povlima · 9 months
opinion - ru rigged's group will FLOPPP
they lost jihyun, jiwoo, chanelle and jeemin THE LITERAL FAN FAVS while i am the one who lost faith in humanity, i would defo not stan this group but praying for wonhees improvment
the whole thing was defo set up.. anyways i hope chanelle thrives and all the judges loose their jobs and statuses bc nahhh #chanelleoutsold
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( ・ ・、)ヾ(^ ) " dont cry because its over
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤsmile because it happened
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tag yourself: intrepid heroes' alter emos as ppl who went to my public high school
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forest-illusions · 2 months
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retromoonlight · 9 months
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cherryredvibes · 2 months
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pierrcetheveil · 3 months
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noname-404s-blog · 11 months
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Stupid me 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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thesademoprincess · 6 months
Mmm well that was not very "obsessed with me" of you
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daughterofchaosstuff · 2 months
I'm never surprised by betrayal. i'm surprised by genuine love. Betrayal is like...well you're just like everyone else, and it's pretty easy to find the likes of you everywhere!
Genuine love is inspiring and more rare,
...more surprising.
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meowmeowriley · 2 months
Soap, after a particularly difficult to handle mission: "You alright, Lt.?"
Ghost: "Hmmm? Oh. I'll be fine."
Soap: "You sure? That'd mess anybody up."
Ghost: "Yeah, I'm fine. I have to be. I have to win."
Soap: "Win?"
Ghost: "Yeah, I've realized that I'm an elder emo now. And if I persist long enough, at some point I will be the eldest emo. I'll win."
Soap, more concerned now than ever: "...Riiiiight... good... it's good to have goals..."
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demobatman · 11 months
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three cheers for mike wheeler
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consign-to-oblivion · 3 months
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The Amity Affliction - "Coffin"
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carrotkicks · 1 year
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and that's how the fifteen arc began(?)
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mcrslover · 3 months
MCR quotes for anyone who needs them:
"Kids would say they were going to kill themselves then they heard our music... it's our mission"
- Mikey Way.
"Reasons why mcr is good for you
Feeling like a rad vampire? Listen to bullets
Feeling angry? Listen to 3 cheers
Feeling sad? Listen to black parade
Feeling colourful and happy? Listen to danger days
Feeling like breaking up your band? Listen to death never stop you"
"This is for every kid out there... That dyed their hair a fucked up colour and can't get a job. They got a tattoo on their neck like Frank, and can't get a job. That does this because they fuckin' love this. This song is for every kid in the audience- even if you don't have fucked up hair or tattoos-every kid on stage, this song's about us, this song's about you, it's called The Kids From Yesterday."
- Gerard Way.
"Stop covering your children's eyes.
Everything is fucked up and pretending it's not won't make it any better. I'm tired of people praying for a change when it's up to them to get off their asses and make a change."
- Frank Iero.
"I spent most of my time in the back of the class, just drawing. My goal was to not get noticed in school, because spent so long not being noticed anyway or being treated as if I were invisible that I started to like it.
I've learned that it's actually not very lonely... It's like, you have less friends but the friends you have count more. I met a lot of people that weren't outsiders, or they were very popular, and they have a lot of friends but I don't know if they're the kinds of friends you would call up at 3 am to help you out or talk about being depressed."
- Gerard Way.
"Promise me, when MCR's gone, you'll do what it takes to survive. You're strong enough to do it without us."
- Gerard Way.
"All your quirks and all your problems, even your depressions, and your failures that's.. that's what makes you, you."
- Gerard Way.
"If you or someone you know is severely depressed you need to fucking talk to someone! Your mom, someone in school, I don't give a fuck! Because suicide is fucking bullshit."
- Gerard Way.
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."
- Gerard Way.
"Nothing is worth hurting yourself over, nothing is worth taking your life over"
- Gerard Way.
"If we never play another show again, just keep yourself alive."
- Gerard Way.
"We're outsiders, we're the kids who didn't get dates for the prom, we're the kids who were confused, who didn't fit in with the cliques, who weren't part of the in-crowd.
Growing up can be a very frightening and confusing time, and I think people look at us and see it's okay to be different. They see that there is a way other than what they're being offered. That you can stand out, that you can be creative, that you can be yourself."
- Gerard Way.
I love MCR so much it's like they have a song for every situation. Feeling sad? Listen to The Lights Behind Your Eyes. Feeling frustrated? Listen to I'm Not Okay. Feeling Energetic? Listen to Na Na Na. Feeling like you wanna kick some ass? Listen to Destroya.
Feeling rebellious? Listen to Teenagers. Feel like you wanna break up your band? Listen to Fake Your Death."
"The difference we want to make is, number one, to let these kids know that they're not alone, that they're actually not that messed up, and that they can do whatever they want they can express themselves in any way they want without being persecuted or called a faggot or some kind of racist thing. Really just get people to get over their stuff so they can live."
- Gerard Way.
"Whatever happens to you, no matter what, l'm always fucking there for you... Don't forget that. I don't give a shit if your boyfriend dumps you. If your girlfriend dumps you. If you're working a shitty job or can't get through school. If you can't get through a fucking Harry Potter book, there's nothing worth dying over. There's nothing worth taking your life over. I will always fucking be there."
- Gerard Way.
"If you come to an MCR show, you're probably a little fucked up, and that's okay because we're just as fucked up as you. It's us against the world. And it's great because there's thousands of us in one place."
- Gerard Way.
"Someone doesn't like you? Fuck it.
Having a bad day? Fuck it. Didn't get that job, or that grade, or that promotion you wanted? Fuck it. Fighting with your lover? Fuck it. Feel fat today? Fuck it. Losing control of everything and everyone? Fuck it.
What matters now won't matter soon; the truly important thing is that you are alive, and that you have the capacity to do absolutely anything with this beautiful, crazy coincidence of being on this earth. Just stick your middle fingers in the air and think, 'Damn, I have it good."
- Gerard Way.
"You're going to come across a lot of shitty bands, and a lot of shitty people. And if anyone of those people call your names because of what you look like, or bedause they don't accept you for who you are. I want you to look right at that mother fucker, stick up your middle finger and scream
- Gerard Way.
"Real revenge is making something of yourself."
- Gerard Way.
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m0rbs · 10 months
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I think I’ve watched The Voyage Home over seventeen times now
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wandasverison · 4 months
texting wanda
y/n: are you okay? you said you’d be home an hour ago…
wanda: yeah sorry, just had to play a little prank on tony real quick!
y/n: it took you an hour?
wanda: check the front door.
y/n: *looks outside to see wanda floating into the front yard with the avenger’s ‘a’ symbol*
wanda: he bet i wouldn’t be able to get it
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