#Overcoming Societal Expectations
Overcoming Societal Expectations: The Struggle for Women Entrepreneurs in Eastern Europe
by Emancip8 Project
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Eastern Europe, a region marked by socio-economic transformation and growth, faces unique challenges in fostering gender equality among entrepreneurs. Women in these countries confront pervasive societal expectations and systemic barriers that hinder their entrepreneurial pursuits. This article examines the multi-layered struggles faced by women entrepreneurs in Eastern Europe and highlights the importance of implementing targeted policies and interventions to empower these individuals.
Cultural norms and gender roles significantly impact women’s opportunities in Eastern Europe (Pascall & Lewis, 2004). Traditional beliefs often relegate women to caregiving roles, hindering their ability to engage in entrepreneurial activities. Thus, dismantling these entrenched stereotypes is imperative to create a more inclusive business landscape for women (Aidis et al., 2007).
Furthermore, access to financial resources remains a critical challenge for women entrepreneurs. Research by Jennings and Brush (2013) highlights that women in Eastern Europe are often at a disadvantage in securing loans and attracting investors, as gender biases persist in financial institutions. This limited access to capital can stifle the growth of women-owned businesses and deter potential female entrepreneurs.
Networking and mentorship opportunities are essential for the success of women entrepreneurs (Stoian & Rialp, 2017). However, the lack of representation of women in business leadership roles within Eastern Europe contributes to a scarcity of role models, which can negatively impact women’s aspirations and self-confidence. By promoting networking initiatives and mentorship programs tailored to women, Eastern European countries can help bridge this gap and empower women entrepreneurs.
Educational disparities and insufficient skill development further compound the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the region (Drobnic & Blossfeld, 2004). Addressing the gender gap in education and access to resources is crucial for fostering a more inclusive entrepreneurial environment. Targeted training programs and resource allocation for women can enhance their ability to establish and grow successful businesses.
In summary, promoting gender equality among entrepreneurs in Eastern Europe necessitates a multifaceted approach that tackles cultural norms, financial barriers, networking deficiencies, and educational disparities. By implementing targeted policies and support systems, Eastern European countries can create a more equitable and prosperous business environment for women entrepreneurs.
Aidis, R., Welter, F., Smallbone, D., & Isakova, N. (2007). Female entrepreneurship in transition economies: the case of Lithuania and Ukraine. Feminist Economics, 13(2), 157–183.
2. Drobnic, S., & Blossfeld, H. P. (2004). Career patterns over the life course: Gender, class, and linked lives. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 21, 139–164.
3. Jennings, J. E., & Brush, C. G. (2013). Research on women entrepreneurs: challenges to (and from) the broader entrepreneurship literature? The Academy of Management Annals, 7(1), 663–715.
4. Pascall, G., & Lewis, J. (2004). Emerging gender regimes and policies for gender equality in a wider Europe. Journal of Social Policy, 33(3), 373–394.
5. Stoian, M. C., & Rialp, A. (2017). Women entrepreneurs in Europe: fostering entrepreneurial competence through networking. Competence-Based Vocational and Professional Education, 4, 693–716.
Read more at Emancip8 Project.
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theletterboxstuff · 4 months
The urge to not live the way society expects from you, the urge to study and gather beneficial knowledge about any and everything, the urge to do something significant in and for this world because I can, the urge to build my own house and earn my own money, the urge to learn to cook for leisure and survival, the urge to keep my place clean and tidy because I like it that way and not because I am expected to do the household chore after marriage, to marry because I want to and not because people expect me to get married at a certain age. The urge to be free from the mental cages we are put in from the very start until the very end.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
Transgender Joker be like:
Gordon's been force femmed. I've proved my point. I've shown there's no difference between me and everyone else! All it takes is one cracked egg to make “cisgenders” realize their trans. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one cracked egg.
Your egg cracked one, right? I can tell. You had a trans awakening and everything changed. Why else would you dress up like that? You had a trans awakening, and you realized your trans like the rest of us... only you won't admit it! You have to keep pretending that your agab is correct, that there's some point to all this pain! God, you make me want to puke.
I mean, what is it with you? What made you sure of your agab? Societal expectation? Close Minded parents? Something like that, I bet.
Something like that happened to me. I'm not exactly sure what it was. Sometimes I remember being told I was a boy, sometimes a girl... if I'm going to have a gender, I prefer it to be fluid!
