#Piranha Women
elcineblue · 2 years
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Piranha Women (2022)
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benw2021 · 2 years
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Colors as promised #monthofmonsters
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hella1975 · 1 year
it's been pointed out on here before that a lot of terf arguments are actually rooted in sexist idealology that feminists fought and died to unnormalise decades ago and that's its own kettle of fish but one thing i also find very frustrating about this so called 'radical' feminism is that it's so... defeatist? like the moment you categorically label an entire section of society as Bad and Inherently Evil then there's also the implication that nothing can be done about it, and it completely takes all accountability away. saying all men are evil is just another way of saying boys will be boys. he raped her because he's a man. he hit her because he's a man. he didn't listen because he's a man - it's almost offensively oversimplified. there's no point trying to fix this issue in society because men are just Like That, okay! so now what? it's not like they're going anywhere, so you just accept that 50% of the population are evil and will forever treat you terribly and there's nothing to be done about it bc they're biologically predisposed to it? like is that fr the argument here? you're soooo radical for that
#this is coming from someone who used to very genuinely be a misandrist#ironically it was only when i started actually analysing my own feminism that i got MORE confrontational with men#and started respecting my boundaries a lot better BECAUSE i started holding them accountable again#like when men treat me like shit nowadays i dont just write it off as 'what did you expect? he's a man' i get MAD about it#because i EXPECT BETTER FROM THEM even if it's just tiny shit women have to deal with daily#i hold them to just as high a standard as im held to and i make them take accountability when they dont meet that#and whether you realise it or not even on a subconscious level the MOMENT you black-and-white blanket statement all men as bad#you stop holding them accountable.#like it is literally just boys will be boys. do terfs seriously not realise they're sending feminism BACKWARDS#like if a girl came to me with her trauma and people - other girls no less - tried to comfort her with 'yeah all men are evil'#id be fucking furious. like no he did that because he was a piece of shit that had it normalised to him that women arent to be respected#dont you dare let him off the hook with something as simple and uncritical as 'he's a man'#i promise you men like that will MUCH prefer a blanket statement such as 'all men are as bad as each other'#than actually being point blank told they're an abuser or a rapist. because being lumped together is comfortable and even empowering#wheras isolating their behaviour with words that are Bad and Ugly (LIKE 'rapist') is not comfortable at all and has heavy connotations#idk i dont think radical feminism is always bad on its own it can be v liberating. just terfs and misandrists that i have a problem with#dropping this post in a piranha tank and closing tumblr knowing im gonna have some thirty year old karen yelling at me within 5 mins#i probably wont respond to any terf comments bc they literally mentally exhaust me with their stupidity#but that also depends on my mood and ability to keep my mouth shut LMFAO we shall see
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emeraldwhale · 7 months
Art blog: @emeraldwhale-art
#4l8tr - stuff to look at later
#links 4l8tr- links for later
#emerald all time favs - favs tag
#♡ thank you women - lesbian moments
(Friend tags under readmore)
Friend Tags:
<3 barracuda - Kieran
<3 piranha - Hannah
<3 marlin - Dog
<3 swordfish - Soliel
<3 koi - Luna
<3 catfish - Mikey
<3 whale - Me
<3 cuttlefish - Finley
<3 oarfish - Angela
<3 tetra - Posy
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unisnake · 3 months
Hey, y’all! Today is International Women’s Day, so I’d like to wish a good day to Diane and Webs, as well as the chief, and Tiffany Fluffit, if she’s there, now, and even the International League of Heroes… *whispers so that Diane can’t hear* …especially Ellen.
Diane: Thank you!
Webs: That's nice of you!
Chief: Very much appreciated.
Tiffiany: Thank you~ 😄 Happy International Women's day to all!
Diane: Whispers. Ellen really appreciates it too.
Hogwild: Jumps in and does a cartwheel before leaving! So do I!
Diane: WOAH! Woah! Who was that just now? 😳
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sahabbit02232 · 10 months
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Mrs Piranha💙🦋 I Was Drawing That Me I Was Chracters💙💙🦋🦋🦋
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verysium · 8 months
ACT 1, SCENE 4: blue lock headcanons
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shidou would view traditionally ugly creatures as strangely cute. it's not a disgusting cockroach, it's a silly little bug with eyelashes as long as his. no, he's not going to let go of that scraggly one-eyed cat that likely has rabies. it looks too sweet to be abandoned on the streets. his dream childhood pet was definitely a piranha.
aiku wears band t-shirts without knowing the actual music group. no, he does not listen to sex and the pistols, he just thought the design looked very cool. would also wear lana del rey merchandise just to impress the ladies. the only song he realistically knows is west coast, and even then he's only heard it at a random sushi restaurant.
reo would have stereotypical rich people problems. he can't decide if he should bring his chauffeur and valet or actually drive the car himself for your upcoming date. also spends at least one hour seriously pondering over which gucci silk pattern tie looks better on him. trick question, they're both the exact same shade.
shidou steals your covergirl perfect point eyeliner because he thinks it looks way better on him. also a big fan of body glitter and super vulgar eyeshadow palette names. his favorite hue so far is that one hot pink fuchsia that literally burns your eyes with its brightness. nothing is too neon with this man.
ness is the epitome of the sunshine-turned-unhinged-maniacal-killer trope. he would be the bestest boy, but if someone even lays a single hand on you, he’s already plotting their murder. eerily good at hiding bodies but would never divulge his secrets in fear of scaring you off.
shidou would walk unashamedly to the women’s clothing section of the general department store. would never be embarrassed by the bra sizes. you have a double D? he’s already trying three of the cup sizes on just to see if he can get you a comfortable one. if you’re part of the itty bitty titty committee, he wouldn’t judge either. this man loves femininity in all its full glory.
aryu exclusively uses dior beauty. he would rather die than use a generic drugstore makeup brand. sometimes you wonder if he's secretly a dermatologist because this man knows the exact shade, tint, and quality of product for every possible skin tone and type. also very passionate about the controversies behind animal testing and parabens. would be exceedingly picky when it comes to anything he smears on his face (think jeffree star but without the problematic issues.)
sae has his phone screen set to default wallpaper. he only has the translator app downloaded, and that's about it. his personal trainer takes care of all the rest of his stats. after he started dating you though, he kept pictures of you in his private photo albums.
noa cannot tell a white lie to save his life. if he doesn't know something, he will not know something. he doesn't see the point in hiding that. sometimes has trouble reading the room, so you need to remind him that brutal honesty and pure rationality aren't always the way to go. he does become more conscientious after that.
bachira used to draw crayon portraits of all the imaginary monsters he saw at night. scared the shit out of his parents because they thought he was hallucinating (he actually was.) nowadays, he's a lot tamer because you force him to take his meds.
isagi is, in fact, the number one mind reader and manipulator throughout the entire series. this man is clairvoyant, psychic, and telepathic all packaged into one. sometimes his right ear twitches, and he just knows someone is talking about him behind his back. unfortunately, all of this occurs in his head, so no one on the outside world actually knows about his sixth sense.
