#I wish you all an anti-writers block
luckytidbit · 5 months
Happy 2024 Everyone!
2023 has been an absolutely amazing year for me on Tumblr! I started out small in another community (which surprisingly created my most popular post), and then went to being one of the bigger creators in another community (that’s what you get for joining a itty bitty fandom, why can’t you just be like TF2, Unwind?!).
Anyway, more about me, I started writing Recalled all the way back in June this year on Wattpad. (Don’t try looking for it, I never posted it.) It was absolute shit back then, and although there are still some things I’d like to change about the uploaded version, it’s far better than what stayed to the drafts. I want to thank all of you who still stayed around in the unwind community this year, and and special thanks to myself, @heliads, and @lazysailor for the amazing fics we’ve created this year, whether they come after, within, or an another universe of the main storyline.
I’d also like to thank @bopeisdope as I’m pretty sure they’re the reason I have a following in the first place.
I’m writing this the night posting chapter 22 of Recalled, I’m not sure if I’ll be getting another one before the new year, but if I do then I guess I’ve just surpassed my expectations.
Alrighty then, let’s make the new year I good one!
oh and thank you @nealshustermanbrainrot for you horrible atrocities of posts. /j
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seaweedstarshine · 3 days
Late to the game as I’ve kinda been kinda non-here for a minute but I scrolled through the Dot and Bubble tag, and thought I wanted to write this post into existence.
There's this part in Doctor Who Unleashed where RTD says this:
“What we can’t tell is how many people will have worked that out before the ending. Because they’ve seen white person after white person after white person, and television these days is very diverse. I wonder, will you be ten minutes into it, will you be fifteen, will you be twenty, before you start to think, everyone in this community is white. And if you don’t think that — why didn’t you? So, that’s gonna be interesting. I hope it’s one of those pieces of television you see, and always remember.”
And I'm like. Yeah. But the reason this works even as well as it does is largely thanks to the work of the previous showrunner with the previous creative team, which was notably the first era to have any writers of color (amongst other firsts in terms of inclusivity in directors, composer, actors). While Chibnall fumbled whenever he tried to write about race himself, he did have the self-awareness to have Black and South Asian writers writing the episodes where race is the focus (and a female writer for the episode where sexism is a focus; my point is, he seemed to know his shortcomings).
I wonder what the current creative team looks like? (not really, but I wasn't 100% sure for all of them)
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To quote RTD:
“...before you start to think, everyone in this community is white.”
This is pretty non-self-aware, right? It's pretty “It is said, and I understand this, there was a history of racism with the original Toymaker, the Celestial Toymaker, who had ‘celestial,’ and I did not know this, but ‘celestial’ can mean of Chinese origin, but in a derogatory way,” right? (from The Giggle Unleashed) It's pretty “and I had problems with that, and a lot of us on the production team had problems with that: associating disability with evil,” right? (from Destination Skaro Unleashed)
—none of which are issues that should be overlooked, but think how much exponentially better they might’ve been addressed if he’d consulted with Chinese writers and wheelchair-using writers before going straight to giving the Toymaker weird fake accents and making Davros walk?
How many Black or non-white people do we think saw the Dot and Bubble script before it landed in Ncuti’s hands?
And this just keeps happening.
And like, from some of the shocked responses I've seen from white viewers to the ending of Dot and Bubble, maybe the episode's unsubtlety was needed? From the way RTD talks about it in Unleashed, the episode was written with a white audience in mind, Baby's First Microaggressions (where of course the microaggressions come from people who are pretty self-admittedly white supremacists). Ricky September, a more seemingly normal depiction of someone in the racist bubble of Finetime, seemed like an interesting element, up until the way he died.
The ending worked for me, because I do think the Doctor's reaction is true to how the Doctor would react. I just keep thinking of how much better the core themes could've been handled by someone with actual lived experience on the subject matter.
#dot and bubble#fifteenth doctor#rtd critical#anti rtd#ricky september#lindy pepper bean#dw negativity#racism#antiblackness#words by seaweed#not to be anti rtd. im just very critical. Anti RTD is just a tag which people use or block#every showrunner has their flaws but RTD is the only one self-righteously virtu signling over NOTHING. which is why im more critical.#plus the on-set sxual hrassment and what happened with Chris Eccleston etc. it vindicates me. idk. not tryna be a hater#ALSO dot and bubble is leaps and bounds better than any racism commentary I expected from Russell T Davies. so theres that.#can you tell I'm shy abt making long posts that someone is likely gonna be not happy about-#I usually search tumblr for posts to rb and talk in tags. but I couldnt find any posts about this this morning! tho I think ppl have since#etc its fine to critically appreciate imperfect media etc I do it all the time (as a Black fan) (who also thinks Rosa has Flaws) etc#I did see someone on twitter pointing out the hypocrisy of all white writers but twitter does not have space to talk about things#also love that The Church on Ruby Road has Mark Tonderai who became the first black director w The Ghost Monument. I love his directing#but that's the Christmas special. it is not part of this season. and honestly fr it's not close to enough#love the inclusivity in front of the camera. lets get some of that in the writing team NOW. it's hurting for it.#bring back Charlene James. can you hear me? was the best episode of Season 12.#the ep felt like a commentary on the “RIP Doctor Who” ppl under every official Doctor Who post? hence social media?#it does work best that way!! it just felt a little off of that way in rtd talking#idk im rambling. I did enjoy it tho. I just wish. but well.
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loverboy-havocboy · 1 month
I saw the ask you answered from another anon about cloneshipping, and I balled my eyes out. I'm a closet cloneshipper too. I came into the fandom about a year ago and ended up with the antis before I even knew what that meant.
I've started to secretly follow cloneship blogs, but I'm a decently popular fanfic writer in the anti group, and I really don't want to lose my readers by coming out 😭
I've never written a cloneship fic, and I mostly write x reader, which I know is a whole different topic for another day, but I love the content you all put out!
I put a short, non-aggresive blurb on my blog that I don't cloneship to appease the masses, and several cloneship blogs blocked me. It's sad, but I don't blame them. I've seen the hate spewed out by antis, and it's just disgusting.
Well, thanks for that list of friendly cloneship blogs, and thanks for being so nice to us in the shadows ❤️
👤 Incognito Anon
i'm really glad that post was able to help you in some way, friend. i'm gonna be honest, i had no idea it was so common for people to feel trapped in anti circles, and it makes me so sad. we should all be having fun - that's what it boils down to.
being a writer myself, i understand the fear of losing your reader base. i only have one non-shipping work, but i have at times wished it could be separated from my cloneship writing because i'm really proud of it and i know that shrinks the amount of people who will interact with it. however, i'm proud of ALL of my work. all of it brings me joy - and not just that, but it brings other people joy. it's meaningful to them.
all that to say.. i think sharing my work with a small group of people who cherish it feels better than having a larger audience. but i know that's just me personally.
if i may, i'd like to encourage you to make a side blog where you can interact with fandom in a way that brings you joy, and an alternate ao3 if you ever want to dabble in cloneshipping fic. maybe you’ll always stay in both places separately, maybe you’ll find that one feels better than the other and make the leap eventually. regardless, the option is there, and we'd love to have you.
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piosplayhouse · 8 months
Just came across someone in the mdzscql/tgcf fandoms with an "anti fic recs" list where they just linked a bunch of completely unproblematic ao3 fics from established writers in the fandom without permission and extensive and unnecessary criticism (most of it just disagreeing with characterization) just to make fun of them, had "regretful recs" where they wrote maybe a paragraph about how they liked the fic and then listed the author's "problems" which were just whether or not they had written noncon/somno/etc kink work in ANY other completely unrelated fics or even just used words like "queer", and didn't even read some of their "anti recs" on the list but just wanted to make fun of them on the descriptions and I'm absolutely fucking livid.
