#Pyramid Scheme
one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I went to band camp for marching band for the first time, and I found out that the marching band staff was trying to get us involved in a ‘pyramid scheme’ and they were trying to kill us. Later I pulled out my trombone and started sniping the staff with it from a hotel window. I shot a couple before I tried to shoot one of the band directors, who kept dodging.
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spacetravels · 2 months
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cowboylikemorgan · 2 months
My prediction for a a Bad Batch spinoff:
I’ve noticed a theme for this season. It’s recruiting the youth. The clone cadets they rescued in the premiere + the kids on Tantiss that will no doubt be recruited.
So my theory is that after recruiting all these young people, the Bad Batch will become a pyramid scheme.
Every member of the bad batch is in charge of recruiting 3 more young members. That’s their down-lines.
By the fall of the Empire, half the galaxy is Bad Batch.
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mary-inkay-cosmetics · 5 months
Hey Boss Babes <3
Hey, Boss Babes 😍😍😍 It's me, Glynda Glytters ✨✨✨, the social media 📳📳📳 coordinator (and Contest 🏅🏅🏅 Coordinator) for Mary Inkay Cosmetics!!!!! 💄🥰💅
FAQ (Frequent Asked Queries!)
How can I sign up to sell Mary Inkay Cosmetics?
You can sign up at www.maryinkaycosmetics.poke/sellers/Glynda-Glitters/starter-kit
Isn't this a pyramid scheme?
Pyramid Schemes are illegal, hun 💅💅💅
Your products gave me a rash!
Um, no it didn't, sweetie, our products are pure and natural! You probably just don't know how to put on makeup! 💅💅💅
Where are your products’ ingredients listed?
Nowhere, silly! What, you think we're going to let someone steal our formula? 😤😤🤨
How many kids do you have?
As a #boymom, I have three boys! Jaxen, Jaxon, and Jaxyn!
How much money do you make?
#sixfigures #retiringmyhusband #andnotwithachainsaw #unlesshedisobeys ✨✨✨✨✨✨
OOC Under the Cut
Ooc: Hiya, it's Xander again, back with another pkmn irl blog, this one's a fake MLM. Don't actually join a multi level marketing company, they're all scams lol. 
Since this a fake company page, Pelipper Mail is off, Magic Anons are off, but please please please send hate anons. Glynda is the cattiest mother of three who's ever existed. She wants to FIGHT. Please please please let her fight! 
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seeseagulls · 3 months
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brilliancetheory · 9 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but the girl cold messaging you with a business opportunity is not your friend. The person you spoke to once in high school reconnecting out of the blue with a recruitment offer is not trying to help you. The #bossbabe crowd is a disease that intentionally seeks out people who are down on their luck and in need of money. The 'hey hun xx' and 'never miss a monday' girlies are lying to you. The mother of three who was able to quit her corporate job and sell protein powder full time had a lot of money as a safety net to fall back on and isn't a typical success story. You're not going to earn that free Mercedes or a trip to Las Vegas. You won't make lifelong friends in these people. Don't fall for the fake niceties. They don't care about you. You are just a figure on a chart and a dollar sign to them.
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bluebelleisabelle · 1 year
I love myself a good two sided relationship <3
In Pyramid Scheme, Frankie gave their heart to save Cleo, and in Crushed, Cleo shares her light with Frankie in order to help them through a dark moment.
DHJDHD I love myself a good metaphor, and there is so much to unpack in their relationship; it’s delightful !!
credit to @cherry-purple for reminding me of this cause YESSS we love a ship where everyone benefits :)
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nando161mando · 1 month
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How to live a stress free life
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sickacademia · 4 months
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doing my programming course while my man takes his break from me teaching him programming
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hertas-funger-blog · 5 months
Modern funger AU where the Knights of the Midnight Sun is an MLM. It's not even like something knight related it's just a water filter.
Le'Garde goes into copium mode whenever someone says it's a pyramid scheme, and D'arce just blindly trusts him and falls for it hook line and sinker.
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I was today years old when I found out ki you don't actually 'SELL PYRAMIDS' in a pyramid scheme. All this time I've been thinking that ppl sell mini pyramids that have some kind of power or shit and yes that sums up the pyramid scheme.
It's nothing like that.
I'm 17.
I'm an idiot.
Thank you.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
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I can't believe Ronaldo is in an MLM
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horrorfemme1138 · 11 months
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Day 6: Pyramid
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lazyasriel · 5 months
Currently involved in a sort of tma pyramid scheme.
I recommended (talked about it obsessively) to many people, three of them have recommended to other people in their lives
I get to witness many many people experiencing it for the first time
It’s great. 10/10 would recommend
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spacetravels · 11 months
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findingflamingos · 2 years
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You can find me on Mastadon, Instagram, Webtoon, and now here on tumblr! Follow me on all the things or none of the things!
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