#I mean I mainly use it for messenger
killjoy-prince · 3 months
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I love what they have
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sprinkler-ashes · 1 year
gold rush // aaron hotchner x reader
aaron hotchner x fem!reader
description: in which aaron hotchner hates social media – unless it’s yours. inspired by gold rush by taylor swift.
words: 2.2k
warnings: hotch is down bad, curse words, a bit of pining and jealousy
a/n: i love the idea of the bau being active on social media + hotch having no idea what any online terms mean lmao anyways i just really like this little fic. happy reading!!
i don’t like slow motion, double vision in rose blush
i don't like that falling feels like flying ‘til the bone crush
everybody wants you
but i don’t like a gold rush
Aaron Hotchner is not a fan of social media.
Maybe it’s because of his job. He knows that posting too much information online could sometimes lead to bad situations because there are always people lurking – it’s impossible to know who, exactly, is watching online. Or maybe it’s because he simply didn’t grow up with it. It didn’t really matter – he just knows he does not like using it.
Penelope had shown him quite a bit of Twitter after several BAU cases started trending while the cases were actively going on, even somehow agreeing to let her set him up an account. Aaron didn’t really want an account, but it was almost impossible to say no to Penelope Garcia who Aaron genuinely liked a lot.
Facebook was another one that he had. He didn’t even have a profile picture and only harbored a small amount of friends – entirely family. The site was strictly used to keep up with Jessica since she was an avid Facebook user. If he couldn’t get a hold of her through her phone, he would send her a message on Facebook’s messaging platform, Messenger. She typically responded that way.
The last social media account Aaron had was a new one. Or, well, new-ish. It had just been created a little over a month ago. He didn’t want the account, but Penelope wasn’t the one who asked him to get an account that time.
It was you. And saying no to you was even harder than saying no to Penelope.
A group photo was taken at Rossi’s last month during a get-together after finishing a case. Penelope went straight to Instagram to post it, tagging everyone except Aaron who wasn’t shy to say he didn’t have an account. He was the only one – even Rossi had made an account.
“You’re not on Instagram?” You’d asked Aaron only moments after that.
He shook his head. “I don’t really use social media.”
You frowned like you were in deep thought before turning to him again with a smile. “We should change that.”
All it took was a good minute, maybe even less than that, and one of your signature smiles to convince him to let you help him create an Instagram profile.
He accumulated a small amount of followers since then, which he had to approve, of course, as Aaron made sure his account was set to private – mainly family, some friends, and the team. However, that was as far as it went. He was still figuring out the app, but completely forgot about his new account due to his busy life.
Except for now.
It’s a slow Friday at work – mainly just a day spent catching up on paperwork – and Aaron never really complains on days like this. Yes, it’s usually boring, but having a day without a case means he actually gets to see his son at the end of the day, so it’s a win for him.
But a slow day creates boredom, especially when he’s actually ahead on paperwork. Aaron can’t recall the last time he was this bored at work – probably because he usually has something to do – but when his eyes ghost over the time on his expensive watch, he has to resist letting out a sigh of agitation because, somehow, there are still four more hours left in the workday.
Aaron puts the pen he’s holding down and moves the file he’s in the process of reviewing. He grabs his phone from one of the drawers in his desk and turns it on. The lock screen, which is his favorite photo of Jack, lights up before he enters his passcode.
He does errand-like things at first, including responding to a couple of texts, checking his personal email, and even spending a minute, or five, on Twitter, not that he would ever admit that to Penelope.
Eyeing the colorful app with a white outline of a camera, he hesitantly opens Instagram, still not really used to it considering it’s been over a month since the last time he was on it. He waits a second for it to load up until a photo appears on his feed from JJ, who posted a picture of Henry and Will before she left for work.
jj_jareau: My two favorite guys <3
Aaron knows that the symbol on the end of her caption is supposed to represent a heart because you often send the same symbol in the BAU group chat. He’s not sure why you never use actual emoticons – he’s never asked you – but he associates the symbol with you.
Not that he’s associating hearts with you specifically. Or overanalyzing all your texts in the group chat. Of course not, it’s just because you use it often. That’s all.
When Aaron tries to scroll, he accidentally presses on your username that was showing up in the preview of the comments, sending him straight to your own Instagram page.
He’s about to click the back arrow above your profile picture that he’s assuming will take him back to his feed, but Aaron can’t stop himself from glancing over your profile. Your page is filled with photos from moments in your life that go back years.
Looking up from his phone, he can see you from his chair as the blinds in his office are currently open. You’re chatting with Spencer who’s sitting across from you, a smile on your face as you continuously glance from him and back over to your computer screen where you’re typing, making sure Spencer knows you’re still listening to whatever bizarre fact he’s probably ranting about.
Aaron looks back down to his phone. He’s never been on your page, nor have your posts ever shown up on his feed during the rare times he’s actively gone on the app. It almost feels too personal – like he’s not supposed to see the side of you he doesn’t work with.
He carefully presses on the last post you made. It’s a post from only one day ago, but you’re not in any of the seven photos you’ve posted, which makes him frown with a tinge of disappointment.
Your caption reads, September photo dump, with a couple emoticons.
Wondering what the hell a photo dump is, Aaron looks through the set of pictures again. Everything is random. They range from a sunset to a picture of a meal you must’ve eaten at some point during the month of September, which just passed, and even one of Emily’s cat.
He scrolls down to the next post from three days ago. This time, you’ve only posted one picture and luckily for him, you’re actually in it.
You’re sitting at a dinner table, head resting gently on your hand with a sweet smile while your other hand is gently holding a glass of what – Aaron brings the phone closer to his face without knowing he can actually just zoom in – appears to be champagne.
It only takes him a few seconds after admiring how you look in the photo to wonder about who’s on the other side of it.
Aaron doesn’t know who took the photo and is getting to see you smile like that, but he does know that he wishes it was him because you’re just so damn pretty.
The man is pretty sure he would quite literally melt down to the ground if you looked at him like that.
He’s attempting to push these thoughts to the back of his head as he prepares to scroll to the next post. Aaron is well aware of the fact he shouldn’t be thinking about you in any way that isn’t strictly platonic. He is your boss and even aside from that, the two of you are not only co-workers, but friends.
Friends, he reminds himself. That’s all.
But as he scrolls to the next post, every thought of friendship leaves his body.
It’s a photo taken with the flash on from exactly a week ago, last Friday night, of you, Emily, JJ, and Penelope in what appears to be a club that Aaron can’t say recognizes. You’re standing on the end, your arm snaked around Emily’s waist with your body turned towards the camera while mid-laugh.
The black dress you’re wearing hugs every inch of your body perfectly – you’re showing more skin in the photo than Aaron has ever seen out of you. He’s seen you dressed up before – even seen you in person at clubs himself – but nothing like this before. Ever.
Much needed girls’ night out, your caption says.
Aaron’s not even sure he’s still breathing when he swipes to the second, and last, picture in the post.
This time, it’s only you. You’re still in the same dress, looking at the camera with a sultry smile. You’re not in the club this time. Aaron can’t tell where you are, but that doesn’t really matter because you’re looking straight at the camera with one of the most attractive looks he’s ever seen – it almost feels like you’re looking directly at him.
prentiss_emily: Baddest bitch in the bureau
yourusername: @ emily_prentiss Only behind you ofc
Though he knows she means it in an endearing way, Aaron doesn’t want to call you a bitch, but Emily’s comment on your post technically isn’t a lie. Unfortunately, he also can't seem to figure out what "ofc" means.
A part of him feels guilty. He knows he can’t have you, yet he’s going through your Instagram right now imagining a thousand what-if scenarios, a tinge of jealousy running through his veins at the idea of you ever looking at anyone the way you’re looking at the camera in your photos.
Aaron spends so much time trying to convince himself he doesn’t feel the way he does for you because there are so many reasons why he shouldn’t have the feelings he does. He can’t think of a scenario where you can be his nor can he think of a world in which you feel the same.
So, after he looks at this photo for another couple of seconds, he’s finally going to close out the app and forget about the way you look in that dress.
He can’t get the chance to do that because the door to his office is opening abruptly, startling him to the point where he drops his phone onto his desk.
“Shit,” he curses under his breath, hands fumbling to lock his phone so your Instagram will go away.
There you are, mouth open to say something until you notice him fumbling with his phone.
A sheepish look appears on your face. “Sorry, I forgot to knock.”
“It’s fine,” he says, hoping his voice is even and doesn’t scream: Hello, I just looked through your Instagram. “What do you need?” He lays his phone down – it’s finally locked – and looks up at you, trying to appear like he was actually doing something.
“Oh, I don’t need anything. Reid and I are going to try that new place that just opened up down the street for lunch. I was wondering if you wanted me to grab you something.”
“Do you have a menu?” He asks.
“Yeah, give me a second. I’ll text it to you,” you tell him.
You’re pulling your phone out of the pocket of your pants and if Aaron had been paying attention and not pretending like he was working, he would’ve seen the way you glanced up at him, back to your phone, then back to him, a giddy smile on your face.
You do as you told him you would and send him the menu. “Take your time looking over it. Just text me what you want within the next fifteen minutes.”
“Thanks. I’ll look over it in a minute.”
Aaron really does go back to work this time, his hands moving to pick up the file he moved earlier. He hears the door open and assumes you’re on your way out of the door, but you don’t leave yet.
“Oh! Before I go,” you say, your body out the door and your hand lingering on the outside knob of his office door. He looks up at you, pen in hand. “Thanks for the like on Instagram.”
Aaron thinks his heart has stopped upon hearing those words. Before he can even say anything, you shut the door, and you’re making your way back to where Spencer is still sitting.
He swallows hard, closes the file, and sets it away once again. His fingers frantically type in his passcode, and Instagram immediately pops up, still open from when he tried to turn his phone off.
To Aaron’s horror, he sees the Instagram heart that’s used to like photos filled with red and seemingly glaring at him. It was too late to unlike it now. You’d obviously already gotten the notification.
Meanwhile, as Aaron is mentally panicking, you’re whipping out your phone again to send another text. This time to Emily who is currently in a meeting.
I will never doubt you again – Operation post-a-thirst-trap worked!
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bloop-bl00p · 1 month
Rewriting Hellaverse Heaven
Welcome to Heaven
We all know that Vivienne's worldbuilding skills are terrible, I’ve been pointing out a few issues so it’s not a new concept. I don’t want her to butcher Heaven in the second season, I know she will so I did something myself.
Anyway, I’ll start with the lowest in the hierarchy and gradually start climbing higher, it’s not 100% accurate to the angelic hierarchy we all know but where’s the fun in taking the accurate text without making any changes?
I. Humans:
Different ranks
Humans, while mostly there to rest after their death, can access more important ranks that are essential for Heavens to keep working. It’s based on how they lived on Earth.
Venerable: Venerable is the title given to a deceased person recognized as having lived a virtuous life, they sinned but it wasn't that bad and their good doing overcame their bad deeds. They are very common.
Blessed: To be beatified and recognized as Blessed, you must die because you accomplished a virtuous act based on the 7 Capital Virtues. A Blessed has the opportunity to assist a Saint in their daily routine and help welcome new souls in Heaven, making them visit different places and integrate them into the communities.
Saint: Sainthood requires a heroically virtuous and borderline sinless life, which means they dedicated their entire life to helping others and the world around them. A soul who accessed sainthood has the opportunity to further participate in the maintenance of Heaven. Saint Peter has the keys to open the Gates and knows which souls can have access to it.
The Choirs
Venerables can be part of a Choir since they have the most free time. The main style is currently Gospel and Acapella but Gospel Rock with Christian Symphonic Metal recently added themselves with new generations.
If I had to rewrite “Welcome to Heaven” it would probably be like “Gospel True” from Hercules.
II. Earthly Messengers
In other terms, those angels interact the most with humans whether it’s on Earth, in Heaven, or in Hell.
“Common” Angels
a. Overall:
That’s what they are called in the scripture and honestly, I was too tired to find another name. They are mostly pacifists avoiding confrontation and only carrying action and the words of God for the Greater Good. “Common” Angels take humans' appearance to blend in to spread good morals and values to inspire others.
They have to protect mortals from demonic influence, AKA identify and either repel the demon or slay it in extreme circumstances. They are my replacements for the Cherub in Helluva Boss and the reason IMP and other needs humans disguise.
b. Guardian Angels:
A guardian angel is assigned to protect and guide a particular person. You can't see them but their advice manifests as your internal monologue. It's up to you if you want to listen to it. They are the reason you think twice before willingly making bad decisions.
If the “Common” Angels take care of individuals person, Principalities take care of kingdoms and large communities focusing mainly on the chiefs so they rule fairly over their people.
Unfortunately, most Principalities fell with Lucifer and the Fallen currently use their skills to manipulate rulers for the benefit of Hells.
a. Overall:
Powers heavily partake in Heaven’s army and it’s not rare to see them roaming around with a sword and armor, I mean, it’s their duty to protect the place. Once a year they descend to Hell in order to kill as many sinners as possible.
While it’s still a hazard as demons in general have varieties of powers that can make a fight difficult they do it nonetheless. During the war against Lucifer, their loyalty was such that no Powers fell which not only boosted their ego but also made them loathe those who turned against the Almighty.