rin was absolutely bombarded with valentine's chocolates last year, but when he sorted through the entire pile and realized you hadn't given him one, he returned them all to their respective senders. will refuse any form of sweets unless it came directly from you. you need to be there physically to hand him the box.
kaiser writes, thinks, and speaks entirely in german even if no one else can understand him. he secretly can speak english but chooses not to because he absolutely hates anglicization. refuses to compromise his own language and culture just to fit in with the rest of the world. it's degrading. if he had it his way, german would be the new lingua franca. definitely thinks translation is for dummies. what do you mean you're not already bilingual? you better run, not walk, to that little green owl app. does use his foreign accent to make you feel flustered though. has a voice kink but in a non-traditional sort of way. you have to be the one turned on by his voice. only then will he start feeling it.
yukimiya loves it when you lose your shit. one time a jerk cut you off in traffic, and you started aggressively cursing. he fell in love with you right there on the spot. it was something about the fire in your eyes and the way you refused to take any attitude from the other party. that self-assertiveness you exhibit is so empowering.
aiku takes you out to karaoke bars just to hear you sing. you look so pretty under the purple disco lights, belting your little heart out to the rock lyrics. sometimes he has to take a minute to just appreciate how lucky he is to have you.
nagi didn't know that you have to actively check and update your email inbox. he had no clue school even started until one day the principal called his parents over his thirteen student absences. he thinks it's a headache to even get out of bed and put his fingers on his laptop keyboard. since when was the distance between his arrow cursor and the search bar that wide? it looks too long for him to reach. maybe he should just do this tomorrow.
reo does not know what saving money is. the first time you asked him for a promo code, he looked at you as if you had just spouted a strange language. when you showed him your little wallet full of cut-out coupons, he literally had to hold them up to the light and closely inspect them. it was definitely a moment of enlightenment.
sae likes anklets, especially the super thin gold chain ones. something about the way it brushes against his bare leg when you sleep beside him drives him out of his mind. he's also a sucker for subtle jewelry as evidenced by his necklace and wrist bands.
otoya practically lives for instant gratification. he would be guilty of love bombing. loses interest quickly, but sometimes wishes he could actually commit for once. football is important to him because it is one of the only activities he has consistently practiced for over a decade.
karasu is down bad for anyone who can actually outsmart him. you got a higher mark than him on the recent exam? damn, his heart just beat a little faster. spaces out in a love-filled haze whenever you ramble on about your nerdy little subject interests. he is a sapiophile through and through. intelligence just does it for him.
loki is the type of person who absolutely demolishes your self-esteem, and yet you still cannot bring yourself to hate him. when people say god has his favorites, they mean this man right here. he would be an innately talented genius while simultaneously being the most humble human being in existence. at this point, it's not his problem. it's a you problem. try harder next time.
chris is very similar to a neurosurgery resident. he has the largest self-entitled ego in existence. not a single day goes by when he doesn't remind you that he is, in fact, one of the highest ranking football players in the world. you can't say anything about it though because he has rightfully earned his arrogance. i mean, what are you going to use against him? his grueling hours of blood, sweat, and tears? this man works harder than the devil himself. in fact, he is the devil.
rin is the type to get emotionally attached to the most ordinary objects ever. he collects batteries and keeps a separate drawer as a graveyard for them once they die. the triple A ones get a special funeral since they're so hard to find. he just can't bring himself to let go of objects that no longer serve a purpose (just like his relationship with sae, sorry not sorry.)
hiori cannot go to bed unless it is absolutely dark. the curtains have to be closed. the door has to be locked. everything has to be drowned in pitch black. the reason he does this is because he still has flashbacks from that tiny strip of light underneath his bedroom door. his parents would argue all night when they thought he had gone to sleep. it still haunts him to this very day.
nagi wishes he could be a cat. sleeping all day and sunbathing on the rooftop seem like great ways to spend his life. unfortunately for him, he is not a cat. when he dies though, he wants to be reincarnated as one. either that, or a rock.
rin snores like a whole power drill at night. sae secretly hates his brother for that but can’t bring himself to wake him. whenever the itoshi family goes on vacation, ear plugs are not an option but a necessity.
chigiri knows ventriloquism. he used to play with his sister's dolls and make up character voices for each of them. definitely uses it as a party trick or as a way to make you laugh when you've had a bad day.
sae always keeps his feelings to himself. sometimes he finds it easier to rant to you than others, but then he almost always ends up retracting back into himself after realizing just how much he's revealed. he hates being emotionally slutty.
ness is the big scary dog in his relationship with kaiser, not the other way around. everyone thinks kaiser is the intimidating one, but ness wears a leash for a reason. one of them is the chihuahua, and the other one is a rottweiler. you can already guess who is who.
reo was having a mental breakdown in his limousine one time, but he ran out of his usual luxury aloe vera lotion tissues. instead of buying more, he took out his cheque-book and ripped out the pages to dry his tears. money is just paper to him. it can be recycled (no, it can't.)
loki is the type to show you a sweet and heartwarming smile before pulling out the most atrocious uno card combination in existence. i'm talking reverse, wild card, skip, draw 2. you sat there for twenty-five minutes trying desperately to draw a green. by the time you were done, he only had one card left. (screw you, loki.)
niko draws his own manga whenever he doesn't like how the official plot ends. if the canon ever diverges from the way he imagined it in his own head, he will draft his own fan fiction instead. one time, he rewrote an entire shonen jump series just to bring his favorite character back to life (*cough cough* said character wears a blindfold.)
karasu is definitely the "um, actually..." type of student. he will always have a rebuttal on hand. the truth is never black-and-white with this man, and he will argue both sides if it furthers his own agenda. he reads the encyclopedia front and back every night just so he can pull out a random arbitrary fact to win an argument some time in the near future.
shidou had a bad habit of chewing pens as a child until one day it finally exploded in his mouth. from then on, he vowed only to chew glittery gel pens. that way when it exploded in his mouth, his tongue would be stained a bright, shimmery purple. if you ever got him a scented gel pen pack, his life would finally be complete.
rin cannot differentiate between colors. if you asked him to find the difference between bubblegum pink and cotton candy pink, he would not know. to him, seven colors is already a lot to memorize. when he was a child, he only drew pictures with a single color because it was less of a hassle that way.
otoya used to think lime green was the most aesthetically pleasing color in existence. almost considered dying his hair that shade until karasu told him that girls don't actually like guys who look like neon highlighters. still wishes he did it though. he wants to glow in the dark.
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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emjayewrites · 3 months
Lights Out...And We're Off! (1/?)(Lewis Hamilton/Black!OC!)
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SYNOPSIS: Lewis Hamilton finds himself drawn to an unexpected rival: a fiercely talented female driver ambassador/reserve driver representing Aston Martin. They soon form an unlikely bond, bound together by their shared love for racing and the unspoken chemistry that crackles between them. But as they navigate the twists and turns of their budding romance, they must confront the challenges that come with their paths in the sport.
