#Mindful positive living practices
healthyselflovetips · 7 months
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🌬️ Embracing Emotions: Discover quick and safe ways to release unwanted vibes. Whether it's through crying or a simple walk, let's navigate the sea of emotions together. 🎨🚶‍♂️ Share your go-to method below!
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hexora · 10 months
Mastering the Art of Manifesting Beauty: A Professional Guide PT. 1
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In the pursuit of personal transformation and empowerment, manifesting beauty has emerged as a powerful practice that transcends the superficial. Beyond mere aesthetics, true beauty radiates from within, reflecting a harmonious blend of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This professional guide is designed to provide you with a comprehensive approach to manifesting beauty, integrating time-tested principles with contemporary insights.
Section 1: Cultivating Inner Radiance
Cultivating inner radiance is the foundational step in your journey to manifesting enduring beauty. This aspect delves into the core of your being, emphasizing the integration of mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being for a holistic and sustainable transformation.
Begin your beauty manifestation journey by incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Engage in activities that anchor you to the present moment, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful walking. Cultivating awareness of your thoughts and feelings establishes a solid foundation for a positive self-image.
Develop a repertoire of affirmations that reinforce a healthy self-image. Craft statements that celebrate your unique qualities, focusing on self-love and acceptance. Repeat these affirmations regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind and foster a mindset that radiates confidence and positivity.
Building emotional resilience is key to maintaining inner radiance. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and develop coping mechanisms to navigate stress and adversity. Emotional well-being significantly impacts your overall appearance, contributing to a vibrant and luminous presence.
Allowing your authentic self to shine through is a transformative aspect of cultivating inner radiance. Explore creative outlets, express your passions, and embrace your individuality. Authenticity not only enhances your inner beauty but also radiates a magnetic charm that draws others toward your genuine essence.
Cultivate a gratitude practice to shift your focus toward the positive aspects of your life. Acknowledging and appreciating the beauty in your surroundings, relationships, and personal achievements fosters a sense of fulfillment and contentment. This gratitude radiates from within, contributing to an outward glow.
Prioritize your overall well-being by adopting a holistic approach to health. Attend to your physical, mental, and emotional needs through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. A harmonious balance in these areas not only supports your inner radiance but also enhances your overall vitality and beauty.
By prioritizing these aspects of inner radiance, you lay the groundwork for a beauty manifestation journey that transcends the superficial, creating a lasting impact that emanates from the depths of your authentic self.
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praiseinchains · 3 months
Mental Reset Day (6/23/24)
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I had a really tough week last week, between my neck hurting so much and just all the stress of my loan. I know I’m not the only one who thinks that if there was just a specific day or holiday that came along everything would be so much better, but the bad part of that is having to WAIT for that day and then just putting everything on that day to make you feel better. The last day I had, where I really just took a time out and relaxed from everything, was a few days after my 30th birthday. I spent the whole day just doing everything I loved that made me feel relaxed and making plans for my new year.
I didn’t want to wait for another special day or holiday to come along (like Thanksgiving, Halloween or Christmas), so I decided to make every Sunday sort of a ‘Mental Reset Day’ to unwind from the stress of the week. I started by writing myself a letter (much like I did for my birthday) and writing about how my week went, and how I could make it better the following week and just my general goals. Then at the end of the day, I wrote in my journal about moments that I really enjoyed and what my favorite part of the day was.
My favorite part was just taking the time to unwind and really focus on the things I want to do in life, like writing and exploring a career as a bookkeeper (something I’d tried to get into once before).
I really enjoyed having special time with Lucy (my cavapoo) on the bed. It was one of the rare times she behaves anymore and having her sleeping next to me on the bed really made my heart happy.
I’d say watching ‘The Finest Hours’ was one of the most meaningful moments. Not many movies can make me emotional enough to cry, but that one sure does. It didn’t mention God, but you could just see His hand at work. It was nothing short of a miracle and He put a spirit of courage and hope in those men that couldn’t be tamed. It was supposed to be an impossible situation, but He made it possible, and He brought the men and a community together, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s part of the reason God allows horrible situations to happen – not only to prove His power through ordinary people, but to draw them closer and inspire hope in others. (And yes, Chris Pine is INSANELY cute! I'm just mush when it comes to blond-haired guys, lol!)
If you don’t already have a day dedicated to just focusing on your mental health, you really ought to consider it. I’ve only had one mental health day, but I can tell it’s already making my week better and I look forward to next Sunday when I can have another.
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spideyhexx · 5 months
I feel like the Plinths would ultimately be okay after his rise to power, but mostly cause he had the setup for becoming a gamemaker through Gaul's internship. If Coryo came back from twelve and went through college and was setup to inherit the Plinth's munition business, he'd get rid of the Plinths, but since he was going the politics route instead of the business route and they were already supporting, funding, and endorsing him, they'd be okay. (Unless people commented on him being taken care of by District borns cause of Capital bias, then he'd distance himself in the same way he distanced from Tigris, but I don't think he'd harm them at all.)
yeah I agree! I don’t think he harmed them in any way, I think at most he just distanced/cut off with them once he was successful enough on his own because in the end he was using them, so ofc he’d be done with them once he’s gotten to a better place.
