#Man you must be kidding...Think you're gonna hit it. But you just don't get it. It's impossible. It's not probable. You're irresponsible.
mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM SHREK 2 *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
quick! tell a lie!
i can't believe you're just gonna walk away from the best thing that ever happened to you.
say something crazy, like "i'm wearing ladies underwear!"
i most certainly am not!
it's a thong!
i don't feel any different. do i look any different?
you still look like an ass to me.
nobody said i have the right to remain silent!
you have the right to remain silent. what you lack is the capacity.
stop. i have misjudged you.
join the club. we got jackets.
look, she's not seeing any clients today.
we're from the union.
we represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and benign.
are you feeling at all degraded or oppressed?
okay, we're going to have a look around.
think of the saddest thing that's ever happened to you.
oh man. where do i begin?
they all got drunk and started hitting me with sticks, yelling "piñata! piñata!"
i need you to cry!
all i got in my room was shampoo.
i hate mondays.
who on earth are they?
that's not little. that's a really big problem.
we came, we saw them, now let's go before they light the torches.
they're my parents!
good! now's our chance! let's go back inside and pretend we're not home.
quick, while they're not looking, we can make a run for it.
you can do this.
i don't want to die!
oh sweet sister mother of mercy! i'm melting! i'm melting!
i'm sorry, the position of annoying talking animal has already been taken.
oh look! a little cat!
look out! he's got a piece!
are we there yet?
oh god help me! please!
tell the truth. will i ever be able to play the violin again?
i drank the potion and well, now... i'm sexy.
oh pick me! i'll be your true love!
someday i will repay you, unless of course i can't find you, or if i forget.
fear me, if you dare.
i had hoped you would never see me like this.
i'm sorry to both of you.
i just wish i could be the man that you deserve.
go! your lady needs you!
today, i repay my debt.
who dares enter my room?
i hope i'm not interrupting anything.
you are told correct, but for this i charge a great deal of money.
for five minutes, could you not be yourself?
it wasn't my fault! he didn't get there in time!
are you kidding? he's gorgeous! his face looks like it was carved by angels?
i see london! i see france!
why don't we drop in for a spell?
oh mexican food! my favorite!
you have forced me to do something i really don't want to do.
my diet is ruined! i hope you're happy.
they just want to give us their blessing.
who said i want to be part of this family?
look out! here comes the new me!
first things first. we need to get you out of those clothes.
did i miss?
pardon me. would you mind letting me go?
quit messing around!
almost everybody who meets you wants to kill you.
whatever happens... i must not cry.
can i help you, your majesty?
tell us about where you live.
i guess that will be a fine place to raise the children.
oh, stop being such a drama king.
i don't care whose fault this was, just get this place cleaned up.
i'm not going.
he's completely lost his mind!
we can't be lost.
i wasn't the one who refused to stop for directions.
you're so tense.
do you think you could get up there?
i've made changes for you. think about that.
i guess i gave her the wrong tea.
sorry. i thought that question was directed at me.
uh... FYI. not my fault.
we just need to work out something smarter, that's all.
i need to have someone "taken care of."
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enviedear · 10 months
omg maybe some fluff/angst abt billy being protective. like maybe gf/wife!reader is getting hit on and she can normally protect herself but maybe some guy gets a little too handsy with her and then billy steps in to protect his baby:(( i think i would actually die
protective!billy bonney...
babe i'm always down for protective!billy, because he's just intrinsically protective. and that's hot.
tw— violence, a bullet graze (not billy or reader), men being mysogonistic (this is the wild west idk what to tell ya), unwanted touch (on the waist, no private areas)
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it'd been a long day already, and the sun hadn't even struck noon. rowdy ranch hands, drunkards, and gang members littered the town square. their minds hazy from drink, worsened by the hot sun.
it was a day of celebration, according to them. the lot of them managed to wrangle up a pack of wild coyotes the night before, the same pack that'd been laying waste to everyone's animals and supplies.
it was a gruesome yet necessary job, but the parlay in town has your ears steaming. they've already ruined an innocent game of catch the local kids had been playing and you roll your eyes when they start to approach you and the rest of the ladies standing outside the dress shop.
you avert your gaze, looking into the crowd for your fiancee. with no sight of billy, who's probably held up at the general store, you focus in on your dusty boots. you'd rather stare at them than the haughty men on their rampage.
"ain't you billy's little thing?" a gruff voice calls out.
you lift your head to find a impish man with tufts of blonde hair, "yes sir, that'd be me." your tone is kind, but your words clipped.
the man draws closer, spitting to his left before giving you a drunken snd sly smirk, "got himself a pretty one, ain't he?"
his question is redundant, and you opt not to answer. instead you give him a smile, slowly backing away and inching toward the entrance of the shop.
the women around you won't be any help, too worried with fending off the other rambunctious men. you're going to have to get yourself out of this one.
the man continues his pursuit of you, "gimme your name, girl. m'bettin' it's real nice."
your fingers find the doorknob behind you but your eyes widen when the door refuses to budge. damn shopkeeper, locking up when you need a safe haven most.
"i'm sorry, sir, my fiancee must be looking for me." your excuse is lame, but you pray it works.
the man steps closer, his hand reaching out to grab your arm. you flinch away, but he manages to grip you tightly anyway.
"come on now, don't be shy," he slurs, pulling you towards him. "what's your name, pretty thing?"
you struggle against his grip, but he's too strong. panic sets in as you realize there's no one around to help you, and you start to fear the worst.
"you need to let go o'me. my fiancee will kill you." you've grown desperate, enough so to lay your strongest card on the table— billy.
the man let out a hearty laugh, "fiancee? ain't no man gonna tie you down, little lady. not till you've had a taste of a real man."
you grow angrier by the second, but you can't help but laugh at his ignorance, "i think that's you giving yourself too much credit, sir," you reply, your voice dripping with sarcasm, "i' got myself a real man, the man i love. now if you don't let me go, you'll be sorry."
the man grows more forceful, pinning you to him, breath brushing your ear and hands groping your waist, "do you well to learn to shut you mouth, girl."
but just as you're about to give up hope, frozen in fear as the man trails his hands over you, a gunshot rings out, piercing the air like a sharp knife.
the man releases you, his face contorting in pain as he clutches at his leg. you inspect the wound as he falls away, just a graze, but you're sure it hurts like hell.
you turn away from the drunk, eyes finiding billy only yards away, his revolver still smoking in his hand. his face is cold and hard, his eyes blazing with anger.
"you heard the lady," billy speaks with a low and menacing voice. "i don't want to kill you, but if i so much as see you touch her again, you'll regret it."
the other men back away, pulling their injured friend with them, fear written all over their faces. they know better than to mess with billy, especially when he's in a foul mood.
you rush towards him, throwing your arms around his neck. his embrace is tight and fierce, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"you okay?" he asks, his voice softening as he looks down at you.
you nod, voice shakey, "i am now," you whisper, feeling safe in his arms.
together, you walk away from the chaos of the town square, grateful for the love and protection you've found in each other.
—reblog and like if you enjoyed, let ur local writer know you like her work !
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Life upgrade
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Hi, I am Earl Montgomery. I am 34 year old gay man. I studied history and enhlish literature at Columbia and then I became a teacher. I have been working as a teacher since than and I have to say that being a teacher is one of the most honorable proffesions there are. You get to educate all the young minds and set them on a right path in life. If only they would listen to me during classes. Maybe my life wouldn't be so boring. The job takes all my energy. I never believed that so many teachers get burnt out, but man. Once you see that your job affects only few of those kids and the rest just doesn't care, you contemplate back on your life. What could I have done different? I could have had a happy, adventurous life full of fun and sex. Oh how I miss the sex.
Oh sorry, my bad. You thought the guy wearing sports clothes is me? Oh no no no. This is me actually
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That guy is Barry. The gym teacher. He's the same age as me. But his life is much better. He works as a gym teacher, coach and in his free time he is a personal trainer in gym. He gets to coach all the hot bodybuilders and sometimes women, that lust over him a later on sleep with him.
I onced tried to hit on him, thinking he might be bisexual, but ended up being ignored for the rest of the school year. He started talking to me again recently and that's fine. If there is no drama it's all good. Besides. He has his own life full of sport and travelling around the world, fucking everything that moves. And I have my own life. My slightly boring and depresive life.
Who am I kidding? I hate my life. I wish I were Barry. To have his hot body, his libido, his life full of travellling and fucking everyone.
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Suddenly it was so bright all around me. I was in a garage. Running. I stopped. Where am I? Why am I running? How did I get here?
I looked around but the place was empty. Then I looked down and saw the grey clothes for sport that Barry has. "This can't be". I walked over to the nearest car and saw Barry. No, I saw my reflection.
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"Well well well. Can't ignore me now, huh?" I flexed my biceps over the shirt. So freaking hot. He is so buff. Must be amazing to be so strong and have strong muscles like this. His skin is so tense and beautiful. I gotta go somewhere more private to look what he's hiding under this. Don't know how this freaky friday will last.
Vibration in my pocket. Some girls want to have a private class with me in the gym. But the emojis don't seem like they want to take the training very seriously. Might be fun.
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"Flex for the camera. Perfect!"
"Omg Barry, you're really hot. How did you get so big?"
"You think this is big... you haven't seen all of me yet. Haha" Where the hell was this coming from? Why did I say that?
"Really? We were actually thinking you coul help us stretch some time and show us how to do this to not hurt ourselves."
"I can stretch you both now in the showers, babes" Whyyy am I saying this. I'm not straight for fucks sake. Oh no. I'm not, but Barry is. I need to get back. I can't be straight.
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1 hour later
"Thanks Barry. What a great personal class. Haha. Same time next week?" the taller oned asked while walking away from the gym
"You bet!" the sex was really good I have to admit that. But only this body craves it. Not me. I am gay, I don't want to watch pussy all day.
Phone vibrated again
Holy shit, A message from my number:"Hey, I don't know what you did to me, but I just jerked off for the third time thinking about my own body and I can't keep doing this... I want to swa... SUUCK your dick"
Oh maan, he has the same problem as I do. His body responds to what the person craved before, bout our minds didn't change our sexual orientation it seems.
"Came to your body's place in 30 minutes. Bring lube. Don't be late" I texted. I love this confidence the body is so full off.
And I bet I am gonna love the fact that my old body is gonna suck my dick very soon.
Haha. Gotta thank the istock photos for the inspiration
Story from inbox: Would you be able to do a story where a nerdy teacher swaps bodies with the hunky football coach. Maybe even cucking him?
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dotster001 · 1 year
Could i request the twst earth thing except they get isekaid in the reader world? How would they act? Or interact with them? You choose the characters!
Summary: Floyd/Jade/Vil/Rook/Lilia
A/N: we'll just say that each one is a separate universe for simplicity's sake. Special thanks to @irrelevantlight @giuliap17 and @fishisahappydog for choosing the characters for me.
To the anon: your idea is really good! And I'm gonna save it for later to make it it's own post
3k followers masterlist
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Hopefully Jade gets isekaid with him. If he is, he will pretend to have a leash on his wild brother. I say pretend, because the moment Floyd sees you, Jade will suddenly stop caring about restraining him, and will decide to explore this world's flora and fauna instead.
Floyd gives zero shits about this world. All he knows is that he can feel you in it, and he has to find you. He'll run the whole way, no matter where he spawns in. He'll sprint towards you, and your poor, human self isn't gonna know what hit you when a wall of man bowls you over.
Stop screaming! He's trying to love you! 
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If he spawns in with Floyd, half of his time is going to be spent being angry. He knows you're here, but he also has to keep track of his brother who couldn't care less about finding his twins favorite "fictional" character. It's slow progress and it may take him a couple weeks to finally reach you.
Whether he spawns in with Floyd or not, he's going to orchestrate a meet cute between you two. He can't expect you to be thrilled if he swooped in and knew everything about you. So he waits.
One day some asshole accidentally knocks into you, and you nearly fall into the busy street. Luckily two strong arms wrap around your middle and drag you to safety. He asks if you're alright, and insists on taking you for a tea to calm your nerves…and the rest is history.
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How interesting….this must be your world! There is no need for him to even process the move. He's traveled many places in his lifetime. This is just a new place to add to his scrapbook!
He also isn't going to rush into a relationship with you. Once he finds you, he's going to make you fall for him. He'll play off his delightful scamp tendencies, and his charming character, and make yu head over heels.
