#Peter Parker / original female character
lillysstars · 6 months
Penny, hanging off of Bucky’s arm like he’s a jungle gym: Hi Mr.Stark!
Tony: hey, ki-what are you doing??
Bucky: Hi.
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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The Gilded Age - An Avengers / Bucky Barnes AU Set in 1899
This is an alternate universe story set in 1899, near the end of the Gilded Age, in New York City. It is a time that appears to be prosperous, as economic expansion grows the economy, leading to better wages and a demand for skilled labourers, drawing immigrants from all over. But this time also has dark shadows. It is described by Mark Twain as an era of materialistic excess, combined with political corruption. Just as there are villains, there are heroes, the famed Avengers of the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds, or SHIELD. One in particular, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, of the United States Cavalry, has a tragic past, but the arrival of the new librarian / curator for the Society, brings thoughts of romance to his mind.
Format: Short fiction. 7 parts. Updated once per week.
Warnings: Violence, description of torture and medical experimentation. There will be some sexual content but as it is set in 1899, unmarried sexual relations were not commonly discussed in certain social circles and the OFC is inexperienced. The romance is a somewhat slow burn.
If you’re interested, please follow me and activate notifications. There are no tag lists.
All mood boards and banners will have AI generated images created by the author using Microsoft Copilot in Designer mode. (I wish I had the artistic talent to draw but I don’t.)
Chapters and more after the break. Divider by vecteezy.com
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Part 1. Introductions All Around
Part 2. Preparations
Part 3. Courtship
Part 4. Downpour
Part 5. Regret
Part 6. Confrontation
Part 7. Satisfaction
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United States Cavalry Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, formal portrait taken sometime in 1893 (prior to his capture in the Wyoming Range Wars).
Short Fiction Masterlist
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Avengers: Infinity's End
Chapter 6 - The Decimation [AO3 link]
Summary: Remember in Infinity War where Thanos takes a seat on the porch of his shack and watches the sun set right after he threw the universe into utter chaos? Imagine this being the complete opposite of that image. Rory finds that everything she had dealt with already pales in comparison to what was happening universally.
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deexchanel · 2 years
Word Count:
Pairing: Dad!Steve Rogers, BlackOC x Peter Parker.
Warning: Swearing, Arguing, Fighting.
Summary: Armani sneaks out and Steve finds out.
A/N: I thought of this at random. It’s not edited but I’ll fix it later.
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Armani took curlers out of her hair as the group chat was booming with messages. It’s nearing the end of the school year, and it’s a party going on at Fran’s house. Everyone going, including Peter. Mj has him wrapped around her finger as they’ve gotten closer over the school year.
Eventually, the ‘You wanna hang?’ text stopped, and Armani hung out with her homegirls more. Steve was watching tv in the living room. “Armani!”
“Yess?” Armani paused on doing her hair, walking to the living room.
“Heyy what did you wanna eat-.”He looked over and examined the outfit. “Where are you going?”
Armani brushed off her dress, “Some party. I won’t be out late.” she turned around going to her room without waiting on a response but Steve followed.
“How are you going to go to a party? You didn’t even ask me to go like damn you could’ve at least asked!” He furrowed his brow. She waved him off because he’s always doing missions and never have time so why pay attention now. Steve always busy so she’s use to moving by herself without questions being asked.
“Don’t wave me off Armani Rogers and since you want to be like that. You’re not going.” Steve raised his voice, her waving him off struck a nerve. All she had to do was ask and she could go. He’s getting the vibe that she doesn’t respect him anymore. He is her father and wants to know where she going for her safety.
“You can’t do that!” She sat on her bed now mad. Steve pointed to himself. “Yes I can. I’m the adult!”
“yeah the adult that’s never here.”
She faced the window, shaking her head,“Man you bullshitin.”
He grabbed her shoulder, “I’m bullshitin? All you had to do was ask me but you blew up into this attitude monster! This conversation is over!” He shook his head in disbelief walking out the room.
Armani screamed into her pillow. The group chat buzzed some more and she screamed again. This is all so frustrating because why is he acting like this all of a sudden. It was one thing left to do.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y?”She whispered to the A.I system hoping that she will match her energy like how a Alexa be. This is Armani’s first time using it but she’s took notice to how everyone uses it.
“Yes Armani?” She talked in a normal voice but the teenager quickly shushed her.
“Shushh! Don’t talk so loud!”
“Yes?” The A.I now whispered.
“Do you think you can mute the elevator ‘ding’ noise? I need to get downstairs!”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y can you help me? Please! It’s this almost end of the school year party going on and I really want to go. My best friend will be there looking bad as ever and I need to be stepping with her. Plus Peter will be there.” Armani grabbed her purse then began to put on her shoes. “damn that boy is so fine!”
I guess telling F.R.I.D.A.Y her true feelings about Peter, she decided to help. “Since you want me to help, I have to tell them your whereabouts when asked. I am programmed too. Be safe Armani.”
“Okay F.R.I.D.A.Y. I just need enough time for Peter to notice me. Thanks.”
“It’s muted Armani.”
She didn’t respond, slowly opening the door to her room.Armani crawled on the floor as quiet as she could. Steve was on the couch nodding off with the tv playing in front of him. Her purse fell off her back onto the floor which had him to turn around but Armani was hidden behind the couch. Her heart beating against her cheat hoping he began to watch tv again.
She sat there another five minutes then began crawling again to the elevator. Armani pressed down and the doors immediately opened without a noise being made. When the doors closed she stood up but her legs felt wobbly.
“Oh shit!! How the fuck did I pull that off on a super soldier?”She joked to herself while clutching her beating chest. Armani laughed slowly sliding down to the ground again. Damn she really did that.
“Hey bestie! You looking good as always!” Jayla instantly spotted her girl out the crowd. Armani lift her shades onto her head and gave her the biggest hug.
“Heyy bestie! Guess the fuck what!”
“Girl what?”
“I snuck past Dad on the couch. Bitch my heart was beating so fast.”
Jayla laughed her ass off. “Omg. Are you serious?”
“Yes!” Armani laughed then took sight of the crowd. She pulled at the hems of her dress looking for that familiar face. Her best friend obviously knew who she’s looking for and gave the lo.
“Left corner, behind the ping pong table near that bar. We can go over there if you want?”
Armani got nervous since she couldn’t see who was with them. “Does my outfit look good? Shades on or off? I’m not going.” She said in one breath. The best friends worked on telling each other whatever feel so the other can help the best way they can.
“Okay calm now babes. You look good and you will get his attention.” Jayla grabbed her shoulders then smoothed her pink hair down. “Let’s go over there. I got your back and you got mine.”
“Yeah you’re right. Whew!”Armani took a deep breath. They held hands as they walked over to the location of Peter. He stood there looking good as ever beside Ned. Some more of their classmates stood around holding conversation.
“Heyyy Peter.” Armani grew confidence when they were closer. He turned around with a cup in his hand and that to die for smile.
“Mani, Hey!” He took in her outfit. “You look really good.”
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She took notice of the nickname he gave, “Thank you.” Mani smiled while giving him a hug. Peter took in her smell as he wrapped his arm around her waist. When they pulled apart, he didn’t let her get far. Him and Ned had talked about this moment for weeks. He’s always had his eyes on his ‘Mani’
“How about we go dance?”
This was the moment she had been waiting for. “Um yeah, let me go get a cup.”Mani was mentally dancing for joy as she walked to get her cup.
When she got back, he lead her to the dance floor.
“Damn, I need you right now
You can take your time, don't have to rush”
Collide played through the speakers. He stood behind her as his arm wrapped around her chest area. Peter’s face was very closer to her neck and he loved every moment of it. Armani focused on her hips to the beat.
“This might take us a while, yeah
I left all the doors unlocked and you said you're on your way.”
Peter grabbed her waist as she grind against him, feeling his friend grow. The liquor kicked in for the both of them but Armani wanted more. “I’m going to get some more to drink!” She pointed to the bar.
“Want me to come?”
“Yes please.”
They held hands as she guided them over to the bar.
Steve awoken suddenly, the vibe in the tower was off. The tv was still playing and only the kitchen light was on. He stretched then got up from the couch making way to Armani’s room.
“Armani? Princess let’s…” He opened the door to see an empty bedroom. Steve took notice of the surroundings. Her clothes were disorganized as if she was looking through them, no signs of struggle and she had multiple purses laid out. Armani had managed to sneak past him and now Steve was pissed. He pulled out his phone to text her.
You snuck out for what Armani?
You’re in so much trouble.
When have I ever been against you? All you had to do was ask Armani. I really can’t believe you right now!
Where are you??
Not getting a response, irritated him more. It was only one person to ask since it was only them two there. “F.R.I.D.A.Y where is she??”
“A party Mr.Rogers…”
“Let’s go outside and take pictures!” Jayla suggested to the group. Armani ignored all messages from her Dad as she sat on Peter’s lap. Betty, Ned, and this cute guy named Luke were around them, chilling as well.
“Let’s go then.” Luke got up from the couch then turned to Jayla helping her up. The group made their way outside going to Luke’s car. While they helped Jayla with her pictures, Armani leaned against the car while Peter hovered with his hands on her waist.
“Your hands been glued to me all night Parker.” Armani giggled with her hands touching his soft hair. He kissed her neck,“You look so damn good I can’t help myself.” Peter pulled back a bit taking in those luxurious cheekbones and smooth brown skin.
“Can I take you out to somewhere nice?”
Armani looked away out of nervousness and a smile slowly crept in until confusion struck. “Don’t you talk to MJ? I don’t want to be seen as nothing.”
“You won’t be seen as anything. MJ and I aren’t anything Mani. I want you.” He placed his hand under her chin to gently get her to look at him. “You deserve to be took somewhere nice so let me do it.”
She blushed madly, with having liquor in her system she didn’t know if this was real or not. “Ohh my fucking god, is this happening right now?”
Peter laughed, “Yes, this is happening right now.”
