#Personally I think long chapters are exciting if I'm subscribed
walkingstackofbooks · 7 months
What's the ideal length of a fanfic chapter?
I am at least a few weeks out from finishing my fic, but I'm just thinking ahead to how I want to put it up
It's a 5+1 fic, so has automatically got 6 chapters. (Julian is stuck for six consecutive days in a timeloop.) Originally, I was just going to post 1 chapter every week as I edited it, but while Chapter 1 is a friendly 3,500 words, Chapters 2 and 3 are both just over the 10,000 word mark, and I'm only halfway through Chapter 4 but it's shaping up to be at least 15,000, somehow!
So my options are:
The Original Plan
I aim to publish one 10k+ word chapter each week.
Pros: It's as intended, each "day" of the story happens in full, within its own chapter. Good if you like long updates?
Cons: Since I don't *actually* know how long editing will take, I might not be able to keep to a weekly schedule and timings may vary. Pretty lengthy chapters.
Plan 2:
I cut each of the original chapters in half for publishing, and either:
2a - I aim to publish two 5k+ word chapters each week.
Pros: It's still mostly as intended, each "day" gets published in full, just in two parts. Shorter chapters
Cons: Timings may vary again, since it's a lot to edit in a week. The story is split up slightly arbitrarily.
2b - I publish one 5k+ word chapter each week (cutting the original chapters in half)
Pros: I should be able to stick to the weekly schedule for sure. Shorter chapters
Cons: Each "day" of the story is cut in half, probably at a somewhat arbitrary point. 1/2 of Chapter 4 is still going to be 7-9k in length 😅
Plan 3
I publish one or two 3-6k word chapters each week. I'd think of the story as one long tale rather than as The Six Days and split up the current chapters into smaller ones at places I feel are suitable.
Pros: Shorter, more even, chapters. Better pacing Being able to stick to a weekly schedule (and possibly an extra chapter every so often)
Cons: Completely abandoning the 5+1 structure Story won't be told as intended
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OMG Clandestine is done!
I am so so so excited to say I just posted the epilogue to Clandestine! Featuring a beautiful commission from @itslotuseater!
Ships: Jegulus, background wolfstar, dorlene, pandalily, rosekiller Rating: M Length: 142k (FINISHED! COMPLETED! AHH!)
He was crying. “You can do that?” He repeated, feeling like he was in some sort of dream. And then, Sirius seemed to realize. Because for a twelve-year-old, he was decently smart, and knew him better than anyone. “D’you…d’you want to do that, Reggie? I thought…I thought it was just a game?” But he could only shake his head. Because it wasn't a game. He was a boy. And he could tell from Sirius's nervously resigned expression that Sirius knew it, too. "It's...not a game." --- There's not enough Trans Regulus Black, so here's a fic to help fix the problem. Rated mature for lots of references to transphobia and Walburga Black being a piece of shit. COMPLETED (I'm not crying, you are)
Ahhh, my long-winded thank-you note:
First and foremost, thank you to Arson, my amazing Alpha Reader who brainrotted with me throughout almost the entire process. I literally could not have finished this without you, and I am so thankful to have you in my life. You've helped me through so many cases of horrible Writer's Block, encouraged me whenever I needed it, and you're an amazing friend. I hope you love your "Barty and Evan's Bitch" shirt :D
Second, to my wife, who literally dealt with me talking about this fic for TEN MONTHS. You're literally the most amazing and supportive person in my life, and I love you more than words. Thank you for being the James to my Regulus.
Third, to my Beta Reader, Kat, who is still wading through the trenches of this fic finding all my mistakes. I am so glad to have you and thank you for dealing with all of my errors and answering my messages at odd hours of the night.
Fourth, to all of the people who have encouraged me: Abby, Danielle, Kelz, everyone on the discord servers who has seen me struggle, you guys are amazing and I am so thankful to you.
Fifth, to the lovely people who created fanart for this fic. You all are amazing and you brought this to life. I bow down to you, truly, you are so incredibly talented.
Sixth, to the people who I interviewed about dysphoria and being on T, so I could have a more well-rounded understanding about Regulus's experience. Though I identify as trans, I am so thankful that other trans people were willing to give their experiences in areas I wanted to describe as accurately as possible.
And last, to all of you, who read and kudosed and inboxed and recommended and commented and kept me going. You all are amazing, and you've made this such a positive experience. This fic really was for me, to work through my own gender an discover about myself, and I am so thankful you have been here along this journey.
I want to reiterate that this is one trans person's journey, but I think it's so important to have representation in all forms of media. I'm hoping that my version of Reggie has helped with that a little bit! He's my baby, and he deserves all the good things.
Keep an eye out for the B-sides of this fic! I'll add a chapter to this work linking to it, so if you're subscribed to this, you'll get an e-mail. I'll also be editing this work to fix all the errors, and I'll be doing the B-sides as I go. It probably won't be for a couple of weeks, since I am now working, and I won't have any strict posting schedule, but I'm excited for those as well!
I love you all. Thanks for being a part of this journey.
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junos-office-drama · 1 year
Love that fic, but having trouble expressing that love in a comment? Worried that you're leaving the same comments over and over?
Here are 40 comment ideas!
Keyboard Smash. Bonus points for a mix of uppercase and lowercase. End with a brief compliment: "Love it!" "So good!" "Amazing!" "This is my everything!"
Emoji string. Go as long as you feel appropriate. Throw in some 🔥 for good measure.
Quote a phrase, sentence, or passage that resonated with you, and explain why. "I love this description." "This is such beautiful language." "This metaphor is so brilliant." "This is the perfect way to describe [character/thing]."
Ask the author what inspired them to write such an incredible story. (Most authors dream of these types of comments.)
Share how the fic made you feel as you read it. Were you scared for a character? Were you cheering on your favorite? Did that smut make you all hot and bothered?
Thank the author. Bonus if you can thank them for something specific: Sharing this amazing work, introducing this awesome character, creating this cool AU, etc.
Identify your favorite character in the fic, and explain why they're your favorite.
Any indication that you're so in love with a work you literally want to eat it. My personal favorite that I've received is "I want to shove this in my mouth like an entire oreo," but "I want to print this out and stuff it in my face" and "This fic is like an amazing five-course meal, every bite is delicious!" are also winners.
For a multi-chapter fic, any version of "Wow, this keeps getting better and better!" This can really help keep an author motivated, especially if they've been focused on one longfic for a while. Longfics tend to have diminishing engagement over time, so commenting on later chapters is especially meaningful.
Tell the author that something in their fic is your "emotional support [thing]." Bob is my emotional support character, this is my emotional support fic, etc.
Tag it as if it were a social post, with all the hashtags it makes you think of. #myfavoritefic #incrediblewriting #truelove
Did you do something maybe a little dumb while reading the fic? Stay up all night reading? Nearly walk into a wall because you were reading while walking? Show up late to class because you couldn't put it down? Share your dumb thing!
Make predictions on what you think will happen next, and explain why. End your comment with something along the lines of "I can't wait to find out if I'm right or wrong!" Note: Be sure to phrase your comment as to what you predict will happen, not what you think SHOULD happen.
Did the fic make you discover a new side or facet to a character? Talk about that. "I never noticed how [trait] [character] is until I read your work!" Example: "I never noticed how creative Eric was until you brought it out in this fic, but it's absolutely true!"
Have you re-read a work (especially multiple times)? "I'm re-reading this for the third time because I love it so much."
"This is my second kudos!" Repeat as many times as you want. Third, fourth, fortieth, it's all good.
Are you a new subscriber? "Loved this so much that I subscribed!"
Are you an existing subscriber? "Every time I see an update in my inbox, I get so excited and rush to read it!"
Is there an Original Character (OC) in the fic? Ask about the OC! Ask what inspired the author to create the OC. Ask for more information about the OC's background. Ask if the OC is based on any particular character or idea. Ask how they came up with the name, and if it has any special meaning. Seriously, just ask the author about their original creation.