One day you'll confess your feelings for him, and he'll act all surprised. But deep inside he's celebrating another victory for General Lilia, mastermind of the King's army.
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You won't even know he's here for a while. He can't be sure if this "move" is permanent or not, so he's going to establish himself. It won't be very hard with his unearthly looks, and winning charisma.
By the time he comes to find you, you'll know who he is. He'll befriend you, and perhaps you'll even confess to him.
And of course he'll say yes. He feels a little bad that he knows everything about you, and you just think he's some random guy who got famous overnight, but it's easier to believe than the truth. Maybe he'll tell you someday. But only if he figures a way back to Twisted Wonderland.
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He is in no hurry to find you. Yet. First he wants to explore your environment, figure out how his prey's your environment is so he can understand the survival tactics you use. Once he has those, he can ignore them all.
Now, just because he waited, doesn't mean he's going to do what some of these boys do, and get to know you so you don't freak out.
Nah. What you get is a man in a hat spouting a speech at you about soulmates and true love, and how he can provide for your future life living in a mansion in the woods, with a farm, and ten dogs, and thirteen kids that he just found somewhere….
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sebscore · 1 year
hello! i’m the one who asked for fluff with rbr seb, i meant a one shot if that’s okay with you :)
i’m going to use 🌑
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pairing: rbr!sebastian vettel x fem!reader
warnings: drunk seb. swearing.
author's note: thank you so much for requesting something for our beautiful princess that was rbr seb! I had fun writing this one so I hope you like how it turned out!! don't be shy and let me know what you think of it! also, if you get the title reference- you’re a legend and you should be my friend! 💞
• • • • • • •
''Hey, what are you doing? Hey! Stop it!'' Sebastian drunkenly professed, pushing the unwanted arms away from his chest. ''I have a girlfriend, go away!''
''You're kidding, right?''
''It's not cool, just stop it!'' The Red Bull driver attempted to move away from the undesired touches. The person in front of him didn't seem to understand the man wanted to be left alone in his drunken state.
The countless refills of his beer must have done some serious damage to Sebastian's vision, because there was no reason for him to pry away from the person who found him almost sleeping on his friend's couch.
Sebastian hadn't been able to properly celebrate his second World Championship title with his friends from home. That's why one of his best mates had organized a party at his home to commemorate the driver's title defense.
Everyone was having a great time, especially the man of the hour. Y/N had seen her boyfriend drunk before, but this time it was quite a different sight. So when she saw him stumbling into one of the many rooms, she couldn't help but check up on him.
Upon walking into what seemed a ''man's cave'', she was met with a practically unconscious man, drool coming out the side of his mouth.
Y/N tried moving him into a more comfortable position as he almost fell on the cold floor. However, he protested and started pushing her away, claiming he had a girlfriend.
Sebastian didn't recognize her.
''You have a girlfriend, huh?''
He hummed at her words, a smile finding its way to his face. ''Yeah.''
''Tell me about her.'' Y/N smirked, sitting down on the ground next to him.
An unexpected snort left his mouth. ''Why do you want me to talk about her?'' But before Y/N could answer him, he proceeded. ''She's- she's so fucking hot.'' He grinned, his eyes still closed.
''She's just so- ugh, perfect. We first met when we were like 20 and it was before I was in F1 so she had no fucking idea who I was,'' he chuckled, ''but she smiled at me and I don't know what she thought of me, but I thought she was beautiful. I thought she looked like the most beautiful thing in the world.'' Sebastian smiled, almost in a dreaming state.
''I love her more than anything, I know I should tell her more- she's always there for me. That's why you can't kiss me, okay? It would hurt her and I don't want to do that. I would never want to do that, it would kill me.''
Y/N admiringly watched him, touched by the things he just told her. It was a given that Sebastian loved her, she would be an idiot not to see it. But when he said that it would kill him if he would hurt her, it hit different.
''Can you go find my girlfriend, please? I- I miss her.'' He stuttered out, making a lousy attempt to point at the door.
She tried greatly to not burst out in laughter, finding her boyfriend absolutely adorable. ''Yes, I'll go get her.'' Y/N got up from the floor, grinning to herself. She waited for a good ten seconds by the door before closing it with more force than usual.
The harsh sound made Sebastian flinch and he swiftly sat up, his hand on his chest as if he was clutching a necklace made out of pearls. ''Huh? Wha- what? Y/N? Oh, baby! I missed you so much!'' As soon as she saw him notice her, she quickly made her way over to him again. His arms found their way around her and he peppered kisses all over her face. ''You found me!''
''I did,'' she laughed, ''I'm gonna get you some water, alright? You've had enough drinks for a few weeks.''
Y/N made an advance to leave and get to the kitchen, but Sebastian firmly held her in his embrace. ''No~'' he whined, ''don't go! I don't want you to leave me!"
The woman got up despite his cute whining. ''I'll be back in a minute, loverboy. By the way, I won't give you a kiss until that alcohol-stinking mouth of yours has been washed.'' She ruffled his hair, dodging his last effort to get her to stay.
''Then get me some damn water!"
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schoenpepper · 29 days
Heartslabyul Heartaches: Clover
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Intro: Heartslabyul is sick and tired of its own vice housewarden (except for Deuce, he really doesn't know what's going on).
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread, pining
A/N: This almost took me out, I think Trey's gonna be on my ban list for a while. But I hope you like it, anon.
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Oh. Oh that's...rather painful to watch, actually. What was it the kids said nowadays? Yikes?
Riddle thinks it's rather vomit inducing, if nothing else. The way you and Trey tiptoe around each other, somehow acting like an old married couple and a pair of first graders just experiencing puppy love at the same time. An impressive contradiction, if he were to be honest. He didn't think it could exist at first, but you and the green haired boy just happened to be living proof. He takes another sip of tea and sends another confused glare in your direction.
"This is so good! You're so talented, Trey." The way you put your hand on Trey's arm (Riddle would say subtly but it was not subtle at all) was so horribly flirtatious it almost makes Riddle spit out his tea. There was no rule on PDA in the Queen's rulebook, however, so he endures and stabs a strawberry with his fork instead of stabbing it through either of you. Trey blushes, hearts almost visibly forming in his eyes as he leans towards you with the plate of bite-sized tarts. "No, it was because you helped me make them that they taste so good."
Riddle's brows furrow in mild disgust.
"You should eat some too!" He watches numbly when you pick up a tart and hand feed it to his second in command. More blushing, more stuttering, but eventually, Trey manages to eat the thing with a giddy smile.
(May he collar Trey? Or you? Genuine question.)
The tea party wraps up and Trey is finally back to full working condition because of your absence (thank you for leaving). Riddle supervises the cleanup with Trey next to him, clipboard in hand. "So," Riddle sighs, "when will you be confessing to Y/N? I assume it must be soon, given your lack of propriety in a public space."
"Confessing? I don't see them that way."
He looks at Trey, both hands on his scepter because one half of him wants to use it to hit the man over the head and the other half wants to use it to hit the man in the stomach. Trey's face is a beautiful shade of 'lying lying liar who lies' pink, and he's avoiding Riddle's gaze with a sheepish grin. "Is that so?" Riddle asks dryly.
"There's...a lot of other people out there."
"What about it?"
"There's a lot of other people who can treat them better, love them better, than I can."
Riddle settles for whacking the scepter onto Trey's shoulder before leaving with a dignified huff. "Spineless, completely unworthy of the Queen of Hearts." He hears Trey laughing behind him.
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Gross. Super gross.
"Yo, Trey, are you like, actually blushing and swooning and kicking your feet?" Cater laughs, watching Trey fumble to hide his phone. He'd already seen the image his friend had been staring at before, though, so it's not too hard to imagine why the other was acting like a schoolgirl (it's still stupid to watch).
"I am not."
Right. Cater doesn't have the mental capability to debate on whether or not Trey was giggling. Not when the words on his textbook are building a rollercoaster track in front of his eyes and setting up to ride it. "Whatevs. How did you get the answer for question 3?"
He looks up to see Trey sneaking a peek at his phone again.
"OMG, usually I'm the phone addict but this is like, insane." Cater dives over the table and steals the other man's phone, "You're staring at a text draft asking Y/N to hang out tomorrow? No, I don't think so, and send. There." He hands it back to Trey.
"What did you do that for?"
"So I can finally get my study buddy back, duh. It's like, literally painful to see you spending literal minutes just thinking on whether or not to invite Y/N to hang out. That's lame."
Trey sighs in exasperation. "So you did it for me."
"Obvi! Because I'm like, such a good friend."
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Ace might throw up on the grass, or he might mistake his senpai's hair for it and throw up all over him. Fifty fifty, really. He watches you run across the field with Grim, passing a Spelldrive disc between the two of you as your laughter rang through the air. He glances at Trey to find him wistfully sighing like some medieval maiden.
When the disc comes hurtling in his direction because of a certain kitty cat, he finds himself embracing peace, and perhaps with his departure from this world, heaven would embrace him—
“Oh no! Trey senpai, are you okay?”
Ace opens his eyes again. He was pretty sure the disc was headed straight for his handsome face so…why is his toothbrush loving upperclassman now lying on a heap on the ground right in front of him?
Did he seriously dive in front of Ace to get injured? On purpose?
You run over worriedly and kneel over next to Trey, Ace watching on expressionlessly. A large red bump is swelling on his senior’s forehead, which you gently check with your hand. “I’m so sorry, I’ll help you get to the infirmary, okay?”
Ace swears he can see the slightest hint of a smirk on Trey’s face.
“Don’t you have history next period? I’ll help him,” Ace enjoys the panicked expression on the ‘patient’, but then he also sees your features morph into something like ‘don’t you dare take this away from me’, so he backs off. You…match each other’s freaks, apparently, so he takes a step back and grabs Grim from the field.
“Nya, why are you taking me from my hench human?!”
“Shh, your parents are flirting so I’ll take up babysitting duty,” Ace rolls his eyes, “They’re both pathetic.”
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“Order. The first meeting shall now commence.”
Riddle strikes a wooden gavel (where did he get that?) and Deuce sits still because his confusion has yet to fade and really, he still has absolutely no idea why he, Ace, Riddle and Cater are sitting around a table with tea and snacks laid out in front of them. This couldn’t be a dorm meeting considering the rest of the dorm members, and even the vice house warden, are absent. “Uh, dorm leader,” Deuce speaks up nervously, “did Ace do something wrong again?”
“What? Why does it have to be me?!”
“It’s always you.”
“Lmao, y’all gotta calm down,” Cater laughs, “the topic of the day isn’t you or Ace. It’s Trey!”
Deuce blinks. “Is something wrong with Trey senpai?”
“He’s gross.”
“He’s cringe.”
“He’s a coward.”
The answers don’t actually answer his question, but he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to say anything else. Riddle looks tired, Ace looks genuinely disgusted, and Cater is staring into the void with what he can only describe as an old man sigh. He’s not the smartest person to have ever existed, but he knows enough that he probably shouldn’t be saying anything else at the moment. His housewarden strikes the gavel again. “Attention, we have gathered here today in an attempt to brainstorm ideas. Does anyone know how we should get Trey and Y/N to finally get together?”
“Lock them in a closet 7 minutes in heaven style~”
“Slip truth serum into their drinks.”
“Y/N and Trey senpai like each other?”
The other three give Deuce an exasperated look.
…He probably should’ve kept his mouth shut.
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Trey looks at his reflection in the mirror. Pristine, crisp—he needs to look perfect, if only for you. He makes his way to the entrance of the rose maze with a large bouquet of red roses in hand. It’s a bad idea. Really, you might not even show up. His friends and dormmates have good intentions, sure, but whoever said good intentions meant good results? Now he’d been wrangled in a pure white tuxedo and in the gazebo that laid in the middle of the maze is a spread of pastries and the most expensive tea they had in the kitchen. And he’s ready to finally, finally confess, instead of hiding away and going back to his imaginations. In his fantasies, you’d smile and hold his hand and laugh with him, and he…
If you don’t allow him to even be your friend anymore after this, would his fantasies suffice?
But, if the impossible happens, and you like him too, then maybe his fantasies would come to life. Maybe one day, he’ll be waking up in your arms instead of waking up from dreaming about you. But as Riddle said, the possibility ceases to exist if he doesn’t take the steps to make it happen.