Armani laughed herself for sounding so stupid,”Well then, yes you can take me out somewhere.” Peter smiled then leaned closer to her. She took hint and placed her lips onto his. Her hands went under his shirt as the kiss deepened. my goodness, his muscular build had her weak.
Then suddenly Peter is abruptly pulled off of her and Steve landed a punch to his face. “What! Dad?!” Armani screamed as Peter quickly regained focus and punched Steve in the face. Before they could wrestle, Armani quickly intervened.
“No! No! Do not fucking fight!” Her arms spread between the two guys to keep them apart. “Dad what are you doing here?!”
“I came to get my underage daughter from this party she wasn’t even supposed to go to! I find her swapping spit with Parker. I’m going to hurt you son!” Steve reached forward again but Armani tried her best to push him back.
“No dad chill out!”
“No Armani! I’ll chill out when my own daughter learn how to respect me. You’re 16! One Six! I let you get the crazy hair colors, the latest things, and be a little easy on the rules but what I don’t let slide is you sneaking out of the tower! Let’s go now!” Steve glared at her then grabbed her arm, leading her to his motorcycle.
“Wait Cap, I’m-” Peter ran his hand through his hair, wanting to apologize but Steve cut him off.
“Don’t say another fucking word Parker!”
He hopped on his bike and the second Armani was secured, Steve sped off. She held onto her Dad as tears began to fall down her cheek.
He put his bike in park and got off. They didn’t speak a word to each other while they walked into the tower.
“Dad…”Armani spoke softly as the elevator approached living quarters. “I’m sorry.”
He didn’t respond, just looked straight ahead. She tugged at his leather jacket. “Dad.”
Steve faced his daughter with his cheekbone now swelling. The elevator doors opened and he walked out before her. “Dad!” Did you not hear me?” He was making way to the exercise room to release anger but turned around.
“I’m disappointed in you Armani.” Without another word, he walked off.
Armani stood there in tears knowing her father figure was tired of her shit. She pushed it to far and he probably wants to take her back to the orphanage. “Fuck! What have I done?”
yeahhh cause what it do! should it be a part 2 ?
I hope yall are enjoying the new year!🫶🏾
Stay Slutty My Friends
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Magnolia Jasmine Series List
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You would really love to continue your quiet life, tending to your flowers and chatting with your customers. But a certain spider themed vigilante has knack for trouble and you can't just let him face it all on his own.
Part 1: Pilot
Part 2: His Very Own MJ
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marvelvillian23 · 1 year
Does anyone know any Basement Wife fics. Multi chapter preferably but any fic will do.
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noshitbarnes · 2 years
Anti-Hero: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC
Summary: After being experimented on as a young child and given abilities, Daniela has become a highly skilled member of the Avengers, and has even been assigned to mentor Peter Parker. Little does she know that the happiness she’s been able to find will become threatened by the very people who started her on her path long ago.
Warnings: language
Word Count: 4,877
Notes: Let me know what you guys think! I know it's still a little slow, but the following chapters are where the story starts to take hold, thanks for being patient!
Anti-Hero Prologue
It was like any other Friday afternoon, except that the entire team was gathered at the newly appointed SHEILD Headquarters, debriefing the director, Nick Fury, about their latest mission. Normally, the whole team wouldn't be there, but Nick called in the cavalry, clearly he had something on his mind. Once Nick had been briefed on Natasha's latest mission, he looked around the room, and changed topics.
“Alright,” Nick sighs lightly then continues, “let’s get to why I really called you all here; I want to talk more about Parker.”
All eyes turn to Daniela, who visibly rolled her eyes while leaning back in her chair, “Sir, I told you last week that he’s doin’ good,” she shrugs, “he’s a noncombatant right now, ya know. I help him write papers for his classes mostly. Sometimes I help his Aunt May too."
“And how’s that, going?” Nick asks.
Daniela smirks lightly, “About as expected, he’s 18 and driving me insane, but he’s smart as hell and his Aunt is one of the nicest people I've ever met. So I guess I could imagine a worse way to spend my time.”
Nick nods and crosses his arms, “Are you regretting becoming his mentor?”
She shrugs, “Well, I was actually ordered to by Stark,” Tony rolls his eyes and she chuckles, “and was told if he was given to Barnes or Wilson, he’d be miserable. I’m supposedly nicer,” she smiles sweetly up at Nick, proud of her slight dig at the two men.
“It’s like you think I’m not here, Velikov,” Bucky rolls his eyes then turns from next to her and kicks her shin lightly, making her glare back, “I’m not that bad. Sam is though.”
“I heard that,” Sam said scowling at Bucky from across the table and then turns his eyes to Daniela, “and since when are you nice?”
“Alright,” Nick interrupts before anyone can say anything else, “I just wanted to get a base line for how he was doing," he uncrosses his arms and puts his hands behind his back, "I’ll leave it to Stark and Rogers to tell you when to start training him for active duty. Remember, I need you to give him your full attention.”
Nick Fury. Director of SHIELD. Mr. No-Fun-Ever. He was constantly reminding Daniela that the future was up to her, that she was going to someday lead the team, and if she fucked up even a little bit, everyone was doomed, but no pressure or anything. Now, she has this tiny little spider following her around everywhere, sorta like a puppy. Peter is an amazing kid, and she would fight dragons for him, but he was still somewhat of a shadow, and shadows can get annoying.
Daniela sighs lowly and nods, “Yes, sir.”
Nick looks around the table, “Alright then, that’s all I needed, you guys are free to go," he walks out of the room as everyone else stands from their chairs. Tony walks out quickly, before anyone else, after Nick, calling his name, causing the director to turn around and greet him. They pause in the hallway briefly, Tony doing most of the talking, then they both continue down the hall.
Daniela raises an eyebrow at the two men, but doesn't get much time to process it when she hears Steve call her name, “Velikov," she turns her eyes to him and he continues, "go get the kid, we’ll wait on the jet.”
She nods and heads for the door, “Can do, sir.”
Since Peter wasn’t active duty currently, he wasn’t allowed to be in briefings or meetings, so she had to find a place for him to sit tight. Daniela walks out of the conference room and makes her way to the nearest break room, where she told Peter to wait. She figured there he would be out of the way and wouldn’t cause any trouble. As she walks down the hallways of SHIELD headquarters, she says hello to passing agents, some new, some she’s known for years. Every agent she passed seemed the same, wearing all black, gun on their hip, slightly cold, but still willing to say a small passing greeting. These hallways use to feel like home to her, some days she missed them, back when she didn't have as many responsibilities and less people looking to her for guidance. Back then she worked alone, didn't really know much about the rest of the team, although she did know Fitz and Simmons pretty well. Now that she's an Avenger, she's only been on a handful of solo missions, most of the time she gets paired with Natasha or Clint. She use to hate having to work with someone else, but now, she welcomed the extra help, and was starting to like the company.
Once she makes her way to the break room, she opens the door, finding it surprisingly empty, except for one lonely face— near the floor in front of the vending machine, “Parker,” she crosses her arms, trying to hold back a laugh, as she walks up to him, "I leave you alone for what, 15 minutes, and this is what happens?”
Currently, Peter's sitting on the floor, his legs tucked up underneath him, and his side flush with the front of the machine. He was also quietly talking to himself, what he was saying, Daniela couldn't exactly hear. However, once Peter heard her voice he looked up at her, and his cheeks started to turn a slight pink.
"Oh, Daniela,” Peter twists his head a bit more to look up at her, “um, this is awkward isn't it?”
She wasn’t sure how this happened, but Peter Parker— the so called Spider-Man— appeared to have his arm stuck in the vending machine. He was trying desperately to reach a bag of Doritos that were currently lodged between the glass and the spiral shelving. This is what Daniela meant by "the shadow can get annoying," Sam or Natasha having to deal with this crap. Over the past month, Daniela's helped Peter out of countless situations, but this one took the cake as the stupidest thing he's done. Before this, the worst thing she'd seen him do was eat cheese whiz straight from a can, which she put a stop to immediately.
"Yeah, for you,” she smirks and takes out her phone, "I'm sending this to the guys, they’ll love it."
"Oh my God, please don't," he half laughs while trying to get his arm free, “just, hand me my web shooter,” he nods to his backpack that was on a nearby table, "please? I can't reach it.”
Daniela rolls her eyes, still trying to figure out what made him think putting his hand in the machine in the first place was a good idea. She was definitely gonna have to teach him more about common sense when they got home. She takes a quick photo, knowing it'd come in handy later as blackmail, and puts her phone back in her pocket, "Just get your arm outta there,” she rolls her eyes, "wheels up in 10.”
He bit his lip nervously, “Um, it might be stuck…” he trails off looking away from her shyly, “any chance you could help me, Sarg?”
"Oh my God,” she shakes her head and runs a hand through her long auburn hair, “of all the things I could be doing, Tony makes me your babysitter.”
Peter glares up at her from the floor, “You’re my mentor, Dani, not my babysitter,” he tries to pull his arm out again, but is unsuccessful, “I’m 18, ya know.”
“You don’t act it,” she tilts her head at him, “or look it really. You might be able to pull of 15.” He continues to glare at her as she walks over to take ahold of the opening on the machine, "Alright, Parker, when I break this, you take your arm out.”
His eyes widen, "You're gonna break it? I was honestly trying to avoid that."
"How else do you expect to get out?” She glares at him, "You wanna live here?" She removes her hands and stands back up, "Maybe I can talk Coulson into getting you a nice Hello Kitty blanket. Maybe even a nightlight for when it gets dark.” Of course she was going to help him, he was her responsibility, but that didn't mean she wasn't gonna give him shit for this.
Peter scowls at his arm and shakes his head, mentally cursing himself for getting into this situation to begin with. It's not like he goes out of his way to get into trouble, trouble just seems to find him. If it wasn't for Tony assigning Daniela as his mentor, he knows he'd be worse off. It just seemed like every time he needed her help, he ended up looking like an idiot. He hated looking like an idiot, especially in front of her.
