#I think I’d prefer to d*e rather than see my friends d*e because of me it’s too much pain
thiamine · 2 years
me, rewatching Alice in Borderland S1E3: ok here it comes I’ve seen this before I’m not gonna cry this time 😐
me, 5 seconds into flashbacks and Arisu running around trying to find his friends:
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office-anomaly · 2 months
I mean, I’d love to hear your varcie thoughts!
(again, these are my opinions only. we can discuss to avoid fighting if ever there is disagreement lol ;w;)
ok so i will preface this by saying that everything is framed in the context of SDMI since marcie appears in that show only. vaphne and varcie are both good ships, but i prefer varcie a bit more due to how in sync velma is with marcie in a way that i think is even more aligned than she is with daphne in the show. and an extra element that i think seals the deal for me!
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the first is the most obvious, which is velma and marcie being more aligned in interest and intellect. daphne is also intelligent, but it manifests more in her empathy and social navigation rather than hard knowledge and investigative method. this difference in approaching problems is important, and since marcie has the same (or near the same) informational understanding of the world as velma, this allows her to help velma in more straightforward ways. one example is how they were able to reverse engineer a tracking device from a chip they found, making investigation easier. given velma's one-track mindedness for mystery-solving, this could be read as commitment on marcie's part.
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velma and marcie also both come from the same circuit. while different interests have not hindered velma and daphne from forming a meaningful friendship, it did affect priorities for them, the most obvious one being personal pursuits. having similar approaches to problem-solving allows velma and marcie focus on the task at hand most, if not all, the time. this lessens the likelihood of derailment and friction. a fair thing consider though is there's speculation here due to how brief marcie's appearance was in SDMI.
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second is how they made each other better people in the short time they had on SDMI. as i said in a previous post that i like vaphne because V&D make each other better people, but we see this across the span of many shows and movies rather than being contained in a single storyline, so it feels less urgent and more stable. i felt like in SDMI, it was more of a given that V&D would be there for each other rather than a development i'm supposed to follow. in the case of velma and marcie, it was such a delight to see them develop into each other's support systems, even if its origins were off-screen in the time between seasons. personally, this feels more heartwarming because you see how big the changes are in velma when she came to terms with who she is and dropped whatever pretense she had about what she thinks she needs. it was refreshing and freeing to see her not want to change anything about marcie because she already knows that this is what she needs.
in marcie's case, she finally found a friend (and possibly more) in velma and doesn't feel like she has to put up walls around her. it's fairly simple since she's a secondary character, but it doesn't feel any less earned.
the whole rivals-to-friends-to-lovers thing is honestly so peak, i have to say.
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third and last is...there's an element of reckless abandon that adds a lot of drama to this ship--which is ironic since both girls are shown to be very logical and grounded. what does this mean? you have to excuse me for being a bit delusional, but it reads like love to me. i think this is a unique factor of varcie, where our girls make dangerous, borderline bonkers calls in the name of love for each other.
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we all know what happened at the end of marcie's arc, but there were other instances where she willingly laid down her own safety just so velma can achieve her goals. it almost feels kind of like a soap opera, where love takes over logic by way of self-sacrifice (figuratively and *sigh* literally). like you gotta realize how insane it is for marcie to say yes to going into the heart of Mr. E's lair to steal the disks for velma (and mystery inc). that is not a light favor to ask, and not a light favor to agree to!
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on velma's end, she has to swallow her grief and see things through to not waste marcie's sacrifice. that is not an easy thing to do either. there's a tinge of madness happening in this ship that's driven by love and i think that's bittersweet and beautiful :( i try to be normal about this ship, but i fail most of the time lol
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so yeah, that's pretty much it. thanks for being patient and reading my thoughts on varcie. i wanted to make sure what i'm writing made sense, so hopefully it does (??). if there are any violent reactions, let me know, we can talk about it :D
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sawwyfac3 · 4 years
Sal Fisher SFW Alphabet A-P
Hi everyone! I know I’m not as active as I’d like to be but I am a student doing my GCSE’s during a pandemic and I deal with bad procrastination so I’m giving myself limited time on things that aren’t than work. But I’m writing some NSFW for Sal and Larry which is going to be out *VERY* soon along with some other head cannons. I hope your all happy, safe and hydrated! Have a nice day/night <3
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
- When Sal spends time with his S/O, sometimes you just lay down, and just talk about random things or how each others day went or even in complete silence, basking in each others warmth and the love you feel for one another. Other times you take time doing each others hobbies, such as Sal teaching you how to play guitar
- You don't go outside much though, as Sal prefers the safety and comfort of being indoors, but if you want to go to the park or something with him he won't object.
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
- What Sal admires most about you is your kindness, he thinks that your open mindedness and not judging others by first impression or appearance is the most beautiful thing about you. He also admires how you're able to see the beauty in anything, even in someone like him.
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
- It depends on what type of person you are. If you require some alone time, Sal will do just that but he will check up on you occasionally. If you need human affection or someone to talk to, Sal's your guy.
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
- He pictures his future with his S/O in a plethora of ways, he wouldn't mind getting married or having a kid or two and if he or you find out or realize that you can't have/don't want kids, he's fine having some fur babies instead.
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
- Sal is neither dominant or passive, you are both equal in your relationship
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
- He absolutely HATES it when you two fight, although it happens rarely, but when it does happens it's quite serious. Depending on the degree of the argument either he and his S/O will apologise and make up. However, if it's REALLY bad, your going to have to give him some time, this doesn't mean that he won't apologise or expect you to, he just needs time to collect himself and his thoughts.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
- He's not really spontaneous with gifts, he normally sticks to anniversaries but sometimes he finds a cool accessory that he thinks would suit you and gives it to you.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
- When Sal is in love it's kinda obvious, however because of his prosthetic it's harder to detect his emotions unless you've been around him for a while. Sal in love includes: awkwardness and stuttering, longing gazes and locking eyes for a little too long and him blushing HARD whenever you compliment him (when he blushes his ears go red)
Example: "Wow Sal! Your so good at playing guitar!" "I-uh, t-thanks Y/n!"
- Sal is a romantic at heart who expresses his love through words and affection, I headcannon that Sal is kinda touch starved, so he longs for intimacy in a relationship. In public he's too shy to full on cuddle or make out with you but he does put his arm around your shoulders and if he's feeling more confident, your waist. He also holds your hand EVERY TIME you walk together, mainly because he's afraid that if he lets go, something bad will happen and you'll never come back.
- He doesn't really brag but sometimes he rambles on about you and how amazing you are.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
- The thing that first attracted Sal to you was your looks, he's not shallow but he doesn't mind a cute face. Later on he realised that he was full on attracted was when he got to know you and got to see your nature. His first impression of you was that you were a cute, kind person. So he wasn't too far off the accuracy scale.
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
- He doesn't really get jealous, he trusts you, but sometimes he can't help it. When Sal does deal with jealousy, he tries not to show it, but he's kinda bad at it as his tone of voice becomes a lot more deep and harsh and he gets more handsy with you.
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
- Surprisingly, Sal's a good kisser, even with little to no experience. Sal's a fast learner, so he soon learns what you both like and don't like. Your first kiss was sweet but short.
- (he practices kissing with his mask but you don't need to know that). He mostly kisses your lips, forehead and cheeks, if he's feeling a little saucy he'll kiss your collarbone or your neck.
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
- The little things Sal loves about his S/O is your little habits, such as doodling, playing with your hair, etc. Sal is very attentive, he notices things that even you didn't notice about yourself.
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
- Sal wants to get married, he just loves being domestic in general. Sal proposes to you after at least 5-6 years of dating, he would take you to Wendigo lake for a picnic and asks you to marry him as the sun sets.
- You and Sal's wedding would be a private affair, in a small venue with only close friends and family in attendance.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
- He goes for the minimal, "babe" most of the time but sometimes he'll call you baby, sweetie, etc. You call Sal "babe" as well most of the time, but sometimes you call him honey, love and baby blue
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
- He hardly hides anything from you, but if it's something that could get you hurt or entirely out of his and your control, he'll try his best to keep it from you. But the thought of lying to you makes him feel sick to his stomach.
- It isn't really easy for him to share with someone he isn't close with but with you he feels like he can tell you anything.
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
- Sal has to make himself food when Henry isn't home, so he's a pretty decent cook. If his S/O is interested in cooking, he'll probably borrow some cook books of Lisa and try some different things. 
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Leviathan
Levi is my fave of the brothers, so I thought my first (official) post should be about him. And since I’m not good at coming up with prompts on my own, I decided to start with the sfw alphabet. I’ll probably do the other brothers at some point after this (most likely, Belphie will be next). 
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, he’ll be very hesitant with showing affection. Verbal affection will usually be him comparing you to his favorite characters (like Henry) or complimenting you on pretty much anything you do. Physical affection is much harder for him, so you’ll have to initiate most of it, but after a while he’ll become more open. It will start off slow: sitting close together while gaming/watching anime, hand holding, and cheek/forehead kisses. If you manage t break his various walls of insecurity, he’ll become more affectionate and will begin initiating affection on his own. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He is that friend who is constantly hyping you up about everything. You want to cosplay a character? He’ll make you a custom outfit. You wanna sign up for a gaming tournament? He’ll be your partner in crime. The friendship would most likely start with you finally getting it through his head that you are, in fact, not a normie, and you too would then go on to geek out over your favorite series together. Like a romantic relationship, he would be hesitant to really open up, but after some time (and lots of reassurance) he would be super open and honest with you. He will come to you anytime he feels insecure, and he hopes you’ll do the same, cause he wants to be there for you always. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Like anything else, he is very shy when it comes to cuddling. He is touched starved, but he is also very insecure and thinks he doesn’t deserve it. You’d have to be the one to initiate the cuddles, and even then he’d still be unsure. However, once he’s comfy with you, he’ll always be up for cuddles. To him, it’s the perfect way to be intimate without getting too embarrassed. His ideal position would be you spooning him, but that would only really work in your bed. If you two end up in his tub, he’ll lay on his back and you’ll lay on top of him. If he’s in his demon form, he’ll usually wrap his tail around you as well. He also likes it when you talk to him, especially if it is either complimenting him or talking about a game/anime you like. Really, he just loves hearing your voice. Head pats are also encouraged. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He doesn’t really seem like the type to settle down. He wants to live on his own with you for sure, but things like marriage or kids just don’t really do it for him. The closest he’ll get to kids is having a pet (he prefers reptiles, amphibians, or fish, but he could be persuaded if you really wanted a fur baby instead). As for cooking and cleaning, have you met him? The most cooking he’ll do is trying out recipes he finds in anime and games, and even then he’ll ask you to do the brunt of the work. And cleaning is much worse. If you pressure him enough, he might help you, but you’d better like cleaning cause you’ll be doing most (if not all) of it. Don’t worry though, he’ll cheer you on from the comfort of his gaming setup. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he had to break up with a partner, he would probably stress over it for weeks.  Most likely, it’ll be his own insecurity making him believe that he doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you. In this case, he would just tell you that straight up, and it would be your job to convince him that he does deserve you and that you do love him more than anything. However, if it is your fault, he will have a much harder time figuring out how to break it off. He’s not very good at confrontation, so he’ll most likely just text you. He knows that this a cheap move, but it’s the only way he can do it without dying. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As I said before, he’s not too keen on marriage or settling down. If you want to get married, you’d have to talk to him about it, and you’d probably end up being the one to propose as well. However, he doesn’t really care about marriage. In his eyes, he doesn’t need marriage. He loves you, and he (after years of convincing) knows that you love him too, and that’s all he needs. The way you two are right now is perfect to him, so he doesn’t feel the need to change that. But, as I said, if you really wanted to get married to him, he wouldn’t mind because he loves you. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
In terms of physicality, he’ll be super gentle. You’re a human and he’s a demon, and the last thing he wants is to hurt his precious Henry. Even as you guys get closer, he’ll still be as gentle as possible, and it might take a while for him to be more physically affectionate for fear of hurting you. Emotionally, he is a bit different. At first, he’ll be super tsundere (calling you normie, constantly friend-zoning you, etc.) but he’ll start to stop once he sees that it genuinely hurts your feelings. As you two learn more about each other, he’ll try and avoid saying or doing anything that could upset you, but there are times that old habits will reappear and he’ll say something mean by mistake. After, he’ll be super apologetic and will constantly ask if he can do anything to make it up to you.  
 H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
At first, he’ll try and push you away anytime you try and hug him. This isn’t because he dislikes hugs, but more so because he knows he’ll get al flustered if you touch him. Eventually, you do manage to hug him, and he melts right into it. It’s clear that he is rather touched starved, so affection like this is very strange, but also very nice. For a while, he won’t be too open to hugs just because he’s nervous about being that close to you, but hugs eventually become one of his main forms of affection. In the beginning, his hugs were very stiff and short-lasting due to his awkwardness, but as he becomes more expressive, his hugs begin to loosen up and they become some of the best hugs ever. As a plus, if you ever hug him while he’s in his demon form, he’ll wrap his tail around you too, and it feels really nice. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He is very hesitant to say it, and, like everything else, you’ll most likely be the one to initiate it. I’d say it’d take a solid year or so for him to even consider bringing up the idea of love, let alone actually say it aloud. However, if you do say it to him, he’ll absolutely say it back with only a little hesitation. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This boy is the literal Avatar of Envy, so you know he’s jealous 24/7. He’ll get jealous at the slightest thing, especially if it involves his brothers. When he is jealous, he’ll do one of two things. The first is he’ll lock himself in his room and sulk until you (or one of his brothers) drags him out of his room and forces him to talk about his feelings. The second, and the one that happens more as you two get closer, is that he’ll steal you away from who/whatever is making him jealous. From there, he’ll bring you to his or your room where you’ll binge watch anime for the rest of the night. If you try and get out of it, his jealousy will only get worse, so prepare for no breaks during this binge. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
At first, his kisses are super hesitant, and he is very slow to actually initiate anything. Over time, he’ll eventually learn how to take the lead every now and then, and he starts becoming more sure of himself. Most of his kisses are fleeting, and you’ll sometimes miss them if you aren’t paying attention. His favorite spot to kiss you is on your cheek. To him, it’s a safe spot that doesn’t make him all that flustered compared to something like lips or neck. His favorite spot to be kissed is on the top of his head. It makes him feel safe and loved, and that is another spot that doesn’t leave him entirely flustered. He particularly likes head kisses during cuddles. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
This boy isn’t very good around people in general, so it’s no surprise that he’s even worse around children. He finds them to be annoying and a waste of time to deal with. The only exceptions he’ll make is if he finds a child character from a game/anime he really likes. If you have any child siblings, he might also make an exception for them, but no promises. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
It’s pretty rare that he’ll actually go to sleep, so most morning involve you waking up to him rage-quitting over a game or something. On the occasion that he does join you for the night, you’ll usually wake up first. Most of those times, he’ll have accidentally shifted into demon form, so good luck trying to get out of bed with that tail wrapped around you. He usually prefers to spend the mornings cuddling with you and just basing in each other’s presence.  Maybe he’ll convince you to skip school and stay in bed with him longer if he’s feeling particularly brave that morning (you better say yes). 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Most nights are spent playing games and watching anime with each other. It also usually ends with you falling asleep on his shoulder and him getting super flustered by how adorable you look. If you do end up falling asleep, he’ll carry you either to his tub or to your room. He’ll usually go back to playing his game, but there is a rare moment where he’ll lay with you and just enjoy having you with him. And if you do end up staying awake the whole night with him, it’ll usually end with both of you getting yelled at by Lucifer. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s pretty hesitant to reveal much about himself at first. He hates almost everything about himself, and he’s convinced you also hate that stuff about him, so it takes a lot of time and patience to get him to open up. I’d say it would take a few months at the earliest and maybe over a year at the latest for him to start fully expressing himself to you. He’s also very slow, often taking his time with telling you things. Sometimes you’ll have to interpret what he wants based off of signals and your own intuition. However, if you’re open with him, it might make him feel more confident in opening up to you as well. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Despite popular belief, he isn’t actually that quick to anger. He gets jealous really easily, but he usually doesn’t get mad. The only times he might get mad is if someone repeatedly hits on you even if you clearly don’t like it. He also gets mad if you beat him in a game, but he gets over it quickly, especially as time goes on and you two get closer. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He is totally the type to keep a little journal filled with facts about you. From your likes and dislikes, to the smallest little quirks you have, this boy will have them all memorized. He is especially good with remembering characters from games/anime you like, and he’ll often use these as potential cosplay inspirations. It’s rare that he’ll forget anything, but usually it’s only small details he forgets anyway. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment is the first time you cosplayed for him. He had made you a henry cosplay that he worked on for weeks with little breaks. It was one of his proudest creations, and he was so excited when you agreed to try it on. When he saw you in it for the first time, he was absolutely blown away by how amazing you looked. He had never blushed harder, and he was super embarrassed about it, but it was worth it. Seeing you happy with his creation is all that mattered to him in that moment. And the praise you gave him afterwards made the whole moment 10x better in his mind. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He has a natural instinct to protect you since you are weaker than him (and most demons). However, he understands if you don’t like being babied, and will give you space when asked. Though, he will still keep tabs on you since he is the Avatar of Envy and all. He would never admit it, but he loves the idea of being protected by you. He constantly puts himself down and convinces himself you’re too good for him, so seeing you stand up for him makes him fall in love all over again, no matter ho many times it happens. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He doesn’t put much effort into most things unless it involves gaming or anime, but he does really try for you. For important dates, he’ll usually make you something like a game or a cosplay. He’s not one for elaborate dates, but if he knew that’s what you wanted, he would probably go to Asmo for advice on what to do. It may not seem like much at first, but he really wants to make you happy, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to see you smile. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?