WARNINGS: drama, angst, cursing, mild sexual content, not-so-glamorous life in the racing world, significant age gap (twelve years age difference), mentions of online bullying/doxxing, media rumors. RATED M (18+)
PAIRINGS: Sir Lewis Hamilton x Aisha Bell-Okafor (faceclaim is Naomi Schiff)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @httpsserene @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @pausmoon @a-moment-captured @nikki01234 @yeea-nah @sirlew44 @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @marzzrambles @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @mitruscity @burberryfilms @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @pharaohanubis0 @certifiedlesbianbaddie @blveeeeeee @sugardontbesweet @omgsuperstarg @bluesole16 @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @royallyprincesslilly @jasmindaughteroftheworld @laptiteantillaise @purplelewlew @motheroffae
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Few things changed in order to make the story flow better. This chapter is short because I don’t want to reveal too much! Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist. Anyways, enjoy! Dividers by @inklore!
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CHAPTER One: Da First, Not the Last
"...and in an exciting turn of events, Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant F1 Team has announced W Series and F1 Academy driver, Aisha Bell-Okafor as their new driver ambassador and reserve driver. Aisha will be Aston Martin's first female driver ambassador in over seven years as well as the first Black female reserve driver in F1 history!"
Aisha could feel the intensity of their stares as she walked through the paddock, her pace quickening with each step. Even though she had always dreamt of becoming a professional driver, the sudden fame and attention was overwhelming. She had always been an introvert, preferring to let her driving skills do the talking, but now she was thrust into the spotlight, with everyone wanting a story, a quote, a photo.
Ever since the news broke that she would be Aston Martin's first female driver ambassador in seven years, and also a reserve driver for the team, Aisha couldn't escape the constant barrage of attention.
At first, she had been exhilarated by the idea of breaking barriers and making history. But as the reality set in, she couldn't help but feel the weight of expectations bearing down on her. If she messed up in any way, it would reflect not just on her, but on all women in the sport. And if she did well, it would only increase the pressure on her to perform even better.
Aisha felt like a goldfish in a piranha tank, constantly being scrutinized and judged. And now, with the added responsibility of potentially being the first woman in over fifty years to drive in a Grand Prix, she felt even more trapped. The thought sent shivers down her spine. But she knew she couldn't back down now. She had worked too hard to get to this point, and she couldn't let her fears hold her back.
Racing was her escape, her passion, her purpose. The F1 Academy was where she honed her skills, pushing herself to the limit on the track, always striving for perfection. After back-to-back wins in the W Series, Aisha was signed to drive for Mercedes AMG-Petronas in F1 Academy, and she did very well, so much so that she was soon offered to join Aston Martin. Part of her role as the driver ambassador involved various media appearances and other marketing duties, which was the main reason why Aisha had been invited to attend the Monaco Grand Prix as Aston Martin's VIP guest. It was her first time attending a Grand Prix as a driver ambassador for a team, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement.
The Monaco Grand Prix was known as one of the most challenging circuits in Formula One. The narrow streets, tight corners, and unforgiving barriers made it a demanding race for even the most experienced drivers. As she made her way to Aston Martin's hospitality area, Aisha was greeted by a swarm of media members, all wanting to ask her questions and take photos of her.
"Let's give her some space, thank you!" grumbled Aston Martin's Team Principal, Mike Krack.
"Aisha! Aisha! Are you going to compete in a Grand Prix this season?!" one reporter yelled.
"What does it feel like being the first Black woman in Formula One?!" another reporter called.
"Move aside, for Christ's sake! If she's racing in a Grand Prix, you'll be the first to know!" Mike exclaimed angrily as he escorted Aisha into the team's motorhome. He led her upstairs to a small dining area and gestured for her to take a seat.
Once they were both settled, they shared a meaningful look before Mike spoke up.
"How are you? Is the hotel nice?" he asked.
"It's amazing, very comfortable," Aisha replied with a smile, causing Mike to do the same.
"I apologize for that chaos outside. We didn't expect such a crowd," he said before signaling for a waitress. "I'll have my usual coffee with two creams and no sugar, and avocado toast. Aisha, what would you like?"
She winced slightly at his mispronunciation of her name. "It's pronounced Aisha, like I-ee-shah, not Ay-shah."
Mike's face turned red almost instantly. "Sorry about that, Aisha."
"Yes," she confirmed before turning her attention to the waitress and ordering an oat latte, parfait, and butter croissant with strawberry jam on the side.
"So, how are you feeling about your first Grand Prix as a driver ambassador?"
Aisha's smile widened at the question. "I'm excited and honored to be here representing Aston Martin."
"And we're happy to have you here," Mike replied. "You've been doing great so far as our driver ambassador, and we hope to see more of your skills on display in future races."
"Thank you for believing in me and giving me this opportunity," Aisha said gratefully.
"You earned it, Aisha. Your talent speaks for itself," Mike replied confidently. “You’ll spend most of your time here doing media. As you can see, everyone wants to speak to you so we will have you in a conference with other drivers in about an hour. A person from the communications team will escort you over and give you the rest of your schedule. Any questions so far?”
Aisha shook her head, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement for the upcoming conference. She couldn't believe she was about to sit among some of the top drivers in Formula One. “Nope.”
After they finished their breakfast, Aisha followed Mike back downstairs where she was introduced to one of the team's communications officers, Jenna.
"Hi Aisha, it's nice to meet you," Jenna said with a warm smile. "I'll be your point of contact for today. Are you ready for the press conference?"
Aisha took a deep breath and nodded confidently. "Yes, I'm ready."
"Great! Let's head over to the media center then," Jenna said as she led Aisha out of the motorhome and towards the bustling media center. As they walked, Jenna briefed Aisha on what to expect during the conference and gave her tips on how to handle difficult questions from reporters.
Once they arrived at the media center, Aisha was greeted by even more reporters eagerly waiting for her arrival. She made her way to take a seat at the far end of the couch, next to teammate Lance Stroll. The moderator began introducing each driver in attendance, starting off with Lewis Hamilton then Charles LeClerc, Lando Norris, Valtteri Bottas, Lance Stroll, and finally Aisha.
"And joining us today, making her Formula One debut, please welcome Aisha Bell-Okafor. She will be representing Aston Martin as their driver ambassador and the first female reserve driver. Aisha, how does it feel to make history?"
"It's an incredible feeling," Aisha replied, trying to keep her nerves at bay. "I'm honored to be representing Aston Martin and grateful for this opportunity. I’m literally starstruck right now. So happy to be around some of my favorite drivers and to be on this platform."
Lewis couldn't tear his gaze away from Aisha as she spoke. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and her confidence radiated like a steady flame in the midst of a whirlwind. There was a magnetic energy about her that drew him in, a fire that burned brightly within her soul. He had always kept a close eye on the rising stars in F1, and Aisha's name had been on his radar for quite some time. Just like everyone else, he was shocked that Aston Martin announced her as their reserve driver, and to be honest, it took them long enough.
