#I’m having a thing for jason on a school campus
blackreaderfics · 9 months
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thinking about jason being a really distracting tutor. he really doesn’t look like an english lit major but there he is sitting at the table you’re supposed to meet at.
and you have to ask him to look over your essay draft and he gets real close because he’s a big guy, going over what you did well and what could use some work.
he’s all serious too and doesn’t have the faintest clue that you have the biggest crush on him.
“you seem distracted” he stops whatever explaining he was doing to make sure you’re listening.
“sorry— it’s just a lot” you apologize hoping he didn’t catch you staring too hard at him.
and he’s so patient going over the most important points, checking to see if you understand. and when you repeat back the right answer to him he’s just like “attagirl” and gives you a high five. so many high fives and praises that his rating is 5 stars and his tutoring backlog goes until the next semester lol.
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to saradika for the dividers
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jinjeriffic · 4 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 4
Part 3
Aaaah, Tim had missed undercover work! There was just something thrilling about becoming a whole new person by making a few small tweaks here and there. He had combed his hair in a side-part, carefully applied make-up to make his skin look paler and his eyes bigger and put on a pair of thick rimmed glasses. Worn sneakers, baggy jeans, a loose plaid flannel shirt with a hoodie tied around his waist hid his lean, muscular frame. A slight slouch and his old high-school backpack completed the look. Goodbye Tim Drake-Wayne, Gotham socialite. Hello Adam Taylor, college freshman.
Jason took one look at him and practically fell over laughing.
“Oh my God, you look like a total dork! Would you like some braces to go with that?” he heckled, catching himself against the side of the car.
“I’ll have you know that this is the height of broke college student chic,” Tim sniffed in mock offence, “It’s called ‘blending in’ Jason. Maybe you should try it!” He walked past his snickering brother to get in the passenger’s seat of the beat-up Ford they used for travelling incognito.
“No thanks, I’ll leave the theatre performance to you,” Jason drawled, tossing the keys in one hand before getting behind the wheel. “I’ll just hang back and keep an eye out in case things go tits up.”
“I don’t even know why you insisted on coming along. I’m just going to question a civilian!”
Jason gave him a Look before starting the engine. “A civilian raised by mad scientists. The way our lives work, we’ll find her building Kryptonite powered robots in the janitor’s closet or something.”
“And the fact that she’s a cute red-head has nothing to do with it?” Tim teased.
The drive to Metropolis passed in a mix of mutual ribbing, arguing over radio stations and discussion of recent cases. They carefully avoided the elephant in the room - the reason for their current investigation. The sullen anger of their youngest brother, the quiet grief in Bruce’s eyes whenever he thought no one was watching and the mounting tension within the family. Tim doubted that this excursion would be all that fruitful, but he needed to get out and do something for the sake of his own sanity. The last thing he wanted was to watch Bruce emotionally implode over what may or may not be another dead son.
Getting onto the university campus was no problem. Tim had a fake student ID on him just in case, but it looked like he needn’t have bothered. His hacking had revealed that Jasmine Fenton checked into the university library after her last class almost every day, so it was just a matter of biding his time. He sat at one of the carrel desks, idly flipping through the latest issue of Forbes. I wonder if Luthor’s new tech acquisition means he’s up to something? Hm…
“Heads up, target at your 10,” came Jason’s murmur through Tim’s earpiece. Tim turned another page then sat up and stretched, glancing around casually. He instantly recognized the red-head from his earlier research. Tall and light build, long hair held back by a head-band, wearing skinny jeans and a dark grey sweater. She made her way over to the row of desks, carrying a small stack of books and a pencil case. She walked past Tim, only sparing him a glance and eventually settled down at the table farthest from the entrance and away from the other students. Perfect.
Tim got up and returned his magazine to the periodicals section before meandering over to Jasmine’s desk. He put on his best impression of a nervous smile. Showtime.
“Hey, is this seat taken?”
She only glanced up from her work briefly then went right back to taking notes. “No, knock yourself out,” she said in a bored tone.
Tim pulled out the chair next to hers and turned it slightly to face her. He sat down and cleared his throat.
“Hi, sorry to bother you. I’m Adam. Adam Taylor,” he lied, offering his hand to her. She gave him a tight, polite smile and shook hands with him.
“Jazz Fenton,” Her tone was light, but her body language screamed ‘please go away’. Tim filed the nickname away for later, “Look, it’s really nice to meet you but I have this project I need to work on, so…”
Ah, she probably thinks I’m trying to hit on her, Tim thought.
“Oh, I understand completely! I don’t wanna take up too much of your time, I just… I was just wondering if you could tell me about… you know,” he whispered with affected hesitation, “...ghosts.”
The smile dropped from her face and her gaze sharpened. “Excuse me?”
“Sorry! It’s just… your parents run Fenton Works, right? The ecto-biologists?” Tim rushed out, “I just wanted to hear your opinion on their work…” he trailed off at the look of tightly controlled anger on her face. She turned and scanned the room around them.
“Alright. Where’s the camera?”
Tim was caught completely wrong footed. Was she onto them?
“Camera? What camera?” he hedged. She slammed her notebook shut and glared at him.
“I get it. Lets pretend to interview the girl with the crazy ghost hunter parents and have a good laugh at her on social media later. Very funny, har har,” Jazz stuffed her pen back in its case with sharp movements, “Well I have better things to do than make you TikTok famous, so if you’ll excuse me,” she gathered up her books and stood.
Tim winced. He really needed to salvage this situation and quickly. He held up his hands in a placating gesture.
“I’m not filming you, honest! I just read some of your parents’ papers and wanted a second opinion on their research! They, ah… they seem pretty biased,” he said apologetically.
Jazz narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. “Why are you researching ghosts, then?”
The best lies are built on truth.
“Because…” Tim took a deep breath, “I think my brother might be one,” he forced out, then swallowed hard and looked away.
“Oh,” the anger had drained from her voice, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Tim glanced at her as she sat back down. “Thanks,” he croaked and blinked away fake tears. They sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Adam, what makes you think your brother might have come back as a ghost?” Jazz asked gently.
Tim collected himself for a moment, thinking about how to score the most sympathy points.
“It’s hard to explain. My younger brother… he saw something strange and now my whole family is freaking out. Dad is putting on a brave face but I can tell this is eating him up inside but he refuses to talk about it. I just… I need to know if there’s a scientific explanation to all this. I need to make sense of this whole mess!” he looked up at her through his lashes with his best puppy-dog expression, “Please, can you help me?”
Tim could practically hear her heart melting.
“And the Oscar goes to… Timbird!” Jason teased over the comms.
“Alright. But not here,” Jazz said, standing up again, “This is gonna take some time. And diagrams.”
Oh goodie.
Part 5
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Like Betta Fish Do - Part 12
Masterpost of ao3 link and all parts.
wc 2295 (Chapter 9 when on ao3)
“Hey, it’s Danny, right?” asked the person standing next to Danny’s seat. They shifted, tucking a long strand of pitch black hair behind their ear.
“We thought—”
“She thought,” said the woman who practically barreled into the first speaker’s back. She hooked her chin over the other’s shoulder with a grin as she adjusted her hijab. “Cloe thought, but we all agree.”
“Which is why I said we, I’m Cloe, this is Fara, that guy over there is José.” She motioned to a young man with a head full of curly brown hair and an easy smile waiting by the door. “We need a fourth for the group project, want to join us?”
“Me?” Danny repeated in surprise. No one in Casper High ever wanted him on a team, not unless it was Tucker and Sam.
“Totally. Your comment today on the possible advancements of propulsion technology was just the sort of thing that we’d love to do our topic on. It didn’t look like you had a group?”
“No, I don’t, not yet. That would be nice,” Danny said with a crooked smile. He’d been worried about having to find a group to work with so the offer was a huge weight off. Honestly the presentation was way too much of their grade in his opinion (but maybe that’s just because he had been dreading it).
“That’s great!” Cloe smiled back at him. “Do you have time to meet now? Just, like, to a coffee shop or the library. We can hash out the basics and what everyone should research before we meet up again the next time.”
“Sure. I could almost always use a coffee,” Danny said as he shoved his aging laptop in his backpack.
“Yeah, we can kinda tell with the…” Fara pointed at her own face, finger circling around her eyes.
Danny barked out a surprised laugh when Cloe let out an affronted “Fara!”
“Hey, I’ve been cultivating these dark circles since high school. They’re like fine wine,” Danny said. Snarky he knew how to handle.
“Oh, José will like you,” Fara said with a laugh. She linked arms with Danny and practically dragged him towards the door. “José! I found you another coffee addict.”
“Thank you,” he praised, “because Cloe only drinks the most basic bitch drinks and Fara likes tea.”
“I make an exception for pumpkin spiced lattes and hot chocolate,” Fara said with coy smile.
“See? See what I have to put up with. Please, my dude— is it my dude?” Danny nodded in response. “My dude, please tell me you drink real coffee.”
“With as many espresso shots as they’re legally allowed to add,” Danny said.
“A man after my own heart— a heart that runs on coffee,” José said with a laugh as they all spilled out the front of the engineering building.
Maybe this presentation wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Okay, so maybe Danny was just really not used to being around people any more.
Really, really not used to it.
He’d only spent an hour or so with the other’s at the coffeeshop, but between that, class, picking up a treat for Jason, and just having to go back and forth throughout the city Danny felt his nerves crawling under his skin. Every noise from every apartment around was so loud. Even his fridge seemed to be screaming at him with its incessant whine.
And there was no where to get away from it.
If he went out, Danny would just be surrounded by the sounds and smells and lights of the city. People would jostle into him or sit too close on the bus and— Danny shuddered at the idea of being touched by strangers right then.
He rubbed his fingers against his palms as he shifted and tried to lay more comfortably on his small sofa. He had his t.v. on, streaming mindless video game play throughs, but he wasn’t really paying attention to it. It was just to try and block out some of the noise.
There were things about the city that he loved, sure. The access to food was great. There was an amazing variety in walking distance of his place or campus. He’d also found a few great stores— a game store and a second hand clothing shop were top of his list. It was great how there was always a distraction.
But there was always a distraction.
Nothing ever really stopped in the city. That constant hum, after a few weeks of it, was really getting to Danny. He hadn’t thought he was rural or anything, but Amity’s hundred thousand or so people never prepared him for living here.
He closed his eyes and made himself take a slow breath.
Jason was going to show him some places around the city today.
He had to get a handle on himself before then.
He’d been trying for an hour now— or so his phone alerted him to when he checked it for the hundredth time. He laid it back on his chest and closed his eyes. When it started ringing a moment later he nearly jumped out of his skin.
‘Jason Calling’, it read. He fumbled to swipe the screen. “Hi.”
“Hey. My meeting wrapped early so I was going to head your way now if that’s good?”
Danny swallowed, trying to force back the buzzing under his skin. “Oh, um, yeah, sure.”
The line was silent for a pause. “What’s wrong?”
Jason snorted. “That’s a lie.”
Danny flung an arm over his eyes and forced himself to take another breath. “I guess, just… It’s stupid.”
The endearment was more gentle than Danny felt he deserved. He was being stupid about this. Who struggled to be around people? And he wanted to see Jason too. It was just… everyone— everything else.
He could hear the sounds of the city on Jason’s end and tried to focus on his voice instead. “Come on fish, talk to me.”
“It’s just— being in the city all the time… it’s just getting to me a little, I guess. I’m not used it it. That’s all. I’ll be fine.”
Jason gave a considering hum. “Okay. Change of plans. Do you have a leather jacket?”
“What? No?”
“Okay. Are you up for one stop first? We’ll make it quick.”
“One stop before what?” Danny asked as he pulled himself up by the back of the couch.
“Before my new plan for the day.” Jason sounded smug.
“I don’t— we don’t have to—”
“Trust me, okay?”
It was such an earnest request that it brought Danny to pause. He swallowed once more before he found his voice. “Of course I will.”
“Good. Then I’ll see you in twenty. Go put on jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and some sturdy shoes.”
The abrupt end to the call had Danny blinking down at his phone before he pulled himself up to do as he was told.
Jason studied Danny as the other came out of his apartment building. He hadn’t liked how Danny sounded on the phone and he didn’t much like how Danny looked now. It was like the other had tucked all his loud, jagged, wonderful edges away. It was like he was hiding from the world.
Well, Jason would just have to fix that.
“Just one quick stop,” Jason said, handing Danny a helmet.
“I’m fine, you don’t have to ba—”
“Fish,” Jason said firmly. He waited until Danny was actually looking at him (not frowning at the ground) to continue. “It’s okay if you’re not okay. You don’t have to apologize to me or about it or about you. You can be not fine.”
Fuck he was sounding like his well meaning family now. Still, it got a wobbly smile from Danny, so maybe it was worth parroting back the words. The words didn’t always help, he knew that. They certainly didn’t fix stuff that he still struggled with some days, but they couldn’t hurt. It couldn’t hurt to be reminded that someone cared.
“Okay. One quick stop,” Danny agreed.
“Right,” Jason said. He turned and straddled his motorcycle. “You ever ridden before?”
“Yeah, actually I have. A friend has one.”
“Huh.” Jason was actually a little surprised by that. “Okay then hang on tight. We won’t be doing anything crazy in the city, but we might have to stop quickly. Some drivers are jackasses about motorcycles.”
The bike dipped under him as Danny settled on behind him. There was an obvious moment of hesitation before Danny let himself slide forward. As Danny settled along his back, Jason had a thought of how well Danny fit. He briefly squeezed the arms wrapped around his waist in notice before he started his bike up and they took off through the city.
The one quick stop was to get Danny a riding jacket and gloves; Jason wanted to be sure that Danny would be warm and, more importantly, protected on the drive. As it was, Jason drove more cautiously than normal, very aware that Danny’s safety was in his hands.
It wasn’t long to the store, and he tried to make sure the shopping didn’t take too long. He could practically see Danny’s edges fraying. He did make Danny try on several jackets, even if he tried to make sure they didn’t linger, so that Danny could find the right one.
“Are you sure this is it?” Danny asked, tugging on the hem of the black leather jacket. It had a bit of a retro cut, but there was enough modern padding that if Danny fell off the road rash wouldn’t be that bad. Besides, Danny looked good in it; it cinched nicely at his waist and fit his shoulder snugly.
“Yep,” Jason said. He reached out and smacked Danny’s hand away when he tried to take a peak at the price tag again. “Stop that. I already told you I’m buying.”
“Just accept it. Give me the jacket and go pick out some gloves,” he said.
Danny rolled his eyes, but shrugged off the jacket and handed it over. Jason took the moment to explain the mater to the sales person, who was cooperative about not saying the total out loud. The knowing smirk was a bit weird though. It even had Danny glancing at Jason suspiciously, but they got out of the store with what was needed and Danny none the wiser to what a good motorcycle jacket could cost.
Jason took the time to sync up both helmets so that they could talk on the ride if they wanted to, but he left the matter to Danny. It turned out to be mostly silent once they left the city, especially since Jason wasn’t explaining where they were going. The longer they were on the open roads, the more that Jason could feel Danny relaxing against his back until. Finally he settled in and rested his head against Jason’s shoulder blade.
“Thank you.”
“Ain’t seen nothing yet,” Jason rumbled back.
Danny just answered with a soft hum before he fell silent again.
Jason took them on the highway, down some side streets just for the view, and through a smaller city to the more secluded parking lot that he knew about. He could feel Danny freeze up behind him, and chuckled as he pulled off his own helmet. Danny did the same as he stumbled off the bike.
“Come on,” Jason said. He practically had to guide Danny down the path and to the top of the first bluff where the concrete ended.
Danny let out a breath exhale. “Oh, wow.”
His mouth hung slightly open as he stared out at the crashing waves and the beach that stretched out before them. A cloudy fall day wasn’t exactly the best time to visit the coast (not that they were the only ones doing so), but Danny still stared at it like it was the best thing he’d seen in a long time.
He stared at it like it gave him life.
Jason found he wanted— suddenly and fiercely— to find a million more moments that would bring that same spark to Danny’s eyes. He didn’t want Danny to stop living just because he had died.
Jason didn’t want to stop living just because he had died.
Not anymore.
He reached down to undo the knots on his boots with Danny scrambling to do the same. Laces tied together, Jason slung the boots across his shoulders and made his way onto the beach. He reached out to help balance Danny as he stumbled a little on the soft white sand.
When they had gotten to the edge of the water, Jason hung back slightly in the damp, but not wet, sand while Danny, with all of his normal abandon, rolled up his pants legs and barreled into the waves with a whoop. He ran in and out of the surf like one of those sand piper birds as the wind whipped his dark hair around his face like a storm of shadows.
Laughing as he was chased by a larger swell of water, Danny stumbled back to Jason’s side. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with salt air, and then just slumped heavily against Jason like he was boneless. Jason took the weight easily.
Jason grinned down at Danny, who’s eyes were still locked on the water. “Worth the trip?”
“Yeah. Yeah, worth the trip. Completely. Thank you Jason.”
“’Course. Gotta get the fish to water now and then.”
“Shut up, dead boy.” Danny rolled his eyes, but his grin didn’t drop for a second.
Jason chuckled, but found he didn’t  need to say anything back. He was content to just watch Danny watch the ocean.
AN: Finally an update for you all~ ngl, there are some rough spots I'm not entirely happy with, I feel you can really tell what I wrote when I was feeling really, really poorly. But that's what a re-write is for, I guess!
The classmates won't show up too much, but I needed an outside perspective and to show Danny is settling in- even if he's struggling with some things.
Apologies for any typos, I currently want to melon ball my eye out from this migraine so you know, words are hard. Anywho, stay delightful, darlings!
tag list of doom: @fisticuffsatapplebees​ | @thegatorsgoose​ | @wolfeyedwitch​ | @lazy-bouqet​ | @confusedandghostly​ | @glomsk​ | @kailithiel​ | @bahfev​ | @d4ydr34min9 | @claudiashq​ | @someonebored0100​ | @pastalavistamf​ | @samgirl98​ | @angelheartgamer​ | @lehana37​ | @spiteismymiddlename​ | @rosecinnamonbun​ | @demon-cat-goes-woof​ | @violet-catsarelife​ | @avelnfear​ | @undead-essence​ | @basilf1res​ | @amillionandonefandoms​ | @stealingyourbones​ | @sarcastic-yami​ | @bun-fish​ | @aconitewolfsbane​ | @dontfightmecauseillcry​ | @omgnectarina​ | @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff​ | @the-blind-one-speaks​ | @mimilikey​ | @wolfe-marvin​ | @learning-to-fly-on-my-own​ | @multplelifes​ | @yurijay​ | @bae-graphomaniac​ | @fan4rt1st​ | @weirdestarrow​ | @wolfjackle​ | @onyxlightdragon​ | @zotinha456​ | @wwwwyamd​ | @river9noble​ | @starscreamlover​ | @michealawithana​ | @robinmedea​ | @spideypoolalways​ | @jesus-camp-the-sequel​ | @persephoneblackrose​ | @f4nd0m-fun​ | @mady-is-ace-trash​ | @ascetic-orange​ | @renwilson​ | @ace-aro-as-shit​ | @rangerhorsetug​ | @thatrandomsarahchick​ | @holygoldfish​ | @mlpizza​ | @chrysanthemum9484​ | @justwannaseesomebrozawa​ | @newgraywolf​ | @crazylittlemunchkin​ | @fire-glass​ | @eonic​ | @autumnrosnor​ | @the-nerdy-fangirl​ | @faithblob-says-things​ | @aisec-phantom​ | @a-star-with-a-human-name​ | @winged-scaly-attic-dweller​ | @mistermetalmaker​ | @apersond​ | @mustachebatschaos​ | @joaniejustwokeup​ | @that-dumbass-on-a-horse​ | @plainly-colorful​ | @blackcatsandhaunteddolls​ | @booklover223​ | @alice-hazelwood​ | @answrs​ | @enbydemirainbowbigfoot​ | @felicityroth​ | @wanderingrutabaga​ | @seraphinedemort​ | @write-it-right-2​ | @my-mom-calls-me-rat​ | @01101010-01100001-01111001​ | @arc-777​ | @crystalice067​ | @phoenixdemonqueen​ | @icedbluesoul​ | @itsparadoxlacuna​ | @wisp-wishes​ | @spikedlynx​ | @redhoneysugarorange​ | @russetfur1128​ | @mutable-manifestation​ | @stargirl1331​ | @chaoticchange​ | @living-on-borrowed-time​ | @orshie​ | @britcision​ | @littlefeather345​ | @sunflowershine03​ | @aro-acedumbass​ | @thefanficcup​ | @shibanoh​ | @racoonmcg​ | @icefirecrystal​ | @thatonejumbledmess​ | @cy-ella​ | @dolfay​ | @kobol1​ | @metal-sporks​ | @tired-yet-awaken​ | @currant-owo​ | @firegirl108​ | @stupidlovepurplepeace​ | @drowningroane​ | @imagineshazamlokimight​ | @immakittybear​ | @justalittletotheleftofnormal​ | @akikoyuii​ | @chrysanthemum9484​ | @kawaiikenna​ | @imaginationmademanifest​ | @a-salty-sal​ | @mentalcarebear​ | @mj-arts-n-stuff​ | @xysidhe​ | @cottonscrambles​ | @manapeer​ | @yjfk​ | @ryisc​ | @666deaddash999​ | @nutcase8691 | @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit | @dr-syko-pharm-4 | @i-have-opinion | @ballzfrog | @mysoulspiralbound | @istillhavenosociallife-blog | @gin2212 | @annabethchase0 | @eiderdown-eider | @basementloser | @plotwholls | @minnowmarsh | @neverlandingbird | @rootsmudge | @fandom-reblog-central | @serasvictoria02 | @mnemovoid | @taniaundertaleau | @kirineo-kiki | @ironicvixen | @violetfox2 | @redhoneysugarorange | @allulily | @jaxinkh | @naluforever3 | @horribly-lost-and-gay |  @babblingbat | @frostedthroughghost | @kyrianclawraith | @caspertheloudassghost | @the-forgotten-dragon-anankos | @lyra689 | @v-inari
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writing-blog-iguess · 4 months
Online Matchup 8
Summery: It’s Halloween and y/n’s hosting a party that she doesn’t even want. But not to fear, Jason’s there with an escape plan.
Warning: mistakes, alcohol, tipsy!reader, tired Jason, Ellie’s done with her siblings bullshit.
A/N: So sorry for the wait. I got overwhelmed with how many wips I have and stopped writing for a bit, and it doesn’t help that I don’t have internet. So, that’s fun. Hope you enjoy though! Chapter nine should be on its way soon.
Feedback is welcomed!
Series master list
October 31
Ellie (7:30 am)
Not my boyfriend
Shouldn’t you be in school?
Not yet anyways
Don’t worry about it
It was two days ago, Ellie
It was a last minute decision
Didn’t really have time to tell you anything
Could have told me after
Or yesterday
But no, I find out from Conner who found out from Clark
Clark Kent
Conner’s uncle
Also Bruce Wayne’s best friend but I have doubts
How? You’ve never met Bruce
True, but the stories Conner told me about
Anyways, we’re not talking about that
We’re talking about you and going out with Jason
Looking all fancy and rubbing elbows with the rich
Did you have to word it like that?
Did you meet his family?
Tell me, are they as intimidating as Conner makes them out to be?
They’re all dorks and you would fit right in
Trust me
They’re very curious and protective of Jason
But they’re good people
I like them
Don’t let Jason hear you say that
Or he might think you’ll leave him
Ellie, what the fuck
That wasn’t me I swear
Fuck off conner
If you want to talk to me use your own phone
This is the type of relationship you two have, isn't it?
You’ll have no peace, sorry
So, how'd it go?
His brothers hounded me with questions
Bruce made a speech about jason
And then we left to get some burgers
You’re the worst at telling stories
I don’t know what you want me to say
You’re feelings about how in love you are with Jason
I’m not having this conversation with Conner reading over your shoulder
Boo you’re no fun
Suck it Ellie
Jason (1:39 pm)
How’s it going today?
I am not the biggest fan of Halloween
I’ve had three different people scare me today on campus
Tripped over some decorations
And my friend is bugging me for a key so she can decorate my apartment once her last class is finished
I don’t know why she needs my key, she has her own
Yikes doesn’t even cover half of it
I’m half tempted to hide in the library and not go to the party
But it’s your apartment
That’s the worst thing!
I shouldn’t have agreed to throwing it there
I want sleep
I don’t think I’ve seen you sleep at a normal time
You’re one to talk
You’re up at the oddest hours
I’m not surprised anymore when you text me at like 2 in the morning
You can always come sleep with me when you’ve had enough
Sir, I’m not that kind of person
That is not what I meant
You know that
Do I though?
Y/n I swear to god
They’re your words, Jason
Do better
Sometimes, I hate
No you don’t
No I don’t
What I mean is, you can always stay the night at my place.
To sleep, can even have the couch since that’s were you sleep most of the time
I want to be offended
But your right
Aren’t I always?
With the party in full swing, and friends practically drunk, you hadn’t had the chance to look at your phone.
Now hiding in your room a few hours later, you grabbed it and went through your notifications. Nothing too important until you said Jason’s text asking to call you. But it was sent at five, and you were pretty sure he meant then instead of now.
But curiosity got the better of you, and you called.
“Hey Jason,” Barbara’s voice cut through the line, distracting Jason a little. He grunted in reply, and retreated behind the dumpster. “Someone named Y/N is calling. What do you want me to do?”
“Put it through,” Jason answered, looking around the dumpster to see how many were left. Three were left, shouldn’t be a problem.
“Are you sure?”
“It’ll be fine,” he said and Barbara hummed before connecting the call. “Hey Little Bird. What’s up?”
“I don’t know, you were the one who wanted me to call you,” you answered. Jason furrowed his eyebrows.
“I don’t think so,” he said, moving to shoot the one standing up. He winced at the sound and hoped you didn’t hear it.
“Mm, pretty sure you did,” you said, and he heard movement from your end. As if you moved the one on away from your face. “Yeah, seven-forty you said call me.”
“That was four hours ago,” he reminded, and smiled when you laughed.
“Yeah, well, I’ve been busy with a party and all,” you said and he can picture you shrugging. “This a bad time?”
He took a moment to answer as he ducked down when the other two started shooting. “Uh, don’t know.”
“Is that…is someone shooting at you?” you asked and he grimaced at the question. So much for keeping you out of this. “Jason, are you okay?”
“No, there’s no shooting. And I’m fine,” he grunted out, letting out a noise when he felt something hit his shoulder. When did he move? He faintly heard you saying something, but wasn’t quite sure. Ducking behind something else, he took a deep breath before saying, “you don’t do parties.”
“No, I don’t,” you agreed, “but, as I said, my friend is hosting the Halloween party at my place tonight.”
“It’s Halloween?” he found himself asking.
“It is. Jason, are you sure you're okay?” you asked, concern dripping in your voice.
“Peachy,” he said, staying down as the other two started shooting him. Where was the backup when you needed it? “So, how’s the party anyways? Sounds like you're having fun.”
He heard you sniff and could picture you sticking your nose in the air. “I am not having fun,” you said dryly.
“You sure? You sound drunk,” he said and laughed when you squawked.
“I don't get drunk.” Jason hummed and let the silence stretch out before you begrudgingly added, “okay. Maybe maybe I’m a little drunk.”
“Thought so,” he said, “just go to bed.”
“I can’t,” you grumble, and Jason can picture you looking at your bed longingly.
“Why the fuck not?”
“Jason, there’s a full blown party out there and I can’t sleep knowing people are trying to get in my room for a hookup.”
“Tell me you locked the doors.”
“I’m not an idiot, Jason. But that doesn’t stop them from trying to get in. Four tries since I called, and each time I tell them that the room is busy.”
“That’s not so bad.”
“Okay yeah, but I want to sleep. I’m tired.”
“If you give me twenty minutes I’ll come by to pick you up.”
“Mm, tempting. But I’m also tempted to sneak out and go to the cafe where we first met.”
“You’re not leaving the apartment alone this late at night.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“I sure as hell can try.”
“I don’t see how, given that you’re probably across town.”
“I swear to god.”
You could have sworn you heard someone laughing, but in your drunken state you weren’t sure. “Well, I mean I could make you swear for a different purpose.”
There was a choking noise coming from Jason and you smiled. “Who knew you were a flirty drunk.”
“Not drunk, tipsy,” you reminded, and slowly opened your window, hoping Jason couldn’t hear it.
“Same thing in my books,” he said. You swore when the window creaked and stilled. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you said a little too quickly.
“That sounded like a window opening,” Jason claimed, “please tell me you aren’t escaping through the window.”
“How do you know what a window opening sounds like?”
“Really? That’s your takeaway from this?”
“I mean, it’s not everyday you learn that someone knows what a window sounds like when someone opens it.”
“Did you open the window?” Jason asked, and you stayed quiet but it was an answer all the same. “Why?”
“Well I mean, there’s a fire escape like right there,” you defended, holding your phone between your cheek and shoulder. With both hands, you pushed open the window. “Ha!”
“Y/N,” Jason sighed out and you could picture him pinching his nose. Kind of like a dad when he sees his child do something stupid and questioning why they are like this. You wonder if that’s what he’s thinking about you, but you don’t care too much about that right now. “If you're going to do something like this, then keep me on the phone.”
“But won’t I disturb your family movie night?” you ask as you giggle the window screen off and slide it into your room. Once placed on the ground, you grab your keys and wallet before climbing through the window.
“I’m not watching a movie,” Jason said, confused.
“But I heard gunshots,” you reminded him, “it sounded like some western film.”
“Oh,” he said like he had forgotten. You paused on the steps, and looked up in concern when he didn’t say anything else.
“So you were getting shot at,” you questioned. Jason made a noise and you continued down the fire escape.
“No, no one was shooting at me,” Jason said, “brothers were playing a game, guess it was too loud.” You hummed as you concentrated on walking down the steps. “So, did you escape?”
“Do you want me to answer that truthfully?”
“You are, aren’t you?” Jason asked, sighing deeply.
