#I saw her for like 5 seconds lol I used a wipe to open her door and poke my head in and say hi before I left the house fndnfn
unnoticed-poison · 8 months
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔! 𝙷𝚊𝚣𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚕 𝚅𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 °【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏 】°
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【 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟑 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟒 】 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 1 【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟒 】 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 2
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Never thought I'd update this fast lol, guess my obsession is in full swing.
For those who haven't read the trailer chap you need to read it before this one.
The chaps are also posted on AO3, Wattpad and Quotev, the links will be posted soon ❣️
Anyways, enjoy.
"Fuck!" The demoness cursed to herself, running as fast as she could through the streets, behind her, demons were being chased too, every 5 seconds or so, a bloodcurdling scream would erupt, signalling the death of another one of her fellow kind.
And it was almost her turn, she knew it was only a matter of time before that...𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 caught up to her as well.
She needed to find a place to hide, 𝘕𝘰𝘸.
"Move bitch!!"
The girl cried out in pain as she was shoved aside by another demon, sending her sprawling to the ground, the impact was hard and painful.
Before she could even try to stand up again, she was knocked over and trumpled upon by other demons, stepping over her body as they rushed by, breaking some of her bones in the process, and making her let out a heart-wrenching scream.
fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!
There was no hope for her to escape now...
"Please, make it quick..." She whispered softly, her breath caught in her throat when she felt a gentle breeze behind her, the sound of footsteps drawing close.
A quiet voice spoke, devoid of any emotions.
"Don't worry, I have no intention of torturing you, I need to reach my new high score anyway."
As she took another deep breath, the demoness closed her eyes tightly, embracing the inevitable blow.
In a split second, thick crimson blood and pieces of brain splattered across the ground as the exterminator silently watched the now decapitated corpse go motionless.
"Number 1576." The angel said, removing the blood-spattered mask from her head.
Who was this particular angel? Of course, who else could it be other than 𝘺𝘰𝘶?
You sighed, glancing down at the blood stains on your mask before wiping it off.
Only 474 more to go.
You thought, your eyes scanning the road for your next target.
Suddenly, you noticed slight movement from one of the shadowy alleys nearby and you went into action, quickly putting your mask back on, your wings fluttered as you soared toward the alley.
You stopped mid-flight, your hammer suspended in the air as you were frozen in your tracks by the sight before you.
Are those..eggs? Wearing suits??
There were five in total, the little eggs were shaking in fear, huddling together for dear life as they stared at up you with wide eyes filled with horror.
What were you going to do with them?
You stood there motionless for a few moments as the eggs lay defenceless before you.
Putting down your hammer, you stepped closer and kneeled down.
"Please don't kill us.."
The eggs closed their eyes as they waited for their swift death.
Why aren't they smashed to pieces yet?
Opening their eyes, they saw one of them staring in wonder as the angel gently stroked its shell.
"You little things aren't my target, there's no need to worry." You whispered, your voice like a soothing lullaby, in an effort to calm them down.
Your touch was smooth and comforting, causing the egg's eyes to soften as he leaned into your hand with trust.
Seeing that, the other eggs shaking subsided as they allowed themselves to relax as well.
Feeling pleased, you smiled under the mask, before standing up again and looking around.
Shit, you wasted precious time.
You need to-
Feeling a tap on your leg, you looked down.
One of the eggs was tapping on your leg repeatedly, gesturing towards the darkness.
"Boss! Boss!"
You couldn't help but tilt your head, what was this little one trying to say?
You soon understood when you heard a loud crash ahead of you.
"SHIT! Stupid machine!"
You thought as you headed over to the source of the noise.
You soon came across an entire airship, torn apart and hanging limply between two buildings, you then noticed a black snake cleaning the dust off his hat, looking completely unbothered, as if it was just another normal day.
Looks like an easy target, great!
The snake kept muttering to himself, not hearing you silently approaching until you were right behind him.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder, the man looked over his shoulder with a raised brow, it quickly turned into a terrified look as he jumped back, falling to the ground, his hat also falling off in the process.
"Wait! I-"
"I'll have to stop you right there, begging won't do you any good now." You smirked, raising the giant hammer above your head. "It's nothing personal really."
He can't die now! He hasn't beaten Alastor yet! He has so much to live for!!
Just as the hammer was about to make contact with his head, you paused yet again as you stared down.
The little eggs from before stood in front of the snake protectively, they were visibly trembling, but their determination to protect the man did not waver.
"Don't kill him!"
You raised a brow, looking at the eggs standing guard then at the snake, who was glaring daggers at you, his gaze intense and sharp, but the slight fear was visible in his eyes as well.
A moment of silence had passed before you turned back to the man.
"Did you make those?"
The man's expression shifted from fear and rage to outright confusion. "What?"
You gestured to the eggs with your hammer and asked again. "Were you the one who made those eggs?"
"Ah..yes? And..?"
You hummed as you leaned back.
"Make me one."
" Excuse me?"
"You heard me, make me one of those and I'll spare you and protect you from the rest of the exterminators, refuse and I'll get rid of you now and take those anyways." Your voice was unhurried and clear as you shrugged. " Your choice."
The threat could not have been more clear.
"Make her one boss!"
"Are we gonna get a sibling?"
"You shut up!" He shouted at the eggs, his cheeks red from embarrassment.
He turned back to you and coughed. "Of course, I can make you one! Making one of those useless things is a piece of cake for someone as great as me!" He pointed up to the airship. " If you could take me up there that would be great."
You nodded. "Good." You said, picking up the serpent and carrying him bridal-style, the action causing his cheeks to turn red with embarrassment again, avoiding eye contact as you waited for the rest of the eggs to hold on to you before slowly flying up to the airship to not accidentally make one of the eggs fall off.
Once reaching there, you put the man down and stepped back. "Get to work."
You waved the hammer lightly.
"Less talking and more working, now make me the damn egg before I change my mind."
As you sat atop a table, legs crossed, waiting for the man to finish making the egg, you played with the other eggs to pass the time.
"I need to think of a name for it.." you mumbled, one of the eggs heard you.
"How about Omelet!"
"No, Olaf!"
"Frank is better!"
"But MY name is Frank!"
You sat quietly, nodding along with everything they were saying, though not truly listening as you tuned them out completely.
Hold on.
You hummed as you recalled something.
Don't snakes have two coc-
"I'm done!"
"Took you long enough." You frowned as you got off the table and walked over.
The serpent rolled his eyes. " Half my tools were destroyed or misplaced during the crash your little 'friends' caused, here you go anyway."
He held out the egg for you to take, the suit and cute little hat were identical to the ones the others were wearing, you and the egg stared at each other silently, before it held out its arms towards you.
You put aside your weapon and carefully took hold of the egg.
"Hello little guy."
The egg smiled happily at you. " Hello! Are you my boss?"
The serpent nodded. " Yes yes, she's your boss so you have to listen to everything she says!" He glanced at you. "Sooo what do you think?"
You nodded, pleased with the results. " I love him, great job."
The serpent puffed out his chest in pride. " Of course! This was nothing! And for your information, I'm the great Sir-"
You ignored what he was saying as you turned back to the egg and began to think of a name.
'𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘐 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮, 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘐 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮.....𝘈𝘩 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘵!'
"I think I'll name you...Scramble."
"I like it!" He said, making you chuckle as you gently rubbed your cheek against his.
You might not have reached your high score for this year, but it was not a problem, you can always compensate for it.
Next year, you'll go for 𝘥𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦.
Hope you guys liked the chap ❣️
Those little eggs are so cute I couldn't resist!
Btw, my friend said 'Imagine if he gave birth to those eggs or something' I couldn't stop thinking about it and I couldn't resist so I made this :
Mc : make me one of those and I'll spare you
Sir Pentious: What happened to hello how are you? Take me on a date at the very least! How shameful!
Mc :*confused exterminator noise*...ok
And they spend the rest of the day going on a date while the world is in shambles behind them
Sometime later
Lute: Where the hell were you! You didn't come back in time!
Mc, with the egg in a basket: I became a mother.
Lute :....the 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 did you just say?
The egg: •⩊•♡︎
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
25 asks again :0000 🎄🎄🎄
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Never??? What part of my content ever suggested that I would ever draw anything like that??
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The snowy forests they tend to camp in are actually the forests attached to Snowdin :0 They tend to end up there a lot <XD No ones found them out there before so they've deemed Snowdin forests a safe camping spot..
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I'm not sure what you mean by a cliffhanger. My Octonauts stuff wasn't following a timeline or anything. I was just goofing around and drawing what ever I felt like.
If you're talking about the crab comic? I abandoned that comic on a cliff hanger because I didn't like how I wrote the comic and I didn't feel like re-writing it. :/ The Captain ends up totally fine in the end so its ok-
(Also thank you! :} )
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Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too!! :DDDD 💖🎄💖
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It kind'a depends.. what really exhausts him is making multiple mirrors back to back that all lead to different places. And how long he holds them open is also a factor..
Maybe a good guestimate is.. about 5? Maybe if he makes 5 mirrors in less than 3 days that would be enough to completely wipe him out. Maybe even knock him unconscious..
But its okay, the group usually is good at avoiding that scenario. Usually they jump into an AU and stay there for a few days before jumping into a new one. That way Jevil has time to rest and recover.
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:DD Thank you! We wish the same to you as well! :}} 🎄💖🔥
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Oh yeah, very protective I imagine XD He wouldn't put him down or let him out of his sight for even a second.
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I'd like to think he kept it and hung it on his bedroom wall yeah. But Knowing Peso and how much of a sweetheart he is.. I can totally see him giving it to Pinto for a keepsake/to show it off to his friends :}
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Only when they're using their magic in someway yeah. :0 The more magic they're using/the more they're straining, the more visible their pupil becomes.
And it can extend to their emotions. The more mentally unstable/emotional/afraid the cat is.. the more cracked and deformed their pupil can become..
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Shellington got some angry cousins frfr XDDD
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(Post in question)
Ehh.. not exactly.. that situation with that Papyrus ended up getting really dangerous, and really scary, really fast.. They end up fleeing that AU and leave that Papyrus behind.. :(
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@fallingbones (post in question)
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That's because I was gonna draw a comic revealing her new name but I never got around to it.. 💔
(Still keeping it a secret in case I change my mind lol-)
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ACTUALLY! I had an idea that if Jevil rushes a mirror, he just has less control over it and will have no idea where the mirror will end up. And one time Jevil hastily made a mirror and when they jumped though.. they all got dumped into a river 😬 which is very bad for nearly everyone involved-
Seam's chains got caught on a branch and he got stuck while everyone else got swept down stream. He was able to just barely get his chains free and drag himself onto land.
Grillby doesn't die or anything, but boy is it incredibly painful. Thankfully he's able to scramble out of the water rather quickly and collapse on land..
Spamton has a phobia of water so by the time him and Jevil are able to get out he's breaking down from a panic attack :'(
Goner kid cant really swim but she was very lucky and was able to grab onto some branches and scramble out of the water.
Asgore wasn't really in any danger but he did struggle to get out of the water. He was eventually able to latch onto a branch as well and pull himself out.
The group recollected and probably camped out in the nearby forest for a few days to mentally and physically recover from that ordeal-
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Upon Googling it, it appears to be a fangame about the yellow soul..? I also saw "Undertale yellow controversy" uh oh- I'm not sure what I think about it <XD
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Although I've never played/seen a playthrough of Resident Evil.. this sounds right up my ally! XD
Also thank you! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well! :DD 🎄🎉
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XD Yes! I also have these two but they're not as cool/polished/original to me as the other 7 are-
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Ultimately my thoughts are, "It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be/could have been. 6 outa 10, would watch again and recommend to my friends 🎤🐻👍"
And as for a sequel? I'm not sure if they'll make one.. if they do, I kind'a hope it'll be about the second game and they'll up the horror a bit more this time 👀
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waaa thank you!! :DD
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I'm not sure.. I imagined Bibi likes the stuff I make, simply because I made it. I'm not sure what the rest of them would think.. :0
Although the 20k comic was a biggie. They all thought that project was cool XD
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I did! It seemed fitting for him. Also it helps visually distinguish him from Glamrock Freddy :00
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XD She has that effect on people
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When the when When?
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That's just how I draw skeletons that don't look really creepy :( 💔
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fandom-hoarder · 4 months
I'm watching walker now.
Opening sequence was cool. No reflection on the mirror for Cordi, i was like 😯 is that symbolic or just an opportunity for a cool wipe transition
Cordell lost in the sauce of his notes while larry and trey workout. He makes me exhausted just watching him
For a second i thought the cordi/geri in the atrium wasn't real
Lololol cordi being awk af with geri. I'm sorry, i am HERE for it. "Boy listening" -- NOT a fan of that phrase lol
These people do not feel like an intimate couple!! Lmaooo I'm trying to remember if geri knows about the case. Why is she like this. Girl, if he's distracted, maybe you should see what's up with him actually
"Part of the new chapter we've been talking about" ok why does this feel like a parallel to bonham and abilene 👀👀👀👀 what exactly do you think the new chapter IS, geri?
"I'm so happy for you" lmaooooooo for YOU not for US
I tried to pause and copy the letter to geri but it didn't show it all
Whoooo yes, go augie on the clues
Lolol omg Bonham
"Would it kill you to be a little less punctual?" Lololol
Lol abby
The angle on Cordell's framing in this scene 👁👁👁👁👁
Ooh, photography tricks (please make Augie go with something photography related, not the army)
Am i unfair? Or is her tone of voice really annoying lmao
Lmao Cassie and Trey snack stealing
New name pending
We love you and you make dad very happen
Geri feels more aloof than ever and i still keep getting a vibe like i shouldn't trust her lmfao please have a surprise villain reveal god.
Lmao Stella's face at the end of that scene, though. Still not slick
Bonham being all teary eyed and romantic
Cassie and trey besties
i am going insane ok, joanna is going after her grandchild and her son's best friend's daughter. Is sadie aware?? 👀👀👀👀
Omfgggg bonham
Jfc what is wrong with that man
God that's so frustrating
Geri comparing augie to his mom. Hahhhhh
Yesssss augie
Tell Liam, yes
Omg Cordell's bitter tone about her and geri talking about him behind his back
What a confrontation
There are 5 minutes leftttt
Everybody in here working on their mental health and cordell digging deeper
Cordell is not getting over this that quickly lmfao what is WRONG with you all???
So augie didn't tell them ANYTHING??
Lol take a minute? She's outta there
Lmfao yeah, window right there
I love the editing on these parallel scenes
Idk wtf Cordell’s doing honestly. Idk if he's clearheaded enough to think to make himself bait, but maybe. It feels like he's got some kind of plan after he saw a picture that morning, and i have no idea what he was fucking doing all day
Goddd i NEED to know what's up between sadie and joanna
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shima-draws · 2 years
Uh oh sisters my mom got covid 😬
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reidsnose · 4 years
sticky notes (spencer reid x reader) (platonic!baux reader)
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overview: reader leaves and recieves a passive aggressive sticky note before going on a case
genre: fluff and humor?
a/n: i thought of this last night while i was trying to go to sleep and i could not stop thinking about that one vine and its also super snowy where i live lol. anyway i wrote it today throughout the school day and couldnt wait to put it on here :)
'whoever used the last sugar packet, your moms a hoe.'
you let out a small chuckle and stuck the sticky not to the container that usually held packets of sugar before taking a sip of your bitter, unsweetened coffee that you would have to deal with for the rest of the day.
"i hope hotch didn't take it," prentiss laughed, peering over at the note.
"everyone knows hotch drinks his coffee black." you retorted.
"no only you know that because you were his assistant before you joined the team," she joked, resulting in you sending a light elbow to her side. "you know we are handwriting analysts. everyones going to know you wrote that."
"except that they wont because i type everything. besides, i dont really think anyone on the team wont take the joke." you chuckled, pushing the door open with your free hand and heading into the bullpen.
"briefing room in 5 minutes, we have a case," hotch called from the balcony.
"theres fresh coffee in the break room, i feel like were going to need it," you said to the rest of the team that were sitting at there desks.
they all eagerly got up, ready for a fresh, hot drink to wake them up. you smiled as you walked to the briefing room, standing by your unassigned assigned seat. you took a sip of your drink, making a face at the bitter taste.
"why is your beautiful face scrunched up?" Garcia asked, setting down files in front of all the empty seats.
"someone took the last sugar." you stated simply.
"i have some in the batcave, youre always welcome" she winked, sending you a warm smile which you gladly returned.
"youre the best."
"yeah i know," she answered before the other agents began filing in, Spencer taking a seat next to you. "alright crime fighters, today youre all headed to snowy Alaska."
"actually," rossi looked at hotch and then garcia before continuing, "Garcia i think youre coming too."
"sir?" she looked over at hotch.
"dave is right. the connection will be spotty anyway, it would be best if you came a long and worked from the precinct." hotch confirmed.
"oh. alright." she obliged before continuing with the details of the case.
(a/n: im waaayyyy too lazy to write a whole case)
"wheels up in 5, it will take a while to get there and we dont have time to waste." hotch said at the end of the briefing before walking out.
"oh shoot i left my phone in the break room," i whispered, smacking my forehead with my palm.
"do you want me to wait for you?" spencer offered.
"no its ok," you smiled, jogging down the stairs.
"ill take your go bag. hurry i dont know if i can convince them not to leave without you!" he called after me, a giggle escaping his throat at his own joke.
"thanks! it'll be their loss anyway!" you laughed, as you sped walked to the break room. "there you are." you whispered to your phone that was sitting on the counter.
your eyes drifted to the note you had left earlier only it was gone. a new note sat in its place, a reply scrawled on it.
'ill have you know my mother is a very nice lady'
you smiled and rolled your eyes, slipping the note into your pocket as you walked briskly towards the jet. you walked out and saw reid waiting for you at the door of the jet, motioning frantically for you to board. you had taken a little too long looking at the note.
"10 more seconds before you're officially late!" he yelled, looking at his watch.
you broke out into a sprint, running as fast as you possibly could, trying to get across the runway in time.
"dont leave without me!" you yelled out, knowing they wouldn't.
you looked at the windows, seeing the team's faces pressed against the glass, watching amused.
"5 seconds!" he warned as you neared the stairs. "3..." almost there! "2..." just a few more steps. "1!" his arms shot up as you pushed past him into the jet, just in the nick of time.
"wow im impressed pretty lady!" morgan laughed, giving you a high-five which you exasperatedly accepted.
"have a seat y/l/n, we have a long flight." hotch said. you began thinking he was made at you but then you saw him trying to stifle a smile, "i dont think ive even seen you run like that in the field."
he held out his fist which you bumped with your own before flopping breathlessly down onto one of the chairs on the jet.
~time skip to the end of the case because i feel like it~
you walked out of the police department, watching your own breath swirl around the air in front of you.
"could you believe that detective?" jj scoffed walking with you towards the suvs in the parking lot.
"i know he was so...creepy." you agreed, "if i smelled his coffee breath one more time id take his tiny d-"
you didnt get to finish your sentence, though; you felt a cold snowball bash against the back of your head.
"gotta go!" jj laughed, hopping into one of the last suvs and driving off.
"whoever threw that snowball, your moms a hoe!" you yelled out crouching down to gather some snow.
"what?" spencer yelled, emerging from behind a trashcan.
"IT WAS YOU!" you laughed, throwing a snowball and hitting him straight in the chest.
"wait no. what did you just say?" he asked, eyes wide.
"i said whoever threw that snowball, your moms a hoe." you stated, suddenly feeling bad, "but not your mom, diana is-"
"a very nice lady." he finished, reaching into his pocket and fishing out a crumpled little paper.
"oh my gosh," you breathed, pulling out a note from your own pocket.
"i had a feeling it was you!" he laughed.
you raised your eyebrows, "yeah right! you had no clue!"
"i totally did! i was like, 'hmmm who in the office talks like this? oh yeah my idiot best friend'." he countered, smirking.
"well i had a feeling it was you too!" you lied, crossing your arms.
