#I can't relate because there isn't a genre of music I don't like out of hand
pumpkinrootbeer · 4 months
Hardware Store is a Weird Al song. During the bridge, he lists off a bunch of different tools and appliances very quickly, which I suppose could be considered "rap" if you've never listened to an actual rap song.
#:v#listen as someone with a very very entry level knowledge of rap#there is absolutely rap music you (general you not you anon) can find that you'll enjoy#for pop rap doja's early music like cyber sex and all of planet her is a great place to start#Someone with more knowledge could absolutely give real directions for where to start#it's just crazy to me because there are so many genuinely great artists out there that people will never even try because it's rap#ik for a lot of people this is there first big exposure to rap because of the beef going on but like#kendrick has great music beyond his shit hating drake like go listen to some of his albums#the problem is white people generally are so unused to not being centered#so when there's art that isn't centering whiteness they often write it off#and those internal biases we hold as people raised in a white supremacist culture compounds with the propaganda and conditioning#it's something we as white people have to consistently and constantly work on#we have to focus on decentering and deprogramming ourselves#and i think a good easy simple base level start is engaging with media that isn't made by white people#whether that be music movies books tv shows#and like sure it's ''just not liking music''#but have you even ever tried?#have you ever actually listened to a rap song without writing it off immediately as a ''rap song''?#There is music out there that I'm sure you'd enjoy if you let yourself enjoy it#also like. you can be normal about a genre of music not really doing it for you#I'm sure#I can't relate because there isn't a genre of music I don't like out of hand#but for the people that do I'm sure you can be normal about not liking it#I believe in you#anon#ask
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burntoutdaydreamer · 11 months
Things That May Be Causing Your Writer's Block- and How to Beat Them
I don't like the term 'Writer's Block' - not because it isn't real, but because the term is so vague that it's useless. Hundreds of issues all get lumped together under this one umbrella, making writer's block seem like this all-powerful boogeyman that's impossible to beat. Worse yet, it leaves people giving and receiving advice that is completely ineffective because people often don't realize they're talking about entirely different issues.
In my experience, the key to beating writer's block is figuring out what the block even is, so I put together a list of Actual Reasons why you may be struggling to write:
(note that any case of writer's block is usually a mix of two or more)
Perfectionism (most common)
What it looks like:
You write one sentence and spend the next hour googling "synonyms for ___"
Write. Erase. Write. Rewrite. Erase.
Should I even start writing this scene when I haven't figured out this one specific detail yet?
I hate everything I write
Cringing while writing
My first draft must be perfect, or else I'm a terrible writer
Things that can help:
Give yourself permission to suck
Keep in mind that nothing you write is going to be perfect, especially your first draft
Think of writing your first/early drafts not as writing, but sketching out a loose foundation to build upon later
People write multiple drafts for a reason: write now, edit later
Stop googling synonyms and save that for editing
Write with a pen to reduce temptation to erase
Embrace leaving blank spaces in your writing when you can't think of the right word, name, or detail
It's okay if your writing sucks. We all suck at some point. Embrace the growth mindset, and focus on getting words on a page
Lack of inspiration (easiest to fix)
What it looks like:
Head empty, no ideas
What do I even write about???
I don't have a plot, I just have an image
Want to write but no story to write
Things that can help:
Google writing prompts
If writing prompts aren't your thing, instead try thinking about what kind of tropes/genres/story elements you would like to try out
Instead of thinking about the story you would like to write, think about the story you would like to read, and write that
It's okay if you don't have a fully fleshed out story idea. Even if it's just an image or a line of dialogue, it's okay to write that. A story may or may not come out of it, but at least you got the creative juices flowing
Stop writing. Step away from your desk and let yourself naturally get inspired. Go for a walk, read a book, travel, play video games, research history, etc. Don't force ideas, but do open up your mind to them
If you're like me, world-building may come more naturally than plotting. Design the world first and let the story come later
Boredom/Understimulation (lost the flow)
What it looks like:
I know I should be writing but uugggghhhh I just can'tttttt
Writing words feels like pulling teeth
I started writing, but then I got bored/distracted
I enjoy the idea of writing, but the actual process makes me want to throw my laptop out the window
Things that can help:
Introduce stimulation: snacks, beverages, gum, music such as lo-fi, blankets, decorate your writing space, get a clickity-clackity keyboard, etc.
Add variety: write in a new location, try a new idea/different story for a day or so, switch up how you write (pen and paper vs. computer) or try voice recording or speech-to-text
Gamify writing: create an arbitrary challenge, such as trying to see how many words you can write in a set time and try to beat your high score
Find a writing buddy or join a writer's group
Give yourself a reward for every writing milestone, even if it's just writing a paragraph
Ask yourself whether this project you're working on is something you really want to be doing, and be honest with your answer
Intimidation/Procrastination (often related to perfectionism, but not always)
What it looks like:
I was feeling really motivated to write, but then I opened my laptop
I don't even know where to start
I love writing, but I can never seem to get started
I'll write tomorrow. I mean next week. Next month? Next month, I swear (doesn't write next month)
Can't find the time or energy
Unreasonable expectations (I should be able to write 10,000 words a day, right????)
Feeling discouraged and wondering why I'm even trying
Things that can help:
Follow the 2 min rule (or the 1 paragraph rule, which works better for me): whenever you sit down to write, tell yourself that you are only going to write for 2 minutes. If you feel like continuing once the 2 mins are up, go for it! Otherwise, stop. Force yourself to start but DO NOT force yourself to continue unless you feel like it. The more often you do this, the easier it will be to get started
Make getting started as easy as possible (i.e. minimize barriers: if getting up to get a notebook is stopping you from getting started, then write in the notes app of your phone)
Commit to a routine that will work for you. Baby steps are important here. Go with something that feels reasonable: every day, every other day, once a week, twice a week, and use cues to help you remember to start. If you chose a set time to write, just make sure that it's a time that feels natural to you- i.e. don't force yourself to writing at 9am every morning if you're not a morning person
Find a friend or a writing buddy you can trust and talk it out or share a piece of work you're proud of. Sometimes we just get a bit bogged down by criticism- either internal or external- and need a few words of encouragement
The Problem's Not You, It's Your Story (or Outline (or Process))
What it looks like:
I have no problems writing other scenes, it's just this scene
I started writing, but now I have no idea where I'm going
I don't think I'm doing this right
What's an outline?
Drowning in documents
This. Doesn't. Make. Sense. How do I get from this plot point to this one?!?!?! (this ColeyDoesThings quote lives in my head rent free cause BOY have I been there)
Things That Can Help:
Go back to the drawing board. Really try to get at the root of why a scene or story isn't working
A part of growing as a writer is learning when to kill your darlings. Sometimes you're trying to force an idea or scene that just doesn't work and you need to let it go
If you don't have an outline, write one
If you have an outline and it isn't working, rewrite it, or look up different ways to structure it
You may be trying to write as a pantser when you're really a plotter or vice versa. Experiment with different writing processes and see what feels most natural
Study story structures, starting with the three act structure. Even if you don't use them, you should know them
Check out Ellen Brock on YouTube. She's a professional novel editor who has a lot of advice on writing strategies for different types of writers
Also check out Savage Books on YouTube (another professional story editor) for advice on story structure and dialogue. Seriously, I cannot recommend this guy enough
Executive Dysfunction, Usually From ADHD/Autism
What it looks like:
Everything in boredom/understimulation
Everything in intimidation/procrastination
You have been diagnosed with and/or have symptoms of ADHD/Autism
Things that can help:
If you haven't already, seek a diagnosis or professional treatment
Hire an ADHD coach or other specialist that can help you work with your brain (I use Shimmer; feel free to DM me for a referral)
Seek out neurodiverse communities for advice and support
Try body doubling! There's lot's of free online body doubling websites out there for you to try. If social anxiety is a barrier, start out with writing streams such as katecavanaughwrites on Twitch
Be aware of any sensory barriers that may be getting in the way of you writing (such as an uncomfortable desk chair, harsh lighting, bad sounds)
And Lastly, Burnout, Depression, or Other Mental Illness
What it looks like:
You have symptoms of burnout or depression
Struggling with all things, not just writing
It's more than a lack of inspiration- the spark is just dead
Things that can help:
Forget writing for now. Focus on healing first.
