#Questioning sexuality
poetessmuse · 5 months
The song “We’ll Never Have Sex” shouldn’t be making me feel as sick to my stomach as it does.
Something about being loved so deeply, so purely that sex simply doesn’t matter. It’s good if it happens, it’s good if it doesn’t. Being comfortable enough to express your feelings and say “No” without the anxiety rotting your brain away that your partner will “find better” or simply leave, is something I will forever crave.
Sexuality and libido are so complex and so confusing. I’m either completely repulsed or completely into it and I crave someone who understands. I crave romantic gestures that are given to me with no… hidden motive or meaning?
Being kissed just because they want to kiss me. Being held just because they want to hold me. Taking a bath together to take a bath together and be skin to skin close, connecting with one another after a tiring weak and just being loved and loving.
“Depollute me, pretty baby”
Depollute me.
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leftabit-leftabit · 6 months
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Every single time!
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I live in a rural area and go to a rural school. I'm not able to have short, experimental relationships with girls. I don't want to date a woman in the future and break her heart if I decide to be with a man. I'm too young to worry about these things, but I've never felt so needing of a person in my embrace than now. I need advice. I don't want to date a man and a woman at the same time. Maybe marrying a trans woman who can conceive a child would satisfy the need for a woman and a biological child, but that's problematic and fetishizing. I'm ignorant to a lot in the lgbtq. Even though I'm a part of it, I don't know what I am. This is just me in my preperiod venting feels, so if this comes off as offensive, I'm sorry, I don't mean it to.
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ajearthlinggg · 3 months
reblog if you also have been somebody's experiment when they were bi-curious
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redacted-coiner · 3 months
Hello! Could you please make a pixel art circle pin thing for aegoromantic, queer, and gender questioning? And please tag me if you do! :)
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aegoromantic, aegoroaroace/aegororose, aegorosexual
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Queer and Progress Pride
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Questioning flags
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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bisexualpositivity · 3 months
"To any young or newly questioning queer people: you don't have to get it right on your first try, and nobody decides your identity but you. Ask yourself these questions: am I being my truest self? If not, am I happy to leave those parts of myself unexplored? What would make me the most happy and fulfilled? In an ideal life, what would I look like and what kind of people would I be around in 5, 10, 20, 40 years? Only you can answer these questions, and if you don't have a solid answer, experiment! You will find your path."
— Anonymous, Pride 2024: Who We Are 🌈(survey)
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We love questioning your sexuality during pride month
(for context i thought i was polyamorous and pansexual)
sometimes i think i’m actually aromantic and just want the things all couples do like staying up at two AM talking about everything and nothing, make flower crowns and put them on someone else’s head. I want to get a house with them, and have a movie marathon with someone. Go to restaurants with someone, and drive to another town on a whim with the person i’m okay being drunk around. these seem like things that you would do with your romantic partner, but what if i don’t want it to be romantic. I want to experience all of this, but not with someone to kiss, just with someone to be with.
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captainjackscoat · 3 months
Hi little help here?
Is there a label that's like a cross between aegosexual and greysexual?
Or can you be both at once?
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kasfrog · 3 months
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Pride Days 26-30 : Questioning, Homoromantic (+Lesbianromantic), Biromantic, Demiromantic, Panromantic, Greyromantic, Aromantic, and AroAce.
As always, I am willing to make changes if there are any identities that are misrepresented or fix any flags that need updating! This has been a fun Pride Month, have a good one.
Pose Credits : Kibbitzer
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thetimberchasebranch · 3 months
Holy smokes, I almost missed the entirety of pride, but!
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Happy Pride from The Timberchase Branch!
Practically their own pride parade
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astralilith · 7 months
To asexuals, I have a question...
For many years I have identified as bisexual and felt for the most part quite comfortable doing so. Sure, I felt that there were periods when i was more into masculinity and then others when I was more into femininity, but that didn't make me doubt much my sexuality.
In the last couple of years though, I've felt like maybe I am not as interested in sex as I thought...it took me a while to come to this conclusion, because I am someone who reads a lot of smut fanfiction (a LOT), so I assumed that there was no way I could be an individual who isnt interested in sex...but the thing that I've come to realize is that, while I love to engage with sex in theory in quite a regular basis, I don't actually want to have sex myself. (I also have stopped having sex these last couple of years just because it's not something I miss or feel like doing.)
