#I just don't understand why she's still hanging around us and me specifically if that is the case
piningpercussionist · 9 months
Soooo at the risk of sounding insensitive… what happened that night when you and knives… made out. Like did you start it or did she start it or?
Good grief... how did you even hear about that? I seriously doubt Knives is talking about it, but yeah, here we go, since that's apparently just. Out there now. Fuck's sake... I'm drinking to cope with thinking about this one, but I'll answer you while I'm still clear headed first.
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Honestly? I can barely remember a good chunk of that night. After we got back from the beach and kept drinking, it gets sort of blurry for me? I was already pretty wasted when we got back to house, anyway.
I think I noticed Knives go skulking off by herself upstairs at some point, and I was... concerned. I mean, we'd been letting her drink with us, and I don't know if that was her first time or what, but I didn't want her to be sick all by herself if it was. That shit sucks, and I don't think anyone else was gonna step up to be there for her.
She wasn't sick though anyway, she'd just needed a breather- and apparently some advice. I remember her practically dragging me to the floor so we could sit and talk about one of my least favorite topics- Scott. Well, boys generally at first, but I knew she wanted to be talking about him, so in a very embarrassing move on my part, I decided to talk to her about Scott and I a little.
She seemed to really appreciate it, at least. But then...
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Ugh, I seriously feel so disgusting trying to parse through this again...
I don't know who started it. I mean, she was complimenting me before and stuff, so maybe it was her? But I just have this sinking pit in my stomach that it was me. Talking about Scott and our history always messes me up, bad. And having to see him and Ramona suck faces and be all over one another doesn't help in the slightest, obviously. I would've been pent up enough to snap from that alone, I just... I guess until then, I hadn't been concerned about being capable of something like that. Or maybe I just assumed I'd never be caught dead drinking with a seventeen year old, let alone...
*Kim lets out a very long sigh and hangs her head back for a bit, thinking.*
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... she said that stupid line, and then it happened. I find it really hard to believe it wasn't me. I'm just glad that's all that happened.
Things have been a little awkward with her since, at least for me. The way we talk sometimes, I don't even know if she remembers it. I mean, I barely do! I probably had a lot more to drink than she did, though. But I like Knives, really- she's fun and she's sweet, and she genuinely cares about our music. If she can behave like nothing happened, I can do the same no problem. I like having someone that isn't a meathead to talk to during practice, so if she's not running, screaming, for the hills, then I'll honor that, no matter how exhausting it may end up...
#I think I remember pulling myself off her at some point and having a bit of a freak out about it when I realized what we were doing exactly#I wanted to throttle myself so god damn badly#If that's not just my memory playing tricks I feel like I must have said something nasty or upsetting to her. I must have#I just don't understand why she's still hanging around us and me specifically if that is the case#I'm seriously going to go drown in something with a suitably repentant burn now. ALONE. In the safety of my room where no one can get +#+accosted I fucking guess. Ugh.#I'm worse than Scott fucking Pilgrim. How is this my life?#pine.txt#asks#anon#rp#kim pine#sp comic#spvtw#spvtwtg#spto#((ooc: this one probably absolutely does need to be tagged as Knives yeah))#knives chau#((ooc: anyway... this is my takeeee.... sort of..... it's been axed a bit. and I left some stuff vague or open to rebuttal for +))#((+ interactive purposes... so yeah...))#(ooc: I have a more indepth take for that I intend to write some time but it would likely be a while before it ever saw other eyes)#(ooc: just based on how my work parallel to book 1 has been going. will likely be written ages before it's seen)#(ooc: thank you for the ask! i am mildly stressed about hitting post on this ngl but it's literally canon and if i want to write about it +#(+ and publish it publicly I'm gonna have to Grow The Fuck Up about it <3 TwT)#(ooc: this is also one of the scenes I want to see other people's takes and thoughts on anyway so like. someone's gotta bring it up)#(ooc: as a note- i do think canonically bringing up scott is what brought it about but i also think it is equally if not more canon to me +#(+ that ramona was on her mind at the time as well. confusing gay thoughts sneaking up on you ya know? and then taking the opportunity +)#(+ immediately as a result without thinking about the consequences. testing the waters- do you really like girls? and I think she got her -#(- answer based on her actions.)#(ooc: whoop anyway i have no idea how long I have been working on this one so sorry for the delay! hope this was alright!)
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queerly-autistic · 7 months
One of my favourite things about S2 was that we got to see so much in terms of Ed's relationships with women, and it just made me love him even more (if that's humanly possible). We didn't see him interact with many women at all in S1 (I think it was only the posh ladies at the fancy party which was...yeah, not a good experience), so S2 actually giving us a glimpse into his friendships with all these (very different) kickass women was so, so special.
I love that, as messy and fucked up as they all are, and even with the 'well we're pirates, we're not normal and we will fuck with each other' threat that hangs over everything, Ed's relationship with Mary and Anne is still so affectionate, and they both thrown their arms around him the moment they see him. Even though Ed is incredibly tactile, I don't think we've actually ever seen him be hugged like this, and it's just so lovely to watch him be embraced and clearly feel very safe being embraced by these women (and I can't with the way he clings to them, as well). I also love that this is a wlw/mlm friendship; yeah it falls apart later and turns into delicious gay-on-gay violence (and I wouldn't alter a note of it), but I love seeing this sort of affection between queer women and queer men, there's not nearly enough of it.
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Don't even get me started on the BFF handshake he has with Anne - I want all the history there, give me six spin-off films about their adventures please.
And then we finally get a glimpse of his relationship with Jackie, which is similarly just lovely, but in a different way? You get the sense that they could sit there for hours, talking shit about the world, all whilst casually ripping the shit out of each other (but affectionately). You also know full well these two have talked extensively about men and know pretty much everything about each other's sex lives - we didn't see it, but I'm absolutely certain that Ed went into full gushing details about sleeping with Stede, just like Jackie did when she talked about The Swede fucking like a jackhammer (historical accuracy ftw).
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And, again, whilst they're still pirates, and it's messy, the entire thing feels incredibly...safe, particularly from Ed's perspective? He feels more comfortable around Jackie than he is around most other characters (apart from Stede), just like he was with Anne and Mary.
And then, just to hammer the point home even further that Ed has, generally, fantastic relationships with women, and connects with them, and feels relaxed and safe with them, you have Ed and Zheng becoming instant BFFs literally minutes after meeting each other. Ed goes 'ooh, very cool woman kicking ass and killing people, she shall be my best friend, immediately', and Zheng is automatically incredibly relaxed and open with him, too (suggesting she feels as safe and comfortable with him as he does with her).
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All I want in life is to see Ed and Zheng get silly-drunk with each other (and this is why we urgently need a S3).
And none of Ed's relationships with these women are a fetishistic 'I love women because they're fabulous' thing, or an overly patronising paternalistic 'I love the women and I must protect them' thing - all the relationships he has with women are very equal, very comfortable, fully believable, just fantastic friendships to watch play out. I feel like, given everything we see on screen, Ed generally feels a lot more comfortable and safe and open with the women he knows than the men he knows (Stede is the only other person he is this physically affectionate and comfortable with). Which is probably very understandable? Yes, the women he's friends with are all violent pirates too (that's part of the joy of it - none of them are lovely demure morally pure women, they're all violent pirates), but Ed has a lot of experience with specifically overtly abusive men - right back to watching his dad abuse his mum. And that's a distinction that matters: the show treats the violence of normal piracy and the violence of abuse very, very differently. Ed is not used to being treated softly or affectionately by men, as we saw in his shocked reaction to Stede holding his hand. I don't think it's any wonder that he gravitates more towards friendships with women (or that the men he feels the most open and safe with, such as Stede, Fang, even Frenchie, are very pointedly the opposite of the abusive men he has experience with). I just love love love that being friends with women is such a core part of Ed's character, and that we got to see all of these fantastic relationships in the show.
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
> check social links
(Which Social Link should I check on...?)
0 FOOL School Rescue Committee Should this really be an official school club? The group of Persona-users that I'm in now, whether I like it or not. At least I'm helping people by doing all this weird magic nonsense...
I MAGICIAN Scar A fellow Persona-user a year below me, although my senior in fighting Shadows. He's dragged me into his scam crystal-selling operation, which is actually weirdly fun.
II PRIESTESS Beef Pretty large and muscular for a priestess, but sure, I'll bite. A volunteer EMT who is trying to decide whether to follow his family's wishes for university.
III EMPRESS Gem A fellow Persona-user in my year. She wants me to help her study for entrance exams, apparently. Not sure why she's asking me, I missed an entire semester? But it's good enough study for me as well.
IV EMPEROR Impulse A fellow Persona-user in my year. He has a single-minded devotion to overworking himself, despite the fact he seems to be trying to prove it's fine for some reason.
V HIEROPHANT Xisuma An older man who hangs out in the local tea shop. Keeps trying to parent me for some reason, although it seems like his relationship with his actual family's a bit less good, so maybe that's why.
VI LOVERS Etho My lab partner. The whole school's obsessed with him for some reason. My only solace is that he seems to be just as disconcerted by that fact as I am.
VII CHARIOT Skizzleman A fellow Persona-user in my year, and my first friend in this town. I'm helping him find a part-time job. He's sort of ridiculously cheerful, but I know he understands me better than most people.
VIII JUSTICE Grian A fellow Persona-user a year below me, although my senior in fighting Shadows. Keeps dragging me into his pranks, although for such a gregarious guy, he's weirdly isolated.
IX HERMIT Joe Hills One of my teachers, and the head of the School Rescue Committee. He's, frankly, the most bizarre guy I know, and I don't know what to make of any of the "wisdom" he tries to impart on us.
X FORTUNE Tango Apparently, he's a bit of a prodigy in the robotics club, but he first came to me to confess he's considering quitting. I have no idea why this is my problem, but Impulse frowned at me about it, so here I am.
XI STRENGTH False A local martial artist who's been decorated with a number of titles. I just wanted her to teach me how to fight better, but apparently, she's starting to doubt her own fighting ability as well.
XII HANGED MAN Jimmy Igor's assistant in the Velvet Room. He's a bit of an idiot, but he's also my idiot. Mostly wants to request I escort him to places in the human world, although he wants specific fusions sometimes too.
