#I’m hoping to post it soon. I crave validation.
blueish-bird · 1 year
writing a Part 1 CSM fic where everyone’s just hanging out, but I can’t work on it for too long or it makes me sad and lonely and a little hopeless because. at least they have each other and an apartment/home and know how to make food lmao.
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melonchollychillie · 1 year
Leo's misfortune
Don and Leo in the morning
Tea for the team
Little Times
Glitching Pupils
Dancing turtles
Be Back Soon AU
(On hiatus)
!TW- Blood, disassociation, lots of blood, swearing, violence, SH, probably horror aspects, hallucinations. !
I have no idea what I’m doing! But here’s my Be Back Soon AU part of this masterpost
It’s very obviously my first comic, so please bare with me while I figure out what I’m doing and hopefully make a story within the barriers of ‘ok’.
Be warned- I really love my angst
About- If Leo ended up stuck in the prison dimension for over a year while the others had 4 months to mourn.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 /
Inside a Timeless Cage
Cause I swallowed the bubble gum, these seven years will be pretty dumb.
I have an ao3 account!
I wasn't sure if i should add it or not but its here ig if anyone is interested! :)
I post stuff on there sometimes (all rottmnt)
I hope for some friendly criticism but I wont tolerate any bullying please and thank you. (Whether its me or other people)
(Unless it isn't obvious i kinda hate everything i draw so please tell me what you think <:3 i crave validation)
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shytastemakerthing · 4 months
Can I please request a romantic TWST and Ikemen Prince matchup! I am veryyy outgoing. I make friends really easy and overall I’m a people pleaser. I do get very anxious and overwhelmed easily, which can cause panic attacks. I dont like sports, but I do like studying and my grades are something I take pride in. I overwork myself a lot and I make myself crumble. I thrive in environments where I get to help people. I tend to fall for possessive people because it makes me feel like someone actually likes me, even though they’re toxic. I get a long with people pretty easily though a lot of people have taken advantage of me because I’m naive and overly kind and I do anything in my power to make sure that people like me. I crave validation so I love being praised and taken care of, it makes me feel like I’ve done something right. I really enjoy video games and puzzles cause they challenge my brain. Its very easy to get me to do anything- just tell me “if you do _____ then I’ll be so proud of you.” And I’ll do it-. I am a little chubby with stretch marks and surgical scars. I have some sensory issues that can cause panic attacks, like loud places/crowds. I also refuse to eat anything that has even the slightest abnormal texture, like green beans, asparagus, or Brussel sprouts. I love love love sweets, and I almost always have a sweet tooth. Thank you!!!
Hello and thank you so much for your request!! While I work on the remaining requests that I have in my inbox, I'll do the match-up for Twisted Wonderland in this post, and then do the Ikemen Prince match up as soon as I have the rest caught up.
I hope that you enjoy your match-up!
Tw: None
I match you with...........
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Malleus Draconia
I may or may not have been listening to a Malleus Draconia playlist as I was writing this but it went so well and I loved it
By nature, Malleus is a rather possessive fae. I mean come on, the man is a literal dragon and it is well known just how possessive dragons are, especially of those they care a great deal about.
Now, he won't just go and lock you up in a tower to keep you all to himself, he was taught better than that no matter how much his draconic instincts scream at him
But he lets this side of him show in other ways
Holding you closer when anyone seems to get too close
Appearing by your side the literal second that someone seems to be bothering you
The subtle 'they're mine' that sounds more like a growl towards anyone who approaches you with more romantic intentions
When he loves, he loves with all that he is
Not to mention, with how lonely and isolated he grew up, he craves your presence and your touch. It does not take him long to be addicted to it
You have a sweet tooth?
Well, so does he, his favorite is ice cream
Meaning that there are plenty of ice cream dates
And lots of them
Malleus is one to surprise you at your front door, either to escort you to a nice ice cream parlor he heard about, or he already has said dessert and the two of you can go on a walk or just hang at yours or his dorm, he isn't picky
You always know when he is near, those green fireflies are always an indicator as to where he is. Sometimes he likes to lead you with them to wherever he is at.
The longer you are with him, the more he grows attached. Whether it be just be a simple study time at the library, hanging out at his club, or even just sitting on a bench and enjoying each others company, he loves it all, just so long as he gets to be with you.
Overall, Malleus is a protective lover, possessive as well (though he can't exactly help that side of him, but he is not one to cross the line. Sure, he may not always have the best solution to problems, sometimes being worse, but he really is trying to do his best. He loves you, and that is a fact that he will remind you of every single day.
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Thank you so much for your request!!
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not an ask really, but you should totally rewrite your old BEN drowned FF! I'd love to see how much you've changed as a writer while still getting the old nostalgia from the original!
Oh god the OG readers have found me-
But in all seriousness I have been playing with the idea of a rewrite, but the thing I’m struggling the most with rn is my new fanon interpretation of BEN is so insanely wildly different from what 12 year old me saw ‘em as. In all honesty I’m not sure the internet’s edgiest troll ghost that lives in your WiFi router would make for a fun romantic companion lmaoooo
12 year old me just saw BEN as the flirty murder gamer bf and current me sees ‘em as flirty murder gamer twisted fucking cycle path that loves being a malewhore manipulator. In a completely separate one off fic I did recently BEN’s only motives were enjoying the suffering of others so uh. Idk how well that’ll go for a romance route
There’s also the underlying issue that most people in fanon see BEN as a child (which is totally valid btw, if u have child/pre teen/teenager BEN headcanons you rock) and I’m not super comfy writing pairings with characters who are mostly seen as children, even though my BEN is meant to be this ageless entity inhabiting the digital realm.
Don’t get me wrong I still absolutely fucking love BEN as a character, but as it currently stands I can’t really find a way to put ‘em in a slash reader fanfic without going against most of my current HCs
I am however heavily playing with doing an EJ fic in a similar (obviously updated) style because he was also one of middle school me’s favorites.
Good fucking lird this response got so long so fast, but I hope this satisfies your craving for potential BEN update stuff from me! And in all honesty I probably will make a HC post about BEN specifically soon, so be on the lookout for whenever that decides to materialize >:3
(And psssst if anyone wants to see current literature stuff from me, check out my AO3! I’m StarLight37 on there)
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p3sephone · 2 years
🍩 = “Please, stop fussing. I’m just trying to give you a bath”
☘️ = “If you were really mine, you’d let me mark you in public”
With Wanda, please?🥹👉👈
Summary: you slowly let Wanda inside of your mind, just because she doesn't want to break it.
Warnings: coercion, kidnapping, confusional reader, unwanted touches, reader is having a bath against her will. This is only +18 and minors are absolutely not allowed, so if this is not your cup of tea and you don't like dark themes, please block me.
Note: I loved this one pretty much! If you want to make other requests on this post, you can do it! I'll post as soon as possible. Meanwhile, please comment or give any feedback you like. <3
Words: 556.
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"Can you at least try? I'm trying to do what I can to keep calm, but it really seems like you want the worst for yourself, and I don't recommend it dear." You felt an even stronger grip on your hair and you whimpered, trying to mentally calm down and relax. But the whole context was wrong, every detail. You did not remember how long I had been imprisoned here and you only knew that Wanda was not a woman to provoke: you had to stay good, until the moment of her escape. This you had told yourself from the beginning, yet it had been a long time since then. Too much time. At first it almost seemed like she had a sense of respect and modesty, but all of that slowly disappeared over time.
She became more intrusive, telling you how she expected you to treat her as an equal, like a lover. Because you had to be together. She was out of her mind, but today she was beyond all limits. She had decided to take a bath after a long time since your last punishment, your failed escape attempt. You admitted her punishment was as terrifying as she was when she got mad, but freedom… you craved everything you had before her.Even if you don't actually really remember what was like before her. She had prepared a bath with love and had tried, in her opinion, to put you at ease. How could it be to make you comfortable to force yourself to undress and take a bath? You really wanted to stand still for your own safety, but you couldn't stand her touching you or seeing your naked body across the water. You just wanted to leave. "Please, stop fussing. I'm just trying to give you a bath." Her cold tone made you stop in place, freezing you with fear. She seemed to happily hum back, continuing to play with your hair and casually massaging your shoulders. "You are so tense my darling, you should relax…" she slowly lowered the tone of her voice, making him more sensual. You felt her long red hair tickle along your shoulders and you started shaking again, hoping that the now cold water excuse would be valid if she asked why. But no, she wasn't interested. She was interested in something else, like your neck where she kept placing more and more kisses. They were persistent and started to hurt. She was hurting you. "Stop it Wanda, please- please." you whispered in total terror that she might take it badly for it, instead she hummed. You realized from her newly stiff grip on her hair that was another warning sign. "If you were really mine, you’d let me mark you in public." But you never said you belonged to her, right? Right? You didn't know what to say but you knew you had to find something quickly, because her grip on your hair was becoming more and more painful. "I, I'm sorry Wanda. I'll let you do it, I promise." The pain was too much, so you gave in as she resumed her sweet false cures once she got what she wanted. Forcing you and faking your memories would have been easy, but breaking you up and spontaneously making you believe that you really belonged to her was simply an eternal pleasure for Wanda.
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rantyraven · 1 year
hey tumblr 
this is a little weird for me. but I feel like documenting my emotions and my trials and errors with this issue will help motivate me to actually making progress on it. for about a year and a half now I've been struggling incredibly hard with a weed addiction that I'm struggling to find a support system for. most of my closest friends not only smoke it daily as well, but are firm believers in the “it’s impossible to get addicted to weed” motto. based on their attitudes and actions tho, they’re just not self aware. looking thru tags on here have made me feel less alone and more validated that there is something wrong with me -- that there’s a reason I feel like I'm struggling so bad.
I hate who I am with weed. I feel so entirely useless and unmotivated to do anything. I miss the old me, the me that didn’t know the meaning of procrastination, who exercised daily, who actually completed projects, who actively practiced writing. I can feel my brain rotting away and I hate myself for letting this happen. 
I know this will be a long rant post and I don’t wanna clog any timelines so ---------vvv
my experience with weed didn’t begin until I was 24 when my partner brought stuff home from a dispensary out of state. back then it was fun and something I only did once in awhile. I remember how I couldn’t imagine how anyone could enjoy participating daily -- it was too much for me and I often felt hungover the next day. then I abused it during my final semester of graduate school -- the excuse was I needed to smoke to help my artistic expression. but soon I wasn’t working on my creative projects on weed anymore. I was entertaining manic episodes and busy being emotional and paranoid. the longer I smoke the more I feel like a rotting fat corpse. every day I'm desperate to stop but I still choke down 3-4 joints and maybe a bowl or two. I get anxious early in the day to smoke if there’s nothing else to distract me, or if I feel too lazy to do anything. but, the moment I smoke I feel the strength to stop and feel the shame of already fucking up before I could start. it’s so ridiculous that I only feel the motivation to completely quit weed only after just having smoked. 
god I'm so desperate to quit. I want my old life back. I want the old me. I want to live a normal life again and feel the ambition and drive and passion that I used to feel over the project ideas I have. I have so much potential to be successful and I feel crippled by this fucking drug. I hate that I can’t even confide in my friends without them interpreting my journey as some kind of better-than-thou bullshit. 
I want to quit so badly but I don’t know where to start. I've never even smoked cigarettes before so I have no experience quitting a substance that has such a grip on your life. 
I would love to receive some advice or support. maybe anyone else on here who’s in the boat with me, who also wants to work on their sobriety. I've tried and retried on my own over and over and always fail. if anything, I hope using this as a vent space for my frustrations as a quit, or if I fail again. what are some of the best ways to help distract from the craving to smoke?
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
crawlers personal diary entry 6
[There may be heavy and potentially triggering personal subjects below the cut. These entries are being posted in order to archive them in case something happens to me and they have to be deleted from my personal notes. If you know me IRL, I kindly ask that you skip over these.]
He is unhappy with me. Not angry, but dissatisfied. He talks all the time about how this life is inadequate, how he longs for more. at first i could say it wasn’t me, merely a generalization, but i realize now i am in fact included in this. he says he feels unloved and unwanted despite my desperate attempts to remind him that i care for him more than i do life itself, even today i made sure to tell him. that’s exactly what he wants, he says, for someone to love him more than life itself, but i guess i’m not doing it right. and he is blatantly telling me this without saying it to me. he doesn’t want to say it directly, but he knows i see it, so he must know that i am aware of how disappointed he is in me. i’m sorry . i must’ve hurt him, but i don’t know how. whatever i did, it seems he’s completely disappointed. i can feel it when he looks at me. what have i done to lose his love 
its almost funny how i do everything i can to keep my problems away from those i care for while he is so willing to just … tell everyone. tell me. and i can’t stop him because if i tell him i need a break from hearing him upset it will only make things worse. i feel terrible for thinking that.
he’s going away for a month soon on a long trip. i think it will be good for him to get away, out of the country. i’m excited for him, even. yet i fear that when he comes back he will realize that he felt so much better without me. or maybe he won’t want to come back at all. both of these are completely valid on his end, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt.
each day the shadows grow taller and i fear that whatever thing has been stalking me will have me in its grip soon. i need so badly to talk to someone, but i can’t bare the thought of making someone else carry my burdens. i keep cycling between knowing it’s not real deep down but still being afraid and being completely overwhelmed with fear of what it will do to me when i’m caught. i don’t want to go missing 
i crave to cut deep and find peace but i will not allow myself to become that person again
i feel so sick. my stomach hurts so bad i want to carve into myself and remove it completely. even as i type this i can fee l my hands going weak. i’m losing my motor functions
it’s late. maybe i’m just tired . i hope i can sleep 
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vendettaparker · 2 years
more stuff coming in the new year :) sorry i’ve been so inactive with writing. i was in an abusive household for the past five months and i was unable to stay motivated to write. i recently moved away from that abusive household and i’m slowly doing better. i was also recently in the hospital for mental health issues. i am doing by best to move forward and find the joy i used to have in writing again. i want so badly to give you guys some stories soon. 
i don’t want to delve too deeply into what has been going on in my personal life, but i will say that my mental health was, and still somewhat is, at an all time low. i do not receive much support from my family, and when i do it is often back handed. i am just trying my best right now to work on myself and get my life back together. once i do, i hope to be writing again. 
i love all of you so much. genuinely, anyone who’s even reblogged, commented, or sent asks about my posts—it means the world to me. i hat to admit it, but i crave validation so much. i try so hard in my personal life to get that love and validation from my family but often it seems i fall short. this was my favorite creative outlet, and i want it to be again. i just need some more time. 
please be patient with me. 
i’m healing. 
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opalesense · 3 years
darkest fantasy
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childe & f!reader (NSFW)
3.7k words • ~30 min. read
summary: one night you decide to make one of childe’s darkest fantasies into a reality, but as the night progresses, things don’t seem to go according to plan. at least... not according to your plan.
warnings: cnc, sexual assault, blood, death, knives, outdoor sex, lil comfort at the end i promise
notes: saw fatui agent childe fanart and AWOOGA... anyway i tried putting some in game screenshots in this for that extra ~immersion~ and might do that more often in some future fics if you guys want! thanks for 200 followers and i hope you enjoy!! ; ^ ;
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“I SHOULDN’T HAVE BROUGHT IT UP,” Childe’s eyebrows furrowed as he rested a hand against his forehead, clearly flustered by the way he chuckled his nervousness away. “You really get me to say the stupidest things, [Y/N].”
 “It’s not stupid at all! C’mon, lighten up a bit!” you placed a hand on his arm and inched closer to his face, sensing the warmth in his cheeks. His shy eyes connected with yours when he let out a deep sigh, thanking you for the validation without him needing to say anything. It was rare to see him this nervous.
 “We’re not going to do it, babe. You asked me to tell you a secret fantasy and that’s all it’ll ever be. A fantasy. Just something in my imagination.”
 He gave you a quick kiss on your forehead before pulling away from you and walking towards the bedroom door to call it a night, but you quickly gripped him by the wrist to pull him back which immediately grabbed his attention. Swiftly, you leaned in to mutter words into his ear that would echo in his head for the rest of the night until the next day.
 “Luckily for you, the thought of doing it gets me a little excited. So why don’t we try to make your fantasy into a reality?”
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THE HARBOR’S NIGHT LIFE always flourished near the end of the week. Plenty of workers who had weekends off would fish by the docks, street performers and storytellers would entertain families passing by, and restaurants would be packed full with hungry customers craving for the delectable cuisine of Liyue. Teenage friends gathered in front of the theatre while the elderly seemed to congregate by the teahouse. Children ran across the pavement from time to time flying kites and playing with butterflies. Liyue was truly fascinating during the night, full of a liveliness that always put a sense of joy in each heart that walked through its streets.
