#NPD process
marketxcel · 10 months
Idea Screening in New Product Development- Navigating Innovation with Precision
In this insightful guide, we’ll delve into the world of idea screening, explore its nuances, and unveil the Bridges framework—a powerful tool to guide your ideation efforts towards success.
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naofaun · 11 months
It's normal to feel jealous. In friendships, relationships, whatever. Jealousy is a very normal, very human emotion and most likely, it's telling you that a need of yours isn't being met. But sometimes jealousy just shows up randomly and makes itself known for no reason. Maybe you have the happiest relationship possible and you still get jealous. Maybe all of your needs, and more, are being met. That's okay.
Never be ashamed of jealousy. Never be ashamed of anger or sadness or fear. These emotions are not “bad”, there is no such thing as bad emotions. You cannot be completely free of them, and they do not inherently mean you or the other person(s) is abusive.
Listen to what your mind is telling you. If you're jealous every single time your friend hangs out with someone that's not you; why? Are you scared of your friend liking the person more than you? Are you scared that you're not worthy of your friend's time and energy? Are you scared that maybe the other person secretly hates you and plans to turn your friend against you?
Whatever it is, its okay. Don't listen to people telling you that “non-abusers don't get jealous”. Because they do. It's just about how they handle the jealousy. If you listen to your body and figure out the underlying fear or insecurity, you're already doing way more than most.
Sometimes you can talk to your friend about that fear. Sometimes you can explain to them that you feel afraid when they hang out with other people because you're insecure. Do not ever make it out to be their problem, like something they should fix. They can understand and do their best to help you, but do not ever demand or even let them drop these friends for you. Unless the friends are genuinely awful people (which you should then have an entirely different conversation about), it is your friend's right to keep them as friends.
But maybe you can come to a compromise. Maybe when your friend is done hanging out with someone, they can tell you about what they did. Maybe instead of an obligation, its like a “oh my god I had so much fun and I want to tell someone about it” thing. They get to talk about how much fun they had to someone that cares, and you get to know that these other people didn't try to turn your friend against you, or whatever your fear may have been.
Anyway, my overall point is; jealousy is okay and normal. It usually covers some sort of insecurity or fear, like how anger can cover sadness or hurt. It doesn't matter how often you feel jealous - I'm a very very jealous person but I have coping mechanisms and ways to help me when I get jealous so that I don't hurt the person I'm jealous of. I will always suggest mental health assistance like therapy or medication if it's available, but sometimes, its more about the way you treat your feelings and the communication you have with your friends.
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eclaire-went-bam · 3 months
i'm annoyed at how much the left values empathy specifically. you can do good things without having empathy, empathy is not an inherently good quality, and lacking it isn't inherently bad. i hate seeing lefties dunk on someone for "having no empathy," which may or may not be true, but considering how many people preach empathy as an inherent trait of the left & "goodness" is irksome. just dunk on someone for the bad actions they have done, it's not hard.
i know it's a good look to be empathetic, but it really does feel like the end-all-be-all here.
i can still have good politics and want better for people & the world without necessary having empathy for these things. i can still be passionate about certain issues just from a factual standpoint, i can still listen to people affected by them, without necessarily feeling empathy for those most affected by them.
it's just like that one tumblr posts where a user pointed out "yes, even free healthcare to annoying ppl like those who went blind at the nft convention" ;;
i doubt many people are empathetic towards them, but we still acknowledge they should benefit. generally speaking we're trying to benefit even those opposed to us with stuff like free housing & healthcare. those are our politics & beliefs, and they don't suddenly "turn off" when you seee someone you don't like. or, they shouldn't. i can hate someone & still believe they deserve the same rights as me. i could not care if someone died, & yet still believe they should at least be able to keep themselves alive with a minimum wage job
frankly, to suddenly change your beliefs on some specific cases bcs you don't like them specifically is fickle, just like how the left is all restorative justice, until it comes to a specific person or crime that is too far, then it's "maybe we should give the state the right to execute people !"
so it does baffle me why so many people here value empathy like it's an inherent trait in the left, or that those opposed to the left are incapable of empathy & therefore evil & demonic.
empathy can ignite action in most people who have the ability to experience it. but that doesn't mean only those people are or do good, and the language the left uses is real isolating for that.