Even if you don't like certain types of content that shouldn't lead you to compiling authors you don't like on a "shame list" in public stocks to humiliate them all for the grand sin of making a character a bit ooc. Genuinely ghoulishly evil behavior. It's so difficult for me to even fathom what the point of making any recs at all are since doing something like that 100% just discourages ALL writers, even the ones who make "good content", by telling them that the art they made of their own free will and time just out of a love for a piece of media is going to be mercilessly scrutinized and if deemed unacceptable your name will be blasted through the halls like some sort of mean girls burn book. Just some abhorrently poor etiquette that stifles the creativity of an entire community.
I really wish the poster had linked their ao3 somewhere so I could warn ficwriters to block them immediately so they can't access anyone else's writing since they apparently hate it so much, but unfortunately they don't have it up. I don't want anyone to harass them because bad behavior shouldn't be fought with bad behavior, but if you want to know the account to block so you don't interact in the future and promise you won't contact them you can dm me.
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ladyofthebears · 2 months
Call me crazy, say i am over reaching, BUT
I firmly think that some of the cishet white MALE cast mates should def be speaking out against the treatment from specifically THEIR FANS towards the queer and poc actors.
Like OBVIOUSLY Bethany, Emma and Steven can stand up for themselves, but if the condemnation came from the Actor(s) who play the character that often times these hateful people are fans of or “on the side”(on the side of their characters), maybe they would shut the hell up. Like if their favourite white boy tells them not to say racist hateful shit- maybe they ACTUALLY WILL.
I also think perhaps they (Both the writers and honestly the older actors) should speak out against the hate levied towards THE CHILD ACTORS on their show. Harry Collett is no longer a child, but if i remember correctly was underage during the show. I constantly see people calling him a bastard, and wishing him dead, and saying he deserves awful things. I also see people constantly hating on Harvey (young luke), Eliot (Luke), Ty (young aegon), Leo (young jace), Shani (young baela), Eva (young Rhaena), and Olive (Jaehaera). All of this behaviour is disgusting and deplorable and it is severely disappointing to not see a single actor (not that it is their job to but they do have large platforms) or writer or even producer speaking out about this.
Obviously, harassing, threatening, having fantasies about, or making torture porn about ANY child is ridiculous. Especially for a fucking TV show.
Just my opinion.
PS- i love Bethany and if any of you have any shit to say about her, fucking block me now.
I also would like to say that the wrongness of these events is also linked to how the black characters (THAT HBO MADE BLACK??) had all of their stories majorly MAJORLY reduced and sidelined. Where is Baela with her cropped hair and trousers, constantly carting around a sword? Where is Laena, at 12, finding a half wild Vhagar and claiming the largest dragon? Where is her EXTREMELY close and loving relationship with both Rhaenyra and Daemon?? Where is Rhaenas storyline like, at all? WHERE THE FUCK IS NETTLES??????? All of their being sidelined and very VERY thinly disguised anti-black sentiment which is so infuriating ironic when you remember THAT HBO MADE THESE CHARACTERS CANONICALLY BLACK
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Sunshine follows with Sunfall. Pt. 6
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Warnings: Cat?, Jason having a tiny mood swing, mentions of death and bounties.
You guys have no idea how bad I feel for disappearing. Writers block is a bitch. (Short chapter)
Series Masterlist
"She's sleeping." You sigh as you hear a window slide open.
Jason climbed through, "I'm sorry..." He apologized before closing the window. "I just had to come see her, even if she's sleeping."
You nod in acknowledgment as you pick up one of Judith's toys.
Jason and you had been talking more and more lately, just trying to become civil and fix the rift in your relationship with each other. But he had mostly been coming around for Judith.
He reached up and took off his helmet, setting it on the couch, keeping his domino mask on. His hands ran through his damp hair, pushing it back from his face as he revels in the feeling of your cool apartment.
"You know I don't like you coming in with all of your gear on." You look at him. "You're a wanted man, Jason. What you're doing right now is dangerous. If a bounty gets put on our daughters head, I will personally kill you again."
Jason knows your paranoia is justified, which is why he nods and looks directly at you as he apologizes again. "I know, Y/N. I'm sorry."
You give him a lingering stare before you turn around, picking up more toys. "Just... stop..." You hesitate as you speak, causing Jason to nod yet again.
He gazes at your back for a few seconds before he decides to go see Judith now. Jason keeps his footsteps quiet, a perk from being an anti-hero who once worked alongside Batman. He approaches the white door to her room, slowly turning the silver handle, for he does not wish to wake her.
The room is dark, illuminated by a small projector nightlight, making artificial stars show on the ceiling. Her room is surprisingly clean for a child, yet still full from the amount of gifts she gets from her family.
Jason cautiously steps closer to Judith's small bed, seeing how she's facing away from him, dark hair sprawled all over her pillow, and her orange sheets up close to her chin.
He crouched down next to her bed, petting her hair. Not running his fingers through it since he does not wish to tug on a hidden tangle and wake her up from the pull. A black cat that is snuggled up next to her stretches, letting out a small meow as he looks up at Jason. A small, soft smile grows on Jason's face as he scratches the cat with his free hand.
You hear Judith's door open again, signaling that Jason was walking out.
"I didn't know you guys had a cat." He speaks, voice low and laced his Gothamite accent, something him and Judith share.
"Yep," You sigh, finally done tidying up the living room. "Judith is obsessed with Blues Clues. Specifically, the version with Steve. So when we got him, she immediately named him 'Periwinkle'." You smile at the fond memory.
"Bruce offered to get her a lilac tabby, but she just loved her Periwinkle too much. She didn't want one of the correct breed."
Jason also smiles as he watches you stand in front of your couch, hands on your hips. "She's loyal, loving." He says.
You let out another deep breath and look at him. "So... you going back on patrol?"
He takes a few steps forward. "Actually, I wanted to talk about something."
Your eyebrow raises as you look up at him. "Okay...?"
Jason takes in a breath and closes his eyes for a few seconds. "Look, I've been getting help, and... I can be better now." He tells you. "I can be better for you. I think you and I... should try again..."
You let out an abrupt laugh. "You're kidding?"
There's something about him that just doesn't seem like your Jason anymore. He's so civil and in touch with his emotions.
"I'm not." He shakes his head.
You scoff and look away. "You have some nerve, you know?"
"I know, I know-"
"Jason." Your voice is firm. "You did something that I dont think I can ever forgive you for. What if I allow myself to love you and you end up leaving again, hm?"
Jason looks down at the floor, then the wall behind you. "I'm getting better." He mumbles.
"All you're going to do is fix your relationship with your daughter, don't even think about me like that." You snap.
Jason goes and grabs his helmet, putting it on, his shoulders tense, a way for you to understand that he's annoyed.
The audacity.
You know him well enough to know that his jaw is clenched underneath his mask. You hear a loud breath from underneath the red material he wears on his head.
"Don't even start right now, J-"
You're cut off by a small familiar voice.
"Red Hood?" Judith beams, standing in the entrance of the living room, grinning up at her father, even though she doesn't know it's him.
Jason Red Hood turns to face her. "Hey, kid." His voice is thankfully warped by the voice modulator in his helmet.
"Let me go get my action figure!" She squeals before running off into her room, leaving you and Jason to exchange some tense stares.