 Yet when you walked through the streets, lacking a companion and cold from the slightly revealing dress you wore, there was a sickly mixture of giddy excitement and wrenching anxiety in your heart. You had loosely planned this night with Childe so you knew what to expect, but at the same time, you didn’t. You had no idea where he was, what exactly he was planning to do to you, or when it would all start in the first place since you had been wandering around the harbor for about an hour now. All he wanted you to do was “wear this dress and enjoy your evening,” as he said in his own words. But he simply left you with those vague instructions as well as a bag of Mora to indulge yourself with.
 Even if he didn’t show up, the highlight of your night would be the mouthwatering dinner you had by yourself along with the sight of people offering lanterns to the sky. It was a beautiful night indeed.
 Another hour of wandering and occupying yourself with activities passed and you were feeling restless. The thought of Childe made you squirm in your seat, excitement flooding your nerves as you craved to see him now more than ever.
 If Childe’s following me, I should go somewhere less crowded, you thought.
 Assuming he was watching you at this very moment, you decided to make things easier for him, leaving the storyteller’s pavilion and walking across the bridge heading towards Mt. Tianheng. Mindlessly wandering and following the dirt path, you began to veer left towards the Golden House, but the distant sight of the Millelith immediately turned you back around.
 Not there.
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ON YOUR WAY BACK to the main path, you noticed a smaller, less travelled road wedged between two large rocks, the dimly lit lantern sitting up ahead enticing you to follow where it leads. You found yourself curiously walking up the hill, taking in the starry night sky and whistling trees until you turned the final corner to see a group of miners idly standing around, bantering with one nearby Millelith guard.
 They noticed your sudden presence and waved hello, to which you waved hello back. One of the miners, who leaned against a cart full of iron, was the first to fully acknowledge you. “Hey, are you lost, miss?”
 “Oh, no, not at all. I was just curiously wandering around, taking in the sights and all,” you grinned politely, glancing up at the calm night sky. “It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it boys?”
 “Taking in the sights, are you?” another miner slowly approached you, a few more starting to pay attention to you. “You know, you’re certainly a sight to take in too with that pretty little dress of yours.”
 You had completely forgotten that you looked very out of place with what you were wearing – a short traditional-like dress with a small hole exposing a small area of your chest. Your eyes quickly widened as you processed what the miner said, but before you fully realized it and came back to your senses, the men had circled around you and were getting dangerously close. You instinctively reached down to grab the blade that was usually tucked and sheathed in your belt but after grabbing nothing with the realization that of course, you were wearing a dress, genuine panic began to seep in.
 “What’s a pretty girl like you doing out late at night looking like that anyway? You’re practically begging to be touched,” a man’s voice behind you teased, grabbing your hips as he emphasized that last word. You swiftly elbowed him in the ribs to defend yourself and temporarily push him away, but the other men were quick to react as a pair of hands grabbed your arms and pinned you into place.
 You snapped your head towards the Millelith guard, expecting him to do something to help you as a protector of the harbor. But he simply stood there at his post, glancing away as soon as you met his eyes. And if Childe were watching, you were sure he would have stepped in by now. He was often the jealous type anyway. But while the men slowly pulled you under a nearby deteriorated pergola despite your thrashing then greedily groped your body, help was nowhere to be seen.
 All hope you had for a fun night was gone. Tears swelled in your eyes as you attempted to kick away the hungry hands but it was no use. Please, you silently prayed, someone help me!
 As if someone had heard your prayers, the sound of a projectile zipping past your head followed by your arms being freed from the man who was restricting you was the sound of freedom. The others looked up in horror and paused their advances as their friend dropped injured behind you. Suddenly, a dark figure leaped from the hill above and landed on the ground confidently, quickly pulling out two blades then lunging forward to the miners, catching them by surprise. You took this temporary moment of freedom to kick the hands off of you and scramble away, running back towards the path. You could hear the sounds of bodies thumping to the ground behind you coupled with loud groans of agony, and you can only imagine what your unknown savior looked like but all you could focus on was getting away as soon as possible with the limited mental strength you had.
 But much to your dismay, one of the miners still managed to grab you tightly and drag you back, and every time you wiggled away, they had a strong grip on you. Sobs of desperation escaped your throat, “Let me go! Let me go, please! Help!”
 “Leaving so soon?” a different voice growled in your ear as the man’s grip around your waist tightened. It was deep, distorted, and certainly anxiety inducing. You looked down in a flurry of panic to see black and red sleeves wrapped around your figure. This was not one of the miners.
 The man lifted you up a few inches from the ground to turn you around. You were faced with bodies littering the floor. It had only been less than ten seconds and the entire scene was drenched in blood. The sight of the freshly killed miners as well as the one guard made you tremble in fear rather than feel grateful for being saved just now.
 “I think I deserve a reward for protecting you from those filthy bastards, wouldn’t you agree?” the man inched you closer to the bodies but you closed your eyes as soon as you could recognize the open wounds from his blades. “At least a thank you would be nice.”
 “Get away from me!” you yelled and thrashed in his arms again but quickly stopped once you heard the sound of his blade being unsheathed. You opened your eyes to see a bloodied dead man at your feet as well as a knife at your throat, pressing gently at your fragile skin.
 “You’re a tough one, aren’t you? I wouldn’t be so resistant if I were you,” the man’s gravelly voice was definitely unfamiliar but his tone and inflection reminded you of...
 “Childe....” you weakly muttered under your breath, which made the man laugh in response.
 “Childe, you say? You have something to do with the boss?” he pressed his hips harder against yours, his erection subtly throbbing underneath his clothes.
 “So you’re Fatui, aren’t you?” you mustered enough courage to make your voice sound threatening enough. You let out a sarcastic laugh despite your low confidence. “You have no idea who you’re messing with. Once Childe finds out about this, your life will be over within seconds.”
 “Who are you to say something like that?” he slowly began walking the two of you over to the nearest wall, a large rock that cast an equally large shadow from the moonlight. “I’m surprised a dumb little slut like you would even know his name.”
 Your eyes squinted at the insult. “You don’t need to know who I am. All you have to know is you’ll be dead by tomorrow morning.”
 “We’ll see about that,” he suddenly used his free arm to turn you around so your back slammed against the cold rock. You finally looked up at your captor to confirm your suspicions of this predatory savior. He was certainly part of the Fatui, his red and black mask concealing his identity with yellow glowing eyes staring directly at you. His arm positioned itself directly next to your head so he could hold his blade against your neck again, threatening any potential thoughts of escaping. His other hand suddenly grabbed the open space in your dress and pulled down, ripping the fabric in half and exposing your half naked form, eliciting a loud gasp from you. Panic began to seep in. How could I walk back home practically naked? Would I even end up alive to come back home?
 Before you could use your arms to cover yourself up in an attempt at modesty, he pressed the blade to your neck that even the slightest movement would ensure spilled blood. “Don’t even think about it.”
 He looked up and down at your body, humming with satisfaction as he began to unzip his pants and free his cock. You couldn’t exactly take a good look at it with the knife restricting your range of motion, but even then, you weren’t sure you wanted to look. His free hand gripped your bare waist. “And to think that those other filthy men were about to get their hands on this... You really should thank me.”
 Another gasp escaped your throat as he slowly dug his hand under the strap of your underwear. His leather gloves snaked their way further down, inching closer and closer to your core. You could feel his grip on his blade tighten with his tensed muscles. “That was a command. Thank me.”
 “T-Thank you,” you whimpered as he pulled down the last bit of clothing you hid behind. He let out a satisfied groan at the sight of your aching cunt, which you hated to admit was dripping wet from thinking about Childe earlier in the night. Even now, you really hated to admit this situation was somehow turning you on, even though you were simultaneously disgusted and shaking in fear.
 “You’re practically soaking for me, aren’t you?” the man let out a slow chuckle as he dipped a gloved finger into your hole without warning. You gasped at the sudden penetration, careful not to arch your back into his touch with the knife still pressed at your throat. The man began relentlessly shifting his finger in and out of you and watched your face squirm with pleasure and denial at the same time. He maniacally chuckled at the way you were completely unsure of how to feel, and wanting to hear you moan louder instead of quietly pant and sigh, he inserted another finger and picked up the pace.
 “Your cunt is so tight, you know that?” he teased, “If you’re moaning like this now I can only imagine how my cock will make you feel.”
 “N-No, please,” you moaned out helplessly, “Please don’t...”
 He pulled his fingers away and quickly shoved them into your mouth while it was still open, freeing your throat from his knife and slowly trailing it down your body while he made you suck on his gloved fingers, wet from your own fluids. The cold metal found itself settling right above your hips and with no hesitation he began leaving flesh wounds, the leftover blood from the men easily being mistaken as yours at first glance.
 “I’m going to put away the knife, but you’ll be a good girl for me and stay still, won’t you? You saw what I did to those men. It would be a shame if you met the same fate just because you wanted to escape,” he sheathed the blade and pulled his fingers out of your mouth to grab your waist, forcing you to turn around. He bent down slightly to get a hold of your thighs, and in one swift move, folded your body into the likings of a full nelson, your legs hanging onto his elbows with his chest pressed against your tense back. As he reached his hands to clasp behind your neck and push your body into the intense position, the connection between this man and Childe made your eyes light up.
 This was one of his favorite positions. No way it was just coincidence.
 “So it is you, Childe,” you happily grinned as he turned the both of you to face the bloodied mess from before so he could lean against the wall. His touches seemed to get more familiar as the realization sunk in, but at the same time, you wondered if your mind was just playing tricks on you to make the best out of the current situation. You sat on the fence of either blindly believing this mysterious man was Childe or giving into the reality that this really was a stranger.
 “You’re delusional, slut. Childe has nothing to do with this, I don’t know why you keep mentioning his name,” he hissed in your ear, getting more and more irritated.
 You finally glanced down for the first time since nothing could restrict your neck anymore. To your delight, you smiled at his throbbing cock twitching as it waited at your entrance, aching to stir your insides. You giggled sweetly, finally relaxing with a deep sigh. You now knew with certainty that you were safe. Everything was under control. His control.
 “Childe, I recognize every inch of your cock like it’s second nature,” you stared at his familiar length then reached out to wrap your fingers around the tip, the muscle twitching in response. “You’ve never been this hard before... You must be so excited right now.”
 “One more word out of you about Childe and I will kill you right here. Do not test me.”
 “You wouldn’t, right? You love me too much,” you boldly declared, teasing him for staying in character. When he didn’t answer and instead shifted his cock to push his tip inside you, you let out a sharp exhale. He went in too fast, too rough. Even if you were dripping wet, the way he shoved himself inside you was merciless and tore you apart immediately.
 You tried to find the pleasure in it but as soon as he started thrusting not even a few seconds later, you worriedly whispered, “S-Slow down... Please! It hurts, Ajax-“
 “You’re going to take all of it in. Maybe that’ll teach you not to be an annoying, disobedient brat from now on,” he interrupted.
 Destroying you was an understatement of what he was truly doing to your body. He would repeatedly pull his length out before shoving it back in, rolling his hips so naturally with each thrust having clear intention to break you apart. Your cunt visibly throbbed, the excruciating pain slowly turning into ethereal pleasure from the attention it was getting from his thick shaft. He closely listened to the way your cries turns into gleeful moans, excitedly fucking you as his mind further indulged in the fantasy. After all, this entire night had been exceedingly frustrating and enticing to him and to take out all his pent up energy on you was the only thing on his lust filled mind.
 Soon enough, his thrusts began to roll in harder as he held onto you tightly, his moans becoming more intense as the only thing on his mind was how good he was feeling, fucking you in front of the kills he certainly prided himself on. Similarly, you felt your insides burn at the feeling of being manhandled and treated like a toy, or the way he began moaning your name in a low whisper as you felt his cock twitching inside you, aching for release – the first time he had ever acknowledged your name tonight.
 “[Y/N], baby – fuck!” his distorted voice cried out, “I’m... I’m gonna...!”
  “Me too...!” you felt your legs shake violently as you neared your climax, “A-Ajax!”
 He let out one final thrust, burying himself inside of you until his length plugged up your sore hole and dumped his seed deep inside you. His load came in pulses, slowly coating your insides with moans of ecstasy ringing in your ear as he rested his chin on your shoulder. Your cunt quivered as you reached your release as well, your fluids swirling with his to make one happy mix of satisfaction.
 The both of you stayed in this position, panting and trying to calm down from your highs. Childe let go of his hands behind your neck and positioned them to hold your knees without pulling out of you, allowing you to freely move your head again. Though, you didn’t want to take your eyes off of his cock buried inside of you, opting to keep your head hanging down to actively avoid looking at the bodies in front of you. Childe must have noticed this, and of course, he had to say something about it.
 “Sorry about... them. I hate... really hate when people try to mess with what’s mine,” he took a deep sigh as he slowly pulled out of you, watching his cum ooze out from your cunt to drip down to the space between his shoes. The sight could have been enough for him to push for another round, but he figured now wasn’t the time. He had the urge to explain himself.
 “I was just so mad and... though I have to admit, seeing their blood on my blade got me so excited... wait, I think I might’ve gotten a little too excited,” something seemed to have clicked in his mind when he said that, “Baby, I’m so sorry! We shouldn’t have done this, I did so many things to you, I’m so sorr-“
 “It’s okay, Childe,” you slowly turned your head to his so your faces were only an inch apart, his mask being the sole barrier that stopped you from kissing him to shut him up. “I had so much fun. Did you?”
 “Of course I did,” he slowly placed you down to stand on your feet again, which was admittedly tough since he had fucked the life out of you. He briefly held your waist to stabilize you as you wobbled back and forth, his cum now dripping down your thighs. He then lifted his hood up to reveal his fluffy red hair and took off his mask, throwing it to the ground to meet you with teary eyes.  His voice was no longer distorted by that cursed mask, and a look of genuine concern sat in his deep eyes.  “I-I’m so sorry for scaring you, [Y/N]. I could see it in your eyes the entire time and I hate to admit that it turned me on and now I feel so bad–“
  You swiftly pressed your lips to his, finally shutting him up from his rambling. He responded by eagerly returning the kiss, cupping your face in his hands and closing his eyes. For a moment, his troubles melted away once he realized you weren’t upset with him, and millions of thoughts about how much he loved you raced through his mind. But It wasn’t long before he broke the exchange, taking off his hooded garments to drape it over your cold, naked body. It was apparent he put thought into this moment, already wearing his normal clothes underneath the Fatui uniform as if he had planned to cover you up from the start. He made sure to pin it closed and fasten it tightly, ensuring that every exposed part of you was warm and covered. Once he was done, he pulled you in for a hug, holding you tightly as he stared at the bodies behind you, sighing contently.
 “I love you, [Y/N]. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and letting me have tonight. We really don’t have to do this ever again if you don’t want to.”
 “I love you too,” you smiled sweetly. “Just... next time, please don’t keep me waiting so long. The uncertainty was thrilling but I was sure I was going to die back there.”
 “I’ll keep that in mind next time. I just got caught up with the Millelith because I’m dressed like an agent, then I lost sight of you and... wait,” he pressed his forehead against yours and gently, yet eagerly whispered with a grin, “so there’s really going to be a next time?”
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1K notes · View notes
when you’re crying over something... somewhat silly
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Tsukishima Kei, & Kozume Kenma, all with a Fem!Reader
Warnings: subtle mentions in Iwaizumi’s that Y/N might be having her period, but fluff otherwise! Also, I very much so didn’t look over this much and kinda rushed the idea so I’m sorry for any inconsistencies or mistakes!
A/N: these are totally made up situations and definitely not situations based on me and my real life period moments when I cry at everything LOL (a nice thank you to my IRL boyfriend for putting up with my shenanigans haha). Also thank you @thisnoodlewritesao3​ for coming up with the idea for Kenma’s! I hope you all enjoy!
Haikyuu Masterlist
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Iwaizumi was going to kill Oikawa. He wasn’t sure how or why, but he got the sense that the tears in your eyes were because of that idiot. He had only just arrived at your place and you had seemed totally fine earlier when he called to make sure it was okay for him to swing by. So what had happened between then and now?
“Why’re you crying dear?” Iwaizumi’s voice was soft as he climbed into your bed with you, opening his arms and letting you crawl into his lap.
“C-Cause Oikawa and I were sending each other things through Instagram and he showed me this post that said that penguins mate for life. And the male will go around looking for the s-smoothest rock he can find to give to his mate so that they can make a nest together,” you hiccuped, inhaling shakily as you retold the not-so-sad fact.
Iwaizumi just stared at you. He didn’t want to be that guy but he knew the signs. You had specifically been craving your favourite chocolate bars this week and even snapped at him the other day for breathing too loud. You had complained yesterday about your shoulders and back hurting, even after he had helped rub out any tight spots.