Tell the author how attached you're growing to their story or their characters.
"It was so [emotion] when [character] did [thing]." For example, "It was so scary when Eddie charged off on his own, I was so worried for his safety!"
Having a tough time in the real world? Let the author know if their fic or characters are a much-needed bright spot in your day.
Is the fic something you normally don't read? "Normally I'm not into [thing], but this fic is so good it's changed my mind!"
Did the author portray a complex topic well, with understanding and nuance? For example: surviving domestic abuse, coming out in a non-supportive environment, dealing with trauma, etc. Tell the author! "I can really tell you did your research. You handled [topic] so well!"
Can you personally relate to a scenario or a character in the fic? Did it touch you on a personal level? Say so!
Is it an older story? COMMENT ON THE OLDER STORY! Tell the author that it still has meaning and relevance, and that readers are still enjoying it today.
Does the fic present a pairing (or relationship) you never considered or never liked before, but now you adore? "This fic has made [pairing] my new favorite ship!" or "I was never really into [relationship] before, but this fic is so well done, I've fallen in love with them!"
A string of heart emojis (or the simple <3 ). As many as you feel appropriate. (One is appropriate. So is one hundred. You decide!) Make a rainbow if you want! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Did the fic make you look at the source material in a new way? Share. "I never noticed [thing] about [source material], but your writing really brought it out!"
Screaming about the pain and agony you're in, especially on whump, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, and similar fics. Some authors are sadists. Let them know you're suffering (in that "oh hell it's so good it hurts" kind of way).
For chapters that end on a cliffhanger: Any screaming about how much the suspense is killing you and you can't wait for the next chapter. (Just remember not to demand the next chapter. "I'm so excited for the next chapter" = good / "You have to update right now or else" = bad.)
Is the fic now part of your official headcanon, right along with the source material? "From now own, this is as official canon to me as the original [book/show/movie]!"
Is the fic's title obvious, or is it a little mysterious? Ask if there's a secret meaning behind the title, or how the author decided on the title.
Ask the author if they have a favorite character, scene, chapter, etc. Depending on the fandom, this can be very specific (favorite weapon, attack, transformation, vehicle, horse, monster, etc.).
Is it smut? Did it make you hot? Trust me, smut authors want to know.
"This [chapter/fic] was so good, I feel like I need a smoke after it."
Is there a mystery that's absolutely boggling your brain? Share your theories! (YES: "Oh, what if Prince Smidgeon is actually killer?"). Just remember to never cross the line into telling the author what to do (NO: "You should make it so Prince Smidgeon is the killer.")
"I wish I could give you a kudos for each word in this [fic/chapter], it's just that good!"
Do you like making art? Ask the author if you can make fanart of their fic!
IF, and ONLY IF, the author has very clearly requested concrit (constructive criticism), then role up your sleeves and get to work putting together truly helpful, supportive criticism. Get started with this guide here.
Do you have other suggestions for this list?
Reblog with your favorite comments to give or receive!
(Tumblr insists on re-starting the list at 1 after the cut and I have no idea how to fix it??? It really is 40, I promise.)
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Posting Schedule
I do better when I give myself deadlines, not to put pressure on myself, but mostly to keep my own mental schedule straight (what brand of ADHD is it when you have most minutes of your life scheduled out mentally?), so I'm gonna post a rough schedule for all my planned chaptered fics.
Steddie Microfic Challenge: Every month is a new prompt and new strict word count, and I usually do at least a few of these every month. I'm also a co-mod for the challenge, so GO DO IT! @steddiemicrofic
this place is such great motivation for anyone trying to move the fuck away from hibernation: this post started a riot within me and within a lot of you so I've decided to expand on it! Mechanic dad Eddie, long time crush and future stepdad Steve catching up and falling in love with bonus supportive Uncle Wayne (thanks to @piratefishmama's tags). There will be so much pining and fluff, but there will still be some angst. All good stories have it, but I always resolve it, so don't get too worried. subscribe on ao3
far off places, daring sword fights, a prince in disguise: Based off of an anonymous request, single teen parent Steve (it's a secret though) is dyslexic, but knows reading to his baby is important. He goes to the one person he thinks would help: Eddie. A sort-of slow burn full of mutual pining, Eddie being cute with a baby, Steve being cute with a baby, Steve and Eddie being cute with each other, and more supportive Uncle Wayne (it's like a drug to me okay).
Steddie Holiday Drabbles: Ongoing daily posts for the month of December! @steddieholidaydrabbles
camboy steve series: vibe check mask on dom drop pretty woman trophy husband
I hope you guys are excited like I am! I will add this post to my masterlist and continue to update the dates if I know there will be any delays.
THANK YOU ALL FOR ALWAYS BEING SO KIND AND SUPPORTIVE OF EVERYTHING I DO!!! Writing in this fandom has been the first time I really felt like I was part of a fandom, and it's been nice to have a community of people to scream with. So many of you are so creative and I draw so much inspiration from everyone here. I hope I continue to improve with everything I write, and I hope that I keep giving you all the type of stuff you want to read after a long day or as a bedtime story.
ALL MY LOVE - Mickala ❤️
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rebelrebelwrites · 1 year
Fic Friday! ❤️ Rebel’s Weekly Fic Recs
I'm back. 😊 A day and several weeks late, but I'm back. I've decided I'd like to keep doing these as much as I can. I hope anyone reading enjoys.
As always, this week’s recs are…
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal preferences.
The Classic You’ve Heard Of But Somehow Haven’t Read Yet: About you, without you by @aylana-ryvain
What you need to know going in:
A lovely, sad, sweet one-shot written for Haladriel Week where Galadriel returns to Barad-dûr after Sauron’s defeat at the beginning of the Fourth Age. Once there, she discovers a treasure trove of trinkets crafted by The Dark Lord in the hopes that she would someday change her mind. 🥹 Another tragic instant-classic, this fic wrenches at your heart in the best way. Be ready to bookmark!
Complete, Teen
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: Someone Taught You Wrong, Kid by @klynnvakarian
What you need to know going in:
The Western AU I never knew I needed! The VIBES in this fic, I tell you—they’re strong, and pitch-perfect. Between the dialogue and the at first tentative, blink-and-you-might-miss-it moments between Hal and Gal, which then blossoms into something that's more matter-of-fact; a frank romance that feels so fitting for this world and time and space for the two of them… it’s lovely. You’ll be swept away the same as they are. Very excited to see the final piece of it!
WIP, Mature
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr, Twitter and AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: The Nicest Parts of Hell by @myrsinemezzo
What you need to know going in:
Eru have mercy on my soul, my unprecedented foray into dark fic continues with this gripping, dare I say insidiously enticing fic—and, as always, I mean that in the best way possible. This story settles into your psyche; making you feel just as unhinged as the characters feel. You’re probably asking yourself why, so let me get to the heart of it: the story starts with Galadriel stumbling (practically literally) into Halbrand’s arms… Only problem is, he’s her brother Fin’s boyfriend. 👀 From there, she and Halbrand start a toxic, troubling affair that is impossible to stop reading. (Same goes for this story’s sequel, which is still in progress).