"youre lying!" he laughed.
"no im not!"
"yes you are! you have a tell!"
"i do?!"
"yes! you purse your-" he swiftly reached to the floor and picked up a small amount of snow, wiping it across your mouth, "-lips."
the cool snow melted quickly on your now very warm face, causing you to instinctively wipe your it with your sleeve, "oh its on!"
snowballs were flying left and right in the nearly empty parking lot, seeking refuge all over your bodies. you watched him sneakily duck behind a trashcan, thinking you hadn't seen him. letting out a small chuckle you creeped towards the trashcan, standing behind him as he peered his head around the other side, looking for where you had gone. you took a small amout of snow and reached your arm around his head, wiping it against his mouth as he had. he jumped letting out a small scream before turning around and latching his arms around your waist.
he picked you up and spun you around, loosing his footing on the slippery, causing a strange mix of a laugh and a scream to escape your mouth. he fell back on a fresh layer of snow, with a dull thump. you fell directly on top of him, your foggy breaths melding together as your laughs started fading. his eyes flickered from your eyes down to your lips, a new rouge gracing his cheeks and nose, one that would be there regardless of the cold.
"ca-can i kiss you?" he asked, looking back up at your eyes.
"please." you smiled, heart close to bursting out of your chest as he closed the gap between you.
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Rainy days [Corpse x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x Female!reader
Summary: “corpse x fem!reader ( she’s also a youtuber ) where they are just friends for a few years, but reader has been developing feelings for a while now. with corpse’s fan base growing so quickly, there’s also a lot of growing attention from other girls ( fans & other social media influencers ). corpse is happy with all the attention, while it is breaking the reader’s heart more every day. basically, super angsty lol and it’s totally up to you how you want to end it!” requested by anon
“please make one where like the reader and corpse fought so its like raining outside and yk the cliche type” requested by anon
Warnings: Angst and jealousy, kinda sad, I’m sorry
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Open for requests. Two requests for one.
Read part 2 cloudy afternoons here
You’re happy for Corpse, of course you are. What good friend wouldn’t be happy for their friend when they suddenly start to shoot for the stars? You definitely would. Right? It’s not like it hurts to watch him take in all these girls that throw themselves at him, he has never been happier for the many years you’ve known him. His YouTube channel is finally paying the bills for him, and you’re happy he doesn’t have to fear getting an eviction note, for dancing on the line a little too long. You’re happy that he has all these new friends. You’re happy he’s enjoying himself. You’re happy, because he’s happy.  So why does it hurt so much?
You’ve had feelings for your best friend for quite some time. You tried to push them away, which in return just seemed to cultivate them and make them stronger. You tried your damn best just to be his quirky happy best friend that was along with him for the ride. You never minded being the one to pick up the pieces when he fell apart. He would do the same for you… He would do the same for you, right?
You wipe away a tear escaping from your eye. You’re sitting in the shower crying on the floor. This is really what you’ve become? You think to yourself, as you lean your head back against the wall, looking up at the wooden ceiling.
He would do the same for you…
You dryly laugh to yourself, of course he wouldn’t, because then he would have known when you started pulling away. You wipe the tears away, get up and rise off your face once more, before stepping out. You look at where your mirror used to be. You took it down, not able to face yourself was easier than to accept this is just how you look permanently now. Dark circles underneath your eyes, as they’ve sunken quite a bit.
You kind of forgot how you really looked sometimes, until you caught yourself in something reflective, like your pc when it ran out of power, or your metallic glazed mug. You smile bitterly at the memory, Corpse had bought it to you when you reached 100.000 subs on YouTube, saying the play button wasn’t enough. It used to be a prized possession, now it was one of your worst.
You’re happy you build your YouTube brand on variety gaming, without a face cam. You couldn’t imagine having to explain away the way you looked. The monotone in your voice was hard enough.
I was just having an off day
Sorry, kind of sick today
My microphone isn’t picking up my voice probably.
You sigh to yourself as you collect your phone, and your empty bag. The fridge doesn’t fill itself. You’re pretty sure your fans caught onto something being wrong by the 4th excuse. You lock the door behind you, and glace up at the sky. It seems to be getting darker. You sigh as you realize you’re not going to be back home before it’s raining.
You walk the short distance down to the bus as you wait for it to arrive, you scroll through your twitter feed. It’s filled with pretty girls, much prettier than you are, throwing themselves at Corpse. You get a sudden urge to throw your phone into the passing traffic, but money has been tight lately with your down tuning of content, to take more time to be able to self-pity in the living room with a shitty romance show going on.
You really lost your best friend to your own feelings, huh. What an anticlimax.
You step onto the bus, not noticing the black dressed, black masked guy in the end of it. Watching you intentionally. If you had been able to read minds, you would hear the ongoing battle in his head on whether or not to approach you.
The bus pulls up the grocery store and you get off. Not sparing the other two passengers getting off a second thought. You pull your jacket closer together, as the wind starts getting colder. You finally arrive in the store, just a few seconds before the rain starts to drop.
The calming ominous music of the store fills your eyes, as you focus on getting something edible that isn’t directly just sugar with more sugar. You pick your groceries carefully, nothing that needs a lot of preparation. But if you eat one more tv meal, you’re going to throw it up. You’re too distracted by what pasta to choose, that you don’t realise the guy in black has now passed you for the 5th time, while you’re in aisle 9.
You choose both and head for the register. You sigh as you watch the long line, there’s only one way out, and you’re certainly not leaving your groceries now. You step in line. And pull out your phone. The lock screen taunting you with a picture of you and Corpse mushed together somehow in his gaming chair, you’re pretty sure it was Dave that took the photo. You shake your head and check the time. The bus just left. You sigh knowing there is a little over an hour before the next one leaves. Fucking public transport.
It finally becomes you, you watch the price tick up further and further. You take your card out. Swipes it through.
What? You try it again
C’mon, it has got to work. You try again
And again
And again
You smile apologetic to the cashier, as you start to figure out what you won’t be needing too much.
“I’ll pay for her.”  A deep voice speaks further down the line. You know exactly the person whose voice that is.
“Please, you don’t have to-“ You watch as Corpse steps out of the line and puts a box of cereal on the register for the cashier to ring up with the rest of your stuff.
“I don’t-“
“That’ll be 79 dollars and 32 cents, please.” The cashier ignores you.
Corpse pays and gets the receipt, knowing you’re going to beg him for you to pay him back. You used to do the same when you were little. Corpse stands by as he watches you pack your groceries, and he waits for you. He barely recognized you in the bus. It’s been weeks since you last spoke, and even longer since you last saw each other. He knows you were getting bad, but not this bad. He don’t know why he never reached out he knows he should. But there are too many unsaid things hanging in the air, and neither of you wanting to be the one to pick the first one.
He reaches out to take one of the two bags. But you take it right underneath him, and walk to the doors, leaving him to hurry after or be left behind.
“Y/N I-“
He gets surprised by the rain, he hadn’t noticed the darkening sky earlier. You keep walking until he calls out after you again.
“Y/N! Please!”
You stop in you tracks. To think you had missed hearing your name from his lips, he uses it like it’s not the only thing you have left that’s your own.
He jogs the remaining distance and puts his hand on your shoulder, and you let him turn you around to make him face you. He’s not sure if it’s the rain, or if it’s tears that’s starting to fall. He takes the rest of your face in, the dark circles, the clear weight loss. He know, you don’t know how much you don’t look like yourself.
“Listen, thank you, I’ll pay you back next month. But if you’re not going to say anything, I have places to be, and-“
He puts his hand on her chin caressing it. She suddenly looks so small standing there in front of him. You quickly pull yourself back, wanting to lean into his touch, but knowing that it would only make what hurts, hurt more in the end.
“What did you want?” You snap at him. And something snaps in him too, as his brows furrows together.
“Oh I don’t know. Say hi to my best who just up and disappeared from the face of earth two months ago. I wonder what I want.” He snaps back at you, his deep voice nearly emitting a growl of frustration from him.
“So what, that’s what it takes 2 months before you want to find me. Did you get tired of all those girls throwing themselves at you? Did you get tired of your new friends you just cast me aside from? Did you get tired of all the money? Please do tell.” You stretch out your arms in a welcoming stance.
Corpse takes a step back, you’ve never yelled at him like this before. Tears streaming down your face as you’re soothing anger.
“…You think I threw you aside?” Corpse sucks in a breath waiting for your anger to come at him, but instead you suddenly look small again.
“Didn’t you Corpse? The excuse why I could never come over anymore, why you never had time. I was happy for you, you know, I supported you all the way. Heck I even fucking loved you, and you cast me aside, you up and threw away so many memories and a long friendship, just because I suddenly didn’t fit into your new group.” You look him straight in the eyes. “Corpse, I’m tired okay. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t keep picking up your pieces and help you reassemble yourself, for you to keep casting me aside. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t need your pity; I don’t need anything from you. I’ll make sure you get the money first thing next month.”
She takes a step away from him, the before intimate atmosphere now fully escaped.
“All I ask is that we part here. I love you too much to watch you fall apart again.” Your voice is trembling as you turn around heading for the bus stop, leaving Corpse in the rain to fend for himself.
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liums · 3 years
Leona x Reader (ft.vargas camp event)
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Important information-  y/n is female but is pretending to be male.
Context- This happens in a timeline where when Yuu (aka y/n or mc) arrived to the NRC, since it was an all boys school, Crowley asked y/n to pretend to be male and keep it a secret.
 In Leona’s version, he found out when a teacher made him go check on y/n because “he” did’t show up in class.(Ruggie was too busy to go) When Leona arrived and knocked, since no one awnsered he just entered anyway lol. He saw a bunch of bandages on the floor and when he found y/n in a room, even if he saw y/n with unuasual long hair, he called and when y/n turned arround, Leona saw you were naked from waist up, with exemption of a bra....he was as shocked as he could be, and just turned arround and left. Y/n ran after him while dressing a shirt, explained the situation and he agreed to keep it a secret with a “What a pain I have gotten myself into” while rubbing his neck. (this happened after Jamil overblot and the two of you had a “I don’t mind his company ” relationship)
Now, with the story:
It was the end of the first day one and every club had just returned to the camp, exausted by the harduous day of challenges, ones more than others, since some didn’t even raise a finger. Y/n and Grim however were having their share of fun, they weren’t allowed to participate in the challanges, but recording such good memories with their friends was very fun.
  Y/n was reviewing the photos that were taken during the first day while Vargas was speaking with everyone. Just as you and grim were wondering where you two would sleep, professor Vargas came over and explained he was going to sleep in the Dawrfs hut and both of you would sleep in a tent next to it. 
Grim and you had just settled inside and were about to change to comfy clothes to sleep when you noticed the inside of your bandages were all sweaty, well that was to expect after such a day. After wiping the sweat you still felt the need to take a bath, most obviously you wouldn’t  ask vargas to take a bath in the hut due to certain circunstances.... You were thinking about what to do when you remembered there was a lake nearby, and it had a small and clean beach so it was secure...decided, you glanced one last time to check if Grim was asleep, picked a small bag with a spare of clothes and a small towel you brought, and left the tent.
On the camp site Leona had just left to his tent, leaving Ruggie and the other members of the Magift club discussing who would stand watch and look after the fire. He was lying down trying to sleep when he felt a familliar scent. The noise outside was preventing him from sleeping, so he might as well just go check what the hell you were up to this time.
 He migh not admit it, but since the Octavinelle Incident, more specifically, since you had threatened him (when mc threatened making noise every morning outside of Leona’s room if he didn’t help them), he had grown an interest in you, and by now he really didn’t mind your company or when you showed up in the gardening house when he was napping, or even when you sat down next to him. Actually, it seemed that he slept better when you were there. But he would never admit this.
Leona quietly left the tent and went in the direction of the forest where he felt your scent. Leona had light feet and walking at night in the forest was almost as easy as it was during the day, so he reached you pretty quickly. 
You were walking steadly but slow, walking in a forest at night really wasen’t one of your skills, you almost tripped a few times. Of course Leona was nearby just watching the whole thing from behind with that smirk of his, he was even eating an apple, he was wondering how come you didn’t ear him. 
Well anyway, after a while he grew tired of seeing you strugle, and finally aproached you. He had just lightly touched your shoulder and calling you”Herbi-” but he couldn’t finish because you jumped from the sudden touch, screamed high enough to make Leona turn his ears backwards, and were about to trow a punch to whatever had just touched you when Leona caught your fist midair with ease. “Tsk, why so damn lound” he said while rubbing his temple with his free hand.
“Le-Leona?? Why are you here?” You had just finished your sentence when you saw his green eyes narrowing a bit, and it finally came to you you had tried to punch Leona Kingscholar. Your face went white in a matter of seconds, it’s not like you were afraid of him, you could say your relationship had reached the level of friendship more or less, but this was pushing the boundaries quite a bit!
 You quickly retreated your fist, who was still in Leona’s warm hand, and apologized “Ah-! I’m so sorry Leona!! It was a reflex!”.  Much to your surprise, Leona didn’t do anything and just crossed his arms “So? what are you doing at this time of night in a forest?”  
“Ah- I was.. heading to the lake...” you shifted your gaze to other side while scratching your cheek and smilling awkwardly. It’s not like you were lying to him, but you didn’t really want to say you were going to take a bath.  Leona concluded you probably had run out of water and didnt think more about it. You were thinking about what to say next, when Leona just started walking and passed by you. “Hmm, Leona? Where are you going?”you asked.
He didn’t even bother to turn arround and said “You are going to the lake right? hurry now or you will get left behind”. 
Uncounsciously you hurried to his side “You didn't ’t really have to come....”you said only hearing a “hmnn” coming from him. 
And maybe due to the shock you suffered a while ago or to the fact you were distracted by Leona’s presence, it still didn’t hit you that his presence migh make your task of taking a bath a tad more difficult. And when it did, you hurried to say “ Leona, you should really go back, I don’t want to take any more of your sleeping hours....” you really enjoyed his presence, but you really really hoped he went back.
“Now that we are already here its a bit late” He rubbed his head. He was right, you two had already reached the lake. You were taking in the beautiful scene of the lake and the moon reflecting on it when Leona spoke up “We don’t have all night” he was now leaned against some rock, and honestly he looked stunning in the moonlight with those emerald green eyes of his, but this was not the moment to be thinking about this!  You gave a few steps forward but stopped and looked at Leona “Could you..could you turn arround?” you shyly asked, your face with a light shade of red.
“Hm? What’s the problem of me staying here” he moved one of his hands to his hip and tilted his head a bit waiting for you to awnser.
 This time you couldn’t really look at him at all, you stiffened your shoulders a bit and finally said “I came to take a bath” In a voice so low Leona almost had trouble hearing it.
He looked a bit anoyed now “Ah?Then again what is the prob-” Leona stopped mid-sentence when it came to him. He had actually forgotten. He massaged his temple with his eyes closed and said ”I will be over there” and left to behind a strocture of rocks a bit farther away. 
You muttered a “Thank you...” and went towards the shore. 
There. you began by removing tha bandages arround your chest, and then the shirt you had used during the day whole day, you kept your pants since you just really needed to clean the sweat in your upper body. You emersed a towel in the water and when you finally felt the clean water of the lake in your skin, you let out a heavy sigh. 
On the other side was Leona, leaned against a rock, backwards to you. To anyone who saw him it would look he was sleeping, but he was actually dwelling on what had just happened. After he had found out and agreed to keep it to himself he did think about it for a while, but at that time you two were no more than aquaintances who meet a lot and sometimes went to classes together, so in the end, your situation had slipped to the back of his mind. He had a frown on his face but it wasent out of anoyance, but rather due to his own actions up until now. 
Leona was thinking about how the hell he had grown comfortable arround you recently when his eyes shot open by a splash sound and a high pitched scream coming from your direction. He got up and was ready to complain about the noise and about how come you fell in place with only sand ,when he heard that sound that had been perturbing his sleep the whole day. fairies. They were nothing to him, but you were a human, a non- magical one at that, so leona just made a tsch and prepared to dispose of them.
“Ah, what a pain” he said to the air while going to take them out. “Herbivore you stay.....”  
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You were already dressed, but soaked from head to toe and with an unsetling expression Leona had never seen you doing, he would be making a smug face while mocking you if he warent too busy scaring that water fairy to death with his glare only. "Scram" he didn't scream, nor use an aggressive tone, but the way he said it had an imposing and superior aura.
And the fairy probably felt he would squeeze her to death next because she flew away in a blink of an eye. He was still making a mixed expression of anger and anoyance when he turned to you. “Thank you Leona, they came out of nowhere” You were trying to wipe away the water from your clothes , and only noticed Leona’s expression when you looked at him “Ah.” You looked troubled “Did I...did I perhaps wake you just now?” Anyone who spend more than 5 minutes with Leona would know how much he liked sleeping, and in your point of view, you were preventing him from sleep by having him acompany you to the lake.
Seeing your troubled expression made Leona get more at ease, and his brows weren't frowning anymore “Now it dosen’t matter, does it” he said while rubbing one of his ears.
 You were still doing your best to get most of the water off your clothes, but this didn’t go unnoticed by you “Have I hurt your ears too?” Your voice was now in its normal tune, sweeter, since now you didn’t need to pretend being male.
“Two times in a single night is too much, no?”He retreated his hand and returned it to his pocket. 
“The first time was your fault though....”You looked to the side and had a troubled smile on your face “But I apologize, sorry”.
 Leona analized your expression and half serious said “You don’t look so sorry however” he started rubbing his chin and curved a little to match more your height “What will you do to compensate me?”. With this statement you looked away and let out a troubled, very fake half laugh  “Ahahaha......”
Leona enjoyed seeing you troubled, more than he did the others, but in a good teasing way “*sigh*you should start thinking about drying yourself herbivore”. 
Oh don’t you say, It’s not as if you weren’t trying!!! “How come I didn’t think about that” you said while squezing your hair to get most of the water out of it. 
Now that Leona thought about it, this was the first time he saw you with long hair after that one day, and even if uncounsciously, he couldn’t bring himself to stop looking. “W- what? is it so weird I have long hair?” you had now cleaned most of the water off yourself, and Leona didn’t help one bit.
(Normally, you do your hair in a specific way so it looks short even though its long, i took that idea from Lucina from FE, i’ll drop a picture of how the hair is done at the end)
“What a problematic thing I have gotten myself into...” Despite seeming he was complaining about coming along with you to the lake, he was refering to spending time with you in general, somehow you were the kind of person who sooner or later would get involved in the most weird problems, and it seemed this time you had dragged him with you. 
However despite complaining, Leona had began enjoying your company for a while now. It had even reached the point that seeing you two napping side by side in the botanical garden was frequent. No one dared mentioning it though.
You noticed your bandages floating in the water "*Sigh....* it seems I cant use these anymore" you looked pitifully at the drenched bandages you picked up.
"Just use another shirt as a chest binder. If you hang it tightly enough it will have the same effect" Leona said as if this was the most normal situation in the world. 
You looked at him for a second "that is actually pretty smart you know" and proceded to do as he had suggested. After finishing and seeing how it looked you let out a pleased ‘hum’ sound and said “As expected of the great Leona!” you made a few moviments to see if it was comfortable and turned to him with both hands on your hips and a confident look  “So, how does it look??” 
Leona made an over exagerated expression as if the was thinking hard and made a “hmmm” sound for a long time just to keep you waiting. “Leonaaa!!” you cried, he intended to keep his teasing but after looking at your face again he noticed despite having a smile, you looked scared, afraid of something.
 No normal person would be able to see this, not even Deuce or Ace could, but after having you bugging him for so long, Leona had started getting more aware of things like this, so he stopped and let out a sigh of defeat. Honestly, only y/n to make leona give up his teasing.
“No one will notice” he said with a rare reassuring tone while tapping you on the shoulder. 
Hearing this, you let out the air you were unconsciously keeping on your chest. ”...thank you”. With that, you seemed more relieved, you really did trust Leona’s judgement huh. 