His biggest bad habit is constantly putting himself down. At first, it almost seems like he’s just fishing for compliments, but you eventually realize that he really is that self-conscious. He also has a bad habit of staying up for days on end and neglecting self-care, so you’ll usually have to drag him to bed so he doesn’t end up sick. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
The only time he is ever concerned with his looks is if it’s for a cosplay. Other than that, he could care less when he looks like. He’s been a hermit for years, so it’s not like he needs to look presentable anyway. If you want him to change up his look at all, it would take some major convincing on your part. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would absolutely feel incomplete without you. Even if you are in the next room, he still feels like he’s missing a piece of himself when you aren’t right next to him. At first, he assumes it’s a side-effect of his sin, but he soon realizes that it is just you. After this realization, he refuses to let you out of his sight, and if you do leave his sight, he’ll sulk about it until you come back. Of course, he would never let you know about any of this damn tsundere. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I personally headcanon that Levi is trans (I don’t wanna see any hate in the comments). He’d be super nervous to tell you about it since it’s just another layer of insecurity for him. When he does finally tell you (or you find out on your own) he’ll be a blushing mess the whole time. If you’re also trans, he’d feel super relieved that he finally has someone to relate to, even if you aren’t ftm like he is. It isn’t something he talks about often after that, but you will have to occasionally check in on him to make sure he’s doing okay with his dysphoria. 
 Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, he hates leaving his room unless he absolutely has too. Anytime someone tries to drag him outside, he will be complaining and whining the entire time. In a partner, he hates someone that is overly-extroverted and loud. He also dislikes people who don’t watch anime or play games. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
When he does sleep, he has this habit of shifting into his demon form. If he is sleeping with someone and this happens, he will subconsciously wrap his tail around them. This is usually not ideal if you have to get up in the middle of the night for whatever reason. 
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angelicspaceprince · 3 years
SFW Alphabet Heisenberg Headcanons
I posted these on my AO3 but I thought I’d move my headcanons onto Tumblr too - all fanfics are staying on AO3 at this stage.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Heisenberg is a man of action, not of words. He’d be more inclined to show affection through gift giving or physical touch once you’ve reached that level of familiarity around him. In public, definitely a lot more possessive behaviour that’s merged in with physical affection, like his arm around your shoulders or waist, hand holding, making sure you’re within arms reach.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
There would be so much swearing. You’d have to be forced to be around him for a long time before he warmed up to you, and would have to prove that you were trying to be friends with the intent of being his friend, not for Miranda’s or your gain. I personally HC that he and Donna get along well enough that they spend time with one another sometimes, so even being an acquaintance of Donna’s and meeting that way would help speed things up a bit. He’d pop in on you during really bad moments ‘just to say hi’ but then you wouldn’t hear from him for months because he’s too focused on his metal army to realise how much time has passed.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He will never admit it, but he does love a cuddle. If you manage to convince him to have a cuddle session with you, he will always, always insist on being the mattress or the big spoon, and will play with your hair and trace random words and numbers against your back. When he’s had enough or needs to do something he will make a snide remark about you having had your fun and he needs to get up to do actual adult shit now, but you always find he’s a lot calmer after having a good cuddle. During rough days are the days that he will approach you directly and state plainly that he wants you to be the big spoon or the mattress, loving the feeling of your hands in his hair or playing with his various necklaces or tracing weird patterns that don’t make sense against his skin. He loves a good cuddle, but again. He will deny it until his last breath.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Heisenberg can cook one (1) meal and he burns it every single time. He claims it ‘adds flavour’, but in reality he was so focused on something that he forgot that he had something on the stove until he smelt smoke. He’s also not a clean man, not organised - shit just goes on the floor and when he needs it, he eventually finds it or a replacement.
I don’t think Heisenberg would want to settle down intentionally. He’s so focused on leaving the village that it consumes every waking and sleeping thought. But, that being said, if someone was to arrive and start acting domestic around him once he’d lowered his walls enough, he’d quickly fall into some sense of routine that looks very, very domestic from the outside. He’s very much the sort of man who doesn’t ask you out, you just end up dating somehow.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Cut and run. He doesn’t had time for emotions (before leaving the village) and he’s not good with words so he’d rather just up and leave and save himself the hassle. Probably wouldn’t even leave a note or send a text, you’d just have to figure it out for yourself that he was alive and had left you and not dead in a ditch.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Definitely not whilst living in the village. Again, he’d not really ask someone to be in a relationship more than he’d just fall into one. But, once he’s realised that you’re dating (and after he’s left the village, whichever comes last), he may start thinking about something more long term. I feel like it would take years for him to realise that he wants to marry you, and then years again before he asks. You’ve got to be in it for the long-haul and after escaping the village, there is a lot of healing that would need to take place. So. Don’t expect marriage any time soon.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Surprisingly, very? He’s a hard ass at first, but the longer you know him and the more he drops his guard, the more you realise he’s a big ole softy underneath his hard shell. He wears a lot of his more intense emotions on his sleeves, but the more intimate ones are harder to come by and usually it takes a unique gaze to realise that he’s been gentle to you for a while, it’s just in a very Heisenberg way.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Same with cuddling, he’ll never admit that he likes them but he does. You have to initiate most hugs, with his preference being you pressed up against his back as he sits by his desk or table with your head resting either on top or next to his own. He’s always warm, and a weird but comforting blend of strong muscle with soft fat makes his hugs some of the best you’ve ever experienced. Sometimes he needs them for a little pick me up and sometimes you need them for the same reason. If you ask him to hug you first, with your head pressed against his chest or shoulder, he will grumble and tease you a little, but never, ever deny you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Oh, forever. I’m convinced that Heisenberg shows his love rather than says it - you learn his little love declarations as time goes on (him fussing over you or saying some form of praise where an ‘I love you’ would be appropriate, him making or doing something for you. Stuff like that). I don’t think Heisenberg would say I love you very often, it’d only be during highly emotional or important moments that the word would just slip out.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Ahaha. Ahaha. Ahahahahaha. Yeah no he gets jealous a lot. It does not take much. Angie demanding too much of your time? Jealous. Alcina inviting you to dinner with her and her girls. Jealous. That random kid from the village asking you for help and giving you a flower as thanks? Jealous. He tends to get more closed off to you and short, and if it’s Alcina who’s the one who makes him feel this way or, heaven forbid, someone showing interest in you romantically, there will be violence. Otherwise, just a lot of pouting and occasional rants about how they know not to bother you and he’s only looking out for you and is definitely not jealous that your attention can’t be on him 100% of the time.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Rough, scratchy. Usually heated but every now and again you’ll have a soft make out session or give each other a simple peck as you walk by. He loves kissing your shoulders and neck just to see you shiver, and forehead kisses are his preferred way to show affection in this manner. He isn’t that fussed where he’s kissed, just as long as he gets to feel your lips against him in some way.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Depends on the age - useless with babies. Absolutely useless. But once kids start talking and he’s able to answer questions or teach them words and phrases that will have their parents seeing red? He’s incredible, mostly because he’s having the time of his life teaching them anything and everything, including different swears to share with their parents the moment they get home.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Pre escape: Each start to the day usually revolves around trying to find out where he’s passed out this time, or if he’s slept at all. Usually you’d bring him something to eat and drink to keep him going and ask what he worked on overnight before you go to get ready for your day.
Post escape: Most mornings, he’d wake up before you and you’d be woken by him playing with your hair or tracing his fingertips against your skin. You’ve taught him how to use the coffee machine, so sometimes he’ll have a coffee there waiting for you. It takes a lot of work for you to pull away from him in the mornings, mostly because he refuses to let you go, but regardless, its a stark contrast to the way he was before escaping Miranda.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Pre escape: You try and stay up with him as long as possible, not wanting him to not have the company. Eventually, you pass out next to him, something he finds hysterical and heartwarming at the same time - he’ll never admit it but he never thought he’d meet anyone that would trust him enough to fall asleep next to him. He usually lets you rest there for a little bit, finding comfort in your soft snoring and occasional shifting, before he picks you up and carries you to bed, making sure you’re tucked in nice and warm before going back to his work. The softness can wait for after you’ve both survived his escape plan, and not a second before.
Post escape: I see two things happening frequently: The first is you falling asleep on the couch with your legs in his lap as you struggle to stay awake as he watches a show on the telly. You don’t want to leave but you struggle to stay awake. When the show is finished, he picks you up and, much like back at the village, carries you to bed but only this time he crawls in after you, curling you up against his side or slotting your back against his front, falling asleep seconds after he has you in a comfortable position for the both of you.
You end up going to bed a little bit early to do something, maybe read a book or scroll on your phone, who knows. Heisenberg eventually joins you, crawling into your lap until his head is resting against your chest. He falls asleep on top of you as you play with his hair, his arms wrapped tightly around your middle as you continue helping to bring him down after a stressful day.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
So, so slowly. I’m talking at least a year of him being completely closed off because he even lowers his guard a little. He’s been hurt before, he’s been used before. And as far as he knows, you could be someone Miranda sent to him to keep tabs on him, or you could be toying with him for your own amusement. You really would have to show that you are there for him before he started opening up to you, and even then it wouldn’t be in waves, it would be in drips and trickles.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This man has anger issues, he gets angry at the drop of a hat.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He won’t remember stories, or names, or dates - time just blends into one, endless mess for him. But he will remember facts. You tell him your favourite colour or favourite snack? In his mind forever. You make an offhand remark about wanting something? Next time he’s at the Duke’s, he’ll see if he has any in stock.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you escaped the village by far, the pair of you in the back of the Duke’s cart as he gets the pair of you away after seeing your home blow up thanks to Ethan. It was the first time that the both of you weren’t on edge or scared that you were seconds away from death, and after the adrenaline of the escape had gone through your system, you were tucked up against his chest, fast asleep as Heisenberg chewed on his cigar, his arm wrapped tightly around you. It was a new beginning for the pair of you, and Heisenberg was excited to see exactly what the world had to offer to the both of you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Incredibly, especially around Alcina and Mother Miranda. The other lords, not so much. He’s close enough to Donna to know that she wasn’t interested in stealing you, she only wanted to be her friend. Moreau was too scared of Heisenberg to try and pull any shit, the Duke was just a friend and he knew it would never go beyond that but everyone else? Is an immediate threat. There would be a lot of tugging you into his lap, keeping you tucked by his side, using his metal to hold you close. There would be a lot of threats and shouting as well as insult throwing if anyone so much as looked at you funny or made a small comment about taking you away, especially at Alcina. He’d try and keep you away from the village and from the family meetings as much as possible, and his hand would never leave your thigh or your waist if you were forced to attend. He’d make it clear that you were off limits to everyone and anyone.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Not much? Maybe after escaping the village he’ll put a little more effort into certain anniversaries but dates are simple affairs, anniversaries don’t mean much to him. He’d rather show his love to you everyday through small tasks to make your life more comfortable than put all his effort into certain dates. Gifts, however, is where he puts most of his energy - he definitely makes most of his gifts for you. Be it something small that he thought you might like during the day to larger gifts that take time, he will make sure every part of it is perfect for you. You don’t get a gift every day, but you do get a gift most weeks.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Smoking in bed is one. He also has a tendency to focus too heavily on his escape plans that sometimes it can feel like you are being neglected. His bathing habits also are rather lacking too. He 100% wakes you up in the middle of the night to rant about something that is bothering him or explain excitedly to you something that he’s discovered or created.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not very - he is, according to him, a naturally handsome sonofabitch, why would he need to worry about his style or be attached to a mirror forever fixing his hair?
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It’s not so much a feeling of incompleteness because Heisenberg always feels empty and broken, but he definitely notices when you’re not nearby. It’s not like a piece of him is missing, but more like a recognition that something in his space is gone and he misses it and needs it back for him to feel more settled.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’s autistic. He got his accent from listening to/watching shows on the television in the 50s. Lady D helped raise him and it wasn’t until they had a falling out that they started to hate one another. He didn’t hate Mother Miranda until he was in his 20’s where it became apparent that they were only there because Miranda found some use for them after stumbling into her laboratory and finding her notes on all four of them. He’s also addicted to netflix and loves binge watching whatever he can, especially anything to do with creating/crafting/science. Can speak 3 languages fluently.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like to be fussed over, at least in a way that is blatantly clear that that’s what you’re doing. He is independent to a fault, and refuses to take care of himself - but if you try to do anything to help him without his asking first and it feels like an attempt to mother him? He hates it, with a passion. The longer you know him, the more you’re able to get away with when he knows it's coming from a place of concern, but he can only handle so much because he breaks and his temper flares.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Before escaping the village: He doesn’t sleep much and where he does sleep is wherever he passes out. The man lives off of caffeine, spite and cigars, and the amount of times you’ve found him passed out at one of his many desks is astounding. Best thing to do is cover him up and let him rest because at least he’s sleeping.
After escaping the village: He still doesn’t sleep much, only this time it's due to nightmares of being back in the village under Miranda’s control, or you getting hurt in his attempt to flee. He won’t sleep unless you’re asleep beside him and if that isn’t happening, he either doesn’t sleep at all or works himself to exhaustion so he passes out wherever he may be - just like in the village. He is, however, an octopus when he’s asleep. No matter what position the pair of you fall asleep in, you always end up in some weird tangle of limbs simply because he cannot be close enough to you.
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hello friends this is a post about Food Issues, having a body, and wearing clothes. I would actually like some advice, if you have any ideas for how to circumvent this problem.
tl:dr: all of my clothes are too big. like, to a ludicrous, untenable point. I need to wear clothes, as one does, but how?
I have lost an amount of weight recently, because of the Not Eating Problem. I do not own a scale and am not interested in one, for compulsion-minimization reasons, so I do not know how much weight.
the problem, however, is that absolutely none of my pants fit! I don't have a lot of summer pants, like three pairs, and all of the ones I have are much too big now. very too big.
I am not super invested in how clothes look on me, but I generally like to own at least some clothes that support the standard modesty requirements for leaving one's home. significantly too-big pants just don't want to stay on your body, because of how gravity is.
I don't own a belt. I could get one, which might fix the problem for the pair of pants I wear most often, so I should do that, but I don't think the other two pairs of pants have belt loops. I should dig them out of the laundry (or, like, wash the laundry) so I can check. is there a way to belt pants that don't come with loops?
belt acquisition would bring my wearable wardrobe to at least one pair of pants, no skirts, and I think three dresses, but I'd have to try the third one on. dresses tend to work better because they just look sort of awkwardly large on me, rather than literally trying to migrate off my body whenever gravity happens.
oh, plus my new dress, which I haven't unboxed yet, but also did buy with the assumption that I was approximately the size my body was in April, and I am some distance from that size, so we'll see how that goes.
so four dresses, one of them theoretically a bit fancy for casual wear, but also clothes is clothes, and one pair of pants if I can figure out belts.
that's not completely dire, but it's also Not Great, right? how many clothes items should one have? that doesn't seem like enough. I feel like I should have maybe two pairs of pants, in theory. also, I'm quite bad at laundry, which would be a problem even if I could wear all the clothes I have.