He knew it didn’t matter whether you were having that or not, your feelings were all valid, but it definitely explained why you were crying like someone had just died.
“Isn’t that good?” He asked you finally, kissing your forehead gently as he wrapped his arms tighter around you.
You just nodded and sniffled in his arms, clutching his shirt, “Y-Yea.”
“So why are you crying, my love?” he asked with a soft chuckle and you looked up at him with a tearful smile.
“Cause... would you give me a pebble if we were penguins?” 
Iwaizumi couldn’t contain his laughter, pressing his head to yours as he hugged you even tighter, “I love you,” he finally said with a grin. “And yes, I’d give you a pebble.”
Your tears cleared up after his answer, smiling to yourself as you thought about you and Iwaizumi’s as penguins and building a nest together.
But it didn’t take long for your tears to start again when Iwaizumi picked up a nice smooth and pretty looking rock on your evening walk together and handed it to you, asking to be mates for life. He apologized profusely as you cried but you tried to insist that you were happy and held the little rock in your hands like it was the most precious thing in the world.
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Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing as he closed his eyes in annoyance. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into you recently but he knew that him yelling at you was probably just going to make things worse.
Your sniffling only irked him more though. He hated knowing you were crying over something easily solvable but refused for it to be fixed.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you whined when he finally opened his eyes and give you a slight glare. “I just want snacks!” Your eyes were filled with tears as you hugged your knees to your chest, pouting to yourself on his bed.
“I told you, we can go get the snacks then. You just have to get out of bed,” Tsukishima told you for what felt like the 50th time.
You shook your head stubbornly, wiping your tears from your eyes quickly, “No! I don’t wanna leave! I’m comfy! If we leave, I have to come back and no longer be as comfy!”
Tsukishima breathed in slowly, trying to remember that he loved you and he had known you were going to be this difficult when he first asked you out. You were stubborn and stupid and annoying but he loved it and he found you oddly amusing. Except for right now maybe.
“Okay, so I’ll go get the snacks. Just let me get ready-” he stood up from the bed, already planning the mini trip in his head.
But your hand grabbed his and tugged him back on the bed, shaking your head yet again, “No! I don’t want you to leave!” You insisted, hugging his arm. “Don’t go!”
“How do you expect me to get you snacks without leaving, Y/N,” he groaned, flicking your head with his free hand. “You gotta pick. You either come with me and get snacks, let me go get the snacks, or live without snacks.”
You didn’t like either of these three options and just whimpered some incoherent noises, grabbing a pillow and stuffing your face into it with some more sounds.
Tsukishima sighed and glanced at his phone and the clock next to him. His fingers tapped lightly on the screen before pulling you close to him and curling up next to you in bed. “Come on, put on that dumb anime you like.”
You whined out some more noises, still upset there were no snacks for you to eat while the two of you hung out, but you complied and just watched your shows with Tsukishima. He was just glad he was able to distract you long enough while Akiteru ran to the store and got you the snacks you had been craving and brought them over.
You had only just stopped crying and probably forgotten about the snacks, when Akiteru came knocking with his arms filled with everything. You started crying almost immediately out of happiness and Tsukishima felt so embarrassed with how tightly you hugged him in front of his brother (though he likes making you happy, even if you’re happy while crying).
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Kenma wasn’t sure what to do, finding you on the floor of your room in tears with your headphones in your hands.
“What’s wrong with them?” He asked you quietly, kinda annoyed that you had asked him to randomly come over tonight, but also still kinda happy to see you. 
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes, holding them up to him as he stood next to you, “It’s too loud.”
Kenma stared at you blankly for a moment, “Just turn down the headphone volume.”
“But then it’s too quiet!”
The boy wasn’t quite sure what you wanted him to do about this, and wondered why he had dragged himself out of a game just to see you. 
Right, I love her, he reminded himself with a sigh, plopping onto the floor next to you. “Why don’t you just play without headphones then?” He asked, glancing at the game that was currently paused on your tv screen.
“Cause I don’t wanna bug everyone else when it gets louder,” you pouted, curling up in a ball and hiding your face from him. “I’m sorry, Kenma, I didn’t mean to bring you here over something so stupid,” you mumbled, knowing that tonight, Kenma had wanted to try and finish the level on his game he had been stuck on for weeks now.
“It’s fine. If I didn’t want to see you, I wouldn’t have come,” he shrugged, reaching over and patting your head slightly. “Don’t cry though, it’s not worth your tears,” he insisted, going to your game options and changing the settings of how loud the game itself was. “Here.”
He moved to put your headphones back on your head, glancing at you every time he rearranged the settings to see if you liked it better or worse, “Is that okay?” He asked after a moment.
You nodded slowly, a bit embarrassed that you hadn’t thought about it. Kenma was sure to get annoyed with you if you kept pulling shit like this. He’d get bored with you like he did with games he had already played. 
“Can I play with you?” He asked suddenly, grabbing the second controller that was lying on a nearby table. 
You looked up at him in surprise, “You want to stay?”
He gave a small nod, eyes still fixated on the game on the screen, “I’ve never played this game with two players. Plus I’m already here and you’re the only person I like to play 2 player games with. Kuroo gets too loud and annoying,” he explained, already setting up the game even if you hadn’t officially said yes yet.
But the two of you got comfortable real quick, Kenma guiding you through all the cool easter egg parts of the game, a small smile on his face when he glanced down at you to see how intrigued you were by the game.
“I like playing with you,” he said after a moment, randomly.
You watched him with wide eyes, measuring the genuineness of his words by the expression on his face (though Kenma never seemed to say anything he didn’t mean). “I like playing with you too,” you whispered, tearing up again. Kenma quickly tried to distract you with the game as he noticed the tears, but soon realized that cuddles worked just as well. 
haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @tobi-momo​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @livy384​ @babyshoyo​ @jesssobs​
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abandon the pyre, forget the flames
okay so. not redacted related for once. but i wrote a thing and i crave validation, so i’m gonna post it anyways lmao
fanfiction for A Mage Reborn by @mage-parivir (I highly recommend the demo, the plots and characters are incredible and the whole thing is so well-written.)
pairing: Leon x gn!MC
I’m pretty much 100% sure that this is not anywhere Near how its going to go down in canon, but here’s a short little scene of Leon and the MC’s first interaction post Great Barbeque. it’s Longish, so under the cut it is
  Leon sighed, his shoulders finally losing their tense, regal posture, his face softening into something more open and far, far more tired. Another long day of playing nice with nobles, another headache building just behind his temples. Today, it had been planning for a conference with the nobility of a neighboring kingdom. Tomorrow, planning for Saine’s arrival the day after that. 
  There was a time when his brother’s upcoming visit would have sparked a brief moment of levity in Leon’s world weary heart, but times such as those were long gone-- they’d faded with the remnants of the smoke in the air all those years ago. Leon had lost more than one person on that pyre. Now, Leon could only dread and endure, rest as much as he could in the days before, exchange stiff pleasantries once Saine arrived, try to make polite conversation at the celebratory banquet. He would don his royal mask as he had done every morning for as long as he now cared to remember and suffer through the resentful glares and cold words that filled each of these visits, brief as they may be. Saine wouldn’t stay long, he knew-- he never did. In a way, it was a relief. The sight of his brother’s face, harder now, rid of its puppy fat, worn by time and aged beyond his short years by more hardship than anyone his age should have known always brought a flood of memories to Leon’s mind, memories that he would much rather let crumble and fade, untouched, unused, forgotten. But no, that would always be too much to hope for. Leon could never forget.
  Leon could never forget, and Saine could never forgive. Saine used to get angry at him often, the burning, insolent kind of anger of youth and petty disputes, but this was something different, deep and cold and hard as stone. There was nothing in this world that could take that from him now, nothing that could make him forgive Leon for what he’d taken from them all. 
  And worst of all for Leon was the knowledge that his brother’s anger was justified. He had taken something-- someone-- wonderful away. From Saine, from Ilya, from an old widow in a village far away. From himself. 
  Leon sighed once more, rubbing at his temples in a bid to free himself from the vicious thought patterns that always consumed him in his brother’s presence. It seemed that, this time, he would be unable to escape them, even before Saine arrived. He poured himself a glass of water from the washroom pitcher and drank half in a single gulp, bringing it with him as he made his way up to his chambers, ready to collapse into his bed and take refuge in the deep, blank calm of sleep. 
  It took him a few moments, once he got inside the door, to notice something was different. His eyes flitted over the room until, eventually, they alighted on something unusual. There was a person curled up on his bed.
  His first instinct was to call for his guards, have the stranger seized before they could make a move, but he stopped short. They didn’t seem to have heard him come in. They’d made no move since he’d entered, just layed there, still and quiet. Leon had survived an assassination attempt or two in his time, and he knew enough to know that this was no assassin. So, if not an assassin, then who were they? In the end, his curiosity won out against what may have been his better judgement and he stepped forward and cleared his throat.
  “Who are you and what are you doing in my private chambers?” he demanded, his tone soft but full of authority. 
  The figure did move, then. They sat up, their back still to him, and spoke. “After all this time, you still smell the same, Leon.” They turned to face him, raking their fingers through the hair that had fallen over their eye. “All these years and you still smell like home. You don’t know how I missed that smell.”
  He froze. His fingers slackened in their hold and the glass that had been in his hand shattered on the floor. Leon barely noticed. He’d gone alarmingly pale, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide and disbelieving. 
  “What’s the matter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” They grinned, but it quickly faded to a softer, more anxious, more tired smile. It was small, but there. “Did you miss me, Leon?”
  Leon still had not moved. Had barely breathed. A rattling breath shook itself free from his lungs and rushed out past his lips, a million and one words he wanted to say carried silently on the burst of air. Questions, apologies, confessions. But when his leaden tongue decided to move again, he could only manage a handful of words, and not even the ones he wanted.
  “Y-you’re dead. You’re supposed to be…”
  “I know. You must have questions. I’ll answer what I can later, just, please. It’s been so long. Talk to me,” they pleaded. “Sit down and just be with me for a bit. Please.”
  It was enough, at last, to shake the Sun King free from his shocked stupor, and he crossed the room in a few slow, shaky strides, unblinking, as though they would disappear should he look away for a fraction of a second. He wasn’t entirely sure they wouldn’t. 
  When he was stood by the side of the bed, towering over them, their head tilted up to meet his gaze, he reached out to them then stopped. His hands, his own two hands, now shaking and unsure, were the same hands that had signed the execution order. These wretched hands of his were drenched in their blood. Did he have the right, after everything, to touch them in the way he longed for? To hold them close like those dark, cold nights of times past, huddled together under a blanket of stars with Saine and Ilya or pressed against each other in too-small tents, their warmth his refuge from the promise of bloodshed come sunrise, and his warmth theirs? Surely he was not allowed. Surely they could not long for such things anymore.
  But when his hand fell back to his side, theirs drifted up instead, gentle fingers trailing over his cheekbone, down to the corner of his mouth, then finally coming to cup his face in their palm, their calloused skin warm against his. Slowly, so slowly, they pushed themself up on their knees until their face was mere inches from his. Their breath ghosted across his lips. Everything about them felt warm and solid and alive. For a moment neither of them moved.
  “Tell me it’s really you,” he breathed. “Tell me and I’ll believe you. Tell me you’re really here.”
  They leaned in, and when they replied their answer was spoken against his skin, their lips just brushing his. “I’m here.” Then softer. “I’m here.”
  Whatever he might have said next was lost in the kiss, their mouth soft and gentle on his, and something inside of him came undone. Neither could have said whose tears were the first to spill over, but soon they were both lost in the taste of salt and the feeling of familiar, tender hands. This kiss was so different from all that came before. It tasted of grief and hope, of nostalgia and new beginnings, of promises broken and promises kept. All of these things and more, but for once, there was no smoke clinging to their lungs, and there was no pyre painted behind Leon’s eyes. For the first time in years, they were at peace.
122 notes · View notes
barzzal · 3 years
between halls and thin walls → part four
summary: friends who fool around almost never works. almost.
↳ pairing: mathew barzal x you
↳ warnings: idiots, that’s all <3
↳ genre: fluff, angst, smut, roommates au, best friend’s best friend, friends with benefits, 18+
↳ length: series; part one, part two, part three, part four (6.7k), part five, part six
↳ masterlist: the barn
↳ track: my favorite part by mac miller, addicted by jorja smith, someone to spend time with by los retros
note: finally got myself to update this fic oml zzz quick psa tho, this will now be a six-part series! hope that’s okay and yenno as always, would love to hear what you think about this (validate me in the tags pls im lonely) happy reading babes! <3
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“Yo, grandma. Haven’t you had too much tea to drink?” his voice echoes in the room as soon as he walks into it. You carefully set the cup down on the dining table and looked at him exasperatedly. 
“Haven’t you had too much care to give?” you snark back, earning yourself a disappointed look from him. 
“Really, y/n? That’s the best you’ve got?” he shakes his head at your appalling retort.  What a shame.
You were good at pissing him off to be fair. You just weren’t in the mood to throw teases back and forth especially now that you’re feeling particularly vulnerable.
The week has been far too dreadful for you and you know that you’re willing to grovel your way into the weekend to finally have the time to slack off, not worry about taking a bath, and just go crazy with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
However, just like always, Mathew seems to never run out of ways to get on your nerves. 
He carelessly puts his stuff on the table, causing a fairly loud thud on the surface. 
You let out a deep breath, massaging your temple. 
“Somebody’s cranky.” he grins. Not necessarily the kind you’d want to see from him. 
You try to ignore him for a few minutes but you can’t help noticing how his build easily took over much of the space you’ve already been occupying. You irkingly look up at him, closing the book you were reading. You meet Mat’s eyes who just innocently looked back into yours. Waiting. Possibly plotting on yet another sophisticated way to toy with you.
“You’re a child.” you roll your eyes and return to your reading. He says nothing and instead rests his chin atop his enclasped hands, continuing to bother you with his ridiculously beguiling eyes. He presses his lips together before sighing dramatically. 
“What?” you snap, finally shutting your book down as you look at him. 
“I wanna go out.” he looks up at you in an effort to make his huge physique smaller than it really was. 
“Then go out. You’re a big boy.” you breathe. 
“You just said that I’m a child.” he coos, mimicking a five-year-old’s voice. 
“Stop that.” you glare at him. Mat props himself back and laughs, “Come on. I’m bored.” 
You open your book again just as you reply in a tone that Mat’s getting used to hearing. “Boredom doesn’t give you the right to pester me, Barzal.” 
And as an exchange, he speaks in the same tone rather mockingly, “And so is that attitude, Y/L/N.” 
“Come on, y/n. Let’s go out.” he now pleads, looking up at you with what seems to be his worst impression of a ‘puppy eye’.
“Fine.” you finally concede and you see Mat’s beaming smile instantly. 
“Where’d you want to go?” you ask as you take your reading glasses off.
“Dunno.” He shrugs, obviously teasing. 
On the edge of being irritated, you say, “Are you kidding me?”
“Grandma.” he mumbles before saying, “Do you have anything you want to do? And please don’t say book hunt.”
You suppress a smile and maintain your composure. “I’m craving for pancakes right now but I also wanna drink. Go to a bar or something.”
He nods in agreement. Already stitching his game plan.
“We can do both.”  he bobs his all too fine brows.
He didn’t have a hard time getting you on board with his spontaneity. You actually haven’t gone out in a while and the thought of a possible night out doesn’t seem to be so bad of an idea.
You’ve been with Mat to parties and while the two of you don’t mingle as much as the other guys did, he does know his way around the club. The dance floor, however, he tries. He really does.
For about an hour Mathew waited patiently in the living room as he scrolled endlessly on instagram liking a few photos and laughing at posts the fans tag him occasionally. His eyes were peeled away from the screen when he heard the door to your room click. His irises trail onto your body even if he didn’t plan to originally. 
Mathew, albeit dressed simply in his black turtleneck sweater and a beige overcoat exudes just about the right ‘swag’ (as per how he puts it) to stop you in your stupor. Although what you didn’t know was how you weren’t any different in his eyes. You were dressed quite nicely in a black lace bodysuit with a pair of blackpants accentuated by the black boots you usually wear on a night out. Your coat was slung on your forearm whilst you held your clutch purse in your hand so you could close the door with the other. 
“What?” you blink just as you look down to eye yourself. Feeling a tad self-conscious under his gaze.
Mat immediately breaks it off. He clears his throat, pretending to wipe off the non-existent dust on the accent table. 
“What?” he mirrors with an arched brow.
You shrug off his demeanor, snatching your keys from the accent table before putting it in your purse. 
