#Prince Hal of the Magicians
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Darius watched the little group from behind the counter and found himself wondering if he was doing the right thing. They were all children, or barely adults, who had just lived through some of the toughest situations he could think of. Did he really want to be the one piling more things on top of them? Causing them more trouble than they deserved. Especially given everything they’d already encountered.
He didn’t really want to, and yet he also knew that there was no other little mismatched band he’d trust with something this big. He just hoped they could cope with each other, grateful that each of them had at least one person from beyond their story that they knew, to make the whole thing a little easier to wrap their heads around.
‘Darius?’ asked Fox, snapping his attention towards her. She was leaning on the counter, her eyes filled with something like concern. She’d been trying to bridge gaps while he got lost in his thoughts, talking about pranks and dares to break the ice. Nothing too serious, too personal, but enough to give him his time. ‘Are you all right?’
Darius heaved a deep sigh, shot her a small uncertain smile. ‘I will be,’ he assured her before picking up his own coffee and ushering her back towards the others.
This was the quietest the café had been. Sticking it in a time bubble was hard work but it had been the only way to stop them being interrupted and make sure that nobody lost out; yet it was draining him more than he thought it should. He just hoped it wouldn’t all be in vain.
Yet the place still wasn’t silent. The familiar café sounds from his machines and the fact that the group members were actually talking amongst themselves meant there was something. At least, they had been before he settled himself amongst them. Now they were quiet, looking towards him expectantly, eager for the answers they hoped, but didn’t actually expect, to get.
‘Thanks for coming,’ he said softly, his voice all of a sudden seeming to want to flee him. He took a calming sip of his too hot coffee before trying again. ‘I know I don’t usually summon you here.’
Something in the air shifted, as if they were all suddenly very much more alert. The tone was set. This was by no means a social call.
‘But I didn’t know who else to turn to,’ he admitted, glancing around at them all. The looks he was met with ranged from curiosity to fear, confusion to a slightly guarded look of someone still trying to make sense of their table fellows.
‘What is it, Mr. Kilvert?’ asked Lukas, rolling his eyes as Evangeline sniggered. A nervous tic.
Darius glanced towards Fox. She wasn’t the oldest at the table but she had been there the longest. He knew he could trust her reactions to things, even as she carefully surveyed Dominic, who looked slightly terrified, barely there a day. He spotted Sylvester surveying the table, still confused by the likes of Hal, Esme, Hector, Belle, Ronnie, Lukas and even himself. Timers that didn’t look right and never would. He noticed Willow glaring around the café, eyes only briefly resting on any of the others. Ella and Isaac seemed to have bridged their own unknowing and looked at him with matching concern and concentration. Gareth and Evangeline were drinking still, but they were on edge, ready for whatever bombshell he threw their way.
‘You’re not meant to go into another story, let alone to change things,’ Darius explained, attention trailing the group, trying to read them. ‘The key thing is pushing it but I could never get around to each story alone and I wanted a welcome of sorts for people.’
‘So we should be getting paid?’ asked Willow, and he could tell that she was only half joking. She merely shrugged indifferently when a few of the others glared at her.
Darius let out a somewhat relieved chuckle before continuing, knowing that he had to share this before he bottled it. Leaving it wasn’t an option any more, something needed to be done. Tris had gone too far this time.
‘Stories aren’t just about the heroes though.’
The comment hung heavily in the air. All attention snapped to him, drinks halfway to mouths.
‘There’s a villains café,’ noted Sylvester in a small voice.
‘Not every story has a villain,’ murmured Isaac.
‘Not all villains survive,’ added Fox, which was met with murmured agreement.
‘Villains aren’t so caught up in the rules I’ve found. Or at least,’ Darius added quickly as he spotted the mischievous looks passing between some of the multiheroes, ‘their keymaker isn’t. She’ll give them the key to save them if she deems it a worthy cause, all without changing things in the story.’ He didn’t bother trying to mask the bitterness from his voice, and he couldn’t find the words to explain it all to them, despite Sylvester’s look of question.
‘So – so they could all still be out there?’ asked Ella, voice a pitch or two higher than normal as she glanced around the table, horrified. A few returned the look but most seemed to slump in their seats, as if they expected nothing less from those they knew of.
‘We defeated them once,’ said Evangeline with her usual bravado, glancing at Lukas and Ronnie for assistance. The other girl looked terrified though, and Darius couldn’t blame her. ‘We can do it again.’
‘All of them?’ squeaked Dominic, who looked so pale Darius was worried he might faint on them. ‘All at once?’
‘One big bad per story usually. There’s five more of us,’ noted Fox softly, sharing a quick look with Sylvester, whose attention was still decidedly away from the larger part of the table.
‘You wanna deal with powers? With magic?’ asked Willow bitterly, glancing towards Esme and the boys as if it were their fault.
‘Let Es deal with them. The rest of us can –’
‘It’s not that simple, Hal.’
‘Fighting our own is pointless, we know – ’
‘You wanna pick ‘em out a hat?’
‘Quiet!’ snapped Fox, hitting the table as she stood up. All attention snapped to her, irritation, concern and hope written behind each expression in different mixtures. ‘The longer we argue amongst ourselves the more time they have to plan, to destroy a story – another story – that doesn’t deserve it.’ She sat down slowly, turned towards Darius calmly. There was a flicker of fear behind her eyes though. ‘What can you tell us about the ring leader?’
Darius let out a long breath, glanced around the group sat with him. ‘She’s  my sister,’ he admitted heavily. The comment was met with stunned silence so he filled it, knowing that it was now or never. ‘This café has been in our family for generations but she was never going to get it, or the power that comes with it. She said it was boing, listening to heroes complaining about boring lives following the demise of their villain. But she’s figured it out, somehow. She knows how to approach people in their worlds. How to pick the moment that won’t impact things, so nobody can accuse her of actually doing anything wrong. Really.’
‘Why’s she doing it, though?’ asked Isaac.
‘Don’t have to be a reason.’
‘For no reason whatsoever.’
Gareth and Ronnie spoke together, a slight look passed between them. A flicker of an understanding smile.
‘Because,’ explained Darius, hating that he had to admit to this, ‘she wants to make a name for herself. One that isn’t linked only to our family. Her own legacy.’
The café was eerily silent for a while, each of them dwelling on what they’d just had unloaded on them.
‘We’ll stop this,’ said Hector firmly.
‘Of course, we have luck on our side,’ joked Lukas, earning grateful grins from his friends.
‘We’re gonna need more than luck,’ noted Gareth, oblivious to the reference.
‘We need an action plan,’ agreed Belle.
‘Well then,’ announced Fox, giving Darius’s hand a gentle squeeze that did more to reassure him than any of their words so far, ‘we’d best start planning.’ She stood up, continued talking as she moved to grab paper from a drawer behind the counter, the one place that she knew about better than anyone else. ‘Write down anything you know about what caused you problems with your villains. Even if it’s something vague. Any information helps.’
For a moment Darius wondered if the likes of Evangeline and Willow were going to argue, but they didn’t. Resolve seemed to harden behind their eyes.
‘We’ll stop this. Don’t you worry, Darius,’ Esme assured him as she took her own piece of paper with a nervous smile, a nod of thanks.
‘Of course we will,’ agreed Hal, shining a winning smile around the group. ‘We’re heroes after all.’
‘Thank you,’ said Darius, wishing desperately that there was more he could say but not knowing quite how to put it. Instead he glanced around at them, united by a common challenge, and really hoped he’d made the right choice.
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Supernatural Crime Story Introduction
Prince Hal was used to the pressures of his position, even if his best friends always kept him grounded. He was used to people threatening him, used to sitting through torturously boring meetings and training that could supposedly save his life if the worst ever happened. What he never expected was for an evening outside of the palace, outside the safety that he was wrapped in inside his own realm, to turn into something he never could have prepared for. Something that might just squash the light he tries to see in the world.
For as long as she could remember, Esme had always had trouble with magic. People around her seemed to specialise as easy as breathing, and yet she struggled. But a chance meeting made her realise it wasn’t that she hadn’t specialised, it was just her magic was that much harder to control than the people around her. Soon, Esme finds herself learning about the almost forgotten Old Magic, and the political implications that controlling this might just bring to the fore. With tensions rising between Enchanteds and Non-Enchanteds, Esme learning to control her power has never been more important.
Hector had thought that being a detective without the added political and varied implications of Enchanteds crimes would be easier. But, when Hector comes face-to-face with a crime scene that has subtle hints of magic about it, he has to try figuring out how to make the whole thing seem normal for the people around him, and how exactly to bring justice to the victim. One victim is an accident, though; two Enchanted victims could be the start of a pattern, one he can’t fully explain to the people he’s meant to trust the most.
Story Tag
Hal Tag
Esme Tag
Hector Tag
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jube-art · 2 years
If the superfam are lanterns, and the batfam are supers, which characters make up the origin swap equivalent of the 'batfam'?
No pressure to draw anything in response to this ask. Any info added on to this au is amazing. I absolutely love it.
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Diana Prince, AKA Wonder Woman, AKA a woman who suffered a loss of a lover and vowed to make the world a better place through sheer determination and training. She (and her family) the origin swap equivalent of the bats!
And for more information- Shazam, the golden child from a long protected long isolated island that's known for its powerful magicians and it's quirk of only keeping lost children.....