Seek professional help
If you feel like it, use writing as a way to explore your feelings. It can take the form of journaling, poetry, an abstract reflection of your thoughts, narrative essays, or exploring what you're feeling through your fictional characters. The last two helped me rediscover my love of writing after I thought years of depression had killed it for good. Just don't force yourself to do so, and stop if it takes you to a darker place instead of feeling cathartic
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roabythecow · 5 months
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Now I know what you're thinking...
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I AGREE! 😃 But I assure you, this server is full of pretty chill people, and your typical discord drama is at the bare minimum.
We also prioritize keeping the server small—90 members is our limit—so as not to be overwhelming. We're currently at 45 members (but surprisingly active 🤯), because we took a sit back from advertising since we were comfortable with the size and vibe of our server overall, but we're back at it, and guess what! Since we have a member limit, this is your
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"But OP!!! I want to know MORE about this server before joining!! 🥺" You may or may not be saying because you're just so damn impatient and want the link immediately 🙄 /silly
Well, my dear dear Tumblr user, our writing community is diverse, from poets to original authors to fanfiction writers of all genres! And our range of skill levels is just as wide. We have people just stepping foot into the writing scene to folks who've been stuck in the paragraphs for centuries. We chat about our stories, share our work, brainstorm, proofread, and do prompts and sprints. However, I would like to make it clear that our server is more of a writing community, so it isn't as writing-focused as other writing servers out there. I'd say it's 60% fun shenanigans and 40% writing-related. Aside from the writing akin, there's plenty of fandom talk, artwork sharing, fun as hell VCs, movie nights, and speechless music bot VCs if you're feeling extra introverted. /pos
We're also very queer and non-neurotypical up in here. It's a safe space for all races, disabilities, genders, sexualities, and identities. If you're not chill with that, you're not welcome here.
Here are some of our reviews! ✨️
(Please zoom in to read.)
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Now my precious ADHD Tumblrina, don't you scroll away just yet if the link doesn't work! You see, because we value a safe environment on our server, we shut down this link once we reach our max amount of members! So please, DM me for a link if necessary, and I'll let you in as soon as there's space! I DON'T BITE! What do you take me for, a horse?
😯 Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, our Tumblr famous server residential horse girl @penciled-palominos
What do you take me for, a toy playing kid?
😯 Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, our Tumblr famous server residential LPS enjoyer @lpsotd
Crazy how I just bumped into those famous people on our server... 🫢
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We can't wait to meet you!
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not-goldy · 3 months
I was listening Taemin's Guilty and am I the only one who hears a subtle hint of "Lie" in it? Its a damn shame we haven't gotten another song like Lie by Jimin. He would absolutely own a track like that cause I could actually hear him singing Taemin's Guilty. And he would have ate that song & choreo up. Wwe already seen what Jimin could with that cause we saw that temptress at work during that Guilty challenge that he did with Taemin. That is what I have been wanting so badly from him during his solo work. Give me sultry Jimin & some kick as choreo that only he can pull off and we will watch others struggle to try to recreate. Give me Guilty, Give me WHO ft JK 2.0. Give me Under The Influence. Give me Earned It. Give me I'm A Slave For You. Please I beg Jimin.
Eh?? Subtle hint???????
The said hint
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Its the concept of the song, the tempo, mentioning Lie directly etc
He's been compared so much with Jimin in the past because they had similar sounds and style and I honestly thought Jimin would be making music in that genre forever but I'm glad he went the other route of evolving his own unique style too.
Lie and Guilty are two of the greatest Kpop hits and I recall when Guilty came out fans were making mashups of the two songs and all it was epic.
Two amazing talented singers and musicians.
I actually like Taemin's music. Guilty reminds me in part of his Advice with his signature hook and all but I do see the similarities with Lie also.
You see, you have to be patient with Jimin. He needs to make music that feeds his soul and that comes from his soul first. His best hits are songs he'd searched deep inside him for. He has his own idea of what he wants his discography to look like, he has his own musical journey he is on. He's an artist and an entrepreneur and he gotta test what makes money what don't what needs money and what don't.
You want lie, well he's done Lie and he's moved on to other things too. Perhaps he's not in the same mind frame he was in when he came up with Lie and Promise.
Remember how Tae kept making melancholic songs and I told yall my boo single and depressed and then he started with the happy songs and said welp dude went and got himself a girlfriend.
Jimin is happy 😊
He is is a good place he wants to spread that joy and love. He wants to celebrate that love let him. He's not gonna conjure fake deep wounds and sing about the trauma he doesn't have anymore. Taemin is out here singing about using people, breaking hearts to a good rhythm and we love it. Not all art comes from a dark place. What he is doing is art too and I'm tired of people expressing dissatisfaction with it.
He said he's finally free and he means it yall are just some tortured souls walking earth. And not to psycho analyze yall but you were drawn to the wounds he had and now that it's all healed you can't relate. Don't you think it's why we victimize him the most? Poor boy who got bullied by his younger team mate, half his own Fandom hates, his company hates him, Billboard hates him, every body hates him- and yet he isn't crying about it in songs, he isn't leaving the said man or his company and we are confused as to why.
Whywhy.... tell em that it's human nature. Why why
This is where I start singing Michael Jackson on yall
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Not everything he puts out there will resonate and that's fine. It's still good music. Its just coming from a different place now.
Not everything gotta be so intense yall need to learn to be happy
Sultry Jimin will come in due season. It's summer time baby enjoy the sunshine- pan intended
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
One lowkey thing that kinda drives me insane about Taylor Swift is discussion about her music. I don't know how to explain this properly but... (sorry for the long ask)
She's not an excellent singer. She's fine, but as a good example from her own discography: look at Florida feat. Florence. Florence singing her verse made me wake up in that album and made me realize how the song could've been delivered! She sings it in a much more interesting way than Taylor did. This isn't even to speak towards other popular artists like Beyonce, Ariana, Lana, Olivia, Billie, etc. who all have their own signature vocal styles and delivery that are impressive and make their songs.
I don't know. It feels bizarre to have one of the biggest pop artists in the world to have such mediocre vocals. TTPD as an album I feel partly got killed because of the way she's so samey about her vocal delivery.
But her fans would say no it's not about the vocals, it's the songwriting. But then TTPD songwriting was meh and just awful at some parts (the 1800s racist line is weird. period. I don't care whatever essay defense they give it). What now? What's the appeal? Why does she get to release something mediocre and get all the attention and praise when some artists have released great albums this year?
Then there's also when she gets the weirdest praise for the mildest things that other musicians have done. Album eras? "Oh, she's so cool and different for that!" No, she didn't invent them, shut up. An album of fictional songs with a story? They act as if concept albums don't exist! The most minor of genre shifts (she's primarily exploring different types of pop) are treated as experimental and groundbreaking. The most milquetoast and shallow political music she ever wrote (YNTCD and The Man) are seen as iconic moments of speaking out. Like what?
It's just frustrating me. I remember when someone told me she screamed in some songs in TTPD (Who's Afraid of Little Old Me and The Black Dog iirc) and I listened to that album and I thought they were joking with me because what do you mean scream??? Why does she get praised for so much mediocrity holy shit!
I think this is why when I hear people say that there's swifties that only mainly listen to Taylor and Taylor-adjacent artists, I believe them. I feel like they're making so many impressed remarks about her work because that's all they know. That's how we get genre takes like someone saying Rep is punk or how they want her to make a rock album. I feel like that's how we get stupid stuff like Gaylors too. Because why listen to actually out queer artists if you can just reimagine your fave artist as queer?
Honestly, I just don't understand the attachment to her music? Every time someone tells me it's because she's relatable, I just shake my head because she's never been relatable to me, even back when I enjoyed her songs. Maybe I'm too un-USAmerican for this, but she was never very universal for me. I enjoyed her because she did fun pop songs. But now I've realized she's so frustratingly shitty as a person, I can't listen to her.
Sorry for the rant, but it's been hard to find a space for this without getting attacked by swifties (especially as a poc).
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writer-freak · 8 months
Crackling Tension | Childe x Gn reader College AU
Summary: The undeniable tension between you and Childe had to snap one day and that day was finally here. 