“Heh, if you are really that thankfull then next time you go to the botanic garden bring me food” Well, that seemed fair enough, you thought, but then a smug grin grew on his face “Actually no... that dosen’t seem enough to compensate my great effort.”
“Oh no...” you thought. At this point you could only prepare for what was to come. Leona could get tyranical at times with his requests, but he should have mercy on you......right?
After a dramatical pause, Leona continued “Next time my brother trows that furball of a nephew to me, you, my dear herbivore, will be so kind to take care of him for me”. What? That cute angelic cub? You saw no problem at all. At least on him you could release your hidden desires of petting lions ears. But looking at Leona, he really did look overjoyed he could get rid of Cheka next time he came visit. You couldn’t possibly ruin his moment by saying you would love to take care of his nephew, that would ruin part of his joy, so you just went along.
 You were going to start talking again when the wind blew strong, Leona had his super comfy looking camping coat, but you? In your still humid clothes it felt way colder than it actually was.
Meanwhile Leona had already went to pick up your bag ”Herbivore!” but as you turned to him, you saw only black ”Catch!”. You ‘eh’ed and expected your bag hitting you hard on the face, but next thing you knew, a fluffy warm feeling hovered over you.
After roaming arround with your hands you were able to take the ‘thing’ from your head, your hair was now a mess, but your eyes lit up when you saw that in your hands was Leona’s camping coat.
You probably spent a while looking at it, because Leona said “You gonna stay there eating my coat with your eyes, or you gonna return to the camp”. And when you looked at him again, he was already heading to the woods with your bag in hand.
“I’m going Leona, i’m going. wait for me!” you said while you hurried to his side and tried to put in the coat in a very sloppy way. You didn’t notice, but he was looking at the scene with a smug smirk. And by the time you had reached him, somehow, you managed to dress it wrongly.
“You know, I’m not an expert, but i’m pretty much sure that’s not how you dress a coat” He said while examining the way you had dressed it. “*sigh* come here”.
Leona then fixed the coat’s sleeve and helped you dressing it correctly while mumbling something about herbivores being too dependent.
You two were basically half way back to the camp, and you weren’t already there because you kept on misplacing your foot and almost falling, plus, the way back was upwards and it was dark. 
You had misplaced your food at least 30 times now, and in way too many of those, you had to grab Leona’s shirt so you wouldnt fall. And for someone who enjoyed their personal space, he didn’t seem to mind too much. 
You did try to avoid doing that as much as you could, but, just like now, you really had no other option if you wanted to avoid falling, so for the sake of your face staying off the ground, you grabed Leona’s shirt hem again.This time, with quite a lot of streight, and when you looked up, the first thing you saw was Leona’s ears turned backwards and he turning to you.
“Oi, don’t pull the hem of my clothes just because you have bad footing” (yet again I cannot decribe his expression properly, so I just drop an image of it, here) 
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.(yes i edited it to match night time)
Tsk tsk, it’s not like you could help it! it was dark! and the ground was irregular as hell! and you didn’t have a tail or godamn cat eyes! And the coat was so big on you couldn’t even move properly your arms! And it even had his scent! 
Well, that last one wasen’t really aproblem, actually you were quite pleased with it, but you were running out of things to complain about!
This venting was only half hearted though, you were really comfy and warm due to the coat Leona lended you, plus it had his scent all over it, and even if it looked huge on you, it was quite the cute sight, and even Leona thought it, but that aint ever coming out of his mouth.
You were still trowing half hearted insults at the situation when a ‘oh’ sound came from him, and you uncounciously looked at him. Big mistake, since he had a ever so smug expression “Or perhaps....can it be that you are scared?” his smirk widened even more , if that was even possible, and he had a hand supporting his chin.
And this was it, you could almost feel a vein poping on your forehead “Who is scared??? you say that because you have good night vision and a fluffy tail to maintain your equilibrium!” you pounted and went pass trough him without caring anymore. 
It was very rarely you had these little outbursts, so Leona felt pround he was able to stir up one and was enjoying the situation the best way he could: with his eyebrows up, a smug smile, both hands on his hips and ready to tease you more.
You were still walking forward, and Leona was still talking, but all you could hear was ‘bla bla bla’ in your head. So when he stopped and said “wait, there’s a-
You were too late to realise there was a huge root in front of you, and triped over it, you quicly used your hands to protect your head and brace yourself for the impact.
That never came, because as we can expect, when you opened your eyes you were still mid fall, and there was an arm arround your stomach supporting you. “That’s why you should listen to me herbivore, why are you always giving me work” He said while massaging his temples, his arm still around you.
Now realizing how childish your small tantrum was, and how much of an help he had been, you were more composed “You didn’t need to catch me...” you said in low voice, now looking at the ground you would be in if not for him catching you.
“Ah? What crap are you saying now? after all the work I went trough, if you get full of dirt now it will all be for nothing” He looked a bit annoyed, but just like your insults earlier, it was half hearted.
And after lecturing you, Leona finally let go of you after assuring you were steady on the ground, “Let’s go now” he began walking again, only to stop moments after, for some reason his ears were a bit down ”Next time just grab my shirt again or something”. Despite looking uninterested, he was actually waiting for your reply, more specifically, you thanking him.
So he couldn’t help but look back when he heard you saying “Leona...” in such a sweet tone. Though what he was not expecting to see when he turned back, was a lock of your h/c hair stuck in a three branch. “My hair is stuck...”  you said with a voice of someone who still had a lot to lose, but needed help regardless.
Leona however, had the look of someone who was not paid enough to handle this, but it’s not like he could leave you there, so yet again while lecturing you on how herbivores should be careful, he helped you.
While he was, doing it more carefully than he would have with anyone else, trying to free your hair lock from the tree branch and telling you multiple times to stay still, you couldn’t help but wonder, a sad look now in your face.
“Hey Leona...” you began while facing the ground. Receiving a “Hah? what is it now?” from him. You were glad he was behing you, and you were facing the ground, because the look in your face was probably really pityfull. “Do you really not mind...?” You began stroking your hands with your thumb in a nervous way “you know, me being....” You really tried to finish the sentence, but Leona cut you off  “It’s not like it makes any difference is it? Why the question”
You thanked he couldn’t see you, or else he would have noticed your trembling hands. You valued a lot the bound you had with Leona, more than he could imagine. Ever since you arrived at NRC you felt you didn’t belong ,out of place, but when you were with him...that feeling disappeared.  You were really afraid this could affect your relationship, so hearing him say this, did reasure you a lot. “No particular reason, i was just asking haha-Ouch!” 
You felt a pitch in your head, but your hair was already free. “Next time don’t be this reckless” Leona scolded you. Did he just flick you.
“Did you just flick me”
“Got a problem with it? If possible I would like to reach my tent tonight” He was already walking again, just a bit slowler so you could easily reach him, and it was not like you could do anything againt him so while you massaged the spot, you just picked your pace and headed to the camp together.
You two had finally reached the camp, more specifically, Leona’s tent. “Oh, we are here...I should get going, thanks for coming with me” you gave him a small smile, and began walking away.
“Oi, aren’t you forgetting something?” You looked back to find Leona with his arms crossed looking at you. Only then came to your mind that you were still wearing his comfy outdoors coat. At the realization you quickly tooke it off and hand it to him, feeling a bit sad you could no longer feel his scent. “Here you go, then I will be off, good night Leona, see you tomorrow” you gave him another warm smile he so much apreciated and walked off again.
However, had you not walked 3 meters Leona spoke up again “Herbivore, come here” You wondered what could he want, so you turned to him again, and as soon as you did, he continued. “Sleep in my tent”. He had a calm expression and said it with the most normality ever, yet you were only able to let out a ‘eh?’ sound before he resumed. “It’s not like we haven’t slept together in the botanical garden before, and I doubt you are down to spend the night near that bastard. He dosent know, does he” On this last part he put a hand on his hip and gestured with the other, as if he knew he was right. Wich he was.
You instantanly knew the ‘bastard’ he was refering to, was your teacher, since he always adressed him that way. “Well...you are right...” That was the reason you had gone to the lake in the first place. 
But before you had the time to actually awnser his question he made a smug smirk and spoke again. ”Plus, won’t it be better to have the real thing instead of just my scent in a coat?” he said jokingly, yet again trying to styr up a reaction, but instead of doing that, you looked away a bit flustered. ‘Have I been caught?’ you thought while laughing nervously.
Seeing this, his eyes widened a bit and Leona’s own cheeks became a little red too and he hurried to say “Anyway, I’ll go sleep. Don’t make noise when you come in” And he headed inside, You hadn’t even agreed to his offer! But for some reason, you said “Wait, I’m going in too!”  And went in after him.
His tent could bear 2 people and still have plenty of space left, however, as expected there was only one cushion. And of course the great Leona wouldn’t give up on his sleeping place, and this was his tent after all, and since you didn’t want to impose yourself on his space, you just went to the corner and setled yourself on the bare ground of the tent.
Leona was busy setling himself to sleep, so he didn’t notice you doing this right away, but when he, did a small frown appeared on his face. “Oi Herbivore, do you really plan on sleeping on the ground? Hurry up and come over already” after saying this he moved a bit to the side as if to show you there was enough space for both of you in the cushion. 
Well, you were already inside and it was too late to back away, and it was defenitively better than sleeping on the ground, you just never thought he would give up on his personal space this much. Lately he did let you stay really close to him in the botanical garden, and there was this one time his tail was even touching you, but....was this really ok?? 
You knew Leona enjoyed his space so you were a bit nervous, but it went away as soon as you laid down on the comfy culshion and he turned to the other side while pulling the blanket to cover himself. “Finally some peace and quiet...” he said before going silent again.
You covered yourself as well, and even if you were a bit tense, as you looked at the top of the tent, and felt Leona-s warmth beside you, you slowly became drownsy “...hey Leona...?” there was no awnser but you went on anyway, probably due to the sleepiness taking over you. “I’m grad it was you who found out...” and finally, you fell asleep. 
If he heard you or not? Well, we will never really know.
*This could end here, but I decided there wasent enough bounding nor fluff*
It was now arround 2 or 3 am, and the night became colder, you weren’t awake, but it did bother you, so you moved a bit more towards the midle of the culshion trying to escape the cold, settling only when you met some warmth, a nice one at that.
Leona never had problems falling asleep, this time was no exeption, he had fallen asleep seconds after he had covered himself. But it was a bit hard not to wake up when something, or rather someone was snugling onto your back. Even though his eyes shot open the moment he felt you, he didn’t move or speak, since he could tell you were asleep by the sound of your breath. Well it really was cold, and he knew he was hot, (take this in the way you want XD)  so he couldn’t blame you.
Instead, he waited some minutes to assure you wouldn’t wake up, and then turned to you. You were peacefully sleeping turned to him, with your hands clutshed together in your chest and your h/l (hair lenght) h/c hair all messy. He had a hand supporting his head while looking at your peacefull sleeping image. 
During the times you fell asleep beside him in the botanical garden you looked nothing like this, at those times you looked more composed, as if you had a wall arround you, your hair looked way shorter too, but also...in none of those times you looked as vulerable and comfortable as now, it was like he couldn’t take his gaze away from you, greedly taking in all he never could. As a matter of fact, he even fell asleep like that.
You were still asleep, but the morning rays of light began bathing the tent making the inside getting brighter and disturbing your sleep. Of course, as any person who was awake until lord knows how late, you shut your eyes tighter and tried your best to sink further in the blankets. Fortunately for you, you didn’t need to move much, since something was now sheltering you from the sunlight, and much to your pleasure, whatever it was, it was really warm too, wich made you cling onto it even more. 
After you began to regain a bit of counsciousness, you felt something heavy hovering over you, and your pillow felt a bit harder too...only after a while did you notice this wasen’t normal, and slowly opened your eyes, afraid of the morning light hurting them, but you only saw darkness, only after trying to understand the situation did you start feeling soft breathing on top of your head, and a familar scent came to your nose. You did try to pull away to see what was happening, but you only got pulled closer, now concious, you felt two arms tighttening arround you.
When you finally managed to join the pieces together, your face reddned at an incredible speed, and a “Leona..?” scaped your lips, realising what you had just done, you quicly covered your mouth with your hands, hoping he didn’t listen. However some seconds after, he made a low and deep growl, as he so many times did when you had to wake him for class, exept you had never been this close when he did it.
Honestly? From a 3rd person view, it it looked like a lion holding his prey, and it sure felt the same to you!. I mean, holy- the man was strong! you tried to get free from his grasp multiple times, but he didnt even flinch! You needed to get out of there, and fast, you were a blushing mess, and out of everyone, Leona was the last person you wanted to see you like this, he wouldn’t let you go without mocking you about it every hour .So when he began moving again you froze on the spot.
Leona began by closing his eyes thighter, as if trying to deny the morning sunlight. With his eyes still closed, he stretched his neck and afterwards tried to do the same with his arms, but seeing he was unable to, he opened his eyes with much relutancy only to see a Y/n under his grasp.  He was quite surprised at first, and if you weren’t so embarassed, you migh have noticed the small blush that appeared on Leona’s cheeks, but such a surprised expression was quickly replaced with his usual smugness. 
”Hmmmm....Look at what a small herbivore has been caught...” You felt his jade eyes sharply looking at you, but you refused to meet his gaze. “L-Leona I..I have to go” you said. Now that he was awake there was no need to be carefull, you simply got up, and tried to leave the tent. Seeing this, Leona quickly called you “Wait y/-” only to be interruped by a sharp pain and you triping and falling.
Despite being awake for just a short while, you were quick enough to use your arms so you wouldn’t fall face on. You and Leona let pain growls out, and looking at eachother afterwards, you noticed what made you fall. On your right leg, there was something wraped around your ankle.
You had now the most complicated expression you had in a while “......Is that....your tail?” you crouched down and looked at it closer “Did...did you really just wrap your tail arround my ankle?”  You thought of touching it, but he would get angry so you ignored your desire to do it. 
Leona was still rubbing his lower back, and only then did he look at you “Ha?What are you saying, of couse I didn’t” He had a small frown, but his voice didn’t have any ill intent.
“It is-” You didn’t even finish your sentence, Leona had already wnraped his tail. He semed to be somewhat sulking. This however made a sweet yet mischievous smile grow on your face. You thought he was just messing with you, but...he clearly hadn’t intended in getting his tail wrapped arround you. Did this mean..earlier when he had his arms around you, he really wanted you close?? 
Either way, you couldn’t let a flustered Leona scape so easily, it was your time to have fun. “Hmmmm... I wonder how did this tail get arround my ankle then...” you said while you sat on the couch and faked being thinking hard about it. ”Could it possibly be that the great Leona-san does actually enjoy my company?” you pointed at yourself while your eyes were closed and went closer while a smug smirk grew wider on your face. “..Ah! Will you purr for me nex-”. 
What happened now was too fast for you to say anything, but next time you knew, you were in Leona’s grasp again. “Shut up”. You were both laid on the couch again, but this time your back was on his chest, and he was hugging you closer from behind. ”You are anoying” he said in a low voice while he tried to get comfortable on the pillow, nudging his nose a little on your hair while doing it. 
So, this was so sudden you were no longer working at all, your eyes were wide open and “??????” was all that was in your mind for some good 6 whole seconds. Only then did you regain your rationality, and you had to admit, this was pretty soothing if you thought about it...having him embracing you, it really was comfortable...and his warm breath slowly hitting the back of your head... maybe...a little...”just a ...little... longer then...” and you drifted off to sleep once more. Leona who was already half asleep himself was only able to muster a  “...good” and clinging more to you, his tail rested now atop of you, he drifted off too.
~6 minutes later~
“!????!!??” Your eyes shot open because of the lound noise, and afraid someone would come in, you tried to get up and leave as fast as you could. However, before even being able to sit, you were pushed back to the place you were before “Stay” Leona said with a sleepy voice, his eyes not open yet. 
“Leona..! wake up..!!” you cried while trying to move him.
Hearing the call to wake everyone, you looked in the direction of the tent entrance. Meanwhile Leona let out a  small growl of protest while finally letting go of you and sitting on the couch “No one is going to some in” he finally said while massaging his temples because of the lound noise, his ears a bit turned back.
Hearing that did reasure you, and looking so relaxed as he did, it was hard not to believe him, though it was leona who we were talking about so....
You were looking at him with the helpless expression of someone who knows it’s a lost cause. Though as soon as he noticed you looking at him he said with the still narrowed eyes of someone who just woke up from a pleasant sleep and a grin growing by the day, his fangs now showing  “hmn, like what you see?”he said, stretching afterwards.
You just let a “mhum, right” and stood up “That one is getting old Leona”. Just as you had devoleped the habit of always going to the botanical garden to see him, recently, he too, had devoloped this tendency of showing off and praising himself everytime he woke up and you were there. So you were quite used to it by now.
You streached and picked up your bag, and noticing he was looking at you as well, and turning back to him “And you? Enjoyed having this ‘herbivore’ as an hostage?” you said jokingly. Leona, still laid down, with his hand supporting his head, smirking tenderly yet smugly at the same time ”If I remember correctly, the ‘herbivore’ entered the lion’s den by it’s own will”. 
Not having a way to argue back, you changed the subject “I really should get going now.” You said while quickly looking arround to check if you didn’t leave anything behind. And as you were going to exit, Leona grabed your wrist “For someone being so carefull the whole night, you sure can be reckless” He released your wrist and you looked at him with a confused expression, seeing this, he let out a sigh  “You sure you want to get out with your hair like that?”.
Your face went blank for a split second at the sudden realisation you had lost your hair elastics at the lake last night. What were you gonna do? Seeing this, Leona shook his head slowly as if asking himself why did it sometimes felt like he was babysitting you, and more importantly, why did he actually enjoy it. “Here” he said while taking off his own hair elastic and handing it to you. “I don’t have another one, but this should solve the problem until you reach your tent”
Receiving his hair elastic in your hands, your eyes were sparking with thankfullness. Quickly, but nimbly you did your hair in a similar way you always did. Finished, you swiftly left, but not one step later you turned to him again. You had an earnest look in your eyes “....Thank you Leona, for everything. Imean it” you finished with a small smile on you. Leona was going to say something along the lines ‘You should, I don’t usually put this much effort, I expect you to pay me back’ , but you went to him and did the impensable.
You were going to leave, but before you turned completely to the exit, you turned back to Leona again, and walking rapidly towards him, and without thinking twice, you hugged him. Despite being friendly with everyone, you had never done this before, nor to him, nor to anyone since you had arrived to the NRC (I’m sorry if you are a hugs person).
 Needless to say, even Leona was speechless during the whole thing, its not like just anyone could try to hug him, much less being allowed to, there was only Cheka, but that was a special case. 
 That being said, this was so unexpected that even when you let go of him, exited swiftly and without looking back, he still had his jade green eyes wide, only regaining his senses several seconds later. A deep blush formed on his cheeks, you had quite the audacity for a magicless herbivore who saw what he was capable of with his magic....though he dosen’t dislike it when you do it...
He thought just before leaving the tent for the morning meeting.
-E N D-
I can’t believe it took me so much time to finish a one shot... I wanted it to be small but it turned out with 5k words.... I can’t control myself haha...
anyway, I dont own Leona or any of the Twisted wonderland characters, only my oc, this is only  a fanfic therefore not canon.
The art was drawn by me and I will apreciate if you followed me on instagram or Twitter if you liked it.