Taglist: @keira324 @dakotali @22nranjan @skepvids @harpy-space @godknows-shetried @mirrorball-6 @macncheese69420666 @parkjammys @yyxy27 @burningkidanchor @elleclairez @amecchii @chickennugghon @marvelworldlover @oakexists @p0tterhead934 @makhaia @cassini-among-the-stars @tsukishimarawr @flowestallen @attackonnat @90s-belladonna @sucker4seresin @riahpickle-blog
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antianakin · 1 year
Anakin Skywalker: This one's fairly obvious, but I'm one of the people who doesn't see Anakin as redeemed by the end of ROTJ just because he saved one person he personally gives a damn about. My definition of redemption is about atoning and making amends, and Anakin has no possible way of actually DOING THAT for most of the things he's done, so there's no real way of acquiring redemption. He can be a better person, he can be forgiven by individual people for things he's done to them, he can keep choosing to be selfless instead of selfish, but none of that necessarily means he has to be considered redeemed. If you think he's redeemed at the end of ROTJ and that's what brings you joy in your interpretation of the story, great, I honestly don't care. But if you choose to come into my notes and get mad at me because I don't think the space fascist is redeemed just because he decides to save his own son, you will now be blocked on sight, I'm done having that conversation with people.
The Jedi As A Whole: Wonderful people with a beautiful culture that never did a single thing to deserve what was done to them. They were not corrupt, they didn't need to reform their culture in a single way. There was nothing more they could've done for Anakin or the Republic that would've stopped what happened. They don't steal children, they adopt them from parents who choose to let their children lead a better life, and become part of the large extended Jedi family. They are intergalactic therapists whose literal way of life IS therapy for those who choose to follow it. They were outplayed, but they did everything they could've possibly done. Sometimes, it is possible to commit no mistakes, and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life. (Side note here: This is an incredibly pro Jedi blog, if you come on my blog and criticize the Jedi in any way, you will be immediately blocked, I am so done with this fandom's anti-Jedi sentiments, consider this your warning.)
Padme Amidala: Deserved better from the Prequels, has such potential and promise and I want so dearly to save her from her toxic ass marriage to a fascist MAGA manchild, but damn am I glad Luke and Leia didn't have to grow up with her as a mother some days.
Bo-Katan Kryze: I wish I could like her, but the writers are making it SO HARD. They don't seem to ever remember that she gleefully set an entire village on fire because they dared ask for their enslaved people back and to not be occupied anymore, but I do.
Satine Kryze: I wish I could like her, but I don't have enough nostalgia for her to overlook how bad the writing is for her. She treats Obi-Wan like garbage, brings out the worst in him, acts very arrogantly about just about everything and never has to take responsibility for her own mistakes so she gets to die a martyr.
Aleksander Kallus: Literally has to have his ENTIRE BACKSTORY retconned so he can be "redeemed" within the span of one episode. Also manages to "All Lives Matter" Zeb into thinking that judging Imperials for their fascist choices is the same as judging an ENTIRE SPECIES on the actions of one individual who was acting in self-defense anyway. Stop saying he's got the best redemption arc in Star Wars, it sucks fucking ass and he's not a fucking Fulcrum, he just stole the title from Ahsoka and didn't earn it and he was a shit spy anyway.
Crosshair: Bigoted dickhead who treats everyone like complete crap and then goes full fascist as a punishment for the world when no one wants to risk their lives to save him. His redemption arc was completely half-assed and he should've had to do a LOT more to gain people's forgiveness and absolutely no one should've been forced to apologize to HIM.
Bode Akuna: Basically just Anakin lite and we all know how I feel about Anakin. No sob story justifies anything he's done and I didn't find him all that interesting or sympathetic, personally.
Rafa and Trace Martez: I actually loved them, I thought they had an interesting relationship with each other and with Ahsoka, I appreciated how different they felt and the arc Ahsoka goes on with them. I don't mind that they used them to showcase the rising anti-Jedi sentiment among the citizens of Coruscant, I just wish their opinions hadn't been presented as though they were right. I love that we see they've joined a rebellion of sorts post-Order 66 and I wish we'd gotten to see more of Trace, Rafa, and Rex working together rather than the absolute trashfire that we're actually getting on TBB.
Ahsoka Tano: Relationship status: It's complicated. I DO like her, generally, but I REALLY dislike the way she's constantly written in later stuff to be better than everyone else and to have basically zero flaws so that she can end up like a messiah or a goddess of light reborn or something. It's boring, it's annoying, and it just isn't any good. I particularly don't care for how she consistently gets utilized to bash the Jedi Order and absolve Anakin for all of his sins. Ahsoka deserves better, but I'm also immensely frustrated with where her story's taken her and the way fandom tends to treat her. We also just straight-up need more main female Jedi characters and as long as Ahsoka's around it feels like it'll never happen. She's completely irrelevant to the story overall and I'm annoyed at how much Felony is trying to make her more significant than she is instead of just letting her stand on her own for once.
Sabine Wren: I love the Rebels version of her, but the Ahsoka show version sucks. I have decided it simply does not exist for Sabine. That isn't the real Sabine and it never will be. That's not Sabine's story, the real Sabine would never try to be a Jedi because quite simply she doesn't NEED to be. And the real Sabine would NEVER disrespect Ezra's sacrifice by undoing it and then leaving him to deal with the fallout. It's stupid, it's ugly, and Sabine deserved better.
Hera Syndulla: Much like Sabine, I love the Rebels version of her, but the Ahsoka version sucks. The Ahsoka version deserves to be kicked out of the army or whatever, she's a terrible mother and an even worse General and quite honestly not that great of a friend. The real Hera would NEVER act like orders didn't matter just because she doesn't like them or refuse to see the logic in letting go of Ezra after he's been missing for 10 years so that those resources can go to people who they can confirm are still alive.
Shin Hati: She's so so so boring. She has the personality of cardboard, it basically consists of "crazy eyes" and that's about it. She is pretty literally just Darth Maul but a girl. Like every single part of her character so far is indistinguishable from Maul aside from the cosmetic stuff. I hope she dies in season 2 and never gets a redemption arc. I'd say Sabine deserves better, but honestly Ahsoka!Sabine deserves her.
Grey Jedi: Stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen. Let Grey Jedi stay in fanon where it belongs, none of your faves are Grey Jedi in canon and they never will be.
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 3 months
ok this one IS an explicitly anti-maiko post, I'm not sorry. The Beach is a great episode except that a lot of it doesn't actually land for me in terms of relationship dynamics, and the extremely obvious one is maiko.
This episode does a lot of work for trying to establish the Fire Nation kids group dynamics and their motivations and insecurities. It's really good, especially for Azula. It also is where Zuko first starts confronting returning to the Fire Nation was not going how he expected and his growing internal conflict. But background to this is also further establishing the Zuko/Mai relationship, and lemme just say-- I do not think the writers do a good job.
This got long esp because of transcript quotes, so I put it under a read more, but here we go
Throughout the episode, Zuko and Mai snipe at each other, culminating in a blowup argument and a breakup. And then they literally just kiss and make up at the end of the episode, without doing anything to fix the things that led to the break up in the first place.
So let's start with the argument, work backwards from there, and back to their resolution. This is the argument:
Mai [Angrily.] Zuko, what is wrong with you? Zuko What's wrong with me? Mai [Scolding.] Your temper is out of control. You blow up over every little thing. You're so impatient and hotheaded and angry! Zuko [Snapping back.] Well, at least I feel something, as opposed to you. [Frontal view from behind Mai.] You have no passion for anything! You're just a big blah! Mai [Turns away from Zuko.] It's over, Zuko. We're done.
Immediately preceding this, Zuko shoves the Fire Nation kid talking to Mai at the party. Zuko's been jealous of him all episode and it's frankly not entirely unfounded. Chan invites Ty Lee to his party, Ruon-Jian notices Mai and invites her too-- Zuko is ignored until Azula insists on getting them both invites as well. Zuko's jealousy is out of line, and getting suspicious Mai likes Ruon-Jian is too, I can see why Mai would be annoyed by that. I can also see why it would trigger Zuko getting so upset when he sees Ruon-Jian talking to her at the party.
