reverie-darling · 2 days
Hispanic James this, Desi James that
I present
north African James
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crabrat · 22 hours
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WOO 70s starchaser for @moonstainn‘s DTIYS!!
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flamingo100 · 2 days
Ships as songs:
Jily: Dandelions
Wolfstar: sky full of stars
Jegulus: I found the one
Rosekiller: Sweet but phyco
Dorlene: I kissed a girl
Romione: The Part
Hinny: Addicted to you
Dramione: Wildest dream
There will also be more of these
Pls comment ships y’all want me to do
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padyandmoonfoot · 3 days
james and lily and regulus are the type of couple to run 5ks on Thanksgiving (okay, Regulus complained about it, but he ended up winning anyways) (James ignored him for the rest of the day because of it)
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 days
I wish people would send me asks
I never get any
I mean, I got anon hate but actual asks???? please???
It looks fun
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wolfstargazer · 1 day
19th May - 24 hours to live - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 289
Remus wonders how things might have been different if they had known...
Sometimes, he looks back on those hours just before, trying to ascribe some significance, desperately looking for meaning that hadn't been there...
If there had been signs then maybe he might have stopped it... might have found a way to prevent what was to happen next...
But there was nothing.  Just the domestic. The mundane. It had been quiet in Grimmauld Place without Kreacher. They'd sat at the kitchen table and ate a simple supper. He had taken his drink to finish it in the upstairs living room, opening the book he was in the process of reading and balancing it on his knee. The evening had passed in companionable silence until Sirius had caught him yawning once again and said, "Let's go to bed."
If they had known would they have made love, Remus wonders, hot and sticky and passionate, clinging violently to one another, knowing it was the last time?
It hadn't mattered. The future was opaque. Death was a stranger refusing to make itself known. Waiting to be revealed in that final terrible moment when the flash of the curse had hit Sirius squarely in the chest and he'd slipped, the half-smile of surprise still playing on his lips, through the veil and to where Remus could not follow.
And so they laid together, like so many nights before, beside one another, sleepy but content. Remus had felt Sirius thread his fingers between his, a ghost of a kiss on the back of his hand, unremarkable yet astounding in the way only love every day can be. He had smiled, and Sirius, perhaps sensing the smile in the darkness, had whispered just one word.
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vyntagewrites · 1 day
James Potter with a little extra pudge around the mid section, after years of his wife’s cooking & more low key quidditch.
Remus Lupin needling bifocals to read, sheepish to admit it.
Lily Evans Potter refusing to dye her hair when the grays start coming in, saying it’s “natural & beautiful”
Sirius Black dyeing his hair when the grays start coming in, saying “my names not Sirius Gray!”
Ashdjdintszgaydifnr the Marauders, getting older.
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pottermagiczz · 3 hours
Remus: *sees Sirius wearing fancy clothes*
Remus, sad: I see you have a date. Who's the lucky person?
Sirius: I forgot to ask you, didn't I?
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swedishwatermelon · 3 hours
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wolfstar aesthetic
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pxrty-crxsher · 23 hours
*sirius reaching for something high up*
Remus: do you need help, shortstack?
Sirius: nope, I’m not short.
Remus: Aren’t you like 5’7 ?
Sirius: I identify as tall, thank you.