XIII DEATH Cleo A "florist" in town who can source us weapons and fence goods from Altered Space. I'm pretty sure she's actually Yakuza, or at least criminal. She and Joe know each other, although strangely, she doesn't seem to remember from where.
XIV TEMPERANCE Iskall and Stress Two priests at the local shrine. I work for them occasionally to help them with odd jobs around town. They share some common past they don't like to talk about.
XV DEVIL Ren The student council president. He's bizarrely mad with power on a good day, which is weird, because he's also bizarrely kickable on a good day. Keeps on trying to rope me into the Student Council.
XVI TOWER Doc An inventor trying to invent a safe new clean energy source. According to rumors, his last try exploded, killing his lab partner, which constantly makes me question why I'm here.
XVII STAR Zedaph Proprietor of the famous local "Mystery Stir Fry Extravaganza". Frankly, his creations terrify me more than Doc's do. I have no idea why this is Impulse's favorite restaurant.
XVIII MOON Mumbo A fellow Persona-user in the year below me. Apparently, he still gets bullied a lot, but he has a scheme to, and I quote, 'learn to be something scary, like a horse.' Good luck with that, mate.
XIX SUN Pearl An artist that I've always admired. Recently, she was in a terrible car accident, and her hands now constantly shake because of it. I still think she can draw organic shapes better than me, though.
XX JUDGEMENT Soul Reappearance Committee Judgement. Hah. I guess you'd call this Judgement Day, sure.
XXI THE WORLD ... It's me.
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dewsgremlin · 3 months
✨Excuse me, but I'm slightly pissed.✨
There are so many of really toxic and weird Ghost fans out there.
Calling Per out for blocking them, after insulting his dog and calling it ugly. What the hell is wrong with these people?! Like what do you expect if you insult other peoples pets? If it was my dog and someone calling my dog ugly and stuff, i would also block them. Now, they're calling Per out for blocking them, because he is Soooo MeAn AnD rUdE for that.
Also, "fans" cancelling him because his girlfriend used a song in her story from a band, where one band member was lately problematic. (Addition: It was brought to my attention that she also had a show with the band in question. I only saw the wave of hate about using a song of them in her story)
Well, let's hope that these "fans" also break up with every friend who knows someone who did something problematic or listened to some problematic band. I really don't understand why he is always held responsible for everything that people around him do. And I'm sorry but writing him hate messages because his girlfriend was "supporting" a band with a problematic band member is soo fucked up. Also, most metal bands did something problematic. I bet, Taylor Swift was problematic at some point too. Why not just quitting listening to music completly, if that's such a issue?
Also, you can think about his girlfriend whatever you want, but blaming him for everything she does? Like why? Is he her parent to tell her what to do? Btw you don't eve know if he agrees with her the whole time? Maybe they have arguments, about specific topics because they don't have the same opinion? Just saying.
Also hating on his previous relationships? Especially when his ex girlfriend wasn't even famous and didn't say anything in public, just wanted to live her life and people found a way to pick on her. Really fucked up times back then.
And why is this always about Per? The other bandmembers aren't saints, too. But they don't get even nearly as much as hate as Per. I saw some of the hate messages he got and they were insane - and he still was so polite to them.
Also hating on Per cause of his relationship? But being fine with the other members hanging out with his girlfriend and supporting "problematic Per"?
And why do that people think, they are better human beings because "cancelling everything problematic" but writing hate messages and stuff. Yeah, makes sense.
Cheers to all the moralists who preach water but drink wine. 🍷 You're sOoOoOo MuCh BeTtEr
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findafight · 2 years
Ohhh fic where Steve and Robin and Dustin and Erica all casually make funny little haha jokes with each other about getting tortured/almost caught by the Russians under Starcourt because they all have that shared trauma and had many a long late night calls reassuring each other they're alive and playing dnd together and fulfilling lifetime supply of icecream obligations.
They do this because sure the rest of the party knew there were Russians under Starcourt but everything they went through in that basement was sorta...forgotten in the aftermath of literal flesh monster. And with Hopper dead and the Byers moving, there's so much happening that whatever happened to Steve's face (lost another fight...) and why he and Robin went from mildly antagonistic co-workers to codependent goobers who couldn't go literally a day without seeing the other or what made Dustin always ask if Erica was going to come for party hang outs are all sort of brushed under the rug. Not a big deal, really. Bigger things happening after everything.
And they cope together and scoops troop is a weird little section of the party no one but them really understands. Robin and Steve are attached at the hip and to a lesser extent so are Erica and Dustin (but they'll never admit it), and they all have mini gatherings together.
So, the casual mentioning of starcourt and specifically what went down with the Russians is commonplace for them. (Erica is quick to remind them she saved their asses, and are they so lame they need her help again? but she smiles and Steve and Robin just laugh and give her a big hug.) And somehow, they forget that not everyone really knows what went down before July 4th 1985.
And I want them to do it in front of everyone. I want them to have their stupid "this was so fucked up but we're alive and we got through it so now we have to laugh or we may never stop crying about it" banter at a big "we saved the world again!" Barbecue. I want the rest of the folks there to go silent and them not to notice.
I want someone to mention Steve not getting a black eye this time, congrats! and Robin going "the only reason why I didn't get one last time was because the Russians said-"
And Steve, who is lying with his head in her lap, reaches up to gently cup her cheek and says in a terrible Russian accent "don't worry, we will not ruin your pretty face!" (everyone is quiet around them, they do not notice)
She laughs. "And punched me in the gut a few more times. I peed blood for like, three days."
Steve goes "ewwww" only to be pinched by robin.
"you peed blood too, dingus. You got it worse than me and my pretty face."
He giggles and opens his hand up for a high five "pissing blood buddies, hell yeah!" And shifts in her lap. "But they bruised my pretty face. Rude."
"aww. It's okay, Stevie, your face is still so pretty. Prettiest boy in Hawkins."
"thanks Robin."
"at least Dustin and Erica got us out before they started ripping out fingernails." She shudders.
"or used the bonesaw"
"mmm. Unfortunately not before we got funky truth serum drugs though."
He leans up, looking at the two "y'all couldn't have been a bit faster?" But he's smiling, teasing. A well worn joke.
Dustin and Erica respond simultaneously with "I'm missing bones, Steve, what do you want from me?" And "I was ten and my legs were short as shit. Beggars can't be choosers." Respectively.
It is at this point an Actual Grown Up butts in.
"what. What do you mean ripping out fingernails?"
Robin and Steve look towards Joyce, who asked.
"like. To interrogate us? Because we just kept saying we worked for scoops even with the truth serum."
"because they thought we had to be superspies to get into their creepy lair and not a bunch of kids."
Hopper jumps in "wait. You were tortured by them?"
Robin and Steve give him eerily similar looks that express how obvious the answer to that is.
"yeah, duh."
"I don't go looking to get brain damage every year, you know."
Hoppers eye twitches. "Why didn't you say anything?"
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
I have a request. Im going deaf and use asl. Can you write a fanfic with Joel or Frankie or Javi or Marcus or Pedro being married to a deaf woman? Falling in love dating and marrying? Post outbreak? It can be trying at times for me to date. And I love the smut and fluff 😜 thanks
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For You
Pairing: Javi G x ofc Ally
Word Count: 2700+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I got a request from @jedi-in-crocs : I have a request. Im going deaf and use asl. Can you write a fanfic with  Joel or Frankie or Javi or Marcus or Pedro being married to a deaf woman? Falling in love dating and marrying? Post outbreak? It can be trying at times for me to date. And I love the smut and fluff 😜 thanks (Ally)
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Javi G Masterlist 
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Market day in Mallorca was always a beautiful affair. Rows and rows of tents adorned the streets, bursting with vibrant colors of fresh fruits and veggies, various paintings, clay jars and mugs, the smells of homemade snacks and treats filling the air as people bustled past each other, lightly bumping shoulders with each other as they set their eyes on something they want. 
But Javi's favorite row was for the flowers. Beautiful blooms and plants bursting from various pots and glass jars, some massive and sitting in large pots on the ground, other small and dangling in the air at the end of macrame chains. He stops to look at each and every one, touching some of the petals or leaves and smiling to himself before moving on to the next. 
But today is different. As he nears the middle of the row of tents and tables, he notices a new vendor. Her area was smaller than the others, but the plants and flowers she had were breathtaking. Bright colors and green leaves strategically placed on a couple of shelved hand carved wooden tables created this ambience of tranquility despite the bustling crowd. But this was nothing compared to the woman in front of him, straightening up from placing the last of her pots on the ground, gently dabbing at her brow to rid her skin of the few beads of sweat that had accumulated. She turns and jumps when she sees Javi staring at her. 
"Oh!I'm sorry I didn't see you. Welcome! Is there anything specifically you're looking for?"
He's momentarily speechless, her green eyes shining up at him, her face framed by her auburn hair, the sun catching it at the right angle and making it glow. 
"I… I don't.." Why can't he speak? She's staring at him, a friendly smile on her face as she studies him. 
"That's ok. Are you looking for a gift for someone? Your mom or significant other?"
"Oh, no. My mother has passed and I am not… I mean, I don't have…" Javi sighs. "I am single."
Is he imagining the slight flush to her cheeks at his answer? Her eyes flick away from his for a brief moment before returning, her cheeks still a slight shade of pink. 
"Well then.. are you new to plants?" Javi nods, trying to regain his composure. "Ok great. Then may I recommend…" She looks around for a few moments before reaching for a plant with green oval shaped leaves cascading down vines out of a small hanging planter. She turns and holds it out for him, his breath catching in his throat when their fingers touch briefly at the exchange. She clears her throat a moment layer, shaking her head. 
"I uh… this is a pothos. Very easy to take care of. Water once a week or so and make sure they get some light. They're pretty sturdy."
"Th-thank you, miss…"
"Ally." She extends her hand and Javi shifts the pot into his left hand, extending his right to shake hers, his body nearly shaking when they touch. He hears her breath catch as well. Could she feel the same? 
"Hey lady! Do you have any monstera?" A large man pushes his way past Javi, nearly knocking him over to stand in front of Ally. 
"I uh…yes. Right here." As she shows him the plants, he proceeds for tell her some long winded tale of his own garden, her eyes flicking back to Javi apologetically. After several minutes it becomes clear that he won't be leaving soon and Javi had to head home for a meeting. He sighs, pulling out some money and setting it on the table for her. At the last minute he decided to write a little note, taking the pen and paper she had set there to make notes about plant care for people. 