Archangel Michael is the leader of the army but since Lucifer obliviously does not want the guy near Pentagram City Misael, his best soldier and lieutenant, takes the lead once in Hell.
b. Context around Exterminations:
The Examination was set up when Lucifer stopped torturing sinners and established a semblance of society to gain more power. Misael proposed it, not only to stop the Fallen Angel from harvesting strength but to regulate the number of souls in Hell. Which got accepted.
A deal was made with Lucifer who did not want to start another war. It’s a simple arrangement, nobody but the Powers could have access to Hell, the Extermination can only happen once a year at 12:00 AM on New Year’s Eve finishing the second the clock reaches midnight to announce the New Year. The Angels don’t have access to other rings and can only kill within the enclosure of Pride, they can attack anyone (Hellborns included) but not members of the Royal Class. It’ll be wise to be precise that blue blood can’t intervene during the extermination, it’s part of the deal.
Each of them has prayer duties where they need a few days to demand forgiveness after each extermination because they destroyed souls.
Sinning gives more power to the Seven Deadly Sins, so each Power chooses their victims wisely specifically targeting sinners classified, in their own terms, as Overlords since they massively perpetuate immoral behaviors in others. They know exactly who targets thanks to Adam and Eve.
The first humans were sent to Hell because they doomed humanity except that not only did they keep their human appearance but they got a pardon from the wrath of Lucifer. Sealed away from the chaos of Hell, they stay in contact with Heaven and inform them of news deemed as important like the rise in power of a sinner.
III. Heavenly Rulers
While they rarely venture among humans, the actions they take can affect life on Earth.
The Archangels
The Archangels have been given the monumental task of managing life in Heaven for humans and the travel between Heaven and Earth/Hell. Each one of them has a different area of expertise translated by the etymology of their name.
They take care of the “Common” Angels and Power's activities making sure everything goes accordingly. They make sure everyone follows the rules, arresting/killing those that don't, and assigning the proper sentence when ordered to by God or the Dominions. They can be sent to Earth to deliver very important messages and are responsible for miracles, you know, people magically getting their visions back or limbs suddenly growing back, yeah, it’s them.
Dominions rule over the Angels under them in the hierarchy, they monitor their activities making sure everything is fine. They solve arguments and grant intelligence with their immense wisdom and, like judges, give verdicts and penalties to criminals often helping God himself when faced with dilemmas, they were the ones who proposed the flood and helped God make his 10 Commandments.
The Ophamins
They are eyed wheels inside eyed wheels that contain fire whiting them, don’t try to visualize that.
Whenever Gods ask for a place to be blessed they will take the fire from them and spread it around making mere earthly houses holy. When that happens Hellborns (imps, succubus, or else) cannot approach these areas, unless they wanna die. You see this fire doesn't just repel sin it cleanses it completely and since Hellborn creatures are physical manifestations of sins they die the second they get close to the fire.
The fire is used to make angelic weapons.
IV. God’s Attendance
They can get physically close to the Almighty and help Him by carrying His orders or even replacing Him in some cases.
The Cherubims
Cherubims are armed with a sword whose warmth rivals the sun, it’s directly made from the fire of the Ophamin. One became the Guardian of Eden after Adam and Eve ate the Defended fruits (A pomegranate in my rewrite) Two also stand beside Saint Peter protecting the gates of Heaven.
Their duty is to protect sacred places, If God sends them to Earth it’s to protect a zone, Noah was asked to build the status of two Cherubim on his arch to ensure its protection, The same goes for Solomon who built temples with sculptures of Cherubim inside.
The Sheraphim
The closest to God physically, Seraphim cover their body with one of their three pairs of wings to not blind people and avoid outshining the Heavenly Father. Their love is so grand they burn, it doesn’t hurt them.
They essentially have endless creativity, not unlimited like God but pretty close, they helped him when creating the universe and its rules.
The Seven Holly Virtues
Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Saraquel, Gabriel, and Remiel.
Also called the Council of Seven, these angels are the most powerful of their type and take charge of Heaven when God is unavailable. Each of them represents a Virtue and they are the ones you’ll see when you’re dead.
Each evaluates your entire life before your eyes and decides whether you go to Hell or not, the process lasts a few seconds from your perspective, hence why you feel like your life flashes before your eyes.
V. More informations
1. Angelic weapons:
Their making always involves the fire of the Ophamins, whether it’s a literal flaming sword or used to melt metals. Ophamins are the only ones able to touch this divine fire, they are literally made from it, Angels above them can be hurted by it but they are allowed to have flaming weapons because of their much more important status and their experiences. Those below are given metallic weapons melted with the fire to give a tier of its properties but it’s less powerful, nonetheless, it is still effective against low-tier demons.
→ A flaming sword kills Angels (fallen or not).
→ A simple blade can only kill the offspring of the Goetia (in my rewrite the 72 Goestia are Fallen Angels that had children in Hell), Hellborns, and sinners.
2. What are they made of?:
Angels were created the second God asked for Light, as they are part of it. They have free will and autonomy but choose to serve their Creator as it seems like the most logical thing to do. They are sinless beings living in another plane of existence. Usually, when angels fall off of grace they shapeshift because they don’t want to be associated with Heaven, only taking a more “holly” appearance to trick humans.
This shapeshifting ability is flawed for both species because their natural eye colors cannot change. You know what they said “Eyes are the window of the soul.”
3. Morality and the importance of ethics:
Angels are moral beings and have free wills, they know ultimately what is really good and what is really wrong and that’s how they base their judgment upon humans.
There’s one flaw in this system, however.
They live in an alien-perfect environment. Everyone knows their place and carries their very specific duties, they don’t question rules because why would a perfect God would create imperfect rules? The last time someone tried to drastically change everything they lost a tier of their friends and witnessing what they are doing now reinforces that feeling that their sense of morality is ultimately right.
Ethics is many things and I still struggle to fully grasp what it is despite the little research I made, what I understand is that it helps in understanding people's behavior and giving fair judgments in court. What is morally wrong can be ethically right, there’s a huge difference between robbing a bank because you want to get rich and being a pickpocket because you have children to feed. Angels don't understand that, they don't understand humans and that’s why so many people end up in Hell without really deserving it.
4. These have nothing to do with the rewrite:
The way I suffered to write this is unreal. I have a bad habit of doing research and writing at the same time! Don’t be like me… because the number of time I had ideas and decided to scrap them because the results of my research made more sense makes me want to cry. I didn't but I was close.
You can also count me not saving my progress and accidentally closing Tumblr so I had to rewrite paragraphs. Anyway, the pain is over and I‘m glad the final result.
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rachetmath · 22 days
RWBY X Video Games Pt 2.5
Ruby: Hey I bet you can't figure out what characters we played as in Borderlands.
Jaune: Hm. Ren? Nora?
Nora: Yeah I think so.
Ren: Me too.
Yang: Alright guess.
Jaune: Weiss was a Siren two times, so she was Lilith and Maya.
Weiss: How?
Jaune: Your semblance is similar to their move set. Obviously, plus I bet you enjoyed the look.
Weiss: shut up.
Nora: Yang, no doubt was Brick. He was a desecrator.
Yang: So true.
Ren: Blake had to Mordecai.
Jaune is leaving Ruby to Roland because she is a little more tech-wise than you. But mainly because she likes guns.
Ruby: Okay what about the sequel? I mean Weiss is already figured out.
Weiss: Shut it.
Ruby: But what about us?
Jaune: Hm. Hey.
Messenger: What?
Jaune: Did you give them DLCs?
Messenger: Yeah.
Jaune: Okay thanks.
Nora: Hm.
Yang: What's the matter? You guys are stumped?
Ren: I mean a little, we know Blake was Zero.
Blake: Damn that quick?
Jaune: Yeah that quick, come on. However you and Ruby we are torn against.
Ruby: Pfft how come?
Jaune: Were you two fighting over one character?
Yang: … Um.
Ruby: I-I-I mean-
Nora: It was over Salvador the Gunzerker wasn't it?
Yang: … mmm
Ruby: mmmm
Jaune: it was. It was. Give me five.
Nora: Damn right. *High five Jaune*
Jaune: I haven't forgiven you though.
Nora: Can we please talk?
Ren: Um can we get back on topic?
Jaune: Since when are we on topic? Anyway, it's clear why either of you wanted him. Mainly, why Yang wanted him.
Ren: I mean their personalities match so-
Jaune: No Ren, it's clear as day.
Ren: I mean- Oh. Oh. I see.
Yang: *blushes covering her breast*
Jaune: I don't understand why you are showing boating those balloons every day.
Nora: He's right, girl, there is no shame.
Blake: I don't get it.
Jaune: There were two options for both Ruby and Yang. Ruby could played as Gaige but she loves guns more than giant robots so she wanted Gunzker. Yang however didn't want the other character, Krieg because he was half naked.
Blake: So that's why two were arguing that time? Why didn't either of you choose Axton?
Jaune: Roland’s clone? Really?
Blake: Fine.
Nora: So Ruby understood why Yang wanted Salvador so she played as Gaige.
Blake: Alright, but you three won't figure this out. Pre-sequel.
Jaune: Ah shoot.
Ren: mm. Mm
Nora: Damn. That is hard.
Ren: No Handsome Jack Clone right?
Blake: Ew.
Weiss: I hate you for saying that.
Yang: I'm too sexy to be that arrogant.
Ruby: I mean the weapons are cool but no.
Yang: I mean I could have been-
Jaune: Hell no, don't say that. You ain't no Athena.
Yang: gasp how dare you sir? I’ll have you know-
Jaune: Athena has a shield and a sword. She is more about defense than offense. Plus you never used a sword.
Yang: How does that matter?
Jaune: Anyways I believe Ruby was Claptrap.
Ruby: What? how did you -
Jaune: Claptrap has access to all the previous Borderland character's moveset. I know you would be happy to use them.
Weiss: Guess you've become basic Ruby.
Nora: Lady Hammerlock.
Weiss:*stares at Nora in anger*
Nora: *cockly smiles* It suits you, considering your previous statues, Ice Queen.
Ren: Blake was Nisha. Her skill is very useful and she has a whip.
Blake: *blushes*
Jaune: Which leaves with Wilhelm the Enforcer. Mainly because you both lost an arm.
Yang: Okay. True.
Weiss: Well you won't guess who we-
Jaune: Borderlands 3. Weiss the Beastmaster. Blake the Operative. Yang the Siren. And Ruby the Gunner.
RWBY: ………………
Ruby: Man. No fair.
Nora: Come on, it wasn't that hard. Blake's semblance is basically Zane’s hologram. Amara power is Yang semblance except stronger and more versatile. FL4K just fights with his pets like Weiss with her summons except he does a better job.
Weiss: What was that?
Nora: And Moze has a giant robot with guns. Ruby would never miss a chance like that.
Ruby: Damn right!
Jaune: So are we done?
Yang: Yeah we’re done. But I have a question. How does it feel to be maiden-less in the Elden Ring and real life?
RWB: Oh.
Emerald: Shit!
Oscar: DAMN! You get no bitches!
Jaune: I mean, in the Elden Ring, I’ve seen a lot of crazy women. One was hell-bent on destroying a tree. A blue-doll woman who basically wants me to devote myself to her. A dragon woman. A flower woman who I’m surprised can live for so long. A woman who believes in a snake, so much so she was willing to eat off his corpse. And a knight who was dying and was beating me like no tomorrow. Took me three times to beat that woman and it wasn’t on her second phase. So yeah, being maiden less was more of a blessing than having one of either them.
Yang: Oh.
Jaune: As for real life. I mean I had women look at me funny back at Mantle, I had Pyrrha back at Vale. Glyanda believed in me so she might count. Then you got Weiss who complimented me. And it seems I was on your girl's mind before you even entered the picture. Regardless, I don’t care, but at least I don’t settle for less.
Yang: Um..
Jaune: And I love my mom. Too bad you will never know that feeling cause you never had one
Yang: Jau-
Jaune: I mean I’m not too judgemental but come on, at least I’m not a hypocrite, an irresponsible brat whose only accomplishment was getting a lamp. Oh, wait, that’s gone too.
Ruby:: Jaune.
Jaune: How does feel bitch? To be motherless, having to show nothing for all life's struggles but a girl who once fantasized about another man.
Yang: *cries*
Ruby: Really, Jaune?
Jaune: I mean I may have messed up a few times. But I was right on the majority of things and I produce great results.
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 312
Brief summary: Dark Bear is a mutant NPC. Cale scams DB into becoming his subordinate. Cale's group meets a former hero.
We got more info dump today.
The 7th Evil, Hell of Time, is a collection of fairy tales with cruel sides
The 3rd Evil, Hell of Darkness, was the most heinous and notorious place among the Eight Evils, with the most deaths recorded
Dark Bear is a mutant NPC, which is an odd NPC that occasionally appeared because of a loophole in the system
Mutant NPCs can speak well, and travel anywhere
Count Lupe II is a mutant NPC too
Dark Bear actually works as a messenger to convey Neo's will, and is a boss in title only, meaning other bosses look down on him
Cursed blood for a demon means having the blood of a demon's enemy, mainly the blood of the divine race, or a god
Because the two bloods are incompatible, it can cause pain and be fatal to the half-demon
If Cale's half-demon with cursed blood setting was not chuunibyou enough, Cale was now a half-demon and half-angel/god... 🤣🤣🤣 I had read some comments on the previous chapter, so I wanted to clarify that this was all made up by the system AI, One. This was the setting the AI gave Cale for his NPC account. Cale is not really a half-demon... I think? 😂
Because of the Hell of Darkness's reputation, DB was seriously scared of Cale who was its hidden boss. The chapter did not explain why he was scared of demons though.