Peter's expression softens into puppy dog eyes, and he looks up to her, "Please Dani, you gotta help me, Mr. Stark will be pissed if you don’t."
Daniela raises an eyebrow, "You little shit.” Peter then smirks proudly, knowing that guilt-tripping her always works. Despite her tough demeanor, Daniela really did care about Peter, she just has a weird way of showing it. She pauses for a moment, debating if she should just leave him or actually help, “Don't make a sound or I'll kill you myself.”
Peter smiles brightly, "Thank you!”
She shakes her head and takes a hold of the vending machine’s opening once more, "Close your eyes,” he raises an eyebrow at her, "I don't want a piece of plastic to get in them,” he hesitates slightly, then does as she says. She sighs to herself and then closes her own eyes, so that she could focus better. After a brief moment her hands let out a soft white glow and begin to freeze the plastic beneath her hands. Once the plastic is frozen enough, she pulls up on the opening, causing it to break around Peter's arm, enough for him to get free.
Daniela had been assigned by Tony to be Peter’s mentor about a month ago, right after he graduated high school, and Lord did he already know how to push her buttons. The goal was for her to eventually train him to be a full-time Avenger; however currently, she's just helping him with his college classes and overall just getting to know him. At first, she didn’t want anything to do with Peter, she figured he had zero potential to be part of the team, he was just so young and reckless, regardless of how much he wanted to help people. However now, after spending the past month with him, Ned, and his Aunt, she's slowly started to change her mind, and decided to stick around to really help him. They have their disagreements every once in a while, but she really did like him, he was like the little brother she never had, but had always wanted.
"Okay, get your arm out," Daniela makes a mental note to tell Tony about the machine, he was gonna have to replace it. He'd probably end up lecturing them both, which was quiet common nowadays.
Peter takes his arm out and slides back on the carpet away from her, "What about my chips?”
"Yeah, yeah," she stands back up and reaches into the opening of the machine and grabs Peters’s long lost Doritos, “here," she tosses them over her shoulder to Peter and he catches them, eyes still shut, "open your eyes, Parker.”
He opens his eyes and they immediately widen when he sees the machine, “Woah,” he stands up and opens his bag of chips, “thanks, Sarg!”
She smirks slightly, "Not a problem, but you get to explain to Stark why I had to do that. I'm not suppose to use my powers in civilian areas.”
Peter grabs a chip from the bag and tilts his head, "Why not?” he pops the chip into his mouth.
She looks to him with disbelief, "I just froze a vending machine, Parker, imagine what people would think if they saw me doing that.”
Peter continues to look puzzled as he reaches for another chip, “But, you use your powers on missions right?”
"That's in the field! I just sai—” Daniela holds the bridge of her nose in her fingers, growing more frustrated by the second; after a brief moment she looks back to him and fakes a sweet smile, "This took way too long, hopefully Cap didn't leave us.”
"Wait, you did what?” Tony's eyes widen at Peter's words, then he turns to Daniela, "So you froze it? Daniela, we've talked about this. No powers in civilian areas. You gotta listen to me occasionally.”
Daniela and Peter had quickly made their way back to the jet, where everyone was not so patiently waiting. Now, Peter was explaining to Tony what had happened, just like Daniela had told him too. Although, some how, everyone else was more mad at her than at Peter, which seemed to always happen.
Daniela's eyes widen at Tony and she pushes off from the wall she was leaning on, "Technically, I didn’t?” she says questioningly, making Tony raise a challenging eyebrow, “We were at SHEILD and that’s not really a civilian area,” Tony rolls his eyes as she continues, “also, how exactly did this backfire to become my fault?" She raises her hands defensively while looking around at everyone on the Quinjet, "I literally saved Spiderlings arm.”
Sam chuckles and looks to Peter, "How did you even get your arm stuck, kid?"
"Well," Peter starts shyly, "my chips got stuck, I tried shaking it, and that didn't work, so I thought I could reach them," he sighs and shakes his head, slightly embarrassed, "they didn't seem that far up away."
Daniela scoffs and looks to the ceiling, "I can't believe I have to put up with this."
Peter looks to the floor, disappointed in himself, yet again. He's done everything he could this past month to try and prove to Daniela that he belonged here, that he really wanted to be an Avenger, to be better. Everyone else seemed to accept him, except maybe Bucky, but he hasn't spent much time with the ex-assassin. Daniela's opinion matter greatly to him, he wanted to make her proud to be his mentor, clearly he wasn't doing a good enough job.
Steve stands up from his seat by Natasha and walks over to Daniela, “You’re his mentor, Velikov, which means you're suppose to be training him, guiding him,” he then crosses his arms, “you should be the mature one, you’re a lot older. I'd like to think you know not to stick your arm in a vending machine.”
Daniela raises her brows at him judge-fully, "Really? I'm getting this shit from you? Who fought who last week over Scrabble?" She points out, gesturing between him and Tony, “'Cause it damn sure wasn't me!”
"Temper, babe," Tony raises an eyebrow.
"Oh, whatever, you two fight like a damn married couple, it’s embarrassing,” she rolls her eyes as various members of the team chuckle lightly, "I'm sick of being a babysitter. When is he,” she points to Peter who had now taken Steve’s seat by Natasha, "gonna get in trouble for stuff? I feel like I'm the noob around here. Not him.”
Daniella knows ranting like this in front of everyone wasn’t the best idea, but she's never been one to keep quiet while she's angry. She's constantly coming to Peter's rescue whenever he messes up, but then ends up being the one who gets in trouble. Of course, she knows he's young and is bound to make mistakes, but she's never understood why he always gets off scot free.
“Hey," Peter stands up a little offended by her statement, "I got in trouble two days ago because I took one of Dr. Banner's lasers,” he crosses his arms and continues, “I thought Ned would like it. I also might have accidentally cut my desk in half with it.”
She raises an eyebrow when he's finished, "You actually did that?” He nods and she smiles proudly, “I’m impressed," she looks past the boy and mutters to herself, "and that also explains why May asked me if I knew what happened to your desk."
"You knew about that?" Tony snaps.
“No," she glares back at Tony, "he was just looking at the thing when I was giving him a tour and he said something about it being cool. When he tried to touch it, I slapped his hand away. I'm not that stupid, Tony," she then narrows her eyes at Peter, "clearly I need to watch him better.”
Before Tony could retort, Natasha stands up, “Ok,” she holds out her hands— trying to calm everyone down— "I think the problem here is Dani needs to be on her own for a bit, like a mini vacation,” she looks to Tony, "give the kid to someone else for a few weeks,” she smiles devilishly and winks at Daniela, “like Barnes.”
Daniela smiles widely and chuckles silently to herself, "Yeah, Barnes is perfect,” she smiles over at the soldier, who’s eyes grow wide as he tilts his head confused as to why the women were volunteering him, "aw, come on! You need a new friend!”
Bucky raises an eyebrow, "I don't know about that.”
Daniela laughs, "Might be fun to have a new sparring partner, I’m sure you’re sick of Sam.”
He chuckles a bit and then crosses his arms while looking Peter up and down, "He wouldn't be much of a challenge for me, he’s so small.”
Peter's eyes widen in fear, "Ok ok, I'm sorry,” he quickly hops over to Daniela grabbing her arm, "I'll be good,” Daniela winks at Bucky and he smirks, “I won't prank you anymore or steal lasers or make you freeze anything! I promise! I'll even do my homework!”
Daniela raises her brows in mild shock, "If I knew all I had to do was threaten you with Barnes, I would've done it when you first got here," she then crosses her arms and continues before anyone else can interject, "so you'll listen to what I say?" Peter nods, "'Cause Cap says I'm suppose to make you an Avenger. It's not all fun and games,” she pauses and tilts her head a bit thinking, "actually it's mostly not fun and there's usually never any games.”
"We played Monopoly the other night!" Sam says laughing.
Daniela scoffs, "And it ended with you and Barnes fighting over properties.”
Sam glares over at her, "He fucking cheated and you know it!”
"How Sam,” she raises an eyebrow, “he hide the cards in his metal plates?”
Bucky laughs, which earns him a glare from Sam, “The thought occurred to me.”
Just then FRIDAY’s voice rang over the speaker, "Mr. Stark, we'll be landing in 10 minutes.”
"Alright," Tony sighs, "take a seat everyone.”
Once the jet lands, Tony pulls Daniela aside, while everyone else makes their way into the compound. Nothing is said until they arrive at Daniela’s favorite spot on the compound, underneath a large oak tree.
When Daniela first arrived at the compound, she constantly found herself being dragged outside with the others, in order to get to know the team better, but after some time she’d soon find herself laying on the grass underneath the large branches of the tree. A couple of months later, others started to take notice and when they couldn’t find her inside, they knew where she’d gone. During that same time, Tony decided to try and make the spot more comfortable, so that not only would he not worry about her, but she’d also feel like the spot was her own. It wasn’t much, but he built her a free standing hammock that he placed near the base of the tree and a small table where she could put her coffee. For Daniela, this small gesture meant the world to her, since she never had anyone do something so sincere for her.
Daniela lays down on the hammock and closes her eyes, while Tony looks towards the compound and talks, “Why are you so mean to him?”
It's not that Tony actually thought she was being mean, Daniela's always been a bit rough around the edges, it came with the the fact that she had such a tough life. He just thought she could at least be a little more friendly. Although, asking Daniela to be more warm and fuzzy, might be a challenge considering everything she'd been through.
"Tony," Daniela starts, "I'm not mean to him, I actually care a lot about the kid."
Tony raises a brow not amused, "You got a funny way of showing it."
Daniela scoffs lightly, "You know that if I didn’t like Parker, I wouldn’t help him period or would've frozen his feet to the ceiling and left him there,” she crosses her arms on her stomach opening her eyes, and looks to Tony, “why me by the way?”