I hope this is enough. I'll be back next weekend to make sure.
Javi leaves the paper and makes eye contact with Ally, her small, sad smile and nod indicating she saw him leave the money. 
Javi can't stop thinking about her all week. 
Javi returns every weekend for 2 months. At first, he makes up excuses for coming, looking for plants, what does a slight discoloration mean, anything he can think of to talk to her. He's never been very good at flirting or picking up signals, but she laughs at all of his jokes, blushing whenever he compliments her, and he swears he's caught her more than once checking him out. 
One weekend, Javi decides enough of enough- it's time to ask Ally out. Mayne just for coffee so if she says no, he can cover it up as a just as friends coffee. Or a thank you coffee. Something. 
Javi walks to her stand, waiting a moment to watch her, back to him as she moves about arranging her plants, her fingers lightly brushing against petals and Javi imagines what it must feel like to have those same fingers brush against his skin, digging into his arms as they meld their bodies together…
He shakes his head. Now isn't the time for lewd thoughts. It wouldn't help his nerves. Javi stops at the entrance to her booth, giving her space to move about. 
"Hi Ally. Got anything new today?"
She doesn't turn around, still moving about her plants. Javi clears his throat a little louder than he normally would. Still, she doesn't move. No turning to give him her brilliant smile that warms him up. Did he do something wrong? Say something wrong? His brain works fast, playing through all of their interactions. Nothing seemed amiss. Could he have misread something? 
"She can't hear you." The vendor next to Ally says as she comes to stand next to Javi. 
"Her aids are being repaired so she doesn't have them today."
His eyebrows pull together. "Aids?"
"Hearing aids. Did you not see them?"
He hadn't. He was too taken in by her sweet words and gorgeous eyes, her obvious love for the plants she so lovingly cares for. When he doesn't reply, the woman turns more towards him. 
"She's losing her hearing. It'll be totally gone one day, I think. At least that's what she told me. She taught me some basic signs too in case she didn't have her aids. Lovely girl."
Javi watches the back of Ally, still tending the plants she loves so much. "I have to go. Can you tell her 'Javi has some work to do but he'll be back soon?'" 
The woman nods and Javi thanks her, turning promptly on his heel and heading straight for his car, pulling out his phone to call his assistant to help him with his task. 
A month later, Javi nervously approaches Ally's booth. What if she's mad at me? I hope I did not distress her too much. He swallows hard, taking the last few steps to her booth, watching her brush dirt from her hands, fingers rubbing gently on the gardening apron she always wore. She turns and sees him, eyes locking on his as she freezes, her eyes studying him, her focus slightly upset. She opens her mouth to speak but before she can, Javi raises his hands, willing the nerves to leave him as he starts to move. 
[Signed]"I am sorry I have not come. Your neighbor-" He points to the lady in the next booth over. "- told me about your hearing and how you use ASL-"
Her eyes well up. [Signed] "You know ASL?"
Javi shakes his head. [Signed] "I didn't. I spent the last month starting to learn it for you."
Pure shock flashes across her face as she points to herself. [Signed] "For me? Why?"
Javi takes a few steps towards her, closing the distance between them. He brushes a short strand of her auburn hair from her face, the sunlight glinting slightly off of the tiny tube connecting her hearing aids to the ear mold and he smiles, meeting her eyes. 
[Signed] "Because I always want to be able to talk to you, hear your thoughts. Anything you have to say."
Their eyes lock onto each other and he glances down at her lips, slightly parted. He brings his hands up slowly to cup her cheeks, giving her every chance to pull back. Instead, she grips his shirt, pulling him closer as their lips meet, soft and wanting. He wraps an arm around her, pressing his tongue to her lips as she eagerly responds. After several seconds, the lady in the booth next to Ally clears her throat and Javi pulls back, glaring slightly at the woman. Ally follows his gaze and looks at the woman, who is now smirking. Javi puts his finger on Ally's cheek, turning her head back to his. 
[Signed] "Will you have dinner with me?"
Ally smiles wide, brightening the entire area and warming Javi up as she nods enthusiastically. "I'm free tonight?"
Javi chuckles. "I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner."
Javi thinks he's never seen someone more beautiful than her. The dress she wore fits her perfectly, enhancing her physical features, but it's more than that. As Javi listens to her talk about cross pollination, he watches her confidence grow with her excitement about her plants, a non stop stream of words and he drinks in every one, his chin leaning on his fist as he watches her, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
"And oh my God I've been talking the whole time, haven't I?" She blushes, hiding her face behind her hands, elbows propped on the table.
"No, no. Please continue. I love watching you talk."
She lowers her hands and looks at him. "Watching me talk?"
"Yes. The way your passion for what you do pours out of you, touching anyone near you." 
Her face heats up more and she fans herself for a moment. "You flatter me too much, Javi." 
He catches her eye and signs. "That's because I really like you."
As dinner continues, he learns more about her. Her childhood, how she ended up in Mallorca, how her illness is causing her to lose her hearing, eventually a total loss. So she wanted to spend time listening to the small sounds, the way the wind moves through pine needles, the way water splashes against the leaves, the way grass flows against the breeze. 
"Can I show you something?" Javi asks as he nervously offers his arm to Ally as they exit the restaurant. She takes it almost instantly, leaning into him and making his ears feel warm. 
"Of course. Anywhere you'd like to go, I'm there."
Javi helps her into his jeep, driving back towards the compound. The guards let him in and he drives down the winning dirt road, turning down a nearly hidden path. He follows it down until it clears a little, overlooking the water. He reaches behind him, grabbing a thick blanket from the backseat before getting out of the jeep, walking around to offer his hand to Ally, helping her out of the jeep. Their fingers lace together as she follows him towards a small, clear space where he puts the blanket down, spreading it out. He offers his hand again, grinning at Ally as she sits, laying down next to him when he lays down. 
"You see those stars there?" He points to the sky and Ally follows his fingers, squinting at the rapidly darkening sky. 
"Yeah I think so."
"That's the Scorpius constellation."
"No idea."
She laughs, turning her head to him and finding him already looking at her, a faint smile on his face. She watches him back, eyes roaming over his handsome face, with his prominent nose and curls you just want to touch. She leans in and Javi meets her halfway, their lips crashing together as she slides her fingers around his head, tugging at the curls at the back of his neck. Javi feels his pants tighten even more and he pulls back, his eyes moving between hers, his eyebrows raised in question. She replies by gripping his shirt, pulling him to her as she unbuttons his shirt, sliding it off his broad shoulders, only breaking the kiss for Javi to toss his shirt somewhere over his shoulder, both of them giggling as he lays her back, slotting himself between her spread legs. 
He holds himself above her, his soft lips pressing to hers as he grinds himself against her, feeling her heat beneath his pants. Then her fingers are at his pant line, fumbling to open his button and the kiss breaks, his forehead pressed to hers as she manages to open the button, sliding his pants down just enough for him to spring out, hard and wanting. He pulls his head back just enough to look at her, his own lust echoed in the depths of her eyes.
[Signed]”Are you sure?”
She nods. “Yes. Please, Javi, I need you.”
He slides his hand up her bare thigh, pressing his fingers between her thighs and moaning as he feels how wet she is for him, her own moan at his light touch mixing with his. She grips his hand, showing him how to touch her, his thick fingers sending jolts of pleasure out from where he touches her. But then he pushes her panties aside, Ally silently grateful for wearing a dress as he touches her, his skin on hers, sliding his fingers and touching her how she showed him. Her release comes from nowhere, a loud gasp and moan coming from her as her back arches, her body tensing with pleasure. Her back lowers, her chest heaving as she looks up at Javi, his eyes nearly black in the low light and she wraps her legs around him, trying to get him to move. He smiles and presses his hips forward, slowly pushing into her as he watches her face contort with pleasure at the feel of him stretching her open, small pants puffing out into his face until he bottoms out. Javi stays like that, pulling out only a little before pushing in, just to give her a moment, until he feels her hands grasping at his back, her heels digging into his ass and he gets the hint. He sets a comforting pace, not too rough and not too light, adding in his signature thrust that has her pulsing around him, his name tumbling from her lips as he comes with her, unable to resist the feel of her engulfing him. 
They stay like that for several minutes, her fingers lightly tracing a mindless pattern across his sweaty, bare back, their breathing syncing together. Slowly, Javi pulls out, a hiss on his lips as he pats at the ground for his shirt, helping to clean her up with it before himself. He chucks the shirt on the ground again, laughing lightly with Ally before laying back down, pulling her close to him as he feels her hand on his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of her head as they watch the stars. 
6 months later, they get married, happy to spend the rest of their days with each other, thankful that Javi stopped in the market that day.
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*Mama Spade accidentally bumped into Silver’s dad*
Mama Spade: “Ah!! Oh I’m so sorry! I’m trying to find my son but I think I got lost…”
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*cracks knuckles* Our time has come, boiz 😎 (For anyone wondering why Lilia’s eyes are redacted, see this fic!) Figured we needed something more light-hearted after being rushed at by the semi-truck that was the recent main story update~
I briefly mention Mr. Spade, but I kept it vague since we don’t have the details on what happened to him yet!
Please note: I received multiple other Lilia + Mama Spade interaction requests; however, because those other requests are more specific than asking them to meet, I will be writing separate responses for each of those. I don't want to overload the blog with a ton of Lilia + Mama Spade content at once, so they will be spread out between other NRC Family Day interactions ^^
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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"Think nothing of it, miss." The man brushed off the bump with ease and an understanding smile. "It happens. Water under the bridge, yes?"
His voice was as smooth as a sky cleared of clouds, as sultry as midnight desires. There was a resonance to it as well, as though his words were reverberating in the annals of ancient ruins, echoing legends and legacies long since forgotten by history.
He was small yet snazzy in a black vest and dress pants embellished with golden stitching, a fancy jacket set in a dark hue of green hanging off of his shoulders. The man's long, dark hair was done up in a high ponytail, choppy and uneven bangs falling freely around his face.
If his voice was a mystery yet to be unearthed, then the man, too, was one. The exact composition of his face, and how his features were arranged, eluded her. But even with her aging sight, she could tell that he was strikingly handsome—lashes so long they batted his cheeks when he blinked, eyes like ever-shifting gemstones, and a pert, mischievous mouth.
