#I WILL start sobbing in this Chili's
Thinking about Armand's relationship with food and sustenance.
Much of his trauma relates to hunger--watching monks slowly starve in the monastery knowing that would be his fate one day, then being starved by his captors as a human AND as a vampire. Finally he inflicts this suffering on weaker vampires.
The first thing Marius does is feed him. Marius later becomes a literal source of nourishment by feeding Armand his blood, which he compares to honey. Armand often describes the lavish, abundant food at the palazzo. It's easy to see how he would grow to associate food and love.
That's especially interesting in light of his treatment of Daniel. When they first meet, he pulls his go-to coven master move (lock up+starve). A major turning point in the relationship happens when Armand orders everything on the menu for Daniel at the Copley. An abundance of food reflects emotion. It's how Armand expresses care.
On the night of the first blood exchange, Armand declares his love by feeding and feeding from Daniel. (Feeding is also an act of ownership: "you are mine, beautiful boy.")
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wes-laye · 2 years
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I have finally coloured this sketch dump of Dragon hunter Childe hahaha
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strvwberryspring · 1 year
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smoothoperador · 1 year
LUKE AND SIERRA GOT MARRIED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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sophrosynesworld · 21 days
Chili Chocolate Cookies
What goes around comes around.
You can hear your daughter’s sobs through the door, her muffled cries filling the silence of your once-quiet home. She had slammed the door behind her the moment she stepped inside, shutting herself away from the world.
“Honey?” Your voice is soft as your fingers tap gently on the door. “Are you hungry?” You knew she wasn’t. But you also knew your daughter well enough to understand that addressing her tears directly would only make her retreat further into herself.
“Go away!” Her voice cracks, full of anguish and frustration. Whatever had happened at school today had clearly taken a toll on her. You lean against the door, heart aching, but you don’t push further. You know she needs time to process her middle school emotions, and the last thing she needs is someone barging in before she’s ready.
Instead, you do what Katsuki does for you when you’re overwhelmed by the world. You move quietly into the kitchen, your footsteps light on the floor, not wanting to disturb her. Humming softly to yourself, you start pulling out ingredients from the cupboards—flour, cocoa powder, sugar. The familiar motions soothe you as you level the dry ingredients and measure the wet, mixing the chili chocolate cookie batter with practiced ease. The scent of the rich chocolate and the slight kick of chili fills the kitchen as you place the tray in the oven.
You know she won’t resist for long. The warmth of the cookies, just like the warmth of your love, will eventually draw her out. And when she does come out, you’ll be ready to listen—not with words, but with the simple act of being there for her.
While the cookies bake, you move to the school bag your daughter left by the doorway, intending to gather any homework she might have. As you pull out a folder, a crumpled note tumbles out onto the floor. You didn’t mean to pry—honestly—but your fingers automatically reach for the paper, curiosity tugging at you.
As you slowly unravel the note, your heart sinks. The words scrawled across the page hit you like a punch to the gut:
Your dad might be a hero, but you’re nothing more than a quirkless freak.
Your breath catches in your throat. How could someone be so cruel? Your mind races, trying to process the pain your daughter must be feeling. Before you can think of what to do next, the door to her room creaks open. Panic surges through you, and you hastily shove the note back into her bag, tossing it onto the floor beside you.
“Are those almost done?” her small voice asks.
You look up, meeting her gaze. Your beautiful daughter peeks out from behind the corner, her face blotchy from tears. Those striking eyes, so much like yours, peer at you with a mix of hope and hesitation. Her platinum hair, a gift from her father, falls messily around her face. If you asked her Uncle Eijiro, he’d say she has his teeth, but you’ve explained to him countless times that’s not how genetics work.
“They need a few more minutes,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady as you turn off the oven light. You pause, then gently add, “Do you want to talk to me while they finish? I’ve been dying to tell someone about my day.”
“Of course.” Your daughter sits next to the counter, pushing her hair away from her face and getting comfortable. So, you ramble on. You talk about buying groceries, stopping by Katsuki’s office, and having lunch with him, even the workout class you took before coming home. You keep talking, keeping your daughter engaged with your stories, trying to bring a little light into her day. When the cookies finally come out, she takes a bite, her eyes widening in delight.
“These are so good!” Your daughter pauses mid-bite, chewing slowly as if she’s savoring the taste. After a moment, she looks up at you, her eyes hesitant but determined. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, sweetheart. Anything.”
She shifts in her seat, glancing down at the table before meeting your gaze again. “Do you think I could be like you… maybe even Dad?”
You do your best to hide your surprise, feeling your heart skip a beat. “You… want to be a hero?”
Before she can answer, the sound of the front door opening startles her. She freezes, like a deer caught in headlights, then quickly scrambles out of her chair. “Forget I said anything!” she blurts out, her voice high-pitched with panic as she retreats back into her bedroom.
You barely have time to process her words before Katsuki’s voice cuts through the silence. “Why does my house smell sad?”
“It doesn’t smell sad in here, Katsuki,” you reply, standing up to greet him. As you walk over, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a comforting embrace.
Katsuki’s strong arms encircle your waist, and he gives you a small kiss before pulling back slightly to look at you. “It smells like chili chocolate cookies, which means something’s up. That’s her go-to comfort cookie.”
You sigh, feeling the weight of the day settle on your shoulders as you let go of him. “Those kids at school are at it again.”
Bakugo’s expression darkens, his frown deepening. “Which ones?”
“I don’t know,” you admit, frustration tinging your voice. “But they’re calling her names again. She’s miserable there, Katsuki.”
His jaw tightens, and you can see the anger simmering just beneath the surface. He’s always been fiercely protective of both of you, and the thought of his daughter being hurt like this is enough to make his blood boil.
“I just wish I knew what to say to her,” you admit softly, your voice trembling with the weight of your worries. “She’s hurting so much, and I feel like I’m failing her.”
“You’re not failing her,” Katsuki says firmly, pulling back to look into your eyes. His gaze is intense, full of the fierce love that’s always driven him. “You’re doing everything you can. She knows you’re here for her.”
“I just… I don’t want her to feel like she has to hide this from us,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. “She asked if she could be like us, Katsuki. She’s never said anything like that before.”
He takes a deep breath, his expression softening as he processes your words. “Maybe that’s a good thing,” he says slowly. “Maybe she’s starting to see that she doesn’t have to be like everyone else to be the best."
Katsuki takes a step away, his expression clouding with something heavier.
“What is it?”
He exhales deeply, rubbing a hand across his face. “Can I be honest about something?” he asks quietly, the weight of his words already pulling him down. You nod, encouraging him to continue.
“I said those same damn things to Deku when we were kids. I called him a quirkless freak. I made him feel like he was nothing.”
You’re taken aback by his confession. Katsuki rarely talks about those days, the guilt he carries buried deep beneath layers of bravado. “That was a long time ago,” you say gently. “You’re not that person anymore.”
“I know,” he replies, but his voice is strained. “But hearing her talk about what those kids are saying to her… It’s like I’m hearing my own words all over again, and it makes me sick.”
You squeeze his hand, offering silent support. He’s never shied away from his mistakes, but the guilt he feels over how he treated Izuku still lingers.
“You’ve changed, Katsuki,” you remind him. “You and Izuku… you’re friends now. You’ve made amends.”
He nods, but you can tell it’s still eating at him. “I’ve spent years trying to make up for what I did to Deku, but seeing her go through this… It’s like I’m being reminded of how much damage I did. How much I hurt him.”
You don’t reply, knowing how rare it is for your husband to be this open.
Katsuki is silent for a moment, lost in thought. “I never understood why Deku kept going, kept trying to be a hero, even when I told him he couldn’t. He didn’t have a quirk, but he had something else… something I didn’t see back then. That’s what she has too.”
You nod, seeing the realization dawn on him. “She has that same determination, that same heart.”
Katsuki looks at you, his expression resolute. “I’m gonna make sure she knows that. I won’t let her go through what Deku did. I’m not gonna let her think she’s anything less than amazing, quirk or no quirk.”