You arrive.
And like every other time he’d seen you and breathed you in, he’s stunned.
You’re just so beautiful, in a way that his mind struggles to describe.
(He loves you, he loves you, he loves you until it hurts, he loves you until it’s deadly, he’ll love you until time stops, until that love consumes him from the inside out, Trey Clover will love you until he forgets what love is and remembers only you and how you make his heart beat.)
You accept his flowers.
You accept his heart as he lays it bare in front of you.
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“You’re, stop—stop using me as an armrest!”
“Ehh, Riddle if you’re so loud they’ll hear nya~”
“You can peek perfectly fine without pushing me down!”
“I can, but that’s not fun!”
Chenya looks through the bakery window to catch a glimpse of the blushing couple. Trey, flustered and proud as he introduces you to his parents, and you happily chatting with them, nodding along as you accepted the pastries they were stacking up in your arms. “Let me go, I need to go back home.” Riddle seethes quietly.
“Mya, it’s not like you wanna go home, so why don’t we stay and watch Trey fumble? It’s funny.”
The redhead purses his lips, hesitates, and eventually peeks into the window next to Chenya. “If we get caught, it’s your fault and I’m just a victim.”
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
if i could turn back time
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'time travel' rated t wc: 997 cw: mention of canonical character death tags: fix-it, light angst, happy ending, first kiss
"I'm telling you Robin, this is probably when things went wrong!"
"And I'm telling you, things probably went wrong in the 60s! This isn't gonna change anything!"
Eddie shouldn't have been listening by the door of the RV, especially not when they thought he was hiding in the back, but he couldn't help his curious nature.
Curiosity killed the cat, but it entertained the banished.
"What are you gonna do, huh? Stay with him and Dustin? Sacrifice yourself? I'm not letting you do that!"
Eddie's brows raised.
"No, but with the three of us, we can remember to close everything off this time so none of us have to sacrifice ourselves. It keeps us all safe."
The voice suddenly stopped and Eddie barely managed to get away from the door before it was flying open and Steve was storming inside.
Robin must have gone to help the kids and Nancy with their weapons.
Steve sat down on the couch, put his head in his hands, and groaned.
"Alright there, big boy?"
Steve jumped, his face turning to see Eddie awkwardly standing in the doorway to the back.
"Fine, yeah. Just stressed," Steve relaxed a bit, though Eddie could still see his white knuckles against his knees and his jaw clenching.
"You and Robin having a lover's quarrel out there?" Eddie asked, knowing damn well they weren't together.
He didn't have to know to know that Robin wasn't interested in Steve for the same reason Eddie wasn't interested in Robin.
"We just don't see eye to nose on some things," Steve shrugged. "She knows I'm right, she's just stubborn."
Ignoring the eye to nose comment would go down as one of the most impressive feats of Eddie's life, but he decided to focus on finding out what they were actually arguing about.
"She thinks you're gonna get hurt?" Eddie asked, moving over to the couch.
"More like killed."
Eddie couldn't hide the flinch at his harsh words.
"None of us are gonna die, man. We've got a plan."
"Yeah," Steve sighed. "I'd feel better if I was with you and Dustin though."
"I won't let anything happen to him," Eddie said softly.
He knew how much Steve cared for Dustin, felt that same protectiveness for the kid.
"It's not him I'm worried about."
"I'll be fine. I mean, even if not, it's not like we're friends. You'll all be fine," Eddie shrugged.
Maybe a part of him actually believed that, believed that everyone would go about their days if something happened to him. He didn't think anyone but Wayne would actually miss him, and he'd be fine eventually.
Steve was blinking at him.
"No, we won't." Steve's hand grabbed his knee, squeezing. "You think you don't matter to us, but you do. You have no idea how much you mean to everyone. When something happens to you, none of us will ever be the same."
Eddie's mouth felt dry, and then it hit him what Steve said.
Steve's eyes widened.
"I meant if!"
"Steve. Does this magic girl you keep talking about know something? Did someone talk to her?" Eddie stood up and started pacing. "I know I said it'd be fine if something happened to me, but I'd rather not know. And now I'm thinkin' you might know something I don't and maybe Robin does too and-"
Steve grabbed his face between his hands, his grip almost hard enough to leave a bruise.
"Eds, I promise you, I am not letting anything happen to you. Not this time."
Eddie had a million questions, but as he looked into Steve's haunted eyes, he decided to wait.
He decided to trust Steve Harrington.
"Okay. Nothing's gonna happen to me."
When Eddie made it back through the gate in the trailer, a few bruises on his shoulders and arms, but alive, Steve was there.
Looking at him in a way Eddie couldn't quite recognize.
And then touching him in a way Eddie wouldn't have expected.
His hands were everywhere, feeling along his arms and neck and shoulders, taking inventory of his bruises and cuts, the one bite mark he had on his side.
"You're okay?" He asked breathlessly.
"I'm okay." Eddie responded, just as breathless. "Steve. I'm okay."
His tone made Steve stop what he was doing and look in his eyes.
"Fuck, Eddie," Steve fell into him, pushing his face into his neck, breathing Eddie in as Eddie wrapped his arms around him.
"You gonna tell him or should I?" Robin asked from behind them.
Steve just whimpered in response and Eddie felt a wetness against his skin.
"Are you crying?" he asked, trying to push him away to see if he was okay, but Steve just held him harder.
"He's just happy you didn't die this time," Robin said.
"This time?"
"Yeah. You died the first time and it destroyed him. When we woke up back here, he spent so long trying to focus on you living, he forgot we had a real job to do. No offense."
"None taken," Eddie said. "Stevie, you gotta breathe."
Steve had started gasping for air against him, his whole body shaking as he came down from the adrenaline.
It took ten minutes, a cleared out room, and gentle hands massaging his back for Steve to calm down.
But Eddie sat with him and held him, talked him through whatever he was feeling and assuring him that he was okay.
"We all made it, sweetheart," Eddie whispered against the top of his head.
Steve stiffened in his arms, then instantly relaxed.
"Was it..." Eddie let out a long breath. "Before. When I died. Were we something?"
Steve shook his head and Eddie tried not let the disappointment be visible.
"We weren't yet. But I think we would have been. I wanted to be. Didn't get the chance."
"But this time you do."
Steve's lips pressed against his collar, lingering for a minute before he pulled back.
"This time we do."
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Hey, would you be able to do a Sinclair brothers saving a child reader from a bad family and raising them themselves? Like the kid would be kinda timid but maybe warm up to lester first? Could they also know about what goes on in Ambrose but just kinda shrug it off for some reason? If you write this THANK YOUU!!
Wrote. This also kind of became a character study.
Warnings: murder, blood, mention of negligence from reader's parents. Mention of addiction, arguing. Ooc maybe?
Relationship: platonic, brotherly/fatherly figure.
Sinclair brothers x child! Reader from a bad family!
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Preview; how it all started. You can skip this if you'd like, might get boring.
Nothing hits harder than an angry car drive with your family who has curtains with printed sunshine and glitters hung on their windows for people to see.
Sinking back into your seat as you watch them argue almost endlessly. The only times they weren't yelling in each other's faces were when they were sleeping or in public. Of course this results in negligence and the incapability to provide you both physical and emotional needs.
"Maybe if you stopped indulging in your disgusting addiction and acted like a proper father and husband we wouldn't be-"
"Oh for fuck's sake, M/N! Stop bringing that up or else I'm gonna fucking turn this car around, you slut! You think you're so perfect, tell that to the other men you've been sleeping with!"
Spending nights behind your bedroom door with your ear pressed against it, listening closely in case things get physical and you need to step in. You didn't even know why they were heading this way, apparently they thought it'd be a good idea to spend some 'family time' together. As if.
Eventually the car stopped, you perked up. Your parent's bickering died down for a moment which appeared odd to you.
"The car broke down, goddammit!" Your father exclaimed.
"You should've brought a better car." Mom retorted.
"We don't have enough money!!"
"And why do you think that is!?"
You sighed and followed shortly after both of them headed out. Shutting the car door close as you stood quietly while your father opened the trunk.
"Now I have to fix this damn car."
Their voices slowly drowned as you zoned out, you looked ahead of you and saw a man with a green hat with a beige jacket on top of a white tank top. He looked a little... Unwashed.
"Hey there!" The man called out which caused your parents to stop yelling.
"Are you three lost?" He asked, now getting closer.
"Well- more sort of the car broke down. And.. We're out of fuel" Your mother replied with a nervous chuckle.
"Really? In that case, I could let you guys in my truck and drive you to Ambrose. It's a small town but I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for in there."
"Might be a tight fit, but it'll work."
You could see the hesitation in both your parents' faces. Of course, they weren't really the type to accept the presence of people who didn't look like they have a hygienic and healthy lifestyle but they were left with no choice. They reluctantly agreed.
"M' name's Lester." The man who you now knew as Lester said.
"Uh, my name's F/N. Thank you, Lester, in advance." Your father thanked Lester.
Now you three were in his car, you had to sit on your mom's lap, it was deed quite a tight fit. Your parents weren't expecting the rotten smell and especially not the hanging bones but they pretended it didn't bother them. You ignored the smell and instead admired the 'decorations'.
"So uh, who's your wife and kid?" Lester asked, glancing at both your mom and you.
"I'm M/N and this is our child, Y/N. Say hi." Your mom nudged you and you smiled uncomfortably.
"Hello, Mr. Lester."
Lester only chuckled, although he kept his eyes on you a little longer before reverting his gaze to the road. "You have a beautiful family, I'm envious. It must be nice, huh?"
Your parents shared glances before agreeing.
"It is, I'm really grateful to have them in my life." Your father said. You could've laughed. You looked at him and noticed a knife in a knife sheath on his thigh. He noticed and took out the blade.
"Kid, you like knives?" Lester suddenly asked you, and your parents tensed up.
"I do-"
"I'm.. Trying to get y/n away from sharp objects. It's dangerous for them." Your mother cut you off with wariness in her tone, her distrust growing more by the minute.
"It's a bowie, a good knife... It'll cut through anything."
He said and stabbed the knife into the car dashboard and then abruptly stopped. You yelped out a little and held onto your mom as to not chuck yourself through the window.
"You... You said there's a town nearby, where is it?" Your dad asked, grabbing onto the seat.
"There is, right around that bend. I gotta flip my hubs into four-wheel. Mind giving me a hand?" Lester said as he opened the door and stepped out of the car.
"Look, I think you've done enough for us, Lester." Your father said.
"... Well, why would you think that?" Lester scoffed a little, sensing a bit of hostility.
"We wanna walk from now on, okay? I can't handle being in here. Just let us out." Your mother replied with a harsher tone, a look of offense settled on Lester's face and he frowned. A clear thick atmosphere now forming in the air.
"Uhh, we're really grateful but we don't want to trouble you anymore. Thank you." You spoke up, hoping to de-escalate the situation. He looked at you and for a moment his face softened slightly before glancing up at your parents again.
"Sure..." He said quietly, taking the blade off the dashboard and shutting the door. Now walking towards the other side of the car. You could feel the nervousness from both your parents – as he reached the door and opened it, their eyes landed on his left hand. Which was now missing the knife.
"Go on, get out then..!" He said although the anger was directed more to your parents. They quickly got out of the car, your father was the first one trying to calm him down – you noticed a stream in front of you, you looked back to make sure they were busy and decided to discreetly cross through with the help of the rocks, wanting to no further be near all this.
As you entered through, you could see houses and posters around. It was a ghost town though.. There was barely anyone. You walked around and saw a bunch of puppies behind a big glass window. You stopped and walked up to it, observing the small animals with adoration before a gruffy voice behind you snapped you out of your tranquil.
"What the hell is a kid like you doin' here?" A tall man asked with suspicion, looking down at you. You took in his outfit. A hat that said 'sweet bird 69' with a picture of a red car underneath. Dark blue shirt along with jeans.
"Uhm.. Me and my family are here for a trip.." You said quietly, backing away a little.
"And where's your parents?"
"I- they should be here..."
"Should?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes.
Then he looked behind you and before you could turn around you felt a firm grasp on your shoulder from behind.
"Y/n! what the hell did i-.. What did I say about walking away, sweetie. You had us worried." Your mother softened her tone as she caught herself, clearing her throat as your father came beside her.