And Hal Jordon! No thoughts about him i just love his design
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sweetaprilbutterfly · 8 months
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Kit Harington in the theater
Pillars of the Community (2007)
War Horse (2008/2009)
Posh (2010)
Doctor Faustus (2016)
True West (2018/2019)
Henry V (2022)
In 2008 he won a part in War Horse at the National and when the Game of Thrones pilot was shot, he was preparing for Posh. (2008)
I had never read or seen the original play, and here the “difficult middle section” has been replaced by a contemporary retelling by Colin Teevan where Faustus is a modern stage magician in the vein of David Blaine or Copperfield. (2016)
Last appearance on stage in London was in 2016 in Doctor Faustus. "I got a lot from playing that role but often I felt very alone doing it and at times I knew I'd leapt into something where I was a little out of my depth. But in True West I share the stage with Johnny and I knew at once it would be fun to do." (2018)
His dream came true:
My ideal role in the future would be Henry V. That's the route I'd want to go. I've always been interested in straight theatre. (2009)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
I’m greedy, I’d love to play Prince Hal in Henry IV parts one and two, then Henry V (2016)
Henry V is the part I've always dreamed of playing and the Donmar, a stage I could only have dreamt of the chance to perform him on. (2021)
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random-movie-ideas · 3 months
DC Cinematic Universe Pitch (TL;DR version)
So, in case you didn't have the time or interest to read through the hundred+ reblogged layout of the DC cinematic universe I was proposing over the last while, here's a relatively truncated version of that:
(Edit: Apparently it undoes my tabbing when not in edited mode, so I'm going to try bolding)
Elements they introduce*
Wonder Woman
Princess Diana
Queen Hippolyta
Donna Troy
The Amazons
Steve Trevor
Barbara Ann Minerva (pre-Cheetah)
Etta Candy
Baroness Paula von Gunther
Doctor Poison
Martian Manhunter
J’onn J’onzz
John Stewart (pre-Green Lantern)
Katma Tui
The Green Lantern Corps
The Guardians
The Manhunters
The Flash
Barry Allen
Wally West (as Kid Flash)
Iris West
Joe West
Ralph Dibny (pre-Elongated Man)
Sue Dibny
The Rogues
Captain Cold
Captain Boomerang
Heat Wave
Weather Wizard
The Trickster
Pied Piper
Green Lantern
Hal Jordan
Thaal Sinestro (still a Green Lantern)
Abin Sur
Arisia Rrab
Carol Ferris (pre-Star Sapphire)
Thomas Kalmaku
Red Lantern Corps
Jackson Hyde
Garth of Shayeris
The concept of Atlantis
Atlan, the Dead King
Black Manta
Cal Durham
Dr. Stephen Shin
Black Jack
Charybdis and Scylla
Green Arrow
Oliver Queen
League of Shadows (Mentioned)
Black Canary
Roy Harper
Task Force X
Amanda Waller
Count Vertigo
Justice League
Martha and Jonathan Kent
Lois Lane
General Zod
Ursa and Non
The Kryptonians
The Phantom Zone
Alfred Pennyworth
Queen Clea of Atlantis (briefly)
Teen Titans
Dick Grayson (as Nightwing)
Beast Boy
The HIVE Academy
The HIVE Queen
Doctor Light
The HIVE Five
Wonder Girl
Cassie Sandsmark
Vanessa Kapatelis (pre-Silver Swan)
The City of Kandor
Darkseid (Mentioned)
Perry White
Jimmy Olsen
The Daily Planet
Batman and Batgirl
Barbara Gordon
Jim Gordon
The Mad Hatter
The Joker (in memory)
Catwoman (in memory)
Harley Quinn (in memory)
Two-Face (in memory)
Jason Todd’s death (in memory)
The Penguin (in memory)
The Riddler (in memory)
Killer Croc
Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya
Tim Drake
Poison Ivy
Roman Sionis (pre-Black Mask)
Queen Mera
Orm Marius
Tula Marius
Queen Atlanna
Nuidis Vulko
The Kingdom of Xebel
King Nereus
The Siren
The Trench
Green Arrow 2
Mia Dearden
China White
Wonder Woman 2
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
Queen Antiope
The White Magician
Green Lantern 2
Guy Gardner
Ganthet and Sayd
Carol Ferris as Star Sapphire
The Star Sapphire Corps
The Zamarons
Jillian Pearlman
Hector Hammond
Doctor Polaris
The Tattooed Man
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Carter Hall
Shiera Saunders
Prince Khufu
Princess Chay-Ara
Kent Nelson (as Doctor Fate)
Inza Cramer
Linda Danvers
The Silver Banshee
The Flash 2
Linda Park
Elongated Man
Gorilla Grodd
Gorilla City
Marvel Family
Billy Batson
Mary Bromfield
Freddy Freeman
Dr. Sivana
Black Adam
The Wizard Shazam
Martian Manhunter 2
Saint Walker
Blue Lantern Corps
The Orange Lantern
Aqualad 2
King Shark
Justice League 2
Vandal Savage
The Blue Beetle Scarab
Daniel Garrett
Ted Kord
Teen Titans 2
A new lineup of Task Force X
The Atom
Ray Palmer
Jean Loring
Booster Gold
Chronos the Time-Thief
Per Degaton
Ronnie Raymond
Martin Stein
Killer Frost
Jason Rusch (pre-Firestorm)
Superman 2
Lex Luthor
Emil Hamilton
Kryptonite and its properties
Batman and Batgirl 2
The Iceberg Lounge
Catwoman, Joker, Harley, Two-Face, Penguin, and Riddler in person
Hugo Strange
Wonder Girl 2
Doctor Psycho
Aquaman 2
Corum Rath
Lorena Marquez
The sinking of San Diego
Nightwing 2
Mr. Freeze
Nora Fries
Stephanie Brown
Arthur Brown
Wonder Woman 3
Barbara Ann Minerva as the Cheetah
The Duke of Deception
Marvel Family 2
Darla Dudley
Eugene Choi
Pedro Pena
Victor and Rosa Vasquez
Mister Mind
The Anti-Life Equation
Teen Titans 3
Rose Wilson
The Wildebeest Society
Various new Titans
Green Lantern 3
The Sinestro Corps
Amon Sur
Lyssa Drak
Parallax mentioned
Other Lanterns like Boudikka and Tomar-Re
Supergirl 2
Earth Three
Power Girl
The Crime Syndicate
Alexander Luthor and family
Mr. Mxyzptlk
Martian Manhunter 3
Mongal and Mongul Jr.
Big Barda
The Flash 3
Bart Allen
Meloni Thawne
Reverse Flash
Don and Dawn Allen
Time travel using the Speed Force
Green Arrow 3
Bronze Tiger
League of Shadows
Connor Hawke mentioned
Death of Oliver Queen
Justice League 3
Granny Goodness
Mr. Miracle
New Gods
Earth Two
Golden Age Superman
Golden Age Lois Lane
The Ultra Humanite
Delores Winters
Plastic Man (Cameo)
Wonder Woman
Golden Age Wonder Woman
Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick
Johnny Quick
Jesse Quick
Mirror Master
Rainbow Raider
The Thinker
Golden Age Aquaman
Lori Lemaris
King Neptune
The Fisherman
The Malignant Amoeba
Golden Age Batman
Golden Age Robin
Golden Age Joker
Golden Age Penguin
Golden Age Catwoman
Golden Age Riddler
Alan Scott
Alan Scott
Rose Canton
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden (Pre-Jade)
Doiby Dickles
Ma Hunkel
Solomon Grundy
Justice Society of America
Mr. Terrific (Terry Sloane version)
Johnny Thunder
Hawk and Dove
The Justice Society
The Legion of Doom
Clark Kent
Earth Prime
Teenage Clark Kent
Jonathan and Martha Kent
Lana Lang
Pete Ross
Leslie Willis (pre-Livewire)
Chloe Sullivan
Whitney Fordman
The Toyman
Clark Kent 2
Teenage Lois Lane
Krypto the Super-Dog
The Parasite
Clark Kent 3
The Multiverse
Leslie Willis as Livewire
Atomic Skull briefly
Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1-3)
True nature of the Anti-Monitor
The imps Qwsp and Quirk
Destruction of Earth Two, Three, and Prime
Death of Barry Allen
Hal Jordan as Parallax
Apparent death of Mr. Miracle and Darkseid
Teenage Clark Kent only survivor of Earth Prime
Superman 3
The death of Superman
Lois pregnant with Jon Kent
John Henry Irons (pre-Steel)
Batman & Batgirl 3
Arkham hostage situation
Barbara Gordon paralyzed
Jonathan Crane’s allegiance to the League of Shadows revealed
Batman, Catwoman, Joker, Harley, Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, and Killer Croc taken by the League
Wonder Girl 3
Vanessa Kapatelis as Silver Swan
Kendra Saunders
Fel Andar
The Thanagarians
Katar Hol
Shayera Thal
Nightwing 3
Jason Todd resurrected as Red Hood
Roman Sionis as Black Mask
Kyle Rayner
Genocide of the Green Lantern Corps by Parallax
Kyle Rayner
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden as Jade
Alexandra DeWitt
Alexander Nero
The Indigo Tribe
Miss Martian
M’gann M’orzz
Kid Flash
Wally West as the Flash
Hunter Zolomon as Zoom
Golden Glider leading a new team of Rogues
Golden Glider
The Top
The original Teen Titans disbanded
The Planet Tamaran
The Citadel
The Planet Rann
Adam Strange
Buddy Baker
Aquaman 3
Offscreen death of Aquababy, separation of Aquaman and Mera
Doom Patrol
Niles Caulder
Negative Man
The Brotherhood of Evil
The Brain
Monsieur Mallah
Madame Rouge
General Immortus
General Zahl
Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing
Abigail Arcane
Anton Arcane
John Constantine
John Henry Irons as Steel
Natasha Irons
Conner Kent AKA Kon-El created
Hank Henshaw becomes Cyborg Superman
Owen Mercer, son of Captain Boomerang
Max Mercury
Cobalt Blue
Teen Titans 4
The Big Bang
Major Disaster
Rolando Texador
The Blood Syndicate
Zatanna Zatara
Jason Blood and Etrigan
Brother Blood
Cult of Trigon
Blue and Gold
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle’s friendship
T.O. Morrow
The Red Tornado
Maxwell Lord
Firestorm 2
Lorraine Reilly
Jason Rusch becomes Firestorm
Ronnie Raymond dies of cancer
Supergirl 3
Legion of Super-Heroes
Brainiac 5
Cosmic Boy
Saturn Girl
Lightning Lad
Brainiac 13
Kara remains in the future
The Atom 2
Murder of Sue Dibny
Murder of Doctor Light
Kimiyo Hoshi becomes Light
Jean Loring exposed as murderer
Blue Beetle murdered by Maxwell Lord
The Question
Vic Sage
Helena Bertinelli
Victor Zsasz
The Court of Owls
Death of Vic Sage
Justice League 4
Checkmate revealed
Anthony Ivo
Jaime Reyes becomes the new Blue Beetle
Secret Society of Super-Villains revealed
Justice League Dark
Zatanna, Constantine, Raven, Swamp Thing, Etrigan, and Jared Stevens form Justice League Dark
Trigon unleashed
Son of Batman
Damian Wayne
Jonathan Crane as the Scarecrow revealed
War of the Gods, Part One
Circe, Cheetah, Giganta, Silver Swan, Doctor Poison, Queen Clea, Zara, and Blue Snowman form Villainy Inc.
Doctor Psycho turned into a pig
Death of Queen Hippolyta
Doors of Death opened
War of the Gods, Part Two
The Firstborn
Murder of Circe, Doctor Poison, Queen Clea, Zara, and Blue Snowman
Gods of Olympus
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall returns from the dead
Aquaman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Captain Marvel called on to protect the gods
Death of the Olympian pantheon
Champions of Olympus found a new pantheon
Blue and Gold 2
Booster and Jaime attempt to save Ted through time travel
Rip Hunter
Black Beetle
The Reach
The Bat Family, Part One
League of Shadows prison
Cassandra Cain
Batman, Catwoman, and eight villains work together to escape
Expedition to Krypton
Alexander Luthor Jr.
The Eradicators
Death of Emil Hamilton
Teenage Clark Kent from Earth-Prime becomes Superboy-Prime
Birds of Prey
Black Canary, Huntress, and Renee Montoya as the Question form Birds of Prey
Barbara Gordon as Oracle
Dinah Drake, the original Black Canary
Lady Shiva
Sarah Lance as White Canary
The Speed Force
Barry Allen brought from the past
Barry, Wally, Bart, and allies join forces
Professor Alchemy
Death of Eobard Thawne, Hunter Zolomon, and Inertia
Death of Max Mercury
Kate Kane as Batwoman
Bette Kane as Flamebird
Duke Thomas
Zatanna 2
Klarion the Witch-Boy
Swamp Thing 2
Tefe Holland
The Floronic Man
Blackest Night
Jessica Cruz
Simon Baz
Black Hand
Birth of the Black Lantern Corps
Nekron mentioned
Adam Strange
War between Rann and Thanagar
The Bat Family, Part Two
Ra’s al-Ghul
Talia al-Ghul
Bat Family fully reunited
Deaths of the Joker and Ra’s al-Ghul
Steel 2
Natasha Irons as Steel
Manchester Black
Black Lightning
Jefferson Pierce
Anissa and Jennifer Pierce
Tobias Whale
Joey Toledo
Death of Earl Clifford
The Atom 3
Princess Laethwyn
The Morlaidhans
Adam Cray
The Bug-Eyed Bandit
The Micro Squad
Firestorm 3
Ronnie Raymond resurrected as Deathstorm
Connor Hawke
Connor Hawke
Death of Merlyn
The Rogues
Owen Mercer takes his father’s place
Abra Kadabra trades the team’s souls
The demon Neron
Blackest Night, Part Two
Zombie apocalypse caused by the Black Lantern Corps
Resurrection of dead heroes and villains such as Superman, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, the Question, Ted Kord, Jean Loring, Sue Dibny, the Joker, various members of the Suicide Squad, and more
Death of Amanda Waller at the hands of her fallen Suicide Squad members
Creation of the White Lantern ring
All intact zombies restored to life
Alan Scott 2
Icicle Jr.