“Have you called a lyft already?” he nods, absentmindedly scratching his temple. 
“You ready? You look— decent.” He says, trying to act casual and distant when he gives you the compliment.
Not noticing the unfamiliar look his eyes had, you return the compliment and say,  “And so do you. Good job for not looking like you came straight out of an H&M catalogue.” you wink at him with a grin. A thing which was then reciprocated by a deadpan look on his end. 
Before he could even come up with yet another clever way to come at you, you start walking towards the door, looking at him once as you motion the way by curling your finger.
“Haul ass, buddy.”
10:15 PM 
Mat decided to bring you to the usual place he goes to when he wants to be alone and just enjoy a couple of beers while he chats with River, the bartender he eventually befriends after years spent drinking in solitude. 
The bar had a rustic feel filled with wine barrels in the corner of the room. The seats were leather (mind you, it wasn’t the kind that gets easily worn out through time) and everything looked new to you regardless of all the vintage stuff displayed articulately on the brick wall. A turntable was set on the table stacked with vinyl records, most of which were from the 70s to 80s underneath.
It was obvious that it wasn’t the kind people would know about. Aside from it being located at such a secluded street leading to the suburbs, it wasn’t the type of bar kids would want to hang out in. It only had a few customers and most of them wore suits and came with company. No one really gave a hoot when you walked in with Mathew, aka, the face of the New York Islanders. Which is basically the reason why Mat kept coming back to the place. He felt comfortable and at peace. Almost in retrospect to being at home hanging with his father. 
“I can’t believe this place exists.” you say, mouthing your thanks to River as he hands you both of your drinks. The man that’s definitely aged like fine wine smiles, nodding his head over to Mat who was doing the same before he headed back to mix another set of drinks. 
“Me neither.” he grins, reminiscing about the time he’s found the small pub by accident. 
“This place looks expensive though.” you whisper, making Mathew laugh. 
“Well, it kinda is.” he sheepishly chuckles. “River’s filthy rich.”
“Is he really?” your mouth falls and you look back over the build of the old man. The way his salt and pepper hair was neatly slicked back makes quite a compelling case for what Mat had just said. 
Mat eventually explains who he was. Apparently, he was just another bored fancy man who happened to love making people drop dead and drunk with his over the top mixes. His dark deep set brown eyes are quite of a crowd favourite too. Case in point, the group of ladies seated from across you and Mathew.
“Hey.” you absentmindedly call on Mat who had just sipped on his drink. “I know what we should do.”
“All right.” he puts the glass down, “Lay it on me.”
“Let’s fix you up with one of the girls over there.” you suggest, leaning towards his body so you could get a better view upfront. Mat does not move and instead follows your finger subtly pointing at the other end of the room.
“What’s with the sudden fixation of getting me bagged tonight, huh?” he smirks, shaking his head at the idea of having to go home with some random girl. You give him a side eye as you move away from him. 
“Fixation is an overstatement. We’ll be here long enough for us to get sick of each other.” you explicitly told him. 
Mat eyes you intently. Searching if there was even the slightest doubt in your eyes. 
Long enough to get sick of each other. 
He clears his throat instead and looks across the room. “Which one?”
A gleeful cheer erupts from you just before you look over the girls in question. “What’s your type?” you ask him, not sparing a glance.
Mat looks down on you underneath the bar lights accentuating your features. Your eyes had a certain glint in them that Mat still can’t get a grasp on. Something that was just enough to spark something inside him. He didn’t want to overthink it nonetheless. It must have been just the lights. 
Once Mat sensed that you were about to look at him he immediately turned his gaze forward, squinting his eyes a little pretending to check out the women you’ve been eyeing for the last minute. 
“I don’t really have a type.” he shrugs, casually taking the fragile glass to his mouth. 
You dismiss what he said at once, “Do I look like a child to you? Just answer it.”
Mat shakes his head, “I told you. I don’t have one. If we vibe then we vibe. Simple as that.” 
You did not believe him but you decide to drop it off. Instead, you look back and return to your new found mission. Across the bar, seated were three girls busy talking to each other. 
“Got it.” you tell Mat, nodding your head towards the clueless girl sitting right across from where Mathew was. “The one in the center.” you add. “The one wearing a white bodycon.”
“She’s pretty.” he nods, validating your taste as his potential wingman. “Nice smile.”
Your hand met a firm slap on the table as you went on cheering for him. “Well? Go then!” you give him a nudge, taking it back quickly when you feel a slight hesitation on his part, “Don’t tell me you need me to introduce you?”
He takes the remainder of his glass and shaked off the kick it had in his throat. “You just sit and watch, babe.”
You do as you’re told and lean towards the bar, your elbow carrying all your weight whilst you sip on your half-full martini. 
Mathew’s stance and the way he carries himself immediately caused the girls to notice him coming. Of course, you weren’t really surprised. You watch him approach her,– reading along the words leaving his mouth. There was an exchange of proper ‘hello’s’ as Mat introduced himself to the girls. He reaches out his hand and the curly noirette in the center gives him a firm shake. 
Mat’s eyes momentarily locked with yours just as you see their hands linger in the air— tangled long enough for him to make a quick segway. He winks your way as he sees you grin from your seat, shaking your head just after you felt the need to take a deep breath. A thing you assumed to be because of the drink. So, while Mat leads the girl to one of the empty booths and sits across from her, you call on River and ask for another drink. 
Mathew must have lost track of time by the second drink he shared with Zoe. He learns that she’s from upstate and was just on the island to visit her friends. She’s still working on her major at NYU; coincidentally in the same field as Lianna so that was one of the things they’ve talked about first hand. She wasn’t really into sports so Mat steered clear of his job because he didn’t want to bore her. 
“So…” Zoe smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. “What’s the deal with you and the girl you’re with?” 
By the time she asked about you, only then did Mat remember who he was originally with. 
“Oh! She’s—” he looks over to where you’re seated only to find you laughing— no giggling with a man that was obviously a few years older than you. He’s wearing a neat black suit and a button down shirt with a couple of its first buttons opened. Zoe sees him frown, evidently losing his train of thought. 
She calls him with her sweet voice, “Mat?” 
“Yeah?” he absentmindedly answers, not wanting to take his eyes off of your hand that was now gently pushing the man’s arm whilst the two of you continue to burst into laughter. 
“Are you okay?” she asks.
What’s so funny? 
Finally, Mat hears Zoe’s distant voice that eventually took him back to his seat.
“Oh. Y-Yeah.” he apologetically smiles. “Sorry. What were you saying again?” 
She hesitates to ask about you after taking a quick glance your way upon seeing the way Mathew looked at you. Nevertheless, she decides to go for it.
“Aren’t you two together? I don’t want to come off strong here or anything. It’s just that I don’t want to get in between something if there ever is.” 
Mat looks at you one more time and as if you’ve felt his eyes all along you turn your way and meet his gaze. You shoot him a quiet smile, eyeing the guy sitting beside you, mouthing what he assumes to be an exaggerated “So hot!” on your end. He reciprocates your smile and gives you an approving nod.
Once you looked away, that’s the only time Mat finally answered the woman waiting patiently for his attention. 
“What?” Mat shakes his head wildly, blowing out air off his lips defensively. “No no no. We’re just friends. She’s my roommate actually.” he shrugs you off his mind and instead tries to put his entire focus on her. 
The remaining hours were spent with you and Mat getting along with your respective potential hook-ups. Not that it wasn’t the endgame either of you were hoping for at the back of your minds. 
He’s got to admit that Zoe was the kind of girl he’d be interested in. Another fact he’s kept a mental tab not to mention to you because he knows you’ll just get cocky. 
She was sweet and obviously eloquent. He knows she’s way smarter than he’ll ever be. But out of all those qualities, she was just as passionate at her craft as someone he likes to think he knows well enough. And that alone made a small smile creep on his lips. 
Nonetheless, despite all the aforementioned, Mathew found himself a bit more reserved than he usually is whenever he gets to meet and talk to his potential ‘lady friends’ as how you’ve put it countless times. He just wasn’t his exact self.  And he was beginning to question it. 
There were no fancy hockey plays thrown subtly into the conversation. Neither mentions of golfing nor over the top league events.  No butchered french pet names swiftly tucked in his sentences. And no endless questions that would eventually lead to something along the lines of ‘Do you want to get out of here?’
Well, not until Zoe’s friends got up their seats and she told him herself. 
“Hey. The girls and I are meeting up with some friends in Brooklyn. D’ya wanna come?” 
Mat’s eyes trail down to her hand now gently caressing his. He raises both his brows thinking of a possible ‘out’ because he wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to leave you alone with a stranger. 
He hums, “Sure.” 
Zoe shows him a delighted smile before eventually sliding out of the booth to walk towards the bar she and her friends were formally seated. 
“I gotta use the restroom first. Please excuse me.” she gives him a nod before going back to chatting with her friends. 
You, on the other hand, see Mat leave the table aiming for an archway you presume to be where the loo was. 
“Hey,” you call the man whose name you’ve already forgotten. Your pause was long enough for him to acknowledge the chances that you actually did forget who he was. Obviously.
“Chris.” The man in his early 30s answers with a submitting grin. 
You shyly laugh, squeezing his forearm as you try to apologize for forgetting. 
“Would you mind if I use the restroom?” you politely ask. 
“No, not at all.” he replies and immediately stands to help you get on your feet. Gentleman. 
Once you are in front of the men’s room, you anxiously wait for your wingman. You hug your purse close to your chest. Not a whole minute after, the door finally opens and you meet Mat’s irises with quite a gleeful look. 
A look he wasn’t a fan of for he knew what’s about to come next. 
“Are you taking off?” you eagerly ask, almost hopping on your feet. 
Mat eyes you from head to toe, looking for signs that would stink from a drunk y/n. When he sees none, that’s when he decides to say that he was. 
“Mkay good. I’ll be on my way too. Chris is taking me to New Jersey.” you tell him, briefly looking through the archway to see if there were people listening.
Once you know you’re clear, you lean towards Mat, your lips dangerously close to the sensitive skin of his ear. Mat feels your heated breath sending a familiar tingle up his spine. “I’ll get to ride a yacht tonight.” you bite your lower lip and giddily smile as if you were a cheeky 16 year-old usually depicted in a coming of age movie. 
“Who’s Chris?” Mat, in spite of taking rounds observing you all night, finds the need to ask. “And why are you coming with him to NJ?” he further questions. 
“Uh– okay, dad.” you step back for a second. You let out a scoff, checking if he was being serious about it. “I thought we’re supposed to go get laid tonight? Weren’t you about to take off with that girl yourself?” 
Mat averts your gaze and starts to scratch the corner of his brow. “Well yeah. It’s just that— he looks sketchy.” he pauses, “plus… isn’t he a little too old for you?” 
You roll your eyes as you’ve already expected to hear the words from him. 
“He’s 31. He’s not that old.” you say rather defensively so you turn the ball back on his court. “And what if he was?  Didn’t you ask one of the moms out??”
Mat’s eyes widens and you try to bite back a laugh. He whispers with a biting tone, trying to save himself. “She didn’t look like one! I’m gonna kill Beau I swear to god.”
“Come on Barz. Don’t be such a killjoy. Text me if you need anything, okay? Wrap things up while you’re at it.” you say at once. Mat doesn’t get the chance to talk you out of such a stupid idea because before he even could, you’ve already planted a kiss on his cheek and started walking away. 
Mat waited for the sound of the heavy doors of the bar, signaling that you and your friend have gone, before stepping back to where Zoe was. She waves him near the coat closet. 
“Hi.” Mat greets her friends before eventually turning his attention on the unsuspecting lass. She meets her with a smile (just like what she’s been doing all night). The same smile, however, drops the second Mat opens his mouth. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” 
Zoe nods and willfully abides, letting Mat take her gently by the arm. 
“What’s up?” she innocently asks. 
“Something came up.” he says a little too fast than what he’d originally intended. He was going to let her down either way might as well get it over with and rip up the asshole band-aid. 
“Oh.” she says in a tone Mat knew that she completely understood. 
“No worries.” she looks at him with a knowing look in her eyes. “I’ll see you around then.” 
He gives her a kind smile and nods. “Take care.” 
Mathew walks towards the bar, catching River’s teasing grin whilst he cleans up after the bottles left on the center of the counter. 
“What?” Mat reacts defensively, taking a seat in front of the lone bartender. River faintly shakes his head to leave just enough curiosity in Mathew’s mind. 
“You’re such a tool, old man.” the kid says aiming for the cold beer River has put away for himself. River did not mind because he’s grown fond of the star player for the past years he’s spent going on late night drinks at his bar. Years that even justifies a proper amount of time for him to know the in’s and out’s of one Mathew Barzal. 
“I haven’t said a thing.” he shrugs amidst the already wide grin on his face. 
There’s wisdom in his eyes that Mathew has always admired. He wasn’t the guy who’d want to talk about what’s going on inside his head but with how River’s pub seems to be just the right place, he eventually concedes and takes a shot to pick on the old man’s brain.
“Come on, spill it out. I know you’re going to anyway.” Mat gives in, running his thumb on the moist label of the bottle. 
River wipes his hands before resting it atop the counter. “Well, it’s just that– I ain’t used to seeing you turn down ladies like that too often. And you’re definitely not one to stick around watching me clean up.”
Mat stays silent for a moment, as if to gather the exact reason as to why he chose to stay. He still has a long way to go before figuring that one out. He wasn’t exactly as sharp as he was on the ice.
“I don’t know, man.” he chuckles tirelessly, “I guess I wasn’t in the mood. That’s all.”
“You?” River shots a brow and dismisses him, shaking his head. When Mat doesn’t answer, he carefully picks on his choice of words and lays it down carefully for him. After all, Mathew should have known that River was old enough to not know what’s going on.
“Though I gotta be honest with you, hijo. Never imagined you’d bring someone here.” he starts. 
What must have been a shot in the dark for the old man was just enough to tear Mathew’s eyes away from staring at the water beads on the bottle.
“The girl, Barz.” he says, banging on the head of the bottle to knock the cap off. “She a friend?” 
“What? Y/N?” Mat quirks his brows trailing off where River was exactly headed, “What about her?— Oh, her? Yeah, no. She’s just a friend.”
“She pretty.” he speaks in a sound accent, not wanting to let Mat know he’s growing to like catching the young lad off guard. Mathew nods casually despite the continuous blabbering. “She’s y/n. But yeah— I guess, she is pretty.” 
“Then what are you doing being just friends with a pretty girl?” River inquires, taking a sip of his beer. When he sees him trying to register what he’d just said he then adds, “Why not be with her? Date her?”
“Psh. What? Date y/n? That’s crazy.” Mat shakes his head furiously, “You’re crazy.” 
“What’s so crazy about that?” River takes offense, laughing at the child’s naivete. 
“I can’t date her. I mean— I won’t date her.” he takes the bottle to his mouth, taking a large gulp before continuing, “We’re in this weird relationship thing. A setup, actually, and it’s— it’s crazier than dating her. I swear, you of all people won’t get it.” 
“What makes you think I can’t?” he smirks, “I’ve had my fair share of crazy.” River points out despite the hesitation in Mat’s eyes. “I got all night, kid.” he adds, letting him have the floor to himself. 
“You really want in on this?” he second guesses, not wanting to bore the man with his personal life.
River leans against the brass counter just below the lit rack of vintage scotch displayed on the bar. He then gestures him to give a piece of his mind and Mat finally submits to his offer.
“We’ve been in a few… prior engagements,” he starts trying to find the appropriate word. “Well, sort of.”
River hums, not necessarily getting on the same page as him so he decides to be upfront about it.
“We’ve… slept together.” he confesses.
“So you used to date her?” the old man asks. 
“No.” he answers, “I told you we’re just friends.” 
With furrowed brows, River takes a minute. And once Mat hears an all too familiar “Oh.” he sees him break a chuckle, shaking his head at the thought of what Mat had just told him. “You kids have way too much fun these days.”
Mathew shrugs, “Hey, I warned you. Told you you wouldn’t get it.”
“Okay, make me understand something here. You two sleep together, fool around, do all that shit.” he says, “and you swear you’re not in a relationship?”
“Nope.” Mat answers with pride, popping out the word with a hard ‘p’.
“Huh.” River clicks his tongue, “How long have you two been… engaged?” 
He rolls his eyes when River uses his word, “About two months.” he answers shortly.
“Is she seeing anyone since you two started this thing? You know, casual dates, the ones I presume she’s been getting before you got her into this mess?” he asks him in a tone that only fathers would ever dare to use.
Mat thinks for a moment, trying to recall the last time he’s seen a guy pick you up for dinner besides the old man you’ve successfully bagged for the night. He firmly shakes his head no and simply says, “At least not in my recollection.”