My point is, I had a trans awakening. When I saw what an awful joke gender roles were, I broke free! I admit it! Why can't you? I mean, you're not stupid! You must see the reality of the situation. Do you know how many times we've come close to war over who gets to use which bathroom? Do you know what triggered the last gender-reveal party gone wrong? A disagreement over pink or blue!
It's all a joke! Everything you've ever valued or struggled for... it's all a monstrous, demented gag! So why can't you see the truth here?
Why won't you admit it?
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ijustloveherokay · 5 months
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SZA speaks about being labeled an R&B artist despite her work in other genres.
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tiredphilosophy · 4 months
It’s times like these (exams) that I wonder what all this work was for. Like, on a whole, were the people who advanced society (philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, some politicians & rulers, etc) thinking “ah yes, one day my descendants will be able to sit in fluorescent-lit rooms and fill in bubbles on a piece of paper that will be judged by a machine to determine if they’re intelligent enough to not have to take a class in the special school they’ll go to after 12 years of schooling” or “ah yes, one day my decedents will be staying up late researching things they don’t give a damn about because the government decided it was important. Will they ever be genuinely interested in pursuing the topic after associating it with exhaustion, back pain, lack of control over their own lives, and a lack of self worth? Ha, probably not, isn’t that great?”
And then did pioneers from what are less privileged groups today go, “oh, oh, and my decedents will struggle to get an education instead! They’ll also have dirty water and be starving and their economy will be failing and their government will be corrupt! Wouldn’t that be so fun?”
And did the pioneers from what are privileged groups today go, “That’s genius! And the young people from our countries will learn, like, Calculus, while not being encouraged to help those less fortunate than them. I mean, they’ll do ‘service hours,’ I guess, but that won’t be nearly as rewarded as working to be accepted to a highly respected college, which they’ll also pay to attend, even though we’ll eventually create a resource (the internet) where literally all the knowledge of the human race can be recorded and communicated.”
I was told by people much smarter than me that the school system and much of our culture is meant, first and foremost, to benefit the economy. And personally, I believe it. We’re taught about productivity and how to maximize output, with only a small amount of time being dedicated to exploring what is valuable to us as individuals and to the world as a whole. Or the way that we, as individuals, function best, both alone and in a group. (And when I say in a group, I don’t mean group projects where you just want to get it done and get a decent grade, I mean group projects that you actually care about contributing to.) We’re basically taught how to do a simple job. Get instructions, follow instructions, improve at task. And even then, the skills are only really applicable to jobs that don’t require actual independent thought.
Critical thinking skills? Unheard of. Comprehension skills? What are you even talking about.
We aren’t taught thinking skills; we’re taught patterns. It’s no wonder that most young people seem unoriginal and dependent. Society took the human feature that allows us to improve as a whole and made it so extreme that we don’t grow as individuals. (Or learn to actively consider the actual whole, including those outside our social group and more.)
TLDR: Is measurable academic success, (and later economic success, especially through traditional means) really what we should be shaping children to value and achieve?
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komorebi-musings · 4 months
Stay True to Your Dreams
A recent conversation with a close friend has got me thinking deeply about the human mind and society. Back in school, my friend and I used to talk endlessly about our dreams and goals. We had grand plans of becoming independent individuals, living in a city we love, and leading the lifestyle we always dreamed of. Now, as we go through university, I find myself still fiercely committed to those…
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mattdobbins · 9 months
The Maze that Leads to Authentic Life
I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be yourself in a world that’s constantly trying to make you something else. It’s like being in a maze, where every turn is a choice between being the real you and the you that everyone else expects. Being authentic isn’t just some trendy word for me. It’s the topic at the heart of who I am. There have been times when just being myself felt like I…
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rajthebloggersblog · 10 months
How Does Society Influence My Academics & Mindset?