I love going on dates and get crushes on people quite often, but I ve noticed that I always dread the moment in dates when the conversation starts to slow and it's obvious that the next expected step is to engage with the person physically...I have no doubt in my mind that I want a romantic partner to cherish and love with all my heart (and also share physical affection like kisses, and holding hands, and hugging and cuddling), but when I imagine having sex with them I kinda feel uncomfortable, or at the very least it doesn't sound interesting to me.
Online, I've seen that the asexual community tends to share memes and posts that express a desire for a life without sex at all. I haven't seen many asexuals that seem to be like me - still have loads of interest in sex in theory but not want to actually engage with sex with a partner in real life. I really would love to know if to other asexuals my case sounds like asexuality afterall, of if it's something else...
I am in dire need of guidance and would appreciate your thoughts!
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am-i-ace · 5 months
Am I ace/ on the asexual spectrum??
[I have created this side blog exclusively to sort out my sexuality, please, please, please help me, I'm genuinely so lost]
I don’t know to whom I’m sexually or romantically attracted, but I know the only person I would be fine with engaging in such acts with is a very close friend (I wouldn't say I fell sexual attraction for her, but I’m emotionally attached enough for me to not feel super frightened). I feel no attraction to strangers whatsoever but can see their objective appeal. I feel miserable thinking about a relationship with a hypothetical, meaning I don’t want a relationship with someone I don’t fully know and trust. To that I might add I am uncomfortable thinking of situations where sex or intimacy might be expected from me. Due to sensory issues, I hate skin to skin contact (only accepted when body temperature of the other person is low), any kind of situation involving sweat or any sort of stickiness, heat, soft touches and feeling someone's breath on my skin. To clarify, these are things that have always bothered me, but my parents thought it was not important enough to get me tested for anything so I’m also unsure now if I’m neurodivergent or not or even if these issues with tactile sensations are concerning enough to seek out testing myself. Back to the topic. I, however, do not feel repulsed by sex and it’s something that I find interesting abstractly. I also can’t imagine myself in sexual situations without felling obligated or uncomfortable. I’ve struggled during my early teens to define my sexual orientations. For context, I grew up, sort of super sure of being heterosexual (I’m a woman) and only started questioning it when I discovered what that entailed. For some time, I felt somewhat comfortable describing myself as bi, but again, I still couldn't figure out the sexual component of it. I have tried to discuss this with close people but I don’t feel like they understand since they all identify as allosexuals. I would really appreciate if someone could help me as this is a topic that has distressed me for years. I just feel very lost and alienated from others due to this.
I'm sorry if this comes across as confusing, I have tried my best to word it, but it may still be quite discombobulated.
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dailysonadowfanfics · 13 days
Reading every single Sonadow Fanfic (Ao3): 227/4.764
Title: Swing Swing
Author: Phanch1401
Website: Ao3
Published: 28.11.2019
Word Count: 2.303 words
Language: English
Suited for minors? Teen and up
Warnings: No
Smut? No
Finished? Yes
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sally Acorn, Mina Mongoose, Fiona Fox, Miles Tails Prower
Ships: Sonic/Shadow
Author Tags: Pre-Slash, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Sonadow, Questioning, Sexual Confusion, One-Sided Attraction, not really - Freeform, only on Tails' part, Pining, Oblivious
Author Summary: After losing one of his chances of being with someone that fits Shadow's description. Sonic ends up realising he has feelings for his rival and starts questioning his sexuality.
My summary: Sonic realizes he has feelings for Shadow and questions his sexuality since he never had feelings for a guy before.
You can read it here
You can read the series here
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justagirlwaiting · 3 days
Like is it bad that I just wanna kiss a girl .... Just to see if I like it. To see if it's any better than getting kissed by men?
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redacted-coiner · 5 months
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Lesbain, Straight(link), Veldian(link)
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Trixic, Enbian, Tronic
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Strayt(link), Questioning, Gai(link)
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Mono Attraction terms
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
Straight flag made by @julietianboy
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bisexualpositivity · 2 months
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