Tony smiles and turns to her, "Because despite your actual age, you're one of the only ones who can relate to him. I mean, you two are always making weird pop culture references and it drives me nuts," Daniela laughs and Tony continues, "you guys get along great when you're not being, ya know, a smart-ass,” he pauses and glances to the compound briefly, “Pete lights us when he talks about you or whenever you’re around, which is good. Maybe be a little nicer though? He's not one for tough love,” Daniela scoffs and he looks back to her, “the rest of us are use to your, personality,” Tony rolls his eyes, “he’s not, so give him a break. He doesn’t realize that you don’t actually mean anything by it.”
Tony pats her shoulder and Daniela nods before standing up from the hammock, “I still think Barton or Barnes would've been a better choice than me.”
Tony sighs heavily, “Look, you don’t give yourself enough credit. Before you settled down and joined the Marines, you'd been through several wars trying to decimate Hydra. You may have had your own personal agenda behind it, but you still held your own, during a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed, let alone in the military. You're a seasoned solider, so you know what it takes to survive. Not to mention you've got the brains to hold a conversation with Banner and myself," Daniela rolls her eyes and Tony smiles, "There is no one I trust more to train him, than you,” Daniela looks down at the ground shyly, his compliments making her nervous.
Tony meant every word of it too. There wasn't a single person on this planet he trusted more to train Peter than Daniela, possibly himself, but that would be a far stretch. He knew that she would make sure Peter knew what he was doing out there, she was good at what she did. The things she was able to accomplish in her life were astounding and she deserved all the praise he was giving her and then some.
Tony pats her shoulder, “And like I’ve said before, if I gave him to Barnes or Barton, they would just torture the kid. I know you won’t, mostly.”
“True," she laughs, "they were pretty hard on him when he first got here.”
Tony shakes his head, "Anyway, don't give him any slack just cause he's young ok, he's an adult now. He knows how to handle himself for the most part, but he could use some fine tuning here and there.”
Daniela smiles, "You told Barnes the same thing when he started training me.”
When Daniela first got to the Avenger compound, almost three years ago, she trained with Natasha mostly at first, so they could get an idea for how well she could handle herself. After a couple of weeks, Tony and Steve decided that having Bucky be Daniela's mentor would be good for both of them. Bucky needed something to do when he wasn’t on a mission and Daniela needed more refined training. It was definitely an adjustment for both of them, Bucky hadn't trained anyone in quiet some time and Daniela wasn't use to someone telling her so bluntly that she was doing things wrong. It took a good three months for them to finally decide that they could tolerate one another. Now, they're closer to each other than anyone else on the team, after all they did have some things in common.
Tony nodded sharply, "And did he give you any slack?”
"Well, no,” Daniela shrugs, "but I was over 90 years old and've been to war.”
"And look at you now," he smiles brightly, "three years later and still a smart-ass.”
She chuckles, "Well, he didn't kick the personality outta me, Tony.”
"Then he didn't train you hard enough,” he pauses for a moment, while she laughs, and then he smirks playfully, “maybe you should remind Barnes you can still kick his ass, for old times sake.”
"She never kicked my ass, Stark!”
Daniela’s eyebrows went up in shock at the new voice and she looks back to the door of the compound, but found no one there. Tony only smirks and looks in the direction the voice came from, "Then explain the scar on your leg!”
Bucky finally steps out from behind the door, so that they could see him, “I fell down the stairs,” he retorts, "you can't prove shit!”
"Is that a challenge, tin man?" Daniela giggles as Tony raises a challenging eyebrow, "'Cause I'll find footage and show everyone!”
Bucky stares at the pair for a few moments, then glares at Tony, “Fuck you, Stark,” he then turns around and goes back inside.
Tony smiles smugly, "That's what I thought.”
Daniela looks to Tony and smirks, "You knew he was listenin' didn't you?”
"I had a feeling.” He claps his hands together, “Anyway, I talked to Fury before we left and we came to the decision that Parker is ready for official Avenger training. So, I want you to start tomorrow, just some simple stuff at first alright? None of that shit Barnes and Barton did with you, like take him for a jog or somethin',” she nods and Tony continues, “also, I want you to make sure he's set in his room! Show him how to login to his laptop so he can do his homework, I can't have him falling behind.”
He gives a quick smile before walking to the compound, when Daniela fully realizes what he just said, “Wait, he’s gonna stay here now,” she turns and jogs up next to him, “I thought he was gonna stay with May 'til he was done with this semester.”
“He’s an Avenger now, babe,” he raises an eyebrow at her as they continue to walk toward the compound, “he needs to be here for when we need him. I talked to May about it already and she said she didn’t mind, as long as you promised to watch him and make sure he still passes his classes,” Daniela smiles lightly and Tony looks at her sideways, “you’ve had quiet the influence on her.”
“Well,” she shrugs, “I make sure Peter gets his stuff done on time and I help her out too.”
He nodded, “I know, that’s nice. You’re a good person.”
She shakes her head slightly, “I wouldn't go that far.”
The two walk back into the compound to find everyone still taking off their gear. Steve nods to Daniela the moment he sees her, “Velikov,” she raises an eyebrow when she hears her name, “conference room in 15.”
"What for?” she asks while unzipping her suit and pulling her arms out, letting the top half hang around her waist, exposing her white undershirt, “Can't possibly be another mission this soon.”
"It's not," Steve says as he tucks his shield away, "we gotta give Parker a breakdown of some things, so bring him with ya.”
“Alright," she pats Peter on the back and he looks up from his phone at her, "I gotta show junior here to his room anyway,” she pinches his cheek and he pushes her away, causing her to laugh. She then walks around him to the other side of the wall and opens her locker.
"Where's his room?" Sam asks, while unbuckling his vest.
Daniela furrows her brows while trying to pull off a boot, “Um, I don't actually know?”
Tony audibly sighs while tapping on his phone, "He's across the hall from you, Dani.”
After pulling both boots off, she begins to step out of her suit, leaving her in just her spandex shorts and tank top, “Why me?" she continues while reaching for her jeans, ”I suggest putting him by Wilson."
"No thanks,” Sam chuckles, "he's your sidekick.”
"I'm not a sidekick,” Peter protests quietly.
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cryforcorpse · 4 months
I’ve made a marvel poly soulmate fic, it’s currently being written but here’s the link and everything. I’d love it if you gave it a chance! It’s OFC and poly with her not being the center of the relashionship!  Chapters: 3/? Summary:A girl who has spent her whole life in labs and getting experimented on gets rescued from Hammer Industries' basement by the one and only Tony Stark and is hand delivered to SHIELD's director Nick Fury. She never understood why SHIELD wanted to keep her so bad, only discovered a few years later when she boards a helicarrier that coincidently has all her soulmates in it.
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ericac318 · 1 year
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A Glimpse of Hope
This is a slightly AU take on ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’. Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy are in college and already dating. Peter is already Spider-Man. His best friend, Elliana ‘Elli’ Beckett (who is a year ahead of them) helps him while also secretly dating Captain George Stacy. There’s a little bit of ‘No Way Home’ in here too. George Stacy x OC
Read more here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47072113/chapters/118591765
Chapter 1
A/N: I’ve been rewatching ‘Rescue Me’ lately and I wanted to write something about Denis Leary centric but Tommy Gavin is a bit rough. Captain George Stacy was my solution.
Elli sat on her sofa flipping through a textbook when there was a knock at her door. She got up and peeked through the peephole, surprised to see Captain George Stacy on the opposite side.
She opened the door, just a crack, “I wasn’t expecting you tonight, Captain,” she commented as an innocent smile crossed her lips.
“I know,” he replied in his gruff voice and thick NY accent, “I thought I might surprise you,” he shared as he gestured for her to let him in.
Elli opened the door and ushered him inside, “What if your daughter had been over for one of our movie nights?” she teased as she guided him back to her living room where he could join her on the couch.
George ran his hand across her arm, softly, suggestively, “I was willing to take my chances because I’ve missed you,” he added before he leaned toward her and placed his lips to hers.
“This is bad, you and I,” she breathed once their lips parted, “You’re old enough to be my father and your daughter is my best friend. Is what we’re doing really wise?” she inquired as she felt herself leaning in closer to his body with her own.
He nodded, his forehead pressed against hers, “What we’re doing is bad, but sometimes the risk is worth the reward. If you’re having second thoughts about us then I can understand that. Do you want to cool things down between us?” he questioned as he moved his hand along her jaw until he was grasping her neck.
Elli shook her head as she ran her fingers through his blonde hair, gasping as she felt his breath brush against her skin, “That’s the last thing I want. I just wish that we didn’t have to sneak around in secret. A person can only know so many things that those around them don’t,” she added, though he wouldn’t know what else she was referring to.
“I’m glad we’re in agreement,” he breathed against her lips before he resumed their kiss, running his tongue along her lower lip, begging for permission to enter, which she gladly agreed to.
She deepened the kiss as she moved onto his lap, straddling him, running her hands down his button-down as she undid each one. Each more painfully slowly than the one before. Once she reached his belt, she paused and broke the kiss so she could lock her eyes on his baby blues.
“What’s on your mind now?” he asked as he rested his hands on her hips, involuntarily bucking his hips into hers.
Elli shook her head, “Nothing, babe,” she responded while she undid his belt before moving onto his pants, “I was just taking a second to relish in the moment,” she added before she raised her own body so she could slide her panties to the side before she lowered herself back down onto his erection, allowing him to sink inside of her.
George let out a gasp, closing his eyes, as they took a moment to adjust before she began moving up and down on him.
Once they finished, Elli leaned into him, laying her head against his chest, “I’m guessing you need to run back to work or somewhere else,” she theorized, her tone rougher than she meant it to be.
George shook his head, “I don’t have to go,” he replied as he placed a kiss on the top of her head, “Do you want me to spend the night?” he offered, his tone genuine.
“For real?” she responded, truly shocked, “I would love that if you’re being serious.”