I... have trouble believing Mai would actually be so mad/upset that Zuko shoved another guy. It's a little controlling, but it is exciting and she had just been saying she as bored. It would make more sense to me if Zuko had taken this out on her -- she can't talk to people, etc-- as a reason for being upset-- because that would go better with her personal family trauma revealed later in the episode about being controlled and stifled.
I also think it's interesting Mai says Zuko's temper is out of control because other then going after Ruon-Jian, he's not really angry in this episode? He's annoyed about being handled by his father, he's dismissive of Mai's negativity at the party, he is suspicious and jealous but he doesn't do anything outright and hot tempered until then. What is Mai basing this on?
(after this Zuko IS very mean to Ty Lee at the fireside but we have no in show evidence he was before)
We certainly address Zuko's anger later at the fireside-- he's in conflict with himself, he is angry at himself. They sort of address Mai not feeling things and being a big blah in the fireside scene -- I'm gonna put the long block quote here lol:
Zuko [Camera pans right. Getting up.] Yeah, you do not believe in anything. Mai [Close-up; sarcastically.] Oh, well, I'm sorry I can't be as high-strung and crazy as the rest of you. Zuko [Aerial view of campsite. Walking up to the campfire.] I'm sorry, too. I wish you would be high-strung and crazy for once instead of keeping all your feeling bottled up inside. [Frontal view.] She just called your aura dingy. Are you gonna take that? Mai [Aerial view of campsite. Leaning back.] What do you want from me? You want a teary confession about how hard my childhood was? Well, it wasn't. [Close-up.] I was a rich only child who got anything I wanted ... as long as I behaved [Cut to shot of the sky.] and sat still, and didn't speak unless spoken to. [Close-up of Zuko.] My mother said I had to keep out of trouble. We had my dad's political career to think about. Azula [Side-view of campsite.] Well, that's it, then. [Close-up.] You have a controlling mother who had certain expectations, and if you strayed from them, you were shut down. That's why you're afraid to care about anything, and why you can't express yourself. Mai [Frontal view.] You want me to express myself? [Stands up and yells.] Leave me alone! Zuko [Side-view of campsite. Frontal view of Zuko.] I like it when you express yourself. [Approaching, attempting to put a hand on her shoulder.] Mai [Frontal view.] Don't touch me! I'm still mad at you. [She sits.] Zuko [Side-view of Mai.] My life hasn't been that easy either, Mai. Mai: Whatever. That doesn't excuse the way you've been acting.
Anyway, again, "the way Zuko's been acting" isn't really obvious to me-- he's a little snide after their fight and that's mean. And even here, Zuko is (I think fairly earnestly) trying to give her an outlet and she's not moved by it. It's not until he confesses he's angry at himself that she seems to forgive him, and it's unclear exactly what has moved her about this --
Zuko [Close-up.] Because I'm confused. Because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore. Azula You're pathetic. Mai [View from behind Zuko.] I know one thing I care about. [Walks up to Zuko. Frontal view.] I care about you. [They kiss.]
Press X to doubt because the whole episode has not shown once that Mai cares about Zuko. In fact, it's shown her rebuffing all his attempts to connect with her and the arguing with him. The episode hasn't shown me one piece of evidence that Mai even likes Zuko. There's nothing that's changed between the start of the episode and now, except that Zuko's addressed why he's angry and who he's angry with-- but it doesn't explain why that would make Mai not mad at him anymore. They haven't addressed any of their earlier grievances, but once again the writers use a kiss to show us everything's all made up and fine now, I guess. A kiss isn't a resolution, but I mentioned in another post, Book 3 does this a lot!
Also it's weird to me to just ignore Zuko expressing his conflict-- Mai has no opinion about that? This becomes a point of conflict a bit later in The Boiling Rock episodes, where Mai tells Zuko he is betraying his country, but again it's never really satisfactorily addressed. Azula at least calls him pathetic -- which isn't nice but isn't ignoring it either.
I would even go as far to say Ty Lee is shown to care more about Zuko when she calls him out for burning the family portrait and it's Ty Lee who says "I know you." That line just really hits me as very meaningful, but they opted not to give it to Zuko's girlfriend, not even to his sister, but to Ty Lee.
SO that is all to say-- if this is supposed to be a Maiko episode, it doesn't land. All it does is lay seeds for their dysfunction and conflict, then refuses to resolve it.
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kitkatopinions · 4 months
Just saw this today
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And for the record, I don't know the person who posted this or anything about them or the 'fix-it' thing that they left this on, but I do want to talk about this.
Because never have I ever in all my time following RWBY and being involved in the community ever seen ANYONE not ONE PERSON even someone I've blocked use dialogue like "drain the swamp" in regards to RWBY or "make RWBY great again" just as a first of all. Like this feels like the very definition of 'make up a guy just to get mad at.'
Second of all, how hard to people have to try to justify that their opinion is the Morally Correct One and anyone who doesn't adhere to it is an Evil Heartless Immoral Monster? Doesn't it get tiring? I can't believe I have to say this, but writing fix-it fanfictions???? Is not a 'conservative' or 'liberal' stance????? Whether or not you want to think a cartoon is one hundred percent perfect has nothing to do with what political parties you follow?????? And honestly, this is rich, fucking rich considering A. that one of the founders of Rooster Teeth is like a 'conservative centrist' if I remember correctly lol and one of the prominant anti-Rwde people compared not liking Trump to wanting to murder people lol.
It's just fucking ridiculous. I think I get what this person is trying to say - that venom towards a show with (supposedly) representation for women and specifically queer women is something they affiliate with bigoted Republican Trumpian types. But this is willfully ignoring that a LOT of the people who criticize RWBY are queer people, and/or women, and/or disabled people, and/or people of color, and it's willfully ignoring that the criticism is of a bigoted corporation and writers that are majority cishet men some with trackable histories of bigotry writing for a show that's problematic at best and only somewhat recently has been able to provide the bare minimum in SOME representation. Although I won't speak for all fix-it fics and have had some problems with some RWBY fix-it fics in the past, a lot of people who write fix-it fics for RWBY are intending to make RWBY three times as diverse and have more and better representation. And I am just so fucking sick of the fact that Miles 'Said the N Word as A Twenty Six Year Old' Luna is held aloft along with the likes of Rebecca Sugar or held up higher than her and queer women like me will be compared to TRUMP SUPPORTERS if we dare to say 'actually I think that RWBY could be improved.'
I really wish that I could get a gif of Neku from The World Ends With You saying 'screw that' because that's how I feel. Like honestly, what the fuck is that stance, bro? People need to go touch grass about this RWBY issue before the 'actually it's morally wrong to think a cartoon could be better in any way' mentality infects the entire internet.
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applebinnie · 25 days
★₊˚﹟🪐'✩ ♬ ₊.🌏⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆。゚☁︎゚☾
▶︎ •၊၊|| 𝙇𝙤𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜…applebinnie.navi....↻ |||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|•
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♡ ⱽᵃˡ/ᵃᵖᵖˡᵉ!🫧ˢʰᵉ/ᴴᵉʳ🧸ᶠⁱˡⁱᵖⁱⁿᵒ🫧ᵉⁿᵍ/ᶠⁱˡᵒ 🧸ˡⁱᵇʳᵃ ♡
📍•.¸♡ currently under the pen...✎
★ txt writing blog! ★
🎧 : riize, bnd, zb1, atz, enha and psyfe! yes, I write for them!
⤑💌: wonbin, leehan, jiwoong, mingi, sunghoon, jimmy!
⤑📺: lovely runner, twinkling watermelon, missing: tos, uncanny counter, can't buy me love!