I am hesitant to buy pants that fit my current body size, for several reasons
(a I don't know how long I'm going to be here. I'm eating slightly better. I'm certainly not out of the woods, but I'm cautiously optimistic. my understanding of how this works is that once you start eating reliably, you bounce back up to somewhere that I am hoping is roughly around where I started out, so I can wear my clothes again and not have to buy a whole-ass wardrobe. if I do end up in a very different place long-term, I will burn that bridge when I come to it.
the place I currently am in seems temporary, is my point.
(b I do not actually spend a lot of time actively thinking about my weight, even when my food issues are as bad as they get, but I do have a history of having big negative feelings when I discover that clothes that used to fit me are now too small, because of Cultural Messaging and also being neurotic. I am feeling a bit fragile and the idea of giving myself a ticket for Future Bad Feelings About Your Body To Be Redeemed Once You Start Taking Care Of Yourself Again seems like a bad ticket to get.
(c being more mentally ill is already costing somewhat more money than being less mentally ill does, which is making me a bit scrupulous about the idea of buying clothes that will only be useful to me for... what, like a month? who knows! I do actually have the money, but it feels like Bad Choices money and I'm already spending my Bad Choices money on "making my life easier so I can focus on trying not to die."
(d this problem doesn't feel as insurmountable as the others, but usually my clothes acquisition process involves "talking to my mom or aunts about different clothes items" and I 3000% can't do that here,
all of those people would hear "lost weight due to literally starving to the point of physical sickness" and go either "great!" or, at best "maybe figure out how to eat enough that your body works without gaining any of the weight back" and NOPE.
I'm theoretically supposed to see my parents in October, but I may have to cancel for allegedly COVID reasons but actually like 40% insecurity about being exposed to my parents' COVID choices and 60% the knowledge that if they see me like this they will say something complimentary about my ED-related significant weight loss and that would be... a very bad experience! I do not want to have it! so I should table "convincing my parents not to be here" for right after "being able to dress myself"
also (e I kind of don't want to know how much I weigh now, or any current size measurements of how small I am. it seems like information I would prefer not to have for compulsiveness reasons. they feel like numbers I could get attached to.
okay! time for the solutions I have thought of
(a suck it up! get a BuildingFriend to measure me so I have some numbers that correspond to my body size and just don't be fucking insane about them! use those numbers to buy some clothes, probably cheap ones, as they will be temporary! spend some amount of money! tell my parents nothing and convince them not to come here! eventually donate the clothes when they no longer fit you! just don't be fucking insane about it!
the pros of this plan are "will own clothes I can leave the house in." the cons are that this does hinge to a certain extent on "just don't be insane in the future about things" which seems like writing a check I cannot cash.
(b just figure out how to do laundry, like, once a week. wear your dresses. get a belt. just don't wear pants when you're alone in your apartment, for maximum longevity of your few clothes options.
the pros here are "minimal expenditure of money, less to be insane about in future." the cons are both "laundry is so hard, though" and also, this feels like it will end with my five options getting worn out pretty quickly. how many times can you wear a dress before it ceases to dress? what if one or more of these things gets totally destroyed during its tenure as an essential clothing item and then I have to figure out how to do even MORE laundry?
option A feels like it relies on a major expenditure of current and future Mental Health, which, do I have that? any of that? it's daunting. not impossible, but scary.
option B feels not implausible, but also somewhat tenuous? I would prefer to have more redundancy than that in my "being able to wear clothes" systems. it also relies on Magic Laundry Spoons and I feel like this will result in even more time in objectively very dirty clothes.
I have already considered and discarded "asking my mother for help with the thing she is most literally insane and damaging about" and also "just ceasing to wear clothes" mostly because I have been explicitly told by my therapist that I need to go outside and socialize more and both of those things typically require clothes.
if anyone has an option (c, or a suggestion for either "doing more laundry/preserving longevity of clothes" or sort of "being less insane generally about clothes" please do share!
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thethirteenthcrow · 4 years
The Shyan Shipping Society Writing Challenge ✍️💕
Hello dear shippers! 
My name’s Zhalia, a fanfic writer on archive of our own. you might know me from my stripper!Ryan au, or the cinderella au or from the many comments i leave on your amazing works.
Since October, i’ve been hosting very lowkey writing challenges on the Shyan Shipping Society Discord server. and i figured, i’d let good ol’ tumblr get a piece of it!
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this is a fun lil' challenge to practice your writing with random prompts!
(shout out to @helloitsvehere​ for making the amazing header here and sorry to keep bugging you on it but it looks really amazing now darling <3)
✧ the challenge is held at monthly, we don't want to pressure anyone too much and we want to give you enough time to work! on top of that, the minimum amount of words for this challenge is 50, which is a very low bar, it's no school, this is for fun!! also don't worry if you miss a month.
✧ from the day we set the prompt, you have one month to meet the challenge. with this, we request a chapter or a start. if a prompt inspires u to write more than a oneshot or one chapter, feel free to expand as much as you can outside the challenge! everyone is requested to post their submissions on the same day (so say we start at october 1st, then you're only allowed to submit your submissions on october 31st, no sooner). We then hope to announce the new prompt on, for example, november 1st to continue the cycle, but it may differ at times.
✧ There are no specifications to your writing. you may write however you like, a story, a description, a poem, anything is allowed. you're free to write in any rating, be it G or E-rated. we prefer M/E of course, cause we're thirsty like that. if you’re an artist, you’re free to join too! more elaboration in the FAQ below :D.
✧ if you have ideas for prompts, please DM me on Discord or mail me on [email protected] ! i love to hear em <3 (keep reading for more information on the challenge)
i can’t wait to see all your lovely works! i’m really stoked to see and chat with you and learn all that’s going around in your wonderful minds.
much love, 
o   What is the Shyan Shipping Society (Server)?
The shipping society is a discord server owned by @bradpistachio​ where a bunch of shippers gather to chat about anything: their lives; the boys; other fanworks like fanfics and fanart; annoying antis; we have a writing lab to talk about your own works, and much more! The server is filled with amazing artists like madamecrimson, @helloitsvehere​, @pizzacastella​, sonzaishinai and many more. The server is an active and welcoming community. In the server, I also roll out the updates for this challenge and answer all your questions. Will we see you there?
o   Do i need to join the server to post?
It's not required! The server is a lil' bonus, a place where you can talk with fellow shippers about anything, but also where i will be reminding you of the challenge. We have handful of channels dedicated to this writing challenge, so it might help you out. It's also easier for me to follow, and whenever you have questions i will reply faster there than anywhere else. But, again, it's not necessary.
o   If i join the challenge once, am i required to join every month?
Most definitely not! You're free to join and leave whenever you want. Sometimes a prompt doesn't inspire you, or life dragged you away from writing and that's completely valid! This challenge is supposed to be a fun way to motivate you to express yoursef through your art, but it's not school so don't ever feel pressured :).
o   What tags do i include, what are the ratings we work in?
There are no required ratings and/or tags for you to use. In general, the prompts are all focused on Shyan, but if you'd like to add Standrew as a background relationship, feel free!! If the prompt is Watcher-oriented, but you feel like you need a bit of that spice that Curly brings with him, i encourage you! On top of that, you're free to choose whichever ratings you feel fit best. Personally, i mostly live off of M- and E-rated fics, but if you're uncomfortable with graphic descriptions of anything, and would rather keep it a fluffy G-rated fic, then knock yourself out! I believe you know what's best for your work!
On the shipping server, the prompt will have a set of recommended tags, these are ideas i'd write the prompt in, but they aren't mandatory. If it says 'friends to lovers' but you'd rather write 'established relationship' then feel free! It's your work after all.
o   Is there a minimum and/or maximum word count?
There is a minimum word count of 50 words right now, to show that you're seriously participating (i mean, wouldn't want "he smiled, they kissed, they fucked, the end" as a fic, right?). Your work does not have to be finished in order to fulfill the prompt, you can write one chapter, or one paragraph and edit it later when you have more time. If a prompt inspires you enough to write a long fic about it, don't feel pressured to finish it within a month! Take your time!! All we ask is for you to have written a start, and post that to the collection.
o   i am no writer, but i’d love to make art for this in another way, is that possible?
Of course! originally the challenge was only made for writers, because the server was filled with a majority of writers. however, over the past few weeks we’ve had a handful of artists join our little community as well, people like sonza and @berakangkang​. Sonza has blessed us by filling the October prompt as well, so if you’re an artist and you’d like to participate, please join! we love love love your art. honestly. the server goes wild on fanart. 
o   When do i post my submission?
Everyone who joins the challenge, posts their submission on the same day. This is the last 48 hours of a month - CET timezone. The next prompt will have been rolled out a day before we open submissions, so you can get familiar with it for a day or two before starting on it.
o   I don't think i'll reach the deadline, now what?
You can contact me privately about this through our discord server - for fast replies - or via my email ([email protected]). I will open the collection for you so you can submit it later. Keep an eye on the deadline though, a challenge won't be reopened a month after the deadline.
o   I have an amazing idea for a prompt, where do i submit it?
On the discord server, we have a channel named 'prompts-and-ideas' where some of these prompts even came from, you can submit them there and @ me so i'd know it's for the writing challenge.
If you don't have discord or don't want to join the server, you're free to mail me your idea with Shyan Shipping Society Prompt Idea as subject! I look forward to your ideas!
here’s the link to the parent collection on Archive Of Our Own, where you can always find the new prompts for the next months, and where you can post your work once i open the collection.
i can’t wait to see your works! i’m very excited to see what you all can come up with <3
this is the first time i host a writing challenge like this. i’m still learning my way around ao3′s function to make prompt meme challenges, and there may always be little bugs in the system, because i have but a small brain. i rely on carl-bot to remind me to post and open submissions and everything, to keep it running smoothly. i am trying my very best to make this fun for everyone. also i crave feedback, so if you have any comments, complaints, ideas, critique, please hit me up!!
oh and yeah i am very inactive on the tumblrs because i don’t uh catch the vibe of this platform but i’m trying. i’m trying. 👉👈
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet: Carewyn/Orion
@weasley-adoptee tagged me, and uh...yeah, while I’ve done this before, I did it before I’d settled on an endgame ship for my girl Carewyn! Now that I have, I can do this for the HMS Carion (AKA Carewyn Cromwell/Orion Amari)! XDD
Tagging @smarti-at-smogwarts, @department-shoe-stud, @cursebreakerfarrier​, @that-ravenpuff-witch​, @words-and-wands​ and anyone else if you’re interested and either haven’t done this already or want to do it for a ship they haven’t done it for! xoxo
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A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Carewyn thinks Orion is the wisest person she’s ever met. She’s always admired how content he is with his life, even while he chases victory on the Quidditch field. He got dealt a pretty bad hand in life, but he’s always been able to make do with little and reach for the stars without being unhappy on the ground. She also absolutely loves how much he loves his friends and later his daughter, Eos. Orion’s a lover, not a fighter, and Carewyn finds it very attractive. Plus his smile, when he actually ends up smiling fully, makes her heart melt every time!
Orion loves how generous and selfless Carewyn is. Her putting her own safety on the line to help him achieve his dream of Slytherin winning the Quidditch Cup remains one of her most beautiful moments in his eyes, even after so many years. Although her passion can get a little much for him sometimes as well, he nonetheless finds her absolutely stunning when she’s fighting on behalf of somebody else -- the fire in her eyes, to him, are akin to the eyes of a wild stallion, and it makes his heart race.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not)
When Orion and Carewyn reconnect post-War, they actually both have kids already, Orion being the single father of an infant daughter, Eos, and Carewyn being the legal guardian of twelve-year-old Erik Apollo. Carewyn has no interest in bearing any children herself, so both she and Orion are very content raising their own kid as well as helping support their partner’s.
C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Orion and Carewyn are both on the “A” side of the LGBT+ community (Orion being gray-A and Carewyn being ace/pan), and Orion himself wasn’t raised with a lot of physical affection, so their cuddling is a bit muted, compared to a lot of other couples. They’ll very often sit side-by-side with their shoulders touching and/or holding each other’s hands, and sometimes Carewyn will rest her legs across Orion’s lap or Orion will rest his head on top of Carewyn’s, but they don’t usually tend to get way up in each other’s personal space for very long. When one of them decides to spend the night at the other’s place, they’ll take turns as the big spoon, with Carewyn sometimes resting her head on and arms around Orion’s chest and Orion other times resting his head over Carewyn’s heart with his arms around her waist.
D= Dates (What are dates with them)
Broomstick flying dates! Carewyn’s out of practice, considering how much of a workaholic she is, but she loves having the chance to fly alongside and with Orion again. Carewyn will also attend Quidditch matches with Orion when he’s not playing, and they enjoy cooking, baking, Wizard Dueling, and taking their kids on outings together.
E= Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Orion to Carewyn: “You are my Abraxan.”
Carewyn to Orion: “You are my partner.”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Orion first had the feeling he could fall in love with Carewyn (in other words, he realized that he felt romantic feelings for her) when he saw her Abraxan Winged Horse Patronus (same as his) for the first time at the tail end of his seventh year and her sixth year. He was too afraid to chase those budding feelings at the time, only to realize how strongly he still felt for Carewyn and how much deeper his feelings had gotten when -- after they reconnected -- she immediately resolved to deal with all of the paperwork needed to give Orion sole custody of his daughter Eos. The blazing look in her blue eyes when she stubbornly insisted that she would do whatever she had to in order to make sure that Eos stayed with “the man who had put his life on the line to keep her in his life and safe” was so beautiful that Orion for a moment forgot to breathe, and he felt like such a fool for not chasing her from the very start.
Carewyn realized she was in love with Orion as she spent time with him post-War and saw both how much he’d changed and also how much he’d stayed the same. She saw how he’d only gotten wiser about himself and how he wanted to live his life, as well as how well he got through the more recent struggles he went through and how well fatherhood suited him. Seeing him again reminded Carewyn how much she’d always admired him, and also gave her all the more reason to admire him. It all came to a head one day, when after she’d sung Eos to sleep and brought the usually serene Orion to tears, Carewyn and Orion ended up sitting on her couch for the next half-hour or so together, with Orion holding the sleeping baby over his heart with his eyes closed, softly asking Carewyn if she could sing “just one more song” while they sat together. Seeing his handsome, peaceful face as he sat with her and his daughter was the thing that made Carewyn suddenly realize how precious Orion had become to her, and maybe had been, a lot longer than she realized.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Oho, Carewyn is the ultimate Mama Bear type and Orion is a pacifist to the nth degree, so these two are ridiculously gentle. If Carewyn’s ever having trouble reaching something high up or lifting something heavy, Orion will frequently whisper a quick “would you like some help?” and if Carewyn says yes, he’ll either very gently pick her up or place his hands/arms on top of hers to help her with the object. Carewyn is prone to giving Orion chaste kisses of gratitude and helping him fix his collars or clothes before they head out.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
LOL, when Carewyn first initiated hand-holding between them when they were still at school, Orion was faintly uncomfortable because he’d never really held hands with much of anyone before, but it quickly became something he really enjoys doing with Carewyn. Most commonly one of them will rest a hand on each other’s while it’s resting between them on the couch or in their lap, and then the other person will hold the first’s hand in return. When they’re out and about, Orion loves holding hands with Carewyn at their sides, though Carewyn will sometimes also hold Orion’s arm with one or in both of her hands, at which point Orion often kind of lean into Carewyn. Most commonly Carewyn is the one to initiate most physical intimacy, since Orion’s still rather unaccustomed to it given his background, but it makes it so that when he does initiate, it’s usually very spontaneous and romantic, since it’s often done in the heat of passion.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Carewyn about Orion: ‘So that’s the Slytherin Quidditch Captain? ...How is he balancing on his broom like that??’