"Oh dear." Mrs. Spade nervously fanned herself with a hand. "I'm hardly a 'miss'! I’m no spring chicken."
"After a certain point, we realize that time is something we cannot combat.” He coiled fingers against his lips. “I believe you've aged quite gracefully.”
A simple shoulder-length bob cut and homely, practicel clothing—those were the staples of her style as a single mother. She had her family to look after, and little time or energy to dress up. Yet Mrs. Spade flustered all the same.
“I-I don’t know what to say…”
The man laughed. “Apologies for steering us off-topic. Back on track, then. You said you were looking for your son?”
“Y-Yes…!” Mrs. Spade quickly rebounded, her worries returning. “He told me to meet him in Heartslabyul, but I’ve been wandering the campus for a while and haven’t passed any buildings by that name.”
The man stroked his chin. “If it’s Heartslabyul you’re looking for, you’ll need the Hall of Mirrors. It has mirror portals to each of the seven dormitories.”
“Mirror portals, imagine that!!” Shock was written all over her. "We don't have a lot of those back home.”
“Mirror portals are not always commonly accessible.” His mouth turned mirthful. “I just so happen to be heading to the Hall of Mirrors myself. My son’s waiting for me in another dorm. Seeing as we're both going to the same place, I wouldn’t mind escorting you.”
“You would?! You don’t mind…?”
“If you would have me,” he replied, his tone teasing. The man bowed melodramatically, arms gesturing down a path. “Then right this way.”
Mrs. Spade barely had any time to react before he started walking away. She hurried after him, trailing behind by a few paces. Careful not to get too close, to risk colliding with him again.
“Which dorm is your son in?” she blurted out, breathless. Not from exhaustion, but in excitement.
He cut her a sideways glance, his eyes glittering. "That would be Diasomnia. He’s a second year now, and a diligent member of the Equestrian Club."
Mrs. Spade quickened her pace. "He's an athlete? So is my Deuce. He's still a first year trying to find his footing, but he’s grown a lot in his first few months at school.”
"Deuce." He said the name oddly, almost like he had had practice reciting it. "How would you describe him?"
"He's a lot of things," Mrs. Spade confessed. She spoke unabashedly, as straight as an arrow carving an arc in the air. "He's not all that sharp, and he can be brash—but he’s also strong and kind, stubborn too. A really serious and straightforward person that means well and tries his best.”
“From the looks of it, he’s a good kid. His hard work will surely see him well in the future.”
She flushed with pride, pink as a peach. “What about your son? What’s he like?”
"Silver? He has a habit of dozing off, but he's as earnest as they come. It's that honesty of his that has made him so many friends. Even the local wildlife can't seem to keep themselves away from him.
“He’s the peacekeeper of any group he’s in, that lad. I’m so pleased that he’s able to connect with creatures from all walks of life.”
“Your Silver sounds like the kind of man Deuce would look up to. The sort of man he'd want to become."
“Does he?” The question was coy. “I think Silver would also enjoy Deuce’s company. Such a spirited, committed underclassman can keep him alert and on his toes.
“Silver already has a companion that fits that description, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind one more. The more the merrier, I say.”
“Your family must be big.”
“Afraid not. It’s only myself and Silver. We have close friends and neighbors of course, but legally speaking…” He brought his index fingers together, making them touch. “… we are one guardian and one child.”
Mrs. Spade’s heart stilled. “You’re joking.”
“Far from it." The corner of his mouth lifted into a smirk. It was not unkind, but curious. “Have I said something funny?”
“No, I was just thinking that you and I have a lot in common.” She bit her lower lip. “Deuce has his grandma, but at home it’s us two. His dad, my husband, he…” Mrs. Spade faltered.
The man inclined his head. “… You needn’t say any more. Please, don’t push yourself. Not all tales must be told to the strangers you meet along the way.”
“Y-You’re right.” She furiously shook her head. “What am I doing, making this about myself? I… I’m sorry if this brought back any painful memories for you.”
“Me? My, whatever are you concerned about me for?" There was a warmth, a fatherly tenderness, to his eyes.
“Your wife,” Mrs. Spade said weakly, “she’s no longer with you.“
“My wife?” His smile twisted into something wry. “I have no such thing. Always been a bit of a lone bat myself, but thank you for considering me."
"Oh! I... I shouldn't have assumed."
"It is you who is distressed. I should be the one more aware of your feelings."
Mrs. Spade blinked rapidly. From surprise, or to shunt back tears, she wasn't sure. "I... No, you don't need to worry about me at all! I'm fine!"
To this, the man chuckled. "I can see where Deuce must get his character from. However, you mustn't let yourself be entangled with the past.
"The past is in the past. If we keep looking behind ourselves, we will miss what waits for us in our futures." He came to a full stop, sweeping his arms forward. "Ah, and here we are."
A building with a domed roof was erected before them, guarded by massive stone walls on either side. Its door was tall, cut in the shape of a crystal pillar. One glimpse inside, and they caught the sparkle of sunlight refracting off the faces of various mirrors.
"You see? The future is right before us. No sense in dwelling on what was, only what can be."
He tapped the bottom of her chin, closing the mouth that had been hanging ajar. "Come now, let's see a smile! I wouldn't want to reunite you with your son while you've still got a frown on your face. He'd whack me a good one!"
Mrs. Spade chortled in spite of herself. "Deuce just might. He has a sharp left hook."
"I believe it. Ah, but it looks like it won't come to that. Lucky me, you're smiling again."
"Am I?!" Her hands flew to her face. The corners of her mouth had turned up, and she hadn't even noticed.
"Yes, that's what I wanted to see." The man offered a gloved hand. "... May I?"
Mrs. Spade giggled, taking it as easily as one might slip into a song. When was the last time she had felt this coquettish? So girlish, so young.
The Hall of Mirrors welcomed the pair, opening into a circle of seven portals. Each mirror trumpeted its dorm's name and iconography in its elaborate frame.
The man dropped her hand and indicated a mirror with thorns snaking up its sides, a fierce dragon guarding it. "This is where we part ways."
Mrs. Spade glanced at her route: at the mirror lined with playing cards and roses. Two spears, their points heart-shaped, crossed at the apex, and an open storybook formed the steps to the portal. Heartslabyul—the domain of the Queen of Hearts.
“Thank you for your help. I couldn’t have made it here without you, kind sir.”
“My pleasure—I thank you for the company. I hope you enjoy Family Day with Deuce.”
“Same to you and Silver.”
He nodded and turned, presenting his back to her as he made his way to Diasomnia’s mirror. She yanked herself away and stormed in the opposite direction. Just as he reached the dragon’s snout at the foot of his, and she at the cusp of a new page in the story, a single word erupted.
“Wait!!” she called out.
He craned his head to regard her. “Yes?”
Mrs. Spade clutched her fists to her chest. “Will I… Will I get to see you again?”
The shock was very slight on him, tempered by his mirth. He was used to being the one surprising, not the one being surprised, and so perhaps the silence lasted a few seconds longer than he would have liked it to.
“I really liked talking with you! I thought maybe we could do it again, and maybe Deuce and Silver could meet too.”
He took the idea, lazily rolling it between his thumb and his forefinger, considering. The confusion, the chaos, it would sprout.
“It sounds interesting,” he said mysteriously, pairing it with a shrug, “Who knows? We just might.”
And then he was gone, devoured by the dragon. The only proof that he had once been there were the ripples in the face of the mirror… and Mrs. Spade, spellbound.
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The instant she stepped into Heartslabyul, she was struck with two things: the heavy, cloying aroma of red roses, and the warm body she collided with. Mrs. Spade stumbled back on the brick path. Her vision was still spinning when a familiar, rambunctious voice called out to her.
“… om! MOM!!” Deuce happily cried, wrapping his arms around her. “You made it!! I was worried that you didn’t show up on time—you’re usually not late. I was going to head out to look for you myself!”
“I’m okay, Deuce,” she reassured him with a playful tousle of his hair. “Don’t you mind me. I got a little lost, but I had some help from a kind man. Things worked out alright in the end.”
“That was nice of him! What a good samaritan!” He paused. “Er… You didn’t tell him about me in middle school, did you? I-I swear I’ve been working really hard to brush up and be an honors student!”
“Deuce!!” his mother gasped, smacking him on the side. (Dull pain reverberated in the area; she packed quite the punch.)
“What in Twisted Wonderland makes you think I’d go around parroting that around?! No, dear—I know you, and I know you’re trying your best. Besides, that man was nice!! He’d never intrude on our family matters.“ She sighed, stars in her eyes. “Ooh, and handsome too! So smart!! A real catch..”
“Uhhh…” Deuce made a face. “Are you… feeling okay, mom? Did you eat some of the weird mushrooms growing in the garden? Dorm leader Riddle says those can have weird effects.”
She didn’t seem to hear him. Mrs. Spade continued to prattle on, “He has a boy at NRC about your age, Deuce! We should arrange for us to all get together.”
“W-Wait, hold on a minute!! I’m happy that you made a new friend, but who are you talking about?!”
His mother startled, as if waking from a dream. “Now that you mention it, I forgot to ask for his name. I do remember that he talked about his son though. Silver, was it?”
“S-Silver-senpai?! Then… you’re talking about his DAD?!” Deuce was striken, his heart pounding unnaturally fast at the revelation. Silver’s dad is mom’s sweetheart now?!
“Oh, so you do know him after all!” Mrs. Spade clapped excitedly. “What do you think? Is he anywhere near as charming as his father i—”
“Grk…!” Deuce suddenly fell onto all fours, hanging his head. Tears streaked his face, and his entire body violently shook.
His mom practically shrieked and rushed to his side, frantically shaking him. “Deuce?! Deuce, honey? Are you okay?!”
He tried at a response, but only managed a semi-comprehensible wail. “I-I-I’m jusht shooo happy fa’ you, mooom,” Deuce sniffled, harshly wiping at his tears and snot. “Y-You found th’ perfect guyyy, just like you deserved all thish tiiime…!!”
“H-Hey now! I may have been a little swept off my feet by him, but I’m not marrying the guy!! No shotgun weddings here!! Wh-Who even marries a stranger they met in a day?!”
“Really.” She eased Deuce into her with a hug, her voice dropping into a whisper. “Pinkie promise.”
He tried to laugh, but choked on his own sobs instead. Mrs. Spade rubbed an open palm along his back, soothing him.