In this blog post, I have shared my thoughts about how society influences the academics & mindset of a learner & how to overcome it? Introduction: In the intricate dance between society and the individual, the influence of the collective on our academic pursuits and mindset cannot be overstated. As we navigate the educational landscape, societal expectations, peer dynamics, and the omnipresent…
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since taylor swift's definition of "feminine rage" is normalizing cheating, romanticizing ableism and mental illness, and immaturely whining about exes, here's some recommendations of my favorite actual feminine rage songs
trigger warning for abuse, violence, alcoholism, and rape/sa
as good a reason by paris paloma: alternative, indie pop. themes include body image, learning self love, imbalance of power, and fuck the patriarchy vibes
bitter medicine by the crane wives: alternative/indie rock. themes include high responsibility, the consequences of expressing anger as a woman, and self-resentment
blood in the wine by aurora: pop rock. themes include religious trauma, overcoming guilt and shame, embracing human nature, and defying societal norms related to pleasure (sexual and otherwise)
burn your village by kiki rockwell: alternative/indie rock. themes include sexual assault and rape-related trauma, coming to terms with trauma, revenge, high expectations, and witch hunts
everybody supports women by sofia isella: alternative, electronic. themes include societal hypocrisy, unrealistic standards placed on women, and society scrutinizing individuality
labour by paris paloma: alternative, indie pop. themes include unrealistic expectations/standards for women, burnout, emotional stress, and imbalanced relationships
pray by the amazing devil: melodramatic, theatrical, alt-folk. themes include religious trauma, religious power imbalances, oppression of women in religion, overcoming trauma, and self-forgiveness
scars by the crane wives: alternative/indie rock. themes include childhood trauma, mental health/mental illness, self-doubt, and self-resentment
take me to war by the crane wives: alternative/indie rock. themes include fighting bigotry, activism, allowing oneself to express anger and rage, and power imbalances
that unwanted animal by the amazing devil: melodramatic, theatrical, alt-folk. themes include domestic violence and abuse, lack of communication, unhealthy/broken relationships, sexual expectations, and emotional instability
the calling by the amazing devil: melodramatic, theatrical, alt-folk. themes include lifelong trauma, mental health/mental illness, alcoholism, heartbreak and depression, coming to terms with trauma, and self-reflection
the fruits by paris paloma: alt-folk, indie pop. themes include religious trauma, manipulative and abusive relationships, and overcoming trauma
which witch by florence + the machine: alternative/indie pop. themes include witch hunts, revenge, defying societal norms, and unhealthy/unstable relationships
i'm sure there are more in my playlists but this is all i can remember off the top of my head at the moment. i'll edit if i think of more. enjoy xx
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One of my favourite things about Nerdy Prudes Must Die is that it never goes in the direction you'd expect. It's constantly throwing you for a loop and it knows that and revels in it.
It's a high school play. It has the jock and the nerds and the cool kids and the weird prudy one. Romantic relationships establish themselves quickly, but societal forces get in the way. So you think okay, it's gonna be about how they overcome society's judgement and teach everyone to love who you want to love and form unusual couples and live happily ever after, right?
WRONG. Max just straight up dies. Really early on. And Grace, the girl who was into him, is weirdly on board with just hiding the evidence and pretending it never happened. So they hide the body and he's just gone now. So you think, okay, the rest of the play is going to be about how everyone grieves for Max because even though he was a pain, they still miss him, right?
WRONG. Life is great without Max. Everything is going eerily well. And then? Max comes back as a murderous ghost. And you're like oh okay. This is the plot now. We went from teen romance to having to kill this unkillable killing machine who makes lame one liners and never learned from his actions cos he's basically 18 and hormonal forever now.
Everyone talks about Grace's slow decent into madness, and I love it too, but can we talk about Stephanie's arc really quick? She reminds me a bit of Paul from TGWDLM in that neither of them wanted to be the hero, they just wanted an easy life, but they adapt weirdly well to this strange apocalyptic plot to save the world from theatrical harm. She knows that this isn't how the story should've gone, but she's here now and she's just gonna do what she's got to do to save everyone.
Even if that includes summoning weird colourful eldritch beings to help them.
This play is fucking wild from start to finish, y'all.
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brainrot-jikan · 1 month
im not the biggest alhaitham/kaveh shipper (because im a rare pair ho) but it seems to me that in alhaitham/kaveh getting-together fics tend to be... unequal.
the beautiful thing about alhaitham and kaveh is that they're both equally right and equally wrong and equally dicks about it. but the writers for alhaitham/kaveh much more frequently seem to give alhaitham the burden change (the burden of the character flaw) instead of kaveh.
in any good character arc, the main character has a fatal flaw or misconception, and by the end of that arc they have addressed that flaw in some definitive way. scrooge was a scrooge and learned that being that way was detrimental; merlin from finding nemo was overprotective to a fault and had to learn that he couldn't (and shouldn't) control everything and to let go; the wolf from little red riding hood learns that you should stop while you're ahead.
stories centering around romance tend to lean heavily on character arcs, which makes sense. and since romance generally requires two individuals to be vulnerable and open and emotional with each other, it makes double sense that alhaitham/kaveh authors zoom straight into alhaitham's lack of emotional vulnerability.