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livingwellnessblog · 1 year
WHY are you wired to react to circumstance, and why you are wrong | A Sequel to the "Meaning Making Series"
Overcoming the knee-jerk reactions of our survival instinct takes practice. Similar to how a Navy SEAL must practice to overcome their fight-or-flight response to be an effective warrior, we too need to exert effort to overcome our inherent biases. Practi
Don’t react to 3d? It is not just a catch phrase from LOA, and here is why: As human beings, we tend to react negatively to unknown circumstances due to our built-in survival instinct, which is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history. Throughout our evolution, our ancestors faced numerous threats and challenges in their environment, and those who were more cautious and skeptical of the…
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dipnots · 2 years
The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Transform Your Life
Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can change your life for the better. It’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts, but by making a conscious effort to focus on the positive, you can improve your mental and physical well-being, and achieve your goals. One of the key benefits of positive thinking is that it can reduce stress and anxiety. When you’re constantly worrying and ruminating…
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Yesterday was day 90 of meditating daily. I have been finding it hard to make posts because of newly trying to balance my self care (physical, mental), school, social life, family life, etc. But, something I never forget to do or push aside is meditate. I'm so glad I started when I did because now it is something I look forward to. Some days I will even do it twice lol
It is hard to explain in words as to how my body and mind act and feel when I meditate but it is something like this: my fears/anxieties may arise for a second, but I am able to remind myself that those are just stories and that I want to enjoy a moment of peace. It gets easier and easier the more I do it (and the longer I do it, I find the better the effects)
It is a time in my day that I spend with myself that is nonnegotiable. It allows me to see clues and reflect without me even having to try because there are no distractions, my brain just automatically jumps to intrusive thoughts which I can catch and either let go of or turn into a positive.
Anyways yap yap yap.... university is okay so far, I'm basically just getting deja vu from that one semester I did in high school except everyone looks super old instead of super young lol... I do miss my cat a lot though... one thing I'm really nervous for is my chemistry lab and I have no clue why.. every other class and my anxiety is the usual lol but, I do my first lab Friday and I am telling myself that I'm gonna go with the flow and enjoy my time and soak up all the information I can... I can feel genuine joy and passion that wants to break free from the anxiety but is still a little bit scared but the only other choice besides going is fail chemistry, not get my degree, and never get my dream job of working in a lab because I let the fear get to me so i. HAVE. TO.
This is all just me experimenting and faking it till I make it and learning how to not give a fuck because yes, already lots of weird and awkward and uncomfortable things have happened, but IM STILL HERE and i have also experienced good things sooooooo u win some u lose some. Let's just keep fuckin goinggg because what choice do we have. Make it fun though- hope everyone is well
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lifeinspiration4all · 26 days
The Power of Ordinary Moments: Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life
The Power of Ordinary Moments: Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life. Have you ever found yourself so caught up in the rush of life that you forget to live? Sometimes, the most profound moments of clarity come from the simplest, most unexpected places—like a morning coffee cup with a hidden message just for you. “Joy comes to us in ordinary moments. We risk missing out on joy when we get too busy…
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being alive at the time i gleaned some general elements abt encanto but never actually heard we don't talk about bruno beyond awareness it existed popping off & i think i heard like the title recited off key off rhythm but in a way that indicates speak singing nonetheless lol so upon experiencing it it's like oh but it's the Verses? while the last refrain goes harder but prior to that it's comparatively underwhelming to said verses which feels appropriate like verses / pieces of a larger picture & that a "we don't talk about him" as a disappointing Lid on infinitely richer more characterful & dynamic "but: talking about him" instances. like well personally it'd be like um seven foot frame....anyway besides being able to firsthand go like oh damn Real (the kind of thing you know exists if alive at the time) it's like alright hang on lol. one thing when a core theme is yeah like "is it a refuge if 'especial' vulnerability ultimately gets pushed out rather than made safer" subset like the parties whose even observation of truths (problems) & drawing attention to them is seen as Ruining Things, like if you're painted as Making futures that aren't simply what's desired or reassuring rather than a guidance via just observing & sharing the truth. but then it's like whaddaya mean living in fear of bruno stuttering and stumbling you could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling lmao like now that's just Association between the Truth Perceiving & Telling behavior & behavior that's just apparently distinctive of the same person. & like Not Accidentally when [what if people were magic] specifics are obviously primarily abt a metaphorical meaning & like, indeed it was made clear like oh this situation isn't Just b/c [boo we hate your prophecies] & that [an Ability that isn't directed towards what anyone Wants / is "weird" even by these magic standards] isn't Coincidentally given to someone who just so happens to already be "weird" in other ways & be set up to have a different perspective & be pushed away due to having the supposed "extra" vulnerability of unmet needs / insufficient support, same as someone who doesn't "correctly" have any kind of magic ability....like yeah banger and also like Oh Yeah Kind Of Devastating re: that metaphorical resonance allowing for like [set the metaphor aside] now hang on with this about this disabled family member lol. misinterpretation to The Ruinerrr / The Problemmm / The Maliciousss etc (i.e. the scapegoatinggg) despite their efforts likely entirely to the contrary. then despite like, efforts aside, Just Existing, always kind of muttering & mumbling like & what of it. & then like oh sorry weird pets. weird [auspicious for adaptable tenacious thriving surviving; either way simply creatures, existing] pets.