Orion about Carewyn: ‘Short and round, a Snidget’s build -- ginger ponytail, like the Weasley boy’s -- tight grip on her broom, slightly tense...a Seeker, perhaps? ...No. No, those are a Chaser’s eyes.’
J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Actually, no! Neither of them really feel jealousy much of ever. They’re both rather secure in themselves and in their relationship to not get jealous. In Orion’s case, he’s way too chill to really get aggressive or surly because Carewyn’s spending time with other people, and in Carewyn’s case, she knows Orion and herself well enough to not be that distrustful.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Like with most gestures of physical intimacy, Carewyn initiated the first kiss, right after she learned she and Orion had the same Patronus and Orion finally came clean to her about how long and deeply he’d felt romantic feelings for her and she’d likewise expressed how she felt. Carewyn’s first kiss to Orion’s lips was very chaste -- so chaste, in fact, that almost as soon as she’d pulled away, Orion brought both of his hands up to her face so he could cradle it and hold it in place so he could kiss her himself more deeply. There’s often a build-up for their kisses, starting very short and then either growing deeper, or just turning into a stream of traded chaste kisses back and forth. Carewyn tends to prefer shorter kisses because she likes being able to see Orion’s expressions and deep kisses kind of require having your eyes closed, so over time, both Carewyn and Orion become very fond of kissing each other’s faces, foreheads, noses, neck, hands, and shoulders when they’re intimate so that Carewyn can more properly enjoy Orion’s facial reactions and Orion can be a bit more creative in how he expresses his affection.
L= Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Orion. Though, rather predictably, he said it in a very round-about way:
“...I have...nurtured this bud in my heart...longer than I have ever admitted to anyone -- including myself. But when we collided again, during the War, that bud only served to grow further...and then bloom into a blossom so strong and beautiful that I could never hope to hide it...however ashamed I am that I denied it the sunshine and attention it deserved years ago. I’ve wasted...so much time, trying to stifle it...trying to be happy with what was in front of me, rather than chase what my soul was clearly aching for...all because of my own inner doubts...because of the reluctance I felt, in the face of making a choice between the dream I’d been fighting for for so long...and the chance of a new dream I’d never imagined. I realize I have been a coward, Carewyn Cromwell -- something you have never been, from the moment we first met. I don’t know if someone like that could be your soulmate -- if I could ever live up to the standard that word entails...but most assuredly, you are a special woman, one I will never know the likes of again...and I love you, all the same.”
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
One will always be the morning they spent together in the Commentator’s Box talking after Slytherin won the Quidditch Cup. Another is when Carewyn accompanied Orion to drop Eos off at Platform Nine and Three Quarters for the first time -- Carewyn took Orion out for an outing to the shore afterwards to cheer him up, and they spent the day swimming in the ocean, playing volleyball, and walking around the seaside town together.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Both grew up without a lot of money, so neither are the type to buy extravagant presents, but Orion does like to “surprise” Carewyn now and again, if he sees something he thinks she might like. Most commonly this involves single flowers or small bouquets, which he’ll leave in a spot he knows she alone will find them, such as on her office chair at work or on the windowsill next to her bed at home. Carewyn in return tends to spoil Orion with surprise visits (popping over to watch one of his Quidditch matches without telling him she’s coming and then running to greet him afterward -- the first time she did this, Orion was so stunned and happy that he barreled over to her and, once she hugged him and he’d recovered from that surprise, clung onto her for almost a full thirty minutes afterwards), as well as handwritten love letters. She’ll sometimes send them through Owl Post as usual, but other times she will leave them in his locker or on his pillow for him to find too.
O=  Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Carewyn always thinks of Orion whenever she sees anything black and white, as those are his Quidditch team, the Montrose Magpies’ colors.
Orion always thinks of Carewyn whenever he sees anything light blue, like her eyes -- he particularly likes forget-me-nots, since they remind him of them.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?
Although Orion frequently cites how Carewyn “has more fire than a Fire Crab,” he most commonly compares her to an Abraxan Winged Horse, with his pet name for her being “his Abraxan.” Carewyn dips into the usual “dear” and “love,” but when she’s particularly affectionate, she calls Orion “starlight,” as a reference to the constellation bearing his name.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Carewyn loves records! Their audio quality is so much better than CDs.
As dumb and predictable as it sounds, Orion does enjoy lava lamps. He likes colored lighting as opposed to stark white light, as he finds it more calming (even if Carewyn points out that it often makes it harder to see!!), so you’ll find a lot of colored lightbulbs and such around the tiny cottage he shares with Eos.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Orion enjoys games of all kinds, not just Quidditch, so he and Carewyn will sometimes bust out a game of cards, checkers, or Scrabble when it’s raining, especially if Eos and/or Erik are also around. Carewyn’s favorite games are Hearts and Mancala, while Orion’s favorites are Blackjack and Jenga. Wizard’s Chess is one of Erik’s favorite games, so sometimes Orion will play with him while Eos and Carewyn watch, too.
S = Sad (How do they cheer each other up?)
When Carewyn’s down, Orion likes to encourage her to talk about it, but usually does so by starting off talking about something else entirely, so as to help her relax first. He will also sometimes want to show physical affection, like trying to hold her hand or wrapping an arm around her, which he always does so tentatively out of the worry of Carewyn not being comfortable with it that even if Carewyn’s not in the mood, she’ll nearly always try to adjust and initiate some physical affection in return to show some gratitude for the attempt (i.e. sliding her hand out of his, but kissing Orion gently on the cheek afterward).
When Orion’s down, Carewyn goes into full-on Mama Bear mode, coddling him to the nth degree and being his attentive listening ear.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Anything and everything! Orion is a philosopher to the max and Carewyn is intellectual enough to enjoy deep conversations, so they can go way far afield when they’re talking about stuff. Sometimes Carewyn needs to refocus the conversation because Orion gets too vague and dreamy and sometimes Orion has to “lighten up” the conversation when Carewyn gets too serious, but one of the things they love most about each other is how easy it is to talk to each other. You could hear them talking about their respective kids Eos and Erik and their careers just as often as the meaning of life or the current status of a piece of legislation regulating dragon breeding.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Orion meditates constantly. He’s occasionally been able to get Carewyn to join him, but more often she prefers putting on some calming music and getting some work done at the kitchen table while he does so, claiming that the music helps her relax. (It does. To a limited extent.) Whenever she does this, Orion -- upon finishing his meditation -- will fetch her hairbrush from her room with a smile and then come up behind her and start gently brushing her hair for her, which does actually get Carewyn’s shoulders to loosen up slightly. They also will often drink tea together, which is very calming.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
LMAO, if Orion manages to catch sight of Carewyn in the audience during a Quidditch match, he ALWAYS has to break out the old “Inspired Broom Surfing” technique for her. He can’t resist showing off on his broom around “his Abraxan.”
Carewyn’s much more prone to “show off” her partner’s accomplishments by telling others about them when they’re out and about together, as well as any pretty new outfits she’s wearing.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?
Carewyn and Orion would never get married, instead becoming legal partners with their own separate homes and lives that nonetheless exist in perfect harmony. Orion describes their relationship as them being two flowers that have bloomed on the same branch -- separate entities that nonetheless are connected and are fueled by the same sun and nourished by the same water. Carewyn felt strongly about them having some sort of lasting legal statement for the sake of both each other and their kids, so that if anything happened to either of them, their partner would have the right to be with them in St. Mungo’s, make decisions in their stead, and take custody of their respective child in an emergency. The two had a very small ceremony at a courthouse in London, only attended by their respective kids, before attending a larger gathering later with all of their friends and Carewyn’s mother and brother.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
These two have a whole playlist! ^.^
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Answered above, but no. Orion has his own cottage in Montrose, Scotland, home of his Quidditch team, while Carewyn has her own flat in London, England, close to her job at the Ministry of Magic, so merging their two households would’ve been a real challenge. On top of that, Carewyn was never in much of a rush to get married and Orion never saw much point in the ritual to begin with.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
There are actually a lot of hinkypunks in the woods around Orion’s cottage in Montrose, which Orion and Eos actually leave little treats out for and treat like pets, even if they’re generally known for luring people to their doom with their lamps. Eos tends to call every hinkypunk she comes across “Punk” by default, but there are a few she’s learned to recognize by overall attitude and given individual names like “Impy,” “Mello,” and “Wisp.” There’s also a large tribe of selkies that often pop up near the shore a short trek away from the Amari home too, and although Eos and Orion can’t communicate with them, Orion enjoys taking Carewyn down to the beach and encouraging her to sing so that the selkies will come up out of the water to listen better.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Who are you most nervous about introducing potential significant others to?  Ooooh moving forward, probably Angela hahahaha I have no idea how I’d break it to her if ever I do start seeing somebody again. She’s well aware of all the shit that I let slide so she might get intense with the scrutineering.
What is the most exciting thing about your life right now?  Just the fact that I feel on top of the world these days. My days of being depressed and picking at my insecurities seem to be far behind me and the change has looked to be apparent coming from friends who’ve told me I seem happier, louder these days.
What was the most important non-academic thing you learned in high school?  To not be scared to fight harder for the things you believe in or what make up your identity, coming from having to hide a same-sex relationship during that period. That feeling of being constricted and having to hide to stay on some conservative seniors’ good graces really pissed me off so high school was really crucial in letting me discover just how much I’d be willing to fight and test the waters to be able to live as me.
Have you ever had a job that deeply affected your personal life? How so and do you still work there?  Hmm no, not really. If anything my job is one of the things that helped make me a lot livelier and happier.
Do you have a “one who got away”?  It felt that way at the start when my view was still skewed, but it didn’t take long until I realized she was not a loss at all.
If you were in a superhero movie, would you be the hero or the villain? Hero.
If you found a mouse in your house, would you be frightened?  Mice or rats are the literal worst fucking thing I could see in my house. I definitely see myself making a big deal out of it lmao, especially rats.
Have you ever tried to perform magic tricks?  Nobody ever taught me, so no.
Can you do more with a yo-yo than just "go up and down"? Nah, which kinda makes me feel ashamed because considering it was a Filipino who invented the modern yo-yo, I feel like it should be my responsibility to know a few tricks LOL.
What is one form of technology that you wouldn't be able to live without?  Instant messenger.
Did you get an allowance, growing up? Why or why not?  Starting high school. Before that I was living in our family’s duplex, so my grandma could make packed meals for all of us – not to mention the fact that my parents were also still on their way to establishing themselves at their respective workplaces so we weren’t all that well-off yet. 
When we moved into our own place, we started with my mom making our meals but eventually it just proved to be time-consuming and a lot of work considering she also had a job to go to. With that and the fact that both my parents at that point already got a couple of promotions, we switched to allowance.
Would you rather go to a water park or an amusement park? Why?  Amusement parks though I would only probably head to the safer rides and food stalls with all the deep-fried offerings haha. I cannot handle more intense rides. On the other hand, water parks have always sounded nasty to me.
What is one instrument you wouldn't mind learning how to play?  Piano.
What's the longest amount of time you've had to wait in line for something?  The stupid LTO, because you can never count on government agencies to be efficient. Technically my whole time in there took a couple of stages, but all in all I spent eight hours there.
What is something that you would like to learn more about?  Korean. I just graduated from my Basic Korean 1 class but I already have plans to enroll in the following course, since I seemed to do well and I want to keep the momentum going.
What is something that one of your family member collects?  Mom has a large collection of chef-themed figurines and other sorts of trinkets like a chef timer, shot glasses, etc - but mostly the figurines - that she has displayed in a glass case. I should keep that in mind for when I start Christmas shopping, actually...she hasn’t updated that collection in a long time. Thanks for the idea!
Have you ever moved to a new school before? If so, how did it feel?  No, not in the middle of the same period since I went to the same school from kinder to high school for 14 years. I only “moved” when I started college. Like I’ve said in previous surveys, it felt freeing to finally not under be the hands of an environment ran by...well, Catholics. It was a culture shock to see rallies everywhere, to find out I could wear short shorts or even go to school naked if I wanted to, and to see boys in my class (I went to an all-girls), but it was all the good kind of shock.
Have you ever legitimately forgotten to do homework?  Always, because I never wrote them down.
Do you enjoy autumn leaves or spring flowers more? Why?  I experience neither season.
Depending on where you live, why might a day of school get canceled? Typhoon.
If you could meet any fictional character from a book, who would it be? Melanie Hamilton from Gone with the World.
What are some common places that people tour when they come to your city?  I rarely see foreigners here since my area isn’t particularly known for tourism; most go to the island provinces like Cebu, Aklan, Palawan, etc. If I had to recommend spots here, I’d tell them to go for Pinto and maybe the rooftop bars that offer a view of Manila’s skyline. 
What's one food that you did not enjoy as a child, but do as an adult?  Chicken curry, which I used to dread.
Would you rather have a mermaid tail, a fairy's wings or a unicorn's horn? I guess the wings just because I feel like it’s the only practical one.
What is an animal that you'd like to have as a pet but it's not allowed?  I don’t think that way about animals I can’t keep as pets anyway.
What are some things that you do to make the world a better place?  I always clean up at restaurants (my mom doesn’t understand why I do it because “the servers are here for a reason, Robyn”) but I always see the relief on their faces when they see I’ve stacked up the plates and cups so I don’t see a reason to stop doing it. I keep the door open for people who happen to enter/exit a building the same time as me, share dog adoption posts, don’t make a fuss about or towards a shop staff who messes up...things like that. I hope it’s able to help, even if just in a small way.
Has the last person you had sex with ever had sex with someone besides you?  I don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has already.
What’s your favorite store at your mall?  We have several malls within the vicinity but I like frequenting NCAT.
Have you ever done a workout DVD?  No but my mom is fond of those.
Who usually takes out the trash in your family?  Either of my parents.
What song are you currently obsessed with?  My Universe is soooooo good. It’s Coldplay’s classic sound but they somehow managed to perfectly blend in BTS’ style as well, so I love how it turned out.
When you go fishing, do you make someone else get the fish off the hook?  I've never gone fishing.
Do you take any prescription meds?  Nope.
What happens if you don’t take them?  Who was the last person you dreamt about?  My dad.
Do you prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened?  Sweetened, though I don’t usually actively look for iced tea. I’d have it if it was served, but I don’t typically order it for myself.
How often do you honk your horn?  As long as I am annoyed, which gives my mom a mini heart attack every time because she insists I just let people have their way to avoid getting into fights. Sometimes when she’s driving and someone’s being stupid on the road I lurch forward to do the honking for her and it pisses her off soooooooooo much but it also gets the job done so *shrug*
Do you have any children? If so, names and ages? I don’t.
Have your parents ever witnessed you doing something inappropriate? What?  TMI but I almost got caught doing the m-word once but my reflexes were at lightning speed that day so when my door opened I was able to fix myself up and appear as though nothing was happening lol. My mom also saw a hickey on me once but I was able to veer the conversation away when she started inquiring.
Did you get babysat a lot as a kid?  No, I did the babysitting.
If you were the principal of a school, what would you do differently? Actually deal with teachers who mistreat or make issues towards their students. I had several teachers I know didn’t like me but I could never do anything about it because there was no way in hell the school was going to take my side.
Are you doing anything fun tomorrow?  Continued from yesterday. If I took this question yesterday to refer to today I would’ve answered yes because we actually have a really fun PR stunt scheduled for execution today, wherein we get to sponsor someone’s whole wedding from food to flowers to the host and fillm crew :D :D But tomorrow is just Monday so the real answer to this is no.
What is something you'd like to receive as a housewarming gift?  I dunno the usual housewarming gifts, but I would appreciate anything practical, or anything that you’ll need at the least expected times, like batteries or even like Sticky Tack.
How old were you when you first experienced the effects of puberty?  Oooh I was an early bird – I was 9 when I could first tell my first period was on its way; it came a month after I turned 10.
What is your least favorite holiday, and why?  I don’t dislike any holiday because they all mean a day off work lol.
What were some outdoor games you played as a child?  We usually played piko (hopscotch), our local version of freeze tag that we dubbed “Ice ice water” for whatever reason, and a garter game that we call 10-20. Dodgeball was a favorite during recess and lunch, too.