this bothers me.
in society, individuals are expected to experience and present emotions in a specific way. if someone dies, you cry. if someone smiles at you, you smile back. if you're at a party, you're supposed to be having fun. if you don't do these things, you're seen as impolite at best and a inhuman freak at worst. when these behaviors are frequent it's often viewed as emotional immaturity, or a lack of ability to feel at all. the inability or lack of willingness to conform to societies emotional expectations of you is seen as a flaw and a reason for exclusion.
alhaitham is canonically disliked and avoided for being the way he is. he prefers it this way, but that doesn't mean the people perpetuating this avoidance are in the right. they are the societal pressure to conform that alhaitham blows off. alhaitham could be the way he is for a lot of reasons: avoidant attachment style, trauma, following someone else's example (eg. his grandmother), or just his base personality. it doesn't MATTER. he is the way he is. kaveh having to accept that should be part of the story.
putting the burden of the fatal flaw on alhaitham, making the way alhaitham treats kaveh and the people around him the problem, feels invalidating. it implies heavily that alhaitham's way of interfacing with the world, alhaitham's very SELF, is incorrect. my suggestion is to flip a larger portion of that burden onto kaveh. kaveh 👏 character 👏 arcs 👏
some examples/recommendations:
- make kaveh project his insecurities onto other people but especially onto alhaitham; he's overly reliant on other people for his own self worth, and he perceives alhaitham's lack of positive feedback as a direct reflection of how alhaitham feels about him. but learns along the way that alhaitham doesn't hate him, kaveh's actual struggle is with hating himself and being unable to his own self as worthy of love. maybe throw in how you are responsible for your own recovery, other people can help but you can't rely on them to carry you through self actualization.
- or, kaveh tries to make alhaitham behave more like a "normal" person, to be more pleasant and emotive and forthcoming, and then realizes he's in the wrong for trying to make alhaitham into something he's not, possibly for all the wrong reasons (not because he likes alhaitham better like that, but bc society says that's healthier and a better/more conforming way to be)
- or you could go ahead make alhaitham's issues the main problem but they're too complicated to overcome in a short period of time, so kaveh has to accept alhaitham is doing his best in his own way and not push for unrealistic and unhealthy changes. he could alter his own behavior to give alhaitham space and time and a safe place to land.
that got sappy so it's past time for me to dip out. go forth and ship things; but maybe consider letting alhaitham be a rude stone-faced bastard if he wants to be.
#genshin#alhaitham#kaveh#alhaitham x kaveh#kaveh x alhaitham#kavetham#haikaveh#fanfiction#fandom discussion#meta post#i finally used a readmore are you proud of me#as an avoidant attachment girlie alhaitham is my oshi#pls just allow him to not emote#let the man vibe#i feel certain there must be a real word for the concept of... socially enforced emotional conformity#unrealistic societal expectations and for your inner world which is none of their business#but i sure couldn't find it#if anyone has any words for this pls let me know it's kind of killing me#anyway#i get so mad when the avoidant attachment coded character is forced into (independently by themselves) the arc of:#i realize now that my way of interfacing with people is wrong and bad. yay! i will change that immediately for the big emotional finale#like! with what therapy!!#and why is THEIR world view the incorrect one!!#i have seen fics where it was all a big misunderstanding and actually alhaitham loves kaveh deeply#and kaveh just has to get over his insecurities and understand alhaitham's love language or whatever#and sure. good effort.#but i feel like a lot of those fics aren't very accurate to alhaitham's character#they're retrofitting alhaitham's core personality to better suit the traditional romance narrative#i also think part of the problem is that alhaitham is a pov that's divorced from regular emotionally well adjusted people#and it's difficult to understand or write povs that are drastically different from your own
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bitchy-craft · 8 months
What Bridgerton Character You Are | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out what mythological creature you are and what is associated with said creature. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterpost > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
Daphne Bridgerton is portrayed as poised and graceful, embodying the ideal Regency-era debutante. She is initially naive but possesses a genuine kindness.
Daphne is adept at navigating societal expectations and has a strong sense of loyalty towards her family. But her lack of experience in matters of love and relationships initially makes her somewhat vulnerable.
Throughout the series, Daphne learns to assert herself and understand the complexities of love and marriage, realizing that not everything conforms to societal norms.
Pile 2:
Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings, is initially portrayed as brooding and detached, carrying a deep-seated aversion to marriage due to his troubled past.