୨🎐𓆝about my writing..𓆞🎐୧
╰┈➤ other groups & actors I write for! 🌱
⋘ availability status...⋙
🪹- 🍏 is OUT!
🪺- 🍏 is IN!
🧸- I am an amateur writer and I mostly write in tagalog. English is not my first language and therefore not my strongest suit (⌒_⌒;). But I am more than happy to fulfill your eng requests! ( ´ ∀ `)
🗓️🧩: my regular update schedule is on Friday (PHT). But my schedule can be really jampacked sometimes, so I might not be able to post (◞‸◟;)
𖦹 I also do nameless fics. Though it might be under the works for longer than the other fics (I'm a slow writer) (^_^;)
𖦹 requests are always open! though I will not write requests if I don't like the subject matter or if it makes me uncomfortable. Also, I am not one for dark themes! I don't write anything that has to do w noncon.
𖦹I wrote smut, but not here tho, I have a different blog for that!
𖦹 I am open to comments and critics. If you wish to leave an honest review of my work, you may do so! I am also open to discussions and opinions! You can submit literally anything! (๑>ᴗ<๑)
💢 I will not write for idols/actors who are iar or problematic.
💢 hateful behavior will be blocked. anti's back off!
to those moots who have been following me b4 this and witnessed the blog go from a bp fanpage to this, I love you all ong😭🙏 Also, you can check out some of my earlier works from my txt blog in the links above. To those who came from my txt blog, thank you for checking out this blog. Love ya' to infinity and beyond, lovies! (˶ > ₃ < ˶)♡
- 발🧸
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daisyssousa · 9 months
Hi. I hope you don't mind me asking your opinion, as a disabled person, about comments I've seen about Sousa's new prosthetic. I realize no group is a monolith, so you won't provide THE difinitive answer, but I would like hear from someone who actually lives through it.
So, why is Sousa's new prosthetic considered ableist but his old prosthetic was not? Is it because his disability is no longer obvious? But if the new prosthetic works better, why is that a bad thing? Sorry, I guess that's three questions. I really hope this didn't come off offensive, I genuinely just want to understand.
I hope your having a great day and have fun blocking the anti-Dousy trolls😊
Hi there! <333 Thank you very much for the question! It's not offensive at all!
As you pointed out, we're not a monolith, so I definitely can't speak for every disabled person out there, nor am I trying to! If someone is legitimately offended, they completely have a right to their feelings. I'm also not an amputee, so I can't speak to that either.
I think there are some people who feel that because his new prosthetic made it so that he can walk completely normally, they feel like it's erasing his disability. There are a few reasons I heavily disagree with this mindset:
It doesn't erase his disability at all: He will still have to care for his leg the same way he would with any other prosthetic. He will still have to keep it clean and take care of the skin to keep from getting it irritated, injured, or infected. He will have to keep up care of his remaining leg muscles too to be able to use it. It's mechnical and electronic, so the prosthetic itself will require maintinence and upkeep as most tech does. It's not going to be like poof! His leg is magically healed! When you get down to it: his new leg is still not his real leg.
I do think there is room for criticism in the sense that Agents of Shield didn't show this on screen. In fairness, perhaps they thought in showing Coulson and Yoyo previously struggling with their prosthetics, they thought maybe it would be enough since season 7 was already crammed. I do think they should've given us at least a little something though. But still: it didn't erase Coulson or Yoyo's disabilities, so it wouldn't erase Sousa's either.
Technological advances: With all the technological advances of the Marvel world and all of Fitzsimmons' inventions, giving Sousa a high tech prosthetic is completely within reason. It isn't like the Agents of Shield writers magically pulled special technology out of nowhere to specifically "erase" his disability, there was already a precendent set with Coulson and Yoyo (and Bucky Barnes). And also LMDs. Even Daisy's gaunlets are prosthetics in a way, since they keep her bones from breaking when she quakes.
If they'd retconned his missing leg or used some kind of hand-wavy magic to get it back, then yeah I could see the argument. But that's not what happened.
Real world technological advancements are catching up too: there are already prosthetics in development that use the electrical impulses of the brain to move the prosthetic limb and allow the person to feel sensations! There are also battery powered mechnical ones. Should real amputees be barred from using these because it "erases" their struggle? No. (btw I am not aiming this at you anon, this is me speaking in general! <3)
Sousa's wish to walk again is in character: Sousa expressed in episode 2x08 of Agent Carter: "I know desperation. You know what I'd give to be able to walk again? A lot." He even uses the word "desperate." This is fulfilling a character trait he had in Agent Carter. It didn't come from Agents of Shield. He wants to be able to walk and is accepting of the prosthetic.
It grants him more freedom of movement and less pain: Especially considering they were in the middle of a dangerous mission, giving him more movement and less pain to hinder him is extremely helpful. And in general, why shouldn't he be able to use something that helps him be in less pain and do more every day? No one should be forced to struggle just to prove they're disabled! (Again not directed at you anon, in general <3)
Anyway, my brain is turning a bit mushy, but I hope this helps you anon! <333
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bookscandlesnbts · 8 months
Hi! I have just see Jk tracklist and I wanted to share my op -
First: I don't understand why, only because I like Jk as an artist and person, I have to accept blindly every single thing he does. I have my ideas and morals and I apply them consistently. I like seven, I don't like 3D. I am not a prude, simply I find that 3D it's explicit in a dirty way. For example.
• I don't have problems with not writing your lyrics but I'm a little disappointed that in his first album there isn't even 1 or 2 Jk credits. Yes he surely approved and choose carefully but it's not the same thing to really write them, we can't read the lyrics and be like "that's what he think" because we can't be sure that he specifically approved that phrase that we are "analyzing". Meybe that was the only phrase that he doesn't like lol.
• I know he is working hard and I respect him for that, I'm just sorry he is working at something that is not what in my op a lot of fan were expecting
• I think that all those songs will be more the 'no deep meaning' songs, again, nothing wrong with it. But when you are the frontman of a band famous for the deep meaning of their songs people have expectations. So for me the problem is that I and other fans wish to have from bts members the meanings, the ideas, the relatable lyrics, the personal style not songs given by random people. So I personally understand who is disappointed and find it valid.
Still I respect his work.
• note: tae doesn't wrote his lyrics too, but in his case Idk if he received the songs or if the songs were made for him, that is a little big difference.
Let me know if you know and what you think! Ty ♡
Hi anon. Ah, it seems as if you have entered today’s realm of stan culture where you are an anti unless you like every single thing an artist puts out and every single thing they do. That applies to all artists with huge fanbases not only limited to kpop. I’m talking Taylor Swift all other artists fans are moving the same way these days. There is no room for healthy discourse. You are either in or out. I also didn’t like 3D and I still don’t. Do I think that Jungkook knew the sexual innuendos in English that all the y/ns projected onto him? Hell no 🤣 tbh I didn’t know what “champagne confetti” was either and I wish I still didn’t know.
I’m a little disappointed too, but also not really and not surprised. We know Jungkook was having some sort of writers block/burn out around the time FACE was happening and some time after when Jimin was still busy. If it took 10 months to produce Jimin’s album and JK hadn’t even started working in March, then there was no way that he had anything to bring to the table for his album. I really wonder if they were all contractually obligated to release an album (except Jin) before MS. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did, and that would also explain the involvement of western producers and 🛴 grubby hands in everything.
I agree that we can’t project a bunch of deep meanings into these songs considering they were given to JK. Yes, he probably picked through his options, but it’s comparing apples and oranges when his other option would have been songs he personally wrote. And no, not every song written by someone is about their personal life, but songs not written by the artist definitely are not either.
I’m not fully convinced that JK wants to be working this hard tbh. He loves being on stage, but with some of his latest performances, his energy is different. I don’t know how to explain it, but those that can see it, see it.