truly like As Is The Idea I'm Sure quickly becomes like hands behind back standing at the window Uh Oh Sisters musing on all the [disabled person] metaphorical & already literal elements there. blair witching it in contemplation like We've All Been There whether being so resented for the mere disruption of "existing in a group as the 'abnormal' odd one out" or like people talking shit abt anything associated w/you as soon as you've left the room, which is also made relevant like, this wasn't Only directed at this person when seemingly permanently gone, nor were they unaware / unaffected prior....pacing in the Musing parlor like things don't Have to be compared to billions but i only ever even see so many things & it's like billions sure is like "get scapegoated rword" & then said scapegoating is presented as only beneficial & we hate autists & even beyond that it's like, grabbing billions, Imagine If Things Meant To Be About Something Were About Something. quite a contrast when they are & furthermore like, deliberate thought & Care for [who gets scapegoated & why] & the truth of like, people getting pushed aside & out who have a key perspective & are primed / liable to come through for others similarly vulnerable & the supposedly Ruinous, Problems Generating disruptiveness is actually the strongest effort to make essential changes to a group. & come through with like, it'd be undermining thee point if it was "reassuring" us like oh haha people will be supportive b/c bruno will be more normal, so great that it Didn't like no, no Normality Reassurance(tm), presence of abnormalities(tm), Good, & everyone Can Deal b/c if you don't then it's pushing this person away, is exactly what happens, including even if they're still Around but are being mistreated b/c that is entirely part of that pushing away like anyone's victim blaming is ready to pounce at any time but if someone can't stand to stay / leaves b/c they can't see another option like that's not out of nowhere nor Regardless of what full support & flexibility they were getting lol. these Active Measures everyone loves so much, which are everywhere always & would include Staying & Trying To Make It Work & those efforts would be "disruptive" & resented & Bringing It On Oneself & etccc smh
that is to all say like. Woww when clearly basically the core thread was these beats of like, the crucial site of [thee scapegoated], & why that comes down on someone & how that plays out. endless ideas about how someone weird(tm) & disabled (&/or queer. but there's no Or here lol. & again like it's a Context like, to even be the one person without kids? likely not living up to "full" correct sexuality in that way alone; any oppression's logics of "inferiority" being logics of ableism, ready examples being that "inferior" race, gender, sexuality (& their experiences as people classed as inferior) all being pathologized as disordered) are seen & treated as someone Ruining Things & who cannot belong like whew. bracing. winding. which, i also recall like i was watching with headphones & during this one dialogue pause i was like "?? what's this Extra Sound i heard there" & had to go over it like twice before being hit upside the head like well it Was still the dialogue pause but it was also bruno Stuttering in a very quiet whisper for the duration of that pause before continuing like iiiiiiii x_x
#[sitting waiting right here] for billions to have its vulnerable weird scapegoated misfit outcasts actually band together lmao....#like Sure Doesn't b/c billions is like we all hate weirdos & we all love telling them to shut tf up & go away to die or w/e. correctly#can't believe ultimately the Different fund disappears w/o its scapegoat & the Correct ''weird'' char is full axe cap mode finally#& it's sure not a Comment when billions affectionately gives them their free heavenly reward & Ensure zero scapegoating consequences#the [imagine if something about something was about something] approach to Banished Relatives being thoughtful & loving like#& here you see how even As they're banished everything isn't Really fixed for it incl. that people aren't Really just happy he's gone#billions is like no we killed him And everyone has gladly & legitimately forgotten he exists (save the instant it's time to use him)#the hilarious(tm) tragedies surrounding rian like billions' can't make her ''care'' abt winston be anything save more violence#can't pretend rian was anything more than [again we all Know your nads like w/taylor like w/winston] bagina + dialogue source combo in s6#when it's still dimly relevant for prince in s7 but you miss Nothing re: rian if you have no idea that plotline exists#& speaking of actual ''weirdness'' rian was never allowed to have: the tragedy of the tension of Closeted Transness present on screen fr#just as billions has no idea / further willingness to let rian be so ''weird'' as to actually care abt winston or abt not being a bully Lol#meanwhile i figured like oh i'll like a scapegoat. did know ahead of time like bruno's just some guy; not even ''redeemable'' antagonist#but In Practice & w/all that beloved Disabledness & crucial appreciation like you Need this guy; the understanding is Key#like well ofc i would kill for him. ofc just constant like mhm go off king slay fire etc. god tier character cherished forever thanks#but then also like im sure a zillion [intention; inspiration; thoughts] going into Tfw Family Things characters; a zillion interpretions &#thoughts to follow like it truly is Arresting like this clarity on A Disabled Person In The Group like. much much to consider & whew.#reference point like when autistic ppl in some job see an obvious [problem to future mess] pipeline; so you know bruno madrigal. My Vision#When You're So Hated like hey i wanna live unseen w/my so hated little friends lol. just reread how to disappear completely never be found#when it's like grabbing people Who Cares if someone's being ''obviously'' disabled or weird just as how they are existing godddd#people get so mean like Who Cares just talk to them; be around them. some effort some mind your own business some You're Not Above Them#when it's obviously You like yeah. nonzero but limited applicability like [specifically my own nuclear family] but re: Weird; Disabled#as ever i'll Relate & be like but i probably seem nothing like that. or maybe i am very much like that. kind of difficult to tell b/c like#you Do get the disinterest lol & feedback is Not that familiar / in depth even if positive like well. the emergent So Hated / Scapegoating#noting like if a character just seems refreshingly familiar; Understood; comfortable; fun; what's the odds they're cishet allistic lol....#anyway the epiphany like oh it was figurative blink & you miss it stuttering....did [waiiit] Pace that one off like inhaaale Waugh#in fact i'm sure the Verbalizing Effort has staved off the kind of [thinks about all of it a moment] to go Aauughhh about again#which; again; also something happening 5 yrs in re: the clairvoyant soothsayer autistic neuroqueer quant on the show w/No Thoughts abt it#ppl being invalidated by others having to validate themselves (& others in the same boat); billions going & How We Hate Them For It lol#oh & encanto's [excluded party's effort to partake] tragedy vs billions' [where's winston in this office? this event?] good riddance idc
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compassionmattersmost · 2 months
Lesson 19 of A Course in Miracles (ACIM): Guided Meditation - "I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts."
