#I'm going through a rough patch in my life and so it's bringing me a lot of comfort to be in that community space right now ^_^
taiyami · 4 months
I just wanted to reach out to folks and say thanks for not scrutinizing me for interacting with a little more selfship content than usual lately. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, and I just hope I'm not being overbearing with that kind of content ?
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luvfy0dor · 6 months
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“You Know That I'm Obsessed With Your Body ♡⁠˖” BSD Men x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Chuuya Nakahara, Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma, H.P. Lovecraft
Warnings; Suggestive, kisses, hickeys, bite marks, allusions to self harm (Dazai), sh scars (Dazai), prolly a little ooc
Description; BSD men and their physical attributes
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A/n; CAS lyric title!!! But I cannot bring myself to write reqs RN so............but guys i actually talked to a guy OMG never thought I'd have big enough balls but I got his ig ^w^
⑅Chuuya Nakahara⑅
Chuuyas arms are beautiful to you, they're not insanely buff and they're not thin, but at a perfect equilibrium. They're decorated with intricate tattoos and beautiful colors, and sometimes small dotted lines left by your teeth or maroon spots formed by your love and passion for each other. You loved feeling them wrap around your torso or waist with him leaning his head against your back, letting all the thoughts in his mind flow from his mouth like a waterfall. Other times, he'd hang his arms over your shoulders, letting you feel his biceps against the nape of your neck, ghosting over the baby hairs on your skin. His arms can carry you too, no matter your weight. If it'd make you feel better, he'd use his ability to help and reassure you that he won't drop you or let you get hurt.
“There we go, darlin', see, I told you I wouldn't let you get hurt. Literally not even the strongest gust of wind could knock me over with you right now, so quit worrying.”
⑅Osamu Dazai⑅
Dazai has such a gorgeous torso, bandaged or not. His skin is soft on contrast to the rough and volatile life he's always lead. The only patches of skin that aren't smooth are the ones that are littered with past scars, whether self inflicted or from other people. When Dazai trusts you enough, he'll ask you to help him take off his bandages before bed, letting your fingers brush over the rigid bumps and sharply inhaling while adjusting to your sweet touch in a new, naked place. He lets you kiss the scars and it helps him feel a little relaxed receiving your acceptance through soft kisses and affection instead of being pitied or shamed for his past. It's not like you encourage it, but you don't waste your breath on lecturing him on why he shouldn't have. It's in the past, so instead you'll offer your support for him now rather than dwelling on what you can't change.
“Mmnn...your lips are so soft on my back, baby...keep going, sweetheart, you know how much I love feeling your kisses on my skin...”
⑅Nikolai Gogol⑅
Nikolais thighs could resurrect a dead man, and you couldn't help but feel the same way every time you had your head between or against them. Occasionally your hands would hold them apart and squeeze or grope at them, feeling the firmness beneath the palm of your hand. The pressure from your fingertips leaves temporary pale spots with every pinch and your teeth and tongue leave red ones in your wake as you kiss, suck, and bite all over his thigh, and he loves it. Nikolai loves the harsh feeling of your teeth clamping around his skin, making him gasp and giggle in excitement with a hand on your neck encouraging you to continue. He's got a higher pain tolerance, so if you like to give lovebites, especially on thighs, he's your guy.
“Ah-! Oh, don't worry dove, it doesn't hurt. You know I have a good pain tolerance! You can keep going, hehe, I don't mind it.”
⑅Fyodor Dostoevsky⑅
Fyodors hands are thin and pale aside from some select spots with higher blood concentration. His nails are bitten down to the quick almost always and his fingers are bony and thin. They rest gently on your hips when you sit on his lap while he types or just relaxes with you, his thumbs rubbing circles into the fabric of either your top or bottoms. Sometimes they'll travel upwards, resting against your midsection and making you shiver from their low temperature. He'd laugh under his breath at your reaction and slide them further up, loving the idea that he has you squirming in his grasp. Otherwise, he'd keep a hand on your thigh, rubbing it out of habit modestly. In public he keeps his hands to himself, but in private his hands have a mind of their own.
“Are they that cold, Moya Lyubov? You'll get used to it eventually, unless you'd like to find your own way to warm my hands up?”
Sigmas jawline is so defined and Everytime you look at it, an overwhelming urge to kiss along it bubbles up inside of you. Sigma doesn't dislike it, but he'll act like he does, always squirming and playfully grimacing. Eventually he'll give in though, holding your hand while you pepper soft pecks along his skin. He'll return them all over your cheeks and nose, tickling your skin and making you giggle. You can't help but watch Sigmas fingers trace over his jawline while he's deep in thought about this that and the other, admiring how perfect it looks on him.
“H-hey, knock it off, I'm in the middle of fillin' out papers! I said quit it- huff...fine, just a few though! You're really distracting, you know that?”
Bonus; ⑅ H.P. Lovecraft⑅
His hair is so long and luscious- how could you not want to run your fingers through it while your sleepy boyfriend lays his head in your lap? The upper half is smooth and straight while it changes into silky curls towards the bottom, though they're not the tightest and allow for your fingers to brush through them with minimal effort. He loves the feeling of your hands against his scalp, giving soft hums and groans of a relaxed pleasure. His face has his usual neutrality regardless of how nice it feels to get his head massaged by his lover. He frequently lets you pull it into a ponytail or put it into braids or whatever style you please. He lets you brush it, too, as long as you start at the bottom instead of ripping the brush through his hair.
“Mnn...that feels nice, dear...don't mind if I fall asleep on top of you, I can't help it.”
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A/n; I feel so bad for not getting to requests, something like this was the easiest thing to do this week though because I had mock trial comp right after school so i couldn't write anything from 8am-7;30 pm some nights and it was the end of the quarter so i had to focus more on school work.
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Success story (not the void)
Maya, as I promised you, I'm writing you my success story. It's quite a wild one, so please bear with me.
My journey started during the Angel era, when I was struggling with the void state. I tried everything I could think of to get out of it - every method, every meditation technique, affirming, intention, lucid dreaming, and even coaching from various LoA experts, including those not so well-known. I was desperate for a breakthrough, a key to unlock the life I deserved. I would have done anything, even ate dirt if that was what it took.
At that time, my family was going through a rough patch. My abusive father, a police officer, divorced my mother and left us with nothing. We were homeless, living out of our car, while my dad was living a comfortable life. He had a new girlfriend, a younger woman, and continued to be respected in his job. Meanwhile, my mom, who was a victim of his abuse, was labeled a liar and lost everything. I was filled with rage, towards him, towards the world, towards the jury that declared him innocent. I wasn’t safe in this world especially being homeless, women and children are the most vulnerable to sexual and physical assault. I was scared, unsafe, and had nothing aside my mother and siblings.
I wanted to enter the void, not just for myself, but to give my family a better life and to bring justice to those who had wronged us. I was at a point where I was harming myself, but I couldn't give up because my family needed me. I remember messaging you, Maya, pouring out my story, begging you to help me enter the void. Despite your initial hesitation, you responded with kindness, sharing some personal experiences, and reassuring me that I wasn't alone.
Your words gave me hope. You made me realize that many people who find the law have gone through, or are still going through difficulties. If they could overcome their struggles, so could I.
So, I decided to let go of the void. Not because I didn't believe in it, but because I had elevated it to a status akin to a genie that would magically solve all my problems. When non-dualism and other loa concepts were introduced, everything finally clicked. I realized I didn't have to be angry, or try to be someone manifesting master, or do all these fake methods. I have always known that my family and I were meant to be happy.
For a month, I went through a process of shedding my ego. It was uncomfortable, and there were times I found myself fighting my own thoughts, telling them to shut up. I was separating my ego from myself. You, Maya, had once said that this process was similar to withdrawal symptoms of someone quitting drugs. This thought comforted me. I was becoming someone new, my old thoughts weren't there anymore.