Liums twitter
Liums instagram
Let me know if you like this kind story, where I shift a bit the already existing one.
here is the pic I mentioned :
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(Didn’t draw this one)
BTW requests are open 
Also, add me if u want uwu
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muichiroslover · 3 years
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Mikey stared at the box as its countdown was on 10 seconds
He waited impatiently as it counted down from 3 then 2 then finally one
And just as the sticky note said a click was heard as the box unlocked
Mitsuya locked his door as the box made a clicking sound, he looked at it and took a deep breath
Draken watched as the boxes countdown finished, he grabbed it and readied himself
Inside the boxes laid a bunch of photos and a letter to the corresponding boy
Mikey sighed as he stuck his hand in and looked at the photos of you and him as kids, smiling and laughing, even bathing together
He smiled and he grabbed the letter, he opened it and inside the letter were two papers, he took the first paper
Dear Mikey,
I’ve know you for a long time Mikey, and in my whole life never once have I regretted meeting you and becoming friends. We have been through thick and thin and it’s been hard for a while for you and I know that because it’s been hard for me as well. I know you’re sad and feel like you need to shoulder all the burden alone but know that there’s always people that you can rely on, me and the gang love you so much, I love you so much. Life is a thing that comes and goes and mine is the unfortunate one to be going this time, you know I don’t act without reason my friend. I love you so very much and thank you for everything, please create a new era for us Mikey, I believe you can do it and I’ll always be supporting and watching you ☻︎ ♡︎♡︎
Sincerely and loving,
Y/n <3
Mikey stared frozen at the letter as he flipped it around making sure he didn’t read it wrong, he grabbed the next paper with more urgency then the first
In that letter it explained your plan in detail from accepting Kisaki into your gang to you bringing him to a date to end both your lives, and the address to the restaurant you would do it at
He never jumped off his bed so fast and left the house
Mitsuya opened the box and smiled immediately upon seeing the photos, his childhood was a little wonky but those moments with you and gang really did make life a little easier back then
He sat down as he took out his letter, he opened it
Dear Mitsuya,
Mitsuya first I’d like to thank you, you’ve been there for me for as long as I could remember almost like an older brother, but I guess you would be used to that roll huh haha. I’ve never met someone as unique as you Mitsuya and that’s a good thing promise! Since a young age you’ve had the same aura and personality and that’s calming because things are changing so fast lately..we are losing friends and life is getting scarier but you, you were always like a safe place I could come to when I needed stability in this life and you never failed to do it, that’s why I appreciate you so much and why this may be the hardest one to write, tell Luna and Mana and your mom I love them so much, I wish I could come and eat a bowl of rice with you guys, I’m so hungry and tired, but soon I’ll be okay, and I hope you’re gonna be okay too Mitsuya, I love you ☻︎♡︎♡︎
Sincerely and loving,
Y/n <3
Mitsuya stared at the letter in surprise, but suddenly a wet drop falls onto the paper, he put his hand up to his cheek and to his surprise he was crying, he grabbed the other paper that had the plan on it and get got off his bed quickly as he rushed out the door leaving his siblings and mother confused
Draken open the box and grabbed the photos, he snorted “my hairstyle was so lame back then” he laughs as he takes his time to look through the pictures
He finally grabbed his letter and opened it
Dear Ken,
You crazy bastard. You and your stupid dragon tattoo, how am I supposed to insult you anymore? Life was never dull with you around, you always managed to make me smile and took care of me, I’m sorry for being another Mikey ahah! But I can’t tell you how much I will always appreciate all the times you’ve brought me take out when I studied too long or even patching me up when Baji was too dumb to lol, I don’t even know what to say, I’m crying as I write this and that probably alerted you like the overprotective friend you are, but I love that about you, you and your weird haircut, I love you so much Ken, please continue to smile. ☻︎♡︎♡︎
Sincerely and loving,
Y/n <3
Draken grit his teeth slightly as he grabbed the other letter reading over its contents quickly, he got up with haste
“Idiot y/n you better be fine or I sweat to-“ he says to himself as he rushed out his room
Simultaneously the three boys pulled up at the same time on their motorcycles and it seemed to click in all their heads what was happening
When they got there they already saw a fire truck and ambulance, they rushed over to see two body bags getting dragged out
The first one there was Draken
“W-wait, what happened?!” He asks one of the firefighters who turns around
“Two teenagers, burned to death in a sudden fire, an accident with the stoves gas blowing up trapping them in, a girl and boy” he says and their eyes widen
“Where-Where’s the girls body?” Mitsuya asks and the guy points at the first body bag, they rush over and begin to pull the zipper
Mitsuya gags as he turns away, Mikey falls to the ground while Draken couldn’t look away
There you laid, body burned almost beyond recognization, a beautiful black flammable dress on you
“Hey!” One of the ambulance people say coming over and closing the body bag back up, they roll you and Kisakis body away from the boys
“I-My last words to her they- I-“ Mikey says wide eyed as he lets his head fall down as the tears finally roll down his face
“I didn’t hug her one last time, I stormed out her house and left her...crying...she was probably in so much pain from doing this..” Draken whispers as he wobbles and staggers before falling to the ground
Mitsuya wiped his mouth from the vomit and turned around to see Kazuha sitting on one of the benches
“Isn’t that..?” He says as he gets up, when him and Kazuha make eye contact he sees Kazuhas tired and red eyes, proof of his crying
Kazuha got up and kneeled near the boys
“I-If only I was faster, I was right in front of the store as it blew up both the exits, I couldn’t get in, I only had to be 5 minutes faster and I could’ve saved her..” he says as his head falls to the concrete, all 4 boys cried together as the fire burned in the background
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withcolebrock · 3 years
Lover of Mine~ Chapter 11
Lover of Mine~5 seconds of summer
Warnings: angst, swearing, I think that’s it
Word Count: 2,171
Author’s Note: ha ha ha long time no see ay? anyways... School is ending so now I finally have time to write and motivation to do it. No promises on consistent uploads but slowly starting to write again yay lol. Anyways. I want to strictly write for this series to get it finished lol
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She sat down onto the barstool, laying out a napkin and placing the tray of Oreos in front of her. She sighed as she slowly ripped open the package. She took a few out of the tray and set them down on top of the napkin. She slowly began eating them. It was late, around noon. Yet the house was almost spotless, which was shocking due to the amount of people at the party.
Her appearance probably wasn’t the best. She never wiped off her makeup from last night, or what was left of it. Her hair was tied up away from her face and her merch hoodie and small shorts were covering her body. She didn’t care, all she wanted was to just simply eat her Oreos and return to her room.
But her plan was ruined when Jake walked past her. He glanced towards her, simply just to say hi. But he had to do a double take, seeing her appearance. “You look like shit,” he said walking towards the fridge. She didn’t respond; instead she reached for another set of Oreos from the package. Jake took a long sip of his orange juice as he started walking towards Y/N. “What happened to you?” he asked, leaning his body over the countertop.
“Mike and I broke up,” she mumbled with a mouth full of Oreos. Jake's eyes widened as he leaned his body back.
“Oh god, I’m sorry,” he responded, Y/N shrugged. “Do you want to talk about it?” he continued. She shook her head as she reached for a sip of Jake’s orange juice. He handed her the glass without hesitation. Ever since moving into the house, she had gotten close with Jake. He was definitely like her little brother. He was easily her favorite roommate. “Well if you decide you want to, I’m here,” he smiled a tight lip smile as he leaned his body against the counter again.
“Thanks Jake,” she met his eye briefly, he nodded his head as he took another sip of his drink. Not long after a giggling girl's voice was heard in the other room. It slowly got closer. Jake furrowed his eyebrows as he straightened his body. He shifted his gaze between Colby and the red haired girl standing beside him. He clenched his jaw while looking down towards Y/N. He was trying to warn Colby, that this wasn’t a great time.
“We were just grabbing some water,” Colby muttered while he left Olivia standing beside Y/N. He quickly walked towards the fridge. Olivia stared down towards Y/N with disgust written all over her features. Olivia didn’t understand how someone could look like that. Y/N looked towards Jake, she let out a long sigh before shifting her gaze towards Olivia.
“I’m sorry about last night, I need to learn to knock,” her apology fell flat with Olivia. She simply just nodded, keeping to herself. Colby shook his head as he handed a bottle to Olivia and he opened his own.
“No, it was my fault, I forgot to lock the door,” he forced a smile as he looked into Y/N’s eyes. He noticed her rough looking appearance and all he wanted to do was pull her into a hug. But he didn’t know if he should with Olivia standing beside him. Y/N simply forced a smile as she shifted her gaze back to her cookies. “Are you okay?” Colby asked, leaning his body back.
Jake’s eyes widened as he looked towards Colby, shaking his head slightly. She lifted her head slightly, meeting Jake’s gaze. He relaxed his features, pretending he wasn’t doing anything. After a few moments of silence, Jake and Y/N communicated with just their eyes. He nodded his head slightly, while he looked towards Colby. “Her and Mike broke up last night.” Colby widened his eyes, looking down towards her. He was happy to see that she was finally out of that relationship. “Oh, I’m sorry, If I had known-”
“It’s fine,” she interrupted as she stood up from the stool, she avoided his gaze as she took a few steps away from the small group, “I’m going to shower,” she whispered quickly heading towards the staircase. Once she was out of their sight, she felt tears begin to form in her eyes. She was completely overwhelmed, everything in her just wanted to collapse.
She entered her bathroom and shut the door quickly. She leaned against the countertop letting out a small sob. She hit her hand against the counter a few times before she looked back up towards her reflection. Her phone began to buzz beside her, she looked down to see Mike’s name. A heart still after his name. She sighed, as she quickly wiped under her eyes.
She answered the call, “Hi,” she pressed her quivering lips together. He didn’t say anything at first on his end of the phone. He heard the shakiness in her voice, he sighed.
“Hey,” he mumbled, “I just wanted to call because I have your stuff here, and I wanted to give it back to you,” he spoke quickly, he didn’t want to hear the sadness in her voice. She didn’t respond. “Do you want to come over later to pick it up and you can give me my stuff?” She rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, I can do that, I’ll see you later,” she said, ending the call almost instantly. She placed her phone down onto the counter harshly. Another sob left her lips as she started getting ready for her shower.
“I’ll call you,” he muttered as he shut the door. He sighed, quickly walking back towards the kitchen towards Jake. He walked in on Jake pouring himself another glass of orange juice. “Did Y/N say anything? Like why?” he questioned quickly. Jake shook his head as he took a sip.
“All she said was they broke up and she didn’t want to talk about it,” he shrugged. Colby clenched his jaw as he dropped his head slightly. He ran his hand across the back of his neck. Colby sighed as he walked away from Jake and the kitchen. Jake stared at Colby as he walked away from him. “Okay, bye then,” he muttered as he pulled his phone out of his hoodie pocket.
Colby jogged towards the stairs and began to run up them quickly. He walked towards Sam’s room. He needed to vent to someone who had known the events of the last night. He walked towards the door and raised his hand to the door and knocked repeatedly. “Alright, alright, come in,” Sam groaned from inside the door.
Colby walked into the room, glancing towards Katrina sitting on the bed. He looked back towards Sam who was standing in the middle of the room. “Dude, what?” he was annoyed, while apologetically looking towards Katrina.
“I need to talk to you about last night,” Colby ran his fingers through his hair as he looked desperately towards Sam. Sam's eyes slowly widened as he glanced towards Katrina before he followed Colby out of the room. Sam shut the door behind him before they walked towards Colby’s room just across from them. Colby shut the door behind them as he locked it.
“Did you tell her?” Sam asked excitedly. He had been waiting for this moment ever since high school. Colby shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Then what happened?” Sam sighed, not afraid to hide his disappointment.
“They were fighting and he said something that ticked me off, so I left. I never got to tell her and then I found out this morning that they broke up,”
“Well that’s perfect then? You can tell her!” he jumped slightly as he got more excited with the idea.
“I can’t,” he whispered while rubbing his hands together, “She-it’s not that-I” he took in a long breath, “I heard her say she wasn’t in love with me,” as the words left his lips he felt his heart ache. Sam’s mouth dropped slightly, he didn’t believe it. Colby and Y/N may be oblivious but he wasn’t, he can see right through that.
“Her and Mike broke up for a reason, I think you should still tell her,” Sam explained.
“It’s not that simple, dude,” Colby interrupted.
“Why not, I know she feels the same, she just doesn-”
“She walked in on me with Olivia last night,” Colby blurted out. Sam stared at him dumbfounded. He shook his head as he licked his lips.
“That is probably the dumbest thing you've ever done, you know that?” Sam sighed while he rubbed his eyes with his hands. He let out a long sigh as he pulled his hands from his face, “You can’t just sleep around when you are in love with someone else, Colby,”
“I know,”
“Then why did you?”
“I was drunk and mad,” Colby responded. He clenched his jaw repeatedly while he kept his gaze to the floor. “I should’ve gone to her after she saw us. I just-”
“Wanted to get laid? Yeah, I know,” Sam let out a puff of air as he turned around and walked back into his bedroom. Colby glanced towards the bed Katrina was laying on before the door was shut in front of him.
It had been a few hours since she called Mike, she spent those hours making herself look presentable and collecting all of Mike’s things. There were endless thoughts running through her head. She recounted every word that Mike said last night and every response she had. The more the argument went through her head the more she realized Mike was right.
Y/N began to recount every last moment with Colby since moving here. Their Friday movie nights, the words they shared, the hugs that probably lasted too long but what she always cherished. “Well, who’s your favorite guy?” he questioned, his voice was hopeful as his eyes flickered around her features. She half smiled.
“You,” she spoke softly, “Is that even a question?” she laughed as she lightly hit his arm. He beamed as he let out a sudden laugh. “You’ve been there, you’ve been there for everything. Am I suddenly supposed to forget all that because I’ve been dating some guy for like eight months?” she explained, Colby’s mouth fell open as he tilted his head to the side. “Damn, I’m a horrible girlfriend,” she covered her face with her hands again, a groan leaving her lips.
“You are not a horrible girlfriend, Tink. He’s just worried he might lose you,” she slowly moved her hands away from her face as she kept her gaze towards the ceiling. Colby’s eyes looked over her. He’d admired the way her eyelashes curled upward and the color of her eyes, the way her cheeks were slightly flushed. “You wanna watch a movie, get your mind off of things,” he whispered. She nodded slightly as she slowly tilted her head towards Colby.
Her mind went blank as she looked into his eyes. They were soft, familiar, for a second she felt as if in that moment time stopped. Her heart started to beat out of her chest, as her gaze shifted towards his lips. She felt herself leaning towards him subtly. Colby doing the same. Yet the move was so small that neither of them noticed each other leaning in.
She shook her head slightly at the memory. Her cheeks flushed at the thought, he wasn’t just her best friend. She covered her face with her hands as she felt herself become embarrassed and guilty. She lifted her head as the door beside her was pushed open, “Hey, wanted to see how you were doing,” he smiled. She looked up towards him, suddenly seeing him in a new light. Her heart began to beat quickly as she looked over his features.
“I’m alright,” she mumbled, shifting her gaze back towards her mirror. She ran her fingers through her recently dried hair. Picking up her mascara, she opened it avoiding Colby’s gaze.
“What are you doing?” he asked again, walking into the room fully. She ignored him while she applied the makeup to her eyelashes.
“Going to Mike’s to grab my stuff,” she said, closing the mascara bottle. Colby nodded, looking at the small collection of items that looked like they belonged to Mike. Colby sighed as he sat down next to the items. He ran his fingers through his hair looking towards her through the mirror.
“Do you want me to come with you?” he said leaning backwards on his hands.
“No, it’s fine, I want to go alone,” she whispered. She mostly thought it would be a better situation if Colby wasn’t there. He sighed while he kept her gaze through the mirror. “Thank you though,” He nodded slightly while he admired her features. He wanted to say it, more than anything, but he knew he couldn’t.
‘Cause I’ve already made that mistake
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justfangstvdto · 2 years
Open Coffin 2 | Chapter 07  “Next Stop, Certain Death"
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Disclaimer: This is a sequel! Find Part 1 here. For some context, I´d advise you to watch The Originals to understand some occurrences.
Chapter warnings: typical tvdverse violence, kind of 2 starts cause I couldn't decide, some angst as always
Word count: 3500
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is my lifeblood and keeps the writing coming (eventually…lol)
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Life in the compound was improving on all fronts. Your knowledge in unlinking spells improved greatly with Kaleb as your teacher, you acquainted yourself with Hayley when she wasn't off in the Bayou, and even Klaus was in a better mood. You even shared a drink or two at night when none of you could sleep. You had always thought he would sleep like a baby even after the heinous things he had done, but apparently, he had a conscience yet. 
One night you told him about the time when Damon snuck out of the house when he was a teenager, dressed in your mother's clothes to fool the prying neighbours to meet up with some girl. Klaus laughed so loud it scared off the birds that were sitting on the rooftop.  It looked like - and the whole world gasped at the thought - that you might become friends. Or non-enemies at least, whatever that meant. 
However, despite the good mood, the cards shifted and the consequences of particular actions of yours came back to haunt you when you least expected it. 
The house was deserted for the first time in a few days. Klaus and Mae were off somewhere, Kaleb was running errands for Klaus and Hayley was off in the Bayou with her wolves. And what does one do in a deserted house full of secrets? Snooping, obviously.
Kols' room especially held several items hidden underneath the floorboards, wall panels and even tucked away in a compartment in the wooden dresser in the corner. Within 5 minutes you found a lot of Kol's stashes, mostly containing vicious spells, some black objects and even a 100-year-old bottle of absinthe. The latter you stashed away again, promising to open it when he was with you again. 
Before you left the room to further your search, the crystal mobile that hung over a partially destroyed crib swished in the wind and the light broke within your line of sight. It drew you closer. It was a grand mobile with one diagonally carved crystal at the bottom. You felt the tickling power coming off from the carved crystal, and as you stepped closer you were drawn to it like a magnet.
When you heard someone coming back through the opened doors downstairs, you swiped the bottom crystal into your pocket, hoping you could use its undeniable power in one of the unlinking spells. 
But magic was not on the agenda today, when you were met with Klaus seething anger which was written on his face your day off quickly cascaded into a nightmare. 
Kaleb opened the door to the compound hurling a dozed shopping bags in his hand, some around his wrist the others balancing on his chest. Klaus elected him errand boy because he liked to keep you on a shorter leash. And because he knew that you'd probably end up in a fight. 
At the shop, Kaleb skipped through the aisles in a hurry, paranoid to see Esther or Finn standing there to punish him. But he made it back without anyone seeing him. He made sure of it. 
The furniture was in disarray when he walked in, as if a hurricane swept through it. He doubled his steps and skipped over a chair leg in his way, only to almost trip over a second one that lay beneath a flipped table. He heard talking now and followed the voices and saw you and Klaus in the wine room.
Klaus was leaning over a map spread out on the wine room table furring his brow over the execution of a plan. You stood next to him facing the door, wiping away blood from your nose with the back of your hand. 
“I suggest we charge in, slaughter the lot of them and send my wretched mother back to hell” 
"Wow, you really have the subtlety of a brick wall." You said, "They'll hear us coming from a mile away! ” 
“Subtlety only serves those who are inferior to their opponent."
"Subtlety only serves those inferior bla bla bla." You mimed him, "You do know your mother right?" 
"Perhaps you should lead. If you claim to be so subtle.” He said, crossing his arms in front of him like a disappointed toddler. 
"No can't do. That coven has a price on my head. If I go alone I'm toast." You said looking at the map and then at Klaus who looked at you, pressing to reveal the details "I killed a few of them" You shrugged. 
He sighed, shaking his head with exaggeration "One kills a few people and never hears the end of it." 
"I know right?"  You sighed, dismissing the thought of the endless lists your name must be written on.
"You two are friends now?" Kaleb asked, now standing in the doorway with judgement on his face.
"Not friends but allied in war." Klaus said, never lifting his gaze from the map. 
"War?  I was gone 20 minutes!" Kaleb sighed and accepted defeat before rounding the table to look at the map "The Cemetery, great. So who are we slaughtering today?" 
"Potentially no one." You said, "But knowing him.." You nodded your head towards Klaus. 
"Me?!" Klaus gasped offended "What about you?" 
"Please," You quipped "You have at least a 900 years head start. My body count might be up to my neck but you're drowning in it."
"At least we don't write them on a wall." Klaus chimed. 
"Or keep the victim's letters." You returned, eying Klaus to catch the biggest eye roll to date "You know, I'm surprised you haven't eye rolled yourself into another dimension yet."