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr, Twitter and AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): And In That Time, I Have Had Many Names by @the-manatee-hammer
What you need to know going in:
I’ve been meaning to share this fic for a long, long time, and I definitely should’ve done so sooner, so forgive me. Full disclosure: I found out about it from a friend who told me that I’d been mentioned in the notes, so again, forgive me for my slightly unbiased opinion. Regardless of how I came to it, I loved it as soon as I started reading! The story sees Halbrand still injured in the healing halls of Eregion—until Galadriel offers to help along the healing with something he’s never tried before. 👀🔥 Cue sexual healing! Spicy, intimate sexual healing, and I think the first time I encountered a virgin Sauron in fic. And hot damn, it’s hot. Unsurprisingly, Sauron is very eager to learn, and a very adept student. It’s been a while since this was updated, but still so worth checking out and subscribing to for it’s sensuality and supremely well done writing.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The Can’t Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: Stand by Me by @scriberated
What you need to know going in:
Lately I’ve been feeling some major burnout for many reasons, and for me, this fic was a balm at just the right moment! A sequel to this adorable one-shot, it’s an instantly delightful, fully-fledged romcom complete with roommates not-so-secretly pining after each other, fake dating, bed sharing, and that’s just within the first two chapters! 🤩 The premise: Hal and Gal are roommates, and after breaking up with her shitty, absent boyfriend Celeborn in the original one-shot, Hal takes care of Gal while she’s sick. This continuation sees Galadriel trying to navigate their growing closeness, finally agreeing to a trip together to visit Hal’s family—and from there, the romcom shenanigans ensue. This is another one where I can’t wait to see what comes next!
WIP, Mature
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr, Twitter and AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Don’t see your story on this list yet? Keyword: yet. Please don’t fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your pershaladronal faves. I have plenty more to recommend… ❤️
Until next week!
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Hello! I hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed yourself 😀
I'm hoping you or your readers can help find a story that I think was a WIP when I read it first. It was when I first found AO3 and I was so excited that I read one story after another. I had it saved on my tablet that fried and since I'd saved it, I apparently didn't bookmark it 🤦🏼‍♀️.
I have tried searching tags for TRF, AU, Evil/Bad Mary, Interrupted Wedding, Amnesia, Mind Palace and Undercover with no luck (although I did find new fics I've never read before so that was good!) I'll try to give as many details as I remember.
In order to be able to focus on taking down Moriarty's web without constantly thinking about John, which he thinks will distract him and possibly get him killed, Sherlock deleted John and their life together from his mind palace. He spent time "away" for a long time, but I don't think it was as long as in canon. The last person in the web that he has to take down turns out to be Mary, who was either Moran or maybe the real Moriarty (I don't remember which), so he's back in London. When he returns, it's right before the wedding, and he decides that this is the best opportunity to catch her. He's in disguise so that she won't recognize him, and of course he doesn't recognize John but John recognizes him. I don't think Mycroft knew he was coming back to London, because he knew that John and Sherlock had a history, and had planned to stop him before he came back. The last thing I remember is John in shock because he recognized Sherlock, Sherlock having no idea who he is but wanting to protect him from Mary, and the wedding like the next day or something. Since I don't remember any kind of confrontation, or him dealing with Mary, that's why I think it was a WIP. I remember checking back frequently to see if it was finished, obviously before I knew how to navigate AO3 and didn't subscribe.
I'm seriously hoping that someone knows what this is, even if I got some of the details wrong 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻. I think it was alternating John and Sherlock POV. Also I think it was a longer fic, it already had quite a few chapters with a lot still planned.
If nobody knows what this is, thank you for trying anyway 😁
Hi Nonny!!
LOL thanks! I need another break so probably gonna take one again soon.
OH GOSH this one sounds so familiar and I can't recall if it's because I've READ it or if I've seen reviews of it. Hmm. Not one hundred on this one, Lovely. You provided such a great description; I hope that it's enough to jog someone's memory!!!
Anyone able to help us out with this one?
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topgunruinedme · 2 years
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Love is Blind||o.1
Read on ao3
Synopsis: "I'm Goose by the way, Neat freak. Healthy. Non-smoker. Single".
"I'm Ice. Loner, Loser and complicated wreck".
Ice needs to get away from the wreck his love life has become, Goose needs to fall out of love. What a more perfect way then traveling half way across the word to do so.
"Are there any Men in your town?".
"When can I come?".
The Holiday Au.
Notes: This book is going to take a lot of time between chapters and with the current WIPs I have I’m not sure how infrequent the updates will be so please subscribe so you don’t miss anything.
Piano music played softly in the background as a woman smiled at the camera, the image of doting love displayed on her face as she saw her lover. Smiling widely as she ran into her lovers arms embracing him as she pulled him down into a kiss.
Trapped in a lovers embrace the camera fanned, zoomed out as the piano notes grew louder revealing a man.
He was toned with an even tan, his muscles bulged slightly under his T-shirt. His brown hair was cut short similar to a buzz cut, but had just enough hair to run your fingers through. There was a pair pf aviators hanging from the V of his shirt that pulled it down slightly due to the weight revealing some of his built up pecks.
There was a hint of a necklace peaking out from the shirt, the sun catching on the silver chain slightly.
His long fingers despite their muscles appearance danced gracefully across the piano playing as the movie played on the computer screen.
On the opposite screen it revealed him following a music sheet as the notes faded out as he leaned over twisting a knobs before righting himself playing the next line of notes.
I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true.
He looked up from his screen to show a woman smiling on the phone as she paced, she laughed gently.
Shakespeare said “Journeys end in lovers meeting”.
The man smiled as he watched her interact with the person on the phone, how she laughed, how the sunlight reflected of her hair.
Oh, what an extraordinary thought.
She looked back over to him as she ended the call folding the phone over slipping it back into her bag as she stepped back into the room walking towards him.
Personally. I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I’m more than willing to believe Shakespeare had.
She stopped in front of his desk as she lent over to grab his hand as he kissed her knuckles, smiling softly up at her.
I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should.
The woman laughed gently her smile lightening up the room as it spread across her face. The birds chirped softly under the loud piano notes.
I’m constantly amazed by it’s sheer power to alter and define our lives.
Her lips twitched as he stepped away from the desk giving him a small wave as she ventured up the stairs he watched her leave.
It was Shakespeare who also said, “Love is blind”.
Now without any distractions he focused back on the piano, the notes becoming more frequent and exciting as the movie shifted.
Now, that is something I know to be true.
The camera shifted to another scene revealing a blond man.
He was built like a statue, he lacked any flaws. His chin was cut sharply and his hair was spiked up, with faded tips. He had aviators on the bridge of his nose, his lips were down turned. One could mistake him as emotionless if it wasn't for the the slightly clenching of his fist on his jean covered thigh.
He didn't particularly look happy, he let out a slow controlled breath as he glanced over to the man in the drivers seat across from him.
For some, quite inexplicably, love fades.
The black haired man hair was slightly longer then the blonds. It was long enough to be swept to the side and tug on if someone wished too.
The man tapped on the steering wheel looking over at the blond sadly before looking forward again.
The screen faded as it revealed an old man using a walking stick to sit on the side of his bed, his hand reaching out to an old photo frame. It held a aged photo of a women in a wedding dress, he stroked it lovingly.
For others, love is simply lost.
The camera faded out revealing the older mans sad smile before revealing a party as a woman gently made her way through the crowd. She had blond hair that was cut just at the nap of her neck, it swayed as she turned her head.
But then, of course, love can also be found, even if just for the night.
She got stopped by another man which she holds a conversation with smiling, turning around to smile at a taller brown haired man.
And then there’s another kind of love - the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills it’s victims.
The tall man was lanky and had brown hair that didn't seam to want to stay flat, he had a bushy moustache that hung over his lip looking like it came straight from the 80’s. He wore jeans with a Hawaiian shirt over the top of a while singlet. He stood at a busy desk, files piling up everywhere as he typed.
It’s called “unrequited love”. Of that, I am an expert, most love story's are about people who fall in love with each other.
He stopped typing to shift to his right slightly to finish wrapping a Christmas present in the red wrapping paper he had brought. He held it up straightening the bow, smiling when he thought it looked nice.
But what about the rest of us? What about our stories? Those of us who fall in love alone.
His smile faded slightly as he opened a draw and dropped the present into it, looking around his office before opening the door and stepping out into the busy party.
We are the victims of the one-sided affair, we are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded.
He moved through the crowd his eyes moving around trying to spot someone.
The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space.
He paused slightly apologizing briefly to the man he had knocked into with a small smile, before his eyes caught sight of the woman he wanted.