Living in my car, I began to see it as my mansion. My mom's crying turned into laughter, my siblings' whine for food turned into jokes. We pretended that we were living our dream life, and after a while, my siblings joined me in this game. We would come "home" from school and yell at each other, pretending that the house was so big that we needed walkie-talkies to communicate.whenever I needed to steal food it was because we owned the place and can take whatever we want, not because I had to.
One day, we parked at a field, and I started imagining my life. I tried to become the clouds by thinking I am and accepting that my consciousness could be whatever it wanted. I got my siblings to do the same. We became the flowers, then the sun, then the stars at night. Even though physically I was still in the car, mentally and emotionally, I was living my dream life.
When I woke up, I was in a large room. It was decorated to perfection. I heard my siblings running around, throwing toys, and my mother laughing with a man, who's laugh alone sounded like gold. I explored the house, and it was beautiful. There was no yelling, no violence, only laughter and love. My mom introduced me to her boyfriend, and he was holding a newspaper that read that my father had been arrested for domestic crimes and fraud. He was losing everything.
At that moment, I realized that I had done it. My mom was happy, beautiful, and loved. My siblings had plenty of toys and clothes, and our house was filled with love. My family and I were finally living our dream life.
I have been living my life for about a month and now, and it has been blissful to say the least. I go to a well known private school and I am the top student. I am apart of many clubs, and also spend a lot of time volunteering at domestic shelters, and speaking to victims of intrapersonal abuse. I have made friends of people who volunteer with me, so it’s nice to have people who care about the same thing I do.
I am also apart of my writing club, and found comfort in reading and writing and have decided I want to be an author once I graduate. I have always wanted to be a writer but they don’t make enough money often. But now not only do I know I will be successful but my family has enough money to last us multiple generations plus some more. My Bio father had gotten much to what is coming to him and he will be going to jail. I hope he drops the soap but I have let go of my anger with that barbaric fool. So has my mother who has also recently gotten engaged and I get to be her maid of honor. She has a friend group of mothers from school and I have never seen her happier. My now father treats her like a goddess and treats everyone like that. He spoils my mom and us with gifts and luxurious trips. He also spoils the help such as the maids and cooks and never treats them below us. He does not expect anything from my mother except for her to be happy and spend time with us. He is kind selfless loving and respectful. the real definition of a man. I adore him so much and I’m so happy to call him my father.
I find great joy in the little stuff. I love cleaning my room. My bio dad was a hoarder and the house was always a mess because my mom was the sole provider though my “bio dad” made much more. He instead used it on hookers, alcohol, and drugs. Pathetic excuse for a man I know. I love going shopping, as I don’t have to look at the price tag. It feels normal, there was no shift. This is just life constantly changing. I have 5 pets and spend great time with all of them, and they are all so loving and adore me. I love school, and doing my homework, taking tests, assemblies etc. i love talking to my teacher about my ideas and how I can improve. They’re always so encouraging and kind, and I have never experienced that. I also loveeeee having crushes hehe. I never had time nor the “looks” for that prior to these past few months, but I receive a good amount of attention from a lot of sweet man and the “what if” aspect of having crushes is fun. I just love being a teenage girl, something I was not always able to say. I love the world and the people in it, the creations I bring and make, and all I did to make it what it is. I never worry what happened to my old self or life. It died, it doesn’t exist I am here right now with them and the old story is gone. Like an author erasing a part of a story she doesn’t like and never producing it, I did the same. My one true reality and I am so blessed.
Also big thanks to bloggers like @awarenessis @starbursts777 @consciousnessbaddie for introducing this concepts to Tumblr in a simple and kind way. Love to everyone in this devoted app.
Congratulations on your astounding success story 🥹 Your journey is a testament to the power of the human spirit, and it's an honor to hear about your transformation. This is beautiful wild tale, but it's your reality, and it's absolutely beautiful.
Your story is a powerful reminder that we have the power to shape our reality, no matter how dire our circumstances may be. It's a testament to the power of belief, determination, and the human spirit. I'm incredibly proud of you and wish you and your family all the happiness in the world.
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sciderman · 10 months
Hi! So I've followed your blog for a few years now and just caught bits and pieces here. But I was wondering where I can find the whole story? Like is it a patron thing or webtoons? Cause I love what you do with the characters and I just saw the most recent art of them having torn up the stuffies of the other then sewing them back together and now I am desperate to know what happened.
I'm sorry to hear that you've been having a rough time lately ❤️ I only just got out of a really rough patch in my life and it's easy to feel like the world is ending every day. I don't really have any solutions for you other than keep going ❤️ you bring joy to so many people through just being you and on days where you feel like you can't do anything, just being you and taking care of yourself is enough ❤️
I know you don't know me but my dms are always open if you ever need a listening ear or a safe space to just air stuff out❤️
bless you @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life! i'm actually in the process of archiving the blog on webtoons which is honestly really nifty, because i can separate the blog into neat little arcs for ease of reading... oh, so neat.
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but if you don't want to wait, and want the entire feast right now, no matter how messy it is, it's been available to read in chronological order on tumblr! (advised you open it on browser)!
i really appreciate all your sweet words!! sending you so much love in whatever corner of the world you're in!!
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yourpenpaldee · 4 months
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I don't usually put myself out there as it makes me nervous. But I've been a lurker for way too long, and it's about time I step out of my comfort zone. So, hello! I'm Dee (she/her), twenty-two, and have found my voice with storytelling.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, and continues to be the tool I turn to when I need an outlet to freely express myself. I have, unfortunately, hit a rough patch with consistency, and I'm here to bring all of that motivation and inspiration back. Especially since there are one too many WIPs sitting on the backburner, and they're all calling my name.
As someone who loves to dip their toes into every genre of fiction, I will read anything that peaks my interest. However, when it comes to creating, my works usually fall under romance and mystery. With practice, I intend on branching out into other genres I don't write often. There's a lot to explore in the world of writing, and I don't want to limit myself to only two categories.
Creating this blog provides me the space I need to accomplish the many goals I often dream of achieving. I acknowledge that it all starts with the ability to hold myself accountable. To show up for myself. To become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Putting myself and my projects out into the world is only the first of many steps, and it feels quite liberating.
I aim to use the voice I've found to not only contribute to the progression of POC representation, but to touch on several topics that remain heavily stigmatized in today's media. There’s a joy that runs through my veins every time I see someone like me on my screen or in a book. I feel seen, heard, and proud. I feel important. But as a creator, there’s that itch that can only be scratched when I create. When I make something that lets the next person know that they’re not invisible. That they're valued, loved, and appreciated. That's what I hope for when someone reads a project of mine. For them to feel the same rush of joy flowing through them as it does me.
Wow, I’m a yapper. I'd like to close this intro off with some fun facts, so here are some of my top five favorites with sidenotes because I still want to yap a bit more about the things I adore.
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And that concludes this introduction on me and this blog. I would love to connect and befriend other authors, so please don't hesitate to reach out as my DMs will always be open! I'd love to support and read your works, so don't be hesitant to share them with me if you'd like.
I hope you all will enjoy reading my works as much as I enjoy the process of bringing my ideas to life.
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divider creds to strangergraphics ♡
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always-andromeda · 4 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⟡ Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⟡ 2,685
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ⟡ A lull in your relationship with Javi leads to some revelations about both of your interests.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⟡ so this was a new one for me. this piece is part of @iamasaddie's kinky writing challenge for May and my pairing was Javi G with impact play. I am happy to report that I enjoyed researching this more than I thought I would? I found some really interesting kink blogs that kind of walked me through safe practices and it started to paint the picture in my mind that would become this fanfic. big disclaimer: I've never practiced impact play in real life. my depiction of it comes primarily from the research I've done and what I know of my own personal preferences and I've tried my best to depict a healthy dynamic. so if I'm getting something wrong or I'm depicting anything in an unhealthy way, feel free to let me know!! divider credits go to @saradika-graphics!!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⟡ smut (minors, do not interact), impact play, oral (female receiving), aftercare, pet names (hermosa, baby), reader is given no physical description aside from being able bodied, allusions to past negative experiences with sex (nothing specific is described), a little bit of soft!dom/switch Javi, please let me know if any more are needed!