His passion for diversity in motorsports, particularly in Formula One, was evident to anyone who knew him. Seeing someone who looked like him and shared a similar background succeed in the sport was a sight he loved. And it didn't hurt that she was stunningly beautiful; her hair styled in perfect curls and her makeup highlighting her deep brown eyes and full lips. But what caught his attention the most was her skin, a mahogany tone that perfectly complimented her tiffany green team suit. Despite being on rival teams, there was no denying her talent and attractiveness.
The moderator continued, looking impressed. "You've had quite the journey to get here, from karting to junior leagues. Can you tell us a bit about your experience?"
Aisha smiled, feeling more at ease as she began to talk about her journey in motorsports. "It's been a long road for sure. I started karting when I was just 8 years old, and it quickly became my passion. My parents were very supportive, and they sacrificed so much for me to pursue this dream. My father’s British, so we moved from California to England in order for me to race. I went through the ranks in junior leagues, making my way into W Series and then F1 Academy."
"And you've also been quite vocal about your desire to break barriers and increase diversity in Formula One. Can you tell us more about that?" the moderator asked.
"Yes, it's something that's very important to me,” Aisha said. “I’m sure Lewis feels the same way. We’re the only minorities in F1. Growing up, there weren't many racers who looked like me or came from similar backgrounds. Being a woman of color in this sport is still rare, but I hope to inspire other young girls and boys who may not feel represented in motorsports.”
Lewis nodded in agreement, his admiration for Aisha growing even more. "Absolutely," he chimed in. "Diversity is key to the growth and success of any sport, and Formula One is no exception. I've been fortunate enough to have a platform and use my voice to advocate for diversity and equality within the sport. I’m also very excited to race with Aisha; I’m genuinely excited to see her behind the wheel, like it’s giving me goosebumps to finally see a woman race at this level.”
The moderator cleared his throat before continuing with another question. "Speaking of racing, Aisha, as a reserve driver for Aston Martin, you'll have opportunities to test drive the car during race weekends. How do you plan on making an impact with your limited track time?"
Aisha's smile widened as she thought about all the possibilities that lay ahead of her. "I'm incredibly grateful for this opportunity with Aston Martin," she began. "I plan on making the most of every moment I have on track by working closely with my team and learning as much as I can from my fellow drivers. Of course, I would love to compete full-time one day," she admitted with a small shrug. "But right now, I'm focused on putting in my best effort whenever called upon by the team."
“I would totally have you drive at any moment,” Lance gushed, causing the reporters and moderator to chuckle. “No, seriously. If the need arises, I’d be so happy to have Aisha take my seat.”
"Thank you, Lance," she said sincerely. "That means a lot coming from you."
As the press conference continued, Lewis found himself listening intently to Aisha's answers and admiring her poise and confidence. He also noticed how easily she connected with the other drivers, laughing and joking with them like they had been friends for years.
After the conference ended and the drivers all dispersed for their various engagements, Lewis made his way over to where Aisha was surrounded by reporters asking for interviews and photos. He waited patiently until they all left before approaching her with a smile.
"Hey Aisha, I just wanted to say congratulations on making your debut. It's well deserved."
Aisha's eyes widened in surprise as she turned to face him. "Thank you so much, Lewis! Coming from you, that means a lot."
"It's no problem at all," Lewis replied with sincerity. "I've been following your career for some time now and I'm excited to see what you can do behind the wheel."
"Thank you," Aisha repeated, her cheeks warming with a light flush. "I've been a huge fan since forever. You’re amazing. I mean, you’re the GOAT.”
“Thanks,” Lewis chuckled, feeling a bit flattered by Aisha's words. "And if you ever need any advice or tips, don't hesitate to ask,” he replied with a wink.
"Thank you, Lewis," Aisha replied gratefully. "I'll definitely keep that in mind."
They chatted for a few more minutes before Jenna came over to remind Aisha of her schedule for the rest of the day.
“Sorry to intrude, but we have to head back,” Jenna said.
“Oh, yeah, thanks Jenna.” Aisha turned back to face Lewis. “I guess I’ll see you around? This weekend is going to be busy for the both of us but—”
"Hand me your phone," he commanded playfully. Aisha couldn't help but hand over her phone and watch him enter his number. "I’m putting in my number. Text me whenever you're free and we can grab lunch or something."
Aisha laughed nervously, feeling a tingle run down her spine. "Yeah...that sounds great."
"What's wrong?" he asked, staring into her eyes with his charming gaze.
Their eyes locked for a moment and Aisha couldn't help but appreciate how handsome he was up close. She had seen pictures, but in person he was even more striking.
"Is it normal for you to be this forward? Just casually ordering me to take down your number?"
"Only for special people," he replied, flashing her a boyish grin. "I'm serious about that lunch though...or dinner. Whatever you want, I'll make time for you."
"Mmhmm," Aisha managed to say as she watched him leave, taking in how good he looked in his Mercedes team suit.
Now that’s a man, Savannah, she thought appreciatively.
After taking a moment to compose herself, she joined Jenna and they made their way back to the team's motorhome.
"We have a lot of media commitments and sponsor events scheduled for you," Jenna reminded her.
Aisha's excitement about her debut was slightly dampened by the thought of her packed schedule. She knew that along with the thrill of racing came a heavy load of responsibilities off the track.
"I understand," she replied with a small sigh. "I'll do my best to keep up with everything."
Jenna gave her a sympathetic smile before handing over a detailed schedule for the day. Aisha quickly scanned through it and saw that she had interviews lined up with various media outlets, including big names like BBC and Sky Sports.
"Don't worry about a thing," Jenna reassured her. "I'll be right there beside you, making sure you don't miss anything."
Feeling grateful for Jenna's support, Aisha headed off to attend her first interview with BBC.
The rest of the day flew by for Aisha as she navigated through a series of interviews and events. By the end, she was exhausted but also exhilarated by all that had transpired. As she returned to her hotel room that evening, she flopped onto the bed with a sigh of relief. Rolling onto her stomach, she scrolled through her phone in search of Lewis's contact information. She went back and forth, typing out messages and then deleting them before finally settling on something to send:
Aisha: So you make time for me?
A few seconds passed before his reply:
Lewis: Of course 😉 How was your day?
Aisha: Tiring. Dinner tomorrow then?
Lewis: We can do that. Tell me where you want to go & we’ll go
Aisha: I’ll keep you updated. Goodnight, Lewis
Lewis: Goodnight, gorgeous
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elcineblue · 2 years
Genero: Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi 
Dirigido: Fred Olen Ray 
Protagonizado por: Bobby Rice, Sof Puchley, Keep Chambers, Jon Briddell,Carrie Overgaard,Houston Rhines
Cuando Richard sospecha del nuevo tratamiento médico experimental de su novia, él se preocupa aún más después de que ella desaparece repentinamente....