"Perhaps I should." Klaus smirked, " Only to escape your insufferable presence." 
"As if you're so fun to be around."
"For god sake! " Kaleb raised his voice before Klaus could return anything, pinching the bridge of his nose "Can someone please tell me what happened?"
Oh right, he had no idea what was even going on. 
The poor dear was away for a quick errand and came back to planning a suicide mission. Oh, the woes of life in the Quarter. 
"Remember when we went to see Esther?" You asked "She might have taken me a little too literal. She kidnapped Elijah. And we're gonna get him out."
"You must be joking." Kaleb huffed. 
"Nope." You said, popping the 'p' "
The minutes dragged on and Klaus was yammering on to Kaleb about a strategy that still lacked the subtlety needed to fool Esther, while your mind was hatching a plan that had the potential to work brilliantly or kill the lot of you. Just a normal day in the life as it seemed. 
“I have an idea." You said and both men turned their heads, listening "It's… out there but might actually work."
You gave yourself a few moments to look at the map again, confirming your suspicion before you spoke "How do you feel about taking me as a hostage to Esther? With chains and the whole shebang? Nothing beats a hostage exchange. " 
“You as a hostage? I thought you'd never ask.” Klaus grinned elated. 
“Not a chance.” Kaleb shook his head, stepping closer to the map once more, studying it for an alternate way to infiltrate the coven. 
Klaus sighed “I must say your friend is quite the buzz kill.” 
"It'll be fine. It's a fake hostage exchange, as long as you help me get out if things go south we'll be fine. " You reassured Kaleb with a nod. He had to keep his nerves if this was supposed to work. You all had to. 
"It's a go then?" You looked at both of them, and they nodded. "Alright, call Hayley and anyone else you think should know about this. Meeting starts in 1 hour." 
Klaus turned to Kaleb "Who put her in charge?" 
"I did!" Your voice echoed through the building as you ascended the stairs. "We want to rescue someone and not worsen the war!"
"I swear if this goes wrong-" Kaleb warned once you were out of earshot. 
"You'll hunt me to the ends of the earth.'' Klaus completed his sentence swiftly "I am very much aware. Not that you could, the way you are now."
"Perhaps." Kaleb agreed, posting his mortal body once again "But if you leave her with Esther my wrath will be the least of your problems." He said and gave him one last look of forewarning. 
An hour later everyone was assembled in the wine room. You, Kaleb, Klaus on one side of the table and Hayley and some of her wolves on the other. 
"Let's go over it again." You looked at each of them, confirming they were listening "Klaus and I will go right through the entrance. They will be on us the second we step foot in it, so everyone else has to be ready before then. Kaleb, I need you to hold the magic of those witch chains until they hand over Elijah or if a fight ensues. Hayley will grab him and get out here or take him by force."
"And what if they don't hand him over?" Hayley asked. It was a valid question, with one easy solution. 
"We kill them all." You shrugged. 
"There are people from my pack. We can't just kill them!" Hayley protested. She would be right and perhaps she even remained so, but these people were not on her side anymore. They sold her up the river, which made their survival obsolete.
"You'd rather spare traitors than get Elijah? I don't think so." You shook your head, firmly reassuring your stance. 
"Says the traitor." Hayley mumbled loud enough for the room to hear. 
You chuckled, silently applauding her quick return until you realized she was not laughing in the slightest "Oh you're serious? Well, I'm sorry my actions don't fit into your ironclad morality, but how should I've known Esther would kidnap him?" 
"I don't know, maybe because Esther is a psycho?" 
"Please, have you looked at the people in this room? We're hardly sane." You scoffed, earning a chuckle from Kaleb next to you "No matter who's to blame, I will fix it." You reassured, hoping that your words sounded more confident than you were. 
The meeting concluded within minutes, everyone agreeing to attack in the morning, which left half of the night on the clock to prepare and gather strength. 
Kaleb was already up in the bedroom preparing, while Klaus filled in Mae, most likely ordering her to stay put. Not settling on any of those options, you stepped outside on the upper balcony, lying on the floor to watch the stars. The hours before an inevitable disaster always were your favorite after all. Savouring the impending doom had a way of focusing the mind like nothing else could. You were most alive in that space between certain death and the inkling of hope to make it out alive. It was intoxicating. 
The night sky was clearer than it had been the last few days. It had a way of looking exceptionally beautiful when it was a clear night and out of reach as if it wanted you to long for it all the way from the ground. Lying on your back you watched the stars twinkle and stir in the night sky and you wished they would drop down and envelop you in the clouds.
A few minutes after contemplating your existence, a shadow passed by the door on the left and soon Kaleb appeared into the night air.
“Chasing stars, hm?” He said when he approached. 
“They're far away from here. I'm jealous.” You said and forced a smile that you hoped was far from the tiredness you felt "Though they're not as bright in the city." You sat up as he joined you on the cold stone floor, shuffling backwards to rest your back against the bricked wall. 
"I used to run with a bunch of outlaws a few years after my transition." You said "One was crazier than the next but what I remember the most were the stars at night. Stars in the city aren't as blinding as the ones in the wild."
"I was terrified of the night sky as a child." Kaleb said, staring at the sky above "I thought the stars were always watching me and judging my actions.  Whenever I would do something bad I would hide under a tree or a roof so they couldn't see me."
As lovely as you thought that picture was of a boy hiding from the stars, reality was not as oblivious. By the looks of it, he knew that too well. 
"You were really scared of them?" You asked and he confirmed with a nod  "They always felt kind of save for me. Like a constant reminder that I'm just an ordinary monster on a planet that's floating in space."
"Existential crisis much? " He laughed, flashing his now-familiar smile. 
"Shut up." You chuckled, giving his shoulder a nudge with your own. 
"Besides, you're the least ordinary person I know." He added nudging his head against the wall behind him as he looked at you. 
"Says the mysterious, handsome friend I never knew I needed." The second you uttered those words you wished you would've just slapped yourself instead.
"I'm sorry you have to be here because of me." You said after a moment of silence "I should've said that days ago. " 
"There's no place I'd rather be. Truly." There it was again. His genuine interest seemed pure and without bad intent. Almost like he truly cared. 
You forgot you were fighting a war and you were just two people sharing an illuminated night sky shoulder to shoulder. For one extremely disconcerting moment, you felt a gentle nudge of… something.  Something? You gave your head a little shake. It could not possibly be this easy to feel what you did not dare to for someone else. Yet you had the absurd inclination to turn your head and lean forward slightly until the space between you compressed into nothingness. 
Then his hand melted together with the warmth on your skin, caressing your cheek in a familiar way that woke you from the moment you've been caught up in.  You scrambled to your feet in an instant, hurrying away despite Kaleb pleading to stay. You sought shelter in a room on the other side of the building, ignoring the way your heart was drumming relentlessly. 
"Fuck" You banged your head against the wood of the closed door
Morning broke relentlessly and swift, contrary to the guilt you harboured in your chest. You still tasted the sting of absinth on your tongue, having spent every minute away from the compound until it was time to leave. 
Kaleb was in position on a roof near the hand-off waiting to withdraw the magic that held your shackles in place. Hayley and some of her wolves that remained were waiting on the other side of the cemetery searching for Elijah in case Esther would not agree to your proposal. 
Klaus was walking next to you, vigilant and observing he scanned the area in front of him.
"I must say," He said, his voice echoing in the empty streets "this plan of yours is-" 
"Dangerously brilliant?" You said raising an eyebrow at him "It only will be if it works. And if you help me get out of there. You will, right?" 
He nodded before ducking into another alleyway close to the cemetery. 
"I need more than a half-ass nod." You pushed further. 
"What then, a kiss like you and your new friend shared?" Klaus teased, a big grin on his face. 
"First of all, ew. Second of all, please don't tell me you saw that." You groaned wishing the earth would simply open up and swallow you whole. 
"I did. I must tell you he's not-"
"You don't have to tell me anything. I feel guilty enough already." You hid your face away from him while turning the corner before continuing "So what about it? Are you gonna help me get out of there or not?" 
"I give you my word." He said. 
"Your word means nothing until you live up to it. Isn't that what you said?" You teased and he groaned, presumably regretting the words he had spoken not too long ago. 
A few minutes passed in silence, navigating through back alleys under the ever brightening morning sky. There in the distance the old cemetery sign towered over the fence. 
"It's weird but we make a good team." You glanced at him briefly "Imagine if we didn't loathe each other. They wouldn't stand a chance." 
"I believe the world is not quite ready for that."
"The world, or you?" You smirked, crossing under the sign above you. 
The conversation concluded when the first of Esther's lackeys appeared in front of you, followed by a dozen more that surrounded Esther who still resided in Lenore's body. 
"Hello, mother. Care to negotiate a deal? Your traitor for my brother."
Klaus janked the chains in a way that made you drop to your knees, scraping your skin on the cold floor. He was enjoying this a little too much. 
"And what would I do with her?" Esther asked, unimpressed.
"She's a traitor to your cause. Deal with her as you wish." 
Esther considered for a moment, seemingly unconvinced until she took in the reaction of the gathering crowd that was whispering your name like a forbidden word. You tried not to smile when she nodded towards Finn, confirming the trade. 
"Very well. You may take Elijah with you. Under one condition. You give me Kaleb alongside her."
Your eyes glanced upwards slightly and you hoped Esther was blind to your reaction.
"I don't negotiate. Take her and only her or I'll be forced to retaliate." 
"Violence comes so easy to you, my boy. It clouds your judgement still." She shook her head "No matter, I can get to him myself if need be."
"So what will it be? Her for my brother?"
She nodded and promptly Finn appeared and stood next to his mother once again. Two 
They brought Elijah around the corner, barely conscious enough to keep on his feet. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned with a crimson gradient travelling from his collar to his stomach. He fell into Klaus's arms who caught him easily with a steady grip. He slung Elijah's arm over his shoulder and slowly retreated into the shadows. 
You remained still, waiting for Klaus to return or any sign that he would send the others in to help. 
A few seconds ticked by, then a few more before you realized he wouldn't come back. 
"Surprised?" Esther asked, smiling too self-righteous for your liking. 
"Guess not." You stood up, fastening the chain around your hands into a straight line "Problem is, you'll still not gonna get me." 
And with that Esther threw you to the wolves. 
Between the Pettigrew tomb on the right and Davina Claire's grave on the left, your feet stood steady on the stone floor. Heavy shackles torn at the chain now adorned your hands, smeared red with the blood of the dozen bodies lying beside you. Esther and Finn retreated like children when it was clear you would take down all of the wolves on their side. 
Another attack came from the left, a werewolf again, which was easily deflected with a quick doge followed by an easy neck snap. Another jumped you from above and almost got his teeth into your neck but you managed to throw him off by rolling forward. 
"Why don't you come back and face me, cowards?" You raised your voice, hoping it would pierce through Esther's and Finn's eardrums. They were hiding like cowards, you were fighting like an animal backed into a corner and Klaus and Kaleb ran away like thieves in the night. You were once again on your own. Typical. 
From the corners of your eye, you saw Finn glimpsing around the corner, followed by an array of rusted metal spires he sent your way. You send them back with a flick of your wrist. When he moved next he made the mistake of crossing into your line of sight. You send him flying into a tomb next to you, crushing the old stone to ashes. 
You had no time to double up your attack before Finn emerged from the rubble you put him in and haemorrhage your brain to a single jolt of pain. You pushed against the violence in your head and much to his surprise charged toward him. You had your hands around his throat and your teeth close to his neck when someone came up from behind. 
Before you could react they snapped your neck and surrounded you in temporary darkness. Esther helped her son to his feet before dragging you away to whatever hellhole Esther had preoccupied. From a gilded cage to one built of broken vows and horror. 
A/N: Well that escalated quickly....
As always, thank you for those who are reading this still, knowing you are still here means so much ❤ 
Open Coffin Series Taglist: (message me if you want on or off this list!)
@shadyladyperfection @akshi8278 @kind-wolf @christinasyellowflowers​ @thegoddessofvampire @newurleans @originalbish98 @acourtofhopeanddreams @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @cherryblossomllama @relmi-llorrac @piercethepottorff @maliae14 @5-seconds-of-animals @the-geeky-engineer @rock-n-magick @flymeawayworld @mikealsonlover @nuteller28 @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @drkplum @fandooomqueenforyou @twisted1ginger @superwholocksociopath474 @thealyana @sandyclaws @unicorntrooper @buckysummers @sanity-is-overratedxp @lunna-star-8​ @graysonmalfoy @woodworthti666 @lilulo-12 @selmasemlan @thelostallycat @characterobsessed​ @cococola-cocaine @codenamewitcher @-thatgirloverthere- @alwxadria345 @mizzezm @willieshakesqueer​ @spunky-89 @putyourherohaironstefan @thegingerthatwaited @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven @hinata7346 @controloffandoms @redshima
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
avoid - michael gray
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WARNINGS: mentions of death, pregnancy
A/N: not sure if I like this or not lol, also it's not really proofread (actually yes i've proofread it about 50 times but my brain is barely functioning sksjdjdb) aaaand I still don't know how to end my fics
You felt like you were living with a ticking time bomb waiting to blow off. You weren't sure what had caused Michael to be so cold and distant with you today but you knew that if it had anything to do with work, it was better to let him deal with it on his own. He had never been violent towards you —and you knew he would never be— but the idea of him raising his voice at you still made you nervous.
It all started this morning when he got up at about 5 to answer a call and didn't get back to bed after that. Instead he got dressed and left without a word, leaving you alone until he came back in the afternoon. You had figured Tommy must have needed him to take care of something important, but as the day went by and he was still in a mood it was getting clear that it had nothing to do with business.
"My mom wants to pay us a visit next week." you speak hesitantly as Michael walks through the door. He quickly walks past you, whispering a small "alright" on his way.
"She said she has a surprise for us. Probably has to do with the baby." you try to smile but he avoids your gaze. He only nods before grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and leaving the room silently. Your watch him walk away with concern, the worst thoughts starting to occupy your mind.
Was he seeing someone else? Was he planning on breaking up with you?
You glanced down at your growing bump and shook your head before going back to the dishes, trying not to overthink the situation.
But soon enough, you grew tired of the deafening silence in the house and the lack of company. Michael was definitely avoiding you, staying in his office while you sat alone in the living room, trying to read a book to ease your nerves. With a sigh you closed your book and placed it on the couch next to you before making your way over to your husband's office, determined to get answers.
You didn't even bother to knock before bursting in, causing Michael's head to shoot up and his hand to instinctively reach for the drawer where his gun was safely tucked. He relaxed and leaned back on his chair when he saw you then ran a hand through his hair, sighing heavily.
"What is it, Y/N?"
"What is it?" you scoff. "You've been avoiding me all day, I want to know why." you crossed your arms over your chest, leaning against the doorframe as you waited for an answer.
"I'm not avoiding you." he spoke lowly, as if already annoyed by your presence.
"Oh yeah? Then why are you locked in your office on a sunday, not bothering to speak to me and brushing me off like I'm some stranger you don't want to cross path with?" he doesn't answer and keeps sifting through his papers and writing things down. "Michael, Im talking to you!" you raised your voice.
"Fucking hell Y/N, just leave me alone! You’ve been here all day trying to get me to talk when I clearly don't fucking want to talk to you! You really can't take a hint, can you? Just get the fuck out of here!” he suddenly yells as his first collides with the desk, making you flinch. Your body tenses and the room fills with a heavy silence as you stare at each other, his eyes hard and cold while your own fill with tears, trying hard not to let them slip. You were already a pretty emotional person, but your pregnancy made it all worse so it was obvious you'd start tearing up at the slightest confrontation. After a moment he rips his gaze away from yours and you open your mouth before closing it again. Your heart is beating fast in your chest and you can almost feel a wave of nausea.
"I'm just trying to help, Michael." you murmur, voice shaking.
"Well I don't need your help!"
After a few seconds you walk out of the room, closing the door behind you and allowing yourself to sob.
You hear a few muffled curse words coming from the office as you make your way back into the living room, soon followed by the sound of the door opening.
"Fuck, Y/N, wait!" Michael suddenly calls out, storming out of the room and running after you. Before you knew it his arms are wrapped around your waist from behind, his thumb tracing circles over your belly as he holds you close. You don't try to push him away but you sob into your hands in shame of not being able to control yourself around him, your hormones getting the best of you.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. Fuck, I didn't mean any of this." he spoke softly, in complete contrast with his previous outburst. He holds you and waits for your sobs to die down, occasionally pressing kisses on your cheeks and neck while his hand rubs your belly in a soothing manner. "I'm sorry, love. I love you so much." he chokes on his words as tears escape his eyes as well.
You try to focus on your breathing and control your sobs as you wipe your tears, holding your arms close to yourself while looking down.
"We're having a baby, Michael." you remind him. "You can't keep everything to yourself and just let me sit and watch when you're going through something. You can't just avoid me like the fucking plague whenever you're upset. Not anymore." you manage to say, a few hiccups cutting you mid-sentence as you speak.
"I know baby. I'm so sorry." Michael takes a deep breath before pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. He's silent for a few more seconds, swinging you back and forth in his arms and letting you calm down before speaking up.
"My foster mom died." he finally admits softly. His arms tighten around you, refusing to let you go in fear that you would leave. Your eyes soften and you reach to rest a hand on his cheek, leaning up to press a small kiss to his jaw.
"I'm sorry." you say softly.
"I shouldn't have left her like I did. I abandoned her when I met the Shelbys and," he sighs. "I don't know. I shouldn't have cut all ties with my foster family so suddenly. Now it's too late and the woman who raised me for most of my life will never get to see my daughter." you stay silent for a moment, trying to think of an answer.
"She knew you loved her. And she also knew the life you had with her was not the life you were meant to live. You were raised as Henry, but deep down you've always been Michael. I'm sure she never blamed you for leaving." you say and he nods. You eventually let go of his embrace and turn around to wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him as properly as you can with your 5 months pregnant belly getting on the way. You both stay silent for a moment, his hand running through your hair soothingly.
"I really wish you'd told me sooner."
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I really am. I know stress is bad for the baby and I didn't want you to worry about me but I ended up doing the exact opposite." you pulled back and kissed him softly, reaching up to wipe a tear from his cheek.
"It's alright. Just promise me you won't keep these kind of things to yourself anymore. I lost my father too, you know. I know what it's like to lose someone you love." Michael nods before kissing you again, letting it linger for a moment before pecking your lips again.
You look up at him with a smile before pulling away to rest your hands on your belly, looking down at your clothed skin which grew more and more with each day.
"She's been kicking a lot lately." you smile.
"Mhmm." you nod and watch as he gets down on one knee, lifting your shirt up and kissing your growing skin as your hands rest on your hips. You chuckle at the feeling and place his hand above your belly button, your own resting on top of his, waiting for something to happen. You eventually guide his hand a few inches lower and a huge smile breaks on both your faces when you feel a rather hard kick, quickly followed by a second one a little further away from the first.
With one last kiss to your swollen skin Michael gets back on his feet and cradles your face, pulling you in for a passionate kiss which you gladly return.
"You're going to be the most amazing mom."
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Where Was She?- George Weasley x Female Reader
   Summary:  Taking a trip through Diagon Alley to help your nephew pick out robes and books for her first day at Hogwarts should of been uneventful, and it was until your niece was very excited to look inside a colorful shop, with a ginger with a top hat on top. 
   Kody: Ha, it rhymes. I am just hilarious. Also i’m giving them names, cause i can and if i don’t i’ll get confused lmao. Also changing some plot for this story lol. 
   House: Ex- Gryffindor / Half blood
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: cursing, George being a simp, Fred being utterly confused half the time, that good fluff
    you were currently stirring a bowl of cupcake batter when the house phone rang. In a quick haste, you drop the whisk in the sink and ran over to the living room and towards the house phone. You pick it up and press and the call button before holding it up to your ear.