“It’s a lot sturdier than you’d expect.”
“You say that like you’ve done this multiple times.”
“I like to sit outside sometimes,” you defended, “and sometimes I am too tired to go to the roof.”
“Why not just open a window?”
“Not the same,” you replied and kept going down the stairs.
“There’s no stopping you, huh?” Jason voiced and you kept quiet. “Just keep me on the phone while you're out at least.”
“I can do that…as long as my phone doesn’t die.”
“Do you ever charge your phone?”
“I don’t believe you,” Jason teased, and you stuck out your tongue even though he couldn’t see you. “I’ll meet you at the cafe as soon as I can.”
“Might want to hurry, I think I’m going to sleep there if they let me.”
“I have no doubt,” Jason said, laughing.
“Your confidence in me is astounding.”
Your phone ended up dying halfway to the cafe, and Jason wasn’t going to let you live it down. No matter, you were almost there Jason was sure of it.
Quickly tying up the thugs he’s been dealing with while on the phone with you, Jason sent a message to Barbara before leaving.
“What? Done already?” Her basics filtered through the earpiece, surprised. “You’re never done this early. Got a date or something?”
“Or something,” he answered, starting his bike.
“Oh, come Jason!” Barbara exclaimed, “everyone else practically met them. It’s only fair that I know more. I did help you with your dating profile,” she reminded him.
Jason groaned and hung his head in defeat. “Fine! Fine,” he sighed out, ignoring the cheering in his ear. “Yes, I’m going to meet up with them after I’ve changed.”
“But I thought you were going to be out all night,” she said, “given that Y/n’s busy too.”
“Yeah, well. Plans change.”
“Are they okay?”
“Just a little tipsy and isn’t much for party’s. They just left for a cafe near town. Even though they didn’t listen when I told them not to and to wait for me. They insisted they go. So I told them I’d meet them there. Happy?”
“Extremely,” she sang, “and I’ll be even more happy when I get to meet them.”
“I will bring it up. Promise.”
“So, what was it? The motorcycle picture or the puppy that did it for the ?” Barbara teased, and Jason rolled his eyes.
“No idea, but feel free to ask when you two finally meet.”
“I have every intention to and share some stories of my own,” Barbara said and laughed as Jason groaned.
“Oh no.”
“Have fun,” she sang before signing off. Jason shook his head, and rode off back to his apartment.
A short while later, after he dropped by his apartment, he made his way to the cafe.
Parking his bike near the entrance of the building, he got off and looked through the window to see if he could spot you. He didn’t, and frowned hoping you made it safe.
Taking his helmet off, he made his way inside.
“Was wondering when you’d show up,” one of the barista’s called when he walked in.
“Traffic,” he explained, looking around. “Is Y/N here?”
He heard a sigh, and a thump from behind the counter. He turned his head to see a barista when her head was on the counter. “You okay?”
“Don’t mind her,” her coworker answered, waving his hand. “She’s just had to sit and listen to Y/N complain about school and how you were taking so long.”
“Right,” he hummed and looked towards the talk he was directed at. And there you were, head down using your arms as a pillow.
“She’s so tired it’s unreal,” May, after a quick look at her nag tag, groaned. “I can’t wait for Christmas break. That way, they can take a fucking break and sleep he break away. Between school and working, it feels like they don’t sleep.”
Jason hummed and made his way towards your table. “Hey,” he whispered once he reached you and gently placed a hand on your head. You stirred, barely lifted your head up. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
“But there’s still a party there,” you groaned out, nuzzling further into your arms. “I don’t want to go back.”
“Okay. Counter offer, come to my place. Sleep there, it looks like you need it.”
That had gotten your attention as you lifted your head to glare at him. “Sir, you know just what to say to sweep a girl off their feet.”
Jason laughed and helped you up. “Come on, you’ll feel better once you get some sleep. Promise.”
“Mm,” you hummed, clutching his hand as you followed him outside, waving at the two friends as you passed by. “Bike?”
“What else?”
“It’s cold out,” you pointed out, sticking your tongue out as he set the helmet onto your head.
“Yeah, it keeps you awake though.”
“But it’s cold.”
“Why didn’t you bring your jacket?”
“It was not in the room when I made my escape,” you said, watching as he climbed onto the bike. You followed once he sat, and snaked your arms around his waist, settling your chin on his shoulder.
“You make it sound like you were held against your will,” he said, chuckling when you made a noise, stating that you practically were. “Alright, hold on tight.” That was your last warning, before he started the bike and took off.
You watched the city lights as Jason drove, in awe. You found, since moving to Gotham, that Gotham nights were much more pretty and peaceful then Metropolis. Granted, It wasn’t really safe with all the fighting and toxic gas’s being dispelled by the villain of the week. But it had its charm you fell in love with.
You shivered slightly as the cold air blew past you and felt Jason pick up the speed a little. You couldn’t help but smile at the tiny gesture. He was right though, the cold air does keep you awake.
Watching the lights whiz by, letting your mind wonder. Mat wasn’t kidding when she said you don’t sleep. Between classes, work and your personal projects, you’ve kind of neglected sleep in order to focus on everything else.
Sure, you get a couple hours of sleep, and naps. But it isn’t enough and it’s starting to take its toll on you. Sighing deeply, you tightened your grip and closed your eyes. Christmas break couldn’t come sooner.
You felt the bike slow, causing you to open your eyes. You waited until he parked and shut it off before climbing off. “That was thrilling,” you mumble out through a yawn.
“Would you like another ride?” Jason asked, helping you take off the helmet.
“Definitely,” you answered with a nod, “though maybe when it’s warmer and I’m not prone to fall off your bike due to sleep deprivation.”
Jason laughed, and tugged you into the building. “That’s fair. Now, let’s get you something to drink and eat before getting you to bed.”
“Sounds nice,” you said sleepily. “Is your couch comfy? I feel like it might not be.”
“Now that’s just mean,” he said, stopping short in front of his door. You nearly bumped into him and groaned out his name. “Sorry, but you might need to stay out here for a bit.”
“Did you leave your dirty laundry out or something?” you asked, rubbing your nose. You stepped back all the same instead of pushing it.
“Something like that,” he answered and you watched him unlock the door and stepped in. He closed it quickly, not giving you a chance to look inside. You shrugged and looked around the dimly lit hallway before turning to lean your back on the wall beside the door.
You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back against the wall with a small thump. It was strange, being at Jason’s apartment for the first time. And to sleep instead of being awake and hanging out. But you were giddy all the same.
Yes, you trusted Jason not to do anything with you. And you liked him enough to be okay with sleeping over at his place. It’s not the first time you’ve slept in the same place. And just remembering how warm you felt with Jason’s arms around you sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“Alright, it’s safe to come in,” Jason’s sudden voice beside you made you jump slightly. “Sorry. Didn’t realize you were sleeping.”
“Not sleeping,” you said, pushing him back in as you walked through the door. “Just resting my eyes.”
Jason hummed and put his hands on your shoulder and steered you into the kitchen. He gently made you sit, before setting a cup of water and a plate of toast in front of you. “Slowly. The. You can have a shower and change out of…whatever costume you have on.”
“You’re an angel.”
“Some would say I’m not.”
“Then they can fight me,” you said, taking a bite out. “And how dare you. Not recognizing the greatest hero of all.”
Jason looked you over slowly, and you tried not to flush. “Yeah, I'm still not getting it.”
“Wonder Women,” you said through another bite of toast. “Sure, it’s not the greatest costume. But it’s the thought that counts.”
“Would you like a change of clothes? I doubt it would be comfy to sleep in.”
“If you don’t mind,” you said with a smile. “I would appreciate it.”
“No problem,” he said, kissing the top of your head before leaving the room. You flushed slightly and finished the rest of your food. It felt all so normal, like you did this everyday. And that thought made you giddy.
“Okay, the sweatpants might be a little big and so is the shirt. But they should be fine.”
“Thanks Jason. That means a lot,” you said, getting up to hug him. He returned it with a smile and shooed you into the bathroom.
Once showered and dressed, you walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. “Jason?”
“In here,” he called and you followed the voice until you reached the bedroom. “This is your room for the night.”
“I thought I was taking the couch,” you question, leaning against the doorframe, watching as he was getting it ready.
Jason snorted and gave you a look. “Please, I would never do that to you. Besides, it’s not as comfortable as the bed.”
“So you’re going to take the couch?” Jason nodded, and you bit your lip in thought. And before you could change your mind, you bit out, “or, now hear me out. We could share the bed. It’s not like it’s happened before.” You're blaming the alcohol for it, and you can't regret it.
Jason looked up at you with raised eyebrows. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “I’m sure. We’re just sleeping right? The worst that can happen is cuddling in the middle of the night.”
“Okay,” he laughed and with that, the two of you climbed into bed. You were more tired than you thought, you fell asleep the minute your head hit the pillow.
For Jason, it took a lot longer for sleep to reach him. He turned over, and looked at you for a moment before slipping his arm underneath you. With his other, he wrapped it around your waist and pulled you closer. And only then he could fall asleep, but not with the thought of how dangerous this could be.
But he found that he didn’t care.
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The Art of Stealth
summary: jason doesn’t seem to understand the art of sneaking into your dorm room quietly
pairing: jason teague x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 0.9k
warnings: none really, language, bed sharing, jason being adorable, tooth rotting fluff
timeline: set before the show, so no real spoilers
author’s note: i looove this character so much and i really wish he was in more than 20 episodes :,,)
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You and Jason started dating when you were Sophomores in High School. You were there for him each football game to cheer from the bleachers, and when he got accepted to Metropolis University you were both overjoyed. When you also got accepted, Jason was that much more excited about going to college.
Suddenly all the trips back to Smallville he’d been mapping out had no need to be taken and he could simply see you on campus.
Jason was part of a fraternity with his teammates, but you hadn’t joined a sorority. So, Jason would sneak into your dorm room. However, he wasn’t very good at the actual sneaking part.
A loud crash woke you up and you grabbed the baseball bat from under your bed. You were ready to whack the shadowy figure that had climbed through your window when you heard his voice.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Jason groaned. “God, you need to put some pillows under the window or something.”
“Jason? What the hell are you doing?”
“Visiting my girlfriend? So we can sleep in the same bed?” He stood up, a smile on his face. “What? It’s Saturday, everyone’s sleeping in and no one will notice I’m in here!”
“You’re adorable, but if you get caught in the girl’s wing you could get expelled!”
“You kidding? Who could expel this adorable face?” He was still smiling as you turned on your light and tossed the bat onto your bed.
“How do you look so cute right now? You just fell into my room!” you laughed a little.
“Awe you love me, don’t you?”
“I really do.” You got on your tiptoes and wrapped your arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his full lips. “So much.”
You were studying for an upcoming test when you heard a rushed knock at your door. You slowly got up from your chair and walked to the door, the knock continuing up until you opened the door.
“Oh my god, Jason!” you gasped and pulled him into the room quickly. “What the hell?”
“What?” he asked, furrowing his brows and smiling.
“It’s after nine and a weekday! You can’t be here! Did anyone see you? God damn it, Jason if I have to bribe the girl across the hall again I-” He cut you off by grabbing your face and kissing you. “Alright, you’re forgiven.”
“I think I’m getting better at this whole sneaking around thing, though,” he said, walking over to your bed and sitting down. “I’m like ninety-five percent sure no one saw me.” He leaned back and grinned before someone knocked on the door. You motioned for Jason to hide, so he rolled onto the floor.
You opened the door and were met with your smiling neighbor, “Hey Casey, wha- what’re you doing here?”
“I saw Jason come in here, Y/n,” she said flatly. She held out her hand with a smile. “C’mon, girl’s gotta eat!”
“This is so unfair! I see your girlfriend going into your room every night!” you said. You went to your dresser to grab five dollars.
“The perks of being a lesbian, Y/n!” Casey smirked when you handed her the money. “You should try it sometime.” You closed the door.
“Jason, you can come back out,” you told him before he slid out from under the bed.
“You know you’ve got like ten pairs of panties under here?” He smiled up at you from the carpet. You rolled your eyes and held out your hand which he took and used to heave himself off the floor. “Love you,” he said and kissed you.
“Next time I’m sneaking into your place,” you mumbled.
“Ooh no!” He shook his head. “House full of horny guys that might combust if they see you in your tiny pj’s? No thanks, sweetheart.”
“Well then, just slide five dollars under Casey’s door before knocking on mine tomorrow, okay?” you laughed.
“Good morning,” you mumbled, snuggling into Jason’s chest. Your eyes suddenly flew open. “Oh my god!”
“Shit,” Jason sighed.
“Shit is right! Hurry up and climb out the window!” you exclaimed, pulling the covers off of him and standing up. “I am not getting expelled just because you haven’t grasped the art of sneaking in and out of my bedroom!”
“Wouldn’t it be smarter to just act like I came here early in the morning?” he asked. He stood up and put his pants on from the night before. “If anyone asks, you can say you had to help me study?”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” You nodded a little, looking into his bright green eyes. You then shook your head, “Wait, no it doesn’t! Stop giving me that look that makes me do anything for you and just hurry out of here before someone sees you!”
He grinned, “You really are a sucker for this smile, aren’t you?”
“I really, really am so please get out of this room before I fold and jump back into bed with you!”
“I love you,” he said before he kissed you. He then put his shirt on, kissed you again, and climbed out the window. “See you in class, my love!” He peeked his head into your room and you kissed him one last time before he left for good and you closed the window.
“My love?” You scrunched up your face a little. “Who talks like that?” You laughed lightly then groaned to yourself, “god damn it, I love him so much!”
202 notes · View notes
piedpiperart · 11 months
Phantom of Gotham 19
Chapter 18
Danny had unsurprisingly not gotten a good night's sleep that night. He was currently staying in an abandoned Firehouse. He was pretty sure he was getting the hang of finding semi-hospitable hideouts. Just to be safe, he had taken to hiding his stuff in the walls when he left. It was tedious, but there was no way he was risking a Red Hood (Jason?) situation. He knew that opening a portal to the Ghost Zone would be a bad idea, and that it could lead the GIW straight to him. That big of a power surge in one spot would no doubt attract them. At the very least, Vlad might also be aware of him in Gotham now. But for some reason he didn’t want to leave. 
Sure, He’d be safer if he stayed on the run but he had friends at school, was actually doing well in classes, and he had befriended the local vigilantes. Not that he was avoiding them. He had patrolled a bit with them again- invisible as always- but he’d started to feel eyes on him so he gave them Phantom’s contact info and proceeded to lay low the past few days. 
Danny had started feeling a bit paranoid after the whole ghost portal thing, but Batman and Frostbite were already making progress. Batman had even said that the GIW wouldn’t be able to do much in Gotham since he’d alerted the GCPD to reject any attempts at partnership and to detain the Fentons if they were spotted. Danny was still worried about it. Especially with Vlad and his parents. He’d of course told Batman about Plasmius, but in order to keep his own secret he hadn’t told them Vlad was a Halfa too. He was starting to think that maybe he should, just in case he showed his fruit-loopy self in Gotham. 
Obviously, Phantom could take Vlad in a fight no problem. It was him against the bats that he wasn’t so sure about. Lack of ghost weapons aside, Vlad also had a propensity for overshadowing people. Often multiple people because of his clones. The two things Danny wouldn’t or couldn’t do. 
He sighed. Maybe he was overthinking it. He should just do his best in school and hang out with Tim and Steph like a normal kid for once. Phantom was benched for now, and Danny needed to lay low in case the GIW or … the Fentons were searching for him. If they noticed the power surge of the portal, it’s likely, but who knows. Maybe they didn’t notice anything. Maybe Danny’s still safe. 
“Yo, Danny, are you okay man?” Steph asked, nudging him. They were at lunch, having gone off campus to a coffee shop instead of sticking around the cafeteria. Tim was downing his coffee and staring longingly at the second one he ordered like he couldn’t drink them fast enough. Steph and Danny had both gotten sweeter drinks because, as Steph says, they have taste buds that work. 
“Yeah,”Danny said, rubbing the back of his neck.”Just an off day, you know? Couldn’t sleep.” 
Tim perked up at that.”You know you can always come over to the manor-”
Danny cut him off with a groan. “I told you Tim, I’m not coming back.”
“Yeah I know,”Tim glowered, sipping his drink. “Had to try though, the Demon Brat is still spamming my phone about you. Even Bruce asks for updates.”
“Yeesh, even Bruce?” Steph winced, looking between the two boys. “Yikes Danny. Bruce isn’t known for letting things go. You’re doomed.”
“He’s not ‘doomed’,” Tim rolled his eyes, while Danny sighed dramatically from the other side of the table. 
“You know, it’s kind of hard to keep a low profile with a billionaire taking an interest in you,”Danny commented dryly. Tim shrugged. 
“Just means he can keep you safe from whatever you’re running from,”Tim raised an eyebrow pointedly at Danny’s scowl. His phone alarm rang and the three of them started packing up to head back to school. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,”Danny wrinkled his nose. “And wouldn’t hiding with a billionaire make it easier for them to find me?” 
“He’s got a point,”Steph chimed in, getting a look from Tim. “I’m pretty sure Bruce has a room for me just on the off chance I spontaneously need adopting. No doubt they’re gonna keep your room exactly how you left it.” Tim fought back a smile, knowing it was true, but wouldn’t prove his point. 
“Pssh, Bruce can be stealthy. No one will even know you live at the manor,” Tim pointed out. Danny snorted. “What? He can be stealthy,”Tim persisted, only for Steph and Danny to exchange amused looks and start laughing. “I’m serious!”
“Sure,”Danny chuckled as he and the others left the cafe and headed back to school. “He’s about as stealthy as the sun. Sure, you don’t see him at night, but when you do see him he’s super intense and the center of attention.”
Steph burst out laughing at that, and Tim made a face. “Okay that’s a fair point but still. I know we all told you before but everyones still worried about you.” 
“I get it,”Danny said. More than you know, Danny thought wryly. He knew that if the GIW had a way to track him they’d be led straight to the Wyanes, and then their secret identities would be in jeopardy. Danny wouldn’t allow that to happen. Besides, if he’s on his own he can use his ghost powers to sneak away and fly to a different state undetected. “This is my problem to deal with though. Can we just drop it?”
Tim wilted. “Fine, but if you ever need anything let me know.”
“Will do,”Danny saluted lazily. He would not. And judging by the look on Tim’s face, he knew it too. 
The conversation switched to upcoming school projects and classes as they made their way through the school. “Alright, I’m off to class, see ya later,”Steph waved. 
“See ya,”Tim and Danny waved. The two boys had chemistry together, so they walked to class side by side. They were a bit late, so they didn’t have much time to chat before sitting down in their seats before class started. 
Tim was a bit worried about his friend. Sure, he knew Danny could take care of himself, and had superpowers that could help him. But was he taking care of himself? Tim was sure the meal plan Damian had him on was all but nothing while Danny continued to live by himself. He wasn’t too worried, knowing that Danny was pretty good at surviving on his own. Besides, he was pretty sure everyone had scared Danny away with their lack of boundaries. 
In addition, Danny was a good person. Tim would be a fool to not see how the kid was trying to protect them. It was nothing they couldn’t handle, sure, but Danny didn’t know that. Even if the bats couldn’t be with him all the time, Tim was sure Phantom was protecting the kid. At one of the meet ups, Phantom had said he’s usually with the bats at night and Danny during the day. Though, the past two days Phantom had more or less said he’d be sticking around Danny more often so he wouldn’t be around much to help the bats. Which was fine. They’d need to find Danny to talk to the Phantom though, because they hadn’t been able to give Phantom a communicator before he disappeared. 
A voice came over on the intercom and Tim snapped out of his thoughts to pay attention. Especially since the rogues were keen on attacking schools, Tim was listening to make sure there wasn’t some sort of attack on the way. Oddly enough, it was just about a student needing to come to the office. But that student? Danny. 
Danny stiffened next to him, and Tim looked over with a raised brow, silently asking if he wanted company. Danny gave him a small smile and shook his head,”Probably just something about paperwork,”Danny whispered before gathering his things and making his way out to the office while Tim’s head spun with questions. The intercom didn’t give any details, and despite it probably being about paperwork, considering Danny had no actual adult supervision at home, Tim had worries. Parent teacher conferences were weeks away, and Danny hadn’t gotten in any kind of trouble at school. He had a bad feeling about this. 
Exactly two minutes after Danny left, Tim raised his hand. “Can I be excused to the bathroom?”He asked and the teacher, Ms. Morgan, sighed but waved her hand to let him go. She was more than used to Tim’s antics, but because of his good grades and lack of friends, she let him do what he wanted. Maybe he should send her some sort of gift basket, he thought. She was a good teacher. 
Once in the hallway, Tim beelined for the office on silent footsteps, passing by the bathrooms on his way. He kept an eye out for Danny, pausing when he heard voices coming from the door to the office. Getting as close as possible, TIm busied himself with a nearby locker while he eavesdropped. 
“I assure you, this is the best possible outcome for everyone,”Someone was saying. He didn’t recognise the voice, but it sounded like a man. 
“I suppose. As long as you keep your end of our deal. I don’t want any of this getting out,”Tim recognised the vice principal’s voice. What kind of deal? And where was Danny?
“Trust me, your school’s reputation is safe. Dealing with these creatures is classified government business. Nothing will get out to the public,”The man was saying, and Tim’s blood ran cold. Creatures? Were they talking about  Danny? Did they know? Where was Danny? Tim thought frantically. He needed more information. 
“Either way, this is how far I’m willing to help you. Follow the others through the back entrance. I don’t want anyone seeing you or the boy,”The vice principal, Miss Wethers, snapped. 
“Trust me, he won’t be seeing anyone from Gotham Academy anytime soon,”He chuckled darkly, and dread filled Tim’s chest. They had Danny? Where was Phantom? How did they know where he was? Tim thought frantically, shoes squeaking on the floor as he quickly made his way to the back door of the school. It was the staff parking lot, and if he didn’t want to run into Miss Wethers or the creepy dude he’d have to go the long way. 
On the way, Tim took out his phone, calling Jason and putting a com in. The others would be at school or work right now, and he knew Bruce and Alfred were getting ready for the Gala tonight. 
“What is it now, Replacement?” Jason snapped, but Tim didn’t have time. 
“The GIW’s at the school, I think they got Danny,”Tim rushed out, turning a corner and skipping down the stairs. “They’re taking him through the school’s back entrance, I’m on my way there but I’m in school clothes,”Tim said, and he could tell by the movement on the other end that Jason was getting his gear. 
“Alright, find out what car and where they're going but don’t interact unless you have a way to sneak Danny out without them noticing,”Jason grunted,”Be there in five.” 
Tim gave an affirmative and cut the comm, finally making it to the back entrance door. He wasn’t sure if Danny had five minutes, but Tim was confident in his ability to be a distraction and stall for time. He eased the door open and immediately latched onto seven guys in white suits, three of which were carrying  what looked like a heavily restrained and unconscious Danny into the back of a big white van. Damn. From what Tim could see, there was a muzzle and handcuffs, but he wasn’t sure if Danny was knocked out or drugged. 
“Shit,”Tim cursed as the last guy came through the side of the building with the vice principal behind him. He didn’t have hardly any of his gear on him and they were about to leave. Taking out what he had in some hidden pockets, he activated a tracking device and took aim, hitting the van perfectly on the back of the vehicle, near the back right tire. 
Tim chewed on his bottom lip nervously as he watched the van doors close. For a small group they were very efficient and fast at getting Danny out and on the road. Tim eased out from behind the door and made his way behind some cars, following the van’s path as they drove out of the parking lot. He knew he couldn’t keep up from ground level, so he climbed up to the rooftop of the nearest building when he had a chance to do it  without being spotted. The whole time he felt nothing but worry for Danny. 
“Hood, come in, where are you?” Tim asked impatiently. “They’re in a white van, sending you the location now. I managed to get a tracker on them but couldn’t get Danny out.”
“Two minutes out. How’s the kid?”Hood grunted, and Tim could hear the sounds of his motorcycle in the background. 
“Not great. They have handcuffs and a muzzle on him, and he was unconscious when they loaded him into the van,”Tim reported, and Hood cursed. 
“I see em’,”Jason said, and Tim could hear the roaring of his motorcycle across the street. Tim brought up his phone and used it to pull up the tracker he’d set on the van. He took a second to catch his breath from roof hopping, and tried to calculate their path. 
“Looks like they're headed towards the docks or the outskirts of Gotham,”Tim cringed. That’s also where a bunch of warehouses and abandoned buildings were located. It would be hard to find Danny around there if they manage to get away or ditch the van.
Suddenly, there was an explosion and Tim looked up from his camera with wide eyes. Looking over the edge of a building he was perched on, he could see the van scurry to a stop, smoke and what looked like the aftermath of an explosive right in front of them. “Jason?” Tim exclaimed, only to catch a glimpse of the Red Hood coming out of the smoke dramatically. He sighed a breath of relief. 
“What, worried about me Timbers?” Jason sing-songed, and from the roof Tim could see two agents exiting the van as Jason drew his guns. Tim huffed a laugh. “Stay out of sight, not sure what weapons they have on hand.”
Jason sneered at the white-suited agents as they approached him with a haughty walk. “The fuck do you think you’re doing kidnapping kids in my territory?” Jason called out to them, and the second guy paused. They weren’t actually in Jason’s area, but Gotham counted as his territory when he wanted it to be.
“You misunderstand,”The first agent said calmly, holding up his glowing green weapon nonchalantly. “I’m agent K with the Ghost Investigation Ward, we’re simply taking the entity in. It’s just possessing the boy, and it’s our job to apprehend it. You’re interfering with government jurisdiction.”
Jason let out a breath, but cocked his guns. “I don’t care who you are or what you’re doing. Step away from the vehicle before I start shooting.”
Agent K looked incredibly annoyed and yet smug as he slowly lowered his weapons. “Fine, we’ll do things your way. Agent O?”
At that, the other Agent dropped his weapons, including what looked like a glowing green grenade that rolled towards Jason. Hood cursed and leaped away as it went off in a flash of green light, firing at the Agents as they pulled out their weapons. Jason hadn’t seen any weapons like theirs in action before, but it was clearly heavy duty. Agent O even  tried to shoot a fucking net at him like he was some kind of crime fighting fish. Frustratingly, they kept him on his toes while he ducked behind a car. Jason managed to hit Agent K in the shoulder before the two ducked behind the car door. Hood caught a glimpse of them inching back to their van, and made to follow when suddenly the van itself rumbled. 
Tim and Jason’s eyes widened as what looked like missiles and lasers appeared from the van and locked onto Jason. “Shit,”Jason cursed, woefully unprepared for their tanked up van. Three missiles immediately took off, and Jason did his best to get to better cover while green lasers shot at him. One of the grenades from earlier hurtled towards him too, and it was at that moment that Jason vowed to blow up each and every one of those white suits in the van. He hissed as a lazer caught his leg and grazed his side. Clearly the weapons were made to hit ghosts, but damn, they still hurt. He needed to step back and regroup. As much as he hated to admit it he’d need backup. Or more firepower to counter these weapon-crazed maniacs. 
“Hood! They’re getting away and the tracker is down!” Tim shouted in his ear. Jason grimaced. 
“Little busy here,”Jason grunted as two missiles collided with each other, but the force of the blow blew him back, dragging his feet on the pavement. The third one struck him before he had time to dodge, and all he heard was the screeching of tires getting further away as it went off, sending him into darkness. 
Tim cursed as Jason was thrown back into a building before slumping to the ground. The van was gone and the tracker malfunctioned when the weird energy sources of the van's weapons activated. As much as Tim would have liked to go after Danny, he didn’t have a car or his Red Robin suit, nor a way to track them anymore. And Hood was down, He thought dryly. 
Hood was already moving by the time Tim skidded to his side. There was no blood, so Tim figured it was just a lot of percussive force damaging his brother. He’d have a lot of bruises for sure. As Hood grumbled and caught his bearings, Tim helped him stand, finding burns through his armor on his side and left thigh from the lasers. He grimaced in sympathy. 
“You okay?” Tim asked once Hood was standing. He didn’t seem injured too badly, but might have a concussion if not for the red helmet on his head. 
“Yeah,”Hood coughed. “Nothing I can’t handle. Wasn’t prepared for that shit though. The fuck do they have so many heavy duty weapons?” Hood spat, brushing off Tim’s hands. “Any way to track them?”
Tim shook his head. “I didn’t see Phantom anywhere but they managed to get Danny by roping the vice principal into setting up a trap for him. I didn’t notice until after they had him.” 
“Shit, think they got Phantom too?”Jason swore again, but went over to where his motorcycle was, dragging Tim with him. “C’mon, we’ll find them.”
“Yeah,”Tim responded, feeling his brain buzz with anxiety and plans. He’d have to figure out where the GIW base was, how they got into Gotham, and hack into the CCTVs to figure out if Phantom was around. A helmet was shoved into his arms and Tim jolted back to the present. 
“We’re on our own for this one. B and the others are on their way to the Gala already,”Jason said, revving the motorcycle. “Sides, not much we can do until we track down the van. We’ll gear up at my place and come up with a plan before looping in everyone else.”
“I can loop in Spoiler,”Tim added, twisting his arms around Hood’s waist. Jason grunted in agreement and they made their way to Jason’s apartment without following most traffic signals. The whole way, Tim worried about his friend and what the GIW would do to him. Though he had one big question hanging over him. Where was Phantom?
Chapter 20
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10 things I hate about Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x Female reader
Author's note- hello my beautiful little gremlins. This took me literally forever and I really hope you like it. This literally follows the plot of 10 things I hate about you. I’ve seen a lot of people compare Eddie and Patrick and haven’t actually seen any 10 things I hate about you fics (im sure there’s more out there though) so I figured I’d give it a shot and add some stuff.
WARNINGS- 18+++ Minors DNI. Please pretty please I worked hard on this plsss don’t interact minors. Get out. We have foul language, we have smut, oral female receiving, protected p in v, we have angst, we have fluff. Probably more idk I’m tired.
