sidewalk and told him to stay like a dog. So, it was just the two of them.
They'd been wandering around the streets, arms linked as they gossiped and window shopped, when Robin abruptly stopped in front of a dark windowed shop. "Let's get piercings." She said excitedly and started pulling Steve towards the red painted door.
"No way. I saw Eddie get his lip pierced and nearly passed out!" Eddie had gotten snake bites 6 months ago and he'd begged Steve to come along because, 'I need my big strong boyfriend to hold my hand.' Steve had fought monsters and ripped a demobat apart with his teeth with no drama, but the sight of his boyfriend with a needle through his lip had made him so queasy he had to go outside.
There was no way he was going to let someone stab him with a needle.
... he let's someone stab him with a needle.
It was the most surreal moment of his life. One minute he's begrudgingly agreeing to get an ear piercing and the next a girl with full tattoo sleeves was holding his tongue in a clamp and telling him to be a good boy and just breathe as she pierced his tongue. He barely even flinched because he couldn't even remember how he got to that point.
The both of them paid and walked out in a daze with fresh new piercings. Steve's tongue ached and Robin could barely smile because she got a smiley piercing, but they were excited. They've never been this impulsive before and it felt good.
They decide to get matching tattoos as well; a small heart behind their ears. Robin swore the reason they got a discount is because of Steve's booty shorts and not because the artist was doing 5% off on small flash art.
When Steve finally got home after dropping Robin off, his tongue was slightly swollen and achey, and Eddie was extremely offended when Steve pushed him away after gently kissing his lips. "What kind of welcome home kiss was that?" Eddie pouted while helping Steve carry his bag inside.
"Sorry, my tongue hurts and I've got a headache- "
"Your tongue hurts?! Why?" Eddie's up in his face instantly. A look of worry crossed his features as he held Steve's face, his thumbs brushed over his cheeks gently. "What happened? Show me. Did you burn your tongue on your coffee again? I've told you - Oh. Oh."
All the worry disappeared from Eddie's face and was replaced with surprise as Steve opened his mouth and stuck out his freshly pierced tongue. "Steve, baby, that is so hot." Steve could feel the way Eddie stopped himself from surging forward to feel the piercing against his own tongue, could see it in the way he bit his pierced bottom lip and groaned. "You're going to be the death of me."
Steve closed his mouth and smiled, hiding the piercing from Eddie's eager eyes. "So, you like it?"
Eddie groaned and ran a hand through his hair. "Do I like it? Stevie, i love it."
"I can't give you head for 3 weeks while it heals."
"Never mind. I hate it. Take it out."
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shippimagines · 8 months
splits x fem reader if that's ok?? it can be scenarios
yea ofc!! i dunno what type of scenarios u wanted so i did sum first date scenario stuff
It's your first date with Split! You two had decided on a picnic since it had seemed nice
You get on the elevator and go find her at Bugbo's level. She's still setting everything up & you decide to help. She appreciates it
The two of you talk for a bit before eating. She made sandwiches and brought juice. You brought muffins. It's simple, but it's nice
While eating, you don't mean to, but you start staring at her
She notices and you immediately look away, flustered. She laughs- but with no ounce of ill intent, making a joke about it and calling you cute.
You end up laughing as well, and continue to talk
After a while, she crawls over to your side of the picnic blanket and asks if you're okay with physical affection. You say yes, and she rests her head on your shoulder
You kiss her on the head, and you can't see it, but her face gets pretty red
You both sit in a comfortable silence for a little while, resting on each other
It does start getting late though, and you have to go home soon. You and Split start talking about a second date, and she tells you about a movie that's coming out soon that she wants to see, suggesting a movie date. You agree to it
The two of you continue to chat and start cleaning everything up
You ride the elevator with her until she's at her level
Just before she leaves, she kisses you on the cheek and tells you that she had a lot of fun on your date
It's all you can think about for the rest of the night.
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hydrasslutbin · 2 months
Stark's Newest Plaything
Kimberly Konigin Long, unlike her lovable older brother was in a terrible position right now. They were captured by SHIELD and were forced to be "retrained" to be allowed out. Despite their best efforts, she would still be defiant, however over time with the intense re-education she was made docile enough to get a collar on her. SHIELD did not mention to Tony the full lengths taken to get her to him. However, they did hope he'd appreciate it. She was brought inside after being prepared for Tony's particular tastes. Any remaining body hair was cleaned and waxed. She was cleaned up and put into a skimpy dress and underwear that met his tastes as well. She was brought, practically dragged by two strong men before being forced on her knees in front of the legendary Mr.Stark. Her eyes still intense as she scoffs and as she sizes him up with her eyes. "Shortstuff here is the self-proclaimed genius? HA! HAHA!" She scoffed out a slightly choked laugh. No wonder they needed to work me up so hard!" Kimberly cackled out as she genuinely could not keep her.
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You wear black hair, I have blue.
You look sadder than most girls do.
The way you walk around
Always watching the ground
Well, I like watching you.
This song reminded me of Hana's goth phase she had when she was a teenager and her desire to dye her hair black. Everybody knows her to be a classical musician but you can't tell me that there wasn't one moment that she wasn't into more grunge/indie music when she was younger and she more melancholic and unhappy.
I guess this could tie in with day 7 if Hana rebelled against her parents. This is an AU of a goth Hana going to a public school with MC and what that might look like.
@hanaleeappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes
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Post inspired by @fleshdyk3
Me: Man I hope my blueberries are ok, I left them in my hot car for a bit
The avaricious mold spore:
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virtualplushy · 6 months
healing is when you have an intrusive thought and instead of having a meltdown you go “girl what?? shut up” and move on
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hinamie · 2 months
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I don't want to regret the way I lived
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sanguine-squid · 6 months
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look at my biology headcanons boy
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miradelletarot · 4 months
Writing prompt - it’s been six months since Gale and Tav’s wedding. He surprises her with a super romantic vacation for their honeymoon.