Did you accompany your parents on "Take Your Child to Work" Day? That’s not observed here, but my mom did use to take me and my siblings to her first workplace. Are cemeteries peaceful to you, or do they freak you out?  They’re actually more interesting to me than anything else. I like learning about the different lives of many different people, even if I only technically know them by their birthday and date of death. Sometimes the inscriptions would be more detailed and tell more about their life, sometimes I’d come across babies who only lived a few days...and it’s just interesting to have those glimpses into life.
Which ancient civilization would you be interested in learning more about?  Filipino, because Western colonization destroyed proof of most of it. 
Do you have better long-term memory or short-term memory?  Long.
What was the last situation that made you cry? Describe.  I cried this morning. Nothing bad or heavy, I just found myself thinking again about my mental state last year.
Which forest animal would you be most afraid to encounter?  Anything that wouldn’t hesitate to tear my limbs apart.
Do you believe in anything supernatural? (ie: spirits, etc)  No.
Has anyone close to you ever gone to war?  No. The closest link I have to the military, other than my dead great-grandfather, is Angela’s uncle who’s like a general or like a colonel or something, idk titles.
Have you ever experienced altitude sickness?  Yeah, occasionally. Pressure in the ear is a bigger nuisance to me, though.
Is there anything, any event, you wish you could remember more clearly?  The last time I saw my grandfather. My only clear memory of him that day was stepping out of the house to leave (my mom and I were visiting) and him sending me off with the message to always be kind and good. If I had known I would never see him again, I never would’ve left.
Have you ever rubbed anyone’s feet?  Hmm no, not that I can recall.
If you had to get advice from someone of the opposite sex, who would you go to?  I’d go to Hans for certain advice, but not for every single situation. He’s the only person that comes to mind.
What was the last new food/drink that you tried?  So last Wednesday I finally got to try this Instagram-based doughnut shop that I’ve been eyeing since August and it turned out to be even MUCH BETTER THAN EXPECTEDDDDDD. Like yeah their photos were always mouthwatering but I didn’t expect it to taste as good as it looks, since most pretty food I’ve encountered usually end up just tasting meh. Anywho, I got two orders of their sampler box and they served me their specialty bacon doughnut, signature brown butter, and a bunch of their chocolate and peanut butter variants and I loved every single fucking thing.
Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better?  Oh it’s hard to tell, it’s only 9:05 AM. Both days might be uneventful, though.
Have you ever played Sudoku?  I don’t actually get how to play it hahaha. I feel like I’m too stupid for sudoku.
Do you ever take surveys for money?  I tried it last year when applying for jobs was still a bitch for me, but the thing is most of those surveys look for employed participants so there was rarely ever a survey that fit me anyway.
Do you like Barbie or Bratz better?  Bratz.
Do you prefer purple or green grapes?  I don’t like grapes.
Who was the last person that made you laugh?  Idk, probs one of the boys since I was watching videos of them earlier today.
Where does your best friend live?  A nearby city.
Who did you last confide in?  Angela.
Does your car have an alarm?  Sure.
Where was your mom born?  Somewhere in Metro Manila.
What can always make you feel better no matter what?  My dogs.
What is something you’ll never eat again? Why?  I don’t think there is anything. I feel like I’m always bound to retry things and that I would be open to doing so, even fruits. One thing I’m firm about never drinking again, though, is coconut water. Get that SHIT away from me.
What is currently happening that is scaring you?  I’m not feeling scared these days.
Have you ever found a stranger’s note somewhere? If so, what did it say?  Probably. But nothing sticks out.
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shipmistress9 · 4 years
D E F G H I J K L M N O P, Q R S T U V, W X Y and Z 😇😉. I sung the alphabet while writing this as well 😂. You don’t have to answer all of them though, just pick which ones you want 😊.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
My fandom life would be easier if I liked Heathstrid at least a little bit... But I can’t and I don’t really want to, either...
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
The oneshots Spin The Bottle and Pick Me Up.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Given that I only learned about the existence of fandom as a concept in late 2016, the longest I’ve ever been in a fandom is roughly 4,5 years.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Many! Currently it’s Hiccstrid and Hicretstrid. And maybe a little Zelink. But thinking back, I think my very first OTP was when I was around five years old. From the Captain Tsubasa anime series, Tsubasa and... I don’t even know her name... 🤣 There was this girl who always cheered him on and was his no.1 fan. ANd in hindsight, I think I also shipped Tsubasa... with nearly all other players, mainly, Taro Misaki, Jun Misugi, and Kojiro Hyuga. 🤣
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
TV-shows, mostly. I prefer the visuals over books and I prefer the slower development over those in movies.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not caused me to stop liking them. But in some cases (ATLA and TDP, to name two) it raised my expectations so high that, when I finally got to dip into them, I was rather underwhelmed. It also didn’t help that I already knew the ending and some major plot points. If there’s one sure way to dampen my excitement it’s spoilers.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Supernatural. Pretty much all other fandoms I dip into occasionally, I knew at least a little before. But literally everything I know about Supernatural is from seeing posts here. 🤣
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
I can’t think of an individual character right now, but in general an arc I like is someone (re-)learning to trust.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Snotlout has a great relationship with his dragon. Valka, too. Gobber and the twins are always fun, in their own ways.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Already answered before.
Hmm... First, I wanted to say Astrid. And I'd enjoy having her as a friend, as someone to challenges me to be more active, to work on my skills and someone to talk.
But I think, I'd enjoy being friends with Hiccup, too. I'd like to brainstorm ideas, ponder over inventions and exchange ideas. Geek out about dragons!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Acceptance, respect, and some common sense. But that’s not just fandom...
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
My very long list of favoured songs randomly gave me 9 Crimes by Damien Rice. There once was an absolutly stunning AMV with this song about the TV-show The Legend Of The Seeker, The Sword Of Truth (based on the books by Terry Goodkind). I was deeply in love with Richard’s and Kahlan’s relationship, and with Cara on a general level. That AMV featured them all, and I loved it!
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Oh, oh, oh, oh! I just thought about this modern meet-cute AU for Hiccstrid a few days back, might as well write it down here. (And will also copy it over into an individual post, I think...)
Hiccup is a single father of a three-years-old daughter. One day, he meets Astrid in a supermarket; she’s in front of him at the check-out and when he hears her voice, he’s stunned. Because he knows her voice, hears it every day. Because she lend her voice to one of these talking toys for toddlers.His daughter’s favourite toy.
Hiccup always liked that toy best, too, because it didn’t sound as annoying as most others. Pleasant even. When he sees and hears Astrid, he recognises her voice in an instant. He jokingly thanks her for making his days more bearable. She’s confused, who is this weirdo? So he tries to explain. “The toy. My daughter’s toy. It’s your voice. A pleasant voice. I listen to it every day.” He keeps getting weirder, stammers, turns red like a tomato, until he eventually just flees, wishing a hole would open up to swallow him, that was so embarrassing.
Meanwhile, Astrid is touched. Knowing that there is at least one little girl who likes the toy she helped create. And her father, apparently. Who had been cute. In how shy he’d been. And how excited. She’s sorry he left before she was able to talk to him and thank him.
Over the next days, Hiccup would think of her a lot. Every time he hears her voice again, he’d think of her. Her face. Her smile. Until they, eventually, meet again... ^^
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Answered before
None, really. There are several fandoms I grew out of, like Sailor Moon or Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. But I wouldn't say I abandoned them. I still enjoy seeing content about them.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Those of the rider with their dragons. Hiccup&Toothless. Astrid&Stormfly.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Pretty much all of my headcanons are about Hiccstrid in one way or combination. One of my personal favourites is that Astrid has a tiny birthmark on the back of her neck. She doesn’t even know it’s there, she can’t see it and it’s almost always covered by her hair anyway. But Hiccup knows it’s there. And he loves to place a kiss on it. It tickles and would always make her giggle. And she smells so nice.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
*snorts* No. If there are people who don’t share my headcanons, then... they don’t have to? I can live and be friends with people regardless of whether we share the same headcanons or not. And if people keep attacking me for mine, I’ll just block them and walk away. Arguing about something like that is not worth my time.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Astrid. HTTYD.
I really have difficulties thinking of favourites from any other fandoms here! xD
Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Kaladin Stormblessed from the Stormlight Archives.
I might have a type here. Brave, strong, not always easy to deal with. Fiercely loyal. Stubborn. Proud. Honourable. that’s all three of them. ^^
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Same answer as the above, mostly. I think I already wrote a long answer to a similar question once. 🤔 I relate to Astrid in many ways. Loyal and reliable, not always easy to approach, often prefers to deal with her problems on her own instead of asking for help.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Anything jealously, especially it being portrayed as a sign of love or dedication. But also love triangles. Unnecessary.
Another thing I don’t like is when there’s a misunderstanding and they argue about it and get angry and yell and have a huge falling-out... when it all just boils down to them not listening.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Answered before.
Forbidden Romance. In any form. I just love the angsty tension it brings without the characters fighting or arguing about misunderstandings.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Supernatural, ATLA, TDP, MCU.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
With all the critical thinking that’s encouraged in fandom culture, I wish more people would remember Ratatouille and this quote by Anton Ego.
“In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.”
-- Anton Ego (Ratatouille)
Or at least respect it. It’s called entertainment and not lecture about every little detail that is wrong with other people’s opinions. I get why it’s important to look deeper and question meanings and intentions, I really do. But sometimes, I’d prefer to at least occasionally just enjoy something without getting lectured by others for it.
Thank you! 😘💜
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Survey #416
“don’t pray for me when you’re the one to blame  /  don’t think of me when you go up in flames”
Does your town/area have a farmer’s market? Do you ever buy your vegetables there rather than grocery store? Not close enough for us to actually go there for groceries, no. If you had a significant other and somehow got a chance to kiss your celebrity crush, would you still go for it? Well no, given Mark's been in a serious relationship for like six years, and I'd feel disloyal to my partner. I can just dream about it, ha ha. Do you tend to be attracted to people that are more similar to you in interests and mannerisms or do you tend to be attracted to someone opposite/complementing to you? I tend to be drawn to people I'm more similar to. What is a talent that a lot of other people desire or value but you really don’t care to have (e.g., singing, etc.)? *shrug* If someone asks you to hang out, but for some reason you’re just feeling lazy/don’t want to go anywhere, do you ignore them, make up an excuse, or just tell them the honest truth? Tbh, odds are I'm making up an excuse. Would you like to meet an alien? That would depend on its motives. It might have wisdom to share, or it may be nefarious, in which case I don't wanna meet it obviously. If so, would you trust them enough to go back with them to their planet? That's a no no matter how it acts. Trust issues, my friend. And that's with humans. What do you think is at the end of space. It's kinda science that space is infinite... Do you like D&D or Magic: The Gathering the most? I've never played D&D because I know I would be way, way too awkward to actually do it. M:TG is fun, though. What is your favorite Disney movie? TLKKKKK. What’s your favorite book series? Wings of Fire tops the list right now, but Warriors will always have a very special place in my heart. What’s something you wish they’d build in your neighborhood? Idk. Do you usually keep ponytail holders around your wrist? No. I don't even wear my hair in a ponytail because it's too short. Sunny D or orange juice? Orange juice. I have to be in a very specific mood for Sunny D. Can you snap out of a bad mood fast? Nooooo, unless something drastically good happens. How can a person tell if you’re mad or annoyed? My face will probably give it away, mixed with me being short and snippy or more awkward than normal because I'm trying to not be a bother. What’s something you enjoy that’s outside your age level? Certain TV shows. When your friends come and hang out at your house, what do you get up to? The only friend I have that I hang out with once in a blue moon is Girt, and we'd usually play board games or watch TV. Do you think it’s ignorant for people to have unprotected sex when they’re not ready for a child? Yes. Like yes, I'm pro-choice so won't look down on someone getting an abortion, but I still think you should be willing to act to prevent things from getting to that point where that procedure is chosen. For it or against it, abortion is a serious decision and should be treated as such. What were your favourite things to do as a child? My favorite thing had to be video games, specifically Spyro, and I also adored Webkinz and Neopets on the computer. I also loved playing make-believe with my toys like every other kid. I loved watching Dad play video games, too. I've also been a drawing fiend since I was very little. If you were shopping with your best friend, and they picked an outfit that was completely unflattering, would you tell them? I honestly don't know if I would. Her being comfortable and happy in it is what matters, anyway. Do you prefer using air-con or having the windows down when you’re driving on a hot day? Team A/C for sure. I hate the feeling of wind just slapping the hell outta your face and making a nest out of your hair. Can you ever manage to finish three courses when you go out to eat at restaurants? No. What would you say your favourite farm animal is? Pigs! They are so incredibly misunderstood. They're very intelligent, CLEAN (I know, can you believe it?), silly, and happy animals that I just adore. Is your ex currently in a relationship and if yes, how do you feel about that? Idk if "the" ex is with anyone, and it's for the better I don't, probably. Which one of your friends should be a stand-up comedian? Girt. Is your mom a better driver or your dad? Oh yeah. Dad tailgates like a motherfucker. What's your least favorite genre of music? Either rap or country, idk. Do you like poems? I do. Do you enjoy drawing? I have a love-hate relationship with it. I LOVE when something comes out the way I wanted it to, but if it doesn't, I feel very disappointed in myself and bash it into my head that I could do better. Do you even have any drawing talent? So I'm told. Have you ever seen The Sound of Music? Yes, in elementary school's music class. Ever seen Beetlejuice? If so, did you enjoy it? Oh yes, that was one of Jason's favorites. I liked it. How do you deal with oppressive heat? Complain, sweat my ass off, do anything I can to cool off that doesn't involve taking clothes off. What’s one thing that people definitely CAN’T count on you for? To remember pretty much anything whatsoever. What about something they definitely can count on you for? An ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. How do you feel about your handwriting? I like it. Is there a store that bothers you immensely for some reason (people who shop there irritate you or the employees who work there are rude, etc.)? Uhhhh I don't think so. What’s something you complain about frequently? If I'm hot, or my legs hurting. If you’re home alone and someone knocks on the door, what do you do? Ignore it. I'm not answering. What’s one book that you have read that will stick with you forever? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. It's an anti-war pacifism novel, which is something I'm very much passionate about. Would you ever get one of those old school “mom” tattoos with the heart? No. I know with certainty I want a tribute to my mom when she passes, but definitely not that design. Are you a Giants fan? I don't care for sports, but the NYG always make me think of Jason's dad, who is like, obsessed with them. So I guess I feel a bit of warmness towards them just for memory's sake. Last time you went pumpkin picking? Never. Do you prefer eating corn straight off the cob or corn already taken off the cob? I think corn on the cob tastes better with all the butter and spices you can put on it, but I do enjoy off the cob too because it's just so much cleaner. Would you want your family to go on Wife Swap? Well, I live with my mom and she's divorced, so... I don't have to worry about this. How old is your current e-mail address? God, I've had it since I was a kid. Last time you conversed with someone in a language other than English? Not since taking a test for German in high school. Last video you favorited on YouTube? Oh my god, it was this video from my favorite reptile channel (Snake Discovery) of them taking their pet tegu to the park. She clearly had SO much fun. Now mind you I very rarely favorite things, so yeah, I adored the video. Do you like chocolate with coconut filling? Noooo, I'm not a coconut fan at all. What was the first thing you ate today? Mom made bacon, yuuuuum. Do you know how to play Mahjong? No. Mom loves it, though. Do you have any skirts longer than knee-length? I don't own any skirts. What’s the farthest you’ve gone with someone you weren’t dating? Just flirting. Ever had a promise ring? No. What about one of those “I’ll wait until marriage” rings (I think they’re called purity rings or something)? They're called abstinence rings, and yes, in HS. Funny how looking back I was definitely breaking that vow while I wore it lmao. What is the shortest time you’ve heard of people being together before getting married? My late grandma and her second husband got married SO fast. Like they were together for probably a couple months (maybe less?), then boom, the news came that they were engaged. Are any of your friends currently pregnant? Facebook friends, yes, which are mostly composed of old friends and acquaintances from school. One poor girl very recently got into a bad wreck, but thank goodness she and her unborn daughter are okay. Have you ever played golf? I loved playing putt-putt when I was younger, and then Jason and I once had a mini-golf date. It was really cute. When was the last time you waxed anything on your body, if ever? It's been some years since I used to wax my eyebrows. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. A minor one, but still. Can you honestly say you love the last person you kissed? Yep. Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture? Yeah. Would you ever go on Fear Factor? Noooo. I would NEVER get past day #2 where they tend to do the disgusting shit, and I'm way too out of shape to do the wild stuff they do. What colour was the last mask you wore? Blue. Can any of your friends sing well? Which one has the nicest singing voice? Oh yes, Sara has an absolutely beautiful voice. When was the last time you had a nightmare? I had two last night, actually. I have this habit of taking my APAP mask off in the middle of the night because it's a nuisance, and I never remember doing so. When I do that, I'm much more prone to have nightmares because the mask helps my sleep apnea, which causes my nightmares/terrors. Where do you see yourself in ten years? I do NOT want to imagine this. It's either going to be beautiful or a fucking catastrophe, of that I'm sure. Does your family have traditions? Just pretty ordinary holiday ones. Have you ever met anyone half-way famous? Tez is famous, as far as I'm concerned. :') I also have some musician friends trying to make it, but idk how far they've actually gotten in the industry. Is there a celebrity that you are related to? No, just ancestors. Would you call your last relationship a mistake? Definitely not. Would you ever take up a job in photography? Ugh... that's the fucking dream. But I'm massively losing hope. Do you throw out your assignments once you’ve gotten them back? When I was in school, it depended on whether it would serve as good study material or not. Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? My old friend Jenna messaged me a few days back just to say she was thinking about me and wished me well, which I really appreciated. Of course I messaged her back wishing her the same and all. Have you ever developed a crush on someone the first day you met them? Don't believe so, no. Do you have any friends who never shut up about their boyfriend/girlfriend? Well, I used to. She vanished. Have you ever showered with a member of the opposite sex? No. Don't want to. I want to be alone when I shower.