River willfully nods, walking Mat right into the trap. “Well have you been seeing anyone lately?” he asks again, this time slipping a hint of assertion. He hears a crystal clear ‘no’ from the forward and that’s when he broke a goading grin. 
“And you’re telling me you two aren’t together?” he asks yet again, getting on Mat's nerves as he continues to flood him with biting queries, building up the final point he was about to break on Mathew.
“Rivs, for the hundredth time, no. We are not.” he clarifies. 
Mat watches River pour himself a glass of scotch, still wearing a smug grin. “Imma give you a piece of advice, yeah?” he smiles rather teasingly and doesn’t wait for Mat to rebut, “I’m a happily married man so I don’t know a single squat about dating nowadays, but if you’re telling me that you kids aren’t sleeping with anyone else but yourselves? Looks like a damn relationship to me.”
With his brows all quirked in confusion (and denial in the very least), Mathew gathers all his might just so he could refute whatever madness River was trying to inflict on him and screw him up in the head. But before he could even open his mouth, the sound of the heavy doors was all it took to tear up both River’s and Mat’s attention.
“Hi.” you say the moment you were welcomed by unsuspecting men talking by the bar. River acknowledges you by raising his drink, his gaze landing on Mat the moment yours did. 
“Hi.” Mathew mirrors you in an attempt to drown his already racing heart. A smile impending to break loose at any moment but he manages to suppress it. Instead of dealing with his adrenaline, he gestures for you to take a seat beside him. 
“Where’s the sugar daddy?” he laughs the moment you drag yourself from across the room, mocking every word he said. 
“His wife called when I got into his car.” you cringe.
“Oof. Lovely.” Mat makes the distinct expression on his face just before the two of you share a laugh.
“He’s not very smooth with adultery. He needs more practice.” you casually state sarcastically, clicking your tongue. 
As you find the narrative funny, you take a sip on Mathew’s beer. “How are you not drunk? You’ve been drinking way too much the entire night.”
“Well. I’ve got some things to think about—” he cuts himself off upon seeing your mouth ajar, “And no, you’re not allowed to ask because none of it concerns you.” 
“I wasn’t going to.” you dismiss him, excusing yourself to River which he gladly took as his cue to leave.
When he disappeared into the kitchen, you turned your gaze on your friend wearing another one of your mischievous grins, “Hey, wanna get pancakes?” 
“Y/N, it’s almost 3 AM.” Mat sighs, the tiring night starting to creep up to him. 
“So?” you question, swatting his hand away when you catch him checking on his watch. 
“Come on. Stop drinking that.” you insist and take the bottle from his hand before putting it over to the side. 
The two of you said your goodbyes to the lone bartender who was just starting to clean up again. River gives the two of you a nod of acknowledgement before landing a knowing look on Mathew. One that he’s thankful enough not to be discerned by you. 
As you walk alongside Mathew, he unconsciously places a hand on the small of your back— feeling it graze on the fabric of your coat as if to guide you towards the door in an almost romantic type of way. Perhaps, a way someone would behave if they were actually in a relationship. 
Mat notices your body tense but he doesn’t move an inch. Instead, his hand travels to the curve of your waist just as he leads you through the brass doors.
Once you’re out on the streets, he lets go.
After almost half an hour of fighting over which diner is better to eat and get sober at, you and Mat decide to just try the new diner three blocks from your apartment. Being that it was an ungodly hour, the diner was good as closed when you got in. There were a few people inside and besides the student studying alone in the corner booth, the people lounging in the vacant seats were mostly just staff. Too bad they had to work the grave shift.
Mathew, who was rather preoccupied digging in his breakfast platter, gets interrupted when you call his attention. 
“So tell me,” you ask as you take a forkful of syrupy pancake into your mouth. Finally satisfying your cravings. You put the food modestly in the insides of your cheeks when you ask him a question, “What are you like on dates?” 
Mat disgustingly looks at you. You easily get what such a look meant and you immediately roll your eyes. You let your hand fall in mid-air amidst still holding a fork in it to prove a point. “I’m not trying to ask you out, dumbass. Don’t be so delusional.”
He puts his silverware down and wipes his mouth with a napkin. “Why the sudden interest?” 
“Just curious.” you simply say.
He hums, thinking about how he pulls off a first date. He then clears his throat as he takes you down that road. “First, I’m not bringing her to a 24/7 Diner.” you nearly gag. “She deserves a formal one just in case there won’t be a second date.” he explains. 
You sit there, nodding your head every now and then as he further goes on the details of how he’s like on a date. “Of course, I’d put my best foot forward all the time. Talk about her stuff more than mine and make sure she has a good time.” 
“Have you ever had a bad first date?” you curiously ask. To which he only answers with a stubborn look on his face, the one only Mat Barzal could pull off. “What? me? I don’t do bad first dates.”
“Oh, fuck off.” you flick his forehead as you laugh. The sound of his laughter echoing in your ears, drowning all the existing noise inside the lone diner.
But as the laughter dies down, Mat catches your eyes as soon as it falls on his. And just like that, there it was again, the exact same glint it had back in the bar. This time, illuminated by the pink shaded light lining up the wall accents of the diner. 
When he realizes that he’s been staring for too long, he settles on turning the tables on you. 
“How about you?” he props in his seat, “What are you like on dates?”
“You know, apart from the fact that you’re obviously into old men.” he snickers and you throw a curly fry on his forehead.
“Excuse me, I don’t.” you say sticking up for yourself.
Mat takes the curly fry that has fallen on his plate and proceeds to eat it. “Sure you do.” 
You roll your eyes, finding it hard to suppress the fact that you might actually do. “There’s a reason why women like old men, chico.”
He leans back and answers with a level headed and quite teasing reply, “And why’s that?”
“Because they’re men.” you look at him with a jerky grin as you continue, “And men, especially of River’s kind, definitely knows how to eat his french fry.”
Mat’s mouth falls wide in disbelief, appalled that you’ve actually found a way to pick up a stone and throw it straight to his face just to rub more salt on the fact that you had to teach a 23-year-old grown man how to eat cunt.
 “You’re an ass.” he says, rolling his eyes. You let out a laugh and shake your head. You were proud of yourself, sure; but showing just that is far too much for a boy’s already hurting ego. Who would have known humbling this man was such a task. 
“I’m playing! You know how to now.” you tell him, “Thanks to me, of course.”
He scoffs and takes a bite off his pancakes, “Cocky.”
“But you still haven’t answered my question.” he reminds you whilst he wipes off his lips with a napkin. 
“There’s not much to tell. You know I’m not high maintenance.” you tell him, ignoring the fact that you haven’t been on an actual date for so long you’re almost sure you’ve forgotten how to be in one. 
“I know it’s cheesy and corny but I do think it’s still in the littlest things, you know?” you sigh. Trying to remember the last relationship (date even) you had wherein those little things, the ones that are merely the bare minimum, were actually given to you. 
“You know, it’s not much, really. Maybe just a good talk without having to watch him watch me talk all night when he’s really thinking about how I’d look naked, you know what I mean?” you laugh it off, “I know, it’s stupid.”
The arrogant man sitting before you was silent for once, profusely wanting to wash the pool of melancholy he sees in your eyes. There must have been a shit ton of guys who overlooked how great of a woman you actually are just because they couldn’t stop thinking with the head in between their legs even just for a second. 
Mathew knows. And he hates that he’s been ‘that’ guy at some point. Probably until now considering him thinking with his balls on was the very thing that got the two of you here in the first place.
You take a deep breath, smiling. “Anyway, that’s better than almost getting with a married man. Right?”
“Right.” Mat laughs, his gray eyes bright under all the lights as he plays with his silverware,— devoid of how much he looked like as if he was utterly and undeniably in awe of not just the energy of the woman sitting in front of him alone nor the fact that she was by far the most unbelievable woman he’s known, but most importantly, he’s yet to realize how much in deep he’s beginning to be for the woman she actually were. 
Just as she is. 
You left the diner a good hour before the sunrise and what must have been a quick five minute drive if you had only taken a cab, became a twenty minute foot race between you and Mathew.
You knew that walking was a bad idea but somehow, Mat’s charm and persuasive antics had a better hold than you thought you had on your very capable cognition. 
As you drag your feet into the confines of the elevator in your complex, you hear Mathew chuckling behind you with a firm hand securely placed on your waist supporting your balance. 
“You know— and not just ‘cause I’m an athlete, can I just say that you’re in a very bad shape?” he says almost a whisper in your ear, his voice low and deep.
You roll your eyes, leaning on the steel cold mirror once he pulls away, “You do it in heels then tell me who’s in a bad shape.” 
“Fair point.” he chuckles yet again, shying away. He presses the number for your floor before resting across from you. As Mat watches you catch your breath, he jokes in the hopes of breaking the ice between the two of you. 
“So…” he clicks his tongue, playful eyes looking at you, “Wanna tap?”
Disgusted to your very core, you let out a scoff just as you shake your head. “You’re fucking sick.” you laugh upon meeting his dumb grinning face. Seconds into laughter, Mat’s silence kills off the humor. The two of you exchange glances, the smiles on your faces receding into quietude. 
Mathew didn’t want to end the night letting you in the apartment not knowing what he’s been feeling the moment you’ve let him drag you out for an impromptu night out. And stupid as it was, the only thing he could think of was to slide his foot across the enclosed space embracing the two of you, nudging on your boot. You on the one hand were rather puzzled as to what caused such language. You send him a mental query by arching a brow. He lets his head fall back on the cold metal surrounding the elevator finally deciding to speak his truth.
 “I’m glad we get to hang out now. You know, just like friends do.” he genuinely says. 
“Me too.” you say, smiling. “I really had fun tonight. Thank you.”
As you meet his eyes, you see a glimmer of softness in his gaze. 
“Good thing I got bored, eh?” he says with a smirk. 
“Good thing I came back for you.” you reply.
A quiet smile parts from his lips.
“Yeah. I’m glad you did.”
It was a few seconds when you and Barzy parted from your respective walls to meet the sliding doors as it opened on your designated floor. You were pulling him closer by the tie of his coat whilst his hand was instinctively placed on your hips letting him press his body on you. Your faces were inches from each other’s, evident of not wanting to prolong the totally unplanned foreplay that’s about to go down in a communal lift. 
But just like every film you’ve watched your whole life, the inevitable cliché befalls the two of you when the next words that filled the enclosed walls you’re currently caged in came from the man who has yet to miss a morning jog. 
“What the hell is going on here?”
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cafeinthemoon · 3 years
The Home I Crave - Chapter XV
Chapter: 15/?
Wordcount: 2900
Title: Hand Signs
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Tobirama Senju X reader
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14
Symbols: ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warning (s): none
N. A.: Yeah I think I owe you apologies for taking this long to post this chapter, but here it is, finally! I was feeling so upset and guilty for not writing as much as before, but it's simply because I haven't had time to sit down and work on my stories. These days have been rough 😣
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You didn’t remember well how things happened after the man left your door. You only remembered seeing Tobirama turning to you and saying something, trying to raise his voice above the storm’s sounds, but it wouldn’t let you understand the exact words. You probably stood up and took the first clothes you could find, but you weren’t sure how; even less passable of an explanation was how your husband could find time to put his full armor before you two left the room, all your package except for the weapons being abandoned there as well as your hopes of having at least one pacific night before going back on your journey.
Somehow you reached the first floor, from where the people of the tea house were trying to leave as fast a possible. The ninjas you saw when you arrived at the place came to speak to you. They were in three.
You two turned to them and the one who seemed to be the leader of the group introduced himself:
- I am Yuuta from the Land of Wind– and turning aside to indicate his partners – These are my brothers, Yuji and Yoko. We understand that you two are shinobi like us. We’ve heard about the ditch and thought we could work together to help the people who live here.
There was no time to think about the strangeness of the situation or to have suspicions about the group. You felt a sort of regret for the bad impression you had of them at first, because they seemed to be honest people now that you paid close attention to them.
Apparently Tobirama had the same opinion, judging by his response when he spoke for you two.
- We are shinobi from the Leaf Village. I am Tobirama Senju and this is my wife, Y/n from the … clan. We are going to the village near this tea house to help the people there.
- I am used to work in rescuing missions and it would be of great help if some of you came with me – you completed.
Yoko, who was the only woman among them and seemed to be the youngest sibling, replied that she had experience in rescues too. You and the three ninjas had a quick conversation and it was decided that Yuuta and Yuji were going to help the people of the inn while you and Yoko were going to the village. However, when Yuuta asked Tobirama to stay at the inn with him and his brother, the Senju refused.
But it was the explanation given by him for such refusal that left everyone stunned.
- I will be more useful if I’d go with the women because I have a plan to stop the flood. However,I need to see the territory to make sure it will work.
The entire group stared at him in silence, but none of them dared laugh at him or question his attitude: it was clear that Tobirama was not joking, neither he was the type who needs to justify himself to others, even more if he just met them. That was not a man one wouldn’t take seriously. You yourself were caught in surprise, but you had the same reasons as the others to keep quiet as well.
In the end, Yuuta and the others nodded and the group was divided and you three were running toward the small village that was said to be near the tea house.
Now that you had some time to pay attention to your thoughts, you were running without talking, trying to process everything that was said during the conversation with the three shinobi of the Wind. So, Tobirama had a plan to help the villagers – perhaps a plan that started to take form when you were still in the inn’s room and your husband was talking to the man at your door – but whatever he wanted to do, it sounded absurd even to his standards. You started to think if all the Senju people were like him or if he was the one who differed from the rest of the clan.
Above these valid questions, an intrusive thought that you’ve been trying to suppress just took over your mind: you couldn’t forget the involuntary way in which you turned your head away from the group when you heard him introduce you as his wife. If that situation happened just a few days before you’d surely be irritated: he haven’t done anything that served as a proof that he acknowledged you as his spouse, so why would he call you his wife in front of those strangers? Well, after the things you’ve been through in that journey, it didn’t seem appropriate for you to just get angry. The truth was that you didn’t know how to feel about it.
If things stopped at this, you would be okay. Problem was that it didn’t: soon, you were remembering the dream you had just before the knocks on your door woke you up. The strangest part of it was that you weren’t sure of when exactly you fell asleep – was it before or after the… kiss? You firmly believed it was before. Just the diligent manner in which he left your side on the bed to answer the door showed that the kiss was not real. It couldn’t be.
But it felt so real. Almost as if you’ve been wanting it for days. Thinking of this made your face warm up despite the cold drops of rain falling on it.
Yoko’s voice brought you back to the present moment, among the sound of the raindrops on the trees above and the soaked soil swallowing your feet.
- Y/n-san, do you know this village? – she was asking – Any information about its geography can be useful for us to form a rescue plan!
You took a second to understand what she was saying under that storm, but once you did you tried as best as you could to explain that you’ve never been at the village.
- I’ve been in that tea house before, but I’ve never visited the village itself! I don’t know what we’re going to find there!
- So what now? – there was preoccupation implied in her tone.
- Supposing that the village’s territory is similar to the inn’s, with a flat ground and enough open space, things can be a bit easier – you knew it was a shot in the dark, but you wanted to avoid causing desperation in your new partner – It means that its people have a good chance to escape just by running. I’m a Doton user. I can stay behind and build barriers to delay the flood while you lead the way for them!
Fortunately for you, Yoko agreed with your suggestion.
- Right!
However, that was not the end of the conversation or your worries. The girl didn’t forget that Tobirama took a difficult – almost impossible –task for himself that would separate him from the rest of you, and decided to question him about it.
- And what about you, Tobirama-san? – she spoke to the man who was slightly ahead of you – What exactly are you going to do?
Tobirama replied your question as if the answer was something obvious.
- I am going to check the flood’s path and think of a way to stop it.
You opened your mouth and the storm drops that entered it almost made you gag.
- Listen, I know you are a master of Suiton, but I think that’s a bit extreme!
That time he looked at you while speaking.
- I do not plan to use mere Water Style to solve this, y/n-san. I will explain when we get there!
The village, just as the inn’s owner informed you, was so close to the tea house that you reached it in less than two minutes.
It was smaller than you imagined, though. It was formed by one large, main street that had its lines defined by groups of small, modest houses on both sides. These houses had their doors and windows all open, and the villagers were reunited outside them.You didn’t need to look for too long to see terror in their eyes. An old man was holding his cane so tight that his fingers were becoming pale; no so far from him, a woman was trying to calm down a child crying and asking what why was everybody so scared. Others were trying to run with packs on their backs, trying to reach the grove’s path. Among all those people there were some animals, faster than their owners in leaving the place to hide among the trees.
Tobirama, you and Yoko looked at each other but didn’t say anything. You just walked ahead and when the people noticed your presence, they opened the way for you without questioning your reasons to come. You knew what this reaction meant: it only showed how rare was for them to see shinobi in their territory.