Lesson 19 of A Course in Miracles presents the lesson: “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.” This teaching challenges us to recognize that our thoughts have consequences that extend beyond our individual perception. By acknowledging the shared nature of our thoughts and their impact on others, we can begin to understand the interconnectedness of all minds. This practice…
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
#What's GOOD About TODAY?#Turning Tragedy into Triumph: Learn to Find Good in Every Day | Christopher Cochran Discover how to find positivity even in life's darkest m#author of . Learn practical strategies for cultivating gratitude#living with purpose#and transforming personal challenges into opportunities for growth. Whether you're facing adversity or seeking to enrich your daily life#gain invaluable insights on how to embrace positivity and build a lasting legacy of hope. Connect with Christopher here: https://www.chris#enhance your skills#or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it furt#speaking engagements#or personalized coaching#contact [email protected] *KAJ RECOMMENDS:* (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content crea#including mindfulness and gratitude practices. 4. Inspiration and Motivation: Get inspired by Cochran's journey and his strategies for main#Inc.#but he finds his greatest sense of purpose in his roles as father#husband#and friend. Now#he brings you What's GOOD About TODAY?#an inspiring book that outlines the experience that impacted his life most: his son Christian’s profound response to a fatal diagnosis. Thr#journal entries#and a curated collection of testimonials about his remarkable son#Christopher takes readers beyond the page and reaches into their hearts. A source of hope and encouragement#What's GOOD About TODAY? is a must-read for anyone looking to enrich their spirit and find meaning and purpose in each day. Connect: https:#Khudania Ajay (KAJ)#is a seasoned content entrepreneur#podcast host#and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (Indi#Reuters#and Press Trust of India#Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podc#Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaykhudania
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lokissweater · 1 month
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{yuta okkotsu x f!reader}
summary: yuta is the greatest boyfriend to ever grace this earth. one problem though? he refuses to touch you out of fear of making you uncomfortable or disrespecting you (no matter how bad he wants it). your pent up sexual frustration is at an all time high and you’re sick of him rejecting your advances, so you devise a plan to get him to crack.
content: MDNI. FILTHY SMUT, smut with plot, established relationship, afab!reader, pet names, references to alcohol and drinking, college party, cursing, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it y’all), dirty talk, FERAL YUTA, oral, creampie, yuta is down bad for you.
word count: 5.8k
author’s note: theming inspired by charli xcx ft. miss billie eilish’s song “guess” !! MWAH.
if you would like to know the origin story of this au, you can read it here! but it can also be read without it :)
yuta felt like an absolute freak.
ever since you both officially became a couple, he’s been the absolute happiest man alive and never ever goes a day without showering you with affection, kisses, and telling you how much he loves and adores you.
but behind that? yuta has a little secret.
and he is gnawing at the iron bars of his enclosure in absolute torture every time you do something, anything, that can get his little horn dog mind to imagine you in thirty five different positions on his bed crying out for him.
it doesn’t even have to be something you do that remotely resembles anything sexual, so on a day where you were sitting pretty beside him in the passenger seat of his car, the blood rushing to his dick at the sight of the seatbelt strap pushing in between your puffy boobs—
he knew it was bad.
yuta’s shamefully always thought about these things— even when you were both just on best friend status. but it’s harder now, much harder for him to behave because he doesn’t want to pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do. he respects you so much and always treats you like pretty porcelain glass, delicately running his hands over your body and soft face when you share a kiss or an embrace.
so now whenever he feels his heart pounding against his chest, face boiling red, and the all too familiar feeling of the lower region of his pants maybe getting a little too tight because of you, he immediately removes himself from the situation to prevent from spazzing out.
the bad thing was— this happened practically every single day and nearly every other hour, to the point where it was blatantly obvious and you were completely and utterly confused as to why.
every time you stand up on your tippy toes to give him a sugary kiss, arms wrapped around his neck and yuta’s arms around your waist, the makeout doesn’t last for more than thirty seconds before he’s pulling apart from your lips with a smack!, walking away with his head down, hands tight at his sides, and with a lame excuse for his abrupt leave.
every time you accidentally drop something and bend over to retrieve it with yuta standing directly behind you— when you come back up and turn your head to face him, he’s already staring back at you with wide eyes, lips pressed into a thin line and cheeks flushed pink. you’d ask then if he was okay, to which he would respond by a quick nod of the head and a dash out of the room to leave for a moment… again.
he did it so much to the point where he eventually avoided touching you all together, and you absolutely hated it. yuta’s always been affectionate with you, he’s never not touched you, and on a day where you swung a leg over his lap to straddle him on his bed, eager to show him a little loving and a smooch— you had just about had it when he placed his hands on your hips as you were trailing your mouth down his neck, physically pulling you off his lap and leaving the room— muttering about god knows what.
until you noticed.
you and yuta were seated on your living room couch watching a movie, the both of you dozing off gingerly as his head was resting against your shoulder, undoubtedly exhausted after a days worth of college classes and homework.
you went to place a sleepy hand on his upper thigh, about to tell him that you both should move upstairs to your room and sleep, but when your fingers accidentally grazed his crotch area, yuta shot up like a light and startled you awake— eyes blown wide and frantic.
“yu! my god—” you placed a hand over your heart, chest heaving. “i was just gonna tell you that we should go up to my room and sleep.”
yuta’s shoulders visibly dropped, and he closed his eyes momentarily before licking his lips, exhaling deeply.
“h-oh my god—“ he opened his eyes again after regulating his breathing and looked at you with worried eyes. “fuck i’m sorry baby… did i scare you?”
you gave him a little nod and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders then, kissing your cheek and the side of your head apologetically. “i’m sorry, i don’t know why i did that.”
but you did, and it was like a switch had gone off in your head, everything finally making sense.
every moment he would suddenly leave, or remove you from him when you tried anything, or every expression and reaction he made when you would wear something tight or short, all fell into place like a delicious puzzle piece.
so when he lead you to bed and cuddled you up innocently to sleep that night, you came up with a plan to test this theory.
you wanted yuta to crack.
unfortunately, your first attempt was a fail.
yuta had plans to take you out on a little summer picnic date by the beach, and when he arrived at your house and you texted him to come in and make himself at home in your room, you were absolutely giddy, fixing your dress and applying the finishing touches to your makeup in the bathroom.
you had slipped on a long, skin tight black spandex dress for the day— one that hugged every inch and crevice of your body like a vice, a mischievous look in your eyes as you ran your fingers through your styled hair before leaving, practically skipping down the hall back to your room.
the minute you came in, yuta’s eyes flew open.