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benw2021 · 2 years
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A little late but again I had to work, also I did the dishes when I got home but I give you piranha women from full moon features. #monthofmonsters #pirahnawomen
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echotumblesthings · 13 days
Mario headcanons because fuck you; Mario - cis, straight, says homophobic things but means well Luigi - cis, bi with a strong preference for men and has a crush on Bowser. Peach - cis, biromantic homosexual. Daisy - cis, bi with a strong preference for women Yoshi - transmasc, straight. Bowser - biromantic homosexual Toad - aroace, agender purely because toads are agender by default. Wario - cis, gay, and the biggest trans ally you've seen, there is no money in being transphobic. Donkey Kong - cis, homoromantic, asexual. Waluigi - he/him NB, asexual, pan romantic. Birdo - transfem lesbian Shy guy - transmasc, he wears the masc because he has big face dysphoria, gay Petey Piranha - ….look at this man, he is cis, gay and problematic. Toadette - lesbian, transfem but not in the like, male to female way in the, no sex to female way. King Boo - He/they genderqueer, heteroromantic homosexual. Toadsworth - gay, transmasc in the same way toadette is transfem Rosalina - she/they demigirl, bi Funky Kong - openly identifies as a homophobic and transphobic gay.
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Results of Smash Bros Sexyman Tournament: Round 1!
Mario v. DK: Mario victory! (vanilla iss a great flavor too!)
Link v. Samus: Samus victory! (don't worry, they're still in love and still smooch.)
Dark Samus v. Yoshi: Dark Samus victory! (what did you expect on the gay and want to be stepped on be evil women site?)
Fox McCloud v. Luigi: Luigi Victory! (pathetic men enjoyerss defeat furries, more at eleven)
Captain Falcon v. Princess Peach: Princess Peach victory! (Yeah, Falcon was too conventionally attractive to win.)
Princess Daisy v. Bowser: Princess Daisy victory! (I'm kinda disappointed in the monster fuckers)
Sheik v. Princess Zelda: Sheik victory! (never trust anyone, not even yourself)
Dr. Mario v. Falco Lombardi: Falco victory! (and the furries finally pull through!)
Marth v. Lucina: Lucina victory! (And Girl Marth wins!)
Ganondorf v. Mewtwo: Ganondorf victory! (you're falling behind furries)
Roy v. Chrom: Chrom victory! (Melee fans, I am so disappointed in you girlies.)
Mr. Game and Watch v. Meta Knight: Meta Knight victory! (coughing baby v. nuclear bomb)
Zero Suit Samus v. Wario: Zero Suit Samus victory! (It occurs to me that maybe my roster building skills are imbalanced....)
Solid Snake v. Ike: Snake victory! (Well I suppose Snake is more pathetic than Ike...)
Sonic v. King Dedede: King Dedede victory! (Dededivorce here we come!)
Olimar v. Lucario: Lucario victory! (Theeeeerrrrre the furries are.)
R.O.B. v. Wolf O'Donnell: Wolf victory! (Poor robo-fuckers.)
Wii Fit Trainer v. Princess Rosalina: Rosalina victory! (I don't have a joke for this one)
Little Mac v. Greninja: Little Mac victory! (Mac-Mains are here to win, baby!)
Robin v. Robyn: Robyn victory! (Big fan of women)
Palutena v. Pac-Man: Palutena victory! (Another nuclear bomb v. coughing baby.)
Shulk v. Ryu: Shulk victory! (Shulk nation rise up!)
Ken v. Cloud: Cloud victory! (sad trauma boi beats sad rich boi)
Corrin v. Corrine: Corrine victory! (Big fan of women 2)
Bayonetta v. Terry Bogard: Bayonetta victory! (Yeah... this one wasn't remotely fair.)
Ridley v. Simon: Ridley victory! (Thhhheeeerrrreeee the Monster Fuckers are)
Richter v. King K Rool: Richter victory! (Aaaannnnd there they go.)
Isabelle v. Incineroar: Isabelle Victory! (Devour him alive Izzy.)
Piranha Plant v. Joker: Joker victory! (I'm kinda mad the plant lost, woulda been funnier if he'd won.)
Hero v. Banjo: Banjo victory! (Can't tell if this is the meme lords or furries)
Byleth v. Bealyn: Bealyn victory! (big fan of women 3)
Sephiroth v. Kazuya: Sephiroth victory! ("I will never be a memory.")
And that's Round One! Round Two coming soon!
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writerofadream · 5 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Two: WHY AM I DREAMING OF US MARRIED (Your in love idiot is that why?)
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Everyone was sitting on stumps as you all watched the horror movie play from the projector. Unsurprisingly, Duncan and you had seen the movie, so Duncan was excitedly watching it, and you were staring at it rather bored.
“The killer is gonna go for the car.” You said, sounding terribly bored, with your head in your hands. There were about a hundred other things you’d like to do.
Duncan’s attention turned over to DJ who was cowering in his seat. “Dude, how do you get any girls?” Duncan asked and DJ scowled right before going back to cowering.
Duncan’s eyes flicked over to you as if asking you what women see in DJ. “I mean we like guys with animals.” You shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. “Good thing I got two snakes, and a piranha.” Duncan smiled as you ruffled his hair.
“That’s right, sugar.” 
“...does it help I have seven older brothers who have been begging me to date you since I’m pretty sure you were born?” Duncan sighed smiling into his palm.
“They were shipping a newborn and a one year old?” You said raising an eyebrow and Duncan’s smile dropped. “No- forget I told you that.” You rolled your eyes. But you finally noticed that DJ was still shaking in his seat even after the movie had ended.
“What part scared you the most?” Duncan asked his friend, sounding way too interested to be safe, trying to convey that ‘this idiot looks like he’s about to wet his pants, shut your mouth.’ But Duncan smirked, sending you a discreet wink as he continued.
“Was it the part where everyone met a grisly death? Or was it the psycho killer with the-'' as he pulled out his ‘hook’ hand, Leshawna stifled her laughter as she watched you mimic his movements. 
“Really, what’s your obsession with having a hook for a hand?” You set your hands on your hips causing Duncan to laugh. “You look just like your mom.” He smiled, and your heart crinkled at the memory. Duncan had begged Chris to put on a horror movie for you, since you had been having a terrible day so far. 
Grief sucks. Grief sucks a lot. 
“Come on Deej, for a slasher flick, that was pretty tame.” Gwen sighed, staring disappointed at the man, who shrieked sheepishly. You nodded agreeing with her. “Yeah there was no hacking. Not like Blood-Bath 2 Summer Camp of Terror.” You muttered as you sat back down. Have you ever heard the quote “Grief comes and goes in waves?” 
Annoyingly, it’s not wrong. “Yo, that’s my favorite movie! I love it when the killer dude sticks that guy's hand in the lawn mower.” Gwen mimicked her words, and you smiled softly. 
“Or when he pushes that one chick off the dock, and she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half.” You remembered that was the one scene that got Duncan to scream when you were eight. 
Duncan today just gave you a look that meant ‘I swear if you tell them I’m going to tackle you’.
Suddenly Duncan noticed that DJ was still freaking out each time you mentioned the events so Duncan got in real close and whispered. “Or when he shoves the biggest dude into the woodchipper and plays with the confetti.” DJ screamed like a little girl and jumped into Leshawna's arms.
“Marry me?” You lightly chuckled, wrapping your arms around Duncan and leaning down (he was sitting where you were standing) before kissing his cheek. “Keep doing that and I might.” He mumbled before he realized what he said and stood straight up.