Summary- Eddie Munson the school freak gets paid to take out the school beast. How will he ever make things right when he actually falls for her? 15.5k words
Mike screamed as he paced around his basement while his friends sat and watched intently.
“Well man what are you gonna do about it?” Lucas said casually before taking a sip of his drink.
“What am I going to do about it? What do you mean what am I going to do about it? I can’t do anything about it, it’s the chief! He's a crazy dude.”
Mike sat on the floor next to the table sighing in defeat.
“Come on Mike, it's not that bad. You guys can still be friends?” Will said as he laid a hand on Mike's shoulder.
“I don’t want to be friends ``. I wanna be able to hangout with her outside of the group you know? Alone?”
His friends looked at one another. Pondering ways they could help their friend.
“I mean…he didn’t say she couldn’t date forever…right?” Dustin began to stand from the couch and started some pacing of his own.
“Eleven can’t date until her oldest sister does, you know this. And as much as we all love y/n. Nobody is going to date her man. If I think the chief is crazy I don’t even know how to begin describing her” Mike slumped his shoulders further in defeat.
“Unless….” Dustin paced back to where the boys were and stopped rather abruptly.
“Unless we can convince someone to go out with y/n?”
The room erupted in laughter from all the boys in the room. Lucas nearly dropped his drink as he doubled over in laughter.
“Come on man. We love y/n and so many guys would be falling at her feet but you know nobody’s gonna take that chance. Not when they think she’s gonna bite their head off.”
Lucas said as he wiped the tears that had fallen down his face from laughter.
“No guys Dustin might have a point. I mean you’re telling me not a single guy in this town would be willing to ask y/n on a date? There’s gotta be at least one”
The boys began discussing possible options of people who would possibly consider going out with you. But to no avail.
The next day the party heads to school and in the morning they scan across the campus looking for possible prospects. They have one boy in mind who is walking across the parking lot until the boys see you driving through in your impala. Rock music on full blast as you almost hit the boy with your car and continue speeding to your spot as you shout expletives at the boy for taking so long to cross. He’s quickly crossed off the list.
The boys stand there feeling hopeless as Lucas examines his basketball teammate flirting with your younger sister Kay. That’s when Lucas was struck by a brilliant idea.
“Guys…GUYS!” The party turns all of their attention to Lucas.
“You guys see Jason over there right. Talking to Y/n’s younger sister Kay?”
“Yeah, what about it?” Mike was obviously giving him attitude because he didn’t see how this would relate to his problem.
“Wellllll Jason can’t hook up with Kay because Y/n is the oldest and she’s not dating right?”
“Lucas I swear Jason is not going to go for Y/n” Will was clearly lost and so was most of the group.
“NO MAN I’m saying. Jason’s popular right? Got a lot of money right? It would be much easier to convince someone to go out with Y/n if we had someone willing to pay for it”
Mike finally understood where Lucas was going with this but he was still skeptical.
“And why on earth would Jason Carver put that much effort into going out with Kay? He can get almost any girl in Hawkins. Why would he shell out cash for her?”
Lucas directed the boy's attention back to Jason and the way he was leaning on your younger sister and touching her a lot. It was obvious to anyone around that Jason wanted her. Something that irked you beyond belief.
As the boys continued throughout their day finally reaching lunch and approaching their usual seats at the hellfire table. Upon approaching Dustin saw the hellfire club leader. Doing his normal theatrics of scaring any nearby students. Dustin stopped in his tracks and the boys all looked at him.
“BOOM” Dustin completely dropped his lunch tray and walked out of the cafeteria without another word and the boys chased after him.
“What the hell was that Dustin?” Will was very clearly angry at Dustin for making a scene.
“That’s it you guys the answer it’s been right in front of us”
“What the hell are you talking about Dustin?”
“Do I have to explain everything to you people?”
Dustin looked around the group to see all the boys clueless as to what he could possibly mean.
“EDDIE! I'M TALKING ABOUT EDDIE! He’d be the perfect guy to go out with y/n. I mean look at him. Who else would be crazy enough to go out with her”
The boys turned and looked through the window of the cafeteria and saw Eddie yelling in Garreth and Jeff’s face. They had to agree that Dustin had a point. If there was one person who stood a chance of handling dating you? It would be Eddie.
“And that class is why taming of the shrew is one of William Shakespeare's more famous pieces”
You raised your hand quickly but didn’t wait for a response before you began speaking.
Ms O’Donnel exhaled deeply. Already on the verge of kicking you out merely for your presence.
“I just think we could be focusing on more important pieces of literature other than sappy romance. I mean even Shakespeare has other stories that revolve around other things. Like hamlet we could read hamlet”
A snicker was heard from behind you and you turned to face Jason carver.
“Well of course a shrew wouldn’t want to read a story that hits oh so close to home right?”
He earned himself a couple chuckles and high fives from his friends and you rolled your eyes.
“At least I know how to read Carver. Or would you like to try reading that paragraph again? Think you can do it in under 10 minutes this time?”
The class ooo’s and awed at your bravery for standing up to Jason. Jason was about to bite back when the door to the classroom swung open and the metal head himself walked in.
“So what’d I miss?” Eddie said as he stood near the door not taking a seat.
“Oh just the class focusing on the oppression of women and the patriarchal pyramid of women only being valued as romantic property” you didn’t bother to turn and look at him.
“Sounds great” is all Eddie Munson said as he turned and walked back out of the door. Clearly he’d had enough of the lesson for today as Ms O’Donnell called after him to come back but to no avail.
“You know Ms O’Donnell I think y/n actually makes a really good point now that I think about it. I think y/n would be more accustomed to stories like The Scarlet Letter”
“That’s enough Mr Carver. You know one of these days one of these young ladies is going to slap you and I’m not going to do a single thing to stop it”
You have a chuckle at her words but your chuckle quickly ceased as she turned her attention back to you.
“And as for you Ms y/l/n. You can take yourself up to the office. I’ve had enough out of you today”
You scoffed and grabbed your bag and left the room. Making your way up to your usual chair waiting outside the counselors office.
“Ms Hopper, please come in. Take a seat” Ms Kelley said without bothering to look at you as she continued writing in her notebook. Once you finally take a seat, she shuts the notebook and turns her attention to you.
“So I heard you were being a disruption to Ms O’Donnell’s class again?”
“I wouldn’t call it disrupting. I was simply voicing my opinions on the subject matter at hand.”
“Well you voicing your opinions every chance you get is why most of the student body refers to you as…”
“Heinous bitch. Is what I was going for actually. But sure. Just try to take it down a notch okay? Now get back to class.”
The words didn’t shock you at all. Nothing you hadn’t heard before and surely you would hear it again. So you made your way out of the office.
At the end of the day as you walk to your truck with your friends Nancy and Robin by your side a red car pulls up beside you.
“Move it or lose it, Hopper. You’re fat Ass is blocking the road”
“Maybe if your eyes weren’t so focused on my ass, Carver, you would see there’s an entire parking lot for you to drive in. Now run along Cretin” you shoo him away with your hands and continue into your car. Taking notice of your younger sister Kay and her friend Heather getting into Jason’s car.
As you sit on the couch doing homework you hear Hopper make his way inside and set his hat on the table. He strides over to the couch and leans over examining the homework you're doing.
“Got another call from the counselor today. Make anyone cry?”
“Sadly no….but the day is still young” you turn around and give him a wide smile that he returns as he pats your shoulder. As he’s going through the mail he holds up a letter from Indiana State University?.
“Uhhhh y/n? What’s this? It says Indiana State University?”
You hop up immediately, abandoning the homework without a second thought. Ripping open the envelope and screaming loudly upon reading your acceptance.
Eleven and Kay congratulate you but Hopper looks irritated.
“Well that’s great honey but I thought we talked about something closer to home like Hawkins community? Getting into that teaching career we talked about?”
“Uhhhh no that was always what you talked about. I wanted to study journalism with a minor in film”
“We discussed Hawkins community college and teaching as a safer, more stable career!”
“No, you discussed it. I never said I wanted any of that!”
Kay chirps in. “Just think about it dad. Once she goes to university anymore she’ll be their problem and not ours.” She says in an all too cheerful voice. You shoot her a quick death stare before you pull the card from your sleeve.
“So Kay was that Jason Carver I saw driving you home today?”
Hopper immediately turns his anger from you to Kay.
“Excuse me? Who is Jason Carver and why is he driving you home?”
Kay turns to you and looks extremely upset as she sputters the words to her father.
“Dad he’s this guy from school and I don’t know I think he might-“
“Don’t even finish that. I know exactly what you think. You already know the rules Kay. No dating”
“But dad he’s-“
“No. And if you argue with me again I’ll go arrest whoever this boy is just to teach you and him a lesson”
Kay sits down on the couch where you are now back doing your homework. Hopper sits on the coffee table in front of you. And El decided to join.
“Now listen. I’ve been a cop for many years now and I’ve seen a lot of stuff. You girls don’t need to be dating and especially not in highschool. You don’t want to end up as some cracked out bimbo on the streets or some teen mom. No dating until Y/n does. That’s the rule we agreed upon.”
Eleven chirps in. “We are not stupid”
“I know you girls aren’t stupid”
Eleven is standing up now visibly angry. “You are treating us like we are stupid. We know not to do drugs. We know not to have unprotected sex. We are not stupid. And it’s not fair. Everyone else at school gets to date but not us. You are like papa!”
As Hopper goes to answer Eleven the radio on his belt goes off about some emergency Hopper has to attend to.
“The three of you. This conversation isn’t over.”
As hopper leaves you’re left alone with your sisters. You can feel El practically burning a hole in the back of your skull.
“What El?”
“This is your fault!”
“What is my fault?”
“It is your fault that I cannot be with Mike!”
Kay decided to jump in “and why I can’t be with Jason!”
“Eleven you’re so young. You don’t need to be dating anyways. Boys at your age and even at mine are all garbage anyways. And Kay I’m oh so sorry you’ll have to miss out on dating Jason Cretin Carver.”
Both El and Kay stomp off to their rooms and slam the door leaving you completely alone again with nothing but homework and swirling thoughts.
Later on in the evening El and Kay are in Kay’s room discussing you when Eleven's radio goes off.
“Eleven? Do you copy? It’s Mike. Over.”
“Yes Mike I copy.”
“Great, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to Star Court later. It would just be the two of us but maybe if you told the chief of was just as fri-“
“No way Mike. He already went off once today about the No dating until y/n does rule”
“What if I said the party was working on a plan for that?”
El looks over at Kay who’s been listening to the entire conversation and they give each other smug looks. Mike goes over the plan with the two of them and they agree to do whatever it takes to help.
The next day it was finally time to begin putting the plan into action. Lucas decided to be the one to go ask Jason Carver to be a part of the plan. So when lunchtime rolled around instead of walking to the Hellfire table like normal. Lucas made his way over to the basketball table and sat down at the head of the table next to none other than Jason Carver himself.
“I-I’m sorry. Kid are you lost?”
“No actually. Just came by to run an idea by you. Just to see if you’re interested.”
“I’m not”
“Hear me out”
At this point Jason decided to half listen as he continued to eat his lunch.
“You want Kay right? But you can’t date her because Y/n doesn’t date and none of the Hopper girls can date until she does right?”
“Does this conversation have a purpose for me at all?”
“Well Jason. I think you should hire a guy that’s crazy enough to go out with her.”
“Oh really. And who would be crazy enough to go out with her.”
Lucas points over to Eddie at the hellfire club who’s currently walking around the table shouting about something D&D related.
“Really? Him? The freak. Isn’t he a satanist?“
“I don’t really know man… but even if he is, that makes him a solid investment. If he’s crazy enough to worship Satan then he’s crazy enough to date y/n right?”
“What’s in this for you kid?“
“Well I was thinking…maybe I could get a spot on the team. After tryouts next week.”
“Alright. You got yourself a deal.”
Lucas stays at the table for a moment longer while everyone at the table looks confused until Jason finally speaks up. “We’re done here kid.”
Lucas stands from the table and walks to where the rest of the party was watching him and gives them a thumbs up.
Ms O’Donnells class had everyone bored out of their minds once again. But this time it was presentation day where you each had to read a story you wrote. As you were up at the front of the class reading yours, Jason decided to put his part of the plan into action.
Eddie finally takes his head off of his desk where he was attempting to nap, and turns to face Jason.
“What Carver?”
“You see Y/n up there?”
“No actually I don’t. Wherever do you mean?”
Jason rolls his eyes. “I want you to ask her out.”
“Uh sure casanova whatever gets you off man?” Eddie starts to turn his head back to his desk when Jason moves forward and grabs his shoulder.
“Look freak. I can’t take out her sister until y/n starts dating. You see their dad has this crazy rule an-“
“Look, that's a touching story. It really is. But not my problem man.”
“Would you be willing to make it your problem for say….oh I dunno. 30 bucks a date?”
Eddie sits there weighing his options. I mean taking some girl out and getting paid to do it. Why would he pass that up? It’s not like he had to marry the girl or anything. But not for $30.
“Well let’s see Carver. Let’s say we go to a movie. That’s $15 right there. Now let’s say we get some snacks. That’s what $53? And if the girl wants a drink that’ll be what $75. So yeah $75 or no deal”
“This isn’t a negotiation freak. Take it or leave it, trailer park boy”
“50 bucks and we got a deal Casanova”
Jason sighs and takes 50 dollars out of his pocket and slides it onto Eddie’s desk. Eddie turns to face you up front with a smile.
After class as you’re walking out your arm is caught lightly and you turn to face Eddie Munson. The bright smile he’s dawning is unlike any emotion you’ve seen him emit before so it confuses you as he begins to speak.
“Hey there girly. How ya doin?”
“Uh fine I guess. Tired? And yourself?”
“Tired huh? After that great story you read to the class. I mean a story like that, how could I not be impressed.”
You turn to walk away down the hall and he follows after.
“Ah, my mission in life. To impress men. Well obviously it worked on you so the world makes sense again”
“So I’ll pick you up on Friday night huh?”
“Oh yeah totallllly. Gonna take me for some gas station sushi and then make me play D&D? Do you even know my name Munson?”
“I know a lot more than you think.”
“Doubtful. Very doubtful.” And that’s all you say as you leave Eddie Munson standing in the middle of the school hallway.
Mike turns to Dustin who just watched the entire encounter and Mike looks distraught.
“Dustin! We’re so screwed!”
“Hey now I don’t wanna hear that negativity. Let’s get some upbeat emotion in here!”
“WERE SCREWED!” Mike says in an overly cheery tone.
Sitting in front of your desk in your room as you read a book you feel a pair of hands brush through your hair and you turn to find Eleven brushing her hands through your hair.
“Have you ever considered a different hairstyle? I mean you have some real potential here to look like a model from those magazines”
“And now why would I want to do that?”
“I don’t know so that maybe you don’t end up as an old woman who’s cold and alone?”
“I’m not cold Eleven. I’m annoyed.”
“Well instead of being annoyed you could try being nice for once.”
“And why would I do that”
“So that people won’t think you’re a mean person?”
“I don’t care what people think Eleven. And neither should you. You don’t have to try so hard all the time for people to like you.”
“I happen to like having friends y/n”
As Eleven says it she throws her hands in the air and her wrist comes into view for you.
“Where’d you get that bracelet?”
“Hopper gave it to me.”
“That was Sarah’s bracelet…why would he just give it to you?”
“Because I’m his daughter too y/n. Even if it’s not biological.”
“Oh so what, you're just gonna wear it now. It’s not like you ever even knew her or my mom. You have no right to wear it.”
You storm out of your own room. Leaving Eleven to stand there awestruck at your sudden outburst.
Ah Saturdays. Supposed to be for relaxation and forgetting school exists. So that’s exactly what you were doing at the music store as you purchased some new cassettes. A little AC/DC, a little Metallica, some WASP. The usual. As you said thank you to the clerk and made your way outside you couldn’t help but be annoyed to see a certain metal head leaned up against the door of your truck.
“Nice truck. Vintage fender?”
“So what are you stalking me now?”
“Jeez a guy can’t go by his favorite music shop and happen to spot a friend?”
As you reached for the handle of the driver side door he slid in front of it to stop you.
“Not a big talker huh?”
“Sorry talking about the ass end of my truck doesn’t usually get me going.”
He looks you in the eyes briefly studying your expression. “You’re not afraid of me are you?”
“Afraid? Why would I be afraid of you?”
“Well most people are.”
“Well I’m not.”
“Well maybe you’re not afraid of me but I’m sure you’ve thought about me in other ways.” He says with a smug look and a raised brow.
“Oh am I that transparent? Oh yeah I totallly want you oh so badly?”
You grab the handle of the door and force it open, removing Eddie from your car door, as he throws his hands up in surrender and moves away. However as you intend to back up and leave the store a car pulls in and parks directly behind you in the street. It’s a familiar red car owned by none other than Jason Carver himself. You roll down your window and stick your head out to yell at him.
“Not at all, sweetheart not at all.”
Jason pays you no mind as he continues walking. You’re not going to let this asshole win however. Rolling your window back up and putting the car in reverse you quickly backup directly into Jason Carvers car. Eddie automatically begins laughing hysterically on the side of the road and Jason Carver comes running back to his car.
“Whoops. Now get out of my way.”
“Yes dad. Trust me if you knew him you’d have done the same.”
“No I wouldn’t have. Cause unlike you I didn’t have a dad who was a police chief who could get you out of messes like that. You’re lucky that boy didn’t press charges for one and two you’re lucky that he’s had some run ins in the past that I had to clear in order for him not to press charges.”
“Okay sorry. What do you want me to say here?”
“Is this because I don’t want you going to that college? Is that it? Did you do this as some kind of punishment?”
“Really? That’s where you wanna go. Okay aren’t you punishing me by making me stay here forever because Sarah died and mom left so now nobody can control their own lives?”
“Leave them out of this.”
“Fine then stop planning my life for me.”
“I’m your father and that’s my right.”
“Okay so what I want doesn’t matter?”
“You’re 18 y/n! You have no idea what you really want and you won’t for a long time!”
“Please dad why? Why is it so hard for you to trust me? I want to go to Indiana State! I want you to trust me to make my own choices. I want you to stop trying to control my life just because you couldn’t control yours!”
“You know wha-“ Hopper was cut off yet again by his radio. It was Powell from the station calling in about another emergency that needed the chief's undivided attention.
“This talk isn’t over y/n”
“Yay can’t wait to go through this all again”
You say leaving him before he gets the chance to make another snarky remark towards you. As you walk away you run into your sister Kay who is fuming.
“Uh yeah looks like you’ll just have to bike with Eleven”
“Has the fact that you’re completely deranged managed to escape you?”
You don’t bother to address her as you continue to your room. Slamming the door shut in the process.
Eddie Munson was not surprised to be met with a more than unhappy Jason Carver first thing Monday morning. As much as it didn’t surprise him, the prospect of having to talk to him exhausted him.
“When I pay someone $50 for a job I expect results.”
“Yeah Carver. I’m working on it.”
“Watching that bitch maim my car doesn’t qualify as a date, freak.”
“Well you know what Carver I was thinking. I don’t think $50 is quite enough to make this girl worth it. I think I’ll be upping my price.”
“Excuse me, freak?”
“100 bucks a date. In advance.”
“Absolutely not. No.”
“Fine, forget about Kay then.” Eddie couldn’t help the shit eating grin on his face as he knew he’d backed Jason into a corner.
“You better hope you’re as smooth as you think you are Munson” Jason said, slapping the 100 dollars into Eddie’s hand and walking away.
Mike and Dustin spent time discussing how on earth they were going to help Eddie and y/n get together. They came to no other conclusion than deciding they had to come clean and tell him the entire plan. So the next after school when the Hellfire meeting ended and the rest of the boys cleared out. Mike and Dustin decided to stay behind in an attempt to talk to Eddie.
Eddie notices the boy's presence in the room but says nothing as he continues to clean.
Only hearing the quiet bickering of the boys decided which one of them will be the one to tell him. He’s finally had enough of it once he’s finished cleaning and they’re still bickering.
“So do either of you wanna tell me why you’re still here and I still managed to clean up everything by myself?”
Dustin pushes Mike towards Eddie, to where Eddie is towering above Mike in an intimidating stance.
“W-well Eddie. Dustin and I know what you’re trying to do with Y/n. We know about the plan with Jason.”
“Oh, do you now? And what are you two going to do about it?”
“W-well that’s the thing. We wanted to help you out.”
“Really and why is that?”
Dustin steps forward placing a hand on Mike’s shoulder. “Well Eddie you see Mike wants to date Eleven so we had Lucas convince Jason to pay you to ask y/n out. But we see you’ve had some trouble with y/n and we think we can help you out by getting in-tell on what y/n likes and doesn’t like.”
Eddie stands there surprised and impressed that these two freshmen have been able to pull this off. “What is with these sisters? Jesus? Is kissing them like crack or something? Why does everyone want them?”
“Wha-Eddie no that’s not the point. Are you gonna let us help you or not?”
“Fine. Henderson, Wheeler. You’re my minions. Get in-tell on the beast and report back to me. Got it? Or the next campaign will be very painful for the two of you.”
“Eddie, that's great. We’ve already got one way for you to get to know her. See here” Dustin hands Eddie a flyer. “This is for Steve Harrington's party this Friday night. You’re gonna bring her to this.”
“You’re quite the optimist Henderson. She won’t even so much as spit in my direction let alone go to a party with me.”
“Don’t worry we’re working on it. You sit tight and we’ll come find you when we have more in-tell and a plan for you to get her to the party.”
And with that Dustin and Mike left Eddie alone in the hellfire room. Eddie looked at the flyer and signed. This whole arrangement was becoming complicated and the task at hand was challenging. Was any amount of money worth this?
Back at your house Mike and Dustin are inside with Eleven and Kay.
“So uh, Kay did you hear about Steve Harrington's party on Friday?”
“Of course I heard about it Dustin. How did you hear about it? You won’t even be allowed in the door?”
“Oh I’m friends with Steve. Don’t worry about it. Are you gonna go?”
“I really really want to but again I’m not allowed to go unless y/n does. It’s total bullshit. Anyways here’s y/n’s room. If I let you three in here you have to swear on your life she’ll never find out or I’m so dead.”
The three children sweat on Dustin’s mother before Kay lets them into your room. Looking around they see plenty of rock and roll band posters, plenty of books strewn about and plenty of bookshelves, lots of horror movie posters and horror novels and some posters for poetry slams. Mike and Dustin also make sure to ask Eleven basic questions about your likes and dislikes. Finding out that you hate jocks and douchey guys and that you love spicy Mexican food. They gather as much information as they can and make sure to leave before you get home, hoping they left everything just as they found it. Upon your arrival home you don’t suspect a thing.
Mike and Dustin bike all the way across town to The Hideout where they know Eddie is most likely to be. Making their way in the bar they’re surprised at the lack of security as they just waltz right in. Taking in the stench of cigarettes, booze and what’s most likely marijuana. Looking around the bar they see the instruments still set up from the Corroded Coffin set they must have done that night. As they continue to scan the bar they find Eddie and his band mates at a pool table taking turns and drinking. Dustin marches up to Eddie and taps him on the shoulder causing Eddie to turn around angrily until he realizes it’s just Dustin and not some drunkard complaining about his music.
“Ah my minions. Pray tell what information dost thou bring me?”
“Well we discovered she likes rock and roll so here’s a list of bands she likes, she loves really spicy Mexican food, the girl is obsessed with reading, horror movies and horror novels, she hates jocks and douchey guys, and loves poetry readings”
“Okayyyy so I’m what? Supposed to take her to get some enchiladas, buy her a book and then slam poetry with her?”
Dustin scoffs and ignores the sarcasm in Eddie’s voice.
“Eddie, have you ever been to Oliver’s cafe?”
“No. Why?”
“They’re having a poetry slam there tomorrow.”
“No-no absolutely not. Eddie “the freak” Munson cannot walk into some poetry club. Absolutely not.”
As Eddie walked into the cafe he felt embarrassed. He didn’t let that stop him however as he held his he’d high and strode through the cafe ignoring the onlookers who stared at him. The poet was up on stage reading their poems and Eddie scanned the crowd of people at their tables and finally found you.
Sitting at a small table with Robin and Nancy he watched as you would sip your coffee and occasionally smile at the poems being read aloud. You and Nancy both look interested in the poet but Robin looks bored out of her mind and is bouncing her leg most likely due to the caffeine intake.
Eddie decided instead of taking a strong approach like normal that he would let you come to him. So he takes a seat by himself at the bar and orders an espresso.
Walking up to the counter for a refill on your coffee you can’t help but notice the metal head at the bar who sticks out like a sore thumb. He doesn’t seem to notice you but you know he has to be there for you. Grabbing your coffee and walking over to his seat you begin to whisper so as not to interrupt the poet or disturb other guests.
“If you’re here to ask me out again you might as well just take that and shov-“
“Do you mind? I can’t hear Lillian’s poem and you’re kind of ruining it for me. I can’t wait for Jenna Scruff to get up there next.”
Eddie takes his espresso and sits at an empty table nearby. Leaning back in his chair to listen to the poet. You take the bait and sit next to him for a moment continuing your conversation in a hushed tone.
“You? You know Jenna Scruff's work?”
“Yeah why? Don’t you?”
As Lillian finished her poetry set instead of snapping everyone clapped for once. Eddie took the opportunity to tell you something.
“I was watching you before when you were listening to the poems. I’ve never seen you smile so genuinely before you were beautiful”
Upon his last three words the clapping had ceased and the entire cafe was able to hear what he had said. Earning a crowd's worth of ooo’s and awes causing your whole face to turn beat red.
Eddie doesn’t let up as the next poet gets on stage and starts their set. He continues to talk to you in a hushed tone. “Come to Harringtons party with me?”
You sigh and take a sip of your coffee. “You never give up do you” you begin to stand from the table coffee in hand as you make your way back to your friends.
“Was that a yes?” Eddie tried to shout yet still whisper.
“Well then was that a no?”
As you sat down at the table with your friends you looked back at Eddie and whisper shouted back. “No.” Sipping your drink with a smug smile.
“I’ll see you at 9:30 then” as Eddie said 9:30 he made sure to hold up nine fingers, then three, then a zero.
Eddie didn’t leave after asking you that. Instead he stayed at the poetry slam and just watched you. Watched the way you reacted to things. Watched when you smiled. Took note of things you liked. Things you did. He wasn’t sure why. He had no reason to still be there. He’d tell himself for the time being it was just extra research for the mission at hand.
It’s Friday night and you’re sitting on the couch In your usual attire as Kay walks out of her room in a red dress and heels walking towards the door trying to avoid Hopper's attention. And failing.
Hopper rises from the couch and catches Kay at the door. “So kid, where ya headed?”
“Uhhh well if you wanna know. I’m headed to a study group.”
“You mean a party?”
Hopper turns to you. “Y/n do you know anything about a party” you shake your head No and turn your attention back to your book.
“Kay you know the rules. If y/n doesn’t go then you don’t go. End of story.”
Kay turns to you. Red face full of fury and marches up to you snatching the book out of your hand. “CAN’T YOU BE NORMAL? JUST FOR ONCE?”
You try to reach for the book but to no avail. “Define normal for me real quick?”
“Uh, going to Steve Harrington's party normal? I thought Steve was a friend of yours so why not just go for me please?”
“No Kay, those parties are just excuses for people to get drunk and rub up against each other to distract from the emptiness of their meaningless consumer driven lives.”
Kay pills out the puppy dog eyes. “Please for one night can you not be a complete nuisance and just do me this one favor. Pleaseeeeeee”
Looking into her sad eyes was just too much. You found yourself caving cause you couldn’t stand to see those eyes.
“Fine. One appearance.”
Kay jumped up and down squealing and Hopper looked utterly defeated. You didn’t bother to change your clothes but grabbed a jacket for the night. As you opened the door your sister was already running to Jason Carver's car but as much as you wanted to protest, you had a much more urgent matter. The matter of the metal head standing on your front porch.
“What are you doing here?”
“9:30 right? Sorry I know I’m a little early.”
Eddie Munson had never been early for a date in his life. But figured tonight he could make an exception.
“Fine. Whatever. But we’re taking my car.”
Eddie let you lead the way to your car and couldn’t hide the smile that grew on his face upon earning his small victory with you.
Upon arrival at the party Eddie continues to let you lead the way. You pass all the booze and drugs and fun stuff and immediately just start wandering through the house. Much to Eddie’s disappointment. However he isn’t going to let anything happen to you at this party so he attempts to keep up.
Getting interrupted as he follows you. Some cheerleader he recognizes as Jason Carver's ex tries to grab onto him. “KISS ME” she yells in his face as she attempts to jump on him. Eddies quick however and grabs her spinning her around as he shoves her towards some other poor nerd. “Kiss him instead” and she does immediately. He continues on his way to try and keep up with you having to jog a bit having lost you.
You find yourself standing in what appears to be a smoke filled living room full of people drinking and making out. You’re suddenly met with the one and only Jason Carver.
“Well well well look what the cat dragged in”
Jason chides as he circles you. Almost as if you were some kind of prey.
“According to that receding hairline of yours Carver I wouldn’t joke about others getting dragged.” You turn on heel to attempt leaving the living room but Jason quickly blocks you.
“So y/n. You see your sister around? She got away from me for a second.”
“I think it'd be best if you stayed away from my sister Jason.”
“Oh sure y/n. Of course. But let’s see if she stays away from me.” He gets very close to your face and winks before leaving you standing by yourself in the doorway of the living room.
As you walk through the house attempting to find your sister Kay you’re met by the devastating sight of her already leaned up against him by a wall. Making your way to her you’re met by Jason’s annoying voice.
“Well well well y/n would you look who found me again.”
Choosing to ignore Jason you grab your sister's arm and attempt to speak to her but she quickly stops you. “Y/n! Please don’t talk to me in public.”
“Kay please I just wanna tell you something.”
“Can’t it wait till later? I’m trying to enjoy my life for once so can you leave me alone and try to do the same?”