“Haha, I’m being silly.” She ran a hand along his scalp—a facsimile of the head pats she granted him in his youth. “I’m happy too—happy that you’re such a good kid, that you care for your mama’s happiness.”
“M-Mom… Mom!!” He wailed even louder and buried himself in her arms.
There, under a halcyon blue sky and tinted in roses, mother and son wept with one another. The past, far behind them. The future, yet to exist.
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wildissylupus · 4 months
Can we get some OW New Blood headcanons? Whether it be some type of angst, heartfelt, or lighthearted interactions between the group.
Ask and you shall receive!! It's been awhile since I've done some New Blood stuff so let's see what I can do. Let's start off with some head canons first.
The New Bloods are the biggest human help in getting Zarya to unlearn her prejudices against omnics, it's mostly by telling her their own experiences with the Crisis (and with Hana it's her experiences with the Gwishi). They also call her out if she does or says something in line with her prejudice.
Cassidy is giving them all stealth training cause holy shit he cannot be the only person on that team who knows how to stealth, Baptiste is close but Cassidy knows that Talon stealth training is not going to cut it.
On top of that Cassidy is also giving specific training to D.Va so if she has to fight outside of her Mech he knows he can handle herself.
All of them know about Pharah's crush on Angela, either being told by Pharah herself or from Cassidy complaining that Genji and Pharah are hopeless at romance (he's been dealing with this for a max of 14 years at this point, he's allowed to complain)
They are all in agreement that if they are on a mission in a Talon base, they need to steal as much equipment as possible, mainly focusing on medical supplies.
They all make strategies on how to best use their skills together. They also sometimes include other agents abilities as well.
Pharah is the least foul mouthed of the group, only really swearing outside of missions, the rest? Not so much. By far the people who swear most often are Cassidy and D.Va.
----------------------- Cassidy: So I hear you you and Angie where around each other a lot while she was in Cairo, anything happened? Pharah: We just... hang out, spent time together, nothing other then what we would usually do before. Cassidy: ....Fareeha it's been fourteen years, for the love of god please make a move that isn't just flirty banter. ----------------------- Zarya: I don't understand how you have so many fans. Why do people like to watch you play games that they can play themselves? D.Va: The same reason why people play the Olympics and other sports, cause they like to see other doing something they love! ----------------------- D.Va: Ok so what if I initiate Self Destruct and you shoot them when they get behind cover! That way no matter what we're still hitting them. Cassidy: I don't know, might be able to hit some of them but I doubt it would be worth riskin' the Mech. D.Va: Oh, OH! What about if Niran launches you into the air and you shoot them from above! Cassidy: Hey...That ain't half bad! ----------------------- Baptiste: You know, you should really get some rest, it's not good to overwork yourself. Pharah: Have you been talking with my mum? Cause if she did you should tell her to take her own advise. Baptiste: No, no, I noticed it myself. Though I do think it's funny that both Ana and Cole seem to have the same issue as you. Pharah: Well, it kinda runs if the family. ----------------------- Pharah: Hey Cole, did I tell you that Jean thought we were dating? Cassidy: Ew, what?! What made you think that?! Baptiste: You two just seemed to have a lot of history! I was curious! Pharah: Yeah, it was our history that made you curious, nothing else more personal. Baptiste: Fareeha, I swear to god- ----------------------- Pharah: You know, you and Brigitte remind me of Cole and Angela when they were younger. D.Va: Ugh, Cass said the same thing, but I know I'm way cooler then he is! Pharah: HA! He would have said the same but trust me, it's a compliment.
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swmmi-kti · 2 months
New people and New feelings (pt 3)
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Kyojuro Rengoku x Fem! Flower Hashira Reader
Synopsis: You are the New Flower Hashira. Which comes with a lot of new feelings.
Pt 1 , PT 2
Shinobu heard you out. Color her surprised at nearly loosing another hashira to one of their own.
She couldn't help but laugh. Not at your near death experience but...just how much she seemed to like you actually.
"My my...it is quiet a predicament. But why on earth would you tell Kyojuro to never speak with you"
You felt flustered. There were multiple reasons. Mostly the main one is because you had though Shinobu hated you. But seeing as how she seems so calm with you. Its...a little silly.
"Uhm...well, it's a little embarrassing but....I has thought you hated me. And when he practically dragged me to your infirmary i...I wasn't pleased to say the least"
She frowned a little. Her expression gentle despite her burning rage as she nodded "I understand. But I do not hate you"
"I am aware now...but even so now then, kyojuro made his decision...and I rather not talk to him for other reasons too"
There were feelings there things that you just couldn't figure out yet. But one things for sure. Kyojuro was the cause of it all, Inner turmoil ate you up.
What ever small tremor threatened to eat up your soul and you couldn't describe it as hatred. Indifference perhaps?
"...Ever since joining up with you guys there's been nothing but a nagging confusion with Kyojuro specifically" You admit finally
"and...could you elaborate?"
"I admire all of you, trust my words on that. I admire Gyomei and his strength. The ever growing compassion he seems to carry with him and the anger he seems to hide. Sanemi and Obanai i guess you can say im indifferent to but i still admire what they do...Mitsuri and i hang out so frequently i guess you can say i just. She's my best friend" You begin and watch as she pauses you with her hand
"and...Regoku?" She asks a bit tepid and like she's almost expecting a certain answer.
You bite your lip. gnawing over lips and the ever living turmoil in your mind. You never could place why you couldn't think of the word for the feelings you felt for him.
Nor do you really care for him...not like you care about everyone else and you couldn't tell why.
"I...Don't know? I obviously care for him just as a colleague but i never thought more of him? Its complicated, i don't hate him"
"But you don't like him?"
Like him? You think as you let your mind wonder just a little bit. His presence was comforting, how his voice seems to lift you up. It felt nice to have someone like that.
The world around you was very harsh and cruel you'd be a fool to say it wasn't good to have someone around like that, To lift up anyone's spirits, Its the greatest skill anyone could have.
"i " You pause again as you chew on the inside of your cheek. How can you answer? on One hand you just can't stand him but why?
And on the other....You know well in your own heart the ever beating tune of falling in love.
How exactly can you describe that feeling? Is there even a word for what you feel? Can there be a word for it?
"It's hard hmm?" Shinobu speaks breaking your inner thoughts and fighting off what negativity may fester in your mind.
"It's not...I don't think there is a word to describe the feelings or the thoughts i have on that man. Shinobu i came into this field expecting my life to stay on the same path as always. Train, save lives and survive i didn't come here to make life long relationships i knew one way or another one of us could die" You admit
Fiddling with your
"Life i guess never goes how you plan. And its Tough on my own feelings to think of something more. A future where everyone lives where we defeat muzan" You admit as you look at the wind pick up.
It Smells sickly sweet of nectar but you know more than that. "I guess im scared of admitting all i feel for the sole fact that i know the world wont let me have it"
Shinobu nod's she knows all to well its beyond mere human comprehension what she knows now. Life is frail, it can and be snatched away from anyone else. She knows.
"Yes it seems life can be unpredictable but the only way to make life a little more worth it is admit things we don't want" She interludes as she looks at you once more with that smile she always wears. but it appears genuine "You like him? A lot dont you?"
You hated being read like an open book but regardless you nodded.
You could say a lot about him how he makes you so mad sometimes. How he makes you happy when ever he doesn't know "Yeah...i suppose i do"
Shinobu nodded as the wind picks up again. The sweet smell soured by the cawing of a crow... a kasugai crow .
Both of you stand up as Kaname.....Kyojuro's crow, Dread filled your nerves. As you extended a hand and watched as he landed on your hand tears in his eyes. . .
Kyojuro Rengoku...is dead
Taglist: @kenqki
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chronicbeans · 1 year
how abt a little fic of the gang hanging out with a human, latino/a reader? often reader speaks their language whenever upset or at lost for words, or maybe sings songs in their language! ( virgen by adolescentes got me in a chokehold im SING MY SOUL N BODY OUT !!@ ) also love ur work! got me at the edge of my seat fr fr whenever you updated!
stay safe n thx !! 🦎🦎
OOOH! I like this idea! I don't know much about Latino/a culture, being a US citizen, but I will do my best. To be honest I wish they offered classes in the US about other cultures (or in my school. Idk if others actually offered classes like that). If anything is inaccurate, I apologize, and please let me know! I love to learn about these sorts of things. ❤️
Welcome Home Neighborhood Hanging out with a Latino/a Reader
📽️ Where exactly your family is from in Latin America doesn't really matter to them. The main point of interest is what things you can teach them! They want to know everything! Especially since Frank and his books actually don't have that much about it, for once! So, once they learn about it, you will have a lot of teaching to do.
📽️ So, when start speaking or singing in your language, they are amazed! They only thought that one language existed, to be honest. They think it sounds very pretty! If you are willing to teach them, they will go absolutely insane with joy! Though, they might be a bit confused about why you only speak your language when upset or at a loss for words. It is so amazing, why don't you speak it more often? Imagine how pretty it would sound if you spoke it while happy!
📽️ Do you celebrate holidays specific to where you are from? If you do, the first time you start setting up for it, a few of them might be watching with curiosity. After a while, they might start visiting to ask questions. Celebrations? MORE celebrations than they already knew of? Count them in! They might have a bit of trouble understanding the symbolism behind certain aspects of it, though. Also, if you celebrate The Day of the Dead, you might have to explain what exactly "death, dead, and dying" are. Once they understand, though, they would probably like it! I feel like they have a very basic knowledge of funerals, but never understood some parts until you explained them. They would enjoy how The Day of the Dead serves as a reminder of the happy times with loved ones without the crushing atmosphere of a funeral.
📽️ There are traditional foods that are popular in your culture? Poppy would love to know more! Maybe she can make them with the other neighbors and you! Can you teach her how? Oooh! Traditional clothing? Julie and Sally would be interested! Maybe they can base a play around some of the folklore and create costumes based around the culture? It might not be the same as a fairytale, but it is still just as interesting!
📽️ Overall, it would be the same with anyone of any specific culture they don't know about. Due to being from a children's show, they have a natural instinct to learn. That's what a children's show is all about, right? Learning! They also believe it will serve to make you more comfortable with them. If they know more about you and where you came from, they can try their best to surround you with more familiar things to ease you into being used to their presence in your life.