Count Lupe II had the nickname, Ghost of Darkness. I had some confusion about this nickname because the Korean word "gwishin" meant ghost, but Lupe was a demon, right? In Korean, gwisin was generally a ghost, and could either be good or evil. Japanese folklore called them "kishin", and had a more evil spirit or demon side to them.
To note was the numbering of the Eight Evils did not meant a hierarchical power ranking, but was more their order of appearance.
Moving on, it was funny how scared DB was of Cale, and only the kids could comfort him and calm him down. And when Cale tried to calm down DB, it only worsened DB's state. 😂😂😂 There was also this scene:
DB: *talks about how the Hell of Darkness is the most evil and realizes Cale was its hidden boss* I-It's not that! I'm not badmouthing the 3rd Evil! O-Of the Eight Evils, it is the greatest! Cale: Yes, yes. I am the greatest Evil. CH and the kids: *looks at Cale strangely* Hong: *shakes head in disbelief*
DB also began praising the Hell of Darkness, to the extent that Raon muttered that Clopeh was a better speaker than DB. 😂
DB: *explains what cursed blood is* Everyone: *silent* The kids: *stares at Cale with wide open eyes as if very interested* CH: *looks at Cale as if he was a puppy that got into an accident somewhere* Cale: (No- This time, I really didn't do anything! The system AI, One, was the one who registered me like this! It's not my fault!)
DB then misunderstood that Cale was planning to takeover and become the hidden boss of the 7th Evil too, like how he was with the 3rd Evil. Cale took advantage of the misunderstanding, scamming DB into becoming his subordinate, and promising to make DB as the new boss of the 7th Evil like Count Lupe was the boss of the 3rd Evil.
Come to think of it, I mistook DB as the previous lord of the 7th Evil. That was just a mistranslation caused by MTL. Sorry about that.
DB guided the group to Neo's house where the control point was located. And Cale learned that the control point was going to be used to connect Aipotu and the New World. It was also a conglomeration of powers, an explosive trigger, that would soon destroy 80% of Aipotu.
I found it funny that the Dragon Lord's house was made of sweets, like the house in the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale. 😂 And it had a knight as a gatekeeper, who was a corrupted former hero.
[Gisk, a former hero who lost hope and switched sides]
Ending Remarks Cale's scam was a success and he gained a new follower. Next chapter would be the fight between Gisk and CH. One told Cale to find a hero, but she did not say to only find one, right? Would Cale save this former hero from corruption?
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heartmaddie · 16 days
charm | t.oikawa - 07 juna
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by m454d1e involves past relationship trauma somewhaat
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yn’s sitting at the oak table, feeding herself scoops of miscellaneous cereals as her roommates look over at her, various perplexed faces on each of them.
“so oikawa’s coming over?” kei looks over at osamu skeptically, “i mean i don’t mind but it’s just a bit of a drastic change in opinion.”
“i don’t think oikawa’s that bad, really.” keiji shrugs, “nice guy, a bit violent but i think it was an appropriate time”
“guys, he’s just gonna be over to work on the project, it’s not like we’re gonna actually have a meaningful conversation.” yn explains, leaning on the back of her chair. she lets out a deep sigh as she sips on some juice, “he’ll be over from 1:30 to the evening or something, you wont even see him.”
“yeah, it’s fine then. i’ll be at uni the whole time” kiyoko nods, “i’ll be in the textile studios from around 12-4 really, so i’ll be home for dinner.. is he going to have dinner with us?” she asks yn, who shrugs.
“dunno, he might.” 
“well i’ll be in the apartment all day, so if anything happens or if he does anything then just let me know, okay?” osamu looked sideways at yn, sighing softly.
“i think we’ll be okay.”
“dunno yn, just being careful is better.” keiji nods in response, looking over at kei.
“we’re adults, i’m sure that yn knows what she’s doing.”
“thank you kei” yn replies, sipping on some more juice, and that was their breakfast conversation over.
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her lectures dragged on all day, the minutes passing by slower every second, every moment blurred into one until she’s sitting outside on one of the benches, eyes closed before she hears a familiar chirpy voice.
“ynn, are you ready to head off?” tooru asks, offering her a hand which she takes gratefully, letting him pull her right back to her feet.
“yeah, we can go now.”
they walk hand in hand, earning a couple weird glances from other students as they walked in silence. she looked exhausted, and tooru couldn’t help but worry, so he would tug her a little closer every now and then, letting her rest her head on his shoulder as she directed them towards her dorm. 
tooru was surprised, it was much tidier than the apartment he shared with his roommates, but then again, she lived with akaashi and kiyoko, who were pretty good when it came to organisation.
“these rooms are so much better than the sports dorms” tooru complains, slipping off his shoes and neatly leaving them next to yns.
“mm, yeah i guess. the rent here is more expensive than in the sports dorms, also aren’t you on a scholarship like tobio?” yn asked, looking up at him curiously.
“yeah, i’m on a half scholarship, so i still pay for my dorm fees.” oikawa sighs, walking with her throughout the apartment as he looks around in astonishment.
“do you want water or anything?” she asks, pouring a glass with some ice tossed inside and passing it towards him, receiving a small ‘thank you’ in return.
“who else are your roommates besides kiyoko and akaashi?” he asks curiously, bringing up the cool glass to his pink lips,
“uhm, osamu and kei”
“kei as in karasuno, kei tsukishima?”
“yeah” she nods in reply, 
“i don’t like him.” oikawa states firmly, causing her to chuckle.
“mm, i see that, i think that at face value he’s a bit awkward and arrogant, but he’s very caring once you get to know him” she nods, thinking about tsukishima. oikawa laughs as well, taking another sip,
“we should probably start our project, are we going to your room or something?” she nods and pulls him towards her bedroom. 
it’s neat, but obviously lived in. with a twin sized bed against the wall with white sheets somewhat done and a large desk with stacks of paper on the ends of it. he sits on the grey carpet, putting his messenger bag next to him and reaching for his laptop. tooru rests his back against the bedframe as he accesses the document, she sits next to him and does the same thing.
“so i did some of the work last week, and i think that we’ve mainly finished our research and can start drafting our abstract.” yn nods, picking at the skin at her cuticle, “have you chosen a question?” tooru nods and explains it to her, gently taking her hand in his. yn feels an unfamiliar warmth form in her stomach as she looks up at him, his sharp jaw as he reads off his document, and he doesn’t realise her gaze until he looks back at her.
“what? is there something on my face?” he asks, bringing his other palm to quickly wipe against his lower face, making her smile from his obliviousness.
“no, it’s nothing. but the question sounds good” she hums, leaning over his shoulder to tweak some parts.
a couple half hours later, yn’s sitting on her bed with tooru working on the ground still, stretching occasionally as he could feel it in his back now.
“if you’re uncomfortable you can come sit up here.” she hums mindlessly, so he finds himself climbing up next to her, sitting shoulder to shoulder as he continues to type away on his laptop. over the hour they find themselves shifting closer, to the point where their laptops are forgotten on the ground and tooru has his arm lazily draped across her waist as they lie close, but not enough.
“are you feeling better?” he asks her softly, using his other hand to gently card through her hair as she gazed up at the white ceiling.
“yeah, i guess so” she mumbles in response, turning to look up at him, a somewhat soft gaze in her eyes, causing tooru to smile down at her. “i don’t know tooru, you make me feel safe in a way” she explains, looking down at his fingers, “like, i can tell you things that i’d usually be a bit hesitant to tell my friends, or anything,”
 tooru hums in response, seemingly in deep thought.
“i’m happy that you trust me,” he strokes her jaw, looking into her eyes, “i really like you, yn” he murmurs so quietly, you’d have to be really listening to hear it.
it’s this strange, comforting feeling. yn wants nothing more but to bask in it, and let tooru into her life fully, but there’s something holding her back. that small, dwindling feeling which told her that it would end up the same. semi follows her everywhere, from the music she listens to, the the posters in her bedroom, to the way her friends would look at her, he’s always there. but this, being in tooru’s arms, that was her sanctuary, that was the only place that semi couldn’t reach, and she wanted to keep it that way. but tooru, ever observant, would pull it out of her eventually.
“you look like you’re thinking about something” he smiles, poking his finger against he cheek, “what’s on your mind?”
“mm, it’s stupid” she replies,
“don’t care, i’d wanna hear anything you have to say.” yn sighs gently, leaning against his chest a bit more.
“i’m just a bit scared, i guess.” she starts, “i like you too tooru, but it’s scary, letting myself be intimate again.” she admits, “i’m embarrassed.”
“you shouldn’t be embarrassed, yn.” he mumbles into her hair, “what you went through is really damaging and honestly, even wanting to try is courageous, in my opinion.” oikawa sighs, pulling her closer, “and anyways, i’d wait for you, a long time.”
she looks up at him, surprise and curiosity written all over her face.
“you’d take it slow with me?” she asks,
“yeah, i would” he replies quickly, “i’d take it as slow as you’d want.”
yn felt the walls that she’d spent years building slowly fall with every word he’d whisper lovingly to her. the warmth and comfort he provided, it was different, it came naturally to her like a second nature, yn would look up at him, analysing his words, and she didn’t want to, but she believed him, he drew her in. she didn’t think she’d fall victim to oikawa tooru’s charms, but here she was. wrapped up in his arms, soaking his affection as she laid still in his arms. she thinks that she’s never felt more complete than this.
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౨ৎ long chapter i'm quite proud of this.
౨ৎ perhaps they confessed too quickly but realistically i don't care
౨ৎ i like this chapter
౨ৎ i also liked the iwaizumi drabble i posted i'm quite fond of it.
౨ৎ i need to expand my vocabulary and spelling ASAP
౨ৎ like it's sooo bad holy moly.
౨ৎ anyways hope u love and enjoy
౨ৎ also there will probably be no charm chapters from tuesday onwards kinda besides queued posts because erm i have an assignment i've had the past 6 weeks to do and i've only written my abtract fml.
౨ৎ realistically the schedule is sunday , tuesday , friday night. prolly not tho.
౨ৎ maybe i'll post a oneshot sometime between that but we'll see cos i'm super busy assessment wise..
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taglist : @meosq , @jtaimeurmom , @strawbeariesei , @meeeepsworld if you'd like to join - don't be afraid to ask ! queued post
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Only Friends: Sand's First Display of 'Messy' Behaviour
I'll preface this by saying I adore this man, and he's probably been the least problematic individual out of the Self-Proclaimed Friendship Circus. However, what left me with a chill was how Sand behaved when he revealed the affair to Ray.
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Since we've been introduced to Sand, I think many of us have been pretty relieved by his largely green flag behaviour (in the midst of a very low bar being set in this group). This has often had me wondering what Sand's wider arc is going to be. The writers are not going to keep his storyline on one setting the whole way through. Therefore it's natural to anticipate we will be given another side to Sand - perhaps a less sympathetic or irrational part of his character. And maybe this was our first inkling into Sand's imperfections. He's also prone to vengeance and acting with an ulterior motive in mind.
Why it left me feeling so uncomfortable is because we haven't seen Sand in this light before. His score card has been pretty blemish-free.
Fuelled by a Vendetta
Nick shared this knowledge with Sand a while ago. However what triggered Sand to do something about it now was his confrontation with Top. We don't yet know what the circumstances were behind Top stealing Sand's ex from him, and how that played out. But it's evidently a sore grudge that Sand still very much holds against him.
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Seeing Top again reminded Sand of the information he has at his disposal which could be used to teach Top a lesson. Sand is a very righteous person, and he doesn't think it's fair that someone should ruin his previous relationship, and now get what he wants with Mew as well. He wants Top to be punished. 'You're going to get what's coming to you, just wait'. It's possible that Sand didn't have the resources or means to get back at Top back then. But now he sees an opportunity to do so.
Combined with the fact that Sand has recently discovered that Ray loves Mew, this provides him with the perfect excuse for passing this information on. One, because as an outsider of their group, this can't come directly from him. Two, he knows based on Ray's temperament and his feelings for Mew, he'll be guaranteed to act.
Motivated by Selflessness or Selfishness?
I was originally going to post a deep dive on the scene between Ray and Sand at the bar, but I found myself constantly yo-yoing and ultimately undecided as to whether Sand's intentions were good or bad.
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On the one hand, he's sharing this because he knows Ray will reveal the affair and Top will suffer the consequences. Thus, satisfying an act of indirect revenge.
On the other hand, he could also be doing this (as he so claims) due to his sense of righteousness. He just can't bear bad people getting away with bad things. And perhaps he does genuinely see Mew as a innocent victim here, and wants him to expose Top for who he is.
What also had me conflicted is that 'breaking' up Mew and Top doesn't play to Sand's interests. If Sand is romantically invested in Ray, and Mew becomes single again, this would allow Ray to continue pursuing Mew, which means Sand loses out. This is plausible if you're fuelled by unconditional love and a desire to see the person you love be happy. But I'm not entirely convinced that is the case here either.