His intelligence, charisma, and resilience make him stand out. He excels in strategic thinking. Yet Simon struggles with trust issues and the fear of intimacy, which hinders his ability to connect with others emotionally.
Over the course of the series, Simon learns to confront and overcome his past, ultimately embracing love and emotional vulnerability.
Pile 3:
Penelope Featherington is initially portrayed as shy and overlooked, often in the shadow of her more outgoing friends. She is intelligent and observant.
Penelope possesses a sharp wit and is remarkably perceptive, making her an astute observer of the societal dynamics around her. But her self-esteem suffers due to societal expectations and a secret she keeps, contributing to feelings of inadequacy.
As the series progresses, Penelope learns to value herself, gains confidence, and ultimately reveals her true self to those around her.
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whetstonefires · 8 months
See I don't necessarily disagree with what seems to be the primary reading that Yue Qingyuan's shifu fucked him over, caring nothing for his needs or preferences and only for whether he was useful. That makes sense, it ties into plenty of the generational and societal themes of the story. It fits.
But iirc we don't actually get enough information to know that's what happened.
And the thing is it would be so in-character and also thematically appropriate if Yue Qingyuan absolutely did not explain his goals or why he was working so hard, because it was private and shameful and he didn't expect any sympathy, and there was a high risk of losing everything if he blabbed.
And also if he engaged with the existing ruleset with which he was presented, i.e. 'can't go off on your own on personal business until you've mastered your sword,' in the most negative and controlling manner possible, as absolute commandments.
He's a different kind of guy but he comes from the same background as Shen Jiu! It fucked him up also!
He is very very very not a guy who trusts the system to make allowances for him--even once he has all the power he 'does what he wants' and 'makes selfish choices' as a conscious transgression; not something he has a right to do, just something he can get away with so he's gonna. (And ofc he spends almost all the latitude he grants himself on sqq.)
And even less is he a guy who opens up easily.
He isn't too proud to ask for help or pity, so much as he just doesn't expect to get any.
So in this interpretation, he understood that rule as a non-negotiable barrier in his path, the target to overcome, and focused all his considerable will and talent on overcoming it through the sphere of action he felt he had control over.
And fucked himself up bad.
Whereupon his teacher, possessing absolutely no context for this dumb shit their star pupil pulled, did the only thing they thought might work to save his life, paying in the process no attention to the raving of someone deep in a psychotic break.
Like, I feel like there should have been a better, kinder medical option, but I don't know for sure that there was, so I can't say with certainty this was the kind of cruelty that derives from not caring enough.
And it really would be kind of elegant and so typical of Yue Qingyuan's fundamental tragedy if the real mistake was 'not confiding in anybody' the whole time.
And he was just so deeply sunk into the understanding that explaining and asking were useless that, even looking back, it never really occurred to him that maybe his mistake wasn't 'fucking it up when trying too hard to solve everything on his own' but 'assuming there was no help to be had, and that he had to do it all on his own.'
Like. What if this really could all have been avoided if he'd just trusted and communicated with the adult in charge of him? But of course, of course his history of trauma (neglect, child abuse, exploitation, being the One Responsible for the younger kids whom he could not keep safe) meant he was absolutely not going to do that.
It was basically impossible. For the person he was, the person the world had made of him. And that's always been the core tragedy the whole novel circles back upon.
People can only ever be themselves, and so very often the elements of self that let them survive until now are that which dooms them, that means they need someone else to intervene if they're ever going to be saved. Because your personal doom is always the thing from which you can't save yourself.
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twig-tea · 2 months
I haven't been posting about it week to week but I have been keeping up with My Love Mix-up (the Thai adaptation) and I'm still sitting with how badly this latest episode (ep7) is sitting with me. I just have to purge this so I can move on. Criticism of the adaptation below [including spoilers through to the end of episode 7 and very vague spoilers for the source material].
I wish these show writers would not try to shoehorn an adapted work into the bubble, because this line they are trying to walk is disturbing. By having an older gay character tell Atom that he shouldn't characterize his relationship as different, it's suggesting that societal norms and social expectations are not real, but are something Atom invented. His fear is treated as a joke and an overreaction, something to overcome, and everything I've heard from Thai people in the real world tell me that is very much not the case. This is such a different message from the original manga and Japanese live action, which were both about having the strength to defend your relationship in front of obstacles and trust the people in your lives who have earned it. There's a huge difference between learning not to live in fear even though there are realistic things to be concerned about, and learning your fear was misguided/not based in reality after all so you can just let it go. Queer kids should not be taught to not trust their instincts about who to trust with their truths.