"It's alright... What brings you here?- I'm Bo." He extended his hand to your father who shook it.
"I'm F/N, we were running low on fuel and our car broke down."
"Oh that's perfect, I run a convenience store a few feet away. You can... Keep your kid in my car. Just in case they get tired."
Your mother glanced at you before nodding.
"Yes, thank you. That'd be perfect."
You were carelessly shoved into Bo's car by your parents. Grumbling and sighing, you crossed your arms and begrudgingly sat still. Though something in the distance caught your eye. A big building – you looked out of the car of the window to check your surroundings before quietly opening the car and heading towards the building.
You looked at the big words on top of the door,
"Hm." You opened the door and stepped inside, your eyes widened a bit as you took in the contents inside the 'house'. Many, many sculptures... Wax sculptures. You gently traced your fingers over them while admiring the beauty and art – Slowly walking into the kitchen. You saw more sculptures, this house was full of them. Looking around more you caught sight of baby chairs behind the door – disturbingly enough , hand and ankle straps on the one that said 'Bo' and a normal one that said 'Vincent'.
You turned around and a figure with long dark hair and a weird mask of some sort was outside the kitchen window. You gasped and it swiftly retreated back – having no idea whether or not you were hallucinating you breathed out and tried to calm yourself down. Hesitantly walking out of the house. You concluded you were smart enough not to investigate and made a run to Bo's car.
Huffing as you shut and locked yourself inside. Maybe you were tired, all this new stuff is making you see things. You should sleep – laying down on the seat, you nervously closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths. 'Mom and dad will wake me up when they're done.'
You opened your eyes and it was dark... It was dark. Where are mom and dad? Did they leave you? Forget about you? Your stomach churned and you unlocked the car door. Stepping out and feeling the cold breeze of the wind – so quiet.... Too quiet.
You walked, in search of your parents. There was what seemed to be a church not too far with the lights on. You could check it out? Approaching towards the church, standing right outside of the door and peeking in through the crack. There was that man from earlier, Bo, and... Dad? You squinted your eyes, Bo held something in his hand.
You jolted as your dad out of nowhere let out a blood-curdling scream, blood pouring from his head and running down his face and clothes. He cried out and grunted, trying to crawl away from Bo while sobbing. Holding his head as red that almost appeared black seeped from between his fingers escaped. Bo didn't let him get far, gripping onto your father's collar as he swung the weapon against his head one more time resulting in your father completely collapsing. His eyes rolled back as the slit in his forehead looked inches deep.
You gulped and backed away, quite frankly you couldn't care less if your father was getting killed. But maybe you shouldn't be here- you yelped out as hands grabbed onto your arms, instinctively thrashing against whoever was holding you. Looking behind you stopped momentarily, it was the masked guy! You couldn't see anything behind those empty holes where his eyes should be. And quite frankly - you're not sure if he wants to harm you or not.
Bo, who upon hearing your cry of surprise, quickly rushed out of the church and slammed the doors open. Stopping in his tracks as his eyes trailed down to you.
"Vinny, what are we going to do with them?" Bo asked with uncertainty. Vincent didn't reply.
As you didn't thrash anymore, Vincent loosened his grip but still held a firm grasp on you.
Bo sighed, "let's kill it."
At that, Vincent immediately shook his head and hugged you closer to him. Placing a hand over your head and pulling you to his chest gently.
Bo sighed again, a little more agitated this time. "Vincent, we can't raise a damn child. Nor the responsibilities! What if they try to run away and go to the damn police Or something?"
Vincent stayed stubborn and shook his head again. Bo exhaled and rubbed his face. "God dammit, you're so difficult."
End of story. life with them
Lester was quite happy to hear from Bo that they decided to keep you alive. Both brothers quite surprised, it's not the first time they had children come to Ambrose and get killed but none of them ever wanted to. And to hear Vincent of all people to initiate it was surprising, because normally he doesn't care about his victims. Vincent's cruel. Keeping his victims alive and all they could do is wait inside their wax bodies agonizing for death to come to them as their preserved bodies slowly rot overtime. He thought he knew his brothers – guess he was delightfully wrong. You first seemed so shy and timid – not really speaking unless you were spoken to and even then your responses were quiet and soft. He made sure to interact with you often, cracking jokes here and there and smiling a lot around you. 'Hey buddy, wanna go fishing?' Or 'Hey kiddo, wanna drive around for a bit?' It's mandatory. And the moment he noticed you warming to him first was the moment he realised how "hard work pays off" felt. He can't be around you a lot since he doesn't live in Ambrose anymore but he tries to visit more because of you – the sight of you smiling and running towards him when he comes back never fails to make his heart swell. Though he finds it a bit odd when you tell him how you feel about what happens here, he wonders if you're really telling the truth or lying so you can keep his guard down. He's cautious, he's friendly but he doesn't trust easily. You may be just a kid but he doesn't know if you're really not scared or you are and you're planning to escape. He loves you either way and tries not to think about it often, he just tells you and himself "Guess that means you're meant to be in this family!" (By the way he still hates your parents and his heart will ache for you when you open up to him about them.)
Bo couldn't believe this, really? He has to take care of a child?He just wanted to hand you entire to Vinny but the risk of you running away was too much for his insides to handle so he kept you on a close watch. He was tempted to put a leash on you but was stopped by Vincent. He doesn't see the appeal in raising a random kid, it would bring unnecessary trouble and responsibilities and make it harder for them. Or so he thinks. You weren't really troublesome at all you just kept your distance from him since he scares you. With this, he one day mentally himself on the cheek and decided to be more kind to you. Asking what you wanted for breakfast, if you wanted to shower, telling you not to go too far away from him etc. Eventually he finds himself doing more than just these, scolding you when you scrape your knees and putting a bandaid over it. Picking you up to help you reach stuff on the high shelves. He tries to convince himself he's only doing this for his brother's and his own sake – and yet he can't resist when you ask him to kiss your aided injuries because 'Grandma told me it heals better that way'. Think it's stupid Lester got you to warm up first. Yeah, it's only because he gives you sweets and takes you out whenever he pops in – and then next time Bo hands you a lollipop. Gets suspicious when you never bring up what he did with your parents. He expected you to hold the grudge against him, at least for a few months or years but no. He'll scoff if you tell him it doesn't bother you. Yeah, right. He's not stupid (just severe trust issues) he'll immediately assume you're trying to trick him and next time a tourist comes in you're gonna scream for help. Just be patient with him, he's had a rough childhood. Although the more days and weeks that pass by, the more he spends nights in his bed hoping you won't try to run away. Not because he's scared you'll snitch on them, but because he's scared that means they meant nothing to you at all. If you ever decide to open up to him about your family, he'll pretend it doesn't affect him as much as it actually did. To think you two had a similar childhood just makes his eyebrows knit together and his lips form into a frown.
Vincent himself didn't understand why he held you so protectively. But as the years grew, he felt himself yearn to cradle something in his arms. Something warm and small, something that'll smile up at him and giggle, something that isn't scared of him. He knew the moment he saw you through the window in that kitchen he couldn't let this chance slip – a chance to have a child. He feels so... Alone. The need to care for a living thing grows stronger. He tried his hardest, really. Tend to you and care for you. His touch was softer and he watched the old movies and read the stories of how people acted towards children so he could know how to not freak you out. And his heart broke a little when he saw that Lester was the one that you warmed up to first – but he didn't give up. 'Family don't give up on each other' was a quote he heard one time and stuck with him. Yes, he had already considered you as family. To make you like family, he had to treat you like one. Most of the time he gets frustrated because of his extremely limited vocabulary. It was difficult for him to speak and he knew that a child like you wouldn't be able to properly understand his body language like his brothers do, but when you do start to learn step by step he feels the glimmer of hope grow stronger. Is around you a lot and makes sure you're in his line of sight as much as possible. He feels guilty that you had to witness them do all these horrible things and tries to shield you away from it but if you confess you know and shrugs it off anyway it's a mix between surprise and suspicion. He wants to believe you, he does but what if you're lying? It's too heavy on his heart to bear – he can't. Gets more protective and overbearing and doesn't realise it'll most likely drive you off that way. But if you do start warming up to him he feels like the happiest and most content person alive. Will cradle you in his arms if you'll allow him and stroke your hair if you decide to open up to him – he may be a man of very little words but he listens like no else.
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luna0713hunter · 11 months
Can you do an established relationship Zoro or Sanji x autistic reader? If you don't want to thats totally fine, I just don't know if there's any out there and I NEED one so bad.
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Author's note : hello darling!!so about this request,i must say i had to ggl up everything so i really apologize in advance if this doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to be!and also,its gonna be Zoro x reader cause i dont write for Sanji. Hope you enjoy it!!
Where the light goes
Zoro Roronoa x autistic!reader
Summary : having autism was never easy. Ever since you were small, you've been struggling with this disorder. But growing up,you learn from the man you love that its not something to be ashamed of
Warnings : none i think,reader has autism,gender neutral,hurt/comfort, insecurities,panic attacks and such,mention of eating habits,fluff and happy ending
The streets were awfully busy today.
As you walk alongside your crewmates,you hug your bag close to your chest and try to make yourself impossibly small.
There were so many people. Too many loud voices. Everything was too much
And when someone bumps his shoulder to yours for the third time that day,you swallow down the lump in your throat;this was exactly why you always chose to stay back in the ship , where there would be no loud voices or people around. So when Luffy suggested that all of the crew go out for lunch and give Sanji some well-deserved break,you had no choice but to comply.
And gods above,how much you regretted that decision.
Ever since you were small,you had trouble with crowded places; being diagnosed with autism when you were only 4 years old,had turned your world upside down. Playing with other kids,being called weird and other humiliating names,and not being able to walk the streets in daylight without breaking down into a full panic attack,were only a few problems you'd to deal with daily.
Your life felt short, cramped and suffocating. The way your parents would fuss over you when you did the smallest things had you crazy. So when one faithful night,you stumbled upon the StrawHats, you gave yourself a chance to live. The best decision of your whole life, specially since joining them,you immediately fell head over heels for your crewmate.
"hey,you alright?"
The same man who always seemed to know exactly how you felt.
You swallow around the lump in your throat and nod.
"y-yeah. Thank you."
Zoro stares at you in the way that you know he doesnt believe you. You try to give him a wobbly smile but it only makes his lips pull down into a frown.
He leans down,and talks in a hushed voice so its only you who hear him.
"wanna ditch lunch?we can go back to the ship."
You glance nervously at your loud crewmates and look back at your green hair crush.
"are you sure?"
"i wasn't a fan of the whole idea of 'eating out' anyways," he says with a shrug and folds his arms against his chest, "I'll gladly ditch it to go back."
You give him another smile,brighter this time and giggle.
"you just want to go back so you can drink."
"your point being?"
And when Zoro informs everyone that the two of you will head back to the ship,they oddly enough let you go.
Once you step inside the ship and the quiet hits you,you let out a sigh of relief;you were finally home and away from the busy street.
You sit yourself against the back of the ship,where Nami's tangerine trees give you some peace of mind. the feeling is so relaxing,that you dont even notice that Zoro has arrived to where you're sitting. He clears his throat and knocks on the wooden wall to get your attention;to which you sluggishly turn your head to. He raises his brow at you and jerks his head toward the front of the ship.
"you're not hungry?"
You shake your head;your eyelids oddly heavy.
"no,not really."
"your eating habits acting up again?"
"maybe," you smile bitterly,and start to chew on your nail, "today was...a bit too much.to be honest, I'm kinda sleepy ."
To that, Zoro nods and after that,doesnt say anything. He just...stands there,and stares so intently that has you chewing on your nails harder.
Was he disgusted?was there anything wrong?did you offend him in any way??
You could've never read people's emotions,and the emotionally constipated Zoro?
It was an impossibly task.
Just when your thoughts were getting out of hands,a heavy weight suddenly drops on your lap.
The action has you jumping a bit and you let out a surprised squeak.
"Z-Zoro?what are you doing?"
"what does it look like?" He grumbles and opens one eye to stare up at you, "I'm taking a nap."
Your eyes soften at his answer,and tentatively,your fingers start to comb through his soft locks.
And when he lets out a satisfied groan at your action,you swear you'd died and went to heaven.
"aren't you hungry?"
"no. Just sleepy."
You smile and nod your head understandingly.