You smile, feeling a swell of pride for the man he’s become. “And you know what? You’re showing Izuku that too. Every day, you’re proving that you’re not the person who said those things. You’re someone he can count on, someone who’s learned from their mistakes.”
He lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, some of the tension easing from his shoulders. “Yeah… Yeah, you’re right.”
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fishsticksloser · 2 months
Hi there! Can I politely request a Leo x hedgehog yokai reader? A fluffy scenario where Leo finds the reader in their little ball form and copies them by tucking into his shell and sitting next to them? Pretty please? :)
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Leo x gn!reader
Warnings: FLUFF, Leo is dramatic per usual
A/N: will there be Sonic jokes....? Possibly.... Who knows.
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Leo saunters into your room, dumping his gear next to the door like he always does. He had a tendency to show up without any warning, but it made the visits more fun. Your room was dimly lit, telling him that you were either relaxing or gaming. He looks up after setting his stuff down, seeing your prickly body in a ball. He grins, walking over. He always loved when you curled up, but you'd never done it fully.
So cute... They're so cute...
He clambers onto the bed, trying his best not to disturb you. The last thing he wants is for you to unravel. He lays next to you, making sure his plastron is close to where he believes your head to be. He slowly pulls himself into his shell to match you.
Feeling the shift on the bed, you unravel just enough to look at Leo. You can barely see his face from the darkness of his shell. "Oh... I didn't know you were coming over today." You say, starting to unravel more.
"No, no... Stay like that, I thought we could just relax together." He laughs softly, making you pause. "You looked so comfortable, I didn't want to disturb you, babe."
You nod and roll back up, peeking out just enough to so you could see him. "It is comfortable." You murmur, seeing him grin from the comfort of his shell.
The two of you bask in the quiet, dim room. He even puts on some videos for the two of you to watch. It's peaceful, being in a comfortable ball with your boyfriend. You wondered why you didn't do it sooner. Leo couldn't help but sneak glances at you, admiring how you looked.
He had to hear you laugh, it was his favorite sound. He adored how you smiled. The way you covered your mouth. "Hey, babe." Leo giggles, sticking his head out of his shell a little. "Why're you all curled up? Are you a chili dog?"
You couldn't help but snort at his terrible joke. He taught you about human TV shows and things, slipping it into normal conversation, always willing to help you understand. The very first thing he'd brought up was Sonic the hedgehog, going deep into detail on all the lore. His reasoning...? Well you're a hedgehog, you should know your history.
"Why did Sonic go to Saturn?" He whispered, a goofy lopsided grin on his face.
You look at him smiling, seeing the mischief and amusement in his eyes. "To steal its rings?" You respond, hiding your grin as his eyes widen. He comes out of his shell, gasping.
"I have taught you too well! Now what will I do?" He whines in faux despair. He flops back onto the bed, the back of his hand against his forehead. He lets out fake sobs, covering his mouth, you could only guess it was to hide his smile.
You sit up, cupping his face, matching the despair he shows. "Oh no! What have I done!" You gasp, draping yourself over him. "My love! Don't go! I'm sorry! Will never interrupt one of your jokes again. You are the joke master! Not I!"
"I can only be saved..." He chokes, cupping your face in return. He coughs, pretending he is slowly dying. "By a kiss from my lover."
"Anything to save you!" You plead, leaning down to kiss him. Both of you laugh into the kiss, unable to help yourselves. "You're ridiculous." You chuckle, slowly pulling away.
"But you love it." He smiles, sitting up on his elbows. You nod, humming in agreement.
"I do..." You lean down to kiss him again, hearing him churr.
Eventually you both find yourselves curled up again, you laying behind Leo, your body curled around his, fitting together perfectly. Just like you always had.
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-Ghost/top!M reader: “I’m right here, baby”
Reader was put into a nasty coma and ghost hasn’t been the same. Still desperately trying to make you happy even through this long slumber.
A/N: im not one to write sad or dark things and this one really is not to heavy but still beware just in case. I hope y’all enjoy!
edit: this fic includes suicidal elements so please read with caution
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“To grieve deeply is to have loved fully.”
But you weren’t even gone your lungs still filled with air, eyes watching through closed lids, and ears perking when you heard his choked sobs.
“Babe, Baby, (y/n).”  The sound of his voice drowned out by the hammering of gun fire and ringing in the air.  Sulfur and smoldering flesh danced along the ground, covering the both of you in its dark loving embrace.  
You couldn’t move only watch through blurred eyes the frantic ones staring right back at you.  Simon had cold eyes, deadly sharp shark eyes.  Eyes that loved you and softened so sweetly when you were in his focus.  “I’m right here, baby,” Simon murmured the rain of his tears dotting your face as you were carried up to the light.  Safe and secured in these trembling arms of your Angel.
“He’s been like that since we got here…” Price whispered to Gaz as the rest of the team watched their crumbling comrade.  The surgery was over but the doors remained shut and the curtain drawn shut, The Ghost never prayed to God for his mercy but today he did.  Not as a monster of the 141 but as Simon Riley, still stained in his blood dried gear curled up on the floor just outside your door.  His trembling hand pressed against the wall almost trying to push through the concrete to reach you.
The next morning nothing had changed, you  wouldn't open your eyes and Simon tried to keep hope.  And as days turned to weeks he continued to stay, living off the cold hospital food and you, your liquids.  
Your muscles started to fade and your face sunk in a little bit almost like how you looked before meeting the 141.  A scrawny guy would never had the pleasure of eating  los vaqueros cooking, raiding Alex’s snack stash, or wolfing down a plate of ribs with ghost for a free meal.
“You look beautiful” he whispered pressing a kiss to your forehead brining the blanket up a bit higher.  A heavy thing Farah had made and sent over to make sure you didn’t “freeze to death”.
Weeks passed and the ghost was starting to grow weary of this room you were trapped in.  Books stacked high and puzzles glued and hung up for decoration of the room.  Plants grew with flowers blooming just for you, a heating lamp to mimic the sun on your greying skin. 
His lips pressing soft kisses to your own  and everywhere you always liked him to.  
Sometimes pacing, screaming at you when he halted his steps or begging you to just wake up when the days got particularly hard. The rage whispering, and sweltering river of tears of his begging apologies.  Curled up to you wrapping your arms around him as if you’re still truly awake to soothe him.
Seven months, long and and quiet without your laughter to bring his own.  Simon had grown smaller lost weight and shoulders no longer strong enough to carry the world.  You had grown thinner almost sinking into the bed and lost in the sheets until the nurses would roll you over, keeping the bed sores away so the long stillness wasn’t to obvious.
Even then the sores still bloomed and Simon ran another bursting dam of tears into the already overflowing river.
A year passed and when the January dreariness started he brought you crisp mangos that Rudy had grown.  Doting the slices with sweet chili lime and holding the mixture to your nose, letting the juices run down to your cracked dry lips.  
“It’s spi-“
It was a deafening sound like a bursting bubble or shattering glass.  Your weary eyes a shocked glaze as they stared at the widened ones of your lover.  The smell of gun powder filled your nose with familiar smell of iron.  The warm trickle and crimson droplets ran down your pretty face, mouth open and agape in a permanent disbelief.
Simons trembling hands steadying as he crawled into bed next to you, the barrel soft under his chin and burning with the heat of it previous discharge. The fire of it leaving a crisp edge at the new hole in his face, a perfect pair with yours…
A/N: i don’t even know why I wrote this tbh- imma go write that Price one to make myself feel better
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melancholitas · 6 months
Day 3 of @heart-pirates-week is testing the loyalty of a certain penguin:
A Poker Round With The Alliance
Nami: Alright Penguin! You lost, now pay up!
Penguin:... I'm broke though.
Nami: Hmm. That's a shame. I'm not doing loans outside the crew, so you'll have to pay your dues in another way then. How about this! Either fess up some dirty little secret of your Captain or eat 3 Greenstone Reapers!
*pulls out some chilis from Usopps bag*
Usopp: Oi, that's dangerous! These are the deadliest ones I've grown so far---
Ikkaku: Girl, that's evil. I'm getting the cameko snail---
Shachi: Oh dang, I better grab some bread and that giant milk jug with a funnel---
Nami: but he didn't even agr-
Penguin: Gimme that.