Yes, you are looking at one such individual, and I have willingly loved that woman for over three miserable years.
He watched the blond perky energetic woman smile as those around her laughed, her red slip dress matched her lipstick and it looked amazing with her short blond hair.
The absolute worst years of my life. The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays. New Year’s Eve’s brought in tears and Valium.
He sighed softly moving to shift through the crowd keeping half an eye on her as he moved towards one of his friends.
These years that I’ve been in love have been the darkest days of my life, all because I’ve been cursed by being in love with a woman who does not and will not love me back.
Oh, God, just the sight of her! Heart pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can’t swallow. All the usual symptoms.
He took the wine glass from his friend almost knocking the cigarette from her hand, she looked slightly started as he gulped down what ever drink was in the glass, he wasn't entirely sure he could identify it if someone asked.
“Uh-oh” Diana said with a wince looking at him. Her eyes followed his gaze, her mood dropping as she caught sight of the other woman, “Oh, Carol. Don’t tell me your still-”.
Not wanting to be lectured again on the topic he swallowed the rest of the drink quickly lowering the glass protesting “No, no, no, no. That’s over. Way over”.
He frowned at Carol, who has her hand on another coworkers arm smiling brightly her soft cheerful laugh almost being drowned out in the loud room.
“What’s the story with you too, anyway?” Diana asked turning to look back at him, wrapping an arm around him as she lead him away, “You were shagging her, weren’t you?”.
“More importantly, I was in love with her, truth be known” Goose admitted to the woman.
Diana rubbed his arm, “Yes, yes, I remember, then you found out she was shagging that drip from circulation” she stopped turning back to Goose.
“Which is when I stopped shagging her” Goose said, he looked around lowering his voice.
“I don’t think we should be talking about this at the office party” he let out a nervous huff, Diane took a hit from her cigarette letting the smoke waft between then, Goose nose twitched in irritation.
“But I always see you together” Diana claimed in bewilderment “She cheated on you, but you stayed friends” she frowned.
Goose let out a sad sigh, “I was head over heals you know?”, he glanced over the woman's shoulder trying to catch a glance of Carol, “Everyone knew” he continued with an upset tone.
Diane reached out to pat his shoulder, “Oh no” she signed.
Goose looked around as his upset became more apparent, “Does it look like I’m crying right now?” he fretted turning to walk away but Diane caught up quickly following him.
“No, no, no, no ,no” Diane chased, she grabbed his shoulder turning him, “it just looks like it’s the smoke from my cigarette” she soothed.
Goose leaned over the table to grab a cup filling it with a random drink, Diana lent against the booze table.
“Did she ever actually tell you that she loved you back?” she asked gently.
Goose downed the drink quickly grimacing at the flavor, who had pineapple punch at a christmas party. He placed the cup in the in beside the table, “Yes” he answered stiffly, “Three, almost four times”. He shot her a look, “and when I reminded her of that, she said it must’ve been an answer to a question which, by the way, it was absolutely not”.
Diane closed her eyes in disappointment before opening them touching her forehead, brushing away hair careful not to set it alight with the cigarette. She pursed her lips tisking lightly in a way that could only express a lecture.
“You know Goose, When you catch your girl with another man, your not supposed to stay friends with her, you’re supposed to never talk to the prick again”.
Goose let his head fall way and focus back on the drink table to avoid her gaze.
“You’re supposed to throw things at her, scream, call her names, not do her blooming laundry”, she continued.
“I don’t do her laundry” Goose argued looking at his friend puzzled. “Did someone tell you I did her laundry?” he asked strangely offended.
Diane gave him a blank look that one could only interpret as “your an idiot”, she looked around the room letting Goose vent.
“No, no, all we do now is...we- we email” he said confidently which then faded with the next words, “Not when he’s with her, of course. Also when he’s not with her, we talk on the phone” he frowned. “Sometimes for hours. Then there's the occasional long lunch” he admitted.
Diane let out an annoyed noise, “You know, I never realised how pathetic you are”.
Goose looked at her hopelessly, “Really?” his shoulders dropping, “Oh, God, I’m so aware of it”.
Diane huffed as she leaned over lifting herself up onto the table, “They always know just how to get us, don’t they?” she asked rhetorically taking a hit from her fag.
“She knows exactly when she want to come crawling back into your life-”
“Oh, she actually has made some small comments like that recently.” Goose interrupted.
Diane looked at him raising an silent eyebrow, prompting him to continue.
“She hasn’t exactly come right and said it, but she-”
A female voice interrupted them behind him “Nick”, the man turned to look at the shorter woman.
“Did you file your story?” she asked with an unhappy frown on her face.
“Oh, no, no yet.” He looked down at his watch, “Oh, down the wire, sorry” he said sheepishly. The older woman shook her head in disapproval and disbelief walking away.
Goose hissed a breath through his teeth, “Better go” he gave Diane a weak smile, she offered him a salute of with the raise of her cigarette as he walked away.
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mercurial-vroom · 1 month
Warning for a self-indulgent post-fic longpost 😁
Now that Grill the Grid is complete (for now! though we may be inspired to write some oneshot spin-offs, so feel free to subscribe to the series if you haven't already), I just wanted to say a longer/more personal -- and a bit more serious -- thank you here to everyone who's been reading, enjoying, and sharing!
As I mentioned in the author's notes, this is a project that my husband and I have worked on together, and creating and sharing it with all of you has been such an incredible source of joy over these last two-ish months. In case anyone was curious about the breakdown of who wrote what, he was responsible for the bulk of the more trivia-heavy chapters (both the trivia questions/format, and much of the group banter that everyone has loved so much!), and I've been responsible for the vast majority of the romantic arc (and all of the smut, lol). We came up with the idea for this fic lying in bed one evening trying to think about what sort of AU we'd feel most equipped to write, but I honestly didn't expect at that point that we'd be able to make it happen, or that it would turn into the longest bit of fiction either of us have ever written -- much less that we'd get such an unbelievably kind reception from the beautiful people who have been following the story and commenting along the way. ❤️ We are so, so appreciative for each and every one of you.
I also wanted to share below a bit of a more serious reason why I've been so incredibly grateful for the kind reception this fic has received... but honestly, the most important content of what I've wanted to say (basically just a big, fat thank you!!) is all included above, so feel free to stop reading here if you'd rather avoid some long-winded, potentially overly personal rambling!
[TW below for some TTC/fertility/pregnancy talk]
Not to be one of those authors who gets way over-sharey about life stuff, but for a while now my husband and I have been in (and are still in the midst of) a bit of a long, frustrating journey related to fertility and me trying to get pregnant. The overwhelming emotion we've both had during this time is one of feeling like we're stuck in the "intermission" of our lives -- like we're just waiting for the next act of life to begin, and have trouble finding or appreciating any new milestones or events that happen during this phase of just hoping and waiting.
Creating this fic together is something that has come out of that difficult time, and it is one of the first things that's been able to inspire in both of us a level of excitement, progress, and creative fulfillment that's been harder to achieve during this period when everything else has felt a bit like it's on "pause." Reading the jokes to each other in the evenings that we each came up with during the day has brought about a lot of laughter during times when there were otherwise a lot of stresses and tears, and reading the unbelievably kind comments people have left (or just seeing how excited people were about what we were creating) was something that's given us a sense of real purpose during a period when we've both occasionally felt a bit aimless.
Now, none of that is to say that readers/commenters need to feel responsible for either of our mental health!! This would have felt like an incredibly fun and fulfilling exercise for us even if no one ever read it besides the two of us, and we of course have a team of IRL supporters and resources helping us to get through this time. But really, I just share all this to say that your support has meant more to us than you might realize, and that it makes us unbelievably happy to see others getting even a fraction of the joy out of this story that writing it has brought to us. ❤️
So sincere thanks again to every one of you, and I'm hopeful you'll be seeing more out of the Grill the Grid 'verse soon!
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boleynns · 2 years
Do u have fic recommendations?