The headcanons and the fic are separate and aren't intended to play in the same universe
Warnings: gn reader, modern au, college au, have never played genshin so could be ooc, fluff, kissing, english isn't my first language
A/n: Wrote this for my bestie's birthday but personally I don't really know anything about genshin, still tried my best because he is my bestie's fav character. I wasn't very confident in writing him so I did some headcanons and also a little fic (they are not really related to each other)
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more
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Childe as a Roommate (college Au):
Childe is that roommate who's always out partying
Whether it's a random weeknight or the weekend, you can bet he's got some plans or is trying to convince you to join him
His room is always cluttered with sports gear, gym bags, and probably a couple of questionable protein shakes
He's the guy who's always hitting the gym or asking you to come along for a workout, claiming it's a great stress reliever
Childe loves cooking, and surprisingly, he's good at it
Expect to come back to the smell of some mouthwatering food he's whipped up for the both of you.
And yes, he will brag about his cooking skills
There's a constant stream of friends coming and going from your shared apartment. Childe is social and has a wide circle of friends, so your place becomes the unofficial hangout spot
He's a bit messy but somehow manages to charm his way out of any cleaning responsibilities. You'll often find yourself picking up after him, but he'll make it up by treating you to his latest cooking experiment
Childe is surprisingly good with plants. He has a couple of potted ones in the shared living space, and he's convinced they respond better to his presence
You're not entirely sure if that's true, but you don't mind the greenery
His music taste is all over the place, one moment, you're hearing classical music and the next, it's heavy metal
Childe says that he believes in appreciating all genres
The atmosphere around Childe and you crackled with an undeniable tension, one that seemed to intensify with each day of your college life. From the moment Childe decided to sit in the seat next to you, the spark between you two was inevitable.
It all began innocently enough, with friendly exchanges and polite smiles. However, Childe's teasing nature couldn't be suppressed for long. He can't recall the specifics of that day, the one where he shifted from pleasant banter to outright teasing. All he remembered was the scowl that adorned your face in response, and for some reason, that scowl did something to him.
From that moment on, Childe made it a point to tease you relentlessly. It became a daily routine, a game of cat and mouse where he was the mischievous feline and you were the feisty mouse. The scowl on your face only seemed to fuel his determination, and your responses, though annoyed, held a subtle hint of something more.
The teasing became a dance, an unspoken agreement between two individuals who refused to acknowledge the magnetic pull drawing them closer. It wasn't just about the words exchanged, it was about the charged glances, the stolen moments when your eyes locked, and the unspoken understanding that lingered in the air.
Onlookers couldn't help but notice the palpable tension. Friends whispered about the chemistry, the undeniable attraction that hung between you two like an electrified thread.
Yet, neither of you were ready to admit it. Pride and uncertainty danced hand in hand, keeping the unspoken truth buried beneath layers of playful banter.
Then came the night of the frat house party. The air was thick with anticipation as the music played in the background.
Childe, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist pushing the boundaries. The teasing took a different turn that night, the playful banter evolving into something charged with desire. Perhaps it was the dim lights or the energy of the party, but the tension that had been building finally reached its breaking point.
Childe's teasing became more daring, and your scowls began to transform into smirks and witty responses. Amid the crowded party, the world around you faded into background noise.
It started with hands wandering, you don't even remember how you ended up in a corner together with Childe.
But it didn't matter how you ended here, the only thing important for you was to finally feel his lips on yours.
Childe on the other hand wanted to prolong the teasing for just a little longer, seeing you so desperate was his favorite look on you.
Instead of connecting your lips with each other he purposefully stayed away from them deciding to ghost his lips around your ear.
While he continued his ministrations, you knew that there was a way to finally make him buckle. You leaned closer to him and breathily said his name into his ear, and that just snapped something inside of him.
The tension that had defined every one of your interactions finally found release in the searing heat of that unexpected kiss, leaving both of you breathless.
As the kiss deepened, the world outside of your moment faded into the background. The music became a distant echo as you and Childe started to completely get lost in the moment. His hands found home on your waist, drawing you closer, while the teasing glint in his eyes transformed into a more earnest hunger.
For a moment, everything melted away, leaving only the raw, unfiltered desire that had simmered beneath the surface for so long.
Childe's lips moved against yours with a fervor that mirrored the intensity of the tension that had led to this moment. Every touch, every sigh, became a testament to the unspoken connection that you finally expressed.
In this moment you completely lost yourself, intoxicated by the feeling of Childe against you.
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Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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joequiinn · 4 months
The Dos and Dont’s of Fake Dating - inspo guide!
When I'm working on a story, I draw on all kinds of media as inspiration. I make lists of characters' fav movies or playlists that remind me of them, etc.
These are just some things I took inspo from/relate to Dos and Don'ts! I'm taking a brief pause in writing, so hopefully these will hold us over!
@sheneedsrocknroll92 and @steeldaisies because yall showed some interest!!
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I have a lil playlist full of songs that fit this fic's vibes in some way or another. There are various genres and tones and themes, so if you aren't afraid of bouncing around between types of music, this may be a fun way to vibe with the fic!
Mystery by Dio - this is 100% THEIR song, I've associated this with Eddie and ice princess since day one; it will also make an appearance in an upcoming chapter~
Just Tonight by the Pretty Reckless - this song is one I associate with a particular chapter that is drafted but not out yet, and the vibes in general really mesh with some of the themes of this fic.
Ghost, HIM/Ville Valo, & Twilight Creeps - I just listen to these artists a lot while brainstorming and writing this fic; some particular songs are on the playlist mentioned above!
David Bowie & Fleetwood Mac - sooo ice princess isn't really a music person, because I think it's a funny contrast to Eddie; however, I do think she has a few Bowie and Fleetwood vinyls/cassettes lying around that belonged to her mom, so that's the extent of her music knowledge lol
Can't Buy Me Love - originally, I wanted to write a story inspired by this movie; the setup is ridiculous and I love every minute of it, so if you want to see an early prototype Eddie x ice princess, I suggest watching this one!
10 Things I Hate About You - this was also a movie that I considered using as plot inspo; although they're not the same, I do think similarities can be found in the characters to some extent, especially Patrick = Eddie.
Heathers - the vibes and fashion speak to be, and in another world maybe Eddie and ice princess would serve up some JD and Veronica vibes~
Halloween - it hasn't come up yet in the fic, but ice princess is a closet horror movie fan whose favorite is Halloween (no it's not her fav bc it's my fav what do you mean).
Bride of Chucky - Chucky and Tiffany speak to me on a spiritual level, and I feel like Eddie x ice princess give some of these vibes??? Also RIP Eddie Munson, you would've LOVED Child's Play.
Labyrinth - I picture ice princess having a lot of similarities with Sarah, which I didn't initially notice when I was first writing. There have been many lines I've written that I can SO clearly hear in Jennifer Connelly's voice, so she's a big inspo for this fic. Also, I love Bowie
That 70s Show - putting aside all the real-world controversies, I was obsessed with Jackie & Hyde when I was a kid, and I think you can clearly see a similar character dynamic with Eddie and ice princess.
Married... With Children - have yall SEEN Kelly Bundy??? enough said.
Evil Ernie - maybe you've seen my other Eddie posts, but I've mentioned before that the vibes of this comic series and it's titular character remind me of Eddie, so that's all.
Flight of Icarus - yes, yes, I know that this is literally a book about Eddie, but I still think it's worth noting that I've used the book as some reference, but for the most part I haven't included it too much (I also haven't read it sorry not sorry)
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badscientist · 1 month
Writeblr Interview Tag
tagged by @sableglass. thanks! im breakin out the proper syntax for this one.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
No idea. I haven't explored writing enough to know what I prefer. As a teen, I wrote a lot of poetry due to the affliction of Being A Teenager and drug-related conflict between my parents. Then as I got older, I wrote mostly scenes for bigger ideas. Dead Meat just happened to turn from a dream into a planned three-parter with six total characters (Betsy, Sanderson, Clive, Ankhanum, Betsy's mom, Eleanor), but as you can see, that didn't quite work out.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Overwhelmingly horror. A sprinkling of fantasy here and there. More recently I've been into non-fiction. I have a few exceptions to my I Don't Read Fanfiction clause as well.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
The first five or so parts of Dead Meat were written by the seat of my pants. I did eventually sit down and outline the remainder of it. Even now, the final part isn't even fully drafted, but it'll get there.
What music do you listen to while writing?
Instrumentals. Videogame soundtracks are great for this. Big fan of writing to Silent Hill music.