I understand the disappointment, I do. But to be fair, the rap line have always been the brains behind BTS songs. Not Jungkook. Jungkook has written some great meaningful songs like Magic Shop but the majority have been by RM, Suga, and Hobi. So I am okay with departing that identity from BTS and JK as a solo artist.
True that Tae didn’t write his songs either but that didn’t seem to ruffle as many feathers. I think the fandom has always put a huge weight on Jungkook’s shoulders to be that “golden” maknae that the title has been bestowed on him. He supposed to be able to do it all and do it perfectly in the fandom’s eyes, in kpoppies eyes, in his country’s eyes. I’m glad he is letting some of that pressure go even if this is not the direction that I wanted him to take. I take comfort in knowing that he has people like Jimin to ground him and always remind him of home.
Thanks for the ask.
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ariluvsusm · 2 years
latte- azriel
description: short filler fluff, azriel gets back from a mission and just wants to spend time with you, so you go on a cute date (like normal people)
warnings: fluff, female reader, a few sexual implications and jokes
-a/n: i wrote this so fast but i just wanted to publish something 😭 sorry for being inactive!! im busy with school. i’m working on two requests rn and will have them published by this weekend (a spn one and a tog one!!). please give me requests!! i will literally write ANYTHING you request (including smut) but i just need prompts!! i’m having severe writers block.
you sigh quietly, putting down your fork.
“missing loverboy, y/n?” cassian asks.
you and the inner circle, save for azriel, are having breakfast at the townhouse. rhys insisted upon making you all breakfast, like the mother hen he truly is. it’s really good… you just wish azriel were back from his mission.
“shut up, ass-ian.” you shoot back.
“yeah, shut up assian!” rhys sarcastically echoes in a high voice, an amused smirk on his face.
“you know what, rhys? if you could use your dark scary night powers and make him come home that would be helpful.” you joke.
“i can’t do that but i can make you an exact replica of him out of night that functions and everything.” rhys jokes, stuffing half a pancake in his mouth and then downing chocolate milk. like a child.
you laugh. “okay, what’s the price? my soul? my youth? i’ll take it!”
the entire table breaks out in laughter.
“well, if i were you, i’d ask amren to make me an anti-azriel. she seems like she’d know how to do that,” mor says through laughter.
amren smiles, smiles, evilly at you. you stop laughing and look at her, gaping, slightly terrified.
and she breaks into laughter.
“your face!” she says through bouts of laughter.
the rest of the inner circle just looks at her, mouths slightly open, forks halfway to their destinations, waiting for amren to damn them to hell or something.
“at least someone’s in a good mood,” cassian grumbles.
the conversation topic changes, now discussing books and the library. but you just stay quiet- you miss him so bad. and you can’t help but wonder and pray that he comes home unscathed. you know that’s he’s the best spy in prythian, and a skilled warrior, but you still worry. finally, you hear the front door open, and you bound through the house, flinging yourself into the arms of the golden skinned, hazel eyed man in the doorway. he spins you around.
the rest of the inner circle, except for amren, show up a moment later- laughing at your eagerness. but you don’t let go.
“i missed you so much.” you murmur into his neck, breathing in his scent. he squeezes you.
“and i you.” he mutters.
“gross,” cassian says, scoffing.
“leave them be,” rhys says. “after your… reunion, come find me and we’ll do the paperwork.” he leaves, and you turn your head, now looking at mor, the last remaining one in the doorway. she just winks and leaves.
you were about to ask az why the hell you guys weren’t in the bedroom yet, when he starts.
“y/n… let’s go on a date.” he says. “i just… i just want to be a normal male and female.”
you were about to object, when he gives you a pointed look.
“i can bed you later…” he says quietly against your neck. and that’s all it takes for you to agree.
“i’m gonna go bathe. why don’t you go get ready?”
so you go back up to you and azriel’s room to get ready. although, you’d rather be up against a wall, or pinned to the bed, or hell, even on the floor under azriel.
you put on a casual date outfit- for the night court, at least. loose, high-waisted lilac pants that sway when you walk, and a matching long-sleeved, deep v-neck top that shows off your cleavage and cuts off to reveal your midriff. you put silver jewelry, dab some oil on your lips, and line your eyes with kohl. finally, you’re ready.
azriel had just come out of the bath when you’d slipped on your flats- so you watched him on the bed while he got ready. his muscled, toned back and majestic wings flex as he slips on some undershorts and pants. he turns around to see you ogling at him.
“like what you see?” he jokes.
“why do we have to go on this date?” you groaned. “i can think of a hundred other things i’d rather do with you. in this house. in this room.”
a flash of something crosses his eyes.
“i don’t know, y/n, i just want to be a little more… domestic. i- it’s like i’m a beast all of the time. i just want to go on a coffee date with my female.” he turns around and slips on a shirt.
you hop of the bed, hugging him from behind. it doesn’t exactly work- you are quite a bit shorter than him, and his wings prevent you from wrapping all the way around. stupid gigantic illyrian male.
“i know, az. i understand. now get dressed so we can go!” you say before giving him a half-heated pinch on his side. he relaxes- just a bit.
you walk down the hallway and into the sitting room, where for some reason, the entire inner circle is waiting. they look at you in surprise.
“what are you doing out here?” cass asks.
“this is… my house too?” you reply.
“shouldn’t you be in there with him… doing… stuff?” he prods. again.
“we’re going on a date.” you say over your shoulder, azriel holding your hand.
“oh, build the tension a little, so when you get back you can fu-“
mor cuts him off. “shut up, cassian.” and then she calls after you and azriel, “you two have fun!” he insists on flying you into town, of course. illyrian males need female validation.
you’re in the sky, looking down upon the town, wrapped safely in his arms, when he tells you.
“one of my males lost his mate,” he almost whispers. you look up at him. you know he’s referring to the spies he was commanding on the mission- the ones who are in training.
“oh, azriel, that is just awful.” before you can say more, he continues.
“it broke him completely. he… he didn’t make it out of his tent that night, the night that they told him. that- that bond… i… i just wanted to spend some actual time with you. wholesome bonding time.” he murmurs.
you look up at him as best as you can. a few moments pass before you assure him,
“of course, az. i understand. i’m happy to spend this time with you.”
after a few more seconds, he continues flying.
“okay, but… wholesome bonding time?” you laugh.
“was not clear enough?”
“no, it’s just not very azriel-esque.”
“what other choice did i have?” his laugh a deep rumble, and music to your ears. “was i supposed to bed you first and than say ‘oh, y/n! put your clothes back on, damn it, we’re gonna go get coffee’?”
“i mean….” you jokingly trail off.
before you land, he stills in the air. you look up at him, a question in your eyes, and when he meets your gaze your breath hitches. a new look- a different one than you’ve ever seen. affectionate, awe-filled. it softens his features. a smile lights up your face before you can help it, and he smiles back. a smile that reaches his eyes and shows his teeth. you couldn’t be happier.
———————————-tiny time skip——————
soon, your arms are linked, walking down the streets of velaris, towards the cafe you and the inner circle frequent. the barista, a young brunette female with a kind smile and kinder eyes, looks up from the latte she’s preparing and greets you.
“hey, yana.” you call, walking up to the bar and sitting down.
“you two look cute,” she smiles, “what can i make for you today?”
immediately, azriel answers with your favorite coffee. he orders himself a regular black coffee, also going for a plate of pastries- your favorite. you can’t help it- you feel so loved, so cared for. although it’s a small thing, it somehow fills your heart. when she walks away, you peck him on the cheek.
“so what’s going on with the rest of them?” he asks you.
“you mean the rest of our family? your wonderful brothers and sisters?”