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doodlemcjazzhands · 2 months
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I need an outlet for my marauders brainrot, so here I am, crawling back to tumblr
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reverie-darling · 1 day
Can I know more abt ur hcs on Nodth African James? Its cool asf and I'm interested to know more 💚🍀🎀
Soo on my NA!James this is focused on Marocan/Algerian
I feel that his Arabic name would be either "Jasir(ja-sir n it means courageous/bold it's too on the nose tbh but it's pretty)" or "Jad and it means and bear w me on this serious hehehe"
Soo I don't think he's gonna like Kouskus like at all ,it feels like sand in his mouth and it doesn't fill him up and the vegetables get mixed up and he hates chickpeas and and- he can come up with a thousand reasons why he doesn't like it
by Effie makes it every Friday "it's tradition to do so James! deal with it" Soo boy eats noodles every Friday 😭 he'd pout about it
Sirius l o v e s Kouskus and doesn't get why James is so picky and eats it every Friday without fail- even gets second servings Effie is always telling James "look Sirius like it, you're just dramatic"
speaking of food, Sirius was used to your typical croissant and coffee french breakfast,so seeing a whole ass feast for breakfast was a jarring experience
I'm talking boiled eggs , coffee,milk, flatbread,homemade fresh and warm bread (Effie is an early bird and she bakes almost every morning) leben (fermented milk), garlic,olives , olive oil
like Monty eats raw garlic in the morning, Sirius is shocked,but then again that man has the power of horse,maybe that's why
also their coffee is strong and Effie drinks that shit black
James knows Arabic, french and English and some berber,so yeah, Sirius/regulus talking french ain't shit,he can n will keep up
he would listen to ray so muchh I hate him
he owns a djellaba and a burnous, Effie makes him wear them in Yannaer (berber's new year)
Effie does henna to both Sirius and James,but not full palm n fingers maybe just a bit in their pinkies
Effie is amazigh (berber) while Monty would probably be from Shlef or something
he would use the sound "aaaahhh" to express multiple emotions , it's like it's own language
Soo yeah, I don't have much bc I thought of him this morning but I'm sure I'll have more after he marinates in my head
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pretty-little-mind33 · 6 months
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: Finding out that your ex-best friend might have smelt you in the Amortentia feels as surreal as you smelling him.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: harassment, non-consensual touching (non-sexual), insecurities
When you hear the door to the classroom swing open, slam into the wall, and as if on cue a chorus of laughs resound around the room, you know it's James and his imbecile friends.
Your lips thin into a tight-lipped smile as you send Marlene an exhausted look.
"Gentlemen," Slughorn drones on as he turns to look at the boys, who comedically trip over themselves to find their spots in the crowd of students, "You're late." 
"Evidently, Professor." Sirius Black quips and nudges his shoulder into James. The latter smirks.
James has somehow found his way next to you. He hasn't done it on purpose but when he turns his head and sees you beside him, his smirk turns into a wide smile.
A smile that never fails to make your knees shake and your heart feel like it could explode.
"Y/n," James whispers. 
"Hi Potter," you roll your eyes, hiding a smile behind faux frustration.
You and James aren't friends. Well, unless you counted the years from ages four to eleven, when you had been inseparable. You'd grown apart these last years and while you'd cried over your lost friendship in first year, you had decided it was for the best to distance yourself from him anyway. 
Having a crush on your best friend is incredibly cliché.
Still, although you weren't friends in the same way as you had been, James has always been kind to you.
He says hello to you when he sees you in the hallway. You have had pleasant conversations in passing, and when his family occasionally has yours over – for old times sake – you both sit on the balcony outside his window and talk as if nothing has changed. 
You shift away from James a little, feeling too close to him, and cross your arms. You turn your attention to Slughorn as he clears his throat and lifts the lid from the pot, "Very well then,"
His sentence is drowned out by the soft, delicate smell that fills the room. You pin-point the scent of broom-polish immediately. Rosemary, vanilla, bergamot and cedar. Your expression falls. Bergamot and cedar. Your head spins and you wonder if James put on too much cologne this morning or if — 
Your mind suddenly goes completely blank when you feel James's breath against your ear, uttering exactly what you had been wondering, but this time about you, "Hey, did you put on more perfume than usual? I can smell it from here," his voice is teasing and you feel just a little fainter than you already had been. 
"Amortentia," Slughorn interrupts, "The most powerful love potion to exist. It smells differently to everyone, depending on what attracts them — or sometimes who attracts them," He continues on, explaining the dangers of the potion, but you aren't listening anymore. 
You look up. James has gone quiet and he's staring at the bubbling liquid, a vacant look in his eyes. Your heart clenches and you turn your head, inclining it down. You must have heard him wrong. James must have been confused.
A pit forms in your stomach when James moves away from you, leaving your side feeling empty. You hear him laugh with Remus and your hand squeezes around your arms. 
You hadn't worn any perfume this morning.
"Hey, Y/n/n," You're pulled from your thoughts when William, another Gryffindor, comes up from behind you and shoves into your shoulder so he's standing next to you.
"I knew I'd smell someone as hot as you in there," He teases, leaning in close. "Just like fucking vanilla," Williams brings his hand into your hair, twirling some strands in his fingers as he presses his nose close to your temple and inhales. 
"Hey," You move your head away, feeling disgusted. William just barks out a laugh and his arm extends to grab yours. Suddenly, you're almost pushed to the side when James stands in front of you and shoves William away. The boy bumps into the cauldron and the Amortentia spills all over the floor. 