   “L/n residence. Who am i speaking to?” you ask in a polite manner as you wiped your hand on the pink apron you wore. “Hey Y/n, it’s me Kai. So i just got a last minute meeting and i won’t be able to take Aedyn to diagon alley to get his books, robes and such. I have money to give you and such”
    you could hear the irritation in his voice, he hated missing important memory making moments with his son, but he really needed the money considering his wife dipped when Aedyn was born. You smile lightly, having not been back to Diagon Alley in year since you graduated. You missed it.
    “no problem, i’ll make sure to take a ton of pictures for you. Don’t worry about it, i get to see some of my old classmates and i’m fine with paying- “ “-no Y/n, i’m paying” Kai tried to interject, but you made screeching noise with your mouth. “Sorry, can’t hear you. Your cutting out. Love you!” you quickly hung up.
    the day had arrived and you wore a black turtleneck with a burnt orange button up as well as black pants. You had just arrived to Diagon Alley with Aedyn and he seemed a bit upset. “hey dude, you alright?” you asked, nudging his shoulder with your arm. He shrugged, looking ahead.
    “i just thought that dad would take me shopping, i know he isn’t a wizard or anything. It’s just-” you stop walking and crouch down to height “Yeah i get it, i loved going to Diagon Alley with my parents, but let’s make the most out of this yeah? Your witchy aunt has got your back!”
   your enthusiasm seemed to cheer him up as the corners of his mouth turned up “Okay, the first thing on the list is robes” he says, pulling a sheet of folded up paper from his back pocket. You smile and stand back up “Robes it is, onwards my dear nephew” 
    after buying about three sets of robes as well as uniform shirts and pants, you both went to get textbooks, which was super boring. Once you had finished stacking all the textbooks, you held them all by a string. Aedyn didn’t seem to want a animal, you didn’t either when you attended Hogwarts.
   as you walked with Aedyn, you felt a tug on your sleeve “Oh, can we go in there!” he says, you look to where he was pointing and saw a shop decorated in orange and hints of purple. Looking up, you saw a statue picking up it’s top hat. Oh. OH. “the weasleys wizard wheezes?” you ask, looking down at him.
    he met your gaze and tilts his head “Have you been there before?” he questions and you nod your head once “Yeah. Once. It was when it first opened though, so it may have changed” you spoke, shrugging it off. You grab his head and walk into the colorful shop.
    how much has changed?
    as you step in, your almost overwhelmed by the variety of things in the shop. It really didn’t change much. There were kids running around and parents who seemed displeased at there kids dashing through the place. A feeling of nostalgia ran through you.
     your nephew turns up to look at you “Can me and luke check out the shop together?” he asked eagerly, making you chuckle. You nod once and both of the boys run off. You sigh contently and place the textbooks down near the umbrella holder. Stuffing your hands in your pocket, you began to casually stroll around.
    the Weasley’s wizard wheezes. What a cool place. “Welcome miss. First time?” you turn to face one of the ginger haired twins in the flesh, wearing a orange sweater and beige pants. George Weasley. you give him a polite smile, collecting yourself quickly. 
    “Thank you. Um- no not my first time. I came here with Hermione Granger when you guys first opened.” you explain, tapping your foot on the ground. He raises a brow. You seemed to have spiked his interest “You know Hermione? How come i’ve never seen you before?”
   you shrug your shoulders, making a clueless face. “I’ve been told i blend into the background, so that could be why” you say. He steps closer to you, analyzing your face “How could i have missed you? Were you on any teams?” guess you were playing twenty questions now.
    you stifle a laugh as you began to walk around once more, the twin sticking to your side “No, i never liked attention. I did watch all the quidditch tournaments- Oh! I started the weakly quidditch magazine for the school” you say, thinking he remember seeing it somewhere or maybe he had read it before?
    you watch his honey colored eyes light up “Oh! yeah i read that. Wait- if i remember correctly you wrote one just about me” his smile turned into a grin. Oh how embarrassing. You chuckle bashfully as you use your hand to cover your mouth for a second “Yes. I did. You were a quidditch heartthrob. It sold well”
    you hear him gasp loudly and watch as he places a hand over his chest, where his heart was “You used my face to sell magazines?” he said. Wait a minute. “How do you know i put your face in the article?” you question, your own grin forming. A bashful smile makes a way onto his face.
    “I bought one for myself” he spoke and you burst into a fit of laughter at his confession “Oh wow, Mr. Weasley” you say, joking with the formality. You both were now making your way back to the entrance, where you two had started your journey in the first place.
    “Just call me George.”
   you two then talked for what felt like hours, but in reality it was twenty minutes. You both had a lot of common interest and soon enough. The Weasley started to flirt with you. It was playful and cute and you found it adorable coming from him. As he reached to push a strand of hair from your face and loud shout was heard.
    “Were late! We are so late!” Aedyn came running from the top story of the shop “Dad said to be home an hour ago!” and with that he ran out the shop. You E/c eyes widen. Oh shit. You quickly grab up the textbooks, a confused George staring at you. “Wait, your leaving?”
   “Yes” you force out as you quickly rushed out the shop, George following. He stops in front and watches as you run away “When can i see you again?!- What’s your name?!” he shouts, catching the attention of a few wizards and witches passing by. 
   you give him a quick smile before you turn the corner, leaving his sight completely. What’s the fun in that right?
    “Hey George. I’m back!” Fred Weasley called out from the shared home. He raised a brow when there was no answer and walked down the hallway, he turns the handle of Georges room and pushes the door open. He sees boxes scattered everywhere. 
    George was sitting on the floor, looking through stacks of old school papers “What in the bloody hell is going on?” Fred asked, looking a his brother strangely. George snaps his head towards his brother and stands up quickly. “Do you remember the weakly quidditch magazine?”
    “Do you know where i kept the one written about me?”
    “Where is it?”
    “...I’ll be right back”
    Fred left the room and returned a couple minutes later with an tattered magazine “Your article is on page 5-” George ripped the magazine from his brothers hand and began to turn the pages rapidly “Okay then” Fred walks over to sit on George’s bed.
    “Found it! When George Weasley isn’t pulling pranks. He is expertly playing the quidditch field, just like yesterday's game. Taking out both Ravenclaw beaters at the same time. Charming, good looking, funny, and skilled. No wonder the girl’s of Hogwarts are fawning over Gryffindors beater. -Y/n L/n”
    George smiled brightly “Y/n L/n, that’s her name..She called me good looking. Where was she when i was at Hogwarts?” he gushed, making Fred roll his eyes “Your talking about Y/n? How is she doing, heard her nephew is starting Hogwarts soon. I was supposed to meet her today, but i got caught up”
     George’s head snapped like an owl towards his brother “You know her? Did you sleep with her Freddy? You horny bastard. You just had to sleep with half of the girls at Hogwarts didn’t you? Couldn’t leave anyone for me? First Lavender brown then Hermione Granger, now Y/n. What the hell man?”
    Fred waited for his brother to stop talking with a irritated expression “First of all. I didn’t sleep with her. Second of all, we kept in touch because i thanked her for writing an article about me, like she did for you. Also! You didn’t notice her, because your fucking stupid. I’m making dinner” he announced.
    he stood from the bed and walked out the room. George pouted “Can we have mac and cheese?!”
    “No!........Okay fine!” 
    fast forward to about two weeks and Aedyns birthday was coming up. He had taken a liking to quidditch and you wanted to get him a new broom. It was a bit chilly outside so you decided on black high waisted skin tight jeans, a light grey long sleeve t-shirt, and a heather grey and a charcoal colored button up. 
    “Quality Quidditch Supplies” you read out loud, this was definitely the place where she saw kids get brooms.  You step in and began to look around at the broom’s, wondering which was a good fit for your nephew. You were looking at the Nimbus collection when a ginger haired boy jumps out from behind it.
    you jump back a bit “George?! What the hell. You almost gave me a heart attack!” you shout. He smiles nervously “So after our last encounter, i found that article you wrote about me” he spoke. You rolled your eyes and began to look at the broom’s once again “Okay” you said plainly. 
    “You said i was good looking and charming. Y/n L/n” he says, a twinkle of pride in his eye. “Your also friends with my brother and didn’t tell me” he said, that pride turning into slight jealousy.”You didn’t ask” you said simply said, his eye twitched in irritation.
    “Anyway, i was wondering if you could go out with me- like on date. Next saturday?” he says, you saw the hopeful look in his eyes as you looked from the broom to him. Aw. “No” you said, waiting to see his reaction. He blinks mindlessly for a couple of seconds “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have asked-”
    “-I have to watch a quidditch match. It’s my job for the witch weekly. i report for the local matches. I would love to go some other time” you say, giving him a genuine smile. He rubs the back of his neck “That’s the only time i’m free this mouth! Oh how ‘bout i go with you?” he asked. 
    you shrugged “I’m okay with that. I’ll be distracted half the time though” you explain. He smiles happily “Wicked. Plus, i’d like to see you all focused. I bet it’s cute” he said, leaning in close, his hand placed on the shelf above your head. There goes the flirting again.   
    you pretend to not have heard him and reach into your pocket for a piece of paper and pen. He tilts his head curiously  and tries to read what you were writing, but you shielded him away with your hand. “What’re?-” he was cut off when you walked passed him and grabbed a Nimbus infinity.
    you walk up to the counter and pay for the broom. It was quite costly, but you didn’t mind. George followed like a lost puppy, until you both made it outside. You turn around and hand him the paper. George grabs the note and reads an address? “What is this?” he asked. Boys are so dumb.
    “Write me sometime, Weasley. I’ll see you on saturday” with those parting words, you turn on your heels and began to walk away with a sway of your hips. George sighed deeply as a warm feeling invaded in every being “Merlin. Fred was right. I’m whipped.”
    the week spent apart was quite wholesome. George wrote you kind letters, sometimes flirty ones and send you small treats within them. Once he sent a pressed flower, a marigold. You didn’t think he have such a soft side to him. Each day a new letter came and you grew to like the Weasley boy more and more.
    the day had finally arrived when you would be attending the quidditch match. You wore a black turtleneck and heather grey pants, paired with regular sneakers. You were waiting at the entrance for the weasley boy, looking up t the sky. It looked like it was about to storm. Hopefully it would clear up soon. 
    “Hey!” a bright cheery voice shouted. You look back down to see George coming up to you. His shoulder length hair was tied back in a ponytail, with loose strands framing his face. He wore a burnt orange sweater with white and brown plaid pants. Style.
    you smile lightly and nod your head towards him “Hello” you spoke and watch as his honey colored eyes gazed at your outfit “Your looking ravishing, per usual” his comment made you snort. You shake your head and wave your hand “C’mon. I have front row seats” you say, making his eyes go wide.
    “Woah! Really!?”
    you both were seated in the bleachers with an amazing view of the game. You took out a notepad along with a pen, getting ready to take notes. George watched you as the game started. You bit your bottom lip when you were ‘in the zone’ as you would call it. George would call it cute. 
    the match was highly eventful and George had a wonderful time watching, especially the small breaks when you would talk to him. He would occasionally feed you popcorn as your wrote. Gotta make sure you were fed. You secretly liked it. 
     the match came to an end when one of the teams caught the snitch and the crowd roared in applause and boos. George stood up, cheering while you politely stood alongside him, clapping your hands. The cheers began to die down as heavy rain poured out of nowhere.
    people began to scramble out of the bleachers like ants so they could apparate out of there. You look at George who’s hair was damp, strands of ginger hair sticking to the side of his face. he was just staring at you “What?” you call out over the loud sounds of the rain.
    “I had a great time. I wish i had met you in Hogwarts so i could of had a cool girlfriend writing articles about me. Is it okay if i make up for lost time?” he said, your heart melting a his words. How smooth. A smile grew on your face “i’d love that” you said and that was all George needed.
    he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a deep kiss. Rain came down on both of you and your notes were most likely destroyed, but you were too in the moment to care. You two eventually left the bleachers and apparated to your place where you gave him a change of clothes and hot tea.
    the day ended with you two cuddled up on your couch, next to the fireplace and it couldn’t be more perfect.
    Kody: the sheer amount of writers block this shit gave me was insane. Anyways, peace. 
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superworldunkown · 4 years
“Daddy, did you die?”
AN: While I wait patiently for all of the ‘Bakugou wakes up from a hospital bed and rushes to Deku’s side’ fanfics to be populated and/or reposed  from when we all thought this was a headcanon, plz enjoy my Domestic Daddy Bakugou x Daughter Kiara spin on the matter.
Summary: Being a hero is hard. Being a hero and a dad...why wasn’t this taught at U.A? Bakugou x Kiara 
(Lol sometimes I pretend he waking up in the below image and the first thing he see is me and I’m like “Shush BB, your melanin queen is here.”) 
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Bakugou had awoken in hospitals with no recollection of how he got there before, but this one carried an extra special ouch with it. Villains were getting stronger and stronger it seemed, and now with the widespread availability of quirk enhancing and suppressing drugs on the market, it made the old ‘Win To Save, Save to Win’ mantra quite the challenge. Also, anything with Deku made things 100 times more complicated.
 It was supposed to be a simple rescue mission - they all seem to start out that way, but as always, something catastrophic had to happen and Deku just HAD to jump in and put his life on the line for everyone. And, of course, as his partner, Bakugou just HAD to blast on in after him. Who else was going to keep the damn nerd with the most incredibly powerful and incredibly secret quirk alive?
Speaking of, where was that damn nerd anyways? 
Taking a rather large breath, Bakugou pulled the oxygen mask away from his mouth and pushed his sore body into a resting position. The machines he was connected to hummed in their disapproval, rattling his already irritated brain. But it was no matter to Bakugou, he had things to do, and no machine designated to keep him alive as going to stop him, damnit.
He could see beneath his hospital gown his torso and chest covered in white medical tape - that’s right! The hit to the shoulder he took in battle. Great, another scar to add to his growing collection. His mind was already thinking of how he was going to explain this scar to you when you explicitly expressed that he didn’t come home with another one. You too knew that missions with Deku always tended to go heroic vs under the radar.
 As Bakguou began to move his legs towards the side of the bed his eyes caught a white piece of paper that was folded at the end of the bed slip to his side. The words ‘Read Me Kacchan’ written in an oh so familiar handwriting. 
‘Hey Kacchan, 
As you requested, as of 7:37am this morning, I am alive and checking in on the rest of the rescue team. Incase you are curious, I have all my vitals on the back of this paper. Please stay in bed and rest.  - Deku’
Bakugou let out a huff while he refolded the note and stuck it in his pant pocket. Since his graduation from U.A he had gained rather irritating nicknames among his former classmates turned hero partners. 
“Damn, working with Bakugou can be such a pain sometimes. Sheesh, you can’t even get a papercut under his watch.” Sero would groan.
“Hey, he’s just being a manly captain that’s all.” Kirishima would chime in, “Always looking out for us! And besides, he was a lot worse at U.A.” 
“Yeah,” Mina rolled her eyes, “From Lone Wolf to Mother Hen, quite the upgrade.”
Bastards. All of them.
After a rather nasty battle Bakguou would be the first to roam around the hospital, busting doors down to check in on the status of the team, only to rip them a new one for being reckless and careless. There was an unspoken rule on when teaming up with this hero, don’t even think about dying on his watch. If you do, he’ll murder you. And it goes without saying that no one has broken that rule in his 5 years of professional hero work. Excuse him for keeping everyone fucking safe! 
Pushing the rather annoying memories into the back of his brain, he toyed with the idea of getting up for his usual rounds of ‘Who the hell got hurt?!’ duty. However, the moment he let out a slight exhale of relief his ears were filled with a rather disturbing sound. It was faint, perhaps a few rooms down and barely auditable, but there was no way he could not hear it. 
Why was there a child crying? And why did it sound like Kiara? 
Instantly, his body jerked into action. Was she hurt? Why was she here? Where were you? Don’t tell him that you were in that mess from earlier with the villains. Even worse, did you go into labor already and he wasn’t there?!
The machines let out a dangerous whine as Bakugou began to pull everything off of him to get to the door. His legs gave out the moment he took two steps. Why the hell was he so weak?! Crawling wasn’t beneath him, if it got him closer to his daughter, so be it. Sweat began to form at the tip of his brow, running down his neck and soaking through is bandages. 
“No it’s okay i’ll go check on-Kacchan?!” Deku paused as he opened the door to Bakugou’s hospital room, only to rush to his side, “Didn’t you get my note?!” 
Bakugou was shaking at this point, grabbing at Deku’s shoulder only to use him as a weight to further push himself closer to the door. He could still hear his daughters cries, “Shut up...you damn nerd. If you’re not going to help-” 
Deku tried his best to reason with him, “You need to stop moving, you were hit with some kind of quirk suppression drug, its like poison and you’re only agitating it.”
“Where is she?” Bakugou managed to get out before his head collapsed on to the cool tile of the hospital floor, “Where’s my kid?” 
He could still hear the mixture of his daughters cries and Deku’s anguish as his vision went completely dark.
Ouch. Double Fucking Ouch.
Waking up for a second time in the hospital hurts even worse than the first. Bakugou found himself back in his bed, reconnected to the machines, twice as sore and twice as pissed off. Forget the rules, when he sees Deku again he’s going to -
Bakugou jerked his head to the side to meet a pair of tiny, puffy red eyes. Kiara sat on her mother’s lap, her lip quivering and arms shaking.
Luckily for Bakugou his hospital bed was reclined slightly upright, giving him the perfect positioning to catch his daughter as she leaped into his arms.
“Kiara be careful baby!” You called.
Kiara ignored your chastising and buried herself into her father’s chest, tears flowing freely. Bakugou ignored the pain, wrapping his arms around her to pull her even closer. The relief of her safety was worth all the pain. His arms gripped around her a bit tighter as if Kiara would slip away from him again. Kiara never cried like this before, even during her worst temper tantrums (which she 100% inherited from Bakugou’s side of the family), she never acted like this. 
Bakugou turned his head towards you, his cheek brushing against the top of Kiara’s head as he looked for some clarification to Kiara’s behavior. 
“She’s scared Katsuki.” You answered simply. Seeing your husband’s confusion you elaborated further, “You were unconscious for a whole day before you woke up the first time. We tried visiting you but when she saw you lying there she started crying, and really hasn’t stopped since.”
“But I’m fine.” 
“I know that.” You reassured him, “But, this is the first time she’s seeing you get a little beat up and that’s scary. She’s not a baby anymore Katsuki, she’s understanding how dangerous hero work can be.” 
It dawned on him; the same, gut twisted feeling that brewed in his stomach anytime Deku or a member of his team got hurt was now being manifested in his 3 year old daughter. His eyes moved down to his daughters head, watching her continue to cry into his chest. Damn, he was hopping she inherited his quirk and not his dangerously high levels of panic and anxiety. He then moved his gaze over the the bump in your stomach. Was this going to happen to them too? What the hell should he do!
He felt the gentle nudge on his bruised shoulder, you mouth silently forming the command to say something to soothe small girl crying in his arms.
“Oi,” he tried to make his usually ear piercing, gravely voice as smooth as possible.
Kiara poked her head up, her ruby eyes staring deeply into her fathers, “Daddy, did you die?”
“Huh? Hell no. You think some lame ass villain can kill me?! You think I’m weak?”
You ran your hand across your already tired face, you wouldn’t expect a Bakugou style father/daughter talk to go any different, but seriously?
Kiara shook her head violently, small tears flying from her eyelashes. Katsuki was beaming, despite the pain, “That’s right kid. Being a hero means we have to do scary things sometimes. I know today was scary but I never lose, got that? I’m a Bakugou, and so are you. We always win and we always kick ass.” His large callous hands drew to his daughters face, wiping away any remaining tears.
“And it’s okay to be scared sweetie.” You chimed in while leaning closer to your daughter, “But Daddy and everyone we love is okay today. And we can be happy about that, right?” 
Kiara nodded, sniffling “Mr. Deku is okay too?” 
“Pfft,” Katsuki huffed while shifting Kiara off his lap to lay by his side, “The damn nerd is just peachy.” 