"then sleep."
Zoro slowly shifts,until his face is buried in your stomach and you can feel his hot breath through your thin shirt when he speaks next.
"tell me next time,when you're not feeling well."
Your heart warms,and you lower your head to drop a loving kiss on his hair.
"will do. Thank you."
When Zoro dozes off in your lap,you own eyes watch him for few more minutes before you're falling asleep yourself as well.
And when the crew comes back later that day,for once in their lives,they decide to keep it down and not wake you up.
*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘P.S : Zoro doesn't eat or sleep unless you do so as well :) i hope you liked it,dont forget to leave comment
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Went to a casino recently soooo
What do the Firsts do at the casino + cloud?
The Casino Trip From Hell
• A huge Shinra-funded casino opens up in the slums. Genesis, being the patron saint of hedonism he is, drags Sephiroth and Angeal along with him.
• Angeal isn't into the whole gambling scene, so he's more than apprehensive about being in that environment. Sephiroth thinks casino's are a gross display of greed, but he goes anyway.
• They arrive at the entrance and who do they see? Zack and Cloud, both bearing fake IDs and ridiculous fake mustaches. (They're 19 and 18 respectively but in Midgar you have to be 21).
• After Angeal rips them a new one, Genesis gets tired of waiting and convinces Angeal to just let the boys be boys and commit a little crime for once, as a treat.
• Angeal caves, but only because Zack is begging on his knees and people are staring.
• He appoints Sephiroth as the responsible adult in charge of babysitting Zack and Cloud.
• His logic is "What trouble could Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud get up to? Besides, I'm babysitting Genesis."
• He would come to regret that decision.
• Genesis drags Angeal over to the roulette tables declaring himself a master at gambling, having seen his parents dabble in it since he was a child.
• Meanwhile Zack is buzzing with excitement! After touring the casino with Cloud and Sephiroth, they finally settled down at the slot machines.
• Sephiroth is curious to know how the machines work, and after much deliberation (and being egged on by Zack and Cloud), decides to try it out for himself.
• Sephiroth hits the jackpot the first try.
• Back at the Roulette table, Angeal and Genesis run into none other than *drumroll* Rufus ShinRa.
• Genesis and Rufus make eye contact. Angeal's internal dialogue is a series of oh no's.
• They make some trash small talk before the game starts. Angeal orders a drink and decides to sit this one out.
• Back at the slot machines, Sephiroth somehow hits the jackpot again. Zack and Cloud are causing a ruckus and they whoop and cheer. A small crowd starts to form around Sephiroth, who's extremely confused.
• Back at the roulette table, they're about 20 minutes into it. Genesis is losing pathetically. Rufus is smug about it, stating that luck must me on his side if the undefeatable Genesis Rhapsodos is completely devoid of it.
• Genesis then declares that Rufus is cheating.
• This starts an argument, with Genesis demanding that Rufus forfeit, and questioning his morals "as a man."
• Angeal is drinking faster.
• Back at the slot machines, Sephiroth is on his fourth jackpot.
• Zack has never been more excited in his life. He's jumping up and down, declaring Sephiroth as the slot machine demons. Cloud is growing weary of the crowd watching them, especially the angry onlookers.
• Sephiroth is confused because "Is this not normal?"
• Sephiroth proceeds to hit the jackpot for a fifth time.
Cloud: Sephiroth stop playing.
Sephiroth: But I'm winning?
Cloud: Yes but there's clearly something wrong with the machine and we're going to be arrested if you don't stop now.
Zack: Let him play! He's just lucky! Look, will it make you feel better if we switch machines?
• They move onto another machine. The crowd takes over the previous one like vultures, but no one hits the jackpot.
• Meanwhile Sephiroth hits the jackpot again on the new machine.
Zack: M O N E Y
Sephiroth: ???????
• Back at the roulette table, Genesis and Rufus's argument has escalated into full blown trash talk.
Rufus: Oh I'm sorry, Commander, does my mere existence bruise your ego?
Genesis: Let me tell you what I'm gonna bruise, pal—
Angeal (drunk): Genesis please don't threaten our boss's son.
Rufus: No, no, it's fine, Commander Hewley. I'm unbothered by threats from a man who wears mascara.
• Back at the slot machine, Sephiroth has hit the jackpot for the 10th time. People are rioting around them and screaming for security.
• Zack is cussing out the indignant onlookers and defending Sephiroth. Cloud is begging Sephiroth to stop playing. Sephiroth casually hits the jackpot for the 11th time.
• Back at the roulette table, Genesis and Rufus are on the floor fist-fighting. Angeal isn't even making an effort to intervene. He's so tired, he's just cheering them on.
• Back at the slot machines, security has shown up. They think Sephiroth is cheating, therefore stealing. Cloud is desperately trying to reason with them, explaining that Sephiroth is just naturally lucky and would never dream of stealing anything.
• Meanwhile Zack is arguing with the crowd and Sephiroth, bored, turns around and hits the jackpot again.
• Back at the roulette table, security has shown up with Tseng to separate the two. Tseng demands to know what happened, and after Angeal explains the whole thing to him, he proceeds to go on a rant about how Genesis is an irresponsible, petulant man who shouldn't be allowed within 3 feet of other people.
• This angers a drunk Angeal, who then declares that "NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT" and punches Tseng in the face.
• Angeal and Tseng are now on the floor fighting.
• Back at the slot machines, the police show up and arrest Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud. Sephiroth is unbothered by this because he knows this is all a misunderstanding. Cloud is panicking, trying to tell the cops that he's not, in fact, the mastermind behind the whole operation, as Sephiroth jokingly declared.
• The cops are trying to catch Zack, who broke free from his restraints and is running around the slot machines screaming "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE."
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• Sephiroth, Angeal, Genesis, Zack and Cloud are all sitting in Director Lazard's office. Lazard is so angry, he's mute—red in the face with a vein popping on his forehead, but mute.
• One by one, Lazard fills the uncomfortable silence with angry thwacks of newspaper against the desk.
• Each newspaper has some variation of the same headlines.
Lazard: I have had it up to here with the five of you. What do you have to say for yourselves?
Sephiroth: And I'll do it again.
Lazard: GET OUT!
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rae-pottah · 1 year
I Just Stood There.
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Rossi's daughter! reader
Y/n = your name
L/n = your last name
Warnings: she/her pronouns, shitty writing?,fluff.
Summary: after embarrassing herself in front of her crush, Y/n rants to Penelope, bad idea.
*Y/n's POV*
Hanging out with my dad's coworkers was fun. Except when it came to my tiny little small incy weenie crush on Dr. Spencer Reid... And I think everyone knows...
Meeting the BAU team was a blast! I had been coming by to see my dad, seeing as how we don't spend much time together anymore.
First I bumped into SSA Derek Morgan, and Tech nerd Penelope Garcia:
"He-llo, momma!" said Morgan
"Don't scare her away already hot stuff!" Penelope hit his arm "Hi honey bunches, I'm Penelope, this is Derek, who are you? Are you a newbie?"
"Haha! No, I'm Y/n, I'm here to see my father!" I laugh, they looked confused
Next, SSA Jennifer Jareau (otherwise known as JJ) and SSA Emily Prentiss
"Who's this?" JJ asks Garcia
"This is Y/n, she's here to see her father!" Garcia tells her, confused. None of them letting me speak JJ asks
"Who's her father?" With a confused face as well
"Wh-" Garcia starts to ask me a question when my Father, and Uncle Aaron walked in
"UNCLE AARON!" I ran up to him and jump hugged him
I could see my dad off to the side holding his arms open with a playful confused/hurt look on his face, looking from side to side
"No hug for dear old dad, no sirey, just here for the money" he said sarcastically to no one
"Glad you know" I joked, and gave him a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek
"So I have lunch I was hoppiii-" I stuttered off as I watched a beautiful man, a genius, a fluffy haired, angelic, smart, kind man walk by me, his name
Doctor Spencer fuckin Reid
"Aaand she's gone" my dad said bringing me back to reality, now noticing everyone smiling at me, him not even noticing I'm here put his stuff down at his desk
"Wwwhat his papers are insanely good" I whispered looking at my shoes
"Well, I'd still like to know what the hell is going on?!" Morgan asks
"This is one of my daughters from my second marriage" he finishes the sentence with a kiss to my head
"Also I already knew your names, my father has prepared me well" I laughed
"Huh and I guess you know pretty boy?" Morgan asks with a smirk, still working at his desk (I'd have to meet him later) I nodded quickly with a blush
"I think she knows him more than she knows any of you, and she's actually met you guys now" my father answers, while everyone starts "oouu" -ing and laughing, I just blushed with my head down
I eventually met Spencer when everyone came to our house for a cook out, walking backward with a chair isn't a good idea when you can't see behind you.
"OUFF" hit a wall, wait... walls don't make noises
I put the chair down and turn around "OH MY GoD, Im So SorRy" my voice cracked as I spoke to the man in front of me "Are you okay?" I asked
"Haha yeah I'm fine, it was my fault anyway, I wasn't looking where I was going. You're Y/n right?" I instantly blushed
"y-yeah I am, Doctor Spencer Reid, if I'm not incorrect?"
"yes!" He smiled, absolutely beautiful. He helped me move the chair and we talked slightly, me stuttering the entire time.
Again visiting my father at work, today was gonna be a good day.
I was getting ready to turn the corner to my fathers office when I ran into someone
"Sor- oh hi" it's like his ears were hurting, why do I have to run into you while I'm thinking about what a domesticated you would look like
"Hi, how are you?" He must have just woke up because his voice was deep as hell, and he had dark circles under his beautiful brown eyes
"-hi-" I couldn't think of anything else to say, I walked away quickly
"Hey can we go for lunch?" I asked my dad quickly
"Sorry kid, we got a case" disappointing but at least I can talk to Garcia alone (we've become good friends)
A while after they left:
I just walked straight into Garcia's office
"I SAID HI, TWICE" I said terrified
"Woah woah woah, what are we flipping out about" she looked very concerned
"I said hi twice! We bumped into each other and I said 'oh hi' and he said 'hi, how are you?' And I JUST SAID HI AGAIN?! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO REDUCE MY IQ TO 3?!"
"Wai- you mea-" I cut her off
"Spencer! Yes! Duh! Why does he have to be so hot and smart and adorable, I mean have you read his paper on quantum physics?! Only a perfect man could be that smart and THAT HOT!" I flopped on the couch in her bat cave
"Okay, baby doll, please don't be mad at me, I tried to tell you!" Only then did I look down to see the little red light being produced from the phone
"Yes." She said in a sorry voice
"Who are you on the phone with?" I asked nervously
"Oh! Actually hotch!"
"I'm not afraid to remove your knee caps Uncle Aaron." I said dangerously
"I'll help her hide the body!" Garcia shouted
"Ha.Ha. you want the bad news or good news?"
We stayed quiet
"Okay bad news is, the entire time Garcia's been on speaker, including the time that you ranted about boy genius, also bad news I'm sitting around everyone"
I could have cried until he said
"Good news is, is he can't stop smiling"
"EA" I let out a small yelp from Garcia nudging me and the information.
"You'll have to wait till we get back to ask her out, Rossi quit death staring him, you already knew, here's your fifty"
I ran out of the room and home, soon enough a couple days later there was a knock at my apartment door
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piratefalls · 7 months
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it's been a week and it's only tuesday. my brain is so tired i almost uploaded a snapshot of my dog's vet records. here's the greatest hits of everything i've read in the last week. (mind the tags on a few!)
might blow up in your pretty face by crybabie
“I see you liked my gift,” Alex’s voice was light, but lower than Henry had ever heard it. His belly swooped at the sound. And then the words caught up with him. “Gift?” He felt the color drain from his face and frantically reopened Snapchat to confirm his worst fucking nightmare: his most recent outgoing messages had been sent to Alex, and all of them had been opened already. “Playing dumb doesn’t suit you,” Alex told him, still teasing, but he sounded muffled through the ringing in Henry’s ears. “I gotta say, I wasn’t expecting you to even acknowledge them, let alone send pictures. They look good on you.” - or, the next box was indeed full of thongs :)
When I Met You (I Could Not Speak) by @sparklepocalypse
Following the latest string of disastrous first dates with beautiful women to whom he’s decidedly unattracted, and with yet another circular argument with Philip about duty still ringing in his ears, Henry’s summarily fled to the countryside. Here at least, he reasons, there’s no pressure to woo the locals. (A modern fairy tale AU.)