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You can also argue that Sand is 'using' Ray in this instance to achieve his objective, which is very questionable. He knows what a loose cannon Ray can be. Either he didn't think too much about the possible repercussions of how Ray would react, or he didn't care as long as Top got what he deserved. I don't think by any means Sand wishes to cause Ray any harm, but something really primal seemed to drive Sand to do this regardless of how Ray may be affected as the messenger.
So I don't know if I've decided yet. It could be a mix of all the above. This did seem to veer more on petty vengeance under the guise of righteousness. Mainly due to how Sand looks at Ray in that entire scene, which felt slightly manipulative and cold compared to how he usually has been with Ray. Especially when he says, "Mew is lucky though to have you by his side." It's almost with pinpoint precision that Sand triggers an image in Ray, to be the saviour swooping in to protect Mew.
All in all, I found Sand's behaviour this episode to be highly intriguing and unexpected. I saw a clip of First talking at an event recently, where he says something along the lines of 'when you see Sand do this, please forgive him', which implies there will be some further questionable or inexplicable behaviour later on potentially. Hmn.
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epicspheal · 4 months
Not Yet! We can fight on! An Iris Analysis
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Ah Iris…I remember when we first got information about her through anime leaks how Serebii.net forums were going wild. A dark-skinned female as Ash’s companion? I was fighting for my life trying to defend her because people were…not that accepting of her to say the least.
I like Iris, both her anime and game counterparts. But this analysis is going to be centered on her game counterpart (since this blog is mostly gameverse centered). While our time with her in both Black/White and Black 2/White 2 is overall pretty limited we can still gain a lot of information about who she is in the game’s world
Let’s start with her name. Fun fact! Iris is the only champion (bar Red) whose name is the same in both English and Japanese. The name Iris comes from the plant genus named Iris which actually comes from the Greek Goddess of Rainbows, Iris. Now this Greek Goddess doesn’t have a whole lot of mythology around her, but her key role was to be the connection between humans and gods. A divine messenger of sorts. Given Iris’ ability to understand the hearts of dragons, the Tao Trio being revered in Unova, and her being from a Village that lives as one with dragon types it makes sense why this is her name. She’s a bridge between humans and dragon types which I think is really sweet.
Now back to the Iris flowers, we know Pokemon loves floral and plant symbolism. And the Iris flower has no shortage of symbolism with it meaning faith, courage, valor, hope and wisdom. Iris as a character certainly has a lot of courage being a dragon tamer of some pretty fierce dragon types at such a young age. She has a lot of faith and hope in her and her team’s power. She shows plenty of valor by offering to be Bianca’s bodyguard in Castelia city and stepping up against Team Plasma in the Plasma Castle. And as we see in Pokemas, she is growing in her wisdom.
But wait there’s more! Even the individual colors of the Iris flower (of which there are many) also have their own unique meanings. Since Iris is very much related to the color purple, let’s use that one for more analysis. The purple iris symbolizes royalty, wisdom, strength and courage. Wisdom and Courage are repeated themes for Iris as we see. Strength and Royalty can be tied to her status as champion as they’re the strongest trainers of the regions and (especially in places like Galar) can be seen as royalty among the league.
Now let’s take a look at her team. For this I’m going to be only using her normal mode team
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We see here that she uses a mix of Dragon-Type Pokemon and Pokemon that are dragon-adjacent much like Lance. However unlike Lance, she doesn’t repeat any species (which is mainly due to Unova having more variety in Dragon Types). She uses 12 of then (at the time) 17 types with a fair spread of both physical and special damaging moves showing that she does value coverage a lot. She has a lot of coverage for ice types with fire and fighting to combat ice, and fire, fighting and ground to combat steel which resists dragon moves. Even though the fairy type had not yet debuted, it seems like Iris was already future-proofing her team with the addition of Aggron. She also tends to favorite spread moves (Surf, Earthquake, Rock Slide) and some high-risk/high-reward moves (Double Edge, Focus Blast, Endeavor, etc) which gives the impression her style of battling is very high-powered and likely means her champion room needs to be pretty sturdy to withstand the level of her attacks.
"I heard this lady's scream and ran after the thief as fast as I could. But this city is so big and so crowded… I'm afraid I lost them. […] But that's so bad! Taking people's Pokémon is really bad! 'Cause it's really nice when people and Pokémon are together! They each have something the other doesn't, and they help each other!"
This is our first introduction to Iris after she helps out Bianca after she gets her Pokemon stolen from her. We can see right off the bat that despite being young she’s very eager to help others, which gives me the vibes that in another universe she’d be a perfect Pokemon Protagonist. Also we see that she truly values the relationship between people and Pokemon which again tracks since she not only grew up in the Village of Dragons, her empathic abilities that allow her to connect with Dragon types at a deeper level would increase her love on the bond people and Pokemon typically share.
We also see in the Castelia City events that she does struggle bit with getting around the city, but that seems to be more of a result of Castelia being so unfamiliar to her versus her being like Lillie or Leon who have more overall struggles with with direction, since she can navigate Opelucid City just fine.
"That single Dragon Pokémon, along with twin heroes, brought a new region into being. And people and Pokémon had happy lives!! In its pursuit of truth, the white Dragon-type Pokémon sought to usher in a new and better world… Its name was Reshiram. And the other, the black Dragon-type Pokémon, sought ideals and to usher in a new world--a world of hope. Its name was Zekrom. But, but… The two heroes' sons started the battle again! And an instant later, Reshiram and Zekrom destroyed Unova with fire and lightning! Then, they disappeared! But, but… If people work with Pokémon in the right way, we don't have to worry anymore about the world being destroyed. I mean, Reshiram and Zekrom worked hard for everyone and made a new region! So, it should be all right, I think."
Iris is also the one in both versions to tell us the origin story of Reshiram and Zekrom showing her deep knowledge of Unova cultural history. Now here we get a bit of a divide where in Black she is Drayden’s apprentice and will teach the move Draco Meteor to your Pokemon, but in White we actually face her as the gym leader.
"The pain of my Pokémon… I feel it, too!"
Here we get a glimpse of her powers in action, albeit subtly. It’s very clear she’s an empath and that the bond between her and her Pokemon is so strong that she can feel when they take hits. Which when you think of the attacks she puts on her teams, shows that she tries to finish battles quickly to minimize the shared pain.
We see her again at N’s castle bravely fighting against the seven sages so Hilda/Hilbert can face N, once again showing her courage and I swear in another universe she was the BW protagonist. She fits the bill so well
"Sometimes I think about the village where I was born, but I'm totally OK! Because I met lots of Pokémon--and all of you!"
This quote comes from Caitlin’s Villa where she remarks about her time in the Village of Dragons, showing that she doesn’t mind being away from it because she’s made so many new friends!
"… Looking for Team Plasma? But Team Plasma disbanded two years ago!"
Fast forward two years in-universe and meet her once again in Castelia City as Hugh and Nate/Rosa are giving chase to Neo Team Plasma. As she helps them to the sewers we can see she’s gotten a better grasp on navigating the big city as she no longer complains of getting lost. We can see though, she is taken aback a bit by the claims that Team Plasma is still around, but nevertheless she still helps out.
"Yahoo! I haven't seen you since I ran into you in Castelia City! Are you here to battle Grandpa? Yep! Opelucid City's Gym Leader, Drayden, is my grandpa. We're not really related, though! Oh! The Gym is that way! Before challenging it, you might want to go to Route 9! Still, your Pokémon really respect you! I feel how much fun your Pokémon are having, even from inside their Poké Balls! Good luck!"
We meet up with her again in Opelucid City where we see in both versions that Drayden is now the one gym leader for the city which is foreshadowing that Iris has ascended to a higher position. But also we get a confirmation that Drayden and Iris have a grandparent-grandchild relationship even if they aren’t blood related. And once again we get a bit of hint of her powers as she can sense the fun the player’s Pokemon are having, showing that although her powers seem most related to draconic , she can still sense the feelings of other Pokemon too.
"Know what? I really look forward to having serious battles with strong Trainers! I mean, come on! The Trainers who make it here are Trainers who desire victory with every fiber of their being! And they are battling alongside Pokémon that have been through countless difficult battles! If I battle with people like that, not only will I get stronger, my Pokémon will, too! And we'll get to know each other even better! OK! Brace yourself! I'm Iris, the Pokémon League Champion, and I'm going to defeat you!"
I really love this quote in particular because it shows how much she looks forward to tough fights as it helps her deepen the bonds between her and her Pokemon. This is in contrast to at the time, the only other kid champion of the series, Blue, who was more concerned about gloating about his tactical mindset in assembling a powerful and versatile team. It shows the different mindsets we see between the two child-prodigies (thankfully though, Blue does change his mindset). The fact that we both began and end the 2D era of the franchise (Gen 1 to Gen 5) with the champion being a child is a nice way to bring it all together for that time of Pokemon.
Iris’ pre-champion fight quote also ties into a quote you can only access in the memory link cutscenes
"I've already decided! I know what kind of Champion I will be! There's a myth in Sinnoh that says that the reason why Pokémon jump out is because they want to thank people. I'm sure that we and Pokémon have helped each other and enriched the world since ancient times. These memories have been engraved in each Pokémon's heart! So, I want Pokémon and people to get closer and closer! As the Champion, I want to tell that to everybody!"
Here we can see once again how knowledgeable she is about myths, not just in Unova but Sinnoh as well. But also we can see how this helps inform how she wants to be a champion. That she wants to help facilitate the bonds between Pokemon and People. This really shows her mindset as being quite mature for her age as she’s not focused on showing off her strength as much, even though yes she still doesn’t like to lose.
"So, this room is the Hall of Fame! Your name and your Pokémon's names will be recorded here so these important things will never be forgotten: That you are an excellent and kind Trainer! That you are considerate toward your Pokémon, and you give them your whole heart! And that your wonderful Pokémon believe in their Trainer with all their hearts, and together you have a strength that knows no bounds! Hey, c'mon! Oh, excuse me… ! To the Trainer standing before me! And to the Pokémon at your side! Your beautiful bond has grown strong through battle! In order to make this bond an eternal treasure, your names shall be recorded here!"
I also find this quote really endearing as you can see that even though she’s giving a serious impactful speech, she’s still just a kid and sometimes slips up a bit. She is really trying to live up to the role of being champion which we see impacts her a lot in one of the Pokemon Masters EX events- The Shining Hearts of Dragons
Is he saying…I'd be an embarrassment to Unova?"
Oof…if ever I wanted to jump through my screen and throw hands with NPCs, it was those jerk adults who were calling Iris an embarrassment. It seems being a kid does not protect you from the harsh criticism of people who keep an eye on the league. We see Iris definitely feels pressure as being the youngest champion at the event. All of the other champions are adults (or in Blue’s case an older teen) and she’s coming off the heels of Alder who is a wise veteran champion.
"It's just…Diantha is so pretty, calm, and mature… […] Diantha is amazing…I wanna be that elegant and cool when I grow up, too."
You can see of all the older champions she definitely looks up to Diantha the most. Which is very fitting considering it’s Diantha who ultimately mentors her to help her get out of the funk once her Hydreigon goes berserk thanks to the actions of Team Break
"I wanted to make sure people knew me…and accepted me…I just wanted to make everyone happy. I wanted them to know that I'm the proud Champion of Unova… […]"I remember thinking I'd become a great Champion, just like Alder was! But I don't think I can do it anymore…I don't have the experience…and I'm just a kid…"
We can see how much the incident (and Lance’s stern warning) affected her. Hydreigon going out of control was also a hard blow because we learn in her “Day with Iris (Champion Alt)” story that she struggled to control it initially (again drawing more parallels to Blue as he also couldn’t handle his Aerodactyl at the start of his journey). So having Hydreigon act up again right when she was trying to show how capable she is as champion was a huge blow. She wants to be seen as mature and to be accepted. The acceptance part likely stems from her being from the Village of Dragons which has a vastly different culture than Unova and how she likely feels like an outsider at times. Poor Iris, she needs a hug.
Thankfully though she manages to find her way and get back to her peppy self by the end of the event. Feeling more confident in her abilities as champion. Which is important once we see her in the multiple Unova Neo Champion events where she presides as the main judge. In all the events she definitely seems to prioritize how people and Pokemon connect via their hearts and their ideas of strength
While Iris has certainly stepped up to the plate in showing her ability to be a mature, albeit young, champion. She thankfully still has time to still be a kid. A lot of her dialogue in the Pokemon Center talks about playing and having fun. But more importantly she got to get a whole bunch of candy, and new friends in Allister and Naganadel in the “Otherworldly Encounter” Halloween event. It was really adorable to see her team up with a ghost type expert like Allister who also happens to have supernatural powers much like her and just be able to hang out and enjoy getting a bunch of candy.
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“But I can tell how it's feeling! I bet it was just afraid because it came to a place it doesn't know well!  was the same when I moved to the large cities of Unova from the Village of the Dragons! I was really nervous since there were so many tall buildings–and a lot of people."
I really liked this moment where she stands up to someone as domineering as Lusamine in defense of Poipole as she could relate to how the ultra beast felt being in an unfamiliar place.