(I hope you like it! I tried to look up some stuff to make it a bit more accurate. Idk if this is exactly what you meant but I tried my best! 😊)
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lovely-peace · 1 year
Distance Between Sun And Moon
Summary: The reader is hurt from the fight they had with Remus. After that her friends want to throw a party to lighten the mood. But the reader doesn't know if they should go and in a moment of weakness they search help by a new friend.
Warnings: self doubt, self hatred, People are dumb and blind when they are in love, lot less then usual lol
This part is more a build up for the next part, but it's still my longest :') Wc: 1.114
Masterlist part 1 --- part 7
Hope you enjoy<333
If I had to describe myself in one word, this would fit perfectly. After the tragedy yesterday, I was shattered and tense. It was Sunday, and the others had planned a small celebration.
I won't go. Knowing Sirius and James, they will now throw a huge party to lure me close to Remus. But I will NEVER go.
I don't want to be near him. I don't want to breathe the same air as him. Not that my body would betray me.
I left the room early. I couldn't stand the tense silence between us any longer.
I didn't go to the library, as I knew he would find me there. And that was the last thing I wanted. I searched for a place where I could hide.
Quickly, I realized that there was no place where my friends couldn't find me. Where he couldn't find me. Aimlessly, I roamed through the castle.
I ran my fingers along the walls, without any specific thoughts.
Suddenly, my fingertips touched a bump. A door. A room. What?
It was probably forbidden, but it felt like a sacred gift. So, I went inside.
What I found there left me speechless.
"Where were you?" "I just wanted to clear my head." I entered the Gryffindor common room, and Mary practically attacked me.
She looked at me, opened her mouth, then closed it again. She seemed undecided. That made me laugh. "Spit it out already!" "Would you like to come to the big party?" She looked desperate, and I felt guilty.
"Mary…" "Come on, it's going to be fantastic! Everyone is invited and coming. We managed to get the kitchen to cook for us, so there'll be great food, and-!"
"I can't, Mary."
She seemed like she wanted to say something else, but then she just looked at me. Eventually, she looked down at the floor.
"I know. Actually, I know. And I also know that he's behaving like a jerk."
She didn't need to say the name. We both knew who she meant.
She looked at me with big eyes, eyes that pleaded with me.
"But I also know that he really cares about you. That he doesn't want to hurt you. That he feels terrible about yesterday."
She begged me to listen to him. Maybe even to forgive him. "I'm not ready for that… I'm sorry."
She simply nodded in encouragement.
"I understand."
After our conversation, she left me alone, and I was very grateful for that. Too many thoughts plagued me.
I walked slowly through the corridors of Hogwarts. They were long, and you could never know all of them. I hoped I wouldn't run into Remus. Somehow, he always seemed to find me, which never bothered me before, but now? Now, it was terrible.
My steps slowed down. My feet grew heavier. My breath became uneven. I had this terrible habit of running away from my problems.
My heart stopped.
But not because of Remus.
I turned around to face Luis and prepared myself for an argument. His brother must have talked to him, and I wouldn't blame him if he wanted me out of his life. But he just looked surprised.
"I thought you'd be with your friends?"
My eyes widened. I had canceled on him because we were supposed to do something together. In my panic, I had completely forgotten about him. Because of Remus.
"Oh yeah, that didn't work out."
It sounded like an excuse, and I felt embarrassed. But he looked genuinely concerned.
Then it all came back.
Well, that he's playing with your feelings. The fact that his brother showed up right after you hurt his brother's pride only proves it.
Everything I had tried to suppress.
That was definitely meant as just friends hanging out. Sometimes you're really naive.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
I looked up at Luis. He looked calm. But there was a certain panic in his eyes that reminded me of his brother when I was knocked out.
"We had a little argument." He didn't ask what it was about. He just looked at me sincerely.
It felt like Remus was looking at me. It was as if he could see right into my soul.
"Are you okay?"
And that's when I broke down.
Remus's POV. Morning.
"You are being a lunatic, Moons." Sirius's voice startled me, and I quickly closed the map. He was right.
"And a stalker. Moony, it's not healthy to keep looking for her on the map all the time." James came into my field of view. He and Sirius were getting ready for Quidditch training. He looked at me accusingly.
"I'm just worried. I can't seem to find her. It's almost as if she disappeared into thin air." Excuse.
James didn't believe me for a second; that was clear. "Maybe you just overlooked her."
My fingers itched to open the map and keep searching. My gaze slid back to the map and got stuck there. James noticed.
"Give me the map, Moony."
"What?" Please don't take it away from me.
James shook his head. "You'll just keep searching for her. And, honestly, I don't think she wants to see you. You need to wait for her and leave her alone. So, hand it over."
He held out his hand expectantly.
"Don't tell me you didn't search for Lily either." I didn't want to wait. I wanted to make everything right immediately.
James sighed. "I did. Of course, I wanted to fix everything right away. But I accepted that I have to wait for her. That's why I didn't pressure her and overwhelm her with apologies yesterday. Wounds need time to heal, Remus. You know that best."
Reluctantly and unwillingly, I handed over the map.
A whistle came from behind us.
"Prongs, since when are you so wise? And I always thought you were as dumb as a rock." Even now, Sirius could make jokes.
Then the door was opened, and Peter rushed in. "Guys, I managed to convince the house-elves in the kitchen to cook for our party!"
Sirius grinned at me. "Well, we thought we might speed up the healing process a bit."
James looked surprised. "I didn't think you'd understand my metaphor. And I always thought you were as dumb as a rock!"
Sirius punched him, and they went off to practice, while Peter looked confusedly after them.
"What was that about?"
Reader's POV. Present.
I told him everything about Remus. From my embarrassing rejection to our argument yesterday. He just listened to me. In between, he led me to a quiet corner, and we sat down there.
When I was finished, I felt ten tons lighter. I felt lighter than ever before. Telling someone all of this without them telling me how Remus didn't mean it like that was so refreshing. I allowed myself to just explain my feelings without worrying about Remus.
"And now all my friends are throwing a huge party. Everyone's invited, but I'm not sure if I want to go. He'll probably want to talk to me, and I'm not really ready for that…"
The words flowed out of me like water flowing down a river, unstoppable.
Luis looked at me for a long time. He didn't say anything for a while, and then he said something that surprised me.
"Do you want to go to the party with me?"
He looked at me sheepishly. "Not as a date or anything! I just thought maybe I could help you with Remus. If I'm with you, he probably won't approach you by himself, right?"
"No, probably not." But I knew how it would look for him then. It would look like I was on a date with Luis, a day after we had argued.
But why should he care?
"If it feels too weird for you, I understand -" "Actually, that's a good idea." I interrupted him. He looked surprised, as if he hadn't expected that. But then he smiled.
"Then let's go together today."
I was very grateful to Luis. He was a great friend.
Maybe Remus would then tell me why he cares so much.
The sun rotates around the earth, trying to ignore the moon, which followers the sun desperately, trying to get noticed.
Taglist : @juleshadalittlelamb @fluffybunnyu @tendous-pretty-hair @helloitsmeeeeeee @valencia-rou @woohoney @mothermaryisdead @blackqueens01
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namitomoon · 10 months
Why Scott Pilgrim dating Knives was WRONG:
(Disclaimer: I assume most people who read the comic/watched the movie/anime DO understand why it was wrong but I still felt like writing this short post because 1) some people still don't get it, 2) I'm bored and on a SP hyperfixation arc so I felt like writing stuff up so here we go)
Scott Pilgrim is kind of a douchebag at the beginning of the comic. It's not exactly hard to perceive it in the way his friends treat him. They don't hate him but they seem to be a little cold to him, as if they're tired of his antics.
For them, Scott dating a teenager while being a 23 years old adult isn't something ground-breaking for his friends that changes the way they perceive him. Rather, it's something they fully expect of him, which is why they are actually quite pissed off but don't really shout or yell at him.
If you notice the early chapters, you can see that most of the people of Scott's social circle dislike him a bit...except for Knives, his teenager girlfriend. And that's the thing. Knives REALLY loves Scott, she idolizes him, her eyes shine when Sex Bob-Omb plays, she tells him everything about her school and so on. Nobody doubts Knives is head over heels for Scott...but it's not the other way around.
You see, there's a reason Scott Pilgrim went specifically for a teenager. Stephen Stills says it out loud on the last volume in case you still missed it (get it, Stills...still, nevermind): It was easy for Scott. It was easy for an immature douchebag like Scott to impress an immature teenager with his whole "cool band dude" schtick. And Scott wasn't stupid. He knew. Which is why he did it. And his friends weren't stupid either, which is why they pressure him to dump Knives.
And you can see the after effects throughout the entirety of the comic: Knives is traumatized. But she is deeply traumatized. Scott dumped her in a pretty cold and abrupt way, then she found out he two-timed her...and yet, she is still deeply in love with him. The fact she becomes a sort of "Scott Evil Ex" serves as a way to warm us to the idea that Ramona is also a bad person by the way.
She finally lets him go of her heart by volume 6, almost a year later. But that won't erase the wounds Scott left there. For Knives, Scott was everything, a cool af boyfriend she enjoyed hanging out with. For Scott, Knives was just "a cute Asian chick" he got because that's literally all he could get. And even if she gets a boyfriend or husband (or well, girlfriend or wife) that actually respects her...she'll probably carry that trauma for the rest of her life.
And that is why it was wrong for Scott to date Knives OR ANY TEENAGER for that matter. Between an adult and a high schooler there is a huge gap in terms of maturity, worldview, objectives... Don't even get me started on power disparity. A high schooler lives with their parents, an adult probably has a full job and salary (although this angle was never explored because Scott is a fucking leech that lives off Wallace's goodwill)
It was never about the age gap (mainly). Yes, perhaps in many jurisdictions it's perfectly legal for a 23 y/o to have sex with a 17 y/o. But you still shouldn't. There is a potential for abuse, manipulation, power imbalance and traumas. O'Maley made Knives a 17 y/o and not a 15 y/o probably to make it less evident and leave it up more to the reader...and then apparently most readers, as O'Maley said in an interview, didn't really caught on. Hell, some people might even argue that the age gap as THE problem itself was a red herring. It was the reasoning. Which is why his final kiss with Knives after she is finally 18 felt so awkward on both sides. Because the age itself was never the main problem, it was the manipulation aspect.