I'm gonna assume this is for Daemon/Rhaenyra since that has been all I've talked about for months haha. And definitely have plenty of recs! In general I love reading really long fic (like, in really popular pairings I will set my parameters to see 50k+ or 100k+ fics only...), so due to the relative newness of this ship's popularity, most of my recs are incomplete. I also have way more that I am subscribed to that absolutely could be faves eventually, but that are just a little too early in the story to guarantee.
To Ashes (Series) by Emerald_Aphelion (~30k, series incomplete but has 3 complete works so far) -- AU from Daemon's return from the Stepstones, basically where Daemon and Rhaenyra are just a little more thoughtful and forward-thinking within their relationship and with the political situation they're in. Established Relationship Vibes but also slow burn romance at the same time, they make each other smarter and better by working together, Rhaenyra bonds with baby!Aegon AND Rhea, Daemon picks Rhaenyra up and puts her on a table and calls her his queen at one point (hot), and this is the ideal Dance fix-it.
my eyes are aching to see you--126AC by SeveDeChampagne (~2.5k, complete) -- set between Episode 7 and 8, a very spicy First Time Post-Birth one-shot that contains multiple sentences that are some of the most intensely romantic things I've ever read. Considering my love of long fics, it takes a special kind of short fic for me to be so moved and attached.
How to Win Thrones and Ensnare Dragons by Writer_in_the__Dark (~15k, incomplete) -- Time Travel AU (my kink) where Rhaenyra is reborn into her baby-self. Only a few chapters in but I am HOOKED by the writing style and characterization of The Early Years dynamic, and am so looking forward to seeing how this evolves as time moves forward -- but based on the writing so far, I know it will be wonderful.
put down that gravestone by darkgods (~35k, incomplete) -- Post-Episode 4 AU, where Daemon went back to the Vale and Rhea didn't die, and then Rhaenyra gave birth to very Daemon-looking twins (wonder how that happened!), and then 10 years later Rhea has dead and Viserys invites Daemon back to be Hand. This story is so well-written and rich with character detail, I honestly just want to re-read it over and over! It has so beautifully dove into Rhaenyra's psyche, Daemon's personality (from his own perspective and from others), built a very sad and realistic portrait of Jace and Luke's lives as outcasts in court, set up some deliciously hurtful and complicated strings to unravel between Daemon and Rhaenyra due to this inciting situation, and has already indulged my pathological need for some Outside POV content by adding in Luke's (very well-written) perspective on a dinner scene. The fact that the chapter count is currently at 4/36 and we already have 35k words has me so hyped, you guys don't understand how badly I need piles and piles of giant fics.
Significance by AmazingAngie (~21k, incomplete) -- AmazingAngie is amazing because of how quickly she writes such amazing material! This is a Soulmate!AU, and this one in particular is just so insanely lovely so far! I'm a sucker for a "meant to be" setup so I will always love those from the get go, but I especially love the nuance in this story, and the ways that knowing that they are the endgame changes the trajectory of all of these characters lives.
you came/you called by scarlettscribbles (~10k, incomplete) -- basically an Episode 10 AU, kind of, but beyond that I just suggest reading it and going with the flow, because once I was like 80% into this first chapter I finally realized what was happening and it was so exciting. Needless to say I am pumped for the rest of the story.
No joke I have literally NEVER liked Modern!AU's before, except for with 'Merlin' (because even if it wasn't explicitly stated, I could pretend that it was Reincarnation). It has just never appealed to me, until now with Daemon and Rhaenyra -- because they are just that powerful. Also none of my Modern!AU faves are any of that "Oh, actually, Daemon is adopted, or they're third cousins twice removed, or Daemon is only a ~symbolic uncle", like, we all know what we're doing here 😂
Lets Ignite Under the Ember Skies by grandlovescheme (26k, complete) -- So freaking good! The uncertainty, the jealousy, the tension, the ~vibes, the ~sexy ~vibes, it is a tightly-written and very well-characterized modern version of these characters and I love it.
Petrichor by sweetestsorrows (katschako) (~23k, incomplete) -- one of the chapters made me cry for real. Very intense "we are way too close to be appropriate, and it is causing angst, but i wanna be closer..." vibes, and I am so here for it. It really is wonderfully translating their bond to a modern lens, and all the problems and tensions that would come along with that dynamic. It made me go "omg that is so intensely romantic", it made me literally cry, it made me go "ooh ~spicy", its got it all.
the beauty queen in tears by writingwhatidream (~30k, incomplete) -- AHHH I am obsessed with this story (almost as obsessed as Crispin is with Rhaenyra in it...). To try and sum it up, it is a Modern!AU A/B/O Royal Family fic...but that all sounds so much more reductive than it actually reads. For me, it is: delicious Daemon/Rhaenyra "Us Against the World" vibes, where even if they're not physically together they are 100% together, with a healthy (or rather unhealthy, in-context) dose of creepy Outsider POV, and the promise of Alpha/Omega-induced drama, love, possessiveness, and danger to come. It is juicy and beautifully written, and is giving me so many things I want all in one place.
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cielpansyhive · 11 months
I haven't checked my stats on AO3 in a year or more. I know people rank things different ways. Some people go by hits, others kudos, some by comments, bookmarks, subscriptions, ect. You get the picture. Hits are tricky, I've heard of people getting hits by bots. Which throws everything off, you see 50 hits and zero kudos, like, "fuck, these people read and hated it?" Maybe, but also it could have been a bot. For me hits can be more discouraging than helpful. I go by everything other than hits. So, with that in mind, I want to talk about my most successful works. (This is in no way meant to be me boasting. I'm a small-time writer. My point is, if I can do it, YOU can do it.)
I believe my most popular work is Revamp, it has the most subscriptions and comments. It's the work I'm known for. It's a little on the lower end for kudos and bookmarks, but it's not finished. The very fic people know me for is also my first work. (Because of this I'm working on revising what I have before updating another chapter. No worries, it's not abandoned and never will be.) That said, I was terrified to post it originally. Not only was it my first but there were maybe ten other fics at the time with trans Ciel and that was it. I didn't know if there was a reason for that. Lack of interest? People getting hate? I was clueless. But I had a story to tell so I sucked it up and posted and I'm glad I did! I've talked to so many people and befriended some because of that fic. I take forever to update and people still get excited over it when I do update. It really means a lot! My life changed because of posting it and it gave me the courage to pursue writing and share my stuff.
My highest bookmarked and work with the 3rd most kudos is a smut one-shot (That Butler, Sensitive) that I was worried would be "too weird" for people. I know way more people who think hand kinks are weird than ones that are neutral or into it. It was another I was reluctant to post and bam people loved it. I'm still shocked by the feedback.
My highest kudo work, the first couple chapters were awful. They were quick little things I wrote for tumblr, I got enough feedback I decided to post them on AO3. Chapter 1 I wrote drunk, I'm not even joking. Did I have fun with it? Yes. Was it to my standard? Fuck no. I have since revised the first two chapters. The third chapter, Sebastian is so OOC, but once again I did have fun with it. The last chapter has figging, a kink I don't know anyone of really having...at least in my personal life. The work as a whole (Canon Divergent SebaCiel) is just fun debauchery. In the beginning it was difficult for me to post smut. It was difficult to write too, I'd get stuck in my own head. But if you write whatever thoughts flow out, it's so simple! Because I became more comfortable, I was able to write my second highest kudo work (Clathrus Archeri) that was inspired by a fungus. Yep, we get that freaky with it. My readers enjoy it, it's all good.
My fourth highest bookmarked and fifth highest kudo work (Relax) is one that I stated was "the worst smut I've ever written." It was extremely self-indulgent but at the same time I spent so long editing it that at the end I hated it. I thought in comparison to my other smut it was low level. It also had trans Ciel, so I'm glad one of my works with him made it in the top 5. Yet, I wouldn't have that had I not posted.