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Shinso realizing that his s/o is very sick and hid it from him. Later to find out that she died because of her not wanting to worry him
So ! I brought in another husband and I added in an OC ! Don’t mind that !!Length: 2.3kPronouns used: She/her
Your name: (f/n) ShinsouQuirk: (y/q) - preferably a dangerous quirkAge: 26
(f/n) frowned as she got the news from the doctor. Not long, huh? What was she going to tell her husband, Hitoshi?
“Please come back if your health gets worse, Mrs. Shinsou.” (f/n) nodded, looking down at her hands. (f/n) had been at the clinic for at least two hours now. She was supposed to meet her friend for lunch to talk about the situation afterward. After talking with her doctor for a few more minutes, she was on her way to meet her friend.
(f/n) had a rare disease, which was all thanks to her mutated quirk, (y/q). It was dangerous and there was no cure. If they had caught it in time, all they would’ve needed to do was take away her quirk. However, they were too late. The disease had started attacking her body, killing off her white blood cells and shutting down her nervous systems. The best part about all of it was that she felt no pain. As she got weaker and weaker, closer to her death, there was no suffering. That was thanks to her quirk.
“You know,” (f/n)’s friend, Yana started as the two sat at a cafe. “There’s… someone that can help.” (f/n) looked up at her.
“What? Who?” Yana seemed hesitant, looking away in the distance. It was a bright and sunny day, the perfect weather for a picnic, or even just a day out.
“Do you… remember years ago, Izuku, Mirio, and Tamaki were part of a raid, Uravity, Froppy, and Kirishima too.” (f/n) looked at her, slightly confused but nodded regardless. “They attacked the Shie Hassaikai.”
“Right, how could I forget?”
“The villain they fought that day… Overhaul.” Her voice was low and (f/n) almost thought she misheard. When she saw the look in her friend’s eyes, her own widened.
“You’re n-not s-saying-”
“You’re not going to survive, (f/n). There’s no other way for you to be saved now, except this.”
“How is he supposed to help anyway? I thought he lost his quirk!” (f/n) whisper-yelled.
“He agreed to work with the heroes, he agreed to give them every piece of information on any villain he knew off. After proving himself, they granted him one request and it was to get his quirk back. Eri rewound him, just like she did with Mirio.”
“This is the dumbest story I’ve ever heard. I don’t care whether it’s true, I don’t want a villain’s help! I’d rather die-”
“Don’t say it!” Yana argued, glaring at (f/n), tears brimming her blue eyes. “D-don’t s-say that… i-if not for yourself o-or me, do it f-for Toshi. Do it for your husband. He d-doesn’t even know what you’re going through. You could just up and die one day and how am I supposed to tell him about this? How do I begin to explain that you lied to him? How you lied to your own husband. How you chose to disregard his feelings and not trust him with something so important. How would you feel, (f/n)? How would you feel knowing he hid something like this from you?” (f/n) frowned, looking away.
How would she feel? How would she feel knowing that he hid something so serious from her? She didn’t want him to worry. (f/n) didn’t want Hitoshi treating her like a sick patient, even though that’s exactly what she was. She didn’t want him limiting her to anything, she didn’t want him to hover over her, treating her as if she was made of glass. She wanted him to enjoy every moment with her to the fullest, without regrets. He already had so much to deal with… So, she chose to lie.
But Yana was right. Hitoshi would no doubt be broken- shattered to pieces- when he would find out she never told him. He would feel so alone and inadequate, but… she couldn’t. She just couldn’t bring herself to tell him.
So what about Yana’s suggestion? Getting help from a villain… she’d heard plenty from her friends, especially Izuku about Overhaul. Eri was the daughter of the leader of the Yakuza. He’d torn her apart only to reconstruct her to do it again. How would she feel going out and getting help from him?
“Think about it,” Yana said, taking a sip of her drink to calm herself. “Don’t do it for us, don’t do it for you, whatever. But do it for Hitoshi. After everything he’s been through, he deserves this. He… deserves you alive and well in his arms.”
Yana’s words hadn’t left (f/n)’s mind. Even as she sat alone in her house blankly staring at the TV, which was playing some sort of movie, she thought back to her words. Overhaul… could help her.
But did she want his help? Overhaul’s help? Desperate times did call for desperate measures, but that’s not what she wanted. She was the proud wife or a pro hero. How could she… get help from a villain? It felt like she’d dishonor him doing something stupid like that.
“Why… was I born with this quirk?” Hot, salty tears streamed down her cheeks, sliding all the way down to her chin then dripped onto her lap. No one wished to be quirkless, no one. People usually liked their quirk and here (f/n) was, wishing she never had one. She’d rather be quirkless than have this ticking time bomb of a quirk.
She laid down, her (e/c) eyes staring at the TV as she continued to cry. What was she going to do? How was Hitoshi going to manage without her? How was she supposed to prepare him without telling him about her impending death? How was he going to cope knowing the truth behind it all?
As she drowned herself in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the front door click open. She didn’t even hear her husband call out to her. (f/n) was pulled out of her thoughts when he kneeled in front of her, a look of worry plastered on his face.
“What’s wrong?! What happened?!” Seeing his beautiful face, those gorgeous lilac eyes, his handsome features, that cute little nose, his soft, pink lips all made it worse. (f/n) threw herself into his arms, letting her emotions flow free.
Hitoshi held (f/n) tightly, moving to sit on the sofa, with her in his lap. He gently raked his hands through her hair in an effort to help soothe her worries.
After half an hour or so, (f/n) finally felt stable enough to talk. Hitoshi had gotten her some water while she gathered her thoughts.
“It’s just one of those days.” She lied, taking small sips. He nodded understandingly. His hero career came with plenty of those days, so instead of pushing the subject further, he opted to help her relax.
To take her mind off of it, he prepared a meal for them both then the two spent the entire day cuddling on the couch watching all the movies she’d wanted to.
Hitoshi was too good for (f/n). No matter what, he was always by her side, supporting and comforting her in any way she needed. It made her want to accept Yana’s proposal. Hitoshi was a good man and he did deserve everything he wanted. If he wanted (f/n), then she’d be more than happy to grant his wish. But… getting help from the enemy? That was something… she couldn’t do.
As the days went on, (f/n)’s condition grew worse. Physically she looked fine, she felt no pain. But she was weaker. She found herself sleeping more, she found it hard to do anything. Small cuts that she’d get would last weeks, she would get sick more often and stay sick longer.
Hitoshi didn’t suspect a thing as she’d gotten her doctor to lie to him, which took a lot of convincing. These rough, hard weeks, (f/n) couldn’t get Yana’s suggestion out of her mind. There were days where she scoffed at the idea, but there were also days where she almost called Yana and accepted the offer.
(f/n) tried to stay strong and she managed to do it. However, in the next few days, she’d sorely regret her decision.
Hitoshi had to leave for a few days, which were extremely hard on (f/n), who knew her death drew closer. Yana was there, helping her every single day doing her best to try to convince (f/n) to go see Overhaul. (f/n) refused.
“(f/n)!” Yana yelled as she ran to her friend, who’d collapsed onto the floor. Yana helped her onto the couch and gently helped her drink some water. “P-please,” Yana tried again. “Please listen to me! Let’s go see Overhaul! All of this would end with-”
“NO!” (f/n) argued with what little strength she had left.
“Are you serious?! You’re aren’t going to make it, (f/n)! I’d be surprised if you made it long enough for Hitoshi to come home! Why are you being so stubborn?!”
“I can’t! Overhaul is a villain! He’s a monster and Hitoshi would hate me for going to hi-”
“Hitoshi could never hate you! He’s head over heels for you! But he would be furious. Not for going to Overhaul, but for lying about your disease and dying! Without even telling him! How are you ok with this?! This is the dumbest argument I’ve ever had to have!”
“You wouldn’t understand…”
“I would! I would understand! Because I know if my husband was sick and dying, I’d want to know! And if there was some way to fix him, I’d take it! No matter the reason!”
It didn’t matter. Yana’s efforts were in vain because (f/n) was stubborn. She wouldn’t budge and none of Yana’s strategies worked.
But now, right now, (f/n) desperately wished she’d listen to Yana. Hitoshi had returned home, only to find (f/n) worse than when he left her. He’d taken care of her all that day and when they got ready to go to bed, her body gave up.
She collapsed, making him run to her. Her body was done, it could no longer fight and it didn’t seem like it wanted to fight anymore. It couldn’t, her disease had taken over.
“Baby! Wh-what’s wrong?!” (f/n) was barely able to keep her eyes open, her breathing was labored, but she didn’t fail to catch that look in his eyes. Fear. Fear of what was happening, fear of this unknown condition, fear of not being able to help, fear of losing her. “I-it’ll be ok! D-don’t worry!” It really seemed like he was trying to convince himself instead of her.
Hitoshi grabbed his phone and immediately called for an ambulance. As he waited on the line, he gave the operator an answer for every single question, throwing some words of encouragement to (f/n). It didn’t matter, there wasn’t anything they could do. Slowly, (f/n)’s eyes closed, but she could still hear Hitoshi.
“N-no! B-baby! Kitten! P-please ope-open those eyes! Open your beautiful (e/c) eyes for me! Do-don’t do this! Don’t leave me, please don’t go!” He could feel her pulse getting weaker and weaker and so was her breathing. Hitoshi put the phone down but had it on speaker, telling the operator any new information.
His heart sped up and dread built up in his chest at seeing his wife, the love of his life, slipping away from him. He held her tightly against his chest, in some pathetic effort to keep her close to him. He was terrified if he’d let go… if he let go…
“T-Toshi…” She whispered.
“Don’t leave me! I-I c-can’t s-survive wi-with-without you! Do-don’t do this to me!” He sobbed, tears fleeing his eyes and landing on her chest, sliding down her soft skin. “Stop it, (f/n)! Just lo-look at me! For the love of God, open your eyes and look at me! You can’t leave me! You can’t leave me, you fucking promised! I-I do-don’t know what to do,” His voice cracked and for once he felt so helpless.
Hitoshi was a pro hero, but he’d never felt so weak before. His wife was dying, what happened? Nothing made sense, it didn’t make sense. What happened? She was fine and then she randomly started to get so sick… now she was dying?
“P-please d-don’t go,” He begged. “I-I don’t kn-know what to do… wh-what do I-I do k-kitten?” His hands ran through her hair as he pressed gentle kisses against her cheeks. “I l-love you s-so much. I need you, (f-f/n). So, l-look at me. I’m b-begging, baby. J-just look at me. Don’t do this to me. Don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me.”
She regretted being so stubborn now. Yana was right. Hitoshi would be heartbroken. Hitoshi wouldn’t be able to cope without her, he’d lose himself, he’d lose the ability to keep going. Why didn’t she listen? Why was she so against letting Overhaul help her?
She so desperately wanted to take him into her arms, telling him that it was all ok. That everything would be ok, that there was no need to cry. (f/n) so desperately wanted to comfort her husband… but she couldn’t.
Out of all the things Hitoshi deserved, this wasn’t one of them. Hitoshi Shinsou deserved better. She should’ve listened to Yana. Not only was she being punished for ignoring her friend’s warnings, but she was also punishing her husband, who didn’t deserve any of it. What for? Nothing. She got nothing for doing what she did. Well, actually she did.
(f/n) got a broken beyond repair husband. Who would now have to deal with her death because she was too cowardly to tell him or get help?
As she felt herself being pulled into the dark abyss, she only wondered how Hitoshi would’ve felt if she’d gotten help from Overhaul. Her mind went to the villain and she pathetically begged for him to magically appear in her home to save her. For Hitoshi. She felt her body move but was unable to comprehend what it was. Hitoshi was saying something… thanking someone? It… It didn’t matter.
Who could help her now?
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seoulnotes · 4 years
Luce in altis   |   ix. A Familiar Face
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S Y N O P S I S | Passed down from centuries worth of history, the remnants of a hatred between two kings reside in a small village that serves as a border between their two feuding kingdoms. y/n lives in that village and must seek aid from one of the kings. Her trust is tested when she learns of the king that is truly wicked.
C H A R A C T E R S | Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin, reader (y/n) ; (mentions of other members)
G E N R E | fantasy, romance, drama — royalty au ; PG-15
W A R N I N G S (chapter specific) | none
W O R D C O U N T | 4.8k
All parts here
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⇠ prev. (viii)    |   next (x) ⇢
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The following afternoon as Isobel had said, a seamstress arrived at the palace. She had brought many samples of fabrics with many colors and patterns.
I spent hours with the seamstress, instructed to stand still for some time while my measurements were taken and then picked different fabrics for tunics, trousers, dresses, and on and on.
My eyes landed onto a certain sheet of fabric that was brought by the seamstress. Flowers were embroidered onto the gray tulle but only along the bottom as if fading away towards the top. Unconsciously, my fingers rose to graze the fabric, taking in the texture of the flowers with their beadings that stood out amongst the tulle.
“My lady, do you like the fabric? It is more elaborate; we don’t usually use it for day dresses,” she explained.
“No, it’s fine, I was just looking.” It would be ridiculous to have any plain day dresses made from that fabric and it looked too expensive to just simply waste for that.
“I’m finished for today. Since we spent enough time gathering your measurements, the styles you prefer, and the fabrics, as the pieces finish, they will be sent to the palace.” She bowed and began to pack her sketches and fabrics.
“Thank you,” I said quietly.
“It was my pleasure.”
I felt like all I had to offer lately and especially at Hemera were thank you’s. I didn’t have anything besides what Jimin had provided me with as his guest.
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That night Jimin had asked if I would dine with him alone or choose to dine in my chambers by myself as it was not usual for his entire court to dine together each evening. I agreed to dine with him since I was not fond of being alone during a meal. It would only remind me of my missing family and of the meals I had at Erebus.
I was surprised that he didn’t choose to dine at a grand table for dinner, but a private dining room.
“Do you dine by yourself here?”
He nodded with a half-smile. “It’s more comforting than a grand table by myself since I do not have family or others to dine with.”
The dinner was in fact as simple as the act of a king dining alone privately. It was not the large display Taehyung had at his dinner with guests rather something like sliced honey bread served on a plate along with vegetables and veal.
I was given a goblet of wine along with the meal.
“Do you have any intentions of courting anyone?” I was unsure of the appropriateness of my question, but I had already asked before I could rethink myself.
Jimin didn’t seem bothered thankfully and answered with genuineness. “When you are a ruler of a kingdom, it is hard to seek the true intentions of those who are around you. When you are busy reading their intentions, it becomes hard to make space in your heart for love.”