Kay rips her arm from your grasp and continues walking through the house wrapped in Jason’s arm.
As you stand there dumbfounded Eddie is finally able to reach you. But not before you can take a shot of the first drink you see. Intending to get very wasted for the night.
“Jesus y/n where the hell did you go I’ve been looking everywhere” Eddie was clearly exasperated from the recent efforts.
“I’m getting trashed, man. Isn’t that what you do at parties?”
“I mean I say do what you want.”
“Funny. You’re the only one. I’ll catch you later.” You turn on your heel and disappear into the crowd behind you.
Normally this would be the point in the night where Eddie gives up and goes home but Eddie isn’t going to just leave you here at some party with no way to get home because you’re getting drunk. As Eddie continued through the house it took him quite a while to find you in a place this big in a sea of this many people. Henderson was right, Harrington really knew how to throw a party.
When Eddie finally found you he attempted to take the shot in your hand away because he could very clearly tell that you’d had too many. You refused however and continued through the house finding a very sturdy table that your drunk little brain thought would be perfect to stand on. You know what this table might be perfect to dance on too?
Eddie could see where this was going and was intent on stopping you until he was blocked by none other than Jason Carver.
“How did you do it man?”
Eddie was confused and already over this conversation. “Do what?”
“Get her to act like a human being.”
Eddie didn’t get the chance to answer as the crowd of people in the room behind him started to cheer and he found you in nothing but a light tank job and jeans now dancing on top of the table as a group of teens cheered you on.
Your body was all sorts of languid and you were just feeling loosey goosey so you were bending and snapping and just in general dirty dancing all over the place. Your drunk little brain couldn’t explain why but a large portion of the dance moves were directed to the metal head standing at the edge of the table watching you. Standing up fully after one particular bend has you smacking your head hard on the chandelier above you. Almost knocking you out.
As you fall backwards you're caught by a pair of arms and you find yourself face to face in Eddie Munsons arms who looks distressed. He gets you away from the table and sets you on the floor. “Hey y/n look at me. You okay?”
You attempt to stand up on your own. “I’m fine” your words are slurred as you collapse into his arms again and he attempts to walk you outside.
“Eddie I just- I just need to lie down for a minute”
“No if you lie down you’ll go to sleep”
“Sleep hahaha. But sleepy is good?”
“Not if you have a concussion.”
He sits you down outside letting you get some fresh air as he continues to check to make sure you’re okay. Unable to keep yourself up right Eddie wraps an arm around you and carries you fully outside the party and into Harrington's front yard.
As Eddie guides you to the porch swing you can’t help but wonder why he’s even here. “Why are you helping me?” You manage to mutter out.
“Like i said you might have a concussion y/n.”
“You don’t care if I ever wake up Munson”
“Sure I do.”
“Cause then I’d have to start taking out girls who actually like me.”
“Like you could ever find one.”
“Oh see that. Who needs affection when you give such blinding hatred”
You start to pass out in his arms again and he sets you on one of the tire swings that’s hanging from a tree in Harrington's yard. You’re able to sit by yourself for a moment before almost falling out of the swing and Eddie catches you once again. Finding he now also needs a break he sits in the tire swing next to yours.
Eddie turns to look at you. “Why do you let him get to you?”
“Ugh. God I hate him.”
“Well drowning yourself in Vodka and Rum seems like the perfect revenge option I see.”
You laugh at his words and Eddie can’t help but smile back. Seeing as this is the first time he’s made you smile he thinks he’ll remember this moment as a win. That is until he looks back at you to see your arms dropped to your sides and your eyes closed as if you’ve fainted.
Eddie jumps up quickly, taking your hand in his and using his free hand to stroke your face.
“Y/n?!? Y/n?!? Come on, wake up. Come on, open your eyes!”
And you do it slowly. Your eyes connect with his big brown eyes. You can’t help but admire the way they shine in the moonlight.
“Hey. Your eyes. They have a little gold in them”
You smile at him as he says it and Eddie can’t help but admire your entire face. Your smile seems to light up every feature you have and he almost begins to memorize it before you lower your head again and rub your temples. Without meaning to, he strokes the back of your head just thankful you woke up and that you’re okay.
As Eddie drives you home he actually finds himself quite content. You seem much better now and your music taste isn’t bad.
“UGHHHH i should be like these people!”
Eddie turns his attention from the road to you. “Be like what people?”
You point your hand at the radio repeatedly. “These. These peoples I should be like these people. Speaking their mind and doing what they want. I bet my father would love that.”
As he pulls up to your house and turns the car off he turns to you and begins to speak in a serious tone. “You don’t seem like the kind of girl who cares what her dad thinks.”
You scoff. “Oh so now you think you know me?”
“I’m getting there.”
“The only thing people know about me is that I’m some monster of a woman.”
“Yeah well…I’m no town heartthrob either.”
As you turn to look at him you begin to realize the two of you aren’t so different. That gold glimmer in his deep brown eyes seems to say something to you. Almost pulling you into them. And as Eddie stared back at you he began to realize that maybe you weren’t the monster everyone painted you out to be. Maybe he’d judged you the way everyone judges him.
The look lingers just a little too long until Eddie points to your house trying to clear the tension. “So uh your dad. I assume having the chief of police as a father must be a pain in the ass.”
“Pfft. That’s one way to put it. Although I wouldn’t so much say pain in the ass as much as I’d say he just wants to make my life into something I don’t want. Make me into somebody that I’m not.”
“And who does he want to make you into?”
“Kay” you say with a frilly attitude that would match your sisters.
“Ah. I see. Kay. No offense or anything I’m sure Kay is great and I know everyone digs her but she’s without.”
You turn to look at him again. Smiling as you do. “You know. You aren’t what I thought you’d be.”
“What? Mean and scary?. Can I be honest with you here? I thought you’d be kind of mean and scary too. I mean you are kind of mean but definitely not scary.”
You can’t help but laugh at what he says and upon laughing you realize nobodies made you laugh like that for a really long time. As your laugh dies down and you gaze into his eyes again you begin to lean in for a kiss.
Eddie can see you leaning in. He almost leans in too but he can’t bring himself to do it. Nothing about the situation feels right. You’re drunk and he got paid to take you out. He wants to kiss you. But not like this.
Eddie clears his throat. “Maybe we should do this at a different time.”
You pull away and reach for the door handle. Immediately leaving the car and running inside feeling insulted and embarrassed. This guy spends all this time trying to get you to go out with him only to reject you when you try to kiss him. What the hell?
As you wait inside you watch as Eddie pulls out of your driveway in his van and watch as he fades into the distance. Surprised as you see your younger sister Kay getting dropped off by Steve Harrington rather than her own date. She takes a while to come inside and you’re about to ask her what that was about but upon seeing the smile she’s dawning when she walks in you decide to drop it. Just for tonight.
Walking into Ms O’Donnell’s class Monday morning was going to be a pain in the ass. You could already tell. But when you walked in and we’re greeted by Jason asking you how much he owes you for the table dance you gave at the party, it confirmed this hour was going to be a rough one. Jason’s cruel remarks were met by Ms O’Donnell’s personal brand of snark.
Ms O’Donnell began speaking about the classes next assignment and how you would be recreating your own version of sonnet 141. You raise your hand to ask a question.
“Yes, what could you possibly have a problem with now Ms Hopper?”
“Do you want this in Iambic pentameter?”
Ms O’Donnell turns to face you with a dumbfounded expression.
“So you have no qualms about the assignment?”
“Uh no? I think it’s a good assignment. I’m excited about it!”
Ms O’Donnell chuckles at you. “Go to the office.”
“Wait what?”
“Out. Get out. I don’t know what game you’re playing but go to the office.”
So you gather your belongings and leave the classroom.
As Mike and Dustin sit with Eddie at lunch the boys begin to interrogate him about what happened with you the night of the party.
“Seriously Eddie what did you do to her?”
Eddie takes a cashew and throws it at Mike. “I didn’t do anything Wheeler. In fact I was a gentleman who didn’t do anything because she was drunk and that would be wrong.”
“Ughhhh Eddie, our plan was working!”
Dustin comes running back to Eddie and Mike after attempting to talk to you.
“So Dustin what’d she say?”
“Well she said she hates him with the fire of a thousand suns. Those were her exact words.”
Eddie puts his face in his hands and rubs his face. “Thank you for the helpful encouragement Dustin.”
Mike puts his hands in the air “hey maybe all she needs is a few days to cool off” as he says this the three boys just narrowly dodge the sandwich you’d “accidentally” thrown in their direction when you tripped walking past their table.
Eddie turns back to the boys. “I think she might need more than a few days.”
“God Nance, can you imagine going to prom? How ridiculous would that be.”
“I don’t know y/n it could be fun. I’d love to go if only Jonathan would ask me.”
“Ugh you really wanna get all dolled up and listen to a band that totally blows while all these losers girate and look for excuses to hump each other? You agree with me, right Robin?”
As you turn to Robin you can already see her disagreeing with you. “I’d love to go to prom. But we all know why I can’t ask anybody so no prom for me.”
Nancy throws her hands up in surrender.
”Alright alright we’re not going then. It’s not like I’ve got a dress anyways.”
“Nancy, you're looking at it all wrong. By not going we’ll be making a statement.”
“Oh yippee cause you don’t do that everyday.”
As Kay stands in the gym trying to make the ball go into the basket a pair of arms wraps around her to make the shot. Turning around afterwards she finds herself face to face with Jason.
“So Kay. About prom?”
“Jason you know I can’t go to prom unless y/n does.”
“She is going to prom.”
“What? Since when?”
Jason picks up another ball and twirls it on the top of a finger. “Oh let’s just say I’m taking care of it.” He places the ball into Kay’s hand and takes his leave.
Sitting on his usual bench in the forest Jason hands Eddie about $200. “Here freak. This should cover the tickets and the tux. Everything.”
Eddie holds the money in his hands for a moment contemplating. He thinks about you and how wrong this is to do to you. “Nah man. I think I’m out. I don’t wanna play this game anymore.” He hands the money back to Jason and is about to stand up from the bench.
Jason begins to panic, reaching for his wallet. “Here freak. How about we make is 300?”
Eddie looks down at the money. Money he could really use. But this is so wrong on so many levels. He shouldn’t be doing this to you. Jason places the money in his hands anyways and Eddie’s hands close around it and he releases a heavy sigh as Jason leaves the table. Guilt riddling its way through his body.
Now Eddie really needed a plan to get back in your good graces.
On that following Saturday Eddie drove to the music store where you’d hit Jason’s car. He was happy to see your car sitting outside and decided to head in.
In the music shop you made your way from the cassettes and records all the way to the back where they kept the instruments. You grabbed this snazzy green guitar off the wall. The one you visited every weekend. As you grabbed it you found a nearby stool to sit on and practice as you continued to try and follow the song playing on your Walkman. Someday you planned on saving up your money and buying this very guitar.
As Eddie walked through the store he finally spotted you in the back and walked up to you. You were so into playing your music that you hadn’t noticed him standing behind you. He observed the way you played it and how gentle you were with the instrument. He was reminded of the time he went to get sweetheart from this very store. He’d saved up all his money for months and Wayne pitched in a little and even drove him to go get it.
Seeing you sitting there playing like that so peacefully Eddie decided not to disturb you. Not today. He’d make a better plan to make it up to you. So he backed away slowly and left the store.
You couldn’t help the feeling of being watched. Looking around to see nobody. You continued to play nonetheless.
The next day you took a trip down to your favorite bookstore and began looking at the horror novels. And as you walk down the aisle you feel that similar feeling of being watched. That is until you turn the corner at the end of the isle and are face to face with Eddie.
“Excuse me, do you know where they keep Stephen Kings “The Talisman”? I seem to have lost my copy.”
“What are you doing here Munson?”
“I heard they might have a poetry reading in here today. Figured I’d stop by.”
“You’re so-“
“More like unwelcome.”
You continue to look through the books as Eddie becomes visibly frustrated.
“You’re not as mean as you think you are, you know that?”
“And you’re not as badass as you think you are.”
“Ooooh someone still has her panties in a twist.”
“Don’t for one minute think that you had any effect whatsoever on my panties.”
“Well I had an effect on something. What was it?”
“Other than my body needing to faint that night then nothing.”
You find the copy of The Talisman and shove it to his chest and walk out of the store.
Dustin, Mike, and Eddie are sitting around at lunch yet again discussing you.
“You’re right twirps. She’s still pissed.”
“Sweet love renew thy force!” Dustin said a little too loud causing Eddie to smack the back of his head.
“Hey! Henderson! Don’t say shit like that around me. People can hear you.”
Mike chirps in. “You embarrassed y/n. Sacrifice your dignity and even the score for her.”
Eddie leaves Dustin and Mike alone at the table and goes to think of a plan on his own.
“Mike don’t say shit like that to Eddie, people can hear you.”
Mike scoffs and leaves Dustin at the table by himself.
The next day Eddie goes to make a deal with Robin. Eddie slipped Robin a $50 and in exchange Robin was to gather the band kids at lunch and make sure y/n was there.
At lunch everything was a bit odd. The entire hellfire table was empty and instead of sitting at your normal table, Robin and Nancy had insisted you sit at the band kids table today closest to the stage.
After sitting at lunch for a few minutes the curtains begin to open and you turn around to see instruments set up and people walking onstage. You recognize Eddie immediately and the rest of his band mates from Corroded coffin.
As Eddie got on stage he pointed to Robin and the entire band around you stood up and began to play a familiar tune at a rather loud volume. A few moments later Eddie started to play his guitar and the rest of his bands instruments came to life as Eddie began to play “I was made for loving you” by Kiss.
He pointed to you and then hopped from the stage down onto the table you were sitting at. At this point you couldn’t help the smile and laughter that had erupted on your face as the principal and school security started chasing Eddie and his band mates through the cafeteria for their unwanted performance as the entire student body laughed at them.
If this wasn’t enough to get back into your good graces then Eddie had no idea what would.
As you watched Eddie get dragged out of the cafeteria you couldn’t help but wonder how on earth you were going to help him get out of detention today.
After school detention with Mr Hans was always a nightmare you knew but you also knew he wasn’t the most competent teacher. Easily distracted or so you’d hoped.
As you walked into the quiet classroom and asked to talk to Mr Hans about improving the school's drama department.
As Mr Hans turned back to his desk you made eye contact with Eddie and motioned towards the window. He finally caught your drift and began to slowly move. As Eddie began to move you focused all your attention on making sure Mr Hans didn’t see Eddie making a run for it.
“Mr Hans, I really think we could use a new costume manager!” You said as you grabbed his arm roughly turning his back to Eddie. As you grabbed his arm you quickly began to try and find something to say.
“Wow Mr Hans! Your biceps are huge! You don’t take steroids do you? I heard steroids can have a negative effect on your uh…well you know?” At this point the entire class in detention is howling at your awkward display and Eddie attempts to escape. As Eddie snuck around a few more desks almost at the window the floor begins to creek and Mr Hans almost turns around.
“That’s not the point Mr Hans, the point is that the costume department should be focused on more because I think our plays always fall short due to our lack of good costuming!”
“No offense Ms Hopper but our plays usually fall short due to poor acting?”
“Well this would be a great misdirection! Using great costumes for people to focus on rather than the poor acting!”
“Misdirection? Why do we care about misdirection?”
Eddie was almost home free just outside the window and Mr Hans was thinking about what you said when there was another creek. Still talking to you he began to turn around in Eddie’s direction. “Okay so how do we get them to focus less on the bad acting then?”
You quickly grab your shirt and lift it up flashing everyone in the room. Eddie included. But you thought he wouldn’t be able to see you from his vantage point.
“Like this!”
Eddie grabbed a quick glance before using the opportunity to jump out the window and run for it. Once you see he’s out of the room you slowly lower your shirt and swallow the embarrassment of having your peers now know what your breasts look like.
“Well now that you’ve seen the plan Mr Han I’m gonna go and uh run the plan by someone else. So uh thanks for your time and I’ll be going.” That’s all you said before running out of the classroom at top speed.
As you sat in Eddie van laughing as he drove he couldn’t help but thank you for helping him sneak out of detention.
“So uh how did you keep Mr Hans distracted?”
“Oh I uh dazzled him with my….wits?”
Eddie chooses not to bring up that although you may have dazzled him it most definitely wasn’t with your wits. Instead he chooses to steer the conversation in a different direction.
“So what’s your excuse Y/n?”
“For acting the way we do?”
“I don’t like to do what people expect me to do. Why should I live my life based on what other people want me to do?”
“Ah I see. You disappoint them from the start and then you don’t have to worry about disappointing them ever again?”
“Something like that.”
“Then you screwed up.”
“You never disappointed me.”
There was no point in hiding the smile or blush that crept onto your face at his words. As he continued to drive Eddie pulled into a parking lot and turned to you.
“So. You up for it?”
“Up for what?”
You turn to look at where Eddie has taken you and see that he’s taken you to a paintball range. You already know you’re gonna try and kick his ass.
Eddie is the first to get hit by your red paint but he quickly retaliates by covering you in blue paint. Running around ducking behind random objects as you hid from each other. As Eddie missed and you laughed at him he quickly hit you with another one square in the stomach knocking the air out of you.
“Ooooo you’re so dead Munson”
You chased him and managed to get him covered in all sorts of colors. Making sure to smother his face in red paint. Eddie wasn’t going to go easy on you however, making sure you were covered in just as much paint as he was. Keeping the majority of your paint blue.
You finally ran out of paintballs and Eddie was the only one with paint left. You put your hands up in surrender and he pulled you in for a side hug. As you embraced you felt him slam the last ball of paint over your head causing blue paint to smear down your face. And you quickly ran away laughing.
As you two ran, Eddie tackled you and the two of you collapsed into a bail of heigh that had been setup for the paintball field. As he lay on top of you in the bail of heigh Eddie can’t help but admire you. Even covered in paint you still managed to be one of the most beautiful creatures he’d ever seen. So he leaned down and captured your lips into a tender kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer into the kiss. Pulling away you both had purple lips.
What Eddie hadn’t realized during the kiss was that you’d stolen paintballs from him. So when he pulled away and gazed into your eyes you slammed the pain in his face and giggled as you ran away. If he could have bottled the giggle and drank it he would have.
After your paintball adventure, you and Eddie helped each other clean off before he drove you home. As the two of you got out of the van and walked towards the cabin Eddie continued the conversation from the car.
“No y/n none of that’s true scouts honor” he did this silly little salute that made you smile.
“So no satanic rituals?”
“Nope, just a game. So is it true you bit a kid's thumb off?”
“Rumor. Okay now is it true that your music is hypnotic?”
“Shouldn’t all music be? Is it true you kicked Andy so hard one of his balls had to be retrieved in an operation?”
“Fact! But he deserved it I swear. He tried to grope me in class.”
“Fair enough”
As you both took a seat on the porch of the cabin you turned to Eddie and took a more serious tone. “Okay Ed’s. Tell me something true.”
“Something true?……hm….. I hate broccoli.”
You let out a laugh but didn’t let up. “No, something real. Something nobody else knows.”
He brushed some hair out of your face as he looked at you.
“Okay. Well I know you’re sweet” he kisses your left cheek. “And sexy” a kiss to the right.
“And completely hot for me”
You scoff “you’re very confident in yourself Munson.”
You both laugh but kiss him anyway and he pulls away.
“Go to the prom with me?”
“Is that a request or a command?”
“Come on. Go with me?”
“Why not?”
“Cause it’s a stupid dance for stupid people and I’m not a stupid person and neither are you.”
“Come on…people won’t expect you to go?”
“Why are you pushing this Eddie? What’s in this for you?”
Eddie has to think of an excuse and fast.
“What? So now I need an excuse to want to hang out with you?”
“Answer the question Eddie.”
“You need therapy, you know that. You need some real help because not everything comes with ulterior motives.”
You scoff and run inside. You don’t need this. You guys had an amazing day together so why did he have to go and ruin everything?
Kay approached Hopper very cautiously. Knowing the most likely way this conversation is to go. “Hey dad.”
“Hey kid, whatcha need?”
“Well I was wondering if it would be okay for me to go to the prom?”
“Is y/n going to the prom?”
“Well no bu-“
“Then the answer is no. I know you wanna go to prom just to see that boy Jason again anyways.”
“Oh come on dad. Y/n doesn’t even want to go and yet here I am dying to go and I can’t.”
“Do you know what happens at prom, young lady?”
“Yes dad. People dance, kids make memories, people live their lives like normal human beings and yeah sure the dumb ones make mistakes but I’m not a dumb one.”
“Huh that’s what you think happens. Kids making memories is exactly what keeps the station busy on prom nights in this town.”
“Can we ignore the fact that you’re unhinged for like two seconds and focus on me wanting to be a normal kid for one night?”
“This discussion was over the minute you started it, Kay. You’re not going to prom with that Jason boy and that’s final. You’re not going unless y/n is.”
Kay sighed and walked away from her father.
As you walked past Kay’s room and heard the sounds of her crying you couldn’t help but feel guilty. So you knocked on the door and when you got the okay you went in.
“Listen I know you hate having to sit at home cause I’m not little miss popular anymore.”
“Like you actually care y/n”
“I do care! But I’m a firm believer in doing something because you want to do it and not because someone else wants you to do them.”
“Well I wish I had that luxury y/n. You know I’m the only sophomore who got asked to the prom and I can’t go because you don’t feel like it.”
You sighed and looked down at your hands.
“Jason never told you we went out did he?”
“Pfft sure y/n”
“Freshman year. We went out for a whole month.”
Kay Scoffs. “Why?”
“Well because he was Jason. And I was me. At the time anyways. Everyone expected us to.”
“But you hate Jason?”
“I do now. I didn’t then.”
“So, what happened between you two?”
“You sure you wanna know?”
Kay was nervous now but nodded her head.
“Well I slept with him. Just once. He pressured me into it and everyone I knew was doing it. Everything had just happened with Mom leaving after Sarah died and I made a mistake. When I told him I didn’t want to anymore afterwards he dumped me for Chrissy. After that I swore I wouldn’t do anything just because other people wanted me to. And I haven’t since. Well besides Harrington's party.”
“How did I never know?”
“I told Jason if he ever told anyone that the whole school would find out just how small his dick is.”
You both chuckled at that but then Kay stopped laughing. Now feeling bad that she hadn’t been there for you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted you to make up your own mind. I didn’t want you to do anything because I wanted you to.”
Kay began to grow angry now. “So instead you decided to just team up with dad and keep me locked in here all the time is that it? You think I’m stupid enough to repeat your mistakes?”
“Kay I’m sorry. I thought I was protecting you.”
“Not all experiences are good Kay! Not everyone can be trusted!”
“Well I guess I’ll never know will I?”
Kay stood by her bedroom door and motioned for you to get out so you did. Feeling the harsh wind as Kay slammed the door behind you.
You took the weekend to debate and felt a growing guilt over your sisters' missed experiences due to your mistrust of people. So you decided to go to the prom with Eddie and allow your sister to go as well.
“Bye dad, I'm going to the prom!”
“Very funny y/n.” Before he could even ask, you were out the door. As Kay came down the stairs.
“Kay what is that?”
“This is a prom dress dad. Don’t you like it? Eleven helped me make it.”
“Yes it’s very pretty bu-“
The knock at the door interrupted Hoppers thoughts as Kay opened the door to a handsomely dressed Steve Harrington holding a bouquet of flowers. As Kay and Steve turned to leave, Hopper stopped them.
“Well dad. You said I couldn’t go to the prom unless y/n had a date and she found this guy who’s actually really perfect for her and that really worked out for me cause Steve here asked me to the prom and I really really want to go and since y/n went I guess I’m allowed to.”
As Kay grabbed Steve’s hand to run down the driveway Hopper shouted after Steve. “ANY FUNNY BUSINESS WITH MY DAUGHTER AND YOU'LL BE IN CUFFS YOUNG MAN!”
The prom was more lively than you had anticipated as you looked through the doors. You were actually quite nervous to be there and still hadn’t found your date as you stood there. Eddie had found you immediately though. He’s pretty sure his eye’s magnetized to you the second you walked through the door and he hasn’t been able to look at anyone else since.
Eddie had been pretty surprised to get your call asking if his prom offer was still on the table but happily accepted. Deal or no deal he was grateful to spend the time with you. He just had to find the right time to come clean about everything and hope you didn’t claw his eyes out.
As you stood by the door Eddie finally plucked up the courage to walk over to you and handed you the rose he’d brought for you. You both compliment each other on how you looked and walked arm and arm into the prom.
“Look Eddie-“ you said, stopping and leaning on a rail. “I’m really sorry I questioned your motives. I was wrong.”
The twinge of guilt rang through Eddie’s chest and it was getting harder to ignore. He didn’t want to ruin the night but he didn’t know how much longer he could keep this from you.
He swallows hard. “You’re forgiven.”
As you began to dance with Eddie you’re swung around quickly to meet the eyes of Nancy.
“Have you seen Jonathan? He promised he’d meet me here?”
“Nance I thought Jonathan said he’d rather drop dead than be caught at prom?”
“Y/n he promised me!”
Eddie pointed across the room to a well groomed Jonathan holding flowers and Nancy squealed and ran to him. Leaving you and Eddie by yourselves once more.
You turn to the stage when you hear them start to play your favorite song and you turn to Eddie. “THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG!!!”
“I called in a favor sweetheart.”
You jumped up and kissed him before beginning to dance to the music with him once more. And Eddie made sure to hold you tightly close to him.
As you danced with Eddie and held him close he began to speak to you. “Something real. You wanted to know. Everyone thinks I’m a freak cause of my father okay. Town criminal is a real bad guy who hurt a lot of people. Had a reputation. Being his kid meant I had a reputation from the start. There’s your realness” Eddie said as he dipped you towards the ground and you couldn’t help but smile and kiss him again. Appreciating his openness with you.
As the two of you stood back up Eddie was yanked backwards by Jason Carver.
“Hey freak! What the hell is Kay doing here with Steve Harrington? I didn’t pay you to take out y/n so some pretty boy could snake my chance with Kay!”
Upon hearing his words you’re desperately hoping you heard him wrong. Your eyes never leave Eddie’s and you can see the guilt written across his face and Eddie can see the devastation across yours making his heart sink down to his stomach.
“Nothing in it for you huh? No ulterior motive huh?” You say as you shove your way through the crowd angrily. Leaving Eddie and everyone behind.
Eddie doesn’t bother to address Jason as he makes his way through the crowd to chase after you.
Jason makes his way over to Steve.
“You messed with the wrong guy Harrington. Now you’re gonna pay. You and your little bitch.”
Steve puts a couple fingers onto Jason’s chest pushing him away.
“Back away, Carver. You’re crossing a line.”
Jason punches Steve square in the jaw making him fall to the ground. As Jason turns around his own face is met by a fist. None other than Kay.
“SHIT Kay! I have team yearbook photos tomorrow!”
“That’s for hitting Steve” she hits Jason again. “That’s for what you did to y/n”. And knees him in the dick. “And that’s for your stupid little game.”
Rushing over to Steve and helping him stand up she asks Steve if he’s okay.
“Never been better.” Steve says before pulling Kay into a kiss.
Outside Eddie finally catches up to you and manages to get in front of you.
“Please please y/n let me explai-“
“You were paid to take me out by the one person I hate the most. I knew this was a setup. And you lied to me about it. Made me feel like I was crazy for not trusting you.”
“Y/n it wasn’t like that okay!”
“Really Eddie? What was it then? A down payment for dating me and the bonus would come once you got into my pants?”
“You are so not who I thought you were, Munson.”
As you turned to leave Eddie grabbed you into one last kiss. If this is how he was going to lose you he was going to steal a kiss before you were gone. You pulled away quickly and ran out of the building holding back tears and Eddie stood in place doing the same.
As you sat on the porch of the cabin reading your novel, your sister Kay, your sister Eleven, Mike, and Steve Harrington walked on to the porch as a gaggle of other children piled into Steve’s car.
Eleven handed you a mug of coffee. “Y/n. Are you sure you do not want to go to Steve’s lake house with us? It will be fun?”
“No thank you. You guys make sure to have fun though.”
Kay came up behind Eleven and rested a hand on your shoulder. “Before we go I just wanted to say thanks. For coming last night. It meant alot to me.”
You nodded your head and gave a slight smile.
Watching everyone pile into Steve’s car as Hopper came to sit with you on the porch.
“So y/n. How was the prom.”
“It was fine.”
“Well what was fine about it.”
“Watching Kay beat the hell out of Jason Carver was pretty fun.”
“What? Mad I rubbed off on her?”
“Nope. Just impressed and proud of my daughters that’s all. All 3 of them. Such bad asses. Did something right I guess.”
He sat closer to you. “You know y/n us fathers can’t always admit when we’re wrong. Can’t always admit when we have to start letting our kids grow up and live their own lives. I guess what I’m saying is. I’m gonna have a real hard time when you’re up at Indiana state.”
Your face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Wait so you’re saying I can go?”
He nodded his head yes and you jumped onto him in an embrace that Hopper welcomed graciously.
As Ms O’Donnell stood in front of the class preparing the class for their presentation and mocking Jason about his black eye you couldn’t help but stare directly at your desk. Eddie had actually shown up for class today and you didn’t want to risk looking at him. When Ms O’Donnell asked for volunteers to read their sonnets you raised your hand and went to the front of the class.
Eddie had been watching you all period. Hoping you would look at him. Hoping you would show him any sign that you even cared he was there. But you hadn’t. And now as you stood in front of the class about to read your poem Eddie wouldn’t take his eyes off of you. Taking in the sight and memorizing you as you began to speak.
“I hate the way you talk to me.
I hate the way you don’t cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my truck.
I hate it when you stare.” You glance up quickly from your work and your eyes meet Eddie’s. It’s suddenly very hard to hold back all your pent up emotion. Upon seeing him all the love and pain and hurt you’d felt came rushing back and the tears began to well in your eyes.
“I hate your big dumb leather jacket and the the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick. It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you’re always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh.