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It’s not that you weren’t satisfied with Javi. The sex had almost always been fine. Hell, most times it was fantastic; better than anything you’d had before. There certainly wasn’t any love lost between you and him. You’d always adore him and the beautiful life you’d built with him by the sea in Mallorca. 
At first you thought it might have been the passing of time that spurred this particular…yearning. After all, don’t most couples go through these patches after a few years? But it quickly became apparent that this wasn’t a fleeting desire. Days passed and you kept going back to the same blog: Impact Play For Beginners.
The first time you’d stumbled across it, you hadn’t paid it much mind. You were looking for ways to spice things up with Javi. But it didn’t seem like him. As your eyes flitted over images of paddles, whips, and canes, all you could think of was how uncomfortable he’d most likely be. The idea of that turned you off, of course.
But you didn’t stay off for very long at all.
Perhaps it was the fact that he felt so safe that made the idea so enticing to begin with. You’d never been with anyone who approached sex as healthily as Javi did. He’d always been fervent with his desires. At the same time, he’d never made you feel like you had to do anything. There was always foreplay, regular check-ins, aftercare, and the ability to say no to whatever, whenever.
It was refreshing. Relieving. And that’s what made it so rough, thinking about possibly bringing something new into the equation. But, Javi had always been big on communication. You trusted that the same principles would apply here. So that’s why you brought it up.
Javi had been open but hesitant about it. At face value, this kink really wasn’t his style. He favored a softer approach. He couldn’t imagine laying a hand on you and causing any sort of harm. But in all honesty…the idea excited you.
The more you looked into it, the more you began to draw some hard lines in the sands of your mind. First and foremost, no toys. As exciting as a crop looked, you weren’t sure if you were prepared for that. At least not yet. For now, you were sticking with the advice of various kink blogs you’d scrolled through and starting off with hands only. Not only were those the instruments that piqued your interest in the first place, they also put you the most at ease. It felt poetic somehow; his usually gentle hands delivering both pleasure and pain this time.
Another aspect you started to delve into were on and off limit body parts. That was the moment Javi set a boundary of his own. “Nothing with your face. I’m not touching your gorgeous face, hermosa,” he’d said with the softest puppy dog eyes. And you didn’t argue. You weren’t feeling comfortable with that either. 
No, you’d start out in the safest zones possible, the places that would be least likely to get injured: your ass and thighs. 
Then came the scheduling. You both agreed on a weekend night just so there was an adequate amount of time for recovery before either of you had to worry about work.
You stand in front of the vanity mirror in your bedroom. Part of you feels like you’re standing on the edge of a cliff as you stare at the lingerie clad figure being reflected back at you. With the night that’s ahead of you, you figured it’d be safest to wear something you’re familiar with sans the bottoms for easier access. It’s a simple chemise that’s comfortable enough, yet it hugs your body in a way that you know both you and Javi enjoy. You try to focus on that thought as you think.
The most reassuring part is that you aren’t afraid. As much as you’d wanted this, you’d also wondered if you would be. Instead you’re all raw nerves. And the electricity thrumming from them only calms when Javi appears in the mirror behind you.
You watch his dark eyes trace over your body in the mirror. It’s a sight he’s seen probably hundreds of times at this point, yet he still looks like it’s the first time he’s laid eyes on you.
“You are so beautiful, hermosa,” Javi breathes out in genuine awe. “Gorgeous.”
Your cheeks warm at the dose of flattery.
Javi’s hands start at your shoulders and you relax into them. The heels of his palms knead the muscles that seem to be perpetually knotted up. You close your eyes and picture that taut tissue slowly and carefully unwinding itself. A small sigh escapes you. It sows hope within you knowing that he’s willing to step out of his comfort zone for this. But it also brings you comfort; he’ll always take care of you just like this. 
“Are we doing okay, so far?” Javi mumbles.
You stifle a small laugh and the urge to say, “We’ve barely started anything.”
Because you know this is new for him. You try to remember that you’re new at this too. Don’t go too far, too fast. Pace yourself, you say internally.
“We’re alright,” you finally assure him.
“Promise me you’ll use your safe word if you need to.”
You meet his gaze in the mirror. He eyes you with furrowed brows and his lips in a thin line. His hands still work at your shoulders; work you into the most soothing rhythm that makes you want to fall asleep. But the fire that fills your bones makes you feel more alive than ever.
You nod and then turn to face him. “I will. I promise.”
Your hands find his cheeks and cup them. In that moment you’re holding your entire world. And you’re trusting him to fulfill some of your most vulnerable fantasies.
Your lips meet his and it all starts to fall together. He’s warm and tastes vaguely of citrus. His hands land on the globes of your ass and he gives them a good squeeze. A moan slowly rises in his throat. If there was one thing you knew Javi was looking forward to, it was paying more attention to that part of you. Besides, there was no way you could miss the way he looked at the pictures on one of the kink blogs you’d scrolled through together. Shots of a woman’s back. Bright red marks in the shape of a hand on her ass. 
His eyes had been so wide, simply staring at them as you read through tips for beginners.
“You wouldn’t want marks like that…would you?” he’d asked then. 
The note of hopefulness in his voice was palpable. He’d never been good at concealing his emotions, especially around you.
“I don’t know…maybe,” you’d replied coyly before admitting, “I kind of like the idea of it. Of having that reminder of you.” As if everything else wasn’t enough. As if you needed to see the evidence of his love represented by blemishes on your skin. That was the thing about Javi though, his whole being was so infectious. You needed him to inhabit every part of your life. You needed to see his handprints on you like you needed to breathe.
Anticipation sends a shiver up your spine as you lay on your stomach along the foot of the bed you share with him. Propped up on your elbows, you arched your back in order to better present your ass to him.
He takes a moment to lean over your form. You already feel a bit of a bulge poke the back of your thighs. At least he’s starting to enjoy himself, you grin.
“Are you ready to begin?” Javi asks. You hum absently only to be met with a brief pause before he adds, “Words, hermosa. Words.”
“Yes, sir,” you say, voice raised louder this time. You don’t see his expression, but you can imagine the way it stutters based on the silence that follows.
Javi thankfully doesn’t leave you with too much time to second guess yourself before you hear his chuckle, “Very good job. I’m already so proud of you.”
He stands again and continues gentle ministrations on your upper thighs. Once again you feel as though you could simply fall asleep. And there’s something secure in feeling like you could. You’re safe. 
A pleasant flush builds on the surface of your skin. You can feel the blood coursing through your veins as Javi warns, “I’m going to give you the first strike. Then we’ll go from there, alright?”
“Alright. I’m ready,” you affirm. And you mean it.
A few seconds later, you feel a light slap on your ass. It’s almost playful. And it doesn’t satisfy the craving within. You start to squirm, hoping to suppress some of the restlessness brewing in your chest.
“Easy, hermosa. Good girls stay patient,” Javi says. You’re not quite used to hearing such language come from him. But it’s perfectly in line with his desire to care for you. It’s how you feel confident that you’re both on the same page. He doesn’t want you overwhelming yourself either. So despite the soft start, you don’t feel any disappointment.
You do what you’re told and stay patient. 
The slaps don’t startle you until one leaves a particular sting that awakens a heartbeat in your core. For the moment it lives, it means everything to you. The initial jolt, along with that expectant throb, subsides a little too quickly for your liking. You fist the silk sheets beneath you just to find purchase in something.
“Keep going like that,” you whisper breathlessly, wanting to chase that feeling to the ends of the Earth.
And Javi lets you. He slaps your ass once, twice, three more times and each one builds the heat that crackles along your flesh like thunderclaps. On the fourth slap you finally gasp a small, “Fuck.” You feel yourself clench around nothing. But Javi still groans as if he was inside you. 
“You like this, hm?” he growls.
“So fucking much,” you whimper.
The impact is hard enough that it makes you jump. More importantly, you feel that throb once more. Your belly fills with butterflies as you start to realize that it’s fucking working for you. 