Usopp:.. Are you sure? You might die if you eat all of them at once ----
Bepo: You'll never get him to sell out Captain just for something like this.
Penguin: Exactly. Also, how bad can it be?
Clione: 2000 berries he'll regret these words.
Uni: Deal. I think he can handle it. Another 2000 if he can manage to hide it from our captain.
Clione: Deal.
Nami: Damn... You're worse than me...
Penguin: I can hear you, you know...?
5 minutes later
*Penguin silently dies on the table*
Shachi: *patting his friend* There, there, take another sip, you dork.
Penguin: *unintelligible noises*
Usopp:... Sometimes I'm really scared of you, Nami... *shudders*
Nami: What! Don't look at me like that, I gave him a choice and he picked his poison!
Bepo: *teary* will he make it? I don't want to tell captain we lost him *close to wailing*
Franky: *starts sobbing* OUH, that loyalty is SUPER heart warming! Rest in peace little fella!
Shachi: Oi, he's not actually dying, dude! Have some faith!
Penguin: I'm not so sure about that *wipes his running face on Shachi's boiler suit*
Shachi: Sssh, it'll be over in a second, hang in ther-- EW, YOU HEATHEN! USE A GOD DAMN TISSUE!
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
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foursaints · 9 months
I NEEEEEEEDDDD your Regulus Black hcs. What is he like in your head??? Is he a perfectionist???? Is he downright insane?????? Which Sturniolo brother is he????? I need details on EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!
omg to start im not really a Regulus Blogger... i love him ofc but hes usually only in the background to my rosekiller. and i love all the regulus characterizations i read (more than my own sometimes tbh)
my controversial take is that my reggie is tall 😔..... he's small growing up but now he's the same height as James. who has a sort of furious, lustful conniption every time he wants to make a snide comment and remembers that The Baby Black is now a perfectly grown 20-something with unimpressed eyes and the world's unfairest aristocratic jawline
he and sirius both have that ethereal, feylike house-black thing going on, except sirius is prettier and more striking and softer and more girlish. like snow white. regulus looks every part the conventional pureblood heir: dark and austerely handsome and fine-boned and patrician. the thickest eyelashes.
undisputed leader of his friend group but not on purpose. reggie sees himself as this unappealing boring loser (the opposite of sirius) but he just has this? ineffable main-character thrall? once he's in your life you just want to die for him
he didnt mean to have the skittles but reggie can't help collecting outcasts & freaks like hes putting easter eggs in a basket. they really love each other but sometimes i see the slytherins as being a far more exaggerated version of the marauders perceived "roles": regulus as james (undisputed leader), barty as sirius (sexy ride-or-die), rosier twins as remus & peter ("nerds" 1 & 2)
very very tender and sensitive. perhaps more so than sirius
my reg is fastidious and organized and ALLEGEDLY an insane compulsive control freak like evan rosier. he has repressed every emotion he's felt for the last two decades under a cooly unbothered facade. except the difference is evan never slips up and regulus is having hysterical meltdowns into $5 chili's bottomless margaritas at least a couple times a month.
like he's eating a pint of ice cream alone in his car scream-sobbing to Since U Been Gone after he broke up with barty for the 800th time. #evanwouldnever
much love and respect to grumpy emo regulus but that is not my reggie... my reg is an posh antisocial City Gay drinking an extra dry martini at a gallery opening on the upper east side and scowling. wearing a fuzzy cream sweater and $800 loafers with no socks. his back hurts and he wants to go home
i fully believe he could survive being dropped in the alaskan wilderness with 0 supplies he just seems like he'd do whatever it takes to Survive etc. just like crafting a spear with the most "it is what it is" look in his eyes. wouldn't even faze him.
my modern au regulus works running one of those little stuffed animal hospitals repairing teddy bears and thats really important to me, personally,
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sibylsleaves · 1 year
from the love to the lightning
5k | rated T | read on ao3
But when Buck tried to ask him if everything was okay with him, Eddie just said, “Me? Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?"
And Buck really didn’t have an answer for that so he let it go.
Because Eddie doesn’t hide that stuff from him, anymore. Not since the day Buck broke down his bedroom door and found him sobbing in a heap on the floor.
So when Eddie says everything’s okay, Buck believes him.
or, after the lightning strike, Buck recovers. Eddie doesn’t.
Healing is slow. Buck knows this. He’s done this before. Last time, he was too eager, probably, to get back to work.
This time, he’s learned how to be patient.
The first week, his parents hover around the loft, offering to do anything and everything for him, even though Buck is definitely capable of microwaving his own soup and fetching his own pillows. But he can’t deny it’s nice to have their attention. Their care. Although he can’t help but be afraid that the minute they get on the plane back to Pennsylvania, it will evaporate again.
The rest of the 118 gets back to work, and Buck surprises himself by only feeling a little jealous that they get to be out there while he’s stuck on his (brand new) couch. After their parents depart, Maddie takes a few extra days off from dispatch to make sure Buck’s taken care of, although he suspects it’s more to keep him company than anything.
But actually, Buck’s days are far from lonely. Because most of them—the weekends and the afternoons, anyway—he spends with Chris. Sometimes Chris and Carla. Sometimes Chris and Eddie, when he’s not on shift. And sometimes just the two of them.
It’s strangely like the time they spent together after the tsunami. Chris is older now, of course, almost a full-blown teenager instead of a round-cheeked eight-year-old, but he’s just as attached to Buck now as he was then. Maybe even more so.
When Buck heard about the ICU caper that Chris, Eddie, and Carla managed to pull off during Buck’s time in coma dream purgatory, he almost started crying on the spot. When he asked Chris about it, Chris just said, “I had to talk to you.” Like that was that.
“I’m really glad you came to see me,” Buck told him. “Even if it was against the rules. I heard you, you know. Your voice, telling me I had to come back. I heard it.”
“I knew you would,” Chris said, and Eddie, who was standing by the kitchen door watching them, looked away.
It’s nice, that Chris wants him around so much. Buck really doesn’t have much else to occupy his time while he recuperates, and it’s pretty hard to feel sorry for yourself when you’re hanging out with the coolest kid in L.A. They even go to PT appointments together, because Buck got a referral for Chris’s clinic, since they specialize in neurologic physical therapy.
“Hey, hope you two are hungry!” Eddie greets as Buck and Chris tromp through the door after a particularly rough session. 
“Starving!” Chris exclaims.
Buck looks at the takeout boxes on the dining table. “Is that Tito’s? Did you get—”
“Chili con carne?” Eddie asks, reaching into one of the bags and pulling out a foil-wrapped burrito.
Buck loves him so much in this moment he wants to cry. Instead, he takes the proffered burrito, but he must be staring a little too much because Eddie drops his gaze and starts digging in another bag for chips.
“What’d you two get up to today?” Eddie asks as Buck and Chris both sit down. 
Christopher launches into a blow-by-blow of their day. Eddie laughs and smiles and makes jokes in all the right places, but Buck can’t shake the feeling that something is off. 
It’s a feeling he’s been having ever since he got out of the hospital.
(keep reading on ao3)
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akkivee · 5 months
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Intensely Spicy Curry Training: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Kuukou: Y’all sure took your sweet time getting here! I’ve already got everything prepared!
Jyushi: But didn’t you tell us to meet you at the temple?
Hitoya: If we’re making curry, why the hell are we way out in the mountains to do it?
Kuukou: Because I just had a great idea. Check this out!
Jyushi: Ooooh, look at all this meat! So, we’re going to be using all of this in our curry?
Hitoya: Beef and chicken, huh? I guess it would make sense not cook these while inside your temple.
Kuukou: You’re half right, and half wrong.
Jyushi: What do you mean?
Kuukou: I don’t plan to make just any ol’ curry. Now it’s time for the both of y’all to mince the hell out of this meat!!
Hitoya: I didn’t know whether to expect if a corrupt little monk such as yourself knew how to cook, but I’m surprised. Instead of using something pre-made, if we pound and mince the meat ourselves, we’d get a far more superior product. Is that what you were thinking?