Before any of you could ask who was in charge there, a man ran toward you, screaming:
- Who sent you three? The village is doomed! Soon this place is going to be under water!
You asked if anyone was missing.
- No, we are all here – the man replied – Except for Toji, who ran to the inn to alert the people there.
You were thinking of what to say in response when Tobirama took a step toward him and spoke in his commanding voice:
- We are shinobi from Konoha and we’re here to stop the flood! – and elevating his voice for the others to hear – All of you! My partners, y/n-san and Yoko-san, will guide you through the grove! Our other friends will meet your group in the middle of the way and help you! Do as they say and everyone will be safe!
You didn’t know it was possible for someone to obtain such power of influence on people they didn’t even know in so little time until you saw the people’s reaction to your husband’s words. Once they heard his voice, they gathered around him, their desperation soon replaced by a serious attention; they stopped pushing and stumbling on each other he gave his instructions. Their eyes turned to you then, and you did your best to calm them down: as your experiences in rescuing missions told you, that was the crucial moment when you had to make sure the victims would trust your leadership.
- Prioritize the women, the children and the elderly! Those ones who can carry children, do it! Do not take unnecessary weight with you! Follow the same direction and do not push each other! Yoko-san will go ahead of you, and I will be right behind you!
You pointed the grove’s path and felt relieved when you saw the people obeying your command. With words like “Do not look back” to the people, you went to the end of the line and saw Tobirama going to the end of the street, now empty. Instead of staying with the last people of the group, you followed him. You needed to ask what exactly he was going to do, because yes, you already knew he had an established plan, but you would feel safer if he shared its entirety with you.
Before you could say something, he turned and asked you:
- Y/n-san, do you have any Doton technique that is able to open a large crack or a ditch in the soil, one that could divide this ground from side to side?
You swallowed your surprise for receiving this very specific question and said that yes, you knew such technique. As well as its level of danger.
- Of course. But this is not a simple technique. It requires great quantity of chakra and might not work well if you’re not familiar with it. The ditch could end up not being deep or large enough.
Your reasons apparently were not enough to scare the Senju, however.
- Do not worry about it. This is exactly what I need right now. Tell me the signs.
You swallowed and told him the signs. His eyes followed your movements without blinking, and when you finished he thanked you with a nod. He made the signs of his Shadow Clone technique and created two other versions of him, each one with a pair of kunai that carried the mark of his Hiraishin. He also marked the Clones themselves with the seal.
As if he understood that you wouldn’t leave until he said something, he didn’t deny an explanation of his plan.
- Me and these two Clones are going to take positions at the points where the flood is going to pass. Each of us are going to use your jutsu to open ditches on the ground. They will contain part of the water and diminish its force. If it shows to not be enough to completely stop the flood, it will at least minimize the destruction in the village’s ground.
So he was really going to try what you suspected: to stop the water all by himself. Within the little time you had at the moment, you thought of it. If this have happened just a few days before, the first and only thing you’d think would be how ambitious, even pretentious of him to try such plan without help. But now that you’ve seen a bit more of Tobirama, something like that coming from him didn’t sound so absurd. No, it was exactly the kind of thing you should expect. You also remembered when he manifested an interest in seeing that village’s structure when you were talking to the inn’s owner. Of course: he lived in a village, one that he helped to build and worked to protect. It was only natural for him to be willing to do something for the people of this one when it was in his power to do it.
You stood for a moment.
- Tobirama.
That was the first time you called him by his name. It was enough to make him turn to you again; his Clones followed his move.
- If your plan doesn’t work as you expect, do not stay here.
There was no disdain for your preoccupation in his reply. Still, the respect for your worries didn’t stop him from exposing his belief in the plan’s success and reminding you that you didn’t know everything he could do. Not yet.
- It will work. Thanks to your technique.
And without waiting for a response from you, he turned to his Clones and sent them ahead. They used their kunai and teleported themselves to somewhere out of your sight.
When you went back to the group of villagers and explained your husband’s idea to Yoko, you sensed that she was as shocked with his plan as you were, but she was better than you in handling her surprise.
With the shock came the question you never felt you were ready to answer.
- Well, that’s an audacious thing to try. But do you trust him with this?
You nodded without thinking too much of your own fear. Yoko was not your only company; the villagers were there, looking at you – and you knew that in times like that, the wrong word could mess up with the best plans.
- I will go to the end of the line now. Just follow the plan!
The girl didn’t waste time with discussions or doubts.
- Right!
With these matters solved between you and her, you ran back to the end of the line.
But you wouldn’t stay with the people for too long. Patiently, you waited until the last villager entered the woods, far enough from the flood’s way, to go back to Yoko and talk to her apart from the folks.
- Listen. When you asked me if I trusted my husband’s plan, I said yes. And I really do. But I can’t go with you and leave him behind.
The woman’s reaction was nothing like you expected when you said that. Instead of minimizing your worries or suspecting from you, she put her hand on your shoulder, speaking in an assuring, whispered tone;
- Of course you can’t. Don’t worry. I’ve been living among men for a while. I know how stubborn they can be sometimes – she then looked over her shoulder, to a spot above, in a tree; there was a bird looking down at you, one of the species used to send messages – Besides, my brothers are close now. They can help me with the people.
You put your own hand on her shoulder to express your support and gratitude.
- Right. I’m leaving, then. Thank you.
She laughed.
- Just go!
You looked behind you, to the deep grove, eager to cross those trees again and terrified by what you could find after them. However, you were on a rescue mission, not only for the people of that village, but for him and yourself. You still had to leave that place and follow your journey; you still had to reach your family’s compound. And you wouldn’t do that if you stood there. The flood was coming. There was no time to waste.
You took a deep breath and forced your feet to move.
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raunchyom · 3 years
Okay but... imagine Beel with an oral fixation?
(who am I kidding, we all know it’s canon)
I’m still working on VnV, but it’s 1 am, Beel’s song came out today, and I’m thirsty as hell; so have a massive thirst post I work on Mammon’s chapter. Unless you’re only here for the fluff, which is valid too. For the rest of ya, well, I hope you enjoy my first public thirst post~
warnings: nsfw, oral, gn!mc but mentions both afab and amab anatomy
His kisses would always come with tongue. Beel would do his best to be polite in public, or if you hadn’t yet given an indication that these were to go beyond light pecks-- but the avatar of gluttony wouldn’t be one to hold back. He’d soon be lapping at your lips, using his movements to ask what his words didn’t. If you granted his request, be prepared to have Beel’s tongue become as much a resident of your mouth as your own. He’d want to taste everything, and when it still wasn’t enough, he’d pull away to kiss you everywhere else. He’d be the type to pull away and leave a line of spit still connecting you. 
He’d kiss all down your body, tongue following every place his lips went. His mouth would go to your ears first, lapping at the shell and nipping at your cartilage, quickly moving to your jaw, then neck. He’d lick and kiss down the side, starting to bite as he reached your collar. His bites would be gentle, careful-- if he didn’t keep himself in check, he could very well take a chunk out of you. Then again, Beel can be absent minded, and as he got further down, working himself up more as he reached your chest, he may bite a little harder than he meant to. He’d apologize in an instant, kissing the sore spot to make it better. And who could fault him when he gave you those puppy dog eyes?
He’d absolutely beg you to ride his face, craving your taste more than any food. Once you climbed on, he’d waste no time teasing you, only drawing out the foreplay if he was somehow patient enough to really savour his meal. He’d watch your face those times, enjoying your expressions and the noises that you made. But he’d grow tired of holding back soon enough, and suddenly his tongue would be deeper than you remembered him ever being able to reach before. He would hear your moans, and he’d feel your fingers tangle in his hair, but the real pleasure would come from tasting you. If he was really enjoying himself, he would squeeze his eyes shut, focusing solely on what he sensed with his tongue; then seeing how he could move his lips or tilt his head to elicit even more reactions from you. From the first moment you arched your back, he’d circle his arms around your thighs, pinning you to his face. He’d keep up his pace through your first orgasm without even meaning to do so. He was just so hungry, and you tasted so good… Needless to say, he’d stop if you really asked him to; all mumbled apologies and downcast eyes, hoping to be forgiven just enough that you’d let him do it again. If you didn’t stop him though, and instead let him bring you to a second, or a third, or… Well, suffice to say, he would keep eating until he was made to stop.
Or alternatively, imagine how he’d suck you off; so eager no matter what your size. We all know he’s never heard of a gag reflex. He’d get on his knees before you even asked him to, looking to your face for permission-- taking your entire length into his mouth the moment he got it. Your praises would be well received, and he’d swirl his tongue around every inch of skin, wanting to taste all of you. He wouldn’t be able to keep all his drool in his mouth, the poor boy’s chin completely coated in saliva before you even got close to finishing. He wouldn’t pull back to swallow his spit, instead letting you feel his throat tighten around you when he tried to keep from salivating too much. Once you got closer to the edge, tugging on his hair as warning, he would take you all the way into his mouth; holding you against him if he was in a good position to do so. And of course he would swallow every drop-- he could never get enough of your taste. Anything he might’ve initially missed would be swept up by his fingers, a low moan in his throat as he licked them clean. He’d want to lap up anything left on you as well, whether on your legs, stomach, or still-sensitive groin-- and he wouldn’t wait for you to come down before he tried to clean it up. You’d have to tug him off of you before he realized that it might be too much. He’d apologize in much the same way as mentioned before; red in the face, regretting his actions only so far as hoping he’d be allowed to do it again in the near future. If you didn’t pull him off though, whether by gritting your teeth through it or recovering quickly, he would happily start his pace up again. He’d glance to your face as he realized he was passing what might be considered ‘cleaning up,’ but he would never question an opportunity for an extra meal.
That would only be the beginning of how all he wanted to use his mouth on you, though. He’d be an absolute mess if you thanked him, considering it to be more of a favor to himself than something for you. That’s not to mention if you went so far as to offer to do the same for him…
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nejibaby · 3 years
Want You Back
Pairings: Portgas D. Ace x Y/N
Song reference/inspiration: Want You Back by 5 Seconds of Summer
Summary: You broke up with Ace a few days before he sets off to become a pirate. You thought that it would probably be the last day you’d ever see him again. But you meet him once again in Alabasta.
Word count: 7k
A/N: This somehow turned out to be too long for my style lol but I just can’t get enough of Ace… Anyway, I hope you have fun reading this as much as I loved writing it. Please let me know your thoughts~
Reposting this because Tumblr $uck$. Please turn a blind eye if you’ve seen this post already last Feb lol
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You’re walking down the streets of Nanohana, purchasing water and provisions for your trip when you suddenly stop in your tracks as you see a merchant selling orange roses.
The orange roses don’t intrigue you per se since you’ve long learned that such color could be produced by cross-breeding red roses with yellow roses, however, it’s not often you see such wonderful, healthy flowers in a desert town. That, and well, the sight brought back memories of your past with your first love who you fell in love with too young, too hard, too fast.
You could almost hear the pitter patter of the rain on that eventful day. You could almost see the dark sky on the horizon. You could almost feel the same aching sensation on your heart. The orange roses reminds you of the day you broke up with your first love.
You were both only seventeen then. It was just a few days before his departure; before his journey to fulfill his dream on becoming a pirate. You supported him in his dream, you really did. You believed in him, he’s strong. Reckless, but strong, and determined. He promised he’d come back to you after he’s proven himself, but that’s when you doubted him. That’s the only time you doubted.
While he wanted to be a pirate, you wanted to be a scientist. You have had a curious mind since you were young and it never really went away until now that you’re twenty. When you were younger you’d question, “Why is the sky blue?”or “Why does it rain?” or “How much salt is in the ocean?” But when you grew older, the questions evolved to “What is the mechanism behind this?” or “What would happen to this if certain variables changed?”
He craved for validation while you craved for knowledge.
You thought that it just wouldn’t work out between the two of you. He doesn’t need a scientist and you didn’t need a pirate to achieve your dreams.
Sure, it was possible for a long distance relationship, but you didn’t think you could handle that much distance. It would drive you crazy. You could barely handle the days when you’re at Windmill Village and he’s at Mt. Colubo, living with Dadan Family. And those two places weren’t even that far from each other. It was the trek there that was dangerous so when you were younger, before the two of you even started dating, you always have to come with your aunt Makino, and Woop Slap to get there and visit him, Luffy, and Sabo.
When you were ten years old, you only visited once in three months and then somehow it turned to twice in a month. When you reached thirteen years old, you were finally allowed to go there by yourself wherein you’d visit weekly, sometimes even stay the night. Dadan was actually apprehensive of letting you spend your days there, because she claimed she doesn’t like kids, but you were the only kid on her watch that actually did chores so she eventually relented. Those were the days you loved most, because he was just so close, you didn’t have to worry too much about him.
But soon enough he was leaving. Everyday he promised he’d come back but you doubted. The Grand Line is such a dangerous place. It‘s referred to as the Pirates’ Graveyard by everyone. It was even written in some books you’ve read about the sea. If that wasn’t enough reason to be worried sick, statistics say only a handful of men were able to come out of it alive. While you knew he’s strong, you also knew strength just wasn’t enough.
Truth be told, you wanted to travel the seas too, out of curiosity, of course. There were so many mysteries about the sea, so many unexplained phenomena, so many undiscovered things — things that you wanted to learn about. But you weren’t brave enough nor were you strong so you abandoned that thought.
Orange roses adorned your shirt on that day. You remember the feeling of the raindrops pouring over your body. It was raining in the middle of the night and you were outside Dadan’s house. You were soaked but you didn’t plan on taking cover anytime soon. You just sat outside, wallowing in despair for what you’re about to do.
“Y/N? What are ya doing here? You’re going to get sick!” He called out.
“Why are you still up, Ace?” You asked.
“I wanted to check on you but you weren’t in bed.”
You remember feeling your heart stutter at his words. Ace was rough around the edges but he was always gentle and sweet when it came to you. And you were just about to break his heart.
“Ace, we should break up.”
You remember the way he laughed as if you were telling him a joke. “Oi, don’t joke about things like that.” But he faltered when you didn’t laugh with him.
You couldn’t help but wonder if that was the last time you’d see his face. You stared at his face for a while longer, memorizing his face before saying, “This will never work.”
You expected him to shout, to ask you why, to demand answers. But he just gave you a look of betrayal. Your heart dropped at the sight of that. Your vision became blurry from tears that were threatening to fall. He looked away. Were those tears in his eyes or was that just the fucking rain?
You desperately wished he’d say something, anything. You just wanted to hear his voice again. But there was no response, he just clenched his fists and his jaw, and then he was walking away.
You didn’t have it in you to stay at Dadan’s house after doing such a cruel thing so you left that night after crying a few hours after Ace walked away. You left a note for Dadan though, telling her you were feeling sick and you went home, just so she doesn’t worry about your sudden disappearance.
You really did get sick after that day. Even on the day of his departure you were sick. Makino didn’t allow you to come and see him go but she promised she’d explain why you weren’t there. Despite that, you still did it anyway, you still went there, but you hid behind trees. How could you not? You might never see him ever again. Okay, maybe you’d see him in the newspaper or the wanted posters, but probably never face to face, so you pushed yourself to come. You were glad you did, at least you got to see him smile so radiantly before he left.
A couple of months after he braved the seas, you left Windmill Village too to study science in a different town. But life didn’t really work out the way you wanted it to. In a series of misfortunes, you ended up becoming a pirate too, albeit temporarily, just to finance your dream.
The only thing that you lucked out on was your captain Naguri, an old man who used to be the captain of the doctor you apprenticed to. The doctor who you worked with didn’t want to continue becoming a pirate due to his old age so he recommended you to Naguri as a substitute. Naguri welcomed you to his crew despite you specifically telling him you’d only accompany them for five years and that you were only in it for the treasures. He told you it was fine and that five years was enough so you ended up joining them.
You went from wanting to study science to becoming an apprentice of a pirate doctor to becoming a pirate yourself and having a bounty for your head in a span of three years. If you only knew you’d be a pirate, you wouldn’t have broken things off with Ace. You would’ve just gone with him. But it was too late now.
You sigh as you touch the orange rose. It reminded you of the worst night of your life but you don’t dare to forget it since it was a memory of the last day you got to spend with him.
“Would you like to buy one, miss?” The merchant asks. “It’s—”
You didn’t get to hear the price of the rose because a familiar scream suddenly fills the air. When you whip your head to the direction of the sound, you see a very familiar straw hat on a man running away from Marines. Then it dawns to you that the man is Luffy.