“hi baby!” you greeted sweetly, walking over to where he sat at the edge of your bed and leaned down, planting a soft kiss to his blushing cheek.
“do you like it?” you asked eagerly, doing a little twirl for him and mentally making sure to pop your ass out a little more in his direction. “i bought it just yesterday!”
“i.. i do, baby.” he squeaked, voice hoarse and mind in a full blown fucking panic when you took his hands in yours and ushered him to stand.
but he remained stiff as a board, arms glued to his sides and hands in tight fists as he looked at you, face strained.
you playfully rolled your eyes and took his hands, guiding them towards you. “you can touch me, silly. here— feel the spandex-”
and you purposely dropped his hands to land right on your ass with a smack.
yuta immediately inhaled sharply through his nose and choked, his face dropping straight into the crook of your neck to hide his delirious expression. yuta was biting the inside of his cheek so unbelievably hard that he tasted metal, his eyes squeezing shut as nasty thoughts flashed through his mind like a forest fire.
holy shit holy shit holy shit—
“f..feels nice,” he muttered into your neck, and you grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning your lips up to his ear.
“does it?”
you felt yuta giving in and slowly squeeze the plump of your ass, and he felt like an absolute fucking monster at the way he was feeling you up when in his eyes, you were just innocently showing him your pretty little long dress.
but just when you thought you had won, your smile wide with delight, he tore away from you and excused himself from the room with a quick kiss to your cheek, leaving you dumbfounded and defeated.
on your second attempt, you refused to accept defeat and planned more diligently than before, his tiny mess up from last time motivating and proving to you that your plan could bear fruit.
this day was particularly scorching, one of the hottest days of the year as you and yuta decided to get ice cream after one of his lectures from a shop down the street, an attempt at cooling off and escaping the heat.
you were sitting on a cute bench under shade just outside the shop as you waited for your boyfriend to come back, nervous and wearing a low cut baby doll top that showed a little more boob than you originally intended, but due to the circumstance at hand… the more the merrier!
after a few minutes, the door to the shop chimed open and yuta stepped out— two vanilla ice cream cones with rainbow sprinkles delectably adorning the pair of soft serves in his hands. he carefully handed one to you and grinned.
“here baby.”
you took a cone from his offering hand gratefully and licked a little off it as he sat down.
“thank you!” you responded sweetly, and it made his heart skip a beat as you both sat there, enjoying the summer heat and each others gentle company.
without yuta noticing though, you had stopped licking your ice cream as he chatted to you about the things he had to do for the coming week, attentively listening to him as you patiently waited— the vanilla soft serve glistening under the heat and slowly melting, droplets oozing off the sides until one landed right on your tit.
“oh!” you gasped, looking down and pouting, “i spilled someee.”
yuta quickly reached to the side and pulled out a napkin he had brought from the shop, extending it out towards you but faltering when you shook your head frantically.
“no! it’ll go to waste! and i can’t reach down and lick it off myself…” you huffed and looked at him with the cutest face he had ever seen you make… you smirking deviously on the inside. “can you lick it off for me, yu? please.”
you had said it so nonchalant, so casual like it was the easiest most normal thing in the world to do, but it had yuta’s body and mind freezing over as you scooted closer to him, waiting.
“h— huh?” he stammered, unable to take his eyes away from your tits, the sight of ice cream drooling down over them an image he wanted to tattoo behind his eyelids to look at forever— his cheeks bright pink.
“hurry! it’s gonna stain my top,” you whined, putting a hand on his shoulder as yuta let you tug him down, him ogling and literally gawking over your chest.
without another thought, yuta stuck his slick tongue out and slowly ran it over the top of your puffy tit just like you had asked him to, the angel on his shoulder screaming at him to stop as his tongue continued to trail up your chest and around your neck, your breath hitching in surprise.
the sound of your reaction broke him out of his trance and he flinched away from you, chest heaving and pupils blown out with the biggest pit of shame in his stomach, feeling like a fucking pervert.
but you, your shoulders evidently deflated in disappointment as you pressed your thighs together, trying to mend the buzzing ache between your legs as your mind thought over and over about what he did, something you didn’t expect at all, and something you wanted him to do again.
“let’s… let’s go for a walk, yeah?” yuta spoke quickly and gently to you, taking your hand that was on his shoulder and pulling you up off the bench, him confused as to why you had a frown on your face.
but for the third and final attempt, you were utterly and hopelessly desperate. every time you guys hung out, yuta was still the absolute sweetest and did everything he could to make you happy, yet he still just wouldn’t touch you, and it was driving you fucking crazy.
you were getting reckless at this point, your pent up sexual frustration sky rocketing with every passing day, but you were completely oblivious to the fact that yuta was dealing with the same form of torture.
except way, way worse.
it’s gotten to the point where just the sound of your sweet sugary voice over the speakers of his phone has him biting down on the edges of his pillow, arms wrapped tightly around himself and his body curled up into a pathetic ball of despair, his dick rock solid and his mind filled with thoughts that consisted of strictly just you.
so when you called him up and asked if he wanted to come with you to one of your girl friend’s parties, yuta knew he was one hundred percent fucked.
he wanted to keep respecting you. he wanted you to know how special you were to him and how serious he was about your relationship with him, and he sure as hell did not want you to feel uncomfortable because he was a horny piece of shit that didn’t know self control and wanted to have sex every five minutes.
except he was a horny piece of shit, has always been one over you, and yuta knew the second he saw you dolled up in your pretty little dress looking absolutely lethal, he was going to lose it.
and he did.
with his arms crossed over his chest and a tight hand over his mouth, he nodded and hummed out a series of “mhm’s” at everything you were saying as you finished up getting ready, his eyebrows pinched together in complete agony at the sight of you.
the pastel green glittery dress you had on was so criminally short that any inch of movement you made, the bottom of your ass cheeks would peak out from below the hem of your dress.
he slightly lowered his hand from his mouth. “baby?”