“It’s just mindless guts and gore.” Heather grumbled rolling her eyes. “Hey horror movies have a lot of psychological trauma.” Duncan pointed out and your eyebrows furrowed on your forehead before you spoke again. “So did both our childhoods…” you pointed out to Duncan. “Why do you think they were so fun?” Duncan said sadly kissing your forehead.
“Does anyone know what our challenge is this week?” Heather finally asked. “That’s a good question, it’s Sunday doesn’t he usually tell it to us at midnight?” You asked, suddenly looking around for the man.
Eventually Duncan and you found Chris and Chef on the dock hurriedly packing. “Is there a fire, Chef?” Duncan raised an eyebrow. The man ran onto the boat before he could respond.
“Bye beautiful, I'm gonna tell everyone we’re married.” Chris yelled to you as the boat quickly lodged off. The rest of the campers had followed you in pursuit since they had long-realized that out of the two of you, you were the better tracker. 
“You forgot this!” Owen yelled as he picked up a backpack from the dock. A newspaper fell out, you stared at it before Owen picked it up. “This is totally the challenge isn’t it?” Duncan whispered in your ear, you weakly smiled, nodding.
“Escaped psycho killer on the loose.” Owen read aloud. “Be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask, who has a hooked hand and is holding a chainsaw. You raised an eyebrow. “This might be for you.” Duncan realized. 
“The plot to the Chains of Massacre: Deep in Camp, how’d he know that was my favorite movie?” You mumbled to your boyfriend who looked sheepish. “I may, or may not talk to the cameras about you a lot.” Duncan said all in one big quick sentence.
You turned around to look at him as the other campers discussed what was happening. “That’s a little bit terrifying, cute, but terrifying cause I do the same just not to the cameras, honestly a lot to Bridgette.” You admitted quietly. “Oh trust me I don’t shut up about you around her.” Duncan quietly chuckled remembering the multiple incidents.
Suddenly Owen pulled some stuff out of the backpack. Chris’s hair gel, the taser for Duncan and you, as well as a picture of you working out, a little remote, the strangest part was that during the time the picture was taken Duncan had been working out with you as well and he had been cut out of the picture. “Woah, maybe this is for real.” Gwen whispered, shocked. 
Duncan sneaked around the group before snatching the tasers and the remote out of Owen’s huge hands. He threw all three into the water and whooped.
The ankle monitor that was designed to keep you from leaving the island and would shock you unless given permission was finally done. A small smile graced upon your face. “Also, can I have that?” You snatched the picture of you out of Owen’s hands and Duncan threw you his lighter.
You held it under the picture before telling the group to continue on with their concerns. 
Duncan watched as the flames reflected in your eyes and he smiled. Doing those tasks was the first step of surviving Chris McClean.
Sadly somewhere on the island Chris laughed, replicas, everything was merely replicas. Duncan cheerfully waved goodbye to Heather as she stormed off. “Five bucks, Chef kills her on ‘accident’?” You whispered to him and he stifled a laugh. “Oh 100%.” He smirked, shaking your hand. 
Gwen shrugged, flipping the girl off behind her back before saying. “The first thing we should do is strategize back at camp. Anyone in?”
You nodded giving her a thumbs up and Duncan shrugged, “I kinda don’t go anywhere without her so-” he smiled pointing at you and you punched his shoulder. 
You all sat down around the campfire, but the sitting on the stump was killing your posture slowly so you sat on the sand but very quickly a tired green puppy *cough, Duncan, cough* had wrapped his arms around you and buried his chin into your collarbone and somehow was already snoring.
“I don’t understand how your boy hasn’t ability to sleep on command.” Leshawna sighed clearly wishing she was asleep instead of listening to Gwen go in with the rules.
“Where’s Izzy and Owen?” The goth girl demanded. “I believe they are currently breaking rules on through three, teacher.” You smiled cheekily. “That’s Ms. Teacher to you, sweetheart.” Gwen smirked right before  winking. 
You gave her a weak smile in return before she went off in her monotone voice going on about which camper should do what and yadda, yadda, yadda. 
Your eyes flickered to sleep and you snuggled into Duncan’s chest listening to the soft sounds of him fast asleep. You awoke to Gwen lightly hitting your shoulder. “Why is Leshawna gone?” She asked you. “She went to get some chow.” You sadly forced yourself around Duncan’s arms and his strong grip even when he was fast asleep.
You had gotten a little rest and felt like a new woman. “How do you know that?” Gwen asked as you both sat down on opposing stumps. “I listen a lot, even when I’m asleep.” You sighed, it was a reflex you picked up from Duncan. Gwen crossed out Geoff and DJ, and you picked up two sticks lighting them aglow. 
“You know what ticks me off? I was trying to help them.” Gwen grumbled.
“Live and learn sweetheart. Most people aren’t gonna listen to us because we act differently, or we’re girls.” You signed the flames flicking at your skin but the amount of times you’ve been burned you barely had any nerves anymore. “You really are a pyro aren’t you?” Gwen sighed.
You shrugged, and were about to continue before you heard a whimper come out of Duncan barely audible to the bums ear. But Duncan rarely cried in his sleep, only when he was on the stupid nicotine patches. Gwen noticed how worried you looked about Duncan and she sighed, she missed Trent.
You stared for one more minute before realizing he wasn’t going to make a peep again. You shaked off your jitters before you sighed.
“So? I like burning things. It’s fun.” You smiled watching as the sticks slowly got smaller. “Is that why you went to juvie?” Gwen sounded too interested now. Your eyes found hers and you smiled cockily, summoning the girl you made for yourself in juvie. 
“Now, why on earth would I tell you that?” You raised an eyebrow, you stuck one of the flaming sticks against the paper on accident, causing Gwen to quickly run off. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Juvie, Juvie, Juvie.” You heard the supposed killer whisper, and your eyes flicked over to Duncan as his eyes flickered in his sleep, almost awakening to the whispering. 
“Alright, killer. You and me.” You quickly walked off trying not to wake Duncan. But the second you walked off Duncan was whisked away by Chef, and put in a cot in his cabin.  
“Okay, have you ever woken up a person having a nightmare? Imagine that but with an ex-con who I know for a fact has knives on his body. I mean in a different setting I’d love for his knife to be on my throat. Just not on live television.” You laughed staring at the outhouse camera.
You met the killer on the dock, and smiled, flicking the lighter in your hands on and off. “Hey, goalie boy. Ever got beat by an exhausted girl?” Surprisingly you launched yourself at him even though the chainsaw was going. 
You scaled up Chef and used all your body weight to throw him backwards, causing him to land on his back and you straddling him as you took the hook, and chainsaw out of his hands. You took the mask off of Chef and smiled.
“Hey, Chef.” You helped him up as he saved you a side-hug and ruffled your hair. “Just so you know, I got Gwen and Duncan is in the cabin asleep, kid.” Chef let you escort him back to the tent.
Which was full of all your friends, unsurprisingly. 