Jakeem Thunder
Universe still existing despite Crisis
Jennifer missing from this universe
Courtney Whitmore
Pat Dugan
All-American Kid
Nathaniel Adam’s transformation into Captain Atom
General Wade Eiling
Solomon Grundy’s past revealed
Al Pratt
Al Pratt as Golden Age Atom
Atom Smasher
Michael Holt’s Mr. Terrific
Fire and Ice
Ultra-Humanite’s return
Rick Tyler
Rex Tyler
Matthew Tyler
Hawk becoming Extant in the future
The Spectre
Boston Brand’s murder
Doctor Mid-Nite
Beth Chapel (pre-Doctor Mid-Nite)
The Hook
Jay Garrick 2
The Phantom Stranger
The realization something is wrong with their universe
Justice Society of America 2
The Sandman
The revelation that their universe is preserved through the dreams of Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, residing in Earth-One
Final Crisis (Part 1-3)
Superboy-Prime, Alexander Luthor Jr., and Jennifer-Lynn Hayden the keys to restoring the Multiverse
Resurrection of Darkseid
Restoration of Earth Two, Earth Three, and Earth Prime
Edit: Let's see how that does.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
They dont owe you anything
by Dark_Nymphs_translates (Dunkle_Nymphen) Jason never wanted to be a magician. Jason never wanted to be a thief. Jason never wanted to be a prince. He's all of those things and that's not fair. Words: 3989, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of The new adventures Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Roy Harper Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Magic, Street Kid Jason Todd, Prince Dick Grayson, King Bruce Wayne, Magical Jason Todd, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Knight Roy Harper, Knight Hal Jordan, Knight Barry Allen, Gotham is a kingdom, Magic is Banned, Prophetic Dreams, Secrets, Hugs, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Gets A Hug, Jason Todd-centric, Fear of Death, Thief Jason Todd via https://ift.tt/MRZ2Ezc
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kevrocksicehouse · 3 years
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Orson Welles, who would have been 106 today, was almost as good as he thought he was. There is no higher praise. A few of his masterpieces:
Citizen Kane (1941). Opening with a dying man’s last words, (a piece of misdirection from a man who was always an amateur magician), the film encompasses avant-garde mysticism, film noir, social realism and fast-paced newspaper comedy in the first fifteen minutes, telling the story of a newspaper magnate (based, as everybody knows, on William Randolph Hearst) as a multi-narrator mosaic, made innovations in cinematography and sound that still feel startling, all in the service of a wunderkind who conquered radio and theater and wanted to explore every possibility of cinema in one film. Greatest film ever made? What a stupid question. Just watch him work.
Touch of Evil (1958). Opening with a legendary credits tracking shot following a car moving across the border of a border town before exploding, this jazzy, loose-limbed film noir flaunted it’s low budget in an examination of police corruption (Welles plays shady cop Hank Quinlan). It’s layered dialogue might have influenced Robert Altman and it’s easy to imagine the Coen Brothers eating this movie for breakfast but it also might have been Welles most touching performance (the way he says “I wish it was your chili I was getting’ fat on”). I don’t know if sordidness ever looked more dynamic.
Chimes at Midnight (1965). Welles’ had played Falstaff before, from a play that used pieces from Henry IV (parts I and II), Henry V and The Merrie Wives of Windsor, and in this adaptation the hedonistic, amoral and cowardly Shakespearean clown is a man whose social grip is loosening as his friend Prince Hal (Keith Baxter) is starting to pull away from him. When Hal goes to war against his fathers enemies (in some of the most brutal battle scenes this side of Kurosawa) and later disavows Falstaff, “killing his heart,” Welles turns the clown into a wounded lion.
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
Earth-82 Teams, Part II
Teen Titans (Founders) 
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing) - Dick Grayson is the son of circus acrobats, John and Mary Grayson, who were killed when he was eight years old. He was taken in by Bruce Wayne and became Robin the next year. Robin is the most experienced sidekick, having already been a part of the vigilante world for four years before the team formed. He became Nightwing when he was seventeen years and was at this point the de facto the leader of the team, alongside Flamebird, Wonder Girl, and Starfire. 
Donna Troy (Wonder Girl/Troia) - Donna is an orphan that Diana rescued from a burning building and took to Themyscira. Donna was adopted by Queen Hippolyta and blessed by the gods to become immortal herself and to gain all the other attributes of the Amazons. When Donna turned twelve, she convinced Diana to take her to Man’s World. She attended a Justice League meeting, which is where she met and became fast friends with Dick Grayson and Keren Zor-El. She, Dick, and Keren remained friends even as she returned to Themyscira, communicating through letters they exchanged through their mentors. When Donna was fourteen, Dick thirteen, and Keren fifteen they convinced Diana, Bruce, and Clark to let them have a sanctuary of their own, which Bruce produced in New York City and would eventually become Titans Tower. Donna, Dick, and Keren are the three founding and core members of the Teen Titans. 
Keren Zor-El / Karen Starr (Power Girl/Flamebird) - Keren is the eldest daughter of Zor-El and Alura In-Ze, four years older than her sister Kara. When Krypton was about to be destroyed, Keren’s parents put her and Kara into a rocket ship where they would be in suspended animation until they arrived on earth; they were supposed to find Kal and seek shelter on Earth as soon as they landed. They were unlucky though and their ship got damaged and went off-course for twenty-five years before finally landing on Earth, where they woke up to meet Superman for the first time. Keren was furious to see someone wearing her family’s symbol and attempted to attack Superman, screaming at him in Kryptonian. Clark did his best to explain what happened and, once he finally did, Keren was horrified to learn that Kal had grown up without her and Kara, though she was happy Val was there for him. She refused to fully assimilate to human culture and asked that Kal find her and Kara someone to live with that they would not have to hide their identities from (as Keren is only thirteen at the time); Clark decided his childhood best friend Lana Lang and her fiancée Eliza Danvers was the best choice and after she agreed, he approached Bruce for help in establishing fake identities for them as Karen and Kara Starr, Lana’s long lost nieces. 
Roy Harper (Speedy/Red Arrow) - Roy Harper Jr’s his mother, a Navajo woman, died giving birth to him. His father died only a few years later in a forest fire. Roy was raised by his uncle, Broken Bow, until shortly before his uncle’s death when he was twelve. Broken Bow had convinced Oliver Queen, newly recovered billionaire who had been missing for five years, to take Roy in. Because of Oliver’s relationship with Hal Jordan, a member of the Justice League and close friends with Flash, Roy was introduced to Kid Flash when he was fourteen, as Speedy. They became fast--if antagonistic--friends with him and met the rest of the Teen Titans through
Wally West (Kid Flash/Flash III) - Wally is the only child of Rudolph and Mary West, though he was far more likely to spend time at his Aunt Iris’s house. He considers her more of a parental figure than he ever did his actual mom. He later ends up feeling a similar way towards Barry Allen, since he’s been around for as long as Wally could remember. He found out Barry was the Flash when he was twelve (about three months after the new Flash first appeared) and demanded that Barry tell him everything! He decided to try and recreate the accident and was lucky to be chosen by the Speed Force as well. He was allowed to become Kid Flash when he was thirteen, with Iris’s permission. He joined the Teen Titans a few weeks after his superhero debut. Iris and Barry adopted him when he was sixteen, after it was discovered that his father was physically abusive and his mother neglectful.
Garth of Shayeris (Aqualad/Tempest) - Garth is the only son of King Thar and Queen Berra of Shayeris and would have been the crown prince had his parents not been overthrown before he was born. His father was killed and his mother banished to Poseidonis, due to the actions of his uncle - a magician with malicious goals. He was born with violet eyes, which marked him with the potential to become a powerful magic-user in his own right. Unfortunately, magic-users had recently been made taboo within Poseidonis and Garth was cast out. He was found by Princess Mera of Xebel, Xebel being a pocket dimension found within the Bermuda Triangle. Mera convinced her parents to take him in. Xebel had no taboo against magic users which allowed Garth to grow up with no bigotry against him for his potential magical abilities, and Mera (a powerful sorceress in her own right) ended up being the one to train him when he expressed interest in the magical arts. Garth met Arthur Curry when he was ten and Arthur twenty, through the rebellion Xebel had joined to bring down King Orvax and later King Orm, and they quickly bonded. When Arthur later became Aquaman, he offered Garth the position of Aqualad. Garth was the second to last of the founders of the Teen Titans to join.
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goodticklebrain · 5 years
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Q&A August: Austin Tichenor of the Reduced Shakespeare Company
They say you should never meet your heroes, but obviously “they” were never enlightened enough to consider Austin Tichenor of the Reduced Shakespeare Company a hero. Like many Shakespeare geeks, I was exposed to Reduced Shakespeare Company’s performance of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) at an impressionable young age. Once the DVD came out, I watched it over and over again, soaking up the irreverence and affection for Shakespeare like a sponge. It never occurred to me that I would one day meet the curly-haired pompous idiot in the black pants whose antics had entertained me so much, let alone be lucky enough to call him a friend, but that’s exactly what has happened.
I first met Austin (after exchanging mutually admiring tweets with him) in April of 2016, during their world premiere of William Shakespeare’s Long Lost First Play (abridged) at the Folger Library. I was prepared to be utterly starstruck, but Austin was so wonderfully down-to-earth that within minutes I felt like I’d known him forever. Totally lacking the pomposity and idiocy of his stage persona, Austin was overwhelmingly encouraging and supportive of my work, immediately welcoming me to play with him in the Shakespeare comedy sandbox. I had literally just started working full-time on Good Tickle Brain, so his enthusiasm meant the world to me.
I could gush about Austin for many more paragraphs, but I’m sure you’d rather hear from him, so here he is, my Comedy Fairy Godfather, in his own words!
1. Who are you? Why Shakespeare?
I’m Austin Tichenor, a playwright, director, and actor. I'm the co-artistic director of the Reduced Shakespeare Company, a three-person comic theatre troupe that reduces long serious topics into short silly comedies.
My first exposure to Shakespeare was undoubtedly in the original series of Star Trek! I read Shakespeare in high school English classes and got to see fantastic productions of Shakespeare at American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco and the Berkeley Reprtory Theatre, but I didn’t get to actually WORK on Shakespeare until grad school where I both played Claudius in a production of Hamlet and reduced my first Shakespeare (it was a directorial exercise: a five minute reduction of Much Ado About Nothing). My first professional theatre job was creating plays for young people so I went to Shakespeare immediately, creating 45 minute cuttings of Much Ado, Midsummer, and The Tempest.