While most of my works are obviously Kuroshitsuji, I do have works for Voltron too. I have almost zero interactions with the Voltron fandom. I will reblog things and read (kudo, bookmark, subscribe), but besides comments on my own fics I haven't talked to anyone. A big part is that I'm shy. Another is that I'm too old for fandom drama, ship wars, and what have you. If someone wants to chat with me, I'm glad and I will talk, but I'm not putting myself out there. The same will go when I start posting Vanitas no Carte fics. I'm very ship and let ship and that will piss off some people. It's easier for people to approach me rather than me trying to figure out if someone will hate me for my ships or not. Okay, very long intro for my next point. My third highest subscribed work (Atlas Ocean Rescue) is for the Voltron fandom. They don't know me from anywhere, exception the kuro people that also like Voltron, but apparently my work has readers. This fic is super self-indulgent, I love mermen okay? I'd say overall my Voltron works aren't doing too bad considering I basically just post and run. As anxious as I get to post anything, posting for another fandom was really hard. There wasn't the pressure of people knowing my work, but there's the very real feeling of, "oh fuck, this could flop terribly." A few Voltron works have already surpassed my "worst" Kuro works...so success? I think so!
For anyone who read all my nonsense, you get a gold star. I hope you also noticed the patterns here. That is, write for yourself and your audience will find you. Don't censor yourself, be true to you and go with the flow, have fun! Write characters how you want to write and read them. Indulge in your kinks, I swear you aren't the only one that has them. Step out of your comfort zone every once and a while. If you post a fic and it flops, so what? It's not the end of the world. What if the fic you think will fail ends up being your best one? You'll never know what will happen unless you post it, it might surprise you. As your skills improve it's okay to go back and revise and edit. But don't let your skill level hold you back from posting in the first place, we all have to start somewhere. You can engage with fandoms as much or as little as you want. (I do encourage reblogs, kudos, bookmarks, ect.) But if you are too shy to talk or don't know anyone in a fandom, don't let that stop you from creating for that fandom. If you only have one work in you for a fandom, do it! If you have multiple? Do it! Rarepair? Go for it! Someone else will probably thank you for it! Vent writing? Dead dove? Extremely therapeutic for you and for others that are more so readers than writers. (Note writing dark stuff just for exploration and entertainment is fine too!! Horror is a well-loved genre for a reason. Fiction is fiction.) Bottom line: don't let you get in the way of yourself.
Will you get hate? You might, I won't lie. That said, people troll everything, any hate you get just shake it off. Odds are it's nothing personal or about your writing, it's they don't like the ship, or any AU, or the dynamics with smut, or the kink, or they're phobic, or if you write intense stuff it's too dark of content for them. If you tag things, it's on the reader if they ignore the tags or they purposely expose themselves to content they know will upset them. I highly recommend if you are concerned about hate, only let registered users leave comments. That's what I do with all my fics and I have had zero negative comments. People are less likely to leave nasty comments if they have to show their face, it's so much easier for them on anon. Some hate I've got on here (tumblr) could be from AO3, but I honestly think it's mostly just other tumblr users that have never read anything of mine.
I'm not as active as I once was on here. It's been years since I updated or posted a kuro work on AO3. I don't have the spoons (energy) to do as much one-on-one as I used to, but know I am cheering on all the creators, new and old. I am here if anyone needs some extra encouragement. But honestly, just write. Even on the off chance you're the only one that likes your work, you have at least one fan. If you don't write for yourself, then who are you writing for? I swear readers can tell the difference when you write something you're into verses something you think will be good, but you don't care about as much. Your best writing is the writing that YOU would read. Don't focus on what you think others will think. Your people will find you.
We all start as that person that's afraid to post our works, it's natural. Tackling that fear was one of the most difficult but best thing I've done for myself. If you want to post, do it! 💖💖💖
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qvnthesia · 2 years
hey, hey, hey! hope you're doing good <33 may i present to you, qvnthesia's ao3 wrapped (def better than spotify wrapped!)
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How many words have you written this year? — 100,000+ (i thought i wrote less with the writer slump T~T)
How many works have you published this year? — 4; I'm more for a long-fic person lmao
What work are you most proud of? — See You In My Nightmares! *excited*
What work of yours has the most hits? — Definitely See You In My Nightmares (the amount of people that have subscribed to the fic more than YMH is mind-blowing 😂)
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? — It'd have to be Gently Into the Cold, Dark Earth. It was just supposed to be a one-shot, I didn't expect my inbox to blow up + See You In My Nightmares again 😂
Favorite title you used? — bespangled prairies (for my sw fic!)
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? — Mostly Taylor Swift
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? — Klaulena and Elejah are tied 😂
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? — Klaulena (they do things to me, okay? 😭)
What work was the quickest to write? — Time After Time (elejah oneshot that just burst out of me from nowhere)
What work took you the longest to write? — Well, considering I'm writing them right now, See You In My Nightmares and Yours, My Heart collectively take the prize. But, personally speaking, I think Yours, My Heart takes longer because there's a lot of mystery I've got to keep up with and crosscheck with my notes.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? — 36 ahahahaha *dies*
What’s your longest work of the year? — See You In My Nightmares (one of the chapters is 21K+ words 😂)
What’s your shortest work of the year? — Time After Time
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? — My two on-going long-fics! + my sw short-fic
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? — Canon Divergence (I've said it before and I will say it again—I recognize that canon has made a decision, but given that it's a STUPID-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it)
Your favorite character to write this year? — Elena! 😭💖+ Anakin (he's a man tugging my own heart)
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? — Klaus, that man is both hot and insane.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? — Dunno, probably Finnlena, since I have planned a series of one-shots surrounding the Mikaelsons and Elena.
Which work of yours have you reread the most? — See You In My Nightmares (to understand why people like it so much + a reminder that i need to update but i never do)
How many kudos in total did you get this year? — 991 kudos!
Which work has the most comments? — With a comment thread count of 122, See You In My Nightmares 😂
Did you do any collaborative works this year? — Unfortunately, no :(((
Did you write any gifts this year? — I'm actually writing one for @kaizsche!! a bit nervous but excited too!!
Did you receive any gifts this year? — @kaizsche and I are exchanging fics and I'm pretty excited! (nervous but excited, gahh, gotta write good)
What’s your most common category? — f/m
What do you listen to while writing? — First it was indie, then some dark moody songs but now it's a mix of the second one and instrumentals + slowed and reverb songs.
Favorite work you wrote this year? — Time After Time
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? — This one is from Chapter 12 of SYIMN. “My brother and I, we didn’t hate her for turning into a vampire, we despised her because we thought she was kind. We thought she might be like Tatia, we didn’t expect her to turn out so… different. Yes, even though I was going to sacrifice her, Elijah had a backup plan to bring her back to life. I wasn’t supportive of his plan, but my brother wears his heart on his sleeve for the women from your bloodline, no matter how many tailored suits he wears to shroud his true nature from the world. For Tatia, I did the same. For Katherine, I didn’t. At first, yes, even I considered a future with her, but—” he clicks his tongue. “—that strange emotion in her eyes made me reconsider. And after what she did, I was right. I didn’t see it coming, though. I didn’t see how desperate she was to trick us and somehow live. That betrayal stung deeper than my mother’s role in Tatia’s death. Ever since then, we realized it was a mistake to ever come to love a Petrova.”