You quickly scramble for your money to buy a single orange rose and then you run towards Luffy. Maybe it wasn’t the right decision to come after him, mainly because he’s being chased by Marines and you’re a wanted pirate too with a 25,000,000 bounty for your head. But he’s your best friend and you haven’t seen him for three years! That, and well, he’s in trouble so it’s not like you’d turn a blind eye on that.
Not a while later, you notice that the marine commander who’s chasing Luffy is Smoker, who is notoriously known for never letting pirates escape from his area of jurisdiction. As far as you know, Smoker is assigned at Loguetown so you wonder why he’s in Alabasta. And then you realize it’s Luffy he’s after. That dumbass could never lie low. You shake your head, Luffy almost always attracts trouble. That’s one thing that hasn’t changed with him yet.
You’re about to step in to save Luffy or at least, to buy him some time to escape when you hear another familiar voice.
“Heat Haze!”
You stop in your tracks as you saw a blast of fire stop the smoke attack and then his figure appears.
You watch as he smirks at the Marine Commander, “Give it up. You may be smoke, but I’m fire. With our abilities, a fight would be pointless.”
Ah, Ace is a devil fruit user now. No wonder he’s known as “Fire Fist Ace.”
“Ace!” Luffy says, shocked.
“You never change, Luffy.”
They briefly talk about something, you aren’t able to catch it because your eyes are scanning over Ace. You can’t believe he’s there. You feel your heart beat faster at the sight of him. He’s more muscular now and taller. He looked healthier and stronger too. He’s still as attractive as ever, maybe even more than before. He’s grown into such a fine man.
But this isn’t really the time to be ogling your past lover. You still have Luffy to worry about. So despite the fact that you wanted to stay and watch Ace fight, you sprint off to catch up with Luffy and his friends.
In that instance, you realize that there’s a huge difference between the speed of a person when they’re running away from something (usually from danger), and the speed of a person when they’re running to catch up with someone. While you could see that his friends are running around together in one path, you don’t see Luffy’s straw hat in the group. You may have underestimated his abilities to get lost. With a sigh, you try to look for him in a different route.
You’re awfully tired by the time you find Luffy. And you’re pretty late too because he’s already with Ace and they’re in the middle of another brawl. It’s just like the two of them to get into a fight with a bunch of people. This time it’s with the Billions from Baroque Works.
You want to assist them in their fight even if they don’t seem to have a problem handling thugs like those. After all, you’ve grown to be a great fighter now.
You were pretty much a wimp when you were younger, so you may or may not want to actually show off the fighting skills you learned from your crewmates which led you to have a bounty for your head.
However, your stamina isn’t really that great yet so you still have to catch your breath first. You sit on a stray crate, watching the two fight against the group, just like the old days.
Ace didn’t know what prompted him to look behind him while Luffy stretched his arms to attack a man with a huge sword. But what he sees stuns him. There you are, just a few meters away, casually sitting on a crate with your head tilted slightly to the right and arms crossed over your chest. His breath hitches. He asks himself, were you really there this time or was it just another one of his imaginations?
You’re surprised when Ace snaps his head at your direction. You feel your body involuntarily jolt when you lock your eyes with him. Even after all these years, he still makes your heart flutter.
“Gomu gomu no Bazooka!” Luffy finishes his attack on his opponent.
Ace doesn’t look away from you as if you’d suddenly disappear if he even dared to blink. “Is that…?” He whispers.
“Hmm?” Luffy asks, not really sure what Ace is referring to. Then he follows Ace’s line of sight. When he sees you there, a smile finds his face almost immediately.
Luffy is the first one to approach you. “Oi, Y/N! It’s been a while!”
You grin. “I know right? I haven’t seen you in ages, Luffy! I saw your poster the other week, you’ve gotten yourself a pretty huge bounty.”
Luffy laughs at your statement, you’re pretty sure he’s proud of himself, so unlike you, who panicked after finding out about your own wanted poster.
Ace steps in while Luffy laughs. “Y/N?”
He merely said your name, but it made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“A-Ace,” you stutter awkwardly, blood rushing to your face as you do so. You internally scold yourself, how dare you act like this when you broke his heart three years ago.
“Isn’t that the pirate Y/N?! The one with a bounty of 25,000,000 beli?”
You and Ace didn’t notice the fear etched on the faces of the other Billions as they stared at your group. You and Ace didn’t notice that Luffy has started walking again. You’re both too focused with each other to the point where you feel like nothing else mattered.
The two of you only snapped back to reality when Luffy turned around and said, “Aren’t you two coming? We still have to find my ship and my friends.”
You give Luffy a sheepish smile and then mumble a soft apology. You get off of the crate and make your way towards Luffy. Ace follows closely behind you.
After walking around the block, Luffy points out, “Ah, the ocean!”
The three of you make your way to the coast. “See your ship?” Ace asks. Luffy looks around to find his ship.
You sigh as the same group of thugs come into view again. “You won’t escape!” One of them says.
“You guys don’t know when to quit,” Ace says rather irritatedly.
You know Ace never backs down from a fight so it was kind of a surprise to you when he didn’t finish off the enemies a while back, but then again, time was of essence considering the Marines were hot on Luffy’s track. Yet, a small part of you reasons that maybe it’s because you’re there that he wants to avoid an all out attack from the group.
Before you could come up with another theory about it though, Luffy declares that he’s found his ship and proceeds on waving at them.
Then without a warning, Luffy grabs you. He loops his arm a few times over your stomach and then uses his other arm to reach for the railing of his ship. The next thing you know, the two of you are zooming towards the ship at an insanely fast speed.
And then you both crash. If that wasn’t bad enough, instead of crashing on the floor, you crash on someone. Luffy only laughs as he stands up, “Sorry about that, Sanji, Chopper, Y/N.”
“Bastard!” says the blonde male who you both crashed into. He grabs Luffy and shakes him, “Don’t you know your own strength?! I oughta throw you overboard!”
It takes a while for you to gather your bearings. By the time you do, the blonde male has released his grip on Luffy and was done on threatening him. Now it’s your turn. You hit him on the head, “Can’t you be any more careful, Luffy?!”
“Ah! It hurts, Y/N! Why does it hurt?” He complains as he rubs on the spot you hit.
You hit him once again, “I’ll have you know Gramps Garp would hit you harder if he learned what you did to me. I’m just simply giving you the gentler version of his Fist of Love.”
Garp is Luffy’s paternal grandfather. While you aren’t related by blood with him, Garp treats you way better than he treats Luffy, mainly because you’re the only friend of Luffy who didn’t really want to be a pirate. Because Garp dotes on you as if you were blood related, you always use his name when trying to reason or argue with Luffy because you know your best friend absolutely hates the Fist of Love.
“I said I’m sorry!”
You only huff in response and then cross your arms. When you turn your head to look away from him, you realize that Luffy’s crew is staring at you.
Once again you feel the blood rushing to your face, but this time from embarrassment. You bow your head, saying, “Sorry for the commotion and for, uh, coming here so suddenly. I’m a friend of this dumbass, please call me Y/N.”
The blonde male is first to react, “Luffy, you didn’t tell me you have such a beautiful friend! Oh, and she’s a belly dancer too!” He exclaims with hearts in his eyes.
Ah, he’s referring to the clothes you’re wearing. “Oh, I’m not. This is kind of a disguise,” you explain. And then you add, “I’m sorry we crashed into you.”
“I’d let you crash into me anytime,” he declares. “I’m Sanji, by the way, but you can always call me yours.”
You chuckled at him. You’ve heard that line so many times before, it’s getting ridiculous. You’re assuming the rest of the crew did too, considering you hear a collective groan from them after hearing Sanji’s words.
After that he clears his throat. All of a sudden his aura changes. “You must have a bounty on you, because those looks can kill,” he says in a rather charismatic way while lighting a cigarette and slowly walking to your direction.
Sanji never reaches you though. He’s just a few steps away from you when your sight of him is blocked by a familiar freckled back with a well known tattoo.
What an odd timing to appear.
“Actually,” Ace starts to say, “she does have a bounty.”
You know Ace isn’t the type to read the newspaper so you’re surprised he knew about your bounty.
“Oh, Ace! These are the nakama I was telling you about,” Luffy interrupts.
Ace tears away his gaze on Sanji and then bows, “Oh, why hello everyone. I trust my little brother has been in your care.”
“Yes, he has,” the crew replies, bowing as well.
“He has no manners, so he’ll probably end up burning your hands a few times…”
“Yes, he has.”
“I’ll entrust him to you.”
You bite your lip to prevent the smile that’s threatening to appear on your face. Ace truly has mastered the art of being polite.
“I thought the guy Luffy described would be some selfish, arrogant jerk…” A guy with a long nose says.
“It’s a lie. Someone this polite can’t be Luffy’s brother,” says the woman with orange hair.
The only person you actually know from this ship aside from Ace and Luffy is Roronoa Zoro, the pirate hunter. He says, “He’s such a better person than his brother!”
“Brotherhood is a wonderful thing,” cries a reindeer.
“It doesn’t make sense. The sea’s a mysterious place,” Sanji notes.
Ah, if they only knew Ace before. You chuckle.
Wait. A talking reindeer?!
You’re usually composed, but every now and then you do get excited when something interests you. From the amount of times you’ve spent with Luffy, you kind of react the same way when he’s excited.
You immediately step aside from Ace’s back and walk towards the talking reindeer. You stop a feet away in front of him, just enough so he doesn’t get too scared.
But the reindeer still gets scared. He tries to hide behind the lady with orange hair, except his body is fully exposed.
You still smile though. “What a cute little talking reindeer!”
Then the reindeer suddenly blushes and smiles, “Don’t think I’ll be happy that you called me cute, you bastard.”
“Y/N, that’s Chopper. He’s our doctor. Isn’t he cool?”
“So cool!” You nod as Chopper continues to dance. “Are you a devil fruit user too? Can I have a blood sample?”
Devil fruits are extremely rare especially in the East Blue and you’ve only ever caught sight of its users on the Grand Line. So when you meet someone who has such abilities, you couldn’t hold yourself back from asking for a blood sample. It’s a trait that your crewmates hate about you because you ask even if the devil fruit user is an opponent. This was actually one of the reasons why they trained you in combat, because that trait often gets you in trouble.
Seeing that you’re a pretty nice person, Chopper agrees.
“You too, Luffy, Ace.” It’s more of an order when it comes to those two. Your excitement about the devil fruit temporarily overpowers your awkwardness with Ace.
The two look at each other and shrug. You didn’t really give them any choice.
Before you can even grab a vial and a syringe, the lady with blue hair interrupts. “Baroque Works! That’s the Billions fleet!” She says, looking over five ships.
“Them again?” Luffy asks.
“Luffy,” Ace calls.
“I’ll clean them up.” Without saying anything more, he jumps down to his boat and speeds off towards the ships. All five of the ships get destroyed after a single Fire Fist.
Ace truly has become stronger. Your heart swells with pride at his growth. He’s become such a reliable person. If only you didn’t break his heart, you’d be calling him yours and bragging about him.
When everything dies down and Ace settles back into the ship, everyone introduces themselves individually. Then Sanji prepares something to eat for everyone.
Sanji gives the males sake to drink while he gives you and the ladies a special drink. “Y/N-chwaan~” He affectionately calls your name as he hands you a glass of the drink he prepared.
You smile at him as you thank him and he instantly swoons. He walks away happily with hearts on his eyes after the interaction. You have never met a man like him before and that’s saying something because you’ve been to a lot of places and met a bunch of men from the three years of your journey as a pirate. Quite frankly, it’s amusing for you.
But not so much for everyone else. You can tell by the sudden rise in the temperature, and you know right at once it’s because of Ace.
You look over to him only to find him already staring intently at you. You’re not dumb, you know he’s jealous. Still though, his reaction surprised you.
In your years dating him, he never really became jealous. Maybe because the only male persons he’s seen you ever hang out with is him, Luffy, and Sabo. While that much is true, having worked at Party’s bar meant you meet a lot of people and Ace knew that. You’d even tell him about encounters with males but he doesn’t really worry about it, unless they hurt you. You think that maybe he reacts that way back then because you were his but right now, you aren’t.
He only removes his gaze from you when Usopp says, “This is great! Ace and Y/N are our nakama!”
“Who said I’d be your nakama?” Ace raises an eyebrow but he’s ultimately ignored by Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper.
“To delicious drinks,” Usopp toasts.
“Don’t worry about them,” Nami says, “These guys are always looking for a reason to kanpai.”
“Ace, Y/N, are you really going to be our nakama?”
You answer first. “Nah, I’m only here for research and to… Uhm…” you look over quickly to Vivi who apparently was a princess in the kingdom, “…to purchase dance powder.”
It’s funny how you feel bad for purchasing something illegal when you practically do illegal things everyday as a pirate.
Before Vivi could react, you explain. “I only bought a small amount. I just want to identify the content of rainwater from an artificial source. I also wanted to know the composition of the dance powder itself. That’s all.”
“Ehh? That’s it? But why don’t you just come to our crew?” Luffy whines.
“Idiot. Your brother mentioned a while ago that she has a bounty. That means she’s a pirate too,” Zoro says.
“What?! You’re a pirate?! You said you didn’t want to be a pirate!”
“Yeah, well I couldn’t pursue my studies if I didn’t have the money,” you say. “Besides, our captain agreed to have me for five years only. I’ve been with them for three. Ask me again after two years, maybe I’ll reconsider.”
“I don’t want to wait for two years! Join us now!”
You hit Luffy on the head while Usopp scolds him, “You can’t just force her to come.”
“Why not?” Luffy asks. You raise your fist to hit him again. This prompts him to say, “Okay, okay, fine. I’ll ask you again some other time, just don’t hit me anymore!”
Ace looks like he wanted to say something to you but Luffy turns to him and asks if he’s going to join his crew. He looks away from you reluctantly and then focuses on Luffy. “I won’t. I’m in pursuit of a man. He’s known as Blackbeard.”
“Blackbeard?” Usopp repeats.
Vivi asks, “The pirate that sacked the Kingdom of Drum?”
He nods, “He used to be a member of Whitebeard pirates, Second Division. My subordinate. Until he committed the greatest crime you can on a pirate ship… He murdered his nakama and fled the ship. As the Commander, I have to find him and finish him off.”
“So that’s why you’re after him.”
“The only reason I came to this country is because he was reportedly seen in Yuba.”
“Then you’re going to the same place we’re going,” Nami says.
Then Vivi gets a map and explains the route to him.
“I get it. So you’re headed to Yuba too.”
In the background, Sanji says, “Wherever Nami-swan, Vivi-chwan, and Y/N-chwan go, I’ll go~”
“Beat it, Love Cook,” Zoro says.
“What did you say, bastard?”
A fight between the two almost ensues when Nami says, “Anyway, looks like you’ll be travelling with us for a little while.”
Usopp looks the happiest at that. “With you along, this’ll be a cinch!”
“What about you, Y/N? What do you plan on doing?” Nami asks.
You purse your lips, thinking. Isn’t it a little bit selfish of you if you stayed just so you could spend a little more time with Ace?
“Please stay with us a little longer, Y/N-chwan~” Sanji pleads.
While Ace wants you to stay, he didn’t really like seeing another man openly expressing his fondness to you. Unconsciously, he causes the temperature to rise once again, which you’re quick to notice.
You wonder if the rise in the temperature meant that Ace doesn’t want you to stick around. You quickly dismiss the idea though, when he speaks up, “Yeah, Y/N, why don’t you join us for a little while?”
How could you refuse when he personally asks you to stay?
“Do I even have a choice?” You ask nonchalantly, playing it cool as if you didn’t want to stay.
“No!” Luffy grins.
Just like that, you stay.
Later on you find yourself in the kitchen sitting across Luffy and Usopp. They’re playing with their foods when Ace enters the kitchen. He plops down beside you and you instantly feel your heart thump faster. He didn’t even do anything out of the ordinary and yet he makes you feel like this. It’s not fair that Ace looks so relaxed while you’re desperately trying to calm your heart.
Then you jump in surprise as Sanji hits Luffy and Usopp with a frying pan and a wok, scolding them for playing with their food. “If you guys are so bored, go wash some dishes! Jeez, here I am trying to finish our bento before we land—”
“I’ll help!” You volunteer. Ace speaks up at the same time as you did, “Want me to help with anything?”
Sanji looks stunned. Someone wants to offer help? It’s been a while since he’s heard it.
“Y/N-chwan, you’re such a lovely lady~ But don’t worry, just sit back and relax. I’ll do all the work for you~” Sanji singsongs, completely ignoring Ace.
In the corner of your eye, you notice Ace glaring at Sanji while he has his back turned. “Alright…” You say after a moment.