You try to imagine what you must look like from his point of view. Ass up, head bowed, gasping between blows. You bet that based on your position, from where he stands, he’s probably getting a peek at your cunt too. And if it looks anything like it feels, you’ve got to be glistening. You’ve got to have the most inviting look about you. And the fact that that vulnerability still doesn’t scare you…your head feels lost in the clouds.
You feel Javi’s fingers drag over the curve of your ass before they stop just short of your cunt. He says suddenly, “Fuck, I need you. I need to taste you. Please?” he begs. 
All you can manage is a whine along with a swift nod before rolling around on your back. Just as quickly, Javi is on his knees, dragging you down the bed by your ankles until he’s almost face to face with your cunt. You can feel just how swollen your lips are. And as he begins to lap at your slick, you know that you haven’t gotten this wet in a while. It fulfills something inside you that you hadn’t expected.
Your thighs and your ass burn, but it only adds to the pleasure gradually filling your belly. The pain and pleasure come together in a gorgeous harmony that has your hips rocking along against Javi’s mouth. His warm tongue fucks you as your clit rubs against his nose. It’s a classic position that’s only heightened with the knowledge that when you wake up in the morning, his handprints are going to be on your ass.
You’re shamelessly rutting against him now. Fingers knitted through his hair, you ride out the mounting pressure like you’ll die if you don’t. And Javi – being the pleaser he is – enjoys it. Between breaths, he groans, sending vibrations through you that seem to rattle your bones.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you whine.
“Mhm,” Javi hums desperately. “Go ahead, you can get there, hermosa. Just use me, please.”
Tears start to slip down the sides of your temples. Flashes of all the men you’ve been with before fill your head. You think of all the times you weren’t in control. All the times you felt you didn’t have a say in what was going to happen to your own body. And those memories only remind you that none of that is true anymore. Right here and right now, you’re with Javi. And he’s indulged in something you would’ve been too afraid to express to anyone else. All he wants is to please you. And that only makes your tears flow faster.
You’re going to combust. Javi Gutierrez is going to make you fucking explode and you don’t even care. You’ve gotten yours. As long as he too gets to feel the impact of his kindness, you’re satisfied.
Just like that, the bomb goes off and you’re on fire as pleasure rips through you. You’re in pieces. Legs wrapped around Javi’s upper half, heels digging into the muscles of his back, and hands keeping him held in place; keeping what’s left of you together in a shaky embrace.
It takes a few seconds for the shock to melt away. Somehow you catch your breath and finally remove your hands from Javi’s curls to wipe away your tears. If you weren’t tired before, you’re exhausted now. More than the physical satisfaction, you couldn’t have foreseen the emotional release. 
Your ass and your thighs don’t quite hurt anymore. It’s more of a soft ache; a rolling wave you ride on until it passes, leaving your head floating in a placid ocean of bliss. This naturally comes with some swirls of catharsis and sentimentality. They both buzz in your mind and you're only distantly aware of it when Javi gets up to wet a washcloth.
When he returns, he cleans you up the way he always does. Asking if he’s alright to touch you in various places and letting you know before he does so you’re not startled. You pay just enough attention to hum in agreement as he carefully parts your thighs to wipe up the remnants of slick and spit. 
Javi finishes the job a minute or two later, leaving once more to add the washcloth to the laundry basket in your closet. Then you feel the mattress dip as Javi lays beside you, looking spent without even taking off a shred of his own clothing.
You return to your own mind for a moment. Enough to turn, lay on your side, and send him a worried look. “Oh, I’m so sorry, baby. Do you need me to take care of you?”
Javi laughs lightly, “No. It’s alright, hermosa. You don’t need to take care of anything for me.”
“Are you sure?”
A soft smile forms on his face. “You’re happy, right?”
You nod.
“Good. I’m happy too. We don’t need anything else.”
Javi tenderly places a hand on your lower back and pulls you a little closer towards his chest, his grin growing. “Besides, I can’t wait to see those marks in the morning.”
His expression is so contagious you can’t help but return it before placing a kiss on his nose. “Me neither,” you whisper. Within a few days those marks he most certainly left would start to take on a purple hue before fading into a yellowish undertone. The prospect of seeing that progression fills your stomach with butterflies once more. Surely you both prepared enough that they wouldn’t take long to heal. But that doesn’t bring you down in the slightest. Because as long as Javi is willing to, when those marks do go away, you and him get to make them all over again.
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Thank you so much for reading!! If you enjoyed, please consider reblogging; it's massively appreciated!!
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WIBTA For telling my partner I'd like to bring my ex into our relationship?
I'm copying this over from r/relationship_advice, because the responses are giving me the impression they don't really get what polyamory is & I'm hoping tumblr does. For reference: there's me (29M), my ex (28, Trans Man), and my partner (30M).
My ex and I were best friends in high school, went to the same college, & dated through the tail end of undergrad, for about a year and change. We ended things on very good terms, the only reason we broke up was a difference in life paths: I stayed in the city to get my Master's, he traveled constantly for his work (he's a sculptor who makes these huge custom multimedia pieces, they're genuinely some of the most beautiful things I've seen). We fell out of touch for the most part, but I'd see him popping up on social media occasionally, or he'd text me when he was in town and we'd hang out, along with some other school friends.
The last time I saw him before our present situation was about 3 1/2 years ago today. We went out for drinks, he came back to my place after, and we ended up hooking up. He stayed in town for about a week, and we hooked up a few more times, and then he left again. He sort of dropped off the face of the earth after that, but he'd always been pretty sporadic, especially when he had a big project, so I didn't think much about it.
Not long after that, I met my current partner. He's truly one of my favorite people in the whole world; he's incredibly thoughtful, and earnest, and passionate about his morals & principles (he's an environmental lawyer), and more than anything, he's someone I never feel like I have to pretend with. He asked for my number, we had our first date a few days later, and ended up staying awake the entire night just talking about anything and everything, so we went ahead and got 5am pancakes and called it our second date. We've been together for a little over 3 years now, we've been moved in together for about 2, and while we've had the occasional fight or rough patch I can definitely say I love this man, and I plan to spend the rest of my life with him.
So, the big change.
About a year ago (~2 years since seeing my ex, my partner and I have lived together for about a year at this point), my partner and I are having a night in, and there's a knock at the door. It's my ex, looking absolutely ragged, holding a 15 month old baby. As in, a baby who was conceived 24 months before then. Yep, it's pretty much what you're guessing. I let them both in, we had a sit down in the kitchen, and he told me everything he'd been doing in the past 2 years in between me cussing him out for keeping it all from me in the first place. I really do want to keep this as short as possible, so to give you the super condensed version:
She's my daughter, he's completely sure about that, there's no one else he's been with the math is even close to correct for
The second he found out he was pregnant, he more or less panicked. He's got a whole Thing about feeling like he's irresponsible/not a "real" adult, and this really set him off, so telling me felt like "admitting to fucking both our lives up" at the time. His OB/GYN said some pretty awful shit to him about not being more careful as a trans man too, which just made it all even worse
Because of all that, he'd genuinely planned to just never tell me I have a daughter & raise her completely on his own, but a few things compounded to force his hand:
The birth was really rough on him, and his recovery was slow enough he was having trouble going back to work, to the point where money was getting tight
On top of that, our daughter has celiac disease, and between paying out of pocket for blood tests & spending more on baby food she's safe to eat, things got desperate enough he went and took out a really dodgy loan from a scummy payday company
He was at our door because all of this had finally spiraled to a point where he'd lost his apartment, they'd been sleeping in his car for about a week, and he couldn't think of anything else to do
I think I was probably feeling every human emotion in existence at the same time through all of this, but the thing I remember most from the whole conversation was the way my partner kept drifting right back to the baby, and the soft way he looked at her. We put my ex & daughter up in a hotel room for the night and told him we needed to talk, and we'd discuss our options in the morning, but I think even then I kind of knew what our answer was going to be.