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cantdothis-nomore · 2 years
Hermione, Harry, Ron, Luna, Dating a Muggle Reader
I do imagine this as mostly a female reader to me but I don't really liem including pronouns in my work unless it is specifically requested so think of the reader in any gender you like!
-I imagine she'd be quite chill about it, being a muggle born and all and would it would be a very normal relationship apart from her going to hogwarts and you going to a muggle school
-She'd probably try and hide her other life and stuff like that from you at first but the pressure would be too much for her and she'd break the first or second time you asked her about it
-She'd really need someone to rely on who wasn't harry or Ron or a total nut job *cough*(Fred and George) *cough*
-After telling you and you somehow managing to get over the initial shock she'd probably take you to the burrow to meet the weasleys and Harry
-I imagine you'd already know her parents if you grew up in the same village so you'd already be familiar with all her habits and how she reacts when something is wrong
-Even though you don't understand most of what she's saying you try and be there for her and get her to teach you more about the wizarding world and if she was in a good mood you'd probably be able to convince her to take you to diagon ally (which definitely did not result you passing out in excitement)
-What she loves about you is that you wouldn't judge her for how she knows so much and how much she studies and likes to be prepared because she is how she is and there's really nothing you can do to change that and why bother really🤷‍♀️
- Once the war came around she'd try and distance herself from you in an attempt to keep you safe which is something you'd shut down immediately and letting her know you could hold your own despite being a muggle
-Honestly she'd really really love having something normal to focus on and somebody to talk to who wouldn't judge her and help her escape life when she was sad or anxious and just plain out be there for her whenever something came up
-But yeah you would literally be her fav person ever, cuz ur special <3
-You would probably meet harry through the Dursleys and seeing how they mistreated him and offering him to come and hang out with you whenever he was about
-After harry started hogwarts would probably be the trigger of him knowing/realising he liked you after being away from you for so long
-He'd write you tons and tons of letters after you two got together, him keeping up to date with you and you keeping up to date with him
-He'd absolutely adore having something normal in his life to come back to after the school term and probably use his time with you as an escape from the Dursleys
-After being taken to the weasleys he'd probably write to you to ask if you wanted to meet his friends (after monthssss of internal debate) but still unsure about it because of obviously him being a wizard
-Speaking of being a wizard harry would probably try and ease you into the fact of him being a wizard as not to scare you away
-You weren't particularly bothered it was just weird knowing the person you grew up with wasn't really him after all but you got over it quickly
-Meeting hermione and Ron wasn't really that big of a deal, ron would probably be pretty weirded out that the chosen one was dating a muggle but warmed up to you pretty soon after realising you weren't a threat or weird. Hermione was most likely just overjoyed to have another girl around let alone a muggle who she could finally talk to about normal things instead of nobody knowing what she was talking about when she said something.
-When the war rolled around harry broke up with you claiming it would keep you safer, which was a massive lie, and only upsetting you further
-you would be the only thing on his mind 24/7, repeatedly wondering what you were doing at that moment as a form of comfort
-when the war was over you'd be the first person he would go and find.
-There would be alot of crying from both of you after explaining and being away from each other for longer then you ever had been before
-After that he would be by your side everywhere you went not wanting to go through what he went through twice after realising that you were literally the best thing that ever happened to him
-This man adores you istg, someone brings up a conversation about you? He would talk their ear off for hours on end if he could about how absolutely perfect you are and how much he loves you <3
-You'd probably have to be one of hermiones muggle friends or one of Harry's childhood friends to be able to meet ron but most likely one of hermiones friends
-Hermione would probably mention him in one of your letters and spark your interest as she never mentioned one of her friends before
-After that you guys would probably owl each other back and forth everytime you could about how your day went, what you'd been doing and all that
-Hermione would most likely make you meet up with him at some point after you accidently may or may not of spilled the fact you liked him which obviously got spilled immediately to ron
-After meeting each other at some weird spot because of hermione, and him spilling the fact he's a wizard you guys were closer then ever before and giving daily updates and checking in to make sure the other was ok
-You'd be scared about meeting his parents but honestly it seems like mrs weasley would love you more then her own son and Mr weasley would probably be talking your ears off about different muggle items to which you would happily explain them to him
-His family would love you and so would he, harry and hermione would love having you around as a normal aspect in their lives and treat you like a sister because of how close you all were
-Overall he would love you so much and so would his family, you leave him and he would be depressed for years because of how important you are to him. He loves you through everything and anything despite all insecuritys and scars he loves you for who you are <33
- Luna would probs creep you out a bit upon first greeting
-Her dad would probably be friends with yours and so you two would be quite close
-Don't get me wrong, to you she was hella confusing but that's just another thing you loved her for
-When her mum died you tried your best to be there for her whenever she needed it and just be a safe place for her to talk about how she feels and really whatever she wants
-When she goes off to hogwarts it does make you sad but you are already aware of its existence because you grew up with luna despite being a muggle.
-You guys would owl back and forth and she'd talk to you about when people were mean to her or about the little creatures she sees floating around peoples heads
-She tells you about people calling her loony lovegood which upsets you, just because luna likes to daydream and is a little different does not mean that she's loony
-Whenever she comes home for the holidays you two are around each other as much as possible
-Her love language is gift giving so when she comes back you two tend to swap gifts and little trinkets you found/bought for the other person
-She'd love you more then anyone else in the world, apart from her dad, and you'd be one if the most important people in her life and if you ever broke up with her she would never get over it because you are literally the light of her life and the thing that keeps her going <3
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robotstrategy · 24 days
Rediscover • Part 1 • 4 - Nero
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Nero follows one of the scrubbed nurses down the tiled hallways. From what she can tell every medical employee wears yellow, and there’s a lot of them, an absurd amount for a summer camp even. All the yellow scrubs make her antsy, or more specifically her legs, Roland seems to be trembling around like he hasn’t eaten in a long time.
The nurse opens a door into a different room, It looks more homey, like a nice renovated cabin. Nero first notices a Muslim girl dressed in all whites, mostly because she’s the brightest thing in the room. She then turns her head to the sound of elevated shoes hitting the floor. A woman comes towards her, wearing a white pantsuit with a sunshine yellow blouse. She had blonde curly hair that enveloped her face and a modern-looking necklace hanging from her neck. She was beautiful.
“Hello, you must be Nero?” She asks.
“Y-yes ma’am!” She shudders.
The woman lets out the most wholesome little giggle Nero has ever heard. “Oh no need to be afraid of me dear, I might be the camp director, but I’m still a very nice woman,” She ushers to her. “Come, I’ve got something for you.” 
She leads Nero over to the break room and into her office. Nero looks at all the things she can get her eyes on in the room. Binders full of paperwork, frames on the wall with… medical degrees??? and a frame on her desk with a little boy in it.
“Do you have a son?” Nero asks. 
The woman nods as she rummages through one of the desk drawers. “He’s about your age, He’ll be here with us over the two-week stay.” 
She then finally fishes out a small white veil and beaded flower clip, handing the clip to Nero she explains. “I give one to each nursing volunteer I get, I even gave one to Maha today, though I don't exactly think she could wear it.” She then goes around to the back of Nero with the veil. 
“May I take off your mask?”
“Are, are you allowed to?”
“This is private property, you’re allowed to take off your mask while under my care.” 
Nero nods, letting her gently remove the plastic ring holding the mask to her head from her forehead. Then, she replaces it with a veil made out of one-way translucent fabric. Stepping back, the woman puts a fist up to her mouth. “I suppose you’ve become a little eerie now, but I guess that's better than having the word hostile on your face.” 
Nero nods. “It is.” 
“We’ll start training you tonight, for now, you can go hang out with your friends or go sit with Maha and Fatima.” 
Nero excuses herself from the office and heads back to the room she found the Muslim girl in. She sees that only the little girl in white is present.
“Where’s the other one?” Nero asks, getting the girl’s attention.
“Maha? She’s in the bathroom.” The girl tells her.
“So you must be Fatima?”
The girl nods.
“Y’know I understand you have to cover yourself, but why wear white, won’t you ruin your clothes easily out here?” Nero asks. 
“I’ll be inside most of the day, besides, it’s better if I don’t cook outside in black isn’t it?” 
Nero laughs. “I guess you’re right.” 
“I can’t wait to help people like you, it must have been scary losing all those parts.” Fatima’s eyebrows are very upturned so she’s still very expressive despite her nose and mouth being covered. 
“Umm, no, that’s, I’m a Rewind, not an accident victim,” Nero explained.
Nero shifts away from her as Maha comes out of the bathroom. “You’re Nero right?” She asks.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ll be taking care of Fatima these two weeks.”
Confused, Nero asks. “Is she your understudy?”
“Well, I am her spiritual adviser and hand-holder nurse.”
“Right…” Nero walks off towards the door, and heads back towards the others, deeply confused by the situation she was just in.
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dearmahiru-archive · 2 years
TW: discussions of suicide and hanging
Just had a terrible realization.
There's this wonderful theory that prisoners only have half of their memories involving their crime and you need to use their other pairing to understand the full story. I'd link it but unfortunately the creator deactivated. Everyday I mourn not archiving it because it was amazing.
They only explained how it related to Fuuta and Mu but I was thinking about what it meant for Shidou and Mahiru. After thinking about it, a horrible question hit me: Did Mahiru intend to commit a lover's suicide with her boyfriend?
IT SOUNDS CRAZY and I don't think I necessarily believe it because it'd make her crime way too sympathetic, right? Like, unless she was a terrible person no one would guilty her! But like... it's there and it's not leaving my mind.
Ofcourse, what I'm proposing is that Shidou and Mahiru intended to die to be with their loved ones but Mahiru was stripped of her memory. Both pairings would have to share the same memory, afterall. This means I'd have to convince you Shidou wants to die—
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—Which is distressingly easy to prove. First thing out of his mouth upon meeting Es. Massive focal point about his character, harder to miss it honestly.
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As for Mahiru, you know how her crime took place in Aokigahara, the suicide forest?
I explained it in this post but it's likely Mahiru's crime was indirect to parallel Shidou who directly killed his victims. Along with the imagery of Mahiru wrapping his hands around her victim's neck and their shoe falling off, I think it's likely he died by hanging. Initially, I thought he died while Mahiru was at home cooking dinner, hence her horrified expression towards the end.