A thousand dreams that would awake me by @kiwiana-writes
“It’s not about punishment.” Alex just nods; Henry had been very clear on the form that he wasn’t looking to be dominated or put in his place, so that won’t be new information. “And it’s not the pain as such.” He runs his fingers along the edge of the mug. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like to feel it, but I’m not looking for pain for the sake of pain. It’s more about… control, I think.” There’s a long silence. “Taking it?” Alex prompts finally. “Or giving it up?” “Does it sound ridiculous if I say both?” Or, Henry visits a sex club to get spanked the way he's craving.
Foreign Bodies by clottedcreamfudge
“We both know it's not a doctor you need,” Henry says, sharp and beautiful, hands hovering just in front of him like he wants to touch Alex, but knows exactly how it would be received; like he knows Alex would burst into fucking flames at the first brush of his fingertips. Three hours ago, Alex had been quite happy to live without being burned. Now, he thinks he'd pay for the privilege.
Well It Ain't Missionary by everwitch
Alex Claremont-Diaz, a ballet dancer, is asked to list his ‘favorite positions.’ His hilariously suggestive answer goes viral, as does the unexpectedly flustered reaction to it by the Internet’s very own FoxySexEd. So obviously, Alex has to slide into Henry’s DMs. How could he resist? When a man that attractive wants your dick, only a fool would pass. Henry is surprising. He wants to be pushed around, thrown for a loop, and he wants Alex to do it for him. But whenever Alex tries to soften his landing, Henry clams up like he’s been burned. Alex can work around that, obviously. He's a dancer. If you're gonna toe the line just right, pointe shoes are a must. Or: Alex and Henry fuck. Not in missionary.
all my time is yours to spend by smc_27
Any way you look at it, Bea is not meant to be here, and if it were just the lights, he’d assume she forgot to turn them off. The fire burning is another thing entirely. The weather has been dreadful, and perhaps her flight was canceled. Surely, she’d have told him as much. He should investigate.
i told myself don't get attached (but in my mind i play it back) by coffeecatsme
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Claremont-Diaz,” the woman behind the counter says, eyes wide and apologetic. Alex grits his teeth so he doesn’t say something inappropriate in a lobby full of scared families, crying kids, and the obscenely tall British guy that’s currently giving him a fucking migraine. “Due to the snowstorm warning, all the flights are cancelled, and unfortunately the room you’ve booked is currently occupied.” “Occupied,” Alex repeats dumbly, nails digging into his palm. “I booked this room three months ago.” “Yes, well, the previous occupant—” “Should’ve been out of here by now.” Alex knows he sounds harsh, he knows the stupid blond is hovering somewhere behind him listening to the whole conversation, but he can’t help it. He’s not spending what’s supposed to be his vacation alone with another guy in his room. Or, Alex and Henry are stuck in the same room in a hotel during a sudden blizzard
how do you want me? by rizcriz
“Christ,” Henry curses quietly, lowering the camera. “You’re beautiful.” Kneeling on the bed, his ankles crossed behind him, a hand tucked into his briefs, the other carefully weaved through his hair, is Bea’s friend Alex. The light sits on his skin, a delicate shadow of eyelashes fan over his cheeks, and when Henry speaks, he opens his eyes and looks at him from beneath those eyelashes, a careful smirk slipping over his lips. He doesn’t move from the pose, though, as he says, “You’re not so bad yourself, sweetheart.” - Or Henry’s in over his head.
The Next Draft by graceofgrayskull
“This is so unfair,” Alex says, still eyeing Henry. “What?” June asks. “That Henry Fox is talented, successful, and also mind-numbingly good-looking?” says Nora. Alex nods. “Exactly. Like my perfect nemesis. He’s coming for my brand.” -- Alex has read Henry Fox's debut approximately three times in the past three months. The novel, featuring a wary protagonist coming to terms with his sexuality, is garnering Fox critical acclaim. And maybe Alex is a little jealous — his own novel generated a surprising amount of success last year after going viral online, but it just wasn't cut out for the type of buzz Fox was receiving. So Alex jumps at the chance to meet Henry at a book signing, despite knowing very little about the man himself. What starts as a bad first impression quickly leads to fast friendship, many Instagram DMs, and a whole lot of mutual pining.
Shoot Your Shot by RoseHarperMaxwell
Jimmy raises his eyebrows in anticipation. “First celebrity crush?” As usual, Alex’s mouth is moving before his mind can catch up. “Oh,” he gestures, like this is both obvious and the easiest question he’s ever been asked. “Prince Henry.”
No Laughing Matter by inexplicablymine
Ellen is leaning over him, her blonde hair pulled back in a perfectly coiffed updo. He had never managed to understand why exactly she was always dressed so impeccably in her scrubs as a dentist. But she seemed almost presidential, even with the eyeglasses that had magnifying glasses sticking out of them making her look a little like some kind of bug. She only needs a quick look before she is snapping her gloves against her wrists pulling away. “Wisdom teeth come in and then they come out,” she says, and then as an afterthought tack on, “just like you.” Or, who said a meet cute couldn't happen while getting your Wisdom Teeth out?
Love and Hate at the Farmers' Market by @myheartalivewrites
Alex and Henry both work at a farmers' market and they hate each other, until suddenly— oops! They don't!
i'll bet it all on me and you, i'll bet it all you're bulletproof by anincompletelist
“Let’s do this,” he says. “Let’s,” Alex agrees, pushing down on the handle until the door swings open. “After you, boyfriend.” This is most definitely not his finest idea. Henry usually practices much better self preservation skills. Much better common sense skills. He steps over the threshold of Alex’s room and it feels like sealing his fate. They’re doing this for Alex to win over their bosses in a lighthearted game with a harmless lie, but Henry can’t fight off the bitter knowledge that, regardless of how tonight goes, Alex will be fine, but Henry has so much to lose.
in an emergency by metacrisis
Alex gets in his own head about a meme Henry liked and decides to take matters, quite literally, into his own hands. OR, Alex gets a sex toy and other nonsense.
(Valen)Tie Me Up by happinessofthepursuit
“Well, I actually made your gift at one of Pez’s workshops, though I’m sure they would’ve gotten it out of me anyway,” Henry says, voice fond. Alex’s mind is whirring, going through the monthly calendars from Seize the Play. Pez leads classes multiple times a week, but there’s only a few that Henry could’ve attended, and one in particular that would explain his own gift… “Which one?” Alex asks. “I think that’ll immediately be clear.” Or, Alex and Henry exchange gifts for their first Valentine’s together—then proceed to use them.
More Amour by surveycorpsjean
Alex discovers something in Henry's closet that changes everything.
Confidential Memorandum by sherryvalli
"Hello, Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's office. How may I help you?" "Hello, can I speak to Mr. Fox-Mount-krishen, please?" Alex blinked. After two weeks of hearing nothing but the voices of snooty men and frazzled secretaries calling in, the person on the other line now sounded decidedly neither snooty nor male nor in any way adult. It was a little girl. "Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's unfortunately in a meeting right now,” Alex began slowly, “but I could take a message?" "Oh." The girl paused. "You're not Mr. Hunter." Alex starts a new job as Henry's new assistant. Henry's daughter keeps calling the office and leaving him messages.
in bloom by stutteringpeach
Yoo, can u hook me up with some flowers?? It's the busiest day of the year for florists. Alex texts Henry with a last minute request.
don't want you like a best friend by @priincebutt
The thing about marrying your best friend who you also happen to have a very secret crush on, is that you don’t take into account how much it will hurt. When they’re around his family and Alex holds his hand so easily, like it’s second nature, it makes Henry’s heart skip a beat, but when they return back to his apartment the distance is deafening. Alex purposefully sits at the opposite end of the couch, and Alex sleeps in the guest bedroom, and Alex calls him ‘man’ like two bros who definitely aren’t in love with each other. So he pines, and he’s heartbroken already, because he knows how much this is going to shatter him when it’s over. Because Alex is integrating into his life like it’s nothing, like it’s easy and this could be their new normal, and that kind of thinking is fucking dangerous. Or, Alex and Henry get married, conveniently.
everyone adores you (at least i do) by matherine
Rain is coming down in sheets against the stained glass windows of the brownstone when the door swings open, ushering in the howl of the wind and the man Henry loves more than anything in the world. “Why didn’t you use your colonizer blood money to buy a place closer to the train station?” Alex calls from the doorway. Henry hears the familiar rhythm of the lock tumblers turning and Alex’s copy of the key to the brownstone clinking against Henry’s signet ring and the key to the Austin house on his chest, only vaguely muffled by the rain. “It’s miserable out there.” Or: Alex comes into the brownstone in the midst of a rainstorm, and Henry realizes he never wants him to leave.
know how to cover up a scene by HypnosTheory
“That’s how Alvie kisses Harry,” Alex says, squeezing Henry’s wrist. Henry’s eyes dart down to the slight red mark on Alex’s cheek. He hit Alex the last time they were together. Henry didn’t get to watch the bruise form then with Alex between his legs. “That’s why Harry wanders, but he always comes back.” Henry draws in a shaky breath. “Alvie’s a lucky man.” Alex’s eyes drop to Henry’s neck, where the diamond of his pendant hangs amid the forming marks Alex left behind. “Sure is." __ Henry Fox, needing an extraction, must rely on his part-time rival, full-time problem Alex Claremont-Diaz. To get that extraction, Henry needs to pose as Alex's date for a high-stakes dinner. They get in character - and stay that way behind closed doors.
as always, let me know if you want to be tagged, and i'll see you next week!
tagging: @starkfridays @stilesgivesmefeels @midnightsfp @sarahjswift
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finneyfinland · 6 days
I Think We're Alone Now chapter 2
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SUMMARY: Billionaire Reginald Hargreeves adopts 8 children all born on the same day of the same year. 7 of which were soon introduced as the umbrella academy. To you, the umbrella academy was nothing but a man using his power to traumatizes children. You'd know, as you were number 8. The Vampire
WARNINGS: mentions of child torture (experiments). Starvation, body horror (vampire), cannibalism, child abuse, blood, death, murder, childhood trauma (noncon tattooing), nightmares
A/N: Please listen to the warnings, there's gonna be a LOT of blood talk in this one. I'll be calling Victor Vanya but I will also use they/them as to lessen the blow. When the third season comes around we'll switch over dw
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As the group follows Five to the kitchen, you try to get a head start on adjusting to Five's usual body, but slightly altered. His body usually was full of carbs and sugar with almost electricity energy shuttering throughout, to help fuel his abilities. This Five was extremely lacking the balance needed to sustain his healthy bodily growth pattern. You walk in tandem beside him before speaking quietly, "Your muscle mass will deplete rapidly if you don't feed yourself soon". He glances up at you in surprise before glaring "where does it look like I'm going?" His response puts a smile on your face as you hum, falling back a few paces to rejoin the rest of the group following behind. It's nice to see that some things don't change.
You stand between Vanya and Allison as you all watch Five run around the kitchen. "What's the date? The exact date." Vanya responds while Five grabs the package of bread, laying two slices upon the cutting board you watched him bring out. "Perfect" Is all Five says. He must have been counting on a certain date. Before you can try to unpack that Luther demands an explanation, trying to intimidate him into answering. Which goes completely ignored by Five. It's hard to focus on the very important interrogation attempt when everyone's heart rates are fluctuating rapidly. You try to listen over the many sounds only you can hear. Five matches Luther's energy before teleporting behind him trying to reach for the cupboards. You find it amusing that he has to use the step stool to reach.
"Where'd you go?" Diego asks looking to the ground. "The future. It's shit, by the way." Five responds as he grabs the sugar and teleports back to the cutting board. "Called it" Klaus exclaims as he raises his hand. "I should've listened to the old man." The way Five pauses his explanation to complement Klaus, and Klaus's immediate flamboyant thanks brings a smile to your face.
As Vanya asks a question you focus on what Five could be making. So far the ingredients are suspiciously close to the 'meals' that you all used to make as kids. The same ones you and Vanya left out for him. Looks like he still loves them.