Biggest surprise while writing this year? — Around the end of February, I got invited to join a server where a bunch of writers that I'd followed on Tumblr and AO3 were there and I was so excited and happy to actually get a chance to interact with them because the way we've interacted, the ideas we've exchanged and all the times we've listened and helped each other, it's happened to me for the first time 😂 + I've never actually improved so much in writing until I started writing on AO3 and this year just took it to new heights. My worldbuilding rates, writing rates, everything's just gone up in a good way and I'm really content with myself about that, and... yeah! 😂
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And that's all from me! It's New Year's Eve and I'd like to thank all the characters I've got a chance to meet (except Susdious and the Salvatores), thank you for making me a better writer! And a very huuuge and special thanks to @kaizsche @sevensistersofsussex @katherineholmes @feralcherry @jennifersminds @elena-mikaelson @amandamonroe and @wazman, y'all are godsend <33
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firesofdainix · 1 year
Hello I'm here to let you know that I'm very slowly making my way through reading the absolute giant that is phoenix and so far im fking loving it it's SO GOOD i cannotjehsjen
(also I'm subscribed to ur ao3 and was absolutely fucking SHOOK at the word count when i got the email and saw the first chapter 😭)
HAHAHA yes I shall feed on your tears and excitement!!! The word count is very long because my brain is working OVERTIME writing the damn thing so people can enjoy the niche I made just by watching a movie!!! I have to postpone the next chapter to July due to WIP scheduling, but let's hope everything goes well for these merry people!
(I also shook myself just looking at my word count, now that you say it...)
Anyways here's a little... something, as a treat!
Olivia becomes slack-jawed, looking at the screen in horror. "No."
"It's true," Lloyd replies with a shrug, keeping the grief and betrayal he feels underneath his mask of nonchalance. "It makes sense, if you think about it."
“It doesn’t,” Olivia snaps, but her face is filled with fear. Perhaps fear over the fact that she perceives the devil to be incarnated as Kai? “How can he be alive? We… we made sure he wouldn’t survive.”
Cole tries not to feel pissed at that sentence. He oh so wanted to shout at them, tell them that they have forsaken a good person for selfish gains.
“We live in a world where ghosts exist in the same plane as us,” Lloyd tells her gently, but still grimacing about the permanent touches Morro has left for him. His touch on his mind was so intimate he couldn’t think or talk about him without shuddering. “While it also took a lot of time for me to wrap my head around it, the evidence points to him being alive.”
“Dark magic,” Garmadon says simply, all four arms behind him as he looks at the picture of Kai, and back at Red Carnage. He dares to ignore the implications that he created this situation, all because he was a megalomaniac and wanted the power he has always asked for. Now, he is not sure what he wants, and why he is so tense at confronting what is actually a young man for the murder he has committed. “Or a cloning.”
“He isn’t cloned,” Cole insists, as Olivia starts to panic, breaths rising and falling at a rapid pace. Her eyes are fixed on Kai’s smiling picture, associating him with the picture on the left, of a gruesome murderer, difficult to endure.
Olivia whips her head around to face her lord, tears forming in her eyes. “This is karma, Lord Garmadon.” Her voice was small and quiet, as the tears started streaming down her cheeks. “We have angered your father on the other side and he sent Kai back to the living to hunt us down.”
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tyonfs · 1 year
but omg yeah i see what u mean w operation true love HAHA the sister is so annoying so it gives me SO MUCH satisfaction to see her not getting her way rn!! omg if u do decide to start it again lmk!!! 🤭 AND JIMIN AND YE EUN ARE GETTING THEIR OWN WEBTOON??? OMG E2L ARC I LOVE THEM SM CRIESNFKGNRN
i'm literally keeping up w so many webtoons rn (i gave up on anime bc of webtoons im sorry alice 😭😔) but my two absolute favs r seasons of blossom and honey lemon!!! (both of them update on the same day too so that's lucky for me LOL) but i recently found this new webtoon called muse on fame and i am Very Invested already!!! i also keep up w hello baby, go away romeo, operation: true love, maybe meant to be, the guy upstairs, get schooled!, perfect marriage revenge, there must be happy endings, dark moon: the blood altar, and marry my husband!! plus a lot of daily pass ones like designated bully, reality quest etc. OH and i don't even like horror but i found this rlly good dystopian one called everything is fine! it's currently on hiatus but i m super excited for the next season! i might also start purple hyacinth bc it's on hiatus rn and i can catch up quickly! beyond virtual is also rlly cool but it's also on hiatus rn unfortunately :(
which are ur fav webtoons??
also omg i saw u saw the dreamies live!!! THATS SO AWESOME I SHALL HAVE TO LIVE VICARIOUSLY THRU U :') which of their songs did u enjoy seeing live the most? and how were they irl? like . do they look the same as in videos? (idk if this makes sense but like are they taller than they seem or like. basically how are their personalities irl? 😭)
I'm so sorry for the long ask lmao i tend to get too excited whenever someone asks me ab webtoons 💀🥲 i hope ur day has been great and you got to eat lots of good food and stayed hydrated!! – anime :)
HAHAH i’ve been on the webtoon grind for the past 6 years it’s hard to escape 🫨
the art style is still rlly nice so i would consider reading true love operation tbh LMAOAO but love triangles also stress me out 😔 (odd girl out you have ruined me) also i’m not sure if i translated the raws wrong but i think they’re just getting extra chapters :’)) lowkey…….. i like them more than the main couple 🫣
LMAOAODJJ ANIME ANON U EVOLVED INTO WEBTOON ANON 😩 omg seasons of blossom is my absolute fav i remember when the first three chapters were out and i thought it was the cutest webtoon ever and now it’s the most emotionally damaging work of art i’ve ever read 😭💗 i fast passed to the end and wow. incredibly beautiful. and honey lemon is so cute too!!! i hate the boyfriend 😡😡😡 cant wait for her to break up with him!!! omg muse on fame is sooo good i love the art style so much 🤭 hello baby is from the author of age matters right ?? i subscribed but i’m yet to check it out :0 i will have to once i catch up with unordinary LOL
omg i read those too except the daily pass ones 😩 dear x and suhee0 are the only ones i’ve been trying to keep up with </3 everything is fine is one of my favoritesss i’m so sad it’s been on hiatus tho 😔 omg the hybe webtoons im ngl i think the only one that caught my attention was the lesserafim one :’)
hmm i’d say my favorites at the moment are seasons of blossom, villain with a crush, cursed princess club, phone addict, our secret alliance, odd girl out, exchange student, the fox club, act like you love me, my dud to stud boyfriend, and after school lessons for unripe apples 💗💗 my all time favorites would have to be romance 101, swimming lessons for a mermaid, and seasons of blossom 🌷🌷
oh my god i have post concert memory loss from tds2 i swear but they were so unreal 😭💖 like i couldn’t believe they were right in front of my eyes they were incredibleee i think my fav stage to watch was trigger the fever 🥹🥹 ngl i think they’re shorter irl . but my guy friends are also 6’3 and i’m pretty short so i have a skewed perception anyways LMAOAO but they’re so passionate when they perform and RENJUN was so energetic i was so soft watching him 🥰 but they are all so much more gorgeous irl like YES they are beautiful on camera but it’s such a different experience in the flesh
don’t apologize !!! also i hope you’re staying healthy as well and make sure you have a good day 🥰💖
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redwinterroses · 2 years
I keep seeing posts and comments about how "it's so hard to leave comments on a fic" because either readers don't know what to say, or it's just too much emotional/mental work to come up with something.
So! Here's a quick cheat sheet. Feel free to copy+paste these to make commenting and supporting/encouraging fic authors easy and painless! (also, consider: you can leave as a comment any of the keysmashing you'd do in tumblr tags. Go nuts.)
Most of these can also be used on videos, art, and anywhere else you might leave feedback on a creative project.
Tier 1: Easy
Love it!
thanks for the chapter
great chapter!
Tier 2: Simple
I loved this chapter! Thanks for the update
I am up past my bedtime reading this.
I'm reading this at work/on the train/in class/at a party and I'm loving it
So good! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Was so excited to get the notification for this!
I love your writing
I enjoy/enjoyed this fic so much.
I'm sending this to a friend!
Biting this. Eating it. Devouring, even.
Awwww! Them.
Tier 3: Requires Input
I loved when [character] [did thing]
I loved the part when [thing happened]
[literally just copy+pasting a line you like and adding !!!!!!!!! to it]
My favorite part was [the part with the thing]
I love how you write [descriptions/dialog/specific person/etc]
Oh no, [character name]!!