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Few things we'll need to establish. When Mahiru's boyfriend dies it's on Day 16. I'm assuming this because why else would she wear the birdcage outfit and look horrified at the end? Then, there's also this shot in Undercover where Mahiru's hands are laying ontop of her victim. I think this must be in Aokigahara because no other entry before this takes place in a forest. The closest is the outdoor cinema in Day 13 but, and I checked, the cuffs are different. Instead, Mahiru's birdcage outfit matches up the best.
Obviously, the cuffs between the two jackets are different so they belong to different people. Mahiru must have went with her boyfriend to Aokigahara.
However, like I did, you might be thinking, "Oh but Mahiru doesn't have the motive to go. She isn't suicidal." To which I say:
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The fact she laughs after saying the first few lines as if that's a teehee :3c thing to say. This isn't funny Mahiru. I'm distressed over your mental health.
Bringing up the shoes again, there is a scene where Mahiru takes her shoes off. Specifically, when she's calling her boyfriend and then when she dives headfirst into the feathers.
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Initially, I had brushed off this off but it's a weird detail to include, right? Noticably, the shoes only come off when she's unhappy in her relationship: slamming the phone down after arguing with her boyfriend and then staring wistfully outside of the birdcage. They're on again after she wakes up from her nap, and her boyfriend has already died. Even if it doesn't necessarily mean she's suicidal, it's still linked to her unhappiness.
Adding onto this, there's these lyrics from This Is How To Be Inlove With You:
"We fought sometimes, I was happy to get hurt Let's have matching pain, this sickness is pretty bad."
"This is a claim of responsibility From the two of us with matching love Wanting to know everything about you, but wanting to die because it can't come true It's all because of love."
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These lines are sung over Days 9-12 after Mahiru confesses and starts dating her boyfriend. Along with the lines about matching pain, it's when she takes off her shoes, so she's really not happy in this relationship. Over the course of this relationship I think they're both having a negative impact on eachother's mental health. Mahiru is consistently taking up her boyfriend's time (waking up him up in the morning to call, begging him to take her out on dates, etc) and then potentially manipulating/guilt-tripping him. For Mahiru, she's putting a large amount of effort into being a good girlfriend and not receiving anything in return. Not once does Mahiru ever mention something her boyfriend has does for her, and she's very easy to please.
Despite how cute it's portrayed in her MV, atleast one of their fights got nasty. In the 2nd trial teaser, Mahiru screams "Don't say you love me so easily!" Which is likely directly at her boyfriend. Concerning implications since this is only voiceline where she says anything like this. Her first MV, first voice trailer, and second voice trailer are all saying she loves this guy but she's screaming at him to not tell her the same? Despite being in the chorus of This Is How To Be Inlove With Love You's lyrics? A fuck-up has occurred here.
I should also note, Mahiru has only expressed anger towards her boyfriend. Kotoko threw her on death's door and Es, accidentally, put her in that situation and she still loves them both. At most Mahiru's upset with Es but it's only empty sadness. Seriously, what could her boyfriend have done that's worse than literally attempting to kill her?
Now, I tried to write to all of off by saying Mahiru would've remembered if she tried to commit a lover's suicide and there'd be more hints. However, if you remember the beginning of this post, if Mahiru had her memory erased then she doesn't know how her boyfriend died.
I think this is most apparent in her interrogation answers and voice drama. Mahiru always refers to her lover in present tense, saying things like "I've never smoked before, but I might copy him if who I love smokes." There's also the way she speaks about her crime, she "supposes" she killed her boyfriend. There's several reasons why she'd act this way but I'd say this aligns with her having a fuzzy memory.
(Also pretty suspicious for Milgram to ask her "Are there people you’d be leaving behind after you die?" Why would we, the audience, need to know that.)
Ofcourse, this theory isn't perfect! You could come up with all sorts of reasons why x evidence actual something else entirely different. I'm not convinced of it entirely myself but I think it does make sense? I Love You can't come soon enough to confirm everything.
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alwaysteveswife · 1 year
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Inspired by this -Specifically the word Matching- by @lesservillain, let's say it's a prequel to kinktober, but not nsfw (? Also, it never hurts to imagine Stevie as Fred Jones.
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: None, maybe Fluff, I guess.
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Even the 4 glasses of mystery punch Steve had drunk didn't stop him from wanting to hang Robin, and maybe himself for that matter. He was very drunk when he accepted this bet, like, too drunk. Robin, on the other hand, was completely sober, and took advantage of his state to play a trick on him.
The bet was that, if Steve managed to get a date for the Halloween party, then he would shut Robin's mouth and she would cover for him for a turn, but, if he didn't get a girl by then, he would have to wear a costume of Fred Jones, one of the main characters of an animated series called Scooby-Doo. Unfortunately, Steve lost.
"Come on, Stevie, don't make that face, the costume looks great on you" Robin grabbed some snacks from the table as she laughed under her breath. She wasn't lying, the costume fit him like a glove, and more than one girl had licked her lips just seeing how the white shirt fit perfectly around his torso. In a way, it reminded her of his time at Scoops Ahoy.
"This is extremely embarrassing" he muttered, going back to pouring himself some punch. His eyebrows were furrowed slightly, but his tone was still soft, he wasn't capable of getting angry at Robin. "You're lucky I appreciated you enough not to insult you like I want to."
Robin opened her mouth, ready to tease him about his fondness for her, but was quickly interrupted by a guy with messy hair and exaggerated red makeup.
"Steve!" Eddie stepped in front of Robin, grabbing Steve's shoulders and starting to drag him into the backyard of the house, "Why didn't you tell us you were coming with a date?"
"What date?" asked Robin and Steve at the same time, the surprised look on their faces causing Eddie to let out a too-loud chuckle.
"You know, Y/N" all three stopped at the same time, sharing looks of confusion, "Don't tell me you don't know Y/N? She's a friend of Chrissy's, she goes to every game to cheer her on."
"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not in school anymore, Eddie, hopefully I know you two, and Nancy."
Eddie turned his gaze to Robin, who only replied with a shrug, "I'm not looking out for the audience, I have to concentrate on what I play."
"God, you guys-"
"Eddie, you came!" the cheerful voice of Chrissy made the three of them startle, turning at the same time so they could see her. She was wearing a beautiful angel costume, it contrasted perfectly with Eddie's. They still couldn't understand how they could be such friends, "I thought you were busy."
"I was, but I made the time" he nodded slowly, starting to smile in a machiavellian way. "Hey, Chrissy, one question, your friend, Y/N, what did she come in disguise as?".
Steve coughed discreetly, stomping Eddie's foot. He didn't even know the girl yet and already felt embarrassed.
"Oh, it came from Daphne" Chrissy smiled brightly, pointing her hand at a girl with a purple dress and red hair. Steve could almost swear he felt his heart skip a beat. "Did you see her? She looks so beautiful! It's like the costume was made for her."
Eddie nodded in agreement, gritting his teeth through the pain that still lingered in his foot.
"I saw it a while ago, it's almost as well done as our 'Fred's'" with an all too feigned smile, Eddie rounded Steve's shoulders and pulled him close enough so that he was in Chrissy's viewing frame.
"Wow, I hadn't noticed," Chrissy's tone became a little sharper, and Steve thought he saw a glint in her blue eyes, "it really suits you, Steve."
"Thank you" he murmured embarrassed, at what point had he become so shy of compliments?
"The two of you should take a picture together, you'd look great" Steve tried to refuse, to tell her that he didn't want this to be forever etched in a photograph that anyone could use against him, but just as she arrived, Chrissy fled into the crowd and disappeared, not letting him have a say in the matter. At least, Steve thought, she was distracted enough to forget that idea.
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The rest of the night, to Steve's surprise, was quite... pleasant. Many girls approached him to talk, or at least that was the excuse they used, it was more than obvious that they just wanted to flirt with him. It had been a long time since he had been in that situation, had it always been this awkward? He liked having a little female attention, it made him feel wanted, desired, but the conversations were so embarrassing that he couldn't help but feel nauseous, maybe he had had too much to drink.
"At last you are unoccupied" a shiver ran down his spine as he heard that soft voice speak to him. He was sure he had never heard it before, so he didn't understand why it had that effect on him. Yes, he definitely needed to lay off the alcohol for tonight. "I wanted to talk to you earlier, but I didn't want to interrupt."
When Steve turned around he couldn't help but think how cute you were. He was pretty sure you averaged the same as Chrissy, but with a little more body, your eyes were so bright and your smile felt so infectious. He wanted to squeeze your freckled cheeks.
"Uhm, sorry, not intentional" hr mumbled awkwardly, for some reason his head wasn't working as it should. "You must be Y/N."
You laughed nervously, you couldn't get it through your head, that Steve fucking Harrington knew you. "And I suppose you must be Steve."
"Bingo!" he shouted unconsciously, an overly unbalanced drunken laugh made you smile tenderly. You never imagined it like that.
"I see we came combined" you pointed at his disguise with your index finger, smiling as you watched him frown in confusion and look at himself.
"Oh, yes, Daphne and Fred" he nodded in agreement, "were the two of them a couple or...?"
"They have chemistry, if that's what you want to know" you grabbed a plastic cup and poured yourself some juice, you hated drinking at parties like this. "I didn't think you liked this kind of series."
"Oh, I don't like them" he nodded in agreement, leaning his hip on the kitchen counter. You felt too watched, and too nervous, "I came in like this on a dare."
"That's a pretty good costume to have been on a dare" you took a sip of juice and looked at Steve, he really did fit the character.
"I guess, it was pretty simple, really" he mumbled slurring his words.
"There you were, Y/N!" Chrissy paused at the entrance to the kitchen, watching you both intently, "Oh..." a big grin appeared on her face and she was quick to pull out of her backpack - which she hadn't taken off so no one would steal it - a camera.
Steve and you both grimaced almost at the same time.
"What are you doing with that?" you tried to take it from her, but Chrissy grabbed your hands and dragged you over until you were standing next to Steve.
"I'll take a very beautiful picture of you two" she brought the camera quickly to your eyes and took the picture. You didn't even have time to react. "Aw, you're so cute" squealed Chrissy, heading for the exit doing little hops.
"Chrissy, wait!" you set the glass down on the counter and looked at Steve with an embarrassed look, "Excuse me, I have to go get her, I'm so sorry about the picture."
And you left. And Steve stayed. And a too-unnecessary idea stayed with him.
"Should I watch the series?"
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