While you were distracted Five must of said something too snarky for his own good cause Diego shoots out of his seat. You're glad Luther was able to stop him, he just got back and they're already fighting? you thought to yourself. Meanwhile Luther asks Five how much time he spent in the future. "Forty-five years, give or take" as Five's response hit the air your siblings around you sit back in disbelief. For the family it was 20 years at max, to hear that it's been 45 for him shocks you. As the heartbeats of your sibling continue to fluctuate as they struggle to digest the information in front of them Five mentions a 'Dolores' confusing the group even further.
Five grabs the newspaper with father's death on the front page. "Guess I missed the funeral." Luther and Diego seem to still be arguing about the true cause of father's sudden death. The rest of your group ignore the bubbling anger beside them in favor for the mystery that is Five. "Nice to see nothings changed." Five walks off. As he passes you Allison tries to questions him, but Five brushes her off in favor of going upstairs with his sandwich.
As he leaves the rest of your siblings and you are now even more confused. Getting what felt like more questions instead of the answers you all need. The group disperses now all splitting up to take a breather, attempt to take everything in.
With Vanya and Five together in the parlor you change into bulkier clothing to withstand the chill that so commonly is paired with the rain. It's finally time for you and your siblings to hold a mock mourning ceremony back behind the house. You pull on your long black coat to fight the cold. Before heading out you make sure to grab your umbrella that you take everywhere. It's black, with a mesh veil flowing down along all sides for extra coverage. Usually it's for the sun, but it should sustain in actual rain.
With Luther carrying the ashes everyone follows behind. You walk beside Vanya and mom, stopping near Ben's statue. "Did something happen?" Mom asks, her wiring must really be acting up. The question concerns your siblings as they answer her question with confusion. Diego tries to reassure the group but you can tell he doesn't believe his words. Pogo walks out and joins the circle to prompt Luther into starting. As he pours out father's urn the ashes drop onto the ground without any grandeur, leaving the mood awkward instead of remorseful. "Probably would have been better with some wind." Luther says, only digging himself a deeper grave.
As Pogo tries to save the occasion with a speech you couldn't help but be angered by his words. Dad might of been a smart billionaire who gave you eight a home, but that doesn't even begin to make up for his abuse. The ugly side of your thoughts peaking through at such a time as this fills you with shame. You don't think you could meet anyone's eyes. Pogo's words act as pure diesel to the flames within Diego, mirroring yours. As they explode, it doesn't seem to make anyone feel better. When Diego brings forth his number, you feel emotion start to rise from your chest.
As Number Eight you understand Diego's argument personally, even hearing the number being brought up in conversation is enough to send you back to your childhood, nothing but bad memories. It's a weakness you've tried to work through with the multiple therapists you've had over the years.
Diego's last challenge to our father sparks another ugly argument between him and Luther. Sometimes words cut deeper than blades ever could, you find it ironic that Diego of all people toe the line so closely. Arguments like this have always happened in your family, no one was similar enough to truly be close, but everyone was too close feel different, at least in the good way. The differences between you all couldn't be more stark, but the experiences you share could be enough to tie you together. If they could get over themselves anyway.
Luther swings at Diego and all hope for a nice reunion is lost in a second. You grab mom and pull the two of you away from the fighting. Heart rates increase in speed and volume as Vanya tries to get them to stop, being immediately blocked out by Klaus spurring them on. Pogo leaves the group as the brawl gets too close to Ben's statue. "We don't have time for this." Just as Five walks away to return to the house Luther's punch collapses Ben's statue. As the pieces hit the ground it feels like a part of you is shattering along side it. The world stops for a second, before your forced to shift your eyes back, numb and alone.
Ben's been gone for a while, but you haven't quite let he go yet. Both of you were close when he was alive. Seeing the only grace he was given disrespected digs at an old wound.
The moment doesn't last as Diego whips a knife through the air, it clips Luther's arm. Halting the fight as Luther walks off clutching his arm. Vanya moves to confront Diego and a chill rushes up your spine. Not able to dare risk confrontation, another fight would only make you feel worse. You walk back into the house, head low. Wanting the loudness of everyone's heart beats out of your ears, missing your apartment now more than ever.
You collect your bag and make your way to the front doors. It seems the familiar smells and sounds prove to be too much for you. As you open the front doors and step out onto the street the once harsh chill air feels freeing, a dark weight lifted enough to breath unburdened. As you stand on the side walk your brain calls back another old memory of when you left for good all those years ago. I was dumb to think anything would change you think to yourself as the taxi begins your ride back to your quiet apartment.
Although your body has left, your mind is still swimming with anxieties. That's when the itching starts. It burns into your forearm as your rip your sleeve back. When you look down your met with the tattoo you were branded with as a child.
You were the last number, placed almost at the end of the line. You're forced to watch your sibling cling to each other as tears stream down their young faces. As you sit in between Five and Ben their heart beats clue you into their fear. Ben is almost in tears just at the sight of our siblings, while Five tries to put up a brave front. Meanwhile Klaus has been dissociating since Luther sat in the chair first. When you look up you can see Vanya as they stand on the landing of the staircase looking down as we cling to one another. Sometimes you wonder if their happy that they're missing out. But later when you're sleeping over in their room you spot a black marker drawing of an umbrella matching yours on their arm.
Days at home were hard, but at night there was a sliver of peace waiting for you. A secret you've kept to yourself, the dark nights were a comfort only you could have. When the last of your siblings succumbed to sleep they're heart beats would slow, sometimes if you were really lucky they would sync up for a few beats. It would only happen for a second, but when it did, it was like music. All different instruments coming together as one. You were trained to distinguish your siblings heart beats, but when they combined there was no telling who was who. Klaus or Luther, Five or Diego, Vanya or Ben they were indistinguishable. It was only after two or three beats separated that you could tell. You're sure that if you told them about your love for their hearts, they would be weirded out. So you've kept it to yourself. To this day the sounds and patterns of your siblings live inside your brain. Training forever burnt into your skull.
Your thoughts come to a close as the cab stops in front of your complex. As you walk up to your floor you extend your senses to the greater neighborhood around. Searching in vain for your siblings. Surprisingly you find the faintest sound belonging to Five. Two other heart beats foreign to you are with him. Unlocking your door and closing it with a click your hang up your coat and prepare to settle in for the night. Exhausted, your mind is quick to let Five's heart slip into your subconscious. It makes your some nice background noise as you sit on your couch sleep blinks in and out as your own heart rate slows.
Five's however doesn't get the memo. It cuts out, and accelerates to levels harmful to the common human. Your mind is too tired from the long day, but a part of you begs to keep your eyes and ears open. Five's heart only cuts out when he's jumping, and it's happening way too soon. But with how far away he is there's no use in listening any longer. Five's the one who can teleport anyway your brain reasons. As long as his heart doesn't stop, you shouldn't have to worry.
A couple minutes pass and Five jumps out of your reach before flickering back in. See, he's fine you slip in and out of sleep, still calling out to your siblings. Eventually your able to fall into a gentle sleep. Soothed by the hearts of your neighbors, and the cars passing below..
Days are long for a wolf living among sheep. Every passerby is a meal that is practically begging to be devoured. The wolf's life as a sheep doctor is torturous. Can you imagine? A perfectly prepared meal sitting open on a table. The wolf is sure that anyone would understand if they took a bite, after all isn't it the wolf's natural instincts? Why should the wolf have to starve itself as sheep prance around them? Aren't the sheep just asking for a wolf to come along?!
It's pointless for a wolf to hold back, barely surviving isn't enough. When you have an infinite source of food, wouldn't you just dig in. Why hold back? Who's to judge you if you just eat them too? It's not like the sheep ever saw the wolf as anything more than a predator. Proving them right is only natural. It's always been the way of life, hasn't it? Survival of the fittest and all…
You're sweating, limbs aching. You must of fallen asleep on the couch again. There's this loud beating in your ears, it's starting to get on your nerves. Oh wait, it's your heart. No wonder it was so loud. Faintly other hearts join yours through the quiet night until you realize one's different from the rest. It's unique, and it's fast. Too fast. You groan, naps always act like a hard reset. All sorts of questions come to mind. Who am I, where am I, what time is it, hell what day is it? The special heart beat has gotten louder, faster in your ears. Faintly you remember you were listening for this very heart.
As your mind clears it all comes back to you. It's Five's heart. Five's back. His heart is going way too fast to be normal, and it's giving you a headache. You stand with a huff. 'Might as well go check'. You think to yourself as you put your coat and shoes on. The walk to Five's location is interrupted as he jumps away. Luckily you can still hear it. Now that you think about it, you can hear another. Vanya's apartment must be close. How Five managed to find it is beyond you. You sigh and call a cab, you've already walked too long tonight. If you want to hold out until your next feeding day you'll need to hold back on wasting energy.
The ride is easy, and your left in font of Vanya's complex. You'll just have to guess with your ears what floor she's on. As you walk floor to floor you start to hear voices. Five's talking, you must be getting close then. As you step up to the door you breathe in a calming breath. Here goes nothing you knock on the door eight times, a calling card you used to use as kids. The conversation inside halts. Quickly Vanya walks to the door before opening it. When the door opens that's when you can smell it. Fresh food.
As your eyes scan the room for it your eyes land on a injured Five. It's not his blood you can smell though. He has someone, he has someone's limbs. Quickly your mouth fills with saliva. You rip your eyes away to focus on Vanya. Their concerned face meets your stoic one. You smile, "Hey, you left early and I barely got to talk to you today." You hope this will be a decent lie. Luckily for you they fall for it. "Oh right sorry, I just needed a breather." Vanya replies, "Yeah so did I, our siblings are just as loud as ever." As Vanya opens the door further you step in the space. "Is that a new violin bow? Did the old one finally break?" You smile sadly, it was practically a gift from father. "Yeah it couldn't take anymore string repairs." Vanya closes the door before turning to look at the old thing.
Finally you turn to Five "What're you doing here? You smell like blood." Five smirks, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you." he pull out a wrap of newspaper. You can tell by the smell alone that it's flesh. You swallow as he unwraps it. Vanya gasps as he reveals three fingers, still fresh. "I need you to tell me about this person, think you can do it?" Five asks, he cut off fingers for you. He knew you would come and find him.
You clear your throat, "how long since they died?" You can't eat blood from the dead, father found that out the hard way. After 4 hours the blood turns to poison. "About an hour now." Five says casually. Vanya sits down on their couch, turned away as to not see. They've become accustomed over the years to your diet. But the fear that comes with severed parts is normal. It's ordinary.
"Alright" you outstretch you hand palm up. Five steps forward and drops the fingers into you hand. Your eyes lock onto them, it's been awhile since you've eaten body parts. Luckily your stomach can digest whole bones.
With one last breath you lift a finger up to your mouth. The taste is even better than the smell. The blood fills your mouth as your teeth tare the skin and muscle. The flavor is rich, and filling. Your teeth crunch the bones and grind them into nothing. The first goes too fast. As you bring up the second finger you focus on taking in any information you can.
Male, good diet, healthy. Another gulp. Upper 20s to lower 30s. There's a old blood pressure problem. He's taking the proper medication. His bones snap from the pressure of your jaw as the warm nectar of life drips down your throat. Veins burst gushing into your mouth. Lots of stress in daily life. Strict boss, long shifts taking a toll. High heart rate within the last seconds. Another bite and there's a slight after taste. He's had alcohol with the last 12 hours. Drinking irresponsibly on the job. The skin smells of gunpowder. Vastly different locations. A clean office then dirty streets. Steady hands on decline. The muscle is plump, he works out. Not enough at his age, but semi-regularly. The third has passed your lips without you noticing, too hungry. He hates his job, not enough money maybe. Or too many hours, bad coworkers. He's low on the chain, not respected enough.
Your hunger blinds you to the outside world. You lick you hand clean, stomach never truly full. Soon you realize that there's eyes on you. Quickly you straighten up. Your fangs are out, your eyes are probably blown out, you're panting like a dog. You lost track and now you've embarrassed yourself. You meet Five's eyes hesitantly, ashamed. He's smirking at you, that dumb look. It's like he's planned everything out and the pieces are all falling into place. You remember what he used to say, 'I only stand so close because I'm stronger than you'. "Well, what've you got?" Always one to cut to the chase. "Healthy, but an alcoholic. Regretful, angry about his job. Slightly drunk, but got another shift less than 10 hours ago. Works for an office type headquarters, but is low on the chain. A throw away worker. Quickly replaced." You finish as you take out a spare tissue to wipe any leftover blood. Five nods at each point before turning to sit back onto the chair behind him. "Thank you for the plentiful meal." You say as your face wipes clean. Five scowls. You walk around the couch before sitting next to Vanya.