So the opportunity to join the RSC in 1992 and perform its signature work The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) (written by the RSC’s founders) in London’s West End for eight months combined all my theatrical loves: smart silly comedy, non-realistic theatricality, and Shakespeare — which is kinda redundant, now that I think about it
2. What moment(s) in Shakespeare always make you laugh?
My favorite moments are typically when characters make incredible discoveries about themselves, and these are usually comic. Malvolio’s “I am…happy!” Terrible actor Francis Flute fully committing to the moment on “Dead, my dove?” Benedick’s “There’s a double meaning in that.” Hamlet toying with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, or telling Claudius he “shall nose” the dead Polonius as he goes upstairs. Olivia’s “Most wonderful!” when the penny drops and she realizes “Cesario” is actually Viola (and Sebastian’s twin).
3. What's a favorite Shakespearean performance anecdote?
I have two!
1) We were performing William Shakespeare’s Long Lost First Play (abridged) for the Shakespeare Theatre Association conference — the savviest and most knowledgeable group of people I’ll probably ever perform for, ever. I was playing Richard III and limping downstage to say my first line, one of the most famous first lines in all of Shakespeare. But I was distracted because I saw there were people sitting on the sides and I didn’t want to limp too far downstage for them to see — and in my distraction I said, “Now is the moment of our...” As soon as the word was out of my mouth, I knew I’d blown the line (it’s supposed to be “Now is the winter of our discontent”) and I knew I couldn’t pretend that it hadn’t happened; not in front of that crowd, not in our style of show. So I quite audibly said, “Oh f&$# me,” and limped back offstage to come in again. This time I said the line right and emphasized the first word: “Now is the winter of our discontent!” It brought down the house and everyone asked whether I’d planned it. Sigh…no, I hadn’t.
Mya interjects: I was in the house for this performance and this moment remains one of the highlights of my theatre-going career. What Austin neglects to mention here is that Reed, who had been left alone onstage after Austin had retreated, went over to the wings as if to confer with Austin, and said, sotto voce, “No, I don’t think anybody noticed.”
2) We were performing The Complete Works on a stage that had a little runway that circled the orchestra pit. In one of the scenes, Adam Long (one of the RSC’s founding members) decided to hop over the pit, from the stage to the runway, and he ended breaking the runway floor and falling through the boards. Thankfully uninjured, and delighted that he had this opportunity, he immediately uttered the immortal words, “Don’t worry, it’s just a stage I’m going through."
4. What's one of the more unusual Shakespearean interpretations you've either seen or would like to see?
I’m glad that nowhere in here have you asked what my favorite play is. I don’t have favorite Shakespeare plays, but I do have favorite productions. Here are two:
1) The Folger Theatre at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington DC’s production of Love’s Labor’s Lost was delightful from start to finish: Incredibly smart, wildly funny, and wonderfully charming. The director and her team made the King’s desire for “a little academe” quite literal by re-creating the Folger Library’s handsome reading room onstage. (I wrote about this terrific production here.)
2) The Chicago Shakespeare Company production of The Tempest, co-directed by Aaron Posner and the magician Teller, turned Prospero into an actual wizard and filled the production with literal magic. (There must have been magic in Shakespeare’s original production as the First Folio has a stage direction that mentions that characters disappear by means of “a quaint device”. Teller filled his production with many quaint magic tricks and devices!) With music by Tom Waits and great comedy from its clowns, it was the most entertaining and completely realized production of The Tempest I've ever seen.
Favorite moments?
When Henry IV (Jeremy Irons) slaps his snotty son Prince Hal (Tom Hiddleston) in The Hollow Crown adaptation of Henry IV, Part 1 taking him (and the audience) by total surprise.
When Francis Flute’s (Sam Rockwell) emotions bubble to the surface unexpectedly in the ridiculous “Pyramus and Thisbe” in the film version of Midsummer.
When Juliet (Claire Danes) stirs and almost wakes up in time to prevent Romeo (Leonardo DiCaprio) from killing himself in Baz Lurhmann’s Romeo + Juliet.
When Antigonus (Gregory Linington) distracted the Bear, dooming himself but preventing the death of Perdita, in the Goodman Theatre production of one of my least favorite plays The Winter’s Tale.
5. What's one of your favorite Shakespearean "hidden gems”?
The hidden gem of Shakespeare is actually right out in the open: He’s written incredibly theatrical plays, filled with rich and elusive characters that still fascinate us 400 years later, and even the most serious of his plays (including his Histories and especially his Tragedies) contain more comedy than is generally realized (or pulled off). Shakespeare was a showman whose livelihood depended on entertaining his audiences, so he created plays filled with music, devices, comic bits, fascinating characters, time jumps, changing perspectives, and shifting tones that are always serious (especially his Comedies) but never solemn.
(You don’t ask what my Shakespearean pet peeve but here it is: Productions that lack urgency and ignore the above, as in: Comedies that are beautiful-looking and melancholy but not funny. Histories that ignore the comic chaos that Shakespeare layers in. Tragedies that are one-note, over-the-top, and not in any way believable. Romances that equate pastoral with languid and not compelling. Argh.)
6. What passages from Shakespeare have stayed with you?
Oh so many...
Beatrice’s “Kill Claudio,” which comes seemingly out of the blue and yet is so right.
Falstaff’s honor speech, when done right, in front of a live audience.
And I find Miranda’s “O brave new world that hath such people in’t” just incredibly moving. (I’m always moved by Joy. Tragedy can suck it.)
Mya interjects: “Tragedy can suck it” might be my new personal motto now. Thanks, Austin.
7. What Shakespeare plays have changed for you?
Henry VI, Part 1. Reading it again recently, I was struck by the level of chaos Shakespeare depicts in a kingdom struggling without a ruler. It’s almost like Monty Python meets Veep: Sentences can’t get finished because people are running in and out, declaring “I’m in charge! I’m in charge!” with grand impotence. Of course Shakespeare would write it like that: He needed to entertain his audience, who were probably also nervous about their aging queen who had yet to declare a successor. Shakespeare created a chaotic warning that England shouldn’t descend into that kind of comically dangerous madness again — a warning that wasn’t really heeded, unfortunately.
8. What Shakespearean character or characters do you identify the most with?
Having played so many of them (albeit in reduced forms), that’s a tough call. But because I’m also an actor and a playwright, the ones I probably identify with the most are Shakespeare's seemingly autobiographical ones: Peter Quince, the only (I think) actor-playwright in the canon. Hamlet, the Danish prince with surprisingly strong opinions about theatre’s power and how certain speeches should be played (and how annoying comedians can be). Benedick, who struggles with his writing so comically. Suffolk, who in Henry VI, Part 1 declares, “I’ll call for pen and ink and write my mind.” And Bottom, of course, who thinks he can play anything.
9. Where can we find out more about you? Are there any projects/events you would like us to check out?
I’ve spent the last several years doing incredibly deep dives into Shakespeare, across many media:
My RSC partner Reed Martin and I wrote Pop-Up Shakespeare, an incredibly fun (and useful) introduction to the Bard’s life and works with beautiful, amazing, and funny illustrations by Jennie Maizels.
I contribute monthly essays about the intersection between Shakespeare and popular culture for the Folger Shakespeare Library’s Shakespeare & Beyond blog.
My weekly podcast (now in its 13th year) is a backstage glimpse into the life and works of the Reduced Shakespeare Company, featuring interviews with our many comedian, actor, playwright, author, director, composer, dramaturg, and artist friends and many many deep dives into matters Shakespearean.
Reed and I also wrote the definitive irreverent reference book, Reduced Shakespeare: The Complete Guide for the Attention-Impaired (abridged), which is still inexplicably in print (perhaps cuz it’s definitive).
We also wrote the stage play William Shakespeare’s Long Lost First Play (abridged) (“An absolute resolute hoot of a bawdy comedy of errors!” Broadway World), which premiered at the Folger Theatre in 2016, has toured the US and the UK, and is available for licensing via Broadway Play Publishing.
And in November 2019, the RSC will perform the international premiere in Israel of our brand new script Hamlet’s Big Adventure (a prequel) — what would happen if Tom Stoppard wrote Muppet Babies. It’s the comedy of the Prince of Denmark!
If after reading all this, for some insane reason you still want to get in touch, come find me here on Twitter. I think Mya will agree that it’s a much more civilized and fun place than its reputation suggests.
(Back to Mya) Thanks so much to Austin for taking the time to answer my questions! If you want to HEAR us actually talking to each other check out:
Reduced Shakespeare Co. Podcast #493
Reduced Shakespeare Co. Podcast #532
Reduced Shakespeare Co. Podcast #653
Q&A August continues next week with two phenomenal women who are using Shakespeare to build the most amazing things.
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buttofgrayson · 6 years
[NSFW] It’s a celebration
Dick Grayson x Zatanna Zatara
Summary: Zatanna officially joins the league and holds an admission party however things takes a different turn when Dick Grayson entered the scene.
Warnings: smutty af
Word Count: 3,322
Note: A little kinky story I wrote with the help of my cuteness @batsyfamhq a while ago. It was so fun to write. Send me requests if you ever have ideas for more stories. 
Many emotions were spinning around in her head. It was an important day. Perhaps the most important in her life. Zatanna was surrounded by her idols and role models as they excepted her as one of their own. Today was the day she had been excepted into the Justice league and it was kicked off by a gathering of heroes. Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince were discussing politics, Arthur Curry and John Stewart played a game of dominoes, Cyborg (Victor Stone) was absolutely slaying it as a DJ while Hal Jordan, Barry Allan and Oliver Queen danced the night away together as they were already pretty drunk. Dinah Lance, Iris West and Helena Bertinelli cheered the drunkin trio on. Seeing everyone out of their costumes and in such a great mood brought a smile to Zatanna’s face but she was still overrun with doubt. It was reasonable of course. Considering it was a huge moment in her life and large responsibility to take on. Plus the fact that her long time close friend, Dick Grayson wasn’t there. Of course many heroes weren’t able to make it considering the schedules that would go along with people who saved the world but it was still disappointing.
Zatanna sat in her ravishing black silk dress. It was form fitting and clung to her strong fit body like a glove. Her curves looked magnificent in it. It had a slit that came up from her leg up to her thick outer thigh and the top was a v cut that descended down into her soft ample cleavage. Her body was curvaceous voluptuous but still slim and fit standing on a pair of dark red three inch heels. The beautiful minx of a woman was missing her top hat but instead wore a high messy bun that admittedly took forever to get perfect but was definitely worth it. She looked like a goddess but didn’t feel like one. Zatanna snapped her head around when she heard a familiar voice. “Hey Z!” A cheerful voice was identified with a familiar face. It was Helena Bertinelli, one of Zatanna’s best friends aka the Huntress. “Hey” Zatanna forced a smile across her lips as she faced her dark-haired friend. “um,” Helena read her expression and she knew something was up “is something wrong?” Her voice soft and full with concern. Zatanna sighed, her eyes looked away as she searched the room for a specific person. “I was actually expecting someone.” she replied with a disheartened voice. “maybe they were busy. Don’t worry about it.” Helena gave a pat on the shoulder. Zatanna brushed her hand off and shook her head in frustration “no Helena! I was seriously expecting this person to be here. He has been a big part of my life and this is the greatest moment yet and he still can’t show up?” Zatanna exclaimed with frustration.