Even worse when you make me cry.” By now you’re hardly looking at the words you wrote on the paper. You’re looking at Eddie as the tears begin to become visible to him and your voice is getting higher and squeaky with every passing word.
“I hate it when you’re not around and the fact that you didn’t call.
But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.”
Your face was beat red and the tears sliding down your face couldn’t be stopped. Eddie felt his heart beat in his throat as he sat there and watched you cry. He almost wanted to stand up and kiss you right then and there and tell you it was all okay but he didn’t. He watched you walk to your desk and grab your bag as you stormed out of the class.
The drive home from school was actually nice. You’d turned up the music real loud and rolled down the windows to feel the wind. Taking the long way home from school. Pulling into your driveway at the cabin you couldn’t help but feel relieved knowing you’d get to be alone for a while. Since Hopper was at work and everyone else was at Steve’s cabin.
Walking into your room you immediately stop and drop everything in your hands onto the floor. Walking towards your bed to pick up a green guitar that hadn’t been there when you left. You rush to pick it up and hold it when a voice from behind you makes you jump.
“Nice guitar right?”
“A fender strat? Is it for me?”
“Well that would explain why it’s in your bedroom right? Besides I had some extra cash lying around. Some asshole paid me to take out this really great girl.”
He said it with such sincerity that you couldn’t help but smirk. “Is that right?”
“Yeah but I screwed up big time. I uh. I fell for her. Pretty hard actually I think it might leave a bruise.”
Eddie scoffs and cups your face in his hands. “It’s not everyday you find a girl willing to flash someone to get you out of detention.”
You laugh and cover your face with your hands. Eddie removes your hands from your face and leans in to kiss you tenderly. You kiss him back but pull away.
“You can’t just buy me a guitar and kiss me Everytime you fuck up you know.”
“I know.” Eddie said as he kissed you on the forehead. “That’s why they have bass” a kiss on the right cheek now. “Drums” a kiss on the left cheek. “Hell maybe even a synthesizer” he kisses you on the lips more passionate this time. You allow it and lean into it.
Kissing Eddie back with more fervor as you begin to stumble back towards the bed and you reach for Eddie’s vest and begin to move it down his shoulders and he stops you. Cupping your face in his hands.
“Hey. I mean it. You wanna stop at any point you say the word and we stop. I didn’t give you the guitar to get laid.”
You tug his vest closer to you. “I know. That’s why you’re gonna get laid anyways.”
He has the biggest grin on his face as he leans in to kiss you again and backs you towards the bed until your knees hit it. He removes his vest and his jacket followed by his shirt but he stops there and turns his attention to you.
Tugging on the bottom of your shirt with a raised eyebrow you nod and he lifts it over your head. Inhaling once he sees your breasts. He reaches out and cups them firmly giving your nipples a squeeze making you moan. God he’s been wanting this since the day he saw them in detention.
Moving his hands down he’s groping you everywhere and running his hands up and down your torso as he begins to make out with you again. Pulling his lips away from yours he begins to pepper kisses down your jaw and neck and finds a sensitive spot just under your ear that makes you whine. That’s the spot he chooses to start sucking on.
“Ed-“ your breath hitches when he nibbles on that spot just a little bit. “Ed, if my dad sees this you’re a dead man.”
He pulls away and reaches for your belt loops pulling your body flush against his. “Then I’ll die a happy man.”
His hands undo the button of your pants and you slide them down your legs and kick them off. Eddie pushes you gently onto the bed but doesn’t move himself above you. Instead he’s still standing in front of you. Before he kneels next to the bed. “Hey sweetheart can you spread your legs for me” he whispers as he leaves a trail of kisses down your thighs. You do as he says and spread your legs and he’s able to see a wet patch right In the middle. He leans back and chuckles, causing you to sit up on your elbows slightly frustrated.
“What’s so funny down there?”
“Oh nothing. Just thought you said I didn’t have any effect whatsoever on your panties.”
You laugh and plop back down on the bed and take the initiative to start taking your own panties off since he wants to tease but he quickly sees this and grabs for them himself. Yanking them down the rest of the way and then bringing them to his face to sniff them before balling them up and shoving them In his back pocket.
Spreading your legs a little more using his hands Eddie begins to kiss up your thighs and nibble at parts making you whine. He uses his right hand to run a finger through your folds before running it over your clit making you jump. He can tell you're sensitive and getting worked up so he decided to just dive in. He needed a good meal today anyways.
Once he tastes you however his movements become almost ravenous. Like a vampire who hasn’t had blood in centuries. You taste magnificent to him and he can’t get enough. And judging by the loud moans you're eliciting he thinks you may be enjoying it too. He takes a finger and funs it down to your entrance and pushes in making your gasp out a moan as your hands fly down to Eddie’s hair stroking it.
He pushes his finger all the way in and curls it searching for a special spot. He pulls the finger out but when he pushes back in this time he adds a second finger and curls looking for that spot. When he finds it your whole body twitches underneath him and he smiles. He continues to pump his fingers in and out of you at an increasing pace once he can tell you are close by your increased moans and the tensing he can feel around his fingers.
Everything has hun so turned on that he’s practically humping the edge of the bed just to find some relief. You can feel the coil in you about to snap and you’re about to warn him when he adds a third finger and your orgasm washes over you without warning. Whole body convulses as you chant his name as if he were a god.
He helps you ride your high until you gently push his head away from being overstimulated. Pulling his fingers out of you he licks them one at a time until you grab his hand and pull him up to you. Choosing to lick the last finger clean yourself from wanting to know what you taste like. Eddie groans at the sight of it and he grinds down onto you causing you to moan against his fingers.
Eddie stands back up and looks at you. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
You gather some brain cells and attempt to. I’d yes but Eddie isn’t having that. Leaning over you and taking your chin in his fingers, he makes you look at him. “Words sweetheart. Now are you sure you want to do this.”
You take a deep breath. “Yes Ed’s. I want this.”
Now you sit up and begin undoing his pants for him because he’s taking too long and he lets you. He kicks off his jeans and boxers left standing in your room naked and your eyes fixed on his rather large cock. He’s leaking a bit so you take him into your hand and stroke him a few times. He leans into your touch slightly before pulling away. “Sorry baby but I’m not going to last if we keep doing that.”
As he goes to his jacket to get a condom you stand up from the bed and he looks at you with confusion thinking you might have changed your mind. Instead you grab his hand and lead him back to the bed making him sit down first propped up against the headboard. You straddle his hips and take the condom from his hands.
Ripping it open with your teeth and throwing the wrapper on the table next to you. You take the condom and slowly roll it down his cock and fist it to make sure it fits well on him and he groans at the contact. You move to where you’re hovering right over his cock and you hold eye contact as you begin to slide down.
Eddie is bigger than you’ve ever had so the stretch is a little painful but the kind of pain you’d do over and over again. You try to hold eye contact as long as you can but once he’s fully inside you, you can’t help but throw your head back and roll your eyes once he bucks up into you.
Still feeling sensitive from your last orgasm and the way he’s filling up every sense you have, you're very aware that you won’t last long but you don’t mind because you’re pretty sure he won’t either. You begin to roll your hips and bounce a little on him and Eddie is already a moaning mess underneath you.
His head is buried in the crook of your neck as he kissed and bites every spot he can reach as he fucks up into you. His hand reached down between the two of you and begins to rub your sensitive clit and you know you’re about to explode. You begin to bounce even faster and Eddie’s other hand around your waist is so tight that you know you’ll have an Eddie handprint on your waist when this is over.
As Eddie feels you getting closer and knows he’s coming undone as well he moves his head back against the headboard and moves his hand from your waist to your face and makes you turn to look at him. As he thrusts up into you a final time you watch each other’s expressions as your orgasms wash over the both of you and you sigh in relief as you rest your forehead against his. And his hand moves to rub your back gently as he pecks kisses all over your face.
As the two of you get cleaned up and redressed. The two of you end up dancing in your room half naked to a song that came over the radio. “I was made for loving you” played as Eddie held you close to him. Being shocked back when the two of you heard the front door slam close and the sound of keys being thrown on a table is heard. Eddie quickly grabs his things and runs to the window as you follow with his vest in hand. You try to hand it to him but he refuses pecking a kiss on your head.
“Keep it. It’ll give me an excuse to come back and get it.”
“You’re impossible Eddie Munson.”
“You love me for it y/n”
You roll your eyes. “I hate you”
He grabs your jaw and pulls you into one last tender kiss. “You wish you hated me sweetheart” he says with a wink before he disappears from the window.
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mac-cheez · 2 months
My Guide to Surviving the Waynes
This has been sitting in my drafts for a while and I finally finished the ending!! Don't expect an update soon I have no idea when the fancy will strike again and the TMA brain rot is real rn.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Dear Diary,
I was wrong. SO WRONG. You’d think rich people, especially adopted rich people, would be at least a little sane, but no, they’re not and I have no idea how to deal. It’s only been a couple days since my last entry and so much has happened. So here’s what I’ve learned:
Let’s start with the first incident that happened roughly 10 min after my last entry. I had just finished when Tim offered to meet me in the coffee shop outside of the library (he was picking me up from campus)(Alfred was busy). When I walked in I saw him about to order and walked to the side to wait. He looked at the menu for roughly 0.2 sec before looking the barista dead in the eye saying “I’ll have a Vanilla Cold Brew with seven shots of espresso.”
The barista laughed and joked “Damn you want some cocaine with that?” Then he just said, “Sure that too.” and fucking walked away? He didn’t even give his name he just paid and went straight to the pickup area. The most concerning part of that story is that they fucking did it! And he drank the whole goddamn thing without batting an eye! I was highly concerned for his well-being the entire drive home. (I really need to talk to Mr. Wayne about a rental)
What’s even weirder is when we walked into the manor Dick was just hanging from the chandelier. It was sans rope and more acrobatic, but still concerning considering how tall the ceiling was. I’m still not entirely sure how he got up there, but I just walked away hoping to find my sanity once again.
The rest of the day went relatively smoothly with the normal amount of yelling and death threats (still can’t believe this is reality). The next day something actually nice happened while I was off from college and heading to the kitchen for lunch. It was a Friday so most of the house was either at work or school, and it was pretty quiet (thank god). When I walked in one of the others was in there cooking already (Jason I think?). I decided on a sandwich since he was currently using the stove and it was going smoothly till I got to the pickle jar. For whatever reason that thing was tight as hell and was going nowhere. He looked at me and after my fifth try (and many curse words) he held out his hand. I handed the jar to him, and he opened it without trouble.
“I loosened it,” I said trying to hide my embarrassment.
“Uh-huh,” he said distractedly. We sat in awkward silence till I noticed one of the books from the library on the counter. It was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Sign Of The Four. I asked if he was reading it and he said yes. I asked him if he’s gotten to the twist yet and he looked at me puzzled.
“You’ve read The Sign Of The Four?”
“Yeah, not my favorite Sherlock Holmes Novel, but still good nonetheless,” I said not paying attention, “Are you reading unabridged or abridged?”
“Unabridged,” he said, “you into the classics?”
“Totally, I love a good Victorian mystery or gothic horror novel,” I replied.
“You?” I asked.
“More of a Jane Austen fan myself, but I can respect those choices,” he said thoughtfully.
“I’ve never read her works, but if I have a chance I wouldn’t mind trying,” I said. He looked up at me somewhere between excitement and bewilderment.
“Would you like some recommendations?” He said cautiously. I said sure, and he immediately went into a long speech about Jane Austen and her novels. By the time he was done my sandwich and his ramen were long gone. By the end, I had a list of books to read and a new reading buddy to rant about books to. We’ve hung out intermittently since then, and honestly, it was the sanest thing I did all week. However the sanity didn’t last long.
Many other incidents (too many to write) all culminated in this afternoon, when I finally caved and decided if this was my life, it might as well be documented for (at the very least) the enjoyment of others. It was fairly quiet (first clue) and my morning class had been canceled so I was just sitting in the living room doing some work. Everyone else was out and I was about to leave for my 2:30 class when suddenly someone smashed through the window and a smoke bomb was thrown. I honestly thought it was Tim or Jason being weird again, but then the smoke cleared and there was just a bunch of dudes in Green suits with question marks. They looked around and saw me pretty quickly and immediately pointed whatever weapons they had at me. Eventually, some other ones came in the room and said the house was empty and “Wayne is nowhere to be found.” They started arguing till they finally concluded that if none of the Wayne’s were here, I must be the next best thing. Honestly, I can’t even blame them, and at this point I just let it happen.
They put a bag over my head and put me over the strongest one’s shoulder. I was in a car for about an hour before I was potato sack’d again. Once I was placed down, the bag was taken off my head, and I saw that I was in an abandoned-looking warehouse. I saw some more of the brightly clothed men off to the side arguing, one looking even more ridiculous than the others. The extra ridiculous one finally gave up talking to the others(henchmen maybe?) and walked (more like strutted) over to address me.
“Hello guest of Wayne, may I ask your name?” He asked rhyming for some weird ass reason.
“Ah yes but what is it’s whole, for a half shall not know?” He said lilting his voice… ‘whimsically’?
“Your designation that all might know.”
I just continued looking at him with apparent confusion not knowing what the hell is going on. After a minute he hung his head and spoke normally.
“What is your full name?” He sighed.
“Oh! Victoria Blanc,” I said.
“Ah! And what is your relation to the name of Wayne?” He said trying again with the talking in circles bull.
“Look dude usually I could appreciate….. Whatever it is that's happening, but I’ve had one hell of a week so…….”
“Oh come now it couldn’t have been that bad.” He said dismissively.
“Alright bet! You might wanna sit down this is gonna take a minute.”
Once he sat I started explaining everything that had happened since I’d moved to Gotham. As I was explaining more and more of the “henchmen” started joining the crowd.
“He chased him through the manor with a sword?” Riddler asked (at least that's what one of the others called him).
“Yeah, and apparently this is a normal phenomenon,” I said exasperated.
“And here I thought I was crazy.”
“Oh, no this is probably the most sane thing that's happened to me all week,” I said hand waving (They untied me after a while)(I asked nicely).
I was about to continue when suddenly three figures jumped down and got into fighting positions.
“Let her go Riddler!” Said the one in Black and blue(and maybe a bird?)
“Oh, she was free to leave a while ago.” He said casually to the masked people.
“What?” said the one in red.
“Yeah, we even offered to get her away from that mad house,” said Bob.
“Mad House?”
“Yes, it's almost criminal how they act in that house, you bats should really get on that,” ‘Riddler’ said chidingly. 
I didn't really understand why he called them bats since they all looked bird-themed but I didn't bring it up because honestly, weirder things have happened at this point. They agreed to look into it, albeit very confused(and almost offended), and said they still needed to take me back.
“Fine,” ‘Riddler’ sighed heavily, “ but Vic, sweetie, if you need somewhere safe to stay in Gotham I have plenty of friends who will keep you safe while you finish your degree.”
“Yeah, kinda tempting, but I don't think my parents would like that very much, and they are paying for it so…….”
“Very well, offer stands in perpetuity, to Arkham yes?”
“You're not gonna ask a riddle or…..” said the one in red and black.
“Usually I would but honestly I’m far too concerned right now to care.”
After that, they handcuffed him and the other goons (kinda unfair but i guess they did kidnap me) and walked me out to one of the police cars so I could go back to the manor. They offered to drive me but I've seen enough motorcycle crash scene pictures to put the fear of God (thy name is friction) in me. When I got back Mr. Wayne was in the foyer with Alfred and immediately came over to make sure I was ok.
“Yeah, I'm fine Mr. Wayne, honestly I’m more worried about the class I missed than the kidnapping,” I explained.
He seemed concerned by that but had a phone call right after that he needed to take. Alfred walked me to my room (I think to make sure I wasn't concussed) and I just kinda went back to writing and here we are. Can't wait to see what fresh hell awaits me in the coming week……….. Maybe I should've taken Riddler up on that offer.
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russett-pots · 2 years
That Small Moment
Baek Jiheon
Tags: Co-worker sex, oral, fingering, cowgirl, missionary
Word Count: 3.0k
Well, I'm posting my first Jiheon fic. BTW the pic isn't related to the story. I just like it.
Inspiration: Read something on reddit plus one of my dreams. So it is a combination of those two.
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A/N: okay this was set in the future when Fromis disbands so don't take it personally
A/N 2: I dont actually know what Jiheon took in college. I'm just guessing but idk i just went with something that fit the story
The bells rigs. That signals the end of your class. All twenty kids rise from their seats.
“Thank you for the day, seongsaengnim.” The kids say as they bow to you.
“Now! Enjoy your 2025 summer!” You scream.
All of them shout in joy and rush outside of the classroom with their bags and into the hallway. You stay at your teacher’s desk for a while, sighing after the long day and the long school year. It may have been an enjoyable year but now is the much-needed summer break that everyone has been craving.
You exit the classroom and head to the faculty room and into your desk. Everything drops to the table as you sit down on your desk. Now the last thing you have to do is to compute the final grade for your kid’s report cards.
“Hey!” The head teacher comes to you and calls your attention.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Just want to ask you for a favor.”
“Sure. What’s up?”
“Well, can you train the new teacher? She is coming next week.”
“Me? Training the new teacher?”
“Yeah. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”
“Ma’am…me? Can’t you ask Jason to do it?”
“He said he is going to be busy.”
“Ugh! Please, I’m also going to be busy.”
“Okay, do you really want me to order you to do this? Everyone has plans next week.”
“Argh! Fine!”
“Great! By the way, I don’t think you’ll regret this. She is going to be a fun person.”
You sigh and stretch your arms while on the chair.
Another new kid.
As the day ends, you head to the subway with your earphones on and listen to the recently disbanded Fromis_9. On your phone is your favorite comeback “We go” with Jiheon wearing that costume that you have been drooling all over ever since you have seen her in that performance.
Next week
You enter the almost empty faculty room. Most of your colleagues are already out on vacation, enjoying their break. Then there are you still waiting for your trainee to arrive.
The head teacher pops her head out of the door. “She’s here. Come.”
She leads you to her office which is down the hall.
“Okay. She’s a graduate of Seoul Women’s University. Major in Child Development.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Sure. No problem.”
As soon as you reach her office she opens the door and leads you in. Sitting on the chair is Baek Jiheon, your favorite member, your bais, and your dream girl. She stands up and shakes your hand. You notice her cheeks also blush when she looks at you.
Your boss looks at both of you. “Okay now you have met, do you want to show Jiheon around?”
You wake up after staring at Jiheon’s beauty, her smile, her wonderful aura that she emits when she is around. “Yeah. I mean sure!”
“I’m in your care, Sunbaenim.” Jiheon bows at you.
You get nervous and jittery as Jiheon treats you with respect. The head teacher boots both you of out of her office for you to start her training.
“Okay… Ummmm….. Jiheon… I mean Jiheon-ssi? Wher— how do you….? Let’s start.”
“Sunbae? How do you want me to address you? Do you want to be more casual?”
“Okay sure that’s fine. I guess you can call me oppa instead-but when other people are around call me sunbae, okay?”
You start walking around the campus, showing off the canteen, library, computer room, and classrooms.
“Jiheon, I just want to tell you a disclaimer.”
“I’m your—”
Jiheon laughs for a second. “Oppa, I always remember you in our fan signings. I always see you when we have our comebacks. To be honest, I always look forward to seeing you there. But when we disbanded, I was very sad that I won't be able to see you but now we’re here. You’re going to be my sunbae.”
Jiheon nods.
You sign in relief as all of the pressure from seeing your favorite idol has been released. “So that’s our tour. I’ll show you where you’ll be working.” You bring her up to the faculty room and bring Jiheon to her desk. “If you need anything. I’m just going to be over there.”
Throughout the week. You and Jiheon have been working alone in the faculty room. The itch in you for wanting to go out on vacation has been removed by your new co-worker, Baek Jiheon. Both of you smile when you take a glance at each other. Each small moment brightens up your day.
Even if you are a fan and a co-worker, you don’t know how but you are falling for her like you did when you first started following Fromis_9. Having her around makes you feel like the first time you saw her when you are in high school then you went to college you always wasted all of your money on albums in the hope of winning the raffle for the fan sign.
Every time you see her eyes smile across the room, you can sense something from Jiheon. Something special between the two of you. You can’t put it on it yet. Since you are co-workers you have to hide your feelings for her. Even more, a person wanting a former idol to date him? Bad for you, Worse for her.
It’s the last day of the week, the last day of Jiheon’s training. She has to catch everything she has to do. Since she will be working with younger kids. She will be preparing lesson plans for the pre-schoolers.
You sit down on your desk, playing minesweeper, waiting for an email so you can start your day.
As Jiheon enters the faculty room.
“Good morning, Opp— Aaah.” Jiheon falls.
You rush to her and see her on the ground with her ankle swelling. You quickly grab the medical kit from the shelf and open it to get the compression and wrap it around her ankle.
When you wrap it around her ankle. Something hard grows down on your pants. It doesn’t help that Jiheon is pulling up her short pencil skirt. Her smooth skin wrapped around by her pantyhose arouses you.
Jiheon chuckles after seeing your growing cock. You get flustered by Jiheon’s reaction to your embarrassment. As soon as you finish, you help her stand up and lead her to her chair. You let her sit down on her chair.
“You going to be okay, Jiheon?”
“Yeah, thanks to you.” She looks at you.
But crouch to her head level. Your eyes close to each other, face to face.
“Happy that I can help.”
Jiheon puts her hand on your cheek. “Thanks.”
“Ummm, should I go?” You hesitate for a second.
Jiheon looks into your eyes. You can tell she is asking for something. “Ugh fine. If you aren’t going to do it then I will.” She gets slightly impatient. Soon, she leans in and kisses you on the lips.
You won't resist but instead, lean in forward and kiss her deeper. But then you remember,  you pull out and run to your desk.
“Yes, Oppa?”
“I’m your sunbae, right?”
“Oh…okay sunbae? Is everything alright?”
“Just don’t talk about it, okay? It never happened.”
“Yes, Opp—”
“I’m your sunbae, okay?!”
“Yes, sunbae…”
You wipe your lips for a second and swiftly get back to work, ignoring just what happened. You know it is going to be very unprofessional to be with Jiheon and yet you just kissed.
As the day passes by, you focus on your work. But when you look and Jiheon and she looks back, you quickly glance at something else, trying to get rid of that kiss of your mind. Even if it is only the two of you in the room. The tension gets higher, the room gets hotter you can feel sweat coming down your neck.
Then the bell rings, and you have never been out of the door as fast as you can. You wouldn’t have waited for a second longer for you to leave the room.
On the train ride, you look at your wallpaper again.
One Week Later
You sir back down in your chair. Everyone is back from their vacation. Jiheon however just came back from her sooner than expected leave due to her sprained ankle. But you just go back to typing on your computer waiting for you to be able to talk to Jiheon about what happened last week. You prepared a speech and everything on how you shouldn’t be dating and why it is a bad idea both in terms of professionalism and you as a fan.
There was a knock on the door. “Okay since everyone is here. I think I’m going to treat everyone to dinner tonight!” Your boss says.
As everyone cheers, you look at Jiheon. She smiles there with her hands clapping. Things slow down. Her beauty is unbelievable. The one thing you don’t want to happen is those eyes to stop smiling. You want them to stay like that forever, bringing Jiheon all the happiness she deserves.
But there is the other thought that you cannot be with her and all you can do is just be her co-worker and at most a friend.
Later tonight
There you are still sober. Almost half of the faculty is already drunk from soju. You get enough of this atmosphere and decide to go out and get some fresh air. Outside is just a couple of tables with chairs. You take one and sit on it, looking out and appreciating the view. Unbeknownst to you, someone follows you outside.
“Can I join you?”
You get surprised. It’s Jiheon.
“Ummm…..I’ll go back inside.”
“No, please. Let’s talk. We need to talk.”
“Jiheon. I can’t.”
She looks at you. Her eyes calling for you. You sit down as she holds your hand. “Look, Oppa. I like you. You said you also like me.”
“Jiheon, are you drunk?”
“Drunk enough to talk to you but sober enough to know this is what I want.”
“Jiheon… You know why I can’t do this.”
She grabs your hands and pulls you closer to her. “Tell me that you don’t like me.”
You look at her with a hint of vexation. “You know we shouldn’t do this.”. You stand up and as she pulls your arm but you push her away and walk back to the restaurant.
“Oppa! I know you like me. That kiss wasn’t a mistake.”
You stop in your tracks with a fist forming and with your teeth grinning. “Jiheon, don’t make this harder for you and me.”
She slowly walks towards you and grabs your hand. Her scent is impeccable, so sweet and so alluring. Her fingers touch your cheek and turn you around. “It’s not going to be harder if you just listen.”
Your lips collide. All the anger is gone. All the thoughts of you not being together are wiped away. You want to satisfy Jiheon’s desires and that desire is you. You don’t fight, being with the idol of your dream is a goal that you never thought you would obtain.
Jiheon releases you from her lips. “Tell me, does that hurt? Is it that hard?”
You lean your foreheads to each other. “I guess not. Tell me. Is that kiss all?”
“Never in the slightest.”
You push yourself inside Jiheon’s apartment still with lips locked onto each other. As you enter, clothes start flying everywhere. First Jiheon’s shirt then your polo. You kick your shoes away leaving only you with your socks.
With your faces up against each, you chuckle for a bit. You lean back a bit and see her half naked where she sees you too.
“You have been working out.” Jiheon compliments you.
“Nothing much. But you look good too.”
“I haven’t been exercising recently. But thanks.” Her hand rests on your chest as she humbles herself.
You both laugh for a second then you return to kissing each other. As you reach her bedroom, you slam her to the wall and extend her arms above her head. Her luscious lips taste irresistible. Her breast tissue already shows from her extended arms.
From experience, you swiftly undo her bra. But before it drops. Jiheon covers her breasts.
“Sorry, I’m not really confident about them. They’re just…”
“They’re just perfect.”
Your eyes stare at each other as you slowly drop her bra to the floor. “You’re beautiful just the way you are. Trust me. That’s why I have fallen for you.”
She kisses you again. Her arms wrap around your neck. She pushes you back to her bed, making you fall in it.
“If I trust you then you have to trust me. I’m going to give you a good time.” Jiheon breaks the kiss and traces herself down to your pants. Her hand already runs you fully grown length then she kneels in front of you.
She stares at your pants and slowly but swiftly she removes them. Now the only barrier between Jiheon and your cock is your underwear. Your cock twitches as Jiheon stares at it. Her eyes are in amazement at its size.
She peels off the covering and reveals the long hard girthy cock inside your underwear. Her cold hand grasps the warm length. She curiously pumps it, slowly stroking it. Her tongue gives a little lick on the tip.
“Please, tell me. Do you trust me?”
You just nod in either fear or excitement. You can’t tell what kind of emotions Jiheon knows what to bestow upon you but you’re looking forward to more.
She licks from the base to the tip. The rough surface drags a line of exhilaration. A wave of emotions that starts from the base. Her tongue wraps around it then for the lip a nice lick. A quick yet pleasurable nibble.
Her hand begins pumping. Slow strokes turn faster. Fast strokes run in tandem with her sucking. Jiheon’s plump lips suck and surround your stimulated shaft. It runs for more and more. All of the stimuli run throughout your legs.
Jiheon releases her hold of you. “Like that?”
You pull her up and make her lie down on top of you while you lay on the bed. She kisses you on the lips, the soft luscious taste. While this happens your finger lingers underneath and into her pants. Inside you can feel her shaven slit. You play with it for a second before you remove your hand and undo her pants. 
Jiheon moans. Her eyes smile. Her expression turns from someone who wants to please you into someone who is being pleasured. Your hand pulls down her panties and her pants. Now both of you are laying there naked on the bed. Your finger invites itself inside the walls of Jiheon.
“Argh,” Jiheon whispers to your ear. “Please…. Don’t stop. It’s…. so good.”
You finger her more, finger her faster. Soon she loses herself. The urge and surge of euphoria are entering her. Your finger has clearly done more to her than her mouth has done to you. Yet you have enjoyed her oral stimulation.
After reaching her third orgasm, she grabs your wrist as it was about to enter her one more time.
“Come on. I shouldn’t have all the fun.” Jiheon reminds you. “Please let me let you enjoy this moment.”
She gets on top of you and with her butt resting right above your crotch. All of her perfect body can be seen. Her milky white midriff, her perfect perky breasts, and the bright expression in her smiling eyes.
She lifts herself and aligns herself to your protruding cock. She fits the tip on the entrance of her slit. At first, the head enters. You can see Jiheon’s eyes show pleasure. Soon it goes halfway, her face shows a hint of pain. But as she fully impales herself with your cock. All of that pain goes away and the sensual experience begins.
She moves up and down your shaft. You hold on to her waist while she grabs your shoulders. You can feel the tightness of her walls. While she can feel the girth of your length. You grunt while she moans. You guide her pace, moving steadily not too fast yet enough for you to enjoy the moment. 
You pull her down to you while she still rides your cock. But instead of moving forward, you turn her around where you are in control. Now you are on top of her, either hand on each side of her chest while your cock is still inserted inside her.
“Like that?” You ask.
She nods while laughing, amused with the situation.
“Now tell me, are you going to enjoy this?” You ask for a second time.
This time you thrust inside her, getting in harder than she was riding. You push your cock in deeper and deeper after each step. Jiheon raises her voice after each round of pleasure. It grows louder and louder after every second.
Soon sweat starts to drip down from your nose and it falls to Jiheon’s breasts. She doesn’t notice so you just continue and push in deeper. After a while, you look at her happy face and kiss it. First on the cheek then on the neck, it moves to her lips. This silences her. She pulls you in closer for the kiss. A strong and passionate make-out session occurs while you still get in on her in the classic missionary style.
“Fuck, Jiheon. I’m going to cum.” You can feel your legs grow weak and your orgasm is about to come.
“Wait. Please not inside.”
You quickly pull out your cock and as soon as it comes out. It spews all of your seed all over her abs. Your breath starts to slowly go down. Each exhale comes out of your nostrils as you lay next to her.
“So, sunbae? What’s next?”