Favorite books/movies?
For films, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Iron Giant, The Thing. …I absolutely love more movies than this, I swear, my brain just feels like fudge right now and unless I have a convenient list of my favorite things to refer to, I can't recall them. Same thing applies to books. I was a big Stephen King fan back in the day, less so as I've gotten older, but I don't think I'll ever be able to rid myself of the brainworms The Langoliers, The Dark Half, Tommyknockers and Firestarter gave me. I read them at formative times in my life and they'll always be nostalgic for that reason.
Any current WIPs?
Dead Meat. I have some other ideas I'd like to get to, but right now I'm trying to focus on that.
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
I depict 'OC Jacquin' in sweaters and coats a lot but the reality is I'm usually in a polo shirt or button-up and slacks, or boxers and tank tops. But those aren't as stylish and I have to look superficially cultured. (He also has long hair! My hair's very short IRL.)
Create a character description of yourself:
…Gonzo from The Muppets.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn't at least subconsciously write and incorporate traits people they know or have met or have seen into their work. So the answer's yes. Though the funniest example is my QPP Cinna, because they're a main character of a project to come.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
No. I get too attached. And then I'd feel sad about killing a person that isn't real. (Sweeps Ankhanum's murderous tendencies under a rug.) Don't look at that.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Water. I usually only drink coffee and tea when I first wake up.
Slow or fast writer?
Varies. Depends on how my brain's doing on a particular day. Feels like it's being cooked like an egg or in molasses and then it's slow going.
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
It all boils down to a love of horror and biology. I like two things. Don't look at me.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Ideally, Ankhanum. He's the coolest thing TO be in my work. But realistically, I'm just Jacquin. While he's a flavor of Ankhanum, he's also just some Guy (butch) with a body horror gimmick.
Most fav book cliche & least favorite cliche:
Combining these two because I really just do not read enough books to know. I'll give anything earnest a shake, even if it's not something I'm normally into.
Favorite scene to write?
They're tricky, but I get a thrill writing fight scenes. I'll actually paste a bit of the one I had the most fun with early on:
Suddenly, Betsy was in total darkness. She stopped in place and hung her head, trying to reorient herself. The generator didn't kick back on. She pulled the flashlight free from her belt. Though it'd make her a beacon in the night, its weight in her hand was a comfort.
Betsy reached the mudroom.
There. The door to the yard.
She ran for it. It burst open from outside the moment she put her hands on it, shoving her backwards. The weight of her bag was too much; she pinwheeled her arms and fell back onto it. The flashlight dropped from her hand, striking the ground. Betsy scrambled to get back up, grabbing for the light. Something lashed and knocked it further away. She was struck and knocked forward. She twisted herself around and rolled over to the flashlight.
Sanderson's pupil shrank as she shined the light on him. He stood between her and the way out, tail whipping behind him. His nostrils were flaring, not taking his eye off her.
"Doc. Get out of my way," she said.
Reason for writing?
Sanderson lunged. Betsy swung her flashlight at what was left of his head. His jaw grew, splitting open, catching the flashlight in his teeth. A few of them cracked from the force of him locking onto it. Chatting was officially off the table. Betsy strained against him. He growled around the light. She slammed her other arm up against his throat, pushing him back. The mouth on his stomach snapped at her.
There is a wall between myself and others that has always existed and this is a Manifestation of Othering the Neurodivergent (a mean kid is better at diagnosing mental illness than a psychiatrist, and even though this was 20-30 years ago, it Sticks), so writing is. A ladder. I can at least sit on my wall and wave to people.
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My current top 15 Anime and why
Because why the fuck not. I'm doing top 15 so that I have some variety behind it. Otherwise I would just be gushing non stop XD
15 -
(Edit: I was going to colour all the numbers because I wanted a rainbow. WHY THE FUCK FOR THEY CHANGE TO SMALL WHEN YOU COLOUR THEM??????)
Guess the titles of the anime get a small heading. Anyways. Onto the actual list!
Technoroid OVERMIND
Ayo. Starting out with a really random one. So if anyone were to look at my Anilist then they might be a bit confused. I decided I'd keep movies out of here as well as anything I haven't specifically finished. Also takt op. Destiny needs a re evaluation.
Anyways. This premise is so sick and I feel like they managed it really well. The characters were all really fun and the music was fantastic which is honestly the most important thing about Idol shows. I really like idol shows but often struggle with the stupid drama in them that just leads to seasons upon seasons that didn't need to happen or wouldn't actually happen.
In this they're just androids. The fantasy twist works so well for the genre and I honestly don't know why it isn't done more often. This way they can bullshit the drama and it actually makes sense.
Honestly my favourite character was Kite. He was great and his voice always gave me shivers. Especially his piece in the closing. Damn.
I don't want to go into full reviews with this, rather just gushing about things I like and stuff. I really don't think this got the recognition it deserves - probably because of it's deviation from the norm - but it would be cool to get some sort of sequel.
(Edit: There's a manga releasing apparently. Imma check that out.)
Continuing on with the trend of idol animes apparently. UniteUp! was so good. As I mentioned in my Reviews while I watch of the show, it felt so grounded and real that other idol shows just don't seem to capture. These were all real people with real problems dealing with real life.
I also like how we had such a large cast of characters but it never really felt overwhelming as they focused on group dynamics and specific individuals rather than trying to cram every single person into their own arcs.
Once again the music was fantastic and by god was this show pretty gay. Honestly I don't know what the sentiments of others are, but the Anela duo definitely weren't straight and neither were Akira and Daiki. That bath scene says it all.
Anyways. If you want a fun time with a really solid idol anime, please check it out. I saw earlier that we're getting a season two soon. I am so looking forward to it.
Trigun Stampede
Damn! I don't even know what to really say about this one. The visuals are absolutely stunning - there is no doubt about that. The score and the characters are excellent. And how dare they leave us on that cliff hanger.
I have absolutely no history with this story and still need to watch and read the originally but I am really looking forward to seeing how the story adapts between the three.
You can ask my partner. I've already said we're watching everything trigun related as soon as we are done with our current show.
I'm really looking forward to season two. And especially seeing how this all pans out. Apparently there will be tears according to the fandom. Concern.
Damn this show came out of nowhere for me. I watched it quite awhile ago and have been meaning to rewatch it again.
The premise is definitely a sports anime but honestly so different. All because of one thing. The fact that he is an amnesiac is such a fascinating concept to work with - especially with how he was before (trying not to spoil - can't remember when this comes up in the anime)
And then the ending?? Damn. They seriously set up that cliff hanger and I really hope this show gets a sequel.
I really can't say too much about it without giving away some spoilers but damn does it change up the formula and do it so fucking well.
Given is great. Such a pure but heartbreaking portrayal of love on one side with such conflicting but also nurturing views on the other. Having the different realtionships throughout this is really well done how they all bounce off of each other. Especially when they entertwine it with the music.
As it is said. That is how they communicate - through the music.
I'm busy catching up with the manga and really hope the anime continues with it.
Also the fucking is just fucking gorgeous. It has no write to hit you that hard.
Also - something else that shouldn't be allowed to hit you that hard. Damn Mafuyu has had a difficult past. We love how he learns to heal and grow with Uenoyama at his side.
Anyways, moving on.
Okay. Who said a sports anime could be this pretty.
I love the art style and the music throughout all of this. I love the portayal and the evolution of these character - seriously all their arcs are great. The interactions of the team is so tangible and real.
I watch a lot of sports anime and I often struggle with some of the drama used within the sports - it feels like the only thing that ever fuels the story is the matches. Whereas in Bakuten - the character seriously fuel the story. You can understand their motivations much more than just - I want to play this sport and be the best!
I also feel like they really captured everything really well in the movie. The whole concept of wanting to sore is great and really well executed.
I also love the interactions they have with the other team. It's not just a once off competition or practice match that they face each other. We actually get tangible characters for the whole team and see how much they two teams are similar to one another. It's a very healthy rivalry that isn't normally this expanded on in sports anime.
Sasaki and Miyano
Yesssssss. These two are just absolutely amazing. Their whole story arc and relationship is just tooth rottingly sweet. They bounce off of each other so well.
And I love the fact of how slow the actual story is. They meet at the start of Miyanos first year (from what I know - I still need to read the novels) and sasaki's second and they only end up confessing just before graduation happens. It really plays out well and is so healthy.