“Daddy, why do...why do you call Mr. Deku a, a damn-?” 
“That’s a fun name Daddy calls Mr. Deku that only Daddy can say and that’s all you need to know about that.” You chimed in quickly, careful not to let Bakguou destroy your precious daughters mind any further. Kiara shrugged her shoulders and curled at her fathers side; the three of them a happy, but rather dysfunctional family.
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
For the song prompt, let’s hear your track 5 lol
Lmaooo this made me laugh, thank you. I've already done my 13th track and now I get to do Track 5! (If you don't know why Track 5 is significant, it's because Taylor Swift puts her most emotional songs as the 5th song on every album).
My Track 5 is, fittingly, a Taylor song; not only that, it's "gold rush," which makes me happy because 1. it's a great song and 2. I actually wrote a fic based on it for the first EVER Drarry as Taylor fic--before I knew this would become a series. It's from Draco's POV, and it can be read here.
I'm so glad to take another crack at this song. This will serve as a sequel/companion piece to the original, but it can stand on its own. Enjoy.
For the first time in his life, Harry was too excited to sleep.
Unlike Dudley, he hadn't spent Christmas Eves and the hours before his birthdays anticipating presents and sweets. He'd never had anything to look forward to, nothing to keep him up at night in anxious glee.
But now, as he stared up at the ceiling, his new roommates sleeping soundly around him, he found himself able to calm his exhilarated mind enough to rest.
He knew that the red and gold curtains that hung around his bed meant that he was in Gryffindor, and he mentally thanked the magical hat for not sorting him into Slytherin with that Malfoy git.
Irritation rose in his chest at the memory of Malfoy insulting his new friend, Ron. Harry'd decided then that anyone who could look at Ron and decide to be so rude to him must be someone to avoid. He knew a bully when he saw one, and bullies, in his experience, didn't change.
Harry turned onto his side to stare out the window, marveling at the novelty of sleeping somewhere with a view other than cramped, blank walls.
He curled up into the warm blanket, finally letting the exhaustion of the day lull him to sleep.
Third-year Charms, Harry decided, wasn't any more interesting than it had been the first two years.
He sat next to Ron, who was watching Hermione take notes with machine-like speed and precision. While the sight of Hermione in action was entertaining for a minute or so, Harry didn't understand why Ron stared at her all the time.
Not for the first time that class, Harry regretted not sitting toward the back of the room. Malfoy was sat next to Parkinson at the table just behind them, and Harry knew it was unwise to turn one's back to one's enemy. It was much more prudent to stare at one's nemesis for as long as possible, using subtlety and stealth to make sure one's observations went undetected.
Ron stared at Hermione almost as much as Harry stared at Malfoy, but surely Ron didn't think their friend was up to something.
Well, unless you called memorizing every comma of Hogwarts: A History nefarious.
“Remember, class, your homework for tomorrow is seven inches on the history of the Summoning Charm. You are dismissed," Flitwick turned to the board, casting a cleaning charm to erase the notes.
Harry was startled out of his reverie by the sudden announcement, as well as by Ron, who nudged him and gestured to Hermione, whose head was still bent over her desk as she wrote furiously.
"How long d'you reckon she'd stay here and write if no one stopped her?" Ron muttered.
Harry let out a short laugh and opened his mouth to respond when he caught sight of Malfoy darting quickly out of the room.
Harry frowned. But before he could voice his pondering over why Malfoy'd all but sprinted from the classroom, Hermione had finally snapped out of her note-taking daze and joined Harry and Ron.
As they walked along the corridor, Ron and Hermione continued to squabble over whether or not they needed to go to the library during their free period.
"But 'Mione, it's called a free period. A period of freedom. Don't you want to be free?"
"I don't want my mind to be enslaved to ignorance, Ronald! Information is freedom."
"Merlin, fine. But I have to go get my textbook from the dorm first. Harry, you coming?"
Harry nodded. Hermione narrowed her eyes at the two of them before giving them a mollified nod. Clutching her books tightly, Hermione turned on her heel and walked briskly toward the library.
"C'mon mate," Ron said, tugging at Harry's sleeve. "Let's take the long way."
Ron prattled on about quidditch, and Harry tried to listen, he really did. But his thoughts drifted inevitably back to Malfoy. He kicked himself again for not choosing a better surveillance point in class; maybe if he'd been watching he'd have seen why Malfoy'd fled class at the end.
He and Ron ventured outside, through the courtyard and into the open area beside the lake. Harry felt a surge of victory and relief at the sight of Malfoy sitting on the bench, his head tilted back with a soft smile as if enjoying the warmth on his face. His hair glittered golden in the sun.
Without thinking, Harry started walking toward him, an animated Ron following along.
“But Harry, they haven’t got a chance! Look, the Cannons--”
Ron stopped talking as Malfoy turned to sneer at them.
“Can I help you?” Malfoy drawled, “Or do you mind taking your boisterous conversation elsewhere? I was here first.”
Ron glared. “Shut up, Malfoy. We didn’t see you, or we wouldn’t have come any closer in case being a prat is contagious.”
Malfoy smirked. “Unlike you, I wasn’t raised in a barn, so I don’t carry diseases. But we snakes do bite, so mind your place, Weaselbee.”
Ron started toward Draco, his fists clenched, but Harry grabbed his arm, despite the rage swelling in his own chest.
“Ron, he’s not worth it. C’mon.” Harry said, eyes narrowed at Malfoy in a clear warning.
Ron gave Malfoy one last glare before he let Harry steer him away from Malfoy, who widened his smirk in satisfaction. They walked away, Ron continuing his rant as they made their way to Gryffindor Tower. Harry looked over his shoulder, catching one more glimpse of Malfoy basking in the sunshine.
“P-Potter,” Malfoy gasped, trapped between the bathroom wall as Harry crowded him, his face inches away. “W-what—?”
Harry shook his head, smiling softly. “You heard me, Malfoy.”
“I-I’m not sure I did, actually. Might you repeat it?”
Harry chuckled. “Why don’t I show you instead?”
Harry lifted a warm hand reached up to cup Malfoy’s cheek, leaned in and—
Harry woke with a gasp, sweat beading on his forehead. A hand scrubbed over his face as he wiped the sleep from his eyes and felt his four-poster ground him to reality.
After the last six years, he was no stranger to waking up in the middle of the night from strange dreams, but his subconscious--or rather Voldemort--usually tortured him with disturbing images and nightmare scenarios.
This time, it seems Voldemort had left Harry's subconscious to its own horny, teenaged devices--and it apparently had a twisted sense of humor.
That moment of blind rage in the bathroom haunted Harry enough during the day that he wasn't surprised that it would make its way into his dreams--but his chest hurt with the knowledge that perhaps it might've gone differently. Might've ended in whispered apologies, explanations, and soft, exploring kisses.
But if Malfoy hadn't hated him before, he certainly did now, and Harry couldn't blame him.
Harry knew a bully when he saw one, and during that moment, he couldn't pretend it had been Malfoy.
He raised a hand to the scar on his forehead and wondered when he'd changed.
“Draco Malfoy, you are hereby sentenced to three months house arrest, followed by one year of probation,” Kingsley banged the gavel, the sound reverberating in the large room before chatter rose from the avid audience.
Harry watched with a small smile as Malfoy and his mother sat together, their cool masks wavering with emotion for just a second before shifting back into place.
He decided to give them a moment before approaching Malfoy, but if he didn't get this over with now, he'd never have the courage.
Suddenly, Malfoy rose on shaking legs and walked over to Harry, who quickly stood to meet him in the middle. Harry regarded him with a tight-lipped smile.
Malfoy tipped his head slightly. “Thank you, Potter.”
Harry nodded. “Sure, Malfoy.”
Malfoy nodded before turning away, stopping when Harry, acting on impulse, reached out and grabbed his arm.
“Wait, Malfoy. I have something for you.”
Malfoy looked at him in confusion as Harry reached into his pocket and handed him his wand, stifling a chuckle when Malfoy’s eye widened.
“Thanks for letting me borrow it,” Harry said, his voice quiet.
Malfoy nodded again. He took the wand from Harry’s hand, closing his eyes. Harry let in a sharp breath at the sight of a soft smile on Malfoy's lips as he reunited with his wand. The image was more compelling than Harry imagined, as evidenced by the butterflies that filled his stomach.
Harry cleared his throat. “Well, er, I’ll see you around, Malfoy,” he said, nodding one final time before turning to leave.
He smiled as he heard Malfoy's quiet, "Goodbye, Potter," as he walked away.
Harry pressed his lips together in a grimaced smile as a few younger students gathered near him at the table in the Great Hall. Ron and Hermione shot him sympathetic looks, and he gave them an apologetic shrug before turning to sign another autograph for a wide-eyed first year.
If this would be an indication of what his eighth year would be, Harry wasn't sure how much longer he'd last.
After promises to fulfill the fans' requests later, the giggling group left the table to let him eat in relative peace--it was rather hard to enjoy one's dinner while half the school was staring at you.
His eyes flickered to the Slytherin table, where the students ate mechanically, their faces blank. Malfoy, who'd sent surprisingly genuine apology letters over the summer, looked thoughtful; not calculating or analyzing, but pensive.
Lying in bed that evening, Harry remembered the image of Malfoy at the Black Lake with his head tipped back in the sunlight. He thought of the rare smile Malfoy'd had when he held his wand for the first time after his trial, and the feeling that had bubbled up in his own chest at the sight.
Harry looked out the window at the night sky and wondered if happiness would be a constant thrum under his skin, or if it could be found in stolen moments tucked into his heart. The stars glittered in silent answer, shining with anticipation.
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shinydelirium · 4 years
Kiro’s R&S: Lonely (Season 2 Chapters, 2-5) Translation [CN]
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This is a translation from Kiro’s R&S for Season 2, Chapters 2-5. Just to let everyone know, I do not know any Chinese but I have taken an interest in learning it because of this game. Therefore, I’m learning the language as I go. Everything has been done using Google Translate so do expect some errors and mistranslations. I’ve tried my best to make it flow well. Also, shout out to @link4eva for walking me through this process. I’m not gonna hide the fact that I hate technology and technology hates me so this is my first time posting something so monstrous, lol. Without further ado, please enjoy! 
***Some context before reading. The events of this R&S takes place towards the end of Season 1 when an impending comet is about to hit Earth. MC spends what little time she has left with the guys until she is summoned to some unknown place and gets set back in time.***
Even if the world fusion collapses, it cannot stop a firm heart.
[Chapter 1]
*Click, click*
The sound of the gear turning stopped again and behind the door that was slowly opened, a calm voice sounded.
“She has gone.”
Drifting light spots lingered in the endless darkness and the stairs slowly retreated to its origin. Everything seems to have not happened and it seems to be silently waiting for some tomorrow to come.  
“The future is far away, but it will come.”
Helios didn’t speak, but stood still, looking towards the end of the stairs.
“Are you scared?”
The person in the dark tempted again, and he smiled after listening.
“No matter how difficult it is, she will definitely find a way so that everyone can meet tomorrow. What is there to be afraid of?”
At the end of the speech, his voice became very soft, containing some fear hidden in his heart.
The girl’s face slowly appeared in front of Helios’ eyes. He suddenly remembered that in the world of Eternal Winter, she kept approaching bravely, gritted her teeth to face all the unknowns, remembering every moment she had illuminated. He always believed that she would be able to make the most correct choice and let the doomsday meet the future. It’s just...
There was a seemingly silent laugh from the darkness. Helios released the palm he had just unintentionally clenched, and turned to look at the scattered light spots, “I just want to know one thing.” His hand gently lifted. The light spot swayed at his fingertips, like stars hanging in the dark, losing their orbit. “That uncontrollable future is the future of this world?”
The distant voice seemed to sigh, “What do you think the world is like?”
Helios did not speak.
“The countless choices of mankind have gathered into all nets of the world. It is infinitely extended and leads to the future.” He paused. “But the future will end. This is countless civilizations relying on the destruction, over and over. The conclusion drawn again. Although it is moving forward slowly, it seems to return to a certain point of origin.”
“Destruction.” Helios raised his head and said this word in disbelief.
“This world should have stopped today, but a possibility has arisen.” While Helios was still speculating on the deep meaning behind this, the voice did not stop. “This possibility gives her the ability to choose the most correct one. The path leads the world to a distant place beyond truth and common sense.”
Helios frowned slightly and caught the core part of the words in an instant. “You mean, there will be even more incredible changes in the future?”
“This is not a question I can answer.”  
The sound of the gear turning sounded again, and the person’s voice seemed a little tired, and finally slowly disappeared in the darkness, like the last hint.
“This world has completed its choice, and it will not stay. It will continue to move forward to witness the arrival of tomorrow, no matter what posture or form this tomorrow is presented to humanity...It belongs to the tomorrow of this world, and you...” The voice faintly revealed the meaning of expectation and scrutiny, “Tomorrow you will naturally be the same as her, you will be the way you crossed from today to tomorrow.”
[Chapter 2]
From the dome of the hall, one can see the lights of comets approaching from the sky. The people around the round table appear to be extremely silent. They all looked at Helios who walked in, seeming to be waiting for his final answer.
“It’s too early to prepare for the end.” Helios walked to the front of the main seat, but did not sit down. He gently propped his hands on the round table, and there seemed to be sparks jumping in his eyes. “Everything went according to the original plan. In time, we have a lot to do.” When everyone dispersed, Helios stood alone in the hall, looking to the sky through the dome, and muttered, “It seems that the secret that I can’t tell you is still valuable.”
No one can be seen on the street where the end is coming, not to mention such remote alleys. At the end, there is only the rustle of stray cats eating garbage.
Kiro pressed the brim of his hat, turning around in the scattered alleys in a familiar way, until a faint yellow light slowly hit his eyes. A little “Mondlicht” was written on the side of the door, like the spell of an ancient magician. He glanced at the end of the sky one last time, took a deep breath, and opened the door with firm eyes.
The man standing behind the bar didn’t seem to be surprised by the visitor who appeared suddenly. He gracefully wiped the wine glasses and greeted Kiro with a smile. Kiro quietly looked around and sat at the bar expertly.
“The end is two hours away. Do you want something to drink?” The man smiled and shook the wine bottle in his hand.
“It’s almost the end and you’re still opening the shop?” Kiro put his hat on the bar, ignoring the man’s invitation.  
“My life creed is, I’d rather stand earning money and die than to lie down bored.” The man seemed to be indifferent to Kiro’s refusal, still mastering the bottle with skillful control.
“I’m not here to drink.”
“You have tried so many times, don’t you ever give up?”
Kiro’s eyes flashed with a hint of anger but only for a moment. He slowly smiled.
“I have no reason to give up.”  
The man neatly put down the cup in his hand and took a breath: “Well, since you’re so insistent, I won’t stop you. The name is Drey.” ***Don’t know if this will be the name used for this character in EN server but it’s what Google Translate gave me, so we’ll go with it***
He put the wine in front of Kiro, the bright red liquid filled the man’s eyes with a smile, but seemed a little ruthless and indifferent.  
“Thank you for the business and support.”
[Chapter 3]
Kiro found Drey a month ago. Seeing Drey again, he still couldn’t control the urge to retch inside. Kiro sat on the sofa, clenched his palms fiercely, and like a constant trance in his heart, forced himself to give priority to the task at hand. In a daze, he saw the girl standing under the soft light and shadow, her face radiating with warm light. She reached out to him and called his name. “You are the best Kiro in the world.”
The slight pain in the palm of his hand slowly pierced all consciousness along his fingertips. He barely raised his eyes and calmly looked at the man Drey, who was standing not far from him, the first assistant of the experiment.  
Many years have passed since that distant and dark memory. He was also much older. Drey threw himself down in front of Kiro in a panic, “Please, don’t kill me...!!!”  
Kiro looked coldly at the man who was kneeling in front of him, his whole body shaking. “If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t have let you escape that time.”
Trembling, he took the box thrown by Kiro and saw the glinting “S” on it. He was so scared that he almost dropped it to the ground.  
“How did you get this? No, you don’t need to answer me...” Drey shook his head and firmly gripped the box in his hand. He realized that Kiro who was cooperating with him now is no longer the advanced experiment: number 3684. Drey looked down at the box in his hand, “What do want me to do? Could it be...!!!”
Kiro knew from a long time ago that Drey was the person who knew his body data the best during that experiment, and naturally had enough ability to be the first assistant. “This is impossible!”
“I’m not here to listen to your nonsense.” Kiro interrupted him coldly, “You just have to work for me, right Dr. Drey “the current boss?”
Drey rubbed the box in his hand, gritted his teeth and finally let out a sigh of relief, “...I see, can the operating table on floor B4 be used?”
Even in the colorful laboratory covered with floral wallpaper, Kiro still had a serious mental rebuke. It took him a lot of effort to force himself to lie down on the experimental table. Since then, he can’t remember how many times he vomited and how many tubes of medicine he took.  
Drey frowned, “I said it’s going to be difficult for you to become stronger.” He lowered his head. “Your experimental success is not universal. Considering the collective interference of many micro-factors, your body may not be able to withstand the second experiment. The experiment made your genes, under the catalysis of a special substance, form their own unique irregular structure, which is absolutely different from ordinary people.” He pursed his mouth and paused, his expression stricken, and looked at Kiro. “And we are not sure whether this reaction will continue, and all the side effects can’t be estimated. Why should you take such a big risk!?! You are fully capable now...”
“It’s okay, let’s just get there first today.” Kiro wiped the blood from his mouth, barely propped himself up and sat on the experimental table. The night fog filled him countless times, tying him into the abyss in the dark night. There are countless ferocious and scrutinizing gazes. He is standing in the bloody prison, but now, he is no longer afraid.  
“I said that you aren’t too tired to go home and eat dessert?” Since Kiro accidentally missed the dessert date, this person always used it to tease him from time to time. Kiro didn’t answer him. He walked around the store several times, slowing down his trembling footsteps, “Is it natural?” ***Don’t really understand what's going here in this scene, lol***
The boss nodded, “It’s okay. You guys finished so early today?”
“It’s because there is a special performance today.” Kiro put on his hat, blocking most of his face, “It’s very important.”
Kiro walked towards floor B4 step by step. When he arrived at the entrance of the laboratory, Drey was already there waiting for him. “We’ve tried numerous times and if you continue like this, your body may...”  
“It’s fine.” He unwaveringly interrupted Drey’s unfinished words. “There has been progress last time, hasn’t there? Let’s keep going.”
Kiro’s footsteps towards the laboratory were extremely firm. The whole world seemed to be only a piece of endless white, with the girl’s back at the end. He kept ordering himself to run towards her. This has always been the case. Although there is not much time to download this voice, he will never give up even if it is the end.  
[Chapter 4]
When Kiro opened his eyes again, he knew that he had won the bet. Even if he didn’t have the strength to lift a finger, he raised a satisfied and happy smile for the first time. He couldn’t remember how long he laid until he could finally and slowly prop up his arm to support himself. He sat on the operating table panting and wanted to pull out the infusion affixed to his arm in disgust.  
“it’s better not to pull that one out.”
Kiro raised his eyes in warning. The boss leaned against the door holding a hot cup of coffee along with a smile that has remained unchanged for years. Kiro blinked and tilted his head, “The time...”
“Don’t worry. It seems that the comet hasn’t hit yet.” The man stretched out his index finger and pulled Drey over who happened to be passing by and came back to check the situation. “Look at him.”
Kiro breathed a sigh of relief and covered his head with a bit of pain. Drey hurried over and said, “You’ve just woke up now, don’t be so anxious. You need to be observed again.��
Kiro snorted coldly. With a sound, the microcomputer he had been carrying around suddenly rang. He grabbed his head and pulled off the infusion from his body. He stood, limping hurriedly and almost fell to the ground due to the excessive movement.
“You can’t move right now!” Drey stopped him in a rush.
“Let go!” Kiro waved Drey’s hand away, reluctantly pressing it against the wall. He turned on the computer, tapping the keyboard intermittently with stiff fingers, looking at the screen with a heavy expression. “You guys leave.”