I nodded, half understanding what he had said. I can feel sympathy, but I was not a ruler and could not empathize with him. I did feel bad for the lonely position he had been dealt with.
“If I intend on finding a queen, I will want my marriage to be out of love, not out of an alliance.” The corners of his lips turned as he gave a self-deprecating chuckle, “Although, that is quite hard.”
We had such genuine conversations when we spoke and I much favored them to the conversations I had with Taehyung. He knew how to carry them well and most importantly, in these conversations, I felt like I was speaking to a friend who knew me well rather than a king who had the power to have me gone within seconds.
Soon, I felt a wave of fatigue cross me. We had long finished dinner but had spent a while talking about anything and everything that stemmed from our conversation. Jimin was speaking of a time when he was a young boy, centuries ago, when the kingdom was still one.
I did not know how our conversation had drifted there, but I was glad to hear of stories of a happy childhood.
Unfortunately, my fatigue was strong and I was not able to hear all the words; they were muddling together and my eyelids threatened to shut from heavyweights.
“Are you alright, y/n?” From my tired eyes, I could see the concern in his eyes.
“I just feel a bit tired, maybe since it is late. Perhaps, our conversation may continue another time?” My voice was dragged on, tongue barely curling enough to form proper words.
“Yes, you should return to your chambers and rest.”
I don’t know how, but it was black the moment I had hit my bed. Was I that tired?
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I woke up to the beautiful daylight of Hemera, but a sour feeling on my tongue. My tongue felt like I had spoken words of betrayal; it tasted bitter, yet I had not eaten anything yet.
My mind fluttered back to last night’s conversation. I had spoken on Taehyung briefly, but it was nothing incriminating. I still felt like I had said something I was not supposed to.
Was I too drunk from a single glass of wine and let my mouth run?
I shook my head at the thought. I didn’t own a single detail in which I could betray him in any way. He had his own secrets that he had made sure to keep from me.
When a knock came to my door, I realized it was probably Isobel and my suspicions were confirmed when she peeped her head in.
“Good morning, your highness,” she bowed briefly at the door. “I hope you are well-rested. His Majesty had asked if you are rested enough to see more of the capital.”
It seemed that he had noted my fatigue last night but this morning, I was more than well-rested. I was hungry to explore more of the city.
“Of course.”
Although the seasons were still winter, it was like a completely different scene at Hemera. It was one thing I had failed to really take in until my second day at Hemera. With winter bleeding into the spring that was soon to arrive, the bitter cold was not there to bite, but rather a slightly chilly breeze one might experience during autumn. At the same time, I knew Erebus was much colder than here.
Interestingly, Jimin has dressed in extremely casual clothing, far from the embroidered tunic and jackets he wore. Instead, he adorned a simple white shirt and black trousers, neither with any decoration. The shirt wore loose on him and was tucked into the trousers.
My dress was along the lines of his clothing as well. The long dress was a plain off white with bell sleeve; the only decoration being the belt that tied at my waist. I wasn’t sure where this dress appeared from because it was not from my own clothes.
“How is it so warm? In Erebus, the weather was freezing the day we left.” We walked along a street which Jimin had claimed to be their famous street of crafts and many visitors of the kingdom came seeking a craft from this street whether it be clothing, art, or pottery.
“We’re much farther south. Our winter seasons are not as extreme. It’s great for the most part, but I miss the snow sometimes.”
Just as he finished speaking, we were steered around a corner. I spotted the bookstore and Jimin must have noticed my line of sight changing because his hand grasped mine as he pulled me towards it.
“I used to hate reading, but came to love it once I came to Erebus.”
“There’s a library at the palace since you like to read,” Jimin noted.
With a failed attempt at refusing, we were walking out of the bookstore, me an edition of “Through the Looking-Glass” in hand.
“If you had it in your library, I could just read it from there.” I couldn’t help the pout in my voice.
“I don’t, I swear! That’s why I bought it, I want it in my library,” He raised his hands in surrender.
“Thank you anyway,” my lips returned to a grateful smile.
“Anyway,” he drew out and I steered my focus to him, “what do you think about another ball?”
“Are you asking for my opinion for an event for your kingdom, Your Majesty?”
“Well, I’d like to know since it would be a ball in your honor,” he responded, hands tucking into his pockets.
“Why for my honor?” My brows furrowed in confusion.
“For one, you weren’t enjoying the ball at Erebus so I’d like for you to experience a different one. One here. Also, you’re my guest. My brother hosted a ball in my honor so I want to return the favor while you’re here,” he explained.
“You don’t need to,” I waved my hand. “It would be a lot of work and you’re already doing more than enough just showing me the capitol.”
“How about it would be my honor to host a ball?” He suggested, an eyebrow-raising to jokingly challenge me.
“Well, I don’t have a dress,” I responded.
“I’ll handle that,” a smirk curving on his lips because he knew he got me wrapped in his plans. “I guess it’s settled,” he clapped once in satisfaction, “a week from today, we’ll have a ball!”
I could only shake my head with a smile rising to my lips.
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“Do you have anything, in particular, you’d like to see? To be honest, I ran out of ideas,” Jimin asked the next day over breakfast.
The spoon in my hand swirled the tea and then I remembered, “I believe I was owed a tour of the palace library.”
“Said who?” He brought a cup of coffee to his mouth with a teasing smile.
“Says you, Your Majesty.” No amount of holdings I had was able to stop the tease in my tone when I mentioned his title just to get a laugh.
So, I was left in awe as Jimin led me through the double doors revealing behind it the library. The walls were lined with shelves of books nearly two stories high which were only accessible with a ladder than ran along the walls.
“Wow,” my mouth left hanging agape.
After a few moments, Jimin was beside me and in his hand was the copy of “Through the Looking Glass” that he had bought yesterday.
“So, what made you like reading when you went to Erebus?”
I shrugged. “I didn’t realize that reading could take you away from reality.”
“I guess the marriage wasn’t really what I had planned,” I revealed. In my mind, I was weighing whether or not to reveal more, to reveal why I was really at Erebus and what had taken place at my village.
“And reading took you away from that?”
I nodded. “Jimin, what do you think about the village between your two kingdoms?”
Why did I just ask that?
Taehyung’s voice rang in my head. A task that required me to look for mere humans of a defenseless village…
It would be better to see Jimin’s view beforehand right?
“It’s a shame that they have to be caught between all of this,” he said. “Why do you ask all of a sudden?”
I paused for a moment, attempting to wind up an excuse because clearly, his answer was not enough to compel me to give my true reason. “The festival happened recently; I was just wondering since it was on my mind,” my voice trailed off and I prayed that it was a good enough excuse.
Jimin seemed to have bought it as he nodded his head in response. “Yeah, a few months ago. I wish I was able to help the village with poverty, but the village is neutral land between our kingdoms. I can’t do anything.”
His hands secured behind his back as his gaze grazed passed shelves as if in deep thought with himself as he spoke.
I felt myself believing what he was saying. He had no reason to be telling me this if he hadn’t meant it.
Changing the subject, he asked, “Dinner tonight?” A faint smile on his lips.
“Of course.”
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I found myself growing increasingly tired as nightfall came for days to come. Whenever I was at dinner right past nightfall, I would feel the heaviness on my eyelids and my mind beginning to grow lazy and losing attention easily.
Jimin noticed himself.
“Are you okay? You seem to easily tire recently. I’m going to send for a palace healer tomorrow.” Concern laced his voice and was present in his eyes. A frown took hold of his lips as he reached out a hand to grasp my arm gently.
“I’m not sure. I just feel like I have no energy to stay awake past certain times.” It was hard to muster the energy to even speak my words.
Jimin stood from his chair and wrapped an arm around my waist, helping me from my chair. “Here, I’ll walk you back to your bedroom.”
I only mustered the strength to nod. “Thank you,” my words came out in breaths.
Just like the past few nights, I entered the arms of sleep the moment I was in my bed. The last thing in my sight before my eyes shut was the worried frown on Jimin’s face.
As Jimin had stated the night before, a palace healer arrived in the morning following a concerned Jimin. The anxious king seemingly couldn’t stay still as the healer took my pulse. I felt perfectly fine when I woke up, but when night fell, especially after dinner, my energy disappeared into thin air.
I was sitting in bed having a healer examine me as if I was truly unwell with something.
“Her pulse is not weak, Your Majesty. There is no sign of illness.”
“Then why does she have such a lack of energy?” Jimin sounded annoyed at the lack of a diagnosis.
“I’m sorry, I am not able to tell if it is a condition I have not heard of before,” the healer bowed apologetically. Honestly, Jimin looked like he was ready to bring about punishment and I understood why the healer was frightened by his demeanor.
“It’s fine. I may not be resting enough,” I added to try and smooth over the healer’s lack of diagnosis and calm the irritated king.
“You’re dismissed,” Jimin waved a dismissive hand towards the healer.
The healer took another bow before leaving.
“It might be my fault,” I mustered a smile towards the displeased king.
“I’m going to send for herbal teas or something. It isn’t right my guest is feeling unwell in my palace,” he took my hand, letting his thumb gently sweep across the back of it.
“Thank you.” I was grateful he was placing so much care in a subject that was not as important. “Needn’t worry yourself over such an insignificant thing. It could be anything really, like getting used to the change in seasons so suddenly,” I suggested.
It really didn’t concern me as much as it seemed to concern Jimin.
“It’s just not settling that this is while you’re in my care. I couldn’t possibly return you in this state back to your home.”
Right, home. It was a reminder that I was technically still visiting this kingdom.
Taehyung wouldn’t care if I was on my death bed anyway.
“I assure you, the fatigue is gone by morning when I awake.” I offered a gentle smile.
Jimin sighed. “It could be the beginning of something more serious. At least drink the tea I send for later.”
I had no choice but to oblige to his request because God knew that he would just continue down the path of concern.
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I had not seen much of Jimin for the next few days except when we met for dinner in which he would appear in the library where I was nose deep in another book or in my room, hands tucked behind his back and a smile on his face as he invited me to dinner.
Isobel didn’t ask in his place anymore.
The fatigue was not as frequent, only occurring sometimes and not every night as before. It settled Jimin’s worries.
Tonight was the night of the ball. Just as I had experienced at Erebus, the palace was in complete chaos. Even though I was the only guest from outside of the kingdom here, it seemed the decoration was just as elaborate.
“Your highness, I have your dress for the ball,” Isobel arrived in my bedroom with a white box in hand. She placed it down onto the coffee table and I rose from the bed to open it.
When I lifted the lid from the box, it revealed the familiar fabric with gray tulle and embroidered pale pink flowers.
My mouth went agape as my fingers glided across the fabric, through different flowers. Awe ran through me for a few seconds, how was this possible? How could Jimin possibly have the dress made?
“How could he have…,” I whispered to myself.
“His Majesty had ordered it from the seamstress that had come earlier this week,” Isobel responded.
I grasped the dress and pulled it from the box. It revealed a ballgown, full in the skirt as the flowers gathered at the bottom and dispersed as it reached the waistline. The dress had straps falling from the shoulder and the top focused on the flowers as well.
“It’s beautiful.” My eyes struggled to remove themselves from tracing through the dress over and over again.
“The ball will be in a few hours, do you want to begin preparing?”
I nodded, feeling eager to try on the beautiful gown.
Just like that, I was thrown into a flurry of activities beginning with bathing and ending with the dress being laced by Isobel and jewels being placed on me. Half of my hair was braided and wrapped around the crown of my head while the rest flowed down my back.
A knock came from the door.
“Come in.” I folded my hands together in front of me and waited. I knew it was Jimin who was behind the door.
The door opened to reveal a royal king, dressed like a true king, and standing like a true king. Jimin strode in, a smile gracing his lips. He wore an ivory suit jacket, the collar, and cuffs laced with gold trimming. Just beneath peeped a white dress shirt. Above his brow was a grand crown I had not seen much of.
I had not realized the gold crown had a jeweled sun in the center, but it only stood to represent the power he embodied.
Even a humble king didn’t miss the chance to dress for the occasion as rings adorned his fingers and a single earring hung from his ear.
“Beautiful,” Jimin spoke as he approached me.
The single word drew me from my thoughts and warmth to make its way to my cheeks as I bowed. “Thank you.”
“Shall we?”
He extended an arm for me as I took hold of it.
I didn’t know if I met Jimin’s standard of regalness, but he didn’t stop when we entered the ballroom allowing all eyes to fall upon us.
The similar feeling of self-consciousness fell onto me. I was definitely not the same flawlessness as them, but walking in with Jimin gave me a feeling of comfort.
People bowed and addressed their king as we walked by.
I wasn’t aware I gave away my thoughts until Jimin tipped his head over and whispered, “you look magnificent, don’t let any looks take that from you.”
Again, my cheeks felt warm and I ducked my head out of habit. I didn’t want to reveal the blush on my face. “Thank you, Jimin,” I replied, grateful.
His words kept some of the insecurity at bay.
“I think you’ll find our balls enjoyable,” he commented as he reached for two flutes of bubbling wine and handed me one.
“I’m already enjoying this much more,” I revealed.
“Then I’ve partially completed my mission tonight.” He took a sip from the flute, a satisfied smile on his lips.
My brows furrowed. “What mission?”
“Well, first, make sure you attend a ball and actually have fun,” he began. “Then, a waltz in much better music.”
He had remembered my note about the music from Erebus’s ball.
I felt a strike of courage as I asked, “then the waltz?”
“Would you do me the honor then?” Jimin picked up on my question as he plucked the flute from my hand and placed both glasses down before extending a hand to me with a curt bow.
“Of course, we’ve got to complete your mission right?” I took his hand as he led me towards the center of the ballroom.
As though the orchestra had known, another song had begun to play. Jimin was right, the music was better.
I realized I was not as terrible as when I had first danced in Erebus. Even though it was only the second or third time, my footing had gotten better.
We took a few steps before I remembered.
“How did you have this dress prepared?” He couldn’t have known about the fabric.
“The seamstress mentioned the fabric from when she came to take your measurements and I thought you’d like it for the dress,” he said, a clear smile due to how well received his choice was.
“I love it.”
With that, Jimin released a hand to spin me from him and pulled me back to him which caused me to release a laugh.
“I’m glad you did,” and this time, we were closer than before, his voice next to my ear. “Who knows how upset I would be if you didn’t,” he joked.
It felt more intimate, more intimate than we had ever been. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy this closeness and feared my heart was starting to fall for Jimin. Yet, I had to remind myself that publicly I was betrothed to Taehyung and had yet to dispel that.
Before I had a chance to distance myself to stand as an upcoming monarch of a different kingdom, Jimin moved first. It was clear there was displeasure on his features, a slight frown was on his lips and his eyes flitted around the room.
“I want to show you something.”
I allowed his hand to slip into mine and tug me from the ball. He led me down a hallway and into a room.
“Where are we?”
“Somewhere that isn’t the ballroom.”
“To be honest, I apologize for the way my people may have been treating you.”
I knew what he was talking about yet my brows furrowed in confusion. “What made you say that?”
“In the ballroom—,” he started. He didn’t have to finish.
“They were watching us dance,” I finished for him. “It’s alright, I understand I’m the outsider here.” I kept my tone casual because I had faced more discrimination at Erebus than simply people giving me strange looks.
“It was still discourteous,” he interjected.
“No, it’s fine. I mean it.” I gave a small smile. “I promise.”
“I’ll try to keep the impoliteness at bay.”
“So I assume that there wasn’t really something for you to show me,” I gestured to the room we were in. It was another empty bedroom in the palace.
“Actually,” he drew out.
I realized our hands were still intertwined as his thumb gently ran across the back of mine. He pulled me towards a pair of glass doors. This was something new that I had not noticed before.
“I intended to apologize, but this room also has a balcony with an amazing view,” he said cheekily.
“I’m jealous Jimin, I was not given a balcony in my room,” I teased him.
Leaning against the rails of the balcony, silence settled. We could only hear the gentle howling of the wind and the rest of the capital with all its lights in the distance.
“How about dancing here without prying eyes and impolite frowns?” Jimin suggested.
“In the silence?” I gave him a strange look although there was no refusal in my tone.
“The better.” He extended a hand which in a split second, I placed my hand into. His other hand fell below my shoulder which allowed my arm to rest upon as my hand landed on his shoulder.