I hope this is to your liking, dearest Anon. I...may or may not have spent the last couple days researching different places (and asking my DM friends for suggestions for a romantic getaway lol). Notes: SFW, GN (I went with a gn, reader-insert to try and challenge my writing a bit. I hope that's ok!) Anything is possible when your husband is a wizard who can teleport you anywhere, and please don't be angy if I messed up any tenses, grammar or anything else. No beta.
I wanted to focus on the actual "surprise" aspect of the prompt where Gale presents his gift to Tav. I had originally started writing out an idea for him to be like "hey, let's go out babe i wanna show you something cool!" and then teleports them to the dream destination, but my brain went way too far in the weeds with lore and accuracy that the story was getting lost. So, hopefully, this little nugget is satisfactory. Thank you so much for the ask! This was a fun one for my D&D loving brain ^^ (drabble below the cut! all sfw) <3
Gale was always one to shower you with affection. It didn’t matter if it was in the form of kisses, hugs, a home cooked meal, or something more. The more he could do for you, the more he could worship you, the better. There was never a time when he didn't want to give you more.
“My love,” he purrs warmly as he greets you on the terrace, “I have something exciting to share with you, and I think you’re going to love it.” The way his face beams brighter than the evening sun fills you with intense adoration. You wouldn’t want to go a single day without seeing that gorgeous smile of his.
You set your book down on the small side table next to your coffee, and take his hand in yours. “Well now, my darling husband, what tales will you regale me with today?” You smile, assuming he has yet another piece of history or magic to share with you that he’s discovered in his vast collection of books. “No tales, dearest. I have requested some time away from Blackstaff.” Your eyes widen, and concern fills your gaze.
“Darling, I’m confused. I thought you loved teaching? Is something wrong?” “No, no. Nothing’s wrong.” He flashed a rueful smile realizing that in trying to build up your anticipation, he only made you worry. “I have noticed that between my teaching, and seemingly endless research, I haven’t made as much time for you as I should.” His face fell as he lowered his gaze to your intertwined hands, and gave your hands a gentle squeeze. “I promised you I would balance my time with you, and…well…needless to say I have done an abysmal job at giving you the attention you deserve.” Gale cupped your cheek in his hand. “Will you let me make it up to you, dearest?” You smile, shaking your head slightly at how absurd he was. “Love, you don’t owe me anything. I know how important your research is…and you have never left me wanting. I promise." You lean in and give him a small kiss on his forehead, and he melts into your delicate touch. “Now…what’s this about taking time away from Blackstaff?” “Ah! Of course!” He straightens up, his gaze bright once again. “You. Me. Three tendays of blissful relaxation in a most beautiful, and mysterious locale.” With your curiosity piqued, you can hardly contain the excitement in your eyes. “Really?? Where?” “Myth Drannor. A picturesque, elven city with a rich history and a mild climate, nestled within the forest of Cormanthyr. There’s plenty to do if you wish to explore, but if not, then the serenity in which we will find ourselves surrounded by will no doubt allow us the relaxation you deserve. Regardless, I want to share it all with you. It’s the honeymoon you deserve after our harrowing adventure.” “Oh, Gale!” You throw your arms around him and squeeze him tight, showering him with kisses all over his face…when you dared to release your hold on him at least. “But, darling…that’s so much time away. Are you sure? You wanted nothing more than to be back home.”
His gaze softened as he pulled you close, nuzzling your cheek. “Home,” he whispered, “is wherever you are, my love.” Your eyes sparkled, and your heart felt like it could burst. The lengths this man would go to for you were immeasurable, and you wondered how in Toril you got so lucky. "Now," he roused you from your wayward thoughts of adoration, "the sooner we pack for our little getaway, the sooner we can leave." He gave you that lazy smirk and smoldering gaze that makes you swoon. "I don't want to waste a single moment, my love." "Well...perhaps you'll join me for one last Waterdhavian sunset before we go?" "Whatever you desire, dearest." He smiles as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"My time is yours."
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roppiepop · 8 months
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Who’s coming to the cookout?
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orcaking · 9 months
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My body is a collection of all the parts that came before! 🌱🌱🌱
[Image ID: A drawing of a trans masculine person, nude except for underwear. The figure has top surgery scars, and no head, the bottom of a jaw bone with plants growing from it floating above the neck. There are flowers, mushrooms, and stars surrounding the figure, and a bird flying to the left of the canvas. /. End ID]
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Quick reminder since apparently it bears reminding in both directions: if bigoted people, closed-minded people overall, or your own internalized insecurities misinterpret a queer person’s message in a way that hurts/endangers you, yeah, it sucks, but it’s not the fault of the queer person in question, nor should it be a reason for them to silence themselves. They’re probably as hurt/pissed as you are that someone misinterpreted and misused their message to do harm.
Of course sadly there’ll still be queer people that actually DO mean harm and dismissal to other queer people – I ain’t speaking for those and it’s not the best way to ensure their and others’ wellbeing imo. I’m just saying – not all people will be like that. That’s what I want to believe. So hopefully let’s not put everyone in the same bag, keep supporting each other, WHILE allowing each other to advocate for our own visibility, without having to self-erase or self-censor to accomodate to what haters might say.
It’ll be tougher this way, maybe, because humans seem to like to draw extreme conclusions very quick, but I don’t believe there’s any better way for us all to be alright and stay alright on the long run.
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isjasz · 6 months
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(happy eclipse day yesterday🎆🎆🎆)
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