“Yes, if that’s what you want,” he added as he pulled her more tightly into his grasp, “This is about more than just sex for me, kid,” he confessed, opening the conversation to a deep level than they’d ever reached before.
Elli pulled away from his grasp so she could look into his eyes, her own showing how her smile reached all the way to them. “Tonight is a pretty big deal between us,” she commented as she reached out and placed her finger into his hair, “I wasn’t sure we’d ever get here, but I’m so happy we did. If you would stay the night, it would make my entire year,” she shared, a little over enthusiastically, but she didn’t care.
“That settles it, then,” he replied with a warm smile, “I’ll stay the night. Let’s just hope that my daughter doesn’t pay you a surprise visit,” he stated as he pulled her into his grasp once more.
A wicked idea crossed her mind as she placed her hand on his upper thigh, “Why is your hand trembling, Captain?” she questioned as she noticed the shift in his attitude while she moved her hand higher up his body until she reached her target. “It looks like you’re not quite ready for bed yet,” she added as her fingers grazed the bulge in his boxers.
“You might be right, baby,” he replied as he pulled back onto his lap in one swift motion, showcasing how strong he was. “Are you up for another round?” he asked as he stood, lifting her in his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist.
Elli leaned forward and placed kisses along his neck before she responded, “Always. Take me to bed, Captain Stacy,” he addressed him by his title again, knowing how much that affected him.
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jenthemoon · 2 years
Pity Party - OG character/ Steve Rogers
Word count- 242
Warnings- n/a just depressing
On the roof, a small breeze blows. The summer wind is warm and comforting. Genevieve sits with her knees to her chest.
"Is this what the kids call the bathroom now?"
Genevieve gives a dry laugh, "Only when their absent fathers fail to show up to their birthday.”
"I am sorry Genevieve."
"It’s funny, I am the biological daughter to one of the smartest humans in the world. And I came out ordinary. He hates me for it."
"No, he does not-"
"Yes he does Steve! I barley passed online school, I have no plans for college. My only career passion is singing and theater and he thinks that's stupid!”
Genevieve lets out a deep sigh, “Im not smart or strong like the rest of you and have no interest of entering your line of business and that pisses him off. You wanna know why he's not here? Because I am the bad investment he got stuck with. I will bet you $20 he is working on something with Peter. I know deep down he wishes that he was his."
Steve looks at the view in front of his. Small isolated house in the middle of Kansas. A quiet peaceful life. Steve grabs her hand, "Genevieve, I am proud of you."
She slowly looks up at him, and jumps into his arms crying. Steve certain of one thing, and that was that he would never let Genevieve feel like a second priority.
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~~intro post~~
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heyyy!!! i assume you know by know… that i am the amazing, one and only…
sirius orion black!!!
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pronouns>>> he/they/she - genderfluid
sexuality>>> gay (remussexual, aka taken)
age>>> 17
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i am originally from france, but i live in london with the amazing james, (most of the year im at school with my amazing boyfriend remus <333) im gendurfluid and gay as a leprechaun!!! my fav colours are black (obvi) brown, and navy blue ;) my fav food is (again, obviously) anything that the wonderful effie cooks!!! she truly is amazing… my fav movie is howls moving castle, or harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, and my fav book is the echo room by parker peevyhouse (ik what a weird name… almost as bad as rowling)
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my amazing friends!!!!!
the loml, @rj-mo0ny-lupin 🌕
my platonic soulmate, @heres-ur-daily-dose-of-prongsie 🦌
our little rat, @wormtail-pete ! 🐁
@ur-fave-rockstar-girl, said to be a female me 💋
mary macdonald, the apple of my eye /p 😘 (taken)
@lily-pad-love, the best feminomenon out there 🌸
@aunty-emms-emporium >>> the best childhood bff 👧🏻
@reggieblackthepoet , little bro and bff’s bf??? 🐈‍⬛
@barty-not-bartemius crouch jr, a slytherin me 🔪
@driedoutrose prevents barty from killing me 🥀
@pandadoraa, my divination buddy <3 🔮
@cassie-meadowes, fashion partner in crime 💅
@sybilances, pandoras amazing friend 🪐
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fav singers/bands :)))))
queen, bowie, conan gray, abba, arctic monkeys, pink floyd, led zeppelin, taylor swift, lana del rey, masie peters, the smiths, blondie, mott the hoople, acdc, billy joel, avril lavigne, marina, sex pistols, t. rex,
the list could go on foreverrr
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additional info (abt the role play)
this is 100% for funsies, i’d seen many rp blogs, and i want to act as sirius for a bit, so why not. i have a lot of different opinions/headcanons with sirius that might be uncommon??? (idk) if u don’t like mine, remember that there is plenty of other rp blogs out there, and they might have what you’re looking for. pls no hate, as i said, this is all for fun, and most likely only a temporary thing. if you want to join the rp, just dm me on @im-ur-sleep-paralysis-demon with the character u want to be <333
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my headcanons>>>
gendurfluid sirius for life!!! he, she, they, sirius is all of them in one
feminine sirius <3 ik it’s similar to gendurfluid sirius, but it’s way different at the same time
short sirius :) that man is at most 5, 5” oml and remus is about 69 feet tall
drama queen omfgggggg!!! if being a dramatic baby was a sport in the olympics, sirius would have a diamond medal omg (ofc affectionately)
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ty for reading, and if u want, go check out my main, @im-ur-sleep-paralysis-demon !!!!!
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lillysstars · 6 months
One of the reasons I like fem! Peter Parker so much is because Tony Stark is absolutely a Girl Dad™️.
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sjsmith56 · 11 months
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Taking Back the Cities - Chapter 13, Finding Jade
Summary: Bucky shows up at the old Avengers compound in New York State. After admitting he got into some trouble he becomes involved in mission planning. A couple of months later they’ve made some progress but need a better way to combat the Others. Bucky throws an idea out that he’s been working on and it captures a lot of interest.
Length: 4.8K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Thaddeus Ross.
Warnings: some coarse language, Bucky angst.
Author’s notes: I’m not a military genius but did give some thought to how they could fight the Others without resorting to something high tech that would make them vulnerable. What I came up seemed to make sense.
<<Chapter 12
Three weeks after Bucky left the Bunker he pulled in to the Avengers compound in upstate New York on his motorcycle. It looked like all sorts of activity was happening meaning the other people were already there. Steve was waiting for him at the main door. Bucky parked the bike, removed his gloves and helmet and looked at him.
"About time you got here," said Steve. "Three weeks since you took off."
"I ran into some trouble," replied Bucky. "Spent a few nights in jail. Had to work a few more days to earn some gas in trade. Told them how we came up with a solution to the Others. That helped grease the wheel a bit."
"She broke down crying, Buck," said Steve. "She didn't want you to leave for good, just to leave her alone a bit until you could both talk rationally. You hurt her, really bad."
"Yeah," replied Bucky, looking away. "I figured that out when I was in jail. Really fucked it up, didn't I? She's better off without me."
"No, she's not," said Steve, "and you're not better off without her. Why were you arrested? It's not like you can get drunk."
"I trashed a building," said Bucky. "Had a tantrum over how stupid I had been and destroyed what I thought was an abandoned building. It wasn't but it should have been condemned. The owner was just putting off the inevitable. I had to dig through the rubble to find his possessions to reduce my sentence. They gave me gas at least."
Steve shook his head, then put his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "Come on, I'll show you your room," he said. "We've got limited internet and telephone access already and we're planning the first attack on a small town. We'll need you on this. Have a shower first because you reek. I brought the rest of your stuff."
As the two friends entered the building Bucky's presence was noted with shouts and waves from the other Avengers. He nodded his head at the acknowledgements then once he got to his room stripped down and got into the shower, standing under the hot water for a good twenty minutes before he shampooed his hair and cleaned himself. After drying he looked in his drawers and took out clean clothes, smelling them deeply. The smell reminded him of Jade and for a moment he thought he would cry but he took another deep breath and pulled on the T-shirt, underwear, socks and jeans. He looked for his jean jacket in the closet but it wasn't there and a small smile crept over his face. She kept his jacket. If he wanted it back he would have to go get it.
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
    The Scientist by Coldplay
As Bucky walked out of his room he bumped into Sam, who gave him a pound hug. "Bucky, good to see you man," said Sam. "You okay?"
"Getting there," he said. "Steve told me we're planning an attack. Any idea what my role is?"
"You and Steve are both in the thick of it," said Sam, smiling. "Meeting is in ten minutes if you want to grab a bite to eat first."
Bucky nodded and found his way to the cafeteria, picking up a few sandwiches, some fruit and a bottle of juice. He took it to the conference room where others had done the same thing and sat down next to Peter, who nodded and said hi.
"How's your Aunt May?" asked Bucky. "Have you seen her yet?"
"Yeah, she's here now," said Peter. "Happy kept her safe. They got married, in fact. Not sure yet how I feel about that."
Bucky smirked then took a bite out of his sandwich. "Well, at least he didn't abandon her after his first big argument with her," he said sarcastically.
"Jade blamed herself," said Peter, in a low voice. "Ben told me that she was mad at herself for not accepting your apology. She cried for days. We're going to be setting up a direct link with them at their new place. You know that they're moving, don't you?"
"No, I don't," replied Bucky looking at him.
"Ma found a big gold nugget," said Peter. "They think it came from that quartz vein you and Jade found as that's where the Queen blew up. It was enough for them to buy their own place just outside Santa Fe. They're moving in a week and taking the horses with them. I'm going to tutor Ben once we set up the link. You could talk to her."
"I don't think that will be a good idea," said Bucky chewing. "But keep me informed about them, okay?"
Peter nodded and the two men kept eating without speaking. Steve came in and Bucky pulled a chair out for him which he declined.
"I'm leading the meetings now, Bucky," said Steve. "I'm running the show, Fury's job. I'll still go out on missions. In fact, you and I will be doing an exploratory mission very soon."
Thaddeus Ross walked in and met with Steve at the front of the room.
"He's still alive?" asked Bucky. "I'm surprised he didn't take over."