You turn to the side. “Oppa. You can call me oppa again.” You say as you kiss her on the lips.
“So what are we going to tell our co-workers?” Jiheon jokingly remarks.
“What are we going to tell your fans?”
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
College Road Trip (Request)
Thank you for the idea @princessmermaid1289!
Words: 1,325
Warnings: None, pure fluff
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“Really, Travis?” You raised your eyebrows at your boyfriend who was in the driver’s seat. “What?” He glanced at you quickly, trying to keep his eyes on the road. “Jonas Brothers, huh?” you asked as you scrolled through the music catalogue on his phone. The two of you were driving to meet your little sister at college to help her move in for her freshman year. “Hey, no judgement on my music choices! If I remember correctly, we’ve listened to N*SYNC in the car many times.” You rolled your eyes before you selected the Usher Confessions album, setting the phone down in the cup holder. You crossed your arms, settling into your seat. You had been on the road for about four hours and had another four hours to go before you got to your destination.
Boredom was starting to build as you shifted around trying to get comfortable. “What’s wrong, baby?” Travis called out to you as he took a sip of his energy drink. “Nothing” you huffed. Travis just scoffed, knowing you were lying through your teeth. He placed a hand on your shaking thigh, steadying you. “Talk to me, please.”
“I always knew this day was coming, my baby sister going to college. But now that it’s here, I’m just so nervous for her.” You boyfriend nodded his head in acknowledgement, allowing you to continue. He drew circles on your thigh with his thumb as you spoke. You were quickly getting emotional, your words getting caught in your throat. “I just remember her being 5 years old like it was yesterday, annoying the shit out of me.” You chuckled, thinking back on the memories. “I know, baby. Buy she’s gonna have the time of her life.” He patted your thigh before returning his hand to the steering wheel.
“Thanks for agreeing to come with me. She’s gonna be really excited to see you.”
“I love Liv like a sister, and she’s gonna love Cincinnati. I’m a campus legend, ya know?” You laughed at Travis. He was probably more excited than your family was when Olivia decided to go to the University of Cincinnati, Travis’ alma mater. He bought her practically every sweatshirt the school had available and planned to give her the inside tour once you got to campus. “You’re so sweet to her. It’s always been just her and I, so she has loved having two brothers in you and Jason”. You turned your focus to the road, the Ohio countryside the only thing visible for miles. Travis cleared his throat, “Do you ever think about our kids, and where they’ll go to college?” You smiled to yourself, your heart immediately warming at the thought that Travis was thinking about your future together. “I wouldn’t say that I’ve gotten that far, but I’ve definitely thought about our babies.” “Yeah?” Travis was beaming as he looked at you. You grabbed his hand, squeezing his fingers like you did whenever you were stressed.
“Of course. I want at least three kids, and I know for sure I want our first son to be named Alexander.” “I really like that name.” “Yeah, me too.” You smiled to yourself as you looked out the window. The sun was setting behind you, your eyes beginning to get heavy. You yawned, and Travis caught it out of the corner of his eye. “Go to sleep baby, I’ve got you.” You turned to him, trying to shake off your tiredness. “No, I’m good. I’m not sleeping, just resting my eyes.” Travis laughed, knowing you were going to be letting out cute little snores in no more than five minutes. Sure enough, you were in a deep sleep as you finally entered Cincinnati, the campus about 45 minutes away. “Wake up, baby.” Travis whispered as he stroked your cheek.” He had parked the car, gotten the room keys, and taken the bags up to the room, all without waking you in the front seat.” You stirred around before finally opening your eyes, confused about where you were. “Are we already at the hotel?” You groaned as you tried to slip your shoes on half asleep. “What time is it?” You held your phone in front of your face, the florescent backlight blinding you. “It’s 12:30, baby. I’ve got the room key already.” Travis grabbed your phone and your purse, helping you out of the car.
You leaned on his chest as you rode the elevator up to your room, Travis stroking your hair. “I don’t think I can take any more steps, I’m so tired.” You grumbled out in between a couple of yawns. “I’ve got you.” The doors to the elevator opened, Travis picking you up bridal style, carrying you through the threshold.  You giggled, wrapping your arm around his neck as he carried you to the room. “You’re ridiculous, you know that? I was just joking about not being able to walk.” He placed you gently down on the bed, before walking to the door and making sure it was locked. “I’ll take any excuse to carry you.” He planted a kiss on your lips before he headed to the bathroom. “I’m gonna take a shower, try to get this road trip stink off of me.” You gave him a small smile as you laid on the bed, not bothering to change your clothes.
You woke up the next morning to the sound of Travis on the phone. After a few seconds you could tell it was your sister on the other line. “Yeah, we’re excited to see you too, just waiting for your sister to wake up.” You kept your eyes closed, listening in closely. “Did they place you in Schneider Hall? I called the school to make sure they put you in the best dorm. Oh, don’t worry about it, they owed me a favor anyway. I put their school on the map.” You chuckled, Travis turning around to see you were awake. “Alright, see you in a little bit.” He hung up the phone before coming to lay next to you on the bed. “You didn’t have to do that for her.” You snuggled up into his neck. “I wanted to. I want her to have the best time at UofC. She deserves it.”
“What time do we have to meet her?” “I told her we’d be there in an hour, move in starts at 9.”
Campus was buzzing with families helping their children move into their dorms, the roads, and sidewalks equally crowded. It took about 30 minutes of circling the block before you finally saw your sister waving you down in front of Schneider Hall. Travis quickly parked the car before jumping out to greet Olivia. He grabbed her into a hug, lifting her tiny body off the ground. “Good to see you too, Travis”, she laughed as he placed her down. “Sorry, I’m just so excited for you! Let’s get started.”
Once Olivia had been moved into the dorms, you and Travis were standing in her room while she went to get her keys and check in officially downstairs. “I bet you brought a bunch of girls back to your dorm when you were here.” You looked out the window waiting for his response, half joking, half hoping he wasn’t a player in a past life. “I had one girlfriend all of college, I was too tired most of the time.” You laughed, letting out a breath in relief at his response. “Do you think we would have dated if we went to the same college?” You asked Travis as you wrapped your arms around him. “Hell yeah, we would’ve. I would’ve followed you around campus if you asked me to.” He pulled you into a passionate kiss, your lips lingering together. “Can you guys stop? I really wanted to be the first one to kiss someone in my dorm.” You separated, turning to see your sister standing in the doorway. “Uh, no boys.” Travis joked. “Take it from someone who knows. The boys who go here are nothing but trouble.”
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thewidowsghost · 1 year
Seeing the Beauty (Jackson!Reader x Piper McLean) - Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Jason wakes in the backseat of a school bus, not sure where he is, sitting beside a girl he doesn’t know. He shakes her head slightly, rubbing his eyes, trying to think.
A few dozen kids sprawl in the seats in front of him, listening to iPods, talking, or sleeping. They all look around his age . . . fifteen? Sixteen? Okay, that’s scary, he thinks, closing his eyes. I don’t know my own age.
The bus rumbles along a bumpy road and Jason’s eyes open again, he looks over at the girl he’s holding hands with. The girl was cute, but he doesn’t know who she is or what he’s doing there. Outside, desert rolls by under a bright blue sky. Jason is pretty sure that he doesn’t live in the desert. He tries to think back . . . the last thing he remembers . . .
The girl squeezes his hand. “Jason, you okay?”
She is wearing faded jeans, hiking boots, and a fleece snowboarding jacket. Her chocolate brown hair is cut choppy and uneven, with thin strands braided down the sides. She wears no makeup like she is trying not to draw attention to herself, but it doesn’t work. She is seriously pretty. Her eyes seem to change color like a kaleidoscope - brown, blue, and green.
Jason lets go of her hand. “Um, I don’t -”
In the front of the bus, a teacher shouts, “All right, cupcakes, listen up!” The guy is obviously a coach. His baseball cap is pulled low over his hair, so the students can just see his beady eyes. He has a wispy goatee and a sour face, as if he’d just eaten something moldy. His buff arms and chest push against a bright orange polo shirt; his nylon workout pants and Nikes are spotless white. A whistle hangs from his neck, and a megaphone is clipped to his belt. He would’ve looked pretty scary if he hadn’t been five feet zero. When he stands up in the aisle, one of the students calls, “Stand up, Coach Hedge!”
“I heard that!” the coach scans the bus for the offender. Then his eyes fix on Jason, and then the girl sitting right in front of him.
A jolt goes down Jason’s spine. He is sure that the coach knows he shouldn’t be there. He was going to call Jason out, demanding to know what he's doing on the bus - and Jason would have no clue what to say.
But Coach Hedge looks away and clears his throat. “We’ll arrive in five minutes! Stay with your partner. Don’t lose your worksheet. And if any of you precious little cupcakes causes any trouble on this trip, I will personally send you back to campus the hard way.” He picks up a baseball bat and makes like he is hitting a homerun.
Jason looks at the girl next to him. “Can he talk to us like that?”
She shrugs. “Always does. This is the Wilderness School. ‘Where the kids are the animals’.” She says it like it is a joke they’d shared before.
“This is some kind of mistake,” Jason says. “I’m not supposed to be here.”
The girl in the seat in front of him turns to meet his gaze. Jason starts slightly at the girl’s features, sea-green eyes, close cropped (H/c) hair, and scars littering her face.
“Same,” she meets Jason’s gaze with the same unsteady look he figured was gleaming in his own eyes.
The boy beside the green eyed girl turns and laughs. “Yeah, right, Jason. We’ve all been framed! I didn’t run away six times. Piper didn’t steal a BMW. (Y/n) didn’t flood four school bathrooms.”
The (H/c) haired girl’s, (Y/n), Jason supposes, eyes widen significantly.
Piper blushes. “I didn’t steal that car, Leo!”
“Oh, I forgot, Piper. What was your story? You talked the dealer into lending it to you?” he raises his eyes at Jason like, Can you believe her?
Leo looks like a Latino Santa’s elf, with curly black hair, pointy ears, a cheerful, babyish face, and a mischievous smile that told people right away that this guy shouldn’t be trusted with matches or sharp objects. His long, nimble fingers wouldn’t stop moving - drumming on the seat, sweeping his hair behind his ears, fiddling with the buttons of his army fatigue jacket. Either Leo is naturally hyper or he is hopped up on enough sugar and caffeine to give a heart attack to a water buffalo.
“Anyway,” Leo tells Jason, “I hope you’ve got your worksheet, ’cause I used mine for spit wads days ago. Why are you looking at me like that? Somebody draw on my face again?”
“I don’t know you,” Jason says, meeting a wary (Y/n)’s eye.
Leo gives him a crocodile grin. “Sure. I’m not your best friend. I’m his evil clone.”
“Leo Valdez!” Coach Hedge yells from the front. “Problem back there?”
Leo winks at Jason. “Watch this.” He turns to the front. “Sorry, Coach! I was having trouble hearing you. Could you use your megaphone, please?”
Coach Hedge grunts like he is pleased to have an excuse. He unclips the megaphone from his belt and continues giving directions, but his voice comes out like Darth Vader’s. The kids crack up. The coach tries again, but this time the megaphone blares: “The cow says moo!” The kids howl, and the coach slams down the megaphone. “Valdez!”
Piper stifles a laugh. “My god, Leo. How did you do that?”
Leo slips a tiny Phillips head screwdriver from his sleeve. “I’m a special boy.”
“Guys, seriously,” (Y/n)’s eyebrows are furrowed with confusion. “What am I doing here? Where are we going?”
Piper knits her eyebrows as Jason nods. “Are you two kidding?”
“No! I have -”
“No! I have no idea -”
“Aw, yeah, he’s joking,” Leo says. “He’s trying to get me back for that shaving cream on the Jell-O thing, aren’t you?”
Jason stares at him blankly. “No, I think he’s serious.”
Piper tries to take his hand again, but he pulls it away. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I don’t - I can’t -”
“That’s it!” Coach Hedge yells from the front. “The back row has just volunteered to clean up after lunch!”
The rest of the kids cheer.
“There’s a shocker,” Leo mutters. But Piper kept her eyes between (Y/n) and Jason, like she can’t decide whether to be hurt or worried. “Did you hit your head or something? You really don’t know who we are?”
Jason shrugged helplessly. “It’s worse than that. I don’t know who I am.”
(Y/n) lets out a grunt of agreement.
. . .
The bus drops the students off in front of a big red stucco complex like a museum, just sitting in the middle of nowhere.
Maybe that’s what it is, Jason thinks, the National Museum of Nowhere.
A cold wind blows across the desert.
(Y/n) hadn’t paid much attention to what she is wearing, but she’s glad for how warm it is: black jeans and sneakers, a tattered orange t-shirt, and a black bomber jacket.
“So, a crash course for the amnesiacs,” Leo says, in a helpful tone that makes Jason think this is not going to be helpful. “We go to the ‘Wilderness School’”- Leo makes air quotes with his fingers. “Which means we’re ‘bad kids.’ Your family, or the court, or whoever, decided you were too much trouble, so they shipped you off to this lovely prison - sorry, ‘boarding school’ - in Armpit, Nevada, where you learn valuable nature skills like running ten miles a day through the cacti and weaving daisies into hats! And for a special treat we go on ‘educational’ field trips with Coach Hedge, who keeps order with a baseball bat. Is it all coming back to you now?”
“No.” Jason glances apprehensively at the other kids: maybe twenty guys, about a dozen girls. None of them look like hardened criminals, but he wonders what they’d all done to get sentenced to a school for delinquents, and he wonders why he belongs with them.
Leo rolls his eyes. “You’re really gonna play this out, huh?” he questions. “Okay, so the three of us started here this semester.” He looks over at (Y/n). “You’ve been here forever, you were like, twelve, when you arrived.”
(Y/n) blinks confusedly. That doesn’t feel right, she thinks.
“We’re totally tight,” Leo continues. “You do everything I say and give me your dessert and do my chores -”
“Leo!” Piper snaps, seeing the devastatingly confused look on (Y/n)’s face.
“Fine. Ignore that last part. But we are friends. Well, Piper’s a little more than Jason’s friend, the last few weeks -”
“Leo, stop it!” Piper and Jason’s face goes red. Jason thinks that he’d remember that he’d been going out with a girl like Piper. “They’ve got amnesia or something,” Piper goes on. “We’ve got to tell somebody.”
Leo scoffs. “Who, Coach Hedge? He’d try to fix them by whacking them upside the heads.”
The coach is at the front of the group, barking orders and blowing his whistle to keep the kids in line’ but every so often, he’d look at both Jason and (Y/n) and scowl.
“Leo, Jason and (Y/n) need help,” Piper insists. “They’ve got concussions or -”
“Yo, Piper,” One of the other guys drop back to join them as the group is heading into the museum. The new guy wedges himself between Jason and Piper and knocks Leo down. “Don’t talk to these bottom-feeders. You’re my partner, remember?”
The new guy has dark hair cut Superman style, a deep tan, and teeth so white they should’ve come with a warning label: Do not stare directly at teeth. Permanent blindness may occur. He is wearing a Dallas Cowboys jersey, Western jeans and boots, and he smiles like he was God’s gift to juvenile delinquent girls everywhere. Jason hates him instantly.
“Go away, Dylan,” Piper grumbles. “I didn't ask to work with you.”
“Ah, that’s no way to be. This is your lucky day!” Dylan hooks his arm through hers and drags her through the museum entrance. Piper shoots one last look over her shoulder like, 911.
A girl wearing jeans and a pink top and enough makeup for a Halloween party stalks over to (Y/n).
“Come on, cutie,” the girl places a hand on (Y/n)’s bicep. “You’re my partner.” The girl, Isabel, pulls (Y/n) by the arm.
. . .
The students walk through the building, stopping here and there for Coach Hedge to lecture them with his megaphone, which alternatively makes him sound like a Sith Lord or blares out random comments like, “The pig says oink.”
Leo keeps pulling out nuts, bolts, and pipe cleaners from the pockets of his army jacket and putting them together, like he has to keep his hands busy at all times.
Jason is too distracted to pay much attention to the exhibits, but they are about the Grand Canyon and the Hualapai tribe, which own the museum.
Some girls keep looking over at Piper and Dylan and snickering, one of which happened to be (Y/n)’s partner, Isabel. All the girls were wearing matching jeans and pink tops; Jason presumes that they are the popular clique.
One of them says, “Hey, Piper, does your tribe run this place? Do you get in free if you do a rain dance?”
The other girls laugh; even Piper’s partner Dylan suppresses a smile. (Y/n)’s jaw tightens angrily.
Piper’s snowboarding jacket sleeves hid her hands, but (Y/n) gets the feeling that the brunette is clenching her fists. “My dad’s Cherokee,” Piper says. “Not Hualapai. ‘Course, you’d need a few brain cells to know the difference, Isabel.”
Isabel widens her eyes in mock surprise, turning to (Y/n) and grasping her bicep again. “You wouldn’t let her talk to me like that, would you, hun?” Isabel squeezes the muscle a few times, smirking to herself.
(Y/n) raises an eyebrow, ripping her arm from Isabel’s grasp. “I think Piper can talk to you however she likes.”
The group shuffles on, but the girls keep calling out little comments to Piper.
“Good to be back on the rez?” one of them asks in a sweet voice.
“Dad’s probably too drunk to work,” another says with fake sympathy. “That’s why she turned klepto.”
Piper ignores them, but (Y/n) is ready to punch them herself. She may not remember Piper, or even who she is, but (Y/n) knows she hates mean kids.
. . .
They reach the far end of the exhibit hall, where some big glass doors lead out to a terrace.
“All right, cupcakes,” Coach Hedge announces. “You are about to see the Grand Canyon. Try not to break it. The skywalk can hold the weight of seventy jump jets, so you featherweights should be safe out there. If possible, try to avoid pushing each other over the edge, as that would cause me extra paperwork.”
The coach opens the doors and all the students step outside. The Grand Canyon spreads before them, live and in person. Extending over the edge is a horseshoe-shaped walkway made of glass, so they could see right through it.
Jason has to agree. Despite his amnesia, and his feeling that he doesn’t belong here, he can’t help being impressed.
The canyon is bigger and wider than anyone could appreciate from a picture. The students are so high up that birds circle below their feet. Five hundred feet below, a river snakes along the canyon floor. Banks of storm clouds had moved overhead while they’d been inside, casting shadows like angry faces across the cliffs. As far as Jason can see in any direction, red and gray ravines cut through the desert like some crazy god had taken a knife to it.
Jason gets a piercing pain behind his eyes. Crazy gods . . .Where had he come up with that idea? He feels like he’d gotten close to something important - something he should know about. He also gets the unmistakable feeling that he is in danger.
“You all right?” Leo questions. “You’re not going to throw up over the side, are you? ’Cause I should’ve brought my camera.”
Jason grabs the railing. He is shivering and sweaty, but it has nothing to do with heights. He blinks, and the pain behind his eyes subsides. “I’m fine,” he manages. “Just a headache.”
Thunder rumbles overhead; a cold wind almost knocks Jason sideways.
“This can’t be safe.” Leo squints at the clouds. “Storm’s right over us, but it’s clear all the way around. Weird, huh?”
“All right, cupcakes!” Coach Hedge yells. He frowns at the storm like it bothers him too. “We may have to cut this short, so get to work! Remember, complete sentences!”
The storm rumbles and (Y/n)’s head begins to hurt. Not knowing why she does it, she reaches into the pocket of her jeans and pulls out a ballpoint pen. The cap is blue, and τσουνάμι is engraved on the side in blue writing. (Y/n) doesn’t even take a minute to translate the Greek - Tsunami.
(Y/n)’s gaze follows Jason as he walks across the skywalk. (Y/n) shoves the pen back into her pocket and shoves the worksheet at Isabel, before jogging over to Coach Hedge and Jason, who’d just arrived next to the coach.
“Did you do this?” the coach asks them.
Jason takes a step back. “Do what?”
(Y/n) thinks it sounds as though the coach thought that they had created the thunderstorm.
Coach Hedge glares at them, his beady little eyes glinting under the brim of his cap. “Don’t you two play games with me. What are you two doing here, and why are you messing up my job?”
(Y/n) and Jason exchange glances. “You mean . . . you don’t know us?” Jason asks. “We’re not your students?”
Hedge snorts. “Never seen either of you before today?”
(Y/n) is so relieved she almost wants to cry. At least she isn’t going insane - she wasn’t supposed to be here. “Look, sir. I don’t know how we got here. We both woke up on the bus. All I know is I’m not supposed to be here.”
Jason grunts in agreement.
“Got that right,” Hedge’s gruff voice drops to a murmur, like she is sharing a secret. “One ‘uh you two’ve got a powerful way with the Mist, if you can make all these people think they know you two; but you can’t fool me. I’ve been smelling monster for days now. I knew we had an infiltrator, neither of you smell like a monster. You smell like half-bloods. So - who are you, and where’d you two come from?”
Most of what the coach says doesn’t make sense, but (Y/n) decides to answer honestly. “I don’t know who I am. I don’t have any memories. Y-you’ve got to help me.”
Coach Hedge studies (Y/n)’s face as if he’s trying to read her thoughts; then he studies Jason.
“Great,” Hedge mutters. “You’re being truthful.”
“Of course we are!” Jason replies. “And what was all that about monsters and half-bloods? Are those code words, or something?”
Hedge narrows his eyes. Part of Jason wonders if the guy is just nuts, but the other part knows better.
“Look,” Hedge says, “I don’t know who you are. I just know what you are, and it means trouble. Now I have to protect four of you rather than two. Are you the special package? Is that it?”
“What’re you talking about?” Jason and (Y/n) ask in unison.
Hedge looks over the storm. The clouds are getting thicker and darker, hovering right over the skywalk.
“This morning,” Hedge says, “I got a message from camp. They said an extraction team is on the way. They’re coming to pick up a special package, but they wouldn’t give me details. I thought to myself, Fine. The two I’m watching are pretty powerful, older than most. I know they’re being stalked. I can smell a monster in the group. I figure that’s why the camp is suddenly frantic to pick them up. But then you two pop up out of nowhere. So, are you two the special package?”
The pain behind (Y/n)’s eyes gets worse than ever. Half-bloods. Camp. Monsters. She doesn’t know what Hedge is talking about, but the words give her a massive brain freeze - like her mind is trying to access information that should’ve been there, but isn’t.
(Y/n) stumbles, and Coach Hedge catches her. For a short guy, the coach has hands like steel, (Y/n) thinks. “Whoa, there, cupcake. You say you got no memories, huh? Fine. I’ll just have to watch you guys, too, until the team gets here. We’ll let the director figure things out.”
“What director?” Jason asks. “What camp?”
“Just sit tight. Reinforcements should be here soon. Hopefully nothing happens before -”
Lightning crackles overhead. The wind picks up with a vengeance. Worksheets fly into the Grand Canyon, and the entire bridge shutters. Kids scream, stumbling and grabbing the rails.
“I had to stay something,” Hedge grumbles. He bellows into his megaphone, “Everyone inside! The cow says moo! Off the skywalk!”
“I thought you said this thing was stable!” Jason shouts over the wind.
“Under normal circumstances,” Hedge agrees, “which these aren’t. Come on.”
Word Count: 3227 words
Let me know if you’d like to be added :)
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mxngldmxdnsss · 2 years
maybe a jason carver smut where reader helps him ‘celebrate’ (iykyk 🥴) after the tigers win a game? (sub reader)
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one of these nights - jason carver
I don’t really see Jason as a dom, I definitely do see him as a complete virgin though
cw! underage drinking, alcohol mention, hellfire!reader, handjob, unprotected sex, cum eating, praising and slight overstim
sexual content ahead : proceed with caution
It’d been a couple of months since you started secretly seeing Jason Carver behind your party’s backs. You knew they’d never forgive you, for taking a liking to The Asshole of Hawkins High. Well, at least that’s what they called him.
Sometimes you were tempted to tell them to not he so hard on the star basketball player, but you knew they’d find it suspicious. Just like how they found it suspicious that Jason and his stupid team’s teasing had let up. Unbeknownst to them, it was because you were sneaking around with who they hated the most.
But after all those years of constant glares, sneers and insults, you somehow found yourself giggling in the back of Jason’s car as he peppered soft kisses on your face and neck. ‘Warming up for my most important play of the year.’ Was what he called it. Well excused it. It was risky, especially during lunch when everyone was out walking around in the parking lot trying to find friends and such. Anyone could peek through the car window and expose what would be the talk of the rest of the year.
You knew being apart of Hellfire meant being caught parading around with a jock, of all people would cause unwanted rumors, gossip and opinions to stain your already soiled reputation. It’s not like you were a bad kid, no, you were far from it, sure you stayed out late and messed around, in the safety of Gareth’s garage, practicing your next song until it was midnight. But its not like you were hurting anyone.
But you weren’t naive about the things you were doing either. You knew you’d be called a snake, a whore, anything with a negative connotation for leading Jason from the life untouched by freaks. But if Jason didn’t care, then neither should you.
You two figured that once you both graduated, that you’d leave town once Jason was set off for college, his parents offered to get him an apartment separate from the campus so he would have his own free time, and Jason promised that he’d take you with him, that after he graduated university, that you two could just ditch whatever life his parents and town had wanted for him.
It made you feel bad sometimes, that maybe everyone was right and you were just an illness, a disease, plaguing his mind with ideas far from righteousness. But fuck, you forgot all about that when you got to sneak out and enjoy time with your boyfriend.
Even when you two were away, you couldn’t stop thinking about that damn fantasy. About finally having something you could rub in the town’s face. L
You were anxious all day, first, you had your final campaign with your friends after school. Second, Jason had wracked your nerves along with his, worrying about playing his heart out in a game that could bring pride back go the Tigers. But you tried your best to stay calm.
After what felt like forever, the final bell of the day rang, and you rushed to find your usual spot to meet up with Jason and give him, his much begged for, good luck kiss. You exchanged some words of encouragement before setting off to your usual after school spot.
There sat your party leader, Eddie, revved up, per usual. He had a big goofy grin on his face and you returned it. “Ah, Y/N, I hope you’re ready for what is about to come.” You stifled a low giggle and sat tall in your seat. “Now why wouldn’t I be, you think I’m scared?”
Eddie laughed heartily, patting your shoulder as he waited for the arrival of your party members.
When you all finally defeated Vecna, you felt like you were going to pass out. You could only wonder how the basketball game had gone.
Packing up your things you headed out of the barely lit school. Trying to spot Jason as people filed out of the gymnasium. Gareth had offered his place for celebration but you declined as the rest of the guys tagged along. Eddie took off to do whatever he did but you stood, waiting.
When at least ten minutes had passed you grew wary, maybe Jason was going to celebrate with his friends, its not like you could boss him around. You pushed yourself off the wall you were leaning against and began to make your way to the pay phone to call Gareth to come pick you up. As you picked up the phone you were pulled into a massive hug.
You smiled to yourself, feeling Jason’s nose press into your neck. He was so happy, his senior year was almost finished, his team had won their final game and the love of his life was in his arms. “I think I’m dreamin’ sweetheart.” Jason muttered into your ear.
You turned and cupped Jason’s face, he looked star struck. “Oh? Do you need me to pinch you?” Jason’s smile grew and he pulled you flush against his chest. “No I need you to kiss me.”
Slapping his arm, you wrapped your arms around Jason’s neck and pulled him in for a chaste kiss, pulling away as he chased your lips for more. Before you could come up with a comment to further tease him, you heard his friends call for him. The both of you jumped, trying to collect yourselves as Jason turned around and gave them an award winning smile, while you ducked your head and moved so they wouldn’t see you.
“Jason, we’re gonna head to Benny’s you comin’ or not? We invited some smokin’ cheerleaders.” Jason wrapped his arm around your shoulders, quickly coming up with a lie about going home to grab something and bring back more beers. Once the group pulled off, Jason turned his attention back to you.
“What do you wanna do baby?” Jason walked you to his car, his letterman thrown across your body. You climbed into his car, quickly warming up with the heater. “Mm anything really, we can hang for a while then you can go drink with your buddies if you want?” You smiled over at Jason, pulling his jacket closer to you.
“Nah, I don’t think I wanna celebrate with them this time. I oughta but, I think a championship deserves more than alcohol.” You giggled, wondering if Jason was as naive as he sounded. “Oh? What does a champion like you deserve that’s worth more than that?”
You wouldn’t push it just yet, waiting until you got home to go in for the biggest tease. “Mm not sure, beer does sound very valuable to a winner huh?”
Pulling into the driveway, you pretended to think about the question hangin in the air. Jason was quick to wrap his arm around you as he made his way to his room. Plopping down on his bed as you sat in front of him.
“I mean, if you really want to go with your teammates, it’ll be alright with me.” Good, why not play dumb, even with loads of sexual ideas piled in your mind. Why pass up on a perfect chance to finally have sex with your boyfriend? Under the guise of celebrating that is.
“No, I’d much rather spend time with you than them.” Jason smiled up at you, without a damn clue of the growing sexual tension. “I mean, I do have an idea on what we could do but as long as you’re okay with it.”
Jason was confused, you didn’t need his permission for an idea, it’s not like it was anything dangerous right? “Of course, you know I’m on board with all of your ideas.” It made your stomach flutter with nervousness.
You reached out to touch Jason’s knee, he cocked his head in confusion until you traced your fingers up his thigh. He swallowed, flushing with embarrassment as you gazed up at him through your lashes for approval. “Oh.. do you really want to..?”
Humming a soft ‘yes’ you tugged at his belt. Once Jason got the message, he quickly, and sloppily pulled it off. You pulled away, patting Jason’s legs so you could get into a lotus-esc position. “Take your khakis off.”
And Jason obeyed, sucking in a breath as you palmed him and reached into his boxers to grab his hard on. “You don’t have to Y/N..”
“Oh but I want to. You earned it Jason, enjoy it.” He nodded, jerking his hips into your hand as you began to slowly circle your thumb across his slit. He’d always thought about this moment, always imagined it being much more romantic than this but you both were already too far gone to start over.