“yeah?” you responded softly and turned your body to face him, spritzing your vanilla coconut perfume over your frame.
“i-isn’t your dress— a little short?”
you put the perfume bottle down on your vanity desk and looked down, internally giddy that he noticed the length, your plan coming into fruition.
“oh is it?” you tugged at the hem of your dress, scooting it back down. “does it look bad? i—”
“no no!” yuta’s hands shot out frantically as he shook his head. “you’re so so pretty baby, the most gorgeous little thing i’ve ever seen,” he took a few steps toward you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, being mindful of your perfectly styled hair that made him weak in the knees. “i just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable for the rest of the night and not enjoy yourself.”
your heart melted at his words and consideration as you smiled warmly, eyes sparkling up as you gave him a cute peck on the lips and hugged him back, “you’re so nice to me, yu.”
yuta snorted but looked down at you fondly. “that’s the bare minimum baby.”
“so.” you peeled away from him and walked over to the bed to pick up your purse, swinging the strap over your shoulder. “all i do is make you ham sandwiches after your soccer practices.”
yuta laughed loudly, “that’s all you do?”
he nudged your shoulder playfully with his, a grin on his face as he walked down the stairs with you and out the door to his car.
at the party, your plan was to be as devilish and flashy as possible, showing off every curve and angle of your body to your boyfriend in means of getting him to crack, and your ticket there was the length of your dress—
but more specifically?
what you had on underneath.
when you met up with the rest of your friend group that were all residing on the long lounge sofa in the living room like always, you grabbed yuta’s hand and led him over to join the rest of them. he politely greeted each and every one, keeping you close by the hip before you both settled down on the couch.
yuta wasn’t a big party person like you were, but he also didn’t particularly dislike them either. as long as you were there with him, he always ended up getting shit faced and having the time of his life with you and your friends, something that didn’t even happen when he went to parties with his own friends.
your closest girl friend that sat across from you at an angle turned her body, yelling over the music. “have you tried this?!”
she pointed to the red solo cup in her hand, and you shook your head.
“no! what is it?!”
“someone from the frat next door made a mix of malibu and pineapple rum! it’s really good here!-”
she reached over and offered her cup, and as soon as you stood to retrieve it, an idea popped into your head— eyes widening. without another thought, you moved over to stand right in front of yuta before fully and erotically bending and lunging over to reach for the cup.
he stopped breathing. he looked at the way your dress rode up literally half way up your ass and he stopped breathing.
it was so unbelievably high up that he saw the color of your underwear— a lacy black pair with little bows adorned over the sides like a present, slightly see through but enough to see the outline of your lower lips.
yuta clasped a tight hand over his mouth, but as soon as that happened he realized that whatever he was seeing, everybody else was seeing as well. including that stupid moron that had been staring at you since the moment you both got here.
in record time his trembling arms shot out and yuta grabbed the hem of your dress, tugging it back down over your ass as he wrapped an arm around your waist tightly, pulling you back to sit on his lap.
you loved that he did that, but as you sipped the drink and chatted on with your friends, you were entirely unaware of the way yuta’s arms were gripped around your waist like a lock, his forehead resting on your back with his face hidden.
yuta felt like an absolute fucking freak again as the image of your puffy lower lips outlining your lacy panties flicked over and over and over again in his mind without a break. he felt so nasty, so shameful and so hard as he tried with all of his will power to calm his breathing and stop the bouncing of his right knee, eyes screwed tight.
holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck—
he needed you so badly, needed to slip that skimpy dress off of you and bury his face in between your legs, needed to slip his swollen dick out and grope your tits and pump his—
shut up shut up shut up—
at the feeling of his leg bouncing rapidly, you looked back and slightly turned yourself, confused at the sight of his hung head that was refusing to detach from your body and look at you properly.
you placed a gentle hand at the top of his head, the feeling of his silky black hair underneath your fingers. “yu?—”
his head snapped up straightaway, and your eyes widened as you took in the way his chest was heaving and his pupils were blown out, face completely red and his body practically shivering beneath you.
you frowned, “baby? are you okay?”
you shifted once more to assess him better, but his eyes only shot back down to your ass as he felt your dress rise up again.
such pretty bows…
yuta smashed his face in against your side, eyes screwed shut.
calm down calm down calm down—
it was almost completely dark in the frat house, colors of red and blue and green bouncing across the walls of the lower level as people drank and made havoc, your friends all caught up in their own inebriated worlds to realize what was happening between the both of you.
and at the feeling of his hardened cock against your ass, you slowly smiled and finally understood— your hand coming up to stroke his cheek lovingly, the act simple and innocent, until you took his hand from your lap and agonizingly dragged it further up and up and up your thigh…
shit shit shit—
until you guided his shaking fingers to the patch of wet in between your parted thighs, the lace material up against the pads of his—
fuck it.
yuta pushed you off of his lap and stood, snatching your wrist tightly before tugging and dragging you away from the couch and through the mass of people on the dance floor.