"He was asked by the President," said Peter, "but he refused. Said we should be an independent organization governed from within. One of the lessons learned from the failure of the Sokovia Accords. He's changed a lot since you last saw him. His daughter died, the one who was in love with Bruce once."
The conference room was full, not just of Avengers but assorted military and scientific personnel. Ross patted Steve on the arm and sat in the empty chair next to Bucky, glancing at him.
"Glad to see you made it Barnes," he said. "We're going to need your skill set on this fight."
"I'm here to serve General," Bucky replied.
"I'm not military anymore, or Secretary of State," replied Ross. "Just a concerned citizen with some organizational skills."
Bucky glanced at Peter who raised his eyebrows before they both looked up at Steve as he began talking.
"I want to thank those of you who took care of the Others surrounding this facility so we could have a command post for the fight against them," said Steve. "If you don't already know me, I'm Steve Rogers. My friend Bucky Barnes came back through time to get me, figuring I was needed in the fight. I'm here for good now. Myself and eight other Avengers have been holed up in the Bunker facility in New Mexico. A woman by the name of Jade Chambers put her life in jeopardy to reach us after discovering she had a telepathic link with a queen in our area. From her information we learned the queen wanted to form a symbiotic relationship with humans that benefitted her more than us. We were able to devise a strategy of luring the queen to the surface which weakened her connection to her nests and ... well, let's watch the video of our first attempt at it and you can see what I mean. Can you run that footage?"
With Friday up and running there was full 3D video coverage courtesy of Red Wing showing the queen breaking through the ground, changing colour as her connection with the nests weakened. Then it showed Sam dropping the IEDs on the outermost nests to destroy them and further weaken the queen. The end result of the queen exploding and all the nests exploding on their own or just stopping drew gasps, and quite a few claps. The footage stopped and Rogers resumed talking.
"The military have used this tactic to clear their bases," he said. "It's worked very well in both dry and wet conditions in open spaces but now we have to devise a new plan to go after the Others still in the cities. We need IEDs that are strong enough to disrupt or destroy the nests but not too strong that they destroy the infrastructure they're hiding in. We still think we can lure the queens out but the city queens are more compact, not as diffuse and don't need as many nests to support it as the open country ones did. Cap?"
Sam Wilson came up and asked Friday for a display of the IEDs used in New Mexico, followed by adaptations used by the military in clearing their bases.
"As you can see the first IEDs that we used were quite small as they were distributed by one person, me," he said, "using my flight suit. They had to be small enough that I could carry an adequate supply but powerful enough to destroy the nests. The interesting thing we discovered is that I didn't have to deploy to all the nests. Just enough to weaken the queen so that she imploded...that's right imploded first, then exploded on the rebound. Once she died the rest of the nests stopped functioning. The military used drones to drop IEDs that could be bigger and stronger, and that was effective for them as well. The problem in the cities is that we want to maintain the infrastructure and buildings as much as possible. People need a place to live once we clear a city out and we want to be able to just flush out the remains of the Others and go back to using sewer and water as we did before. Power infrastructure will still have to be rebuilt for the most part."
"What have you got in mind, Cap?" asked Bucky loudly.
Sam smiled at Bucky. "I'm glad you asked that," he said. "Our friends in the military have devised a kind of flash bang IED that we can try by dropping them down an open manhole cover. We don't need to kill the Others nests so much as disable them so the queen gets weak enough to implode. Once she does that the nests stop functioning. We can clear them out, bury them, cremate them more likely and then we turn on the water again. What we need are people strong enough to lift the manhole cover quickly, drop the IED down and go off to the next cover before the drones figure out what you're doing and come after you. We'll set off the IEDs to go off at the same time as we are luring the queen out of the sewers with the recording of Jade's brain activity. Right now there are three people strong enough to do that, Rogers, Parker, and you."
"Can I suggest I use my webs to pull the manhole covers off and then Steve and Bucky can just run right by dropping the IEDs down into the open holes?" said Peter. "I think it would be more efficient. With some practice I can probably lift a cover every few seconds. We could test it in one of the small towns nearby."
Steve and Sam looked at each other smiling. "That's a very good idea, Peter," said Sam. "Anyone have any idea how much a manhole cover weighs?"
"Standard weight of a cast iron or concrete cover is about 250 lbs," said a man in the back. "If they're made of composite materials like glass reinforced plastic they'll be lighter, about 150 lbs."
"I can handle those weights easily," said Peter. "Just need to lift it completely off so that it leaves a completely open hole."
Sam sat down and Steve took control of the meeting again. "I think we should give Peter's idea a test run," he said. "Tomorrow morning okay with everyone? Peter, is that enough time to test your technique on a few manhole covers?"
Peter nodded and Steve called the meeting over. Peter ran to get his web shooters on then went outside with a small delegation of scientists, Steve and Bucky, to see how effective his web would be in lifting off the manhole covers. After a few tries he got the technique down to a point where he was satisfied. Then he looked at Steve.
"It would be better if I was doing this from the buildings," he said. "Any chance you'll let me go to one of the small towns and try it on the outskirts? I just need to figure out a rhythm and sequence for this. Don't want to be dropping a manhole cover on your heads as you're running by."
"I'll take you on my bike," said Bucky. "I've outrun a few Others on the way here. It will help me get a sense of the timing as well."
"Well then, I'm coming on my bike," said Steve, smiling. "Meet out here in ten minutes."
Ten minutes later Peter and Bucky were waiting beside his motorcycle. They heard the tell tale sound of a Harley Davidson coming from the garage building. Bucky had a broad smile on his face when Steve pulled up.
"You went back and got it, didn't you?" he asked. "I knew you liked that one."
"Yeah, they were going to hang on to it until I took it so I put them out of their misery," said Steve. "Let's go."
Ten minutes later they were in the nearest small town. Peter pulled his clothes off revealing his Spider-Man gear underneath.
"It feels more natural to wear it when I'm slinging webs," he explained. "Give me five seconds head start then come through."
He leaped up to the first building then aimed at the first man-hole cover pulling it up. As he started progressing they counted to five and then followed him, keeping an eye on the speedometer and an eye on their environment.
"You have company," said Sam's voice and they looked up to see Red Wing hovering just behind them, covering their six. "There's a few drones peeking their heads out to see what's going on. The first ones are pulling the covers back on."
Peter yelled that he could go faster so they sped up and they soon got an idea of the speed they could go if they had a clear road. However, whenever they got to a road where there was an accident or abandoned cars they had to slow and soon the covers ahead of them were being replaced before they could get to them. Steve called an end to the exercise and sent Red Wing to tell Peter to withdraw which he did easily. Both Steve and Bucky got out okay but had to dodge cars blocking their path several times. They met well outside the town, where Peter had left his clothing. Sam landed next to them.
"Good idea in theory but there's a few kinks," he said.
"I was hoping to use the bikes," said Bucky, "but they're more of a hindrance than a help. We're going to have to run it. Not only that we need an exit strategy. I think we should start inside and work our way out. Otherwise we'll get trapped."
"We can jump from the quinjet," said Steve. "I'm good from a few hundred feet."
Bucky and Sam smiled. "Two hundred feet max for me," said Bucky. "Need time to recover after as well."
"Well that was after you fell through the trees," said Sam, grinning. "And the plane was moving. If it's a hover you could probably handle it."
"You can go faster than what you started at, right Peter?" asked Bucky. "We just need to time it so that we're dropping the IED into the hole right after you uncover it. Then it doesn't matter if they put the cover back on after. I say tomorrow we keep trying until we get the timing right. Any chance we can broadcast the recording of Jade's brain activity while we're doing it? That distracts and weakens the queen and the drones. If we're lucky we can clear this town."
They rode back to Avengers HQ talking over the different strategies they could try. After dinner Bucky grabbed a couple of bottles of beer and sat outside looking at the sunset. Steve joined him, as did the others who had been in New Mexico.
"I miss the sunsets," said Bucky. "This is nice but it was spectacular out there."
"Bruce is staying out there to do his research," said Steve. "Said he likes the quiet. I think we'll run a skeleton staff at the Bunker once we get fully operational again. Have a helicopter on site until we get another quinjet built. Could pick up Hope and Scott easily. You're rated on both, right?"
"Yup," said Bucky. "But Cap is only an hour away from just about anywhere in the country. It's too bad Wakanda is still down. We could use some of their technical expertise."
"I've proposed a couple of satellite facilities like the Bunker elsewhere," he said. "Alaska, Canada, Mexico, southeast U.S. We did good work there. Especially once Jade brought us that intel. Dr. Strange thinks we should be recruiting more telepaths. What do you think?"
"I think you should stop pushing the conversation back to New Mexico and Jade," said Bucky. "I'm focussed on taking care of the Others in New York then I'll start thinking about whether I should go back to her. If she'll even have me."
"Fair enough," said Steve, draining his beer and standing up. "Just one more observation. She made you happy. That's hard to find."
Bucky didn't react and Steve went back inside. Once he drank his second beer Bucky took his empties in and dropped them in the recycle bin then went to his quarters. Friday had limited entertainment options and Bucky chose an old war movie with John Wayne and Donna Reed, called They Were Expendable. It came out after he fell in 1945. He found it entertaining but no matter what he kept thinking of Jade. The movie ended and he realized he hadn't paid attention for at least an hour. Sighing he asked Friday for some calming ocean sounds. Eventually he fell asleep.