"All three of you," Slughorn suddenly booms, his cheeks flushed crimson, "McGonagall. Now."
So you find yourself standing in the middle of James and William in McGonagall's office. The older woman is sitting at her desk, her arms crossed as she stares at you all from behind her small glasses. She looks at William first considering his shirt is drenched in the thick liquid from the Amortentia, "What happened?"
"Potter shoved me," Williams states quickly, glaring at James.
"And I'd do it again," James snarls, crossing his arms. 
McGonagall looks utterly exhausted at their bickering and turns her attention to you. "What about you, Miss Y/l/n, care to explain what happened?"
William sends you a dark look, but when you look at James his expression is soft. "William made me uncomfortable in class and when James saw, he accidentally shoved him into the Amortentia and it spilled all over."
"It wasn't an accident! He did it on purpose!" William argues like a child and James sends him a knowing smirk.
"Oh yeah, the shove was intentional," he grins wolfishly, "Although, I didn't mean to knock the potion over, Minnie," James looks over at McGonagall and this time he looks a little sheepish. McGonagall just stares at him as if he has gone insane and then she looks at you.
"You can leave, Miss Y/l/n," she says and looks back at the boys and hums, "You two may not."
You glance at James a little nervously but he sends you a reassuring smile. So, you ignore William's loud complaining and thank McGonagall as you walk out of her classroom.
* * *
A few hours later, when you're walking out of the Great Hall after dinner, you and your friends run into James again. He's also with his friends, leaning against the wall, and they're laughing obnoxiously loud.
However, when James sees you his smile widens. "Ladies," he says, crossing his arms cheekily.
"Gentlemen," your lips curl into a smirk as you nod at Sirius, Remus, and Peter. James tilts his head at his friends, his expression quirking almost as if he's annoyed that you mentioned them and not him. 
"You feeling okay?" James asks. 
You stare at him, trying to understand exactly what he means.
Does he really care or is he only asking because he's in trouble because of you. Is it mocking?
You start to overthink and James can sense it. So, he moves a little closer to you and you can smell his cologne. It sends heat creeping up your neck.
He asks again. "After what happened with William," he whispers, "when he made you uncomfortable. Are you okay?" James looks genuine and you see his hand hesitating to touch your arm.
You look up at him, staring into his eyes, "O-Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I was just - I didn't think anyone would have smelt me in that potion," you laugh, rambling because that's what you do when you're nervous. You can see James's expression shift into a small smile.
"You'd be surprised," he says, rubbing his nape, "Hey, can we talk in private? I wanted to ask you something?"
Once you say yes, you find yourself in a small, empty, classroom with James. You lean against a desk, hand gripping the edge as you stare at him. "What's up?" you ask. James has never asked you to talk like this.
"My mum is having one of her family dinners for Christmas," James starts, "I wanted to invite you, personally," he adds, as if he's been rehearsing. 
Usually, his mother will invite yours and then by proxy you'll show up. But, this is different. "You want me to come?" your eyebrow raises in confusion, "Personally?"
"Yeah," he sounds unsure, "I mean we're friends, right?"
Is that what we are, you want to ask him but you don't. "I didn't think we were friends anymore," You say honestly and James's expression falls.
He fiddles with his hands nervously but walks closer until he's directly in front of you. You lean away from him and into the desk, chin tilted up to look at him. 
"I'm an idiot," he whispers, looking at you intensely, "I shouldn't have let you slip out of my hands like that. I, well, miss you, a lot."
You listen to him with harsh breaths, trying to understand where this all comes from and why now.
James's hand reaches out and hovers over your cheeks until he holds you and brings you closer to his face. Your eyes round. You're so sure he'll kiss you with how close you are and by the way he's looking at you. You don't have time to make up your mind if you'd want to kiss him or not, because instead, he guides your cheek to his chest and his arms wrap around you. 
He crushes you into a hug. 
Your breath escapes you in a sigh, "James?"
"Y/n," he says your name smoothly and soothes a hand down your hair, "You smell like vanilla and cinnamon. With just a hint of freshly-mowed grass, probably because whenever I see you after a Quidditch match you always have some grass in your hair, right here," James says in a whisper and his finger traces behind your ear.
"Usually from a small tumble," he adds, "You're so clumsy sometimes."  
You pull away only to have him hold you closer. 