“Yeah! I bet a concert with Roxie is gonna be so much fun! I understand how you feel, Roxie! I have an important dream as a Champion too...So I think I can sing with the same feelings as you!"
Lastly, I wanted to point out this small bit of dialogue from “Who’s the best singer” Where we see that Iris not only enjoys Roxie’s music but that she has a bit of musical talent as well. I really love instances like this in Pokemon Master’s where we can see characters step beyond just their defined role in-game. So not only have we gotten a chance to see her play with kids around her age and get candy, but we also get to see her sing with a rockstar! All in all, Game!Iris is a really incredible character who I’ve enjoyed since I first played White all those years ago. She’s certainly gone through a lot in her young life and I’d honestly love to see how she’s grown up since the events of BW2.
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siooin · 9 months
My review on episode 5 + some comparisons with manga and ln1.
It's mainly about Souheki because if i don't talk about them every chance i get i will explode.
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Start of the episode ,i love the idea of using the sound the Ramune bottle and marble to attract Atsushi's n audiences' attention.It's a shame that they didn't animate Kunikida's soft smile when Ranpo was being even more rude in the manga.
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annnnnnd ofc he's gonna focus on the marble and leave Atsushi sitting there awkwardly. Ranpo autism moment.
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Atsushi thought Ranpo can't do anything without an ability is funny.Atsushi sweetie that's some wild assumption for a guy you just met a few days ago.He really just saw Ranpo can't take the train and assumed the worst lol.
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this scene is always interesting to me because this is the only time we saw Ranpo paying respect to the dead like this.Now i have a few guesses of the reason.
1.a simple one is that maybe he did this all the time,after all we only saw him solve crimes with real bodies like two times.in perfect crime arc they were on rush.
2.Ranpo actually said "oh it's a lady",so yeah maybe he only did that to certain people
3.it's the start of the series so eveything is still uncertain
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I don't have anything to add here,i think we could all agree dazai being there wasn't a coincident.
Another thing i mourn not making into Anime is that Ranpo saying even Dazai is an enigma to him in manga.it adds more layer in their relationship.tbh it's a bit boring if Ranpo always knows what Dazai is up to.
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Now it's cute seeing Dazai defending Ranpo like that because i dont think minoura would actually hit him or something,maybe Dazai just wants to stop the bickering.
I love Ranpo's motto "All's well that's well for me" because it just like him.It seem self-center at first, but if you know him a little better, you'll know it actually means as long as he's fine he can make sure everyone else is fine.It's not just the meaning,this is how everyone's impression of him at first vs when they get to know him.
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this part annoyed me the most cause Dazai looks so fond in the manga ,but he looks passive and serious in anime.LIKE WTF WAS THAT???DAZAI NEVER LOOKED AT RANPO LIKE THAT>>this leads to my biggest complaint of this episode⬇
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//spoil for light novel 1
it has been talked many times how messed up the azure messenger arc aka light novel 1 adaption is.But I want to add it was so poor that it has already affects this episode.In the manga, Dazai didn't explain how he knows Ranpo didn't have an ability to Atsushi.The explanation here is actually straight up pull up from ln1 what he told Kunikida after he first met Ranpo.BUT because Bones don't wanna properly adapt the novel, they have to stiffly add it here.So that's why Dazai seemed serious when testing Ranpo,they want to add the impression this is the first time he discover it.
Do you want to know another fucked up thing about this scene is?They phased it like Dazai never work with Ranpo , that they're unfamiliar with each other.But in reality, Dazai has saw Ranpo's "ability"the very first time they met.They have worked together so well that they received their own name "Souheki".Dazai admires Ranpo so much that he constantly compliment him.
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End the post of my favorite shot of this episode<3 Look at my son having the best time in his life🤩🤩🤩good for him good for him.
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screemnch · 7 months
The Pathologic Russian and English analysis: Clara Saburova the Changeling.
Time is a flat circle, similar to a frisbee, and the world is using it to wack me repeatedly on the head with it. So anyway, I finally got my shit together and made another addition to this madness project. This time including images of both English and Russian text. Let us begin
It’s a bit… difficult to pin down what kind of person Clara is in the English translation - partially because you don’t always know for sure which Clara you’re talking to, as well as the fact that she is, most of the time, an obstacle. She seems to shift between “mean child who’s acting like she hasn’t learned about empathy yet”, “kind earnest and trying her best”, and “ominously inhuman and deceiving”. This is, obviously, because of Clara’s main schtick - the fact that there’s two of them (and also because she knows a lot more than the two other healers). Most of the time, however, she comes across as someone with either good or dubious intentions. It’s like she’s trying to help (or acting like she’s trying to help), but things keep going horribly wrong. Since we’re not playing as her, we don’t get nearly as much insight into how frightened she is and how shaky and unstable her current situation is, so she is judged by both of the healers in a very harsh way. She seems a bit verbose for a kid/teenager, however that is nothing out of the ordinary in the town on Gorkhon. Her lines, a lot of the time are either indirect or very direct jabs, so there is an impression that she thinks she is smarter than the other two and is quite fed up with them. It’s difficult to say much else about it without getting into specifics, so here we go.
As the bachelor: Clara only gets interactions on days 3, 6, 11, and 12. You might think that that would make it difficult to write about her, but wow did they put so much stuff in the very few conversations she gets to have with Daniil. There is a level of consistency between how she speaks in English and Russian here, though she seems a bit more earnest in this campaign. Like she’s trying to help, but she also thinks that Dankovsky is unable to receive the help she’s trying to give. Or unwilling. Mainly, however, in Russian there is a very weird quality to her way of speaking that I’m not quite sure carries over well to English. See, (and this is where it gets the tiniest bit anecdotal) I’ve had my fair share of hearing religious talk in Russian (but not in English, which is why I’m not sure if this is even a valid point) - I’ve been to orthodox churches, and in general Christianity is very largely propagated in the part of Russia I grew up in. So I, like presumably many others, am familiar with the very distinct way that religious figures speak. It sounds ancient, but not the same “fairy tale” ancient that I talked about before. Instead of changing the sentence structure, they utilise more biblical words in places where any other person would use regular modern words. Best way I can explain it is how someone might say “t’is” instead of “it is” but like… Religious? “For” instead of “because.” And that is the tone that Clara takes on sometimes. It meshes really well with her “divine messenger” persona, even though she still acts like a child every now and then. It’s a very unique combination that gives her way of speaking a distinct sound that exists outside of time. Overall, however, the translation was pretty close to the original Russian version, so let’s look at where these two diverge.
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What’s a little weird to me here is that umm… This is the conversation Daniil has with Clara on day 3 about the Taglur and when I read this in English I was a little confused, because it sounds like the Bachelor is asking a question about Clara’s plans for making a new world or whatevsies, but… This dialogue option is one of those that immediately ends the conversation, which didn’t make sense to me at all. In Russian it’s a bit more akin to “And who’s bright idea was it to place this miracle here?” (or literally “to whose head did the idea to place this miracle here come?” A bit more confusing, but yeah) See, the word here for “miracle” is “чудо” (pronounced smth like “choodo”), which can mean miracle or wonder, but can also be a shorthand for “чудище” or “чудовище” which is a word used to describe monsters. You know. Wonder-creatures. In this context, the word “чудо” when aimed towards a person (Clara) is meant to signify someone either ugly, eccentric or nonsensical. So to sum up, the best way to understand this line is “Who’s bright idea was it to bring this weirdo here?” in which case… Yeah, I can definitely see why that would end the dialogue.
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Here’s a fun little thing: I’ve mentioned before how the Haruspex defines Clara in very vague terms. Here, when the Changeling (the real one, guys, trust me) is asking the Bachelor to deal with the Changeling pretending to be her(yeah, go figure), in English she calls her a “loathsome creature”. However, in Russian she calls her (according to Google translate) an “abomination”, “filth” or (in my own translation) “grossness”, which - you guessed it - is indeed a very vague term. Regardless of who you think is talking to the Bachelor at the moment, it’s still very interesting to see, for various reasons. She also does this later in the dialogue (and the English translation ignores it again)
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More out of the same dialogue tree where the Bachelor is trying to get Clara’s blood. I’ve made a point in the analysis of the Bachelor from the Changeling’s perspective, where he calls her “darling”  where the original was something like “sweet/dear creature” and almost had a sombre mood to it. In this one, however, it is the complete opposite. Not only does the word he uses here actually translate the best to “darling” (or dove), but it also has the same kind of ironic connotation to it as I mentioned. In this particular scenario he almost sounds… Thuggish? The words he uses, as well as the use of the “-ка” sounds similar to the snarky, confrontational way that thugs and bandits speak in cartoons. Something like “c’mere, dear” that makes it clear you’re about to get beaten up.
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Two things here: firstly, in this dialogue line Clara refers to Daniil using the informal version of “you”, while the lines said by the Changeling whose blood he doesn’t get uses the formal version. In the interaction on day 3 Clara doesn’t address him directly at all, but I think in other dialogues she also addresses him informally (It isn’t surprising to see Clara address Daniil of all people informally, because not only does she see herself as, at least in part, a tool of divine whatevertheheck, she also rightfully believes that he is an idiot. She does not need to be polite to the stupidest man this side of the Gorkhon (I say this lovingly, of course).
Secondly though, I’d like to point out the way Daniil talks to her in here, because when I did my analysis of his lines I talked about how the English translation dials down the intensity of the stuff he says. This here is a prime example, as the Russian version is not only more curt, but also uses a much more cutting insult. Of course, people are well aware of the Russian language’s rich curse word vocabulary, but it also has the wonderful capability of making non-curse words sound like the most humiliating thing ever. I think maybe it’s the way Russian combines rolled “r”s and multiple consonants (which is less prominent in English) that allows its words to have that added weight to it. Here he calls her essentially “trash”, specifically - something that’s been so torn up and worn out that it's become useless. The way the word rolls off the tongue when you say it out loud is almost like a spit in the face, and it’s not softened by calling her “little” or anything. He calls her trash. How dare.
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I’m bringing this up because it has me genuinely confused? The English version makes sense, or so I thought until I read the Russian version? Because the Russian version kinda states the opposite. It says “You can’t come up with a better knife for this than a conversation - of course, only if you’re in a hurry.” Which is very different from “unless you’re in a hurry” because those meanings are like… The opposite? The English implying that a conversation is a good way to see what’s going on in her soul, but the Russian one alluding to the fact that it’s only good if you’re in a hurry? Or is she agreeing to give her blood because they don’t have time for a conversation? I don’t know. I’m confused. Help.
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I think the metanarratives of pathologic are very cool, so when I read this line in English I got really excited, because I thought it might be implying that Clara is aware of the fact that the player may have died a few times during the bachelor route alone (similar to how she calls the other healers her past or future). Then I realised that it simply could’ve meant “dying” as in being close to death. Then I got excited again, because I thought the Russian version might elucidate the issue for me. And… I think I was right? I think she implies here that Daniil has died several times, although it was probably just left vague for this specific purpose. Either way, the fact that it can be read this way and was probably worded like this just to confuse the players (and reward those who may have been on the lookout for it) is really cool to me. Also in response to that (where in English Daniil says Clara has “a shrewd eye for human condition”) he calls her a psychologist, and then brushes her off as trying to charm him, which means we don’t get to gauge the meaning of what she was saying through his response either.
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This one has a couple of fun differences. Firstly, instead of referring to the town in its “true form” Clara refers to saving it “the way that the town turned out.” This, to me, is a slight difference that paints the contradictory nature of the town in a different light. The English version claiming that it’s the town’s “true” form almost makes it seem like a design from an outside force, both bringing up vibes of intelligent design and the fact that the town was made this exact way by the children. The Russian version’s implication that the town “turned out” this way has a more “nature is a chaotic force with no purpose” vibe to it, that would more suit a person unaware of the whole “we’re dolls for a children’s game inside of a video game” thing. Maybe I’ve just gotten used to being picky about the tiniest word choices because of my studies, but I feel like this difference changes the overall vibe. Like painting with the same colour but using a different brush.
Secondly, in Russian Clara calls Aglaya’s mission “simply a performance for fools” which to me is a wonderful choice of words, given all the theatre themes included in the gameplay.
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I’ve kind of set a precedent where I make all of these “translation differences” have some sort of significant meaning for the narrative, but I just think this one is genuinely cool? It’s a bit of a “same colour, different brush” situation, where the sentiment is the same, but the word choice carries a different vibe. Focusing on the last sentence here, the Changeling specifically says “You were supposed to bribe him with your honesty” instead of “get at him”. And I just think that’s neat, because like. I always thought of “getting at someone” as like… An attack or provocation? But “bribing” someone has a bit more of that slimy vibe, which clashes with “honesty” so well, and… I guess it’d technically be an oxymoron.
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During the conversation in regards to Clara acknowledging Maria as a mistress, in the Russian version she frequently switches between formal and informal “yous” when talking to the Bachelor. However, as it becomes clear here, this is an instance in which instead of a sign of respect, it seems that she is referring to several people at the same time. Namely, that she is directing her words both at Daniil and Artemy. During the Bachelor’s campaign she seems to think that the Haruspex is a lost cause and they seemingly don’t interact (and she even believes that he is dead during this day), so I doubt she actually ever spoke to him about this. It’s interesting then that she still tries to convince the Bachelor, even though she often calls him a fool. Makes you wonder what the differences are between this scenario and the Changeling campaign (in which she can invite Artemy to the Cathedral on the final day fully knowing that he chooses to stay oblivious).