The next day they tried Peter pulling the manhole covers off from the inside of the town going out, while Steve and Bucky jumped out of a hovering quinjet that took off as soon as they jumped. Torres, who had holed up with a military unit during the occupation, showed up with his Falcon flight suit. His Red Wing unit broadcasted Jade's brain activity while Sam and his Red Wing unit videoed the trial. As soon as Steve and Bucky landed they took off dropping the IEDs in the open manholes. They kept up to Peter as he pulled up two manhole covers at a time and ran all the way out of town. Sam set off the IEDs and they heard the bangs. They saw several manhole covers lift or get blown off several feet. Then Sam sent a video drone into the sewers using a street drain opening. A mobile army unit with computer screens linked to the drone showed inactive Other drones and several imploded queens. Steve ordered another run and they loaded up with more flash bangs, then the quinjet picked them up and dropped them at another part of town. This time they took fire from some of the Other drones who came out of the manhole cover. Sam sent several of his drones after them and found they were weakened enough to be destroyed by his drones' firepower. As soon as Bucky and Steve left town Sam activated the flash bangs and again they had a successful result. An hour later they had cleared the town of Other nests and queens. They sent several video drones throughout the entire sewer and water system of the town and saw no living queens or drones. Steve and Bucky walked into town with Sam covering them and lifted up a manhole cover. Both men went into the sewers and came up several blocks away at an open manhole cover.
"Confirmed destruction of queens and nests," said Steve as he pressed his comms. "We have a successful test. Can we get some army engineers in to see the extent of the damage to the infrastructure? We also need a crew to clear the drone carcasses out. It reeks down here so they'll have to wear hazmat suits."
That afternoon at the debriefing they looked at all the footage. There were more military types at the debriefing and they proposed giving the tech people full reign to design all sorts of delivery systems reasoning that it was too much to ask of Peter, Steve and Bucky to do it all. The discovery that flash bang devices would achieve the disruption of the communication between the queens and the drones in the nests was crucial as it gave them more options in planning their attacks.
For the next month Peter, Steve, Bucky and Sam performed all sorts of combinations. Most worked, some didn't but each excursion gathered valuable information and the military began experimenting themselves with the small towns surrounding their bases that still had nests. People were able to begin returning to their homes and that went a long way to improving the morale of ordinary citizens. As more small towns were liberated the media began setting up in them and news organizations began reporting to the public the progress being made. After that month of non-stop excursions trying to fine tune an attack strategy Steve pulled all the Avengers back to their compound for a respite, knowing that they needed a break. A request was made by a television crew to film them at the base. Broadcast live on the existing television stations that signed on, and streamed live over the internet they were seen by a quarter of the population. Peter recorded it and sent a link to Ben. Bucky was not happy about either the filming or the broadcast and considered it an invasion of his privacy. He still ended up with a lot of fans on the returning social media channels, many of them female.
A week after the broadcast and live stream the Avengers were back on the road, clearing small towns, testing new delivery methods, and generally working 12-15 hour days, 7 days a week. They went two weeks on duty and would have one week off. Most of the crew chose to spend their week off at Avengers HQ, doing laundry, sleeping, and catching up on life in general. Bucky would jump on his motorcycle and disappear for four or five days, always returning in time to quickly do some laundry and get caught up on their next assignment. For two months he kept it up and told no one where he went or what he was doing until the decision was made to launch an all out assault on New York City. At the briefing when they were debating how to use mechanical means to drop the flash bangs Bucky put his hand up.
"I have a suggestion," he said. "No doubt some of you have noticed on our weeks off I disappear for several days at a time. I haven't been lazy during those days. In fact I've been researching a way to get more people involved in delivering the flash bangs. Not by running but by horse back riding. I reached out to mounted police units, ceremonial cavalry units, any group that had horses that could be trained to run in obstacle filled areas. While I'm on duty for two weeks most of them have been practicing dropping tennis balls into small pots as they race by on their horse. Then I meet up with them on my week off and we clear a town by aiming into the street drains. So far we've cleared about two dozen small towns with no loss of rider or horse and without the recording of Jade's brain activity. They're ready to mobilize on a bigger target if you want to try them out."
Steve stood up at the front with a funny smile on his face as he looked at Bucky. "Two dozen small towns, cleared of Others using a mounted detachment?" he asked. "How many riders?"
"I currently have two detachments," said Bucky, "of about ten riders each. The horses need a breather after each run so we alternate between the two detachments. There are another ten currently training and they're always on the lookout for more riders. One horse can run a maximum of 20 linear miles in a day, in about 2 mile maximum stretches before they need to rest. That's in optimal conditions. We usually average about 10-15 miles easily per horse but it depends on the routes we take. We just have to plan their routes, a loop works best, so they're resting in a cleared area. You do the math."
"If I convert the linear miles using the minimum that Bucky gave us we could average 100 square miles a day with one detachment," said Peter, who had been working it out with a pen and paper. "New York is about 300 square miles of land mass. That's 3 days to clear it theoretically. Faster if we get more mounted detachments."
There were lots of surprised faces, along with coughs as everyone just looked at Bucky.
"Bucky Barnes," said Thaddeus Ross loudly then clapping him on the back, "you are a man of surprises. I call that thinking outside the box and that's exactly what we're going to need when we tackle New York City."
"Are your riders armed?" asked Sam. "Do you have anyone covering their six?"
"They're mostly armed with sidearms," said Bucky. "On occasion I've had to act as a sniper from a central location and take out drones as I see them come up. If we have sharp shooters in the buildings they can cover the riders. One more thing, if there isn't a street drain we have to resort to pulling the manhole cover up but so far we haven't had to do that in the small towns because the street drains have given us access to enough drones to cause the queen to implode and the other drones stop functioning."
"Do we have anyone here at this meeting representing the City of New York?" asked Steve, as several men stood up. "Can you find out if your mounted police detachments are still intact somewhere? They need to be in on this training. Plus, if you can get someone from your department of water, sewer, which ever department is responsible for those street drains we need a map of which streets have that type of access. We need sharpshooters as well. I want to implement this in two weeks people."
Steve ended the meeting and a small crowd of people went up to Bucky asking him more questions. After about twenty minutes he had answered the last person's question and he stood up to Steve, Peter, and Sam standing there watching him.
"What?" he asked. "You know I can't sit around and do nothing when there's things to be done."
"What made you think of horses?" asked Steve.
"Well, when we originally got the three out at the Bunker to use to approach the Others and lure the one to study," said Bucky, "Clint speculated that the drones wouldn't be bothered by the horses. He was right. Even horses with horse shoes didn't interest them. It's like they know they aren't sentient and aren't a threat. When some of the drones clued in I took them out with a rifle. The people in the two detachments have been itching to hit a bigger city. I'll let them know we're going to New York. They'll need transport, a couple of cargo helicopters or airplanes should do it."
All three men shook their heads smiling at how Bucky had come up with a low-tech solution to their delivery methods. Each one shook his hand and patted his shoulder. Bucky went to do his laundry and walked around while he waited for the washing machines and dryers to clean his clothes. He walked past Peter's room and noticed the door was open. Peter was on his computer talking to Ben, Ma and Jade. Staying in the doorway he watched as the four of them visited and Peter filled them in on what had been happening. Peter's spider senses must have alerted him because he looked at Bucky and almost beckoned him to come over. Bucky shook his head and turned away. He wasn't ready, not yet, to talk to Jade.
Chapter 14>>
Series Masterlist
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hyunjin-amore · 8 months
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Masterlist 2
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Evan Buckley
Evan Buckley x reader
The fire within
The fire within
Iroh II
Iroh x y/n
Zuko x top male reader
Demon slayer
Muzan x Top male reader
Tanjiro x top male reader
One piece
Luffy x top male reader
A love uncharted
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy x Female reader
Luffy x reader x zoro pt1
Luffy x reader x zoro pt2
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Zoro x top male reader
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
A love uncharted
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 1
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 2
Flames of the heart
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Flames of the heart
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Yandere Shanks
Criminal minds
Spencer Reid
Spencer Reid x male reader
Spencer Reid x male reader
Spencer Reid x top male reader
Tony stark
Tony x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter Parker
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter x top male Reader
A steamy encounter
Loki x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Captain America
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
marvel character react to their s/o smack their butt pt.2
Red white and royal blue
Henry x top male reader
Henry x top male reader
Alex x top male reader
Queen of the damned
Lestat x male reader x Akasha
Billy and Stu
Billy x top male reader x Stu
Clark Kent
Clark Kent x male reader
Clark Kent x reader
The originals/Tvd
Klaus x reader
Eternal embrace
Kai Parker
An Unforgettable Night
Sakusa x Top male reader
Bokuto x Top male reader
Hinata x top male reader
Rafe Cameron
Rafe x reader
Dark Rafe x reader
Tides of the heart
A Loving and Spoiling Relationship
Teen wolf
Void stiles x reader
Isaac x top male reader
Henry cavill
Henry cavill x reader
Henry cavill x top male reader
Jungkook x top male reader
Drew starkey
Drew x reader
Dragon ball
Eternal Bonds
Eternal bonds
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Bring Your Kid To Work
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58949869 by D3vilsW0lf Peter has a permission slip for Bring Your Kid To Work Day and is unable to spend the day with May at the hospital. He decides to give it to Tony despite his nerves. After a panic from both Tony and Peter about the slip, Tony goes all out to show Peter the ropes of his job at SI. Words: 3828, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 9 of Peter's found family with the Avengers Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pepper Potts, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Non-Binary Character Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Anxious Peter Parker, Protective Bucky Barnes, Mama spider Natasha Romanov, Tony & Peter avoiding talking to each other, no beta we die like tony and nat read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58949869
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Magnolia Jasmine
Part 1: Pilot
Warnings: canon typical violence, explosions, some fear, mommy issues, wasps
Word Count: 2400
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You are a disappointment to your mother, this you know. Your mother is fierce, beautiful, and brilliant. She is also controlling, particular, and unpleasable. You share the same fiery red hair, but that’s where the similarities end. You take after your dad and his family. Even your hazel eyes are from him. You think your mother secretly resents you for being so little like her. She had never confirmed it, and your dad wouldn’t really talk about it, but you think she had gotten pregnant with the sole purpose of having someone with her abilities to follow in her footsteps. Why else would she have approached your dad, someone who came from a family with plant based abilities, seduced him and gotten pregnant all within the span of 2 months? And as soon as she was pregnant, she broke off their relationship and had a shared custody agreement ready to go. With how you were raised, that’s the only explanation that makes sense.