You’re not exactly sure how to proceed after that. Instead of enduring the awkward silence, you whip out your small notebook and start scribbling away. The notebook was more of a logbook where you put in the data you gathered in certain villages or islands— may it be a sighting of an exotic animal or plant, random anomalies about certain places, anything that’s out of the ordinary or just plainly something you’re curious about. Sometimes you just put random questions that pop into your head. It’s rather messy, but it’s one of the things you own that you treasure the most.
This time you write about the devil fruit users you encountered in Alabasta, writing just a short biography of the users and a brief description of the powers they have. Just like that, you’re in your own little bubble. You didn’t even notice that the ship docked for a couple of minutes as per Vivi’s request and that everyone has left you in the kitchen.
By the time you’re done, you realize that the only persons in the kitchen are you and Sanji. The cook is preparing one last meal for everyone to eat in the ship before you all dock. This time when you offered your help, you insisted and left no room for him to refuse. When the table has been set up, he calls for everyone.
You sit at the edge of the table. Not a second later, someone sits beside you. You look up and find that it’s Ace. He has this boyish smile on which prompted you to look away in order to avoid heating up.
Luffy’s crew is boisterous, even more so during eating meals. They’re extremely funny. You feel your worry for your best friend fade away the longer you stay with his crew. But then the rowdy atmosphere instantly quiets down when all of a sudden Ace falls down on his plate. It was only a moment of silence and then they’re all panicking.
“What the hell?!”
“Oi, Luffy, what happened to your brother?”
“Oh no! He’s dead!”
“Someone call a doctor! We need a doctor! Oh, wait I’m the doctor.”
Only you and Luffy are unfazed. Luffy just laughs out loud while Usopp demands him to take the situation more seriously.
You, on the other hand, calmly place your utensils down. You’re pretty much used to Ace and his narcoleptic episodes. You get some napkins and gently grab Ace’s face. You wipe his face from all the food that got stuck on it. Then you carefully maneuver his arm so that it’s resting on the table and place his head on his arm. This is pretty much how you handled him every single time it happened so by now it’s more of an automatic reaction for you.
When you’re done, you realize that everyone’s panic has died down and that they’re all looking at you, except Luffy who continued shoving food down his throat. You feel incredibly shy upon discovering that they caught you tending to Ace.  While the others are aware that you, Luffy, and Ace know each other from the past, they haven’t exactly seen you interact with Ace that much since you both arrived at the ship so they assumed that you and Ace are merely acquaintances.
You notice that Nami and Vivi in particular are smiling. Nami has the “I know something” kind of smile while Vivi has more of a genuine smile on her face. Sanji is sulking, but the others are just blinking at you. Then a few moments later, Ace wakes up. “Ah, sorry. I fell asleep,” he says nonchalantly.
“Eh?!” was the collective response of Luffy’s crew.
His hand automatically comes to his face to wipe off the remnants of food in his face, only to find out that his face is absolutely clean and bare of any dirt. This could only mean one thing, he thinks. You cleaned him off, just like the old days when you were still dating.
Ace’s assumption is further confirmed when he hears Sanji sulking about how he wishes he was the one to receive such a tender act from you.
You continue to eat as if you didn’t do what you just did. You could feel Ace’s eyes on you but you refuse to meet his stare. Unbeknownst to you, a smile has made its way on Ace’s face.
Everyone seems to be watching the interaction unfold — again, except Luffy who has witnessed this all before so he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Anyone with eyes could now tell that there is or was something going on between the two of you.
The atmosphere only goes back to normal when Luffy stretches his arms to reach for food on their plates. Everyone immediately complains about this and the rowdy air comes back.
After the hearty meal, everyone prepares for the long trip by foot. You change into more suitable clothes, something that Sanji wasn’t really happy about since you, Nami, and Vivi switched from dancer’s clothes to a cloak that covers the entire body. Ace looks way happier now than before though and you aren’t sure why.
Before you could even get down the ship though, a group of Kung Fu Dugongs challenges your group. You’re just about to move when in a blink of an eye, Luffy has defeated each one. What a bum, you know you can definitely take them down too but Luffy beat you to it. You pout, you feel so out of shape now that you aren’t really using your body to fight. Ace chuckles at you. It was so sudden that you almost jumped in surprise at the sound.
“Didn’t think you would be disappointed that you weren’t able to fight them,” Ace says.
“Honestly, what should I expect? Luffy has always been like that,” you mumble.
“Yeah, he’s a handful.”
It’s such a short conversation, but seeing that you aren’t exactly pushing Ace away, he takes it as a sign that you aren’t uncomfortable in his presence. He sticks by your side after that.
He remains silent to the point that you even forgot that he was even walking beside you. You only realize that he’s still around when a sand whirlwind comes and he subtly shifts his position so that he’s standing in front of you, shielding you away from the sand. You’re reminded of the days when he’s always by your side to protect you. You feel the butterflies on your stomach one again. If that wasn’t enough, Ace gives you a lopsided smile when you thank him which makes your heart go haywire.
He doesn’t really leave your mind after that. The thoughts of him fully consumed you once again. But did it really go away in the first place?
Your memories with him have been replaying in your mind since then. You didn’t even notice that the sun has already set down until Vivi says that you guys should set out camp there.
The boys are nice enough to set up the tents for everyone, leaving you, Nami, and Vivi with nothing to do. You take this opportunity to shyly ask them about the Dance Powder as you whip out your notebook. You write down all the information they can give you.
“Ah, so it’s basically like cloud seeding,” you conclude.
“What’s that?” Vivi asks.
“It’s a type of weather modification, a process aiming to make precipitation fall from clouds. It is originally used to prevent areas from destruction brought about by drought. I read researchers use a chemical compound called silver iodide and disperse it to the clouds to produce snow which melts before they hit the ground to produce water.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s a quite similar process,” Nami says. Then she yawns. “Sorry, I’m getting tired.”
“Come on, let’s rest in the tent,” you say, feeling the exhaustion as well. The two girls immediately fall asleep after laying down, but for some reason you couldn’t sleep. You lay there for about two hours but you’re still unable to sleep.
You get up and reach for your bag, looking for your canteen. But then you see the orange rose. You almost forgot you bought it. The familiar aching feeling makes itself known once again. With a sigh, you leave the tent, suddenly feeling that you need a breather.
You move away from the tents and sit down, playing with the orange rose. The night is cold and you’re shivering but you can’t find it in you to care. You’re so preoccupied with your thoughts that you didn’t hear the footsteps of someone behind you.
You tense when you hear an awfully familiar question. “Y/N? What are ya doing here? You’re going to get sick.”
You don’t respond, thinking it was your mind tricking you into hearing the same things on that night.
“You’re shivering,” Ace calls out once again.
That’s when your breath hitched. Ace truly is there. He sits beside you and you instantly feel his warmth.
“Why are you still awake?” You ask.
“Couldn’t sleep,” is all he replies.
Silence ensues after that, but only for a few moments. Ace is the first to speak. “The cook seems to have taken a liking on you,” he says.
“He’s nice.”
“A little too nice to you for my liking.”
For the first time since he sat beside you, you look at him.
Then he speaks up again, “Ya know… You changed over the years. You’re prettier now… I’m not saying you weren’t pretty before. Uhm…” He blushes, “But you’re way prettier now. You caused quite the uproar among the Whitebeard pirates when your wanted poster came. When I saw the poster myself, I couldn’t believe it. You’re… yeah.”
You didn’t know what to say to that but you feel your face heating up at his words.
“I… I don’t know why but there’s this weird feeling I get when that blonde cook gives his attention to you. Even just the thought of him or another man getting close to you like that makes me feel weird,” he confesses.
“Ace… I’m sorry.”
“I know, I know… We’re not—”
“No, I’m sorry… I’m sorry because I had a lot of fears and uncertainties back then… I feared that you wouldn’t come back to me. The books I’ve read all said that the Grand Line was a horrible place and I didn’t know if you’d make it back alive. I was so afraid and I couldn’t tell you because you might not want to leave because of me… I didn’t want to be the reason you couldn’t fulfill your dreams… So I thought it was better to break up with you… At least then, nothing’s going to tie you down…” you cried.
“Y/N… I didn’t know…” He whispers, close to tears.
“Sometimes I wonder if I only knew I’d be a pirate too, should I have just gone away with you? At least then we’d still be together, right? But that would be too selfish of me… Especially when I was so weak back then. I would’ve had nothing to contribute to you. I’d only be a burden to you.
“But you know what, Ace, even if I was the one who decided to let you go, I couldn’t forget about you… Every place I go to, something will always remind me of you. Even when I sleep, I still dream about you. I don’t think I’ll ever get over you,” you look him in the eyes as you pour your heart out to him.
“God, no matter where I go, no matter how long you’re gone, no matter how many faces I meet, it’s always you, it’s always you I want to be with. I think… I think I’m always going to want you back, Ace…” You close your eyes and clench your fists as you say your final words.
You’re so selfish, god, you hate yourself.
It takes you by surprise when Ace hugs you. You melt into him at once. He lets you cry in his arms. “Ace, I’m really really sorry.”
He hums and then says, “Didn’t I promise I’ll come back to you?”
You pull away, vision still blurry from the tears. “What?”
He chuckles and then pecks your lips. “I promised I’ll come back to you.”
You cry harder from his words. His hand rubs your back, consoling you. “You still look beautiful even when you’re crying.”
You look away and bite your lip as you will your tears to stop.
“Why don’t you join the Whitebeard pirates instead?”
You pout. “That’s not fair, Ace… You know I wouldn’t be able to say no to you.”
“Well then, that’s too bad for Luffy,” he grins.
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satansphatass · 3 years
Cold - Technoblade
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Hello - this is my first post so if you see this follow me because I crave human validation 😎👍
I originally posted this on wattpad but nobody was interacting so I’m posting it here :)
Word count: 1800
Trigger Warnings:  Blood/injuries
Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: Y/n is injured and caught out in a snow storm - will anyone reach them in time?
The snow stung against y/n's skin, they were starting to become numb all over from a combination of blood loss and the cold. They had been trekking along since the end of the war in L'manburg; which wasn't ideal seeing as they had been pierced by a piece of debris from the explosion.
The shock of Wilbur and Techno's betrayal stung more than the physical pain itself - they needed to get away, have a fresh start. They didn't tell anyone they were leaving and they doubted anyone had even noticed. Y/n had no clue where they were going and had had the misfortune of ending up in the snow.
The cold was really starting to have an effect on their body, their skin had a waxy look to it and they were shaking like a leaf due to the lack of a jacket - again, another big mistake on their part. If they didn't find anywhere dry and warm soon they feared that they would either bleed out or freeze to death - neither of which were very nice options. Their crisp white shirt was soaked through with crimson, they weakly tried pressing their hands up against the wound only for them to come away slick with blood.
As they pushed themselves up from the ground a spark of pain shot through their body causing them to sink even deeper into the snow; on second thoughts, maybe a nap wouldn't be so bad - the snow was nice and comfy after all. They curled up and slowly lost consciousness.
Techno continued on his horse Carl, searching for his home that had secretly been in the works for months, it was hidden far away from L'manburg - he doubted that they wanted to see him after the little stunt that him and Wilbur had pulled. It was located by a village in a snowy land that he had just entered; he pulled his large cloak closer to him, it was thick and kept him warm even during the harshest winters.
He was starting to approach the forest near his home when he saw a small pink stain to his right, thinking it could be an animals print he approached. He jumped off of Carl and peered down at it - it looked to be a footprint, but nobody knew where he lived. That wasn't right.
He peered up to see more going up over a snow mound, he followed the trail to see them getting crisper and darker, they eventually joined together to make a continuous line of blood - these were clearly fresh, but the question was, who or what had caused them?
He made it to the top of the mound and looked down to see the trail lead to a large crimson stain against the fresh snow. He picked up speed and saw a mop of (hair length and colour) hair - he recognised that, it was y/n. What on earth where they doing out here?
He ran towards them in a state of panic - how long had they been here?! He fell to his knees beside them and flipped them onto their back. Their skin had a greyish-blue tint to it and frost had formed on their eyebrows and lashes. He unclasped his cloak and went to scoop them up when he was suddenly hit by the severity of the situation - they were bleeding out fast, like REALLY fast. He pushed his hands against the wound; even their blood was ice cold. He felt something nudging his shoulder and whipped around to see Carl by his side.
He weighed out his options and carefully wrapped them up in his cloak, the deep red a stark contrast to the fresh snow. He sat atop of Carl and rode into the forest with them in his arms. The silence was all of a sudden eerie and crushing compared to the peace he felt from it earlier. The trees sped past him in a blur and he finally made it to his quaint wooden cottage, he tumbled to the ground in a panic and dismounted y/n from his noble steed.
Y/n lay there in the snow: it seemed more solid than before, and warmer, and- where were they? This definitely wasn't how they remembered it, the cold was no longer wrapping its death grip fingers around them, they no longer felt stinging on their front - infact they felt pressure wrapping round their middle.
They forced their eyes open slowly, that really did not help with the pounding in their skull. They gazed around the room, they could faintly make out a shape in the corner - it looked to be a rapier, they weren't interested in getting on this persons bad side. They didn't know where they were and were starting to panic - who had done this?
They could make out the faint shape of bandages by their waist, unfortunately their shirt was still stained - whoever had done this couldn't have even cleaned their shirt or something smh. Pick a struggle.
They pulled the blanket closer to them, it was very comfortable; it was quite heavy and had a fur trim around the edge almost like Techno's--
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Nononono- they couldn't be here. He had betrayed everyone. They had trusted him - to some extent anyways. They sat up abruptly - not smart. They let out a gasp of pain, the dark threatened to consume their vision. They placed a hand on the edge of the mattress to steady themself. After much trial and error they managed to sit upright.
They calmed themselves enough to take another look around the room. There were a few worn maps on the walls showing L'manburg and its surrounding areas - their heart ached at the sight of the familiar structures; party island, the podium, the various towers dotted all over the land - all gone, all blown up.
There was a small fire illuminating the dark room, and also the mass on the floor. Their blood ran cold - colder than it already was anyways - y/n had hoped for some time to leave before he got back. Luckily he was asleep on the floor and was a relatively deep sleeper. They slowly but surely pushed themselves up from the bed and wobbled towards the door, leaning on the walls for support. This was perfect, they would be able to make it away before he even woke up!
"What are you doing?"
Ah- turns out he wasn't a deep sleeper, that was a fatal flaw in the plan.
They slowly turned around to see a sleepy but amused Technoblade stood in the middle of the room staring at them.
"Uhh- I was going on a walk." 👀🤠
"Is that so?"
They started aggressively coughing, the speaking hurting their cold and sore throat.
"Get back in bed, you need to rest," >:(
"I'm fine, I don't need to rest - resting is for the weak."
"Everyone has to rest, even I rest."
"That's because your weak."
He stared them in the eyes, looking thoroughly unimpressed.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Get in bed."
It went on like this until he started to walk towards them - slightly pissed off. He picked them up and placed them onto the bed.
"I don't need to rest!"
As soon as they said that, coughs wracked their body.
"You sure about that?"
They quickly tried to sit up to run off while his guard was down - but he pushed them back down as soon as they attempted anything. He held their arms down so that they couldn't escape, they tried wriggling free but to no avail. They quickly gave up.
"As much as I want you to rest right now, it's freaking me out that I can hold you down this easily."
"What are you talking about- I'm" their sentence was interrupted by more coughing "-super -strong"
He gave them a skeptical look not buying a word of their bullshit.
"I'm gonna go get you some water for that cough, you stay right here - okay?"
They nodded.
He walked off and climbed down the ladder.
They crawled out of the bed, ignoring his very clear rules and made their way over to the map of L'manburg on the wall. They stroked the coarse paper littered with so many of their favourite places - the forest where they liked to make flower crowns for everyone, the cliff top where they could think about life and how it's so very meaningless. 😶
Y/n sunk to the floor; tears threatening to spill from their eyes. It was so unfair, a beautiful nation destroyed by power hungry people. They had no idea whether Wilbur was still alive, they never saw him after the explosion. They missed him, they missed the land before the government - where they would all dance to Wilbur's songs around the campfire speaking nothing of governments and laws.
Techno walked up behind them and hesitantly placed a hand on their back, not knowing what to do because, social situations are awkward dude - am i right?
"You good?"
They whipped around slamming their fist into his chest in a futile attempt to hurt him,
"It's all your fault!" They said through tears, "We trusted you!"
He took their fists in his hands, staying silent while they had their tantrum. They soon grew tired; slumping into his chest, staining his shirt with their tears. They stayed their for a while, his embrace warm but his attitude still cold.
I did not proof read so if there is a section that got deleted or some shit then just let me know 🧍‍♂️
Please send me requests people (no smut/nsfw) - make sure to include pronouns pls.
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