Eventually it gets late, Vanya insists both of you stay until morning. You're quick to accept while Five goes along with it. Vanya brings out blankets for Five and invites you to sleep over in their room. You lay beside Vanya, the same way you used to as kids. They fall asleep and you can hear Five jump away as Vanya's heart slows. You get up from the bed and write them a note. 'Shift at 5 :)' A little white lie. You leave it on their counter before heading back home. Gotta leave before sunlight. Even though you just ate, you didn't bring your umbrella with you.
Tomorrow you'll stop by the house. Peak your head in the door before leaving. You don't want to get too involved, getting close to the family never brings any good.
We're just too destructive.
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mega-punani · 2 years
How would the Pirate boys react to MC being protective over them? Like, they got injured during a fight and Mc is ready to jump to their defense after it happens/while healing
HDFAJDHAHDK thanks a fun/cute though I feel like they would react like...
Sans: Something about you defending him shakes him to the core. Maybe it's cause it feels nice to be the once being protected for once. Maybe it's because he can tell you care so much about him. Maybe it's the feeling of trusting you and depending on you. It feels... good.
Papyrus: WOWEE! Papyrus is flattered! He felt like a damsel in distress getting saved by a knight (in a good way). He also wants to repay you for your valiant behavior. Hopefully, he can save you just like you had him, or maybe treat you to a meal?
Blue: oh wow... thank you. Blue is oddly quiet after that encounter... BUT DON'T WORRY he's not upset! Actually, the opposite! He's trying to think of a way to repay you. Would you like some cannon shiner, or maybe a blue bandana?
Stretch: He wants to be annoyed... so bad. But gawdayum, you looked so cool. You better nor mention this to the crew. He swears they would never live this down. But he'll thank you in his own begrudging way.
Red: Dependable and a sweet? You're the whole package! Red's gonna flirt with you, and if he already was, he's gonna do it harder. He's just so charmed, don't blame him to hard, yeah?
Edge: Edge is used to all this. You have his back. He has yours. Of course, he's grateful, and he'll thank you after the fray of battle. But there is no need to linger on the feeling. It did make him feel... something.
Razz: Thanks... anyways. Razz isn't impressed. This is what comes with the job, and this is what the crew must do to keep order. He doesn't care about how amazing you looked and how strong you are. Not at all.
Cash: That healed something in his inner child... All his life he grew up with people jeering and attacking him. Of course, this is due to his stealing, but he was just a desperate kid. His family was there for him, but they were family. You had defended him unquestionably and with no reason... Cash is going to ponder this later.
Bear: Man's is HORRIFIED- What is little y/n DOING??? He can take plenty of hits, but you? After, he'll tell you never to jump in front of him like that again. Of course, he can't help the creeping smile knowing that you got his back.
Cinnamon: Nice one! Cinnamon is full on cheering you on as you whoop serious butt. You looked so cool! Did he ever tell you that? Cause he's going to tell you that. Along with a hundred thank you's and favors!
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bigfan-fanfic · 7 months
Writing Game 1.4: Campfire
Prompt: Campfire Pairing: Clark Kent/Steve Rogers
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"I still think it's cheating." Steve grins, watching Clark roll his eyes.
"Well, I'm sorry that the 'Star-Spangled Man With a Plan' couldn't get the flint working."
"Wow, do people still know about that one? I kinda thought that one would die off. It's a bit of a mouthful."
"I was just a very good history student."
"Aren't you a reporter? Shouldn't you be more interested in current events?"
"You are current." Clark laughs. "But also, you've got to know where you've been to know where you're going, right?"
"Then I guess I must know that better than anyone." Steve clicks his teeth, shooting Clark a grin. His face must be funny, because Clark snorts in an effort to stifle his giggles.
It wasn't exactly a common thing for them, camping, but during a week spent in Smallville with the Kents, Steve took the opportunity when Clark mentioned it to get them some private time. Martha and Jonathan are wonderful, but their guest room is just not conducive for two large muscular men in the same bed.
"I really liked getting to see your home. It's fascinating to me... were you ever really that small?"
Clark laughs again. "Yeah. I was quite the shrimpy kid, you know. It was one of the things I liked - Pa was a late bloomer too, and it made me feel connected to him when they told me when I was adopted."
Steve nods. "They're lucky to have you. And you with them. I think my mom woulda liked them. And you."
Clark lies back on the soft grass, looking up through the trees to the night sky. "You're doing okay, right?"
"Hmm?" Steve asks, glancing back at him. "Okay about what?"
"That joke Pa made this morning. About you being older than him."
It was harmless, Steve thought. In his own way, Jonathan was trying to put Steve at ease about it. It was a weird situation, even he would admit. How would he feel if his and Clark's son was marrying a guy who looked his age but was older than him? And then the idle thought hits him in full force that he just imagined him and Clark having a kid in the future. Starting a family. But he didn't let his wild thoughts run away with his mouth. "I didn't mind, honestly. I like that he's... okay enough to joke, I guess?"
Steve flops back onto the grass and rolls onto his side, looking right at Clark. "I love you."
"Aww. I love you too."
The reply is always so easy for Clark. It still makes Steve jumpy, the idea of being so open and free with his love - even when he knew his attraction to more than just women, he knew only that kind was "acceptable" in polite society. The first time he kissed Clark in public, he had a reaction that was somehow like the euphoric feeling of cresting the top of a roller coaster and having a panic attack all at once.
Clark scoots closer, and Steve opens his arms to cuddle him close.
"Thanks for doing this. I know maybe a whole week with my parents might be overwhelming-"
"It's really not. Martha and Jon are... they're amazing people. And you have such a close relationship with them - what, am I gonna make you choose, them or me?" Steve scoffs. "I think, even under normal circumstances, your parents are probably the best ever."
Clark beams at him, and graces him with a long, slow, passionate kiss. "All the same, we'll head home after tomorrow. I wanna do things with you that I really don't wanna be in my parents' house for."
Steve blushes, and Clark kisses him again. "I mean... technically we're not in your parents' house right now."
It's so hard to fluster Clark, and Steve cherishes the chances he gets to. Clark goes bright red, and then rolls off of Steve, laughing. "Okay, someday I'll tell you about when I came out to my parents. Let's just say I'm never trying to have sex on their land again."
"Oh, come on, you have to tell me now!"
"Fine. We were fooling around. Me and this boy from school. A good friend, Billy Crescent. My first boyfriend, after Lana and I broke up. And he, well... let's just say I caused a sonic boom and knocked down a whole buncha trees."
Steve starts to snicker, and bursts into full on guffaws. Clark pouts just a moment before he starts to laugh too.
"Alright, alright. We'll make sure not to cause another environmental incident until we get home." Steve teases, silencing Clark's retort with another long kiss.
They speak and kiss well into the night, and long after their campfire dies down, they cuddle in each other's arms, fast asleep.
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kharmii · 2 months
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(Where Dabi takes Geten out of his Meta Liberation Army bubble so he can observe some normal people)
Geten: Is the Meta Liberation Army handbook short on stock?
Clerk: Sorry, that's all we have... *sigh*
Geten: Get a larger stock and they will sell!
Clerk: Thank you for your suggestion.
Geten: There's still time to be patient until that glorious day comes.
It can't be helped; I must refrain from using my meta ability in public. (To Dabi) What did you buy?
Dabi: It's a secret.
Geten: Stop following me!
Dabi: It's a babysitting job. Give me the pocket money the bald CEO gave you.
Geten: Don't call him bald!
Dabi: Let's get something to eat.
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Geten: We'll go to the restaurant run by PLA soldiers and frequented by government officials that offers free all-you-can-eat meals to senior officials.
Dabi: That's so shitty.
(Dabi takes Geten to a popular fast-food burger joint instead)
Geten: -Looks messy
(Sign says 'Wo's Burgers')
Dabi: How can we talk about the future of society without knowing what's popular with our current society?
Worker: Welcome to Wo's. Can I take your order!
Random Girl: Hello, mom? The closing ceremony is over. Big brother is here too.
Random Older Boy: Which one is good?
Random Voice on Phone: Yes, I went to pick you up. I'll be back after lunch.
Random Younger Boy: No way.
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Boy: The red one!
Older Brother: Seriously?!?!?! It's spicy!
Boy: Yeah! Ta-bo is an adult at school.
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Dabi: Hey.
Geten: Ah... Ah, leave it to me.
Dabi: If you don't like it, burn it.
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Geten: Don't just kill future soldiers without permission.
Don't hold me back with haphazard slaughter. If you get in his way, I'll put an end to your life right here.
(Geten gets more worked up)
Geten: When the time comes, as much as you want to, just kill them if they need killing. Right now, you're definitely the one holding me back.
(Where Geten reveals how he can't connect with regular people from being sheltered and isolated by MLA ideology.....hints at affection for Dabi maybe)
Geten: It's possible to become attached to a single ant,
When they gather together, they're no different from the buildings that grow everywhere.
It's an unrealistic view, like watching them from the other side of a television or a window.
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Geten: ReDestro is passionate about society, which includes the general public.
Even if I think so, maybe I-I need to have a real, tangible experience of it.
Even if a large number of people were killed in front of you, you probably wouldn't feel any particular sympathy.
I think it puts a river between us.
The reason I stopped earlier was simply because that's what Re-Destro still wants.
Blue Flame, who are you?
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Dabi: You're so talkative. Are you an adolescent?
Everyone has a river around them, right?
So, let's build a bridge for the same cause or dream... No matter how many weird arguments you make, no matter how disgusting the logic.
You're just gonna fly off like a brain dead idiot anyway, so don't ask me.
Geten: It's impossible..
Dabi: If you cross, I'll give you a kiss.
Geten: What are you talking about?
Dabi: The story of the ice man who drowned miserably in the Sanzu River.
Geten: Every single time since a while ago.....!
Dabi: It's fine, kids should just act like kids and have a happy meal.
Geten: Stop treating me like a child!
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Geten: I don't approve, I don't approve....
*cough* *munch, munch, munch* *cough* *munch*
(Manages with mouth full) This simple food is the diet of the masses.
*breaks into a paroxysm of choking and coughing from food getting caught in his throat. It was so good he ate it too fast)
Dabi: (amused spewing vinegar) I don't understand hamster language. You are eating your hair. Wow, you look sloppy. Sheez....
*slaps him*
Did it hit you strange?
Geten: !?
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Geten at a high point observing Dabi speaking to another person.
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Geten: (creeping on Dabi in a dark alley) If we understood each other, there would have been a way for us to live together.
Are you pretending to be a self-sacrificing hero?
"You said things like 'light and shadow', 'we live in different worlds', 'fly freely', even though you were the one who made it impossible for me to fly.
That is.....
Is this your kind of love, Blue Flame?
Dabi: He talks so much. He won't stop talking. What a brat.
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Geten: Should I get Trumpet to look into finding a good plastic surgeon?
If you can live without using fire, you don't need me. But you do need me, right?
The two of us could retreat to the countryside.
I wish I could live modestly and peacefully.
Dabi: Get wet
Geten: Dry it yourself.
Dabi: Impossible.
Geten: (thinking) Our relationship continues to develop. What a sad man.
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Geten: (whispers an unintelligible endearment)
Dabi: Don't call me that, I'll kill you.
Geten: Is this name reserved for Hawks? Sorry about that.
Dabi: What, you don't even know your name? (Meaning the endearment is for Geten).
You're living a truly wonderful life, poor thing.
Geten: ? (Too dense to get it)
Huh? You're kidding!! How the hell do you know that!!!
Dabi: Pfff.....Let's go.
Geten: (confused, maybe because he doesn't actually know his real name, and Dabi claimed the endearment was his actual name).
Hey! There's more like this!
(Dabi pretends not to listen while Geten rants)
Re-Destro's.......apparently it was discovered in the notes he left behind! And then...! Anyway, there are even more touching scenes!
This is the worst! I don't believe it! Hey!
Dabi: *sighs*
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Art credit: yaoi, hrak (yaoi), My Hero Academia BL 3000+ bookmarks / (※注キャプション)荼ホ+外荼外の今までに描いた漫画 - pixiv
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