This is the same mistake GMMTV made with the changes they made to 23.5, and it tells me their writers fundamentally don't understand internalized homophobia. You don't develop internalized homophobia in a homophobia-free bubble--kids are not born with it, it has to be learned. We are taught to hate ourselves by parents, by media, by teachers, by strangers...to set a show in a world where that is not a reality, and then to have characters have those fears anyway, is insulting and dismissive of where those fears come from and how they are based on realistic fears about potential outcomes. Gay kids do lose their families and have their lives blown up over the people they love--that is not a joke or an overdramatic statement.
I am really upset by this. It feels like these shows are saying queer people are foolish and delusional for being afraid. I've had people in real life tell me that my concerns were overdramatic before, and I've also seen people badly hurt because they didn't take the threat of homophobia seriously enough. I just...it's not that I worry this will be a model for anyone's behaviour. But this adaptation took a story about characters I could relate to, and changed them so that the show instead instead is invalidating my experience. It feels dehumanizing. In trying to be an escapist piece of media, this show instead became painful for me to watch. I sincerely hope I'm an outlier and other queer folks watching this didn't feel it in the same way, because I don't want other people to be feeling how I'm feeling right now.
I'll be walking away from this one.
@bengiyo I think you mentioned feeling similarly disturbed by this approach in your stray thoughts, so I'm tagging you in case you wanted to add on.
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robfinancialtip · 7 months
💫🌟 Raja Iqdeimat highlights the importance of faith and inspiration. You believe in yourself, others, what you are doing, and your ability. We have boundless potential; we can accomplish anything if we work hard and have faith. It's not only about the money; it should be about your passion and motivation. Put your enthusiasm into anything and work hard, and you will succeed. Even if you don't have any money, you can keep a tiny sum in your bank account, such as $300 or $500. If you have a wonderful idea or a valuable idea, check for the needs, and you will be able to implement it. You can create something if your ideas meet a demand. Then, look for rewards. Rewarding happens afterward, not before.
💡🔍 Furthermore, Raja believes that even with limited financial resources, you may make progress toward your goals. She argues that having only $300 or $500 in a bank account might lead to success if one has a valuable and original concept. Anyone, regardless of income, can create opportunities for themselves by identifying society's needs and providing solutions to meet them. Raja highlights the necessity of focusing on the usefulness and relevancy of ideas since meeting a genuine need is critical to success and a source of inspiration.
🏆🎉 Raja emphasizes that the pursuit of reward should follow the development and implementation of excellent ideas. She suggests that people should prioritize meeting needs and giving solutions before expecting any kind of compensation or acknowledgment. This approach emphasizes the importance of internal motivation and the satisfaction that comes from having a significant influence. According to Raja, genuine success comes from fulfilling one's purpose and having a beneficial impact on others rather than seeking external recognition or financial gain.
🙌🔥 Raja Iqdeimat's ideas emphasize the value of faith, hard effort, and enthusiasm in reaching success. She highlights that people can overcome financial constraints by focusing on excellent ideas and meeting societal needs. Furthermore, she emphasizes the inner gratification gained from making significant contributions, arguing that true success is found in fulfilling one's purpose and positively impacting others through inspirational deeds.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 1
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
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Destiny, unrealizable dreams, incurable disease, war, poverty…
It just goes on.
This world’s a bargain sale of despair.
And it’s called “despair” because you can’t do anything about it.
However, that’s not something I’ll allow.
If you can’t overcome despair— then what’s the point of me, of us humans, being born?
That’s why these days, I live my life flipping it off.
It’s been a week since I started my “sinful life” as a Fairytale Keeper.
It wouldn’t be long before I could go back to my former life after keeping this secret—at least that’s what I thought.
Darius: While I didn’t expect there to be a get-together soon after our arrival to England, I’m happy.
That night, a dinner party he called a get-together was held…
Between “Crown”, an organization directly under the command of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and “Vogel”, an organization directly under the command of Germany.
All members were together in one place.
Vogel had just arrived from Germany a few hours ago.
~~ Flashback ~~
Victor: Vogel is a research organization that’s dedicated to the societal contribution of the Cursed Ones. They will be staying in the palace for a few months as goodwill ambassadors.
Darius: Our motto is “the betterment of society through the Cursed Ones”
~~ End flashback ~~
(They looked friendly, not people you should be wary of)
However, there’s something that’s been bothering me for a while now.