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Here’s some silly Clara on day 12 (right after giving a whole speech about the Polyhedron) and I just wanted to point out this very fun change. Instead of saying “pretty face” she instead says “мордашка” (pronounced “mordashka”)  which is a diminutive of “морда” (“morda) which is usually the word people use to refer to an animal’s face. Except it can also be used to refer to a person’s face if you’re calling them ugly. The addition of the diminutive adds a little mischievous tone to it, which turns it from ugly into a “cute” kind of thing. Like… Derpy, I guess. Anyways, I think it’s absolutely hilarious that Clara says that while also talking about the eldritch concept of being a multitude of people, or perhaps just one person controlled by the will of different people at different times (which they all are, by the way).
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Big difference here that I found absolutely odd as in why they cut it out of the English version? This is from the “did you know we are toys?” dialogue tree and if you look carefully, you’ll see that there’s a bit here in Russian that for some reason wasn’t included in the English version. The last sentence after Clara says that she has an advantage. She adds “and I intend to use it.” Which like… I feel to someone who hasn’t played patho before would sound antagonistic, but to those who know - this is a direct indication to how it feels like playing as Clara in the campaign. You know a lot more about the game and the characters from other campaigns. And you already know that the kids are there and that they are toys. While playing you use all this knowledge to your advantage to play the game better. So yeah, don’t know why they cut that out of the translation.
Alright, I think that’s about all I’ve got for Clara’s role in the Bachelor’s campaign. I’d say the biggest differences that I notice is, of course, the biblical language (which I didn’t get good examples of unfortunately, but the whole “your eyes are white for you are blind” is a good example) and the subtle ways in which the words Clara uses hint to her knowledge of what is going on. As always, it’s something that’s also present in the English version, but there are also things that are characteristic to the Russian language that allow her to break the fourth wall. Like, with the change to a formal “you” we can get a bit more clarity on whether the Clara we’re talking to is real or not. With the specific verbs she uses we can almost see the outline of a false bottom to everything she says and I think that’s really cool. Outside of the translations, I think it is genuinely fascinating to get a better glimpse into Clara’s story during the Bachelor campaign - I feel like if we got more of her, it would give the whole game away. In what she says already, talking about the wills behind her, behind the Bachelor (although she does count Artemy as part of the “special toys” camp, she always says it with such disappointment. Cuz she compares herself to him, but is also frustrated that he refuses to get it) she alludes to being aware of not only the stagehands, but also the player and the power that they have. It’s also really cool because you can almost compare her to Aglaya, what with all the knowledge, sacrifice, and being doomed by the narrative. Except Clara’s approach is entirely different, although it’s difficult to glimpse through her frequently changing attitude. They both know “the Law”, both talk about how miracles should not be captured - except Aglaya seeks to undo what has been done, while Clara wants to forge ahead, accept the changes as part of the world. They both seek to fix what’s wrong, but what to them is considered “fixing” is so directly opposed that they have to destroy each other. I don’t know. I just think that both of them are really cool characters that totally don’t make me wanna scream, cry, and throw up, and you know… They deserve just as much love and obsessive analysis as the men in the story (speaking of which, in one of the dialogue trees where Clara talks about Block essentially becoming a crusader she can also admit that she knows it’s not true and that he’s also doomed, but she feels so bad about it that she pretends that he isn’t. And who knows, with a miracle worker like her it might just become the truth).
Also I'm thinking of maybe at one point or another making a name pronunciation, meaning, nickname, and literary references guide? Idk, sounds like it'd be fun.
I feel like a weird little bog creature whenever I emerge with one of these. Have fun and remember to engage your critical thinking skills, fact check, and let the media you encounter change you (be it through vulnerability or empowerment) instead of just being fodder for your consumption.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 14
Hello, hello! Thank you to everyone who participated in WIP Wednesday yesterday! It was a blast. I got so much work done.
This mainly Steve centric. Did I write almost an entire chapter with Steve going to bat for Edie to beat out some childhood trauma of my dad never doing that despite doing it for my older siblings? Yes. Does it further plot? Not really. But it was cathartic anyway.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Steve didn’t like talking to principals or teachers as a whole. They got harder to charm as time passed. He could charm hardened business men out of their hard earned cash, but for some reason teachers failed to be charmed him.
So instead of charming them, he decided that he would do it the Nancy Wheeler method and bowl them over with facts.
Principal Kim and Mr Pearson were waiting for him when he arrived. They both rose up to greet him and he shook both of their hands.
“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me,” he said seriously. “I understand that tracing a picture for the art show and for her assignment is a very severe offense. And I of course want to address those allegations as to not tarnish her reputation and make it harder for her to get into colleges and universities.”
Mr Pearson sneered. “You’d just buy her way into any school she wanted anyway.”
Steve locked eyes with Principal Kim and even she looked shocked.
“Excuse, Mr Pearson,” she began, “do I mean to understand that you feel that Edith Harrington bought her way into your art class?”
Mr Pearson’s jaw dropped, realizing he had said the quiet part out loud. “I didn’t mean to apply that she was without talent or merit. But the picture in question is too good for someone her level.”
Steve twisted his bottom jaw as he ran his tongue over his teeth slowly. “How do you feel about the pinprick method?”
Principal Kim frowned. “The what?”
Mr Pearson squirmed in his seat. “It’s method used by many artists when copying works to ensure the height and width of the subject are in the correct proportions.”
Principal Kim turned to Steve. “And you assert your daughter used this method on her most recent assignment?”
Steve nodded. “Yes, and I can prove it.” He turned to Mr Pearson. “You brought the picture with you like I asked, yes?”
Mr Pearson snarled and grabbed his messenger bag. He ripped it open and got out Edie’s picture she had done of Irises by Van Gogh. It was a beautiful piece that showed bright blue irises on the side of a road.
“Can you honestly tell me that she did that without tracing it first?” he asked gruffly. He threw on the principal’s desk.
“It’s very pretty,” she said.
“Did you see her trace it?” Steve asked, turning to the teacher.
“Excuse me?” Mr Pearson asked, straightening up in his chair. “Of course not! She wouldn’t dare trace it in class.”
“What did she do in class?” Steve asked, crossing legs and wiggling his shoulders as he got comfortable. “She had to do something, right?”
Mr Pearson scowled. “I have a class of twenty four students, I can’t be watching each one every second of every day,” he scoffed waving his hands.
Principal Kim nodded sympathetically. “That’s just the way it is, I’m afraid, Mr Harrington.”
Steve smiled. “Oh I don’t doubt it, herding teenagers is difficult in small groups, I can’t imagine tripling the amount of teenagers I used to chaperon around when I got out of high school. I completely understand.”
Mr Pearson eyed him warily. “And where are you going with this?”
“She had to check off certain stages of her work with you, did she not?” Steve said, bouncing his leg on his knee.
Mr Pearson frowned. “Of course she did.”
“And at any stage did her work so signs of it being traced?” Steve asked, a charming smile on his face.
Principal Kim sighed. “Be that as that may, Mr Harrington, we’re going to need proof.”
“Why is burden of proof on Edie’s side?” Steve asked, giving her his big puppy-eyed, ‘I don’t understand’ face. “Shouldn’t it be on her accuser’s?”
Silence fell and Steve knew he had won. They couldn’t prove she traced. There was no evidence of something that didn’t happen.
Now it was time for the final blow. God he loved this part. He got out a large color art book of Vincent Van Gogh’s works. He flipped it over to the page that had the image of the painting Edie had used. He then pulled out a pocket knife and set on top of the page.
“One last thing,” Steve said. “Is the pinprick method allowed in the art show?”
Mr Pearson nodded.
He grinned and turned back to the principal. “This is the book Edie used to base her work on. If you’ll use the knife to cut out the page and hold it up to the light you will pinpricks and not trace marks.”
“That could be any book bought at any time!” Mr Pearson protested.
Steve nodded and got a couple more things out of his bag and handed them to the Principal Kim. “I have the original pictures on my phone, but they are too small to see the details.” He pulled out his phone and handed it to her.
She looked at the pictures showing the book that had a scuff on the cover and that the book in front of her had a large scuff right where Edie had dropped getting out the car the day he bought it for her.
There was no doubt it was the same book. She handed the pictures to Mr Pearson who was forced to concede that it must be the same book. She picked up the knife and then looked at Steve.
“And your daughter is okay with us defacing the book like this?” she asked, eyeing Steve skeptically.
Steve nodded. “She said to use whatever means necessary to clear her name. So go for it.”
Principal Kim sighed and deftly cut out the page. She handed the knife back to Steve and then lifted the page. Sure enough there were seven or eight pinpricks but not a single trace outline. If she had traced it there would be heavy indentations around each flower and there weren’t.
“Now,” Steve said leaning forward, “put Edie’s picture over the top to see if the prick holes match.”
Principal Kim did just that and sighed when they lined up perfectly. There was no doubt that Edie hadn’t cheated.
“Edith’s picture will be submitted to the art show and the mark expunged from her record. Mr Pearson will apologize to your daughter in front of the class.”
“What?” Mr Pearson cried, leaping to his feet. “I will do no such thing!”
“You will and I will be watching when you do,” Principal Kim said sternly, “or I will suspend you without pay until a full investigation is done to see if you have done this to other students.”
Mr Pearson’s jaw dropped and he sat back down quietly, hands on his lap.
Steve stood. “You may keep everything but my phone, if you need to convince the judges of the art show of the validity of her work.”
She nodded. They shook hands and then Steve gathered his things and walked out. Before he could even close the door, he could hear the principal tearing into Mr Pearson.
Steve was grinning and not paying attention to where he was going when he nearly bumped into someone.
“Oh, sorry!” he said, holding up his hands in surrender.
“Steve?” Eddie asked. “What are you doing here?”
Steve looked up into those warm brown eyes and smiled. “Just convincing Principal Kim and Mr Pearson to let Edie’s pastel drawing back into the art show.”
Harri peered around his dad. “What? Really? Did you win?”
Steve grinned. “Sure did. If they had done an investigation instead of blinding following the word of one vindictive little girl, Mr Pearson wouldn’t be under scrutiny for doing similar things to other students.”
He crossed his arms and shifted his weight to his back foot. “I’m pretty sure if they looked deep enough, they’d find that he had been grading harsher for so called nepo babies. Children of rich parents that had generational wealth over those students that had nouveau-riche parents. Because he thought they had worked hard for their money.”
Eddie laughed. “And how would you know that?”
Steve grinned. “Because that’s what Nancy dug up for me when I asked.”
Eddie threw back his head and really laughed. “That would do it, yeah.”
Harri cocked his head to the side and frowned. “Who’s Nancy?”
Steve turned him with a soft smile. “She’s a world renowned journalist who your dad and me went to school with.”
“Sounds vaguely familiar,” he said with a shrug. “But that’s cool she helped you get Miss Thing’s art back in the show.”
“I called in a favor,” Steve said with a shrug.
“She owes you more than one favor,” Eddie grumbled.
Steve bit his lip and blushed. “She knows.”
Eddie grinned. “Good.”
“You guys want to come over and celebrate with us?” Steve asked. “The Lawrences are going to be there, as well as the Grants.” At their look of confusion he clarified. “Kenny’s family, the band’s keyboardist.”
Harri and Eddie looked at each other and then Harri nodded, while Eddie shrugged.
“Sure,” Eddie said. “I don’t see why not.”
Edie had gotten use to seeing Mr Munson at her house so often that sometimes it surprised her that Harri and him didn’t live there. That they actually lived elsewhere.
“Are you sure they aren’t dating?” Kenny asked one day at lunch. They were huddled together at their table away from the seething wrath of Lauren Duncan and her crowd of mean girls.
When it came out that Lauren was the tattletale the whole art class turned on her. And straight up ignored her when she would even so much as ask for the eraser to be handed to her.
But that ostracizing only made her vicious out of class. Bumping into Edie to get Edie to drop her stuff or even fall. Putting hate mail in her lockers. Whispering to her friends behind her hands.
Though she tried knocking Edie’s lunch tray out her hands only the once. Edie was quick enough to shove the tray right in Lauren’s face. And what made it even better is that she couldn’t claim that Edie had done in purpose because then she would have to explain why she was that close to Edie in the first place. And after her week suspension for falsely accusing Edie of wrongdoing, she couldn’t afford more trouble. So she stuck to the little things.
Harri sighed. “I honestly don’t know, man.”
Edie nodded. “They go out to lunch every Monday. And it’s gotten to the point where Vanessa, my dad’s secretary won’t even schedule anything for that time.”
Harri nodded. “I think we eat dinner more often at your house then we do my own. And I like my house!”
Mandy nodded. “I mean our dads still hang out, but now Mr Munson tags along too. My dad said that he’s seen more of Mr Munson in the last month then he has the last decade.”
They all nodded.
“Let’s not forget Mr Munson staying for practice instead of dropping Harri off and coming back later,” Brian said, poking at his food, pushing it around on his plate. “We always have to break them up when we’re done so Harri can go home.”