Sure enough, for the last year and a half we've been co-parenting our little girl, all three of us. We didn't want to juggle who's got her, or force my ex to find a place to stay, so we've turned my partner's home office into our daughter's room, and redid most of the downstairs layout so my ex could move into an actual bedroom, rather than just sleep on our pullout couch in perpetuity. We finally succeeded in convincing him that rest and recovery was more important than trying to contribute to the house finances right away, and it's been magical watching all that stress and terror slowly fall off him. It's like he's a little more alive again every time I look.
Which is where my question comes in.
I'd like to restate, I love my partner 100%. None of this changes that whatsoever. If I ask, and he says no, that will be the end of the discussion for me completely. But I have eyes. My ex is, objectively, a very attractive man. I know we work well together, and I have to admit I'm very curious to see where that same chemistry could lead now that he's not on the other side of the country half the time. I've also been noticing these little moments between him and my partner. Nothing I'd consider crossing a line, but I've caught my partner checking my ex out several times, as well as vice versa, and they get along remarkably well. Sometimes I'll go to enter a room, and see them both sitting there laughing and chatting and playing with our baby, and I'll just hang back to watch because it makes me so happy.
Add to all that, we're pretty deeply ingrained in each other's lives now. My partner and I don't often go out on dates alone anymore, but the last few times we did it felt as if my ex was missing from the table. We watched a movie together last night, and my ex sat in the middle of us with his feet in my partner's lap and his head on my chest, and it felt just as natural as my arm on my partner's shoulder. It's not about just having sex with him, and it's not that I'd want to invite any old person into our relationship. I know we already all love each other, and I think there's potential for that to become romantic between the two of us and my ex.
It just feels as though we're all holding our breath, waiting for someone else to say it first. My ex certainly isn't going to bring it up when he's living rent free in "our" home (it's his home too, but he doesn't seem to see it like that yet). My partner grew up sheltered enough that I'm not sure he's ever heard of polyamory at all, so he's not going to bring it up. That just leaves me.
My problem is, if I'm wrong about what I think I'm seeing, or if I bring it up the wrong way, I can't take it back. I don't want my partner to feel insecure or betrayed, I don't want my ex to feel pressured or put on the spot, and I definitely don't want my daughter to lose any of us, which I know could happen if we aren't all on the same page. Or worse, if we do all date and it goes badly.
Should I just keep this whole thing secret? Is that even worse? Would I be the asshole for opening this can of worms on everyone else?
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mpregandproud · 1 year
I love going to the beach. Since I was very young I have loved going down to the beach, lying on the sand to sunbathe and spend the day swimming in the sea. The beach recharges my batteries and fills me with life, it's like medicine for me.
Now that I'm in the final days of my pregnancy, and I'm on paternity leave, every day I go to the beach for a while. I like to take the car and look for a remote and quiet place. I look for secluded places with few people so I can go nudist. With the size of my belly, any swimsuit is too tight. So the best way I feel is leaving my belly free, getting a tan and feeling the breeze of the air all over my skin.
Today I have chosen a beautiful and tiny beach. It's between some cliffs, with crystal clear water and a few shady trees. I put my towel under one of these trees and took off all my clothes. I apply cream all over my body, and feel that my belly is harder than normal, and a little lower. I guess it will be normal at 38 weeks, I should be going into labor any minute now. Today will be my last visit to the beach, as a precaution I will stay home until after delivery.
As soon as I lay down I fell asleep. The temperature is so pleasant and the sound of the waves has made me fall asleep. It must have been a couple of hours since I arrived when I woke up again. My baby has started to move more than usual. I feel intermittent pressure. I'm guessing Braxton Hicks contractions.
I get up from the towel and head for the water. I'm going to swim for a while, which I'm sure will ease the pain and soothe my son. He's just like his father, big and very mobile, what a nine months he's given me. I am kidding, the best nine months of my life. Sam and I were going through a rough patch, and this baby came along to fill our lives with love...and sex. We've never fucked as much as we have these past few months. They say hormones make you horny, but I don't know if me or my husband has been hornier this time.
I swim for a while. I walk with my belly underwater, caressing the pronounced curve of my belly. This little guy doesn't want to settle down today, and the contractions are getting stronger. Am I going into labor? I should pack up my things and go home. I have to let Sam know he's going to be a daddy very soon.
I start to get out of the water with great difficulty. Every few steps a pain runs through my body and forces me to stop. When I get my breath back, I get going again. As soon as I get out of the water I feel something is wrong. The strongest contraction I have ever felt... and then a river of water pours into my crotch. No doubt about it, I'm in labor and this baby doesn't want to wait. I bring my hands to my belly as if trying to grab it from underneath and try to reach my towel. I'm finding it harder and harder to walk, my steps are more and more clumsy.
By the time I get to my towel I am so exhausted that all I can do is sit down and spread my legs. I convince myself that it will only take a few minutes to catch my breath and get back on the road to catch the car and go to a hospital. Another contraction and the pressure grows enormously in my hole. I let out a moan. It's coming, and I'm going to have it on the beach. This boy may be big like his dad, but he likes the beach like his daddy.
With my hand I feel my hole. I feel hair, it's the boy's head, it can't be, he's already here! The pain gets worse, I'm sweating and trembling. I moan non-stop and writhe in pain. A man who was with some children at the other end of the beach, and who I swear is also pregnant, approaches me and touches my belly. "Easy, breathe, I'm here to help you. Don't worry, everything will be fine. I've given birth twice...and in a couple of months I'll be giving birth to twins. I know how this goes. Relax, I'm going to help you deliver your little one", he tells me. His calm voice reassures me, I know I'm in good hands.
My legs spread wider and wider to make way for my son. Almost effortlessly, but with a great deal of pain, his head pops out. This child wants out and is not willing to waste a minute. I take a breath and start with the shoulders. More pain, screaming, sweat and fluids. I imagined giving birth to my son in a hospital, with my husband next to me and my body clean. How delusional.
The baby finally comes out and I wrap him in the T-shirt I brought to come to the beach. "Congratulations, you were very brave. You just had a beautiful and very big baby boy. Congratulations" the man says. I'm crying, my son is crying too. I sit down and rest my son on my flabby belly, it has lost the size it had after giving birth, but it is still swollen. It will be hard for me to lose all the kilos I have gained during these nine months of eating non-stop for two.
When we have calmed down a bit I grab my phone from my backpack and call Sam. "Hi my love. I'm at the beach and you won't believe it. Congratulations, you just became a daddy. This little guy didn't want to wait and he's born now, can you come pick us up? I love you".
I have never been so happy in my life. I am in tears with emotion. I breastfeed my baby while I wait for Sam to arrive. I see the man who helped me playing with his two children on the shore with a huge belly of twins. He smiles at me when he sees me breastfeeding my baby. Now I know, I want a big family like his.
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velvetvexations · 4 months
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I'm sure there are people who like it and they're valid. And though it may very well be damning to my point, I admit Dick leaving Bruce and becoming Nightwing in a completely amicable way is how it was originally.
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But I am like, super not into that. It's so much more interesting when the break-up was messy and even toxic. I'm not saying they should stay enemies forever and ever - I am a noted fan of Batman Beyond's "Bruce eventually drives away literally everyone", but that's just one canon and IMO not the only interesting way for the future to go - I just think that at least at the start of his career as an independent, adult superhero, that drama between Dick and Bruce is good shit and gives them an arc to work through. All the better if part of what brings them back to friendly terms is Jason's death.
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I also think it's kinna lame to have Dick just declare out-loud that Bruce kept Dick from becoming like himself. That's a beautiful concept that's evolved within growing interpretations of their relationship and the fascinating contrast between "everyone on some level hates Bruce" and "everyone fucking loves the shit out of Dick". Spelling it out within the text, within actual dialogue, feels so...clumsy and unsubtle.
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Or maybe that's only because it's in the context of the amicable split. Like it's kinna weird because if they have this really amazing relationship that's not hitting any rough patches why is there this intensely negative perception of what being like Bruce entails? If Dick was like, monologuing to himself about it, or he and Bruce were having that conversation as part of their big moment of reconciliation so Dick is effectively saying like:
"You're an asshole, you fucking asshole, but I love you and I'm not going to let you be alone just because you didn't have anyone in your life to save you from what you saved me from."