Harrison, whose power allowed him to see through lies, said “they’re lying”— 
(So long as we don’t truly know them, we shouldn’t let our guard down yet)
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Darius, who I believe is the chief of “Vogel” was sitting next to William and enjoying his conversation with him.
(For now I think it’s better for me to lie low and stay quiet)
On the table was a spread of dishes that Victor had put his all into preparing.
(Even though it all looks so delicious…I’m too nervous to eat)
Nica: What’s this? Robin, you haven’t touched your food. Then I’ll take this cherry.
Ring: Nica, you’ll get a stomach ache if you take a stranger’s food.
Nica: What’s with the serious warning, little brother? It’s just an excuse to make an appeal to be friends. Ring, you’re really out of touch.
Ring: …I’m ignorant.
The twins looked similar, with the same hair and eye color.
Kate: Nica and Ring…right?
Nica: Yep, you remembered our names? We remember yours too, Kate. Even though we just met, I think we’ll get along? Hey, show us around the palace. Let’s get out of here.
He slipped his arm around my waist with a practiced gesture and whispered in my ear.
The moment I stood my guard, I felt someone tug my arm from the opposite side.
Roger: Sorry to interrupt, but Kate’s got a prior engagement with me.
Kate: Roger!
Roger: The queen’s aide’s great at showing people around the palace. He’ll be delighted. Victor, would you mind showing our guests from Vogel around?
Victor: Yes, of course! I will show you around every nook and cranny.
Nica: (¬_¬)…
Nica narrowed his eyes at Victor and then smiled.
Nica: Vielen Dank (Many thanks)
William: While I’d rather not, it’s time to call it a night.
Darius: You’re right, Lord Rex. We of Vogel would like to get along with Crown like a family. Should you ever be in trouble, we’d be delighted for you to turn to us for help, okay?
—In a room in Crown’s castle.
In a luxurious room prepared for Vogel, Darius sat comfortably in his chair and smiled.
Darius: What did you think of our get-together with Crown?
Nica: Amazing. I tried to lure the lrobin, but the hunter got in the way.
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Darius: Hunter? Ah, you mean the “double-crossing hunter” Roger Barel. Hehe, wanting to snatch the robin* from them is quite reckless.
Ring: …About Roger Barel and that girl…are they together?
Nica: They’re not. But there’s no doubt that Crown cares for the robin a lot.
Darius: Gathering information is our main goal. It’ll be valuable material for eventually realizing our ambitions. Ring, Nica. Continue to gather any useful information on Crown and Robin.
Nica and Ring: Verstanden/…Understood
Darius: …Roger Barel. A former doctor with a strange fixation of “Cursed Ones”. Does he have a place in our “family”?
As the get-together came to a close, people started filing out of the room one after the other.
Before I knew it, even Roger disappeared…—
I ran out into the hall and saw his solid back.
Kate: Um, what was that prior engagement you mentioned, Roger…?
When I called out to him, he looked back at me in the empty hallway.
Roger: Did I make a mistake thinking you were in trouble?
You did that to help me? +4 +4
I was in a lot of trouble. +4 +4
You weren’t mistaken. +4 +4
Kate: You didn’t. Thank you.
Roger: You looked like a lost dog so I thought I did you an uncharacteristic favor.
(Dog? …No, I didn’t hear that right)
When I thanked him again, I saw a hint of scheming on his face.
Roger: By the way, I didn’t say I did it for free, did I? You’re gonna have to pay me back for saving you.
Roger: I was thinking about going out drinking with Ellis and Jude. Join us.
Kate: Huh, now? Woah…Wait, Roger!
Roger: Phew~That hit the spot. The first drop of beer’s blood, you know.
Ellis: Heh, that’s what you always say.
Jude: Can’t believe he’s a doctor. Well he’s a quack.
(Before I knew it, I ended up getting dragged to a bar)
(It’s something I’ve noticed, but Roger can be a little…no, very pushy.)
Furthermore, it’s a wonder how Jude, who looked like the type to refuse an invitation, was sitting here with a sour look. 
Red-headed waiter: Here you are. Fish and chips, bramboraky(?)**, and…
Jude: Just how much did ya order? Ya ate a lot at the get-together.
Roger: I never have my fill when picking at those small fancy food.
Ellis: Are you full, Jude? I can still eat.
Jude: You’re still a growin’ kid.
The trio act like close friends…
Kate: Heh, hehe…
I couldn’t help but laugh and Roger squinted at me with a beer in hand.