“Again, Magnolia. You are supposed to be growing a tree, not a rose bush.”
“It’s not working, Mom.”
“If you actually tried, it might.”
“Or maybe, I just can’t grow trees. Maybe I can only do flowers like Aunt Nicki.” You love Aunt Nicki, always look forward to visiting her. She can’t grow without plant material, and she can only work with flowers, generally pink for whatever reason, but she’s kind and she teaches you the different meanings of different flowers.
“You are my daughter, you should be able to do much more than your father’s side of the family can. You just need to apply yourself.”
Your mother had been telling you this for years. Ever since you first started walking, dandelions popping up wherever your bare feet touched the dirt, she had been laser focused on growing your power. You are 12 now, and you can bloom all kinds of flowers, many weeds, and several vining and tropical plants. Your father is always impressed when he visits, but it’s not enough for your mother. She expects you to be able to grow anything she can, or could when she was younger. But in the 11 years you have been using your power, you have never grown any trees, edible food, or even grass. It was difficult for you to grow anything that did not blossom at some point, unless you already had a sample of the plant next to you while you tried.
“I am trying, Mom. I promise!”
“At your age I could grow and manage an entire greenhouse full of exotic plants with ease. You can barely keep some of your sunflowers alive without touching them day and night. You need to try harder.”
You dig your fingers back into the dirt and put all your energy and focus towards growing a tree. So much so, that you don’t notice the blood starting to run from your nose until your mother grasps your wrists and wrenches you away from the ground.
She wipes below your nose with her thumb and shakes her head. “Disappointing. Go inside and clean yourself up. We’ll try again tomorrow.”
You go inside and wash your hands and face. It’s barely 6 and you are exhausted. You sleep through dinner and until your mother wakes you up at sunrise the next morning. You hate summer break. It just gives her more time to ‘teach’ you.
It continued this way for years and you made very little improvement in the diversity of species you could grow. You did, however, begin to excel in maintaining your plants from a distance. Much to your mother’s horror, you could even keep cut flowers preserved at a distance for days longer than was natural.
“I don’t understand why you insist on killing your plants for your own amusement, Magnolia. Cut flowers are just awful.”
You turn your back to her and roll your eyes. “The flowers will die eventually, Mom. This way they can share their beauty with others before they do.”
“I thought I raised you better than this.”
“Aunt Nicki cuts flowers all the time. The plant doesn’t feel pain like we do, sometimes cutting the flowers even helps with growth. You have to prune some things for them to thrive.”
“If you had better control of your power, you wouldn’t need to.”
You sigh, it was never enough for her. Even when you were 16 and began to communicate with bees and hummingbirds and butterflies, she was still disappointed.
“Dad said his great grandma could do it too! Isn’t it cool? They follow me around sometimes, which can get annoying, but they love when I bloom flowers for them!”
“You take after your father’s side of the family too much.”
  Looking back, you think that is the exact moment you decided you were going to move far away from her one day. You won’t be a tool to further her sometimes extreme planet first agenda, even if you were powerful enough, you decide that you want your own life. 
It had always been a given that you would go to college. Both your parents had their doctorates, though your father often told you his had been more trouble than it was worth. Instead of staying in state for school, you applied to places across the country. You may not have been as powerful as your mother, or a genius like either of your parents, but you are smart. Smart enough to graduate highschool near the top of your class. Smart enough to get into NYU and be granted a large scholarship.
“How do you plan to go? It’s expensive and halfway across the country.”
“I have some money saved, I can at least afford the first year if I get a job there. I wanted to ask if I could borrow some money from you. I plan to pay it back, with intere-”
“Absolutely not. I will not pay for you to leave and go to school that far away. You are supposed to be here, with me, practicing.”
“I am never going to  be as strong as you, Mom! And as much as I love the planet and hate how much people are killing it, I don’t want to be an ecoterrorist like you were. I want to go to school and learn and maybe make friends. I want to explore things and figure out what I want to do with my life.”
“Go ahead then. Be ungrateful and leave me here. When you run out of money, you’ll be back.”
Your dad had a much different reaction than your mother.
“I’m so proud of you, Blossom! You are going to be brilliant in whatever you choose to do. Now, I don’t want you worrying about money and working too hard while you’re supposed to be studying and enjoying your youth. I’ve been building a college fund for you ever since your mother found out she was pregnant. You don’t need to worry about a thing.”
You are practically speechless when he shows you the account and helps you set up automatic tuition payments. Your mother refuses to speak to you the few weeks leading up to your move in date and you are happy when your dad asks if he can come with you to help get settled.
The years go by fast. You alternate holidays at your parent’s homes and spend less and less time with your mother. You rarely speak to her at all, sometimes months go by without a word. Your dad is better about calling you, but he gets distracted easily. At some point near the end of junior year, you decide you want to open up a flower shop. Thanks to the college fund from your dad, you have been able to save some money during your years at school. After graduation, you spend a couple years working two jobs. One in plant based research and another at a high end flower shop. You even add in a third job waitressing for a while. But it isn’t until your grandma dies and leaves a large chunk of money to you in her will that you are finally able to open up a tiny store just before your 25th birthday.
Your affinity for plants gives you an edge and saves you a lot of time and money. You keep many pots of live flowers growing in your store and in your tiny apartment. Your customers appreciate seeing how fresh your flowers are, sometimes you even cut their selections in front of them.
You aren’t necessarily hiding your power by studying botany and opening up a flower shop. But this is New York City, and there are much stranger things to notice than a girl with a metaphorically green thumb and a downright friendly relationship with most pollinators. People don’t mind that your flowers stay fresh longer than they should and the plants you sell thrive and grow under near impossible conditions. They don’t mind, likely because they either don’t notice or there are much worse things to be concerned about. Things like electricity controlling criminals and flying, goblin-like villains. 
It’s not that these were daily concerns, far from it. Spider-Man usually kept people safe and you were happy to leave the crime-fighting to him. Except for today. Today, the news alert on your phone has notified you, a few minutes too late, that Spider-Man has been seen fighting a wasp swarm that seems to be controlled by a team of men through some technological device. Too late, because you are currently watching this from behind a dumpster, having run into the alley the moment the explosions started. It looks like less of a fight and more of Spider-Man trying to stay out of the swarm’s reach while doing his best to thin them out and keeping civilians out of harm's way as the men reek general mayhem. His suit doesn’t seem to be sting proof and even with his extra durability, the wasps aren’t only attacking him. Enough stings can cause serious injury, especially in children.
So on this random day in May, you decide to take your first real dip into the world of vigilantism, in a much different way than your mother had ever intended for you. You tuck yourself closer to the wall and you tightly wrap yourself in a suit of vines, masking most of your face in soft pink petals, and weaving soft thin stemmed flowers through your hair until it is tightly braided and concealed. All this takes you less than 5 minutes, your mother would have expected you to do this in less than 1, but you were out of practice.
The first time you figured out how to use your flowers as clothing, you had been 13. Your mother used to wear costumes made of green vines when she was younger, so you scoured the internet for pictures and then diligently studied the way the vines overlapped and intertwined. It had taken you weeks to form something solid and relatively comfortable over your own clothing, but it had been worth it. That was one of the only times your mother had ever been proud of you.
You take a deep steadying breath, then dash back out into the madness. Start small, you tell yourself. Much of the street has been blocked with cars and debris, preventing people from easily escaping, especially the group of elementary school aged children hiding behind their chaperones. This you can help with. You sprint towards them, crouching once you are close, placing your bare palms to the pavement and summoning sturdy vines, mainly composed of kudzu, and instruct it to twist itself into steps, creating a bridge over the worst of the rubble.
“It’s okay, you can come out,” you wave to the children and their 3 supervising adults. Another blast across the street sends vibrations through the ground and a few screams are audible. The kids are terrified and the adults aren’t much better. “Hey, I’ll keep you safe, all you have to do is climb a few feet and you can get outta here.” You beckon them closer and this time they respond.
Half of them are over the structure when a swarm of wasps notices the movement and charges. I can help with this too, you reassure yourself as you reach out pseudo-telepathically to the insects. We are all nest-hive-friends-harmless. Calm-soothe-safe.
It’s hard to directly translate anything you communicate to pollinators, most often it’s more of an impression or image that you send towards them. A feeling or direction. These wasps are confused, the technology controlling them is sending impulses they don’t understand and your instructions are conflicting. You decide it’s best to send them as far away from here as possible. Home. Go home. Leave-flee-fly-away. Home.
The swarms all follow your instructions, breaking free of the control of whatever tech the villains had created. Another explosion almost knocks you off your feet and you turn to watch Spider-Man get thrown back against the building from the force of the blast. 
You have no idea what these guys are after, maybe they just want to blow shit up and kill Spider-Man. You would really like to go back home, but the masked hero isn’t getting up fast enough and the bad guys are pointing their weapons at him.
“Frick, okay, here goes nothing,” you tell yourself as you kneel and place your bare palms on the cracked pavement. Thorny vines of roses reach up from the ground around Spider-Man’s assailants, wrapping around their weapons and yanking them down and to the side until they are no longer pointed at anyone. Spider-Man takes advantage of your distraction and quickly wraps the 3, now unarmed, men in webs, removing any remaining tech from their wrists and leaving them to dangle from the ceiling. You take this as your que to leave, you aren’t needed anymore.
You disappear into an alleyway and remove your plant based suit, before speed walking home as fast as you could.
Spider-Man had noticed you while he was busy dodging explosions and angry wasps. Briefly, he had worried you were another threat, but that fear left once he saw you help the kids and disperse the wasps. It hurt like hell when he got caught between two blasts and slammed his head against the wall. He was preparing to dodge the coming fire even with his bruised ribs and ringing ears, but you had saved him the trouble. 
He wishes he could have talked to you or even just thanked you before you disappeared. At least he had a handful of flowers to take home to Aunt May tonight.
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