“sister, and amren.”
you slap his arm. “amren has earned the right to be your sister.”
“that doesn’t stop her from scaring the absolute shit out of me.”
“that’s just the true older sister spirit.”
he laughs, looking down at you. yana is making your order now, having already placed azriels black coffee in front of him. everything is perfect in this moment. azriel is happy and home, you’re happy, you’re both unharmed. you kiss him- on the lips this time- and smile up at him.
“what is that for? am i just so lucky?”
“i love you so much. thank you for being so wonderful.”
-a/n (again lmao): this was so cheesy but 😭😭😭😭 at least im getting better? i just wanted y’all to know i’m alive LMAOOO… and that im going to be publishing good things soon :)
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The Hypocritical Nature of Fandom Shipping
Pairings we should be concerned with in Teen Wolf
Please read this as I feel I have made some relatively important points
This is about the concerning age gaps and what people focus on, this is mostly regarding people who are Anti-Sterek.
This is primarily on AO3 because I couldn't be bothered to go on any other website when it is the prominent one people use.
I have made a separate blog in order to keep those who may send me hateful DMs and I don’t exactly want what could be hate mail in my personal DMs because I am arguably a fragile person, and I will absorb the hate until I need to seek a therapist.
I also come from England, where the age of consent laws differs from the State of California, in which it is legal for 16-year-olds to date anyone over 18, so long as they are not in a position of responsibility/authority – like a teacher or an officer[1].
I would also like to point out that I am not against any ship except ones with particular elements I am completely against, such as people who ship blood-related family members (Wincest) or age gaps larger than ten years. However I won't go after people for shipping them, I would block that content so I don't come across it.
If you are curious about the ships that are found in Teen Wolf you are free to follow this link to all the known pairings (platonic and romantic)[2]
EDIT - 14th April '23
I can't reply to comments as this is a side blog so
I realise I didn't talk about the predator and abuse of Isaac aspect, but that wasn't really the focus, I wrote this based on what I have seen on tumblr and twitter and even TikTok(?) and the only thing that really gets brought up is the age and how people who ship these fictional characters are "delusional", but thank you for adding to the discussion!!
Fanfiction is a transformative world. There are endless fandoms and pairings to write about such as those that focus on Formula 1[1] and Real Person Fics (RPFs)[2].
I hope to give a reasoned analysis on the pairings of Teen Wolf and the issues that I am aware of following the release of Teen Wolf: The Movie in January 2023.
This essay will focus on the hypocritical nature of shipping fictional characters with age gaps in Teen Wolf but will have a small comparison to other popular media. There will not be a heavy focus on age but rather than size of the gaps of these fictional characters.
Teen Wolf[1] originated in 1985s with Michael J. Fox starring as Scott Howard; the original production greenlit two sequels[2] leading MTV to adapt a modern version produced by Jeff Davis in 2011[3]. Teen Wolf has been met with a positive audience in the years of production with favourite seasons including season 3B and Season 5. The show continues to exhibit overwhelming popularity as the years go by as people rewatch it for nostalgia or because they wish to return to comfort episodes.
As with anything that exists, there are people who wish for their favourite characters to have an extended story or they do not agree with what the writers have decided is their fate, such as character death (Derek Hale in Teen Wolf: The Movie). Due to the disagreement viewers have with how their favourites end up, they will turn to fanfiction websites, specifically, in this decade, Archive Of Our Own (AO3)[4].
The AO3 tagging system is a complex aspect of the website but can be understood when the time is taken for people to find suitable fics relatively easily (when the fanfics are tagged properly of course). Tags often include spoilers regarding what is contained in the fanfic, typically “watersports”[5], “dub-con”/”dubious consent”[6], and “misunderstandings”[7]; but the tags could also include the author ‘talking’ to the reader which could include “no beta we die like [character]”[8].
The Teen Wolf fandom contains popular ships such as, Sterek[1], Stydia[2], Stalia[3], Scallision[4], Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken[5], Berica[6], just to name a few. A lot of pairings include Stiles Stilinski, most likely because Dylan O’Brien’s performance allows Stiles to have a chemistry with anyone he comes into contact with.
The pairing that contains the most fanfics is of course, Sterek; at the time of writing, Sterek contains 70,770 works which according to the last page of the date posted sort by began 26 June 2011[7]. Due to the popularity of the pairing, there is of course an exceptional amount of hate that comes with it, a lot of this hate can simply be found on Tumblr, known as Anti-Sterek(s)[8].
The chief problem that people who consider themselves to be Anti-Sterek have with the pairing is the age gap, Derek Hale is meant to be older than the rest of the main characters, however, it is unknown exactly how old he is meant to be due to the constant changing of his age (shown in the pilot screening presentation script where he was written to be nineteen[9]), but based on the events of that took place before the pilot episode, and for the purposes of this essay, it can be assumed he is around twenty-one to twenty-two at the beginning of the show[10].
Stiles Stilinski has obviously been written to be over sixteen years old, as he holds a valid licence. However, again, it is almost unknown when he turns seventeen due to the discrepancy in the timeline of events and almost contradictory statements made by the Teen Wolf calendar and the Teen Wolf Facebook page[11]; but it can be assumed Stiles turns seventeen during the events of Season 3 (3A and 3B). For the purposes of the writing, it can be assumed Stiles is sixteen during the pilot episode.
I am aware that shipping a sixteen-year-old with someone who is supposed to be (at the maximum) twenty-two is a large problem, however, if you consider reality, there are a lot of people who actively seek out relationships with people who are significantly older than them. When you contemplate actuality there are celebrities who have yet to face repercussions for dating people who are remarkably younger than them; Leonardo DiCaprio, and Sam Taylor-Johnson.
A factor that could be the reason that Sterek is scrutinized is due to the relationship that Kate Argent pursued with Derek when he was fifteen to sixteen. There is a lot of discourse on Tumblr and Twitter and even TikTok comments where fans equate the Sterek ship with that of what Kate did to Derek.
It is reasonable for viewers to abhor the relationship when based on these facts but, it should be remembered that a lot of fanfics involve alternative universes such as those of High School, and College where a lot of characters are specifically written to be the same age. I am not removing the reasoning behind the dislike of Sterek, I just want those who will take the time to read this analysis to realise that there are hypocritical aspects of shipping.
It cannot be ignored that Sterek is not the only ship that has an age gap, there are viewers of the show who enjoy reading fanfics involving Steter (Peter Hale x Stiles Stilinski)[1]; this ship is also a problematic pairing due to the even larger age gap than that of Sterek’s, and this pairing on AO3 is considered to be the second most popular Teen Wolf ship with (at the time of writing) 10,766 works[2].
If you were to venture onto Tumblr and searched for the Anti-Steter[3] tag you would find less posts than the Anti-Sterek tag, and less frequent postings in general. Based on this, it would appear that there is more hate for Derek than Peter.
Another ship pairing that is more concerning, if fans of the show dislike large age gaps exceeding ten years, would be (Chris Argent x Stiles Stilinski) of which 866 fics are found on AO3[4], this is less than other ships but of course, still an interesting number of fics that have spanned 2012-2023.
The more popular ship containing Stiles and Chris is Stetopher which is a polyamorous ship that also comprises Peter. The works on AO3 are few in number, with only 739 published at the time of writing, these fics began being uploaded in September 2012[5].
This ship should again be scrutinised far more than that of Sterek because of the even larger age gap that exists. As aforementioned, it appears that Derek is greatly disliked due to the awareness of the Sterek ship.
Another ship that fans should be aware of is the Melissa McCall x Stiles Stilinski ship, of which there are 45 works on AO3, starting from November 2012 to 2023[6].
This ship is feasibly far more concerning considering Melissa is Stiles’ best friends’ mother, and undoubtedly this is the most unsettling pairing of all as Melissa would have watched Stiles grow up, and this would therefore be considered grooming.