Roger: The heck, so you can laugh like that after all.
Kate: Huh?
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Roger: You know you haven’t laughed since you became Fairytale Keeper?
(What…what? But he’s right, this whole week, I haven’t…)
Roger: You don’t eat much and when you do, it’s like you’re chewing sand. Maybe you did…Or I should say, maybe you didn’t notice yourself?
(Tasked to keep a secret for a whole month as a Fairytale Keeper, and to record the evils before my eyes)
(Not to mention…Vogel’s sudden visit)
Desperate to just push through it all, I gradually neglected the things needed to live, like eating and laughing.
I was like a plant slowly wilting away.
Roger: I know you got a lot of things on your mind that make you anxious. But it’s times like these where you gotta work on yourself. Eat, sleep, play, laugh, recharge your energy. Otherwise you’ll easily get swallowed up by despair in this darkness, lil’ lady.
Kate: …
Roger’s words pierced my heart.
(He’s right…What was I so weak for?)
I could struggle all I wanted, but the anxiety would never leave until I’m safely out of this darkness.
I know that…but.
(The only one who can truly protect me, is me)
(I absolutely cannot give in)
Kate: …You’re right. There’s no time for weakness or despair. Thank you Roger. Now then, time to dig in!
As if to get over it…I stuck my fork into the steaming meat before me and brought it to my mouth.
Kate: Mm…delicious.
(...Somehow, it felt like I was properly enjoying food for the first time in a while)
(It’s so good to be alive and have delicious food)
Roger: …
Jude: Oi, who do ya think you are takin’ the first bite.
Kate: Ah, sorry! I got ahead of myself.
Ellis: Don’t worry about it Kate. Here, try these chips with rock salt.
Kate: Wow, this is really good! It pairs well with alcohol.
Roger: Oh, you drink pretty well. Barkeep! Two more beers.
Barkeep: Gotcha. Two large beers comin’ right up.
The golden beer and the food were delicious, and laughter reached my ears.
(...Ah, this is fun. I feel like I’m finally able to breathe)
(He pretty much dragged me here, but I’m glad I accepted Roger’s invitation)
I didn’t know how much of Roger’s actions were calculated and how much was in good faith.
But it’s a fact that his pushiness saved me.
(Roger really does have a lot of common sense and is like a mature older brother)
With those simple thoughts in mind, I continued on drinking and drinking…
—I woke up in a soft bed.
(Huh…last night I was drinking at the bar, and)
While in my drowsy and lethargic state, I groped around for a warm cloth when—
Kate: Hm…? …??
(...I’m naked?!)
I quickly wrapped myself up in a blanket with only my face peeking out.
…And noticed something familiar laying by my pillow.
The black-rim and intellectual-looking frame was definitely memorable.
(These glasses…)
The moment I nervously picked them up, the bed squeaked— 
Roger: Hey now, those glasses aren’t a toy…Come on, give it here.
When the glasses were snatched out of my hand, I looked up to see a half-dressed Roger hovering over me.
Kate: …W-why are you here…
When I looked at him, he smiled as if to tell me the question was pointless now.
Roger: You passed out drunk so I had to carry you back. And after dropping you off, you wouldn’t let me go.
Whether it was true or not, the way he said it made it sound like I was pleading for him and my cheeks warmed.
(I-I held Roger back?)
My eyes took in his muscular chest and abs that were freely on display.
(T-too much stimulation…)
(I don’t know where to look)
Not just his bare chest.
Muscular arms peeking out from his shirt, broad shoulders that connected to a thick neck, and a lean waist.
(But, he was like beautiful sculpture)
My eyes unconsciously traced the supple skin.
His muscular body disguised his intelligent features and that gap alone was enough to make me dizzy.
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Roger: …It’s not bad being ogled like this.
Kate: Eh?!
Roger gave me the wickedest of grins.
I’d been unconsciously staring at his body and my cheeks burned in embarrassment.
Kate: S-sorry…
Roger: Don’t worry about it. You’re a lot cuter than you were yesterday.
Kate: Did I…end up doing something yesterday?
Roger: “Something”.
Roger lowered himself and whispered to me.
Roger: …Yeah, last night was pretty hot, wasn’t it lil’ lady?
(N-no way…Me and Roger?)
*Darius says red riding hood but the subtitle says robin
**Send help. I have no idea what the heck バンブリーキ is. Perhaps bramboraky according to @/hoerayner
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