Jyushi: Oh, I see! That’s amazing, Kuukou-san!
Hitoya: So, where’d you put the food processor?
Kuukou: Ah?? The hell are you on? You’re grinding this meat with your bare hands.
Jyushi: …Eh?
Kuukou: Jyushi, you’re on beef! Hitoya, you’re taking the chicken! Punch it with everything you’ve got and make minced meat out of it!! This is a new training session I thought up!
Hitoya: What the hell is this fool saying??
Jyushi: B-But there’s so much meat!! Grinding it by hand is impossible!!
Kuukou: I don’t want to hear any complaints!! You don’t know that unless you try!
Jyushi & Hitoya: *reluctantly pounds the meat by hand*
Jyushi: *tearfully* …My body’s going to become minced meat before the actual beef!
Hitoya: Damn it, I can’t believe I let my guard down like this…! I shouldn’t have expected we’d simply make curry…!
Kuukou: You can’t expect to get anywhere with a weak spirit behind weak fists like that!! Lemme show you how it’s done!
Kuukou: *starts punching*
Hitoya: You bastard, those are vegetables!!
Jyushi: E-Even I could mince a tomato by hand!
Kuukou: It doesn’t matter either way!! Whether it’s vegetables or meat, all that matters is the heart you’re putting behind it!!
Jyushi: T-That doesn’t make any sense…!!
Kuukou: “Enlightenment can be attained through one thousand fists!” Don’t just keep yapping and put some energy into your hips and legs too!
Hitoya: Tch, I don’t see any way out of this… Then, I might as well get it over with…!! UWOOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!! *maximum effort punching*
Jyushi: H-Hitoya-san??
Kuukou: Hyahaha! There’s the effort I wanna see!
Jyushi: Guh… Because My God has unshackled the chains binding his true power, I, too, must unlock mine to continue alongside him…! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! *maximum effort punching*
Jyushi: I-I can’t move another inch…
Hitoya: Ugh… I can’t even take the cap off my water bottle…
Kuukou: *sighs* It’s pretty pathetic to be that exhausted just from cooking.
Hitoya: You…!!!
Jyushi: But, I think it would be really nice if our training efforts could be felt by those eating our curry…!
Hitoya: …Well, I don’t think I’d say it like that, but I agree with the sentiment.
*the trees rustle and the birds chirp and there is peace*
Kuukou: The fuck are y’all talking about? There’s no point to this if the people who eating aren’t going through training too.
Jyushi: Eh?
Kuukou: Training can only be felt when you grow from the trials you’ve experienced yourself. Hopping off from other people’s efforts won’t mean shit.
Jyushi: B-but I mean, we’ll still be serving the curry to others once it’s finished cooking, right?
Kuukou: Yup. Which is why I’ve got…!
Jyushi: That powder…!!
Hitoya: It’s red chili pepper!! Jyushi, run!! Move upwind so it doesn’t blow and stick to your mucous membrane!!
Jyushi: Eeek!!! *runs away sobbing*
Hitoya: Kuukou, you bastard, what are you doing? Are you trying to ruin everything we worked on??
Kuukou: I’m not ruining a damn thing! This curry will be spicy so I can provide a remote kind of training!
Hitoya: Stop fucking around!! There’s gotta be a limit!!
Jyushi: *runs back over* I think there’s more chili pepper powder than ingredients now…!!
Kuukou: Then it’s just right! Now try it.
Jyushi: NO!! I will not be eating!! I absolutely refuse!! Don’t even try me!!
Kuukou: Hey stupid, watch it, that’s dangerous!! Stop fighting me and just—Ahh??
Jyushi: T-The inside of the pot is pitch black……!!
Hitoya: Obviously. Chili peppers burn easily. Haah… Let’s just remake the curry.
Jyushi: But doesn’t that mean we’ll have to mince more meat??
Kuukou: Whatever, I was thinking our “Intensely Spicy Curry Training” was made too halfheartedly anyway!! Time to give it all I got and win this championship!!
#kuko harai#jyushi aimono#hitoya amaguni#bad ass temple#hypmic#hypnosis mic#til that you can make a meat paste at the very least by using a mortar and pestle LOL#the curry pissed me tf off lmao it was so spicy but underneath all that spice was a ridiculously flavourful curry#it's spicy enough that i can tell it's comfortably spicy for people used to eating spice tho!!#habenero is the worst experience with spice i ever had and it wasn't that bad lol but i got the sense it could have been#so i assume jyushi and hitoya talked kuukou down lmao or we didn't want a repeat burnt product lol#i decided to tone down how i usually write bat to try and not show my very obvious bias lol hopefully it worked#i remember slug mentioning sometimes a tl will come off vague in order to not get in the way of future developments#and i actually felt that tling this lmao like when hitoya was telling kuukou there's a limit for everything#i had to choose whether to make this about kuukou and training or kuukou and the chili peppers#the statement itself was a vague warning so my own interpretations of bat were getting in the way probably lol#statements without a clear subject usually default to the person speaking so kuukou saying give it everything and win the championship#is me assuming he's talking about himself and again i'm a little worried my own interpretations of bat are getting in the way#since kuukou's self reliance is blatant but also not if you're casually looking at bat SO IDK LOL I THINK TLING IS HARD#curry tl
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sadlybeans · 6 months
No More Batman AU Part 3: Lazarus Pit
AO3 link || part 2
“All ready?”
“Ready and waiting, N”
“Same here”
“Good, then let’s get this party started… You know what to do, Nightwing out”
The coast was all clear and the preparations were perfect, but just as he was about to step out and finally get the case over with, the ground shook and one of the trucks by the warehouse exploded, alerting the thugs that quickly raised their guns as alarms were sent out. It all happened too fast for any of them to react before it was too late.
“What the fuck was that!?” Spectre yelled into the comms, and Spoiler’s answer came too jumbled with static for Nightwing to make out.
“It’s the bat!” one of the thugs screamed, pointing wildly at the shadows “it’s Batman, he’s here!”
Dick cursed under his breath, but at least they seemed afraid of the thought of meeting the Batman, and they had to move fast now—
“Batman!?” Dick froze. “I’m ROBIN!”
A slender figure, barely a blur of yellow, dropped down from where they had been hiding behind a stack of containers and the smoke of the explosion, kicking a thug as they landed and quickly contorting to evade the bullets, moving as fast as a shadow to put the criminals down.
And Nightwing… Nightwing stared with eyes wide as saucers, breath picking up as all he could see was Robin, his little brother and his wild black hair, the yellow cape that had a chili sauce stain in a corner from that one night Dick saw him last, the same scratches in the front and the chip to the R on his chest. The kneepads that had once been red but the colour had faded into black again, and the gloves that he had stolen from Dick’s old suits because he didn’t quite like how his’ fit.
“N! N, you have to breathe!”
No, no, no, no, no—- Jason was gone, he was dead, he couldn’t be here, he couldn’t.
“Nightwing! Fuck— Dick, breathe!”
Spectre slapped him across the face and he gasped, taking a big breath and chocking on it as the burn of his lungs registered. Through his blurry eyes shapes started taking definition again and he found that Tim was holding his shoulders, his worry visible even through the sharp angles of his cowl.
“Robin… Jay…” he croaked weakly.
“Spoiler and Black Bat have him, you need to listen to me; breathe slowly. One, two, three… hold it”
He gulped and started to imitate how Tim’s chest rose and fell, and slowly but steadily the panic attack subsided and he was left shivering in the cold metal of the shipping container he was half-sprawled onto. It was only then that the girls jumped down next to them with Robin.
He looked up so fast his neck could’ve snapped— It wasn’t Jason. Dick blinked quickly, moisture gathering in his eyelashes and making the mask uncomfortably slick… Damian, arms crossed and lips twisted in a scowl, stood right in front of them all. Robin’s old suit didn’t suit him all the way, he was taller and broader than Jay had ever been, but when his hair wasn’t brushed back and when he was far away enough to overlook his bronze skin they could be confused for one another. Spoiler and Black Bat looked right about to jump him, and when Spectre stood up with his fists clenched, ready to unleash his fury upon the kid, Dick started sobbing.