Now that's some fucking pathos, baby.
Of course, a lot of this is all within the context of just taking for granted that Batman is kinna an asshole. Because that really only started in the 90s, before that he was not NEARLY so grim and dour, he smiled and cracked jokes, he was basically just A Guy in pretty much every way. When they went hard on edging him up it became a fundamental aspect of his personality, culminating in Tower of Babel, which I think is a fucking masterpiece for really digging into the complexity of Batman's dickishness. The best part, though, isn't even in the main JLA book, but a tie-in afterwards that shows Dick and Tim being mistrusted by their teammates and Oracle bitterly notes that she's been getting less requests to help out lately. That fucking rules, that's great storytelling.
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But it does kinna suck that the version of Bruce that wasn't so dour, was interesting and complex and capable of being in highly interesting storylines that didn't revolve around what a motherfucker he is has been entirely obliterated from the franchise.
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yourwitchybrother · 4 months
Here's a Valuable Part of My Practice
I just learned you can change the color of titles. My life is changed for the BETTER!!
Anyway! One part of my practice that I hold so near and dear to my chest is the concept of Hero Work.
Being a Hellenic Pagan, I work very closely with a lot of aspects of Greek mythology specifically. I have worked closely with a few different Greek heroes and it's very different than working with Deities.
Hero Work Summarized
I tend to equate Hero Work with ancestor veneration. It's very similar in the sense that you're honoring souls, not divine beings. Therefore, it should be treated differently. I still set up smaller altars for them, and little trinkets and things. The two heroes I work with are Patroclus and Odysseus, so I set my copy of The Iliad and The Odyssey next to their altar back when I had the space for one. The altar was a little shoebox that had their names written on the inside in Greek, and when I had people over, I'd shut the box with their offerings inside and put it away somewhere to protect it.
How Can I Do Hero Work?
First, I identified if any heroes were reaching out to me. I typically do this with a tarot reading, though, everyone has their own methods so you should use whatever method works best for you! Always make sure you're asking clarifying questions though. Ask questions about their myth, specific ones to help vet and ensure you're working with a spirit and not a trickster or dangerous entity.
Second, I try to discern what the spirit wants to aid me with. Lots of these spirits, especially Heroes, are there to help guide you and help you learn valuable lessons. Patroclus entered my life to help me with self-care and learning about first aid and other medical facts. He also helped me learn that I don't have to be physically strong to still be strong. Odysseus continues to help me with my journey of physical strength and he's helped me learn how to be a little bit more cunning and witty. They're there to help you, try learning these reasons early on! It helps with the relationship!
Third, remember that they may be very in-and-out in your life. Patroclus only ever interacts with me when I'm on my college campus and Odysseus typically pops in when I'm going through a rough patch in life. They may not be consistent in your life, and that is okay. Like physical relationships, communication with the metaphysical is key.
You can treat hero work however you'd like. If you want to equate it more with working with Deities, go for it. But remember that these are mortal souls that are more aligned with ours than they are divine, with some exceptions (think of heroes who are demigods or gave up their mortality for immortality). This brings a level of humanity with the partnership and it's very refreshing. I can joke with Odysseus about things that Apollo or Neptune may not understand. I like to have fun with my practice. Otherwise, what's the point?
So... What Are The Benefits of Hero Work?
I've found that Hero work is particularly fun because of the humanity of it. Odysseus and Patroclus, while they may be works of fiction, have to be grounded in some form of reality. Based on some warriors and soldiers in the wars they come from. So they're... a bit better when it comes to expectations. Not that my deities are misunderstanding, but sometimes it can be hard for a divine being to understand human limitations. At least, in my experience.
Another one of my favorite parts about hero work is simply talking with them. Clairaudience makes this easier than it is for others. I didn't have a roommate in my first year of college, and this meant that I was able to have a plethora of conversations back and forth with Patroclus and Odysseus, and they're always the best!
Obviously, your practice is yours, and it will be different from mine which is different from yours which is different from someone else reading this post. At the end of the day, do what works best for you. Do what works best for you and your lifestyle, because not everyone can be as open about your practice as me or others on the platform.
I'm in the mood to yap today, so... there may be another post coming up! If you have any requests, feel free to comment them or ask :) Blessed be, may the Sun be your guide! A domani!
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You've done it. I've been infected with the virus of A/B/O. I cannot escape it 😔 Congrats \_(•~•)_/
Dude it's like the black plague. I didn't know I was into it until I read what kind of intimacy can be born from the dynamic. For all my infected babes out there <333
Nights like these.
You're in bed scrolling through your Instagram feed when you hear a rough thud not to far away. Followed quickly by your doorbell. You get up cautiously. Now if you knew anything from horror movies you knew the cardinal rule about following the creepy sounds past 1 am. That gut feeling didn't set in though. That ache in the deepest pit of your stomach. That voice in your head screaming "TURN THE FUCK BACK RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!" just never seemed to come.
You look into your peep-hole to see that oh so familiar red hair. Unlocking and opening the door as quick as you can to reveal a scuffed up and bruised Red Riot standing in front of you.
"I didn't wake you, did I?" His ever present smile never faded, not once. God you loved that smile, sharp teeth and all. It triggered a form of cuteness aggression in you. Where all you ever want to do is bite on him and leave a graveyard of marks in your wake. You step aside for him to enter your apartment.
"No, no you didn't. I was awake." Closing the door behind him, not even bothering to lock it again. No one was going to mess with you or your place and even if they did, you knew you were safe in the care of the alpha courting you.
You pulled out a first aid kit that you keep in the kitchen while Kirishima sat down on the couch with a groan. You could see he was in pain and was just putting on a brave face. He does that more often than he'd care to admit.
Sitting next to him taking out a few sheets of guaze and disinfectant.
"Thank you for going through all this trouble but I really didn't come over to get you to patch me up." He let's out one of his signature giggles, followed by a rough cough, which has him wincing.
"Did you really come over, thinking I wouldn't atleast try?" You proceed to clean the deep gash across his bicep. You delicately blow over the ripped skin, shortly after, you see it slowly start to stitch itself back together like it never even happened. Only a scar to show for it. That was your quirk. "Patchwork". You could attach things together, a wonderful tool for a clumsy shithead who is constantly breaking shit accidentally.
You continue to go over each cut with the tenderness of a Saint.
"I'm so lucky." He says with a slight touch of his finger to your cheek, bringing you out of your concentration. When you look into his eyes all you see is the admiration he has for you. Fuck, you smell it on him, it's palpable. You doubt he even realizes the scent he's giving off. It brought a whole new meaning to the saying "there's love in the air".
Now, you by no means would ever presume to think he loves you. Infatuation, sure, but love was hard to believe.
"Is that so?" You lift a playful eyebrow at him and continue your work with a cheeky smile gracing the corners of your lips.
"Ofcourse it is sweetheart." He's beaming now, you've never had to suppress the urge to attack him... in more ways than one. But you'd contain yourself, after all you can't heal him, then immediately hurt him. Even if he might enjoy it. "Remember the day we met?"
"Mhmm the day my life changed forever" You get up from beside him to return the first aid kit to its home before making your way back to him, sitting cross-legged on your sofa facing the big burly alpha who you were slowly getting more and more attached to.
"You were taking pictures in the park. I couldn't take my eyes off you. It was like you caught me in your spell." He gently pulls you closer to him, resting your legs on top of his own, effectively pulling you into his side.
"I knew that love spell from WitchTok would work." You chuckle, your quick wit never ceased to put him in awe. But then you realise what actually has him stunned. Shit.
"Well, I-I didn't mean it like- I mean we haven't really talked abo- fuck I'm an idiot." You cover your face with your hands as your cheeks flush hot red at the position you've put yourself in.
He didn't share in your awkwardness, though, merely pulling you closer to him and ruffling his nose in your hair. "C'mere sweetheart." You can hear his smile as he pulls you into his lap, straddling him. You don't currently have the storage for any more embarrassment in your spirit for it to take the forefront. Your head was bowed, not daring to look him in the eye.