In sum, the ships involving, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, and Melissa McCall should give rise to far more concern than that of Sterek. Again, this could mean that Derek’s character is far more hated, either because of Derek himself being written as something of an enemy in the first few seasons of the show airing, or because it’s easier to target pairings that are more popular than the other.
The Vampire Diaries is also a popular show that aired from 2009 until 2017. The premise of the show is a seventeen-year-old Elena Gilbert falls in love with a one-hundred-and sixty-three-year-old. It is common lore that a vampire stops aging once they are turned, however, if people are concerned with age gaps of characters then there should be far more concern over the beloved shows.
Let’s not forget that popular fantasy books, such as that of A Court of Thorns and Roses and the Throne of Glass book series, also contain exceedingly large age gaps, it should not matter how old the characters are when they first meet, it should instead be about how many years apart they actually are. Yet, there is almost no hate found online regarding this aspect. When you compare this notion with that of Teen Wolf’s, there is a hypothetical question that could be raised, is the reason that Sterek is so hated down to it being popular, or is it because it is M/M pairing?
If an age gap is larger than ten years, that is when you should be concerned. I am not really concerned with age gaps in fiction being less than ten years, because it is fictional and I like the dynamic the pairing has, it is very rare that I read fanfics for any media but when I do, it is because I want more from these characters. If people in reality (where it is openly illegal to do so) are in relationships with large age gaps with someone underage, that is when you should troubled.
Teen Wolf is a popular show that generates a lot of discourse in the online community, it is probable that there is a heavy hypocritical nature to the pairings that people find. If people were truly concerned with age gaps exceeding two years, they would have more hatred for other ships in the show such as Marrish (Lydia x Parrish); however, it appears that Sterek is hated more due to how popular it is and could also be because Derek was written as a villain, especially in Season 2.
As stated in the disclaimer, I come from England and I write this with a different attitude, I am aware that the age of consent is eighteen in California, and it is illegal for anyone to leave the state with someone with the intention of having sexual relations. However, Teen Wolf is not real, and if you are getting exceedingly defensive and antagonistic around characters that other people ship and proceed to write long hateful messages to people anonymously on Tumblr to Sterek blogs and those who tag Anti-Sterek with claims that shipping Derek with Stiles is "pedophilic" in fact shows up the Sterek tag.
I expect that I could get hate for this, but I am not defending Sterek, I just hope I pointed out a few problems that I have found, I attempted to do extensive research, but I admit I would get more annoyed about the hypocrisy that I would have found.
I am not against people shipping whatever they want (look at the House of Dragons show) but I personally will not seek out ships that I don’t like and I don’t write hate because what’s the point? It’s not like it’s going to change anything, people enjoy what they enjoy. If you personally attack someone for who they ship, you are a terrible person. If you don’t like something, just block it so you don’t ever see it!!! IT IS THAT SIMPLE!!!
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mommalosthermind · 5 months
How do you block and filter fics with rampant racist micro aggression since that's never tagged properly and the writer will have a white meltdown if they're ever confronted with the fact their fic is racist?
I honestly can’t tell if this was in earnest or if it’s meant to be another Gotcha! Attempt from one of the anti-censorship posts I’ve annoyed people with, so I’m going to assume it’s the first and do my best to answer.
As a white woman, I am definitely not someone who should be speaking on racism, since the systemic issues I deal with are very very different.
Unfortunately, though, your experience with such a fic is going to mirror what I’d imagine is also your experience with most other forms of media which don’t flag that kind of behavior: bail. Back out. Don’t finish the thing that is upsetting you. Possibly, (as I’ve done with authors on issues that hit home for me) take note of who’s behind the thing so you know to avoid them in the future, as they’ve broken that trust.
This is also known as curating your space. I don’t remember if I go on that rant in the other two (three?) posts that seem to have picked up, but that’s the READER’s side of the equation. Find your garden and tend it well, keep it how you like it, because it is for you and you alone.
My job as a writer is to tag to the best of my ability so you know exactly what you’re bringing into your garden. I don’t want to spoil your flowers anymore than I want someone to trample on mine.
Hopefully, as people talk about this more, authors will be more open to tagging/ modifying and/or adding a footnote for things exactly like this.
Micro aggressions are especially difficult, since (again, pulling purely from my lived experiences) getting folk to agree on what ‘counts’ is rough. But as an author— I want to share my stories. That’s the point! If I’ve written it, then I damn well better be self-aware enough to tag it, and be willing to ADD TAGS so I’m not breaking trust with the people I’m trying to give nice things to. Hopefully that makes sense?
I’m gonna say that again since I feel it needs it: if you’re comfortable enough to write the Real World problem happening, you’re fully capable of being able to recognize why someone might like the warning. Be kind. Tags only work if you use them.
On AO3, I believe they recently made it possible to block an author entirely, so they no longer show up in the results for your searches.
I’ve run across exactly one author I’d have blocked if it was possible at the time, because he refused to add tags to a story that… really needed tags. And, going through the comments in later chapters, dozens of people have asked him to update tags. He claims that doing so will ‘ruin the story’ despite the graphic raped-to-death-then-magically-revived bit having literally nothing to do with the plot at all. Instead, it comes out of literally nowhere in an otherwise really well written tale, and was deeply deeply upsetting to the point that his response to my first chapter squee was “yeah, tell me if you still like it after chapter X”. (Unfortunately i am a very fast reader and had already gotten that far and bailed immediately. Dude if you KNOW it’s THAT upsetting to so many people ADD THE TAG.)
I’ll never read anything he’s written again, just like I refuse to read anything by JKR ( awful human) or Terry Goodkind (I can’t stand how he handles his female characters. At all.)
Obviously these two examples are not identical, but it’s the main comparison I have on hand.
This isn’t meant to sound like I’m belittling or downplaying that concern at all. But until people get better at tagging—and I really wish traditional books and other media would ALSO tag, because I’m very very tired of running into Specific Things without any fucking warning— you have to protect yourself and your happy place by putting up a fence, and booting unsavory things right back over it.
—side note: for those worried about spoiling the plot you can…skip the tags... just know you’re choosing to walk in blind. OR! And I wish i could figure it out—you can add! A hyperlink! That takes you to the footnote at the BOTTOM to add things that deserve a warning but might be spoilers! There’s even a tag for that! ‘More tags in notes!’ These are good and useful things! Use them so your readers can better curate their spaces!—
The system isn’t perfect by any means. There are a million ways to improve, and we’re trying! But please, please y’all use the damn tags because right now it’s the only system we’ve got. Take care of each other.
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deviantrevolution · 3 months
Tumblr media
hello and welcome to my sideblog dedicated to detroit: become human! i make gifs, videos, memes and take screenshots of the game, and will occasionally share some of my own writing and things that inspire it. all posts are tagged according to the media type, character(s) and/or ship(s) for easy searching. i track #userlucid, so feel to tag me in your creations!!
professinal procrastinator
prev. rk1k
basic byf/dni rules (racists, anti lgbtq+, pro-israel, etc.)
empty blogs will be blocked, unless i know you
character/ship bashing is not welcome, at all
i will occasionally reblog or post nsfw content, so i'd prefer minors NOT to follow or interact with me
no one is allowed to repost or use any of my edits under any circumstance unless i give explicit permission to do so, and even then i reserve the right to say no. please respect my wishes
do not mention other characters or ships on posts that aren't about/for them (e.g. saying connor would look so good in a scene when the scene is of markus, or this should have been hankcon instead of rk1k)
like above, do not complain about whatever it is you don't like about certain characters/ships/scenes/dialogue on posts made about them. keep it to yourself or make your own post
main blog
tags page
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