“You can’t use your abilities now!” Drey still insisted on explaining to Kiro, “We are not yet sure about their stability. Your current body is too weak. If you use your enhanced abilities immediately, you will...”
“Get out.” Kiro’s voice did not have a hint of warmth or room for argument.  
“But your body...!!!”
“Excuse me.” The man drinking coffee beside him smiled and shook the syringe that came out of nowhere. “You will not be charged for the gift.” Kiro stretched out his pinhole arm without hesitation, “Thank you.”
Kiro recovered some strength after the drug injection. He leaned in the corner of the laboratory and gently closed his eyes.  
“.....If I said I might know a way, would you believe me?”
“It’s okay, you’re already amazing and you’re still my superhero!”
“Will you leave again this time too...?”
“I believe that no matter who you are, you will not change...”
“No matter what decision you make, I’ll support it.”
“All this time, you have always been illuminating me.”
He can always hear her voice. Kiro gently opened his eyes and saw himself in the mirror. He raised his mouth unconsciously, without a trace of hesitation. Since this world will not end, no matter what happens, it will become the future of tomorrow. He has to be prepared for this unknown future.  
The golden light in the pupils of his eyes danced in the mirror but at this time, it was like a gentle and powerful blessing, giving strength to those who can cross all obstacles to reach hope. Even if it may be temporarily silent in time because of the drastically changing world, one day it will become a milestone to guide the future, pointing to the end in its heart, and meeting the long-awaited person.
“I command you to always be the one and only brightly shining Kiro--to be brave and to keep getting stronger.”
“I command you to never forget her.”
“She is MC, your Miss Chips.”
“She is your most favorite person.”
The golden light diffused through the pupils into every nerve ending and blood, melting into the grand and brilliant white snow at the end of the world to form the final agreement. The world was slowly shrouded by the seemingly gentle but unbreakable water mist. It was born from the bright white light and permeated the earth, extending in countless directions. On the note-filled recording paper in the notebook, the notes on the staff seemed to be placed upside down, disappearing one by one on the paper. And all this is just a moment.  
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I Don’t Know (ft. G Dragon and MINO) (8)
Part 8
Jiyong finds out what happened with Jae and Yuna tries to talk to Mino.
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This series will be updated once a week, every Friday! No specific time though lol. It’s an AU where Jiyong has a younger sister and you’re her best friend! Featuring my OC Mirae as the Best friend. Just saying, it’s not related to any of the scenarios I’ve written so far. Please do leave me some comments or asks! I love receiving them! It’s also a bit of a love triangle situation, so yeah :)) There will be eventual smut in this series.
(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Also, just clarifying. The Jae here is not Park Jaehyung from Day6. It’s just the name.
Happy New Year Folks!! :)) Here’s to hoping 2021 is a better year for everyone :) I sincerely hope everyone had a great day and have great years of happiness and health ahead :)
Please comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list:))
Word Count: 3753
WARNINGS: cheating, slight violence(punches to the face), sexist remarks, smut (overstimulation and safe word usage). 
You started coughing violently before walking out of the room, excusing yourself. You walked straight past Minho, not even realising that there was someone standing there, but that was okay, because Minho didn’t realise you walked past him either. Yuna had turned around to see if you were okay and she saw Minho. Minho was so lost in staring at her, overcome by a rush of anger and sadness, he didn’t notice Jae excuse himself to check on you. Jiyong did though.
You ran to the bathroom and got there just in time before another violent coughing fit hit you. Why Jae of all people? He was the one person who working with was worse than working with Jiyong. And on top of that, Yuna came with him. Jae had been cheating on you. You didn’t tell anyone that was the reason for your break up though. When people asked, you just said you drifted apart, but it was actually because you caught him with another girl. He was drunk and they were making out, going to their bedroom when you walked in.
5 years ago
He turned and smirked at you, pulling you into a kiss seconds after making out with that other woman.
“Y/N, babe. Wanna join?”
You started to feel sick. Nauseous.
“Anyway, you’re cheating on me with Jiyong.”
His eyes furrowed.
“Why do you look so sad? Oh. Okay, fine. You can invite Jiyong to join us too.”
Voice strained, you asked,
“How long Jae? How long have you been cheating on me?”
“Ever since I figured out that you were cheating on me with that bastard. I think it was at Sohyun’s wedding?”
You nearly fell right there. He had been cheating on you for three months? Because he thought you were cheating on him with Jiyong? Jae jolted you out of it by grabbing your phone.
“Let me call him to join us. I have a bunch of questions for him anyway.”
“What?! Jae, no!”
“Hello? Jiyong?”
“…What the fuck Jae? Why’re you calling me from Y/N’s phone? Is she okay??”
“Yeah, she’s fine. I actually wanted to ask-”
You grabbed your phone back, choking on a sob.
“No, Jiyong, it’s fine. Don’t worry. He’s just drunk.”
“Y/N, are you sure? You don’t sound okay.”
You couldn’t hold back the sob any longer.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Everything’s fine. It’s perfect.”
And you cut the call. You turned to look at Jae and the very uncomfortable looking girl.
“Jae, we’re done. Don’t ever contact me again.”
You walked out to go to your car and cry. Jae never apologised. Nor did he follow you to your car. He just didn’t care. You don’t remember much of what you thought that night. But you did remember thinking that even if you could go back in time and change that one night at the wedding with Jiyong, you wouldn’t.
All those memories came rushing back, and you started feeling nauseous again. That’s when you felt very familiar hands brush back hair from your face. His touch made you feel even worse.
“What’s wrong Y/N?”
“Jae, get away from me.”
“But my poor Y/N looks a little unwell.”
“Get the fuck away from me.”
Jae laughed and took a few steps back.
“I was not expecting to see you here Y/N. Good to know I was right though.”
“Right about what?”
“About you and Jiyong, of course. Not going to lie, I felt slightly guilty about that night after seeing your reaction when you saw me with her, but now, I feel like I’m more than justified.”
You were about to say something, but Jiyong’s voice interrupted you.
“What night?”
You panicked when you saw a very angry Jiyong standing in the doorway. Furious, he repeated,
“What night Jae?”
Jae looked between the two of you and laughed.
“Oh, you never told him? Come on Y/N, you should have. At least you would have felt better after he beat me up.”
“Why would I beat you up?”
Jiyong’s eyes slowly travelled to you. You knew he was trying to ask you whether you didn’t tell him something, but didn’t want to voice it, scared he would cross a line.
“Well, after Y/N here found me in bed with another woman, I asked her to join us. I also told her to invite you. After all, if I could invite someone, she could also invite the person she was cheating on me with. That’s why I called you that night.”
Jiyong looked murderous. You knew he would want to kill Jae. Right there. But he kept looking at you, hurt more than anything else that you didn’t tell him.
“Your girlfriend caught you cheating. And you invited her to join?”
Jae shrugged.
“I mean, I wasn’t the only one. She had been cheating on me with you for ages.”
Jiyong was about to lose it. You could see that. But you weren’t bothered. Because you were also about to lose it.
“Jae, get the fuck out.”
“Why Y/N? Does seeing me here bother you?”
“Yeah it does Jae. Because I haven’t beaten up someone since middle school and you’re about to make me change that. So, before I do, get out of here you piece of shit.”
“Ha. That’s rich coming from someone who pretty much just slept their way up.”
There was an eerie silence after that. Jae was looking away and smirking. You stared at him, shocked at his audacity. Jiyong stared at you, willing you to let him kill Jae. You turned to Jiyong. He was begging you to let him punch Jae. At the very moment you nodded to Jiyong, too tired to do it yourself, Jae opened his mouth,
“What? Nothing to say to that? I guess it’s true.”
Jae didn’t know what hit him when Jiyong’s fist met his face. He stumbled to the side when Jiyong grabbed his collar and punched him again. And again. And again. Until he felt your hand on his shoulder. Although he was still mad, he dropped Jae’s collar and looked at you, wondering what to do. Jae lay there coughing up blood and wiping his bloody lips. You glared at him.
“Leave him be Jiyong. He’s a model. You can’t mess up his face more than this.”
And you grabbed Jiyong’s hand and walked out.
Jiyong looked pissed, but also confused.
“Where are we going?”
Without turning back to look at him, you muttered,
“Look at your hand. You caught it in Jae’s nose piercing. It’s a mess.”
And sure enough, when he looked down, his hand was a bloody mess. You pulled him into the infirmary and whipped out your phone. Your tone was calm when Somin picked up the call.
“Hey. Jiyong tripped over something, so we’re in the infirmary. We’ll get back to the meeting in a while.”
You turned to him and your voice was pretty disconnected when you spoke.
You grabbed a first aid kit and started disinfecting his hand. He hissed when the disinfectant touched the wound. You didn’t say anything, but you become a lot gentler.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Jae?”
“I don’t know. This was when I liked you. I didn’t want you pitying me, or being mean to me because you felt like he had a point.”
His voice softened.
“I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Really? Can you really say that? Because you were very mean to me otherwise.”
“I’m sorry. I owe you an apology. A lot of apologies actually.”
“What are you apologising for?”
“For being mean to you. For hurting your feelings. For saying what I did when you confessed. For leaving you alone that night. For taking you for granted. For constantly snapping at you. For pushing you away to the point where you felt like you couldn’t tell me about your toxic ex because I would make it worse. For snapping at you when you called me Ji simply because I was scared it would give me hope for something that I didn’t think would happen because I li-”
“Don’t. Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”
You looked up, meeting his pleading eyes.
“Jiyong, I’m in a happy, healthy relationship. I’m happy with Minho. Please just be happy for me. I haven’t completely forgiven you for everything, because Jiyong, I’ll be honest. You scarred me. For years, I thought something was my fault. I thought I wasn’t enough and that’s why you hated me. And you never cared. I’m treating you normally now because we have to work together for a while. That’s it.”
He looked so painfully resigned that you couldn’t help your heart from hurting.
“Yeah, I know. That’s enough for me. But please don’t cut me out of your life. You’re someone very important to me.”
You backed away after bandaging his hands, leaving Jiyong feeling rather empty from the loss of contact.
“I don’t know Jiyong. We’ll see.”
While Jiyong was pouring his heart out to you, Yuna excused herself saying she was going to follow you, but she shut the door behind her and went up to Minho. Eyes regretful, she grabbed his sleeve,
“Hey? Really? That’s what you have to say to me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Minho.”
“Don’t. Don’t call me that.”
“Don’t you want an explanation for why I did what I did?”
Minho stopped breathing for a second. That was the one thing he desperately craved. He needed to know why he wasn’t enough. She knew.
“Minho, it wasn’t because of you. You were amazing. It’s just. I met Jiyong years ago, at a fan sign, and he helped me out. He probably doesn’t remember it, but I fell for him.”
His voice broke.
“So, you dated me to get to Jiyong hyung?”
“Minho, but please. I love you. Please. Please can we try this again?”
“You love me?” He laughed. “What bullshit. If you did, you never would have done what you did.”
“Minho please. I’m so sorry. I’ve never regretted anything more.”
He pulled away from her.
“I have a girlfriend. Leave me alone.”
And he walked off. What was odd however, was that she didn’t seem too upset about that as she kept an eye out for Jiyong to return. Minho managed to walk away, but the moment he closed the door behind him, all he could think about was what she said. And how you had liked Jiyong. And known him for years. And how she dated him to get to Jiyong. Fucking hell. Why Jiyong of all people?
You somehow managed to get though the day, the only good part of which was seeing Jae stammer as he lied about tripping somewhere. The moment you walked out of the office though, you called up the one person you needed to see.
“Hey Mirae. Wanna get some coffee together?”
“For you to offer me coffee, you must be really out of it. What’s up?”
You smiled. You needed to just relax with your best friend for a while.
“Nothing much. Just... it was a long day.”
“Sure. I’m home right now, so you can come over if you want.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in ten. Keep some sweat pants out for me.”
 You lay back relaxing on her couch, blissfully wiggling your arms in the oversized sweatshirt and comfy pants she gave you.
“I’m stealing these.”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
You sat up and sipped on the lemon tea she made you and you could almost feel the tension leave your body.
“Okay, spill.”
You took a deep breath and turned to face her.
“You remember Jae, right?”
Her expression turned wary.
“Yes, I do. Asshole.”
“Yeah, he’s playing Jiyong in the MV. And Minho’s ex Yuna is playing… the girl.”
“Yeah, I know.”
You recounted the day’s events for her, leaving out the bit about him turning up at your apartment drunk and you buying him breakfast the next morning. Mirae always hated Jae, so you knew she’d be mad when she found out, but she just remained silent. Then you told her about what Jiyong said, or rather almost said and how you cut him off.
“He never really cared about me anyway.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
You stared at her, dumbfounded.
“I definitely wouldn’t say that.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“He’s gotten you home when you were drunk on more than one occasion. He’s taken care of you when you couldn’t walk straight. He took it upon himself to cheer up the woman he loved after her boyfriend was an asshole to her at Sohyun’s wedding. He’s comforted you whenever he felt you needed it. Granted, he didn’t know his behaviour caused it most of the time. I have never seen him as worried as he was the day you fainted and he carried you home. He keeps your confession in his wallet. Women don’t stay with him because he can’t stop thinking about you. You’re the only one who can comfort him and cheer him up when he’s feeling low. You managed to get him to cut down on his smoking. He sleeps well only around you. Y/N, you matter to him. A lot.”
“What… Love? Mirae, I thought you didn’t like the thought of us together.”
“I didn’t. Because he didn’t realise he liked you and you never called him out on shit when he was mean to you. It was bad for both of you. Worse for you though. But now, he’s changed. You’ve changed. And now, I think it’ll be better. I don’t know whether I’ll like it, but it’ll be better now. You’re happy with Minho though, so I’m not saying to break up with him. I just want you to know that… things are different now. He still has a lot to make up for. Years of him being toxic aren’t just going to disappear. But even though he told me not to tell you, I feel like you have a right to know about the things he’s done for you over the years. I may be harsh on him, but he’s my brother. And you’re my best friend. And in the end, I just want both of you to be happy. You don’t have to be happy together. Just…be happy.”
You stared at her in shock. She sighed.
“I know. I know you never knew about any of this. And maybe I should have told you earlier. But you were just beginning to get over him when you cut him out of your life and that was what you needed then. Now, things are weird. You’re working with him but you’re in a happy relationship with Minho. He likes you but he’s not trying to make a move on you, although his album is literally about you.”
“I liked him for all these years and he never said anything?”
“He liked you before you liked him. And he didn’t say anything because he was an idiot. And he was scared. And that made him an ass. Don’t get me wrong. He was a Grade A jackass, but I think you should know this.”
You couldn’t comprehend all of this. You felt overwhelmed by this crushing pain. All those years that you liked him, he liked you back? Instead of all those years of questioning yourself, the two of you could have just been together? You felt some anger, but more than anger, you just felt sad. In a barely audible whisper, you said,
“Mirae, tell me everything.”
She looked up, clearly concerned, but she told you everything. About how he started liking you ten years ago, how he convinced himself he didn’t, how he took care of you that night when you were drunk, how he went back to search for you at the park. And with every word, your heart hurt a little more. You liked Minho. It wasn’t even a possibility that you would break up with him after gaining this information, but it really twisted a knife through your heart when you thought of all those years. You stood silently after Mirae was done, gathering your things to leave. She jumped up, worried.
“Where are you going?”
“Home. I just really need a little time and space to wrap my head around this.”
“You okay?”
You turned and gave her a sad smile.
“Not exactly, but I’ll get there. I just need to think about this.”
 You got home, showered and napped. You needed time to rest and recover. It had been a very long day. You just wanted Minho to come home soon, so that you could cuddle with him and maybe have a tough conversation about everything you found out today. Oh shit. You’d also have to tell him about Yuna. And you didn’t want that. It did seem like he would be home late though.
Minho was in his studio, trying not to think too much about everything that happened when he heard a soft knock on the door. He opened it and nearly slammed it shut when he saw Yuna standing there. He would have too, if she hadn’t stuck her foot in there to prevent him from doing that.
“Can we talk Minho?”
“What do you want Yuna?”
“Yuna? Sweetheart, whatever happened to baby girl?”
He stared at her in disbelief. She walked past him and made herself comfortable on the couch.
“Minho, I need to apologise for everything that happened a few years ago. It was horrible. And if I could, I would turn back time to prevent that from happening.”
“Yeah, but you can’t, so what’s the point of all of this?”
“Minho, please. You’re the only man I’ve ever been happy with. And you know that we were happy together. Please. Let’s give this one last shot?”
Minho remained silent and Yuna took that as an invitation to move closer to him. She gently put         her hand on his thigh and starting tracing patterns.
“Minho, baby, please. I’m sorry.”
Minho’s mind was clouded. He was so mad that Jiyong hyung was so involved with his girlfriend. He was mad because of their history. He was mad because of his history. He was hurt by everything. At the back of his mind, a small voice told him that he knew that his chemistry with Yuna was unbelievable and he had never had better sex, but still. The thought of you, smiling as you hugged him after a long day couldn’t let him give in. He was tempted. So tempted to not stop Yuna’s hand that was trailing upwards but then he remembered the one time he saw you cry because of a movie. It was just a sad movie, but he had promised himself that he would never be the cause of those tears. He grabbed Yuna’s hand and turned to her to tell her to back off when he kissed him. He was too shocked to do anything about it, so she deepened it. The moment Minho realised what was going on, he pushed her off him.
“What the fuck Yuna?! I told you I have a girlfriend.”
She just looked away, not answering him.
“Get out. Get out of my studio right now and never come back.”
Minho got home a while later, exhausted, stressed, nervous, guilty and jealous. Not a great mix of emotions. His jealousy only amplified when he saw you working on a concept for Jiyong.   Not fucking Jiyong again. You were so deep in thought you didn’t hear him, so when he hugged you, you jumped.
“What’s wrong Minho? Long day?”
Minho stared at you for a minute, hating how the only thing he could think of was the way Jiyong stood before you protectively. He didn’t reply, instead leaning in to pull you into a deep kiss, his hands travelling down your legs and wrapping them around his waist.
“Yes, it was. Will you help me forget about it?”  
 Not long after that, you were lying face down on the bed, with tears streaming down your face as Minho’s fingers pumped into you. He was giving you your fifth orgasm. It was too much. Way too much. It has crossed from pleasure to just plain painful. Something was wrong with him that day. He was usually very responsive to your non-verbal cues. He seemed preoccupied and angry. You barely managed to croak out,
The speed of his fingers increased.
“That’s master to you.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You cried out.
“Minho, stop! Popcorn!”
It took a minute for it to register that you had just used your safe word with him. Once it did though, everything stopped. He immediately stopped, moving away from you. You fell to your side, tears still streaming down your face. You were shaking and you couldn’t keep your eyes open. It hurt so much.
“Oh fuck.”
He tried to wrap a blanket around you but you flinched at his touch. His face fell, but he moved away. God, it hurt so much that you flinched, but it was his fault. He should have checked in on you more. You slowly covered yourself with the blanket and waited till you stopped shivering.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. Fuck. I’m really sorry. I should have checked in on you more.”
You shook your head.
“It’s okay. You didn’t mean to. And it’s over now. We just have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
He was unsure when he leaned closer, moving some hair back from your face.
“I’m sorry.”
You just gave him a slight smile and held his hand.
“I accept your apology.”
“I’ll get you some hot chocolate?”
“Yes please.”
And Minho left for the kitchen. While your body still hurt and you were exhausted, you weren’t mad at him. You just wanted to know what was troubling him. You were snapped out of your thoughts when a notification popped up on your phone.
It was from Mirae.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I thought he was better than that. Remember, you can always just come and stay with me for a while.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. What was Mirae talking about? Who was she talking about? Did Jiyong do something? You opened your browser to try and figure things out when you realised your boyfriend’s name was trending. And your heart stopped when you saw why.
“BREAKING NEWS: WINNER’s MINO and Model Yuna dating!”    
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