"I can't keep pretending I don't think about you," he admits and that sends all emotions crashing over you. You stare at him, lips parted and eyebrows creased, as you try and understand the meaning behind the words. "I smelt you in the Amortentia," James admits.
"You smelt me? You're joking."
James suddenly frowns and he watches as you practically try and sink into the desk behind you. He can take a hint and he moves away. "What? No?" 
You feel your cheeks burn hot with embarrassment. "You aren't joking?"
James's face softens and he smiles. "Of course I'm not – I smelt you and also your perfume which," his smile turns into a smirk, "I can tell you aren't wearing right now." James chuckles happily, his eyes crinkling in the corners and your heart flutters. "Merlin I gave myself away in that classroom, didn't I, love?" 
Your insides become mush at the nickname and you find yourself nodding. 
James looks at you fondly even when he says, "I understand if you don't feel the same. If I'm not the boy you like or a boy you want. I have been a foolish ass for the majority of our time here at school. I've ignored you and worse than that, I let myself forget how lucky I was to have you as my friend and I'm so sorry."
As you hear his words, you can feel tears brim in your eyes. James's fond smile disappears and he starts to panic. "Hey, hey, hey!" his hands cup around your cheeks without even thinking. "I don't want to make you cry, love. Y-you're okay," he promises frantically. 
James is so close. His cologne has invaded your senses until you can't think clearly. All you can do is lean in closer until your nose brushes his. James is surprised but when he looks into your eyes, his body relaxes as he understands what you want. You like to think it's all the years you were friends that makes it so easy for James to understand.
"You want me to kiss you?" he whispers, his voice husky and low.
You feel warm all over as his arm slides behind you and he holds your lower back, waiting for a yes so he can pull you closer. You nod, smiling. You wonder if I have to tell him he's the one you smelled in the potion or if he'll understand by the way you kiss him. 
James's lips press onto yours. He's testing the waters, making sure he's not moving too quickly or too slowly. You let your hand find his hair as you pull him closer. James's hand wraps around you and in the passion, he hoists you up onto the desk behind you and you pull him in.
You kiss him like you've never kissed anyone and it takes your hand on his chest to snap James back into reality. He gently disconnects your lips and leans his forehead on yours.
His eyes are still closed when he says, "Shh, we have all the time in the world. I don't plan on letting you slip away from me again, Y/n," he says it like a promise. Like a prayer. 
Finally, you speak, "James. I missed you," you admit in a whisper. 
James holds you closer. "I missed you more. You don't know how much you mean to me." 
You laugh, feeling how close he is and how badly he doesn't want to drop your hand. "I think I can guess," you say teasingly.
James shakes his head. "My love goes beyond any words I could possibly muster." 
You stare at him with a raised eyebrow. "Since when is James Potter such a hopeless romantic?" 
James grins, his hand sliding down to your thigh as he draws soothing circles on your skin, "He's always been a romantic, darling. He just hasn't had the chance to show you," he whispers and quickly kisses the tip of your nose. 
"Well, he can start now," you smile.
James nuzzles his nose into your shoulder. "So, does this mean that we're friends again?"
You pull away and send him a playful look. "Can this mean we're more than friends now?"
James looks into your eyes and deep in his brown ones, you can see his sincerity, "We'll be whatever you want, love," he says. He hugs you close and your face is buried in his neck. You sniff, your smile widening.
You whisper into his neck, "Bergamot and cedar."
James chuckles, still holding you, "What was that, love?"
"Nothing," you smile, simply content with holding him. 
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flamingo100 · 2 days
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padyandmoonfoot · 2 days
i’m looking for mutuals. if you want to be my friend venmo me $10
(okay deadass i needs muts though ☹️) (be my friend)
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moonyswarmsweaters · 10 hours
songs you associate with the different marauders/skittles?
I love this question
I have a bunch but I’ll choose one for each
James-Snap out of it- Arctic Monkeys
Sirius- Rebel Rebel- David Bowie ⚡️
Remus- Boys Don’t Cry- the cure
Marlene- Love me- the 1975
Lily- Jolene- Dolly Parton
Mary- I bet that you look good on the dance floor-Arctic Monkeys
Dorcas- Angel of small death & codeine scene- Hozier
Evan-Babydoll-Dominic Fike
Barty- Choke - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME (also this post I made)
Regulus- Nina cried power- Hozier
Pandora- Baboohka- Kate bush 
thank you! i got so many more lol
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