“yuta!” you yelled over the music. “where are we going?”
you were so confused, and you worried that maybe you had pushed his buttons a little too far and that now he was upset, and judging by the way he didn’t even turn around or respond when you spoke to him, it looked like that might be the case.
you gnawed at your bottom lip in concern as he led you both up the stairs of the house— you focused on trying to keep your dress from riding completely up and him opening and closing several different doors before he found what he was looking for.
yuta dragged you in the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him, his lips instantly latching onto your cheek, desperate wet open mouthed kisses dropping down to your neck and down to your chest as you gasped.
“m’sorry m’sorry m’sorry—” he repeated like a chant, voice muffled by the way he was sucking on your neck like a little leech, his fingers looping themselves in the straps of your dress before pulling down and revealing your bare tits to him.
you were wholeheartedly gobsmacked at what he was doing and you were loving every single second of it, the way his wild eyes darted over your tits and his wet lips just about drooling over them.
“i’m gonna suck your tits,” his gaze shot back up to you, chest rising and falling. “okay baby?”
a fierce blush spread over your cheeks at his words, mentally cursing yourself for wanting this so bad but feeling bashful at the wrong freaking time.
you barely even nodded before he picked you up by the waist and set you down on the counter of the sink, his wet tongue darting across the plush of your breasts and pressing flat against your nipple, your breath hitching at the feeling.
yuta sucked and nipped feverishly at your nipples, getting them slick and slippery with his spit as he squeezed at your waist desperately, your pretty moans ringing through his ears making his bulge tighten and strain against the buckle of his belt.
he trailed his tongue back up to your neck and groped the fat of your ass with his hands, subconsciously rutting into your covered lips as he whined and groaned over the warmth of your pussy.
“i— i’m gonna cum in my pants if we keep going.” he puffed out, tone constricted as he looked at you with feral half lidded eyes.
you nodded quickly. “but i want you to, yu. inside me.”
yuta’s eyes blew wide open as he shook his head, and you felt the way his hands trembled while he gripped your hips.
“we— we can’t baby,” panting, he unwillingly pulled his bulge slightly apart from your warmth and looked at you sincerely. “i can’t do that to you—“
“do what?” you asked softly, tilting your head to the side. “make love to me?”
“no— well, yes?” he dropped his forehead to rest on your shoulder and placed his hands at the edge of the counter to support his weight, groaning.
“i don’t want you to think i’m taking advantage of you or— or not respecting you and i want you to know how serious i’m taking this relationship and—”
you cupped his cheeks and made him look at you, your voice sweet and soft. “who said that? i don’t think that at all yu, and i know you’re serious about us.. i wouldn’t be sitting on this counter with my tits out if you weren’t.”
yuta laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“you don’t wanna fuck me?” you whispered lewdly.
“trust me i do—”
“you don’t wanna see what kind of panties i have on under?” you pressed an open mouthed kiss to his neck. “you don’t want to maybe guess the color of my underwear?”
“oh i don’t have to guess baby,” he shook his head and grinned. “i know.”
yuta buried his face in your hair and inhaled, “has this been your plan all along pretty? to be a little slut for me and show off what you got going on down there?” he snapped his bulge back on your pussy so roughly that you jolted up by the sheer force. “to get me to fuck you? hm?”
you didn’t respond, you couldn’t respond by the way he was running and groping his hands deliciously all over your body as he spoke nasty to you. all you could do was moan stupidly.
“lucky for you, i’m just as guilty.”
he pulled your straps back over your shoulders then while sliding you off the counter, tugging the hem of your dress down over your ass before opening the door and leading you by the hand outside.
yuta ran through the halls opening and closing doors again, the both of you laughing when you would find other people fucking or making out, until he finally found an open vacant room with a bed and slammed the door closed, locking it.
his lips smashed against yours without another moment wasted, you unzipping and pulling your dress up and over yourself as he yanked his shirt off and threw it fuck knows where.
pushing you down gently on the bed, yuta took a step back to admire your perfect perfect body, the way your tits bounced with every movement you made, and the way that god forsaken lacy black underwear made you look as he just stood there and stared.
you cowered a little under his gaze, legs closing and arms crossing over your chest. “what?”
he shook his head. “i love you… so much.”
you smiled bright then, pearly whites on display as you watched him reach down and fumble with his belt frantically, sliding it off and pushing his pants down before kicking them away and hovering over you until you were both entirely bare.
yuta pressed honeyed wet kisses all the way down your body and in between your legs, shoving his face to your clothed pussy and inhaling your sweet scent, moaning as he did so.
he was so freakishly hard as he licked a long stripe up, the fabric rough and wet under his tongue as you squirmed and whined, impatient and bratty.
“you taste so sweet, baby.” he groaned, pulling your panties to the side and spitting on your clit, his index finger running delicately and slowly over your meaty slimy folds.
“fuck—” you panted, carding your fingers through his hair. “more please—”
“more?” he hummed, watching at the way you shook and shivered with his every touch as he slobbered all over your pussy like a man starved.
it was so filthy, squelching and sloshes of his mean mouth bullying your clit as your fingers flew to grip the sheets beneath you.
“eek!” you squealed, your thighs closing tight around his head as he ate, his hands coming up to force them apart.
“let me eat.”
yuta gripped the fat of your plushy thighs as his sloppy tongue moved across your lips and pussy, coaxing your syrupy cunt to pulse and jump with each lick, a knot forming at the pit of your tummy.
“i— yu, i can’t—” you tried to run away from his mouth. “i’m gonna cum—”
but he only grabbed your hips and brought you back down roughly, his rolling tongue lapping up your juices before your entire body shook with erotic ecstasy, your thighs clamping shut as you squealed and creamed on his tongue.