She felt a gentle touch on her hand and she was ready to defend herself as it was part of her reflexes however as she was spun around to face the person, her expression soften. She looked up at Dick Grayson aka Nightwing. The only person who could put her mind at ease. Zatanna was so caught off guard as her attention was fully captured by the handsome man. His jawline sharp as a knife, his perfect cheekbones and those damned beautiful eyes. He had the looks of a supermodel. He wore a black suit with an opened jacket showing his black vest, white dress shirt and dark blue tie. His broad shoulders filled the suit out well but the thing that really made her heart stop was the look he gave her. His ocean blue eyes were piercing and almost intimidating contrasted with his signature charming smirk. “Hello gorgeous” he says. His voice is husky and smooth. You can tell he’s just so damn full of himself. Zatanna rolls her dark blue eyes at him and coldly says “Where the the hell have you been?” She wishes she could shout at him but she wouldn’t want to cause a scene. “C’mon Z I’m sure you know how hectic Blüdhaven is.” He tried to recover but damage was already done. She looked at him with a death stare but it was no use to him. Dick came closer to her, his hands wrapping around her waist bringing her closer. He looked her deep in her eyes and said “I’m sorry.” How could she ever stay mad at him? She deeply and truly wished that she could. “Okay then. At least you came.” Said Zatanna.
“Come have a drink with me.” He said softly while his hand smoothly captured hers. “You sure about that?” Replied Zatanna. She knew Dick didn’t commonly drink alcohol and she wanted to ask if he’d hit his head too hard. “It’s a special night and I’m feeling this deep urge to give you something special. That something is going to be a good time.” He said with a bright smile while he pulled her by the hand to the bar and away from Helena who wore a little smirk on her face. Perhaps she knew there was something between them. Something that’s been left unsaid. Dick orders two vodka sodas for the two of them while Zatanna got comfortable on the seats at the bar. Before they toasted their glasses, Dick held back and gave her an excited smile “what are you smiling about?” She gave a small giggle. “I have been working on a little something for the occasion.” The corner of his lips curled into a small smirk. “Okay..” Zatanna blinked and looked at him with anticipation “so what is it?” She bursted out with excitement. Dick chuckled “sonialutargnoc” he said proudly. The pair laughed. “You know, it’s actually wrong but A on the effort.” She gave a pat of encouragement on his arm “it’s actually sonitalutargnoc, sweetie” she shrugged like it was the easiest thing to say. Dick gave a smile “guess that’s why you’re the magician.” He raised his glass and the both had a toast before sipping on their drinks.
Few drinks later.
“Wow, I think I’m drunk.” Zatanna giggled as she rest her head against Dick’s shoulder. “Me too actually.” Dick chuckled softly. Zatanna glanced around and realized that the league was present then started to freak out “oh my gosh, Dick! I can’t be drunk in front of the league. What would they think of me?“ She panicked. This was her admission party and she wanted to give a first good impression. "Hey, hey calm down” Richard rest his hands on her shoulders “we can go somewhere else and just sober up for a while.” He takes her hand and leads her out of the party to the lounge room.
Dick held her hand as they walked into the lounge room. The lounge room had dim lights, a large circular table, finished off with a few chairs and beanbags. Dick lets out a soft sigh as he admires her beauty. She felt her cheeks heat up and a tint of pink shaded her cheeks “what are you looking at?” She giggled. “Nothing. I just didn’t really get to tell that you look so beautiful. I feel bad because I wasn’t completely honest. I wanted to tell you that you look so gorgeous. So absolutely amazing. You’re amazing” He said as he walks towards her slowly. He gently tugs a piece of hair behind her ear as his eyes analyse her every soft feature. He leans in close to her ear like he was about to reveal a secret but instead he gave soft, delicate kisses down her earlobe. “Well finally.” Zatanna chuckled softly and runs her hand through his hair as she pulled him closer. Zatanna chuckled softly and runs her hand through his hair as she pulled him closer. “You said you wanted to give me something special.” Zatanna says while she lets herself melt into his touch. “I want to pleasure you babygirl.” He says in his deep smooth voice while his kisses trail down her neck to her shoulder.
“Just take me.” Zatanna shivers as Dicks hands slip the dress off of her shoulders revealing her red laced lingerie. Her soft milky skin pours out of the lingerie only to be met by his lips as he kisses her down her breasts while his hands bring the dress down with him. The man gets down on his knees now kissing down her stomach while the dress finally falls down to her feet. He looks up at her perfect body. She was truly magnificent her thighs breasts and booty were thick and ample while she had a slim waist. He’s descending down into her core, kissing her below her navel. His soft lips embracing and appreciating her every curve. A fire is ignited inside the stunning woman. His every touch is met with tingles that almost make her weak in the knees. She feels a deep need to be touched. Touched where her oceans are beginning to flow. His hands grab her hard and aggressively gripping onto her perfect body tightly as he picks her off her feet. His hands squeeze her round firm booty as he carries her to the table and softy lays his little princess upon it.
Zatanna looks up at him as that is all she could do at this point. He smirks back at her before kissing her up between her thighs. He knows what he’s doing. It’s his favourite thing to ever do. Tease. Teasing her until she’s under his submission. Until she can’t take anymore. Until she begs. He slowly slides her panties down her smooth legs and her perfect little wet pussy is revealed to him. Soft and pink. Practically gushing with anticipation. His eyes widen. “Oh god babygirl” he said in almost a moan. He comes closer. His lips just an inch from her paradise. He looks up at her. His eyes piercing and intimidating as always. He resists his urge to devour her like an animal to give her the look. The look that tells her exactly what he wants from her. “P-please.” She whimpers. His response is a cocky smile and the delivery of his promise. Pleasure. His eyes close as his tongue is engulfed in her softness, her wetness. He moans at the taste of it. She’s absolutely delicious to him. “O-oh oh Dick!!!!” Is tongue prodding and invading her like she’s never felt before. He licks up her slit and around her soft lips. He wouldn’t want to miss even a bit of her sweet gushing juices. “A-ahh!” small whimpers and squeals are struggling themselves out of her mouth as she fights the urge to shout and moan loudly. “O-oooh my god! Dick!.” His hands grip around her thighs pulling her closer to him making sure she couldn’t wiggle herself away from her pleasure no matter how intense it got.
He was going to make her cum, he was going her make her shake, he was going to give her all that she could take and she was going to take it. She can barely breathe her hands claw at the table below her as she struggles controlling herself but her moans grow louder “yes… oh god YES DICK” his tongue variates from licking her up and around her slit and diving it into her entrance. He knows exactly what to do. The young hero doesn’t need a single direction. He knows exactly what to do in order to make her little pussy quake. It feels so, raw so sensitive. Zatanna finally gives out and begins hollering to her hearts content. There was no use trying to hold it back any longer. It was too intense. “OH FUCK YDDAD!!!!” She yellls out. Dick puts his mouth in an o and begins sucking on her clit and clitoral hood while his tongue licks under the hood at her little diamond of a clit. Zatannas back arches and her core begins to quake. He’s turning up the intensity, giving her more than she could even handle. She begins squirming away from him but he won’t let her budge as his grip on her is so tight. Damn he knew how to use that tongue of his. “AAAH! D-Dick!!!! I’m gonna-” her speech is cut off by the feelings rushing through her body hard and fast. Her midsection jerks and her arms scramble at the table beneath her as she feels herself orgasm hard. “A-A-AAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!” She lets out a scream in her shaky voice as her waist buckles against his hot mouth still going to work on her. She has multiple orgasms all together. She wishes she could count how many but her head was too wrapped up in the feeling.
Dick gets on his feet looking down at the young woman glistening with sweat and shaking on the table and removes his silk handkerchief from his suit pocket and wipes his mouth while giving her that cocky look he does. Zatanna is speechless. She wishes she could say something, anything but it seems like the girl who can speak backwards has found herself tongue tied. Dick begins removing his suit. One by one his articles of clothing disappear and in no time he is standing in front of her with his bare shirtless body revealed to her. His chest and abs seemed to be crafted by the gods themselves just like his jawline. His arms are powerful and built. She looks at his body like one who was stranded in the desert would look at a tall glass of water. Dick smiles “Why so quiet?” He asks. “It’s just a lot to take in” she says with a bit of a laugh. “Hmmmm” Dick responds with his smirk before undoing his belt. Speaking of a lot to take in. She looks down at the sizeable bulge in his pants and almost feels out of breath again. He drops his pants showing his tightened black boxers. What was in it was just dying to come out. Finally Dick pulls down the boxers to reveal his strong hardened manhood.
Zatanna’s eyes widen as she looks down his length. It’s bigger than she’d even expected. His large cock pulsates standing tall in its freedom. His cockhead shines as it slowly drips sweet precum. She is finally shown his full body. “Wow it’s- it’s big” says Zatanna who can barely hold herself from blushing.He gave a cocky smile and walked towards the needy girl. She already knew what was about to go down, she was finally going to get the special prize which she had been eyeing moments ago. His hand gripped on her hips and pulled her closer, her back sliding across the table. She gasps lightly at his strength and looked up at him, desperately. “Aw, princess.” He teased her with his charming smirk that would make the angels sin. Zatanna couldn’t help it anymore, she needed him to fuck her and the only way out was for her to beg “Please Grayson, I need you” she whispered helplessly, like a needy little slut. Dick shook his head lightly and wrapped his hand around her neck, leaning in closer. His hot breath lingered along her neck “excuse me? What’s my name?” He said in a low husky voice. His voice was more than enough to make her feel another wave of wetness. She whimpers softly “I want your cock, daddy. Please I need you to fuck me” she begged. Oh how this was music to Dick’s ears, exact words he needed to hear. A smirk formed and he released his grip from her neck, pulling back to see how undone he had made her “Mmm, that’s a good princess” he held her hips as he teased his tip around her wet entrance before sliding his length into her.
This earned a low groan from him “fuck baby, you’re so tight” he licked his lips. A moan fell from her lips as she felt his length filling her tight pussy up. Finally, what she wanted, his cock in her wet pussy. He started to thrust slowly into her so that she could get used to his size. He started to pick up the pace as his grip around her hips tighten. She moaned out loudly, gosh his cock felt so good in her. It was just the beginning but she felt like she was already losing her mind. “Daddy your cock feels so good. Don’t stop” she moaned out. Dick places his hand back around her neck, gripping it but not too tightly “who said I will, princess?” He chuckled softly. Zatanna liked the way he choked her and his dominance, it was a turn on for her. She didn’t even realize she had a daddy kink until now. He had his way with words and his thrusts were driving her over the edge. He lowered himself onto her and wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her closer to him as he picked her up from the table. She struggled to grip onto him but managed to wrap her legs around his waist. She gasped as she felt his cock deeper in her.
Her back was slammed against the wall “damnit, Dick!” She groans softly. “Oops” he chuckled softly and held her leg over his shoulder. She used her right leg to balance herself up as he slide his cock back into her, this time he was deeper than before “holy shit, you’re soooooooooo deep” she managed to speak up, her hands clenched onto Dick’s shoulders. He held her close to his body and started to pound into her with his hard yet fast strokes. Zatanna moaned out his name loudly as her fingernails dig into his shoulders. The pleasure overcome the pain and she never felt this much of pleasure before. She never knew Dick could make her feel like this and she loved it. She felt her walls clenching around his cock, ready for her release. “D-daddy I’m gonna cum..” She whimpers. He held her closer, sliding his cock deeper into her as his chest pressed against hers “mm, princess. Cum for daddy.” He whispered in his husky voice.