“When summer starts,” Mandy said, “We should test it, see how it takes for them to notice we’re done.”
They nodded again.
“But when I ask my dad,” Edie said, “all he’ll say is that he’s sworn off dating so it can’t be a date.”
Harri threw his arms in the air. “My dad is no better. He keeps telling me that Papa was it for him, and second chances only happen once in a life time and he’s already had his.”
“They are so stubborn, I swear,” Edie huffed. “But we all promised that we wouldn’t interfere in their relationship.”
Kenny straightened up. “You guys promised that. I didn’t.” He grinned. “And I think I know just how to do it.” He put on his backpack and grabbed his tray. “I’ll talk to you guys, later.”
Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Also, I had something similar happen to me with a different Van Gogh painting Giant Peacock Moth, only I was in middle school and it was just kids being grumpy the French teacher didn’t care. It was just away to teach us about the French artists movement of the 1800s. I still have it somewhere.
Also: Harri isn’t in trouble, he’s going to see the principal and his guidance counselor because some of his credits from his Cali school didn’t transfer.
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0-3lli0t-0 · 6 months
((I KNOW I LATE BUT HERE :) also its kinda long so i hope you do read it all it was fun to write !! :D ))
March 10th (Part 1/2) Remus woke up to the sunlight pouring into the empty dorm room. He ran a hand down his face rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. A yawn escaped his lips as he sat up stretching his joints cracking slightly. He exhaled and slowly got to his feet, doing a brief glance around the room, again noticing that it was empty. It confused him, normally the others were notorious for sleeping in on a weekend and Remus was not. He pushed the thought aside and began to get dressed for the day. He pulled on one of his famous ‘Moony’ jumpers as Sirius called them and a pair of cozy trousers. He picked up his messenger-style bag off the floor and placed it on his bed for the time being. He put in a few books; Little Woman as well as another that Regulus had recommended to him. He tucked his way into the bag, as well as his journal and a regulus muggle pen. He preferred to use them instead of quills. He closed his bag and put it over his his so it sat across his body. He ran a hand through his hair tousling it slightly. He slipped on a pair of coffee-coloured Converse before leaving the dorm and making his way down into the common room. Still, his friends were nowhere to be found, and a slight frown formed on his face. Had they forgotten?
"Good Morning Remus," The sound of Lily's cheerful tone broke through Remus' thoughts.
Remus formed a small smile, "Morning Lily" he replied. "Do you know by chance where the others are?" he asked.
Lily's smile turned into more of a mischievous grin. "Oh yes, I do believe they are in the great hall. They all wanted you to sleep in on you birthday morning, Happy Birthday by the way."
Remus' shoulders relaxed a bit, "Thank you Lily." he replied. "Have you already gone and eaten? Or would you like to join me?"
"Oh I've gone already, you go on," Lily replied. Her smile scared Remus a bit, it had to mean that the others mainly James and Sirius were up to something.
"Okay, well I'll see you around Lily," Remus said and began to head towards the exit of the common room and out into the hallway. He exhaled a little, as he headed down the corridors and towards the great hall.
Once he stepped inside he wished he hadn’t. As soon as he stepped in. He heard two loud and booming voices of James and Sirius echo around the hall.
"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Moony Happy birthday to youuuuu!!"
Remus' face grew bright red, he really didn't like being the centre of attention. Did he appreciate the gesture he wished they hadn't gone and done it in front of the whole school. He turned to walk out only to be greeted by Lily who snapped a Polaroid photo of him.
Remus blinked from the flash and walked passed her without a word, heading towards the library. He didn't want to have to face all those people. He could hear Sirius shout after him but he didn't quite catch what he was saying.
To let out a long exhale as he entered the library, he walked over to the back corner and sat in one of the cozy chairs there. He set his bag down and pulled out his book. He brought his legs up onto the chair. He opened where his bookmark was and picked up where he last left off before bed last night.
He had been reading for about five or so minutes when he heard the footfalls of someone "Moony I am so sorry," Sirius began to day. "I thought it would be a fun idea great way to start off your birthday but clearly I was a complete fucking idiot and ruined everything, I know you don't like attention, I know what the hell I was thinking." Sirius rambled on.
This brought a light chuckle from Remus, he closed his book and slipped it back into his bag. He then got to his feet and smiled at him, "It's okay Sirius, it was a nice thought. Maybe just next time try and contain it to just our friends, the whole school doesn't need to know" he said.
"i beg to differ but as you wish Moony" Sirius smiled at him. "Will you come back to the great hall, Pete and Lily made sure that your favourite breakfast would be there... and i made you some tea"Remus smiled a bit, "Sirius, my favourite breakfast is toast. We always have toast" he said "But thank you anyways" he said. "yes let's head back."
They two headed back and they sat side by side at the table. Remus happily ate the toast that was made for him and sipped the tea, which he did use a spell to heat it up again as it did get a bit cold. He conversed with his friends, each of whom apologized for the scene they had created, of course, Remus forgave them. He even let Lily keep the photo for the memories. part 2:
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lilolilyr · 3 months
For "Being Known" (Helena writer, Myka actress): 2 and 3, 6 and/or 7 (whichever you like better, or both), and 9!
Ah, thank you! My longest Bering and Wells fic to date :D
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Moodboard & header for the fic, and Here's the ask meme
2. How did you come up with the idea?
It was part of a gift exchange, and my giftee had asked for a pop culture AU, with some fusion prompts for fandoms I didn't know very well - so instead of trying to find out enough about eg Buffy the Vampire Slayer to write a fic in that world, I asked whether a celebrity AU would work, and here we are!
3. Did the idea change at all by the time the fic was complete?
I expanded my initial idea a lot - adding Steve, Leena, Artie, Caturanga, Jane and Amanda, I'm pretty sure initially it was just supposed to be HG and Myka with side characters Claudia and Pete. I don't remember exactly what the plan was and what came later, apart from having the idea of Helena's conflict about wanting to remain anonymous while being passionate about something that could bring her a lot of fame early on...I'll have to see whether I still have my initial draft somewhere and I can add it at the end of the post, I tend to write in messages on telegram and copy paste them to an ao3 draft or word doc once I start editing, so the messages should still be the original first draft.
I think I was unsure whether or not I should add an AU-ified Christina related backstory and work that into part of the reason for Helena's reluctance over fame, I had several ideas about her own childhood, her knowing a child something happened to, or actually writing Christina into her backstory... I went back and forth between Christina being a child star and Helena herself being one, I think in the end I just made Helena one because it worked better for the story though I would have liked to have more Christina backstory, but oh well, kill your darlings.
6. How did you decide what tense and POV(s)to use? / 7. How did you decide what character(s) would narrate the fic?
Honestly, I rarely decide that kind of thing consciously - I guess if you want to write something commercially there are lots of things to consider, but I write for fun and I'll write wherever my ideas bring me. Sometimes I'll notice a scene works better from a different POV and I change it, but usually it just happens one way and then it's fine to leave it as is
In this case I think I immediately knew it would mainly be Helena's POV because it's really her story I wanted to tell.
9. Did you get stuck at any point? How did you get past that?
Claudia! Hah, I mean I didn't get stuck on her, but that I used her to get past difficult scenes, giving Helena a much needed push! Especially near the end, when it comes to Helena accepting the possibility of a relationship between her and Myka.
Thank you so much for the ask! This was fun to talk about :)
This is my draft for the fic, the way it was written (in a messenger chat with just myself in it, as I start most fics) in one go, before making any edits at all!
You'll notice a lot of 'xx' markers - because there aren't really any words with that, it's easy to search a text for that later on, so whenever I know I still need to fix something - add a sentence, translate a word, edit bullet points into paragraph, add entire scenes - I write XX to mark it for later.
wip bering and wells author actress AU for anandabrat
Working title The Perfect Warrior
HG (former child actor turned?) writer under pseudonym hiding from fame (bc burned out from kid fame?), slowly getting back into acting, does improv for fun
Myka either star there to help 'learning' amateur actors for xxkomparsen? Or she's a newcomer and HG is back on film?
Claudia's HG's friend, Pete Myka's
ohhh what about Helena's book being verfilmt & Myka main role, HG making sure she won't be overwhelmed..
xxflashback seven months prior
"H.G., I'm coming in!"
Helena covers her head with a pillow when she hears Claudia Donovan's shouting from the backyard before a well-aimed kick against the old garden door has it fling open.
"Breaking and entering, really?" Helena's muffled voice lets Claudia know where she is. "I would have thought that petty crime is belowxx you."
"Come oooon," Claudia pulls the pillow from her face and Helena is left squinting at the sudden light. "We're going out! A friend of mine has a gallery opening, and there's bound to be a crowd of interesting people there!"
"I can't," Helena grouches. "I have to write, I still haven't finished either of those silly sequels my agents want me to work on."
"Riiight," Claudia nods, juggling the pillow between her hands. "Because that's what you were doing right now. Writing."
"Oh, cut the sarcasm." Helena growls. She is in a bad enough mood without Claudia butting in and making it worse.
"Alright then." Instead of backing down, Claudia throws the pillow onto the bed and, hands on her hips, stares Helena down. "I'll speak xxklartext. You're wasting away here, H.G.! You hate the books you're supposed to write, you refuse to write anything else either, you haven't seen any of our friends in months and now you're getting your groceries delivered so you don't even have to leave the house? That's the final straw!"
"Who snitched on me," Helena xx Leena?sbcanonordontmention
"It'll be good for you," Claudia insists. "You can dazzle everyone with your Wikipedia brain, and maybe you'll meet a xxverleger who wants to publish one of your weirder novellas. Come on, get up. get up, if not for yourself then do it for me because there's no way I'll go schmooze with the rich and famous all on my own!"
"I still cannot believe you managed to talk me into this," Helena sighs, looking at the xx and bustle around her.
"I'm up, I'm up," Helena sighs and avoidsxxausweichen Claudia's attempt to pull her from the bed by sitting up. "Alright, what exactly is this opening we're going to?"
Laughing, herxxfriend Claudia bumps their elbows together. "You better believe it, there's no getting out of it now! And this will be good for you! xx I'm happy for you, H.G., this is a dream come true!" She twirls around without missing a step, taking it all in.
"The fact that it makes you xxgoodposition takes no part in it, I'm sure." Helena deflects. She doesn't want to admit that Claudia is right and she is thrilled to have her characters coming to life for the big screen - nor does she want it known that, despite all the negotiations and concessions on side of the production studio, she is still afraid that she won't recognise the world she created once the movie is done. Will they do justice to the worlds of trees and cogwheels, to the unseeing creator and the warrior with the unruly hair? Will they listen to Helena when she has suggestions, will the stick to the details from the book, will it even be possible to transfer it to the new medium?
This and more goes through Helena's mind as she lets Claudia drag her along over the big parking lot and storage area, past trucks with equipment and the xxvans for cast and crew towards the xxhall.
first time sees Myka - the perfect xxcharactername warrior.
xx looks after her xx her hair xx in the wind, a sharp edge to her big brown eyes that negates anything childish about their shape, xx stepping out of the camper
xx C hey, we're not here to flirt! Can't believe I need to say that to you, you're like, the least likely person xx xx pretty girl
xx not what - I mean yes beautiful, but not what that wasabout -
xx oh /beauuutiful
xx shut up Donovan
xx later sees Myka in makeup all *sideeye* what did you do to my xxcharactername
argument - need makeup! Looks silly on camera without, different than irl!
HG: well if so, just makeup that makes it look decent with the lights and closeups, NOT that kind of obvious eye makeup, and who had the idea that a warrior in a cyberpunk dystopia would need a bold red lip? Or shaved pits?
xx Myka uncomfortable, thinks she has done something wrong, especially when sent back out in the middle of the scene, doesn't notice the argument
co-star Pete tries to comfort her
xxMyka thinks maybe this was bad idea, should quit
xx HG will Not lose my warrior!
(xx Myka in trouble
xx HG kann wen zusammenscheißen, makes sure Myka's fine)
xx from then on Helena trying to keep an eye on Myka, asks how she's dealing with the pressure, what her plans are for if she'll be famous after this project, whether she has a good agent to protect her interests, etc... (eg where u live? city apartment...
H:security? M:none?? H:myself, nature away from most people M: wish could affort...)
Myka: know you're just doing this because you think I'm a good fit for the character and you don't want it to be ruined by me quitting, but I still really appreciate
HG: what?? No, am doing this - well, would for everyone! Know how it is, when I was a kid... nevermind. But, care about you too
Myka finds out why HG is so wary about fame
go to premiere together - "don't have to hold a speech, don't even have to tell anyone who you are, but at least go as my date?"
As usual, I had a first scene instantly in my head, then started thinking quicker than I could write and had to note down bullet points so I wouldn't forget anything xD
Again, thanks for the ask :)
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dandelion-jester · 1 year
Writblr Intro:
Hello All!!!
I've been meaning to do a proper intro so better late then never!
Who Am I?
You can call me Dandelion. I'm 22 years old, I use they/them pronouns, I'm English and I am a queer, trans, neurodivergent fantasy writer. I've not had anything published yet but it's my aim.
I have a background in theatre and circus so performing arts tend to turn up in my work. I also love making maps and studying conlangs! I do a lot of art and reading as hobbies, but my favourite pass time is playing dnd!