Tier 4: Prompts
Point out a line you liked and what it made you think/how it made you react
Ask a question like, "Is Hardened Detective Man's mother still alive in this AU?" or "Does Brave Space Princess know about the [macguffin mentioned in chapter 2]?" or "Who's your favorite character to write in this fic?"
ask a rhetorical question of the characters, like: "Lovable High School Character! Do you have any idea what you're doing???" or "Dinosaur Researcher, are you aware there's a whole series of movies about why this is a bad idea?" or "Dark Vigilante Father Figure, do you even see what your adoptive acrobat son is trying to tell you?"
Address a statement to the characters (similar to above)
Tell the author how you found their fic
Tell them you're subscribed and you get excited whenever they upload
Comment that you can't wait to see how [story element] works out.
Commenting is the best way you can encourage a fic writer and inspire new content. And comments aren't book reviews (or at least, they don't have to be. We do love those though lol) -- they don't have to be long and complex. Keysmashes and emojis and one-sentence reactions are MORE than awesome!
If you don't have the energy or time to comment (and remember, even a !!!!!!!! is a great comment), at LEAST leave a kudos and consider saving a link to the fic to come back and comment later.
Now go forth! Support writers! Be a part of a healthy fandom ecosystem!
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plague-of-insomnia · 3 years
Hello 👋 I was just catching up on WDH again and got to the part where Ciel confesses his love for Sebastian... I've never been a seb*ciel shipper but you really did a good job writing a likable relationship 👍 I think it's the way you've written Ciel, he's a bit different from canon so maybe that helps (and also he's so good looking in the artworks! Long hair and glasses make him look so intellectual whereas in canon he just strikes me as a fussy child)
Thank you for writing WDH it's the only enjoyable seb*ciel fic I'm reading so far 👏
{Gonna start off this ask by warning you or anyone else that this answer will have some spoilers for WDH. Nothing that hasn’t been published yet, but if you’re not completely caught up, you may want to wait to read this until you are.}
Thank you, anon. It means a lot that you’re reading and enjoying WDH even though you’re not really into sebaciel! 😊
I will admit that I am not very big into sebaciel myself, but I do really love WDH Ciel and his relationship with Sebastian.
I think part of it is the fact that he’s almost 10 years older than he is in canon, so he’s an adult, and though in the beginning he’s still a bit immature, one of the great things about him in this story is that we get to see him grow and change and begin to accept more responsibility (for himself and others).
I also love him with the long hair and glasses too! And I like that he’s really good with coding/tech; it makes me feel like he has some expertise that sets him apart from the other characters in the story.
And @luci-on-the-moon’s interpretation of him??? Especially this piece. (I love it so much I have it as my lock screen and Ciel is far from my fave character in Kuro or WDH.)
In a way, like all the characters in WDH, Ciel is almost an OC. I take their canon personalities and reshape them so they come alive (to me). Not trying to disparage Yana or anything, of course. (I especially love what she’s doing with Bard in his arc right now). But you’ll definitely see all the major characters undergoing their own developments, and that’s part of what makes writing the story so exciting for us.
The one thing that really gets me with WDH Ciel is how strong and unwavering his love for Sebastian is.
It started out as just a crush—I mean who wouldn’t fall in love with the man who saved your life?—but it evolved into something much deeper.
Ciel accepts Sebastian despite what he does for a living, despite his flaws. Even after what happened last chapter, we will get to see how he reacts to Sebastian’s behavior and moves forward as the story progresses.
Being in a relationship with someone with a serious mental illness is tough. I know this from friends as well as my own personal experience (I’m very lucky to have an understanding hubby).
I think watching their relationship transform as their dynamic is forced to change as a result of Lau reappearing is part of what makes the story so compelling.
Thank you, anon, for giving me the chance to gush about this story!! Luci and I love it so much and it pains us that I haven’t been able to update it as often as we’d like.
Please subscribe on AO3 (if you haven’t already), and you’ll get an email as soon as the next chapter is posted. Ofc you can also follow us here or Luci on IG or Twitter (she’s active there and I’m really not 😅) for updates as well.
{Read Where Demons Hide}
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paleangels13 · 2 years
✏️🌈🌾 🎨
Thank you ☺️💖
✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic)
A Borussia Dortmund/BVB (German soccer team) fic, pairing Own Female Character(s) x Player(s). Had 197 chapters i think and was posted on Instagram (because that's apparently what you did in 2014...post on ig and wattpad :')). But they were short chapters, I still wrote around 1 1/2 years or 2 years on it 🤔 (I think in 'normal'/average chapter length (like... Up to 2000 words?) it would probably have 80+ chapters?).
I'm very much cringing about it now but the feedback back then was really good soo... Idk different times 😂😭
🌈 Your favorite tropes to write about?
Already answered here
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
Ohh, I kinda answered that here when I answered the question about ideas I haven't done anything with but let me just put a few from my "really wanna write" list here:
Pole dancer AU (characters, etc are fully planned out just gotta start writing...which I've been telling myself for 3 months now...)
Escort AU (which I already started quite a while ago but had to put it on hold because I struggled to continue from where I left it and have to overthink it again)
Joonas the tourist guide
Third part of the toxic series
Quite a few angsty/dark fics from my chat with @bc-sideblog :DD
A Joel/Johnny/Aleksi/Robin one because I'm a mess but I won't spoiler anything (might be part of the same universe as my "baby if I let you in (...)" fic)
One involving a blindfold 👀
Someone wearing a corset and platform boots 🥰
Someone else (not Joel this time) wearing a dress ✨😌
... Way too many more :))
🎨 Show us a sneak peek from a WIP!
Ohh... I didn't know which one to choose from... ☹️
I think I'll give you two snippets because I don't even know if I'll ever finish the first one even tho I really, really want to 🥺
Sooo (not beta read or anything) under the cut because it got quite long (and well spoilers)...
Escort AU:
He had uploaded a morning picture to his, well, adult website and was curious to see if there had been any comments so far. It was the usual stuff: "pretty boy", "mind turning a bit more next time? ;)", "oh, I sure would like to join you in the shower. We could have some fun while we're at it". Aleksi huffed and shook his head. One comment caught his attention though. To be fair, it wasn't an actual comment, just a bunch of random letters and numbers. He raised an eyebrow and clicked on the notification to reply something: "I take it my pic got you a little excited, sweetheart? Hope you had fun 💋". The young man chuckled a little and put his phone back on the sink before focusing on getting ready. It didn't really matter if his suspicion was correct or not, he knew most people subscribed to his account to get pics and possibly videos they could use to get off, what about it? That was kind of the point, right? So he didn't actually mind or think about it too much. It is what it is, and he enjoyed knowing what effect he had on some guys. 
Mhh...Tommi taking care of Joel 👀🥰:
Not even an hour had passed, yet the table was now filled with more than two empty drinks, mainly beer, and Joel was a tint drunker than he had originally planned.
“We should go to bed.”
His gaze flickered over to the drummer, rising from the sofa and his head unwantedly reminded him – very vividly – of how long he had not had sex. Well, technically that wasn't entirely correct. Joonas had given him a blowjob in the bathroom backstage not so long ago. Very blurred he also remembered that something had happened between himself and Niko, but that was already weeks ago. But this wasn't what he had in mind. If he had wanted a quick fuck while being the top, he only needed to ask their guitarist, who'd undoubtedly be happy to help with that. No, he wanted to be driven mad by someone, wanted that person to help him relax a bit and forget about the troubles of the past few days. Oh, and how perfectly the drummer seemed to fit into this role right now. Joel took the hand that Tommi held out for him, and stood up. He shook his head over his own thoughts. This was bullshit. His thoughts were blurred by the alcohol he had consumed and the fact that he hadn't had sex in a while probably didn't help either. He wouldn't sleep with the taller one. Definitely not!
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