His voice was the finishing touch to make her lose herself. She came all over his cock, her body shaking from the high and she closed her eyes tightly as she took in the pleasure. He sped up. “Princess I’m gonna cum too.” Dick moaned out while he kept his pace. “Cum inside of me” she moaned while her hands ran through his jet back hair. “Really?” He replied. “I’m a magician. I can handle it.” She gave a naughty confident smirk. It brought a smile to his face and he sped up even faster. Dick gave his last few thrust before he released his warm cum into her pussy. “Fuck, baby.” He groaned through his teeth. “Ah!” She gasps lightly as she was surprised by the feeling of his warm cum filling her up. “Gosh..” Dick breathe heavily as he pulled out. Both their juices slipped down her legs as she trembled. The pair naturally found there way to the floor. They held onto each other while still breathing heavily. Dick smiled. “Feeling sober?” Zatanna lets out a laugh “oh shut up!” She says as she gives his arm a punch.
Zatanna and Dick walk hand in hand back into the party. They’re dressed up again but both look dishevelled. Zatannas hair isn’t even in a bun anymore but instead is down and noticeably messy. They shyly walk back into the party, crossing their fingers that no one would notice how they look. Luckily the justice league was preoccupied with Oliver Queen who is currently standing on a table waling the lyrics to “Happy” by Pherell. They both smirk at each other. No one suspected a thing.
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
who are the mw from admins and members? any fandoms tbf i'm in love with loads
hey angel!! i would just like to start off with the fact that we would absolutely love down anyone and everyone you bring us, and that is a promise!! and if you would like to find some more suggestions, then check out our most wanted tag, promo blog or even wanted connections page!! but otherwise, here is a list compiled by us admins and our lovely members!! marvel/gifted: thor odinson, stephen strange, m’baku, t’challa, johnny storm, sabretooth, charles xavier, chase stein, alex wilder, colossus, nathan summers, tony stark, frank castle, foggy nelson, erik lensherr, leo fitz, philip coulson, kate strucker, blink, carol ferris, mystique, rogue,molly hayes, gert yorkes america chavez, the rest of the runaways, billy kaplan, tommy shepherd, pietro maximoff, groot, gamora, clint barton, and wolverine!! dc: lois lane, carol ferris cassie sandsmark, cassie cain, helena bertinelli, diana prince, arthur curry, bruce wayne, clark kent, edward nygma, roy harper, steve trevor, and hal jordan!! disney: anna, lilo, jessie, bo peep, prince adam, mauiprince kit, mrs. potts!! overwatch: mei, ana, pharah, brigette jesse mcree, reaper, reinhardt wilhelm, lucio, hazo, genji sombra, soldier 76, ashe, widowmaker, and tracer!! harry potter: mckinnon family (wanted connections), molly weasley, petunia evans, cho chang, daphne greengrass, nymphadora tonks, minerva mcgongall, ron weasley, ted tonks, albus dumbledore, jacob kowalski, oliver wood, theseus scamander any of the weasleys bpys, dean thomas, dorcas meadowes,  mad eye moody, bellatrix lestrange or voldemort!! mass effect: ashley williams, miranda lawson, tali-zorah nar rayya, liara t'soni  kaidan alenko, garrus vakarian, thane, mordin solus, urdnot wrex, grunt wrex miranda lawson, tali'zorah vas normandy, or james vega!! dragon age: morrigan, isabela, leliana, cassandra pentaghast, seracullen, or zevran arainai!! legacies/tvd/to: penelope park, freya mikaelson kol, finn, freya and elijah mikaelson, and marcel gerard!! hamilton: angelica, peggy, alexander hamilton, and eliza schylur!! legend of zelda: mipha, urbosa, or prince sidon!! life is strange: chloe price, kate marsh, victoria chase, nathan prescott, or warren graham!! gravity falls: wendy corduroy, pacifica northwest, candy chiu, dipper pines, bill cipher, stanford pines, stanley pines, and gideon gleeful!! shadowhunter chronicles: livvy blackthorn, cristina rosales, sophie collins, charlotte branwell, maia roberts, cecily herondale, emma carstairs, diana wrayburn,  jem carstairs, nate gray, henry branwell, gideon lightwood, gabriel lightwood, gwyn, julian blackthorn, ty blackthorn, kit herondale, mark blackthorn, kieran, max lightwood, raphael santiago, jocelyn fairchild, luke garroway, sophie, gabriel, gideon, cecily, ragnor, camille, henry, and charlotte!! doctor who: thirteen, river song, donna noble, rose tyler, martha jones, jenny, the tardis, clara oswald, sally sparrow, yasmin khan, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, jack harkness, rory williams, ryan sinclair, or amy pond!! the raven cycle: adam parrish, gansey, joseph kavinsky, henry cheng, orla, persephone, piper greenmantle, gwenllian, or maura sargent!! until dawn: jessica riley, emily davis, hannah washington, beth washington, ashley brown, josh washington, mike munroe, matt taylor, or chris hartley! star wars: bail organa, cassian, chewie, finn, jacen solo, luke skywalker, breha organa, mon mothma, winter celchu, jabba the hutt, palpatine, han solo, or the rest of the rouge one crew!! got: jaime lannister, oberyn martell, bronn and all game of thrones muses you can think of!! tolkien: bard, legolas, thranduil, frodo!! the walking dead: glenn rhee!! stranger things: jim hopper, lucas sinclair, max mayfield, mike wheeler, or dustin henderson!! the hunger games: gale hawthorne, haymitch abernathy, effie trinket, and primrose everdeen!! final fantasy: gladiolus amicitia, ignis scientia, prompto argentum, nyx ulrich, cloud strife, tidus, squall leonhart!! bat out of hell strat, zahara, sloane, and falco, or any of the lost!! derry girls: clare, michelle, james, and orla!! buffy the vampire slayer: angel, giles, willow, dawn, anya, xander!! sailor moon: haruka, mamoru, minako, rei, mako, ami, chibiusa, setsuna, or michiru!! scream tv: jake fitzgerarld, zoe vaughn, riley marra, nina patterson!! anyone from a court of thorns and roses! critical role: pike, vax'ildan, scanlan, or gilmore!! alice from the magicians!! orpheus, hades from hadestown! marius, fantine, valjean, from les miserables!! avatar : the rest of the avatar gang, azula, ty lee, and mei! legit any war and peace muses!! jack morrison from ow! anyone from the travelers, black sails or outlander!! i apologize for how long this list is, but members if you have any characters that weren’t mentioned, throw them in the replies for this angel!! ♥
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If there was one thing I’d learnt in the few weeks following… well, everything, it was that noting is quite as it seems. For that reason, when I found a key in my pocket I was certain wasn’t mine I went straight for Con’s house. Now we stood on opposite sides of the table, both looking at the unassuming key sat neatly between us, both a little on edge.
‘You’re sure it’s not yourn?’ Con asked, carefully placing his hands on the table, leaning forwards but never getting too close, just in case.
‘Positive,’ I assured him, patting the other keys in my pocket. I’d already been through them all at least four times, checking that I knew what they were for, that there wasn’t one missing. There was something off about the one I didn’t recognise, though. Even in the late afternoon daylight it seemed to shimmer, like it was shifting ever so slightly. ‘Could Clarissa have left it?’
‘Doubtful,’ murmured Con, making me look up at him. There was a slight furrow between his brows as he wiped a hand over his lower face. ‘Nico said the Juliox was off doing something else. I doubt she’d come back  to drop this off.’
‘Unless it was important.’
Silence fell between us as we glanced back to the key. Of all that things to be cautious of, a key wasn’t one I’d ever given much thought on before. But recent events meant nothing could be taken at face value; eighty percent of the time there seemed to be something else hidden under the surface. Con had even got into the habit of murmuring supernatural names in my ear as we walked down the high-street, an attempt to help me adjust to all the new things. Now though, I didn’t need him to, I could see it all as well, as if someone had pulled back the protective film and it wasn’t resealable; but I let him keep it up.
‘Maybe we should –’
Con’s doorbell rang, cutting me off. For a moment, we both looked at each other blankly before he gave himself a little shake and moved to the door.
I stayed back, looking at the key as if it might suddenly impart its knowledge to me.
Unfortunately, however, that was not the case.
‘Who are you?’ Con’s low growl gained my attention in an instant. Without thinking I scooped the key up and hurried to the hallway.
I arrived to see him standing in the doorway, shoulders slightly hunched, as an attractive blond young man introduced himself as Hal. There were two others with him, and despite the vague feeling of magic coming off them there was something wrong with it.
‘Ah,’ said Hal, brightening as he spotted me, ‘Ella?’
A low growl escaped Con. I took a cautious step backwards.
Brief panic flashed behind Hal’s eyes, he recovered quickly though, but it was his red-haired companion who held up a pacifying hand.
‘Sorry, this is weird, trust me we understand,’ he said peaceably; there was something almost formal about his voice, something that oddly put me at ease. ‘But Darius needed someone to make sure you got the key.’
I wetted my lips. A thousand questions wanted to be voiced to help make some sense of all this, but the only one that managed to escape was, ‘Who’s Darius?’
The only girl of the trio smirked slightly, genuine humour behind her eyes. Oddly, it was the most normal thing about all this. ‘In simple terms, a café owner,’ she explained. ‘But trust me, it’s easier for him to tell you the whole story.’
Con let out a bark-like scoff. ‘We’re not going anywhere with you.’
Hal’s eyes seemed to give him the once over before he sighed. ‘Shame.’
The girl elbowed him playfully in the ribs, but her gaze was on me. At some point during the conversation I’d drawn closer to them all. I could practically feel the heat of annoyance coming off Con.
‘Do you have the key?’ the red-haired man asked mildly, almost as if he’d suddenly realised it was the one thing they’d not actually asked. I nodded without really thinking about it. ‘Try it in any door. We’ll wait here.’ He looked towards Con. ‘You don’t have to go anywhere with us, but –’
‘Humour us at least,’ said the girl.
‘El,’ said Con, and I saw a muscle in the girl’s jaw twitch, saw Hal gently give her arm a squeeze. ‘We don’t –’
‘I do,’ I told him, a small smile on my face. Despite my reservations I couldn’t help but like these people. What harm could humouring them do?
I closed the toilet door and hastily put the key in the lock. It fitted, and turned, which was the least surprising thing to happen in my life for a while. Carefully, I pushed the door open.
Instead of being greeted with the familiar small space and white tiles of Con’s toilet, I saw the inside of a café. Figures, both familiar shapes and sizes and not, flitted about the place, no one ever still for more than a few seconds. The smell of coffee and cakes floated through the door; cheery voices filled the hallway.
‘It’s called The Voyageurs Möteplass,’ said a voice from behind me, but I stepped through the door, too caught up in this new type of magic to pay much attention.
‘Ella, wait,’ said Con, catching at the back of my cardigan.
I turned to face him, a little shocked to see a shadow of fear behind his eyes.
‘It’s a way place for weary adventurers,’ a deep voice intoned, startling the both of us. In an instant, Con was between me and the hulking figure grinning at us. He held up his hands in a peaceable gesture. ‘I’m Darius.  Welcome.’
‘This place is… amazing,’ I breathed, glancing around. When I looked back, Darius’s smile seemed to have grown somehow.
‘Why don’t I explain everything over some drinks?’ suggested Darius, eyes lingering on Con for a moment.
‘All right,’ I said before Con could decline the offer. He glanced at me sharply, but I took his hand and gave it a brief squeeze. ‘Come on,’ I murmured, noticing that the trio who’d told us about all this had settled at a table. ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’
Con groaned, but a little of his tensions seemed to ebb away. ‘Why do you always curse us like that?’ he complained, but I knew there was no way he was going anywhere. This was something we were going to learn together, and that made any fears I might have had a little easier to shoulder.