Clark took a deep breath as he leaned on the balcony railing. The sun was almost gone down the horizon and the house was submerged in a tense silence that could’ve been cut with a knife. In any other circumstance he would’ve taken the time to be surprised and excited to finally, after over two decades finding Batman’s real identity, but the situation was dire.
“I know I’m asking for too much” Bruce repeated “but you and Diana are the only ones I could trust with this”
“Are you completely sure?” Clark finally turned to him, brows crinkled in worry “It’s just so…”
“Impossible? I would think so too if I hadn’t checked all of their suits’ cameras” Bruce passed a hand through his hair and walked back inside the studio to grab his forgotten glass of whiskey and chugging it down in a single gulp. “I can’t leave Damian unsupervised any longer, and I no longer think letting him leave is the best option”
Rao, he was just a boy… but Clark knew it was true, he had seen the recording as well, and he still couldn’t shake the look of the kid’s glowing green eyes out of his head. When his emergency comm rang so late at night he worried, and he’d flown straight to Gotham to find that Bat— Bruce’s kids had gotten into a full on fight with the youngest and most recent addition to their family. By then Damian was already locked inside his room but Dick had still been mid his second panic attack and Tim needed a cast on his entire left arm since it was broken in three.
Bruce was adamant that Talia wouldn’t have lied about the Lazarus Pit, not when it came to her own son. That meant that, seeing as Damian had refused to talk, they needed to find the one other person who knew the full truth; the boy’s mysterious caretaker who he called his ‘baba’. And most importantly…
“Locking him in his room is not going to help” Clark adviced softly.
“I know that, but what… what can I do now? What if he snaps when he’s in school or takes the opportunity to run off? You and I know well that if the League considers him a danger I can’t vouch for him any longer, and I don’t trust Ra’s Al Ghul to not come looking for his grandson. Even worse, when others start realising he’s different, he’ll be a target for many other—“
Clark held Bruce’s shoulders and shook him gently to snap him out of his spiralling.
“I know, just… breathe. That’s it…” he waited until he’d calmed down before he let him go. “Ok so, um, I think we can actually work with this. Damian needs an escort both for his safety and everyone else’s, right?”
Bruce squinted his eyes at him as he let himself fall onto the couch.
“What are you suggesting?”
“Well, Jon’s a couple years younger but fortunately for both of us, he is half kryptonian and could keep an eye on him” He sat down next to him and pat his shoulder “Who knows, maybe he can be a good influence”
For a long moment the billionare stared at him as if he had grown another head. Was he seriously suggesting they let a twelve year old boy supervise Damian? Sure, he was near invincible, but he wasn’t prepared to deal with that of all things.
“Clark— Jon is a good kid, he’s making good progress and all but…”
“…But you think it’s not enough” Clark finished.
“No! No, it’s…” Bruce pursed his lips “Damian is a fully trained assassin, I know he’s just fifteen and he looks innocent and harmless even with the whole… pit thing, but he can and he has killed people. I trained my kids as best as I could and still he bested both Tim and Steph, if it wasn’t for Cass and Dick he would’ve done much worse than just break Tim’s arm. I don’t think even Superboy or Supernova would be safe from him” He stood up again to pace around the study, although there was a defeated air to his desperation this time. “You don’t understand, Clark, I— I didn’t know he had snuck out, I never realised he went into the cave and took Jason’s suit! It was Oracle who told me over two hours later… It was a warning, I told him he couldn’t have Robin so he showed me what he’s willing to do if I don’t give him what he wants”
The more Bruce talked it became evident that he was terrified, he had been Batman and he had thought he was prepared to take in his biological son, only to be slapped in the face with the fact that he was no longer on top of the field… Batman died ten years ago with Robin, and time had kept running for everyone else. They all got better while he chose to ignore all about that world, and whoever had trained Damian had done a damn good job at it.
And he— he hated it. He hated that he could do nothing to fix this situation and that he was scared of his own son. But… god, he was even more afraid of losing another child.
“I think you need some rest” Clark sighed and stood up “I’ll call Lois to let her know I’ll stay and… and we can solve this in the morning”
Breakfast was more akin to a funeral by the time Bruce and Clark made it downstairs, and it was only just after they sat down that Alfred came into the dining room with a serious expression.
“Master Bruce, I believe it’s important that you should know there was a package just delivered for young master Damian”
Bruce paled and at the other side of the table Duke’s head sprung up from the table.
“Did you give it to him?”
“I did, and I made sure the security feed in his room was available” he nodded, offering a tablet to him.
Dick stood up from his seat and ran to stand behind his chair as Clark leaned over his other shoulder, leaving the rest of the kids to pile up behind them.
On the screen, Damian sat cross leged on his bed, staring intently at the small box without moving as if analysing it. They waited for around a minute and were about to give up when he grabbed it and sliced off the tape with a small blade he’d pulled from his sleeve -Dick visibly suddered, he had registered all his clothes personally and thought there was no weapons-. Inside there was a note that he unfolded and read through quickly before he tossed it aside and jumped to get a burner phone out of the box, turning it on and scrolling through it.
The expectating silence in the dining room was heavy and overwhelming as they saw him await for a call to be answered, and then suddenly a voice came out of it, quickly made audible to them when Bruce adjusted the settings.
The boy’s eyes widened and he held the phone tightly.
“Why didn’t you call?” he snapped then, speaking just as rudely to this person as he had to everyone else.
“… I’m sorry, I had to make sure I was out of sight” the man’s voice was young, but distorted through a voice modulator. “Are you alright? Was your father too big of a jerk?”
“He’s not my father” Damian answered automatically with anger “and I don’t want to stay”
There was a small sigh at the other end.
“We talked about this before, you know that”
“I hate it here”
“You’ve been there for two months, you have to give it time”
“I don’t want time, I want to go home”
As they spoke each their voices was raised in a frighteningly identical temper.
“Damian you don’t have a home anymore” the man snapped, harsh and brutal “So you’ll stay there like it or not”
There was a long tense silence in which the teen didn’t move, staring at the wall opposite to the bed.
“Why did you send this?” his tone was blank as he spoke “Why are you doing this if you’re going to abandon me forever?”
“What— no, that’s not it” the man audibly fumbled as he slipped and a bit of an accent shone through; american. It was gone the next second “I don’t want to do that”
“You’re a liar… you got rid of me the first chance you had, you’re never coming back to get me because you’re sick of me”
“That’s not how it works“
“Then explain it!” he screamed, standing up and throwing a textbook against the wall “You just do shit expecting me to not make any questions! I’m not a child anymore! I know how to make choices!”
“Yes you are! Are you even listening to yourself? You ARE a fucking child, you’re fifteen years old and you have no idea of how the world works! Do you think I can just— keep you? Your mother ain’t no saint and we both know that, she would get rid of me the moment I was no longer useful! What the fuck am I supposed to do to keep the Demon’s Head off our backs just so we can play house and pretend we’re normal people!? All your damn biological family has enough power to take you back in less time it takes you to blink! Hell, even your adoptive brothers have more rights than I do even if I raised you, why can’t you understand that I don’t have a choice!?”
Bruce didn’t know what to feel as he saw his son quietly sit on his bed, silent tears rolling down his cheeks while he held the phone to his ear. It was such a defeated silence from the both of them and he— he hated that he knew what the man at the other end of the line felt.
“…. B-Baba, I want to go home”
Even through the voice modulator the small intake of breath was heard.
“… I know, habibi” Damian let out a chocked noise and his shoulders started shaking “I wanna go home too”
Damian woke up late on sunday after crying himself to exhaustion. On his bedside table the burner phone was charging and a tray of cold food sat right next to it. The door was left open as a silent indication that he was no longer on house arrest, but he made no move to get out of bed just yet. At the end of the day he hadn’t truly gained anything at all… baba didn’t hate him, baba wanted him, but… he couldn’t come for him. From now on he was stuck with the Waynes until his mother decided otherwise, or until his grandfather decided Damian’s time was over. He knew baba would never come back to Gotham… he was too hurt. The Waynes had hurt him too much.