What Do I Write?
I write mainly fantasy, but also scifi and historical fiction. I also dabble in poetry and I would like to learn how to write for games and screen at some point. For now though, it's all novel writing as far as the eye can see.
My favourite trope to write is found family (I blame all the dungeons and dragons I play). I also write a lot of queer characters and try to diversify my casts as much as possible. My work tends to be very character driven although I do love world building a lot, especially building different cultures and places. I'm best st dialogue and really struggle with building plots. I also have a deep love for history, specifically the 1700s and Anglo saxon - medieval Britain, so that's usually finds its way into my work as well.
You can find my work on Patreon here
What Do I Read?
Unsurprisingly, it's mostly fantasy. I used to read over 100 books a year, but university has made me hit a massive reading slump. So the main thing keeping me going right now is Robin Hobb. I also listen to a lot of audiobooks.
My WIPs:
Information on my current work is under the break!!
Feypocalypse is a queer, fantasy horror comic set in medieval England following the events of a Fey Apocalypse in the 1300s. It follows a group of knights trying to survive in a world that has been turned into a Fey hunting ground, whilst protecting the Changeling child they accidentally adopted. The current plan is eight issues, to be published on Patreon and then printed as a complete novel at the end! It will be written by myself and illustrated by my amazing co-creator @withlovefromthecrowss.
I recently finished playing in a Curse of Strahd campaign that lasted about 2 years and was one of the best dnd experiences of my life. So of course, I decided to write it up in novel form so that I and the other players could always return to it. Our paladin was an extremely detailed note taker so I've been borrowing their notes. It's currently the longest piece of writing I’ve ever done and I add to it every day. It's from the pov of my character, a human necromancer called Sepulcrave who has a pretty crazy character arc and it's my current main WIP, even though its a personal project.
The Legend of The Rat Bastards (vols. 1 & 2)
Now available to read on my patreon!
Eye of the Falcon King (working title)
A secondary-world medieval fantasy novel about identity, rebellion, and manipulation. In a world where some few people have the ability to shape-shift into birds, the king seeks out these people to be his personal servants, messengers and spies. Turik is a young boy able to turn into a falcon and becomes a member of the King's circle. But after a tragedy befalls his best friend it begins to become apparent that the king is not as benevolent as he seems and Turik must come to terms with the knowledge that his reality is a lie. This book is about breaking free from manipulative forces, the ways invisible disabilities are ignored and pushed aside, and mostly about how the monarchy is terrible. Also queer people because all my stories have queer characters.
Otherlings (working title)
It's 1875 and Eliza Farthing's twin brother Alexander has just reappeared in her life after seven years. Except he's not her twin, he's her changeling. And Eliza isn't always Eliza, sometimes he's Francis. The world's of the two twins - one fey, one queer - are about to become very intertwined against their wishes. The two have to fight against their family, the police, a morally corrupt scientist, inter-community distrust, and their own dislike for each other, or both of them will never regain the lives they so desperately need and desire. Also there's a circus. The book deals with identity, secrecy, hatred, and community. It's a book about found family, about accepting yourself and others, about not needing to be seen to exist and be worth something. Mostly it's about sticking together despite your differences.
So that's my current WIPs! I'll add more as I get them, but that's all for now! Thank you for taking an interest in my work and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me an ask :)
Tags I use
#legend of the rat bastards, #eye of the falcon king, #ask dandelion-jester #feypocalypse #otherlings novel
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mask131 · 7 months
The gods of Gaul: Rosmerta
After a god of abundance, a goddess of abundance !
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Rosmerta is a purely Gallo-Roman goddess. Not that she did not start out as a Gallic goddess, mind you! For sure she was originally a goddess of Gaul – her very name is Gallic in origin. But, the fact is that all we know about her, be it her role, her functions, her attributes, come from her incarnation as a Gallo-Roman goddess, part of the syncretized pantheon of Roman and Gallic gods. As such, we can only conjecture and guess who she was before the Romans arrived, based on the way the Romans handled and incorporated her.
One thing that is certain of is that Rosmerta always was a goddess of abundance. As I said, her name is Gallic, and commonly identified as being formed of three parts, “Ro”, “Smert” and “A”. The -a suffix merely denotes a female name. The prefix “Ro-“ is for amplification (like “very” ; a “robili” is someone who is very kind ; a “rocabalus” is a great horse). As for “smert”, it is found in many Gallic names and means either “who takes care of” or “who offers”. As such, Rosmerta could be translated as “The Great Giver”, “The Very Generous”, “She who takes care of very well”, “The Great Gifter”… In Gallo-Roman iconography, Rosmerta is often depicted holding a cornucopia, highlighting her role as a goddess of abundance and maybe fecundity (sometimes it is even stressed further by her holding the cornucopia in one hand, a basket of fruits on the other).
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In the Gallo-Roman religion, Rosmerta is the eternal companion, the paredra, the female equivalent of the god Mercury. On all the visual depictions we have of Rosmerta, very few depict her alone – she is usually always with Mercury by her side. This makes sense when you recall who Mercury was in Roman religion. Too many people consider that the Roman gods are just the Greek ones with a new name printed on them. Mercury might have been the equivalent of the Greek Hermes, but in terms of functions and symbolism he differed from him in many ways. Most notably, while the Greek Hermes was mainly a god of talent, cunning, cleverness and intelligence (which manifested in his various attributes as god of messengers and eloquence, science and athletics, merchants and thieves), the Romans focused much more on the idea of a god of travel and commerce: as such, Mercury is the god of merchants, markets, business travels and lucrative journeys first and foremost. He was an economic god, a money-deity, who embodied prosperity and riches in a material and financial form. As such, it makes sense for him, in the Gallo-Roman syncretism, to be paired with a goddess who herself seems to have embodied abundance and fertility.
Interestingly, we can see how Rosmerta got more and more “fused” with Mercury over time. For example, in many depictions of the duo, Rosmerta is not holding her usual cornucopia, but a pouch full of coins or a bag of money – which was THE defining attribute of Mercury. The “Mercurification” of Rosmerta reached its paroxysm in a bronze depiction from Annecy, where the goddess appears alone… But with Mercury’s wings on both sides of her head, while holding a purse of coins. The transformation is complete: Rosmerta became simply the female version of Mercury, and lost her own identity. We have a lot of votive offerings and various prayer-inscriptions for Rosmerta, but they do not give us much information about her, and always made her one half of a duo with Mercury.
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There is also this four-sided pillar which depicts Rosmerta holding Mercury's caduceus. You will notice with these pictures the very Roman aspect Rosmerta sports - with the Roman dress and veil and diadem.
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If you are curious, the other sides of this pillar found behind Paris' Sainte-Chapelle in 1748, depict Mercury, Apollo and a "winged Genie".
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Interestingly, the lack of romantic or sensual scenes between Mercury and Rosmerta have led many to theorize their couple was not a romantic or marital one. Many believe that Rosmerta was probably identified with Mercury's mother, Maia, who had her own cult by Roman times. For example, there is the fact we have votive inscriptions acting in parallels - some invoking "Mercury and Maia" together, others invoking "Mercury and Rosmerta", but the two goddesses never appearing side by side in the same inscription. Their cult-areas also carefully avoided any overlap geographically speaking (here is a map below from the Belgian website deomercurio) - and when you consider that Maia was a goddess of the season of spring associated with the rebirth/birth of nature ; that she was often seen holding a caduceus ; and that she had been before associated with various mother-goddesses of fertility (Ops, Fauna, Bona Dea)... In fact, the Mercurified statue of Rosmerta with wings on her head has been debated: because while many consider it is a Rosmerta statue, some rather see it as a Maia statue... The confusion is clear.
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Some theorized Rosmerta might have been a goddess of the fertile earth and the natural abundance (hence the cornucopia, the basket of fruits), which would have made the “natural” reflection of Mercury’s man-made, artificial riches (coins, commerce, merchants and markets) – after all, Gaul was one of the food-providers of the Roman Empire, and where the Romans got a lot of their cereals and grapes. To have a goddess of fruits coupled with a god of commerce would have been the perfect representation of the Roman conquest of Gaul… Some even push the idea further by saying maybe Rosmerta was an equivalent of Proserpina, or a female Pluto, as a goddess of the riches of underworld – but I found no conclusive evidence or solid theory for this, so I’ll mention it, but I give this no credit. Let us stick simply to how she is an abundance and fertility goddess, more likely a Maia equivalent.
There are other theories linking her to other Roman deities. For example some consider in Rosmerta a Gallic equivalent of the Roman goddess Felicitas, due to a Roman inscription listing all the important gods of Gaul having Felicitas following immediately the name of Mercury, as if closely associated with him, despite Felicitas not being typically seen as Mercury-adjacent in Roman religion. Another theory mentions how the Roman goddess Abundantia, the personification of abundance, had a strong worship in some parts of Gaul (for example by the Eduens), and was depicted in a similar way to Rosmerta as a goddess with a cornucopia and a patera in her hands. However the theory falls quite short, because on one side Abundantia was always depicted alone, without a male companion like Mercury, and on the other, almost all of the goddesses of Gaul were depicted with a patera (or in a lesser way a cornucopia) in their hands. The patera notably was one of the recurring, typical attributes of the Gallic goddesses ; and given many of them had something to do with abundance or fertility, the cornucopia went from hand to hand... But there is no denying that Rosmerta definitively echoed the Roman Abundantia, and that in turn Abundantia found her place in Gaul, filling a shared religious archetype of a goddes of abundance, a spirit of prosperity. Maia, Abundantia, Rosmerta - they all formed a web around a central core partially missing today, and testify to Gaul's strong attachment to the idea of a fertility goddess, of a personification of a nature filled with riches.
Another interesting clue when it comes to Rosmerta is how, in an engraving found in Reims, she has by her side not Mercury, but rather Toutatis/Teutatès... Is it a clue that maybe Toutatis was her original companion before Mercury arrived? There is also a fascinating Gallo-Roman depiction, a stone statue currently at the Saint-Germain-en-Laye museum, of Mercury with an unnamed goddess by his side:
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This statue is very, very important for several reasons. One: the goddess by Mercury's side is left unnamed, but if she is Rosmerta, then this statue might indicate not a mother-son relationship (as the Maia theory allowed to think) but a sexual one. Indeed, it would be one of the rare Rosmerta depictions with an accent on her body and a form of nudity - coupled with the suggestive gesture of touching Mercury's head. Two: Despite us knowing this was meant to be a Mercury, this Mercury is very unusual. He is not a youthful ephebe, but a mature, bearded man. No wings, no caduceus - only the pouch of coins typical of his charge... and a snake laying on his lap. Not just any snake: a ram-headed snake. If you read my previous post about the gods of Gaul you know what this means... This "Mercury" clearly sports the symbolism of Cernunnos. The bag of grains/food coins turned into a little purse, the antlers removed, but the beard and the ram-headed snake are still here, and the goddess still holds the god's head.
It had already been established that Mercury's popularity in Gaul was part due to replacing some aspects of Cernunnos - but if this goddess is Rosmerta (and indeed, some Cernunnos depictions did have a cornucopia-holding goddess near the god, usually identified as an unnamed mother-goddess), does this imply Rosmerta was initially a companion of Cernunnos?
As usual we are left with more questions than answers, and vague relationships we ultimately can never confirm...
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blackphanto · 9 months
Does Hazbin have a deistic God?
Hi there! This is my first post on this platform and I would like to share a theory that I've had for quite a while now. I'm not a deistic myself, so if I got anything wrong feel free to correct me.
Now first and foremost, let me introduce you to the religion of deism: The belief in God based one reason rather than revelation, teachings or divine miracles. Deists believed that God created the universe and then left it so that it could evolve on its own. They were also convinced that the best form of worship was to do good for others, but the belief of an afterlife depends on person to person. Yet, they theoretically reject the belief in angels since they're seen as messengers for revelations. So in short; God is like a clockmaker analogy.
We don't know much about heaven, let alone God in the Hellaverse. Our first ever canon depiction of heaven was in Helluva Boss S1E4 and if you look closely in C.H.E.R.U.B.'s commercial, there's a poster which seems to be a quote from God.
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This poster promotes the idea that God might be a muppet and that heaven encourages people to use each other for their own benefits. It also doesn't help proving my point, but I just wanted to bring our first ever mention of God up.
Now, in Hazbin Hotel we've seen a couple glances of heaven, mainly through the trading cards, but none of the promotion material we've got seems to acknowledge the presence of God. One could argue that "we haven't seen everything", though it is true that doesn't mean that we can't theorize?
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The whole extermination, the function of C.H.E.R.U.B. all sounds so cruel that you can't possibly think that God ordered all of that? If Hell is overpopulated, then make heaven more approachable instead of causing a mass genocide in Hell and Sera, she is a seraph, right? Seraphim are angels who circulate the throne of God and praise him/her/them. Now, what if God isn't there anymore? Who will they praise or protect? And since they are the highest ranking angels, what if they simply took over of heaven.
Everything we've seen of Heaven so far promotes that idea that God isn't there and has abandoned EVERYTHING to let it evolve on its own, to let the denizens of Heaven take over and run it. And humanity and denizens of Hell are the ones paying the consequences of it.
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