In the silence, we waltzed. The only sound came from our shoes shuffling as we moved.
“You were right,” I said with an amused smile.
“I’m full of good ideas.” His mouth curved.
We paused in the dance and my heart began to race. With the moonlight cascading over the side of his face, I was able to finally see the king before me. It was different from whenever I had seen it before.
I noticed the way his eyes were twinkling in the moonlight and how they shaped with the smile he wore. I liked that smile a lot.
His eyes found purchase on my lips and I couldn’t help but mirror his actions, allowing my eyes to fall to his. The intention was there.
He leaned in then his soft lips were on mine. It was not a long kiss, rather a short one filled with enough emotion. It was clear where the intention of the kiss had come from. I kissed back to my own surprise and allowed myself to lean into his body with my hands finding their way to behind his neck.
He returned by circling his arms on my waist, pulling me flush against him. For the first time, I felt my flutters inside my chest and that warm feeling that made me want to seek more. For the first time in a while, I had felt safe and I felt safe in Jimin’s arms.
We were both surprised when we separated. I assumed my pupils matched his, dilated. I don’t know if the sudden kiss opened a door of trust for me, but I was compelled to tell him. “Jimin, I have something to tell you.”
His eyes encouraged me to continue and I was about to, mouth opening to tell him about my family and village who was taken away until there was a knock on the door that pulled the opportunity right from beneath my feet.
We escaped from each other’s arms and distanced ourselves. “Come in.” Jimin brought his authoritative tone back.
I’m sure my eyes grew wide and my heart plunged into my stomach when a familiar face appeared in a whirlwind of white.
It was a man that resembled the guard in my dreams of my village in the dungeon. The same nasty scar was beside his right eye.
I shook my head slightly. No, it was just someone who looked like him. He was a soldier, of course, he had battle scars.
My dreams were definitely not real.
A more unsettling feeling came when my curiosity surfaced. Was it possible?
I was nauseous immediately at the consideration. I had to be mistaken. My dreams are not real. They cannot be.
Why did this person resemble someone from my dream? I swallowed and began to reason my thoughts. This was a possibility, someone in my dream could look similar to others in reality.
My eyes were on the upper arm of the man’s armor searching for his crest. The fear settled. It was not the same crest from my dream. No bleeding moon. It was rather a sun with crossed swords below it. It certainly had to be the royal guard’s crest.
The guard eyed me strangely before clearing his throat.
“Pardon me, Your Majesty, it is time to discuss the guests from the continent and their stay.”
“Yes, I will meet you in the cabinet room in a moment. You’re dismissed.”
After the guard left, Jimin turned his attention from the door. “I’ll see you later?”
I had been too distracted by the thoughts of the guard to fully regard the nervousness in his tone and nodded.
I barely noticed him leaving the room.
Even though the chances were small, I couldn’t settle the thoughts that urged me to consider the possibility that this was someone from my dreams. And if he had been real, were my dreams real?
I shook my head at the thought.
Foolish, they were foolish. There was nothing besides a simple resemblance to someone from my dreams to point me towards the insane idea that my dreams were entirely real.
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lowkey a little bit of filler and i hate some parts i wrote, but i really wanted more development with jimin’s character and y/n & his relationship which is how this chapter came to be, hope you enjoy reading it though! :)
[also really sorry to say this but i kinda dug myself into a whole of writer’s block for this series and might (potentially but not sure yet depending on the outlook of the next two weeks) put this series on hiatus or have the next chapter be posted in longer than the two weeks marks between chapters :( it’s just been tough to write the next chapter because i’m not really sure how i want to write it and i love this series too much (and it needs the justice) to just force myself to write it and have it written terribly. i really hope it doesn’t happen though]
yours truly, Selene ♡
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heroofshield · 4 years
Answer all the letters for Miss Anna!
A) Why are you excited about this character?
Because she’s the best and worst of my characters. Also Anna’s the only one that gives me the most ideas that I really want to write out and see where it goes. I played ME:A during a really hard time in my life and the game got me through it, so in a way Anna showed me that the hard points never last and it’ll get easier.
B) What inspired you to create them?
Anna was my first Pathfinder and the way I played her (smartass/humor as a weapon impulsive insecure) just really resonated with me at that point in my life. She is sort of the opposite of me in some things and I can really play with that.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
When it comes to the Vega/Ryder AU a little because I took her from the established Andromeda universe and kicked her over to the regular Mass Effect story going “okay how would she fit into ME3?”
i’ve actually written myself into a corner story-wise but that’s fine because it’s making me think a bit more
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
She’s looked pretty much the same overall. I’ve changed how long her hair gets, just to show passage of time, but for the ME3 stories I gave her a big scar on her face and scars on her body to show that she’s had it rough for a stretch of time.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Maybe we’d get along? She’s be my “cool friend” I’d defiantly be the friend who would let Anna crash at my place if she needed it/invite her over for game night so she could relax and not really have to pretend for awhile. And I feel like Anna would be like “let me cook for you/do your laundry since you’re letting me stay with you” or “I know a guy who can hook us up with tickets to [insert thing]”
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
Pride because she’s My Girl and she goes through some terrible things but still manages to come out the other side of them a bit worn but still trudging on. Also Frustration because sometimes she does not want to do what I want her to and decides to do something else instead.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
She’s rather Not Deal with things if they strike a deep chord with her (i.e. her mothers death, absent father, feeling like the screw up of the family) and would rather try to deal with them in a not healthy way (drink/party them away).
H) What trait do you admire most?
She tries to see the best in people, even if that’s gotten her burned more than a few times.
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
I've kept them in the Mass Effect universe but threw her over to the OG trilogy. I’ve tried a few times to do different AUs but none of them have really worked in my mind (minus the Western one, but was just a one-shot).
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
For the ME:A AU I did and then the ME3 stories I had to fudge some canon to make it all fit, but largely overall I’ve kept close to canon events.
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years
Hi there! I’m not sure if your couples requests are still open so if there are here’s mine: So I’m a 21 yo F who is hella bi sexual! I’m 5’4” and pretty chunky and like to dye my hair as a semblance of control during these times. I was pretty average when it came to school but absolutely learned the heck out of my personal interests! I do like to write, draw and play video games in my spare time. I am a scorpio, so I’m always slow to anger but once I get to my boiling point I am scary AF. I always prefer to talk things out, and a lot of my friends do come to me for advice and tarot readings since I do like to do witchy stuff as well I don’t have a lot of experience with relationships just Bc the serious one I was in def ended badly and currently I don’t feel any need or pressure to be in one. I am pretty confident and mildly outgoing despite my introverted nature. I have been known to be incredibly smart and also say some DUMB AF THINGS OUT OF NOWHERE. I still can’t live some of that stuff down. Like it’s become an inside joke that’s spanned almost half a decade now and I just want it to die. I’m pretty shy at first but once I’m comfortable and the vibes are right it feels like I’ve known whomever I’m talking to my whole life. I’m definitely that friend to give long hugs for absolutely no reason other than that I think you might need one
I literally can’t fathom just how much I can relate to this ask, this is absolutely heckin’ ‘tutely beautiful. Without further ado, here’s your matchup!
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Ty Lee!
I was low-key kind of scared to answer this one because you would go so well with literally everyone, but I decided on Ty Lee! I literally adored your ask so much, it was so cute yet chaotic, and that’s like... the perfect balance on my terms. I think Ty Lee would be such a great match for you! Ty Lee is definitely someone who can be quite sassy at first, but once you get to know her, she’s very warm-hearted and cares about a lot of people she loves. I definitely see Ty Lee as a hugger, and I’m willing to bet that you two would have a hug-off to see who would hug the longest (I have no idea who’ll win). Not only that, I think Ty Lee would definitely be in love with just how many things you could do-- you can write, draw, you’re super sweet and you can be smart yet the slightest bit chaotic. She’d probably be quite mesmerized with your personality, and she’ll always be there for you if you need some extra encouragement! Ty Lee will see to it until the very end that you’re doing okay and that you’re not under any stress. She loves that she finally has someone who’ll listen to what she believes, and she’ll do the same for you! Ty Lee will never forget about just how sweet and talented you are, and she’ll be with you every second of the day. She won’t ever be serious or down around you, because she wants people to see not just the energetic side of herself, but the gentle and warm-hearted Ty Lee. I think you two would be absolutely amazing!!
Next up, we have The Legend of Korra :D! I pair you with...
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I can’t explain in words just how much Bolin loves you. He’ll literally go to everything and back just to see your face, hear your laugh or do whatever one last time. He actually adores just how smart you can be-- he doesn’t deny just how smart you are because he knows just how smart you are. He’s not serious around you, but rather more light-hearted and laughs a whole ton around you. He doesn’t care about how you look at all because whoever you are, you’re still the girl he fell in love with the day you two met. He’s in love with just how much you care about everyone, and he’ll never forget about just how cool you looked with so many different hair colors! He probably has a tendency to want to play with it a lot, or either beg you to dye his. I’d like to imagine that he’d accidentally get the dye all over his hands and be left with Grinch Hands™. Even though you might not think you're beautiful, or you're convinced that you aren't "pretty enough" or insecure, he sees past all of that. He does not care, because he is in love with you and every single little thing you ever do. Did you just get a snack out of the pantry? Yep, he'll say you look beautiful doing that. Did you just open a door? Yeah, he'll give you a kiss on the cheek. Did you stand there, on your phone, lying down sprawled across the couch and holding a cup of coffee? Yeah, he thinks you're the most beautiful person on the planet. Bolin truly does care, and he's always open to help you as well whenever you feel lost. He's there to help you and will never stop loving you, because the amount of love he has for you is SO much and he will never, ever, EVER let you go no matter what you may believe about yourself.
Anywho, I hope this is enough for you! If there’s anything else I could ever do to help, I gotchu ;D! Thank you so much for asking <hugs!>
And also, thank you for asking! I really do put a lot of thought into these and take time to make it as thoughtful as possible, as well as comparing MBTI’s and different personality types and attributes. It’d mean the world to me if even just one tap, just a like would come from anyone :) You don’t even need to say thank you (because you guys are just that amazing).Yay!! <3 Thank you so much <hugs!>
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lux-ace · 4 years
Minthe’s unknown lineage and possible backstory in Lore Olympus
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The color of her complexion “red” has a positive and negative meaning behind it, THYNOVEL stated her old thoughts on the color red and how it influences certain characters in the Lore Olympus story just like any other kind of color you can think of. Next is how her eyes genuinely looks like, close up, to anyone that is figuring out the right color palette. Lastly, her known abilities tied to the river that she was conceived from. When it comes to unpleasant emotions, Minthe’s hair as well as her skin becomes liquid-like as the river she originated from. THYNOVEL remarks, “While in distress, her anxiety shows through her hair, which spreads and taints just as Cocytus does.”
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🤑fandom_freak.geek😜’s version seems to be quiet fascinating to me. For instance, she looks as an untamed beauty that wasn’t ruined by Deity Society as well as her own volition, not yet at least.
Minthe’s behaviour appeared to be similar to a cat, recluse and moody. The first picture describes the Naiad being annoyed, for someone is staring at her while she’s eating. The next picture of her being frightened by an intruder, she decided to hide from that person. The final picture describes the playfulness she displays to her companion.
The flower used on Minthe’s head is a red hibiscus flower with a yellow anther. The name is derived from the Greek word “hibiskos”, meaning “mallow”, while the red color for this particular flower represents passion and deep romantic love. The meaning behind this particular flower is  femininity, beauty, and glory.
Her Family is unknown to the webtoon readers, so lets state the obvious facts in Greek Myth. She is the daughter of Cocytus, one of the five Underworld River-Deities.
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In the Greek Mythology Wiki on Minthe, It states that Cocytus procreated with someone in order for this nymph’s existence. During Episode 52, she clearly finds Persephone’s container cute. She even comment that her (supposedly) mother would have. Imply in that comment that Minthe had a mother at one point, then she was gone (died or left), causing the Naiad to lack a genuine mother-figure.
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[THEOI’s Encyclopedia “C”] [Nymphes of the Underworld] [Underworld River Nymphs - Cocythiae] : Next, is the possibility that the other two nymphs that Minthe is hanging out with may have been her fellow Cocythiae or old friends back home.
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Then there’s Minthe’s possible cousin, Ascalaphus. An Underworld Daemon, son of Acherôn & Gorgyra, and the orchardist to Hades. They might have been distant towards each other as cousins, but maybe been close-like siblings.
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Last but not least Styx, the goddess of oaths and the River Styx. Her first debut was in a banner poster at Underworld Corp in episode 33 and full appearance at Acherôn in episode 57. Hades settled, “She’s the underworld’s most powerful river. She carries all the boats further into the underworld for judgment.” Not only is she bind oaths between deities, but escorts the shades ferried by Charon for their grand trial with the King of the Underworld. Styx’s four children reside in Olympus as Zeus’ enforces after the Titan War, they’re possibly childhood friends to Minthe and Ascalaphus.
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Here’s —thynovel’s take on the Titans, especially the Oath-bounder. Styx’s hair tends to be incredibly long to turn liquid down and her skin tends to constantly glisten with water. Carmen said, “Her hair is incredibly long and appears to melt into the River Styx.” This Titan’s seem to overpower the other River-Deities and may possibly be their leader. 
Then there’s Minthe, her Naiad-form appears oozing and flowy connected to genuine negativity. —Thynovel explained, “Minthe’s appearance becomes runny and gooey when stressed. She’s going back to her most comfortable and primordial form.”
One of the many literature tools any compelling character, either a protagonist or antagonist, is their personal background. Especially if someone is meant for a tragic fate, it’s to understand what lead to “that very moment”. Whatever kind of backstory this Underworld Naiad has allows the readers the choice to sympathize or criticize towards her.
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In Episode 104, Thetis gaslighted Minthe in order to assert dominance as the leader of Snarky Chat. The reason this Nereid did this to a fellow member is because put the Naiad in her place. Stated if Thetis hadn’t found her, Minthe would stay a nobody and prejudiced her social class. The only comeback Minthe said to her “supposed” best friend is:
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This may be a piece of her past that she would like to bury, as mortals would entomb their dead. Minthe may have prefer being a miserable nobody than being manipulated any further by Thetis.
Although other LO fans like their spin on Minthe’s backstory, so let’s see it for ourselves.
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♏whore♍olympus♎’s verion: Cocytus created Minthe from his river or procreated with another nymph. He’s a river-god of lamentation that wants his daughter to take over the river, but she refuse, resulting to an argument.
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hades_is_a_thot’s version:
I know a lot of you are probably wondering by now why I've spent so long chasing after Minthe. Today, I have an answer for you.
I met Minthe on my weekly rounds one evening when I was passing by the Cocytus river. I'd never paid much attention to any of the nymphs before until that day. She was alone; her body racked with sobs. She reminded me of myself really. She'd barely noticed who was watching her, and instead of looking first, she snapped and threatened me with a dead fish. In the moment, I couldn't help but laugh. A small river nymph threatening the king of the Underworld with a fish. She was a flustered mess until I spoke. Minthe was rather petite even then, her beauty and pain was what drew me to her that day. Though, she held quite the attitude when I asked why she was crying. Somehow, I convinced her to walk with me. It didn't last long though. When I tried to reach out to her, she pulled away with that same sassy attitude. You wonder why I stayed with her for a thousand years. At that time, she'd already had someone, someone who didn't treat her well. Every day I would check up on her, and every day there would be new bruises or burned cigarette marks in her skin. It pained me to see her so afraid, so alone and distraught. It might not have been my best moment, but I sent him to live in the deepest pits of Tartarus for a couple hundred years. Because even in those moments, she was still the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on. You would've done the same for someone you loved.
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sundayxl’s version: Minthe was new to the rural-part of the Underworld, the need money seemed to cross the Naiad’s mind. It lead her to make a dangerous deal with “someone” in order to secure her place in the Underworld Corp, so she could be paid highly as an intern. She has to transfer him all the money, however, this Naiad ran out. But surprise! surprise! Thanatos comes knocking on her car door. He demands to have his money this instance, making her agitated towards him.
Extra: Here are other artists’ take on the Underworld River-Deities and the Map of Hades.
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