Batman had failed baba but… what if Damian could fix it? What if he could finally clean up the mess and get vengeance in his name? He slowly sat up and looked at the other side of the room where the old Robin suit had been thrown— it had been picked back up while he slept and likely carried back to the cave. That was fine, he would take it back, and then Robin would hunt a clown.
“Damian?” Wayne stood at the door, looking hesitant. “Can we talk?”
His first instinct was to say no. He had locked him up like an animal and likely looked at him through cameras— he hadn’t bothered to look for any to dismantle because he knew it was pointless.
“…” He nodded.
The man took a deep breath and pulled a chair to sit in front of him, fortunately at a safe distance.
“Did you sleep well?”
Damian glared and he winced.
“Yes, sorry about that… We had to make sure you wouldn’t hurt the others or yourself”
“… Right. I’m going straight to the point, ok? I need you to be as honest as you’re willing. Had you ever experienced an episode like that?”
Damian scoffed and Wayne sighed.
“Do you know why you snapped?”
“Of course I know, I’m not an idiot” he finally replied full of snark “I was awake when I was dipped in the pit all three times”
Damian didn’t suffer from the madness of the pit. In a way, mother and baba suspected he was almost immune to it now. Baba had only been put inside once and he’d become dangerous enough but Damian… well, he was special. He was made by hand, every trait and every little piece carefully selected to carve out the ideal statue, the perfect heir… the perfect vessel. Damian had a use and so he needed to be strong, perfected to the last detail. Baba had only been allowed to stay because he could help him and teach him control.
“Do I have any reason to suspect it’ll happen again?” Wayne looked pale, queasy. So he couldn’t even stomach the thought of everything Damian had lived, after all.
“…. No. Not if you give me what I want”
“I can’t let you be Robin” Wayne refused “I can’t fail another kid like that”
Damian opened his mouth to say something cruel and then stopped.
The man sighed and lowered his head, looking exhausted and way older than he normally did.
“When… When Dick became Nightwing, I adoped another son. His name was— Jason. Jason Todd. He was very bright, with an excellent potential, and I… I failed him. The Joker killed him, and after that I promised myself there would be no more Batman and Robin again”
That— that couldn’t be right. Mother had said nothing changed!
“Drake?” he asked.
“Tim tried convincing me and Dick that Gotham needed Robin, but I refused. He only started being Spectre a couple years ago”
“I can’t stop them from going out there, but I don’t want them, don’t want you to be in danger”
But baba…
“Why not kill the Joker? Why let him live?”
“I know things for you are very different, but I don’t kill. It’s… I almost wanted to” he quickly blinked to keep tears at bay “but if I did, I would taint everything that Jason died for”
Baba didn’t need a legacy, he wanted to say. He just wanted his dad to love him and miss him, he wanted his family to notice he was gone… and they never did. Even now they hadn’t bothered to check his empty grave?
“Damian, this is the one thing I can’t give you, so I need you to promise you won’t try to steal my dead son’s suit again. Can you do that?”
I’m sorry baba, I promise I will be careful and follow everything you taught me. I know you will be very mad but if Wayne can’t do this then it has to be me— it’s the least I can do. Call me back when you see the news, but remember I’m being watched.
Damian sent the voicemail and put down his burner phone with the screen down right next to the keyboard, taking a deep breath. The school’s library was nearly empty and his chosen corner offered no room for anyone to sneak up behind him without him noticing, keeping the screen of the computer concealed. He cliked the bright blue button and waited for the slow internet to load.
Seventeen pictures, all badly taken and blurry but still unmistakably the Robin that had been missing for ten years, were posted for the world to see.
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bee-birb · 8 months
compiled my thoughts whilst watching sonic prime s3, shes a doozy
he ate shit again :3
AHHHH THEY HELD HANDS (for half a second to propel forward) BUT STILL
shadow COUGHING??? he can get HURT??? nah he just fell
🎶there goes hawaii, there-ere goes hawaii🎵 🎵there goes hawaii, the island is gone🎶
times sonic has eaten shit this season: 4
nine: “i hate chili dogs!” sonic: dramatic and wounded gasp
I need to get this off my chest why does sonic slap his ass as a taunt ive seen it in prime and ive seen in in x, this is a recurring theme and i am wtfing at it, why does sonic have a thing for smackin his ass as a taunt? idk but its fuckin hilarious, your ass is not that juicy it is not tempting, save the ass slapping for the bedroom you blue gumball son of a bitch, Sonic you have flat ass syndrome stop
where the FUCK is sonics boyfriend you cant hide in the crater the entire climax battle dumbass getchyo gay striped glutes out here and save you bf
bro got hit with a bomb and SURVIVED
LMAO SHADOW ACTUALLY SMILED, granted, he was talking about “smashing hordes of sonics” (probably about destroying them but it was offcamera so we’ll never know) IT WAS SO CUTE
i also need 4 rocks, 80 ft of vine, and a time machine
times sonic has eaten shit this season: 6
the gang is not impressed by sonics bf
there goes hawaii, there-there goes hawaii, there goes hawaii, the island is gone pt 2
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gonna draw this stupidhead 🫶
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me when 6 identical copies of me attack my boyfriend (its kinda hot)
"AAAAAHHAAAHHAAAA! aaaahhhaaaahhh! splat."
YUHHH STEP ON YOUR BOYFRIEND AGAIN thats like what the 4th time???
renegade knux makes the best faces ngl like his expressions are top tier
shadow has not been onscreen in 10 minutes give me more of the edgy swifty, THE KING HAS RETURNED
CRYING he still has a smile as hes going to fucking DIE AHHHHH SCREAMING
ahhh the gateways are the shape of the shards
old man soccer
gay ass hand on hip side lean, fucking queer
hA the sisters rose are FAILING now his bf gets to save his blue gumball ass
lol rock gone get rekt eggbreath
you have 13 seconds before the island fucking explodes you hot topic wannabe and you blue gumball son of a bitch. you have done nothing but destroy my life, i hope you both die.
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talktotarquin · 2 months
ooc: I found the rp blogs! Well, they found me! Anyway, here’s what I wrote. If you’d like to rp with me lemme know in reblogs or comments!
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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tarquin: When in doubt, cry it out
Thesan: *concerned* You okay?
Tarquin: *2 seconds from ugly sobs* No! 😃
Tamlin: My name is Tamlin, I speak for the trees
Tamlin: If you don’t stop trying to kill my court, I’ll break your damn knees
*At a high lords meeting*
Rhysand: *Insulting Tamlin and brings up his mother*
Helion: *knows what’s about to happen* Oh motherfucker—
Tamlin: *hops the fucking table* Say that again ‘pissand,’ I fucking dare you, you bastard son of a—
*Beron, Tarquin and Thesan watching it go down, with tea, and it is scalding*
*Kallias having a chat with some of the other high lords after his twins were born (boy and girl)*
Kallias: *visibly exhausted* The twins. . .they are a lot of work
Helion: *snorts* I can tell, my friend
Kallias: *fed up with Helion’s shit*
Thesan: *deciding to diffuse the situation* What names did you and Viviane choose, again?
Kallias: Khione and Khuno
Thesan: I must say, gorgeous names
Helion: *Turns to Thesan* I know you’re, well—how do I put this. . .gay for your captain officer—
Kallias: *sighs deeply*
Thesan: So?
Helion: *absolutely doing the most* Are you gonna adopt a kid—or a surrogate or something. There is also magical contraception—
Thesan: *Is bright red in the face*
Thesan: . . .we have been, thinking of adopting recently—
Helion: If, and when you do, I am going to be a fun uncle, and spoil that kid rotten—
Kallias: *turns to Tarquin*
Kallias: Never change
Tarquin: I—😃
*Helion, giving Tarquin the talk after he asked about starting his dating life*
Tarquin: Sir, this is a Chili’s—
Ooc: it took me 20 minutes to give Kallias’s twins names. If you can find the origin and I side joke of the names, I applaud you. My fingers hurt.