“Hi, Y/N! We need to fight some time!” Izzy was so excited to see you. Everyone congratulated you. But something on the camera caught your eye.
Duncan was asleep but a masked killer stood over him like a looming shadow. “Who the hell is that in the cabin with my boyfriend?” You almost screeched. Scratch that, screeched. 
Everyone bolted out of the tent. 
Duncan’s dream
He came home from work, (where did he work?), and stepped into a house that wasn’t his own. He walked in, holding a briefcase and saw a woman that looked suspiciously like you sitting in a chair rocking a baby back and forth. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” The woman whispered since the baby was fast asleep. “Hello, mi vida.” Duncan smiled, kissing your cheek. (Oh my god was that you?) 
He was forced awake when he saw a chainsaw man standing over him. His first reaction was to, you know, stab his eyes out, and beat him to death, but then you all quickly ran in.
“DUNCAN.” They all yelled at him. But he was focusing on you, the absolute fear in your eyes and on instinct he reacted. 
He launched himself at the chainsaw man and kicked the hook straight off and pinched a nerve which made the man drop the chainsaw, he then grabbed the man’s short hair and pulled back as far as he could exposing his neck which was the signal for neck kick.
Duncan couldn’t see it, but he felt the impact as your carefully aimed kick was sent straight at the killer's throat, who very quickly started high pitched before he stomped off.
“Well that was fun, same time next week?” Duncan said, trying to mask the outright fear he felt now. But you smiled, rolled your eyes and gave him a kiss, which calmed him like a drug.
Gwen came over and gave you a high five. “I might steal your girl, Duncan.” Gwen smiled, staring at you with mock dream eyes (hopefully), Duncan laughed “You wish.”
That night Duncan and you got partial immunity which meant that in the situation one of you was voted off your votes would be cut in half.
Which honestly didn’t really matter that night because literally everyone voted for DJ, so it was a waste of winning a challenge. Anyways on that happy note, see you next episode.
Bonus: Your favorite memory of your mom
Ages: 4
The tired woman looked up from her newest dish, but once she saw it was you she smiled happily.
“Yes, bunny, how may I assist you?” She helped you to sit on top of the counter. “How do I make brownies for Duncan? I have no money to buy a huge present.” You said the last part sadly.
She laughed and was curious “What would his big present be, sweetheart?” You smiled not truly understanding how deep your next words would be. “A new daddy. One that makes Duncan happy.” You clapped and your mom sighed sadly.
“Mm, you got a good heart my love. Yes, I will help you make brownies for Duncan’s birthday.” She smiled at you, you despised cooking but wanted to make your best friend happy. 
So that’s what you did that afternoon, you cooked, well mostly she cooked, you whined how boring it was, but your mom turned on music and told you to get your wiggles out on the counter that held no ingredients.
You danced as your mama cooked and she smiled slowly beginning to dance with you. After the brownies finished cooking, your mom let you have a taste test and you smiled wide.
“Thank you, mami! You're the best and I love you so very much.” You wrapped your arms around her neck kissing her cheek.
“Of course, bunny. Anything for you.” She smiled, attacking your face with kisses causing you to giggle. She sighed relishing in the sounds of her beautiful daughter so full of energy and joy.
The results had gotten in yesterday about the disease, she knew how long she had left but you didn’t know. 
She’d miss her daughter growing up.
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arcadiabaytornado · 6 months
How do you feel about those who have rather strong oppositions towards Rachel? It seemed as if she gets more hate compared to the people that did her wrong like Frank, Jefferson, and Nathan.
I have SO many opinions about the way people view Rachel because I think she's treated so unfairly by some of the fandom.
While Rachel wasn't the perfect angel Chloe thought she was, it does feel like some people shoved their fingers in their ears and went "LALALA" anytime anything even slightly positive was brought up about Rachel. I mean, people were MAD when "Before The Storm" came out and Rachel was shown as nuanced instead of evil. There were some people that acted she should have had a scene where she threatened to drop Chloe over a tank of piranhas. It was a rough time.
However, certain frustrations aside, I do think there are a lot of reasons people dislike Rachel. Some are very valid. Some...I have thoughts on. Some people judge her overly harshly because she's a woman and she's....brace yourself...flawed. As we all know, if a women has a single flaw some people in fandom will decide that she deserves death.
But misogyny isn't the only reason people take issue with Rachel. As for the complex reasons, I get some of them. A big point I hear a lot from the "Rachel sucks" camp is that she cheated on Chloe or at least wasn't honest with her. I understand why that would be too much for some people, and cheating is one of the quickest ways to make an audience dislike a character because a lot of people have experienced cheating firsthand. Some people are also uncomfortable with how Rachel lies and manipulates, which is fair. Some people just don't like her vibes, and that's also fine because sometimes a character just rubs you the wrong way.
I do think there are more reasons she's judged super harshly. A lot of her character is up to interpretation, and we never get to hear her side of the negative parts of the story. Then there's also the rabid Pricefield fans that will look at her with most critical eye possible, because they think if she or her relationship with Chloe was good in any way then that somehow undermines their OTP.
So my overall thought is that she is judged way to harshly, but also I can understand why some people take issue her character. I just wish people spent as much time analyzing her character as they do with Nathan because some people really think drugging and kidnapping women is more forgivable than maybe cheating on your situationship or getting in the way of a ship.
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porcelain-rob0t · 4 months
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transphobes go into the piranha tank
im affected by misogyny but not transmisogyny so yeah theres a level of privilege, thats intersectionality dipshit. im not a gender studies professor, learn on your own.
on my post about trans women being targeted by tumblr staff, why would this be your takeaway unless you don't see that as a problem?
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lullabyes22-blog · 10 months
Snippet - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - The Council
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Silco meets the Council. And ponders his history.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
Hatred rises like a toxic effervescence in Silco’s veins.
(These Pilties, eh, Vander?)
(These fucking Pilties.)
In a city whose lifeblood is old money, they are the crème de la crème: an elite group steeped in Piltover's rich heritage of trade and commerce. A century ago, the city was a drowsy backwater, a middling port of fishing settlements and warehouses. The Council's forefathers were Shuriman midshipmen, Ionian merchants, Noxian brigands and Demacian bureaucrats. Men and women who made their fortunes through sheer tenacity and hard graft.
Then came the boom.
Beneath the settlement lay caverns with rich deposits of minerals. Soon, smelters dotted the waterfront, and shipyards sprang up along the bay. Steel became gold. Iron turned to platinum. The age of industry dawned: Piltover blossomed into a manufacturing metropolis.
Then came the Void Wars. In a trice, the city's population doubled. Zhyunian refugees fled by boat; Noxian merchants came by steamships; Demacian scholars boarded trains and Freljordians rode in on zeppelins. Language diversified; the city grew cosmopolitan.
In the coming decades, successive waves of migrants were swept onto Piltover's shores: from noble families seeking to expand their power across Valoran to small-town traders laden with cheap luggage and big dreams. By the century's end, they'd propelled Piltover into a global megacity of palatial mansions, art deco skyscrapers and pristine streets hosed clean every morning before the business hubs threw open their gilded gates to the bon ton.