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Magical Crime Story Perspective Character Introduction: Hal
Name: Hal
Nickname(s): Princeling
Birthday: 23rd of November
Age: 18 years old
Height: 181cm / 5’11’’
Dominant Hand: Right
Occupation: Prince of the Magicians
Species: Magician (Shadow and Light)
Faceclaim is Freddie Stoma
Character Tag
Story Tag
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rocket-prose · 7 years
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A really spectacular “jam” piece. Down below is the auction listing for this piece, as it appeared on the Heritage Auctions website. (the piece sold for $4,929.38) 
Specialty Illustration: Milton Caniff, Don Newton, John Prentice, Al Williamson, Al McWilliams, Chester Gould, Murphy Anderson, Will Eisner, Frank Robbins, John Cullen Murphy, Frank Robbins, Gil Kane, and Others Comic Strip Characters Original Art (1980). All of your favorite funny pages folk are here in this incredible giant-sized specialty piece -- it's sure to make a treasured showpiece for any comic strip art collector. The line-up includes Terry Lee, Dragon Lady, Hot-Shot Charlie, Little Orphan Annie, Sandy, The Phantom, Mandrake the Magician, Rip Kirby, Flash Gordon, Dick Tracy, Smilin' Jack, Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Buck Rogers, the Spirit, Latigo, Prince Valiant, Johnny Hazard, Green Lantern, and Tarzan. Framed to an overall size of 42" x 20.5", the art is in Excellent condition. In addition to being signed by all of the artists, this magnificent piece was also signed by comic strip creators Max Allan Collins, Jim Lawrence, Lee Falk, Hal Foster, and Archie Goodwin.
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readwsmile · 6 years
Blow the Whistle
Oke, berhubung sekarang masih dalam bulan pildun dan berhubung saya baru beres ujian internal apt, jadi bolelah istirahat sejenak nulis tumblr. Draftnya udah lama sebenernya, tp heran ga rampung-rampung. Haha. Fokus tulisan ini adalah opini pribadi tentang pemain-pemain favorit saya sepanjang masa, ditambah beberapa intermezzo lain.
Sepak bola. Olahraga permainan yang paling populer sejak abad 19, olahraga ini mengandalkan kecepatan, akurasi, dan strategi (re: menurut saya). Teknik dasar dalam berman sepak bola wajib dimiliki para pemain sebelum turun ke lapangan untuk bertanding, teknik dasar yang paling dasar adalah dribbling, kicking, passing (mo pake kaki bagian dalem, luar, ataupun punggung kaki), stopping (+paha, perut, telapak kaki, dada, yaa asal jangan tangan tuhan aja), ada juga teknik dasar heading, intercepting, tackling, dan hmm throw in juga harus bener. Mungkin ada netizen yang bilang “nulis aja, bisa ga?” haha bisa, dikit-dikit, namanya juga pengamat, yang penting ngamatin kan belum tentu jago.. Bagus kl jago sih haha tapi apadaya ilma bukanlah Alex Morgan ataupun Hope Solo.
Jadi 5 pemain ini yang saya seneng banget liat mainnya di lapangan, ko gaada nama sekaliber ronaldo atau messi? jawabannya simpel, karena saya biasa aja liat mereka.. alias lebih terhibur saat orang2 ini turun. Susah payah loh ini milih dari banyak kandidat.
Ok, let’s blow the whistle
5. Miroslav Klose
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(gambar diambil dari skysports)
Bicara soal Klose, saya inget banget, doi adalah pemain pertama yang saya tulis namanya di notes biru kecil dengan judul “pilihan piala dunia 2002” hahaha. Jadi ceritanya 2002 itu adalah piala dunia pertama saya (kelas 2 sd) dan langsung sok-sokan ngikut ayah nonton bola sampe bangun tengah malem (ps: ayah dukung Brazil), buat apa? ya buat nonton plus nulis catetan prediksi pemain2 yang bakal jadi pemain bintang kelak.
Klose, cetak hattrick di kualifikasi sampai jadi pilihan nomer 1 pas pildun 2002. Karena badannya yang tipikal Jerman banget, Klose termasuk yang larinya cepet, dan positioning di area penaltinya jagoan. Umpan-umpan lambung dari corner udah langganan dikonversi jadi gol, ga heran di pildun 2002 Klose nyetak beberapa gol dari kepalanya. Klose juga bukan tipe pemain yang nunggu bola alias target man, tapi doi ikut membangun serangan bareng Ballack. “Salto Klose” mulai tenar setelah pildun 2002, walaupun gagal juara di Jepang-Korea, tapi Jerman dah di hati. Gelas minum, tempat pensil dan atribut2 lain di meja belajar saya pun mulai berbau jerman sejak saat itu (disaat yang lain kena demam Brazil).
Malang nasib om Klose, di euro 2004 dan pildun 2006, Klose lebih sering jadi cadangan. Tahun 2007 Klose ditransfer bremen ke munchen, lanjut cedera 2010-11. Untung di 2010 Afsel Klose masih produktif cetak gol, malah bikin sejarah pencetak gol di 4 pildun, setara sama Pele. Salut. Sebenernya gmn ya, walaupun akhir karir Klose di timnas sukses secara tim (Juara 2014), tapi kayanya ngebatin juga, soalnya setelah doi diganti sama Goetze, baru deh Jerman unggul atas tim nya Messi 1-0. Sekarang Klose main di Serie A untuk lazio, udah jarang ngikutin sih..tapi berita ksatrianya om Klose ini bukan rahasia pabrik lagi, iya, waktu Lazio lawan Napoli Klose ga sengaja cetak gol tangan tuhan, ga sengaja ya, beda sama Kakek yang itu. Wasit udah kasih skor buat Lazio, tapi Klose dengan jiwa sportivitasnya yang sangat tinggi, mengakui hal tsb ke wasit (kaga ada VAR ya waktu itu), dan akhirnya gol tsb dianulir. Big respect, my fav 11!
4. Toni Kroos
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(gambar diambil dari realmadrid.com)
Toni Toni Toni, bukan Toni Stark, tapi sama-sama udah ky super hero buat Madrid, dan (pernah) bua Jerman (meskipun akhirnya di pildun ini pulkam juga). Gaya mainnya mirip Modric, akurasi tingkat dewa, dan punya visi yang jelas saat menggiring bola. Smart Central Midfielder.
Kroos ini bisa ngubah arah secepat kilat saat dibawah tekanan, misalnya waktu lawan ATM di musim 15/16, inget banget Kroos diapit 2 orang (lupa) tapi dengan classy doi langsung feint dan taraa, bola berhasil dipertahankan. Swag~ Apalagi ya, Kroos juga termasuk pemain kalem di lapangan, jarang tersulut kecuali waktu lawan Meksiko di pildun kemaren (saya El Sombrero’s haters btw).
Kroos juga punya yayasan yang fokus bantu anak-anak yang kena kanker, mantap.
3. Luka Modric
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(gambar dari Daily Express express.co.uk)
Lagi-lagi midfielder. Gaada kata-kata buat kapten Kroasia ini selain: Inhuman! kadang saya liat dia itu kaya penyihir (kl di-inggrisin sih bagus ya, magician wkwk)
Kalem dan pemalu. Modric kehilangan ayahnya di usia 6 tahun dan banyak diragukan orang untuk bisa sukses jadi pemain bola. Tapi gaada hasil yang mengkhianai usaha, kan? Modric dengan 2nd Croatia Golden Generation nya (bareng Madzukic, Rakitic, Kovacic) berhasil lolos ke final, dan mudah2an jadi kampiun di pildun 2018 ini mengalahkan Perancis yang udah nyingkirin Belgia (esmosi).
Awal-awal di madrid, Modric sering jadi cadangan, karena masih ada opsi Ozil, Khedira, dan Alonso sebagai gelandang veteran dulu. Pasca kepergian Mou dan 3 gelandang yang saya sebutkan tadi, barulah Modric mulai nyaman sebagai starter. Modric bisa offensive ataupun defensive, tergantung kebutuhan, Modric ini punya skill passing (long ataupun short shot) yang mumpuni, dia fokus kontrol bola ngelewatin 4-5 pemain tanpa dipotong, sambil CR atau Bale atau yang lain maju bebas ngambil posisi di kotak penalti. Emang nih CR paling dimanja Modric sebenernya. Waktu UCL musim 16/17 rasanya pas lawan Munchen, long pass dari Modric ke kiri arah Marcelo berhasil bikin Madrid menang.  Makanya modric bisa dibilang key player madrid. Lukita? Paket komplit dan no 10 yang ditunggu2 madrid. Semoga madrid cepet2 perpanjang kontrak doi sebelum menyesal
Btw, Kroos sama Modric adalah Perfect Duo nya Madrid.
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2. Raul Gonzales Blanco
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(gambar diambil dari CNN)
Satu lagi pemain yang era keemasannya sebelum 2010. Kalau kamu madridista, kamu pasti auto ngefans sama kapten ini. Waktu pildun 2002 sayangnya Raul ga masuk list note biru saya hahaha entah kenapa, mungkin saya kurang perhatian sama permainan timnas spanyol waktu itu. Spanyol 2002 berisi pemain cukup top pada masanya, cem Luis Enrique, Puyol, Morientes, dan yang pasti San Iker. Tapi waktu itu Spanyol cuma bisa masuk sampai QF. Raul alias Prince Bernabeu dari kecil udah masuk Juvenil C (walaupun sebelumnya dari Atletico dulu sih gara2 ayahnya). Raul mengoleksi 6 trofi Laliga, 4 Supercopa, 3 UCL, 2 Intercontinental (di madrid)
Tepat di musim 1994/1995 Raul resmi berseragam RMA C, ga lama doi promosi ke tim utama.  Raul ini tipe pemain kuat, tendangannya keras. Walaupun striker, tapi dia main melebar. Kiper sekelas Van Der Saar sering kewalahan kalau udah berhadapan sama Raul. Bahkan Sir Alex Ferguson ga sungkan untuk memuji kapten Madrid (termuda-sepanjang sejarah). Raul ramah diluar ataupun di dalam lapangan, waktu momen Figo dilempar kepala babi pun, Raul bisa mendamaikan suasana antar rekan di pitch. Legenda hidup. Begitulah sampai 2008 Raul + San Iker ditawari kontrak seumur hidup oleh Madrid, tapi sayangnya, seiring revolusi opa perez, satu per satu nahkoda madrid pun berganti. Setelah rumor gantung sepatu di Al Sadd, nyatanya Raul belum habis, di NALS, Raul masih bisa mengantarkan NY Cosmos juara liga.
1. Kevin De Bruyne
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(gambar hasil screenshoot sendiri dari interview KDB post match vs Brazil)
Pemain timnas Belgia yang satu ini bener-bener bikin saya geleng-geleng. De bruyne mulai banyak dilirik orang di EPL musim 2017/2018. Saya sendiri sedih baru menyadari ‘black magic’ nya setelah liat pertandingan derby Machester 16/17 waktu De Bruyne berhasil jadi MOTM versi saya karena penguasaan bolanya yang luar biasa sampai akhirnya umpan pelan ke arah mistar gawang berhasil disambut Iheanacho. De Bruyne ini main kemana-mana, alias free roaming, kalau mau liat performa apiknya, liat aja pertandingan pildun Rusia kemarin, semua partai doi turun (kecuali waktu lawan Inggris di fase grup).