You pulled Jason’s boxers down a bit further, going back to grab him. Hearing Jason’s breath hitch and shudder made you squirm in your pants. Dragging your fist up, you looked back up at Jason, watching as his face contorted.
He rested his head on you shoulder as your movements gained more fluidity. It was driving him insane, having you touching him so. Jason moaned into your ear as you gripped the base of his cock a little tighter. Fuck he didn’t if he was gonna last very long.
“Mm feels good. ‘So good to me.” Jason was surely drunk off of the pleasure. His words slurring was he grabbed your wrist and forearm. “M’ close.”
He bucked his hips up into your hand, knowing his release was going to hit him like a freight train. All he needed was your soft words of encouragement.
“Go ahead baby, I don’t mind.” You whispered into Jason’s shoulder, feeling him shiver before whining into your neck. You watched as cum dribbled down your knuckles and waited for Jason to catch his breath.
You pulled away, bringing your palm up to your mouth as you licked Jason’s release off of your skin. He groaned at the sight, before beginning to peel his shirt off. Encouraging you to do the same.
Jason pulled you back into his arms, beginning to press open mouthed kisses to your skin. You sighed say he dragged his teeth against your collarbone.
“We don’t have to have so much foreplay Jason.” If anything, foreplay was turning you off, you were already so riled up.
You laid down on Jason’s sheets, waiting for him to pull off your panties and his boxers. He was nervous, he didn’t wanna hurt you but he wanted you so much.
He pushed his tip into your already wet hole, trying not to moan as your pussy wrapped around his dick. You were wetter than he imagined, your sopping cunt was coating him in juices. It helped him push into you, his tip kissing your cervix as he fisted the sheets.
You let him know you were ready, and Jason began to drag his cock against your walls, forcing a soft moan out of your throat. He grabbed at your hips, trying to stabilize himself before he came too early.
He picked up a soft pace as you both got used to the feeling. Your soft whimpers and moans complimented his low grunts and pants. Jason was embarrassed, hearing loud, wet squelching come from your cunt as he picked up a deeper and harder pace.
You grabbed at his muscly arms, digging your nails into his skin as he thrusted into you. Gasping as he leaned foreword, angling your hips up to reach that extra sensitive part of your pussy.
“Mm baby, ‘feel so good, ‘love you so much.” Jason mumbled into your ear, finally letting out moans and whimpers as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Jason’s thrusts were sloppy and unpaced, he could withstand hours of practice for sports but he could not last when it came to you. All that leg power and stamina had gone down the drain when you moaned into Jason’s ear and and wrapped your arms around his back and bucked your hips up into his pelvis.
Happy trail stimulating your clit as you neared your orgasm. You pawed at Jason’s hand, attempting to push it between the two of you as he rocked the bed. You showed him what you wanted and threw your head back as Jason’s calloused thumb rubbed figure 8’s on your clit.
“Right there Jason-baby, ‘love you too.” You pulled back, kissing Jason as you clenched your thighs around his hips, trapping him in your pussy as you clenched around him and came. Your muscles twitched as you felt Jason pick up his pace just for a moment before pushing you up against the headboard.
Humping your hips as he came again. Once you released Jason, he pulled out, cum coating his dick as he did his best to gather all of the remaining juices leaking from your hole before pushing it all back in.
Jason laid right next to you, panting as he look up at you dreamily. “How was that for celebrating?” You giggled, watching Jason blush again.
“It was amazing sweetheart, you were amazing, I love you.” You smiled at Jason, pushing back hair that was sticking to his forehead. “I love you too.”
He wrapped an arm around your torso, pulling you close to him as he stared off into space. “What do you wanna do now?” You grinned cherishly at him.
Still so thickskulled. “Dunno, we could always go again, you did win two games in a row right?” You climbed on top of Jason, watching as his eyes blew wide open. “Whatever you want.”
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wardenparker · 2 years
Close Encounters of the Toothy Kind
Max Phillips x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9.2k Warnings: *Reader has a nickname right up front.* Evan being his whiny self. Alcohol consumption but no one’s judgement is impaired. Light power dynamics, biting (blood is drawn), oral sex (female receiving), hair pulling, dirty talk, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, monster fucking, rough sex, vampire kink/fetish. Summary: The company Halloween party is way more fun than you ever expected - even if your coworker and roommate Evan doesn’t think so. Notes: Happy Spooktober everyone! This little fangbang has been brewing in our minds for months now and it turned out even better than I ever dreamed! Smothered in pop culture references and plenty of cheeky fun. 🎃🧡🧛‍♀️ 
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Ever since Max Phillips was in high school, he knew how to throw a party. It helped get him laid both there and later on in college. Even throughout getting his MBA and graduating, his attention to detail for having a good time led to some of the most memorable parties on campus. It was something he considered a little extra that he had to offer a company beyond the normal impressive résumé. Because in order to throw a great party, you had to know what people wanted. You had to read their wants through the small conversations and the body language of the person.
It was also useful in closing deals and impressing clients. Which was why he had pulled out all the stops tonight in the annual Halloween party. It wasn't just a sad, alcohol-free punch and those horrid cookies that Zarabeth makes. This is impressive. The smoke machines and black lights contrasted the disco balls that twirl overhead giving the event a truly spooky vibe.
"You'll see, Cat." Evan looks around nervously, his fingers digging into the sensitive skin under your elbow as he propels the two of you forward into the "East Ballroom" swallowing as he takes in the decorations. "I'm not crazy. Max is a vampire."
“Ev, it’s okay to just not like the guy.” Evan is an okay roommate. He really is. He’s clean and doesn’t cook horrible food, and he’s even handy with a toolkit when things need a little TLC. But this crusade he’s been on against your boss is just insane. Pulling at your tight Camp Crystal Lake t-shirt and smoothing your short shorts, you’ll be the first to admit that you took the easy way out with your costume this year, but Friday the 13th camp counselor was just too good to pass up. The Halloween store in town even had knee socks with Jason’s hockey mask on them to go with your Keds sneakers. “Let’s just have a couple of drinks and hang out. Maybe not get weird over your obsessive hatred of our boss?”
"I'm telling you he's a vampire!" Evan hisses, the cords in his neck bulging and he doesn't understand why you don't believe him. He looks around and groans, rolling his eyes and pointing. "He's even mocking it. Look at him." Max smirks as he watches you and Evan at the entrance of the ball room. Evan looked panicked and pale. He wonders if the poor schmuck is still trying to convince everyone that he's a vampire. It is so much fun to watch him freak out like the obsessive little turd that he is and push everyone away with his theories. Amanda had finally dumped him for good and started dating Andrew, which was a much better prospect for her in Max's opinion. He takes his eye off you and checks the buffet table again. The caterer that he had chosen had promised him that the canapés would all be haunted and ghoulish and so far they hadn't disappointed.
“Oh hell yeah, Lost Boys!” You grin, seeing the costume that Max has expertly pieced together. Max Phillips might be a frat boy and occasional asshat, but he has an attention for detail that has to be admired. And frankly? He’s ridiculously hot. A fact only enhanced by leather and eyeliner, in your opinion. Sure he’s a little obnoxious, so you just keep the fact that you have a little – okay, big – thing for him on the quiet side. Especially since your roommate despises him. “Evan,” you look at your roommate now, decked out in his Van Helsing costume like he’s in some kind of righteous crusade. “I am begging you to just let tonight be about fun and not this hyper focus.”
Evan rolls his eyes and gives you a disappointed look. "You're going to believe me." He promises you. "By the end of tonight, you will know the truth - Max Phillips is a vampire."
"I sure am." Max agrees easily, appearing at your side and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "David from Lost Boys." He clarifies. "Glad you can make it Camp Crystal Lake Counselor." He doesn't waste the opportunity to look at your legs, you've got them on display after all and you aren't on company property.
"Max." Evan greets him through clenched teeth, furious that he's touching you.
“Evan made me a name tag,” you tell Max with a grin, pointing to the sticky Hi! My Name Is badge on your shirt that features your office nickname - Cat - and a little cartoon drawing of black cat beside it. “Nice party, Max.” You may keep your attraction under wraps, but that doesn’t mean you can’t just be a generally nice person.
“Thanks Kitty Cat.” Max sends you a small wink and looks around. “We’ve got a couple of our clients and potential clients here so I could get away with splurging. Plus, I love Halloween.” He smirks over at Evan. “All the things that go bump in the night come out.”
“Does that mean there’s good booze?” You ask, one eyebrow ticking up at Max curiously. Splurging on clients might mean there’s actually something tasty. “I heard a rumor about sangria or punch or something, but that might have been Elaine’s wishful thinking.”
“Ohhhh the Bloody Sangria is my own recipe.” He tells you with a grin. “There’s also Witches Brew, Poisoned Apples and Demon Juice.” He points to the bar where premixed cocktails are being poured up into glasses where the base is a skeleton’s hand.
“Sangria for sure.” That stupid exaggerated grin on Max’s face shouldn’t be charming, but he’s got vampire fang caps on his teeth and alright, maybe you had a little thing for Kiefer Sutherland as a teenager that the Lost Boys costume is playing into. To Evan you throw a pout, silently asking him to play nice before heading to the bar with Max.
“Make sure you get some appetizers too.” Max hums knowingly. “Those drinks sneak up on you and we don’t want you buzzed too quickly.” He catches the eye of a prospective client and pats your shoulder. “I’ll catch up with you later, enjoy yourself Kitty Cat.”
“Come on, Ev.” You reach for his hand but resist when he tries tangling your fingers together, tired of repeating that you are not interested in him romantically. He’s a good roommate and a decent friend, but as a boyfriend? Not your type at all. “Drink with me, eat with me. It’ll be fun.”
“I’m not touching anything Max could have corrupted.” Evan huffs, annoyed that you are so flirty with him. You need to just trust him.
“He’s not going to poison our clients.” Rolling your eyes at him is still playful, because you’ve definitely always thought of Evan as more of a brother than anything else, and you nod toward the bar. “I bet they have beer in bottles that Max can’t have tainted with his spooky vampire vibes.”
Evan blows out a sigh and dutifully follows you like a lost puppy, wondering how he can possibly convince you about Max. “Hey man.” Tim smirks and lifts the glass of alcohol up. “You came.”
“I had to drag him out of the apartment,” you tease, giving Tim a hug before slipping past him to the bar for a glass of sangria.
“Would you like an extra shot of Vampire’s blood in your sangria?” The bartender asks with a smile. “It’s a floater of blackberry moonshine.”
“Why the hell not. Go big or go home, right?” You laugh, cringing at the cliched phrase before you shrug your shoulders. “And a Bud Light.” The least you can do is grab Evan’s first beer for him, since you did drag him out tonight. Being convinced that some socialization that didn’t happen under neon lights with phone headsets attached to your heads would be good for him might not have been correct.
Evan looks around the room in jealousy, begrudgingly impressed with the party. Hating how this man took his job and was actually doing a bang-up job. He takes the beer from you and eyes it for a moment before he hears Max’s laugh across the room. “Fuck it.” He groans and puts the bottle to his lips.
“Atta boy,” Tim laughs before strolling away when he spies someone he wants to say hi to across the large room.
“Eat, drink, and be merry,” you agree with a grin. You just want tonight to be fun. Maybe get Evan talking to the new girl from Legal that he said was cute a couple of days ago. Anything to get his mind away from the vampire thing.
Max keeps an eye on you as he makes his way around the room. Partly because it drives Evan insane. He might have made a couple of veiled threats to change you next. But mostly it was because he was very intrigued by the way your tits look up under that t-shirt. He had plenty of fantasies about his counselors when he was younger and his grandma made him go to the sleep away vacation Bible camps in the summer.
The deejay they hired for tonight is doing an excellent job of keeping the energy up, and you walk past the table just in time to hear Deliah from HR begging him to play Thriller again, making you laugh as you hit the bar. This sangria is addictive and you lean back against the sturdy wood to look around the room while the bartender pours you glass number three. Evan has finally started talking to the girl from Legal and from where you are it looks like she might even be interested in him so you send up a little positive energy in his direction and sigh. Maybe now you can actually relax and find someone to dance with - a thought which feels slightly bitchy considering you know Evan would dance with you if you asked. But you’d like to dance with someone you’re attracted to, which seriously narrows the field around here.
Max chuckles to himself when he sees you going back for another drink. He slides up behind you, leaning over your shoulder to murmur in your ear. “Enjoying yourself, Kitty Cat?”
“Max!” You didn’t see him approach and definitely would have done a spit take if you had had a sip of drink in your mouth when he spoke. “Uh— yeah, actually. Your sangria’s really good.”
“I’m glad you enjoy it.” He purrs with a delighted smile. “I like the body of it.” He waggles his brows. “And the way that it sneaks up on you.”
“The body of the bloody sangria?” It’s dumb, and you probably wouldn’t laugh at it if you weren’t two drinks in and finding the 80s vamp look on him a little extra hot. “Har har.”
Max winks at you. “Planning on being the first victim of the night?” He asks, leaning in. “Or are you going to be the counselor that survives?”
“Oh, come on.” Leaning back against the bar, you toss him the same smirk you would give anybody in this situation. “Nobody wants to die first. I’m totally Final Girl material. Nancy Thompson, Laurie Strode, and me.”
“You sure?” He leans in and flicks your name badge. “Kitty Cat survives?” He hums, smirking at you.
“For sure.” The authoritative nod you give him when the bartender sets your drink down beside your elbow comes with a grin. “I’m not afraid of some big bad monster.”
“Really?” He flashes his fangs at you playfully. Everyone thinks they are fake but why would he do fake fangs when he has the real thing. “Not even a skipping beat of your heart?”
“Not even.” It’s a dirty lie because you’re a damn scaredy cat, but at the same time you do love the adrenaline rush of a scary movie. The fake fangs are more of a turn on than anything else, which is probably the real reason your blood is currently pumping.
“I think you’re lying.” He coos, leaning in closer and brushing his nose against your pulse. The smell of your blood is intoxicating, and he groans quietly.
“Rude.” You laugh, picking up your drink and nudging him with your elbow. Maybe it’s a little more flirtatious than you would ever be regularly, but this is outside of work hours, outside of the office, and it’s a party.
“Just honest, Kitty cat.” He chuckles, watching you take another sip of your drink.
“I don’t know why I let you call me that.” Yes you do. You absolutely know why. It’s because he’s hot as fuck. It had taken almost a year to accept being called Cat at work and then Max just rolled in and added kitty to it and you just let it slide. “Maybe I instinctively knew you’d have a killer sangria recipe that I’d want to steal.”
“Better than what I was going to call you when I first met you.” He confides with a cocky grin.
“Oh god.” You choke on a laugh before taking a sip of your drink. “Do I want to know?”
He snickers to himself and shuffles closer. Leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Pussy…Cat.” He purrs, making sure to emphasize the first word.
That…is not what you expected, and you definitely feel a very visceral reaction to Max’s breath on your neck. You can practically feel your panties drench at the implication that he might be interested in you, too. But that’s…that’s a stretch, right? It has to be. Max flirts with all the women in the office.
“Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” He hums, wondering if he’s misread the subtle signals you’ve sent him.
“A little.” You have to admit that, as silly as it makes you feel when you tilt your head to look at him. “Surprised, I guess?”
“Why would you be surprised?” He lifts his brows, shocked that you didn’t know that you are a gorgeous woman. “Every man in this room would take you home if they could.”
“Maybe.” Shrugging, you take another sip of your drink before turning to face him fully. Whether it’s the booze or the atmosphere or the light-switch flick of a mood change, you’re feeling bold. “But I’m not interested in them.”
“And who are you interested in?” He asks, intrigued by who would be your taste. Surely not Evan, he’s heard him moan about you turning him down to Tim too often in the break room.
“Seriously?” It’s probably a good thing that he has to ask, it means you haven’t been too obvious at work. Although you kind of thought you were being pretty obvious right now. “I mean, don’t fire me over it, but…you…”
“Hmmmmm.” Max flashes you a wicked, fanged-filled grin. “That’s not something I would ever fire you over Pussy Cat.”
“That nickname is gonna stick now, isn’t it?” You can feel the heat in your cheeks, nerves and embarrassment rising right along with arousal. He’s looking at you half like you’re a fucking meal and half like something else that you can’t quite pinpoint but you’re fairly certain you’re going to enjoy.
“Yes it is.” He chuckles again. “But only when we’re alone.”
“We’re never alone.” More than anything it’s just pointing out a fact. Aside from the rare occasion that he has called you into his office, The two of you have never actually been alone. Maybe once you were the only two people in the break room at the same time, but that was in passing and the door was open. It wasn’t exactly private.
“Then maybe we should be alone.” Max offers with a smirk. He can smell your interest, but he wants this to be completely your choice.
“Seriously?” You ask again, still a little incredulous that he could be interested. “I mean…I didn’t think…” But he’s looking at you like that and you swallow the lump in your throat so hard that it bottoms out all the way down in your pussy. “I mean, yeah. That sounds like fun.”
“Yeah?” He bites his lip with his fangs exposed. “You want to be alone?” He waits for you to nod and he smirks. “How about now?”
“Eager.” But it makes you flush with your own fervent desire, wondering if he means just finding a dark corner of the party, leaving together, or if his mind has jumped straight to hooking up. It occurs to you, as you smirk and pick up your drink to down it quickly (no sense in wasting, obviously) that you don’t care. “Fuck it. Yeah. What do you have in mind?” Evan is going to be so fucking pissed but you just can’t bring yourself to care at the moment.
He chuckles, surprised that you’ve said yes, but also very happy that you have. “I think the innocent camp counselor should go into the bathroom to be ravished by the dangerous vampire.” He hums as he lifts a brow.
Straight to hooking up, you acknowledge with a smirk. It doesn’t really surprise you. Max isn’t exactly known as a relationship guy around the office. Either way, you don’t mind making him a notch on your proverbial bedpost tonight. “You go for the innocent thing, huh?” It makes your smirk deepen just that much more. “Noted,” you murmur in his ear before taking the strut all the way out of your step and hightailing it out of the hotel ballroom toward the unisex bathroom down the hall.
Max watches you walk away for a long moment, admiring the view. “Turned you down, huh?” Evan’s pithy little comment makes his smirk reappear as he turns towards the other man.
“Guess so.” He chirps, unwilling to let Evan cause a scene and prevent his little rendezvous with you. Some sacrifices must be made and right now, wiping the smug, satisfied look off Evan’s face is on the chopping block.
“She’ll never date you. Or fuck you.” He tells Max, his eyes darting around but the little fucker is brave around a crowd in the ballroom - confident Max won’t cause a scene. “So you should just leave her alone.”
“Same could be said for you, slugger.” Max pops back with a wink. “After all, if I lived in the same apartment with that little Kitty Cat, I’m sure I would have wooed her by now.” He chuckles and gives Evan a sympathetic look. “Guess you just aren’t what she’s looking for…” Max lets Evan stew for a moment and right when the other man opens his mouth, he interrupts him. “Whelp! I better go take a piss, all the Bloody cocktails have gotten to me.” He smirks. “Try the special sangria I have behind the bar.” He confides. “They have it just for me, but tell them Max said it was okay.” He turns around and whistles as he walks towards the bathrooms, knowing Evan is fuming.
It takes just long enough before you hear footsteps outside the bathroom door for you to start doubting yourself. Wondering if you just made a completely dumbass mistake that’s going to make life hell at work from now on, or if Max really did use the specific word ravishing or a million other little paranoid concerns. You’re in the process of telling yourself to get a goddamn grip when the bathroom door clicks open.
Max raises a brow at you, seeing the doubt and second guessing on your face. “Change your mind, Pussy Cat?” He asks as he steps inside and closes the door. If you don’t want to do this, it wouldn’t be nice to have the rumor mill spin if someone looked in and saw the two of you. “I got caught up by Evan trying to warn me away from you.”
“Thought you might have changed yours,” you admit, but the news that it was Evan who caused the delay makes you relax again instantly. “Ev’s just…protective.”
He snorts and sends you a knowing look. “Evan wants to be in your bed.” He counters. “He’s like the annoying little puppy that chews on your shoelaces and tries - and fails - to hump your leg.”
“To be fair, he’s never actually tried to hump my leg.” The comparison makes you laugh though, and you shake your head. “He knows I’m not interested in him.”
“He knows…but he doesn’t know.” Max smirks as he flips the lock and takes a step towards you. “He might get the hint tonight.”
“Oh yeah?” It’s not like you had been planning on broadcasting this little interlude around the office, so the idea of news of it getting back to Evan hadn’t even been on your mind.
“Only if you wanted.” He chuckles, reaching out and stroking your arm, his eyes on yours. “He’ll know when you scream my name.”
The corners of your lips tick up in a smirk as you step into him, feeling your heart speed up and your pussy clench at that kind of promise. “I guess you better make sure I scream loud enough, then.”
Max’s eyes flash and his smirk grows wider. “Only thing I like more than making a sale is a challenge, Pussy Cat.” He growls, stalking towards you like a predator cornering his prey.
It would probably come across as way too dramatic if you weren’t honestly so goddamn turned on, but as it is? You’re in exactly the right frame of mind to find that broad frame and cocky ass smirk enticing as hell. “Then what are you waiting for?”
“Permission.” Quicker than he probably should have, but not enough to be too obvious, Max pins you against the row of industrial yet aesthetically pleasing sinks and hand soap units. Your back is to the mirror, and he leers with his nose pressed right against yours.
Your sharp gasp and wide eyes definitely lend themselves toward that whole innocent thing he supposedly likes, and the way he has your back bowed so that your tits are pushed against his chest is only adding to the heaving effect. "Max..."
"Yessssss, Pussy Cat?" He doesn't kiss you, not yet. He likes the teasing and the way that your breath catches in your throat. It makes the veins flood with blood and it smells so sweet as your body heats up even more than normal.
"Shit..." The realization makes you roll your eyes even as you're nearly panting in anticipation. "Of course you're a tease."
He tsks in disappointment at your seemingly bemoaning of his traits. "You don't think it enhances...." his 'fake' fangs graze your throat slowly before he retracts them and places the most delicate kiss on your galloping pulse, "anticipation?"
The way you almost whimper is a complete giveaway that it definitely is an enhancement, and you shiver a little. Being caged between his arms against the counter makes you feel caught in a delicious sort of way. "M-maybe."
"Hmmmmm." Max is already hard, pressing against your hip through your camp counselor shorts and one hand moves from the cold counter to grab your side. "Don't worry, Pussy Cat." He follows up the small kiss with a slow drag of his tongue up the line of your neck. "I won't bite hard...unless you want me to."
Evan’s ridiculous vampire claim rings in your ears again, completely unwanted, and you smirk as you tip your head to one side to give him all the access to your neck as he could possibly want. “It’s been a while since I’ve been properly manhandled,” you murmur, tugging on his earlobe with your teeth as his head hangs right beside yours. “Sounds like fun.”
Max hisses, cock jumping when your teeth nip his skin. "Fuck." He huffs, trying to decide if he wants a quickie, or if he just wants to destroy you. Your giggle makes up his mind for him, pulling away and dropping down to his knees to unbutton those ridiculously tiny shorts you are wearing. The prospect of devouring your cunt while you have knee highs and sneakers on is appealing.
"Shit." Max Phillips on his knees is not a sight you ever thought you'd see - both because you didn't ever think you'd actually be in this position with him and a little bit because you thought he might be one of those guys who was prissy about the smell or taste of pussy as an excuse to never give oral - but it's fucking glorious. It takes all of thirty seconds for your cutoffs to be tossed across the damn room, and Max's eyes are eye level with the soaked through crotch of your white cotton panties.
"Virginal." He hums, smirking up at you before he reaches out and rubs the damp fabric. "Even though I know you aren't, it makes you look even more like a teenage counselor that might survive the night."
Looking down at him with the most innocent expression you can muster, you can see just how wide his pupils have grown since getting the first bit of your clothing off. "Of course I'm innocent. I don't know why you would possibly think otherwise." You intone, wondering if he's into roleplay enough to want the whole act.
He chuckles, hooking a finger in the band of your panties so he can start dragging them down. "Because good virginal girls don’t let sinful vampires eat their pussy in the bathroom." He teases, leaning in and blowing on your heated pussy lips and giving you a fang-filled smile.
This time your whimper is accompanied by the eager way you open up for him, totally willing to spread your legs for him before he's even kissed you. It's not like you're expecting a lasting and deep connection out of fucking your boss in the bathroom at the company party. You're horny, not delusional.
Your ass is perched against the counter so Max wastes no time in shoving his shoulders under your legs, bringing your thighs to his shoulders and he winks at you, right before his mouth envelopes your cunt in a large bite, his fangs retracting again so he doesn't puncture your lips.
They definitely heard you moaning in the hallway, but you couldn't care less as you brace yourself with one hand on the counter and sink the fingers of your other hand into his thick, artfully messy hair. The heat of his mouth and determination of his tongue as he licks a long, flat stripe up the length of your sex is enough to have you tossing your head back and shutting your eyes in pleasure. Or it would be, if you didn't want to watch his every movement so desperately.
There is an art to pussy eating. He had tried to tell Evan that when the prick was in college with him, but he had been too busy thinking Max was an asshole. It might have been one of the reasons his roommate's girlfriend had jumped into his bed when Evan was away for a long weekend. She had obviously listened to the tips he had tried to impart. Enough to be curious, at least. His tongue twists around your clit and he flicks it playfully before his tongue slides down again, curious to taste you right from the honeyed little well between your thighs. Your fingers curl tightly, nails digging into his scalp instinctively before soothing the bite away. Apparently you never noticed Max having an overly long tongue, but he is curled into the absolute depths of you in a way that has you rolling your hips forward and pushing down as if he isn't already completely buried in your cunt.
Max groans into your folds, loving how you don't mind being a little more forceful. His cock twitches and he holds your legs wide so he can curl his tongue deeper, licking into you with fevered eagerness. He knows what the fuck he's doing, you'll give him that. Any idea that you had about him being selfish in bed is being completely washed away by the deep growling sounds floating up to you from his throat and the way those vibrations roll through your body to have you whining and writhing and almost ready to burst in no time.
His eyes fixate on you. Responding to the micro expressions as he works your cunt with his tongue. If you’re going to fuck him; you’re damn well going to have nothing but good things to say about him. His fingers dig into the tender flesh of your thighs and he huffs, not needing to breathe, but you would expect him to make some noise.
“Holy shit, Max—” Every time you get a gulp of air he pushes it out again, cutting off your moan of his name and twisting it into a harsh gasp with a dexterous flick of his tongue that swirls around your clit like a lollipop. “S—so— good! Fuck.”
He chuckles into you, waiting until you look down at him again before he sends you a small wink and sucks your clit into his mouth, ripping your orgasm out of you.
You’ve never outright just screamed while cumming before, but this one comes tearing out of you like an igniting fire that leaves you shaking and cursing and grasping at any bit of him you can get your hands on so that you don’t just collapse backward into one of the sinks behind you. “Oh my fucking god, Max.” You’re practically dizzy from the force of it, which just makes you giggle in filthy glee when you can breathe again.
He is smug as he kisses your clit one last time before he leans back and looks up at you. “Did I pass muster, counselor?” He teases.
“With the first test.” You nod eagerly, getting air back in your lungs as you reach to drag him up for a kiss. You haven’t gotten to yet and now that he’s had his mouth on you, you’re dying to indulge.
Max goes willingly, fusing his mouth to yours and sliding his hands up under your shirt. Wanting to get his hands on your tits for a long time, he moans as he cups them over your bra and slides his tongue into your mouth at the same time.
Moaning into the kiss is a natural instinct. His large hands envelope your overheated skin easily, somehow easing the heat of arousal at the same time he intensifies it. It’s you who tears your shirt away, ready to just throw every stitch aside and thoroughly fucking enjoy yourself.
He pulls away from you to admire the view as he unhooks your bra and tosses it away. "Fucking in your shoes, I'm digging it." He teases, pinching your nipples and ducking down to pull one into his mouth.
“Feels—” His talented mouth cuts you off and you almost squeal, letting it dissolve into a sinful moan. “Dirtier.” You finish your thought with one hand cradling his head to your tits encouragingly and the other fisting his shirt blindly to follow the trail of his torso down to the pronounced bulge in his pants.
"You are dirty." He groans, pulling off your tit with a pop and then biting it playfully before he nips the other. "Gonna fuck you like the dirty fucking girl you are right here."
“It’s a good thing you got my pussy nice and wet, then.” With one hand wrapped around the thick length protruding from his pants, your other starts working open his belt. “It’ll be nice and easy to slide that big cock in right away.”
He smirks and stands straight while you pull open his pants and groans when his cock is your hot hands. "Fuck." He hisses, twitching when your thumb presses against the tip. "I'm gonna be balls deep and die happy." He jokes.
"You mean you're not a real undead bad boy?" Putting on a pout of faux disappointment keeps you from laughing, knowing that he knows all about Evan's Max is a vampire crusade. The very last thing you're about to do when you have his thick length throbbing in your hand is laugh. "Darn."
He doesn't even answer you, just thrusts into your grip. "Line me up, Pussy Cat." He hums. "I'm gonna make you cum like this then I'm going to turn you over so I can watch your ass bounce."
"Promises, promises," you tease, not that you have any doubt he can do it. He's not even out of breath while you're a panting and whimpering mess. You don't hesitate to do as he tells you, though, leaning back a little to let your legs fall open wide so that you can position the blunt head of his cock at the entrance of your dripping pussy.
"Fuck, look at that pretty little pussy cat." He smirks and watches you while he breeches your entrance and starts filling you steadily, inch by inch.
He feels thicker splitting you open than he did in your hand, and your head drops back when you let out a deep groan of pleasure. Max doesn’t stop until he’s fully bottomed out inside you and you don’t want him to - making lascivious noises of approval with every inch until his hips are flush against yours and then you’re diving back in for more kisses. Wrapping your arms around his neck keeps him close but you grind your hips down against his and whimper happily. “Fuck me, baby. Come on. Need you.”
Max snarls slightly, his grip turning bruising for a split second before he relaxes and grins at you. "I can do that, sweetheart." He growls. "Guaranteed." Pulling his hips back, he snaps them forward harshly.