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daffythefox · 5 months
Fun fact: People with high amounts of empathy can abuse people with low/no empathy! Having empathy (even very high amounts of it) does not make it so someone can't be abusive. Having low/no empathy does not make it so you can't be abused.
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king-wilhelm · 2 years
"Why do you always want to headcanon a character as neurodivergent?"
Because y'all won't give us the representation. You'll take all our good qualities and all of our struggles to expand your character profile but you won't actually make them ND. Because God forbid there is a character who casually has autism or adhd or bpd or dyslexia or literally any type of neurodivergency. That absolutely can't happen. Instead, you'll turn the symptoms into "quirky character traits" to make them interesting. All the while treating neurodivergent people like they're incompetent, inconvenient or dangerous.
Like, make it make sense 🙄
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firesofdainix · 4 days
That "Ford has NPD" post did irreparable damage to the gf tiktok fandom
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mr-payjay · 5 months
analysis of oj's thought process in this scene for funsies (quick warning for suitcase being put down and seen as inferior by another but it's not character neg)
why is oj being a massive fucking bitch? 🤔 Let's analyze.
so, obviously oj is living off a power trip in this episode. interesting implications about his actual power as a hotel owner. actually, at the beginning of the episode, we can see that he is NOT RESPECTED. salt lies about cleaning up, pepper demands him where the towels are (and he smugly lets her enter the DEATH TRAP DOOR? implying a familiar but negative relationship), and in general oj (and paper sort of but that's not relevant) seems to be the only caretaker while the rest of the residents are more like customers. though it seems they are *meant* to help out (such as salt being supposed to clean).
anyway. once oj gets the temporary host role for inanimate insanity, he immediately gets excited. we transition to the scene outside the hotel and he even does a little twirl! oj starts to read off the paper mephone uses (which oj has happily vandalized with drawings of himself and a snarky little message, this points to his general disdain towards mephone) and is trying to go Smoothly through with it. once the teams start fighting, he doesn't even try to figure out who's telling the truth, preferring instead to eliminate a random person. he REALLY likes to be efficient with his time, huh? that's talked about more in the next paragraph, but in this one i'll say a bit about his hatred for inanimate insanity. for the whole episode, he is uncaring of the show's rules, guidelines, structures, etc. he eliminates someone at random, he makes the contestants clean the hotel NOT as a challenge then flips a coin to determine the loser (only after they question him), he makes them sing for no reason other than to be entertained, he zips through every step as fast as possible. he does not care at all about ii, despite being so eager to host it. why? because hosting it means he gets to boss around a group of people (and he can make them clean his hotel! something he really needs help with!!), he gets to take mephone's place and mess with his stuff and disrespect his show, and generally he gets to sort of... take out some of his lasting frustrations surrounding ii. i don't think ANY of the season one cast is fond of inanimate insanity (and especially not of mephone), even if it brought them together (also not always a good thing). oj certainly isn't.
once he picks suitcase, he starts by calling her "whats-your-face" (thank you for noticing mari), then a few seconds later calls her by her actual name. thissss is so interesting to me. he KNOWS her name, apparently. but he called her a mean name first. this can either imply that he forgot, that he's just being a jerk for the hell of it, or both. i think it's both. a mix of his obsession with productivity and his need to be superior motivates this. he wants to get the elimination over with as quickly as possible, so quickly that he doesn't even bother to remember her name right away, because he's SO efficient that he just simply Doesn't have time for these things (in his mind). so it makes him feel both superior to her (disrespecting her), makes him feel good about himself (he feels like he's just being Productive and Time Efficient and part of that is that he has "no time" to do anything else but work). basically, he DID forget her name for like, a singular second, he just didn't bother to wait a moment or correct himself instead of calling her something else.
and for telling suitcase she's ruining the show? let's bring it back to ii1. oj insults people whenever he feels like it. he's pretty mean, and he's worse when he's stressed. he insults people particularly for being "useless" (such as to bomb), and is quick to fight back against anyone who challenges him. a pushover like suitcase is easy to demean. and it makes him respect her even less when she's being so meek! oj thinks his snappishness is justified by the fact he's, once more, simply being time efficient ("we've got a busy schedule!"), and that she is just wasting his time. i said earlier that oj doesnt respect inanimate insanity. so why does he accuse her of ruining the show if he doesn't care about it? well, because this is *his* episode. his time to be the host. even if he disregards the usual way things run, he's still going to get upset if something conflicts with *his* plans. he wants to get this over with and get them to clean his hotel, not much else (again, he's still enjoying being in a position of authority, he just likes to be nonchalant about how Superior and Powerful he is now). if someone's interrupting that, he's going to assert himself. oj always fights back against anyone who challenges him, and suitcase is too much of a doormat to stop him from shutting her down.