There is no problematic elements like in so many BL stories which is such a breath of fresh air. And the fact that sasaki is very specific about making sure to maintain boundaries to ensure that miyano is comfortable is also excellent.
On a slightly different note - I still need to see the Hirano and Kagiura movie. Been dying to watch it. I've been keeping up to date with both manga and both of these stories are amazing. I love the dichotomy of the two stories and how they are coming to their own realisations of their feelings in honestly very different ways.
I also recently watched the dub of the anime due to some videos on tiktok. Fucking hell it is absolutely hilarious. Kellen Goff as Sasaki has no reason for being that good. Seriously. Damn.
Link Click
On a completely different note. Damn this one makes you questions your own morals and reality as you know it.
I really don't want to get into this one much as I do believe watching it blind is the best way to go.
The art style is fantastic and that opening hits like a truck it is so good. The characters just click (pun not intended) and you just understand their motivations and don't know which side to side with most of the time. It brings about such high moral dilemmas that will seriously mess with your brain sometimes and there is one episode that will likely make you cry.
Anyways. Season 2 has just started airing and I am so ready for it.
Buddy Daddies
Why did a show about two queer platonic dudes who adopt a child while beings assassins hit so damn hard.
The show jumps between episodes with backstory and episodes with them just being good dads and it is balanced so well. This anime won't end up getting a sequel most likely with how it ended but damn I wouldn't say no to one.
Rei is my favourite character and I relate to him far too much. His interactions with the world are so fascinating and his whole arc with Miri is honestly some of the best media I've seen.
I absolutely loved watching this show weekly and it always brightened up my day when I realised a new episode would be up.
If you would like further thoughts on this one then check the Reviews while I watch on it for more chaos.
No Game No Life
So. This was the first ever anime that I ever watched. It was a random recomendation from a friend. Look at where we are today.
This show is honestly just so fun. The characters are silly and the whole plot is just absolute chaos. I really enjoy the games aspect and how it was all incorporated into the world.
I can't even really say much about it. It is just a guilty pleasure of mine and will always hold a special place in my heart.
Also. Please can it just get a second season already.
Assassination Classroom
So. Unlike everything else on the list - this one I only finished really recently. My partner and I were watching it together. And to put it out there straight away. I cried. That ending was far too emotional.
I really enjoyed the humour throughout the whole thing as well as the constant underlying dread of the whole situation.
They also really played out Koro-senseis backstory really well. The teasing to it was excellent. I must say though that one of the twists seriously came out of left field. Like damn.
I've just recently bought the boxset and am reading through the manga. Once again. It's absolutely amazing.
Also the openings of them all jumping are absolutely fucking hilarious and you can't tell me otherwise.
If you want to know what officially sold me on the show was just in the first episode. (Note we watched in dub)
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Don't ask me why but I found this to be the most hilarious thing ever. The absurdity and the line delivery was magnificent. I annoy my partner by quoting it atleast once a day.
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan
Speaking of comedies. This show has no right to be this good. The absudist dead pan comedy in the middle of whats meant to be a TV show is such a random premise but just works so well.
Due to the nature of the show, the characters are extremely relateable. I especially love Kumatani and Kikaku.
If your on the same side of anime tiktok that I am then you have definitely seen/heard snippets of the dub.
I think this was the first anime that I originally watched in sub and then tried it in dub and actually enjoyed it. (I often find that whatever I originally watched it in is the only one I can watch it in - it's very difficult for me to change it)
The voice acting on both sides just works perfectly for the show. And that final episode and how they did it was the best thing ever.
Please just give it a try.
Angel Beats
Okay. Time for a hard hitter. This comedy like assassintaion classroom is fucking excellent but will make you cry, like damn.
In complete and utter contrast to No game no life, this was the second anime I had ever watched. I had found a video that gave some suggestions and thought I would give this one a try. When I say it destoryed me, I mean it literally. I constantly think about the end of this and I absolutely love revisiting it.
The twist and turns along the way are fascinating and I love how each one alters the characters and the narrative. Each of the characters feel unique - even the lesser developed side characters - with fascinating and complex backstories.
The whole thing just makes you question your own place in life.
Moriarty the Patriot
Another one I just randomly tried because I saw a video on tiktok. The first episode immediately pulled me in. I thought it was just going to be some simple detective story (At the time I didn't know much about Sherlock Holmes and who Moriaty was so I didn't have any of that to guide me into this story.) But nope.
I keep saying this but in this one I really mean it. The characters are built so well. The dichotomy between William and Sherlock - as the fandom would probably agree - is just amazing. How they bounce off of each other - i don't even know how to really descirbe it.
Honestly just go watch it.
And if you enjoyed the anime - please go check out the manga too. If the anime was done well - then the manga is done to lamost perfection.
This show was what got me into reading and then eventually buying manga. I now have every single one that is out.
Yuri!!! on ICE
Did I make the title gay? Yes.
Okayyyyy. This is just going to be me going on about how much I love this show. Bare with me.
So I was in an anime watching slump just before I picked up this show. I had been seeing some videos popping up talking about it and decided to give it a try (this was in 2020)
I immediately fell in love with this show. Literally everything about it. I ended up rewatching it three times over the course of a week. It got to a point where I was so upset that there wasn't more content for it that I just cried for half a day. (Ask my partner - it was chaos)
This show is the reason I now read fanfiction - all because I found a way to technically have more content for it.
This show holds such an important place in my heart that I sincerely cannot express it properly.
If you've never watched it - go give it a try. It would mean a lot - and hopefully one day we might get a season two.
Thanks for reading, if you managed to get to this point. I find it interesting how my explanations managed to slowly get shorter throughout the list as I just started becoming more emotional than factual.
I hope you enjoyed it and maybe grabbed a recommendation or two. If you'd like to know more or hear me ramble on more about anything in particular then please let me know.
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cloudninetonine · 8 months
Reading the crossover stuff you've written for linked universe is rotting my head so much that it got me back into writing!!! (which is honestly a miracle I haven't written anything for myself in ages)
but like. I'm imagining a player's aid! insert who's also a big fan of Sky: Children of the Light (great game btw very fun with friends I recommend hehe)
and one day they just. find a random sky child????? In Hyrule??? so obviously since the sky child is all on their own where they really shouldn't be, mc just. adopts a kid. they can't really communicate well, if at all, except through very very exaggerated body language and gestures (emotes in the game is a common way to talk with strangers. or spam honking to get someone's attention. imagine the noise.) but eventually the player and the sky child become so close that they can just share looks or read each others body language and just know!
Wind has a new sibling now who is very happy to mess around and help play pranks on the others. The sky child wouldnt be afraid of Wolfie because they dont really have much reference for dangerous creatures except for the krill/dark dragons and Wolfie is too cute and small to scare them! Sky would probably really like them too because they can fly and they could be a really musically inclined sky child and be able to play different instruments! Like the harp in-game!! one of the links might find out about the child's arsonist related needs and be concerned, but the mc insists that the child is fine! Don't worry at all, Hyrule. They genuinely won't get any burns from standing directly on top of the campfire! they aren't a normal hylian child, they actually kinda need fire to stay alive and rain isn't good for them, it puts out their light. now I'm imagining angst with rain oh no-
the sky child (who would probably be a veteran who's been around a long time and was probably exploring out of bounds areas and somehow managed to get to Hyrule. whoops) is kinda confused but up for exploring this vast realm and find mc and they just. adopt this weird not-a-spirit-yet person who kind of has light too? so maybe a moth? (affectionate term for new players gicitdkgdigditdoyd)
and when the sky child first meets the chain, they are probably just freaking out over their clothes lol. cosmetics and basically dress up is a very big part of the game and the sky child would not be above begging to get their hands on their own really pretty blue scarf, black pelt, cool looking armour, etc etc.
So the sky child is super caring and protective over mc. they would probably bite legend at some point lmao. they can just sense the bad vibes from him! They don't really understand it, but legend doesn't like their moth, and obviously they won't stand for any slander so they bite :D (even if there could be a communication barrier because they can't speak the language, only HÖNK)
side note, I'm actually writing a crossover fic for linked universe and Sky:COTL. can you tell that i've been losing my mind over them??