“Yes!” The force of the thrust pushes you back on the counter and you keep your arms around Max, sinking your teeth playfully into his neck for a moment because he seemed to have liked you using your teeth earlier. “Just like that.”
"Fuck." His dick twitches deep inside you and his own fangs spring out of his gums. He doesn't bite you though. Not wanting to change you right now, so he just keeps his head over your shoulder so you don't see his slightly feral expression. His hips rock faster after you bite him, ready to give you what you want.
It’s fierce and needy after that. Rough in all the right ways, like you hadn’t been the only one secretly pining in the office ever since Max joined the company earlier in the year. Or, if not pining, you definitely weren’t the only one with filthy thoughts about the other. Every once in a while his grip tightens to near bruising and you moan every time, loving the harshness of a little pain with your pleasure. You’ve always been that way and know for a fact that Evan is gentler than a basket of fluffy kittens, which is one of the reasons you just never had any interest in your roommate. But this? This is your kind of fucking - dirty and delicious.
Groans pour out of his mouth, not because he's winded or anything human, but because you are fucking perfect. Taking his pace, his eagerness and wanting more. He can feel the way that you get even wetter when he forgets not to crush you for a second. Loses control slightly. It's intoxicating and your blood – fuck, it's like ambrosia right under the skin.
There’s no chance that people haven’t figured out what’s going on in here - from the locked door to your combined sounds to the harsh slap of skin on damp skin. Max’s cock is battering your pussy in the very best way and you hope like hell that you’ll be as sore as you think you will tomorrow. The idea of carrying that with you for a few days sounds perfect, especially if this is only going to be a one-time thing. Just a perfect little capsule of a memory of that one time you got railed in a hotel bathroom. Even that thought makes you gasp out in pleasure, legs tightening around his waist as you can feel the familiar twist of orgasm in your belly building up again.
“You gonna cum?” Max asks, smirking at you as he keeps drilling into you over and over again. He knows you are close, that fluttering little pussy of yours is about to explode and soak him. “Yeah, you are.” He huffs smugly. “Do it, Pussy Cat.”
You barely have it in you to be sassy in the moment, just rambling whatever pops into your head, and your fingers are digging into his leather covered shoulders with a tight pressure that doesn’t seem to phase him in the least. You turn your head to drag your teeth along the juncture of his long neck to egg him on. “So good,” you whine breathlessly, sucking hot marks into his skin with enthusiasm. “So fucking good, Max — fuck I’m gonna cum so hard.”
Max feels his face start to change, growling harshly and planting his face in your neck while he ramps up his pace to just beyond what is humanly possible. Wanting to feel it and hear you scream. “Do it.”
It takes mere seconds more, and you’re clinging to him when you feel the rush of overheated blood become an equally overheated flood from your cunt that drenches his cock with an unbelievable amount of cum. It’s so intense that your whole body locks up, turning your scream of his name into a strangled wail as you fall apart.
Hissing, Max doesn’t fuck you through it, instead he’s pulling out of you and manhandling you like a rag doll. Flipping you over and letting you fall forward while he pulls your cheeks apart and sinks back into your cunt with a victorious hum when your walls are still pulsing.
“Goddamn—fuuuck Max!” The strangled sob is punctuated by his name when he spears his cock back into you completely, burying his length to the hilt and extending the end of your orgasm so that your body shakes again in ecstasy as you try to grasp at anything on the counter so you don’t end up face down in a sink. You had no idea he was this strong - making you feel like a rag doll in his arm as he finds his rhythm again.
Now he’s grinning, watching his cock spear into you and make your ass bounce. His hands grip your hips as he rails into you. “Do it again.” He growls, wanting to feel you cum again. It’s a point of pride and he’s loving how you take it.
You’re about to gasp out a joke about how you’re gonna need a little more time before you can cum again when you lift your head to find his eyes in the mirror — and can’t find his face at all. The reflection of his clothing is clear as day: duster and shirt and torn open pants Moving behind you in rhythm with the merciless way he’s fucking you and fingerless gloves gripping tight to your hips as you find your own reflection unblemished in the large bathroom mirror. But Max? Max is as transparent as a summer breeze, only affecting the things he touches as you see his grip tighten on your flesh by the way the indents there deepen. You can feel it, and you can see the result, but you can’t see him.
“Holy shit…” With your eyes blown wide and the vision of your number one top fantasy right in front of you, another orgasm tears through you almost instantly. That years old pornographic dream of getting fucked by a vampire after getting through watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer is now so real that it’s turning your blood into wildfire and you can’t believe the way you moan as you shake and drench his cock all over again.
It’s your reaction that makes him slip up, the instant orgasm when you realize you don’t see his reflection. His fangs were grazing over your throat and when you clench down around him, he cuts you. Groaning when the coppery tang of your blood hits his tongue. Making him growl and start sucking sloppily while he fucks into you like the supernatural monster that he is.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” At this point you feel like your body might just tense up and be in a constant state of cumming for the rest of the time he’s fucking you. The sight of the light trickle of blood welling up on your neck only to be licked away by an invisible tongue seconds later makes you gasp and keen, and the instant realization that your vampire fantasy is now a vampire fetish just makes the whole thing better. For now the only downside is that he’s fucking you so hard that you can’t catch your breath to babble at him about how amazing it feels.
There’s a beauty to not being seen, not having his reflection in the mirror. You can’t see that his face has completely morphed. Turned into the more gruesome visage of his being. Brow heavy and eyes yellow tinged with red, Max snarls when he feels his body lock up, driving impossibly deep into your hot cunt and making a nearly demonic noise as he fills you with ropes of his impotent seed.
“Max!” Only his name falls from your tongue as he buries himself as deeply as possible in your body and follows you down the rabbit hole of pleasure. You feel boneless and wrecked and absolutely ecstatic in ways you can’t quite describe as you pant for air, crushed underneath his weight on the cold marble countertop.
He doesn’t need to recover or catch his breath. He could pull out of you right now and be perfectly fine, save for his face still being a twisted visage of the image he normally presented. Still he leans over you, savoring the feeling of your cunt fluttering and your thighs shaking. “Pussy Cat has a secret.” He teases playfully, his tongue lapping up one last drop of your blood before he bites his lip and lets a drop of his blood heal your wound as if it never happened.
“A fucking convenient one.” Still mostly breathless, you twist under him to be able to see his face. The ridges and bumps of his transformation draw your eyes across them as you take it all in, fascinated rather than terrified with his cock still buried inside you. Your eyelids flutter a little, that flash of pure attraction undeniable in your veins. The same ones he just drank from. “You’re actually a vampire?”
“Shocker.” Max makes his face smooth back out, his now brown eyes wide and his lips twisted into a grin. “Evan is actually right about something.” He chuckles and opens his mouth so his fangs descend again to show you.
“Fuck.” It’s all excitement and wonderment on your part and you can’t deny it at all. “That’s…so fucking sexy,” you admit with a self-conscious giggle.
“Knew I liked you.” He teases, slapping your ass playfully as he leans back to let you straighten up. “Least you don’t have to worry about an accident with me.”
“Thank god.” When you stand up again it’s like a miniature flood from your pussy and you laugh again. “Because you cum like a fucking Super Soaker.” It’s nothing a couple of paper towels can’t clean up, but it’s fun to tease.
“Is there any other way?” Max asks as he uses another sink to clean up and hands you the shorts you had worn. Your panties slide into his pocket with a mischievous wink to you.
“Pathetic dribbles, usually.” You’ve never been dishonest with yourself about why you’re single, knowing that you like a rougher and more physically demanding sex life and that balancing that with a man who isn’t also an absolute jackass or abusive in some way isn’t easy. It’s why you embraced the ‘Cat’ jokes. Better a cat lady than miserable or bored, at least in your book. “Don’t worry,” you murmur, offering him a smile as you slip on your shorts. “I won’t tell.”
It’s surprisingly nice to hear you say that. No fear or worry in your voice, just confidence that he can trust you to keep a secret. The only other people in the office who knew are the ones he’s already changed. And Evan’s stupid ass, but no one believes him. “Let me feed you more than lame ass Halloween cocktails and canapés tomorrow.” He says suddenly. “Before I fuck you to death again.”
“I—what?” Having reached down to pick your t-shirt and bra up off the floor, you straighten up and look at him quizzically. Not because you’re not interested, obviously, but just because you’re surprised. “Are you asking me out?”
“I mean— I guess—uh, yeah.” He frowns slightly as if he’s just worked out that is what he’s actually doing. “Unless you have a strict ‘fuck but not date your boss’ policy?” He jokes, trying to cover up the slight nervous fear that you might turn him down. That you just wanted a quick bang in the bathroom.
“Not at all.” It’s almost a pity to get dressed, but he’s already cleaned up and tucked himself away, so you clip your bra on again easily. “Actually I’ve never fucked or dated my boss before at all, so this is new territory for me.” You pull your t-shirt over your head and adjust, smoothing out the wrinkles. “Seven o’clock tomorrow? You know where I live.”
“Yeah.” Max nods, checking his clothes in the mirror and then looking back at you. “Got some blood on your shirt, Pussy Cat.”
“Call it a souvenir.” A memento, you think with a grin. Throwing him a wink, you lean in to kiss him one more time before moving back toward the door. “See you out there?” It’s an effort to not come across as clingy, that you are so overly nonchalant. Because in reality you want to prance out there on his arm and proudly dare anyone to give you shit about disappearing to fuck.
Evan pounces on you as soon as you appear out of the hallway leading to the bathrooms. “Tell me you didn’t.” He practically hisses.
“Didn’t what?” You ask, feigning innocence. Of course he was going to get nasty about this. It’s not like it’s a secret that he hates Max.
“Come on, we need to go.” Evan is nearly panicking, seeing the spot of blood on your shirt. “We’re leaving.”
“Oh my god you’re so overprotective.” Overprotective and with an annoyingly tight grip as he steers you toward the other end of the ballroom with determination. You barely have a chance to glance back, catching a glimpse of Max right before even drags you out the door. You might have even liked the little bit of manhandling if you hadn’t just been fucked within an inch of your life by a vampire.
Max chuckles to himself as he sees you pull a harsh frown at your roommate. Tomorrow is going to be fun. He hopes like hell you don’t tell Evan about your date.
You oversleep like hell the next day, worn out but feeling energized all the same. The ache in your thighs is so gorgeously satisfying and you sit in the living room in your pjs with a book until it’s time to shower and get ready for your date. Evan has been out doing god knows what all day with Tim so you haven’t had to avoid more arguing like the night before. It got bad enough that you have nearly threatened to move out if he tried to keep telling you what to do. By the time Evan comes home, you’re showered and dressed and finishing your makeup, just watching the clock tick down in anticipation.
“Where are you going?” The mournful eyes he gives you can’t hide being bitterly upset. He doesn’t know why you don’t believe him. He’s only got your best interests at heart, maybe a little selfish on his part, but that was to be expected.
“Out.” This time you don’t mean to be evasive, you just really don’t know where Max is taking you. “Dinner, I think. Did you have a good day?” Despite being pissed at him for presuming to tell you how to live your life, he’s still your friend.
“No.” Evan shakes his head. “I don’t want you to be mad at me, but Max is dangerous.” He stresses, imploring you to understand.
“Ev, I really don’t want to fight with you, but you need to drop it.” Pinching your eyes shut doesn’t banish the tinge of a headache that you can feel forming from the topic, and you turn to check your reflection in the mirror one more time - eventually biting back a grin when you remember looking up to see no reflection at all behind you last night. “I know you don’t like him,” you tell Evan. “But you are also very biased against him by your own admission.”
He sighs sulkily. “Want me to go with you?” He offers, wanting to find out where you are going. You’re mad at him and it’s not something he likes, but he hates you being so blasé about Max. “Maybe we could go to that bar around the corner.”
The lobby buzzer sounds from the wall panel in your kitchen at the same moment you turn and frown at your roommate. “Do I want you to come on my date with me? Come on, Evan. No. That’s both weird and honestly a little rude. Especially when I haven’t even told you who it’s with.” He’ll find out in a second, but you go over and hit the buzzer to let him into the lobby so he can come upstairs. Evan’s going to have to get over it eventually.
“You’re going on a date?” If possible, he looks even more remorseful, but he shakes his head. “I didn’t— it’s not Max, is it?”
“What if it was?” You pick up your jacket from the hook by the door and double check your pockets for your wallet, phone, and keys. “I couldn’t tell you, could I?” It just makes you shake your head, honestly a little heart sore over the whole thing. “I can’t be excited that the guy I’ve liked for ages finally asked me out because my roommate is on a righteous crusade against him.”
“It’s not a crusade!” Evan insists, reaching out for your hand. “I d-don’t want to see anything happen to you.” He doesn’t want you dating anyone but he really doesn’t want you dating Max. The idea that you have a crush on him hurts, considering you know what he did to him.
“Ev…” You sigh, turning to face him even as you hear footsteps approaching your door. “I swear, if he hurts me or doesn’t treat me right, or does anything that I don’t like, I will dump his ass faster than lightning.” Even so, the rhythmic knock on the door makes you grin, eager to see Max again after just a day.
It’s important that you qualify that you don’t like talking about Max hurting you or being disrespectful, because there are definitely kinds of ‘hurt’ that you enjoy more than most. “And I’m not asking you to suddenly be best friends with him or even spend time around him outside of work. I’m just…I really like him. And I want to see where this goes.”
Was what happened between them in college shitty? Of course. But that lies as much on Evan’s shitty girlfriend’s shoulders as anyone else in your opinion, and you squeeze his hand before going to open the door for Max.
“Hey Pussy Cat!” Max grins, wearing jeans and a leather motorcycle jacket. He peels off his sunglasses as he looks you up and down with a very pleased expression and then offers the flowers he had brought. Flowers for dates were a must. Especially after the way he fucked you. “You look good enough to eat!”
“Don’t be mean,” you chide him, knowing his hearing is good enough that he definitely just heard you defend him to Evan. The flowers he has brought are stunning - deep reds and purples dotted with blues. “Do you want to come in while I put these in water? They’re beautiful.”
“Are you inviting me in?” He waggles his brows playfully and Evan nearly turns purple.
“SEE? He has to be invited in! Only vampires do that!” Evan’s voice nearly reaches the soprano range, it’s gone up so many octaves.
Max chuckles and steps into the entryway of your apartment. “Actually pal…that’s the same for demons, goblins and warlocks. Witches get a free pass for some reason.”
“Witches are still human.” Is the explanation you offer, figuring that playing along with the game is the way to be the least conspicuous. “Do you two need to be separated while I put these in my room or can you be in the same room without killing each other?” It’s kind of an honest question, all things considered, but you raise an eyebrow at Max asking him to behave as you grab your vase from the kitchen counter.
“I’m always a team player.” Max reminds you innocently, even fluttering his lashes at you. He’s not physically hurt Evan since punching him in the nose after he had been a little shit and lied to get him expelled and academically shunned from every fucking college but the one where he was turned into a vampire. “Ev and I will be fine, won’t we?” He throws his arm around Evan’s shoulder and squeezes him close as he grins at him, enjoying the other man’s discomfort.
“Be nice, please.” Is your one request, made to both of them, before you disappear to deposit the beautiful buds in the vase that will sit on your bedside table.
“Get off of me.” Evan hisses, shrugging out from Max’s arm and turning on him. “If you hurt her…” He trails off to seem more threatening and Max shoots him a grin.
“Buddy… pal…” He coos. “Don’t worry. It’s gonna be fine. Just…” He winks at Evan. “Make sure you have some good headphones tonight.”
You can hear them as you disappear down the hall and allow yourself to grin, shaking your head at the way Max doesn’t even pretend to assure Evan you won’t get hurt. Because there is no way your friend could wrap his head around the fact that having Max’s fangs cut into your skin was half of what made you cum so hard last night. Pain and pleasure mixed – and the promise of more – make you shiver with anticipation as you quickly drop the vase of flowers beside your bed.
Maybe you’ll ask Max to go back to his place, though, just so you don’t rub it in. Because you are definitely going to make some noise tonight. Your throbbing pussy insists on it.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat​ @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @hardc0rehaylz @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom    
My Masterlist!
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Final Girl Blurb
Trans MC x Devon Low A possible scene that can happen if the MC is trans and on decent terms with Devon.
“What do you mean I know you from highschool? We never met before this job!” You snap as you spin on your heel towards Low.
“Of course you know me you stupid prick! We dated for three years and you dumped me to go to college across the country!!” What? Wait, WHAT?! Your eyes immediately begin scanning Devon’s face.
“I never dated…wait, JASON!?” Your jaw drops and you notice a few of your co-workers edging closer to the heated argument between you and your ex.
“It’s Devon now” She growls, her fists clenching at her sides and you immediately recognize the gesture, she is so close to simply slugging you. “Let’s take this somewhere else" she mumbles as she eyes your nosy co-workers. Grabbing your arm she drags you into an empty office and slams the door behind the two of you. “Now, stop acting like this is something bigger than it is,” she bites her lip as she looks you up and down, “I’m not the only one who’s changed. Who’d have thought we were both trans.”
That snaps you out of your thoughts and you close your mouth, readjusting your posture to your usual professional self. “Yeah, who would have thought,” you hesitate for a moment before you and Devon try speaking at the same time.
“You owe me...”
“I should tell you…”
You both stop and each fidget in your own way. A full minute goes by before she motions to you, “Will you at least tell me why you felt the need to break up? I just woke up one morning and you were already gone. I tried talking to your parents but they refused to even look at me, and none of our friends knew why you had just vanished overnight.”
“Oh, yeah, that…” You sigh and run a hand through your hair, your posture immediately slumping again. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I wanted you to come with me like we talked about and I was going to wait a year for you to graduate so we could go at the same time, but when dad found out…well he flipped. I was trying to explain that taking a year to decompress and evaluate life was a common way to go but at one point I accidently let slip that we were dating and that just made things worse…it took weeks for my black eye to heal.” Devon’s eyes widen and she takes a step closer. “He actually hit you? I never thought…”
“Yeah, turns out there was something that could tip him from always angry into rage. Turns out having a gay son was what did it, though, heh,” you shake your head as you chuckle, “Nope nevermind, guess I'm still gay. Anyway he gave me a warning, leave for college immediately without telling anyone and he and mom would still pay my way through school, or stay and become homeless with no job.” You slump against the desk behind you, picking up the nameplate and fiddling with it. “I took the coward's way out, and I regretted it for so long, still do in some ways  I guess. After I managed to shake off the fear I did try to call you but you had blocked me on everything and no one else would even talk to me or let you know what had happened.”
“Actually Kate did tell me that you had been trying to find me, but I was still SO pissed off. I still am if you couldn’t tell,” she leans against the desk next to you, “But at least now I understand. So thank you for that I guess. Hey, so can I ask when you realized…” she trails off.
“Realized I was a woman?” she nods, “Second year of college, I had just met my, uh,” you cough into your hand as you try to say ex to which Devon just rolls her eyes, “Smoooooth”
“Right, yeah so I had just met my ex and we were hanging out with some friends and one of her friends was trans and I started asking her some questions, you know just the usual cis curiosity questions, but her answers started to make more and more sense you know? I started to realize that a lot of her answers applied to me, to things I kept secret. It took months of research and talking to a few of the other transwomen around campus before it fully hit me. Took another year for me to accept it and tell anyone.”
“How’d your parents react? I can’t imagine it was good.” You can’t help but snicker.
“I never told them. I held out till graduation and as soon as it was all said and done I immediately cut them out of my life. No calls, no messages, I just changed my phone number, moved in with my ex, and changed my name. So I basically did to them what they forced me to do to you, I just cranked it up to eleven. Didn’t even bother to tell them about the graduation.”
“Wow, well they kinda deserved it huh?”
“Eeeeyup” You reply, popping the p at the end. “So when did you?”
“Another time Nancy, okay? We just dropped some major bombshells on each other and I need some time to absorb everything.” She stands back up and heads towards the door.
“Yeah, no problem Devon, another time.”
“For what it’s worth…it’s nice hearing you saying my name.”
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
Sucked In: Chapter 27: Gut Instinct
Summary: You wake up in the world of Stranger Things before the events of Season 4. Are you able to help in the fight against Vecna, and save the man of your dreams?
Pair: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Warnings: sadness, swearing, sad Eddie
Main Eddie Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Previous: Chapter 26
Next: Chapter 28
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[1.1k words] Never before in his life had Eddie been actually excited to attend school. He could barely contain himself, instantly kissing everyone on the cheek that he walked passed, praising that it was ‘such a good morning’. 
And true to your word, there you were on your first day of school. Your hair was combed back into a pony tail, ears covered by the headphones plugged in to the walkman on your hip. You seemed slightly tense, but at ease as you nodded your head to the beat. He wanted to run up to you, twirl you around in his arms…. But to you he was still a stranger. And so he had to control himself; and he almost would have gotten through it if it weren’t for a desperate blonde boy who craved attention. 
You stood there minding your own business, secretly hoping that the cute brown eyed  boy from yesterday would come up and talk to you. When a hand tapped you on the shoulder, your hopes were up. Your face flushed as you turned around to look into his dark chocolate eyes– blue?! 
The boy in front of you certainly wasn’t who you were expecting, and perhaps you should have worked better to mask the confusion on your face. 
“Uh– hi?” He said, gesturing for you to lower the headphones. 
Reluctantly, you did as he asked. “Yeah?” 
“You’re the new girl right?” He asked, clearly unable to register the bluntness in your voice. You nodded, “Cool– well, I’m Jason–”
“I don’t care.” You interrupted him. He took back a step, offended and frustrated. 
“I was gonna offer you tour around campus, no need to be such a bitch–”
“I really don’t care.” You repeated yourself, placing the headphones back onto your ears and you looked around the relatively full car park. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu, taking in the sight of all eyes on you. 
Until you noticed the only eyes that mattered. 
“Well, it was nice meeting you Jackson.” You said, excusing yourself to make your way to where Eddie stood near his van, completely stunned. 
“It’s Jason!” 
He could hardly believe it; fate almost repeated itself and yet you still stood your ground, without knowing the type of person Jason was. Originally you had become violent with him easily because you knew of the bully and sadistic person Jason was; but now… you relied on gut instinct. And the fact that you walked over to him without any sign of hesitation made his heart flutter. 
“Hey!” You smiled at him, “Eddie, right?” 
Like the love-sick fool he was, he stared dreamingly into your eyes. Only mastering a small nod and smile in response. It made you shutter in side, seeing the affect you had on him. Unknown to you; he was trying his hardest to stop picturing you naked. He could remember every curve, every scar, every way your skin flushed bright red. Or how your mouth would part slightly in your sleep. 
Finally having you in front of him was proving to be more difficult than he thought. Specifically because he loved you from the past, yet you had no memory of it. It made him wonder what those first few days were like when you landed in Hawkins; you had already fallen in love with  him before he even met you, and now the tables had turned. 
“I just got my schedule, are you in any of these classes?” You asked him, pulling him out of the trance he was in. 
Looking down to the small piece of paper in your hands, Eddie saw a rather familiar set of classes. 
“Yeah– ah, looks like we have Chemistry together.” He said smiling for a split second before realising how that could be taken, “I mean– the class. My friend Robin is also in that chemistry class.”
You pursed your lips together, trying to contain yourself. “So you already have a lab partner?” 
Just as he was about to respond, Robin seemed to spring out from the shadows. Draping her arm around your shoulders, “Nope! He doesn’t. I had to move to be partners with Rachel, forgot to tell you Eddie. I’m Robin by the way, nice to meet you, Y/n.” 
You laughed along with the girl who seemed to talk faster than the speed of light, “Hi– I don’t recall saying my name.” 
Her mouth fell open, seemingly lost for words. “I– well– ah.. Eds over here told us he ran into you yesterday! Ain’t that right Eddie?” 
He was embarrassed that Robin had painted him in such a needy light; gushing to his friends about the cute girl he met only the day before. He was worried about the type of impression that would have on you. 
“Already telling people about me, Eddie?” You teased, and it calmed his nerves instantly. You were still you, he had to remember that. Just because you dressed different and no longer knew him, didn’t mean you were different to the girl he fell in love  with. 
“Couldn’t help it, Angel,” He responded, proud of himself for mastering up the courage to produce words. “But I promise from now on, what happens in the prop room stays in the prop room.” 
The way he spoke did something to you inside that you couldn’t quite explain. You wanted to respond with something as witty or as…. Sensational. But time took that day as the day officially began. 
Class after class; the way Eddie was so carefree and rowdy made every dull moment pure entertainment. He always found something to make you laugh, or pass you little notes. And you loved every second of it. 
But it was too good to be true, as two of your classes were without the loveable metal head. You found yourself thinking back to him, drawn in by his smile and dark eyes. He captivated your mind and heart completely; you wanted to kick yourself for becoming close to someone so quickly. 
You sat there in the middle of class, staring off into the window. You let your emotions fester in your head. Excitement, fear… you had never allowed yourself to fall in love before, always moving quickly from town to town with your parents. But was it love? You had only met him less than 24 hours before; but there was something about him that was familiar and comforting. 
The clock ticked, the sound of the hand moving with each second had started to suppress itself into your eardrums. It only happened a few time before, your senses becoming overwhelming loud. You struggled to breathe, trying to steady the air flowing in and out. You knew what would happen if you let yourself worry too much, if you let thee fear and excitement fester into— 
The window shattered, everyone screaming around you. Crouching down to the floor, hiding away under the tables. 
‘This can’t be happening… not again.’
Hi! So my tagging seemed to work for the. last Parent Trap update (where I did it manually on my iPad), so I’m curious to see if it will work this time (where I copy-paste it on my laptop). We’re learning babyyyyyyyy.  Also check out this new header for the Sucked In Masterlist 
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Series Taglist:
@assassinsasha23 @dreamingsmile @introvertedmouse @thegirlwhohides @gobringmemyfood @munchabunch @empty-and-nameless @el1997 @gooblerstan @bigbundabucket @theprettyandthereckless @earthtokace @ifellinlovewithawarsblog @secretsicanthideanymore @blueberryhitosh1 @maryan028 @bakugouswh0r3  @loliakeoghan23 @gamorxa  @stardustworlds @bakugouswh0r3 @taeddybearkim @azaleaitsgreen @eddiemunsonslips @awhoreforeddiemunson @strangerthingsstories5255 @queenotaku23 @sweetberry47 @sammararaven @anothermunsonsimp @megumimind @zephyrs-world @thegirlwhohides@lem0nb0iii @whoreforhowl @kaitebugg03 @preciousbabypeter @snapped-chopstick @cutiecusp @sl-tfor-joseph-quinn  @crescent-moon-palace @silky-luxe @resident-gay-bitch @anonymousstoryteller2000 @ches-86 @dreamingsmile @assassinasha23 @introvertedmouse
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bicycle4two · 1 year
short fic starring jason and his little mouse from built to love, but broken now
find more ficlets of this couple here
College Days
You’ve never really given it much thought. You’d been editing videos since high school, have made a decent income from it, and never really thought of pursuing anything else. It also helps that although your parents never really cared for you, at least not in the ways that you needed, they had left you enough money to be able to manage on your own for a few years, even with the hefty hospital bills.
So, further education has never been on your mind, didn’t seem like a priority with how your life has been going so far.
But Jason, surprisingly, wanted to go, brought it up over dinner one night before he went out for patrol.
“What do you think about English Lit, mouse?” He had asked as he pushed his food around with his fork.
“Like, as a subject?”
“Well, yeah, like, what do you think if I take it up when the new term starts at Gotham U?”
“I, really, Jason? You want to go?”
“I always liked reading, books, discussing them with Alfred. So, I figured, why not?”
“But do you need to go to college for that? You can, like, sign up for a book club at the library or something.”
There’s a light blush on Jason’s cheeks and he tries to hide it with his hand, tries to play it off. He’s embarrassed. “It’s not just books. I liked school.”
“Well, then sure. I think English Lit is a good course for you to take up.”
“Why don’t you go with me?”
“I, I can’t afford the tuition, Jason.” Now you were playing around with your food, finding it easier to look at than Jason. You could see that he was excited, that this is something he wanted for the both of you.
“So, apply for a scholarship. Hell, we have money. It’s no big deal.”
“No, you have money.”
“Mouse. If you want to go, I’ll make sure it happens.”
So, college. It’s an interesting idea. You think that more than teaching you things that you can learn on the internet anyway, it’s the experience that you want to have. High school was rough, but you think that being on the same campus as Jason might be interesting. You’d at least have a friend to have lunch with.
It’s just, do you really want to take up math again? It seems like it’s an unavoidable subject, that all courses have to at least have the basic units. Algebra and Statistics. And you think, is going back to school really worth it?
“I can help you. You’re not going in this alone.” Jason laughs in that airy chuckle like way of his, more like an amused puff of air, when he sees you sort through different course pamphlets. Rather than ranking them by genuine interest, you were tossing out the courses that required more than two math units, the minimum.
“You’ll have other things to worry about, Jason. You’ll have your own classes, patrol, you can’t just drop everything and tutor me.”
“This is supposed to be fun, mouse.”
“I just don’t want to fail.”
“You’re not going to,” Jason says confidently. He’s been getting more and more comfortable with the idea of going back to school by the day. He’s looked up past syllabuses online, looked into forums where students discussed the best teachers for each subject. “But even if you do, it’s alright. We’re there to learn. It’s not like you’re gunning for a desk job after, right? You’re settled here. Just choose something that’s interesting.”
“I did always want to try art.”
“There you go! And look, only two units of math!”
“Ugh. You better make time for me in your schedule. I’m going to need all the help I can get.”
“I’ll always have time for you.”
a/n: inspired by the fact that jason loves books and i genuinely think (and i’m pretty sure i’ve seen discussions about it somewhere with actual proof) that jason’s a nerd and did enjoy school
also i’m just projecting my own frustrations with going back to school and math here. i’ve graduated years ago but still stick to the fact that if i didn’t have to take math ever again, i’d go back.
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