“fuuuucckkk,” he dragged out, coming back up and sliding your absolutely drenched and ruined panties down your shaking legs, his mouth coated and shiny and covered in you.
yuta pumped his cock a few times, and that’s when you noticed just how big he was, packing a meaty punch that had your mouth watering and desperate.
you spread your legs again as he climbed over you, sliding his dick in between your messy sticky folds before lining his fat tip against your hole.
god, yuta’s body and dick were on fucking fire, his tip slowly nudging and slightly stretching you, a pathetic whine leaving his lips at the feeling of your perfect pussy that was entirely his to fuck, a dream he’s had and yearned over for what feels like an eternity.
“m’gonna put it in,” he choked, licking his lips as he tightly gripped your waist.
you eagerly nodded, spreading your legs even wider. “please, i want you to fill me up, yu.”
and with that, yuta slowly and deliciously stretched your little cunt open, his swollen dick pushing past your tight squeezing gummy walls until he bottomed out.
“f—fuck,” he swallowed thickly. “you gotta loosen up baby you’re milking me—”
your hands gripped at his arms for support as yuta gently pumped his cock, your pussy sucking him up like a yummy lollipop and trapping him inside. “i can’t yu…” you shook your head. “you’re too big—”
his glassy eyes darkened over at your words, and he picked up a brutal pace almost instantly.
“is this— hah— what you wanted?” he reached out and pinched your rosy cheek meanly, pounding into your puffy walls as you cried dumbly. “to fuck you dumb on my dick after teasing me like that downstairs? huh?”
your eyes squeezed shut, loud pornographic moans tumbling out of your throat as he fucked you like he hated you, your tits bouncing with every hit.
a series of pat pat pat’s bounced all over the walls as yuta buried his face into your neck, his heavy balls slapping against your ass as he shoved his dick inside of you over and over and over again.
“i can— hah— barely move you’re sucking me, baby.” yuta hiccuped, his eyes welling with feral tears.
it felt good, way too good and he could hardly handle it, his heart racing against his chest as he watched you make slutty faces that only fueled his erotic agony.
he fucked you full into the mattress, setting an animalistic pace as the headboard hit against the wall repeatedly.
“s—slow down, yu!” you whined, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the way his tip hit your cervix without mercy, you on the verge of cumming and creaming all over his dick.
“no—” he shook his head and looked at you, your sweaty hot bodies sticking together. “m’sorry pretty i c—can’t—”
yuta hiccuped and whined and cried at the way your greedy pussy was milking him for all of his worth, his abs tensing at the familiar feeling of his release. the amount of times yuta fisted his cock to the thought of you like a pervert, just like this, spread out and pretty, didn’t even come close or compare to the real thing laying in front of him right now.
“m’gonna pull out, okay?” he muttered. “gonna cum—“
“nuh uh!” you whined, wrapping your thighs tightly around his waist to keep him inside, your arms clutching his brooding shoulders. “i want you to dump it inside of me.”
“i— inside?!” he swallowed.
you nodded and smiled sweetly at him through your fucked out expression and puffy pouty lips, a sight he never ever wanted to forget in his life and keep the privilege of looking at every day, just for him.
yuta groaned again and shoved his face back into your neck, squishing your tits in his hands and holding on to them for dear life as you milked his cock, slamming his hips up to meet yours and you whimpering at how deliciously rough he was.
“mm— fuck!” you squealed as you felt yuta’s hot ropey cum shoot up your walls, bucket loads of it filling you to the brim as you felt your own orgasm wash over you, his hand pressing down against your lower tummy as he hiccuped against your neck.
you both grabbed on to each other as you tried to come down from your highs, your skin sticky and hot as his steamy breath fanned over your ear shakily, the booming of music downstairs shaking the walls a little and the sounds of footsteps walking down the halls filling your ears.
yuta gently peeled himself from you and slowly, delicately— pulled his dick out, his pupils dilating at the sight of his milky cum oozing out of you sluggishly.
his dizzy eyes flickered over to your dazed and tired face, smiling softly. “are you okay baby?”
you closed your eyes as he leaned down and brushed some of your hair away from your eyes, laughing a little. “yeah.”
“wait here—” he whispered before getting off the bed and walking over to what he assumed was the bathroom, retrieving a random towel.
coming back over, he tenderly spread your legs and cleaned you up, rubbing soothing circles into your ankles with his thumbs as he did so before plopping back down on the bed next to you, pulling you softly into his arms.
that was the first time you both had sex together, and as the fact registered into your head, you buried your face into his bare chest shyly.
“hm?” yuta looked down at you. “what, baby?”
“you’ve seen me naked now,” you muttered, voice faintly muffled.
he giggled lowly. “you’ve seen me naked now too.”
“your dick is big,” you leaned back a bit. “i can’t believe you’ve been keeping that thing hostage from me.”
yuta choked at your blunt statement and shook his head. “i’ve always wanted this baby, believe me.” he kissed your forehead and nuzzled his face into your neck. “i just didn’t want to disrespect you pretty so i just didn’t know if you wanted it like i did.”
“but i do—”
he laughed again, “i know you do, now i do.”
you smiled sheepishly as yuta caressed your back with his fingertips lovingly, feeling like he was at the gates of heaven with you in his arms after having shared something so intimate like that for the first time, something he only lived in his sleepy dreams prior to this moment.
“i love you, yu.” you mumbled against his chest, and his heart absolutely melted as he captured your lips in a sweet sweet kiss.
oh how he loved you, and the sight of your gorgeous naked body next to him, your breathtaking unreal face looking at him and only him with those eyes—
was something he wouldn’t trade for the world.
taglist <3: @turtlesaee @heretoreadfics
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