"Can I see those beautiful eyes of yours?" He rubs gently circles into your skin with his thumbs where his hands rest on your thighs.
You take a minute before humoring his request with a cautious peek under your lashes through the cracks in your finger defense. "You can do better than that."
You take a huge breath him, filling your lungs. Running your fingers through your hair, looking up at the ceiling and exhaling before looking him dead on. Your arms crossed over your chest, hands on your shoulders. You were sure you had completely and utterly fucked up.
"There she is." God you love that goofy smile of his, full of warmth.
"I'm sorry, that was dumb." You give an awkward laugh, averting your eyes to the side.
"No, no, no, don't be sorry, sweets." He shakes his head. After a few moments pass he says, "I remember what you told me about your ex, how whenever they said they loved you, they didn't really mean it. I didn't want you to think that if I said it I wouldn't actually mean it. I thought it would be better to let it happen at its own pace, let you get comfortable with the idea of being loved, and appreciated again before bombarding you with it." Now he was the one with blushed cheeks. "I just didn't want to scare you off, I guess." The look on him is so earnest it almost brings a tear to your eye. How was the man in front of you this thoughtful?
It doesn't take much thought before you're leaning forward, arms circling his shoulders, meeting your lips to his. His arms wrapping around you and holding you to him like he never wants to let go. You're so sure this is the best moment of your life. You're positive this kiss is better than any sex you've ever had before. You part from each other, and melt into a hug.
"I wanted to encourage you, that's why I let out those pheromones. I dont know if you even noticed honestly." He whispers into the silence, you can hear a sliver of hurt and insecurity wiggle its way into his voice. It sends a pang of pain to your chest.
You pull back to look him in the eyes. "Ofcourse I noticed!" You say louder than you intended to. Your 2-3 coming out as a 5-6. You quickly regain yourself with a light smile as you take in the sight of him again. "I thought it was an accident, or that I was confused or something." He breaks into a smile, and before you know it, you both are belly laughing at the utter absurdity of it all.
"I love you." You say once the laughs turn to giggles.
"I love you, Sweetheart." He kisses you on the cheek with an exaggerated smooch sound before softly biting down on the fleshy chub of your cheek, making you squeel out a giggle. He loved hearing it, its gotya be his favoritesound on the planet. The sound of your happiness. "And I mean it, no accidents or confusion about it. Must've been a really good spell you found huh?"
God, this man was amazing.
In conclusion I need a man like this. SADGIRL HRS fr
This man always has me giggling, bro. This was so much fun to write
My inbox is open so send me in some asks SFW or NSFW.
See ya'll next time sluts, byeeeee
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saltynsassy31 · 4 days
I wanna make a whole speech bout splatoon 3 and yell so that the whole world knows how I feel about this game and love it
But I think Frye Fest speaks for itself of where my heart actually belongs XD
Fr though. I'm exhausted, but I still wish to write something like everyone has.
I plan to together with my Grand Festival art (which I'll get to! Health just not...healthing right now), but while everyone still got their eyes on this tag one last time. I want to say:
Thank you Splatoon 3, for giving me the friends i have now, for giving the best 2 years of my life and for giving me my art muse, Frye, and bringing me back to art when I thought I was going to finally quit it.
We had our rough patches, I struggled a lot with this game and gave up playing half way through (besides from being busy). But I can't say it hasn't been a positive influence in my life too, even with all the raging rants I went through when I lost XD.
And here's to many more years to come :]
I look forward to the future of this franchise hehe gotta sneak in my future propaganda somehow, future still won >:]
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the-owls-craft · 7 months
What Message Do You Need To Hear?
Pick a pile that resonates! If none resonate, this reading may not be for you.
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Disclaimer: This is a general reading, so there is a chance that not everything will apply to you personally. Take what resonates.
In regards to the future, tarot readings can only show a possible outcome. It is up to you to guide the direction of your life.
This is also my first pick a card reading, so I'd appreciate feedback. Let me know if this resonated.
Pile 1
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Winter Sowing
You are or have been thinking about growing something new into your life. This is very much in the mental planning phase right now. You're studying and learning before you act, and if not, take this as the sign to start researching and planning.
I feel like for some of you, this could be work related. You might be in an unpleasant work situation and looking for a better career. With the justice card here, whatever hard work you put into this idea will likely pay off. You might be inspired to start your own business or something similar. You might take work into your own hands and become self-employed.
The justice card also encourages you to think rationally about this. The page of swords has a very impulsive energy. Whatever you are doing, think it through very carefully and make sure that you have all of the information that you need. I really want to emphasize this.
You might be just throwing around ideas in your head. The ideas you are having are like seeds that can grow into something bigger, but you must plant them in order for them to grow.
Just make sure that you do the learning and planning involved to bring this to life. Don't throw yourself in head first.
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Pile 2
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Stories of My Mother
I'm feeling two different messages here.
I feel like if you've ever lost your mother, take this as a sign that she's watching over you. She sees what you're going through right now, even though its rough. This message may not resonate with everyone, but I thought I'd share.
Your mother probably had a big impact on you. You may not even be fully aware of it.
I feel like some of you probably have some complex relationship with your mother. You likely have some stuff there that is unhealed. You need to learn to recognize which patterns of behavior came from your childhood and learn to heal them, because you might not be fully aware of how deep it goes or how much it affects you.
If you find yourself reacting strongly, ask yourself if this pattern of behavior may stem from unresolved issues, particularly those related to your mother or childhood.
I feel like you've been struggling financially, or you're stressed about money. You feel like luck isn't on your side. Perhaps your fears and struggles around money are influenced by your childhood, especially the way your mother may have been financially or the way she reacted to financial stress.
Alternatively, if you've been spending a lot to distract yourself and self soothe, it might be time to cut down on that.
You may have just gone through a stressful period of your life or are currently in it. Something unfortunate may have happened. The Wheel still spins, and though you may have gone down, you will come up again.
For some of you, you may have lost your mother recently. I see the eye looking down as representing her watching over you. If this resonates, that may alone be your message. Confirmation that she is there for you still.
You will get through this rough patch. Take care of yourself. Learn to observe instead of reacting. Try looking into mindfulness meditation if you haven't already, or meditation in general. If you meditate and haven't been meditating in a while, it might be good to start the practice again.
Learn to see what patterns have been ingrained into you from your mother.
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princessfbi · 9 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
Tagged by @mistmarauder and @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels which is both thrilling and terrifying...
Top Five Blorbos: Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Clint Barton, and Carter Bennett
Top Five Fandoms: 9-1-1, RWRB, A Discovery of Witches, does hockey count? idk it's been a strike year, and Green Creek Series
Top Five OTPs: Buddie, WinterHawk, Matthew/Diana, Grantaire/Enjolras, FirstPrince
Shoutout to Some New Friends: @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels sorry you're stuck with me now. I'm going to shower you in so much love and support and affection and there's nothing you can do to stop me BROHAHAHAHAHA. @skyhighrollins911 you're so talented it's ridiculous. @mistmarauder I feel like we've past the new friends stage but I also feel like we've gotten so much closer this year and I'm forever grateful for it. You're brighten my day every time I hear from you even when you're bullying me. Also I hate to break it to you but you do so much for this fandom it's insane.
Shoutout to Some Old Friends: @homerforsure and @mellaithwen you guys have picked me up so many times. I don't know where I'd be without you. @buddie-buddie you are my ride or die. I'm sorry to say this but not even a divorce attorney could get rid of me now. @lovebuck you were one of my first friends in this whole crazy internet world I found and look at us! @bigfootsmom you are a beacon of joy every message I get from you. Thanks for letting me talk kinky with you 😜 @like-the-rest-of-la I'm obsessed with you. I'm sorry I don't make the rules. @djdangerlove you are the light of my life you ridiculous person. You bring so much joy and laughter to every corner you grace with your presence and I'm gonna move into your apartment one day when you're at work and you won't be able to get rid of me. Sorry not sorry.