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radioactiveferrets · 2 months
WIEIAD- 7/12/24
Aight gang I am really REALLY embarrassed about this one. It wasn't a binge because I still had control over what was going into my body, I was just getting force fed food from my family 🥲
Meal of the Day- Burger with fries from chilis, a small ceaser salad, and cake w/ ice cream... (and these portions weren't small gang *sobs*)
Cal Intake (estimate)- 2000+
Positives! I am starting work tomorrow!!! So, I will finally be able to get away from my feeder family! I'll def let y'all know how that goes! I am not gonna beat myself over this just gonna see how far I can restrict without getting caught lol
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cicimunson · 2 years
Sweet Child of Mine Part 5
Series Summary: You’re Eddie’s former best best friend. The two of you drifted apart freshman year of high school and now you’re more enemies than anything else. Despite the hostility between the two of you, you still come around to help out with his eleven-month-old sister, Emma, who he and Wayne keep most of the time due to his father being in jail and his mother being an addict.
Also, I know Sweet Child O’ Mine didn’t come out until 1988, but the song is just so perfect for the story.
Pairings/Characters: Eddie Munson x Female Reader, Wayne Munson, OC characters Emma Munson, Wendy Munson and Greg Thompson, cheerleaders Amy and Lucy
Chapter Summary: Eddie comes to visit while you're sick and you two get nostalgic remembering old times.. There's a bit of an altercation at school and Eddie is stunned when you take his side. Emma hits a milestone and the three of you go out to celebrate. Eddie is starting to feel something for you, but he can't quite figure out what it is.
Warnings: Reader is sick, mentions of Eddie's mom being an addict, I think that's it? Let me know if I missed something.
Word Count: 3k
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 6
Whatever Eddie was sick with doubles down on you, forty-eight hours in and you're sprawled on your couch, unable to combat the cough or fever.
You wish your parents were in town, but unfortunately they were both gone for work. Not that they'd be much comfort, but it would be nice to have someone's presence in the house.
There's a knock on the door and you drag yourself up, groaning.
Eddie is standing on your doorstep, smirking when he sees you. "Hi. You look like hell."
 You groan. "Come to relish in my pain, Munson? Low, even for you."
"Actually, I brought your homework. And Wayne insisted I bring you some of his homemade chili, said it’ll cure anything you have.” He thrusts the bag under your nose and the strong smell of spices makes you gag.
“Shit, you really are sick, huh?” He observes. “I didn’t get any stomach trouble with mine.”
“Must be my luck.” You mumble, heading back to the couch. "You can go, I’d like to be miserable in peace.”
"Oh, come on, ducky, don't be like that."
You whirl around, reaching out to grab the back of the sofa when the movement makes you light-headed.
Eddie is overwhelmed by the urge to reach out and steady you. It surprises him.
Instead he steps closer and asks: "You okay? Maybe you should sit down."
You nod and resume your spot on the couch, tucking your legs under you.
"You haven't called me ducky since we were kids."
He sits in the recliner across from you and cocks his head to the side, looking confused. "I haven't?"
"Oh, well, do you still want to be a duck?" He jokes.
You giggle. When the two of you were small,  your elementary school had taken a field trip to a farm and you had been fascinated by the baby ducks swimming around the pond behind the barn. You had told everyone that you were going to be a duck too, crying when your teacher had told you it was impossible, then sobbing harder when she scolded you for crying. Eddie had kicked her in the shin and hugged you.
If you wanna be a duck, you can be a duck.
And you'll still be my best friend?
Of course. You'll be my little ducky.
And the nickname had stuck. At least until freshman year.
Eddie studies your face. "What are you thinking about?"
You sigh softly and shake your head. "Nothing. And yes, sometimes I still wish I were a duck."
He grins. "I knew it."
For a moment, all feels right between you two again.
"Um, thanks for my schoolwork. And thank Wayne for the food."
He shifts his weight back and forth in his seat, looking uncomfortable. "Yeah, well, I owe you a thank you, too."
You raise an eyebrow. "Oh?"
He looks down at his feet. "The other night, when I was sick. You didn't have to take care of me. You could have left, or even camped out in the bedroom with Emma. But you stayed with me."
Your heart beats a little faster.
"So, I just wanted to say thanks." He finishes, still not looking from the floor.
"You're welcome, Eds. I'm glad you're feeling better."
He smiles softly when you use his nickname.
"So do I need to force-feed you Tylenol? Make you soup?"
"I'm fine, thanks. I'd hate for you to catch this again."
"Yeah, me too." He stands up, wiping his palms on his jeans. "But if you need anything-"
"I'll call. Thanks again."
He nods. "See ya, ducky."
Your heart does another little flip-flop as he leaves.
Don't. Don't start thinking the two of you can be friends again. Every time you get your hopes up, he crushes them.
But you can't help but hope just a little.
You're back in school two days later, stretching with the rest of the cheer squad before the pep rally. You see Eddie walk into the gym and you give him a small wave.
He flips you off, but with a warm smile on his face.
You pretend to be offended, then act like you're reaching in your pocket to look for something. He watches as you pull out your clenched hand, then open it to flip him off in response.
His smile turns into a grin.
Amy nudges you. "Maybe don't flirt with the freak in front of the entire school, huh?"
You give her a frosty glare.
After the pep rally Eddie approaches you. You're taken aback at first, normally he doesn't even show up to these things, ditching to hide out in the woods behind school.
"You got a minute?" He asks, sticking his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
Amy sticks her pom-pom out in front of you as you take a step forward. "Actually, we're busy. You can stalk Y/N some other time."
Eddie smirks at her. "Seems you're the one a bit obsessed, seeing as how you're trying to control who she talks to."
"Amy, it's fine. Eddie and I are fri-" You trail off, not because you're embarrassed, but because you don't know what your actual label is. "We're cool." You finally say.
She leans in close and whispers loudly. "Oh my God, Y/N, are you doing drugs?"
"What? No! Jesus, Amy, why would you ask me that?"
"Well that's the only explanation I could come up with." She replies snidely."Unless what Greg says is true, and you're really friends with the freak."
"You aren't, are you?" Lucy asks. "I heard he's into…" She looks at him and then whispers to the other girls. "Devil worship."
They all gasp dramatically while you fight the urge to giggle.
Eddie hisses and the girls shriek.
"Devil worship, indeed!" His voice booms, intimidating and loud. "I was looking for a virgin to sacrifice, do I have any volunteers?"
"Hey, is he bothering you, ladies?"
Fantastic, just what this conversation needed.
Greg comes to stand at your side, clenching his fists as he glares at Eddie.
Amy wraps a hand around Greg's bicep, batting her eyes dramatically. "He said he was going to sacrifice us to the devil!"
Oh please.
"He said virgin sacrifice, Amy. You're safe. Hell, thanks to you, half of the football team is safe." You retort.
Her mouth drops open. "How dare you!”
Greg scowls. “You aren't honestly defending that freak, are you?"
You shrug your shoulders. "Maybe I am."
Eddie's eyes widen. He'd have never expected in a million years for you to be sticking up for him.
Greg scowls. "I told you Y/N, you hang out with the freak long enough, he'd rub off on you."
"Then I guess I should go. Wouldn't want it to rub off on any of you." You roll your eyes and walk away, Eddie on your heels.
You stomp out into the parking lot. Eddie follows behind, pulling his keys from his pocket. "Need a ride?"
"Take me to see Emma, please. She always calms me down."
He nods understandingly. "Yeah, me too."
He opens the passenger door of his van and you get in, wrinkling your nose as the smell of cigarettes and weed hits your nostrils.
Eddie chuckles when he sees your face. "Just crack the window. Wouldn't want you to get a contact high." He teases. "Although you might be more fun with a little buzz."
"Haha." You roll the window down a bit. "So, did you need something?"
He's drumming on the steering wheel, looking lost in thought. "Hmm?"
"You walked up to me. Back at school?"
"Oh, yeah. Emma's appointment with the specialist is Monday. I was kinda hoping- I mean, if you wanna come, you know, you can.”
He wants me there?
Eddie looks embarrassed to have even asked you. He'd never admit the truth, but he needs you there. The thought of going without you terrifies him.
You nod, relieving him of his misery. He breathes a sigh of relief, masking it as a cough so you won't notice.