The population boom meant more houses to build, more food to eat, more clothes to wear. All of which required labor, capital investment, and raw materials.
All of which came from the Fissures.
In theory, the Undercity should have prospered hand-in-hand with Piltover. Yet little of the riches from the Fissures’ recesses was ever relished by the Fissurefolk themselves. They were cut from a different cloth from their over-the-Pilt brethren. Their ancestors were miners and craftsmen, not shipmasters and merchants. Their culture was a clotted stew of customs and dialects; most didn't even speak Piltovan. They weren't born in the city itself but in its shadow, living in close-knit riverside settlements and twilit caverns.
Physically, they resembled deepwater piranhas compared to their sun-kissed kin—narrow bones, wan skins and sharp teeth. Culturally, they were foreigners. And socially, they were inferiors.
Their economy was a rich relic of the Oshra Va'Zaun empire. Their gemcraft and metalworking industries were well-established. Their artisans were peerless and prolific. Their alchemical scholars were the backbone of innovation. They had a robust labor force, a thriving entrepreneurial class, and a history of keen ingenuity.
Their forbearers traded along a flourishing network of maritime ports and river routes. They bartered with Bilgewater; bankrolled the gold mines in Shurima; forged trade deals with Ionia. They even had stakes in the black markets of the Shadow Isles and the mercenary guilds of Noxus.
They did business with every corner of Runeterra. And they did so proudly.
A century's time would turn the glad tidings into bitter tides.
During the first wave, the Undercity's wealth was a windfall for Topside. The demand for labor and resource was insatiable. But the Undercity's resources were finite. When Piltover's population ballooned after the Void Wars, the Fissurefolk were forced to compete. Lacking the natural advantage of fertile terrain and plentiful sunlight, they had no choice but to cut corners. In a trice, the factories and mines teemed with orphans and the elderly, each one paid starvation wages and offered none of the protections aboveground. By the century's end, the Undercity was squeezed dry, a sweatshop with a single employer.
As the upper-city's wealth quadrupled, mercantile clans rose up, each vying for control over the mineral deposits in the Fissures. These overlords were no friends of the poor. Their purview was profit, and profit meant one thing above all else:
Their first order of business was stymieing the Undercity's trade routes and keeping its resources under lock and key. The collapse of the old Sun Gates and the flooding of the Undercity’s ports gave them the perfect pretext. The borders were sealed off in the guise of a safety net. The only routes were now through Piltover's Bridge, and each shipment was heavily taxed.
In time, the Undercity’s local markets choked. A slow strangulation of wealth reduced former artisans and alchemists to scavengers. Tariffs trapped them in a perpetual cycle of debt and debasement. Once-proud traders stooped to selling their own daughters for coin. Others tipped over into outright smuggling.
Then Piltover launched its second phase: a systematic strangulation of the Undercity's voice.
Fissurefolk were barred from owning or leasing property aboveground. Their children were denied access to Topside schools. Their customs were deemed barbaric. Their traditions were branded as backward. Their dialect was derided as guttural filth. They were derogatorily referred to as Sumprakers—as if their entire existence was an aberration.
By the century's end, Piltover had transformed from a trading partner into a hegemony. The Fissurefolk were no longer perceived as citizens, but as the Other.
An enemy within.
Soon, Topside began consolidating power by buying up land around the Fissures. Displacing the poor and demolishing their homes, they drove them deeper and deeper belowground, while putting the leftovers to use. Historic districts were privatized. Temples were razed. Marketplaces were shut down. The Undercity was reduced to a febrile womb of raw material, ready to be ravaged.
And ravaged it was.
When the first mining rig was installed, the Fissurefolk rioted. The unrest was put down. More mines followed, and more violence. It wasn't until the Enforcers were established as a body of justice that the tide turned in Topside's favor. These overseers were a law unto themselves, their ranks composed of mercenaries and miscreants. Their uniforms were black; their hearts were blacker. Their methods were a brutal amalgam of medieval torture and modern bureaucracy.
Under the banner of peace, the Enforcers were tasked with quashing dissent belowground.
They did so—brutally.
Piltover's third phase was total dominion.
The first mercantile houses had grown rich off the Undercity's spoils. But the new generation hungered for something more: absolute rule. They were no strangers to political maneuvering. Their forefathers had been shrewd tacticians: men and women who'd honed their wits through war, diplomacy and backroom deals.
They knew how to twist the knife, and keep their own hands clean.
Before long, they'd allied with Piltover’s industrial magnates and the monied elite. Together, they formed a cabal of oligarchs, each as ruthless as they were influential. Thus, the Council was born: a body of seven self-appointed sovereigns charged with regulating trade, enforcing laws and levying taxes.
They saw the Fissurefolk as a means to their own end. Disregarding their petitions for better sanitation, downplaying the contributions of their labor, and turning a blind eye to the rampant pollution, they proceeded to carve the Undercity's soul from its body.
When the Fissurefolk protested, the Council responded with Enforcer raids.
And bloodbaths.
By century's end, the Council had built a wall of bureaucracy between themselves and the Fissurefolk—most of whom were treated with neo-colonial contempt. Meanwhile, their wealth continued to reach dizzying heights, with every merchant ship that sailed through the port's grand arches and every sculpture patronized by celebrated virtuosos in their mansions.
The Hex-Gates only quadrupled their fortunes. With every invention by Talis, investors flocked and the Council’s influence grew. The wealth they had hoarded was now limitless. They could build a brand-new city, if they so desired. But why should they, when the Trenchers had already done the hard work for them?
Today's Council—Hoskel, Salo, Bolbok, Shoola, Medarda, Kiramman—are Piltover's pivotal political force, decreeing laws with a gesture from their grand parlors. They're the ones who decide whether jobs are created or lost, how many schools are funded, what taxes are levied.
They make decisions that affect every citizen in the city—every bloody day.
They are also corruption incarnate. Yearly, they’ve swallowed over one-third of the allocated Undercity budget, without accounting for a single cog. Between them, they preside over an empire of private business interests in everything from real estate to racehorses, stowing away their wealth in Demacian bank accounts, Noxian jewelry splurges and private islands dotting the annexed Ionian shores.
To them, Silco's coal-mining origins are as offensive as a rat turd in their caviar. Among Topside's upper-crust, he's a social climber, a rabble-rouser, and a scabrous opportunist. He wasn't born into privilege: he made his wealth through the cutthroat crudeness of industry.
More offensive still, he keeps a singlehanded stranglehold on his fortune, no different from a smuggler stowing all his coins in his codpiece. He never invests in stocks or allows Piltovans to buy shares in his enterprises. Like his factories, everything he owns belowground—publishing houses, restaurant chains, repair garages, gyms, nightclubs, salons—employs Fissure-bred workers, and is rumored to be a front for funding anarchism.
As if that weren't bad enough, he has no inhibitions in debating money or politics in their glittering ballrooms. Worse, he mocks them for entertainment—all while displaying impeccable manners.
Case in point—
With grave courtesy, Silco bows his head, "Councilors."
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