now for oj telling her to step back. this part is petty. he's irritated but also kind of. happy about being irritated. "what," you say? well, see, suitcase is genuinely trying to follow his directions. she just doesn't know how *much* to step back, obviously. so oj keeps shooing her a little bit at a time until she's finally offscreen, and you can tell he's a little bit annoyed by it. but this is part of the power & superiority once more! he gets to boss around someone "inferior to him" who is just soooo stupid that she doesn't even know where to go. and oj has to shoo her over and over because she's just not getting it (since he is sooo very much smarter than her and she is just completely incapable of following OBVIOUS directions.) but it's okay she is simply a Minor inconvenience (in his head) that he has dealt with now. also note that he could've just pointed to where she had to go. does this paragraph make sense? he likes being able to tell others what to do and have them do it, so even if she's kind of annoying him by not completely understanding the instructions, he still gets to assert his authority quite a bit.
this analysis is particularly focused on the scene in the video but i do bring up some other parts of the episode to support it.
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cold--carnage · 6 months
ah yes the signature Homelander angry eye twitch thing
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jimothantheclown · 8 months
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zim be upon ye
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cluster b culture is going through 30+ hours of therapy and still being a mess
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devine-acension-831 · 27 days
When I think back to the ones I felt “safe” with that ended up coldly locking eyes with me as they betrayed me in the end, it’s clear now. It was not the right kind of safe. This safety came from a sense of survival. Life was a storm I felt stranded in. And the refuge I found in this person was made from leftover leaves and sticks I gathered up. Which is to say I settled for what I had and pretended it was what I always needed. But that’s the problem with confusing temporary shelters with well constructed homes. Despite it getting you through some cold lonely nights it all falls apart in the end. My hope for you is that you experience the safety that only comes with a firm foundation. May you recognize those connections that don’t deserve a “welcome home” mat. Please don’t stay there. You deserve to feel safe. You deserve the warmth of a secure space. 🤍
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narcisselaments · 9 months
I just hate myself so much, I wish I could disappear into nothingness but also if I don’t have a body, how is anyone supposed to notice me and give me all the attention I deserve, but I also don’t deserve anything good so (is cursed in an endless loop)
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eclaire-went-bam · 6 months
bro i haaaate neurotypicals "when are you gonna learn to drive you should've started learning years ago" "i can't i'd get myself killed" and the main responses are
"just say you're trying to use other people to get around" (although i always pay for gas and try to walk places wherever possible) or
"haha i thought that too at first but it ended up being really easy!!!"
no you do not understand. i have a silly thing called Sensory Processing Disorder & i can and will have a shutdown even in the back seat of a car.
no you do not understand. i am often disconnected from reality and would hallucinate or experience delusions while trying to drive.
no you do not understand. i am deeply mentally ill and may get into a really dangerous situation for thrills.
we are not the same.
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phosphenemoth · 2 months
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My poor sensory issues 🙃
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npd culture is understanding why so many other online narcissists have an issue with controlling other people's identities but desperately wanting them to look into more self help options.
Like "anti-[queer people using queer labels]", fake claiming, ___course, the reclamation of slurs, or anything.
Our egos (meaning the way we relate our identities to other people's identities) are so messed up by our disorder. We easily feel invalidated by other people's existence. We easily feel confused and scared if someone is using a label in a way that's different from how we use it. We base our identity on how other people see us, so it can be difficult to understand why that may not be important to other people.
But god damn it, take a breather. Other people know their own experiences better than you do, especially if they don't even know who you are. Your validity isn't based on or even affected by someone else's validity at all. Put more faith in yourself and others.
Npd culture will hopefully become learning to decenter yourself from other people's identities and stop granting ourself rulers of other people's lives. Damn.
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marquisedegramont · 3 months
i need to write more angst fics with hopelesslydevoted lmao
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