"Um, it's in the morning, 9 am, so we'd have to skip first period, possibly second."
"It's Emma. I'd skip a whole week if she needed me."
Eddie nods. "Yeah, me too."
He pulls into the driveway and you hurry into the trailer, eager to see her. Emma squeals when you walk in, holding her plump little arms up to you.
Wayne smiles. "She's missed you."
You scoop her up and hug her tightly. She grumbles slightly and pushes at your chest. You loosen your grip and plant kisses on her cheeks and forehead.
"I missed you so much while I was sick, Emmy, did you miss me?"
She pats your cheek affectionately.
"That's my sweet Emmy." You coo.
Eddie gasps from behind you. Wayne comes up off the couch, looking shocked.
You turn to Eddie, your mouth falling open.
"Holy shit, did she just say her name?"
You jostle her slightly to reclaim her attention.
"Say Emmy, baby girl, say Emmy one more time!"
She blows raspberries and squeals.
"Come on baby, one more time for your brother and uncle, say Emmy!" You prompt. "You can do it. Emmy!"
She looks up at you. "Em-me."
You shriek happily and Eddie does a little jump of excitement. 
Wayne claps his hands, letting out a cheer.
"Oh my God, she said it! She said her name!" He exclaims.
"Emmy!" She repeats, realizing it gets a big reaction.
"That's right sissy, you're our Emmy!" Eddie praises. "Our smart little Emmy."
Eddie is ecstatic. He can't remember the last time he felt this happy. He kisses Emma's cheek and then turns and kisses yours also before he even realizes he's done it.
Your mouth drops open. You realize Eddie is staring at you in shock, so you shut it quickly, busying yourself with smoothing Emma's curls and straightening her overalls.
Eddie turns away from you, touching his fingers to his lips. Other than Emma, he'd never kissed anyone. Girls had tried when he was younger, of course, and every now and then a drunk girl would throw herself at him at the Hideaway, but Eddie always shot them down. He didn't like anyone's hands on him, and certainly not their mouths.
Your cheek had been soft and warm. Another couple inches to the right and he'd have kissed your lips, he realizes. Would you have let him? Would you have kissed him back?
"Eddie?" Your voice jolts him out of his thoughts. He turns back to you and Emma, forcing a smile on his face.
"I asked if you had any ice cream? I think Emma deserves a treat for being such a smart girl." You tickle her, inciting squeals and giggles.
"I don't think so, but we could always go out." He offers.
"Sounds great. I'll go change Emma's diaper." You head to the bedroom with her.
Eddie can't help but touch his lips again. It was just a peck, it didn't last more than a second, but he felt…something.
He notices Wayne grinning at him and snatches his hand from his mouth.
"Don't say a word." He warns and Wayne chuckles.
"Hey, I'm over the moon right now. Emma talking, you smooching Y/N-"
"I did not smooch her."
"You two are making leaps and bounds today. Next thing you know Emma will be speaking French and you and Y/N will be getting married." He teases.
"That'll never happen. She'd never want someone like me. She's into jocks and popular guys."
Wayne cocks an eyebrow. He can't help but notice Eddie didn't say anything about not liking you.
"You're right." Wayne agrees. "Besides, Emma would prefer Spanish to French."
Eddie narrows his eyes. "Don't be cute, uncle."
Wayne holds up his hands defensively. "Me? Never."
You come back into the living room, carrying a freshly-changed Emma. You'd wiped her face clean, Eddie observes, and stuck a little pink bow in her hair.
"We ready to go?"
"You kids have fun."
You turn to Wayne. "You aren't coming?"
"No, I think I'm gonna take a nice long nap while the trailer is empty." He winks at Eddie over your head.
"Well, enjoy your nap. We'll try to be quiet when we come back."
You head outside and help Eddie fasten Emma in. She protests being sat down but when Eddie starts the radio she instantly perks up, clapping her hands as Eddie sings along.
Your mind drifts back Eddie's impromptu kiss. You reach up and touch your cheek, still feeling his lips on your skin.
Eddie glances over at you, smiling to himself when he sees your hand on your face.
Maybe she liked it. Maybe she would let me do it again. Do I want to do it again?
You realize Eddie is staring and move your hand from your cheek, feeling a blush creeping up your neck.
"Stop staring, weirdo. Watch the road."
"Pft. You wish I would stare at you."
You roll your eyes and suppress a smile.
Eddie parks the van in front of the ice cream parlor. He scoops Emma out of seat and the three of you go inside. You wave to your mom's friend who runs the place, then slide into a booth.
The waitress comes hurrying over, instantly cooing over Emma.
I don't recognize her. Must be new.
"Oh what a cute baby, how old is she?"
"She'll be a year old in two weeks." Eddie replies.
"She's so precious. Does she want some ice cream?"
"She'll have a scoop of chocolate and vanilla, I'll take a chocolate shake."
She turns to you.
"And for you, mama?"
You blink up at her. Huh? 
It dawns on you. She thinks Emma is yours. And most likely that Eddie is her daddy. 
Eddie grins mischievously at you. "Yeah, mama, do you know what you want?"
"Um, just a vanilla shake is fine."
When she's out of earshot Eddie doubles over, laughing hysterically.
"I'm gonna kill you, Munson."
"Oh come on, that was hilarious…mama."
"You're so gross." You roll your eyes, but Eddie can see the amusement on your face.
The waitress comes back with your order a few minutes later. Eddie helps her unload her tray, pushing your milkshake towards you.
"Here you go, mama."
You glare at him. "Gee, thanks, daddy."
Eddie's breath hitches. You don't notice, thank God, as you're trying to keep Emma from putting her hands in her ice cream.
He can't deny it. He felt something when you called him daddy. A twinge, a twitch. Call it what you want, but it excited him.
"Eddie, your shake is gonna melt."
"Maybe I like it melted."
"Okay then, weirdo, let it melt."
Emma succeeds in getting a hand in her ice cream. She squeals when she realizes it's cold and smears it down the front of your shirt.
"Oh, Emmy, careful!" You grab a napkin and wipe her hand, pushing her ice cream out of her reach. She shrieks indignantly.
You dab at the ice cream on your chest.
"Edward, a little help?" You snap.
He grabs a napkin too, blotting a stain on your left breast. You blush and stiffen.
"I meant with Emma." You say quietly.
Eddie could kick himself. Of course you meant with Emma.
You continue dabbing at the stain while Eddie feeds her. How have we gone from "don't fucking touch me" to him practically groping me in less than week?
Eddie can't even look at you. He has no idea what's come over him. For some reason he wants to touch you. He likes feeling how warm and soft you are. He's just so confused as to why.
You all finish eating and Eddie pays. You insist on leaving the tip since he covered the tab. The waitress waves goodbye, remarking to a customer what an adorable family you three are as you leave.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"Yeah, if you don't mind. I need to do some studying before the game." You look up at him. "You should come tonight. Bring Emma."
"I've got Hellfire."
"Oh, I see. Do you wanna meet up after, get some dinner?"
"Won't you be going to your boyfriend's big party?"
"How did you know about that?"
"His friends have been buying off me all week. Can't keep their traps shut about it."
"I didn't plan on going, honestly. And for the millionth time, he's not my boyfriend."
"Does he know that? He jumped to your rescue pretty quickly today. And I saw the way you stared daggers at Amy when she grabbed his arm."
"I was staring daggers because they were being rude to you."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, it is."
Eddie starts the van. "They're assholes, Y/N. I don't understand why you associate with them."
"I have to, for cheer."
"I don't understand that, either."
"My mom was a cheerleader, Eddie."
So I was hoping it could be something she and I bonded over. I was hoping she'd want to come to games and stuff to see me cheer.
"Just forget it. Of course you don't understand."
Eddie falls silent. You're right, he doesn't understand. Your mom was hardly ever around, same as his. Sure she wasn't an addict like Wendy, but she was neglectful like her.
Eddie pulls into your drive. You say goodbye to Emma and get out, muttering a goodbye to him as you shut the door.
Eddie watches as you sprint up the walk and into your house.
"Well, Emma, I think I made her mad again. I just can't win with that girl."
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