Nah kl ini, waktu Belgia menang heroik lawan Jepang di fase knock out kmrn. Just see what he did. Serangan balik ini terjadi dalam 10.48 detik aja 
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Maut, tacklenya bersih, holding kuat, umpan silang akurat, umpan datar mendarat precise di kaki Hazard, Batshuayi, dan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu adalah selebrasi De Bruyne bareng Lukaku. De Bruyne is the most genius midfielder all over the world, begitulah yang ada di otak saya (sampai detik ini), bukan tipikal attacking midfielder aja melainkan jelmaan kombinasi winger dan gelandang bertahan juga. Gol freekick atau gol dari luar kotak penaltinya juga nilai 100. Kadang saya suka mikir, ni De Bruyne kl di kampus pasti tipikal cowo elektro (kenapa elektro ya btw) yang kalem soleh tapi IPK 4. Hahaha.
Berkat De Bruyne juga saya sekarang jadi hooligan Belgia terdepan (awalnya saya udah condong jerman sama Belgia untuk pildun ini, tapi..jerman..yasudalah). Bubuk banget waktu liat permainan De Bruyne yang udah mati-matian dan emang bagus banget waktu lawan Perancis di Semi Final, tapi belum hoki Belgianya. Mungkin nasibnya bakal ky Jerman di 2010, jadi 3rd winner dulu, lalu balas jadi juara di 2022 nanti!! (#membara)
Ohya, yang saya suka banget dari pemain ini adalah ketenangannya. Gaada yang bisa ngalahin kalemnya pemain ini (ya mungkin Iniesta, tapi pilihan saya tetep De Bruyne). Kalo kata orang Belgia, bendera Belgia itu representatif De Bruyne. Warna kuning nunjukkin warna rambut doi; warna merah nunjukkin warna muka De Bruyne setelah lari-lari di lapangan; dan hitam untuk black magic yang ada di setiap touch dari De Bruyne. Jarang-jarang juga wallpaper desktop PC saya ganti dari yang biasanya 4:79 jadi gambar orang (re: cuma De Bruyne yang bisa). Haha.
Satu lagi, De Bruyne ini turunan Afrika! Nah loh?! wkwk.
Selain 5 orang diatas, 5 orang dibawah ini juga ga kalah oke kalau main
6. Mesut Ozil
Sebenernya saya tega-gak tega buat menyisihkan Ozil dari top5. Mesut, saya kenal sejak dia masih main di Werder Bremen, disaat cuma ngatain doi sebagai Nemo. Sampai performanya pas lawan mantan (Schalke) dan di pildun 2010 dilirik madrid dan akhirnya mulai deh dapet Bambi Award dll. Tipe attacking midfielder yang bisa diposisikan jadi winger, wlp kl lari rasanya ky liat orang oleng (cem Kaka), untung kontrol tetep oke. Kreativitas buka ruang buat passing ke Di Maria, balik lagi, lanjut umpan ke Ronaldo atau Benzi udah ga perlu diragukan. Messi pun sering keder kalau 1 v 1 sama Ozil. Saya juga heran opa perez malah jual ini orang. Sejak di EPL Ozil berubah jadi bad boys dan permainan mulai ga terarah.Di timnas kurang cocok sama Gomez, jadi yah tetap semangat aja.
7. Roberto Carlos
Orang yang sangat saya nantikan mainnya kalau RM Legends tanding. Gol freekick dan cornernya bikin orang speechless! Parah sih.
8. Alvaro Morata
Striker asli kami dan andalan yang sedang ditempa di negara tetangga, sukses y, ditunggu pulang.
9. Thomas Muller
Pemain ini tuh jago, tapi bingung ga bisa se-eksis Messi atau Ronaldo, napa ya. Emg larinya ga cepet sih, dan suka kalah kalau duel jarak dekat. Tapi, over all Thomas “supersub” Muller selalu bisa diandalkan, apalagi saat dibutuhkan.
10. Jan Verthongen
Pemain Tot.Hotspur yang juga bek (bisa tengah atau kiri) Belgia ini gaya mainnya mirip Marcelo, offensive dan mematikan. Pernah melakukan overlapping yang berbuah jadi gol dan kemenangan the Lily White atas MU. Mantap bener kan. Bek nyetak gol pake sundulan atau dari umpan bola mati sih banyak. Tapi Jan ini beda.
Jadi itulah beberapa pemain favorit sepanjang masa saya. Sorry kalau setelah diliat2, pemain madrid mendominasi. Haha. Alam bawah sadar. 
ps: Ohiya saya paling kesel sama cewe yang berlagak suka bola dengan modal cuma tau pemain ganteng. Sana foto2 ootd aja, atau ke mahmud beli make up.
Bandung, 12 Juli 2018
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utopianparadoxist · 7 years
Unifying Myths: Prince/Bard - Royalty
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I’m more than a little upset I’m going to have to work these into my Force and Flow essays soon, but I figured I’d write these posts on the Unifying Myths for the Steal and Destroy classes because they’ll help me get my thoughts in order for the Classpect video I’m writing the script for.
(PS: That’ll exist soon! Ideally an easy way to introduce all sorts of newbies to the Classpect system. I’m excited!!)
So let’s talk about the unifying myth for Princes and Bards: That of Royalty. Related terms include aristocracy, nobility, and high blood by association.
I...don’t know why it took me so long to notice this? I guess I got tripped up by the royalty focus on the Fuschias, but I mean, class roleplay is an established thing and the Ancestors, as complex and multifaceted people living in the real world, muddy the water with the multiplicity of symbols they portray all the time. 
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Also, both Meenah and Feferi explicitly reject their royalty status and abdicate the crown. So. I really don’t know what was stopping me here. Anyhow, let’s get into it. 
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I think this mostly speaks for itself, honestly? Equius attributes Dave’s habit of destroying things to the training Bro--a Prince--gives him. He suggests it makes him nobler than others, and Dave himself likens himself to a King while carrying out the behavior. 
This contextualizes Dave’s habit of destruction during Act 5 as him roleplaying as a Prince, in imitation of Bro. Fittingly given his confused state with regards to his abusive parentage, Dave doesn’t realize that’s what he’s doing or why, but his habit of breaking random stuff is one he mostly drops as he grows out of wanting to imitate Bro on any level (with one notable exception).
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If the Royalty classes have a coherent theme, it’s a focus on historical legacy, lines of descent, and inherited destiny. Where other classes draw their interests from fiction, abstract concepts, or their own creative interests, the Royals typically find their biggest interests in the past--that of themselves and of their people.  So Dirk and AR both view themselves as scions of Dave’s legacy.
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The Makaras are beholden to their Subjugglator bloodline, and the allegiance to Lord English it represents.  They don’t seem to believe in the cause of the Mirthful Messiahs so much as simply know the inevitable reality of their success well in advance. And why wouldn’t they, with evidence all around them like Doc Scratch, Lil Cal, and Lord English already wandering the Void? 
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And while we’re talking about Gamzee, I may as well cover Bard’s link to Royalty. I should note that this is part of a recurring trend with the Classes--one will generally relate to the unifying myth very directly, while the second will come with a host of references and plot beats linking it to the myth indirectly.
So a Witch is a magician by name, while an Heir is revealed as one through the myriad references John gets to wizardry. A Sylph is a kind of fairy by name, but it’s Maids who get described as being “Made of” their Aspect, and so their brand of magic. So on.
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In this same respect, while Princes are Royalty manifest by their very name, Bards--though Gamzee--are lifted into the noble circle by implication and continuous reference. 
Gamzee’s allegiance to LE results in the cultural dominance of Subjugglators, both on Alternia and on the Alpha Earth. The Mirthful Executives give us the clearest link to Gamzee, since their rise to horrible, aristocratic power is prophecized well in advance, George Washington describing them as “Salty Bards”.
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The relationship between Bards and royalty could actually go back to Hussie’s old adventure Bard Quest, where the Bard’s acquisition of a cod piece much like Gamzee’s earns him the worship and devotion of some random dudes in an alley. So...yeah. Thanks, Hussie. 
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The Amporas seem to have two distinct lines of inherited destiny--one related to their Blood, and one related to their Aspect. Their status as scions of the legacy of the Angels sees them as champions of fantasy, belief, and Hope.  It also sets them up as natural rivals to the Makaras, and threats to Lord English.
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But both Amporas fail to live up this legacy, and instead of believing in anything fantastical or magical, both stake their self-worth on an unhealthy fixation with their blood color and the presumption that it makes them “Better” than their friends. This, of course, is false and unimportant information, so it’s fitting that it renders them irrelevant and marginal.
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It’s also likely deliberate to some extent, since it’s suggested that someone close to Lord English talked Cronus out of his relationship with Magic, and Alternia was all but designed to bring out the worst in Eridan’s entitlement complex and arrogance. 
Since Caliborn had prior experience with the danger of a Hero of Hope, it makes sense he’d want to neutralize the others by prompting them to believe in something darker to believe in.
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Which brings us to the arrogance and entitlement the Royalty classes often struggle with--the part of their natures that seems to constitute their greatest challenge before achieving fulfillment and balance.
The concept of High Birth seems to manifest in a sense of inherent superiority for Princes and Bards, and it’s this belief that tends to destroy their ability to make relationships. Both Makaras and both Amporas harbor these intense, megalomaniacal worldviews. 
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This, however, is where the best Prince begins to set himself apart. A successful, happy, healthy version of a prince who reaches balance is one who humbles himself, and gets over their sense of arrogant supremacy.
Dirk is actually...pretty close to that already by the point he’s introduced in the comic. Alpha Dirk references this egocentrism as something he definitely struggled with at 13, but 16-year-old Dirk has mostly switched to an intense self-loathing reminiscent of Karkat, with a toxic relationship with a version of himself to boot.
So we can see Dirk as a loose, loose glimpse into what it might look like for Eridan, for example, to chill out after a couple of years--had he gotten the chance. Of course, Dirk was never half as domineering or controlling as Eridan, so this is an unequal comparison, but I think it’s worth noting how their three age difference is meant to influence or readings of the two.
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AR/Lil Hal is the version of Dirk that commits most of the abusive/manipulative behavior people usually pin on Alpha Dirk, and fittingly, he’s the one who actually distinguishes himself as Above his friends for most of his narrative.
In AR’s case, he does so on the basis that he is cybernetic and cyber-omniscient, a state he views as superior to being flesh-and-blood, even likening it to an aristocratic position once he’s mixed with Equius.
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To swing things back around to Dave’s roleplay, there actually is one final act of destruction in his arc. After talking things out with Dirk and coming to see a version of his Bro as someone with the potential to do good, Dave and Dirk engage in what I can only describe as a 2x roleplay combo, with Dirk serving Dave through his Self and Dave killing Dirk to finish off the Jacks.
I like the sense of inverted symmetry here, and it puts into context why Dave’s attack is a positive thing for him--this moment is about Dave accepting that there can be some good in Dirk’s nature, and being willing to incorporate some of Dirk’s influence into his person at an appropriate time.
By embracing Dirk’s affinity for destruction and giving Dirk the chance to put his fate in someone else’s hands, Dirk can find absolution and Dave can find a coherent understanding of his identity, and Bro’s influence on it.
Anyway that’s about it. I’m glad to finally have coherent myths for Princes/Bard and Thief/Rogue, but we know how these classes work mechanically, so it’s not like they revolutionize my whole understanding of the canon. Feel free to send me asks with your thoughts, but for now...
Keep Rising!
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