Shameless plug in to my amazing friend @sketchyspook who has their very own Sky Linksona that y'all should check out!!
God I haven't played Sky in so long PIUFGP
Now back to the ask
I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH IT'S SO CUTE- Player adopts a little child is one of my favourite genres honestly. LET THEM BE A PARENT!!! Running around and trying to take care of their kids they're gonna be in aches and pains at the end of it all PIUGFPI
Very happy after it all, sitting on Player's lap while Legend glares across the camp and they honk happily
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jewish-vents · 6 months
I felt like an asshole today because I was honest with my (not jewish at all but trying to learn) fiance about how I am uncomfortable engaging with certain genres of music or artists they enjoy. This is because I was told growing up, and internalized, that it wasn't "for me" (because of being Jewish).
It felt like talking to a brick wall. Them not understanding how often I was told directly and indirectly "this isn't for you. you don't belong here. stop trying to steal it. you can't possibly relate to me/us." for so many things. All while seeing them accept other people who were also "different" or mixed in some way.
I'm "accepted"... until I mention being Jewish. I can only claim one part of my heritage, because being Jewish seems to "taint" anything else to so many people. I grew up dissociative, because I am only whatever is convenient for other people. Whatever it takes to exclude me.
Just to have them constantly saying "but music and culture is for everyone!" on repeat and not understanding. How could I convey all 21+ years of "othering" to them?
I'm not trying to segregate myself. Just fucking tired of being booted out for something I can't control. I know I look like a callous asshole, maybe even a bit backwards, but I'm tired of the hurt. I wish they could understand, but I'm glad they can't relate.
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danlous · 3 months
What are your hopes / predictions for Season 3?
I think and hope that Louis will stay as very important for the story and isn't reduced to a sidecharacter or just Lestat's love interest. It's the single most important thing to me. I think him and Lestat won't get back together until later but they'll still be interconnected and everything Lestat will do is related to Louis
They're going to do the whole rockstar Lestat thing, which has potential to be an incredibly entertaining storyline and it'll probably run through the whole season and possibly longer. Lestat's rock star era is a reaction to the book being published, but i've seen people speculate that in this version he isn't angry at Louis for it, and more at Talamasca and Daniel, and the tour thing could be partially to protect Louis by distracting vampires who're planning to kill him. I think that could be the case but i hope there's still some friction between Lestat and Louis about the book and different versions of events because i thought that was interesting in the original series. Wrt Lestat's music and stage persona it sounds like it's not going to be traditional rock and more like a mix of different genres
I don't know are we going to see ghost!Claudia yet at this point (i think it might reduce the impact of her death like i felt the appearance of dreamstat sometimes reduced the impact of his 'death') but i think her presence and absence will be heavily felt. She'll be constantly in every character's mind
Though s3 has been called TVL season i'm sure it's going to be structured very differently than the book because TVL being almost entirely flashback doesn't really lend itself to television medium, it would grind the plot to halt. I think the flashbacks are going to be interspersed with the modern time scenes, and at least half of the story is going to take place in the present. I think Lestat telling his story to Louis is one possible way they can bridge the timelines and also involve Louis more
The entirety of the Vampire Chronicles lends itself poorly to television adaptation, because it's so dialogue/internal monologue and description heavy, has so much origin stories, and often has little plot or the plot sucks. I think as Rolin has already implied, they're going to mix the best and most adaptable elements from all the books of the series rather than going in order book by book. So we'll likely see things from qotd and later books already in s3
I think what Assad said about making 'what happened between Armand and Daniel in Dubai' the new 'what happened in San Francisco' and doing a whole bottle episode focusing on it is a great idea, would love if they actually did that. I'm very curious to see what's going on between Armand and Daniel, and learn more about Armand and his motivations. Not to sound like an annoying stan who can't accept different interpretations of their fave, but Armand is one of my favorite characters of all time and i thought his characterization in the show was amazing for 2 seasons until this finale where i thought it felt pretty confusing and shallow, and stuff related to Armand and his relationships with other characters felt very rushed and inconsistent with his earlier characterization. I trust that there's going to be more to it, and i hope that more is good and complex enough to feel satisfying to me
GABRIELLE! Gabrielle is one of the best characters in the books and i'm really excited to meet her and find out who's playing her and how she's going to be portrayed. And like Sam has said several times now the dynamic between her, Lestat and Louis is so interesting. With writers who actually care about Louis and Gabrielle as characters in the way Rice didn't it's going to be an absolute hydrogen bomb of a dynamic. Can't wait for the best worst mother-in-law and son-in-law relationship of all time
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neonscandal · 1 year
Hello...just want to say, so happy !! Finally my best friend who is anti-shipping in shounen (and love to make fun of me because I have ships in every shounen that I watched/read), said that he can't find any het explanation for Gojo/Geto and Bakugou/Midoriya relationships...
Especially when I showed him your posts (that is based in canon and so true). Thanks for sharing your wonderful posts....
What do you think about JJK s2 op1 and ed1? I can't believe when I reas that the op is about geto from gojo's perspective (so romantic)....
OH ANON. HAVE I GOT SOME BRAINROT FOR YOUUUU. I've also noticed some of my older Satosugu posts are attracting attention and subsequently feel like I need to just list out all the most tragic things about them that I hold dear in a separate post because you've basically prodded a festering wound within me.
Re: Your last ask (maybe the same person?), I really only tried to focus on stuff that's already been animated because I try to avoid spoiling the fun for everyone. 🥹✨
It's hilarious that Gojo/Geto and Bakugou/Midoriya are the two relationships that stick out specifically considering their creators intently make them complements of one another.
Gege Akutami cited specifically that Gojo and Geto were designed to be a duo in an interview with Mandou Koboyashi (shout out to twitter user @/soukatsu_ or @soukatsu here as the real MVP for translating and adding further context for other fans). Fans seem to recognize their yin and yang design everywhere. There are countless salt and pepper shaker videos set to Ricky Montgomery's "Mr. Loverman" on tiktok, I'm positive. This is despite being marked by their dissonance.
Kohei Horokoshi has Bakugou and Midoriya recognized as two halves of the same whole by other characters in the story, most remarkably All Might who in many ways carves the deepest chasm(s) between them. The wax and wane of their unique development as individuals being integrally related is also something to note.
But this isn't unique to these two stories. I haven't even watched Naruto but know that Naruto and Sasuke serve as the sun and the moon to one another (literally within the story, their seals and by design/disposition) and I'm sure we could find this in other shows I haven't hyperfixated on haha
There's probably nothing new I can add to the MLM shipping discourse in shonen/seinen genres that hasn't been said, especially when it's been so eloquently broken down by IG user @/ariavelz. I also think there's a fair amount of queerbaiting in mainstream media and anime alike. Five seasons of Free! comes to mind...
Now the MUSIC!? In JJK? Bestie.
S1 already had me gagged with this brain worm. But, the fact that the song playing during Yuta and Rika's final moment in the fight vs. Geto and subsequently during the final moments Gojo and Geto share in that alley in JJK 0 was called "This is Pure Love"??? That's when I knew there were some Satosugu's on staff at Mappa. I don't think we need to dig into the parallels of how Yuta's fondness for Rika being the catalyst for her becoming a curse was the same way Gojo's fondness subsequently led to Geto's "comeback". Gojo, based on his experience at the time, said "love is the most twisted curse of them all" and time showed him just how twisted it really could be in season 2.
NOW THE OP!? It's just so lonely. Their cursed techniques being at odds with one another is so tragic, in a sense, and ultimately creates this divergence from one another. Geto, a genius of diligence, nobly consumes and sullies himself with the curses he has to imbibe like a martyr. Gojo, a genius of happenstance, is pristine. Born into privilege and untouched by the need to work hard or literally touch curses which Geto later grows to resent.
Meanwhile, Gojo's largely a product of isolation as imposed by his status and cursed technique and "Ao no Sumika" or "Where Our Blue Is" by Tatsuya Akitani waxes on about how, despite his best efforts, he could never reach Geto. The irony. As the story continues, we do, in fact, see that Gojo's never changed in the canonically affectionate way he regarded Geto. I think about this dissonance a lot. Literally, how did your Six Eyes miss that?