Favorite Creation You Posted This Year: Ohhhhhh maybe my fic I wrote for @buddie-buddie's birthday. Also Kink Club AU because it's one of my most nuanced pieces and Traded for being a new type of fic for me with the multimedia parts.
Favorite Creation Posted by Someone Else This Year: @like-the-rest-of-la amazes me every day as does @mistmarauder and while I have your attention have you gotten a chance to see/listen to the podfic they collaborated together to bring you [Podfic] If I Risk It All (Could You Break My Fall?) because not a day goes by that I don't listen to it/look at the cover. Also @skyhighrollins911 destroys me with all their new edits. we will find a way (through the dark) by @buddie-buddie nearly drove me insane and had me running out to the yard to scream like a banshee.
People Who Brightened Your Year: @buddie-buddie and @homerforsure know exactly how to make me smile when I need it. I still fangirl about @mistmarauder but the fact that she picked my fic to podfic? With @like-the-rest-of-la who I still cannot believe just casually drew Spiderman!Eddie kissing Hawkeye!Buck? Fainted. I fainted. @djdangerlove you are ridiculous and I love you. @mandzuking17 and @thebestbooksaround and @fleurdebeton thank you for sending me so many wonderful asks. @firemedicdiaz thank you for getting me through that rough patch I had this spring and constantly being so supportive! @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels thank you for putting up with me being such a goof. @barbiediaz Thank you for agreeing with me that we have the most correct opinions.
Anyone Else You'd Like to Mention: Thank you to everyone who comes to my inbox with their love and enthusiasm! Thank you to all my readers! Thank you everyone who has welcomed me and embraced me and supported me as I work myself into knots while trying to do something I love (write).
Five of Your Favorite Authors This Year: @buddie-buddie @homerforsure @devirnis @bigfootsmom @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @mellaithwen @barbiediaz
Five of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year: @mistmarauder @like-the-rest-of-la @bucksketch @djdangerlove @skyhighrollins911 @ronordmann @bilosan @housewifebuck @captain-hen @baneme-art @kaciart @iinryer @paxdracona @bigfootsmom @starbuckley @mellaithwen
Three Things You're Looking Forward to in 2024: Season 7 of 911!!!!! Jean's book from AFTG! Anddddd.... getting back in the querying trenches.
I'm going to tag everyone I've mentioned above who hasn't done it yet!
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zeno-zero · 2 months
A honest review of The Reckoning Of Roku.
Spoilers! Beware!!
While I do have complaints and deemed some of the changes uncanon because it doesn't fit at all in the narrative of "The Avatar and The Fire Lord (S3, EP 6)" and definitely had a hard time comprehending with the changes in Bendings, I actually did had an enjoyable reading experience.
Sure, Randy Ribay's writing has an odd pace and I get lost in the novel sometimes mainly because one, I forget things easily and two, I genuinely don't understand wtf is going on most of the time due to how I accidentally skimmed through it to which I'm sincerely sorry for. I will definitely re-read it sooner or later.
But my gosh, this book actually deserves some at least a chance to give a try in reading. I was actually skeptical about it at first because I only knew some leaks and the retcons actually made me frustrated to the point I just didn't wanna hear any about it anymore. If it weren't for one of my closest friends that brings a shining light upon the book that changed my perspective as a whole, which piques my interest and my curiosity growing bigger and bigger - I wouldn't even be making this! This book definitely deserve the praise on some areas that should be known for while also needing some criticisms.
I liked some of the cast [kinda], the world-building and the expansion is great! But what I really love the most is there are definitely some Filipino culture being influenced into the story instead of being simply being brushed aside (which isn't really a suprise! Randy Ribay is a Filipino author after all.)
Gyatso and Roku's arc compliment with each other so well, and the intimacy between the two of them is really sweet that it made me teary-eyed. It's a rough patch at the start that turned into such a wonderful, lovely friendship that really impacted Roku as a whole during his adulthood. Though expected yet endearing, it really explains why Roku's ideology and philopshy is similar to an Air Nomad. Yet, in a desperate and cling to life situations, that ideology and philopshy also have to be let go (Gyatso.)
AND I do know the whole plot happened because of Sozin, but I'm so pissed at him before he had done so diabolical that I literally had my hand over my head - stressed and hurt. I just.. genuinely hate it when Roku's perspective shifted to Sozin despite the circumstances that has given to Roku is so much more important to whatever Sozin is doing right now, but I understand that it's supposed to keep us tensed and it is to want us to delve deeper into the story. But oh my gosh I kept wishing Sozin just explodes so Roku can be much more focused!! His name is in the title!!! This isn't the "The Significance of Sozin" 💔
Ta Min being so much more than Roku's wife and actually has two professions, her insightfulness is interesting as well as Ta Min taking a liking on a boyfailure of an Avatar a.k.a Roku. While I do wish we could've seen more about it, especially in their adulthood where it will definitely feel more established. But it is still nice either way! <3 Ugh, I love Ra Min (along with Gyatku..)
There is so much to talk about it and I still have mutiple opinions that is packaged with issues.. and overwhelmed feelings... and lots of headcanons - but this is my first time reading an actual book from of the Avatar Studios, and oh boy, it's awesome!
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AITA for wanting two hours a week to spend with my now ex boyfriend?
My (24M) long distance ex boyfriend (21M) have known each other for five years but only started dating at the beginning of this year. My ex has been going through a rough patch in life. It's been months since he started feeling down, and I tried to give him the space and attention he needed during it. I was hoping the little vacation we had a few months ago would help perk him up, but it seems it only added a delay to an emotional crash.
A few weeks ago, he suddenly told me he wanted to stop using discord, our main form of communication, so that he could work on balance his life. I was asleep at the time he sent it and I spent all day agonizing and freaking out over it since it would dramatically cut the time we spent together. My love language is primarily quality time, so to hear him saying we can't even talk as much freaked me out. I bounced it off a mutual friend (20M) and asked if I should give him a few weeks to see how he does, since the mutual friend and I both believe it's a good idea for him to find balance in his life if he's struggling. The mutual friend said that it's not a bad idea to wait and see if he gets better. I agreed to it but I ended up agonizing over it with my already volatile emotional state (I had, just a week earlier, lost a childhood pet and had a fight with my father/roommate (44M)).
Over the few weeks, it only felt like my ex wanted to spend less time with me. He continued to use all social media, even discord, but rarely talked to me. I would see him playing video games when he was off of work and when I asked if he needed any with anything in them, he'd say no. On the few days he was off work, he was completely unreachable, saying he's doing stuff with family yet I could see him still using social media. I felt extremely hurt and abandoned, my mental health was only degrading further. I let him be in hopes that he'd be back.
I did my best to not push my personal emotional state on my ex, mostly sending my fears of our relationship ending to the mutual friend. As the weeks passed, it seemed that my ex was perking up a little despite the limited contact with me, and after bouncing it off my father to get a better idea of how to approach this, with many breakdowns, I decided to give it until the weekend to ask my ex if we could spend a few hours each week. I'm starting school soon so I'll be swamped with 50+ hrs of schoolwork on top of 20hrs or work. It had been a great relief when I spent similar time, in my past semesters, with my ex and was hoping to find a balance for his needs and mine for the relationship.
However, it went horrible, my ex kept bringing up multiple reasons for not spending time with me, saying family, work, apparently My Own needs in the relationship (which irked me) before saying he can't do it for his own health. I asked him how I should try to love him and he said to focus on school and work, but he asked if the limited communications was bothering me and how it's bothering me. I told him how I felt over the past few weeks, but I offered to keep staying distant if he really needs it. I was truthful that it was going to hurt me badly.
He proceeds to send a message saying how my message to him made him uncomfortable and how its unhealthy how I'm feeling and with how I treated his boundaries in the past (which I'm confused about because I always respected his boundaries and double checked on situations and actions that could have been uncomfortable for him) that we should stop talking and likely blocked me on discord and left every server we share.
So, am I the asshole in this situation? I'd give me some peace of mind to know if I really am the asshole.
What are these acronyms?
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