We could have shared everything. // Little by little since that day, // The curse of me being different from you grew thicker. The sorrow behind your smile, // All the way, I’ve regretted missing it. // To you, who bloomed and fell away as a fruitless flower, // Farewell. Our blue still lives, // Our blue is still clear. // No prayer or word could ever reach you, // No matter how close they could get to you. // In such a color as if it were a silent love, // Or as if it were a summer rolling down a cheek. // I’ve got a curse word for you stuck in the back of my throat. It is the unvoiced voice that says, // “We’ll see each other again, won’t we?” // Like star grains in an infinitely expanding galaxy, // Spilling through the gaps between my fingers
Now, I initially assumed the EP was from Gojo's perspective because Geto only seemed to smile in his presence (who's blushing face are we trying to see, afterall?). However, it is said to be from Geto's perspective and that, too, makes sense. Two viewpoints acting as bookends of the history between them.
I think what's sad about it is the way in which Gojo's POV is centered wholly on Geto, regardless of who or what he became; whereas Geto's perspective is more broadly applied to Gojo in part but also his own turmoil and moral dilemma.
Part of why Geto is thrown into such chaos is because of his inherently principled existence and yet, he is still the moon to Gojo's sun (Naruto, what are you doing heree?). Where Gojo always held a place for Geto, I think Geto assumed that his radicalization and subsequent defection marked a departure from Gojo because he was never really one to exist in shades of grey. Even if his impetus for this new society was ultimately to protect Gojo (and others like him) in the only way he felt he could.
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Before my goodwill crumbles away, // I should have told you everything. // In a life descending and dissolving into the night, // Fuzzy emotions, a flickering light. With nothing to search for, love sways. // Living while concealing, // Hence, the moon is dark, head in flight. // Today, unable to go anywhere. // Sleeping, sleeping towards a brand new morning, // Loneliness under crying Though I understand a wounded heart // Why do I end up hurting and leaving the same scars? // Labeling it as ego, grouping it all together, // The true essence of you and me, burning transparently. Longing for change, but the feelings stay the same, // Only the form crumbles away, // Holding onto the hand of hope, your ghost Realizing that something seemingly everywhere // Exists only here, // In the trivial silence of the night. // Only I, residing in memories, awaken It exists only here. // I want to touch you, // Even with trivial conversations. // Show me your blushing face once more...
Pardon me, anon, while I burst into flames after reflecting on all this. 🫠
Edit: just adding this visual for everyone because SAME. 🥹
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RPWP let's go! To be honest, I didn't know the album dropped today. I thought Lost was another pre-release and that the album would drop in June, but I think that's NJs new album?
Anyway, I watched the Lost MV after waking up and was kind of disappointed. Namjoon's always a mixed bag (except in collabs). I don't understand his way of writing and expressing himself, and find it quite indigestible and dense; his English rap is very slurred most of the time too. Yes, he's incredibly intelligent, can write amazing lyrics, and his Korean rap can be insane, but a lot of the times I can't enjoy his songs. I tend to like his features more (he has some amazing ones, like Change, Sexy Nukim and Don't).
Hours later, I'm back from work and have listened to his album:
Right People, Wrong Place: Nice intro, but immediately his English accent and the way he sings in English is off-putting. The track is also very alternative and indie, which are genres I don't vibe with.
Nuts: Very interesting song... The way he's rapping in the beginning is a bit... it doesn't work super well. I loved the outro though - that part was cool. Overall, it's a good song. People went fucking crazy over the "she's a pro-rider", and also "he's a pro-rider", but I'm not sure this is Namjoon being a "bisexual king"; it's like the relationship from the guy's pov, which is why he says "no woman could stop him" and not "no man [RM] could stop him". But it's still a possible interpretation. I just see too many Armys taking everything he said literally and filling in the blanks with assumptions, creating their own narrative which is quickly being spread as the truth. People are saying RM cut his hair, started working out and deleted his IG pics because of a breakup and that he then got into situationships. I mean, this would be a normal thing to do but those could all be isolated events. You don't know if he cut his hair over a breakup?... Like, Army wants BTS relationship drama so much they act like they know everything. I admit I'm not a normal 20 year old, so who knows? I also wasn't keeping up with his Weverse lives.
out of love: Well, this whole album is very Sundance coming of age movie about a "cool yet lost guy in his 20s who goes to bars, drinks, smokes with this friends while contemplating his existence" which couldn't be further from my vibe. I hate indie music because it's slow, lethargic, whimsical, loose, and I'm neurotic, high-strung, literal, and uptight. I can't vibe with indie; I can't relate to normal 20 years old who smoke weed at parties. That's really nothing special, but to me it's a whole different universe. I have no friends or a life. I can't relate to Namjoon at all... Anyway, him saying "bitches" is not cool. I see Army praising him for hitting back at those who criticize idols for smoking, but, no man - unless he's explicitly queer and saying it and a fun manner, maybe, can use the word "bitch" imo. I fucking hate that word. I also felt like Namjoon was trying to copy black rappers in this song, but I'm probably too white to comment. Can't say I enjoyed the track. I feel really basic, but I'm too straight-laced, boring white girl to appreciate this album, sorry.
Domodachi: Eh... I was expecting the woman to be an amazing rapper, since I saw Army hype her up, but she's... alright? Lyrically, she's pretty basic - in this track at least. Also, it's so weird listening to Brits rap lmao. There's no translation of this track yet, so I don't really know the lyrics.
? (Interlude): I like classical music (won't include XXI classical music in this statement, which I know nothing about and is a lot different from what we traditionally think of as classical music), but I don't like jazz that much in general... Both are considered "intelectual music", but jazz isn't for me... I like structure and a certain repetitiveness in music. Improvisation is just confusing to me and, like, I'm so type A, I just can't vibe with it.
Groin: Joon's cursing is a bit too much in this album. The way he curses is a bit... aggressive?, yet at the same time giving Jungkook in Seven vibes. I guess that's the point. We have "bitch" here again. It's pretty disappointing... I thought he'd learned better. I read the lyrics translation from an account on X and on Genius, and they were quite different... The first was very anti establishment, the second less so. "Not a fucking diplomat" is great though. But I hate the chorus... "Get your ass out the trunk?"...
Heaven: Didn't particularly stand out. This song also doesn't have a translation yet (or I couldn't find one. It's been hours though. If this was an ot7, maknae line, or Yoongi track, 100% sure there would be multiple translations already).
LOST!: The woman singing in the beginning sounds so familiar... The song has a fun rhythm, and of all the RPWP tracks (aside from Come Back to Me), it's the easiest listening song. It actually represents the album very well, unlike Come Back to Me which is a clear outlier (feel kind of deceived, really) and easily the most GP friendly track (hence it being the pre-release). The song is fun but the English lyrics are just bad. The album's full of poorly written English lyrics. I guess it's on purpose? Don't like it, don't get it.
Around the world in a day: Another count for "bitch". The song's okay, butthe lyrics are... Honestly, it feels like the whole album is just vibes. What is he even saying? Heartbreak, anger, etc., but in terms of message, it's very repetitive. It's all so vague too? Don't know what he means because I like things spelled out to me - maybe that's my bad.
Credit Roll: Well, no use commenting haha.
Come Back to Me is the only relatable and truly enjoyable track to me. Sorry, I don't know how to appreciate this album and can't stand a lot of the English. I feel like RPWP highlights everything I like least about RM as an artist... While, I didn't enjoy the album on my first listen, it's cool how experimental it is and that it sounds nothing like idol music. BTS are so diverse musically. If you play this album to anyone and tell them it's BTS, they'll be in absolute disbelief lmao.
Second listen through and review here!
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elzphine · 16 days
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ About me! ⭑.ᐟ
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This post IS LONGGGG Hi I'm Ella, this page is mainly for me to rant and talk about things I like. Below is more about me as a person and my interests, I do like talking about my personal life to a degree without giving much information out just so you know. Ella isn't my real name either it's a nickname I go by on some of my socials.
Name: Ella
Age: I don't like going into specifics, but I do follow dnf's that restrict certain ages according to my actual age, just keep creepy things to yourself! <3
Just so you know I do tend to overshare on my posts, I try keeping an open mind most times, due to my personality and the way I was brought up I am relatively mean when talking about others even if I don't exactly mean to be. I don't necessarily trash talk people in specific but I tend to be overly honest with people which causes feelings to get hurt etc, etc. I speak what I perceive to be the truth so I lack friends irl..
Personality: It's changed almost every time I took the MBTI test, probably because I took it on 16p.. But I also self typed too and looked into how people who actually are the MBTI I call myself act and respond as a person and compared it with myself I so I guess it's self typing? I don't know. But INTJ is what I find most relatable to myself and how I perceive the world and interact with people. Not too sure of an enneagram I haven't found a free test for that yet.
Interests: Ani-manga, Horror genre things, JJK, PMM, Death note, tbhk, danganronpa. Drawing, Character design, Fanfic reading or writing, world building, character writing, Reality shifting, japanese folklore, I love using folklore when creating characters it is so much fun to interpret and create a design incorporating elements from history, or just irl things in general. I like hazbin hotel, don't come for me I hate the humor in it but I love the idea of the show being an interpretation of heaven and hell and the society in it. Harry potter kind of not really.. Never was much into it. give anime reccomendations pls I need more things to watch!!
Music taste: ANYTHING LITERALLY ANYTHING IM IN THE MOOD FOR I WAS ABLE TO LISTEN TO A 6 MINUTE SONG ABOUT CORNDOGS PERFECTLY FINE IDK HOW. I have bad hyperfixations when I comes to music genres so these are my tops, Emo claimed bands, female manipulator music, pop punk and some hardcore bands, I don't have any at the top of my head, but I was able to listen to black metal, death metal, parody songs the electro swing remix was fire! I can get down to taylor swift and baby shark, I can listen to drill, rap, phonk, songs in spanish or even swedish. country, folk idc. My playlists due to my recent revamp, Are more fixated on ariana grande, sabrina carpenter, mitski, lana, and very few taylor swift, I like alternative music too, I know I'm forgetting so many different genres but those were what I could list off best so keep that in mind. early 2000s-2016 music is top tier fyi. though frank Sinatra is a G oms.
Other random things: I'm all for self improvement and learning more about myself and other topics if I ever magically start liking something you know about by all means info dump, My fav seasons are fall and winter. I'm a winter baby <3 I prefer "cunty" music made by women rather than gay men or trans women (Love y'all too dw.) It just feels more authentic to me if you know what I mean, I can't properly like describe it for some reason but just trust me it's not because I hate that group of people. (I hate everyone equally !!!) I'm a medical NERD, my favorite medical dramas are HOUSE!!! HOUSE I LOVE YOU HOUSE PLS ADOPT ME AND TEACH ME EVERYTHING HE'S THE ICON PLEASE PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE. He's funny and I love his way of thinking. (I just realized we have the same personality type live laugh love that!!) My personality does kind of differ online due to the character limits on tumblr, because if it were up to me every one of these sections would have 5 different paragraphs per thing thank you. I'm an honors student idk if thats shocking to anyone but yea. This also probably will be more shitposting based just random takes from my perspective like reviews on starbucks drinks and just random events. the format is probably going to be more like, diary like idk? its just me posting my thoughts and leaving it out for you all more anonymously if ykwim? I was bullied all of my elementary years over a single unsanitary habit I had. (Picking my nose, like everyone made a point to leave me out due to this. EVERYONE collectively even when i stopped it still happened.) I'm insanely delusional not in a cute or quirky way like "omg he likes me guys" like no, I convinced myself for a month that I had schizophrenia even though I had 0 symptoms or auditory hallucinations or visual hallucinations. I did constant research and found myself on schizophrenia tiktok. Like dawg is trippin fr fr, overthinking and analyzing every little thing is my favorite hobby, so is daydreaming!! One time during a finance class I had I daydreamed that I was a single mom who lived a walking distance from the beach and I had the job i'm going for in the medical field. I loved that daydream so much, would've preferred to have a partner ngl.
Thanks so much for reading, apologies for it being so long my mind is so rampant and i have so much to say and so much input to give that it kind of gets hard to put it in simple sentences. If you're similar to me please follow and moot me or wtv yall do on tumblr I love people with similar mindsets and aspirations it makes me wanna do better in order to keep up.
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natalyabby · 2 months
𝐼𝓃𝒹𝒾𝑒 𝒜𝓇𝓉𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓈/𝒮𝑜𝓃𝑔𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝐸𝓎𝑒 ⭐︎🎨
If you're looking for small indie artists to pay attention to, check out this list! 🤍
Since starting to put out my own music I've been paying way more attention to small/new indie artists and it's been soooo fun; there are so many people out there creating the coolest, stuff who don't yet have nearly as many eyes on them as you'd expect. Here are a few smaller artists/projects that are on my mind! Most of these I literally found from YouTube recommendations lol :)
✩ Homade - Blue Fish
omg I found this last night and I loved it sooo much; it's so... strange, dreamy, creative, psychedelic. It's something that genuinely feels like it could've been written in the 90s but with the aesthetics and quality of something more recent. They are an all girl rock band from NYC. The video & song are just so pretty; and I can't get over how much fun they look like they're having. I'm obsessedd! Music that feels like some sort of trip is often the best kind 🐠★🦋
✩ Baby Bugs - He Loves Me (he loves me not)
Baby Bugs has been on my radar for about a year now, ever since they put out this song and I think I saw one of their posts on IG reels. I was mesmerised! I mean, y'all know how much I am a sucker for the flowergrrrl aesthetic (the singer, Bowie goes by they/them pronouns but for the sake of explaining the vibe). Bowie's voice & lyrics are very captivating and vulnerable in a way that makes them so unique. They've put out a lot of awesome songs but this one especially has me hooked- the heartbreaking sweetness of it 💞✩🤍
✩ Fcukers - Homie Don't Shake
This one was another iconic YouTube recommendations find. I don't know too much about this band from what I could find, I think they're relatively new to the scene; but this song is awesome lol. It genuinely feels like something out of the 2000s, I mean I can see this being in 'Skins'. What struck me about this one is I love how sweet the singer's voice sounds which makes a really pleasant juxtaposition with the upbeat, 'edgy' for lack of a better word genre. This is gonna be stuck in my head for a while ✌🏼❤️‍🔥
✩ Natalya - Garden of Love
You know I had to plug myself okay 😅🤍 this one caught my eye, because I spent many hours working on it & I am the sole creator aside from my bf helping with the guitar hahaha 🤪 if I had to talk about what I love about this song, I really am happy with how it's come out. My goal with this song was something like... Lana Del Rey in terms of dreamy, romantic siren-esque qualities; meets Nirvana or the Smashing Pumpkins in terms of 'edge', grunginess, casualness/relatability, etc. As an artist; especially an extra self critical artist, it's really a challenge to not look at my work and see everything I need to improve but I can at least honestly say that I like Garden of Love & would listen to it if I didn't know it was me 💐🪷🎨
✩ Natalie Madigan - Six Strings
I came across this artist & song on TikTok and woww, she is phenomenal! I think I overuse the word 'dreamy' but yet again I do find this piece incredibly dreamy, fun, sensual. This is just a short visualiser but damn, isn't it gorgeous? When I see artists like this, really all of the artists I've mentioned & more; it's a really good reminder of the way that level of fame or praise is not necessarily correlated to the quality of the art at all; because some of these people literally have flawless music & production, meaning, visual aesthetic, beauty, etc. but it still truly is a climb like any other to get 'noticed'. Which is why it's incredibly important to do it for yourself first. ✩💕🥀
✩ Ha Vay - Fragile
I believe I found Ha Vay off of YouTube too, I'm not sure but her music & aesthetics are just beautiful. I really resonate myself with the way she connects the beauty of nature & spiritual themes in with her music. This song, 'Fragile' talks about the beauty in fragility, in being sensitive, and how powerful it truly is. The way that spiritually, the person who is called 'fragile' has access to a certain magic and strength that not everybody can understand. As a very spiritual person who has spent years studying all things esoteric & contemplating the beautiful mystery life is; I am incredibly inspired by the way this artist manages to weave this sort of magic into her work. She gets a lot of comparisons to Kate Bush which I totally see with the whimsical vibes & beautiful soprano vocals. 🦋🕊️💞
So they're just a few of the many small artists I've had the pleasure of discovering online. I am definitely one of those people who can and will bang on about how I wish we could go back to a time in the past where music & art was more highly revered and approached with more authenticity, patience & integrity.. but then I see artists like this and I'm like damn nevermind! Music & art is still as alive as ever, it's just about paying attention to the right places! ✨🌙
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